#so yay for finding what is lost and taking joy in the small things - and then i suppose making an overly long post about said things lol :D
highwaydiamonds · 1 year
Small thing I am VERY happy about tonight: found a skein of yarn that was I was missing!!
I've been thinking I might like to knit a shawl ( which at my speed of knitting and actually getting projects off the ground won't actually even get started til armageddon aka p much never) and I wanted to use three of the skeins of this very cool neon pastel adjacent yarn I got this summer - but that since I only had three skeins of it, I'd need something else to augment the yarn supply for it.
I knew I had purchased some yarn last year ( i told you - i buy yarn and then it sits there because i am a lazy knitter) that would be perfect- slightly off-white base but speckled with nearly neon like blue, pink, and yellow speckles! However- i kept finding just three of the four skeins I had purchased. I even checked the account I had with the place I got it from ( knitpicks) to confirm my memory was right - that I HAD purchased 4 , not 3, skeins! Memory was right but also lacking because I still couldn't fine the last skein.
UNTIL TONIGHT!!!! I found it in an incongruous place probably just a place i put it to keep it from being damaged while i was cleaning. BUT point is- I FOUND IT AND NOW I HAVE ENOUGH YARN TO MAKE THE SHAWL I WANTED TO MAKE. No we will just have to see if i can get this off the ground and not mess it up - heh. Anyway though for tonight - I am focusing on the joy of found yarn!!
Here are all the skeins together on the bed - so you can see my insanity over colors and names in action:
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write-feel-live-love · 2 months
Therapy Homework
My therapist recently decided to enlighten me that I've had depression for 6 years. I had done an amazing job hiding it with my anxiety disorder, but now that that particular disorder is being handled, depression has reared it's head. Yay.
We've been discussing it in my sessions and she decided to give me some homework (I'm a school nerd. I love homework. Actual yay!)
I have to rewrite the ending of Inside Out, but from MY emotions perspective. In my therapist's words: "How SHOULD the movie have ended from your perspective?"
So here goes....
"Guys... we can't make Riley feel....anything."
Anger, Disgust, and Fear stood frozen in sheer terror at what they had done. With Joy and Sadness out of the picture, they had ruined Riley. She stared out the bus window not even seeing her own reflection. Empty. Feeling nothing. Thinking nothing. Just running. Running from the life she had in San Francisco and hopefully Home, to where she was happy. She had friends there, her family was happiest there, her whole life was there. It was stupid to move out here anyway. It was time to go home.
But would anything really change? Mom and Dad would still be Mom and Dad. Her best friend would still have a new best friend. Where would that leave her?
Where does that leave her now?
"Stop the bus! I want to get off!" Thank the heavens Joy and Sadness were able to reverse the damage. But there was still a problem. Sadness has been put in a box. Riley had no idea what this emotion was, or how to handle it. She'd been sad before, but this.... This was different. This sadness demanded time. Time Riley didn't want to take. Time that her Mom and Dad didn't want to take.
"You're always our sweet, happy girl. Thank you Riley."
That's what Mom had said that night. When they were sad, or stressed, they depended on her. She couldn't let Sadness hurt her family. That wasn't her role to play. Her role was to keep every one happy. And happiness brings happiness. Right?
She walked into her home, and her parents nearly tackled her to the floor. And as their love sunk in, Sadness looked at her yellow friend. With a small, sad nod from Joy, Sadness approached the console.
Shiny tears welled in Riley's eyes. The battle was lost, and Joy had let go of control. She silently begged for Anger to take control, Disgust, even Fear! But they knew this was one emotion she had to learn to cope with. They all took an agonizing step backwards away from the console and watched Riley start to cry in her parents' arms.
She explained what had happened. How she missed home. How she thought going home would fix it. She explained that the years of being the "happy one" had finally taken its toll. As she let her dark truths pour out, something started to happen. Sadness glanced back at Joy, and rushed to her new found friend.
Joy had started to go dim. Against all rational thought, Joy was burning out. She'd been going so strong, for so long, that she was burning out. They all managed to wrangle her into her room to let her rest, and all of the manuals said she would be fine. Joy cannot permanently burn out, but she could fade for longer if she didn't rest.
Even Joy couldn't find the bright spot in this situation.....and neither could Riley.
Her parents did what they could, adjusted expectations, took her to get help, but Joy wasn't getting any better.
Sadness, however, was almost happy. She finally got to meet Riley. She got to really understand her and bond with her in a way she never could with Joy around. And while sometimes things went a little too far, Fear was always there to step in to stop Riley from going too deep into Sadness.
This went on for some time. Occasionally, Joy thought she was improving and would come out to the console, but it never lasted long. Her light would dim, and she'd have to go back to bed.
Anger, Disgust, and Fear all took turns helping Sadness so there weren't even more emotions out of commission, but that didn't always end well either.
Riley was stuck. And so was Joy.
And that's a wrap for tonight. I'm gonna go cuddle up with some nonfiction to shake that off. Happiness Project, here I come!
Goodnight void.
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mochidreambubble · 1 year
From Golden Grove, Love Sunset Bird
Ao3 version here
previous - next
Two: Now and Forever Step 1 Prologue ~ Pretty Smiles, Pretty Words
Dear Mermaid of Sunset Bird,
Sorry for making you wait so long for my letter. I really miss getting letters from you too, so know one of the first things I’m doing is writing to you. 
<A polaroid photo of Golden Grove, stuck to the letter with small maple leaf stickers>
It’s pretty right? I was nervous, since Mama said it’s so different from our last home in the city, but everything here feels like it’s right out of a storybook. I’m still just a tiny bit nervous. I left all my friends behind. I still have Mama, but…
Kids my age already have friend groups right? What if no one wants me to play with them…
I’m glad I have you at least. I wish you were here. I wish I could go to Sunset Bird! I want to meet you! I want to meet Cove! I know so much about him, but it’s different when you meet face to face! 
Mama says I should think of this as an adventure, like in my favourite books, but
“Sweetie! Come over and take a look.”
You stop writing and stand back up from your crouch, clipboard securely in your arms again, your camera dangling from your neck, and you rush over to Mama’s side. You place your clipboard, the half written letter securely collapsed, and gently place it atop one of the carry on bags on the porch. Good thing too, as Mama starts insisting you explore. Tempting of course, as you’d bet you’d take some pretty nifty pictures. Mama also always has good reasons for suggesting things. 
Maybe Mama just had magic, or could see the future. For it led to a mystery of a paper plane thrown your way. Gave you a bit of a shock. Mama considered it a mystery, one you were obviously up to ask for. It was just like your Stony Girls or Herlock Sholmes mystery novels! 
You take snapshots of the forest path, the beautiful colours of fall. A crossroad, a choice to make. 
A boy named like the season, the prettiest person you’ve seen.
A sparkly surprise from a very pretty girl!
You think there has to be some kind of record for meeting very pretty people back to back.
The boy, Qiu or Autumn - he said both were fine right? - was a funny kid but he was also a bit… Airheaded? No, not quite right. Scatterbrained? Who’s to say? 
“Next time I’m not gonna tell you about it…”
Definitely. You were so totally not gonna tell him about lost pages. (A lie, of course. Not that you would know it just yet.)
Qiu smiles, in the way only someone who breathed and lived confidence could. Smug even?
“I don’t know about that,” He grins, hands casually supporting the back of his head. “You seem really nice. You’d help me out again. Thanks.”
The girl - with such a pretty name!! - Tamarack, made you really curious. She lived with her Omi and Opa - her grandparents. You never know what it was like to live without your Mama…
But she was so sparkly and bright you couldn't help but feel drawn to her. And she said she liked the earmuffs your Mama got for you! So she was a certified good bean in your book~
You tell your Mermaid Friend as much, as you huddle in your sleeping bag. You hesitate, for a moment, to tell them about the weird butterflies you get when you see Qiu. It’s different from the sparkling joy you know you have when you think Tamarack may be your first gal pal in Golden Grove. 
It’s kind of confusing I guess. Maybe you have words of wisdom, oh Mermaid of the Sunset Seas.
(You decide to tell them after all.)
Anywhoosies ;3 
Write to me soon! I miss hearing from you. Let me know if you want me to send you a postcard next time instead. I think I may find some pretty ones.
Golden Grove~ (Because yay!!! Mama and I officially moved in!!)
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keenregine · 10 months
Just to keep the boat sailing.. Oh wow seven months ago, how can I ever top that amount of time. Seven months?! Geez. Anyways, let's just do this and move along. It has been almost a year since I moved from the hospital accommodation to the other house, can't say current because after eight months of staying there, I moved. . again. We'll get to that later. For now, we will just call the first house 'Audax', nothing special there, it's just the street name. I was together with three of my other cohort, it was a four bedroom, two tier house. I'm trying to search what type of house it is Google is not on my side today. But it looks very similar to a terraced house, only less fancy, less decorated, laced with pale bricks without those Victorian era chimneys, very industrial looking. The rent was at a decent price of, . . I'd rather not say, but it includes all the bills and internet. Good deal if you ask me, especially after the number of rejections we've been through. I chose the double bedroom on the second floor with shared bathroom, two person each floor. We don't have a designated receiving area because we converted that into a bedroom. The kitchen also became our common area, big enough for the four of us to fit in. There's also a beautiful garden at the back with a small shed or cottage whatever, great for hanging out or just to hide away. I'm not a fan of Taylor Swift, but I'd like to say that maybe, just maybe 'It's me, Hi! I'm the problem, it's me.' See what I did there, just to put a spin on my boring old narrative. Before moving in, an issue came about between me and my other cohort who immediately became my friend arriving here in UK. I will not go into further details since I won't forget that moment anyway. To summarize, we stopped talking from the first day we moved until this today. And I believe, it will not be fixed in the nearest future because we don't live in the same house anymore. We made it so easy avoiding each other while in the same roof, imagine how much easier it is now that were completely apart. In the recent years, I always found myself caught in these situations (for different reasons). It dawned on me that maybe I'm the problem. Well, life has to go on. First ever Christmas in the UK, yay 'twas great. Also, my first snow experience ever. I don't mean to sound pretentious or anything (which I think I am, but not on this matter) the snow didn't really excite me or maybe because I'm sick during these times and had to work taking out all the fun feeling within me. Lol. Felt like it was just snowflakes falling from the sky, the aftermath aesthetics though really hit hard. The best thing out of all the tragedy was Alex had a month-long vacation here with me, I'm just so glad that he took care of me, cook proper food for us, maintained my sanity and sustain my diva and baby like attitude. But ofcourse, I took him to all the major attractions that London has to offer which was loadsss by the way. And I realized how big this city is, there are over thirty-two boroughs and from each borough is a center, like an 'unofficially' declared center. Now, before I go any further and leave the most exciting 'parts' of my journey, after being in the UK for several months (I'm pertaining to myself), I managed to get a Schengen visa. Yay! it's way more convenient to travel to Europe (geographically) now that I'm here. Like, whenever I have long rest days, I could quickly go and fly across the channel. No drama, no bullshit. Went for his birthday on October, went again for my birthday on November. What a joy! The Spanish consul was generous enough to give me six months valid visa, which is already expired at this time. Getting an appointment is seriously like finding a lost treasure at sea, ridiculously difficult. The first time here in the UK (I feel the strong need to clear this, may I remind you about the time where I cried in the Spanish embassy in Saudi? yeah, that. good times) was fairly easy but with moderate effort, I was just lucky to get it at first try. Back in Saudi, everything was done for me by an agent, all I need to do was to pay and attend. But now, I need to do everything myself which is okay, but dude the appointment these days as I've said was close to none. I go online almost everyday at different times, trying to see if I could catch the fish. For a few weeks I was not very lucky, so I decided to take the convenient way, the 'what-would-Regine-do' way. I caved and paid for an appointment, ONLY for the appointment, getting the whole package would cost nearly £400-600. A great idea for business, seem like a scam because people aren't actually supposed to pay for an appointment alone. But since I don't want the hassle anymore, I end up here and believe me, I tried my best.
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faeryarchives · 2 years
Hello may I request an imagine where (taking place 10 years before the start of the game), the female 5 year old reader who just appeared in Briar Valley with no memories whatsoever, was found by Lillia and adopted by him.
omg this is so wholesome 🥺🥺🥺 diasomnia found family is making my heart melt
lost in wonderland
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briar valley, home to several faes and magical creatures.
that is why it is no surprise why lilia would walk around sometimes to keep an eye out of the castle to look if there were anything suspicious that would pose harm his adopted children and the royal family.
it is his normal routine, but what he is currently looking at is certainly not normal. his deep red confused eyes meeting (eye color) curious ones as they stood there, right in the middle of the forest.
the (hair color) haired girl waved at the fae with a huge grin on her face, jumping up in joy in the process.
"hello mister! are you going to play with (name) too?" she asked ever so innocently, hugging the deer next to her.
'a human child? who left her out here in the woods?' lilia let out a hum as he leaned towards the girl and gently pat her head.
"hi little one, mister can't play with you for now. but where are your parents?" the fae watch as she share a look with a deer and tilt her head to the side, as if she doesn't understand what he just said.
"huh? what's a parent?"
"y-you don't have a parent?"
"what about your house?"
"i don't have one either! amy and the other animals were the ones who were taking care of me!" he could feel his heart drop the moment he heard that.
a female child this young here, alone in the woods with danger lurking around? who would do such an awful thing? (name) just nuzzle her face closer to her friend deer, not knowing that she was currently in a dangerous situation.
feeling his heartstring being tug, lilia crouched down to match her height and gave her another friendly smile.
"dear, you said your name is (name) right?"
"uhuh! and my friend here is amy!"
"well, little (name) do you want to meet new friends? you can bring amy with you." it wouldn't hurt for silver and sebek to gain another friend right?
"ok tell me why you have another human child in your arms?" malleus raised an eyebrow when he saw his friend coming back from his trip with a human girl in his arms and a deer following behind him.
the fae payed no mind to the dragon's cautious stare and made (name) turn to malleus who let out a happy gasp. "oooh! hi mister, your horns look amazing! can i touch them?"
this cause malleus to be baffled, never in his life he saw a child who posed no fear in their eyes the moment they look at him.
he glance at lilia in which the bat just let out a hearty laugh. "(name) meet dragon mal~ malleus meet little (name)!"
"yay! is he my new friend now?"
"why yes he is darling!" and with that, lilia put the small girl on malleus arms who almost dropped her due to shock. regardless, (name) didn't seemed to mind and playfully touch his horns but she suddenly heard a sound from below.
the girl looked down and saw two small boys with different hair color - one with silver hair and one with light-green hair. the trio look at each other curiously making lilia coo at the sight.
"oh my god, look at my children meeting each other! i will treasure this moment forever!" after lowering the girl down, (name) skipped towards the two with a gleeful smile.
"hi! i am (name)! who are you guys?"
"i am silver... and that is-"
"i am sebek zigvolt! why are you clinging to malleus-sama?!"
"mal is my new friend!" while the three are trying to get to kow each other, malleus stood next to lilia and pat the deer on it's head. "where did you find that human child lilia? do her parents know that she is here?"
the shorter fae's smile instantly dropped at the mention of the girl's parents and malleus notice his sudden action.
"she have no parents."
"...pardon?" after pushing the deer to make it familiar with silver and sebek, lilia turned to face malleus with his arms crossed, a serious look evident on his face.
"i found (name) in the forest alone with her friend deer. somehow she developed the ability to understand animals." his dark red eyes boring into the other's eyes - malleus could see the anger and sadness in the older fae's eyes.
"i can't just leave her alone, especially when she is a human child. it's too dangerous for her."
"then why just take her in like you did with silver?" he said as if it was the easiest thing in the world. "i don't think grandmother will not mind it at all."
"bu-" lilia was cutted off when the little girl they were just talking about suddenly ran up to the smaller fae and hug his right leg - successfully grabbing his attention.
"lilia, lilia! what's a dad?" the fae picked her up, placing her comfortably in his arms and bop her nose.
"dad is someone who will always be there for you, to guide you to the right path and someone who will always care for you."
"then are you my father?" her hands pinching his cheek making him let out a giggle and tickle her with his free arm.
"of course darling, i will be your dad!"
"earth to lilia? hello?" the said fae snapped back to reality only to see 4 certain curious diasomnia students staring at him.
"finally he is back! it's rare for you to space out though, are you alright dad?" (name), who is now 16 years-old float in the air while messing up with his hair.
"yeah its weird for you to space out lilia. is everything ok?"
"fufu~ i just remember this memory from years ago. looking at it now, it makes me feel really proud of you four."
"i think he ate the dish he made someone call a doctor!" but seeing how soft the look lilia had on his face - (name) cooed and hug her fatherly figure with a smile with amy joining in by nudging her nose to the fae's cheek.
"thank you for taking us in dad, i love you so much."
"i love you too, my child"
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darter-blue · 3 years
YAY 😁 CONGRATS 🎊🍾 ON REACHING 500 followers. You’ve earned it and so much more🙌👏👏🙌
I’ve got two words knitting and hands Maybe a little something about Steve drawing Bucky Or anything really I’m easy. Again CONGRATULATIONS 🎉🎈 🤩🥰
to the beautiful Erica (@aciremii) and my gorgeous Maria (@greyhavensking) sorry for making you wait so long.
This is for you.
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Steve slides the charcoal between his fingers, watches the way it sinks into his pores, the way it stains his skin.
He loves charcoal as a medium. It's dirty, it's dark, all shadows and imperfections. Everything that he isn’t allowed to be anymore.
Hard to come by in the war, but now… here in this future, it’s everywhere.
Everything is everywhere.
Whatever he wants, he can get.
Except for the one thing he wants more than anything. That’s just beyond his grasp. Always.
Steve’s hands reach out for it… endlessly searching for him. To touch him again. To hold him. Comfort. Protect.
Everything he already failed to do once, twice... and can never now make right.
Even if he finds Bucky again, even if Bucky should come back to him - Bucky will be paying the price for Steve’s mistakes forever.
And Steve… all he can do is sit, and draw. Use his charcoal to recreate, again and again, the hands he failed to reach to, failed to hold fast. Failed to catch…
He ignores the smudges on his fingers and focuses instead on the marks he’s making on the paper. Thick and sharp and dark. He uses his own hands to soften and shade, to move and manage, to morph the shadows into the likeness that’s been etched into his mind, so often he dreams about it. Has been dreaming about it for years.
Bucky’s hand outstretched. Reaching so desperately for Steve from the gaping panel of the train… fingers tearing at the air, trying to cling to Steve, to grasp at him.
He draws them as he remembers them…
The image comes together under the charcoal, under his stained skin, well enough, complete enough, for Steve to feel happy with, and he sets the page down on his table. Leaves it scattered amongst the others - some of them tea stained, some of them crumpled - all of them a poor replication of the perfection that he remembers…
All of them a reminder of what he’s lost.
He turns away from this work and leaves it behind, steps into the bathroom and stares in the mirror for as long as his eyes will allow him to look. His face is so different and yet so familiar. he closes his eyes, leans on the sink and then pushes away. Turns to the shower to run the hot water, lets it get so hot the steam clouds the room, thick and fog-like, and finally stands underneath it.
The water sears into Steve’s skin and down to his bones. It helps. The heat and the steam and the fog. It helps Steve clear his mind and settle his body. Settle into the small moments of calm he can steal from time to time, moments of peace.
He gets out and wraps himself in a towel. Tucks the corner in at his waist and wipes the steam from the mirror. Brushes his hair off his forehead and wonders at the reflection staring back at him. Wonders who he is now. Whether the man there would be someone Bucky could be proud of.
Or whether the reason Bucky keeps running isn’t because he’s scared. Or broken. It’s because Steve is.
That somehow Bucky can see it, even when Steve can’t.
He opens the door and releases some of the steam, stepping a bare foot into the living room of his apartment and knowing instantly that something is wrong. Someone is there - he can hear the heartbeat.
He can see them through the cloud of steam as it dissipates.
He knows that figure, that silhouette.
Would know it anywhere.
Bucky standing at Steve’s table, gloved hands full of Steve’s drawings… staring down at them, eyes still as lost as they seemed the last time Steve had seen him. Looking up at Bucky from the floor of the helicarrier… held down by him, trapped by him, but still not able to reach him.
‘These look like my hands,’ Bucky says, finally looking away from the drawings and up at Steve. ‘My hands, from before...’
Steve takes a step forward but freezes as Bucky flinches. He won’t dare even draw breath if it would be enough to scare Bucky away.
‘They are,’ he says instead, keeping his voice low, soft.
‘Why so many?’ Bucky looks down at the paper in his hands, at the papers on the table, ‘Why this?’ He turns the paper to show Steve his hands, stretched and desperate, over and over again, he picks up page after page and then looks back at Steve, ‘what does it mean?’
Steve holds a hand out Bucky, palm out, to demonstrate his plea for calm. He holds his other hand to the towel around his waist as he takes another slow step forward, placing his feet carefully, eyes never leaving Bucky’s. ‘It’s my nightmare,’ he tries to explain.
‘I’m your nightmare?’ Bucky asks and his eyes are wet, his brow furrowed.
‘No!’ Steve almost yells, has to work to lower his voice again as Bucky cringes at the volume, ‘no, god, no. Not you…’
‘My hand?’ He holds up his gloved hand, his left - the hand he had stretched out to Steve as he fell from the train, the hand in the pictures - and sets the papers down to pull the glove free, ‘this hand?’
It’s silver, dull in the low light of the apartment, but obviously metal, obviously now different from the hand Steve has been drawing so obsessively.
Steve shakes his head, ‘Not that hand. The hand I let go,’ Steve says, his voice barely above a whisper, ‘The hand I let you fall by.’
‘That's funny,’ Bucky says, raising an eyebrow, ‘I seem to remember it being me who couldn’t hold on.’
Steve takes another tentative step forwards, warmth (hope) radiating through his chest as Bucky doesn’t move, as he lets Steve closer, ‘All my nightmares are watching you fall. Are me - all this strength, all this power - useless, pointless, because I can’t reach you.’
‘I fell, Steve,’ Bucky says, taking his own step forward towards Steve, ‘It wasn’t you, it wasn’t me. It was gravity.’
‘I lost you,’ Steve breathes the words with pain in his chest.
‘I lost everything,’ Bucky whispers, stepping closer still, close enough to touch, ‘but I think… maybe... I found it again.’
Steve has to grab the back of a chair, has to lean down on the table to catch himself. He looks up at Bucky and sees him there; the man he knew. Hazy - maybe - shaded, shadowed, but there all the same.
‘You found it?’ he asks.
‘I found you, Steve.’
Steve nods. He can’t find the words, but he nods his head to the truth of that. Even through his programming, even through the shattered pieces of his mind, he found Steve on that helicarrier. He remembered him.
‘You used to be my everything.’
‘You’re still mine,’ Steve admits. Words he was never brave enough to say before now. ‘You always have been.’
Bucky reaches out with his metal hand, places it carefully over Steve’s where it presses into the table. ‘The rest of me is here’ - Bucky reaches forward to place his other hand, flesh and bone, against Steve’s bare chest - ‘I’m ready to let it find me now, too.’
Steve can’t breathe, can’t speak, but his heart is filling with the kind of joy, the kind of relief, the kind of solace that he’s never known.
He leans his forehead down to fall on Bucky’s shoulder, and closes his eyes as he feels Bucky rest his cheek against his hair.
This is the beginning of their way back to each other, to themselves.
And it’s everything.
All they need is each other.
It’s all they’ve ever needed.
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dindjarins04 · 3 years
You yawned and stretched as the sunlight seeped into your room. Groaning, you sat up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. You waited for your eyes to adjust before slipping out of your nightwear and into your Jedi robes.
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You attached your two lightsabers to your hip before walking out to be greeted with Padme. You gasped at the sight of her suddenly being right in front of you.
"Morning!" She exclaimed excitedly.
"Morning...aren't you supposed to be at the Senate?" You ask tiredly as she loops her arm around yours.
"Yes, but I'm here today to be with my best friend!"
"Really?" You raise a brow as she leads you into the cantine where you pick up a tray of assorted foods.
"Okay...well...I actually need a Jedi for protection and I really want you to be there instead of some random Jedi," You chuckled and shake your head as you find a seat as she takes the opposite one.
"Padme, I highly doubt my Master will let me protect you. We have a lot of training to do-"
"Exactly, this can be a part of your training! Look, I really don't want to have protection but they are insisting it happens," She sighs and rubs her temples. "Please, I'll even have another Jedi there if it makes Qui-Gon happy," You chew on your food while tapping your foot, thinking about it before sighing.
"I suppose Qui-Gon has a lot of paperwork to do and if I say this will help with my training...he may let me do it,"
"Yay!" She squeals with joy as more Jedi come into the cantine for their breakfast.
"So what's the threat anyway?" You ask, drinking from your cup.
"Oh, someone is just trying to kill me," You choke on your drink and look at her with a confused expression.
"You say that like it's just another Tuesday," She nods at your statement.
"It was expected,"
"In my position, many people would want me dead, it was only a matter of time before someone attempted to do so," You nod and then see Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan enter the room. Following behind them is a young boy who looks familiar. He has a long braid and short fuzzy hair. You smile at him, he was fairly attractive. "Someone caught your eye?" Padme's voice says as she looks in your direction. "Staring at someone in particular? Let me guess...him!" She points at Obi-Wan and you shake your head.
"Padme, firstly, he is my Master's former padawan and secondly, I'm not looking at anyone," She rolls her eyes and turns back around to face you.
"Please convince him to let you protect me," She begs, her hand reaching out for yours. "I'll even stay to add my opinion,"
"I'll do it," You say as Obi-Wan and the cute boy sit at another table while Qui-Gon comes to you. "Master,"
"(Y/N)," He sits next to you and nods his head at Padme. "Senator," She smiles fondly.
"Padme is here to ask me to protect her from the threats," You begin.
"Obi-Wan and Anakin have already been assigned to that job," Padme sighs and her head drops while you try to remember the name Anakin. It sounds so familiar. "We have training,"
"Please Master, this will be a big part of my training! And Padme came to me...I'll even work with Obi-Wan and Anakin so you can get all that paperwork finished!" Qui-Gon sighs.
"She's right, I would rather have three Jedi protecting me than two...and I already know and trust (Y/N)...I would feel much more comfortable if she was here to protect me," She says in her politician's voice. Qui-Gon chews on his food thoughtfully before nodding.
"I suppose if the Senator wishes for this, I will have to accept," You smile widely and so does Padme. "(Y/N)...if you do this, the Jedi Council may see you in a better light," He says and you beam.
"Yes, Master," You grab your empty tray and Padme walks with you as you discard it.
"I now have a meeting with the Chancellor, it will be about the vote. Pack your things and meet me back at the Senate, I will inform them of you becoming my protector too," She kisses your cheek before running off. You sigh before walking to your room to pack some belongings you may need while being at the Senate.
You finish packing when a knock at your door startles you. You walk over and open the door to see Obi-Wan and the boy you saw earlier there.
"Hello, Master Kenobi and..."
"This my padawan, Anakin," He says as you step aside to let them in. Obi-Wan walks to your window while Anakin hangs back at the door. "We have been informed that you will be protecting Senator Amidala with us," You nod your head in agreement.
"She requested that I was there, she would feel more comfortable with someone she knows," You say as you finish zipping up your bag.
"Well, Anakin and I are about to head down to the Senate, do you wish to join us?" He asks.
"Sure," You respond before picking up your bag and following them out of the Temple.
It is evening when you exit the Temple with Obi-Wan and his padawan Anakin Skywalker. You drop back to walk next to Anakin.
"So, Anakin Skywalker...name sounds familiar," You begin.
"Of course it is, I'm the Chosen One," He says with a smug grin as you follow Obi-Wan to the speeder.
"Really now?" You say with a small giggle.
"Yep, I am said to bring balance to the force," He says with a smirk that you find attractive.
"Wait..." You stop in your tracks. "You're Obi-Wan's padawan...which makes you that little boy I met after Luminara died," You said, finally realising who he was; the boy who helped you recover from the death of your Master.
"So that would make you...(Y/N)?" He says and you nod. "Wow...it's been what...9 years?"
"10 years," You say and he nods.
"Wonder why we never saw each other," He mutters so you can't hear.
"You've grown...I like your hair," You comment.
"You've grown too..." He says as you climb onto the speeder next to Obi-Wan. "Um..."
"I've got the front seat," You say smugly.
"Anakin, just sit at the back," Obi-Wan said tiredly. You giggled as he grunted and moved to sit in the back.
You finally reach the Senate apartment blocks after half an hour of driving through the traffic of Coruscant. Anakin's string of complaints coming to an end as he jumps out and walks inside. You slowly get out and follow him. You see him waiting in an elevator and your heart flutters when he smiles. You don't know why but you cool yourself down before following him, Obi-Wan right behind you.
"So, (Y/N), how's training going?" Anakin asks as the elevator slowly moves.
"Very well, I just hope the council sees it," You say, sighing slightly.
"Don't worry, you're not the only one the council doesn't like," You raise a brow and turn to face him.
"You think the council doesn't like me?" Anakin laughs, shaking his head.
"The council doesn't like anyone who lost their Master at a young age or started their training too old," He points to himself. "I apparently started my training when I was too old and you lost your master when you were too young-"
"Anakin, that's not how the council works," Obi-Wan interjects.
"That's because you don't see what we do," He mumbles just so you hear. The elevator doors finally slide open and you are instantly greeted by a Gungan.
"Obi! Obi! Obi! Mesa sooo smilen to see'en yousa. Wahoooooo!" The Gungan says enthusiastically when seeing Obi-wan and he smiles in response as you all exit the elevator.
"It's Good to see you, too, Jar Jar," He responds politely and the Gungan then slaps his head.
"Oops! Wheresa mesa manners? Excuse me, Master Obi-Wan. I completely forgot myself for a moment there. I have had to learn Diplodiaclect... speak it like a native now. Don't really see the point, actually, but members of the Senate seem to prefer it..." You giggled and he finally notices you and Anakin, but his bulging eyes land on Anakin. "...and this, I take it, is your apprentice... Nooooooooo! Annie? Noooooooo! Little Bitty Annie?" He stares at Anakin. "Nooooooo! Yousa so biggen! Yiyiyiyyi! Annie!! Mesa no believen!"
"Hi Jar-Jar," He then looks at you.
"Nosa! litta(Y/N/N)! Me rememberen when yousa were a small child wit Lumarina trainen yousa! Yousa have grown tup so mui!" You smile, vaguely remembering this Gungan, he was probably the one who travelled to Tatooine with you, your master, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. It's all coming back to you now. You've tried so long to forget that painful time.
"Jar Jar Binks...I remember you...you were the one who kept saying my robes were too big for me,"
"Yousa were such a small Jedi!" He exclaims and you giggled.
"I'm perfectly average height," You then feel someone leaning against you. You cock your head to see Anakin resting his arm on your shoulder.
"No, Jar Jar is right, you're so small," He teases and you hit his arm causing him to laugh. Suddenly, Jar Jar pulls you both in a large hug.
"Mesa missed yous so mui," He exclaims. He then begins to lead you to where Padme is. You brush down your robes and Anakin looks at you oddly.
"What?" You ask.
"Getting cold feet in front of the politicians?"
"I want to look professional," He scoffs and waves his hand. "At least I don't look like a stray Loth Cat," He turns and sticks his tongue out before following Obi-Wan. You roll your eyes before entering, Captain Typho nodding in respect when seeing you while Padme beams at you, ending her conversation with Obi-Wan. She hikes up her skirts and pulls you into a bone-crushing hug.
"I'm so glad you came! I was beginning to worry it was just these two," She mumbles and you laugh, playfully pushing her off you. "I still believe all this protection is unnecessary,"
"I'm sure the Jedi council have their reasons," Obi-Wan negotiates. She sighs and then locks eyes with Anakin.
"Annie??" She stares "My goodness you've grown," You look down. So they have history. You keep your cool as they look at each other for a long moment. Anakin smirks and tries to play smooth.
"So have you... grown more beautiful, I mean... and much shorter... for a Senator, I mean," Obi-Wan looks disapprovingly at his apprentice. You narrow your eyes at Anakin's poor attempt at small talk. However, Padme laughs and shakes her head.
"Oh Annie, you'll always be that little boy I knew on Tatooine," You remember again. Everything begins to come back. The time you spent on Tatooine. You didn't spend much time out though. You were on the ship with Obi-Wan for most of it. But then the images of Darth Maul slaughtering your Master comes back. Her dull eyes, her blood-smeared hand caressing your face as she whispers her final words, telling you to trust in the Force. You release a shaky breath. You always tried to block out that part of your life. It makes you vulnerable, it makes you have feelings; fear of losing Qui-Gon, fear of losing Padme. Overall fear. Something that leads to anger that leads to revenge that leads to the dark side. You finally refocus on your group.
"I don't need more security, I need answers. I want to know who is trying to kill me," Obi-Wan and Anakin proceed to talk to her while Typhoo pulls you to the side.
"It's been a long time, (Y/N)," He says with a smile.
"It has, I barely remember anyone here, Typhoo,"
"I'm still sorry for what happened to your Master...all of this...all of these people must give you bitter memories," You look around at everyone; Obi-Wan, Anakin, Padme, Jar-Jar and the other Senators.
"Call it bittersweet," You say.
"Two sabers?" He notices and you nod.
"I'm glad you can count," He laughs fondly at that and you smile.
"I see your attitude did not perish," Your attention is then drawn back to the room.
"Why else do you think we were assigned to her, if not to find the killer? Protection is a job for local security... not Jedi. It's overkill, Master. Investigation is implied in our mandate," Anakin says with impatience.
"We will do as the council has instructed, and you will learn your place, young one," Obi-Wan scolds.
"Perhaps with merely your presence, the mysteries surrounding this threat will be revealed. Now if you will excuse me I will retire," She turns to you. "Come, (Y/N),"
"Yes, Senator," Everyone gives Padme a bow as you follow her out. Once in her room, she sighs angrily.
"Honestly, Obi-Wan doesn't even want to start an investigation," She rants, going behind a changing curtain to slip into her nightwear.
"The council did grant us permission to protect you, not to investigate," You say.
"Really, (Y/N), you too?"
"I...I really want the council to see me in a different light. Perhaps if I listen to them...maybe they'll like me," You say as you sit on her bed. She sighs and comes out in her nightclothes and brushing her hair.
"I understand,"
"But..." You smirk. "Maybe Anakin was right. To protect you...we need to know who we are going up against to know the best way to protect you," She too smirks.
"I like your thinking," She says.
"I'll bring in R2, he'll set out lasers on the floor so if any assassins come through, they'll trip the alarm," You say and she nods.
You and Anakin sit quietly in the living room. You are on a holopad while he looks at you.
"Why do you have two lightsabers?" He suddenly asks.
"I work better with two," You answer, responding to messages Qui-Gon sent you.
"The council allowed you to train with two?"
"No, Qui-Gon allowed me to train with two," You finally look up and you watch Anakin's face flush as you catch him staring at you. "See something you like?" You tease and he laughs, embarrassed.
"Shut up," You shake your head, laughing before looking down at your holopad.
Dammint. You think. Now is not the time to catch feelings!
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ecclais-fouoras · 3 years
Falling for someone like you
Chapter 9 ? What a day
Previous chapter here
Tags : fluff and slight smut warning ⚠️
The next day went swiftly, you both had a great time at the mine and then the museum, afterwards you both went out for dinner, in the small restaurant she had spotted before. Wilhemina offered to pay since you had already done so much for her those few days. "I insist baby..you've been amazing and I was the one who suggested it... Let me get this one"
"Okay fine...don't make a habit out of it you know I love to spoil you, my darling" you had responded placing your hand on her cheek. That night you had gone to bed early, exhausted from the day spent. Your lover laid by your side, your arms around her protectively and her leg draped over your body, and fingers upon your collarbones. "Y/n ?"
"Mm ?" "What are we gonna do tomorrow ? I tried to find something to vis..."
"Amusement Park"
"Huh ?"
"Tomorrow that's what we're doing"
"Oh...you do kn..."
"I checked if it was something you could do, and there are many attraction available"; "Good..." She said before yawning. "Oh baby sleep you're tried"
"I don't want this day to end"
"It doesn't have to...in your mind never" You turned slightly, putting your hand around her hip and under her head, and hers went to your neck. Your legs found the spot between hers and the one still on top of your body. On Sunday you woke up a little bit early to pack stuff in the car before traveling to the park, your girlfriend watching the landscape pass by the cars window. Your eyes fixated on the rood and right hand in hers on her thigh. You arrived and went inside. The place was kinda crowded but since Wilhemina couldn't stand for too long waiting wasn't a problem, you could easily enter attraction in another line. "I hate their faces when they see me cut the line" she said growling from anger and you caressed her hair while explaining "Hey baby... You're not cutting line, your simply taking another one. If they don't like it they can try and live all their life in a body that aches like yours. They'll see if taking that line is worth the trouble."
"I guess you're right"
"I am...if they aren't happy about it they can suck my dick"
"OH so they can but you barely let me do it ?" You playfully feigned being offended and slightly pinched her arm. "That's not even true.."
"It is. Whenever I wanna do it you don't pack"
"Well I'm not going to pack every single day love"
"Well at least some of them baby"
You giggled and subconsciously started walking towards a small Russian mountain.
"Are you up for that mina ?"
"Of course. I'm up for anything", "You Sure ? It seems pretty scary". "It's not. Besides if it wear it would say not for people with back problems"
"Okay okay... Well when you throw up just make sure it's not while the wind is in our way."
"Haha very funny"
:read more:
She said as you took her hand and leaded her to the side line, after a few minutes you got in the seats. Wilhemina held your hand a little tighter than usual, so you nuzzled behind her ear and told her she was more than safe with you. She relaxed a bit and then screams and squeals of joy were the only thing that could be heard. You both moved throughout the park, doing things left and right, pointing at beautiful landscape and designs. You stopped at a flying swing and encouraged wilhemina to come with you and do it together. But she didn't seam to keened on it. Even as you took her hand and tugged her towards it she held her ground. The mushroom tower started to rise and everyone started cheering as the chair flew around in circles and people moved in their chairs."Look it's fun honey" "It's for kids."..."No. It's not. Watch there are plenty of adults her and besides it didn't bother you in the flying elephants."
"That was different"
"Absolutely not, look if it's because you don't stand the movements it's okay, but at least tell me"
"I do stand it" you went closer to her, your hands on her hips as you kissed her cheeks "Babe tell me what the real problem is, no bullshit please"
"I don't have. Anywhere to put my cane in there."
"Well we can leave it in the entrance"
"I'd rather not"
"Why, you don't need it during the ride, and I'll get it for you at the end baby"
"Who knows what will happen during the ride. I don't want to find it broken, not only because you gifted it to me, but because it is my life, I refuse to let it be broken or lost by those incompetent people"
"Hey..hey no need to insult anyone here, baby I know that, but just like when you go to bed you leave it to the side, you can let them take care of it"
"Baby I promise nothing bad will happen"
"How can you do that"
"I'll make sure it doesn't, do you trust me ?"
"Of course I trust you. I just don't trust anybody else"
"But you learned how to trust me, so maybe you can try and give a little trust to that"
"Fine. One session"
"Yay ! I promise you'll love it" You said as you both went to it, and as soon as wilhemina was sited you went up to the people managing the attraction and asked them to keep her cane during the ride.
"Oh and by the way. If anything happens to it. Even the slightest impact, i will make sure you all lose your job, and ruin your reputation so much no one will go to a park that is unacceptable with disabled people."
"..we..yes. well, we will take good care of it"
"You better do." You went back and sat just next to Wilhemina on the double sided chair. "Did you te..."
"It's okay baby. They'll handle it carefully"
"Oh okay..." The swing raised above the floor, and progressively your feets hanged down as they stopped touching ground and The ride began. the wind hit your face faster and faster and you both smiled and yelled as it spined. Wilhemina had to keep her hand on her skirt so it didn't lift up and give everyone else a great view and you giggled. You whispered in her ear as the world around you kept turning and turning. "Don't traumatize these children and get arrested for public nudity I'd hate to have to get you out of jail and runaway together..."
"Is it weird of it actually sounds good"
"Depends on which part"
"The last bit you fool"
"Well my anxiety could never...but keep dreaming darling" You both laughed and held hands as the chairs were turning even faster. At one point the air was to rapid through her hair and it detached her hairdo, you Heard her groan as her hair moved everywhere including her face while she looked at you. "Oh come on why"
"It's fine mina just let it go"
"It's a good thing this was not a wig"
You laughed again as You pushed the hair out of her face and saw her eyes shining with joy, you don't think you ever saw her so happy your whole life, and you thought maybe she never has been.
"I love you y/n"
She said as her hair flew behind her like a beautiful main. You couldn't help but put your hands around her face and bring her for a kiss. Your lips lingered on hers for a while, hands stoking her cheek and breathing linked and she pulled away questioning. "Why the kiss?"
"I just couldn't not kiss you right then"
"But in front of all these people ? Children"
"They won't die because I kissed the woman I love. They've seen people kiss before, they'll be fine"
"But the people here ?"
"I don't give a single fuck about them, I love you and they better get over it."
"I love you too" You enjoyed the rest of the ride, and after you got down you went to get wilhemina's cane for her, and as it took a little longer before she got out of it like the rest you heard someone tell her to get off the swing because people were waiting. You immediately turned around and went up to him, her stepped back a little "What did you just say ?"
"I..i said that this bitch needs to get off of the swing or learn to leave others their turn"
"You better shut the fuck up now, or else you really aren't going to enjoy the ride with a broken nose and bleeding face."
"Is that a threat ?"
"No it's a promise."
"It's unacceptable she ne.."
"And you need to stick your patience up your ass and fuck off. She'd be out of there in a second if you were able to keep your fucking mouth shut, now I bet you don't have any one in your life who has a disability except you because you are clearly having a stroke so let me tell you this. You say anything offensive to my wife. And I'll have your fucking ass in the floor."
"How dare you ? Telling all this in front of my kids"
"Maybe it'll teach them not to be complete assholes to people. Now your kids didn't say anything you did. So maybe you could thing about that"
"M'am you have to hurry..and keep your distance with the rest of the clients" The bold men tried to respond.
"But...i..i" ."
"we'll be out in a sec.. You. Save it. I honestly don't give a shit about your opinion, I'm not doing this for me, I'm doing it for her. Because if she weren't there I would have already been in jail for beating your ass. I'll say it once. Stay. Away. From. her. And keep your thoughts to your two inches long brain."
You went back to give her her cane and you both left the swings, glaring one last time at the men, who looked like he was about to piss his paints.
"Don't bother him, he's an ass"
"You don't always have to get in trouble for me"
"You're kidding right ? He was practically begging me to tell him off. Besides no one talks to you like this and gets away with it on my watch"
"He looked like a kid cought cheating have to admit watching you It was a little hot." She whispered in your ear
"Happy to oblige" you said as you pushed a strand of hair behind her ear and grazed her cheek. After that she bent forward a little and lifted her arms to try and do her hair back which you knew could hurt her.
"Hey hey no.. leave it" you said as you put your hands on hers.
"Let's sit over here baby"
You said while taking her to a small stair bench.
"Sir over here I'll sit on the one higher.
"Oh okay"
You settled her between your knees and asked for her hair tie.
"Do you really want to put it up again ? You know I love your hair down like this, you look so beautiful"
"I know you do, but it's our thing you know, I don't want it to become banal, I like that you're the only one who sees me like this, it makes it special"
"We have other things that are private darling, just because you go out with your hair down it doesn't mean it's not special anymore. I still get to see you in your nightwear or with a messy tee-shirt and a lazy bun."
"I know but still, I prefer keeping it up please"
"Okay baby no problem, can I put it up how I want ?"
"..fine yes, but no funny business"
"Of course" you said as you kissed her neck. You started sectioning her hair, brushing it through your fingers, huming softly. And you started breading, strands of hair between your hands, one over the other. Starting from up and then going down. Wilhemina relaxing visibly in your embrace, letting her head slightly back.
"Oooooooh, I am not the only traveler, who has not repaid His debt, I've been searching for a trail to follow again take me back to the night we met, and then I can tell myself what the hell am I supposed to do.
I had all and then most of you some and now none of you. Ooh
Take me back to the night we met.
"Here done"
"Can I sea ?"
"Let me just ..there "
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"You don't like it ?"
"No..no i do like it.. it's different than what I'm used to"
"I figured you don't usually bread it because it's probably to painful, so I wanted to do something nice". "I love it y/n"
"You look beautiful"
She blushed softly before you kissed her lips.
Afterwards you were both a little hungry, so you took wilhemina to a candy shop, they sold many things like sugar canes and candy floss
You waited before asking Wilhemina what she wanted, and ordered a pomme d'amour for starters, and decided you would take candy floss to walk.
"It's going to be messy y/n we have to cut in"
"No..baby the whole thing is to bite it at the same time"
"I swear if you get my shirt stained"
"It won't willy"
"Oh you know I hate that nickname"
"That's why I use it willy"
She groaned and you both stood while you held the food.
"On three"
"Wait does that mean we bite on three or after three"
"Oh just bite it on three love"
"Two" you both said
You both took a bite out of the apple, juices covering your taste buds and the sweet sugar envelope cracking.
You giggled with your mouths full  and finished the apple as much as you could, heads turning around to find a good angle and sharing the same space.
You noticed Wilhemina had sugar on her top lip corner.
"Baby you have a little something here"
"Oh..thank you"
She tried getting it off but it wasn't efficient. So you stepped closer.
"Here..let me do it" you said before setting down the rest of the dish and pressing her against you while your hands found her jaw and you kissed her soundly, she moaned a little when you bit her top lip. And grazed it with your tongue. It asked for entrance and Wilhemina granted it to you. You made out together for a little bit before parting a little and just holding each other for a while, pairs of hands around shoulders and hips.
After that you bought the candy floss and started walking around the park once again.
You both picked in each others sticks, exchanging looks, smiles and kisses.
Feeding each other bits every now and then.
After a dozen minutes you had both finished
And you kissed her again, sharing the taste of sugar between each other. Her cane pressed against her and her cheek in your hand.
"Thank you y/n"
"For what ?". "For giving my life purpose"
"Aw baby why do you have to be so damn cute ALL the time"
"I'm serious"
"Me too...and you don't need to thank me, you mean everything to me. Come here."
You said before taking her inside your arms, inhaling her sent and circling your arms around her frame. You pressed kisses in her hair and she place them in your neck.
"I love you so much Wilhemina"
She started to tear up a little bit before sniffling and hiding more inside your body.
"I mean it...baby you don't ever have to cry about that again..for I will hold you till the end of time itself. And in every one of your future life's I'll have you in my heart."
Time passed as you held each others before slowly getting going again.
You arrived at a shooting game, pushed animals were hanging from the walls and ceiling.
"Oh here let me win you something !"
"Oh come on darling these games are money black holes"
"Not if your good at it" she starting turning around and walking away
"Besides it's gun shooting you're not going to be any good at that love you don't own any. Also I think it's quite funny that yo..."
"Here m'am, ya just need to get those target over there to ya win"
"Huhh come on y/n, do you even know what I said"
"Ssh baby I gotta focus"
"Sshh? So you shush me now ?"
You ignored her rambling as your hands settled their positions and you started shooting the first few bullets hitting right on the targets, five bullets later you heard a ringing sound and the guy stunned by your performance started
"Well m'am I'll be honest I wasn't expecting ya to win on the first try. But here ya go, you can pick one of them little stuffed animals"
"Mm I'll have this one for my lady over there "
"Excellent choice...here there ya go ... have a nice day birdies"
You giggled and thanked him as you went up to Wilhemina and gave her the white furry bunny you had won.
"So since you were so supportive I'll just keep it to myself"
"...I'm sorry baby...i just didn't want you to waste your money" "I know"
You said as you handed her the toy, "it's for you baby", "Oh.. really ? Wow it's the first time my lover...well anyone wins me something at a game"
"Looks like I'm your first on lots of things babe"
"Heyy" she responded while jabbing your shoulder "Aww why do you always do that, I think I need to go check it at the hospital."
"Oh don't be A baby y/n"
"Well you're the one standing with a bunny in your arms so who's really the baby huh?" She frowned before she joined you in laughter. You walked hand in hand with her gift under her hand. The sun was starting to set slowly as you both chatted and enjoyed the rest of the day.
"Let's get married"
"...What ?"
"Here let's get married now"
"..y/n ? I don't understand...I'm not sure it's a good idea"
"Chill baby I meant there" you said as you pointed the small church in the middle of the other attractions.
"It says it celebrates unions and marriages, but nothing actually official"
"Oh .."
"So let's get married here darling. Let's have our unofficial official ceremony now"
You said as you led her to the counter
"It's okay you don't want to"
"No..no I definitely want to, I'm just straddled, and what If they don't celebrate our 'marriage', baby there are no legal obligations here"
"Well I don't care if they don't celebrate 'Our' marriage. I'll find another fake church that does, but we have to try frist right ?"
She nodded and took your hand.
"Hello ladies how May I help you"
You both looked at each other and she smiled.
"We would like to get married." "Alright, are you married irl ?" "Nope"
"I have to inform you this is all outside of any actual legal union, this mariage is only valid here, and in your hearts."
"We know"
"Perfect then. Follow me" You arrived in a room filled with dressed and suits, the man asked if you wanted to pay before or after, you decided to do it now, Wilhemina didn't even notice you did. "I'll let you approximately 30 minutes to choose your formal wear and get dressed, an hour to prepare your vows and will Then accompany the... well brides walk down the aisle"
"If it's easier i don't mind being already there."
"Oh yes good. Anyway, I'll let you change, there are two different Rooms with staff so you don't see each other until marriage"
"Thank you". You both said before picking your outfits and trying on dresses and suits. After some time the man came back and took Wilhemina before letting you know where was the aisle. You waited there with the pastor, who didn't look used to celebrating marriages between women, but who wasn't mad about it. The music started and there was no one else in the church except for the few staff and you both. The doors opened and you saw your girlfriend walk arm in arm with the guy who welcomed you in. She looked ethereal, beautiful you had never seen such beauty before, her hair was in a beautiful hairdo, half down half up, a bunch of colored flowers in her hair and even a purple orange make-up.
She walked gracefully, her dress following her and a veil attached to her flower crown.
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"Hey...wow, you...look... amazing...I'm so lucky" she blushed before being handled her cane and replied "Well...I must say You're not so Bad yourself y/n"
"Erm erm.. We are reunited today. To celebrate the union of two beautiful souls, linked together by life. Two hearts beating at the same pace, two bodies sharing one path. We are here, in the evening of this bright full day, to make the two women standing here, married, for better and for worst until death do them apart...If i may have the rings. " He took them and turned to Wilhemina "You will now exchange your vows"
"Oh..lord..sorry. this is the part I'm not going to be good at. But you already know that.
You know every part of me. Every single piece I've yet to discover. You hold them, in your arms. Steady, fierce, protective, bringing me the safe home i could have never hope to have. And yet here you stand. By my side every day. You hold my heart, and you make my sun hang, so bright yet so easy, in my sky. I didn't believe I could ever be liked. And you showed me unconditional love.
I didn't believe I was pretty, you made me feel like the most beautiful goddess in the world. I didn't believe I could feel it, but darling, you are the person I love like I would have never believed such feeling existed.. I am not good at expressing feelings, I find them to abstract, to volatile to be caught by my words. So I chose the ones of someone else that resonated with me so hard I believe them to be our own.
'You belong with me, my love. And I belong with you. We should live life side by side, In everything we do. You belong with me today, For now and ever more. And I belong with you, my dear, The one that I adore. We were meant to be, I know; It’s written in the stars. I love the way we are as one, And everything you are. Just think of all the moments Aligning for us to meet, So once we found each other, We were bound to feel complete. But this part of our story, We’ll sit and write together. Hanging memories on the wall,of the home we’ll share forever. So, both of us are certain. As we each say ‘I do’, That you belong with me, my love, And I belong with you." As she was done and the tears spilled from your eyes the pastor gave her a ring and spoke again.". "Now you will repeat after me as you place the ring on her, -I take you, y/f/n" "I take you y/f/n" ; "—to be my wedded Wife" "To be my wedded Wife"
"— to have and to hold from this day forward"; "To have and to hold from this day forward"
"—for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer''; "for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer" ; "—in sickness and in health to love and to cherish,"; "in sickness and in health to love and to cherish,". "—till death do us part"
"Till death do us part"
She said as she finally settled the ring she picked out on you.
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"You will now exchange your vows to your bride."
".. Wilhemina, every time I dreamed about love, it was always me finding it, searching, like a lost salior for my beloved boat.But little did I know, love would find me, it would find a way through my heart, in between the cracks of it, sunshine would bring healing. I remember when I first fell in love. The intensity, the warmth, I remember her smile, her hair. I remember how hard I loved. How wrong I may have, probably because of the youth. I remember how much it had hurt. When she was taken away from me. When I could no longer hold her body, when everything from her had immediately and indefinitely turned to dust. I remember how I cursed at the wind, yelled, screamed, cried, abused whatever God had been responsible for it, responsible for this pain love had brought. I swore, I swore to never love ever again. And I tried, I begged for love to leave me alone. I dreamed it would never hurt again. And I remember when I found you, and you found me. How utterly lost we had been. How stupid it was for me to think I would not fall for you.
For your smile.
For your laugh.
For your eyes.
For your tears of joy and sorrow. For every single beat of your heart. How stupid I had been, To think I would never fall again. But the truth is, I spent all these years climbing, to afraid, to hurt, to coward, to actually jump. But the more high you gain The longer and harder the fall. And man, did I fall. And man, how did it feel so terribly perfect to do so. And man, little did I know, you could make me fly. I wasn't scared anymore. It didn't hurt. It was the answer I had been searching for all of my life. The one I didn't know was within me all along, the one you brought to life. It was love, love was the answer. No Our, our love was the answer. I'm so completely and unapologetically in love with you. You, you, you it's always been you. And the stars are watching, they are jealous, and they talk because never in the eternal burn they experience, never did they see souls shine so bright. Our connection goes beyond speaking, you choose words to express what you want to say. I want words to choose how to express what I say.  In truth, we married each other that first night, in bed, we had been married by our bodies, but now we stand in history—what our bodies had said, mouth to mouth, we now said publicly, gathered together.
'I don’t love you as if you were a rose of salt, topaz, or arrow of carnations that propagate fire:i love you as one loves certain obscure things, secretly, between the shadow and the soul. I love you as the plant that doesn’t bloom but carries the light of those flowers, hidden, within itself, and thanks to your love the tight aroma that arose from the earth lives dimly in my body. I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where, I love you directly without problems or pride: I love you like this because I don’t know any other way to love, except in this form in which I am not nor are you, so close that your hand upon my chest is mine, so close that your eyes close with my dreams... We, unaccustomed to courage exiles from delight, live coiled in shells of loneliness, until love leaves its high holy temple and comes into our sight to liberate us into life. Love arrives and in its train come ecstasies, old memories of pleasure, ancient histories of pain. Yet if we are bold, love strikes away the chains of fear from our souls. We are weaned from our timidity, In the flush of love’s light, we dare be brave. And suddenly we see that love costs all we are and will ever be. Yet it is only love, which sets us free.'.. Today i stand here, as i will stand for as long as my fragile body allows me to, perhaps then I will sit, or lay, by your side my dear, always. And love within me blooms, and makes flowers from every cell in me grow. I will choose you over and over again love, I will hold you close, I will give you peace, I will bring you home. In me. In my heart."
"Now, for the ring.."
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He gave you the one you'd picked for her, a thick golden string with amethyst, and Carnelian.
"-I take you, Wilhemina venable"
"I take you, Wilhemina venable"
"-to be my wedded Wife"
"To be my wedded Wife"
"- to have and to hold from this day forward"
"To have and to hold from this day forward"
"- for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer
"for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer"
"-in sickness and in health to love and to cherish,"
"in sickness and in health to love and to cherish,
"-till death do us part"
You finally slid the ring on her finger before saying.
"Till death do us part
"Perfect, you may now kiss the bide."
You turned to Wilhemina, picked the veil covering her face, lifted it and placed it backwards before taking she took her face in her hands and yours grabbed her hips, bending her slightly backwards before stealing her lips in the most beautiful and delicious kiss you both had the chance to share, oxygen wasn't even needed as your whole body experienced full Bliss, during the embrace you heard, no felt her mumble 'i love you' to which she know you replied by kissing her harder tumbling a little before parting away, faces close, smiles on both of your lips. You walked down the aisle tightly pressed together her hair darked than usual with the dim candle light. And as you went through the door, bells rang and you felt rice being thrown at you from somewhere you couldn't spot. Eventually you got outside, turned to your wife and spun her around before kissing for what would most definitely not be the last time of the day, body pressed together like it will be during your Wedding night.
When you came back home both of your touch yas tender yet urgent, you took no time to
Set your things, just immediately riding her of her day clothes and coat, slamming the door with your feet and taking her upstairs. Before the bedroom door you lifted her up over the threshold, "tradition is sacred my darling"
"Shut up and just make love to me"
Shortly you were both in your underwear, your body on top of hers, cradling her with kisses and caresses, your lips all over her body.
You began to take her nipple in your mouth and play with the other one, her back arched and she moaned loudly, you were starting to kiss your way down her body but she stopped you.
"I..I..want us to cum...together"
"I can't refuse my baby now"
You dragged down her body before teasing her inner thigh and kissing her clit, making sure she was wet enough, you went up her body again, your hand between her legs stating to work her up. Your own hand finding yourself, toying with your panties before sitting back and touching yourself for her to see. Once you were both ready you aligned both of your centers, and lowered yourself on her. Hearing a moan from both of your throats as the contact was a delightful bliss. Your moans filled the room as you rubbed your clitorises faster, wet sounds coming from the friction. "Uh..uH baby I'm getting close"
"..wait a bit for me.. can you do that ?"
"Uhh..yeah..yeaH" You doubled your efforts and before you knew it she was cumming all over you which triggered your own orgasm. You fell on her body, legs intertwined as your bodies sank into each others. Still catching her breath Wilhemina couldn't stop herself from laughing.
"...We got married...in an amusement park";
"We did baby...".
".....I love you";
"I love you too baby"
A/n: the italic pieces are bits of different poems, I couldn't settle for one, if you think cutting a poem is sacrilegious I'm sorry but I believe that Words and art is ment to be movements, live and change though our experiences of then, pieces of structure that you can use to build. your own.
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captainsimagines · 3 years
To Topple A Giant || Chapter Four
Summary: You had made it your mission to destroy even the smallest evils. When the opportunity arises to finally take down your own family after years of gaining their trust, you reach for it. And so does Steve, the man who represents a symbol of everything you hate.
Pairing(s): Steve Rogers x Reader || Avengers x Reader
Part 4 of 10 ~ Mini-Series
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Warnings: This story contains mature themes and discussions such as extreme canon violence, strong language, emotional angst, mentions of Endgame deaths and recoveries, sexual situations, and emotional/physical abuse. All trigger warnings will be listed before the chapter. This is purely fanfiction.
Warnings in this Chapter: reference to past sexual assault (very minimal); misogyny/sexism; mention of Infinity War deaths/Endgame deaths; abusive parental relationship; canon violence; heavy drinking; reference to cocaine use
Word Count: 13,900+
Tony’s Cabin, 2023, 8:56pm
You and Steve stared at the little girl in front of you, bouncing up and down with excitement as she held up one of Tony’s repulsors, the safety on but pointed right at the two of you. Steve instinctively pushed you behind him, the obvious fact being that a blast would most certainly kill you and not the super soldier himself. You were having difficulty holding in your laughter, watching as the girl kept poking at the metal, awaiting its true power. 
“Can I have that, Morgan?” Steve asked, his voice raising ever so slightly to try and seem nicer to the kid. 
“Talk to her with your regular voice, Steve. She’s five, not a toddler.”
Now you laughed at Morgan’s declaration of approval, still standing behind Steve with your hands braced on his back. 
Steve sighed and rolled his eyes playfully, “Alright, Morgan. Can I please have that back? It’s not a toy.”
“But daddy left it for me!”
You smiled at her, “Yeah, but he didn’t expect you to use it so early! Wait until you’re like… ten, then you can look through his things!”
“Y/N, ten?” Steve gave you a bewildered grin, eyes bright and laughter restrained. 
“Okay, twelve.”
His shoulders sagged with a heavy laugh. He reached over and took the chance, grabbing Morgan’s wrist softly and ejecting the glove from her small hand. 
“There we go!” you cheered, stepping out from behind Steve and scooping her up in your arms. Morgan started laughing loudly, kicking her legs to try and escape your hold. “Ah, don’t kick me!”
You had offered your time to Pepper whenever she needed it. You didn’t expect that she would call so early asking for a huge favor, her husband’s funeral not even four months ago. But you didn’t hesitate and packed an overnight bag, reassuring her that nothing would explode on your watch. On your way out of the temporary safe house, Steve had caught you just in time. A quick question of your future whereabouts and he was joining you, a tiny twinge of guilt in his chest from not seeing Tony’s daughter in so long. He was one of her godparents after all, just after Happy and Rhodey, beating out the third crowned position from Bruce. 
He had been hurt by that initially, asking why he wasn’t even considered. 
‘Bruce, the first time she comes into your room and stands over your sleeping body to let you know she had a nightmare, you’d scream.’
‘I wouldn’t be angry, just scared!’
‘Okay, after Cap here, you get custody.’
‘Oh, yay. Drafted fourth.’
Steve was happy to go see her on such short notice though, racing back up to his room to gather some overnight supplies as well. But you didn’t think anything of it - it was just a godparent wanting to see his godchild. 
“Ouch, that hurt,” you laughed and placed Morgan down in her bed. “Nighty night time.”
“Daddy said he left things for everyone, not just me.”
Steve’s eyebrows shot up with curiosity, a sudden interest to know what his gift was exciting him. He had already given him the shield back... but then Thanos broke it. Maybe, another shield? No, T’Challa had already offered to send him a new one.
“Ooo, that’s interesting! I wonder if he got me that pretty bracelet I saw in that department store window that one time,” you gushed, pulling the blankets over Morgan. You fluffed out her hair, smiled at her, and told her goodnight. 
“Night night!”
Both you and Steve called out from the doorway of her bedroom, “Night night!”
Several minutes had passed before you brought up the prospect of secret gifts again, knowing Steve was just as interested as you were. 
“Want to go find them?”
Steve immediately stood up, clapping his hands together and giddy with excitement. “I won’t tell if you don’t!”
You searched everywhere - living room, the garage, kitchen cabinets - even racing into the master bedroom, stealthy and secret, shame rising as you carefully picked up items around the room. “This feels like an invasion of privacy.”
Steve chuckled from outside the door, “Hurry up!”
But you found nothing. There was only one more spot to look - his office. You almost didn’t want to intrude any longer, this being his most sacred space, but the mere chance of Tony giving you a gift from the afterlife made you extremely happy. So you and Steve searched, stacking and restacking random papers and pushing away gadgets and books in the bookshelf. Finally, a small opening in the third shelf alerted you of your mission success. 
“Oh, fuck yeah,” you cheered, reaching in and pulling boxes and clipped pieces of paper, all different colors and sizes, from the compartment. They were labeled with various names - Rhodey, Pepper, Happy, Clint, Thor, Steve, Nebula, you - and Natasha. 
Steve sucked in his breath, his gasp similar to yours. “He got these before…”
“Yeah,” you nodded, handing Steve his labeled box. It was light blue, a white ribbon delicately wrapped around it, and with a cute little red ribbon with Steve’s name on it. It wasn’t big, but it was more than enough. 
“Open it,” you said. 
Steve shook his head, “Let’s open ours together.”
You agreed to his terms, taking your folder into your hands. It was one of those same art folders you had when you bought some new planners or notebooks. It was black, custom-made it seemed, as it had your name on the front in gold, cursive writing. 
On the count of three, you both opened your presents. 
Steve pulled out two sets of dog tags from the box, the sound of them clinking together reminding him of the times he would hug his fellow soldiers on the battlefield, cheers of victory mixed in with the smell of sweat and dry blood. He read the names on the metal. 
‘Steven G. Rogers
987654320 T42 O
Brooklyn, NY. P.’
‘James B. Barnes. 
32557038 T41 42 O
R. Barnes
Shelbyville, IN. P.’
He had not known they recovered his dog tags, faintly remembering clutching them tightly as he flew the plane into the ice. But SHIELD must have kept them for the museum, and Tony had recovered them. Bucky’s, however, were lost as soon as Bucky fell from that train. They were more rusted than Steve’s, almost as if HYDRA kept them underwater or stored for the majority of Bucky’s sentence. But no matter how Tony had gotten them, he was eternally grateful. 
“Wow,” Steve said, clearing his throat. But you were too caught up in your reading. 
      ‘Target whereabouts discovered mid-May of 2017. Only T. Stark and N. Romanoff approved for mission.
      Transport at 20:00 hours. Target(s) confirmed and exterminated at exactly 0802 Pacific Standard Time.’
You choked on the sob that suddenly broke through, hand instantly reaching up to cup your mouth. Steve put his tags back into the box, shushing you to get you to calm down. “What is it? What’d he get you?”
Four pictures accompanied the short report, each face crossed out with red paint. A tiny laugh escaped and tears of joy started to flow. To say Steve was confused was an understatement. 
“He… he got me justice.”
Steve took the file from you, reading over every word to somehow understand what you meant by justice. His eyebrows were furrowed in concentration and he looked up at you for more explanation.
You brushed your hair back and rubbed at your cheeks, the smile on your face now straining. Whether it was a sudden change of mind or the closure of your trauma was just that satisfying, you told Steve exactly what Tony and Natasha had done for you. 
“After I joined you guys in New York, Fury sent me on a mission to infiltrate and bring back information about this dude my father was trying to literally destroy. But I had to play both sides  - the good and the bad.”
Steve set the file down, his full attention on you.
“I got the information but for some reason, it wasn’t enough for my father. I had forgotten to get the most vital piece, something he thought I would automatically know,” you scoffed, your smile faltering at the next part of the story. 
“I cost him ten million. And to teach me a lesson, he let these men do whatever they wanted to me. Anything.”
Steve’s breath hitched as he understood what you meant. And it was no longer a mystery why you had been planning to kill him ‘again’ after everyone came back from the snap.
“I returned to the compound in such bad shape. I only told Natasha. She cleaned me up, she took me to med-bay in the middle of the night, she brought me breakfast in bed,” you chuckled at the memory, hand reaching out to hold Steve’s. 
“And Tony’s gift was murdering the men that hurt me.”
Steve let a few tears slip himself, his hand gripping yours tighter. “Y/N, if I would have known-”
“Hey, it’s okay. You didn’t know, though. I thought only Natasha knew. She promised me she would take care of it. I just didn’t think she would actually find them.”
“I think we know that Natasha could find literally anything and anyone,” Steve said. 
You agreed with his statement, a smile returning to your face. 
You jumped from your sitting position and went back to retrieve Natasha’s gift. “Hey, should we?”
Steve eyed the small, black box in your hand. He sighed as he walked over to you, eyes returning to the box. 
“It was meant for her.”
You frowned, “Yeah, and I’ll ask Pepper if we can give these to everyone else.”
You paused and shook the box near your ear. It felt heavy in your hand, and the contents gave a little jingle. 
“But this one was for Nat. I think she’d want us to at least see it.”
Steve chuckled and just nodded, awaiting the reveal. You pulled the ribbon and opened the box, surprised that Tony had given her a piece of jewelry. “Oh.”
Steve took the bracelet from the box, oblivious that the movement would unlock the charms from their heavy chests. In a matter of seconds, charms of similar size but different designs dropped to encircle the silver band. You inspected them in Steve’s hand - a red/white/and blue shield, Mjollnir, a pair of wings, two arc reactors, a singular arrow, a silver arm, a spider, an emerald heart, the letters ‘W’ and ‘V’ intertwined, a black cat, an ant - and your symbol, an intricately carved silver charm no bigger than your thumbnail, of your face. Tony knew no specific object or symbol was tied with your Avengers status, no one had ever given you one, but this was perfect. 
“Wow,” Steve whispered, examining each charm closely with a lazy smile on his face. 
“We were her family. This was an ode to that.”
“What do we do with it?” Steve asked.
You just shrugged, “Frame it? It would feel wrong just taking it for myself.”
Steve agreed. Later that night when Pepper returned home, you showed her what Morgan led you to. She let you keep your gifts and take the others, absolutely loving the idea of framing Natasha’s bracelet in the new compound being built. 
Present Day, 2025, 8:10 am
     The bright light from the open windows hadn’t hit you as suddenly as the random throw pillow that connected to your face, startling you with a quick gasp and causing you to choke on your spit. You snapped up, belly down and hair wild, eyes still half-lidded as you searched for the aggravator. And he stood there with a stupid grin on his face, already dressed in his stupid old man clothes, and stupid blond hair perfectly pushed back. 
“What the fuck was that for?” you tried to yell, voice cracking at the end and just the slightest hint of drool threatening to spill from the corner of your mouth. 
“I ordered room service. Plus, we have to leave in an hour.”
You grabbed as many pillows as your one free hand could hold, the other still tucked into the pillowcase below your head. You flung them wildly, none actually hitting the super soldier directly. His chuckle pulled a deep groan from you, and no longer wanting to look like a fool, you stumbled out of bed and pushed passed him roughly. 
“You could have woken me up the same time you got up.”
“But you looked so peaceful.”
His sarcasm was not helping your souring mood. Steve headed over to the monitors to turn them on, already setting up the morning video chat with Bucky and Sam. “Do you always sleep like a mounted spider?”
You flicked him off, “Leave me alone so I can take my morning piss in peace!”
You slammed the door and made your way to the toilet. Now, you were no morning person. But it was simple enough for you to crawl out of bed with only minimal protest when your awakening was a peaceful one. Having a pillow thrown at your head while mid-dream was practically excruciating and no one, not even the grandest morning person in the world, could possibly awake happy from that. And to top it all off, you couldn’t even remember what you were dreaming of. Just another thing to blame Steve for. 
After you had done your morning routine and slipped into a really comfy outfit, the breakfast finally arrived. You muttered a quiet thanks to Steve for ordering your favorites and damn him for knowing you preferred waffles over pancakes and a variety of creamers to choose from, and quickly filled Bucky and Sam in on what the plan for the day was. 
You had been on missions with Steve before, but no matter how many times you regrouped in the mornings, you had never actually seen him wake up. After your rude awakening, you wondered at what point during sunrise he opened his eyes - ‘cause you’ll be standing over him with a pillow of your own. 
“Torres has the air footage scheduled for around five today, then he’ll link you to the camera for the remainder of the mission,” Sam clarified. 
“Is it possible to link earlier?” Steve asked. 
“Not unless you can get the Wi-Fi password of the estate.”
You chuckled, still funneling mouthfuls of waffle into your mouth. “So, we can hack the Pentagon whenever we feel like it, but we can’t hack into my father’s estate without the Wi-Fi password?”
Sam cleared his throat, “You are so lucky this is a secure line.”
“Wait until she finishes her breakfast and her head will be screwed back on straight,” Steve joked, taking a long sip from his tea. 
Almost immediately, your phone dinged with a new message. You angled your phone away from Steve but your smirk was enough to alert him of a side conversation happening under his nose. 
Bucky: Ouch, I wouldn’t mind if you hit him upside the head.
Y/N: he threw a pillow at me to wake me up :(
Bucky: hit him
Y/N: bet
“Stop talking about me over the phone.”
“Don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Steve grumbled, the rough sound catching Sam’s attention as well. His eyes flashed back and forth between the two of you - Steve desperately trying to catch a quick glance at your messages, and you leaning away from him with thumbs moving at a rapid pace. 
“Y/N, how you feeling?”
You put your phone down and pretended to not notice how Steve was trying to get a glimpse of your screen. 
“A little queasy, in all honesty.”
A myriad of emotions were present and coiling in your body, each trying to sprout and bloom and gain their five seconds of fame. And for the past several years, it was easy to downplay their true power. Because the power they held wasn’t one of distressing strength, but rather one that tip-toed to the front of your anxiety driven worries. It planted itself there, up front, but ever so silent. For it to finally meet its match, to possibly be freed of such a coil - well, you were more worried about not succeeding in its erasure than its final blooming. 
“We’ve come up with a system to make sure we both don’t go overboard or to tell the other that we’re alright,” Steve said, eyes on the monitor but hands loading bullets into your trusty handguns. 
“Alright, that’s good,” Bucky spoke, finally. He typed away on his keyboard, “Give us a word we all use in case we need back-up immediately.”
“Mm, you should ask Steve. He loves his safe words.”
Steve rolled his eyes, “Something Avengers related? Or something no one would ever say?”
“Pick anything you want, just don’t let it be awkward to repeat out loud,” Sam joked. 
Steve pondered for a few seconds before he settled on his chosen word, a hint of a smile forming. “Widow.”
You nodded, “That’s sweet. She’d like us using her alias for a dirty little safe word.”
You huffed suddenly, shoulder colliding with the carpet, the realization that Steve pushed you from your chair causing you to stare at him with your mouth hanging open. “Hey!”
“Steve, every single day I accept your fate from her murderous hands,” Bucky grumbled, Sam’s loud laugh causing the speaker to give a quick halt of static. 
“She’s okay- hey!”
You flew across your chair and onto him, lunging your body as your main weapon in taking him down. You both tumbled to the floor, the sofa chair you collided with scraping along and pushing the coffee table with it. A lamp shattered on the floor right when you wrapped your arm around Steve’s neck and hooked your legs from underneath him and around his waist, his back to your front, both his arms coming up to tug yours out of reflex. 
“Yield, you little shit,” you grunted, the grip of your arm remaining loose on purpose but your legs tight, heels now digging into his slim waist. 
Steve groaned, both from your pointy heels and the sudden impact his body made with the ground. “I’m letting you win.”
“You seriously got a mouth on you.”
You let him go anyway, choosing to save your strength for the mission and not waste it on a petty little fight. Besides, you could always smother him with a pillow in his sleep. 
“You two done?”
Both you and Steve stumbled getting up, faces back in your teammate’s view as you smoothed down your clothing and wiped at your foreheads.
“Now that that’s over,” Sam continued, clearing his throat. “The only task for today is to get a feel of the place, establish a legit backstory providing you some leverage, and to swipe those ID’s.”
“Got it,” you acknowledged, standing again to begin hooking your weapons in discreet locations in your clothing. 
“And we’re not responsible for that broken lamp so it’s coming out of your paycheck.”
     California really wasn’t like any other state. There was a vast difference from Northern and Southern, the difference being the amount of green fields visible. In Southern California, the mountains and desert areas took up most of the landscape, with an industrial complex here, a growing city there, and then nothing for a good ten miles. Since most of the landscape was below sea level, the atmosphere was almost always dry, modest dust storms forming only to quickly pass a freeway and disintegrate once it found the other side. It was more urban, more lively with people. But Northern California, even if it experienced the same weather patterns as the south, was mostly humid during the winter season. The mountains here were covered in lively agriculture, livestock roamed freely in the gated areas near the freeways, and the overall environment provided a rural look. 
 And the differences just stood out to you, your excitement for the livestock starting to annoy Steve as you kept pointing out every cow you drove past. He threatened to stop the car and dare you to tip one. 
“So, how did we meet?”
Steve chuckled, “We’re coworkers, Y/N. Thought that question was obvious.”
You whined, “Steve, we have to put some drama into it! How about we say we met during one of Tony’s parties after Fury assigned you to this?” 
“And what? I asked you to dance?”
You leaned over your seat and poked his arm, teasing him. “Would you have asked me to dance?”
Steve shrugged, “I mean, sure.” 
He glanced at you and then back to the road. “Can’t we just be honest? I like the way we met.”
 You pouted, “The way we met is a matter of national security.”
   “You brought that thing back to an unguarded planet?” Loki seethed, his voice still a whisper as he followed Thor through the hallways of Avengers Tower. A tower he had been prisoner of for a few weeks now, but would soon be released from once Thor decided to return home. Besides, it had been more than a year since his unfortunate attack and after thousands of apologies, brainwashing excuses (which were true!), and quite a few long labor hours equivalent to Midgardian community service, his leash was extended somewhat. 
“How am I the more level-headed one right now?”
Thor grumbled in response, now on his hands and knees as he searched for the tiny animal that had already eaten its way through the plush of the interior walls. “It couldn’t have gotten far. And how was I supposed to know the oxygen levels here would cause it to go crazy?”
“You couldn’t. In fact, I don’t know why it’s here in the first place!”
“Keep screaming, Loki. I bet that would make it come to us quicker!”
Loki was about to come up with another quick quip, but was interrupted by a quiet mumble down the hall. 
You rocked back and forth on your heels as you stared at the two brothers - one sweeping the floor on all fours and the other ducked down to scream into his brother’s ear. “Whatcha looking for?”
“Now, don’t be alarmed, Agent. But I may have misplaced my dog.”
“Dog?” Loki tilted his head, hands now cupping the side of his head in disbelief. 
Your eyebrows shot up from his reaction, “Not dog?”
“It’s… an animal from Asgard.”
“Okay, what does it look like?” you asked, now more interested than ever. 
Thor cleared his throat and rose to his feet slowly, “Like a dragon.”
You stepped back, almost tripping over your left foot. An involuntary laugh escaped from your lips and you brought a hand up to try and stifle it. “You brought a dragon into the tower?”
“He brought a dragon back to Midgard,” Loki clarified as he walked over to the wall and pressed his ear against it. 
“Oh, yeah. That’s much worse,” you agreed. “Fury’s gonna shove his foot so far up your ass-”
“Yes, yes. I know what awaits me. Now, help us find it!” Thor begged. 
This wasn’t how you expected to spend your first day as an Avenger. After all the training and promoting, the paperwork and oaths, you thought you would have a pretty chill afternoon. Arrive at the conference room, get the name badge and a rundown of your new field suit, and meet the rest of the team. Freshly nineteen and energetic as ever, you accepted this as a test. Find the dragon, make a good impression. 
It only took a few more minutes before you three stumbled on an otherwise empty hallway, staring down the colorful creature as it licked one of its paws. 
Your eyes widened, “It looks like an alebrije.”
“You have these creatures on your planet?” Loki asked, surprise written over his face. 
“Nope, alebrije’s aren’t real. They’re fantasy.”
“Nevermind that, help me catch it!”
Loki began shushing his brother, hands swatting his massive shoulders in the process. You leaned down to the floor and tapped it with your fingernails, hoping the nice gesture would cause the creature to meet you halfway. 
“Hey, buddy,” you cooed. “Can you come here please?”
The creature raised its head, colorful eyes on full display. Similar to rings of fire, but face like a fox, and fur as soft as silk. It titled its head, interested for only a second, before it kicked back and rushed toward the three of you at full speed. 
“Oh, shit-!”
As he was the closest, Loki pushed Thor to the wall and lifted you from the ground. But before he could throw you out of the way too, the creature leaped. Loki shielded you with his body, wrapping his arms around you and picking you up as the creature kicked his back and sent the two of you flying through wall after wall. Loki was taking the force of it all, his chest angled in a way to protect your head. It was about ten walls you two flew through before you landed in what seemed like conference room B… or C… or A. Loki rolled you over and groaned in pain. You landed on your back, bright lights blinding you as you tried to adjust. Then a figure came into view as your blurry vision cleared. 
You blinked rapidly and stared up at your new Captain. You smiled, a bit delirious, and raised your hand up for a handshake. 
“Y/N Y/L/N, new recruit!”
Steve just stared, eyebrows scrunched, an expression resembling a scowl and bewilderment painted on his face. He took your hand in his and shook it. 
“Forgive us, Captain,” Loki spoke, coughing as he turned over. “But you might want to get that shield of yours.”
    “When did we become a couple?” you continued once you agreed on the ‘party meet-and-greet’ as your previous answer. 
Now, this was a question Steve was wondering about since before you mentioned the necessity of such answers. Although he didn’t fantasize about being your significant other, he did wonder what possible event could jumpstart it. If anything, and he would take this to the grave, he assumed a line would be crossed during a particularly tempting mission. Bucky had admitted to him that on one mission, and Steve promised to take this to the grave as well, Bucky had to kiss Wanda to keep their cover. The feelings subsided soon after the mission was over, but Bucky confessed to real feelings developing. So if Steve had to bet, a particularly tempting mission. 
“When we were searching for Bucky?”
You nodded, “That works. We can say the fall of SHIELD basically led to us to realize how weak the system was and how we could easily manipulate it.”
The road veered off to the side, now dirt and unevenly layered. You checked the directions Torres gave you just to make sure. 
“And when is my birthday?”
You didn’t expect Steve to answer so quickly, and to get it right. Perhaps he looked over your file and remembered, because you were certain only your little friend group knew it. It was Bucky, it had to be him, the little shit, he told- 
“A little. How do you know it?”
“Nat. Who do you think sends you those chocolates every year?”
You were overjoyed, really. “Wha-? Natasha said she did it.”
Steve smirked, “She covered for me.”
“Because for five years after the snap, you and Nat did nothing for yourselves and did everything for everyone else.” He had been witness to the two of you pulling all-nighters, washing the sheets of your fallen teammates as if they were going to return that weekend, celebrating their birthdays in secret with a small candle and a prayer. Moving from the compound and into his own apartment was hard enough, but seeing his remaining teammates wallow in cursed self-determination was worse. So, he asked Nat about your birthday to send you chocolates and a lovely handwritten note, careful to write in a font different from his natural one, and he would fold tiny paper airplanes and leave them around the compound where only Nat could find them, providing her a sense of playfulness in her busy day. Little joys to make up for such an impact.  
“If it makes you feel better, I sent gifts to Nat and Bruce, too.”
But because Bruce had no forwarding address at the time, Steve settled for quick text messages here and there. 
“And here I was thinking I was special.”
Steve laughed at your statement. He reached into the middle compartment to grab the mics you would be wearing. “By the way, make sure to hide this behind your neck. My mic will blend in as a button.”
You inspected the flat, button-like mic, awed by how intricate their design was. “They connected to Bucky’s?”
Steve clipped his onto his shoulder, the camouflage effect throwing you off. Yup, you loved science. “Yeah, they record everything and immediately send it back already transcribed.”
You unfolded the sun visor and watched how the mic picked up the color of your skin and blended naturally. “Remind me to send T’Challa and Shuri a gift basket.”
“And more.”
The estate was exactly how you remembered it. Modern and simple all at once, a brown exterior to easily blend into the surrounding forest, and massive front gate that only opened with a specific code. You leaned out the window and typed it in. There was no speaker this time, probably evidence of newly installed cameras. 
“It’s beautiful,” Steve muttered, pulling into the long driveway and following the brick road. 
It truly was. Even from where you were, you could see into the mansion as the walls were all practically made from glass. The walls in the back were normal, however, as that’s where most of the business was conducted. There were no swing doors, only large and heavy double doors made from cooled lava rock. And even though your father was a very organized man, the house was littered in trinkets of all origins: professionally stuffed exotic animals, roman and oriental statues, porcelain eggs, multiple pianos, and first editions of some of the most popular books in the world. There wasn’t any set theme for this house, but it was screaming ‘money’. 
Steve parked the car away from the others, careful to leave enough room around it to ensure an easy escape if needed.
“Remember what I said - play the part. Leave the smart mouth to me, they know me. It’s what they’ve come to expect.”
Steve clicked his seatbelt and sighed heavily, “I apologize in advance.”
You gave him a small smile, “Nothing to apologize for, Steve. Like I said, this is a mission. Don’t stress about it.”
He shook his head, “Still.”
The sincere look in his eyes sent a tingle down your arms. You cleared your throat, “I feel dirty saying this, but know your place. You may be a Captain but you’re not manning this boat.”
For some reason Steve felt that he truly needed to apologize in advance. For the past several years, it wasn’t entirely real to him. He had not been directly involved. But now that he was here, parked and staring at you - the one person who had a first hand account of the horrors inside - he needed to make sure you understood he would never actually hurt you, or you him. “I trust you.”
You removed your seatbelt and opened the door, “I trust you, too.”
It was windy today, the ruffles from the trees almost disguising the labor coming from the back. You assumed they were still building the reception area. Steve jogged over to your side and hooked your arm in his, his body tenser than yours. Someone opened the heavy doors, immediately swallowing the oxygen for miles with merely their presence. You couldn’t help yourself from a small grimace, lips spreading into a straight line as you forced any other expression besides hatred. 
Seda, standing at barely six foot and a smug look plastered on his aging face that worried even Steve. This was the man that had shot you when he was on the run - the man that would most likely do it again. 
Seda quickly stepped down the stairs, “Y/N, so lovely to see you again!”
You let go of Steve to walk ahead, arms extended to match the idea of a grand entrance. “Really? Because the last time we saw each other, you shot me in the gut.”
Steve swore he saw Seda’s upper lip twitch. “You hold too many grudges. I was just following your father’s orders.”
You rolled your eyes and finally came to a stop in front of him, arms crossed over your chest. “Obviously.”
“And I’ve finally got the chance to meet Captain America! You’re much larger in person.”
No matter the acting skills one must obtain for this line of work, it was still obvious Seda was speaking through clenched teeth. He scanned Steve up and down, somewhat intimidated.
It was such a sudden shift, one you obviously knew was coming, but the deepness of Steve’s voice still caused unnatural goosebumps to rise. “I get that a lot. Helps in this business, though.”
Seda let out a low chuckle, “I would think so.” He turned and instructed the two men who had followed him out to reopen the heavy doors.  “This way.”
Steve tried not to gawk at the amount of decorations and old-timey artifacts he swore should belong in a museum. So much furniture, so much history that shouldn’t mix but somehow worked. And was that… was that a stuffed polar bear?
“So, how you doing, Seda? Besides the usual,” you asked, hooking your arm back with Steve’s. 
Seda walked with his head held high, only tilting his head downward when giving a silent greeting to those who walked by. You tried to memorize faces or see if there was anyone you recognized. But your father barely kept the same team for more than a few years. They either left voluntarily and luckily, or were simply never heard from again. 
“Excited for the wedding. Jackeline has been running around nonstop on her finishing touches,” Seda responded. 
You huffed out a laugh, “I bet she has. She used to have a scrapbook that outlined six different wedding themes.”
“And I haven’t seen the end of it.”
Only a few more twists and turns and you were finally near the familiar hallway that housed your father’s darkest work. The interior design was purposeful, no windows and no cameras. Steve unhooked your arms, opting for a more formal presentation between the two of you. Seda was difficult to please, but your father was near impossible. Better to not have his hands all over his daughter during their first meeting.  
“Hey, what’s the wi-fi password? I’m expecting a few important emails today,” you asked before Seda opened your father’s office door. Steve had to restrain himself from blessing the ground you walked on. Bless you for remembering. 
“Thanks,” you mumbled, sending the password to Torres as quickly as you could. 
It wasn’t the grand entrance you expected, truly, but you didn’t expect to see your father simply chilling behind his desk signing a few papers. He usually paced, was in a random meeting, or on the phone. Here, he was just… strangely normal. 
He looked up, eyes locking with yours for the first time in seven years. “Now, I haven’t seen you since your little weekend trip to Jalisco!”
Yeah, since you had me shot. 
Stepping into the office, the smell of cigars was heavy. Musty and daring, enveloping you like the times it did before. But now you had Steve - sweet Steve whose warmth you could feel behind you. 
You shrugged, “I’m not traveling much outside the country these days. Too much shit going on.”
Your father stood up and let out a dry laugh, “No lie about that. Seda was telling me how loose the borders were when half the world croaked.”
“Emigration was common, yup.”
He smiled at you, walking over and placing his hands on your shoulders. You did your best not to tense your muscles. “I wish I could have been there. You guys made millions those five years.”
You swore you heard Seda scoff near the corner of the room. 
“It’s about time we met! Ernesto Vega,” your father introduced himself, holding out his hand for Steve to take. 
It was instant, the change, and you found yourself pushed softly to the side as Steve stepped forward. “Steve Rogers, sir. It’s an honor to meet you.”
Your father was practically beaming, “Y/N isn’t giving you a hard time with all the business, aye?”
Steve chuckled, “None at all. She steps back when asked.”
Okay, maybe he was a better actor than you took him for. 
“I can’t believe you even have to ask,” your father hummed, glancing back at you with a disapproving look. 
Steve shrugged, “More like ‘ordered.’”
It was scary how easily Steve was making your father laugh. “So, she listens to you? I wonder what that’s like.”
You interrupted, scoffing quietly. “I have literally done everything you’ve asked.”
And without glancing at you this time, your father quipped. “Everything but learn how not to complain.” 
You rolled your eyes and met Seda’s stare. He always enjoyed the torment your father caused you. When he ordered you do something sketchy and you objected, Seda always had a front row seat to the slaps and harsh language spit in your face. He had a way of bringing up the abuse in almost every conversation he held with you - like it gave him some form of sick satisfaction.
“Regardless of my daughter’s inability to listen, I was still surprised when she named you as her partner.”
“The whole hero game was getting boring. I needed excitement.”
Your father agreed, “Don’t we all?” 
Before he continued, he squinted his eyes at Steve and scanned him once more. Almost like he was double checking his initial choice. 
“And you’re fine with breaking the laws of the country you’re the mascot for?”
“America has changed over the last hundred years. Trust me, I should know.”
Steve was answering exactly how you two practiced. You couldn’t help the small tinge of pride that it ignited. 
“Oh, I can’t believe you’re older than me. I mean, look at you.”
“The positives and negatives of being America’s science experiment, sir.”
“But here you are now. Working for me.” Your father stepped back to sit behind his desk again. “I’m very happy.”
“Likewise, sir,” Steve replied as he shuffled closer to you, trying to not seem so suspicious. Last time Steve wanted to crawl out of his own skin was when he was barely being introduced to the new world. Times Square really was a concrete jungle, his and Bucky’s old apartment building had been demolished in the fifties, and inflation… don’t get him started on inflation.  
“I’d like you to meet my two friends.” Your eyes widened. No, you weren’t supposed to meet them today. You hadn’t planned for this. 
“Friends and competition alike.”
You tried to keep your voice steady, “Shouldn’t you warm them up before you invite them in? They’re gonna take one look at Steve and freak.”
Your father motioned for Seda to open the door. “Then prepare your speech quickly.”
Before you or Steve could come up with a game plan, your father called out to the new arrivals. “Amigos! Me gustaría presentarles al hombre detrás de toda mi operación.”
The men summoned were completely different from the last time you saw them. Given you saw Ramirez long before the snap and White even before then, change was destined. Ramirez was skinnier, no more protruding stomach, wrinkles almost nonexistent and eyes lively. He hadn’t disappeared with half the world, but one of his daughters did - so getting her back definitely helped his overall health. White, on the other hand, aged overnight. His hair was now gray, eyelids sullen but eyes wide, and his nose was tilted awkwardly, like a surgery to counteract the powder he sniffed. You couldn’t remember if he was dusted or not.
“Tienes que agradecer a mi hija por esto.”
He did not just give you credit for this. 
“No fucking way?” Ramirez spoke, almost like he was out of breath. 
Curse your father for not preparing these two. You quickly reminded yourself where your gun was hidden in case things got out of hand. 
White stepped forward, circling you and Steve as if you were displayed in a museum. “Do we each get our own Avenger?”
“Maybe in the future. But this one’s mine.”
“I’m an Avenger, too. But okay,” you mumbled, offended by his singular statement. Steve’s lip twitched slightly but the look he threw at you let you know he wanted to smile. 
“¿Cómo lo hiciste?”
“Ya sabes cómo es... La gente simplemente sigue mi ejemplo.”
You decided to speak, anything to get White to stop inspecting you like some ancient artifact. “Steve green lights the routes and passages. He’s been a main player all along.”
White squinted at you, “And how long has this been going on?”
“For almost ten years,” you answered. 
White shook his head in surprise, eyes wider than you thought possible. His accent was more slurred than you remembered. “And you’re telling us now because-?”
Your father cut in, “The world is still in ruins. If we combine our forces like we discussed before that unfortunate disappearing act, we’ll be unstoppable.”
This seemed to catch Ramirez off guard, as if he truly didn’t remember the conversation your father brought up. You shoveled his reaction deep into your memory. Maribel would have to look into it.
Still, Ramirez played along. “And you’ll be loyal to us, too? Not just Ernesto?”
Steve nodded, his posture straightening. “I would.”
Now, the two new arrivals looked at you. You raised an eyebrow. 
“Don’t look at me. I do what he says,” you admitted, nodding your head toward Steve.
They seemed to accept that answer. 
“And he’s here to help us move the shipment this Saturday?” White asked.
“That’s the plan,” your father confirmed.
It was time for Ramirez to circle you both. But he did so more casually and without the intent of kicking you in the shins, it seemed. He went to sit on the couch nearest the door, away from the crowd. You could sense Steve tensing up, so you turned your body slightly to the side so you could see Ramirez through your peripheral.
“How do we know we can trust him? What those stars and stripes have to do with us?”
“You hear that Captain?” your father asked, leaning back in his chair with that twisted smile that always made your stomach drop. “Time to prove your loyalty.”
“Are you seriously going to haze him?” you spoke, a hint of a teasing tone on your words. It was time to liven up the conversation, for both your sake, or else your father was sure to go overboard. His hand… where’s Steve’s hand?
“Does she speak for you?”
Steve stepped forward, “No, she doesn’t.”
“Prove it.”
You should really punch your chest to get your heart beating again. Was he going to make Steve try the product? Record something as blackmail? Kill someone?
“Wha-” you began, but were immediately silenced as an arm wrapped around your neck and held you in place. The coldness of the gun’s muzzle tickled just below your chin, still and steady, but nonetheless terrifying. Your father had held you in this position before - hell, most of his men did when asked. But it wasn’t any of your father’s men threatening you under orders - it was Steve.  
“Obviously, I’m not going to kill her. You need her for this whole operation to work. But a little roughing up never did any bad.”
He removed his other arm but kept the muzzle under your chin, grabbing both your arms skillfully and pinning them behind your back. 
You had never seen your father so pleased. “Why are you dating my daughter?”
Steve chuckled and clicked the safety. No, no. 
You scrambled to open your right palm and squeeze what you could reach. Steve seemed to understand right away, and he loosened his grip and placed his other shaking hand into yours. You squeezed tightly. 
“Now, that’s like asking a man why he breathes air.”
No matter the position he currently had you in, you still praised his acting skills. 
“Perhaps. But I know my daughter. Why you?”
Steve kept a firm grip. “Luck?”
“It seems so. Let her go.”
He released you immediately, clicking the safety back on. Seda was in front of him before Steve could place it back on his person, grabbing the gun and emptying it. Seven rounds tumbled and scattered to the floor. This seemed to please both men, as Steve wasn’t presenting himself with an empty threat. He really could have killed you. 
“I’m assuming Y/N has told you stories about me. About my men.”
The floor beneath you was uneven, it seemed, but once your mind stopped playing tricks on you, you settled. You shot a quick glance to Ramirez, his eyes closed and hands clasped in his lap. He seemed distant.
“Only the ones worth repeating, sir.”
“Oh? And which are those?”
“Orders and the like.”
“So, you don’t know much? Nothing interesting? Nothing that could make me seem like the bad guy?”
The room grew hot, whether it was the natural air or the bubbling anger boiling in your stomach.
“Like I said, sir. I ask her what I want to know and she tells me. Other than that, it’s your call.”
The room fell silent as they debated their other questions. 
“How much do the other Avengers know?”
You were about to respond when Steve spoke instead. “Oblivious. I’m still the stars and stripes for them.”
White scoffed, “Those symbols don’t mean shit in this new world. Ridiculous of them to still assume you’re the same man.”
Steve’s jaw tensed, “Exactly right, sir.”
This seemed to be enough for your father. He stood from his chair, walking over to shake Steve’s hand again. So righteous and personal, almost like he hadn’t just ordered the assassination of an old friend a few days ago. “I like you, Captain. You’ve boosted my business, you’ve handled my daughter, you’ve made me a lot of money.” 
He looked away from Steve to look at you now, laying eyes upon a person he hadn’t bothered to reunite with in person. You had fought so hard not to be in the same room ever again, but now you were. A small little office, holding whatever air you were forced to share, on a mission that could change everything. You hated him, absolutely detested the ground he stood on, blamed him for the fallout, the change, the hurt. 
“Seda, you trust him?”
Seda opened the office door and started ushering the other two men out. “I’m getting there.”
Your father laughed, “Always so cynical.” 
Ramirez stood from his seat behind you, already gunning to make a good impression on your Captain. He shook Steve’s hand, “Until next time.”
“Sir,” Steve returned the handshake. Ramirez only adjusted slightly, and held his hand out to you. You looked down at it, momentarily stunned from any attention, but shook it in the way you were taught. Firm, short, and ready for business. You grinned at him and he returned the same emotion. 
“Two Avengers. Wow,” he mumbled, and tilted his head in a farewell. You watched him go, a silly smile on your face. 
You went to take your leave, cautious of being left alone with your father. But as fate had it, he stopped you from leaving so simply. 
“Oh, and Y/N?” 
You turned on your heel, lips plastered in a straight line. You raised your eyebrows at him, already annoyed from the request he most certainly had, no doubt. “Meet me in a few minutes. Alone.”
You forced yourself to nod, turning quickly and leaving the room. You shuffled down the hallway, Steve hot on your trail and reaching for your hand. 
“Hey, hey. I don’t want to leave you alone.”
He tugged you back to him, but you pushed him into the corner room you were originally heading for. You shut the door softly, and allowed Steve to grip your hands in his. 
“Well, you gotta. Link our mics. You’ll hear everything.”
“Safe word?”
You chuckled lowly but retracted the teasing attitude when you saw genuine worry written on Steve’s face. “Widow, Steve.”
“I didn’t mean to scare you back there. I couldn’t think of anything else to do-”
You shushed him, voice barely above a whisper. “It’s okay. You didn’t hurt me.”
“I fuck with you all the time but I would never take it that far.”
Where was this coming from? Steve looked like he was about to start hyperventilating. “I’m good. You didn’t hurt me. I’m fine, see?” you placed his hand on your chest, making sure he could feel your heartbeat. “I’m good.”
“You’re good?”
“I’m good.”
Steve removed his hand and placed it over his own chest, rubbing slightly. “I’ll be right outside when he talks to you.”
“I know you’ll be. Now, stand guard, whistle low to alert me.”
“This the room? You know the code?”
It was a simple office as well, but resembled more of a library than a workspace. It was dimly lit, cluttered, smelled of the wooden cabinets and the dust collecting on the books, and lacked any windows as well. You nodded to confirm Steve’s question, heading over to the farthest bookshelf and pushed it away from the wall. The loose dust swooped from the wood surface and into the air instantly, and you had to pause to sneeze down your shirt. 
You wiped your nose, “I’m third in command. My father may have some things hidden but I have to know the codes to shit like this.”
Steve leaned his ear on the door gently, “You’re clear.”
You gave him a thumbs up and fiddled with the outside of the safe. It was built into the wall, black in color and definitely made way before you were born. It was quite rusted, the gold numbers on the lock almost faded. 
“Let’s hope he didn’t change it.” You turned the dial - seven, thirty-three, eighteen - and it clicked on the first try. “Bingo.”
“Did you have a backup plan if that didn’t work?”
You snorted quietly, “Smash?”
Steve rolled his eyes and pressed his ear back on the door. 
Everything inside had been recently rearranged. You figured your father used some of these ID’s when entering the country for the wedding and left them stacked on one another for the quick heist on Saturday.  “We’re in luck! Both my father’s and Seda’s ID’s are here, along with-”
You cooed, taking out your phone and opening the camera app. You snapped multiple pictures, with and without flash. “Stacks and stacks of cash.”
You pulled your purse in front of you and pulled out your wallet to make room, shoving it into your back pocket instead. 
“Help me put this in my purse.”
Steve left his post to help you shovel the ID’s discreetly into every pocket your purse provided, shoving things into corners so nothing protruded. 
“Damn, we gotta leave the money,” you pouted. 
Steve chuckled, “What a horrible thing.”
A sudden, boisterous laugh right outside the door caused you to rip your arm away from the safe, thankfully pulling the last of the ID’s with you. You pushed them into your purse, zipping it up. Steve reacted quickly as well, shutting the safe and rotating the dial, pushing the bookcase back into its original position. 
“It’s Ramirez and White,” Steve whispered, looking around the room for any help. “What do we do?”
“Ramirez…” you blinked, eyes wandering around the room as well. Think, think, think. The doorknob jiggled. “Trust me.”
You ripped your purse off and threw it to the nearest couch. You hooked your arms around Steve’s neck and jumped to wrap your legs around his waist. 
“Oh my-”
In any other scenario, the whimper that left your throat would have been caused by a surge of ecstasy. But you were frightened of being caught, the whimper a blatant signal to just follow your lead. 
“Slam me into the wall, Captain.”
The door flew open just as Steve did as he was told. 
“And I told him it was ridiculous - oh my…”
You lifted your head from Steve’s neck, wide eyes to accompany your surprised state. “Oh! I thought we locked the door!”
Ramirez covered his eyes bashfully, turning around and staring at the wall. “Don’t mind us, we were just looking for loose smokes.”
Opposite to his intruding partner, White laughed at the scene before him. He dipped low, hands on his knees as he joked. “Didn’t think Captain America had it in him! Been a stiff ever since the ice, huh mate?”
You could feel Steve tense against you, and he froze entirely. You drew your hand up to play with the strands of his hair, putting on your best flirty tone possible. “Oh, trust me. He’s pretty stiff right now.”
Steve seemed to calm under your touch, so he turned his head over his shoulder and gave an embarrassed smile of his own. 
“Excuse us again, Y/N. You two enjoy your time,” Ramirez apologized, pulling at White’s jacket to guide him out of the room. Once you heard the click of the door, you jumped from Steve’s grasp and immediately began patting his back. 
“I’m sorry.”
Steve chuckled, his blush rising from his shoulders to his cheeks. “It’s okay, you saved us.”
You inspected him closely, a little embarrassed with yourself. It was a bold move, but one that needed to be done. You stood in silence for a few more seconds, each of you adjusting to such a sudden change of breathing pattern. 
You shut your eyes and groaned silently, “I need to speak with him.”
“Can I wait outside the door?”
You picked up your purse and swung it around your torso, “No, you need to wait in the car. Or smother Ramirez and White, your call.”
The lines on Steve’s forehead deepened, “Y/N, I can’t leave you alone with him.”
You wanted to argue further because Steve really over exaggerated. You fought a whole army of aliens, robots, and even the infamous Winter Soldier. Sure, you lost the battle with Thanos on the first try, you lost a teammate with Ultron, and gained a collapsed lung from Bucky’s insane roundhouse kick, but you were positive you could take your father. “You’re gonna have to. I’ve been alone with him before.”
Steve placed his hands on his hips and gave you a blank stare. “He shot you last time.”
“Ehh, Seda did.”
You laughed softly, “Then wait in the living room.”
“The shield’s in the car. If you need help, I may not have enough time-”
Steve and that goddamn shield. The guy was acting like he wasn’t a super soldier. You were annoyed. Annoyed with a pinch of salt?
“You whip that shield out to save me and I swear to god-”
“Okay, okay. I’ll link our mics.”
He fumbled around on his phone for a few seconds before you heard the softest beep from below your ear. 
     The last time you had entered that room alone, you left with a bullet lodged deep in your abdomen and with the threat of having it done again. Stumbling and crashing into the walls and random trinkets, leaving your blood stains on anything you used to steady yourself. This time would be different - it had to be. Your father wouldn’t shoot you with the Captain America waiting in the other room. Then again, your father always seemed to top himself each time you were forced to interact personally. In an instant, he dropped the good guy act. Or, hyped joy. 
Now, his stare was cold and calculated, posture upright like he was awaiting your arrival. You couldn’t help but smile and roll your eyes, a tiny scoff breaking the silence as he returned it. 
“You’re one damn good actor.” 
He chuckled deeply, “We do what we have to do in front of the people who threaten our reign.” 
You kicked the leg of a nearby chair to turn it toward you. Sitting down, you retorted with a chuckle of your own. “You’re not royalty.” 
“We are... you are.”
Third in command. Daughter of the biggest drug lord south of the border? In most cases, you could be considered goddamn royalty. Did you want to be? No, because the title that seemed to fit was ‘a chess piece in the middle of a mad supremacy’. But that was too long.  
“So, what is this? You scared my Captain is gonna knock you off your feet and take your place?” 
His hands slammed the desk. His little basket of pens and pencils toppled over and spilled onto the floor. “I have waited seven, long years for you to bring that man to me. And each time you defied me. Tell me why I shouldn’t kill you right now!” 
You remained seated, a blank stare boring into your father’s. “Uh, probably because he would avenge me. Get it?” 
He wasn’t one for jokes, though. “It would be so easy.” 
Aggravating him further was not the smartest thing to do. And Steve had the same thought as he fumbled with his own thumbs outside, hearing the conversation from afar. He almost wanted to barge in just to put your ass in time out. 
But you had seven years to make up for - a little joke here and there shouldn’t hurt much. 
“You do know I’m an Avenger, right? Trained by Natalia Romanoff herself?” 
You worded your sentence carefully, her alias need not be spoken out loud unless you needed backup. 
“Answer me.”
When his nostrils flared, you knew better than to twist the knife. 
“Steve didn’t sign the accords. He was on the run for two years before you asked me for him. This is public knowledge.”
He pointed his index finger at you, shaking it wildly. “You lie. Why you lie?”
You had to blink multiple times through your shocked state, mouth agape and involuntarily racks of laughter spilling. He couldn’t be serious. You could only repeat the same thing so many times. 
“Like I said all those years ago - He. Was. On. The. Run. No contact. I had no way of contacting him!”
He struggled to grab whatever on his desk to raise toward your face. In this case, he pointed his phone in a threatening manner. “Excuses! Remember the last time you made such a poor excuse?”
The laughing stopped, your mouth immediately shutting. You clenched your jaw to work through your murderous impulses. 
You wondered how your hands would look wrapped around his neck. Red and angry, tightening as each desperate second passes, nails forming crescents as they pressed in his skin. If there was a window, you would definitely kick him out of it. Wave goodbye as he fell dramatically. But the mansion was one story high and you couldn’t magically conjure up a window. God, this would be the absolute best time to have Wanda or Loki here to use some of that dark magic. Either way, you just wanted to wipe that shit-eating grin off his face right now. 
“He. Was on. The run.”
“And I thought you learned your lesson.”
You stood from your seat and leaned on the desk, arms holding you up and face inches away from his. “You gonna send in your men to remind me? With my Captain a few feet away?”
His lips were trembling as much as yours were - face blotchy with silver droplets of sweat and an angry blush now reaching his forehead. For a seventy-five year old man, he still had such a rage in him that didn’t risk a heart attack. Lucky bastard. 
“He best not interfere if it’s what I choose to do.”
Outside, Steve gripped the back door handle to the point it squished in on itself, metal twisting awkwardly and splintering the paint. His free hand was balled into the meanest fist, even his stubby nails wreaking havoc on his pale palm. He was making himself bleed by the restraint. He took slow breaths, eyes closed but ears fully alert. He wouldn’t cry. Not right now. 
“I called you back alone to invite you to breakfast the day after tomorrow.”
Whether it was because he knew you were only a few seconds from lunging yourself across his desk to break his neck or because he was tired from all the energy he had just exerted, your father slumped back into his seat as he spoke. 
“The hotel has free breakfast.”
He shook his head in complete astonishment, “You’re not getting out of this. I have important business to discuss with each of you.”
You continued to stare him down, “Over coffee?”
He shrugged his shoulders, “I can’t leave the estate so close to the wedding. Your sister is flying in tomorrow and I have to make sure construction is done by then.”
“Right, ‘cause you’re the best father in the world.”
Being in the same room was suffocating, but you couldn’t help but be fascinated by the man. How unbelievably thoughtless yet calculated he could be. How unbelievably fake yet so damn real in all his hidden meanings.
“Jackeline likes to think so.”
Your sister was sweet, sure, and there was an unspoken agreement between the two of you to not fight one another, being the only daughters and all. But you were eight years old when she was born, already tainted by the world in which she was just born into. Forgive your lack of sisterly bond. When you were sixteen, you dipped. Now, at the sprouting ages of twenty-six and eighteen, you two couldn’t be more different. 
Actually, yes you could. If she thought your father was a good man, she was entirely ignorant of the world she lives in. 
“Good for her. Why don’t we discuss the shipment transport during the most important day of her life?”
“Nice try. That’s what the rehearsal dinner is for - rehearsal.” 
You gave your father a sad smile, “You really won’t trust me. After all these years of following your orders.”
“Now, let’s not go bringing up the past.”
You interrupted, “Why not? You’re trusting my Captain and I to help you move that shipment but won’t trust me enough to tell me where it is right now?” 
He was back to standing but he was much calmer. “Right now, I trust your Captain more than you. What kind of man would leave everything moral behind for a bunch of criminals? A bad one.”
“You’ve known him for like, two seconds.”
Your father searched his pockets for loose cigarettes. “He left everything moral behind for me. For you. And you left me behind for everything moral.”
Rolling your eyes, you backed away from his desk and headed for the door. “Sometimes you don’t make any sense. Is that it? Are we done?”
“You accept my invitation?”
“Do I really have a choice?”
     The mansion seemed larger than when you entered, the hallways longer, the walls closing in, the trinkets reaching out to stop you by the wrist. The longer you stayed in this hell hole, the more likely you were probably going to unleash the rage attached to your body in the form of your favorite weapons. Bomb the hell out of this place. 
You marched to Steve’s car. He was already waiting, leaning along the passenger door like he was going to open it for you. If he did, you might kill him too. So, you repeatedly snapped your fingers at him and pointed around the car, silently but angrily motioning him to get in. He didn’t need to be told twice. In fact, he thought it might be therapeutic for you to throw the door open and slam it yourself. It was. 
Steve started the car. He didn’t need to ask, there was no reason to since he heard everything. And so did Sam. Bucky. Scott. It was being transcribed as you swerved out of the estate. God, you wanted to throw up. 
“I’ll tell you when to stop.” 
Steve choked on his breath, “Stop?” 
You rolled down the windows to breathe in the crisp cold air, teeth becoming sensitive as it passed into your lungs. “Once we get past the cameras and nearby neighborhoods.” 
“Did you need-“ 
“When I say stop, stop. Fucking damn, Steve! Listen to me for once!”
Steve didn’t know why he was challenging you. Your father had just brought up one of the most traumatic moments of your life, basically called you a hypocrite and a coward - he tried to tear you down. And here you were, holding it all together like the champ he found you to be. But he never handled your outbursts well, even if they were completely justified. 
“Don’t fucking give me orders if you won’t tell me what they’re for!”
“Stop the fucking car!”
He slammed on the breaks, instincts still kicking in during your argument and he reached his arm out to your side to hold you back from the powerful surge. His body lunged forward, however, chest hitting the steering wheel and horn. 
You scrambled out of the car and ran into the woods, feet guiding you through mud and prickly bushes until they reached a more secluded spot. Steve stumbled along after you, nearly tripping over the same rocks you had avoided masterfully. 
Before he could ask what you were doing, you pulled your gun from its hidden holster and clicked the safety. Steve’s eyes bulged out of his head just in time to see the first round sound off mid-air. He crouched down to the floor and shielded his head. You shot away from him, obviously, until all seven rounds were dislodged, aimed in the sky diagonally. 
Once the last bullet exited, you simply packed everything up. Now calm and collected, you turned around and headed back for the car.
Steve’s voice cracked as he spoke, “Seriously?”
You pushed branches away from your head as you walked, “Seriously.”
“Do you know how dangerous that is? Those bullets don’t just disappear into thin air,” Steve scolded, jogging up to speed walk beside you. 
“So fucking what? I’m keeping the rent low in this area, then.”
Steve sighed in defeat, “Talk to me.”
“Sorry, I’m shutting down.”
You groaned, tears of frustration not entirely formed, but in their beginning stages. “You already know what’s stressing me out, Steve. Do you need it in writing?”
“I know, I’m sorry,” Steve lowered his voice. “What do you need me to do?”
“Just,” you paused, stopping to face him. You opened and closed your hands mid-air as if that would help you formulate your sentences better. “I don’t know. But when I find out, I’ll let you know.”
This Steve could accept. So he simply nodded, guiding you the rest of the way with his hand gently placed on your lower back. 
     The drive back to the hotel was fairly silent. The radio provided a calming relief from such drama. Steve would glance at you every so often to check on you, but you were always resting your eyes. This was only the first day of the mission - officially. If you were this drained from one encounter, Steve needed to rethink this whole operation. Whether it was healthy to keep you on, or if the threat was just too large. But no matter the alternatives, Steve understood that this week was going to be difficult either way, and you needed to be present. This was your mission after all. He was just your partner. 
Even with a thousand things on your mind, you were still conscious enough to check your surroundings, check-in with the agent posted behind the front desk, and reconnect your mic with the teams. 
Steve pushed open your room door and threw the car keys on one of the nearby tables. “Nap time?”
You ignored his initial question, “I didn’t think seeing them in person again would be so draining.”
Steve watched you carefully, somewhat scared that you would pull out your gun again and shatter a window. “It was pretty cramped.”
You started to disarm yourself, tearing off your sweater and holsters clumsily. “And they acted like we were all on good terms! Around you, at least. I know they’re acting for my sister’s sake and then we can go back to hating each other after, but really?”
Steve sat on the edge of his bed, eyes sorry. “I really don’t know what to say.”
You threw yourself onto your bed, burying your face into the pillows. You continued speaking, albeit muffled. “You don’t have to say anything - just let me rant.”
“You’ll tire yourself out, Y/N. C’mon, we gotta draft up this report-”
You lifted yourself up and started smoothing down your hair, “I need a drink.”
Steve pointed to the computer, “The report.”
“A drink.” 
“Y/N, it’s getting late. The sooner we draft it, the sooner-”
You grumbled out again, already opening the door and shoving your boots on. “Steve, I need a drink. You know what they do to me, what they’ve done to me, what they continue to do every single day. Now, join me or not but I am going downstairs for a drink.”
Steve paused for a moment, looking around the room hesitantly. “Can I at least take the laptop?”
You threw your head back and walked out the door, “Take the goddamn laptop, jesus fucking christ, c’mon.”
     If there’s one thing you were happy about today, it was that you booked a hotel with a mini bar on the second floor. It wasn’t an outright full bar, but it was low lit, clean and the counters were made from fine wood, and there was a variety of flavors to choose from. There were only a few hotel guests spread out and a single bartender. You and Steve took seats at the counter. 
“Whiskey sour,” you called for the bartender, trying and failing to give him the nicest smile you could. 
Steve settled in his bar stool, “Thought you wanted to drink to drink hard.”
You chuckled at him and extended your arms in a stretch, “I’m mad, not depressed.”
He grinned at your movements - as if just sitting in a bar already loosened you up. “In that case, get me a beer.”
     Natasha had called Steve for help after your fourth beer and fifth whiskey. Her coaxing proved to be pointless, each request of a safe passage home seeming to enter one ear and leave the other. And you’ll end up killing her when you were sober enough for sending unwanted reinforcements, but even she didn’t want to fight you. If you wanted to drown in liquid courage, that courage churning itself into raw despair, then she would allow it. 
Steve stared at you for a few moments. Head hanging low, a deep frown etched into your tired expression, index finger tapping your glass as if you were debating whether to down it in one go or to leave it. Steve had never seen you like this, guard destroyed and face practically pale, just begging to be left alone. And it seemed the whole bar felt the same way, as there was no music playing and everyone was wallowing in their own grief. 
“I can spot you from a mile away, you know?”
Your voice immediately pulled Steve from his own mind and he was surprised you could still form coherent sentences given the amount of empty glasses in front of you. 
“I don’t mean to interrupt.”
You scoffed, leaning away from him as he sat down in the stool beside you. “Natasha sent you. Don’t tell me otherwise.”
“I’m not saying anything.”
Steve ordered a beer for himself, and although he was driving, one beer wouldn’t impair him anyway. It wouldn’t even cause a dent in his 20/20 vision. 
“Fucking ridiculous, it’s fucking ridiculous!” 
The bar patrons seemed to wince simultaneously and the bartender simply gathered a few of your empty glasses to wash. Steve didn’t hush you, didn’t touch you, didn’t try to reassure you. If you needed to cause a scene, it was time. Your silence for the past week had been frightening, but when Tony returned last night, half dead and without the kid, it seemed to be your breaking point. 
“Wanda destroyed it. She destroyed the fucking stone and all he did was use another to bring it back.”
Steve took a sip of his beer to disguise his quivering lip, but his eyes had no curtain. His waterline swelled with fresh tears, eyes instantly reddening, an undesired sting pinching the corners. 
“Strange must have had a reason. He must’ve, but - how can that reason include the death of trillions?”
“We’re going to find a way-”
“And if we don’t?”
Steve kept his lips on the bottle, incisors biting down only slightly as he took in your rhetorical question. You continued speaking.
“He destroyed the stones.”
“Carol is looking for answers.”
You shook your head and pulled out your wallet, leaving whatever cash you had on the counter before standing up. You stumbled but Steve latched onto your arm and pulled it to hug his waist. 
“Loki?” you mumbled, raising your head to lock eyes with Steve. He didn’t know if you were calling him another name or if you were asking for the God’s whereabouts. “Bucky?”
“Hey, stop, stop.”
Steve could only nod. What use was it to lie to you? Your new vertical position seemed to magnify the true extent of your intoxication as your eyes finally glazed over and limbs trembled. 
“Let’s get you home, okay?”
Gripping his shirt, you apologized each time it would crumble and you would accidentally tug it downward. But Steve didn’t care. You were practically limp in his arms, heavy and without proper use of your legs. 
“You’re a good man, Steve.”
Steve sighed sadly but couldn’t help the small smile that formed as he looked down at you and found you sporting a silly one of your own. 
“A really good man. I’m happy you’re still here.”
Steve paused for a moment, taking in your words and holding back his own tears. If there was a time he wanted to be drunk off his ass, it would be now. He was somewhat jealous of the brief relief alcohol had given you, loose and not fully aware of the drama of the world. “I’m happy, too.”
“No, you’re not,” you slurred, allowing Steve to guide you to his car. You slumped against the passenger door as Steve searched his pocket for his key. “I heard you crying last night.”
Steve halted his search mid-pat, a hard crease forming between his eyebrows as he lifted his head. “I wasn’t-”
“I cry too,” you admitted, a drunken pout on your face. “You don’t have to lie to me.”
Perhaps it was a dirty thing for him to do at this moment because you wouldn’t remember a single word of this conversation in the morning, but he figured there was no immediate harm. He found his key, unlocked the car, and helped you inside. Only once he entered the car himself did he take advantage of your blurry mind. 
“I cried for Sam and Bucky. Who do you cry for?”
You clicked the seatbelt on, mind clear enough for safety precautions it seemed. “Poor Wanda.”
Steve nodded and started the car. “Anything else?”
“Did I ever tell you about the time Loki asked me on a date?”
Steve immediately shut off the car and turned to you. “Huh? When?”
You grinned, small giggles bubbling from your chest. “A few months ago. He was so shy, too. I said yes.”
Steve ignored the twinge in his chest, “How was it?”
You leaned your head back and tilted it towards him, your smile faltered slightly. “Never went on it. And now he’s dead.”
The urge to lean over and wrap you in a much needed hug was there, eating away at him since you called him a good man. But he had taken advantage of this situation far too much, so he simply nodded in understanding and started the car again. 
“I’m sorry.”
You barely heard him, but you mumbled a quick response before letting the alcohol fully consume you. “Me too.”
     You thanked the bartender when they slid you your drink. “I hadn’t seen him since before the world went to shit.” You took a quick sip. “Kinda strange.”
Steve nodded, wondering if he should dive deep into the issue at hand. Instead of outright saying his outdated spiel, he eased into it. He gave you a few needed sips of your drink, at least.  “Y/N, can I ask an honest question?”
You hummed, “My toes are already tingling. You could probably ask me what my kinks are and I’d tell you.”
Steve suddenly burst into a fit of giggles, “You never could handle a sip of alcohol.”
Your eyes rounded at his reaction. Perhaps the alcohol affected him in other fun ways that he didn’t know. “Nope, I’m a lightweight.”
Steve contained himself before clearing his throat, “The question…”
“Go ahead.”
He rolled his shoulders and took a sip of his beer. Leaning in closer, he lowered his voice. “If it comes down to it, and god forbid you’re incapacitated, do you want me to kill your father?”
Your mouth opened slightly, the words stuck behind your tongue. You looked down at your drink, as if some special response was swimming in it. You knew your answer, but the way to phrase it was lost. 
“I don’t want his blood on your hands.”
“But if it was the last choice?”
You sighed, “If you pull that trigger, they’ll never stop coming after you.”
Steve’s eyebrows scrunched together, “But if you pull it?”
You shrugged and raised the glass to your lips. “That’s my life, Steve. Let me deal with the consequences.”
“That’s just it - you don’t have to. At least, not alone.”
God, you hated how perfect Steve sounded all the time. Whenever he was annoying you, fighting you, or protecting you, his syllables were stretched in the most glorious way, dipping into every crevice of the person they were delivered to and warming inches of body slowly. You wanted him to have somewhat of an evil side for once in his life, but no matter how many times you thought he would explode, he didn’t.
Two years ago, when he dropped you from his life in an instant, you had assumed you finally caught a glimpse at this evil side. It was the only time you were truly scared of him. 
“You really are a good person.”
Steve swished his beer bottle around, “I wish everyone would stop being surprised by that.”
“I’m not surprised. I guess I just want to hate you, and I can’t.”
Steve’s shoulders slumped like crumbling mountains and you couldn’t stop thinking about how vulnerable he looked. You wanted to pull him closer and rest your head to his chest, hear his heartbeat and apologize for theorizing a possible hatred. 
“Why do you want to hate me?”
“When you wouldn’t sign the accords, part of me saw that as the mascot of America not caring if he invaded and pillaged everything in his path.”
“But I-” Steve interjected, but you stopped him by raising your hand and waving it gently. 
“I know why you didn’t. Hell, I helped you escape.”
“Why did you help if you hated me?”
Being vulnerable with Steve wasn’t anything new. You were each other’s support system for those lonely five years, but it all changed the moment you defeated Thanos. So, for the last two years you didn’t quite get along. But here, now, you could always tell when Steve was being honest and open. 
“Guess I thought that if you were willing to help me with my family, I should help you with yours.”
His therapist desperately tried to rationalize the experiences Steve would tell, instructing him to look past hard exteriors and accept help from others. That his old friends were still friends, and enemies should never be compared to those he loved. And he knew he was easily blinded when something or someone had the slightest mishap, instantly writing it off as harmful. 
He spoke of you often during his one hour sessions - stories of your blatant silliness and crude jokes; how you would poke your finger into his sandwiches when you thought he wasn’t looking; how you almost beat up a kid and his little gang for baiting Peter after his identity was exposed; and how you and Sam had gotten into a bar fight over something so trivial, so unnecessary, that it was almost unbelievable to see you innocently scoot away from the body on the floor in the police video, as if you had nothing to do with it and those few feet of distance automatically cleared you. 
His therapist would just listen. 
“Did I ever thank you?”
You smiled sadly, “You went into hiding soon after. Then we went to battle, lost everyone, went to battle again, and then…”
“And then.”
‘And then’ wasn’t really something you two liked to bring up. It was still a fresh wound, somewhat patched up, but still open. 
You spaced out for a few minutes, both of you enjoying your drinks. You were no longer drinking to get drunk, not that it was your original goal to begin with. You just sat in comfortable silence, reliving the events earlier that day and drafting an internal report. 
“What are you thinking about?”
You pursed your lips and thought, clicking your tongue when it finally dawned on you. “This was the first time I saw Marcus White sober.”
Steve sat up straighter, “Are you sure? He didn’t look it.”
“Yeah, he usually speaks quickly and he fidgets. But he was coherent this afternoon.”
“Should that be a red flag?”
You took out your phone and sent a quick text to Torres for him to monitor White closely for the next few days, just in case. “A big one. My father referred to him more often than he did Ramirez.”
Steve tackled every idea in his head quickly, speaking as a new one popped up. “They could be planning a move against Ramirez. He’s close to overthrowing your father.”
You raised your head from your phone, “And the wedding would be a perfect distraction.”
“He would kill his greatest rival on your sister’s happiest day?”
You let out a low chuckle, “This man has nothing to lose. It won’t matter who he topples along the way.”
Steve opened the laptop, silently congratulating himself for bringing it despite your insults, and began drafting the report. The two of you worked for the next hour, nursing a couple more drinks before you sent the final copy to Bucky. 
TAGLIST: @dumb-ass-writer @justab-eautifulmess @supraveng @mycosmicparadise @missnighttigress​
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artzychic27 · 3 years
The Artist Family? (new movie)
A month has passed since Marc and Nathaniel met and fell in love at age fourteen, now they’re dating
To celebrate their one month anniversary, they decide to visit one of the most romantic spots ever- The burned-down forest they met in- Only to run into some trouble
The mobs from their previous homes have still been looking for them since the incidents and were finally able to track them down
The couple manage to escape the angry mob with the help of Marc’s spiders and a friendly severed hand who cause a distraction
So they can get away quicker, That drives them in an old hearse he found in a graveyard
Marc: Mi querido, why must hoards of angry villagers follow us everywhere?
Nathaniel: *Kissing Marc’s hand* Meyn ziskeyt, I swear to you, we will find someplace so dark, so sinister, so dastardly that no one in their right mind would be caught dead in!
*They arrive in Paris*
Nathaniel: Huh. I see it’s changed over the last few centuries. And I’m noticing a lack of guillotines.
As they lament about how they can’t keep running for the rest of their lives, That, who was recklessly driving, runs over something in the middle of the road, right near an old funeral home shrouded by fog and cut off from the rest of the city
Marc/Nathaniel: *Excitedly* We hit something!
They rush to see who or what they’ve hit, and see that the figure is a blonde, pale young man who seems to have most of his organs missing
They realize that the person they ran over is Félix Culpa, a young man who died centuries ago, but was never given a funeral because the mortician prepping him got the plague. He regains consciousness and goes to attack the two, but Nathaniel just hands him their bags
Nathaniel: Thanks, man. Hey, you mind showing us around the place?
And that’s how Félix became their butler
When they arrive at the old funeral home, they’re given a very warm welcome.
Spirit of the House: GET OUT!
Marc: ... It’s hideous.
Nathaniel: It’s horrible...
Marc/Nathaniel: It’s home.
Weeks goes by, and more people begin to occupy the home, making amazing first impressions
Marinette and Alix actually snuck in and have been living in the walls for a short period of time until Félix found them
Marc found Rose resting in one of the open graves in the backyard
And Juleka Samara-crawled out of the swamp with her hair covering her face
The six of them share their backgrounds, sympathize with each other about how they were run out of their homes, and make the decision to change their last names to Artist
Now they’re sixteen while Alix is still fifteen
Meanwhile, down in Paris, Gabriel Agreste is taking the fashion world by storm, and his clothing (All basic and dull) is a big hit in Paris (For reasons no one understands but they won’t say anything for fear of not fitting in)
His son, Adrien Agreste goes for a bike ride through the woods with his two friends, Nino and Alya, where they come across the gate that separates outsiders from the Artists’ home
They’re immediately scared away when Marinette opens the creaking gate that sounds like the end of the world when opened
Also, Alix’s sinister sixteen is coming up in a few weeks, and part of the celebration is a swordfight, which she is nowhere near ready for
Nathaniel: Alix, you need to practice. It’s the day your family and friends judge you and pass judgement on your worth as a human being!... It reminds me of Hanukkah.
During one dinner, Marinette asks a question that shocks everyone
Marinette: Do you guys think things beyond the gate have changed?
Tumblr media
Juleka: ... What?
Marinette: It’s been years, surely things must be different now. Earlier today, I swore I heard people.
Marc: Outside is forbidden.
Marinette: But-
Marc: Forbidden!
Back in the city, Gabriel is anticipating the arrival of tourists to buy his new line of clothing which he calls, Conformist
While filming a commercial, a red balloon floats astray and makes its way towards the Artists’ home, which Marinette finds as she’s “helping” Alix prepare for the Swordfight
Alix: Why are you helping me?
Marinette: Because. You are like my sister... And... I... Love... You...
Alix: ... You seem trustworthy.
Big mistake
Marinette: *Walks inside with the balloon* Good news, Alix is gone.
Marc: *Holding a sword to Nathaniel’s neck* Mari, go dig up Alix.
Marinette: You and Nathaniel are once again weakening this generation.
Nathaniel: *Points to balloon* Mari, where did you get that?
Marinette: I’m not sure.
Marc: Strange. There’s usually a murderous clown attached to the other end of these.
Juleka: *Gasp!* And what is this?! *Plucks a piece of pink confetti off of Marinette’s shoulder*
Nathaniel: Smells like cotton candy. *Off their confused looks* I was young and stupid, alright?
The Artists go outside where they find rainbow confetti raining down, and the fog that covers their home is lifting up, revealing to them the town
Much to Marc’s protests, Nathaniel suggests they go see the place for themselves
Marinette: This day is becoming most miraculously disruptive.
While filming another commercial, the Artist Family’s house is in the camera’s shot, and Gabriel passes out the second he sees it
*Somewhere else* Nino: ... I feel an overwhelming sense of... Joy.
The Artists arrive in their hearse, and immediately capture the attention of the other Parisians. They’re given strange looks wherever they go, and sometimes people run away screaming
No one has run them out with pitchforks yet. Yay!
Alix: Guys! *Pulls a tire off of a police car* They’re just giving these away!
Juleka: Alix, mind your manners, people might want tires, too.
After getting coffee grounds, the Artists come across Adrien, Alya, Nino, Chloé, and Lila in the park, prancing around in pink and blue outfits and singing about being conformists
Rose: Wow... That is absolutely horrible!
Marinette: ... *Dumps coffee grounds* I’ve suddenly lost my appetite. However, that blonde boy... Intrigues me
And it seems the feeling is mutual when Adrien steals glances at the gothic girl with braids
Rose: ... Yeah, I’m done with this song. *She hikes up the hem of her robe, releasing hundreds of bats that scare off the crowd* Done and done!
Done with these people, Marc wants to leave, Nathaniel insists that things have changed, but his boyfriend is still reluctant... Cue Gabriel
He insists on hiring interior decorators to fix up the Artists home (So tourists aren’t scared off) Marc, with some urging from Nathaniel allows him to do so.
Marinette: That man seems deranged. His face reminds me of a death mask.
*Somewhere else* Nino: In the future... I will have a new friend. Blue hair. Braids.
Back at the Artists Home, Nathaniel, Juleka, and Rose help Alix prepare for her Swordfight
Rose: Of all the Sinister Sixteens I’ve seen, Nathaniel’s was the stuff of legends.
Juleka: So no pressure!
Gabriel, Adrien, the design crew, and the news crew arrive, ready to remove the gloom and macabre form the Artists’ home
Félix: *Answers the door* Youuuuuu raaaaaanng?
Adrien: *Calling Alya and Nino* Hey, so I’m going into the creepy mansion. If I don’t come back, I’m dead... I love you too, Nino... Yes, Alya, I know he’s your boyfriend.
Much to his relief, Adrien is left outside and goes around back to explore
Gabriel: I do hope this isn’t a bad time.
Nathaniel: The worst!... Do come in.
Gabriel spends most of the time making light criticisms and jabs at the decor, the Artists themselves, their clothes, and Marc’s spiders (Which he considers the greatest insult)
Meanwhile in the backyard, Adrien is nearly killed by a crossbow. To his horror and awe, he finds the shooter: Marinette in all of her dark glory
Immediately, he develops a small crush on her. She’s not like the other girls at school who constantly cling to and flirt with him because of his father’s wealth
He tries his hand at impressing her by shooting an arrow, but accidentally shoots Rose, which actually does impress Marinette
Adrien: So, why haven’t I seen you and your siblings at school?
Marinette: We’re coven-schooled. But, blondie, do tell... *Leans in close so she can hear Adrien’s rapid heartbeat* Can anyone attend your school?
Gabriel and his crew leave, having made no renovations to the Artists’ home. And when Nathaniel explains that family and friends will be coming over for Alix’s Sinister Sixteen, that just motivates the designer even more
Down in Gabriel’s secret lair, he spies on the Parisians through a social media app where he fills the comments section with rumors about the Artists, saying they’re anarchists and breed spiders... Okay, so they’re not all rumors
*The Next Day* Nathaniel: Monochrome, I know the man is an eccentric, but- *Marinette appears behind him* Aah!
Marc: Mari, you know Nathaniel scares easily. Practice your lurking on someone else. *Marinette appears behind him* Better. Now what’s on your mind?
Marinette explains that she wants to atener school, much to Marc’s horror and Nathaniel’s excitement. She needs to torment more kids her own age.
Marc doesn’t want her to go, worried she might fall under the influence of the... Conformists, but Nathaniel somehow convinced him
Marinette walking into school: Ah, so these are the gates of hell.
Adrien, while being crowded by girls he doesn’t even like (Especially Lila and Chloé) becomes awestruck when he sees Marinette walking in. She looks like a beautiful demon queen
Lila and Chloé see this and try to intimidate her, but this is what Marinette says,
Marinette: Listen you future plastic surgery disasters, I’m not locked in here with either of you. You and your outdated, distasteful “outfits” are locked in here with me. And don’t you forget it.
Alya just might dump Nino so she can ask this girl out. Polyamory works too. / Adrien: Back of the line.
Mendelive’s biology class: They’re dissecting frogs.
Adrien: Aw, I feel bad for doing this.
Marinette: Relax. Rose showed me how to do this hundreds of times. *Cue Frankenstein equipment* FLIP THE SWITCH! *Adrien flips the switch and electrocutes all of the frogs* LIVE! LIVE MY CREATURE!
The frogs come to life and attack Lila and Chloé. Karma at its finest. Alya and Nino are impressed by her more than ever
Alya: It is an honor and a privilege to watch you work, spooky girl.
Back at the Artists’ Home, it’s game night! They’re playing the game of Death, but Marc isn’t focused. It’s late and he’s wondering where Marinette is
Finally, she arrives, but much to Marc’s horror, she has a Ladybug hair clip! He’s in so much shock that his face flushes red and a bat has to drink his blood
Marc: What. Is. That?
Marinette: Adrien calls it a “Pop of color” says it brings out my... Smile.
Marc: You don’t have a smile.
In order to see what’s going on with his sister/friend, Marc suggests they do ‘Tea & Seance’ like old times... Only she bails to hang out with Adrien, and they give each other makeovers as acts of rebellion
Meanwhile, Alix is upset because she still can’t get the hang of sword fighting and Nathaniel has been working so hard to help her
Marinette returns from her hangout with Adrien, almost making Marc faint when she shows up wearing pink and her hair in pigtails.
Marc: Okay, this is where I sever the line! You are not going back to that school!
Marinette: *Gives him the evil eye before leaving* You can’t tell me what to do.
Juleka: Dear Hades, that is some evil eye.
Horrified by Adrien’s new gothic look and attitude, Gabriel spreads more rumors about the Artists
Frustrated by the lack of support from her family/friends, Marinette runs away and goes to stay with Adrien
Alix: I always knew it would end up like this. Just didn’t know when.
Marinette: Farewell, Alix! I will never forget you, but I’ll try.
The next morning, Marinette, Alya, and Nino are helping Adrien look for his phone, which Gabriel his hidden punishment for his new look
While looking, they stumble across Gabriel’s lair and discover he’s been spying on everyone in Paris. Gabriel discovers them snooping and locks them in Adrien’s room while he goes to greet the tourists... And some unexpected guests
Nathalie: *Dials Gabriel* Gabriel, it’s an emergency. They’re here! The Artist Family!
The Artists more... Eccentric family members (Gina Dupain, Uncle Wang, Master Fu, Luka, Fei, Jagged, Penny, and the art teacher for example) have arrived to attend Alix’s sinister sixteen.
Things are going well so far. Juleka reunites with Luka, Fei battles Gina to the death, but Marinette still hasn’t arrived, so they do the sword fight without her... Which Alix fails.
As Nathaniel consoles her, a cannonball shoots through the wall. Gabriel somehow got a catapult for the mob to use
Marc: It’s Gabriel. He’s turned the town into a mob.
Juleka: I oddly admire his determination.
While the mob fires more cannonballs and destroy the house, Alix tosses her sword and grabs her explosives, successfully protecting her family... Until a cannonball blocks their only exit and she runs out of ammo
Just as the ceiling begins to fall and it seems like the end, Marinette, Adrien, Alya, and Nino come in just in time and save them all thanks to the possessed tree
She and Marc reconcile
Marc: I’m so glad you came back.
Marinette: Of course. There was no way you all could survive without me. You’re like weak kittens.
The Parisians begin having regrets about attacking the Artists (Mainly cuz they almost killed a bunch of kids), but this is interrupted by Gabriel
Gabriel: I will relish hounding you all until that nuclear waste dump you call is house is destroyed with you all in it!
Juleka: Oh, you are just begging to be dragged down to hell, aren’t you, Gabriel?
Marinette: And this family will never run from the likes of you again. *Her death glare stuns Gabriel*
Nino: Damn, I gotta learn how to do that.
Adrien finally stands up to his father and exposes how he’s been spying on everyone in the city while Alya live streams everything. Gabriel is now ruined
Months later, the Artists’ Home has been rebuilt by the guilty Parisians who learn to accept their new, weird neighbors. Also, the Spirit of the House has returned
Adrien and Marinette start dating while Alya and Nino share a mutual pining for the girl
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mediocre-writerr · 3 years
supermarket flowers [jamie taylor]
Jamie Taylor x fem reader
Requested:  We all know flowers are one of Jamie’s love languages so she likes giving the reader flowers as gifts to tell her things and to mark points in their relationship (bonus if one time it’s the reader that gives jamie flowers)
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*not my gif*
Saying that Bly Manor is beautiful would be an understatement: the amazing architecture, the people, but especially the gardens. 
But you maybe a little bias on that front because of Jamie...the beautiful beautiful gardener and your beautiful wife. 
And it all started when your sister Dani got the au pair job. Obviously, you had to get a job there as well, you couldn’t live in Bly without having a job. So you took up an apprentice job with Owen as his little chef in training. That’s how you two met. 
“You see we don’t use a hand mixer in this house because of the glucose levels in the dough. They need to be in tip top shape or else they won’t taste as good.” Owen explains and you’re about to respond when a beautiful brunette walks into the room. 
Your eyes never left her figure as she walked into the kitchen, barely acknowledging your assistance, “What is that?” she asks. 
“We’re making dough for our pizza tonight!” Owen exclaims, “I was just giving Y/N here a quick lesson dough chemistry.” 
She finally locks eyes with yours and you’re drowning in them. Her beautiful brown eyes were captivating. And it was up to you if you decided you wanted to sink or swim. There was a spark there and she had to have felt it too. 
“Although, I’m sensing this dough is not the only thing that has chemistry.” Owen says with a little smirk on his face. 
You laugh nervously, speechless as what to say, “I’m Jamie,” the gardener says extending her hand out and you gratefully accept it.
There were sparks, electricity coursing through your body at this point and Jamie releases a deep breath, “Y/N Clayton, Dani’s little sister.” 
“Oh so you’re Little Poppins.” she says with a smirk and you chuckle at the nickname, “Or should I call you Chef Poppins?” she adds on.
“Either one is fine with me thank you.” you smile at her and she nods her head.
“Alright then, I have some more flowers and bushes to tend to.” Jamie says and leaves to go back to the garden.
You turn back to look at Owen and he’s smiling at you, “Awe you’re still blushing.” he says poking your cheek before getting back to kneading the dough. 
Flash forward to five years later and now you’re married as happier than you ever thought you could be despite everything that happened. 
Bly was an interesting case to say the least. The whole Lady in the Lake situation was quite a scary scene. We lost Hannah and day by day Dani is losing herself. But you still have her here, your sister is still here with you and that’s all the matters right now. 
You found yourself at the farmer’s market. Jamie was back at The Leafling helping everyone who wants flowers. You had big news for her and wanted to give her a flower to show your love. You just had to find the perfect one. 
All of your relationship Jamie has taught you so much about flowers. The most intriguing part of it to you was all of the various meanings. 
You stood in the kitchen as you began to cut the pizza you and Owen made for everyone into slices. Owen was tossing all of the salad together as Hannah was making the tea. 
Flora, Dani, and Miles were setting the table up. Jamie comes walking in with a handful of different colorful flowers. 
“Flowers for delivery!” Jamie announces and Flora squeals in excitement, “Here ya go Flora.” 
Jamie hands her Flora’s own flower before giving one to Miles. You though it was sweet that she was giving the children flowers. But your joy turned into a quick confusion when you realized that she was giving everyone one. 
“Is this still a gerbera daisy?” Flora asks putting her flower in a vase. 
You saw small little vases lined up along the window sill with everyone’s names on it. You didn’t notice until now that both you and Dani have your own little vase. A small smile started forming on your face. 
“Yes it is, do you remember what it means?” Jamie asks staring at Flora intently.
“Of course I do! It means innocence, cheerfulness and joy!” Flora exclaims and she smiles at the young girl before giving a nod.
“Nice job little rascal.” she says booping her nose before handing you your flower. 
You are presented with a beautiful flower they were pink and very swirly in the middle of it, “What kind of flower is this? And what does mine mean?” you ask realizing that everyone had different flowers probably all meaning different things. 
She smiles to herself before putting a bite of salad in her mouth and eating it. After she finished eating she clears her throat, “It is a ranunculus, also known as buttercups. It symbolizes charm, radiance, and attraction.” she whispers the last part, but everyone at the table heard.
You smile to yourself looking into those beautiful brown eyes before looking down to take a bite of pizza. Dani nudges you and mouths the words ‘Oh my god!’ as you smile at your sister. 
“Seems like Jamie pepper-only has eyes for Y/N.” Owen murmurs and the whole table groans in response, but as you catch Jamie’s eye she sends you a wink. 
You’ve searched this whole farmer’s market twice to try and find the flower you’re looking for. But none of them seemed to be the right match. How hard is it to find daisies? It’s not that hard they’re in season and they’re all over The Leafling, but I can’t take it from the store. 
However, you did come across pink carnations. A flower you know very well and is embedded deep into your heart.
You and Jamie have been dating for about six months now and each day your relationship is growing stronger and stronger.
“Someone looks excited for their date tonight!” Dani teases as she walks into your shared bedroom.
You look over yourself in the mirror and show her your outfit, “Yay or nay?” you ask as you do a little spin.
“You look beautiful Y/N!” she says as she embraces you in a hug, “Well you always look beautiful, but Jamie is gonna love it. If she breaks your heart, I’ll end her.”
You pat your sister on the shoulder, “Dani I love you, but we all know that she will beat the living shite out of you.” you say trying mimick Jamie’s British accent.
She laughs and nods, “Yeah you’re right! But still!”
There was a knock on the door and Dani let out a little squeal. She opened the door and revealed the beauty that is Ms. Jamie Taylor. 
“Hello Poppins, is Little Poppins here?” she asks and you smile at the nickname. 
“Yes she is right here.” Dani opens the door a little wider and Jamie steps in with a bouquet of flowers in her hand. 
She looks at you up and down before smiling at you, “You look absolutely beautiful. These are for you.” she says and you smile taking them from her.
“Thank you. What’s the story behind these?” you ask sniffing them before placing them in a vase that you always keep by your bedside now. 
“The story is for a later time, in more private.” Jamie says sneaking a glance at Dani who was still standing there with a big smile on her face. 
“Oh me! Right! I’ll see you when you get back!” Dani exclaims as she pushes you out of the door. 
You get into Jamie’s car as she drives you into the little village of Bly. She knows a nice little restaurant that she has grown to love. As she parked the car she leans over the middle console and places a soft kiss to your lips. 
“Wait here, I’m gonna grab our food.” Jamie says.
Before you can ask her what the plan was for tonight she left the car and went into the restaurant. Your head was spinning from the kiss. It may have been a short and sweet kiss, but it was still intoxicating. 
Every kiss with Jamie no matter how short or soft it was, it still had so much passion and love behind it. Every day you find yourself falling more and more in love with the gardener. You haven’t told her yet, but gosh you loved this girl more than life itself. 
Jamie came back into the car with a bag full of food. She placed it into the back seat and started the car back up again, “Where are we going love?” you ask her.
“Back to the manor of course. I know a little spot we can eat there.” she says before intertwining your fingers together. 
The two of you made it back to Bly and you went to the greenhouse. You meet there every morning and share a small coffee before you have to get to work. You placed yourself on the couch as she sat down next to you placing another kiss to your lips. 
The two of you started eating as you embarked on the most simple yet beautiful conversations. As you two finished eating you look at her with a smirk on your face.
“What?” she asks smiling back. 
“The story behind the flower you never told me.” you say sitting criss-cross applesauce on the couch and turning to face her. 
She laughs nervously, probably the first time you’ve ever seen her nervous, “Carnations, a lot of people don’t like them and I don’t know why. In my opinion, they’re beautiful. But they mean fascination and new love. Which is what I feel about you. However, it’s not new love. It’s love that I’ve felt since the first time I laid eyes on you. I love you Y/N Clayton.” she says and you smile at her widely.
“I love you Jamie Taylor.” you whisper back.
You didn’t think her smile could widen even more, “Fuck yeah.” she whispers. 
She crashes her lips onto yours as you thread your fingers through her hair. You place your hand on the back of her neck pulling her as close to you as possible. Her body pressed against yours and you were drunk off of her love and kisses.
Your big brick of phone began to ring from your purse. You took it out and answered it already knowing it was one of two people, “Hello?” you ask as you pull out of your parking spot in the farmer’s market.
“Hi darling,” you hear Jamie’s voice fill the phone. 
“Hello my love, what’s up?” you ask as you begin your drive to your little apartment about The Leafling. 
“Are you still at the farmer’s market?” she asks.
“No why? Do you need something?” you answer. 
“Yes unless you got more cereal at the farmer’s market.” Jamie replies.
You chuckle slightly at the sarcasm, “I’ll stop at the supermarket and grab a couple boxes. How’s Dani?” you ask.
Dani has been living in your guest bedroom of the apartment. Jamie doesn’t mind knowing how much she means to you and how much Dani means to her. Whatever the hell went down at Bly was really taking a toll and you just want to be there to take care of her and keep an eye on her as much as you can. 
“She’s having a good day today. She has helped out with the shop, there was a little jump when she looked into the window, but I helped her out.” she explained and you nodded sighing a little bit, “She’s gonna be okay.” Jamie reassured you already reading your mind.
Your sister mentioned that something was gonna take over one day. And it already started back up again. She’s scared and so are you. She was the only family you have ever known and you don’t know what you’re gonna do if she goes. 
“I hope so. I’ll see you when I get home.” you say.
“Okay love, drive safe. I love you.” she says and you smile at those three little words.
“I love you more.” you respond before hanging up and making your way to the supermarket.
“Jamie, baby, where are we going?” you ask as her hands covers your eyes guiding you to a small little place in the gardens of Bly. 
“Shh-it’s a surprise love. You’re not supposed to know that’s the whole point of a surprise she expresses and you internally roll your eyes, “I can sense that eye roll.” she says and you giggle lightly. 
“How did you know?” you ask laughing.
“Y/N, we’ve been dating for three years now. Of course I know when you’re rolling your eyes.” she explains and you laugh even more.
She releases her hands from your eyes to see a beautiful secluded area with a beautiful flower growing on the bush. The moonlight hitting it just right causing to have this sort of glow effect. 
“That right there is a moonflower. It’s a lot of effort, but it’s worth it.” she explains from behind you as she’s sitting on a small bench. 
There’s a nice little picnic basket set on the ground in front of her. You go and sit down next to her, the cool air brushing against your skin causing goosebumps to form on your arm.
Jamie immediately notices your chilliness and wraps her arm around your waist. She pulls you deep into your side and you smile softly, resting your head on her shoulder. Jamie reaches down slowly to open the picnic basket revealing another bouquet of flowers.
“Hey I actually know these ones!” you exclaim as she pulls out the bouquet of tulips. 
She laughs before handing them to you, “Yeah a little too cheesy for my taste, but I thought it was fitting for this.” 
“For what?” you ask and she smiles shyly.
“This.” she says softly before getting on knee in front of you and pulling out a ring.
You release a small little gasp before a huge smile breaks out onto your face, “Tulips mean true love, never in a million years Y/N did I ever think I’d find someone like you. My life has been filled of exhaustive people, but you made all this effort and time worth it. And I want it to last longer. I want this feeling to last a lifetime and even after. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” 
Small tears were falling down both of your cheeks. Nothing sad, but everything happy. You cup her cheeks wiping away the falling tears and smile at her. 
“It would be my honor.” you whisper to her and she nods. 
“Yeah?” she asks smiling so wide and it’s so bright you think you might go blind.
“Yeah.” you let out and she immediately crashes her lips onto yours. 
When you pull apart she slides the ring onto your finger. The two of you rest your foreheads together, the smile never fading. 
You reach the supermarket and immediately go to the cereal aisle. You reach up getting Dani’s favorite cereal and Jamie’s favorite. When you’re about to check out your eyes are caught by a bouquet of flowers. 
The white little daisies that you have been looking for were right there. Jamie always rants about how much she hates supermarket flowers since they have loads of bad things, but you need these flowers to surprise her. You also see anemones, something that would be perfect for Dani. 
You grab both of those bouquets and place them in your basket. After you checkout you make the drive to The Leafling. Opening the door of The Leafling you see Dani standing there, sweeping up the floors. 
“Hi welcome to The Leafling!” Dani says with some enthusiasm and you laugh.
“It’s me Dani.” you say and she laughs.
“Oh hi Y/N!” she says embracing you in a hug. 
She takes some grocery bags from your hand and helps you bring them upstairs, “Where’s Jamie?” you ask.
“She went to go grab something from the hardware store. Something about not having the right screwdrivers.” she explains and you nod. 
The two of you proceed to put all the groceries away. Once you’re finished you grab the blue anemones from the bag you had and gave them to her.
“These are for you.” you whisper and she smiles widely.
“Thank you Y/N! They’re beautiful! What do these ones mean?” she asks and you chuckle. 
You take Dani’s hand in yours and give it a small squeeze, “I know you’re struggling Dani. Everything that happened at Bly, what happened to you. You’re my best friend even if Jamie is my wife you will always be my best friend. I don’t want to lose you Dan.” you whisper tears glistening in your eyes, “These mean protection against evil. I can’t lose you.” 
She takes you into a big tight hug. Dani holds you close as she rubs your back, “I’m gonna be okay Y/N/N. I promise.” 
“Good because you need to be here to meet your niece or nephew.” you whisper and she pulls back from the hug staring at you. Her eyes wide and her mouth agape in shock, “Jamie and I tried the IVF thing that came out. It was a lot of money, but it was worth a shot. I went to the doctor’s before the farmer’s market and it worked Dani.” 
Dani immediately hugs you again before letting out a squeal, “No way!” she exclaims, “I am so happy for you!” 
“Thank you!” you say smiling and letting out a small chuckle. 
The front door unlocks and you know that Jamie is home. She notices the two of you sitting on the couch as she proceeds to wave at the two of you. Jamie puts away her bag of department store gear into the respectable places before noticing the supermarket daisies on the counter.
“Love, how many times do I have to tell you about supermarket flowers?” she asks finally coming over to sit with you guys.
She gives you a chaste kiss and you smile into it. Then she makes her way to Dani before ruffling her hair, “I’m sorry, I couldn’t find them at the farmer’s market. Plus I couldn’t take them from the store. They are for you.” you mention and she smiles. 
“For me?” she asks intertwining your hands together and you nod, “What’s the story?” 
“Well I remember you telling me that daisies mean innocence, purity, new beginnings-” you begin before she cuts you off.
“And motherhood.” she whispers barely audible and you nod a huge smile on your face.
“I’m pregnant Jamie.” you say and she looks at you like her eyes are about to pop out of her head. 
“Baby really?” she asks her voice breaking a little and her lips quirk up into a smile.
“Yes really. You’re gonna be a mom Jamie.” you say nodding and she immediately kisses you deeply and passionately. 
She places her hand gently on your stomach before leaning down to talk to him or her, “Hey little fella. I’m your other mom. I can’t wait to meet you.” 
8 - m o n t h s - l a t e r
You found yourself at the farmer’s market yet again, your baby bump now visible and you were due any minute now. 
Your phone began to ring and you immediately answered, “Hello love?” you ask.
“Y/N...” you hear from the other line, Jamie’s voice was somber and you can tell that she has been crying. 
“What’s wrong? What happened?” you ask. 
“I think we need to drive to Bly.” she whispers into the phone.
“What? Why? Jamie what’s going on?” you ask frantically making your way straight to the car, whatever you needed to buy was long forgotten. 
“It’s Dani.” she whispers on the other line and you felt your heart drop into your stomach. 
So the two of you found yourself at Bly once more. The lake looking more and more ominous as you stared at it. Jamie kicks off her shoes and starts making her way into the lake. 
Jamie shouldn’t have to do this. It’s you. You’re the one who needs to do this, but you can’t. The lake is far too cold and the weather outside wouldn’t help the baby’s health either. 
A few moments later Jamie resurfaces from the water. She finds herself on the shore as you immediately wrap a towel around her. Tears flowing down her eyes before she shakes her head. 
You let out a sob as she hold you tight. Your sister was gone. 
Two weeks later you found yourself at the cemetery in Bly. It was small, but the two of you thought it was fitting. Owen, Henry, Flora and Miles were all there with you. 
All six of you stared at the grave before placing flowers onto the tombstone. Jamie thought we should put crocuses onto the grave. It means hope after darkness. After struggling for so long, hopefully this allows her to find rest. 
She was buried right by Hannah. Two people you lost to weird place that is Bly Manor. 
1 - m o n t h - l a t e r
You sat on the hospital bed holding your newborn baby in your arms. Jamie is standing there smiling at you widely. 
After all the darkness and craziness that has been happening, this was the first time you felt hope in a long time. Even though your sister isn’t here physically, you know she’s always here. 
“Welcome to the world Danielle Hannah Clayton.” you and Jamie whisper. 
The name seemed fitting and you couldn’t help, but feel lighter. She leans over and gives you a small kiss to her forehead. 
White jasmine flowers in a vase by the window sill. It means unconditional and eternal love. Jamie picked out the flowers yet again.
It had to be your favorite of all.
The unconditional and eternal love that you and Jamie felt towards each other. The unconditional and eternal love you felt towards your newborn daughter. And the unconditional and eternal love that you, Jamie, and now your daughter Dani felt for the two people you lost. 
They aren’t here physically, but you know they’re always here besides you. 
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capri-ramblings · 4 years
Yandere Malleus and Vil and Leona really wanting to start a family but there s/o isn't into the idea and just straight up refuses the idea Even quickly changing the subject saying she'd rather get a pet
I had my dad drive me around the neighborhood to have my braincells function for this and it still ended up bad (╥﹏╥) I'm sorry, I really tried but Vil and Malleus are so hard for me to write atm
Warning: Mention of toxic relationships
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Vil Schoenheit
- Someone must've said something to him to make him actually want children.
- It's not that it never crossed his mind,it did, and he was planning to have a kid eventually,I mean, genes as beautiful as him should have an heir so this world would never run short of impeccable beauty,but you didn't expect it to be this soon.
- The question made your head reel and your stomach churned.
- "Daffodil,a young one running around would be a sight wouldn't it?" He had put it very subtly,but the thought still made you cringe. You were never really fond of kids.
- "I don't know,Vil...Why not get a cat or a pony or something?" When your words reached him, it had the male turning around with a slightly dark expression. The way the light seemed to scatter over his skin made him look almost ethereal.
- You bit your lower lip.
- "I saw your post about that new skincare earlier. I was thinking of trying it out tonight, your tips never fail to give results" You changed the topic fast, and Vil couldn't help but feel a swell of irritation build up in his chest.
- You were so easy to read. The least you could do was lie a little better.
- "I don't think you understand the situation here,mein lieb, I'm saying I want a family with you." He was smiling then but something in the way he looked at you gave away the fact he wasn't liking your attitude toward the whole idea
- "I mean,Vil...I wouldn't be such a good mom in the first place and ugh,don't kids just take up too much space? Why can't we just stay like this?"
- "Like what? Me always trying to see if you're still not trying to find a way to not be with me?"
- "Or are you talking about the fact that you'll never be as devoted to this relationship as I am?"
- The accusation rang clear in his voice and Vil didn't try to hide the anger in his gaze. You tried to find a way to calm him down, but your clear rejection really set him off bad.
- "I didn't mean it like that,Vil. It's just that —"
- "Stop talking, Daffodil. You're making my head ache."
- So you kept your mouth shut
- Vil sighed.
- "See? This is what I meant. You act like you care, but really when you're shoved into a corner you become this timid rat curling its tail around its body."
- "Vil.."
- "I said,don't speak." Vil tore down your defenses without hesitation, and you found yourself unable to withstand the glare daggering its way into your soul.
- "A child would mean the highest mark of love,and a child from my seed would mean the highest of blessings for you." Vil took your chin in his hand,gently tugging it towards him,as he brushed his lips against yours. "Why don't you embroider that understanding into your head, love?"
- Then,he let go and stood up. The fragrance of his perfume stilling your nerves. His eyes didn't meet yours again as he turned around to leave the room.
- "Because, the next time I ask, your answer should be a single word. Or I simply won't bother to make it a question."
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Leona Kingscholar
- Cheka was playfully sitting on your lap when Leona asked you the question, and while the small little red haired beamed at the idea of having a baby cousin, your heart dreaded the notion.
- "A kid..?" You repeated the words almost fearfully, Cheka stirring in your lap. You tried your best not to let him slip off.
- Leona's green gaze met yours with a smugness you knew all too well.
- "Last time I checked,you weren't deaf,mousey",he said with a slight yawn.
- "And last time I checked, you didn't like kids" You shot back, earning a confused look on the small male currently in your grasp.
- "That's not true! Leona ojichan likes me!" Cheka whined then laughed when he did almost fall off and you managed to catch him, albeit hastily. Your grip tightened on him slightly as Cheka settled back in your lap.
- "Yeah, course I do, kiddo. You tell her,won't you?"
- "Kiddo!" Cheka grinned, easily falling for the display of affection from his uncle,but you knew better.
- The abyss of his eyes where he kept his darkest intent shone brightly amidst its emerald sheen. An uneasiness came over you then.
- "Why?" You asked before evaluating the question. It had Leona arching both his brows, expression unimpressed.
- He was being mildly aggressive today, and you were sure it was because of Cheka. If you didn't ask him about it now, there wouldn't be any other chances.
- "I need an heir too,isn't that just obvious?" The words were a drawl, lazy and casual, but they rang in your ears like a sore tune and you couldn't help but frown.
- "And you seem like you need something to take care of whenever I'm gone"
- "If that's the case, why not just get a horse? That takes just as much time to raise"
- Leona laughed, yet humour seemed so far away from his tone.
- "I don't know" He yawned,gaze shifting to Cheka. "What do you think,kiddo?"
- Cheka jumped up on your lap, his bright round eyes beaming when he looked at you. It's not that you hated kids, you thought they were cute, sure and obviously you adored the small bundle of joy whenever you and Leona came to visit, but the thought of having your own...It just stresses you out.
- It was one thing taking care of another person's kid, and a whole other topic to have your own. You just weren't up for it.
- "Cheka,why don't you go and see if Papa's done with his meeting,hm? He might need your help"
- "Papa needs my help? Aha! Yay!" He leaped down easily from your grasp,curls bouncing and eyes wide with enthusiasm. He was scurrying off well when he turned to you one last time.
- "Can I still come back and sit with you?"
- You smiled, even when he tired you out most of the time, Cheka was sweet and genuine, the complete opposite of Leona. Maybe that was why you tolerated him more than the said male himself.
- "Anytime"
- "Yay!"
- When he turned the corner and went completely out of your reach, your didn't hesitate to face Leona sitting right across you.
- "I don't want to have kids." You told him firmly, which he was expecting since he was well aware of how you felt about kids, but his smugness didn't fade.
- "Sure"
- "I'm serious,Leona. I don't want any,you know how I feel about it"
- He yawned, leaning against his chair as his emerald gaze fixated on you. There was something hidden in the smile he gave you then.
- "And what about how I feel,mousey? What if I want a kid?"
- You scoffed,maybe you didn't really mean it, but it came out and Leona growled.
- "Something amusing you?"
- The dark undertone of the words had you refraining your spite towards him, but the refusal remained unwavering.
- Leona applauded you for standing your ground,he wasn't going to lie, he enjoyed it when you fought or had the nerves to bite back. It felt more thrilling that way.
- When he laughed again,you really thought he was going to lose it right there and then, but as the familiar footsteps of Cheka and a second person, which you assumed was Farena, began approaching the two of you,Leona bared his fangs,a nerve trembling growl lacing his words possessively when they slipped pass his lips.
- "Let's see you try and stop me from seeding inside you,mousey"
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Malleus Draconia
- If this man wanted a kid, the reason would be similar to all his others; Curiousity.
- Malleus adores you though, and when he came up with a plan that would make you his forever, he fell deeper into this abyss of infatuation. Perhaps made him a bit more extreme.
- He was always the inquisitive kind,this you knew was in his nature, and so when the question had came about, you simply thought shrugging it off would solve it
- It didn't of course. Nothing you said swayed his decision on wanting a child with you.
- This conversation turned bitter quick, and you remember just denying him the dream he'd been so thrilled to achieve, and how dark he seemed then.
- "Malleus,you know I care about you, but a child isn't something I want"
- "Care?" He repeated, and although the words left him blandly, there was a frothing rage in the depths of his tone, and somehow you knew you had already lost this argument.
- "Is that why you refuse? Because you care about me rather than loving me?"
- You looked at him almost exasperatedly. "Caring means I love you, Malleus"
- His dark brows arched, prominent and haughty, almost as if he was laughing at you despite the silence weighing down the room. His figure seemed to look over you, and the garden lost its floral hue.
- "Pray tell then,why don't you ever say it to me?" The words were a dark drawl, and they were meant to ensnare you; No answer was relevant now.
- You tittered on your toes,every inch of your nerves aching to retaliate,but Malleus held you in place, more with his demeanor rather than the hold he had on your hand.
- "I do love you, Malleus." You managed,eyes casted down before he lifted your chin up with one finger.
- "Then,prove it,my sweet. Give me a child."
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dancer-me · 3 years
Fic Writer Questions
@hopeintheashes tagged me (that was pleasantly surprising, so YAY) as well as anyone who wants to play (so if you want do - just do it!!!) 1) How many works do you have on AO3?
I have nine!
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
106,461! I broke 100,000 on AO3 and didn't notice =O
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
For posted fanfiction, I have written for 5 fandoms at this point. Naruto (this was my early days, around 2007 to 2015, with pretty huge gaps inbetwen), Merlin (oops), High Seas (just the one small fic because Netflix had me angsting hard enough to break my hiatus), and of course 9-1-1 and 9-1-1 Lone Star!
4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Express to Nowhere (911 / 911 Lone Star) 2. Giving up Ground (911 / 911 Lone Star) 3. Quarter Life Crisis (911) 4. Pull me Under (911) 5. Coming Soon to a Theatre Near You (911)
5) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I hesitate to say this about a WIP but I'm pretty sure it's going to be Giving up Ground when it's done. Not that it's going to have a sad ending, but that it's part of a continuous series and I already have the next part planned out and partially started (titled "Overdrawn" for anyone interested) so it will leave things feeling hopeful but open-ended, which can be construed as angsty. But really, all my other stories, while they have angst for the most part, have happy endings because I'm a sucker for it. Chaotic Energy is slow burning itself to the happiest of endings.
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Hmm... I think it's Coming Soon to a Theatre Near You! This story was just such a fun blast of drama, hijinks, and hilarity, with our two leads getting their love story at the end of it all :) All my completed works have very happy endings, but this one resonates because there really wasn't any angst at all in the whole thing. Just good fun!
7) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
The only cross-over I have ever written or been compelled to write in my life has been with 9-1-1 and 9-1-1: Lone Star, and that's my Chaotic Energy series. I don't know if it's "crazy", though it's turning out to be crazy long, since my original plan for it was 5 separate one-shots and Captain, that ship has long since sailed. We're deep at sea now, SOS. I love what it's become, though, and I hope everyone who reads it is enjoying the journey :)
8) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Weeeeeeeeell. Here's the thing. I wrote m/f smut back in the day, on ff.net and carried my one shots over to AO3 when I made the move. I'm talking way back in the day - those two "E" stories are dated 2015 but I actually originally posted them in 2011 - TEN years ago!! I haven't written smut since (I'm not counting TK and Carlos getting frisky in chapter 2 of Giving up Ground). It's not that I wouldn't, but that I haven't been inspired and with time somehow I have also become ragingly self-conscious over whether I could still do a good job. My smut has always been emotion based though, as I've never been able to truly go PWP. That said, I'm actively open to and considering some m/m smut for my current fandom. Fingers crossed I don't embarrass myself.
9) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I do on all my recent work on AO3 (basically my 9-1-1 and lone star fics that I've written since coming out of hiatus).
10) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not on any of my AO3 work, though I have received hate on my much older work on ff.net to varying degrees of reasonability. So far the AO3 community has been very kind to me! I’ll get some comments where I think readers had hoped I’d go in a different direction, but nothing has ever been too much.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of! Imitation is the greatest form of flattery but also no, stop, don’t do that.
12) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, actually! I wrote my first ever published fic for Naruto called “Stand Alone” back between 2007 and 2011 (took a couple years off in the middle there to, you know, finish high school…) that someone asked me if they could translate into Russian. At the time I thought that was super cool, and it still is, but now I look back at that story and I think oof, now we can cringe at it in multiple languages. (more on that later)
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I’m not opposed to it! I’ve seen some excellent fic partnerships and it’s so great seeing writers leverage the creativity and talents of their friends and peers.
14) What’s your all time favorite ship?
Y’know, before 9-1-1, it was Merlin x Arthur, but Buck x Eddie have 110% of my heart and attention now.
15) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
On the topic of Merlin… I started writing “The Quest for the Knife” back in 2015 at the peak of my Merlin fixation after painstakingly planning it out. I have pages upon pages of outlines and notes for a 14 chapter adventure… somewhere. I found a piece of it like an archeological dig when I was moving this pandemic season, but the rest seems lost to time. I’m sad because I had gotten so excited about it and loved my first two chapters, but I don’t think I’ll ever finish it. I might take it down so I can stop wallowing in guilt.
16) What are your writing strengths?
I like to think I write good action / adventure scenes and plot lines, because I love painting vivid pictures of what I see playing out in my head whenever I think through my stories. I like to incorporate subtle (and not so subtle) humour as well in my work, which is born from my very active internal narrator voice as I go through my day-to-day and try to find the humour in everything. I also like to make outlines before all my bigger stories too, which ‘usually’ means I avoid cringey plot holes and can make some fun connections.
17) What are your writing weaknesses?
*looks at the camera very seriously* writing convincing smut. Well, that, and the kind of emotional, flirty love and fluff that I love devouring in fics. I don’t think I do nearly as good a job there. Get in a character’s head and angst them up? Sure. Wax poetic in a convincing and not jarring way about how much Character A is in love with Character B without making it seem like it was a bit too much of a leap? Debatable.
Also… I tend to require my readers to suspend a lot of disbelief to enjoy my fics with elements of adventure, because I tend to do exactly 5 minutes of Google research for something before I decide I’ve had enough and go ahead.
18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Here we revisit the cringe of “Stand Alone,” where I tried in the first half (the 2007 portion) to incorporate Japanese since I watched the anime in Japanese and felt this was the best way to try and have the character’s voices come off the page. It… is really just a big ol’ cringe, because I didn’t know the language, and I definitely didn’t use suffixes right at ALL. So… I tend to avoid it personally because I don’t want to cringe at how wrong my use of other languages is.
But if it fits you, your story, fits your character, and you know the language confidently enough to not embarrass yourself? You do you *carefully side steps around discourse and leaves the room*
19) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
20) What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
I think it has to be “Express to Nowhere” these days. It was wanting to write that fic that pulled me out of hiatus and helped me find joy in writing and sharing my work again, and I have nothing but love for it and how it turned out.
Holy Cow I was warned that this level of introspection was going to take a minute but whew this was a good chunk of time. Fun to do and think about though!
Tagging: @221bsunsettowers, @onelonelytortillachip, @blueeyedbuckley and anyone who sees this and thinks, "hey, I have an answer for these questions." Because I am madly curious and would love to see your take!
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devnicolee · 3 years
The Chosen Ones (8)
A/N: Enjoy! If you read chapter 7 like shortly after it was posted, the council scene was originally in Chapter 7 but I moved it here because that chapter was too long. So you may have already it read the first section.
This is the last chapter - I am really sad to end this series :( but I might do an epilogue or something if anyone is interested. I have been writing this for literally a year so thanks to everyone who liked and commented and read a chapter here or there. I appreciate it! 
Warnings: Smut
Word Count: 6,000 words
Pairings: M’Baku x OC
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
Asha fidgeted nervously, sharing anxious glances with M'Baku as they waited with bated breath for her brother to enter the council meeting. They arrived back in the Golden City with mere minutes to spare before the meeting, two herbs in her pocket and a video of the garden. Shuri chastised them for giving her an ulcer during their long absence. However, she couldn’t hide the deep sigh of relief as the pair rushed through the tall gold trimmed throne room doors with triumph and hope in their eyes. 
Asha scanned the council circle, passing by M’Baku’s reassuring eyes, to connect eyes with Elder Shani. Far from her usual contempt, her eyes were filled loathing and disgust. Instinctively, Asha felt herself starting to wilt like a dying flower. But something in her pushed back, forcing her to sit up straighter and send a pointed, cold glare back at the woman. Never again would someone else’s disdain silence her or force her to cower.
Their staring match only ended when the double doors entered. They all rose from their seats, saluting T’Challa as he walked to his seat, as cool and calm as ever. They did not have to wait long before he started speaking, getting right to the point of this meeting.
"I have called this meeting because much has changed in the last 36 hours, many things revealed about the Panther Tribe. Many have questioned my fitness to be king in light of these revelations. A lesser man would sit here and defend these lies but I cannot. They were an error in judgement, an error that was not my decision to start but could have,” he sighed, “Should have been mine to end once I became King. I did not. And for that, I am sorry. A king that cannot admit his failures is no king at all, only a tyrant. I know Elder Shani has lobbied many of you, encouraged you to demand a new challen-“ 
Elder Shani jumped up from her seat, her disrespect toward the throne on display as she cut the King short. "That is right! He is not fit to be King! Not while you and your family hid this abomination.” Her finger wagged in Asha's direction, forcing all eyes toward the young woman. She sat up a bit straighter, noting the looks of fear from some, the admiration from others. 
"You expressed no qualms with our secrets when you were blackmailing my sister into an engagement with your abusive son, when it suited your needs. I have forcibly removed you from this throne room once, do not make me do it again. Sit down," T'Challa threatened, his voice low and menacing. 
The elders of the Mining and Border Tribes shared a concerned look. They had taken the time to listen to Shani's pleads, and agreed with her in many ways. But they were quickly realizing the error in taking her words as the only truth. 
"Now. I could plead my case, preach to you all about why I am fit to wear the crown of King and hold the mantle of the Black Panther. However, this conversation is not about me or my fitness. It is about our country's distrust and hatred toward the more powerful... the chosen among us... the Wakandan like my sister." He offered Asha a small smile before continuing, "Prior to today, Wakandan's future was in a precarious state. Prior to today, the mantle of Black Panther was to die with me. And if we went through with today’s challenge, the centuries-old legacy would die today. That is just one of many reasons why Elder Shani’s desires are so short sighted. However, Bast... and Hanuman, it seems, have other plans. Asha, a powerful and chosen member of this family, and Lord M'Baku, have breathed new life into our dying future."
"What do you mean?" Elder M’Kathu inquired, leaning forward with interest. 
"I shall allow my sister to show you." T'Challa nodded at Asha, giving her the cue to pull the bright purple herbs from the pouch in her lap. They attracted everyone's eyes, captivating everyone with their glistening light. 
The throne room filled with exclamations of shock, joy and excitement. 
"How is this possible?" He asked in amazement. "N’Jadaka burned all the herbs." 
"He burned all the herbs we knew of, yes. But there is another garden hidden on the edge of Jabariland. Bast led Lord M'Baku and I there. There are enough herbs on the top of that mountain to sustain the Black Panther for hundreds of years," Asha explained. 
"Without my sister, without this gift Bast bestowed upon her, we... this country would have been lost. Without the Jabari so many of you despise, we would have been lost. Bast led the first Warrior Shaman to the herb years ago to save us from tearing ourselves apart. Today, she led Asha and a Jabari there to do the same. Together, two people, who represent what so many fear, opened a door that our failures shut forever.” 
He stood up, pacing behind his chair as he spoke. 
“That is bigger than me, it is bigger than Elder Shani, and it is bigger than our ignorance. Her campaign against me is rooted in hatred, hatred for a people who just saved our country. I ask you to vote against a new challenge, not because it suits me, but because we have the opportunity to build a new Wakanda. A Wakanda built on love and mutual respect for all of Bast's and Hanuman's people, not on the unstable foundation of distrust and prejudice.” He paused. “Now Elder Shani, I believe you have a proposal to raise for our vote. I await you all’s judgement and decision.” 
Her brother’s passionate monologue was met with silence, silence as Asha watched each person introspectively think about the future they wanted, the Wakanda they wanted. 
Elder Shani stood up once more, clearly unmoved by this new discovery or her brother’s passionate speech unlike everyone else in the room. It seemed she was committed to dying on this hill and was more than willing to do so alone. “This boy speaks of a new Wakanda, a new order. Wakanda prospered for hundreds of years before King T’Challa and it will do so after him. He does not think the way we do, he does not respect our traditions and so, he should not be King. I raise the motion to invoke a new Challenge Day, so we may have a King that will respect our traditions.” 
“The motion is on the floor. Elder Shani, how do you vote?” Asha’s heart raced, praying that her faith in Elder M’Kathu and Elder Olabisi was not misplaced, that her brother’s words had swayed them to choose progress over hate. Asha felt Shuri’s hand grab hers and squeeze it tightly as they listened. 
“Lord M’Baku?” 
“Nay.” Unlike his girlfriend, who was clearly filled with nervous energy, M’Baku seemed annoyed and bored with this whole spectacle, simply ready for this to be over so they could officially move on with their lives. 
“Elder Kwame?” 
“Nay.” Nakia’s stoic and quiet father responded swiftly with a nod to his daughter who sat beside the Queen Mother. Asha’s already racing heart seemed to beat even harder as they reached the two undecided Elders, the two that had the potential to change the fate of her family forever. 
“Elder M’Kathu?”
A beat. 
Despite wanting to jump up and praise Bast, Asha maintained her composure, they all did. T’Challa offered the older man a head nod as a silent thank you for his support before finishing the roll out of obligation. For good measure, Elder Olabisi also voted against the motion, effectively leaving Elder Shani on an island alone. 
“Thank you, thank you all. I believe together we can build a stronger Wakanda. Thank you for believing in that future as well. This meeting is now adjourned and I will see everyone at the King’s Exhibition.” 
The room stood and saluted him, all except Elder Shani and her son who swept from the room as soon as the final word left T’Challa’s mouth. 
At the official end of the meeting, Asha immediately walked to her brother and wrapped him in a tight hug. 
“I am so glad I didn’t ruin everything,” she whispered in his ear, finally letting out that sigh of relief she had been holding in. She felt as if that weight finally evaporated from her shoulders. “Thank you.” 
“Thank you,” he emphasized, pulling back to look at her. “You could never ruin us, Asha. You are the best of us. You saved us  and for that, I could never thank you enough. You both,” he motioned for Shuri to join their group hug, “are the best sisters I could ask for.”  
Asha broke apart from her siblings, giving space for others to congratulate her brother, and walked toward M’Baku. He stood, in the now-repaired window she destroyed, staring down into the heart of the Golden City, which was bustling with activity and life as everyone prepared for the coming festival. 
She stood beside him, looking out at her home with something other than envy and heartache for the first time. Hope. They stood in silence for a bit, the chatter of Asha's family fading away as they slid back into their own small world. 
"Thank you, M'Baku. T-this would not have been possible without you, without the Jabari. Thank Bast you decided to concern yourself with the drama of us lowlanders," she teased.
He chuckled, his brain conjuring that moment on the fields of the Great Mound, deciding to play along with her game. He remembered exactly how that conversation went… he would never forget it. "Well, it seems you all continue to need us to save you." 
She turned briefly and smiled at his profile, leaning against the window. "Yes... it seems we do. Wakanda is forever in your debt. Perhaps she will find a way to repay you one day." She added, stealing his line.  
A tug at her arm brought her close to him, the space between them evaporating. He cupped her face, uninhibited love and adoration passing between them. Her signature sparks immediately encircling the couple as he stared down at her, the love of his life, the woman he felt Hanuman destined for him to be with until the end of his days. 
“She led me to you and now I am forever in her debt,” he whispered as his lips captured hers, the audience of her family mere feet away from them mattered little. The two kissed deeply for a few moments before a wolf whistle caused them to break away. 
Asha laughed as she looked over and saw her entire family, minus her mother, staring at the couple with shocked and excited grins. Shuri continued to cheer loudly before her brother pinched her and ushered her out of the throne room. He winked at her before allowing the doors to slam shut and giving them some much-needed privacy. 
“Come to Jabariland.” 
“Later this week. I-I need to head back tonight and you should spend time with your siblings. But come to Jabariland for a few days, spend some time together where you aren’t almost dying and I am not having to save that brother of yours.” 
Asha mulled it over in her head. Though she figured her brother would be slightly annoyed at her absence from some of the festival events, she yearned for the private and uninterrupted time with M’Baku. She had not truly rested in the last 4 days, had not taken a real breath. There, they could finally do that together. 
“I would love to.” 
“Nakia!” Asha smiled as she threw some more clothes in a bag and beckoned her friend into her bedroom. She eyed Nakia and the medium-sized gift bag in her hand suspiciously as one of her closest friends sat down on her king-sized bed. 
“What is that?” Asha asked, gesturing toward the bag as she pulled a dress off the hanger. 
Nakia smiled slyly, “We will get to that in a second. First, I just wanted to see how you were doing. The last few days… weeks, years frankly, have been tough for you.” 
Asha smiled and reached across the bed to squeeze her future queen’s hand. Nakia was the big sister she didn’t have but always hoped for. And she knew she would be the perfect queen for them all.
“I am good, Nakia. Fantastic, actually. I got what I wanted, T’Challa’s position and title are safe. Everything is good now.” 
Nakia nodded but Asha could see the speculation in her eyes, the look that called her positive attitude into question. 
“Yes. All of that is true. But look at what it took to get there? Your father died, you watched your brother get murdered, you endured verbal abuse from all sides, you almost died… twice, according to M’Baku. I’ve seen enough of this world to know a happy ending doesn’t mean the road to them wasn’t paved with trauma and pain. It’s just… I’ve seen what happens when people don’t address what it took to get them what they wanted, what it cost them. I don’t want that for you, nor does your brother. Just, if you ever want to talk, let me know?” 
Asha bowed her head, she didn’t like to think Nakia was right. What mattered most, in her mind, was the fact that they were ok now. But she could not ignore all the tragedies littered throughout her life, the scars they left. She couldn’t pretend like those wounds of her chains healed just because she escaped them. 
“You will be my first call, I promise.” Asha came around to sit on the bed next to her. “Thank you for being here for me.” 
Nakia smiled and squeezed her hand. She pushed the bag toward the young girl. “Always. Now onto the fun part of my visit. This is for you.”
Asha grinned brightly as she excitedly tore the tissue paper out of the bag and pulled out several pieces of lingerie, her grin fading slightly with shock.
“Nakia,” she whined. “What is all this??” 
“It is for your trip. Essential wear.” 
“’Essential wear??’ N-Nakia, I d-don’t think we are going to get there yet.” She let the skimpy Burgundy lace fall back into the bag, laughing lightly. 
“Maybe you won’t, but maybe you will. Look, I see the way Lord M’Baku looks at you - he is ready to rip those clothes off your body every time you’re in the same room. He wants to show you the might of the Jabari, FIRST HAND!” Both girls laughed at her callback to M’Baku’s epic entrance at the battle on the Great Mound. “And if that is what you want, you should.” 
“I am sure my brother does not know about this part of your visit,” Asha mused. 
“No, he doesn’t,” Nakia admitted. “Because it isn’t his business, or mine, to be frank. I just wanted you to be prepared if you decide to travel down that road. Essential wear for the journey.”
She threw Asha a wink before leaving her to mull over her thoughts. Asha didn’t understand her own hesitation. Perhaps she was just overthinking it. The cave… it was spur of the moment, natural, intimate and unexpected. All their best moments were just that… unexpected. They produced magic when she didn’t have time to analyze or second guess, when she just lived in the moment with him. And here she was overanaylzing and second guessing. Her fingers fiddled with the edge of the gift bag as she thought. Nakia was right; M’Baku wanted her and she wanted him, desperately so. She pulled each piece of lingerie out, eyeing each one with speculation. They left little to the imagination but they were gorgeous. She slipped both into her suitcase. 
Just in case. 
“Try not to destroy the palace while I’m gone eh?” She implored as she gave Shuri a hug outside. 
Shuri, who looked like someone had just stolen her pet panther, nodded sadly. “You’ll call me tomorrow right? Make sure they haven’t turned you into an anti-vibranium fanatic?” 
Asha laughed, “Yes I will call you tomorrow, I promise. Don’t look so glum, I will be back in a few days.” 
“I know, it is just hard to say bye to you. I am usually begging for this one to get out of here.” Asha laughed as T’Challa clutched his imaginary pearls in faux offense. “But you are the constant of our triangle. It’s not the same without you.”  
Asha’s nose wrinkled, shocked to see her sister so despondent about her leaving. She glanced at T’Challa, whose face was also a bit crestfallen but he did a better job of hiding it. 
“Come on guys! I’m gonna be gone for a few days, a week tops. I have to come back… all my clothes are here,” she joked, trying to lighten the mood. Her joke only earned her small chuckles much to her dismay. 
“Would you want it to be permanent, though?”
“What do you mean?” 
“Would you want to live in Jabariland? With M’Baku?” T’Challa asked, already knowing the answer even if she didn’t yet. 
“I hadn’t thought about it honestly. Maybe, one day.” Under her siblings’ knowing stares, she amended her statement. “But M’Baku and I are trying to go slow, take our time. We have been dating for two days, I doubt he is redecorating the Lodge for me yet.”
T’Challa and Shuri shared a knowing glance that didn’t go unnoticed before ushering her toward the plane, a sudden 180 turn from their original despondent looks. “What was that look for?” 
T’Challa smiled, “Nothing. We just think you are underestimating the speed of the Jabari. Have fun sister. Try not to burn Jabariland down while you are there,” he winked. 
“Too soon, brother… too soon,” she chuckled before waving them goodbye as the Talon ramp closed and the plane sped off. 
“M’Baku! It was foolish to think you could redecorate your quarters in three days,” N’Danna reminded him as the man rearranged furniture and put new things he got at the market out. “I thought she had been here once, I am sure she likes it just fine.” 
M’Baku scoffed, “I do not want her to like it. I want her to want to live in it. I spoke to T’Challa to learn a bit more about her, things she liked. I picked up a few things from being in her office but he gave me some other ideas. I commissioned two new paintings from her favorite artist but those won’t be here until her next visit, Olabisi was able to make her flowers again,” he pointed to the red-orange tipped roses on the bedside table, “I put them on this side of the bed because… well, does liking sunsets mean you also like the sunrise? I have only slept with her twice so who knows if she is a morning person. Oh but T’Challa said she really doesn’t need much sleep so… Oh look at these… I just got them carved.” 
He rushed to the bag by the door and pulled out a box that contained wooden panthers and rhinos. He laid them on the coffee table in his lounge area, excitedly looking from them to N’Danna like a child showing off a new toy. 
“You have been inside the mind of a woman, you think she will like them?” 
“Relax brother. She will love all of it, they are… cute.” 
M’Baku nodded, taking some of his older carvings down and sliding the animals into their place, putting one by her side of his bed. Just as he was examining the room, looking for another thing to move or switch out to expel his nervous energy, Kide popped his head in. 
“The Talon is approaching, my Lord. About 5 minutes out.” 
M’Baku nodded, rubbing his hands together nervously. He nodded at N’Danna to walk with him toward the landing outside the Lodge. 
“Oh N’Danna, I need one more favor.” 
N’Danna rolled his eyes before they bugged out of his head, his chief’s passing thoughts cueing him into the favor before the words left his mouth. “A-are you serious? M’Baku? So soon?” 
M’Baku sighed, it didn’t feel too soon to him. “I have known since the moment I first spoke to her. I do not need to see anything else. I-I do not need anymore time. And I don’t think she does either.” 
N’Danna stood and pulled the man into an embrace. “Congrats. I will get everything squared away for you. Don’t worry about a thing. Just spend time with your girl.” 
The two men shook hands before N’Danna took off in the opposite direction and M’Baku headed to greet Asha. 
This time when Asha stepped off the plane and into the fresh snow of Jabariland, it felt totally different. She was still nervous but not in the anxiety sort of way. It was nervous excitement filling her belly. She didn’t have to wait long before M’Baku rushed forward and swept her into a tight hug.  
“I have missed you.” 
“I missed you too,” she whispered, kissing his lips.  
Their hands joined, her fear of burning him long gone and almost forgotten. She felt sort of out of place as she walked, soldiers saluting her and M’Baku as they strolled through the Lodge. 
“I hope you do not mind but I was hoping you would stay in my quarters this trip. But I had your room from your last visit set up for you, should that make you more comfortable.” 
Asha smiled, appreciative of the sweet but unnecessary gesture. Where ever he was, that’s where she wanted to be. 
“Your quarters are perfect, thank you.” 
And thus started, what Asha could only describe as three magical days with the love of her life. M’Baku spent half of the day working, during which a guard would take Asha down to the market. She spent most of her time chatting with Olabisi, who told her thrilling tales of the Jabari and The Chosen, stories Asha imagined she would have read in that book, had she ever gotten past the first page. She explained all the different powers the Chosen in the tribe had now: flight, chlorokinesis, elemental control like Asha, mind reading, telepathy, invisibility… they were as diverse as they were powerful. She offered book recommendations for Asha, which she immediately went and found in the Lodge’s library. 
After, she just roamed the market, under the watchful eye of one of M’Baku’s guards. She stopped at every merchant asking them every question she could think of about their work and life in Jabariland. She sat and watched the wood makers carve Jabari wood and knobkerries. Every day she met someone new, learned something new, and basked in the beauty of Wakanda’s most plentiful resource: her people. This is what she knew she was missing her whole life. This was her freedom, to be among her people. No one was afraid of her here, no one cared about her powers. She watched all day as Chosen used their powers to help get things done faster and more efficiently, assistance that was not only accepted but appreciated. Asha thought back to her conversation with her brother, about potentially living here permanently. And she knew, in her heart, she could… that she wanted to. Jabariland was starting to feel more like home than the Golden City ever had. 
After leaving the market and shops, she would meet M’Baku for a late lunch and then he would take her to his favorite spots around the Lodge and mountains. They would hike each evening, catching the sunset at a spot, Asha giddy like a child at every single one. Her third night, he even had a picnic set up waiting for her at the end of their hike. 
“How was the market today?” M’Baku asked as they walked back to his bedroom after returning from their hike. 
“Amazing as always. I met this man, he said he has been carving Jabari wood since he was 10. He made the cutest rhino figurine for me - I am going to give it to Okoye. He was so nice and just told me about all the different things he carves and all the Jabari symbols, what they mean. Oh I met the Chief Fisherman and his husband at their shop. They were so sweet, told me all about their daughter who, apparently, wants to be an engineer like Shuri. I will have to tell her, maybe on my next visit she can come and meet her? Do you think she would like that? I think Shuri would be really excited.” 
M’Baku smiled brightly, listening to her go on and on about the Jabari, all stories he already knew as Chief but there was something about hearing her say it. The excitement and passion for the people she was meeting… she sounded like she born for the title of Queen of Jabariland.
“What? Am I rambling? I am rambling, aren’t I?” She asked as she noted the look on his face. 
“No, no not at all. I just like seeing you like this. So excited about the people here.” 
“Well, the Jabari are the first Wakandans I have had a conversation for longer than five minutes with. To be among the people, learn their names and their stories? There is nothing better. I didn’t realize how much I was missing, how much joy it brings. Thank you,” she stretched her body and kissed him gently on his lips. 
In lieu of responding, he just wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her in deeper for a long, passionate kiss. After a few moments, they broke apart, Asha muttering that she wanted to take a shower after such a journey. The hikes still didn’t seem to bother M’Baku, but Asha always felt like she had endured a rigorous workout afterward.
M’Baku shook his head slightly. He understood and respected her desire to go slow. But that wasn’t making it any easier. He wanted her so badly it hurt. But he wanted her to be ready. 
After her shower, Asha stood in his mirror, giving herself a pep talk as she examined the dark red lace lingerie on her slender frame in the mirror. Though there was always something she could find wrong, aside from the blemishes she could not get rid of in 5 minutes, even she could admit that she looked good… sexy even. She whispered confident words to herself before opening the bathroom door. His back was to her as he stood, looking out his window. Her walk faltered for a minute, her confidence fading fast as she realized she would have to actually get his attention. 
He wants you. You want him. You can do this.
“M’Baku,” she whispered. He turned around slightly at the sound of his name, doing a double take as he realized what exactly covered her beautiful frame. 
“Usana,” he breathed quietly as she had literally stolen his breath and ability to speak. He had never been rendered speechless by a woman before, usually he had that effect on them. But here his goddess stood, more beautiful than anything he had seen on this Earth. His eyes studied the smooth brown skin peeking through the triangle cut outs of her bra and panty set, studied her so closely as if he had to commit her to memory.  
“You like it, my love?” She teased, his inability to form words fueling her confidence as she walked toward him, her fingers trailing up his biceps once she was in arm’s length of him. 
“Who wouldn’t? You are a vision, sithandwa sam” He whispered back before gently grabbing the back of her thighs and hoisting her up. Her legs instinctively wrapped around his midsection as he carried her to his bed. She quickly found herself laying on her back among the mountain of soft white furs covering his bed. He stared down at her for a moment, soaking in her beauty. This is how he always wanted to see her… wild and unreserved. 
He leaned over and kissed her deeply before creating a path of kisses down her body. Her body and mind knew his end destination, her quiet squirms begged him to make the journey there faster. But he didn’t care, he wanted to take his time… watch her come undone piece by piece. His mouth explored her soft, supple skin, kissing or gently biting every available and exposed inch. Soft moans escaped her lips, a sensual symphony to his ears. 
“M’Baku, please,” she begged as he placed soft kisses everywhere but where she needed it most. Asha’s eyes clenched shut in anticipation and her hands gripped the furs on his bed as his lips finally reached the promise land of her sensitive bud. Her back arched slightly as he sucked on her clit, sending shockwaves through her body. His thick finger entered her, curling immediately into her g-spot, increasing her pleasure tenfold. 
“Fuck… M’B-Baku… don’t stop, please,” she begged. Unnecessary words because stopping was the furthest thing from his mind. He was doing Hanuman’s work, pouring all the love and adoration she missed out on in her life into her, showing her what it meant to be worshipped and adored as she deserved. He had no intention of stopping that important work. Hell, he could do this all night. 
Asha’s eyes clenched shut as she rode the waves of passion and pure ecstasy his mouth and hands were providing. His eyes never left her face as he devoured what was now his favorite meal, each moan, groan, and plead for mercy or more spurring him on. Her thighs clamped around his head as he pushed her farther up the mountain of desire. He inserted a second finger in her as she grew louder, signaling that her orgasm was near. 
It didn’t take long of his expert ministrations for Asha to feel that snap that led to the most life-altering orgasm of her life, years of self-pleasure paled in comparison. She let out a continuous stream of praise and curse words as she road the waves of bliss. 
“That’s it, come for me my queen. Hanuman, you are beautiful.” 
He emerged from between her legs, immediately kissing her deeply. The smell of smoke caught both of their attention at the same time, pulling them out of their own little world of pleasure and passion to find smoke rising from the comforter. A large black patch of burnt fur now staining his white fur blanket. Asha quickly removed the smoke from the air before hitting herself in the forehead, embarrassment and frustration quickly sliding onto her face. 
“I am so sorry, M’Baku! Ugh, I h-have never done this, especially without the rings. I-I didn’t know that would-“ He captured her lips to shut her up, laughing lightly. 
“It is just a blanket, my love. I have five more just like it in the closet. And if we burn all of those, I can get fifty more made. Take a deep breath. I do not care about that.”
She nodded, laughing lightly before recapturing his lips. There he was again, pulling her back from the cliffs just as she was about to tumble down with such ease and care. Her anxieties and frustrations melted away as he kissed her, her hands drifting down toward his pants, preparing to pull them down.
“Are you sure? We don’t have to do this.” 
His breathy whispers in her ear made her want him even more, despite the content of his words. 
“I want you. I want this.” She offered him an encouraging smile before he stood up and pulled his pants and boxers off. Her voice hitched and eyes widened as she took him in. He was more than she could have ever imagined… in every way. The bed dipped as he climbed back on top of her. Every second felt like cruel and unusual punishment as she waited, every pleasure sensor in her body begging and pleading to be catered to. 
She gasped as he pushed into her, her body wholly unaccustomed to being stretched this much before. It was painful, as she expected, but she could already feel the pleasure brewing underneath… the pleasure that made getting passed this uncomfortable part worth it. He kissed her softly and whispered sweet nothings into her ears as he slowly slid into her. She was thankful he was a thoughtful and gentle lover, her mind briefing thinking about the bullet she dodged with Hasani, who wouldn’t have cared how painful the experience was for her. 
It didn’t take long for the pain to quickly fade into earth shattering, mind-blowing pleasure as M’Baku started his slow and steady strokes into her. His dick curved right into her g-spot, forcing moans and words of love and adoration at the end of every stroke.
“How does it feel, my queen?” 
“F-fuck, M’Baku,” she panted as he rocked into her, slowing picking up the pace as her moans grew louder and her orgasm approached. “Feels… so.. g-good. D-don’t stop.” 
M’Baku’s never-ending stamina meant that stopping wasn’t in the cards for him anytime soon. Through orgasm after orgasm, the couple spent the evening completely enthralled in passionate love-making. His quarters soaked up the screams and moans of the princess of Wakanda as they transitioned between positions and he took her to places she never knew possible. She lost track of the orgasms he pulled from the depths of her soul throughout the night. She was completely spent by the time M’Baku came and rolled off her. 
She shifted to her side lazily to watch him walk to the bathroom, eyes half closed. “How are you not exhausted?” 
“The might of the Jabari,” he called from the bathroom. When he returned, he sat down next to her and cleaned her up with a warm wet towel before climbing into bed. She shifted to lay on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as they fell asleep in each other’s arms. 
“My princess?” 
Asha looked up from her spot curled up in an oversized arm chair in the library to find Kide looking at her. After last night, she didn’t really have the energy to walk around the market today and M’Baku had a long day of meeting so she opted to stay in the library and snuggle up by the window to read. 
“Asha will do just fine,” she reminded the young guard as she slide her bookmark in place. 
“Asha, Lord M’Baku has asked that I escort you to your spot on the west mountains. He will meet you there. The carriage is waiting outside.” 
Asha’s nose wrinkled at the break in their tradition of hiking to the various spots together but she let go of it rather quickly. She imagined that the only reason he would break their tradition was for some sort of surprise. And while she had no earthly idea what it could be, she certainly didn’t want to ruin it by messing up his plans. 
She followed Kide outside, one foot in the carriage before an idea struck her. 
“C-could we maybe get there a different way?” 
Kide’s eyes widened before a smile graced his face. “Are you sure?” 
“Well, the last time I tried it… I almost died? So I figure I could use the practice?” 
She wasn’t sure if her black jumpsuit, while insanely cute, was functional for flying. But she decided not to let that stop her. She looked up to find Kide already circling her head, waiting for her. 
I can do this. I can do this. She chanted before pushing off of the ground. She wobbled a bit before finding her balance and propelling herself higher into the sky next to him. The cold air whipped against her face as she flew behind Kide, slightly lower than him, around the mountains. She looked down and she could see everyone walking around below them, the occasionally hand pointed up or waving at them as they flew past. 
The higher they climbed up the side of the mountain, the more her eyes watered. However, she continued to push forward. She followed close behind Kide, circling the clearing she knew too well before diving behind him to land. The first thing she heard was applause when her feet touched the white snow. She turned to find M’Baku sitting on a rock, waiting for her, a bright smile on his face. 
“Thank you, Kide.” 
“Any time, my princess.” He turned and walked back to the guards waiting on the snow-covered road by the carriage. She turned her attention to M’Baku, noting the nervous look in his eyes, the way his hands fidgeted with his fur collar. 
He didn’t say anything as he approached her, holding out his hand. She immediately placed her small one into his. They stared out at the horizon, the sky starting to fill with the oranges and yellows of sunset. 
She quickly turned her attention back to him, facing him as their fingers interlocked. 
“I-I had this whole speech written out b-but seeing you here… I just… I am in love with you, Asha Udaka. My love for you has only grown stronger and deeper since the moment you walked into my throne room filled with grief and pain. And since then, I have witnessed you step into your power, into who you are and demand acceptance from the people who would deny you with the power and grace of a Queen. I don’t know what Hanuman has for my future but I know I want you in it… I need you in it. I don’t need anymore time to know you are the love of my life. We have proven that our love can melt away even the toughest of hardships, that this… w-what we share is unlike anything else in this world. And I know you will make a beautiful and compassionate Queen. And so…”
Asha expelled a shaky breath as M’Baku spoke. She had a feeling she knew where this was heading but she wouldn’t dare let herself believe it until he said the words. She watched as he pulled two wooden bands out of his pocket. The tears streaming down her face obscured her vision slightly but she knew exactly what those meant. Her mind called back to one of the many books she had read over the last few days, one detailing the engagement tradition of the Jabari. The dark brown wooden bracelet was the standard tribe engagement band, engraved with Jabari symbols that represented the future they would build together. But the gold one, reserved only for the tribe’s chieftess, carried a small inscription chosen by M’Baku. 
“Will you marry me?” 
“Y-yes, yes! 100 times yes,” she whispered immediately. She didn’t need to think about it, didn’t need more time. Her love for M’Baku… she knew nothing like it in this world. And here he was, offering her a future she thought she would never get to have. “I love you so much.” 
Her hand shook slightly as he slid the bracelets onto her arm and wrapped his arms around her. He peppered her face with soft kisses as she laughed, pure joy radiating off them. They only stopped when Asha heard cheering from around them. 
“What is th-“ she turned to find all the important people in her life emerging from the trees. Shuri was the first to rush toward her, running into her like a small train as she always did. Her crying intensified as she hugged her sister and looked at T’Challa, Nakia, Okoye and all the Dora behind her. 
Shuri released her and T’Challa wrapped her in a tight hug, wiping away the tears that streamed down her face. 
“D-did you all k-know about this?” 
“We may have had an idea or two. Congratulations, Asha. T-this is truly amazing.” 
Asha shared hugs with everyone as they offered her congratulations, before returning to M’Baku’s side. The guards brought out rum from the carriage for the group to toast, passing cups around for each person. 
Asha felt as though her heart was so full it may burst at the seams, her happiness almost overwhelming. 
“Lord M’Baku, if I may? A toast!” T’Challa called out, raising his glass. “To my younger sister, Asha and Lord M’Baku. I don’t know if I have ever met two people more destined for each other than you. We are so happy for you, you both deserve the world and I know you have that and more here. Congratulations and here is to many more sunsets together.” 
Asha’s smile could have lit up all of Jabariland as she listened to her brother. They toasted and drank rum as they watched the sun fall below the horizon together. Asha nestled herself into her fiancé’s side as she looked around at the people she loved and who loved her immensely. Bast was right, Asha’s life was overflowing with love and her future with hope. She couldn’t wait to spend every moment of it surrounded by M’Baku, T’Challa, Shuri, Nakia and Okoye… the people she loved most in this whole world. Their journey had been long and rugged, but every step brought her to this summit. And it was worth it. 
Tag List: @destinio1 @muse-of-mbaku @jellybean531 @skysynclair19 @ashanti-notthesinger @gloriousgam3r @archivistofwakanda @leahnicole1219 @mygirlrenee @dramaqueeenamby
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julie1706 · 4 years
Julie’s incredibly aesthetic incredibly autumny list of movies that she maybe recommends (part 2)
Oh sweet joy! It turns out that there are many more great, fantastic, cosy movies (and tv-series!) just absolutely perfect for autumn. By popular demand, I return with even MORE autumny recommendations, and this time, there might even be spell-checking. (Looking at you, “Silence of the Lamps”) (I won’t edit that, because that’s just funny.) 
Thank you for reading the previous one, and I hope you’ll enjoy this one too! We have some GREAT ones coming up. I hope! Maybe! But what I believe will really perfect this second list, is the fact, that autumn is close to being at its peak right now, with it being October! Woohoo! 
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Pumpkins, Jack’o’lanterns, spooky movies, Halloween, tricks and treats, fog, rain, candles lit in the dark, delicious tea, and scarves, because the chill is back in the air! Amazing! The aesthetics are to die for! 
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I’m on a small break from university, and have actually been having some allowed free time, to do autumny stuff. By this I mean I can do autumny stuff with my family and friends, and not feel guilty, because this time I’m not procrastinating. Well, I’m a little behind on some books, but it’s not that bad. You’re allowed free time on breaks! They’re supposed to be mostly free time, anyone knows that. I refuse to be a good student on breaks! 
This free time means that I have actually had time to watch some of these movies and tv-shows myself, and so I can feel a little better about recommending most of them, since I’ve actually seen them. Hehe. Still. I do have other, boring stuff to do, like reading for uni, emptying the dishwasher, cooking, vacuuming, etc., so there will be some of these I’m including, I have not watched, and those will be, again, backed by the power of optimism. Yay! Anyway! You’ve read enough not-halloween recommendationing, and is getting bored - Let’s get to it! (Also, these are still in random order, and I will put warnings at the end, again <3)
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I remember watching Coraline when it came out in theaters, years ago. I also remember that we had a little closet-thing in the wall, small and closed-up, but still very similar to the one she goes into, in the movie. Needless to say, this was not a favorite for little Julie, who was absolutely scared shit-less by this movie. I remember button-eyes, decaying puppets, and a very scary mom. Now, I have not watched the full movie since, but from bits and pieces through the years, I can wholeheartedly recommend this one. It’s stop-motion, the details are incredible, and wow, this movie is great. If you, like me, are no longer 9 years old, watch it! It’s wonderful, and surprisingly, very feel-good in the family aspect. A great movie!
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Official synopsis: 
An adventurous 11-year-old girl finds another world that is a strangely idealized version of her frustrating home, but it has sinister secrets.
//Warning: do not watch this, if you are around nine years old. It will absolutely traumatize you about small closets in old houses. If you are not nine years old, I think you’re good! Just the right amount of spookyness, I believe!
Sense and Sensibility
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I watched this with a good friend in february, I think. So I’m not sure why I think this has to go on an autumny list, but I stand by it! Maybe it’s the beige and brown, beautiful clothing, the many shots of nature, and the relationships between these characters, that fits very well with the cold and chilling air, we find ourselves in, here in lovely October. I don’t know. Food for thought. But this is a great movie, and I really think you should try watching it under a blanket, with tea and a good friend. We didn’t know the story before we saw it, and it had us guessing! And there is a part my other friend Sif told me, always makes her dad cry, and I think that should be taken as a compliment to this movie! It’s great! Love, sisters, crisis and period drama (and great clothes), this movie has it all! (also - Emma Thompson!)
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Official synopsis: 
Rich Mr. Dashwood dies, leaving his second wife and her three daughters poor by the rules of inheritance. The two eldest daughters are the title opposites.
//Warning: It might make you cry. But I promise, it will be a good experience, in the end. It’s not scary, though.
Over the Garden Wall (animated series)
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Well, this one, I’ve been dreading to add to my list. Now, you must not misunderstand, it’s not because I don’t like it. It’s because this series is so great, so weird, so beautifully drawn and made, that I’m afraid I could write a whole blog post dedicated only to Otgw, and still not feel that I have done it justice. It's just so good. It’s like the someone just decided one day, to make a series, that absolutely, perfectly encompasses autumn and halloween, and then did just that. The storyline is good, the art is good, the soundtrack is good. God, the soundtrack. I’ve also made sure to listen to this show’s soundtrack, since we left summer behind, and it’s just so good. There’s a reason tumblr went wild, when this show was first released. But since this is an AUTUMNY list, let me focus on those aspects. Big dark woods, scary noises in the dark, red and golden leaves, fantastical beings - this show has it all, and trust me, it WILL get you in the mood for autumn. I almost started puking leaves and pumpkins when I watched this with my friends, that’s how pumped it got me. This show has a special place in my heart, and if you promise not to tell all the other movies and shows on the list, I’ll admit something: this might be a favorite of mine. Maybe THE autumny favorite. 
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Official synopsis:
Two brothers find themselves lost in a mysterious land and try to find their way home.
Warning: May be a little spooky, but I have it on good authority from a friend that is a true scaredy-cat, with nerves of whipped cream, that’s it’s fine. She  could handle it, watches it every year, and she’s fine. Good levels of scary.  
Corpse Bride
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Believe it or not, that same scaredy-cat of a friend, I just mentioned, actually instructed a musical, based on this story. Is she a horror-fan or not? I have no idea, but her show was so well-done, that it actually made me like this movie a bit better. I have seen it before, but she convinced me, by telling me the original story behind this movie, that it’s pretty great. And by association, this movie became pretty great, too. It’s been some years since I saw this, but it’s a pretty good halloween movie, I think. Dead people tormenting the living. Classic autumn stuff, I would say. And it’s pretty well-made, I think, stop-motion again! I like the aesthetic of a corpse bride, though you have to admit the actual thing is pretty sad. The premise is haunting and scary, but it’s more morose, melancholic and depressing, I think. Poor Emily. But a good movie! Sorry, maybe that wasn’t a very enticing description, but I promise, it will do you more good than bad, to watch it. And then go google the original story, the movie is based on! 
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Official synopsis:
When a shy groom practices his wedding vows in the inadvertent presence of a deceased young woman, she rises from the grave assuming he has married her.
//Oops, nearly forgot a warning! Warning: some people are dead, and therefore rotting a bit. If you’re squeamish, don’t watch. If you love sad love stories, definitely watch!
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
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Yeah, I’m not sure why this has to go on my Autumny List either, sorry. It just has to. I know it takes place over an entire year, but in my head, it jut fits very well with the whole magic, supernatural, foggy halloween times we find ourselves in. I mean, look at the cover! Maybe it’s the iconic scene, right before the troll is discovered in the girls’ bathroom (sorry, spoiler), with the floating jack’o’lanterns, and tables almost crashing undet the weight of candy and cakes, that convinced my brain, that this is a halloween movie. I don’t know. Just trust me on this, and watch the first Harry Potter movie. It’s pretty good. 
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Official synopsis: 
An orphaned boy enrolls in a school of wizardry, where he learns the truth about himself, his family and the terrible evil that haunts the magical world.
//Warning: Nah, you’re good ;-)
Little Women (Important: 2019 edition)
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Alright girls, we’re hopping genres again! This is another period-drama (sort of), about sisters, and wow, I cried to this. I bawled, I sobbed, I choked on snot, and was a little inconsolable, when I watched it with friends, at the cinema. One of the best experiences this year, and one of the greatest movies I have watched in a long time. I love everything about this movie: the family-bonds, the clothing, the many nature-shots, the developments of characters, (almost) all the characters, and just, wow. No good way to end that sentence, because I want to just keep describing all the good parts of this movie, because it's everything. It’s amazing, and yes, i’m exaggerating, but I can’t help it. I forgot to eat my popcorn or drink my water, when we watched this, that’s how mesmerized I was by this movie. I love Jo, I think I can empathize a lot with her, and if I could talk to her, if she was real, I would thank her for telling her story. This movie is great, you should watch it, because it makes you feel so warm inside. 
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Official synopsis:
Jo March reflects back and forth on her life, telling the beloved story of the March sisters - four young women, each determined to live life on her own terms.
//Warning: Might make you break down crying. But in a good way. Very cathartic, actually.
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I watched this for the first time last year, when I decided I was going to watch the classic older horror movies, and not freak the fuck out. I mostly succeed. And this movie was a joy to watch. That’s maybe weird to say about an alien horror movie, but wow I just love Sigourney Weaver, and the aesthetics of this movie. The story is thrilling, and I really did not like most of the characters, I thought they were hysteric and annoying, but I still rooted for them. It’s a different kind of horror movie, that’s for sure! But when I watched it, I totally understood why it has become such a classic.
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Official synopsis: 
After a space merchant vessel receives an unknown transmission as a distress call, one of the crew is attacked by a mysterious life form and they soon realize that its life cycle has merely begun.
//Warning: Uh, yeah, Sif, this is not one for you. It’s gross and scary. Malin, I think you’ll like this one! Go ahead! Maybe we should see it together?
Edward Scissorhands
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Haven’t seen this one! I want to, though. I think I’ve seen one scene, where this man accidentally pokes a water-bed, and younger me felt that was a very tragic thing, on more levels. Johnny Depp yet again, so it has to be good, right? I know this poor guy, Edward, has it rough, and was given some really not that practical hands. Man, he looks sad, huh? So maybe more sad than scary, yet again. Dont know! But I really do want to watch it. Winona Ryder is in this, too, so really, it’s a no-brainer!
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Official synopsis:
An artificial man, who was incompletely constructed and has scissors for hands, leads a solitary life. Then one day, a suburban lady meets him and introduces him to her world.
//Warning: I don’t know? Maybe not that spooky? I think it’s more sad, to be honest.
Pride + Prejudice + Zombies
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I mean, why the hell not - right? I love Jane Austen. I love Pride and Prejudice. And I really like halloween, so OF COURSE, I’m including this one. I’ve seen it, too. My friend Malin and I watched it a couple of years ago, and yeah, it’s good. It’s not high cinema, no, but I don’t need that. It was a fun, weird twist, and sometimes, that’s all you need. There is a very interesting scene with a corset, that was NOT in the book, and I think it really added something to this story. And Lily James. Whew. Great movie. Great for autumn. I will be watching this one again.
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Official synopsis:
Five sisters in 19th century England must cope with the pressures to marry while protecting themselves from a growing population of zombies.
//Warning: I can’t really remember, but I think there’s some pretty gross scenes with zombies. Rotting flesh is NOT pretty. But just close your eyes for that, and  you’ll be good!
The Haunting of Hill House
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I first watched this series when i came out some time ago. I never finished it, I don’t think my heart was in it, but by no fault of the show. Now, that the same creator has made another show, which my mom and I are hooked by, and almost through, I think I’ll be returning to this one - it deserves another chance! A great old house, ghosts, family secrets and INCREDIBLE aesthetics, mean there must be something here! Also, I think it’s based on a novel by Shirley Jackson, and it’s supposed to a classic horror novel, and Stephen King tweeted that he liked it, so yeah, it’s promising! The series I’m watching with my mom is spooky, but tumblr says the Haunting of Hill House is supposed to be much more spooky, terrifying, even, and I really want to find out if that’s true!
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Official synopsis:
Flashing between past and present, a fractured family confronts haunting memories of their old home and the terrifying events that drove them from it.
//Warning: Very Scary! Faint of heart - Beware! Just enjoy this beautiful gif of Nell dancing by herself, and move on <3
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Another old classic! Woo! Have not watched, but really, I feel like that’s almost a crime by now. I HAVE to watch it. Soon, I’m planning to. Sadly, It’s old, and I grew up with the internet, so I’ve been spoiled oh so dreadfully, and knows all the bloody details and plottwists of this oldie but goldie. But I still want to watch it! It must be a classic for a reason - right? Also, I’ve never seen the full version of the famous shower scene, and that’s just embarrassing. Shame on me.
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Official synopsis:
A Phoenix secretary embezzles $40,000 from her employer's client, goes on the run, and checks into a remote motel run by a young man under the domination of his mother.
//Warning: It’s a horror classic! It’s gotta be scary. Then again, it DID come out in 1960. Be careful about this one! Sorry, I have no idea, have never watched it.
Hannibal (the TV series)
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It’s gross, it’s scary, it’s aesthetic, there is a danish elegant man eating people in snowy Baltimore, and you really shouldn’t pay him to be your psychiatrist. Hannibal! I first watched this as a young, edgy teenager, and all the blood and gore didn't get to me at all - I just enjoyed the cat-and-mouse game between Will Graham, our main character, very mentally unstable, and a dog-lover, and Dr. Hannibal Lecter, a renowned psychiatrist, elegant, high-society - and also, he talks like a mixture of the bible and an old greek sonet. What I'm trying to get at is that this show is weird. Good weird. But also, now no longer an edgy teenager myself, it’s really gross. A man’s leg is cut off and served to himself. That’s gross. I didn’t like that, and I definitely covered my eyes. Other than that, it’s a very vivid show, with great focus on presentation and symbolism. I would love for someone to analyse each episode, because there's so much attention to detail. It’s honestly impressive. And after having watched many, many shows about crime and murders, I must say, this show has THE most buckwild, creative, never seen before ways of killing people. How the hell do you come up with a murderer using people’s different skin colors to make a mural? I don’t know. It’s disgusting, but man is it different. I’m halfway through season two, and there is a lot to unpack! Also, have to mention, very homoerotic - that’s a plus. Don’t think I could’ve stomached all the blood, otherwise. I hate blood, and wow is there blood in this show.
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Official synopsis:
Explores the early relationship between renowned psychiatrist, Hannibal Lecter, and his patient, a young FBI criminal profiler, who is haunted by his ability to empathize with serial killers.
//Warning: Yeah. You read how many times I wrote ‘gross’. Just trust me on this one, it’s gross. It’s good, but maybe don’t watch it. You don’t need to introduce your brain to this.
The Haunting of Bly Manor
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Ooh boy. Ooooh boy. This series is very good. VERY good. I’m watching it with my mom right now, I think we’re at episode 7, and wow are we hooked. It’s spooky, it’s haunting, it’s thrilling, it’s mysterious, and wow is it scary. We both agreed to go together, the first night we watched this, and our dog had to be taken out on his night-walk. She didn’t want to go alone, and i didn’t want to stay back at the house, alone. So we went together, and I was so freaked out that I nearly peed my pants, when some kids screamed in our neighborhood. It’s so very much what I want a ghost-story to be, but it’s also a lot more, and much greater for it. I love all the characters, they’re all so well-rounded, and most of them are good. The big manor is spooky, and the woods surrounding it are foggy and dark, and yes, this is really a great series for autumn and halloween. It’s the second series made by Mike Flanagan. There are some similarities between the two shows, and surprisingly, some of the same actors! I think that’s very interesting, and it also made me very confused, as I watched the first episodes of the Haunting of Bly Manor, and could not, for the life of me, figure out where the hell I had seen these people before. It made it even more eerie in a way, and I appreciate that. I love this show, and I think I’ll be very sad when we’re through with it. I guess the natural thing to do, will be to follow up with Flanagan’s previous horror series, The Haunting of Hill House! Also, there’s lesbians in this one. Very nice. I appreciate that. Also, surprisingly - I love the children! They’re so cool and brave, and it would be very nice if especially Flora could go with me, the next time I’m going to a haunted house. Such a badass.
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Official synopsis:
After an au pair’s tragic death, Henry hires a young American nanny to care for his orphaned niece and nephew who reside at Bly Manor with the chef Owen, groundskeeper Jamie and housekeeper, Mrs. Grose.
Warning: It’s spooky. It’s the perfect halloween series, so of course it’s very spooky! This gif I chose is spooky, and I promise the show itself is worse. But if you can handle dead people creepily staring in the background, and maybe has someone to watch it with, I think you’ll be fine!
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Alright! We made it! Another spooky, aesthetic, autumny list, for us to enjoy this crispy season! Woohoo! Also, I’m sorry if there’s any spelling mistakes or whatelse, I hope you enjoyed reading anyway! Thank you! Now go drink some tea and relax, you’ve earned it. I recently tried chili-tea, and damn, that’s another recommendation from me! It was amazing!
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Hope you have a great Halloween, it’s close now. Watch out for the cold weather, remember to bundle up, and don’t let the impending darkness get you down. Light some candles! And also, watch some of these spooky tv-series and movies with your family and friends! And have a great fall! <3
Love, Julie
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mdzs-headcannons · 3 years
I have an idea for some more grape appreciation! JC slowly learns to love the bride he was put in an arranged marriage with? Maybe a bit of enemies to lovers?
(The wangxian prompts are giving me life btw, thank yuuuu)
Yesssssss. Angr grape appreciation!!! He deserves it. And much thanks for kind words 🙏
It’s a long boi, buckle up!
Jiang Cheng’s marriage: hit, or miss?
Jiang Cheng learned from a very young age that he was... undesirable. He was the spitting image of his mother, who had often been declared too fierce, too loud, too demanding, and bearing an overall personality that outweighed any positive influence her beauty had given her.
And on the eve of his wedding, Jiang Cheng can’t help but feel bitter that he’s been pushed into the exact same scenario. He is like his mother, he always has been. His bride-to-be is more like his father. She’s pretty and smart, but also distant, passive, and well-mannered, but ultimately cold towards him.
But her people need a secure, supportive alliance, and he needs an heir.
So they get married. Yay.
It begins much the same as it had been in his youth. He stays in the sect leader’s pavilion, she stays in the madam’s quarters. They sit together at meals in the quiet, and it’s fine. Really.
He’s at least grateful that they don’t argue like his parents used to. Snide and snippy comments, sure, but never the yelling, screaming matches where it felt like their voices were going to tear out the rafters. No, in that at least, he’s managing to break his mother’s likeness.
The first time they ever truly fight is when he returns injured from a night hunt she hadn’t wanted him to go on, and it tears at him, the way the anger in his voice scorches just like his mother’s, burning any peace they might have grown. The way it’s burned almost every meaningful connection he’s ever had, leaving them black and ashen in his mind.
A fire that is banked when the tears surge to her eyes and she leaves. It takes him an hour of hobbling around their home to find her, sullen on the docks, and the confession of “what meager joy would I have here if you were to die?” that sets his mind ringing and his heart breaking and he doesn’t know how to fix it.
But he’s not going to be jaded like his mother, or passively cruel like his father. Not here, not now. He can’t.
They come to an agreement, witnessed by the lapping of the water against the wharf under the moonlight. He will not put himself in the path of danger if it can be avoided, she will understand when his duty says it cannot be.
And their life together goes on.
He’s not exactly sure when it changes. When their awkward, sharp, discomforted silences of two people forced to be together shift into soft quietude of simply being. When the clipped conversations lost their edge, and she stops quietly complaining that his yelling during drills disturbs her needlework, and instead tells him about the small satisfactions of her day, pouring tea while she listens to him privately tearing Sect Leader Yao apart over their dinner.
They visit her ancestral home on the day of their second anniversary, and he sees the way her eyes alight at all the small things she considers part of her home, and he is surprised by how he finds that look so quietly addictive. Upon their return, he endeavors to have additions made that will evoke the same heartfelt gaze.
“You are growing soft, Sect Leader Jiang,” she murmurs one day as she watches the workmen plant a plum garden in what used to be a spare drill ground for advanced disciples.
“Only for my lady,” he confesses.
It earns him a look, soft and confused. She quirks her lips, searching his gaze as he lifts her hand to press a kiss to her knuckles. “If she will permit me, of course.”
“You are the Sect Leader, not I.”
“But a good man always seeks the approval of his spouse,” he retorts.
“This humble spouse will consider it, then, if her good man should truly desire it.”
“I do.”
And they both make the effort to prove it. He adorns her in jewelry, fabric, and praise. She wreathes him verse and song, art and simple finery that will not impede his movement or work. And so they trade, back and forth.
A crown, a painting, a hair pin, a fine ink stone. Back and forth for some time. The complaints at dinner are traded for sharing in each other, the stories of their lives, the scars of their heartbreaks.
“You surely cannot resent Lan Wangji so much if they are happy together?”
“You have yet to see how insufferably smug the man can be about being the one Wei Wuxian chose to stay for.”
Their third anniversary is met in quiet celebration, the whispered words of the servants carrying the joy of hundreds as they spread the news through the gossip wheel. The Madam’s quarters are cleared, and her belongings are taking up new residence in the Sect Leader’s pavilion, where they are to remain indefinitely.
And by some gift for their struggle, their fourth anniversary is met with a vibrant celebration through the whole of Yunmeng, hand in hand with the arrival of not one, but two babes, swaddled in purple and screaming like Jiangs. A son and a daughter, and the Master and Madam of Lotus Pier rejoice with their people.
Perhaps, Jiang Cheng thinks in the chaos, holding his child close with its mother and sibling, he is fated for fairer fortunes after all.
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