#i was like tiny so he straight up like picked me off the ground by the throat it was actually quite disturbing
nyxi-pixie · 2 years
thinking abt the time i was waiting outside my science lesson and some kid in my class straight up choked me against a wall (not in the good way. we were 13. and i dont like men) idk why he did it either i think i was being annoying or smthn but like. what the fuck. LMAOOODHASJFHUIA i fully forget abt this so often and then it just like returns to the forefront of my mind and refuses to leave for 8-10 business days.
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beingsuneone · 7 months
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I BET You Think About Me
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SYNOPSIS: being Theo’s girlfriend is a dream… until you find out why he asked you out in the first place.
FANDOM: Harry Potter
PAIRING(S): Theodore Nott x fem!reader
CHARACTERS MENTIONED: Enzo, Blaise, Draco, Mattheo, Pansy, Snape
GENRE/AU: Snape’s Daughter!Reader, Asks you out cause of a bet, kind of angsty, kind of fluffy, slytherin!reader
WARNINGS: swearing and kissing.
A/N: agh. It’s 3 in the morning. Enjoy. May have a tiny bit of pacing issues but it’s fine
DEDICATIONS: the polls who decided they wanted Theo while I decided I was gonna post Mattheo and Rhysand instead.
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…Six Months Ago….
“You can’t do it, Theo.” Draco says plainly. “If she’s anything like her father she won’t be able to feel that kind of emotion.”
Theo shakes his head. “She’s still a girl.”
Mattheo snorts, Enzo sputters. “That’s a bit sexist, Theo.” Enzo says, looking over at Y/n L/n.
She’s Severus Snape’s daughter and completely untouchable. Theo hasn’t seen a single guy going out with her in the whole six years they’d been at hogwarts.
That might be because of her father.
“Draco’s right.” Mattheo says. “She’ll never fall for you.”
“I’m gonna prove you guys wrong and you’re gonna owe me a shit ton of money for it.”
…. One Month Ago ….
Mattheo stares at you as you walks away. “Damn, I guess you were right.” Both him and Draco reach for their wallets but Theo waves them off.
“I don’t want it— any of it.” It felt for him wrong to take the money from the bet. Theo had fallen for you just as hard— if not harder— as you’d fallen for him.
Hell, Theo would kiss the ground you walked on if you asked him.
“What do you mean?” Blaise asks incredulously. “You won the bet.”
Theo furrows his eyebrows. “Whatever, I don’t want the money.”
They all stare at him.
One, two, three minutes of silence before Mattheo blurts out: “Oh my god. Theo fell for her.” He starts to laugh, and the other boy's eyes widen.
“Wow. That’s a little bit pathetic, Theo.” Draco teases.
Pansy slides in beside Blaise. “Wow. Famous playboy Theodore Nott fell for someone?” She snickers. “Who?”
Theo deadpans. “What do you mean who?” You are Pansy’s roommate after all, Pansy should better than anybody.
Her face falls. “You don’t mean y/n. do you?” Theo nods and she gives him an exasperated look. “Theo! You literally only dated her to win a bet!”
“Yeah, I know!” He retorts. A beat of silence, then, “I shouldn’t have done that.”
“You have to tell her.” Enzo cuts in. “If you truly like her, it isn’t something you can keep secret.”
Theo nods his head absentmindedly. “I know, I know. I’ll tell her soon.”
He didn’t want his new relationship to end before it ever began.
Today, you woke up late, stubbed your toe on your bed and then spent the ten minutes you had to get ready looking for your damned potions book.
When you’d finally found it, threw on your uniform and got your hair into some sort of presentable, you rushed out your dorm and down the hallways as fast as your feet would take you.
Your class was on the opposite side of Hogwarts and you were already ten minutes late.
In your haste, you aren’t watching for other people in front of you and run straight into someone.
“I’m so sorry!” You exclaim frantically, picking up your books as she picks up hers.
She looks familiar but you don’t know her name.
“No, it’s okay— Oh.” Her faces twists into a scowl when she meets your gaze. “You’re Theo’s ‘Girlfriend’” she airquotes as she says ‘girlfriend’, causing you to narrow your eyes at here.
You furrow your eyebrows. “Uhm, yeah, I am. Why did you say it like that?”
She crosses her arms. “Because you and I both know that he doesn’t actually like you. You’re not his girlfriend.”
“And who, exactly, are you?” You ask, annoyance settling in your chest.
She looks down at you, a cocky expression written on her face. “You should probably just stay away from him, you know that, right?”
“Really, he’s going to be mine so I don’t even know what you’re doing.” She waves you off, as if she truly believes this.
You shuffle your books around in your arms and shift your weight into your other leg. “You do know that you’re not his girlfriend, right?”
“Whatever.” She shrugs, and you still don’t know her name. “Doesn’t matter if he calls you his girlfriend, it’s not like you’re a threat anyway.”
What does she mean ‘not a threat’? You feel like that’s a sentence better used to describe her considering, you’re Theo’s actual girlfriend. “What is that supposed to mean?” You ask incredulously but still relatively calm.
She gives you a mock sympathetic expression. “Oh, Sweetheart,” She starts, taunting you with each syllable. “You didn’t really think someone like Theo would settle down for someone like you… do you? I mean, he’s all parties and good times and you’re… well, you can’t even dress yourself properly.”
She looks you up and down, from your half-untucked uniform shirt to your loose tie and your unwrinkled skirt. You’re not usually this messed up. “Clearly, I do, because he did.” You pause, sigh deeply and roll your eyes. “Why am I even entertaining this conversation?” You turn away from her, preparing to tune her out and walk away.
She tuts, shaking her head. “Because you obviously know you mean nothing to him— after all when your relationship starts with a bet, I don’t think it’s ever been super stable.”
This makes you stop and turn back to her. “A bet?” You say it slowly and the words taste awful on your tongue. “What bet?”
She scoffs-laughs and smiles evilly. “Oops, did I say too much?”
Theo chooses this moment to walk up behind the two of your . He slides his hand around my waist, letting it rest there as he stands beside me. “Are you okay? You’re super late.” He asks, looking you over. His eyes flit over to the girl who was talking to you and his nose scrunched. “Why are you talking to Tracey?”
Tracey, that’s her name.
I don’t think he likes her too much.
Tracey opens her mouth to respond but I cut her off and begin dragging Theo away. “I don’t even know, Theo, let’s go.”
I can feel Tracey’s glare until we’re well out of her line of sight.
You can’t get Tracey’s words out of your head. You know it was a tactic to rile you up and, you suppose, it worked but you had this horrible feeling that maybe she wasn’t lying.
Asking Theo about it though? That was hard; you didn’t want him to think you didn’t trust him but you also didn’t want to get upset before you knew whether it was true or not.
You decided to ask one or two other people before Theo. Pansy Parkinson, was first. She’s been your friend since first year but she hung out with Theo’s group long before you ever did.
“Hey, Pansy.” You say airily. She looks up at you and smiles.
The bed creaks as you fall down onto it and sigh. “Can I ask you a random question?” You ask, fidgeting with the corner of your blankets.
She looks up at you expectantly but also with a good deal of worry. “Yeah, of course; What’s up?”
She shifts in her spot at the end of her bed, turning her full attention to me.
“Did you ever… I don’t know,” you stop, trying to find the correct words. “Did you ever hear anything about Me, Theo and a bet? While you were, like, hanging out with them.”
Pansy looks down at your fidgeting fingers and then furrows her eyebrows. She thinks about it for a minute, and her face drops so slightly I almost don’t catch it. “Oh, y/n…” she trails off. “He didn’t tell you?”
Every muscle in your body locks up. “He didn’t tell me what?” You don’t think you really want the confirmation now that you know it’s coming.
Pansy stands and then sits down next to you and pulls you into her in a side hug. “When Theo started trying to get with you it was because of a bet.” She stops but you just gesture for her to continue. “… I wasn’t actively apart of this conversation so I only got the gist of it but I was there.”
“What was the bet.” You say, with your eyes hot and your throat restricted. Your tone makes it seem like it wasn’t a question.
“The boys bet him that he couldn’t make the next woman he saw fall in love with him by the end of the year.” She gives your a sad smile. “I guess the next woman was you.”
What. The. Fuck. You’re gonna kill him, because he obviously won that goddamn bet already. You give Pansy a quick squeeze and then stand up. “I need to go talk to him.”
Pansy nods and walks back to her own bed, waving bye as you walk through the door.
Your vision is a bit blurry and your hands are shaking with betrayal and anger as you storm away from the girl’s dorms and right through the common room to the boy’s dorms.
When you reach his door, you knock loudly, despite it being late.
Draco answers. He looks you up and down and then turns his back halfway to you. “Theo, your girlfriend is here.”
Theo appears a moment later, an easy smile and his piercing eyes that you want to love so badly right now. He gently moves you back a bit and steps out of the dorm. “Hey, Baby, what’s up?”
You shudder at the pet name and his face drops. “Oh, I don’t know, Theo.”
He pulls you to the other side of the hall and keeps his hands on your arms, comforting both yourself and him. “What’s wrong? Did somebody do something to you?”
The worry on his face seems so genuine, you almost want to believe the bet was a lie— but you’re not that stupid.
“Yeah, Theo, someone hurt me.” You pause. “It was you and your fucking bet.”
He freezes. “Shit. Who told you about that?”
You don’t want to— no, you can’t look in his eyes. “That girl, Tracey, and then Pansy filled in the finer details.” You’re arms are crossed now and he can’t hold you like he was before. “Is that seriously the only thing you care about right now— actually, obviously it would be because I’m just a bet, right?”
He opens his mouth to speak but you don’t let him. “Actually,” you continue. “I don’t want to hear it— just, have a good life, Theo. I’d say we’re over but I don’t think we really ever started to begin with.”
You walk away before you second-guess yourself and ignore as he calls your name. He doesn’t run after you, which you’re equally glad for and disappointed by.
God, you don’t think your heart has ever hurt this bad.
You haven’t seen Theo in class for the whole week after you ‘broke up’; you’ve seen glimpses of him outside, always smoking, or eating in the Great Hall but it’s like he’s intentionally missing every class you have together.
He probably is.
He shouldn't have that right. You’re the one who gets to avoid him, he doesn’t get to avoid you.
You’re the one who got played like a violin and ended up battered and bruised.
You don’t see him for most of your days, but, when you do— when you look at him, his eyes are always already on you.
As a result the other Slytherin boys glance at you while he stares, because of how intensely he does so. You can feel his eyes burning holes into you at all times.
You try your best to ignore him as you stand to leave the Great Hall.
A boy stops you near the entrance, you think you recognize him. He’s the same year as you, and pretty nice as far as you know. His name is Lucas, you’re pretty sure.
“Hey.” Lucas says warmly. “How are you?”
He’s a bit close, and you’re sort of backed into the wall. You laugh awkwardly. “I’m alright, um, how are you?”
He smiles. “About the same,” he looks behind him and then back at you, same easy-going smile that isn’t easy the way Theo’s is. “Anyways, I was wondering… since you broke up with Nott, maybe you’d wanna go out sometime? With me?”
“She doesn’t.”
Lucas’s shoulders jump at the sound of Theo’s voice and he backs away from you and spins to look at Theo, whose standing there with a dangerous look on his face.
You glare at him. “Maybe I do want to.” It’s a challenge and Theo knows it.
Lucas sputters. “You know, I actually realized I’m busy, so…” he scrambles off after that you’re left with Theo.
You scowl at him. “Theo, what the fuck?”
“He’s not good enough for you.” He shrugs like he knows what’s good enough for you. Mr. Bet-Winner.
Your heart aches in your chest just looking at him. “And how would you know what’s good enough for me, Theo? because you sure as hell weren’t.”
He scowls now. “I treated you like you were a fucking princess, Y/n, all he would’ve done was treat you like a piece of ass.”
You huff. “A princess, Theo? None of it was even real!” You spin to walk away but Theo catches your wrist and pulls you back; he slips his other arm around your waist and pulls you right to his chest. Your faces almost touch.
Your breath hitches like the traitor that it is.
He pulls your hand up to rest on his chest, where his heart beats hard and erratically. “Does this feel fake to you?” Theo’s fingers dig lightly into your waist. “Do you honestly think that all of that— everything we said and did— meant nothing?”
His breath fans across your face.
Your whole body feels like it’s on fire, and he’s the ice bucket that can save you— but your pride and anger are like the fires of hell; irreparable.
“You took a bet to make me fall for you, Theo, and lucky for you, you won it. How much was I worth, huh?”
He replies almost instantly. “I didn’t take any money, Y/n.” Theo breathes deeply and you feel his chest rise and fall, forcing yours to do the same.
“You— what?” You can feel your resolve cracking, the hope leaking through that somehow you were wrong.
“Let me explain the full story.” He waits for you to give him confirmation; you nod and he continues. “Yes, it started with the bet, and yes, I had never planned for it to last. It was cruel and mean, and I’m sorry. But the thing is, I didn’t anticipate that I would end up falling in love with you right back.” The words feel like a kick to the heart.
“But, on the other hand, how could I not? You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen and you’re intelligent and funny, you laugh at all my stupid jokes. You love potions more than any other class and you’re really good at it too.” He stops. “Y/n, you’re perfect and I’m so, so sorry I never told you— or, even worse, that I did it in the first place.”
Your heart skips several beats. “Oh.”
“Oh.” You’re at a loss for words.
He just looks you over, trying to assess what’s running through your mind like he always does. “Please forgive me, Y/n. I love you so much it hurts.”
You pull away from him and he reluctantly lets go, his shoulders sagging in defeat.
“You’re serious?” You ask quietly. “No bets this time? Nothing you haven’t told me?”
He shakes his head, giving you the saddest, puppy-dog look, unintentionally.
You’re silent for another long moment before, finally, you say: “you love me?”
Theo looks into your eyes. “God, yes.”
“Okay.” You say softly.
He straightens. “Okay, you’ll get back together with me or Okay, I don’t forgive you?”
You hold up one finger and he seems to understand because he pulls you back into him so quickly and presses his lips to mine; you kiss him back, and kind of stand there, kissing, for a long moment. Probably longer than you should’ve.
But you wish he never had to stop.
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All content belongs to @beingsuneone , do not repost, copy or post on other platforms without my permission.
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01zfan · 9 days
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film it | l. sh
skateboarder!sohee x videographer!reader | 7k words
ninona lore this took me back to my skateboarding days…don’t know why i didn’t realize the tea with skateboarding sohee earlier.
i listened to tape you by N.E.R.D. while writing this. also the music i imagined for the highlight reel is humps for the boulevard by rodney o and joe cooley!
contains: sex & recording the act (consensual), mentions of skateboarding related injuries (nothing major)
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you always heard sohee first.
the sound of the wheels on his skateboard gliding across the ground behind you. you only saw him like a flash of light, there one second gone the next and always followed by his crew of skateboarders. the only time he had spoken to you was the warnings that he was coming behind you and he didn’t plan on slowing down. 
your interaction with sohee was so limited that you thought he was talking to someone else when he first addressed you.
“hey!” he yelled to you.
you looked around the skating park to see who sohee was talking to. you sat on the bench, mouthful of your sandwich when you realized sohee was looking straight at you. when you pointed to yourself sohee nodded, smiling back at his friends before he continued.
“you good with a camera?” he asked, still yelling.
your shitty camcorder sat next to you, resting on top of your recently bought board. you had picked up a hobby last minute for the summer, in no way at all was that connected to the man that spoke to you. you swallowed your bite before nodding your head, instinctually dusting crumbs off of your body.
“yeah.” you yelled back.
sohee looked back to his friends one last time, all of them giving him nods of approval.
“can you film us doing some tricks?” he asked.
you nodded your head with a little too much enthusiasm, and you got up from your spot on the ground a little too quickly. maybe something about the acknowledgment made you feel vindicated, or maybe you liked having something to do. being at the skatepark alone was less fun than you thought it would be, so you leapt at the chance to spend time with people. they didn’t care that you were wobbly on your skateboard, they slowed down as they gave you instructions on where they were going so you could follow them. 
“i’m gonna start on the a-frame and then go to the euro gap.” taesan instructed, pointing at each structure.
“got it.” you chirped.
you started the camera at taesan’s face, going all the way down to his feet planted on the skateboard. before taesan could start, another one of sohee’s friends skated behind you. you turned the camcorder quickly to face him, and he looked shocked for a moment before adjusting to the camera. 
“make sure you get him eating shit too.” leehan said.
you turned the camera back to taesan as the rest of the crew laughed behind you.
“you can’t even nollie flip.” taesan teased.
“fuck you.” leehan laughed.
the rest of the day you spent with sohee and his crew, filming their tricks and them bickering with one another. they even taught you how to be more steady on your board while recording at the same time. 
by the time you guys were done the sun was setting and you all smelled like sweat. you could feel how dirty the clothes you wore were, your shirt felt like a dirty rag that dried in the sun on your body. even if you all smelled and were all still sweating from the heat you ended the day at the top of the ramp huddled together watching the raw footage. they all crowded around the tiny viewfinder, laughing at their failures and exclaiming at the successful attempts at tricks. sohee constantly praised your recording ability, to which you shook your head each time. 
“it’s nothing really.” you pointed at the screen, waiting for a certain part you knew would illicit a reaction. “this is when leehan scraped his knee trying to nollie flip.” you said.
when the videos were finished, sohee’s friends began grabbing their things but sohee lingered close to you. he waited until you looked up from your camcorder to him, and he turned at the same time. you got flustered and sohee smiled at you trying to avoid eye contact, only breaking away when another one of his friends spoke.
“i’m tired as hell. i’m going home.” seunghan said, throwing his backpack over his shoulder.
“me too.” haewon got up from the ramp, using a grip on your shoulder to push herself up.
seunghan made his way down the ramp and the others followed. you found sohee lingering behind once again, waiting for you to grab your things. while his other friends walk ahead, he stayed behind to walk with you. he adjusts the backpack on his shoulder and looks to his friends that talk ahead of you two.
“i mean it though,” sohee turns to face you. “you’re really good at recording us.” he says.
now it’s your turn to adjust your backpack, shaking your head shyly the same way you did before.
“it’s nothing really.” you say awkwardly.
you and sohee walked in silence, the only sound between the two of you was his dragging feet on the cement. you clutched your hand around your camcorder, the feeling of now or never crossed your mind as you spoke.
“i would love to film you guys.” sohee turned to you. “for the summer. maybe even make a little highlight reel maybe.” you offered.
you saw sohee open his mouth, his hand going to the back of his neck before the rest of the crew overheard you. seunghan basically leaped on your shoulders, all of them jumped around you thanking you for taking the time out of your summer to film them. haewon promised she’d teach you how to really skate and leehan said he would master the nollie flip by the end of the summer. the only person that wasn’t enthusiastic was sohee. your eyes stayed on the hand that was scratching at the nape of his neck. 
when the crew dispersed to skate back home, you found out that both you and sohee had to go in the same direction. when you thought you’d hear the familiar warning of him behind you on his skateboard you instead heard the sound of his feet running on the road to catch up to you. 
even with the nice gesture, without sohee’s crew to fill the silence between you both it was awkward. his lack of enthusiasm when you offered to film them for the summer still weighed heavy on your mind, making you feel tense. you two walked in complete silence, you even purposely went on a different path to separate from sohee. he watched you as you started walking diagonally behind him, trying to cut through a residential area.
“i’m going this way.” you said, pointing to a beaten path.
sohee looked down at the skateboard in his hand. he looked forward on the road he was walking on. for a moment underneath the light of the streetlamp he looked like he wanted to say something. the two of you lingered underneath the artificial light, getting ready to walk on your own separate paths.
“i’ll see you tomorrow?” you asked, still standing in the same place.
sohee nodded, putting his skateboard down on the road next to him. he tightened the straps on his backpack as he got on his board.
“yeah. see you tomorrow.” he said.
and with that, sohee started skating down the road to head home. you stayed underneath the light of the streetlamp, trying to think about what you did wrong. the cicadas matched the buzzing in your mind as you ran through every single interaction you had with sohee. when you realized he probably hated the idea of someone basically inviting themselves to join the crew it all made sense. you didn’t even think in the moment how presumptuous you were being, you just let anything fall from your lips to fill the silence. you cringed to yourself, even letting out an audible groan as you realized your social fumble.  
you thought about your fumble for the rest of the night as you watched videos on how to make a successful highlight reel for skating. you even uploaded old files from your camcorder that you had been putting off to make room for new skating videos.
you came to the conclusion the following day that sohee was confusing. despite him not seeming apprehensive of you becoming a temporary member of his crew, he spent an ungodly time around you. during the breaks he would ask what you packed for lunch, while the rest of his crew convened he would find his way next to you asking for your thoughts. each time you shook your head, not feeling it was your place to give input as a temporary member of the group.
sohee lingering only got worse as the summer went on. he picked up the habit of waiting beside you at all times, even when he was up next for a trick. you became sohee’s director, telling him from behind the camera to go stand with the rest of the crew, or to go to the ramp because he was next. each time he was caught off guard, smiling and shaking his head before jogging to his correct spot. he eventually became something like your shadow, always watching the raw footage over your shoulder at the end of each practice. he would always make sure you could hear his reactions, letting out ooh’s and aah’s each time he saw something cool. sohee even began offering to come with you on the dirt path to your home—you believed that was the first time you ever saw sohee give up the chance to ride his skateboard. 
by the end of the summer, when the video was almost finished and your relationship with sohee was even more confusing than before. you knew at the very least that sohee liked your camerawork. he complimented you so much throughout the summer that you had finally gotten use to the praise. you accepted all of his kind words with a smile on your face. but even if sohee gave you compliments, something still felt off. you were friends with other people in the crew, you had worked up a good rapport and a good friendship to the point that you become something more than an omniscient viewer of the life. but you still couldn’t pinpoint what you were to sohee, and as a result you couldn’t determine what he was to you. 
as the final month of summer approached, you had given up completely on trying to figure out sohee. you instead put all of your effort into the video, spending weeks perfecting everything. you don’t know why you worked so hard on it—you took the extra steps to add segments for all the different tricks. you added bloopers at the end, all the failed attempts as something to laugh at. you had a sleepless week for no reason, trying to find the perfect background music and sync it with the transitions. when you were done you even went the extra mile to burn it to a DVD, keeping it safe in your backpack before heading to the park. 
you were extra excited at the skatepark, the nerves of showing the crew your finished video made you antsy. they had stopped asking you when the video would be done a long time ago. they wanted to give you time, but without fail towards the end of practice everyday they would be waiting with bated breath for an update. you had told the crew it’s almost ready a million times and told them just one more week nearly a month ago. when everyone was grabbing their things getting ready to go you held your backpack close to your body, remembering the DVD that sat at the bottom.
“so about that video.” you tried not to laugh when everyone whipped their heads around to look at you. “i finished it.” you said nonchalantly.
despite you trying to remain casual everyone instantly reacted. all of the crew immediately started jumping up and down, circling around you as they waited for you to show them the proof. when you pulled out the DVD they ooh’d and aah’d at the novelty of it all. everyone wanted to see the video, and it didn’t take long before the crew was following you home to watch the highlight reel. 
you corralled everyone into your recently cleaned room, clearing off your chairs to try and accommodate for the extra bodies. you found your seat on the ground at the foot of your bed between leehan and sohee. you tried not to think too much about how close you were to sohee compared to leehan, instead focusing on your growing nerves of showing something you spent so much time on. you leaned forward to pull the DVD from it’s translucent green holder, putting it in your player and closing it. you sat back in your same spot while everyone waited for it to start
the music started playing before the video played. a loud intro, the beat making everyone nod their heads. the beginning of the highlight reel played as an intro for everyone in the crew, earning a small cheer each time someones name popped up. everyone commented on the special effects, and when the actual tricks started everyone only got more excited. you turned to the side during the video, trying to silently gauge everyone’s reaction. you felt relief seeing everyone smile and deeply involved in the video. you felt even more relieved seeing sohee so clearly enjoying it. he had his palms keeping him propped up, his stretched out legs swaying to the beat of the music. when something particularly cool happened he turned and looked at you, and you had to turn quickly to face your small television. 
when the video was over, everyone was silent for a moment. before doubt could even enter your mind, seunghan spoke first.
“that was perfect.” he said.
almost instantly, everyone else started agreeing. everyone wanted to know how you did it, what song you used to play in the background, why you put so much effort into it. when leehan asked for a copy everyone else started agreeing, saying they wanted their own copy too. you felt high in demand, waving your hands to try and get everyone to quiet down.
“i can burn some extra DVD’s.” you looked to your computer and the stack of DVD’s you already had piled up next to your monitor. “it might take awhile, but i can get it to you guys.” you said.
“take all the time you need.” taesan said.
everyone nodded in agreement, not wanting to rush you anymore.
“i could probably burn them tonight. have them ready tomorrow” you said.
“i can stay.” everyone turned to sohee still sitting on the shag rug. “help you burn them. i live right over there anyway.” sohee said.
he projected his voice and gave his reasons to everyone in the room, but he stayed looking at you. when you nodded your head wordlessly, sohee smiled before going back to looking at the television. the rest of the crew exchanged looks, but they didn’t bother to press the conversation any further.
it wasn’t long before everyone was collecting their things and grabbing the trash of the snacks from the convenience store you guys raided. everyone talked about seeing you soon, and thanking you for the video. when you walked everyone out sohee stayed behind to start burning the DVD’s for you.
when you made it back into your room, you saw that your computer was already in the process of burning a DVD. sohee was back in his original spot at the foot of your bed, knees drawn to his chest as he looked up at you. suddenly you wished you had declined his offer to stay and help. you had narrowly avoided being alone with sohee all summer, but now here he was sitting on your shag rug looking up at you. sohee timidly tapped the spot you were sitting earlier, and you tried your best to seem nonchalant as you sat next to him.
the silence stretched on for a long time. for awhile, it was just you and sohee listening to your computer etch the video into the DVD, and the sound of birds chirping outside your window. when you heard the sound of your metal bed frame creaking due to sohee leaning on it, you kept your eyes on him. he rocked side to side, his knees still drawn closely to his chest.
“the video was really cool by the way.” he said.
you started picking at the strands on your orange shag rug, suddenly feeling too embarrassed to look at him. the fact that you could feel him looking down at you didn’t help, it only made you focus on anything in your room but him.
“thank you.” you said, smiling to the ground.
sohee scooted closer to you, until his foot was in your line of sight. you still refused to look at him, the feeling of embarrassment kept your eyes trained on the rug. the two of you are silent, and you can hear sohee shift as he takes in a deep breath.
“can you look at me?”  he asks quietly.
you look up to sohee quickly, not sure why you listened to him over the screaming voice in your head. he looked at you gently, gaze flickering over the features on your face. having him this close to you made you want to recoil away, but you didn’t want to miss a single second of him taking you in. when he scooted closer you didn’t back away, even if you felt a pounding in your chest and skull. 
“you’re really cool.” sohee complimented.
you let your hands rest in your lap, instead picking at your fingers over the shag carpet. your mouth felt to dry to speak, but you nodded and tried swallowing your spit just to wet your mouth.
“you too.” you said back.
sohee leaned into you quickly. it was too fast for you to recognize what was going on, one moment you were thinking about sohee and the next he was so close to you that his breath fanned your face. his lips were soft against yours, and for a moment you two stayed like that, with sohee leaned into you while both of your lips were still. he pulled away before moving his lips against yours, the tiny sound of your separation permeating in your brain.
“is this okay?” he asked.
“i’m so confused.” when sohee tilted his head in confusion you continued. “did you like the video that much?” you asked.
“i was kinda afraid i wasn’t being obvious enough.” sohee laughed.
when he saw the same confused expression on your face his hand went to scratch at the back of his neck. 
“i really like spending time with you.” sohee admitted.
”i thought you didn’t even want me in the group.” you said.
as you remembered sohee’s reaction when you offered to film the crew’s highlight reel, his face completely changed. instantly he was shaking his head, putting his hands on your shoulder to bring your attention to him.
“i didn’t want you to think i was using you because of your camera. i wanted to find a way to spend time with you.” he clarified.
when sohee tells you his reasoning everything makes sense. the way he stuck to you at the skatepark, how he always watched you so carefully when you were trying to skate. you realized the tense atmosphere when he would walk you home was the complete opposite of apprehensiveness. even though everything makes sense, you still feel upset. when your eyebrows furrow you see sohee instantly become apologetic.
“are you mad at me?” sohee looks back to your computer and sohee starts shuffling to stand up. “i should probably go.” he says.
before sohee can fully get up, you grab his arm. he freezes instantly, and when you guide him back to the ground he follows immediately. when he bites his lip nervously you want to tell him you could’ve been kissing all summer underneath the street lamps of your neighborhood if he had just been more upfront with you. you could’ve been sneaking around and pushing him up against the chainlink fence that surrounded the skatepark before everyone else arrived. but words have barely served you up to this point, and your throat is so dry you think your voice would fail you anyway. so instead of trying to express your feelings with words, you use your grip on sohee’s arm to bring him closer to you. 
sohee let his legs straighten until they were flat against your rug. instantly you put your hand on his thigh, using your grip on him to turn your body to kiss him better. sohee responded by moving a hand to your waist, sticking his ring finger in the belt loop of your pants while his other fingers rested on the bare skin of your torso. even from this little contact you already felt overwhelmed. 
when you pulled away from sohee he kept one of his hands on your face. you took him in like this, how his lips were still parted and his eyes were still closed before he realized you weren’t going back in to kiss him. his eyelashes fluttered when he blinked a few times, trying to recover.
“i really like spending time with you too.” you said quickly.
when sohee pulled you in again, he let his lips press a little harder into yours. you felt his hand on your waist move to your leg, and you let sohee move your legs until they were on top of his. he followed your movements, his hand splaying across your jean clad thigh before pulling you in closer by your legs.
when you were close enough, sohee moved his hand from your leg to the small of your back. he pressed gently, until your back arched and you pressed even more into him. you let your tongue go into his mouth first, and he tilted his head and parted his lips a little wider to give you access. 
the sound of kissing and your jeans rubbing against eachother filled the room. you had one of your hands behind you, gripping your shag rug from the tension and for stability. sohee couldn’t take his hands off of you, pulling and kneading your skin while he pressed his tongue against yours. the kisses were beginning to get sloppy, when you pulled away again there was a thin string of spit stretched between the two of you.
sohee licked his lips and broke the string. he looked up from your lips, scanning over your whole face. you did the same, taking in sohee against the backdrop of your room and his hair that was already sticking up in odd places. 
you were lost in the smell of sweat that clung to his baggy clothes and the wind burn that gave him a natural blush while his eyes wandered down, staying stuck on a part of your shag rug.
“i wanna film you.” sohee said, quietly.
you were still coming down from the feeling of sohee against you as you listened to his words. you followed his line of sight to the camcorder that was turned on its side. it was enticing, looking at the camera that was already on and in arms reach. the only thing you would’ve had to do was hold it in your hands and press the record button.
both you and sohee reached for the camera at the same time, and both of you hesitated at the same time too. you went back to looking at sohee, feeling his warm body press against yours. his hand had moved back to your legs, pulling them in close to his stomach. he looked at the camera once more and decided against it, shaking his head as his hands started creeping back up your leg.
you forgot about your camera as sohee pulled his legs from under you. he stood on his knees now, and it was you looking up at him as he came closer to you. you moved to give him space, and he moved his hand to your shoulder to slowly push you down. 
with your back resting on the shag rug there was another pause as sohee looked down at you. his shirt was loose on his body, hanging down and revealing his toned stomach you sneaked so many peaks at over the summer. when he saw you looking he guided your hands to the bottom of his shirt. when you fisted the fabric and started pulling up sohee did the rest, a single hand reaching for the back to pull it over his head. he balled up his shirt and put it underneath your head for comfort, and you mumbled a quiet thanks.
“i wanna touch you so bad.” sohee said.
you felt your own nerves creeping up on you as you felt sohee ghost his hand over your clothed stomach. he hovered above your body, but you swore you could feel the warmth coming from his hand in waves. you nodded your head, and you guided sohee’s hand underneath your shirt.
you could feel his gentle hand press into your stomach instantly. he kneaded the soft skin, holding onto whatever he could touch. you were already squirming underneath him, tiny sighs escaping your lips as you tried to comprehend what was happening.
“can i take your clothes off?” he asked.
the calm was absent from sohee’s voice now, reeling off the feeling of your skin in his hand. when you lifted your hips he took his hands off of you, reaching to the waistband of your tight jeans to pull them down your body. your fingers were barely fast enough to take off the button before sohee started pulling, and when they were loose enough you started pushing them down your legs. one of sohee’s hands lifted the end of your shirt, revealing the bottom of your bra. when sohee saw that the color matched the trim of your underwear he nearly started drooling. he bent his head to place a sloppy kiss on the apex of your thigh, earning a surprised mewl. when he blew cold air on his spit he saw goosebumps raise across your skin. 
from down here, sohee could smell you so clearly. although dried sweat clung to your body and left a salty taste on sohee’s tongue he felt himself needing more. you smelled like the soil and the air and the sun rolled into one, laid out for him like you were something to eat. sohee was getting high off of you, and the way you squirmed underneath gave him tunnel vision. he focused on what was hiding underneath the soft pair of panties that were clad to your body.
“can i eat you out?” he asked bluntly.
you felt all the blood drain from your face when sohee’s words hung in the air. your eyes that focused on the ceiling fan broke away from the spinning blades to see if sohee was as red as you felt. but he was unashamed, staring at you almost like he was pleading. you couldn’t say no to him, nothing in you wanted to say no. but simultaneously saying yes to something so lewd made you shake your head.
“you don’t have—.” you said timidly.
“i want to.” sohee’s hand went to the thin waistband of your panties, breaking past the elastic. you saw sohee’s fingers curve underneath the fabric, and his cold fingernails pressed into your pelvis. “really.” he assured.
you stared at him for a second longer, trying to hold out just incase he changed his mind. when sohee remained unfaltering, you felt enough of an ego boost to nod your head.
“okay.” you whispered.
sohee was slow pulling your panties down. he moved from between your legs to the side, resting on his haunches as he pulled them down your legs. his gaze flickered from your legs to your face, and then your exposed stomach. sohee alternated between all of it while he went back to slot himself between your legs. you spread slightly for him, watching him look at your core. with the back of your hand pressed to your forehead you felt hotter than ever. when sohee placed a kiss on your inner thigh you twitched.
sohee motioned for your hand the gripped the shag rug, instead guiding it to his brown hair. he encouraged you to tighten your grip, and when you did he nodded approvingly.
“so i know when i’m doing a good job.” he said quickly.
before you could say anything else, sohee placed a chaste kiss right on your spread cunt. you already felt yourself tugging at his hair, lips parted as you started inching your body towards his mouth. sohee smiled into the next chaste kiss, then he let his lips slightly part. before you knew it he was placing open mouthed sloppy kisses on your heat, and you were grinding your hips onto his mouth.
when sohee pushed his finger into your clenching hole, your back arched off the rug. sohee pressed his hand into your lower stomach to keep you still, and you began lifting your head to see him clearly. he was focused on your cunt, kissing and licking the most sensitive parts of you. when he felt your eyes he locked in on you, moving his hasty lips to suck on your clit. 
you thought about immortalizing the image of sohee’s plush lips wrapped around your bundle of nerves and the sound of him moaning into your folds for eternity. his eyes looking up at you for approval could be kept on your hard drive forever, reserved for your eyes only. you moved your body to the side to reach for the camcorder and sohee unknowingly pressed his hand deeper into your stomach to keep you in place. you curled around his hand as he applied pressure to the tension building deep in your stomach. he kept his eyes focused on your clit for a second longer, replacing his mouth with his free hand as he caught his breath. 
“sohee.” you got his attention back, and his eyes followed your hand that was reaching for the camcorder. “can i record you, sohee?” you asked timidly.
he looked up to you again, this time making eye contact with the camcorder you now held your shaking hand. he felt you clench around his fingers as your eyes stayed focus on the folded playback screen. sohee could see the dim glow of the video on your face as you brought the camera closer, trying to fit as much as you could in the frame.
“of course.” sohee said, placing a kiss to your inner thigh.
you let out a shaky breath and sohee saw the red light flicker on to point at him. sohee put his hand on your ankle, guiding one of your legs until your thigh was over his shoulder. you moved behind the camera, your quiet gasps caught on film as sohee pulled your heat closer to his lips. his eyes found the lens, his smile caught on the viewfinder. you watched the tiny screen with bated breath, only looking up when sohee did it first. he held your eye contact above the camera, a smile on his face as he leaned onto his side. with his free hand he plunged two fingers into your heat without hesitation. his lips parted as he watched you tilt your head back. tiny whimpers slipped past your lips as sohee continued pumping his fingers in and out of you, twisting his wrist to give you more stimulation. he looked down at the camera that was already pointing away from the action due to you being distracted. sohee stopped pumping his fingers, his eyes were focused on your heaving chest as you tried to regain your composure. when you lifted your head from the rug sohee gave you his most innocent smile, nodding towards the camera resting on your stomach.
“just keep filming me, yeah?” sohee said encouragingly.
“okay.” you shaky hand pointed the camera back to his face. “i got you.” you said out of breath.
sohee continued where he left off, adding three fingers and flicking his tongue on your clit. he looked up to the shaking camera occasionally, but his eyes were mainly focused on your back arching off the rug and you biting your lip to stifle your sounds. he took it as a challenge, trying everything he could to hear you make noise for him. he imagined hearing your whimpers and moans behind the camera when he would watch the playback. the mental image pushed sohee to pump his fingers in and out of you faster, until you brought your other leg to rest on his shoulder.
“sohee.” you whimpered behind the camera. “i’m so close.”
he nodded against your clit, pulling away to let a glob of his spit and your slick slide down your folds. sohee heard you moan at that sensation, loud and desperate as it acted as a lubricant for his pumping fingers. sohee could see your tight grip on the camcorder as your unfiltered sounds filled the room.
“let me hear you.” sohee said quickly before going back to your clit.
you registered sohee’s request late as the feeling washed over you. you were barely in your right mind to hold the camera straight as your legs closed in around sohee’s head. you were pathetic in every sense of the word. the loud moans that bounced off the walls of your room, the way you rode sohee’s tongue, the way you shook your head from the overstimulation. you were a mess and sohee watched it all, and soon you would be able to as well.
when you were done, your still recording camcorder rested on your chest as you desperately tried catching your breath. you saw sohee raise from between your legs, wiping his face with the back of his hand before crawling up your body. he brought you in for another kiss, slipping his tongue into your mouth instantly. you moaned at the taste of yourself and sohee broke away quickly to let you try and catch your breath.
“i need you. so bad.” you murmured.
you held up the camcorder, shaking as you watched sohee stand up to take off his pants and underwear. he looked around your room, his erect dick bobbing mid-air. you looked past your camera to stare at his body.
“do you have condoms?” sohee asked.
you nodded, making the camera move as a result. sohee followed your pointed finger offscreen to the top drawer of your dresser.
“it’s at the—“
sohee found it quickly, holding the foil packet like it was a piece of treasure. he fumbled with the perforated tear as he went back to kneeling beside you, nearly ripping the package in half. before he could lay down you pointed to your bed. 
“can you grab me a pillow for my back?” you asked.
sohee nodded, immediately grabbing the exact pillow you had in mind. 
he dropped to his knees in front of you, crawling with the pillow and condom in his hand. when he was close enough he helped you lift your hips and slid the pillow underneath, looking to you for approval. when you nodded and pointed the camera to his torso. you, sohee, and the camera all watched him grab his hard dick in his hand as he slid the condom on. he rested on his legs and pinched the end of the latex, making sure it was on securely.
when he was done sohee motioned for the camera, and you lifted your weak hand from your stomach to give him the camcorder. he pulled your hand from the strap gently and put his hand in the same place to hold it securely.
for a moment sohee turned the camera around to check for the red dot and you could see him in the viewfinder. something about him looked so perfect to you, almost like he was made to be shot on shitty technology from the 90’s. you saw his large eyes blink for a moment before he turned the camera back to face you, and you could hear the sounds of him messing with the zoom as he tried to find his own angle. he constantly looked up from the tiny screen on the camcorder to look at you, trying to make sure he was getting the perfect framing.
“you look so pretty on camera baby.” sohee said.
his inexperience being behind the camera was obvious as he continued messing with the settings, and your inexperience with being in front of the camera was obvious too. you instinctually let your knees close in on eachother, suddenly nervous to show what you had exposed moments ago.
sohee instantly notices, lowering the camera from his face to slot himself between your legs. he gently separates them with a comforting hand, rubbing your knee tenderly. 
“so pretty.” sohee holds the camera back up, tracing the line of your legs up to your face that felt like it was on fire. “just for us right?” he asked.
“just for us.” you said, nodding your head.
sohee pointed the camera down at your cunt, his free hand running down your inner thigh then back to your knee. you were wiggling your hips closer to him in anticipation, eyes locked on his twitching dick. sohee pointed the camera to you and you let him catch your hungry gaze. he smirked and moved his hand to his dick, letting the camera film him slapping your puffy folds. you jolted from the sensation and tiny gasps slipped past your lips. you could see his smile behind the camera as he kept going.
sohee shuffled forward on his knees until his hips were close to yours. when he lined himself up at your entrance he looked down at you. sohee reached his hand that wasn’t holding the camera out to you, and you grabbed it without hesitation. when he pushed into you, both of your hands were squeezing at the others desperately as the sensation overtook you both. sohee could barely focus on holding the camera as he slid inside of you, and you squeezed your eyes shut as you felt yourself clamp around him repeatedly.
“holy fuck.” sohee pulled out and watched himself in the playback when he pushed himself back in. “you feel so good.” he groaned.
sohee’s gaze flickered between the camera and your body as he began working his hips. he was slow and deliberate with each thrust, making sure you felt all of him. you started moaning pitifully, feeling that familiar warmth slowly spread across your body. you started swiveling your hips, trying to get more stimulation.
“want me to touch you?” sohee asked behind the camera.
you shook your head no, pressing your body against the ground. when you looked up you saw that sohee had lowered the camera slightly so you could see his whole face.
“i wanna keep holding your hand.” you whimpered.
sohee nodded his head knowingly, seeing that you two were now in a predicament. he wanted to see you finish, but at the same time he only had two hands. he didn’t want to stop filming and he didn’t want to let go of your soft hand that was holding his so tight. his eyes drifted to your free hand that still gripped your shag rug and as if a lightbulb went off above his head, he knew what to do.
“can you—” his train of thought was cut off when you clamped around him again. “touch yourself for me?” he asked.
instantly you nodded, you hand going to your clit to rub gentle circles. sohee saw your body react quickly as you arched from the ground and bit your lip a little harder. sohee was so immersed in his view that he forgot about the camera catching all of it on tape. sohee memorized the way you touched yourself to do it to you later. he watched the muscles in your stomach jump and your body occasionally twitch. his lips were parting solely from seeing you get closer and closer. when your grip on his hand tightened sohee hissed, driving his hips deeper to try and give you what you needed. he saw your half lidded eyes open a little wider as your fingers worked faster.
“sohee.” you pulled him closer by his hand, squeezing so tight that sohee’s grip loosened. “i’m cumming” you whimpered.
“go ahead.” sohee grunted.
your fingers that worked your clit started faltering and doing incomplete circles as the rest of your body became tense. sohee stared at you in awe, suddenly remembering that he would have video proof of something so beautiful forever. he took this time to watch you with his own two eyes and to feel you everywhere. when he swiped his tongue across his lip he still tasted you, as sweet as the view before him. he instinctually babbled praises to you, things he had kept to himself all summer or hid under the blanket statement “you’re really good at filming”. 
when your body fully relaxed, and your walls started feeling like a heartbeat around his dick, sohee felt himself becoming desperate. he started picking up the pace but failing to hit the spot he needed due to his preoccupied hands. you must’ve noticed, because you weakly lifted your head to look down.
“go faster sohee.” you pushed your hips to meet his uneven thrusts for emphasis. “please.” you begged.
sohee nodded his head and then moved his hand holding the camera to separate your knees further. you could see him trying to figure out the angle, if it would be possible to give you what you needed while also holding the camera. you felt sohee look at you as he took his hand from the strap that held your camera securely in his hand.
“here.” he motioned for you to grab the camcorder. “hold the camera for me baby.” he said.
sohee put the camera back in your hand, and you propped yourself on your elbows to try and see it all. his speed didn’t falter, and his quiet moans rung throughout your room as he fucked you through his orgasm. you felt yourself feeling the aftershocks of your own peak, becoming so sensitive that your body shook each time you clamped around sohee’s dick. he came forward, head pressed into your collarbone as he kissed your clammy skin. his free hand went to the underside of your thigh and gripped you harshly, and his controlled moans turned into whimpers as he continued rutting inside of you. your view from the camera was obstructed by sohee’s body, but you still brought your lips to sohee’s ear and let your breath fan the shell.
“we look so good together.” you whispered.
after you said that, sohee stilled inside of you. his moan vibrated against your skin and his grip on your hand became vice-like. you flicked your hips upwards a few times until sohee pressed his teeth into your skin.
you let your camcorder rest on your shag rug beside your two bodies as you brought your hand to press into the back of sohee’s head, making him kiss your skin with a new vigor. you two were equally ruined, out of breath as you both tried to keep the stimulation going. 
sohee’s lips travelled from your collarbone to your neck, then your jaw and ending at your cheek. you brought him back down to the ground with you, chests so close they touched each time you breathed. he settled on top of you, kissing your lips one final time before pulling out. he sighed and you turned to see sohee’s shaking hand stop the recording. he rolled next to you on the ground, letting the camcorder rest on his chest.
the two of you stared at your ceiling fan, laying side by side. you reached your hand out to sohee and he grabbed it silently. he squeezed your hand as he took a deep breath in.
“you’re joining the crew now, right?” sohee asked, still looking at the fan.
“if that’s okay with you.” you said.
“more than okay with me.” sohee says instantly.
you hum, feeling like a thank you doesn’t quite fit the situation. your mind is on other things as you see the camera resting on sohee’s chest in your peripheral vision. 
“hey sohee?”
you turn to face him, and sohee turns his head from your ceiling to make eye contact with you.
“do you wanna watch it?”
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vivzzi · 7 months
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pairing: mike schmidt x reader
synopsis: the day guard and night guard communicating through notes.
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your shift starts the same way as every other day. you start by checking the pizzeria to make sure no intruders came in then you start cleaning the office. normally it’s full of empty fast food wrappers and cigarette ashes but this time you find a small bottle of sleeping pills with the owners name on the side of the bottle. mike schmidt. you remember vanessa telling you about the new night guard so you assume it’s his. grabbing a sticky note and pen you write a small note.
try and remember to take your pills home with you next time mike :)
- the day guard
you stick the note on the top of the pill bottle before sitting down and checking the cameras and taking small naps every now and then till the end of your shift. once the clock hits 11pm you grab your belongings before making your way out. while walking to the bus stop the sounds of your shoes hitting the ground with each step being the only noticeable sound throughout the empty street you start thinking about what the new night guard could be like. probably lazy since he brings his pills to work with him.
everyday starts the same. doing the same tasks around the pizzeria and checking on the animatronics every couple days. you walk into the office setting your bag on the ground taking your headphones off when you see a note attached to the security monitor.
Thanks for keeping my pills safe and not throwing them away. maybe you could tell me your name as well? i wish there was another way i could thank you.
- Mike
a small smile appears across your face before you take out another sticky note writing a small note for him.
it’s y/n and you keeping the office clean is the best thank you gift lol
- y/n
you place the note next to his old one before continuing with your job.
when you got to work the next day you didn’t bother with your daily tasks instead you were focused on reading the new note mike has left behind for you. instantly walking through the hallway and straight into the office your eyes see a tiny fort set up in the office which looks like it could fit a small child in before looking over at the desk and seeing another note.
Sorry about the fort my sister came to work with me since i didn’t have a babysitter available last night :/ i promise to clean it up once i come back later. please accept this drink as an apology gift
- Mike
you see a can of coke next to the note and you smile while picking it up. a small gesture which you appreciated.
no worries about the fort it’s kinda cute but thanks for the drink :)) please accept this i think you need it more than me
you walk towards your bag and pull out a can of redbull before placing it next to the note feeling proud of yourself. after that you start doing your tasks with mike being the only thing occupying your mind.
your routine has completely changed instead of doing what you used to do now all you do is leave notes and small gifts for mike as he does the same for you. this time you brought a gift for his younger sister who’s name that you learnt is abby. you place the gift in her fort. a small stuffed bunny before going over to see mikes new note.
This note thing can’t go on forever i may have to clock in early one night so we can talk in person. Abby would also love to meet you.
- Mike
the note was placed on a small bar of chocolate. mike has already shared his past with jobs and how he ended working here so you never really expected any type of expensive gift from him and to be honest you loved all the things he has given you so far.
the next day was different. the second you walked into the pizzeria you were greeted with broken glass everywhere, ripped posters and prizes all over the ground. you sat down in the main dining hall covering your face out of stress you couldn’t help but to feel guilty as if the place getting broken into was your fault. suddenly your thoughts were interrupted by a person running into the pizzeria.
the person runs up to you before pulling you into a tight hug whispering soft words of reassurance into your ear.
“vanessa told me what happened don’t worry about it- are you hurt?”
you finally look up at him as he gives you a small smile and hums to show you that he’s really there before you hug him back.
“i’m so glad you’re here”
“i cant believe this is how we meet”
he makes a quick joke to lighten the mood and it works as you let out a small laugh shaking your head. the rest of the day was spent cleaning up the mess with music playing in the background while you and mike connected over anything you had in common.
leaving him that note was the best decision ever.
you walk out of mike’s car and to his front door with him as he opens it. you see vanessa sleeping on the couch after babysitting abby. you ended up staying at the pizzeria with mike for his shift that same day which made him invite you over to meet abby.
as mike shuts the door you can hear footsteps approaching you guys. abby runs up to mike giving him a hug before turning to you slightly confused.
“abby this is y/n”
her confused expression slowly turns into an excited one as she runs up to you giving your figure a tight hug.
“thank you so much for the stuffed bunny i still have it. do you want to come and see my stuffed animal collection in my room?”
before you could answer her she drags you down the hallway and towards her room. you turn around giving mike a smile while following abby.
“already bringing her home mike? that was fast”
mike slightly jumps due to vanessa’s voice before rolling his eyes.
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a/n: might turn this into a mini series because i wanna expand their relationship but im still thinking about it and i lowkey hate this 😭😭
725 notes · View notes
yukoii1 · 7 months
❝ 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐅𝐔𝐍 𝐖𝐀𝐘 ! ❞ - 𝐆𝐎𝐉𝐎 𝐒. 𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐎 𝐒. 𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐲 𝐬𝐩𝐞
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⇨⚠︎︎ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 !¡⚠︎︎⇦ threesome, reverse cow girl, fingering, roommates au, whore calling , oral (male r.), choking, teasing, vibrator, dom!geto, dom!gojo, bottom!reader, black!reader
𝐀𝐍. happy halloween my spooky ghosts 👻 (let’s pretend this was posted on halloween) just wanted ti say thank you to the people who read and enjoyed some of the kinktober stories even If they weren’t written to my fullest I still appreciate you guys :). I would also like to apologize AGAIN for missing some of the stories I said I was going to write, for the Choso request I still have to work on It and whoever requested I’m soooo sorry for delay (ಡ‸ಡ). But after this I will work on It!
- 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐚 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞. 𝐀 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫.
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It was an ordinary in the apartment. Quiet, Sun shining into the big living room you were sitting in, underneath a warm blanket as you watched your show. As long as those two knuckle heads were out of the house you had it allll to yourself. For the afternoon at least— but hey. Better than nothing, you sinked more into the couches cushion continuing to dive deeper into your tv program.
It’s been three hours since you’ve been alone for the day, still deep into your program that played. You were so into it you had forgotten to re fill the cat food for your cat, when the soft brown furred creature jumped on the couch practically marching her way towards your chest meowing as loud as she could trying to gain your attention. When you felt her paws start to paw on your chest trying to catch your attention you sighed, glancing down with a raised a brow. “What is it?.” You asked a bit annoyed taking your attention off your show, she meowed jumping off your chest, you sighed lifting the blankets off your body, getting off the couch walking towards where she was leading you. When she stopped in front of her food bowl pawing at it you quickly realized.
I forgot to refill the food bowl!?
In an instant you ran towards to the pantry where you kept her food and treats grabbing the wet food from the top shelf, walking back to grab her food bowl placing it on the counter as she followed you. she jumped ontop of it sitting down, watching you. You put down the wet food onto the counter, going to the fridge to grab some blueberries. “I’m so sorry pretty girl— mama was too caught up in her show.” You pampered as you petted behind her ears feeling her head lean against your hand meowing making you smile, “I’ll take that as you forgive me then?.” You said before booping her tiny black nose going back to fixing her food, when you were fixing her food you heard your phone buzz next to you but you ignored it thinking it was another text from your friend.
When you were done making her food, bending down to set it down you heard a snicker. “Nice ass y/n.” Oh no. You almost stumbled to the ground trying to pick yourself back up standing up straight to spot the duo looking at you, suguru was flushed looking away as satoru bit his lip, your eyes widen remembering you were only wearing your underwear and a white tank top. You were quick to grab the blanket off the couch covering up your body as you glared at them, “Stop staring! You weren’t supposed to be home till 8.” You snarled watching as Gojo’s face turned into a pout as you covered yourself, “They let us go early since we were done with our work.” Said Suguru who shrugged his shoulders still avoiding eye contact with you, “Yeah, what he said. But If I known you roam the house practically naked everyday..maybe I should stay home more often.” Satoru smirked walking a little closer to you as you stepped back, Suguru sighed shaking his head. “Satoru, careful where you step.” He said as Satoru only chuckled. “Or what? Not like she can do anything.” He grinned as you rolled your eyes tightening your grip on the blanket, again Suguru sighed, “Not her i’m talking about-“
He got interrupted when he heard a loud hiss and a man child by his side gripping his arm standing behind him. “her.” He sighed. You grinned looking down at (C/N) who rubbed along your leg meowing sweetly like nothing happened, “Aww such a good girl.” You cooed leaning down to grab your cat into your arms feeling her nuzzle her head with yours as you walked away towards your room, Satoru glared at the cat as he gripped harder on Sugurus arms, who sighed. “Till this day I don’t understand why that damn cat hates me.” He said. “Maybe because you always harass her owner. Now let go of me.” Suguru said snatching his arm away from him hearing Satoru pout, “Suguruuuu! Dont hate me too!” he groaned rolling his eyes making his way towards the kitchen. “Satoru, maybe you should lower it down one day, hm? She’s gonna end up slapping you for being a perv you know.” He said going into the fridge to grab a drink hearing Satoru grunt, rolling his eyes “You’re no better than me.” He mumbled, “you practically have thoughts of fucking her--“ “Satoru!” He interrupted slamming down his cup on accident, when he realized what he did he cleared his throat with a pinkish blush. “Keep that between me and you.” He muttered looking at him who looked back with a smirk, “Oh come on Suguru. One day you gotta let go of that innocent act~ Besidesss we already agreed on the plan tonight.”
He huffed, “I forgot about that..” He mumbled with a sigh, “Do you think she’ll even agree to it?.” He questioned watching Satoru snicker, “I know she will. Have you seen how competitive she is? She’ll agree to it.” He chuckled getting off the counter, “Besides we’re going out tonight, we might as well test her luck.” He grinned walking towards your door with a huffy Suguru following behind, Satoru knocked on your door nonstop till you got fed up swinging the door open with a glare on your face. “What!?” He looked down to see you wearing pants and a hoodie covering the tank top and white panties you had on. He pouted jokingly, “Aww why’d you change?.” You scoffed crossing your arms in response leaning against the door, “What the hell do you want gojo.” You questioned, Satoru grinned. “We have a little game we wanna play with you.”
You raised a brow, “What game?.” curiosity lingered, watching as Gojo pulled out a pair of panties. You stared at the dangling thin undies in confusion till it clicked, making your eyes go wide looking between them both. “Since me and Suguru are going out...and if you accept the game. You’ll have to wear these the whole night with me or him controlling it.” The thought of either of em controlling your orgasms made your stomach twist in a knot, you cleared your throat continuing to stare at the dangling things then back up at him, squinting your eyes. “Before I play your stupid game.” You trailed glaring at him, “there any rules?”. You huffed crossing your arms over your chest watching as Suguru and Satoru looked at each other. suguru surprised you agreed, satoru who turned back around with a smirk, “you can’t relive yourself, meaning no sneaking off to anywhere. If you do, you lose.” Your eyes furrow, “what if I do?” you raised a brow, “If we win, we get to fuck you.” your nails dug into your arm, clearing your throat shifting, “and what if I win?.”
“you decide.” Suguru said with a look..making eye contact with him instantly taking your eyes away from him feeling your legs shake. That look he had did something to you. joe’s eyes staring at you with practically lust circling around them …looked like a predator hunting its pray. You looked between the undies and them making a decision…in an instant you were quick to snatch the thing out of Satoru’s hand, slamming your door close going straight to your closet to find a dress. this might be your biggest mistake.
Why am I so nervous?. I shouldn’t be nervous right?..But I can’t help but to..they’ve been eyeing me ever since we got here..you thought chugging the rest of your drink letting your eyes flicker between them as they kept a good eye on you, like they were hunting. Your legs shifted a little as you looked away back to the bar to keep your attention away from them, wondering what tricks they have up their sleeves. You pulled your hand up indicating another drink, the bartender walked towards you with a small grin, “What can I get you?.” He asked almost In a flirty tone but shaking It off you pushed your glass forward, “Gimmie the strongest drink you got.” You said back making eye contact with him as he nodded his head giving you a small wink. You didn’t think much of It just looking around the club waiting for your drink till suddenly you felt a vibration run through you making you jolt forward with a small gasp. Your nails gripped on the counter as you looked up to see Gojo smirking with his hand in his pocket with Geto staring at you as he sipped his drink.
You glared towards the white haired bastard but that only added more fuel to the fire feeling the vibration increase making your eyes go wide, whining a little. When the bartender came back with your drink he raised a brow setting down your glass, “are you okay?.” He asked and you slowly nodded your head, “Y-Yes! Just fine!.” You answered with a slight high pitched voice biting back the obvious moans that tried to escape, the bartender looked at you with concern but shrugged it off sliding your drink over and going back to working. Your teeth gritted together as you stared at Satoru watching as his smirk grew at your reaction, fuck. The vibrations that were shooting through you felt so damn good..It was hitting your clit in the right place in the right spot, shit…you felt like you were gonna cum feeling that familiar knot in your stomach. Without thinking you slightly jolted your hips forward practically grinding against the toy to let yourself cum. moaning so quietly but was instantly denied feeling the toy stop. You clenched the counter much tighter due to loss of pleasure but you sucked it up sighing deeply trying to not get too frustrated at the fact you’ve lost your orgasm. You weren’t gonna let them win. You cleared your throat straighten your posture putting a smile on your face as you chugged down the glass, slamming it back onto the counter before standing up from your seat.
It’s been a good two hours since this little game started and honestly..It’s been hell! Every fifteen minutes they would take turns turning the dam toy on an off! The second time you were on the dance floor, enjoying yourself till all of sudden you felt waves of vibrations hit your clit making you almost fall to the ground by your legs shaking from the shock, the third time you thought you were gonna finally cum…it turned off the last minute making you accidentally get mad at the person that was talking to you…you were reaching your limit. You haven’t came in the last two and a half hours..you were getting frustrated and impatient, with out second thought you got up from the table you were sitting at rushing towards a bathroom to please yourself. You were getting sick of it! You needed to cum..so bad. before you could even reach the handle to the bathroom you felt hands on your hips pulling you away from It. You lost the game. Satoru chuckled in your ear rubbing his hands up and down your hips, “You lost doll..”
The moment you guys got into the door lips were all over you. Satoru had your lips trapped with his as Suguru was standing behind you kissing your neck leaving his marks on your skin. You whined Into Satoru’s mouth as you felt his hands forcefully move your head to side to give Suguru more space to kiss and suck against your neck. Suguru let his hands linger around your body as you kept backing up into him slowly feeling him get hard against you. He groaned against your neck, bucking his hips against yours feeling pleasure waves run through his body, he hummed continuously roaming his hands around your body letting them lift your dress up to expose the black thong you were wearing. You shivered from the cold air hitting your exposed thighs, shuttering from his warm hands messaging and gripping them, Satoru chuckled in your mouth hearing your small little moans be stuffed away, pulling away to kiss along your jawline. Your pussy was aching for release, It has been for the past hours! You were already panting like a dog as pleasure was happening from each part of your body, neck, jawline, thighs, ass…you needed to be fucked.
You hummed, “Bed..now.” You asked breathless hearing them both chuckle. Without any questions Suguru backed off as Satoru picked you to carry you to his bed with Suguru walking behind, when Satoru walked into his room he dropped you on his bed going back to kissing you, rough. You moaned Into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck kissing him back, Suguru walked towards your body gliding his hands along your exposed thighs letting them sneak there way up to your panties placing a finger ontop of your pussy feeling you flinch. He scoffed, “You’re so wet.” He mumbled as Satoru chuckled pulling away from your lips going towards your jawline, “You frustrated baby?.” Satoru said smirking against your jaw, gripping your tits into his hands, you couldn’t help but groan struggling to get a word out from all this pleasure happening at once. You whined loudly arching your back as you felt Suguru slide the panties to the side, easily pushing a finger inside you, “Shit..Wait Sug- Mmh!?.” You couldn’t finish your sentence when you felt two fingers entered your mouth, your eyes widened looking to see Satoru already looking at you with a lustful gaze. “Suck.” Is what he said. Without much arguing you obeyed starting to suck a long his fingers, he chuckled. “Good girl..” He whispered with a small smirk watching you suck his fingers like It was his cock..damn. He can just imagine his fingers being his cock instead, feeling his dick twitch in his pants. The gags and moans that were leaving your mouth was making this difficult, Suguru without warning entered another finger picking up his pace. Thrusting in and out of you.
You jerked forward feeling Satoru’s warm hands slide down your stomach to your exposed pussy using his middle finger to rub against your clit as Suguru thrusted Into you. Your eyes snapped wide only for them to roll back feeling everything hit you at once, “W-Wait-!.” You begged but they didn’t listen, Suguru sped up his pace as Satoru did the same feeling you twitch underneath them. You were bout to cum, that familiar knot that you’ve been feeling all night came back, you moaned and whined grinding against their hands chasing your orgasm. You wanted to cum, you needed to cum. You kept doing it uncontrollably feeling yourself about to spill against their hands, your hands clenched around Satoru’s back feeling yourself cum, Suguru smirked as Satoru continued to rub against your clit at a slow pace letting you ride out your orgasm. suguru pulled his fingers out seeing your sticky substances on his fingers with a small smirk, Satoru chuckled looking down at the mess you made all over the bed and your thighs, “You made such a mess baby.” He smiled getting off from your body to lift you up now In a new position, your eyes furrowed. “Wha-? Ah!” You got caught off guard when you felt something big push past your folds, you looked behind your shoulder to see Suguru already looking at you with lust lingering in his eyes and a soft groan escaping his mouth as he felt you tightened around him.
How did he get his pants off that fast?!
You didn’t have enough time to question yourself when you felt Suguru grip your hips leaning his head close to your ear, “Move.” He mumbled sending shivers down your spine, without arguing you nodded your head with a small whine beginning to move. Up and down at a slow pace to get adjusted against him, he groaned lowly leaning down to peck your back as Satoru stood in front of you. You looked up at him with low lidded eyes confused of what he wanted you to do, he only grinned trailing his hand to your wrist to place your hand on his growing bulge, your eyes widened. He didn’t want you to..while you were!…you gulped down that lump that was growing only for you to hiss feeling Suguru’s hands dig into your hips helping you move on top of him. There was no way you could take him in your mouth while you were getting fucked from behind, “Satoru I don’t think I can do It..” You whispered moaning from Suguru pushing your hips down against his shaft making you dig your nails into his knee focusing on the pleasure you were receiving from behind.
Hearing you couldn’t do it made him scoff, clenching his hand around your hair making you come closer to his bulge. You whined feeling him tug you forward being face to face with dick, “all that cocky shit you were saying before…look at you now. I’m sure you can take me into your mouth while you get fucked but you just don’t wanna do it huh?” He questioned tilting your head up with a raised brow, he saw how bad you were fighting against him and Suguru abusing your pussy over and over again. Your eyes fluttered feeling him push you down more against his dick, deep fucking you. Satoru saw your eyes flicker from his to the ground struggling to keep eye contact with him, he hummed using his other hand to unbuckle his belt, pulling off his pants and boxers along with it letting them drop on the floor taking his dick into his hands. Your eyes widened for the fifth time tonight seeing how big he was..that couldn’t fit in your mouth! You could barely handle Suguru right now..
Satoru stroked himself a little before tugging you forward, lips touching the tip. You looked up with begging eyes to let Suguru finish before you start with him but Satoru’s wasn’t having It. he gave a low lidded smile, rubbing his top against your lips. “You wanna be a whore right? This Is what whores do baby..” He grinned, “Now..open for me yeah?” he sucked in a breath, groaning loudly feeling your mouth opening to take him inside. he threw his head back feeling how warm and a wet your tongue was perfectly sucking him, “Jus like that.” He chuckled, hands gripping more into your hair slightly moving your head, you moaned digging your nails deeper into Suguru’s knee feeling him pick up the pace behind you. You were becoming a moaning mess, you were getting fucked from behind while sucking off your roommate, this was too much.. your eyes watered as soon a tear fell down your cheek from pleasure focusing on pleasuring the man In front of you as the man behind you fucked you nice and deep.
Suguru bit your shoulder biting back his moans feeling his knot start to form, “Im finna cum.” He groaned, you hummed against Satoru’s dick sending vibrations throughout his body hearing a small deep moan, “Fuck..” You slightly smirked a little moving your hips up and down his dick moaning from how big he Is, Suguru eyes fluttered close letting you do your thing as he held your body close to his. The moans you were letting out kept sending vibrations through Satoru’s body leading him to his own knot forming, you kept moving on top of Suguru as you kept sucking Satoru. They were both about to cum inside you. Without warning Suguru bit hard against your shoulder feeling him shoot his load Inside you making you jolt forward moaning loudly against Satoru only to feel his cum shoot into your mouth. You went to pull back from him but he only kept you there against his dick till he was finished cumming inside your mouth, “Take It.” He growled looking down seeing how much of a mess they made out of you,
When It felt like they were done Suguru lifted you up from his dick by your hips as Satoru let go of your hair letting you pull back from him with heavy pants and some cum still on your lips. Satoru chuckled leaning down to take your lips into his tasting himself In your mouth, the kiss was soft and gentle than before leaning more Into it, before you could even slide your tongue into his mouth a hand gripped your throat pulling you back from him, leaning your head against Suguru’s chest as he tilted your head to take your lips with his. Suguru’s lips were more softer than satoru, Satoru only smirked shaking his head as he went to grab a towel for the three of you, after a few more seconds Suguru pulled back, using his thumb to wipe the corner of your mouth with a grin. “did you like it?.” He asked, feeling his hand rub along your waist as a comfort method, leaning more into his chest feeling yourself about to fall asleep, nodding your head “Mhm..”
“I loved it.”
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keen-li · 2 months
What you need | 01
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Synopsis: everybody needs, but how do you define need?
Do you even know what you need.
Genre: best friends au, angst, fluff, smut, slow burn.
Jungkook x reader.
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The last thing you’d want to being doing while going through a break-up, is walking into this building and putting more energy, which you don’t have, into pretending like you’re okay.
When you’re in fact not.
You have to deal with a raging hangover, because you thought it would be a great idea to drown your misery with some alcohol. All night long. loneliness has its gross skinny little fingers around you.
This break-up is fucking you up sideways. If not in all ways.
‘’what happened to you?’’ your head throbs harder at the sound of that heavy voice.
‘’what do you want?’’ you murmur out and your fingers get to work with rubbing your temples.
‘’i wanna know what happened to you?’’ you know his question is far from caring or interested in your well being.
Your tiny office feels more claustrophobic with the way he just seems to hover over.
‘’look hoseok, I’m a little out of it today’’ you don’t even stare at him ‘’so i can’t provide you with any witty comeback, sorry’’
For a split, single particle of light second; he feels bad for you. But then he remembers:
‘’whether you’re in or out of it, you’ve got work.’’ He slaps a file on your table ‘’get working’’
You know hoseok is one of your headaches and he always proves how he’s so great at it.
You stare at your desk as your head pounds with another problem.
You’ve stayed so long at this desk you can draw every inch of it from memory. And you’d be a master at adding the little cracks, dents and scratch details. Plus every memory of hoseok’s nagging witty remarks linger in this office area everymoment.
You really want a new office. And you day when you do get one, you’ll make sure hoseok never visits it and contaminates it with his presence.
You groan as you pick up the file he’s just given you. This headache’s probably gonna kill you before you get a chance to.
‘’well, well well’’ jungkook rolls his eyes ‘’look who decided to come to work today’’
‘’good morning Isabel, you didn’t have to do all this but i appreciate the warm welcome’’ jungkook spits out sarcastically in a sing-song voice.
Isabel scoffs.
‘’is your mother feeling better now?’’
‘’what are you talking- oh’’ jungkook catches himself, but it’s too late.
‘’oh my gosh i knew it’’ she declares ‘’you’re such a liar’’ she lets out a soft chuckle.
‘’i knew you weren’t asking for a day off cause your mother was sick’’
‘’how could you have known that’’ jungkook says taking off his shirt and Isabel can’t help but ogle.
‘’i just know’’ she folds her arms over her chest, her long straight hair getting caught in her arms.
‘’why didn’t you tell me you needed a day off, you don’t have to lie’’ she stops herself from licking her lip in fear of ruining her red lips.
‘’you know i can do that for you’’
Jungkook grins as he pulls up his work suit pants. It would’ve been uncomfortable if jungkook wasn’t used to Isabel being around while he got dressed. He secretly believes she does it on purpose to be in the dressing room when he’s getting dressed.
‘’well i did cause a friend needed me, i doubt those grounds stand for a day off’’ he finally just says it knowing she won’t do anything about it.
She hums ‘’which friend?’’
‘’does it matter?’’ he throws a white tee over his head.
It doesn’t, but she just wanted to know if her thoughts are right.
She only hums, her perfectly tweezed eyebrows rising. He can’t decipher what the meaning of it but it doesn’t matter. She’s heard your name from him but never seen you, he talks so fondly of you she’s just so curious to meet you.
‘’okay then get to work making up for the day you missed. A client’s coming in with his car’’
Jungkook already knows cause said client called him a million times to find out where he was.
‘’so about asking for a day off...’’ jungkook puts on his best charming smile.
‘’it’s not gonna happen jeon’’ she turns to walk away. But not without biting her inner cheek, if she was staring at jungkook she would fold.
‘’what happened to the ‘you know i can do that for you’ ‘’ she blushes.
‘’it’s never gonna happen. Not today at least’’ she whispers the last part.
Jungkook laughs and licks his lips as he watches her walk away. Sometimes it was fun coming to work.
‘’and that’s why this model’s perfect for you and your family’’ you walk around the car to the open door. ‘’you can place up to three car seats in the back’’ you stretch you arm to point and direct your client’s eyes to where you want them to be.
You stare at her blank face and you know she’s not convinced. But that’s your job; to convince and sale.
‘’if you’re worried about clean up, the interior material is one; even liquids. vacuum away from clean and the seats are wipeable’’
‘’actually the carpet, does not stain’’ you add.
‘’oh that’s really nice, cause my kids are messy when it comes to food.’’ She laughs and you laugh as well.
Most of the time you laugh only because you have to. You hear the same things every day and speak to the same type of people everyday. You know every type of person that walks through those glass doors.
‘’i think I’ve heard enough, I’m convinced’’
‘’i’ll take the car’’ those words are like music to your ears and medicine for your headache.
‘’Great, then let me just get the papers ready’’
This was one of the reasons you liked and preferred to work with women, they’re are easy to convince when it comes to buying a car and are great listeners to what you say. Unlike men who just want to argue and question your knowledge on cars. It always makes you laugh when you see them try and show you that they know more than you (not that they do, you’ll always one-up them)
And in all fairness women loved to work with you cause they know they can trust a woman. And men only want to work with you to put you down and ogle at you.
Even hoseok knew this and that’s why he always gives you female clients. You’re shocked he doesn’t give you only males just to piss you off. If you never knew him well you’d think he had a heart.
You’re walking back to your desk when you see hoseok approach you from the corner of you eye.
‘’You don’t need to worry i sold the car’’ you say not stopping in your tracks.
‘’im not worried i knew you would’’
You pause.
‘’is that a compliment Mr Jung’’
He doesn’t respond but that doesn’t stop you from swimming in his rarely spoken compliments.
‘’what do you want? it’s lunch time’’ you go back to your bickering tone.
He stares at his watch.
‘’are you having your lunch from outside of the office’’
‘’yeah, why?’’ you pick up your purse. He knows you always have lunch from outside of the office, so why is he asking.
‘’i have a very important client to give you’’
You really wanna go out and have lunch, cause even though it doesn’t seem like it you still have a headache. But if hoseok said he had an important client for you, then he did.
You honestly need important clients right now.
‘’can it wait for after lunch’’
Hoseok let’s out a bitter chuckle.
‘’this client doesn’t live in Seoul. So he doesn’t have the time to wait’’
He? Ugh.
Who is he for hoseok to be kissing up to him so bad.
‘’if you really want that promotion as bad as you say you do, you’re gonna take him nooow.” He drags out the last word.
He says it so eagerly that now you have to rethink your lunch routine.
Lunchtime is the main time you get in the week to actually see jungkook, since you’re both so busy. It’s like a little routine you both have; helps you spend more time together.
But now you have to reconsider it. jungkook would understand though, since you’ve got a promotion on the line.
‘’yn? Do you want this or not. If not i can-‘’ hoseok presses but a deep hallow voice steps in.
‘’hoseok let her go for lunch, i can wait’’
You both turn and your eyes are met with the most glorious figure of a man you’ve ever seen.
Tall, beefy and muscular. When you stare at hoseok, in question, you can swear he’s ogling too.
Wouldn’t blame him so are you. This man is fine.
‘’Namjoon, you don’t have t-‘’
‘’please, i can move my flight. Let her have lunch’’ your eyes meet as he ends his sentence. You skedaddle your gaze to another part of the room, avoiding his eyes. and your teeth immediately meet your inner upper lip.
You’re not the best at eye contact, it makes you nervous cause it feels like the person can see all the little things you’re keeping secret.
Namjoon smirks as he walks out, ‘’I’ll be waiting when you get back’’
Hoseok doesn’t say or look at you before he’s out too.
‘’fuck inishiwekfuoaovw’’
You furrow your brows at a jungkook stuffing his face.
‘’what the fuck are you saying’’ you chuckle out.
He swallows.
‘’ i said, i’ve been thinking this the whole day’’ you wouldn’t have guessed that’s what he was saying.
‘’ i assume you’re talking about your lunch’’ you take a bite of your own, your eyes on jungkook as he lifts his gaze.
If you finish this meal it would be the first full meal you’ve eaten since yunho.
‘’i mean i’ve been thinking about lunch with you too’’ he stares at you from under his eyelashes with wide eyes.
You can't help but smile.
You give him a once-over and can tell by his tan skin he’s been in the sun.
‘’did you carry your sunscreen?’’
He gasps ‘’shit, i forgot. Is my tan obvious” you give him a yes-no nod.
‘’but it looks good’’ you mumble out.
‘’you like it?’’ he lowers his eyes at you and gives you a cheeky smile.
‘’i mean i don’t hate it.’’ Your eyes run across his skin, jungkook can feel your eyes on his skin.
You release a cough, to reset the air. You like it, you won’t say to not give him a bigger head.
‘’i think i should get going’’ jungkook furrows his brows at you then over at your plate.
‘’you haven’t finished your food though ’’ he warns.
‘’i have someone waiting for me at the office, so-‘’ you dare to explain.
‘’-so they can wait until you finish your food. Plus you still have time to eat’’ he points to the clock in the restaurant. You’ve only been here for fifteen minutes.
‘’kook it’s an important client’’ you whine.
‘’and i understand that, but i know you haven’t been eating’’ jungkook sits back in his chair. You have no argument to give, you both know that he’s right. So, you stay silent.
‘’have you?’’ he questions even though he knows he’s right.
‘’jungkook that’s not the point’’ you roll your eyes.
‘’sit down and eat’’ he demands, ’’please’’ he pleads.
You can’t say no, especially with his pleading doe eyes. So you sit and try to finish your food.
You know that he’s doing this cause he cares about you and wants to make sure you’re doing well. But it makes it just much harder to wallow in your misery when he’s baby-ing you
‘’what’s so important about this client anyways’’ he goes back to stuffing his face, the taste of the food encapsulating his taste buds once more.
You hear jungkook speak over your internal turmoil about having to down this food.
‘’hoseok told me its a chance for me to up my chances on a promotion’’ you say informingly. When you actually put your mind to eating the scent of the food causes your stomach to growl. It's savoury taste makes you internally moan as you take it in. Food actually tastes good when you put your mind to it.
‘’Bunny that’s great” he cheers. “Why don’t you sound exciting though’’
You glare at him, ‘’cause you’re forcing me to eat.’’ You’re glad he made you made cause it taste like heaven.
‘’don’t be a baby.’’ He runs his teeth over he’s lower lip.
‘’im not being a baby’’ you mumble out as you pout and prove his point.
Jungkook doesn’t respond and instead watches you eat. His eyes soften at the sight of your cheeks stuffed with food. He knows there’s only so much he can do to help you get over yunho. But whatever he can do he will do, just to see that smile you have on your right now; many more times. He watches you look out the window, and the sun hits you beautifully. And he can’t help but gawk.
‘’what?’’ you smile at doe eyed jungkook, who can’t seem to move his gaze from you.
He shakes his head. ‘’nothing’’ he turns back to his food, the smile not leaving his face.
You roll your eyes. Jungkook’s smile would’ve widened if he saw that. He loves teasing you.
You both appreciate how your friendship has developed from you two avoiding each other and then finally finding comfort in each other’s presence. Jimin really had a tough time getting you two to talk, you’re behaving like two high schoolers he said in his own words. Yes you were but it was more like two high schoolers who’ve never even looked at each put on a class project. But now you’re eating lunch together because you can’t stop talking. You wouldn’t stop being friends with him for anyone.
‘’i forgot to tell you i found a date for you?’’
Jungkook groans at that. He’d hoped you’d forgotten, but you seem more determined than ever.
He gives you a displeased looked.
‘’don’t give me that’’
“if you want me to go on a date, then you’ll have to come watch me train” he declares proudly.
“in what? Boxing?” your brows draw together. Is he actually trying to get you to watching him box.
“Yeah” he hums out enthusiastically.
“Nope” you deadpan.
“Then I’m not going ”
You narrow your eyes at him and he gives you a mischievous smile.
“I’ll see.”
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buckyalpine · 2 years
Heeey sweetie ! I hope you’re well !! I always look forward to your posts and check your page daily for updates ! Your writing is incredible and always leaves me with butterflies in my stomach !! I wanted to leave a request if that’s okay ! I was thinking about mob Bucky with grumpy-sunshine trope !? Bucky being the grumpiest little shit ! He’s arrogant and stares too much . But then he meets this ray of sunshine and she’s the only one to get him soft ! She’s the only one that can coax a smile out of him ! Gives her the gentlest touches and sweetest kisses ! He’s proud to have her next to him and loves how much smaller she looks compared to his massive size . Even tho he’s dominant in bed , he’s still careful and considerate with her ! Fluffy fluff with a big intimidating man
YESS Omg i love this so much its adorable. (18+, cause there’s fluffy fluff but also smutty smut) 
Disclaimer: I love fics where Bucky loves his much smaller reader compared to his larger size but I do my best to not describe the readers size too much because I want anyone to be able to imagine themselves in my fics. When I write, Bucky is obsessed over how he can just easily scoop you up into his arms and toss you over his shoulder effortlessly. 
First time meeting you I just imagine you both meet in the most wholesome way as well. He's truly the grumpiest shit anyone's ever met. Arrogant and cocky but he’s earned his reputation so no one dares question it. That being said, he has some principals, one of them being that family always comes first. He takes that very seriously. That's why he's out and about, looking for a present for Sam’s daughter’s birthday, hand picked himself (and by present, we’re talking presents plural, he already bought her a custom gold engraved locket and an Hermes baby blanket, no godchild of his would get any less).
Still, he wanted to give her more, wandering into a little book shop at the corner of the street that appeared to be empty. His men stood outside the door while he scanned the shelfs, huffing in frustration because there were so many choices and it would have been easier to just buy the all the books. He picked up a book and set it down, the store probably wouldn’t cost too much- 
"Can I help you?"
A sweet voice called him from behind and Bucky was ready to give the person hell, he hated sales people. Most people. Honestly all people. Except Steve. He'd maybe pee on Sam if he was on fire but that was as far as his love for him went. (its all a front, he loves Sam).
He turned around, about to tell whoever it was, to fuck off, blinking instead when he came face to face with you. You smiled up at him, eyes twinkling, setting down the pile of books you had in your arms to look at the shelf he was browsing. 
“What age group are you looking for?” 
Bucky hardly registered your words, staring at what looked like the human form of a cute little garden fairy straight out of a fairytale. You were in a blush pink sundress, covered in tiny flowers, standing on your tippy toes trying to reach the books higher on the shelf. Garden fairy, what the fuck was wrong with him, he shook his head trying to regain his train of thought. 
“Uh- a baby?” Bucky didn’t know what to do with himself, most people took his  staring as a sign to go away but you seemed unbothered. 
"Oh! Come with me, there’s a great section at the back, I’ll show you!” You happily led the 6′4 mob boss to the kids corner at the back of the store, colorful drawings, plush rugs and little bean bags covered the area. 
“Any of these would be great for a little one” You pointed to the shelves that were low to the ground, pulling out a few and handing them to him “let me know if you see anything you like” with that, you went back to putting books away. You returned a few minutes later, biting back a smile, looking at the tall man covered head to toe in dark ink, diligently reading through one of the books you handed to him. 
"You look so cute" You giggled, looking at Bucky sitting on one of the tiny chairs, his long legs sprawled out in front of him. 
"Cute?" Bucky had never been more insulted in his life, of all things to describe him, how dare you tell him he looked cute. 
“Of course” You grinned as you walked over and sat down beside him. The gentle sweet scent of your perfume evaded his senses, his heart jumped when he felt your warm hand brush against his. Bucky didn’t know why his heart was racing, he didn’t like it. His brows furrowed, trying to stop the blush that spread across his face when he saw your smile. 
“Do you like that one?” Bucky nodded, looking at the cover of the book; two bears sitting together looking at the moon. “I love you to the moon and back, its such a sweet book, I would have picked this one too” 
Bucky nodded again, not trusting himself to speak around you. You took the book to the front to check him out. After he paid, you placed a little brown bear that matched the ones on the book cover in the bag as well. Bucky cocked his head confusedly, reaching for his wallet again. 
“How much?”
“Just take it as part of the gift” You smiled, tying a ribbon around the handles of the bag. “I’m sure they’ll love it. Have a good day!” You gave him a little wave as he walked out, turning back to your books, while Bucky felt his insides melt. 
The pretty girl at the book store thinks I’m cute.
Bucky slid into his SUV, the corner of his lips twitching, his cheeks dusted pink. You thought he was cute. Cute. He continued to bite his bottom lip, fighting with his face muscles to keep from smiling, failing miserably instead. 
“Is he having a stroke”
Sam whispered, staring at Bucky through the rearview mirror while he sat at the front with Steve. Bucky’s face continued to twitch, trying to keep his classic scowl on his lips. 
“I think he’s smiling” snorted, cocking an eyebrow watching Bucky carefully inspect the little brown bear you put in the bag. 
“He knows how to smile?”
“You good punk?” Steve called out, smirking when Bucky stuffed the bear back in the bag, pretending he wasn’t giving it heart eyes while thinking about you. “You looked real cozy talking to the girl at that the bookstore” 
“Shut up” He ignored his two friends snickering, throwing them a growl before thinking about you again. 
She thinks I’m cute. 
After that meeting, imagine Bucky finds himself going back for more and more books; he doesn’t even have time to read but he can’t help it. Every time he steps into your bookstore, its like sliding into a comfy blanket. He’s addicted to your sweet smile; your always there with a new book for him to read. He can’t help but smile every time he sees you flit around the shelves, he felt like he was living in his own fairytale. 
The first kiss
Bucky watched you huff in frustration, trying to put a book back on the shelf but it was too high for you to reach. 
“Um-could-would you please help me put this back?” You asked shyly, while Bucky smiled, nodding and coming up behind you, his hand gently holding your waist, placing the book on top with ease. His tall form towered over you, his chest brushing against your as you turned and looked up at him. 
“Th-thank you” you whispered, your eyes flicking from his blue eyes to his pink lips. His lips were curved in a soft smile that gave you butterflies; it wasn’t often that you saw him smile but it seemed he did it whenever he was close to you. 
“You look handsome when you smile” You squeaked, slapping your hand over your mouth as soon as the words slipped through. Bucky bit his lip, while you looked away embarrassed you had said that out loud. “Sorry I didn’t mean-” 
You gasped, feeling him pull you closer, his hand gently tilting your chin up to look at him. His head dipped down slightly and you felt your body moving on its own, standing on your tippy toes to be closer to him. 
“Can I kiss you?” He whispered, his nose nudging against yours. You nod, letting out a shuddered breath as his hand cupped your cheek, pressing his lips sweetly to yours. You hesitantly moved your arms to wrap around his shoulders, melting into his touch. 
You didn’t know how much time had passed, staying tucked in his arms, having waited ages for him to finally make a move. When he finally has to leave, he comes running back in mere seconds later. 
“Did you forget something?” 
Bucky nodded, his hands wrapping around you waist, pulling you close to him again, his lips kissing you softly as ever. 
“I wanted another kiss” 
That kiss turned into lots of kisses. Lingering hugs. When he finally brings you to his home, he keeps you his little secret for a while so he can enjoy your company. You bring out a softness in him he didn’t know was possible; soft fluffy dates with him cooking for you, or going on evening strolls. You’re his everything, he loves seeing his little garden fairy comfy in his home. You made everything warmer; the soft scent of candles always traveled down the halls; sweet baked goodies were always ready in the kitchen. Sam and Steve were definitely not complaining, pretending they didn’t notice Bucky’s classic grumpy face now also came with a cute little blush on his cheeks. 
The first time they meet you 
Imagine Bucky’s team finally find the mole they’d been hunting for months. They’re all riled up, throwing him into the van, threatening him within an inch of his life. They know Bucky likes to take care of business himself but it doesn’t stop them from warning him about the pure wrath he’s going to face. 
“You’re fucked”
“You thought we were bad? You’re gonna wish your mom swallowed you”
They drag him up the steps, bursting into his office, expecting Bucky to be waiting there with his knife twirling between his fingers. 
Bucky’s men all stared at each other before looking at the sweet thing that was sitting in their bosses lap, feeding him pastries. Bucky grinned like a love struck puppy, cradling you to his chest while he sat on his office chair, moaning at the sweet caramel melting on his tongue. The last thing they expected to see was a delicate thing like you cuddled up with who they thought was a blood thirsty gang leader. 
Sam snorted, shaking his head, watching Bucky ignore the rest of them, his eyes still trained on you, peppering kisses onto your cheek. 
“Motherfucker, are you eating butter tarts right now?” 
“They taste good” Bucky shrugged, giving you one final sweet kiss to your lips before looking up at his team. 
“Why don’t you wait for me in my room, I’ll be there soon” Bucky pressed a soft kiss onto your temple, helping you off his lap. You smiled, brushing some of his hair back, kissing his forehead.
“Come soon bubba” Your bare feet padded through his office, giving the towering men a quick wave as you passed them “Hi Sam, Hi Steve!” 
Sam blinked, before grinning and giving you a friendly wave back. 
“She is adorable, fucks she doing with you” 
“Shut the fuck up bird brain” Bucky panned, a growl emitting from his chest, as he rounded the table, his previous soft demeanor dropping as soon as his eyes landed on the mole. “Have Steve keep him quiet, my angel doesn’t have to hear this shit” 
After Bucky’s men saw how soft he was for you, you become their secret weapon. You’re always there to soften the blow they’d face, making him smile even when delivering the worst news. 
“Boss, the deliveries were seized” Peter trembles at the door, while Bucky’s nostrils flare, he’s about to tell everyone off, but his anger dissipates as soon as your head pops into the room. 
“Bucky, come cuddle?” You push past the men, your hands draping around his shoulders. 
“They put you up to this, didn’t they?” Bucky snorted, rubbing his temples, melting as soon as you crawled into his lap. You giggled innocently, kissing his scruffy cheek while he lifted you into his arms, carrying you over to his room. 
“Hmm, they’re lucky you’re so sweet babygirl” 
The first time 
For months, Bucky didn’t do anything more than give you soft kisses, hugs and cuddles. He wanted you, he needed you in a way he never thought was possible, but he didn’t want to rush anything. You were special and if he was going to be intimate with you, it’d be whenever you were ready. 
He never wanted to pressure you into anything, but you reassured him you wanted this. Bucky swallowed thickly, looking at your smaller form curled up against his bed waiting for him. You looked so sweet and delicate, wearing just one of his shirts, nervously fidgeting with your hands while he crawled up the bed to you. 
“Are you sure about this prinţesă?” He kissed your knee, gently stroking your cheek with his thumb; you felt your face heat up and the name he had for you, nodding without meeting his eyes. “Look at me baby” He tilted your chin to meet his gaze, “I won’t be upset if you want to wait” 
You knew he meant it. Not once had he ever made you feel like doing something you didn’t want. His sweetness only made you want him more. 
“I want this, I-I want you” you whispered, moaning softly when his lips pressed against yours. He kissed you softly, his hand moving to your waist to lay you down against the pillows. He was on top of you, nipping your jaw, peppering kisses down your neck, his hand caressing the side of your thigh. 
Being with you was different. 
He natural instinct had always been rough and fast; clothes torn, no build up. 
He didn’t want that with his pretty doll. Yet. 
He slowly undressed you, pulling your shirt over your head, leaving you bare underneath him. He continued to kiss you while still being fully dressed, chuckling when he felt you squirm under him. 
“What is it baby?”  He cocked his head, picking up on what you wanted when you fiddled with the buttons on his shirt but he didn’t want to give in, enjoying your flustered state.
“I-um” You fisted his shirt, burning under his gaze, “Take it off” 
“Take what off?” He cocked his eyebrow, a smirk dancing on his pretty lips. 
“Ugh, I want to see you naked Bucky” You pouted, burying your face into his neck while he grinned, bringing your hands to unbutton his shirt. 
“Whatever my babydoll wants, go ahead prinţesă, m’all yours” You squeaked when he pulled you and rolled over so you were straddled on top of him, his hands stroking your bare waist and thighs. 
“Want you to take it off babygirl” He couldn't take his eyes off you as you shakily undid his tie, moving to his buttons next. As soon as his shirt was off, you managed to unbuckle his belt and tug off his pants. You blinked at his thick cock straining against his briefs. 
Bucky brought his fingers to rub though your soaked folds, groaning at the slick that easily coated his fingers. 
“Will you let me taste you?” 
“I-no one’s ever-
“I’ll be gentle baby, promise it’ll feel good” Bucky laid you on your back as he worshipped your body, trailing kisses down your skin, while you hesitantly parted your legs, his thick, wide shoulders forcing them apart further. 
“So pretty baby” Bucky groaned, kissing your clit, his lips sealing around your clit, sucking softly, careful not to apply too much pressure. “You have the sweetest clit doll”
He could feel his cock throb against the mattress at the way your face contorted, soft whine slipping past your lips as you tried to keep your moans down. He pushed a finger in, gently stretching you out, while you started to grow needy, your hips shifting under him. He pulled away, his beard glistening with your arousal, eyes heavy with lust. 
“Want to be inside you prinţesă” 
You nodded,  while he threw his briefs off, his cock standing tall and proud as he hovered above you.
“Bucky, it-it won’t fit” You whispered, watching his thick cock bob between his legs, grazing on your clit. 
“We’ll make it fit baby” His hand gently cupped your face, while your legs moved up to hug his waist. “Tell me if its too much and I’ll stop” He moved his cock through your folds, groaning at how you felt on the tip of his cock. 
“Ready?” You nodded, gasping feeling his thick blunt tip prod against your soaked entrance.
“Jaames...” You whimpered feeling him stretch you while he kissed your forehead, stopping his movements with just the tip inside you.
“Shhh angel, it’s just me sweet girl” Your body trembled under his, biting down onto his shoulder as he pushed himself further while holding your body close to his. You were still getting used to the burn and stretch of him as he buried himself to the hilt, clinging onto him while he stayed still. 
“I know baby” Bucky stroked your forehead, brushing your hair away from your face, kissing your cheeks. He felt a new type of feral, his sweet girl under him, whining and whimpering over his cock, your pussy dripping around him.  
“S’too big Bucky” You bit your lip, your pretty doe eyes locked with his. 
“My cocks too big for you baby?” Bucky cooed, while you nodded, throbbing at your nails digging into his skin “Your pussy’s too tight, huh angel, you need me to go slow?”
There was something addicting over how hard Bucky was trying to hold back, his brows furrowed, cock already leaking into you. He started off slow, gentle thrusts, letting you adjust, telling you how perfect you were, his hands laced with yours, pinned against the bed.
“Taking my cock like such a good girl baby”
“You know how pretty you look right now doll?”
You felt the burn start to melt, your moans growing louder while he pushed his entire length in and out of you, his bally smacking against your ass. 
“M-more Bucky, please?” 
Bucky’s breaths grew heavy, feeling his spine tingle already, you had a different affect on him, his cock already throbbing. 
“You’re beautiful prinţesă”
“Could make love to you like this for hours my baby” 
“Taking me so well babydoll, making my cock throb, you’re so tight” 
He craved so much more of your warmth, his pace speeding up, moaning and grunting each time you cried out. He gripped onto the head board as he started to pound you, the sounds of skin slapping carrying through the room. 
“F-uck baby, you feel so good” He moaned into your neck, the muscles on his back tensed as he fucked you harder. “Am-am I too rough sweet girl”
“F-feels g-good James” You cried out from under him, your walls starting to flutter as he hit your g-spot. Bucky moaned, his forehead coming down to rest on yours, lips parted and brushing against each other. “Bucky, harder, please”
The sound your moaning his name made him almost cum on the spot. 
“Oh fuck don’t stop, tell me it feels good baby, tell me how bad you want it, keep saying my name” 
“JAMESS” The headboard practically slammed against the wall as he abandoned all softness, the both of you feral over each other, chasing your highs. 
“Tell me how good my cock makes you feel baby” His hand snaked between your bodies, rubbing and teasing your clit, making you nearly sob. 
“S’good Bucky, stretching me, I- fuck m’gonna cum!” 
“Cum my gorgeous girl, CUM”  “JAMES-I-F-FUCK” You clenched around his cock, cumming and squirting around him while he roared, his pace stuttering as he spilled ropes of cum into you. You both held onto each other, moaning and panting as you came down from your orgasm, your body still convulsing feeling his cum drip out of you. 
“Fuck I love you” He panted against your skin, pressing sloppy kisses all over your face. He had a goofy grin, sweeping you into his arms to run you a hot bath. 
(Which was a waste of time, considering he spent the rest of the night with you,  making an utter sticky mess in his bed)
Bonus: The first tattoo (dedicated to you)
Most of Bucky’s body is covered in dark ink, but none of his pieces were done impulsively. Each piece had a meaning behind it, and his latest one was his favorite. 
“Close your eyes baby” He picked you up and placed you on his desk, unbuttoning his shirt while you impatiently waited for him to tell you, you could look. “Alright, open” 
“A fairy?” You gasped, looking at his newest piece, your fingers gently tracing over his chest. Above his heart, was his latest piece, a little fairy reading a book while sitting on the moon. 
“From when I first met you. I thought you were like a little garden fairy” Bucky blushed, kissing your nose. “Could never get enough of you, the only little fairy to think I’m cute” 
Tears stung your eyes, sniffling while he wrapped his arms around you. You smiled against his skin, kissing his chest. 
“You like it baby?” His thumbs swiped across your cheeks, stroking your hair while you nodded, struggling to formulate words. 
“I-I love y-ou” You choked out, hugging him tighter
“I adore you sweet girl, love you to the moon and back”
@glxwingrxse  @hungryyeyess  @sebsgirl71479  @beabutterfly987  @teambarnes72  @witchywhore @jamesbuckybarneswify @slutforsexyseabass  @chrisdrysdale @littlemarvelmenfan  @buggy14  @whimsyplaty92  @sergntbarnes @inkedaztec   @pono-pura-vida   @moonlightreader649 @brooklynscherry-z  @elle14-blog1 @justsebstan @littlelightnings @psychomanniac-blog  @happyt0exist   @emmabarnes  @bethyruth @matchat3a  @cjand10   @getwellsoontana  @cherryschaos   @lokisasgardianvampirequeen  @ashenc-blog  @buckybarnessimpp   @potatothots  @goldylions  @high-functioning-lokipath @morganemorganite-blog  @kingfleury   @peaches1958   @spiderman-stilinski   @peaceinourtime82  @gublur   @wintersmelodie @geeky-politics-46   @lolawassad  @almosttoopizza   @a-poor-gryffindork @alternativeprincess   @buckycallsmeaslut    @kamaria-sweet-writes  @charmedbysarge    @xnorthstar3x  @kryoee7 @alina02  @gh0stgurl  @polishprincess999 @jessybarnes  @carrotfantasimp 
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raitonsfw · 5 months
Can I request Gojo with a gn/fem!s/o who secretly has a dom side, and tries to very subtly body worship him? 😂 They like, stroke his hand with their thumb, gently squeeze his thigh, rest their hand on his lower back, etc, and gojo picks up on it at some point. This man is just too beautiful to not be body worshipped imo. 😍
𝚒 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚍𝚞𝚖𝚋, 𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚏𝚒𝚐𝚞𝚛𝚎 𝚖𝚎 𝚘𝚞𝚝 | 𝚐𝚘𝚓𝚘 𝚜𝚊𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚞
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synopsis: the tales of clueless Gojo Satoru, blinded by the stereotypical roles of a relationship until he just... gets it. ft; your dominance.
warnings: 18+ mdni, extremely suggestive, gn!reader, dom!reader, clueless!gojo, allusion to smut, hand holding, sweet treats, protective!reader, gojo and reader are dating, body worship (gojo's).
a/n: tis a teeny tiny drabble but i swear i have loads more gojo content coming! i do hope you like it regardless! i spent half of this just fangirling over the damn man i swear, he makes me feel things frfr. 🧡🧡 wc: 900ish. m.list
now playing: i am my own muse by fall out boy
divider credit: @benkeibear
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You make damn sure you take good care of Gojo Satoru, but it tends to go unnoticed by his overly animated personality. But the instances where he looks at you with a smile plastered on his face, you could push it aside. There was something about him that made you want to keel over and worship the ground he walked on. But, he didn’t need to know. 
He didn’t need to know the way your heart does backflips when his back stiffens as you place your slim hand against the small of his back, pushing him further along the path you two strided along. You’d continue talking nonchalantly and he’d peered down at you through the side of his sunglasses, a clean smile cutting through the lustful tension that wafted between you two. And your hand wouldn’t leave his lower back until you two made it safely up the stairs you had climbed upon, rubbing circles into the divet right above the swell of his ass. He thought nothing of it of course, just an intimate gesture between two lovers. 
You knew not to go too far, after all, it was for your pleasure. The indulgence of knowing only you could make him feel like this, the wanting of something more he had no idea of. He would’ve never guessed you to be such a dominant person, your demeanor only showing the basic people pleaser that highlighted their days with a marker to pass the time. You’re so grateful to just be around him, the light enraptured his best features on even the darkest of days and you have to hold back the compliments that showered your mind as you two had been in the presence of other Jujutsu High staff. 
But, in private you had no filter with the compliments that came pouring from your mouth. ‘Oh, Satoru, you look so nice today,’ paired with a slight nuzzle within his hair as he sat on the sofa watching a show. He doesn’t think anything of it, as per usual, because he’s so wrapped up in the show that he barely registered you behind him. Or when he’s off to bed and the fucker goes to sleep in only his boxers and you’re cooing at him ‘all for me, -toru?’ like you just couldn’t help yourself, he’s got you wrapped around his finger. 
He’ll respond with a snort as he slips into the sheets, his figure prominent underneath and you really can’t help yourself now as you climb on top of him. Your hands go straight to his face, holding his cheeks in your hands as you stare into his eyes, the dizzying blue staring back with slyness as his own hands grab you by your waist. You wanted to see him quiver underneath you, his eyes squeezed shut and his mouth practically drooling pleas as you devote yourself to him. You wanted his pretty voice hitched up an octave as you slide your hand down his broad chest, tracing every single muscle with the tip of your finger with a dip into the crevices of his pelvic bone. And when you reach the waistband of his boxers, the fantasy’s over as he rolls you over to pin you underneath him. What a pity.
The next day you’d be standing next to a pastry stall with Gojo, licking at the sweet tooth he had. You’d buy him his sweets and he’d happily accept them from you, unaware of the reason why you even bought them for him in the first place. You watched as he would nibble at either macaroons or a small candy piece and his entire body would loosen from the taste of the treat, you loved seeing him relax from the smallest of things. He was quite easy to please. 
On the way back to the school, he’d take your hand and your tummy would fill with butterflies. You sought to protect him from anything that came his way and you stroked his hand with the pad of your thumb whilst nothing but loving thoughts filled the spaces within your mind. You’re not sure if Gojo noticed because you did it so subconsciously, but he did; he also noticed as you gripped his hand tighter amongst the crowd you two pushed your way through. 
And then when you’re both seated in front of Itadori later on in the day, his brain would short circuit as your hand reached underneath the table to rest on his thigh. In the smack dab middle of talking to the pink haired boy too, your fingers dug their way into his inner thigh and you squeezed it tenderly; you honestly didn’t expect his voice to become so high as he gripped the table to collect himself. He coughed out an apology and Itadori just tilted his head, unaware of what had happened. Gojo’s cheeks had flushed and it was so obvious with his complexion, the redness had seeped its way to his neck and all you did was cross your legs with poise, humming in satisfaction. 
You watched as the gears eventually locked into place, as the light bulbs flickered on one by one, as the missing piece of the puzzle that he so desperately wanted to finish found its way into the picture. He figured it out, the subtleness of your control and it was game over.
Or more like game on as he kneeled in front of you with his tongue out that night, begging, practically gagging for you to press up against his mouth. 
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a/n: wanna get tagged in future writing posts? join my taglist!
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paymechildsupport · 2 months
Ryomen Sukuna x Reader // A Troublemaker's Love
@manikosii --> "What do you think about Bully!Sukuna who is madly in love with the reader? I just like the small Sukuna who has known the reader since childhood and does not know how to express his feelings" -.-.- -> hsisikaiss I love this sm :D Kinda made him more of a bully with a soft spot, -- more delinquent than anything, but I absolutely kept your lovestruck lil' Sukuna, so cute <3
> Modern!School!AU 
   > Bully!Delinquent!Sukuna x Reader 
*I made him a biker too,— he’s such a lil’ biker bitch 
-!! CW: depictions of violence, (not aimed at Reader), -- smoking [don't actually smoke please, that shit kills you :(]
˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
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(he's my lil' cutie patootie)
˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ₊˚ˑ༄ؘ ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
Ryomen Sukuna— who from a young age could never really communicate his feelings. Who would push all the other kids off the playground because they were clogging up the slide. Who never once expressed remorse when setting fire to that poor ant colony with his mini magnifying glass. Who was labeled as a “troubled” child. Who skipped grades because he was so freakishly intelligent. Who never had to try in school. Who fell off his Lightning McQueen bike the second he saw you on the playground. He immediately shoved his way through the swarm of other kids, butted his way into your lil’ game of tag, invited himself to play and proceeded to shove your tiny body into the grass, laughing maniacally. 
Pissed, you grabbed him by the hair, yanked harshly and threw him down on the ground next to you, — engaging in the most intense wrestling match either you had ever had in your short lives. Stuck in the nurse’s office with his Despicable Me bandaid and getting scolded by every staff member in the school, Sukuna could only stare at you, completely enamored by you and your fiery spirit so akin to his own.
Sukuna would pull up to school everyday on his motorbike, making as much noise possible and spewing exhaust everywhere, just to spite the Environmental Club members who continuously berated him for air pollution. 
He didn’t vape— no no, he wasn’t a lil’ pussy bitch. Sukuna was a man, he smoked straight cigars, the kind you’d only ever see your grandpa piping,— and it was disgusting
He’d do it just to annoy you too. When you walk outside for lunch, he’d exhale a rather generous amount of smoke right in your face, earning him a string of curses in response. He’d just smile, chuckle and walk away 
Sukuna is a rather intimidating individual, — towering over everyone in a room,- tatted up with the most gorgeous inky designs you’d ever seen. His favorite shirts always revealed a generous amount of his beefy, muscular arms. The thin fabrics clung to his figure, showing clearly defined muscles (and those phat milk jugs hoooooly cow) 
He’d be that guy wearing fucking kakis in the middle of winter 💀 
Fucking shit his muscular thighs too?? Holy smokes I’m drooling 🤤
Sukuna was always alone, and he preferred things that way. He didn’t have a band of lackeys behind him all the time— though plenty deeply admired him— he didn’t need them anyways to look every bit the tough guy delinquent who was unafraid to get physical. 
—- and he was physical. Like, he was always finding his way into a fight,— and always came out on top. Starting something with this guy was a death wish. Everyone in the school knew who he was, and everyone in the school— including the teachers — respected him out of fear
He never picked on anyone who’d be considered an “easy target”. No no, that’d be way too easy. Where’s the fun in that? Nah, he goes straight for the person on top— the cockier the better. He’s more than happy to beat up a fellow delinquent 
You, however, seem to catch his eye in particular. So fiery, so fierce,— you take everything he throws at you and chuck it right back at him. There’s a deep sentiment of respect between the two of you, underneath all the petty arguments and crude insults 
He never hangs out with anyone, but Sukuna loves to spend his time tailing you wherever you go, teasing and nagging every step of the way. He nitpicks everything you do, whether it be simply reading a book, talking to a peer, or even just eating. He’s always there, always watching your every move. 
You’d be talking with a friend, discussing plans for the weekend, when all of a sudden pure horror etched itself onto their face, a massive shadow looming over the two of you. Confused, you swivel around, face almost colliding with Sukuna’s chest. He looked down on you, a shit eating grin on his face. Your friend only slightly stammers a “gotta go see ya later” before making a run for it, (you really couldn’t blame them, Sukuna really was a weirdo sometimes). 
He likes to scare everyone who approaches you, making them run off practically screaming 
For all the verbal grief he gives you, for all the times he’s called you a “brat” and told you how “annoying” and “unbearable” you are,  Sukuna absolutely blows up the second he sees some other bastard berating you. 
One time, Mahito and his creepy lil’ gang of goonies thought it’d be funny to corner you after school. Laughing, they mocked you, turning almost borderline physical as they made an effort to manhandle you into a locker. 
Sukuna was livid, saw shit going down and immediately rushed to the scene, coming up behind Mahito and giving him the gnarliest death stare you’ve ever seen,— crimson eyes practically burning with barely restrained fury. Mahito pissed himself on the spot immediately, — and was lucky he even made it out alive that day. 
Sukuna grabbed the goon that had reached out to touch you, twisted his arm, and smashed his head in on the locker door. 
Then after school he almost “accidentally” plowed them all down with his bike 😞 
Needless to say, no one ever gave you trouble ever again— minus Sukuna, of course
He just wants you all to himself,— is that so wrong? He wants that raging passion in your eyes to be reserved for him and only him. He loves seeing you all pent up, face red and scrunched up in anger. That delicious heat in the center of his stomach threatened to boil over every time he laid his eyes on you. Sukuna was down bad. The beefy, all scary delinquent was smitten, — he of all people had a big, fat crush. He never wanted you to look at anyone the way you looked at him. He’d beat their head in, then you’d have to look at him
Shotgunning- this guy absolutely loves inhaling the smoke from his cigar, grabbing and yanking you close just so he could exhale it down your windpipe. Lips lightly brushing, sometimes he’d stick his tongue in, just to taste the smoke in your mouth. He adores the way his smoke and saliva mixes with your own, especially loving it when he kisses you stupid, drool pooling in the corner of your mouth, all for him to lick away  
Sukuna would mark you up good. Even if they don’t know who, everyone knows you're taken with the way hickeys adorn your pretty little neck. He loves your neck, loves biting into the soft, pulsating flesh and leaving his bite marks all around. —Same with your shoulder, anywhere that isn’t covered by clothing he makes sure is branded 
He delights in the way you grab him by the strap of his tank top, pulling him into whatever unoccupied room is available: janitor’s closet, a closed bathroom, the locker rooms- anywhere. You’d kiss him silly, hands gripping at his tough, muscular thighs, your nails digging into the hard flesh. Your fingers tracing over his slutty thigh tattoos always had him going feral. He loved the aftertaste of your chapstick / lipgloss on his tongue, there still even hours after you’d make out 💋 😋
Sukuna was in absolute heaven on those rare occasions you’d both stay after class. Empty classroom, blind drawn and door locked as you’d get down on your knees and suck his cock. Your pretty lips wrapped around him always had him coming quick. You’d swallow him whole, throat bobbing from his spurting cum. He’d bend down afterwards— feeling like he’d die otherwise— and kiss you sloppily on the lips, licking away his cum from the corner of your mouth, groaning at the taste of himself. 
His breasts are so sensitive, all you’d have to do is just swirl your tongue around a nipple and he’s puddy in your arms. You loved his breasts, cooing about his “man boobs” just to see him turn a brilliant red to match his crimson eyes. 
His big digits always did wonders to your body, rubbing small, purposeful circles into your pulsating heat / hard on,— sometimes right in the middle of class, just to fuck with you. Your glassy-eyed glare while you fought to bite your lip always had him hardening within his pants. He really couldn’t get enough of you. 
Yeah, you were stuck with Ryomen Sukuna and his merciless teasing. Was it all that bad?— No, no, not at all. Were you complaining? — absolutely not. (At least he had some nice phat jugs for you to fondle). 
He loved you too much to stop his cruel words and affectionate touches,— and he was going to make sure you stayed right beside him,— exactly where you belong. 
A/N: i love him and i'd die for him
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pinejayy · 2 months
➤ Such a Tease ~ || Eustass Kid x F!Reader x Killer SMUT
summary: you’re being a brat/tease and kid and killer take it upon themselves to punish you. Reader, Kid and Killer are in poly relationship. // 3.3k+ words!!
warning: smut, curse words, kid being kid // killer is the nicer one, oral (everyone is receiving) , fingering, gagging, masturbation, spanking, double penetration, backdoor play (for reader). Unprotected sex. Cock Warming.
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- First it started with you walking into Kids office as he was working on a new project, you were wearing a black mini skirt and purposely knocking stuff onto the ground and bending down to pick it up. Showing off your lace underwear to him. Making him narrow his eyes, growling under his breath, his eyes getter darker as he watched you. “What are you doing kiddo?” Smirking as he spoke you stood up and walked over to him and sitting on his lap. “Nothing, just bored.” Sighing out, licking your lips as you stare at the red haired Captain. “Well it looks like you’re being a tease, do you need daddy’s cock to fill you up?” He whispered against your ear, leaning in as he took your scent. Wrapping his arm around you bringing you closer to him. You couldn’t help but giggle, you could already feel his budge grow underneath you. Moving your hips against his, grinding onto his harden dick. Making Kid groan out, and before he could do anything to you, you quickly backed away from his lap. Giggling, and of course this pissed him off.
“Hey! You little shit!” He groans. “Don’t be a brat and help me deal with this.” He growls, pointing at the tent on his pants. You smirk and back away. “Nope.” And before he could chase after you and drag you back you already ran off, leaving him mumbling to himself.
Then the teasing went after Killer, you watched him from the deck he was doing his usual work outs. Walking over to the masked man you sigh out. Fanning yourself out and you took a seat by him “It’s so hot, I need to cool off.” You sigh out dramatically, catching Killer’s attention. “Do you need some water Dear?” He stopped what he was doing and looked over you and he couldn’t help but stare at you. Your legs…why were you wearing a skirt that tiny! “Dear?! Oh my?! Your skirt…it’s..”
“Small. I know.” You say, sitting up straight and you couldn’t help but trace a finger along your legs, and soon after the reached the bottom of your skirt and you slightly pull up your skirt showing off your underwear. You could have sworn you heard Killer growl under his breath. “What game are you playing now Dear?” Looking over at him and he was now standing above you, his breathing got heavier under his mask. “Aw I’m just thirsty.” You coo out, positioning yourself on your knees and look up at him. And slowly you began to play with his belt and pant loops. “Maybe I can get a drink here.” Licking your lips, Killer just watched you. His breathing got heavier under that mask.
Before he could react you quickly stood up, giggling. “Just kidding!” And with that you walked off, leaving Killer dumbstruck. Walking off and back to your room. Oh boy you couldn’t wait for tonight. Surely your boyfriends are going to put you in your place. Now you play the waiting game.
Hours have passed by and it was already getting late and no sight of Kid nor Killer, didn’t your teasing do something? As you were lost in your own thoughts there was a harsh knock on your door, quickly snapping out of your thoughts you made your way towards the door and before you could open the door, it swung open.
“Don’t you know how to open a door faster dumbass?!”
Seeing Kid walk in, and he looked pissed off. Making you shiver slightly, backing away from him. “Aw I was getting to it Captain.” And Kid was walking towards you, and you kept backing away until you fell onto the bed. “You dirty little slut. What’s gotten into you today? First you tease me and leave me hard and then you go on to tease Killer?” He snarls. And as he walked towards you, he slowly undid his red fur coat, dropping it on the floor. “I should just punish you. Is that right Killer?” Kid barked out, and turned over. Killer was leaning towards the door frame. “It seems like our pet has been behaving bad.
Killer walked in the room, closing the door behind him and locking it. “Such a naughty little girl.” He said, walking besides Kid. “More like a dirty little needy whore.” Kid smirked, as you sat on the bed supporting yourself with your elbows you look at both men. And your eyes slowly travel down and could see their harden cocks pressed against their pants. “Now be a dear, and stripe for us.”
“Yeah you dirty little whore. Strip.” Kid quickly corrected Killer. Making you weak, god you were getting wet already. You slowly began pulling your shirt over your head. Both Kid and Killer watched you, waiting to pounce you. Throwing the shirt to the side and then came your bra, undoing the bra and letting it drop down. Your breast exposed to both men. You couldn’t help but throw the bra at Kid’s face, earning a growl from the guy. Slowly you were about to take off your skirt but Kid held a metal finger up. “Take the underwear off, leave the skirt on.”
“Yes Captain.” You whisper under your breath. You didn’t realize that Killer was sitting next to you and suddenly he grabbed a handful of your hair and pulled your head back forcefully, making you look at him and you whimper as you look at the masked man.
“Speak up when you’re talking to your Captain.”
Making you moan out. “Yes! Yes Captain!.” You say louder, which earned you a pat on the head from Killer. “Good girl.”
Killer began removing his mask, and he placed it by the nightstand that was besides the bed. Every time you saw his face you immediately melted. Those beautiful eyes, those purple lips, his smile, check bones and everything else. The man was built like a Greek God. “So, Captain what shall we do to our naughty girl?”
“Say Killer. Didn’t you mentioned that she was thirsty earlier. I say we give this bitch something drink.” Kid laughed at his own comment. And he began undoing his belt and the buttons of his pants. Soon after he dropped his pants, and he cock sprung up. You couldn’t but lick your lips. His cock was big and heavy. It had noticeable veins along the sides, and a mean red tip leaking with precum.
“Well it ain’t gonna suck it self.” He snapped. Making you quickly scramble your way to him, getting on your knees for him. You look up at him, batting your eyelashes. “Aw be patient Captain.” Teasing him, he didn’t have time for your bullshit so he forcefully grabbed the back of your head and forced his length down your throat, and he didn’t give you an opportunity to adjust to his size. Gagging around him, which made him laugh out. “That’s right. Take it. Take it all.” He groans softly. He was face fucking you and he was loving every moment of it.
It took awhile to get used to his pace but eventually you were bobbing your head to his length. Moaning around him. Pulling away to catch a quick breath, and you look at him. Licking the bottom of his cock, feeling that certain vein. This earned a low moan from Kid. You felt the pool between your legs grow even more. You needed something. Slowly you suck on the tip of his cock, tasting the salty pre-cum. You even went as far as to lick his balls, slightly sucking on them. Kid had enough teasing so once again he forced his cock down your throat and held your head in place, thrusting into your mouth.
The room was filled with Kid’s moans and grunts, your muffled moans and gags…and soon after Killer’s moans.
“Such a pretty sight…very pretty.” Killer moaned out, at the moment he laid on the bed naked... watching the both of you guys. Licking his lips, a crazed smile as he slowly pumped his hard cock on his hand. Moaning under his breath. “Pretty noises…both of you.”
“Fuck…I’m close.” Kid moaned out. His movements got sloppier and messy. He quickly began thrusting into your mouth more not caring about your gags and pleas. Actually it turned him on even more. Watching you struggled around his length, and watching your tear stain checks. And suddenly Kid’s moans got louder and he held your head in place and without any warning he finishes in your mouth. Giving you a last few thrusts he pulled away. You cringed slightly, this bastard never warned you when he's about to finish. But you swallow every drop.
“Now thank your Captain for the treat…please Dear.” Killer moans out, as he still watches. Jerking himself off.
“Thank you Captain.” You say, and panting slightly. Kid couldn’t help but smirk. “I bet ya still thirsty right?”
And before you could reply Kid grabbed you by the hair and forced you on your feet. “Killer seems needy. Get to it Princess.” He snaps his fingers. And you quickly made your way to the blonde and he couldn’t help but lick his lips. But before you do anything Killer grabbed you and pulled you towards him. Smashing his lips against yours, immediately you melted into his lips. Opening your mouth for him. Killer quickly slide in his tongue into your mouth. Both tongues dancing against each other, Killer could taste Kid against your tongue which made him deepen the kiss.
Soon after you pulled away, blushing. Panting and he gave you a weak smile. Before slowly leading your head towards his needy cock. Now Killer was much gentle…unlike like Kid.
You slowly placed small kisses along his head. Licking up the pre-cum. “Please..dear.” He moaned out, Kid couldn’t help but roll his eyes. “Just suck his cock already before I do it.”
Kid didn’t even have to finish his sentence before you took Killer’s length down your mouth. Gagging around him. Both men were huge so of course it was normal to get used to their size. It took time before you could adjust to size, before you could start bobbing your head up and down. Killer bit his bottom lip, he loved the sight of your pretty lips wrapped around him. He gently began playing with your hair. “Such a pretty girl…you like that right?”
“Yeah I bet she does. Huh?” Kid said, and he sat on the edge of the bed. “Now ass up!” He barked at you. And you quickly obliged and as you sucked off Killer you lifted up your ass. Exposing yourself to Kid. And he groans. “Damn this bitch is dripping just by sucking us off.”
You gasp around Killer, Kid just slapped your ass. And you were thankful it wasn’t with his metal hand. “All this because of this stupid skirt.” He growls out. And without warning he rips the skirt in half. “Now, I’m thirsty. So stay still.”
Kid leans in and placed his tongue against your heat. A nice and long lick across your folds making you moan around Killer. “Fuck…Killer she taste so good. Hurry up and finish so you could have a taste.”
And with that Killer grabbed your head and held you in place and began thrusting into your mouth. He still made sure to be gentle. His moans got louder soon after and he gently patted your head, telling you he was close.
Throwing his head back moaning “Oh. God…fuck dear.” Feeding you his seed. Swallowing everything, you pull away and open your mouth and showing him your tongue. And Kid grabbed the back of your head and forcing your lips against his. Shoving his tongue into your mouth and exploring the inside of your mouth. Tasting Killer against your tongue, he couldn’t help but groan against your lips before pulling away. “Now be a good girl and lay down and show us that pretty pussy of yours.”
And you immediately obeyed and got on your back and spread your legs as wide as you could. Both men looked at each other. Smiling.
Both men got between your legs, you whimper. Feeling needy.
Without warning Killer placed a long lick across your folds moaning at your taste. “You were most definitely right Captain. She’s delicious. I need more.” He said, before diving into your wet mess and began eating you out like a mad man. While Kid just watched.
“Hey! Don’t be greedy! You bastard!” Kid hisses and tries to move Killers head out of the way. But the blonde didn’t move an inch. Your moans filled the room. Making Kid groan. “Please let me have a taste!”
It was rare when Kid begged so Killer rolled his eyes before giving your clit a long lick. Making you moan louder. “Fuck…”
Killer gave Kid some room. So while Killer focused on your clit , Kid licked your folds. Moaning under his breath. Your toes began to curl, throwing your head back. While one guy was playing with your clit the other was tongue fucking your hole.
Kid wanted to hear more so he slide in two of his fingers inside of you, moving them slowly. Also moving them upwards making you buckle against their faces. “Aw someone is being cute and needy.” Killer cooed and pulled away slightly and placed kisses along your hip. “But...Move your fingers. I need to taste my princess.”
Kid rolled his eyes and groans and removed his fingers making you whimper. And without hesitation Killer dove back to your folds. Moaning at your taste. Kid also leaned in and licked your folds as well.
Your legs began to shake from pleasure. Two tongues at the same time was going to make you cum faster. “I’m close..” Crying out.
“Then cum Princess.”
“Then do it Dumbass.”
And with that you felt your stomach tighten up and a wave of pleasure washed over you. You screamed out, not caring if the others heard you. Cumming hard, both men desperately licked up your juices. You watched them. Panting…
Both fighting for the last drop. To the point where they were hungrily kissing each other. Tasting each others Silva and your juices. It was a sight..
Throwing your head head back, feeling tried. Kid pulled away from the heated kiss and slapped your thigh. “We ain’t done yet.”
Making you whimper. “You know what to do Killer.”
Killer quickly laid on his back on the bed. And grabbed you, guiding you down to his cock. “Shh just be a good girl. Can you do that for me. Just a little longer.”
And with that Killer lined his cock to your entrance and you inched your way down on him. Already stretching you, you tried to move but Killer held your hips in place and stayed still not moving. And Kid pushed down so you were against Killer’s chest. Exposing your ass to Kid.
Kid began to dig through your nightstand and he chuckled to himself when he found what he wanted. A bottle of lube. “Now since you wanna play dirty slut we’re just gonna have to play with every hole.”
Killer watched as Kid was toying with you. He had to hold himself back from fucking the living hell out of you. So he placed small kisses along your neck.
“Please…no…we’ve never done anything like that..” You whimper, which earned you a slap on your ass check from Kid. "Oh don't start whining, you always watch me and Killer do it. Now it's your turn."
“Now don’t talk back to your Captain Dear, I’m sure he’ll be gentle.” Killer said, and narrowed his eyes at Kid. “Right?” Growling the last part of his sentence.
“Fine! But the next time this bitch is getting it.”
Kid grumbles to himself, and opens the bottle and squeezes a good amount on his finger. “Now I’m going to help ya out. So please relax.” He said, and slowly placed his finger against your hole making you whimper. “Shh…just relax you brat.”
“Shh, dear. Just try to relax.” Killer said against your neck, his cock still twitching inside of you. Kid slowly circled his finger around your hole and slowly he inserted one finger. Giving you time to adjust, and you nodded after awhile.
Kid slowly started to pump his finger inside your tight hole. “God you’re so tight, can’t wait to fuck your little asshole.”
His comment made you blush so you hid your face in Killer’s neck. “Just hurry up. I’m getting impatient.”
“Now I’m going to add an other finger. So make sure to hold onto Killer for support.” And slowly Kid added an other finger making you tear up slightly. “Shh don’t cry dear. It’s okay.”
Kid gave you a few minutes before you nodded. And slowly he started to pump his two fingers into your ass. You couldn’t help but moan softly.
And what felt like hours of getting you ready, Kid pulled his fingers out. “Now, my cock is bigger so it’s gonna hurt more so be aware.” Grabbing the bottle of lube and squeezing some on his hand and rubbing it along his needy cock. “Ready?”
You hesitated but nodded. Kid grabbed his cock and lined it up against your ass and to the hole. Slowly he placed his head inside and inch by inch he made his way into your hole. Making you cry out.
Kid couldn’t help but moan at how tight you felt. He began to laugh at your whining and cries.
“Be gentle!”
“I am! She’s just being a crybaby.” Kid muttered. Earning a sharp eye from Killer.
“Just give me a moment.” You whimper out. And both men stayed still for a few minutes until could adjust yourself. “Start slow…and that’s going for you Kid.”
Kid grumbled “l’ll show you slow. Dumb bit-“
But before Kid could finish that sentence Killer spoke up. “If you finish that sentence you’re going to the corner.”
Making you stay quiet, as both men stayed still, allowing you to adjsut and after a few minutes you nodded. Kid smirks and he then slowly began to thrust in and out of you. Yes you were quite uncomfortable but at least he was slow. And soon after Killer began moving his hips upwards.
Your moans filled the room. And you already felt exhausted.
“Such pretty little sounds.”
“Yeah keep moaning like that for us.”
As both holes were being filled you couldn’t help but move your hips against Killer’s movements and of course this pissed off Kid. So he held your hips in pace. “Ah?! Someone is getting cocky?!” He said and started to pick up his pace making you cry out.
“I said be gentle!”
“It’s okay…let him be.” You whisper against Killers ear. “Just for the love of god. Fuck me stupid already!”
Both men stopped and looked at each other. Wicked grins across their faces. And Kid grabbed your hips tighter and began moving rougher and faster against you. And Killer gave you a moment before you nodded at him and he groans and with that his thrusts became faster and rougher.
Your moans were heard across the room. And this motivated both men. Your moans were so loud I’m sure the rest of the crew heard your lewd noises. But they wouldn't dare say anything to their Captain.
“That’s right you show everyone who you belong too.”
“Such pretty sounds.”
All three of you were lost in bliss. You felt that same sensation from earlier. Your stomach began to tighten. Making Killer groan out. “She’s close..fuck.” He moaned out, feeling your walls clench around him.
“Nughh!” You moan out, your moans got louder. “Kid…Killer…please I’m cumming!” You moan out.
“Do it!”
And with a few more thrusts you spilled your juices all over Killers cock. Moaning out.
Both men picked up the pace and soon after reached their climax. Moaning under their breaths. Kid gave you a few more thrusts before pulling out and collapsed on the bed and quickly fell asleep. Soft snores were heard making Killer roll his eyes at the sight.
“Imbecile, can’t even think about aftercare.” Killer shook his head and pulled out of you slowly, making you whimper. “Wait here, I’ll grab you a towel my dear.”He said and got up and returned with a wet warm towel.
“You did a good job dear. I’m so proud of you.” He said, and wiped your body with the damped towel. “I love you Y/N.”
“I love you too. I love both you and Kid. Both of you guys.”
Making him smile and he leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on your neck, sucking on the skin, making you moan softly. “Come on dear. Let’s grab you something to eat because there’s going to be a round two, but just you and me.
Oh boy you were in for a long night~
Tagging: @kaptain-rebekah
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hoesformatt · 4 months
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dom!matt • poc!reader friendly
contains: sensual setting, kinda cutesy at the start, missionary, boob play, slow sex, pet names, oral (fem!recieving), no use of y/n
word count: 1k (I put my shit into this, and I think it’s my best written yet)
not proofread
Racing down the stairs I made sure the backdrop was ready, trying to hold my robe together so I wouldn’t flash anyone even though I was home alone.
I dimmed the lights in the house, leaving only the lamps and the kitchen counter lights on. Bundling my robe around tieing it again tighter around my waist trying to hide the gift.
Opening my fridge door to pull out the cold tiny cake with the icing that wrote ‘happy valentines day Matt’. I waited for Matt to come back home as we decided that we were going to have our dinner date at home and he left to pick up the dinner.
I planned it all out for him. From the cake, to the setting, the roses, candles, to what I was wearing under the robe. Making sure everything was set, I lined the roses perfectly up to the kitchen where I am and I pulled out my phone to check if I looked good for tonight, my natural curls pulled back into a slick back ponytail and my makeup looking flawless.
Situating everything in the kitchen, I cleaned up the whole place, just in case if we ended up making a mess, but still loving the environment. The candles spread out on the counter were giving the room a blissful and warm aroma, the smell giving a sense of comfort.
I sat up on the counter lighting up the candles on the cake as I saw Matt unlocking the door in the ring camera putting it to the side to quickly loosen the tie.
Propped up looking pretty as Matt walked in through the door into the hallway seeing the rose trail spread out and he followed the scent of the Japanese Cherry Blossom candles to me who was settled on the counter with the cake in my hands.
He dropped the food to the ground slowly, whisper-reading what’s on the cake before we blowed out the candles and he took a wick of the cake icing on his finger putting it in his mouth.
He smiled with the sweetness of the frosting laid on his tongue before he put a kiss to my lips and I tasted the flavour from his plush lips.
After Matt took in the background and the cake he noticed my choice of clothing “What are you wearing under the robe” He pulled on one of the strings and I shrugged my shoulders “I don’t know, take it off”.
He untied the strings, hastily stripping me of the robe to show the red, lacy, revealing lingerie I had on. Matt bit down on his lip, feeling around my waist to my hips “Looking so good for me?” He eye fucked me, planting kisses along my neck, soft moans escaping my lips.
“Yes daddy, just for you” He unclipped the bra to my set, dipping his finger into the cake icing, placing it on my firm nipples to then lick it off and sucking on them, staring straight into my eyes “Please Matt”
Twirling my nubs, the warmth and wetness of his tongue sent tingles throughout my spine as he was between my thighs.
Wrapping my legs around his waist pulling our bodies closer together, he kissed me, syncing our lips and Matt groped my boob kneading it in his hand.
Matt had lifted me up from the counter holding me up towards our bedroom that was covered in rose petals “Didn’t miss anywhere, did you?” He positioned me upon the bed, crawling up close in the middle of my thighs.
Spreading my legs open, Matt dragged off the ruby panties, sliding them down and stripping them off of me. Marking up my thighs, my caramel-like skin tone growing purple patches. He blazed my clit, feeling the trickles of his moist tongue “Matt” his name fell out my mouth.
Matt’s soft lips complimented my warm pussy while he pressed his thumb rubbing up on my clit, licking a stripe where his thumb had been.
Twisting his tongue along the folds pumping in his index finger. Working his way deeper searching for my climax, I met it once Matt began to curl his finger and spit on my pussy, devouring me.
Packing his face within my cunt he warped to sucking on my clit “Just like that Matt, fuck” flattening his tongue, lacing it on my bud. I let go of my orgasm over Matt’s lips and fingers coating them.
My chest heaved as Matt came up to my level and I raised my head to mack on his neck noticing him remove his clothing above me, not holding back the carve out his figure. I watched Matt align his length to my heat stroking his it a few times before slowly rolling his hips into mine.
“Oh fuck yeah” Matt set his head in the crook of my neck and his hands entwined with mine on both sides of my head, thrusting deep and burying his cock in my tightness.
Matt pushed farther into me, the curve of his cock stroked my g-spot “Ah! Yes daddy right there!” He dug his length at the same place, rutting his hips and my body melted at pleasure reigning throughout me.
Slowing down, Matt lifted his abdomen sitting on his knees dragging me dramatically towards him as he heaved up my lower body causing my back to arch. Entering me once again in the new position which gave him more accessibility to touch me.
Matt rammed into me without warning. All you could hear was the sound of the bed bouncing, my desperate moans and his quiet whimpers. “Feel good baby?” He knew I was in no state to talk, I choked on my moans.
Matt’s godly appearance being my view only drove me closer to my orgasm and the same for him, he loved to just stare at the way my breast moved fluidly “Yesss- shit, you the only one that can make me feel good Matt!” I babbled
His hands gripped my hips to finish off the last thrusts before he came into me. My orgasmic shake kicked in finding it hard to catch my breath as Matt pulled out seconds before he came on my stomach.
“Happy Valentine’s Day Matt, you like your gift?” He grinned beside me
“Best gift I could ever get”
tags: @chrisenthusiast @miguelsangel @lunariaxzz @thesturniolos @angelic-sturniolos111 @littlebookworm803 @chrissturniolosbitch @leahsbussy @luv4kozume @alinaa131 @sturniolopowers @mattslolita @sturniofilmd @sturnioloooooo @mattsneezing @muwapsturniolo @idkwhosnyla @strniohoeee @iiheartstef @nonamegirlxsturniolo @ka1nani @1800chokedathoe @fuzzycupcakebeliever @mattgirly @me4chris @mattslutt @nicksmainbitch @luhsexcbihh @hearts4chriss
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yuusishi · 1 year
Hmmm. I've got it!
Could I request headcanons of Epel, Riddle and Lilia (the short squad) with a s/o who's a tiny speedy powerhouse? Like their so small and petite but can pack a punch that can knock out a grown man and can run faster than the eye can see.
summary : the bowtie trio with a strong and speedy s/o !
pairings : Riddle Rosehearts , Epel Felmier , Lilia Vanrouge
genre : fluff , slight crack
cws/tws : fights and mentions of injury
a/n : I jus finished the lantern rite story in genshin and FUCK I cried for 10 mins, hope you enjoy the product of me trying not to fall asleep after crying <3
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Riddle Rosehearts !!
Riddle probably didn’t meet you, or properly get to know you to be more accurate, until after his overblot. His impression on you for so long was just “small, most likely around my height, but very speedy”.
If you’re in Heartslabyul he most likely had you help around with more outdoor activities like cutting the hedges and gathering the hedgehogs since you can do more work and cover more ground.
But after officially becoming his s/o, that was when he discovered that GOSH you are strong.
He walked to a secluded hallway towards the library when he saw you getting picked on by a bunch of savanaclaw students, all of them double, no, triple your size.
Just when he was about to intervene you struck one of them up the chin and sent him flying.
Guy just stood there like 🧍‍♂️ the entire time.
“[Name], what in the Great Seven happened here!?” you heard him yelling from behind you and you thoroughly explained even if he witnessed the entire one sided brawl.
He helped you clean yourself up and take care of any injuries if you got any while giving you a VERY thorough scolding.
No matter how tired, exasperated, and angry he starts to sound while giving you a scolding, he doesn’t mean it. Although he cares about you and his’s reputations, they don’t come first to your safety and that’s Riddle’s number 1 priority.
The type to get EXTREMELY flustered when he complains about the once in a blue moon event of running late for class and you settle on picking him up off the ground and sprinting to each others’ classrooms.
Straight up almost blacks out on the spot, but both of you weren't late, so in the end he didn't complain <3
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Epel Felmier !!
Your number 1 supporter when you (reluctantly) have to fight against a student.
WILL go feral once one of them seriously hurts you though. One of them could’ve just given you a scratch but Epel will return that tenfold for you.
I don’t think it needs to be said about how often you two get into scoldings with Vil and the punishments that occur.
So now you both settle with just doing heavy-lifting for events such as the VDC, mostly you though since Epel’s busy with performance practice.
When it was VDC season and his group had to pass by the stage where you worked to build, dude literally has to fight for his life not to become redder than the apples back at home when he sees you picking up the construction materials with ease.
Especially with Ace there 💀
As much as he wants to witness you fight even more he’d rather not get himself and you in any more hot water with Vil.
Definitely wants to help you and would rather spend his time working on the stage than all this dance practice, especially with you!!
If you pick him up and start running he’d be scared at first then start to enjoy the feeling of the wind hitting his face, carefree laughter belonging to you two filling wherever you are.
Sometimes, though, he gets jealous. He’s the same height and stature as you, but how are you stronger than him? You have to give him some reassurance or time alone based on his mood, but treat him to something after to not make him feel guilty over being jealous and to take his mind off those thoughts!
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Lilia Vanrouge !!
You just surprise the old man every time you’re with him.
Like Riddle, Lilia didn’t have much of an opinion at you at first, you just kind of blended in the crowd for him before you both met.
But the first official time he saw you properly was during alchemy class when your cauldron was mere seconds away from exploding, you managed to pick it up and somehow toss it out the window.
Thankfully, it didn’t damage the sports field nor hit anyone, but you had to sit through a 2 hour lecture from Crewel because the two scenarios could’ve happened.
Malleus and Lilia were in the class with you and witnessed the entire spectacle, the smaller fae couldn’t help but babble on to the briar prince about how a tiny human could’ve picked up a cauldron that you were barely larger than, the only thing that Malleus said was how it reminded him of Lilia before letting him continue rambling.
The next day the tiny fae approached you for the first time, effortlessly making a conversation with you, and everything else that happened in the progression of your relationship is history.
He’s really amused as to how a human like you could even exist, you have no special blood right? Like ones of fae, beastmen, or mermen? No? Now you’ve just piqued his interest even more.
Your responses to his questions is just “I’ve just been like this since I was a child, maybe some things I did helped me build muscle”, and the interrogations continues.
After school Lilia likes having races with you, he soars through the sky while you ran as fast as you could on the ground. And to any student who knew of Lilia’s past (aka Silver, Sebek, and Malleus), they’d be in for a shock once they find out that most of the time it ended in a tie, even more if they were to witness one of those races for themselves.
Other students marvel at your strength but the diasomnia students pray to the Seven you’re strong enough manage to eat Lilia’s cooking.
If you do, the students look at you as if they’d made a scientific breakthrough, if you don’t, well they’re not surprised.
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doukeshi-kun · 11 months
𝙣𝙞𝙠𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙞 + 𝙗𝙚𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖 𝙙𝙖𝙙
featuring ⨳ nikolai gogol, gn!reader + oc!daughter
contents ⨳ fluff, slight slight angst, reader isn't mentioned a lot, established relationship, the daughter is oc
notes ⨳ this is from the conversations in discord with friends who have collective baby fever and thirst for dad!nikolai in one random day
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Nikolai is more than happy to pick up his daughter from kindergarten. Usually, you would pick her up since you have a small break just enough time for you to grab your daughter, buy her food and send her home. Nikolai's not home usually at four, busy with his shady business. So when you call him to go and pick up his daughter, he is over the moon.
He is already waiting by the car, eyes looking for his adorable daughter walking out from the gate. He is just casual, with a white button-up, rolled-up sleeves and a pair of black pants. But that's still enough for some people to take several glances at him.
Nikolai ignores their attention — he's only thirsty for the only person he loves the most, his beloved — you.
After about five minutes of waiting, he finally sees his daughter walks out of the gate. She is looking at the ground. Her white braid is hanging low and her green eyes are dull. She is clutching her red schoolbag, a bit tense.
Nikolai is a sensitive person — especially when it comes to emotions. So he certainly notices his daughter is acting weirdly. Yes, she's visibly distraught with her thoughts when she accidentally walks past Nikolai's car.
“Mari,” he calls.
His daughter, Mari, flinches out of her thoughts and turns around. Nikolai smiles and before he could crouch and opens his arms for her, she already runs straight into him, bumping into his legs.
Nikolai chuckles, smiling affectionately. He pats her head — she is short, obviously, just reaching his knees. Nikolai crouches and hugs her, giving a smooch on her cheek.
“Papa pick me up?” Mari asks as her tiny hands hold his face. Nikolai coos, overwhelmed with the adoration in his heart. He nods.
“Yes, malyshka,” he replies as he pinches her cheek, making her whine in annoyance. Nikolai only laughs before he stands up again and opens the car door. He bends to help Mari to take off her school bag. There's a charm of red pompom hanging on her bag, similar to Nikolai's hair tie.
He puts the bag under the seat and then he picks her up, getting her onto the seat. He reaches for the seatbelt, putting it on her. “Comfy?” he asks and when she nods, Nikolai smiles proudly to himself. Before he closes the door, he kisses her forehead once.
He gets into the driver's seat and turns on the engine. He drives out from the kindergarten area, sometimes taking a glance at his still disturbed daughter.
“Rough day at school, malyshka?” he asks.
“Hm...” she nods a bit, stroking her braid sadly —that trait is very similar to what Nikolai would do when he's sulking towards you.
“Wanna tell me?”
“Papa... am I... am I ugly?” she asks, lips quivering and Nikolai almost brakes abruptly at the question. He frowns and immediately parks his car on the side of the street, looking at his daughter.
“No. No, you aren't ugly. What nonsense! Mari, you are the cutest girl in the world! The most adorable, the prettiest, the most glamorous!” Nikolai says. “Who said that?”
She's smiling at her dad's words but she's starting to sob. “T-These boys in my class... called me ugly and weird... They say meanie things! And... and then they touched my cheeks and...”
“They what?” Nikolai grips the steering wheel and has to internally exhale a deep breath without sighing out loud to his daughter.
“They say bad words to me... And they touched my cheeks...”
“.... Did they hurt you?”
“O-One of them... like... pinch it...”
“Does the teacher says anything?”
She shakes her head.
“Do you know their names? The boys?”
She says three names.
Nikolai takes out his phone and types something in it. But not long before she tugs his sleeve. He turns to her and she looks scared.
“Papa... are you angry...? Y-You're scary now...”
Nikolai purses his lips — bad habits come up again. He suddenly remembers the frustrated words from his colleague — “Gogol, can you behave well? Your whole presence is scaring my customers. My God, why are you here in this casino anyway?”
Nikolai swallows hard. Of course... He was a very dangerous person several years ago. He made horrendous, gruesome and grotesque crimes. He killed people left and right. All to just reach his extreme ideals.
And now he's here, almost ten years later, having a family. Does he deserve this? After murdering a lot of people, taking them away from their families — and now he is having one, himself. Does he even deserve to have a family? Is he deserving of this future he's trying to live in when his past is constantly trailing in his shadow? Will this guilt follow him to hell and eat him slowly from inside? Will he find himself caged again? Will the freedom be out of his reach?
Nikolai jumps at Mari's high-pitched scream. He looks at her and she's crying — she looks worried and she is panicked when she sees her dad being silent. She doesn't know why but she cannot help but feel a very scary feeling from his silence.
“Papa, a-are you sick? P-Please, I'm scared..!” she cries and Nikolai's heart breaks at her tears. He realizes he just daydreams about his inner chaos while his daughter needs him. This feels just as hurt when his beloved spouse is crying to him. Nikolai unbuckles her seatbelt and carefully picks her up to sit on his lap.
He hugs her, kissing her head.
“I'm okay... I'm okay, shh... Don't cry, okay? I'm not sick, alright? I'm just distraught.” his voice is soft and soothing as he strokes her hair — just the same as his. Her eyes are also just like his, except her face resembles her mother more.
“I just don't like what the boys did to you. I promise, I promise they won't hurt you or touch you or call you names anymore.” Nikolai looks at her and she stares before slowly nodding back. He smiles at her again.
“If they touch you anymore, you say what?”
“I say 'No'.”
“Good. Then, what else? What did papa teach you?”
“Then... you say.. uh.. I have to... kick their balls!”
Nikolai laughs and his laugh is contagious enough for the spirited girl to giggle. “Yes, you got it right! And then, if they touch your cheek, you will do this...” Nikolai forms a loose fist and slowly gestures it to her cheek, poking her skin with his knuckles. “Pow.” he says, playfully.
She grins, looking at him contently and follows his step. She clenches her tiny fist and pushes it to Nikolai's cheek. Though Nikolai does not even feel a thing, he purposely turns his head sideways, according to the direction, just to show Mari that she 'punches' him.
“Good girl! Yes, like that. And do it harder to them! Like really hard! That's called, a punch.”
"A... pun. Pun!”
Nikolai cackles, eyes almost close at how hard he smiles at his daughter's cuteness. “Okay, malyshka. That's close enough. Now, do we wanna get desserts? To cheer you up? Ice-cream or waffle?”
“Both!” she claps her hands excited. She's already imagining a thick waffle with drizzles of chocolate sauce, and two scoops of vanilla ice-cream topping the delicacy.
“Okay, let's go! I know bestest place for a waffle and ice-cream! Anything for you, okay?” Nikolai says before he puts her back to the seat and buckles her seatbelt.
“Goddamn!” Nikolai looks in the mirror, seeing a car honking at him before passing him. He clicks his tongue. “What the hell is his problem, dude?”
Mari gasps and slaps his hand. He looks at her, pouting, already he can listen your voice scolding him for saying bad words in front of the kids. “Bad words! Baddie words! Papa cannot say that!”
“I did not say anything.”
She gasps. “Gaslighting!”
“Where the hell did you learn that?”
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©doukeshi-kun 2023 — do not copy, plagiarize and repost my works to any platform, more @cherikolya
if you like my works, consider buy me a ko-fi!
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Only You - S. Sallow
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AO3 Link
Word Count: 5,034
Rating: E (Smut, Oral and Vaginal Sex, NSFW, MDNI)
Summary: You decide to surprise Sebastian with lunch at the auror office.
A/N: I said I'd do a smutty follow up to The Night Shift, and here it is!
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“You didn’t have to come, you know.” Sebastian says, gently guiding you into the elevator.
“I wanted to,” you insist. “You’re always supporting everyone around here–someone has to support you.”
Sebastian gives you a soft, shy smile as the door shuts behind you both. He’s been utterly dedicated to helping you get adjusted to your new daytime schedule, his career taking the backseat in your daily conversations.  The two of you were leaving the courtroom, where several surviving ashwinders were just sentenced to life imprisonment in Azkaban. You knew he was nervous about the Wizengamot trial, having to confront the offenders who’d set up a surprise attack for the aurors all those months ago. Sebastian had recovered quite well in the months that followed, but you’d caught him trembling at the thought of sitting in the stands, identifying each one. Trials had always made Sebastian nervous, knowing deep down that Azkaban had almost been his fate, if not for you and Ominis.
You push that memory out of your mind. Sebastian is now an upstanding member of society, a decorated Auror who you’ve just found out is up for promotion thanks to his heroics.
“Dinner, tonight.  You and me.” Sebastian declares, leaning against the wall. “I’ll pick you up straight from the hospital.”
“I’ll be disgusting.” you remind him.  You’d taken a few hours off to attend the trial, and were already dressed in your uniform to go to St. Mungo’s.  You wouldn’t be off until the late hours of the evening, but it didn’t seem like Sebastian cared.
The doors to the elevator opened and you politely stepped to the side, letting the woman who’d entered step into the center.  As the doors shut, she turns to Sebastian, a saucy grin on her face.
“Sebastian Sallow, it’s good to see you.” she says sweetly.
You immediately frown, taking note of her casualness around him.
“Marlene, nice to see you again.” Sebastian is polite and gentlemanly, keeping his eyes glued to her face.  
She steps towards him, completely ignoring you in the elevator with them. “Glad to have that trial over then?” she asks.
Sebastian lets out a puff of air, nodding gratefully. “Very glad.  Was a nightmare to relive the whole situation.” he admits.  His eyes flit over her shoulder to you, but you pay her no mind–she must be a coworker in the auror office.
To your shock, the woman steps forward towards Sebastian, placing a hand on his chest. “I was so sorry to hear about you and Rebecca.  You know, I still haven’t forgotten about that night–”
Steam was about to pour out of your ears, no pepper-up potion needed.  Mortified, Sebastian pushes her hand away, gesturing to you on the other side of the cab.
“Marlene, this is my…” Sebastian trails off.  The two of you hadn’t quite put a label on your relationship yet.  Despite the time that had passed since your reunion, and the fact that you’d all but moved into his tiny flat, you had yet to call him your boyfriend.
The woman jumps back, blushing. “Oh!  I’m so sorry, Tony had said you were unattached at the moment.”
“It’s nice to see you, Marlene.” Sebastian says quickly, grabbing your hand as the door opens to the ground floor. “I’ll see you around the office.”  he quickened his pace, tugging you out from the elevator.
You yank your hand out of his, brushing your now sweaty palms on the front of your dress. 
“So, Marlene.” You seeth. “A friend of yours?”
Sebastian’s face turns scarlet red, scratching at the freckles trailing down his neck. “Come on, now.” he strains. “We both have histories, we know that.  It was five years, we can’t pretend there wasn’t anyone in between.”
You feel guilt pooling in your stomach; Sebastian is right, after all.  Up until a few months ago, you had an entire fiance–someone you were going to marry, raise children with, spend the rest of your life with.  You also couldn’t lie that there had been men before him.  Imelda Reyes had said it best–the only way to get over Sebastian Sallow was to get under someone else. 
“I at least avoided anyone I worked with.” you grumble, crossing your arms.
Sebastian lets out a low sigh. “You’re right.  It wasn’t the smartest move of mine, but I assure you–you’re the only woman for me.” he says gently, his hands finding your hips through your unflattering St. Mungo’s uniform. “Forgive me?” He pouts.
You roll your eyes, fighting back a smile. For as much as you want to be mad at Sebastian, you can’t resist the puppy dog eyes he gives you anytime you even remotely disagree. Not that there have been many disagreements lately anyways–Sebastian has been nothing but entirely amenable since you’ve returned to his life.  There was only one time you thought you might actually fight over Sebastian littering used teaspoons all over the flat, but he’d more than made up for his behavior by spending the better half of an evening with his head between your thighs.
“Fine.” You purse your lips, hiding the smirk you know Sebastian is searching for. “I’ll meet you outside of the hospital at eight o’clock.”
Sebastian Sallow’s boyish grin will be the cause of your downfall someday, but not today.  His beaming smile and flushed freckles makes your heart beat a little faster, and you feel completely alive.
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You walk tentatively into the auror office, clutching the basket of lunch you’d just made for Sebastian.  His favorite–a ham and pickle sandwich on sourdough bread, apples you’d picked up together at the market, and some homemade cookies (Anne’s recipe, obviously–you’re rubbish with baked goods).  After feeling quite homely in your St. Mungo’s uniform, you decide to dress up today.  The move is inspired completely by the way you’d caught Sebastian admiring the dresses you’d moved into his now fully stuffed wardrobe. You’re wearing one he spent a good minute looking over, likely imagining how low the neckline could possibly lay.  You’d swatted him, scolding his cheeky glance, but had decided to wear it anyway after he’d left that morning.
You hear your name over your shoulder; turning around, it’s Everett Clopton, a big grin stretched across his face. His dark curls are tucked behind his ears, sporting his classic gold wire glasses.
“I was wondering when we’d see you here.” Everett bowed his head slightly, hands in his front pockets. “Bringing a snack for Sebastian?”
You blush, gesturing to the basket. “Where is he?” you crane your neck, looking over the office.
“Lucky bugger just got promoted after the trial,” Everett rolled his eyes. “Something about bravery or whatever. Got his own office and everything.  I think he was moving his things in.” 
Even more of a reason to celebrate, you think.  Sebastian had been toiling over the prospect of the potential promotion over the last two weeks, and all of his hard work was starting to pay off.  You thank Everett, sauntering your way over to the door at the end of the hall, a little gold plaque marked S. Sallow on the front.
“Surprise,” you call out cheerfully as you push the door open.  Your smile fades into shock when you see a pretty woman perched on top of the desk, flicking through a box of Sebastian’s belongings.  
Marlene, you remember.  The woman from the elevator.
She smiles at you as she slides off the desk, pressing creases out of her dress. “I didn’t know Sebastian was expecting any visitors.” she says kindly. “And how sweet, you brought him lunch.”
You clear your throat. “I have.  Do you know where he is?” 
Marlene presses her lips firmly together. “Off to the loo.” 
You fidget with the basket in hand. “Right.”
“You two haven’t been together long, have you?” Marlene asks, walking slowly towards you. “I would’ve heard about it, I should think.  Sebastian and I do spend quite a bit of time together.”
You can feel your ancient magic bubbling over with your anger. “Do you?” you spit out.
“Working, of course.  Amongst other things.” Marlene nods, patting your shoulder. “Sebastian can be such a sweetheart,” she purrs. “Yet such a fickle lover, don’t you think?”
You turn on your heel, bolting from the small office.  Tears are pricking at the corner of your eyes; clearly, Sebastian hasn’t spoken about you to his colleagues yet.  It makes you feel quite silly, considering all the other healers in your unit are constantly fawning over the daily flowers Sebastian sends.  Yet you cease to exist in the auror office, with only his two partners and your former schoolmates knowing of your existence.
You could hear your name being called, but nothing could stop your feet from hitting the ground, nearly breaking into a sprint in your effort to remove yourself from the vicinity. Before long, you’re in the main lobby, heels clacking on the black tile as you make your way to the floo flames. Just as you’re about to floo to your own home for the first time in weeks, you run into a solid body.
“I’m so sorry–” you begin, blinking rapidly as you recognize the suit in front of you.  Eyes trailing up, you see a familiar set of eyes, and a smile you thought you’d never see again.
“Hello you,” your former fiance proclaims, his hand on your elbow. “What in Merlin’s name are you doing here?”
If there could be awards for terrible days, this one would take the cake.  Not only are you running from Sebastian’s former fling, you’re now faced with the man you utterly destroyed a few months ago. It isn’t a fond memory, but you can recall the distraught look in his eyes as you arrived at his flat in the wee hours of the morning, clutching his engagement ring. He still looks just as handsome as you remember him–dark hair, a well groomed mustache, and bright, sparkling blue eyes that could even rival Ominis Gaunt’s (not that you’d ever let Ominis hear that you’ve made a comparison).  
For as handsome as you find him, his face is still not the one you crave the most.  
“Pet,” you hear from behind, Sebastian gasping for air. “Did you not hear me?”
Great, you think. This makes your day even better.
“Who is this?” Your ex-fiance asks, a slight frown on his face.
You turn to look at Sebastian, who is slightly panting as he puts a hand on your shoulder.  He looks slightly disheveled, his crisp white shirt rolled up to his elbows, the top unbuttoned.  He looks at you, and then the man next to you, trying to put the pieces together.
“This is Sebastian Sallow,” you gulp. “He was my patient.”
Your ex-fiance gives him a full glance over. “You’re one of those aurors from the ambush, aren’t you?” his eyes narrow. “Freshly promoted by the minister himself.”
Sebastian frowns at him, eyes trailing down to the grip he has on your elbow. “And you are?” he sneers at the stranger. 
Your ex-fiance keeps his hand on your elbow. “Eric McNair. Junior secretary to the minister.” he grits.
Sebastian stands tall. “A pleasure, Eric.  If you don’t mind, the lady and I have somewhere to be.” his hand remains on your shoulder, and you find yourself sandwiched between two men you’ve loved–each for very different reasons, and in very different ways.
“This is him, isn’t it?” Your ex-fiance says flatly.  His blue eyes pierce your soul, clearly in pain.  It’s almost as bad as the way he looked at you when you shoved the pretty red velvet ring box back into the palm of his hand.  You had lied that night, claiming there was no one else that had changed your feelings–it was your fault, not his.  That had only been partly true, considering the freckled bastard beside you had planted the seed of doubt.
“I’m sorry,” You wince. There’s no dancing around the subject, especially with the way Sebastian has his hand curled around your shoulder.
Ever the gentleman, your ex-fiance lifts his grip on your elbow. Bowing his head slightly, he purses his lips as he backs towards the floo flames. 
“I hope you two are happy together,” he says curtly, before disappearing into the green fire.
Taking in a sharp breath, you turn to Sebastian.  He’s looking down at you, slightly stunned. 
“Will you please come back with me?” Sebastian nearly wheezes. “You and I need to talk.”
You nod dumbly, letting him guide you back to the elevator.  The two of you are silent, Sebastian’s hand lightly gripping your gloved hand.  Once you’re back on the fifth floor, Sebastian guides you through the office to his.  Larson is now sitting on Everett’s desk, giving you a goofy wink as Everett complains about his crumbs dusting the tabletop.  You glance sideways, seeing Marlene looking quite frustrated, sitting at her own desk now.
Sebastian shuts the door behind you; the office is still empty, Sebastian’s meager belongings in boxes around the room.  He mutters a quick locking and silencing spell, so that others might not hear you if you decide to argue.
“I wish you’d told me you were coming,” Sebastian huffs. 
You set the basket down on an empty shelf, whipping the gloves off your hands as you rest them on your hips. “So you would know not to have a pretty little coworker sitting on your desk when I arrived?” you snip at him.
Sebastian rolls his eyes. “That’s not what I meant.” he says bitterly. “I just…I would have made things nicer for you, that’s all.” He’s fidgeting now, which is most unlike him.  
“Do your friends know about me?” You snap at him.
“Everett and Andrew know, but it’s no one else's business. They’re not my friends, they’re my colleagues.” Sebastian argues. 
“Colleagues you’ve slept with,” you retort.
“That’s ancient history, and you know it.” Sebastian declares. “Marlene is a colleague–she’s one of the secretaries in the office, we have to work together.  Besides, it was over a year ago when it happened, and I’ve turned down every advance since.”
“Well, she clearly thinks she still has a chance.” you bite back.
“And what about that man in the lobby, then?” Sebastian argues. “Just a friend of yours? The two of you looked fairly chummy.”
A frown settles into your lips. “Really, Sebastian?  Surely you’re more perceptive than this.”
Sebastian’s frown turns into confusion, and then clarity once he’s put it together. 
“Your fiance?” His eyes widened. “The pencil pusher?”
“Ex-fiance, thanks to you.” you grumble. “And I told you not to call him that.”
Sebastian’s face turns red as he begins to pace around his office.  Now that he knows, his head is surely filled with all the scenes of your past relationship.  Eric was a man you’d known well–well enough that you’ve laughed with him, slept with him, even agreed to marry him. 
Sebastian falls into his chair, blinking at you rapidly. “He looks nice,” he admits.
You are frozen in place, looking down at him and his sheepish face. “A perfectly nice man whose heart I broke.” You echo. “Because like the massive arse I am, I fell back in love with you within five days of seeing you.”
Sebastian holds a hand out to you, and your body reacts instantaneously, feet shuffling towards him.  He hooks his hands behind your thighs, pulling your body close.  Digging his face into your skirts, he grumbles his apology.
“I didn’t even mean for her to be in my office,” Sebastian strained. “She offered to help carry boxes.”
You know he’s telling the truth, but that’s not what’s really bugging you. “She didn’t even know who I was, Sebastian.” you bite your bottom lip. “I’ve told everyone who you are, how important you are to me.  Yet she feels like she can put her hands on you.”
Sebastian looks up at you, his big brown eyes filled with remorse. “What can I do to fix this?” he asks, slightly panicked.
“Tell me what I am to you,” you ask gently, tipping his chin up towards you.
“You’re everything,” Sebastian breathes. 
Ruffling his hair, you roll your eyes. “Be more specific.”
Sebastian wrinkles his nose. “Bit juvenile to call you my girlfriend, isn’t it?” He pulls you in tighter, pressing a long, languid kiss to the front of your bodice. It sends shivers up your spine, wishing there were several less layers of cloth between you two.
“You can call me that for now,” you murmur, nimble fingers moving towards his chest.  You give him a coy smile as your fingers start playing with the buttons of his vest. “But I would much rather you change my title sooner rather than later.”
“Yes, madam.” Sebastian’s eyes start roving over your body. He leans back, letting you slip your knee between his legs. You plant your hands firmly on his shoulders, looking down at him.
“I was hoping to see this dress on you soon,” Sebastian licks his lips. “Bend over for me, will you?” 
You roll your eyes, swatting at him. “You brute,” the laugh rolls off your tongue, but there is no hiding how badly you want him.  
Sebastian pinches the fabric of your dress between his fingers, eyes dancing over your decolletage. “I’m the luckiest bastard in the world,” he murmurs. “A promotion, my own office, and my dream girl.” You feel his hands slide around, squeezing your bottom through the fabric. “I’m quite tempted to take you right here, right now.”
It’s indecent, you think.  His coworkers are right behind the door.  But your baser urges drive you to pull away, making quite a show of sitting on his brand new, empty desk.  Sebastian watches you, slack jawed, as you cross your legs, pulling the fabric of your dress over your knees to expose your silk stockings.
“Tempting, you say?” you murmur, uncrossing your legs to show your body underneath the petticoats.
Sebastian launches himself off the desk chair, groaning as he tangles his hands in your hair.  You laugh against his lips as one of his hands trails up your leg, stopping where the lacy edge of your stockings meet your soft thighs. 
“You’re mad, woman.” Sebastian pants. “Only you could drive me to this.”
You bite back a moan as Sebastian’s fingers slide against you.  He gives you the filthiest smile when he feels how wet you are for him–he knows no matter how mad you are, he can reduce you to a trembling mess with his hands.  Always has been, you think.
“I want to hear you beg for it,” Sebastian urges you, curling his fingers inside.  You gasp as he adds a third, clutching onto his shoulder while he gives you the cockiest look you’d ever seen on him.  No, it’s Sebastian who should be begging.  Sebastian who should be quaking beneath you, begging for your forgiveness after the conversation you’d just had.
Even though you whine at the loss of his fingers, you push him backwards.  Sebastian is slightly shocked until he lands into his desk chair, bouncing into the leather seat.  Again, he’s at a loss for words as you surge forward, one hand on the chair back, the other popping the buttons of his trousers.
“What would you call me?” you ask him innocently, brushing your fingers against his clothed cock.
“W-w-what?” Sebastian sputters, looking down at your hand.
You tilt his chin back up to look at you. “What would you say I am to you?” You murmur, sliding your hand under his undergarments, tightly gripping his length.  He feels so soft and smooth, yet impossibly stiff at the same time. “Answer me, darling.”
Sebastian let out a stuttered groan, his head falling back against the chair.  When he doesn’t answer, you lighten your touch; he whines in response.
“You’re my girlfriend,” he moans.
“Hmm, I thought you said that wasn’t good enough.” Your thumb swipes over the crown of his cock, spreading a glistening bead of precum against his skin.
“My lover then,” Sebastian pants, tilting his head down to look at you through darkened eyes.
You smile sweetly at him, slowly kneeling between his legs. “You’ll tell all of your colleagues I’m your lover?”  You keep your eyes on his face as you press a sweet kiss to his tip, and Sebastian might just explode right then and there. “Seems like you’ve had quite a few.”
“The only one I’ve ever loved,” Sebastian moans, patting your hair as you slip your mouth around him, rolling your tongue against his cock. "Only you."
You hum in approval as he chokes out his praise for you, sweet names of endearment for you spilling out of his mouth as you hollow your cheeks.
“Sweet little thing– fuck, the sexiest witch I’ve ever laid my eyes on,” Sebastian rasps, looking down at you with pupils blown out in pleasure.  He chokes as he pushes you off of him, blinking while you wipe the saliva from your lips on the back of your hand.
“On the desk,” Sebastian’s voice falters. “Now.”
His mouth crashes against yours as you scoot your bottom onto the desk; Sebastian rucks your dress up to your waist, desperate to reach your hot skin underneath.  Your hands tug his trousers down, palming his round bottom as he groans into your mouth.  You can feel his cock pressed against your thigh, wet and throbbing.  Teeth smashing, tongues tangling–you simply cannot get enough of one another.
You’ve had months of sweet love making since your reunion, you think.  The urgent, feral fucking you’re about to receive is quite welcome.
Sebastian wastes no time sinking his length into you, pressing his forehead against you as his breath stutters. Looking up at you through his dark lashes, Sebastian has never looked more beautiful. You wrap your legs around him, allowing as little space possible between your bodies.
“I love you,” Sebastian grunts, thrusting his cock into you.  “ Only you.” The sound of those words coming out of his mouth again has your head rolling backwards. You’re thankful for the silencing charm Sebastian has cast on the door; the sound of his skin slapping against yours fills the small office.
“Sebastian,” you moan, falling back against the mahogany desk.  Your hands splay out against the surface, back arching as he rolls his hips just the way you like.  You’re both moaning with every hurried thrust; Sebastian’s hands are wrapped around your thighs, nails digging into the lace edges of your stockings. 
“I love the way you look sprawled on my desk,” Sebastian growls. He leans forward, kissing the tops of your breasts. “You’re a dream come true.”
“Am I?” You gasp, arms thrown around his neck. “Tell me more, Sebastian. Use your words.”
“Don’t think I haven’t been dreaming of this since the night you showed up at my bedside,” Sebastian warns, his sweaty forehead pressed against yours. “Merlin, I want to feel you come around me so badly.”
“What am I, Sebastian?” You murmur, fingers lightly wrapped around his neck.  He’s broadened with age, your small hands barely fitting around his neck.  But in this position, you can feel his quickened pulse, which makes your stomach flutter.  You feel the coil inside of you tighten, waiting for him to say the magic words that will push you over the precipice. 
“You’re the love of my life,” Sebastian rasps, eyes glued to yours. “Always have been. Gonna–I’m gonna make you my wife someday.” he whimpers.
You let out a satisfied cry as you finish around him, hands trailing up to grip his unruly hair at the root.  Sebastian is not far behind you, cursing as he spills his seed inside of you. His hips stutter against you on the edge of the desk, whispering filthy promises alongside the sweet reassurances of your future together.
After a long, passionate kiss, Sebastian pulls away, tugging his pants back up.  You blush, dropping your skirt hem back over your legs.
“Christened my desk,” Sebastian winks cheekily. “I was thinking we needed to, but I wasn’t quite expecting it to take place today.”
You roll your eyes, laughing as you slap his shoulder.  You’ll never stop loving him for his attitude, you think.  Sebastian can be so serious, chivalrous and determined.  The next, utterly depraved and passionate.  But underneath it all, Sebastian is filled with laughter and sweetness–something you’d forgotten after five years of trying to hate him.  It’s a sweet reminder of the boy you met when you were fifteen, who’d raced you to Hogsmeade on your first day of classes.  The boy who’d so bravely taken the fall for you when you’d snuck into the restricted section, and had swept you off your feet at sixteen.  
He’s a grown man now, you think.  But he’ll always be that Sebastian in your heart.  And one day, he’ll be your husband–you’re positively sure of it this time.
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“Ham and pickle, my favorite.” Sebastian smacks his lips.
You smile at Sebastian as you unpack another box.  After your frenzied lovemaking, you actually started helping him with the task at hand.  His files are now meticulously organized, and you were working on his box of desk trinkets while he sat against the door, tucking into the lunch you’d packed for him.
“Still your favorite,” you remind him, carefully taking out a wooden picture frame.  You thumb over the glass; it’s of him and Anne as children with their parents.  You set it on the corner of the desk, next to the lamp.  There’s another small frame–Sebastian standing next to Ominis and Anne on their wedding day.  It pangs your heart to realize that you missed it, and that you’ll forever be absent in their photos. In fact, there are no photos of you in the box to display on his desk.
“What can I say?  I’m a creature of habit.” Sebastian says with his mouth full. 
“Y’know, I rather think my picture belongs on this desk.” You say, putting your hands on your hips. “I should think I’d get top billing.”
He beckons you; you fall to your knees, shuffling towards him, and you snatch the sandwich out of his hands, taking a large bite for yourself.  Surprisingly, Sebastian doesn’t protest–instead, he dips his hand into his trouser pockets.
“I keep a photo of you a little closer,” he confesses, digging out his wallet.  You remain stunned as he fishes through it, pulling out a creased photograph.  It’s the two of you on your graduation day from Hogwarts; you’re laughing at the camera, pointing at whoever was aiming it (it’s been so long, you can’t remember who).  Sebastian’s eyes remain glued to you, completely ignoring the photographer. It’s the last time you’d ever worn your Hogwarts robes, pointy black hats adorning your head as you both clutched your diplomas.
You swallow thickly, taking the photo in hand. “I can’t believe you still have this,” you murmur.
“One of my favorites.” Sebastian gulps, pressing his lips in a tight line as he tucks you into his chest. “Fished it out of my memory box, right after we got back together.  Should I find a frame for it?”
You feel silly for ever doubting him.  Sebastian has always known what you are to him–no title needed.  Blinking back tears, you look at the brunette, pressing your palm against his cheek. 
“I want you to keep it on you at all times,” you declare. “Right in your pocket, you hear me?”
“Yes ma’am.” Sebastian purrs, kissing the top of your head. “Perhaps we’ll have a more formal occasion to take photos soon.  Wedding photos, I think.” he teases.
The two of you finish unpacking his belongings, polishing off what remains in the lunch basket.  The hem of your dress is torn from dragging against the splintered edge of his desk, so Sebastian casts a hasty reparo charm on it.  You double check that you’re both decent before opening the door to his office, confidently striding out hand in hand.
It must be late afternoon already, as most of the desks are abandoned.  Marlene’s eyes are glued to whatever file she’s reading, ignoring the two of you.  You smile haughtily to yourself as Sebastian wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you in tighter.
“You two are disgusting,” Everett rolls his eyes. “As if we didn’t know what you two were up to all afternoon.”
“I beg your pardon,” Sebastian scoffs. “The lovely lady was helping me unpack my office.  And that’s no way to speak to your senior officer now, is it?” 
Larson lets out a booming laugh as he pulls on his jacket. “Well, should we all hit the Leaky Cauldron then?  Rest of the office is bound to be there already.”
Sebastian looks down at you proudly. “No, I think I’ll take the missus home.”
You can’t hide the blush on your face when Sebastian looks at you in such a way.  The two of you bid a hasty goodbye to Everett and Andrew as you walk hand in hand to the elevators, swinging the wicker basket.  When the elevator doors close, Sebastian pushes you up against the wall, putting a hand on your waist.
“Speaking of home, I think it’s time we start looking for a bigger one,” he announces. “I’ve found a few listings for new places, considering we’ll have to get a separate bedroom for your clothes. Plus, we should live a bit closer to the hospital for you.”
“Braving the London housing market together,” you sigh gloomily. “The next test of our relationship.”
Sebastian lets out a sparkling laugh, pressing his forehead against yours. “Pet, after everything we’ve been through, I think this will be an easy task.”
You bite your lip, smiling up at him.  He’s right, you think–nothing these days seems too difficult with Sebastian back at your side.
“I can’t wait.” You admit.  
The doors open, and Sebastian pulls you out into the light.
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atxxokirina · 1 year
loak with a friend of neteyam’s like he has a crush on her but she always saw him as just her friends little brother and something happens to change that maybe make it have some smut
18+, mdni - Lo'ak x fem Reader
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You lay your head on Neteyam's chest. Drawing circles with your fingers as you both watch eclipse come down. Soft, green grass under you two. "Ma y/n, could you pass me some fruit please?" Neteyam asks.
"Mhm! Sure." you reach your hand over him, grabbing the woven bowl full of diced Yovo fruit and picking on up, hovering it above his mouth. He smiles, saying 'ahh' and closing him eyes. You drop the fruit into his mouth, he begins to chew as you peck a tiny kiss on his cheek.
"Someone lovesss yovo." You joke. "Mm.. mhmm, how *chew* could I not? *chew, chew*" Neteyam speaks through the food stuffing his mouth, you playfully scoff at his attempt to speak. "Grosss, Teyam! Chew your food!" You giggle, pushing his shoulder. He pushes you back and laughs with his mouth still full.
"That is disgusti-" before you finish your sentence, he pins you down to the floor. Arms above your head as his knees rest on the sides of your hips. You're surprised at how quickly this escalated, but nonetheless, you play into it. Grinding your hips into his loincloth and looking straight into his eyes.
It drove him crazy.
It was only before he leaned down to kiss you that the comm around his neck started buzzing. "Bro, where are you?" Lo'ak speaks in an annoyed tone. You sigh and roll your eyes. Of course something just had to interrupt this.
"Oh shit, I was supposed to go hunting with Lo'ak today" Neteyam curses himself. It was clear that he'd forgotten, it's not like he'd ditch his brother on purpose.
"S-sorry baby bro, I might have forgotten." He responds to his brother. "Might have forgotten? You were supposed to be here before eclipse, now I'm standing here looking like a fucking idiot!" Lo'ak yells through the comm. His aggressive tone made you flinch a little bit. The expression on Neteyam's face told you everything. He was definitely going to beat himself up about this for some time, he'd see himself as a terrible brother who neglected his younger sibling. It made you feel bad for him.
"Hey," You place a calming hand on his shoulder. "Look, I can go instead," You whisper to Neteyam, slowly nodding a reassuring look. His eyes dart to yours. "Are you sure? I know Lo'ak can be a bit.." He lifts his eyebrows and shrugs his shoulders, the silence speaking for itself. "You know?" He says.
"Yes, I know Lo'ak, Nete." You smile and lift your body up from the ground, situating your bow behind your back and tightening the loincloth around your tail. "Where is he?" Neteyam explains where in the forest Lo'ak is waiting, You lean into, pressing down on the button. "Hey, Lo'ak. I'm coming your way, be ready." You simply say, kissing his cheek before making your way to his brother.
You run up to Lo'ak, seeing him sitting down by a boulder. "Hey, sorry for the wait. I'm here now." You speak, out of breath. You can tell how easily his face lights up after seeing you. He looks up, eyes widening at your presence as he fights back a smirk, cheeks turning into a shade of baby pink.
It's cute. You think. He's always had a crush on you, maybe even since you were kids too. It would explain the countless bracelets he used to make for you. But you never payed any mind to it. He was Neteyam's brother, and that's all you saw him as. Nothing more, nothing less.
"Hey, y/n" He answers in a flustered tone. Clearly excited to see you as his tail is flicking from either side. You laugh, sitting next to him and playfully ruffling his hair. "Hey skxawng." You take the bow off of your back and set it next to your crossed legs. "Listen, I know you're upset because of Neteyam, so we don't have to hunt today. We can just talk, okay?" You say softly.
It takes him a few moments to respond. He's so mesmerized by your voice, your mannerisms, and the enchanting glimmer in your eyes. “Yeah? Just talk?” He asks sweetly, but there’s this undertone of hesitation- like something is up, like he wants to do something.
Suddenly, he puts his arm around your waist, pulling your body closer to him and propping you onto his lap. "I don't wanna talk with you baby" He whispers in your ear. Your heart drops, you don't know how to react. "Lo'ak-" You gulp. He positions you onto his lap. "Finally alone with this pretty body, fuck.." He mutters.
This feeling is new to you. The fire inside your stomach, the squeezing of your heart, and why, oh why are you becoming insanely wet? You whine, jagged breaths escaping your mouth while he grinds his hips up into yours. He feels your pussy's liquid seeping through the thin fabric of your loincloth.
Oh Eywa.. you shouldn't be letting this happen. He's your boyfriend's brother.
You place your hand on his chest to stop him from moving. "W-what are you doing?," You start. "We can't do this, Lo'ak." His eyes meet yours for a split second, ignoring you as he continues to create intense friction between you two. "We can't?" Lo'ak grunts. "Then why are you so wet, hm?" He scoffs, lifting your chin up with a single finger and breathing against your neck.
His covered cock prods at you, rubbing against your sweet clit with each tiny hump. You begin to feel that familiar feeling building up inside of your core, body tensing and heart rate increasing. "Hmmhhh.." You moan in a low tone, eyes squeezed shut, your body on the edge.
"Gonna cum?" Lo'ak teases. "Go ahead, cum on your boyfriend's brother. Do it for me." And after that, you squirt. Your juices flow onto his thighs as well as yours. You look down at the mess you've made, panting hard as the realization hits you. You just came, no- squirted on Lo'ak. Once again, your boyfriend's fucking brother.
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Later that night, you're lingering around the common area. Sitting behind a lonely tree as everyone else eats their dinner. You turn your head around to scope out what was going on. Neteyam was in the circle with everyone, attention entirely shifted away from you and now focused on the conversations around him. You turned back around, leaning your head against the stump.
The wind was breezy. Cold, but not too cold. You were enjoying how the fresh air would fill your nose, closing your eyes to take it all in.
"Hey.." A voice that you recognize seductively speaks. Snaking their hands along your back and resting their head on the crook of your neck. You open your eyes to see Lo'ak. A shiver traveling down your spine as you feel the touch and breath against your neck, melting under his hands. You sharply inhaled, your eyes closing as you focus on the feeling. You knew very well that you shouldn't be allowing this again, but it is just so hard to resist him.
Regardless, you still remove his hand from your shoulder, shaking your head softly. "No, Lo'ak. Neteyam is right over there.."
"Fuck if I care." He breathes out, now grazing his fangs along your neck. "Mm.. I missed you, and your scent." He wraps his hands along your waist, slowly coming down to the front of your loincloth and rubbing your clit through the fabric. Your eyes shoot open at the contact, gasping at the sudden pressure. You look down at Lo'ak's movements on your pussy. Eyes wide as a soft shiver runs through your body. "Mmph.. I can't," You whine. "So don't. Just let me do all the work, hm?" He whispers.
His fingers meet your entrance. Digits softly grazing before harshly pumping inside, using your slick as lube. You let out a loud grunt followed by a whine, screwing your eyes shut. "Ah ah ah," Lo'ak warns. "Stay quiet baby.. don't want to get caught now, do we?" He smirks against your scruff, feeling how pussy clenches around his fingers. "Tell me what you want, how you want it.."
His fingers leave your cunt for a moment, just to put them back in with a soft force. Curling his digits upwards as your pussy emits squelching noises. You grind your hips up into him, hoping he'll scratch that itch you just can't get. Lo'ak pushes your hips down. "Tell me, or I stop."
"M-make me cum! Please, fuck.. I need it," You quietly cry out, writhing against him. "Does your little boyfriend not do this for you?" He teased, leaving a wet trail of kisses on your chest, inching closer to your breasts. You pretend not to hear his question. Neteyam is the last thing you want to think about in this moment. But Lo'ak was right, he never did these things to you. Sex with him was vanilla, he was too sweet.
"Answer me, slut." He growls, grabbing a fistful of your hair and wrapping a grip around it, fingers moving faster than before. Incoherent words from you, your pussy is getting worked too much that a you're unable to form a single word. "Huh? I said answer me!" His grip grows tighter. You moan out, shaking your head no and making a small noise. "Mm..mm."
He smirks at how dumb fucked he's making you. "Yeah, thought so," He grunts again. "Gonna cum? I feel this tight pussy choking my fingers."
"U-uh huh" You whine and moan, hips bucking up at nothing, pussy aching and legs shaking as the knot in your stomach is preparing to unravel. "You're mine, aren't you? You fucking hate that little boyfriend of yours, say it." Your eyes meet Lo'ak's, brows narrowing with a silent plead. "Don't.. don't make me s- say it." You moan.
"Fucking say it!" He yells in a whisper, making you wince as you're on the edge. "F-Fine! I hate him, ohh fuck I h-hate Neteyamm!" You whimper. "Mhm, what else?" His fingers don't stop. "I'm yours! All yours, Lo'ak!" You bite down on your lips, panting with a whine as your squirt flows out. "Yeahhh baby, that's fucking right." Lo'ak huffs, patting the hood of your cunt.
As your breath comes down, he forces his lips onto yours, leaving a lustful kiss as a parting gift. "I'll have my dick inside your pretty body next." He stands up on his feet, walking away and leaving you stranded. A mess of your own fluids. "Fuck.." You sigh to yourself, regretting every decision that led up to this.
tags: @universal-s1ut
want part two? right here
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sweetsbfreex · 2 years
Summary: your three=year-old joins Chris in his workout
Warnings: none!
Pairings: husband/dad!chris evans x reader
The pitter-patter of tiny feet against the extortionate floor hits your ears before the sound of a soft, cherub voice. 
“Mommy?” Evelyn calls out.
“I’m in here, honey.” You answer from the living-room, placing your book on your lap. 
She walks through, clad in a boxy patriot baby tee, her pampers, and pink socks. Evidently, it’s a very chill day in the Evans household. Beside her, her Mickey Mouse stuffie drags along the floor. 
“Hi mommy,” she waves her little hand as she comes closer. 
“Hi sweet pea. Is your cartoon all finished?”
She nods a yes. 
You go to respond, but she speaks first. You can tell a thought has popped into her mind with the way her eyes widen.
“Where daddy?” She looks around the room as she asks. His snuggly, strong figure is nowhere in sight, only his mug from earlier. 
“He’s working out in the gym downstairs.”
“Okay!” She turns swiftly, making her way to the basement.
Evelyn makes her way to the basement, down the steps carefully, with one hand clasped around the railing at all times. She walks into the expansive room filled with everything you need to exercise. It always makes it easier for days like this, where you or Chris can workout at home. Or have his personal trainer meet him there. 
“Daddy?” Evelyn calls out. 
Chris is in a prone position, his body supported on his palms and toes of his shoes. His chain clinks against the mat. With his biceps bulging and face glossed with sweat; Chris doesn’t hear the sound of his name until two pink socks stand in his view. 
Chris sits up and pulls his earbuds out. 
“You alright, honey?”
“Hi daddy,” she waves.
“Hi honey” he smiles and chuckles. 
“What are you doing?” She asks and slightly tilts her head to the side. 
Chris tilts his head too, as a quip. “Working out, so I'm all healthy, and can fight all the bad guys.”
“Me too!” 
“You want to be healthy too?”
“No, fight bad guys.”
Of course, Chris thinks to himself. 
“C’mere my brave girl.” Chris grasps her by her sides, tickling her protruding tummy as she squirms in his hold. “We’re gonna start with pushups. So you gotta get on the floor like this..”
She listens intently, but struggles, of course. But that was what her father’s support was for. In the end, she ends up with her butt in the air, unable to get her body flat like her father. But she pushes up and down on her arm, smiling up at Chris.
“I do it!” She laughs. 
“Look at you, you’re gonna beat all the bad guys’ butts.” 
He pats her diaper bottom before getting into position so he can continue. They workout side-by-side. A toddler and her father, the imagery almost ridiculous in the juxtaposition between the two. 
It only takes one set of ten push-ups, before he feels small hands on his back and a little grunt of her trying to lift her body onto him. So he drops his body into a plank, on his knuckles. And she plops herself on her father’s back, gleefully and giggly. 
“Ready!” But it’s all muddled since her filled cheek is flat against his back. Her arms hanging against the side of his body, feet laid out straight, and her Mickey Mouse stuffy is left behind on the floor. 
He pushes up and down, slowly, cautious as not to disrupt her too much. But she could care less as she laughs, at some point wrapping her arms around his neck. 
“Daddy strong!”
“He has to be,” he answers with a laugh. “How else am I gonna protect you and mom, hm?”
“Dodger.” She answers seriously. 
“That’s true,” he rasps, his breath picking up as he continues to chat and workout. 
Some time passes before he gets close to the ground again. “Ride over.” He jokes. 
His toddler slides off his back to stand next to him
“Are you ready for the next part?” He asks. 
“Yeah!” She claps her hands together and jumps in excitement.
Chris walks over to the rack of dumbbells. He picks up the set of fifty and one five pound dumbbells. He sets the smallest in front of her and holds his in each hand.
“We’re just gonna lift some weights.”
Chris knows there’s no way his three-year-old would be able to lift the dumbbell, but she’s as stubborn as a mule and wants to be involved in every shape and form of her parents’ lives. While Chris does his bicep curls, he cherishes the way his little one stares at the dumbbell for a little too long, then peeks up at him in question. 
“You got it,” he encourages, a lopsided smile on his lips.
So she goes for it. 
She uses both her small hands to grasp the handle. She tries with all her little might, a small squeak past her lips represents her efforts…
“Oops.” She stands to her full height, an innocent look masking her face accompanied by an embarrassed grin. 
“You toot?” Chris asks in hysterics. 
“Wasn’t me,” she crosses her arms over her chest. “Dodger!” 
Chris can’t help but lean back as laughter takes over his body. She’s precious, he thinks to himself. Taking in her distraught face, puffed out cheeks, and furrowed eyebrows. 
“Not me, daddy!”
“Okay, okay,” he drops the dumbbells to pick up her upset figure. “You don’t gotta be embarrassed,” he dotes and kisses her cheek. 
It’s three in the afternoon before you know it. Chris always finishes his workout by three, so by this time you go to the gym with a strawberry coconut protein milkshake— and a strawberry shake in your other hand, since presumably Eve had joined her father. 
You walk into the sound of a familiar, deep laugh which brings an immediate smile to your face. And heat on your cheeks at the sight of a post-workout Chris. 
“Hi,” You greet the two as you walk in. 
“Look who’s here,” Chris turns towards you and wraps an arm around your waist to pull you closer. “Hi,” his eyes brighten at the sight of you and he pulls you in for a chaste kiss. 
“Hi, mommy,” Evelyn recovers quickly, a bright smile on her face as she waves.
“Hi, honey.” You kiss her cheek. “Did you have fun working out with dad?”
You hold up both cups (one smaller and decorated with Bluey). Chris grabs Eve’s cup and hands it to her before grabbing his. He takes a sip, always looking forward to his wife’s smoothies. They’re always the perfect consistency and garnished with whatever fruit she has used. 
With your hand free, it naturally falls to the nape of Chris’ neck. Your fingers running through his soft locks. 
Eve is quick to take a sip, a milk mustache left behind her in haste. 
“What do we say?” Chris reminds her.
“Thanks, mommy!”
“Thank you, sweetheart.”
“Of course. Anything for my babies,” you squish their cheeks in jest. 
if you enjoyed pls don’t forget to reblog or give feedback if ur up to it &lt;3
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