#he got the floor grippers
marlenacantswim · 4 months
i greatly admire david tennant's dedication to having his dogs all the way out during all these shakespeare productions
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zooone · 2 years
shoutout to my girlfriend for having to bare w me sending her pictures of wilburs massive fucking clown feet
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Jotaro typa guy to try make a joke for once in his life at the worst time like Polnareff asked the group the "boobs or ass?" question and Jotaro just then decided to make a joke and said "feet" and everyone got quiet and that's why Jotaro had PTSD, not from Dio but from everyone thinking he has a thing for floor grippers.
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ilyjerome · 2 years
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pairing; idol lee heeseung x gn idol reader <3 (in the same group)
genre; throwing up glitter (fluff)
prompt; heeseung decided to wake you up since he just couldn’t fall asleep that night.
lowercase intended and not proof read <3 rushed
you and heeseung have always been really close - ever since i-land. never an awkward moment between the two of you and you were always able to laugh and have fun no matter the circumstances ,,it was a friday - so you could finally sleep in after a long hard week. but you were a bit of a night owl so you were just scrolling through tiktok with your airpods in to not disturb the other sleeping figures in your shared room.
heeseung had other ideas - he kept tossing and turning and not even his phone or his endless games of league could cure his boredom. your room was only across the hall from his so he could tip toe to your room without making a sound, not waking up jake, the lightest sleeper in the team who just happened to be your roommate >< so he did, he cutely tip toed across the hall to your room - slowly opening the door so he wouldn’t be noticed but since you had your airpods in - you didn’t notice nor hear him.
“hey y/n !” his whisper shouts that only he could hear repeating over and over - clicking his tongue after seconds of him just standing in the doorway trying to get your attention , he made his way over to you lightly tapping your shoulder which made you jump out of your skin - “hee ?? what are you doing ? you scared me so much~” dragging out the ‘much’ and fake crying while lightly punching his shoulder - he giggled : “sorry - flashing an apologetic smile - i was wondering if you wanted to go get some snacks or something?” he could basically see your eyes shimmer.
“of course ! you don’t even need to ask me” you whisper shouted and swung your legs to the end of the bed - following his broad shoulders to the door , stopping at jakes heightened snores and noises and giggling to yourselves .
you two could not stop laughing - really , you were a mess . your knees were buckling and cheeks were puffed up in attempts to stop your laughing from pouring out and even a glance at each other would probably make you fall to the floor. that’s what you get for being so close <3
after you put your sliders on (with socks ofc. we don’t wanna see those grippers) and got out the door, you intertwined your hands with his and swung your hands with the rhythm of your walking - turning corners to find a 24/7 open store and just talking. (it’s like 2am or something pls) until you finally came across a 7-11 - your heads turning to look at each other and smiling while picking up the pace in the direction of the store.
the bell dingle of the door opening echoed around the store - you both were the only ones there. dragging heeseung to every isle to get all different types of snacks you’d start to think this was your idea - “woah woah . we don’t need so much” - “yes we do ! this was your idea and im expecting a movie session when we get back mister .” he chuckled at you and ruffled your hair , agreeing that you should probably go a little overboard .
after gathering everything you both wanted , heeseung went to pay for it and it was not cheap . you could almost hear heeseung’s mouth opening in shock from behind him but he payed it anyway. - locking hands with you again and leaving the store - making your way back to the dorm , talking and giggling on your way back - this was definitely worth breaking the rules for.
stepping into the shared apartment - taking off your shoes and everything - you look up to see 2 angry men with their arms crossed staring at you both “uhm.. hello?” you spoke - “where did you go? we thought you got kidnapped!” sunoo’s eyes widening and eyebrows raising like he was about to take his slipper off and throw it at you. “when i woke up and you weren’t there, i went to heeseungs room and he wasn’t either !! “ heeseung chuckling in the back - “ sorry bro. you snore super loud tho, i’m not sure how y/n copes sharing a room with you” even before he could finish his sentence jake was already raising his fist and complaining.
“i expect a lot of that” - sunoo scoffed, pointing at the very obvious overflowing bag of junk food and drinks. jake adding in a small “me too” while crossing his arms. you agreed , and all of you ended up watching movies together <3
you ended up waking up leader yang too.. be prepared for a morning beating while doing the dishes !!
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dewydovahkiin · 2 years
I shift, roll, talk, kick, twist, huff and turn in my sleep. I’ll get in straight like a log then wake up like I just fell off a cliff. Spets reaction to a s/o who is a sleep fighter (warrior) (Bonus if one night my toe ends up in their mouth)
Put those grippers away 🤨
His go-to move is to roll to the other side of the bed well away from you, especially after a few incidents of quite literally tangled limbs and you punching him in the face while you were asleep. Or just move to the couch entirely.
The first few times it happened Maxim swore you were doing it on purpose and shoved you off the bed onto the floor, until he realized that no, you’re just an awful sleeper.
If he feels that you’re about to have an active night he just moves away. His sense of self preservation is high when you’re squaring up with your own pillow in the middle of the night.
Annoyed old man. Why tf are you upside down with your feet in his face? Why did you kick him in the ribs?
Hauls you up and just traps you in his arms with yours crossed together. Not much Alex can do about your legs other than hope you don’t somehow get him in the nuts. He’s basically got you in a straight jacket hold.
Thinks it’s a little funny when you sleep talk, probably teases you about things you’ve said.
Good luck moving around with him. Shuhrat always ends up on top or somewhat draped over his partner, and he’s heavy. He’s also found this is a good solution to keep you in one place for the majority of the night.
The first time you’ve hit him on accident in your sleep he wakes up shocked and offended. Like Kapkan, he’ll just straight up push you off the bed and go back to sleep himself. He loves you but he’d rather only get beat up during training. At least then it’s a fair fight
Upset because he’s the most cuddly yet he doesn’t want a repeat of getting mauled while you were dead asleep.
Your posture worries him as does your sleep mumbling. Timur thinks you’re having nightmares and you keep having to reassure him you just sleep like you’re possessed.
Literally looks like a hurt dog when if you somehow beat him in your sleep. Rolls over like “:( wtf”
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safyresky · 5 months
🆕 Crystal Springs Chapter 29: Mind Goop now up on ao3/ff dot net!
Chapter 29: Mind Goop
After a good night's rest, Blaise sets to work tying up loose ends among the denizens of the North Pole, and charming his way through Santa's in-laws. Meanwhile, Santa crashes Jack's pity party and Elle checks in with Jacqueline, maybe a little too literally.
ao3 | ff dot net
In my heart of hearts, I call this chapter the "Blinter Gay Panic" chapter. Those mofos are out here charming the crap outta Carol, outta Santa, and Blaise does a NUMBER on the in-laws (not before they do a number on him!)
Have an excerpt ;)
Blaise looked down. Below him, baby Buddy had tottered over, sitting in the foam on the floor and smacking it with his hands. Carol rushed over, picking him up and pulling him out. He giggled, kicking his legs as foam went flying. “Looks like someone needs to be hosed down,” Santa joked, hoping to cut the tension. “No need,” Blaise said, snapping his fingers again. In a flash, Buddy was clean; foam gone, his clothes nicely pressed, and his bib clear of food stains new and old. “There we go! All tidy,” Blaise said, making a silly face at the toddler. Buddy giggled, kicking his legs happily as Carol sat him on her side. Clearing his throat, Blaise looked up at the Claus’s extended family and flashed them a prize-winning smile. “Hi. Frost, Blaise Frost. Governor of the Capitol of Crystal Springs and baby cleaner extraordinaire.” He winked, his hair fwooshing to life, briefly bending like a flickering candle before once more burning brightly at an acceptable height. “Oh, wow,” Sylvia said, sultry. “Wow!” Bud agreed, impressed. “Bud Newman! Father-in-Law of Christmas!” Placing down the fire extinguisher, he stuck out his hand. Blaise shook it enthusiastically. “Some grip you got there, Governor.” “Playing with fire works wonders on the old grippers,” he teased, letting go of Bud’s hand and turning to look at Sylvia. “And this is the lovely Mrs. Newman?” “Just Sylvia is fine,” she said, patting her hair and giving him her hand. Blaise took it, very briefly kissing her knuckles. She flushed. “He’s got ‘em,” Santa whispered to Carol. “Hook, line, and sinker baby,” Carol replied, the pair of them bumping fists.
YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHAT HAPPENED BEFORE THIS! OR AFTER THIS! Or maybe you will! With a chapter title like MIND GOOP? I ain't SLICK. Or maybe I am! Who's to say? YOUS to say!
That's RIGHT! You can check Chapter 29: Mind Goop out HERE on ao3 and HERE on fanfiction dot net and be the judge of how slick tumblr user safyresky really is!
Want to start from the top? Check out the Prologue: An Encounter HERE on ao3 and HERE on ff dot net!
Story summary and SafyreSky Industries Ramblings below the cut!
It's been almost a year since Jack Frost thawed and things are looking...well, not so great. Jack's powers are seemingly gone. Without them, the Dome that keeps the North Pole safe from the cold and its magic controlled is melting, putting everything and everyone magical at risk. Unable to hide his power shortage any longer, Jack is forced to admit the truth. Thankfully, there is a solution: enacting the Legate Law, bringing Jack and the sister that he hurt so many centuries ago back together again. But when Jacqueline starts experiencing destructive blackouts, the pair are forced to head back home to Crystal Springs, bringing Jack face to face with the rest of the family. Needless to say, between getting his powers back, helping his sister figure out what in the FROST those blackouts even were, reconciling with his parents, meeting the two even younger siblings he didn't even KNOW he had, NOT TO MENTION the ancient threat that's had it out for the ENTIRE Frost family finally making a move? Saving Christmas (regrettably) is looking to be a little bit...complicated.
SO sorry for the SLIGHT delay!! I think I spent like 75% of December taking care of sick husband/being a little low energy/feeling unwell, and then holidays came around and were BUSY. AND FULL OF MORE SICKNESS. This time the hubbers and I got hit with a stomach bug like no other AFTER CHRISTMAS DAY. I've never had to put so much effort into tossing my cookies in my LIFE. GAH.
The other problem I ran into was, funnily enough, Jacqueline and Elle. Their mind goop scene wasn't hitting right, so I let the chapter sit for a bit while rereading older Jacquie/Elle bits and rereading Rules of Engagement and when I finally looked back at it I realized the PROBLEM was that THESE TWO GOOBERS. HAD M O R E TO SAY TO ONE ANOTHER!!!!!!
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Goobers aside, here it FINALLY is :3.
🆕 this chapter:
Blaise decided he was going to be present for the rescue Polly mission, too
(that was a whole OTHER writing problem, oy vey)
(the cast has taken control. i don't even think i'm in the CAR anymore! I think I fell out!)
Both he and I continue to be plagued by CS Lore (magical incidents and how they are taken care of, the CS equivalent of "Police" and how they work, Mother Nature apparently having absolute power in extreme circumstances--though that checks out, AND some Call/Fae War Lore Drops)
This, of course, means you all get fresh CS Lore!
Next time I rework CS it's gonna be to separate it from Fandom and make it a publishable original work
WORD COUNT: CS 2014 (OG)->6,055k CS 202X-> 15,444k
Yet another MASSIVE change lmao
And I think that about covers it! MUCHAS thanks to mr alex hirsch for unleashing gravity falls onto the world and making me aware of GRUNKLE as a title, which Lucy 100% would use and WILL USE. I think Sylvia is like "just Sylvia is fine dear" and Lucy's like "Consider: GRAUNTIE SYLVIA!" (bc you can't convince me that Bud and Sylvia wouldn't be brought into the blended family the way the Millers and Scott did it, lmao)
Goal for Chapter 30: write it, first off, lmao. I'm two scenes in?? But I'm HOPING to have it ready for Crystal Spring's TENTH Birthday on the 20th of this month. TEN YEARS. MAHOOSIVE. AH.
Anyway, enjoy the chapter and enjoy your weekends! I will be cleaning at my folk's house so ANY AND ALL NICE WORDS AND COMMENTS AND DISTRACTIONS ARE APPRECIATED AS I AM TIRED AND FAMILY'D OUT AND WILL NEED THE SEROTONIN, LOL.
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bluemoonstonesy · 2 years
Tell him to wear socks pls only you could make it happen 😭😭😭😭
he always got the damn floor grippers out on show get this man a pack of primark socks asap
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partyshrimp · 2 years
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hello solarex nation... i give you a (generally useless) treat: this gay ass alien (NOT zinzin) that might be my new mascot sona thing <33 arent they hideous 
he needs a name so so badly i am Suffering rn.. 
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minerviewrites · 2 years
Arcane's odd quirks :]
Sfw fluff with gn reader :)
Warnings: Trauma, medicine, needles, bombs mentioned briefly
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Viktor- Doesn't like brushing his hair. There's no real reason behind it, actually... he just forgets to do it and then it becomes super tangled. When he was younger, he used to use those detangler sprays that smell like pear or green apple. Brushing his hair for him will probably become a daily routine since he's always working, and he's very appreciative of it too. Viktor makes sure to give you a big embrace and lots of kisses before you leave the lab.
Jayce- Doesn't like to wear shoes? Sometimes you'll walk into the lab and home boy just has his floor grippers out... Viktor will just be standing there in disgust and look at you- mouthing "this is your man". Sometimes he tries to lock toes with you if you don't have shoes on, and his feet are always super sweaty; not the ideal situation for you. Jayce is really romantic about it though; at least he says he is... You'll receive random pictures during the day of his feet
Vi- Really hates loud noises. It's connected to her childhood; she always feels like she immediately goes back to the factory where she lost everything. Vi will probably move out of Zaun because of this, and would love to move in with you if you live somewhere peaceful. Her dream as a girl was to move some forest or mountain where she could live more naturally, and there wouldn't be loud noises of the city
Jinx- Actually really good at administering medicine and shots if you need them. Since she grew up around Silco, she learned how to prep needles and measure medicine to the right doses. Jinx often jokes that she could've been an amazing nurse if she wasn't a crazy bomb addict; it becomes harder to deny after a while of seeing her work. She even gets super focused, which is rare for Jinx, if it happens at all
Caitlyn- Animals love her much, it's a little creepy. Once you two were on a romantic walk through a local park when a bird just landed on her shoulder. She didn't even look phased and just gave it a piece of bread from the picnic basket you were carrying. If you ask about it, Cait just says it's always happened, even when she was a baby. This makes it really hard to go on dates around the city; dogs and cats will walk up and demand all her attention
Ekko- This boy is a BEAST at crochet. Makes you sweaters in record time, and even makes some for your pets if you have any. It started off as just a hobby for when he was bored, but it quickly evolved into a mini business when he got older. Ekko once knit all of his workers gloves when it was super cold in Zaun; most of those workers still wear them when the winter months roll around. His favorite thing to knit though is little ducks, and he gives most to you as gifts
Silco- He draws a lot of architecture that he likes around Zaun. The first time you see him do it is during one of his days off; he was sitting on the roof of his apartment and just sketching everything his eyes could see. Silco normally likes to sketch alone, but he'll invite you do lay on his lap while he overlooks Zaun. It's a really peaceful moment for both of you and he asks you to join him again sometime soon
Sevika- Loves writing letters to you, even if you live with her. Everyday you'll find a letter on the counter where she expresses how much she loves you in a different way each day. Sevika finds it difficult to express how she feels in words, so she will usually write letters or notes in place of the words she can't say. Sometimes her letters detail how she just wants to leave Zaun behind and live with you somewhere across the sea. She knows it's a pipe dream, especially with her work, but she can always dream
Vander- Gosh this man is an amazing cook. He adds just the right amount of spice and seasoning, which always balance out the entire meal. Vander doesn't only make underground food; somehow he found a cookbook that details recipes from all over Runeterra. The first time he used a recipe from Shurima was an eventful time... since he wasn't familiar with the food, he added too much spice and Powder almost ended up in the hospital
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glossyfairytears · 2 years
How they sleep headcannons pt. 2
Part one
Dateables + exchange students
Gender neutral
Warnings: None
He could sleep in both socks or no socks. Considering the fact that he falls asleep at his desk fairly regularly socks on is more likely.
HUGS A PILLOW. Don’t ask me how I know, he just does. Even if you are sharing the bed the pillow is going to stay for a while. Gotta leave room for Jesus.
Wears old man pjs like Lucifer but they have fun designs and color. Has a set that Lucifer bought him that’s his favorite. Definitely sent Lucifer a pic of him in it.
He was a strictly socks only kind of guy back in the Celestial Realm but the Devildom was just too warm for that. Socks off now unless Diavolo switches up the weather, then those bad boys go straight back on.
Sleeps on his front, face into the pillow. Traditional sleepover kind of guy. MC gets a mattress on the floor. Very comfy and quiet compared to the house of lamentation, 10/10 sleep.
Has a favorite shirt from Diavolo with little bears on it Don’t tell anyone he actually really likes it.
No socks, Let them floor grippers breathe. Won’t wear socks until it is freezing. He likes the pair of toe socks Asmo got him as a joke. Likes to ~wiggle~ his toes in them bc it freaks out Luke.
Any position goes tbh. He could fall asleep upside down and still have a good sleep. Would probably hug you with an iron grip. Good luck MC this one is a doozy.
His current favorite are plaid pj pants but no shirt but it tends to change every 50 years or so. Asmo really hopes that he goes back to sleeping lingerie one day.
No socks. Have you seen his demon form. Tits out toes out is his motto. It’s also just a little too warm for socks.
Face sleeper, all the way. I feel like he sometimes accidentally transforms to his demon form while he’s sleeping because it’s more comfortable. Don’t worry about this if you ever share a bed though, he will be too excited and nervous to even fall asleep.
Like I said, tits out toes out. His demon form is the most comfortable to sleep in. If he can’t do that he has some loungewear Lucifer bought him that he prefers.
Socks. On. No arguments. The stompers will be appropriately clothed.
Out of habit he’s a very light sleeper will wake up if you move. Sleeps in a corpse position unless he is very worn out. You’re very lucky if you catch him sleeping anywhere outside his bedroom.
Another one who has a classic old man set. These are the only known pyjamas he has. Diavolo has sworn secrecy regarding his other nightwear.
Toe socks, they are fun. She enjoys the chaos of knowing the fact that she can cover each toe with a bit of sock. Has a magenta and pink set she got from Solomon and regards it as the only redeeming thing he has ever done.
Doesn’t have to sleep for a while if she doesn’t want to. Prefers to sleep with an invention of hers near enough that it could be used if need be. Good luck MC.
Likes tank tops and shorts that match. Also likes to have a matching hair tie and has a strict hair regimen. She won’t tell you but she likes doing hair so if she gets the chance you will end up with a new hair style specifically for when you sleep.
Socks, appropriate bed attire only. Wait Lucifer wears socks too? No socks, socks are for those who lack class.
Sleeps like a 𝒟𝒾𝓈𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓊𝒾𝓈𝒽𝑒𝒹 𝑔𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓁𝑒𝓂𝒶𝓃, meaning that he snores loud enough to wake the dead. Likes to kick sometimes. Rip MC.
Has a favorite set of black pyjamas they have a nice pocket on the chest ☺️👍. Don’t tell him Lucifer has the same set, he will loose it.
No socks. He wants to feel free of obligations so he finds socks too constrictive.
This man is tired of dealing with Michaels shit. Please let him get at least 8 good hours of sleep. For the love of god, MC, if you’re in the room you better be quiet or he may pull a reverse guardian angel on you.
Not fully nude but close to it, he locks his door unlike a certain nudist sleeper. Just a good pair of boxers is all he needs. It reminds him of the days of loincloths. Good times.
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theundercoversquid · 2 years
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: You and Tom encounter the paparazzi when trying to leave the airport
Warnings: Paparazzi getting to close
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Stepping around the corner with Tom in the airport, you were blinded. Bringing your hand up, you desperately try to block the light. But there were flashing lights every which way you looked. Even the shiny surface of the floor was reflecting the light straight back up into your eyes.
Then the Paparazzi got closer. Tom gripper your hand tighter in his own. But just before you could cross the barrier to the feeding frenzy that was the Paparazzi. Tom pulled you to a stop. Looking at him quizzically, you watched as he pulled his baseball cap off his head and put it on yours. Pushing the brim down so that it covered your eyes.
"What about you?" you whispered to him, over the click of the cameras.
"I'll be fine, love," Tom promised you as he grabbed your hand even tighter this time. He was determined not to lose you in the fray.
With a deep breath, as if the two of you were about to dive underwater. You took the plunge into the medley. You tried to keep your head down as you stuck as close to Tom as you could. Your forehead came to rest on his shoulder as he gently guided you away from the sharks. But you could feel them closing in, and you couldn't escape. You could feel your chest tightening as you fought for breath.
You felt Tom squeeze your hand as if he could sense you were panicking. It wouldn't surprise you if he could sense it. He had always seemed to be in tune with you. As if Tom could read your thoughts and know what was going on at all times. Even when he was halfway across the globe.
You felt the tides changing as you and Tom started to escape. As the two of you got closer and closer to the door. To freedom. where you and Tom could pile into the waiting car that would wiz you away from the sea of people you were tapped in.
You felt the cool breeze of the outside. Looking up, you saw Tom opening the door. Beckoning you through, he got you safe and out first. Using his body to stop anybody else from getting out.
When you were safely out and in the fresh air, Tom followed. Placing your bags in the open boot of the waiting car. You had already piled in as you waited for Tom to clamber in so you could leave.
The moment Tom was seated and his seatbelt clicked, the car was out of there. Leaving the paparazzi and their flashing lights behind.
You let your body go limp as you flopped into Tom, your head resting on his chest as you listened to his heartbeat.
"You okay, love?" Tom asked, rubbing your back comfortingly.
I'm glad we escaped," you assured him.
I'm sorry." Tom whispered into your hair.
"Why?" You asked, no clue what he could have done.
"For the paparazzi," Tom told you.
"Why are you sorry about that?" You asked him. "You didn't tell then we would be there. Did you?”
"But I was the reason they were there," Ton told you.
"I knew what I signed up for when I agreed to go on a date with you." You assured Tom. "Yes, I hate it. But love spending time with you far, far more than I hate the paparazzi. I would do that every day if it meant that I got to spend the rest of my life with you."
"I love you." Tom smiled. Placing a kiss on your head.
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satanslitter · 2 years
a/n: hope this doesnt look too weird since I posted it on my phone
cw : m! bodied MC, mpreg, a/b/o, describing about how lucifer got pregnant (?), blowjobs (?), belphie having some violent tendencies
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He got pregnant one day when your vicious and potent seed spurted into his tight aching fertile hole.
The babies were kicking his stomach so he was in pain all morning.
And you helped him with the pain by shoving your 12 inch meat stick down his guzzling hot and warm gummy walls
You made him his favourite craving, poison apple with your juices layered on top with some garlic.
The brothers were overjoyed from the news during breakfast and started planning the baby’s life.
Levi got his floor grippers out his sneakers and started tickling Lucifer’s stomach and the baby tickled back.
He became Cerberus food in a few seconds.
His stomach grew larger. He grew angrier.
One day, while doing his work (which was lessened by Lord Diavolo due to his pregnancy), he felt it. He felt it coming. He felt it in his bones. He was shaking. The babies were about to be delivered.
In panic, you all drove him to the hospital for the delivery
You held his hand while the doctors instructed him to push harder, squeezing it every few seconds to assure him.
7 hours into labour, Matthew, Mark and John were born.
“They’re ugly” quotes Belphie, he was joking of course, he loved the new babies to death. Enough to strangle them while you both slept peacefully.
But Luci was too tired to get mad. Instead, falling asleep with his 3 new born babies in his arms.
You were extremely proud of him and your happiness couldn’t be measured for your baby boys.
After he was allowed to be discharged from the hospital, you returned home with your husband and the brothers.
Things were hectic at first, Lucifer would growl at anyone who came near the babies, except you of course.
Mammon was allowed first around them, and the other brothers followed.
Everyone was gentle with the babies but Belphie almost threw them off a cliff but Lucifer’s omega instincts kicked in and he flew with his bird wings to save his babies.
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taichouu · 2 years
Gojo has the whitest ugliest feet you have ever seen, he never takes his socks so it also smells like shit and his toes are all shriveled like a raisin
FINALLY. My equal! 😩 Let us discuss about our foes like the kings of old.
I just know Gojo's toes are long and weird. He's got them actual floor grippers.
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yootaesowlwrites · 4 years
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Request by: Mi1234ll
Request: B4 and b27 with Carlos?
Prompts: B4*- “Grab The Headboard For Me, Will Ya?” & B27*- “Don’t Be Gentle.”
A/N: I’m sorry, but there isn’t a detailed sex scene this time, .
Warnings: Cocky!Carlos, One night stand, explicit language, Pre-Covid-19, drinking, public touching, nude, getting eaten out, face sitting, cum swallowing, handjob, safe sex mentioned.
Word Count: 2.5K
【 • Primary Masterlist • Carlos Sainz Jr Masterlist • 】
【 • Smut Prompt List • 】
【 • Characters & Drivers I Write For • Rules & Request • 】
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It was a night for celebrations when Carlos had got back home after getting his first podium with McLaren, as soon as they were back home they went to a club to celebrate with the team, once they arrived the place was already packed with music blaring through the speakers as sweaty bodies danced to the beat, or tried, they made their way towards the bar and ordered some shots for every, (Y/n) sat on the other end of the bar watching her friends dance with people they had met earlier, she had once again lost out and hadn’t found anybody that piqued her interest, she stirred the cosmopolitan before taking a sip from the drink, her eyes moved away from the dance floor to stare at her drink, Carlos picked up his shot glass and tossed his head back as he tossed the drink down his throat, he lowers the glass and cheered with his friends before h looked around the bar, his eyes fall on (Y/n) as she sat by herself looking almost miserable, he quickly excused himself from his friends and made his way towards her.
“Hello,” Carlos says as he comes to a stop behind her, (Y/n) takes in a deep breath as yet another guy greeted her, she turns to look at the person and send him on his way only for her words to get caught in her throat, her eyes moved over his face as she took in his dark brown eyes. “Can I buy you a drink or at least pay for the one you’re currently drinking?” He took a seat in the empty chair next to her.
“Well, we have a tab open, I doubt you’d want to pay for everyone’s drink.” (Y/n) says as she felt heat run up her veins.
“We?” Carlos questions as his brows furrowed. “As in you and your…?” He trails off, hoping she would tell him that she was single.
“Friends.” (Y/n) finishes his sentence.
“You and your friends,” Carlos says as he nods his head, but he still didn’t know if she was available or not.
“Yes, although they have abandoned me.” (Y/n) says as she glanced towards the dance floor, her friends still clung to the people as they tried to dance, (Y/n) looks back at Carlos. “I’m (Y/n).” She extended her arm towards her.
“Nice to meet you, (Y/n),” Carlos says as he took hold of her hand. “Carlos.” He could feel her soft delicate skin underneath his touch.
“So, what brings you here, Carlos?” (Y/n) ask as she releases his hand and placed it on her lap.
“Celebration, and you, what brings you here?” Carlos asks.
“A night out to let loose.” (Y/n) says, it was a month thing for (Y/n) and her friends, they would go to the club and hoped they would have a fun night, Carlos glanced towards the dance floor, unsure who her friends were.
“Well, it looks like you’re not having any fun,” Carlos says as he returns his gaze to her, the lights flickered around them, the lights creating a slight illumination on her.
“Nobody’s caught my interest.” (Y/n) says. “Yet.” Her eyes fall from his face to his chest before moving lower, she could see the outline of his body through the white t-shirt he wore, he moved closer to her and placed his hand on her knee, watching her reactions carefully.
“No?” Carlos says. “Have I not caught your eye?” He made sure she didn’t tense as his hand moved higher up her exposed thigh, he didn’t want to pressure a woman he had just met into something she didn’t want to do, but she has yet to make a move to remove his hand from her thigh.
“You are quite good looking, but I’m not convinced that you’re what I’m looking for.” (Y/n) says causing Carlos to chuckle, he started to trace circular patterns on her inner thigh.
“Then let me convince you that I am what you are looking for,” Carlos says, she could feel her body tingling with excitement as she felt his hand on her inner thigh, heat pooled between her legs.
“If you think you’re worthy, I will give you a minute to convince me.”
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An hour had barely passed when (Y/n) and Carlos stumbled into a nearby hotel, quickly checking into a room for the night before making their way towards the elevator, once the doors shut with them inside, Carlos pressed her up against the mirror walls as his lips brush against her, her lips felt soft against his lips as the kiss deepens, they barely realized the doors had opened on their floor as the kiss became rougher.
“Mhm.” (Y/n) tries to speak against his lips as she saw the floor number, they break the kiss and quickly step out of the elevator and make their way down the hallway towards the room, Carlos quickly unlocked the door and stepped aside to allow (Y/n) to enter first, his eyes fall to her ass as she walked past him entering the room, he followed her inside and placed the ‘Do not disturb’ sign on the door before shutting the door, the room appeared to luxurious, but they barely noticed the expensive things as they rushed towards the nearest bedroom, she quickly removed her heels as he discarded his shoes and socks before closing the space between them, his hands gripper her hips as he pulled her body against his, she placed her hands on either side of his face before pulling him in for another kiss, his hands moved to the back of her dress and quickly found the zipper, his fingers fumbled with it for a few seconds before he pulled it open, he tugs at the dress before it felt to the floor and pooled around her feet, she steps out from the dress and felt the cool air from the room surround her casing her to shiver from the cold.
Carlos’s hands moved down to her thing, the only thing still clinging to her skin as she had decided against a bra for the night, they break the kiss as their lungs became to feel the effects from the lack of hair, (Y/n) took in a deep breath as her lungs felt on fire while Carlos’s fingers curled around her thong while peppering kisses down her jawline, he tugged the thong down before releasing it to fall to the ground, she steps away from the thin fabric and took hold of his hand and started leading him to the bed.
“I wanna taste you.” Carlos suddenly says, his words taking her by surprise. “Eat you out.” She looks back at him as her eyes darken with lust.
“Soon.” (Y/n) says, she wasn’t used to men willingly wanting to eat her out, they usually used their fingers before deciding it was time for the deed, Carlos tugged at her arm, pulling her against him, his free hand moved between her legs and felt the warmth coming from her as the heat stepped through her folds.
“Soon?” Carlos questioned, her eyes closed halfway as she felt his fingers ghostly brushing over her folds. “You feel ready now.”
“You caused that at the club when you kept teasing me.” (Y/n) says as she releases his hand. “But if you’re that eager to taste me, we can skip the touching, and you can dive right in, I’m already so damn wet for you.” She moves to sit on the bed only for him to stop her.
“Oh, no, I want you to sit on my face while I eat you out.” A devious smile tugged at the corner of her lips, it would be her first time sitting on top of somebody’s face.
“Well, I’m not gonna turn that down.” (Y/n) says as her fingers curl around his white t-shirt. “But we should remove this, I wouldn’t want to make it dirty.” She begins lifting his shirt, her knuckles brushing against his warm skin, the ghostly touch sending shivers up his spine and he was left to imagine how it would feel once her hands wrapped around his growing cock, he lifts his arms letting her remove the shirt, she tosses it aside while stepping away from the bed, he quickly climbed on then ed and moved to the middle of it, she quickly joined him on the bed.
“Ready?” Carlos asks, she carefully climbs on top of him and his arms wrapped around her thighs, his hands digging into the skin on her inner thigh, her moist pussy hovered above his face. “Why don’t you grab the headboard for me, won’t ya?” (Y/n) placed her hands on the hard wooden headboard, tightening her grip on it as she waited for him to begin, she could feel his breath blowing against her warm wet pussy, causing her to shudder in excitement while a knot slowly formed inside her. “You’re so wet.” She barely had time to respond when she felt his tongue move between her folds.
“OH!” (Y/n) gasps snarly at the sudden foreign contact, his tongue flicked over her clit and a shock wave of pleasure ran up her spine as her fingers gripped the headboard tighter, the pleasurable feeling of his tongue moving between her folds and licking her clit almost sent her over the edge, it was something she had yet to experience. “Oh, oh, right there!” She could feel his hands on her inner thigh tightening, his lips wrap around her sensitive nub. “OH, MHM!” As he sucked at her clit, her insides were set ablaze from the pleasure, her mind fogged up as nothing else mattered but the pleasure he was causing her, she could feel the knot inside her tightening as the pleasure became more, the once cold air that surrounded them now felt hot and thick, the cream satin sheets on the bed stuck to her legs as a thin layer of sweat formed on her skin. “SKSK!” His lips moved away from her clit and his tongue moved towards her slit before moving back to her clit, she throws her head back in pleasure as her breathing became hard, deep and rapid, the sounds of her breathing and Carlos eating her out filled the room, the sinful sounds seeming to motivate him, his tongue circled around her slit before he died his tongue inside her.
“OH, GO- CARLOS!” (Y/n) screamed as the immense pleasure running through her, she could feel her clit twitch with pleasure as her toes curl in pleasure while her grip on the headboard became tighter. “CAR- OH- CARLOS!” His tongue darted in and other slit causing the tension to tighten inside her, her skin felt ablaze as her eyes rolled to the back of her head before her eyelids fell close. “I’m- oh, oh- close.” She breathes out, he flattens hit gone against her pussy and licked a stride towards her clit before flicking his tongue back and forth over her clit, her muscles tightened and Carlos could feel how close she was.
“Mhm.” Carlos hums, the vibrations travelled through her body, sending her towards her edge.
“Oh, oh, oh.” (Y/n) moans out as her mind became clouded with pleasure, her body quivered with pleasure and the tension continued to build up inside her, it continued to build until it broke and pleasure washed over her body, fireworks seemed to go off behind her eyelids as Carlos’s tongue moved back to her slit and lapped at her slit as she released against his mouth, his tongue darting around as he lapped everything up, not wanting to miss a drop, she lowers her head as her toes uncurl, her grip on the headboard loosens as her eyes slowly open, she takes in a deep breath and felt his grip on her thighs loosening, she climbs off from him and saw his chin covered with her wetness, her eyes move down his toned torso before stopping at his jeans and stared at the bulge in his jeans, her hands reached for his jeans, one hand unbutton them and the other one unzipping them, she scoots lower and begins to tug them down, he lifts his hip for the bed allowing her to easily remove them.
“You tasted so good,” Carlos says as his jeans reached his ankles, she quickly pulls them over his feet and dropped it to the ground before she placed her hands on his legs, she slowly slides her hand up towards his underwear, the touch leaving a burning trail behind on his skin, her fingers curl around the fabric and she carefully pulled it down, his hard cock standing tall as she pulled his underwear down, her eyes stared at his length while quickly pulling the fabric down his legs and quickly discarding it. “Like what you see?” She quickly moved closer to his cock, her hand gently wraps around the base of his cock and twisted her hand around as she moved her hand upwards, he closes his eyes and focused on the pleasure her hands were causing him, as her hand moved upwards his pre-cum dripped from the tip, she licks her lips as she watches it slowly roll down his length before stopping against her hand, she slides her thumb over the tip, coating her thumb with his pre-cum before spreading it over his cock. “Mhm.” Her hand twists around his cock as her hand moved down his length, her other hand reached for his balls and softly took them in her hands. “Oh.” Her hand carefully played with his balls while her other hand moved up and down his length, brushing her thumb over his tip each time she reached the top of his cock. “Your hands feel so good.” She could see his muscles stiffening as he was getting closer to his release, each stroke over his balls and cock felt incredible to him and edged him closer to his high, he couldn’t describe the pleasure he felt from just her hands. “I need to be inside you, now.”
“You’ve got a condom, right?” (Y/n) asks as she continued to stroke him, she wasn’t going to let him near her unless he had protection.
“Yes, in the pocket of my jeans,” Carlos answered, she unwraps her hand from his length and her other hand released his balls, she climbs off the bed and picks his jeans up, she reached into his pocket and pulled out a silver packet, she hands it to him as she dropped the jeans back down to the floor, he tore the packet open as he moved to sit on the edge of the bed, he took out the protection from the packet while she stepped closer to him, he dropped the empty silver packet to the floor and rolled the condom over his cock, once he secured the condom he reached for hips, his fingers digging into her skin as he pulled her closer to him, she placed her hands on his shoulders before he laid back down on the bed, she could feel his length brushing against the inside of her thigh.
“Remember, don’t be gentle.” (Y/n) purrs into his ear.
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selfcarecap · 3 years
yeah the dude never wore shoes either?? like he got his ground grippers all over the floor for no reason 🤨 like sir put those floor flippers the Fuck away ty. no one needs to see ur finger toes pls he always smelled like mothballs too -coconut oil anon
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random-mha-thoughts · 4 years
Chocolate (Bakugou x Reader)
Pairing: Bakugou x Reader
Genre: Fluff?? Crack?? Failed comedy??
Summary: Bakugou and you are having a little spat over something he did.  How will he try to fix it and what did he even do wrong?
Word count: 1,649
Tags:  @yuki-osaki @liviitehe @iamsoftsodonttoucheume-blog @bunnythepipsqueak
a/n: This is kind of crackheadery.  Cringe but fun crackheadery that was fun to write.  I’m not expecting a good reception to this, but it was something I just had to write and I wanted to try something different.
Reader is just a bit bratty and aggressive, but I attribute that to the quirk I assigned to them.  Lord Explosion boy + fiery s/o is very explosive I’d say, just see how two storms weather each other out.
"Hey (L/n), are you okay?" Mina slowly inches to the other side of her seat.
"Just fine, why do you ask?" I respond calmly, approaching my desk and sitting down.
She looks me up and down.  "Well, for one thing, everyone on our floor heard you kick Bakugou out of your room last night.  And for another thing," she points at my left hand, "You're doing that."
She's referring to me clenching and relaxing my hand gripper.  "Just need a little morning warm up," I shrug.  "And a stress ball isn't doing it for me this morning."  Usually I do this to warm up my Strength quirk in the morning.  By default, I can generate enough strength needed to pick something up, but when it comes to using my quirk to attack on my own, I need to warm up, which is why I always carry around grips or stress balls and I'm always exercising when I'm sitting.
The girl next to me shrinks back a little.  "Whatever you say."
Kirishima and Bakugou walk in.  At the sight of the blond haired boy, I quicken the tempo of my grips and clench my teeth together.  He takes his seat near the front of the room and Kiri rounds over to us.  "What's up guys?" he chirps, baring his shark-teeth in a grin before spotting my hand.  "I guess you guys really are having a fight."
I scoff.  "There's no fight, I don't know what you're talking about."
Kirishima and Mina exchange glances.  "Okay," he brushes it off, not wanting to press the issue.  "Are you excited for the exam results to come out?"
I lean back in my seat.  "Pretty sure I did well, I'm not too worried.  As long as I got an upper-middle score."
"I might've actually bombed," Mina whines, throwing her body on the desk with her arms spread out.  "Even after Yaomomo's help."
"You did fine, I'm sure of it!" Kirishima gives her an assuring thumbs up.  "And even if you didn't do that well, you just have to try harder next time!"
"Easy for you guys to say."
I shrug, "Just pray you're not dead last like Denki was the first term."
Both of them laugh at my quip.  I can feel Bakugou's glare boring into the back of my head, but I don't bother turning around.  I'm not in any mood to deal with him right now.
Aizawa finally slinks into the classroom wrapped in his yellow sleeping bag to start lessons for the day and I catch the other boy's eye by accident.  When I do, he smirks at me before turning around properly in his seat.
Did that bastard just-  I'm about to stand up and give him a piece of my mind when Kirishima restrains me, needing to partially use his quirk.  "Easy, easy, you can take care of him later," he whispers so Aizawa won't notice.
I growl low in my throat before relaxing and letting Kiri go back to his seat.
"You should really try controlling your anger, (Y/n), you're no better than him if you keep that up," she reprimands me, but I still see her shaking in fear.
I want to chuckle.  Sometimes, I question who our friends might be more scared of, me or him.
At lunch, we're all sitting at our table.  I made a point to sit in the middle surrounded by everyone else to keep all the spaces around me locked from Bakugou.
Before the spiky-haired boy sat down at our table, Denki (stupidly) asks, "So what are you and Bakugou even fighting about?  You looked like you were really gonna thrash him yesterday-"
Sero quickly tapes his mouth shut and continues eating like nothing happened.
"Guys it's fine, really.  I'm totally over it, it's not a big deal," I wave them off.
They all stare at each other then back at me blankly.    "(Y/n), I don't know how to say this, but it looks like you're about to snap that thing in half," Kirishima gathers the courage to respond.
He's referring to the resistance ring I'm squeezing to work out my chest muscles, taking a break every set to take a bite of food.  "Just practicing for the practical exam," I dismiss it nonchalantly.
They all look at each other worriedly.
I sigh, putting the band down to eat properly.  "If you're all that curious, he's betrayed my trust in the absolute worst way."
Mina leans forward in her seat.  "Did he cheat on you?!"
"Did he hit you?" Kirishima quips.
"Did he expose one of your biggest secrets?!" Denki cries melodramatically, and Sero smacks the poor boy.
"No, someone's just blowing something out of proportion," Bakugou perks up from the end of the table, casually eating his lunch with a smug look I want to wipe off with my fist.
My eye visibly twitches.  "Y'all hear something?"
Sero grabs his food and slowly starts retreating from the table.  "I think you guys should settle things.  I'm just gonna be over there while you do it."  With that he scurries away to the farthest table.  The rest of the group follows, leaving me alone with this devil.
Some friends I have, I want to growl.  The truth is they all probably love seeing the world burn, just at a safe distance.
I choose to ignore the idiot who's slowly slinking his way over to me.  As soon as he's directly across from me, he rests an arm on the table and perches his head on it, a smirk playing on his lips.
After a few moments of silence, I snap, "What makes you think you can be anywhere near me right now?"
"You haven't moved away yet, have you?" he responds a little too casually for the situation he's in.  It makes my skin crawl and my blood boil.
"No, because I'm waiting for you to say something stupid so I can bash your head in," I shoot back, my hand clenching around my chopsticks.
"Tell me more, babe, I love it when you talk to sweetly to me," he coos.
I can't take it anymore.  I stand up and bang my hands on the table, smashing it into pieces because of my unleashed quirk.  I don't care if everyone's watching, I bore my eyes into his, crimson staring back at me matching the rage in my veins.  "I trusted you with that information, and you went behind my back!"
"Come on, babe, you're overreacting-"
I grab his shirt collar.  "I. Trusted. You.  And you at that entire bag of Skittles!"
The boy knocks his head back and guffaws.  "It's not that big of a deal."
I throw him back into his chair and he falls on the floor.  "You know I was saving that huge bag for after exams!"
He rubs the back of his neck to ease some of the pain.  "You honestly have such weird stress-relieving rituals."
"You don't even like Skittles!" I continue on my rampage.  "You like Red Hots or that stupid Vero Mango crap!"
"Don't insult my candy preferences!" he roars back, tiny explosions forming in his hands as he jumps to his feet.
"I was gonna sit and relax with that industrial sized pack!  I even skipped dinner so I can eat it!"  I get up in his face.  "But no, I had to go to bed hungry because you had to be an ass!"
Bakugou rolls his eyes.  "Babe-"
"Don't 'babe' me!  I want an apology and a replacement bag!" I cross my arms over my chest and turn around.
I hear him sigh behind me and some rustling.  "Babe, turn around.  I have something for you."
Wanting to be stubborn, but still curious, I follow his orders before my eyes widen into saucers.  He's holding an industrial sized bag of assorted Hershey's chocolate bites, and I unknowingly gape.
"I know for certain that you would rather have these than some stupid Skittles," Bakugou smirks.
I clear my throat and snatch the bag out of his hand, cradling it like a baby in my arms.  Now I'm ashamed for making a huge scene over nothing, the heat pooling in my cheeks and ears.  "Y-You're forgiven.  Maybe," I mutter, scurrying out of the room to escape everyone's glares.
I hear Bakugou's bellowing laughter behind me, "You better share those before I come steal them myself!"
"Not happening!" I yell behind my shoulder.  I have to admit, it was very sweet of him to get me something he knows I love more than Skittles.  I excitedly open the bag and start unwrapping one from its package.
His footsteps echo in the hall behind me as he catches up and grabs my shoulder to turn me around.  Without breaking eye contact with me, he takes the unwrapped piece from my hands.  "I think I deserve the first bite for being such a good boyfriend.  Putting up with your antics and letting you push me around," he teases with another crooked smile.
I frown at him, but I know I owe him that much.  "Fine, I'm sorr-"
His arm pulls me by the waist, the chocolate piece sticking out of his mouth and his eyebrows raised.  "I'll be nice and share it with you."
A blush spreads across my cheeks and I slowly inch to bite it from his mouth, trying to avoid looking into his smug eyes.  When I bite it off, he holds the back of my head and presses a sweet kiss to my lips before letting me go.  "That should be the sweetest bite you'll ever take," he whispers.
"S-Shut up," I mutter, squirming out of his grasp.  "And you can have more, if you want."
He chuckles and presses another kiss to my forehead.  "As long as you feed them to me the same way I did for you."
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