#solarex art
partyshrimp · 2 years
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who the fuck is this…
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partyshrimp · 2 years
my 31 minutos posts are getting likes so…. here’s this thing i drew in art
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partyshrimp · 2 years
more trashy lynette + the actual characters doodles & some more information about her below
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lynette thinks she’s making it big as a pop star someday, but also seems to believe she’s famous already. initially she treats the cast as if they were a paparazzi crew she really wanted to leave, but she begrudgingly warms up eventually. she has a bit of an “ew, boys” attitude parallel to stumpy, yet she often teams up with him and mr. cat to wreak some sort of havoc. it’s essentially a chaotic sibling trio, with stumpy being her ‘annoying younger brother’ and mr. cat being her chaotic equal that bickers w/ her a lot but often unites with her for the greater… bad. she and pretty allegedly had some sort of dramatic past and falling-out before either moved to smileyland, making them now sworn rivals. it takes a lot to shock or anger lynette, but her main triggers are having her outfit/makeup messed up or her belongings tampered with. even then, she won’t go into a state of explosive anger—rather, she’ll sink into a silent, terrifying rage. very little surprises her, and she’s probably the kind to bluntly criticize bad kaeloo to her face. the only time she’ll drop her stoic demeanor is when met with a topic she’s passionate about, such as fashion or any form of musical theatre. then, she may become more excitable and less mature.
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partyshrimp · 2 years
so it was bound to happen.. i made a kaeloo oc <3 her name is lynette and she’s just some lynx who’s staying at smileyland “until” she becomes a pop star (only she’s tone deaf and absolutely sucks at singing). she may look like she has pretty vibes but she explicitly fucking hates her perhaps more than the average person because of an apparent past neither party will bring up. and she’s actually calm and cynical most of the time, she just happens to like fashion too lol.
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she really just wants to keep to herself, but you know how that works in smilelyland (it doesn’t ❤️)
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partyshrimp · 2 years
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hello solarex nation... i give you a (generally useless) treat: this gay ass alien (NOT zinzin) that might be my new mascot sona thing <33 arent they hideous 
he needs a name so so badly i am Suffering rn.. 
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partyshrimp · 2 years
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this is for velkro that stupid ass whore. ihy die in a hole bitch 😍
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partyshrimp · 2 years
ringo round 2 or whatever 🙄 slide 2 is one of his many “fake body” disguises he uses and humans buy into bc they’re dumb. he has lots, both masculine and feminine bc he’s too busy being absolutely decrepit to care about gender norms
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rat bitch facts of the day are he has an addiction to literal gasoline and wants candy to work as a waitress at his stupid bar/pawn shop/future hotel “when” it opens again (it won’t, and candy wouldn’t do it regardless. queen is sick of his shit but he takes zero hints)
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partyshrimp · 2 years
you. you’re seeing this. do you have deviantart? follow mine. i follow back. i wanna see if any of the people seeing my hot cartoon hell trash here are artists. if not, well, i don’t blame you from staying away from that damned site tbh
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partyshrimp · 2 years
character rant incoming below the images, so stop here to spare yourself the details. meet callie and oswald, the hairless and hairy adopted siblings that have been plaguing my mind recently, for some reason. first two pics are recent, the third is an old colored ref from november-ish
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these two are farm cats that absolutely suck at being farm cats, largely because one of their elderly owners spoils them incessantly. how else would their section of the barn have books, comics, bunk beds, and by some stretch of logic cable tv? the farm they live on is shrouded in courage-esque phenomena, however, particularly a pair of rat-alien denizens. that’s a story for another day, though.
oswald is neat, uptight, orderly, and at times a bit paranoid. he often feels he’s the only one looking out for the safety of the farm’s inhabitants, as nobody else ever seems aware of any danger. a bit of a bookworm, he spends most of his time researching his primary interest, the paranormal. he’s especially into extraterrestrial life, adamantly claiming aliens are real (they are in this world, but he can never capture proof) and probably buying into all sorts of conspiracies. his scrawny, wrinkly appearance often gets him compared to an alien himself, something he takes great offense to. often times, his sister’s messy, chaotic demeanor clashes with his, which makes him quite cross. over all, both callie and the rest of the farm animals regard him as a paranoid shut-in who only attempts to boss everyone else around. oswald tries his best to refute “raised in a barn” stereotypes by keeping their living space as clean as possible, no matter how often callie keeps messing it up. he claims to enjoy being hairless as it’s less of a mess to clean up, but it’s actually one of his deepest insecurities.
in contrast, callie is carefree, chaotic, and childish, with very few cares in the world. she typically comes off as dimwitted in comparison to her brother, who considers himself the ‘brains’, but outclasses him in terms of street smarts, popularity, and sometimes general common sense. despite being an adult, callie engages in various childlike activities, often forcing oswald to begrudgingly play along. more often than not, she lacks awareness of her own size, typically smothering her much-smaller adopted brother. she has a love for loud music, television, and comics, often wasting hours at a time “rotting her tiny little brains out” in front of the tv. being a bit of a hopeless romantic as well, it’s common for her to have fleeting crushes on a new rugged, muscly comic protagonist every other week. naturally, oswald criticizes her for this, but she knows he’s not *quite* as immune to such charms as he lets on. as is annoying sibling protocol, she also spends quite a bit of time teasing her brother as well. she regards his wild claims of alien lifeforms with dismissiveness akin to a parent whose child won’t stop jabbering about their ‘imaginary friends’. good friends with most of the farm due to her friendly, approachable nature.
they may not be the most original creatures on earth, but they’re a combination of my favorite animals, expressions, types of characters, and dynamics all rolled together in this weird, self-indulgent display. expect to see more of them plus maybe some other characters in the future. rant over.
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