#estella bolger
velvet4510 · 7 months
Is it just me, or do y’all also sorta wish that Jackson had filmed Appendix B as the actual ending of ROTK? Clearly, as you’ll see, I have relatively normal feelings about this.
I understand and appreciate the movie having the same ending as the actual book. But the STORY itself doesn’t end with the last chapter; it ends with Appendix B.
Imagine a 2-minute montage, fading in after Sam comes home from the Grey Havens:
An unfamiliar female voice narrates over these images:
Sam & Rosie raising their children at Bag End; Sam reading the Red Book aloud to the children.
Sam making a speech as Mayor.
Sam sitting in Bag End’s study, reading a letter signed ‘Frodo,’ which Frodo clearly left for him.
Pippin & Diamond’s wedding.
Merry & Estella’s wedding.
Aragorn & Arwen with their children in Minas Tirith.
Aragorn dedicating and unveiling a tall statue of Frodo & Sam in Minas Tirith.
Legolas restoring the destroyed forests.
Gimli bringing the dwarves to Helm’s Deep.
Faramir & Éowyn with their children in Ithilien.
Teenage Elanor reading the Red Book by herself and reading a letter or poem that Frodo wrote for her before he sailed away (because, come on, he was a 2nd dad to her. he literally named her. he adored her, so of course he left something for her since she was too young to actually remember him).
Aragorn & Arwen visiting Sam, Merry, Pippin and their wives & children at the Brandywine Bridge.
The Gardner, Took & Brandybuck families all celebrating Yule together.
Time passing … the Travellers aging … the children growing up.
Teenage Elanor introducing Fastred to her parents.
Faramir Took and Goldilocks Gardner dancing at a party, transitioning to a dance at their wedding.
Sam and his son Frodo teaching Frodo’s own young son how to work in the garden.
The seasons in the Shire changing as more years go by…
Elderly Sam and his now-adult children gathered around elderly Rosie’s deathbed.
Elderly Sam sitting alone in Bag End’s beautiful, flourishing garden with a faraway look on his face, pulling Frodo’s now-wrinkled letter out of his pocket and reading it again.
Elderly Sam, Merry & Pippin sharing one last drink at the Green Dragon, followed by a tearful group embrace.
(I know the following messes up the book’s timeline, but for dramatic effect, I think this order of events would work better as a close for the film):
Elderly Merry & elderly Pippin hugging their adult sons goodbye and riding out of the Shire together.
Merry & Pippin shaking hands with elderly Éomer in Rohan.
Merry & Pippin’s gravestones in Gondor, with a statue of them standing above their tomb.
Aragorn’s tomb now beside theirs, years later.
Arwen hugging Eldarion goodbye in his throne room, with Eldarion now wearing the king’s crown.
Arwen entering Lothlórien alone.
Legolas hopping into a small sailboat and helping an aged Gimli onboard before they drift off into the sunset.
Sam placing the Red Book in adult Elanor’s hands and embracing her tightly.
A ship pulling away from the Grey Havens.
Elanor standing on the quayside and tearfully waving as the ship disappears into the horizon. She composes herself and her narration says “And that day, my dear Sam-dad passed over the Sea … the last of the Ring-bearers.”
Her words lead into the very last shot, fading from her face into a flash of white, and then fade-in to a distant view of an island, with greenery on one side and a sparkling beach on the other. Two hobbits, their backs to us, are strolling along the coastline, hand-in-hand.
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Estella: Merry and I are no longer dating. Merry: Estella that's a horrible way of telling people we're married. Fredegar: (only heard the first part) DO I NEED TO KILL HIM Estella: NO DON'T
(Inspired by this post.)
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frodo-with-glasses · 1 year
Discord Highlights: Headcanon Marathon
Meg suggested I write this all as a bullet point list instead of copying the chat this time; which is probably a good idea considering the workload here LOL
On the night of 5/4/23, we here at the Fig Tree Discord Server got together and headcanoned:
Primrose Gamgee is a redhead like her mother
Prim was born deaf
Prim and her brother Bilbo are thick as thieves
Signing doesn't come naturally to Bilbo, but he tries his hardest, and Prim understands him anyway
Goldilocks may or may not be named the way she is because Sam wanted to name a daughter Galadriel but Rosie wanted the hobbit version so they compromised
For the first like four years of her life Goldi thought she was named after a flower like her big sisters and was very confused why her parents laughed when she asked to plant goldilocks in the garden
Frodo later comforts her like "it's okay they can't plant Frodo either" and that got her giggling like crazy
She decides dandelions are goldilockses and is delighted when they show up in the yard
Sam is not
Actually Sam is just fine with this because hobbit lawns encourage natural biodiversity and also dandelions are good in salads
The Gamgee family is a big loud singing household
The Sound of Music, but it's Bag End
Fatty Bolger has three daughters and no other kids
One is Athelas, nicknamed Addie
Addie got sick when she was young and lost most of her hearing
Addie is best friends with Prim Gamgee
Addie and Prim hang out all the time and, in addition to being fluent in SSL (Shire Sign Language), they also constantly make up their own nonsense signs so that no one else can understand them
Another Bolger daughter is Azalea, nicknamed Azzie
Azzie and Addie are very close in age
(Not sure if we reached a consensus on who's older, but I feel like Azzie is older)
Azzie is a natural storyteller; she gets it from her dad
Since she tells her stories with both her voice and her hands it's somehow more spellbinding
She discovered puppet shows at the age of 3 and a half and was instantly hooked
When she's older, she makes her own puppets
Puts on puppet shows for her family
They don't have any talking, just Action, and Addie loves the action best
She used to put on shows for Baby Heather before she was ambulatory and got quite offended once Heather was old enough to crawl away
The youngest Bolger daughter is Heather
Heather is a good deal younger than her sisters and is spoiled rotten but she's the sweetest thing
Heather is constantly hungry and always eating, and yet she stays Very Short
She's perfectly healthy and round, just Smol
Mental image: Four girl hobbits (Prim, Addie, Azzie, and Heather) in a blanket tent, signing rapidly to each other, and no words can be heard but an unending stream of giggles
They're having a sleepover and Fatty has to keep coming in to tell them to be quiet. Heather and Azzie promise they'll hush, but Prim and Addie don't realize how loud they're being and it just sets the other two off all over again.
Azzie hears the story of Beren and Luthien from Prim's dad (very important he is, he's the mayor, you know!), and she sews her own puppets and puts on a show of it
The Beren puppet has a hand that's held on by a button
Once (don't ask me how) Aragorn and Arwen get to watch Azzie's Beren and Luthien show
They have nothing but positive reviews
(Even if Baby Heather tried to eat the wolf puppet halfway through)
Arwen is delighted and wants to help Azzie make some beautiful blinged out elvish puppets with gems sewn into them
Azzie never uses them but they are kept in a glass box and TreasuredTM
Fatty likes to wrestle with his friends' sons, since he has no boys of his own
Addie, however, is a tomboy and WILL go at it with her father if given the chance
Addie and Frodo Gamgee got in a fight once. For fun. She's four years younger than Frodo, and bby Frodo had to suffer a lecture from his no-nonsense dad, but Addie got off easy and Frodo still holds a bit of a grudge lol
He still thinks she's cool tho
(To which I suggested: "ship??" and got at least one eyes emoji, so there's that)
Prim is neither the best friend who's always talking Addie down, nor the best friend who's constantly hyping her up, but the best friend who hangs back like "I won't stop you but you should NOT"
Secretly Prim likes tending wounds
She has a makeshift vet office in the backyard
Bby Bilbo brings her his dragon (it's a lizard named Smaug)
(I suggested the lizard actually be a skink but the jury's still out on that one)
The Gamgees do not have pets, as a rule, but many animals and pet bugs are either smuggled or wander in
Rosie like "where's my best pot??" too bad now it's the home of Pippin's grasshopper
The Tooks, on the other hand, have lots of pets and very absurd ones too
Real conversation between Goldilocks and Rosie: "But Ma, why can't I play with the snake?" "Because it's poisonous. If it bites you, you will die." "But Faramir has a pet snake." "Faramir has a what now"
When they're older, Faramir and Goldie end up being that super weird couple with exotic pets and no kids for a very long time
"Ma when we get married we'll have snakes" "No Goldi" "Ma Faramir said so" "SAM call off the marriage" "They're seven, love—" "Call it off"
Mental Image: Estella is a fantastic baker. She's in the kitchen at Crickhollow or Brandyhall with a mess of little girls—her nieces and daughter(s)—all around her, talking and signing instructions, and no one is listening to her, and there's flour EVERYWHERE, and she's getting exasperated but simultaneously loving it
Elanor, being the oldest of a TON of younger cousins/relatives, is sort of the de facto leader on play dates
Get all the Gamgees, Brandybucks, Tooks, and Bolgers together, and Elanor can be seen holding a stick over her head like a general's baton and leading this veritable army of hobbit children down to the Party Field
Elanor was pretty uninterested in romance when she was young—too busy doing other things to get fussed about boys, and her standards were too high for most of them anyway—until one day she met Fastred and she came home and said, "Ma, I've found him", and whaddya know she had
(Still undecided whether they met because Elanor was in Greenholm for some reason or Fastred came to Hobbiton on business with his father, but either way Elanor and Fastred didn't meet until towards the end of their tweens)
When Sam tells stories he adjusts them for the ears of kids
Merry does not
Not even a little bit
(Unless Estella is nearby in which case he's gonna get an earful)
"Hey, kids, wanna hear about the time I killed a demon??"
Estella from the other room: "MERRY NO"
He's a bad judge of what's too scary for kids
He tells the story of their adventure with no filter at all
Sam tries to teach the kids lessons through the stories and that love conquers all
Pippin adds his own little bits and pieces every time he tells it until his version and the OG are nothing alike
At one point Legolas had wings (when Gandalf asked him to bring down the sun on Caradhras) and Gimli ate rocks
Gimli has actually eaten rocks
It was on a dare and he doesn't want anyone to know
Pippin had no idea; it was just a lucky guess
One time the kids asked Gimli if he actually ate rocks and he's just nervously sweating and wondering how the heck they know that
Pippin is shocked to find out he was actually right about this when he was just talking out his butt
(Legolas has also eaten rocks on a dare but we all knew that already)
The oldest kids get together sometimes—Elanor, Frodo, Boromir, and Faramir—to talk about their parents and try to understand what they went through
Faramir Took talks about how sometimes his father refuses that he get near any sort of fire
He'll be playing in his home by firelight while Pippin watches from the doorway, muttering to himself I'd never, I'd never, so fiercely that little Faramir looks up in innocent surprise and asks what he's talking about
And Pippin has to leave the room before he starts to cry
(Deep down, Pippin is sure Denethor loved his son too)
(And the Palantir haunts him to this day)
Boromir Brandybuck confesses that he's heard his dad cry out in his sleep some nights and he's scared to ask his parents about it
Boromir: "My father is a Knight of Rohan and Master of Buckland, a brave Traveller. He's never afraid." Elanor: "...He might be." Boromir: "No."
Merry's laughing in the face of fear mentality has an unintended effect on Boromir in particular. He wants to be his father; he wants to be fearless; Dad makes it look so easy!
Estella overhears once and has to explain the difference between fear and cowardice
The first time young Faramir goes to Gondor with this family, and poor little Goldi doesn't go, Rosie is struck with the sense of waiting her baby must be feeling
"He's my best friend ma" "I know, love" "It's far"
Rosie thinks, well, at least Goldi knows where he's going and when he's coming home again
When Theodoc's AccidentTM happened—the one that broke his feet and crippled him—the doctors were all telling Merry that Theodoc will live. All the pony did when it fell on him was crush his legs.
But Merry thinks they're lying. No, he is SURE that they are lying, because that's just how Theoden died. Crushed beneath his horse. They were both destined to die this way.
He cursed his son the moment he decided to honor the king who was like a father to him.
There he is, having a panic attack right there while the doctor is in with Theo, like "I killed him, I killed him, I killed my son—"
(And Pippin is the one who comforts him; Pippin, the one who has nightmares sometimes about burning with his Faramir)
The Travellers all talk about Gandalf differently
Sam waxes eloquent about his fireworks
That's all he talks about
Pippin laughingly and affectionately exaggerates how cranky Gandalf always was
"Once I rode on a horse with him" "Ooooooo"
"Didn't he call you a fool of a Took?" "NO that is what he called Merry but he is always caught up in his wizardry that he sometimes forgets that Merry unfortunately isn't a Took"
(Cue the distant, insulted Brandybuck noises)
Merry is the only reliable source of information, but only if you catch him in the right mood; otherwise he'll only mention the smoke rings Gandalf would blow
Merry has a killer Gandalf impression. Chomping on the pipe and everything
Bby Bilbo gets all his Gandalf info from Merry and Sam is Very Offended
(However, Sam owns Bilbo Sr.'s book, so that earns Bilbo Jr.'s trust back)
Frodo has had it up to HERE with fireworks, so he flees with his little brother to listen to Uncle Merry
They ask about Gandalf, and Uncle Merry goes "ah yes, brilliant fellow, a real grump. gorgeous fireworks—" and Frodo about tears his own hair out
(Merry is doing this on purpose. He knows how Sam gets about the darn fireworks.)
Frodo: "We have one last option. We have to go to Uncle Pippin."
Bilbo: "Do you trust everything he says? He once said that Mr. Legolas had wings."
Bilbo: "Mr. Legolas doesn't have wings."
Frodo: "How do you know that?"
Bilbo: "I don't want to talk about it"
(Legolas loves being called Mr. Legolas, but only by little hobbits)
And then there's the one about the lullaby Sam uses for his kids, but I'm saving that for a future fanfic ;-)
Brandybuck Kids: Theodoc (Theo/Trotter), Periadoc (Perry), Eomer (Merry?), Juniper, Madoc, Boromir (Rory), Eowyn (Wyn)
Took Kids: Faramir (Ferry), Simbelmyne (Minnie), Beregond (Berry), Sable
Bolger Kids: Athelas (Addie), Azalea (Azzie), Heather
General credits to @invisiblewashboard, @writingvalkyrie, @grondds-and-roses, and the illustrious Meg, you absolute madlasses X'-D
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merilles · 1 year
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lemon dress 🍋💛
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tilions · 2 years
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» I found it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay, small acts of kindness and love.
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warrioreowynofrohan · 9 months
Favourite Female Tolkien Character Poll - Round 1, Match 38
Diamond of Long Cleeve
Married Pippin in the year 1427 of Shire-reckoning (8 years after the War of the Ring). Three years later, they had a son, Faramir. (Source: LOTR Appendices B and C.)
Estella Bolger
The sister of Fredegar ‘Fatty’ Bolger; married Merry Brandybuck in one of many versions of hobbit family-trees in The Peoples of Middle-earth (HoME Vol. 12). However, there are many other versions of the family trees in which Merry occurs and is not listed as being married, and his marriage is not mentioned in LOTR Appendix B. Tolkien wrote of Merry in one letter in 1965 that “I believe he married a sister of Fredegar Bolger of the Bolgers of Budgeford”.
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emyn-arnens · 1 year
For the meme Merry & Estella 72
“Tell me the story of the pie contest again,” Arabella begged, clasping her hands over her father’s knee and looking pleadingly between him and her mother, who shared a knowing look.
With an indulgent smile, Estella waved her hand and said, “If we don’t, we’ll hear of it for the rest of the day.”
Merry leaned back in his chair and adopted his storytelling voice: “Well, on one fine autumn day, just two years after I had returned to the Shire, Bywater held its annual pie-baking contest, and your mother had entered into it, as she was the finest baker in the Eastfarthing; but she faced stiff competition from Myrtle Burrows, who was the acclaimed pie maker of Hobbiton—and so your mother decided that something must be done to better her chances of winning, for she had her eye on me, you see, and she thought that winning the contest was certain to catch my attention. 
“So, as Milo Burrows, Myrtle’s father, was Hobbiton’s grocer and the appointed supplier for the contest—there are a good many rules to the pie-baking contest, of course—your mother planned to deal the blow at the source, as it were, and she snuck into the stores for the contest the night before (uncaught by poor Mosco, who had fallen asleep on his watch and paid quite dearly for it in the Hobbiton gossip afterwards) and portioned out her measure of sugar and then salted the rest”—at Arabella’s obligatory wide-eyed gasp of horror, Merry and Estella shared a smile—“and so she was the clear winner of the contest the next day, for her strawberry rhubarb pie surpassed all of the others, even Myrtle Burrows’, whose pie was uncharacteristically poor."
“How else would I have captured the attention of the hero of Bywater?” Estella said with a laugh, and she touched his face fondly and added, “You were quite sought after in those days, dashing about in your finery and stealing hobbit-maiden’s hearts, and none more than mine.”
Send me a number and two characters and get a five-sentence drabble.
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timeladyjamie · 2 years
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Tolkien’s Legendarium Ladies - (1/∞): Estella Brandybuck (nee Bolger) 
Estella was born in TA 2985 (SR 1385), and was the sister of Fredegar "Fatty" Bolger and was the daughter of Odovacar Bolger and Rosamunda Took. She married Meriadoc Brandybuck of Buckland, and had at least one son. Estella probably died sometime before the year 63 of the Fourth Age when Merry left the Shire to live in Gondor.
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velvet4510 · 16 days
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periantari · 4 months
Why do you tease me so, Mr. Brandybuck?” Estelle Bolger looked at Merry with disdain.
“I am not teasing you. I know you can change for the better.
“My brother was right– you shall be a bachelor for the rest of your long days,” Estelle turned away and with a huff.
Merry followed her closely, touched her arm, whirled her around. “I do not know why you’re angry- I mean well, did you not know?”
“Then prove it.”
The outside snow glistened and mistletoe surrounded them.
“Did you not know I love you?” Merry bent in to kiss Estelle tenderly.
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frodo-with-glasses · 1 year
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If you’ve enjoyed hearing about the Fig Tree Server’s darling OC, Theodoc Brandybuck, then go read Ancestral Valor, written by our very own @windmilltothestars!
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ent-maiden · 9 months
Estella is overjoyed when Fredegar is rescued from the lockholes. Merry be like: OoO why have I never noticed you before.
When Freddy finally is on his feet and able to eat solid food again, Merry deems that he is well enough to handle the news that he and Estella are dating.
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Also I can never draw Merry consistently for some reason
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ev-cupcake · 1 year
@incorrect-lord-of-the-rings this is for you I hope this meets your expectations, an I wish you a "get polls soon"
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autistook · 12 days
DAISIES - pt 9
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Merry Brandybuck x fem!hobbit!reader / soft oc
Words: 5.2k
Summary: It's June, and you decide to get drunk with your best friends. You start to wonder if there is something between you and Merry. Your brother sells Bag End.
Possible TW's: alcohol, very drunk reader and other characters as well
The reflection did not feel flattering. Your hair was messy from tossing and turning all night, and the bags under your eyes made you look like you had not slept at all; and it might as well have been that way. You kept waking up throughout the night, and the dreams you had were so lively, it felt like you were awake.
You left your room to wash your face, when Frodo bumped into you in the hallway.
"Good morning," he said, to which you responded by grunting as a greeting. "Have you slept at all?"
"No, not really," you answered honestly, rubbing your eyes in the hopes that the exhaustion would fade away somehow.
"Is there something on your mind?" he asked, eyes full of brotherly affection.
Of course there was something on your mind. You were soon to move out of Bag End, and despite that huge change in your life, you could not for some reason get your best friend out of your head.
"I guess I'm just nervous about moving," you said, partly lying, which Frodo did not seem to have noticed. You didn't want him to ask more, so you kept talking. “I know you want to move closer to where you grew up, and that you need me out of here, and I know you will go after Uncle Bilbo, but I am still…”
Frodo smiled faintly.
"Everything will be alright, I promise."
You had pale-yellow and lavender ribbons in your hair as you made your way to the Green Dragon. The lights of the familiar building were already in your sight, when Pippin tapped on your shoulder.
"Hullo!" he said with glee, hugging you tightly.
"Why, hello there Pip!" you greeted him. "I was wondering if anyone was going to be here tonight."
"Merry and I agreed to come here tonight," he said, his focus momentarily moving to the birds flying over your heads. Quickly he returned his focus back to you. "We thought about it and took a wild guess that you might also appear here tonight."
"You both know me so well," you chuckled, as you both entered the pub through its wooden door.
The air smelled stuffy, and there was loud chatter everywhere. The way the lights warmed up the room reminded you of home, but the absence of smells like Frodo's herbal tea and fresh cooking reminded you that the Green Dragon was just another place to keep you away from Bag End. You felt a longing for the only home you had ever known, even though it was not gone yet; but you knew that once the Sackville-Bagginses would get their dirty fingers on it, you would not be allowed to step in that place so dear ever again.
You walked to the counter, behind which a familiar face was working. Rosie Cotton was as cheerful as usual, wiping some pints clean, and handling the chatty and drunk Hobbits with grace. She gave you and Pippin a friendly smile when you ordered your ales, and the two of you made your way to a round table, close to the back wall of the room. 
"Have you seen Merry?" Pippin asked you, as he was looking around the full room, observing small details and all the people around him.
"No, not yet," you said, smirking at Pippin's over-energetic presence. He sometimes seemed to find it hard to keep focus, and his mind seemed to hop from place to place, intrigued by everything around him.
"Oh, there he is!" Pippin said, nodding towards a darker corner across the room. 
Merry was sitting there with Estella Bolger, his face serious. You observed the two talking, trying to analyze their body language to figure out what they might be discussing.
"What do you think is going on there?" you asked Pippin, your eyes still locked on Merry and Estella.
"Maybe he is apologizing to her?" Pippin suggested. "I know she is no longer mad at him, but he did mention wanting to make it up for her; breaking her heart, I mean."
You mumbled something incoherent as an answer, and kept your eyes on them. Pippin sipped his drink, and from your focused state, you did not notice him smirking behind his glass. 
Soon Merry and Estella got up from the table, and started walking away from the corner. They made their way to the front door, Estella in front of Merry. Your gaze followed their every move, and curiously you observed them from afar. As they reached the front door, Estella wrapped her arms around Merry, and buried her face into his neck. You felt a wave of warmth hit your face, and there was suddenly a tiny amount of pressure in your chest. Merry hugged her back tightly, and as they stopped embracing each other, Estella pressed her lips gently on his skin, giving Merry an affectionate kiss on his cheek. Your face felt warmer. They exchanged a few more words before she left. After she had walked out, Merry turned back away from the door. He observed the room, and soon he noticed you and Pippin. He smiled at you and Pippin warmly, and that's when you finally noticed that your breathing had become significantly heavier. You took a deep breath, and waved at Merry, happily. He made his way to your table, and swiftly sat down on the chair next to you.
"What was that about?" you asked him, taking a sip of your drink.
"What?" Merry responded, seemingly confused by the instant interrogation.
"Estella?" you specified, and Merry's lips curled up into a relieved smile.
"We just talked everything through," he responded. "Honestly, I just wanted to get all of it off my chest. There was nothing more to it, and as we said goodbye,  she wished me all the best - and I to her.
"I told you," Pippin said with pride; and finally, you could breathe easier. "He is now a guilt-free Hobbit!"
"Did you talk about anything else?" you asked curiously. 
"No," Merry responded, in a laid-back tone. You could have sworn you saw his eye twitch slightly.
"Are you sure that's all you talked about?" Pippin said with a grin. A sharp pain hit you, as Merry kicked your shin. You let out a cry of pain and looked at Merry, full of confusion. Merry's eyes widened with guilt.
"I'm so sorry!" Merry apologized, immediately reaching his hand to hold your hand.
"What was that for?" you said, rubbing your leg to relieve the pain.
"I didn't mean to kick you! It was meant for Pippin!"
"Hey!" Pippin cried, almost offended. A moment of silence followed, before you finally opened your mouth again.
"What plans do you two have tonight?" you asked, bringing your glass to your lips, and taking a sizable sip of your ale. The cold beverage calmed your anxiety severely; you had always found that anything close near your chest or throat slowed down your heart rate.
"Drinking," said Merry and Pippin in unison.
"Well, alright then," you responded, and with one lengthful chug, you finished your drink. You slammed the glass loudly on the table, the loud noise and your reckless nature made your best friends laugh, and so they joined you; they finished their drinks in seconds. 
The last drink you had that night made you feel quite intoxicated. Pippin had drunk a significantly bigger amount of alcohol, and so had Merry. The three of you kept talking, joking and bantering for hours before you hit that final drink, and the whole room was filled with the drunken laughter of you and your best friends. It was already night-time, and most of the customers had already made their way home. You took note of Rosie starting to close up the Inn, so you gestured Merry and Pippin to get up as well. As you stood up, you noticed it was hard to keep your balance. Pippin got up with such unsteady movements that the chair he had just stood up from, fell down on the floor with a loud bang. You snickered, and as Merry laughed, he took a step back, trying to hold his balance as well.
Outside the Inn, everything was quiet. Only crickets, owls and the wind could be heard, and every now and then a frog croaked quietly. The sky was dark, and there were dark-grey rain clouds slowly covering the stars underneath them, and hiding the moonlight.
"I really need to get home," Pippin said, stumbling on his feet. He started walking towards a wooden bench to his left, reaching for it with both of his arms held forward. "Can I sleep on this bench instead?"
You giggled, and with unsteady steps you made your way to your friend. You nudged him up before he could fully lay down on the bench, and put your arm around him.
"Pippin, can you get home?" you asked him, to which he responded by laughing so hard he let out a pig-like snort.
"Can I? Try and stop me!" Pippin slurred, but did not move an inch. You kept waiting for him to make a movement towards the direction of Tookland, but he just kept swaying, his eyes barely open. You looked to your right, where Merry was fumbling with the pipe in his pocket, struggling to find the right end of it to start smoking. You smirked, and turned your attention back to Pippin.
"Pip?" you said, shaking him softly. Pippin opened his eyes and smacked his lips, as if he was just woken up from a good-night's sleep.
"Yes?" he answered, smiling at you widely, trying to find proper balance on his feet. You gave him a pat on his back. 
"I think you need to sleep somewhere else," you said to him. Pippin was amused by your suggestion, and he blew a raspberry.
"No I don't!" he scoffed, with a quiet burp. You started laughing louder, your own legs almost giving out. Pippin started laughing with you cluelessly. After a moment of laughing and drunken arguing, Pippin finally gave in, and decided to come sleep at your house. You turned to look at Merry to give him the update on the situation, but he was still fumbling with his pipe. You sat Pippin down on the bench, told him to not fall asleep, and with shaky steps you made your way to Merry. As you reached him, he finally realized how the pipe works and placed it on his lips; and started smoking it without lighting up the pipe. 
"Come on," you laughed and took his pipe away, to which Merry responded by smiling at you unbothered, eyes half-open. With some effort, you eventually got Pippin back up as well.
The three of you made your way to Bag End, and got inside before the rain started. The rain was so gentle, you could not hear it inside, as it was watering the green grass of Hobbiton. Pippin flailed his arm at Frodo, who had woken up to the sounds of the coat rack falling down, and to Merry's failed attempt to muffle his laughter. Pippin stumbled his way to the kitchen, and he laid down on the wide kitchen bench, curling up into a fetal position. It took less than ten seconds from when his head hit the bench, that you started hearing snoring. Frodo had gone to bed when he saw the three of you in your intoxicated states, as he was already very familiar with the reckless behavior you brought out in each other. This left you in charge of everything.
You covered Pippin with a felt-blanket, and despite being completely out of it, he pulled it over his head and curled up into a ball. Your heart felt full, knowing your friend was safe and comfortable, so you made your way back to Merry.
"I don't understand how this works anymore," Merry said, once again holding his pipe in his mouth, trying to smoke it. As you sat down next to him on the couch, you took the pipe out of his mouth and poked him on the nose clumsily.
"You're supposed to light it you idiot," you said, which made Merry howl with laughter. Merry was very intrigued by pipe-weed, and had been for a long time. As he was a regular smoker, forgetting such a simple thing made his drunken state finally obvious to his fuzzy-feeling brain. You laughed with him for a long while, before you finally asked him a more serious question. 
"Merry, was that really all it was with Estella?" you asked, playing with the soft ends of your curls.
"In all honesty? No, it was not," he responded. You stopped twirling the hair around your fingers, and stared at the orange flames, burning in the fireplace in front of you. "We actually talked about you."
You turned your gaze up to look at him, and he looked down at you.
"What?" you asked, puzzled. "What did you talk about?"
"It was nothing," Merry said after a long pause, as he was playing with your hair. You wanted to push this conversation forward, but somehow you got nervous, and decided to change the subject. Normally you would have pushed Merry for the truth, but this time you were anxious of what he might have said - or what she might have said. As you still had your eyes locked on Merry's, you realized you had been laying in his arms for probably at least ten minutes. Yet, his fingers playing with your curls and his hand brushing through your hair felt too comfortable; so you decided not to move.
"I lost to Pippin," you said, pressing your cheek against his chest, the softness of his shirt caressing your skin. 
"What?" Merry chuckled, two of his fingers twirling your hair around.
"At an eating contest," you slurred, finding it hard to keep your eyes open. "I need to step up my game. I keep losing."
"Pip and I are gluttons, you know that!" Merry snickered, his fingertips tenderly caressing your hair and scalp. The way he touched you made you feel warm inside, and your heart felt like it was beating faster than it usually did when the two of you were close to each other - but maybe it was the alcohol?
You explained to Merry in detail; and in a way that made no sense whatsoever, how you losing eating contests was bad for your reputation. Merry in his turn answered to you in detail how you had no reputation as an eating contestant or anything of the sort, but the alcohol-driven conversation led nowhere. Before you even noticed, you couldn't keep your eyes open anymore.
There was a loud knock on the door that startled you. Your eyes flashed open, and your heart skipped a beat from being woken up so suddenly. You could hear the quiet footsteps of your brother as he made his way to the front door. It was drizzling outside, and the fire had gone out at some point during the night, leaving only grey ashes in the fireplace. 
Your head was throbbing a little, and as you lifted your hand to massage your forehead, Merry let out a grunt in his sleep. You paused, and realized you had fallen asleep in his arms. Merry was resting his head against his fist, as he had propped himself on his elbow. He was in a sitting position, and your side was on his lap. His other arm was lightly wrapped around you, and you had rested your head against him all night. Merry looked peaceful, but with every slow movement you made, his brows furrowed and you feared you might wake him up.
Frodo walked back inside with some mail, as someone had decided to provide him with a letter personally. As he walked past the couch, you two locked eyes and he gave you a questionable look. He flailed the letter in his hand, and with a smirk he gestured to you to come to the kitchen. You nodded, and slowly made your way out of Merry's arms. Merry groaned softly in his sleep, smacking his lips as you got up. 
"Do you want tea?" Frodo asked, handing over the letter to you. You shook your head, pressing your forehead with the palm of your hand. You looked at the letter, and it was assigned to both you and Frodo. It was from Merry's parents.
"I'm guessing this is about me moving to Brandy Hall," you mumbled, taking a seat, accidentally sitting on Pippin's feet. You had not noticed he was still sleeping there, and he grunted loudly at you. He curled up into a smaller ball under his blanket, dozing off again. Amused by Pippin, you momentarily forgot about opening the letter.
"Are you going to read it?" Frodo asked. You snapped back to reality, and opened the letter.
Dear Bagginses,
It is sad to hear about your decision to sell your beloved home. Bag End is truly a wonderful place, and I am sure you are proud to have had it to call your home.
Frodo, you told us about your sister being a suitable candidate for the job opening we have, and more than that, you have told us she is the most magnicifent Hobbit to live with, and that she would be a good person to add to our home.
As Merry probably has already told you, we have already made the room ready for her, and are more than happy to have her move in here when the time comes. 
Miss Baggins, you are more than welcome into our home, and we are very excited to see a friend of our son's here, hopefully also keeping him out of trouble for some time (unlike a Took might)!
We hope you make your way here soon, as we have many projects we would love your help with.
Please, let us know as soon as possible. You may use our son as the messenger.
Esmeralda and Saradoc Brandybuck
Ps. Is there any chance you could bring your art supplies with you? We would love to have some of your charcoal work in the library. Merry has talked to us about your talent plenty.
You sighed as you finished reading the letter, and handed it over to your brother. He read it with a satisfied smile, and drank his tea in silence.
"I suppose I really am moving to Brandy Hall," you said, resting your head on the table, hoping to relieve the ache. Your throat felt dry, and you were desperate for water; yet too tired to drink any. "I knew I was going to move and I knew this was already settled, but having this official letter about it..."
"I know," Frodo said compassionately. You did not see his face, but you could feel him smirking. "But look at the bright side: you get to cuddle up with Merry like that so much more often."
"We're just friends," you grunted. You did not look up, but you could sense the smug smile on your brother's face. 
All of Hobbiton was talking about Frodo's decision to sell Bag End. Many Hobbits had a theory that Frodo had run out of money, since he was selling your home at a low price; and to the Sackville-Bagginses. Others thought it was a plot put together by Gandalf, who had suddenly left the Shire, after staying in Bag End for two months. Only if they had known just how right they were.
You were sitting among some of your stuff in the carriage. You were reading Merry's first draft of the first pages of his book about pipe-weed, leaning uncomfortably against some of the furniture you had decided to take with you to your new residence. Merry had brought one of his ponies, and was helping you with your move. Frodo's move was still a couple of months away, but you had agreed to start working for Merry's parents. The move had come rather quickly, even though Frodo had warned you about it a couple of times already. You didn't know if you'd see him again for many years, though you hoped you'd get to have tea with him when he arrived in Buckland as well.
"Are you alright back there?" Merry asked, glancing at you over his shoulder. You nodded, and kept reading his observations and knowledge on Old Toby.
You placed the jewellry box on your desk, and fidgeted with the hem of your dress. Everything was now set in your new room; in your new home. The room was quite small and cozy, one of the walls painted light-yellow (because Merry had told his parents it was one of your favorite colors) and everything else was new, but your desk, chair, bed and the other belongings you brought, such as your art supplies, jewellry, clothing and a few mugs and teacups.
"So, how do you like it?" asked Esmeralda. You turned around to look her in the eye, and gave her a faint, slightly upset smile.
"I like it," you responded, truthfully, but you already missed Bag End and your brother.
"Make yourself at home," said Merry's mother, and placed a small box on your new dresser. It was wrapped in light blue paper, and a small bow was decorating the top of it. "Here's a welcoming gift. I will get back to work now. And don't you worry about working yet, dear. We won't have you start until next week."
"Thank you, Mrs. Brandybuck."
"You can call me Esmeralda," she smiled, and closed the door behind her as she excited your room. You took a deep breath, and hopped on your bed, onto the new cotton covers they had bought for you. It was comfortable, and a piece of home. You closed your eyes, and imagined being back in Bag End, laying in your old room, waiting for Uncle Bilbo to come and sit by your bed to tell you about his adventures. It was the end of June, and the room was warm and filled with sunlight. You forgot about the present Esmeralda had just given you. In a few short minutes, there was a knock on your door.
"May I come in?" said Merry, his voice muffled by the round door. 
"Yeah," you responded in a sigh.
Merry entered the room, the door creaking. You still had your eyes closed, and Merry looked at you with concern, yet with a big smile on his face. He walked around your room, observing all the little trinkets you had put out. A small frog shaped pot for plants you had created as a wee Hobbit, the daisy brooch he and his mother had gotten you for your thirty-third birthday, a small wooden statue of a bunny, and a small bell your Uncle Bilbo had left you as a present when he disappeared on his 111th birthday. Merry noticed the charcoal drawing you had made of him months ago, and he smiled fondly as he stared at it.
"How do you feel?" he asked, sitting by your side. You were still laying on your back, eyes shut. You shrug your shoulders, and exhaled loudly. Merry smiled compassionately, and poked your shoulder. You looked at him with sad eyes, showing the longing you had for your room in Bag End. Merry stood up. "Get up."
"Do I have to?" you asked, already sitting up. Merry offered you his hand, and he pulled you out of the comfort of your own bed. "What do you have in mind?"
"I will show you around some of my favorite spots outside. I'll show you the places where you can read peacefully, and where you can do your art without anyone bothering you. My mother can be a little bit intrusive sometimes, so she might be knocking on your door often enough. It's good to have a place for yourself. I know it's important to you."
His hand lingered on yours for a little while longer, before he let go and guided your way outside. The halls of your new home were long, and there were several rooms on every side, and many new hallways around what felt like after every corner.
There were once again rain clouds in sight, but they were gladly still far off. Merry showed you a few quiet corners near the house, a spot by the Brandywine river, and a large tree to which he climbed up to smoke a pipe if he wanted a moment of peace. The two of you climbed the tree. Its trunk was massive and strong, the branches spread wide and grew close to each other, making it a perfect place to sit down and relax. The higher you climbed, the closer the branches were to each other. You sat comfortably on a branch so thick it was larger than your bottom. You could see quite far from between the leaves and branches, and Merry pointed to different directions, explaining the surroundings and the history of Buckland to you. With eagerness you listened, and for a moment you forgot how much you missed Hobbiton.
"Towards that direction is the village of Bree, but it's quite far away. I have been there a few times, and the folk there are friendly, but some are quite odd," explained Merry, pointing to the distance. You listened to his enthusiastic explanations of the adventures he had had with Pippin around Buckland, and described to you in detail about growing up in Brandy Hall. As his face was turned away, you couldn't help but stare at his button nose. His blue eyes were sparkling as he told you about his fondest childhood memories, and you could see his cheeks and ears get slightly pink when you locked eyes with him for a moment longer.
"I really liked what you wrote," you said, when the conversation had turned into Merry's interests. "I find your interest in pipe-weed fascinating and quite endearing."
"You do?" he responded, the color of red on his cheeks deepening.
"Yes. I think it has potential. Overall, I think you're a talented writer. I hope you decide to finish the book someday."
Merry smiled, his blushing intensifying. You felt the tips of your ears heat up as you kept staring at each other, and you turned your face away as you couldn't take it anymore. The tips of your pinkies were softly touching as you sat on the large branch together, and you felt your heart rate jump up.
"Caketeas," Merry said suddenly, and your gaze shifted back to him.
"What?" you chuckled, and Merry opened and closed his mouth rapidly.
"I- pancakes," Merry said, tripping over his words. "Pancakes and tea! We have pancakes and tea somewhere in the smaller kitchen near your room."
You smiled, as Melly shook his head in embarrassment. His crush on you started to be more obvious to you day by day, and it seemed that Merry had decided to embrace his feelings, at least for the moment.
"That sounds delicious," you responded, your pinkie twitching on his. A wave of courage suddenly took over you, and you wrapped your pinkie around his finger. Merry turned face away from you nervously. "Should we go?"
"I- yes. I think that's a good idea,” he stuttered.
You let go of him, and made your way down the branches, climbing down at a fast and steady pace. Merry was not far behind you, and there was a loud thump as he hopped down from the tree. You two walked extremely close to each other, your arms brushing against each other on almost every step. You felt nervous, and the tension in the air felt like it was suffocating you. It was new to you, and you started to wonder to yourself; maybe Pippin was right? Maybe there really was something going on with you and Merry; something more than a friendship. Maybe it was not one-sided after all?
You felt a drop of water on your chest, and as you looked up, you realized the rainclouds had finally reached Buckland. Another drop fell on your face - and another. The rain started pouring down, and you squealed as you realized you were out in the open, Brandy Hall barely in sight. Merry let out a startled cry, and took your hand. 
"Let's go!" he shouted over the rain, and the two of you started running towards a small shed, maybe 600 feet away. The grass was already soaking wet, and mud was splashing around your legs loudly, Merry's laughter echoing in the air. You giggled as you ran as fast as you could, your hand squeezing Merry's. You were significantly shorter than him, so you were slightly behind him when you reached shelter. You bumped into Merry, and he caught you in his arms so you would not fall down, laughing whole-heartedly when you crashed against him. The rain hit the roof of the shed loudly, partly covering the sounds of your laughter under it.
Merry's arms were softly wrapped around you as the laughter started slowing down. You cleared your throat. Your chest was pressed against his body, and you looked up at him, locking eyes. You felt your face heat up, and the tips of your ears were burning as his gaze pierced you. His eyes shifted from looking into yours in turns, and you could've sworn his gaze traveled to your lips for a split second. Your heart jumped to your throat. He grinned, and let out a small chuckle.
"What?" you asked, smiling back at him, confused.
"Nothing," Merry responded, chuckling more, and his gaze shifted all across the features of your face.
"Just tell me!" you cried, finally getting out of his arms, giving him a friendly and playful push.
"Nothing bad, I swear!" he laughed, holding his hands up in surrender. "It's just your tell."
You narrowed your gaze. You knew he had taken note of your tells, and that he knew what you felt like most of the time. At this moment you weren't sure what you were feeling either, so it seemed ridiculous that he would know. 
Merry laughed, the sound warming up your heart.
"Alright, alright!" he chuckled. He took a deep breath and stepped closer to you. He reached his left hand to the right side of your face, gently caressing your ear, making you blush more. He grinned. "It's just that when you feel joy, your e-"
"Merry!" shouted a female voice from afar, clearly looking for him. Merry still had his hand gently covering your ear, when his mother called for him again. He turned his head to the direction of the voice swiftly.
"It's like I'm a child again," he laughed, moving his hand away and against his side. "She is very caring, you know. Despite being an adult myself, she wants to make sure I get fed properly. Let's go."
Merry started sprinting through the rain, and out of shelter, leaving you clueless of your tells once again.
"Oh come on now!" you shouted as you ran after him. Your face was still burning up. "You can't leave me hanging like this!"
@chatteringfox @shiinata-library @ahobbitsjourney23 @mayo-advance @datglutengoblin @mournthewicked
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ironmandeficiency · 1 year
free food
pairing: pippin / hobbit!reader
word count: 1058
summary: pippin’s idea for free food on valentine's day has far better results than he and merry could have predicted
a/n: this is my february piece for the year of themed creation (@yearofcreation2023), but i lost it before i could actually post it on valentine’s day 🤷🏻‍♀️ but i've clawed my way out of my depressive slumps to post what i'm behind on, so here we are
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there were only so many dates pippin could third wheel on before he lost his mind
merry was courting estella bolger and they were so sickeningly cute together that poor pip felt like he was going to lose second breakfast just watching them
his dear friend was saying something about estella; to be honest, pip zoned out for a hot minute because at this rate, he would know estella better than he knew himself if he listened to everything merry had to say about her
pippin would much rather focus on more important things, like ways to steal more crops from farmer maggot or new drinking medleys 
his wandering mind was brought back to the present conversation with the phrase “free food” (which he was technically somewhat focused on already)
“where is the food and how can i get it for free?!”
“see pip, it’s not that simple-“
“just tell me what i need to do!”
“you need a date!”
oh. well, it could be worse. pippin doesn’t think he knows a single hobbit that would turn down a free meal
with that being said, there was not a doubt in his mind who he would want to accompany him on this free food expedition: you
if he wanted the act to be convincing, you were the most obvious choice. you knew how to act; case in point, when you would smuggle him & merry while they were running from farmer maggot after burgling his crops, or pretend to not notice when pies suddenly vanish from your windowsill only to be offered right back to you moments later by your favorite took
with his mind set on asking you to be his fake date, he prods for more details. let it never be said that peregrine took does anything halfway. “okay, a date. then what?”
was it pippin’s imagination, or did merry look as if he was scheming?
“you’ve got to profess your love to ‘em, make a big spectacle of it! the sappier, the better.”
oh. apparently, it is worse like he originally thought
his cousin merely laughed at the way his face blanched at the idea of waxing poetic about his lifelong crush, skipping away from a bewildered pippin with a smug smile
“oi! merry! where d’ye think you’re-”
“so,” pippin could feel his heart skip a beat when your voice reached his ears. “what’s this i hear about free food?”
well, bollocks. guess it’s time to reveal the potential plan and hope he doesn’t get socked
“well ya see, it’s but a simple plan. we go from tavern to tavern, making a spectacle of ourselves while professing our love for each other. the barkeeps, so moved by our displays of love, cover the bills. free food, you see?”
“will we take turns doing the confessing?”
“of course. ‘tis only fair, after all. we’ve got to share the workload.”
“may i pick the first venue?”
“of course, dearie-” pippin paused, immediately rewinding the conversation and wondering when he asked you to join him.
wait a moment, he didn’t ask you! but you accepted anyway!
you loved to watch pippin’s mind slowly come to the realization that you accepted his unsent invitation. the scrunching of his eyebrows, one hand reaching for his chin while the other perches on his hip
“then it’s set! we’ll meet at mine for afternoon tea then head out. make sure to dress nicely, i won’t accept proclamations of love and adoration from any average hoodlum!” with a rush of bravery you peck his cheek, tossing him a wink over your shoulder as you stroll away
a rhythmic knock sounded on the violet door of your smial precisely five minutes before afternoon tea
“come on in, pip!”
“i’m not pippin, but i shall come in nevertheless.” you recognize merry’s voice on the other side and laugh. leave it to the tooks (by name, blood, or both) to be so forward
merry enters your home and looks rather serious, which is a funny look on the typically carefree brandybuck
“what seems to be troubling you, merry?”
he took a deep breath, hands gravitating behind his back and a look of concern coating his features. “about your date with pippin tonight… please don’t lead him on with fallacies. there’s only so much his heart can take and i fear that if you act too convincing for the sake of the scheme, it would shatter him come tomorrow morn.”
the concern was touching, and it made your heart swell with the knowledge that your dear pippin has such a stalwart friend at his side
but this also leads you to question, not for the first or last time, the blindness of those with took blood
“who says i would spread a single fallacy tonight? my intentions are pure and good, my friend. i plan on speaking my heart and seeing where it leads.” there was no conceivable way that neither cousin knew of your feelings for pippin… was there?
“and anyway, it’s about time i submit myself to the fate of marrying into the took line. they are a rather rowdy bunch, but genuine in all they do.” you flurry around your kitchen, setting out three placemats on your dining table to accommodate for the unexpected guest “i could become a sackville-baggins, but i fear that adopting that name would result in none of you talking to me ever again.”
a loud clattering followed by a wet SPLAT! jolted you both. you turn to find a flabbergasted pippin in your entryway, a smile on his face and eyes wet with unshed tears. there was a mostly-cooked loaf of lemon & poppy seed cake on your floor, the porcelain it was cooked in still mercifully whole. he didn’t even look the slightest bit bothered by the pieces of cake that splattered on his toes
“d’ye mean it? would you truly allow me to make a took out of you?”
carefully stepping around the remnants of the cake, you hold his face in your hands as you reply, “i’ve wanted for nothing more, pip.”
without warning you’re hoisted into the air, pippin loudly whooping and laughing as you’re spun around. his smile is contagious as always, your own laughter joining his
merry’s presence is all but forgotten until his voice breaks through your reverie. “watch out for the-” THU-THUD!! “-cake.”
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pathfinderswiftpen · 8 months
My art for @tolkienrsb Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang 2023, slide #66 "Gold on Aubergine Glass"
I made a jewelry set, imagining it to be from the Second Age and giving a glimpse of the life of its wearer when found by a later person, perhaps in the Third or Fourth Age.
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AdmirableMonster ran with this idea and wrote a wonderful and thought-provoking story which will be revealed later in the month!
Merry Brandybuck and Estella Bolger named their first child Boromir, after the hero of the War of the Ring. But the young hobbit's dearest secret is the name she wishes she had. One quiet day, after finding an unusual necklace in the cellar, she begins to see visions of an ancient past that whisper to her of ways she might heal a poisoned pond that has never recovered since the Scouring of the Shire. Can she unlock the secrets of a long-ago chemister and his lover and find the courage to stay true to herself along the way?
Chalcedony pursed her lips together. She did want to see Gondor, very much, but it also wasn’t going to help her to talk around the thing she wanted to ask. “I think it’s making me see things,” she blurted out, in a wobbly voice. “The necklace.”
Uncle Sam set down his trowel. “What kinds of things?” he asked neutrally.
She took a deep breath and sat back on her knees, rubbing her sweaty palms on her apron. “A Man—a Big Person. It’s like I’m seeing his…memories? When I touch it. Sometimes.”
This time concern did flicker in his eyes; he settled back on his knees. All his motions were calm and careful, and Chalcedony remembered how much the animals loved him. No wonder. “How does it make you feel?” he asked at length.
“Frightened,” Chalcedony mumbled, looking down at her front. “But—but also curious.” [...] She was making a terrible hash of this.
Uncle Sam blew out his breath and wrinkled his nose. “Well, this is a right pickle,” he said. “Lad, how would you feel about giving me the necklace for a bit while I write a letter to someone who might be able to give it a good look over?”
She put her hand on the little box and squeezed. “You’d give it back after that? I mean, if it’s not evil?”
“I surely would.���
“All right, then.” She put out her hand and passed the box over to him; Uncle Sam’s shoulders seemed to relax a little, and it was only then that Chalcedony realized that that must have been a test. If she couldn’t give it up—
Sometimes people said Uncle Sam was a little bit stupid. Next time Chalcedony heard anyone talking like that she was going to knock them down.
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