#accepted: celine
thinfatfit · 1 year
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celestinovietti · 5 months
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pecco bagnaia + celestino vietti in juventus' instagram stories
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ilostyou · 4 months
i’m sooo confused by this weird chunk of the internet insisting that taylor is this awful person all because she didn’t like. worship celine dion on stage
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number1hoaxstan · 4 months
Taylor is still in her reputation era (people are mad at her for things that don’t make sense)
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joyoushyuck · 3 months
Your hand is raised in front of the door, about to knock, when the door clicks open on its own. Donghyuck doesn't seem surprised by your presence; his expression is morphed into one of indifference. He is wearing his glasses and that white Celine shirt he loves to wear on special occasions. His long hair curls at his nape, a few curly strands beautifully swaying at the front. You would call him gorgeous if it wasn't for the pressing situation at hand. He walks past you into the kitchen and extracts a water bottle from the fridge. You flinch when he slams the door shut.
“Donghyuck,” you try. He chugs the water down, ignoring you. “Donghyuck list-”
A thud, water on your feet and a gasp leaving your mouth, and Donghyuck storms past you back into the bedroom. The blue baby shark bottle lays a few inches away from your legs with a broken hinge and a crack near the top.
You bite your lips in an attempt to keep your tears at bay. You brought this on yourself, you have no right to cry. If forgetting your anniversary was not enough of a fault, you went on to blame it on your workload and blame him for being upset. Not your smartest move.
Dejected, you walk back to the couch and lay down. You haven't slept properly in ages, you really were preoccupied with an important project at work, but even that isn't a good reason to stop doing the bare minimum. Donghyuck's anger is justified.
You don't have a blanket; no amount of hugging yourself provides you the warmth that Donghyuck’s body exudes. The pit of your stomach feels hollow with dread; the guilt weighs you down and threatens to swallow your being. After an hour of twisting and turning, you give up on the idea of sleep. There's no way you can sleep peacefully without resolving this conflict. Your throat constricts and heart sinks at the prospect of Donghyuck ending this relationship for his own good.
So you walk up to the door resolutely. If Donghyuck continues to give you the silent treatment, you know your resolve will take a hit pretty soon. However, doing something to show that you care is better than doing nothing.
“Hyuck,” you start, only to hear your voice crack. It pains you as much as it pains him to have landed in such a predicament. “I'm sorry, Donghyuck, it's my fault. Please, just open the door.”
You are met with silence. Did he fall asleep already? It seemed unlikely but you couldn't rule out the possibility.
“Hyuck, are you awake? Baby? Just please answer me.”
Still no response. But then, something drops, and you hear the old bed squeak, his feet shuffle and the spring in your mattress dip. So he's awake.
“Donghyuck, love, please talk to me.” You cringe at the desperation in your own voice. “I am sorry, I know I fucked up Hyuck. Shout at me, hit me, just-”
You clutch your hair, your back sliding against the door and butt hitting the cold floor. A shiver runs down your spine. Was it winter already?
“Just don't be quiet, please.”
You bury your face in your hands in a last ditch attempt to keep the sobs under control. It didn't seem to be working in your favour. The stress at work seems to be finally catching upto you as well. Donghyuck needs space. He doesn't need you annoying him now when all this could have been prevented had you been more mindful of your actions. You accept your fate and curl into a bundle, deciding to give it a rest for now.
That's how Donghyuck finds you a few hour laters.
You are hugging your knees close to your chest, head resting uncomfortably on the hard floor. When he takes a closer look, he can see the dried streak of tears on your cheek. You are trembling, and he realises you haven't even switched the heater on. Something in him breaks at the sight of you like this.
“Hey, baby,” he gently taps your cheek to wake you up. “Baby, you can't sleep here, come in.”
You make a little noise. He is met with the uncontrollable urge to coo at you, but stops himself given the situation.
“Wake up doll,” he tries again. “You are going to have a terrible back pain at this rate.”
You blink your eyes open sluggishly after a few moments. Donghyuck isn't wearing his glasses anymore and his hair is mussed up. “Hyuck?” You ask, your sleep muddled brain still not catching up. “Is everything alright?”
Donghyuck sighs, his fingers gently caressing your cheek. He loved you too much to stay mad at you for long, no matter what you did.
“Come sleep on the bed baby. We'll talk about the rest in the morning. Come in now.”
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spiderfunkz · 4 months
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"i think i can really fall in love with him."
word count : 0,9k
warnings : fluff, fem!reader, gwen is mentioned to be readers best friend, harry is mentioned as well, cutesy first dates, peter being just so madly in love & so are you. not proofread!
a/n : inspired by that one scene from 'before sunrise' where celine and jesse pretend to call their friends and tell them about each other :)) also i know i'm late to valentines but it's still february sooooo
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if you told yourself a few days ago that you'd be spending valentines day with peter parker, you would laugh at the thought of it.
but right now you couldn't laugh at anything but peter's stupidly unfunny jokes and his cheesy, dry, pickup lines.
you couldn't imagine what valentines would be like with peter parker, but you don't have to. you're experiencing it right now.
he had asked you in a way you've only seen in rom-coms from the 90s. he knocked on your door with a ridiculously large bouquet of flowers, a heart shaped box full of chocolate, and a nervous nerdy smile.
and you accepted it obviously. peter's nice. really nice. out of all the boys in your class, he's a gentleman compared to them.
he's got those big brown doe eyes that make you blush if you make eye contact. that weirdly fluffy hair, that makes you wonder what his hair care routine is like sometimes. the sweetest smile you could ever imagine. and a heart bigger than a size of a lake.
and my gosh, you love him.
he made a reservation at this restaurant. one that you've passed by many times but never seem to stop by. you've always thought it was too fancy for a normal hangout with friends or family, it was always crowded with couples too. it always had a jazz band playing, roses on each table, and you could smell the scent of love from outside.
it was everything you've ever dreamed of. you didn't want it to end but unfortunately, the day got darker and the sun began to set.
"i really enjoyed today, peter." you smile.
"yeah of course. i really enjoyed today too." he replied, there was still a splotch of spaghetti sauce near his mouth.
"unfortunate that the hours went by so quickly, i think i have to go home soon." you pout, peter was still smiling, that spaghetti splotch is not going anywhere.
"or maybe we could still talk, for a bit." he paused for a second before making a hand gesture resembling a phone.
"ring, ring, ring!" he mimicked. you furrow your brows.
"pick it up." he stays smiley.
"okay, beep." you laugh, following his gestures.
peter mouths a 'thank you' before continuing, "oh yeah uh, harry? harry are you there?" he asks.
you knew harry, he's peter's closest friend. they're like two peas in a pod and you could never separate them, not even when harry moved away for years.
you join in his little joke. "uh yeah dude, this is harry. dude." you try to mimic his voice.
"yeah, hey harry! do you remember that girl i was gonna ask out for valentines? the really pretty girl from bio class?" his face became pink.
"oh yeah! the really pretty girl. i know her."
"yeah so, she's with me right now and i am just so happy."
"really? how happy?"
"extremely. she's so fun to talk to. she's so incredibly wonderful and i cannot put it into words how beautiful she is. really harry, you were right. she's an angel."
you smile. "really what else? how did the date go?" your voice rasps, clearly you couldn't really perfect the accent harry has. but peter seemed to like it.
"amazing. the food was great, this restaurant is good, i uh- got the reservation in time so everything has been going perfectly.
she's such a ray of sunshine. i can't stop stealing a glance every time, harry. i dunno what's about it, she's just so- perfect."
peter continues. he's doing it on purpose. well, not really, he was going to call harry and say all of those things. but he thinks it's better to tell you face to face. besides, he loves seeing you smile.
you try your best to blurt out a reply without stuttering. "that's um, that's amazing, dude. i bet she feels the same way about you." you could feel the butterflies in your stomach.
"you really think so?" peter tilts his head.
"i'm sure."
"well, thanks harry. i'll see you later, bye bye." he hangs up, mimicking a beep on the table.
you laugh.
"okay now it's your turn."
"my turn? oh, okay." you gesture your hand.
"dring, dring, dring!" you say, "ugh she's probably studying right now." you explain.
peter picks up, in a voice that will haunt you for years. "hey, girl! what is up!" peter laughs.
it took every cell in your body to not burst out laughing in front of everyone in that restaurant. "hi, gwen. is uh- is your voice okay?" you ask.
"better than ever!" — "oh, okay." you hold your laughter. "um, you know peter? peter parker from biology. the one with fluffy hair and pretty eyes?"
peter smiles, he blushes from his nose.
"yeah so, i'm on a date with him right now. and it feels like a dream. he's prettier up close. he styled his hair, yeah, it's pretty. and he's got spaghetti sauce smeared near his lips." you smile.
peter immediately fixes the splotch, finally.
"he's kind of tall. and he's kinda nerdy too. just my type." you cover your smile, "i like to feel his eyes on me when i look away." you continued.
peter smiles, "what a nice guy."
"he really is. as the date goes on i start to like him even more. i feel like i can really open up to him."
"mhm. he got me flowers and some chocolate too. he's funny too, he's got a voice i can listen to for hours. he's like a shot of espresso, you know?"
peter couldn't hide his blush anymore. "a shot of espresso?"
"he makes me feel energized in a way, and he also makes my heart beat really fast." you laugh, "i think i can really fall in love with him."
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pengweng-quack · 3 months
Carlisle Cullen x Human!OC
Summary: Place Carlisle in the Edward situation of falling in love with a human, and see what happens
Chapter 1/?
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8
The only thing that took so long about this is the title because fuck titles (genuinely)
This is on Ao3 under the same title and username if you'd like to read it there (https://archiveofourown.org/works/54527830)
Probably would be my last (long) twilight post in a while since I've lost interest in the series for a while (give it like 3 weeks before I regain it lmao)
Posting (just like before) is random lol, hope you guys enjoy this story
Much much longer than Being a Witch with Vampires by the way, so we're in a long ride (or you are, because I already know the story)
Word Count: 2294 words
General warning: I used some religious references in this story so read with caution if you're not so keen into reading that
TW for this chapter: None
PM or Comment to be added on the taglist for this one!
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A full year had passed since the Cullens returned to Forks, now acting as grownups instead of some teenager studying in Forks high school, minus Renesmee, to her dismay. Carlisle received a warm welcome back to the hospital, where he encountered new faces introduced to him since his departure.
“Good morning Doctor Cullen.” A nurse with red hair greeted politely to him, he was around his height and had brown eyes, a face that he doesn’t remember during his time there
“I’m nurse Sean, not the chief nurse but I think Eunice is getting her out now.” Sean informed him “You’ll like her I think, she’s professional as fuck.”
A girl with her chestnut hair tied up in a bun walked out of a room. At that moment, all Carlisle could think about was how captivating the woman was, everything about her screamed authority, he knew then and there that she was the chief nurse.
Time felt like it slowed down when they locked eyes, this woman has plagued over his mind. Carlisle subtly admired her face, she had eyes that matched the shade of her hair and pale pink lips that complimented her fair complexions.
“Celine Wright, chief nurse here.” Celine introduced herself with a prim and proper tone. She offered her hand in a handshake and Carlisle accepted it, feeling the warmth of her hand against the coldness of his
“Carlisle Cullen, former chief doctor here.” Carlisle introduced back, pulling his hand away from the handshake “Pleasure to meet you.”
From the stories that Carlisle has heard, Celine was 25 years old when she assumed the position and has demonstrated remarkable competence, excelling in her role for a year prior his return with unparalleled precision and skill.
But it was distracting him, she was distracting him. Despite her undeniable competence, it was her blood that proved to be the real challenge for Carlisle. The tantalizing scent of it often left Carlisle struggling to focus, forcing him to endure long stretches without breathing just to filter out the temptation.
But even after leaving work, her scent lingered in his mind, infiltrating every aspect of his life. Something as harmless as a report file with a hint of her scent could drive him to the brink of madness.
It’s been a year since Carlisle has been working with Celine, a year of extreme caution over his thirst. He was always making sure that he was fed before going to the hospital, making sure that there was always some distance between them. However, as the chief nurse, their interactions were inevitable, presenting a constant challenge to Carlisle's restraint.
It also didn’t help that Celine’s kind and caring nature was growing on him in ways that he didn’t expect that it’ll do so. Her smile became a source of motivation for him, brightening his day with a single glance. He found himself instinctively seeking her out upon arriving at work, drawn to her presence like a magnet.
Celine was growing on him, as a person, as a friend, as someone that he wishes he could pursue openly.
“She’s your blood singer and mate.” Edward concluded, having experienced a similar scenario before “You’re dealing with what I’ve dealt with when Bella was still human.”
“Great,” Rosalie scoffed, crossing her arm “Another human.”
“Carlisle won’t pressure her into something that she doesn’t want to partake herself in.” Esme assured everyone
“We would never know if he doesn’t pursue her.” Alice said, holding on from having another vision whether Celine Wright was in their future or not
“Would we rob Carlisle a chance to finally be with his mate?” Edward argued to Rosalie
“Would you rob another girl’s humanity for an uncertainty?” Rosalie asked him back; the tension was growing between the two
“Enough with the arguing.” Carlisle said, a decision set in his head
“I’ve figured out that she’s my mate. But I will not pressure her into anything.” He stated at once to everyone that was listening to him “Nor will I pursue her whatsoever. Let the future play how it has planned to be. Alice, Edward, no attempting to manipulate it to one of your visions.”
Just in time, his alarm has rung, notifying him that he has a shift to get ready for. He bids his goodbye, going to his office to get ready.
He was painfully slow, questioning whether his choice was the right one, plagued by uncertainty and the fear of denying himself a chance at happiness.
But underneath his own desires was the concern for Celine's well-being. He couldn't bear the thought of forcing her into a life she didn't want, no matter how difficult it was for him to accept the possibility of letting her go.
“Are you sure of your decision?” Esme asked him, walking into his office “Do you really want to just give up like that already?”
“She deserves a long, happy life.” Carlisle spoke softly, grabbing his briefcase with all the reports that he’s brought home “Not be damned for eternity.”
“And if she asks for a long, happy life with you, then what?” Esme asked him, making Carlisle ponder at her question. She was right, what certainty did he have that Celine wouldn’t welcome this life?
‘The risk is too high.’ He thought to himself
He left without answering her question.
It was another late-night shift that Celine accepted. Having heard another alibi from one of her co-nurses. Lying and saying that “they have some important matters to deal with,” only to see them by the bar as she drives by, drunk beyond their capabilities.
‘I have nothing to do anyways, so why not just earn more so I could leave this shitty town.’ She always used that to convince herself
In all honesty, Celine's financial status was not a factor in her decision. She had inherited a comfortable sum from when her parents died, ensuring that she was shielded from any financial struggles. But she’s heard that Doctor Cullen always took a night shift, working perfectly for their family’s set up of needing someone to be at home at all times.
What’s wrong if she was to indulge herself and the tiny crush that she had for him? After all, he wasn't married, a fact his hand had subtly conveyed to her.
“Nurse Celine, good to see you…again.” Carlisle greeted, walking in her office (which technically, is his office too) with a disposable cup of coffee “I thought your shift was over?”
“Yeah, Nurse Alex had to bail, said something along the lines of dealing with some personal stuff.” Celine answered “Made sure to give him the morning shift though, just as some sort of revenge.”
“I do not condone that behavior, but frankly, I would say that you deserve the rest.” Carlisle said, sitting next to her. It was dangerous, he knew. But he didn’t want to leave her alone.
“It’s a slow night.” Celine reported “Just one rush to the E.R. thinking that they were dying because of some spots they saw on their face. After doing some checking on it, it was just some questionably large pimples. Scary? Yes. But not fatal.”
“At least it has been slow so you won’t tire yourself too much.” Carlisle said, pushing the coffee near her
“Why don’t you just say to your sister that you don’t actually enjoy the coffee she makes? It just feels like a waste, giving away your coffee every time.” Celine asked, accepting the cup and drinking it
Carlisle was asked by Celine one time why he wasn’t drinking the coffee that he had, noticing that the cup was left untouched until he throws it away just after his shift. In panic, he fabricated a story, claiming that his sister Esme, who worked night shifts at her own job, often made coffee for herself and would give the extras to him.
He had offered it to her then, hoping that the coffee Esme made because she has missed the aroma of coffee was in Celine���s taste. Celine didn’t answer that time if she had enjoyed the coffee or not, but every time he would offer her the coffee, she would accept it.
This silent acceptance fueled Carlisle's hope that perhaps, in some small way, they were connecting through these shared moments over coffee.
From then, he asked Esme about the recipe and continued to make it from the comfort of his car before he walked in the hospital, using the coffee as a conversation starter, a way to engage with her, hoping to deepen their connection through these small interactions.
“You enjoy it.” Carlisle answered almost immediately. Celine looked at him, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion
“I mean, she always makes it at night for her work. Offers some to me, even though I don’t drink coffee, I’m just too shy to not accept it. And besides, you deserve some coffee yourself too.” Carlisle explained further, giving Celine the satisfaction of getting an answer
“Thanks. I owe you one.” Celine said, lifting the coffee and drinking some more of it “How do you even get the energy to do night shifts? Ever since you got here, you’ve like made it your thing to be the one for night shifts.”
“I sleep in the morning.” Carlisle answered, having prepared an alibi for when that question inevitably gets asked to him “Did kind of take a toll on my social life though, I’ll tell you. But I have accepted this way when I decided to step into the field of medicine.”
“Really?” Celine asked, piqued with how he was opening up “Why prefer night shift then? You could easily be transferred to morning shift if you’d just ask.”
“I prefer it this way.” Carlisle answered, Celine pondered if someone has asked him this question before “Besides, who will give you your daily coffee if I don’t join you with the night shifts?”
“I can get myself coffee, thank you very much.” Celine answered, fake insult in her tone and playfully rolling her eyes at him
“I know you can, I do enjoy it just as much to be the one to give you your coffees.” Carlisle said, a smile on his face
‘He looked like a Ken doll.’ She thought, looking at Carlisle and admiring his seemingly perfect features. His eyes was shining golden, a shade she never thought was possible for a human to have. The pale pink tint of his lips stirred a fleeting curiosity about their softness, though she quickly brushed aside any thoughts of how they might feel against her own.
“Some of the nurses are getting jealous, you should give them coffee sometimes.” Celine teased him. Carlisle looked at her, his eyebrows raised at her teasing. He did not want to give anyone else some sort of affection.
His undead heart was with hers before she even knew it.
“That’s if they’ll like 5 teaspoons of sugar and 3 teaspoons of creamer in their coffee.” Carlisle teased her back, watching as she finishes the coffee that he has prepared
“Well, anything that you would give to them, they’ll accept really.” She answered, before going back to reading some reports that the morning shift nurses has prepared for them
The night was long, the comforting silence joining them as they read through. Fortunately, there were no urgent emergencies demanding their attention. It wasn’t until Carlisle heard Celine stifle a yawn that made him check his watch, the small screen showing 8:17 AM.
“Shift over.” Carlisle announced, standing up and faking a stretch
He could have stayed there forever had she been able to do the same.
“Finally.” Celine mumbled, the aftermath of the coffee finally taking a toll on her as she slumps herself on the seat that she’s been on for the past 12 hours “So tired.”
“Need a ride home?” Carlisle asked, seeing that she wasn’t awake enough to go home on her own
Despite his declaration not to pursue Celine, Carlisle found himself engaging in behaviors that seemed to contradict his words. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was unintentionally leading her on, even though she hadn't explicitly expressed interest in him, neither through her words nor her body language.
“I’m fine, brought my car with me.” Celine murmured; her eyes closed as she rests her head on the chair “Just need a few minutes to close my eyes.”
“Okay then.” Carlisle answered, sitting down on the chair where he was sitting earlier, grabbing a bit more reports to read as he accompanies her
The few minutes became an hour. Then the hour became two hours. Carlisle then slowly realized that Celine was beginning to doze off in the chair she was sitting in. He looked at her with a small smile on his face.
He didn’t need to be a vampire or a doctor to know that she was in an uncomfortable position. Her whole torso was slouched down and her head was down, giving the look that she was uncomfortably bowing.
Carlisle moved his seat closer to hers, feeling the warmth of her arm against the coldness of his. With tender care, he lifted her head, cradling it on his shoulder. Though not as plush as a pillow, he knew it would be far more comfortable than where her head had previously rested.
As he sat there, Carlisle gazed at Celine, closing his eyes and synchronizing his faux breathing with hers, attuned to the steady rhythm of her heartbeat.
Carlisle knew that it was temptation, being this close to her. And a sin to indulge himself in such temptation. But if he was to be damned today, he would be happy to have indulged himself with the existence of Celine.
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jhugas · 1 year
‘THAT ONE NIGHT’- Kim Taehyung
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Genre: smut
Pairing: idol!Taehyung X 8thmember!afab!Reader
Summary: You and Taehyung got invited to the Celine after party on a public beach at night. As fans are watching and filming you two, you can’t stop each other from flirting, not knowing that things will get pretty… interesting.
Word count: ~1,3k
Warnings/tags: full public-filmed make out and grinding, toilet sex, clothed sex, filmed sex + penetration, nipple-breast play, heavy flirting, one night type shit, cum eating (reader eats), unprotected sex (stay safe), they cum together🤞🏻, cums in her.
Song rec:
She- Harry Styles
Ice cream man- Tyga
Break from Toronto- PARTYNEXTDOOR
You and Taehyung were invited to the Celine show, and right now, you were at the after party. The after party was on a beach, at night, with other gorgeous models. You were the prettiest though, all the models had their eyes on you and they were all surprised of how nice, sociable and humble you were. Some even asked to take pictures with you, which you accepted, of course.
During that night, you noticed a weird feeling, something new. Something had changed between you and Taehyung. Why were you both acting like this? You were so flirty with each other. While dancing together, he brought you closer to him, caressed your body from your head to your ass. Sometimes you would even get your lips an inch away from each other then just laugh and get back. You never acted like that usually? But somehow, you couldn’t keep your eyes off of each other.
And the worst is, everybody could see you. Including fans, models and reporters. The beach was private, but the street wasn’t. Up the stairs to go to the beach, fans were filming and watching you. So if anything happened in between you and Taehyung, they’ll immediately see it and post it everywhere. However, this was the least of your concerns, Taehyung was much more interesting.
It’s like this wasn’t you and him from Bts, but just two friends flirting and hanging out with each other.
After drinking some more alcohol with him, he takes your hand and brings you close to him once again. His hips are stuck on yours, slowly moving right and left to the music, his hands still exploring your curves and getting them under your skirt or t-shirt occasionally. He’s not shy, he isn’t worried about the fans and cameras neither. On the contrary, being in public couldn’t turn him more on. His dick rubbing against his luxury pants, and the bulge of his pants rubbing against your stomach.
He grinds himself discreetly against you, his dick getting harder and begging to get his pants off. He stares at your revealing cleavage, your breast sitting perfectly, as you bite your lower lip and look straight onto his eyes. Suddenly, he cups your face with one hand, keeping his other one on your hips under your skirt, and pushes you against the wall behind the bar. The fans are quiet, silently screaming to not disturb you, observing the scene and filming you two.
He gets closer to you and pushes eagerly his lips on yours, catching your top lip in between his and sucking on it. He tilts his head trying to get a better taste of your previous drink and to get deeper. His grip on you is firm, he doesn’t stop pushing you up against the wall and the fans are zooming in on the work of your lips. Then, he moves his hand from your hips to beside your head, pinning you, and brings the other one to your waist. He puts one of his leg in between yours and brings it closer to your crotch, before rubbing it against your clit under your skirt. You gently, discreetly move forth and back on his leg, trying to not be too explicit for the cameras and fans. He was so hungry for you. He wanted to have you for the whole night, just for himself.
‘Just one night, it won’t hurt to have fun. Will it?’ You think. It’s not like it will ruin your whole reputation and career. You’re a human, you’re allowed to have fun too. The kiss gets more and more heated, grinding on his leg isn’t enough and it’s getting hard to breathe. So you break the kiss but he lifts you up, bringing you to the public but clean toilets. He closes the door behind and smashes his lips against yours, sliding his tongue under your lip and licking your bottom ones. He shuts the toilet and sits down on it. First, you stand in between his legs as he looks up at you. How can he look so dominant in this position? He stares at your hard nipple through your white, transparent t-shirt, then grabs your boob and wraps his lips around it. Sucking hard on your nipple through the tissue as he stains it with his spit. With his other hand, he cups your free boob and massages it. You moan at the warm feeling. You push him off and get your clothes off. But right as you were about to take your t-shirt off, he stops you.
‘Keep your clothes on y/n, just take off your pants.’
He says in a deep voice. And when he said your name, it reminded you of what you’re doing right now, and with whom. You start taking off your pants. How were you going to explain this to Army? Bts? Your agency? But the sound of a belt cuts your thoughts. He’s also taking off his pants. But he, unlike you, takes off his boxers and let his tall and thick cock stand proudly by itself. He pushes your pants with his on the side and pats his lap, indicating you he wants you to sit on it. You get over him, face to face and your legs outside of his, and he pulls your panties to the side just so that he can enter you. He touches your pussy a few seconds to see if you’re wet enough and smirks. He looks proud of himself, he knew how he made you feel, and he liked it. You slowly lower your hips, approaching your cunt to his dick and places it in front of your entrance. Then once it’s lined up perfectly, he grabs your hips and pushes them against his. You start jumping on it, moaning as his big curved cock hits all the rights spots. He curses under his breath, and you moan. He watches your tits jump with you, up and down and going round. He also looks at your face, your expressions. He needs to know that he’s making you feel good, he needs this validation.
Watching your tits and face is great, but he’s upset he can’t see your ass that’s probably a whole show that he can’t miss. So he gets his phone and puts it in selfie mode, filming your ass slapping against his hips on camera. In the video, you can see him biting his lips and smirking and you can hear all of your moans. You keep going and he keeps filming until your legs are starting to get tired and you’re slowly reaching your highest. So he puts his phone behind you against the door, on a little shelf there was and starts helping you by lifting you up with his hands, and thrusting aggressively in and out of you.
You feel a warm feeling coming and you feel yourself about to reach your orgasm. He also feels it coming and goes faster, and deeper. You finally reach your orgasm together as you both release in the spot, moans could be heard miles away. You catch up your breath and look at him. He gets his phone, zooms on his dick inside your pussy and tells you to get up and release his cum on his stomach. You do as he pleases and get up keeping his semen in you, then releasing it on his lower stomach. He laughs a little. You lean forward and clean his tummy, eating up all of his delicious cum on his abs.
He says looking up lazily at you. You clean yourselves before putting back on your clothes, kissing a bit and getting out of the toilet like nothing happened. He finishes his video with you wobbling out of the toilet like a penguin and him gently laughing. After he’s done he hugs you from beside and trust me, twitter and Armys will never, forget about “that one night”.
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If you liked it, please like or reblog <3
In the same type: "I want you…"
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its-elioo · 4 months
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A/n: Wanted to write a one-shot about one of Celine and Dogday's bonding moments.
Story occurs after he was saved and she put his body all back together.
Idk if Dogday is a little bit ooc here but I tried my best.
Probably missed some grammar mistakes.
Their relationship is completely platonic.
Slight mentions of trauma.
Sun and cloud duo 🌤️
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While the girl placed several fluffy pillows and thick blankets on the floor, her most loyal and newest friend Dogday watched closely from behind in a kneeled position. In the meantime, Kissy Missy and Poppy scurried around the factory, searching for any additional soft materials to enhance their sleeping spot. As the human kept on making a giant comfortable bed, Dogday spoke out of the blue, “You know… I never really got your actual name, Angel.”
She smirked, “I thought the nickname you gave me was going to be my official one from now on.” Dogday glanced away in embarrassment and the female slightly patted his arm to reassure him, “Hey, it’s alright, I like it. It’s sweet.” she replied with a soft smile which caused the tall canine to turn his face towards her again, ears perking up by her gentle tone, “But to answer your question-“ she continued and kept on arranging the pillows, “It’s Ci, short for Celine.” he tilted his head at her in wonder as he listened, “I prefer the nickname more because it’s easier and sounds less formal but… It doesn’t matter to me what you decide to call me.”
The mascot dog stared at the ground for a minute, as if he was in deep thought, his tail wagged back and forth when he repeated her name in a whisper, “Celine…”
All of a sudden, he let out a low chuckle. The human rolled her eyes at him, “Oh, c’mon. It’s not that bad.”
“No, no…” the smiling critter replied, waving his paws, “It’s just- it makes so much sense now.”
Celine raised her eyebrow in confusion, “I don’t follow, big guy.”
“Heavenly.” he spoke, “That’s what it means…” the girl was looking at him in surprise due to the information she just received. She never realized the significance of her name until now. Dogday responded with a warmer voice, ”Guess you really are an Angel that has come from above to save us.”
She shook her head and her lips faintly curved up, “Nah, just a regular human. But thanks for the compliment.” when she made the final touches, she lifted herself and wiped her hands, “Alright, think it’s finally done. Care to try it out first?” she directed to the puddle of softness on the floor and the giant orange dog gladly accepted the offer. He made a big stretch and moved to it on all fours. As he observed it and walked in a circle, he finally settled down, “So? What do you think?” she asked out of curiosity.
“I must admit… it is very comfortable.” he replied softly and sighed, he definitely looked more relaxed, “Thank you, Angel. You didn’t have to.”
Celine shook her finger, “Ah, ah, ah. None of that.” she took one of the blankets, “You really thought I’m going to let you sleep on the cold ground? Not a chance.” afterwards, she put it on top of him and reached out a tentative hand to scratch him behind the ear, feeling the softness of his fur under her fingertips, “Take a rest, D.D. You need it.”
After being treated so cruelly by the feline he once called his best friend, he never expected someone to show him such kindness and compassion. He melted into her touch, feeling comforted and safe for the first time in a long while.
To Dogday’s surprise, his savior got up and headed towards the doorway, the canine immediately lifted his head and ears, “Wh-Where are you going?” he questioned apprehensively, near to the point of letting out his pleading whine for her to stay.
“I will keep on watch for Catnap.” she said and put her hand on the handle, but before she could open it-
“The whole time…?” he asked with a mix of confusion and desperation, grabbing her attention again. A wave of panic and loneliness washed over him. He wanted to run after her, to beg her not to leave him alone, a huge sense of abandonment weighed heavily on his heart, mind racing with doubts and fears. What if she didn't come back? What if something happened to her out there?
She shifted her gaze towards him, “Well, one of us has to stay alerted.” the poor dog stared at her with a pair of sorrowful pitch-black eyes, tail thumping against the tile floor, eagerly yearning for her attention with its mournful expression.
The smiling critter thought for a moment until an idea popped into his mind, “I-I can listen for him while we are both asleep.” he suggested timidly, hoping his offer would be considered.
Celine crossed her hands with a hint of skepticism evident on her face, “You can do that?”
“It’s a small ability we dogs have.” Dogday admitted sheepishly, “Don’t worry, I will wake you up the second I hear someone approaching. Besides, you need rest as much as I do.” his human companion hummed back and wondered about his proposal.
Muttering under her breath, she rubbed the back of her neck and glanced away, “It has been some time since I took a proper break…” a desire for relaxation and peace seemed to envelop her, the weight of exhaustion settling on her shoulders. After a few seconds, she sighed in defeat, “Okay then, I’m counting on you.” the canine’s tail began to sway in joyful anticipation, scooting away to give some space as she made her way over. Dogday laid his head on his big paws while watching with a tender gaze how she was getting comfortable closely beside him. Celine rested her head on one of the plush cushions and let out a weary exhale, “Can’t believe I fell for the puppy eyes again…” she playfully remarked and rubbed her temple, the large pooch chuckled slightly at her comment, “You wanted a cuddle buddy, didn’t you?” she teased, trying to lighten the mood.
“Maybe…” he murmured in embarrassment.
She laughed and gently caressed his paw, “Just don’t let me sleep for too long, okay?”
“Of course.” he responded with a gentle nod, his action a silent vow, “You have my word.” once affirming with sincerity, she nestled her face into the pillow and closed her eyes, embracing the familiar warmth and sweet vanilla scent emanating from the mascot's body.
As Dogday stared at her for a minute, protective instincts stirred deep within him. Very slowly and cautiously, he lifted one of his paws and wrapped it around her in a shielding gesture, “Sweet dreams, little Angel.” whether it was his imagination or not, he was the only one who could see the shimmering halo hovering above her head and the feathery white wings resting on her back.
A profound bond existed between them – he, her devoted guard dog, and she, his cherished angel, forever intertwined in a unique and heartfelt connection.
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petalsnow · 5 months
divine & mine (18+)
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hyunjin x afab!reader x felix
word count: 3.7k
genre: smut, fluff - 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI!!
18+ content and smut warnings below the cut.
warnings: non-idol au, marriage au, intended lower-case usage, poly!relationship between reader, hyunjin, & felix, threesome, swearing, alcohol consumption, oral sex (reader & felix receiving), unprotected sex (don't do this), cumming inside (don't do this), impreg kink, praise kink, small mommy kink, dom/sub dynamics, confessions of love.. i think that covers everything, let me know if i missed something!
summary: you decide to celebrate your third wedding anniversary by having a romantic picnic with lots of wine and two horny husbands.
this is a fictional story. nothing in this fan-fiction represents hyunjin, felix, or stray kids as a whole. NOR does it represent their relationships with each other.
read at your own risk.
three years have passed since your wedding day. over one thousand days of being cared for and adored by both of your partners.
you had met hyunjin first, he was a regular at the same library you attended every monday, wednesday, and friday. he was a stranger, but he made sure that didn’t last. as each day passed, his stolen glances grew more frequent and his proximity grew closer and closer until you both could be spotted at the same table, quietly bickering over the novel you were both reading.
it wasn’t long after that hyunjin mustered up the courage to ask you out. the library was rigidly silent before hyunjin came out with it, “would you like to come over for dinner tonight? i’ve been dying to try this pasta recipe but it feeds two and i hate leftovers.” his face turning a pale shade of red before everting his gaze from yours.
naturally, you accepted and the rest was history. you two were shamelessly in love ever since.
you two had been together for a year before you met felix for the first time.
you and hyunjin met felix during a night out at a local bar. it was karaoke night and you had enough liquid courage to storm the main stage and sing your heart out to the lyrics of “My Heart Will Go On” by celine dion. Hyunjin admired you from the table you were both sitting at beforehand, sipping on an espresso martini. to his left, stood a blonde-headed boy who was smaller than him, sipping on a beer with his group of friends. The boy was thoroughly entertained by your performance, his laugh like silk as you made a fool out of yourself.
“she’s amazing” he said to his friend, but loud enough for hyunjin to hear, which made him shift his focus from you to the younger boy.
when hyunjin laid his eyes on felix for the first time, his first thought was how beautiful he was. He quickly took note of the freckles that dusted his cheeks, and his light brown eyes.
“after she comes down, you should totally ask her out” felix’s friend suggests with a smirk and a playful shove. felix couldn’t help but giggle and nod.
“she’s mine.” hyunjin spoke up, setting his cocktail down on the table. felix snapped his head in the direction of his voice, his face full of fear.
“oh, mate, i had no idea.. i wouldn’t have said anything if i had known.” he shook his head and pled his case.
“relax, there’s no way you could’ve known.” hyunjin broke his hard facade with a polite half smile. “come sit.” he gestured to the empty chair across from him.
felix visibly gulped and slid into the chair.
“what’s your name?” hyunjin asked, leaning forward to hear over the music.
“felix.. lee felix” the blonde replied quickly.
“hyunjin,” he said, holding his hand out for a truce.
felix met his hand and shook gently with an awkward nod.
“i like you.” hyunjin admitted
felix had a look of confusion painted across his face.
“i think you’re cute.”
“.. but didn’t you just say..”
“we’re open.”
felix still didn’t understand.
“we have an open relationship, and i think you’re cute” hyunjin clarified.
felix choked on his beer.
“oh, um..” he wasn’t sure how to respond.
before hyunjin could continue, you were stumbling back over to the table.
“hey baby!!” you exclaimed, throwing your arms around hyunjin’s neck. “i missed you” you giggled drunkenly.
hyunjin couldn’t help but laugh as he placed an arm around your waist.
“this is felix, we just made friends.” hyunjin said, turning you slightly to face the timid boy.
“hi” felix almost whimpered, offering a small wave.
“y/n, nice to meet you phoenix” you replied with a toothy smile.
“oh, that’s not-“ felix started before hyunjin interrupted him
“i was just asking if felix wanted to come home with us tonight, what do you think angel?” he asked, tucking a small piece of hair behind your ear.
immediately, you knew where this was headed and the realization was mildly sobering.
you looked back over at felix, taking him in completely this time, before looking back at your boyfriend.
“that sounds lovely.” you answered sweetly. “what do you think, freckles?” you cocked your head at felix.
felix looked absolutely mortified, like a deer in headlights. Nevertheless, he slid out of his chair and looked between both of you
“let’s get out of here.”
That was over three years ago, and today you are all celebrating your third wedding anniversary.
The whole thing was hyunjin and felix’s idea, they were truly the most lovesick pair you had ever seen. they were almost frantic in your kitchen, shoving expensive wine into the picnic basket and perfecting the charcuterie board for your date.
you had just finished getting ready, a flowy, snug fit sundress and a head full of loose curls. little did you know you were walking into a disaster of a kitchen.
“guys what the fuck happened in here? it looks like a tornado flew around the kitchen.” you gasped, looking at the mess they had made in preparation for your celebration.
felix was boxing up the last few finger foods before waltzing over to you to place a kiss on your temple.
“don’t worry about any of this, me and hyune will clean it up whenever we get back, mkay?” he reassured you, filling his arms with food and drinks to bring to the car.
you grinned and shook your head before reaching out to grab some of the load, but hyunjin yanked it from your grasp.
“what do you think you’re doing? what kind of husband makes his wife carry her own anniversary gift?” he looked viscerally offended. “go wait in the car my love” he cracked, shooting you a dashing smile and a wink.
you playfully pinched his hip as he brushed past you before heading to the car like you were instructed. felix was waiting outside of the car with the door ajar, waiting to help you inside with an out stretched hand.
“wow, so formal today.” you smirked, taking his hand and climbing into the car.
“always the best for our princess.” he smiled, waiting for you to get comfortable, before gently closing the door.
the ride was long, but only because your date was a picnic in a secluded field of flowers.
whenever you arrived, hyunjin and felix worked quickly to lay a large quilted blanket down and set up your lunch.
you thanked them for everything before sitting down between them.
you ate together and emptied wine glass after wine glass. you talked of the past and of the future, and of how much you adored one another.
“i bet if we had kids they’d look exactly like me and have y/nnie’s attitude.” hyunjin teased, propping himself up on his side while plucking grapes off their vine. He delicately placed one in each of your mouths.
“hey, what is that supposed to mean?” you gasped with your mouth full of grapes and slapped his arm playfully.
“it just means they’d be so kind and so sweet and so perfect and not sarcastic, short-tempered, or sassy at all!!” felix mocked as you landed another playful slap, now into his arm.
“you’re one to talk” you rolled your eyes as the laughter died down slowly
“in my defense, i only have an attitude around you guys if i’m trying to have it fucked out of me.” felix shrugged nonchalantly, causing both you and hyunjin to grow wide-eyed and cough at his suddenly bold statement.
“jesus, lix” hyunjin placed a hand over his mouth, trying his best to finish his last bite of food
“at least he’s honest” you added, resting back on your palms
felix blushed smugly at your reactions before picking the original conversation back up
“i would love to have children one day..” he added with shyness laced in his voice
you and hyunjin’s attention shifted to him at the sudden seriousness
“you would?” you asked sweetly
felix nodded, toying with a blade of grass near his hand
you looked over at your other husband, who then looked back at you. you weren’t sure why, but these kinds of conversations always made it difficult for you to navigate. Although you all loved one another equally, whenever it came to the discussion of starting a family, the reality of things had to be faced. Hyunjin, knowing how you are, spoke up first.
“let’s have a baby then,” he said before taking another sip of wine.
this made your heart race as you looked between both of them.
“but-“ you began and felix cut you off this time.
“i don’t care who the father is. The way i see it, we’re all three connected and we would all love the baby the same regardless.” felix offered, trying to soothe your anxious state.
you took a deep breath as the tension built upon itself.
“i’m sorry, i just wasn’t really expected to talk about this today. I apologize for my hesitation. Of course, I would love to have children with you, but only if we’re all sure.”
hyunjin and felix chuckled, sitting up.
“i don’t think we’re ever been more sure of anything in our lives, angel” hyunjin smiled before placing a tender kiss to your lips and running his hand up your thigh.
felix wasn’t far behind him, moving your hair to place an open-mouth kiss to the side of your neck as you sat in between the two men.
you closed your eyes in pleasure, melting into their touches. as hyunjin left your lips you spoke up
“what, are you guys going to knock me up in this field?” you laughed sarcastically, waiting for them to catch on. Instead, the two boys turned their attention to each other with twin calculating looks in their eyes and then back over to you.
“yes,” they said in unison, hyunjin returning to your lips and felix back to your neck.
you moaned into hyunjin’s mouth at the realization and instinctively parted your legs ever so slightly.
even though the movement was quaint, felix took note and moved his hand up your inner thigh gently as he kissed down your collarbone.
“may i?” felix broke the silence, fingers dancing dangerously close to your panties.
hyunjin broke the heated kiss at his question.
“what do you say, pretty girl?” he glanced at felix, and back into your pleading eyes.
“please,” you whined, opening your legs more for felix to fit in between and get to work.
felix hummed and tugged your lace panties down your legs, discarding them nearby. Bring his mouth to your heat, kissing your clit softly to let you know he was starting.
your breath hitched in your throat as hyunjin moved to support you from behind, your back resting against his chest as you got comfortable.
“that’s it, baby, relax” hyunjin cooed in your ear, running his hand up your side.
felix wasted no time licking away at your cunt. his arms were wrapped around your thighs, his thumb rubbing at your clit.
eating you out had to be felix’s favorite thing to do. he could spend all day pleasing you, hearing you cry out for him.
your wetness was dripping down his chin and he loved how filthy it made him feel.
“you taste so sweet” he groaned, entranced by you and the way you responded to him. he moved one hand from your thigh and brought two fingers up your heat, running them down to collect some lubrication.
“look at that, you’re in for a treat darling.” hyunjin half-whispered into your ear, brushing the straps of your dress off your shoulders to allow him access to your breasts.
felix blushed at his husband’s comment before dipping the first finger into your pussy.
felix slowly pumped his finger in and out of you while hyunjin pushed your dress down to reveal your chest. he hummed at his success and began toying with your nipple between his slender fingers.
your back arched at the new sensation and it caused you to clench around felix’s fingers.
“feel good?” hyunjin questioned, pinching your nipple gently.
“fuck, yes. you both feel so amazing.” you whimpered out, clinging to the picnic blanket that laid underneath all of you.
felix had resumed eating you out, adding another finger to fuck into you, growing more eager by the second.
hyunjin brought one of his hands up to his mouth to spit into his palm before bringing it back down over your nipple, swirling the saliva over the sensitive bud.
“hyunjin…” you sighed blissfully, arching your back into his touch.
felix had completely zeroed in on your cunt, fucking his fingers into you at a steady pace while lapping at your clit
“i need you to cum on my face” felix whined desperately, only detaching himself long enough to utter the one sentence.
you groaned at his words and hyunjin’s massage
“i’m close” you mewled, knuckles growing white from your tightening grip
“let go for us, be a good girl.” hyunjin cooed, never ceasing his movements.
that’s all it took for you to twitch and release all over felix’s fingers and his face. He wasted no time licking up anything that missed him and left a trail of kisses across your lower half.
“fuck, that was so hot” felix growled, sitting up between your legs.
“let me taste her.” hyunjin ordered, gripping the young boy by the back of his head and crashing their lips together.
You watched as your husbands made out just above your head, the remnants of your release dripping down from their lips and onto your bare chest.
you always had a lingering sense of guilt, for no reason that you could pinpoint. Both of them catered to you more than they catered to each other, and that always made you feel a little strange. you always hoped they weren’t sacrificing anything to be in this kind of relationship. But it was times like these, watching them melt into each other's touch, that you felt your heart swell, and you could relax, knowing they loved each other, too.
the kiss ended and hyunjin moved out from behind you to face you now.
“you ready for us, doll?” hyunjin asked softly, rubbing your cheek with his thumb.
you nodded as felix removed his shirt and began undoing his pants to slip them off.
“words, y/n” hyunjin reminded you, waiting patiently for your approval to remove his clothes
“always ready for you.” you smiled, tugging on the hem of hyunjin’s shirt and he wasted no time removing it over his head and then discarding his pants as well.
felix helped you lie down on your back while hyunjin positioned himself between your legs and felix positioned himself behind your head.
“you okay if i use your mouth while hyunjin fucks you?” felix asked softly, stroking his hard cock.
“of course, lixie wanna taste you.” you nod and lean your head back to make it easier on him.
he blushed at the nickname and looked at hyunjin.
“you can start, wanna make sure she’s okay before I stuff her mouth full.” felix chuckled and you rolled your eyes playfully.
hyunjin said nothing, too focused on the way you looked beneath him. he slid the head of his cock up and down your slit experimentally, gathering your wetness before pushing into you slowly.
you whined at the stretch and felix ran his fingers over your cheek, consoling you.
“you doing okay sweet girl?” hyunjin asked, halting his movements.
“yes, yes i’m perfect baby.” you nodded frantically “please give me more,” you begged
hyunjin moaned as he pushed deeper into you, moving your legs to wrap around his hips.
felix took that as his signal to push his cock into your mouth, his eyes rolling back at the warmth, slowly fucking his cock into you.
“fuck baby, how are you still so tight?” hyunjin mewled, throwing his head back, licking his lips
you moaned around felix’s cock as hyunjin’s hips sped up, your body felt like it was floating from the overstimulation.
hyunjin and felix both reached for your tits, hands brushing over each other before they both claimed one, teasing you once again.
“fuck, hyune, i don’t think i’m gonna last.” felix whimpered out to the other boy.
hyunjin was still trying to compose himself, biting his lip between moans
“you don’t have to hold on lixie, we have all day.” hyunjin squeezed the other boy’s pinkie, reassuring him.
felix whimpered, his hips speeding up, repeatedly hitting the back of your throat.
“baby i’m gonna cum, can i come in your mouth? please please, can i?” he stuttered
you moaned out in approval, back arching off the ground.
felix’s hip shuddered, his warm milky release filling your mouth, you swallowing it up without hesitation.
hyunjin’s pace quickened, fucking into you deeper and harder.
your eyes were brewing tears, gasping for air.
“y/n, i’m gonna cum. i’m gonna cum inside of you, are you ready for me?” hyunjin growled, placing his hands on your hips to stabilize himself.
“please, need you to fill me up. please hyune.” you mewled, finding felix’s hand and holding onto it tightly.
“fuck- i’m cumming.” hyunjin confirmed, landing sharp thrusts into your cunt, filling you to the brim.
felix wiped the tears off your cheeks and caressed your cheeks as you came down.
“you’re such a good girl, y/n. our perfect girl.” felix praised sweetly.
hyunjin leaned down and kissed your lips sweetly, leaving a few stray kisses on your neck after.
“did so good. you’re so good for us.” hyunjin breathed out, slowly pulling out of you.
you smiled beneath them and leaned into felix’s hand.
“can i feel you too lixie?” you looked up innocently at the freckled boy.
he looked surprised, “are you sure baby? that was a lot just now.”
you nodded, sure of yourself. “want you too.”
hyunjin chuckled at your cute exchange.
“felix, switch places with y/n,” he instructed, moving back so you two had room to do so.
felix obeyed and laid down on his back, his cock soft due to his release.
you sat next to felix, waiting for hyunjin’s instruction.
hyunjin moved in between the younger boy's legs, leaning down to kiss him.
felix whimpered into hyunjin’s lips, both their cocks growing hard once again at the contact. felix’s hands found purchase in hyunjin’s hair, pulling him deeper into the kiss.
you watched in awe, running your soft hands up the side of felix’s leg.
hyunjin let him go, smirking.
“my turn.” you smiled, leaning down to capture felix’s lips this time.
felix smiled into your kiss, his lips tasted like hyunjin and wine.
hyunjin took advantage of the distraction and spit into his palm, rubbing the lubrication over his head and felix’s opening.
hyunjin lined his cock up with felix’s hole and slowly pushed forward.
felix squealed into your mouth at the unexpected intrusion. it startled you so you looked toward hyunjin and quickly picked up on what was happening.
“hyunjin! it was my turn!” you complained, looking at him in belief.
felix became a moaning mess as hyunjin began fucking into him.
“fuck, hyung, you’re so big.” he all but screamed out.
“baby, it’s still your turn.” hyunjin chuckled “come on, climb in front of me.” he pulled you onto felix.
“oh fuck-“ felix realized what was going to happen “i, oh-fuck, i can't handle-“ he couldn’t finish his sentence.
you followed hyunjin’s guidance and lowered yourself onto felix’s length, earning a loud cry from the pitiful boy below you.
hyunjin held onto you while he fucked deeper into felix, and set the pace for you to ride your shared partner.
you toyed with felix’s nipples as hyunjin held onto you as if he owned you, biting into your neck and shoulders and your hips moved up and down.
felix was seeing stars, his eyes were rolled back into his skull and his breathing was staggered, completely encapsulated by you and hyunjin’s movements.
“lix- you’re - fuck - you’re so perfect.” you praised him, resting your palms on his chest now
“feels perfect too” hyunjin chimed in.
all felix could do was groan out, still not being able to focus on anything.
“are you gonna cum for us baby boy?” you whined, staring at his fucked out expression
he nodded quickly
“gonna make our girl a mommy?” hyunjin added.
felix squealed out and thrusted his hips upwards as he came in you without warning.
you moaned out and hyunjin did the same, finishing inside the smaller boy.
everyone was catching their breath at the same time, you picked yourself off of felix and fell onto the blanket next to him, chests heaving.
hyunjin pulled out of felix slowly and gently, making sure not to hurt him.
after a minute or so of regaining composure, the silence was broken.
“happy anniversary, my pillow princesses.” hyunjin giggled with his bunny smile, leaning over the two of you to place playful kisses on both of your flushed faces.
you and felix both blushed and wiped your faces after his wet kisses.
“happy anniversary.” you smiled at them both, pulling hyunjin down so you could lay in between them.
“i’m so glad you were horrendous at karaoke.” felix challenged and quickly hid his face, awaiting your retaliation, which immediately came after.
“felix! that’s so mean! oh my gosh!” it was hyunjin’s turn to chime in, giggling sweetly.
you laughed as the boys began to playfully fight over you. you looked over at your left hand, where a small golden band hugged your finger.
you sighed happily as their bickering continued,
you were in love.
the end.
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l0veu-somuch · 7 months
nct dream as boy/girl dads ... 👼🏻⭐️
mark who still maintains his insane working hours and practicing late into the night even when he has his two favorite girls waiting back home (and it makes him feel terrible). he comes home when it's way past your daughter's bedtime and you're always still waiting for him even when it's three am in the morning. when the day breaks his daughter thinks she's being very quiet but she's quite clumsy as she steps all over his legs while she climbs onto the bed to wake him up. he blows raspberries onto the baby's cheeks as he trudges into the kitchen, pressing a sweet kiss to your shoulder as a thank you for the pancakes.
renjun who simply cannot contain his excitement when his daughter's painting is selected for an award in the school art competition. he brags about her drawings all the time to his parents, his friends, the elderly woman who bags his groceries. he says she got it from him. it's quite right. he cheers the loudest when her name is called, even blinks some pesky tears away (something you make sure to make fun of when you're in the car later on) when his sweet girl comes up on stage to accept her certificate and take a picture, in the dress she picked out with his help because it's a very special day.
if you ever asked jeno what he kept in his bag then you would (or would not) be surprised at the endless amount of candy and sugary treats he pulls out of it that he keeps for both himself and your daughter. it's clear where she got her sweet tooth from. usagi transforms into sailor moon on the television screen, your daughter astrode on his lap, each of them holding a pink spoon and taking turns scooping bites of cookies 'n cream and macademia into their mouths. you collapse onto the sofa with an exaggerated sigh once you finish dishes duty, your head falling into the unoccupied crook of jeno's neck. your daughter swings a spoonful of ice cream towards your mouth, calling it a reward for working hard "because daddy always does it" and you accept with a giggle.
donghyuck drums his fingers on the steering wheel to the soundtrack of moana, occasionally peeking to the back to check on his sleeping girl tucked into the car seat. he keeps a hand nestled into her soft locks as he steers her towards where you said you'd be waiting at the department store, making a very important decision on whether you should get the white or sage green kitten heels for your cousin's wedding in jeju next month. your daughter then pops on a pair of oversized celine sunglasses, and it's too funny and adorable that the salesgirl was giving the three of you the stink eye for making such a ruckus in the store. he pays for it anyways, because he'll probably steal it for himself for when he has to be at the airport at early hours to leave for an overseas schedule or concert.
jaemin tries his best, really. he just can't help it when he sees luke sitting by his son as he draws on the coffee table. you can't expect him to bake the chocolate chip cookies, watch for stains on the oak from your son's oil pastels and feed all three cats at once. he doesn't know how you do it. luckily the cookies don't burn in the oven, he puts down parchment so the oak table is safe, and all cats are soothed by your son's magic touch and gentle pressing hand. when you notice a speck of oil pastel in their furs later on you only sigh and make a call to the salon to get them a bath, noticing their claws have been getting too long to the point they can mar your precious boys' skin.
you raise a hand to shield your eyes from the blaring sunlight, the piercing rays making chenle and your son look like mere sillhouettes as they zip around the court, the boinking sound of the basketball echoing in the park that's not too crowded for a friday morning. you can tell he's being much more gentle and a lot slower than he usually does for your son, fixing his stances and the grip of his fingers on the ball as he demonstrates a three pointer. your son joyfully claps everytime he shoots, and he ruffles his hair as a thank you. he calls out to you, demanding his congratulations kiss, but there is no way you're even going to come close to two very sweaty boys under the sweltering august heat.
your son actually prefers jisung to read him the bedtime stories he keeps in his shelf. he tucks him into the crook of his arm, whispering gently of the boy who discovers a treasure box in the forest and goes on an adventure with his pet hamster. his voice is too low to catch over the running of the sink as you remove your makeup, secretly wishing your son would fall asleep faster so that you can brush your teeth together. you watch from the doorway as he very carefully detaches himself from your son's side to slip the book back into its place on the bookshelf, tuck the sheets up to his chin, and place a gentle kiss to his forehead before he clicks the star shaped light off and his arm comes up to circle around your waist, pressing you against the wall to collect his kiss that tastes like peppermint toothpaste and your scent he can never get enough of.
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emblemxeno · 2 months
For as good-natured and open-minded as Alear is, effectively he's still extremely young and easily swayed.
While sweet to his friends, he's not at all merciful to enemies, such as outright saying he's going to kill Nelucce for what he's done to Alfred and Celine's family and home. Similarly, he lacks nuance/perspective on Veyle's situation later, thinking that such a blatant switch in personality was just her being a master manipulator this whole time, and lets his anger take control of what he says to her. A classic, good use of dramatic irony.
He doesn't run from things cuz Lumera told him that a Divine Dragon shouldn't run from anything, but Alear took that to an extreme by walking into danger even when advised against it by someone who absolutely knew better-Marth. It's precisely why Lucina and Lyn later have to explain the difference between running away from everything that scares you, and making a retreat when things don't look good. Courage is knowing the risks and recognizing your fear, but rising up to the challenge when it's still possible to win; folly and stubbornness is ignoring the risks as a whole due to getting a swollen head about your own abilities.
Specifically, what's great about this to me, is that Alear is still a work in progress in the story proper. He's compassionate to not want others to experience the pain he has, but not enough to fully grasp the kinds of things people would do because they, their country, or their families were hurt (Zephia, Hortensia, Hyacinth, etc.). He has much general wisdom and good day-to-day advice, but is still susceptible to being full of himself (Chapters 10 and 11). Even after getting a hold of himself when he lost the first six Emblems, he's still not mature enough to see Veyle as anything other than a selfish, monstrous murderer.
When learning he's a Fell Dragon, he sinks into despair, feeling as if he's been deceiving everyone this whole time, even though that perspective logically doesn't make sense. But it doesn't have to! Alear is convinced that Fell Dragons = Bad News, and that it doesn't matter what kind of person he actually is, his heritage is enough for derision.
That's why it matters so much that his friends immediately reassure him of the opposite! Dude, you just spent the entire game learning and growing with us, helping people from royal to citizen, using your power to protect others. You've proven your own version of Divinity, not just because of your hair color, but because of your unending goodness. You're a good dragon!
Alear doesn't have to be all powerful, he just has to be himself; encouraging, calming, inspiring, leader-like. He just has to connect himself to others so they can overcome challenges together. It's also why his interactions with Veyle (and Mauvier as well tbh) are incredibly well done, since now that Alear's been through the process of healing and accepting who he is versus who he can be, he can do the same for his precious sister.
What a lovely character Alear is.
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
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Intimacy prompt #1: hugging them from behind, laying their heads on the other shoulder.
It wasn’t hard to find Billy when he was cursing up a storm from his place in the living room alongside Eugene, who was blazing through the level without much hassle, where as Billy was struggling to get through his whilst trying to not get shot or blown up like his past two attempts.
However the game they were playing wasn’t known to be merciful for first time players as Billy’s character was subsequently killed as his side of the television became a shade of blood red as the bold lettering of ‘you died’ flashed on screen with the ‘restart level’ and ‘go back to main menu’ were sprawled beneath it in smaller, missable lettering. Billy sighed defeatedly as he put down the controller onto the coffee table, taking the headphone from his head before placing them next to the controller, as he hauled himself out of his armchair muttering about getting a drink from the fridge.
‘Don’t be so hard on yourself Billy,’ you told him as you joined him in the kitchen, ignoring the fact that you heard him scoff, ‘you’ll get the hang of it in due time and soon you’ll be a pro like Eugene.’ You gestured back to the living room, where Eugene had already made it past the last level of the game, was now watching the final cinematic cutscene play out whilst nursing his cramped hands. ‘Don’t fake sympathy for me y/n, I know I’m shit and I doubt I’ll be able to get on Eugene’s level of expertise in gaming.’ Billy replied, taking a sip from his drink as his gaze was firmly lock on the window just over the kitchen sink, that looked out into back garden; Still a tad upset over his amateur loss.
You sighed, already having expected this typical response from him, and moved across the room to cage your arms over his chest, pausing briefly when his muscles stiffened be so your touch before relaxing again as you then tested your head comfortably on his shoulder, where you nuzzled his cheek. ‘What will make you feel better then hmm?’ You asked him softly, your thumbs subconsciously rubbing his sides in reassurance. Wanting nothing more then to provide him a safe place to open up and be comfortable in doing so.
Billy sighed, putting his bottle of fizzy drink down on the counter to put his hands over your own, rubbing the back of them out of habit. ‘I’d like it if you kept holding me like this a little while longer.’ He said, feeling a tad embarrassed of being so open about how he felt after repressing his emotions for so long, he was still a little rusty but with your help Billy had been able to become a lot more accepting of letting others lending him their aid, without feeling as though it was all just transactional. ‘Are you sure you don’t want to move to somewhere more comfortable?’ Billy’s hands tightening on yours when he felt them began to pull away, bringing them back to where they once were.
‘No, standing here with you is fine enough for me.’ He replied in a soft tone. A smile spread across your lips as you made yourself more comfortable by pressing yourself further into his back, arms holding onto him tight. ‘Okay, don’t blame me when your feet start to ache from standing here for too long, or when Freddy starts belting his rendition of ‘my heart will go on’ by Celine Dion.’ You warned Billy playfully as he could only chuckle, moving his head so he could press a kiss to your forehead, whispering against it, ‘I’ll take my chances.’
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KTH- Quiet Getaway
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You were used to Taehyung surprising you, wether it be with a new dog, a new car, a new dress to match his favourite suits or even a bouquet of flowers. So the fact he had planned an entire week holiday to Japan should have been nothing, but it was not.
He hasn’t booked a room at a hotel instead renting an entire house, accompanied with a pool, a tennis court and even a mini golf court.
It was safe to say you were amazed, taehyung was much more privy to these luxuries than you, even though he always made it clear you was entirely welcome to join him and the members on their travel you always felt like something of an imposter.
He was always quick to reassure you that you wasn’t the case. However the last incident had put you out of commission for attending any kind of luxury places for the near future, even the thought alone made you cringe.
You had accompanied Taehyung on a trip to Paris for fashion week, he had been personally invited by celine. The brand had wanted him to attend so much so that they sent a private jet to accommodate his travel.
Fans had lined the streets of Paris chanting for Taehyung and he bounced between the fashion houses and various stores. Your relationship with taehyung hadn’t been made public, instead you had both decided along with the company that they would portray you as a staff member to ensure you both had privacy.
You tried to explain that to the security guard at one of the Luxury stores but he was not in the mode to listen, instead directing you back to stand with the other fans hoping to catch a glimpse of the idol.
You tried to text taehyung to let him know that you had gotten stuck in the crowd outside and soon enough he came to rescued you, having his manager explain to the security that you too was supposed to be with Tae. The security guard has apologised profusely and you had accepted wanting the situation to be over but it couldn’t held the embarrassment you felt.
The thought that you could not be someone to THE Kim Taehyung was somewhat disappointed but he made sure to keep you happy through the day, he asked the manager to walk beside you to prevent it happening again but you declined telling him you were going to head back to the hotel.
You felt bad at seeing the worried look flash across his eyes but you dismissed it with a smile saying you were just dealing with a bout of jetlag.
He didn’t believe you and you knew that as such but he still wanted to explore and had a few more meetings to attend so he let you go, discreetly kissing you in the back of the car before having the driver drop you off at the hotel.
You felt humiliated as you climbed into the bathtub, you cried until your eyes were sore. You knew Tae would ask but you had no way to explain how demeaning it felt to have someone deem you as “not enough” to be a staff member, let alone his girlfriend.
It hadn’t been the first time it had happened in the three years you had been together, the memories of being pushed aside by security at concerts or fan sign events had given you some what of a fear to attending. It didn’t mean you supported him any less just that you wanted to save him the trouble of continuously rescuing you.
When he got back to the hotel that day he had already planned an apology, coming in with flowers and your favourite chocolates and food. He held you for a while, explaining how sorry he was, how he should have noticed. You tried to tell him that it wasn’t his fault but he was firm that it was, that he should have put you first.
That was 7 months ago and you hadn’t gone with him to any event since, he knew it wasn’t a personal thing, he knew you loved him, he truly could understand.
You were ready to decline when he asked you to come on a trip with him but he assured you that it would only be you two, no camera, no schedule, just a couple having a week long trip.
The flight was quiet, thankfully you’d avoided Kmedia and no one happened to recognise either of you. You still hadn’t gotten used to the luxuries of first class but Tae was making sure to fulfil your every whim. You loved how much effort he put in to try and make it such a memorable experience for you both.
“Baby we landed, you gotta get up.” He shook you lightly, his voice gruff as if he too had just woken up. You found his disheveled hair adorable as you reached up to card a hand through it before standing up.
“Do you have everything?” You asked before you both began following the instructions to exit the flight to which he nodded, lacing his hand in your own as he guided you off.
He had already planned for a driver to take you to the place you were suppose to be staying at. The drive was quiet, both of you taking in the sights and trying to recover from the tiredness.
You audibly gasped as you see the house for the first time.
“It’s called rusutsu chalet.” He explained. As he climbed out the car, thanking the driver as he helped you bring your luggage inside.
You made note of the artwork on the walls, something that was very much Taheyungs style.
“What do you think” He laughed as he nudged you further into the house, giving you the go ahead to explore as much as you wanted to.
You were at a loss for words, you’d never seen something so high class, secretly you were afraid to touch anything, it all seemed so delicate and not something you could afford to replace.
It was truly stunning, you were unsure how anyone could stay here, the house belonged in a museum.
You had wandered around for nearly twenty minuets, enjoying and exploring the property, even peeking outside before Tae called you over to the extremely large couch.
“There’s something I want to explain.” He said with his lips pursed, a focused look on his face only making you worry.
You walked over to him painfully slow, was this where he ended it?
Rationally you knew it made no sense to bring you all the way here to break up with you but you’d never seen him this serious when it came to a conversation with you.
“What’s wrong Te?” You asked, keeping your voice as neutral as possible.
He buried his head into your neck forcing you to lay backwards where he kept you for a while before pulling himself up and you along with. You weren’t sure whether you were going to have sex or be made single but either way you were highly confused.
“I paid for this, for us.” He explained, gesturing round to the house.
You nodded, of course he had. “I know Tae, I wish you’d let me help pay it must be so expensive for the week.”
He shakes his head sighing. “No I mean I brought it for us, the house.”
“You did what?!” You shot up, thrown off by the unexpected revelation.
He laughed, gently pulling you back down to the couch. “I know that every time we go somewhere the majority of it you’re too worried to be shut out, too worried to be a burden. I called the airline and set up my card with them. Any time you want to enjoy yourself you just call them and book a flight here. I thought it would give us somewhere private where you could enjoy all the wonderful things you haven’t been able to. I also thought it would be better to have a second place to go to so that when we want to be together but it’s too busy in Korea we can come here.”
“So this is what you were doing last week when you said you had to sign contracts!” You slapped his arm playfully.
He laugh nodding. “I want you to feel as important, regardless of our income or job titles I want you to know that with me you are my equal. There will never be a place I go that you are not welcome.”
“Tae..” Your vision blurred as he engulfed you in a hug, you didn’t mind the way his hair ticketed your face or the way you were twisted uncomfortably. This was the most selfless thing anyone had ever done for you.
“Do you like it?” He asks again, this time more hopeful.
“Although I’m not happy that you didn’t talk to me about it because god this looks so expensive I think if I ever knew I’d cry, I am so touched that you would create a place for us that was our own.” You kissed him, letting your hands roam across his stomach, dipping daringly below his waist band.
His breath hitched, a sign telling you that his calm composure was a facade. “You know, we live together right? Back home? We always have a place that’s our own. Wherever you are is where I want to be.”
“Such a thoughtful boyfriend aren’t you Tae Tae ?” You whisper against his ear, feeling your own excitement pool between your legs.
You was not expecting it as he bent down, picking you up in his arms as if you was a baby as he headed towards the stairs.
“Tae! Put me down!” You squealed.
He landed a spank to your ass, effectively silencing you. “Nope. I’m going to fuck you in every single room of our house.”
“I love you Kim Taehyung.” You whispered breathlessly.
“I adore you most, my love.”
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afleetoftrashships · 2 months
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Edit: now calling this 'unknowingly claimed' cause it won't leave my head. Here, have a Masterpost
After Sam left, and Baby was Dean's, he ran his fingers over this carving every chance he got. Whenever he slept in Baby, he would sleep with one hand over touching it, remembering how close he and Sam were before.
It took him days to accept that Sam was really gone, weeks to accept he wasn't coming back, and months to accept that it was better that way.
Their dad was right, if Sam was out then Dean couldn't risk keeping in contact, couldn't visit or talk to his brother. It would only put a target on his back.
But Baby didn't feel like home, not anymore. Not when there was noone there to roll their eyes when Dean put on Zeppelin, or to insist he eat something green once in a while, or to snore safe and sound in the passenger seat on a cross country drive. Dean would never admit it, but he kept one of Sam's dumb Celine Dion cassette tapes in his duffle and after Sam had been gone two weeks dean knew it by heart just in case Sam changed his mind.
After 6 months, Dean accepted he would never see his Sam ever again. He got blind drunk, and got Sam's initials tattooed on his hip, as a mark of ownership (because the first thing that defined who he was as a person was Sam so he would always be first and foremost Sam's), as a reminder of why he has to keep hunting/living/fighting (Sammy never wanted this life), and as a reminder that everyone will leave. He sobered up and realised what he'd done, and it was the first time he felt peace since Sam left.
Most one night stands didn't care about the initials - why would they? But Cassie did, and her stubborn drive to know and inability to leave it alone pushed him past all the feelings of pain/failure/loss/despair and for the first time he was able to talk about his Sam without being three sheets to the wind. He talked about his Sammy, and sobbed because he failed/lost/can't protect his Sammy, but never specified who that was. She thought it was his only true love, someone who has died.
When he told her about the hunting the next day, she thought he was trying to find an excuse to leave because he'd been vulnerable, when in reality, he had already told her the most important part of his existence, so why hide anything else?
But when he came back and introduced his brother Sam, his Sammy? She knew she never had a claim on any part of Dean Winchester. Because he was already claimed in every way.
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velvet4510 · 3 months
“My Heart Will Go On” has been played and replayed so often that it’s commonly considered cliche at this point to associate it with anything outside of Titanic, to apply the beautiful message within its stunning lyrics and Celine’s angelic voice to another story or specifically another couple.
But I must admit how the song screams Tolkien to me.
The ages of the world go by, and even as things change and disappear, spirits endure. Elves fade from our world, but endure in the West. Dwarves and hobbits disappear from history, but continue on in the shadows where we can never see them. Men rise and prosper. All their hearts do go on.
And more specifically, look at all the Elves - Círdan, Elrond, and Galadriel especially - who persevere and continue to be strong after enormous personal losses and struggles and destructions. Look at how the Númenorean survivors move forward after the loss of their homelands and build new homes. Look at how the Dwarves never truly lose hope of regaining Erebor and Moria, and eventually do both successfully. Look at how the hobbits evolve after the Scouring, replanting the Shire to make it more beautiful than ever before, accepting a working class gardener as their Mayor and crafting new libraries and records. Look at how Tom Bombadil and Goldberry spend all the ages of the world living happily together in their little forest, regardless of what occurs outside their home. All their hearts go on.
Look at how Bilbo and Sam each lose the respective loves of their lives (Thorin and Frodo) but each move forward, opening up to new loves in their families - Bilbo finds joy again with Frodo, Sam finds joy again with Rosie and their children - passing on their stories to the next generation, and going off to find peace in the Blessed Realm. Their hearts go on.
Look at how Frodo loses so much of himself because of the Ring, but rather than lie down and die, accepts Arwen’s gift and sails West to seek the self-care and healing that he needs. His heart goes on.
Look at how Éowyn loses every parental figure she’s ever had, survives years of sexual harassment and oppression, goes through a depression, experiences the horrors and NDEs of war … and emerges stronger and wiser than ever into a new life of love, bliss, growth, and healing. Her heart goes on.
Look at how Faramir endures years of mistreatment by his own dad and the absence of his mom, loses the only family member who ever truly valued him, is touched by the Black Breath … and survives to flourish in a new position, rebuild a broken realm, and find true love. His heart goes on.
Look at how Legolas watches almost all of his mortal friends die, but chooses to move on to the place where he can endure and not fade, carrying all his cherished memories with him. His heart goes on.
It’s actually a beautiful thing to think about.
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