#Spiritual selfishness
tabernacleheart · 10 months
Through [all of Scripture], God [tells us] that it is just as important to be righteous inwardly as it is outwardly. We cannot say we love God and others when we fail to help people who are within our power to help. Just as James 1:27 tells us, true religion includes helping orphans, widows, and those who are in distress. James goes on to write that faith without works is a dead faith (James 2:26). In short, faith is both believing in the Lord and doing the things He has told us to do. Take some time to think about your own life: how much time do you prioritize on your own spirituality versus serving others?
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thepeacefulgarden · 5 months
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chillwithnea · 11 months
the magic begins, when...
you start to say 'no'
you start to put yourself first
you start to treat & see yourself as the queen you are
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thebluesky-that-loves · 3 months
Believe in yourself !!!!
Today's affirmation
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biophilianutrition · 7 months
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Healing Space
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im obsessed with the neverafter party composition btw. no cleric. no druid. relying on a BARD and a RANGER for healing...... so many class choices that lean support & utility (ranger, bard, rogue) and we don’t have anyone’s subclasses yet, which could push the fighter and even barb in that direction depending on which subclass murph and emily pick, and the things lou could do with the modularity of the warlock class........... AHHH i hope they all make it to level 3
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clits-and-clips · 1 month
Since writing the affirmations and starting manifestation again, I've actually been in a much better headspace. It's crazy how things align, and you end up where you need to be, especially through pain
#txt#have been reading the affirmations every day twice a day sometimes#doing my intentions and manifesting what i wsnt#which is mainly independence#also a good relationship with my ex from here#mainly stuff for me tho#and the full moon on Wednesday which is in scorpio which is his sun sign#will be a big release and maybe i can let go a bit or a lot lol#i need to move on and focus on myself and what i want in life and doing it all on my own#with support obviously but ive never been fully independent and im so ready for the blessings and the open doors#i dont know if ill truly ever be over him but i have to try for my own sanity at this point#i dont want to manifest anything selfish like him coming back to me because it probably wont happen anyway lmao#i hope i dont sound crazy lmao but coming back into my spiritual journey is definitely what i need#connecting with myself and my purpose feels like the only thing i can do rn#have a driving lesson tomorrow but in all honesty i could just go do the test and pass cause ive been driving forever and im good at it#just need to practice certain things but im nearly there! so close i can feel it and see it#anyway i hope i can keep this energy up and continue to head in a positive direction because it feels really good#if i need to cry about him and the loss then i will but im not going to dwell on it too much#i just need to take it as a lesson and let it go :)#cause at the end of the day i really did lead myself here whether it was his choice to end it or not#blah
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hektor-world · 3 months
تهنا بين اشتياق وانتظار
حنين ولهفة
بعد والم
‏تظاهر بالإكتفاء ..
وإن كنت أكثرهم
أحتياجاً لكل شيء
ويلٌ لقلبٍ لايهدأ كلّما مرَّ طيفك
وويلٌ لِـطيفكَ الّذي لايغيب...
من أجمل أسرار الليل
إنك تجتمع حلماً
بمن عنه المسافات أبعدتك
فتكتمل به ويكتمل بك
رغماً عن واقعه وواقعك !
ف جسدي ها هنا
وروحي حيث تتنفسين
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bobowhipsblog · 7 days
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karmicstar · 1 year
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thehighpriestess22 · 1 year
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wetneptunee · 11 months
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themagikmirror · 5 months
🐲 Let's Begin the Transition 🐉
Greetings & Again, HappyNewYear! Im starting off 2024 praying that we can all manifest & maintain a ThroatChakra as strong, active and healed as Katt Williams LOL, especially if you’ve been following along with my 2023 content ! This video is full of quick reminders and tips to start 2024 as we simultaneously come out of 2023’s Final Mercury Retrograde ! I start the video explaining why self care is not selfish AT ALL right now! It’s aligned with what God needs us to do to be our best! Self Care may come through a multitude of things for us this Winter Season like slowing our pace, better boundaries, stillness, deeper meditation and realigning with regimens, rituals and routines that refill our cups. A chunk of the video reviews time stamps where I received similar messages, yet I still give additional info about how this Mercury RX may challenge us to communicate & engage with more honesty, intention & mindfulness. Lastly, before giving a quick reading : I drop downloads putting the start of each “New Year” into perspective. The most important thing opening up 2024, is PEACE .
Here are some key messages from Spirit right now : 🕊️“Peace is trusting yourself, having/building faith and listening to your intuition.” 🕊️“Internal Guidance > External Guidance right now “ 🕊️“What’s Meant for You Will Match Your Peace, not disturb it” 🕊️“It Will Work Out in God’s Timing” 🕊️"Remember all that I've brought you through..."
Definitely use January to GO WITHIN! Coming out of this RX you should feel more confident in your voice, truth & personal wisdom. No one can advise you better than yourself right now. Starting off the year may come with a little bit of disillusion & unmet expectations from 2023. There may be a bit of grief and confusion around things that didn’t go or aren’t going quite as expected, as well as uncertainty with how to move forward. Know our guides don’t want us to cry over spilled milk and ESPECIALLY over milk that has yet to spill! Reflect & Release as needed, but try not to sulk in that energy. Instead, tap into your spirituality and communal resources to get you through your struggles. Understand there’s a bigger picture at play and transitioning into a new space/new year is a chance for you to think & dream bigger when feelings of lost hope & faithlessness seep in. Know if you are maintaining YOUR PEACE, you are always winning in God’s eyes! Prioritizing Peace is the key to getting the most out of January 2024 and anchoring yourself through this major state of transitioning from an old space into something new.
🪞Self Check with these questions / Meditate on where you are beginning 2024 :
Are you listening to your body?
Do you have rituals, community & connections that fuel your faith?
What is the main thing(s) you harbor disappointment about from 2023?
How can you release your expectation / idea of how things should’ve been in 2023 or could be in 2024?
What does prioritizing YOUR peace look, feel & sound like in January 2024?
🚫No written Retrograde Receipt graphic for this one
🚫No additional written summary (its already in the caption)
🪞✨Join Post+ for community building, Book the Full Moon Session under service on the Facebook Page for Year Ahead/2024 readings : divine message & a divine look at your authentic reflection!
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m--bloop · 2 years
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columbo ocd moments
(I couldn’t fit them all in the post)
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thebirdandhersong · 2 years
#ladies n gents i am asking once again for prayer..... for what feels like the hundredth time this year#i am going to have to break up with Mr knight and it isn't going to be easy#and it's gonna have to be soon#lord have mercy on an exhausted girl#it's just too many differences and a very different outlook on things in life that i think are important#like finance management mutual spiritual growth connection with community#emotional vulnerability and also ideas about the future and planning for it#but most of all. i cannot share my love for stories with him#and I've tried. but it's just not something he's interested in listening to or indeed understanding#that hurts a tad. i don't think i can marry a man who i can't share that part of me with#will not go into further details but that's where things are#sorry for vaguely sad and pessimistic posts i am very numb and resigned#suffice it to say#i would also like to write love letters to someone who will write back#instead of telling me he received them and saying thanks#i am very unhappy indeed. and cannot go on like this long term#that's all#I've wanted to either cry throw up scream or simply collapse in my bed for the past little while because of this#i wanted it to work out! i WOULD'VE loved him for a lifetime#and thought i was asking too much or being too selfish in wanting reciprocation#in many things#but i am simply exhausted. i have done a fair bit of crying so i shan't any longer#😭😭😭😭😭😭 would very much like a hug and a cup of tea#it had been a very long couple of weeks#slings and arrows of outrageous fortune in year 21
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"Spiritual emotions result in Christian practice because their object is the loveliness of spiritual things, not our self-interest. People have a defective Christianity because they are seeking their own interests in it, not God’s. So they accept Christianity only to the extent that they think it serves their interests. By contrast, a person who accepts it for its own excellent and lovely nature, accepts everything which has that nature." - Jonathan Edwards
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