#I’m sad. I need to see beauty—LAKE. AT. SUNSET.
strohller27 · 30 days
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beautifullyunspoken · 11 months
I feel like I care too much.
When somebody hurts me even when it’s something so horrible & unforgivable I always find a way to forgive them, I can see why they did what they did I feel everything even their pain so I can reason their actions as I know it’s not the person themselves but their learned behaviour or their lack of self esteem or their trauma or just their general bad decisions we all make. We are only human & I too have made mistakes & will continue to make them
When I see something beautiful I want to share it with the world. The way the sunsets & how when I walk around the lake & it’s so still that it mirrors the sky. At night time when the stars are shining bright i go to take a photo to share how pretty it is & get sad when it’s too dark in the photos to show anyone. ☹️
When I hear a song I will think of who will like it or who it reminds me of & send it to them.
When I eat a a restaurant I will look at the menu & see if theres anything that’s vegan so I can take my vegan friend there so she can try somewhere new
If I see a old person eating alone I feel sad for them especially if they look sad & I contemplate going to eat with them
When I’m eating in the food court & the cleaner is cleaning the table next to me I will make conversation with her & ask her how her day is going. Usually they’re shocked someone is talking to them
When I found microdosing 🍄 & how it helped my mental health I got soo many people onto it cause I believe we all need to feel healing
When I see something I like on a stranger I get excited to compliment them
& when I’m scrolling on Tik Tok I will like & comment on the posts with little views just to make them feel seen & just as important
And when I see a new series or movie come out I will share it with that friend that I think will enjoy it
When I listen to a podcast about healing I think about all the people that could benefit from that advice as I learn that good advice
I want to help everyone but I don’t know how to & I’m not sure If people care about getting better as much as I want them to.
I do all of this I lay in bed and wonder if I’m a good person, i worry about everything & everyone or who I haven’t replied to, it’s like is there anything I do for myself without feeling the need to share it with someone else or even think about myself & just be in the present moment & have that just for me 🫶🏼 with my own thoughts about myself without worrying about anyone else or being kind only to myself ❤️
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allovertheworldblog · 4 months
Beautiful Bergen
I took the 23.09 from Oslo to Bergen, another night train.
I reasoned that I was going to Bergen anyway and this way I didn’t need accommodation for the night.
It turns out that this train ride is meant to be one of the most beautiful in the world.
Overall, Norway is a stunning country,
this is accentuated in winter, I think.
I travelled all the way down from Tromso, way up in the north of the country,
I’d seen reindeer,
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frozen lakes,
snow-covered mountains,
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stunning winter scenes
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and glorious sunsets.
So, I don’t feel I missed out too much.
The train pulls into Bergen sometime after 07.00. I felt like I haven’t slept at all.
I hang around the station for a while before going to the hostel, which I’ve booked, The Bergen YMCA.
It’ll be the first time I’ll have stayed in a YMCA on all my travels.
I stayed in a YWCA in Guyana, but that’s a whole other story.
The hostel is spread over a few floors of a building, so has a disjointed feel to it,
but the place is clean and user friendly. 
The hostel has a real mix of people staying there,
a Korean guy studying in Paris,
a Canadian girl studying in Edinburgh,
a few French Canadians who sound funny
and a few Italians who are funny.
There’s also a Spanish guy who is looking for work, but can’t speak either English or Norwegian.
The weather in Bergen is much milder than the rest of Norway, given that it’s further south than anywhere else I’ve been to.
There is some snow on the ground, but it’s the rain that is much more in evidence.
It kind of makes the place feel a bit sad. 
As it turns out Bergen is a lovely city with fjords nearby and great walks that you can do on the hills and mountains that surround the city.
On Saturday I spend most of the day in the hostel and watch and listen to coverage of the Irish general election,
in which the ruling party is reduced from 75 seats to 20 in the parliament. 
At night I go for a drink with one of the guys in the hostel.
I’m surprised to see so many young people around the town, all done up for the night.
During the week the city feels quiet, there don’t seem to be that many young people around the place,
maybe they’re all off working in Norwegian wood factories or something.
In the end I really get to like Bergen, its quirkiness, its history and its wooden buildings and its vitality.
Taking the night train to Oslo in order to catch a flight to Iceland I get a feeling that I’m leaving Norway,
even though I’m only going to Oslo.
I feel a sense of sadness to be leaving the country.
I’ll have to come back, to see Stavanger, to take the Myrdal to Flam train ride, to see the fjords, to see the Nothern Lights.
Yes, I’ll go back to Norway.
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healinghoneybee · 11 months
Summer apricots and peaches
Have you ever wanted to craft a beautiful ending? Mold a story into its sad but beautiful hallucination. The periwinkle silvery tinsel castle-great-hall promise it holds. Re-make it into something healing to keep and hold, but it just wouldn’t budge?
I want to honor our time with a caring and considerate departure, but over the course of this little life of mine, since I woke up in a bed with a small stain of blood in my lap, I’ve been wide awake gathering the crumbs of self-respect, and it’s finally added up to enough. Every time I try to ignore the missing recognition of my heart’s losses and let downs, I sense the story’s beauty unfulfilled. In order to make beautiful, please just give me a whisper if you can? Will you read my poem or attend a little ritual of mine, to honor my soul’s capacity for grief and therefore love? It would mean more to me if you came.
I know that I am worth even more than shimmery heartbreak orgasm crying release room moment. I see the magic and I will dance with you and hold your hand if you first whisper to me,
“You can be sad – I know you deserve more than this. I am sorry if I sang the loveliest of songs and put coloured crayon dreams in your precious notebooks that sounded like I will want more of this for some time. More of ants biting beach bums and warm lake swims where I want to stay in for a while. Maybe, I should have told you I might be uncertain and I care about you so I wish you to know the possibility that a man is not his summer song. I wish you to join me and hold these things but only like a summer sunset or starry meteor flash, if that is what you want, too. I don’t want you to give that up (please don’t) but I want to respect that you can. I want you to be free if you know that more bruises will hurt and rot your peach heart just a little too much in the fall. Once I heard about your pretty bruises in a boat left just for us and how you’ve been collecting crumbs to make a crumble, and oh, wow. How I admire that time and space you’ve taken to recover and craft yourself. I want to give you more but I am starting to love your peach heart. So I will apologize if from the beginning I never said, “Careful, darling. I’ll give you what I can and I feel like it’s a lot of love to give but it may fall short of all your capacities. I don’t want your hope to bruise deep in a sudden ladder fall from harvest trees. Please don’t climb too high, love, and take only a basket. Your heights are beautiful and for that reason, I won’t pretend to meet you all the way there. I want you to be brave and enjoy, but don’t forget your homemade crumble that allows you to wait. I know I pull you towards magic but you are also so sweet and full that given the choice, you do not need to open the door to anyone, including me. You say your favourite is ripe apricots like the ones from your grandparents orchards in Stoney Creek. I’m kind of in awe and I kind of don’t believe you. Who doesn’t want to Lady-and-the-Tramp a peach and laugh as the nectar dribbles down our chins and wrists and feeds our stomach gut pals with sweetness? Who can survive off apricots alone, with companions that are kind but don’t set our hearts ablaze? I think you deserve both and all the fruits of your labour. I want that for you, but my darling, maybe not from me or right now. One of these days.”
I’ve been wishing for you to acknowledge my sad silent broken brave hope. Hope for more days of just us and some music and silent tandem reading, more days to hold your curly-haired head in my lap, or walk through old forgotten mountain cities with weed footstep reverberations where I let myself feel the ground so solidly. My body was waking up and I was starting to feel safe and powerful and like a goddess feeling my body reverberations. I think you could not see the possibilities of my grounded awakening. I did not speak it – did you notice? If you looked far enough and see plainly what is in front of you, you could see my awakening born from blood in my lap and summer apricots and peaches and see the gifts that such life mysteries bring. If you truly saw me, you would not think that sharing our paths would stunt your growth and introspection. I bow to introspection, I’ve spent years in it. I believe our lives can be spacious, and you can have your sweet independence and eat your peaches too. I know solidly that it is not possible for me to lose the individuality that I’ve been marinating in and building alone for my whole damn life. I am not stopping you from growth, so tell me the truth. That you just do not love me as much as you painted in your offering of words and plans and songs and intimate nights.
If I can be totally honest, it was only just a handful of years ago that I shared peaches with someone else and we faced each other in a boat because we had to keep admiring each other and then I had a nasty fall. Has your heart ever bruised through your thin and fuzzy and sacred skin? It might be healing if you saw my bruises and showed yours and understood and felt it just for a moment with me. Recently, the person who gave me the blood in my lap sat with me. He read my bruise poems and I felt cared for. I saw the ending I knew we both had the potential for, and we wrapped it with a bow.
You only just laughed and blew me a kiss. I think you might have shed a tear once beside me but I didn’t know if it was for me. I wasn’t ready for it. You deflected and hung it up there, as I was asking you to sit with me in my disappointment and reflect back to me the worth of my peach and apricot crumble. And then my anger grew and baked until it burnt the sweetness I wanted to give to you or keep.
You said you wanted to be my mirror and reflect. In the ending, can you reflect my awakening you were a part of? I’m left with a peach and apricot crumble in the fall and no one to eat it with me. I was left a silent space where I had been carving out room to build our trust. Where I made space to learn and practice and live out and grow my capacity for love and share the rich inner life I’ve built inside. Can you apologize for the songs you sung to coax me higher up the tree and left me for a nasty fall? Even though I agree the songs were nice and you are not bad. I hold it gently now. I am able to bruise like peaches and still be the most fuzzy, juicy, farmers market friendly faces special treat.
I am capable, but I desire more. I want informed consent and choice. I am awake to the pulling reassurances and too-early in its excitement romance plans that tell me to enjoy! trust! open! love! what may only be another sunburn summer love. I want to approach love in my way, that honors my experience. I am relying on myself to recognize the signs when others are not reliable. To make curious space and respect your ways that I cannot love up close, out of respect for myself. And now that I’ve seen it as possible, I trust how it feels right and look for those who are trying to engage with and practice accountability, apology, repair and being with uncomfortable feelings.
Can you acknowledge that you sang a crisp and enticing tune that sounded a little deceiving, a little more than just summer? Can you please whisper sorry and ice my bruisey knees one last time, at least for a moment after the ferry when the larches are out? After I’ve recovered from shock and came down from Slovenian alpine planina villages and “I’ll be okays” to the frigid Canadian winter for which we cannot bypass when our heart has loved as mine does. I am worth a plain conversation after purple alleyway rooms. Read my poem and whisper something to me. And I will wrap this up in lavender tinsel bow and call you my summer peach friend.
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alice-angel12x · 3 years
Naga! BakuDekuShoto X (fem)Mermaid!Reader
Part 2. Here
Y/n is warned to never go near the surface by her pod. She's been going near the surface every night and very early at dawn, sunrise to relax, sing, watch the sunset. Being a mermaid had its many blessing and curses. They were creatures of great beauty and magic, from their beautiful voices to the powerful magic in just a single tear. So naturally, they were secretive creatures.
A great lake deep in the forest of Atigus, a large pod of Merpeople lived in this lake. A lake so deep it could have been mistaken for the deepest part of the ocean. Living so far down in the deeps, they were a bit isolated from the many magical and grand creatures that also inhabit the forest.
Yet Y/n was a curious individual and would swim near the surface, in hopes of seeing another creature. Thought she was smart enough to know that there is one creature that she must avoid at all costs, Man. Yet She would brave the bright surface, and sing out to no one in particular.
One day as she ventured to the surface at sunset, she began to sing into the wind. As she rested on the lake's edge, she suddenly felt a painful sting on her shoulder. Y/n gasped in pain, but her body became so heavy suddenly and lost all control. As she laid there motionless, as she heard the snicker and the strange language of humans.
The humans quickly slumped the unconscious mermaid onto their backs and tried to find their way back to the village. Yet as they walked down the path, they could feel predatory eyes watching them.
As one of the humans looked around, they noticed that special markings were etched into the tree's around them.
"Oh no, we have walked into Naga territory," one of the humans gasped in horror.
As the two trembled, a large shadow engulfed them. The tallest stood up to 9 feet in height, standing above them, while the shortest stood 7 feet. They couldn't begin to fathom how long these nagas could be. These giants glared down at the small humans that had invaded their territory.
Dealing with the humans was simple, yet something did catch one of their eyes. The smaller green naga noticed the abandoned creature on the ground.
"What is that?" The freckled naga wondered.
"It looks like to be a humanoid creature like us," a red and white naga commented as he leaned over the mermaid.
"Yet, it's not. Its scales look strange and its tail is so short, it's the same size as those pathetic humans," The ashy blond Naga scoffed as he picked the mer by her tail.
"K-kacchan! Careful," the green-haired naga gasped.
"Why does it look like part fish?" The red and white naga asked, " You should be careful, Bakugo."
"Whatever, Deku," Bakugo scoffed, as he tossed the body over to green Naga.
"Nice catch Midoriya," The red and white naga commented.
"Thanks, Shoto," Izuku sighed as he got a closer look at the creature.
"So what do you think it is?" Shoto asked.
" It must be some water-faring creature, other than that I'm not sure," Izuku said as he held the mermaid close. " It would be nice to speak to her about it. Maybe I could hold onto her, F-for a  little while."
"Why?" Shoto asked.
"Probably cause this will be the only female that can't walk out on him for better a mate," Bakugo commented.
"I think you may be projecting a little, Bakugo," Shoto commented.
Bakugo scoffed and slithered off somewhere else, as Izuku and Shoto stood in awkward silence.
"S-so does that mean I can? N-Not for the reason that he said!" Izuku said quickly.
"I'd... Certainly hope not," Shoto said simply.
As Y/n slowly came to her senses, she could feel something odd. As she slowly opened her eyes, she noticed that this body of water was barely deep. Plus something was wrapped around her, it felt strange.
She slowly opened her eyes, to see that the surface of the water was just a foot above her head. And wrapped around her waist was a tail, a snake tail. Y/n tensed slightly, but the creature felt her movement and quickly tightened its hold.
She was suddenly pulled up above the surface and was face to face with a freckly face with forest green eyes.  His eyes were full of wonder and curiosity as he inspected Y/n very closely.
Y/n wanted to scream, yet remained frozen. Not only was she unsure of this creature, but also intimidated by its great size. She never felt so small and helpless.
"what are you? And who are you?" Deku asked as he muttered other questions.
"A-a mermaid, my name is Y/n," Y/n squeaked nervesly.
"Ah, like an Oceanid," Izuku smiled." I-i have to write this down, I have so many questions."
As his tail wraps more around Y/n, she watches as the snake man turns to gather his parchment paper. They were covered in writings and notes about almost anything. Before Y/n could get a grasp of what was happening, she was drowned in the naga's curious questions. He must have not been paying too much attention as he tightened his hold.
"C-can't...Breath," Y/n whimpered as she passed out.
------------- Deku suddenly felt Y/n go slack, he stopped rambling and quickly looked at her.
"AHh! Y/n," Izuku gasped as he quickly placed her back in the small watering hole.
"Oi, killed it already," Bakugo laughed mockingly.
"N-no, Y/n passed out," Izuku said nervesly.
"So what is she?" Shoto asked as he tried to get a better look.
"An Oceanid, but she calls herself a mermaid," Izuku said as he put down his notes.
"Hmm, well what were those humans doing with one?" Shoto asked.
"Probably harvest her for magical properties. If they can't possess magic on their own, then they will take it," Bakugo scoffed simply.
"Well, I'm glad we came across those humans then," Izuku said with a relieved sigh.
After a couple of weeks, Y/n grew used to Izuku and his curiosity. She would learn many things about him, that he was defiantly a curious Naga and a very emotional one. Will cry a river at any strong emotion he feels. Y/n could only hope that this small pool of water was not his tears. She would learn a bit about his other two companions.
Bakugo is the most prideful and skilled of the three. Always going off how he will be the best and rise the ranks among their kind. Shoto on the other hand seemed very calm out of the three. Almost to the point where he seemed indifferent about everything, though he takes everything very seriously.
Izuku would also learn a lot about her and her home in the great lake. How they knew many great magical treasures and plants within Atigus. It was just so fascinating to him, and it felt so nice to have someone discuss the magical phenomena with him.
As Y/n rested in Izuku's coils, a question came to mind.
"Hey Izuku, you've been so sad as of late. What is making you so sad?" Y/n asked.
"Um, it's a little embarring to talk about, but... The season of union is coming to an end soon. And during this time Nagas begin to pair and bond, and we bond for life. Sadly a girl I had my heart set in already bonded with someone else. So I may just end up being unpair," Izuku explained.
"What about Bakugo and Shoto?" Y/n asked.
"Well, most are annoyed or frightened by him, and would rather stay far away from him. And Shoto, has a bit of a hard time, umm, connecting to others," Izuku said slowly and awkwardly.
"Oh, well I'm sorry to hear that. I can't see why you would not find someone. Your sweet and so kind," Y/n smiled as she rested her harms on his coils.
Izuku's face turned a bright red as his tail tightened slightly. His heart fluttered in his chest as he stared down at his Oceanid friend.
"Y-you really think so?" Izuku mumbled, as his eyes watered.
"Despite your timid nature, you are willing to help though in need. Even if they may not deserve it," Y/n smiled up at him.
"Thank You Y/n," Izuku thanked as he cried waterfalls as hugged Y/n closely.
"Though you can be a bit of a cry baby," Y/n winced as she was drenched in tears.
But he didn't hear the last comment as he hugged her close.
"Shouldn't you be returning Y/n to the great lake, Surely she would like to return to her home and family," Izuku's friend Iida asked.
As the two patrolled the large Naga territory. Izuku's heart began to thump in his chest in a panic at the thought. The thought had many times came across his mind, but the thought of parting with her. Tore his heart apart.
"Oh, you're still here?" Shoto asked as he entered the cave.
"Umm, have been for this past Month Shoto," Y/n said as she poked her head above the water.
"Izuku must hold you dearly if he hasn't returned you home yet," Shoto said as he found a comfy spot and laid down.
"Y-you think so?" Y/n asked nervesly.
"Hmm, don't you miss your family? I'm surprised you haven't asked him to return you," Shoto commented.
As Y/n studied him, she could feel something about those words. Like it wasn't just meant for you to answer.
"Are Nagas not close to their parents?" Y/n asked.
"Um, not all, but most," He said with a slightly sad look.
"What about you, if it's not too personal?" Y/n asked.
Shoto stayed silent for a time, as he slowly touched the burn on his face. " I could care less what my father is up to, but I... I do wonder how my mother is doing after she ran away from me and my dad," Shoto said sadly.
"W-why would she do that?" Y/n gasped.
"She said my left side and red scales looked too much like my horrible father. She burned the left side of my face and ran," Shoto answered as he covered his scar. " I was too horrible for her to look at."
Y/n frowned sadly at his story and pulled herself up onto the dry ground. She slowly approached Shoto's tail as she awed at his lovely scales.
"Your white scales shine like pearls, and the red ones look like rubies, your so lovely, Shoto," Y/n said in a soft tone.
Shivers ran up his spine as he felt the warm fingers slide across his scales. His heart pounded in his chest as he slowly coiled his tail around her.
"Y-you couldn't possibly mean that," Shoto said slowly.
"Of course I do. You know if you smiled more, maybe the ladies or gentlemen would flock to you," Y/n smiled.
"Flock? Like... Birds?" Shoto asked, really confused.
"No silly, I mean many would find you more approachable," Y/n laughed.
Her laugh was so small and cute, he could help but tighten his hold on her. He could feel her warmth on his scales as he slowly leaned in closer to her.
"If you're doing what I think you're doing, then you two are disgusting," Said a voice.
The two quickly turned to see Bakugo, who came back from a hunting outing. A large boar was slung over his shoulder as he entered the cave.
"Find a different part of the cave to suck each other's face," Katsuki grumbled.
"Why would we do that?" Shoto asked with pure confusion.
"Cause It's decent," Bakugo growled.
"No, why would we suck each other's faces?" Shoto asked again.
"I'm done with you," Bakugo scoffed.
Shoto and Izuku had to eventually leave to do a final scout turn, leaving Bakugo and Y/n. Bakugo had no interest in talking to the mermaid and did his own thing, by cooking the boar he caught. Y/n with nothing to do hummed to herself, her voice echoing off the walls of the cave.
"So you were the source of that voice," Bakugo said suddenly.
"Ummm... I was right next to you. How did you not know until now?" Y/n asked with a deadpanned look.
"No, every time around sunset I could hear something in the wind. A voice, singing," Bakugo said simply.
"Oh, I thought I was just singing to myself," Y/n said bashfully.
"More like to the whole forest," Bakugo huffed.
"Was I okay?" Yn asked slowly.
"You were definitely better than those harpies who think they can sing," Bakugo scoffed, turning away to hide his red ears.
"That is so sweet of you to say," Y/n said, slightly touched.
"Tch. Well, I don't really care for the noise of rain, you can keep doing what you were doing," Bakugo said slowly.
Y/n smiled at the tsundere naga and continued her song.
(3 weeks later)
Y/n and the three nagas grew closer and closer during the 3 weeks. The season of Union was quickly coming to a close, but tensions were high among the three males.
One morning, Shoto had his tail wrapped protectively around Y/n's sleeping form when he heard a soft but challenging hiss. Looking up sightly he could see it was Izuku. Izuku's usual large round pupils were now slits, as his serpentine tongue flicked between his lips.
"Yes, Izuku?" Shoto asked coldly.
"Your turn to patrol soon, maybe you should let her go now," Izuku said as nicely as possible, as he slowly inched closer.
Shoto tensed as Izuku slowly got closer. Shoto's pupils quickly turned to slits as he hissed back. Y/n was unable to sleep through the loud noises coming from the two.
"What's with all the noise," Y/n groaned sleepily, as she untangled herself from Shoto's coils.
"Would you shut it you two," Bakugo growled, as he pulled Y/n's sleepy form closer to him.
"B-bakugo, careful," Izuku hissed.
"I am," Bakugo said simply.
"Don't you both have someplace to be?" Izuku said with a slight hiss.
"W-what are you all fighting about?" Y/n asked, slightly more awake.
Pt.2 maybe?! I don't know
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whereisten · 3 years
Don’t Let Me Go (f,m)
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(A Johnny fic that’s part of the prompt game posted yesterday, got a few requests for him yesterday so I just combined them into one, hope you guys don’t mind :))
Warnings: a little cursing, smuT: oral sex (m and f receiving, face riding), penetration, size kink, choking.
6. midnight
20. warm soup
27. movie night
30. dreams
“It’s too cold out here, babe..we’re going home..”
Johnny drives with one hand on the steering wheel and the other on your thigh.
“So boring, Mr. Suh, aren’t you from Chicago? You should be used to this!” You laugh and look out the window.
The two of you decided to watch the sunset on New Year’s Eve while walking through the city, but ended up leaving early because Johnny couldn’t stop shaking from the cold.
“I am used to this, I just...don’t want you to suffer.” He shrugs his shoulders.
You scoff. “Yeah, right”
Johnny turns to you and smirks as he rubs his hand over your thigh slowly.
“How about we go to Target..pick up a few things..”
“Ahh..Target, that sounds good.”
You turn to him and smile.
He giggles, knowing that you loved to walk around Target for absolutely no reason.
“Right? We’ll get some vegetables and chicken to make you some warm soup, since you’re so cold.”
You rolled your eyes. “Weren’t you the one that said “it’s too damn cold right now, I can’t feel my 5-foot long legs?”
“And we’ll get some popcorn and trail mix and have a movie night!”
“Well, as long as you’re the one cooking.” You place your hand over his.
Back at his apartment, Johnny quickly cooked up soup for you. He used his mom’s recipe and put his all into making it perfect for you like he usually did.
You drank it with him while talking about your New Years resolutions.
“I just want to be happy with you... I think we should spend more time together.” He says while taking a sip of his delicious and warm soup.
You nodded. You knew that with your busy schedule and his busy schedule, you rarely had time together. But you still loved each other very much. You both wished you could have moments like this more often, but with Johnny’s life as an idol and your life as a teacher, you could only spend time together on weekends or at nights when he had to sneak out or you had to sneak in.
“We’ll be alright, Johnny..I love you.” Your eyes are warm and kind, that’s the reason why he fell for you in the first place. He felt so comfortable around you, he felt love radiant from your beautiful smile and aura. And you felt the same from him. Everything he displayed as an idol was only magnified behind the scenes.
He was just as soft and sweet as he appeared to be on TV. Sometimes, you couldn’t believe he was real.
He places his spoon down and then rubs his hand over yours on the table.
“Would you...consider marrying me? Like..would you want to spend your life...with me?” Johnny asks quietly while stumbling over his words.
Your eyes widened. “Of course, baby. I couldn’t imagine my life without you.”
Your voice was sweet and sincere, Johnny quickly pulled you into a hug.
“I love you too, baby, don’t let me go.”
Later that night, the two of you watched a movie together on Johnny’s bed. He set his projector up so you could lay comfortably in his arms. Almost too comfortably.
You fell in and out of sleep while watching Titanic, but Johnny didn’t bother you about it. He watched your cute face and ran his hand through your hair.
He rubbed circles into your back as well, making you relax onto him even more.
You woke up for the ending of the movie and felt sad when Jack drifted into the water.
“I don’t know why it always makes me sad, we already know it’s bound to happen.” You mutter.
“Just because we know it’s coming doesn’t mean the blow is softened.” Johnny whispers.
The movie ends just before the 1-minute countdown to the new year. You and Johnny kiss right as the fireworks go off at midnight.
They illuminate his room beautifully and you feel your heart flutter with emotions. You wrap your arms around Johnny’s neck and intertwine your tongue with his.
He holds you in his broad arms and kisses you until you fall asleep.
As you sleep, you dream about a date with Johnny.
You can’t see much, but you know that the two of you are ice skating on a frozen lake. Everything seems fine, you twirl around him and he holds your hand while smiling widely.
But then, a crack in the ice starts to form under Johnny, and despite him standing still, it continues to spread.
“Y/n?” He says with fear in his voice.
And suddenly, the crack opens completely and he falls into the icy water.
“Johnny!” You leap towards him and grab his arm.
“It’s okay, it’s okay..” He tries to be reassuring, but tears run out of his beautiful brown eyes.
“Don’t let me go!” You yell as he you struggle to pull him up. His face soon disappears under the water and his arm goes limp.
“Johnny!” You yell once again and jump up out of your sleep.
Johnny holds your arms and shakes you gently. “Y/n..y/n, I’m right here..it’s okay.”
You hold your face in your hands and sob.
“I’m sorry..it felt so real.”
He turns his bedside lamp on then turns back to you. “Did you have a bad dream?”
“Yeah..I just..I thought I lost you.”
Johnny pulls you into his arms and holds you close.
“Baby, no, I’m right here, I’ll always be here for you. It’s just a nightmare.”
He wipes your tears and kisses your forehead. “I love you.”
You sniffle. “I love you too.”
You scoot closer to him but feel something like your stomach.
You look under the blanket. “Are you hard right now?”
Johnny chuckles, his face turning red.
“I’m sorry baby, I had a really good dream actually.”
“Oh?” You raise an eyebrow.
“Yeah..It’ll go away, I just have to...”
“Shhh..who said I want it to go away?” you put a finger over his lips then lower yourself under the blanket.
You pull his boxers down and allow his aching length to spring free.
“You don’t have to, baby..” he struggles to get out, because the truth is that he hopes you do.
“Mmm...but I really want to..” you lock eyes with him and lick the pre cum from his tip.
You place kitten licks along his cock, licking across his bulging veins before kissing his swollen and red tip.
Johnny curses under his breath as he watches you swallow half of him while under the blanket.
You pull off of him completely and lick your lips. “I forgot how big you are..”
He runs his fingers through your scalp.
“It was just last week that I fucked you so hard you couldn’t walk the next day, how could you forget?”
“Hmmm I don’t remember, I think I need a refresher.” You winked then lowered yourself onto him again, this time using both hands to twist around the base of of his cock while you sucked whatever you could fit into your mouth.
You moan onto him, flicking your tongue all over him and moving your hands up and down.
“Fuck..” he lets out in a low groan.
You swirl your tongue around his tip then continue to move it up and down his shaft.
“Mmmm..Johnny..I’m so wet for you.” You look into his eyes as you lick up and down.
“Come on, baby, I can’t take any more teasing.” His grip on your hair tightens slightly.
You swallow him whole and hum again to send vibrations through his sensitive manhood.
He thrusts upwards into your throat, making gag unexpectedly.
You continue to choke on him and listen as his groans grow louder.
“Ahh..That’s it, baby girl, I’m close.”
Tears escape your eyes and you whimper as he thrusts harder.
“Cum for me, Johnny.” You stroke his dick faster and flatten your tongue on the head.
Spurts of milky strings decorate your neck and chin as Johnny moans beautifully.
Johnny bites his bottom lip as he watches your fucked out face over him.
“Come here..” he whispers. You climb over him while wiping his cum off.
“Ride my face.”
“What?” Your eyes grow.”
“I want to taste you..” he says with low eyes.
“Are you sure?”
He lowers himself and waits for you to get on top.
You’re in nothing but a g string and his t shirt, but you look gorgeous to him.
Your knees dig into the pillow, you hover over his face and the feeling is strange. You can feel his warm breath fan your entrance.
You swallow hard as he uses two fingers to push the thin fabric of your g string to the side.
He licks over your folds as you shiver from the sudden contact.
“It’s not like I haven’t tasted you before, sweetheart...don’t be nervous, just move.”
He grabs both knees and pries them further apart so you’re right on his pillowy lips.
He flattens his tongue against you, listening to you make the most wonderful whimpers he’s ever heard.
On instinct, you move forward and backward against his tongue, feeling his lips kiss your core as if it’s your lips.
His tongue feels inside of you as he uses two fingers to explore your pussy.
He presses his finger tips onto that spot while he groans. The vibrations make you jump from stimulation, but his tongue doesn’t stop. He pushes it against your clit with more force, gaining a loud moan from you.
He squeezes your thigh and shakes his head from side to side, as if to tell you you’re naughty for making such loud noises.
But the movement only adds to your stimulation.
You move faster now, placing your hands onto your breasts. You massage them and play with your nipples as Johnny draws circles onto your clit.
“Johnny!” You cry out as the intense feeling takes you over.
He pinches your thigh again, looking up at you and watching you play with your breasts under his large t shirt.
You bite your lips in an effort to stay quiet, but you can’t help but cry out as you climax on his face. “Oh...my god!”
Johnny watches your body shake above him in the dim lighting of the room, then holds you by the waist and lays you down beside him.
He wipes his face. “I love you, sweetheart, you’re so beautiful.”
“I love you too, that was amazing.” You breathe heavily.
He smirks then turns you over on your side, gently massaging your warm skin in the process.
He kneels and then straddles your leg while curling your other leg around his side.
He holds his hard cock in his hand, brushing the tip against your dripping folds.
You flinch slightly when you feel it against your quivering pussy.
Johnny licks his lips and pushes into you slowly, giving you time to adjust.
“Fuck..” you exhale. “Keep going.”
He pushes into while looking into your eyes.
His intense eye contact and the way he clenches his jaw makes you even wetter than you were before.
You wince and he stops moving.
“Are you okay?” He asks sweetly.
“Yeah..it’s okay.”
He thrusts into you, watching as you grip the sheets beside you and whine.
This position always allowed him to deeper while still maintaining eye contact with you.
Your clit was perfectly stimulated and he could watch every cry escape your mouth as well as your breasts.
But here you were in his t shirt looking more perfect than you’ve ever looked as you took all of him in.
“Fuck it’s so deep inside you..” his tongue darts across his bottom lip.
He thrusts harder the pulls out completely.
“Faster..please.” You beg him.
“Of course. Anything for you.”
And with that, Johnny drills his cock into your pussy, stretching it out to become the perfect fit for him.
“Johnny!” You cry out while watching his abs flex and his beautiful body glisten in sweat above you.
He moves fast and places a hand around your neck, knowing that you preferred being quieted this way.
He squeezes your throat and starts to choke you.
Your body moves up and down on the plush bed, you can’t think straight as he destroys you in the middle of the night.
He throws your leg up on his shoulder, his cock his your g spot repeatedly and you silently go insane. His thrusts are fast, but his sturdy length slides in and out of you easily, never failing to press against your extremely sensitive areas.
“Good girl...take it just like that.”
His tone is low and husky, he continues to choke you while looking into your eyes deeply.
And with a few more thrusts, you come undone just as he does, your body shaking once again.
Your eyes roll in the back of your head as Johnny kisses you through it.
It feels like minutes pass by while you experience your most intense orgasm.
He pulls out of you after he comes down. He then goes to the bathroom and grabs a towel to wipe you up with.
“Johnny..” you close your eyes as you feel sleep overtake your body.
He pulls you into his arms and hugs you. “Let’s go back to sleep, sweetheart, I’m right here.”
562 notes · View notes
amphxtrite · 3 years
Tumblr media
cedric diggory x fem!reader
warnings: self depreciation, crying, a little angst I guess.
summary: cedric finds you crying about all the things he finds beautiful, so he helps you see your beauty again and shows you just how close he holds you to your heart.
a/n: the ending <3 also this is kind of valentine’s day related!
word count: 3.7k
tag list: @mullthingsoverinthehotwater @cedricsyellowscarf @hoe4cedricdiggory @draco-and-tom @punkrific @oldschoolkiddo @hey-there-angels @dreamy-clousds @sambucky8
message me to be added or removed from my tag list
enjoy <3
A crushing feeling of dread became more and more normal with each passing day.
You woke up, entered the bathrooms to wash up and your heart would practically drop to your stomach. Your lips would purse as you start to over-analyze every little thing about you. Your smile, eyes, waist, and hips, even your hands couldn’t be spared from the merciless attack you threw at yourself. 
You did everything to try and change. Skipped meals, worked out, suppressed your smile and worked every critique into your life, but it wasn’t enough.
You lay wide awake as you felt worthless in your own skin, wishing you could change. Wishing the pain would just go away.
On a particularly bad day, you step out of the shower and begin towelling yourself dry as you hum a soft melody. You began shrugging on your undergarments when the fog from the mirror fades and unknowingly you glance over and catch sight of your reflection. Your humming stop and your stomach lurches in horror, you can feel the tears begin to well in your eyes.
Cedric walks the steps to your dorm clutching a bundle in his arms filled with your favourite things. Sweets, his hoodies, and muggle films wrapped into a blanket as he excitedly balances them all and opens the door to your room.
“Darling! Look what I-”
His sentence drops when he hears a quiet sniffle coming from the bathroom attached to your dorm and he freezes. Slowly, he puts the small package of goodies on your bed and steps up to the bathroom, gently knocking on the wooden door.
“Y/n? A-Are you in there dove?” He murmurs, placing his hand on the doorknob to enter.
“C-Ced?” You respond meekly. 
“Have you been crying love? I’m coming in okay?”
Your eyes widen and you frantically glance around. Cedric could not see you right now, not while you were in tears and insecure, he would freak out.
“N-No, Ced I’m fine, there’s no need to come in!” You rush out, trying your best to sound as normal as possible.
Cedric is quick to see through this, noticing the short break in your voice along with quiet fear and sadness.
“Darling, I can hear it in your voice, you’re upset. Please let me help.” Cedric chides softly, fighting the urge to just open the door and see what had you so upset.
“Ced. Please. J-Just leave please.” You plead as you drop to a sitting position on the floor, covering your mouth with your hand to compress your soft sobs.
With his ear practically pressed against the door, Cedric hears your weak attempt to hide and sighs, placing his hand on the knob again.
“You’ll have to forgive me for this later.” He breathes out, as the door swings open to reveal you curled up against the wall opposite to him.
“Y/n!” The brunette cries, quickly closing the distance between you and dropping to his knees.
Your head snaps up from its spot on your knees and meets eye to eye with Cedric's frantic grey ones.
“Darling why are you crying? You know I hate it when you cry.” Cedric murmurs, gathering you into his arms as he gently wipes the tears from your eyes.
“N-No, Cedric. Please leave.” You stammer in return, backing away from his embrace and grabbing the towel hanging from the side of the sink and pulling it on top of you.
“Darling what’s wrong? You know I’m here for you.” Cedric reassures as you pull the towel even closer to your body.
“I-it’s not that Ced. I-I’m just.” You stop as you desperately search for the right words, but your mind draws blank and you curse yourself.
Cedric sits back on his knees and begins looking around the bathroom.
Your cheeks were stained with tears, the mirror was lightly fogged from the shower you must’ve taken not too long ago and your clothing sat untouched at the side of the sink.
Cedric tries to find an explanation, trying to think of a reason you could be this upset, but he is left helpless as you glance around avoiding his eye contact.
“I-Is it me darling? A-Am I, making you uncomfortable?” He questions, wringing his fingers together as your eyes widen.
You can hear the pain in your voice and your eyes cloud again as you feel your walls crumbling down.
“Cedric, of course not I just-”
Your voice breaks as another silent sob racks your chest, and another tear slips down your cheek.
“I just can’t do this Cedric. Never being enough for myself. Never being pretty enough, skinny enough, curvy enough. Not enough.” You cry, bringing your hand to your face again to harshly wipe away the tears.
“Everyday I look in the mirror and I’m never happy with myself, but no matter what I do it still isn’t enough and I feel so weak, so gross.” You continue.
Cedric’s eyes widen and his eyebrows furrow.
That was why you were crying? You thought you weren’t beautiful?
Cedric almost scoffs at this, but he knew now was not the time for joking.
He stands slowly and walks towards you with a sad smile resting on his lips. He sits down in front of you and takes your hands.
“Do you remember the first day we met darling?” 
You sniffle and look up.
“Of course Cedric, I was at the quidditch game and you accidentally tripped on something and fell in front of me.” You recount, unsure where he was going with this.
“Well love, it wasn’t exactly nothing.” Cedric starts, allowing a small smile to peak out past his lips as you tilted your head in confusion.
“Well…” He smiles.
Cedric wipes the sweat from his forehead as he exits the change room after a tough match against slytherin. He slings his bag across his shoulder and begins making his way towards his mates for a celebratory party in honour of their win. He’s only a couple steps away when a quiet laugh pulls him out of his thoughts. Cedric’s head swivels and his eyes lock on the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen. Your eyes are alight at the joke your friend must’ve told you and your lips are pulled in an angelic smile.
The seeker’s vision seems to slow as he spots you and his mouth opens to form a soft ‘o.’
He wasn’t sure what had struck him, but it didn’t matter, he was sure he was floating.
He was so entranced he managed to trip over his own feet and land flat on his face.
“Oh my goodness? A-Are you alright?”
Cedric nearly jumped when he saw you hovering over him offering your hand to him. His cheeks burned bright red as he notices he’s still laying on the grass and he quickly takes your hand.
“I’m great! Um- thank you.” He laughs a little nervously.
Your next words seems to escape his ears, a possible ‘no worries’ or just a laugh as he zones out and nods bashfully.
“Y-You fell because of me?” You ask in slight disbelief.
“Well I think I fell for you dove, but I was too embarrassed you’d think I was weird, so I didn’t tell you.” Cedric sighs with a light chuckle.
“You thought I’d think you were weird?” You stammer.
“Well yes. You were absolutely stunning darling, I didn’t want to scare you off!” Cedric chuckles, pulling you back into his arms and pressing a kiss onto your hair.
He pauses, and when you don’t pull away Cedric’s lips pull into a small smirk.
“Do you remember the first time you gave me a hug?” He questions softly.
Your lips pull up against your wishes and you nod.
“You froze up because you got uncomfortable.”
“Wrong again.” Cedric states in a song like voice.
“Really?” You laugh gently, looking up into Cedric’s gray eyes and cocking your eyebrow.
“Oh darling, you don’t know the half of it.” The brunette sighs, recounting the story.
“Can we please just take a break y/n?” Cedric groans, laying his head on his arms tiredly as you scan through your textbook.
“You’re the one who suggested we study together, remember.” You smirk, scribbling something on a sheet of parchment as Cedric’s face goes red.
“Yes well, I was hoping for more than just actual studying.” Cedric sighs as your eyebrow cocks.
The brunette looks at you strangely before realization dawns on him.
“No! Not like that!” He rushes as your melodic laugh sounds in his ears.
“Don’t worry Ced I didn’t think of it like that.” You chuckle, finally calming down from your fit of laughter. “If you wanted to do something else, you could have just asked.” You sigh, leaning over and wrapping the brunette in a side hug.
Cedric’s blood runs cold as his face grows red, he wasn’t expecting that reaction from you and he sure as hell did not know how to react.
His brain told him to laugh it off and hug you back, but his heart panicked and he simply froze.
“Oh- I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” You apologize, retracting your arms.
Fuck. Cedric panics as he sees your smile pull down.
“No y/n, it’s alright.” He laughs nervously pulling you to your feet.
“Black lake is rather beautiful this time of day, care to join me?” Cedric suggests, switching the topic and jabbing his thumb in the direction of the lake.
“Oh, sure!” You shrug with a smile, following closely behind as the hufflepuff releases a breath of relief and turns back to you.
“Perfect, we’ll be just in time for the sunset!”
“So you’re telling me this entire time, you were just too nervous to hug me back?” You deadpan, looking into Cedric’s embarrassed eyes.
“I-I didn’t want you to know I was pinning for you, so I played along.” He chuckles, stroking your cheeks with his thumbs.
“Why are you telling me all this Ced?” You mumble, giving into his soothing gesture and relaxing into him.
“And here I was thinking I was being obvious.” Cedric chuckles, looking down at you.
“I’m reminding you how beautiful you are darling. I’m a deer in headlights every single time I see you, I can never think straight when I look into your eyes and Merlin darling, do I stumble whenever I see that body of yours.” Cedric teases, pulling you closer and attacking your neck with kisses.
You laugh, but your tone grows serious again. “I- don’t know Ced.” you pause looking down to avoid eye-contact. “It’s just every time I look in the mirror I can only see my flaws. All my scars and imperfections. How could I possibly be beautiful?” 
Cedric smiles sadly at your comment.
“I know it may be hard to believe angel, but I’m in love with all of your so-called ‘flaws.’ Every inch of you is stunning in every way, every bit builds up to the person I love the most in this world, how could I not love everything about you?” Cedric murmurs, tilting your chin up so he could show you how serious he was. You open your mouth to speak, but Cedric continues.
“I fell in love with your personality y/n, you’re sweet, compassionate, strong and witty, but I-I also cannot deny that I find you absolutely breath-taking. I haven’t told you enough how beautiful you are and I whole-heartedly regret that, but darling everything about you gets me-” Cedric pauses, swallowing thickly and taking a deep breath at the feeling of your body pressed against his.
“Gets you what darling?” You question unknowingly, shifting yourself so you’re resting a little more comfortably in between his legs.
“Darling.” Cedric begins in a much lower voice, “everything about you. Those beautiful e/c eyes, strong swaying hips even those perfectly pursed lips get me so enticed.” Cedric whispers, licking his upper lip and leaning down closer to you.
“C-Cedric?” You squeak as his hard gaze bores to your very core.
“You heard me love, you drive me absolutely insane in every way, I’m having a hard time keeping my hands off of you right now.” He smirks, pulling you closer and nipping gently on your ear.
All was quiet until Cedric let out a small snicker and the two of you erupt in laughter.
“W-Why are you laughing love? I was serious.” Cedric chuckles, burying his face in the crook of your neck as he does his best to contain his laughter.
“I-I know darling, b-but I’ve never seen you so serious and I couldn’t help it.” You tease, hugging Cedric around the torso until you’ve both quieted down again.
“I did mean what I said though angel, you’re absolutely beautiful and I’ll stop at nothing to make sure you know it.” Cedric states proudly, swiftly pulling his head from your neck and holding your face in his hands.
“I. Love. You. So. Much.” He murmurs happily, placing a kiss on your nose, cheeks and forehead in between each word.
“I love you too, Cedric.” You smile gently, placing your own hand over his and leaning closer into him.
“You’re gonna make me pass out from adorableness if you keep that up love, now come on, I have a surprise for you.” Cedric smiles, pressing a long chaste kiss to your lips and standing to his feet.
“Come on princess, d’you trust me?” Cedric smirks, extending his hand to you.
You roll your eyes and take his hand. “Yes, I do.”
Cedric smiles widely and pulls you to your feet, swinging your arms between you as he walks back out into your room and ruffles around in his small pack.
“What is all this for anyways.” You question, pointing at the small bundle he was digging through.
“You didn’t expect me to leave you by yourself on Valentine's day, did you?” He chuckles, retrieving a large hoodie and walking back over to you.
“Valentine’s day?” You question furrowing your eyebrows and looking at the calendar on your desk. “Bloody hell it’s Valentine’s day.” You panic, realizing you had nothing to give to your boyfriend.
“Ah, ah, ah. Don’t you dare get worked up about a silly gift darling. I’ve got today covered.” Cedric smirks, pulling the hoodie over your head and sitting you on your mattress.
Your stress seems to disappear the moment the soft material envelopes you. The scent of warm wood and vanilla waft into your nose and you immediately smile. Looking down, you realize this was Cedric’s quidditch hoodie, his favorite one with his last name stitched in yellow at the back.
“Now!” He claps, bringing your attention back to him. “One of my friends has muggle parents, and when I told him about your love of movies, he leant me this little contraption.” Cedric smiles, lifting a small projection box from the wrap. “Now, I’m not quite sure how to use it, but there’s never something little magic can’t fix.” Cedric exclaims, pulling his wand from his pocket and tapping on the small box-shaped item.
Almost immediately the projector lights up and f/m begins to play.
“Perfect.” Cedric grins, placing the projection so it’s hitting the empty space on the wall opposite to your bed.
“Now what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t have…” Cedric continues, summoning a beautiful bouquet of red roses from his wand, “flowers for my princess.” He chuckles, kneeling down in front of you and holding them out for you to take. “Oh Cedric, they’re beautiful.” You gasp, holding them to your nose.
“Now scoot over love, I have one final thing to give you.” The hufflepuff smiles.
“Cedric, now you’re just making me feel bad.” You huff, crossing your arms.
“Darling, you spoil me with affection all the time. At least let me spoil you with gifts today.” He pouts, his grey eyes lightening with a grin as you eventually nod and give in.
“Now close your eyes.” Cedric coos as you place your hands over your face and wait.
You feel his arms reach around your head and a small weight around your neck.
“Alright, open them.” He murmurs, leaning back as you remove your hands from your eyes and glance down. A simple gold chain with rectangular golden rod that reaches the middle of your chest adorns your neck. “Thank you Ced it’s-”
“Wait, that’s not even the surprise.” Cedric smirks.
He reaches for your wand resting on your pillow and holds it to the rod.
“My heart is yours, and the memories I hold, I share with you.” He murmurs.
Suddenly a small beam of light flashes from the tip of the rod into the air in front of you.
The light becomes a picture, flickering until you can see… Yourself. You see yourself with your arm outstretched like you’re reaching for someone.
“Oh my goodness! A-Are you alright?” Your concerned voice rings from the picture and your eyes widen.
Your jaw drops as another hand enters the vision, Cedric’s.
“I’m great! Um- thank you.” The familiar, shy voice responds as his point of view rises. Cedric had managed to put his first encounter with you into this necklace.
You watch as Cedric’s ‘vision’ flickers from your eyes down to your lips, when it changes.
“If you wanted to do something else, you could’ve just asked.” Your voice rings again, as you see yourself with pink cheeks, reaching over to wrap Cedric in a hug.
The point of view shifts once more to a beautiful sunset by black lake. You gaze down at yourself being held in Cedric’s arms. You’re whispering something, but you can’t pick it up as Cedric’s vision leans closer and presses a kiss to your lips, he pulls back you can see your face heat up and your lips pull into a smile.
Tears began welling in your eyes again as you remember that very day.
You begin to blink rapidly as you process everything that happened. For a moment, you believed you were dreaming and you even pinched yourself to make sure.
Nope, this was really happening. Cedric smiles softly and sighs.
“I-I’ve got a crush on you y/n.” He confesses softly.
“I would hope so after you kiss me Ced.” You tease lightly, still registering everything as you leaned into him.
“Do you like me?” Cedric chuckled.
“What if i do?” You question smugly, hiding the growing smile forming on your lips.
“Then I ask you to be mine.” He states plainly
“Well, I do like you Cedric Diggory.”
“Then y/n l/n. Will you be mine?”
“Yes, dummy.” You laugh, wrapping your arms around his neck and connecting your lips once more.
The memory of Cedric asking you to be his was encompassed in the necklace as well, but something stood out to you. Because you could see this from Cedric’s perspective, you noticed him glancing all around your face, one moment he was gazing at your lips, the next your eyes or your nose, you remember Cedric staring at you strangely at the lake, and now you understood why. Cedric really did find beauty in every insecurity you had, and from the look on his face, he always had.
The lights cut off abruptly and as your eyes readjust to the light being cast from your windows, your gaze flickers back up to the brunette looking down at you.
The tears flow freely as you open and close your mouth, like a fish out of water, trying to find the right words as Cedric chuckles and presses his forehead against yours.
“H-How did you-?”
“A magician never reveals his secrets darling, now you’ll have a piece of me wherever you go.” Cedric murmurs, lifting the necklace to his lips and placing a kiss onto it.
“B-But why?” You ask, unable to control the soft sobs from choking up your words.
Cedric’s smile grows and takes your hand into his, lacing your fingers together as he lifts your hand over his heart.
“I love you so much darling. I wanted you to have the memories I hold the dearest and closest to my heart, so I found a way to do it and now they’re yours too.” Cedric chuckles, allowing his own tears to slip down his face.
“Everything in this world means nothing without you my love, I’m hoping this proves that.” Cedric smiles,  lifting your hands from his chest to his lips to press a long kiss to them.
“I hope you know that when you watch these memories, you know that I’m thinking how lucky I am to have you beside me.” Cedric continues leaning closer.
“I’m thinking how grateful I am. How beautiful you are. How perfect everything feels when you’re beside me.” Cedric smiles, kissing you after each phrase.
“I love you so much darling.”
“Oh Ced.” You cry, wrapping your arms around his neck and climbing onto his lap so you’re clinging onto him.
“I’ll hold these memories everyday, I‘ll cherish every moment we spend together and hold you in the closest place to my heart until my final breath. Know that I’m eternally grateful to have you with me, and I hope you know I love you just as much.” You smile, watching Cedric’s eyes light up as another tear escapes down his cheek and he lets out a gentle chuckle.
“Calm down love, it’s not even our wedding yet.” Cedric chaffs, but you hear the sincerity in his voice as he begins nuzzling his nose to yours.
You giggle, resting your forehead against Cedric’s as the world goes quiet and everything falls into place. An invisible force seems to push you forwards until you are interlocking lips with your lover. It starts off soft until Cedric tilts his chin to deepen the kiss, and you oblige, parting your lips and allowing his tongue to roam in your mouth as you move your lips in sync with his. In that moment, every insecurity seemed to fade, all you could feel was Cedric’s soft lips pulling you into a bliss like state. You reluctantly pull back for a moment to catch your breath and smile at the loving gaze Cedric looked upon you with. You couldn’t help but reconnect your lips again with a smile, run your fingers through his thick brown curls and sighing contently.
“I can’t wait to marry you.”
212 notes · View notes
zoellajulien · 3 years
come upon morning
(Peter Parker x Reader)
angst - words: 2.1k
"Alright! Enough from you!" Your friend laughed loudly as he smacked your other friend in the back of the head, turning to face you. "It's your turn. Give us all the details!"
You shifted awkwardly, laughing and rubbing your arms for comfort. The conversation happening between your group was on the subject of 'the ones who got away', which you all had experience in. "Fine, fine. Just be quiet and sit down!"
A hush fell over the room as you opened a book and pulled some photos out of the page. Curiosity spread as the photos were passed around for everyone to look at.
"Why do you keep these on that page?" One friend asked, looking over your shoulder at the highlighted text.
"I keep them close to a quote on it. It says 'you'll always be mine, in the back of my mind. I'll look for you in my next life.' I found this quote when I was in a dark place, and it reminded me of him. Because that's how I'll always feel." You explained to them, passing another picture around.
In the photo, the boy had a straw taped badly to his head with a ridiculous smile spread across his face. His nose was wrinkled too, adding to the joyous atmosphere the picture captured. His brown curls were splattered across his head and face in a mess, along with a hastily put-in butterfly clip. You felt warmth blooming inside you while looking at it. Your friends laughed at the picture, pointing out various (but positive) things about him to one another.
"What are you doing? You look ridiculous!"
"I'm a unicorn! You should be a unicorn too!"
"Wait until Tony sees this. No- I am not sticking a straw to my forehead like a crackhead!"
"Psh, you don't know what you're missing, then!"
"That boy was my whole world. We were best friends before we lovers, but we always did everything together. One time, we both failed an exam on accident, and celebrated! We drove around for hours just because." You reminisced.
"Dude, one kid sitting next to me was all 'I got this in the bag! Studied all night long!'" Peter chuckled, pushing his curls from his face with the hand that held yours. He pushed his lips against your knuckles softly.
"Are you serious? Dude, if you can't even pass the exam, then everyone else definitely failed. Their ego was 100% bruised afterward, I'm sure of it." You snickered, blushing as your eyes cast over his form. His skin glowed from the kiss of sunset colors. "Hey! Careful! You almost hit that bird! Ugh, your driving is the worst!"
Peter's laugh brought a smile to your lips as you teased him, knowing full-well you drove much worse than he did. Poking his side with your finger to tease him more, he squirmed away and began to make faces.
"Oi! I'm trying to keep us alive! Stop that!" He snickered.*
"I hope you know that we are absolutely not listening to this song! My turn to control the cord!" You cheered, snatching his phone away.
"What? No! I'm the driver, I control the music!"
"In your dreams, Parker! And don't take your eyes off the freaking road, you health-hazard of a human being!"
"Oh, please! I drive better than you do! And either way, you know you love me!"
"That, yes, that is very true. I can not deny that." You giggled with a happy sigh.
"What else did you guys do?"
"So much! We went on great adventures and vacations together but also enjoyed simple moments. One day, I was frustrated with everything so I started crying on the kitchen floor when the empty pot slipped from my hand." You laughed at yourself, shaking your head. "He came in with a sympathetic heart and dumped a bunch of pots on the floor. At first, I got even angrier. Because, hello, that was a huge mess! But then he started constructing them together on a mat and grabbed two dowels for the both of us."
Peter cursed when he saw your form, panicking slightly as he tried to come up with a solution to fix the sad mood you owned. The poor brunette had come in, more than ready to defend you from an attacker, after being alerted to the crashing sound of a pan hitting the tiled flooring. Trying to think quickly on his feet, he leaned past you to pick up said fallen pot along with a large group of others.
"What are you doing? I swear to god I will smash your face into the cabinet if you think I'm going to clean this up."
Peter wordlessly grabbed your hand and placed the dowel in your hand, kissing each finger as he twisted them into a fist. He reached up and brushed a piece of hair away from your face, smiling sweetly at your confused face.
"What do I need this for?" You questioned, still slightly irritated.
"What? What was he doing, exactly?"
"We actually started playing them together, on the floor. He cheered me up in less than an hour. I went from crying in frustration to crying from laughter." A blush crept its way up your body as a love-sick smile made its appearance.
Crawling on the floor, Peter gently pulled you by your empty hand next to him. A whine of protest escaped your lungs, but you eventually gave in and looked at the pots in front of you. He reached around you, his arms controlling yours. He began beating the wooden sticks against the metal and copper pots.
"I love you! I love you! My darling!" He sang out dramatically, badly playing out an improvised tune, hiding his smile when he noticed you were forcing one to hide. "My darling! She's oh-so-beautiful!"
Laughter bubbled within your chest and escaped into the air around the two of you. A smirk made its made to your boyfriend's lips at the achievement of making you happy. He pressed a kiss to your cheek before continuing his actions.
Eventually, he moved and sat beside you, using his wooden stick to bang on the pans. He laughed after you made a pun referring to the pots, shaking his head in amusement.
"Come one, sing a duet with me."
Peter began singing loudly but slow enough for you to try and match his lyrics. You were pretty sure the two of you were bothering the neighbors at this point.
A bubble of snickers filled the room after someone mentioned just how in love you seemed to be even after he left.
"You see, this big teddy bear of a human being loved to travel, so one day he showed up outside my job and picked me up. We ended up driving for a long time until we had a picnic underneath the stars. I taught him a bunch of the constellations."
"Peter! C'mon, tell me where we're going! You're boring me!" You joke, shoulders shaking in laughter when you do.
"No! You can't know yet! It's called a surprise, babe!" He protests, taking one hand off the wheel and easing his foot off the accelerator. Using the empty hand he has, he pokes your side once safely stopped at a red light.
"Ugh. You're a pain. I hope you know that." You paused for a few minutes before saying: "Are we there yet?"
"We are literally still driving! Relax!"
The drive continued for another hour or so before you pulled up onto a hill that sat beside a glistening lake. By that time, it was well past midnight. You would have fallen asleep if Peter's energetic and proding, literally, personality. He sang loudly to you and was constantly poking you in the ribs, although gently.
"We've arrived! I hope you're hungry!"
After the picnic, you rested by his side, enjoying the comforting kisses he left across your face. "I love you, but I'd appreciate it if you would pay attention to my lesson!" You whined*
"Alright, Teach. What do you have for me to learn? Not math, I hope." He replied in turn with a broad smirk.
With a sharp eye-roll, you sat up, taking his finger, and pointing it at the sky. "Big dipper." You drug it over to a separate spot. "Little dipper."
"I like this lesson. Teach me more."
"He sounded amazing. What happened to you two?"
"The part of him yearning for adventure became too difficult to ignore, and he knew he needed to go. Of course, he offered for me to come with him, but my parents refused. They told me how my focus was to be on where I was going in the future, so their force kept us apart." You set down the Polaroid picture to pick up another one, this one of a car. The brunette sat on top of it, clearly singing and dancing. "The night he left was a hard one for us all. His aunt and mentor came over so we could all wish him goodbye. I was angry at my parents, but they were right. My future was very uncertain with him, especially since he didn't know where he would be going."
A stray tear made it's down your cheek, dropping onto the hoodie of his you wore. Your friend wrapped an arm over your shoulder.
"Eventually, after he packed his car for the journey and his weeping aunt gave him one last hug, I was called over. I opened the door to be closer to him and sat, looking at him. His cheeks were damp with tears, as were mine, but we smiled. He put his hand into mine and kissed me, so softly, as if I were glass."
"You look beautiful today, you know. Is that dress new?" Peter's fingers danced up your arm to cup your cheek.
"I bought it just for you, for today. I wanted you to see me looking my best, so you can remember me this way when you go."
"I still don't know if I want to go." He admitted, ducking his head before looking back into your eyes.
"You have to. You need to go because your heart is calling." You whispered, reluctant to admit the truth as much as he was. "And you don't have to be scared, because I will always be with you along this journey." You placed your hand on his heart.
"He pleaded for me to go that night, to go with him. I told him I couldn't, that it wasn't an option."
You set down the picture while standing, grabbing one from underneath a flipped-over picture frame. One of your friends picked up the frame and felt anguish at seeing the picture inside the glass.
The same boy the conversation was about sat somewhere, clearly in a place with bright lights. He wore a white, short-sleeve top that ended with the picture. His eyes were blood-shot, curls messy as can be, but a smile sat across his lips, despite being clearly in pain.
"This noise is going to be the death of me, I swear."
"Kid, you've got a lot more fighting to kill you right now than the lights. At least try to act concerned for yourself." Tony's voice strained, dry from tears. "They are probably the smallest problem you have as of now."
"Don't say stuff like that. Please." Your voice croaked, all the tears you had now gone from crying them away. "It can't be like that. No."
"That picture was taken a few months before he left. This one is a copy of the photo he took with him." You explained, showing it around. "I loved him so much, you know, and he loved me too. I could tell since he had some much trouble leaving us. But I knew he had to go."
In the last photo sat you both, side-by-side, asleep. One of his arms draped over your side while he spooned you from behind with his face buried into the skin of your neck. You had hair flopped over one eye and one hand tucked into his dangling by your front. The two of you had corresponding colors on your nails, a bright red. It had been his idea after a tired sleep-over reached well past two in the morning. It was a fond memory of yours.
Your friend pulled you tight to his chest, noticing the balance you were struggling to keep between sobbing or staying straight-faced. Eventually, the tears came out, but a smile stayed on your lips as you remembered Peter.
You remembered his laughter that was always accompanied by his contagious smile or smirk. Also on the list, you remembered his ability to sweet-talk you into sneaking out to see him on nights he wasn't 100% busy. However, you also remembered how he left you, leaving a longing feeling that turned into unheard wishes.
You just wish his departure had actually happened like that.
taglist: @rorybutnotgilmore @petersasteria @elios-timotea
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tealenko · 2 years
Listen Before I Go (Chapter 2)
Chapter 2: Coffee
Yay~~ I told you this one would be fast (and so it will the next, it's almost finished weeee)
This is the last chapter before we get deep into Shepard's origin story... Hope you like it!!
Summary: Sofía explains to Kaidan the origin of her nickname and prepares herself to tell him everything she knows about Shepard.
Words: 1219 Rating: Teens and Up Warning: Dealing with death
Read in AO3 -> [link] Previous Chapter -> [link] Next Chapter -> [link] Through Hell and Back series -> [link]
They sit in silence for minutes.
Sofía with her eyes glued to her cup of coffee, and Kaidan’s set on Sofía, tracing all her features one by one.
She matches almost to perfection all of Shepard’s descriptions, with her sky blue eyes and her ivory skin, but there’s one thing missing from everything he had imagined: there’s no longer any light in her.
No jovial smile printed on her face, which she said Sofía always wears everywhere with pride; a relentless optimism and braveness that no one could match or destroy no matter how hard they tried.
Instead, It seems that, against what she deemed impossible, Shepard is now the cause of what she thought no one could ever accomplish, for she has broken her dearest friend into a million different pieces, way too small to put back together again into a functioning human being.
The icy teal gaze is still there, and so are the deep black hair and the snowy skin. He understands now why Shepard described her as beautiful as a frozen lake in the middle of a sunset, with that scarlet red scar that marks her cheek contrasting and adding even more beauty to all of her features.
But her spirit has been decimated.
And who could blame her? He thinks as he waits patiently for her new acquaintance to be ready to talk.
After spending a couple of long minutes in complete silence, she finally finds the will and the strength to break it.
“Thank you...” She abandons her cup to look at him as she says that. “I can see now why Dee liked you so much.” He looks confused at her until she explains the meaning of her words. “Not many people are able to see what I’m going through… And even less would’ve waited there, without a proper explanation, until I was ready to talk.”
“If there’s someone who understands you...” Kaidan hesitates for a moment, worrying his statement has crossed a line he shouldn’t have. “I mean...”
“I know…” She smiles faintly at him. “Don’t worry. It’s okay.” She grabs his wrist for a few seconds to make him see she understands what he was trying to imply. "You don’t have to…"
“I’m sorry about your mother.” He adds, mimicking her previous gesture of comfort and grabbing her wrist for a few seconds in an encouraging squeeze.
“Thanks.” She nods her head. “I… Thanks.”
“Shepard was worried about you...” He clears his throat with a cough. “And… I know you barely know me… But, if you ever need...”
“Thank you.” She gives him a short smile. “You’re really kind.”
“Well… Mio always talked about you like you were her little sister, so...”
“Yeah...” Her smile starts to fade as she looks away one more time. “Dee always is… Was. Very protective.”
He finishes his drink as she says this, too busy with his coffee to notice the sadness in her eyes left behind by her words, and Sofía silently thanks the universe for his distraction, not ready yet to talk about what she’s really going through; not even with him.
“Can I ask you something?” He says as he signals the waitress for a refill with his hand.
“Sure… I’ll do my best to answer you, although I cannot promise anything.” She laughs a little, trying her best to relax and focus again on the conversation.
“You keep calling her Dee… Where does that come from?” She stares at him in awe for a couple of seconds. “If you don’t mind telling me.”
“You don’t know?” She asks surprised.
“I thought you knew.” She adopts a thinking expression for a few seconds. “And… Well, if you don’t, I guess no one else does. Apart from me, I mean.” Sofía lets the thought of it haunt her for a few seconds, still finding it hard to believe she’s the only one left from their unit. “So… She didn’t tell you?”
“Mio didn’t like to talk about her past.” He answers, replying to her subtle smile with one of his own. “I think she talked about you more than she ever did about herself.”
Sofía laughs a little, not surprised by what she’s hearing.
“It’s weird to hear her real name.” Her smile deepens, feeling glad that, in the end, she was able to find someone to share it with. “She never let us use it.”
“I see…” Kaidan stares at her one more time, not really sure of what to say next.
“It’s Detroit, by the way.”
“Huh?” He asks, a little bit confused.
“Dee… Comes from Detroit. We didn’t use our names back in our unit, you know? She and another member of our unit started the whole tradition.” Sofía explains to him, smiling a little as memories start to flood her mind little by little. “That’s why she called me Cat. It’s where I was born. Catania, Italy.”
“Ah, I see… That's why you have an Italian name? The real one, I mean.”
“Ah… No. My parents were there on leave when I was born, but the name doesn’t have any correlation.” She looks at the ceiling for a few seconds, remembering random bits of the stories her parents told her about it. “The name was my mum’s idea. Her part of the family is from Spain… I think I had a great aunt or something of sorts who I’m supposed to be named after. I’m not one hundred percent sure, though.” She laughs at how little she knows about it. “I guess I should’ve asked them more about the whole deal when I was little… But I never really cared.”
“Either way, it’s a beautiful name.”
“Thanks… ” She takes a second before she finishes her sentence. “Sometimes I find it weird too when people use it. I went from Cat to Ryder… Except for my family, of course. But only my brother uses it, and not too often…”
Kaidan nods and inquires about her brother, and they spend the next few minutes speaking about their respective families, as they keep waiting for their coffees, making time until he musters the courage to say what he really wants to ask her.
“Shepard got it the same way as you? I mean, because of her birthplace.”
“Yeah.” She hesitates a little and stops to think for a few seconds, finally making up her mind about it. “Wanna know how the whole thing started.”
A wide smile appears on Kaidan’s, so real and honest that she can’t avoid replying with one of her own, seeing him more excited about their conversation than in any single moment of the last few hours.
“I’d love to...” He replies in the sweetest tone of voice, full of expectations.
The waitress finally makes it to their table and refills their cups of coffee.
“Well then.” Her smile deepens as she prepares herself. ”I guess I should start from the beginning… Yeah.” Sofía makes a silent pause before continuing. “If I’m gonna tell you this the right way, there’s one more name you need to know.”
She takes a sip of her coffee after she says this, which only makes Kaidan’s curiosity grow even higher.
“Which is...” She smiles as she rests her cup on the table, taking a second before finally answering him.
So yeah... Next chapter you'll meet Shepard's best friend from her early days in the Alliance (I'm so ready for the fun stuff to begin... I do enjoy the angst, but I prefer fics to be more chill and happy)
See you on the next one!! Bye~~
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fxtalflaw · 3 years
Sunsets and Salty Tears
I was in the mood to write something a bit emotional between the reader and Victor, I hope you like it ♡ also lemme know if there should be a part II
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Victor creed x reader
The day had been unbearably humid, and just as unbearably long. You had spent the day lounging around in just your underwear and one of Victor’s old shirts. Every so often you would inhale his scent, a small comfort that would turn into a painful longing every time you realised just how much you missed that man. Sometimes he was gone from home for days, even months on end. His line of work wasn’t exactly normal, nor did it leave much time for you to see him. Whatever time you and him had when he would return to your secluded cabin in the woods, you ate up greedily and so did he. 
You stared wistfully at the door from your spot on the couch. The thought of that door swinging open and Victor spotting you wearing his shirt swirled around in your mind deliciously. No doubt he would drop everything right there and then to ravage you on the very couch you sat on, unleashing all the frustration he felt from being away from you for so long.
Sadly, the door remained closed.
You sighed heavily, turning your attention elsewhere. Late afternoon sunlight poured through the window, filling the room with a dreamy glow. Cicadas chirped and birds sung happily as the sweltering day was nearing its end. Perking up suddenly, you realised what would bring the day to a perfect, relieving close. 
Grabbing a towel and some shoes, you hastily excited the cabin and stepped out into the hot air. You knew the path you had to take, taking a left and breathing in the familiar earthy scent you had grown to love. At first you were hesitant about the idea of moving all the way out here, although you knew Victor was right when he said it was safer for you. You were less likely to be found by any enemies he had made. 
Endless trees surrounded you, some so tall they disappeared into the sky. Occasionally, you passed a tree or two with very distinct claw marks with a smile. The sound of flowing water grew louder as you neared a clearing. A beautiful lake soon came into view, with a tall waterfall and lush growths of purple and pink flowers at the water’s edge. 
You stripped eagerly, removing Victor’s shirt and your shoes. With one hand resting at the top of your underwear, you glanced around briefly to make sure no one was around. As expected, the only spectators seemed to be the fireflies dancing around in the setting sun. You slipped the underwear off, the warm breeze hitting your bare skin. It felt odd, but also so exhilarating.
You waded into the sparkling lake, instantly feeling refreshed as the cool water encompassed your body. This was definitely a good idea. Finally, when the water was just above your hips, you looked back one last time. Not a person in sight, but perhaps some movement within the trees close to where your clothes were. You shrugged it off as some sort of woodland animal, turning back around and dipping your whole body underneath the water.
Down there in the serene water, your thoughts drifted to Victor again. You couldn’t help but worry about him sometimes, even if he was the most dangerous man you had ever met. What was he doing right now? Was he safe? What if he never came home? You could just picture him smirking down at you and assuring you that those sorts of concerns really were not necessary. 
You breached the surface of the water, coming up for some much needed air. Overhead, the sky was painted in soft orange and pink hues. You could even make out some stars that were starting to peek through, and as the cool water dripped down your body so too did a few warm tears drip down your face. For so long it seemed you had tried to keep it together, tried to stay strong even though it had been so long since you had seen Victor. The days were so lonely, and the nights alone in your bed were even lonelier.
“And here I thought you’d be much happier to see me.”
You gasped, taken aback by the all too familiar deep voice. Big, clawed hands grasped you tightly by the waist, pulling your back flush against his bare front. You could feel his hot breath fanning the back of your neck, your heart beating so fast you thought it would burst out of your chest. You weren’t entirely sure if it was because he snuck up on you or you were embarrassed to be caught crying, or perhaps you were just so overcome with relief that he was just right there.
“Victor.” You said his name like it was a prayer. You took a deep breath, tilting your head back against his chest and trying to calm your racing heart. He chuckled, leaning down to place warm kisses all along your bare shoulder and all the way up your neck. You shivered in delight, goose bumps erupting in the places his lips touched. Still, your tears fell freely as you let out a couple sobs.
His lips stilled against your neck as he squeezed your waist tighter with concern. “What’s wrong?” He spoke softly next to your ear, a hint of uncertainty in his voice. He had always been better at showing his concern, not necessarily speaking about it. You knew he always tried his best though, and you were thankful for that.
“It’s been six months,” you replied, voice shaking as you turned your head slightly to lock eyes with him over your shoulder. “I’ve just been so worried about you.” You paused, trying to simply breathe and regain some sort of composure. “And you have no idea how much I’ve missed you.”
He reached up with one hand to cup the side of your face, claws brushing against your jaw slightly. As predicted, he smirked and looked down at you with amusement. “You know nothing is going to happen to me (y/n).” 
You didn’t answer. You felt foolish, stupid even. Of course nothing was going to happen. Victor was practically invulnerable. He most likely thought you were an idiot for crying so much.
His gaze softened in recognition as he realised that the past six months must of taken quite the toll on you, and that this was not just a small concern for you. His lips parted as if he were about to say something, then closed as he changed his mind. He leaned in closer, and at first you assumed he was only going to kiss your lips, but what he planned on doing was much more surprising. With a gentleness you had never witnessed from Victor before, he tenderly kissed away every salty tear that streamed down your face. He did so until every tear had disappeared, his beard brushing against your skin occasionally.
Your lips were parted in shock as he pulled away. He looked towards the waterfall, then up at the sky in thought. “I know it was a long time. I’ll try not to let it happen again.” I’m sorry for making you worry. I’m so very sorry. You knew what he was trying to really say. 
You breathed a sigh of relief, looking up at the sunset as well. “Good.” Its okay. I forgive you. A sense of peace washed over you as you leaned back against his chest, and you knew you’d never forget the feeling of his lips kissing away your sadness. A couple minutes went by, the sound of the water lapping against your bodies lulling you into a relaxed state.
“I missed you too,” He admitted, claws tracing small circles on your waist. Butterflies fluttered crazily in your stomach at his confession, and also his touch. His hands slowly moved down to explore your naked hips and thighs. You blushed, your previous overwhelmed state overlooking the fact that you were both wearing absolutely nothing. He changed course, hands trailing upwards and over your stomach. 
You smiled, breath hitching as his claws lightly brushed against your chest. He took his time, tantalisingly tracing a path up between the valley of your breasts. His lips found your neck again, this time kissing much more aggressively. Your body suddenly felt hotter than it ever had in this heatwave as you became increasingly aware of his growing erection against your lower back. Reaching up suddenly, he wrapped one hand around your neck, but did not apply any pressure. He waited till you exposed your neck more to him, extending your head upwards to silently indicate that you were into it. He growled lowly in approval against the curve of your shoulder, before squeezing slightly. You let out a moan, knowing later on at the cabin he would not hold back as he was now.
You were literally seeing stars. More had come out, and as you stared up at the now fading sunset with Victor’s hands and lips starting a devilish fire within you, you wondered if this is what heaven felt like.
Spinning around, you crashed your lips against his. He obliged happily, holding your body tightly to his and taking a fistful of your hair. You wrapped your legs around his waist, not wanting there to be any space between the two of you. God, you had missed him. Tears threatened to fall again, just out of pure joy that his skin was against yours once more.
He broke away first, leaving you both panting heavily. His eyes were dark, filled with lust. And something more, something only you could make him feel. His lips touched yours as he spoke.
 “Let’s go home.”
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Let me Love you
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Reader
Warnings: None:) Maybe a little heavy kissing
Word count:1.6k
One shot!
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You absentmindedly doodle small stars on the corner of your parchment, losing concentration of the lesson. Professor Trelawney had a way of putting you off. Maybe it was the huge googly glasses she wore, or the disheveled messy hair. Whatever it was, you couldn't ever take her seriously. You almost forget you're sitting at a round table with Blaise and of course, the Slytherin Prince, when suddenly, Draco taps your arm with the end of his quill.
“Hm?” you hummed in response, looking up from your parchment. With his silver hair and mischievous grin, Draco lifts the edge of his own parchment for you to take a look. You see three small hearts doodled at the edge of his parchment, making you roll your eyes with a small smile. He always did these things, trying to win you over. You thought that after a year of chasing you, he would’ve given up by now. 
“Everything alright back there Miss y/l/n?” Professor Trelawney inquires, peering suspiciously through her massive glasses. 
“Yes professor. Just fine.” you quickly say, trying not to laugh.
As soon as class was dismissed, the three of you gather your things and descend down the ladder to exit the classroom. “Did you have to do that earlier? You almost earned me detention!” you complain, walking towards the great hall for dinner. 
Blaise laughs, putting and arm around you. “Oh come on, it wasn't that bad. Draco’s just shooting his shot.”
“Blaise.” Draco says, his voice low and threatening. It makes you and Blaise stop walking, turning to look at him. “Arm.” 
With that one word, Blaise quickly moves away from you, holding his hands up as though surrendering. “Sorry It was an accident.” 
You laugh, starting to walk again. “You know you can't do that Malfoy. I don't belong to you.” Draco shrugs, taking your textbook from your arms to carry it for you. “Perhaps. But he listens to me. And I don't like it when he touches you.”
Your heart did a little backflip, but you did your best to conceal it. “Whatever Malfoy.”
After dinner, the three of you head outside to the black lake, sitting under a tree. Here in the warm summer breeze, you felt relief. “You know what this reminds me of?” you say, turning to your side to look at Draco and Blaise. “That day last summer when we went to Draco’s house for a swim.”
Blaise nods. “You mean the first time Draco tried to kiss you and you slapped him- OW!”
Draco had knocked him hard on the head. 
“Hey! For merlin’s sake I've apologised for that a million times!” you laugh.
Draco positions himself nearer to you, making you peer up at him cautiously. “So you have. But what's going to heal me in here?” He takes your hand and places it on his chest. 
“Such a drama queen.” You smile, pushing him away. 
“I think I'm permanently concussed.” Blaise groans, still rubbing the spot on his forehead where Draco hit him. 
You stand up going to him. “Let me see. Is it bad?” 
Blaise pushes his hair out of the way and you see a dark bruise forming on his forehead. “Gosh it doesn't look good. But it’s nothing Madame Pomfrey can't fix. I’ll walk you there.”
“No no it's alright. I’ll get to the hospital wing just fine. You two lovebirds stay. It shouldn't take long.”
You try to protest but he insists you and Draco stay here. Eventually you give up and slump down at the foot of the tree, watching Blaise head off back to the castle.
“You just had to injure him did ya?” you say to Draco.
He simply shrugs. “Wasn't intentional.” 
You shake your head, looking up at him. “Well, it still wasn't nice of you to do that. You need to apologise.”
“Fine. If you want me to, I will when he gets back.”
“Wow that was easier than I thought.” You smile, gathering all your hair to one side, resting over your left shoulder.
“Of course.” he simply says. This earns him a curious look from you. “I'd do anything you tell me to.” 
A shiver went down your spine. This handsome, perfect, smart boy was head over heels for you and you loved him too. But you couldn't let yourself do anything. His pale blue eyes peered down at you, almost staring into your soul, searching for a sign. Anything at all. The sun is now beginning to set, the golden glow illuminating his pale skin. He almost looked angelic. Your eyes travel down his face, landing on his lips. His lips. You've always wondered how it would feel like to kiss him. He must've noticed it because he slowly leans forward, bringing his face closer to yours. You didn't want to move. You wanted to let it happen. For him to kiss you until everything no longer made sense. But at the last second, you quickly turn away.
“Umm lets go for a swim! It’s so warm today.” You quickly say, standing up to remove your uniform. 
“Wait y/n-”
You quickly kick off your shoes and run off, leaping into the water with a big splash. The icy water was a relief, cooling down your red and heated face. That was a close call.
Seconds later, Draco jumped in, causing a huge splash. “There you are!” you exclaimed cheerfully, hoping to ignore the moment from minutes ago. “Doesn't the water feel nice?”
He swims toward you, and you playfully splash him with water. 
“Y/n.” he grabs your hands, pulling you close to him. He holds you tight by the waist, leaving you no escape as your arms go around his neck for stability. 
“Yes what is it?” you smile, praying to Merlin you didn't look nervous. 
He stares deep into your eyes, making you feel unusually self conscious. “You love me... don't you?” 
“Hun, if i did have feelings for you don't you think I would've said something over the past year?” You laugh, looking away. You couldn't lie under his gaze.
He shakes his head. “You're lying.” 
“What makes you think so?”
“Firstly, I saw the way you looked at me. I felt it. And secondly, when you're lying, you can never maintain eye contact.”
“Okay Malfoy, that's insane.” 
“Then look at me and tell me you don't love me.”
You take a deep breath, finally looking at him again. “I don't love you.” you mumble, quickly looking down at the water. 
“Not like that y/l/n. Do it properly. Look into my eyes.”
You look into his eyes this time. The glowing sunset, his wet skin, his drenched hair, you loved everything about him. You couldn't deny it. 
Letting out a sigh, you push a lock of hair away from his face. His eyes once again searching yours for a clue. Anything that gave it away. 
“I love you.” you finally admit. “I love you so much it scares me. When you're not around, I can't breathe. When you're around I just want to kiss you. I-”
He cuts you off, smashing his lips with yours. The kiss is heated and needy. All the pent up sexual tension pouring into this kiss. The water no longer felt cold. All you could feel... was him. Your hands travel from his shoulders up into his silvery blonde hair, earning a soft moan from him. His right hand cupped your cheek while his left held you firm against him around your waist. Your legs wrapped around his torso, a hot needy impulse growing in your lower belly. 
“Wait wait...” you pull away, gasping for air with one hand on his chest. 
Still panting, he looks at you full of concern “Im sorry I didn't mean to-”
“No don't apologise. I loved every second of it.” You manage to say between breaths. 
He loosens his grip, and the two of you swim to the edge of the lake, sitting on the river bank. It took a few more seconds to fully process what happened in the past minute. Everything happened so fast, you couldn't keep up.
“I love you y/n.” Draco suddenly says, taking your hand in his. “You know I love you. Why have you been holding back?”
You look up at him, seeing so much pain and worry behind those blue irises. You owed him an explanation. 
“Remember when Goyle and I were together? He made me feel like I was the most important person in the world. But a month went by and he cheated on me with Pansy.”
He nods. “I’m aware.” You could see a flash of anger in his eyes. “Thats why I took care of it.”
You smile, squeezing his hand. “No Draco, you bullied him so much he transferred out of Hogwarts.”
He kisses the back of your hand. “Yes. I took care of it.” he smiles, a beautiful but rare sight.
“Well, I guess i got scared after that. Someone can make me feel so special and loved, and change their mind in an instant. Either that, or some other girl could always come along and replace me.”
It was silent for a short while before he let out a sigh. “I can't believe that useless git left you feeling so small.” 
“It’s not your job to fix me Draco.” You say, giving him a sad smile. “I can't ask you to wait around for me either.”
“No. I’ll fix this. I’ll show you how beautiful and special you are. I’d never let anyone hurt you, and I'll never let you go. From now on, you’ll be mine and I'll never let anyone lay a finger on you.”
“I’ve always been yours...” you whisper. “But what if that doesn't work?”
He lets go of your hand and holds your face between his palms. “It will y/n. Because I love you. And now that I know you love me, there's nothing I can't do. Just... promise me one thing.”
You feel your legs go weak and your breath catch in your throat. “Anything.” 
“Let me love you.”
You smile, nodding lightly. “Will you kiss me again?”
He smirks, lowering his face closer to yours. “I never wanted to stop.” He lays a soft and sweet kiss on your lips. It was gentle, and full of love. For the first time ever, you feel safe. You know that as long as Draco was by your side, nothing else would matter. Because you had him.
“Actually when did you realise you had feelings for me?” He asks peering curiously at you. “The day you tried to kiss me.” You giggle, seeing the frustrated look on his face.  “So you're telling me, we could've been snogging this whole time?”
You nod, pulling him in for a hug. “You’re not mad are you?”
“Of course not, love. But if I ever lay my eyes on Goyle I might just rip his head off.”
Author’s note:
HI! Thanks for reading my fanfic:) Let me know what you think and just drop a comment if you have any ideas for Harry Potter fanfics:)
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abbysfrenchbraid · 4 years
Little Harbor - Beach Day Part 2
Thank you all for the lovely feedback on my writing so far, it means so much to me. I’ve decided that the Beach Day Imagine needed a Part 2 and spent last night manically writing 6.6k words of fluff, angst and semi smut.
In this part, Abby and the reader finally make their trip to Little Harbor and spend the night at the cabin there. The reader finds out they don’t know everything about Abby and there are some things in her past that still weigh heavily on her mind. 
TW for death/loss (Seattle plot for the Salt Lake Squad), light nudity, language and mention of suicide and mention of blood
This ist the playlist I curated for this fic. Make sure you disable shuffle and listen to the songs in order for them to fit! (It’s called Little Harbor on Spotify and has a picture of Abby in the thumbnail)
Little Harbor
The last few days had been a blur of happiness and secrecy. Stolen kisses in empty hallways, sitting next to each other in the cafeteria with your knees touching, sunsets in the watchtower staircase, and sweaty hugs whenever you picked up Abby after her morning training. It was clear to you by now that there was no going back and no stopping this. You were absolutely, hopelessly falling for the tall blonde soldier and she actually seemed to feel the same, which was still unbelievable to you.
Abby had taken up work with some of the combat and strategy trainers, educating them on the different groups she had encountered on her journey and on their territory, tactics, and relationships with each other. Lev had come in to explain more about the Seraphites, their whistle language, and their infrastructure. Even though it was unlikely that the Seraphites or WLF would come knocking at the Fireflies’ door, they still wanted to know as much as possible about the current state of the world.
The Rattlers were a different story altogether. Lev refused to speak about them and even though Abby had told the Firefly leaders about them as soon as she was conscious after her emergency surgeries, there was still much to talk about. She tried as hard as she could to remember every little detail and she got incredibly frustrated with herself when she found gaps in her memory even though that wasn’t her fault. The torture and mistreatment at the hands of these bastards had been so immensely traumatizing that her mind refused to let her remember the worst parts.
While the past few days with her had been all fun and exciting, the evenings had been more difficult and it had taken a lot of strength from both of you to get through this together. Abby was just learning to confide in you and talk about her feelings while you struggled with being there for her the right way, having never experienced anything close to the terror she must have felt. After the first day in the strategy room, Abby had knocked on your door just as you were about to go to bed and practically fallen apart in your arms. The Fireflies had decided to send a few teams back to Santa Barbara to see if there were any survivors and capture or help the people they found, depending on their previous alliance. They had offered Abby to go back with them, which she declined, and made it clear that she had to try to identify every single person they brought back.
You just hoped that the only people left there were the other prisoners who had freed themselves. It would be horrifying to know that some of the torturers could soon be sitting somewhere in this very building, practically at arm’s reach from Abby and Lev.
Although the others had advised her not to, Abby had told Lev about all the plans and tasks to come and he had agreed to help identifying people but remained silent about his thoughts on all this.
Trying your best to make Abby’s first week as an official Firefly less hard on her, you had organized a mission for you both to go to Little Harbor. You were supposed to check up on the little cabin there, throw out anything that wasn’t necessary and stock it with a few supplies in case someone in the area needed them in the future. The best thing about Little Harbor was the beautiful beach that stretched in a perfect arc and had the most beautiful sunsets you had ever seen.
You had just talked to your friend in admin and gotten the confirmation for the mission. For a second, you debated telling Abby at lunch in an hour but you simply couldn’t wait. Rolling up the note with the assignment on it and shoving it in your back pocket, you rushed toward the east wing of the base, practically jumping with every step.
As you came closer to the strategy room, you heard muffled voices. There seemed to be a heated discussion. You really didn’t want to eavesdrop, but you were already at the door and didn’t feel like you should knock and interrupt them in the middle of their conversation.
“Oh come on, Abby, what are you not telling us? You have to know more about her than that!”
“I’m telling you, I don’t know where they lived and I don’t know where she is now! I met them the first time at the WLF outpost in the middle of nowhere around Seattle and the last time I saw her she was in Santa Barbara. She’s probably dead, anyway, she was injured and all alone.”
She? Who were they talking about? Abby had never told you about a woman in Santa Barbara. Maybe another prisoner?
Someone slammed a hand on the table.
“Jesus Christ, I can’t believe we lost her again after all this time. At least we know Joel paid for what he did at Salt Lake.”
This sparked your attention. You knew Abby had grown up at the Salt Lake outpost before the massacre. Was Joel the guy who killed all the Fireflies there, including the doctors?
“What do you want with her anyway?” That was Abby again. She sounded bitter. “It’s not like we have the means to make a vaccine, Joel made sure of that. You’ll see what she did with the rattlers when you get there. Maybe you’ll find her body, too, and I can finally have some fucking peace.”
There was silence for a brief moment. Then a woman said: “Alright, let’s take a break. The teams are driving out to Santa Barbara tomorrow, then we’ll see what we find. Abby, thank you for everything you’ve told us. Take some time for yourself, I’ll call for you when the reports are in and hopefully a few survivors, too. I’ll see the rest of you after lunch.”
You could hear feet shuffling and chairs being pushed around. Quickly, you tiptoed away from the door and halfway through the corridor, then you turned around just as the door opened. Abby came out first, frowning and with her hands balled into firsts. When she saw you, her face lit up and she relaxed, taking a few big steps towards you and awkwardly coming to a halt in front of you, just a little bit too close.
“Perfect timing, huh?” She smiled at you before nodding to a few others that passed you.
You forced yourself to focus and smiled back.
“Yeah, I came to tell you that our mission is approved. We can leave as soon as possible.”
“Oh, that’s great! Martha just said I could have the day off and probably need to report back in tomorrow night earliest. Should we just pack now and get going after lunch?”
“Good idea. Say we meet in the cafeteria in 15?” you suggested.
Abby nodded. “See you there.”
As you packed your backpack, you tried to process what you had just heard. Abby knew the man who had run amok at the Firefly Hospital and apparently he was dead now. There had been another woman in Santa Barbara, and she had something to do with a possible vaccine? You knew the Fireflies had been extremely invested in the search for a vaccine after the outbreak, but they had given up on it a long time ago. Now they just tried to build safe zones without any infected in order to build communities of Fireflies, other survivors, and anyone else who wanted to join you.
Why were the others so keen on finding the other woman? What did Abby have to do with Joel and the massacre at the hospital? And why was this whole thing still affecting her so badly after all those years?
You wanted to try to talk to Abby later and find out what had gone down in Santa Barbara and at Salt Lake, but you also knew she had been waiting for this day to finally come so she could get out of here and distract herself for a while. Who were you to ruin this by forcing her to relive her trauma all over again?
Closing the zipper on your backpack and throwing it over your shoulder, you decided to just take it a step at a time. First, you had to get some food into your stomach.
Abby was excited about the trip and spent almost the whole meal asking you questions about the bay and the cabin. She told you she had spent some time in cabins up in Washington with her old WLF crew, but it had been snowing back then and the summer here was just an entirely different experience.
Lev was a bit sad he couldn’t go with you, but you promised him a beach bonfire in the next two weeks. He was way too happy about his new friends and tasks to sulk about your little duo mission. The boy was a fantastic archer and was now tasked with teaching his craft to younger trainees and older soldiers. He was delighted at being taken so seriously by adults for the first time in his life. His lessons at school were going well apparently, he enjoyed history and biology a lot.
Abby was attentively listening to him talking about crop diversification and the produce grown here during the different seasons as a group of fully-equipped soldiers came into the cafeteria. They seemed excited about their mission and were making a ton of noise, jeering and shoving each other around as they picked up their rations for the next two days from the serving counter. Abby and Lev both went quiet, poking around in their food and seeming to be holding their breaths until the squad had left.
Lev suddenly looked up at Abby with tears in his eyes.
“Do you think any of the Rattlers survived?” His voice was high pitched and he sounded like he was about to choke.
“Oh, Lev.” The blonde put her arm around his shoulder, her hands looking huge on his small frame. “I have no idea, I’m so sorry. I’m pretty sure the other prisoners were freed and got their revenge. She also freed some of the walkers in the area. It must have been bad. We’ll just have to wait and see, but I promise they’ll never lay a hand on you ever again.”
There she was again, the mysterious woman. Now you’d at least have a valid reason to bring it up. The boy sighed, then he wiped his eyes with the back of his hand and straightened up. He waved over to a few other kids waiting at the exit.
“I need to go. Math class.” He grimaced and you and Abby both had to laugh. No one enjoyed math, but a certain basic knowledge was necessary for everyone here.
“See you tomorrow, Lev. I’ll bring her back safely,” you promised him and Abby rolled her eyes at you, but he gave you a genuinely thankful nod before tapping her shoulder as a goodbye and running over to his friends.
Abby smiled at you, her eyes lighting up as she remembered your plans for the day.
“You ready to go?” she asked, standing up and grabbing her backpack.
“Let’s get out of here.” You put on your backpack as well, took your plates and placed them in a plastic tub next to the counter.
In the empty corridor leading to the garage, Abby snuck her fingers between yours, sending sparks over your skin and making butterflies dance in your stomach. She pulled you toward her and after a quick glance left and right, she gave you a soft peck on the lips. You reacted instantly, burying your fingers in her hair and pulling her in for a second kiss, this time less innocent. Abby chuckled and grabbed your shoulder to push you away just a few inches and look you in the eyes.
You felt yourself blush and rubbed a hand over your eyes.
“Ugh, sorry, I just missed you all morning. Let’s just go.”
Grabbing her hand and pulling her with you, you entered the garage and quickly said hello to your coworkers before checking out the keys and leading Abby to your truck. Your colleagues didn’t lose a single word about the hand-holding and you were thankful for their discretion. They were your closest friends at the base and they knew you’d tell them more as soon as you were ready.
The drive out to the cabin took about an hour, one which you spent in blissful silence. You had rolled the windows down again and just like the last time, the summer air was whirling through the cabin and playing with your hair. Abby let an arm hang out of her window and took in the view of the different hills and forest patches, the beaches, and the beautiful meadows. She looked serene, completely at peace with herself and the world.
When you arrived at the cabin, it was better than you had remembered. The little wooden cottage was still in good shape, firewood was stacked up at the back and there was a small front porch with a perfect view of the bay in front of you. Two wooden chairs and a table stood on the porch, completely grown over with moss.
You fumbled with the keys for a second, then you were inside. All the curtains were drawn, bathing the dusty room in heavy yellow light before you opened them and looked around. Abby was still standing at the doorstep, uncertain of what to do.
The room was perfectly equipped with a little kitchen unit, a table with four chairs, a worn-out striped couch, and a decently sized bed, luckily covered with a big sheet to stop it from getting unbearably dusty. A narrow door in the corner seemed to lead to a bathroom. You put your hands on your hips and turned to Abby.
“Well, what do you think? Too dusty for your liking?”
The blonde snapped out of her astonishment.
“Are you kidding me? Y/N, it’s great! It looks so cozy, I think I’m gonna sleep better than I have for months.” She took a few steps toward you and wrapped her hands around your waist. “Especially when I’m sleeping next to you.”
“Oh, I thought you were gonna take the couch,” you said dryly. Abby’s eyes widened and you could tell she seriously thought she had overstepped until you wrapped your arms around her neck and snorted, immediately receiving a playful push backward that you put up with by holding on to her for dear life.
“You’re an asshole,” she laughed, “I got scared there for a second!” She planted a kiss on your lips and picked you up by your waist, making you squeal.
“I’m sorry, Abby, ahh! Please let me down!” you begged but you had to admit this was fun. The taller woman gently put you back on your feet, then she said: “Come on, let’s get settled here.”
She opened the windows while you tried the tap unsuccessfully before pulling the cover off the bed and revealing buttercup yellow sheets. Sweet. Abby used a towel to wipe the dust off the table before setting her bag on it and offering to take yours as well. She put all the supplies in the kitchen cabinet before announcing that she was going to find you some water.
“When you go outside, there should be a pump on the left side of the house. Make sure to pump for a while until you touch the water, it’s got to be disgusting,” you said as you started sweeping the floor with a broom.
“Yeah, I know how a cistern works, thanks.” She rolled her eyes at you. A minute later, you could hear the squeaking of the old metal pump and the gurgle of water seeing daylight for the first time in years. You put the broom in the corner and wiped your hands on your jeans. The bed looked inviting, but the beach called to you even louder. You could feel that this night would have a lasting impact on your life and your relationship with Abby.
After checking on the roof and the cistern, you made your way down to the beach and spent the afternoon swimming, reading, and chasing each other around. One time Abby actually tackled you too hard and you got sand everywhere - your mouth, your nose, your eyes, even under your bathing suit. Abby couldn’t stop apologizing and telling you how sorry she was and how she underestimated her own strength but you swore vengeance for later and laughed it off. In order to get rid of all the sand underneath your suit, you went into the water and took it off before whirling it around over your head and getting Abby all flustered.
You secretly wanted her to join you, but she seemed to be too timid to go that fast so you put your bathing suit back on and let yourself flop down next to her, purposely splashing water on her and making her squeal as the cold drops hit her hot skin. Following an impulse, you rolled over and on top of her, pressing your cold, wet body on her soft, warm back. This time, she forced herself to stay still and not throw you around again, instead resorting to cursing you and calling you an atrocious little eel, only making you laugh harder.
After a while, she gave up on fighting you and you rested your cheek on her warm shoulder, humming in satisfaction. This was nice. It would be even better when you’d lie next to her in bed.
The afternoon seemed to go on forever, time standing still as you two forgot all your worries and enjoyed living in this little bubble of sun, sea and happiness. Then, finally, the sun hung low over the sea, drenching the world in golden light and painting the water orange and the clouds pink. It was an explosion of light and color, the pure beauty you could only find in nature. Or in the person you loved most.
Looking over at Abby, you saw she was also watching the waves and the clouds, the soft light illuminating the tiny hairs on her face and arms and making the dried salt crystals that stuck to her skin glint like little diamonds. Her dark blonde hair was swaying in the slight breeze and her cheeks had a faint red tinge from the sun. She was mesmerizing.
You moved closer to her and drew your nose along her jawline, breathing on her neck and placing tiny kisses behind her ear and on her temple until she was humming and leaning into your touch. She slowly turned her head and grazed your open mouth with hers before running the tip of her tongue over your upper lip. She opened her eyes.
“This really is the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen. Nothing has ever made me feel like this,” she mumbled without drawing back.
“I’m glad you like it. I’ve been wanting to show it to you for a while.”
“I wish you would have shown me sooner. But I’m really happy you’re doing it now.” She turned her torso towards you and brushed her fingers over your thigh, leaving goosebumps in their wake. You could see the specks of gold in her iris, reflecting the last rays of sunlight and making her look ethereal and otherworldly. Oh god, how in the world had you found her? How had she found you? This was too good to be true, but you wanted to believe that it was, to believe that this moment could last forever.
In a desperate attempt to tell her all this, the beautiful chaos in your heart and your head that started spinning when you were with her, you leaned forward and kissed her. Hard, like you were scared this wasn’t real or it could be your last, then softer when you felt Abby tense up in surprise. She opened her mouth for you and you dragged your tongue against hers, tasting hints of salt and the fruit you had had earlier. You became more confident and placed your hand on her inner thigh which she took in with a gasp before grabbing the back of your neck and pulling you closer, her tongue now more forceful and demanding.
You couldn’t take the space between you any longer and crawled on top of her, straddling her hips as you looked down at her face, her green eyes half-closed and her mouth hanging open. The sun had said its farewells and vanished behind the horizon and the atmosphere created by the dusk suddenly hit you full force. Abby’s face was still softly lit by the pink clouds behind you while the sky behind her was a dark, heavy blue fading to black in the distance. She looked like a fucking painting.
“I’m so glad I found you,“ you whispered, running your fingers through her hair.
Abby answered by wrapping her arms around you and pulling you in. She kissed you with a burning passion, gentle but daring, sweet but hot, encasing you with her body and her mouth and pressing you so close that there wasn’t an inch left between you.
As she moved her hands down your body, pulling your hips closer and caressing your legs, she noticed the goosebumps all over your body and halted for a second.
“Are you cold, baby?”
You wanted to say no, but you had to admit you were starting to shiver under your still slightly damp swimming suit and wet hair, the evening breeze dancing around you and mocking you for getting so lost in the moment that you forgot everything around you.
“I really am,” you sighed, “maybe we could get some blankets and food and start a fire?”
Abby nodded and you struggled to your feet, feeling very naked and small all of a sudden. The blonde noticed your change of behavior and immediately got up next to you. She grabbed your books and towels and wrapped her dry one around your shoulders, rubbing up and down your arms a few times to warm you up before pulling you in for a tight hug.
“Come on, let’s get you inside and warmed up.”
Inside the cabin, Abby managed to light an oil lamp and fill the room with a wonderfully soft, yellow light. She slowly walked toward you and came to a halt right in front of you. Gently, she placed her hands on your shoulders and took the towel, placing it on a chair beside you. Then she hooked a finger under the strap of your swimsuit and slowly pulled it over your shoulder and down your arm, never breaking eye contact. Both of you were breathing heavily, the air between you felt like sirup and the world seemed to stop turning.
You laid a hand on top of Abby’s and moved with her, dragging the strap down your arm to expose a slight tan line and a hard nipple standing out into the cold air. Abby still hadn’t moved her eyes from yours, helping you pull your arm out of the strap and slowly pulling down the other one until your entire chest was bare. You could feel another rush of goosebumps chasing over your entire body while hot blood shot into your face and painted your cheeks in a deep red.
You both took a deep breath simultaneously, then you nodded at the tall woman in front of you. She lowered her eyes to your breasts and let out a shaky breath, then she raised a hand and drew her fingertips over your collarbone, down your ribs, and up between your breasts before brushing over your sensitive nipples and finally using both hands to cup your breasts. She stepped closer and bent her head to kiss you. You melted into her, her hands now all over your body, her hot skin on your cold flesh, and her mouth on yours before attacking your throat, making you throw your head back and let out an ecstatic moan.
Suddenly, Abby’s hands were on your ass and she picked you up effortlessly. You wrapped your legs around her waist and held on to her shoulders as she carried you towards the bed, sitting down on it with you in her lap. You buried your fingers in her hair and pulled on it as you ground your hips forward and kissed along her jaw.
In this moment, you felt something shift inside her. She tensed up, but not in a way that felt right in this situation. You let go of her immediately and leaned back to look at her, scared you had done something wrong or she didn’t want this after all.
“Abby, is everything okay?” you asked, your voice sounding strangely loud and panicky in the silent room.
She kept one hand on the small of your back while rubbing the back of her head with the other.
“Yeah, I’m sorry. It’s just - fuck…” You could see tears welling up in her eyes as she furrowed her brows and tried to keep it together. “You just reminded me of someone. It’s not your fault, you didn’t know. It’s just… you don’t know everything about me yet. Maybe it’s time you did so you can decide if you still want me.”
She averted her eyes and let her hands fall to your thighs. For the second time in minutes, you felt strangely exposed and out of place. You nodded, then you stood up and turned away. It felt like your heart was slowly tearing at the seams and pouring blood into your stomach. Why couldn’t this be easy? What was the secret Abby had kept from you? You couldn’t imagine not wanting her anymore. She was everything you had ever dreamed of, the only person that had ever made you truly happy and it was impossible for you to see a future without her. The thought alone felt like a knife to your stomach.
You quickly pulled a big hooded sweatshirt from your backpack and put it on before taking off the swimsuit and slipping into fresh underwear and linen pants. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Abby getting dressed as well.
“I’m gonna get some wood from the back and start a fire on the beach,” you declared into the silence and rushed out the door without daring to look at Abby.
You piled up the wood on the sand, added some dried grass and small sticks in the middle and lit them with a match. The breeze had died down and the fire started at the first try. Abby came down from the cabin with two plaid blankets, a water bottle, and a small loaf of bread from your provisions. She spread one of the blankets on the ground and motioned for you to sit down, putting the second one around your shoulders when you had settled.
She sat down next to you and took a few gulps of water before handing the bottle to you. You were thankful for the cool liquid soothing your dry throat after the day in the sun and saltwater.
Abby took a deep breath, then she began.
She told you about her life at Salt Lake, growing up among the Fireflies, about her father, the surgeon, and the search for a vaccine. They had heard there was a girl who was immune and on her way to them, but only a few people believed it, her dad among them. When the day finally came, she had been out training with her boyfriend Owen and upon her arrival at the base, everyone was talking about the girl and the surgery her father was about to perform on her in order to try to develop a vaccine. There was an actual chance of salvation; everyone was enthusiastic.
Then the shooting had happened. Joel, the man who had brought the girl had suddenly changed his mind and abducted the girl straight from the operating table. He had shot everyone in his way. When Abby ran to find her father, it had been too late. Joel had killed him and with him the last chance of making a vaccine. Abby’s world had been destroyed in a matter of minutes.
That day, she had sworn vengeance. She had started training even harder than before and followed every tip she got to find Joel. The Fireflies had crumbled and she and a small group of friends had joined the WLF. Abby had broken up with Owen and everyone but her had given up on vengeance, but one day she had found Joel and his brother Tommy. She had brought them to the cabin where she was staying with her crew and she had killed Joel. An eye for an eye.
What she hadn’t expected was the young woman turning up at the last second to inevitably watch Joel die. They had left her and Tommy there and seen the matter as dealt with.
Then, suddenly, Abby’s friends had been killed one by one. This was at the same time she had met Lev and helped him flee from the Seraphites. In Seattle, she had come face to face with Ellie, the immune girl from way back and the woman who had watched Joel, her father figure, die at the hands of Abby. She had been the one to kill Abby’s crew trying to find her. Abby however had defeated her and Tommy once more and warned them not to come after her again.
Months after, just as they had made first contact with the Catalina Fireflies, Abby and Lev had been captured by the Rattlers and were tortured for weeks. One day, Ellie had turned up there and helped them escape before challenging Abby to one last fight to the death, threatening to kill Lev if Abby wouldn’t do it. They had fought a gruesome battle, both sustaining terrible wounds before Ellie had given up and let Abby and Lev go.
Abby didn’t know where she was now and if she had survived, and she didn’t care. She knew why Ellie had pursued her and she knew Ellie understood her reasons, too. Still, the loss they had suffered at the hands of the other was unbearable. Abby had lost everyone she had ever trusted or shared good memories with to horrific deaths and there would never be justice. She would never get them back and she would never understand why all this had to happen.
By the end of her story, Abby was sobbing. You had wrapped your blanket around the both of you and your hand lay on her thigh, but you didn’t dare to make closer contact. You didn’t know what to think of all this. What a waste. What a terrible, devastating tragedy. How horrible to suffer this much and have no one to blame, nothing to do with all the pain and grief.
Abby wiped her eyes with the corner of the blanket.
“I think, if I hadn’t found Lev, I wouldn’t have made it. I would have let her kill me. What was there to live for after everything that had happened?”
The thought of Abby dying was the final pull that ripped your heart to shreds. You pressed both of your hands to your chest to assure yourself you were okay, panting heavily as you tried to find something to say. There was nothing you could offer that would make this hell better for her. The realization was crushing.
You both sat in silence for a few minutes while Abby tried to calm her breathing and you tried to calm your thoughts. Finally, you broke the silence.
“I’ve loved Lev from the minute I met him and I’m so thankful he’s here.”
What you wanted to say, wanted to scream into the flames, was that you had loved Abby since the second you saw her, that she had your heart, that this was fucking confusing but didn’t change your feelings for her and that you would never give up on trying to be with her.
“That little boy has the biggest heart I’ve ever seen. He’s been through so much and he had to grow up in the span of a few months, but when I see him smile or hear him laugh or talk about fucking sustainable agriculture” - she had to laugh through a veil of tears - “I know it was all worth it. Every fight, every day in that godforsaken cell, every bullet. He’s my reason.”
Fuck it. It was better to tell her right now than to suffer the uncertainty any longer.
“Abby, I honestly don’t know what to say. I can’t even begin to perceive the horrors you’ve been through and I’m not going to act like I even remotely understand how you feel. What I do know is this: there is no one to blame in this whole terrible web of tragedy. What matters is that it’s over and that you now have the chance to live a life without constant danger and death and disaster. And I’m going to be at your side every day, no matter how long it takes for you to accept safety and peace and maybe even happiness into your life, even if it takes you forever. I have never felt the way I feel with you, I didn’t even know it was possible to love someone this deeply. I understand that you’re far away sometimes and I know there is still a lot of distance between us and you don’t have to reciprocate any of this, but I just want you to know . Know you are loved, know you have a place here, and know I will do everything in my power to help you through this.”
Abby’s eyes had gone wide at your monologue and she seemed completely blindsided by your confession. How had she not seen this coming? Did she seriously think she was just some fling to you? A little summer fun? What was she thinking?
The blonde stared into the fire, contemplating and kneading her fingers.
“Today was the first time I didn’t think of them for several hours. Ever since we arrived, I just tucked it all away in a corner of my mind and decided I could be sad tomorrow because today, with you, I would be happy.”
You held your breath and waited for her to continue, not daring to move or say a word.
“And I really was. Happy, you know? And you’re different, too. Owen was there for me so I was there for him. It just turned out I didn’t care for him as much as he did for me. And that really, really fucking sucks to know now that he’s gone. But I can’t change it. All I know is that I’ve never cared for anyone as much as I care for you. You’re constantly on my mind and I get irritated and impatient when I haven’t seen you for too long, usually meaning only a couple hours, which is a little pathetic if I gotta be honest.”
She looked at you and it felt like she was staring right into your soul. You were frozen, in disbelief at what she was telling you. She held out her hand and you took it, your fingers naturally slipping between hers and closing around her palm. How could two bodies fit each other that perfectly? Abby took a deep breath and turned her gaze to the fire again.
“I still have a long way to go with all this and the next few days are going to absolutely fucking horrible. I have no idea how I’m going to survive that. But with you by my side, I want to try. For you, for Lev, and for all the people I’ve lost. I owe it to them to make the best of the life I still have.”
She lifted your hands to her face and kissed the back of your hand.
“You, Y/N, have stirred something inside me I haven’t felt in years. It feels warm and hopeful and eager to see what the next day brings. And because I know tomorrow will bring a lot of pain, at the moment I just want to see what the next hour brings.”
You let your head fall on her shoulder and she put an arm around you. It had gone completely dark and the fire was slowly dying down, but you were warm and comfortable. The night was singing a bittersweet song for those gone too soon, the trees humming their wonderful tenor as the waves joined in with a whisper, the bats over your heads drumming their fleeting rhythm, and an owl completing the symphony with her wailing cries.
Abby started talking again and telling you stories about her time with the Fireflies while ripping off little pieces of bread for you both. One day, her and Owen had helped her dad free a zebra that had gotten caught in some wire. Her first kiss had been Nora, her closest friend and a brilliant doctor. Leah and Jordan had been the power couple at the WLF, brilliant together but also extremely annoying whenever they started wildly making out at parties or fucking in the bathroom thinking the others wouldn’t hear. Then there was Mel, part of the group but in a difficult triangle with Abby and Owen. She had been pregnant with Owen’s child when Ellie killed her. And Yara, what a wonderful young woman. Lev’s sister had stood by him and defended him when he had gotten in trouble with the Seraphites and she had done everything she could to protect him until the day she died. From that day on, Abby had taken that responsibility.
She also told you about her fear of heights and the trip through the sky with Lev, now laughing as she admitted how bizarre it all seemed looking back. It was nice to hear her laugh again and to finally really get to know her.
When the fire was nothing more than a few smoldering coals, Abby suggested going back to the cabin. You packed up your things and carried them back inside. Abby lit the lamp again while you folded the sandy blankets and put them to the side. Then you locked the door.
As you turned around, you could see Abby standing next to the bed, looking at you. Her features were only lit from the side, golden light flickering over her cheekbones and jaw. Her head was slightly cocked and her hands were restless again, searching for something to hold on to and finding only each other.
“Come here,” she said in a low voice. You felt yourself drawn to her by an invisible string, moving faster with every step until you clashed into her, hands and arms entangling, hot mouths pressed together. She let herself fall back onto the bed and pulled you down with her.
You couldn’t tell if the rushing in your ears was the sea or your own blood, but it didn’t matter. Abby’s calloused hands were exploring your back under the sweatshirt, her thigh was pressed between yours and her heavy breathing joined the harmony in your head.
You paused for a minute, staring down at the beautiful face beneath you, her eyes promising that she was all yours.
“You're so fucking beautiful,” you whispered, then you kissed her again and dragged her down with you into an ocean of pleasure.
Author’s note: After receiving amazing feedback from you guys and a demand for more, I’m currently in the process of writing a Part 3 for this! Thank you for your patience 💌 if you’d like, you can support me by buying me a coffee 💛
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katsukisbimbo · 4 years
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As The World Caves In
✯ pairing: hawks (takami keigo) x gn! reader
✯ genre: angst. just angst
✯ summary: you knew what no matter how bad keigo fucked up. he would be the only one for you.
✯wordcount: 1.6k+
✯warning: angst. it’s so sad. swearing. major character death.
✯ n/a: i cried so hard writing this. it was just so hard to write because of my immense love for hawks. also read this while listening to “as the world caves in” by matt maltese! it hurts more!
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sometimes, you wondered what your life would be like if you rejected takami keigo’s advances towards you. lately, keigo has been too busy for you and would leave and go under radar for weeks at a time without informing you. being with him made your anxiety shoot up at the thought of him never coming back. at the thought of you finding his body cold and decaying. at the thought of never being able to hear him call you kid again.
it’s been two weeks since you’ve last seen him. you were worried, but it’s not like it was his first time doing this. you lounged around in your pajama’s as you had a day off today. you laid on your couch as you reminisced your sweet times with keigo, wanting nothing but to be in his arms.
“kEigO! you fucking DICK!” you yelled as you felt your bird brained boyfriend drop you into the freezing cold water of the lake. he was bent over laughing, clutching his stomach at the sight of you drenched and freezing head to toe. you couldn’t help but admire how beautiful he looked while he laughed. you knew about keigo’s past. you knew that he didn’t have much of a childhood, and you were the one who helped him experience things that he should’ve experienced when he was younger.
“i’m sorry kid, i couldn’t resist! you look too cute pouting at me like that” he chuckled as he walked towards you to wrap his arms and wings around your shivering figure. your scowl dropped as you snuggled your face into his warm chest, relishing this moment with your boyfriend.
“hey keigo? are you gonna leave me again?” you questioned as you tilted your head up to peek at his face, catching him grimace at your question. you already knew the answer. you decided to push your negative thoughts out of your mind and just live in the present with keigo.
“you know i don’t like leaving you kid, but i have to. it’s my job, it’s our job. don’t worry about me, i’ll be back before you know it” he comforted as he pressed a loving kiss onto your forehead.
you just nodded and hugged him tighter, feeling your hot tears threaten to overflow and cascade down the apples of your cheeks.
you both stood there, holding each other as if it was the last time.
you felt your phone vibrate on your stomach, pulling you from your daydreams. it was your agency calling. it must’ve been big if they were calling you on your day off.
“hello?” you answered getting ready to put your hero costume on.
“y/h/n! please get down to musutafu now! hawks needs assistance and nobodies available! he’s in big trouble!” they yelled.
that’s all it took for you to drop everything and run to your lover.
“do you ever think we’re going to have kids in the future?” you question your boyfriend as you two watched the sunset rise on top of your building. you turned your head to look in his direction but he already had his eyes on you. you surely would have blushed if he did this while your relationship was still new. (he’s done it before)
he smiled at you and turned his whole body to face you, making you do the same. he brushed the stray hairs out of your face before cupping your cheek. he was fondly looking at you before he decided to speak.
“we’re gonna have all the kids you want kid. we can have a whole basketball team! just imagine that! we can make our own or adopt!” he giggled excitedly.
it was rare to see your boyfriend like this. most of the time he was very serious, especially during patrol as he took his job quite earnestly. the way he did his job with care and thought was admirable. sure you were in the top 10 as well, but he was number two. you strived to be like your boyfriend.
“i wanna have so many kids keigo. i wanna have a nice house, a dog, and the whole white picket fence thing. i want the whole package.” you whispered as you kissed his chest while drawing patterns on his left hip with your pointer finger.
he let out a breathy laugh and took your hand that was on his hip and placed it against his face, snuggling his cheek against it. you gently caressed his cheek with your thumb, making him sigh in content.
“i love you y/n. i love you so much” he whispered as he moved to capture your lips into an innocent kiss.
what started as an innocent kiss soon turned into a heated makeout session as keigo slipped his tongue into your mouth, rubbing his tongue against yours which caused you to let out a low moan.
you felt him pull away as he hovered over you, raking his eyes down from your glassy eyes to your kiss bitten lips.
“how about we get started on the whole baby thing?” he questioned with a smirk.
you soon arrived at the scene where keigo was supposed to be. it looked like a ghost town. buildings and streets were empty as you checked for anymore civilians in the vicinity. you soon heard a loud crash a few blocks away from your current location and ran towards the sound.
“you haven’t been home much keigo” you grumbled as you stirred your tea in your mug. your boyfriend sighed as he felt irritated that you were bringing this up again.
“how many times do i have to say it y/n? it’s my job.” he rolled his eyes.
“don’t give me that shit keigo. i know its your fucking job. it’s my job too. but you’re leaving so often now. i don’t even know if you’ll come back alive. for all i know you could be coming back to me already cold. i’m just worried. and i don’t know where you go either. it’s just not the ideal situation.”
he scoffed. “being a hero is NEVER an ideal situation y/n. you fucking know that. oh wait, you don’t. you don’t have the same responsibilities as me because they don’t trust you enough with that shit. they’re not just gonna let a rinky dink hero take care of shit they can’t handle”
you couldn’t believe that he just said that to you. all you wanted to do was scream and yell at him. you wanted to tell him how much of an asshole he was. you want him to feel what you were feeling. instead, you just turned your back on him and walked away, not looking back to see if he would follow you.
you soon felt a hand grasp your arm and you were turned to face your solemn looking boyfriend.
“y/n- i didn’t mean that. i’m so sor-“ you grasped his hand holding your arm and pushed it off. feeling your tears finally cascade down your heated cheeks.
“i’m done keigo.” you said as you turned your back on him once more. not seeing him fall down to his knees.
you wanted to go back to him. you wanted to tell him that it was okay. and that you were both just upset. but your pride was too hurt, and so were your feelings.
you felt your thoughts running a mile a minute. was that keigo? was that the villain? who was it? who got hurt?
you soon found out as you arrived on the scene, seeing your former lover covered under a pile of rubble. his once luscious wings were bent in odd angles, most of his feathers already gone.
“keigo. KEIGO! please wake up, keigo wake up please i’m so sorry keigo! please wake up birdie. please wake up” you wailed as you shook him.
“hey baby bird” he coughed as he brought his arm up to pet your head, knowing that you liked getting head pats when you were nervous.
“keigo, wait here okay? just wait i’ll go find that stupid villain and beat their ass okay?” he just nodded and let let his hands rest on his stomach.
“KEIGO! keigo! i’m back! i beat the shit outta that guy and i called for an ambulance. you’re gonna be okay” you panted as you laid yourself right beside keigo’s figure.
he smiled at you and took your hand in his, rubbing smooth circles on your warm palm. keigo looked deathly pale. you sat up to inspect his injuries and saw that his jacket was soaked in his own blood.
you couldn’t believe that you didn’t notice earlier. why didn’t he saying anything? or did he not even feel it anymore?
“k-keigo? talk to me okay? stay awake baby. stay awake for me” you cried as you placed his head onto your lap. he nodded slightly and coughed out a little blood, which you gently wiped away.
“you and i are gonna make the prettiest babies one day. i’m so thankful that you came into my life. without you, i would’ve stayed lost. *cough* you made my days so much brighter pretty bird. i can’t w-wait to marry you one day” he wheezed, mustering up a smile.
this only made you cry harder.
“yes my love, we will. i’m gonna marry you kei. i’m gonna give you the family that you want. we’re gonna name our first son enji right? you’re such an endeavour fanboy. i remember when you told me that i got so upset beca-“ you cut yourself off when you noticed that hawks had gone silent.
“kei? keigo? why am i the only one talking keigo? keigo please. please you can’t leave me. keigo i love you. i’m so sorry baby. please. keigo.” you sobbed, holding his now cold body closer to yours. you heard the ambulances arriving. but it was already too late. he was gone.
“it’s always gonna be you keigo” you whispered as you pressed a one last kiss on his forehead.
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Diabolik Lovers GRAND EDITION for Switch ;; More, Blood ー Kou [After Story]
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ー The scene starts outside by the lake
Kou: Oooi, Yui! This way!
Yui: Ah, yeah! I’ll be right there!
Kou: This lake is so pretty! The water is crystal clear!
Kou: Also, look! The sky is reflected on the water’s surface, dyeing it a beautiful blue color!
I can take a picture while we’re here, right?
Yui: ...Fufu.
Kou: Whaaat? Why are you laughing? Did I do something?
Yui: No, that’s not it. I didn’t mean it like that...
Seeing you have such a good time is making me happy as well.
Kou: Oh, that’s it? Of course I’m happy!
After all, there’s such a beautiful blue sky spread out right in front of me!
Yui: ( He’s right...I’m underneath such a pretty clear sky together with Kou-kun... )
( I feel blessed too. ) 
Kou: Say, Yui. Let’s look at the photos in the shade of the trees over there.
Our collection has grown quite a bit already.
Yui: Yeah!
ー They walk towards the shade
Kou: Let’s see...
Yui: Wah! So pretty...
Kou: These...If I recall correctly, we took them in the country we stayed at up till recently, right?
There’s not a single cloud in sight, it really just screams ‘the blue sky’!
Yui: Ah, this is a picture of the sunset.
We took it right as the sun was setting, so the blue and orange hues are mixing together, it really is beautiful.
Kou: You’re right.
I still like the blue sky the very best, but I’m quite fond of this sunset as well.
Yui: Really?
Kou: Yeah. It feels like the boundary between day and night, giving off a mystical vibe.
Yui: Mystical...
Kou: Ah. You just made fun of me a little, didn’t you?
Yui: I-I didn’t!
Kou: I wonder~? What you’re thinking always shows right away on your face, you know.
Yui: I swear I didn’t...! I was just wondering what exactly a ‘mystical’ vibe is like...
Kou: Whatever~ 
Yui: Geez...Hm?
Kou: Ah.
Yui: I-Is this...a photo of me!?
( I’m asleep...Which means... )
...You took this in secret?
Kou: Ahーah, I’m busted, huh?
Yui: Come on! Kou-kun! Taking pictures of me in secret is so mean!
Kou: Sorry, sorry~ But your sleeping face was just too cute, you know...
...Say? Forgive me? ...Nn.
Yui: Nn...
...Guess I have no other choice.
Kou: Ehehe. Thank you!
Since you’ve forgiven me...Ey!
ー He lays his head on her lap
Kou: A lap pillow...You don’t mind, right?
Yui: ...It’s embarrassing.
Kou: Who cares? We’re the only two people here anyway. Right?
Yui: Y-Yeah...
Kou: Ah, but you make the cutest expressions when embarrassed, so can I take a picture?
Yui: N-No way!
Kou: Eeh~ That’s a shame.
Yui: ( Geez...Kou-kun... )
( But...Right now, he seems very precious like this... )
Kou: Ah, look at this picture.
Yui: Which one?
Kou: This one. I wanted to take a picture of the starry sky, but it wouldn’t show up very well...
I guess this old camera we got just doesn’t cut it?
Yui: You got this one from a cameraman you knew through your job, right?
Kou: Exactly. When he gave it to me, I never thought I would actually use it one day.
But right now, it has really proven its worth.
After all...There’s tons of skies inside this roll of film.
Yui: Yeah...You’re right.
ー Yui looks up at the sky
Yui: ( Ever since we left Kaminashi City... )
( We’ve been traveling around the world. )
( Visiting various places, experiencing different emotions (1)... )
( And every time we look up at the sky, Kou-kun will happily press the shutter of this camera. )
Kou: ...Why have you suddenly gone quiet?
Yui: No, it’s nothing.
Kou: Really? Okay then.
Being able to spend time together with you under the blue skies...
And resting my head in your lap like this really puts me in the best mood.
Yui: K-Kou-kun...
( Hearing him point it out again made me embarrassed. )
Kou: ...That just leavesーー There we go. 
Say, Yui. I’m a little thirsty...
Yui: Eh!? ...Ah, yeah...
W-Will this work...?
Kou: Yeah...Perfect.
I honestly never thought a day would come on which you willingly offer yourself like that.
Yui: That’s...I mean, right now I really have no reason to push you away...
Kou: ...!
...Geez...Don’t come complaining to me later after stirring me on like that.
Yui: Eh? Did I say something?
Kou: Not reallyー...!
Yui: Kyah...!?
Kou: ...Thanks for the meal~
ー Kou bites her
Kou: ...Nn...Nn...
...Nn...Haah...Your blood really is so delicious...
Yui: ...
( How strange... )
( I could have never imagined this when Kou-kun sucked my blood for the first time... )
( But right now...I think I want Kou-kun just as badly... )
( I feel at ease...Just by having him by my side ) 
Kou: ...Nn...Hah...You’re kind of out of it today.
Yui: Eh!?
Kou: Make sure to fix your attention on me (2)...Nn. 
Yui: ...!? Ow...Kou-kun! You bit me on purpose just now, didn’t you!?
Kou: You’re at fault for spacing out. That proves you had something on your mind, right?
Yui: Well...
Kou: See, I got it right! ...I’ll make it so you can’t think of anything or anyone but me.
Yui: Ah...
Kou: ...Nn...You’re so cute...Yui...
ー The scene shifts to the town
Kou: Today was so much fun.
Yui: Y-Yeah...
( Personally I found it rather embarrassing though... )
Kou: Huh? Your face is red, you know? Could it be...You’re recalling what happened earlier?
Yui: ...!
Kou: Bull’s eye, huh? You really are so cute.
Yui: O-Oh come on! Stop teasing me...!
Kou: Fufu...
Yui: ( Uu...How embarrassing... )
Kou: Hey, Yui.
Yui: Y-Yes?
Kou: There’s actually one more request I’d like to make while you’re embarrassed anyway.
Yui: A request...?
Kou: Let’s hold hands.
Come on, you don’t mind, do you?
Yui: Ah...
Kou: There’s nobody who would recognize me here.
Yui: Yeah...You’re right.
Kou: Hooray!
Yui: ( Kou-kun seems happy...When he’s happy, so am I. )
Kou: ...Hm?
Hey, Yui! Look at the display over there!
Yui: Eh...?
Something on the public TV screen (3) caught your eyーー Ah!
( Kou-kun’s on TV...!? )
Kou: I wonder what they’re saying about me?
Yui: U...Uhm...
( I did learn this country’s language a little but...Hm... )
...The Japanese idol...Mukami Kou...has gone missing? ...I think.
Kou: Heeh...They’d actually report it all the way over here as well.
Yui: ( Right... )
( To Kou-kun’s fans, it must seem as if he has suddenly vanished off the surface of the earth... )
Kou: ...
Yui: ...
( I’m sure the people who liked him must be extremely sad... )
( ...I wonder if we did the right thing...? )
Kou: ーー I don’t have any regrets.
Yui: Eh...?
Kou: I bet you were thinking if we did the right thing while looking at the screen, weren’t you?
Yui: Uu...
Kou: You’re such a fool.
Yui: A-A fool...?
Kou: You said that you’d prioritize me over anything and follow me.
I feel the same way.
I left everything behind too. ...Except for you, Yui.
Yui: Kou-kun...
Kou: Well, there’s of course times where I wonder how Ruki-kun and the others are faring...
However, I will no longer hesitate. As long as you are with me, I won’t have any regrets either.
So...Don’t worry.
Yui: Kou-kun...
You’re right. I don’t regret my decision either.
Kou: Mmh! Let’s head home then?
Yui: ...Yeah!
( Together with Kou-kun, we can overcome any hurdle )
( I strongly felt so the second we leaped into the air together. )
Kou: Are we done shopping now?
Yui: I think we got everything we needed, so it should be fi...Ah!
Kou: What’s wrong? You forgot something?
Yui: I forgot to buy pasta...
Kou: Ehー! But we actually got our hands on some clams! But we can’t make vongole bianco without pasta!
Yui: Sorry! I’ll quickly go back!
You wait here, okay?
Kou: You’ll be fine by yourself?
Yui: Yeah. It’s right there.
Kou: Okayー Come back soon, okay?
Yui: Mmh. I’ll get going then.
ー Yui runs off
Yui: Phew. I successfully bought the pasta.
( Thank god I remembered before we got home... )
( Kou-kun’s waiting for me, right? I better hurry ba...Hm? )
Did this store always look like this...?
( Re-opening...It got a complete overhaul and became a jewelry store. )
( They’ve got a bunch of cute accesories out on display... )
( Ah... )
( This ring is so pretty...! )
( The blue is almost likeーー )
???: Hmm~ So this is the kind of stuff you like?
Yui: Eh!?
Kou: Geez~ I came looking for you because I was worried you were taking such a long time.
Yui: Ah, my bad!
Kou: It’s fine, really. Something caught your eye, right?
However, I didn’t expect to find you glued to the display window of a jewelry store~
I guess you’re finally reaching that age (4) as well, huh~? 
Yui: T-That’s not it...It just happened to catch my attention...
Kou: This ring? 
Yui: Yeah...Look at this blue gemstone inserted in it...
I thought it looked a lot like the color of the sky we saw together yesterday.
Kou: Yeah, you do have a point. It’s a clear, beautiful cerulean hue.
Yui: Right? It’s super pretty, so I was captivated by it...
Kou: Hm...
Ah! Your birthday is coming up soon, isn’t it?
Shall I buy it for you?
Yui: Eh?
I-It’s fine!
Kou: Eh~? Why?
Yui: We...should be careful with our spendings for now.
( We decided to choose where we’d settle after visiting various places. )
( So right now, we are living off the money Kou-kun had saved up through his job. )
Kou: Are you sure? I’ve got plenty of savings, you know?
Yui: That might be the case but...
I mean, that ring is really expensive, right?
Kou: Hmm, it is but I’d say this is a normal price for a ring?
Yui: Still, right now we shouldn’t.
Kou: So you basically don’t want a present from me?
Yui: T-That’s not true...! I’d be happy with anything you’d give me. But...
I’m still in no position to receive such a wonderful ring...
How to put it, I want to have grown to the point of feeling worthy before you gift it to me...
Kou: Hmm...?
Well, I figured you’d say something like that though.
Yui: I’m sorry for stopping by here.
Well, let’s head home then.
Kou: Yeah...
But, I still...
Yui: Kou-kun, what are you doing? You might get yelled at for taking pictures!
Kou: Ehー? Really? But it’s so pretty, you want to preserve a memory of it, no?
This makes for a proper blue sky as well after all!
ー The scene shifts to their home
Yui: Dinner’s ready!
Kou: Uwaah, it smells incredible! The pasta you make really is the very best, Yui!
Yui: Fufu, you still haven’t tried it, right? You might be even more impressed once you have a taste!
Kou: Oh!? Someone’s brimming with confidence, huh?
Yui: Today’s dish turned out extremely well.
So I’m sure you’ll like it as well.
Kou: Really? Let’s hurry up and eat then! Thanks for the meal!
Yui: Thanks for the meal.
Kou: Nn...Nom, nom...Yeah, it’s good!
Yui: Really!?
Kou: Yeah!  No wonder you were so confident in it!
Yui: The clams were being highly recommended at the market today after all.
This has to be the dish I’m the most proud of so far...!
Kou: The taste might be the best amongst all the plates you’ve made as well!
Yui: Fufu, I’m glad.
Kou: Well, I’ll happily dig into any dish you make though.
Mm~ All done!
Yui: Eh? You’re already done?
Kou: Yeah, so...Seconds, please!
Yui: Fufu. I made sure to prepare lots for you, so one second please.
Kou: Hooray! I can probably go for two more plates!
Yui: Hang on tight, okay?
Kou: Roger!
Kou: Thanks for the meal~
Yui: Thanks for the meal.
Kou: Ah, I’ll handle the clean-up.
Yui: You sure?
Kou: You made me such delicious vongole bianco after all.
Let me do this much, okay?
Yui: Thanks, Kou-kun. I’ll be counting on you then, okay?
Kou: Yeah, leave it to me! ...Ah, you know, Yui.
Yui: Hm?
Kou: You really did like the ring we spotted today, no?
Yui: Hmm, I did think it was lovely. It was such a beautiful blue color after all.
However, I...
Kou: Okay, okay, stop! I know. You don’t want it (5), right?
Yui: Yeah...I don’t want anything.
I mean, I’m already so happy just to be living together with you like this.
Kou: I feel the same way.
I really am glad you’re here with me.
Say, let’s continue living happily together from here on out, okay...?
Yui: Yeah...!
ー The scene shifts to the bedroom
Kou: M-neko-chan said there’s nothing she wants but...
I still want to do something for her...
...Besides, a ring holds a special meaning...
Okay, I’ve made up my mind...!
ー The scene shifts to the living room
Yui: ( ...Hm, I just need to check the seasoning of the soup and then it’ll be ready, I suppose? )
Kou-kun! Dinner will be served soon!
...Huh? No response...
( Lately he’s been cooped up in our room quite often. )
( He never quite did that in the past, so I wonder what has gotten into him? )
ー The scene shifts to the bedroom
*Cling cling*
Kou: Geez, I never thought things would end up like this...
Ahー I can’t do it...!
Kou: It has improved a bit compared to my first attempts, but it’s still no good.
They said even a beginner should be able to pull it off, but this isn’t my cup of tea...
Ever since I was young, Ruki-kun has been telling me that I’m too careless of a worker...
Kou: But...I have to...bring this to a good end so...
Oh? It’s actually looking decent? Maybe I got the hang of it?
Okay then! Gotta keep going like this!
I told myself I wouldn’t give up, so better give it my all!
Besides, I’ll definitely finish it in time...!
Yui: ( ...Kou-kun’s late... )
( Lately he’s been leaving the house on a whim more often. )
( I wonder if he’s out again? )
( Whenever I ask, he just says he’s going on a walk or something like that... )
( I wonder if something happened...? )
ー Kou enters the room
Kou: I’m backー
Yui: Ah! Kou-kun...! Geez, I was worried because you just wouldn’t come home!
Kou: Ahー My bad? My stroll got a little prolonged, you could say?
Yui: Ah...Right.
( If something were up...he’d for sure talk to me about it...Right? )
I’ll make dinner now, so hang on, okay?
*Chop chop chop*
Kou: Heey, Yuiii~
Yui: What’s wrong?
Kou: I’m totally starved!
Food, quick!
Yui: Fufu, it’s almost ready so wait just a little longer?
Kou: ...Don’t wanna.
ー He sneaks up on her
Yui: Wah...Wait, Kou-kun...!?
( He wrapped his arms around me from behind...!? )
It’s dangerous to do this while I’m cooking, you know?
Kou: But I’m home now...
Yet you won’t pay attention to me at all.
It’s boring.
Yui: Well...I’m making dinner right now, so it can’t be helped...
Kou: Then you don’t need to make food.
Yui: ( Says the person who was crying about being hungry just now... )
Kou: But, well...
Yui: ...Hm?
Kou: This kind of makes us seem like newlyweds, don’t you think?
Yui: Eh!?
ー Yui drops something
Kou: Ahaha! You’re way too shocked!
Yui: But...!
Kou: But it’s the truth, right?
Yui: Uu...
Kou: Then, let’s do something that fits the image of newlyweds!
Yui: Eeh? What will you do then...?
Kou: Hmー ...Taste-test the food?
Yui: ( Pretty sure he just wants to have a bite... )
Then...Can I ask you to taste the soup?
Kou: Leave it to me!
Yui: Uhm, I’m pretty sure the spoons are over there...
Kou: Wrong, right?
Yui: Eh? What am I getting wrong?
Kou: You’ll feed me, won’t you?
Yui: Eeh!? Really!?
Kou: We have to act like newlyweds, so that should be a given!
Come on, you hold the spoon.
Yui: ...We’re actually doing this?
Kou: Of course! Come on, aaaahn~
Yui: ( ...This is embarrassing...But... )
S-Say ‘aaahn’...
Kou: ...Nn...Mmh~ It’s good!
Yui: Really!? I’m glad!
Kou: Then it’s my turn next, right? Okay, open wide!
Yui: Eh? ...I’m fine...
Kou: Why are you being so modest? Come on, say ‘aaahn’!
Yui: A-Aahn...
Kou: Fufu~ Well done.
...How does it taste?
Yui: I-It’s good...I guess...?
( To be honest, the flavor was the last thing on my mind... )
Kou: Then are you done cooking now?
Yui: Yeah. Seasoning the soup was the last task on the list.
Kou: Okay! Let’s hurry up and eat!
Yui: Good idea. I’m hungry too.
ー They move to the table
Kou: I’m digging in!
Yui: Thanks for the meal.
Kou: Nom...Nn...You knowーー
...Whoops, I shouldn’t talk with food in my mouth, huh?
...Nn...You know, Yui!
Yui: What’s wrong? Was it not very good, perhaps...?
Kou: Ah, that’s not it...But aren’t you forgetting something?
Yui: Forgetting something?
( What could that be...? Did something happen? )
Kou: Hahー By the looks of it, you’ve completely forgotten.
Geez! Get a grip on yourself! Tomorrow’s your birthday, remember!?
Yui: Ah...Right.
Kou: We’ll go out to buy whatever you want to eat tomorrow, so don’t forget!
Yui: No way...It’s fine, really.
Kou: Don’t say that! We have to properly celebrate your birthday.
I’ll buy your favorite food and even prepare a cake!
Yui: Y-Yeah...
Kou: ...You don’t seem very happy though? ...You don’t like me celebrating your birthday or something...?
Yui: Oh no! That’s not true! It’s just...I didn’t think you’d say that so, I...
Kou: Stop! I’ll listen to the rest tomorrow, so don’t say it just yet!
Yui: R-Right...
( My birthday...I never thought Kou-kun would celebrate for me. )
( I’m looking forward to tomorrow...! )
Kou: That being said, we gotta head out early in the morning tomorrow to do the shopping. 
So you better hit the hay soon?
Yui: Eh?
Kou: I’ll clean up too, okay?
Come on, you should hurry and get ready for bed!
Off you go!
Yui: Wah! Hold on, Kou-kun!?
( I wonder what has gotten into him...!? )
Kou: Goodnight!
Yui: Y-Yeah...Goodnight?
ー He pushes her out of the room
Kou: Phew...I guess the coast is clear now...?
Kou: ...
ー The scene shifts to town
Yui: ( Kou-kun acted a little off yesterday... )
( But today he seems to be his usual self...I guess? )
Kou: Yui, give me your bags.
Yui: Eh?
Kou: It’s heavy because you bought a lot, right? I’ll carry them.
Yui: Ah...Thank you.
( Kou-kun’s so nice... )
Kou: Are you sure you bought everything you want to eat?
Yui: Yeah, this is plenty! I was able to buy it all so...thank you.
Kou: Really? There’s really no need to hold back though.
Yui: ( Kou-kun says that but...I bought quite a lot already, I think...? )
( I wonder if we’ll be able to finish everything... )
( I have to make sure we can preserve whatever leftovers we may have. )
( I suppose I could turn the fruits into a jam...? )
Hey, Kou-kun...
Wait...Huh...? Kou-kun...?
( He’s gone...Don’t tell me ,did we get separated because I spaced out...? )
( Oh no... )
For now, I’ll look around these parts...!
ー Yui starts running around
Yui: Haah...
( What now...? He’s not here either... )
Kou: Ah! M-neko-chan!
Yui: ...Kou-kun!!
Kou: Thank god! I was wondering where you had run off to!
Yui: I’m sorry. Seems like I blanked out for a bit.
Kou: I’m sorry too!
Yui: No way, you don’t have to apologize.
It’s because I got lost in thought...I’m to blame, I truly am sorry!
Kou: ...Fufu~ We’re so weird! We’re both apologizing, huh?
Yui: But, I...I was shocked when you were suddenly gone...
Kou: I started panicking when I realized you were gone too, you know?
Either way, I’m glad I found you. Let’s head home holding hands so we don’t get separated again.
Come on, give me your hand.
Yui: Yeah...!
ー The scene shifts to the living room
Kou: Ta-dah! It’s time for the long-awaited cake!
Here you go. This is your slice.
Yui: Wah, thank you!
Kou: You really are a maiden at heart to choose strawberry shortcake~
Yui: ...What do you mean?
Kou: ...That it’s cute.
Yui: ...!
Kou: Geez~ You always start blushing right away...
You really are like a strawberry, you know? I’d love to eat you...is what I would say, but!
Right now, the real strawberries get priority.
I’ll give you mine!
Yui: Eh? ...But...Then you won’t have any.
Kou: I’m fine. You’re the star of today after all!
Yui: ...Fufu, thank you!
Kou: Fufu~ Ahー I guess I might as well sit next to you instead of across then.
Kou: Pardon the intrusion~!
Yui: Well then...It’d be a shame to let the cake go to waste so let’s give it a taste?
Kou: Ah! Wait!
Yui: W-What’s wrong? You’re suddenly shouting...
Kou: You know, we have to do that! That!
It’s a birthday cake, so we should put a candle on top and have you blow it out!
Yui: Ah...I guess so?
Kou: Of course! That’s a given!
I’ll give it to you after I’ve put on the candle so hold on tight, okay?
Kou: Hmー Here, all ready!
Yui: Thanks!
( I’m pretty sure I haven’t blown out a candle since I was a child... )
Kou: Well then...Will you blow it out soon?
Yui: Yeah! Okay...Here I go?
ー The lights go out
Yui: ( Wah! It’s pitch black! )
Yui: ( Eh...? He grabbed my arm... )
Kou: Happy birthday, Yui.
Yui: Kyah...!?
Kou: Fufu! Mission complete!
ー The lights go back on
Yui: Geez...Everything went black all of a sudden, it spooked me.
Kou: I’m sorry, I wanted to surprise you.
Yui: ( Speaking of which, he said ‘mission complete’, but what does that mean...? )
( A ring...!? )
Kou-kun...This is...
Kou: Yeah. It’s my present to you.
Yui: ( It looks like the one we saw at the jewelry store the other day... )
( But the shape seems a little different... )
Kou: Hmm...I thought I did a pretty good job though.
Well, the fact that it’s a little oddly shaped is its charm, a selling point!
Yui: This, did you perhaps...?
Kou: ...Yeah, I made it myself. I’m no good at handiwork, so I couldn’t do a very good job though.
Yui: You made this ring for me...!?
Kou: Yeah, I sure did!
I actually wanted to give you something and went to go buy the one they were selling at the store. 
However, it got sold right before me.
Then when I told the people at the store that I wanted the ring no matter what, they suggested I would make it myself.
That’s how I got them to teach me how to make a ring this whole time up till today.
Yui: Up until today...The whole time...
( Then all those times he was gone lately. )
( Or when he suddenly disappeared earlier as well... )
Kou: Also, look at this!
Kou: This was my first attempt, but it barely even looks like a ring, huh?
...Look, it’s just an iron scrap, don’t you think?
I really gave it my everything.
Yui: Yeah...I can tell, don’t worry.
Kou: Also, I realized.
Yui: What did you realize?
Kou: That you probably wouldn’t have been happy, even if I got to gift you the ring which was up for sale.
Up until now, I always thought that it was natural to return the favor when a person gives you something.
...However, now I no longer feel that way.
Yui: ...
Kou: I don’t want anything in return.
Because I already know that something much better exists beyond that.
Yui: Kou-kun...
Kou: So, even if the appearance is a little shabby, this is the proof of my love for you!
Yui: Yeah...Kou-kun...I...
( Oh no...The tears are... )
Kou: ...Fufu, you’re so happy it’s making you cry?
Yui: Yeah...I’m overjoyed...! After all...You made this for me...!
Kou: Ah...
...Mmh. Thank you.
Yui: ( Kou-kun said the shape is a little strange but. )
( It’s such a lovely ring... )
( And above all, I’m happy knowing that Kou-kun made it himself. )
( I can tell just how much effort he put in... )
I’m happy...Kou-kun, thank you. Thank you so, so much...!
Kou: Ahー Come on, dry your tears?
Yui: But...Uu...
( I can’t...stop these tears... )
Kou: Well, I’m happy knowing you like it this much too though...
Oh, geez! Lift your face?
Yui: ...!
Kou: ...Done crying?
Yui: ...Yes.
Kou: Your crying face is cute too though. ...Nn...
Kou: ...Hey, scoot closer...
...Even your tears are sweet, huh? ...Nn...
Yui: ...Kou-kun...
Kou: ...Nn...Haah...
Yui...I love you...
...Thank you for being born into this world...Nn...
Yui: ( I love you too, Kou-kun... )
( Thank you, Kou-kun... )
ー The scene shifts to the outside
Kou: ...Yeah, we’re having lovely weather today as well.
Oi, Yui! This way!
Yui: Wait, Kou-kun!
You walk way too fast...
Kou: Sorry, sorry~ The sky just looked so pretty.
I couldn’t sit still.
Yui: I do understand how you feel...The sky is so clear after all.
But even so, leaving me behind is just mean!
Kou: Like I said, I’m sorry! ...So forgive me?
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: ( Wah...Kou-kun embraced me... ) 
Kou: Hm...In the light, you can really see the flaws.
Yui: ...Hm?
Kou: I’m talking about your ring. It didn’t quite catch my eye yesterday though.
But the shape is a little crooked, don’t you think?
Yui: It’s not.
Besides, I will never take this ring off again.
After all...This ring is the proof of your feelings.
I could search far and wide, I wouldn’t find a single ring in this whole world quite as lovely.
Kou: ...Really?
Yui: Yeah! For sure!
Kou: I see...
Kou: Hm...
Yui: Kou-kun?
Kou: ...Right. Won’t you let me slip that ring on your finger one more time?
Yui: The ring?
Kou: Yeah.
Yui: Yesterday, I gave it to you in the dark after all.
Kou: And there just so happens to be such a beautiful sky.
I want to put this ring on you.
...Underneath the blue skies I admired for years.
Yui: Kou-kun...
Kou: ...Can I?
Yui: Yeah.
Tumblr media
Kou: ...Ever since I was born, I have seen a lot of things.
I went through a lot of pain, and experienced many hardships.
Yui: Yeah...
Kou: But, I met Ruki-kun and the others, as well as that man...
I learnt about a blue sky which isn’t confined by a circle or a square.
And...I found you.
Yui: Mmh...
Kou: I thought I had nothing left, but right now, I have you.
That is all I need. I don’t want anything else.
I swear on this misformed ring, underneath the sky...
I love you...Yui.
From here on out, for eternity...
...How about you?
Yui: ...Me too...I love you...!
Kou: Yeah...Thank you.
Let’s be together forever.
I love you, Yui...
ーー THE END ーー
Translation notes
(1) Literally she says ‘to be emotionally moved by various things’ but that sounded rather stiff in English, so I translated it a little differently. 
(2) Literally he asks her to ‘point her consciousness/awareness towards him’. 
(3) I actually have no idea what these are called in English but they’re the large TV screens which may be attached to buildings or put out in public to display important events, etc. In Japan, these are super common in big cities but here in Belgium - for example - you rarely ever see them. ^^;;
(4) Kou uses the term 色づく or ‘iro-duku’ which is often used to refer to the ripening of fruits or the reddening of leaves during fall time. I assume in this case, he wants to imply that she is becoming more mature. 
(5) The verb 要る or ‘iru’ literally means ‘to need’, but it is often used to reject something as well, in which case ‘want’ seems more fitting in English. 
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fandom-strumpet · 3 years
Hello you amazing human! Me having an unhealthy obsession with Kai Parker (and TV sociopaths in general) I am requesting like a Romeo and Juliet inspired story? It can be like the 1996 version of R and J and make it like modern? Idk I think you are talented and I love you and I want you to adopt me.
Here is a modern version of the 1996 Romeo and Juliet movie in the vampire diaries world. Story takes place in Mystic Falls.
Word Count: 11,032 OMG
The characters I have used/ re-written are:
Kai Parker in place of Romeo Montague from the Gemini Coven, Reader Cadell in place of Juliet Capulet from the Oasis Coven, Kai Parker's friends: Sampson, Gregory, Benvolio, Mercutio and Balthasar, The Cadell boys: Abra, Petruchio, Tybalt, The Father/ Priest, Reader Cadell’s nanny, Parents to Reader, Parents to Kai, Rosaline, The governor’s son aka Dave, Police Captain, news anchors
* * * * * * * * * * * *  Scene: Local gas station* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Kai Parker’s friends pull up to the gas station hooting and hollering. The ill tempered red head name Gregory shouts, 
“Those dogs called Cadells really piss me off! Any dog from that Oasis coven will make me angry enough to take a stand!” 
Sampson exclaims in response to his friend, “This quarrel is between our leaders...”
The red head interrupts “...and us their men! 
“I would be a tyrant, fighting the men and being merciful to the women by cutting off their heads!”
Gregory is mock outraged, “The heads of the women?”
Sampson turns up the car radio and the boys start to dance but stop abruptly at the sight of a black car. 
Sampson says, “Here comes the Oasis coven boys.”
Abra and Petruchio Cadell stare coldly. Sampson gulps nervously as Gregory nudges him mockingly.
“Fight back and take a stand, will ya?”
Sampson tries to hide his panic and responds, “Let them start the fight.”
The gas station door slams closed, BANG. The Parker boys jump at the sound, their attention drawn back to the Cadells who are laughing at the sight of the terrified group. Sampson brazenly flips them off out of embarrassment. Abra’s eyes look back in the mirror to see Sampson’s finger. Abra whips the car around full speed to block the Parker boys from escaping. He jumps out of the car and yanks Sampson out of his car. 
“You dare flip me off? Huh?”
“Yeah I gave the bird.” Sampson sneers.
“You dare to?!” Abra roars, gun drawn.
“You think the police will be on our side if I say yes?” Sampson turns to Gregory.
“Nope.” Gregory grimaces.
Sampson turns back to Abra stuttering, “Well I- I did give the bird. But I didn’t give it to you.”
“You want a fight?” Gregory asked.
“No I don’t want a fight,” Abra fake smiles.
Sampson turns to Gregory, “If you do fight, I will be by your side.”
Abra laughs, “Ha! Only you two? You can’t do better?”
Just then, Benvolio comes back from the bathroom, and shocked by the scene pulls his gun out.
“Here comes our back up!”
“You fools!” Benvolio shrieks, “You don’t know what you’re doing! Let us keep the peace.”
“I hate peace.” Tybalt spits. He fires his gun at a child on accident, smacking the child’s toy gun to pieces. 
Benvolio panics and accidentally shoots a bullet near Tybalt’s head. Gregory shoots and nicks Abra’s arm when he attempts to move it away from his face with his magic. A gas tank explodes after a magically moved bullet hits it. A news van screeches around the corner going live with the gun fight and explosion. Tybalt corners Benvolio, placing a gun to his head.
“Look upon your death, Benvolio.”
Suddenly a burning light blinds Tybalt and the Police Captain yells through a megaphone. Police cars have surrounded the scene.
“Enemies! Place your weapons on the ground now! Stop using your magic!”
Tybalt looks to the police and stands down. 
* * * * * * * * * * * * At the police station * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Police Captain sits down at his desk, across from the leaders of the Gemini and Oasis covens. 
“This is the third time your covens have disrupted the peace of Mystic Falls in a brawl.”
Cadell’s lawyer tries to intervene, “Captain I can-”
The captain slams his fist down. “If you ever disrupt the peace again, I will personally see you both go to prison.”
* * * * * The Parkers are on an awkward ride back to their mansion * * * * *
Kai’s mother sighs and looks out the window. “Oh where is Malachai? Have you seen him yet today?” She turns to her husband. “I’m just glad he wasn’t at the fight today.”
Benvolio feels guilty and answers, “He’s been at the lake side. I saw him walking there this morning.”
Kai’s father scoffs, “He walks too much around there, crying like a child.”
“All he does is hide away in his room, penning himself up and shutting out the light to make it dark as night.”
The driver leans back, “Ma’am, I’ve just received word. He’s at the pier.”
Kai is eating a bag of pork rinds, looking out at the sunset. “Love is a smoke that leads to disappointed sighing. I will never be able to get her, the beautiful Rosaline. Niece of my enemy. Unflawed love would make me feel powerful and alive. But when one does not return the love, the love only creates sadness. Love is madness. Love is bitter tasting but keeps us preserved and alive with its sweetness.”
Back in the car the family continues to chat.
“It’s not healthy for Kai to shut himself away with this depressing behavior. He needs a friends counsel to get him over whatever troubles him.” Kai’s father urges Benvolio. 
“Let me out, I’ll talk to him and see if he will tell me what is wrong.”
Kai’s father gives an encouraging smile that disappears as soon as the door is closed. “Let’s go home.” He sighs.
* * * * * * * * * * On the beach * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
“Good morning cousin,” Benvolio tries to act casual.
“Is it really only morning?” Kai asks seriously.
“It’s a new day.” He tries to act cheery.
“Sad hours seem long...” Kai turns to Benvolio. “Was that my father that just drove off?”
“Yes Kai but...” Kai shakes his head and starts to walk off, Benvolio walking swiftly after him. “What sadness makes your hours long?”
“Not having the love of her. With her the hours seem short.”
“You have gentle love in your view, but in others it is a sign of tyranny!” He exclaims.
“Whose view matters on my love...” Kai pauses when he sees a TV, playing back the news report of the fight from last night. “You had a fight?”
“I -”
Kai interrupts, “Don’t give me an excuse. I’ve heard them all. It’s much easier to hate someone than to love them. You are wasting so much time on someone who does not care about you.” He storms off in a rage, going up to the sidewalk heading toward a night club. “Why do you love to fight and love to hate, creating conflict out of nothing? My heart is swept away by love but it weighs on me that I am bound to it. It is agony my cousin.” He screams at a bouncer and uses his magic to flick him aside into trash cans. “There is no love like the one I feel,” he dark chuckles, “What cousin? Not going to laugh?”
Benvolio says nervously eyeing the crumpled bouncer, “No...I’d rather cry.”
Kai smiles mischievously, “Good bye, cousin.” And he takes off running down the sidewalk.
Benvolio sighs and starts to pursue. Finally arriving home, Kai gets to a car and a man hurriedly gives him the keys. 
Benvolio cuts him off panting, “Tell me... who is it...that you love?”
“My sad heart is in love with a woman.”
“I knew it was a woman,” he rolls his eyes, 
“She’s a beautiful lady.” Kai pulls down his shirt to reveal a small tattoo that says ‘Rosaline’.
“Rosaline?!” Benvolio is surprised but impressed. “She is quite beautiful.”
“She does not love me back, her heart is well guarded.”
“Hmm.. You know what? Forget about her!”
“How can I forget about her?”
“Look at all the other ladies,” he motions toward the girls on the sidewalk. 
Kai laughs dismissively. “Good bye. You can’t teach me how to forget.”
Benvolio hurries and jumps into the passenger seat of the moving car. The boys head to a bar.
“She would be in just as much trouble as I would be anyway, being a Cadell and a Parker.” He continues, “I think I could keep the peace between our families though.” 
The bartender smiles. “It’s honorable of you to try, it’s too bad your families are fighting.
* * * * * * * * * * At the Cadell Mansion * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Cadell leader of the coven, your father, is set down at a meeting with the governor’s son, Dave. 
“So what do you say to my proposition?” Dave asks.
Cadell looks at the picture frame of his wife and daughter. “My daughter is still young and innocent. Give her 2 more years and then she will be a perfect wife.”
Dave is persistent. “Sir, girls younger than her are happy mothers.”
“Hmm,” Cadell eyes him hard, “And younger girls married too soon are blemished. She is my pride and joy. If you can woo her and get her consent then you have mine as well.” He comes around the desk to give Dave a fatherly pat on the shoulder. “I will hold a large feast tonight, join us and meet y/n.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * Back at the bar * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Benvolio and Kai have started playing pool. 
“Bring another lady into your sights and heart, then you will forget about her.” Benvolio hits a shot and Kai stops it with his hand, throwing it to hit other balls. “Are you insane?” Benvolio asks in mock outrage. 
“Insanely in love, yes.” Kai mocks back, stepping toward the bar.
An entertainment show is on the TV above, the female news anchor excitedly announcing. “Tonight the rich Cadell is hosting a great feast-” 
“A grand costumed event!” Her partner interrupts. 
The partner starts to read off some of the important guests who will be there. Rosaline’s name is on the list and Benvolio turns to Kai, wiggling his eyebrows. 
“Looks like Rosaline will be there.” Kai grimaces as Benvolio continues. “Let’s go to the feast, it’s perfect. We can sneak in disguised and find you another woman who is even more beautiful than Rosaline.”
“More beautiful than her? Ha! There has never been a more beautiful woman since the dawn of time.”
Their attention is drawn back to the anchor. “If you’re not a Parker, come and drink some wine at the feast!”
Kai pauses to think. “Fine. I’ll go, but only to prove that no one can be more beautiful than Rosaline.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * At the Cadell mansion * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
“Y/N!!! Y/N!!!!” Your nanny yells. 
She rushes around the house trying to find you. You roll your eyes and sink down further into the bubble bath, ignoring her calls. Lady Cadell is trying to ready herself for the feast, going maniacal at the nanny screaming. She yells your name. 
“God’s sake nanny, where is my daughter? Tell her to come to me.”
“I’ve been calling for her ma’am but I still can’t find her.”
“Mother, nanny? You called?” You said coolly, feigning innocence as you stood there in your bathrobe. 
The nanny exclaims in shock, “Oh! Get dressed y/n!
“Just leave her alone. We will speak in private, you can stay as I need your advice.” Your mother looks casually into the mirror, examining her costume and continuing. “You know, y/n darling...I was about your age when I was married.” She turns quickly, unable to hide her excitement anymore. “The governor’s son wants to make you his wife! Isn’t that exciting?”
The nanny tries to take her side. “He is a charming young man, miss.”
“Oh the most charming and handsome!” Your mother giggles, her drinks obviously kicking in. 
“What-” you are too stunned as she speaks again.
She grabs your arm, “He’s coming to the feast tonight! To see you! He is a rich man, fall in love with him. You will become his and all that is his will become yours!”
The nanny asks you cautiously, “What do you think of his love?”
You choose your words carefully, not wanting to put your mother in a foul mood. “I’ll try to like him and see if there is anything likeable, but ultimately I will only marry him if you approve and give me the strength.”
A maid comes in. “Lady Cadell, the guests have started to arrive.”
She gasps in excitement. “Hurry y/n, get ready!”
The nurse leans in to whisper, “And don’t forget to enjoy yourself.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * Down by the pier * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Kai Parker and a couple friends are sitting down at the pier, watching the bright lights of the Cadell mansion from across the lake. They hear a roar of a sports engine pull up and turn back to see who it is. Getting out of the car stands Mercutio, Kai’s best friend, dressed in drag. The boys practically fall over laughing as Mercutio pretends to be posing for paparazzi. 
“Now applaud!” He yells and whips out the party invites from his mini skirt.
“Holy shit dude, you did it!” Benvolio and friends jump up to grab them.
“I dunno.” Kai stands and continues to look out at the lake.
“Oh come on man! You have to go and dance.” He grabs Kai and starts to waltz. 
Kai laughs and shoves him away, “You can dance but I can’t, my heart is too sad.”
“Aw, poor heart broken child.” He mocks.
Kai looks at the stars. “Is love soft, or rough harsh and rude?”
Mercutio jumps on his back. “If love is rough with you, then be rough with it. Beat it down.”
“Your love is crushing me cousin.” Kai laughs, starting to fall down. 
Benvolio honks the horn impatiently. “Come on! We’re wasting daylight!”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * At the feast * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The boys pull up hooting and hollering. Waltzing inside, it is obvious that Benvolio and another friend have already started drinking. Kai walks in calmly, looking at the dance floor. Mercutio dances with a woman and passes her off to Kai.
“Come on, every guy should have the chance to dance.”
A Cadell boy drunkenly strides up to Kai who is dressed as a knight. He puts an arm around him, not recognizing him to be a Parker. 
The Cadell yells out, “Musicians! Play us a song!” 
Kai felt as if his heart would burst out of his chest at any moment. He quickly ducks out of the boys grip, abandoning the lady and tries to find an area away from the crowd. As he is walking he spots an angel. A literal costumed angel in the form of you. You are wandering through the crowd aimlessly when you spot him. Kai stares back at you, his plump lips forming a smile. His brown hair falling to the side, frames his perfect face. In that moment you knew he was the one. A yell disrupts your focus and you turn to see the nanny calling you. 
You look back for the mystery boy but he has vanished. The nanny starts to drag you toward Lady Cadell and Dave, the governor’s son. 
He extends his hand, “Will you dance with me?”
Knowing you can’t decline, you place your hand in his. 
Your mother trills, “Oh such a fine young man.”
Kai didn’t know how it had happened but in one moment he had lost sight of you. Rushing through the crowd to find the angel again, he accidentally bumps into a Lucifer. Little did he know, the man dressed as Lucifer was Tybalt. 
Tybalt then turned to Abra. “How dare Malachai come to a Cadell event. He mocks us with his mischief and antics. I will not consider it a sin to kill him in order to protect our coven’s dignity.”
He starts to storm off when your father Cadell stops him with a strong arm. “Where are you going off to?”
“It’s Kai Parker, he’s here.”
“Calm yourself, Tybalt. Don’t ruin this night, be peaceful in this house. Tolerate him for tonight and don’t waste your time on him. He’s not worth it, save it for another night.”
“I won’t tolerate him!”
Cadell rages, “You will! You will behave and stay out of any fights!” He shoves Tybalt. “You are making a scene.”
An older couple looks on shocked and Cadell tries to regain his composure. Comforting the couple he turns.
“Don’t worry, cheer up and have some drinks.” 
They smile heartily and walk away. Turning back to Tybalt, he harshly whispers. “I am the leader of this coven and you will obey me. Now go away.” 
Kai spots you on the dance floor once again, but this time you are with a man. He whispers, “I have never known what love truly means until I have spotted this angel. I take back and disown the idea of love I had for Rosaline.”
Even dancing with Dave you were still distracted by looking for the handsome mystery boy. Then you spot him again, your eyes connecting. You quickly look back to Dave, not wanting to seem too distracted but within a moment you were back to staring at the boy over his shoulder. The lights black out, colorful spotlights turn on as confetti and balloons rain down. You had stopped dancing. You let out a gasp as a hand suddenly yanks you behind a curtain. There stands Kai, he pulls you close to his body so your chests are almost touching. 
“Your hand is so clearly holy, if I offend you by touching it with my rough unholy hand, then let me make it better with a kiss.” Kai woos.
“Don’t be so hard on yourself. You holding my hand is a sign of devotion. Placing our hands together is a palmer’s kiss.” 
“Might I suggest we do with our lips what we do with our hands?” Kai kisses your lips sweetly. “Now my sins are gone.”
“Oh but now your sins are on my lips and the only thing that can make it better is another kiss.”
Kai kisses you once again. “There, now all is right.”
“You are very clever in coming up with reasons to steal kisses from me.”
Suddenly the nanny interrupts. “Y/n, your mother wants a word with you.”
You head toward your mother, and wave a hand, signaling Kai not to follow but he trails anyway. Kai watches the nanny and you head up the staircase instead of leaving like the guests. At the top is a furious Lady Cadell standing with Dave. Your eyes dart nervously to Kai as your mother starts to harshly whisper in your ear. She pullls you away from the stairs and that is when it dawns on him.
“She is a Cadell?” he whispers under his breath. 
You stop to look back at Kai and the nanny whispers in your ear. “HIs name is Malachai Parker from the Gemini coven.”
You feel a coldness fill your chest, disappointment and reality crashing down. Mercution runs up and claps a hand on Kai’s shoulder. 
“The party is starting to break up, we need to leave now so we don’t draw the attention of the Cadells.”
“It’s what I thought, yet I’m still dissatisfied.”
Mercutio ushers him out to the waiting car while Kai looks back over his shoulder longingly. As Mercutio starts to drive the boys away, noisily singing, he spots you in the window. 
You see Kai and whisper, “My true love is born from the coven that I’m born to hate. I fell in love too soon and now it is too late to hate him. It is such a large degree of love, that I must love my enemy.” 
You close the window and lean your head against the glass, unable to take your eyes off Kai’s disappearing form. Down below in the doorway stands Tybalt, also unable to take his eyes off the enemy.
“I will obey my uncle tonight. Malachai’s intrusion may seem sweet but it is bitter and will come back to poison us in the end.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * Out at the car * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
There is a traffic jam from all the cars trying to leave. Kai sighs and whispers beside his noise raucous of friends. “How can I leave here when my heart stays behind? I have to go back.”
Kai leaps out of the slow moving car and Benvolio yells.
“Kai! Where are you going?”
Kai is running back along the road, using the cars and bushes as a way to shield himself from the guards’ view. He stealthily climbs vines and leaps onto the other side of the stone wall bordering the property. Mercutio pulls the car around in front of the gates that are swinging shut. 
Benvolio points out, “I think he ran that way. Call his name!”
“I’ll do you one better,” Mercutio laughs. Jumping out of the car he dances in front of the gate swaggering like a flirtatious drunk lady. “Oh Kai!” He calls in a falcetto voice, “It’s me Rosaline! Come to my plump lips, my bright eyes and my long legs and quivering thighs!”
The boys cheer Mercutio on. Kai smiles at his calling. 
“He makes fun of love scars that are non existent.”
The boys are now laughing hysterically at Mercutio swooning around like a love sick fool. The fun is cut short when a security guard yells and a spotlight comes to life, pinning Mercutio in its beam. 
“Alright boys, let’s go.” He quickly hops into the car and they speed off. 
Outside the rear wing of the house, Kai creeps near the pool, taking cover when a bright light comes on.
“But wait, what light shines through that window?”
Almost in response, the balcony doors open and you step out still in your angel robe. You start to walk near the pool, unaware of Kai hiding in the shadows.
He whispers, “Y/n is the sun, rising in the East and killing the jealous moon. She is far more beautiful than any others.”
You sit on the pool ledge, legs dangling in the still water.
“It is her! My love!”
You sigh. Looking longingly to the stars you ask, “Oh Malachai, my Kai. Where are you? Deny your father and rebuke your name, or if you will not, my love, I swear I will no longer be a Cadell.”
Kai whispers, “Should I say something or remain silent?”
Starting to pace you continue, “It’s only your last name that is my enemy, but you, yourself are not a Parker. But what is a Parker? It is not a body part of a man. Why can’t you have some other name! What is a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. So if Kai, if not called called Kai Parker, would be just as perfect. Kai, lose your name. Trade in your name, which has nothing to do with you, and take all of me in exchange.”
“I will take all of you in exchange at your word!” Kai steps out of the shadows and calls wildly. “Proclaim your love for me, and you can call me whatever you want!”
You scream and topple backwards, Kai tries to balance you out by grabbing your hand but is instead plunged into the pool with you. A security guard moves toward the pool area and you wave him away. assuring that everything is fine.
“Kai, why did you hide in the darkness and listen to my private thoughts?”
He puts his hands up in a calming gesture. “My own name is so hateful to me, if it were written on a piece of paper I would rip it up.”
“I have not heard you speak over a hundred words, but I recognize your voice and have memorized it’s sound. Should I not call you Malachai? And a Parker?”
“Neither my love, if you don’t like the names.”
“How did you get over the walls? If any men of my coven find you here, they will kill you.”
“The darkness of night will hide me, besides let them kill me. I would rather due than live without your love.” Kai leans forward, you kiss long and greedily until you push Kai away.
“I’m glad it’s night so you can’t see how embarrassed I am that you over heard me gushing about you. Part of me feels I should pretend I am not interested, as that is how proper ladies would act. But it is too late for that, do you love me?”
Kai starts to speak but you silence him and continue. “I know you will say yes and I believe you. Swear to me so you can’t be proven false my sweet Kai. Say it faithfully. If you think I’m too quickly won over then I will frown and see you no more, no matter what ends of the earth you may go to win me back. Honestly... I favor you too much, you may not believe me but I’ll prove myself to be more true and loyal than any other woman.” 
“My love, y/n, I swear by the moon, that lights the night so beautifully.’
“No, don’t swear by the moon for it constantly changes.”
“What should I swear by?”
“Do not swear at all. But if you dare to, swear by yourself. You are my idol and I will believe you.” You touch his cheek with your palm and Kai moves his lips close to yours.
“If my hearts dear love-”
Confused, you break away. “Do not swear then. I take joy in you, but not in a rash, sudden contract. We need to slow down, we don’t have to rush into anything. We should take our time and see where this love goes.”
Another light turns on and the nanny begins to call. “Y/N!” You rush up the pool stairs.
“Will you leave me so unsatisfied?” Kai tries to keep up.
You scoff and give a shocked expression, “What more satisfaction do you want tonight?”
“I would be satisfied if you promised me your love so we could exchange vows and be married.”
You run joyously into Kai’s arms. “I will gladly exchange vows with you and promise my love!” You kiss fiercely and passionately before being interrupted by the nanny’s yell again.
“Good night dear Kai. If you really intend to marry me, send word tomorrow. I will come to you, tell me what time and place. I will leave all my fortunes behind and follow you all over the world.”
“I’m coming!” You holler. “A thousand times goodnight.” You kiss again and finally run inside. You reappear at the top of the balcony. “Kai! What time should I come to you tomorrow?”
“By 9 o’clock!”
“I will be there! Good night sweet Kai until tomorrow. Parting is such sweet sorrow.”
“Sleep well my lovely y/n.” Kai blows kisses to you and heads back toward the wall to take his leave. 
* * * * * * Morning time in a greenery * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
A priest is giving an herbology lesson to some young boys. 
“Plants, herbs and stones are a beautiful thing.” He makes a small cut in the bulb of a purple flower. “In this flower, lies a poison while also having the power of a medicine.” He carefully puts the sap in a beaker. “It smells lovely, but if tasted, can stop the heart. Our lesson is done.” 
Turning to put the beaker away in the fridge, he pulls out a jar of candy. Looking at them sternly, the boys take their candy and scram. The Father starts to watch the TV but his thoughts are interrupted by Kai knocking on the door frame. 
“Good morning Father.”
“Good morning! Why do you come so early in the morning to see me?” The priest studies Kai for a minute. “It is very early for you to be getting out of bed, and if I guess right it means that you never went to bed last night!”
Kai follows the priest as he starts to walk through the empty church. “It’s true, I never slept because I was enjoying the sweet night.”
“God have mercy on you! Were you with Rosaline?”
“With Rosaline? Father no. That name is out of my mind and long forgotten.” 
The priest starts to lay out preparations for communion. “Good my son, so where have you been?”
Out of old habit, Kai starts to help him. “I was feasting at my enemies house. So suddenly I was wounded by love and now both of ours only cure can come from you. I gave no hatred, and your power will benefit my enemy.”
“Speak clearly. Tell me what you mean. I do not know how to help you if you speak in riddles.”
“I am in love with the leader Cadell’s daughter. I love her and she loves me. We’ve promised our love to each other but we need you to make it official. I’ll tell you more later about where and when we met, how we fell in love. But I’m begging you to marry us today.”
The priest stands there a moment, thunderstruck. Two of the young boys enter in robes and he dismisses them. They get the message and bolt. He turns back to Kai, still stunned.
“Holy Saint Francis! This is such a sudden change. Have you given up on Rosaline so quickly? The one you claimed you loved? Young men love with their eyes and not their hearts. How many tears did you waste crying over Rosaline? I can still freshly remember you crying to me about your heart’s woe. You’ve changed so suddenly.”
“You’ve always scolded me for loving Rosaline.”
“I did not scold you for loving her, but for obsessing over her.”
“Don’t scold me over y/n now, we truly love each other. Rosaline did not love me.”
“Rosaline knew you loved her but didn’t really know what it meant.” The priest sits down in a chair and looks off into the distance where the childrens choir are assembling. The priest is moved by the childrens singing and he turns back to a waiting Kai. 
“Come with me, I will help you with your secret wedding. If we’re lucky it may turn the hatred between your covens into love.”
“Then let’s go, I’m in a rush.”
The Father stands and looks down on Kai, “We need to be smart about this and take it slowly. We don’t want any slip-ups.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * At the beach * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Benvolio and Mercutio are arguing. 
Mercutio snaps, “What do yo umean Kai didn’t come home last night?”
“I spoke to my uncle’s maid, she said Kai never came home.”
“He’s so obsessed with Rosaline, he’s gone insane.” Benvolio paces the sidewalk, “Tybalt sent a message to Kai’s father’s house.”
Mercutio interrupts, “I bet it’s a challenge.”
Benvolio stops pacing. “Do you think Kai will take up the challenge?”
“Anyone can write a letter demanding a challenge. But it takes a true witch to demand a fight with a siphoner like Malachai.”
“Kai is daring enough to challenge Tybalt.”
Kai’s car pulls up beside the lake’s parking lot. Benvolio heads toward him.
“Here comes Kai! Here comes Kai!” 
Mercutio saunters up the beach with mock chalance. “Bonjour Kai,” he speaks with an accent, “You gave us quite the slip last night, no?”
“Good morning to you too. What slip did I give you?” Kai feigns innocence.
“WHAT SLIP? You gave us the slip last night, are you mad?”
Kai grins smugly. “Oh my apologies, Mercutio. I had a great time, thanks for asking. It was very important business, I didn’t have time to say a proper goodbye.”
“Oh I’m sure you were kept quite busy last night.” He jokes and Benvolio hoots, jumping on Kai’s back.
“Oh shut up.” Kai shoves him off into the sand. “I’ll fight you.”
Mercutio flicks sand at him and starts to run down the beach. Kai laughs and starts to chase. Kai gains on Mercutio and dives into the sea, following him. 
“See, isn’t this better than groaning over love?” Mercutio splashes and Kai tries to dunk him underwater. “You’re much happier now!” He walks onto the beach, “Come on Kai.”
Kai tackles him onto the wet sand and Mercutio suddenly becomes serious. “How happy you are now, is who you naturally are.”
A shadow falls over the boys and there stands the nanny in a bright red ‘disguise’. 
“God, you are a beautiful woman.” Mercutio remarks, bemused at the sight.
The nanny ignores him and speaks to Kai, “I need to speak privately with you.” 
Kai gets up and starts to follow the woman up to a black car waiting in the parking lot. Mercutio looks questioningly to Benvolio who shrugs. “Maybe he’s going for dinner?” Mercutio yells at Kai, “Come home for dinner!.”
Before stepping into the car he yells back, “I will be there soon!”
“Goodbye old dragon lady!” He jests, blowing her a kiss.
* * * * * * * * * * * * In the car * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The nanny leaned in uncomfortably close to Kai and whispered harshly, “If you lead y/n on, treat her poorly or break her heart like a delicate tea cup then you will suffer an ill fate.” 
She leans back to her seat and there is a silence. Kai chooses his next words carefully. “Ask y/n to come to confession today. The Father will hear her out, absolve her sins and we will be married.”
* * * * * * * * * * The Cadell mansion * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
You are waiting excitedly in your room, looking for the nanny’s arrival. The black car pulls into the driveway and out steps the nanny. 
“Here she comes!” 
You bolt from from your room to meet the nanny at the staircase going to the rear of the house. You burst into the kitchen following her where she proceeds to start looking in the fridge. 
“What did he say?” You ask again impatiently, “Nanny! What did he say!”
Stepping away from the fridge the nanny sets food down on the counter. “Let me rest a minute, I am tired and hungry.”
You continue to plead, walking to her. “Please tell me! Is it good news or bad?”
“My God, why such a hurry? Can’t you stay here and talk for a while? I am out of breath.”
You cannot stand the suspense anymore. “How are you out of breath? Tell me! Is it good news or bad? Just tell me that much!”
The nanny sits and take a big bite of her sandwich, talking between chews. “You’ve made a simple choice of a man. You don’t know how to pick one. He is a very handsome and attractive young man but he doesn’t have the best manners and composure. However, he has a gentle spirit and nature. Have you had something to eat yet?”
“I already know those things about him, tell me more! What does he say about our marriage?”
“Oh dear, I feel a headache coming on, and my back aches...”
This is a game you know well. You climb onto the back of the recliner, setting down so you can massage her,
“Ooooo yes! Get right there!”
You then coo sweetly, “Oh sweet nanny, what does my love say?”
“He is an honest man, kind, handsome and virtuous. Where is your mother?”
You crack. “Where is my mother? That’s your reply?! My love says like an honest gentleman, ‘Where is your mother?!’”
The nanny pouts, “Calm yourself y/n!”
You explode in frustration. “How can you tell me to be calm? WHAT DID KAI SAY?”
The nanny goes quiet for a moment. “Do you have time to go to confession today?”
“I do.”
“Then go to the priest, Kai awaits there to be a husband and make you his wife!”
With a scream of joy, you hug the nanny.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * At the church * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The priest shakes his head. “Such extreme emotions about this kind of pleasure often ends in disaster. Even the taste of too much honey can become sickly because it is so sweet.” He looks to Kai. “So love carefully and long may your love live.”
You push through the oaken double doors to the church. The priest cues up the choir and beckons for you to come to the altar.
“Good afternoon Father.”
Before the priest can reply, you and Kai kiss passionately. He wait just a moment then delicately interrupts you.
“Come, come and we will make this quick. Because, if you don’t mind, I’m not leaving you two alone until you’re married.”
You and Kai exchange vows and rings. The priest follows the two of you out, throwing hand fulls of rice. Your driver takes a perfect picture as the bride and groom kiss. He holds the car door open and you reluctantly get in. As the car drives away, Kai runs along side it until he watches the big car speed away. 
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * At the beach * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Mercutio stands knee deep in the water fishing. Benvolio shelters himself from the heat under a life guard tower.
“Come on Mercutio, let’s go. It’s too hot!”
Mercutio ignores him and continues fishing with his gun. Benvolio looks around nervously hoping they don’t draw the attention of the Cadells.
“The Cadells are out, and if they see us, we won’t get away without a fight.”
“You are like one of those men who enter a bar and put their gun down on the table saying, ‘I pray I never have to use you’ but by the time he orders his second drink, he pulls the gun on the bartender for no reason at all.”
Benvolio doesn’t find him funny and turns away when a black Sedan rolling up stops him cold. “Oh great, here come the Cadells.”
“Well, well, I don’t care,” Mercutio drawls.
The car slides to a stop only feet away from where Benvolio stands. Tybalt, Abra and another Cadell emerge from the vehicle and step toward the Parkers menacingly.
“Good day gentleman, can I have a word with one of you.”
The rest of the Parker boys stand nervously at Tybalt’s words. Mercutio responds wittily, “You want just one word with one of us? Put it together with something else. Make it a word and a blow.”
“You’ll find me ready enough to do that sir, if you give me a reason.” 
Tybalt’s hand moves to rest on his gun handle. Mercutio stops jesting upon spotting the firearm.
Breathily he asks, “Could you not find a reason without me giving you one?” 
The Parker boys start to snicker again and Tybalt snaps. “Mercutio you hang out with Malachai.”
Mercutio’s anger grows. “Hang out? What do you think we are, a bunch of musicians? If I am a musician, then this is my fiddlestick,” he motions to his gun, “And I’ll use it to make you dance.”
Benvolio tries to mediate, “We’re talking in a public place. Either go someplace private, or it talk it over rationally or just go away. Out here everyone can see us.” 
Mercutio retorts, “People’s eyes were made to see things, so let them watch. I’m not moving to please anybody.”
Just then, Kai arrives in his car, heart full of happy news.
Tybalt walks away from Mercutio, “Nevermind you. Here is the man I am looking for.” He calls out to the approaching Kai, “Malachai, there’s only one thing I can call you. You are a villain!” Pulling his jacket aside, Tybalt reveals his gun to Kai.
“Tybalt, I have a reason to love you, let me put aside the hatred and forgive your remark. I am not a villain. So good bye. Clearly you do not know who I am.”
Kai turns and walks back to his car, surprising everybody. Tybalt is confused and outraged, hurling himself back into his Sedan. He kicks the car in a U-turn, slamming into Kai’s car. Kai locks the car as Tybalt gets out to beat down on it. He smashes the passenger window and hauls Kai out.
“Boy, your words can’t excuse the harm you’ve done to me!” Tybalt punches Kai across the face, sending him sprawling to the ground. “Turn and draw your gun!” He yells.
Kai shakily lifts himself from the ground, feeling his busted lip. Speaking through his bloody teeth, Kai answers. “I never hurt you. And so, good Cadell - which name I care for more than you can understand,” Kai cautiously pulls out his gun, “be satisfied.” He throws the gun to Tybalt’s feet.
The Parker boys can’t believe their eyes as Kai starts to walk down the beach. An angered Mercutio steps forward.
“This calm submission in dishonorable and vile!”
Tybalt grows angrier, handing Abra his weapon and sprinting down the beach after Kai. In a bone cracking collision, Tybalt tackles him to the ground near an abandoned life guard house. The boys run to catch up while Kai still refuses to fight and runs up the stairs. Tybalt trips him and he careens into the old wooden railing, smashing it to pieces. Tybalt kicks savagely at him, willing him to fight back. Mercutio runs after him, picking up a piece of wood from the broken railing and hitting him across the head making him fall down. 
“Tybalt, you ratcatcher!” Will you go and fight me?”
“What do you want from me?” Tybalt swings a lump of wood and Mercutio dodges. 
“Why, King of Cats, I want to take one of your nine lives. I’ll take one and depending how you treat me after that, I might beat the other eight out of you too.”
Tybalt swings his wood again and Mercutio blocks, throwing the stick away. Tybalt, now empty handed, charges and slams him against a window shattering the glass. Mercutio is back on his feet lightning fast. He raises a rock, ready to smash in his head when Kai rushes between them.
“Stop this fight Mercutio!”
Seizing his opportunity, Tybalt lunges up and aims to slash Kai with a piece of broken glass. Instead, he misses and slashes Mercutio across the stomach. He screams out in pain, grabbing his side. Everyone goes quiet. Abra tugs at a stunned Tybalt.
“Let’s go Tybalt!”
The pair bolts for their car and Benvolio goes to Mercutio.
“Are you hurt?”
Mercutio covers his wound and laughs, “Yes but it is just a scratch.”
Kai helps him get down the stairs. “Have courage, the cut can’t be that bad.”
“It’s not as deep as a well or as wide as a door, but it’s enough to do the job.” Mercutio jokes, “If you ask for me tomorrow, you’ll find me a very grave man. Goddammit! I can’t believe that rat could scratch me to death!” He says through crazed laughter.
He now turns his attention from the cheering boys to Kai who is struggling to support his weight.
“Why the hell did you come between us? He struck me under your arm.”
“I thought it was the right thing to do.” Kai starts to panic.
Mercutio pushes himself away screaming, “May a plague fall upon both your covens! They’ve turned me into food for the worms. I’m done for. Curse your families!” 
He collapses to the ground and Kai kneels, cradling his best friends dead body. Thunder booms and it starts to sprinkle, turning into a heavy rain. 
Benvolio whispers, “Mercutio is dead.”
Kai cries out, “Oh sweet y/n! Your beauty has made me weak, you have softened my bravery when before I was hard as steel.”
The sound of Tybalt’s car peeling off brings back cold reality. Kai’s sadness turns to uncontrollable rage. He runs to his car, in an effort to head him off. The rain is now blinding but Kai stops for nothing. Pedestrians scream and cars screech to a stop. He rounds a corner and slams into Tybalt’s car, veering out of control. Tybalt scrambles from his car and Kai runs toward him. Tybalt draws his gun but Kai continues to march on.
“Go on! Kill me so I can join him!” 
Tybalt nervously starts to walk backward.
“Either kill me or I will kill you!”
He shakes his head in panic, Kai flicks his wrist sending Tybalt’s gun into the air.
“Why did you come between us?”
Kai remains silent. Police cars screech to a halt, surrounding the area. The gun lands back in Kai’s hand and he fires three shots.
“Put down the weapon!” A police officer calls through a megaphone. 
Tybalt’s body collapses to the road. A cop fires, grazing Kai’s arm and he screams. 
“Oh! I have awful luck!”
A strong gust of wind and rain blinds the police. Balthasar drives up and starts screaming.
“Don’t just stand there! Come on!”
Kai quickly slides into the passenger seat, holding his wounded arm and crying. 
Lady Cadell pulls up to the scene and runs to crouch over the body. “Tybalt! Oh my sweet nephew. My family’s blood is spilled on the streets.” 
The Captain parts through the police line. “Where are the men who started the fight?”
A hand cuffed Benvolio is pushed forward. “Captain, I can tell you everything about the fight. Tybalt killed your relative Mercutio and then young Kai killed him.”
Lady Cadell begins to scream again. “Tybalt was my nephew! Oh my nephew is dead! Captain, you are honorable, take revenge by killing someone from the Parker family.”
The Captain ignores her and turns to Benvolio. “Benvolio, who started this fight?”
“Tybalt started the fight before he was killed by Kai. Kai spoke to him reasonably and didn’t want to start a fight but rather make a truce. Tybalt refused and was deaf to peace!”
Lady Cadell interjects savagely, “He’s lying! I want justice, Kai killed Tybalt so Kai must be killed!”
The Captain, losing his patience turns to the woman. “Kai killed him after Tybalt killed Mercutio.”
Malachai’s father, Sir Parker l arrives and begins to plead with the Captain as well. “Please Captain, don’t make Malachai pay the price. He was Mercutio’s friend. His death has been avenged by Tybalt’s. It is even.” 
The Captain eyes him coldly. “And for the crime of murder, Malachai is exiled from Mystic Falls. You have involved me in your rivalry. My nephew Mercutio is dead because of your bloody feud.”
“But Captain-” Parker starts to plead. 
The Captain silences him, “I will not listen to your excuses and your begging will not change my mind.” He turns to address his officers. “Tell Malachai to leave the city immediately or else if he is found he will be killed.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Your bedroom* * * * * * * * * * * *
“I wish the sun would hurry up and set already so night can come immediately. Because when the night comes and everyone goes to sleep, then my Kai will come to me, leap into my arms and no one will know. Gentle night, give me my Kai and when I die, turn him into the stars and make a constellation in his image. His face will make the heavens so beautiful that the whole world will fall in love with him. I belong to Kai now, this day has been so long, waiting for him.”
A car pulls up into the driveway and you rush down excited to meet the nanny. Your knees buckle and you fall to the ground at her news. 
“Oh god! Did Kai kill Tybalt?”
“He did, he did! This is a most cursed day!”
“He’s like a snake disguised as a flower. Was there ever such an evil book with such a beautiful cover? I can’t believe such evil lurked inside someone so beautiful!”
“There is no trust, faith or honesty in men. All of them lie, cheat and are wicked. Shame on Malachai!”
“How dare you wish shame upon him! He was not born to be shameful. He deserves only honor, I was an idiot to be angry at him.”
“How can you say such good things about the man who killed your cousin?”
“Am I supposed to speak badly about my own husband? Oh my husband! How could I speak bad of him when we’ve only been married 3 hours? Kai why did you kill my cousin? Probably because my cousin would have killed my husband. It is comforting to know my husband is alive, but I am crying still because he has been banished. This is worst than the murder of 10,000 Tybalts. No words can express my pain. Nanny, where are my father and mother?”
The nanny gets down to comfort you. “They are mourning the death of Tybalt. Go to your room, I’ll send Kai to comfort you. I know where he is.”
You look up through tears. “Please hurry and find him. Tell him to come and say his final good bye.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * At the church * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
The priest leads the nanny into a bedroom. Kai lays on the bed, shirtless and bandaged.
The woman rushed to his side.
“Tell me about y/n. Where is she? Is she okay? What does my hidden wife say about our ruined love?”
“She doesn’t say anything. She just cries and cries. She falls down but when she tries to get up, she just calls your name and collapses again in tears.”
Kai has started to cry uncontrollably, “She calls out my name as if I were a bullet murdering her, just like her cousin.”
The priest shakes Kai, “I thought you were smarter and more rational than this! Your y/n is alive, you should be happy. Tybalt wanted to kill you, but you killed him. Be happy that you’re alive. You have been banished, not sentenced to death. Be happy about that. Your life is full of blessings.”
Kai has calmed down and the priest helps him get changed into a new white shirt. 
“Go. Go to your wife and comfort her. Get out of here before daybreak. Good night.” 
The priest ushers Kai out of the church and gives him one last handshake good bye. Kai and the nanny sprint towards the car.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * At the mansion* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Dave stands by your father holding flowers awkwardly. Your mother comes down the staircase solemnly.
“She refuses to come out of her room.”
Dave replies calmly, “It’s understandable. These times of pain are bad for romance. Good night ma’am, give your daughter my regards.”
“I will. And I’ll find out what she thinks about marriage tomorrow morning but tonight she is shut up with sadness.” The three leave down the hallway.
* * * * * * * * * * In your room* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
You are softly crying into your pillow when you feel a hand gently touch your face. Your eyes dart up to see Kai standing above you. There’s a still moment of disbelief. Leaning down, Kai kisses away the tears that fall from your wide y/e/c eyes. Your lips find his and he gently sinks back into the bed with you.
* * * * * * * * * * Back in the living room* * * * * * * * * * 
Your father sits reclined in an armchair. Dave and your mother sit opposite him. He whips himself in a drunken frenzy of excited thoughts.
“My sir, I’ll make a desperate argument for my daughter’s love. I think she’ll do whatever I say- no - I think she’ll do that and more. I have no doubt about it. Wait- what day is today?”
Dave answers, “Monday, sir.”
“I will talk to her tomorrow about marrying you on Thursday. Does that sound good to you?”
Dave tries to catch up, stunned at the suddenness. Your father eyes him.
“Sir- I wish Thursday was tomorrow. It sounds wonderful.”
Your father raises his glass to toast and they stand. “Well go home. Thursday it is then.” He turns to your mother, “Go see y/n to prepare her. Tell her to get ready for her wedding on Thursday.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * Your room* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Morning time comes, shining light upon yours and Kai’s bodies tangles together. You lie blissfully asleep. Balthasar’s car quietly pulls into a side road near the estate. Sitting up suddenly, Kai wakes up remembering where he is. Sitting on the side of the bed he starts to get dressed. You silently wake up and climb onto his back, kissing him gently on the neck.
“You’re leaving already? The day has just begun.”
Kai turns and softly strokes your cheek. “If I want to live I must leave now, if I stay then I will die.” 
You sigh in resignation. “You’re right, you have to go. Now leave before it gets any lighter!” 
You frantically help Kai get dressed. You both freeze when there is an urgent knock on the door.
“Your mother is coming to your room!”
You hurriedly usher Kai out to the balcony. 
“Good bye my love, one last kiss and I will leave.”
You caress his face and whisper. “Do you think we will meet again?”
“I have no doubt.” Kai smiles up at you and heads down the wall. 
You turn at your mother’s voice at the door. “Good morning y/n! Are you awake?” Your mother walks in right after you hastily flop back into bed. She crosses over to the window, opening the curtains to let light in. 
“You have a caring father. He has arranged a day of joy to end your sadness. A day you did not expect and that I did not look for.”
You try to play along. “What day is that?”
Your mother takes a deep breath in. “You will be married to the handsome and charming governor’s son! You will go to the church and there become his wife.”
You are too stunned, “By Saint Peter he will not make me his wife!”
A look of fear crosses your mother’s face. “Here comes your father, tell him that yourself.”
Cadell with a whiskey glass in hand, barges calmly into your room. “Have you told her what we have decided?”
“Yes, but she refuses to and says thank you. I wish the foolish girl was dead and married to her grave.”
Your father becomes dangerously calm. “How could she refuse? She should be grateful and proud of the match we’ve made. She’s not worthy of the gentleman.”
“I am not proud of what you have decided for me. I am thankful that you tried. I can’t be proud of something I hate, but I can be thankful it was done out of love.”
He thinks for a moment, then throws his glass across the room, shattering it against the wall. “You are a spoiled little girl and not really showing me any pride or thanks. You are going to get married to the governor’s son on Thursday. I will drag you there if I have to.”
You try to move into the hallway but he grabs your shoulders, shaking you. 
“Please listen to me...” you beg.
“NO! You will not speak back to me.” 
Your father throws you to the ground and you sob. His hand slaps you across the face. 
“Are you insane?!” Your mother retorts and he responds by backhanding her face.
“You disgust me y/n. My worthless daughter!”
The nanny gets between you and your father. “God bless her! You are wrong to berate her like that!”
Your father now furious, shoves the nanny aside and grabs your face up. “I’ll tell you what- you WILL get married at that church on Thursday or you will never show your face to me again. I will disown you and you can die on the streets, I swear to god!” He storms away down the stairs while you lay huddled on the floor. 
“Mother, please don’t disown me! Delay this marriage as long as you can or I will kill myself!”
She looks at her lip in the mirror and speaks softly. “Don’t talk to me because I will not say a word. Do whatever you want, I don’t care anymore.” Your mother turns and leaves.
You beg your nanny, “Please nanny! Tell me how I can stop this!”
The nanny doesn’t respond and sits in a heavy silence, moving towards you. 
“Please give me words of comfort!”
“Listen to me, I think it would be a good idea for you to marry this man. Malachai has been banished and can’t return unless he is undercover. I think you could be happy with the governor’s son, you are no use to Kai anyway.”
You stay still. “Do you honestly mean this?”
“I do.”
You decide to play along, despite the pain of faking. “You’ve comforted me a lot nanny. Tell me mother I am going to the priest to confess and be forgiven for angering my father.”
“Alright, I will. That’s a good idea.”
* * * * * * * * * * At the church* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
The priest stands at the front of the church with Dave talking about what will happen on Thursday. 
“Her father wants us to rush and be married very soon.”
Just then you walk into the church, not expecting to see them there.
“Look! There is the woman who is my wife!”
“That might be the case sir, after I’m married.” You respond icily, one hand hidden resting on a pistol.
“That ‘might be’ will be on Thursday.”
“What must be will be.” You walk down the isle coolly.
The priest states, “That is a certain truth.”
“Did you come here to confess?” Dave inquires.
“If I answered that question, I’d be confessing to you, Dave.”
You and the Father turn to leave and Dave starts to excuse himself. “Y/n, I will marry you early on Thursday morning. Until then, good bye.”
You give him a stone cold glare as he leans forward and kisses your cheek.
“Keep this kiss, and goodbye for now..”
As soon as Dave left, you stormed into the backroom, the priest following your lead. “Y/n, I already know about your sad situation.”
“Tell me how I can prevent it, Father.”
“I’ve heard you must marry a man on Thursday and that nothing can delay it.”
“If you’re so smart but can’t help me, then you will call my solution smart and I’ll solve it by myself.” 
You pull the gun out and point it at your head. Horrified, the priest moves to stop you but you panic and point the gun at him.
“Hold on, y/n!” He holds out a soothing hand. “I have an idea. But we must act boldly because the situation is so desperate. If you’re so desperate you would kill yourself instead of marrying Dave, then you must be desperate enough to try something similar to death to solve this problem. Come with me to the greenhouse.
You obey, eager and desperate to try anything on the face of the earth to be with your love.
The priest holds up a little vial with a blue liquid in it. “When you are in bed, drink this. The sleep inducing drug will run through your veins and stop your pulse. Your body will turn cold, you’ll stop breathing and you become so pale, your family and Dave will think you are dead. You will stay like this for 42 hours and then you’ll wake up like you’ve only been sleeping. They will take you to the family vault. I will tell Kai about the plan and he will come to you and take you far away.” The priest cautiously hands you the vial.
* * * * * * * * * * * * Later that night* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
At a trailer park out of town a mail truck pulls up to a bland looking trailer. The mail man knocks loudly at the door with the letters from the priest. Kai is too busy with his headphones to hear the knocking. The mail man shrugs and slips a ‘WE CALLED’ note under the door.
* * * * * * * * * * * * The Cadell mansion* * * * * * * * * * * * 
It is the night before the wedding and you stand in front of a mirror. Two od the maids hold up your wedding dress, fussing over which shoes match the best. Disinterested you point to a pair and satisfied, the maids leave.
“Nanny will you please leave me alone tonight?”
“Why?” The nanny asks as you guide her to the door.
“I have to say a lot of prayers so the heavens will bless me. You know I am troubled and full of sin.”
The nanny leaves, shutting the door. Confident that you are alone, you rush to the bedside table and pull out the glass vial. 
You whisper, “What if this mixture doesn’t work? Will I be forced to marry Dave?”
You cautiously begin to unscrew the tiny black lid. Suddenly there is a knock on the door. You palm the vial and turn to see your mother walk in. 
“Do you need my help?”
“No, we’ve already figured out what I’m wearing tomorrow. So if it’s okay with you, I’d like to be alone now.”
You slip into bed and your mother sensing your unease nods. “Good night then.”
“Good night!” Your words surprise her and she smiles, closing the door. “There’s a slight cold fear running through me. I have to go through with this.” 
You bring the vial to your lips and toss your head back. You have a sudden violent convulsion and then collapse backward, face painted with fear.
It is morning time, the sun light shines down on an ambulance and police cars in front of the house.
One of the medics speaks over the radio. “Drugs?”
The second medic responds, “Yes, a deadly amount. She overdosed.”
The family numbly enter the house again, wedding decorations mocking their pain. The priest enters your bedroom, kneeling by your side and quickly checks your pupils. He pockets the vial and looks toward the undertaker.
“She is ready to go to the church.”
The man dressed in black nods. “We will take her to the Cadell vault.”
Balthasar, hearing the news of your death, rushes away to tell Kai.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * At the trailer park* * * * * * * * * * * * 
Kai is sitting at his table, writing in his notebook, still not paying attention to the ‘WE CALLED’ card. Balthasar’s car speeds to a stop in front of the trailer and an excited Kai rushes out. 
“What is it Balthasar?”
Balthasar is too stunned to speak.
“Did you bring me the letters from the priest? How is y/n?”
Balthasar does not know how to word what he has come to tell Kai, and looks away. “She’s not well, she lies dead in the Cadell vault.”
For a long moment, Kai is still and when he speaks, his voice is chillingly calm. “Is it really true?”
Balthasar nods. Kai turns and stares out into the distant wasteland.
“Then I hate the stars!” he moves to the car. “I have to see her tonight.”
Balthasar tries to hold him back, “Just wait-”
“Leave me alone!” Kai roars, pushing him against the car.
“You look pale and wild as if you’re going to hurt yourself.”
“Well, you’re wrong. Leave me alone. Do you have a letter from the priest?”
“No I don’t.”
Kai shakes his head and smiles, “Nevermind. I’ll go see her tonight.” Kai hops into the passenger seat and Balthasar reluctantly gets behind the wheel. The car roars out of the park and Kai silently whispers, “I am coming to be with you tonight, y/n.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * At the church* * * * * * * * * * * * 
The priest speaks into a phone, concerned. “Did Malachai get my letter?”
The mailman responds, “No. He didn’t answer the door.”
The priest hangs up the phone and looks at the time. “I need to get to the vault, y/n will be waking up withing an hour.” 
* * * * * * * * * * * * At the cemetary* * * * * * * * * * * * 
Balthasar’s car pulls into the cemetary’s driveway and Kai hops out.
“Give me your flashlight.” Opening the trunk he pulls out a crowbar.
“Kai just listen to me.”
Kai turns around a punches him hard causing him to fall down, blood spilling from his nose. “Go and stay away from me or I will tear you apart!”
Balthasar rises slowly, both boys are trying not to cry.
“My plan is wild and savage, more fierce than a starving tiger.”
“I will go and leave you alone.”
Kai smiles and the boys hug. “Go live and be happy, good bye my friend.”
They part ways and Kai goes to the mausoleum, starting to pry the door open.
“You horrible mouth of death. You’ve taken the most precious girl on earth away from me. I will tear your jaw open.” 
Kai grunts and with a final heave, the door scrapes open. All is silent inside, flickering candle light the hallway.
“Despite my hatred for you beast, I’ve come to give you another body.”
Roaming the hallway he finds your coffin, collapsing to his knees he cries out. “Oh! How often are men happy before they die!”
* * * * * * * * * * * * Outside the mausoleum* * * * * * * * * * * * 
The priest thumps the steering wheel in frustration as he slowly pulls into the graveyard. “I am afraid something terrible is going to happen.” The priest shakes his head in horror seeing the vault’s door broken open.
* * * * * * * * * * * * Inside the mausoleum* * * * * * * * * * * * 
Kai pushes aside the lid and kneels by your figure. Moonlight streams in, lighting your beautiful face as you sleep.
“Oh my beautiful wife! Death has sucked the life out of you but it did not take away your beauty.” Unconscious tears fall from his eyes as he continues, “Ah y/n, why are you so beautiful? Should I believe death has fallen in love with you and he keeps you away from me? I hate that death, so I will stay with you and never leave this vault! Let me kiss you one last time!”
Kai kisses your lips one last time. Your hand twitches but he doesn’t notice. He pulls out a vial of poison he stole and drinks it quickly. He convulses and falls, his head resting on your body. Kai fights for breath and you wake up, becoming aware of Kai. 
“Kai? Is that you?” You sit up and cradle his head in your lap.
His clear wide eyes stare back up at you but he is unable to move, save for his weak breaths. You find the vial in his hand and start to cry.
“He drank it all and left none for me. I will kiss his lips, maybe there is some poison still on them to make me die with him.” You delicately kiss Kai on the lips. In a broken hearted whisper, “his lips are still warm.”
Desperately you both cling to each other. With all his might, Kai whispers, “Thus, with a kiss I will die.” 
His breathing stops, there is only silence from him as you sob, hugging his lifeless form.
“Malachai, oh my sweet Kai.” You look to the gun in his jacket.
* * * * * * * * * * * * Outside* * * * * * * * * * * * 
The priest hurries to the entrance of the vault when a gunshot rings out.
“God have mercy! Y/n? Malachai?”
His breath escapes him, coming upon the tragic scene. There, under the statue of Saint Peter, lie Kai and y/n. United again in death. 
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Kissing the Prince of the Heart
@spideytorchweek 2021 day 3: AU day
Peter is in love with the prince. The prince's knight though is in love with him. Peter learns that sometimes the love you feel is not what you think it is.
Ao3 link here
Peter was loyal to his prince. He always had been. Maybe that is where his crush came from, wanting to date the prince who was the man he served.
“Peter,” Johnny said. Sir Johnny who was protective of the prince just as much as Peter. Well he was the most trusted knight of the prince. Peter didn’t know if it was because of who he was or if it was just because Johnny was noble, but it made Johnny more interesting and someone Peter liked to talk about.
“Yes, Sir Storm,” Peter asked.
“You can call me Johnny,” he reminded Peter.
“No, I can not,” Peter reminded him as well. Johnny sighed but he decided his matter was more important than the argument.
“I know you are off for a few days while Prince Wade is away with the rest of the royal house,” Johnny told him.
“So I’ve been told,” Peter said.
“I’m not going,” Johnny said.
“Neither am I,” Peter said. “Which is sad. The prince will have to actually do something on his own.”
“Like you don’t enjoy spoiling him and doing things for him,” Johnny said, teasing Peter. Peter blushed knowing that Johnny had probably figured out his crush. A crush that could get him in trouble if anyone else found out. He would lose his position of being the prince’s servant if anyone found out.
“It isn’t like that,” Peter said.
“I wasn’t implying that you were in love with him, Webhead,” Johnny seemed to look down. “I would really hope you weren’t. It would mean you would be kicked to the curb and then I wouldn’t see you anymore.”
“Wouldn’t that be a good thing if you didn’t see me anymore?” Peter asked.
“How would I ask you out if you weren’t around anymore for me to ask you out?” Johnny asked. Peter didn’t know what to say to that as he looked down.
“I don’t think it would be wise for me to date you,” Peter said. He was worried about turning a knight down. He didn’t know what to do. Maybe he could go on a date with Johnny but would it ruin his chances with his prince?
“Of course not,” Johnny said smiling but Peter could see the hurt in his eyes.
“I would if I was able to,” Peter said.
“What would you do if you were able to?” Wade asked to join them.
“It’s nothing,” Peter said.
“It didn’t sound like anything,” Wade said. Johnny looked down as if what he did was a shameful thing.
“I was asking Peter out,” Johnny admitted.
“Well then why can’t he?” Wade said. “It’s not like you are a Prince that he can never date.” Peter felt embarrassed. Did Wade know? Wade didn’t say anything if he did as Johnny looked at Peter as the ball was in his court.
“Then I guess we could go out,” Peter said quietly. Johnny smiled and told him the plans for their date. Nothing big because Peter wouldn’t be able to handle that but a festival outing.
Peter held Johnny’s hand as Johnny led him all over the place. He didn’t say anything but he didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know how to act besides just being there. Except he was enjoying it and it was the most fun he had in a while. It made his crush on Wade seem fake. It was nice to have someone who actually cared about him instead of having to care for someone else. Johnny was sweet and cared. He spoiled him even when he didn’t feel like he should be spoiled. Small gifts here and there that made the day better than he would imagine.
“You want to do this again?” Johnny asked as he got late.
“I would like that a lot,” Peter said.
“I can’t give you a kingdom, but I can give you my heart,” Johnny told him.
“I never needed a kingdom,” Peter admitted. He looked up at Johnny and his blue eyes that meant so much to him. He was staring at Peter like May and Ben stared at each other or how his parents would stare at each other. “I just need someone who loves me for me.”
“I need the same thing too,” Johnny said before he moved closer to kiss Peter but Peter moved back.
“I don’t think we should kiss on the first date,” Peter admitted. Johnny looked at him confused. “It’s just that I just got over someone else and I don’t think I’m ready to kiss someone.”
“Is that why you told me no to begin with?” Johnny asked him. Peter just nodded and Johnny seemed to smile.
“Well maybe we can have a second date as amazing as this and you will want to kiss a knight instead of someone else.” Peter knew he already would want to kiss Johnny but he didn’t want to treat Johnny poorly after he just got over someone else. Johnny deserved the world. Peter would try to give him what he could get. That was just who Peter was.
The second date was the second night of the festival. Peter enjoyed himself again. It was nice to be spoiled. May had been happy to see the smile on his face as he told her about Johnny. She had even said she wanted to meet Johnny and his family. Though Peter wasn’t sure that he was ready for that or how she would react when she met him. He was a bit nervous to even think about meeting his family.
“I got you something,” Johnny told him and he had Peter close his eyes as he put something on Peter’s head. When Peter opened his eyes he noticed the flower crown. “I might not be a prince, but you are my prince.” Peter just blushed and thanked Johnny. He might not have been a prince but Johnny made him feel as if he was royal and that was all that mattered. At least in his mind.
“You might not be a prince either but you are my prince,” Peter let Johnny know. It made Johnny smile. Peter moved to kiss Johnny but Johnny moved back.
“Not yet,” Johnny said before dragging him to a lake. Peter looked at it confused before Johnny pointed at the sun going down. The lake was beautiful and it was the perfect place. Peter turned and Johnny smiled.
“Can I kiss you now?” Johnny asked.
“Yes,” Peter said before Johnny moved in and kissed his prince. The two having the perfect sunset ending as if it was the end of a fairytale.
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