codtrashsammy · 1 month
This is... love? (Simon Riley x Reader)
First time writing smut in a loooong time, so bare with me. Had an idea and ran with it. I hope you like it tho!
Simon Riley can fuck. But what about the first time you make love? Word Count: 2.8K
Pairing: Simon Riley x Reader/You
Warnings: crying during sex (not the bad kind tho, promise), explicit sex, p in v, praise (heavy heavy like on god), gentle love making <3 bc our boy can fuck, but what about other stuff too?!
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Of course, you’ve fucked. Simon has been your boyfriend for 3 years now, you’re definitely comfortable to explore that part of your relationship now.
Simon has had you bent over every piece of furniture in your flat, has had you in every bed in your house, in the shower, on the floor, a couple of times on the balcony even. He’s had you pinned to walls in sketchy bar bathrooms, he’s had you in the back of his nice looking truck, the bed of that same truck- fuckin’ everywhere. That’s all it’s been, it’s been fucking. Rough, fast- always fucking godly, of course, but it’s primal. Animalistic, and you love it- you truly do love it. But this time you want to do things different. You want to slow it down, you want to fucking relish in the man you’re lucky to call your own. You don’t want to fuck, you want to make love to him. Simon has always been… not exactly averse to your softer affections, as he’s always a very willing participant, but you sometimes notice he seems… overwhelmed. Like he can’t quite handle the raw, genuine emotion behind a soft, tender, lingering touch. His cheeks heat up, he gets this certain look in his eyes, and while he’s never been mean about it- he backs away from it. He shies away from it. 
You’ve tried talking to him about it- you’ve tried many, many times to bring it up to him. And yet the bastard always has a way to switch up the conversation, to change things around, to slip past the topic so easily- he can spin straw into gold with that mouth of his.
So, you’ve decided to take matters into your own hands.
You’re laying in bed, cuddled right up to him, your leg thrown over his hips and an arm thrown over his chest while you lay on your side, your head nestled perfectly in the crook of his arm. Simon’s hand idly plays with the ends of your hair, his arm wrapped around you, simply holding you to him as if to make sure you don’t slip away. 
Simon is seemingly lost in thought, eyes closed and body more or less relaxed- as relaxed as Simon can be when the man is always seemingly on alert to every little sound. 
“Hey, Si,” You murmur out, your fingers idly tracing random shapes against the fabric of his shirt. He hums to let you know he’s heard you, but otherwise doesn’t really react. Fuck, you love this man. You love every inch of him, everything about him. You even love that he always leaves the toilet seat up (you swear he does it out of spite) because you know you’d miss it if he wasn’t around to keep doing it.
“Can I try something?” You ask, tone soft and relaxed, casual. Not at all portraying the thoughts in your head, your secret little ‘mastermind’ plan. 
“Tha’s quite vague, ain’t it, love?” Simon grumbles out, voice low as if to match the atmosphere of simple peace and quiet. “Hmm…” You trail off, a playful smile growing on your face- not that he’s looking to see it, “I think it’s pretty simple. Either yes or no.” You quip with a nod, moving to lean up, resting your weight on your elbows so you can look down at him with a soft, gentle smile. And of course at feeling you move, his arm moves from around your shoulders to around your waist- always touching you, never wanting you far when he’s finally home. (You don’t realize home is you- but of course he’s never quite told you that). Simon’s eyes open at your movement, too. Pretty brown eyes, half lidded in his more-or-less relaxed state as he looks up to meet your gaze, his gaze soft in the way it only ever is for you- his mask resting along the nightstand by the bed. There if he needs it- but it’s rarely needed with you around. A warm light, easily able to lighten up even the darkest depths of his mind to keep his demons at bay.
“....yes?” Simon offers after a few moments of contemplation, a curious look in his own eyes as they scan over your face- looking for a hint of what possible fuckery you could be up to at this point. Your soft smile stretches out into a soft grin as you lean down, pressing your lips to Simon's and letting your eyes flutter shut. One of your hands come up, tracing softly up his chest, up his throat, along his jaw before settling to cup his cheek.
You can feel his breath hitch the slightest bit at the soft touch, the lingering touch. This is the kind of kiss that usually overwhelms him, but maybe he’s in a good mood tonight. Your thumb softly caresses his cheek while your tongues intertwine, and you can feel the moment Simon tries to speed it up.
You pull away, eyes still closed, your lips brushing against his as you speak, “No, no,”
And you promptly place your lips back against his own, not giving him time to start spitting his bullshit about how he’s going to make you see stars if you don’t stop teasing him- because that’s not the goal here. 
You shift your body, moving to straddle Simon's hips (a feat in its own right), keeping one hand cupping his cheek while the other moves to the hem of his shirt, slowly running over the skin above the waistband of his pajama pants, before delving under the fabric and feeling the softness of his tummy, touch so soft and gentle, so loving against his body.
Simon doesn’t know what to think, his own hands seeming to hesitate before they come to rest along your thighs, squeezing the fat there a bit roughly- but that’s okay, you can teach him. 
“Love your hands, Si,” You murmur as you finally pull away from the kiss, only to trail kisses down his jawline, slow and soft, occasionally nipping at the skin.
Simon let's out a grunt, his fingers digging into the meat of your thighs before moving to cup your ass, pushing your body to force your clothed cunt to grind against his already hard cock, and a breathy moan leaves your lips from the stimulation- but damn it, you’re doing this your way this time.
“I’ll stop,” You warn, voice still soft, but there's… an edge to it for once, one stating that you really will.
A soft groan leaves Simon's lips, along with a scoff at the absolute audacity of you, “Love,” Simon says, in warning more than anything. 
“I don’t wanna hear it,” You’re quick to say, before leaning back to meet his pretty, brown-eyed gaze, your hands moving to lift his shirt which he eagerly enough helps with, throwing the fabric away and down to the floor like it was the very thing that killed his family.
…a bit much, but you can understand his eagerness.
“You’re so beautiful, Simon,” You murmur out, eyes filled with nothing but adoration as you trail your hands across the familiar expanse of his chest, fingers running through his chest hair, thumbs brushing over his nipples before trailing down his sides. Your palms run over the subtle softness of his belly, where you know there is muscle hidden underneath.
A hiss leaves Simon's lips, and you can feel his cock twitch from where you’re perched in his lap. “Bloody ‘ell, love, the fuck ya doin?” Simon mutters, hands moving to grab your hips.
“Jus’ be good for me, yeah?” You murmur out, a soft, adoring smile on your face as you finally look up to meet his gaze.
The sight alone is enough to make you pause slightly. He’s not like this when you’re fucking- and you don’t even have his dick in you yet! His cheeks are flushed, not from exertion, he’s just flustered, his bottom lip between his teeth, brows pinched together with pretty glossy eyes. Almost like he could cry- but not quite. 
“You’re always so good for me, Si,” You murmur, grinding your hips against his own and letting out another breathy moan at the feeling, his hands tightening their grip of your hips in response. Just one look and you can tell he’s overwhelmed already- or at the very least getting there. But he hasn’t once told you to stop- he’s simply tried speeding you up, which you have no interest in. Not this time.
You grab his hands, kissing each of his knuckles before slowly dragging them underneath your own shirt, placing his palms against your breasts, his thumbs already swiping at your nipples, at the already peaked buds there. “Always takin’ such good care of me, my love,” You praise, and you reward him with another slow grind, beginning to set such a slow, but lovely pace, just enough friction to make you want more- but that’s the goal. A slow build, no rush, no desperation, just… slow. Loving. Gentle. Tender. Simon visibly gulps, his hands squeezing the flesh of your tits with a groan before he’s tugging your shirt off and adding it to the growing pile on the floor. He tries to buck his hips, tries to get your movements to speed up- but you simply lift up, ending the contact altogether, and send him a pointed look.
“Do ya not want me to fuck ya, love? What’s all this then?” Simon says with a huff, eyes narrowing slightly as they meet your own. Anyone else would say he’s frustrated- and yeah, partly he is. But you know your Simon, you can see that glossiness to his eyes, can see the slightest twitch of his brow- he’s overwhelmed- he’s not sure how to handle this, the softness, the gentleness. Simon likes to say he can’t be soft, can’t be gentle, can’t be loving. But it’s been 3 years with this man- you know he can. He just needs to be taught- it’s simply something he’s never had before, it’s not like he was born with the knowledge. “No,” You answer with a pleased, breathy sigh, resting your hips back against his own and beginning that slow grind once more, feeling his cock twitch at the action. “Don’t wanna fuck, Si. Jus’ be good for me, baby. Jus’ sit here, look pretty for me. Always so good for me. Jus’ let me love you, sweet boy,” You murmur out, eyes meeting his own and holding their gaze.
You trail your hands down his arms along his shoulders and collar bones, quite literally loving every inch of his skin.
Simon’s cheeks get hotter, the look he gives you is entirely overwhelmed, spooked even. Like the thought of being loved is absolutely horrifying alone.
“Be good? Kinda kinky, innit?” Simon mumbles out in response, looking at you with a quirked brow.
But you don’t stop. And he doesn’t stop you.
Clothes continue to fly off, positions change, but somehow you manage to remain in full control for once. And he lets you. Sure, you have to correct him at times, have to remind him to slow down, all with soft smiles and gentle praise- and he eats it up like a starving hound.
Even now, as moans and breathy praise leaves your lips, Simon being vocal, a rarity on it’s own, at least to this extent.
“Feel s’ good around me, love, fuck, so good,” He fucking babbles, his cock dragging along the walls of your drooling cunt at a slow, but steady pace. You’re underneath him now- stereotypical missionary- but it’s divine.
You pull Simon’s head down, pressing his forehead against your own, your legs wrapped loosely around his hips as his cock drags deliciously over all those sweet spots inside, the soft mound above his cock pressing against your clit with every. Single. Thrust.
It’s a slow build up, so slow, and while he focuses on clenching his fists into the sheets above your head, resting on his elbows on either side of it, you focus on touching him, praising him.
“Always so good to me, baby,” You practically purr the words.
“I love you so much, Si, so much,” You say, breathless as your back arches, forehead pressed to his and eyes closed in bliss of the slow building pleasure.
“Like you were made jus’ for me, sweet boy,” Your hands move to wrap around his shoulders, one of them tangling in his hair.
“Love how you make me feel, Simon,” You moan out, legs tightening their grip around his hips.
If your eyes weren’t closed, you’d see how Simon is looking at you right now. Simon is looking at you like you’re a fucking goddess… but the vision is blurry, from the pure overwhelming, unshed tears in his eyes. God, he’s pathetic, isn’t he? Crying? During sex? But he can’t even entertain the thought- thoughtful praise continuing to spill from your lips as he continues his slow, languid, deep thrusts. 
He focuses on the feeling, on the way your words are soothing parts of him he didn’t care to recognize were broken, he focuses on the way your hands trail across his skin so fucking lovingly- as if he’s actually worth something. As if he’s someone and not a monster. As if he doesn’t have hundreds of lives taken by the very hands you praise for touching you.
No- no, none of that matters right now, as for the first time in his fucking life Simon Riley doesn’t fuck- he makes love. 
“God- g-gonna make me cum, Simon- fuck- love the way you make me cum-” You whimper out, back arching into him and fuck, Simon can’t take it anymore.
Simon doesn’t know what to think. Sure, the pleasure is mind-numbing, your pussy always feels so fucking good when it’s wrapped around his cock like this, but it’s damn near tripled by the pure feelings you’re forcing him to feel. The way his chest burns, but it’s so good- he can fucking feel the love you have for him, the way you hold him in your heart, the way you think of him as though he put the very stars in the sky for you and you alone. And he would- fuck he absolutely would. He’d give you the world should you ask for it- fuck he loves you, he loves you, he loves you, he loves you.
He doesn’t speed up- he wants the slower build up, too, doesn’t want to rush it, but he’s going to shatter if more praise leaves your lips so he presses down, slotting his mouth against your own, a minor distraction really.
You can feel the wetness to his cheeks.
You know it’s not sweat.
Your hands move to cup his cheeks so softly, so lovingly, so gently. You moan into his mouth as the pleasure builds until that band finally fucking snaps, and you’re on cloud nine.
Simon buries his head in the crook of your neck, his hot, thick cum shooting ropes into you as your cunt squeezes his cock like a vice, truly milking him for all he’s worth.
You’re both panting, but Simon's head stays hidden- you know why, you can feel the tears against your neck, but you don’t say anything.
You wrap your arms around him, holding him close as you come down from your high, nuzzling your cheek against the top of his head.
“Love you so much,” You whisper out, running a hand through his hair, still slightly breathless.
You can feel Simon place the softest kiss to your neck, arms squeezing you almost too tightly, but you don’t say anything. 
You know your Simon. He’s not a monster. He’s not a killing machine. He’s a man- your man. Simon’s not unlovable, he’s not broken. He’s not stupid for simply not knowing. He’s not stupid for simply needing to be taught.
And you love him. Gods, do you love him. You’ll teach him. You’ll teach him it’s okay, he’s safe here, in your arms. He’s safe to love, to cry, to breakdown, he’s safe to get the very things he’s never had- and you’ll give them willingly.
You don’t know how long you stay like that. His now soft cock still buried in your cunt, his tears have subsided awhile ago, but he’s still unwilling to move from his spot- not that you’re complaining. 
It’s so quiet you barely even hear it, but fuck, you’re so glad you did.
“Love ya,” Simon mumbles against your skin, his voice so quiet, hoarse and rough. But so very soft, so very gentle. Yeah. Simon Riley can fuck like a god. But Simon Riley is learning how to love you fully, how to make love to you fully- and he wouldn’t change a thing. Neither would you.
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kaizynofsickness · 2 days
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Satoru and reader
Synopsis: He just gets the urge to see you all chubby and complaining to him when a little mini him is kicking inside your tummy, cooking up a tiny menace. And he has to make sure it'll work.
Warnings: breeding kink, straight to the sex, short, mating press, nasty and dirty talk, pussy drunk Satoru, cock drunk, lots of needy themes, p in v, praise kink, sex pinned to a door, on the couch, anywhere to stuff you, lots of cumming, dumbification on both parties, 'atta girl' used, pet names (baby, mama, pretty girl) some degrading name (cum slut, slutty cutie)
A/N: 🎀 anon, I hope this is what you wanted. This isn't proof read, yawn. Might reread later tho (can you comment my typos or sum. Make it easy for meeee)
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Why'd you have to look so cute while you were holding your new niece, smiling as your friends took pictures of you and the tiny little baby, coaxing the child when it cried.
The sound of a newborn cry was so cute.
And here Satoru was, fighting off a major boner. And you needed to take care of it as soon as you sat on the bed—damn, as soon as you even step foot inside.
"pretty girl, hurry, let's head home." He called over to you, waving his hand by to everyone around. You trotted over, also bidding the people. But not before you smiled and bopped the newborn baby on the nose one more time.
And his cock just jumped in his pants at the sight.
You're so cute and sweet around babies. Oh, he really hopes you have baby fever.
The car ride was tense, even if it wasn't to you, he just couldn't look at you without the thought of a mix of him and you inside of your stomach, growing. It would be so cute to have a chubby brat stomping around the house and hurting their little nubs for fist and knees, crying for mama and papa to fix them up. He just got harder.
"hey, um, baby..." he broke the silence, still taking turns down the blocks in the car. You hum in response, turning to him. "Yeah?"
"do you ever... want a kid with me?" He nervously asked; he's never so timid, but with this boner and his thoughts to fill you with cum until he shoots blanks is making him hot. You noticed it easily with how tense he was, making you giggled out, "yeah, why? Want one all the sudden?"
"well, yeah," he cools down, turning the corner to your house before putting the car in park. He moves his hand to your thigh over the arm rest, his charming smile coming back. "I want a bunch of tiny ones."
You're flummoxed. "I... Didn't take you as that type of man."
"oh, c'mon! Imagine the little army!" He nudges you playfully, making you hit the car door. You scoff and roll your eyes, "you're so unserious. A 'little army', sheesh." But a small snort leaves, unable to hide the idea at how it would be cute to have your own kids with the man you love and adore. He adds, "our little army. Now, let's put this idea in drive, Kay?"
He unbuckles his seat belt, opening the door and jogging to open yours like the gentleman he is.
"huh?" You cocked your eyebrows with a weary smile. You know when he has sex, he has sex. And now you see his dumb obsession with wanting to give you his kids, you have every right to question him.
But he just walked to the house, jingling the car keys as if calling you over. And you go over.
He opens the door, allowing you to walk in first with a sweet smile on his lips, shutting the door. The atmosphere was getting tense.
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Satoru pinned you to the wall, not even letting you take your shoes off. You gasped, the aggression knocking the air out of you. You blinked, flummoxed before your small hands instinctively grab at his shirt and squeeze. "'toru—"
"shh, don't make this hard." He muttered in a low, sexual tone as he lowered and kneeled down, slipping off your sneakers for you. He looks up at you, his bright azure eyes deeply making contact. And that look say it all.
You didn't protest no more.
He quickly undos his belt, fussing with his boxers to release his aching cock, curving up and pre cum dribbling down his tip in globs. Your face heats up at the sight, but mostly your hot cunt starting to leak. "C'mon baby, undress. I wanna stuff your pretty cunt," he coaxes you, keeping his arms locked on each side of the front door.
You remove your pants, trying to match his neediness, but you just take too long.
Satoru gives up, scooping your thighs in his veiny hands, pinning you to the door. He pulls your panties to the side, placing them behind your wet folds and lining his cock up with your core.
It all happened so fast.
He thrusted his hips up into your ass, his cock filling you up and hitting your cervix hard, making you full of his cock alone. You let out a long whine in sync with his needy moan as your wet walls stretch out to fit his shape. "O-oh, fuck, finally inside you—"
He needily starts to pump you full of it, giving you no time to readjust as you grip onto his broad shoulders. He was so painfully hard, it was insane. But, no, not enough. You felt that shit grow harder inside you, making your eyes roll back to your skull, lewdly moaning and shaking.
Every roll of his hips makes you clamp down desperately, your arousal and all wetness being forced out of you cunny because his harden dick was leaving no room inside you, dripping all you juices on the floors entrance, the lewd sounds of the tap, tap making your head pound.
"b-baby, the room—"
"n-no, no, no... this pussy is right here, need to fill ya." He shakes his head at your whines, watching his cock sink in and pop out. "The floor!" You list,
He growls, leaning to your face and pressing his lips—more like smashing—together, biting your bottom lip. "Shh, pretty girl. Just moan, that's all ya need to do."
He fucks like he's sick and your pussy will cure him, barely breathing right—but he doesn't care. He's finally inside of your cunt. His uncaring actions make you clench again, and again, and—
"c'mon, pretty girl... o-ohhoo fuck, clench my cock tight, wanna stuff you full of my cum, give you my kids," he growls out, his eyebrow knitted, jaw slacked. He's no better than you went he finally hits it, like a drug.
"s'much! 'm gunna c-" you voice breaks as an unprepared orgasm crashes down, the euphoric feeling of having him fucking his cock inside you while you squirt shamelessly vibrates your soul. You eyes shut, digging into his skin as you cummed for him, squeezing his length dangerously. "Atta girl, atta fucking girl." He breathlessly coaxes you, still pumping in the inhuman pace, watching the sweet juices from you get on the floor.
"fuck, baby, I-I just cummed, p-please slow—"
He leans in to kiss you, swallowing your dumb pleads so he can rail you right, enjoying how your moans of his name muffles into his mouth, his tongue playing with yours. His hands slide up to your waist, making your body jagger down off the door a bit, sliding down on his cock.
He groans as your wetness coats down his balls, uncaring for the pool of his pre and your juices under you and him. "C'mon, mama, gotta get you comfortable,"
He thrust up into you one last time before grabbing your waist and pulling you to him, your sweat on the door when he gets you off, cock still nuzzled into you. Satoru takes you to the couch, pinning you down as he rest his elbows behind your knees, pressing you far back into a mating press.
"'toru—ah, please fuck me full, wan' to carry y'er kids!" You dumbly beg of him.
"don't need to ask me again,"
He leans his frame over your helpless body, rising his hips up before slamming back down. He rocks the couch hard, making you fear it'll break, but the incoming feeling of his seed spilling inside you makes the fear demolish. "Finna fill you, slutty cutie. Wan' it, ya wan' it?" He taunts you, moving his arms to tilt you head to his, getting a good look of your lewd face, drooling.
"yesyesyes, please, 'toru!" You whined, soft tears forming in your eyes. You were definitely desperate now, not only for his cum and the feeling of it spilling into you, but to be able to carry the kids of the strongest, birth them, and raise them. Fuck the pain, it's all this right here and now.
He smirks at your begging, chewing on his lips at the sight. "Oh, baby, you're so perfect for me... Take it all, don't waste it, wanna give it all t'ya!"
He pounds rougher, making your scream as he bullies your cervix with his angry tip. "Finna do it, be a cum slut and keep it inside." He looses it, soon spilling inside you and still fucking in, his thrust uneven and based off the need to fill your cunt, make you pregnant with his baby.
You arched your back off the couch, eyes screwing shut from the unholy pleasure racing through your body, damping the couch and pillows around. A thick ring of cum builds around the base of his cock, the pearly white smearing around his length once he pulls out.
"o-one more, mama, lemme load ya over 'n' over," he panting like a bitch in heat, pulling his cock out to watch his seed pooling from your small hole. Two slender fingers penetrate you, rubbing inside your slick and sticky walls, pushing his cum deep for ya.
You whimper, hands flying to his shoulders for support, "more, fuck me more, wan' ta be full, please." You whine, your cute eyes building up tears on your waterline, lashes damp.
You pouted for him so fucking cutely, sending all the blood to his cock, hardening all over again. He laughs through his nose, smirking down at your needy form.
But he isn't any better.
He waste no time, whispering into your ears as he pulls out his fingers, "suck em, baby."
That's all you had to hear before you opened your mouth, tongue lewdly hanging out. You feel the sweet and salty mix of yours and his arousal of that nasty sex pressing on your tongue before you suck on his fingers as if it was his dick.
You lick over his palm, going to the tip of his fingers before sucking on the flavor.
He groans at the show, your hot mouth making him wish it was his cock.
"atta baby, such a pretty girl." He cooed to you, removing his fingers to grip your thighs and fold you further, earning a small grunt from you.
His cock kissing your cunt again, finding it like a magnet. Easily, he slides his tip into your itty bitty hole, listening to the wet squelching sound and swishing of his seed inside you, his eyes rolling back from the feeling.
Like a beast, he rocks the whole fucking couch to be deep inside that pussy. The tip of his tongue pokes out, eyes shutting as he feels you clench again—oh, it will never get old.
"mhmm, s-such a creamy mess of us, us, baby... oh, fuck—" he babbles, looking down at your face.
As soon as he sees how fuckin' fucked dumb you look, eyes crossed and with such a slutty smile, he's gonna bust. "Oh, fuck..."
He goes even faster, not even thrusting into you, but needily pushing his cock deeper just to fuck cum inside you again. His speed alarms you, nails scratching the couch desperately.
"s-satoru!" You gasp, practically hyperventilating to get air, but he pumps it all out of you. He deliriously giggled at your display, "scream it, baby, fuckin' scream my name." He growls, pressing all his weight onto your small, helpless frame.
Small tears bead out your pretty eyes, finding it hard to breath a bit. But the pleasure overrides it, your pussy soaking it all up.
"cum again, cum again, cum f'me..." He fucking begs you for you to cum likes it's his orgasms. "Rub that clit f'me, pretty girl—" he chokes out,
"play with yourself."
Your weak arm moves down, fingers a bit shaky as you find your neglected bud, taking two digits and not even making patterns, just rubbing it around to feel something messily.
"'toru, finna cum on ya c-cock!" You gasp, fingers swiping your clit hard. He throws his head back again; it was just your voice sounding so hot.
"do it f'me, milk my cock, baby. Squeeze the fuck out of it, girl." He rams into you, so needy to cum and make you cum—the pussy drunk fucker doesn't even know he's about to bust.
You cream around his base, body shuddering and lagging, your fingers faltering from your ministrations on your clitoris, moaning out his name like a prayer of forgiveness. "Look at ya, baby, s-so fuckin' cute and slutty f'me, gotta keep you cumming n' screaming my name, pretty girl." He leans down, whispering all his dirty thoughts into your ears, nibbling on your ear lobe.
He was so lost in it, he cummed deep in you without warning—but you don't care. It's his cum that you both were dumbly after.
He stiffens his body, realizing that he just let out his creamy liquid in you. "A-ahh, there we go," he lewdly grins at the feeling, cumming without even knowing. "Feel it inside?" He presses his hand on your tummy, feeling his cum stirring deep into you.
"y-yeah, feel ya t'good, baby..." you pant, grinding your hips on him, "gimmie m-more..."
"more, ya slutty cutie? I just gave ya more." He mocks your needy tone, making a pout for you. "My cock got you dizzy?"
You feverishly nod, hands snaking up to his chest to feel him down.
"good thing, cuz this pussy got me drunk."
You can even call it sex anymore, both of you just moaning out for the feeling, your cervix getting hit hard now, whining at this point. Satoru just whispered your name repetitively, his cock going damn near numb as your pussy clamped down like you wanted to glue him in.
His orgasms started to chase on faster from his veins being constantly stroked by your wet walls—and he just gave in, not caring if he lasted long, not caring if he cummed before you, just caring if his cum went into you.
No words, he just spilled his release into you.
Both of you groaned at the feeling, becoming so familiar. You twitched around his cock once again, body jerking violently before you squirted aggressively against his pelvis.
It was so fucking filthy, so damn messy and lewd, it didn't make any sense.
None of you cared much as he finally slipped his cock out. No words. Just panting, small whines, sniffling from tears falling down. He gives in and lays on you, making you grunt.
His weight pushes out some of his well earned cum from your cunt, the white liquid smearing down your anus and onto the couch. "I think... You'll have my kids now." He mutters into the crook of your neck.
You weakly nod your head in response, shaky hands reaching for his sweaty snow white locks of hair, combing his hair. "m' so full..."
"ey, that's good. I wan' ya to be full of me, baby. S' fucking worth it."
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˚꩜⋆.°⭑Do not copy, translate, or steal in any way, reblogs are appreciated and allowed.
I need to be breeded now.
@lxnarphase (I just wanted to encourage this idea so bad + follow lxnar for similar content)
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csainz5 · 11 months
Mine || Charles Leclerc #16
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pairing: charles leclerc x girlfriend!reader
summary: in which seeing people ship you with other drivers fuels the possessiveness in charles.
author notes: can u tell ive been obsessed with culpa mia. also this is my first charles fic (!!!) i made sm tweaks to the original req im so sorry 😭 deff been in a slump recently bc exams but 🙏 no beta read!! this one is still raw asf lol
req: yes/no.
wc: 1.2k words
the air as the weekend approached was filled with an adrenaline of its own. drivers loitering on the paddock, a camera shoved up each one of their faces. most of them were making videos for their teams social media, while others were giving interviews. silly banter & playful hazing surrounded the place as the free practices neared. as calm and laid back as the environment was, a new buzz had taken over the virtual world. it seemed like the redbull fans had taken on a new intrest in a the friendship you and max shared, suspecting it could be more than just friends. you’re shocked as you read through the articles, what could possibly make it seem like you were both in any sense more than just friends? max was like the brother you never had, and you, the sister he had always hoped of having. as much as the articles were delusional, you didnt really care that much about them, i mean why would you be afraid when there’s nothing youre scared of being open to the public? okay, maybe not everything. not the time when you were so drunk you demanded every guy on the paddock to quote “settle it with me on the ring”, not the time when you were the culprit behind the hilarious azerbaijan mix up where you stole the champagne on the podium and replaced it with an empty one, and definitely not the fact that you’re already taken, by a person known to all on the paddock.
The morning of the race was always an exhilarating one no matter which team youre driving for, or which team you’re rooting for. the passion, the dedication and the confidence in the each and every drivers persona was enough to fill you in the same mindset. though youve always been a redbull fan, which, i mean is definitely not even surprising considering you probably frequent their garage more than some of their own engineers, youve always held an admiration for all the drivers. even you knew how dominant the redbull cars were, so seeing the rest of the drivers still catch up with less resources filled your heart with pride. you look up at the fan’s waiting impatiently for the race to start with a smile on your face. this, will never get boring, you think.
Lord Percival 👑
can’t find you anywhere near here, don’t tell me you’re ditching me today yet again 😔
a chuckle escapes your lips.
i wouldve come over but you’re all the way across rn 😭 i’ll definitely be waiting for you after the race tho.
Lord Percival 👑
wow. way to betray me over text babe
okay drama queen 😒
Lord Percival 👑
guess you rubbed off on me then mon jolie
ill make it up to you, i always do.
just before you press send, you notice the drivers had already left for their respective interviews. whats the point in sending it now anyways, you decide.
the dark looms over the sky as celebrations near. the smell of alcohol, weed and god knows fucking what become all too familiar to you at this point. you reach the party alongside max, which considering he’s your best friend was not out of the ordinary for you, but little did you know, it didn’t help the ongoing rumours one bit. the familiar stench of reporters clogs your mind. what the hell were the doing here? and more importantly why were all of them suddenly taking an intrest in your friendship with max? question after question is thrown at you which makes you realise youve had enough of this. you reach for your phone.
screw this party
wanna meet up at our usual spot?
Lord Percival 👑
im always down 🙏
you could never get sick of this. the same ride, the same atmosphere, the exact same playlist playing over and over again, the curves of the road as you drive through. because you know, at the end of this journey would be the same thing you look forward to, every time. so you get into you car, and drive the same drive to the same spot, once again. at a pillar reading out “623” you stop by the ferrari you know all too well.
there he was. i could never get used to seeing him like this, you think, dressed up in formals but looking formal in no way whatsoever. shriveled hair, buttons unbuttoned, jewellery he knows how to style in just the right way. his crazed eyes of emerald, gazing into you with an intensity that makes your nerves shiver.
“took you long enough to come here” he says, holding you waist. “it was a longer drive than usual” “is that so?” he says, stepping aside you to rest against his ferrari, right beside you. folding his arms, he continues, pulling a cigarette out of his blazer, “want one?” “please, today was a bitch” “i could say the same for me, really” he reaches towards you, lighting your cigarette. “races in monaco are my favourite” he says, looking up at the sky. “yeah, id imagine so. nothing beats home” “yeah, it’s great to be home and all, but theres also something in monaco that beats the thrill any race could give me” he steps forwards, hands placed beside either sides of you.
he pulls the cigarette from your lips, taking in a puff himself. he brings his lips to your ear, “or rather, theres someone in monaco, who beats the thrill any race could give me” he whispers, blowing the smoke away. he flicks the cigarette aside and steps on it, as he lifts your face up, meeting your eyes with his own. “someone who sighs right when i kiss her here,” he goes on to place a chaste kiss on your mole, right on your neck by your jawline. and like a story repeated enough times, you sigh. “someone who arches her back when i pull her hair slightly like this,” he gently tugs your hair, making a makeshift ponytail and like a telltale, you arch your back, the satisfaction of being right sprawled across charles’s face.
“but of all, the one thing that makes me come back to this place again and again, is knowing that—“ he lifts your hips up, making you wrap your legs around him. “you’re mine.” the second he says that, its like all the dots connected in your head. you never thought charles would be jealous of the rumours, given how he was the one who didn’t want your relationship to be public. “charles, are you jealous?” you ask. “so what if i am?” “well, i for one wouldnt want my boyfriend to be feeling like that anymore” “what do you mean?” you pull out your phone from your clutch, “kiss me” “wait what are you doing?” “i said, kiss me” you say, pulling him in by his jaw. “im conf-“ you kiss him, shutting him up. as he closes his eyes he finds himself to not be able to help himself from drowning into you, well atleast until a flash brings him out of his trance. “im going to post it.” “you don’t have to, you know” “but i want to. i want everyone to know how much you mean to me charles. you’re my favourite person and i would hate to see you be jealous”
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“i can’t believe you actually did it, jolie” “its the least i could do” you say, pecking his cheek. “but ive gotta say, i definitely wouldnt mind seeing this shade of you more often” “you haven’t seen the end of me yet, mon ange”
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goldenhypen · 1 year
; ⎯ may i have this dance?
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synopsis. when a certain special song comes on, you and riki meet eyes across the large and crowded room, moments before he decides to ask you for a dance.
pairing. ni-ki x fem!reader ⋅ genres. fluff, classmates/friends to lovers, highschool dance!au ⋅ wc. 1.1k ⋅ warnings. none
prompts 1. holding their hands when they are shaking ; 14. singing and dancing to their favourite song ; 18. sharing a soft smile across a crowded room ⋅ requested by 3 lovely anons <3 ⋅ dark blood event
song rec. nan-nan — fujii kaze (recommended by the nishimura riki himself i’m actually being fr so go listen to it !!!)
a/n. so many ppl ik are graduating hs this year and so this is rlly giving ✧ prom ✧ ,,,,,, i miss my prom :’> even tho it was kinda sorta a big disaster ,, but uh ,,, that’s a story for another time :’>
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the mildly chaotic atmosphere mixed with the heat emitting from hundreds of bodies filling the room, you swayed side to side, doing your best to mask the hidden gloom you were feeling inside.
you had come to your school dance with your friends, but being too immersed into the music and the energy of the night, they eventually found themselves drifting off to go dance with others they took interest in, leaving you all alone at the corner of the dance floor, moving around awkwardly to look like you were busy and enjoying your time, when really, you felt lonely and pathetic.
eventually, the upbeat, hype song ended, and on came one you immediately recognized to be by none other than fujii kaze, one of his pieces called nan-nan. you smiled at the memory it brought to you from a few months ago…
you were sitting in class beside one of your peers you wished you had the opportunity to grow closer with, nishimura riki. after knowing him for some time you found there was some unique charm to him, from the way his boxy smile would fill the room with a glowing aura, to the way he would make those around him laugh at his silly behaviour. there was just something so attractive about him, and one day you began to realize the way your heart would pound abnormally whenever he would do as little as say your name; or the way your stomach would flutter with butterflies whenever he would share a new favourite song of his with you, and how his eyes would light up whenever you expressed that you liked it.
you began to like this boy called riki ever since.
and so when nan-nan began playing, the instrumental in the intro leaving the speakers and filling the echoey room, you somehow found and locked eyes with riki, perhaps through some crazy coincidence or maybe by fate, and you smiled at him immediately before he returned it, as you were reminded of the time he happened to share that exact song with you in class just a few days ago.
he was dancing with his own friends and having a good time, but after meeting eyes with you, he immediately made his way over with that goofy, excited grin on his face. and your heart went wild.
he looked stunning in his white button-up, sleeves rolled up to highlight his forearms perfectly. it was a typical outfit for all the guys at this dance, really, but somehow, in your eyes, riki pulled it off infinitely better than any of the other hundred boys in the large room, dancing their worries away.
his hair was slicked back, exposing his forehead which you didn’t get to view every day, for most of the time it was hidden under his fallen bangs.
and why was he looking so stunningly tall today? there’s no way he could have grown so much in just one day…
and before you knew it, the boy with the growing grin was standing in front of you with a hand out, asking for your own.
you glanced down at the welcoming gesture and gulped before blinking and looking back into his eyes that searched your own.
“you looked a little bored dancing all the way over here, but the fun is in the middle. wanna join me?” he proposed, practically yelling to get his words in over the blasting music. “and plus, it’s our favourite song.”
‘our favourite song.’ just at the use of a simple three-word sentence, a heat stronger than the one already surrounding your body made its way up from your neck, all the way to your ears.
you nodded, accepting his invite and placing your hand in his before he smiled at you and led you to the middle of the dance floor.
he turned to face you, and you chuckled, voice wavering.
“your hand’s shaking,” he pointed out.
“a little sweaty too, i guess—sorry,” you blurted out.
“are you nervous?” he asked with utmost care in his voice, a contrast to the usual tease he was to those close to him.
you pressed your lips together before displaying a small smile and tilting your head side to side, a way of saying ‘kind of, maybe a little.’
understanding and giving you a look of empathy, he grabbed your other hand before bringing them to his shoulders.
“just follow me, okay?” he told you.
and you nodded, wrapping your arms around his neck as his met your waist.
you two then danced along to the music that made your hearts happy, and you found your nerves disappearing in an instant, forgetting any stresses that were previously on your mind as you enjoyed your time together in each other’s hold.
and whenever he wanted to change things up once in a while, being the dance talent he was, he would guide your body along with his in moves that were simpler to pull off than they looked (but maybe that was just because he was a natural when it came to this kind of thing), leading you to do turns here and there, or pulling your bodies apart and then meeting closer once again. anything he did with you on that dance floor made you two look amazing amidst enjoying your time with one another, and he just made the experience all the more worthwhile.
and whenever his moves would slow, he would take that time to dramatically sing his heart out, and you’d follow along playfully, making each other laugh.
once your favourite song ended and another immediately began to roll around, both your movements naturally slowed, and he pulled away slightly before speaking.
“thank you for the dance.”
“thank you,” you smiled softly.
he smirked, “your dancing’s not too bad.”
“i could say the same for you,” you followed with a chuckle.
“we should do this more often,” he suggested. “or maybe that’s just an excuse for me to show you more songs sometime, who knows?”
“you know, both don’t sound too bad to be honest,” you replied.
“cool,” he said, unable to hide his proud smile for just getting the girl he liked to do some of his favourite things with him in the future, in the form of which was already sounding like a potential date. “in the meantime, this song sounds a little too good to skip out on… care for another dance?”
he held out his hand to you for the second time that night, a smile painting his lips.
“i’d love to.”
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a/n. so story time in regards to the prev a/n bc i have no love life <//33 ,,, basically at my prom one of the literal four things i remember from that night was how me and this old guy friend who i kinda liked at the time and i think he liked me too (but we drifted apart a couple years ago,, and to put this into perspective, this took place exactly one year ago) kept making eye contact throughout the whole night and created this super thick tension. ok the thing is :’> i hadn’t seen him for a whole year cuz he graduated the year before me, and we used to be pretty good friends but didn’t rlly keep in contact after not seeing each other for one whole year. and so we kept making eye contact, probably wanting to say hi, but it eventually came to the point where it would be awkward cuz it was so obvious we had both acknowledged each other’s presence for the past 30 mins !!! it was so awkward omg and jsnsjd wait hold on don’t even get me started on how we even ended up later then sitting at the same table but still not saying a word to each other djdndjd T-T and then by the time we all finally went our separate ways, i was left feeling a sense of emptiness and regret T-T ,,,,,, the tension y’all i cannot stress it enough !!!! ugh ihateitihateitihateit but anyway, switching topics while i try to erase this forbidden memory from my mind all over again,, about the drabble, i hope you guys enjoyed <3 if you did, letting me know through more than just likes (rbs, comments, asks, etc.) helps out a lot !! i rlly appreciate it, thanks for reading !!
event masterlist.
taglist 1 (taglist 2 open). @raimbows4u @sultrybaby @kpop-nct @ajayke-reads @enhacolor @enhasfever @nokacchan @yizhoutv @xiaoderrrr @soobin-chois @tyunni @shinsou-rii @liikno @softkpopplace @belle643 @nar-nia @pshchives @sunjakes @ethereal-engene @yeosayang @4ri-ki @sunoksunny @jaeyunjakesim @tnyhees @enaus @hoes4hoseok @palajae @clarakyunisageek @annoyingbitch83 @4vonly @wonswondrland @rcrystallocks @stepout-09-15 @zeraaax @enhasengene @ktttwwn @pistachiophobia @svnoofy @sweetjaemss @vatterie @mnsnts @chacottone @yeseoist @azurez @milisabunny @wonniestars @iamliacamila @rikislady @kazmura @nicholasluvbot
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shinybearnerd · 10 months
"Celestial Ties" - bonus
Part 1.
Part 2.
Here's the story bonus. Maybe later I'll update it to be longer and with some angst. Idk. For the moment, tho, enjoy. >:)
Pair: Aziraphale x Gn!reader Words: Genre: Smut +18, some fluff? Story: Some spicy time in the bookshop. ;)
-Engish is not my first language. So I'm sorry if there are any mistakes-
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Aziraphale's heart swelled with love as he leaned in, their lips meeting. It was a kiss filled with years of longing, of pent-up emotions finally being released. Their lips moved together in perfect harmony, a dance of love and desire reigniting the flame that had never truly died. As they pulled away, breathless and shaken, Aziraphale cupped Y/n's face tenderly, his thumb wiping away their tears. They looked at each other, connecting their lips immediately after. Deepening it by the second.
Their lips collided in a fervent, desperate kiss. As if trying to make up for all the lost time and missed opportunities. The years of longing and heartache melted away in that moment, replaced by the intensity of their love and desire for each other.
Aziraphale's heart raced, and he felt himself floating on a cloud of euphoria. Y/n's hands found their way to Aziraphale's hair, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss even further.
Their bodies pressed against each other, feeling the warmth and familiarity of each other's presence. In that passionate embrace, Aziraphale and Y/n rediscovered each other, exploring each other's lips and savouring the taste that was uniquely their own.
The years apart seemed to vanish as they became lost in each other, their souls rekindling the connection that had never truly faded.
<< We should stop.>> said the angel. They were both catching their breaths while looking at each other. <<Yes… Arden could see us. >>
The angel was right. The human knew that. But after all these years without him…
Y/n leaned in again, softly kissing the angels while untying his bow tie while sitting on his lap. << Exactly. W-We should stop, shouldn't we?>> <<I mean, we are only kissing… at the moment >> They undid the first button of his shirt, starting to kiss and nib his neck. << G-Good heavens, darling…>> the angel moaned softly. Trying so hard to be heard. <<We should- >>
Y/n stopped kissing him to look at his eyes again. They only lasted a few seconds before Aziraphale took their head to resume the kiss. << I mean, sooner or later, he'll know how babies are made…>> Y/n smiled, throwing away their jam on the nearest chair. <<It's not like we didn't do something like this before… >> replied, biting his neck. Aziraphale blushed and chuckled at the memory. << They were my customers, my darling. Here we're talking about scarring our kid for life. <<Y/n, we really should stop. I can't bear the thought of our son witnessing something like this… >>
Y/n's lips brushed against his ear, sending shivers down his spine. << I understand.>> they whispered, their warm breath against his skin sending waves of pleasure through him. <<I'm worried too. I am! …But just this once, let's forget about everything else and be together. <<He's with Crowley, remember? >>
Aziraphale hesitated for a moment. His heart torn between his desires and his responsibilities. But as Y/n's lips found his once more, all rational thoughts were pushed aside, and he surrendered to the magnetic pull of their love.
Their kisses grew more fervent, their bodies moving in perfect harmony. Aziraphale's hands roamed Y/n's body, tracing the curves and contours that had haunted his dreams for years. His touch was both gentle and possessive, conveying his love and longing. Y/n's body responded eagerly, arching into his touch, craving more.
The atmosphere in the room was charged with both desire and nervous laughter. Their connection was undeniable, and the pull between them was magnetic.
As Y/n straddled his lap, their lips found each other again in a searing kiss, their bodies pressed together. Their hands exploring each other with a mix of familiarity and newfound longing.
The room started to be filled with the sound of their shared breaths, the soft murmur of affectionate whispers, and the undeniable passion that had drawn them back together.
Y/n's fingers gently tugged at Aziraphale's bow tie, untying it with practised ease, and then moved to the buttons of his shirt. Their touch was electrifying, leaving a trail of tingling sensations in their wake. Aziraphale's breath hitched, and he found himself losing control. Intoxicating desire pulsed through his veins.
Their kisses deepened, becoming more hungry as if trying to make up for all.
The heat between them intensified. Their bodies pressed together in a tangle of limbs and passion. Their breathing grew heavy and erratic, a symphony of desire mingling in the air. Aziraphale's fingers trailed along Y/n's spine, eliciting shivers of pleasure, while their hands roamed over his chest, feeling the rapid beat of his heart.
Unable to contain himself any longer, Aziraphale guided Y/n to his desk. Gently laid them down while their lips never parted.
Slowly they unzipped each other pants and partially freed their torso, leaving kissing and bite sign along the way.
<<You ready?>> said Aziraphale. His voice sounding like a rumble.
Y/n looked at the angel. The way his (now) messy hair was shining against the bookshop light or stuck against his forehead. The way his lips were puffy and red for the kiss. Or how his eyes were looking at them with such love and desire. Not to mention his husky and caring voice… To them, all about this situation was so hot and romantic. So yes. They were definitely ready.
Their bodies melded together, fitting perfectly like two pieces of a puzzle. The human could hear Aziraphale murmur something like <<My stars, you're so tight… You feel so good, my love. >>
Their senses were magnified. Every touch sent shockwaves of pleasure through their bodies. The angel's hands explored Y/n's skin while their nails gently grazed his back, leaving a mark of their desire.
The room was filled with the symphony of their muffled moans and whispers, mingling with the sounds of their passionate embrace. Their bodies moved in perfect synchrony, their desires intertwining with the other.
<< I-I can't believe... you persuaded me to do something like this. Oh my...>> he panted, continuing with a gentle yet hard and steady pace. Y/n squeezed one of Aziraphale's shoulders as their other hand tried to cover up the pornographic sound escaping.
The angel knew that he should have said something about decreasing their volume. Or at least slow down. But their moans and huffs made him turn on even more. He picked one of their legs up and put it on his shoulder, slightly increasing his pace as he kissed them. Trying to cover up their moans.
<<You'll be the death of me...! >> panted between kisses. << You're the one... f-fucking me on a desk with our son in the next room. Fuck Zira... like that!>> They covered their mouth again as the angel pushes started to get harder and quickly. He always loved when they called him like that. Especially in times that this. <<And whose fault it is?… Fuck. >>
And that was the final straw for Y/n. Hearing Aziraphale cursing was the hottest thing that could happen during sex.
They immediately took his head and smashed their lips together. The angel moaned against the kiss, making Y/n do the same.
Soon after, they came both as close to each other as possible. Their breaths mixed together while their forehead touched.
Aziraphale parted a bit. Just to be able to look at their eyes. And, as he was fixing their hair away from their eyesight, he whispered: << I missed you so much… You have no idea…>>
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oneshotnewbie · 4 months
Hiiii! So, since it's allowed to send some requests in..I have an angsty one (I think i mentioned it months ago) 😁 Alex Danvers x reader. They are childhood sweethearts, now happily married, reader is not part of the DEO tho she knows everything. Somehow, another Alex from different Earth comes through a portal, having lost her own wife. She is kinda mean though. She temporarily disables "our Alex" and kidnaps reader, taking her to her Earth, leaving the Superfriends look for them in order to bring reader back. - happily ever after or not, I'd leave it up to you 😁 thank you! 😊
𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫-𝐃𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 - 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈
𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐱 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 / 𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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Authors note: Originally I wanted to write something completely different but my hands and mind led me to something else 😂 Hope you like it and have fun reading ♥
The day was filled with a rare clarity as Kara flew her way through the lush landscape. The villa, an architectural masterpiece of bygone times, sat majestically on a hill, surrounded by a lush garden framed by magnificent trees. The last rays of sunshine of the day bathed the scene in a golden light as the blonde took in the silence and atmosphere of the nature around her.
You outdid yourself in choosing the location for celebrating your fifth wedding anniversary with Alex. The old, vine-covered, red-brick house with its large, bordered green park was glorious in the summertime and brought out the bright colors you have carried in your heart from the day you met the redhead.
A gentle wind blew through the treetops, carrying with it the quiet hum of birds. Kara arrived on the ground and immediately climbed the stone steps to the entrance, where the massive doors stood wide open, welcoming her warmly. A faint hint of nostalgia hung in the air in the spacious entrance hall. Antique furnishings filled the room, from silver-plated mirrors to a grand, curved staircase that led elegantly to the upper floors.
A soft murmur and the quiet clatter of tools came from outside. She followed the sound and found herself on a balcony. The vantage point offered a breathtaking view of the garden and surrounding countryside. Down there, the workers spread all over the white gravel road and seemed busy as they were making some arrangements and put the finishing touches to the decorations.
The hammering and knocking mingled with the humming of the bees buzzing around in the garden's blossoms. Elegant tables and chairs were arranged, garlands were artfully draped and bright, yellowish lights were placed in the trees. It was as if the place itself was preparing to have an unforgettable evening filled with people you both loved.
Kara leaned against the railing of the balcony and watched the hustle and bustle below her. It was impressive how each move seemed perfectly coordinated with the next. It was clear that you worked for your anniversary with a passion for detail and beauty.
The blonde could not be present at the preparations for your wedding, she was busy saving the city from a dangerous alien. But this time she enjoyed it much more intensively, knowing that both her sister and you could not be happier than at this point in time. The people her sister had dated were nice but could never compare to you. You brought forth something in the eldest Danvers that no one had done before.
In the midst of all this hectic activity and her deep thoughts, you suddenly appeared behind her, a bright smile on your lips, your hair slightly disheveled from work. She could tell right away that you wore a smile that was full of anticipation and mystery. "Kara!"
“Y/n, it looks really spectacular. Alex will be thrilled." The blonde exclaimed with a mixture of excitement and relief, walking the last steps that separated the two of you to wrap you in a tight hug. After a while, you separated yourself from her and stepped next to her closer to the edge of the balcony. You nodded vigorously, unable to take off your wide grin. "I hope so. I have all of her favorite things here, and the guest list is also full of all our friends and family. It's going to be an evening full of joy and memories.“
Kara gently placed an arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer to her. "Believe me, she'll love it," with a kiss on your temple, you rested your head on her shoulder and joined her in surveying the final preparations that were being completed, ready to reveal the secret of the evening and mark the beginning of an unforgettable fifth anniversary.
The sunlight slowly dipped towards the horizon and the first stars began to twinkle lightly in the sky. Kara´s bedroom glowed with a warm light coming from the numerous candles on the surfaces of her furniture and the fireplace. A soft scent of vanilla and red roses hung in the air as you eagerly prepared to head off to your own anniversary party with Alex. Kara had suggested that you get ready at her place so that Alex wouldn't see you beforehand. After all, everything should be a surprise - including what you wore.
In her bedroom, a happy melody floated through the atmosphere as you stood in front of the large mirror. Your dress, an elegant, long evening gown in a shimmering burgundy red, hung on the door behind you. With a hint of excitement in your eyes, you gave yourself a smile in the mirror as you began your makeup.
The sounds of jazz music came from your phone, where the playlist for the evening was already rehearsing. The memories of five years of ups and downs flowed through your mind, and a warm feeling of gratitude spread through your heart before you prepared to sit at the dressing table, surrounded by a fine selection of lipsticks, eye shadows and perfumes.
You opened a bottle of your favorite scent, which even the redhead found hard to resist, and let the floral scent fill the air. The sparkling silver earrings Alex gave you for your first wedding anniversary were waiting on the table to be put on.
As you were applying your makeup, you suddenly felt a strange energy flowing through the room and heard a soft, magical hum. With a brush in your hand, you walked confusedly towards the door that separated you from what was happening in the anteroom. “Kara?” you asked, unsure about your sister-in-law, not actually expecting her here at this time. The blonde had promised you that she would look after the location while you got ready. “Is everything okay? I thought you wanted to-"
As you poked your head through the crack, you saw a glowing portal open in the middle of the room. Out of the shimmering light emerged a figure that seemed familiar at first glance. It wasn't until you took a second look that you saw Alex, appearing in a swirl of colors and sparks. "Babe, are you okay? I thought you were on your way to Sam," you asked with a mixture of fear and surprise, narrowing your eyes as you looked at her closely. The clothes she wore were strange and definitely not something she ever seemed to wear. The redhead seemed worn out and there was no love or happiness shining in her eyes like it used to. Just a dark shadow, while the features of her face seemed unnaturally hard.
"Y/n," she spoke in a voice that cut icy through the night and sent a shiver down your spine. She walked towards you with slow steps and a mischievous grin and you immediately sensed that something was wrong. "You have to come with me. Right now."
You took a step back, gripped by an inexplicable unease. You stared at the person who was acting differently than your partner, feeling a strange feeling arise within you as she continued to walk towards you with slow and dangerous steps. "Why? Where do you want to take me? And who are you anyway?"
Alex twisted her face into a mocking smile and snorted contemptuously. "I'm your wife, silly. Just from another dimension. My wife is lost forever and now I'm here to take you with me." she spoke delicately, a devilish smile slipping across her black painted lips. Her hand placed itself on your shoulder and gently moved down until she reached your wrist and gripped it painfully. You winced, squeezing your eyes shut as you tried to suppress the flash of pain in your forearm. "You can't just show up here and expect me to come with you. You're a stranger."
She glared at you with reddish, shiny eyes, that sent shivers down your spine. Her grip on your wrist tightened, her cold fingers wrapping around your bare skin. She was angry. Very angry, but you could see a hint of sadness in her icy eyes. And despite the unpleasant situation, you felt a mixture of sympathy and irritation. "I may be able to help you, but not if you treat me like this. I'm sorry you lost your wife but I won't go with you. My Alex is here and I won't leave her.“
"But I am stronger, smarter and more determined while your Alex is weak and naive. You would be better off with me than with anyone else who only shares their physical resemblance with me." With a quick movement she raised her hand and released a beam of crimson energy at you. "You will follow me whether you want to or not. In my world there are possibilities that you cannot even imagine."
Without waiting for an answer, she violently pulled you through the portal. Reality blurred and a light briefly blinded you. As the veil lifted, you stumbled through the swirl of color, dazed and with a sharp pain in your head.
"What have you done?" You whispered, staggering and trying to focus on your surroundings. Disoriented and irritated, you looked at the dark, distorted version of National City as you knew it. Dark Alex, as you had already called her in your head, smiled triumphantly and looked down at you as you got on all fours, still trying to free yourself from the spinning dizziness that was taking over you. "Welcome to my world, my darling. Here we will see how strong you really are and whether you can do justice as my wife."
You felt trapped in a strange, hostile and cold dimension. Ignorance of what was going on and burning concern for your real wife led to a mixture of fear and determination. But what you didn't know was that your real Alex, left on her own Earth, was locked in a box somewhere far away from the city, temporarily switched off by unconsciousness and magical chains that rendered her unable to move even the slightest.
You knew that a battle would begin to rage between dimensions to determine your whereabouts.
The festively decorated hall was filled with a lively murmur and the clinking of champagne glasses as Kara, the Superfriends, and other guests excitedly waited for you and Alex. The room glowed with a warm light in the darkness of the evening as the candles flickered on the tables and soft melodies floated through the air.
The blonde, in an elegant dress, walked nervously through the crowd, her super ears alert to every noise, while Lena, Winn and Sam stood at the entrance of the hall, looking for you. The anticipation in the air gradually faded as the minutes passed and neither of you showed up. "It's unusual for these two to be so late," said Winn, looking worriedly at his watch and swaying nervously on his feet.
Lena frowned her brow in worry. She also found it strange. You were particularly punctual in everything else you did. "I tried calling y/n but it only goes to voicemail. Maybe they're late or stuck in traffic? I really hope everything is okay."
The mood among the guests became increasingly nervous as more time passed and the two of you still didn't show up. Kara felt a vague unrest inside her, as if something had gone terribly wrong. She decided to investigate the situation and set out to look for her sister and sister-in-law.
In the meantime, a tense silence filled the hall. The guests whispered worriedly to each other as the music in the background grew quieter and quieter. Lena, Winn, Sam and J'onn tried in vain to call any of you, but all attempts to contact failed.
Finally Kara returned, her face expressionless. The tension between the superfriends was palpable as the blonde walked sternly towards them and addressed the concerned guests. "I couldn't find her. Alex isn't home and y/n isn't in my apartment. However, her dress is still hanging untouched in my bedroom and-" she paused for a moment, pulling a small electronic device out of her jacket pocket. "This is y/n's cell phone. The music was still playing on it when I got to my apartment but she wasn't there. Something is wrong."
A hint of unease crossed the crew's faces. The anniversary celebration, which was planned to be full of joy and celebration, turned into a worrying situation of waiting and uncertainty. "What do we do now?" Sam asked questioningly.
"We have to find out what happened. I'm going to work with J'onn and fly to the DEO. Maybe we can find something out there," she replied with a firm look on her face, the growing concern for the both of you only increasing. "Winn and Lena, can you please go to my apartment and see if you can spot any alien activity?"
The Superfriends nodded solemnly as Kara headed off with J'onn to take action. The once happy atmosphere of the day was tinged with worry and anxiety as everyone hoped that you and Alex would return safely to celebrate your anniversary.
The night fell like a dark cloak over National City as Supergirl flew through the streets with a worried look in her eyes. Her super senses were at their peak as she searched for signs of her sister. The unsettling thought that something was wrong made her heart beat faster by the minute.
On a quiet side street, a faint sign of life pierced her super ears. Supergirl slowed her trajectory to locate the source of the sound, her X-ray ability sweeping over the abandoned factory before breaking through the light metal garage door. In a flash she landed next to a dark box, ripping the lid off the nails, seeing her sister lying there with iron chains and a purple aura surrounding her. "Alex.."
Her hands shot out to check the redhead's pulse. The heartbeat was slow, almost imperceptible. She immediately contacted J'onn and the DEO through the comms she had set up before her flight. But the chains made it much more difficult for her to bring the young agent to the DEO. The metal magically burned through her skin upon contact. She had to hurry up. "J'onn, I found Alex. She is unconscious and her heartbeat is extremely weak. I am taking her to the medical department immediately."
Meanwhile, Winn and Lena were already in Kara's apartment, looking for clues to your whereabouts. The room was in pristine condition, but the sight of your abandoned dress on the bedroom door worried the two of them. Lena held it carefully between her fingers and examined it as Winn used the DEO's technology to search for alien activity in the area.
The two continued searching the blonde's apartment when suddenly Winn's detectors picked up on some unusual, changing air. They looked at each other as they noticed that the particle sensors in the air were revealing their presence in the apartment. "I knew something was wrong. She would never abandon us without a reason. Especially not Alex."
"That's strange," Winn muttered, pointing to the display on his monitor as he rapidly typed something on the keyboard. "There are some alternate dimension particles in the air here. That suggests a portal was recently opened here. Lena frowned. "A portal? Here? But how is that possible?"
Winn re-examined the readings and discovered some kind of energetic pattern in the room. "It looks like a portal was active here, but it's been closed. It seems like y/n went through a portal."
"But why? And who could be responsible for it? After all, she has no ability to open such a portal," the black-haired woman speculated and Winn looked up. "Good questions that unfortunately we can only get answers from y/n."
As the two desperately tried to search for answers, uncertainty hung over them. A mystery seemed to be unfolding, and those who knew you best sensed that something big was afoot. They stayed in the apartment with the feeling that a strange, mysterious world had forced its way into their lives and taken one of them with it. The magic of the portal and the unsolved mysteries about your stay hung like a shadow over the two of them.
Meanwhile, Supergirl had arrived at the DEO with Alex. The doctors immediately took over medical care while Supergirl waited nervously nearby. J'onn walked up, his eyes worrying. "What do you think happened?"
"I don't know. But what I know is that something serious must have happened,“ she said with a sigh. Her shaky and slightly sweaty hand cupped her forehead and laboriously brushed away the wrinkles that appeared as she frowned. "Have Winn and Lena at least found out something about my sister-in-law yet?"
"Yes, they did. And you won't like it," he replied, putting his hands on his hips. He watched the expression on her face, the panic that overtook her, even if she didn't want to show it on the outside. "They found particles that Winn was able to trace back to a portal."
As the Martian continued to show her more details about the discoveries in her own apartment, the redhead slowly began to regain consciousness when the DEO's resources were used to successfully remove the iron chains from her. She struggled to sit up in bed against the doctors' wishes, still very dizzy. "What happened?" Alex murmured, her memories slowly returning. She was able to piece together some fragments of her memories, but she hoped for a complete answer, which she still lacked. She held her head, which hurt badly from the attack and her attempted self-defense.
"You were found unconscious. We don't know exactly what happened, but we're looking for y/n. She's missing," Kara explained to her, gently stroking her disheveled hair.
She looked at her sister with wide eyes, fear and terror crossing her face. Her pupils dilated rapidly, making her eyes appear darker, as she tried to rip the vein access and electrocardiogram from her body. Kara stopped her. "There was someone who came into our apartment through a portal just as I was getting ready."
Supergirl and J'onn perked up their ears. "Who was it?"
"She looked exactly like me. She threatened to take my wife away. After that there was a fight, she overpowered me and then..." she stopped talking, knowing what happened next. Alex from another dimension had carried out her threats.
Kara nodded slowly, slowly pushing her sister back into bed. She promised to bring her sister-in-law back safely into Alex's arms while the redhead rested from the attack. After all, she had been attacked with an energy that did not exist on this world and could produce side effects that did not come from earth.
As the mystery of your disappearance deepened and unraveled, Winn and Lena continued to work with the DEO to trace the portal particles and alien activity. J'onn mobilized all of the DEO's resources to find out which dimension was responsible, while his best agent and your friends remained in the dark, not knowing where a family member had disappeared to.
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qierxing · 1 year
Hear me out, Yandere twst isekai au, during the masquerade event. Imagine the drama with RSA and Rollo when you add the whole yandere aspect- just a random thought I had while rereading it tho
oooh that's fun, although I will say I don't really read in depth with future event spoilers, but I do have a general gist of how the event went down from hearsay. that said most of this may not be accurate bc I haven't played the story lmao (speaking of RSA, I have a WIP in the works with yandere heartslabyul & chenya in the isekai au >:3c) tw/cw: twst spoilers from jpn server, immolation/arson, graphic descriptions
As much as you wanted to see the City of Flowers, you did not want to see the student council president of Noble Bell College.
For many reasons, of course. There is the fact that being magic less and also quite literally from another world has its implications, and you don't want to subject yourself to Rollo's piercing gaze when he learns of this. And...even if he was beloved by others, you cannot say the same. His backstory is tragic of course, but there's something in his eyes that make you squirm. As if you were a sinful criminal before a judge, awaiting your verdict.
It is for these reasons that you linger in the back of the group, hoping desperately his cold sharp jaded eyes will pass over you in introductions. You don't even gaze at him directly, opting to instead focus on the mobs behind him. And yet, for all your efforts, his gaze still focuses on your face when he speaks of formalities and activities the following days will have.
So you decide to stay out of his way as much as possible. Screw what Crowley told you, you were not going to be a part of another mess that was about to go down. Instead of showing up to the group sessions that was meant to promote friendly relations between NRC and NBA, you indulge Grim's bad habits and ditch to hang around the quaint city. The cafes around here are relaxing to be in, and it's too easy to lose yourself in the calm atmosphere of sipping coffee and nibbling on madelines. You're ordering a plate of macarons when someone sits at the table you and Grim have situated yourselves in.
Your heart drops when you stare at an irritated Rollo Flamme crossing his arms across from you.
"Care to explain why you haven't showed up to to our activities, Prefect?"
The others give you confused looks when you're dragged in by Rollo's firm hand on your wrist. No matter how much you tug, it doesn't budge and he has the nerve to sit you in your chair like a child. And instead of trying to keep a modicum of discretion, he sits in the very chair right next to you, separating you from Grim. It's very obvious that he looks distastefully down on your furry companion, although if it's because he's a mage or because he's right by your side at all times, is something you've yet to discern.
It escalates, somehow. Somehow. He's always one step away no matter what you try to do to shake him off, always claiming that you must remain under supervision to make sure you weren't off causing trouble--as if Grim wasn't always left to his own devices as soon as Rollo put a hand to your back and ushers you to the hallways.
The holy fire that sweeps the place is unbearably hot. Not only that, you're separated from the others, pressed against the raging pyromaniac. Some have said being burned alive is somewhat similar to being frozen to death. With the heat, numbness takes over first; then an itching that urges the body to tear at the skin, to get rid of the terrible sensation. You would say that it was worse than that. Burnt flesh has a very particular smell, after all. These flames, which Rollo claims to be the height of purification, was like a rash that no ointment could sooth, forever branded into the very cells of your body.
Before you could take your nails and claw them down your throat in desperation, the heat is gone, replacing your skin with a low, raw ache. When you open your eyes again, it's not fire that greets you but Chenya and Neige's worried faces. "What...the hell...took you so long..." is the last thing you can get out before you straight up faint into Chenya's arms.
When you wake up again, it's pandemonium. You can barely understand who is saying what and what is going on. RSA came to the rescue of NRC? Yes yes, you already knew this, can someone explain why you weren't in a hospital bed, but instead in a shiny canopy bed that looks too expensive to be lying in?!
"My, my, they awake! Callooh, callay!" You scream at Chenya's head suddenly popping into existence directly above you. He snickers as you try to swipe at his head as it bobs just out of your reach.
"You--! Don't do that!" His eyes twinkle with mischief as the rest of his body materializes, still hovering parallel to yours on the bed.
"I think you guys should let the young'un rest, instead of burbling all this info to them, y'know?" The cheshire cat grins widely at the disgruntled NRC students. They reluctantly acknowledge his statement, leaving you to an empty room.
Well, a mostly empty room.
Chenya's face turns serious as he floats closer to you. "You should know, prefect, that the priest lad is also here."
At your confused look, he shrugs, body starting to de-materialize. "He wouldn't leave, no matter what Riddle and his crew would threaten. It's up to you on what you wanna do."
His chuckles echo in the air as his head disappears.
"If you decide to see him, that is."
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ruhorih4ra · 7 months
Hello again! 🐏 This is part 13! It contains violence, angst and horrible descriptions of horrible things (why can't I word things better you ask? I'm tired af, my brain is done.)
You may find lots (and I mean it, lots) of grammatical mistakes and inconsistencies (me translating a sentence in spanish to english even tho I don't know if it makes sense xDD upsi).
Get out of my way 🌈
You remembered everything at once, their faces, your own feelings of agony. There was an essential question waiting to be answered. Are these little D.’s here because of your corrupted soul or, maybe, have you been corrupted because of them? Does it really matter? You looked at your hands and then at Lilith, she seemed angry.
“Five times this week!! You couldn't be satisfied with any of them!” You didn't like the sound of that. “What are you implying?!” you asked. Lilith didn't hold back, too emotional after having remembered her brothers’ faces of anguish. “You want to hurt them!! That little demon of greed appeared because you can't get enough, no amount of suffering can satisfy you!! You want to hurt them to the point of no return!!” Each word pierced you more than the previous one, you felt caged between the wall and the sword. You had no shield and Lilith was merciless.
“That's not true.” you said, your voice barely perceptible. “Oh but it is! I begged you to stop!” The former angel wanted to say more but noticed the eerie silence and lugubrious atmosphere. She looked at you and guilt washed her over, you had paled and tears streamed down your face. “Mc, no... I'm sorry. Mc I-”
“Is it true, Lilith? Did they try to hurt our brothers?” Both you and Lilith looked towards the voice, Lucifer's voice.
You hadn't noticed how the Little D.s' chattering stopped, now all of them stood up impersonating the brothers. They were looking at you from their place, a few meters away, standing still in complete silence, with their eyes looking through you. “It's getting cold, we should go home.” You tried to ignore them but something felt wrong.
They seemed dangerous, you felt like a prey under their gaze. “Go home? I thought you didn't want to be part of our family? You don't have a home, do you? Not here.” Lucifer said. You knew he wasn't the real one, but it was getting harder and harder to tell. “Hey! Shut up and go back to your nonsense!” Lilith put a brave front, even though she felt weaker than ever before. “They tried to kill Belphie, Lilith!” Beelzebub said. “I Would never do that, Beel!” you replied. Lilith's eyes widened in desperation. “No, no, no!! He's NOT Beel!”
You couldn't even think about moving, your figure engulfed by darkness on a night with no moon. From behind you felt Mammon's breath and his voice whispering in your ear. “Mc? Is it okay now?” You turned around swiftly and Mammon revealed the figure of Leviathan with his mouth severely sewed. He was paler than usual, and the bruises around the stitches gave him an even worse look.
“Levi!!” you pushed Mammon away and warily took Leviathan's arms, caressing his face and tenderly touching his now half scarred lips. “No, no, Levi! Oh my god, Leviathan! Why did you do this?!”
“Mc! He’s not Leviathan, he’s a Little D!” Lilith screamed.
“Hmmf morm.” Levi tried to answer, both the stitches and the blood prevented it. “Shhh!! Don't talk!! Let me help you.” tears running down your face, the tremor of your hands equalling the one in your voice. “May the vestiges of pain that linger within the demon before me be eliminated."
Suddenly, Leviathan forced his mouth open, breaking the stitches and covering you with blood. “For you, Mc. I did it for you.” Shock crossed your face and your mouth dropped.
Lilith stared in horror at your worried figure, to her it was obvious that you couldn’t properly distinguish between her brothers and the Little D.s "MC! Levi is safe. He’s not here!” She walked towards you, but before she could reach you, the Little D. of Pride in the shape of Lucifer took her hand, “I have to thank you, dear sister.” Lilith only watched Lucifer, clearly confused. “What do you mean?”
Lucifer laughed before exhaling a satisfied sigh. “We wanted to push them, we wanted to press all their buttons.” He watched intently to Lilith as his smile grew wide. “But who would have guessed? It was you who did it first, our little sister.” Lilith couldn’t shake Lucifer’s grip, couldn’t escape his eyes. She turned her gaze to you, screaming to get your attention. “Mc! Run!”
You cast spell after spell, but Leviathan’s wounds didn’t heal, on the contrary, they got worse. “Levi, don’t worry, it’ll be okay.” You felt Levi’s blood on your face and the smell filled your nostrils. “Your words can’t cure me, they only make me worse.” He said, and you sobbed, trying to speak but only three words came out. “I’m sorry, Levi.” Your tears mixed with the fake blood of the Little D. of envy, if you weren’t so distraught you would have noticed how the eyes of the little demon glowed with joy and amusement.
“Mc! They are the Little D.’s! Mc!” Lilith shouted with all her will, but it was useless. Your unfocused eyes, your shallow breathing, your red and swollen eyes. “Forget it, Lilith. It's too late for them, you couldn't save them, neither you nor your brothers, not even the prince, no one.” Lucifer said.
“Mc?” Beelzebub touched your arm, momentarily distracting you from Levi’s injuries. “Beel?” You replied, narrowing and rubbing your eyes. “Do you know where Belphie is?” Beel asked. Suddenly you did not hear a sound, you saw Lilith scream but everything was in complete silence. You felt your ears clog and an oppressive atmosphere. Beelzebub grabbed your forearm and squeezed it until you screamed. “Ahhh Beel! Stop!” But his grip tightened, his mouth inches away from your ear. “I obeyed you but I’m still hungry.” Your breath was caught in your throat while your heart fought to escape your rib cage. “W-what?” You murmured before hearing a loud thump at your feet. Slowly, your eyes looked at the object that had fallen.
You wanted to scream, to let out the most horrible, painful scream you had ever heard. Instead, no words came out of your mouth. Only the failed attempts to breathe, only tears running down your face. A million shards of glass stabbing your heart, but you couldn’t even move, as Belphie’s head rolled until his lifeless eyes met yours.
“MC! LOOK AT THEM, LOOK AT HIS EYES! THOSE ARE NOT MY BROTHER’S EYES!!” You heard Lilith’s voice like a soft echo even though you knew she was screaming. You wanted to believe her, but right there, looking straight at Belphegor’s eyes, it was clear to you. Belphie’s purple eyes were looking at you, it was him. Not the completely black eyes of a Little D. but the soft purple color and the speck of pink that fades in between. But if they had color that meant that… no, it couldn’t be real.
“Mc!” Lilith shook off Lucifer’s grip and ran towards you, you tried to meet her halfway, weakly raising your hand towards her, but she vanished before you could touch her. A white mist surrounded you, with the fading voice of Lilith calling you. “L-Lilith?” You could not see a thing, your eyes looked into the white fog searching for anything. Unexpectedly, Asmodeu’s face appeared in front of you. Eyes out of his sockets and a smile from ear to ear. “Booh!”
“AAAHHHHHHH!!” you ran into the woods, no matter if you were blindly running into the night, away from the path and safety you knew. Anything was better than this.
Lucifer had gone to a meeting with Diavolo, they were drinking and he was on his second drink of demonus. He wouldn’t be lying if he said he couldn’t stop thinking about you for even a minute. Where were you? Would you ever forgive them? Was it too late for him?
He yearned for your presence, your laugh and the comfort of your smile pressed against his lips. “I should go now, Diavolo.” he tried to get up but a sharp pain shot through his chest, right where the mark of your pact it’s located. Diavolo hadn't heard Lucifer's groans of pain in a while, he was at his friend's side in seconds. “Lucifer!? What's happening!?” The Avatar of pride tore his shirt in a feeble attempt to ease the pain, he looked everywhere searching for you. You were calling him, he could feel you all over the place and then nowhere. “Lucifer!?” Diavolo's voice carried urgency, he could smell the burning skin of Lucifer.
“M-mc is in danger.” Lucifer murmured, trying to breathe. Diavolo cast a glance towards Barbatos, but it was not necessary as the butler was already on his way.
Mammon was laying on your bed waiting for your return when the pain hit him, his chest burning and his back arching painfully until his knees touched his forehead. Although it was paralyzing, Mammon changed into his demon form and quickly left the house of lamentation, frantically looking into the darkness of the devildom’s night. “MC!!!” His voice was desperate, loud and frantic. “Treasure!!” The pain increased and forced him to fall on his knees, but he never stopped calling your name.
Satan watched how Asmodeus’ eyes widened just to quickly close again, how the pupils of the demon of lust dilated as he tried to breathe. “Mc!” Asmo gasped, before falling abruptly. “Asmo!” Satan squatted down but the feeling of your burning pact stopped him, his mind became blurry and from one moment to the next the only thing in his field of vision was the ground. “We have to help them! We…”
You couldn’t see anything, the branches hit your face and scratched your skin to the point of bleeding, but that didn’t stop you. Your legs burned from the effort, you weren’t aware of how much you ran but it didn’t feel like it was enough. “I’m sorry Lucifer!” you screamed, but it wasn’t as loud as you wanted, you were out of breath and the cold air was painful to breathe. “I’m sorry, Levi!” You said. Your legs couldn’t run anymore, but you kept walking, pushing your limits. “I’m sorry, Belphie!” You murmured, no longer moving. “I’m sorry.” You cried.
“I’m sorry, Belphie!” The eyes of the avatar of sloth opened, was it because of the nightmare? Was it because of the intolerable pain in his chest? He didn’t care, he was awake and you weren’t there. He tried to move, but it was impossible, something similar to sleep paralysis. “Mc!!” he cried. “Beel!” he tried again. When he managed to move, the first thing he saw was his twin gasping form, unable to move or pronunce a word. Beelzebub didn’t need to say a word for Belphie to understand, they were feeling the same, you were on danger. You were here with them, you were far away, gone.
Leviathan felt a burning sensation in his chest, fire blazing his skin. However, when he sensed your pact, he felt cold. As if the water seeped into his lungs and sank him into the ocean, cold and alone. And above all that, you. You asking for his help from the surface. “Mc?” Your call through the pacts grew in intensity and the pain did the same.
You wanted to call them, to say sorry and speak the truth. You wanted them to come for you, but at the same time you were afraid. Afraid because you had their lives in your hands and they were ready to give in. No, you couldn’t call them even if that’s what you desired the most.
Something moved behind you, you tried to fight but you were too slow to react. Too slow and too weak, your legs could no longer support you and you fell, who knows where.
Part 14? ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ
Taglist: @yuumaofc @kodasstar @sadlily1 @asmolover1234 @gallantys @prefesro @urminebutidontwantyou @fiveofspades @owl778 @unknownbish101 @pinkvelvetcake1 @bontensbabygirl
Thanks for reading! ʕ⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴥ⁠ꈍ⁠ʔ I do have something else to say. I have to prepare for my finals and so I won't be able to update for at least a month ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ Having said that... Mc is fine y'all (maybe???), next part it's 75% comfort (maybe?? xD), see you!! (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Malleus Draconia Dorm Uniform Personal Story: Part 3
"Briar Valley's own"
(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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[Interior Hallway]
Vil: So, just like last week, our meeting is in the Mirror Chamber this week.
Kalim: The party we had after the last meeting was so much fun! Next time, the rest of you should come too, not just Riddle and Azul.
Leona: I refuse.
Riddle: That reminds me… It seems that Malleus-senpai received a warning from the Headmaster after being absent last time.
Riddle: I wonder if he will properly attend this meeting?
Leona: It'll just be the same as before. He'll just skip anyway.
Kalim: Eh! Then should I go and get him!?
Leona: Don't bother. There's no point if you don't think to do that on your own.
Vil: Says the person who was sleeping right up until the start of the meeting and had to be woken up by someone else.
Idia: Yeah, yeah! Even tho there's no point if you don't participate on your own!
Azul: Says the tablet…
Riddle: I have my own thoughts for Idia-senpai, but… I do agree that if you do not strive to participate of your own volition, then it is rather meaningless.
Azul: Very true. I do hope that Malleus-san is reflecting on his actions.
Vil: I wonder… Well, for the time being, let us wait for the meeting to begin inside the Mirror Chamber.
[door opens]
Dorm Leaders: !!??
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[Diasomnia Dorm – Lounge]
Leona: Hey… This musty atmosphere… It can't be…
Dorm Leaders: DIASOMNIA!?
Idia: Eh!? The picture on my screen is kinda weird. Is this a virtual background!?
Vil: Not at all. We are definitely, actually in Diasomnia…
Riddle: When did we get here? We were just in front of the Mirror Chamber a moment ago!
Kalim: Oh hey, looks like the Headmaster got bought over with us too.
Vil: He's just as surprised as we are, which must mean that it's not necessarily his doing.
Riddle: So then, the only possible remaining explanation would be…
???: Hello, everyone…
Malleus: Welcome. I've been waiting.
Crowley: Draconia-kun… What a spectacular entrance! It almost puts me to shame as the Headmaster here.
Leona: I knew this was your doing, you damn lizard.
Vil: Please explain what is going on. Why are we currently in the Diasomnia Dormitory Lounge?
Malleus: I had heard that you were all dissatisfied with my being unable to attend the dorm leader meetings.
Malleus: I myself believe that it would be unfortunate to not be able to come to any gathering there may be.
Malleus: And so, I thought about what could be done… And it came to me.
Malleus: If I will not be invited, then I should be the one to do the inviting.
Malleus: If I do not know where the meeting is taking place, then I should decide where it meets.
Malleus: If I do not know what time it takes place, then I should make it so that I will be available.
Malleus: That is why I used transference magic to connect the Mirror Chamber door to Diasomnia and bring you all here.
Malleus: What do you think? I was neither late nor absent, yes?
Dorm Leaders: …
Leona: So… What? You're saying that for the sake of attending the meeting, you cast transference magic on all of us?
Malleus: That's right.
Riddle: Without our consent? On your own, for your own benefit?
Malleus: That's right.
Dorm Leaders: HAAAAAAAAAH!?
Azul: I never expected to be treated with such disrespect in my life. This is an outrageous insult!!
Vil: Do you think of us as mere objects!?
Idia: We're not familiars you can just summon, yknow!!
Malleus: Are you... Are you all angry with me?
Malleus: Why? You all usually summon your magical pens with magic.
Malleus: What is the difference?
Malleus: I know that. But both can be carried by magic.
Idia: Oh snap. He doesn't get it at all. Is this one of those things that only sounds scary once you understand it?
Vil: It seems as though he definitely doesn't think of us as any different from a pen or a book.
Leona: Tch. This's why I can't stand people with no common sense…! How dare you transport me like luggage!
Azul: Ah, you must be… That first year Sebek-san, yes? How astounding that you can even look at this situation and use the term "disgraceful" like that.
Silver: Welcome, friends of Malleus-sama. We're glad to have you here.
Kalim: Oh hey, it's Silver. Good to see you here.
Silver: Yes. I had heard that Malleus-sama intended on inviting the Dorm Leaders here, so we waited with him.
Kalim: Oh, cool. Thanks for waiting, and thanks for having us!
Silver: Right. Enjoy your time here.
Malleus: I had the two of them prepare Briar Valley’s own tea cakes. Now, everyone. Please do not hesitate to dig in…
Dorm Leaders: AS IF WE'D EAT ANYTHING!!!
Crowley: Draconia-kun… Please come with me to the Headmaster's Office now.
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Malleus: …And so I thought I had finally successfully attended the meeting…
Malleus: But in the end, today's dorm leader meeting ended up cancelled.
Lilia: …
Lilia: …Heheh.
Lilia: I can't believe something like that happened while I went out to pick up my phone… My laughter won't stop!
Malleus: What did I do wrong?
Malleus: I would not have been upset were transference magic used on me. If anything, it is a rather mundane mode of transportation.
Malleus: In order to become closer to those people, I thought I would provide my hospitality, and yet…
Lilia: Malleus. Humans have a different level of sensitivity than us.
Lilia: Think of it like… Pulling in the remote control closer to you with your foot.
Lilia: That is something that Silver would always scold me on.
Lilia: A remote doesn't have any will, so it may not complain, but those Dorm Leaders do.
Malleus: I did not intend to be impudent.
Malleus: But then I was told, "If we are to be insulted like this, there is no need for you to attend the meetings henceforth."
Malleus: So now, it is not as though it would be acceptable to join them without a prior invitation…
Malleus: Grandmother had always sternly instilled in me that it is rude to invite oneself unilaterally.
Lilia: That's true. Her Majesty the Queen has always been extraordinarily unbending when it comes to invitation decorum.
Lilia: However, for you to have enacted such a plan… I'm rather surprised you put this much thought into it.
Lilia: Did… Did my little scolding strike a nerve?
Malleus: Let me answer your question with another, did you truly think that I wouldn't be affected after seeing you so angry?
Lilia: Kufufu… I see, I see. What a cute lad! I didn't think you'd get that upset.
Malleus: Stop, don't treat me like a child.
Lilia: I'm praising you. Maybe it didn't go as planned, but it was a huge step forward for you to try to find a way to work with the others.
Malleus: Only Grandmother and Lilia would pat my head so vigorously like this… I simply cannot refuse it.
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Malleus: After you left in anger, I thought about what I should have done.
Malleus: I agreed that I had not put forth enough effort in both understanding the humans, and having them understand me.
Malleus: And that is why I attempted to fix things, but failed. I still do not understand what went wrong.
Malleus: I thought humans appreciated convenience like their technology, but they also reject other rational means.
Malleus: They are indecisive in their standards, and they are strangely sensitive. It's quite difficult to comprehend.
Lilia: You seem to have made quite a mess for yourself. Are you regretting leaving Briar Valley?
Malleus: …Fufu. Don't make me laugh. You should know better than anyone that I do not think.
Malleus: There was never a time back in Briar Valley like this where I was so bewildered by other people.
Malleus: And that is why… This is more than amusing to me. I feel as those these moments are utterly enjoyable.
Malleus: I believe that there will come a day in which I will be able to understand them, so I will continue to do my due diligence.
Malleus: Let's see… I am certain we will be able to understand each other in another 100 years or so.
(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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welcometoteyvat · 4 months
fake ga-ming voicelines (prerelease, some more delusional, some less. please give more hcs about him)
edit: apparently voiceline leaks just dropped so PLEASE no spoilers <3 if these are wrong that's too bad they're canon in my heart!!!
About Yun Jin: Besides being a great opera performer, Sir Yun's taste in tea is impeccable! Although she keeps asking me to join her at Heyu Tea House... their tea just doesn't have the same flavor as the tieguanyin from Xinyue Kiosk. Speaking of her, one of our clients has just developed a new strain—I promised to bring some for her when I come back to Liyue Harbor!
About Xiao: You mean Senior Xiao! Hehe, so you know him too! Next time, can you bring him along with you to one of my performances in the harbor? I've been trying to get him to come for a long time, but he always refuses... oh, good idea! Next time I'll hold it at Wangshu Inn, just for him!
About Xiangling: That girl always by Guoba's side, right? Man Chai seems to like her a lot, especially the cornbread buns she makes! To be honest, some of the things she cooks are a little too spicy for me, but otherwise she’s an excellent chef with unmistakable talent. No wonder her companion is a minor deity… wait, what? A major deity?
About Keqing: Thanks to her invitation and sponsorship, our Mighty Mythical Beast performances have been getting more and more attention in the harbor! She's very straightforward and speaks her mind about everything, and always has novel ideas! Although we haven’t talked much, I really admire her mindset and determination. It’s not easy to forge your own path forward, especially for someone of her standing.
About Chongyun: I've run into him once or twice on the road to Liyue Harbor. He didn’t seem to like talking that much when we met, but I’ve heard he’s actually quite outgoing! He wields a greatsword too—maybe he can train with me as the suanni’s tail? Of course, I wouldn’t force him to do anything he doesn’t want; I'm sure he's already busy! It would just be nice to have a wushou partner for once.
About Xinyan: I managed to catch one of Xinyan's performances when I had some free time after work. There weren’t many people in the audience, but her music was so energetic it completely made up for the quieter atmosphere. Originally, I was thinking about asking her to join our lion dance troupe as a drummer, but I’m glad to hear she's made a name for herself since then! I should properly introduce myself sometime!
About Zhongli: He once asked me whether I've heard about the legend of the solitary suanni after one of Iron Tongue Tian's stories. When I said yes, he launched into a really detailed discussion of Chenyu Vale's local belief system, and even told me some stories I haven't heard about a carp adeptus. It's amazing that he has so much knowledge on all sorts of folklore, as a funeral consultant no less!
About Xianyun: ... Who? im sorry i was going to put something about the adepti here but gave up trying to think of something and now it's just a joke line. suggestions welcome tho 🫶
About Yelan: Ah, that lady—sometimes I see her lingering around Yanshang Teahouse. They place regular orders of tea leaves from Yilong Wharf. She's very polite and even petted Man Chai once or twice, although I feel like there's more to her than meets the eye... well, business is business, and they've never caused any trouble for Sword and Strongbox, so whatever she does isn't much of a concern to me.
very long notes:
generally i feel like what's mentioned in chara voicelines tend to have a lot less substance than the actual relationship, so in my head some of them are closer w gaming than i wrote.
always welcoming suggestions!!!!! PLEASE share the brainrot with me i'm dying here OTL please please.
i'd like to write an "about xingqiu" but i bully my richboy son and he's already had like 12 other people comment on him in canon it's fine if ga-ming doesn't know him
everything's just for fun etc etc. don't take it too seriously
watch all of these be completely wrong!!!
similarly if any of these end up being right, i will SCREAM
the only ones i really really want to happen are with yun jin and xiao if they don't have voicelines i'll die
senior xiao comes from my headcanon (copium) that they'll keep the mentor disciple relationship (?) from that one concept art if you know you know. it also comes from this absolutely delicious fic
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A Goodluck Charm
— pairing » Cale Henituse x Fem Reader
— warning » blood (just a lil tho)
— genre » angst, fluff if you squint
— summary » The God of Death gave Cale a goodluck charm. In the form of a ring.
— note » i just made this on a whim tbh TT. Also, its a world where cjs and lsh are alive and in the tcf world okay-
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“He-He said he has a gift for you, Young Master.”
Gift? Cale furrowed his eye brows, eyes glinting in suspicion at the small pouch in Cage’s hand.
“Hoohh? The God of Death has a gift for our dongsaeng?” Choi Jung Soo wrapped his arm around Cale’s shoulder, a Cheshire grin sitting on his lips as he sent a playful look towards Cale.
Cale frowned, yet took the pouch from Cage. He shook it a bit, wondering what’s inside before opening it. Opening his palm, he let whatever was inside to drop onto his hand.
It was a ring.
A ring Cale knew from his heart.
A ring that Cale— Kim Rok Soo swore an oath to someone with.
He could hear Jung Soo inhale sharply as he himself felt his form go rigid. He could hear Choi Han muttering his name as Lee Soo Hyuk put a hand on his shoulder, hand trembling.
All four of them knew that ring.
Choi Han has seen it through Jung Soo’s memories, and Choi Jung Soo and Lee Soo Hyuk were there themselves when that ring was given to both people.
Cale— Kim Rok Soo wore that ring.
Hell, he was wedded with that ring.
“A goodluck charm, he said.” Cage muttered, cautiously looking at Cale. Her eyes wandering to the three other people by his side.
Cale’s close friends and family knew of his life as Kim Rok Soo. Said man confessed everything a few days after the battle with the white star ended, a few weeks before another matter started with the hunters.
Maybe not everything though.
Seeing as though the others did not know the meaning of the ring that is in Cale’s palm right now.
Choi Han gulped, fidgeting in his position behind Cale as he muttered, “Cale-nim..”
“Human! What is that? It’s a beautiful ring!” Raon flew around Cale’s shoulder, excitedly flapping his wings as he surveyed the ring.
“It is, isn’t it?” There was a small soft smile painting the commander’s features, and the others know that there was something fragile—just something as he said those words.
Was Cale aware of the expression, the look—the emotions in his eyes as he said that?
And as the others mulled it over, Cale went deep in his records.
“Let’s get married.” She declared after waking up from a week long coma after surviving an attack and healing from major injuries that almost took her own life, Kim Rok Soo wondered how and why did he fell in love with this crazy-but-lovable-woman.
Sighing, Kim Rok Soo nonchalantly replied, “Sure.”
She beamed, eyes lighting up, “Really-“
Before he cuts her off, “After you recover.” Rok Soo gently caressed her cheek, fingers twirling her hair and tucking it behind her ear as he sat beside her bed.
She pouted, “But Darling-“
“You didn’t even-“
“Darling—!” Her laughs filled the room, lighting up the atmosphere that was previously somber and depressing (Rok Soo remembers waiting everyday—every second for a sign that she would wake up) but the again, she always had that effect.
There was silence, as Rok Soo gently held her hand and as she stared off at the wall, it was comforting. That was how they always were, sometimes, words weren’t needed to express what they wanted.
Actions were more than enough.
“I love you.”
Well maybe, sometimes it wasn’t enough.
She blinks, mouth agape and eyes widened as she looked at her lover in shock, “I- Rok Soo?!”
Kim Rok Soo blinks before nonchalantly saying as if he didn’t just make her mind go on a rollercoaster with his sudden confession, “I said, I love you.”
She still stared at him dumbfounded, looking at him like he grew five heads so suddenly.
He frowned, “Why aren’t you saying it back?”
That seemed to bring her back as she stuttered, “I-I love you too..” red slowly dusted her cheeks down to her neck as she ducked her head in shyness.
Kim Rok Soo blinks at her sudden shyness, not really used to seeing her shy and flustered as its her who’s usually the one who makes it so that he’s the one who’s flustered instead.
He chuckled, after all. Its not everyday you see your usually playful and composed lover be shy and flustered.
Leaning towards her, he gently caressed her face before tilting it up and placed a gentle and loving peck to her lips.
“Kim Rok Soo!”
“You’re as red as a gochujang.”
“That-that’s because you s-suddenly did that!”
He shrugged in reply, “Gochujang.”
And as Cale pulled himself back from his records, he didn’t hesitate to put his ring back to where it belongs, noting how it still fits him perfectly around his ring finger, how it’s still snug and just- just secure.
“It’s my wedding ring.” He stated, tearing his eyes away from his ring as he looked at the others, each and every one of them—except for the three, Choi Han, Choi Jung Soo, and Lee Soo Hyuk—who knew of the truth—had varying emotions displayed on their faces.
Perhaps they didn’t expect that he’d be married back in his life as Kim Rok Soo.
“..when?” Rosalyn asked, eyes darting to Cale’s face and to his ring sitting at his finger.
“When I was 22. We were childhood friends, we grew up from the same orphanage.”
“I see..”
It was a bit shocking, of course. They didn’t expect that he’d be married, considering the state of their world and all the monsters.
“Well,” Cale started, “We can talk about this more later if you guys want. For now, let’s talk about the plan for tonight.” He moved to the center table where there was a map and proceeded to talk.
And as they talked about the plan, his family didn’t miss the fact that the Young Master caressed his ring every so often.
A ring of yours.
A bloodied ring sat on the ground.
Kim Rok Soo stared at it blankly, making no move to pick it up. He missed the looks that Choi Jung Soo as well as Lee Soo Hyuk sent towards him, he missed the sad glances and the looks of pity that their team members were sending, he ignored the voice that was telling him that it was time to go, he ignored the hand shaking his shoulder, he ignored it.
He ignored everything.
Everything except the bloody ring on the ground.
And distinctly he heard someone yell, “We can’t find the body! Team leader-nim, we need more backup!”
No body..
They couldn’t find the body…
Kim Rok Soo felt himself go empty. He felt himself—every ounce of his being just shutting down, everything was just a blur.
He wished it was a nightmare.
A dream.
But it wasn’t.
She’s gone.
And there was nothing that Kim Rok Soo could do.
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deceasedream69 · 2 years
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Summary: this is kind of like eleven's ability to contact people by entering a bathtub, but add Reginald to the Mix and you get trauma with it 🤠. Enjoy xoxo
- "there has to be another way", I told to the Umbrellas in front of us. Yeah, I had the ability to watch the guardians who were after the portal in the buffalo room, but the way I had to, no thanks. "Why don't we just enter and fight them really hard until they're dead?" I smiled.
- "come on, it's just getting in a bathtub, you're not going to die", said the knifes guy.
- "then you do it", I said sitting down.
- "if she doesn't want to, we can't force anyone", said Five. Finally someone defending me. Even if it was from the other academy.
- "stop being such a crybaby", said Ben.
- "leave her alone, Ben", interfered Sloane. She was the only sister I had now...
- "well, we can't just sit here", said Reginald. "You didn't complain so much when you were younger"
- "you always forced me!" I said really angry at the old guy.
- "forced you to discover your true self, and the possibilities you have"
- "and who forced you to be so manipulative?", I said crossing my arms.
- "this is pointless", said the knife guy exiting the room. The girl with white hair following him.
- "I heard the rumor... That you were going to get in that bathtub and tell us what the guardians are doing and how many are they"
I didn't want to obey, hell, I didn't even want to stand up. But I couldn't control my body. I tried tho.
- "fighting against it won't be any good", she said pulling me from my arm.
I tried to fight against her so hard, but I couldn't .
- "Allison, what the hell are you doing?", Said Five getting close to us. "You wouldn't like to be forced to do something for... For this old man", he pointed at Reginald.
- "we need to end this, Five. End with whatever apocalypse is going on now and just, finally rest"
I put my feet inside without my will. I slid down until I was sitting inside.
- "please...", I whispered, tears in my eyes threatening to spill.
- "allison...", Said Five, Viktor behind him watching everything but too scared to say anything to Allison.
The rest of the team, sparrow and umbrella, entered the room again.
The water was cold, but it was not enough water yet.
My hands gripping the sides of the bathtub. My knees out of the water along with my shoulders and head.
- "finally, you convinced her into reason", said Ben. Until he noticed the white eyes. "What the hell are you doing to my sister?!"
- "it's for our own good", said Allison.
- "let them...", Said Reginald, and obviously Ben obeyed to whatever Reginald had to say.
- "now what?", Asked Allison
- "head in", he said pushing my head slowly first, until he noticed I wouldn't move, and he started to push harder.
When my head was completely in I tried, I really tried to get out, but it was impossible, so I just started my work.
I relax a little, letting myself float in the water. My eyes moving rapidly trying to find the guardians. I found them and when I did I sank.
That was the problem, I always sank, but dad would never let me up until he got all the information he needed.
I drowned twice but he always managed to bring me back.
It was quiet. I started to search quickly, I didn't have too much time.
- "don't ring the bell", I rang the bell and the atmosphere immediately changed, everything felt so... terrifying.
- "what is going on? Why is she under the water completely?", Asked Diego.
- "can't you see? This is the reason why she wouldn't do it voluntarily", said Five annoyed.
- "ok, it's been enough time, maybe we should help her out", said Sloane trying to get close to the bathtub.
- "stop!", Yelled Allison, making Sloane stop immediately.
- "give her some time, I'm sure she'll come up when she's done", said Reginald.
- "ahhhhh!", I yelled running away from a guardian with a sword. Stopping suddenly when I saw a spikey ball coming towards me from one side, but it hit the wall next to me. I lowered myself enough to pass under it and kept running.
That makes two guardians.
- "she's shaking too much, are you sure she's ok?", Said Luther worried.
Five throwing daggers with his eyes to whoever kept making stupid questions.
- "she's not fine, she's never been fine when dad does this to her", said Sloane with a few tears on her eyes. "And you, you'll never do anything, too scared about what dad could think about you", she said turning to Ben. "But I will".
She threw Reginald to a wall. Trying to pass Allison but
- "I heard the rumor you stopped moving"
Sloane instantly froze.
- "Allison!", Luther started to shake Sloane to "wake her up" from Allison's rumor. "Hey, babe. Allison!"
- "we just need more time"
- "let her free, Allison", said Viktor really calm.
- "just a little bit...", Allison replied.
I could feel my lungs burning even from where I was, but I couldn't find the door to get out. Luckily I found something important.
The third guardian.
- "shit", I said running even faster through the halls. Until I heard a click. I turned around, the door at the end of the hall was full open and really shiny. "That must be the door"
I ran as fast as I could, the three guardians right behind me. My lungs feeling more and more heavy, but I did it, I reached the door.
*heavy breathing*
I got out of the bathtub, in a really messy way. Five next to the bathtub while the other siblings held Allison back.
- "three guardians! There are three guardians! One with a sword, the other one with a spikey ball and one with... I don't... I don't remember" i said really quickly.
- "shhh, it's ok, it's ok", said Five with a towel on his hands.
- "I'm sorry, I couldn't find the bells", I said tearing up .
- "it's ok, you did amazing", he said helping me out.
Sloane took my hand while I got both my feet out, Five wrapping the towel around me.
I quickly embraced the towel and jumped to Five's arms. Crying hard.
- "I'm sorry", I said pulling away.
- "see, easy, you've been doing it for years"
I glared at him, getting closer and closer.
- "you... Have been trying to drown me since I was two! Two fucking years old!"
He fell to the ground, probably because I was squeezing his neck with my powers.
- "enough!", Yelled Ben, making me stop. I exited the room quickly.
- "are you okay?"
- "yeah... Thanks for the towel. Reginald never had even that little bit of decency", i said half joking.
- "I'm sorry", he said getting serious.
- "you don't have to, thanks", I said smiling, him returning the smile.
- "you know, have you ever considered using floats to avoid sinking while you do... That?"
- "oh, geez, thanks, Five. You're really a genius, huh?"
He nudged my arm and sat next to me on my bed. I laughed.
- "my head HAS to be underwater"
- "did you really drown?"
- "twice"
- "oof"
- "and you? You also grew up with him, any trauma?"
He smiled.
- "a little rebellious act of me. But I fixed it after a couple of years, luckily"
- "rebellious act?"
- "don't... Time travel if you don't really have the knowledge to do so"
- "holy shit, you got stuck?"
- "in another apocalypse, but like I said, I literally spent there like two years before I could come back with my family, and then", he said laying down next to me when he noticed I lay down to get comfortable while I heard his story. "We got stuck in 1963. Well, some a few years before, but you get the idea"
- "and then you came back to a new academy with different members"
- "exactly"
- "holy shit. Sounds... Tiring, going from apocalypse to apocalypse"
- "I haven't sleep properly in a week, it's only been a week for me"
- "three... In one week... How are you not falling asleep the minute you touch a bed?"
- "Five...?"
I turned around. His eyes were closed but his mouth was slightly open. I chuckled at the cute sight I had.
I stroke his hair a few times and got myself comfortable and fell asleep next to him.
- "my money?", Said klaus extending his hand
- "i hate when you're right", said Ben rolling his eyes while he gave Klaus 10 bucks, walking away from my bedroom right after.
Klaus took the money, smelled it, threw a kiss at our sleeping bodies and also walked away.
The end
I really like this one like wthhhhh
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pope-neuro · 2 years
Give headcanon for merc.
(Sorry I been taking so long to get to these, I’ve been dealing with the sudden death of my baby bird, life has been kinda terrible this week)
NOTE: There will be some suggestive stuff in here but most of it is for comedic purposes
General merc headcanons:
-my boi got adhd like you would not believe
-The poor bastard cannot focus on anything for the life of him, no matter how hard he tries
-One of the reasons why he has trouble with reading, he was never really able to focus enough to figure it out, as that’s something that takes a LOT of time and a LOT of focus.
-Really talented artist tho! He loves drawing and keeps a sketchbook or two in his room! He likes to doodle before bed each night, it helps him calm down
-Somehow gay and homophobic at the same time
-Would absolutely lose his shit over the blue lobster meme no matter how old it gets
-My goofy ahh uncle
-The physical embodiment of “he a lil confused, but he got the spirit”
-Bro does not give a FUCK what anyone else thinks and I respect the hell out of that
-The men in his family were all in the military, which is one of the reasons why he’s obsessed
-secretly very insecure that he never actually made it into the official military
-Puts up a front so he can avoid feeling like a disappointment sometimes
-Solly is one of those people that sleeps like a LOG. Literally nothing can wake him up other than his own internal clock, which conveniently goes off at 6am.
-It is at this point in the morning when he goes around the base and attempts to make everyone else get up. Most are not pleased.
-Bi as fuck. He kisses men. He kisses women. He literally does not care, a beautiful person is a beautiful person, son.
-He calls his partner “son”.
-He is my son
-I love my son so much I am so proud of him for just existing.
-Pyro’s name is Ernesto
-His mask is literally just his face, like the plague doctor SCP. What appears to be clothing is actually just his body.
-He is from another planet, and the oxygen in our atmosphere has hallucinatory effects on members of his species
-Poor baby is basically in a haze 100 percent of the time :( but he does his absolute best!
-He literally only wants to spread peace, love, and flower power
-Fire makes him feel nice, because it’s bright and it’s warm. Fire is friendly and comforting. It helps ground him in this strange world.
-Under-appreciated as fuck holy shit
-Probably one of the most hardworking people on the team, if not THE most
-This guy is doing multiple jobs at once in addition to his demanding work as a mercenary.
-He’s actually super smart! He may not act like it when he’s super drunk, but he seriously does know what he’s doing
-Chemistry EXPERT. Can he please help me with my chem 101 homework I literally could never. I know he’s smart because chemistry is fucking impossible and he loves the subject
-sometimes works with Engie to develop new types of bombs!
-My theory is that he turned to alcohol in order to cope with the chronic burnout he must be facing by working so many jobs at once. Just helps him check out of life for a while, but unfortunately that comes at the cost of his liver.
-Fr tho how the fuck is he even alive, he drinks HYDROGEN PEROXIDE at one point, which isn’t even related to alcohol at all, it’s literally just a poisonous chemical💀
-I have reason to believe he now has epilepsy as a result of medic damaging his hippocampus while scooping his brain, I made a post about this a while ago if you’re interested in more details
-He is very much in need of a hug
-I love him so much
-You’re doin good lad
-One of the smartest people on the team, despite what you might perceive at first glance.
-The only reason he may sound “dumb” to some people is because English is his second language, and he has a very hard time speaking it.
-Fr tho English sucks, I have no idea how people learn it later in life on their own
-In the Russian dub of meet the heavy, he speaks a lot more eloquently. Definitely strikes me as the type of person to have a PhD in Russian literature.
-His dream was to one day become an author, but mercenary work got in the way because it was the best way to provide for his family overseas.
-He still writes from time to time in a small notebook he keeps by his bed, in the hopes that one day he’ll publish something
-He will
-Gay AF
-The literal definition of a Bear
-His guns are his babies, he literally loves them like they’re his children.
-Honestly I feel that way about my PC so I get it😭
-Also a very underrated character
-Ties with medic for Smartest On The Team
-Engie just puts his genius towards more practical (and less unhinged) use
-I mean clearly he’s not TOTALLY stable, he did cut off his own arm to attach the gunslinger
-Always felt the need to prove himself growing up. Because of where he’s from, people tended to assume he was kinda stupid based on stereotypes. He obviously ended up proving everyone wrong.
-Is autistic and has OCD. He needs to do things a certain way or he can get extremely upset, especially in his workshop. It’s his safe space that is not to be invaded unless he is expecting you.
-Acts like a father figure to pyro. Basically the only one who isn’t unsettled by him (other than maybe medic)
-He definitely takes pyro fishing on the weekends
-Very talented singer, but he’ll absolutely deny it if you tell him. He’s super humble about everything
-But nah everyone else always loves to listen to him sing and play the guitar when they’re all hanging out at the fire pit.
-He’s such a dad I love him
-Medic is my wife
-Smartest member of the team along with Engie
-Actually very strong! He lifted soldier up by the collar in expiration date, and he’s gotta weigh at LEAST 250.
-Also carries around heavy equipment all day, and is STILL the second fastest runner on the team, only behind scout.
-Medic is actually a pretty big dude. It’s just hard to notice when he’s standing next to heavy who is an actual giant. I think medic is canonically like 6’1 or something. Big dude. Wide shoulder. Booba. 👍
-Of course he looks small when he’s near heavy, EVERYONE looks small standing next to heavy
-Bi medic Bi medic Bi medic Bi medic
-Contrary to popular belief, he DOES indeed have the title of “Doctor”. In order to get a medical license in the first place, you are required to complete med school and obtain an MD or DO degree. Licensure and degrees are two separate things. You can lose a license, but you can’t be stripped of the education you already learned. The title of “Doctor” comes with a degree, not a license, as we have seen with engineer and Heavy’s PhD’s.
-He’s autistic with a special interest in medicine! If he’s not actively in battle, his in his lab working on shit. He LOVES it. It’s basically the only subject he cares about (source: am autistic w/ medical special interest. Am I projecting? Maybe but oh well)
-He very clearly knows what he’s doing, even though his methods are kinda fucked💀
-He’s succeeded in literally raising the dead multiple times in addition to inventing all of his healing devices completely his own.
-Hangs out with Engie when he’s not working on stuff, they both enjoy building/inventing devices and they enjoy talking about their shared special interests. He is closest with Engie and heavy out of everyone on the team.
-The only one that knows pyro is an SCP
-He’s a hoe. A massive hoe
-we are married
-Emotions are scary and Should Not Exist
-Also autistic! The man has literally no idea how to speak to other humans, and talks to himself constantly (am autistic, can confirm)
-MASSIVE introvert, has to retreat to his van a couple times a day to recharge
-He likes to draw birds he sees while on the job!
-Likes plain black coffee which I will never understand it’s so fucking bitter literally wh
-Doesn’t like people to know he’s somehow only 27 years old despite looking like he could be my dad when in reality he’s only like 7.5 years older than me
-He could be my brother but he looks like he could be my dad wtf
-One of those lucky bastards who doesn’t burn in the sun easily, he’s outside constantly
-His ideal place to be would be outdoors on a nice sunny day. A wide open area with no one else around.
-Puts his hat over his face when he sleeps because of course he does
-He Is Not Straight
-Pan, poly
-Canonically enjoys his romances “in groups of six”
-Spy hosts orgies guys, valve’s words not mine
-Sigma chad, has fucked your mom and will do it again
-Is not aware that he smells terrible from smoking all the time
-God knows how many children he’s left behind because he’s afraid of staying in any type of committed relationship
-Very similar to sniper in that emotions are Scary
-Speaks every language known to mann
-He absolutely has a sex dungeon. In this video he literally has plans to “remodel his dungeon”:
-Probably has the best social skills out of anyone else on the team
-Possibly a sociopath? Or just very good at hiding his intentions and motivations
-Spy is awesome but also I love making fun of him
-Haha skinny legg mann
Im so sorry poor anon asked this like a month ago😭😭 but I wanted to be really thorough with my headcanons!! I hope you like em and feel free to ask me more shit :))
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stillness138 · 1 month
5 things i'm able to rant about for an hour without preparation, or, the brainworms tag game
thank u @thirstyforred ☺️
i think i'm quite predictable, but lemme try
1. yeah, this one takes the top spot here too, surprising nobody. the witcher, text, lore, metatext. or however it's called when the writer had a goal and we all have to live with his increasingly more nonsensical way of reaching it. everything about it makes me go insane and what perhaps the most is the way people - and i now mostly mean writers other than Sapek - handle the material after him. the good and the bad. these books and whatever came out of them thematically touch me like nothing else does and i can't imagine a world where the attachment i have to it all didn't exist. an hour would barely suffice to get started.
2. art and art history. obviously, so i don't have to type a whole lot here. i always did it, i studied it, it's a fundamental part of me. if we ever go to a museum, give me something to chew on so i don't yap the whole way through.
3. meteorology. i just think they're neat meme but it's clouds and our atmosphere. it's a bit deeper than that though, i grew up in a gliding environment and this was an omnipresent, crucial part of it. my interest in severe weather resparked a couple years ago so now here i am, running out of the house whilst sick to take pictures of a thunderstorm. don't ask me about tornadoes.
4. the elder scrolls, with the clarification that i am very very far from actually knowledgeable about it. but it, for me, exists in a funnily similar place as the witcher when it comes to including ideas and themes, but also author and intent in how i look at these works. this would lead me to a whole tangent on how nothing exists in a vacuum and triple A videogame writing, probably. i really enjoy creating characters in this universe, maybe more than any other (they don't know i have like 30 tes ocs...), but keep the brainworms in check on purpose because if i cared about another thing at the mercy of corporate interest as much as i already do about that one, i think not even touching grass could help me.
5. i'm not sure if this is the best descriptor or if it deserves its own spot but...people? fandoms and cliques, how art is perceived and treated. how class and classism play into that. i feel strongly about these things because i find people fascinating and spend too much time on the internet, but i'm also who i am and interacting with people will sometimes inevitably make me ponder these things. it's why i put "theme shitaboutgiver" in my bio here tho so i guess gamers give me enough of a headache to warrant a spot on this list.
i also wanna know what vexes the rest of strays so consider yourselves tagged frens 🌼
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Before I start my bible about how much I liked "tart thief", I must clarify that English is not my first language, so I apologize if I am not understood 😔
I love how Riddle's personality is so canon! The more I read I thought of "THIS IS SOMETHING THE RIDDLE WOULD SAY", at the beginning of the story our red tyrant comes screaming and ruining the whole atmosphere of friendship between the students, I myself felt the fear of being caught! Even the dorm members felt afraid of Riddle even when they knew of his innocence and that was shown very well in the writing <3
I loved the obscenity and how he included Riddle's obsession with discipline in the Queen of Hearts rules (Excuses to fuck his lover <3)
Reading the previous anonymous I fully agree that the reader became pregnant. My mind is filled with thoughts of a pregnant darling and Riddle as a father, I feel like he would be such a sweet father afraid of making the same mistakes as his parents :(
In conclusion: I fell in love with his writing ❣️
• Anon 🦋
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Thank you so much sweetiesss T o T
What a cute little butterfly you are~ I wanna squish you >;33
Dont worry I get what your saying and honestly— Im afraid to say but english is also not my first language. Im chinese so Im still trying to get use to modern day fanfic writing in english and practicing descriptive writing is an experience. Especially for smut.
Usually in chinese its either very straightforward because personifications and figurative speech is mainly used in poems.
But yes! I did my best to impersonate Riddle and make sure he stays in character while also having that sweet sweet chills 7w7
I wanted a Riddle fic to have the vibe of what if darling gets caught by the tyrant boi and said tyrant will have to punish them. Huehuehue- im not sure if anyone has done it before but atleast I took inspiration from the Alice in Wonderland live action scene. That poor froggie :((
It wasnt suppose to be a smut actually. But then I wanted a scenario where darling gets caught for doing something rash and Riddle sees this as an oppurtunity and takes it. His mind is all hazy with all the rage of you daring to cross the rules while also being lowkey horny to get you stuff full with his babies♡
Though it will be a troublesome aftermath with what comes with keeping the child, the joy that this small baby will bring to Riddle will be all worth it.
Riddle will be looking at the newborn with such wide and fascinated eyes seeing it snuggled up in a blanket the doctors wrapped it up in laying comfortable in your arms and Riddle is just so eager to hold his creation. Looking at you like "may I? Please? Gimme gimme-"
Mmmmm Riddle being such a sweet father tho! But also a very nice husband > <
He promise to take care both you and the child and live happily ever after with the both of you~
He will probably live somewhere far away with you and be so happy to have a life of his own away from his mother and hopes to give his child the life he never had, giving them proper care and love but also still needing to step in when his child does something wrong. He will be fustrated with how mischevious and reckless they are but cant help but notice how similar they are to their mother.
He makes sure he isnt too rough on them like how he is with you ;)
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gacha-every · 7 months
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Hey, I got a carefree movie review for ya! :D
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What kind of review? Oh, well, just from someone who loves fun entertainment, gud characters, and plots! Not really a strict critic but just someone who loves any gud movies that are able to energize my inner child
So if you're also into that, feel free to read my future posts! Or even recommend some movies to me
Anyway, this is my first posted review but I always looked forward to doing this ever since, and it has increased after watching Under The Boardwalk that has recently came out but is unfortunately not given much chances of being seen
BUT ANYWAY, I just watched a new movie, and it's Sahara!!!
It's not really new tho, at least I think so, I actually have seen this before on MovieHD buuut it's in a different language, so I couldn't fully watch it
But today, on Netflix, I'm now able to! And, uhm... I give it a 6/10
The animation is great, especially with how fluid the snakes move (especially especially when they dance! DANCE! They have DANCING SNAKES, people! Fun!), alrighty characters and their design, it's quite funny, and fun in it's own way(?), has quite a gud atmosphere too I guess
But, I didn't really understand the story lol especially the love department
The set up felt sorta Romeo and Juliet, which I like, I mean, Under The Boardwalk has that plotline and I heavily enjoyed it >W< but this one didn't really had... Uhh, proximity with our love interests?
It was gud at first, how the introduction was set up with our characters and their world, especially the part when Ajar and Eva disguised as each other's species which for some reason itched my brain right when they first met... But that was kinda it
They then sorta left their homes and then it went from Romeo and Juliet to Finding Nemo? Because Eva got captured and then Ajar is determined to rescue her, like bruh, you don't even know her???
I was honestly routing Ajar and Gary (Eva's brother) more, and Eva and the uhh white snake lady instead, to be honest with you XD
Because Ajar and Gary had the adventure that I thought was gonna happen between Ajar and Eva (oh and there was also Pitt, Ajar's scorpion friend that sorta... tagged along... same as Gary but he was basically kidnapped lol)
Ajar and Gary had to spend time together, same as for Eva and White Snake (sort of), and yet the main two snakes – that barely talked to each other for more than two minutes in the beginning and then meet again at the end being all swooned that one of 'em sacrificed their body and energy for someone they barely know – are the LOVE INTERESTS?!
But hey at least the ending's sorta funny
I also didn't mention the antagonist yet •>• it's just a human guy that hypnotizes snakes with a flute like blingin' Pide The Piper, he's the one that makes the snakes dance or dance fight, fun! :D
He's sorta creepily intimidating, but in the end his creepiness leveled up but in a weird way ;-; I mean, bruh, he was consistently managing to chase down Ajar to get his flute back DURING A BLINGIN' SAND STORM?! All while jumping on buildings and stuff yet managed to just pop up in front of Ajar out of nowhere?! HOW DOES THAT NOT TERRIFY AND/OR CONFUSE YOU?!
Overall tho, I was entertained, but didn't feel entirely fulfilled - so I watched Back To The Outback to make me feel better (I already seen it, but in case you're wondering, I give that movie an 8/10)
But if you want a Movie where you don't have to care too much about the characters and environment, and just watch amazingly animated snakes dance or go on an adventure, then Sahara is for you! :D
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