kiyuukou · 3 years
Check out @takashikobayashi‘s first released track on YouTube!! As always, it’s on Spotify and Apple Music, too, but as always, the metadata has been distributed wrongly. Once that’s solved, we’ll share the links!
Stay tuned for an article written by @helpmonmon which explains what a musician who is starting out needs to know about music distribution in a lot of detail. We’re going through this nightmare so you don’t have to!
Make sure to follow us and the team for music, updates, and tips!
Much love!
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kiyuukou · 3 years
Check out @helpmonmon’s new song on YouTube! Coming soon on Spotify and Apple Music (once we figure everything out) :)
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kiyuukou · 3 years
New writing competition!! || “Mix & Match” Flash Fiction
Heyo, guys!
Whether you write as a hobby or are a professional, we are organising a flash fiction writing competition on our server!
The prizes are:
≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫
🥇3-month Youtube Premium Subscription
🥈1-month Nitro Classic Subscription
🥉You get to pick 5 SFW emotes ++ Level up 1 rank in our server
≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫
Find more information on the rules and guidelines, as well as on how to enter, here:
The deadline for this is September 24th.
We also have a poetry competition going on, about “New Beginnings”, which you can find under Competitions > Poetry Competitions! The deadline for that is September 14th.
Special thanks to the team for organising it and thank you in advance if you decide to enter.
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kiyuukou · 3 years
Ayyy! I wrote a meme as part of the first competition on Sekai.
I hope you enjoy and join us for more competitions!
“I don’t know what I am doing” || SSSC Jul ‘21: Judges’ Entries
I sit down at my desk, blankly staring at the device maliciously placed in perfect synchrony with my gaze. The brightness of the document is nearly blinding. This is painful. I take a sip of coffee. It’s too hot. I let it cool down for a short while before drinking. This is much better. A veil is lifted off my mind. I love this bitter-sweet awakening. 
Keep reading
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kiyuukou · 3 years
“vis-à-vis” || SPC Jul ‘21: Judges’ Entries
by Kiyūkō - @kiyuukou
TW: allusions to su*c*de
if I close my eyes and can’t recall every smile line, every flustered freckle, and every speck of your irises, then what am I doing wrong?
if I close my eyes and somehow can’t recall all the times you’ve held my waist, flicked my nose with paint, or ran freely in the pouring rain, then what am I doing wrong?
hours go by. I sit still between white walls.
fixated on this image of you, my hands shake. my lips tremble. what am I doing wrong?
tell me where you are and I promise I will try and find you. if luck finds me first, then today. if not, I know for sure that someday.
I will close my eyes and keep hoping that today, tomorrow, or someday, my dreams won’t be the closest I can be to admiring your hair blow in light breezes, to shrinking at your slightest touch, to you.
I am coming to you.
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kiyuukou · 3 years
Collab vibes 🤙🏻 We hope you like it! 💜
prism // a poem by takashi kobayashi & kiyūkō
there are two sides to each coin; why does my heart flutter just as much when it lands on heads, or tails, on its edge, or on any point? not every garden is divine, yet I worship all the flowers or trees of all powers, that I discover growing in mine. how did it happen that I program my soul with not only 0s and 1s, but all the numbers - negative, complex, or whole? I roam, ignoring the warnings; so how come that my soul is seen whether it is day or night, afternoon or morning, or any moment in between? how come I used to quiver and fear the thought of the day in which someone would linger on the stained-glass windows of my being? how come i was made to question mistaken punctuation in my paragraphs, and minus signs in positive equations? how come I believed them? why was I afraid? how come it took a foreign hand reaching out from an unknown realm, a Heaven of all kinds, for me to accept myself? how come my mind wrote endless interrogatives until I had the courage to end its statements with a full stop? I am who I am. I am myself. I am valid. I am loved. I am valid, as I love the heads, tails, or the edges of a coin, flowers, trees, 0s, 1s, or 104.7s, days, nights, afternoons, mornings, or any second of any day, him, her, them, or you. as long as my heart is content and deserving of this passion - pieces in a puzzle, drunken laughter, cigarette ashes, and cold flames - I will continue to love, with no question marks or commas, but with a full stop simply because I can.
kiyu’s blog kiyu’s twitter kiyu’s writing discord server: sekai my insta
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kiyuukou · 3 years
an abacus [en]
one lie, two, three, thus gather, four, five, they echo, back to back, flipped inside out, twisted and without value, maybe, also without purpose, or maybe, only for love. aching with each syllable that hollowly escapes my lips. a rope stretched from both ends, a grave, naked tension, barren, but observed in an absurd counting. a hundred, two, put together, perverted mysteries in a pile, submerged in a dream, in fantasies, in confusions and uncertainties, in wrong choices… sometimes correct. but oh, what is error? in the cold light of day - a column, an infinity’s column* of losses back to back, flipped inside out, twisted and without value, maybe, also without purpose, or maybe, only for love. or maybe a counting, decisions decided intentionally, for good, for evil, for the future, for you and for the others, but never for myself.
Link to the Romanian version here. * This.
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kiyuukou · 3 years
o numărătoare [ro]
o minciună, două, trei, s-adună, patru, cinci, răsună, cap la cap, întoarse pe dos, răstălmăcite și fără valoare, poate, și fără rost, sau poate, doar pentru iubire. doare fiecare silabă ce buzele-mi rostesc în gol. o frânghie întinsă la ambele capete, o gravă tensiune goală, pustie, dar privită într-o numărătoare absurdă. o sută, două, puse laolaltă, taine perverse într-o grămadă, afundate în vis, în fantezii, în confuzii și incertitudini, în alegeri greșite… uneori corecte. dar oare ce este eroarea? judecând la rece - o coloană, a infinitului coloană de pierderi cap la cap, întoarse pe dos, răstălmăcite și fără valoare, poate, și fără rost, sau poate, doar pentru iubire. sau poate o numărătoare, decizii decise din adins, spre bine, spre rău, pentru viitor, pentru tine și pentru ceilalți dar niciodată pentru mine.
Link to the English version here.
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kiyuukou · 3 years
Punct și virgulă  // Short Story
Încă țineam la el. Mult, foarte mult. S-a întâmplat rapid, însă aveam să ne vedem din nou. Cum altfel l-aș fi întâlnit? Am ajuns în parcul aglomerat destul de rapid, unde am intrat în vorbă cu prietenii mei. Cu gândul în altă parte, l-am văzut. Un tip ce părea extrem de familiar, deși nu îl mai văzusem vreodată. Dintr-un motiv sau altul, m-am simțit atrasă de el, însă nu păream a avea curaj de a deschide vreo discuție. Simțeam că dorește să se impună.
Stătea lângă o fată pe care o cunoșteam deja, așa că m-am gândit că ar fi o idee bună să merg la ea. Într-adevăr, aș fi vrut să-l cunosc direct, însă pur și simplu căutam un partener de discuții. -Bună! i-am făcut fetei cu mâna într-o manieră ce denota nesiguranța pe care o simțeam. Ea s-a uitat la mine și a zâmbit, gesticulând un salut ciudat. În acea clipă, un duet turcoaz m-a țintuit, iar eu am fost instant copleșită de un val de curaj, ceea ce m-a făcut să mă îndrept spre el. -Nu cred că ne cunoaștem. Sunt Maia, am spus în timp ce am dat mâna cu el și am auzit un răspuns simplu. -Andrei, a ridicat privirea ușor, zâmbind. Se uita la mine și zâmbea. Nu știu ce vedea atât de fascinant la mine, însă am încercat să-mi spulber speranțele cu un scurt gând că este un gest obișnuit pentru el. Problema este că, deși încerc, nu pot uita privirea sa din momentul în care am vorbit pentru prima oară. Sau când am continuat să o facem. Părea…interesat, fapt ce mă intriga. Atât de rapid mă îndrăgosteam de ochii lui; sunt cei mai ușor de iubit. Nu există cuvinte pentru a descrie modul în care analiza totul, mă analiza, amprente lăsate pe sufletul meu. Poate că reacționa astfel în mod obișnuit, însă lăsa uneori impresia că este îndrăgostit de mine… Era de-a dreptul imposibil, însă asta spuneau ochii lui. Admirau ce se afla în inima mea. De la culoarea acestora, totul era captivant. Iubeam câtă dragoste punea într-o clipă; m-a făcut să fiu conștientă că îl adoram într-un timp scurt și tot nu pot uita niciun detaliu. Am crede că o pură privire nu are o însemnătate atât de mare, însă când este începutul unei povești de dragoste, este tot ce poate fi. Din fericire, s-a întâmplat să aud o conversație relativ interesantă în momentul în care doream să plec, fiindcă mă simțeam ignorată. Era în legătură cu cartierul meu. -Stați, cine locuiește acolo? întreb eu, probabil la timpul nepotrivit. -Eu, răspunde Andrei fugitiv, dar schițând un zâmbet. Și tu? -Da. -Și noi, se aud câteva voci din spate. -Sunt prietenii mei, mi-a șoptit el, însă, sincer, nu mă interesa în vreun fel. Voiam să inițiez o conversație. Am făcut astfel, pentru aproximativ cinci secunde… L-am întrebat exact în ce zonă locuiește, dar am primit niște instrucțiuni neclare pe care nici nu le-am auzit perfect, așa că doar am dat din cap aprobator și am zâmbit, pentru a vedea dacă va face asemenea. Acolo mă aflam, cu ochii scanându-l și încercând să înțeleg unde îi zbura cugetul. Deja începusem a vorbi cu multă lume, având impresia că îmi va da o șansă în plus. Îl priveam cum vorbea cu prietenii lui, dar și cum se comporta în general. Îi studiam reacțiile. Fiecare reacție. Doream să aflu tot ce se putea afla, eram pur și simplu vrăjită. De abia apoi am realizat că este, și el, normal. Are o viață diferită de ceea ce vrea să arate. Cu toții avem probleme. Cu toții ne luptăm cu conștiința și, adesea, pierdem. Ceva îmi spunea că nu este deloc cine pare a fi, că se ascunde mult mai mult în spatele acelei priviri cuprinzătoare; “punct și virgulă” – când au mai rămas atâtea de spus... Marți, ora 11 dimineața; Senzația unei curse sângerii înăuntrul meu, spontanii fluturași zburând, totul aducea mai multe griji. Dar de ce? Tot ce aveam de făcut era să mă întâlnesc cu el și să luam autobuzul. Simplu de spus, până s-a așezat pe locul din fața mea. Mă intimida. Mă sleia de puteri și îmi fura tot controlul, într-un mod netrăit. Așa că m-am uitat în altă direcție. Nici când începusem să conversăm, nici atunci nu eram pe deplin încrezătoare. Dar el, el mă privea. Mereu se uita direct în ochii mei fără vreo problemă. Trebuie să recunosc, am avut acel ceva. Era o scânteie, dar eu am ales să o ignor. Mă gândeam că nu înseamnă nimic. De ce? Pentru că am cugetat că este firesc. Nu am vrut să încep să aspir la ceva ireal. Niciodată nu am știut dacă a fost, într-adevăr, real. Visam, era tot ce aveam. Încercând adesea să readuc la viață amintiri, am observat că unicul aspect imprimat în mintea mea sunt ochii lui. Astfel, mereu mă pierdeam în filmul imaginației mele asemenea unor cuvinte codate cu rădăcinile în subconștientul meu. Un mesaj. Dar, din nou, de ce? De la culoarea ochilor lui, a buzelor lui, a sufletului, mi-am revenit în simțiri că vorbeam de iubire și că nu știam cum să accept asta. Era normal, însă doream să nu se termine. Mă făcea să mă simt în siguranță, dintr-un motiv necunoscut și fără vreo intenție de-al desluși. Parte din mine voia să îl privească, cealaltă voia să-l strângă la piept. Este inadecvat că abia mă abțineam din a-I spune ce simt și cât de mult vreau să fie fericit? Cum nu voiam să aibă probleme și cum mă vedeam a fi atât de egoist datorită mândriei că eram cu el? Totul se transforma treptat în frustrare. Voiam să mă ia de mână, să-l simt aproape. Îmi era frică. Mă temeam că aveam să grăbesc totul și că o să-l îndepărtez. Doream acestea? Nu. Sufeream în taină. Există niște sentimente, nevoi, pe care abia le poți stăpâni. Una dintre ele este să te scarpini când ai o iritație. A doua este să nu mănânci când îți este poftă. A treia, cea mai dificilă, este să te controlezi în jurul persoanei pe care o iubești, să nu greșești. Să nu știi cum să reacționezi pentru că nu știi ce simt pentru tine. Nu este doar foarte complicat, ci și dureros. Cu toate acestea, tot ce am făcut pe drum a fost să vorbim. Am ajuns cu jumătate de oră înainte. Măcar el a fost ultimul gram de fericire de care am avut parte în acea zi.
Am găsit povestioara asta în adâncurile laptopului meu; nu mai știu de când e, cum am scris-o, ce și cum. Sper că vă place, totuși. Eu zic că e ok. :D
I found this story thing in the depths of my laptop; I don't remember when it's from, how I wrote it, or anything. I hope you enjoy it, though. I think it's alright. :D
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kiyuukou · 3 years
Tumblr media
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kiyuukou · 3 years
Underwater because all the tears i’ve left behind form an ocean Undivided but parted by miscommunication; oh if only You were what you said to me… Washed away and drowning and I apologise for being sorry but you are not Crystal clear. You will never be, so swim away In turbulences and waves. Apologies for all the fire Not extinguished but that is who I am All the water poured for you - Essence of me, Pure essence. You burned down the flame, Our flame. I am now empty. Underwater Picture an unseen iceberg Under the ocean Divided Only by vision or lack thereof; if only You saw who I truly was Washed away and drowning I should not apologise for being saved as you are not Crystal clear. Just allow me to swim away in his very gentle waves He understands fire Not extinguished, but complementary to water Curse him! or thank him, He is the one teaching me To synchronise my arms and my brain To swim To the surface.
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kiyuukou · 3 years
Always <3 This is brilliant!
from the opposing team
my fingers linger between her trembling thighs and the pace of my breath is such a wreck, a gasp - she is tugging on my two red ties so my lips can rest in the crook of her neck. the light bulb in our overpriced hotel room flickers above us with each of her soft moans; she’s not meant to be here, a secretive doom encloses and owns the echo of our groans. “let me make you mine…” my sweating palms guide her legs to my waist, my eager tongue travels to welcome her breasts, a brief meeting of our gazes stops time in its place before she rolls back into her conscious space. our rapid collisions help remind me of my name; to make your voice break, your breaths speed up often is a foolish, pointless, yet personal aim - an aim that is perhaps too high of a jump. my eyes open to the mundane reality around my being. there is nothing to do to change the way she’s feeling about me. she will never want me in the way i dream about her. it’s all a game and she’s chosen her team —
> thank you @kiyuukou for helping with punctuation and formatting lol
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kiyuukou · 3 years
who am I?
20/20 vision of distanced high-heels with pure red satin slithering on a silhouette, but telescopes capture the stained powdered t-shirt with memories and faithful body fragrances; because a true me is a false version of both, in which i lie to myself since i am neither but a combination of souls which makes one different from the other. i am me for myself and my state of being is not impressive nor repelling; it’s simple but not ordinary, it’s the pair of glasses on the nightstand with constant dust specks on the lenses, and the paper that sits just slightly uncomfortably in a bag. it is also the guarding light of your sleep, and a collection of many many things that make the world itself.
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kiyuukou · 3 years
Fantastic work! So proud of @jmcleaton. To more stories as gripping at this very soon <3
The Red Awning
“Of earthly learning, I feel I have lost more than I can recount, yet I am certain that those who are ignorant of their inexorable fate are in some way blessed. They would only think it empty and malign. I do not care to educate them, still, I beg those who wish to frolic through their days in ignorance to continue no further. I promise, there is nothing for you here. Whoever finds this letter, these words aren’t for you. Do what you will with it.”
He scrawled in a scared fervour. Time crawled, still – unnoticed. Willem held the pen with all his strength, exerting what energy remained to keep his hand from shaking. He tensed, flexing his forearm muscle.
Like strangling something small and feeble, isn’t it?
His entire world felt confined to the soft glow of a candle, struggling to illuminate the spare contents of the table, Willem’s damp parchment, a small revolver pistol and a few spare coins. The light couldn’t stretch to the four rotting wooden walls he had retreated within. Dim, foggy moonlight barely crept past the doorway. Willem snapped with his offhand at his ear, forcing all his scattered, spiralling thoughts back to the task at hand.
“I write this letter to the two who hunt me. Please show me mercy for being stolen away from you. I declare myself rightfully yours and ask only for what was gifted to me upon my death.”
A voice half-remembered spoke in his thoughts, cutting through the deafening static. It felt like Willem’s, but it sounded like a stranger.
Ignore him, you can shed that one now.
Everything from the moment he opened his eyes was like a fever dream. Willem had screamed blue murder in his cold box, his brain boiled and rampaged within his skull. Some terrible barbaric power had come to him, the lid of his prison smashed free from the brittle iron nails that were its guards. Dirt and dried blood hid under Willem’s nails, evidence of his scramble to the surface.
“I heard seductive calls and songs while at your doorstep. I was stupid, trying to resist the pull, trying to slip away from your hold. I was too deaf then, but now I know they were you.”
Willem shuddered at those lunatic dissonant scratches, they remained like a scar on the wrinkles in his brain. The sounds stamped and imprinted inside his head.
Don’t linger on your troubles little one,
accept what you do not understand.
“The instinct to protest is deadly, our senses are blind to your radiance and our knowledge is vacuous.”
Willem remembered the halls as if he still lingered in them, their unbreakable silence and infinitely stretching space, undulating like a breathing creature. Emptiness everywhere but for their treasure. Human treasure, half a body each.
Too greedy to share, perverse and sick.
The stranger insisted. A hoard of desolated husks. He recalled the two beings, unseen and unknowable – looming presences like cloaks draped over his back.
You are loved.
“Love on earth is a mirage, an infatuating lie. Love is yours alone, belonging to two.”
The words sounded right to Willem but writing them felt like sticking a dagger through his own heart. The thump of his chest pounded heavily in his head.
“I do not know why you separate us; I do not know if the siblings call for each other. It is not my place to know. I trust you with all my heart, no questions. My purpose is to be kept and protected from suffering. Free from pain, free from feeling.”
A face tried to find its way back to Willem, distinctly feminine but otherwise abstract. The face had perhaps been important once.
Soho, Garrick theatre, a little café with the red awning.
He tried to focus, but her visage was elusive as something refracted through water. Detail simply faded away in wisps of smoke.
Let it slip away, I promise you will be happier.
“Yet, I was brought back. Two halves stitched back together into one form. I know I did not intend or try to come back here; you see that too – right? So why now deep in my bones do I fear that your wroth is directed at me? I sent you a present to try and make up”
Willem cranked his neck to the still fresh corpse. Viscous black blood met the undertaker’s long drenched hair like a dozen tributaries. The rain soaking the man might have even been a natural cover if not for the shovel head planted five or more inches deep at the back of the neck. Willem felt compelled to cry, a shrill giggle came instead.
The body had stopped its fits of twitching. His butchery lay next to him casting a trance. Willem’s gaze carefully traced the carcass, its discoloured still hands, dirty ragged trench coat and an empty leather pistol holster.
The stranger was sobbing – a faint whisper in the dark.
Truly lost.
Burying his face in his hands, Willem tried to conjure some better memories. His mind tried desperately to recall the little café, a red awning, her, something.
Time lingered in place.
No… nothing. Shaking and numb, lost and confused, Willem wrote again.
“I’m your rightful fief, nothing more than twin prizes in your collection.”
Clever human.
“I am sorry, I’m sorry for my unworthy breath. I feel the eyes of your servants stalking my every move, every second I steal.”
Always with you.
“It was not my unnatural necromancy that awoke me from the ground.”
Beg for mercy.
“Regardless, my absence has been noted. The life I lived once was bought and paid for. I’m just a thief now. I write this knowing that once I’ve returned to you, I will have no thoughts or words to explain myself. Please, have mercy. Please.”
Every thought on his mind melted as it began. The stranger’s voice had given up. Willem was trapped within a moment in the eye of a storm. His sole companion was the glow of the candle.
“I’m coming back to receive my judgement.
Your loyal property,
Willem Everly”
Willem tried to picture the quaint, little café with a familiar woman, blurry but beautiful. They were drinking coffee, sheltered from the soft summer rain by a red awning.
Aching and alone, Willem grasped the pistol with his offhand… and pressed it firmly against his temple.
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kiyuukou · 3 years
“How poetic the rain since I met him. How sweet the darkness when softened by his embraces.”
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kiyuukou · 3 years
I simp.
perfect territory
your glistening soul awakens a lion
in letters, words, and light touches
i am air but you like to breathe fire
oh, but to ignite your matches…
let’s forget the june of '97
and every moment passed since then
darling, i can feel you tremble
as my fingers glide upon your skin
you know my name and i know yours
what an dirty little melody
i kiss the sweat off of your pores
and conquer you, my majesty
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kiyuukou · 3 years
the unknown
there were lots of things you did not know: discrete space-time quantum entanglement supersymmetry colour confinement quantum computers (that well) and how to bake a cheesecake, an oreo cheesecake. you did not know: what to do with your life in the future and how to handle most situations, how to yell at people when you’re angry... or how to be angry. but what you knew even less was how I lost a week’s worth of good night sleeps just to hear you talk about those things you did not know.
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