#which obviously stressed me because i was like ‘if this happens when someone is starving they might not have time to feed themselves before
fingertipsmp3 · 14 days
I genuinely get too nervous when something goes wrong in the sims. I need to do a really chaotic challenge to get out of my comfort zone
#i had a mod conflict that caused my sims to start autonomously putting food away (to use as leftovers) before other sims (who were hungry)#could eat it#it wasn’t much of a problem on residential lots but in college.. oh boy#at one point one of my sims was just standing next to the dorm chef chucking everything he’d made straight in the fridge#i was like girl are you prepping for the apocalypse?? that mac and cheese will not save you#it was more chaotic in shared housing though because the girls had to cook for themselves#and whenever i tried to have somebody serve a meal; one of the others would immediately appear to whisk the serving plate away#it was TOO much#so i removed the mods that were causing it and i’m thinking about also moving the girls off that lot because honestly it’s just not good#they keep flooding the shower room and then complaining and also for some reason everyone ignores the private bedrooms with double beds#in favour of boning down on the sofa. which is just TOO awkward for me#the composition of this household is two sisters and their respective girlfriends#so at one point one couple was banging on the couch; the sister of one of them was like ‘this isn’t going to interrupt my workout’#and was doing press-ups right next to them??? and the fourth sim was just sitting in the armchair right next to them studying#i do find it really comical but it’s obvious that a change of living arrangements is necessary#the other thing that was happening was i kept getting this bizarre glitch where my sim would reset in the middle of an action#their whole queue would empty and they’d cease doing whatever they were doing. like completely. if they were painting; the painting#would disappear. if they’d just made a plate of spaghetti it was GONE#which obviously stressed me because i was like ‘if this happens when someone is starving they might not have time to feed themselves before#they straight up die.’ i took out a bunch of mods and eventually fixed it#i think i had a mod that was for a later expansion pack than i have. i only have the super collection so anything that’s made#for apartment life can’t be in my game#i swear i didn’t used to be this neurotic about my sims. i don’t know what happened#i need to do an isbi as a palette cleanser. get comfortable with chaos again#personal
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morallygreyyn · 2 years
when the mha boys want cuddles (hc)
warnings: wee bit of swearing
characters: bakugou, todoroki, shinsou, dabi
authors note: i’m having a bit too much fun with these lmao. did i write shinsou while listening to classic eboy music? you bet your ass i did
requests are open!
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ya good luck getting this boy to ever admit that he needs a hug
not gonna happen
you’d have better chance of lying in the middle of a busy highway and not be hit by a car
but no matter how prideful he is, bakugou is human and he has needs just like the rest of us
so when everything gets a bit too much, he gets a bit more aggressive than usual
that’s your sign that he needs some attention of the affectionate kind
so like the great partner you are, you approach him in between classes
“come to my room after school.” you whispered to him
he scoffed “as if i’m gonna do that. get out of my face.”
you definitely need thick skin if you’re in a relationship with this angry blonde
you grinned, knowing fully well that he was going to show up despite what he said
after school, you rushed back to the 1-A dorm to get things ready
lo and behold, at the time you said, there was a knock on your door
you pulled the door open and there bakugou was, not looking you in the eyes
“you asked for this.” he grumbled, pushing past you into your room
it’s best if you go along with things like this
“yeah, sure.”
bakugou collapsed onto your bed face down with a grunt
chuckling, you sat next to him and rubbed soothing circles into his back
“get off.” empty words so you kept doing what you were doing, feeling his muscles unwind beneath your fingertips
slowly, you lowered yourself down next to him, mimicking his position
it came as no surprise when he lifted his arm, inviting you to join him
you quickly dove in before he could retract the offer
“you want this, not me.” came his muffled voice as his arm tightened around you, very obviously being the one who needed this
“if that helps you sleep at night.”
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i bet this boy hasn’t had a hug or any loving touch since he was like four
only really realising how much he likes affection after he starts dating you
very, and i cannot stress this enough, touch starved
he kinda gets addicted but is very awkward about it
so he knows he wants a hug but he would never know how to ask for one
so he just sits quietly, stares at you and hopes you get the message
you don’t
so he has to resort to plan b
which is just like plan a but this time he stares harder
you notice and whisper “are you ok? you look constipated.”
takes you a while to figure out what todoroki wants as he never changes his tactics of silently asking you for affection
you get better at noticing the signals after a brief period of time seeing as the signs never change
seriously this boy doesn’t know any other way of dropping hints
so by the time you finally do get the message, it’s evening
feeling bad that you had left him waiting all day, you quickly bring him to your room
the second the door closes you’ve pulled him into the tightest hug you can manage, profusely apologising
“it’s not your fault.” he quickly reassures you
you knew he would never lie to you so you felt quite a bit better
“still, you had to wait all day.”
“it was worth it.”
cue your heart melting
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okay so we know that shinsou wasn’t that popular in middle school because of his quirk 
so i’m not sure if he’s ever received any hugs outside of his family
so when he finally has someone that gives him love??? and affection??? and isn’t scared of him??????
he can never get enough
you can always be found holding hands, or bumping shoulders
just any kind of positive physical attention has shinsou over the moon
not that he’d ever show it on his face aside from a small smile
but you always knew how much it meant to him
you knew he always appreciated it more whenever people picked on him because of his quirk
and that’s exactly what happened
one day you could hear people passing rumours about you two at school, saying that you were only with him because he had brainwashed you
lemme tell you, you were QUICK to shut those rumours down
but it was too late because shinsou had heard them well before you did and had already started to withdraw, not wanting to drag you into his mess
you were having none of it
he tried to hide from you for the rest of the day, but he couldn’t hide in class
so just before the teacher walked in, you strode up to his desk and demanded that he came to your room after school had ended
you walked away before he could respond, not giving him a choice on the matter
by the time shinsou sheepishly stood in front of your door, you had a whole speech prepared
however all of it left your mind when he dove into your arms
“sorry, i really need this.” was all he said as his head hit your shoulder
you guided him to your bed and you both collapsed onto it, arms never leaving each other
“it’s not true you know.” you muttered, not wanting to break the calm silence
“i know.” he responded from his place on your chest, enjoying the feeling of having your hands in his hair
enjoying the feeling of being loved no matter what anyone else thought
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oh boy where do i even start
out of all of these boys i think dabi is the most touch starved
has he even had any positive interaction with being touched? don’t think so
so the concept of a hug is unfamiliar territory to him
of course he knows what one is, he just doesn’t see the appeal of it
he just think its something cringe couples do to show off
so when he met you and you tried to hug him he swatted you away
“what the fuck are you doing?”
“i want a hug.”
“because they’re nice and comforting?”
“what are you seven?
“adults need hugs dabi.”
“tch, you’re delusional.”
cut to the first time you successfully managed to hug him
he was quiet because he quickly realised that he was wrong
he would NEVER admit that
you were very smug because you knew regardless
dabi began to crave hugs
he hated himself for it
but he couldn’t help wanting a soft touch every now and then
so when he was very stressed or in his feels emo edgelord mode activated he would seek you out
you could be doing anything and he would come up behind you, wrap his arms around your waist and bury his face in your neck
“shut up.” he muttered, daring you to say anything along the lines of ‘i told you so’
you reached up to stroke his hair, smiling softly
seems like even villains need a hug too sometimes
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faerienextdoor · 7 months
Hi :D can I request a Jujutsu Kaisen matchup? I'm a straight girl with an ISFJ personality. I wear glasses and have a Long curly mohawk haircut. I'm studying animation so I'm interested in any type of art and my dream is to become a writer. I love videogames, anime and superhero movies. I tend to have a resting b!tch face most of the time because I always stress a lot over my studies buy whenever someone talks to me I tend to smile a lot. I tend to be a perfectionist on everything I need to do and can be a loner whenever I need to get stuff done but that doesn't mean I dislike people, it's just hard for me to truly trust and like someone. Thanks! (I wasn't sure of what else to write so if you want more information for the request, feel free to message me! :3)
crawls back into this acc with a jjk fixation...
Let's ignore that answering these matchups have taken over a year. Anyways here u go I hope it's to ur liking!!!!
I match you with....
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Nanami Kento
He gets along well with your drive and passion for the arts, even if he necessarily doesn't have the same type of eye for it like you do. When you two started to get to know each other for the first time and he learned of your enjoyment for it, he started to show you pictures of paintings he enjoys.
"This is one of my favorite pieces. Perhaps I can take you to the museum where it's held, hm? I hear there's a new exhibit opening up."
Even if you're not the type to enjoy walking around and staring at art pieces. Which he'd respect OBVIOUSLY. It's just his way of trying to be involved in your hobbies!
But he also knows art can be deeply personal or just something you don't want to share often. So he won't push to see your creations, he definitely urges you to chase those dreams of yours though.
He'd also respect the way you work. If you take on a big project and shut him out entirely during it's duration, he would understand. Just be reasonably worried.
Calls you "my love" a lot and puts the affection on heavy when he checks on you 😭 even if he's just texting. Probably super formal even through messages HAKDHSJD
"My love. Please ensure you've eaten something today. I'll be off work at 8pm, if you feel up to it I can drop by and prepare a late dinner?"
So serious about his love for you.
After a long day of work he might not be into the sound of a movie, but he'd happily collapse into your arms and play with your hair as you engross yourself in whatever you want to watch <3 it's just background noise for him
Stressed from studies or work? He'll massage your shoulders until he feels you sorts go limp from relaxation
"How about I run you a bath?"
Act of service KING
Need help reshaving your mohawk? or just need a trim?
"Well.. I am no stylist, but I can help."
[proceeds to spend like an hour shaving one side of your head because he is also a perfectionist and "won't let you walk around with an uneven haircut" if he's the one doing it]
He's insistent on date nights though. Just to make sure you're not starving yourself from the sun or anything like that. And so he can spend time with you
If you're not feeling social, that's okay. No crazy huge restaurants needed, he'll take you to a park and have a picnic or a nice walk and return home for a dinner he lovingly put together with your help :)
I think him falling for you took time. Not a crazy amount of time, but it took longer to realize it y'know? It hit him though once you started to trust him.
I can see it happening when you're spending an evening together. He's off work and you're taking a break from whatever you had on your plate, laughing about some comment he made. And his heart squeezes a little in his chest when you thank him for spending time with you.
He'd adore you.
I hope u like this omg I'm so so so sorry for it being late ;w; sorry for any typos!
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leiafett · 1 year
My Abortion Story
Trigger Warning: this obviously is going to have mention of an abortion but also will talk about a sexual assault.
Some things to mention: I was 19 when this happened, this also takes place in all of 2020. I have ASD and at this point severely mentally ill and having seizures, I’m epileptic as well. Also to note I have a terrible relationship with my mother and though not anymore my dad was conservative and very pro-life. I felt on my own.
Denial has to be the strongest emotion. I wasn’t getting my period. I was throwing up every morning for months. But it was just after I took my medication, it had to be because the anti-seizure pills was too big for me to swallow, right? So I had requested a smaller pill. That seemed to stop things. I was still on a new medication. This was May and June of 2020, I had not had sex with my boyfriend since April of 2020.
He lived in my college town. Which was two hours away from my home town. One weekend I slept over at his home he shared with his mom. I forced this night out of my memory. For one simple reason, it still seems fake. He woke me up in the middle of the night. Telling me he had to stop himself from r*ping me in my sleep. He used that phrasing, used that word. Looking back now. I should of called my parents to have them picking me up. I should of broken up with him in that moment. It was also 2 am, I didn’t know why he told me that. I was too stunned to speak. Then he just started crying. Telling me how terrible he was. Which he was, you shouldn’t get brownie points for not r*ping a person. Your girlfriend or not. It was 2 am. I was confused. I just had been woken up. What was I supposed to do? Probably not what I did. I let him have sex with me. Just to get him to stop crying. Frozen in confusion.
Fast forward to September. Back at college. Still hadn’t gotten my period. I swore up and down there was no way I could be pregnant. Just my medication was being funky. Like I said. Denial is one hell of an emotion. Being stuck with my parents for months, no escape. Stress is another thing that can mess up your cycle right? I was having seizures, mental break downs, I was starving myself. My boyfriend begged me to take a pregnancy test when I had came back for school. I agreed to, thinking there was no way I could be, but when the clear blue said it in words. I was pregnant.
It couldn’t be right though, I didn’t feel diffrent. Before this our relationships had hit the rocks. We were breaking up and getting back together. If I was fucked up, he was even worse. He had two ex girlfriends that had already been pregnant, one had a miscarriage and the other went behind his back and had an abortion but told him she also had a miscarriage. He really wanted to be a father, feel like he could finally do right in the world. However I had no interest of being the mother, at least then. I was an emotional wreck.
My morals on children are simple. In no way will I ever make my children feel unwanted. My mom made me feel that way, once telling me she didn’t want a girl, because “she knew how cruel the world was to women” but it still hurt. She once was so upset at me for I’m not even sure what, not living up to her expectations, she told me, “I could get rid of you and make another”. I never wanted my children to feel unloved or unwanted. Now having a child with someone I wasn’t married to, while I was 19, in college. I could love that child to the end of time. Yet in the back of their head they would know. If I gave it up, they would know they weren’t wanted. My ex wanted me to have the baby and just give it to him and his mom. They would know. Also there was no way I could do that.
Denial was a strong emotion. I figured I was only a couple of weeks along. So I had headed to my closest planned parenthood. He didn’t like it. But he would help me get rid of it. Despite his faults, he at least respected my choice. I didn’t put any insurance down. My parents would still get the bill, even if I was over 18. I was terrified of them being upset or disowning me.
If I was only a couple weeks along it would be a pill process. I had helped my friend go through the process after they were sexually assaulted. Seemed easy. Was only a 200 dollar process. When I was in the chair, getting my ultra sound done there was a slight issue. I was 4 months along. They didn’t have a doctor that day. They couldn’t preform the abortion. Shock, fear, and sadness. I was in fight or flight. I was very skinny. I maybe looked bloated but not pregnant. I was a mess. I waited out in a special waiting room where a lovely nurse gave me a box of tissues and papers on what to do next. She circled where the places near me could preform an abortion that late. I told her so many times, “I cannot have this baby”.
You figure this is an expensive process but you don’t realize it until you pay everything out of pocket. 200 dollars for them to tell me they can’t do anything. My boyfriend and I were running out of money. But I had a week before it became illegal. I needed this thing out of me. I couldn’t go through with it. I didn’t want a baby. I live in the state of Illinois. When I called a clinic that could get me in they told me of a wonderful resource to help pay for it. I still couldn’t find a way to tell my parents. So I couldn’t bill my insurance.
Really quick, if you or someone you know needs help, please contact:
They were so sweet and they helped me so much, even if you don’t live in Illinois they will still try to help. Back to the story.
I went to Hope’s Clinic. They border Missouri. October 7th was my appointment date. It was a two day procedure, my boyfriend’s mom got us a hotel. She regretted her abortion so it meant I was terrible and shouldn’t get one. But she did it for him. The sooner I had it done the sooner I was out of both their lives. She wanted me gone. Fine with me. She was terrible, a terrible mother, and just a terrible woman.
First day of the procedure I walked in with my boyfriend. There was protesters outside, but with a man at my side they left me alone. I was one of the first appointments of the day. Still pretty late enough where I had lunch, subway. I can no longer eat the fast food chain. I even lost the ability to eat sandwiches sometimes. They had a security person up before you could walk in. She checked our ids then let us in. It was going to be a long day. My boyfriend met up with a friend who lived in St. Louis which was right over a bridge. However I had a long day ahead of me.
I met first with a counselor. It was a routine check, they had one at planned parenthood. Asking me if I was okay with the decision and it was okay if I walked out. Asked if anyone was forcing me. I obviously said no. It was the first person that made me feel totally confident in what I was doing. She gave me a book that talked about what the process looked like afterwards. The guilt or shame, how to deal with it. She made me feel I was making the best decision, which I knew already. It was good to know that someone finally agreed with me.
Then I was back in a chair while they tried the ultra sound again. I made a joke to ease the tension, “well I know it’s mine because it’s being stubborn”, which was true. They had to find it but it kept moving. It was hiding. I had two nurses, and a doctor try to find it. They knew it gender it was. They asked if I wanted to know. Which I said no. A nurse made the mistake of calling it a him. Which I’m not sure if it was actually true. But I don’t know what I want to say.
I got one last ask if this was what I wanted. Without hesitation I answered yes. Then with one shot in my stomach/uterus area inside was dead. I wasn’t done with the appointment though. I couldn’t just simply pass it. They had to take it out if not, it was going to be an issue for me. I had to get dilated so it could be taken out. I wasn’t knocked out or given any pain meds. They clipped little things inside of me, several. Sorry if I’m not descriptive enough. All I remember was putting a brave face on and squeezing the nurse hand. Who told me that I could go as hard as I needed to, which I did. It was so painful. It maybe took 5 minutes but it felt like hours. When it was finally done. I was sent on my way with thick pads and pain meds that I could only take a little every hour.
I was still in college. I told my professors I had a doctors procedure, they didn’t press further they just gave me the homework. They didn’t ask for a note. I wonder if they knew secretly or had a suspicion. While I was sitting in the hotel room with my boyfriend with a very strict no sex policy, which is a if they have to ask they had it happen. I was doing my class work and homework. While cramping worst then ever, like all my periods were coming to attack me at once. They never said it was pretty.
The next morning I was there before anyone else. I thought I would be fine since it was so early that I didn’t ask to be walked in. I was swarmed with protesters. Little did they know they were too late. The clump of cells they claimed to love was dead. They swore they had a nurse with them I could talk to. Not sure why she was here on a Friday morning. Doesn’t she have work? They tried to do things. I felt weird, I was the story they used as a scare tactic. What I did is now illegal in many states after roe v wade was overturned. The clinic I went to would be shut down. Everyone who helped me get better would be in jail.
Now back in the clinic I was on a time crunch. There was a time to everything, had to be perfectly timed. They gave me so many saltine crackers, water, heating packs. I wasn’t allowed to eat beforehand. They stuck two Xanax’s on either side of my gums letting them slowly dissolve as I was aware but I couldn’t feel anything. I couldn’t tell you what happened besides I couldn’t see anything. I was high as a kite.
Then it was over. They put me back in the special waiting room. They needed to watch me. Make sure I was recovering well. They put the heating pads everywhere I ate so many saltines, drank so much water. I do remember a girl, probably the same age as me, sitting next to me. I hope she recovered well. She looked nervous looking at me. I don’t blame her. I didn’t look good, I did feel good though. Like a weight had been lifted off of me. I was sent on my way after I was all good. I had a 6 hour drive ahead of me and I slept the whole way through.
When we finally got into town. All I wanted was Wendy’s nuggets and a frosty to dip them in. That’s what I got, I ate it when I got back to my dorm room. Fell asleep. At one point a friend of mine came in to just watch over me. The one who had gone through it. They just did their homework and was there if I needed anyone.
My boyfriend and I officially broke up after that. He was kind and took me to go get my first tattoo. That was the last time we had sex, was after that. I never talked to him again and he didn’t want to.
After the procedure, I bleed through my favorite pair of jeans, had to wear a sports bra because I was leaking milk. Which is something I wasn’t expecting. I healed nicely and later I was doing better.
I was still scared to tell my parents but I did tell my doctor. She has seen me through it all and she was like mother figure to me. Telling her was great and like a weight lifted off my shoulder since I was scared to tell any other “adult” in my life. She gave me some solid advice on getting over my ex and told me that he was a jerk and wasn’t worth anything. That I would find better.
I came out as bisexual to my friends. I met an amazing man who has treated me so amazing. I did end up telling my mother. Who held onto me and thanked me for telling her that. I also told my dad. This was a year after it happened. I was finally ready. She understood I needed time.
I wonder now how I would react to having children now. Is the reason that I can’t look at kids for too long because denial is such a strong emotion and I think I’m protecting myself? I guess it’s just proof I’m not ready, I made the best decision.
If anyone you know would benefit from this story please share it.
I’m also down to answer any questions you might have. Stay safe out there and thank you for reading my story.
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gamma-squad · 3 years
The Ultimate Gamma Squad Fic Rec List
From Angst to Fluff to Reveals, fanfiction will make you cry :D
Double Blind Date -  Alya knows Ladybug and Chat Noir's identities, and now that they're finally in the same city at the same time, she is determined to get them to meet.
The Bravery of Adrien Agreste -  adrien ends up living on the streets for a while, it's extremely well written and has also adrien marrying marinette to emancipate from his father.  There's also a sequel, the Bravery of Marinette Dupain-Cheng, which the author is currently writing. 
Lovelace -  Convinced that he's unlovable, Adrien is quickly thrown for a loop when Marinette confesses her love for him out of the blue. An akumatization and reveal later, he changes his mind about being unlovable.
The Bravery of Marinette Dupain-Cheng -  After the defeat of Hawkmoth, Adrien and Marinette are strangers to each other, but somehow… married? - Sequel to The Bravery of Adrien Agreste
Soulmate Survey -  A brand new dating app hits the scene, giving you a percentage of how well you match with someone else. And it is taking the world, and certain teenagers, by storm.
Cats are Colorblind! - Reverse Crush AU - Ladynoir/Adrinette - Adrien is blind but he can... feel Marinette’s features? Which happen to be the same ones as Ladybugs (Reveal)
have the stars blotted out in a brilliant morse code - Fluffy Adrinette moments and reveal? beautiful
Strength - Crack/Fluff oneshot with a reveal
Marry That Girl -  Adrien finds Marinette’s plans for their wedding and just falls
League of Losers - Slightly Different Superhero AU with crack angst and fluff
You, Me & A Little Bit of the Future - future ladynoir asks adrinette to babysit and everythings cute
Practice Makes Purr-fect - Adrinette/Ladynoir + Reveal and kisses (all you need in life <3)
wish you were here - demon au, adrien is just really confused
The Moving Statue - AKDJSSD - Adrinette + Reveal
Operation Mega-Sleepover - Adrinette Sleepover Shenanigans
Butt Dial - Marinette butt dials Adrien and all his plans for a normal afternoon jumped out the window (Reveal)
The Wedding Plans of Marinette Dupain-Cheng - Adrien finds Marinette’s wedding guest list for their future wedding and he’s like ‘WHERE AM I?’ (boy you’re the groom)
Plagg Meets Marinette
i hope that fate will forgive us (for tempting the sea) - mermaid royalty au and arranged marriages - Felix x Bridgette and Adrinette - also the author is v nice <33
The Player and the Princess - Childhood friends turned enemies turned lovers <3
take me back- By marvelousmsmol
By Design - By marvelousmsmol (Still going!)
Graine de toi - By komorebirei (Still going? I’m not sure)
Smoulder - By midnightstarlightwrites (this is adorable and full of ships! Also, finished 36/36).
Lucky Us - By PrincessKitty1 (Sigh, it’s too cute! Finished 30/30).
Facades -   AU with dark!Adrien. Has even a short sequel (lovesquare but mainly centered around the two main ships)
 Kiss shy - By emsylcatac (This is a great one-shot!)
i don't have a latte but give me a shot - By marvelousmsmol (The one-shot, i wish was a series).
 Under Lock and Key - By EdenDaphne, Maerynn (the antics! Finish 10/10)
The Woman With Blue Eyes - By ghostgirl19 (One-shot!)
 Friends By Day, Enemies By Night - By Dristi5683 (This is 49/49, there’s also marichat and angst ladynoir)
A Bride for the Prince - by ChocoluckChipz (Totally_lucky) and TheNovelArtist
Penumbra - Adrienette hurt comfort, rated M for serious topics like implied noncon as a minor
keep me in your thoughts - adrienette soulmate au
Passionfruit- Adrienette soulmate au series with 3 parts
a chat in disneyland - pretty self explanatory, chat noir antics and slightly traumatized workers, everythings great
Finding Diamonds in the Rough -  A prince escaping the confines of his castle. A girl who saves a naive visitor. The connection built between these two of different worlds. Welcome to another Arabian night.
Out of Your Hair -  Adrien wants to support Kitty Section during their first large concert in the park, but dad says no. So of course there’s only one way this can go
Infatuation - Adrinette childhood enemies to ‘I hate you but i seriously want to kiss you’
Blindsided - Adrinette/Ladynoir - Ladybug gets hit by an akuma and goes blind but hey! Adrien/Chat Noir is literally the most amazing person ever and that helps (Reveal)
Just a Friendly Game Night -  The four teenagers arrange a game night at Marinette’s house. What could go wrong
Just Best Friends -  The sequel to ‘Just a Friendly Game Night’ where the teenagers deal with what went wrong
We’ve Got It Covered -  Marinette needs to create a concept album cover design for Jagged Stone, but when she can’t get anything, the stress builds…
Le Prix du Silence -   this is in French, by Etoile-lead-Sama, but it's so worth google translating! Especially her inverted umbrella scene where Marinette gives the umbrella back to Adrien because she wants to rid her feelings for him and in that moment he realises that he's in love with her…  *heartbreak* but it's all wonderful and her slow burn is exceptional
Shop, Bake, Eat... - Crack, mature humor and content
Having a Ball - Adrien and Marinette attend a Victorian ball without recognizing each other.
In Which Adrien Agreste Butt Dials Ladybug - Based on NY Special, what if Adrien kept the remote to the cat toy in his back pocket?
The Jacket - Marinette gives a black jacket to Adrien and he thinks she's figured him out. 
Stuck In A Bakery (With You) -  during the pandemic, Adrien gets stuck in the bakery with Marinette and family. 
Chat Got Your Back - Lila I don’t like you and neither does Chat
Burgundy and Blush -  Marinette needs a date for the dance, and Chat Noir is happy to help. But can the two teens in denial make it through the night without catching feelings?
The Trouble With Kissing Boys -  When an akuma handcuffs Chat Noir and Marinette together, true feelings are revealed… but only to get the cuffs off. Really
double jeu -  An injured Chat Noir leads to a frantic Marinette and frequent midnight visits neither of them had expected to get used to.
Lace or Leather - Sequel to Burgundy and Blush
Stand-In Journalist - MariChat being besties
spark - marichat dating app shenanigans
Forget-Me-Not  -  Marinette looses her memories a little bit (unfinished)
Jealousy - Onesided reveal and then it turns into a love confession and a reveal
When Duty and Desire Meet - By EdenDaphne, midnightstarlightwrites. (Still going! Its so romantic, the yellow rose hits me the most)
Selfless - By ghostgirl19 ( I wish this fic was still going but it’s not! It’s discontinued!! T~T)
The Cat, the Bell, and the Wardrobe (Malfunction) - ChocoluckChipz (Totally_lucky), Eizabet, KryallaOrchid, Maerynn, midnightstarlightwrites. (I know the embracement... It’s also a one-shot!)
The Wingman Visits - By NiuNiu. (This is completed with 16/16 and rated mature!).
I Won’t Hold You Back - THE BEST PROM FIC YOU’LL EVER READ. Adrien invites Mari to prom. In which Adrien Awkward Awkward Awkward Athanase  Agreste makes an appearance. 
A Gamer’s Pride - No miraculous but they’re video game partners and they hate each other but they like each other and HHHHHHHH
Diamonds never leave you... men do! - Marinette the cop and Chat Noir the criminal (they’re dating <3)
Kiss and Dash -  It starts of when Marinette kisses Adrien on a dare and runs off but it really spirals out of control when Chat Noir takes revenge with his own kiss and dash. Do all people kiss the same way? Adrienette/Marichat/Ladynoir/Ladrien. - I THINK I ASCENDED WHILE READING THE FIRST CHAPTER
No Longer Running From -  After an Akuma attack, Marinette runs off in order to avoid Chat Noir, but she didn’t count on him being so willing to come after her.
Chat Blanc - Chat Blanc fights with reveals and Adrien being a good person even when akumatized
Worries - Chat is very concerned for the well-being of Marinette who he has noticed, decides to run into akuma battles in a very much not safe way
Rooftop Tears and Gentle Hugs [Vent] -  Marinette goes mute for a week, and everybody is worried. It seems only a concerned Chat is the one to finally reach her.
Tendencies - (series) lots of good writing starting out as marichat and then a reveal
Just Chatting -  Chat crashes onto Marinette's balcony and continues to visit. Marinette finds herself impulsively getting closer to him, and then everything goes to shit.
Physical Touch - Chat Noir, my amazing child, is touch starved. Marinette is happy to help with some cuddles
It’s Okay to Cry - THE SUMMARY ALONE GOT ME FEELING SOME STUFF LET MARINETTE SHOW EMOTION -  Marinette feels the burden of not letting her negative emotions show, since Ladybug cannot let herself be akumatized, no matter what. A cat is there to let her vent.
heartstrings - HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA - they frggin kiss and its dramatic and teenage drama and romace 
Crushed - Stuck under a collapsed building together, Chat Noir and Marinette have a heart to heart.  (Reveal)
Every Heartbeat: A Marichat May 2021 Story:  -   Reeling from a brutally difficult day, Marinette finds her life becomes amazingly complicated after impulsively inviting Chat Noir to spend the evening with her. But when the suave feline begins to weave his way into her heart, she realizes rather quickly just how conflicted her feelings for her partner truly are.
A Roll of the Dice - AVERT YOUR EYES INNOCENT CHILDREN - mature (obviously) Alya gives Marinette an adult dice set and at night time, Chat Noir dares her to use it. 
tell me something i don’t know - the infamous marichat soulmate au by the beloved carpisuns
Trading (Momentary) Burdens - UM. YOU HAD ON RIGHT?? I AM SAD??- Ladybug gets hurt mid-fight and Chat has to turn into Misterbug to save her
Miraculous Dupont -  Marinette finds herself attacked by Chat Blanc, an akuma at the orders of Hawkmoth. But before the akuma can do any damage, she's saved by Chat Noir, a superhero who is fighting the akumas. Chat Noir senses something in her and takes her to the magical school he attends, Miraculous Dupont, where Master Fu, the head teacher, agrees that she has potential to be a Miraculous holder. So Marinette is thrown into a world of hidden identities, akuma fights and mysteries and ends up by discovering that this whole world wasn't that unknown to her to start with, that the boy behind the mask, of whom she desperately falls in love, wasn't a stranger from her too, and it's all connected to two lucky charms, a seal and a mysterious magical potion she (and her friends) should never have been exposed to...
Tyger, Tyger, Burning Bright -  chat noir gives the tiger miraculous to marinette. I love her concept of the tiger miraculous, so cool!
Terror on La Seine - Villains weren't supposed to help when there are others in need. But can Hawk Moth truly stand aside and do nothing? Especially when a young woman he knows personally is in danger? TW: implied trafficking
Madness Within -  If you want slowburn, feral Chat Noir and dark themes this is a great place to start and I’m super excited for what’s to come. Very highly recommend
you came to me with gold and i mended the pieces -  Adrien gets into a really ugly argument with his father, and as a result the poor boy gets a slap right across the face. In a daze, he runs away from home, transforms, and decides to seek comfort in a really close friend of his.
I’ll Be Your (Wing)Man -  When Chat Noir finds Marinette sighing over her failed love life, he decides to help her get the boy of her dreams. Nothing can go wrong here. Absolutely nothing.
The Tendencies Series -  HIGHLY RECOMMEND and will sure to keep you busy for a while
A Summer Treat - LadyNoir Icecream date in Shanghai and lovestruck adrien
TKO - LadyNoir workouts and they KISS
Doctor, Doctor, Give me The News (Your Lips Is The Only Cure I Could Use) -   Plagg’s sick, Adrien’s in love, Shit Happens™ 
 Of Yellows, Pinks and Blues - New York Special LadyNoir but with ROSES 
Long Live - LadyNoir based on the song <3
Letters of Lovers - LadyNoir writing down all their feelings on letters BUT THEN AT THE END THEY READ IT + Reveal
A Bad Dream - Ladybug tells Chat about a ‘dream’ where he was Chat Blanc (spoiler alert: it wasn’t a dream)
The Bug and Cat Show - ADKLJSASD READ THIS
You’re My Sight - Adrien is blind but with the miraculous, he can see and this is very much a wonderful thing to happen to him. One day he tells Ladybug.
United - OMFG - ladynoir established relationship (+Reveal)
a nine-year-old - i havent met anyone that hasn’t read this fic but still (im still sorry emsy, i believed you were 9 with my entire heart 😭)
Death By Ladybug - Flirty Ladybug and Flustered Chat Noir
Chat Noir’s White French Man Hitlist For Feminist Purposes - (THIS HAS A PODFIC NOW)
Liquid Luck - LadyNoir Banter + Reveal
Symphony - Adrinette/LadyNoir + Reveal (with the best ending ever omg)
 The Miraculous Tweets of @luckylady and @chatnoir - Internet Shenanigans
Problems - ladynoir fluff
Only a beat a cat can hear - Ladybug tells Chat when he finds out about her blindness that she scared about him leaving her. He’s having none of this self deprecating stuff and reassures her that he loves her a lot and nothing changes that. 
It was just a cheek kiss! - Ladybug slowly falling for Chat and them finally getting together (my friends thought I was getting murdered when I readthis. So many screams)
Discordant Sonata - EdenDaphne (Still going!)
like poles of a magnet - By maketea (8/8! It's finished!)
From the Ashes - By MiniMinou (Finish! Btw this is angst and mature rated)
Ladybug and Chat Noir's Guide to the Rooftops of Paris - PipTheMagnificent (One-shot!)
 in the dead of night, your eyes so green - this ones by miraculouslycool so you know its good 
 Day 7: Interview - Chat Noir being cute with kids
Misunderstanding - LadyNoir Identity Shenanigans <3
Not Kitten Around, Badylug - the road to reveal, integrating parts of S4, all in mobile texts. Sweet, funny. The kind of pick-me up you need after an angsty ep.
Two Seconds -  perfect for a light morning read.
i think it’s time i told you (im a fan of your universe) - LadyNoir (AND THEY GET MARRIED)
It’s Not PDA If You’re Just Friends - They’re just friends! Friends can kiss each others shoulders and spin each other around, right?
I Guess That Makes Us Even - Chat Noir dying = REALLY SAD LADYBUG AND COMFORT - its by buggchat so you already know its simply superior
Red Strings and Markers - Soulmate AU my beloved
little kitty on the rood, wearing his lady’s boxers - Adrien in Ladybug boxers, Marinette in the pool with her pjamas, Adrien uses his one braincell and realizes some pretty shocking things (Reveal)
dont let me die alone - okay so you may get a lil sad but you know
Return to Base - LadyNoir laser tag baby, Adrienette laser tag with LadyNoir dynamic, reveal
The Ladyblog Comment Section - they like to annoy alya in the comments. and flirt. but they dont realize the last part yet
Irreplaceable -  Adrien is insecure. Marinette doesn't let anyone talk bad about her partner.
Where are you Chat Noir? -  As the final battle unfolds to their defeat, Hawkmoth and Mayura use plan b and withdraw in a 'Sentiworld', a parallel reality created with an Amok. What's worse, they drag Chat Noir with them. What's even worse, Ladybug can't say goodbye, or I love you. Guilty and desperate, what will she be ready to sacrifice to get her partner back? (Rated R for mature content)
Kitty Chat Kisses -  Give Chat more kisses please, this was so sweet and cute and sad and just...someone give Chat some hugs and kisses and tell him he did a good job
i’ll marry you - Chat Noir talks to his sleepy girlfriend about their future.
Upon the Eiffel Tower, They Reveal it All. -  Chat Noir spots Ladybug heading towards the Eiffel tower without telling him, and when he checks on her, finds out more than he thought he would.
Two Hundred and Fifty Four -  aspik angst :’)
bang bang - KISSES
whose woods these are (I think I know) - FIRST OF ALL, its a cinderella au and its MAGNIFICENT - Four years after his future turns to cinders, Adrien is a servant in the house he was meant to inherit. Disowned by his father and abused by his stepmother, his days are filled with drudgery until he meets a masked huntress in the forest behind his father's chateau.As his friendship with Ladybug turns to first love, he dreams of a future spent at her side.Then, on the eve of the Princess's masquerade, he meets his guardian—and is granted a wish.
The Tell-Tale Kiss - Adrien gets discouraged when Ladybug turns down Paris’ favorite cat every time. But what if Paris’ favorite model asks her?
The Cat and His Daffodils -  I adore Hanahaki AU’s and this was one was really good and wonderfully angsty.
Post/One Sided Reveal: 
Serendipitous Fate -  With Hawkmoth growing stronger, Chat Noir and Ladybug need to practice. And get teammates. And grow stronger together. Which means learning each other’s identity, no matter the risks. Unfinished, but worth it. Also, there is some smut near the end, but the author warns the reader on the exact chapter and it is very skippable
switch it up - Adrien uses the Ladybug miraculous and everyone simps even harder
Remember That Time When... - Marinette is ready to enjoy her wedding anniversary with her wondrful husband. Except when she wakes up, she’s not going to be able to celebrate her anniversary. In fact, she’s seventeen again.
Divide By Infinity - Post-Reveal Adrinette being adorable and looking at LadyNoir moments
Bad Day - Adrien finds out Marinette’s Ladybug on the toilet and everything just does downhill from there
Get Agrekt - Post Reveal + Drunk Adrien my beloved
Under The Stars - PROPOSAL
Do You Hear That, Love? - Post-Reveal angst and babies
Side Effects of Paw-esome Merch: Model Chokes on Air - Post Reveal Marinette making my poor boy adrien consciously try not to die by wearing Chat Noir merch
When the Wedding Bells Toll - Post Reveal Adrinette pretend to date to get free food at a wedding (ha ha guess who fell in love againnnn)
All You Had to Do Was Stay - first of all, OOF - Marinette and Adrien reveal their identities and he panics and Marinette, three years later, sees him again for Alya’s wedding with the urge to both kiss him and punch him in the face
Adrinette April Day 23: Sunset - CUTE FLUFFY PEOPLE (its by sketchy-panda)
Forget-Me-Not - written way before oblivio but basically, oblivio
The Wall Between Us -  Lukanette, Adrigami, Alya finding out, lovesquare reveal, Adrien finding out Gabe is Hawkmoth, then theres Adrinette being in love and MarcNath walking in them making out. Its a whole vibe. Two Seconds was written in response to this :D
Trolling Alya -  After Adrien and Marinette reveal their identities to each other, instead of going right into dating, they agree to just be friends and take their time. Alya is not having it.
The Biological Imperative - excellent explicit story with an interesting concept about tikki being able to freeze the power of all miraculouses in her box in case of marinette's pregnancy. Adrienette of course. 
The Closest Thing to Love - god i love a good fake dating story - post reveal Aged Up - adrien decides that the best way to gain independence from his dad was to get married. To who you ask? Of course its his lady, Marinette Dupain Cheng. Nothing could go wrong! They’re just friends after all.
Not A Ship But Hella good Stories
Papa Bear -  In which Tom is the one to figure out Adrien’s home life is putting him in danger and helps Adrien escape.
Nooroo Uses a Swear Word -  He really, really does. But he has a very good reason, so... let's hear him out, shall we? Crackfic, one-shot.
Move to Safety - Sort of a longer take on the ‘ Adrien runs away and seeks shelter with the Dupain-Chengs’. Involves the final battle and Adrien knowing Gabe is Hawkmoth. 
I Know, Kid - Plagg has a very important conversation with his holder when they return home after defeating Guiltrip.
Chat Noir is My Science Teacher - When Mattheu Magan witnesses his chemistry teacher, Adrien Dupain-Cheng, transform into his favorite superhero Chat Noir, he becomes the Monkey Miraculous holder Monkid, going on adventures and learning what it means to be a hero alongside under his new meow-ntor. (OC, Adventure, Aged-up - Yall ive only known Mattheu for like, a month BUT I LOVE HIM WITH ALL MY HEART)
Won’t Tell a Soul - Nino finds out that Marinette is Ladybug and keeps the secret. Kind of. 
Motherfucking Superheroes - Directly following the events of the season 3 finale, Alya Cesaire decides to create a groupchat with all the known Miraculous holders, which sets off an investigation into Ladybug’s identity. (Crack, Groupchat/Text fic)
My Boy - Gabriel creates a sentimonster copy of himself to free himself from unimportant matters, but he didn’t expect it to become more human than himself. (Angst, Mentions of torture)
The Malicious Pavilin - Evil gay Emilie is a whole ass mood
Never Sing At Home - Based on that ‘hey, bad news and good news. Bad news, Hawkmoth knows my identity, good news, I know his!’ prompt on tumblr
Bite off more than you can chew and you’ll choke - Lila gets exposed fics my beloved
ouef, ouch, owie - Chat and Rena plan some Aspik-related shenanigans to cover up Chat’s secret identity when Ladybug decides to have all the Miraculous heroes train together. (Crack)
What the Cat Dragged In - MCU Crossover
the last day on earth - Chat Blanc angst is top-tier
Air Miraculous - Miraculous but with Basketball and Shoes
how the strings intertwine - MDC Fic - UNFINISHED BUT AMAZING
Nine Lives - Hurt/Comfort, Adrien Centric
In Good Hands -  in which Ladybug tells Chat Noir about her new confidant and Chat chooses his own.
How Nino Waged War with Gabriel Agreste - By ChocolateXMyMouth (Still going!)
The Inappropriate Touching Talk -  this is another pure crack. Gabriel finds out that Adrien "touches inappropriately" Marinette and decides to have "the talk" (or rather have someone else have the talk with him)
Broken - Cop AU with lots of angst :D
Informant - miracuclass group chat au with identity shenanigans 
Lucky Fox Paradox - Marinette gives succeeds in giving Alya the ladybug miraculous. And regrets it. Enter, the fox miraculous.
“I have plan” - based on the ‘Ladybug joins the fight as multimous and she and rena rouge won’t let adrien leave to transform and its just crack’
Sting -  Chat Noir mysteriously vanished, and as much as Ladybug hates it, she can’t do her job alone. Which is why she decides to give Adrien to bee miraculous until her partner returns!
Accidental Dates - The four friends make a group chat to plan game nights. Some people tend to take it further
Leave for Mendeleiev -  Marinette is in Mendeleiev’s class instead of Bustier’s, meaning new friends and different relationships
Ridiculous, Utterly Ridiculous - rejected one time too many, Chat Noir ends in tears on someone's balcony. No, not Marinette's. Chloé's. And no, it doesn't end with an adrikloe (or how it's called). Chloé actually ends up being a good friend (*insert ohhhh of surprise*)
I’ll Handle This - Adrien accepts a deal with Plagg for the black kwami to resolve his problems. And Plagg succeeds. 
let’s get covered in flames and play some games with the smoke -  1920s enemies to lovers soulmates au that makes me want to jump off a building in a good way
Ruffled -  Harry Potter AU
Passionfruit -  Adrienette soulmate au series with 3 parts
Repetition -  One day adrien stumbles upon hawkmoth’s lair. In response, Gabe wipes his memory and is done with it. until it happens again, and again, and again…
Bite Me. -  Vampire!Alya one-shot. Really good world-building in this one chapter alone!
“I have a plan.” -  Really funny one-shot where Marinette’s idea of going in as Multimouse doesn’t exactly pan out how she wanted it to.
Back to Us -  After a reveal so shocking it rocks the core of Paris itself, the villain Hawk Moth is finally defeated...at a great personal cost to heroes Ladybug and Chat Noir. With the city safe, they go their separate ways, returning to the lives they were forced to put on hold since receiving their Miraculous.
Free Falling - Fantastic story with amazing and well written themes that I really just adored reading. Beautifully written and wonderful plot/story
Other Ships (outside of Love Square):
The Worst and Best Thing - GabeNath, drama and angst with a happy ending
Operation Lovebirds -  DJWifi - Alya and Nino try and get Adrien and Marinette together, and get more than they thought they would
Phase Eight - Sequel to Operaton Lovebirds -  Three years after the failure of Operation Lovebirds, Alya and Nino’s relationship is tested when Alya comes across a startling secret.
Cola Date - DJWifi -  When Alya finds herself on a date with the wrong guy she searches for unconventional help to get her out of this. Luckily, the cute waiter doesn't mind to help her out with a favor.
Soundless - Lukadrien - Luka has the Ladybug Miraculous and can pretty much tell who’s Chat Noir
Hotdogs and Icecream - Lukagami - Luka and Kagami hanging out while Adrinette are being in love during the NY Special
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honeyabyss · 3 years
Phone calls after Mc returned to the human realm
this man is stubborn, calling you would be like admitting he's gone soft and his pride does not allow that!
so he refuses to call for the first few weeks, keeping himself busy with work of which he has enough anyway
due to all his student council work, a few other tasks of Diavolo and on top of that the usual shenanigans of his brothers, he quickly becomes very stressed
he's at his breaking point and needs someone to talk to so he can release some of his stress before he takes it out on someone else
so he goes to your old room and starts talking as soon as he enters it, only to stop confused when he doesn't see you in the room, remembering only now you left for the human realm
disappointed he sits down onto the bed and curls the blanket around himself
"Their scent is almost gone...Soon it'll be as if they were never here"
he closes his eyes, sighs softly and makes his decision
"Mc? I hope I didn't wake you. I simply thought a conversation would be nice, it's been a while..."
Lucifer's call is pretty casual, he talks about his day, work and his troublemaker brothers, it almost feels like any other day before just this time it is over phone
he does not want to admit he misses you, a) because he'd seem weak and b) he fears what admitting it will do to him, he might just miss you even more
BUT while saying goodbye he accidentally lets a "I miss you" slip, his breathing stops shortly realizing his mistake, he is about to apologize when you say it back
he smiles softly, genuinely relieved about your shared sentiment and whispers "I'll call you again soon then" before hanging up
from then on he calls you every evening and you better jump right away and pick up at the first ringing, because this man is lonely without you
"Congratulations! You're one of our lucky winners of our monthly Devil-Lottery. We'll have to confirm your bank account number with the one given to us when you agreed to participating in the lottery. Would you be so kind to slowly repeat the number-"
this greedy demon will quite literally try to scam you, only to absolutely panic when you hang up on him
he will instantly call you back, constantly adjusting his glasses, a nervous habit he acquired over the years
"H-hey...Mc...uhm, it's me your favourite demon!"
he is relieved you picked up, as it means you didn't block him right away, he stumbles over his words trying to find an excuse why he just tried to scam you
"Ah you know I only did that to test you, you've passed nobody scams my human! You're my amazing human after all! That's why I love you...u-uh I-i mean...nothing...that was a static you must have misheard..."
when you tell him you knew it was him as you recognized his voice, he'll be outraged, screaming into his D.D.D (and probably later getting punched by Lucifer for being so loud)
"What do you mean you already knew?! You dared to hang up on The Great Mammon?
He gets a bit sulky by your reaction, so how about playing into his obvious lie of testing you to make him feel better again
besides trying to scam you Mammon also called to (not so sneakily) check on your wellbeing
now that you're gone he constantly worries about you and he can't do much to help, but if you were actually in need of help due to whatever, trust me he'd fight Lucifer himself for permission to go to you
he'll call you as often as he can, sometimes with a few days of a break in between, asking you about your life and also letting you in on his upcoming money making schemes...please don't tell Lucifer about them
Mammon has learned his lesson though, he'll never try to scam you again, he couldn't bare it if you were to block or ignore his calls
phone calls? Why? You two can just talk about the in-game talk function of this new online game you play, but no real world talk while playing that ruins the immersion!
Levi will rarely call you as he just doesn't feel comfortable enough to talk with you about normie stuff for too long
he normally just spam writes you, ding, ding, ding, one message after another coming in without you being able to respond quick enough
so if gets too much and you decide to just call him so you can have an actual chance of responding, Levi just panics and almost drops his D.D.D
"Mc? D-did you accidentally hit the c-call button? N-no? I-i see no I love you too!!....AAAAAAAh I-i meant I l-l-love t-talking to you too...hehehe w-why would a yucky o-otaku like me say something like that"
poor boy is so nervous he'll say something stupid and will stutter a lot the first few times you call him, he is just not used to talking on the phone
he will laugh nervously over everything and sometimes there'll be a phase of awkward silence, but please don't point it out, Levi is already stressed enough as it is
once he gets used to calls, he'll surprisingly suggests to have a phone call while both of you are watching the new episode of an anime, so he'll be able to talk to you as if you're right next to him, which works out mediocre at first, you have to tell him to be a bit quieter a few times but besides that it's quiet nice
"Ooooooowhooooooah!!! Did you see that? That was amazing, I wish I had these superpowers, I'd save you of every danger like a real hero! W-what do you mean I'm already your hero?"
Yes, you saw and heard it, and your neighbours probably heard Levi...
on the rare occasions Levi calls you he'll often asks you for favours like to buy him this exclusively in the human realm sold limited edition game, of course he isn't like his scummy brother Mammon who'll constantly asks for things and he'll also make it up by sending you stuff you can only get on Akuzon
so calls don't happen very often, but neither if you really mind, you'll still be in contact through messages and games
Satan will be very proper about calling you, he'll check through messages if you're fine with him calling you, so he can be sure you have time and he doesn't bother you
Satan never jumps into a conversation right away (unless he is angry), he makes sure to show interest in you and hold a bit small talk, asking about your day, how you're doing and so on
you talk about many different things with him mostly about your shared interests, but Satan is willing to listen to you ramble about hobbies he doesn't have as well
one thing you two quickly come to do was have book club sessions over phone
"I wish you were still here Mc. I miss my book discussion partner, nobody here has as interesting opinions and views as you..."
back in Devildom you two would both read a book and afterwards discuss your thoughts, and you found a way too keep doing just that
you both write about books, decide on one to read for the week and would than have a phone call where you just talk for hours about the piece of literature you've read
now that you're back in the human realm, the book choices are even bigger as you can read human books as well, you just have to send a copy to Satan, sometimes Barbatos will be nice and pick a book up and deliver it to Satan, or to you if it's the other way around with a demon book
"Oh? No, you're right. I haven't thought about it like that yet...your thoughts are so fascinating!"
Satan will shower you in praise for every little detail that you noticed yet he missed. he genuinely enjoys your phone calls, and though he wouldn't admit it, sometimes he anticipates your call more than the actual book
even though there now is a bigger distance between you two he still feels as close to you as before, not much has changed for him and he knows he'll be able to see you again soon, he'll just have to be patient
"Next week, same time? I'm looking forward to talking to you again. Take care until then!"
"Oh my Lord! You won't believe what just happened!!!"
no greeting or alike, just straight into the discussion
whenever something gossip worthy happens, Asmo is already dialling your number to spill the tea and keep you updated on any Devildom related gossip, even if it won't help you much, it's a nice thought of him keep you in the loop
those are only the spontaneous call though, obviously you can't take these all the time...you still have a life of your own...
you two actually call each other every day at the same time, plus/minus a couple minutes, the water in the tub has to be filled first...yeah Asmo likes to talk you while he is taking his afternoon bath
"Hahh it's so relaxing, warm water caressing my beautiful skin, and the bath bomb today smells so good! I wish you could smell it, or even better I wish we could bathe together!"
*water sloshing noises intensified*
Asmo...no....yes...maybe...just stop, you'll fluster Mc!
"No really! I miss having you here, I'll pamper you all day the next time I'll get to see you. You must already be starved of my beauty, but don't worry my dear, I'm just as starved of seeing your lovely face!"
what to talk about while he is bathing? Anything really if it's about your day, any complains or whatever, just expect a few innuendos of him...that's nothing new though
seriously though Asmo is the guy to talk to about any of your problems, he will listen and try to come up with a solution for you, even if he seems a bit narcissistic sometimes he really cares about you, so use your phone calls as therapy from time to time
"Oh darling, don't worry it'll be okay! I'm here to help...now tell me every detail so I can come up with a plan! I'll always be there for you, no matter what!"
"*munch munch* This one is really good! Mc you should try some...oh"
now that you're back in the human realm, Beels snack times are very lonely, he has just gotten so used to your presence, even sharing his food is normal by now
and let's be honest Beels snack time is 24/7 so he misses you a lot
he feels the urge to call you every five minutes and sometimes even forgets to eat while phone is ringing and he is waiting for you to pick up
but you can't constantly talk with him over phone so the calls often end up on your voicemail where Beel tells you about all the different kind of foods he ate that day
when Belphie catches wind of his twin constantly pestering you, he hides Beels D.D.D so he can't call you all the time
when you're actually able to pick up on his call, Beel will be so happy you can quite literally hear his huge grin while he's excitedly talking about his current snack
"Have you ever tried spicy bat-wings? There opened a new restaurant in town and it's really good!! Next time you're here I'll invite you there. Oh but what if it closes before you're back...ah you'll just have to visit soon!"
though Beel is often disappointed when you don't pick up, he would never hold it against you, he knows he calls quite a lot, but he just misses you and tipping a message while he eats is harder than putting his D.D.D on speaker and talking to you
of course he doesn't only talk about food, he also tells you about how his brothers are doing and how his workout was, or what things he has planned to do at the weekend, all in all Beel is just super happy to share everything of his life with you
on rare occasions he'll call you and be untypically quiet, that happens when he had a fight with his twin, it's not often but sometimes it happens and his first instinct is to call you, because he feels like he can tell you everything so he is very comfortable and trusting with you
"I miss you a lot, you know...but I also know that you think about me daily, every time your stomach rumbles you'll be reminded of me and that makes me happy, I also think about you every time I'm hungry! Hm? But I'm always hungry? That's right! You're always on my mind!"
Listen, his sleeping schedule is very tight, you can't just expect him to call you!
he will call you so rarely and if you call him it might just happen that he is sleeping and has phone on silent...or he's just to lazy to walk to his phone, or he is just not in the mood to talk... he takes any excuse to not be on the phone
Belphie does like talking to you, but he is not the greatest at long conversations so he like messages more
sometimes when he can't seem to fall asleep, he will be the one to call you...in the middle of the night...and you better pick up or he gets annoyed
"What took you so long? I thought you wanted to talk more often and then you leave me hanging for a whole minute? Doesn't matter I would have waited longer with you...."
he is mostly silent through a phone call, his main reason to call you is because he like to listen to you talk, it's calming to him and if he calmer then he might be able to fall asleep again
so don't expect an amazingly deep conversation...
"Mhmmm...hm? Yeah I'm still there. I'm listening keep talking, I love your voice..."
he'll bring up a topic from time to time so you have an inspiration about what to talk about, but most of the times he just lazily hum or making acknowledging noises so you know he is still listening
he will to 100% fall asleep while being on the phone with you, that doesn't mean you're boring, but that he trusts you so much that he is comfortable enough to let his guard down
"Good afternoon! How was the week of my favourite human?...ah don't tell Solomon I said that hahaha"
as the future king of hell, he is a busy man, but he still manages to give you a call once a week, to the same time you two would have normally had your weekly afternoon tea meeting in the castle
with the exchange year over there is not much about your classes to talk about left, but Dia is just as excited about any other topic you decide to talk about, be it the most mundane thing he loves it!
"Oh so you went grocery shopping? That must be fun! Barbatos does it all the time, though I suppose you buy less things...I'd like to see a human market at some point, I wonder if they're very different from ours...oh but I wouldn't really able to tell I suppose, Barbatos and you would need to point out the differences!"
this man can talk without taking a break for hours...you think Asmo is bad? Prepare for Diavolo...
but seriously it never gets boring with him, because he somehow finds good and fun stuff in every activity, I swear give him a vacuum and watch him clean you're whole flat with the enthusiasm of a child getting presents on Christmas
the work of a future king consists of so much paperwork, Dia will have only few events of his week to tell you about, if there is something to talk about there is a high chance it has to do with the brothers
so he'd much rather just sip his tea and listen to you, he'll ask you loads of questions though about anything he doesn't know
sometimes you two forget the time and Barb sadly has to remind you to come to a stop for now
"Mc? Did I wake you? If so I'm terribly sorry...would you be up to talk for a little bit more? I'm not feeling too tired yet"
surprise night time calls from Dia where you'll have to speak silently or Barbatos might reprimand Diavolo for staying up all night and being tired the next day, Dia doesn't regret it ever though, he likes to talk you a lot!
Barbatos is always busy and his schedule can often suddenly change with a new whim of his master, so he can't exactly have a scheduled call with you
so you might not get to hear of him very often
BUT he made it a habit to call you when he is on duty to do the dishes, the chore is somewhat boring to him with no one to distract him
so he calls you and if you pick up, he'll put you on speaker and talk to you about whatever comes to mind while his hands wash one after another of the expensive porcelain of the royal household
"I've bought this new tea which is said to be really nice, it can even be enjoyed cold apparently. It seems to have to just the right amount of sweetness to not get bitter when drank cold...you can still add sugar for extra sweetness, though I believe you're already sweet enough as it is"
no matter what you decide to talk about Barbatos always has at least some knowledge about it, so it's beneficial for both of you, he can tell you the things he knows and you tell him your stuff
"I hope I'm not bothering you too much? There is quite a lot to do today... so it might take some more time..."
you will never get to know that Barb has actually already finished the dished a few minutes ago, but just isn't ready to say goodbye yet
the rest of the employees will be able handle the castle for a bit longer without him, meanwhile he can take a well deserved tea break and listen to you
he very much enjoys the fact he found a way to have some time with you while theoretically having to be at work, as long as he is able to finish all the tasks of his daily schedule, he doesn't feel too bad about his not so legal break
"I fear I'll have to get back to work now, but I loved talking to you today! I hope you enjoyed it as well. I'll talk to you again soon!"
Though Solomon returned to the human realm with you, you haven't heard much of him, being a wise old man sorcerer must be very time consuming
so calls of Solomon might be rare but that doesn't mean you don't write messages every now and then, when he calls you though it's always about something interesting or important to share, he talks about those things rather verbally, the best option for him would be in person, but that doesn't always work so a phone call is the second best option
"My lovely apprentice, how is your studying going? I've found the tome we were talking about last time you were interested in...it took some research to find which sorcerer had it but I brought it back for you. How about I'll drop by you next week? I can help you with your studying then, the tome is written in an older version of the language it might be easier if we do it together!"
Solomon can simply not sit still, so while you're on the phone, he is always tinkering at something and the background noises are sometimes quite peculiar...
Was that a pig squeaking? Are you sure you should be brewing a potion while being on the phone? Isn't it distracting?
Oh Lord was that an explosion?!
"Hmm? Oh yeah...I`m cooking dinner right now! It was just a small explosion though, you know the ones that are regularly happen in the kitchen. Why? Was my cute student worried about me?~ heheh alright, alright, I'll stop teasing you...for now!"
no matter how chaotic, teasing or busy Solomon is though, if you call him and are in need of help, he'll drop everything and run to you
he knows how hard it can be when studying magic, not to mention that the studies are difficult, the constant hiding of any magic in front of other humans is also very nerve wrecking, sometimes you feel like giving up and going back to your normal life, back to your non-magical very human friends that are blissfully unaware of everything happening around them, but you know you could never forget and act as if nothing happened, you'd also miss your new not so normal friends, so when times get hard Solomon will rush to you and comfort you in person or at least calm you down on phone until he is able to go to you
if that happens he is more likely to call you every two to three days just to check in on you
"Hey how is my strong and beautiful fellow human doing? Feeling better yet? Need a shoulder to lean on? I'm at your flat in 10 minutes..."
Simeon is a daily caller as well, he's gotten so used to seeing you every day that he feels quite restless if he doesn't get to hear your voice at least once a day
he asked you to recommend at what time he should call, he doesn't want to restrict you in your daily life, so you both came to the conclusion after dinner would be perfect, as both of you are free for the rest of the day then
He will often write a bit on his TSL scripts, just some notes and inspirations he comes up while talking to you
"How was your day my little lamb? You haven't overworked yourself right? Tell me if you ever need help!"
though Simeon would definitely have things to complain about with how Michael is working him to the bone, he'd rather not worry you so instead he tells you about how Luke is doing and evasively answers you questions about himself
"Oh me? Ah yes, I'm doing fine, just doing the usual archangel stuff you know...Ah please do not worry Mc, my dear! Nothing dangerous!"
over the time his TSL notes turn into random scribbles, rhymes and poems and every now and then something that looks suspiciously like your name
Sometimes Luke crashes the call and wants to speak with you as well so Simeon tries to put the phone on speaker only to end up ending the call and Luke getting frustrated with Simeon and doing it himself
then again Simeon also just accidentally hangs up on you mid conversation, because his fingers hit the button without him noticing, he'll get so confused when you cut off in the middle of your sentence and thinks something has happened to you, only to be relieved when you call back a few seconds later
Simeon is very interested in your day and how you doing, asking you many questions and encouraging you to keep talking
"Oh no please keep talking! You're not overwhelming me at all, in fact I like listening to your voice, it puts even the most melodic voice of an angel into the shadows...hahaha did I make you embarrassed? I apologize, I didn't mean to, I was only telling you my honest opinion!"
Simeon is quite the flatterer, but he often does not notice it, he simply tries to be nice, so a call with him leaves you flustered and stuttering ever now and then, but he is just as quick to blush at a honest and heartfelt compliment
Luke might be an angel, but he is still low ranking and therefore has less assignments, besides studying to become a great angel and doing some minor tasks for Michael, he is relatively free
he often spends his free time in the kitchen constantly trying to improve his baking, now after the exchange year not only to impress Michael and Simeon but also Barbatos, maybe a bit Beel and definitely you!
but as Simeon is still working at these times, he gets somewhat lonely so he'll try calling you to keep him some company
Luke has this habit of speaking the recipes out loud to remember the steps better and be able to able to make them from memory, he got that tip from Barbatos, but he still has his moments where he gets stuck and forgets what to do next, you can notice that when he gets silent and concentrates on trying to remember
"Ah right that was it! I almost forgot about the eggs! Good thing you were here...or well on the phone hehe! You always remember this stuff, you're so amazing!"
when you tell him you simply looked it up in the internet for him, he'll get a bit sulky that he now basically cheated, but with your reassurance that he is already great and can remember so many other steps, he is quickly back to his happy little angel self
"Michael let me help with his conference today I was assistant record keeper today, one day I'll be able to do it alone, bit they're talking so much and so fast...I think I still need a couple centuries until I'm fully ready, but I'm working on improving! You should also try to improve your skills daily! Even a small bit of practice is good! Though I think you're perfect already!"
Luke most definitely learned his flattering from Simeon... he talks about many different things on the phone but repeating topic is Michael...just talking to you makes his day and later he'll tell everything Simeon and he smiles so brightly while he reports to him, please keep talking to him a lot!
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bigtittydemonwife · 3 years
The pasta’s love language Part 1
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Jeff The Killer 
 this is the most obviously way the bastard man lets you know he cares about you 
Behind the asshole tsundere attitude and I-don’t-give-a-fuck attitude about life lays another smaller asshole and buried deep under that lays the small boy that picked a fight with three bullies to protect his loving brother
Weather it’s him decking o**enderman for being creepy or saving you from a tricky last victim it seems Jeff always knows when your in trouble 
So low-key about it you never really notice his eyes on you until you’re being helped, and even then you never notice how they never leave
Jeff is like a dog, but not the loving wagging tail dog, the asshole that stands on your feet with his sharp claws, rips open your pillows and terrorises the mailman so much your mail is delivered by drone.
but he is also the dog that late at night sneaks onto your bed and whenever there’s someone strange approaching you on the street at night stands in front of you and bares his teeth 
Physical Touch 
Jeff’s love isn’t soft
Jeff’s love is as rough as he is 
Jeff’s touch is soft head-pats after you put someone in their place 
His touch is high fives after a successful mission where your hands linger together
His touch is quick side hugs before he goes off to go do something stupid 
Cheeky neck kisses in front of others to make you flustered 
fingers running though your hair or down your sides whenever he gets bored 
easiest way to get cuddled by this man? after a mission when he’s too tired to act like a tsundere  
Jeff is funnily like a cat in this regards, his cuddles are fun but he has to want to, otherwise it’s deemed as unnecessary
Jeff isn’t a rational man 
So when he gets jealous his first response is to just stab the guy and run 
Ass a traumatised stubborn teen Jeff is quick to anger but he toe’s the line (aha reference) at when people disrespect you 
Is he an asshole to you all the time?
Is he the only person who can be mean to you?
Despite what everyone thinks Jeff does understand the difference between mean teasing and just being an asshole 
And if your someone like me who shows your love to people you care about by teasing and being mean to him he’s gonna understand if your friends are the same way 
What he does not accept is anyone who dares treat you like your lower than them 
thats when he pulls out his knife and commits stabby stabby 
Ticci Toby 
Physical Touch 
Unlike Jeff when Toby is in love he’s a touchy feely person
And once again unlike Jeff when it comes to cuddles Toby is most likely to be the one to initiate cuddles 
On a good day Toby recharges with touch
Most of the time he’s all over you 
His favourite way to cuddle is him on the bottom with you on his chest and your face buried into his neck 
If you cuddle with him like that theres a 97% chance you are not leaving any time soon 
He loves to hold your hands alot, Toby hands are an eternal mystery as sometimes their cold as fuck and others their super warm
After a really bad day when he’s had his alone time and recharged (which can take as long as a week) he just wants to lay with you a bit 
this usually happens when he’s burnt out (missions do not help) 
on days like that he wants to be held in your arms and rest his head on your chest
that way as he falls asleep he can hear your heartbeat and know your safe and alive 
Toby is an asshole, but he’s a lovable asshole 
And on a good day when he’s happy and in love he’s acting like a lovestuck school boy 
He’s the type to give you either the cutest nicknames or the weirdest 
One day he’ll call you love the next Mustard 
 His compliments are the sweetest thing ever because of how special they are 
instead of complimenting something basic about you (well not basic but well seen by everyone) he compliments you on some of the most obscure things that you didn’t think anyone noticed about you 
“I love how fast you talk when you get excited”
“I love easily you get along with sally”
“Your eyes glow in the sunset, it’s really pretty”
Ben Drowned 
Ben is an antisocial person. 
He’s not bitter about it but most of the time he prefers to keep to himself 
Ben understands if his partner isn’t like that, but one of his ways of showing love is giving them space to be their own person 
While Ben does love to spend time with you and share interests and hobbies 
He is a human demon? ghost? thing that loves alone time 
And by giving you space and your own time alone it’s his way of letting you still have freedom to be you
Ben recharges his social battery with a quiet atmosphere so alone time or cuddle time is his favourite thing to do with you when he’s down
Don’t get me wrong he loves cuddles 
But that doesn’t mean he’s going to be clinging to you 24/7
Acts of service
Ben is a patient person 
Despite what people think all his years of gaming have taught him a lot about taking his time and how easier it is to get things done when he’s chill 
So he’s quite alright with doing things for people when they need help 
But even so he’s still his own person 
So he doesn’t usually do it for free unless it’s for someone he really cares about 
And that’s when you come in 
Ben is basically ready to do anything for you 
Will Jeff call him a simp? Yes, will he care? No 
In the end of the day he’s getting ass and Jeff’s not
You could ask him to hack the government for you and he would 
But basic shit is him bringing you snacks he stole from Jeff’s room when your hungry 
He just likes making you happy 
Physical Touch
Ironically enough in complete contradiction of the first one Ben actually loves spending time with you 
Not all the time, otherwise in his opinion the time he gets with you will feel less special 
But when either of you have a bad day he likes to either cuddle you and take a nap or hold you while you both/ he plays video games 
Ben’s a ghost? Thing so his body is always cold 
That’s one of the reasons why he loves holding you so much is feeling your warm body against him 
He likes to nap on your tiddys because 1) he’s perverted and 2) he likes to hear your heartbeat 
He finds the sound of it fascinating 
Sometimes he feels his pulse just because the shock of not feeling anything is fun to him 
Ben is probably one of the easiest pastas to date 
He’s like a house cat
Just give him attention and water and he can fend for himself all good 
Eyeless Jack 
Giving Gifts
Jack in love is a very very confusing thing 
Not because he’s contradictory but because the way he flirts sometimes ties into his demonic animalistic tendencies 
For example 
His gifts to you can sometimes be very sweet things that instead are normal gifts like flowers or chocolates but instead small things like breakfast in bed after a stressful mission (He may or may not use his acting like a doctor as an excuse yes EJ is the mansions doctor fight me bitch)
and then other times it’s organs like a heart or an eyeball, bones or a skull (sometimes animal) and sometimes even teeth, if your lucky most of the time once more they just belong to some pour animal in the woods 
and they say romance is dead
Jacks way of showing love is sorta a mixture of how some birds gift their mates things to flirt and how cats give their owners dead animals
He’s cute I swear 
Acts of Service
Unlike Ben jack isn’t going to drop everything to please you 
but once again the way he shows his love is more casual(?) (I mean he gives you dead things to show his love that ain’t casual)
and if he’s in a good mood/ had a good day then more often than not you’ll find yourself being spoiled in a completely Jack way?
You’re thirsty? He made you both coffee/ tea/ hot chocolate 
You’re on a mission and it’s raining? Take his jacket (not like he’s gonna die from the cold)
You’re hungry? Take a snack from his secret stash that no one else is aloud to go through (though most of the time it’s filled with organs)
Jack hates it when his lover is stressed so he likes to do whatever he can to help them out 
Physical Touch
I hate to sound stereotypical but Jack does this the most because he is extremely touch starved 
Trust me he’s not into PDA at all but behind closed doors he’s finding any excuse he can get to touch you ( with your consent )
he loves sleeping together because usually at night he’s reading or trying to piece together his broken parts
But when he’s holding you in his arms, and whispering how much he loves you in your ear when he’s sure you’re asleep he feels like he doesn’t to be whole 
that he can’t expect you to fix him at all, but being with you is enough to make him feel like instead of being broken, being fractured is alright 
But weather it’s his hand on your cheek on your hands laced together Jack likes to feel your skin against his 
fucckkkk I’m tired, this like took three days, you’re getting a part two when I don’t feel like my head’s trying to kill itself and no I did not spell check this nor will I ever as spellings for pussys and people who graduate school 
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starglow-xx · 3 years
(About the brother!atsushi) aRE YOU READING MY MIND MISS?! Because that has been on my mind for MONTHS. TYSM For writing it was amazing!! If you don't mind, may I request (if requests are open) atsushi, still an older brother, but with a sister that's 10-13 yrs old? It's totally fine if you don't wanna do it. Keep up the good stories, ily mwuah!
*sobs* you’re so kind thank youu 🤧🤧
i wrote this a bit differently i hope that’s okay anon! at first i planned for this to be mainly abt atsushi and the reader, but i decided to add in relationship hcs with the agency bc i ran out of ideas
if you guys liked this don’t worry! im planning a special part two for this one so be the look out for it hehe
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atsushi with a tween! sister
ft. the armed detective agency
like in my baby sister hcs, you’re still the most important thing to him period
the two of you got picked up by dazai and kunikida when he was 18 (obviously) and when you were 12
for a 12 year old, you were a bit small bc of malnourishment (which makes atsushi feel so bad) so both dazai and kunikida thought you were a bit younger than you actually were
they assumed you were about 9-10ish
you and atsushi both share a favorite food !! chazuke :)
so when kunikida treated the two of you, he made sure you got more bowls bc like i mentioned above, he feels really bad that you were malnourished and under weight
(don’t bring this up but kunikida felt bad too hehe)
when dazai went with your brother to the warehouse, you were with kunikida
imagine the surprise of the other ada members when kunikida came in with a little girl dressed in rags that popped out from behind him
kenji was the one who vocalized his thoughts 
“kunikida-san you have a daughter?! wow! i didn’t know that! :D”
when you found out your brother was a tiger, you were a bit concerned but you were actually kind of excited
you were even more excited when you found out the two of you were going to be taken in by the agency
anything was better than the stupid orphanage
and besides!
you got a tiger for an older brother and a bunch of other super powered agents to take care of you! who could want anything else?
at your age, you’re very impressionable and can be influenced easily so atsushi makes sure to teach you more in depth of good morals and the importance of kindness
his heart swells with pride and relief when he catches you being kind to others
pride bc he’s proud that even after all the two of you have gone through, you still ended up being a good kid and having a bright view of the world
and relief bc he hasn’t failed as a big brother
pfftt like he could ever fail
but please, from time to time reassure him that he’s perfect and the only big brother that you’d ever want bc he rlly needs that kind of validation
with his salary and savings, he tries to buy nice things for you
what a sweetheart 🥺
he saw you eyeing that one dress at a store window? fast forward abt a week and half and it’s inside a pretty gift bag for you
you wanted to try that dessert from the nice bakery? that’s dessert after dinner at one point
but other than buying you things, he sets money aside for you
like all the time
(y/n), here have this, you might need it”
“but nii-san you just gave me—”
“take it”
#1 spoiler
also your #1 confidant and source of physical affection
you tell him anything and everything (except crushies and those kinds of things)
atsushi loves it when you talk abt your day and he can see the big smile on your face and the sparkle in your eyes
it gives him the strength to keep going 😖😖
the two of you aren’t as touch starved as you’d probably think, but that’s only bc the two of you had each other
in your opinion, no one can match the hugs of your big brother
and it got even better bc YAYY he has tiger arms now ٩(◕‿◕)۶
if you ask, he’d carry you around too hehe
you also get nightmares quite often so he’ll always be there ready to calm you down, talk if you need to, and rock you back to sleep
god i love him 🤧🤧
atsushi will do everything in his power to protect you and make sure you get to grow up happy, supported, and loved
port mafia attack? oop he’s already taking you to the nearest escape route
someone is starting to harass you? they just got suckered punched into the next week
you want to go out to have some fun? he’ll go ask the president for a day off
you’re not feeling well? he’ll take another day off and take care of you
whatever you want to do, he’ll do it with you! (as long as it’s within reason)
will always be your #1 supporter! and he’s the president of your fan club hehe
he loves you so so much and will do anything for you; your life and happiness will always be more important to him
you are his reason to keep going
agency head canons !!
atsushi is your big brother, but kunikida is most definitely some sort of father figure
everyone can see it
except kunikida of course
kunikida scolds you lightly if he thinks your manners need work or if you make a mess in the agency
you listen to him of course and in turn as some sort of a reward, he’ll give you pieces of stationary
he always gives you the nice, good quality kind and you’re over the moon
atsushi adores it when you come running to him showing your new notebook or fountain pen and blabbering what you’re going to do with it
sometimes it isn’t even as a reward for being a good child; he’ll just give it to you and he’ll say smth like “i noticed you’ve used up your last notebook quite quickly, so here’s another one” or “did you run out of ink? here have this then”
he usually has a soft spot for children in general, but he most definitely has a soft spot (or a thousand) for you
yosano is kind of like a motherly figure to you
she gives you the guidance a mother should and goes on shopping trips with you!
atsushi always gets dragged along by you, but he thinks it’s worth it seeing you look so happy
yosano being a doctor also tries to teach the things you should know, or things that would be helpful to you
she’ll teach you the basics of cooking, sewing, how to treat a cold/fever, etc
also gives you excellent advice 1000% of the time
“remember (y/n)-chan if someone hurts you come tell me and then i’ll chop them into—”
fukuzawa is like a father to most in the agency but you see him more as a grandfather figure
bi weekly tea and gossip sessions hehe
along with cat talk!
most of the time though, it’s just you talking and him listening to you, but the two of you enjoy it nonetheless
“and then kunikida-san ended up crashing into a pole and dazai-san started to laugh at him and i did too because it was really funny but we ended up getting scolded—”
“hmm i see...”
he’ll let you stay in his office as he fills out paperwork; you’re usually doodling or drawing in your notebooks
sometimes he’ll meditate and you’ll join him, but 4/7 times you’d fall asleep
you always wake up with a blanket over you
dazai is like a cool but a highly concerning and kind of high maintenance uncle
frequently takes you out with him when he ditches work
walks in the park, eating at uzumaki so he has the excuse of treating you so he doesn’t have to pay his tab avoiding kunikida and sometimes chuuya and akutagawa, all that fun stuff
also tries to not talk abt suicide in front of you especially if it’s just the two of you alone
he knows that you mean the world to his pupil and that said pupil would probably hate him for putting suicide inside your brain
he teaches you random but useful things like how to pick a lock, how to steal kunikida’s notebook if you’re looking for some information, how to sweet talk your way out of things, etc.
is also the one to tell you that if you ever get a significant other to introduce them to the agency first
he always wants all of your gossip; some of them work pretty well for blackmail
“dazai-san! dazai-san! did you know that kunikida-san lost his glasses and he was looking for them for nearly an hour when he was just holding them the entire time??”
“woah really (y/n)-chan?! hey hey can you say it again into this recording device so kunikida-kun would believe me when i tell him—”
always ends up giving kunikida a heart attack when he says that you’ve been with him all day
ranpo is also like a cool but a highly concerning and kind of high maintenance uncle
will share some of his snacks, but don’t push it or you might not get anything at all
loves it when you compliment him
if you tagged along with him and your brother on a case, he will show off to impress you
“...and that’s how the crime happened”
atsushi is lowkey and kunikida is highkey stressed that ranpo’s eating habits will rub off on you
“ne (y/n)-chan do you wanna try this highly caffeinated drink and this concerning amount of sugar filled snack?”
“can i really?!”
ranpo definitely does stuff like that on purpose 
the tanizakis are like siblings to you!
a weird set of siblings but siblings nonetheless
the two of them adore you and think you’re precious
atsushi definitely knows how to do your hair whether it’s long or short but he got even better at it when he asked the two
hehe braid trains are definitely a thing + kyouka and kenji (and maybe even dazai)
sometimes you have sibling swap days
you’re with junichiro for most of the day and atsushi is with naomi
strange i know
each of the tanizaki siblings try to make it fun bc they know that the two of you did not at all have a happy upbringing
junichiro likes spending time with you by taking you out to different places that naomi likes to frequent
like the mall, different stores and restaurants, the park, places like those
naomi does the same thing with atsushi so if you ever bump into them, you go out and eat together :)
besides atsushi, the next one in line who spoils you the most would be junichiro (and yosano & kunikida both coming in at a close third)
he honestly can’t help it; you remind him of how naomi was when she was younger
and besides
he’s always been a sucker when it came to the happiness of a little sister
“would you really buy this for me junichiro-san?!”
“of course! don’t worry about it” :)
wanna talk abt boys/girls/celebrity crushes things like that? naomi is your girl
you feel a bit embarrassed to go talking to yosano or your brother abt that and kyouka does not know a thing abt them either
“uwahh naomi-san look at all these people in this magazine! they look so good!”
“right?! but of course onii-sama is still the best—”
you get along with kenji and kyouka quite nicely being roughly the same age as them; they’re also like siblings!
just pure, wholesome vibes from the three of you
you’re over the moon when she finds out that kyouka is staying with you and your brother
atsushi is twice as happy seeing you talk your mouth off and finally having a girl around your age to talk to
“do you think demon snow can change how she looks?”
“hmm... im not sure...”
you and kenji talk abt anything and everything
he even teaches you how to take care of plants!
sometimes the two of you are kind of in the same boat bc you don’t know much abt yokohoma being stuck in the orphanage and kenji doesn’t know much abt cities in general
“wait where are we again kenji-san?”
“ah we’re close to the ports! but im not really sure how close because i don’t know what the symbols on this sign mean”
“don’t worry! neither do i!”
bonus things!
yosano was kind of too late teaching you abt you know what
you’re sobbing in the agency’s bathroom and atsushi is panicking trying to get you to open the door
ranpo overhears and cackles making everyone around him confused
suddenly atsushi bursts in the agency basically on the verge of tears rambling incoherent sentences abt the bathroom, you, and blood
it just clicked for everybody in the room
(im going to pretend that kenji has sisters back home so that atsushi is the only one who remain oblivious here hehe)
atsushi is genuinely confused and sort of concerned that no one is freaking out with him
yosano waves her hand saying smth like that she’d take care of it and junichiro pulls atsushi to the side to talk to him
fast forward like half and hour and dazai and ranpo are cackling on the looks of both of your faces
honestly not sure who’s more traumatized, you or your brother
“why does this have to happen” :(
“ne ne (y/n)-chan!~ you’re too young but at some point you’re not going to have it!”
“uwahh really dazai-san?” :D
“yeah! but first you have to have ANFK—”
next thing you know your ears are being covered by your brother and dazai is thrown across the room by kunikida
you know
the normal
you’re twelve and have never gone to school, but the agency takes care of that
it’s too dangerous to go to school so they teach you what’s necessary and whatever else they can
kunikida takes care of math (obviously)
yosano takes care of science/biology/anatomy/health (whatever you wanna call it)
ranpo even dragged poe to help you with english
atsushi even got lucy to help you out with english too!
as tanizaki and naomi used to be students, they give you their old work books and they try to teach you all the other subjects
sometimes kyouka and kenji are there learing with you too!
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sorry if there’s some errors! i’ll read through it again later :)
and as always, reblogs and shares are appreciated! i hope you all stay safe! and just in case nobody told you they loved you today, i love you! you are enough! <3
writing belongs to me! please do not plagiarize! the reblog button is there for a reason
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snlhostharry · 3 years
try try again
harry x reader
2.2k words 
summary: harry wants to propose, but life keeps getting in the way 
a/n: first off... I suck at titles... why am I like this.... second off this is my secret santa gift for @jambrosemc ! happy holidays em! hope you like this, you are a super talented writer I just binged all your pieces and I am obsessed. and thank you to @peeterparkr for hosting 
The first time he tries is after the first concert he does for Fine Line. 
Fine Line at the Forum is a success in all the ways that matter, and Harry is so happy coming off the stage that he almost forgets about his plan to propose all together. When you barge into his dressing room after the show is over, smiling and ecstatic for him he suddenly sees the ring box on the counter and rushes to shove it in his pocket before you can see it. 
“That was insane, love,” You say wrapping him into a hug. “I think they really liked it.” 
He gives you a cheeky smile, “You think?” You roll your eyes in response, “What gave it away?” He asks, “The frantic screaming or the bra’s that were thrown onto the stage?” 
“You should’ve kept a couple,” You tease, “They could’ve been my size.” 
He laughs, “If you want one that bad I will buy it for you.” 
“I’m holding you to that,” You say, taking a seat on top of the counter. He runs a hand through his hair, knowing that this would be the perfect moment to just get down on one knee. He can see himself doing it, simply bending down and saying the words he’s wanted to say for what feels like forever. “You okay?” You ask him, seeing the look on his face and supposing that he’s thinking about something that happened during the concert. “You did a great job out there, seriously. Everyone really loved it H, the album is spectacular.” 
He shakes himself back into the moment, “I know, I know.” He says, and it comes off a little sharper than he means it too, he’s just very much in his own head about this whole thing now. What felt like it would be the perfect moment now feels wrong, like doing it now would cheapen the entire thing. He sighs, “Sorry,” He says, planting himself down on the floor dramatically, “Thank you.” 
“We don’t have to go out if you don’t want to,” You tell him, guessing that he’s just tired from a long night. “Let’s get takeout and go home, or go home and get takeout whichever order.” 
He smiles, “You ate before the show.” 
“That was like three hours ago, and it was a snack, I always planned on eating again, and you were too nervous to eat before the show.” 
He hugs his knees to his chest, “Watching you eat an entire kids meal in under five minutes actually helped with the nerves.” 
You shrug, “What can I say? I have my moments.” 
He stands and presses a kiss to your forehead as you swing your legs over the side of the counter. “You have a lot of moments, I love you.” 
“Love you too,” You wait a second before asking, “So home then?” 
He thinks about it for a minute, “Yeah.” 
“When you call in the food order make sure you put it under my name,” You tell him and he collects his things from the room, “People are beginning to get suspicious when I go into the restaurant to pick up an order for Harry.” 
He nods, and gently grabs your hand as the two of you leave. Maybe he’s not going to do it tonight, but he’s more resolved to actually pop the question than ever. He’s just so in love with you that he wants the whole thing to be perfect, and for some reason he has it all in his head that it needs to be a story that the two of you can tell in the future, something meaningful, he just has absolutely no idea what that is. 
The second planned attempt is a lot more off the cuff. 
You insist on throwing him a birthday party at the house, saying something about wanting to one up your sister who threw a very tasteful christmas party that the two of you went to. Not that your sister was invited seeing as the party was in London, but you knew that there would be enough pictures that she would see that you’re just as good as she is. Harry doesn’t understand it at all, but he decides that he doesn't even want to know how a rivalry like that can develop and leaves it alone. 
Objectively, you throw a very nice party. Of course Harry makes it a point to tell you this as often as possible without seeming overly invested in it, because he loves you and he wants you to be proud of your own work just like you want him to be proud of his. It’s hard for him to leave your side at all because he loves to see you talk to his friends and family and seem so happy to do it. You fit right in with everyone and he’s so grateful for that, and it’s as he’s standing there watching you talk to people that it hits him that this could be his moment. 
Not in front of everyone because that would be so much more pressure than he needs, but he thinks that after when everyone has finally left the house that he could catch you in the middle of cleaning or something and gently ask you to marry him. He decides that tonight, that’s the plan and he spends the rest of the night just thinking about that. It really is a great party, full of all his favorite things and people, it’s one of those nights where he feels like he loves you so much that his heart might just burst out of his chest. 
When finally every last guest has left the house, and things are a bit messy, he can’t seem to find you anywhere. He locks the door behind him, and starts walking through the house calling your name. He checks upstairs, in the kitchen, in all the bathrooms, and nothing. Until finally he walks into the living room and finds you sound asleep on the couch, snoring loudly enough that he’s surprised he didn’t hear it while he was looking. He looks at you and just smiles, suddenly completely fine with the fact that another plan has been ruined. He simply picks you up and takes you to bed, well aware he’s going to have to move onto plan C if he ever wants to get this done. 
The next time he tries, you end up surprising him. 
Plan C is a nice candlelight dinner at the house, which Harry tried to cook but ended up burning so eventually he relented and ordered food before putting it all together. Of all the plans he had come up with thus far, this one seemed the most foolproof. Everything was already planned: he knew you were going to come home from work at a certain time, he knew that there wouldn't be any distractions, and he had psyched himself up enough that he wasn’t just going to forget about the whole thing like he did the first time.
When the entire table is set up and the ring is in his pocket, he sits waiting for you to come home. He thinks about getting up to change some of the place settings just a little, but when he does he hears the clicking sound of your key in the door and sits back in his seat. After you walk into the house and set your stuff down in the entryway, Harry hears the sound of your shoes on the floor as you excitedly run into the kitchen. When you make it to where he can see you, he sees that you have a megawatt smile on your face and a large box in your hands. 
“I have a surprise,” You say, keeping a firm hold of the box. 
“I suppose it’s in that box,” He says, leaning over the chair so that he can see. 
You roll your eyes but keep smiling, “Yeah, obviously.” 
“Do you want me to guess?”
“God no,” You say, “That would take way too long. Basically I was at work today, and Mark has been producing this piece about a no kill animal shelter for a new segment about everyday heroes or whatever which is gross because puff pieces but when the woman came in to do the interview she brought in all these cats, no dogs for some reason, but anyway so we were all playing with the cats because our job is stressful and cats, and then she was like ‘you guys seem so good with these cats, they are looking for homes and-” 
He looks at you with a wide eyed expression, “You didn’t.” 
You ceremoniously walk over to the table, open the box and pull a small orange cat into your arms, “You bet your ass I did.” You gently pet the cat, which mews quietly from your arms, “She does not have a name mostly because I couldn’t think of any.” 
“We talked about pets like a week ago, briefly.” 
You give a guilty smile, “Yeah but I felt like I really needed this cat. I live here now, we live here, and I finally feel like I’m settled-” You sit down at the table and sigh, “I think I might be nesting, which is kind of gross but I don't know. I love you, and I love being here and I finally feel stable enough to get a freaking cat so that’s the explanation I have.” 
He can’t stop himself from breaking into a smile, even though he knows his plans have been thwarted again. (He thinks later, after the moment has already passed that he very well could’ve done it right then and there after you’d given a whole speech about the two of you being stable). He shakes his head after looking at you making funny faces at the cat like it’s a child, “Okay hand her over.” 
You hand her over and say, “I will not accept any names that have to go with the fact that she’s a ginger, because that’s just lame.” 
“Well seeing as those were my only ideas-”
You sigh, “We will think of something, just not now because you got dinner and I’m starving.” 
“What’s she going to eat?”
“I got food and a bowl, and a bunch more things being delivered within the next week or two.” 
“Did you go out and buy a box just for the dramatic reveal?”
“Yes, I did and it was totally worth it.” 
The cat’s name ends up being Hillary, after you discover an affinity for pet names that are usually person names. Something about the way you’ll end up talking about Hillary in polite conversation and someone will have to ask you who that is makes you want to choose it overall. Even though Harry is not sure about the sudden change at first, he soon becomes best friends with Hillary, and you often find the two of them cuddled up together on the couch. She likes to listen to him play music just as much as you do as it turns out. 
Harry is still trying to think of a way to propose. So much time has passed since he bought the ring, and the first time that he planned to pop the question that he wonders if he’ll ever find the right time to do it or if you’ll just end up asking him one day because it’s all gone too far. One afternoon when the two of you are relishing a rare shared day off, he watches you cook lunch in the kitchen and decides that now is the time to do it. No more excuses, no more surprises, just him and you and the question on the tip of his tongue for too long. 
When you put all of the food on plates, and set them out on the counter he walks over and just looks at you. It weirds you out at first so you ask, “What? Is there something on my face?” 
He gets down on one knee and you still are very confused about what he’s doing. You open your mouth to ask him, but the realization suddenly hits you and you cover your mouth with your hands. 
“y/n,” He says, “I have been waiting to ask you this for what feels like forever. And everytime that the plan fell through you somehow managed to make me want to marry you even more. I love you so much, I love everything about you, how excited you get about your work, how much you love Hillary and how supportive you are whenever I do anything. I love our life here, and I want to be with you forever. Will you marry me?” 
You don’t say anything for a second, still shocked, “Yes of course.” He stands and kisses you, slipping the ring onto your finger. “I was wondering when you would ask me.” 
“You knew?”
“I saw it that night after the forum,” You say, “I figured you got nervous.” 
“And you just let me flounder here for almost six months?” 
“Yes,” You smile, “I figured you wanted to do it on your own terms.” 
“Next time just call me out love, because I sat on this for too long.” 
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spinaroos-47 · 3 years
Hunter Noceda AU: Venance
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(can't digitalize these rn so you'll get the sketches for now)
So yeah, Golden Guard version two!
When Belos does find out about Hunter in YBOS, Hunter gets the bomb dropped about them being related (idk how yet). but Hunter obviously doesn’t believe in it. Until Hunting Palismen comes around and they find this small thingy, Venance.
(thank you @bernardo-draws-and-cries​​ for the name. Its based on the name Venâncio, which means “the one who hunts”)
He is another grimwalker made by Belos, he’s 12 (yeah.) and way more stressed (Belos has gotten more iron fisted after losing Hunter). Someone save this poor child
- He’s just starting out as the Golden Guard (and he’s not a coven head. Kikimora is. And she still wants him dead too), he’s still getting the hang of it. He does act tough and serious, way more serious than canon GG/Hunter, no space for goofyness.
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- So yeah, a duo Hunting Palismen thing would be fun. Haven’t sorted out everything here but I do think Hunter would also go with Luz because of no palisman reasons. And he hasn’t met Ven yet, he only heard Lilith talking about him and Luz and Eda dealing with him on Separate Tides (he was busy drowning in guilt and trying to help with the money situation in other ways), so when he meets Ven and when he sees his face and how similar they are (and how many scars that kid already has), he’s reasonably confused/upset, like “Oh, that creepy man wasn’t lying. This doesn’t make anything on this situation better”
- After the initial surprise/confusion, Luz and Hunter jokingly call him Ghaterer until they learn his name, then they start calling him Ven. At first Ven hates this nickname but ends up reluctantly accepting it.
- Even before Eclipse Lake he’s so scared about being replaced, and knowing about Hunter’s existence in the Boiling Isles makes it worse, now he’s super sure he isn’t as valuable to Belos anymore. So he hates Hunter
- Hunter: come here youre part of the found family now
Ven: NO
Hunter: too late *picks him up*
Hunter: If Luz taught me something is that if you didn’t want to get assimilated into my found family, you should have killed me when you had the chance
Yeah that’s their dynamic when Hunter learns a bit more about him
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- Venance doesn’t have much respect as the Golden Guard yet. He’s small (like, maybe even less than 1,50m/4′11″), young, has just been starting out on this role, like, in the last few months, could easily be picked up like a kitty, so he has to fight quite a bit to be taken seriously. Which results on him being way more grumpy and short tempered
- So he doesn’t take it very well when hes made fun of by the scouts in Latissa. Not at all
- Hunter, who was joking around until then:…are you okay?
Ven: I AM! *barely holding the tears back*
Hunter: that’s it youre part of the family now
Ven: you can’t do that
Hunter: we’re two and you’re one, we have your staff and youre very light.
(he still would put up a fight, and it would take a while for it to end. And he bites hard, he has very sharp fangs)
- Scouts: Go home with your sibiling
Hunter: *oh. Oh yeah i forgot we have the same freaking face*
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- They don’t know yet about the grimwalker thing. Well, maybe Ven discovers later but at the moment where Hunting Palismen happens, neither of them know anything besides them being related, Ven got told he is his brother, and that Hunter was taken away from the coven before he was born
- Rascal seeing Hunter: hey you’re cool, i kinda want to be your palisman
Rascal seeing Ven: oh heck this kid needs help 
- I’m not sure if Hunter gets Lil Rascal. Because on one side, would be fun for him to have Lil Rascal and train doing magic like this, but also could be good for Ven to have some small support back at home, like how they are to Hunter in canon. So this hasn’t been decided yet. Hunter could either get Lil Rascal and Ven doesn’t get a palisman/gets a blue jay palisman, or Ven gets Lil Rascal and Hunter comes back also empty handed
- So I’m going with the no palisman for Hunter route for now. 
- It’s a bitter moment for both him and Luz. He tries to convince her that it’s okay, that they’ll get theirs soon, but she still kinda feels like a failure about this. And he himself thinks it’s because they don’t have a magic bile sac, so it’s not a good time for them. Eda and King lift their spirits a bit about this, though.
- Either by peeking around or just flat out being told, Ven does learn about him (and Hunter) being grimwalkers. What does he do with that? He has a crisis about it, which raises even more the stakes for him in Eclipse Lake. He still wouldn’t know his purpose for the Day of Unity, but he would know that he was created for it and could lose his position if he didn’t prove himself worthy of it.
- He would explode at Hunter one day and end up telling the truth about them being Grimwalkers (after Eclipse Lake)
- Ven: Do you want to know what you really are?! You’re a clone! You’re just someone’s clone just like me! A replacement!
Hunter, trying to not freak out but freaking out anyways: ...are you okay?
- If Belos is searching for Hunter, on the grounds of him being a more mature grimwalker than Venance, Ven could end up resorting to sabotaging the searches, he doesn’t want to be replaced.
- And he’s making Ven convinced that he will be replaced, to pit both boys against eachother. He gets Ven more under his thumb and not risking Hunter making Ven change his mind. Which doesn’t work as he intented, Ven does get scared about it but Hunter ends up pretty quickly going “dude why do you think I want to replace you?” and Ven is quickly thrown into a loop because he can’t understand why he wouldn’t want to do that
- Ven: what do you mean with “I don’t wanna be the Golden Guard”? If you’re like me you should DESIRE IT SINCE YOU WERE BORN
Hunter: lol no. I dealt with my need of approval a year ago on therapy.
Hunter: Also being a cop sucks.
- This boy is a tense child always a few bad moments away from a breakdown/meltdown. And has anger problems. A lot of anger in a very tiny body
- There’s some more interactions between Ven and the Noceda duo, and he would rather die than admit that he’s got slightly attached to them
- Eda: Luz told me that Golden Guard is a uwu smol boi that needs to be protected, hell knows what this means 
Hunter, who definetly came there too because FUCKING COOL ASS CAVE AND LAKE: i hate/love her
Ven: If i ever see that human again-
Amity AND Hunter: watch your fucking mouth
(definetly not how it would play out but very funny sdkdshdfsj)
- In terms of strength he couldn’t defeat Amity in a fight for the key, he would lean more on the blackmailing. He is a 12 year old but he’s still on a position of power on the emperor’s coven and he knows where the key is, it would put the owlfam on Belos’ line of sight again (if they even ever went away from it)
- That or he passes out, gets dragged out of there by them (he’s a lil shit but they’re not going to leave him there alone where Kikimora could kill him) and he falls asleep for 12 hours in the couch on the owl house. Which ends up giving him a day where he can be just a kid. He’s very weirded out by everything but he enjoys it a little bit at least. He would still try to get the key and would be torn apart by the guilt of thinking of doing this and the guilt of not doing this
- It wouldn’t take much to make him want to stay in the owl house. He’s starved for positive attention. It wouldn’t be easy but also it’s not as hard as for how Hunter is right now in canon
- I don’t think this could happen but I keep thinking about one day him and Hunter switching places so he can be just a kid for one day. Would be cool to see him sneaking into Hexside (or being dragged there, which is more likely to happen) and interacting with Willow and Gus
And that’s some of what we have for Ven right now! He’s a fun character to figure out :3
This took SO MUCH TIME to write
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Choose Me Instead II Draco Malfoy x Reader II Chapter 19 of 27: Cursed
Summary: Pretending to be in a relationship with Draco Malfoy to get back at your ex might have not been the smartest idea you ever had. Especially during your last year of Hogwarts where you should be focusing on exams and your future plans. However, you were just pretending. There was no way in hell you could actually catch feelings for someone like Malfoy. … Right?
A/N: Better late than never lol! Here it is! Thank you for being patient though! ilysm <3 This was a difficult one, I hope you like it! Btw, I recently found out that Dracos mum is called “Narcissa” and not “Narzissa” in the english version. She’s called “Narzissa” in the German Books. However, I’ll keep calling her Narzissa in this story (because I’m lazy and don’t want to change it). Enjoy!
Words: 3.4k Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Reader, post war Warnings: tw eating disorder (mentions of it) --> please be aware that the way eating disorders are approached by the purebloods in this story is not something i (the author) approves of. I just thought it’d be a more realistic way for them to act like this.
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It felt wrong.
Draco only used the Room of Requirements to be with you. He never went here on his own. Not that he would ever admit it – but the room scared him. The last time he’d been here alone was at the beginning of this school year. He found out then that it didn’t change for him anymore. All he saw when he walked in were the dirty, cracked windows and the flies and spiders that died in front of them. Old furniture, forgotten books and dirt was scattered around, piling up and towering over him.
As he stood there, his gaze was drawn to the end of the room. Hiding behind the corners, buried under black linen, there it was. The vanishing cabinet. He felt its presence. Looming, waiting, calling for him. Alright, to be fair, the last part was probably only in his imagination. It didn’t change his feelings towards this particular room of Hogwarts though.
It was different when you were with him. It changed for you and turned the monster that it was for Draco into a purring housecat. With you, it felt like a vacation. As if he had travelled to a small cottage, far away from roaring cities or ancient castles.
However tonight, you were not here. Astoria Greengrass had taken your place. She sat on a couch across from Draco, back straight, hands neatly folded in her lap. Her black hair was tied up in a bun and not a single strand of hair was out of place. The spitting image of her mother, Draco thought. He had always wondered about how different the Greengrass sisters looked. Astoria inherited the sharp features, thin lips, and slim figure of her mother. Daphne resembled their father a lot more with her round face, long blonde hair, and the doe-like eyes. The both of them were like night and day. Yin and Yang.
Draco looked around the room which had turned into a smaller version of the Slytherin common room. All the important details where there – from the green colors to the Slytherin emblems on the pillows and carpet. Only the windows were out of place. They didn’t offer him a view inside of the lake but were the same cracked ones, he had seen one too many times in his life. It reminded him that he wasn’t here with you.
It felt wrong.
Draco leaned back against the chair. He crossed his leg and his fingertips tapped a non-recognizable rhythm on his right upper thigh. Astoria didn’t look up at him when she spoke. He could tell that the words had been carefully chosen in advance. Remembered and recited in front of a mirror. Yet she couldn’t meet his eyes. Draco noticed the way she plucked at the skin on her thumb.
When you’d ask him tomorrow for how long the conversation went on, he wouldn’t have an answer. Time seemed to stand still the moment Astoria opened her mouth for the first time.
“Say something,” she whispered when she finished, and the silence became unbearable.
Draco noticed that there wasn’t a fireplace. Another thing that the Room of Requirement had gotten wrong.
“Say something,” Astoria repeated herself, her voice shaking a little more this time.
Draco stopped the tapping. “Is that why?”, he finally asked.
She hesitated and then nodded. Draco sighed and looked out of the window.
“I’m sorry,” he said after a while.
Astoria scoffed. “Me too.”
“I am,” he looked back at her.
For the first time since he had entered the room, Astoria lifted her head. When her eyes met his, he saw the anger in them. “I’m dying and all you have to say is ‘Sorry’?”, she spat out.
“You don’t know that,” Draco said matter-of-factly.
Astoria raised her eyebrows. “What?”
“That you’re dying.”
She looked at him as if he was a little slow in his head. “I … I just told you.”
“You told me about the family curse,” Draco corrected her. “No one can say if it will happen to you.”
She let out a huff, stunned by his reaction. Had he not listened to a word she said? “I told you about the clairvoyant at Knockturn Alley!”
“Seers say a lot of shit.” He shrugged and added: “Especially when you pay them.”
Astoria lost her posture – with wide eyes and a shake of her head, she let herself slump back against the pillows. “I can’t believe you’re not taking me seriously.”
Draco sighed and began tapping on his thigh again. The same rhythm from before. “I am, Astoria. I believe you.”
But I don’t want to, he added in his mind. He had heard rumors of the Greengrass curse before – only once, when he was maybe eight or nine years old and while he pretended to be asleep on an armchair, he listened to his mother and her friend.
“The poor woman,” Narzissa had said. “And those girls …”
“We don’t know if it will happen to them,” her friend replied softly.
“Why risk it though?”, he remembered his mother ask. “And decide to give birth to not only one but two girls?”
“Well, if one dies, she will still have the other.”
Looking back, the joke was tasteless and not the least bit funny. He didn’t remember how his mother responded to it. Back then, Draco didn’t understand what the women were talking about. So he had shoved the memory back and forgot – until tonight.
When Astoria came up to him at the Winter Dance, she was more … vague. Talking about how something had changed in her life, how decisions were made for her and that she was left with no option but to finally confine in him. Merlin, Draco had thought she was pregnant. This was worse – for obvious reasons.
“If you believe me, why are you like this?”, her voice ripped him from his thoughts. Draco hadn’t notice that he was staring out of the window again.
He cleared his throat and focused back on the Slytherin girl. “I believe you’re overexaggerating.” It was the truth. Or better – it was a truth. The one he was able to share with her.
“I’m dying.”
“You’re not!”, he replied with a sharp voice.
Astoria flinched.
Draco sighed and leaned forward. “Look,” he continued, much softer now. “I’m sorry. You’re obviously very scared of this – and honestly, who wouldn’t be after receiving such news.” He paused. “But didn’t you just say you never experienced any symptoms?”
She looked to the ground. “Yes.”
“See?”, a smile played around the corners of his lips. “Stop beating yourself up about it.”
Astorias gaze stuck to the ground. His words didn’t ease her pain, he saw that. “I … Look at me, Draco,” she then mumbled.
Draco tilted his head. “I am.”
“No, truly look at me!” She lifted her head. “What do you see?”
He stared at her for a while. What do you want me to say? He refrained himself from asking that. Instead, for the first time in years, he truly looked at her. Her school uniform was in perfect condition, no spot or loose thread in sight. The diamond earrings sparkled in the soft light and around her neck hung a delicate golden necklace. Her outer appearance was perfect. As always. The only thing that was different were her eyes. He frowned when he saw it. The fire in them. Gone. The arrogant spark, challenging every Ravenclaw and Gryffindor that didn’t get out of her way fast enough. He wondered when it had left her.
“I resemble a corpse! I swear, my grandmother had a better complexion than me on the day she died!”, Astoria continued after another minute of silence.
Oh. Draco blinked. She meant that? He wouldn’t have noticed that in a hundred years.
“And I’m so thin and –”
“Because you’re starving yourself,” Draco interrupted her and immediately scolded himself for it.
Astoria, who was in the middle of shifting to a different position, stopped, and stared at him. “What?”
Draco pondered for a moment about his next words. Astoria and her fucked up relationship towards food wasn’t a secret. Well, not since fourth grade when rumors started spreading about the true reasons of why she was always so eager to get to the nearest bathroom after meals. And then her bones began to stick out underneath her school uniform. Everyone noticed it. Everyone looked the other way.  Problems like hers … they weren’t uncommon among their circles. Yet, they were problems to keep to behind closed doors. They were private. Nothing to talk about.
“Everyone needs an outlet for the stress that comes with living like we do,” his father had once said. “Women are just worse in finding the right one.”
Oh, how he hated his father.
Draco smiled sadly at Astoria. “Everybody knows, Astoria.”
“Knows what?”, she asked sharply.
“That you have issues with food.”
Astoria blinked. “I … you’re such an asshole,” she then exclaimed. “You’re an asshole, Draco Malfoy.”
Draco sighed and shifted positions. “Anyways,” he tried to change the subject. “You’re scared, I get it. But so far, you don’t have any symptoms. In fact, you started feeling ill once your mother went with you to see the seer, right? It frightened you and now you can’t stop focusing on that fear.”
Astoria scoffed. “Thanks, Mr. Therapist. You’ve got it all figured out, haven’t you?”
“No,” he shook his head. “I’m just guessing. It doesn’t make sense to care so much about something that might not even happen to you.”
“Doesn’t make sense to you, you mean”, Astoria corrected him.
Draco frowned.
“Because your problems are much more important.”
“My problems are real.”
That was probably the wrong thing to say in this situation. Even Draco realized that. The words had just slipped out. He hated to admit it but the egocentric, narcissistic part of himself believed them.
Astoria stood up abruptly. She smoothed over the fabric of her skirt and tucked a strand of hair that had fallen out of her bun behind her ear. She then looked at him, no expression on her face. When she spoke, her voice was calm and quiet: “Fuck you.”
With long steps Astoria made her way towards the door.
“Shit,” Draco mumbled under his breath and got up as well. “Astoria!”
She didn’t turn around.
“Astoria, wait! Please!”
The last word made her stop, hand already reaching for the doorknob. As she turned around, there was a bitter smile playing around her dark red lips. “Why?”, she asked him. “I trusted you with something and all you’re giving me is shit.”
Draco looked down to the ground and then back up. “I don’t know how to respond to this.”
“With empathy, Draco,” she folded her arms in front of her chest. “You might want to look that word up.”
Draco let out another deep sigh. A part of him secretly wished she would ignore him and just leave. It would be easier for him. Knowing this wasn’t an option for her, he finally walked towards Astoria. He pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly. His words had failed him, they had made everything worse for her and he hoped from the bottom of his heart that this would ease her pain just a little. Astorias body went stiff at first – only after a few seconds did she let her body relax. She leaned into his embrace as if someone took a weight off her shoulders.
“You know I’m here for you,” Draco whispered. “And I will be there in case …”
“In case, I’m dying after all.”
When Draco breathed in, he could smell her lavender shampoo. “Yes.”
Suddenly, her petite body began to tremble. At first Draco mistook it for giggling, then he heard the soft whimpers against his shoulder.
“It’ll be fine. I promise.” He hugged her tighter.
“You can’t promise me that,” she sniffed.
Draco let go of her and took a step back. He put a hand to her cheek, making her look at him. “The curse hasn’t been around for decades. It might skip your generation again.”
Her eyes were red and her cheeks puffy, silent tears running down them. “I’m so scared.”
“I know.”
“Please marry me.”
Draco closed his eyes at her plea. His head suddenly hurt and he wished you were here. You’d know how to handle situations like this.
“Astoria …”
“I know you don’t love me,” she interrupted him, her voice still trembling. “You couldn’t.”
He opened his eyes, looking at her in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“You love her.”
Her. You. Draco blinked. “What? No, I –”
“I realized it on New Years Eve.” She wiped the tears from her cheek, still holding on to him with her other hand. Astoria cleared her throat. “I didn’t believe it in the beginning but … it’s so obvious. You love her so much, how could I ever expect you to look at me the same way you look at her?”
Draco shook her head. “Astoria –”
“But you know the relationship has no future. Neither of your families would ever agree to it. You know it. You know it in your heart.”
The piercing pain in his forehead grew stronger. When he’d remember this moment, Draco wouldn’t be able to describe his feelings. Her words barely managed to get through to him. You love her, he heard her say over and over again. You love her.
No. He didn’t love you.
He couldn’t.
“Marry me,” Astoria repeated herself and took a step closer again. She had to lift her head to look into his eyes. “My family will secure the future of the Malfoys.”
“I …”
You love her. You love her. You love her.
“What do you get out of it?”, he finally managed to get out and tried to focus back on her, feeling weirdly out of breath.
Another tear rolled down her cheek. No sobs this time. “Once people will be able to see the sickness …”, she hesitated. “I won’t be looked at as the second daughter who’s living in her sister’s shadows.”
You love her.
Draco furrowed his brows at her words, utterly irritated by them. “Nobody thinks that, Astoria.”
She laughed. “Yes, they do! Daphne has always been prettier, smarter, more desired. I can’t compete with her. I am the leftover Greengrass that no one wants and that’s now dying from a family curse. Because of fucking course it would hit me and not my picture perfect sister!”
Draco stared at Astoria.
“But with you,” she continued. “With you people would see that I’m more than that. That I’m worthy of attention and of love despite … being me.”
This is wrong on so many levels, he could hear your voice in his head, clear as day.
“Have you met with the therapist yet?”, Draco suddenly asked out of the blue.
“What?” The Slytherin was thrown off by his question. “Yes.”
“Did you talk to her about this?”
Hearing this made her drop his hands, taking a few steps back. She buried her face in her hands, taking a deep breath. “Oh, fuck you, Draco!”, Astoria muttered. “Stop trying to analyze me!”
“I’m not!”, he assured her. “But … Astoria, this is so fucked up what you just said to me.”
She looked back up at him. “You’re such a hypocrite.”
“Excuse me?”
She chuckled. “You spent a few months with a Gryffindor and now you act like our values mean nothing to you when you are the one who used to scream ‘mudblood’ the loudest.”
Draco swallowed.
“Merlin, what is wrong with me,” Astoria sighed. “After everything I just confessed, you don’t find it in you to show me a little mercy and change your mind?” She smiled at him sadly. “Do you want to marry me?”
You love her.
The talk with Astoria left him feeling uneasy.
It handed after she asked Draco to marry her a second time and he declined. She nodded when she heard his answer, sniffled, wiped the remaining tears away and left. Not without saying “You’ll change your mind sooner or later”. When she was gone, she didn’t take the anxiety with her. Draco had to deal with that on his own. Now, as he walked through the halls of the old castle, his steps were stiff, and he had deep lines between his eyebrows.
“Calm down, she has no symptoms,” he mumbled to himself as he turned another corner.
What if he would be wrong after all? What if the curse wouldn’t skip another generation of Greengrass women and fall upon her? What if she would die and he made her last remaining years even more miserable in her eyes because he turned down the proposal?
What if, what if, what if.
He wanted to talk to you about all of it. You’d tell him he didn’t have to feel bad. He didn’t owe Astoria. He shouldn’t be put in this position in the first place. You would find the right words. To be honest, Draco knew all of this himself. He just wanted to hear you say it out loud. Hear the words from another person to ensure that he was right. That he wasn’t crazy or selfish for not sacrificing his life, his future, for a dying girl.
“She’s not dying,” he reminded himself. A Hufflepuff boy passed him and frowned.
“My family will secure the future of the Malfoys.” It was the argument his mother had used against him countless times. He was certain that he’d hear it a lot more often soon. He was aware of how strong the argument truly was. His family could return to their former glory with all the luxury that came along with it. Fancy parties, status, high-paying careers – something he had been promised his whole life and that was stripped away the moment he was forced to become a Death Eater. The promise of a good life. An easy life.
Maybe life shouldn’t be easy for them. At least not so fast. Maybe his father shouldn’t come home from Azkaban one day to live like nothing ever happened. No, Lucius Malfoy deserved to suffer longer than his time in prison. And ultimately, so did his mother and Draco.
Draco gritted his teeth at his thoughts. He couldn’t marry Astoria. Not for that reason. Not to make the life of his family easier. His parents needed to work and plea for their redemption. Just like he did.
“Watch it, Malfoy!”, Seamus Finnigan hissed when he bumped into him. He came out of the library, a stack of books in his arms.
Draco didn’t look at him. Until now, he hadn’t even noticed that he was walking towards the library. It made sense though. The bag that hung from his shoulder seemed to become heavier with every step. The black notebook. He needed to write.
You sat alone on a table, hunched over a book. More of them piled up next to you, accompanied by an overused quill and bottle of ink.
Exams, Draco remembered. How easy it was to forget those mundane things in the midst of all the sadness. Exams, followed by entrance tests to become an Auror. Draco smiled at the thought of you fighting evil. He was certain that you’d excel at it.
He stopped in the middle of the corridor, not caring about the annoyed huffs and curses from students who almost ran into him. He watched you. The way you sometimes licked the tip of your finger before turning a page. How you sighed and frowned when you didn’t understand a passage.
You love her. The words shot through his mind.
It was different to the scenes he had read in books when he finally saw it. When he blinked and it was suddenly so clear to him. His heart didn’t stop, his knees didn’t become weak, he didn’t hear violins around him. No, a ray of sunlight that fell through the window and hit your face, caused you to lift your head. In that moment, your eyes found his. A smile played around your lips as you waved at him and pointed at the seat next to you. And it was so clear to him, that he wanted this all along: to be with you. To come home to you.
You love her, Astoria had said. 
And he knew she was right.
A/N: How did you like it?? I’m so excited to hear from you!! <33
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tempestsreach-blog · 3 years
Fuck Diet Culture
This is going to be long.  It’s going to be rambly.  It’s going to be sad.  It’s going to be angry.  There’s going to be language some people don’t like. I can’t NOT talk about it though. 
Fuck diet culture.  Let me say that again.  Fuck. Diet. Culture. It has taken such a huge chunk out of my life.  I have lost pieces of myself I’m not sure I’ll ever get back.  The only way to heal is to go through.  I can’t go back.  I have to move forward.  But I can’t do it quietly.  I can’t hide.  I can’t live in the same shame I’ve spent the last 40 years in.  Literally.  40 years of my life wasted to this.  I can’t bear to live the back half of my life in the same way.  What the hell is the point? I’m not going to write this in any particular order because all of the thoughts and feelings swimming around are snapshots of things in my life that diet culture has broken in me or stolen from me. A lot of you aren’t going to agree with me.  That’s okay.  Truly.  This is about ME.  This is to help ME heal.  You can talk to me about your struggles, your diets, your ups and downs, your successes and whatnot.  I am here for you in all of it. But I won’t diet with you anymore.  Never again.
Currently I am having severe knee pain.  One knee is worse than the other, but both are bad.  I should go to the doctor.  I should have gone to the doctor years ago for it.  Want to know why I didn’t?  My weight.  I have injuries from overuse and over exercise and I am terrified that I am going to go to the doctor and the first words they’re going to say are “Well, if you lost 20, 30, 40, 50 pounds, it probably wouldn’t hurt so much.” instead of listening to me, examining me, scanning my knees and HELPING me.  I don’t feel this way irrationally.  This shit happens.  I am in pain.  I don’t know how to get help without being told to go on another diet that will not work.
Because diets don’t work.  Not long term.  I am excellent at losing weight!  I’ve done it over and over and over.  Then I stop restricting, counting, starving, and pushing myself.  Then my body says “What the fuck were you doing?” and puts it back. I lost the ability years ago to know whether I’m actually hungry or not.  I eat too fast when I do eat because if I snarf it down super fast I can get it in before my brain says “You’ve had too much.  Did you count those calories?  How many miles on a treadmill will you do to make up for that?  Did you actually earn this meal?”
Every time.  Every meal.  Every morsel.
I have never been officially diagnosed with an eating disorder.  Only been told by therapists and psychiatrists that I definitely engage in disordered eating.
No shit.
Every diet under the sun.  Cabbage soup.  Phen Fen.  Weight watchers (MULTIPLE TIMES), TOPS, Noom, My Fitness Pal calorie counting, intermittent fasting,  and every whacky bullshit thing in between promising results.  I’ve purchased fancy scales.  I’ve even tried one that wouldn’t show you your weight, but the color of your progress in the app.  Here’s a hint… if you gain, your color is black like death.  I’ve failed a million times and I’ve blamed myself.  I am the failure.  So I hate my body a little more every day and I stress about how I’m going to NOT pass my disordered eating and my food issues onto my kids.  My stress levels are through the roof and 98% of it is diet culture related. What the fuck is that about? Every time I start a program I hit it hard.  Last time I tried anything involving tracking or counting I was so starving by the time I got home from work that I almost ripped a child’s head off (not literally OBVIOUSLY) but I screamed at her at the top of my lungs because she hurt my feelings.  It wasn’t until after finally allowing myself to eat another morsel of food that I realized I was hangry.
Why is living in a larger body not acceptable?  We all talk about diversity and equality as though we believe it with our whole hearts, but that doesn’t cross over to fat.  Or skinny if we’re really being honest.  How many times have you heard or seen online “Oh my god, she’s so skinny.  Feed her a damn cheeseburger!  She looks anorexic.”  I know I have.  I know I’ve said those words.  I will punch myself in the gut if I ever say them again.  
Every body is different.  We are supposed to be.  Let’s not BLAME genetics like it’s a bad thing.  Let’s realize that it’s what nature has intended.  My father is over 6 feet tall and a large man.  He’s just a big man.  He went on Nutri System when I was young, lost a ton of weight, and put a bunch back on over the years because he is a big man.  My mother was not tall, but was always large.  I hated her body because HER PARENTS told her all the time she was fat and unworthy and cautioned me not to grow up to be like her in any way.  Even when she was poor and homeless she was still large.  That was the way her body was.  I wonder how different her life might have been if the size of her body hadn’t been a factor in the way she was raised or treated.  How might that have made my life different?
I know a lot of you are probably rolling your eyes at me right now about being vocal about another health plan or saying to yourself “just because you have trouble with diets doesn’t mean they don’t work”  I know there are people close to me thinking “She just always gets excited when she discovers a new diet, that’s probably what this is.”  NO.  
This is me finally realizing that I can heal and healing doesn’t mean I need to weigh 157 pounds. (That’s the weight limit for women my height to enter the air force when I did in 1992) This is me finally realizing that I’ve been lying about the weight on my drivers license for 30 years because gods forbid anyone saw my real weight on that document. This is me realizing that I’ve spent my life trying to live up to other people’s ideals of what I should look like because I assumed they wouldn’t like me otherwise. This is me realizing how much unintentional harm I could have been doing when sharing another diet, another idea, another bout of “well this is working really well for me!” with people I care about. This is me realizing how much damage I’ve been doing to myself living with this level of shame for 40 years. Hiding what I’m doing.  Suffering in silence.  Hiding food. Restricting.  Binging.  Over exercising to compensate.  Spending money on one last diet.  Spending emotional energy on one last hope. We were in Las Vegas for what was supposed to be a fun vacation last week and I was so hot and miserable and so steeped in hating my body because my painful knees were betraying me that my internal monologue was a never ending loop of “I’ll hit weight watchers REALLY HARD when we get home and get rid of this weight, then I’ll figure out my knees and work on maintenance” Let me say that again, clearly.  I struggled to enjoy my vacation because I was obsessing about restricting food AFTER my vacation. One last time.  One last meal.
We walked by shops with weird and pretty fashion dresses. (I freely admit I don’t understand fashion) the husband and I would both point out ones we thought were pretty.  My brain would get stuck on “Yeah, but they don’t make them in my size” or “Yeah, that would NOT look good on me.  It looks fine on that size 0 mannequin”  Pretty on other people.  Other people are pretty.  Not me. Diet culture is pervasive and all consuming.  In big ways and little ways.  I’m 5 ft 9.  I’m not a tiny person at any weight.  I’ve always been told I’m too big.  Even when I sit, I slouch a little and/or tuck my legs and feet up under me to try to make myself appear smaller and less invasive.  This is subconscious.  I don’t always realize I’m doing it until my knees remind me. Most of my life has been things that get in the way of my diets.  “I should start the diet today, but it’ll have to wait until next week because so and so’s birthday is this week and I want to be able to enjoy that.”  or “It’s late fall, I should just start now but first there’s my birthday, and then Thanksgiving, and December happens and there’s all kinds of treats then.  Better wait until January, but not the first because that’s new year’s...maybe the following Monday.” or the ever popular “I already had a bad eating day today, I’m a failure.  Why bother?  Fuck it.  I’ll try again tomorrow.”  That one was always followed by binging because of the last supper mentality.  If I’m starting a diet tomorrow I better eat EVERYTHING NOW. This is how I’ve lived my whole life.  The time not spent dieting was just the time in between diets where I was planning my next diet.  So much life wasted.  The only time I was not actively dieting or planning the next diet or suffering from “I’m just too exhausting to put effort into food right now” was during my 4 pregnancies.  I let myself eat whatever and whenever because I was nauseous all the time anyway and something in my brain made me fuel my body for the babies. When the youngest was born and the on call doctor who delivered her told me I was too fat to have my tubes tied I definitely started planning diets again in that moment.  I believe now, years later, that my diet and diet culture ruined mind and body is part of what kept me from being as successful at nursing the kids as I wished I had been.  I assumed my body was broken and not good enough for my babies.  The last time I lost a LOT of weight it was because I didn’t want to ruin someone’s wedding pictures.  True story.  This was nothing that person felt or anything they told me.  IT’s what my brain said to me.  It’s how I de-valued myself.  There are very few current pictures of me now because I’ve been stuck in a place where I feel shame when I see them. When I’m dead, memories and pictures are all my kids and grandkids will have, and I hate myself too much to let anyone take them. That’s not okay.
I dream about food.  I daydream about food.  Food I “shouldn’t” eat.  Food I “should” eat.  When to eat.  When not to eat.  Every spare ounce of energy is spent thinking about food or hating myself which leads to more thinking about food. I am not in a place where I can prepare dinner for my family right now because it’s too hard to put that much energy into food.  I force myself to pick the recipes from the app and get the shopping done via instacart so all anyone else has to do is pull up the recipe and make the food.  If I’m looking at the ingredients or trying to prep anything I stare at every individual thing debating whether or not I “should” eat it.  This is going to take me a long time to break free from.  Today I finally feel like I CAN break free. There is nothing wrong with being in a large body or a small body.  Food is not good or bad.  Food is food.  I have to say these things.  I have to repeat them to myself or I fall down the rabbit hole again.  None of this is work anyone can do for me.  I have to live it.  I have to work through it.  I have to figure it out. If you read this far, my statement stands.  If you’re on a diet, I will listen to your woes and hold your hand and I will not judge you for it.  This was very hard to write because I am certain some of you who believe in diets, ways of life, and wellness eating may block me now because I spoke my mind.  I’ve clung so tight to the people I love and refrained from being honest and speaking my mind for fear of abandonment.  I’ll have to live with it if that’s the case here, because people sometimes need to do what’s best for them.  Airing this out is one of those things for me.  It’s a scary thing for sure. I also want to say that I’m happy for this to lead to discussion.  I’m not going to shut anyone down for wanting to talk to me about this.  I am always open to learn new information and see different perspectives.  Just know that if I’m emotional and feeling a lot of strong things about how my life has been up to this point, and I am entitled to believe what I believe just as you all are.  I’m happy to share sources and books I’ve been reading on the subject.  They are not diet books.
Here’s to doing better from here on out.
Here’s to finally being free.
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mythologymondays · 4 years
It’s that time again, the time where we all gleefully sit down on the nearest mound and regale ourselves with totally normal Welsh tales of magical women and horses and enchanted bags, because that’s just how the Mabinogion is. Fun sources and FACTS beneath the cut, as always.
Press J on your keyboard if you hate stories about Medieval etiquette, liminality, and magic mounds.
The Prince and the Horse Girl: a temporally disconnected romance for the ages
So, the last we heard of Pwyll, he had successfully cockblocked himself into becoming best friends with Arawn, the Lord of the Underworld, which sounds like a pretty average Friday night in Cardiff, let me tell you. Anyway, Pwyll at this point is just kind of riding high on the fame that being best pals with Arawn brings, and he’s showing his friendship bracelet to everyone he meets and saying stuff like “yeah, it’s great to have the Lord of the Underworld Arawn-ed whenever I need him,” and everyone just sort of rolls their eyes good-naturedly and thinks about death.
One day, Pwyll is at his court at Arbeth, which is one of his most important courts. There’s a huge feast in front of him and all of his courtly pals are there, just chewing the fat. Pwyll tears off the leg of another whole roast pig, probably his eighth of the session, and he’s about to bite into it when he realises that everyone sat around the table is staring at him, so he puts down the pig leg really gingerly and says, “do I have hog spleen around my mouth or something?” and one of his courtly crew, who doesn’t get a name in the original text and so will henceforth be known as Brad, says, “no, my lord, but you do have practically an entire herd of pigs in your stomach, so maybe it’s time for a walk?”
Pwyll blinks at him and he’s like, “I don’t really see why I would want to go for a walk in the yucky outside when I could be sitting here and savouring delicious morsels of tenderly roasted flesh,” and Brad shrugs and says, “well, I read an article about nutrition in this scientific journal last week, and apparently it’s not actually that good for you to just eat constantly and never go outside ever,” and Pwyll is like, “no, but it’s super fun,” and Brad sighs and he’s like, “look, I wasn’t going to tell you this, just in case you got too excited, but there’s actually a mound outside,” and then Pwyll’s eyes go as wide as dinner plates and he cries, “a mound? Seriously? You’re not just fucking with me to get me to go outside?” and Brad is like, “no, there’s seriously a genuine, 100% organic mound outside, and it’s only a short walk away,” and so Pwyll pushes his chair out from under the table and he’s all, “lead the way, pal, I can’t believe you didn’t tell me sooner that there was a fucking rad mound outside, you know how much I love mounds.”
So, they all traipse outside on horseback, and lo and behold, Brad wasn’t lying. There really is an absolutely incredible mound outside, all earthy and hilly, and… look. I’ll level with you. It’s hard to get excited about a mound, but Pwyll manages it. I have no idea how. God knows I’ve tried. But anyway, he leads his merry band of lads up to the top of the mound, and they’re all about to sit down when Brad puts out a hand and stops Pwyll from doing so. Pwyll is like, “dude, stop crushing my vibe, I’m about to become sedentary on this sediment,” and Brad just shakes his head and he’s like, “bro, I need to tell you something about the mound, because I may have undersold it.”
Pwyll is obviously in complete disbelief at this point, just like, “mate, there’s no way you undersold it. It can’t get any cooler than this. It just can’t. Have you seen it?” and Brad is like, “yes, it’s a really interesting geological formation, and the topography also makes it look a bit like a butt, which is obviously super rad, but I didn’t tell you that it’s also a magic mound, because if a nobleman sits on it, one of two things will happen: either he’ll see something absolutely fantastic, like the original The Mummy film starring Brendan Fraser or a cool dog, or he’ll get maimed and mortally wounded. It’s 50/50, to be honest with you.” 
Pwyll just blinks at him, and he’s like, “dude, those are two very different things, but you know, I really can’t pass up the opportunity to see a cool dog,” and Brad says, “I need you to know that the dog was just a random example, I make no canine promises here, I can’t stress that enough,” and Pwyll just shrugs and scoffs, “whatever, dude. Anyway, if I do get totally maimed, I’ve got my posse here, and you’ll do first aid on me, won’t you?” and Brad just sort of nods nervously, because they haven’t even invented antiseptic in Medieval Wales and all their bandages are just, like, old socks drenched in ale, and they don’t have St John Ambulance to teach them all first aid because there isn’t even a J in the Welsh alphabet, and then Pwyll grits his teeth and sits down.
Almost immediately, this brilliant white horse just zooms past them, and Pwyll is like, “oh, that’s fucking sick, my dudes! I thought a dog would be cool, but a horse? Are you kidding me? It doesn’t get much better than this! Equestrian displays are my jam!” and then Brad rolls his eyes and he’s like, “my lord, did you not notice that there was a phenomenally sexy and almost certainly magic lady in gold riding that horse?” and Pwyll is like, “honestly, no, I was kind of distracted by the fetlocks, but now you come to mention it, she’s pretty attractive, I guess. Hey, do you think I could catch up with her and ask her where she got her cool horse?” 
So he gets back on his horse and he tries to catch up with the lady, but even though Pwyll’s horse was sold to him as being the fastest ride on four legs, he can’t even come close to her. He walks back to his lads, his metaphorical tail between his actual legs, and he’s like, “dudes, we’re going to formulate a plan tonight,” and then a random guy in the posse is like, “oh cool, I brought Sharpies,” and they go back to Arbeth Court and spend literally all night just drawing diagrams and equations on a tapestry of England, because that’s probably the best use for it.
The next day, they put their plan in action. Pwyll gets his youngest, fittest lad, plops him on his biggest, muscliest horse, the one that’s like an equine version of that man in Game of Thrones who keeps breaking weightlifting records and is almost definitely earmarked to play Atlas in some big budget Greek myth film, and sends him after the lady. But still, no matter how fast they ride, she’s always one step ahead of them. At one point, they almost catch up with her, but when Pwyll reaches out to stroke her silky blonde hair in a totally normal and cool way, she pulls forward again and he just fucking eats dust. It’s humiliating. 
And this goes on for three days, because princes don’t have, like, hobbies in Medieval Wales, or apparently any princely duties that would make galavanting after a magic horse woman for half a week kind of inconvenient for the general populace, and gradually, Pwyll’s men all bow out one by one, probably because they’ve all developed an absolutely stonking case of piles from being on horseback for three days solid, and then Pwyll is alone in his romantic and also literal pursuit. 
Exhausted, starving and probably desperate for the loo at this point, Pwyll throws his head back and howls, “what the fuck is going on on this day? I’ve tried everything! I’m absolutely stumped. I don’t know what to do about this. I’ve considered it from every possible angle. I chased her, and that didn’t work. I got my wingman to chase her, and that didn’t work. Those are my only two options in the entire world. I just don’t know what else I can do. It’s completely fucking futile, I wish I’d just seen a dog instead,” and then a flash of inspiration comes to him, and he just calls out to the woman, “erm, could you maybe just, like, stop?” and, like a miracle, she does.
When he catches up to her, she glares at him, and says, “I’ve literally been waiting three whole days for you to just ask me to stop, why did it take you so long?” and Pwyll is like, “I sort of thought that it was implied, to be honest with you, what with all the chasing and me crying loudly about my unending solitude and the futility of love,” and she shrugs and says, “well, if we’re to be marred, we really have to work on our communication,” and Pwyll is like, “wait, what, who said anything about marriage?” and she just rolls her eyes, like, “look, I’m a sexy Medieval maiden and you’re a prince with some land and gendered expectations, so of course we’re going to get married,” and he’s like, “well, if we marry, that means I get to ride your horse whenever I want, right?” and she nods, like, “yes, that’s definitely the primary appeal of marriage.” 
But just as he’s about to get down on one knee, she looks at him again, and says, “I should just tell you something super quick, in the name of true love and Medieval marriage etiquette,” and he’s like, “what, your name?” and she says, “no, not that, although it’s Rhiannon, but mostly I’m thinking of the fact that you actually have to wait a whole year to propose to me, because I’m almost engaged to someone else, who I hate, and I need to sort that all out first.” 
Pwyll frowns and says, “hang on, is this going to be another one of those weird magic things where I have to wait a whole year and then conveniently murder someone in a previously determined location?” and she’s like, “what the fuck, no, there’s not going to be any murder at all, just a lavish engagement feast and some nuptials and probably some awkward standing around with the in-laws to-be,” and he’s like, “so why do we have to wait a year?” and she just waves her arms around and says, “temporally disconnected Otherworld shit, my love, I don’t make the rules. Just come to the court of Hyfaidd Hen in exactly a year, and we’ll do the whole ball and chain thing. It’ll be great.” 
So he agrees, because of course he does, and the next thing he knows, it’s a year later, and he goes to Hyfaidd Hen and Rhiannon’s there in this beautiful McQueen wedding dress, looking all Kate Middleton but without the colonial royal associations, and there’s an absolutely exquisite feast laid out, with a whole array of delicious Medieval food, like unseasoned meat pies and room-temperature ale that looks like piss, and Pwyll just thinks to himself how cool it all is, but he also secretly harbours a lingering regret for the previous year, where he was forced after a blunder of etiquette to kill a random man in a duel, and although he feels bad about it, a part of him longs for the decadent adventures of his bachelorhood, when murder was more than just a six letter word. 
They’re all just kind of milling about on the dancefloor, listening to the bards spit some absolute club classics like Y Gododdin by Aneurin, which really gets the toes tapping, when this random dude with a chiseled jawline and a playful glint in his eye comes up to Pwyll and extends his hand for Pwyll to shake. Pwyll, who is completely head over heels for manners and etiquette, shakes the man’s hand, and says, “hello, new friend! What can I do for you?” and Rhiannon elbows him in the side, and hisses, “be careful, fiancé dearest, don’t let him tangle you up in a web of etiquette from which there is no escape,” and Pwyll waves her off, saying, “my sweet darling, I am a prince of Wales; manners are my middle name,” and he turns back to the man. 
The man grins at him, and he says, “I’ve come to ask a favour of you, Pwyll, prince of Wales,” and Pwyll, still enamoured by this man’s manners, is struck by an overwhelming desire to just do whatever this perfectly polite man wants, so he spreads his arms wide in a benevolent gesture, conveniently using it as an excuse to set down his glass of lukewarm piss ale on a nearby shelf, and says, “literally anything you want, my friend, I’ll give you!” and then the stranger’s grin turns into a smirk and he says, “by your word?” and Pwyll is like, “fuck yeah, man, by all of my words, as God and all these noble guests are my witness!” and the stranger is like, “sick bro, I want to marry Rhiannon, and I also want your wedding feast.” 
And Pwyll has no idea what to say to that, because he just promised this man anything he wanted, so he decides that maybe silence is his best bet here, and the man grins at him, and stalks off, knowing that there’s literally nothing that Pwyll can do now except reconsider all of his life choices up to this point.
When the man has left, Rhiannon groans, “you phenomenal dick, that man was Gwawl and he’s the complete bag of dicks that my parents tried to marry me off to, and you just got me affianced to him!” and Pwyll just grits his teeth and hisses, “well, dear, you might have told me that before I told him I’d do whatever he wanted,” and Rhiannon sighs and says, “you’re right, but look, we can work through this. Here’s the plan. Firstly, we’ll tell him that he can’t have the feast, because it’s not yours to give, but mine, and we’ll prepare him an equal feast instead. Then, we’ll tell him that he can marry me a year from today, but here’s the thing - on the day of the wedding, you’ll secretly turn up in disguise with a very tiny magic bag and you’ll ask him, very reasonably, for just enough food to fill the bag. He’ll obviously say yes, because even he can’t turn down something that reasonable, but the bag will be enchanted to never be filled, so you’ll just take all the food, until he asks you how he can help you fill the bag, and you tell him that a fine nobleman has to step on it to seal it, and then he’ll step on it, and then you jump on him and pull the bag over his head and tie him up in the bag and hang it from a rafter, and then you’ll blow your hunting horn to summon your posse of lads and you’ll all beat him to a bloody, pulpy death in the bag.”
Pwyll just blinks at her, and says, “sweetheart, love of my life, light of my existence, did you perchance dream up that oddly specific plan a while ago, because if not, then your imagination terrifies me,” and this small, maniacal grin plays on her lips, and she says, “darling, you know how you asked me last year if you’d have to wait a whole year and then conveniently murder someone in a previously determined location, and I told you no?” and he’s like, “yes, I do remember that,” and she says, “well, ask me again,” and so he says, “babe, do I have to wait a whole year and then conveniently murder someone in a previously determined location?” and she’s like, “yes, sweetheart, but I’ve got it in the bag,” and then they high five each other and do a vengeful murder jig for like ten minutes.
And of course, a year later, they do it all over again, this time with a tiny enchanted bag and a goddamn point to prove, but that’s a story for another time.
My other retellings can be found here, and my Mythology Mondays Facebook page is here. My book is here. Yay.
I’m going to level with you: I typed out a whole bunch of super cool academic stuff and then my turdwallet of a laptop crashed and deleted all of it, and I honestly want to perish very slightly at the prospect of typing it all out again, but in a nutshell:
Some people think that Rhiannon was a horse goddess who was undeified by the Christian dudes who wrote down the pagan Welsh myths all those years later. While the Christian dudes did almost certainly sanitise the source material, we just don’t have any real proof of what they left out. The main argument for Rhiannon being a horse goddess is that she’s a woman and there was, erm, a horse. Not the most compelling argument. Some people also think she may be a cognate to the Gallic horse goddess, Epona, but this is basically extrapolated from the fact that they’re both female and somehow linked to horses, which I don’t think would fly in a court of law.
If you’re wondering why Pwyll didn’t just tell Gwawl to fuck off, it’s because he’s bound, as a nobleman, by a very strict code of honour and morals. By giving Gwawl his word, even before he knew what he was agreeing to, Pwyll made a binding promise. If he goes back on his word, Gwawl is well within his rights to challenge the fuck out of him.
Welsh myth and the Otherworld is super interesting. The Otherworld was generally believed to only be accessible at certain times and via certain places, called ‘liminal spaces’, such as bogs, bodies of water, and caves. Liminal spaces are essentially a sort of sacred space which exists in the in between, where the boundaries between worlds are porous and can be crossed, provided certain ritual conditions are met. The mound in this particular narrative is likely a portal to the Otherworld, which explains why Pwyll was able to access the magical realm of Rhiannon through it. The Otherworld, although not explicitly an Underworld, does have links with death and the afterlife, as do mounds, so that strengthens the connection. Bet you never knew mounds were so fucking cool.
Primary sources:
Davies, Sioned (2007) The Mabinogion, New York: Oxford University Press
Secondary sources:
Goldwasser, Michele (1994) What Drives the Mabinogi? Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium, 14, 49-57
Linkletter, Michael (2001) Magical Realism and the “Mabinogi”: an Exercise in Methodology, Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium, 21, 51-63
Wachsler, Arthur (1975) The Elaborate Ruse: A Motif of Deception in Early Celtic Historical Variants of the Journey to the Other World, Journal of the Folklore Institute, 12(1) 29-46
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cheeriecherry · 4 years
I saw ur dating headcanons and they were really sweet, so what about //checks notes// All Might, Hawk, and Tamaki? i am but a simp
Ur darn tootin’ I can I can’t believe I just typed that Anyways, headcanons requests are open!
All Might|Yagi Toshinori
-An actual ray of sunshine, love is stored in the Toshinori. For real though, he’s such a good boyfriend??? He genuinely cares about you and wants to support you however he can and would probably bring you the moon if it made you happy.
-So you guys probably met either as both heroes, or both as civilians. I think he’d be too worried about openly dating a civilian as All Might, but if you were a hero he’d be a little more okay with it, since you can obviously take care of yourself. But if you met him as Toshinori and not as All Might, that would be the best case scenario.
-However you guys meet, he’s probably really drawn to you at first, maybe not even romantically, just interested in you as a person. So he makes small talk to test the waters, see if you’re into the potential of a friendship, and you guys end up hitting it off!
-You probably don’t get to hang out very much, what with him being a teacher and living on the Yuuei campus, and you being a pro with your own busy work life. So you guys exchange phone numbers and keep in contact that way! He prefers to actually talk to you over the phone, but if you’re not feeling up to it he’ll settle for texting.
-Send him memes and watch his confusion as he tries to figure out what the hell the image means. He loves his kids, but he’s really not in with the young crowd XD
-Like doing relaxing activities with you, like walks in the park, private dinners and lunches, and corny shit like getting dressed up and slow dancing in your living room. He really is a huge sap, and values the time you have together.
-He gets down on himself sometimes, blames himself for a lot of things, so give him gentle affirmations and kind words. Tell him what you like about him, how he makes you feel, how you appreciate him, stuff like that! And if he’s still sad, then lay the logic on him, give him facts and truths that he can’t deny. It might not solve the problem right away, but he’ll at least appreciate your efforts.
-He loves you so much tho, like damn. He is absolutely your number one fan, biggest simp on the block. All you have to do is look at him and he turns into a pile of mush, you just make him happy, and help him feel at peace.
-He loves cuddling, too. In public, hell yeah he’s gonna hold ur hand, and kiss your cheek, and hug you close. But in private is really where it’s at. He becomes an octopus, pressing up against you and wrapping you up in his arms. He likes feeling you so close to him, feeling the warmth from your body and the best of your heart.
-If u guys are snuggled up somewhere and you stat playing with his hair, he’s gonna turn into a cat. His eyes fall shut and he just lays there in bliss.
-As sweet as he is, it can also backfire. He’s a worrier by nature, so whenever you’re not around, or you’re not answering your phone, his mind immediately jumps to ‘did they get hurt’. Even if 99% of the time you’re just busy or on patrol or something, he’s still gonna stress. His job hasn’t really been to kind to him in that aspect, and he’s learned to always be looking over his shoulder.
-The tried and true way to calm him down is to give him a lil kiss, on the forehead, on the cheek, on the back of his hand, all over his face, you name it. It never fails to make him smile.
-His kisses tho. What a way to make you melt. You can feel the love he has for you poured into every kiss, whether its a small peck, or a more heated make out. The way he holds your face is so gentle, as if you’re the most precious thing in the world to him. Which, well, you kind of are.
-He’s a good guy though, and his love for you is immeasurable. He requires a lot of verbal affirmations and soft touches, and he always returns them tenfold. He’s willing to help you out with work cases if you need it, and supports you in all your escapades. He’s funny, and charming, and sweet, and absolutely loyal to you. Please be gentle with his heart.
Hawks|Takami Keigo
-This mf.
-Dating him is both a really good idea, and a really bad idea. He’s young, he’s famous, he’s on a lot of people’s shit lists. Dating him would without a doubt put you in danger at some point. That being said, once you actually get him to open up, he’s kind and funny and smart and loyal.
-Something I think he’d really like in a person is genuineness and honesty. Not necessarily wearing your heart on your sleeve, but a willingness to open up once you trust him. He likes knowing things about you, your hobbies and interests and dislikes, the way you like your eggs, what you take in your coffee, mundane stuff like that. He never really gets to know people on a deeper level, so it’s something he enjoys with you.
-It would probably take a long time of knowing him before you started dating. He’d want to get to know you as a friend first, know that you wouldn’t just be using him for popularity. Plus he’d want to trust you some before he starts baring his heart to you, because despite his persona, he has a lot of troubles and shit he’s hidden away.
-Don’t push him to open up, though. That’s the fastest way to get him to clam up. Instead let him know that you’re there for him, both with words and actions. If you tell him you’re gonna do something, then make sure you do it. Not only will he be proud of your accomplishments, but he’ll gradually learn that he can trust your word.
-It might also help him be more comfy opening up if you also let him in on your more private life. Tell him about things that have scared you in the past, or done harm to you, events, people, whatever you’re willing to let him in on. He’s not gonna tell anyone unless you ask him to, though he will later joke about wanting to kick the asses of the people who’ve hurt you.
-He’s hella protective of you. Not possessive, he wants you to be able to do your own thing and maintain your own life, but if anyone dares hurt a hair on your head then he’s going to hunt them down. He makes that fact pretty clear to the public.
-He will try and convince you to take precautions about your safety, because of his job. Like moving in with him as soon as you’re ready, making sure someone always knows where you’re planning to be in case something happens, stuff like that. If he ever gets a little to suffocating, let him know and be up front about it. He’ll sulk for a while, but he’ll do his best to trust you on the matter.
-This guy is also touch starved as fuck. Like, god when was the last time someone held him. Some please hold him.
-He won’t always ask for physical affection, beyond some hugs and cuddles in bed, so it’s up to you to read his body language and know when he needs it. If he looks even slightly stressed or like there’s a crack in his facade, lay down on the couch, hold him against your chest, and pet his hair until the tension eases out of his body.
-Once he’s all nice and mellow, he’ll perk up a little and stretch up for a kiss. It probably starts small and then escalates to something more, because let’s be real here, his desire for physical touch absolutely carries over to kissing. He can’t get enough of you, and probably tries to kiss you even at the most inopportune times.
-The first time he showed you his true colours, he ended up crying in your arms until he fell asleep. He tried to apologize for it later probably, but you better shut that shit down and reinforce the fact that he is a person and not an object and that he has feelings and needs and that he’s allowed to be sad and angry and scared.
-If he’s shown you all of himself, then that’s it for him. You’re it for him. You’re his person, and he’s never going to love someone else the way he loves you. After he decides this, expect his affection to quadruple. 
-He’ll bring you trinkets that made him think of you, odds and ends for whatever you collect, pretty clothes, fancy food, you name it. Nothing is too expensive for him, even if you scold him for being too lavish sometimes.
-Will take you to every event that he’s allowed to, and will proudly show you off to everyone you meet, even if they already know who you are. He’ll be close by you the whole night, with your shoulders bumping or a hand on the small of your back. He just really loves being near you.
-If it’s a fancy event that he takes you to, like a gala or smth, then you bet your ass he’s gonna dance with you all night long. Screw socializing with other people, you’re all dolled up and looking fiiiine asf, all his attention is on you. And honestly it’s pretty romantic, just swaying with him while he holds you close, foreheads touching, whispering quiet nothings to each other. The tabloids probably get some really good shots of you guys making gooey eyes at each other.
-A good asf boyfriend. Hard egg to crack, but once he lets you into his heart, he’s squishy and really a nice person. He overworks and hides his stress well, but once he trusts you he’ll let you help with that. He’s protective and soft just for you, and probably the most loyal of the bunch (which is saying a lot). Good for cuddling and hanging out with, and all your dates are fun because he hasn’t had the chance to do a lot of leisure things, which is a little sad, but it also means you get to see the way his eyes light up when he tries something new.
Suneater|Amajiki Tamaki
-Okay I relate to this guy the most in terms of personality. I, too, am an anxious mess. But I digress, you’re here for him, not me XD Anyways. You’re going to have to be the one to ask him out, hands down. Unless he’s 100% certain about your feelings, it’s gonna be you.
-And you’ll want to get to know him as a friend first, otherwise he’ll turn you down. Slow, small steps are a friend to anxiety, so you have to work your way up. Spend time getting to know him in all aspects of his life. Take in interest in things he likes, show that you pay attention to him, ask for advice about things, that sort of stuff. Show him that you trust him and respect his opinions, it’ll help him to trust you and yours.
-He’s shy as hell when you first start dating. Like, he almost stops breathing at the thought of holding your hand, never mind kissing you. Again, you’ll have to be the one to initiate, but please do it somewhere private or less populated. Always make sure to give him an out if he gets uncomfortable.
-Once you do manage to get to the kissing stage, though, I think he’d actually be the one to ask you for it. It would probably be weighing on his mind for days, so much so that he’s more distracted than usual, and you take notice. If you ask him what’s wrong, he’ll deflate and quietly admit that he can’t stop thinking about you, and then he’ll turn bright red.
-Reassure him that you’re into it and that you feel the same way, and that kiss is gonna happen.
-His kisses are really sweet and soft, the kind of kiss that just turns your heart into a puddle and makes your stomach flutter. And the more you do it, the more confident he gets. He might even be able to eventually work up to kissing you before class in the hallway, or in passing at the dorms.
-Behind closed doors, he’s a lot more bold. He definitely likes for you to take the lead with things, but when it’s just the two of you he’s not so shy about his desire to be close to you, and has no qualms about laying down beside you and holding you close, or resting his head on your thigh while you study.
-Please touch him regularly, a hand on his shoulder here, a gentle nudge there. He likes your touch, and he likes how gentle and non abrasive you are.
-Dates will almost always be chill. Mundane things like walks on the beach, trips to the zoo, a night in with home made dinner and a movie, soft shit like that is his jam.
-He’s also surprisingly protective of you, even though he knows you can hold your own. He wants to make sure that you never have to face anything by yourself, though, since everyone is stronger when they’re not alone. You make him stronger, so he wants to return the favour.
-That being said, if he’s watching you train then he’s not going to jump in and help, he knows you need to practice. He’ll be cheering you on from the sidelines instead! Very quietly, but you can see in his smile the pride he has for you.
-A good boi, a very good boi. He’s sweet and gentle, caring, and though he gets hella anxious sometimes, he’s always gonna do his best to be there for you, and be someone worth your time (even tho he’s already worth your time as he is). He’ll support you and listen to you, and help you solve problems if you have them, and if you’re just feeling shitty about something then he’ll cuddle the crap out of you. He’s strong in his own way, and you know that he tries so hard, so make sure to tell him how much you appreciate his efforts!
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sunsetcurvecuddles · 3 years
Willex, "pajamas".
okay this is now the third part of touch starved willie because i don’t make the rules!!! thanks so much for the request anon.
(completed prompt fills here) (this fic on ao3)
Movie night has long been Alex’s favourite night of the week. It’s an excuse to all bundle together in the Molina living room and bicker over what to watch and just not stress for at least half an hour. Of course, he is still worrying, but maybe a small fraction less than he usually would. It’s worth it either way.
And movie night has improved immensely since Willie’s settled in. He looks brighter and warmer every day, like an ember in the wind slowly turning back into a fire. More comfortable, more at ease, less likely to flinch when someone raises their arm too fast.
The other boys have fully imprinted on Willie, by now. Luke took exactly one apology to forgive Willie for the missteps with Caleb; Reggie didn’t even need an apology. At first, following Alex’s lead, they had given Willie space, but Willie’s increased confidence must be obvious to Alex’s boys, too.
Because come movie night, they’re in full puppy-pile, cuddle-puddle mindset.
They’re watching Monster’s Inc., and as is movie night tradition for the Molinas, they’re all in their pajamas, matching cotton sets that Ray had gone to buy for them the day he found out they existed. (Alex begrudgingly admits that he loves Ray, despite his dad status). When Luke walks in from getting changed, he flops on the couch in between Julie and Willie, and plonks his legs in Willie’s lap, his head in Julie’s.
Willie blinks, looks to Alex instinctively for guidance. The baffled, lost look on his face almost makes Alex laugh; Willie doesn’t look upset, he just looks so confused. Alex gives him an encouraging grin, and doesn’t intervene, sitting down on the floor by the couch instead and leaning his head against Julie’s knee.
Carlos comes in next, flopping down cross-legged next to Alex with a comically huge bowl of popcorn, which he offers to Alex without looking over at him. Touched, Alex takes a few pieces. Meanwhile, Reggie follows him in and immediately perches up on the arm of the couch, always most comfortable when he sits somewhere strange and can drape his limbs everywhere. In true Reggie fashion, one of his arms sits around Willie’s shoulders, and he puts his cheek on the top of Willie’s head, sighing. "I'm so tired. Willie, you're so comfy. Play with my hair?"
Slowly, Willie says, "Sure, dude." He lifts a hand to run it through Reggie's hair, and Reggie hums happily, kicks his feet and sits back to enjoy the film.
Alex feels something blossom in his chest, even though he’s not involved at all. His boys, doing what they do best. He ends up falling asleep halfway through the movie, which is why, he guesses, he doesn’t realise when Willie starts to think too hard.
“Did you, uh. Did you say something to Luke? Or Reggie?”
Willie’s voice surprises Alex, and he looks up from his kit. He’s been trying reskin his snare drum for about an hour, using some materials Ray bought him and a YouTube tutorial (which Reggie had kindly set up and pressed ‘play’ on for him, since Reggie is getting the hang of 21st century technology much faster than Alex is). Still, it’s tricky to follow, and he’s happy for a break to rest his hands.
Willie’s question confuses him, though. “Uh... more specific, please?”
Willie grins a little, at that, but he looks apprehensive, one arm wrapped around his stomach. When he sits down near Alex, Alex scoots over so he can nudge their shoulders together. Willie exhales.
“Just, about this.” He gestures between them with one pretty, slender hand.
“About this?” Alex squeaks, feeling his cheeks heat up. “Um. No, I haven’t - well, we hadn’t put a label on it, yet, and I was sort of waiting for you? I-”
“No,” Willie gently interrupts him, looking more relaxed, more amused, “no, I meant about the - the hugging thing.”
“Oh.” Alex feels himself go redder still. “Oh. OH. Of course. Not about... No, yeah, that makes way more sense.”
They sit in silence for a moment. Alex’s brain is racing with stupidstupidstupidstupid-
“So?” Willie cues him gently.
And that snaps Alex out if it. Willie’s so good at doing that, bringing Alex out of his head. “Of course I didn’t say anything,” Alex assures him. “They’re my friends, but that’s your business, dude. Why, what happened?”
Willie looks uncharacteristically flustered. “Nothing. Um. Just. They’ve been...Luke’s been all over me. And Reggie too. Like last night? During the movie? I just thought maybe it was because you’d asked them, or something.” There’s a shyness to how he glances down and bites his lip, adding, “Obviously, that was so dumb, I feel stupid now,” and his giggle sounds more nervous than like Alex’s favourite sound of Willie-glee.
“Hey, no, it’s not stupid, okay,” Alex says. “They’re just like that, especially Luke. He probably just saw me acting closer with you and took that as a green light to go ahead. I can tell him to back off if he’s bothering you. Reggie, too.”
“No,” Willie says, a little too quickly. Alex smiles, and Willie smiles back. “No. It’s fine.”
Alex reaches out to take Willie’s hand, and Willie lets him. Quietly, Alex reminds him, “They’re your friends, too. Okay?”
Willie swallows and nods. Squeezes Alex’s hand extra tight. “Okay.”
The next Movie Night, Alex comes into the living room to see Willie already sprawled on the couch, his feet in Luke's lap. Luke shoots Alex a look of pure disbelief and joy, trying to be subtle and absolutely failing, but his excitement doesn't seem to phase Willie. Alex drops down on Willie's other side and Willie lifts his head so Alex can rest it on his lap. Luke drops his arms to rest over Willie's calves, pats his knee, and Willie starts talking as if this is all normal. When Reggie comes in, he cheers, "Cuddle pile on Willie!" and dives onto the couch, knocking the air that they now need again from their lungs.
When Julie arrives and sees them all laughing hysterically, Willie crushed under them, she rolls her eyes before taking the only logical course of action and spreading herself on top of the pile.
Alex is happy here, even if Reggie's elbow is in his ribs and he can hardly breathe. His friends - his family - are warm, and safe, and solid, and real. Touching them will always prove, more than anything else, that they're all still together.
From the beaming grin on Willie's face, the way his eyes slip closed, the way he turns to bury his face in Alex's thigh, the way he pulls the other boys and Julie closer, he thinks Willie's pretty happy, too.
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css1992 · 3 years
Guilty Pleasure
[Porn AU]
Summary: Peter and Beck used to be a power couple in the porn industry, but after Beck dumps him, Peter is forced to start over. With no money, no family and nowhere to go, he doesn’t have much choice other than to keep doing porn, so he joins Just4Fans to get back on his feet and then one day he gets a very generous tip from someone under the username of YKWIM.
All the warnings listed on Part I apply.
Read on AO3
Part I / Part II / Part III / Part IV / Part V / Part VI / Part VII / Part VIII / Part IX / Part X /  Part XI / Epilogue
The last couple of weeks of May flew by, soon June arrived and with it even more sunny days and warmer temperatures. Peter couldn’t help but think that his life fell apart in the winter, and as summer approached, it was slowly getting back on track. He was able to save a decent amount of money every month, his apartment was coming together – he even had a dinner table and chairs by the second week of June –, he was taking on more responsibility at BFF way quicker than expected and he was happier, in general.
He felt comfortable enough to make plans again – with the steady money he was making, he might be able to give up porn in a couple of years and he would still be eligible to apply for some of BFF’s grants and scholarships, meaning he may be able to go to college at 23, after all. Money would be tight for a while, but it was doable. He could always work part-time to supplement his income as well.
Summer also brought some unexpected good news. On a random Thursday morning, he was bombarded with messages on Twitter and Instagram from people asking where they could find his videos now that Beck’s channel was down. He was confused at first, but when he went to check, the channel wasn’t there, it had disappeared from the site.
He gasped. For a total of five seconds, his mind went wild, his heart raced, and his eyes watered. For those five seconds, he felt a mixture of happiness, relief and confusion, knowing those videos weren’t out there anymore, couldn’t be found, couldn’t be seen, couldn’t be remembered. But it was only for five blissful seconds. When his brain turned back on and the first rush of excitement died down, he realized that probably wouldn’t last.
That had happened before, when they first started posting. People mass reported the videos and the channel until they got taken down, because Peter looked very young at eighteen. They had to send a picture of his ID to the website for check several times, it was months before it stopped happening once and for all. Peter assumed Beck was posting videos of his new boyfriend, who he knew looked very young, so it was probably just a misunderstanding and only a matter of time until he got the channel – and the videos – back up.
Still, he allowed himself to count that as a win and couldn’t help but feeling giddy all day, to the point where everybody noticed his good mood – Ned, MJ, people at BFF and Tony.
Tony, who didn’t disappear. As days and nights and weeks went by, Peter stopped waiting for it to happen.
“Someone is awfully cheery today.” The older man grinned at him from the driver’s side that night, as Peter sang along to Ed Sheeran, because it was his turn to choose the playlist. Tony had picked him up from BFF and they were heading to his place for a quiet night in.
“It’s a good day, Tony.” He shot back after the chorus of Put it All on Me and the older man beamed, the corners of his eyes crinkling up.
“It sure is, kitten.” He turned up the volume and Peter sang even louder, causing Tony to burst out laughing.
At some point, he realized life was a little less complicated than he gave it credit for. He realized that if he actually gave things the precise amount of thought they deserved, not everything felt like the end of the world. The minute he decided to just let things happen the way they were supposed to happen, without overthinking every detail, life got so much easier.
He decided not to make the thing with Tony a big deal. Sure, when he thought about it for more than two minutes, it seemed like a huge fucking deal, he was basically dating Tony Stark, one of the richest men in the world, Iron Man himself, the man who had literately saved half the universe from extinction not even two years earlier. So, yes, that seemed like a big fucking deal, but–
To him, he was just Tony. This charming guy who texted him daily to ask about his day and crack acid jokes about his business associates. This kind guy who sent him chocolates when he was feeling down and cooked him dinner every weekend and made sure to e-mail him easy and healthy recipes so he wouldn’t starve to death. This gentle guy who called him beautiful and touched him with such care that he forgot how many hands had left bruises on his skin before.
When he forgot everything Tony was supposed to be and just focused on everything that he was to him, what they had seemed so simple and pure.
He stopped worrying about labels, too. In the beginning, he kept stressing about what they had, what was expected of him, what he expected of Tony, but eventually, he decided none of that mattered. They made each other feel good, they made each other happy, they made each other better, all in all, whatever label he could put on their relationship wouldn’t make any difference, so he let it go.
Weeks later, Peter heard Beck had managed to get the channel back up, only for it to get taken down again in a few hours, then his Instagram and Twitter also disappeared. He wasn’t too surprised, and if he was honest with himself, it was fun imagining Beck losing his mind as he tried to fix it. After all, every day the channel was down, he was losing money. And his social media, specially his Twitter account, was where he promoted his content to thousands of followers, so losing that meant losing money as well, and if there was one thing Peter knew Beck loved, it was money.
He wondered what the fuck the man had done to piss people off like that, it was clearly a coordinated attack, but he wasn’t curious enough to try and find out what happened. He would rather watch from a distance, rejoicing in the satisfaction it gave him to imagine that maybe, just maybe, one of those days Beck wouldn’t be able to get the channel back up and would have to start from scratch, like Peter did. And maybe then he wouldn’t re-upload his videos – that part was a little harder to believe, but who knew, stranger things had happened.
When June came to an end, Peter was surprised with a notification from Tony on Just4Fans. He had almost forgot the man was still subscribed to his account there, they obviously never chatted on the app anymore, and when he opened the notification, his blood ran cold in his veins.
It was a tip.
A hundred thousand dollars tip.
He couldn’t fucking believe it. A tip? For what, a job well done? It wasn’t like Peter was – what did that even mean? Was Tony trying to say something with that, send some kind of message?
He decided not to call him right away, he was too – upset. The older man was picking him up later that evening for dinner, so he decided to wait. Whatever he had to say to him, he wanted to hear it in person. He wanted him to look in his eyes and tell him he thought he was his fucking wh–
“What is the meaning of this?” He asked as soon he got in his car, avoiding the kiss that came his way. Tony blinked in surprise, trying to understand why he got a phone shoved in his face instead of a kiss, and then he finally saw what that was all about.
“Oh, that–“ But before he could answer anything, Peter interrupted.
“I told you I’m not – Tony, why would you – this is so insulting!” He was honestly at a loss for words. They had been seeing each other for almost two months by then, things were going great, they met every week, they made apple pie together, for God’s sake, had he misunderstood all the signs?
“My God, Peter, that’s not that, I just thought – I mean, I’m a billionaire, you know this is pocket change for me, right?” Peter gasped, shocked, and Tony’s eyes widened when he fumbled with the door handle. “Wait! I didn’t mean – Jesus, okay, hold on a second, please!” Tony reached over him to shut the door before Peter could get out of the car. The young man turned to look at him with tears in his eyes and Tony looked incredulous when he leaned back and ran a hand through his hair. “Don’t just assume the worst, have I given you any reason for that?” He sounded hurt, which made Peter gulp. He took a few calming breaths and shook his head slowly.
“No,” he whispered, dropping his gaze.
“Ok, good.” He actually sounded relieved at that. “I am a billionaire, Peter, and this is pocket change for me, which means –“ he raised his voice a little, predicting a reaction from him that didn’t come, “I didn’t realize this would be such a big deal. For me, it’s like giving you, I don’t know, flowers. I didn’t mean this as a payment for whatever you think this is, I just thought this would be a good help. You’re starting your life now, you have that list of yours that you don’t let me see, you’re saving up money, you have your plans for college, I just meant to help. I mean, if we weren’t together, I would have tipped you every month, so I thought –“
“But we are together, Tony, I –“ he was a little calmer then, because that was, in fact, a reasonable explanation and he shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions. “Look, I appreciate the gesture, but next time you mean to give me flowers, just give me flowers! I believe you have the best intentions at heart, but it’s just weird for me. I don’t want this to be about money. I just – don’t want that, okay?”
He gazed at the older man as he gaped at him, mouth opening and closing, but no sound came out for a while.
“I just thought – I mean, people usually –“ It was unusual to see Tony speechless like that, but the man shook his head and looked back at him, almost embarrassed. “I just want to help you.”
“Are you kidding me?” Peter poked him in the arm, trying to lighten up the mood in the car. “You’re teaching me how to cook. Yesterday I made an omelet and I only burned one side, I’m getting good at this. That’s a big help.”
Tony didn’t laugh at his joke, like he usually did, he just gazed at him with an unreadable expression, before leaning in to kiss him, which Peter gladly reciprocated.
“I’m sorry I made you uncomfortable,” he whispered, then, resting his forehead against his.
“And I’m sorry I was rude. It won’t happen again,” he promised, and he meant it.
After that night, he removed Tony from his Just4Fans, which came as a blow to the older man, who pouted and whined for about a week, only stopping when Peter showed up at his place one Saturday wearing Iron Man lingerie under his clothes – it was supposed to be a joke, but it worked surprisingly well for Tony.  
By July, it became impossible to keep sneaking around Ned and MJ, as the dates became more frequent. Peter decided to tell them that he had met someone online and that they were getting to know each other. He told them it was nothing serious yet and if it became serious, they would meet him.
He did have to throw in a few lies to get them off his back – he definitely had to lie about Tony’s age to avoid certain comparisons, but he would cross that bridge when he got to it, if he ever got to it. He wasn’t sure if or when he was going to tell them the whole truth, but for the time being, he  felt more comfortable keeping that relationship to himself.
He and Tony didn’t go out much, but when they did, it was always to fancy and discreet restaurants with private rooms; Tony was, after all, a celebrity for all intents and purposes, and at if the press got a whiff of them there would be no secret left to keep.
But staying in with Tony was far from boring. They cooked together and the older man taught him all of his grandmother’s secret recipes – Peter could never replicate them by himself at home, but it was still fun trying. They spent almost all of their time down in the workshop, though, where Tony  had him do menial tasks, like screwing bolts or reaching for a part inside an Iron Man suit. He said his tiny hands were useful for his projects.
He knew he wasn’t really that useful, but he loved when Tony included him and asked for his help, even though he didn’t really need it. He was fascinated by everything the older man taught him in those moments and in turn Tony always looked proud and pleased when Peter put his lessons to use.
He didn’t mind keeping him company when Tony was focused on projects he couldn’t help with, he stayed there anyway, reading a book or watching TV on the tiny couch – Tony kept saying he was going to get a bigger one, but he didn’t believe it, he knew the older man enjoyed the fact that the only way they could fit comfortably on it was if Peter was lying half on top of him.
So after several weeks, they established a little routine of their own. Since Tony had a busy schedule and Peter was still trying to keep Ned and MJ somewhat in the dark, they didn’t meet that often on week days, but they always talked on the phone before bed. On Thursdays, Tony picked him up after his shift at BFF and he spent the night at his place. They had breakfast together on Fridays and then they met again every Saturday after lunch, and finally Tony dropped him back off home every Sunday evening, so he could have dinner with his friends.
In August, for the first time in his life, Peter had two birthday celebrations. One with his friends, when the three of them went bar-hopping and he got home so hammered he had absolutely no idea how they managed to climb the stairs, and another with Tony, when he decorated the workshop with  balloons and put party hats on Dum-E and U.
“Surprise!” He yelled lamely, throwing confetti at Peter when they stepped into the workshop. The younger man laughed, delighted, as Tony hurried to the kitchenette and came back with something in his hands. “I know it doesn’t look good, but I promise it tastes good. Probably.” When Peter looked down, he noticed it was a large chocolate cake with ‘Happy Birthday, kitten’ written on it in bright pink icing. It looked so ugly, but it was so beautiful at the same time. “What did I do now?” Tony frowned, face falling.
He blinked a few times and when he touched his cheeks, he realized he was crying.
“I’m sorry, I’m just – really happy.” He grinned, pulling the older man’s face to give him a kiss. “Thank you.”
It was late October when Tony told him he had to go on a trip to China for two weeks, and even though it wasn’t his first work trip since they started dating, five months earlier, it would be by far the longest one since then, so it was kind of a big deal. Still, he didn’t expect to feel so affected, but on the days leading up to it he was so upset he couldn’t hide it.
They spent their last Sunday together wrapped up in each other doing absolutely nothing. They slept in, Tony brought Peter breakfast in bed, which was rewarded with a lazy and sloppy blow job, and they spent all day in bed, only getting up for essentials, like food and water. They didn’t even turn on the TV, they didn’t even talk much. They just held each other and exchanged slow, tender kisses until their bodies were too warm to stay under the sheets.
Tony ran a bath for them and got in the tub – it was big enough for eight people, but Peter made a point to sit in his lap, clinging to him like a koala. He felt Tony’s arms encircle him gently, as he rested his chin on top of his head.
“I’ll be home before you even have time to miss me, kitten.” He whispered, and those were the first words either of them had said in at least a few hours.
Peter didn’t tell him that was impossible since he already missed him, instead he just held him even tighter.
After the bath water went cold, they climbed out of the tub and Tony insisted on drying him, before dressing him in one of his own T-shirts, even though Peter had a multitude of spare clothes in his closet. He sat in bed, watching Tony pack a huge suitcase that reminded him just how long he would be gone for. He sulked a little – just a little – and that earned him a little kiss on his forehead, which was enough to undo the frown between his brows.
Finally, in the evening, Tony parked his car in front of Peter’s building, turning to look at him with an almost pained smile, before leaning in for a kiss.
“I’m gonna miss you,” Peter whispered against his mouth and felt when Tony’s lips stretched into a small smile. He pulled away a little, just enough to look into his eyes, and cupped his chin in his hand.
“I’ll miss you too, but I won’t be long, ok? It’s just a few days.” He pecked Peter’s lips one more time for good measure and the younger man nodded.
“Call me if you have time.”
“Of course, kitten, every day.” He leaned in for another kiss, this one longer than the previous, and Peter’s heart fluttered. He took a deep breath and slowly let it out, containing the urge to say those three words that had been trapped in the back of his throat for weeks.
“Have a safe trip. Let me know when you land.”
“I will, baby.”
Peter got out of the car and waved, watching as it disappeared down the street. He sighed and his heart ached, he already missed Tony and it had only been a few seconds, how was he going to survive fifteen whole days? It seemed impossible. It was crazy to think how far they had come since March, when they talked for the first time. It seemed like a lifetime ago.
He turned to go inside, but froze in place when he heard a familiar voice.
“So that’s why you’ve been ignoring me, huh? How rude.” He turned slowly to the left, only to be met with Beck’s cocky, arrogant smile, just a few feet away from him. “I tried calling, I tried texting, you’ve blocked me everywhere, I can’t even e-mail you anymore, it appears.” Beck walked slowly and leaned against the rails of the stairs to Peter’s building and the younger man curled his hands in fists, trying to control the urge to just run. “Long time no see, Petey-pie.”
He was paralyzed, muscles rigid, but to his own surprise, it wasn’t fear that he felt, or sadness. It was pure anger.  
“I wonder why,” he answered quietly, but firmly. Beck’s eyebrows shot up to his hairline, before the smile was back in place. “How did you find me?” He demanded, because Beck had never cared to ask where Peter was going to stay after he kicked him out, so how in the hell would he know where to find him?
“Wasn’t easy, I have been following you on Instagram, some of your morning run routes seemed familiar, so I–”
“You stalked me?” He frowned, taking a step closer to the other man, who looked at Peter with indignation and hurt. He shook his head, softened those baby blue eyes and placed one hand over his chest, right above where his heart would have been if he had one.
“I just wanted to see you, is all.” He shrugged, dropping his gaze to stare at his own feet, and Peter wanted to roll his eyes. It was so weird watching his whole act now that the spell had been lifted.
“What do you want?” He asked, making the older man’s head snap back up, a little surprised by his cold tone.
“I just told you, I wanted to see you. I missed you.” He took a few steps towards Peter, who in turn walked backwards to keep his distance
“You missed me?” He scoffed, shaking his head. “Where’s your new boy-toy, you put him away so you could come play with me?” He cocked his head to the side and, for a moment, he could see the shock crossing his features.
“Pete… Why are you acting like this, it’s like I don’t even know you anymore...” His voice broke and he looked away, pretending to wipe away a tear. He wondered how the hell he used to fall for that.
“You don’t, Quentin. I’m not a lost little boy anymore, you should go back to your boyfriend. Or is he smarter than me and dumped you already? Is that what this is all about?” He narrowed his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest, and Beck’s mouth hung open like he couldn’t believe his words.
“I made a mistake, Pete. After so many years, I took you for granted, I couldn’t see what I saw the first time I met you. I couldn’t see how beautiful you were, how caring and loving you were, how loyal and reliable and – I don’t know, I was blind. I was so stupid, I shouldn’t have left you.” His eyes were wide, earnest, shining with unshed tears. His face was open, even his body language screamed honesty. Suddenly, he didn’t feel so bad about falling for his act – Beck was good. “Don’t  you miss me, baby? Don’t you miss us?”
Peter snorted, shaking his head, he couldn’t believe the nerve of that man.
“You made a mistake, huh? So you dumped your new boy, right? If I were to go home with you right now, he wouldn’t be there, waiting for you, like a fucking plan B, in case this doesn’t go your way. Right?” It was his turn to take a few steps towards the older man. “Like I was your plan B while you waited for him to turn 18?”
“Peter, c’mon–“
“Is he there, Beck? Just answer me that. Come on, if he’s not, I’ll take you back right now, we can go home together.” He insisted, looking into the older man’s eyes, but he didn’t say anything, he just sighed. “Of course he is. If I said yes, what would you do? Tell him to pack his things in the middle of the night and leave? Would you keep all the money he’s made you and tell him to fuck off? Would you leave him broke and lonely and fucking lost in this world? Would you tell him that he wasn’t good enough and dispose of him like he’s fucking garbage?” His voice grew louder and louder, and when he came to himself, he noticed he was in Beck’s face, their chests almost touching, so he took a step back. “So to answer your question, Quentin, no, I don’t fucking miss you. You fucking ruined me!”
“I saved you!” And just like that, the good guy act was gone. His whole demeanor changed, the soft baby blues widened, his mouth was set in a sneer, he puffed out his chest to intimidate him, but Peter stood his ground. “Don’t pretend you don’t remember who you were before me. You were a fucking loser! An orphan, no family, no friends, no future! I took you in, I took care of you, I gave you a profession – don’t fucking roll your eyes, what the fuck are you doing now, huh? Rocket science? ‘Cause it seems to me like you’re still doing porn, and now you’re clearly branching out into prostitution, would you look at that!”
“You have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about!” He placed his hands on the man’s chest and pushed him away when he got too fucking close for comfort. He held his breath when he realized what he had done, afraid of the man’s reaction, but he just kept his distance.  
“You know what? Fuck you, Peter. I was wrong about you, I thought I knew who you were, I thought I missed you, but you’re just a disgusting fucking whore, after all. You’re a dirty little bitch in heat who likes to get this loose hole of yours fucked by old perverts, I don’t know why I’m surprised, I mean, that’s why I dumped you, you were enjoying those videos a little bit too much for my taste. You weren’t even satisfied with two cocks up your ass, one in your mouth and a line of men waiting to fuck you. You disgust me.” He started walking away, and Peter wanted to say something, he wanted to yell at him and defend himself, he wanted to tell him he didn’t fucking enjoy it, he wanted to tell him that it was all his fault, he threw him to the lions, he let those men fucking–
He rushed inside the building and ran upstairs, eyes clouded with tears. He tripped and fell knees first on the steps, but he didn’t even feel pain, he just got up and kept going, kept running, trying to put as much distance between him and Beck as he could, even though it was irrational. Beck was gone, he walked away, he left him, he left him again, he wasn’t coming back–
“Ned?!” He knocked urgently on his friends’ door. He didn’t have his spare key, it was upstairs in his own apartment, but he couldn’t trust himself to go all the way up there and down again without having a full on panic attack. “MJ?! Are you guys home?!” He was really trying not to sound too desperate, he didn’t want to scare them, but it was hard controlling his emotions when his heart was hammering against his chest and he couldn’t fucking breathe.
“Peter?” It was MJ who yanked the door open. She had a towel wrapped around her torso, her hair was wet, and Peter felt guilty, but she took one look at him and quickly pulled him into a hug. “My God, Peter...” She whispered into his hair when he started sobbing uncontrollably on her naked shoulder. “Come on in, c’mon.” He heard the door closing behind him, but he didn’t let go of her, he felt like if he did, he wouldn’t be able to hold himself together.  
He wanted to tell her not to worry, that she should go finish her shower and change, but he really, really needed her right then. She sat down on the couch, pulling him with her and he promptly laid down, burying his face in her legs. He couldn’t stop crying and sobbing and no matter how many times she asked him what was wrong, sounding increasingly more worried, he couldn’t get his feelings under control enough to give her any answer.
He was there for what felt like hours, when at some point someone lifted him from MJ’s lap and enveloped him in such a tight hug he couldn’t breath for a second, but he sighed in relief, it was right what he needed. Ned’s arms felt like home, it calmed him down almost instantly – his voice whispering that it was fine, everything was going to be okay helped a lot, too.
“I hate him, I hate him so fucking much,” he mumbled into his shoulder, God knew how much time later, and his friend just hummed, patting his back. “I hate that he made a mess of me and I let him.” He couldn’t hold back more tears when he said that, because it was true, it was so fucking true. He let Beck do whatever he wanted to him, he let him ruin his dreams, his future, his fucking personality, until he was nothing but a shell of what he used to be.
“I know, Peter, I know,” Ned soothed him, rubbing his back, even though he probably had no idea what he was talking about. “It’s okay now. You’re okay. It’s over”
“I made tea.” MJ’s quiet voice sounded somewhere from his right and when he turned to look at her, she was already dressed, wet hair up in a bun, with a mug in her hands, which she extended to him. He accepted it but didn’t dare to take a sip, he was positive that if he did, he would throw up, his stomach was all kinds of fucked up at that moment. “Peter, what happened? Did Star – uh, did your boyfriend do something? Did he hurt? ‘Cause I swear to God–” Just the mention of Tony being the cause of his distress made him sick, so he cut her off.
“Beck was here.” He sniffed, looking at the mug to avoid their eyes when he heard both of them gasping.
“Beck? Beck was here? Fucking Beck?” MJ screeched and he nodded.
“He was waiting for me outside.” He rubbed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to gather enough energy to have that conversation.  
“What did he want?” Ned asked calmly, while MJ paced the floor, furious.
“I don’t know...” He shrugged, wrecking his brain to try and figure out what his motive was. “His channel got taken down a few weeks ago and he couldn’t get it back up. I heard he had to start over.” He hadn’t been watching that closely, but he knew something was wrong, even his Twitter and Instagram accounts kept getting taken down almost monthly, it was impossible he was making any money over the past few months. “He said he wanted to get back together, probably because he thinks us making up would be a big hit or whatever. I said no, of course. He didn’t like the answer.”
“Did he hurt you?!” MJ strode back to him until she was standing right in front of him, looking into his eyes. He was almost intimidated by her.
“No, he just… Said some pretty shitty things, is all,” he answered sheepishly, because he hated that that man could still make a mess of him with just a few hurtful words.
“Oh, dude. He’s just mad he’s lost control over you. Whatever he said, he just wanted to hurt you, it doesn’t mean anything.” Ned placed an arm around his shoulders, pulling him closer, and Peter rested his head against his, sighing.
“I know. He was always like that, you know,” he whispered, as flashes of memories crossed his mind. “When I didn’t bend to his wishes, when I didn’t do things his way, he fucking–“ He squeezed his eyes shut, furious, because he had fallen for that again. “He tries to charm me and when it doesn’t work, he attacks me. But the thing is, he really knows what to say to destroy me. It just sucks. But it’s fine. I just need a moment, I’ll be fine.” He sat up straight and looked both of his friends in the eyes.
“Yes, you will. You most certainly will.” Ned patted his shoulder one last time, getting up from the couch. “Why don’t you lie down for a second, huh? I’m making dinner, I’ll even try one of those recipes your mystery boyfriend taught you.” Just the mention of Tony made him breathe a little easier, even though he wouldn’t be able to see him for a while.
“Okay.” He nodded, smiling softly. MJ took Ned’s place on the couch and he lay down, placing his head on her legs, as she ran her fingers through his hair. He sighed contently and closed his eyes, feeling exhausted. He was close to drifting off when he heard Ned gasp.
“Oh my God,” He breathed quietly from the kitchen and both Peter and MJ looked at him curiously from over the back of the couch.
“What?” She didn’t look too worried, but Peter was concerned about how pale he was.
“Ned, what’s wrong?” He frowned, watching Ned’s horrified expression looking at his phone like it was a murder scene. He raised his eyes and gulped.
“Peter is trending on Twitter,” he whispered, after a while.
“What?!” They both hurried over to the kitchen counter, and the first thing Peter saw when he looked at his phone was a picture of him and Tony in his car, kissing. As Ned scrolled down, more pictures showed up, but not only that, clips of his old videos were all over Twitter, people knew his full name, his real name, and they were making all sorts of comments. Iron Man, Tony Stark, Peter Parker, sex worker, prostitute and porn were trending.
The room was completely silent for a whole minute, before MJ turned on the TV.
“… appear that Tony Stark, former CEO of Stark Industries and retired Avenger, was seen kissing a young man in his car earlier this evening. The person in the pictures seems to be one Peter Parker, a twenty-one year old porn actor, who is also said to work as a prostitute…”
Peter’s heart sank to the bottom of his stomach, his vision blurred and he felt bile rising in his throat. He took a deep breath and got up from the couch, ears ringing, as he rushed to the front door.  He heard his friends yelling something, but he couldn’t make out their words, and he just couldn’t deal with all that right then and there.
“I, uhm, I gotta go,” he called from over his shoulder, slamming the door shut on his way out.
As he ran upstairs, vision blurred by tears and chest hurting, begging for oxygen, he couldn’t help but remember his life fell apart in the winter. And fall would be over soon.
So... It appears that someone has lost the ability to write short chapters... 
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Anyways, only three more chapters to go!  🥳
Tag list (please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed from the list):  @sadachmesarthim @iamnotparticularlyproud @staticwhispersinthedark @bluestarker @ whyisthisathingcb
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