#oh yeah but with all those mentions of daffodils
universalsatan · 2 years
so my crush of five years SHUT UP I KNOW IM A REAL LIFE HIMBO IT’S COMPLICATED did Not. understand the wholeass love poem i wrote specifically for him. so now i’m gonna try to meet his plant [fixation???] (he’s not ND to my knowledge. then again-) by learning to draw and doodle flowers with specific meanings
……… i still don’t think it’s working
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Daffodil - Javi G. x Reader
Daffodil (Narcissus) - Unrequited love
Summary: You've fallen in love with your boss, and he's about to propose to someone who isn't you.
Pairing: Javi G. x Reader
Word Count: 871
Warnings: Angst, unrequited love, complicated relationships, mentions of abandonment, Javi is clueless until it's too late
This one is angsty, everyone! Day 22 of In Bloom kinda hurts, but I hope you like it anyway!
In Bloom Masterlist
Likes, Comments, Reblogs are super appreciated! ❤️
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You’d dreamed of this moment for as long as you’d worked for Javi. Him down on one knee, a ring box held out to you and a broad smile on his face. 
“So? What do you think?” he asked, but you could barely hear him over the sound of blood rushing in your ears. 
Your mouth was dry, your palms sweaty. “I-I think she’ll love it, Javi.” 
Javi nodded, looking down at the ring again. “Yes, it’s very Gabriella, isn’t it? Classic, beautiful. I knew it was perfect!” 
He snapped the ring box shut and rose to his feet, “Will you get a reservation at Saint Angelo’s for this Friday? It’s her birthday, I think it’ll be the perfect opportunity to ask her to be my wife.” 
Javi’s brown eyes were sparkling as he talked about his plan to propose to Gabriella. You wore a smile so fake you were sure he would notice and say something, but what else could you do when your heart was breaking? 
“Yeah,” you choked out, but he didn’t notice. He simply nodded, thanked you, and left your office. The second he was gone, you slumped back in your chair. 
You’d been in love with Javier Gutierrez for almost as long as you’d been working for him as his Personal Assistant. He was so sweet and loyal, and sure his obsession with Nicolas Cage was a little weird but over time you came to find it endearing. When your boyfriend had dumped you and kicked you out of the apartment you shared, Javi hadn’t hesitated to offer you his pool house rent-free. 
“You’re here all the time anyway,” he’d smiled, “Might as well get rid of that long commute.” 
Gabriella had finally joined him from Mallorca, which meant you’d come face-to-face with the reality that Javi was taken. When she’d been in Spain, it had been way too easy to forget. As a big-shot producer, Javi was invited to parties and premieres and openings all the time, and you’d usually accompany him as his plus-one. Those days were over. 
And, as of Friday, they’d be gone forever. 
Oh well, you thought, not like those nights meant anything anyway. 
You knew you’d be involved in the wedding planning. The engagement party, wedding shower, bachelor/ette’s parties…could you handle that? Watching the man you were in love with marry another woman? 
On one hand, you were a professional. Falling for your boss was your own damn fault, and if it had been so easy to fall in love how hard could it be to fall out of it? Maybe all the wedding stuff would shake you out of it. 
On the other, you knew yourself. Once you’d fallen you were down forever. This crush on Javi wouldn’t go away, especially not as you waited for him to be officially off the market. From here, you couldn’t see another way to deal with this entire situation. 
You called the restaurant first and secured Javi’s reservation, requesting a special bottle of champagne and a private table. 
A few more phone calls and you had a plan. 
You just had to wait until Friday.
Friday morning started as usual — you rolled out of bed and walked to the main house to get coffee and breakfast, then upstairs to your office until Javi woke up around ten. 
He sauntered into your office as usual, sleep-rumpled and absolutely adorable. 
“Hola, querida,” he said, voice lower than usual with drowsiness. “Any good news to start the day?” 
“Contracts are rolling in for the crew on your next project, but Amy needs confirmation on audition times for next month,” you reported, “and your reservation for tonight is all set. I’ve got some errands to run today, so you’ll have to get yourself ready but I laid out some outfit options for you in your closet.” 
You got up from your chair, packing up your bag. Without warning, Javi rounded your desk and gathered you in his arms. You tensed in his hug, knowing that it wasn’t anything to read into. He only saw you as his employee, at best a friend. 
“What would I do without you, hmm?” he asked, letting you go but grabbing your hands and squeezing. 
You could only shrug. 
Gabriella said no. Javi’s footsteps were heavy as he made his way back into the house. Her life was in Mallorca, his was in LA. They loved each other, but the long distance and different life goals had made things too complicated. 
Javi sighed and scrolled through his phone, texting your number. A few seconds later, he heard the chime coming from his kitchen. He smiled at the thought of you there already, waiting for him to come home with good news. 
When he rounded the corner, you weren’t there. Your phone was propped up on the side of the fruit bowl, sitting on top of a white envelope. 
He pulled a folded few pages out of the envelope. It was your resignation letter, no forwarding address, and a personal letter thanking him for his kindness and wishing him every happiness with his future marriage. 
Javi had never felt so empty. No Gabriella, no you. How would he manage? 
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One aspect that isn't focused on in the myth of Persephone and Hades is that Gaia had a hand in the kidnapping plot because she made the flower to lure Persephone. Gaia in real mythology just seemed to have so many confusing alliance. One moment she's an enemy another she's an ally. In the Hymn of Demeter, she actually helped lure persephone to hades. I think the girl wanted to see her grandson finally get a wife. And in my opinion it would actually be fun how Hades interacts with his grandma Gaia and see her probably be happy he's finally got a girl.
Oh really? That’s crazy! I didn’t know Gaia was involved lol! The more you know lmao!
Honestly, I’ve been debating on whether I should make Gaia Persephone’s grandmother or Hades’ grandmother lol. I feel like it’d make more sense for Persephone because Demeter is basically the goddess of nature and harvest and whatnot, so her mother literally being the Earth would…y’know…make sense lol.
But at the same time, since Gaia is technically the mother of Kronos it would really make sense too because she literally cursed Adonis for disturbing her slumber in the Prince of Thrace episode lol, so Kronos probably gets his more malicious traits from his mother (and possibly Hades as well lol). But yeah, I can really see Gaia being proud of her youngest grandson finally getting the girl of his dreams lol! I feel like despite her more rude and sinister personality that she does love her grandkids and wants the best for them (and was probably pissed at her son for trying to eat her grandsons lol).
But fr, in the series Hercules never really mentioned anything about Gaia being his great grandmother (maybe he didn’t know? I’m not sure, like you’d think he’d know since he apparently spends a lot of time with his parents in the series and I’m sure Zeus has told him all about their family tree and whatnot), so I was like “maybe they’re not even related and Gaia is just her own thing, like not related to anybody or something?” because you’d think if she was his great grandmother that’d he’d be like “Please, it’s me Hercules! Your great grandson! Don’t curse my frenemy!” Right? Or that Gaia would recognize him as her great grandson. Lol but idk the animated series is weird like that lmao
But yeah, for ‘Til Death I actually ended up having Narcissus give Hades the daffodil since the scientific name for a daffodil is literally Narcissus, so I figured “oh he probably made it so everyone would look at it and think of him because he’s so full of himself” lol and Hades was like “Yeah, actually I need that for a girl I like.” and ends up putting an enchantment sorta spell on it to make Perspehone fall to the Underworld once it’s plucked from the ground (I remember from the Disney children’s book “Liar, Liar Head On Fire” it was mentioned that Hades has fire powers as well as alchemy powers, so he can create potions and curses and enchantments and whatnot lol). So yeah I just thought it’d be funny for Hades to sit there and have to negotiate and schmooze with Narcissus because he can’t get a flower from Persephone or Demeter, so he’s just there like:
Hades: Look, Narcissus, babe. I really need that little flower you own. Y’know, the one you let Demeter and Persephone spread around on Earth?
Narcissus: Oh, you mean my flower? The Narcissus daffodil? The gorgeous flower made by me and is just as gorgeous as me?
Hades: Uh…yeah sure whatever. Can I have it or what?
Narcissus: Hmmm, I don’t know…
Hades: Listen, Narci, can I call you Narci? It’s really important that I get that flower from ya. I mean, you are such a good looking, smart, and generous god after all. Just do me this solid, huh?
Narcissus: Yes, yes. I am all of those things aren’t I? Well, I suppose you could have one of my specialty flowers.
Hades: YES! I mean, uh, thanks, pal! You’re the best!
Narcissus: *looks at himself in his hand mirror* Yes, I know.
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natromanxoff · 2 years
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Melody Maker (September 15, 1984): 2/?
Credits to Michael Kane.
QUEEN release a new single this week. Titled "Hammer To Fall" the song and the accompanying B side "Tear It Up" have both been written by Brian May (the previous three singles were written in turn by the three other group members).
Released in both seven- and 12-inch formats, each is different from the track featured on "The Works" album and the 12-inch features a special remix of the A side. The video for the song has been directed by David Mallet and was specially filmed on the opening night of their current tour, in Brussels on August 24 — the first live video from "The Works" album. They also shortly plan to release the collected videos from the album through Picture Music International which will feature the videos of "Radio Ga Ga", "It's A Hard Life" and the current release.
THIS is the moment Wembley had been waiting for. The crowd was at boiling point and Queen reached their climax. Up went the Mercury jumper to reveal… he doesn't even wear a bra!
I KNOW the attached poem is hardly Wordsworth, but it does put over what I want to say. I've written it as a protest at the lack of seats available to see Queen this year. Surely the organisers can find bigger venues than those at Wembley Arena and in Birmingham for a group as popular as Queen. I'm sure there must be a helluva lot of disappointed people like my fiancee and I who couldn't get tickets.
Oh well, I've had my little moan and perhaps next year they'll choose venues worthy of the Queen following.
Messrs Mercury, Taylor, Deacon and May,
I don't know how to put what I have to say,
So I wrote it like this and I hope you'll see
What it is that's upsetting me.
Please do a gig in the open air
Because to me it just isn't fair.
Only a few will see you this year,
While many like me will shed a tear
Wembley and Birmingham are too small for you.
Do it again like in '82.
I know bog seats were thrown at Teardrop Explodes,
And a nutter was sleeping on top of some poles,
But waves of excitement floated above
An atmosphere of contentment and love.
It was really great fun, please do it again,
And give more a chance to hear your classic refrains.
ANNIE STEWART, Mayfield Gardens, Dover.
GOSH Annie! I didn't realise Queen were too popular for Wembley Arena! All I can suggest is the Gobi Desert. Lots of room, guaranteed weather, responsive tribesmen, and little chance of any of you getting back. Your poem is closer to Wordsworth than you give yourself credit for. For example,
"I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a nutter atop some poles
Amid a host of daffodils."
Then there's the Grasmere Elegist's "Ode On An Outdoor Gig”:
"Up! Up! O pagan pals and wrench
Th' seat from off this bog,
And hurl it like a knightly gage
l' th' face of Teardrop Explodes on stage.”
Wembley Arena
IT had been a very bad day for Freddie. First of all, his old minder had gone and done the usual spill-the-beans-for-a-few-readies-more routine, alleging all manner of decadent activities, boys, drink, drugs, good grief, that sort of thing. Then we were all touched to the very bare bone by the sad tale of the Mercury love life, shucks, the-nobody-really-likes-me-even-though-I'm-far-from-being-a-down-and-out saga of woe.
And finally, to add prestige to injury, Fred opens up his favourite music paper to find that he has been forever labelled as a Golden Wally. As he made his way over to the microphone, the crowd held their breath to hear what the great man would have to say about these various peddlers of downright filth.
"You've all been reading a lot of things in the press today." Oops, here we go. "Let me just say that the stories about us splitting up are all unfuckingtrue! Yeah! Alright! We fuckinglove you! Yeah!"
Not a mention of the four grand a week that was supposed to go up the old nostrils, not even a whisper concerning the Golden Wally smear campaign. Just a startling testament of faith as regards the future of the dinosaur Queen, a beast for which a slow lingering death would surely be the best option for all concerned.
Actually, a very fast painful death was on this doctor's prescription card after just 20 minutes of tonight's "Works" extravaganza. Naively hoping to hear a selection of the very best singles which this band have produced over the years, we were treated (sic) instead to the biggest grossout this side of Giant Haystacks' beergut. All horrible frenzied guitar breaks, forgettable album tracks, and no sign at all of the subtleties one might hope to expect from a band who have written something as glorious as "Don't Stop Me Now". And no, I'm being totally serious.
Luckily enough, things started to improve a bit once the Mercury man got rid of his vest. He joined guitarist Brian May for a pleasant acoustic spot, before calling the dwarf Taylor and the faintly embarrassed looking Deacon back on for a truly blistering "Crazy Little Thing Called Love". The rest of the second half of the performance comprised mainly of such oldies and almost goldies and thus just about managed to save the show.
At the end of this very bad day for Freddie, only rescued from total disaster by trotting out the entire back catalogue, a great "Bohemian Rhapsody" included, two comparisons spring to mind. One, Queen are not unlike an all-male British Abba, good enough when they stick to the hits but big on the crap factor when they are let loose in public. And Freddie has a far better bum of course. Two, for all his camp peacock and feathers posturing, Fred still manages to look something like a perverse cross between a veteran bullfighter and a part-time member of the RUC.
Just as the full implications of this revelation were being worked out, however, he went and spoiled it all by emerging for the encore with a simply massive pair of boobs strapped to his chest. He lifted them up, played with them for a bit, and finally, in a gesture which showed that all the worries of this strange day were now behind him, he went over to his bass player and pushed these enormous jugs right into his face. Deacon smiled. Freddie laughed. I rushed home and made a breathless phone call to Fleet Street.
COME off it! "From the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Metropolis”?!!!! Personally I can't wait to see Freddie as Rhett Butler in the brand new hip-hop-style remake of "Gone With Wind-Up” (just imagine the burning of Atlanta in Queen's next video). This is a collaboration between Freddie-baby and Giorgio Moroder, and is a 50 carat non-song suspended inelegantly over the predictable electronic bloop-and-mutter rhythm track.
Goshdarn. money for old rope once you're up there, isn't it? Blarney for robots, hand-built by Turkish waiters. Glurp. Frankly my dear, I couldn't give a (that's enough - Ed).
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hinatastinygiant · 2 years
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Chapter Eight
Pairing: Atsumu Miya x Fem!Reader
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A few days go by and Osamu is still missing. You've been staying at Atsumu's place in the hopes of taking your mind off your worry. Anything is better than being alone with your thoughts right now. However, Momoiro hasn't been around since the first night you came. You aren't sure if it's your fault or if it's due to what she said the other night about pitying Atsumu.
One morning at breakfast, you decide to ask. "Tsumu, what's goin' on with you and Momo? She hasn't been around and I was just curious-" you begin before he starts choking on his bowl of rice.
"It, uh, didn't work out," he explains horribly before proceeding to once more stuff his face with rice.
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that."
Atsumu nods and changes the conversation after swallowing down the rest of his food. "You'll be working with me today. We're going to start that money-collecting task of yours so you don't kill us all."
You laugh sarcastically at his phrasing. "Okay, fine. What are we doing?"
"Organ transportation."
It's your turn to almost choke this time as you reach for your water and take a giant gulp. "Are you some kind of organ trafficker?"
"No, no," he shakes his head. "Not some kind of organ trafficker. I am an organ trafficker. Let's get that straight before we start so there's no miscommunication between us."
"God, you're a horrible person, Tsumu," you grumble as he stands up and walks towards his couch.
"Yeah, I know. Anyway, here's your uniform. Go change when you're done eating," he says as he places pants and a black and green sweatshirt on the table.
"Are you serious?" you ask as you look at the sorry excuse of a uniform. It simply matches what he's wearing, there's nothing special about it at all.
"Dead. Now let's go before those organs go bad!"
You grumble to yourself as you grab the clothes and walk off. This is the last thing you were expecting from him. Seriously, how fucking gross!
You walk into the bedroom to change but find yourself losing track of time as your mind wanders to a different place. Nothing is worse than being alone with your thoughts right now.
"Y/N!" you vaguely hear Atsumu call out your name. You hardly notice when he opens the door and walks in on you only half dressed either. But he quickly turns around and walks back out before you even get the chance to think about yelling at him.
However, when Atsumu's brain finally realizes what he just walked in on, he opens the door again and takes a peek over at you. There you are, sitting at the edge of the bed with tears falling down into your lap.
Atsumu steps into the room once more and approaches you. He sits down beside you on the bed and sighs. You only managed to put on the bottom half of the uniform before breaking down in tears. "Y/N, everything's going to be alright," he calmly whispers as he gently rubs your back. Silently, you place your head on his shoulder and try to calm yourself down before you speak.
"I'm so scared, Atsumu," you whisper as your eyes narrow down at the ground. "Every single time I get close to someone, they die. Now the whole syndicate is in trouble because of me. First, it was my cousin, then my brother... and Osamu."
Atsumu takes a moment to collect his thought after the mention of his brother. "Y/N, none of this is your fault. You got to stop blaming yourself for things that are out of your control. You're doing your best to love everyone around you and that's what makes you such a great boss. We all love what you do for us and I know Samu loved you even more."
He does his best to comfort you for awhile before the room falls to complete silence. The two of you sit there for some time until you finally pick up your head and stare out across the room.
"If you aren't ready, it's okay. We can always do this some other time," he offers.
"No, it's fine," you shake your head. "I'm ready." You then grab the sweatshirt and tug it over your head. Atsumu stands up and puts out his hand to you with a smile. You take it with a bit of caution before he helps you stand. You then both grab your things and walk out to his car. You sit in the passenger seat beside him but don't utter a single word as you stare out the window.
Atsumu notices your behavior is quite different than usual, but you don't pay him much mind. You're beginning to realize how seriously real all of this is. Osamu is really gone. You need to steal organs from people who probably got coerced, swindled, or even worse just to keep yourself and your friends alive to see the next month. It's all hitting you like a giant truck.
Atsumu doesn't say a word as he sighs and starts up the car. He tries to give you peace for a while, but he wants to say something. The only problem is- he doesn't know what to say. You know he feels bad for putting you through this. You know it's the last thing he wants to be doing, too, but he really is being so kind to help you out. You don't know what you'd do without his offer. You hope to god this organ thing works off.
When he drives off, the car ride is completely quiet except for the radio he put on the lowest possible volume in case you decided to talk. Eventually, you arrive at a normal-looking doctor's office which leaves you quite confused.
"Is this the right place?" you ask aloud as you look out.
"Of course it is," he laughs. "I've been here more times than I can count."
"Is your contact trustworthy then?" you continue to question.
"He's a bit odd, but I trust him. Just maybe don't get too close. He's already had three wives!"
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milkpansa-archive · 1 year
hi jaan, i hope your day is going well! abelia, chamomile, and the second part of daffodil please 💞💞
- @phukaoapologist
hi my jaan !! hope your day is going well too !! (((hugs tightly))) <3
abelia ⇢ do you have a particular piece of jewelry you always wear or can’t part with? i do actually! i wear a gold bracelet around my right wrist that i got from my mom when i was about 15/16, so it's just kind been there for almost a decade now ahsdfhgg. will probs wear it forever and ever (or if i ever have a lil girl i'll probs give it to her). and i have some silver rings i wear almost every day and they've been given to me by either my mom or my dad (though in my dad's case i kind of just took them and he never mentioned it ahdsf) and one ring i share with my two babies (cousins) and we all have the same ring and yeah, those are very special to me !
chamomile ⇢ what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts? ngl tbh i don't like receiving gifts because i don't like people spending money on me abfdhj. my standard answer is always books ahfsdj. i'm the type to be grateful for anything tbh. or a card? love me a lil card. no flowers though i have whatever the opposite of green thumbs are. oh wait HUGS. i feel like that counts. (im sorry im really bad with gifts ashdfg, asking for things is not my forte)
daffodil ⇢ do you have siblings? if yes, in what ways do you think you’re similar to or different from them? okay so i have a brother and he's two years older and tbh we are nothing alike at all fshadhfgk. though i do think we're similar in the fact that we value family and faith? and i guess we're both a bit stubborn. but personality wise i just think we're very different? idk how to explain tbh. but also wait i have to share this cute story my uncle once told me. so when i was a baby, like couldn't really talk yet, adults around me were apparently looking for something, and apparently i knew where it was, because i told my brother in baby language, and while the adults didn’t get me at all, he understood me ahdsfjj and then they found whatever they were looking for. so yeah our relationship is special adsfgjk <3
thanks so much for sending !!!! i am giving you a kiss mwah <3
random asks <3
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biromantic-nerd · 1 year
🍌 In your opinion, what’s the funniest joke/reference/pun you’ve made in a fic?
This was really hard actually! I think a lot of my humor in stories is scenic situational humor. Where it's like - hard to pick one line - or even a few lines - because it take context leading up to it.
Like how in 'Money For Your Daffodils' (spoiler) the context of Red Hood is what makes it funnier.
The eye lenses of Jason's Red X mask narrow. His voice is nonplussed. "What the fuck are you wearing?"
The eye lenses on Cass' Red X mask are illuminated with optic lighting that gives them an eerie red glow as they narrow back at him. "What the fuck are you wearing," She counters.
So it's not so much references or puns as it is the moment and what builds up to it. Which is weird because irl I love puns and references! But I guess in writing I love building a set up!
I realize it isn't precisely a joke but the funniest thing I think I ever wrote would be in 'With Magic Soaking My Spine' of (spoiler) how long Arthur and Gwaine go while discussing the other one 'having magic' without realizing that they are both talking about each other. Not only did I just keep pushing the envelope on how long it could go, I turned it into a semi-running gag that occurred more than that once. (Though, of course, they were nowhere near the effect of that most memorable instance where people keep losing their minds over this scene. My funniest scene. No quotable lines! But hands down my funniest scene. You just have to be there.)
"So," Arthur started the conversation dryly. "Magic."
Immediately he had Gwaine's attention. "We're really doing this then, hm?"
I don't think this is my best joke but it does make me laugh so! From 'Devil's Food Cake' is "You're like - a dry shriveled prune! Yeah! A prune, that's what you are, Matt Murdock! A PRUNE!" Of course I can't mention that story without mentioning the namesake Devils Food Cake scene.
"Oh man," Foggy chirped. "You have been missing out, Karen. My great-great uncle Travis used to bake the best devil's cake." Foggy paused. "Er, no offense, Peter."
"Nah, that's okay." Peter grinned before continuing slyly, "It's certainly not the first devil of Hell's Kitchen, but it's probably currently the best."
Matt coughed loudly.
"Whoa, buddy!" Foggy said in surprise. "You okay? Yeah? Well, chew your food next time, you animal, geesh."
ALSO an underrated joke from my 'Marvel Drabbles' from something I wrote before Infinity War came out:
"Um, hello, hi." Tony said, slightly annoyed. "For those of us who don't speak alien tree, what did any of that mean?"
Rocket crossed his arms. "What? Ya want me to bottle feed ya too?"
"What?" Tony spluttered out. "There's a significant language barrier - "
"Wah wah wah." Rocket mocked, pretending to cry.
I think a lot of my situational comedy that - to me, in my opinion - felt successful were stories that I enjoyed writing and made me laugh or garnered laughs from friends and/or readers. And so like when I saw this question I tried to think of puns/wordplay and my mind went to the "Peter mishears that Daredevil dated Electro not Electra". And for references I did immediately think of how I do throw in a LOT of hidden jokes for my friends which will not be spotted by outside readers!
But honestly all in all, just "With Magic Soaking My Spine" is the work I feel is funniest. It has my most specific funniest joke (running gag of Arthur and Gwaine's 'discussion') And overall funniest joke (the whole CONCEPT of misunderstanding palooza where Arthur thinks Gwaine has magic and Gwaine thinks Arthur has magic.)
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boytouya · 3 years
𝘉𝘶𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘭𝘺’𝘴 𝘙𝘦𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘦
request: “Hello! Could i pls request tamaki amajiki just being a sweetheart and infodumping about how much he loves butterflies to his boyfriend? Need fluff in this gay gay month, thxs! :]”
tags: i know nothing about butterflies, appalled by the feet tasting ngl, and the fact that it’s true, tamaki is SO in love, not mentioned but he really hopes you love him too, he knows you do though, i didn’t mention the butterfly color but it’s probably like that big one from animal crossing, but the butterfly isn’t big ykwim?, once again named after a song, but i wasn’t even listening to that song i was listening to butterfly by umi, in case you wanted to pair it while you read ;)
warnings: none!
a/n: i feel like i did amajiki dirty in this...maybe i’ll rewrite it. anyways, happy pride month!
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When Amajiki told you he wanted to take you somewhere special, this was the last place you expected. A quiet field, full of freshly trimmed grass, daffodils, and various flowers occupied by well fed bees, wasn’t what you expected. But you loved it nonetheless, smiled brightly when your anxious boyfriend picked a flower to put behind your ear with shaking hands. You did the same for him, watched his bottom lip tremble as he sputtered out thanks. How sweet.
In hindsight, perhaps he should’ve brought something to sit on. It didn’t matter much though, as you took turns resting your heads on the other's lap. No matter what, whether his face was twisting into a grimace because of the sun in his eyes- or melting into a smile because he got to look down at you, Tamaki was always so cute. He always looked cute.
He chats you up and down, talks about anything and everything, listens to you talk about anything and everything, and soaks it up. He loves the attention from you, lets it seep into his skin and past his ribcage, straight to his quickening heart. He laughs quietly into the palm of his hand when you tell a joke and looks down at your hands when you speak. Everything about you truly was quaint, isn’t it? You remind him of home. The butterfly flapping towards you must agree, because it’s blue wings flutter almost as fast as those in his stomach until it finds a place on your head. You can feel it’s minuscule amount of weight, and you still completely.
It’s such a sight to see, he thinks. Such a fragile little thing finding comfort in you. The way your immediate response to it isn’t to smack it, kill it, or rip it off makes his chest fill with warmth. You reminded him of a butterfly, actually. Perfect on all sides, fragile when you want to be, but way tougher than anyone gives you credit for. Perhaps he’s projecting onto you, but either way, he couldn’t be more in love. You bring out something in him he didn’t know was there, and one day he’d thank you for it.
“A butterfly,” He watches it crawl, hesitating to flutter back into the horizon, and lifts his hand. It does move, but not to fly away. It makes its way onto his finger and rests. Of course Amajiki would be good with animals, he’s probably the closest anyone could ever be to them. A smile spreads across your features; makes your eyes squint and hurts your cheeks. He raises the hand to his face, his eyes widening. They’re such a deep shade they could pass as currents of indigo. It’s wings beat gently, and you can hear Tamaki gulp.“I hope we get to see her next time, they don’t live long.”
“Maybe she’s your Guardian Angel,” You joke, leaning in to watch him inspect the insect. His pink lips remain parted in awe, the sunlight beaming down on him adds an extra sparkle to his eyes. Or maybe it’s the butterfly. Maybe it’s you. You can tell he’s making an effort to breathe slowly, to remain as still as possible (though his hands have always been quite shaky) so he doesn’t scare off the animal. In a way, Tamaki is quite the butterfly himself. “More like Spirit Animal.”
“..Maybe,” He agrees as his smile widens, only for a second until he blinks away the laugh threatening to ruin his once in a lifetime opportunity. It would’ve been nice to have a camera, or some sort of ability to take screenshots through your eyes. This would just have to be one of those moments cherished through memory, you suppose. “Did you know butterflies have transparent wings? They.. They can’t bite or chew, but...they can taste stuff with their feet.”
“They don’t eat then?”
“Oh..Oh! They drink nectar...with their tongues... from flowers. They like sugary stuff too.” His grin looks dopey when he tilts his head to the side.
“Like Fatgum.” Amajiki tries not to choke on his own tongue. Such a bizarre comparison that only you could make up on the spot. This is why he likes you.
“Yeah...but he doesn’t taste things with his feet…” Tamaki puckers his lips after fully processing what he just said. It’s almost like he stops thinking when he’s with you.
When you crinkle your nose in disgust he can’t help but laugh. He was wondering if it was boring you, perhaps you weren’t that interested in useless butterfly facts. But there you were, asking questions and nodding along, making faces that dusted pink across Amajiki’s cheeks. There you were, smiling and laughing, letting the Sun hit you just right. You were perfect. You were his perfect boy. His boy with such a sweet smile, his boy with such a contagious laugh. He loved it. He loved that you were his, and vice versa. He loved you. Even more than he loved butterflies.
He lets the butterfly flutter away as his shoulders shake, and for once you can finally see his smile reach his eyes. He lets you place your hand where the butterfly once was. This felt way better anyway.
@ryoukuna @indigowren21 @cannedfoodisbestfood @junkwhoore @kissesdenji @sanderssidesangsttrash @i-d0g @kaito-asmr @jream-23 @princejasno @mel-bigia04 @mhasimp666 @onehellofasimp @corporeal-terrestrial @angelaturservice @shadows-of-nightmares @double-homiecide @rintarosaku
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make-me-imagine · 3 years
Red Roses: “I Love You” - Natasha Romanoff Ending
Valentines Special: Day Nine
Day One: Morning Glories  //  Day Two: Blue Salvias Day Three: Sunflowers  //  Day Four: Pink Camellias  Day Five: Yellow Tulips   // Day Six: Violets Day Seven: Lisianthus  //  Day Eight: Daffodils (Post with rest of the character endings)
Plot: It’s finally Valentines Day, the day the reader will finally learn who it is that had been leaving them flowers and notes expressing their secret feelings.
Notes: Thank you again @trashywritestrash​​ for helping me hash out this ending!! ❤️ And thank you to the anon who gave me the funny idea of the roof-clinging flower delivery. <3
 Pairing: Gen!Neutral Reader x Natasha Romanoff
Triggers: Brief mention of alcohol/drinking; but I wrote it so the readers “favorite drink” could be anything.        
Words: 1,396
Requested Taglist: @aquariuslavenderhoney​​, @thebookbakery​​, @fablesrose​​, @kitkatd7​​, @thefallenbibliophilequote​​, @beksib​​, @destynelseclipsa​​, @criminaly-supernatural​​, @tammythompson-singslikea-muppet, @belloangelus​​, @snarky--starky​​, @saintbootlegloras​​, @wecallhimbrowneyess​​, @empath-bunny​​, @okkulta​​, @katinthemoon,  @ravennight41​​, @youcancallme-rae , @radhumandragonclam, @unfortunateidiotinadilemma, @past3l-w1ngs​​ ,  @goinggoinggonzo​​, @mxxnmocha​​, @username23345​​, @theofficialzivadavid​​, @justejuste727​​, @normanijauregui​​, @euphouriaszn2​​, @the-most-unicorn-of-them-all (still couldn’t tag, sorry), @messhup​
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February 14th
You continued to breath out steadily as you tried to keep your pace, Steve and Bucky half way around to meeting you already, and Sam in pace next to you as you ran around the large monument again. “Damn super-soldier bullshit” Sam muttered breathlessly as you laughed at his joke, trying not to lose step. 
Listening carefully and peaking behind you, you smiled “You’re right, it is bullshit. Maybe we should stop.” you said with an air of amusement as you glanced at Sam. 
Who smiled “You know what, you’re right. Let’s stop.” 
As both of you stopped quickly in place, you turned to face behind you, just in time to see Steve and Bucky’s eyes widen as they stumbled to a stop before slamming into the two of you, which they managed to do, barely. 
“Yeah, that’s right. That’s what you get for trying to humiliate us again.” Sam said with a laugh. Steve and Bucky sharing a look of mixed disdain and amusement as you chuckled. 
“I think we were done anyway” Steve said as he turned to walk towards where you set your water bottles. 
As you all sat underneath a large tree you checked your watch, the morning had been going by so slow. You wanted the evening to come quickly, but just as much, you wish it wouldn’t come at all. 
“You alright?” 
You looked up to see the three staring at you, you must have zoned out “Yeah, I’m fine.” you smiled at them, trying to play it off. When you turned to grab a granola bar out of your bag the three of them shared a mutual look of understanding. 
You were definitely not fine. The anxiety and curiosity that had built up over the last week was killing you. You were glad it was almost over, yet terrified at what that would bring in itself. The more you thought about each of the other’s and the possibility that it might be them who has been leaving you the flowers and notes, the more you didn’t want it to be any of them. Well, that was a lie. There was only one, you really wanted it to be. And unfortunately, they seemed to be the least likely. 
- - - 
Your thoughts proceeded to run wild as you continued on throughout your day, only occasionally being able to distract yourself with work. And the anxiety had built up once again as you got dressed about an hour before the party. You paced restlessly around your room as you fiddled with your hands. 
Finally growing tired of circling around the room, you decided to leave, maybe you would head down a bit early, distract yourself with some of the others who would probably already be down there anyway. 
This was proven incorrect, as you entered into the bar area, seeing only Natasha behind the bar as she made herself a drink. You hesitated as you looked around, was there really no on else down here yet?
“Hey” Natasha greeted, earning your attention again as your heart pounded in your chest.
“Hey” you replied walking into the room “I thought the others would be down here already.” you commented as you sat on a bar-stool. 
“Me too actually, but, at least I’m not alone now” she said while smiling at you “Drink?”
"Sure.” you said as she immediately started getting you your favorite drink. 
“You alright? You’ve seen a bit off all day.” she commented as she slid you your drink and leaned on the counter watching you. 
Taking a sip you eyed her, wondering how much you should tell her. You had already figured it wasn’t her. Even though she was the one you wanted it to be. So, you figured it wouldn’t hurt anymore than it already does if you told her. 
“I...I’m, supposed to find out who’s been leaving the notes and flowers today. Which I’m sure you already figured by now.” She gestured her head as you continued “But I...I’m just not sure, what to do.”
“What do you mean?”
“The notes, and everything they’re so....genuine and beautiful, and I just don’t know if I deserve someone like that. I mean, what if I can’t see myself loving them? What if I don’t deserve that kind of devotion?”
Natasha looked down at her hands before taking a breath “You do deserve it Y/n.”
You let out an amused scoff “You’re just saying that because your my friend” you said with a bit of doubt and disappointment in your voice.
“No, that’s not why I’m saying it.”
“Then why?” 
“Because...” she reached out and placed her hand on top of yours “Because of  your grace, and elegance, your compassion, kindness and bravery. There is no way they could not absolutely adore every fiber of your being.”
You stared at her as you recognized the words, the words that had been typed out on third note that you had received. Words that you repeated to no one. Your heart began beating rapidly again as you remained speechless as a small smile formed on her face. “How- I never read you any of the notes.”
“No, you didn’t.” she straightened up before reaching for something underneath the counter “The whole, notes and flowers thing were a bit cheesy, especially for me, but...” she pulled out red rose from below the counter “I couldn’t help myself. I’ve always wanted to try some big grand gesture of admission.”
Staring at the rose as she leaned back on the counter taking your hand in hers as she placed the rose between your fingers and looked back at you “All these years being as close as we are...I guess it was inevitable.”
Finally getting a hold of yourself again you cracked a smile “Yeah, it really was wasn’t it. And...you knew didn’t you? That I felt the same?”
She gestured her head and smiled “At first I thought I was just imagining it, but...Clint knocked some sense into me and made me realize that I wasn’t, and that you did, actually feel the same way.”
You closed your hand around hers, as you continued to smile at her “It was pretty damn bold of you to deliver those flowers to me in the gym yourself.”
“Yeah, well. I wanted to see your reaction myself.” 
“Who else knew? I mean besides Clint?” 
“No one else.” 
“Then...who delivered the camellias?”
She laughed “Well, I did.” you gave her a look of confusion as she continued “I thought I was being quiet enough, but I should have known better, so when I heard you coming to the door I put my assassin skills to the test.” she said with a sense of amusement.
“But...I looked everywhere?” she shook her head and you thought to yourself for a moment “I looked everywhere...except up. Please tell me you were not clinging to the roof above me?”
“Luckily the halls aren’t too wide.”
“Wh- Nat, oh my God” you started giggling at the thought as you facepalmed “I can’t believe you actually did that.”
She laughed as well “The things we do for love.”
You stared at her, still smiling in amusement “You were wrong Nat, I don’t deserve you.”
She leaned further over the bar as she stared into your eyes “After everything I’ve done, trying to make things right with SHIELD and the Avengers. You have been the only constant happiness in my life. I think I’m the one who doesn’t deserve you. ”
“Agree to disagree” you countered as you grinned at each other, as both of your eyes began flicking to the others lips before you both leaned forward meeting in a kiss you had both been dreaming of.
As you pulled away, you heard voices approaching from the hall, recognizing it as the others. She glanced to the door and then back at you as you asked “Do you think they’d be surprised?” 
“Probably not. But who cares either way.” she smiled, making you grin.
The others were in fact surprised, but happily so. Especially Clint, who, for the rest of the night, told the others about how painstakingly he had been trying to get you two to confess your feelings for one another for years now. While Tony insisted that he had known the whole time and had been debating setting you two up secretly. 
xx xx xx xx xx
I struggled with how to end this, as I did with the others too, but this one especially. 
Anyways, if you liked this, please consider reblogging it and checking out the other endings :)
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yami-writes · 3 years
if your asks are open & my request isn't too much. could you write a secret relationship one shot with mina & a skater fem! reader? so like the bakusquad wants to have a movie night, but like mina declines since girly had a date with her cute skatergirl planned on that day already & like she snitches out to the date & like both of them snitch into minas room later & cuddle & kiss, reader on her lap clinging like a fucking koala on her & how her classmates would find out, react. please my bisexual ass needs more girlxgirl content here, espacially with the mha girls 😔✊
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(✨) paring(s) — Ashido x fem!skater!reader  (⚠️) warning(s) — none! (🔖) word count — 2.3k (💌) yami's note — yuhh fr tho 🤧 we need more mha girls but dw i gotchu 😌✨ 
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“What? Why?” Kirishima questioned, poking his head out from behind Bakugo, “We’ve been planning this for weeks! You can't just flunk on us like this!!” Kaminari exclaimed, causing Mina to rethink the amount of time that went into tonight's now somewhat ruined plans “Aha~ yeah... sorry about that guys. Maybe another time.” she scratched the back of her head. 
Mina was about to leave before being stopped by a hard grip on her wrist “Oi, raccoon eyes. You better have a good excuse for this.” Bakugo glared, his crimson eyes almost seemed as if they could pierce holes in her soul. ‘Why does Bakugo of all people care!?’ She fumbled on her words, trying to find a reasonable excuse that would reward her the get-out-of-jail-free card without spilling the beans on anything private. “Uh- well- I uhm…” 
“Bakugo, leave her alone. Forcing yourself into her business isn’t very manly of you.” Kirishima chimed, ‘Right before I was about to get blown to bits! Thanks, Kirishima!’ Mina sighed in her head, before checking the time. 2:54pm. She promised to meet her date at 3pm.
Before anyone knew it, Mina was dashing down to the common room and out the door, almost appearing as a pink blur to everyone around her.
“Wha-what was that??” “I think that was Mina~” “Where is she going that fast!?” “I don't know,,”  “Mina’s fast but I didn't think she would be able to pull off those kinds of speeds.” the class-A girls conversed, wondering in concern what's got Mina in such a rush.
“Shit! I'm gonna be late! This isn't even the first time!!” Mina panicked, still racing over to the park the two of you had planned to meet at. 
Mina recalled the time she came almost 20 minutes late to a date because she didn't know what to wear, digging through her closet to find something she thought you would like. Dresses, skirts, sweaters, shorts, jeans, you name it, she probably tried it. 
To say the least, Mina was nervous. 
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Mina continued to race towards the park she had agreed to meet at. Her pace began to slow as her stamina got closer to reaching its limit. “Hey, Mina!!” she heard a familiar voice call out. “Y/n!! Hi!” huffed out as she came to a stop. Mina took a moment to gather her breath, her hands on her knees as she pants. “Did you seriously run all the way here from your dorm?” y/n questioned after a minute of silence.
“Of course I did! I didn’t want to be late,,, again.” 
“You’re a riot.” 
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
The weather outside was nice and the view the park offered was wonderful. Flowers of all sorts bloomed on the flowerbeds. Mina could see daffodils, tulips, alliums, sunflowers, all of different colours. The clouds created gorgeous patterns in the sky, larger ones blocking out the sun and giving the area a slightly darker atmosphere, nobody seemed to mind though. Trees shaded parts of the park, most of the adults seemed to linger around there, watching the children play together. 
Mina and y/n took a seat at one of the benches that was shaded by a tall and broad tree, the smell of nature flowing around it, their hands intertwined. Mina wasn’t the best in some compartments, but one thing she is good at is conversation. It's hard to find a dull moment with her, maybe that’s why people like being around her so much. y/n definitely wasn’t at her level when it came to social skills but the conversations between them flowed so effortlessly, the two of them just seemed to click in the best way possible. Two puzzle pieces that were meant to be together, created to be together. 
“Hey! Mina, look!!” y/n pointed to an ice cream parlor across the park, a small line of children with their parent’s 5 dollar bills in their hands  “Let’s get popsicles!” 
“Sure! Last one there has to pay!!” Mina ran off towards the parler.
“Hey-! No fair!!” y/n ran after her, taking an extra moment to pick up her skateboard, the thought of riding it to pass Mina not crossing her mind. Mina was a fast runner, most of the men in her class not able to compete without their quirks, same thing goes for y/n. It was possible her skateboard wouldn’t even be able to put up a rewarding fight. 
Mina waited by the parler, almost mockingly stretching her arms as she waited for her date to catch up. “Took you long enough~!” Mina giggled
“Yeah yeah, whatever,” y/n got out a $15 bill from her pocket before immediately having it taken from her hands. “I was joking! Let me pay instead!” Mina pleaded “I wanna make it up to you for coming late,”
“Babes, you were a minute late..” 
“I made you wait an extra minute!! And what about all those other times I-” Mina was cut off by the Parler man clearing his throat to get their attention. She shoved her money onto the counter before ordering y/n’s favourite flavor and a strawberry popsicle for herself. The Parler man took the money before opening  his parler and handing them the requested flavoured popsicles. 
“Thanks, sir!” Mina chirps before taking y/n’s hand, bringing her back to the bench the two of them were sitting at before. The two of them unwrapped their cold treats, enjoying and sharing them with each other. 
Conversation continued to flow between the two, time quickly passing by. Parents began taking their children home, young adults began walking home from their jobs, the city seemed alive. 
Wind blew on the three branches of the park, a chill starting to coat the air. 
“It’s probably gonna get cold soon, maybe we should get inside.” y/n proposed
“Yeah... Hey! You should come to the dorms!” Mina was quick to suggest, she’s always wanted to bring y/n to her room. The idea of having y/n close to her body, sharing snacks and watching funny videos on instagram always brought warmth to her heart. The idea of getting caught never really crossed her mind. 
“Are you sure? Your classmates are definitely gonna find out.” 
“No they won’t, I promise!”
“Mina, they’re heroes-in-training…” 
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
When mina was set on a decision, it was hard to get her to settle for something else, that’s something y/n’s learned many times. Mina dragged her partner to the UA dorm buildings, planning out loud what they could do together. Face masks, tiktoks, nails, and dancing are only a few of the activities that came into question. 
“I like the sound of face masks, I've been needing one for a while, my acne’s been acting up.” y/n groaned. “Dancing also sounds pretty fun, do you have any new playlists?” 
“I always have new playlists! Plus, Jirou recommended me some new songs the other day, her music taste actually isn’t that bad,” Mina giggled, “For a goth, that is.” y/n laughed at her comment. 
Mina talked about her classmates often, sometimes even gossiping about them. She never said anything hurtful, though, it was usually just a few mentions after finding something that reminded her of them. She once found a icyhot packet in the store and went on about this hot and talented guy in her class, a frog jumping around near a pond caused her to ramble on about her friend Tsu, and the taste of a tea served to her at a cafe reminded her of the tea her friend Momo would serve at the tutor sessions she hosted. 
Soon enough, the couple was standing in front of Heights Alliance, preparing a plan to get inside without being noticed. “Everyone’s usually elsewhere at this time, probably in their rooms or off training or something~” Mina opens the door to the building, “We should be good.” 
Mina peeps her head inside, making sure no one was in the common room before she proceeded. She motioned for y/n to come inside, before walking further inside the building. “C’mon, my room is this way!” Mina took y/n’s hand, passing by the common room and to the elevator. y/n couldn’t help but look around, she had never been in the Dormitories until this point, it was much nicer, and bigger, than she expected. The elevator ride was quiet, the fear of having classmates hear them while they continued their loud conversation through the halls on their minds. 
The elevator stopped at the selected floor, Mina took y/n’s hand again before leading her to their destination just around the corner. “Here is it! Come on in!” Mina smiled before unlocking and opening her room door. 
“Oh wow, so… pink.” y/n gasped “Yeah!! Do you like it?” 
“Of course I do! Your whole room just reminds me of you, I love it!” y/n wrapped her hands around her date “And I love you too!”
“I love you more!!” Mina giggled, returning the hug. Her embrace was warm, warmer than one might expect, that might be the result of such a pure heart. 
“Whatcha wanna do? I have a bunch of stuff here,” Mina pulls out a box from under her bed and begins to dig through it, “I have face masks and beauty supplies here, snacks and candy hidden around my room, we could also watch some movies or find a show to binge!” 
“Face masks are a good idea, and I’m down to watch a movie while we wait for them to dry.” y/n gets down beside her on the ground, watching her sift through her box of stuff.
“Awesome! What movie should we watch? I have a bunch of DVD’s on my shelf but we could always find something on Netflix. Oh and pick your favourite face mask!” Mina presented about 12 different face masks for y/n to choose from. 
“Oh~ I like that one! It’s my favourite colour, and it has a nice scent.” y/n picked up the f/c bottle, reading the labels on the back and admiring the smell emitting from it. “Nice choice! I’ll go with this one!” Mina holds up a pink, sparkly bottle with grapefruits and strawberries on the front. “This one’s my favourite, I use it all the time!” 
“I can see why,” y/n laughs, Mina joining in. 
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
The two of them sat comfortably on Mina’s bed, y/n on her lap and arms wrapped around her. A movie the couple had agreed on plays in front of them on Mina’s laptop as they wait for their face masks to dry, sharing candy she had hid around her room. Mina occasionally placed soft kisses on y/n’s cheeks, jaw and neck, it was her favourite thing to do in this position. While Mina enjoyed receiving affection, she seemed to love giving affection even more.
Soon enough, the movie ended and credits began to roll, giving y/n and Mina a moment to stretch after sitting in one position for over an hour. “That was a good movie.” y/n said between stretches. “Yeah, I’m gonna recommend it to Hagakure, she’s been looking for good movies to watch lately.” Mina got out her phone to check the time, “We still have a few hours, wanna watch another one while we wait for our nails to dry?”
“We’re gonna do nails too?”
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Uhm i’m not sure how to continue and end this so i’ll do HCs for this part LMAOO
I gotta get better at writing smh 
Anyways, after Mina took you to her dorm for the first time you started coming over more often
The two of you always have a shitton of fun when you do
Not like you ever not have fun with Mina 
Although this one time was different~ 
Your skateboard had dirt and mud on it from riding after a storm, so you had left it by the door to avoid tracking any of it in Mina’s room 
But it so happened Denki was walking by and found it in the hallway floor 
And seeing it was outside Mina’s door he decided to not knock and ask if it was hers
He caught yall cuddling while binging your favourite anime 
“Yo, Mina, is this skateboard you-”
He went 👁️👄👁️
After an eternity a few seconds of pure silence Denki’s like BHJNBHJVHJ WHO’S THAT???? AND WHY ARE YOU SO CLOSE TO THEM-??/?????
Mina sighs and explains the whole thing about how yall have been dating in secret and going on dates and stuff
The look on the boy’s face was literally surprised pikachu 
Mina asked him to keep a secret but c'mon now we all know Mr. Kaminari cannot keep a secret for the life of him👩🏾‍🦯 big mouth headass
He told everyone. 
the look on Mina’s face when Sero brought up her secret girlfriend the next day was priceless
“Denki told me.” 
Denki: *choke* 
He knows he’s ‘bouta get his ass beat.
As for reactions, they’re mainly looking pretty positive ✨
Denki, kirishima, bakugou and sero are the first people to find out, and probably one of the only people Mina talks about you to besides the other class a girls
They’re happy for her (although bakuhoe wouldn’t admit it- he pretends he don’t care but c'mon we know better than that), and definitely wanna meet you sometime soon 
All the class A girls and basically screaming 
Cuz like- wHAT
How could Mina keep such a big secret grrrrr >:((
She ends up bringing you and the rest of the girls to her room to meet you
Expect expect like 30 questions from each of them about various different topics that may or may not matter
Remember the boys who didn't care about seeing the girl’s rooms in that one episode? Yea this squad is still on their shit🧘🏾‍♀️
Okay well they do care, just not as much dnjskbjdkn
Sato would bake you a yummy cupcake! 
You ain’t neva eating something that delicious ever again just sayin~ 
Everyone else would silently wish to meet you one day 
Tenya is probably the only person you should look out for
if you don’t have Aizawa’s permission to be on campus he probably won’t let you inside🖐🏾
aizawa don’t care tho so getting permission isn’t a problem 
Overall, 1-A’s reaction to Mina’s girlfriend is pretty positive! 😗✌🏾
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twstdreams · 3 years
A Bouquet to Share: Flower Foraging
CYOA: Chronic Hanahaki AU
Length: 2K | ao3 link
Warnings: fluff, mentions of flu/cold
You’re waiting in front of the mirror for your turn to pass, behind the infamous first years. No one in NRC isn’t aware of the prefect and their friends, mostly how they perpetually get themselves in all sorts of trouble. 
“Hey, wasn’t the prefect going to be in our group?” Jack asks
“Oh, they couldn’t make it because they got sick,” Deuce answers. There’s a pause as the unasked question lingers in the air. If they’re just suffering from a passing virus or if it’s that illness.
“With a normal cold,” Ace clarifies, “Grim’s been complaining about having to take care of them.”
You think you’ve heard ten different iterations of this conversation before. Some with Octa A-kun, another with a Pomefiore duo, the same rumours and inquiries always start flying when winter is broken by spring’s warm touch. Everyone wants to know who has hanahaki and chronic sufferers are always the first suspect. People attempt to deduce who’s sick because of pollen or because of the flowers blooming in their lungs. It’s not a lethal disease with modern magic and technology, but you swear enough drama follows it to make up for the lack of imminent doom.
“Hand!” the ghost before you demands once you’re at the front of the line. You offer the back of your hand and immediately a rose is stamped on it, proof that you’re a student who has access to the Great Seven botanical gardens. Then you step through the mirror and are greeted by the site of a massive glass structure. You’re excited to explore the grounds. Each area is its own biome with unique flora and fauna which flourish in that environment. Personally, you’re hoping to see the aquatics section for fun, but you need to ensure that you complete your assignment first.
“Meet each other in the tropical region in two hours!” you text to Jamil and he responds with an affirmation. You two had already agreed to this prior to the project. Most people are wandering the gardens with their partner, but you know Jamil has his hands full with Kalim. You just hope Jamil will actually get to appreciate a couple flowers too.
Officially, the headmaster says this is a field trip for all grades because botany is useful in several fields of magic. You think it’s because a massive amount of students visiting from a prestigious school gets him some sort of discount, but those aren’t thoughts you voice out loud. Not that you care, the Great Seven Botanical gardens hosts some unique and deadly plants, even more so than the poisonous flowers allowed to bloom on campus. You can't choose a lot of them for your assignment but nothing is stopping you from visiting them if you have extra time. Plus, activities amongst different classes aren’t that common, let alone those in various years. If you’re lucky, you might see Malleus amongst the flowers.
You’ve only met Malleus at night, on late walks while perhaps avoiding a guard or two. The daffodils at the entrance remind you of your first meeting with Malleus. But you can’t recall clearly, was there only one daffodil at the spot where you met or several?
Staying up late the night before to cram for a test, only to crash and take a nap afterwards completely messed up your sleep schedule. No amount of staring at your ceiling was going to make you drowsy. Besides, you want to explore the campus and check out some night-blooming flowers. You spotted several during the day but hadn’t gotten the chance to see them underneath the moonlight. 
You slip out of your dorm to enjoy the slight breeze and fresh air entering your lungs. Exploring the campus at night feels a little liminal. Not to say that it was silent, some nocturnal familiars scurry around, a ghost or two floating, and more than a couple of students here and there creating background noise. But it's interesting to see a campus normally overflowing with life morph into something restful and quiet. The closer you get to the Ramshackle dorm, the more this effect becomes more pronounced.
You spot plenty of random vegetation growing on the lawns of the dorm. You’d be willing to bet a week’s worth of lunches that dorm hasn’t had real maintenance for at least a decade. Horrid for the prefect living there, you really do feel bad for them, but lots of fun for your midnight flower foraging trip. Your phone battery is dying fast with the flashlight so you test out a new spell you’ve recently learned. You murmur the incantation and a ball of light forms in the palm of your hand. You try to extend it so it acts as a familiar but the light begins to flicker so you’re stuck with having it illuminate the area around your hand. A little testing, a failure or two, and you’re able to create a soft light to guide you. Your hand is nothing but a glorified flashlight, but you can see your surroundings so it’s not a total fail. Unfortunately, what you thought was some pretty evening primrose is actually daffodils.
“How odd. You’re not one of the Ramshackle inhabitants,” a voice notes. You’re certain a ghost has come to lecture you, but you let out a gasp when you realize a living being is behind you.
“I’m, uh, yeah I don’t live here,” you admit, “Just wanted some fresh air. I couldn’t sleep.” You were honestly hoping to avoid all dorm leaders, you know some don’t take kindly to students leaving their dorm after hours, and you think some greater force must be laughing at you because somehow you’ve stumbled upon the most mysterious and powerful one.
“And you came to this abandoned building to do that?” His voice is even. You’re not sure if there’s an accusation laced in his statement or if his regal airs just make him always seem confident and a bit unfriendly.
“I thought it’d be cool to see the night-blooming flowers too,” you add, “There’s supposed to be some evening primrose and moonflowers beneath a gargoyle but I can’t figure out which one it is.” 
“I can introduce you to the correct gargoyle,” Malleus comments. Your head, which is frantically processing information and doing its best to be logical, tells you that’s probably a social cue to ask him to show you where the gargoyle is. Your mind, however, is still trying to comprehend how the heck you ended up meeting the Malleus Draconia on a weedy lawn.
“I am part of the gargoyle appreciation society,” he continues but the way his lips were pressed into a thin line indicates that you’ve spent a little too long coming up with a response.
“Oh! That’s impressive,”—now isn’t a good time to admit you didn’t know that club existed—“if you don’t mind, then I’d really appreciate it!” He nods once in acknowledgement and you begin trailing after the dragon fae. 
“Do you know about each of the gargoyles?” you ask; you ought to express interest in his passions when he’s doing you a favour. You’re not sure what to expect, but it was most definitely not an encyclopedic infodump about Ramshackle’s gargoyles.
“This is the first gargoyle, located on the entrance to the east building. Are you able to see it?” Before you had a chance to answer, Malleus casts a spell of light that creates fake fireflies which illuminate your surroundings. 
“Now I can. It kind of looks like a crow,” you answer. The gargoyle is easy to see but you think Malleus’ elegant magic is more beautiful. Your lightbulb of a hand is almost embarrassing and you quickly stop the spell.
“It is a crow, which is extremely rare for a gargoyle. This is the only one I’ve ever seen. Its quality means it must have been made by a famous craftsman. It looks like it could take flight at any moment.” He goes on about the history of the gargoyles here; you’ve never really been interested in them but the way Malleus talks about them with such excitement makes you engaged. It’s the way that extensive knowledge is intertwined with informed hypotheses while the excitement in his tone never leaves. Hearing Malleus talk about something he loves feels enchanting and endearing. His bubbling enthusiasm is cute.
“This is the gargoyle with the evening primrose and moonflowers,” Malleus announces. Once he finishes his little spiel about its history, you begin to take pictures of the flowers. You want to ask if you can take a picture of him; there’s something so odd about this experience that you want a picture to prove it is real. However, the fresh air has awaken your brain cells and they let you know that perhaps asking someone you just met for a photo in the dead of night is not the best idea. But well, Malleus has been pretty accommodating so you decide to ask for another favour.
“If you don’t mind, could you teach me that light spell?” you inquire. The surprise is evident in his expression and you wonder if you’re being too selfish.
“Is that so? You want me to help you with your spell? Interesting,” he comments and honestly, the pause makes you so nervous you regret ever opening your mouth, “Very well. Show me what you can do.” Even though you're the one who asked, you're a little surprised that the Malleus Draconia has agreed to some impromptu tutoring.
“I can summon a light but I’m having trouble making it steady after it stops making contact with my body,” you explain while taking out your wand. You murmur the incantation and a soft light envelopes your hand while illuminating your surroundings. As the light starts to float away, its shape begins to morph and looks like a blob of light which never stays a consistent shape, akin to a lava lamp. 
“You have enough magic to power the spell. The changing shape suggests that you’re having trouble imagining the outcome,” Malleus sumrises, “Why don’t you try mimicking the shape of mine?” Malleus adjusts the shape of his firefly lights into simple spheres. Unfortunately, it does not go so smoothly for you. First the light looks like a balloon, then it shrinks to the size of a marble, but when you have it at a reasonable size then the edges of the ball begin to quiver.
“I’m sorry it’s taking me so long,” you mutter. Sure, you don’t expect to be on the same level as someone as infamous as the Diasomnia dorm leader, but this feels embarrassing.
“You aren’t expected to master everything at the beginning. Don’t be shy,” he reassures. His comforting words encourage you to calm down. You take in a deep breath and start again. The light transforms into a uniform sphere—your own little sun for this corner of the world the two of you are tucked away in.
“I did it!” you exclaim, “It’s all thanks to your advice!” You toss the light between your hands before extending it to float beside Malleus’.
“You already completed the basics. I only offered some advice,” he gently protests but a smile remains on his face all the same.
“What’s the incantation to change its colour again?” you ask, and Malleus says it aloud for you to repeat. You alter your spell, dying it in your favourite colour, then allow it to dance in the sky. His luminescent green light merges with yours, and the spells twine with each other.
Since then you’ve taken to late-night walks for exercise and hopes of meeting Malleus. You haven’t exactly been charming—
“Are you here to admire gargoyles?” Malleus inquires when the two of you meet in the dead of night yet again.
“No, but I can,” you offer. Admitting to the ruler of the valley of thorns that you have been wandering around at night to see him again because you’re very intrigued and a little enamoured is not ideal. Luckily Malleus never questions your intent.
— but the two of you are on friendly terms now. So far no flowers were blooming in your lungs, but you’d be lying if you said a crush wasn’t taking root in your heart. But before you could linger on any hypothetical flowers, you have to pick an actual flower for your assignment! As a second year, you will have to grow whichever flower you pick back at school. 
Which flower will you choose? Vote here
White and pink carnations
Crimson astilbe (feather flowers)
Purple snapdragons
Orange tiger lilies
108 notes · View notes
han-shinsuke · 3 years
ɢᴏᴀᴅ ɴᴏ.4 🥀𝐾𝑢𝑟𝑜𝑜 𝑇𝑒𝑡𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑜𝑢🥀
I remember approaching him that summer, with a letter in hand and a stem of daffodil. They had a great game against Karasuno. They lost but still, it was a great game. Kuroo asked for a moment to be alone. That’s when I made my move. I have written a letter for him. A very long one. You see, I’m not good at making people stay. But, I am honest and brave. Unfortunately, those weren’t enough for him to stay. He’s seeking for unusual. Something I don’t possess. Something he can never find in me.
That moment happened almost a decade ago and time, as if on purpose, doesn’t lessen the pain, the happiness, and sense of accomplishment I had felt when I let him go. I was his first love but I am not his greatest one. He had dreams. He had goals. And he wasn’t my top priority back then. We were young. We needed guidance. I can never abandon my family and my responsibilities.
Now, I could tell that Kuroo is an accomplished man. He’s got everything. All of his dreams came true. But one thing is missing, a wife and children. That's why we are here. To help him plan his new beginning. Alisa had told me that Kuroo has a fiancée and currently on a business trip abroad.
I have established an event planning business and surprisingly, according to Alisa, we are Kuroo’s choice. It has been months since I started working full-time on his dream wedding. He hasn’t changed at all. He is still meticulous.
“How’s your dad, Y/N?”
We are currently slow dancing when he asks question. Let me defense myself, this is just a friendly dance. Forced by our common friends back in high school. It’s his party, organized by Kenma and Lev before his wedding this coming weekend.
“He’s good. My family is doing good.” I am not blaming my father for what happened between me and Kuroo but it is the eldest child’s duty to take responsibility when the head of the family can no longer fulfill the job. My father got involved in a car accident. He lost a foot, suffered from depression and that forced me to take part-time jobs while attending high school. After I graduated, instead of pursuing a college degree which was clearly not possible that time, I applied for different jobs to support my family. Three years later, I got an invitation from a nearby University. They offered me a full scholarship program that I gladly accepted.
“I heard that someone has donated a prosthetic leg for him. Maybe I should send him an invitation for my wedding?”
“Alisa told you ha? Why would you invite him?”
Kuroo has been mentioning all sort of things about weddings for three straight hours and it started making me feel sad about myself and my love for him that never fades.
“I was close with your father, Y/N.”
“You WERE close before.”
“Yeah, that was before.”
We didn’t noticed that the song we were dancing along with had finished. Thanks to Morisuke and Bokuto they pulled us apart and handed us a mug of beer. I must control my alcohol intake tonight or else I would end up speed driving on the street. I emptied at least three mugs and I am confident that I’m not drunk. I have high alcohol tolerance!
“Alisa, have you seen my things?” My brows are furrowed when I started looking for my bag and folders. Alisa just shrugged her shoulders and continued drinking with our drunk friends.
“I think I put them inside Kuroo’s bedroom.” Lev said, yawning.
“Hah?!” I smacked him on the face and he just laughed at me.
“Go get it, Y/N, Kuroo is not there.”
I jogged towards Kuroo’s house and went straight inside his dimly lit room. I found my bag and folders laying on his bed and immediately picked my things.
Before I could spin on my heels, a figure of a man appears from the darkened corner of the room.
“Sorry for intrusion, Lev’s fault.” I hugged my things closer to my body and looked straight at Kuroo.
“Do you still love me?” All of the sudden, Kuroo asked, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
I am honest and brave.
“I see.”
“Excuse me, Kuroo. I need to go home.”
“Could you give this to your dad?” Kuroo handed me a copy of the invitation and squeezed my hand.
I smiled at him, “I will.”
Kuroo held my gaze for a moment. He sighed. The light from the ceiling flickered. I think I catch a glimpse of a portrait of a woman there before the door closes.
It must be his fiancée. How sweet of him.
When I returned home, my father was waiting for me on the front porch. I gave him a high five.
“Dad, Kuroo is inviting you to his wedding this weekend, would you like to attend?” I asked. Looking for the cream colored envelope inside my bag. I place it in his palm when I found it.
“Of course! You’ll be there, too, right?”
“Yeah. I’m one of the bridesmaids.” I laughed.
𝐷𝑎𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑒𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔
“Dad!” They are here again! The employees from the nearby flower shop. Bringing baskets of daffodils for my father. If I’m not mistaken, someone have been sending daffodils every last saturday of the month for five years straight now! Whoever is doing this, is undoubtedly an angel! These flowers contributes to my father’s immediate recovery!
“Oh! These are pretty!” My father descended from the stairs, walking straight to the delivery team to sign the receipt. He was dressed in suit and I was dressed in yellow dress like the color of the daffodils.
“Where’s mom, Aria, and Dale?”
“They go shopping.”
“It’s too early for them to go shopping, Dad.”
My father walks up to me, dragging me outside our house after the delivery team finished placing all the baskets in the living room.
“Get going, Y/N, we’ll be late!”
“You seemed excited, Dad! It’s just Kuroo’s wedding!”
𝑊𝑒𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑉𝑒𝑛𝑢𝑒 ( 𝑆𝑡. 𝐴𝑛𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑛𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑃𝑎𝑑𝑢𝑎 𝐶ℎ𝑢𝑟𝑐ℎ )
He’s been looking for the right one until she came in his life. She's the torch that lights up his dark paths. Leading him towards the brightest one. Where he doesn’t need to be alone. All these years and after everything he went through, finally, Kuroo had found the one.
His peace in a world full of chaos.
My event team are all busy. Alisa helps aligning the children in the center aisle of the church. I left my father with Lev and Kenma and assisted the other guests. The bride’s car is parked near the entrance. I wonder why she is still staying inside the car.
“Come on, Y/N!” Alisa dragged me back on the line. Joining my father at the very end of the queue.
“What about the bride, Alisa?” I asked in panic.
“She has different tradition, Y/N. Let her be. She’ll come out after us.
“Stand straight, my child.” Dad said. Smiling widely.
I smiled back. Lev handed my father a walking cane who struggles standing on his prosthetic. Dad taps his arm, laughing.
The queue starts as the music plays.
[ the one by kodaline ]
𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 ℎ𝑜𝑤 𝑏𝑎𝑑 𝐼 𝑎𝑚 𝑎𝑡 𝑚𝑦𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓. 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑦 ℎ𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑚𝑒. 𝐼 𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑑𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑑 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑚𝑒 𝑑𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑚. 𝐼 𝑟𝑎𝑛 𝑠𝑜 𝑓𝑎𝑠𝑡 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑠𝑘𝑒𝑑 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑑𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒. 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑚𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒, 𝑖𝑑𝑖𝑜𝑡! 𝐵𝑢𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑓𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑜𝑓 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑑𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑦𝑜𝑢, 𝑒𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑. 𝐼 𝑛𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑤𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑚𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑝 𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑔𝑜𝑡 𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑑𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑟. 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒'𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑚𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡. 𝐼 𝑤𝑎𝑠𝑛'𝑡 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛 𝑜𝑛 𝑎 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑟𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡. 𝐼 𝑤𝑎𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑖𝑚 𝑗𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑠, 𝑏𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑠𝑛𝑒𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑎 𝑏𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑟𝑡! 𝐼 𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑘𝑒𝑑 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑤ℎ𝑜 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑑 𝑟𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑚𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠. 𝐵𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑑 𝑚𝑒 𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑒. 𝐿𝑜𝑎𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑑 𝑚𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑜 ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑐𝑟𝑢𝑒𝑙 𝑎𝑡 𝑚𝑦𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓. 𝑌𝑜𝑢, 𝐾𝑢𝑟𝑜𝑜, 𝑤𝑎𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑜𝑛𝑙𝑦 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛, 𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑚𝑦 𝑓𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑦, 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑚𝑒 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑎 𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠. 𝐼 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝑓𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑦𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑝𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑣𝑖𝑒𝑤, 𝐼 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑖𝑡 𝑤𝑎𝑠 𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑒𝑑 𝐵𝐸𝐴𝑈𝑇𝑌 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑠𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑠. 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑎 𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒. 𝑁𝑜𝑡 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑏𝑦 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑘𝑠 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑏𝑦 𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠. 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑎 𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑠𝑒 𝑎𝑛 𝐸𝑋𝑇𝑅𝐴. 𝐼 𝑤𝑎𝑠 𝑐𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑙𝑦 𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑖𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝑚𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑖𝑡. 𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢, 𝐾𝑢𝑟𝑜𝑜. 𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑚𝑦𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓 𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡.
𝐴𝑛𝑑 𝐼 𝑎𝑚 𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑦. 𝐼 𝑎𝑚 𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑦 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑦 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑠𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑣𝑒. 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑚𝑎𝑑𝑒 𝑚𝑒 𝑓𝑒𝑙𝑡 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝑒 𝑤𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑡𝑜𝑔𝑒𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑛𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑏𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑔𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑛.
𝑀𝑎𝑦 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑦𝑜𝑢, 𝐾𝑢𝑟𝑜𝑜.
𝐺𝑜 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑎 ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑦 𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒.
𝑀𝑎𝑦 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑑 𝑤ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑓𝑜𝑟.
—ᴛʜᴇ ᴇxᴛʀᴀ
•end of the letter•
I really wished it was me. The one you’re looking for. But an extra should remain an extra. We were just made to spice things up. That’s all.
The line is about to end. Three more people and it will be our turn to walk down the aisle. The bride is still in her car. I’m nervous. I don’t think I can make it. Kuroo’s happy face is telling me to run for him and take him away and make him mine again.
But, that’s so cruel and inhumane.
“Be brave. Dad is here.” I bursted into tears when my father said those. He grips my hand tightly as we walk hand in hand. Tears streaming from my eyes down to my cheeks.
The guests probably thinks I’m out of my mind. Who am I to cry? I am not the bride for Christ’s sake!
“Dad? What are you doing?” I wiped my tears away and tried reaching my father's hand when he approached Kuroo.
He pulled two small envelopes from the inside pocket of his suit and gave one to Kuroo.
Dad opened the one he was holding and started crying when he showed me what was written on the paper.
𝐼'𝑚 𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑦 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎 𝑏𝑢𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑛. It said.
“No! No! Don’t say that, Dad. You were never a burden.” I’m holding my hand on my chest as I cried loudly. Why would my father think that? He was never a cargo or a responsibility. He is my dad.
He pulled another paper that said, 𝒀𝑬𝑺.
That’s when the guests started clapping their hands. I looked at them one by one. They are all smiling and crying like me.
From where I am standing, My mom, my sister, Aria and brother, Dale, came out from the bride's car. All dressed.
Aria ran towards us, handing Kuroo a flower crown made of daffodils.
Now, it’s his turn to show what's inside the envelope that my father had given him awhile ago.
“SIR, CAN I MARRY YOUR DAUGHTER?” Kuroo read, tears forming from the corners of his eyes.
“Wait! Are all of these pranks?!” I cried, stepping back. They laughed. Kuroo pulled me close to him. Putting the flower crown on my head. Kissing my eyes like he’s been dying to do all of these.
“These are real, Y/N.” Kuroo leads me towards the altar. Grinning. My parents stood beside me. Both shedding tears.
“He’s the daffodils sender, Y/N.” Dad said.
“And he’s the one sponsored your college scholarship.” Mom added.
I gasped. Bursting into tears again.
“You bewitched me from the very start, Y/N. After all these years, it was always you I keep looking for. You are my beginning. My middle. And my end. You are my cycle of life.”
— E N D —
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maybeimamuppet · 3 years
guess who?
hello friends, happy Wednesday!! this work is a birthday present to myself, so before we get into it: spoiler for the title, its a baby.
trigger warnings for:
pregnancy/childbirth (literally as non-graphic as I could possibly make it)
mentioned infertility
mentioned miscarriage
pregnancy complcations
otherwise, please enjoy!
Janis sighs heavily as she toes off her shoes. It’s her birthday, but she still had to go to work and had an exceptionally long day teaching angsty middle schoolers. All she really wants is a lot of food and a good cuddle session with her wife, Cady.
Their pets come up to greet her as she takes off her jacket, demanding their daily scratches. Janis obliges, rubbing Elvira’s head and scritching behind Daffodil’s ears. Daffy shakes her head once Janis stands back to flip the light on. Her collar shifts, and Janis suddenly notices the note tied to it.
“Aww, Daffy, a message for me?” Janis coos, bending down again to untie it and petting them both one more time. She’s not sure if her wife is home, since all the lights are off except the one in the kitchen. Maybe this will explain things. She unrolls it and reads,
Happy birthday, my love. First present for you in the bedroom ;) Love, C
“Hmm. Caddy?” Janis calls as she heads that way. She quiets when she opens the door. It turns out Cady is home, she’s just asleep. She’s on top of the covers and wearing one of Janis’ jackets, which is their usual formula for a special night. The jacket is buttoned, which is a bit odd. Cady usually leaves them undone to show off whatever cute lingerie she’s picked. But she’s covered their bed in rose petals, that’s a nice touch.
Janis doesn’t want to wake her up yet, so she changes out of her work clothes in the dark. She hears a sleepy groan come from behind her as she tugs a comfy shirt over her head, turning around to find Cady mid-stretch.
“Hi, lovey,” Cady yawns as she reaches for her. “Happy birthday.”
“Hi, baby,” Janis chuckles affectionately, coming to cuddle her and flipping a light on. “Thanks. How was your day?”
“Good! I got a lot done, and Daffy and I had a nice walk,” Cady replies. “How about you, how was your day?”
“It was fine,” Janis says with a small yawn. “Long.”
“Aww. Would your present make you feel better?” Cady asks, stroking through her hair. Janis perks up a little at the reminder.
“Oh, yeah, what do I get?” She asks excitedly.
“You’ll just have to unwrap it and find out,” Cady purrs, gesturing to herself.
“You just woke up, are you sure-whoa, okay,” Janis replies as Cady starts kissing her hungrily. Janis kisses back for a long moment before she starts working her way down, kissing and nipping at her neck.
She undoes the buttons one by one as she works her way down Cady’s chest, until eventually she feels something other than her soft skin against her lips and pulls back in confusion. It’s another message, painted across Cady’s tummy. The top of whatever it says is just barely peeking out.
Frowning confusedly, Janis undoes the rest of the buttons in one go and pulls the flaps of the jacket apart, revealing the words,
Guess who?
Janis gasps and claps her hands over her mouth, letting out a happy sob. “Are you for real?! We-we’re gonna be mamas?”
Cady gives a watery chuckle, already crying too. “Yeah, Jay, we are. I’m for real. Are you excited?”
“Oh my god!” Janis sobs, pulling her wife upright to hug her tightly. “Of course I’m excited, there’s a baby in you! When did you find out?”
“I’ve known for about two weeks, kind of, but I found out for sure yesterday,” Cady says. “I took a bunch of tests after you went to bed, and they’re all positive.”
“Is that why you were crying? You never told me what was wrong,” Janis says, wiping tears from her eyes.
“Because nothing was wrong,” Cady giggles. “But yeah. I didn’t want to tell you yet, or it would’ve ruined my whole plan.”
“And when you said you got food poisoning last week, that was...” Janis suddenly puts several pieces together.
“Morning sickness,” Cady grins. She leans over to her bedside table and opens the drawer, pulling out a little stick. Janis takes it with shaky hands, staring intently at the Pregnant+ on the small screen. “I’m already showing a little, look.”
Cady turns to the side and pulls the jacket away. She’s right, the slight swell of her belly at the bottom is already a tiny bit bigger.
“Isn’t it early for you to be showing?” Janis asks, looking back and forth between the test and her wife.
“A little, but I’m small,” Cady replies with a shrug. “I’m about five weeks, that’s pretty normal for someone my size, I think.”
Janis reaches tentatively to feel her tummy, but pulls back just before she touches. Cady takes her hand gently and rests it on her lower abdomen.
“There’s a baby there,” Janis mumbles.
“Yeah, there is,” Cady chuckles, drying the leftover tears from Janis’ cheeks. “Our baby. Breathe, sweetheart, you look like you’re gonna pass out.”
“I’m not!” Janis insists. “I’m just... happy. And scared. We... we’re having a kid.”
“Don’t be scared yet, we have time to prepare. Everything’s fine,” Cady comforts. “You’re gonna be such a good mom.”
“So are you,” Janis replies. “When do we get to see them?”
“A couple weeks. There’s not really much to see right now, they probably don’t even have a heartbeat yet,” Cady says. “But soon. Unless... unless something goes wrong again, then we’ll need to go in sooner. But I feel good about this one.”
“I do too. They say third time’s the charm,” Janis replies, rubbing her thumb gently over her belly. She feels as if the weight of the world is resting beneath her hand.
This was their third time trying for a child. The first time, none of their embryos had implanted successfully. The second, Cady miscarried in the third week. They’d spent months mourning their losses each time before they were even willing to try again.
“I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” Cady replies, leaning in for a kiss.
“Do you still wanna...” Janis asks, gesturing to the emerald green lingerie Cady still has on.
“Oh yeah,” Cady purrs, pulling Janis back on top of her.
“Cool,” Janis breathes.
Halloween rolls around exactly two weeks later. It’s Janis’ favorite holiday, and this one is made extra special by the fact that she gets to see her child for the first time. She’s distracted through her whole day at work, wanting to be done so she can go home and then to the doctor with her wife.
“Christ, lovey,” Cady jumps as Janis throws the door open. “Hi.”
“Hi, sorry, are you okay?” Janis apologizes frantically, coming to hug her and protectively resting a hand on her tummy.
“Yeah, everything’s fine,” Cady giggles. “I take it you’re excited?”
“Of course I’m excited, Peanut,” Janis says happily. “We get to see our little peanut, I wanna go!”
“Okay, okay,” Cady laughs. “Our appointment isn’t for two hours, Jellybean, we have time.”
“And the place is forty-five minutes away, it’s late and a holiday so there’s gonna be traffic,” Janis says rapidly. She pauses with a sigh to calm herself.  “I just want to make sure they’re okay.”
“I’m sure they’re fine, Jay. I feel fine,” Cady says soothingly. “I feel good, actually.”
“Good,” Janis breathes. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry, I’m glad you’re excited,” Cady chuckles. “Let’s go.”
Two hours later, Cady is checked in at the doctor and they’re sitting eagerly in the waiting room. Cady is fiddling with Janis’ fingers to distract herself.
“Sarkisian-Heron?” A nurse suddenly calls from the doorway nearby. Janis leaps up happily and holds out a hand for Cady. They follow her back and get Cady prepped, lying her on the uncomfortable table as Janis stands behind her.
The doctor comes in a few minutes after the nurse leaves, knocking on the doorframe as she enters. “Hello, ladies, congratulations!”
“Thank you,” Cady chuckles anxiously. Janis squeezes her hand gently.
“Let’s get right into it, shall we? How have you been feeling, anything you’re concerned about?” The doctor asks, making conversation to distract Cady as she begins the scan. Janis winces slightly at the process.
“I don’t think so,” Cady hums. “I’m exhausted and I’ve been… really sick, but I’m not worried about anything.”
“Sounds typical so far,” the doctor says pensively. “When did you have them implanted?”
“Sometime in September, I’d have to check to know when exactly,” Cady replies. The doctor’s eyebrows suddenly lift high on her forehead, then furrow. “Is something wrong?”
“How many embryos did you have done?” The doctor asks, shifting again slightly and seeming to ignore the question.
“Just the one, this time, that’s all we could do,” Cady sounds more frightened with every word. “Are they okay?”
“They are absolutely fine. You’re having identical twins,” the doctor says.
“What?!” Janis and Cady yelp at the same time. Cady hears Janis fall to her knees behind her, but is in too much shock to even check if she’s okay.
“Twins?” She breathes anxiously.
“Identical?” Janis chokes in about the same tone.
“Mmhmm,” the doctor replies, turning the monitor to face them. There’s two black forms in a sea of grey static. “You’re actually rather lucky, usually the process for determining what type of twins are present is more involved. But since you only had one embryo done, identical twins are the only type feasible for you to have. Your first baby, baby A, is here. And this is baby B up here.”
“Twins,” Cady sobs happily. “Oh my god. And they’re both okay?”
“They’re perfectly fine. Their heartbeats both look strong and their development is on track. You have two healthy babies growing here, congratulations,” the doctor says.
“Janis, look,” Cady sobs again. “Are you okay?”
Janis perks up from the ground, having previously buried her face against Cady’s side where she’s attempting to process everything. She looks up at the monitor to see what Cady’s pointing to.
“We’re having twins,” Janis says as her own tears start pouring down her face. “I’m-I’m fine, Butterfly. Those... those are our babies. No wonder you’re already showing.”
“What does this mean? For us?” Cady asks the doctor, holding Janis’ hand so tightly.
“Well, for you specifically it means you’ll have to be a bit more careful. More frequent scans, take a few extra vitamins, eat more calories daily. Your babies seem to be sharing a placenta, so we’ll need to monitor them for twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, but I have no reason to believe that anything should happen.”
“Okay,” Cady breathes anxiously.
“And it does also mean your chances of delivering prematurely are higher, but again, that’s not anything to be concerned about at the moment. Your babies are healthy, and we’ll do everything we can to deliver them when the time is right for them.”
“Okay,” Cady says again, trying not to worry. Janis leans in to kiss her cheek and her fears fade for the time being.
“Can we hear them?” Janis asks shyly. “The heartbeats?”
“Of course,” the doctor says, flicking a switch to turn sound on. A rapid pulsing sound fills the room. “Here’s baby A.”
Cady turns to look at Janis happily, and Janis leans in for a kiss on the lips this time. “That’s our baby, Janis.”
“Baby A,” Janis murmurs back. The doctor shifts and suddenly a second pulsing sound overlaps the first. “And… and baby B.”
“They both sound perfectly healthy,” the doctor says as she presses some buttons to take photos. She prints out copies of a few and hands them to Cady, along with several informational pamphlets. “Congratulations again, ladies.”
She leaves then, leaving Cady and Janis alone to process everything and then leave.
Cady drives home when she sees how hard Janis is shaking. Janis doesn’t speak the whole ride home, she just clutches Cady’s hand and stares at the ultrasound photos.
Janis turns to her once they’re home again. “I know this is terrible timing and I don’t want to worry you, but can I please have some alone time?”
“Of course, my love,” Cady replies, popping up on her toes for a quick kiss. “I’m gonna walk Daffy and make sure we have everything for Karen’s party on Friday, I’ll check on you in an hour?”
Janis nods. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Jayjay.”
Exactly an hour later, Cady knocks on their bedroom door carrying two mugs of hot chocolate. With a touch of pumpkin spice, since it is Halloween. Janis pokes her head out from under the duvet. She’s spent the entire time staring at the photos.
“Do you want to talk about it now?” Cady asks gently, handing one mug to Janis.
Janis takes it with a sigh. “I’m-I’m terrified, Caddy. We’re having twins, two babies. What if something happens to you, or to them? Or... or what if I can’t take care of them? Or tell them apart? Two kids is gonna be way more work than one, and I don’t know... any of what I need to. I want to be what you need, what they need. I just... I don’t know how.”
Cady takes their mugs gently and pulls her into a hug. “Oh, mpendwa. I’m scared too, you know. I’m small, this pregnancy is risky. You’re right, there is always a chance something could happen. But I’m so, so excited too. Because I’m doing this with you, my love. I’m carrying your babies. We’re doing this together. I have you to help keep me safe and help me raise these babies into great humans.”
Janis doesn’t say anything, just cuddles in closer and rests a gentle hand on Cady’s belly.
“And yeah, two is gonna be more work than one. But we can do it. We’ll learn what we need to and deal with stuff as it happens. Take it one day at a time,” Cady says, nuzzling her nose into Janis’ hair. “For today, we have two healthy little peanuts inside me.”
Janis grins at that. “I love you so much. And them. I’m excited too, I don’t want it to seem like I don’t want them. I get two mini-yous to love on. I’m just… really scared.”
“I love you too, darling,” Cady chuckles. “But you realize they’re more likely to be mini-yous, right? You have more dominant features.”
“Man,” Janis grumbles jokingly. “Oh well. We’ll just have to wait and find out, I guess.”
Cady reaches to hand her back her drink, taking a sip of her own. “Speaking of finding out, do you want to find out the sexes?”
“If you do,” Janis replies. “It doesn’t really matter to me. And it’s not a guarantee of who we’ll be raising, anyway.”
“I want to wait, I want it to be a surprise,” Cady says. “And you’re right. It always felt kind of creepy to me that people make such a big deal over the genitals of an infant.”
Janis laughs. “It is a little weird. Surprise babies it is.” She takes another drink. “Can I do something?”
“Sure,” Cady says confusedly. Janis suddenly dashes away and comes back with some black washable paint and a brush. She gently tugs up Cady’s shirt and writes,
Guess who? (Times two!)
Cady laughs when she sees it, and goes to stand by a blank wall so Janis can take a picture.
“Smile,” Janis says, pulling a goofy face to make her laugh.
“You’re such a dork, I love you,” Cady giggles. Janis snaps a few photos.
“There,” she says happily, letting Cady come see them. “I love you too.”
Cady smiles contently when she sees the pictures, then clicks the phone off and sets it on the nightstand. “Now comes the fun part of all this, you know?”
“Mm?” Janis hums confusedly, finishing off her delicious beverage.
“Now we have to tell everyone,” Cady says casually, finishing hers too.
“Oh, shit.”
They tell their families on Thanksgiving. Every year both of their families have Thanksgiving dinner in their apartment. Usually Damian and his mom join them, but his mother couldn’t make it this year so he went back to Illinois to be with her.
Cady is very clearly pregnant now, and has to wear one of Janis’ oversized sweaters to hide her belly before they want it to be noticed. Paired with some dark leggings, nobody would ever notice anything about the outfit.
Janis and Cady both make anxious small talk with everyone as they help prepare the meal, and grin excitedly at each other as they go to set the table. They made special name cards for everyone this year. In between Janis and Cady’s spots are two mini plates, with ‘Baby A’ on one place setting, and ‘Baby B’ on the other.
Their dining table isn’t big enough for everyone to sit and have all the food on it at the same time, so they leave everything in the kitchen and call everyone to come grab their plates to load up buffet style.
Their moms seem to notice something’s amiss first, and Janis’ mom gasps when she sees the little plates. She makes a beeline for that side of the table to see what the name tags say, and shrieks excitedly when she reads them. Everyone else rushes to see what she’s looking at.
“Oh my god!” Their moms both nearly-yell excitedly at the same time, running to hug them. Juliana follows quickly, shaking a concerning amount in her excitement.
“I’m gonna be an auntie!” She squeals. “And there’s two!”
Cady smiles widely as Julie hugs her gently and feels her tummy. “You’ll be the best auntie, Jules. I can’t wait to see you with them.”
“Do you know if they’re identical?” Janis’ mom asks. She’s an identical twin herself,  Janis’ aunt Alice is her sister. Janis and her cousin, Veronica, both take after them and look nearly identical themselves.
“They are, I’m hoping you can give me some tips,” Cady chuckles. “Daddy, what’s wrong?”
They both look up to see Cady’s dad visibly holding back tears, but they break through as Cady reaches for him.
“Nothing’s wrong, I’m just so happy for you,” he chokes, hugging his daughter tightly. “Twins, holy cow, binti.”
“I know,” Cady chuckles. “I love you. You’ll be a great grandad.”
Everyone crowds around both Cady and Janis in a group hug, sharing their love too.
“Okay, let’s eat. I’m eating for three now, I’m starving,” Cady jokes, taking her plate first and heading into the kitchen.
On Christmas Eve, Cady is finishing wrapping some final presents on their bed, cuddling Elvira on her lap as she works.
“Caddy?” Janis asks, entering from their living room. Cady checks to make sure anything that’s for Janis is hidden before she says she can come in.
“Yes, my love?” She asks, putting a last ribbon on a present and setting it aside.
“Can I paint on your tummy? I got this app on my phone that says what size the babies are,” Janis asks shyly. “Like, fruits and stuff. I thought it would be a cute way to track until they’re here.”
“Aww, Bluejay, of course,” Cady says as Janis rushes to grab her paints before coming back. “How big are they now?”
“It says they’re the size of peaches,” Janis responds, mixing some pink and a touch of orange together and brushing it over her wife’s belly.
“Aww, how cute,” Cady coos. “Precious little peaches.”
Janis just smiles happily at her, leaning down for a kiss before she adds some green leaves.
Cady just relaxes and enjoys the soothing texture of the paint. “This is nice. Oh, do you have any name ideas, by the way?”
“Not really, yet,” Janis replies. “But I have some rules.”
“Rules? Okay, shoot,” Cady says, looking up at her confusedly.
“The names can’t rhyme. That’s just gonna be annoying as they get older,” Janis says, adding some little details. “And they have to be spelled in a way that makes sense. I’m very tired of explaining that it’s Janis with an S, and I’m sure you’re tired of people calling you Caddy when they first read your name.”
“Yeah. You’re the only one I like calling me Caddy,” Cady grins fondly. “Okay, those are good rules. What if... are you okay with them starting with the same letter?”
“I can live with that,” Janis hums. “What letter?”
“I... no, never mind,” Cady says.
“No, what? I wanna know,” Janis pouts, adding two little happy faces on each peach.
“It’s stupid. But my favorite letter when I was little was L,” Cady mumbles. “I like the way it bends.”
“That’s not stupid, baby, it’s cute. L works for me,” Janis says.
“And I think we should each name one twin,” Cady says. “And then switch for middle names?”
“Sure. Do you have any names picked?” Janis asks, resting everything down on the palette and cuddling her wife while they wait for it to dry.
“Not first names,” Cady says. “But I want one of their middle names to be Rhys. Or Reese with the E’s, if they’re girls.”
“Of course, I love it,” Janis says, leaning down to kiss her.
“What about you, do you have anything?” Cady asks as she kisses her back sweetly.
“Um... since we’re doing L, could we name a boy Luca? After my dad?” Janis asks.
“That’s perfect,” Cady says, sounding choked up. “Luca Rhys. I love it.”
“Why are you crying?” Janis asks worriedly, cuddling her closer.
“I don’t know,” Cady sobs. “We just... we just named one of our babies, maybe. And-and you, I just love you so much!”
Ah. Hormones. “Oh, baby, I love you too. I love all three of you, come here,” Janis says, kissing her temple. “This probably isn’t a great time, but I have middle names picked already too.”
“What did you pick?” Cady sniffles, luckily calming down pretty quickly.
“Damian, if it’s a boy,” Janis says. “I have to. I couldn’t do it as a first name, I can’t handle two of them. But... I owe him so much.”
“I like it,” Cady grins through her tears. “What about for a girl?”
“Juliette. After my mom,” Janis says, wiping her tears away. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah. I’m sorry, I don’t know where that came from,” Cady sniffles again. “So, Luca Rhys and something Damian, or something Reese and something Juliette. I like it.”
“Good,” Janis chuckles. “The paint should be dry now, do you still want to take your picture?”
“Yeah, might as well,” Cady chuckles. “I want to remember this. Crying because we chose a name and I’m in love with my wife.”
Janis laughs. “Go stand over there, Sunshine.”
Cady does, finally looking down and seeing Janis’ work. “Oh, Jayjay, they’re so cute! The little faces!”
Janis takes a picture then, finding Cady’s candid moments somehow even cuter than her posing. “There, got it.”
“But I didn’t do anything,” Cady says confusedly.
“You didn’t have to,” Janis says lovingly. “Come see.”
Cady starts to, but freezes suddenly as her eyes go wide.
“What is it? What’s wrong?” Janis asks frantically.
“Come here, come here,” Cady says excitedly. Janis does, and Cady grabs her hand and rests it against the side of her tummy. Janis is confused until she feels a little pop beneath her.
“Is-is that...” She asks, already starting to cry as well.
“One of them is kicking,” Cady laughs through her tears. “That’s one of our babies.”
“Does it hurt?” Janis asks in wonder, resting her other hand on the other side. At her touch, the other twin sets off and starts kicking too.
“It feels like a tiny little kick, yeah,” Cady chuckles. “Little jolt. But that’s so exciting, Jay. This one must really love you, they only kicked when you came over.”
Janis bends down and peppers kisses all over the top of her belly. “Hello babies. I love you both so, so much. But it’s not nice to kick your mother, she’s doing a lot to get you here. And don’t kick each other, either.”
“You’re such a dork, you’re so cute,” Cady chuckles, threading her fingers through Janis’ short hair.
“I love you so much,” Janis says, leaning up again to kiss Cady’s lips this time.
“I love you too. Merry Christmas, love,” Cady whispers against her.
“Merry Christmas, Peanut.”
They tell all their friends on New Year’s Eve. Every year they have a party to celebrate, and do their holiday gift exchange then as well, since they’re all with their families for the actual holidays.
Cady and Janis stayed in New York this year, so their friends already sort of know something is up. It’s still safe for Cady to travel, but she was uncomfortable doing anything that might strain their babies. Their families did Christmas and Thanksgiving all in one, instead.
The party is at Damian and Aaron’s apartment this year. Damian opens the door to find them both holding large stacks of presents. They got everyone little things individually, and then the baby announcements from both of them.
“Hey, gu-whoa,” Damian greets as he opens the door. “That’s a lot of presents, here.”
He takes about half of each of their stacks and carries them into the living room. Janis takes what’s left of her wife’s and follows after him. There’s a lovely tree and menorah set up, and he helps her arrange everything among all the other presents.
“Oh no wait, keep those separate,” Janis says. He looks at her confusedly but does so, resting all of the most important gifts to the side. “It’s a group thing, they’re all the same, I don’t want them to get mixed up.”
“Ah, okay. How was your lonely Christmas here?” Damian asks, finally able to hug his friends now that all the gifts are in their proper places.
“It was kind of nice, actually, we just watched Christmas movies and cuddled the pets all day,” Janis responds. She hopes he won’t ask her why they had to stay behind. She can’t lie to save her life.
“Living the dream,” Damian says instead, making Janis breathe a sigh of relief. “Caddy, why are you all the way over there?”
Cady’s been watching them and trying to figure out how to hug people without revealing their secret too soon. “Oh, just admiring the view,” she teases, approaching from the side and leaning in very gently. Damian hasn’t noticed anything amiss, somehow. “Are we the first ones here?”
“No, you’re the last, actually,” Damian chuckles. “The Plastics all went to help Aaron in the kitchen.”
As if on cue, Gretchen and Karen follow Aaron out of the kitchen then. The girls both squeal when they see Cady and come to hug her before moving to Janis. Aaron follows suit too.
Regina didn’t come with them, so Cady heads into the kitchen alone to greet her while Janis helps with everything in the living room. Cady finds Regina alone and sipping a glass of champagne.
“Hey, Gina,” she says quietly, pouring herself a flute of the non-alcoholic variety. Regina whirls around with a quiet yelp.
“Oh, Cady. Hi, sorry, I didn’t hear you guys get here or I would’ve gone out with everyone,” she says once she sees it’s just her friend.
“It’s fine,” Cady chuckles as she takes a sip. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just wanted a minute to thank. Reflect on the year, you know?” Regina says quietly.
“I get that,” Cady says meaningfully. She can suddenly see the gears turning in Regina’s brain as she looks her up and down oddly. “What?”
“Nothing! It’s nothing, sorry,” Regina says hastily, taking another drink.
“It’s fine, but really, what is it?” Cady says.
“Are you pregnant?” Regina asks quietly.
Cady chokes on her drink and looks around to make sure nobody else can hear them. “Um, yeah. How could you tell?”
Regina squeals excitedly. “You’re wearing a loose dress and flats when heels would clearly go better with it, you’re not drinking real alcohol even though New Year’s is the only time you drink, you didn’t go home for Christmas, and you keep touching your stomach.”
“Do I?” Cady asks. Upon looking down she notices her hand is, in fact, resting gently on her tummy. “Oh. Oops.”
“Congratulations!” Regina squeals. “Can I do your maternity pictures?”
“God, yes please,” Cady says in relief.
“Yay! Come on, you have to tell everyone else, I need time to fight with Damian about who gets to throw your baby shower,” Regina insists happily, putting her drink back in her hand and pushing her gently towards the living room. Cady pauses to grab one more glass of actual champagne for her wife before she goes.
Janis looks at her as she comes back, checking that she’s okay. Cady nods and comes over to her. “Here, love. Regina knows, but she won’t tell anyone.”
“How did she find out?” Janis asks, furrowing her eyebrows.
“She’s a therapist? She read me like an open book in thirty seconds flat and asked me point blank, I couldn’t lie,” Cady chuckles. “Get D to do the presents now, I can’t wait anymore.”
“Okay,” Janis replies. “Damie!”
“What?” Damian groans from the couch, where he’s cuddling his boyfriend and finally eating his snacks.
“Can we do presents now pleeeeeeeeease?” Janis begs, trying her hardest to make it seem like she wants to receive her presents and not give them.
“Fine. Who wants to go first?” Damian asks, hauling himself back upright and heading to the pile of presents. Cady and Janis both keep quiet, deciding they should probably go last.
Karen eventually volunteers Gretchen, who looks at her aghast. It turns out she took up crocheting over the past year and made everyone blankets in their favorite colors. They all get different baked goods from Regina, who explains that Gretchen has been teaching her how to cook and bake. Karen gives everyone very expensive face masks that are somehow perfectly catered to their skin types.
Damian and Aaron go next. Damian gives everyone fun socks with different animals on them. Cady’s have lions, Janis’ have turtles, Gretchen’s have cats, Karen’s have mice, and Regina’s have bunnies. From anyone else it would be a lame gift, but Damian is a professional. Aaron handmade each household a wreath for their doors. It’s a little late to use them now, but they promise to next year.
There’s a noticeable energy shift when it comes to Cady and Janis’ gifts. They try their hardest to act natural as they give their individual presents. Cady made little dishes in a pottery class she had done as a special date with Janis, and Janis painted mini portraits of all of them based on photos she had.
Janis then corrals everyone to sit together on the couch, somehow without arousing suspicion. Regina is on one arm and Aaron is on the other, with Gretchen, Karen, and Damian all squished together in the middle.
“This is from both of us but don’t open them yet,” she says as she hands out the packages. Cady is sneakily filming behind her, and turns to grin at her as Janis comes to hug her from behind. “Okay, read the cards first.”
She and Cady had made the cards by hand, decorating them with different cute designs. They all say the same thing, however: ‘Happy Holidays from Janis, Cady, L. & L. Sarkisian-Heron’.
Damian makes it to the end of the message first, and his brows furrow in confusion as he tears into his package. They shoot back up his forehead when he pulls out a t-shirt that says ‘Best gay uncle ever’ and everyone else follows his lead, pulling out matching ones with their respective sexualities and auntie or uncle titles. They watch them all process everything until it finally clicks in their heads.
Janis tries to count how many times Damian shrieks “Oh my god!” in ten seconds, but she loses count after twenty.
“How is this happening?” He demands, wrapping both of them in a tight hug. “Are you adopting or is one of you pregnant?”
“I’m pregnant,” Cady laughs as he takes a step back, adjusting her dress so her bump is revealed. Damian squeals and hugs her again, and everyone else joins in to make it a big group hug.
Regina, as always, breaks away first and heads back after just a couple of minutes. Gretchen follows to make sure she’s okay, holding her girlfriend’s hand as Regina reads through the cards again. Suddenly, she clocks the second initial.
“Guys, wait,” she says, patting Gretchen’s shoulder excitedly a few times. “There’s two initials here. Are you having twins?”
“Yes,” Cady says. Everyone screams and rushes to hug her again. She peeks up at her wife around everyone and grins happily. “They’re identical, the embryo split.”
“Oh my god!” Damian sobs. “I’m gonna be an uncle! To twins! And you guys are gonna be moms! To twins!��
“Aww, Dame, don’t cry,” Cady chuckles. “Your nieces or nephews should be here in May.”
“Oh my god,” he says quietly again. “Shit, guys, happy fucking holidays.”
Everyone laughs at that and scatters slightly, finally letting Janis and Cady breathe. Damian excuses himself to the kitchen to recover. Janis follows as Cady lets everyone feel her bump and answers their questions.
“God, Jan, congratulations,” he sniffs, wiping his nose on a tissue.
“Thanks, Damdam,” Janis chuckles. “You seem more excited than us.”
“I am! I’m so excited, I’m gonna be an uncle,” he says happily.
“Oh, yeah, um. About that,” Janis says. “Caddy and I were hoping you’d be more than their uncle.”
“What do you mean?” He asks confusedly.
“We want you to be their godfather,” Janis says.
“Really?” Damian asks, his eyes brimming with tears again.
“Yeah, of course,” Janis says, handing him another tissue. “Stop crying, you’re gonna make me cry.”
“I’m sorry,” he sniffs. “Of course I’ll be the godfather. God, I can’t wait to meet them. These are gonna be the cutest little dorky babies ever.”
“Hey!” Janis says as she comes to hug him tightly.
“Jan, we called ourselves the art freaks for ten years and Caddy is the biggest math nerd to ever live, you’re gonna be raising dorks in some form or another,” Damian says.
Janis purses her lips, realizing he’s absolutely correct. “I guess you’re right. Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m so excited,” he says happily.
“Good,” Janis says, leaning in to kiss his cheek. “I’m gonna go find the mother of my children, I love you.”
“I love you too! All four of you!” He calls after her.
The excitement wears off just a touch by the time the countdown begins. Cady and Janis share a sweet kiss as it reaches zero and the fireworks go off around the city.
“Happy New Year, my love,” Cady whispers when they break apart. “It’s the year of babies.”
“The year of babies indeed,” Janis murmurs back.
They go shopping for baby things the next week. Technically, they’re supposed to be shopping for things they’ll need in their new house, since they’ve decided to move out of their tiny apartment and into a house that has enough room for them to raise two small humans. But, Cady passes by the baby clothes section on the way out and just can’t resist.
Janis follows and is instantly reeling at the sizes of everything. She nearly plows down a mannequin because she’s too busy staring at a little tiny bathing suit.
“Aww, Jayjay, look,” Cady says, weaseling her way around the racks to something she’s spotted. Janis leaves their cart where it is and runs after her. Cady heads to a rack with onesies that say ‘Thing One’ and ‘Thing Two’, patterned like the characters in the book. They have numbers that go all the way up to eight. Janis is suddenly very appreciative of the fact they’re only having twins.
“They’re cute,” Janis says. Cady grabs them in the newborn size. “Will they actually be this little?”
“Probably smaller, actually, we should be looking at preemie stuff too,” Cady says thoughtfully. Smaller? Janis tries to imagine something smaller than the onesies in her hand. It doesn’t quite compute.
“I have more rules,” she says suddenly, leading them back to the cart.
“Okay,” Cady chuckles. “What?”
“If they’re girls, we’re not putting them in those stupid bows that are the size of their faces,” Janis says.
“Agreed,” Cady says. She’s always found those tacky. “But can we do little ones?” She asks as she brushes a hand over a pack of more reasonably sized headbands.
“If you want, Butterfly,” Janis says, grabbing it and plopping it into their cart. “Have you thought any more about names, by the way?”
“Actually, yeah,” Cady says, resting a hand on her belly. “I want to name mine Leo. Boy or girl, I think it works for both.”
Janis grins happily. “I love it, that’s so cute. Leo Damian or Leo Juliette, it’s perfect.”
Cady comes over for a cuddle. “What about you, have you picked a girl name?”
“No,” Janis whines. “I can’t pick one.”
“You will. You’ll pick something perfect,” Cady comforts. “Let’s go home, I’m sleepy.”
“Okay, Peanut. Let’s go nap,” Janis chuckles.
By Cady’s birthday in February, they’re officially in their new house farther upstate. Damian and Aaron helped with most things, since Cady couldn’t really do much. She packed most of their things and moved the lightest stuff, but she spent most of the move napping.
Damian also helped Janis do their nursery. He had begged to help, and Janis was all too happy for the extra hands. He put together all the white wood furniture Cady had picked while Janis painted the walls.
Cady had only gotten to pick their furniture and textiles, the rest is a birthday surprise Janis has been putting together. She painted the walls Cady’s favorite color, a pale yellow, and designed an accent wall for the one opposite the door to the room. She’d spent weeks doing paintings of different safari animals, and found a company who sized them up into big stickers. By the time everything’s pasted up, it looks like a scene straight out of Kenya.
Damian helps her push the cribs against that wall, with a nightstand in between and a lamp on top. The two-in-one dresser and changing table goes against the opposite wall, and Janis puts the bookshelf and the massive rocking chair in the corner next to it. The other corner has all the baskets full of soft toys and teethers they’ve acquired over the last few months.
Damian hangs the grey curtains patterned with little clouds from the curtain rod, while Janis unrolls a big matching rug. Cady had fallen in love with the little cloud pattern, so all the fabric in the room has it. The rug, sheets, changing table, lampshades, everything.
Janis had also come up with a cute way to make homemade mobiles. She and Cady had stitched little clouds and stuffed them, then hung them with fishing line from dowels that Janis had hot glued together. It’s a perfect touch.
She nearly breaks her neck hanging them over the cribs while Damian adds the soft grey baby blankets to the crib railings, and then the room is complete. Janis looks around as she and Damian catch their breaths, and comes to hug him for comfort.
“Damian, my babies are gonna be in those,” she mumbles anxiously, pointing to the cribs. “I’m not ready to be a mom.”
“Well, you’re not, yet, so that’s good,” Damian teases. “You’re gonna be a great mom, Janjan. You half raised Julie, and you’ve got the right instincts. You’ve taken great care of everything and everyone so far; I would bet all the money I’ve ever seen that you’re gonna be the greatest mom in the world. Well, Caddy is first, but you’re, like, a super duper close second.”
Janis whacks him on the arm affectionately. “Thanks, D. How do you always know what to say?”
“I still watch a lot of Drag Race, Rupaul is very wise,” Damian jokes. “And I just know you. Go get your wife, she should see this.”
Janis squeezes him one more time before leaving to go Cady-hunting. She finds her in their bedroom packing their hospital bag.
“Hey, baby,” she says quietly as she comes in. “Why are you packing the bag now?”
“Because we have no way of knowing when our babies are going to be here and I’d rather not have you do it in a panic while I’m in labor or something,” Cady shrugs. “I just wanted to get it out of the way.”
“Ah. That’s a very good idea,” Janis says. “Can you take a break for a second, though? I have another present for you.”
Cady nods eagerly and reaches for Janis to help her up. “Lemme go pee first.”
Janis grins affectionately as she does her cute little waddle towards the bathroom. Her belly is rapidly approaching the size it would be if she was full term with one baby, and their little ones are constantly pressing on her bladder. Cady’s already tired of it.
She covers Cady’s eyes when she comes back and leads her down the hallway towards the nursery. Janis steers them carefully around Daffodil, who’s trotting along beside them to see what they’re up to.
“Okay, ready?” She asks once they’re in the best place to view the whole room. Cady nods happily, so Janis takes her hands away.
Cady immediately starts crying, spinning around to look at everything. “Oh, Janis, this is perfect!” She heads to the far wall to look at the animals. “Did you paint these?”
“Yeah,” Janis says, coming behind her and lifting her tummy to hold the weight for her for a second. Cady gives a relieved sigh and leans back against her. “But they’re stickers, so once they get too old to want animals on their wall we won’t have to paint over the zebras.”
Cady brushes a hand over an elephant tenderly. “They’re so cute, you did such a good job.” She notices Damian in the chair nearby and reaches for him too. “Thank you guys, I love it.”
“You’re welcome, Cads,” Damian says, hugging her gently. “Happy birthday.”
“Thanks,” Cady chuckles, wiping the tears from under her eyes.
“I did one more thing, go look in the closet,” Janis murmurs, kissing Cady’s neck and sending her on her way. Cady coos at what she finds and is suddenly crying again.
Several teeny tiny denim jackets, hand painted by Janis with different designs. Teddy bears, little moons and stars, all sorts of things. “God, Jay, these are so cute. They can match you!”
“That was the idea,” Janis chuckles, instinctively going to comfort her wife. Cady puts the jacket she’s holding back on its hanger and hooks it back into the closet. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Cady sniffles. She tries to hug Janis, but her belly blocks her most of the way. She manages anyway. “Oh, they’re awake now.”
“Can I feel?” Damian asks shyly. The babies haven’t kicked at all any time he’s been around.
“Of course, here,” Cady says, taking his hand and resting it where she’s feeling the most. “That’s your uncle, babies. We’re all so excited to meet you.”
“Oh my god that’s so weird,” he says in awe as the babies kick against his hand. “Cool, but... whoa.”
“It is a little weird,” Cady giggles. “Little aliens. Man, they’re excited.”
“What are they gonna call you guys? Is Janis mother dearest?” Damian asks jokingly, yelping again as another round of little kicks starts.
Cady and Janis look at each other. “I forgot about that, we can’t both be Mom.”
“I forgot too,” Janis says. “I think you should be Mama.”
“That makes you Mommy,” Cady smiles at her. Janis’ eyes well up when she realizes she’ll have two little beings calling her that soon. Mommy.
“I like it,” she sniffs.
“Aww, lovey,” Cady coos. Damian has returned to his very comfortable seat and is genuinely reading through Goodnight Moon for fun by this point. “God, can you two give it a rest for two seconds? I’m trying to hug your mommy.”
Janis laughs at that, brushing a hand over her tummy and kissing her wife. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Jay.”
They decide to do Cady’s maternity photos in late March. It’s getting to be Cady’s favorite time of year, it’s just starting to warm up and all the flowers are starting to bloom.
Janis comes home from work the day before to find Cady in tears on the couch. She rushes over, afraid something is wrong or she’s in pain. “Butterfly, what happened?”
“I’ve gained so much weight!” Cady wails, sitting up and crawling into Janis’ lap. Janis is confused, Cady has never been particularly insecure about her body, but the hormones have really been getting to her lately.
“Oh, baby,” Janis hushes. “That’s normal. Does your dress for tomorrow still fit?”
“Yeah,” Cady sobs. “But it’s so much, Janis.”
“Angel, it’s normal for you to have gained weight, I promise,” Janis says desperately. “A good eight of those pounds you’ve gained are just our babies, and they also need nutrients and fluids to grow and be healthy. And the rest of those pounds make up my beautiful, lovely, amazing, strong, adorable, kick-ass wife, who I love very much. I won’t hear any complaints about her body.”
Cady cuddles into her closer with a sniffle before she starts sobbing again. “I love you so much. You’re so good to me, I don’t deserve you!”
“Butterfly, shh, please, I hate when you cry,” Janis says, holding her wife as close as she possibly can. “I love you so, so much. I don’t deserve you. Come here.”
“I’m sorry, these hormones,” Cady sniffles. “Daffy lost her favorite ball under the couch yesterday and I cried for two hours.”
Janis chuckles and kisses her cheek. “I think that’s perfectly reasonable. Did she get it back?”
Daffodil comes trotting down the hallway with her favorite toy in her mouth, seeming to know she’s being discussed. Janis takes it from her and throws it back down the hallway, and she scrambles to run after it.
“Crazy dog,” Janis mumbles affectionately. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” Cady sniffles. Elvira comes hopping up on them then, bonking her soft head against their intertwined hands for pets. “Hi, Ellie.”
Elvira purrs happily as they scratch behind her ears, her eyes shutting contently. Once they stop, she opens them again and meows indignantly. She looks to see where their hands have gone, and notices Cady’s resting on her belly.
Ellie inches closer, sniffing at her tummy curiously. She brings a gentle paw up and bats at it a few times, so Cady takes her hands away so she can sniff more. Elvira changes her angle and bats gently at it again.
“Can you smell your siblings in there?” Cady giggles. Elvira suddenly looks up at her with wide eyes and a questioning meow, seeming to realize what’s happening. “Yeah, there’s babies in there! I’m surprised you didn’t notice earlier.”
Janis laughs at their kitty’s reaction. “I wonder if Daffy knows.”
“She doesn’t seem to, I’m not sure,” Cady hums. “Daffodil! Come here, puppies!”
Daffy comes trotting back down the hallway, still occupied with her ball. She approaches them on the couch and drops it on Cady’s lap, wagging her tail hopefully.
“Oh, you still want to play?” Cady chuckles. “Come here first, what’s in here?”
She taps carefully on her belly, getting Daffy’s attention. Thinking there’s a treat, the dog sniffs at her belly curiously. She seems suspicious when she realizes there’s no treat, but keeps sniffing. Her tail starts wagging harder when she realizes, and she licks Cady’s tummy excitedly.
“Yeah, there we go, you guys finally put it together,” Cady laughs. “Okay, here you go, go play.”
“Silly things,” Janis tuts affectionately as Ellie heads off to join Daffodil on her adventures.
“I always wonder what they get up to,” Cady says. “Anyway. Have you picked your girl name yet?”
“No,” Janis whines. “Help me, what names were you thinking about before you picked Leo?”
“Lydia,” Cady says. Janis pulls a face.
“That’s pretty, but I hooked up with a Lydia at a party my sophomore year of high school,” she explains.
“Really?” Cady laughs. “Okay, not that then. Um... Leah, but if we’re doing Leo that would be too close. What about Lucy?”
“Lucy is cute, but...”
“It doesn’t feel right, I thought the same thing,” Cady says. “How about Luna?”
Janis thinks about it. “I like Luna a lot, but it still just… I don’t know.”
“I understand, love. Laura and Lily are the only other ones I came up with,” Cady says.
Janis buries her face in her shoulder. “I’ll think about it, I’m running out of time.”
“It’s only March, love, you still have plenty of time,” Cady says. “Don’t stress about it, whatever you pick will be perfect.”
“I’ll think of something before your baby shower,” Janis says confidently. That gives her a little less than a month. “I should get started on dinner, what are you craving today, babe?”
“Noodles,” Cady says instantly. “And cuddles.”
“Noodles it is,” Janis chuckles. “I’ll cuddle you while we eat.”
“Okay,” Cady says happily. “Oh, can you add grapes to mine, please?”
Janis looks at her in confusion. “What?”
“No, I heard you,” Janis says. “Why?”
“I dunno, ask them,” Cady shrugs, pointing to her belly.
“Little weirdos,” Janis chuckles lovingly, leaning down to kiss either side of Cady’s tummy.
“I love you,” Cady says quietly.
Janis comes back up to kiss her before she goes. “I love you too, baby.”
Cady wakes up the next day feeling much better. She’s not quite back to herself, but nowhere near as upset as she was yesterday. She checks the clock and finds that it’s only about ten, so she has a few hours before she even has to start getting ready. They’re not even meeting Regina until four.
Janis is still deep asleep, and so are the pets who are resting at their feet. Daffodil is supposed to be part of the shoot, so Janis tried to give her a bath the night before. It just about worked, but they were both totally exhausted by the end of it. Elvira is just always asleep.
Cady heads to the bathroom and also grabs a book from her shelf to read while she waits for her little family to wake up. Janis makes a sort of snuffling sound in her sleep and scoots closer so she’s pressed against Cady’s leg. Cady just strokes through her hair and keeps reading.
About half an hour later, Janis finally wakes up. “G’morning, Butterfly.”
“Good morning, Bluejay,” Cady chuckles back. “How did you sleep?”
“Good,” Janis yawns. “Your leg is comfy.”
“Thanks,” Cady giggles. “What should we have for breakfast?”
“Whatever you want, we have pretty much everything,” Janis responds. “Eggs, pancakes, fruit.”
“Something with fruit sounds nice,” Cady says. “I’ve been craving a lot of sweet stuff.”
“Don’t people say that your cravings say what you’re meant to be having?” Janis asks.
“Yeah, but everything is kind of contradictory,” Cady says. “I’ve heard that if you crave meat and stuff it’s supposed to be a boy, and sweet stuff means it’s a girl. But I’ve also heard the opposite.”
“Huh,” Janis says. “Okay, come on, I’m hungry.”
Several hours later, after both breakfast and lunch, it’s time for them to get ready. They’d decided on periwinkle as the color scheme for their photos. Cady has a soft white dress with periwinkle flowers, and Janis has a coverall jumpsuit the same shade. Daffodil looks very dapper in her matching bandana.
“So what do you think they are?” Cady asks as she brushes out Janis’ hair to style it. Janis had done Cady’s hair and makeup, and now it’s her turn to be pampered. Cady’s hair is just in her natural curls down her back, and she has a flower crown to match her dress. Cady applies a few products to bring back Janis’ natural wave and pins small chunks from the front to the back of her head.
“Think what are what?” Janis asks confusedly.
“The babies. Do you think they’re boys or girls? Biologically, anyway.” Cady clarifies.
“Oh,” Janis says. “I don’t know. I think they might be girls.”
“Really? I’ve been feeling like they’re boys lately,” Cady says. “They kick so much.”
“You’re probably right, then, they are inside you,” Janis chuckles. “We don’t have too much longer until we’ll find out.”
“True,” Cady says. “One more full month.”
“Do you think we’re ready?” Janis asks quietly.
“Oh, absolutely not,” Cady answers. “I don’t think we could ever be ready. But I think we can do it anyway.”
Janis tips her head back once Cady finishes her hair, looking up at her face upside-down. “These babies are making you rather poetic.”
Cady laughs and bends down carefully for a kiss. “I’ve just been spending too much time around you. You read poetry for fun.”
“And you do calculus for fun,” Janis retorts. “God, Damian’s right, our kids are gonna be dorks.”
“And we’ll love them anyway,” Cady says. “Come on, we should go soon.”
They meet Regina at the scheduled time in a massive field of tulips. For whatever reason, Gretchen has connections to a tulip farmer, who agreed to let them take their photos in his fields so long as they didn’t trample any.
Regina is taking practice shots of her dog, Nutmeg, when they arrive. Nutmeg is sitting very patiently and even smiling for the camera.
Daffodil gets very excited when she sees her best friend and auntie, and makes a beeline over to them. Nutmeg breaks away too, and they both head trotting back to Regina after a quick meeting.
“Hi, Daffy, how’s my favorite little retriever?” Regina asks, flopping the dog’s ears around.
“Hey, Gina,” Janis calls as they head up after her.
“Hi! Oh, look at you!” Regina says excitedly, coming to hug them and feel Cady’s tummy. “Okay, I was thinking we should get the shots with Daffodil first so she and Nutmeg can go play, if that works for you?”
“Yeah, we should probably get them while she’s still nearly clean,” Janis says. “Daffy, come here!”
Daffodil comes running over to them for her photos, but looks longingly at her friend the whole time. Luckily, she’s quickly released again to go play, having been on her best behavior the whole time and getting her part out of the way quickly. They got several adorable photos of her sniffing and licking Cady’s tummy.
Regina is an excellent photographer. She lets Cady and Janis just do what comes naturally to them and then moves herself to get a good shot, and makes small talk while she works. They almost forget they’re even having photos taken in the first place.
“Cute! Janis, can you go find the dogs? We should get some of Cady solo and then bring you back when golden hour hits,” Regina says, resting her heavy camera against her shoulder.
“Yep,” Janis says as she tugs her shoes back on. “Come find me if you need anything.”
She heads into the small forest nearby to hunt for their puppies, since they’d gone that way a while ago.
Cady is a little less natural at posing when she’s alone, so Regina guides her through some of the basic ones.
“Do this,” Regina says, demonstrating how Cady should hold her belly. “And then think about how cute your little muffins are going to be.”
Cady does what she’s told, the prompt getting a genuine smile out of her. Who will they look more like? What will their personalities be like? What will they sound like?
“Perfect!” Regina says, letting Cady come see a few snapshots. Cady grins happily when she sees the few she’s allowed to.
“These are great,” she says. “Have you three ever thought about kids?”
“We’ve talked about it,” Regina says quietly. “We all agreed that we’re not ready and probably never will be. We’re just excited to be aunties.”
“You guys can babysit these two anytime,” Cady chuckles. “But I understand. I’m not sure I’m ready either.”
“Cady Sarkisian-Heron, you were designed to be a mother,” Regina insists. “You’ve been taking care of all of us since we were in high school. You’re gonna pop out two cute-ass babies and raise them into great humans.”
“You can’t just say stuff like that, I’m so emotional lately,” Cady sniffles.
Janis makes a reappearance then, emerging from the woods followed by two wet dogs shaking themselves off.
“So, it turns out there’s a river in there,” she pants once she reaches them. “They decided to go fishing.”
“Nutmeg! What are your other moms gonna say?” Regina tuts. “I have towels in my car, hang on.”
She passes the camera to Janis and heads towards where they parked. It’s a very expensive, fancy camera, and Janis holds it like she’s been casually handed the Ark of the Covenant. She hasn’t done much in the way of photography since her classes in college, but she decides she can take a few little snaps of her wife. For practice.
“Hey,” she calls to her wife. Cady turns to look at her over her shoulder. Click. “Guess what?”
Cady turns to look at her fully, tilting her head in confusion. “What?”
“I love you,” Janis says. Cady’s face splits into a wide smile. Click.
“I love you too, Jay,” Cady giggles. “Look at you go, little miss photography.” She comes to lean on her wife’s shoulder.
Regina comes back then with the towels, bending down to dry off the dogs. Cady and Janis kiss sweetly above her. “No being cute while I don’t have my camera, stop it immediately.”
The two of them break apart sheepishly, giggling as Nutmeg shakes the rest of the water off her once she’s been toweled dry. Regina dries Daffy as well, and then stands up and takes her camera back.
“Okay, just a few more of you two now that the sun is starting to go down, and then Gretch and K and I want to take you to dinner?” She says, stretching her spine out.
“Ooh, yay,” Cady says happily. She needs to sit, so Janis leads them to a bench she found while she was hunting for their dogs. It has several hills behind it that are absolutely covered in natural wildflowers, which Cady loves.
They get several with Cady and Janis leaning their heads together, grinning happily at the camera. Then Cady rests her head in Janis’ lap, and Regina gets a few candid shots of the two of them talking while Janis plays with her hair.
“I think we’re done here,” Regina says, looking through a few of the shots she’s gotten. “I’ll edit them a bit and get them to you in a couple weeks or so.”
“Thanks Reggie,” Janis says as they both hug her. She tenses slightly at the affections and huffs indignantly at the name, but does return the hug. “Do not call me that. But you’re so welcome.”
Cady and Janis both spend a majority of the month of April in tears. Cady cries because she’s in a great deal of pain. Her body is shifting in ways it wasn’t really designed to, and she can’t take any painkillers that actually work because they might hurt the twins. Janis cries because she can’t stand seeing her wife in so much pain.
“Butterfly, can I do anything to help you?” Janis asks desperately as her wife lies weeping in her lap, where she’s been for most of the day.
“The heating pad? And rub my back?” Cady sniffles. “I just want to be held, mostly.”
“Okay, I’ll be right back,” Janis says, tucking Cady in carefully with their favorite blankets and running off to the kitchen. Cady can hear the microwave whirring as she heats up the pad.
Janis comes back carrying their heating pad and a mug of Cady’s favorite tea, with the perfect amount of milk and sugar. She hands it to Cady as she sits up, then wraps the heating pad around her shoulders and pulls her close.
“I’m sorry you’re hurting so much, baby,” Janis says softly, rubbing her lower back gently.
“It’ll be worth it,” Cady sniffles. Janis thinks she might be feeling better, but her lower lip starts trembling and she bursts into sobs anew. “I’m sorry I yelled at you.”
“Oh, Peanut, it’s okay,” Janis comforts. Cady’s been nesting, stressed about making sure everything is clean and soft for their babies to come home to. Janis forgot to unload the dishwasher and Cady snapped a little. “I get it. There’s a lot happening to you right now, I know you didn’t mean it.”
“I’m still sorry. I didn’t mean it and I shouldn’t have done it,” Cady sniffles. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Kitkat. I love you so much,” Janis says. “Baby, be honest with me, can you handle having your baby shower tomorrow? I can call D and have them move it to another day.”
“I’ll be okay,” Cady sniffs again. “We don’t know how much longer we have until the babies come, and I miss everyone. I’m excited.”
“I’m excited too, Sunshine. We get a whole day just to celebrate you,” Janis says, working her way up to massage her shoulders.
“And you,” Cady insists. “You’ve done so much for us the entire time I’ve been pregnant. I couldn’t have done this without you. I can’t wait to see you be a mommy.”
“I can wait a little longer,” Janis jokes. “I’m still terrified. But I’m so excited to meet them.”
“I am too. I love you so much, Jay.”
“I love you too, Sunshine.”
They spend the rest of the evening cuddling, and Janis eventually falls asleep halfway through a movie. Cady cuddles her as close as she can around her very large tummy and plays with her hair.
She almost jumps out of her skin when Janis suddenly sits bolt upright. “Layla.” Is the first thing out of her mouth.
“What?” Cady chuckles affectionately.
“Layla,” Janis repeats. “I wanna call mine Layla if they’re girls.”
“That’s beautiful, my love. Layla Reese,” Cady says. “I told you you’d pick something perfect.”
“Luca and Leo or Layla and Leo,” Janis says. She leans down to kiss each side of Cady’s belly. “That’s you two. You have your names now. Mama and I can’t wait to meet you.”
Cady smiles contently down at her. They’d decided earlier that baby A would be either Luca or Layla, and baby B would be Leo. “Leo’s up here,” she says, guiding Janis’ hand to where they were in their last ultrasound. “And Luca or Layla is over here.” Janis kisses each spot several times.
“I love you so much, little ones,” Janis whispers. “I can’t wait to finally hold you.” Luca or Layla suddenly kicks against her cheek. “Hey, don’t kick me!”
“They know your voice,” Cady giggles. “They only kick when you talk to them, whenever I try they won’t do anything.”
“You’re their mama, you’re gonna be their favorite parent for, like, a minimum of five years,” Janis says. Leo kicks in agreement. “See?”
“I love you, loser,” Cady giggles.
“I love you too, dork,” Janis retaliates.
Janis is awoken the next morning by Damian entering their house in a flurry, with far too much energy for ten in the morning. She pads down the stairs in her pajamas to shut him up.
“Damian, shush, Caddy’s still asleep,” Janis says.
“Oh, oops,” Damian whispers. “How is she?”
“She’s fine. She’s having a rough go of it lately, she’s in a lot of pain, but she’s managing really well,” Janis responds as she’s wrapped in a hug.
“Poor thing. Those babies need to come out soon and give her a break,” Damian says, adjusting his ‘best gay uncle ever’ shirt.
Janis chuckles. “We need them to stay in a little longer, it’s still way too early.”
“When is she due again?” Damian asks as he picks his box of decorations back up.
“June, technically, but it’s dangerous if they get too big, so she’ll be induced sometime in May if they don’t come on their own by then,” Janis says.
“Wow, only a month? Shit,” Damian says. “I’m so ready to cuddle these babies.”
“I am too,” Janis chuckles. “I’m terrified, but I just want to meet them. Where’s your boy toy, by the way?”
“He’s coming later, and Reggie said she’d be here in about ten minutes,” Damian says. “We wanted to make sure we have enough time to set up.”
“Nice,” Janis says. “Can I do anything?”
“Absolutely not, this is your day,” Damian says, batting her hands away from his precious box of treasures. “Go get your wife.”
Janis heads back to her bedroom obediently to wake up her wife. Cady looks so much more peaceful when she’s asleep, Janis really doesn’t want to disturb her. She lets her stay asleep for a while longer before she decides to kiss her awake.
“Wake up, Butterfly. It’s your day,” Janis purrs softly.
Cady yawns and rubs at her eyes like a cat. “Jayjay? Timessit?”
“About ten thirty,” Janis responds, looking at the clock. Apparently she’d let her wife sleep in a little longer than she’d thought. Even asleep, Cady is easy to lose track of time with.
“Ten thirty? Why didn’t you wake me up earlier, it’s so late!” Cady says with much more energy, trying to roll herself out of bed.
“Because there’s two humans growing inside you and you need to rest,” Janis responds, grabbing her hands to help her up. “Everything’s fine. Damian’s downstairs getting everything ready and Reggie will be here to help him in a few minutes. There’s nothing you need to worry about today.”
“Okay,” Cady breathes, calming herself down. “Do we have snuggle time?”
“I made sure of it,” Janis says. “But you should eat first. Babies need calories.”
“Okay,” Cady says, sounding much less frazzled. She follows her wife down to the kitchen, but stops to greet Damian in the living room. “Hi, Dame.”
Damian turns around from where he’s hanging a banner up. “Hey, Cads! How are you?”
“Exhausted,” Cady responds with a yawn. “But this looks great!”
“Thanks,” Damian says. “Go get your wife, I got this.”
Janis makes them some quick eggs and toast with fruit on the side. Cady gets a lot of extra fruit. Regina shows up in the middle of their breakfast, also having several boxes of activities and decorations.
“Hey, Gina,” Cady greets from her spot on the couch.
“Hey, Cady,” Regina responds, trying to catch her breath as she rests down a heavy box. “Christ.”
“You guys got a lot of stuff,” Janis comments around a mouthful of egg. “We didn’t invite that many people.”
“Damian went absolutely ape shit at Party City last week,” Regina says. “Wants to give you guys a rager before you have too many babies to party anymore.”
“Hell yeah,” Damian cheers as he comes down from his stepladder to check that his banner is even.
“Oh, Christ,” Janis groans. She’d let the two of them run wild, she just hopes they didn’t blow too much of her money.
“Sounds fun,” Cady cheers. “Let’s go get dressed.”
Janis kisses her cheek and takes their empty plates into the kitchen before following her wife back upstairs. The color scheme for the party overall is yellow and green, since Janis and Cady didn’t want to buy too much into the whole blue and pink thing. However, the invitations did say to wear pink or blue depending on what you think the babies are, which they both think is cute.
Cady wears the same dress she wore for her maternity photos, since it’s soft and light, and the flowers are close enough to blue. Janis still doesn’t have much in the way of pink clothing, but she borrowed a pink button down from Damian to go over her black ensemble.
Once their hair and teeth are brushed and some makeup is applied, they head downstairs. Regina and Damian made a lot of progress while they were getting ready. Streamers are hanging from the walls, the tables are decorated, and Regina is even stuffing a piñata.
“Reggie?” Janis asks. “Why the fresh hell did you buy a baby shaped piñata?”
“It was the only baby-related one they had!” Regina insists. “I know it’s bad.”
Cady laughs so hard at the idea of whacking a cardboard baby with sticks that she nearly falls over, Janis has to grab her.
“That’s great, I love it,” Cady giggles, wiping tears of laughter from under her eyes. “This all looks so good!”
Damian comes in from their backyard, where he’s been decorating and setting up the outdoor activities. “Why, thank you!”
They finish a few minutes later and take the two of them on a short tour before the guests come. Cady starts giggling at the games they’ve come up with. They’ve changed ‘pin the tail on the donkey’ to something along the lines of ‘get the spoon in the baby’s mouth’, with velcro spoons to attach to a large cartoon baby.
Janis gets a chuckle out of a water balloon toss, called ‘don’t break the water’. There’s also a few calmer things, like decorating play-doh babies or leaving a message on a poster with one of the maternity photos in the center.
“Also, if you’re okay with it, I thought it would be fun to try some old wives’ tales since you’re not doing a gender reveal,” Regina says once they’ve seen everything. “Just the normal ones like the ring test and stuff, not the ones with, like, your pee or anything.”
Cady laughs. “Yeah, that sounds fun. This is amazing, thank you guys.”
Janis and Cady greet all their guests, which is mostly just their old friends from high school and college who could make it to New York, and any family who could make the trip.
Cady is surprised when her cousin Emma comes in, Janis decided to surprise her. Emma brought her wife Alyssa, and their son James.
“Oh my god, hi!” Cady says happily, hugging both of them as tight as she can. They still live in Indiana and haven’t been able to visit for a few years. “Hi James!”
James is a little over a year old, and just waves as he cuddles shyly into Alyssa’s shoulder. Janis looks at him for a moment. Soon she’ll have her own babies to cuddle like that.
It turns out Cady had a similar surprise, since Janis’ cousin Veronica enters soon after, flanked by all three of her girlfriends. Janis remembers that one is technically her wife, but she can’t remember which Heather married who.
“Vera!” She calls happily, running to hug her cousin. “You didn’t tell me you were coming!”
“I told Cady,” Veronica says. “And obviously I’m coming, my favorite cousin is having a baby!”
“Two, actually,” Janis says.
“Shit, dude,” Veronica responds. “I forgot about that. Congratulations!”
“Thanks,” Janis chuckles. Veronica hugs her back for a second and then leads her girlfriends to check out the party. “This is bad.”
“What’s bad?” Cady asks worriedly.
“I can’t tell the Heathers apart,” Janis says anxiously, chewing a thumbnail. “I memorized the colors they wear, but now two are in pink and the other is in blue.”
“Oh,” Cady chuckles. “Well, you’re in luck, I memorized the hair in case of something like this. Chandler is the one Veronica married, she’s got red hair, and she’s the other one in blue. McNamara is blonde and she’s one of the ones in pink, and then Duke has dark hair and she’s the other pink one.”
“You’re a lifesaver, Butterfly,” Janis chuckles. “I think that’s everyone.”
Cady closes the door and pokes out a hand, which Janis takes with a squeeze and a kiss to her knuckles. They head into the party hand in hand.
Several hours later, the party is over and Cady is sound asleep against her wife, surrounded by all sorts of adorable gifts. Janis wishes she had the strength to carry her up to bed, but carrying three people is too much even for her.
Regina and Damian are both spending the night in the guest rooms, so Cady and Janis don’t have to worry about taking down any of the decorations. Janis hugs both goodnight and then wakes her wife, leading her up the stairs to bed.
They had a good day.
The next day is very bad.
Cady wakes Janis up around nine in tears. “Baby, what’s the matter?” Janis asks in concern.
“Something’s not right, Jay,” Cady sobs. “I can tell. They haven’t kicked since last night. They-they always kick in the mornings, something’s wrong.”
“Hey, I’m sure everything’s fine,” Janis soothes, trying to hide her own panic. “I’ll call the doctor and see if we can get you in for a scan.”
“Okay,” Cady sniffles.
The doctor tells them to come in right away for an emergency ultrasound, which doesn’t make them feel any better. Cady is desperately holding back tears and clinging to Janis’ hand like a lifeline.
The doctor’s brow quickly furrows as the babies come into view, and Janis almost collapses in worry. Something isactually wrong.
“I’m afraid I have some bad news,” the doctor says in that tone of voice. “You’ve developed twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, from what I can see here it seems to be about a stage three.”
“How-how bad is that? What does that mean?” Janis asks shakily, trying to comfort her wife and herself at the same time.
“Before I explain, I don’t want you to panic too much. There are steps we can take, you have a good chance of having two healthy babies,” the doctor prefaces. That’s never good.
“But?” Janis chokes.
“But, stage three means that one or both of your babies’ hearts are affected,” the doctor says apologetically. She flips the monitor at an angle so they can all see. It’s obvious just looking that something isn’t right. “Here. TTTS just means that the twins aren’t sharing blood vessels evenly. Baby A has too much blood and fluids, things like that, going to them, and B isn’t getting enough.”
“But are they okay?” Cady cries desperately. “Are my babies alive?”
“Yes,” the doctor responds calmingly. Cady gives a sob of hope and clings somehow tighter to Janis. “But I am worried. Baby B’s heart is very weak. If we don’t take action soon you run the risk of losing them both. I’m going to send you for a corrective procedure right away.”
“Procedure? Like… surgery?” Janis asks, her face blanching. How did everything turn around like this?
“Nothing terribly invasive. Just a laser to sever some of the shared vessels, she won’t even have to be opened up,” the doctor says, taking a few pictures and ending the scan. “It’s not without its risks, but it really is your best bet here.”
“What are the risks?” Janis demands.
“Jay,” Cady says gently. Janis looks at her and takes a deep breath.
“Sorry.” Janis apologizes.
“It’s perfectly understandable. Giving news like this is the worst part of my job, I get all sorts of reactions,” the doctor says calmly. “To your wife, there is almost no risk. However, there is a chance that it will be too traumatic for the babies and you’ll lose them both.”
“No,” Cady sobs desperately. “They have to- I need them to be okay.”
“The chances of that are very low,” the doctor comforts. “With the surgery, your chances of both being born healthy is about seventy-five percent. If we do nothing, their chances of survival drop to about ten percent.”
Cady dissolves into broken sobs behind Janis, who is hollowly trying to process all the information she’s been bombarded with over the last few minutes.
“I don’t care about the risks to me, just save them,” Cady weeps. Janis pulls her up and cradles her so tightly, letting her own tears drip onto Cady’s hair as her wife cries into her shoulder. The doctor leaves with a quiet apology to send off the referral, leaving them alone to process. “Janis, I-I-I can’t lose them. They have to be okay, I can’t-I need them to be okay.”
“They will be,” Janis says with false confidence. “We-we’ll get you the surgery, everything’s gonna be fine.”
They both know there’s always a chance something will go wrong, but for now they need to believe that everything will be okay.
The next day, Cady is prepped and readied for the surgery. Janis can only be there in the beginning, as she’s put under anesthesia. Cady is crying and clinging to her desperately. Janis knows she can’t do anything. She’s never felt more tortured.
“I love you so much, it’s gonna be okay,” she murmurs, kissing Cady’s forehead as she’s wheeled away.  She’s absolutely terrified herself. Janis spent the night before frantically researching TTTS and was horrified to discover they were only two stages away from their worst nightmare. The fifth and final stage is the death of one or both babies.
Janis heads back to the waiting room, past where all their friends and family are waiting for news, and out the door into the parking lot. Everyone looks at each other in concern, but Damian is the one to get up and follow her.
He doesn’t say anything, just follows after her while still maintaining a bit of distance. Eventually she reaches a sort of garden area and turns around to him with tears streaming down her face.
Damian reaches for her, but Janis just starts pacing, letting out choked sobs every time she pivots. Damian finds a bench and lets her get it out.
“It’s not supposed to be like this!” Janis screams eventually, startling some exhausted looking medical student walking by, along with a few birds. “Everything was supposed to be okay this time! Why-why is it not okay?”
She hunches over with the force of her cries, and Damian rushes to wrap her in a hug. Janis clings to him desperately and sobs into his shoulder.
“It’s not-it’s not fair,” she weeps quietly. “It’s not fair.”
“You’re right, it’s not fair,” Damian says gently. “You’ve both been through too much already, this isn’t fair. But it’s gonna be okay. One way or another. We’re all here for you.”
Janis doesn’t respond, she just bursts into another round of sobs. She continues weeping desperately until she tires herself out after a while, so Damian hands over some tissues.
“You ready to go back in?” He asks quietly as she blows her nose. She nods hollowly.
“I should. I need to be there for news,” she whispers.
“If you’re not ready that’s okay,” Damian says. “Someone would text us if they heard anything, and we have time before she wakes up. We can wait here if you need more time.”
“No, I-I need to be there for her,” Janis mumbles. “I’m fine.”
They both know damn well that nothing is fine here, but Damian nods and leads her back to the waiting room.
After what feels like an eternity, the surgeon comes out with an intern that Janis doesn’t recognize. The intern calls for the ‘father’ of the Sarkisian-Heron babies, and Janis dashes over.
“Is she okay? Did they make it? Where is she?” She asks desperately.
“Father only,” the intern snaps.
“She’s my wife! My wife just had surgery because our babies might be dying, I don’t have time to deal with your petty, homophobic bitch ass. Where the hell is my wife?” Janis calls.
The surgeon steps up with a weak grin then, gesturing for Janis to follow her. “Everything went exactly as planned, there were no complications. Your wife and children are completely fine.”
Janis gives a heavy, shaky sigh of relief, feeling like the drama of the last day or so is escaping her chest. She’s led back to where Cady is resting, going to sit by her wife’s sleeping form and taking her hand gently.
“She should wake shortly,” the surgeon says quietly. “And my apologies for Sarah’s behavior. I would also like to thank you, I’ve been waiting for someone to call her out so I can report her ass to HR.”
Janis gives a weak grin, the closest to a smile she’s come in more than twenty-four hours. She looks back down to her wife and kisses her knuckles gently. “Happily. Thank you, for-for saving them. And her.”
“Just doing my job,” the surgeon replies. “We’ll be back to check on everything in a few minutes.”
Janis nods and the doctor leaves. Cady stirs a few moments later, her eyelids fluttering before she finally opens them with a good bit of effort.
“Are they okay?” She whispers, squeezing Janis’ hand lightly.
Janis nods and brushes tears from her own face. “Yeah, baby, they’re okay. The doctor said everything went perfectly, there were no complications. Our babies are both fine.”
“Thank goodness,” Cady says with tears brimming in her eyes. “I couldn’t handle losing either of them now.”
“I couldn’t either, Peanut,” Janis says quietly. “But they’re okay, we don’t even have to think about that now.”
“I love you,” Cady whispers.
“I love you too, Sunshine.”
Cady is officially cleared to go home six days later, and is to be on strict bed rest until the babies are born. She’s taken an emergency medical leave from work which will stretch into her maternity leave.
But, in typical Cady fashion, she didn’t want to leave her work, even temporarily, without a goodbye. She wrote notes during her very long stay in the hospital, to all of her students as well as the substitute professor who would be taking over for her in her absence. Janis and Damian delivered them and cleaned her office out for her while Cady relaxed at home.
Janis, on the other hand, still has to go to work until her ‘paternity’ leave kicks in.
“Jayjay, it’s gonna be okay,” Cady comforts a nearby panicking Janis. “Everything is good now, I’m gonna be fine. And Damian offered to come keep me company, I’m not going to be alone.”
“But what if you go into labor and I’m not there? Or something else happens?” Janis asks worriedly.
“Jellybean, I’m not even having braxton-hicks contractions yet, these babies aren’t coming for a while,” Cady chuckles. “But you won’t be far, I’ll call you right away if something happens.”
“Okay,” Janis mutters, taking a deep breath to calm herself. “I love you.”
“I love you too. Go teach those kids,” Cady replies, shooing her out the door from bed after a quick kiss.
Cady has a lovely day watching musicals with Damian and cuddling their pets. Janis texts periodically to make sure everything is okay.
And it is.
They keep this system all throughout May. Their families have long since left back to Illinois, but at least one of their friends spends the day at their house with Cady so she doesn’t get lonely, and to keep her safe if anything happens.
Until, in a beautiful fit of irony, Cady goes into labor on Mother’s day.
She and Janis had a lazy Sunday, celebrating their last Mother’s day with just the two of them with a long snuggle session and waffles for dinner.
Cady started feeling off at around six in the evening, but played it off as being uncomfortable due to the fact that she’s a small, heavily pregnant woman. Janis pampers her with lots of loving kisses and nice back rubs. Cady tries to focus on them instead of the bursts of pain popping up periodically.
She’s concerned when they don’t stop. Janis heads to bed around eleven, but Cady stays behind an extra few minutes to grab a snack. She’s Googled the difference between phantom and real contractions, and learned that phantom ones tend to go away after eating something.
So, Cady has some veggies and lets Daffodil out for a late-night frolic through the backyard. She’s finished her carrots by the time the puppy comes back to paw at the door. The contractions don’t seem to have stopped. Uh oh.
Daffodil leads her up the stairs to bed, so Cady follows and lies down next to her wife. Maybe sleep will help. Elvira is already there, and nuzzles in between both of them while Daffy takes her usual place on the ground beside them.
Cady is woken up no more than a half-hour later by a much more severe pain. On instinct, she reaches for Janis’ hand to squeeze.
“Ow,” Janis groans tiredly. “Whassamatter?”
“I’m in labor,” Cady says quietly, the realization finally hitting. Janis nearly clonks their heads together as she sits bolt upright.
“Are you serious?” She asks, rubbing her eyes.
“Yeah,” Cady says, trying to hold back anxious tears.
“Hey, what’s wrong? Does it hurt?” Janis asks in concern, stroking a hand over Cady’s cheek.
“No,” Cady whimpers. “Well, yeah. But… I’m scared, Jay.”
“Of what? Everything’s gonna be fine, we’ll take care of you,” Janis says gently.
“They’re not ready, Janis,” Cady sobs. “I’m only thirty-four weeks, it’s too early. They’re gonna be too small, they’re not… they’re not gonna be healthy.”
“Oh, Peanut,” Janis frowns. “They’re gonna be fine, I promise. They might be a little small, yeah, and they might need some stuff to help them out for a while. But it’ll be better for them to be out, they’ll be easier to monitor and help, and it’ll be easier to make sure all of you are healthy.”
“But what if they don’t look like you?” Cady wails suddenly.
“Then they’ll look like you, and they’ll be perfect,” Janis comforts. “Shh, angel, please. Everything’s gonna be fine.”
Cady sniffles and leans into her shoulder. She winces and scrambles for Janis’ hand again when another contraction hits.
“How long have you been having contractions, baby?” Janis asks, wincing but not complaining at the series of pops her knuckles give.
Cady looks at the clock, it’s just a few minutes past midnight. “Six hours,” she says sheepishly.
“You what? Butterfly,” Janis demands. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t know at first, they weren’t that bad,” Cady replies as Janis goes to put clothes on. It’s just leggings and a sweatshirt, but is slightly more presentable than her pajamas.
“Okay, tell me when your next one starts,” Janis says, holding her hand gently and bringing up a timer on her phone. Cady does, and they time the next few. They’re long and getting closer together. “I think it’s baby day, Cads, we should go to the hospital.”
“Okay,” Cady sniffs again. “God, I can’t wait to not be pregnant anymore.”
Janis laughs as she hands Cady some clothes to change into and grabs their bag. “I don’t blame you, Peanut. You’re almost in the clear.”
Cady changes clothes carefully and takes Janis’ hand to be pulled up. “Baby time.”
“I can’t wait,” Janis says, kissing her sweetly before they head to the car.
Cady texts their families on the way so they can plan out their travels, and then texts her friends to let them know as well.
spacecadet: Hey, turns out it’s labor day! We’ll keep you guys updated :D
damecupboard: AAAAAH NO WAY
ilikemouses: but it’s mother’s day???
georgewashington: She means the babies are coming, honey.
ilikemouses: oh
ilikemouses: oh!! yay! 📷📷📷📷📷📷
fetchen: yay!! we’ll go get daffy in the morning!!
a-aron: and dame and i will get ellie. good luck guys!!
“Okay, everyone knows. Our parents found a flight for tomorrow morning, somehow, and Julie’s already in town for work,” Cady says.
“Oh, is she? She didn’t tell me,” Janis says, turning into the hospital parking lot. “God, she’s gonna lose her shit when she meets them.”
“Just make sure she’s sitting before you let her hold them,” Cady chuckles affectionately.
“That’s a good plan,” Janis says. “Let’s go get you some drugs.”
“Yay,” Cady says weakly, following her to the doors.
Since they’re not an ambulance and it’s after hours, the doors are locked. Janis pushes a buzzer she finds, and jumps a little when a voice buzzes out from the speakers, asking what they need.
“Um… we’d like to come have our babies, please,” Janis says, not knowing how else to respond. Cady bursts out laughing behind her as the doors click and then swing open.
“You’re so cute, oh my god,” she giggles. “Oh, I shouldn’t laugh, ow.”
A small team lead them to where they need to be and help get Cady hooked up to all the monitors and finally pumped full of painkillers. She pulls a face when she has to don a hospital gown, and it only deepens when she finds out she can’t take it off until the babies are born to keep everything sanitary.
She and Janis are left alone once everything is sorted and instructed to try and get some sleep. Cady settles in and looks over to the monitors, watching her babies’ heartbeats pinging steadily.
Janis lies on her uncomfortable cot in the corner, and they both try to sleep.
By three in the morning, it’s clear sleep is not coming easily for either of them.
“Jayjay? Are you awake?” Cady pipes up.
“Yeah,” Janis yawns. “What’s the matter?”
“I can’t sleep,” Cady grumbles. “Will you stay with me?”
Janis rolls out of her spot and comes over to her. She knows she’s really not supposed to, but neither of them are used to trying to sleep apart. She shifts all the wires and tubes carefully and lies on her side, while Cady inches herself over to the other side of her bed.
“They’ll probably be here in the morning,” Cady whispers, resting a hand on her belly for what could very well be the last time.
Janis nods against her shoulder and links their fingers together on top of her wife’s stomach. “I can’t wait to meet them. And hold them.”
Cady leans her head against her wife’s. “And I can’t wait to see you hold them. I love you.”
“I love you so much,” Janis responds. “You’re doing such a good job. I can’t believe you’re my wife.”
“Thanks,” Cady chuckles. “I’m so lucky to have you. Goodnight, Jay.”
“Goodnight, Butterfly.”
They manage to sleep until about nine the next morning, when Cady wakes up with a pained gasp.
“What is it?” Janis asks frantically. The monitor shows that the babies’ vitals are still fine, but the one that tracks Cady’s contractions has suddenly gotten a massive spike. “Oh. Breathe, baby, you can do it. I’m here, you got this.”
“Shuck,” Cady breathes when it comes to a blessed end. “They’re gonna be here soon. Like, really soon. Ow.”
Sure enough, the doctor comes in to check Cady out, having been alerted by the large spike. A nurse gives her another smaller round of pain medication in the meantime. “I’d say we have about an hour,” the doctor says.
“Only one?” Janis squeaks in fright. “I’m not ready.”
“Oh, you’re not ready?” Cady teases. “Come here.”
Janis comes to lean into her wife, ironically needing comfort herself now. “What if they don’t like me?”
Cady laughs. “Janis, you’re their mommy. They’re gonna love you. They already do, they know your voice. They’ll learn your touch and your smell and what you look like. They’re gonna love you.”
“I should be comforting you,” Janis whines.
“It’s okay, my love. I get it,” Cady says softly. “But yeah, I could use you right now.”
Janis takes a deep breath and calms herself. She’s had seven months to prepare. She gets to meet her kids today. Cady needs her.
“Okay,” she breathes, her voice still a couple octaves higher than normal. “I’m okay, we got this.”
“Yes, we do,” Cady chuckles. “Panic later, I need you.”
“Oh, I definitely will,” Janis whispers to herself, coming to give Cady hands to squeeze and lots of moral support.
Cady’s water breaks after another fifteen minutes, and it’s officially go time.
At exactly ten in the morning on May 14, 2029, their first baby enters the world. The second twin follows three minutes later, and Cady collapses back against the bed with a final pained cry.
“Are they okay?” She asks weakly as two loud cries split the air. Janis brushes a hand over her cheek and leans down to kiss her forehead.
“They’re perfect, baby, you did it. Look,” she sobs happily. Cady tips her head up to see the doctors holding two tiny, squirming babies. “Those are our daughters.”
“Girls?” Cady whispers with a sob of her own. She reaches out for them and brushes a gentle hand over each small head.
“Mmhmm. Two beautiful baby girls,” Janis replies happily. She gets to cut the cords, and her hands are shaking so hard she can barely manage it. Cady reaches out again, wanting to hold her babies, but they’re whisked away before she can make contact.
“No,” she cries desperately, trying to sit up to get them back.
“Baby, hey, it’s okay,” Janis hushes gently, resting her back down. “They just need to be checked out and then you’ll get them back, I promise. They’re right over there.”
“Go get them,” Cady pleads as the doctors get to work patching her up. “Please, Jay, go make sure they’re okay. I’m fine.”
“Okay,” Janis says, kissing her forehead one last time before she heads to see her children. The older one, Layla, is being weighed and measured while Leo is cleaned up. Janis looks on in wonder as her babies cry. She can’t totally see their features, but they clearly got her dark hair, and a lot of it.
Leo’s lungs are slightly weak when they evaluate her, so she’s quickly fitted for breathing tubes. They both get hooked up to monitors to make sure they’re absolutely safe, then are put into their first diapers and tiny little hats, and are finally tucked back into Cady’s hospital gown for skin-to-skin contact.
“Oh, hi,” Cady breathes happily when she has her babies back. She kisses each of their foreheads gently. “I’m your mama. Welcome to the world, little ones.”
Janis smiles through her tears and leans down to kiss Cady’s temple. The twins quiet once they’re back with Cady and can hear her heartbeat again.
“God, Jay, they’re so tiny,” Cady whispers.
“They’re perfect, baby,” Janis replies. “You did such a good job.”
Cady doesn’t say anything, just leans her head against Janis’ and looks down at the babies resting on her chest. She can’t really tell whose features they have from this angle, but she smiles when she sees the tufts of dark hair peeking out from under the soft beanies.
Suddenly, she feels tears soak into her shoulder again and hears Janis sniffle quietly.
“What’s the matter?” Cady asks quietly, concerned for her wife.
“I love them so much,” Janis sobs quietly. “They’re here now, and I can… touch them, and hold them, and-and see them. They’re so beautiful.”
“Aww, Jay,” Cady coos. “You girls haven’t even been here for fifteen minutes and you’re already making Mommy cry.”
Janis gives a watery chuckle and reaches to brush a tender finger over each baby’s soft cheek. “Their skin is so soft.”
“They’re… fresh babies,” Cady surmises as an explanation. Janis laughs again. “Don’t laugh at me, I still have baby brain.”
“Sorry,” Janis chuckles. “I love you so much. I’m so proud of you.”
Cady turns her head for a kiss and smiles happily as Janis presses their foreheads together afterwards. “I love you, Jay. I’m so lucky I get to have these little squishies with you.”
Janis tries to hold back more tears and kisses her wife again. They continue sharing ‘I love you’s and cooing over their daughters as Janis tenderly cleans the sweat from Cady’s face and brushes out her hair, then re-ties her ponytail and helps get her out of her hellacious hospital gown and into the comfy pajamas she’d packed.
“Much better,” Cady sighs happily when she’s back in familiar fabric and not covered in sweat. “We should let everyone know they’re here, where’s your phone?”
Janis grabs it from its forgotten place on her bed and comes to take a picture of her wife and daughters. Cady smiles happily and holds the babies up slightly so they’re visible.
Janis makes sure nothing important can be seen and sends it along to their families, and then a different message to their friends.
gaylien: Sent a picture: y’all have some mcfucking NIECES
reginald: Janis, really? Your wife just gave birth and that’s how you let us know? Congratulations, though, guys. They’re adorable.
gaylien: nobody here has gotten any decent sleep in a solid 24 hours can you blame me
damecupboard: Oh my god they’re so precious!!! Good job Caddy!
fetchen: aaaaahhhhhh yay!!!!!!! congratulations!!!
ilikemouses: yay babies!!! congrats guys! 📷📷
a-aron: congratulations! they’re so cute!!
damecupboard: Jan what are their names
reginald: Oh, yeah, we want deets!
gaylien: layla is the bigger one on caddy’s left and leo is the little one with the breathing tubes
gaylien: i’ll give you guys more pics and info later, i’m gonna go back to my family
damecupboard: Wow Janis used a comma
Janis laughs and comes back to Cady’s side to show her the text thread. Cady smiles at everyone’s reactions and laughs when she reads the last message.
“You girls already have so many people who love you,” she says softly, carefully adjusting Leo’s nose tubes.
“So many,” Janis agrees quietly, still in awe at the beings they’ve brought into the world.
“Do you wanna hold them now? It’s been long enough,” Cady asks. Janis nods and goes to grab the soft baby blankets on a counter nearby to swaddle them with. Cady hands Layla over first, and Janis wraps her up expertly. She practiced on Elvira, so she’s a total pro by now. Cady takes her little burrito back and hands over Leo for her turn.
Janis hands her back once she’s been carefully swaddled, still a little anxious about holding them. Cady cradles both in her left arm and looks down at their faces. Janis leans in next to her and looks as well, trying to puzzle out their features.
“They look just like you,” Cady says happily. “Your hair, your face shape, your lips.”
“But your nose,” Janis replies as Cady runs a tender finger down the bridge of Leo’s. “And your ears.”
Cady is about to repeat the brushing motion on Layla’s tiny nose when the baby suddenly gives an adorable sneeze and both sets of eyes fly open in surprise.
“Oh my goodness, bless you,” Cady giggles. “Oh, Jay, look.”
Janis does, looking down to see two pairs of wide crystal blue eyes blinking up at them curiously. She grins excitedly and gives an involuntary squeal.
“Your eyes,” she says happily. Cady leans up for a kiss before gesturing for Janis to hold her arms out. Janis does, and Cady rests Layla carefully in her right and Leo in her left. Janis feels tears start pouring down her face again as she holds her babies for the first time. “Hi, sweethearts. I’m your mommy. God, look at you. I love you so much.”
Layla yawns suddenly, showing off her tiny pink tongue. Janis giggles and carefully brings her up for a forehead kiss.
“Am I that boring already?” She asks as the baby drifts off in her hold. “Looks like it.”
“That one’s still looking at you,” Cady chuckles, pointing to Leo. Sure enough, when Janis looks, her smaller daughter is still awake and looking around the room curiously. Janis brings her up for a kiss too.
“My little bumblebee,” Janis says happily.
“Bumblebee?” Cady chuckles affectionately.
“She was baby B. So now she’s baby bee. Baby bumblebee,” Janis explains. Cady grins widely and gives a coo when she hears it.
“You’re so cute,” she says. “What about Layla?”
Janis looks back to her other daughter to see what name suits her. “Ladybug.”
“Perfect,” Cady murmurs happily, watching her little family. Janis notices her stifle a yawn and watches her eyes start fluttering slowly.
“You should rest, Butterfly,” Janis says quietly. “You’ve already done a lot today.”
“I don’t wanna miss anything,” Cady says. “You’re so good with them already.”
“They’ll still be here when you wake up,” Janis replies. “We get plenty of time with them, now.”
Cady nods with a smile and shuts her eyes, drifting off quickly after her morning of hard work. Janis is left with the babies in her arms. Carefully, she stands up and hooks her fingers around all the monitors and devices the twins are hooked up to, and wheels everything over to the chair in the corner.
Layla wakes again at all the commotion, so by the time Janis is settled she has both twins awake and blinking heavily at her. She shifts Leo over so they’re both in the same arm again to see both at the same time.
“Hello, sweet girls,” she murmurs softly so she doesn’t wake Cady up. “I love you so much. You’re so incredible already. I’m so excited to see who you turn out to be.”
She takes the moment of them being awake and relatively calm to see if there’s any differences in their features. Janis can tell they’re almost perfectly identical, but there do seem to be a few key things.
For one, to Janis’ delight, they got Cady’s freckles. Just a few, speckled over their cheeks and noses. And, their freckles are in different places. Leo has one just on the tip of her nose, and Layla has one almost perfectly beneath her left pupil.
Leo also seems to have longer hair, and Janis grins when she spies the slightest hint of a curl to it. It’s too early to tell, yet, but she hopes they have curly hair like Cady’s.
And then there’s the eyes. Janis still smiles involuntarily whenever she sees them. They’re almost exactly the shade of Cady’s eyes, a perfect reflection of their mother’s. Layla’s are a tiny bit wider and closer together than Leo’s, but Janis can tell that’s not going to be particularly noticeable to anyone who isn’t staring intently at their faces the way she is.
Layla suddenly starts fussing slightly, trying to move in her swaddle and giving a quiet cry.
“What’s the matter, Ladybug? Oh, shh, you’re okay,” Janis says quietly, bouncing both babies slightly. Leo seems fine and content to be along for the ride. “I know, it’s different out here, huh? We all have a lot to get used to.”
Layla appears to realize that this is one of the voices she’s been hearing all this time and goes quiet after a few minutes.
“There we go,” Janis says contently when she stops fussing. “Maybe I can do this after all.”
She brushes down each of their noses gently the way Cady did, and watches their eyes gradually flutter shut as she continues. Eventually, she has two sleeping babies in her arms, and stares at them contently as they rest.
Without totally realizing it, Janis winds up cradling her daughters for four and a half hours straight. Every once in a while one baby wakes up and fusses at her, but she hushes and rocks and cuddles them until they drift off again.
Until they both kick off at once. Janis rocks and bounces them both, but they won’t go quiet again.
Trying not to wake Cady unless she absolutely has to, Janis stands and heads to the window, continuing her efforts.
“Shh, angels,” she hushes, bouncing both gently. “Mommy’s got you. Look out here, this is called rain. A lot of people don’t like it, but I do. It reminds me of your mama.” The babies quiet a little as she speaks, so she decides to keep going. “Your mama taught me how nice rain can be. She taught me how to dance in it, and showed me how peaceful it can be. You two and Mama are the only sunshine I need.”
Janis whirls around when she hears a sob come from behind her, finding Cady awake and crying gently.
“I love you so much,” Cady weeps, reaching for her family. Janis comes back to her side and hands over Leo, making it easier for her to bend down for a kiss.
“I love you too, Sunshine,” Janis murmurs against her lips. “So much. Did you have a nice rest?”
“I did, thank you,” Cady says with a sniffle. “Did you sleep at all?”
“No,” Janis says sheepishly. “I couldn’t stop looking at them, I just held them the whole time.”
Cady smiles at her contently. “That’s adorable. But you need to sleep too, we’re not going to get much for a long time.”
“I know,” Janis says. “But they’re so cute, I just… I don’t want to let them go.”
Cady reaches for her again, so Janis bends down for more kisses. Cady eventually scoots herself over again, inviting Janis to crawl in next to her.
“They already sound different,” Janis murmurs happily as she looks down at the babies resting in each of their arms.
“Do they?” Cady chuckles, leaning against her.
“Mmhmm. Leo’s cry is higher and more squeaky,” Janis says. “Layla’s is lower pitched.”
“How cute,” Cady hums. “Our little family.”
They stay that way for a long while, through the first feeding, during which they learn that neither baby will eat properly. Janis and Cady just roll with the hits as they come. This is nothing compared to what they’ve already been through.
An hour or so after that, a voice rings out through a speaker on the wall. Janis perks up when she hears Damian’s name, and he enters with Aaron just a couple minutes after Cady lets them know they can come in.
Janis looks up from Leo’s tiny face when he enters and, for the first time, rests her down in her cot. Damian catches her when Janis flies into his embrace.
“Damian, I have babies. I have daughters,” she mumbles into his chest. “And they’re-they’re so perfect.”
“Congratulations, Jan,” he says back.
Janis steps back after clinging to him for a moment and heads to pick her baby back up. Cady reaches an arm for a hug from her friends, leaving the other resting over Layla, who’s sleeping on her chest.
“Gorgeous, how are you?” Damian asks, bending to hug her gently.
“Physically, woof,” Cady chuckles before she looks down at the baby resting on her. “But I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy.”
“Aww,” Damian coos. “And who’s this little angel?”
“This is Layla,” Cady says contently. “She’s the older one, and the bigger one. Layla Reese Sarkisian-Heron. And Janis has Leo. Leo Juliette Sarkisian-Heron.”
Damian coos over the little one excitedly. “She’s so cute.”
“Do you wanna hold her?” Cady asks.
“Can I?” Damian asks anxiously.
“Of course,” Cady laughs. “I need to do skin-to-skin with Leo anyway. Just wash your hands. Jayjay, can you swaddle her for them?”
Janis gives Leo to Cady and gently takes Layla, kissing her little cheek and wrapping her in her blanket again. Damian and Aaron both wash their hands thoroughly and sit on the bench under the window. Damian reaches out, so Janis rests Layla gently in his arms. His eyes suddenly go very wide.
“What’s wrong?” Janis asks with a slight chuckle. The monitors stay stable, so she knows the baby is fine.
“Nothing, sorry,” Damian breathes. “I just realized that this is, like, a person. That you made. You guys made this person.”
“That we did,” Janis laughs. Layla’s eyes flutter open slowly at all the new voices. “That’s your Uncle Damian holding you, Ladybug. What do you think of that?”
Layla pokes her little tongue out at him, making everyone laugh. “That’s about right. They look so much like you, Janjan.”
“They really do,” Aaron agrees. “I think it’s the hair.”
Janis heads back to her wife and other baby a few feet away, curling protectively around them. “They’re healthy and they got Caddy’s eyes, that’s all I care about.”
Leo wakes too, blinking at her against Cady’s chest. Janis rests her head next to her, so her nose is almost touching the baby’s. Cady giggles and brushes her hands over both of their heads.
“You are one of the most precious things in my life,” Janis informs the baby seriously. “You’re so small, but you run my whole life now.”
“Five pounds of raw power,” Cady chuckles. “And cute chubby cheeks.”
Janis kisses one of said chubby cheeks and then pulls back to rest against Cady’s shoulder, but Leo lets starts to cry when she does. Janis rests her face back down and she goes quiet again.
“I told you they’d like you,” Cady whispers. “She wants to see her mommy.”
Janis just grins slightly. “Maybe one will be a mommy’s girl.”
“I think so,” Cady says. “But they both love you. We all do.”
“I love you too,” Janis says, tipping her head up to see Cady.
Leo drifts off again after a few minutes, so Janis gives Cady a quick kiss and heads back to Damian and Aaron.
“Oh, are we the first ones to visit, by the way?” Aaron asks suddenly, sitting up from where he’s been leaning against Damian’s shoulder.
“Yep,” Cady confirms with a kiss to Leo’s forehead. “The Plastics had work and our families aren’t in town yet.”
“Yes!” Damian cheers quietly. Janis looks at him in confusion. “We’re the first to meet them. And we got them presents, so we get to give them their first ever presents. After they’ve been born, anyway.”
“You got them gifts?” Janis asks quietly. “Aww.”
Damian carefully hands Layla to Aaron and grabs a bag that Janis had somehow missed. He pulls out a stuffed giraffe and a stuffed elephant from himself, and pacifiers with matching miniature stuffed animals on the end from Aaron.
“Aww,” Cady coos from the bed. “How sweet. They’ll match their room, too. Their first stuffed animals.”
Janis takes the giraffe over to Leo and Cady, deciding that should be hers since she was technically a quarter-inch taller than Layla. Layla is more than a pound heavier, so she gets the elephants.
“So cute,” Cady says happily, resting the giraffe next to her on the bed. Another voice suddenly rings out through the speaker on the wall, letting them know the Plastics have arrived. Cady calls them in, and they come parading through the door with even more presents.
Regina pouts when she sees Damian and Aaron, realizing they beat them there. She hands Janis a gift card and ties a balloon to Cady’s bed rail, explaining that she didn’t know what to get in terms of an actual present, so they have a thousand dollars to spend on whatever they might need for the twins. Janis chases her around the room to try and give it back, making everyone else laugh, but Regina refuses to take it.
Gretchen gives them even more handmade blankets, this time teeny tiny and pastel rainbow patterned. Karen brought a whole cheesecake.
“Oh my god, thank you,” Cady laughs at both gifts. “Oh, these blankets are so soft! Look what Auntie Gretchen made you, Bumblebee!”
Janis takes Leo and wraps her loosely in the new, impossibly soft blanket. She smiles as the baby brings her hands up and squishes her own cheeks in her sleep. Cady takes the cheesecake and a fork and just goes to town. Nobody judges.
“Can I hold one?” Karen asks shyly. “They’re so cute! Baby emoji, confetti emoji.”
“Thank you,” Cady chuckles around a mouthful of her delicious dessert. “And of course you can hold them, just wash your hands.”
Karen does, and Gretchen and Regina follow rather more apprehensively. Karen sits by Damian on the bench, and he hands over Layla. Janis gives him Leo to meet instead, and Gretchen and Regina sit on either side of their girlfriend to peek at the babies.
Karen proves to be a natural with babies, cradling Layla perfectly and being careful of all her monitors. Gretchen and Regina are a bit less natural. Gretchen tenses quickly when Damian passes Leo over carefully, but relaxes once she has a solid grip on her and is positive the baby is okay.
After a while, she hands her to Regina, who also immediately tenses. But Regina doesn’t relax.
“Damn, Reg, you were less tense in the spinal halo,” Janis jokes from where she’s cuddling her wife. “She’s only five pounds, she can’t hurt you.”
“But I can hurt her,” Regina mumbles anxiously. “And I really don’t want to.”
Karen helps adjust Leo so she’s resting more comfortably, and rubs a spot on Regina’s back that always helps her calm down. Very gradually, Regina loosens up and holds the baby like a normal human would.
“What are you looking at, you little punk?” She coos when Leo wakes up and stares at her.
“She wants to see her Aunt Reggie,” Janis says. Regina snaps her head up.
“They are not calling me Aunt Reggie,” she insists. Janis pouts at Cady, who chuckles quietly and nods at her. Janis grins victoriously. “God, you look like Janis.”
“Everyone keeps saying that,” Janis says. “But it’s not all me, they got Cady’s eyes, and nose, and ears. And size.”
“Hey!” Cady says, flicking her gently. “I’m not that small. And the doctors said they’re a good size for preemies.”
“I was kidding, Butterfly,” Janis says, leaning in for a kiss. “All three of you are perfect.”
Cady and Janis continue watching as their friends coo over their daughters. Janis takes a long moment to watch Regina and Aaron in particular. She never thought she would have kids, and certainly never would’ve thought that Regina George would be one of the first people to meet them. And, in another universe, she and Aaron might be in each other’s places. Janis is very glad she lives in this one.
Everyone stays as long as they can, but eventually do have to leave to get back to their own responsibilities. They’re left alone until their own families arrive. Janis stands by the door and waits, catching her sister as she comes barreling in, being trailed by their parents. “Hands washed and sit down, then you can have one.”
Juliana listens immediately, quickly but carefully cleaning her hands and running to sit on the bench. Janis gives her Layla, since Leo is a little more delicate. She trusts her sister, but still wants to be careful.
“So precious,” Julie says quietly, calming down quickly for her own standards. “I’m gonna buy you guys so much candy.”
“No,” Janis says immediately.
“Legos?” Julie compromises.
“Sure,” Janis agrees.
“And puppies, and then I’m just gonna leave them,” Julie chuckles. Their mom sits down by her and peeks at the baby’s face.
Janis hands Leo to Cady’s dad, who instinctively starts rocking her gently. He tears up quickly as he looks at his granddaughter.
“What are their names?” Cady’s mom asks quietly, running a tender hand over Leo’s head.
“Julie has Layla Reese,” Cady says, watching her parents both start crying quietly as they hear the middle name. “And you guys have Leo Juliette.”
Janis’ mom also tears up when she hears Leo’s middle name. Julie hands her Layla, and she takes her with a sniffle.
“Nice job, binti,” Cady’s dad says quietly. “Proud of you.”
“Thanks, Daddy,” Cady chuckles thickly, wiping her own tears away. She’s still quite hormonal, and watching everyone cry was too much for her.
“I can’t decide who they look more like,” Janis’ mom says. “So much of my Janny, but then those eyes. All Cady when they’re open.”
“Ha,” Janis says. “They’re not all me. My mom says so.”
“You’re such a child,” Cady laughs, kissing her tenderly. “I love you.”
“I love you so much,” Janis murmurs back against her lips. “Thank you.”
“For what?” Cady asks in confusion.
“For them,” Janis says thickly. “For doing this. Giving us a family. I love them so much it hurts.”
“We were a family before,” Cady says. “Now it’s just… bigger. More love.”
“More love indeed,” Janis agrees.
I didn’t think I could love you more.
anyway. I hope you enjoyed! I know babies aren't everybody's thing, but if y'all would like to see more of Leo and Layla please let me know and I will absolutely do more.
request status is still paused, but I am hoping to reopen them in a couple weeks.
thanks for reading!
lots of love,
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moonflowerlesbians · 3 years
I wrote the 10 year anniversary fic
She's short but she’s sweet. Please enjoy.
to be loved a whole life long
Rated T, ~2.6k.
What is an anniversary, really, if not merely a ploy to indulge in all of the little pleasures one denies on any other day? Saying, “oh, well, we ought to save it for a special occasion.”
And, what, Jamie thinks, is an occasion more special than the day marking the tenth year since she began this beautiful, insane journey with the love of her life. A woman so remarkable that Jamie almost can’t believe she’s real. Almost can’t believe that she can wake up beside the same person every morning, smelling the same fruity shampoo, spend the day working side by side, and still, every night, fall into bed, eager to pull Dani close. Then wake up the following day and do it all again.
It’s a stability Jamie never thought she would have. After years of bouncing from foster family to foster family, Bly was the closest thing to home she’d ever had. Until, that is, these ten, wonderful years with Dani in the flat they share above the little shop that they built from the ground up.
She thinks as much as beams of cozy sunlight filter through the gossamer curtains Dani picked out for their bedroom. She has an arm draped over Dani’s middle, her front to Dani’s back, her hand tracing idle circles on the plane of Dani’s stomach beneath her sleep shirt. Jamie can hear the quiet exhalations puffing against Dani’s wrist, which she’s managed to trap against her cheek. Jamie is certain she’ll be graced with complaints of pins and needles when Dani wakes. Jamie will laugh and offer to massage the numbness away, and Dani will roll her eyes but allow her limb to flop inelegantly into Jamie’s lap.
Jamie props herself up on one elbow, her fingers trailing a path from Dani’s midriff, up her arm, to brush a wayward strand of blonde hair behind her ear. Dani begins to stir as Jamie presses slow lips to the junction of her neck and shoulder, moves to the shell of her ear, her temple, the slender curve of her jaw.
Dani makes a noise low in her throat.
“Ah, there she is,” Jamie hums, her voice, though quiet, still too loud in the morning stillness.
“Thought we w’re gonna sleep in t’day,” Dani sighs, already preparing to nestle deeper into the blankets.
Jamie runs a playful finger down the bridge of Dani’s nose. “Already did that, love. ‘S nearly half nine.”
“F’rgot you get up ‘fore the early birds,” Dani grumbles, “An’thing past six ‘s late for you.”
“The plants wait for no one.”
“They’re plants. ‘S not like they have anywhere to be.”
“You don’t know that. Could have important plant business to attend to.”
Dani, at last, rolls over incredulously. “Like what?”
“Dunno,” Jamie shrugs, “but you’re awake now.”
“You’re the worst, you know that?”
“Mhm,” Jamie chuckles, “happy anniversary, baby.” Their kiss is languid, sleep-heavy. When they break apart, their foreheads still touch.
“Happy anniversary,” Dani whispers, thumb absently caressing Jamie’s cheekbone. Her eyes glimmer with mischief when she meets Jamie’s gaze. “Wouldn’t be opposed to staying in bed all day, though...”
“Need food first.”
Dani huffs. “Fine.”
“Thought we might try the new cafe on the corner of Leeland and Huntley for brunch. Apparently, they’ve got terrific blueberry muffins.”
“And you know this how?”
“Kid and her mum came through the shop the other day. Wee gremlin wouldn’t put the damn thing down,” Jamie gripes. “Got crumbs all over my daffodils.”
“She sounds cute.” Dani sounds almost wistful.
“‘Course you’d think so. Once a teacher, always a teacher.” She waves dismissively. “Or something like that.” Jamie rubs her palms together. “Right, then, up and at ‘em. Those muffins won’t eat themselves.”
“Didn’t realize you were so excited by baked goods.”
“Not the baked goods I’m excited for. I seem to recall mentions of returning to bed after food.”
They are dressed and out the door in record time.
They’ve closed the shop for the day, allowing themselves a brief reprieve from the discord of the wedding season. Every other day, it seems, a new blushing bride parades through their doors, followed by a mother or mother-in-law with a thousand questions and a dozen requests per minute. Jamie enjoys the work, truly. Seeing the delighted relief wash over the room as the arrangement designs are finalized is immensely gratifying. Almost as gratifying as watching her flowers, her precious creations, adorn ballrooms and churches, surrounded by people celebrating life. The joy of being alive.
She feels it now, she thinks, the sheer euphoria of existing. Here, walking down the street, a take-away cup of tea in her hand, with Dani’s arm roped through hers.
They are living on borrowed time, she knows, stark reminders of blue and brown present in every reflection. Every so often, Jamie catches herself longing, pleading for more time. She should be grateful for what the universe has gifted her. But, on days like these, days where the air is right and the sun is warm on her skin, she finds herself wishing for a forever that she cannot have. A forever unpromised to a monster that lurks beneath the most beautiful smile in the world.
She pushes the thought aside. Tomorrow is never promised. All she has is today. And she’ll be damned before she lets it slip away.
They feed the waterfowl in the park with muffin crumbs. There are ducklings this time of year, and Dani’s gleeful cooing, high-pitched and elated, travels across the pond. Dappled shadows drape across her shoulders. Tree branches sway in a gentle breeze, casting a spotted cloak across the scene. Jamie feels the tension drain from her neck.
They sit, side by side, on the swingset, watching the joggers run past, waving at their neighbors and their golden retriever, the couple whose engagement party The Leafling decorated last month. Dani exchanges pleasantries with them all. It’s the Midwesterner in her, she likes to say, amicability is in her blood. Jamie does not understand, but she does her best to nod less than awkwardly while her partner makes smalltalk.
They stop for ice cream on the way home. It is a special occasion, after all, and the balmy June weather provides the perfect excuse to indulge in seldom-savored decadence. One, Jamie decides, they should absolutely partake in more often, if the child-like giddiness Dani expresses over cake batter ice cream is any indication. The crows feet at the corners of her eyes crinkle as she grins, and Jamie thinks she has never looked more lovely.
A trans-Atlantic call to Owen foils their initial plans of baking their own lasagna after Dani lets slip that they weren’t planning to boil the noodles before layering in the sauces.
“For the love of God, please order in. The both of you are im-pasta-ble. It’s like I’ve taught you nothing.”
“That pun was weak, even for you.”
“This is what you’ve reduced me to.”
So, they call in a delivery order to the Italian place down the road. Jamie chivalrously offers to pick it up, and Dani ushers her out of the flat with a vigor that has Jamie raising an eyebrow. But, she simply shrugs and slides into the drivers’ seat of their second-hand pickup. The familiar rumble of the engine is comforting, the crooning of some jazz singer on the radio soothing background noise. Crickets chirp in the early summer evening.
She swings through the grocer to pick up champagne on her way home and juggles the bottle and the takeaway bag of food as she fumbles her key into the lock. Dani opens the door just as she’s about to turn the knob, and Jamie falls forward, Dani catching her by the arm.
“You alright?” Dani asks, but there’s an amused lilt to her voice.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m good. If you could just take…” Jamie’s mouth goes dry. Her face is level with Dani’s hips, which she has come to realize are covered in a velvety fabric she does not recognize. Her eyes flick up, coming to rest on Dani’s collarbones, the exposed skin of her arms, the accentuated curve of her waist. “You… I… uh….”
“You could’ve knocked, you know. I would’ve let you in.”
“I… yeah, could’ve… knocked.” Jamie realizes she is frozen in the entryway, jaw on the floor, and, in all honesty, cannot bring herself to care. Not when Dani is standing in front of her, clad in a gorgeous purple dress Jamie’s never seen before, her bangs styled to frame her face, while the remainder of her hair is pulled back. Jamie clears her throat. “You, ah, you changed.”
“I did.”
“You, you look…” Jamie searches for the right word, but none seem to encapsulate the overwhelming rush of emotion she feels, looking at the love of her life in the dim light from the bulb in the hallway outside their flat, on the tenth anniversary of the start of life she never thought she would have.
Damn the limitations of this bloody language. She can say “I got absolutely goddamn shitfaced last night” in a hundred different ways, but there is no succinct way to phrase, “I love you so fucking much and you are the most incredible person in the world and I don’t know how I got lucky enough to know you and I could spend the rest of my life holding your hand.”
It seems, at least to Jamie, a grievous failure of linguistic evolution.
“Beautiful,” she settles on, at last. “You’re so beautiful.” It’s not enough. But it will suffice.
“Come on, loverboy,” Dani says, tapping the bottom of Jamie’s chin with a slender index finger before giving a tug on her sleeve. “Food’s getting cold.” She’s blushing, though, a faint tint coloring her chest as she takes one of the plastic bags from Jamie. Jamie, who merely stares at Dani’s retreating silhouette before remembering she’s supposed to follow. She shuts the front door behind her and stumbles into the kitchen, setting the bottle and second bag on the countertop next to the stove.
When she turns around, Dani is in the living room holding a match to two candles set on a ceramic dish on their kitchen island. She’s laid out their nice dinnerware, which, really, consists of the four gold-encircled plates and matching napkin rings they’d found at an antique store in Milwaukee, back when they had been exploring the country Dani called home. A vase of roses is positioned on the coffee table, and it’s evident that Dani arranged them herself, and oh, oh, how Jamie loves her for it.
“Surprise?” Dani says shyly.
Jamie blinks at her. It’s all she can do not to break down. Instead, she settles for taking two bold steps to Dani's side of the counter and kissing her senseless. Dani lets out a squeak of surprise, but quickly relaxes into Jamie’s touch. She’s biting her lip when they separate, Jamie’s twirling the fine hairs at the nape of her neck as she presses their foreheads together.
“Let me change, and we’ll eat, yeah?”
“Sounds good.” Dani’s breathing is an ounce heavier than normal.
Jamie winks slyly, wanders to their bedroom and opens the closet, pulling out the first acceptable outfit she sees. She doesn’t have to change, she knows. Dani could care less whether she’s wearing a three-piece suit or sweatpants. (Though she suspects the suit might have the edge.) She dons a white, three-quarter zip and black slacks, pausing briefly to add a pair of black leather suspenders she knows Dani likes. Something about being easy to grab and pull.
Dani is struggling to uncork the champagne when Jamie returns to the kitchen. Her tongue pokes adorably out of the corner of her mouth, and her soft grunts of frustration are surprisingly endearing.
“Hand it over. Come on, now. Before you put your eye out.”
“I can do it,” Dani protests. “Just. Need to tweak it. A little.”
Jamie takes the opportunity to press against Dani’s back, her arms wrapping around to cover Dani’s hands where they fiddle with the bottle. For a moment, Dani forgets to be cross and reclines her head, resting it on Jamie’s shoulder. She sighs, relinquishing control, and Jamie huffs out a quick laugh. She holds the champagne over the sink to catch the overflow when the bottle pops.
Dani mumbles something about “having loosened it,” which Jamie meets with resolute agreement and a, “‘course you did, baby.”
The lasagne, an Owen-approved non-abomination, has been plated, Dani having evidently done so while Jamie was shucking her dayclothes. She pours them each a healthy flute of champagne and seats herself beside Dani, raising her glass.
She hesitates.
“Wait,” Dani exclaims, hurrying to the hall closet. She rummages for a second, bringing back the Polaroid camera Jamie had given her their first Christmas together. She checks the film, appears satisfied, and balances the device on an upturned colander to set up her shot. She sets the timer and sidles under Jamie’s arm, picking up her champagne flute. “Smile!” Dani beams.
When the image prints, the picture reveals Dani, with the biggest grin Jamie swears she’s ever seen, and Jamie at her side, looking positively smitten. The flash has illuminated the silver streaks in her hair, the lines embedded in her skin. Time has been kind to her, she reminds herself, others are not so lucky. And, in any case, when she looks at this photograph, she will not be looking at herself.
Dani kisses her cheek and moves her keepsake to the coffee table for safety. Too many important documents ruined by spills for her to risk it. She props it gently against the roses. It’s perfect.
Again, Jamie raises her glass. She inspects the contents.
Again, she hesitates. Then, a toast:
“To another ten.”
Dani stills, looks at her.
Jamie can see the beginning of an argument forming on the tip of Dani’s tongue, and Jamie holds her stare. It’s a challenge. A dare, even.
They do not often speak of the distant future. Only when it is absolutely necessary do they broach the sensitive topic.
A world-weary smile paints Dani’s lips. Her eyes are burdened, the vivacity present mere seconds ago seemingly having vanished. She is tired. It shows in the slump of her shoulders, the crease of her brow, the way the giddiness of earlier has slunk away, leaving Dani bare-boned and fatigued.
She lifts her glass.
She says nothing.
“I love you,” Jamie murmurs after the faint clink of glass on glass. “So much.”
“Always,” Dani finishes. And Jamie knows she means it.
They embrace beneath the sheets that night, sweat cooling in the dry air. Jamie’s fingers are tangled in blonde waves highlighted with grey. Dani’s breathing has evened out, short puffs tickling Jamie’s sternum, as Jamie contemplates the window over her head.
She has found someone to love, and someone to love her in return. Someone who will stay, even on the bad days. Someone who expects nothing and deserves everything.
Dani is everything Jamie thought she never deserved. Dani is good. Dani is good and exquisite and utterly unbelievable and, god, how Jamie loves her.
She loves waking up beside her every morning, and she loves smelling the same fruity shampoo on the pillow. She loves spending the day working together on the business they built from the dirt up. She loves falling into bed every night and pulling Dani close. Every minute they have together is a gift that Jamie refuses to take for granted.
To another ten years, she thinks, and allows her eyes to close. Dani sighs against her.
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ay-asterisms · 3 years
a budding friendship
the part-time job series! -> part 2
playable characters: hanamaki takahiro
description: you accidentally rope the shop's employee into your scheme of buying hate flowers for your ex
genre: adventure (fluff), simulation (scenario)
length: 900ish words
rated T for mentions of a failed past relationship
code comments: this can be taken both platonically and romantically, whatever you like. I'm thinking of making this into a series with the rest of Aoba Johsai's team? we'll see
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It's not as though you didn't want to spend the evening with the family you had known since you were a little kid. You just didn't want to be around your ex. Which was understandable, there was a reason you broke up in the first place and you didn't want to deal with their knowing glances. It would have been easier to make up an excuse and spare yourself the headache.
You grumbled as you walked into the flower shop, heading over to look at a bouquet of daffodils. The employee didn't look very much like a florist–not that you really knew what a typical florist looked like–but rather a high school kid your own age. From this distance, you couldn't really hear much of what he was saying to the other customer in the store, but you made out the words "joy" and "represent youth".
You moved over to another arrangement, this one made up primarily of carnations. The rest of your family was dealing with everything else you guys were bringing to the dinner, but you were shoved out the door and tasked with getting flowers. You didn't mind flowers, you just minded that you'd be fawned over along with your ex, trying to ignore comments about how much the two of you had grown, and how cute you'd be together.
You made your way over to the counter once you were the only customer in the store. Meeting the employee's eyes, you quickly looked away as they went back to fiddling with their phone. Taking a quick glance at them, you noticed a name tag clipped onto their shirt.
"Hanamaki, right? You were just talking about the meanings behind those flowers with that other customer right?" you asked, trying to confirm your suspicions before you asked him anything.
"How do you know-"
You cut him off before he could ask. "Name tag."
"Oh! Right!" Hanamaki's eyes seemed to size you up quickly, before settling on your face. "Yeah, I was. Are you looking for flowers for someone special or something? You want them to mean like, overwhelming adoration or something?"
"What? No!" you quickly spluttered out, while he raised an eyebrow. Correcting him, you told him "I'm looking for flowers that mean I hate your guts or something, whatever you've got."
It took a moment for that to register in his brain.
"I can't say I've been asked for that before," he said, laughing slightly. "Who hurt you?"
You ignored the question. "So can you do it or not?"
"So uh, funny story," he took a second to clear his throat, before continuing, "I actually made all that stuff up."
"So you're a fraud."
"No! I mean, yeah, kind of, but my boss said it improves sales and it would work until I actually know what they mean. I've only been working here for about a month, half the time the shop's empty and I just study. But I can still help you!"
Hanamaki brought a stool around to the other side of the counter, motioning for you to sit down. He leaned against the counter in front of you, running a hand through his hair. The two of you started browsing several garden blogs and even a couple of Victorian historians' sites, putting together a list of hate-flowers.
"Are you going to tell me who these are for, since we're going through all this trouble?" Hanamaki asked.
"My ex," you responded, squinting at the small text on your phone.
It was silent for a moment before he spoke up.
"If you don't mind me asking, why are you getting flowers for your ex?"
You tapped the list titled "Hate Flowers" before returning to the article you were reading.
"You know that's not what I meant."
"It's a long story," you told him.
"Does it look like I'm doing anything else right now?"
You slowly spilled the story to the quiet boy. Starting with how you kept your relationship with your childhood friend a secret, you told him you eventually realized that they wanted to keep it a secret because they didn't want anything serious, and they had wanted to see other people from the start. So you broke up with them.
"Can't you just get them a bouquet of dandelions from the park down the street instead? They sound like they deserve it," Hanamaki said, lightening the mood.
"I wish. Is it ready?"
"Yep, here we've got geraniums, petunias, and meadowsweet. We were out of the right colour of hyacinths, we don't usually have those."
"How much for it?" you asked, taking the arrangement from him.
"Free if you give me your number?"
You scribbled it down next to the list of passive-aggressive flowers, before heading towards the door. The mix of flowers smelled pretty good, and your family would be satisfied with it too. He might have only started the part-time job, but he was pretty good at it. You might just have to go back sometime, to get some flowers for yourself.
"Bye Hanamaki!"
"My friends call me Makki!" he shouted after you as you left.
Smiling, your grip on the flowers tightened. Suddenly the dinner seemed a little less unbearable than before. And hey, worse case scenario, maybe you could fake an illness and go meet up with your new friend.
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gwenbrightly · 3 years
The Great Flower Chain Making Competition
Written for the @ninjago-calendar project. The Ninja take Lloyd on a picnic and Cole teaches everyone how to make flower chains.
“He needs normalcy,” Lloyd heard Nya tell his uncle in a hushed voice. He paused outside of his uncle’s room to hear what would come next.  
“But his training-” Wu started in, but Kai interrupted him. 
“But nothing, Master Wu. You can’t expect him to adjust to being the Green Ninja right away without problems. He’s just a kid, so let him be one.” 
There was silence for a moment and Lloyd could easily imagine Nya giving Wu her signature you’d better do as I say or else look to prove her brother’s point. He waited to hear the response, not quite sure what they were talking about, but knowing it involved him. 
“I… suppose you have a point,” Wu admitted eventually, “you can do what you asked on one condition: Everyone stays nearby and return to the Bounty immediately if I contact you.” 
“That’s technically two conditions,” said Nya, pointedly. Wu sighed.  
“Don’t make me regret this.” 
“We won’t,” Kai assured him and then the door opened before Lloyd could disappear around the corner. Nya raised an eyebrow when she saw him.  
“Lloyd, were you… eavesdropping?” 
“N-no,” he insisted at first, but both siblings immediately saw through his lie. 
“How much did you hear, Lloyd?” Kai asked quietly. Lloyd shrugged.  
“I dunno. Not much. But you guys really didn’t have to get on Wu’s case for me over training. I’m fine.” Another lie.  
“Considering we literally just got you back from a group of traitorous snakes, I’d say it’d be completely understandable if you weren’t fine. And besides, it’s our duty to protect you. Even from your uncle,” Kai stated fiercely, ruffling Lloyd’s hair. Nya nodded in agreement.  
“Which is why we convinced him to give everyone the day off so we can take you to do something fun!” she announced. Lloyd blinked.  
“Fun?” he repeated blankly. He had to admit that doing something to get his mind off of, well, everything, sounded appealing. But there was so much to be done now that he knew he was the Green Ninja. Could he even afford a day off? Lloyd wasn’t sure how all this destined savior business worked.  
“That’s right! We’re going on a picnic!”  
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Lloyd questioned, not sharing Nya’s enthusiasm, “I mean, the Serpentine probably want revenge for what happened at the fire temple.” 
“Sure it is. We’ll just have to be careful,” Nya assured him at the same time as Kai insisted, “We only have good ideas!” 
They rolled their eyes at each other, but neither backed down.  
“We’re not taking no for an answer, Lloyd. Fresh air is good for shrimps like you,” Kai continued, giving Lloyd a smile. Lloyd knew he was probably right, though he didn’t know much about fresh air. Darkley’s had always been kind of stuffy.  
Nya looked at him expectantly. He bit his lip.  
“Fine. But if anything goes wrong, I’m telling Pythor to eat you first,” Lloyd relented. A few hours away  couldn’t do any harm.  
“I think we’re almost there,” Cole announced. Lloyd could just make out the clearing up ahead. After gathering the rest of the ninja and packing lunch, which had been a hectic affair, the group had set out to find the perfect picnic spot. Cole claimed to “know a place” and the others had eagerly followed his lead.  Lloyd had never been on a picnic before, so he wasn’t really sure what they were looking for, but hopefully it would all make sense sooner or later.  
“Awesome,” Nya said, running her hands together enthusiastically.  
“Yeah,” Kai agreed, sounding less excited, “what did you put in this thing, Zane? My arms are starting to get tired.” 
“Oh, just the picnic essentials.” Zane called over his shoulder. Kai held the picnic basket in front of him, giving it a distaste glare.  
“You sure you didn’t pack the kitchen sink?” 
The nindroid deigned not to reply and Kai continued to mutter complaints as they continued down the trail. Deciding to have mercy on Kai after a few minutes (he was a little tired of the complaining), Lloyd asked,  
“Want me to take it for a sec?” 
“I don’t think that’ll be necessary,” Cole cut in, “we’re here.” 
“Thank goodness,” Kai declared, staggering forward to set the basket down on a tree stump. Lloyd rolled his eyes at his dramatics before wandering off to explore while Nya and Jay spread out the ginormous picnic blanket they had stolen from Wu. 
 He found a stream not far from where Kai had left the picnic basket. Sitting down amongst the reeds, Lloyd watched the water ripple and swirl. He could see tiny minnows swimming in and out of the shadows. What other creatures might be lurking nearby?  
Maybe after they ate, Kai would be interested in helping him find out. There could be water snakes, turtles, or maybe even frogs! Frogs liked marshy areas – didn’t they?  
Lloyd could just imagine the look on Jay’s face when he and Kai brought back the biggest, slimiest frog they could find. He giggled maniacally as he skipped a stone across the stream. It bounced a few times before sinking with a soft plunk. The minnows scattered. Lloyd sighed happily, watching them.  
There was something so peaceful about this place. About the way the gentle breeze tickled the flowers that covered the meadow. Maybe he should pick some for Nya. Girls liked flowers, didn’t they? There hadn’t been many girls at Darkleys.  
Of course, there was always the possibility that she was allergic to flowers. After all, Nya had once told him that she had a perfume allergy. He should probably ask Kai about that before he went and picked too many flowers for her…  
“Lloyd! It’s time for lunch.”  
Someone called, interrupting his thoughts. Plans for pestering his honorary siblings would have to wait. Lloyd sidled over to the picnic blanket and plopped down next to Kai, who handed him a plate.  
“So, Cole. How did you know about this place?” Jay inquired as he set out the sandwich supplies. Cole smiled wistfully and explained,  
“My parents brought me here a few times when I was a kid. We would play in the stream for hours and then Mom would teach me how to make flower chains and force Pop and I to wear them. It was really fun.” 
“Aww. That sounds nice,” Nya commented. She held out a jar of peanut butter to Lloyd, who happily accepted it. He slathered some onto his bread, listening to Cole share more stories about his childhood. Lloyd wished his own parents had been around to take him on picnics and have water fights with him. But that wasn’t the way the world worked.  
With a sigh, Lloyd took a bite of his sandwich. Just the right ratio of jelly to peanut butter. Perfect.  
“You mentioned flower chains, right?” Jay asked through a mouthful of food. It sounded more like he was saying, “Ooh entond oor Jane’s ight?” 
“Yeah?” Cole replied, raising an eyebrow. Jay swallowed before continuing.  
“This might sound kinda silly, but… I’ve always wondered how people make those.” 
“Oh, it’s easy!” Cole announced with a grin, “want me to teach you after we finish eating?” 
“I, for one, would love to learn,” Nya stated. She took a bite of jello salad and glanced around at the others, who nodded.  
“As would I,” Zane agreed serenely. Kai smirked and said,  
“Sure. Why not. But I say we make it a competition.” 
“A competition?” Lloyd asked curiously, his eyes widening. That sounded promising.
“Yeah! I’m thinking we each make a flower chain, and whoever has the best one wins. We can, like, have Master Wu judge them when we get back to the Bounty, or something,” Kai explained.
“That sounds kinda fun,” Nya decided, before turning to Lloyd, “whaddya think? You in?”
Lloyd shrugged noncommittally, but ultimately agreed to join in. He had nothing better to do and was awfully curious about these… flower chains, anyway. What was the point of making chains from flowers? It wasn’t like you could use such a chain to trap enemies or anything exciting. Oh, well. He knew this entire trip was just to distract him from Green Ninja stuff. So it was probably okay if there were no practical applications for flower chains that he could use to cause chaos later on.  
The small boy shoved what was left of his sandwich into his mouth and chewed messily as he gazed around the meadow. There sure were a lot of flowers to choose from. He wondered how they would know which were best to use. And how long it was going to take the others to finish their food. Lloyd was starting to get bored of sitting there with nothing to do. 
“All right, listen up, people. What you’re looking for is flowers with nice long stems, like this,” Cole finally announced. He held up a daffodil. “That makes it easier to weave them together. Once everyone has their supplies, meet back here, and I’ll explain the rest. Everybody ready?” 
“Aye, aye, captain!” Jay said. He gave a teasing salute and trotted off across the meadow. Cole rolled his eyes as he watched him go.  
“Apparently, we have started,” Zane observed with a wry smile. The others laughed. 
“Yeah, I think it’s safe to say the competition has begun.” Cole agreed. 
“Well? What are we waiting for?” Nya asked before nudging Lloyd, “We can’t let Jay beat us!”
She grabbed his arm and drug him off toward the opposite end of the meadow from where Jay had gone.
“Are teams even legal?” Lloyd heard Kai ask in the distance. 
“I never said they weren’t.” came the response. Nya giggled and came to a stop. 
“This looks like a good place to start picking flowers,” she said, bending over to examine a patch of irises. Lloyd nodded and plucked one, careful to make sure the stem was long enough to meet Cole’s standards. 
“Perfect.” Nya smiled approvingly. She began gathering an armful of flowers of her own. Red, then pink, then white, then purple. The two soon had sizable clumps of irises and various other flowers they had found growing nearby. Ready for the next phase of the competition, they returned to the picnic blanket just as the others began heading back. 
“Congratulations, competitors. You have completed the first challenge,” Cole stated in his best announcer voice. The rest of the group cheered with much more vigor than was truly necessary. They were all quite invested in the competition by this point. 
“Now you must learn how to make flower chains from the pro himself. Watch as I demonstrate,” Cole continued. He showed them how to weave the flowers together by taking clumps of 3 and braiding them in an intricate pattern. Next, he showed them how to connect new flowers to the braid by counting several stems as a single strand while braiding. 
The project had mixed results. Cole kept having to jump in to assist Kai before he could tear his flowers apart in frustration (they wouldn’t stay in place), while Jay’s weaving was so complex that even Zane couldn’t make sense of his strategy. 
Nya and Lloyd were hard at work designing a pattern of colors that was extra appealing to the eye when they realized that they had neglected to collect any blue flowers. Nya nodded her head meaningfully towards Jay’s pile of flowers, which contained a variety of blue wildflowers. Lloyd grinned and swapped spots with her, giving her easy access to Jay’s stash.
“Hey, Jay- I seem to be having trouble with this part… mind helping me out?” she asked ever so innocently. Jay flashed her a smile and scooted closer to her before launching into a tirade about the art of braiding. 
“Mhm. Oh, that makes sense,” Nya commented, pretending to be interested as she slipped a few of the flowers from Jay’s pile into Lloyd’s waiting hands. She continued to do this for several minutes before Jay finally caught on. 
“Hey. Hey wait! You can’t do that!” he protested in frustration. Nya simply smiled. 
“All is fair in love and war, Jay.”
“Yeah!” Lloyd agreed, nodding vigorously. Jay glared at him. 
“Do you even know what that means?” he asked. 
“Nope!” Lloyd said, happily adding a blue flower to his chain. All in all, the picnic had been way more exciting than he’d expected. 
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