#insane. clearly he's fucked up in the head if he wants to fuck now. amongst this much viscera. but. the bastard licks his lips.
hoffmanstits-enjoyer · 8 months
omg PLEASE can i steal the line about hoffman being wasted as a detective because of his mouth because i am ~ losing my sweet mind at strahm treating him like a whore and hoffman is there like :) I've broken his brain :)
friend. my dear fellow hoffreak. it's not stealing if i'm offering it to you in a silver platter, i want my brainrot and slutshaming to infect as many people as possible, my horny thoughts a new disease. mistreating hoffman disorder. it has no cure.
accurate depiction of mark hoffman bamboozling special agent peter strahm by the shitty break room coffee machine:
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hwaflms · 2 months
round & round! ★ [ l.dh ]
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{💭} hyuck : i suggested playing spin the bottle because i wanted to kiss you, but now everyone’s kissing you except me :/
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[☆] pairing. haechan x reader, slight jaemin x reader ft. 00’ line, chaewon of lesserafim and sieun of stayc
[☆] genre. smut + fluff | stoner!nct, pwp bc it’s me
[☆] wc. 6.1k
[☆] warnings. explicit content (mdni), weed/marijuana use, lots of making out, slight choking, dirty talk, fingering, sexual stuff in a semi-public place, use of the word ‘slut’, very slight degradation, not very proofread, pretty tame tbh
[☆] notes. my first time writing again in like??? two years???? istg i didn’t mean to abandon this acc 😞 pls be nice i haven’t written in a while and this is not my most favourite work but i’m warming up for more stuff in da future i just wanted to post a lil self-indulgent smth abt hyuck bc bf☝️ idk how active i’ll be because of uni and other things but i missed u guys!!! any feedback is appreciated enjoy :p
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even through the clouds of smoke engulfing the little living room of jeno and jaemin’s shared flat, your hooded eyes still met.
today was an important day amongst your friend group; it was chaewon’s first time smoking up with everyone. your friends weren’t really the type to pressure anyone into doing anything they weren’t sure about, but considering the astounding majority who enjoyed smoking some variation of weed, group sessions were a frequent occurrence. you either joined in or didn’t, chaewon being the latter until she decided of her own accord that she was going to try it with the people she trusted.
you sesh with jeno most often, seeing as he was the one who introduced you to weed and taught you everything you know about it. after weeks of listening to you complain about sleepless nights, jeno suggested you try smoking a joint before you go to bed, especially since it was starting to affect your attendance. (“i can’t keep attending these zoology classes without you, y/n. every time something stupid happens, i laugh and make a joke out loud because i forget you aren’t there, and now i’m pretty sure people think i’m either insane or just really fucking lonely”.)
now, smoking up has been a pretty regular occurrence, especially since jeno introduced you to a bunch of his friends and vice versa, all of you making up one big, happy group of stoners. chaewon and sieun were your friends who got along with everyone else just fine, and though they didn’t hang out with the others as much as you did, they were still welcome whenever.
presently, you are leaning back against the couch, all the way on the end, because jaemin is sprawled out alongside you, opting to rest his legs on your lap. haechan makes a joke that you don’t understand, but you laugh anyway along with everyone else, except renjun who covers up his laugh with cough.
“you can never let me have it, huh?”, hyuck scoffs, narrowing his eyes at renjun who’s mouth forms a thin line. “i know for a fact you find me funny.”
you hear that he makes a remark back at haechan but what he says doesn’t register in your head, everything sounding far away. remembering the special occasion, you turn to face chaewon and sieun, who are giggling away on the floor about something between the two of them. you don’t know what they said but you smile anyway. she clearly seemed like she was having a good trip, and so was everyone else.
swallowing nothing, you realise how dry your throat feels, and with that realisation came this undeniable desire for some form of liquid. “jen,”, you tilt your head back and call out to the boy who was already rolling another joint on the table behind you. “did you end up buying more coke?”
“check the fridge”, he mumbles without looking at you, tongue poking his cheek out of concentration as he focuses on what he was doing. with a groan, you heave jaemin’s legs off your lap, muttering a couple ‘sorry’s when he starts to complain about the change in position.
you all but float to the kitchen, heading straight for the fridge and spotting the fresh cans of coke placed neatly in the overcrowded appliance. the first gulp feels like heaven against your parched throat, taking a few more while standing there.
“you gonna share or no?”, a voice startles you, turning to find haechan’s figure looming right behind you with a dopey smile on his face.
“god, we need to get you a bell or something. i never hear you coming”, you roll your eyes before grabbing two glasses from the cabinet. you’re disappointed to see that there was no ice in their freezer, but you pour the drink into the glass anyway.
“why are you pouring it into a glass?”, haechan furrows his eyebrows, looking pointedly between the glass and the literal can in your hand. “now we have to wash two glasses when we could’ve just drank it from the can.”
he’s right, of course, but you’re not gonna tell him that. instead, you pretend that you were planning on adding some lemon juice to the drink because you saw it on instagram. while you figure he doesn’t believe you, he humours you anyway and tries your little concoction, which ends up being pretty damn good.
out of all of jeno’s friends, haechan definitely stood out to you. you didn’t really understand why, you were just drawn to him, even way back before you met him, when jeno used to tell you about his friends. “loud and annoying” were the words he used to describe him, but the smile that appeared on his face anyway let you know that he was someone special to jeno. this was not to say his other friends weren’t special, you got along incredibly well with all of them, meshing right in with their group.
as of right on cue, jaemin’s voice loudly sounds out from the living room, “are you guys fucking in there or what?”.
sighing, you pick up your glass and begin to walk out of the kitchen, but not before purposely knocking haechan’s shoulder when you walk past him, hearing him snort before following you out as you exit the room. perhaps if you had lingered in the kitchen for a couple seconds longer, you would’ve heard haechan muttering something along the lines of “i wish” under his breath.
“jeez, took you long enough, can i have some of that?”, renjun drawls, lifting himself off the armchair with a smile, to which you roll your eyes but pass him your glass anyway. you sit down on the floor opposite the couch and he looks as if he is about to compliment your drink-making skills before haechan cuts him off.
“dude, chaewon and sieun look like they’re about to fall asleep, let’s do something”, he half yawns out, opting to stroll over to your spot on the floor and sinking down next to you.
“not…sleepy…”, chaewon murmurs, but her voice is muffled because her cheek is pressed against sieun’s shoulder, both of them sprawled out on the floor like it was a comfortable bed.
“sure you aren’t…”, jeno chides with a smile, getting up from the table to walk over to where all of you were situated. he twirls his newly rolled joint between his fingers, finally holding it out in his palm as if it were some magical gadget, and if you were being fully honest, you were sold. “round 2? or 3, I can’t really remember…”
some words of agreement were muttered across the room, chaewon and sieun even groggily getting up from what looked like a very comfortable napping spot. another rotation began, and you made sure to blow out your smoke directly into an unsuspecting haechan’s face when it was your turn.
“let’s play a game or something”, jaemin suggests, taking a long puff and passing it to jeno who sat beside him, and soon the room was hazy once again, the smell of weed infiltrating your nostrils.
“like what?”, chaewon coughs weakly in between her hit and renjun pats her back before he hands her your coke that you hadn’t received back after you gave it to him. so long for that.
“monopoly?”, jeno offers with a shrug and haechan lets out an obnoxious snore as a reply, making you laugh but you cover it up with a cough when you meet jeno’s playfully narrowed eyes. “okay then, big guy, what’s your incredible idea?”
haechan appears to actually think about it for a moment, looking around the room for some sort of inspiration maybe, until his eyes land on you.
“okay jaemin, get that empty wine bottle from last week, we’re playing spin the bottle”, he is grinning from ear to ear, wiggling his eyebrows even though all his suggestion receives is a bunch of groans and sighs.
your eyebrows are raised however, and you try not to let your reaction show too much on your face. spin the bottle? you hadn’t played that since you were maybe fourteen, but that was the least of your concerns at the moment. haechan wanted to play spin the bottle? who was he hoping to kiss? or was it just a whimsical little suggestion that was more of a joke?
it didn’t fully seem like he meant it as a joke, judging by his expression as he awaited some actual responses from the group. “what are we, fourteen?”, renjun might as well have read your mind, but he soon joins you and haechan on the floor, the others following suit. jaemin presents the empty bottle and places it in the middle of the little circle you have formed, everyone seeming slightly more keen as the joint runs out.
maybe it was the thc talking, but it didn’t really seem like a bad idea to you anymore. you were all single, attractive and close enough that it wouldn’t make things weird, and most importantly, you wouldn’t mind getting more familiar with haechan’s lips.
you shocked your own self with the sudden lewd thoughts in your head about the male sitting next to you, squirming in your position slightly. he turns his head towards you like he could hear your thoughts (“shut up, y/n, he can’t hear your thoughts…right?”) and you swear his eyes soften a bit. “are you sure you wanna play?”, he asks softly, mistaking your tenseness for discomfort, but you shake your head a little too quickly for your liking.
“no, no, let’s play, it’s not like we have anything better to do, right?”, you feign indifference and after everyone else agrees, the bottle is spun for the first time by haechan.
much to renjun’s dismay, it lands on him, and it’s almost comical the way he looks at the bottle pointing at him before slowly looking up at haechan. “renjunnie, let me kiss you”, haechan whines in a high pitched tone while drawing out the “you”, puckering his lips expectantly. the next three minutes consist of renjun listing every single person he would rather kiss than haechan, and you’d have half the mind to volunteer yourself if you weren’t clutching at your sides laughing at the whole exchange, slapping at both jeno and sieun who tried and failed to dodge your waving hands.
renjun finally relents when chaewon suggests he lets him kiss his cheek instead, but haechan is no quitter so he makes sure that he plants the loudest, most wet kiss on his face before sighing in victory when he sits back down. renjun is not the most happy with this, and he tells jaemin to take his turn instead while he rushes off to the bathroom to wash his face. hyuck looks indignant, calling out behind renjun, asking if he wants another one.
taking the turn instead of renjun, jaemin spins the bottle harshly, and it spins and spins and spins for what seemed like an eternity. your eyes are so focused on the way the bottle looks as it spins that you don’t even notice that it has stopped, until jeno nudges you with his shoulder. it’s neck is pointed directly at you, and you finally look up from your trance at jaemin, who wears an undeniable smirk on his face.
while you didn’t exactly see him that way, there was absolutely no denying that jaemin was a very attractive man, and he was no different presently, the sleeves of his hoodie rolled up as he propped himself up with his arms, looking at you expectantly.
you don’t want to look at haechan right now, because you can see out of the corner of your eye that his face is looking straight forward, not at you or jaemin, just forward. you wonder what is going through his head, but your thoughts are cut short when jaemin scoots closer to you in the circle.
“are you okay with this?”
and when you think about, you are. “yeah, i mean it’s just a game”, you reply, not wanting to ruin the fun or raise any suspicions, to which jaemin agrees and inclines his head towards you.
he kisses you, more fully than you were expecting, but you had no complaints really as you kissed him back, titling your head in the opposite direction to slip your lips over his. you wonder if your lips were as dry as they felt, and in the back of your mind it registers that your friends are watching you kiss your other friend because they hoot and giggle, but you can’t really bring yourself to care.
jaemin’s lips taste sweet and he smells sweet, his touch soft as he brings a hand up to your cheek, gently holding it while he continues kissing you. it probably wasn’t as long as it felt, but jaemin finally pulls away, the remnants of his sweet chapstick lingering on your lips. you are aware of how hot your face feels when you pull away and return to your spot, tucking your hair behind your ears.
“dude, what chapstick do you use?”, you ask after clearing your throat, and jaemin rummages in his pant pocket for a moment before whipping out a cute pink tube, holding it out in front of him. “strawberry dream, baby”, he winks, reapplying it on his lips. “never go anywhere without it.”
renjun returns after god knows how long, stating that he had to re-do his skin care routine because haechan had completely thrown off his skin’s ph balance, and is saddened to hear that he missed witnessing you and jaemin.
the game continues in a steadfast manner for the next couple of rounds thanks to haechan insisting we play one more round, though it doesn’t exactly go in the manner you were hoping for. the group is practically in tears after watching jeno and jaemin share an awkward kiss, chaewon arguing that they can’t claim “no homo” because it was the most homo thing she’d seen in a while, and that was saying a lot because she was, in fact, gay.
you have now kissed sieun, jaemin once again and an especially endearing renjun, who’s cheeks and tips of his ears are painted a bright red after you plant a full peck on his waiting lips. haechan grumbles something about renjun not having kissed anyone besides his mom to explain his reaction, but jeno is quick to cut renjun off before another argument ensues.
“i don’t know about you guys, but i think that’s enough exchanging of saliva for one day”, he all but sighs, lying down on the floor dramatically. while you do agree, you’re disheartened, because not once has the bottle landed on you when spun by haechan, or the other way around. it feels like the universe is fucking with you, because really how many times can you spin a bottle between a group of seven people and not have it land on the one person you want to kiss even once.
haechan looks like he wants to say something, but appears to decide against it in the end, stretching and standing up. it is then mutually agreed by everyone that it was time to watch a movie.
“super bad?”, jaemin proposes, and even though most people had already watched the movie, no one argues against it and jeno starts setting up the movie on their big screen tv.
settling into the couch, you glance over at haechan and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t feeling a tad bit disappointed. this whole spin the bottle thing makes you wonder about all the other times where you could have had an opportunity to make a move on the brown-haired boy.
you’d gone on long drives together, gone partying, even drank with just each other a couple of times. the closest the two of you had ever come to crossing that line was while you where dancing at a party and his arms were looped around your waist from behind, slowly swaying to the beat. you’d danced with him tons of times before that but you recall thinking the air was a little different than normal, more heated, but you also recall mistaking renjun for your professor, so you didn’t trust yourself. the moment came and went, and neither of you ever had the balls to address it, and now it had been way too long since to bring it up.
“this seat taken?”, haechan snaps you out of your bitter thoughts, jerking his head towards the spot on the couch next to you. you clear your throat and shake your head, scooting over slightly so he could sink down next to you. “what’s up, y/n, you look a little…not present. you still high?”
it’s funny because your mind certainly wasn’t present, it was in the gutter, but you choose to blame the weed. “yeah, i’m still high”, you answered truthfully, and so was he, his red, hooded eyes a dead giveaway.
“okay, perfect, i wanted to show you this stupid tiktok i saw”, he’s pulling his phone out of his pocket and leaning closer to you to show you some video of a cat, or maybe a dog, you weren’t paying attention. he laughs at whatever the animal did, the corner of his eyes crinkling as he does so, and you observe him instead of watching. when he doesn’t hear you laugh, he peeks over at you but you’re quick to turn your head back to his phone, letting out a very late giggle at the video.
if he did catch you, he doesn’t mention it, continuing to scroll and show you more videos. jeno finally gets the movie set up and turns off the lights, taking up the final seat left on the couch. the movie begins, and everyone falls into a comfortable silence bar hyuck, who makes the occasional comment that earns him a snort from you each time.
at some point during the movie, haechan stretches his arms out behind him, placing his arm on the head of the couch directly behind you. glancing at him quickly, you can’t tell whether the action was purposeful or not, because if it was, he was doing a very good job of looking nonchalant. you try your best to ignore it, but his hand is resting directly above your shoulder, inches away from touching you- but it never does.
you had never noticed what nice hands haechan had before. long and slender, nails clipped short and clean, his middle, ring and index finger adorned with various silver rings. you note that he wears three rings on his left hand, but none on his right. his right hand sits on top of one of his thighs, two of his fingers drumming against it following some rhythm going on in his head. his fingers are long, and the only thing you can think about is just how nice they would feel inside–
no, no, no, stop it, since when are you this horny?
you realise stressing out about how horny you are all of a sudden is just going to lead to a bad trip and you don’t want that, and you want to clear your head. even though you’re feeling a different kind of thirsty, you figure a distraction for a couple minutes would be helpful, so you excuse yourself to go get some water, jumping up from the couch and walking towards the kitchen. unbeknownst to you, haechan’s watchful eyes follow your figure as you exit the room.
finally away and in the kitchen, you fill up a glass and lean over the sink, closing your eyes to collect yourself. you can finish the movie without driving yourself crazy over haechan, right? tonight is no different than any other hangout and you don’t want to weird haechan out with your unnecessary staring and poorly concealed thirsting. you just need to stop thinking about his stupid hands, his stupid thighs, his stupid hair and his stupid kissable lips. “kissable? lock in, y/n, lock in…”
“who are you talking to?”
you wince but don’t turn around, eyes screwed shut tightly. you’ve been gone for a couple minutes and you don’t know when he left the room, but you put down the glass and turn to face him.
“what’s got you so jumpy?”, he questions, leaning against the counter. his arms are folded and his gaze is piercing, face tilted slightly to the left as he observes you. this is the second time he’s startled you in the kitchen today and also happens to be the very reason you’ve been so jumpy.
“nothing, i just…god, you need to starting announcing your entry into a room, dude…”
he furrows his eyebrows but lets out a chuckle anyway, slowly sauntering over to where you stood. eyes never leaving yours, he now stands directly in front of you, caging you in between the sink and his body. the closer proximity and dim lighting isn’t helping your case in the slightest, feeling all hot and bothered as if there was a sudden change in temperature. “what’s happening? you’re usually never like this, we’ve smoked up together so many times. are you having a bad trip?”
you understand why he might think that, what with your jerky movements, dazed staring and just overall disconnected demeanour. while you were wound up a little tighter than usual, you weren’t having a bad trip, your mind was just very slightly preoccupied. “no, hyuck, i’m fine, i just…needed some water”, it’s a half-lie you tell, choosing to not tell him the full truth for the sake of your own pride.
“you just seem…off”, he seems to pick his words carefully, eyes roaming over the expanse of your face. “no, i just…”, you trail off to try and find the words to explain this situation away, but he’s just looking at you so intensely. it’s so silent in the room and the air feels all too still, and you swear you’re trying to speak coherently but haechan switches his weight to his other leg, wetting his lips with his tongue while he awaits an answer and you just freeze. “i…”
“‘i’ what? see? you’re doing it again”, he starts, running a hand through his hair, and the muted light that leaks in through the window illuminates only one half of his face, but you can see him so clearly that even the way his pretty eyelashes brush against his cheek when he blinks doesn’t go unnoticed by you. you’re subconsciously chewing on your bottom lip, feeling a little like a deer caught in headlights. “you have this look in your eye. like you wanna…”
everything is still and unmoving, until your eyes zero in on haechan’s hand as he raises it, slowly bringing it to graze his fingers over your cheek. his touch leaves a burning hot trail on your skin and using his thumb, he releases your bottom lip from under your teeth, hand lingering cautiously for a fleeting moment before he drops it.
“like what, haechan?”, you repeat yourself, urging him to just say whatever it is he has to say, getting tired of this back and forth. you could sell a kidney just to see what was going on in his mind right now, because he looks torn between speaking his mind and just staying silent.
“like you want to kiss me.”
a few beats of complete and utter silence pass, not even hearing the dull sound of the television in the living room anymore over the thudding of your heart in your ears. haechan takes a small and tentative step towards your frozen figure, gripping the counter you’re using to lean against with his right hand, effectively trapping you in your place. now you really are a deer caught in headlights, because he’s spoken what you’ve been thinking about for the past couple hours into existence and he is absolutely correct.
“am i wrong, pretty?”
judging by your sharp intake of breath and open-mouthed expression, you’d have to be a fool to think otherwise. he looks as if he’s waiting for you to answer him regardless, giving you a chance to get out of this, but your voice is no longer functioning, and it takes all the strength in your body to shake your head ‘no’.
his eyes flicker between your eyes and your lips, tongue peeking out to lick his lips again. “i suggested playing spin the bottle because i wanted to kiss you”, his voice is strained as he admits this, quiet and careful like he’s holding back while his eyes are trained on yours like he’s daring you to break eye contact. you don’t. “but then everyone else was kissing you but me.”
normally you would giggle at his little frown, but all you can muster up is a whisper of his name, finally breaking his all-consuming eye contact in favour of looking at his lips again. you don’t know who moves first, but the next thing you know is your lips are pressed together in a fierce kiss, your hands tangled in his soft, brown locks while he grip your waist and pull you into him.
he kisses you like a man starved and you do the same with equal fervour, not even being able to process that your little daydream is coming true. his hand comes up to caress your cheek, soon moving down your neck after stroking your face softly, using it to tilt your head for you. the position of his hand is very purposeful because his thumb presses into your throat ever so slightly, but his grip is still tight enough that you couldn’t break the kiss (not that you wanted to, anyway). the other hand snakes around your waist and pulls you impossibly closer, pressing his hips into yours.
you’re positively drunk off the feeling of haechan’s lips molding over yours and you think you might just ascend when he tugs on your bottom lip with his teeth, using the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. body on fire, you mewl against his lips, swirling your own tongue around his while he slowly but surely bucks his hips into yours.
no wards are spoken while your hands thread through his hair, pulling on it and letting out a sound of surprise into his mouth when his hand trails down to your ass and grips it harshly. he finally releases you from the searing kiss, but he doesn’t let you catch your breath, instead spinning you around in his hold so that his front presses tightly into your back, hands slipping around your waist from behind. this feels like a déjà vu kind of moment because you are reminded of the time when you both were dancing in this exact position, except this time you were getting exactly what you wanted.
“you know how bad i wanted this?”, his voice echoes your thoughts and breaks the silence, hands running up and down your front in a teasing manner. lifting your shirt up slightly, he trails his fingers over the exposed skin of your torso and the action makes you squirm in his hold a little, and much to your surprise, he groans lewdly against your ear. “fuck, i’ve been thinking of this for so long. kissing you, having my hands all over you…”
you get the sense he’s talking more to himself than you, but you revel in it nonetheless. his hand grips your jaw and squishes your cheeks together so your lips form a pout, forcing it to the side where he plants one, two, three kisses to your puckered mouth. his other hand slips further up your shirt where he brazenly cups your boob through your bra, fondling one of them while his tongue peeks out to flick at your bottom lip.
you’re putty in his arms, all gasps and squirms and whispered ‘haechan’s. “what, baby?”, he mumbles into your cheek, the hand gripping your jaw letting go in order to slink down to your hip where it lingers for a moment. “what do you want?”
your lack of answer doesn’t bode well with him, earning you a tight squeeze to your hip as a kind of warning. “need you to touch me”, you whisper out defeatedly, and you feel haechan laugh mockingly against your face.
“yeah? need me to touch you?”, he mimics your voice while tutting, letting his hand slip further down to where you needed him the most, but not letting you have it just yet. “think you can be a good girl and keep quiet for me? we don’t need everyone outside hearing what a little slut you’re being in here.”
everyone outside. the fact that you were just a room away from all your friends who were sat watching a fun little movie together had completely slipped your mind, but if you were being honest, you couldn’t find it in you to give a shit. everything about your current disposition was so dirty. one hand under your shirt, the other about two seconds away from fingering you right in the middle of your friends’ kitchen, while said friends were sat outside, unaware of the goings-on under their own roof.
though you didn’t think actually getting caught in this position would be the most pleasant experience, the idea of it dampened your panties and caused you to whine out loud, tilting your head back against haechan’s shoulder. you receive an immediate hand clamped over your mouth in return, haechan tutting in your ear condescendingly. “looks like the little slut can’t follow a simple request.”
even though he reprimands you, his hands begin fumbling with the button of your jeans anyway, undoing it and pulling the zipper down. one hand comes up to wrap around your front and rests on your shoulder, holding you in place, and the other he sticks down your pants and cups your heat but makes no effort to move, chuckling when you try to move yourself against it. his crotch ruts against the swell of your ass and for you, any friction is better than no friction at the moment. with one hand gipping the arm around your shoulder, you slip the other behind you to palm at his hard cock over his pants, making him let out a sound of approval.
“please, hyuck”, you shake your face free of his hand and turn to look him in the eye, and he grips your throat and presses a chaste kiss to your lips.
he seems to accept your plea, finally moving his hand against you and you breathe a sigh of relief, lost in the feeling of his fingers rubbing circles on your clit over your wet underwear. he’s quick to slip his hand inside your panties, cold fingers pressed directly on to your bare pussy, spreading your wetness all over you. when he ultimately slips a finger into your tight, waiting core, you moan but it’s cut short when he slaps his hand over your mouth again. “keep. quiet.”
if someone were to walk in, the two of you would be a sight to see. you writhing in his tight hold while his hand is stuffed in your pants, two fingers pistoning in and out of you at a fast pace as his forehead is pressed against the side of your face, releasing short breaths. you look positively fucked out, and you’re both in a state of complete bliss as you grind against each other in a timely rhythm.
“my pretty girl. if i had known you wanted this too, i would’ve just grabbed you and kissed you like i wanted, in front of everyone.”
his voice is honey-like and sultry, and his fingers are nothing short of heavenly. they pump in and out of you, and he still manages to use his thumb to toy with your clit in this position, leaving you breathless and on the edge. “can’t believe jaemin and renjun got to kiss you before me.”
you’re so wet that your cunt makes downright sinful noises as he fingers you and you’re hoping that it isn’t really as loud as it seems. “you’re so wet, angel. so this is what had you all jumpy today”, he laughs like he’s stating the obvious, and you’d have half the mind to feel shy if his ministrations didn’t feel so fucking good right now.
you’re aware that you’re close and so is he because you’re clenching around his fingers, so he quickens his pace both inside you and against your clit. “you gonna cum for me, baby? right here, in the middle of kitchen, while everyone’s outside?”, he purrs against your face and you grip the part of his arm that isn’t shoved in your pants, digging your nails into his skin in a way that’s sure to leave a mark. his words make you feel dirty in the best way, not even knowing you could feel this turned on.
he peppers kisses along your jaw and neck, sucking here and there, and through the pale moonlight bleeding into the room from the window, the red blemishes that begin to bloom on your skin are visible to hyuck, and he seems pleased with his artwork. “that’s it, sweetheart, let go for me.”
your moans are muffled against his palm when you finally come, the orgasm ripping through you so strongly that you go limp in his hands, legs almost buckling at the sensation. with the added boost of the weed you smoked earlier, your orgasm is immense, feeling it pulse through your body until it’s too much, whining and wriggling in haechan’s firm hold. he holds you still and helps you ride out your high, whispering utterances of “that’s right, baby” and “my good girl” into your ear while you throw your head back and try to regulate your breathing.
in a moment, his hand slips out of your pants, turning you back around so you’re now facing him, grinning down at you from ear to ear as if you both hadn’t just defiled jaemin and jeno’s kitchen. “you feeling okay?”, he mumbles, tucking your hair behind your ear with the hand that wasn’t soaked, pressing a number of kisses all over your face as you nod and giggled, trying to evade his attack. he lets you go just to wash his hands, and it’s when he dries his wet hands on the material of his pants that you notice his raging boner, immediately feeling bad.
“wait hyuck, let me–“
as if he’s reading your mind once again, he shakes his head and takes both of your hands into his, wrapping them around his own waist while pulling you into him. “we can save that for another time, pretty”, he insists, his expression turning shy when he realises the implications behind his words. “that is, i-if you want another time, of course–“
it’s your turn to cut him off this time, but you do so by leaning up and connecting your lips again, bring a hand up to stroke his cheek. “of course i want another time, hyuck. i want this. i want you.”
your assurances do good to bring a smile to his pretty face, taking ahold of the hand on his cheek and pressing his lips to your skin gently, lovingly. “so, so, perfect.”
taking note of the prolonged amount of time the two of you had been gone, you skulk back into the living, but this time, hand in hand.
the scene you’re greeted with is a surprising one, because you find every single one of your friends to be sound asleep, much to your amusement and hyuck’s dismay. “so you’re telling me i could’ve been hearing you moan the whole time and none of these idiots would have even known?”, he is appalled, a hand coming up to rub at his face out of frustration. “i did all that for nothing?”
“i wouldn’t say for nothing”, you reveal, biting your lip and smiling up at the boy shyly. “i might have woken them up.”
“oh yeah, well now you’re going to”, and with that, he’s dragging you back to the kitchen while you giggle, nearly tripping over your own feet before he all but scoops you up in his arms, muttering to himself about having left something in the kitchen that needed urgent fetching.
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weemssapphic · 4 months
Lipstick Stains - Pt. 19
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Larissa Weems x fem!reader
summary: "Nothing makes us so lonely as our secrets." - Paul Tournier
words: ~ 1.8k | ao3 link in title
Watching you with massive, glassy eyes was a creature the likes of which you couldn’t even conjure up in your worst nightmares. Large and grotesque with sickly, gray skin, it stared you down as if you were its next meal. You felt an icy sensation shoot through your veins, completely frozen in place with shock. 
This was it, you thought, unable to tear your eyes away from the horrifying figure whose breath was slowly fogging up your passenger side window. I’m going to die here today, and I’ll be lucky if they find my body. Tears began to well up in your eyes, your breathing going shallow as you wondered if there was a way out of the situation. Maybe, if you started the car, you could drive away… 
You dropped your phone into your lap and reached for the ignition - the movement caught the monster’s eye and it bared its sharp, uneven teeth at you.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, f- 
Suddenly, the monster whipped its head around, looking back at something in the woods behind him. You waited with baited breath - until, with a final, curious glance at you, it ran towards the forest, disappearing between dense trees. There was a flash of something red at the tree line, but the rain was still too heavy to make out anything specific - and like hell you were going to stay around and wait for the creature to come back. You were not going to die out here.
Fumbling with the keys for a moment, you turned on the ignition, wasting no time in pressing the gas and barreling towards Jericho in the rain at a speed that would have your mother clutching at the grab handle above the door for dear life.
Pulling up to the Weathervane, you stuffed your phone into the pocket of your hoodie, pulled your keys from the ignition and dashed through the rain (which had now slowed to a light drizzle) and into the warm coffee shop - anything to get out of your car and be amongst people, anything to make sure you hadn’t gone insane.
You felt like an absolute mess - your heart was pounding, your stomach rolling with a wave of nausea so great you thought you might vomit on the floor of the cafe. Deciding to just buy a bottle of water, you slid into a booth by the window and pulled out your phone, opening Larissa’s contact. You ran a trembling hand through your hair, letting out a shaky breath - what would you tell Larissa? You wanted to talk to her - you had to - but you didn’t want her to worry too much, either - she had enough on her plate.
Someone passed by your table and you glanced up, immediately recognizing the young girl with the dark braids.
“He was attacked.”
“The bear that’s been all over the news.”
“He’s lucky to have gotten away then.”
You recalled the funny looks the teenagers had given each other in the car that night, the way Wednesday had glanced up at Xavier. You should’ve known it wasn’t a bear behind these attacks.
Wednesday froze - even from behind, you could see her tense up as she realized you were speaking with her. She glanced over her shoulder, her brow furrowing slightly as she took in your clearly rattled appearance. 
“You lied.”
She turned fully at that, cocking her head to the side. 
“That night. You lied. That wasn’t a fucking bear, was it?” You couldn’t even feel embarrassed at the way your voice rose in pitch as you spoke - you needed answers, and you were certain the girl could give them to you.
With a glance around the Weathervane, Wednesday slid into the booth across from you, slipping her backpack off her shoulders and digging around inside for a thick and very old looking book. She flipped through it, leaving it open to a certain page and sliding it across the table. Another wave of nausea hit you as you saw a sketch that looked exactly like the monster you’d seen. “T-that’s… I was driving here, I saw that… thing… what is that?”
“It’s called a hyde.” She pointed at the text on the page and you leaned in, reading about the creature that transforms as a result of its trauma, unlocked and then controlled by a master.
“Does Larissa know about this?”
“Principal Weems hasn’t told you?”
It was your turn to furrow your brow, a little pit burrowing its way into your stomach. “N-no?”
“Your girlfriend has been keeping secrets.”
“Wednesday, what do you mean by that?”
“Regrettably, it’s taken me weeks to find out what’s behind these attacks. Principal Weems has known this entire time and hasn’t done a thing. All she cares about is protecting Nevermore’s reputation, and her own. She’s been withholding information, she didn’t do a thing to protect Eugene, she covered up Rowan’s murder and lied to Sheriff Galpin about it.”
Your heart had begun to pound once again - certainly Larissa didn’t care more about reputation than about her students, that wasn’t her… Wednesday must have been mistaken. “Who’s Rowan? What happened?” you asked urgently.
“Rowan was attacked by the hyde. Principal Weems shapeshifted into him and pretended he was still alive, even though she knew full well what killed him. She has told you she’s a shapeshifter, hasn’t she?”
You were taken aback by Wednesday’s boldness, your throat going dry as you tried to speak. “Y-yeah… of course she has.”
Wednesday looked at you with a hint of doubt, before leaning across the table towards you and lowering her voice. “Well I haven’t been able to get through to her but maybe you can. Maybe she’ll listen to you. She can’t run away from this forever, we have to stop the hyde. Before it’s too late.”
At a loss for words, all you could do was nod as your mind raced. Wednesday shoved her book in her bag, sliding out of the booth and giving you one final glance before leaving the Weathervane. You looked down at your phone on the table, your own reflection peering back at you through the glass - it made you sick. 
“I’m sure you’ve heard of the… incidents that have occurred here in Jericho recently.”
“That bear that’s been mauling hikers?”
“Yes. That one. I wouldn’t want to put you in harm’s way by going out into Jericho’s woods at night.”
“It’s just a bear.”
“Please stay safe.”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Just be careful, alright?”
Your blood began to boil as you recalled all the times Larissa had lied to you, all the times she’d danced around the truth. Wednesday’s words had shaken you to your core - your mind swam with unanswered questions, and you knew you needed to talk to Larissa.
“Darling, I was wondering when you’d-”
Larissa’s words were cut off by the slamming of her office door behind you. Her brow furrowed as you stormed up to her desk and tossed your bag to the floor, a look of worry crossing her features.
“You’ve been lying to me.” You tried to keep the hurt out of your voice, but judging by the confusion in her gaze as she gently closed her laptop, you were unsuccessful.
“Not that I recall,” she said softly, her lips pulled down into a frown. “What are you talking about?”
The fact that Larissa was lying to you again made you nauseous, stoking your anger. Just over an hour ago you’d been certain you were about to become dinner for some monstrous creature, and now the one person you trusted above everyone else was lying to your face - and apparently not for the first time. “I’m talking about the hyde,” you said, gritting your teeth.
Larissa rolled her eyes, though you could see her shift subtly in her seat. “I take it you’ve run into Wednesday.”
“Yeah, Larissa, I ran into Wednesday. After running into that thing.”
Larissa’s face fell and she shot up from her desk, rounding it and coming to stand in front of you. She placed her hands on your shoulders, ducking her head to get you to look her in the eyes as a hint of panic rose in her voice. “What do you mean ‘running into’ it? What did you see? Are you alright?”
“I saw the hyde. With my own two eyes. So you can stop pretending that it’s just a bear.” You could feel the distant sting of tears at the backs of your eyes, though you were helpless to stop them. “That thing is a monster and you knew and you lied to me about it.”
“I was trying to protect you,” Larissa said with a measured voice, but you could see the fear in her eyes. She tried to cup your cheek but you took a step back, holding her gaze with indignance in your own as you scoffed at her words.
“You know, at least Wednesday had the decency to be honest with me. Wednesday told me you’ve known this whole time and haven’t done a thing.” 
You waited for Larissa to deny it, to try to defend herself - instead, she glared down at you, deep blue eyes turning glassy as her cheeks reddened.
“And what does Ms. Addams know of it?” she spat out, her lips curled in disgust.
“She knows that you covered up a murder.”
The shapeshifter’s nostrils flared as she took a step towards you. “I did what I had to do in order to protect my Nevermore family. I’m not doing nothing - I’m doing everything I can to keep my students out of harm’s way and to keep this school up and running. What more do you want from me?”
“I want you to stop keeping secrets from me! I’m not a child you need to protect - I want you to trust me, Larissa!”
“I do trust you!” Larissa snapped, crossing her arms over her chest. “It’s not that simple.”
“Isn’t it?”
“You wouldn’t understand,” she said with a dismissive wave of her hand, turning to pace back and forth in front of her desk.
“No, you’re right, Larissa, I wouldn’t understand,” you spat out, a tear of frustration rolling down your cheek. “Because you won’t talk to me about it. You think you have to deal with everything on your own so instead of letting me in, you lie to me and keep secrets from me. Do you think I wouldn’t get it?”
Larissa spun around, her lip quivering as she stared down at you with a mixture of frustration and exasperation - something else was hidden there, too, though you couldn’t quite place it. “I don’t know!” Her voice was loud and harsh - she’d never raised her voice at you before, though considering how your own voice had been consistently rising in pitch throughout the argument you shouldn’t have been surprised. Still, you took a step back as the force behind her words shocked you.
“Well, have fun figuring it out then,” you replied hoarsely.
With that, you turned on your heel, missing the way that Larissa’s face fell as you stormed out of her office, slamming the door behind you and using your free hand to wipe the tears off of your cheeks.
Taglist: @littledollll @nlr-33 @mysaviorfalsegod @imlike-so-gaydude @rainbow-hedgehog @enchantressb @alder-saan @autumn-leaves-chasing-breeze @amateurwritescm @brienneswife @principal-weems09 @messynessi @larissaoftarthweems @anti-bright-places @lvinhs @catechristiesstuff @ladyzmilf002 @milfsloverblog @opheliauniverse @orangeisnttheonlyfruit @im-a-carnivorous-plant @alexusonfire @bigolgay @kimiinou @wastdstime @scream-queenlover @imprincipalweemspet @justcallmelittleone @willowshadenox @milfsloverblog @leftoverenvy @yahaqueen @peggycarter3 @lilfartbox1 @makemyworldworthliving @crow-raven-crow @mosscoveredcrucifix @opalthefrog @barbarasstar @giogwensversion
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infinite-orangepeel · 8 months
“get too close to your muse & you, the artist, will lose all ability to decipher one shade from the next on your palette. keep your distance…”
fall quarter begins at the curly roots of eddie munson’s ineffable head, runs its’ labyrinthian course through passageways of blue veins & black ink, & ends at a set of hairy crimson painted toes.
steve finds himself squandering every waking moment of his lifeblood & attention somewhere, egregiously, in the middle.
“say you’re drawing a bed of flowers,” his professor lectured a few weeks back, “what happens if you put your nose in the middle of those flowers & try to recreate the details on your canvas? you come up with color and shape, sure, but it’s blurry—isn’t it? it’s a big blobby blur of nothing. that’s not very good life drawing, i’m afraid.”
flash forward to the present—
the bed is firm but comfortable. reminding you of its’ presence.
it doesn’t encourage daydreaming &, yet, steve is ignoring the better advice of his mentor & pressing his curious nose directly into the bud of an all too striking flower.
he knows the intimate contact could kill the rose, is aware of the thorns lining the stem, but he can’t stay away.
he’s struck by fear and temptation and self-loathing and a beauty that stings like a slap across the face.
eddie’s his roommate, his friend, his muse for the most important project of steve’s career as an art student.
& getting too close is lethal, so he creates a sort of optical illusion.
designs an environment in which he can pretend they are star-crossed lovers in a broken world that won’t let them be together. in which touch is a small death each and every time.
steve flits to eddie like a dragonfly to water—
never touching.
never spending too much time in his orbit before making up an excuse to leave & jerk off to the smell of old cigarettes in the bathroom.
everything he really wants to say sits in the back of his throat like a painful, malignant lump & gets spat out onto his sketchbook in a tragically romantic exorcism.
doing the dishes next to him is enough to drive him insane.
drawing him, butt-naked, is another story.
“is it supposed to be so….erotic?”
eddie arches an eyebrow as steve traces the outline of his cock into his sketchbook.
“it’s not that erotic,” steve says, blushing into his charcoals, “besides no one will know it’s you. it’s art.”
art is supposed to be weird & naked. now, hold still, & let me draw you.”
it’s definitely erotic.
there are roses—de-thorned, for safety—shrouding eddie’s dick & leaving a trail of pink petals across his pale thighs.
eddie’s hand is draped over his head; exuding a certain brattiness, lust, boredom—
as if he’s lying there because he wants someone, like steve, to stumble upon him & use his body the way it so clearly needs to be.
his lips are parted on the precipice of whispering some filthy secret into steve’s ear while milking him like a simple farm girl with nothing better to do.
he can’t be this close to eddie without losing his mind.
fuck. fuck. fuck.
it’s just a body. just limbs and a huge cock and—
eddie’s quiet for a little while which is rare for him, before he pipes up again.
“what if we painted the flowers together?”
steve wipes the sweat from his brow, drops his pencil, and looks up at eddie across the mattress. working overtime to avoid staring at the erection sticking out amongst the bouquet of roses.
“the piece isn’t supposed to be very colorful. i’m going for muted tones. that’s why i picked the pale pinks and whites.”
eddie giggles a little and, it’s so cute, steve has to pinch his own thigh through his shorts just to maintain composure.
“i don’t think you’re understanding—the colors wouldn’t change much. except for some more white, if you catch my drift,” eddie pumps his hand over his cock several times and mimes cumming stop the petals, “might look cool. might get you extra points with that asshole professor of yours. you’ve said he likes ‘shock value.’”
“i—i guess you’re right. that’s a pretty….different and unique….um….idea. yeah.”
it’s like this that steve strips naked and clambers as close to eddie as he can possibly get without laying a finger on him. adhering to the rules—keeping a particular distance between artist & muse.
they lay side by side. sunlight streaming in through the blinds & bathing eddie’s spindly fingers in gold as he touches himself.
“harrington, don’t act like you haven’t been dreaming about this since day one,” eddie snarks, “i’ve seen the way you look at me, sweetheart. your eyes are gonna burn holes in my ass if you’re not careful. touch that pretty cock of yours, lemme see you.”
before steve can do anything about it or change his mind, he’s got a fist wrapped around his own cock and the other hand pinching his nipples. left and right, back and forth, dragging his nails through the hair sprouting around them.
“didn’t think you thought about me like that,” steve whines, watching as eddie edges himself methodically—
moving faster, slower, squeezing at the base, thumbing over the slit, cupping his balls, slapping the insides of his own thighs until they match the pink petals.
“i like a little pain,” he comments when he catches steve’s wide eyes, “and i’ve always was hallucinating the first time i walked into this room and saw you on the bed—thought i was going into the light and seeing an angel.”
“you’re so full of it.”
“i’d like to be full of you,” eddie breathes against steve’s neck, not allowing his lips to pass the barrier, “but i don’t know if you can handle me, big boy. you’re blushing like a nervous little schoolgirl.”
“am not—”
“are too, &, you’re about to cum just listening to my voice. it’s so crystal clear. look at you—fucking yourself so stupid.”
eddie looks so beautiful.
laying there like a forsaken god locked out of heaven.
steve’s been so good about keeping his hands to himself, about keeping his nose out of the flowers, but desire and temptation are stronger than any amount of remaining willpower he has.
he grabs eddie’s shoulder with his freehand & kisses him until they’re both seeing stars.
celestial explosions of pleasure & truth & this thing that’s been growing violently between them since the moment they first met.
“i’m cumming. i’m gonna—fuck steve, it’s gonna be on the flowers—i hope that’s okay—”
they cum in tandem over petals of pink and white and thornless stems.
steve gets an A+.
taglist (message me to be added or removed at any time <3): @estrellami-1 @disastardly @ilovecupcakesandtea @the-redthread @asbealthgn @bestofbucky @vampireinthesun @carlyv @shrimply-a-menace @lordrrascal @malachitedevil @anxiouseds @gay-little-bitch @jhrc666 @pinkdaisies1998 @perseus-notjackson @eiddets @corroded-coffin-groupie @three-possums-playing-human @stevesbipanic @plutoshelm @arkenstoned @indiearr @they-reap-what-we-sow @gleek4twd @bunnyweasley23 @livingoutload @a-little-unsteddie @novelnovella @neverlandwaitingforme @swiss-cheeze
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thecoochiefairy · 2 years
𝖓𝖊𝖜 𝕾𝖆𝖑𝖊𝖒
SHE’D BEEN PACING FOR EXACTLY THREE HOURS.  Starting from the front door of her bedroom to the window that she had closed shut. She thought this was calming her down— it clearly wasn’t.
“When I see that old bitch I’m gonna— Sin, that’s your grandma, you can’t call her a bitch,” she mutters, circling as she goes back towards the front door.
“Okay, old hag,” she corrects herself.
Being reminded of every conversation she had with Sybil, it boils down to her repeating the bullshit line of her “Protecting their coven.” Sin was now in question— what was she actually protecting?
Every time the question repeats in her head, she gets angrier. She can feel herself become angrier. She now stands right in front of her bed and takes a long breath, exhaling deeper. Realizing that she’d shattered her phone, she walks over to the corner it’d fallen in. She picks up the device where its screen is cracked in every crevice, cursing to herself. She attempts to place it on the bed to deal with it later, but when it completely disassembled in her shaking hand, she stops. She doesn’t remember being able to break a phone into pieces. She groaned, shouting as she took off out of her room and towards the rest of the condos.
Bodies yelp as she bumps into them, frowns and angry stares shooting her down. She notices none of them. She makes a sharp turn into a corner as she sees the familiar brown wooden door, now standing in front of it. She looks down as her sandals are planted on top of the doormat, confused as she had just seen herself feet away from the door. When she presses her hand on the knob and leans to see if it’s unlocked, she hears the wood screech as the lock in between the door snaps, entryway flailing open.
From the other side of the woods, Adonis’ condo has a first floor patio he sits on. He leans back on the lawn chair he’d recently purchased as he has a blunt in between his fingers, sighing peacefully as his shoulders lower, “Ahhh, finally. Some peace and quiet.”
He watches as his members walk back and forth in between the training building and their rooms, talking amongst each other. That’s when he believes his eyes are deceiving him. People jerk in their normal walking as they’re bumped by another body moving very quickly. Almost too quickly.
“Aria?” He slowly sits up, trying to get a closer look.
“Yeah, hon?” She comes from behind him handing out a glass of lemonade, sitting hers down as she now sits on the other lawn chair.
“Am I high— or is that girl running insanely fast for a witch?”
Aria looks in the direction he stares as she sees Sin stomping atop of sticks and leaves. But as her body continues to walk, her entire physique turns into a blur as she now appears in front of a door to a room, forcefully pushing the knob open.
Aria hums, “Yeah. Almost like a wolf,” she chuckles, sipping loudly on her straw.
Her sipping slowly comes to a pause as she sees her husband turn his head towards her, eyes filled with horror. When she wants to question why his expression has changed, she replays the current observation in her head. She freezes.
“Call Aries. Right. Now.”
From the other side of the trees, Cloud now turns away from the laptop he uses, frowning as he sees Sin standing in his doorway. He’d remembered locking it.
“Uh— sorry. I knocked,” Sin lies, closing the door behind herself as she admits, “I’m so pissed off.”
“Why’s that?” He presses his palm on his laptop, bringing the top half down to turn off the screen.
“So I ended up calling Sybil, right? Out of the kindness of my heart and for the sake of Adonis’ request.”
“I call this bi— this imbecile of a grandmother eight times. Well nine, actually. She answers on the fourth ring and she’s super nonchalant and didn’t give a single damn about what I was saying.”
“And I—“ she stops herself, noticing his blank facial expression.
“Are you even listening? What the fuck do you mean, ‘Mhm?’”
“I honestly don’t know what you want me to say, Sin. I’m busy,” Cloud replies.
She stares him down, going from his head to his shoes.
“I will kill you. I will wrap my fingers around your throat and strangle you until you can’t breathe,” she threatens. She comes closer to him, her plans coming to a halt when the two now see a shadow standing in the door.
“Heyyy,” Aries announces himself, Sin snapping her neck as she growls, “What the fuck could you possibly want?”
“You wanna go for a walk?”
“A walk?” She also looks him up and down as he has a nervous smile on his face. He’s entirely serious.
“Both of y’all finna’ piss me off. Move!” She snaps, brushing past Aries who jumps as he can feel the steam coming off of her body. When he turns around to see what direction she’s going in, his eyes strain and a blur speeds into the trees.
“Oh. That’s what they were talking about,” he mutters to himself. He then looks up to see Cloud standing with a confused frown along his face.
Aries asks, “What did you say to her?”
“I told her I was busy.”
“Doing what?”
Aries neck tilts, “Study? You go to school?”
“Yeah, I take night classes. I’m majoring in law.”
“Law? Oh shit!” Aries eyes go wide, “I like that. That shit’s cool. I actually wanted to go into law, too. But realizing I had to train into becoming Alpha I didn’t have time t—“
“ARIES!” He suddenly hears a scream echo inside of his head. He flinches at the impatient voice of his mother.
“Um— you finish your classes! We will finish this conversation later. I gotta go— find Sin, yeah,” he takes off, pointing his nose in the air as he tries to track her scent. Cloud shakes his head and closes his door.
Aries continues to search until he reaches the middle of the forest, seeing as she now paces back and forth in between trees. He can see smoke rising from her skin, her fist clenching as she splutters out curses.
“Um— Sin—“
“She thinks she can ask me what I’m doing to keep this coven together? Better than whatever the fuck she’s been doing, sitting on her ass back in New Salem!”
“Right,” he nods his head.
“I’ve taken an attack from fairies, been choked out— well that one was kinda my fault, but— anyways! Been kidnapped, electrocuted by bars, had two to three nose bleeds, decapitated a bitch! Where is my fuckin’ gold star?!”
“And you are so right,” he nods his head once again, “But um— I need to tell you something? I know this isn’t a good time but I really think you should—“
“What? Tell me WHAT?” She yells.
He winces at her voice. Her eyes swing back and forth on his entire facial expression, mind wandering as to what he could possibly say at this moment.
“I think you’re transitioning.”
“Transitioning? Where the hell am I going?”
She halts in her spot. Her eyebrows come over her lids as Aries’ eyebrows are lifted, unaware what she’d do next.
“No. No? No,” she shakes her head.
“Where is your father? Adonis?!”
She takes off once again before he can get another word in, her entire body a smear in the atmosphere as she speeds from where they’d originally stood. He sighs heavily.
Back on the other side of the trees, Adonis sits back in his lawn chair as he assumes Aries is dealing with this issue. Aria has her lemonade in her lap, glossing over an array of magazines to decide which one she wants to read. But when they both feel a presence quickly making its way towards them, they look up.
“Yes, Adonis?” She sounds more impatient this time.
“Am I high, or does it look like that girl is coming straight towards me now?”
They watch as Sin stomps in their direction, seeing Aries running behind her with his hands out. He shakes his head chaotically.
“Adonis fucking Adonis!” She gripes. She lifts her hand as she swings whatever object was previously in it towards the couple, the both of them dodging the log that now flies into the open doors of their living room.
“Oh, Jesus. How does she know your full name?” Aria wonders.
They snap their necks back as they hear the log come in contact with a piece of decor in their house, the vase smashing onto the floor.
Aria pouts, “Hey! My vase.”
“I’m gonna burn this pack to the fucking ground!” She curses, Adonis now standing up as she’s only feet away.
She goes straight for him when Aries finally catches her in his hold. Aria then orders, “Hey, calm down. Let’s just sit and talk about what’s going on with you, okay?”
Sin stands there, huffing heavily through her nose. They all stand in preparation for her to take off, Sin thankfully not moving in her stance.
“Let me just— take this other log,” Aria mutters, slowly removing Sin’s fingers from the piece of wood in her other hand.
Once they feel as though she’s finally calmed down, they take her inside and sit her in their office. She sits at the end of the table as she shakes her leg, the entire table vibrating. Aria holds the cup of tea she’s made for her as its contents spill from inside the mug. Aries sits on the other side with Adonis, tapping his finger nervously along the surface.
“Well?” Sin speaks out, clearing the silence.
“Um— okay. Well, I think that I might’ve scratched you,” Aries begins.
Sin blinks, “I’m not following.”
“Do you remember the time we went to Elysian and those fairies attacked you, so when I wolfed out to attack them—you were also in the way and—“
“When I got dragged?” She interrupts.
“When did I have time to get dragged?”
“A lot was going on—“
“So what does that mean?”
“Well it means you’re transitioning into a—“
“A what?”
Aries fingers come in contact behind his shoulder. He scratches as he reaches for his neck, babbling nervously, “You’re transitioning into a—tr— you— a—I— a hybrid wolf!” He shouts. The table stops shaking.
“A… what?!” Sin shouts, the entire table flinching.
“Well… we’ve never had this happen before. Anytime a witch was scratched or bitten, they died,” Adonis explains.
“What?” Sin looks around, “I’M GONNA DIE?!” She wails, the entire table now jumping at the cry.
“No, no, No!” Adonis and Aries shake their heads as Aria mutters, “Well don’t lie to her, now.”
“I’M GONNA DIE?” She wails again, tears now forming in her eyes.
“Momma, please!” Aries panics, Aria putting her hands up on surrender.
“You’re not gonna die, Sin. You’re the farthest we’ve gotten regarding transition, so that means you’re promising,” Adonis calms.
“I’m— PROMISING?“ Sin’s voice trembles.
“Yes! Yes. Cause no one else has made it to this point, I mean— we’ve never seen a regular witch run like that,” Aria agrees.
Sin wipes the tears from her eyes as she slowly nods her head, trying to process everything. She then repeats, “S—so…okay. I’m promising? That’s a good thing?”
“Yes! It is. You wanna know why? Because we have this!” Aria leans over, coming up and she slams a thick book on the table. Sin reads as it says, ‘THE HYPOTHETICAL’ as she looks over the dark gray title card, bringing her eyes back up as she states, “You lost me again.”
“He wrote this book hypothetically speaking if a witch were to ever properly transition into a hybrid. So far you’ve checked all of the boxes! So…who wrote this isn’t wrong?” Aria explains, trying to convince herself as well.
Sin senses her uncertainty as she asks, “Who the hell is he?”
“Honey, who’s the guy that made the lightbulb?” Aria asks her husband.
“A black man who wasn’t credited for the idea,” Aries responds instead.
“Him! Lewis Latimer. He wrote this, his biggest success was this book. See, he was a witch that was bitten by a wolf, and in the process of this transition he wrote this. I mean, he died a couple years after, but— that’s not the point!” she nods her head.
Sin looks around, “So… he was—“
“A witch,” Aria clarifies.
“Hold the fuck up. You mean to tell me that lightbulbs were created by magic?”
“Of course! Why do you think some of the witches and warlocks of your coven have the power to control electricity? Because he took it…from the lightning,” Aria concludes, placing her finger upon her temple. She then slides the book in front of Sin.
Sin looks around as they all nod their heads in agreement of everything Aria says. She can’t believe what she’s hearing, or the fact that they’re spitting out this bullshit story.
“Do you really think it’s the time to be joking? This is not funny! This shit is happening to me, I could possibly die! Fuck y’all and this goddamn book!”
She slides it back to the other side where Adonis sits, the object crashing into his abdomen instead of it slowing down atop of the table. He leans over and holds his stomach as he falls onto the ground. Sin stands so quickly that the air causes the table to lift up, everyone moving out of the way in time— except for Aries— as it slams back down onto him.
“My baby!” Aria cries, Sin disappearing out of the condo before anyone can stop her.
“Uh… everything good in here?” Calypso peaks his head around the corner, Jupiter behind him.
“Come help me get this table off of your brother!”
Sin has already made her way back into the other condos. Going straight for the intended door, she slows down as a familiar face exits out of it.
“Are you gonna punch me in my face for no reason again?” Electra asks.
Sin scans her face as she stands in front of her with her arms crossed. She then takes her entire palm and mushes it against Electra’s face as she groans, “I don’t even have time for this right now,” ignoring Electra’s yelp as she enters Cloud’s bedroom once again.
“Do you know what these idiots just told me—“
She stops. She notices Pheme sitting on the bed who slows down her laughter as she takes notice of Sin, Cloud turning his head to see why her posture had changed.
“Sin! The most beautiful ball of sunshine,” the puff of clouds speaks in the corner, Cloudy smiling at her as he continues to glee, “Yay!”
“Pack it up, Cloudy!” Sin dismisses.
“Sin, I’m taking a proctor!” Cloud then exclaims.
“Taking a proctor with my best friend?” She snarls.
“… She was helping me cheat,” he whispers.
“Let’s get this party going! I got the stuff—“
Everyone in the room turns their head as Nadia now appears in the doorway holding a tray of fruits. She halts in her movement as she sees Sin glaring at her.
“Oh, so y’all are all best friends now? I will kill all you motherfuckers!” Sin threatens.
“Sin, chill! We’re just helping Cloud with his test. You don’t have to get upset about everything,” Nadia rolls her eyes.
Hearing that statement completely sets her off at this point. She walks over to Nadia and raises her hand above the tray she has, slamming her palm down. The tray slices completely in half. Taking the fruit that’s landed in her hand, she lunges it at Pheme and Cloud. The both of them duck as they yell, “Sin!”
She then flies past them as she goes past the open doors of his balcony, eyes watching as she leaps over the railing and vanishes.
“Where is she?!” Aries is now in the front door, Cloud face palming himself as he mutters, “I have to email my professor.”
“She uh… over the balcony,” is all Pheme can say, wiping the fruits off of her body.
Aries frowns. How the hell was she moving this fast?
As Sin flies past the trees she slows down as she sees someone walking towards her, the usual high ponytail now an ocean of curls down her back.
“Hey girl! You seen Aries?” Mariah waves her over.
“Do I look like Aries’ keeper?”
“Not really, but you do—“ she stops herself, noticing the mist-like substance rising from her skin. Mariah then touches her arm and it stings her fingers, hastily snatching her hand back. She clicks everything together.
“It’s that noticeable?” Sin trembles.
“I’m a doctor, duh. When did you find out you were transitioning?”
“Just now,” Sin cries, Mariah then pursing her lips together awkwardly.
“Oh, damn. Wait, how didn’t you know?”
“Get away from me,” she demands.
“Ouch, what did I do?”
She then goes to speak again when Sin departs from her, a thousand questions now flooding her head at what she just witnessed.
“Have you seen her?” Aries then appears, walking in the direction Sin’s scent follows as Mariah replies with a question, “Why do you smell like green tea?”
“I do not have time for your smart remarks! I need to find Sin.”
“Why is she transitioning?”
“You’re no help,” he then ignores her question and keeps walking.
She walks behind him as she then continues, “I was looking for you anyways, I wanted to talk to you about—“
“Talk about what?”
“Well I was in the infirmary and I saw all the bills were messed up and— why is there a four hundred dollar transaction on a hotel suite?”
“Mariah, I’m begging you to go away. Now is not the time!” He gripes.
“Why is there a book in your hand?”
“Lewis Latimer,” is all he says, speed walking towards the direction he caught Sin’s scent in. It peaks Mariah’s interest and her eyes light up, “Oh! The Hypothetical! I’m right behind you.”
They both walk until they see her body pacing back and forth in between the tall trees, the air swaying more aggressively than usual. She moans in pain as she impatiently strides.
“I’m hot. I’m hot” Sin pants.
“It’s fine—whatareyoudoing?”
They watch as she begins ripping the material of clothes off of her skin, her shirt going first as she now stands in front of them in her bra. Aries’ face feels warm for some reason.
“The book! We have the book,” Aries reminds.
“Fuck that fuckin’ book!”
It all happens in under a millisecond. The moment he reaches the object out to her, it tears out of his hand. His eyes follow as the book crashes into the bark of the tree, the large plant splitting in two—right down the middle.
“Oh Jesus,” Mariah mutters, “Um— has anyone been this strong in their early transitioning? Maybe I should google this.”
She begins patting her body down, frowning at herself. She mutters, “Where’s my phone… did I leave it?”
“Sin, why are you taking your clothes off? Please— stop?” Aries questions, not looking directly at her.
She ignores his request as she now removes the shorts she wears. She stands in her underwear as Mariah compliments, “Oh! You have a cute butt.”
“Mariah Imani Devereaux. If you are not actually here to help me, please leave.”
“Devereaux? Like— Deveaux?” Sin repeats, looking between the two.
“Yeah, it’s on my dad’s side. Your last name is Deveaux? That’s pretty.”
“Wanna sing Kumbaya with her once you’re done?” Aries retorts.
“Back to you, using my full name? Don’t do that. You getting too comfortable.”
“I only use it when you on some fuck-shit!”
Mariah gasps, “Fuck-shit? Moi? Of all people, I do no such thing. Name one time.”
“That fuck-shit including cheating on me!” He yells.
“To be fair, I had a lot going on while trying to get into medical school, I needed a distraction. I did what I had to do.”
“CHEAT? Cheating was doing what you had to do?”
“You were on pack duty, I had to use my nearest resources.”
They begin going back and forth, completely going off topic of their original mission. They’re quickly reminded of the situation at hand as Sin cries, “You’re not helping!”
She’s now fully naked. Tears continue to pour out of her eyes like a broken faucet, steam arising from her warm skin as she pants heavily from her chest.
“Oh shit,” Aries mutters, placing a palm over his eyes.
“Oh please. Don’t act like you’ve never wanted to see her ass naked,” Mariah rolls her eyes.
“Stop talking to me, Imani.”
“Oh? That’s what we doing, for real? Okay, Aries DEANTE Adonis!”
They spring up their bickering once again. They’re snapping back at one another so quickly that they don’t realize the stress they’re putting on the person in front of them. Sin becomes frantic at this point, beginning to walk backwards as she continues bawling. They don’t have enough time to warn her as her body disappears, falling at the edge of a cliff.
“Oh god!” Mariah panics, running over to where she’d previously stood and Aries right behind her. They look over as they see Sin now engulfed under the vibrating water until they reach the sight of her face, she wails as her face glistens with panic.
“When the hell did this get here?” Mariah asks herself.
“Um… not sure. How long have we lived here?” Aries asks.
“That I don’t know either. Anyways— go get the book from under the tree, you’re stronger.”
“The hell I look like, Batman?”
“You can look like the Black Panther for all I give a fuck, Aries. You go get the book while I watch the naked one who’s in the—lake? River?”
“Lake, smart one,” Aries corrects.
When they look back down they notice a half sphere now floating above Sin’s physique, the iridescent forcefield shining along the sun’s gleam. The body of water continued to sway as the sudsy shield protected her.
“This girl created a bubble. My lord,” Mariah sighs as she can hear Sin wailing from beneath her, “I want my dadddd.”
“Maybe we should just let her tire herself out, like how you let a baby cry until they stop? Or should I call my dad again?” Aries suggests.
“She’s not a baby, Aries.”
“I can’t tell!”
“Don’t be insensitive, you ass. What would you do if you were involuntarily transitioning into another creature?”
Aries thought over the question for a moment, shaking his head as he replied, “I’d be throwing up everywhere like she is.”
“Exactly, so shut up. Plus, we don’t need your dad— imma’ doctor! I can handle this.”
“Oh, now you’re a doctor?”
“This still isn’t helping!” Sin calls from below to get their attention, the top of her safeguard faltering open to get a better volume of her voice.
“I’ve never seen transitioning like this…is this a PMS thing?” Aries whispers.
Mariah glares at him, “I cannot believe you just said that.”
“Stop talking about me!” Sin whines, unable to control her emotions at this point.
“We aren’t! Just— go back in your bubble,” Mariah waves off, “Okay. You get the book and then we’ll meet in the water.”
“Who said anything about getting in the water?” Aries frowns.
“Aries, I seriously don’t have time for your phobias right now.”
“…Can I stand in it?”
“Sin’s five-seven. Meaning she’s shorter than you and she’s standing in it, dumbass.”
“Well she got magic and shit, maybe she’s using it to hold herself up!” He suggests.
They look down once again when they hear her mini portal slowly open from the top and she states, “I can hear you guys. Oh my god…I—I can hear you guys. I have heightened hearing now. I’m a fucking wolf!” She terrifyingly squeaks.
Sin goes back to her crying and leaves the two standing at the cliff to watch her. Mariah then goes back into focus as she stares over at Aries, looking at him from the top of his head to the bottom of his shoes.
“What?” Aries spits.
“So are you getting naked first or should I?” She glances down.
“Hold the fuck on— Who said anything about getting naked?”
“Just down to your underwear, we want to make her feel more comfortable. Don’t act all shy now.”
“Get. Away. From. Me.”
“I can’t get a little peek?”
“Do you wanna die?” He repeats in the same tone.
Mariah blinks, “Not really. You’re no fun.”
Aries mutters curses as he turns towards the tree and quickly begins taking his clothes off, Mariah already sitting on the edge and leaping off into the water below her. Once he snatches the book from in between the bark he follows after the two women.
“Hey…” Mariah greets, right across from Sin’s security blanket.
Both necks turn as they feel a rupture in the water. Aries appears as he stands in his boxers, shivering at the breeze in the air. He hugs his arms around his body as he holds the large book in his left hand.
“Can we come in? Can I come innnn…Can I come in now?” Mariah sings, coming closer to Sin. She notices as Sin’s head spins in a circle within the water, sniffling heavily with a following hiccup.
“Why are you spinning, Sin?”
“My dad used to let me do this in the tub after my mom died, it made me feel at peace,” she responded.
“That’s nice—“
“My mom… I want my mom!” She suddenly shrieks, now crying harder than before. She now spins faster in a circle, causing the water to rock from inside her bubble to the outside, Aries yelping behind Mariah.
“Yo Sin, Chill!” He pleads.
“At your big ass age, really?” Mariah turns behind herself to see Aries attempting to crawl atop of the book, the object immediately sinking from his weight. When Sin sees the panic in his eyes, she slowly begins halting her spins.
“Sin, stop making the water move. Please,” he begs.
“Why don’t we all just calm down, okay? Sin? Can you stop making the water move?”
“Sorry.. sorry,” she says to both of them. She now goes back to sitting completely still, keeping her eyes closed.
“Thank you. It’s okay,” Mariah replies, “Well… we wanted to show you the book but now it’s completely soaked so I can’t even—“
“I… I can dry it,” Sin politely interrupts.
“You can?” Mariah’s eyebrows lift up.
“Okay, okay! Well can you let us in so we can—“
“No,” she lashes out, Mariah jumping at the sudden change of emotion. Sin corrects herself, “I just meant— I can dry it and look at it from here.”
“That’s fine. Go ahead. Give me the damn book,” Mariah yanks the object from Aries’ grasp who pouts, pushing it over to where Sin is now standing at the end of her shelter. 
Their eyes stare along the book as they begin to see the previously dark pages rise a different shade, plops of water droplets floating up and into the air. An inviting shade of white now replaced the dull gray of the paper, the droplets shooting up into the air, plummeting into their family of reservoirs.
“Can someone hold it while I read?” She asks.
Silence stands between the three. Mariah then smacks Aries on his arm and pushes him forward. He yanks himself away from her as he comes forward, taking the book in his palms and lifting it up for Sin to see. Her eyes scan across the pages as she reads the information that she refused to listen to earlier, now regretting being so stubborn.
“Oh…oh. Okay, yeah,” she nods her head.
Aries being curious he then looks on with her and also reads to himself. He becomes deep into the informational passages when he suddenly hears, “Why aren’t you flipping the page?”
“Oh— shit my bad, I was reading with you,” he mutters, flipping the page for her.
“Do you mind if we come in and all read it together?” Mariah suggests.
Sin backs up from the book, looking around the atmosphere she’s created. She then nods her head as she replies, “Okay.”
She releases the energy as an opening appears for the both of them, breaking down the half sphere and giving them enough space to walk through. Once they’re in she closes the gap, backing herself up and giving them room.
“See? We’ve been trying to explain that nothing is gonna happen to you. You’re having a healthy transition.”
“So… I’m not gonna die,” she confirms with herself.
“And I’m not gonna be like my mom?” She then asks.
“Exactly,” Aries agrees, “You know why? Cause we’re gonna help you get through this shit.”
“We’re?” Sin repeats, “As in— you too?” She refers to Mariah.
“Yeah, yeah. Of course,” Mariah agrees.
“Plus— the shit you’ experiencing is a little similar to a woman’s transition. Yours is just quicker and more aggressive. We’ll need her help.”
“Yay! Peace circle!” Mariah then cheers.
Their attitude towards the situation makes her feel at ease. In this entire moment of panic she finally feels as though she can breathe, and that she’ll get through this conflict with support. She then weakly smiles as she fully extends herself, exposing her bare chest.
“Yayy,” Aries shakily responds, looking at the empty sky.
Sin looks down. Once she looks back up with more awareness she then asks, “Am I making you uncomfortable?”
“Nah— I just— you just—“
“You can look if you want,” Sin shrugs.
Mariah looks in between the two, almost feeling the heat pouring into Aries’ face. Her eyebrows raise once again when Sin looks over at her and says, “You can look too.”
“I see you’re calm now,” she nervously jokes.
“Yeah. Sorry about—all that. I need to smoke.”
“Sin, although I’m not opposed to looking at you… we tryna’ have a serious conversation. So can you…” Aries gestures towards her lower body.
Sin rolls her eyes, “Fine,” placing her palms over her areolas. She then changes the subject, “So— you guys promise to be there for me?”
“Yes,” they both say.
“Every step of the way?”
“I’m afraid what will happen if I’m not so, I guess,” Aries admits.
“You guess?” Sin blinks.
“We promise,” Mariah corrects, shoving her elbow into his stomach.
All three still stand in the middle of the now still lake, Aries and Mariah waiting for Sin to have any more concerns as two minutes of silence have now surpassed them.
Sin then quietly asks, “Do you know what color I’ll be?”
“That’s predetermined—“
“What color are you, Mariah? Cause I feel like I’d like a nice midnight black.”
“I’m gray—“
“But like a dusk gray? Or like a dark gray? Or like a matte gray?”
“Matte? How the hell would I be matte?”
Sin presses her lips together as she agrees, “You’re right. What about my eyes?”
“Also predetermined. Plus, your eyes have been green this entire time, so they probably will end up being green,” Aries explains.
“But I’m a hybrid so I feel like it’s a different ball game… where the book at?!”
The forcefield she’s created suddenly molds down into the water until it’s completely disappeared, Sin absentmindedly turning around as she reaches for the book behind her and begins flipping the pages.
“Hey, Sin? How about we get out the water first and then read?” Mariah suggests.
“Y’all acting like you can’t endure a lil’ water,” she waves her off, eyes still amongst the black font of words.
“Damn skippy! Get me fuck outta’ here before I start wailing,” Aries demands, back to shivering.
“Listen, we both have PSTD from Hurricane Katrina. Being wolves that aren’t too fond of uncontrollable waters also doesn’t help,” Mariah agrees with him.
“The water is still right now,” Sin points out.
“Yes, for now. But it’s windy as hell and I just got this buss-down—unlike you, I don’t have the luxury of a friend who does my hair for free, I paid for this. So can we please? Go?”
Sin presses the book shut and she lets out a breath. She then looks between a concerned Mariah and a highly shaking Aries before she empathizes, “Sorry—again. My nipples are starting to look like raisins, let’s go.”
Sin raises her body as she walks towards the shore that leads back up to the woods and she chirps, “C‘mon, guys!”
Aries grunts as he’s suddenly pulled out of the trance of watching her, glaring at Mariah’s palm that just finished going across his head.
“Let’s go.”
FINALLY MAKING IT BACK TO THE FAMILY’S HOME, they all felt relieved to be able to shower and cleanse themselves of the lake. Sin now sat on top of the toilet as she watched Mariah fix the front of her hair, smacking her lips as this was her fourth time trying to attempt this.
“Um— I can fix it for you,” Sin speaks up.
Mariah stops what she’s doing and looks over at her, putting down the toothbrush she holds. Sin nearly felt a shock come along her entire body as a small smile came from the girl and she nodded her head, “Yeah, sure.”
Sin directs her to sit on the toilet and grabs the edge brush, taking the hair spray in her other hand. Mariah's eyes became wider as she saw from behind her that the blow drier rose from its cord, now floating completely behind Sin. The object danced over to them and stood right over her hair. It cut on without hesitation, blowing cool air onto the lace to melt it down.
“I guess that’s another way to use magic,” she chuckles, Sin laughing with her.
“Yeah, Pheme didn’t teach me everything, so I have to go step by step.”
“Well thank you anyway. Also, sorry I couldn’t find another shirt of mine here. Aries must’ve burned my clothes or something.”
She gestured to the long black shirt Sin now stood in, one of Aries’ thousands he had in the closet. Sin shook her head as she disagreed, “It’s cool. I’ll manage.”
“I get it, he smells good.”
“Excuse me?” Sin slows down on her previous task.
“You look cute in it to be honest, but then again black looks great on everyone. Especially me.”
“Dinner time!” They hear from downstairs, Sin jumping in her skin.
“We’ll continue this later. I’m starving,” Mariah groans.
Mariah exits out of the bathroom. Sin can’t get her comment out of her head, watching as the blow drier gently made its way back to its seat on the counter. She cuts out the light before she follows her downstairs, seeing as everyone is now seated in the kitchen and living room awaiting for their plate.
“Hey, Aria. Thanks for letting me shower and stuff… I’m sorry about today,” Sin apologizes.
“No worries, honey. I am still a little pissy about my coffee table,” she mentions, taking silverware out of the drawers she stands by.
“To be fair, it didn’t match the black and sleek look of the house with it being mahogany. I feel like I did you a favor. No offense.”
“None taken, my husband bought it.”
“Offense taken by me!” Adonis calls from the sofa, keeping his eyes along the football game that plays on the large screen.
“Don’t forget you broke my father-in-law’s vase,” Aria turns back to Sin.
“I can fix that, just make sure you have all the pieces for it.”
“Really? You can just put stuff back together?”
“Mhm,” Sin nods her head.
“Well I’ll be damned. You came into my life just when I needed you to, I have so many things these terrorist twins have broken.”
Blue giggles at the insult. Calypso and Jupiter cry out as they reply, “Hey! Terrorist?”
“Yup, I said it!”
“Remember momma, words do hurt,” Calypso sniffs.
“Awe, you say that as if I care,” she puts her middle finger up at them.
“I thought we were all working on our anger,” Jupiter also sniffs.
“Do y’all have an off button?” Aries speaks from the top of the stairs, coming down with everyone else.
“Yeah, how about you push it?” Blue instigates.
Sin chuckles lowly at their constant rivalry. She’s unable to prepare herself as Aries walks past her and mutters, “Nice shirt,” a short scream flying from her lips as she feels a palm slam down on her ass.
They all look over at the sound that comes from her mouth. Sin feels her face become warm at the confused expressions and she mutters, “Sorry.”
“Uh— anyways, what you cooking, momma?” Mariah asks.
“My signature chicken Alfredo pasta,” she smiles, causing an uproar of cheers amongst the room as she continues, “I’m just about done. Just adding a little bit more sauce to make it full and my secret ingredient. Come help me in the kitchen?”
“Of course,” Mariah comes over to where she stands by the stove, taking the spoon and beginning to stir it herself.
“Um— do you mind if I help?” Sin walks over to them, still feeling her face is as warm as the food cooking.
“As long as you don’t break anything else, sure! If you help me fix all my broken items… I’ll tell you the secret ingredient,” she lowers her voice, pulling Sin by her arm and over to the pot.
Once the food is now prepared to serve, everyone takes a plate as they find a place to sit at the table. They pull up chairs until they’re all bundled together as one.
“Mmmmmmm, this food hitting!” Calypso hums, slurping the noodles up along his plate.
“Damn Calypso, the food ain’t going anywhere,” Jupiter teases, causing the entire table to laugh.
“Don’t be mean,” Calypso pouts.
“Anyways, Sin. I looked into more information about the book and it says that your transition will happen during a full moon,” Adonis begins to explain.
“Um…okay. So when is the next full moon?”
“Soon? How soon?”
“Soon that you need to start training and preparing for when this happens,” Aria answers.
She didn’t expect this entire transition to already be happening considering she just learned about it. Her heart pounded deeply in her chest at the thought.
“This isn’t gonna hurt, is it?”
“Y’all deadass finna’ lie to the girl?” Blue interrupts.
“Shut up, Asaud,” Aria snaps, throwing her garlic bread at him.
“It’s okay, I figured that much. Does Sybil know?”
“No, you can give her the news,” Adonis suggests. His statement makes the table go quiet, the silence causing Sin to frown at the mood change when anyone mentions her grandma.
“Why do y’all have an issue talking to Sybil?” She speaks up.
“I think we all know that nobody at this table likes your grandma, for real,” Aries replies.
Sin spins her fork into her pasta, shaking her head as she mutters, “Welcome to the club.”
They change the conversation into a more light-hearted subject, the men beginning to bicker about their Louisiana football team. The conversation turned into a debate, and the debate turned into just insulting one another. Everyone couldn’t help but laugh at the roast session. Sin felt a warmth in her chest that she hadn’t in a long time.
“This was really nice, Aria,” Sin compliments.
“Oh, the pasta? Thank you, I tried!” She smiles brightly.
“The pasta too,” Sin laughs, “But I just meant— this. I don’t mean to get all sappy and shit but I’m not used to New Salem feeling like a family. Seeing Providence and the way you all love and care for each other,  we now just feel like a group with a dictator. It feels different, but it’s a really good difference. It also feels weird to be around you as well, to have a motherly figure makes me a little… soft.”
“Awe,” Aria puts her hand on her chest.
“Oh no,” All the men mutter at the table, seeing as tears build up in Aria’s eyes and her smile widens.
“Please don’t cry, momma.” Aries becomes stressed, rubbing her arm.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I can’t help it,” she takes the napkin she has and dabs it along her face as she continues, “That was just—very sweet of you, Sin. You’ll always have a family being with us, I know New Salem is wired a bit differently. But we’re happy to make all of your people feel like this is also their home. I’m also so sorry about your mom, but she’ll always be a part of you.”
That does it for Sin. She quickly grabs the napkin she has beside her plate as she curses, “Oh fuck-oh fuck-,” tears pouring down the stream of her face. Aria pulls her into her embrace which causes Sin to cry harder, laughing in between to cover her embarrassment.
“Fool, what the hell you’ crying for?” Aries looks at the end of the table as Jupiter rubs the back of Blue who has tears also running down his face.
“Sorry, when other people cry I can’t help it. This was just so sweet!” His voice becomes high. He falls over and sobs into the shirt of Calypso who shakes his head, nonetheless comforting him. 
“Okay! Enough crying. We’ve all had a long day, I think we should all get some rest and prepare for tomorrow.”
“Yeah, I should head back to my room. Thank you again. For everything,” Sin wipes her face.
“It’s too late for y’all to be going back to your rooms, you can all stay here!” Aria suggests.
“And sleep where?” Aries frowns.
“The girls can take your room, it’s not like you sleep in there.”
“Who said that?” He profusely blinks.
“Well most of the time you sleep on the sofa or at Blue’s place, what you tripping for now?” Adonis asks.
“Okay? He gotta PS5! This isn’t your room that’s being offered.”
“Hm… I haven’t seen your room in a long time. Sleepover! Let’s go!” Mariah exclaims. She ignores the voice of Aries as she grabs Sin and pulls her upstairs, flying into the room and closing the door behind the two.
A familiar smell extends along Sin’s nose, confirming Aries’ signature cologne. Sin looks around as Mariah flops herself on the bed.
“It always smells the same—“
“Smells the same? You’ve been in here recently?”
Sin gives a blank stare. She shakes her head as she stutters, “I—I— Um—“
Thankfully her response is interrupted as the door opens and Aries appears, looking in between a curious Mariah and a startled Sin.
“Well…the sofa is kinda lonely. And scary. I'm definitely not sleeping with them dirty ass twins, and Blue said he got a girl back in his room— one of your friends, I think,” Aries says towards Sin.
“Oh Jesus. Buffy,” Sin immediately knows, shaking her head.
“So…y’all mind if I crash your sleepover?”
“Sure!” Mariah smirks, patting the bed, “The more the merrier.”
When he sees the suggestive look on her face and the stare she also gives Sin, who isn’t paying much attention to their conversation, he then shakes his head as he corrects, “Actually—Imma’ just take the floor.”
“We can be your floor—“
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OFMD Arranged Marriage AU, Oh Captain, My Captain
"Izzy? Holy shit. How the fuck did you get here?" Edward got up to face his first mate. Izzy was the same as ever, still wearing his clothes from the day he surrended to the British. As most times when Edward saw him, a deep scowl was etched into Izzy's face as he glared at Edward.
"Not all of us were so eager to give up." He sneered. "The fuck happened to you?"
"Oh, you mean the beard? They-"
"Not that you fucking twat. What you were doing back there." Izzy poked an accusatory finger into Ed's chest. "I was watching you. You let that rich boy fop kiss you. Are you insane? And what are you even wearing?"
"First of all, I kissed him. His name is Stede."
"Stede. Technically I'm engaged to him." Izzy stared at him incredulously before shaking his head.
"You know what, nevermind. None of that's important." Izzy grabbed Ed by the shoulders to make him duck down or of view from a man strolling through the gardens. "We came here to get you out of this place."
"Get me out? Izzy, I don't know if you remembered, but I surrendered. Signed an Act of Grace and everything."
"You're Blackbeard. You don't fucking care about that shit. Now stop fucking around so we can get out before anyone notices us." He tried to pull Edward along but the man shoved Izzy away. His former first mate stared up at Edward surprised.
"I'm not leaving."
"Not leaving? You have to be joking."
"No. Iz, man you don't get it." Edward took Izzy's hands much to the smaller man's confusion. "This place is amazing. There's food all the time and fancy clothes that actually fit...and then there's Stede. The dude's a fucking maniac but he's something else. I think I like him."
"Like? Captain, you can't be serious. Like that blonde little ponce? You buggering him or something?"
"It's more than that! He's special." Izzy blinked before he shook his head.
"You've lost it. All this posh bullshit going to your head-you've only known him for what? Three days?" The first mate took his arms back. "We're going back to the ship and you're going to get all that nonsense out of your head."
"Izzy, I'm sorry man but it's over. I'm not going to leave." Edward turned around and was surprised to see two of his crewmates waiting. "Ivan? Fang? What's going on?"
"Brought em along in case we needed the help. Clearly we need them more than I thought." Izzy watched as the confusion further knit itself into Edward's features. "This is for your own good captain."
Stede had returned to the party, hiding himself away in a corner away from all the other guests as he waited for Ed to return. Craning his neck occasionally to try and check the crowd but he didn't see the brown eyes he'd come to know amongst the aristocrats and other guests his father deemed important enough to invite. It had been a few seconds. Then minutes. Then an hour.
The whole time Stede stared at the giant grandfather clock on the opposite side of the room as he waited for his fiance. Ed was still nowhere to be seen as Stede tapped his foot anxiously.
"Stede." The blonde man practically jumped at his father's voice. "Where the fuck is he?" Stede stumbled for words, trying to avoid his father's glare. "We can't very well start without both of you present."
"I ugh, I'm sure he'll back soon. Said he just had to step out for air. That's all." Stede was aware of laughter from a nearby group. Turning to see Nigel talking to a few others, having clearly been eavesdropping on them.
"Or maybe he just wanted to get away from you. Imagine, even a pirate not wanting you."
Stede bit his tongue. Nigel was wrong and Ed would be back any minute now...
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Tainted : Part One
Pairing  ::  Steve Rogers x  fem!Reader
Warnings  ::  Smut, Masturbation(M), Invasion of Privacy?(it’s an imitate moment walked in on) 
Word Count  ::  2,090
Summary  ::  Everyone teased Steve for being “a boy scout”, but you find out he’s not so innocent after all.
A/N  ::  Takes place before Civil War.....there’s probably gonna be a part two... i don’t know when... most likely soon... I must be cleansed.... 
Part Two
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Steve Rogers, aka, Captain America. To the public, he was perfect in every way. He was strong, kind, never swore, and always did what was morally right. Everyone loved him, how could they not? Especially when he smiled with his perfect pearly white teeth. 
What mattered most though was the fact he was a damn good soldier. On missions he did everything by the books, doing his best to fulfill the mission without a problem. Even when things did start to go wrong, he never crossed the line.
You, on the other hand, got the mission done, to say the least. You did what you felt was efficient and got the job done without a hassle, even if it meant throwing a few guys out a window. 
Thanks to a certain incident, you and Steve were paired together for your latest mission. The two of you had to sneak into the dictator of Latveria’s home and help break free a US diplomat who was being held forcefully at the mansion.
Sneaking in was easy, especially with the help of a secret informant within the mansion who had planned everything. You would dress up as a maid, easily blending in thanks to the large amount that worked there, and go a few times to get a layout of the place. You had three days to learn and remember every room on all four levels and figure out where the asset was.
On the fourth day, Steve would be snuck in by you pretending to bring in fresh linen sheets for the many beds of the house. He was in a laundry cart, which made it easy to transport him around the place. That didn’t make your job any easier, as the bedrooms were on the second and third floor, and the diplomat was in the basement. 
“How did you learn that many names in three days?” Steve questioned as he began to throw the sheets off of him.
You took him to a room on the second floor where you were more than positive no one used. On the way there, you had greeted several other maids and armed guards.
“I say a person’s name three times when I meet them so it helps me remember them.”
Hopping out the cart, he gave you a confused look. “It took you a month to learn mine.”
You shrugged. “I didn’t say it worked very well.”
You removed a few more sheets revealing two guns. You lifted the skirt of your dress, revealing two leg holsters attached to your thighs, and put the guns away.
Looking up at Steve, you saw his brows were raised, staring down at the skirt that now covered your thighs. “I thought this was supposed to be a quiet simple ‘get in and get out’ mission.” His eyes moved up to yours.
You stared at him deadpan for a moment, then let out a long sigh. “Rogers, you’re here to make sure things are ‘quiet’ and ‘simple’, and these are here,” you patted the guns on your thighs, “for when that doesn’t happen.”
He seemed stunned for a moment, but eventually nodded and the two of you were out of the room. 
It was fairly easy, sneaking down from the first floor to the second floor. Sneaking down from the first floor to the basement entrance would prove to be difficult though, as there were far more guards on the first level. 
The two of you stood in an empty hallway, staring around the corner at two men with large guns guarding the entrance to the basement. 
“That’s the only entrance?”
“That’s the only entrance.” You took in a small inhale, hand instantly going to your holster. “I say we take ‘em out, rush in, get the guy, and rush out.”
Steve shot after your hand, holding it with a firm grip. “Are you insane? There are probably over fifty guys in here and you want them all after us?”
“Well I’m sorry, but do you have a better plan?”
“Why don’t you ask them for help.”
“At best, one will come to help me. At worst, they’ll know something’s up because there are plenty of other guards I could’ve asked for help.”
The two of you began to bicker quietly, trying to figure out how to deal with the guards. So distracted amongst yourselves, you almost missed the faint sounds of the guards talking.
“Shush.” You put a finger up to Steve’s mouth, silencing him.
You peaked around the corner, eyes widening when you saw the guards were trading shifts now. The ones who had previously been on guard began walking away, headed towards your direction.
‘We need to go now’, You mouthed.
You and Steve quickly moved to the other end of the hallway, ready to turn the corner and hide, when you saw another guard talking to a maid. You glanced back to see if the guards had come around yet, seeing one of their shoes come into sight.
In a panic, you grabbed Steve’s hand and rushed him into the one closet you knew was in the hallway. The closet was rather small, almost filled with cleaning supplies. Luckily, there was barely enough room for the two of you, even if you were directly against one another.
You pushed him in, then backed yourself in and shut the door as quietly as you could, seeing the guards fully come around just as you closed the door. Your back was fully against his chest and you could feel his warm breath coming down on you. Steve tried to adjust himself in an attempt to put some sort of distance between the two of you. You were pressed against him so much, he could feel your lower back against his dick. He quickly stopped, jaw clenching when he realized he was only rubbing himself into you further.
You, too focused on listening for the guards and anyone else that could pass by, had only vaguely noticed Steve move around for a moment before stopping. Besides that, you didn’t care all too much if he was comfortable or not.
Until this moment, you two had never been close, physically or as friends. You were acquaintances, at least, that’s how you saw it. You found him handsome, as most women seemed to, and he was always a gentleman around you. You were polite in return, but aside from work, you two didn’t talk. He was the perfect boy scout and you were the girl scout that got kicked out for punching a girl who stuck gum in your hair. You didn’t think your two personalities would clash very well.
Mistakenly, you moved one of your arms, elbow hitting a lobby dustpan and causing it to fall over and jab your side. You winced, jerking back against Steve. Instantly, he grabbed your waist, holding on with a tight grip.
You assumed he was angry. “Sorry Cap,” You whispered.
After a good few minutes of you two being stuck together, with Steve still holding on, though not as tight, the coast was clear. You each crept out silently and continued with the mission. You noticed Steve stayed at least two feet away from you since, however, you ignored it.
The mission went on with a few hiccups, but you and Steve were able to handle them and safely extract the diplomat. Then, you managed to escape, avoiding oncoming fire from the guards and took the man to a safe house where he would then be snuck out of the country by different agents.
You and Steve, instead of going to the safe house, went back to the hotel you two had been staying at. Your mission was to get the guy out and to the safe house, that was it. Besides, you couldn’t even leave with him as there wasn’t enough room to take you and Steve. You wouldn’t be staying long, already scheduled to meet at a secure location for the next day to leave.
The two of you didn’t speak much once in your shared hotel room. You were rather tired, and Steve, being the incredible person he was, already started working on the report.
After changing into your pajamas, which was a large hoodie and a pair of shorts, you flopped down on the bed and passed out immediately. Steve gave you the bed when it was revealed there was only one, and instead opted to take the couch that folded out into a springy mattress.
You fell into a deep slumber, sleeping for a good few hours without disturbance. The only thing that woke you, was the need to use the restroom. Your body on autopilot, you stood up, carefully heading straight for the bathroom in the darkness. 
With your mind foggy from just waking up, you didn’t think to knock before entering, nor did you hear the faint sounds of water sprinkling down. You opened the door quietly, your tired mind under the impression Steve was asleep as well until you looked in.
The setup of the bathroom was the toilet right on the right-hand side when you opened the door and was the first thing you saw. Then, right next to it, was the sink with a large mirror. Across from it was the bathtub shower combo, that had a clear shower curtain with a few flowers spread across. The showerhead was placed opposite the door, so whoever was taking a shower had their back to the door.
You saw Steve’s bareback, but in the mirror, you saw him fully nude with water falling down the back of his neck, and his fist wrapped around his cock. You blinked twice before your eyes widened with pure horror as you realized you just walked in on Captain America masturbating.
You clamp a hand over your mouth to stop you from saying a word. You backed away, carefully trying to close the door so he wouldn’t notice you had walked in, until…
“(Y-Y/N),” He groans out. 
You halt, heart speeding as you believe he caught you walking in. You had the door open only a crack now, but you could still clearly see him.
“Fuck… (Y/N).” His voice is low, and he’s using a tone you’ve never heard from him.
‘He doesn’t know I’m here,’ You thought at first, glad he hadn’t seen you. Then, your brain falls into chaos and something lights up inside of you. ‘He doesn’t know I’m here! He doesn’t fucking know I’m here!‘ Your mind screamed.
His right hand glides over his dick and his left hand his firm against the tile wall. Rapidly, his hand moves from the head that’s already leaking, down the long shaft, and to his ballsack before coming back up and repeating the motion. With his small ragged breath, it’s clear he’s desperate for a release.
Your panties grow wet, hearing his low moans and watching the water droplets roll down his muscular build. You clench your thighs, cheeks burning, and your breathing now heavy. Not a single part of you had been touched, but the arousal you were getting was ruining your panties. You feel extremely guilty for watching him during this very private, and extremely intimate, moment. However, he did say your name, whether he knew you were listening or not, still, under the belief you were in the bed sound asleep.
His breath growing uneven, his legs begin to spasm, and his left hand balls into a fist against the tile wall. HIs pumps become erratic and he throws his head back, eyes shut. 
“Fuck,” He groans out, his cum finally spurting out of his cock. 
You watch his load come out, only to be washed away and down the drain. Your legs become shaky, watching his dick pulse with each spurt that comes out. He pumps until his cock stops shooting out cum and he moves his hand against the wall. He slumps forward, his hands holding him up as he takes a few deep breaths.
You see the corners of his lips curve upward as he enjoys his small moment of bliss. When he reaches to turn the knobs, you finally shut the door, careful as to not make a noise.
You scurry back to your bed, jumping under the blankets and hiding your face. You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to fall back asleep. Your racing mind wouldn’t allow it though. You had just watched the Steve Rogers masturbate, and you weren’t sure how to face him now.
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bukojuiice · 3 years
rose-colored boy
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ೃ pairing: (eren jaeger x fem! reader)
ೃ  tags: college/modern au, fluff, humor, love at first sight cliché, mikasa is your cute little sister, armin, sasha, jean, and connie are your besties, and eren is a himbo who works hard and has terrible friends.
ೃ warnings: strong language and mild suggestive content
ೃ part 1/??? of my (eren x reader) college au!
ೃ word count: 3000 words
ೃ  my nav  →  my mha writing masterlist 
ೃ This is my very first snk x reader fic! so i hope you bear with some errors! qwq 
i’ve been following the anime ever since it was released in 2013, and this is the first time i’m  going to be writing for it.  this month’s manga chapter really took me out so why not channel my sadness thru writing an fluff! eren fic? 🤧 i hope you enjoy either way!
ೃ  please do reblog if you enjoyed!! (feel free to add tags too because i love reading them and my heart swells with happiness when people love my work!)
ೃ  in which (Y/N) (L/N), 20, still in school, and regretfully-unregretfully-her little girl scout sister's assistant, meets eren jaeger in an embarrassing too innocent door-to-door cookie sale whilst a humiliating party was going on.
cookies, suspicious maybe-maybe-not pot brownies, meddling little sisters and friends, “oh my god they were roommates” vine on replay 24/7, homework, tears, and fairy lights bring them together.
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“I’m going to enter now.”
“Ahhh yes, please!”
“Shut up, please.” Eren muttered to himself as he tossed and turned around in his bed, but still couldn’t get to sleep. “When will they ever stop doing this?” Why did Eren’s next-door roommate and his girlfriend have to do this five times a day? They had a lot of stamina for 21-year-olds who didn’t have anything better to do.
Eren’s thoughts eventually brought him to his parents.
His parents- did they even exist?
For pretty much 14 years of Eren’s life, they had been out of town or out of the country. His older brother, Zeke, blonde, bespectacled, tall, and sometimes too far up his own ass older brother who Eren is able to confide in from time to time, recently got a girlfriend whom he’s hopelessly in love with (they’re even thinking about getting married which isn’t really a problem since the girl is genuinely nice to his older brother so Eren is good with her.), so… things in the family had been a bit rough and busy to say the least.
Communication with his parents wasn’t always the best.
Eren would study late at night back when he was seven, because no one bothered to help him with homework. Along with the fact that he wasn’t the brightest kid in class, and he knew that very well, but he had ambition and he was determined to make it big in the world. He focused more on sports, particularly Soccer in middle school and high school, and tried to balance that with his studies.  After being granted a Sports Scholarship from Shigashina University, Eren decided to rent and share a flat, living with his batchmates who he met at a mixer party (before Uni started as this whole meet and get to know each other kind of thing) and whom he was so quick to call his ‘friends’, just so that he could get out of the hellhole that was his own house.
But things turned out much worse than expected.
Eren thought that the ‘College Life’ was to focus more on pursuing your future career and make a name for yourself but… it was the other way around.
He thought that after Freshmen year, everyone would take things seriously. Sure, have some drinks, get wasted after finals, or have house parties from time to time. But he was unfortunately, dragged into the wrong crowd. After attending around 5 parties in the first few months of being generalized as one of the infamous and pompous freshman archetypes present in every university, he called it a year and spent the rest of his nights doing homework, projects, playing video games, staying at the school soccer field until 10PM while his roommates were probably smoking crack and not caring about the number of units they needed to take for each of their goddamn subjects.
 He was ~living the life~ and now that he regrets most of the decisions he made in freshman year, the only option that he has left was to wait until his third year and move to a different apartment.  
 Now, here he was, Sophomore year, nearing the end of the semester, and very much eager to get the hell out of here and also study for his upcoming finals on Constitutional Law II, as his professor, Mr. Erwin Smith, was going to throw hands if one of his students score below average on the exam.
 “EREN MICK JAEGER! BROOOO!” Eren winces when he hears the shrieky and annoying voice of his flatmate Thomas Wagner, calling out to him. “Wanna go and party with us?” Eren smiles halfheartedly, shaking his head, “Ah, no thanks. I have a game tomorrow and finals coming up on Thursday.” Thomas smirked and wrapped his arm around Eren, “Oh fuck that, live the college life ya spoon.”
“No, really I have to study.”
Thomas frowned and groaned, “Oh god, you’re such a killjoy. Fine, if that’s what you want. Don’t blame us if we tell you to buy some beer down the block.”
Eren cracked an obviously fake laugh and pushed Thomas away from him, “You’re an ass. That only happened once and that was when we first met. Don’t you even dare try to ask me to buy you shit again.”
“Woah. Woah. Woaaaaaah. That was a joke Eren. Loosen up will you?” Thomas raises an eyebrow, clearly taken aback by the brunette’s sudden aggressiveness. He hums Moves like Jaeger by Maroon 5 as a way to spite Eren whilst passing by him down the staircase.
The brunette shook his head, tying his hair into a bun carelessly and sprinting into his room without uttering another word.
Eren just wanted to study. He really did.
Instead, his roommates, all of them, mind you, were all partying in the lounge and the music was too loud and Eren was too annoyed.
They did manage to bring him out and make him stay in the kitchen where he mindlessly glared at anyone who came in. He sighed and tapped his pen restlessly amongst the insane amount of books on the table.
There was a knock.
His roommate, Floch, came in the kitchen with his girlfriend who Eren couldn’t even name with all the women he has brought into the apartment. She was hanging onto his arm and giggling. Floch’s eyes were red and his speech very slow and lazy. "Eren!" he said with a sly grin.
Eren raised an eyebrow, shooting him an irritated look. "What now Floch? Are you here to tell me to take a shot again?" The ginger-haired’s girlfriend giggled once again and kissed Floch’s cheek. Floch laughed and swatted her away, though he missed by a long shot. "Someone's at the door," a thumb pointing to the den. "wouldchumind ge'in it?" another giggle. The girl nodded sloshily. "Yesss! Erenieee get 'em door, please. Be a dearrrrr."
Eren frowned and stared at them menacingly, earning no reaction from the two as they were mad drunk. "You were just in the den," Floch’s eyes widened. "My lovey wovey-we was in the den?" His girlfriend’s mouth went into an O. "Di'nt notice tha'!"
Eren sighed and stood up. He miraculously got through the throng of bodies and to the front door. "Yes?" he called out exasperated, not knowing who was outside.
"Do you want cookies?"
Eren turned and looked to see a little raven-haired girl, a girl scout no less, a blonde-haired boy pulling on a trolley who looked significantly shorter than him, wearing rimmed glasses, and an overall appearance whom his “friends” would immediately label as a nerd they had to be a few feet away from if they saw him and lastly, a girl who looked very tired and very done with life.
Beautiful (h/c)-colored hair, her eyes looked like the starry night sky, twinkling as he catches her gaze and a smile that looked forced, but warm all the same.  
A girl who was just absolutely fucking gorgeous.
Eren was captivated. His heart was beating like crazy and he could feel his ears turn red. He would make a fool of himself if he looked red as a tomato right now.
"Um," The girl peeked inside and grimaced, squeezing the hand that was her little sister's shoulder and catching Eren’s gaze. "Mikasa, I don't think these kinds of guys would want cookies."
“Unless they're pot cookies,” Eren almost said. Mikasa pouted and widened her eyes at Eren.
The older girl crouched down and frantically covered her little sister’s eyes. "Nopenopenope, Mi, don't pull that on him."
"But (Y/N)!"
Her name was (Y/N).
Eren smiled sincerely (for the first time today) and leaned back inside to the drawer by the door to grab the extra cash he and his roommates put there for emergency pizza and stuff. "You know what? You're absolutely brilliant at selling cookies. I'll take one."
Mikasa smiled back at him cheekily and tugged her older sister’s hand. "See, (Y/N)?! He wants some! Go get 'em!”
The raven-haired girl then turned to the blonde teen, practically jumping up and down. “Armin look! We sold another one!"
“We did!” The boy who was apparently named Armin, clapped his hands together, then gave the little girl a high five. “You’re a natural at this Mikasa!”
(Y/N) looked at Eren, then Mikasa, and sighed. She grabbed a bag from the trolley Armin was dragging around and pulled out a box of cookies. Eren grabbed them slowly from her, their hands almost touching as he gave (Y/N) a small smile. The (h/c) girl blushed lightly, though not visible enough for the brunette to notice.
"Hope to see you again!" Eren called out when the siblings said their thank you's and bid farewell.
And, this time, even for the slightest moment, Eren’s serotonin levels were going straight through the roof. His heart was still beating loudly, almost in sync with the trash music his roommates were blaring on the speakers. and for a moment, even just for a moment. 
He felt genuine happiness that he hasn’t felt in a very long time.
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 The three of you continue to walk animatedly, now that the coast was clear and the guy from earlier wasn’t within earshot, your blonde friend just had to break the silence.
 Armin smiles, pushing his glasses up to the crook of his nose. “(Y/N), you did see how he looked at you right?” The blonde chuckles softly, catching his best friend off guard.
 You blinked. “Him?” You try to stop yourself from smiling, blushing profusely. “Geez Armin, I don’t even know his name yet.”
 “I’ll bet you 100 bucks that he goes to our Uni.”
 “Even if he does, it’s not like we’ll talk to him or anything. Judging from the place he lives in and the people he was hanging out with, we’re in two completely different worlds.” You shook your head in denial, holding Mikasa’s hand, your interlocked arms swinging playfully. Armin gives you a knowing look in response.
 Mikasa continued to wave back at the boy whom they had just sold cookies too. (Y/N) looked over her shoulder and smiled. “Wasn’t he nice (Y/N)?” Mikasa asks her older sister. (Y/N) returned her sister a small smile, “He was.”
 "I hope we see him again!"
"I'm sure we will."
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 The day of Eren’s dreaded finals finally arrive.
He has prepared tirelessly for this. Hours upon hours of hard work. But, before he finally gets his well-deserved sleep, he has a few more hours to cram and absorb more knowledge for his exams.
So, what better way to do so than head straight to the library as soon as it opens at 6 AM?
This time, no one was going to bother him. No annoying roommates and no distractions.
Eren heads over to a table near the coffee and snack machines. He puts down his bag on a seat next to him, and begins to study once again. Looking through the course materials and the lessons that he still didn’t quite understand. Eren was so absorbed with studying and relying on his gut feeling that no other student in this university would think of going to the library at 6 AM on the day of finals… then he’s wrong. Very wrong. 
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 “Sasha, should you even be eating mashed potato this early in the morning?” Armin asks the brunette worriedly, a huge tone of concern in his voice.
“Armin! Don’t chu worry! I ate heavy breakfast! Bacon, Eggs, and Toast! Did you not see me in the kitchen!?” She reassures her blonde friend, continuing to scoop up the mashed potato on a reusable cup.
“Liar.” Connie hissed, narrowing his eyes. “I was awake since 4 AM. Not once did I see you sneak into the kitchen until (Y/N) woke you up.”
“Atatata. Can we… stop with the negative vibes for a second?” Jean tries to become the mediator by holding his hands up against his two friends who were about to start an argument. “It’s finals week. We have to keep a clear mind, body and soul-“
“Jean, you know that’s BS.” You yawn widely, still practically half-asleep.
“Oh, come on! Can’t you just let me be positive just this once!? If we fail this exam I’m going to blame you!“
The five of you continue to talk mindlessly on the way to the library. Connie pushes the glass door open, very much excited to have this huge library all to yourselves.
There was someone already there.
Your eyes immediately come into contact with Eren’s. His radiant jade eyes staring into yours, mouth practically agape, his hands holding on to wooden chopsticks as the hot air of instant ramen breezes through his face.
“Oh?” Connie blinks. “Guess we aren’t the first ones here then.” He whistles.
“(Y/N)!” Armin nudges you in the arm in an attempt to tease you. “Guess your wish came true huh? We did see him again! By himself too!”
“W-what am I supposed to do exactly?” You turn to Armin, speaking in a hushed whisper.  
“Say thank you to him! Offer him to go on a boba date or something!”
“You got the Sasha seal of approval (Y/N)! He’s hot!” Sasha motions you a thumbs up and you can’t help but feel yourself already wanting to die of embarrassment.
The four of them slightly push you towards his table. With your friends cornering you like this, there was no way of escaping this.
All you had to do was talk to him and properly thank him for buying cookies from your little sister.
That was it.
No need for any extra ad-libs or poor and bad attempts of flirtation.
Just thank him (Y/N).
You can do this.
You breathe a hefty sigh then approach his table with confidence. The brunette continues to look up at you whilst turning the page of his reviewer that he wasn’t even looking at.
“Hi again! I just wanted to thank you properly for helping my sister and I, out the other day. Mikasa really appreciated the gesture you did for her, and she couldn’t stop talking about you to our parents since we saw you. You see, none of the other girl scouts want to be paired up with my sister because they think she’s an emotionless and monotonous freak. They’re really mean to her but she really wants to continue being a girl scout so my friend and I accompany her whenever she has to sell cookies!”
“It’s N-no problem!” Eren quickly replies, running a hand through his hair. “Why would they say such horrible things to your sister like that? Judging from the way she acted in front of me, she was quite the opposite. In a positive way of course! Those kids are just assholes who are intimidated because another girl their age is seemingly better than them.”
You giggle in response. “Thank you. I’ll tell Mikasa that you said that!” 
There was short silence for a few seconds until you realized that you forgot to say something. 
“Ah! I’m (Y/N) (L/N) by the way!”
“Eren.” He smiles, reaching his hand out to you for you to shake. You grip his strong and calloused hand firmly, and Eren could feel his ears turning red again while you were about to blush as red as a tomato.
You hear your friends snickering in the background and you took this as a sign to go back to your table. “I guess, I’ll see you around campus?” You ask, tilting your head. For, you actually really wanted to see him again after this.
“Yea! I’ll be seeing you!” He grins widely, watching you leave where he was seated. His smile then envelops into a frown as soon as you went away then he goes back to studying.
“(Y/N)! (Y/N)!” Connie whispers loudly, calling you over by waving his hand. Why was this dunce being so painfully obvious? “Ask him if he’s looking for an apartment or if he wants to live with us!”
“Already!?” You ask in disbelief, a bit shocked by what Connie had just said. He scoots to the left, as you take a seat between him and Sasha. “Guys, you’ve known him for like… 3 minutes. Only Armin and I actually interacted with him before this.”
“He has to pass the vibe check first.” Jean shrugs, sipping on an iced expresso. “But, yeah, he does seem alright from a few feet away.”
“Come on (Y/N)! Ask him!” Sasha nods approvingly. “It’s weird that he’s studying alone like this while we’re in another table trying to remain unaware that he looks lonely as hell.”
“UMmMM… maybe he wants to study alone because that’s the only way he can focus? That’s a thing that normal people do, Sasha.” You remark sarcastically, trying to think up of more reasons to not approach him again.
Armin clears his throat, “Look, (Y/N), it won’t hurt to try right? Besides, don’t you feel a tiny bit sorry for him? He does seem lonely and you do have a crush on him so… more ways to interact with him right?”
Your shoulders slump and you breathe a defeated sigh. “Okay okay fine.” You make your way to Eren’s table again but before you do, you turn to your friends. “By the way, I don’t really have a crush on him just yet. I just find him cute okay?”
“Yeah yeah.” They say in unison as you continue to walk back to the brunette’s table.
“Hi again Eren!” You wave and try your best not to fumble or look painfully obvious that you were infatuated by him. He looks up and you try your best not to smile like a weirdo.
“Hm?” He hums.
“Would you like to come over to our table and study with us?”
To be continued.
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cocobeanncteez · 3 years
ATEEZ Mingi: One Condition (oneshot)
Genre: angst, mild fluff, mafia au, rivals to lovers au (?)
Pairing: Mafia!Mingi x Mafia!Reader (fem)
Warnings: profanities, violence, guns, death.
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It was four hours past midnight. You were talking a walk in your area, preparing yourself for the mission you had to go on in a couple of hours.
You walked in the narrow, dimly lit streets that were sandwiched between old buildings. Your pockets were stuffed with your cold hands, and you fiddled with your pocket knife.
"Your fucking gang ruined it!" you heard a man yell, the sound quite close to where you were. "I'll fucking kill you, son of a bitch!"
You were going to walk away as you didn't like interfering in other's business, but you were really curious about this situation after the man said the word 'gang.'
You quickly followed the sound and found yourself standing in a dark alley where two men were beating up another man. The victim groaned in pain when one of the men kicked his leg. You felt bad for the victim who was outnumbered.
"You've got the wrong gang, like I said before," the victim managed to say. His voice was deep and you instantly recognized him from previous encounters.
Song Mingi from Ateez, in charge of Ateez's amazing weaponry from what you've heard. You thought of going away as Ateez was your rival and you shouldn't bother about whether anyone in their gang dies or not, but instead, you made your presence known.
"Why are you beating the poor bastard up?" you questioned the two men who whipped around at the sound of your voice, ready to attack. You chuckled, moving towards them. They felt relieved when they saw you: a woman. Little did they know, you were one of the most skilled snipers in the mafia.
"What's a little girl like you doing here?" the bigger of the two men said with a smirk, checking you out. You innocently smiled although you wanted to shoot them; how dare they underestimate you just because you're a woman?
"I asked you a question," you stated.
"Go back home, baby girl, this isn't a place for girls like you... unless you wanna come with us and have some fun?" The two men laughed while your blood boiled.
You immediately reached for your gun in your back pocket. Without any warning, you shot both the men straight in the forehead. They collapsed to the ground, meeting their death.
"Assholes," you mumbled, moving over their pathetic bodies to get to Song Mingi. He tried to sit up, grunting in pain during the process. "Why were they beating you up?" you questioned, putting your gun back in your pocket.
"I don't think that's any of your business, darling," he remarked, trying to stand up.
You grinned. "You're my rival, of course it's my business." Mingi rolled his eyes while he stood on his feet, groaning in pain.
"Well, I'll tell you since you won't gain anything from it. They think my gang sabotaged their drug deal," he said, leaning against the wall. "We didn't even know them."
You hummed, your eyes scanning the tall man from head to toe. You couldn't deny that he was handsome and his voice could make your knees go weak. If only he wasn't your rival...
"Never thought I'd see you checking me out again," Mingi said with a smirk. You cleared your throat, looking away from him.
"Where's your base? I'll take you there cause you clearly can't walk on your own," you offered.
He laughed. "Are you planning on dying, Y/N?"
You shrugged. "I saved your life, Ateez won't bother killing me."
"No, you killed the men cause they pissed you off. Otherwise, I'm sure you would've enjoyed watching them murder me."
You're wrong. "Hmm, maybe. Anyway, do you want me to help you go home or not?"
Mingi contemplated about your offer for a second; the worse that could happen was your gang killing you for helping your rival, or his gang killing you for setting foot in their territory. "Fine, let's go... but on one condition."
You raised an eyebrow. "It better not be something stupid, Song Mingi."
Mingi snorted, limping to you until he was standing right in front of you, towering over your smaller form. His bruised hand moved up to gently cup your cheek.
"I want to kiss you. That's the condition."
Your breath hitched and you stared at his face, checking to see if he was joking or not. As if he had read your mind, he said, "I'm serious about this. One kiss, that's all."
You wrapped your arms around Mingi's neck, pulling him down to kiss you. The kiss was slow and gentle, contrary to how your dangerous lives were. Your heartbeat raced and your knees grew weak while Mingi deepened the kiss. You mentally cursed yourself for being like this for him; you weren't brought up that way.
Mingi pulled away, leaning his forehead against yours. "Thank you... we can leave now."
"Now, now, gentlemen, that's not how you treat your guest," you remarked, glancing at Yunho and San who had their guns pointed at you. You helped Mingi to sit on a nearby chair, confusing the other gang members.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" Yeosang questioned while Seonghwa immediately checked Mingi's wounds.
"What does it look like? I brought one of your members home," you stated, stifling a yawn.
"What do you want? Why did you beat him up?" Yunho interrogated.
Before you could reply, Mingi beat you to it. "She wasn't the one who beat me up. In fact, she saved me from those unknown bastards who attacked me," Mingi explained. The boys glanced at each other, wondering whether Mingi was speaking the truth. They trusted him a lot, yes, but since he has the softest heart amongst them, they doubted if he was being honest; they would kill you in an instant if you hurt any of their members, and Mingi knew that very well.
"And where are the attackers?" Hongjoong questioned.
"I shot them," you replied and cleared your throat. "Now, excuse me, gentlemen, I've got a mission to prepare for." You glanced at Mingi with a small smile. "Hope you get better soon, Mingi." You turned around, ready to leave.
"Wait!" Mingi yelled out, making your steps halt. "Will I see you again?" The other seven men looked at him like as if he was insane.
You turned around, a sly smirk on your face.
"Sure, but on one condition... you have to kiss me again."
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pvrpleblccd · 3 years
As the world caves in.
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syposis : It was now or never. This was his only chance, never will he have another chance like this.
pairing : dreamwastaken x f.reader
tw : angst, sad, tradegy, death, mentions of death/suicide, mc going through a very rough time
ᴀs ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ ᴄᴀᴠᴇs ɪɴ - ᴍᴀᴛᴛ ᴍᴀʟᴛᴇs
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I fell on my knees, looking at my family laying on the floor, white foam and another odd colour of a substance coming out of their mouths. My hand started to tremble as I reached out for my little siblings hand. It was cold. I couldn't help, but sob. Looking at their faces made me weak, it was pale, way too pale and far from its original tone. Their expressions will be one that will be engraved with me, they looked somehow peaceful, if it wasn't for the foam, we could mistaken for them to be asleep.
I put my palm on their cheeks, taking in their features for the last time, they're so young, way too young. They barely lived. There's so much ahead of them. They were looking forward to their lives, I was supposed to watch them grow up and see them graduate. Watch them enjoy their lives and, maybe, them eventually becoming parents.
My head suddenly turned to my parents, I looked at their faces and both of them held a small smile with dried tears clearly noticeable on their faces. My eyes glanced down on their hands, they were hold each other's hands, with their wedding rings on. Another sob came out of my mouth and hoped that they were able to move on with their next life. I felt a tiny happy feeling inside of me, my parents were divorced and they separated, but seeing them like this.. It made me feel.. somehow happy.
My tears were never ending. They kept on falling as I let out a scream. It hurt. My family is gone, without me, and soon I too will be gone. But I did not wanted to go, not yet.. Not alone. I got up and grabbed a blanket, placing it over my family. I noticed one of our gardening flowers in the living room, it was withering, but I took it and placed it on top of the blanket.
"Thank you.. For everything. I hope you were able to move on. I love you all... May we meet again."
A hiccup escaped my mouth, I quickly wiped my tears even though they kept on coming. My eyes went to the TV, the timer kept on going down and flashing, reminding me the time I had left to live the life I couldn't live at its fullest. I clenched my jaw and threw the closest thing to me on it, which was a family frame and made my way to the front door, locking it, out of habit and looked at my house I've lived it for the past 18 years.
All the good and bad memories flashing in my head, finally arriving to the conclusion even if I mostly had downs, I've enjoyed many moments of it. I was still glad to be able to live, experiencing things, even though I would have experienced more. Then the feeling of regret came to me, I shouldn't have wasted the time and moments I locked myself up in my room.
"Goodbye... My memory box."
With that, I made my way to the usual hangout of my friends and I. There was one more thing I wanted to say to someone first. The thought of them gone came across my head and my walking became jogging then running. The people in the streets were wildly insane. Some celebrating, some were trying to loot places before entering their bunkers, some were making out, some were crying. There were too many things happening, it terrified me. The sirens started to go and a mix of screaming, cheering and crying could be heard.
"I don't have much time... I need to see him... Its- AHH!"
The sound of guns could be heard, people started to shoot each other and a bunch of troubled people descended their vehicles and screamed 'We're all going to die soon, give up your life already'. That sentence caused a havoc amongst the people, bodies started to flop on the ground and blood spattered everywhere, this made me run faster. I stop dead in my tracks as I came face to face with the silent guy in my physics class who I would always bring his favourite chocolate chips cookie. My hands immediately went up as soon as I saw the crossbow he was holding.
Every step he took, made me insides hurt me even more. I would always try to cheer him up or make him smile or even get to open up, in the end I would always be the one ending up talking about how much of a wuss I am when I would always fail to get along with him again. He came up to me, his long pink hair swaying by his side, I closed my eyes and waited for the agonizing pain, but it never came, instead, I was engulfed in a warm hug. My eyes shot wide open as I returned the hug and squeezed the man.
“Thank you for being a wonderful friend to me. You made me feel things that a normal teenager should feel. What do they call it? Fireflies? No, I think it was butterflies. But too bad, it’s time to say goodbye now. I do admit, I will miss your rants.”
“Dave, now go. Go to him.”
“Dave… thank you.”
I felt him give a small peck on my cheek before he turns away gracefully, I fully took note of what he was wearing, it was beautiful. He was dressed as if he was a king or even a god, his red cape flowing through the wind perfectly. I smiled and continued my course. After making turns, I finally arrived to the hangout spot, my running turned into jogging then walking, then I finally stopped, seeing his tall figure and his signature long brown coat and beanie.
There he was. Comforting her, whispering things in her ear. The both of them were sitting on the bench we made, so the whole gang could fit in it. She looked up to him, her tears still falling down. I saw him lean in and she did the same thing. My breathing stopped. My head and thoughts went numb. Both of their eyes closing, lips about to touch. Before I could see the action happen, I was turned around, my face making contact with a torso and my body embraced in a hug. My sobs were silenced by the loud sirens. It hurts. He knew I liked him, he knew and now he's there kissing Niki.
My best friend.
I confessed to him, only to have him tell me he wanted space to think. Niki knew I liked him as well, hell she was the one who helped me gather my courage to go confess to him. Was I that oblivious to not notice the sudden change in Wilbur's behaviour whenever he saw Niki close or the way he talked, always harsh to me, but always soft to Niki? And the look he held in his eyes when I'm with him, nothing but boredom and annoyance and when Niki showed up, his eyes would light up and smile immediately. He would always find a way to finis the conversation quickly so that he can go talk with her.
I was blinded by what I thought was love.
"Let it out.. Let it all out y/n."
I recognized who it was just by the sound of his voice. Clay. I hugged him tighter, before my knees gave up, the both of us ending up on the ground. Never once Clay let me go. His arms were around me in a protective manner, his hand caressing my back and felt him humming something, head still on his chest.
The one who was always been there for me when I was at my lowest and needed someone. The one who always took me out of my cave of a room when I was sad. The one who would stay up all night to play games with me. The one who helped me the most when my older sibling died. The one who would encourage me to go hang out with Nick, George and him when the others were having a chill hangout when I wasn't invited. The one who always cheered me up when I was gloomy and unwell. The one who always visited me whenever I missed a day in school.
He was the one who truly cared about my health.
The only one who truly cared about me.
I looked up to him, taking in all his features for the first time. His freckles sprayed perfectly on his face, his blonde hair was displayed in a messy way, they were wavy, reminded me of Wilbur's. His eyes were closed, eyelashes long as ever, lips looking plum and nose looking boopable. He wore a simple outfit, jeans with black converse and his signature lime green hoodie with a smiley face of it. The small breeze made his hair slightly move to the wind and made his eyes open. Those beautiful emerald green eyes.
Oh, they were the prettiest colour I've ever seen. Just looking at them, I got lost in them. They would always gave me a sort of warm and welcoming feeling. How could've I not looked at him like this before? Never once I fully took in his features. Clay, is the most beautiful man I've ever seen.
Why was I always focused on Wilbur?
When the one who truly cared for me, was always by my side?
A wave of guilt hit me, my vision becoming blurry ones again, Clay must've felt my shaking and heard my sobs once again. He looked down to me, eyes meeting each other's and a soft smile came across is beautiful face. I was no longer held in a hug, but his hands made contact with my cheeks, cupping them. He wiped away my tears with his thumb and put his forehead on mine. I found it selfish that I enjoyed this, Clay was always there for me and I wasn't able to pay his kindness.
"Clay... Why? You were always there for me, but.. I don't understand.. why?"
"It's you, y/n. It's always been you. I was head over heels for you, ever since I saw you for the first time. As we grew closer, I fell even more for you. Y/n, you're a wonderful woman, you're fucking gorgeous and you're amazing. Wilbur's a fucking asshole for not accepting you, the man fucked up and seeing you losing your smile.. It broke me. It fucking broke me. I didn't want you to lose that precious smile. You're an amazing person and you deserve the world, I.. I couldn't give you all of the things you deserve.
You went through so much and it always broke me seeing you unwell and unstable. I don't know how you do it... You're so fucking strong. After all that.. You still managed to keep a smile and be an optimist. I know that happy persona is nothing but a front, I know, trust me. — he paused for a moment, tucking a strand of loose hair behind my ear — Darling, you have no idea how lucky and happy I am to be able to see the real you. Every moment I spent with you, were the best moments in my life, Y/n."
I took in all of his words and played them in my head several times. I felt his thumb caressing my cheeks and hear him sniffle. I noticed the tears rolling down his face and this made something explode in my heart. I never saw Clay cry. Never once this man showed any sign of sadness or whatsoever before. Taking in on the fact that he was always on the one sided love destroyed me. He was making sure I was doing okay even though it meant to destroy him.
My thoughts were fighting against each other. All of the moments I have spent with Clay played in my head all over again. Remembering all of the times he would make me blush, because we would compliment me. The times were we would tease each other. The times were we would both pretend to be lovers just to be able to get 'couple discounts' and 'couple contests'. The moments I truly felt happy. And finally... The moment he would always make my heart skip a beat and give me butterflies. All of the thoughts led me to one conclusion that was written everywhere, all of the signs were there, but I was too blind actually see it...
Clay was the one I truly loved.
My eyes flickered to the object in the sky, slowly but quickly approaching us. I panicked and placed my hands on his cheeks. He looked at me in the eyes, his were red due to the crying and his expression was even more hard to take in. My breathing started to quicken, I shook my head, wanting to talk with him more, figure things out, but the object in the sky was making me stressed.
"Why..?! W..Why haven't you said anything Clay..?! I... Why only now??"
He looked up seeing the nukes coming closer and clenched his jaw. He once again faced me and pressed his lips against mine. My eyes immediately closed, suddenly forgetting about everything happening around us. Never wanting for this moment to end. When he pulled away, he pulled me back to reality. The sounds of the nukes coming was getting louder and louder. The lights started to blind my view.
"Clay.. Clay! N..No.. We can talk about this... I.. We can fix this... We can..."
Clay engulfed me in a hug, caressing me, trying to calm my horrified self. I clung onto the man whom I've realized, was the one. My cries were loud, I felt drops of water on my shoulder. He too was crying. Kissing my forehead on last time, he smile at me saying his final words.
"In another life... Maybe, it will be meant to be."
I looked at him for the last time, accepting my fate and gave him a genuine smile, for the first time.
"I love you."
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published : June 20 2021, 4:40 am
modified : August 25 2021, 12:25pm
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btsqualityy · 3 years
Assuage: Chapter 1
Yoongi x Reader
Genre: ABO (Alpha/Beta/Omega) dynamics, angst, fluff, smut, enemies to lovers 
Warnings: Small mentions of violence, slightly descriptive but nothing expansive.
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Yoongi had never felt pain like this. Ok, he would take that back. He has felt pain this bad, although that was emotionally and mentally and he doesn’t like to dwell on it much. Physically though, he’d rarely had even a headache that didn’t go away almost as soon as he was ready to acknowledge it. That was one of the perks that came along with being a Prime Alpha.
Prime Alphas weren’t much different from regular Alphas, especially not upon first glance. However, Prime Alphas were stronger, faster, had a better sense of smell and hearing, and could heal themselves even faster than the accelerated rate that was common amongst Alphas, Betas and Omegas. 
Which is exactly why Yoongi felt like he was going out of his mind when as the more he became aware of the pain that seemed to be coursing through his body, the worse it seemed to feel. When he finally managed to push his eyes to open, the bright light immediately made him shut them once again. After trying to take a deep breath (and failing because his ribs fucking hurt), he opened his eyes again, slowly this time as he tried to take in his surroundings.
He was clearly in a wooden cabin, although he knew that it wasn’t a familiar one because he didn’t recognize it, by looks or by smell. There was a wall right next to him on left and when he managed to turn his head, he saw another wall further to the right. There were three small cots next to him and he quickly figured that he was laying on the fourth one. As he continued to glance around, he saw different medical instruments such as several thermometers, an eye chart, stethoscopes, and even a defibrillator.
Ok, so Yoongi figured that he was in a medical cabin and as he fully woke up, he remembered exactly how he got the injuries too. What he couldn’t remember though, was who the hell had brought him here.
“You’re fucking insane,” he heard a hushed voice spit and he relaxed against the cot as he listened in, thankful for his improved sense of hearing. 
“Come on Y/N-ah,” a deep voice pleaded. “I just need you to do me this favor.”
“A favor that could get both of us cursed out,” you chuckled, and Yoongi could tell that the voice belonged to a woman. “You know the rules Tae.”
“I know but I couldn’t just leave him there,” the man obviously named Tae replied. “You saw the bad shape that he was in.”
“I did but you can’t bring in every lone wolf you see Tae,” you chastised him. “Things are so tense right now between packs, you bringing in a lone wolf that you literally found in the woods isn’t exactly what we need right now. And on top of that, you want me to be the one to explain this to Namjoon?”
“He listens to you,” Tae said. 
“He’s not gonna want to listen to anyone once he finds out about this lone wolf,” you shot back. “Especially with Hyo-rin being pregnant, do you really think Namjoon is gonna want a wolf who he doesn’t know from a hole in the wall around his pregnant mate?”
“I don’t wanna deal with that Alpha bullshit!” You hissed lowly.
“What if our parents had left me?” Tae questioned and Yoongi didn’t hear Y/N reply for almost a full minute before Tae continued. “You know I would never put the pack in danger purposely, but I couldn’t just leave him there, alone. He looked so defeated and I couldn’t just keep walking knowing that you could save him and that we could give him a home.”
“The day is going to come when you won’t be able to use that ‘our parents’ shit against me, alright?” You threatened. 
“But that day isn’t today, is it?” Tae wondered and Yoongi could hear the hopefulness in his voice. 
“No...no, it’s not,” you relented and Tae let out a loud cheer. “But if this goes wrong, I’m not gonna hesitate to join Namjoon when he kicks your ass.”
“I won’t mind,” Tae promised and suddenly, the door that was just a little to the right of Yoongi on the opposite wall opened, and Yoongi saw two figures walk into the room. 
“Oh! You’re awake,” a tall, black-haired man smiled widely as he bounded over to where Yoongi was laying. A woman followed behind him, her hands clasped behind her back as she looked over Yoongi silently. 
“Are you feeling better?” Tae asked and Yoongi just looked at him blankly. “You had some nasty bruises and you were passed out so I brought you here. How’s your pain? Would you like some water or something?”
“Tae, maybe you shouldn’t throw 100 questions at him when he just woke up,” you advised. “Introductions might be better?”
“Oh yeah, you’re right!” Tae nodded. “I’m Taehyung, I’m a Beta, and I’m the one that found you. This is my sister Y/N, she’s an Omega, and she's the pack physician.”
“Nice to meet you,” you smiled lightly at Yoongi but he still had the same blank look on his face so the smile slowly slid away from your face.
“Do you remember how you got hurt?” Taehyung wondered and Yoongi sighed quietly as he thought over what happened. He can vividly remember the fists hitting his face, the feet connecting with his ribs and being dragged across the same dirt that he had played on as a child. Did he want to talk about that though? Not at all.
“No,” Yoongi lied smoothly and he knew that it was believable because Taehyung nodded his head in sorrow.
“That’s ok, I’m more than sure that you’ve had a hard time so no one would fault you for not remembering,” Taehyung replied. 
“Your injuries were pretty severe, even for you being a Prime Alpha,” you spoke up, making Yoongi look over at you. “You have a mild concussion and some broken ribs, as well as a fractured left wrist.”
“But Y/N thinks you’ll be able to make a full recovery,” Taehyung added with a wide smile and Yoongi began to wonder if smiling was the man’s default state. 
“That’s...good,” Yoongi responded slowly. 
“Where are they?!” 
“Oh shit,” you sighed. Just then, the same door that you and Taehyung had walked through burst open, this time with a very pissed off man who was obviously an Alpha.
“Ok, it’s not what it looks like,” Taehyung tried to say but the pissed off Alpha scoffed.
“It’s not what it looks like?” He repeated. “If you weren’t my brother, I’d kick your ass right now. Hell, I’m still considering it despite that.”
“Joon, calm down,” you tried to say but Yoongi watched as the man named Joon whipped around to face you.
“And you,” Joon spat. “You know that we are almost on the verge of a pack war and not only that, my mate is pregnant along with several other omegas in this pack and you let him drag a lone wolf onto our territory?!”
“First of all, don’t let your raging Alpha hormones make me fuck you up, because I don’t know who the hell you think you’re yelling at,” you started evenly. “Second of all, Taehyung only brought him here because he was damn near dead. You know he wouldn’t do anything to endanger the pack on purpose.” Yoongi couldn’t help but to be surprised at how you stood up to this huge Alpha, especially with you being an Omega.
“That’s not the point Y/N-ah,” Joon sighed. “The point is, this man is a lone wolf and we don’t even know how he ended up like this, do we?”
“Not exactly,” Taehyung admitted. “Or, not at all actually.”
“Can you not talk about me as if I’m not here?” Yoongi found himself speaking up, which made all of the other three heads in the room whip towards him. “I don’t remember how my injuries happened but I can guarantee you, I’m not here to try and take over your pack.”
“And how am I supposed to believe that?” Joon wondered as he crossed his arms over his chest. 
“It’s like Y/N-ah said hyung, he was damn near dead,” Taehyung shrugged and Joon just sighed. “Come on hyung, what if our parents had left me?”
“I am the pack Alpha Taehyung, you can’t keep using that on me!” Joon exclaimed and Yoongi looked over at Taehyung to see him smirking.
“But it’s working though, right?” He guessed and Joon groaned loudly before nodding slowly.
“Fine, he can stay,” Joon relented and Taehyung cheered loudly. 
“Thank you hyung,” Taehyung grinned and Joon waved him off.
“Yeah, whatever,” he muttered before turning towards Yoongi and holding his hand out. “I’m Kim Namjoon, pack Alpha.”
“Min Yoongi,” Yoongi replied evenly, reaching out with his right hand and shaking Namjoon’s. 
“Well, if you’re looking for a pack, we’d be willing to take you in,” Namjoon told him. 
“I’m not really looking for a...permanent pack,” Yoongi told him.
“Really? Huh,” Namjoon scoffed. “Well, if I were you, I’d start thinking about it because a pack could protect you from someone giving you a repeat go around of those injuries you have now.”
“Alright Joon, back off,” you warned. 
“Feel free to rest Yoongi, you’re safe to do so,” Namjoon said. ”You have my word.” Namjoon then turned around walked out of the room, both you and Taehyung letting out sighs of relief once he was gone. 
“I have some other patients that I have to see,” you sighed after checking the time on the watch that sat on your wrist. “Tae, you’ll look after him?”
“Sure,” Taehyung nodded and after receiving a short nod from you, Yoongi watched as you walked out of the room as well. Taehyung then turned back to Yoongi, the same grin still on his face.
“So do you want to rest more or would you like to hear about the pack?” Taehyung asked him. “Since you’re probably gonna be here for a while, it’ll be good for you to know some basic things.”
“I think I’d rather sleep,” Yoongi replied honestly, the extent of his injuries making him drowsy again. 
“Oh sure, that’s no issue!” Taehyung agreed easily. “I’ll leave you to rest.” Yoongi then watched as Taehyung walked out of the room, shutting the door firmly behind him. 
Yoongi turned his head and looked up at the ceiling then, trying to put the fact that his old pack was the reason that he had ended up like this out of his mind as he let his eyes flutter closed and allowed sleep to take over him. 
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tothemeadow · 3 years
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~*ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ OᑎE*~
warnings: alcohol consumption, oral sex
words: 2.8k
Perhaps you should’ve have taken Daki more seriously. After that fateful night at the so-called gathering, she’s become adamant on getting you hooked onto the luxurious life. Frankly, you thought the rest of the night was a bore, watching rich people mill about, talking to each other about issues that you could wish to understand. The only thing that really kept you going was the company of your best friend and the delicious edibles set on the many tables.
Time and time again, Daki brought up the encounter you had with Idris’ friends – could they even be called that? She gushed about how handsome Rengoku Kyojuro was, how darling it would be to hang off his arm. You noticed the suggestive hint to her tone; you knew exactly where her train of thoughts was going, and you’d be damned if she acted upon them.
In fact, you’re entirely positive that she’s planning on whisking you into her lifestyle. Even now, as you sit in some one-roomed, slinky club, she taps a manicured finger against her chin. The place itself is dripping with wealth, from the chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, the clusters of velvet chairs, right down to the mahogany bar you sit at. You don’t have the slightest clue how Daki knows of a place like this, but – judging from the few other patrons acquainting the place – it’s meant for those types of meetings. You have the slightest inkling that this is where she met Idris in the first place.
Glancing over at her, you can understand why Idris was drawn to her in the first place; of course, Daki has always been insanely beautiful, but her sense of fashion is impeccable. Combined with her short skirt and the thick platforms on her feet, her legs are long, soft. She looks like she just came off straight off a runway; she might as well have, if the big Chanel logo on her beret hints at anything. She’s perfect sugar baby material, and you’d be lying if you’d say you didn’t respect her for pulling off such a feat.
“Mitsuri really liked you,” Daki’s saying. You snap back to attention, mentally cursing yourself out for getting lost in your thoughts. “She thinks you’re really pretty, too.”
Ah, Kanroji Mitsuri: renowned fashion designer and easily one of the most beautiful women you’ve ever met. Her welcoming, bubbly personality had definitely struck a chord inside you, and you were more than thankful that she had been so nice. Hearing something like that, though… Well…
Staring down at your wine, you swirl the deep red fluid around in your glass. “She’s just being nice,” you say, deflecting the compliment. You didn’t want to get your hopes up for nothing.
Rolling her eyes, Daki pops a grape into her mouth and waggles a finger at you. “Listen here, darling; Kanroji Mitsuri thinks you’re pretty. I wouldn’t take that so lightly.”
“You’re also drop dead gorgeous,” you shoot right back. “Of course you wouldn’t take it so lightly.”
“You’re missing the point,” Daki says with a sigh. “An insanely hot and rich woman – who has a great personality, by the way – is interested in you. By the way you two were talking at the gathering, it’s almost like you two have known each other forever.”
Deciding to take the bait, you set your wineglass down and turn towards her. “So what am I supposed to do?”
“Go on a date with her, obviously. I know Mitsuri will treat you right. And, if the night ends well…” Trailing off, she follows up with a giggle. “We’d be sugar sisters.”
“Come again?”
“Oh, come on, (y/n)! Think about how much fun it’ll be! Mitsuri will spoil you rotten and you’ll have mind-blowing sex.”
Your eyes nearly pop out of your head at the unexpected confession. Wait, did that mean…?
Daki flashes you a sly look. “What, you don’t think I only like men, do you? I may have fucked around with Mitsuri once or twice… But it was only a physical attraction, nothing more. Sometimes you just need to get with a woman.”
Embarrassment crawls up your neck at the mere idea of Daki and Mitsuri engaging in certain… activities. Warmth floods your system; you should be ashamed of thinking of your friend like that, but she did just tell you something you particularly didn’t want to know. And, truth be told, you are growing the slightest bit curious as to how Mitsuri’s like in bed…
A smirk pulls at the corners of Daki’s pretty mouth. She obviously knows what’s going on in your head – the two of you have been friends long enough for it to be second nature at this point. However, it still catches you by surprise as she fishes out a little piece of paper and slides it across the bar to you. “Since you’re clearly thinking about it, have her number,” she purrs. “I don’t think you’ll regret giving her a call.”
Taking the paper into your hands, you examine the neat, curly writing. You can imagine Mitsuri writing down the number, a flattering smile on her face. Your heart nearly skips a beat; did she really feel attracted to you? It’s just that, well, somebody at her social standing would usually stick to someone in the same group. You’re nowhere near it, so to have something like this happen… It’s kind of incredible.
You sigh. “Fuck it. I’ll call her.”
Daki eagerly claps her hands. “That’s my girl!”
On second thought, you might be regretting your decision.
Around you, the delicate clank of crystal glasses and fine platters intermingle with the soothing piano music. Other patrons talk amongst themselves, the slight murmur of dozens of voices reminding you of a hoard of bees. Some call out to the waiters passing by, wanting them to refill their glasses or get the check.
The dim, golden light makes the place ethereal, a heavenly glow surrounding everyone’s heads. Your hands glide over the spotless tablecloth, the pristine white of it practically mocking you. Jeez, if a single drop of wine spills on it, they’d probably just throw it away. Damn rich people and their ways – the mere idea of how much this tablecloth costs has your head spinning.
“You don’t have to look so scared,” Mitsuri says. “Believe it or not, but everyone here is just like you.”
You nearly scoff at that. You want to tell her that no, nobody is like you. You’re not rich and swanky, not by a long shot. Besides, this is Kanroji Mitsuri you’re speaking to. She’s part of this crowd; and since she’s a renowned fashion designer with a fairly large following, she’s practically a celebrity.
“I find that hard to believe,” you mutter. Picking up your glass, you take a careful sip of water, not wanting to cause a spill and embarrass yourself.
It’s not helping your nerves in the slightest that Mitsuri looks the way she does; hair pulled into a high ponytail, a slinky dress with a plunging neckline, dangling earrings that reflect the soft golden light. You don’t want to be disrespectful and stare at her pure, creamy skin, but it’s so hard. She’s downright beautiful – breathtaking, even – and it’s a challenge to keep your head on straight.
Her green eyes practically light up at your comment, a light giggle passing through her plump lips. “Everyone feels the pressure, you know. The need to keep up a perfect façade. It’s a shame, really, how so many people in this room wear a mask constantly.” She sighs, then, leaning forward and perching an elbow on the table and resting her chin in her palm. “I’ll be truthful, darling. The very first moment I met you, I knew you’d be different. You’re not some stuck-up corporate brat who’s too deep in their own shit to know right from left anymore. It’s refreshing.”
You can’t help but laugh at that. She hit the nail right on the head; sure, the upper class are usually depicted as being entitled assholes, but to hear it from Mitsuri? That’s just gold. She joins in on your laughter, the sweet, tinkling sound gracing your ears. It’s actually incredible how comfortable you feel around her, despite only knowing her for a couple of days.
“Plus,” Mitsuri continues, her laughter dying down, “I think you’re really cute.”
Scoffing, you try to downplay the excited fluttering in your heart. She’s almost been gushing about how nice you look all night, how much of a pleasantry it was that Daki introduced the two of you. Even better, she was so freaking ecstatic that you called her. Okay, yeah, so maybe you’re interested in Mitsuri. Who wouldn’t be? With the personality of a puppy and the looks of a supermodel, how could anyone say no to her?
“Now you’re just spoiling me,” you tell her.
“What can I say?” Mitsuri replies, voice smooth. “You deserve to be spoiled.”
Shock floods your system, sucks almost all the air from your lungs. Jaw dropping, you gape at her, completely at a loss for words. It doesn’t matter, though; your waiter comes back with the meals the two of you’ve ordered, placing them down gently on the table and busying himself with pouring glasses of wine.
“Enjoy the meal, ladies,” he says, his thick accent flooding his words. With a polite bow, he takes his departure, stepping away with quick, precise movements.
Staring down at the food you ordered, your mouth begins to water. Even though you aren’t the biggest fan of these damned rich people, you’ve got to admit that you’re jealous of the things they eat. Like, look at this! This is something King Midas would eat himself!
“It’s almost as if you’ve never eaten before,” Mitsuri says along with another adorable giggle. “If that’s your reaction, then I’m going to have to take you to every high-end restaurant in town!”
“What? No! Mitsuri, you don’t have to do that!” you ramble. “It’s just… Well…”
“Oh, come on. I want to.” Mitsuri pauses, then, picking up her glass with slender fingers and taking a sip of her wine. “I agree with Daki, you know,” she continues, “I think the two of us could have a lot of fun together.”
“…I’m afraid I don’t understand…?”
Mitsuri casts a devious smile over the rim of her glass at you. “Don’t worry, sweetie. You’ll find out soon enough.”
If you can recall it correctly, there’s a saying that would fit perfectly into this moment – blame it on the alcohol. Oh, but you’re not stupid. No, you at least have the guts to own up to your actions, as great or as stupid as they can be. That being said, you don’t want to admit to how desperate you’re feeling.
You didn’t doubt Daki for a single moment. As kind as she is beautiful, Mitsuri is the perfect package. She only managed to prove that point over and over again throughout the evening, swapping stories and genuinely taking the time to get to know you better. You still can’t believe she’s taken so much interest in you, but you aren’t going to complain about it any time soon. In fact, you’re glad that she’s into you.
Perhaps it was your tipsy mind that made you say yes; that’s what you want to believe, anyway. You don’t want to own up to the fact that you practically jumped at the opportunity of Mitsuri taking you home, to some swanky penthouse in one of the richest parts of the city. You barely had any time to gawk at the immaculate décor or overpriced furniture; no, what you got was a short tour as Mitsuri drug you off towards her bedroom.
The moments from there on out became nothing more than a blur. Clothing being slipped off, hands roaming over bare skin, the delicious heat of Mitsuri’s mouth. Your mind is still reeling from the turn of events, but you don’t have a single chance to think about it.
Heavy pants break through your lips, grace the still air in Mitsuri’s bedroom. The mattress is large, unforgivably so, topped with some of the softest blankets you’ve ever felt. Settled between your open legs, Mitsuri looks nothing short of perfection; long ponytail clutched in your grasp, her full eyelashes fluttering, the prettiest of blushes on her face, she’s a remarkable piece of art, reserved for your eyes only. The sounds spilling from between your legs is utterly sinful. Her lips and tongue eagerly work away at your sopping cunt, break down your walls until you’re a moaning mess.
“Fuck, Mitsuri,” you breathe, voice turning shrill towards the end. “That feels so good.”
Mitsuri moans at the praise, her manicured nails digging into the plush flesh of your thighs. Arching her back even more, you’re presented with a better view of her godly ass, the defined dimples on her back. She’s too gorgeous to handle, too fucking sexy. Giving her ponytail a yank, you relish in the pleased hum vibrating in the back of her throat.
“Naughty girl,” Misturi purrs as she pulls away. A mix of slick and smeared lipstick cover her lips, the lewd shine making your insides tighten. “I didn’t say you could do that, now did I?” The mere controlling tone of her voice causes another fat drop of slick to push its way out of your pussy. Eyes locking onto the sight, Mitsuri cracks a salacious smile. “Does baby girl like being talked down to?”
“Don’t… Don’t say it like that,” you whimper.
“I’m just speaking the truth,” Mitsuri purrs. “It’s not my fault this pretty little pussy likes it.” With her words, she traces a finger up and down your slit, collecting even more slick. Waggling the coated finger in your vision, she makes sure your eyes are on her before she slips it into her mouth, her swollen lips wrapping around it. “So tasty,” she moans. “So fucking sweet. You’re a real treat, you know that? It’s a shame Daki didn’t introduce us earlier.”
“Ah-ah-ah, don’t call me that,” she warns, the honey in her voice turning into something darker, heavier. You swallow thickly. “If you don’t mind, sweets… Call me Mommy. That is, unless you don’t want to cum? That works too.”
Oh, god, with an expression like that and her fingers playing with your sex, you’ll call her anything. “Mommy,” you murmur, “please.”
“Hmmm… What was that?”
Clenching the blankets between your fingers, you call out louder, “Mommy, please!” A loud gasp bursts from your throat, then, as Misturi shoves three fingers into you with no hesitation whatsoever. Her mouth descends on your clit once more, a pleased hum escaping her mouth at your sweet, sweet taste. Your hips buck into her wildly, your back arching off the mattress.
Mind clearing, vision turning fuzzy, your orgasm crashes over, your slick spilling all over her fingers and onto the blankets below. Mitsuri chuckles at that, seemingly pleased with both herself and your reaction. She keeps pressing on, though, her mouth and fingers working you through a second orgasm, and then a third. She’s relentless in her quest to make you cum over and over again, leaving you a shaking, crying mess of overstimulated nerves.
“Oh baby,” Mitsuri purrs once she pulls her mouth away. “You’re such a good girl to me, aren’t you? I’ll groom you real nice, shape you into something utterly perfect,” she continues, leaning in close and brushing her lips against your ear. “You’ll let me, won’t you? Come on, baby, let’s have some fun.” Shuffling up your body, she perches herself over your face, thick thighs encasing your head. “Be a darling and help me out, won’t you?”
“Yes, Mommy,” you coo. “Yes.”
In the end, Daki got what she wanted – a sugar sister.
Granted, you weren’t super eager to jump on the opportunity at first, but after some convincing from Mitsuri, you figured why not? As long as it’s with Mitsuri, there’s no harm, really. Plus, if you’re going to continue having incredible nights with her… Hell, of course you’re gonna agree!
“So, how did the date go?” Kyojuro’s voice rings through the phone. He sounds a bit too eager to hear the fine, juicy details.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Mitsuri teases. Sitting comfortably next to you in bed, she scans her eyes of your sleeping form, at your bare arms and shoulders unhidden from the blankets. She smiles. “It went great, actually,” she says, voice gentle. “(y/n)’s incredible.”
“She’s a looker, too,” Kyojuro says. Even though Mitsuri can’t see him, she knows he’s smirking. “Real beauty.”
“Heh. It almost sounds like you want me to share her.”
Kyojuro huffs in amusement. “Now that sounds like a good idea. Even Tengen wouldn’t shut up about her after she left. Maybe if you’re feeling generous…?”
Running her fingers over your smooth skin, Mitsuri bites her lip. “…Maybe. If she wants to be shared, that’s up to her. Either way…” she trails off, gives a light giggle. “She’s great in bed.”
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tobesobri · 4 years
Bust | Part Two: Etch (4.4k)
She huffed when it became useless to do anything about it right there and instead, quite roughly, slammed the poor figure down onto the shelf angrily in a way that would surely distort the figures’ backside as well. But she didn’t care anymore because it was just so damn typical, right when she gave a damn about something it all always fell apart.
Her eyes met Harry’s when she turned to walk away, realizing he’d just seen her little tantrum because he had clearly been watching her the entire time. He glanced back at the shelf where her sculpture was and she sighed, dragging her feet back to her table to clean up her mess. She could fix it on Wednesday, she supposed. They kept the moisture levels in the studio rather high and didn’t use air-drying clay so that their sculptures never hardened between classes. It would be easy to scrape off and start again.
And with one final glance behind her, while other students either chatted amongst themselves or with Harry, she stepped out onto Justice Street and tried not to let the breeze from the ocean across the street make her cry.
In which Y/N is an annoyance in Harry’s sculpting class.
story masterlist | my masterlist
Luck was not on Y/N’s side when, after Harry had wrapped up the class and she went to put her sculpture on the shelf again, she dropped it. When the hot dad bod she’d been sculpting the past hour landed face first on the cement and she nearly shed a tear.
“Oh no!” Another student gasped, bending down before Y/N could and grabbing it off the floor while she was still in utter shock.
“It’s not too bad!” The girl reassured, smoothing out some dents with her fingers before handing it back to Y/N again.
It was just her luck that the second she took any of this shit seriously it went straight down the gutter.
It was pretty bad, however, on further inspection. All her abs had smooshed down and gone misplaced. She didn’t even want to talk about his smashed face, either. Not that it was peak artistic talent to begin with but… fuck. On his body, the poor collar bone she was working on most recently completely detached into a sad little worm of clay on the floor. And she pouted while picking it up and trying her damndest to stick it back on while her classmates set their pieces down and went on their merry ways.
She huffed when it became useless to do anything about it right there and instead, quite roughly, slammed the poor figure down onto the shelf angrily in a way that would surely distort the figures’ backside as well. But she didn’t care anymore because it was just so damn typical, right when she gave a damn about something it all always fell apart.
Her eyes met Harry’s when she turned to walk away, realizing he’d just seen her little tantrum because he had clearly been watching her the entire time. He glanced back at the shelf where her sculpture was and she sighed, dragging her feet back to her table to clean up her mess. She could fix it on Wednesday, she supposed. They kept the moisture levels in the studio rather high and didn’t use air-drying clay so that their sculptures never hardened between classes. It would be easy to scrape off and start again.
And with one final glance behind her, while other students either chatted amongst themselves or with Harry, she stepped out onto Justice Street and tried not to let the breeze from the ocean across the street make her cry.
*                                              *                                 *
Y/N and Rose settled on trying the pizza place they’d walked past several times up Justice Hill instead of their typical cafe the following week. It had a better view of the ocean and Rose claimed she was craving pepperoni. So Y/N packed a lighter lunch for work and met her at Anna’s Pizzeria at their usual five-thirty on Wednesday evening.
“Still can’t believe you come out of a flu and the first thing you want is this greasy pizza.” Y/N picked up a slice from their shared pan and brought it to her plate, knowing damn well she’d regret all the grease later, but not caring too much in the moment.
“Pizza is the only thing I ever want. It’s like you don’t know me at all.”
Y/N rolled her eyes around a big bite of pepperoni and gooey cheese. She had to admit, Anna’s had some damn good pizza.
“So you never told me how Saturday went?”
Y/N wiped her mouth first on an equally as greasy napkin and then on her sleeve. “It was okay until I dropped my fucking sculpture.”
“What?” Rose exclaimed with her mouth full, her eyes going wide.
“Yeah, I spent so much time on it and that little bastard is a fucking pancake now.”
“Are you going to try and fix it today then?”
“I guess.” She shrugged, thinking further back into her evening on Saturday and changing the subject to something a little less heartbreaking. “Anyways, I saw Harry at our cafe before class. He asked about you.”
“Did he?” That perked Rose right up and made Y/N wonder even more if her best friend had a secret little crush on Harry.
“Oh yeah. He said he was disappointed you weren’t there.” Y/N stretched the truth just a little bit, but she was milking it for everything she could.
And it was worth it to see Rose’s cheeks blush as she got all flustered. “Stop it, no he didn’t!”
Y/N nodded her head exaggeratedly, “Yes he fucking did. I knew you were flirting with him last week.” Y/N wagged her eyebrows while Rose’s smile grew tenfold.
“I honestly wasn’t... but I might now. He’s fit as hell.”
Fit. Harry was beyond just fit. She didn’t quite know what word properly described him, but fit just wasn't it.
Still, she cocked her head and scrunched her features as if she didn’t quite agree. “Eh, he’s alright I guess.”
“Don’t even lie. You know he’s hot.”
Y/N made the same faces again, but the second she felt her own cheeks getting hot, she did her best to hide it. To bury those feelings as far down as it got. No one, definitely not Rose nor Harry, needed to know how insanely attracted to him she actually was.
Because it was fine for Rose to find him fit and hot and whatever else. She was too. But Y/N didn’t see it the same way for herself. Admitting she liked Harry in any way would be admitting she thought she had a single chance with him, which she most certainly did not.
Sure, he sculpted bodies that looked like hers, but that didn’t mean he’d lower his standards to her level when he could have someone else.
The grease was starting to get to her.
“Why don’t you ask him out then if you think he’s so hot?”
“I don’t really think he’d go for me, he’s a bit out of my league, isn’t he?” Rose asked and Y/N couldn’t believe she’d forgotten how stubbornly insecure Rose really was.
“I think you’re out of his, love.”
She blushed again and went back to her pizza. Meanwhile, Y/N battled a bad case of heartburn and disruptive thoughts. She was sentenced to her daydreams about Harry while Rose could freely go around expressing all her feelings. And, to be honest, it had been Y/N’s fault for throwing herself into a bad mood anyways. She’d started it by telling Rose Harry asked about her and leaving out the bits where he may or may not have invited Y/N to see his dick some day. That had to count for something, didn’t it?
*                                              *                                 *
“I thought you said you dropped this? It looks fantastic.” Rose placed Y/N’s body sculpture down in front of her after she refused to go grab it herself and face, yet again, what she’d done on Saturday.
However, when she looked at it now, it was fantastic. It looked better than before she dropped it, in fact. She picked it up off the table and inspected it further. His face was perfect, no more inverted nose. The collar bone was back and better than ever. The abs were actually fully defined and even the little bit of pudge she had intended was going stronger than ever. It was like she’d never dropped it in the first place and then he got a complete makeover on top of it.
And she had no clue how or why.
She looked around the room at everyone else, no one seemed to be freaking out like she was. Like some magical fairy had fixed up their pieces for them too. It seemed to be just her.
“I did… drop it.” Y/N mumbled, turning the figure around to see the dents she’d put in his back herself were smoothed out as well. And that he actually had what looked like shoulder blades protruding. And a bit of an indent for the spine down his back.
“Maybe I grabbed the wrong one?”
Y/N hadn’t thought of that possibility yet. So, she set him down carefully while they both scoped out the shelves and then everyone around the class. No one seemed to be missing their sculpture nor was her sad little lump still sitting on the shelf.
This one was hers. She just had no idea how it got to be the way it did.
Maybe the girl who’d picked it up for her felt so bad she fixed it. But that started to seem unlikely too when Y/N glanced at the girl’s own lackluster sculpture across the room and realized there was no fucking way she could have put him back together.  
That only left one other possibility…
He was already watching her from the front of the class when she looked at him finally. She narrowed her eyes and tilted her head at him. There was no other possibility. He had seen her drop it on Saturday and he was the only one in the room that could have done what he did to fix her mess.
And it was pretty much guaranteed when he gave her a guilty little smile.
Harry had fixed her fucking sculpture. After she annoyed the ever loving shit out of him every Wednesday and Saturday evening and called his class stupid. He fixed her fucking trainwreck so she didn’t have to. He even made it better. Hell, she probably had the best looking one out of the entire group now.
She hated to imagine him working tirelessly on it Sunday morning, or even worse, Saturday night after class when he was surely exhausted. She loved it and she hated it. She couldn’t help but let the butterflies loose in her stomach at just the mere thought of him wanting to help her. To make her life easier after she’d literally almost left the studio crying last time. It warmed her heart and she was certain Harry was a professional at not just sculpting but at making everyone fall completely in love with him.
“Alright, so today,” Harry began after he and Y/N had their little moment, “we’re going to backtrack a little to the heads and focus on faces again. Now that most of you have done details on the body where it isn’t as crucial, I think the face will be a little easier now that you’ve had some practice.”
He went on like that, doing his usual little lessons in front of the small crowd. But this time, she noticed him glancing her way a lot more often. Maybe he had been doing it all along and she never really paid him any attention, but it was clear as day now. Almost every single time he looked out at them, his eyes landed on her at some point. And sometimes he even smiled while doing so.
Was she losing her fucking mind?
When he played another video, Rose leaned in close toward Y/N and whispered, “He’s totally looking at me, holy shit you were right.”
Y/N’s entire body sank. She had, after all, been losing her mind. She’d let herself get too cocky. He had no reason to be looking at her. Rose, on the other hand, she’d been gone on Saturday and was finally back. Maybe she really was wrong about his preoccupations. Maybe he was making cute little glances at Rose and not her.
She really couldn’t tell, now that she thought about it.
And she was in no place to brawl it out with Rose over Harry. She knew damn well if it came down to it, Rose would win every time. She just hated that the only reason Rose even saw Harry that way was because she had planted that seed to begin with and now there was no turning back.
Y/N slid her sculpture out of the way and put her head down the rest of his lesson about sculpting facial features. She wanted to believe so badly that Harry was at all interested in her. And she hated herself for boiling him down to that. That he was just some piece of meat she and Rose could fight over. She didn’t like that feeling at all and she wished she could go back to Saturday when he was whispering his kinky little phrases at her and letting herself believe it.
When they were sculpting, she was a little less enthusiastic. She didn’t stare Harry down while he wandered the room with his hands behind his back. She didn’t admire his ass every time he bent over a little bit in his high-waisted trousers. She didn’t even brave once single glance at his hands even though he’d dressed them up in his rings again today.
And she definitely didn’t know what to do about her face. The sculpted one and the real one. But mostly the sculpted one. It sat untouched for quite a while as she just stared at it blankly. Harry had put it back into place, but didn’t do any of the detail work it needed and there was no hope in matching it with what he had done to her figure’s body. She could never get it to look like the same person did both no matter how hard she tried.
So she was back to square one, to just not even trying at all.
“How’s it going over here? We missed you on Saturday.” Harry greeted them, standing directly in the middle of both girls this time while he stared solely at Rose with those fucking dimples on his face.
Y/N glanced from Harry to her friend, watching as Rose got all flustered. At least Y/N attempted to hide when he did that to her. And at least he said something a lot more profound to make her that flustered to begin with.
She wanted to smack herself to try and get her mind to stop being so insanely jealous. Instead of violence, however, she just chewed on her bottom lip and avoided looking at him.
Harry glanced at her curiously when he noticed Y/N’s reclusion, but was pulled back to attention when Rose finally answered.
“I was sick actually, so I couldn’t make it. But I made her come so she could tell me what I missed.” Rose nudged Y/N.
And Y/N glanced at them, with little coercion. Harry laughed like he was forced to do so, because nothing Rose said was all that funny but he didn’t know how else to respond when all his focus was on Y/N and why she looked like a deflated balloon.
His eyes flickered towards Y/N’s untouched sculpted head, knowing very well she hadn’t done a single thing with it after he’d put the nose back in place. “Guess it’s not going so well.”
“You think?” She couldn’t help it. When she was feeling particularly shitty about herself, all the hard, prickly bits came out. And she didn’t really mean to snap at him so hard to nearly bite his fingers off, but it just came out.
“Mine’s coming together!” Rose brightened the mood and Y/N was thankful. She didn’t want any more of her bitterness getting all over Harry when he’d done nothing but fix her sculpture for her.
He was still wary, though, shifting focus back on Rose’s work again. Y/N tuned them out while he helped Rose adjust a few things here and there. She even attempted to make some moves on her own sculpture finally. But just ended up just rolling snakes of clay out and forming the word ‘fuck’ across its tiny face when none of her attempts panned out too well. Not when her mind was racing ten miles a second with thoughts about Harry.
He watched her hands while she completed the last letter and Rose went on her spiel about how she wanted her mermaid to look, even though Harry was no longer listening. There was no amusement on his face, no hint of a smile at all when he glanced upwards and saw the prominent pout on Y/N’s lips. The very lackluster glaze across her eyes. He wasn’t sure what was wrong but he preferred when she made his life hell then this sad version of her.
“Hm?” She whimpered softly, twisting her head toward Rose and realizing both her and Harry were staring at her now.
“What are you doing?” Rose asked.
She looked at her masterpiece again, having been somewhat in autopilot the entire time. “He’s a fuck face… get it?”
Rose rolled her eyes back to her own work, “Well, at least the body of yours looks good.”
And then her eyes shot up to Harry’s and they shared another silent moment until eventually it got her to smile again when the irony finally hit. He matched his face with hers, just happy to see something other than a frown taking over her features.
“Thanks,” Y/N gave Harry an evil little smirk he was way too familiar with, but he supposed he preferred that to the frown as well. “I worked really hard on it.”
*                                              *                                 *
She had made a near full recovery later that night, when she finally crawled into bed with her phone and cried laughing at various different funny video compilations. She didn’t even think anything bad about herself, even when her mind wandered back to Harry again. The combination of Harry and Rose and everything had just gotten to her, giving her a headache.
She knew it was stupid. Harry was their instructor. He probably already had a significant other looking the way he did and she wasn’t even supposed to like him. He made fun of her bowl and she, in turn, tortured him in class just for the hell of it. She wasn’t supposed to care so much.
Right when she started dozing off, her phone still in her hands, still playing the video she’d fallen asleep to, it suddenly buzzed. And then she dropped it on her face when she jolted awake again.
“Ow, fuck,” she muttered groggily, ripping her phone away after she was sure it hit her hard enough to break something. And she couldn’t deal with a broken, crooked nose at the moment, so after she felt around her face and everything seemed intact, she flipped her phone over again and checked who was bugging her at this hour.
Though when she saw the notification, which was most definitely not a text from Rose or a useless promotional email, she shot up straight in her bed, all exhaustion emptied from her body.
Because it was Instagram. And not just that, but it was Harry. The notification had been from him following her. She opened it and checked just to make sure it wasn’t some mistake. That it was actually Harry. But then her phone buzzed again and it was a message this time. Why was Harry sliding into her DMs at eleven o’clock at night?
Maybe he was on his phone in bed too like she had been. Maybe he didn’t have notifications on and just now checked his Instagram to see what she’d done last Friday night.
Which seemed to be the case when she read his message.
See you’ve found my Instagram.
She smacked her hand against her forehead, having managed to forget the incident until just this very moment. And she had no idea what to do or say to him either. But then he started typing again and bought her some time.
When the three little dots went away, however, and no new message appeared from him she couldn’t help but wonder endlessly what he had meant to say. What had he been typing the past minute that he decided not to send after all?
She took a deep breath and sent something.
She cringed at her stupid response, but he still typed again. She hadn’t completely lost him to her sudden inability to hold a conversation.
Two text bubbles popped up from him in quick succession.
Are you going to follow me back or what?
She laughed out loud to herself, imagining him asking that question with that smirk on his face. Because during her time stalking his Instagram, he didn’t seem to take it too seriously. He had a humble amount of followers and didn’t tend to post things for clickbait. It was just a collection of his favorite memories and his work and that was it.
She laid back on her pillows again and sent him an eye roll emoji.
I’ll think about.
What’s there to think about?
Whether or not I want to see you on my feed everyday.
Could be useful.
The sculpting stuff.
I’ll pass.
Your loss 💁‍♀️
She giggled and left their thread silent for a moment as he did the same. But once she thought of something else to say, she was right back at it again. He was far too easy to talk to and she knew that wasn’t a good sign if she wanted to deny any feelings for him.
So are you going to unfollow me now then?
Think I would enjoy seeing you on my feed everyday surprisingly enough.
Her heart raced again. He was back with those little fucking comments that sent her on all sorts of waves of emotion. Surely he was just being friendly, but she couldn’t help but get a little carried away inside her own head.
You know I only post pictures of my dog, right?
Her cheeks burned from smiling so hard at the fact that he hadn’t just followed her, he’d went through her Instagram too. After a moment of letting herself just be fucking happy to be talking to him like a normal person, outside of class and outside of pestering each other, she changed the subject.
I never got a chance to thank you for fixing my sculpture.
So… thank you.
He was quiet then, for a long while actually. Long enough to where she finally shut off her screen and figured maybe he was done talking. She didn’t need him to say ‘you’re welcome’ or anything like that. She still would have thanked him anyways just the same.
But, of course, when his message buzzed in her palm, she was zooming her way into their DMs like her life depended on it.
You don’t have to thank me. I felt bad after you actually tried and then dropped it.
So you won’t mind me taking credit for it then?
It’s not like you’re getting a grade.
I’d rather no one know I did it for you anyways.
It was the first time she paused during their entire conversation. What did that mean? Surely no one would care if they knew he fixed her project for her. He helped others all the time. And like he said, this wasn’t for a grade. So why would anyone else knowing be a worry at all? Was he scared of the others thinking he might like her because he was doing her favors? And why was it so bad for anyone to know if he did like her?
I’m gonna go to bed so goodnight.
She stayed up a little longer overthinking his words some more. She knew it was a lot less deep than he’d intended, but she couldn’t help it.
Overthinking was her forte.
*                                              *                                 *
She hadn’t talked to Harry again on Instagram before their next session and Rose started preoccupying herself with some other guy in class besides Harry. It was somewhat peaceful while she worked on her sculpture’s face with her headphones in, forgetting about everything surrounding her.
She occasionally took breaks to look away from it, always making a futile attempt to stare at a wall or at someone else’s creation but never failing to find her eyes navigating back to Harry every single time.
He was in a white painter’s type jumpsuit today with a t-shirt on underneath. It was… interesting. But she supposed it shielded his nice clothes from his messy job. He didn’t look her way nearly as many times as he had in their last class though, which, by the way, she had come to terms with. He’d been making glances at her and not at Rose.
She’d also come to terms with her self-destructive behavior. She wasn’t going to mope around and invalidate good things just because they were happening to her. Harry showed no signs of being uninterested, so she was going to hope for the best.
And it might lead to her demise but… who cares.
So when class was finally over, she did something she had never done before. She walked up to the front of the room.
Before she could get to him, though, two other girls took her spot and she immediately froze in place beside the first table at the front of the room. She was close enough to hear their conversation, close enough for him to have noticed her and close enough that it definitely looked like she was headed straight up to Harry, unprovoked. But them unknowingly intervening was the wake up call she really needed. She did not need to be going up to him asking if he wanted to get a coffee with her. She most certainly did not need to flirt with him as painfully as the other two girls were. Even though he glanced over at her, curious and concerned, just before she turned on her heel and left.
Not today.
Maybe never.
But not today.
“I thought you were going to ask him something?” Rose questioned when Y/N returned to grab her bag just before they left the studio out the back door.
“Oh, uh… I figured it out.” She shrugged it off, but still found herself peeking over her shoulder at him while she followed Rose out into the night. He stood alone this time, and when she met his eyes he’d already been watching her, fidgeting with his rings, and letting a very upsetting frown sit on his face.
“So,” Rose started, pulling Y/N away from the studio for the final time, “coffee?”
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sassooda · 3 years
Worlds Away JJK AU / Chapter 37 - Destined for Greatness
w/c - 7,731
               Suguru has been lying in bed for hours now as his mind wanders through his past and imagines different scenarios for the future. He sighs as he tosses and turns for the thousandth time, facing away from his door while his gaze takes to his new quarters that are viewable from this angle. This is by far the cheeriest room he has ever called his own. The walls are a warm yellow, the floors of solid hardened red clay and all of the matching furniture a light wood. His eyes take to the closed curtains with long thick white drapes, ‘This is so fucking annoying…’, he mumbles knowing there’s not even a window behind it, there’s no way for there to be when you’re underground. Sitting up now with aggravation, he reaches over to the bedside table and places the bowl of water he was using the night before, back into his lap. He wants to check in on Elska’s surroundings although he knows other Titers are tasked with the enemy’s usual surveillance. Before activating his technique though, he hesitates due to anxiety, ‘What the fuck am I going to do when we take her? What the fuck will she do?’. He hears footsteps approaching his door and knows Genghis must have already finished with most of the arrangements.
               “Little one! Time to wake up!”. Genghis calls out in an eager voice. He stops and smiles when he sees that Getou is already awake and asks, “Aren’t you excited about today?”. He looks over the worrisome Suguru who’s vexation is transparent. The golden sheets drape along his body and slide from his bare skin whenever he moves under them.
               Getou grumbles and turns his head, “I don’t think what I’m feeling is excitement…”. He keeps looking at the curtains that hide lies while wondering if he’s much different. ‘Will I have to subdue her when she lashes out? Am I going to have to hurt her when she resists?’. He’s had no qualms with doing so in the past but feels an incredible amount of pressure regarding it now. ‘Could we…like each other?’.
               Genghis chuckles and ignores Suguru’s reluctant attitude while looking around the room, “This is definitely much more suitable! Did you really put in a request for a giant tub though?” He’s poking fun at his pupil but he was also puzzled by that. Genghis thinks the brighter room will serve them both well psychologically. ‘Not too shabby for being done at the last minute.’.
               Embarrassed by the question, Getou submerges deeper into his bad mood and bed before retorting, “It’s for me. I’m tall.”. He was certainly not about to admit that it was for Elska, thinking she really must love them judging by how insane Naoya acted about it when the Zenin originally designed the first room where she was held. Suguru is aware that her reaction may be hostile overall and is dreading these coming days because of it so he hopes having one may ease her nerves. He doesn’t know that tub is Naoya’s thing.
               Genghis isn’t really satisfied with that answer but continues on, “I’ve gathered the most adept offensive fighters we have to offer.” Knowing the Titer’s abilities are incredible but lack in the area of traditional combat, selecting the most capable available would be crucial. “I believe you’ll quite enjoy my plan…”. His teeth show in this smile now, he’s more than willing to share his enthusiasm.
               Suguru finally turns to his mentor, interested. “Do tell me what you’ve concocted.”.
               Genghis lights up, “So as we were discussing, we need to restrict their actions. We will make our move in a public setting but you’ll still be able to have your fun...we will have to harm innocents but I assume that’s not what troubles you.” He grins maniacally, “Mr. Satoru Gojo’s presence will be requested before the Elders here in a few and his curiosity will assure he attends.”. Genghis sighs, “I was worried Gojo might want to kill all of them but I brought in two special people to mediate our fictitious ambitions.”. He chuckles, “The silver shaman has no idea what’s in store for him.”.
               Getou smirks at the thought of Gojo having the rug pulled from beneath him, “So we’re planning on having to deal with Toji, Zenin and Choso…aside from her today?” Genghis nods to his question but a heaviness forms in Suguru’s chest when he thinks about having to kill Choso. He’s still not on board with that completely and figures he’ll try his best to protect the hybrid in the midst of confusion. ‘Not him too.”. Getou wishes to find a way to bring the hybrid back to his side.
               Genghis claps his hands, causing his yellow robes to flutter, “You better get up and get ready! I’m about to meet with our team. I believe your first sweetheart will be amongst them.”, he chuckles for the drama but honestly loathes that woman.
               “Lidia?”, Getou stiffens immediately as that did not help his motivation. “She’s fucking crazy Master Genghis, I don’t want to be anywhere near her!”. Suguru takes his head to his hands as a few memories of her dependency and inhumane behavior flood him. ‘Psychotic bitch.’. Lidia always chased after Suguru when they were younger and at some point this wore on him as before he knew it, she was claiming them to be betrothed. She was obsessed with his destiny, his calling for the clan and would worship him in the most toxic ways due to it. Her need to be the only one in Getou’s life caused her to mutilate young women amongst Suguru’s outer circle out of spite and jealousy. Their time together did not last long as it quickly became a violent pairing, ending with him crushing her ribs under his usual technique. Suguru sighs, “She’s is not going to help me obtain another woman…”. He shudders recalling how after healing, she was back to throwing herself at him as if nothing happened. ‘Fucking…crazy…’.
               Genghis hides his sneer, knowing full and well the history of the two. “On the contrary, she requested this assignment.”. He notices Suguru’s growing frustration and wishes he could explain exactly why he’s doing what he’s doing but instead says, “I’ve seen many outcomes for this and although they may have varied, I can assure you Lidia will serve a great purpose here.”. Little does Getou know, Lidia will be the proof offered to show Elska she will be cared for while in the Titer compound.
               Suguru is skeptical to believe this and shows it through his expression as he rises from the bed and says, “Women are the bane of my existence…”. He stretches in his black briefs and cracks his neck while thinking something foreboding was eating at him. ‘I’m probably going to have to expose my other techniques now.’.
               “You’re about to receive the most powerful wife in the world…and yet, you complain.”, Genghis teases as he’d probably be nervous too if the roles were reversed. He watches Suguru don a black robe, clearly showing signs of stress so he walks up to him and puts his jokes aside, “This is going to work out, little one, one way or another.”, and pulls Getou’s head down to plant a fatherly kiss to the top of it. After sharing the rare moment, he bows and leaves Suguru to his morning routine.
               Getou watches him quietly walk out of the room with conflicting emotions. Genghis is the only man he’s ever looked up to, the only other human that ever offered genuine affection. Ever since Suguru was reunited with his mentor though, something has felt off or perhaps he’s just seems more purposeful. He’s not sure if this odd feeling is because of his own unstable emotions that threatened to derail his purpose of revenge or if there’s another reason but he can’t ignore it either way. He trusts that his mentor is still worthy of his respect and recognition though and finds his returning welcomed regardless. ‘All of those years…’, he wonders where Genghis spent his time and exactly why. ‘Did they really keep him away to simply foster my hatred for Gojo?’. He knows that doesn’t really make sense.
               Genghis is turning a hall leading to stairs to take him upward. He sees two of the recruited Titers waiting for him outside of the designated meeting area at the top, smiles and nears them. The first one he shakes hands with is Sain Khun. The 32-year-old Titer was a remarkable martial artists and hunter. His rare eyes are more grey than blue and stand in contrast to his long black hair that he wears down. Sain is one of the handful of Titers that learned to channel their metaphysical natured abilities into to combative techniques but usually stays out of the political fray of the clan. ‘A fine young man.”. Before he’s able to address the handsome Titer, the second of the pairing cuts in.
               “Master Genghis, I have more questions about this woman.”. Lidia shamelessly exudes her opinion of the situation and demands attention. She receives a sharp look from the clan’s head that only fuels her suspicions. “Are we certain she’s the best pairing for Master Getou?”.
               “Miss Lidia, you look lovely today…”, Genghis takes her hand and kisses it, ignoring her inquires. He continues to smile until she speaks up again. ‘She never ceases.’.
               “Can we trust that her intentions for Master Getou are ones we can stand by?”. Lidia shakes her long curly red hair that dances down her arms. Her green eyes narrowed still, she waits for an answer. “She’s not even human. What if she uses her powers to manipulate his biology as well?”. Her foot taps impatiently against the now softer ground, ‘I’ll fucking kill that bitch if she even looks at him wrong!’.
               Genghis has already grown tired of catering to Lidia’s neediness in the short time they’ve come to know each other but understands she’s vital. “And what of your own intentions?”, he confidently questions her as he doesn’t need an answer. He already knows and is glad to see her heart hasn’t wavered from its possessive ways.
               Sain feels forced as this greet was supposed to be simple. He cares not of Lidia’s unhealthy interest for Suguru and even with his instincts crying against Genghis, feels badly for the man. He decides to enter the conversation in hopes to shut it down. “Lusting Lidia, it’s time to get on with the meeting.”, and grabs her arm, leading her through the door where the rest of the selected wait.
               Genghis takes a moment to center himself, ‘I understand your resentment little one…’. This quick exchange between them wasn’t the worst he’s suffered from the woman but he still cannot stand to be around her. He chuckles and whispers to himself, “But if she were any less obsessed, this wouldn’t work.”, and then enters the room with the rest as they lay out their plans.
               Elska is looking around at the busy street as they occasionally bump into passing people. “My prince, are you sure it’s around here?” She’s never been to this part of the city before and is feeling anxious by the crowd. The sun is out but a chilling breeze catches them every so often. Her mind is heavy and plagued with questions but doesn’t want to dampen Naoya’s mission for the day.
               Naoya stops near the edge of the wide sidewalk and pulls out his phone, “I’m positive!”, while checking the map to make sure he could stand by those words. ‘Where is it?’. His brow creases as he studies the screen.
               Toji huffs, “We’ve been walking forever.” He’s abnormally agitated but also hates crowds and is pinning the fault on being dragged out into one. He looks at Elska who’s eyes happen to meet his and feels his tension release ever so slightly as the wind blows her black V-cut dress along her knees. All of them are dressed up more than usual since Naoya begged for them to eat at one of his favorite restaurants. He sees Elska eyeing him in a way that foretells she finds his black pants and squeezing button up suiting and it makes him feel like he could deal with the clothed restriction for a while longer.
               “It says we’re close!”, Naoya points to the map on his phone pridefully. It’s been a few years since he was on this side of the city and a lot has changed. He’s becoming frustrated with not knowing how much time they’ll have before Gojo returns, wanting to enjoy some normalcy. ‘I just want to treat her to nice meal!’ He turns to Elska and takes her hand, “Baby, I promise it will be worth it. I’m talking…food fit for a princess.”, when she giggles, he does too, being happy to see that she isn’t wanting to turn around. He looks to Toji now, “Want me to find you a walker?”, and snickers as the giant narrows his eyes before continuing ahead.
               Elska feels Naoya’s finger lace into hers as they resume walking, with Toji on her left. She’s trying to be cheerful today, wanting to appreciate the time she’s spending with them but her mind keeps leading her into thought. The night before, Toji stopped her from feeding and although she was aware of why and understood the risks Satoru spoke about, she tried to proceed anyway. There were a weird few minutes where she could only focus on drinking from her beloved and flailed wildly as he restrained her. ‘Why did it feel like I wanted the Titer energy too?’. She thinks to hold Toji’s hand as well in this moment but stops herself as she doesn’t want to draw unnecessary attention to the three of them. ‘He looked so concerned all while I couldn’t even stop…”. The ancestral voice advised her to feed. Her heart aches as she knows this was out of character and extremely selfish when they didn’t know how it could affect her. The one thing keeping her afloat in this matter is how Toji held her after she snapped out it, how he seemed to understand without saying that she didn’t mean to.
               Toji lets Naoya and Elska get a step ahead of him so he can keep his eyes on her. After their last outing, he’s remaining highly aware of their surroundings and is watching for anything suspicious. He sees Naoya in his dark grey slacks and black dress shirt, leaning down to talk to her as they maneuver through the groups of families and friends, keeping her close. ‘Is she really, ok?’. Toji recalls how she struggled against him the night before. Gojo tried to rush to the bed after seeing her reaction but Toji was also wanting to shield her from him. Her eyes changed, showing the dashes of his green while she clawed at his arms and flashed her fangs with a glare. Toji knew that wasn’t his Elska but didn’t want to make her apprehensive, so he hid her the best he could from Satoru until they reverted. He heard something from within while this was all occurring, a voice that he swears communicated for him to feed his master. ‘Is that even possible? What the fuck was that?’. He rubs his bicep after feeling a sharp pain run through his arm.
               Naoya leads them to a building that has loud club music playing inside, the base being noticeable from where they stand. He looks up and scrunches his face, “What the fuck is this?”. He checks his watch that bares 1:39 and is further confused by the daytime club scene. ‘I’ve failed.’. Toji can be heard groaning so he orients himself to face them both, “It was right here!!”. He takes in Elska’s kind smile as she’s clearly not going to make him feel bad for being wrong. Not knowing what to do to save their lunch adventure he stands there awkwardly to think but hears Elska say, “Well let’s enjoy a drink while we look up somewhere else nearby!”. He smiles at her ability to always find a silver lining and follows behind her up the ramp that leads inside.
               As they walk through the room on the first floor, Toji feels this intense wave wash over him. Music is drowning out most other sounds but the way the bass pulses through him allows him to feel alive. The stench of cigarettes, sweat and alcohol sting his senses while they find a seat at the bar. Once sitting, he can smell Elska’s perfume when she whips her hair behind her shoulders, exposing her neck to which causes him to stir in the stool. Naoya hands out drink menus from them all but Toji doesn’t even look at it, knowing his order already and wanting it immediately. He feels ready to pounce but is cautiously calming himself as he knows this is not the place, ‘I am NOT Gojo…’. When she crosses her legs he feels the sting in his arm again, bringing his mood back to a wavering position.
               “I’m thinking a red…’, Elska states loud enough to be heard while looking over the wine menu. Naoya smiles to her words as he announces his choice of Mojito. “That’s why you’re so sweet!”, she jokes vaguely in regards to his actual taste. She places a hand on Toji’s right knee before turning to him and feels him jump. Her voice now concerned, “Did I scare you!?”. She giggles until she sees the intensity in his eyes, wondering why he’s exuding so much right then. Her breath was held in her throat as she waited for his eyes to glow, knowing that would not be good for where they are. They never do though and she eventually resumes respiration as he places his own large hand over hers. ‘What was that?’. She now swivels her head around the large room, taking in all of the day drinkers on the dance floor and seated randomly about.
               The bartender takes their orders with a smile and begins to serve them up right there. He recommended a red for Elska that he swears was his personal favorite and proudly waited for the approving sip. When she stated its palatability, he then left to attend other customers while Toji stared him down menacingly. ‘That’s a brave man to be flirting right in front of us.’.
               Naoya sips his drink while eyeing Toji chug his whiskey on the rocks. “Slow down old man, we still have to go somewhere to eat!”, he laughs at the eyeroll he receives and notices Elska drinking pretty quickly as well. “Baby, what’s on your mind?”, he knows something is bothering her and wonders if they’re both just nervous after the last Titer attack. ‘Maybe I can convince her to dance it away!’, he thinks as he imagines himself twirling her under the disco ball. He just wants her to have a good day.
               After finshing her glass already, she sets it down and tells Naoya, “I’m fine, I promise! I just really have to pee!”. He chuckles and adjusts himself so she has more room to slide off the stool. She announces that she’ll be right back before searching the walls for signs indicating the direction she should take. A drunken man bumps into her shortly after leaving the bar and can feel Toji increase his presence so she turns around to show that she’s fine. The whole room was lively except for Toji’s motionless staring. ‘I better be fast before he loses his shit.’.
               “She shouldn’t be alone.” Toji followed her with his eyes as she turned a corner down a hall. He’s worried about her and has this familiar unyielding need to be in her vicinity. It’s almost as if he knows something is about to happen. “I’m going to wait for her, watch the drinks.”. He hears Naoya protest with grief but faces him and says, “Boy, why don’t you find us a place to eat since we’re out here because of you.”, and places a hand on Naoya’s shoulder as he goes to walk past to counter the aggression in his voice. “Order another round too will ya?”.
               Elska stands up in the stall and flushes but doesn’t leave. She’s feeling like Toji’s eyes were trying to tell her something minutes ago but she can’t figure it out. All she knows is that it was sexy. She opens the latched door to wash and dry her hands but takes in her reflection in the mirror and thinks, ‘Life is so much crazier now…’, but smiles to herself knowing she had fantastic support from everyone. The door pushes open abruptly behind her and she gasps in startlement before realizing that it was Toji himself. “TOJI! What if there are others in here?!”. She can tell by his focus though that it didn’t matter anyway.
               “Doll…” he mutters as he locks the door behind him. He sees that she was caught off guard when she asks what he was doing in there but he just walks closer until he’s inches away. “I need…”, he lifts her up so she can wrap her legs around his waist and supports her weight with his right arm. “I need you.”, he whispers while dragging the tip of his nose along her collar bone, watching her skin change pigment from his glowing eyes. Her hands are roaming through his hair and he moans to the sensation of her nails against his scalp. “Right now.”. He nearly growls as he sinks her into his groin from above.
               “Toji…”, she was right about his prior intensity but can’t find it in her heart to stop him as he begins kissing the crook of her neck. The music can be heard through the walls along with idle chatter and it all serves as a reminder for where they’re at. She thinks of her pheromones and instantly pulls herself out of their beautiful trance. She whispers, “We shouldn’t do this here, my beloved.”, and frowns as he lifts his head to meet eyes. “I can’t release them here, it’ll be a disaster…”.
               He agrees that they shouldn’t have sex and nods with a grunt but that’s not truly what brought him in lady’s room to begin with. Feeling his fangs form he shows them to her and happily takes in her reaction as she smiles and moves her hair while saying, “Oh! ok…but we have to be quick!”. He squeezes her cheek with his right hand that supporting her rear and drags his teeth across the skin of her neck. “I just need to taste you.”, he wantonly groans before biting down. She gasps to his intrusion and grips his hair as he begins to suckle. His own whimpers could be heard between his gulps, loving every drop he’s being given as he deciphers her soul and feelings. Her flavor, now that he’s not as overloaded by the information, is reminiscent of the aroma born from a field of flowers. Each time he swallows more of her blood, his overall restlessness fades while her squirming increases.
               Elska cradles his head into her while melting in the master’s ecstasy flowing through her. Her eyes are closed as she bites her lip and attempts to muffle her sounds. “My beloved…”, she whimpers to him while her fingers stroke through his hair. His hypertonicity dwindles as she feels his left hand travel up her back, resting a grip on the nape of her neck. “I love you, my beloved Toji…”, and gasps in desperation as she can sense his own, wanting to assure him of his importance. Those same fingers now dance along her clavicle as he brings them over the wounds to close them while panting into her neck. He leaves his face buried there, adorning the area with his lips slowly as he she can tell he’s gathering himself. “Do you feel better?” She caresses his temple and cheek hoping that he did, feeling terrible that she didn’t recognize or even sense his disposition sooner. When he lifts his head to look at her again, she feels the need to lock her lips to his as they both exhale in a gratified union. She moves the hair out of his eyes and kisses his forehead before he gently puts her back down, him looking refreshed with a bashful grin.
               He grabs a paper towel from the dispenser and wets it. In the mirror he can see Elska’s loving eyes watching him and the scar on the corner of his lips bends pleasantly. While wiping away any evidence, he shyly adds, “I love you too, doll.”, the words still seeming unreal. After discarding the bloodied paper towel, he takes up her hands in his own, “I’m sorry for following you in here, I just…I really needed to do that.”. He’s still uneasy by how compelling the desire was. “I felt like I wouldn’t get another chance.”. He sees the concern on her face and doesn’t want to worry her, “It was just time for me to feed doll, everything is ok.”. Her hand sails upwards to hold his cheek and leans into it. ‘I have to keep her safe.’.
               Naoya is watching the condensation accumulate on his glass and is now feeling nervous as he checks his watch again. ‘Where are they?!’, he swings around in the stool to check the room and feels an incredible wave of relief as he finds Toji and Elska making their way back to the bar. After they sit he asks, “Did you guys go to the bathroom at the dorms or what?”, but picks up on the weird laughs he receives from them. ‘He wouldn’t have tried something sly, would he?’, and squints his eyes at Toji. ‘He looks way better though.’, and decides to let it go as he’s sure even a quickie couldn’t be that quick. “Baby…”, Naoya slides his phone over in front of them as he finishes his second Mojito, “I’ve only been here once but they have beautiful seating along the water!”. He cackles, “…and it’s only about half a mile away by foot…”.
               Gojo is quickly walking through the whited-out halls with Choso following. He speaks without looking, “Choso, when we get in there…I have to warn you, you’re not expected.”. Gojo heard Choso stop in place so he turns around to see him. “You’re with me though so it’s fine! If they say anything to you, just ignore them. I will do the talking.”, and waves for the being to hurry.
               “I…I don’t understand why I’m here with you and not everyone else…”. Choso is familiar with the Elders but can’t ignore the fact that he used to work for them where as he’s now on the opposing side. ‘Is this a good idea?’. He was expecting Gojo to sulk and whine to being called in today and is puzzled by how thrilled he seems.
               Gojo jumps up to click his heels to the side before saying, “I don’t trust these cunts and I’m almost positive this is a trap of some sort…”. He notices Choso’s eyes widen with confusion so he continues, “If they’re trying to distract me from Elska, they fail if you’re there using your technique to watch her for me!”, his smug grin appears, “This way I’ll know the moment something happens.”. He’s sure the Elders have called him away in order to create an opportunity but has a mind to flip their plans upside down with this small act of rebellion. “I can never remember where to go! This shit all looks the same…it’s creepy.”.
               Choso sighs but tries to keep up with Gojo’s quickened pace. The bright lighting overhead is blinding and causing him discomfort as he prefers darker places. He doesn’t know what to make of Gojo’s explanation but figures he’s along for the ride at this point anyways. “Do you think they’d even admit to what they’re doing?”. Choso understands the amount of secrecy the surrounds the Elder’s goals and is sure that he’s not even fully aware of their intentions.
               “Yes. I will make sure they do.”, Satoru’s words are eerie but his expression is still delighted. “These fuckers have messed with us for long enough. They’re cowards, Choso and the things they want to do to my love are unacceptable.”.  Gojo is certain that none of the others would have condoned what he’s thinking he’ll have to do which is why he said nothing before leaving. “They need to leave her alone and how can I call myself the strongest if I can’t protect her from these witless skin bags?”. Satoru at least wanted to inform Nanami of his meeting but hasn’t been able to reach the fellow shaman yet. ‘Did they get to him too?’. Gojo is certain that something happened with Shoko but was waiting to see how things played out. ‘As long as she’s fine, I know she can handle it.’, but worries about Nanami’s reaction if he’s already discovered this too.
               ‘What is he going to do?’, Choso feels like something big is about to happen, something that cannot be taken back. The unnerving pressure in his gut hints that whatever it is, it’s not good. “Itadori and the others are still on standby but isn’t it odd that they haven’t been given any missions?”. They pass more rooms before Satoru finally stops. Choso watches the silver shaman’s expression change to lethally cold one before straightening himself with resolve, and knows he should do the same. ‘I guess I have to just trust him…’, the thought not sitting comfortably at all.
               Gojo quietly speaks, “Remember, don’t mind them, they’re not worth the stress. You do not serve them any longer.”, and places a reassuring hand on the hybrids shoulder. He’s impressed when he looks over the being, seeing that his previous nervousness has been cast away and replaced by a collected ensemble. ‘I’m pretty sure I’m right about him.’, and feels poised in the dark nature that lurks beneath Choso’s kindness. Turning back to the door, Gojo kicks it open fiercely before entering. “WHAT’S UP FUCKERS?!”.
               Three people sit along one side of a long white table, seeming prepared aside from the sudden commotion. The first is a representative of the Kamo clan, a new middle-aged face Satoru has never seen draped in dark red robes. The second is a Zenin, the bought errand man known better as “Peaches” for a less known reason. Gojo knew him rather well from his childhood and all of the clan events he was forced to attend. The third, however, catches Satoru by complete surprise and angers him. The woman sitting as a representative for his own clan is none other than his mother.
               Gojo seethes with white knuckled fists, “What the fuck are you doing here?”, as old anguish resurfaces between the two. Satoru hasn’t been home in years and purposefully. He was sure if he stayed any longer, he’d annihilate his own family.
               The Kamo rep scoffs, “Yes… well hello to you too Satoru Gojo. We could ask you the same.” He points to Choso, “Isn’t that Kamo property?”. The hybrid and Gojo fail to give him the time of day, causing tension.
               Gojo never takes his eyes off of his mother while waiting in silence as Choso dutifully ignores them. His eyes darken, “I asked you a fucking question you miserable old whore.”. He feels the urge to gather a technique but calms himself with his better judgement.
               His mother speaks, “That is no way to talk to the woman who raised you!”, she laughs in a haughty way but brings her dramatics to a close, “Why else would I be here? You can’t be left to just do whatever you please…”. She tilts her nose up and displays her notion that she is untouchable.
               Peaches shifts in his chair, “You have something that needs to be returned to the Zenin’s. Master Naoya was promised her hand.”. He’s honestly terrified of Gojo but would never allow this to show. Satoru darts stormy eyes in his direction and he feels a chill race down his spine.
               “Let’s just be frank about it. You want Elska.”. Gojo voice is calm, almost lighthearted. He brings his gaze back to his mother, feeling a little better about the situation knowing he’s going to handle more business than he expected today. “Choso, please start now.”. Gojo doesn’t have to look since he can feel Choso’s energy gathering to form the window. He watches the representatives lean to figure out what the hybrid is up to and laughs out loud. “My friend here”, He scowls at the Kamo man, “is going to observe Elska while we meet.”. He winks to Peaches, “She’s with Naoya right now for your information…Toji too.”.
               Gojo’s mother bursts into hyaena laughter, threatening to rupture the unsuspecting eardrums of the others. “You think you have it all figured out, don’t you? Such a pitiful child.”. Her long white hair waves in the air as she jerks her head to see Peaches’s perplexed expression. “Don’t believe him just because he speaks it…trust me…”, and folds her arms while thinking of how many more beatings her son should have to experience when younger.
               Peaches clears his throat and tries to save face, “Surely this is some kind of joke. Master Naoya loathes your very existence Satoru.”. He’s now chuckling to himself having felt it was a test of some sort, “Are we not on better terms than that of your games?”. He’s now sure it was a lie.
               Gojo regrets that Peaches is here today but is unable to overlook the fact that the old goat is in cahoots with this situation. ‘It can’t be helped!’. He turns to Choso now for the first time since they walked into the room and is reassured that nothing bad is happening. Now facing Peaches again, “You know… Zenin and I got off on the wrong foot.” He grins, “But now we have threesomes!”, loving the shock that plasters everyone’s face. The Kamo man choked on his own saliva to the mention. Gojo looks at his mother, “Don’t be upset just because no one wants to fuck you. It can’t be helped when your cunt leaks venom.”.
               Choso sits motionlessly as he listens to the meeting unfold, completely flabbergasted by Satoru’s way of speaking. ‘What did his mother do to him to make him hate her so much?’, he hesitates to explore the options in his mind as he can only imagine. Aside from that though, Choso has never witnessed such a display of blatant disrespect to the higher ups and is completely unnerved by the silver shamans ever changing composure. ‘What is he planning to do?’, the ominous feelings he’s experiencing from this are only growing at this point.
               Peaches is red with embarrassment, “HE WOULD NEVER DO THAT!”, and allows his anger on the matter to spill over. The representative huffs relentlessly to the accusations and feels disgraced for his ears being exposed to such vile talk. When expecting to see an angry Gojo, he’s further confused by the smile that meets him instead.
               Gojo runs his finger along the table as he casually saunters in front of each of them. “If you three decide to get rowdy…I’ll have to kill you.”. He basks in the glares and especially enjoys his mother’s fear as she knew he was not playing around. Once they become settled he says to her, “You being here makes you my enemy, mommy. How long have you been involved?”. She starts to swat his question away with a scoff but everyone leaps out of their skin when Satoru yells, “HOW FUCKING LONG?!”. He increases his presence tenfold and watches the representatives writhe in distress before him.
               She says nothing.
               The Kamo rep is sweating bullets as he’s only heard the tales of horrors committed at the hand of Gojo. ‘Genghis said nothing about this hostility.”, he thinks to himself as he comprehends that he’s bitten off more than he could chew. He’s afraid to peel his eyes away from the powerful shaman making inquiring demands but also wants to flee the room. ‘This guy is even crazier in person!’.
               Gojo takes a deep breath and exhales dramatically, “Well…this is going nowhere…”, and summons energy into his hand as he aims it at the Kamo representative. The nameless man cries out in fear and studders in his breathing. Gojo notices Choso jump to his feet but the being doesn’t say anything. Only when the defeated female voice utters, “3 years.”, does he quell his attack. He thinks about that answer for a moment before acknowledging her again. ‘That’s strange.’. Looming across from her he now asks, “I’d already had my love for some time before that, why did you join them to conspire against me at that point? Don’t make me blow this poor guy’s skull open…”, he warns of his lack of patience.
               His mother sulks in her seat having her hands tied about the questioning, “I thought she was a passing infatuation at first, like all of the others but you completely neglected your responsibilities of being an heir because of that wretch.” She’s met with unforgiving eyes and wishes she was able to smack the audacity out of him but has learned the hard way about his response to abuse. “She is not yours Satoru and you jeopardize the entire balance of the clans with your actions of keeping her.”.  Out of the corner of her eye she sees Peaches nod in support and feels reaffirmed by it.
               Gojo slips a wild laugh and slaps the table, “She is mine though. I voyaged worlds away to find her. I went to incredible lengths to bring her back…”, he sighs while resting his hands on his hips. “You do know, mom, these Titers that have you in their pocket…they were going to use her to assassinate me.”. The atmosphere of the room deteriorates at the mention of the Titer clan. Its obvious that they were left unaware to Gojo having knowledge of the group’s silent partner.
               His mother jumps from her seat and screams, “AND THEY SHOULD HAVE SUCCEEDED!”. All of the hatred she’s ever felt for her son sears the air around them, her chest feeling lighter for the honesty but heavier for the fear. “You were destined for greatness but even with your gifts, something is wrong with you! How you ever came out of me? I will never know…”. She feels she must stand her ground or else the structure they’ve served their entire lives will crumble. “You’re evil. You always have been.”.
               Choso is still watching Naoya, Toji and Elska but can’t help but be distracted by the darkness exuding Gojo. ‘What is going on here?’, he doesn’t understand how this is official business and even finds himself feeling defensive over Satoru. ‘That woman is appalling.’, he thinks as he considers Gojo’s upbringing and decides there’s more to the man than he ever considered. He looks back to the window after surmising that none of the representatives would attack. Choso becomes rattled when the window shows Toji drinking from Elska in a cramped bathroom, ‘I can’t believe the lighting permits this, it must be dim.’, He temporarily becomes fixated with Toji’s fangs anchored into her as she quietly moans. He’s not seen anyone but her feed before. ‘So, his bite feels good to her as well?’. He brushes his lap as if to tell it, “Knock it off”, but his attention is soon stolen by Peaches’s mention of Elska.
               “If you don’t return Elska Oda then this will be seen as an act of aggression Satoru, please…don’t do thi-…” Peaches can no longer speak as Gojo grips hit throat and is thrown into a fit of fright.
               “I kind of liked you…I was use to you at least…but if you ask me that one more time, I will break your fucking neck.” Gojo feels his face twitch as he squeezes the old man’s beard into his throat, “You guys are fucking with me today and I don’t appreciate it.”. Never letting go, he turns to his mother but also glances at the petrified Kamo rep, “I do not give a single flying fuck about the clans, I couldn’t care less of your archaic ways and I am never going to surrender my Elska.”. As Peaches reaches a critical point of needing air, Gojo clamps his fingers deeper, “I left my love’s side today to be here because of your guys’ little fucking Titer friends. That is what we will discuss.”.
               Gojo’s mother rushes to pull her son’s hand away but right as she’s reaching out, Satoru releases Peaches. She watches the old man heave and choke uncontrollably and shoots hateful eyes. “How dare you lay a hand on him? Do you fear nothing?”, she thinks to threaten with her husband but knows that the apple didn’t fall far from the tree so it’s likely useless.
               Satoru smirks while studying Peaches inability to regain his breath, “I crushed his trachea a bit, he’s going to need medical attention soon.”. He watches the Kamo man stand up in disbelief and warns, “My mother is right about one thing, I do not fear you or your influence.”, and smiles approvingly as the man takes his seat again hesitantly.
               “You psychotic little freak!”, his mother cries out in disgust, “We need to get him to a doctor!”. She feels herself fill with anxiety as she was not expecting him to go this far. “Let us take him!”.
               Satoru hisses quietly, “If you guys weren’t so dead set in dicking me around then this wouldn’t have happened. No one leaves until I get some answers.”. He strolls around the table, loving how terrified the Kamo representative became when he was close. He yanks up the suffocating Peaches and throws him back into his chair, “Have some fucking dignity…I thought better of you.”. When Peaches makes eye contact, he can see the dread wash over the man, knowing their dynamic has changed forever.
               The Kamo man speaks up sheepishly, “Wh…What is it that you want to know?”. He’s all for handing over the required information as he clearly cares about his life more than the others. Satoru’s expression softens as the other two representatives hang their mouths open, not expecting him to fold so easily. Gojo states, “Everything.”, which causes the rep to tense up as he doesn’t know where to begin. He hastily blurts out, “Suguru Getou inherited ancient techniques as well. The Titers are planning on taking the girl for themselves to ensure their supremacy.” He inhales sharply, “The head of their clan met his end by the hands of your company, they want to repay by being rid of you as you are their final target. You’re still too strong because of your infinity, so the girl’s fate was determined the moment you were born.”.
               “You… weak imbecile…”, Gojo’s mother retaliates to the sensitive information by pushing Peaches backwards causing him to fall to the ground and thrash violently. Without so much as a second thought, she gathers energy into her hand and expels it at the Kamo man’s mouth. The representative dons his own matching blood as his brain matter exits the back of his head, decorating the white surroundings behind him. Only a cavernous jagged hole remains where the words escaped him only seconds prior. His body slumps over the table as he leaks his remaining essence into a pool that shortly forms a dripping pattern to the white tiled floor.  
               Choso defensively stands as the black tattoo on his faces begins to wave. “Satoru…”, is all he says while watching Gojo’s mother now strain to lift the blue tinted and gasping Peaches back upright his seat. ‘His mother is just as rash…’. Choso waits for a few moments longer but is eager to gauge Gojo when their eyes finally meet. ‘Why does he look so satisfied?’, he questions himself as he’s met with that smug smile. The Zenin man’s eyes look like they may pop out of his head but Choso can still make out the man’s reaction to his own presence. He hears Gojo say, “Everything is alright Choso, don’t worry. Just watch them.”, but the being is unable to simply sit with ease at this time. ‘How is this alright?’.
               “And you wonder where I get it from?”, Gojo is irritated that the only man that was willing to talk is now dead but he’s also able to take the information to heart because of how his mother reacted. ‘So all of this really is because of me…’, he thinks of Elska with a heavy heart knowing all that she’s been through, even before he got his hands on her was his fault. ‘My love…I will make this right.’.
               Gojo’s mother now sits back down, wondering if she went too far and gave away their hand. Peaches struggles to speak next to her but she can make out that he’s trying to question the fidelity of the Kamo’s last words. She sighs, “Look Peaches, I like you but I’m siding with Genghis.”. Peaches gurgles himself into a purple hue as he still cannot breathe or talk properly. She understands that Peaches was completely ignorant to the Titer’s planned betrayal to the Zenins and calm says, “They’re not wanting to eliminate other clans, they’re just going to help guide us to this proposed peace, don’t worry so much.”.
               Peaches can only think of Master Naoya who he feels is in grave danger after hearing this information. ‘I…he has to know…Master Na…he needs to be made aware!’. He thinks to grab his phone but he wouldn’t be able to relay the information, nor is he fast enough to text it. Peaches chokes in his stress and can tell his body is slowly shutting down after being deprived oxygen and feels completely hopeless about his predicament. When his heavy eyes meet Gojo’s he freezes in apprehension while listening intently.
               Satoru sighs dramatically with growing anticipation, “Now…where were we?”.
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Tagging : @angelofthorr ❤️
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wreckofawriter · 4 years
I Kissed You Dumbass
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader
Word Count: 2,364
Warnings: Swearing, kissing? Fluff
Request: @slytherinwriter618 Draco Malfoy oneshot where the reader and Draco are flirty frienemies. They like to annoy each other and one day they fight and annoy each other till one of them kisses the other, showing their feelings? You can add onto it if you want.
A/n: I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG. I have had so little motovationto write recently, I don't know what's up with me, I am working on the other requests I've gotten, I am so sorry once again
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You fiddled with the quill that occupied your hand, its sharp point still not dipping into the rich ink which stood beside you as your fingers pinched its shafted before raising upwards the soft bristles moving in their wake. You puffed your cheeks with air before realizing a breath, your upper lip fluttering slightly. Your eyes locked on nothing in particular as your mind wandered around you, empty thoughts you never quite grasped. 
Your chair suddenly dislodged from its position, jerking forwards unnaturally and pulling you from your peaceful daze.
You turned, a glare taking your features as slight irritation found you.  You were met with a suggestive smirk, one you would usually willingly return.
“Yes, Draco?” You drawled voice barely above a whisper as you questioned his actions. 
His grin widened and he shrugged, “I just thought I would entertain you, you looked bored.” 
You felt your heart pinch before your own lips tilted upwards, “I don’t know how happy Moody would be about that.” You replied quietly nodding your head in the direction of the professor who continued to drawl about his most recent mind-numbing subjects. 
Draco scoffed, “Like that old bag could do anything to us.”  
“Last time I checked he turned you into a ferret and stuck you down Crabbe’s pants.” You giggled, the moment fond in your memory. 
Draco’s cheeks grew red at the comment his brows furrowing, “That was not funny.” he grumbled. 
“You’re right Draco,” you beamed, “It was hilarious” another short wave of laughter left your lips as his eyes narrowed. 
He then sat back in his chair no longer leaning forward to continue the conversation. His bottom lip jutted out in a soft pout as he avoided your gaze. 
You resisted the urge to coo, he looked simply adorable. Instead, you rolled your eyes a soft smile still playing on your lips, “You looked quite cute as a ferret,” you murmured, “almost as adorable as you do now.” and although you couldn’t see him you could feel him perk up a bit at your comment. 
He leaned forward, “Never as cute as you are darling.” he mumbled into your ear.
You snorted softly ignoring the wings that emerged in your stomach, “You’re such a dork.” 
He sat back into his seat at this point his eyes still lingering on your form as you attempted to cool your heated cheeks. 
Draco waited for you by the door of the classroom as you gathered your things, he leaned against the wall watching as other classmates passed by him. You soon walked out the same way, not stopping or even slowing for the boy as if you hadn’t seen him at all. 
He rolled his eyes, a grin playing on his lips. He pushed through a few students his feet quickening in pace until he fell into step next to you, “Are you always going to do that?”
“Do what?” You forged innocence, biting back a smile. 
“Pretend you don’t see me waiting for you, it wouldn’t hurt for you to show a bit of consideration ya’ know.” He pointed out teasingly.
“You were waiting for me?” You spoke scrunching your nose, “I didn’t notice.”
Draco only rolled his eyes again, amusement still evident in them. 
The two of you entered the grand hall and Draco was immediately swept away from you. Pansy had reached out and snatched him like the scythe of the death being brought down in one fell swoop. 
She sent you a harsh glare, her jealousy everlasting. 
You scoffed attempting to stay calm as the girl began her obnoxious show of affection. You started to lose your cool as she pet his shoulder but before any action could be taken you heard your name echo through the hall. 
You turned and met the eyes of Michael Corner. 
"Hey Corner, what's up?" You asked, thankful for the distraction. 
He smiled sheepishly, "I was just wondering if you could help me and a few others with some potions, we have a test coming up and we're kinda lost." 
You grinned back, attempting to ignore the shrieking laughter behind you, "Sure.”
“Cool! We’re in the library.” 
With that, you turned on your heel exhaling a breath you didn’t realize you were holding when you finally left the stifling air of the hall. 
Corner was just behind you, smirking a bit. 
"What?" You asked, questioning his strange gaze. 
"Nothing." He responded his lips on turning more devilishly. 
"Lair." You mumbled shaking your head. 
You entered the library and were brought over to a table where a few other Ravenclaws were seated, Luna Lovegood and Cho Chang amongst them.
You suddenly felt a bit uncomfortable, their glares seeming to price through you. You had never personally taken stance on the bullying you were sure some of them experienced, but you did in fact hang out with many of the people who initiated it.
You took a seat next to Michael and Luna, feeling Cho’s eyes from across the table. 
"Oh good." A dreamy voice floated next to you, "I'm glad you could come y/n, we are a bit stuck on the wolfsbane potion." 
You turned to meet her soft smile showing nothing but purity and your confidence was restored. 
You slowly began to work through some of the material, but the group caught on quickly and soon you were simply working on your own essays. You became engrossed with your transfiguration notes quickly. You jumped slightly at a sudden pressure on your shoulder, hands snaking around your waist. 
You turned to see a pair of icy eyes glaring at the blue-clad students across the table. Draco had his head rested on your shoulder, his mouth in a slight pout. 
“Why did you leave me?” he mumbled into your ear. 
You fought a terrible blush, flicking him in the forehead and removing his arms from your waist, “Perksonions voice makes my head hurt.” You scoffed ignoring the looks you got from those around you, a soft chuckle coming from Michael.
Dracos smile widened, “Were you jealous y/n/n?” he taunted. 
You scoffed again, “In your dreams Malfoy.” 
“I do dream of you.” He mumbled this time just loud enough for you to hear. 
You flushed heavily before giggling, “Of course you do Draco, we’ve all had nightmares before.” 
He rolled his eyes, “Can you please come back and eat wit us, Pansy is driving me insane and I think Balise was considering murder.” 
“Nope.” The p popped lightly on your lips, “You dug your grave with that girl, lay in it.” 
“But y/n!” He whined pouting. 
You only smirked back, “Bye, bye Draco, we clearly don’t want you here.” you gestured to the glares around you. 
“Fine.” He huffed his bottom lip still jutted out as he turned on his heel and walked away. 
You turned back to the group of Ravenclaws apologizing and beginning to work again. 
“You have quite an effect on him,” Luna spoke her voice foggy as ever.
“What?” you asked tilting your head.
“I’ve never seen him act so kindly.” She shrugged, “He’s softer around you.” 
You scoffed, “That’s nice?” 
“Umm yeah.” Cho spoke both of her eyebrows raise, “He was like a puppy.” 
You felt your cheeks heat a bit, “It’s not important.” You shook your head.
“He so likes you.” She mumbled quietly, you pretend not to hear.
You took a seat in divination, the heavy smell of herbs and tea making you crinkle your nose. You set your bag down with a thump next to the cushioned chair you were seated in. You sunk your head onto your folded arms embracing the darkness like an old friend, exhaustion weighing you down. 
You raised your head feeling a tap on your shoulder. You were met with a gleaming smile.
“Is this seat taken?” Draco asked gesturing to the one next to you.
“Yes.” You responded by letting your head drop. 
Draco frowned before a smirk took his features, “Come on, princesses I know you missed me but I’m here now.”
“Fuck off Malfoy, I’m not into the mood today.” You sneered.
He drew in a hiss, “Somebody moody.” 
“I got like three hours of sleep last night finishing Snape’s fucking essay.” You explained, head still buried in your arms. 
“Why didn’t you start it sooner? We got it like a week ago.” He asked to take a seat next to you. 
“Fuck you, I only remembered it last night.” You grumbled 
“Well, I would have helped you if you asked.” He shrugged.
You raised your head resting your cheek on your hand, “You are never any help, all you ever do is distract me.” 
“Are you saying I’m distracting?” Draco smirked proudly.
“Yes, I am considering that idiocy distracts me greatly” You shot back at him before feeling your mouth open in a large yawn. 
Draco rolled his eyes again, grin faltering. Professor Trelawney entered the room and began her dramatic show of a class as your eyelids gained weight. 
Draco slowly began to move his chair closer and closer to you until he was directly next to you. 
He leaned over you “Lay your head on my lap.” He whispered causing you to snap from your half-asleep daze. 
“Ummm what?” you respond, confusion etched onto your face. 
“Lay your head on my lap and you can sleep, that way the old bat won’t notice either,” Draco spoke matter-of-factly despite a tinge of color on his cheeks. 
You considered turning his offer down but your need for sleep overpowered embarrassment, plus the fact that the room was ridiculously warm and it looked really dark under the table caused you to gave in. 
“Alright.” You sighed leaning over and placing your head onto his thighs, your eyes soon fluttering shut. 
Draco stared down at you as you quickly fell asleep, his heart was pounding wildly and he felt slightly sick. He took in a deep breath and attempted to focus on the lesson, the weight of your head making it impossible. 
Dinner rolled around slowly and when it finally arrived you consider skipping to simply go to bed. You eventually decided against it and forced yourself to the meal. 
You took a seat next to Draco, it had seemed that neither of you had gotten over you sleeping on him and the air felt a bit too thick. 
You managed to keep a light conversation but part of you still remembered how good he had smelled; like mint and expensive cologne. The boy next to your let his mind wandered to the texture of your hair and the light weight of your head. It soon fell silent, chatter continuing loudly around you. Finally, Blaise spoke up.
“Jesus, you could cut the sexual tension between you two with a knife.” He spoke rolling his eyes. 
You immediately flushed choking on the pumpkin juice you had brought to your lips.
“Shut up Blaise,” Draco hissed his voice accompanied with a dark glare.
“Seriously Draco, this is ridiculous,” He scoffed, “Can you guys just fuck already?” 
You let out a loud laugh smirking wildly, “He wishes.” You giggled despite color quickly traveling up your neck. 
Dracos ears flushed pink but he simply sneered, “Yeah right.” 
Dinner continued Blaise still grumbling as you and Draco stole glances at each other. 
You yawned loudly again water climbing to your eyes. Draco glanced at you a bit concerned. 
“You wanna go back to the common room?” He asked.
You nodded finishing your drink, Draco grabbed your bag for you and swung it over his shoulder before extending a hand for you to grab. 
He helped pull you up before the two of you headed from the hall. 
You broke the silence quite quickly, “I think you need to work out more Malfoy.” You stated.
“What?” Draco asked clearly offended. 
“I'm just saying your thighs were way too comfortable.” You shrugged playfully.
“Are you calling me fat?” He gasped in a partially mock offense. 
“No, I'm calling your thighs fat.” You smiled.
“So rude.” He grinned back “I bet you would love to do more than lie on my thighs.” He smirked. 
Your mouth dropped eyes widened, “I can't believe you just said that!” You burst out laughing. 
Draco only shrugged, “Blaise said it himself you would totally fuck me.” 
“Oh, Merlin you are full of yourself.” You scoffed biting back a smile. “Please Draco don’t break your back sucking your own dick.” 
He contorted his face in disgust, “You are so crude.”
“How am I the crude one when you just said that I would totally fuck you?” You questioned.
“Because I was speaking facts,” He spoke his chin held high, “You were simply being gross.”
“You are unbelievable.” You said rolling your eyes. 
“You would though.” He shrugged as if it was common knowledge. 
“I would so not!” You yelled. 
“Would too.”
“Would not.” 
“Would too.”
“Shut up.”
“Make me.” 
“Fine.” You turned quickly on your heel to face him shoving him harshly back so he was pressed against the wall. 
“What the hell-” 
He was cut off by you slamming your lips onto his. 
Draco's eyes widened from the sudden movement before slipping shut as he felt your tongue glide against his bottom lip. He opened his mouth and immediately began to fight you for dominance, which he lost as your hands found his hair and tugged. He moaned slightly before surrendering as his hands found your waist. You drew back with his lip caught lightly between your teeth before pulling away completely. 
Draco's eyes opened slowly, your own eyes darkened with lust, his heart thumped wildly his entire face was bright red, “Holy shit.” He whispered quietly. 
You only smirked stepping away from the boy causing him to stumble a bit. “Maybe I would fuck you.” you shrugged.
He blinked multiple times still unsure if what just happened was real. When he finally decided it was you had already begun to walk away from him.
“Hey wait!” He yelled jogging toward you, “What the hell was that?” He asked when he reached you.
“I kissed you dumbass.” You scoffed, “Now come on I’m exhausted.”
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Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Klaw Craig)
Words count: >1.7k
Category: Angst
Warning: none
A.N: Well as per your request this is the awaited fic for you and maybe you didn’t expect it to be such this angsty. Let me know what do you think. This event starts after this post for everyone who’s not familiar with it.
Klaw had never ran so fast in her life like now.
She had to do something.
Something to stop Simon from telling Dr. Ramsey about the Instagram photo she posted. And the reason?
Simple. After Dr. Ramsey admitted to her the infamous patient Mr. Nigel Platt- nothing went normal as she thought at first. Nigel had several symptoms that none of them concluded to a specific illness but leading to more questions than answers. Again this wasn’t the real problem.
Nigel’s attitude against her while questioning her abilities to handle this case, made her blood boiled despite she held a great poker face to him that everything seemed to go flowing. It was ironic this kind of situation happened again to her- when she confronted the mafia man Miles in her first day, the latter doing the same thing as Nigel. With all of her anger and frustration she blamed Dr. Ramsey for this and decided in a drunken state to create an emoji and to show off to people on Insta what an asshole he was. But when she got sobered like today, she was pleading that everyone would get it as joke and not something that should be taken seriously. Because it was a moment of anger okay? She didn’t know how to revenge to him because he was her attending after all. She couldn’t file a complaint to him. Right? After finishing this case she wanted to have a man to man talk and to understand why he assigned this kind of patient especially to her. Did she do anything wrong?
If yes, what?
Because of Dr. Banerji’s secret?
Her mind was fogged up with lots of questions while she was running in the halls of fifth floor- where his office was. When she turned the corner she bumped into nurse Sarah and apologised.
“Sarah do you know where’s Dr. Tennant?”
“Oh. I saw him with Dr. Ramsey while exiting the Diagnostics Office.”
“Something wrong Dr. Craig?”
But Sarah didn’t have an answer as she saw the young intern run again. Klaw knew where the diagnostics was and her breath hitched when she saw the two doctors conversing with each other in such seriousness that made her shivering from fear. Then she saw Simon slipping from his white coat his phone and telling something to Ethan. But before that she lunged forward while shouting.
Both attendees flinched when they heard her frantic voice and saw her raised hands while shaking. They frowned in confusion at her as the baritone voice asked.
“Dr. Craig what is this? Another stunt of yours?”
“No no please just hear me out because I know that I owe you an apology Dr. Ramsey.”
He raised a cold eyebrow. As always he would never change that reflex she thought. “Pray, tell.”
“Well... I think that you’re quite aware now what I’ve done so far and... I’m truly sorry for that. I mean... who in the world does the mockery of someone in social media that everyone starts to make fun of it? Me with a whiskey around yesterday decided to throw that thing but I fully regret it. So... I’m saying it again Dr. Ramsey that I’m sorry I posted that photo on Instagram and I promise to delete that immediately.”
“What’s that photo?” He asked in confusion while shaking his head. “Because I didn’t get this Rookie. Would you like to explain to me what the hell is even the Insane thing?”
“But weren’t you seeing it with Dr. Tennant right now? He was showing it to-”
“Uhm-” Simon cleared his throat. “Klaw, I was showing Ethan the tomography of our patient after we diagnosed him.” He turned his phone to her and immediately she wanted nothing more than to burn herself or hide somewhere because now she felt so screwed. “I wasn’t going to tell him y’know.” Then he snorted when he finally realised what her intention was.
“Excuse me, can someone right now tell me what in the hell is going on?” Ethan glared at them when he felt his anger building up seeing the interaction between these two and the fact that they were sharing a secret made him raged.
The young doctor gulped hardly when she lit up her phone, opened the app and showed it to her attending. But what made Ethan even more angry despite he was remaining calm all the time was the description she had written:
Ladies and gentlemen I present to you the icy blue-eyed Dr. Ethan Ramsey in his usual mood- killing the interns.
Even though it may sounded funny to someone’s else ears, he wasn’t killing anyone. Especially when he wanted to push her to be the best doctor and to learn by hard. But clearly to him, maybe it was a mistake for picking her so that was his final straw.
“My office.”
He gave her phone back while trailing off and Simon gave her an encouragement smile as if meaning that it was the usual one of the many Dr. Ramsey’s moods but for Klaw this was unusual.
Ethan didn’t even let the door open for her as he did always and slammed it forcefully in her face. And that was her final straw.
“What the fuck?!”
“Language Craig!”
“Do you even know moral codes or what?”
“I’m not going to learn from you because you clearly have absolutely no knowledge about them.”
“Are you really worried for such a stupid little thing? I told you I was drunk!”
“Do you really think that I care that much for an animated figure which clearly doesn’t represent me but just another stupid jokes of yours?”
“Well my jokes are better than your dryly and sophisticated ones.” He scoffed unbelievably, not seeing that his words were actually hurting her. “I want to be taken off the PITA’s case because in my opinion there’s nothing left for me to do with a man who doesn’t respect me as a doctor and doesn’t acknowledge my work showing his belligerency and rudeness.”
So that’s why she was angry at him. But that didn’t even make him change his mind. He wasn’t surprised to see her in this state of rage and for a mere of seconds he thought how cute she looked when she was serious and flushed. Ethan gave her an unamused smile, not interested in what she just said. “No.”
“I beg your pardon?” Her right pupil dilated slightly while she was frowning.
“You’ve had difficult patients before. Keep trying.”
His calmness was making her even more furious and before she could stop herself she came forward and slapped her hands in his desk, while facing him with a shaking breath. This of course caught him off guard and stood up from his chair doing the same as her.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
“Why are you punishing me?”
I’m not punishing you. I would never do that.
“Or is my saying right- that you enjoy to kill interns and make us suffer huh? Do you enjoy that?”
“You need to keep your personal feelings separate from your professional feelings Dr. Craig.” She tried to reply but was cut off. “I’d think very carefully before you say something to embarrass yourself.”
“Then why have you selected me this patient? For what reason?!”
“To challenge you, to push you to be the best doctor you can be! Don’t you get it already?”
Despite the closed door their voices could be heard loud and clear from outside. Their faces were in a close proximity without breaking their gazes to each other. Icy blue could see in dark fiery browns the embarrassment and the astonishment when she received his words. She understood now. It was never about Naveen’s secret that they were sharing. It was about her development that even after all of this he still thought of her.
For her best.
As a real attending should.
He sat on his chair with his crossed arms whereas she backed off a bit from his desk only to hear disappointment from him.
“When I make my evaluations every year... every intern that I’ve chosen were the best amongst the best and for that-” he flickered his eyes to her again with the coldest expression on his face that she had ever seen and shivered. “- I believed I saw a potential in you. It’s very rare that I’m wrong Rookie. But I’m willing to admit when I am... and I think I might have been wrong about you.”
The final words left her not only speechless but also breathtaking. She couldn’t feel her lungs  as if everything stopped in that moment. Her heartbeats were giving her aches in her chest as she stared right back into his eyes- regret and pain. Ethan Ramsey regretted his intern right in front of her just like a slap in her face. That was the final cue from him that she wasn’t the best intern he had thought because this intern (she) had let him down.
Klaw shifted her left shoulder and broke eye contact with him while Ethan quirked sadly his mouth knowing her fully well anytime she got that nervousness. He got used to her and he hoped that these words would encourage to be better or otherwise- worse than now.
Deeply ashamed she couldn’t say another word and left his office without glancing back. She was determined to solve that case whatever that brat had and to prove once again that Dr. Craig or Rookie was the best intern he had chosen for the program.
Ethan sighed heavily when he opened his drawer to reveal her file that was the first of many others and stared down at her CV photograph that showed- bravery.
“You can do this Klaw.” He whispered to himself and for the first time he said her name which in Ethan’s horror wasn’t something good. He closed the file with a thud and put it back on his drawer while getting up from his chair to take a look in the window. He could feel his heartbeats quickening when he saw Klaw leaving with his patient Kyra who was trying to console her. At least she had friends to look after her.
Stop it Ethan. Stop thinking about her.
Reluctantly he pulled away from the window to busy himself with other important tasks so he would forget about piercing brown eyes.
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