#idk just something about the fact that EVERYBODY CAN SEE IT. and it goes both ways…
houseswife · 2 months
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practically emanating
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scoups4lyfe · 2 years
VegasPete and Stockholm Syndrome
Okay so….just obsessively scrolling through the KP and VP tags every Saturday I end up seeing everybody and their brothers takes. (And if not on Saturday then I will the entire rest of the week because I check that tag like checking the morning newspaper 🤪)
And seeing “Stockholm Syndrome” for the tv series (esp cause I read the VP side story lmaooo rip) really amused me for multiple reasons,,,
Lemme just start right from the bat and say that it is perfectly valid to be confused on Pete’s actions, especially as he’s been held hostage.
“Why didn’t he leave?? He should of left???”
Obv the thought process here is: Pete hates Vegas —> seen what Vegas goes through and empathized —> worries about his captor —> doesn’t leave when presented the option —> therefore he has Stockholm syndrome.
Mhm mhmmm I can understand how you could come to that conclusion. However, I firmly disagree. I saw a post that said they wanted to label Vegas and Pete’s relationship Stockholm sooooo badly but knew that wasn’t entirely it and that there was something more complex but they couldn’t understand what.
Haha let me explain to you just what that “what” is.
Having read the book, I have a bit more of a foundation when it comes to comparison, making it easier to see and understand the intent behind the way the Director and writers have adapted the novel into the series. I’m in the middle of writing an essay about these changes and why the tv show is hands down (no competition) a million times better (written) than the book.
In the book, yeah I would say Pete and Vegas have a Stockholm relationship. Hmmm maybe not even then? Because if we’re defining Stockholm as a coping mechanism of empathizing with the captor during times of stress and harm in order to help make it through a traumatic situation; then I say: So~so. See, Pete’s mindset in the book is completely different than it is in the series.
In the book there was no understanding for why Vegas is a fked up lil maniac. “Parental abuse? Tough, but people out there have had it tougher 😶✌️.”
That was Pete’s mindset.
It was really “well that sucks for you but I don’t care — cuz you’re a henious villain” thought process.
In fact Pete only started being nice to Vegas/doing what he said so that Vegas would get bored and either kill him or let him go. That’s it. That’s like 92% of their novel relationship. Pete being fake asf so Vegas would find him boring.
Even prior to being captor and captive Book!Pete could not and did not see behind Vegas’ mask. In his own thoughts during his time captive, he thinks about how he had always perceived Vegas as y’know “just some guy” even with Kinn/Tankhun’s warnings — these warnings being the only reason he knew to be wary of Vegas in the first place.
Chef’s kiss 💋 👌👌 to the show for the way they made specific and subtle changes from the source material that would greatly change the entire dynamic of all the characters and their relationships with each other. (But that’s an essay for a whole other day 👀)
Now, how did the show change Vegas and Pete’s relationship into something entirely new, even more fked up than it was in the narrative, and yet somehow a million times better?
(1) Pete’s observation skills and ability to see through Vegas mask from the very beginning. AND his “there’s no heroes or villains” mindset
(2) Pete *choosing* to sneak in with the knowledge and preparation of his torture and death should things go wrong.
(3) The shared experience of both having abusive fathers.
(Pete being the more mature and introspective and aware one between the two, aKa giving Vegas some solid therapy and enlightenment.)
(4) The clippers that have been left in the room with Pete. These writers have been intentional to the *T* — if all these damn essays and meta aren’t proof enough to yall of that then 🤷 idk what else I could give to prove that to you.
(Listennnnnnn,,, you don’t have all these intentional choices for every little thing and then accidentally leave bolt cutters on set of an important scene. Would make no damn sense.)
(5) The hedgehog 🦔
(Vegas didn’t have a pet in the novel…not one I remember at least.)
(6) The Key 🔑
(7) Vegas not initiating the Kiss
Okay. All of the above 1–7 are just a few of the changes made that have major importance for both Pete and Vegas’ relationship.
With Pete being able to see under Vegas’ mask we know that Vegas’ fake masks don’t fool him. There’s something about Vegas that Pete can see through. So when Pete chooses to sneak into the minor family compound — vocally stating before he does it that he knows the consequences— this informs the audience that he’s prepared for them. For capture, torture, death. Which is why when Vegas comes in to torture him and Pete knows he’s foiled his plans and will most likely die? Dude has nothing to lose, so he’ll be damned if he’ll let Vegas see his fear.
Not only does this give Pete a lot more agency. (In the book it was just, wrong place, wrong time); but — as fked up as it is — it also lets the audience feel less bad when he does inevitably get caught / tortured.
It’s not that he asked for it, but at least he knew what was going to happen. An unsuspecting victim is a lot more pitiable than a suspecting victim. Especially if it’s a consequence of a choice he voluntarily made — compared to being forced to investigate via ‘boss’s order.’ So already the writers are setting us up to not hate Vegas as much as we would if Pete truly stumbled into the situation on accident.
Now one of the most important differences — that shared trauma of having an abusive father, and using it to relate to Vegas. Unlike Book!Pete, our Pete recognizes Vegas’ situation. He’s been in the same place — while having the actual affection of his grandmother to fall back on (which Vegas obv didn’t have); therefore he also understands why Vegas tortures him the way that he does — he understands that Vegas is only feeling pathetic and lousy and is taking that out on him.
But in that tender and melancholic moment when Vegas decides to be vulnerable after patching up Pete’s wounds, Pete talks to Vegas with an understanding only someone in his position (or a therapist lol) would have. Even then, objectively knowing something is different than having experienced it yourself. And it’s the fact that Pete’s *also* experienced that sh*t that lends credibility to what he’s saying �� at least in Vegas’ eyes.
This is why Pete knows there’s no good or evil, hero or villain, black or white binary in this world.
Because when you get down to it: we truly are shaped by our environments and the things we experience as we grow (obv not ignoring genetics but that’s not the point). And it’s this reflective and mature/observational outlook that helps him empathize with Vegas.
More than empathize — it’s *this* outlook that helps Pete not hold lasting grudges or hate for past hurts.
It’s always easier to forgive someone when you know where they’re coming from.
And Pete never really took it personally (for the most part) considering Vegas is on an opposing side. When an enemy gets captured on the enemy’s base of course they’d get either killed or tortured, esp for information.
That’s not something special to Vegas.
Vegas refusing to kill Pete tho? Lol. That’s enough for a dislike to sour. But I don’t think it sours all that much once we put in the consideration of Pete’s observations recognizing what Vegas is — a victim of an abusive home/situation.
(Not that it excuses him, but nobody’s trying to do that here LOL.)
Now getting down to the nitty gritty.
The hedgehog, the key, and why Pete isn’t a victim of Stockholm syndrome.
First, I think the hedgehog 🦔 is very important because it gives the audience (and Pete) another reason to empathize with Vegas — humans might not mean sh*t to him, but he loves and takes care of his pets.
He loves something. He cares about something. This humanizes him.
And a small and fragile pet can often humanize a character more than a human. A real sicko kills animals. But Vegas’ care for his hedgehog 🦔 shows that he isn’t that. He’s human too—albeit a really fked up one, but human nonetheless. He’s capable of love too, but perhaps humans have hurt him so much that he knows only an animal would be something he can trust.
This kind of trust and love he can only find in animals is also a very isolating existence. It highlights just how trapped Vegas is — the Hedgehog is literally a mirror of himself and his situation.
Yes he cares for Macau — but it’s “easier” to care for a human than an animal. Easier to empathize with a human. So while yeah, his care for his brother, while subtle in the show, is important, it isn’t as important to the audience as his love for his hedgehog. Especially when it comes to convincing an audience to forgive a character’s past villainy and long list of crimes.
But here’s what’s really important — the key.
Vegas leaving the key there (intentional or not; but imo, I think it’s obv intentional. Dude is way too meticulous for that to be accidental), gives Pete the agency to either escape or stay.
This, again, helps the audience be more okay with the idea of the two of them ending up in a relationship. It’s one thing if Pete has no choice and goes along with things to survive or cope with trauma — but it’s entirely something else if he’s allowed to leave, but doesn’t.
But Pete’s reason for staying has to be rational in some sense so the suspension of disbelief doesn’t attack the audience going 900 mph on the logic freeway.
So him escaping but seeing Vegas sitting pathetically on the grass, alone in the dark, and holding his dead pet?
The person there isn’t the dude that tortured him. Naw, that part of Vegas — is the child trapped in a cage and left isolated in the dark while anything that had ever brought him light or comfort in his life leaves him. He may be sitting on grass, but for Vegas it could’ve been the equivalent of sitting on broken glass.
It’s such a stark difference too from the versions of Vegas Pete’s used to seeing. Yeah he had that conversation about dads last episode, but even then Vegas wasn’t totally broken and left in despair.
But this Vegas?
This Vegas was someone so broken he couldn’t even cry until Pete touched him to provide comfort.
This Vegas isn’t just a sharp edge that can cut you if you get too close, now’s he’s much too broken for that — and his sharp edge has twisted inward from attacking others to attacking himself.
At this point, Pete’s beyond empathizing with his captor — esp because he isn’t a captive here. He’s not chained anymore. Vegas has no interest holding him captive. Pete at any point after he got out of those chains could have left and Vegas would do nothing to stop him.
Vegas is broken. He’s depressed. And he’s numb because it hurts too much to do anything but sit in his own despair. Pete touching him in comfort might’ve opened the floodgates of that hurt, but that doesn’t mean it changed how Vegas felt. Dude is still in despair when he heads inside.
Anyways this is getting too long so I’ll make a part two — getting more particular in the psychology of why Pete stayed, and why he kissed Vegas.
Closing words to end on:
Pete doesn’t leave because he knows what it’s like, and he’s sees the humanity and pain in Vegas and he cares. He cares because no broken and abused kid should be left isolated in the dark, not even knowing how to cry. He cares because he wants to do for Vegas what his grandmother did for him. What he wished more people would have done when he was in that pain and darkness.
He cares because he looks at Vegas and he sees himself.
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dootznbootz · 5 months
Alright you know which character I am going to ask about HAHAHA. So - the man of many ways - and 1, 7, 21 and 25!
1.) Why do you like or dislike this character?
There are so many reasons I love this scrappy lil idiot. I've already talked about it but he's painfully human. He's a man who hates as deeply as he loves. And while yes, he's an asshole for so many reasons, (So SO many reasons) he also IS pretty nice in some parts even to strangers. He tries to give Amphinomus the chance to leave. And even then, before he left, everybody talked about how wonderful he was. (remember this guy was a "Mad King" right before he left) We KNOW he's a trickster and usually won't hesitate to swindle you but he still is very adamant about Xenia and I don't think all of his "kindness" is JUST for show and for "swindle".
He is a family man!!! He'd trade the world to see his son and wife!!!! 😭 And as someone has mentioned on here before he basically has no higher morals than wife and son and that's just...skldjfklds
I could go on and on about how much I love this silly man and his story. This is definitely a hyperfixation that won't leave! I'm actually kind of weird with him because I don't see him as "evil. evil man. (affectionate)" like I think other folks do. He sucks but idk, I think if I met him irl, I'd probably give him some logs from outside for him to make something with. I know damn well he'd probably steal my wallet and giggle about it later but idk. He's just...a Man.🥺 That's another thing. I think people forget that he is NOT a demigod compared to the other well-known heroes. Hermes is his great-grandpa and he's Athena's pet. that is NOTHING compared to being the CHILD of a god. And I'm a doofus who weirdly relates to him. I too go feral when people are mean to people I care about and/or are simply being an asshole. And I am also in love with Penelope!!! 🥰
7.) What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
The fact that everyone calls him a "wet cat". It's so silly and specific but PERFECT and I love that. Also, one thing I find neat is that out of ALL the heroes? so many artists doodle him differently. It's like the very IDEA of him is "always changing" and not consistent. The only thing I've seen that's consistent is his hair usually being darker (but changes from red/brown/black depending on the artist), that he's strong, and that he has a "shit-eating grin". But usually the face is never consistent (square or narrow faced? Tall or short? Long or short hair? Is he more like a "weasel" or like a "ram" (as he's described in the Iliad.)
Honestly, there isn't much that I don't like when it comes to fandom! :D as long as it keeps his Love of wife and son (VERY IMPORTANT), his "scrappiness", and as long as he's still "morally gray" but not "evil". then I'm happy :D
21.) If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
I'm a romantic bitch and as I said, I am basically in love with Penelope so this shit writes ITSELF. I am living and loving through both of these con artists.
This ties into simping but also how much he dotes on his loved ones. He loves his baby boy!!! He carries him whenever he can and practically everywhere he goes. "Yes, my baby is in the council meeting. He is actually more coherent than you, Leodes. Dear wife, can you rip this fool's self-esteem into shreds? I need to put Telemachus down for his nap." (history only partially exists when it's a timeless story >:D "Dads weren't that involved back then-" SHUSH YOUR MOUTH! /j ) I LOVE FLUFF!!! 😭 I also love banter and teasing. It's especially fun with Odysseus and Penelope as it usually ends up with them snuggling and giggling 🥹
I really hate writing "old-timey talk". ಥ‿ಥ As you can see, I am very fucking casual when I text/talk so this has been a STRUGGLE. Also just with how much research it is. I love it but yeah...anytime I start to write I realize I need to know what wildflowers are native to Greece and what time of year they bloom because Odysseus wants to get flowers for his wife >:( (While also trying to make sure his son doesn't eat them because he's teething and trying to shove everything into his mouth as babies do)
25.) What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Oh, no... 😅 I won't lie. Basically, all my knowledge about Greek Mythology was from PJO for many years (I still have a soft spot for it but I know that it definitely takes creative liberties and is very incorrect with some myths. I knew back then it wasn't "the truth" but I didn't know HOW much.) And while I didn't "hate" Odysseus back then, I was very Meh about him. It's been a long time and I just remember the whole thing with PJO Calypso (funny enough, I hated her before I knew "the truth". She's quite mean to Leo and as he was basically my first "Blorbo" I hated her as a little enraged 13 year old. Little did I know...) Sometimes I want to reread the series again but I also know that while I love the demigod kids and the writing style, I don't know how I'll be now that I know the real myths. I really hate the whole "what a womanizing asshole" as he's ONLY an Asshole! He's an asshole for so many reasons but it makes me sad that people hate him for the one thing that he didn't do and that was deeply misinterpreted by many folks. It also pisses me off but I will hold my tongue and be nice
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forestshadow-wolf · 1 year
I.S.B.T.P.K.F.T.S moments (chapter 1)
all the parts of the Ao3 fic "I should be the poster kid for that shit" written by @tavtarnish that I absolutely love
Chapter 1 chapter 2
Soap having a single mother and several sisters.
~ the image of this is /so/ clear to me. like there is no other alternative, he simply just give off 'raised by women' vibes, which leads into the next item
Soap learning to do things for his siblings in order to relieve his mother of some of her responsibilities.
~ there's not really much to say about this other than the fact that he ABSOLUTELY would
the public version of him being a complete foil to the home version of himself.
~ of course he would be different. everybody needs a relief from all the stress of responsibilities. especially with him being at such a young age (the average person's brain doesn't fully develop until the age of 25 years old)
the /explicit/ statement that he loves his sisters
~ this may be a weird tidbit for me to like so much but I do
that chest feeling that he feels when he can't lighten the mood or if he was responsible for bringing the mood down
~ i've been here before. many many times. it hurts but you can't quite figure out why so you just ignore it. because how could you fix it or even explain it if you don't even know what it is other than it makes you feel bad
the way he can't stop thinking about /that/ conversation. the one that brought on the bad feeling
~ if he can't determine what that feeling is then maybe he can at least pinpoint when that feeling came on
the way he believes that he deserves the hurt that he's experiencing
~ because that's what RSD does. it makes you seek approval and then punishes you when/if you don't find or receive it. it often goes hand in hand with self-esteem issues
believing he should have known to back off even if he wasn't told to directly
~ he's thinking back on the interaction and now has time to analyze it. this is where we see the self-esteem issues arise. arguably both this and the one above are, but I chose this part in particular because of the "should have". he should have done this, should have seen that, should, should, should.
ghost lashing out at him
~ gah! THIS was the trigger. it's so just /there/ and idk if it's so obvious to me b/c i've been in situations like this or if it's obvious to everybody. but it really is like a slap in the face for me, it made /me/ feel a phantom tightness in my chest.
the way he immediately shuts the hell up, and then blurts out an accusation
~ its what I would have done. it's a defensive response of self-preservation. action-reaction. attack-defense-counter attack. this is probably where I realized that i'd 100% be projecting onto this man
Soap pushing Ghost to yell at him. to tell him what he did wrong even if he knows he shouldn't
~ because that's better than being stuck in his head. hell /anything/ is better than being aimlessly stuck in his head, not knowing what exactly what it was that he'd done wrong. if ghost tells him then at least he knows what to beat himself up about. at least he can then work on fixing his flaw(s)
him regretting pushing ghost so far when he doesn't start yelling, but instead starts spitting facts
~ it's horrible when the anger isn't harsh and harmful and sharp, but is instead soft and too calm and almost caring. because when it cuts it's distracting, it gives something to focus on. but when it's soft and caressing you notice everything, it's too much and not enough all at once.
the moment of realization and how he defends himself
~ it's the /oh/ moment but instead of 'im in love' its 'i can't fix this/my poor action has affected someone else'. and he defends himself in the moment but I know in my soul that he definitely did not believe his own words
the jab sent his way and the moment before that
~ the situation that he tried to control in a desperate of self-preservation so he didn't destroy himself later. the way he can feel that control slipping away when ghost doesn't correct his speech. and how he completely loses his grip with that final jab at him
the way he tries to hide the way his stomach drops and tries to deny his need for medical attention
~ of course he would try to hide it. he formed his entire personality to be the one guy that is never bothered by anything, to be the happy guy, the guy that makes everybody happy. if he can't do that then how could he even deserve to be checked out at medical.
ghost's attempt at a joke as he's leaving which only serves to hurt soap more
~ he new that it was a joke. or course he did, he knew the ghost well enough to know that it was supposed to be a joke. and yet it only served to hurt him more on that day.
being wide awake that night, and being too comfortable
~ the way he's wide awake even through he knows he has to get up in a few hours, because he can't stop thinking. the way he moves to the floor bc the bed it too comfortable. it's too nice, he doesn't deserve it. he fucked up and so should be punished. the feeling is so so real to me, and i've been in this exact situation many times before.
his tired mother blowing up at him after a long day. and how it feels the same with his current situation with ghost
~ my mom also had and does blow up at me after a long day of work (especially bc the people at her job are shitty... y'all didn't need to know that) Soap obviously doesn't blame his mother. it's not her fault she had a bad day and that he was being annoying. it's not her fault that she needed an outlet and he just so happened to be annoying enough to be that source. and of course ghost yelled at him. he was being annoying AND he almost ruined the mission. ghost had every reason to be angry at him. that didn't mean it hurt any less tho.
the way he wished that he was being punished for doing something so incredibly terrible that they'd really hurt him
~ it feels wrong to be feeling the way he does for what had happened. it was an over reaction. maybe if he had done something truly terrible it would make sense why it felt like everybody despised him. but he hadn't which means the everybody hates him for him, not for something he did... and how could he fix that. changing his cations was easy, it just took a little extra thought... but to change /himself/? he doesn't even know how he'd go about doing that. where would he start? how would he know when it was enough? what if it was never enough?
needing to feel some sort of stimulation (specifically pain) which he dies himself which sends him into a dissociative state
~ i know the feeling. i constantly find my hair everywhere from doing just this. it's grounding, being able to feel something gives you something to focus on in the moment.
the way he tries to find a reason for not being kicked out of the 141, and how his thoughts migrate from one topic to another
~ this circles back to the self-esteem issues; he feels that the only thing keeping him in the task force is what he can do for the others, rather than himself. his thoughts kinda going from this to ghost to his feelings for the man. you can see the path or his thoughts, the problem is keeping a hold of those thoughts.
him wanting to wreak himself so he could rebuild in his own image, and how he desperately tries to find any sort of connection so he wasn't alone in his feelings
~ he feels that his current self is inadequate. too flawed. too much for others. not worthy of anything. and he want's to feel justified in his feelings, to not be alone in that feeling. he knows ghost hides simon, but he also knows that ghost doesn't seek to 'fix' himself the way he does.
Soap self-soothing himself
~ to me this shows that (like me) he feels like he is acting/feeling this way fro attention. even though there is nobody around to witness his breakdown, and the fact that he actively tried to hide his crumbling state
the way he accept his shortcomings, but in the way that it still hurts him
~ like I mentioned before he cannot change himself. not at his core. but he CAN change his actions. and if everything about himself meant that he was a terrible person, and that when he died it would be clear as day for everyone to see. well then maybe if he built a facade of good actions , just maybe that would lessen the blow of the terribleness that is himself. and GOD is he determined not to fuck it up. because he can't fuck it up because if he does then he is well and truly fucked. and not only that, if he messes up then it affects the people around him as well, and that would make his badness multiply tenfold.
this was supposed to be both chapter 1 and 2 but apparently I like to talk lol. I'll link the next chapter at the top when i finish it.
Tav, let me know if you want me to tag you in the next part
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mushroom-for-art · 8 months
Thinky thoughters cause I'm not immune to propaganda
Dammit fuck I want to make Mirage ocs cause I've been seeing a lot of computer boys and girls and I am just 👀👀 and I know it's just copying I know it's just seeing something doing well and going me wan do that too and I know it'll crash and flop but God dammit I'm getting attached to two little idiots in my head. As of yet not canon I just need to scream about them, they might only be canon due to like obviously that Mirage pokemon episode but that's it.
A. L. F. I. E - Articifically. Learning. Functional. Intelligence. Equipment. Probably the mewtwo identifying and looking program (tho likely mewtwo but wrong due to subpar images downloaded and used for referencing appearance because dang that be blurry as fuck(idk probably won't commit to this as I am had at that kinda thing)). Obviously ai but with extra letters and steps, due to the use of equipment I'm inclined to believe A.L.F.I.E's entire program consciousness is stored in some type of device thing that can be removed from systems and moved about as necessary. Likely goes by She/it's, Alfie is a boys name but A.L.F.I.E is an acronym stop being gendered about names. <her words not mine XD. Probably in charge of scheduled appointments information management and traffic, eg emails and stuff, overglorified underutilised program assistant basically. But she's probably very clever knew everybody's schedules preferences and such to a T amongst other things
A. L. I. C. E - Articifically. Learning. Intelligence. Computer. Equipment. The mew looking program of the two, (now I know they're very similar shush I've stolen the acronyms from an old oc who would just flip flop between them depending on gender) A.L.I.C.E is actually just a straight up huge computer, hence the C. Going by They/It's, they are just a huge ass computer system of wires and monitors and a screen that is their physical body and their screen manifestation sprite is that of a mew as they feel they are so powerful and capable of so very much that it only makes sense they would be a mew. Probably a little egotistical because they're the most complicated fast intelligent program to date. Very oh I know I know I'm excellent brilliant a marvel.
The A.L.F.I.E device is currently connected to A.L.I.C.E's physical form meaning they are both physically connected in their metallic physical forms but they also are both existing inside of A.L.I.C.E's systems so they both appear on A.L.I.C.E's display screen. Yes there is a lot of intimacy involved with the fact they are connected and with A.L.F.I.E currently being side of A.L.I.C.E. Yes they make jokes about it, A.L.F.I.E is flustered cause plz don't be vulgar.
Current status? I'm not sure, originally it was just gonna be a little mew computer program with jobs like A.L.F.I.E and also being a personal alarm ect just another glorified personal help ai tasked with obeying and helping a human master but now it's become both of them because they need friend dammit. I don't know if they're in use in a facility somewhere or if they're abandoned. I'm thinking the facility is currently in use but after the Mirage episode events where probably a duplicated A.L.F.I.E coding becomes corrupted and goes berserk upon getting a semi solid holograph form the facility is abandoned and they're both left to rot because the humans just figured turning off the machine was enough. Leaving them really at the mercy of whoever found them.
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zumpietoo · 11 months
And NOW...Goin’ Loonggg
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IDK that it goes THAT far, buuuuutt......if the anon legit meant “Douchie is a souless fuccboi, incapable of actual love”, I’d agree. It also, in fact, applies to every OTHER character on the show, excepting, OFC Jabi and Pop.....oh and FP.
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Annnnddd.....here we go again! WTF is her obsession with Barfies not being satisfied with their stupid? Cuz dude, yeah, they are.....they’re also all like 11, with IQs as underwater as yours, so, as long as there’s something? Yeah, they’re good.
Ya know who IS pissed, Snorty? Yep, yourself and the remaining 2(??? Is it that high?) members of the GG.....imagine for a second what it’s like to be YOU.....you’re still waiting for jizzy to reunite/collect your endgame....which....are you blue yet?
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Errmmm.....no, RAS planned BAV from the beginning.....jizzy happened cuz Barfie have no chemistry/BH did, cuz SH. Again, the “baffling decision” is why neither side will accept the REAL reason(s) for all of this....and, TBF? Jizzy and VD really WEREN’T together for 4 seasons.....both were fairly on again/off again....which, again, can be traced to SH were on again/off again, themselves....and it becomes apparent, while off? Couldn’t be in the same room together.
The baiting shit? Now applies just as much (tho you get less) to you....
Nah, it was moar like 2ish----with, turns out, Slizzy using Jug as a placeholder/carrying on an emotional affair with Douchie, thoughout, if you REALLY look at this shit....Season 5 was literally Slizzy being THE biggest cuntwipe, ever to Jughead.....and reveling in it. Also, she was just as gross and selfish a dick as Douchie (and a prostitute)....did love the revelation both apparently suck in bed, tho....
Again.....are you looking in the mirror? Cuz there hasn’t been a good/positive jizzy scene since maybe mid-season 4? And, honestly? All that becomes moar and moar tainted every time you re-examine it.
Plus, OFC, again......why so desperate for Barfies to be disappointed with the narrative.....you’re not getting jizzy ever again, or even if you do? 2 seconds in the final scene of the finale, voice over style....
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Wait...I thought Rivervale was an AU so doesn’t count? Unless it’s jizzy/anti-barfie, at which point it totes counts?
Ummm....jizzy didn’t fuck, dude....again, AU.....desperate measures, etc. And she was STILL Jug’s second choice for it!
Learn a new phrase other than “banging it out”, BTW.....
Also, funny thing about grief as an excuse to make out with somebody else for Slizzy, hmmmmm????
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Ummm.....I actually think they’d moved onto St. Frank’s bed awhile before????
Oohhh!!! Here we have it!! Never, EVER forget, peeps!!!
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Ummm....Slizzy was also a “selfish ass”, to everybody. TBH, in season 6, their mutual gross fascism DID have them largely conjoined. And I even agree, the whole “we were besties as kids” iz a dumb basis, buuuuuttt.....it is, TBF, comics canon, as well.
Also love how she never notices that Slizzy was always horrible to Jughead....just, again, he was good to her, so they’re destined....oh AND how Snorty’s insistence is “childhood = no, but HS = destined 4 life!” See, Snorty, you legit make the same, stupid argument....and it, too, falls to bits...
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Errmmm.....Slizzy didn’t say “no”, she said, “sure, but let’s first defeat the comet, hmmm???”.....and then decided carpe diem in the last 2 seconds. Also, Heathcliff and Cathy define toxic “love”, so I’d think you’d legit agree....
Aren’t you among the jizzy shippers insisting Jug would give Slizzy back her memories and she’d remember only them together, not the cheating, cuntwipe, etc stuff?
Umm.....you used to believe Barfie Evan AND insisted RAS was a jizzy shipper/planned that all along. Plus, ofc, Daniel Defoe....so you, again, do NOT get to mock them. (I do, ofc, tho!).
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Yes, again, it’s like they’re fuccboi/fuccgurl.....and also fatuous douchebags.....
I have zero doubts, given what you think is a functional relationship, you know exactly about all of that, Snorty.....
Meanwhile....seriously? Again, I’m in the middle....and think it all points to BAV(R?) engame....
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Like I said, she’s a predatory slut. So is he. They’re both vile....thanks for playing. Also, don’t you guys mock Jabi cuz Tabs is an angel/they’re always weirdly fine with waiting to spend all eternity together?
I do agree that Barfies (like Mr. 58 Seconds) hugely exaggeration the “obstacles”, tho)
Umm.....isn’t that precisely the “endgame” you have planned for jizzy???? Other than Cole can act, so no wooden plank (I do agree, tho for KokeJ.....ditto Slizzy).
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Ummm....plenty of time...annddd, again, sorry, not sorry.....this is NOT a new Slizzy. Only change is she’s less violent than she’d been.....maybe cuz she isn’t psychotic? Or it merely channels itself into being a sexual predator instead of assault and battery?
Ummm.....again, that’s what YOU claim about jizzy!
Dude, they aren’t. TBF, maybe they should be? But they aren’t. Sorry, not sorry...
You want what you never had....jizzy, in retrospect was NOT a “love story” (it was two trauma bonded teens and verrryyyy toxic) and they most assuredly weren’t compatible (Jug was simply a great person/partner, Slizzy was an unworthy asshole).
Yes, I get it too. Imagine pretending for that long your ship was pure perfection....and would reunite, even fueling it with fanfic rumors, etc....and getting a colossal dump taken on you at each juncture.....to the extent of now, your best and only hope IS a 2 second voiceover...
Oh I won’t be disappointed.....y’all will be tho....BAV(R?) and Jabi endgame...and you’ll definitely be most disappointed, regardless of what you pretend....
IDK if you have carpal tunnel, but you definitely have any number of psychiatric disorders....
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Again, I invented that....
And it “sustains you”, cuz it’s all you have, now....and they’ve invested way less in jizzy....
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OML....naturally we have “blame Babyman”.....dude, noooo....and there is no “gaslighting”, it never existed with the “OG couples”, etc....plus, funny---I thought RAS was returning to “take the helm and fix everything”?????
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Ummm....duuuuuddeee, Snorty, go take an actual look at jizzy (and VD).....again, if you’d take off your shipper googles, you’d see....while it’s gross (snide, elitist, fatuous, fascists, etc), Barfie DO have shit in common AND have carried on an emotional affair since the beginning of season TWO.
Now, TBF, Douchie still sees Slizzy as his perpetual sidepiece (and she’s so stupid/such a mess, she’s legit willing for that), but it IS, what it is....and Jug’s recognized ALL of this and moved on, loves somebody else now.
And what’s this “last chance”? That’s what YOU have.....at best...
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Ummm....that’s because Slizzy “unironically” trolls that and is totally inappropriate and tried to fuck KokeJ....just as she did with most of her other costars (male and female.....)
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This was so funny because it’s so delusional. And because you guys are gonna be verrryyyy bummed in 2 months!
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taylortruther · 2 years
this is so random but i just found your blog and i needed someone who wasn’t a gaylor/kaylor to bounce of off (because i am one, but hesitantly) what do you think about kaylor maybe being like a really intense friendship? that maybe blurred the lines between romantic/sexual/platonic? because idk i feel like a lot of “evidence” that gaylors/kaylors post makes me kind of roll my eyes, but i feel like a lot of it also makes sense. i feel like a lot of wlw figure out they’re gay or explore their sexuality for the first time through some intense “platonic” relationships that kind of blur the lines between friendship and something more. but i don’t think the timeline adds up for a full blown relationship, considering karlie/josh and taylor/joe. but also celebrities date sooo differently then us “normal” people, so i feel like maybe when both relationships weren’t as serious or strictly monogamous (obviously just speculation that they weren’t monogamous, but ik sometimes ppl are on/off depending on distance and work schedules and filming and tours) and that maybe something could’ve happened there. not a full blown secret relationship and engagement (those theories… scare me) but just… something? i also don’t really believe in any of the other theorized relationships besides swiftgron (and some of the one-off can-be-read-as-gay things taylor has done, or that have been said about her) (like liking lesbian p0/rn, wearing a bi pride bracelet, saying gay pride makes me, me, people that know her calling her king, the fact that she actively consumes so much wlw media, etc) so like. speculative gaylor that has fun with the theories but also wouldn’t be surprised if i was just projecting lmao. sorry this is literally a wall of text.
(i have a lot of new followers so disclaimer: i'm not a gaylor or a kaylor! everybody calm down!!)
TL;DR: i think kaylor or gaylor is just a rorschach test at this point. you'll see what you want to see. personally, i think they had a very close friendship, and they were significant figures in each other's life--at the same level of family or romantic partner, and they had a very painful (perhaps prolonged) friend breakup that hurt taylor really deeply.
independently of karlie, i think taylor might have questioned or come to new realizations about her sexuality, because... she's a normal human and goes through periods of change and self-realization just like we all do.
but i don't think the speculation you listed is compelling, with context. like, being called king is very common for high-powered women. florence welch has a whole song about it! wearing all the bracelets fans gave her, including a bi pride one, was a very beautiful and kind gesture! she was talking about mv concepts! idk idk sometimes it feels like gaylors think that if taylor is straight she should act like a bigot (the bracelet is the perfect example of that imo) lmao
so could she be bi? sure!! i don't need to prove it though, you know? i don't think i could even if i wanted to.
btw do i think that wonderland being about dianna is compelling? i do. but i am definitely not gonna try and convince anyone because it doesn't matter lmao
btw btw never apologize for sending walls of text! you're talking to the person who has to type paragraphs or else she'll die. like tinkerbell.
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americancowgirl19 · 3 years
Nobody to Somebody
Summary: You started in Riley’s newborn army and now you’re moving up to Volterra, Italy.
Warnings: violence, hints of possessiveness, fluff, 
Reader: Female Reader
Pairings: Felix, Demetri, Jane, Alec Volturi x Female Reader
Word Count: 3,114
A/n: Might make more parts to this, idk. Also, I know that Alec and Jane are supposed to be really young but I imagine them as older teenagers. Also, Alec and Jane are not mates. The guard are not mated together they just share you, the reader, as a mate. So, no incest.
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You were a nobody. Honestly, you had nothing to do with the drama of the supernatural world yet you were still pulled into it. You were innocently driving through Seattle to Mount Vermont when you were killed. 
Riley had dragged you out of the motel parking lot and bit you in the neck. The pain is indescribable. You screamed so loud yet nobody came to your aid. When the torment stopped a different pain started. A hunger that could only be satisfied with the blood of humans.
You turned into a completely different person within a span of a couple hours. You were stronger, faster, and deadlier. You were put into a group of others like you. It was a constant battle for survival. Everyone fought for their food. Everyone fought to be higher on the pecking order. Everyone fought you.
You were at the top, just below Riley. You weren’t in charge of anything but you certainly were the strongest. Those with the balls to go up against you found themselves dismembered before they could touch a hair on your head.
You were one of the few that were gifted. You had the ability to control people. You couldn’t control their thoughts. No, you controlled their bodies. You could force anybody to do anything and they couldn’t fight against it. At least you haven’t found someone who could fight against it. 
You could make them rip off their own arms, bite off their own tongue, set themselves on fire and burn to death. You could force two or more of them to fight themselves if you so pleased. Your ability to control made you valuable. Riley did everything in his power to keep you. 
You loved the power you had over everybody. You loved the pampering Riley gave you. You were arrogant but not quite ambitious yet. You were satisfied with the way things were, for the moment. You didn’t think about the future, you didn’t think about expanding your power. You just lived in the moment.
You were also the only one who met Victoria. She had a special plan for you. She whispered promises of grandeur that you couldn’t deny.
No longer were you the family girl that was content with a normal life. No longer were you the girl who was satisfied with being in the background. No longer were you the girl who wouldn’t harm a fly.
No, now you were the girl who killed anybody who got in the way of what you wanted. You were the girl with power and riches. As far as you were concerned, you were on top of the world. You could take anything you wanted and as the months passed, your ambition grew. You were beginning to want more.
However, you felt obligated to help your creators with their Cullen problem. You vowed to help them. Once they were taken care of you would move on to grander things.
When the time to attack the Cullens came, Victoria kept you by her side. You knew she had a vendetta against someone specifically and you were chomping at the bits to tear someone apart.
“They’re not here,” Victoria growls loudly. You growl as well wanting to join the fight but loyally stayed by her side.
“Where could they be?” You ask her. Victoria huffs racing through the woods. You pursed your lips but quickly followed after her. Riley joined up with the two of your as you made your way into the mountains.
Riley steps into view of the Cullen and human first. You observe them from the cover of the trees. The Cullen stood protectively in front of the human. She shared the same scent that had lead the other newborns into the clearing. Had all of this fighting been over this human?
“Riley... Listen to me. Victoria is just using you to distract me. She knows I’ll kill you. In fact, she’ll be glad she didn’t have to deal with you anymore.”
“Don’t listen, Riley,” Victoria pleads standing on a rock to the side of Riley. You slowly make an appearce behind your creator. The Cullen’s eye moves to you as does the humans. “I told you about their mind tricks.” 
“I can read her mind. So, I know what she thinks of you.” He tells Riley.
“He’s lying.” Victoria insists.
“She only created you and this army to avenger her true mate, James.” Your eyes go to Victoria. “That’s the only thing she cares about. Not you.”
“There’s only you. You know that.” Victoria vows him but you can tell that she’s lying. You smirk enjoying the show unraveling before you.
“Think about it. You’re from Forks, you know the area. That’s the only reason she chose you. She doesn’t love you.”
“Riley, don’t let him do this to us. You know I love you.” Victoria promises. You watch Riley curiously. You could sense the doubt in him but then he goes to attack. You flinch and move away when a wolf comes and chomps on Riley. Your eyes scan the area for more wolves not wanting to fall victim to one of them.
“You won’t get a chance like this again!” Your head turns back to the Cullen and Victoria. He continues to taunt her while you turn your focus to the human. You take a few slow steps toward her until her eyes catch yours. Your gaze hardens as you try to control her. Your intrigued when you find her just standing there when she should be choking herself.
You step back into the tree when the human moves with her vampire. You wanted a good fight but you also wanted to observe. Everything made sense now. Victoria wanted revenge for the death of her mate while the vampire tries to protect his. I guess even as a deadly vampire you’re still a romantic. You weren’t quite sure who you wanted to win.
Riley came back into view, you briefly wonder about the wolf. He and Victoria gain the upper hand until the human cuts herself with a rock. Your eyes instantly go black and all you can think about is the blood. Before you know it you’re running for her but her mate grabs you and throws you into the woods.
By the time you return you gain control of yourself. You had been working hard on control when you found out you were stronger and more dangerous with a clear head instead of being controlled by animal instincts.
“Victoria!! Victoria!” Riley screams, breaking your concentration. You felt bad for Riley and took a few steps toward him before you stopped yourself. 
Riley and Victoria knew you wanted to branch out on your own but that didn’t mean they would let you go without a fight. You knew how valuable you were to them. Nobody gives up their strongest player. 
You didn’t want to be the one to kill him, you still felt the slightest connection to him for turning you. However, while the connection makes you not want to kill him it doesn’t necessarily compel you to save him.
You smirk, stepping back from the scene. You would let the wolf take care of your problem. You hoped that the other vampire would take care of Victoria as well. Then, you’d be free and could do whatever you wanted.
You look away from Riley and back toward Victoria. You were pleased to see her losing the fight. Only when you stopped hearing Riley’s screams and saw Victoria’s head on the ground did you turn to leave the scene.
“Wait!” The Cullen calls after you. You turn your head ever so slightly.
“I have nothing against you and your family. I won’t cause any trouble.” You promise him.
“I know,” He nods, stepping closer but keeping his body between you and his mate. You smirk slightly knowing he could stop you from getting to her if you truly wanted too. “I can help you.”
“You help me?” You tilt your head. “Oh? How so?”
“You want power, you want to be at the top. Have you heard of the Volturi?” He asks.
“No.” You answer, your eyes narrowing.
“They’re vampire royalty. They’ll be at the clearing to assess the damage. You can leave with them, join their coven.” He tells you. You stare at him.
“And what do you get out of this?” You wonder.
“Time.” He says, turning his head toward his human mate.
“I’ll stick around, doesn’t mean I’ll go with them.” You say before leaving them on the mountain. You find the clearing and unsurprisingly see all the newborns dead.
“Wait! Don’t hurt her!” A woman with short hair shouts when you walk out of the forest. You eye the wolves and the Cullens cautiously. “The Volturi will be here shortly.” You slowly nod. Eventually The two from the mountain join you. You watch as a stray newborn almost kills a wolf before the drama seems to end.
The Cullen clan stand together. You notice Bree standing behind them. She had been in the army. She was one of the lower vampires, a vampire that didn’t do much. You’re slightly surprised that she survived.
You don’t have much time to dwell on Bree when something catches your attention. Four distinct yet mouthwatering scents. Scents that tempt you more than any amount of fresh blood. You can just feel your eyes darkening even more.
Four figures in cloaks enter the clearing. The two in the middle wear midnight black ones while the outside two sport charcoal grey robes. They lower their hoods and their ruby red eyes fall on you at the same time.
Your instinct is to move to stand by them, your body even shifts toward them but you’re hesitant. You don’t know how to act. You don’t know what to do. Logic tells you that your scent appeals to them as theirs does to you but you hesitate nonetheless.
Seeing the conflict in your eyes, the furthest from you, the shorter of the two in the grey cloaks, holds his hand out in your direction. There’s a sly yet inviting smirk on his face. Your body reacts before your mind. You rush in front of him, your hand instinctively falling into his gloved one. He yanks you into his chest, his arm snaking around your waist.
Both of your heads fall into each others neck. You both breathe in each others scent but he’s the only one brave enough to place a gentle kiss on your marble skin.
“Impressive,” A melodic voice reaches your ears. You pull from his neck to look at her. He refuse to release you forcing you to shuffle around in his arms. 
When you’re settled, his grip tightens forcing you impossibly close. With your back pressed against his chest, you watch the exchange between the Cullens the the cloaked vampires you assume to be the Volturi. Any anxiety that may have been present disappears the longer you’re in his arms.
“I’ve never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact.”
“We were lucky.”
“I doubt that.”
“It appears we missed an entertaining fight.” Your eyes shift from the blond girl to the one beside her. You wanted to be closer to them but you didn’t want to leave his arms. You didn’t understand and the unknown was frustrating you.
“Shh,” He whispers in your ear as he senses your growing distress. “Just a little longer.” He promises bumping his nose against the side of her head.
“It’s not often we’re rendered unnecessary,” She mentions.
“Had you arrived a half an hour ago you would have fulfilled your purpose.” You glared at him as he spoke to her rudely. Before another work could be exchanged you broke his arm without lifting a finger. He tries to hold in his groan but everyone picks up on it. Naturally, everyone looks to the blond on your side of the field but you just stand there with a satisfied smirk.
“You missed one,” The attention turns to Bree.
“We offered her asylum in exchange for her surrender.”
“That wasn’t yours to offer,” She tells him. “Why did you come?” She asks but Bree doesn’t answer. Your eyebrows instantly raise when the newborn falls to the ground screaming. You look to the blond beside you and realize why the all mistook the vampires pain to be her doing instead of you. “Who created you?”
“You don’t need to do that, she’ll tell you anything you want to know.”
“I know,”
“I-I don’t know,” Bree whimpers. “Riley wouldn’t tell us. He said that our thoughts weren’t safe.”
“Her name was Victoria, perhaps you knew her.”
“Edward, had the Volturi had knowledge of Viktoria they would have stopped her. Isn’t that right Jane?”
Jane. A name so simple yet so perfect for the beautiful blond. You found yourself desperate to know more about her. To know more about all of them.
“Of course,” Jane assures them.
“Whatever Bree doesn’t know, Y/n will. She was in the thick of it with Victoria and Riley,” Edward tells them. The cloaks look at you but you keep your hard stare on Edward.
“You wouldn’t be suggesting something about our mate, would you?” The man equipping the midnight black cloak questions Edward, his voice edgier than before. As he spoke, the man holding you tightens his grip even more.
Mate. Of course the logical part of you knew but to say it out loud and to accept that it’s real is something else. You wanted to feel relief that they acknowledge that you’re their mate but you can’t help but to feel tense. They’re weren’t reacting to Bree very well and you had done more damage than she ever has. How would they treat you?
“No, of course not.” The leader of the coven promises before sending Edward a look.
“Felix,” Jane says, turning her head slightly toward the tallest. 
“She didn’t know what she was doing!” Jane stops Felix. “We’ll take responsibility for her.”
“Give her a chance”
“The Volturi don’t give second chances,” Jane states causing your body to go tense. The man holding your nuzzles shamelessly into the crook of your neck. You can hear him purring quietly. It helps calm you down but the anxiety in your chest lingers. “Keep that in mind, Caius will be interested to see that she’s still human”
“The date is set.”
“Take care of that Felix. I’d like to take our mate home.” Jane says. Felix glances at her then to you before moving to take care of Bree. You flinch when Bree’s screams abruptly stop.
“It’s alright,” The man holding you whispers. “Come on.” He grabs ahold of your hand and leads you out of the clearing. You follow them, leaving the Cullen’s behind without a second thought. They don’t stop until you reach an airfield where a private jet is waiting for you.
You take a moment to stare at it. You’ve never been on a plane before. You wonder where they’re taking you but you keep your questions to yourself. You figured you could count your lucky stars you didn’t end up like Bree, now isn’t the time to push your luck.
You knew that if you needed too you could destroy all of them but the thought of putting them through any sort of pain is displeasing to you. In fact, you hated the thought of them in pain. You knew you would destroy anybody who harms them. Though, this meant you wouldn’t be able to defend yourself against them should they decide to tear you apart. You’d much rather choose death.
“You’re thinking very hard,” You turn to look at Jane. You hadn’t even realized that the five of you had boarded the plane. “You must have questions for us.”
“Umm... Names would be a nice start,” You say, surprised by how quiet your voice is. The last few months you’ve had to be authoritative and demanding yet now you’re quiet and walking on egg shells.
“Of course,” Jane says giving you a gentle smile, a complete contrast to the girl you had seen in the clearing. She still seems reserved but she’s also more relaxed. “I’m Jane and this is my twin, Alec. That is Demetri and Felix.”
“Y/n,” You introduce yourself.
“You’re still tense,” Demetri notices. He sits beside you and rests his hand on your leg. “What worries you?” You look at him for a moment debating if you should keep your worries to yourself.
“No harm will come to you,” Alec promises. Your eyes turn to him. He notices the subtle relief in your posture. “We would never allow anything to happen to you. You’re safe with us.” Demetri leans over and kisses the side of your head as Felix sits besde you, the twins occupying the seats across from you.
“I thought you didn’t give second chances?” 
“You’re special,” Jane tells you. “You’re our mate. Our masters will be forgiving toward you.”
“How much do you know?” Demetri questions.
“Up until yesterday I thought we burned in the sun,” You tell him. “I don’t know much of anything and I’m sure whatever I do know is most likely wrong.”
“When were you turned?” Felix asks. “We’ve been watching the army for a few months but we never smelt you.”
“Victoria and Riley liked to keep me separate from the others. I’ve only been a vampire maybe 5 months? I was only allowed with the others if they were getting too rowdy and needed to be knocked down a peg or two,” You tell them with your naturally cocky smirk.
“Oh? And what did you do?” Demetri questions.
“I can control people. I can make you do whatever I want,” You tell him.
“So, you could make someone shut up when they talk too much?” Felix smirks sending a look at Demetri.
“Well, yes but I normally just make them bite off their own tongue,” You state. Their eyes return to you and you suddenly get the feeling you spoke out of turn.
“Beautiful and deadly,” Demetri hums rubbing his head against yours as if to scent you. “Perfect,” He growls.
“Completely perfect.” Jane agrees. Your eyes turn to her. “You’ll fit right in, my love.”
“And where are we going?” You ask her.
“Volterra, Italy.” She tells you. “It’s where the Volturi reside and where you will live with us.”
“Sounds fun,” You smirk, holding her gaze feeling completely unintimidated by her despite knowing what she can do.
Volterra, Italy. Sounds like the perfect place to satisfy your ambitions with your mates by your side. 
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA 326: What’s up Kids, It’s Me, Your Old Pal Stain
Previously on BnHA: Ochako shamed the U.A. Clown Mob into letting Deku go back inside his own fucking school by giving them an hour-long speech about how not to be humongous dickheads. Kouta and Gigantic Fox Lady saved the manga by being the only ones brave enough to give Deku a hug. Shouto was all “man, all this togetherness sure does remind me of that promise you made that we would handle Touya together which you immediately bailed on, doesn’t it, Dad.” Aizawa was all, “for the one and a half people out there who thought that my losing an eye and a leg might actually make me less sexy, I’m very happy to prove you wrong.” All Might was all, “[standing outside the U.A. fortress alone in the rain talking to someone or something??].” Like seriously, what was up with that though.
Today on BnHA: All Might is all “here I am in Kamino having a belated mid-life crisis because Deku abandoned me and I’m a terrible mentor and everything sucks and I hate myself.” Stain is all, “don’t make me come over there and give you a ten page speech about why you’re still the goat while menacingly holding you at swordpoint the entire time” because idk if you knew this guys, but Stain is pretty crazy actually. Anyway so he does that, and then All Might gets all emotional, and then the lady from chapter 92 shows up and gives All Might’s statue an encouraging pep talk, and then Horikoshi is all “and it even stopped raining lol can you believe this shit I’m not even a little bit subtle,” and he really isn’t. But I still got emotional anyway, because seeing people reassure All Might that everything he’s struggled for his entire life hasn’t been in vain just got to me okay. Horikoshi knows I am weak to the All Might feels and he just goes for the jugular every time, that bastard.
lmao. “in the neverending downpour, All Might is...” yeah, thank you, glad we’re getting right to that then
“All Might is driving 95 mph in his busted ass car in the pouring rain, is what he’s doing.” huh
so basically a day or two after his adopted child refused to accept the handmade bento that he packed with love, my man is out here acting like he’s got nothing to live for anymore. this sure bodes well for certain prophecies on which the clock is still ominously ticking down
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his fucking face though omg. is it weird that I’m kind of hoping more people ambush him just because I think it’d be funny to see them get their asses kicked like the last bunch
(ETA: or maybe he will just stand there openly not giving a fuck and basically daring them to stab him!! get it together please All Might.)
side note, “anti-hero supporters” is such a strange way of saying “people who hate heroes”, which I’m assuming is what they actually wanted to say?? this makes it sound like it’s a group that really loves antiheroes. “these Hannibal stans have been a real menace lately. time to go deal with them”
ha ha ha, fucking ouch
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are you really gonna do it Horikoshi you bastard. are you really going to let that be the final encounter between the two characters whose relationship you once described as the vertical axis of the entire fucking story. are you really gonna?? huh??
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you’re telling me you were driving 112 mph and you still didn’t get there in time. you’re losing your touch old man. lol Todo’s ice is almost fully melted already, how late were you
(ETA: so apparently this is taking place after the end of chapter 325, meaning he went to U.A., hung out for a bit, saw the kids come back with his bedraggled half-dead protégé in tow, watched as they shamed the civilians into some long-overdue character development, and then was all “welp, time to go argue with the hero-hating faction or something because I’m feeling useless.” and Edge just let him go, just like that. though to be fair I have to imagine it’s pretty hard to say no to All Fucking Might.)
also belated lol at the fact that the kids were all “yeahhhhhhh we are definitely not gonna touch that thing, let’s just leave it here, he doesn’t need it anyway.” probably the right call to make since they couldn’t get a hazmat team on such short notice
fuck. ha ha ha fucking ouch part two
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All Might please put that thing down before you get gangrene. also yeah, you dropped the ball, good for you to acknowledge it. nobody’s perfect and you did your best. but yeah you could have handled a lot of things completely differently. but I still love you
is Horikoshi really putting this flashback here. are you serious. what kind of fucking sadist
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look, I swear I’m not one of those people that runs up and down the street shouting “DEATH FLAG!!” at every third panel lol. but this shit screamed Death Flag when we originally got it, and it’s screaming DEATH FLAG!!! even more now. like with the capital letters and exclamation marks and all. and that’s just a fact. I don’t like it but that’s how it is
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“DID YOU READ THE SIGN??!” Horikoshi asks while zooming in maniacally because he thinks we’re blind or something. lol what
-- though actually, it only just occurred to me that this sign is actually written in English. I never really paid attention up until now and had been assuming it was written in Japanese and translated by the scanlators, but the writing here is clearly part of the original image. anyway so maybe that’s why he’s zooming in?? just to make sure everybody pays attention lol
okay fuck this
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see, this is the whole problem right here. once again All Might is all on his own. Deku’s self-destructive angst spiral was fortunately brought to a grinding halt because he actually has support from his friends and family and teachers and classmates. but All Might never had that same kind of support, and it’s made all the difference between the two of them, and not in a good way. Katsuki wasn’t wrong when he said All Might and Deku were both cut from the same cloth. but now when it’s All Might’s turn to go all “I WALK A LONELY ROAD~~” once again, there’s nobody in sight
just, after forty plus years of him carrying this torch, I just wish someone would finally come along to let him know he doesn’t have to. all those things that he wanted to say to Deku are also things that he needs and deserves to hear himself. Aizawa was making a little progress there, but now he’s got his sad zombie cloud boyfriend situation to deal with, and we can’t expect him and his perfect hair to solve all our problems. someone else has gotta step up
oh my god
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“you rang?” never mind I take it all back sob
omg why am I laughing. shit
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this man truly has the best PR game in the series. we were truly convinced he was gonna suddenly become a good guy and defend All Might against the other villains or some nonsense. as if this wasn’t the same man who decided on a whim that Iida Tensei deserved to be paralyzed, and that his fifteen-year-old brother deserved to die for daring to be upset about it
lol even All Might is all “I genuinely never saw this coming” lmao
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just want to say, for the record, I have always harbored a very sensible hatred toward Stain. feeling very vindicated right now. good job Past Me
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ffffwefjslkg. ghsdlkg. dsfkkkslkjldwkjrg
STAIN: heard you talking shit old man
ME: smh that’s what I thought you’d say you dumb fucking Stain
STAIN: how dare you talk about All Might that way
ME: gljfljgk
(ETA: in hindsight I have no idea how I didn’t clue in sooner that he didn’t recognize him -- or, well, ~didn’t recognize~ him, to be more accurate lol. I think it was the whole “is that a slight against the heroes?” thing that threw me. Viz’s translation makes it much clearer that he’s offended on behalf of All Might specifically, not heroes in general. anyways.)
sob. so All Might is all “yeah I don’t blame you for not recognizing me in this sweet leather jacket”
good thing he still knows how to do this party trick
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A+ reflexes on Stain’s part presumably pulling the sword back a few inches to keep this dumbass from impaling himself with his whole pufferfish routine. can you imagine if that was the gruesome death Nighteye foresaw. and he was just too embarrassed to say anything
lol anyways guess I was wrong about Stain everyone
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way to fucking go, Past Me. you really biffed this one
oh wait
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Stain sure is one wacky rollercoaster ride
oh fuck me lol I forgot how much I did not miss this
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(ETA: “this here is the sacred ground where All Might gave up the last of his power and turned into a shriveled old man!! please ignore the part where I admit to knowing all about that, and yet pretend not to recognize said man when he’s standing two feet in front of me.”)
Past Me, I know we’ve had our ups and downs these past ninety seconds, but I’m really starting to think you were on to something. this dude has always been kind of insufferable. always acting like his high horse is a fucking giraffe when it’s actually a Shetland pony
dammit now he’s got All Might going off on a depressed monologue
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oh my god my heart
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why the fuck does that hit so hard. he became a hero because he couldn’t bear to just sit back and let bad things happen to people who didn’t deserve it. I mean that’s basically the same as every hero ever, right? so why does it still hit so fucking hard every single time though. what is it about seeing someone so determined to stand up for other people and fight on their behalf. it just never loses its impact no matter how many times I see that determination mirrored in so many of my favorite characters
“I wanted to make the world a better place.” omg. but you did, though. like seriously, I feel like people are always dogging on him for not being 100% perfect, and fandom really doesn’t give him enough credit for everything he still managed to accomplish. this man came of age at a time when Japan was by all accounts a total shitshow, and singlehandedly managed to bring about an era of peace that lasted for four fucking decades. can you imagine having peace for that long?? that’s longer than I’ve been alive. shit
and he gave people hope. he inspired them and protected them and made them feel safe. and no, he couldn’t save everyone, because he’s only one fucking dude (and also because the whole time AFO was also out there desperately working to undermine him so that he could keep preaching his narrative of “heroes are bad actually”). but you know what he did do, is inspire multiple new generations of heroes who, if they can all manage to work together, will finally be able to accomplish everything he never could
so yeah. forty years of peace, and inspired the “that’s how we all became the greatest heroes” generation -- that’s a fucking win in my book. talk about having a net positive impact on the world. lol anyways now I’m all fired up and ready to fight anyone who tries to talk any shit about you, All Might
“but what if I talk shit about myself” okay listen up All Might I’m gonna need you to try just a little bit harder to work with me here okay. please calm down and stop blaming yourself for every single bad thing that’s ever happened in the world. do you remember that time Bakugou was blaming himself for Kamino, and you gave him a hug and told him it wasn’t his fault, and that he was only a boy, and that even though he was strong, even strong people can struggle with the burdens they place on themselves, and that you were sorry for not seeing that earlier? do you remember all of that? that’s what I want someone to tell you too, dammit. anyway please stop breaking my heart please and thanks
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are you dead All Might
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I don’t even have the slightest idea what’s happening lol
oh snap did he grab him so they could hide??
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hold the fucking phone. don’t tell me this person in the background with the umbrella is here to actually do something decent??
oh my godddd
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and here come the feels. oh boy. okay don’t mind me, I’m just gonna sit here sobbing over this fictional lady and her simple act of kindness in this weekly shounen manga that I care about way too much
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holy shit. I was not even remotely prepared. you can’t just do that to me. you can’t just leave all these death flags on my lawn and then suddenly shift gears to show me the best of humanity in a chapter where I was expecting the worst. that fucks a person up lol
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my heart. you see that, All Might. your legacy is so much more powerful and meaningful than you think
...has. has Stain actually been giving All Might a pep talk this entire time
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I give up lol. this dude is a fucking enigma
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it may just be a metaphor panel, but I’ll take it lol. I missed them. nice to see the traffic light trio front and off-center. I know the whole “this is the story of how we all became the greatest heroes” thing had left some questioning whether certain characters would continue to play a central role in the narrative, and hopefully this will help to ease those concerns just a bit
anyway, so idk if it’s getting a bit chilly down there in hell, but damned if Stain didn’t just give an actual decent fucking speech
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I have to say, earlier when I was whining about All Might not having a support squad, I really was not expecting Stain to be the one to come over and pat his head and reassure him that he made the world a better place
-- okay LISTEN
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holy fucking shit
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“I’m just gonna pretend like I haven’t been stalking him for two days and didn’t see the entire Deku bentogate thing go down, and then I’ll give him the whole big speech that I rehearsed, and then I’ll turn around and be all ‘BUT IF YOU’RE A TRUE HERO’, and then I’ll toss him the super-secret AFO wifi password that I stole from Tartarus. god I’m such a badass. fucking give myself chills”
so basically what you’re telling me is that this whole time my “what’s up kids” characterization of Stain from this shitpost has actually been 100% accurate. just want to make sure I’m understanding this right. okay then
“and then I’ll dramatically spin around and be all NOW COME KILL ME BITCH”
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it must be so much fun to write Stain. drawing this coked-out maniac who talks like a chatbot that was trained to speak by reading Alan Moore monologues. that must be a trip
anyway so All Might is still crying, the awesome lady from chapter 92 is admiring her handiwork totally oblivious to the batshit insanity going on fifty meters to her right, and it’s finally stopped raining lol
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“THE RAIN WAS A METAPHOR YOU SEE” yes, yes, we got it lol. thanks for that Horikoshi. don’t think we needed any help putting the pieces together on that one but I appreciate the effort
so that’s the end! and as I mentioned in another post, I had the count off by one chapter, but next week should be cliffhanger week! so break out your U.A. Traitor bingo cards, friends and fiends. either that or something else happens that I’m completely not expecting at all. which, based on my success rate with Stain predictions, I’d say is more than likely lol
mmm but anyway, so now that the Hug Deku 2021 campaign has finally come to an end, what’s it gonna take to get a hug for my struggling bento-preparing jacket-rocking world-weary death-flag-waving husband who is the worthiest man to ever live and deserves the fucking world, goddammit
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call-me-aesthetic · 3 years
If Twisted Wonderland was an American Public School
WARNING: There are some slight sensitive topics that are featured in here! Reader discretion is advised!
Part 2 can be found here
Riddle Rosehearts:
- That one preppy girl who takes all honors and AP classes 😑
- Wants everyone to know that he’s becoming a doctor one day for his strict parents or he’ll dishonor the family
- Reminds the teacher about homework, knowing well that he’ll get slander for it
- Complains about how he got a 90 on his test or a B on his report card, a try hard much?
- Wears a cardigan with thicc but cute glasses since he’s one of those people with can’t see shit on the board so he has to move to the front of the class
Ace Trappola:
- The SoundCloud rapper, that’s it
- “Wanna listen to my mixtape? It’s pretty fire, my guy.” 😩🔥
- You will not miss him BLASTING out some song on his Bluetooth speaker, that shit be echoing through the hallways
- Tells you to stop what you’re doing only for him to either sing horribly or do a backflip, thinking that he’s so cool
- Wears a Supreme jacket with AirPods and waves on his head
Deuce Spade:
- Assuming that he’s still a delinquent, he’s that kid with the most fucked up school record
- Not much of a bully but will still talk shit to your face without caring, might even throw stuff at you during a lesson and you would be the one getting in trouble instead of him 🗿
- If he ever gets mad, it would be overdramatic like kicking the desks, punching the lockers, or walking out of the classroom unannounced and everyone would look at each other wondering wtf happened
- Covers the entire desks with drawings of skulls and those “s” if you know what I mean
- Wears Champion hoodies, wants you to know that he’s broke and rich at the same time
Trey Clover:
- The guy that’s not really popular but everyone knows him since he’s in all their classes
- Most people might have a crush on him because he’s REALLY nice 😳👉👈
- Gives off “older brother” vibes based on the way he looks and acts, like offering you a ride home if you beg ask nicely
- Secretly bakes creme brulee but doesn’t want to mess with the flow so he sticks to the status quo
- Wears the school’s hoodie just because he thinks it looks good on him, and the fact that he doesn’t know what else to wear
Cater Diamond:
- Hot Cheetos girl 🥵
- Has a whole buffet of food in his backpack and will not hesitate to eat them during a lesson, no sharing either sorry
- Excuses himself to the bathroom or full on skips class just to film a Tiktok
- Has about 100 followers on Instagram Magicam and brags about how he’s famous
- Wears a Thrasher hoodie with large hoop earrings and his hair in a bun
Leona Kingscholar:
- The kid who flunked their freshman year that also sort of vibes with new classmates
- Always gets mistaken as a teacher by people since he looks and sounds old
- Knows the lessons but still fails them anyways, didn’t really give a damn either 🙄
- Captain of every sports club you can think of, never actually plays but has a lot of knowledge on them
- Wears the school’s letterman from years ago since it used to be his brother’s and that he’s too lazy to buy a new one
Ruggie Bucchi:
- That one kid who NEVER has money for the book fair or any other school event
- Always has to ask his classmates for some cash
- If he somehow does, then he’s one of those kids who buys Diary of the Wimpy Kid or the World Record books
- If he’s feeling cheap, he’ll buy the “cool stuff” like the chocolate scented calculator or fruit snacks 😭
- Wears oversized hoodies and basketball shorts that are clearly hand-me-downs
Jack Howl:
- That one athletic kid who’s both scary good and competitive when it comes to school games like football or soccer
- Literally the best player on his team and without him, they’re trash as hell 💀
- Tries his absolute best to support his teammates without yelling at them for how dumb they are
- Wears the school’s jersey just to show off his “school spirit”
Azul Ashengrotto:
- The kid who sell snacks for “charity” but everyone knows he’s keeping the money to himself
- If you don’t have cash or try to negotiate with him, the only thing he’ll do is raise the price up
- “What do you mean you don’t have ten bucks? I can see it in your pocket.”
- Just bring nothing with you, he’ll doing anything to steal your stuff 🤭
- Wears a collar shirt with a tie and khakis that have pockets to keep his glasses and money in
Jade Leech:
- The kid who puts on a goody two shoes facade but is actually a stoner
- Only does “safe” drugs like vape but occasionally smokes weed, mostly in the bathroom or behind the school 🌬
- Can play it off and hide the scent when he’s high, teachers never suspect anything from him
- No one really cares to stop him unless he gets caught or something idk
- Wears clothing that either makes him look like a businessman or a junky, there’s nothing in between
Floyd Leech:
- The kid that’s plays basketball or volleyball just because he’s hella tall, and is actually good at the sports but doesn’t put much effort into them
- Always stays behind after gym, even though the teacher tries to make him leave for his next class 😬
- “I swear after this one shot, I’ll go to class.” *He never made that shot*
- Will jump you no matter who or where you are, and will get angry if you step on his new shoes
- Wears the jersey of any famous team with the latest pair of Jordan sneakers
Kalim Al Asim:
- VSCO girl at best, don’t lie to me now 🤡
- The only words he knows are “And I oop– sksksk.” and “Save the turtles.”
- Walks during a track meet while everyone else is running and sweating hard, the teacher doesn’t care either
- Doesn’t really do anything in gym but talks to his classmates and stands near the water fountain to refill his Hydro flask
- Wears tie dye shirts with cute scrunchies
Jamil Viper:
- That one quiet kid who everybody thinks is a serial killer but he’s actually not, I swear
- He just wants school to be over and spend the rest of his summer relaxing 😔
- Although he shouldn’t abuse his “power,” he‘ll move his hands in his pockets or backpack to make it look like he’s about to pull a weapon out.
- “Chill, I’m just grabbing a pencil.” *Everyone in the class started crying*
- Wears dark colored hoodies that intimidates people but are actually comfy
Vil Schoenheit:
- The baddie popular girl 😌💅✨
- Arrives to school late with a Starbucks in hand from his local Target
- Fixes himself every 5 seconds like reapplying his lipgloss or spraying Bath and Body Works cherry blossom perfume
- Uses acrylic nails and long hair extensions as weapons during a cat fight
- Wears a crop top with ripped jeans and those clout sunglasses
Rook Hunt:
- That creepy guy in the hallways who tries to get your attention, even if you don’t know him
- Scares people when he says, “Ayo, where my hug at?” 🥶💯
- Uses at least 10 cans of Axe body spray a week after gym class, which stinks up the locker rooms
- Waves at you if he passes your class, even walking into the room just to say hi
- Wears literally anything but always include a hat
Epel Felmier:
- The artist girl who just wants to be alone 🧑‍🎨
- Purposely draws in front of you but pretends like you’re not looking
- If you complement him, he’ll just brush it off and proceeds to diss himself
- “Thanks but I’m not THAT good at drawing, teehee.” *Insert Radio Rebel face*
- Wears a hoodie or a cardigan with big pockets to put his art supplies in
Idia Shroud:
- I don’t even need to tell you who he is, y’all already know ahaha 🥴
- Sneaks a whole PlayStation in his backpack so he can play with it during lunch
- Is on his phone 24/7 even in class to the point where teachers don’t care anymore
- Tries to get people into anime but only to little success
- Wears a shirt of any anime character or that damn ahegao hoodie, girl bye
Ortho Shroud:
- The nerdy kid who’s known for destroying others at many games
- Plays classics like D&D, Yugioh, Pokémon, the whole shabang
- Daily Beyblade battles during recess with everyone surrounding him, the menacing aura radiates off of him
- Will steal your things if you lose to him but gives it back a week later cuz he’s sweet 🥰
- Wears light up Sketchers shoes and those Minecraft shirts you find at Old Navy
Malleus Draconia:
- The theatre kid who also goes to band practice, change my mind 👁👄👁
- Takes his role seriously when it comes to school plays and concerts, even if he gets casted as a damn tree or doesn’t go solo
- Remembers the songs and their lyrics to any musical you name, a really good singer at that too
- Plays almost every instrument, you definitely know this since you can hear him down the hallways during a test
- Wears a white button up shirt, black pants with fancy dress shoes, and top it all off with a fricking Rolex watch
Lilia Vanrouge:
- The weird guy who pranks people and vandalizes school property in every way possible
- If you ever get a textbook with a message that tells you to go to a certain page only for you to found a picture of a dick, yeah that was him 😒
- When using a Chromebook, he’ll leave a tab open on YouTube so when the next person uses it, pray that your ears will still work by tomorrow
- During lunch, he is a literal DEMON that mixes milk with chicken nuggets together and having the audacity to eat it too
- Wears an oversized raincoat or a windbreaker but idk wtf kind of things he has hiding underneath
- That guy in class who consumes Monster energy drinks and falls asleep 99% of the time but somehow manages to pass the class 🤷
- Whenever he’s awake, he’ll talk to the teachers since he’s basically friends with them for some reason
- Writes his name out of boredom on any desk you sit on but in different places, sometimes around the corners or the sides
- Has a sixth sense because he’ll wake up if you try to draw on his face and if you did get something on him, it’s on sight
- Wears those colorful hoodies that zips all the way up to cover his face with a matching backpack, it’s pretty cool ngl
Sebek Zigvolt:
- That kid who literally knows everything about historical wars and will show it off during class
- Also has knowledge on weaponry, which has people questioning him but he’s just very dedicated on serving his country and people
- Knows how to fight and defend himself from a bitch since he spent his summer at a military boot camp, put respect on my man’s name 😤
- Honestly a great partner for a group project, actually does the given work but not the whole thing for you
- Wears anything that has camo pattern and chunky combat boots
I only made this because me and my friends were talking about our school memories so yeah. This is based from my experience so they might not be exactly accurate. Might even be a part two if you want.
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xtodorcki · 3 years
“Faint Memories,” Itachi x Fem!Reader
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Ship: Itachi x Fem!Reader
Warnings: none just angst :(
Summary: Itachi wipes his whole clan and leaves you for last.
idk just had a whole daydream about this, I know Itachi’s story about killing his so called lover and giving her a good memory of what their future would’ve looked like and I just wanted to do something very similar bc I am sadddd and I like writing sad shit :(
It had crossed Itachi’s mind the last few days leading up to the final mission he’ll be doing for the leaf before he goes rogue and leaves the village behind along with his brother. It continuously crossed his mind as he sat beside you by the water as you stared down at the small book in one hand and a cup of tea in the other.
His heart ripped apart at the sight of you, knowing what he was about to do in a few days, it was slowly counting down. Two days from now he’ll have your blood on his hands and he didn’t know how to process that idea. He wasn’t sure if he’ll even be able to go through with it.
It crossed his mind again, did he have another option? Could he beg the Hokage to keep you alive along with Sasuke? Was that too much to ask of him? He didn’t know but he was terrified of the fact he had to murder you in cold blood because it was simply the mission he was assigned.
“Itachi?” He had snapped out of his train of thoughts that were spiraling out of control, his eyes instantly meeting yours and he could sense the worry radiating off of you.
“Yes darling, I’m sorry- I’m just out of it today.” He apologized, trying to keep his composure to make sure you won’t catch on.
“Do you want to head back? We can just go to my place if that’s what you wish.” You slowly noticed how dozed off he was these last days, you could tell something was eating him up on the inside but he insisted it was just his father pressuring him about his work as a ninja.
“Can I tell you something?” He ignored your question, the only thing on the top of his head was to confess his undying love for you.
The both of you had been really close since you two were children, the both of you being apart of the clan was something that connected you both and considering you were ever the only person who truly understood Itachi, understood his feelings, his wishes and so much more. It made him fall in love with you as early as twelve years old. It was definitely too young of an age but he just knew you were meant to be his soulmate.
The both of you being so young, yet so mature, it was definitely one of a kind. A mysterious and secretive type of young puppy love but it was something that was unshakeable between the both of you. An unspoken thing.
Your smile brightens his day and your laughter was something he would always hear inside of his head. His heart fluttered at the sight of you, his heart would pound endlessly every time you looked at him, every time you would hold his hand or brush your fingers through his hair.
You made him happier than he thought he could be and he had no choice but to slaughter you. He couldn’t push it out of his head, why did he have to do this? Him out of everybody?
“It’s either her or Sasuke, you choose”
The Hokage’s words repeated inside of his head, how can he choose between his own brother and the woman he loved most? It was nearly impossible but he knew the right choice, he knew what he had to choose.
“Of course.” You mumbled, closing the book and turning to face him as the both of you sat on the thin blanket on the ground.
The sound of the waterfall splashed down on the water, the silence was peaceful out here. The only sounds being of nature and the two of you speaking to one another. It was beautiful, it was your favorite place to go and he knew that, that’s why the both of you always came here.
“I want you to know I see such a beautiful future with you.” Was the first words that escaped his mouth, causing your eyebrows to raise and a small smile appear on your lips as your heart began to race.
“You’re always so patient with me and I can’t thank you enough for that. You’ve always stood by me and understood my assignments and understood how important being a ninja is to me… to my father.” He trailed off, making you slowly nod your head and he sighed softly, feeling like the water works built behind a wall was slowly crumbling.
He didn’t want to cry, he wasn’t weak and he sure as hell wasn’t going to be vulnerable and cry in front of you, even though he has done that at least once but he was twelve, it was childish and it was only because his father pushed him so heavily.
“Itachi..” You began to say but he shook his head, wanting to finish his train of thought and finish what he had to say.
“I just.. I love you.” He blurted out those three little words, the shock written on both of your faces but in his mind, he didn’t care.
He didn’t care just how young they were, he felt the emotion and he knew what they had was something insanely special and rare and yet in two days time, he’ll ruin it.
Two days had passed faster than what he would have liked, the day coming so quickly and swift that it made him sick to his stomach. He had convinced you to go out in the village and pick something up for him, it was a lie to get you away while he murdered the whole clan.
He thought saving you for last was the best option in this case, that way he could have some time with you as the life drained from your eyes. Maybe that way it’ll be easier on him but he knew better than to believe that.
You had picked up the book he had asked you to grab from the library, your feet hitting the pavement as you walked towards the gates of the small village that held your clan. It was empty, quiet and dark. Something that made you feel weird.
You had thought everyone just decided to go inside and go home early to settle in with a family, it was a Friday night after all, it was a logical explanation, at least to you.
Itachi stood on the rooftop, staring down at you as you walked back to your small house. He did you the favor of hiding your dead family members to make it seem like they were gone.. just so he could make this easier on you. On the both of you.
His feet landed on the ground as he walked up to your door and knocked twice before entering. You didn’t have time to think about where your family was because of how quick he got here, it almost startled you.
“Itachi, you came awfully fast, were you watching me walk home again?” You teased, the pained smile on his face was barely there.
You stood in front of him, getting the awful gut feeling again that something was off but you held out the book in front of him and slowly, he grabbed it and set it down on the table.
“Hey, what’s the matter?” You asked, reaching your hands up to cup his cheeks and that was when he looked into your eyes, instantly sending you into a genjustu without you even sensing it.
He had sent you in one multiple times but this was too perfect for you to even notice the difference. It was too detailed, he didn’t want to mess this up, he thought about this, he planned this. Everything had to be done right, for you, for his love.
It didn’t feel like time had skipped, it didn’t feel like you were trapped in a fake reality with Itachi but in minutes the both of you were adults, standing in front of each other. You didn’t have time to process anything or even think about what was happening around you, you focus was on him and deep into his eyes.
“Marry me.” He blurted, causing your eyes to go wide in surprise but seeing his smile on his face had made you ease up and start to laugh slightly.
“What? You’re crazy.”
“I want to marry you, Y/N. Can’t afford to waste anymore time.” He mumbled, his hands opening the small box and showing off a ring that sat inside of it.
The real Itachi stood off in the corner, watching all of this unfold as the tears welled up in his eyes. Even if this was all fake, he could feel everything, every raw emotion, every touch, everything. It all was real to him and he couldn’t handle what he had to do next.
His real figure stood behind your body as the fake one leaned down and pressed a long kiss to your lips. He could even feel the kiss and how real it was and that was when he let a few tears slip down his cheeks, his hand gripping the knife handle so tight that his knuckles were starting to turn white.
“I’ll always love you.” He mumbled, kissing the back of your head gently before he plunged the blade into your chest.
10 minutes the genjustu had played out the way he wanted. You two got married, had three kids and lived out in a nice sized house. It was beautiful, something he always imagined when he laid in bed staring up at the ceiling as he thought about you. You were always on his mind.
Your body was limp against his chest, the blood pouring out and soaking your clothes as the reality of the situation hit you like a train, everything flooding to your head and suddenly, you realized what this all was.
“Itachi? Itachi get me out of this genjustu.” He sighed under his breath, it was nearing your time anyways and he knew you would soon realize you were in a fake reality.
As everything faded away, your eyes settled to the real him that hovered over you all while your head laid on his lap, the knife still sitting inside of your chest and you could feel your body get colder.
“I’m sorry.. I had to, I was forced to slaughter everyone.” He confessed, knowing you would be the last one to hear this and take it to your grave.
Your eyes glanced down to the knife sticking out of your chest, everything settling in inside of your head and soon you connected eyes with him. He made sure you didn’t feel any pain or hardly feel anything at all, you deserved a smooth peaceful way to go even if a knife was in your chest but he made sure it didn’t feel that way.
“I’m so sorry, I wish there was a better option.” He almost choked on a sob, his shaky fingers combing through your hair and your breath started to get heavy.
You laid there in silence, the color soon draining out of you, he could sense your chakra fading slowly, very slowly. All he had to do was sit there and wait and watch you die in front of him.
“I forgive you.” You blurted out suddenly, making his eyes quickly connect with yours, the shock written across his face. He sure wasn’t expecting that.
“Y/N,” You quickly hushed him, your small hand reaching up to cup one of his cheeks and a weak smile came across your lips.
“I’ll always forgive you.. just promise me to not beat yourself up over this, please. I hate to see you so sad.” You barely even managed to say, the time coming close and soon you started to cough up blood, feeling it drip down your chin.
“I’ll always love you, you know. I wish we could’ve grown up together and lived that genjustu out.” You mumbled again, your thumb swiping the tears from his face and he gave you a small smile.
A few words were exchanged between the both of you, mostly Itachi apologizing before it grew awfully silent, your eyes turning dark as the light faded away. He forced your eyes closed, a soft sigh left his lips and he laid there for a while with you in his arms, he couldn’t handle letting you go.
He didn’t want to leave you here, you deserved a proper burial, you deserved a proper funeral. You deserved to be buried beautifully by the waterfall but he held himself back, he had to leave you there and that’s what hurt him the most.
And for the rest of Itachi’s years, all he could think about was you. Even when he was seen as a murderous criminal who joined the Akatsuki, you still remained on his mind and his love for you never faded in the slightest, instead he looked forward to the day he would see you in the afterlife.
Idk anymore very sad.
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simpforjesus · 2 years
This is an Underfell AU fanfic idea I had awhile ago that I really wanted to share! It is not a full story yet
Disclaimer Underfell belongs to Vic the Underfella all credit goes to them(if there are more creators then all credit goes to them as well. My apologies I'm still new to this AU)
Also just to be perfectly clear this is NOT fontcest!This is brotherly love! Not romantic love!
And I apologize for the bad grammar, and if I wote any of the characters wrong.(again still new to this AU) Feel free to respectfully correct me
Here’s the idea
Papyrus came home furious because he had gone to get Sans from his station so they both could go home but Sans wasn’t there. Papyrus waited for Sans for awhile but he never showed up. So Papyrus stormed up to Sans’ room to see if he is there and to yell and punish him for not being at his station. But finds instead that Sans committed suicide. Papyrus is devastated by this and becomes seriously depressed. He doesn’t really leave the house unless Undyne specifically tells him to go on patrol and even then he’s not fully there because he’s thinking about Sans. Despite the fact he was extremely abusive towards Sans, he actually really loved his brother. In fact the reason he was so abusive was because he wanted to make Sans stronger so he wouldn’t be killed and Paps wouldn’t loose him. I mean come on, he has 1 HP and someone could easily kill him while he’s napping at his station. After thinking about this Papyrus realized he was the reason Sans killed himself which made Paps depression much worse, so much so that he literally couldn’t leave the house anymore. He pretty much just stayed in bed all the time. All he wanted was to protect Sans and keep him safe but he failed and he failed at being a brother. Undyne tries to comfort him as best she can and get him back on his feet but to no avail. One night Papyrus is crying clutching Sans’s jacket saying I’m sorry over and over again and eventually says he wishes he could save his brother, that he would trade anything for his brother to be alive again and happy. Right after he says this an entity(I still don’t know who this would be yet, maybe the creator or some spirit idk yet) appears and offers Papyrus a deal. They will reset, and bring Sans back but if they do, Sans and everybody else in the underground will have no memory of Papyrus at all. Things will still be hard and everyone will still be violent but Sans would be stronger and the entity would keep him safe and Sans would eventually be happy. Papyrus would have to give up his magic and freedom. He would be imprisoned and isolated somewhere hidden where no one would find him(probably somewhere similar to the gray door where you can find Gaster) and he would never be aloud to see Sans again. However if Sans some how remembers Papyrus, finds him, and forgives him then Papyrus would be free, his magic would be restored and he would have a second chance to live happily with his brother. However the odds of Sans remembering Papyrus are pretty much 1000 to 1. After hearing all this Papyrus thought for a minute, looked down at Sans’ jacket and decided to take the deal. At this point Papyrus just wanted his brother to be alive again. He knew he would miss his brother but would be happy knowing Sans is safe and happy. Papyrus and the entity shook on it and the entity snapped their fingers and everything reseted.
Sans is alive again and is his normal lazy, punny self but has no memories of Papyrus or his life with his brother. He pretty much believes he’s been alone all his life. He continues being a Sentury and another member of the royal guard takes over Papyrus’s duties (probably Undyne or Doggo). Papyrus is imprisoned and isolated in a hidden area of the underground that no one can find(i’m thinking maybe he’s imprisoned in a tower or something like that). He can not leave, and the only magic he has is what keeps him alive. After a few years Frisk shows up, does a pacifist rout and frees all the monsters. The monsters realize they don’t have to be violent and actually try to be peaceful and nice. Toriel adopts Frisk and Frisk helps Sans settle down on the surface(Sans and Frisk are best friend at this point) and just like the entity promised, Sans was finally happy, however he couldn’t help but feel like something was missing. A few more years later(it’s been several years since Papyrus made the deal with the entity) Sans is reading one of the few accurate books on Skeletons, he was at the part where it talks about Skeletons being named after their font and in the book there is a list of fonts. When sans comes across the Papyrus font he feels like it looks familiar but just shrugs it off, there had been a lot of things in the past that seem familiar to him for what seemed like no reason. However seeing the font triggered something in his mind because that night he dreamed about his brother Papyrus and his life before, and when he woke up all his memories came flooding back to him. Once all his memories are returned he has a vision of Papyrus making the deal with the entity. It takes Sans a few days to process everything, He tries to keep it all to himself but Frisk manages to get him to open up to them. Sans doesn’t really know what to think, he loves his little brother and misses him but he’s still a little scared of him(understandably so) but after a while and a little talking to Fisk, Sans begins to realizes what Papyrus did for him when he made the deal with the entity, he gave up everything just so Sans would be alive and happy. So Sans sets out to find and free his brother, however when Sans’ memories where restored so where the memories of some of Papyrus’s most dangerous rivals. They followed Sans so they could also find Papyrus and get revenge on him by killing him( this was the entity testing to see if Sans truly forgave his brother to the Point of being willing to risk his life). Meanwhile at this point in time Papyrus had been imprisoned and isolated for several long years. His misses Sans very much and often wishes he could see his big brother again but then he reminds himself that Sans is safe and happy, which give Papyrus some peace and happiness, knowing that the deal he made was well worth it. To keep his mind off his brother, Papyrus actually gets himself a few new hobbies(idk what these hobbies would be yet).
Back with Sans
Sans has been searching the underground for days and still hasn’t found any sign of his brother, and is starting to get really worried. However soon the entity allows Sans to see the path to the place of Papyrus’s prison.( this is part of the deal) however as Sans is following the path, Papyrus’s rivals somehow sneak by him and manage to get to Papyrus before Sans. They find Papyrus and attack him, since Papyrus has no magic he is unable to defend himself so he is easily injured and taken down. Just as the rivals are about to kill Papyrus, Sans arrives and kills them, saving Papyrus. Both Sans and Papyrus are overjoyed to see each other. They embrace for the first time in several years, but just as Papyrus is about to apologize to Sans, one of his rivals, who is still alive for some reason, manages to stab Papyrus in the back. Sans kills him shortly after but Papyrus is now dying. Sans tries to heal his brother but his magic isn’t strong enough. As Papyrus is dying he apologizes to Sans for how he treated him and explains why he did it. Sans forgives him and says he wishes he could have remembered Papyrus sooner. Papyrus says it doesn’t matter and that he’s just happy he gets to see his big brother one last time.
Sad ending: Papyrus dies turning to dust and Sans is left clutching his scarf crying. His friends eventually find him(their memories of Papyrus restored) and bring him home. A funeral is held for Papyrus, at which, while crying Sans thank his brother for everything he did for him and wished they could have gotten that second chance.
Happy ending: the entity saves Papyrus and his magic is restored. The two brothers embrace once again. Soon they are found by their friends ( their memories of Papyrus restored). Everyone is thrilled to see Papyrus back safe and happy. Papyrus is suspicious of Frisk at first but Sans ushers him they are safe. Papyrus thinks Undyne may have cracked a few of his ribs, hugging him. Soon they all go bank home to the surface. Sans and Papyrus now live in Sans house, they still got problems to work through but they are happy to do it together. Finally reunited!
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kyidyl · 3 years
Why is everybody so obsessed with making others drink alcohol ? I despise alcohol because the taste is awful and I don’t like the idea of being impaired and people regularly try to pressure me to drink, most of all my parents who are wine-lovers. Why can’t people leave me alone ?
So, since this is tumblr I think that if you’d asked this question of a lot of people they’d have said something along the lines of “bc they’re shitty humans who can’t understand boundaries”, but I’ve never liked that answer because to me it’s too simplistic and overly negative. Human beings are complicated, and our motivations for doing something are complex.
Have you ever heard the phrase “monkey see, monkey do?”. Humans are like that. We mirror to feel included and to maintain social bonds. When we care for someone and we are experiencing something that we enjoy we want them to enjoy it too. Like how many times have you tried to share a tv series with a friend? Personally, it’s many. Drinking alcohol, especially in certain cultures, is an extremely social activity. Alcohol has a long, long history of being the glue that holds human societies together because of the fact that it is both hydrating and clean (unlike water which often *wasn’t* clean. Clean water being the default drink is a very new thing in human history.). In the case of beer, it was both hydration and nutrition. So wanting to share alcohol is a DEEPLY ingrained impulse in humans. Then you add on top of it the fact that as people start to get drunk they start to feel nice, and people who feel nice want you to also feel nice. The human need for other humans is biological, it’s part of our evolution (bc a tiny hominin only survives on the open savanna by establishing groups, so it’s been with us AWHILE.). Socialization is a biological imperative for us. To give you an example, what happens to a child whose physical needs are met, but their social needs are neglected? Their brains don’t develop properly. Socialization is biological, so the impulse to share things is nearly impossible to ignore, and that goes double if it’s something we enjoy. They enjoy drinking and being drunk and they like you so they want to share. That’s what I believe to be the “why” part of it.
All of that said, I agree with you. I hate the taste of alcohol. So I’m gonna introduce you to a magical phrase to get your friends to leave you alone about it: designated driver. If you want to hang out with them and not be pressured into drinking, be the designated driver. No one questions that shit, but you probably will have to remind them a couple times once they start drinking bc that’s how drunk people do. Personally I like hanging out with friends while they drink and I think their shenanigans are fun, so I don’t mind being the mom friend when they go out and I accept that I’m gonna have to deflect a couple of drink requests. If it’s not something you enjoy, well…idk why you’re hanging out with them at events where they’ll be drunk. That’s on you like don’t go to a bar if you don’t like drunk people bc that’s where people go to get drunk. But yeah, having to drive at all is an easy way to be like “nope not drinking leave me alone” without having to get into the why. And it helps if you’re able to have fun with them while they’re drinking even when you’re not. If you don’t enjoy that…then it’s going to be a lot more difficult. Like…I hate to say this, but if you go to a party and kinda sulk about drunk friends then they’re probably not gonna wanna hang out. No one wants to see their friend just like hanging out in a corner unhappy at a party. So the ability to just goof around and be stupid even without alcohol has been a good thing for me over the years.
Your parents are a different story bc obviously if they’re having dinner and they’re offering you wine then there’s no driving involved. Now if you haven’t actually sat them down and told them you hate drinking and why and asked them to stop, then you need to bc that’s on you. You can’t expect people to stop a behavior you haven’t asked them to stop. They’re not gonna just like…catch the hint, you need to be explicit. If you have and they continue to do it anyway, well…ok, idk what your relationship with them is like but in my family we give each other a lot of shit. We’re very sarcastic people. So I’d just be like “ugh that shit is so nasty I can’t believe you drink it so often” every time I saw them with it and they’d probably be like “I can’t believe you have terrible taste” and we’d laugh and no ones gonna leave with hurt feelings. So if you have a casual enough relationship with them, I’d recommend being visibly disgusted and making comments like that and eventually they’ll get tired of touching a hot stove.
I will say, a lot of that pressure gets better as you age. Like people eventually do accept that you don’t enjoy it and they leave you alone about it. And in my case my friends came to like that I didn’t drink bc it meant they could and wouldn’t need to worry about getting home safely. And…if it comes to it and you do want to try a drink to nurse and use as a shield, things with orange juice in them are good for that bc orange juice has a strong flavor that masks the alcohol. Mai tais, for example, are one of the few things I can stand to drink so I’ll occasionally have one. Mudslides are also good for that, especially the kind with ice cream in them. Rum and Coke isn’t terrible as long as the bartender goes light on the rum. Cause truth is that you can likely drink at least one drink and not be impaired at all, especially if you drink it very slowly. So when that once in a blue moon comes around and I actually feel like having a drink, that’s usually the kind of stuff I go for. But it’s been like…shit, YEARS…since I’ve had alcohol. Once you get out of your early-mid 20s and your friends stop drinking as much it becomes much less of an issue.
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mettywiththenotes · 2 years
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@greenhappyseed​ this needs a post of its own I think because I’m about to walk you through my thought process lol
Also, I’m gonna be a bit of a hypocrite here, because I know I said that I “understand now” in the tags but... I guess I’m realising that I understand your analysis, but my feelings on their own (away from fandom interpretations) are kinda mixed
Okay so, when I first read the chapter, I was actually quite worried over everything because of Aizawa
See, I was under the impression that Aizawa was brushing off Aoyama’s depressed words. Like “Yeah you wanna die but your feelings don’t matter, just fight for us”, yknow?
In a way, I suppose that could be one side to it
But from what I gathered from everybody else’s interpretation, it was actually “Yeah you wanna die, but right now we have to win this war. Because of you, we have an advantage over the Villains. Plus, you won’t be alone now or afterwards, and I’ll make sure it stays that way. You’ll have my support as well as your friends.”
There’s also the stuff with Kurogiri, that Aizawa connects his situation to what is happening with Aoyama
I know this now and your post was a big help in my understanding with all of that. I have calmed down a little more since reading the chapter
But I can’t stop thinking about the intensity with which these panels are drawn. This, solely, is what trips me up
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To me, there’s a lot of single-minded anger there? (I’m not sure if thats the word) Not with the dialogue on the second one, but specifically how intense he looks in both panels
Like of course he cares about his students and there is that big connection between Kurogiri and Aoyama and his feelings around that, but when I look at these panels, all I can see is his focus on defeating the Villains any way that he can - even by persuading a depressed child crying out for help that he has to join in the war, which doesn’t sit right with me
That’s my feelings surrounding it
When I look at it logically, I know that, really, Aoyama is an advantage to the Heroes that they can’t afford to lose. We still don’t know the plan yet but him joining with the class again could still help, not just for double agent stuff (if thats what could happen), but with Aoyama’s depression and guilt around his friends. This is Aizawa helping Aoyama
And, in the end, my concern is only with those expressions I think. The fact that he goes on to outline that he truly does care and that he doesn’t want to do what AFO does (the distinguishable thing between AFO and the heroes), it reassures me that things will likely be okay
But I am still a little worried over those expressions, and overall about Aizawa’s tunnel-vision around defeating the Villains
If he had a softer look on his face when he said those lines, I probably wouldn’t be fussing over it as much as I am, but the fact that he’s drawn like that makes me feel like there’s something to be worried about with his mental state and possibly those involved
I do agree with everything you said in your analysis, but... idk when I read the chapter on my own, I still get this uneasy feeling about Aizawa
It’s either intuition or anxiety lmao
I mean, I can still take the fandom’s interpretations into account, but even then, those expressions still make me 😖
I guess all that matters is that he’s supporting Aoyama through this and not leaving him alone. Like you said in your post, “he’s become more flexible in how he thinks about villainy and unfairness starting with people he personally knows well”. This is the best possible thing that could have happened, despite the situation
Generally I think I’m just confused on how to feel about those expressions
I’m realising that I’m just worried over the incoming war
Like yeah Aizawa’s expressions are one thing, but I think a large part of it is the war
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greensaplinggrace · 3 years
honestly THANK YOU for saying all that abt baghra bc i thought i was going crazy from not liking her??? bc i haven't read the books and only summaries of them on wiki and like. i dunno why ppl like her actually even in the show bc this guy, her son, is like "i wanna make the world better for us grisha" and she's just like "no." even tho he sees that she's MAKING HERSELF SICK from suppressing her powers! she's literally like in bed coughing in the flashback yet seem much healthier at the little palace. also like after everything, after her disapproval, after the fold, after centuries of waiting for the sun summoner.. he never abandons her. he makes sure she's cares for. he doesn't harm her. and i have to wonder if baghra has ever thanks him for that, for just not leaving her alone. like i dunno how im suppose ro believe aleks is a heartless villain when he still cares for his abusive mom like this. like has baghra even told her she loved him (honestly she reminds me of a classic emotionally unavailable asian parent but maybe that's just me). also im wondering if baghra ever told aleks that he had an aunt.. bc like.. now that u bring up her isolating him it's like hmmmm...
not at me being like alina... why do u trust the bitter old woman who literally beats u with a stick and verbally abuses u every chance she gets.. just bc she showed a bad painting... like.. pls use two braincells to see that who u figured out as his mother... is also using his protection..
like baghra could've upped and left with alina. but no. she stayed bc she knew she was safe under aleks's protection.
alsoim just impressed that after his first friend tried to drown him and harvest his bones... he didn't go into hiding???? he still wanted to make a safe heaven for grisha!!! HE STILL WANTED TO PROTECT GRISHA EVEN AFTER HIS GRISHA FRIEND TRIED TO KILL HIM FOR HIS FUCKEN BONES. like... this is the guy im suppose to believe is the villain???
honestly i feel like part of the reason why LB's plotlines seem so bad and disconnected (and sometimes outright racist but that's another rant) and why darkles is disproportionately more violent and villainous in the later books is bc she didn't expect the darkling to be so popular and wanted to stick with her guns of making him the villain. but also wanted the money from aleks's popularity. but like you can't have ur cake and eat it too.
Well thank you for sending this ask! It's very sweet and very passionate. I'm glad you liked my post! I didn't put as much thought into it as some of my others lol. I kind of just talked. But it was nice to be able to finally talk about some of the problems I have with both her character and the fandom/author's perception of her.
HERE is the post this is referring to, in case anyone's wondering.
👀👀 You've hit the nail on the head for so many things, here!
Baghra is extremely emotionally unavailable, basically to the point of neglect. She's also verbally and physically abusive, traits which I doubt were only reserved for her students and not her son. Baghra claims she would do anything to protect him, but I've known a lot of parents who have that mindset and yet still harm their children because they think it's "good for them".
Aleksander stays at Baghra's side for years, and even when they're opposing each other she's never too far away from him. Idk if you've read the books but he does eventually hurt her. And as much as I don't like Baghra, I think his actions were horrid. But I'm also honestly kind of surprised it took him so long lmao.
Yeah I mean, in terms of isolation, let's not forget that she never wanted to introduce him to his father, either. Baghra's sense of eternity clouds a lot of her judgments on relationships, which means she views most people as dust and therefore teaches her son to as well. The problem with that is that he's a growing child, and he needs those social and emotional attachments for healthy development.
I would bet quite a bit of money that Baghra has either never told him she loves him or she has told him so few times it's practically forgettable.
And everything becomes more complicated because so many of Baghra's actions are understandable because of her life and her history, but the impacts they have on the people around her, especially Aleksander, are permanently damaging. And the fact that that's never gone over in critical depth in the books or how it's glossed over in fandom is just very disconcerting. Like, acknowledging Baghra's failings doesn't mean we're excusing Aleksander's actions, it just means we're holding Baghra liable for her own. Which the fandom should be doing, considering she's the epitome of an abusive parental figure.
And Alina trusting Baghra over Aleksander is even more confusing! Especially in the show!! This is the woman who beat her and abused her and tortured her friends when they tiny little children (and who probably still does so now that they're adults). This is the woman who mocks you and harasses you and insults you on a regular basis. Why does Baghra revealing she's Aleksander's mother make Alina change her mind?! Like fuck, I'd just feel bad for Aleksander. No wonder he kept it a secret, I would too! And that painting is enough evidence?! Really?! A random painting shown to you by this abusive mentor that's been making your life hell. That's what you're going to betray your new lover over?
The friends trying to harvest his bones thing is a good point, too. I think Aleksander, especially show Aleksander, is incredibly idealistic. I think he cares too much for others - those he's deemed worth his care (a sentiment given to him by Baghra). Despite everything she's tried to teach him about hiding and abandoning others and never caring and never doing anything to help or reach out or connect with people, Aleksander still continues to do so. It's likely because he never got it from Baghra growing up, and so is desperate for those emotional needs to be fulfilled elsewhere.
His turning point, when Baghra tells him it was understandable that those kids tried to kill him because the world is such a hard place for them - that's crucial. And the reason it's possible as a motivating factor is because of that idealism and that desire to help and that desire to be everything his mother isn't. Baghra tells him this trauma he just experienced was because of the oppression of his people, and instead of following her lead and accepting that, going into hiding and abandoning everybody to their misery, he goes I can do something about that. I can make it so this never happens again. Which is usually how trauma like that combines with one's core personality traits at a young age, especially when there's none of the essential support systems in place to aid in recovery (ie, the role Baghra should have been filling but wasn't, because she decided to exacerbate the problem instead).
And yeah, one of my biggest problems with the ham-fisted "beating you over the head with a sledgehammer of evil deeds" look-how-bad-this-character-is! portrayal of the Darkling in the later books comes from the impression I get that Bardugo doesn't trust her readers. She's so desperate to have us hate this character and think him an irredeemable villain, not trusting any of her readers to engage critically with a morally gray character, that it feels quite a bit like condescending fucking bullshit. Which ew, I know how to engage with literature, thanks.
She really does seem to look down on a large part of her fandom, and imo, the infantilization of the female characters in her books seems to carry over to her impression of most of her female readers as well. Which is why the Darkling's character arc gets fucking destroyed. But he's still a good cash grab, of course, so she'll shake his dead corpse in front of the fandom for money every time she wants something from it.
Also! Another reason I think her plotlines feel disconnected (I'm sorry Bardugo I respect you as a person, but shit-) is because the writing in SaB is just bad. I mean, nevermind the absolutely nauseating implications of the way she portrays the Grisha as a persecuted group who's situation is never actually fully addressed as it should be, considering Grisha rights is what her main villain is fighting for (imo for a series called the Grishaverse, LB seems to be pretty anti Grisha), but her characters and story alone are just wrong for each other. They don't fit together.
And the ending is one of the main pieces of evidence in that regard! You can’t say the ending where Alina isn’t Grisha anymore is her “going back to where she started” when she’s always been Grisha. She just didn’t know she was Grisha because she denied that part of herself that she was born with.
Alina is reluctant to move forward or change, she struggles with adapting, and she’s very set on the things she’s grown attached to throughout her life. She also has some latent prejudices against the Grisha, and so denies the possibility of being Grisha for those reasons as well.
Alina’s lack of powers in the beginning of her life because she willfully doesn’t learn about them to avoid change versus her lack of powers at the end of the book when she’s accepted them and then they’re stripped away from her by outer forces are two entirely separate circumstances. You can’t make a parallel about lost powers and lack of Grisha status bringing her back to the start when she was always Grisha and she always had powers and she simply refused to come to terms with it because of personal reasons.
The first situation is an internal conflict that indicates a story about growth and a journey of self acceptance. Denying herself the opportunity to learn about her heritage and to find acceptance with a group of people like her because she’s tied to the past and because of the way she was raised is the setup for a narrative that tackles unlearning prejudice and learning how to connect with a part of her identity that was denied her and learning how to grow independent and self assured. It’s the setup for a different story entirely. The second situation is an external conflict that centers around the ‘corrupting influence of power’... for some reason.
In a world where Grisha do not have social, political, or economic power and they are hunted, centering your heroine’s journey of self acceptance and growth around an external conflict about... the corrupting influence of power (in a group of people that don’t actually have any power?!) just doesn’t work. It is literally impossible to connect the two stories Bardugo is trying to push in Shadow and Bone without seriously damaging the main character’s developmental arc.
The only way a narrative like this would work, claiming that she has gone back to where she started, is either a) if the Grisha weren’t actually a persecuted group and instead were apart of the upper class, or b) if the one bad connection between the two instances is acknowledged - that Alina denied a part of herself crucial to self acceptance and growing up, and that losing her powers at the end has also denied her. It is a tragedy, not a happy ending.
Alina suffered because she didn’t use her powers. She grew sick. It was bad for her. This was not a resistance to 'the corruption of power and the burden of greed', it was her suffering because she couldn’t fully accept herself.
Framing the ending as a return to the beginning can’t be done if you don’t address how bad the beginning was for your main character. You brought her back to a bad point in her life. You regressed her. This should be a low point in her arc. It should be a problem that’s solved so she can finish developing organically or it should be something that is acknowledged as a tragedy in it’s own right, for the future the world (the writing) denied her.
This is a ramble and it makes no sense and I’m really sorry, but my point is that Bardugo put the wrong characters in the wrong story. The character arc required for organic development doesn’t match the story and intended message at all. The narrative doesn’t fit the cast. She's got two clashing stories attempting to work in tandem and she ends up with both conflicting messages that fans still can’t comprehend in her writing and an ending that doesn’t suit her main character to such an impossible degree that it’s almost laughable.
So yeah, there's a few reasons why I think the story and the plot feels so bad and disconnected. I hope you don't mind me making this answer so long! 😅 I was not expecting to write this much.
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asmo-ds · 3 years
MC does an impression of each of the brothers and their impressions are spot on! They get everything about each brother and it’s getting tons of laughs when they say stupid shit/out of character shit as each bro. How does the brother being mocked react?
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React to MC Impersonating Them
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- The king of being offended
- When he walks in on MC performing an impression of him in front of his brothers who were howling with laughter, he is beyond upset
- MC “swooning” over Diavolo, interrupting themselves occasionally to yell at Mammon
- At one point they pretend to pass out while swooning, only to be caught by strong arms with a dark aura radiating off of them
- MC runs to hide behind the other brothers, who look equally as nervous about Lucifer’s wrath
- After giving a thorough talking to all the other house of lamentation residents, he goes to his office to calm down
- He was honestly just humiliated that that’s how MC viewed him, and it was troubling to wonder if everybody else saw him as such
- (Even though they constantly tell him that’s how he looks lol)
- To gain Lucifer’s forgiveness MC meekly wanders into his study as he glares at them, waiting for their apology
- He is shocked when they suddenly pretend to swoon again and he catches them, getting ready to tell them off for imitating him
- “That was my impression of myself, swooning over you, Lucifer :)” His heart skipped a beat he cant stay mad this this dumb human
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- He was used to being the butt of jokes from his brothers so he was good at putting up a front like he didn’t care at all
- But the fact it was MC stung real bad
- MC was pretending to be taking things from his brothers and trying tp deny it, despite holding it in their hand, jokingly as they all howled with laughter
- When MC sees him standing in the doorway looking like a kicked puppy, they fee guilty and go to apologize but he storms out of the room before they can
- He goes to his room and counts his grimm in the back of his car sadly, pouting and trying not to cry
- He doesn’t move when he hears the door open, opting to ignore whoever had come to tease him
- When he feels a smaller body climb onto his lap and hug him tightly though he nearly faints
- “M-MC?!” 
- “I’m sorry, Mammon, I shouldn’t have teased you, Levi had told me to do my best impression of you and I shouldn’t have accepted his offer,” 
-“Whatever, it’s no biggie,” (it is a biggie he’s crying rn)
- When they admit Levi had offered them grimm to do the impression his ears perk up at the sound of them pulling the coins out of their pocket for him
- “I figured if I did it you’d be happy!” MC is gonna suffocate in hugs
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- King of insecurity, if I found out you hurt him like this you better sleep with one eye open
- When he walked in on MC imitating the way he fawns over Ruri-chan and then “refuses” to interact with his brothers because they are 3D, he is so sad
- Snek boy tears up and calls MC a stupid normie before retreating to his room
- He distracts himself with video games, being snappier than normal with his teammates who call him out for being bitchy, so he quits and switches to anime
- Of course nobody would actually like a stupid gross otaku like him
- When MC knocks at his door and calls his name he gives no response and opts to instead lock the door dramatically so they hear it
- MC sits outside his door for a few minutes, sliding their back down the wall beside it and talking about random stuff that Levi likes, offering him anime merch in exchange for his love and forgiveness
- He sits beside his door listening to them before he decides to let them in, to which they respond by tackling him with a hug
- “I’m sorry Levi, I promise I’ll ever ever do it again please just don’t hate me” they cry
- They then spend the rest of the night crying over anime and cuddling
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Warning: choking
- Oh no
- Walks into the living room and sees MC holding a pile of books and insulting all his brothers, especially Lucifer, and when he sees they are all cackling along with MC he feel rage boiling in his chest
- MC acts like a know-it-all and talks about his daddy issues before he stomps out of the room, the booming footsteps of his demonic form drawing the attention of everybody else
- MC goes pale realizing what they’d done 
- In his room Satan starts throwing things and tearing his room apart out of pure frustration
- How stupid does MC have to be to make fun of him? 
- He continues yelling and breaking things for a few hours before he hears a timid voice call his name from behind him
- Turning around he glares daggers at MC, stomping towards them and grabbing their throat with a tight, but loose enough to just barely breathe, grip
- He lifts them by the throat, yelling about how they’re a stupid human and insulting them in everyway he can think
- he keeps going until he feels MC start to go limp in his hands, which causes him to snap back into reality and drop them as they sit on the floor gasping and rubbing their now bruised throat
- He panics and leans down to try and help them but is sad when they flinch away- both of them now crying
- They end up just chilling and crying and stuff the rest of the night
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- TBH I don’t think he’d mind it much, he’d probably thrive off of the attention as MC pretends o be horny over every little thing 
- They talk about how beautiful they are and how nobody can compare to him, as well as how everyone wants him
- He laughs along in the moment and continues to joke with his brothers and MC
- When he gets back to his room though he breaks down and starts to feel kind of insecure about the way he is
- MC feels something is wrong and goes to his room, knocking lightly before walking in and seeing him curled up in his bed sniffling
- They calmly walk over and lay on top of him playfully begging him to get up and go party with them
- He only responds by pulling back the covers and pulling MC under with him
- He holds them close as they just let him cry, stroking his soft hair and whispering words of love to him
- Once he calms down MC can’t apologize enough, because they know it takes a lot to make Asmodeus feel insecure like that
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- When MC impersonates him he finds it funny, because he knows he is flawed and he makes light of his situation
- When they talk about emptying the fridge and everyone else starving though he feels a bit guilty and apologizes quietly with a blush
- As they continue on Beel starts to feel more and more guilty about his eating habits and how unfair it was to everyone else who also wanted to eat
- he made an excuse saying he had to go to the gym to meet with someone and headed to the gym
- He worked out for a while, letting out all his negative feelings on the equipment
- When he returns home he sees MC and Belphie both cuddled up on Beel’s bed, and he realizes they had waited for him to come home and join them
- After he showers he lays next to his twin and MC and rests for a bit before he feels a hand brush hair out of his eyes
- When he and MC make eye contact he pulls them closer and apologizes for leaving so abruptly and for always eating too much
- MC holds him and apologizes too for taking the joke too far
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- He’s too lazy to care
- MC straight up starts fake snoring and lays in random places and jumps on Beel
- They all pretend to kill themselves because of the incident from when he got outta the attic
- I can’t really picture him getting offended because he’d just be like haha yea i suck, anyways lets nap together
- He just kinda laughs along idk
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