#healing journey for black women
inherpower · 26 days
What they don't tell you about manifesting
A lot of folks talk about manifesting what you want in your life and I think that’s great. But the thing is that rarely are people talking about the truth of what doing that work entails which leads me to believe that they may be missing some key components. Manifestation is great work and it can be a lot of fun, but if you are not doing “the work” then your manifesting will not be successful. In the episode I talk about my journey and what I’ve learned.
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thehauteheaux · 17 days
You can literally wake up one day, decide you want different, and follow that train of thought to a new destination, with new faces and new places. It amazes me that people allow a fixed yet crumbling system dictate their “thrive-lihood” (livelihood).
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Todays Motivation:
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"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments. Embrace it in the gym, and watch yourself transform into the best version of yourself."
Hey besties!
Today, I want to remind you of something important - your summer body depends on the choices you make today. It's not about conforming to society's standards, but about feeling confident and loving yourself in every way possible.
As we step into the month of March, let's make a commitment to ourselves - let's move our bodies and prioritize our health. Remember, it's not just about the physical changes, but also about the mental and emotional benefits that come with it.
Imagine your future self in June, radiating with self-love and pride because of the discipline and dedication you showed towards your well-being. Picture yourself standing tall, feeling strong and empowered in your own skin. That's the person you're working towards becoming.
So, let's make a pact together - let's get our bodies right by June. Let's lace up those sneakers, dance like nobody's watching, or try that new workout class we've been eyeing. Let's fuel our bodies with nourishing food and treat ourselves with kindness and compassion.
It won't always be easy, but remember, we're in this together. We'll cheer each other on, celebrate our victories, and lift each other up during moments of doubt. We have the power to inspire and motivate each other, so let's use that to our advantage.
Believe in yourself, besties. Trust that you have the strength and determination to achieve whatever you set your mind to. Your summer body is not just about appearance, but about the journey of self-discovery and self-love. Embrace it fully, and watch yourself blossom into the best version of you.
Let's do this, besties. Our bodies, our minds, and our souls deserve it. Here's to a summer filled with confidence, radiant energy, and a whole lot of self-love!
With love and support,
The Black Feminine Society 💋
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fyi-iyanni · 1 year
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feminineenergylife · 1 month
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"Never depend on a man" is wounded feminine energy. 💔
Go heal so you can attract your masculine provider. ✨
More on YouTube
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Not knowing that your traumatic upbringing has affected your outlook on life isn't your fault.
Not wanting to learn how to fix your mindset so you show up as a healed version of yourself is 100% your responsibility.
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theereina · 1 year
Sometimes you have to get dirty to heal.🤣
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sixfreshroses · 11 months
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• Healthy luxury life
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mizdelusional · 3 months
I know that we're only three months in but how has everyone's year been so far? Big or small, what are some things that you've accomplished?
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inherpower · 5 days
Mirror, mirror on the wall
How you looking when you're in relationships with folks? A great teacher once told me that relationships are mirrors and through this healing/liberation work I can say without a doubt that those words are so true. When you see you reflected back in someone it creates an opportunity for growth. That is, if you want to do that work.
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thehauteheaux · 1 month
Built, not bought.
— My joy and peace of mind
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divinexlegend · 25 days
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the-level-up-diaries · 5 months
Late Bloomers
I used to feel like I was a late bloomer. I still do sometimes, I graduated with my associates later, got the "big girl" job later, got in a relationship later and I still live with my family in my early thirties. As I get older I am now realizing that the most important thing is just to start from where you are and that each of us is on our own individual timeline. I don't always like social media, but I do love to see that for a lot of other people it is normal to still live at home with parents. Be on your own timeline and understand that everyone's level up isn't at the same time and starting later in life is better than never starting at all.
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golden444manifest · 8 months
Lists I revisit when I'm feeling down
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Sometimes it's hard to remember all the good I've done and I need to remind myself how amazing I am. Revisiting these lists always picks me up and reminds me of all that I have and the power I hold.
Gratitude List
Achievement List
What I like about myself
My Values
Things that make me happy
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softfemmelife · 1 year
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