#he’s told me of wildfires before they start and where they’ll go
imthatwannabeauthor · 8 months
#idk#my mom says I’m like an oracle sometimes#that I see things and they become#and really idk about the truth of all that. I fear rather I am delusional and somehow good at guessing ? idk#but sometimes it truley does feel the lord spends time in my head#he doesn’t whisper to me so much as thoughts come about things and it’s like he says them#I suppose I shouldn’t say he. but it’s close to there so I’ll continue#he told me though dreams when I was little about the house problem#he’s told me of when bad winters will come#he’s told me of wildfires before they start and where they’ll go#sometimes it feel like he watched the phone through my eyes#observes the world with me#and he tells me the things he does not like#but mostly it’s him seeing videos of landscapes. creatures. humans reinventing themselves#and he tells me that he made this . he made these#he’s proud of them#but idk#I sound kinda delusional#but that’s ok I think because I’m not making descisipns or actions off of it or doing anything that hurts anyone or myself#so it’s ok#I don’t think I’d call myself an oracle#I don’t think I’d call myself a prophet either#both of those words are too. much for what this is#I do not hear enough for it to be either of those words#I need a lesser word than these#I just get dreams that tell me about things beofre they happen#I still dream about that fire and the houses in 2033#I don’t know what that’s going to be#I still don’t quite understand those dreams#but it’s going to happen
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imaginefan · 1 year
Not Your Responsibility *Part 4*
Harry Bingham X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 727
Requested: Anon
Request: Will you make one more part of not your responsibility? I'd love to know what reader has plans since she says her plan is working.
*Part 3*
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It was easy to plant a rumour in a place like this which was what you had in listed Allie and the rest to spread on that would be campaign ending, you needed Campbell to hear the rumour and use it the way that you knew he would, as a way to end you.
Everything from there happened very quickly. People started talking about a fake story you had created, you put up a good act as you pretended to try and ignore everything that people were saying and before long what you wanted from the plan came to fruition, the cameras were set up in your house. You were sitting in your living room when you heard the front door open, you glanced back and as you expected Campbell was standing in the doorway leading in “Can I help you?” You asked. “You're ruined…” He smirked. “That story going around is going to destroy you.” “You told them, didn't you?” You asked. “No one would have believed it if it came from me, I had the guards spread it, Liam was the one that all of them believed.” He smirked. “So tell me is that true?” “No… I don’t know where that story came from.” You answered, looking away from him. “Doesn’t matter if they all believe it, good luck winning.” He smirked “I just keep spreading it until they all believe and they’ll vote for Harry and then I’ll be in charge.” “Really?” You asked. “You think that’s how this is going to happen? If you think that I’m giving up then you are so wrong.” “I can’t wait to see you pull this back.” He teased and you rolled your eyes. “I can’t wait to see you fall on your ass.” You said not missing a beat as you attempted to walk past him but he grabbed your arm. “Give up.” He ordered. “I don’t answer to you.” You tried to pull your arm away but the bruising grip only got tighter, he turned you slamming you against the wall, the air was knocked out of your lungs as he laughed. “It’ll be worse if you don’t give up.” He promised before walking past you and leaving the house. You were still slightly dazed when Allie crouched in front of you. “Are you okay?” She asked and you nodded. “The recording..?” You asked. “We’ve got it, Gordie is sending it to everyone on an anonymous number, let me see your arm.” She ordered pulling up your sleeve, it was then that you noticed Kellie was there as well. “I don’t think it’s broken, it looks really bruised though so make sure to tell me if it gets any worse.” Kellie said.
The next morning you met Harry in a room as you all sat down to count the votes Gordie was the one who was counting them, you sat across the table from each other, Campbell was standing behind him and Allie standing behind you. Gordie pulled out the first vote which went to Harry, next two went to you and then another 3 to Harry, then another 3 to you, the counting continued until there was no paper left and when the totals were added up, you came out the winner, you leaned toys cheek against you hand and smirked. “Surprised?” You asked as you looked at Campbell. “What you were supposed to lose, everyone hated you.” He frowned. “They did, until you admitted that you spread the rumour and that was all I needed but you went one step further by assaulting me in my own home, it was all caught on camera, all that was left was to send it to a couple of people and watch it spread like wildfire.” “I’ll kill you.” Campbell said through gritted teeth. “I’m sure you'll try but that’ll be hard to do from the inside of a prison cell.” You shrugged. “Wait.” Harry called. “Good luck with your new life Harry.” You waved behind you as you left the room. “Do you really think that this is over?” Allie asked. “It’s done, no one will believe anything that he says, he might try to get me out of the leading position but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.” You answered. “What about Harry?” Allie asked. “He’s not my responsibility.” You shrugged.
Requests and general question!
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summary: Chris goes on a mission and doesn't return.
pairing: Chris Redfield x Reader
warning: mentioned of death. Lots of angst tbh.
word count: 2k
You knew what you signed up for when you said yes to going on a date. You knew there was a possibility that he wouldn’t come home. It was a risk you were willing to take to be loved by him. And he did. He did love you. More than anyone. He promised to marry you one day. He said he wanted to have children and settle down in a small town and live out the rest of his life with you, but there was something he had to do first.
So he left. He had been gone for three months when Leon knocked on your door. You saw the look on his face and that’s all it took for your world to come crashing down.
You didn’t do much after that. You stayed inside, playing what Leon said over and over until you had cried yourself to sleep.
“There was a problem. He had to go back in, but…the place exploded. They never found a body. I’m sorry.”
You cried and cried and cried. For months that’s all you did. No one could come through to you, not even Claire, who was going through something similar. You hated that she was handling it better than you were.
Claire stayed with you, but it wasn’t long before she had to go back to work. You didn’t even say anything when she told you she was leaving, simply buried your head into Chris’s pillow. But when you heard the door shut, you cried harder.
She reminded you of him. Her stubbornness. Her attitude.
She wouldn’t let you wallow all day. She made you get up. Made you eat. Made you wash your hair even though it was the last thing you wanted to do. But that did stop you from dying inside. Your clothes started to hang off your body, it got even worse after she left. You sleep all the time but your eyes still help dark bags under them. You didn’t care. What was the point? You had no one anymore. You were a shell of the person you used to be. When he died, he took your heart with him.
Leon had taken it upon himself to make sure you were okay. He came ever so often, restocked the fridge, made sure everything was okay before he left again. But there was something about this visit that made him stay. He looked into Chris’s room, watching your unsteady breathing as you slept. Even asleep, you couldn’t function right without him, without Chris.
So when you woke up he told you he was moving in, to which you protested. You argued that you didn’t need anyone to take care of you, you could do it yourself.
“Look at what you're doing to yourself!” He argued, making you stand in front of your full length mirror. You glanced over yourself with teary eyes. Your skin was dull and your eyes lacked any sort of emotion but sadness. Your clothes looked two sizes too big and you could clearly see your cheek bones. You took in a breath and placed your hand over your mouth.
“Do you think Chris would want this for you?” Leon asked, cradling you in his arms. You shook your head as an answer and pulled him close. You missed him so much that it hurt. All you did was cry and sleep. Every little thing reminded you of him. This apartment reminded you of him. You knew deep down that you needed to leave to get better, but you were afraid you would forget him. And you didn’t want that. He was your first everything. And he was supposed to be your last, you hated that he wouldn’t get to be.
You decided a couple days later that you would be moving in with Leon. Just until you felt like you could make it on your own again. And it was great. You applied for a job, to get your mind off of things. Although you had been working at the BSAA at the time of Chris’s….. You decided it was best that you found another, one that would get your mind off of him instead of filling it with the memories you both had together.
You did find one, pretty quickly actually.
You stuffed the tip the lovely couple left you into the pocket of your apron and headed to the back with the empty plates and cups.
“Did you see the way that guy was staring at you?” Trisha, my new friend and coworker, says as she walks inside the back beside me. You groan at her eagerness and place the dirty dishes on the tray to be washed.
She giggles and walks with you back out Into the front where you start wiping down the front counter.
“Yes. I did notice, Trish.”
She begins to gush as to how cute you both would be and how perfect your children would look.
You avoided the conversation all together, the way he stared at you sent shivers down you alone and triggered memories you didn’t want to remember in that particular moment. Your heart began to ache again. Luckily, you got to head home early today.
You were ready to talk about what happened with Leon, who surprisingly had the day off.
“Why haven’t you told her?” Leon asked, setting the table for dinner. You shrugged and picked at your nails as you leaned up against the kitchen counter.
“She’s your friend. You need to tell her.”
“I don’t like talking about it.”
“We’re technically talking about it now.”
A huff leaves your lips and you fall into your seat at the table. You glance up at him for a moment. He stared down at you with his arms folded over his chest and a knowing look etched across his face. You look around the room, trying not to give into his stare. You notice another plate set and you ask him about it, to which he responded:
“First of all, don’t change the subject. Tell her. And second, Claire is coming over.”
You mumble under your breath and fold your arms, like a child. Leon chuckles.
“I love you. And I love that you’ve found someone you clicked with aside from the cat down the street.”
You go to protest but you're cut off by the sound of the door bell ringing. You get up and walk alongside Leon to answer the door, grumbling under your breath. Claire stood there, an unreadable expression on her face. You hadn’t taken notice of the tall man standing behind her. But when you did, your eyes began to fill with tears
“There’s something I need to-“
His eyes meet yours for a short moment before he’s crashing into you. His arms wrapping around your waist tightly, afraid if he let you go he’d lose you all over again. You were in shock. Your body is frozen and not yet reacting to the feeling of him. It was familiar and warm. It was what you ached for when you woke up in the middle of the night. It was what you were missing when he was gone, when you thought he was dead.
The nickname. It reached out and pulled you in. You reacted instantly, a sob leaving your lips and you grabbed him and held him tightly.
“I thought - I thought -“
“Shh. I know. I’m here now.”
You rest against his chest, his scent radiating over you, making you cry harder. He had come back to you. This had to be a dream, you were scared to death that it was.
“It’s been 7 months, Chris. Where were you?”
Leon glanced down at the sleeping girl as she snuggled into her returned lover. She fit so perfectly in his arms, he couldn’t lie. He was happy that she got him back.
“I had no choice but to stay away. There was…someone after me. I had to take care of the problem.”
“For 7 months? Do you realize how much that took a toll on her?”
Chris glared Leon down, who simply ran his hands over his face in frustration.
“She’s been a mess. Ask Claire.”
Claire adjusted herself comfortably but awkwardly in her chair. Her eyes trained on her shoes.
“You weren’t here, Chris. We are so glad to have you back. But you should’ve called. Should’ve sent a letter. She was killing herself.”
Chris felt awful for what happened. He couldn’t let anyone know he was alive, it would’ve put them in danger. He hopes one day they’ll understand that. He knew you would.
He explained it to them. How everything went down, and why he had to do what he did to keep them/you alive.
“Tell me. How was she?”
Leon explained it to him as simply as he could. How she wouldn’t eat, didn’t go out, barely talked at all. Chris hugged her tighter to his chest as he soaked in everything. Every word that came from Leon’s mouth made him grimace.
“She’s taking pills to help her sleep at night. She’s even got a job down the street. Working at Sally’s.”
“We’ll I’m here now. And I don’t plan on going anywhere.”
It was the next day when you woke up. You jumped out of bed and looked around. You were alone. Tears entered your eyes as you had come to the conclusion that it was a dream. Chris wasn’t here. He didn’t come home. You sat down on the bed and sobbed, holding your hands to your chest.
“Baby? What’s wrong?”
Chris rushed towards you and bent down to meet your eyes. They widened and relief spread through your body like a wildfire. You wrapped your arms around his neck.
“God, I thought it was a dream.”
Chris chuckled under his breath and lifted you up by your thighs. He turned and sat on the bed and readjusted you so you were sitting comfortably on his lap. You squeal and giggled as he sat you down, smiling and pecking his lips.
“I’m sorry I was gone so long.”
You shake your head and peck his lips again.
“I'm glad you're here. Chris, I -“
“They told me everything. I’m done. I’m retiring. And I’m going to give you that life I promised you.”
Butterflies filled your stomach and you couldn’t help the tears that slid down your face. Excitement isn’t a big enough word to describe how you were feeling. You were so happy to have him back. It felt like years since he had been gone, not even gone. You thought he was dead, in your mind you were never getting him back. But here he is. He has you in his lap, his hands resting on the curve of your hips, fingers tracing soft shapes into your exposed skin. Your eyes locked on each other, basking in the moment that you wanted to last forever.
He was home.
He was home in your arms.
“Marry me?”
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seiyasabi · 3 years
The Scientist
(Hange (Hanji) can rearrange by guts tbh :P Lol, anyways, this is a Yandere Hanji x Female Reader story! It takes place in current time tho (same universe as Yelena). Also, idgaf how tall the creator says Hanji is. In this fic, even the tall girlies get to be shorter than Hanji. 
TW: kidnapping!, !drugging!, unwanted advances, stalking!, etc! 
Please proceed with caution! Also, I’m sorry if you can tell that this was in my drafts for a hot min. I started to write this when I first started this blog, and I just finished/revised it lol. ) 
“Hey, (Nickname!” Hearing the loud shout of a certain brunet, you jump about a foot in the air. As usual, Hanji decides to surprise you whilst you’re in the middle of something. 
Pulling away from the microscope you’re currently looking at, you put on a strained smile, “Yes?” 
Their one eye sparkles in a hopeful fashion from behind their glasses, one of her their fiddling with their eyepatch, “Sooo,” They draw out the o, seemingly trying to disarm you, “Are you free this weekend? There’s this suuuuper cool bar that’s just opening, and me and the others are thinking about going! It’s totally not a date or anything,” They pause to let out a loud laugh, “I think it’ll be fun! What D'ya say?” 
Forcing out a chuckle, you shake your head, “Ah, I’m sorry, Hanji, but I’m busy this weekend. I have a lot of samples I need to process for that upcoming court case,” You chew your bottom lip nervously, “I’m sorry. I hope you and the others have a good time, though!” 
A new voice is heard, butting into your conversation, “I can do those! I’ve been needing more hours, anyways,” Whipping your head in the direction of the voice, you silently curse. Fuck Armin for being so helpful! 
Hanji beams even brighter than before, clapping their hands together happily, “See! Armin can do that for you!” They lean in closer to you, their lab coat brushing against yours, “Come on, (Nickname), I’d be reaaaaally happy if you go!” 
An uneasy feeling pools in your gut, as an anxious sweat begins to bead at your brow, “I-uhm-I suppose I can go for an hour or two.”
“Great!” They grab your hands in theirs, squeezing them in a friendly manner, “The bar is called ‘Titan’s Wrath,’ and we’re meeting at eight on Saturday!” Releasing you, they pat you on the back, “See you later!” They run off, most likely back to the dry lab. 
After a moment of silence, you slowly turn towards the short haired blond man, “Armin, I’m going to kill you.”
He blanches at your blunt tone, flushing a bright red, “Wha-what?” 
You grit your teeth, tears starting to bead your eyes in frustration, “They’re the person I was telling you about! Hanji constantly harasses me, and you practically just tossed me into their arms! Why would you do that?” 
A look of pure terror and remorse appears of his face, “Oh my God, I’m so sorry. I-I didn’t realise that they were the person-oh my God, I’m so stupid. I-I really didn’t know! I’m so, so sorry!” You let out a quivering breath, hands clenched into fists to calm you down. 
“It-it’s alright. I never really told you who they were. Just never do that again, okay? If you need more hours, just tell me, and I’ll see what I can do,” The younger man sighs in relief, shoulders deflating. 
“I promise to never do that again!” You nod, blinking away your unshed tears, and smile at him. 
“Okay, then we don’t have any problems,” You laugh lightly, shaking your head, “Who would’ve thought our newest intern was the dry lab’s wing man?” He panics again, making you cackle good-naturedly, “Now, can you please grab the dilluter? I forgot to grab it from the fridge.”
Hanji, being the ever cheerful person that they are, set their sights on you the moment you were hired. 
But, if they came out with their feelings immediately, you’d just assume that they wanted to take advantage of you. 
So, they watched you. Writing down your likes and dislikes, your quirks, everything. Through their ‘research,’ they came to realise that you’re very good at your job. The wet-lab should be lucky that they have you… but they never give you the recognition you deserve! 
They bombard you with assignments, become upset when you don’t finish them in seconds (which is so unreasonable!), and hardly give you any time off! 
You don’t seem to mind, being the good girl you are, but Hanji sure does! 
So, they’d seek out the top graduates from the college nearby, and help them become employed at the lab. The newbies really helped get the load off of your shoulders, and once done, they decided to swoop in now that you had a decent amount of free time. 
It started at the vending machine- they’d asked you if you wanted to get coffee with them sometime. You said no, probably because you felt it wasn’t professional. After all, rumours would spread like wildfire if you went out with the lead lab tech of the dry lab! 
So, everytime they knew you had a weekend off, they’d approach you with new places to try. 
Be it a movie, a store, a concert- it didn’t matter. They just desperately wanted to have some time with you! 
But, you reacted the complete opposite of how you were supposed to. 
You’d pick up as many shifts as possible, most times going into over time, just to avoid the flamboyant lead. Whenever you saw them in the hall or by the break room, you’d turn in the complete opposite direction. If wet-lab needed to correspond with the dry-lab, you’d send your most qualified coworker to do so. 
It was saddening, to be honest. They love you so much, yet you refuse to even face them. 
But, thanks to that Armin kid, their plans can finally bloom into fruition. For once, you can’t escape the brunet’s advances! 
Because of that, Hanji made a note to the owner of the lab that Armin would make a good contribution to the lab after he gets all of his qualifications. 
Saturday night comes far too soon. 
Dressed in black skinny jeans and a cropped, white long sleeve, you stand in front of ‘Titans Wrath.’ Scoffing at how the bar sounds like a metal band, you make your way inside. 
Grabbing the door handle, you yank it open, immediately hearing loud rock music. Mentally patting yourself on the back for your observation, you step inside of the cool building. 
Looking inside, you see a large, double sided bar in the middle of the room, a stage and standing area just behind it. There are a few pool tables in the front area where you’re standing, along with double doors leading to a hidden kitchen. 
There’s also a lot of people inside. You can’t see Hanji or their friends, but seeing a band setting up on the stage tells you that they’re probably on the other side of the bar. 
Walking over to the steps leading down into the stage area, you try to ignore the leers of a few men around you. Maybe you shouldn’t have worn clothes that accentuate your beautiful figure. Peering around the corner, you see the scientist and their friends, an empty seat in between them and a large blond man, that you vaguely recall being the police chief of your city. 
Strolling towards them halfheartedly, you give yourself a small peptalk inside of your mind. Sure, Hanji has always been touchy-feely with you, sure, they’ve asked you out about one hundred times, sure, you run into them every time you leave the house, sure- 
“(Nickname)! You actually came!” The brunet’s voice is loud, loud enough to cut through the loud music and equally loud chatter. Forcing a smile onto your face, you give a small wave, suddenly uncomfortable with the line of strangers at the bar suddenly looking at you. 
“Yes, hello, Hanji,” When you’re close enough, you’re thrown into a tight embrace, their body practically molding into your own. They’re about a head taller than you, making it so your head is practically forced against their protruding collarbones. Hesitating slightly, you give them a soft pat on the back, trying to escape their suffocating embrace. 
“I’m so glad you came!” They release you just as suddenly as they grabbed you, putting a hand on the small of your back, and practically forcing you in between the blond man and themself, “(Nickname), this is Erwin. Erwin, this is (First Name).”
His blue eyes rake over your appearance, recognition appearing on his face, “It’s nice to see you again, Ms. (Last Name), especially under better circumstances.” 
You nod, thinking back on some high profile cases you met with him for, “Yes, it’s nice to see you again, Mr. Smith.” 
A loud scoff is heard from beside Erwin, the head of a short, dark haired man peeks around the broad chested man, “It’s about time you brought a respectful brat,” You have to stop yourself from flinching at his harsh tone, “I am Levi,” Opening your mouth to introduce yourself, he holds up a hand, halting you, “There’s no need for introductions, Shitty-glasses has gushed about the ‘pretty wet-lab scientist’ for months now.” 
“Oh, alright. It’s nice to meet you,” His lifts his whiskey on rocks in acknowledgement, before downing it with one swig. 
“Likewise,” After that, he turns towards a light brown haired woman, her high pitched voice is heard from where you’re sitting. 
“I’m sorry about that. The detective is very… unsociable.” 
“It’s alright, Mr. Smith. He kind of reminds me of one of my interns, Annie,” You say with a small smile, before your swiveling bar stool is forced around so you’re facing Hanji. 
“Sooo, you like the bar so far?” Their smile is somewhat pleading, and you can’t help but just go along with them. 
“Yes, this place is, um, cool. Very interesting choice,” They clasp their hands together with a pleased expression, as they somehow move closer to you than they already are. At this point, you’re worried that they’ll fall off their stool. 
“Right? Our residential emo boy found it, and we’ve been hooked ever since,” A loud ‘Shut up, Shitty-glasses,’ is heard from behind you, making the brunet laugh, “Let me order you a drink! I think there’s something that you’ll really like!” 
Opening your mouth to reject, it was seemingly too late, because the brunet has already waved over a punk-ed out bartender. You didn’t really hear what the drink is called, but the man sets to work immediately. 
It barely takes a minute for it to be finished, and the purple drink is suddenly in front of your motionless form. Looking up, the purple haired man winks at you, before turning his attention back to a speaking Hanji. 
“Anything she orders, put it on my tab,” He nods, before walking off to service another customer. 
Turning your attention back to Hanji, you try to persuade them to let you pay, “Thanks, Hanji, but it’s alright. I can pay for my own drinks-”
“Don’t worry about it; I asked you out, remember? And it’s the least I can do for harassing you for the past few months,” Startled by their uncharacteristically somber words, you nod in understanding. 
“Alright. Thank you,” They nod, before motioning towards your drink. 
“Try it! I’m sure you’ll like it!” Grabbing the cool glass cup, you bring it up to your lips, and take a small sip. It’s amazing. It tastes like (favourite flavour), and it goes down smooth. 
“You’re right, this is delicious!” They grin brightly, clapping their hands together in glee. 
“Great!” They motion towards the stage with their head, “The show’s about to start! Are you ready for a kickass night?” You laugh at their vigour, and nod. 
“You bet!” 
Maybe tonight won’t be so bad after all. 
You spoke too soon. 
It seems like you’ve drank too much, because you’re now feeling dizzy. Throughout the set, you’d ordered about five more drinks, and they seemingly hit you all at once. 
Hanji, who’s been watching you since your fourth drink, feigns shock at your unstable form. That Rohypnol they grabbed from work works quite well! Now they can see why it’s the choice drug for those awful, awful people. 
“Whoa there, (Nickname), it seems you’ve had too much to drink!” Hanji jokes, hands holding you steady on your bar stool. The only person from your group still at the bar is Erwin, but he knows they have it under control. As chief of police, he feels a bit of remorse, but he knows it's for the best. Hanji will take care of you, because, after all, you’re their only true obsession. 
“Wha-huh? Was’ happenin?” Hanji can all but coo at how cute you are. 
“Don’t worry, cutie. I’ll get you home safe,” Helping you to your boot clad feet, they send a knowing look to Erwin, who smiles in return. Wrapping an arm around your waist, they help you stumble out of the bar, and walk towards their car. Once at the passenger side, the brunet unlocks the door, and assists you inside. You flop onto their leather interior, eyes unfocused, and body movements random. Chuckling to themself, they buckle you in, not before pulling on gloves, and taking your phone, keys, and wallet off of you. 
Taking these items, they empty your wallet of its cash, and chuck everything into a nearby bush. Knowing that the cameras outside the building and the buildings surrounding the place are off, they feel at ease. If anything, they feel like your knight in shining armour. If they hadn’t taken you, someone else would’ve-you’re just too cute. 
Closing your door, and rounding the car, they slide into the driver’s side, before starting the car. Buckling themself in, they look at your out-of-it form, and smile. 
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alecmagnuslwb · 3 years
But Please Don’t Bite - @doubleredweek Day 6
Read on AO3
The number one rule about the Bats is to always, always stay away from their fangs. It’s no secret that despite Bruce’s strict no killing rule they’re the most lethal of the pseudo super families.
The rule especially applies to the Arrows, wolves and vampires don’t mix; they tolerate each other at best. The years of petty bitching between Oliver and Bruce at every Justice League meeting should be proof enough of that.
Roy Harper however never found a rule he didn’t at least want to tamper with. Befriending Dick Grayson, a creature of the night not a creature of the hunt, had been his big teen rebellion, but oh boy that’s going to look like he stole a pack of gum and promptly returned it immediately out of guilt in comparison to this.
Because right now Jason Todd’s fangs aren’t just within spitting distance which he knows Oliver would consider risky enough, they’re pressed right up against his throat.
Roy’s not totally sure how he wound up here, not that he’s complaining in the slightest when Jason’s lips travel down to the base of his neck his fangs slipping out the tips just barely grazing Roy’s pale skin.
Teaming up with Jason in the first place had been an accident, a wrong place wrong time incident that Batman’s most complicated son helped him out of. From there he’d just kind of stuck, Jason didn’t necessarily need the help, but he didn’t turn it down either and Roy couldn’t seem to stop. It was fun working with someone whose style wasn’t exactly like his and Jason’s wry sense of humor and handsome face were nice to be around.
There was just something captivating about Jason that Roy couldn’t seem to step away from even though every lesson he’d ever been taught told him he should. Captivation quickly turned into a crush, a silly unrealistic crush a werewolf had on a vampire, which quickly then became something more. Roy found himself in so deep, so quickly he knew no matter what they were, no matter if Jason felt more than obvious mutual attraction to him, he was going to be sticking around for a long time.
So, here they are now with months’ worth of tension spilling out in a cold, dark alleyway with a pile of unconscious drug dealers stacked up on top of each other not ten feet away.
“Jaybird,” Roy says just as he nips at the delicate skin of Roy’s jaw, not quite enough to break the skin and draw blood but damn near close enough. The action makes him think of the speech he got from Oliver years ago, a warning about remaining on guard whenever a Bat was around.
“Just because he’s been training them all for years to reign it in doesn’t mean they aren’t creatures of habit,” he’d said. “They’re connected to their base urges just like we are. We can’t resist the moon when we lose focus, they can’t resist blood when they do.”
He groans, he really doesn’t want to be thinking about Oliver right now, and damn if Jason doesn’t seem wholly focused anyways.
“Don’t worry,” Jason says pausing his trail along Roy’s neck in favor of kissing him once, biting at Roy’s bottom lip when he pulls back. “I won’t bite,” he pauses again placing a slow gentle kiss on Roy’s jaw. “Unless you want me to.” He winks once at Roy before gently tilting Roy’s head to the side slowly working his way down the other side of his neck.
And sweet baby Jesus Jason bleeding him dry is the least of his worries he’s gonna die on the spot from his lips alone.
“No really Jaybird,” he says making absolutely no attempt to put a stop to it when Jason grips his waist tight and pulls him in closer pressing the length of his body right up against Roy firmly pressing him into the wall. “We should,” he pauses struggling to get through his intended sentence when Jason does something particularly pleasant with his tongue. “We should talk about what’s happening here.”
Jason pulls back his face still dangerously close to Roy’s. “I thought it was pretty obvious what was happening here.”
Roy huffs a little laugh reaching out a hand to delicately hold Jason’s sharp jaw. “I don’t mean this, this. I mean this in general,” he explains waving his other hand between them.
“So clear,” Jason says flashing his fangs a little when he smiles.
“Jay,” Roy says seriously, his words may be unclear, but Jason knows exactly what he means.
Jason sighs tilting his head up into the night air the glow of the moon, just a few days away from Roy’s time of the month, catching on the scar along his eyebrow and the white streak in his hair illuminating them. The motion causes Roy’s hand to slip down to Jason’s neck still holding lightly.
“You mean how vampires and werewolves aren’t supposed to mix and how your dad fucking hates my dad and they’ll absolutely both lose it if they find out about us?” Jason says his head tilting back down to look Roy in the eyes. The usual blue of his eyes is halfway gone being swallowed up by the vampire red that only comes out in anger or desire, a strange and mesmerizing purple line across them where the colors mix.
“I don’t give a fuck what they think, Bruce is always gonna be Bruce and let’s be real your dad just hates Bruce specifically, his issue isn’t with us,” Jason continues and Roy decides not to argue it. It’s technically true, Oliver doesn’t hate Dick or Jason or any of the other Bat kids but that doesn’t mean he’ll be thrilled if one of his kids starts sleeping with one of them. “Except maybe Damian, but Damian just kind of has that effect on people.”
Roy smiles amused, he actually kind of likes Damian as brash and rude as the kid can be.
“I guess they don’t really need to know if we start fucking in alleyways anyways, huh?” Roy says somewhat defensively protecting himself. He wants it to be more than just this, but he knows Jason isn’t exactly open to emotionally complex relationships. This might be all he’s willing to give. “Unless some siblings of yours catches us and blabs.”
Jason surprises him kissing him once on the lips light and soft not at all like the kisses they’ve been sharing since he punched out the last of the goons took one look at Roy and just pounced.
“You don’t have to do that,” he says and Roy just gives him an innocent look like he has no idea what Jason is talking about. Jason clearly doesn’t buy it. “You don’t have to act like this is just fucking in an alley. Which for the record we absolutely are not doing we may be nearly indestructible creatures of the night but I’m fairly certain there are some diseases down here that could very much take us both out.”
Jason leans forward touching his forehead to Roy’s keeping them close.
“I know I’m an emotionally stunted bloodsucker, but I’d like to try and not be with you,” he says closing his eyes. Up this close Roy can almost count every single one of his thick dark eyelashes. “Well the first part, can’t really do anything about the bloodsucking.”
Jason’s skin is cool to the touch just like it always is chilly fingers slipping under the edge of his vest. Roy’s warm hands stroke absentmindedly where they still rest on Jason’s ice-cold neck, it should make him shiver, should be such a contrast to the wildfire that always runs in his veins but Roy can’t feel it, he just feels warmer than he’s ever felt before.
“I’d say let me buy you dinner and then that sounds like a great plan, but you don’t eat,” Roy says with a chuckle leaning in once to press a quick kiss to Jason’s lips.
Jason snorts pulling back just a bit, but staying close. “How about you take me to blood bank?”
Roy nods pushing himself off the wall entangling his fingers with Jason’s. “A cold, clinical blood bank? How romantic,” he says swinging their arms back and forth as he drags them out of the alley.
He knows that sooner or later the fallout from this is going to cause an absolute shitshow incident between their families, but everything before and after that is going to be so much fun.
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fairyreaper22345 · 3 years
Begin Again
❤ ao3 link in reblogs ❤
ship: iwaizumi hajime/oikawa tooru
words: 1001
tags: Angst, Fluff and Angst, Light Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff, Getting Together, Confessions, Childhood Friends, Pining, Mutual Pining, Post-Time Skip
Oikawa and Iwaizumi have drifted apart. When they drift back together again, who knows what they'll say.
Drifted apart.
That’s what Oikawa’s mother always said happened. He and Iwaizumi just… drifted apart.
That wasn’t entirely true. Drifting implied it was slow, like a lazy river, where no one event could be highlighted as the exact moment they broke away from each other - but no.
If she knew what had happened, she wouldn’t say they drifted. She’d say they found a pair of scissors, and severed the red string binding them. She’d say that they ran away from each other, and from themselves.
Oikawa had confessed to him. On their last day of highschool, Oikawa had held Iwaizumi’s shoulder, had looked him in the eye, and had told him the truth. 
“I like you,” he’d told him, uniform jacket smudged with tears and girls’ lipstick, “and I always have. I love you, Iwa-chan.”
Iwaizumi hadn’t said anything. He’d just nodded. He didn’t look surprised, or upset, or flustered, or happy - he just looked blank, vaguely annoyed, like he always did.
They didn’t mean to stop talking. They just didn’t keep in touch. They had each others’ social media and all, but they just… stopped having conversations. Words stopped flowing so easily between them.
Iwaizumi hadn’t rejected Oikawa, exactly, but the look on his face, the plain glare he always held, hurt more than any rejection ever could.
Iwaizumi could’ve rejected Oikawa in so many ways. He could have been gentle, and let him down easily, or he could’ve been angry, or he could’ve been mocking, and every single one of those would’ve hurt far less than the blank stare, the “okay,” and then the silence.
Oh God, the silence. The way he'd gone radio flat, the way Makki and Matsunn had stopped hearing from him as well.
Apparently he'd moved to California. Good for him, Oikawa supposed.
Oikawa himself was back in Miyagi. Visiting his parents, or maybe he just missed the place - all the good memories, all the painful nostalgia, the person he'd been six years ago. Remember when he used to use way too much gel in his hair, or when his cologne smelled of watermelon?
And remember... remember his old friend, Iwaizumi.
If Oikawa was telling the truth, he still nursed a sweet spot for him. He came here not just to feel young again, but maybe, just maybe, to find Iwa, and become the people they once were for just one more day.
But he wasn't planning on telling the truth.
Sitting there, the wind flirting with his hair, the sun just acknowledging spring, Oikawa looked around the park he and Iwaizumi grew up in. Over there, under that tree, he'd had his first kiss - and there, that fountain, they used to splash around in in summer when they were ten. It felt like a fever dream, all the memories feeling so familiar and yet so foreign and so far away.
"Oikawa?" a familiar voice called. A familiar, foreign, far away voice.
"H-" he stammered, confused about how to start his sentence. "Hey? How... how have you been?"
Their stilted, awkward conversation captivated neither of their attentions; both of them dwelled in the past, in the memory of what was, in the thought of what could have been.
Before he could stop himself, Iwaizumi was sitting next to Oikawa, face turned slightly into the breeze, looking anywhere but the friend-turned-stranger beside him.
"I missed you."
He stared into bushes, or the horizon, or anything but Oikawa.
"I missed you too."
There was silence for a beat, and then,
They caught each others' eyes, stunned by their sudden, unified outburst.
"Let me go first."
Oikawa hesitated, but he allowed it. "Okay."
"About what you said... on the roof, all those years ago."
Here it comes. The rejection Oikawa had waited over half a decade for.
"Look, Iwa-"
"I feel the same. I did then, too." He breathed, and his heart was fighting up his throat, and blood thundered in his ears with the sound of balls ricocheting off the gym walls. "I hated myself for it." His fingers fidgeted and twitched, like spiders legs pirouetting on an invisible piano, and he continued, "So I tried to deny how I felt. I... I'm sorry I never told you the truth, Oikawa."
"Since when have you called me Oikawa?"
Oikawa was processing, still, and his mouth moved without him thinking.
A smirk graced Oikawa's pretty face, and he started to smile, but Iwaizumi wasn't done.
"I think... you know how they always say, you know, 'right person wrong time'? I think that's what happened with us. I think you were... the right person, and it might have been the right time, but I was so adamant it wasn't that I made it the wrong time instead. I forced it to to be the wrong time, so it'll never be the right time again."
He stood up.
"Anyway, Tooru- Shittykawa- see you around, maybe.
"As he turned, his feet going one step, two steps-
"Iwa-chan, don't you go leaving now!"
Iwaizumi stopped, and Oikawa's heart beat like a train, like drums, faster and stronger than any spike or set or serve. That old candle that still flickered suddenly burned bright, as if dashed with gasoline, and every second Iwaizumi breathed in its direction, the flame grew from a flicker to a stovetop to a wildfire.
"We wasted nearly twenty years of our lives not knowing what to say to each other." He gulped, and then, "So what if there isn't a right time? The time is now, Iwa-chan, I don't care if it's right or not."
Iwaizumi didn't know what to say, but he didn't need to; soon, long fingers that used to send him sets all those years ago wrapped hard around his wrist and pulled him into a hug. They didn't face each other, but they didn't need to. They didn't speak.
Tooru's hair tickled the back of Iwaizumi's neck.
They didn't speak.
They didn't need to.
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waiting4inspiration · 4 years
Tell Them II (Ivar x reader)
Summary: Confessing the secrets you kept doesn’t go so well for you and you learn that you’ve trusted the wrong person. Ivar says he’ll never love again, but might it be because he still love you?
Warnings: oh boy, angsty, little fluff, mentions of murder, mentions of torture, mentions of blood, strong language, mentions of whipping, I feel like I’m missing something...
Word Count: 3,763
A/n: I took inspiration from the song I’ll never love again by Lady Gaga. You can listen to it while or before reading this if you want to. 
Part 1 Here II Vikings Masterlist
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The King has been like a father to you since you joined him as his spy. It is why you are allowed to call him by name - Weset - on almost all occasions and why there’s no real formality between you and him. It’s why when he found you crying, actually crying, in your chambers that night that you confessed your heart out to him. And in doing so, told him all the things you kept secret from your original report.
It’s why you ride next to him in the morning to meet Ivar and his brothers in a clearing to discuss everything that wasn’t said last night. 
The stern look on your face has everyone fooled. No one would think that you cried through the night or that you barely got any sleep. It probably helps that there are a bit of clouds covering the sun to hide the redness of your eyes. Even Ivar is impressed at the stone-cold expression on your face as you walk towards him and his brothers after dismounting your horse. 
You glance up at Ivar for a moment when you come to a stop a few feet from him and his brother, but you find that he’s not looking at you. Instead, he has his eyes fixed on King Weset and the two guards behind him. That’s when you look up at Hvitserk who is looking at you. All he does is shake his head; as if to tell you that Ivar’s not handling what happened well. 
“Let’s not drag this out for too long, King Ivar,” Weset starts. You know it’s because he knows what he wants and doesn’t want to waste time getting to it. “I know you are here to form an alliance. And who wouldn’t want to be in cohorts with the Sons of Ragnar Lothbrok? But I must ask what I will be getting out of the alliance.”
This is where you get bored. You never enjoyed the bargaining, the deal being made between Kings, Jarls, or any other man. It might be because you always know how it’s going to turn out because the person on the other side of the stick is the one that you were told to study and you know what they’ll be willing to give up. 
With Ivar, you don’t have the heart to think about that. If what he said last night is true, then you know that there is nothing Weset can do to make him look like a fool.
“What is it that you’re looking to get out of it?” Ivar asks back as he shifts in his seat, his voice cold and almost snappy. You’re the only one that knows that it’s the wrong response for King Weset. 
The King beside you chuckles making your head turn up to him as he shakes his head. “Perhaps now is the time I tell you that I know far more about you than I did last night,” Weset states, his words making your heart drop in your chest and your head to turn to Ivar. 
Ivar glares at you. He knows now that you did as he said. You told Weset everything you kept secret including your relation with him. You revealed the weaknesses no one has ever found out because the only one that figured it out was you. Because he allowed you to. 
But Weset’s next words aren’t ones that you ever expected to hear. “Seize her.”
You and Ivar question at the same time just before the two guards behind Weset move behind you and grab your arms. Hvitserk and Ubbe pull out their weapons but are stopped by Ivar as he raises his hand, his eyes narrowing at Weset and his body leaning a bit forward. “You see, Ivar the Boneless, I have your heart,” Weset states, holding his hand out to gesture to you while you continue fighting to get out of the guards’ grip. “And if I don’t have an offer from you tomorrow, I will break it.”
Looking over to Ivar with wide eyes that now start to well up with tears, you see his eyes flicker over to you for a moment before he looks back at Weset. He gulps, grips the arm of his chair tightly, and breathes out a long breath. “You would never kill your best spy,” Ivar says, calling the bluff he thinks Weset is pulling.
“Did I say kill?” Weset laughs as he takes a few steps forward, you struggling against the grip of the two guards now stopped as you watch what’s happening in front of you. “When the sunsets today, you’ll hear her screaming for mercy. Mark my words. Maybe it will make you think of an offer quicker,” he mentions, your eyes growing wide in terror when he turns back around to you. 
The guards lead you to your horse and force you to climb onto it while holding the reins to make sure you don’t decide to escape. “You son of a bitch,” you sneer at Weset when he mounts his horse.
He gives you a sly smile before ordering his horse forward, you and the two guards following. In a last effort of help, you turn your head over your shoulder to look back at Ivar sitting in his seat. 
He’s staring at you with, dare you say it, worry in his eyes. 
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You weren’t placed in a cell like you thought you would be, considering that your King had you seized a few moments ago. Instead, you were taken back to your room as if nothing happened. Weset closes the door behind him, sighs as he walks towards you but you slowly step away from him until your back hits the wall. 
“I trusted you,” you sneer, pressing your hands against the wooden wall and your teeth grinding together as he continues to walk closer to you. 
“A big mistake,” he chuckles, stops when he’s just about in front of you and folds his hands in front of me. “Did you really think I wouldn’t expect something like this to happen sometime? You’re a woman. It was bound to happen that you would fall in love with one of my targets. How fitting that it would be the almighty-”
“Shut up!” you shout, push yourself off the wall to rush across the room to put more distance between you and him. “I told you the secrets of my heart and you’re using it against me? Against him?” Your voice breaks as you speak, your chest heaving as you try to push down the feeling of your heart being ripped apart. Again. 
Weset rolls his eyes at you and takes one step forward. “Don’t make such a big deal of it,” he murmurs, turns to the pitcher of water on the table and lifts it to pour some water into a cup. “When the sun rises tomorrow, you will be a better spy with no one holding you back,” he says, lifting the cup to his lips and takes a sip as you frown up at him. “You’ll never love anyone again.”
You’re shocked at his words because they were the words you used when you poured your heart out to him. 
“Even if Ivar gives you an offer?” you softly question, your head dropping between your shoulders and your gaze staring at your hands that you fold in front of you. You feel like a complete and utter idiot for falling into love with Ivar and then for telling Weset all the truth. You should have kept that to yourself. It was the right choice in the beginning and you fucked up. 
Weset chuckles, places the cup back on the table and walks towards you. “Whatever that cripple offers won’t be what I want,” he states, your head snapping up in defense when you hear him calling Ivar ‘cripple’. You’ve often defended Ivar when someone called him that when you were in Kattegat, and you can’t help but want to carry on with that now. “I think the title of King of Kattegat will do good for my reputation.”
He plans to kill Ivar, you can see it in his eyes. You can see the thought turn in his mind and you can’t believe that you were so blind in the sorrow of your heartache to notice that. When he reaches out to touch your cheek, you take a step away from him and shake your head. “You have a choice here, (Y/n),” he begins, his hand that had the intention of touching you curling into a fist as he takes a step closer. “Obey me and help me now and I’ll spare your life. You can be the greatest spy anyone has ever seen. And maybe, I can make you more than a spy,” he offers. 
Your mouth drops in shock as you take a step away from him. You can’t believe all this is happening because you did as Ivar told you to do. You told Weset everything you didn’t- everything you wouldn’t tell him. Shaking your head, you drop your head and close your eyes to stop the tears from leaving them. “I stand by what I said last night,” you say, trying with all your might to sound confident even if there is a small break in your voice when you lift your gaze up at him again. 
Weset sighs, shakes his head in disappointment and bites his lower lip as he shrugs his shoulders. “Well, that’s a shame.” 
Then, he brings the back of his hand across your face, sending you to the ground and yelping in pain when his royal ring cuts straight across your cheek. And before you can push yourself up, he grabs you by the collar and starts dragging you across the floor towards the door. 
You know exactly where he’s taking you. 
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The camp is silent. It has been ever since the screaming started. People only know who’s screams they are because Hvitserk let it slip and the news spread like wildfire around the camp. It suddenly became a question of why they chose to set up camp so close to Weset’s holding. 
It’s screams of torture. Everyone knows that. And when it sounds like they’re finished, the screams start again a few moments later. They can only imagine what must be happening to cause the bone-chilling sound. 
Ivar can’t stand thinking about that. He knows it’s you. He knows from Weset’s words earlier that day, but he didn’t actually think he’d carry them out. Ivar thought that you were like a precious jewel to Weset and that he would never harm you. Apparently, he thought wrong. Even though he told you that he was ready for anything, he definitely was not ready to hear your screams echo through the sky. 
It’s been quiet for a while now and Ivar hasn’t even thought of something to offer Weset. All he could think about were the times he cherished with you. The moments he could look into your eyes and feel as if he was in Valhalla already. Times where he thought that there was nothing you could do to break his heart because of how much he loved you. 
The times where he was a fool to let someone get so close to him. 
“You have to do something about this, Ivar,” Ubbe demands as he barges into the tent a few moments after the screaming started again. This time, it’s clear that the person screaming is in tears too. 
Ivar glances up to Ubbe with a cold look on his face and folds his arms over his chest as he leans back in his seat. “I have to do something? Why must I do anything about this?” he asks back with a sneer, tilts his head to the side as he narrows his eyes at his older brother. 
“Because you were talking about making her your wife not so long ago and you still love her no matter what you say,” Ubbe responds quickly, moving closer to Ivar when he rolls his eyes. “Don’t deny it, Ivar. You say you won’t love again because you are still in love with her-”
“She was a spy. Or weren’t you paying attention, Ubbe?” Ivar snaps at him, aiming to make him back off. But he doesn’t. Ubbe just stands there, arms folded over his chest and a raised eyebrow on his face. 
Sighing, Ivar pushes himself off his seat and to the ground so he can leave this conversation seeing as Ubbe won’t leave it to an end. “She loved you,” Ubbe says, making Ivar freeze and stare at the ground. “We all could see that she did. And maybe she still does. She might have been a spy, but her affections weren’t an act before she left.”
Ivar’s jaw tenses at his brother’s words as his head drops between his shoulders. It’s quiet between them for a moment before Ubbe sighs, shakes his head to himself, and turns to walk out of the tent, leaving Ivar alone at the realization that the conversation won’t go anywhere from there. 
Turning over so he can sit, he stares at his hands as Ubbe’s cursed words float around in his mind. It’s hard to pin-point the moment your faked affection became true. If Ubbe says that everyone could see you loved him, then he can’t say that you didn’t. And though he can’t pinpoint the moment, he does remember that glimmer in your eyes suddenly changing the one day. He remembers it, can’t say when that happened. 
Then, he finds himself playing through the memories of the times he’s spent with you. The time where you bested his brother in a duel with a smile on your face. The time where he would stare into your eyes as you told him stories that he doesn’t know now how true they are, but he was still lost in them. The times where you would make him feel like any other man other there and like he could do anything. 
He’s so caught up in these memories that he doesn’t realize your screams have stopped, that it’s been quiet for way too long before there’s a commotion in the camp until someone barges into the tent, urgently calling his name and looking at him as if he had seen the Goddess Hel herself. 
“It’s (Y/n).”
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The last time your eyes were open, you were begging for the pain to end with tear-stained cheeks and your feet barely keeping you standing. You were counting on the chains around your wrists that had you bound to a pillar from keeping you off the ground. And you remember the pain rising up inside you like a heatwave before everything went black. 
There are small things you remember, but it’s almost like they’re part of a dream. The man who stands in front of your room, guarding it at night and the chambermaid you’ve formed a small friendship with; both sneaking you through hallways and out of Weset’s holding. 
Now, you’re lying on your stomach, in a place you’ve never seen, a tent you’ve never been in. You know your back is open from the gentle dabbing of material again your wounds. Each gentle touch makes you remember how you received the cut and the ‘crack’ that comes with it. It makes tears fill your eyes and you whimper in pain as you turn your face into the pillow your head rests on. 
Turning your head to the side, you see bloodied cloths that has been tossed to the side. You don’t need to be told it’s your blood, but the thought only makes you cry more. The healer thinks your sobs are from the pain and tries to comfort you, but no one can heal the true pain you feel. 
All this happened because you fell in love. If this is what happens when you love, you don’t want to love again. Even though you know that this is Weset’s intention, you will easily let him win. 
The frantic buzz around you seems to die down but the healer continues to work on the lashes on your back. You feel eyes on you, running up and down your broken skin as a familiar sound makes your eyes squeeze tightly shut. The sound of someone crawling on the ground, dragging their lower body behind them. 
You know it’s Ivar. 
What Ivar doesn’t know as he makes his way closer towards you is that you’re awake. He thinks you're unconscious, considering the number of wounds he counted on your back... Gods know how many others there are.
Your skin is clammy, but it’s the tear on your cheek that has Ivar’s attention and it’s the reason he reaches up to touch your face. You jump at his touch and your eyes snap open. They’re red. Ivar hates that because it knows that it means you have been crying. 
“Ivar,” you whisper as he moves away from you. And what you thought would be affection turns into hostility. His face changes, reminding you that he hates you. He doesn’t love you and why should he? You were caught up in the happy memories you had with him to remember that all that is now in the past. 
“What are you doing here, (Y/n)?” he questions, pulling his legs in front of him as he sits, his arms then folding over his chest as he glares at you with those cold eyes. 
You shake your head, because you don’t exactly know what you are doing here. You exactly know how you got here in the first place. “Weset is planning on killing you no matter what offer you give him,” a voice says at the entrance of the tent, making both yours and Ivar’s head turn. It’s your guard, the one you vaguely remember sneaking you out the holding. “He’ll attack tomorrow at dusk.”
Ivar rolls his eyes, which you catch. “It’s true, Ivar,” you whisper, knowing that Ivar doesn’t trust the word of a stranger. But maybe you can convince him. “Weset wants to be King of Kattegat and he won’t stop at anything to get what he wants,” you add, his eyes shifting up to you.
“And you will walk away unharmed-”
“He’ll kill me too,” you cut him off, so used to being able to freely speak to him without any repercussions. But when he narrows his eyes at you, you immediately shrink into yourself, quietly hissing as the healer starts to apply some kind of paste to your wounds. 
Ivar scoffs at your words, chuckles to himself as he shifts in his spot. “Weset would never kill his beloved spy,” he hisses, glaring at you and making your heart break a bit. “You’re lying. Again. And I’m sick of your lies,” he states as he moves to leave. 
“Do you want to know what I told him?” you question. He stops, slowly looks at you and you shift so that your eyes meet his. “Yes, I told him everything I didn’t tell him as you told me I should. But do you know what else I confessed to him that made him realize I’m really your weakness and you’re mine?” 
He doesn’t say anything, but you can see that he wants to know. He wants you to tell him. He’s not sure if you should with the healer and a few other people still in the tent, but you don’t seem to care as you slowly lift yourself onto your arms, lifting your head off the pillow you’ve cried into. “When I first met you, it wasn’t my intention to fall in love with you. I was supposed to get close, be a friend, someone you trusted. But I never thought I’d find myself lying in your arms, completely in love with you,” you confess, making Ivar breathe in deeply and his hands tightly curling into a fist.  
“I thought that after leaving Kattegat, I’d move on, but I couldn’t get you out of my mind. It became so bad that I never want to feel anyone else’s touch,” you continue, your voice breaking slightly as tears start to build up in your eyes. “I don’t want to start something with anyone else, I don’t want to know what it’s like to kiss someone else, or have another’s name falling off my lips.” 
Ivar swallows deeply at your words, at the tears that fall down your cheeks, and at the quiver in your words. “I don’t want to love anyone else. And I will never love again, because I’m still in love with you.”
“You say you won’t love again because you are still in love with her.” Ubbe’s words come back to Ivar after you’ve spoken, making his head drop between his shoulders as his eyes stare at his hands as the words in his mind replay over and over. 
He doesn’t say anything. You’ve confessed your love in front of a handful of other people and Ivar doesn’t say anything. It makes your heart sink in your chest and the hope that he says something similar to what you had said fades away. “I wish I didn’t break your heart or your trust,” you whisper as you fall back onto your stomach.
This time, you turn your head away from him to hide the growing tears in your eyes. You fear that looking at him longer will break your heart past repair. 
Ivar stares at the back of your head, licks his lips as he swallows past the dry lump in his throat before he moves to exit the tent again. No one makes eye contact with him or says anything. Before he leaves, he stops for a moment and turns his head over his shoulder to look at you. 
His gaze falls on your hand as the healer moves your arms to rest at your sides. He remembers how you used to run your fingers through his hair, how he loved that. “I’ll never love anyone else because of you,” he softly says, but in the quiet, you hear his words. 
It’s what he said to you the previous night, when he told you to confess the secrets you’ve been keeping from your King. But they have a different meaning this time. You can tell from his voice and from the way his eyes soften when you turn your head to look back at him. 
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geniusbeehive · 3 years
TRYING THIS (Riddlebird) ♠: One character adjusting the other's jewelry/neck tie/ etc.
The quiet of Oswald’s apartment seemed almost impossible, given its location nested right above the raucous Iceberg Lounge. Any Friday night would draw a crowd to the popular club, but this evening it was even more in demand among Gotham City’s elites and those hoping to rub shoulders with them. It marked the return of the proprietor himself after an extended stint in Blackgate, one which his lawyers had been able to negotiate down but which still left him conspicuously absent for nearly half a year. 
Rumors flew, gossip spread like wildfire, and everyone wanted to get the story of the Penguin’s latest runin with the Batman from the convict himself. He was nonetheless keeping them in suspense. Eddie had expected to see him hours ago, imagined him descending the Imperial staircase with his usual air of regality and untouchable grace. But 8 o clock had gone by, then 9, and still the Lounge was absent its leader.
 Eddie didn’t drink, and he could only order so many ginger ales before the bartenders started giving him grief, so he’d left the main floor and made his way upstairs to check on Oswald. It was perhaps overstepping the bounds of their friendship, he really wasn’t great at keeping track of those, but his mind had already begun catastrophizing. It conjured images of Oswald lying motionless on the bathroom floor, or perhaps ambushed by that god damn Bat and thrown right back into prison. He wouldn’t know peace until he checked, so he’d let himself into the apartment (making a mental note to help Oswald beef up his security later) and called out for him. 
“In the bedroom.” Oswald’s voice sounded strange, though Eddie couldn’t put his finger on why. He followed it through the still house to the source, where he spotted the man at last. Eddie couldn’t help himself - his face broke into a grin. He was not often sentimental, at least he didn’t allow himself to admit it, but it was undeniably nice to see the Penguin again. He stood in front of a full length mirror situated between two ornate wardrobes, fiddling with his tie. His hair was shorter than he usually wore it, and he looked a bit haggard, truth be told, but still effortlessly handsome in a way that always left Eddie’s stomach fluttering. 
“Fashionably late to your own party, I see,” Eddie practically purred, sidling up beside Oswald and trying not to feel snubbed when he didn’t look up. 
“I’d ask you why you’re in my house, but right now I don’t give a shit. Just make yourself useful, I can’t get this damned tie done up.” He yanked on the ends of the tie one more time in frustration before dropping his hands to his hips. Eddie obliged of course, Oswald was perhaps the only person who could order him around so effectively. He felt Oswald’s eyes on him as his nimble hands tied the knot before pulling it tight, gently placing one palm against Oswald’s chest and feeling the lightest thrum of a heartbeat. He stepped back, admiring his handiwork and the view overall, but Oswald still did not seem pleased. 
“You look wonderful,” Eddie tried. Oswald snorted derisively. 
“I look like shit. But thank you, for the assistance. Normally I have someone to do it for me but half my staff took off while I was inside.” Oswald adjusted his jacket irritably, fixing things that didn’t need fixing. “This city thinks I’m weak, thinks my empire’s been crumbling while I’ve been gone. If they see me looking anything but perfect they’ll be on me like a pack of jackals.”
Eddie stilled Oswald’s fidgeting hands with his own, clasping them in yet another boundary-crossing moment of impulsivity. Oh well. He was never known for his social graces anyway. 
“I mean it, Oswald,” He said, his voice uncharacteristically subdued. “You look...wonderful.” 
The air was thick with silence, as Oswald finally met Eddie’s eyes. Eddie cleared his throat, looked over Oswald’s shoulder awkwardly. 
“You should go down and show them.” 
“Well, they’ve waited this long. A little longer won’t kill them.” Oswald grinned. 
When he did finally make his grand entrance, his tie was not the only thing askew, but he no longer cared. 
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hela-avenger · 4 years
To the Stars Who Listen- Part 5
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Author: hela-avenger
Word Count: 1507
Summary: When Loki desires to never fall in love, he casts a spell to prevent such a thing from happening. Except, well, in the matters of love and magic, you never know the result it may have in the end. Loki x Reader
A/N: Thanks for all the love everyone! I’m happy you’re liking my fic! Tags are open! (Send me an ask/message/response.)
TTSWL Masterlist
The moment Steve lands at the facility, Loki practically runs inside. It was as if he expected to be dragged back to the tower if he hesitated for even a moment. You watch him and he seemed pleased enough in what he encountered. You turn away when Steve finds you still lingering in the back. He takes your bag from your hand and motions you to walk with him.
“You ok?”
“Yeah,” you sigh out. “It just feels weird to be back to square one, you know? I worked so hard to get where I am and now I have to go back to training wheels. It’s not really fair.”
Steve offers you a sympathetic smile.
“You’ll be back with us before you know it,” he assures you. “And if Loki is to be trusted, which I’ll admit is a hard thing for me to do, you’ll come out of this stronger than ever.”
“I was already strong before,” you sigh. “I was doing fine. Sure, I didn’t have some super soldier serum or a powerful suit, but I was fighting alongside you so that speaks for itself.”
“Steve just…” you whisper in resignation. “I was happy being normal and now… now, I’m not. I haven’t really gotten a chance to wrap my head around that everything has completely changed.”
“I understand,” Steve breathes out. “Things just happen in life, Y/N. They may be good, most times it’s bad, and it’s up to us to figure out how to deal with it. I know you have it in you to make the best out of this situation.”  
Steve stops at the door of your room and hands you your bag back. Your hand lingers on his as the request comes swiftly into your mind.
“Can I ask you for a favor?”
Steve nods, “Anything.”
“I’m going to try my best to gain control of this power but if I can’t, then I want it out of me.”
“That could kill you.”
“Sacrifices have to be made for the greater good,” you tell him. “You out of everyone should know. You did the same thing years ago.”
“And you know what that cost me.”
Indeed you did. He had told you about it some time ago. Trusted you with this information he kept close.
Steve had lost his comrades, the love of his life, and skipped 70 years into the future and though you wouldn’t have the same repercussions he had, you found the conclusion albeit still alarming.
“If I hurt someone, Steve… If I end up on the wrong side of things where I become the enemy… I don’t know if I could live with myself if I could have prevented it to begin with.”
Steve hesitates but he must see the deep desperation in your eyes.
“I’ll look into it,” Steve sighs. “And if that day comes… Just know, I’ll find another way to save you. I don’t care what it takes.”
You knew Steve to be stubborn so you allowed him this small victory. You release your hand from his and take your bag. Steve is quick to pull you into a hug and you allow yourself the small comfort.
“The next time I see you better be on a good note,” Steve chuckles into your ear. “I know you can beat this, Y/N. Don’t give up before it even starts.”
You nod and force yourself to let him go. He offers you one last encouraging smile before finally turning and walking away.
Your quiet solemn moment is disrupted by a dark chuckle that appears suddenly in front of you.
“That was agonizing to watch,” Loki mutters. “I think our innocent Captain was expecting a kiss out of it.”
“We’re just friends,” you respond glaring at the God that leaned against the door frame of his room which conveniently resided right in front of yours.
“Are you sure?” Loki grins. “I don’t think you’re being completely honest at this moment.”
“And I think you’re spinning lies out of nowhere so you can incite drama because you find yourself bored.”
Loki doesn’t respond and you knew you had him. You turn away and open the door of your room. You don’t bother to turn the light on as you throw your bag inside. You make up your mind you’ll unpack and settle in later.
“Come on,” you call out to Loki. “Let me introduce you to everyone.”  
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A highlight at being moved to the large and expansive Avengers Facility that laid out of the city is the people who resided there. You can’t help but laugh when you step into the dining room to find a Welcome Home banner hung up with Wanda and Vision at the head of a filled table. Bucky and Sam were there too but the serious scowl on their faces made it seem like they were unhappy with your arrival.
“You didn’t have to do all of that,” you tell Wanda as you hug her. “It hasn’t been that long since I’ve stayed here.”
“It’s been long enough,” Wanda states.
“Welcome home Agent Y/N,” Vision nods at you.
“Hello again, Viz.”
“We all heard about what happened,” Wanda speaks up. “Are you ok?”
“Not really,” you shrug. “But I will be once I get myself under control.”
Wanda squeezes your arm and you turn towards Bucky and Sam who haven’t moved to greet you. They remain rooted in place as they glared at your travel partner who remains in the outskirts of the room.
“Hey, stop that,” you nudge them. “He’s not a threat.”
“That’s not what Steve said,” Bucky mutters. “He said we needed to pay extra attention to him.”
“Yeah, emphasis on extra,” Sam adds.
“I’m sure he didn’t mean it literally,” you argue.
“Better safe than sorry,” Sam responds.
You roll your eyes at them and turn to Loki instead.
“Loki, this is the rest of the team,” you introduce him vaguely. “Team, this is Loki.”
Wanda’s the only one to offer a small wave while everyone else remained silent. You understood why Vision was hesitant to step forward. Loki had once wielded the mind stone that was currently resting on his forehead. As for Bucky and Sam, they were just being overprotective by Steve’s warning.
“Alright, great start,” you mumble as you nod Loki forward. “Let’s just sit. They’ll get over the whole security threat thing once they realize you’re not going to do anything.”
“And what if I do step out of line?” Loki asks with a slight grin.
The question doesn’t go unheard as Bucky and Sam are quick to straighten up while Wanda lets out a heavy sigh. You set your plate down and turn towards the mischievous God.
“Bucky there,” you point out. “Has a metal arm and a variation of the super soldier serum running through his body. He’s also a very notorious assassin but we don’t talk about it.”
You then point towards Sam.
“Now Sam here, you might think he’s nothing special and in a way he isn’t…”
You shoot Sam a pointed glare and he shuts up enough to allow you to continue.
“As I was saying, Sam may not be a super soldier, but he can sure fight like one and you won’t want to face him with his Falcon suit on. You won’t stand a chance if he catches you in the air.”
Loki takes in the information you offered and makes note of it. He knows better than to create enemies without knowing who they are and the threat they may impose on him.
“Now Wanda is a sweetheart,” you continue earning a smile from her. “But she can kick ass if she needs to and between you and me, I wouldn’t want to get on her bad side. She got her powers through the mind stone which allows her to do a lot of cool stuff. Telekinesis, telepathy, force fields, mental manipulation… The list goes on and on.”
You take a deep breath and then turn to Vision who’s still joining them on the table though he doesn’t need to eat dinner.
“Now Vision is the youngest of us all if you can believe it,” you tell Loki. “I still don’t understand the science of how he was made but basically he’s an android with a conscience. A robot with a heart of gold. Plus, he’s the self-appointed guardian of the mind stone and we all saw him wield Mjolnir though Thor refuses to admit it.”
Loki now realizes why his brother had been so easily convinced to allow him out of his sight. With this band of trainee heroes, Loki would be well supervised and beaten if he stepped out of line.
“Now that the introductions are out of the way, let’s eat.”
You eagerly begin to pile food on your plate passing the courses around. Everyone follows your lead easing into an amicable conversation. Loki simply sat back and drank the wine offered as he suddenly found himself with appetite lost. 
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TTSWL Tag: @catsladen @is-it-madness @manyfandoms-marvel @mejusttryintogetby @illogicalfangirl @ariel-snow-tmnt @islinglivesinshire @musicconversedance @missmadwoman @smaranshakthi @adaydreamingdragon @poetic-fiasco @like-a-wildfire @jasminecalia @ha-tep @charbokbok @setsuna-meiou31 @ms-blvck @country-cowgirl-101 @bepo-is-sorry
Loki Tag: @unicorniorosacomefrutillas @thesilentbluesparrow @oddly-drawn-muse @josiehosiedaninja @hp-hogwartsexpress @sadwaywardkid @wolf-lover74 @sizzlingbarbarianglitter @sigyn-nightshade @aoirohi @horsesandwolvesaremyanimals @just-a-donut-who-reads @day-dreaming-fox
All Works Tag: @jmb959 @astudyoftimeywimeystuff @hellocookiecutter @steve-rogers-personal-hell @buckybarnesyard @not-zari-tak @strangersstranger @thefridgeismybestie @ariel-snow-tmnt @badhollandfluff​ @what-a-flammable-heart
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elenamiria · 4 years
A Sweet Poison
Pairing: Plo Koon x Reader
A mission goes awry when your data proves to be outdated. Specifically in the flora department. (Again this is just smut, no plot and yes it’s cliche but honestly idc) Word Count: 3K (I’m so sorry, this was meant to be like 1k but I can’t control myself) Warnings: Sex pollen and thus dub-con, daddy kink, overstimulation, p in v sex, degradation (only once), begging, cockwarming 
Tagggies: @hxldmxdxwn @fishswimbetterunderwater  Let me know if you wanna be tagged in future fics 🥰 Dedicating this one to Kenna (hxldmxdxwn) for many reasons, number one she hit 2k!!! number two plo koon is her husband and number three her plo koon thots were a big inspiration as well as her plo fics! (Masterlist here) Also if you say anything bad about Plo, I will fight you :)  That’s all! Enjoy this entirely gratuitous smut
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Plo was sitting on the ground, whole body tense - his back against a large tree, legs spread. His eyes were focused on your every move as you frantically paced back and forth. Barely audible whines left your mouth and you were shaking your hands as if to try to shake off the fever that was rapidly consuming your body. 
The two of you had gone for reconnaissance for your mission. After flying over it had been discovered that there was a ledge with a clear view of a separatist hide out, far enough away that you wouldn’t be spotted and it was just a trek through a jungle away. You had done your research on the planet and informed your master that it should be safe to do so, the flora and fauna in this area had been cleared by settlers in a village not far from the your campsite. Unfortunately, in your haste to ensure the plan would go smoothly you had failed to check when the reports were filed, which was over a year ago. So now here the two of you were clearly having some sort of reaction to something, leading to your anxious pacing, as you racked your brains trying to figure out what it could be. It hadn’t taken Plo long to figure out what was happening, in his padawan days a Jedi had encountered a form of sex pollen and the story spread like wildfire as a cautionary tale and all the telltale symptoms were making an appearance.  
Most prominent was his cock straining against his pants, a direct result of the whines you thought he couldn’t hear. He was feeling the same burning heat you were and he had sat down with the intention to meditate to try to get his urges under control but with your constant pacing all he could focus on were his thoughts of fucking you until you couldn’t walk. He also was thankful that though you were his padawan, you had only just joined him. You had come to him after losing your master and though the two of you knew very little of each other you had bonded, both through the force and outside of it, quickly. It was through your bond that he could sense your increasing want, but he also sensed your rising anxiousness and pain. 
Unable to watch you in such a desperate state he called your name out softly. You froze and turned to him eyes wide, you felt yourself grow wet at his voice. You were biting your lower lip in a way that made his cock twitch and he spread his legs slightly before beckoning you towards him. You obeyed immediately, sinking down to sit in front of him and he could sense your desperation to be touched. Gently he reached out to you pulling you to him, turning you around he situated you so you were sitting in between his spread legs and his chest to your back. Wrapping his arms around your waist he pulled you firmly against him hoping that the contact would ease both of your pain.You couldn’t help but let out a sweet breathy moan at the contact, your head falling back onto Plo’s shoulder. For a moment you both sat there, it was working the burning sensation dulled enough for you to regain your senses a bit. You managed to squeak out “Plo, w-what’s happening??” His grip around you tightened causing another whine to escape and unconsciously you arched your back, wiggling to try to get closer. Plo pressed his head to the side of yours as his hands started a soothing stroking along your sides, with a quick reassurance of “Shhh, I’ve got you don’t worry” Your breathing started to even at his touch and you couldn’t help but question the whole situation again. “We need help, can’t we just call the boys to come get us?? O-or if we don’t come back they’ll come looking for us, right?”
Plo froze at your question, how was he supposed to explain to you that he had commed Wolffe when he realized what was happening and made up an excuse saying that you wouldn’t be back until much later or maybe not until tomorrow. He had no qualms telling you that but he knew you would ask why and he would have to tell you what was really happening but what he didn’t want to explain that the thought of you going back and his men seeing you desperate to be fucked and possibly you even begging them to fuck you made him jealous in a very un-Jedi like manner. As he was debating you started pressing closer to him again a small whine of his name falling from your mouth, followed by you repeating your last question, and he knew he had to tell you even if you would become aware of his feelings for you. “They won’t come because I told them not to, that we may not be back tonight” Your eyes snapped to his face and a confused look crossed yours. A pathetic little ‘why’ left your throat and he shifted uncomfortably. His hands resting on your waist squeezed slightly as he simply responded, “because we’re under the influence of sex pollen.”
There was a long moment where neither of you moved or said anything. Your brain had stopped processing at his words and you had pulled forward attempting to gather your thoughts. Unfortunately, all this managed to do was allow the heat to creep back into your body, slowly at first but once it hit you it flooded your senses. You pressed your thighs together as slick started to leak out of you unprompted, your hands itched to touch yourself and your breathing started to pick up again. Noticing this Plo eases you back into his body hoping it would help you, however this backfires as your ass pressed firmly into his cock. The Kel Dor groaned as you started to roll your hips against him, his hands flying to your hips to stop you with a bruising grip. He let out a warning growl but all that did was excite you more, your whole body was on fire at this point and you needed contact - so your hands rose to your chest, teasing your nipples over your dress. You felt Plo’s hard length twitch against your ass and you moaned his name loudly. He let go of your waist with one hand to capture both of your wrists in his large hand, muttering something about ‘inappropriate relations’. Whining you desperately tried to pull your hands away but he held firm. You tried to grind against him but he put a firm end to that by harshly wrapping his free arm around your waist and pulling you tight against him.Unable to get the friction you needed you started thrashing in his hold, crying out ‘please’ over and over. His grip on you only tightened and there was another growl right by your ear before he pleaded with you to stop moving and a reminder that you weren’t in your right state of mind. Sweat gathered on your brow and tears filled your eyes as desperation overcame you and you cried out “Plo I want you so badly!! I want to fuck me!” A moan, low and gravelly, came from Plo and he bucked into you before pushing his instincts down. “You’re only saying this because o-” “No! No, I’ve wanted you like this since I saw you Master!” You cut him off and his grip on you weakened at this confession. Seeing your opportunity you launched forward to free yourself and landed on your hands and knees in front of him.  
Before he had time to react you had spread your legs allowing yourself to lower your upper body so you could reach back to hike up your dress around your hips. Your face pressed into the forest floor but you didn’t care, not when you had eagerly shoved your panties to the side and were now rubbing tight circles around your clit, the pleasure crashed into you wiping the world around you away. A plethora of moans, whines and pleas were steadily streaming out of your mouth and you heard soft moans from behind you reminding you that you weren’t alone. Sinking two fingers into your dripping pussy you called out to your master, “Plo please, please come fuck me Master!” You heard a noise in protest but before he could speak you slurred out, dizzy with pleasure, “I want this, I want you! Look into my mind, I’ve been longing for you!!” 
Desperately you called forth all the images of you pleasuring yourself while moaning your master’s name determined to show him that it wasn’t just from the pollen. Plo’s own moans grew louder and you hoped he was touching himself as you felt him gently probing your mind. You fingers were pumping in and out slick starting to drip down your thighs as your pleas grew desperate. As the fire inside you built you couldn’t help the words thoughtlessly flowing from your mouth, an endless stream of his name and master, but Plo remained firm where he sat (though he was frantically stroking himself, having desperately opened his pants).  It was only when you slipped up that the Kel Dor finally lost control.A wild desperate cry of “Daddy please!!” escaped your mouth as you added a third finger to your pussy.  Your hand was pulled away shortly after and you felt something hard pressing at your entrance as hands gripped your hips harshly.  Another cry of ‘daddy’ flew past your lips as your hips arched higher, desperate for friction. A deep chuckle met your ears as Plo stroked your sides softly, before cooing “Are you going to be a good girl for Daddy, little one? Will you let your master take care of you?” You nodded frantically while whining out yes and rewarding you he pulled your hips back as he pushed forward slamming his cock into you to the hilt, easily sliding in with how soaked you were. A groan left his body as you enveloped him and loud cry, verging on scream, flew past your lips as you clenched hard around him in orgasm. You had been on edge and his cock stretched you in a way that your fingers couldn’t, filling you deliciously and forcing your orgasm. While you were cumming Plo set a fast pace hips bouncing off your ass, strained moans echoing around you. You were vaguely aware that more cries of ‘master’ and ‘daddy’ were trickling past your lips but it was so hard to focus with the harsh pace Plo had set keeping you on a pleasure high.  A deep hum came from Plo’s chest as he murmured “My padawan is such a little slut, isn’t she?  Cumming for me when I’ve barely touched her”
“Yes! Yes daddy I was so desperate for your cock, you feel so much better than I imagined!” Your core clenched hard at his words as you cried out your response, already fluttering on the precipice of another orgasm. Plo purred and one of his hands moved to bury in your hair, tugging your upper body up off the ground so his other hand could slide under your dress to grope at your tits, “Oh my little padawan, you take my cock so well.”  
His fingers took their time grazing and gently pinching your nipples, talons lightly brushing over them teasingly, before he continued, “Would you like to come again?” His hips slowed until he was seated deep inside you stretching, teasing. Frantically you nodded tears filling your eyes. A pleased purr echoed through Plo’s body, and his words had you clenching around his cock again, “Beg, my sweet girl” You gasped and turned your head as best you could so he could see just how much of a mess you were, voice wavering and tears trailing down your face as you began to beg. Simple cries of ‘please, Plo’ flew from your mouth but his head only tilted and a small sob tore its way out of your throat. You desperately tried to thrust your hips but all that got you was Plo pulling out and one hand moved to press feather light onto your clit, the just teasing touches caused your walls to desperately flutter around nothing and you cries and please got louder until you were babbling, “Please, please Master! Fuck me, I need your cock, you make me feel so good! No one else could ever fuck me like you daddy!!”
With that he plunged back into you setting a rapid, hard pace, finally placing pressure on your clit, his other hand supporting your upper body as your orgasm washed over you. Your whole body went rigid as pleasure made you incoherent, fingers digging into the forest floor. Plo fucked you through your orgasm whispering out soft praises of how good you felt, that you were such a good girl for him and moved his hand up to softly wiping away your tears while stroking your face. After you came down your energy left you and you went limp in Plo’s grasp, when his hips paused you whined slightly and uttered out for him to keep going - knowing how desperately he needed release, and the heat in you starting to rise again despite how hard you had just cum twice. 
Pulling out he gently picked you up as he slid back into his original position of sitting propped against a tree. He moved your limbs, as you had become fairly useless in your blissed out state, so you were straddling him and lowered you gently back onto his aching cock. You practically sobbed at the feeling of his thick ridged length sliding back into place, he held you there for a minute not moving while you grasped at his shoulders whimpering. Your walls were twitching around him and though you were exhausted after two intense orgasms you felt your lower body heating again, the familiar coil starting to build. Plo seemed content to keep you there sitting on his cock and he buried his face best he could into your neck, hands running softly up and down your back. When you started to weakly rock your hips back and forth on him a raspy chuckle met your ear sending a shiver down your spine. He pulled you close to his chest before cooing at you, “It’s alright little one, let me take care of us both”
You weakly nodded at him and his hands moved down to your waist, gripping tightly he started to buck his hips up into you. You moaned burying your face into his shoulder as he easily lifted you and brought you back down onto his cock in time with his thrusts. Plo was close, you could tell as he was become more vocal and his grip on your waist grew tighter; his pace was also speeding up and you snuck a hand down to rub at your clit. Gently your hand trailed up to cup the back of his head and you hazily lifted your head to press your forehead to his. You were aware he was praising you, calling you his good girl, but you couldn’t focus on anything other than how fast you were bouncing on his cock and they way his breathing hitched when he slammed back into you. You keened as you pinched your clit lightly and your third orgasm hit you - you couldn’t tell if this one was weaker or if your brain was just so muddled you couldn’t comprehend what was happening. Either way the fluttering of your walls around him caused Plo’s own release to shoot deep inside you, a loud groan leaving his body as he filled you with his cum. You closed your eyes, foreheads still lightly pressed together as a weak cry of ‘Master’ left your lips. His hands trailed up your back to cup your head and you pressed the softest of kisses to his antiox mask, your eyes fluttering shut as exhaustion took over your body. 
Plo started to move you off of him but a pitiful cry left your lips and you murmured out “please, let’s just stay like this for a bit” nodding in response Plo guided your head to his shoulder then gently moved your legs to a slightly more comfortable position. You fell into sleep rather quickly, something he was glad for - it meant the effect of the pollen was wearing off. He could still feel the heat in his body but with you perched on his cock and pressed into him it was enough to hold any urges back. His hands held you close, one absently stroking your back and the other stroking your hair, as he leaned his head back against the tree to join you in sleep. Bonus: you had just finished a debrief on the info you gathered from the recon (at least the pollen hadn’t started taking effect until after you got what you needed). Commander Wolffe had turned around to study a map when Plo gently touched your elbow. He had taken care of you when you both woke up and made sure you were able to sneak into your room and clean up before the briefing. Even though you had both slept for hours it was clear you were still exhausted. A kind voice met your ears as Plo suggested you go rest before the attack his hand gently rubbing your arm. You tiredly yawned and nodded, absently replying “Yes daddy”. His hand tightened on your arm and you froze once you realized your mistake, eyes shifting to look at Wolffe - he had shifted his weight slightly but had shown no other sign of hearing you (though if you had been able to see the front of his face you wouldn’t be able to miss the heat coloring his tanned complexion and shocked expression). Plo purred softly and gave your arm a squeeze, you just knew if he had a face like yours there would be a smug smirk on it, and he bent down to whisper, “Oh kitten, such a good girl but let’s save that talk for later, hmmm?”
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nightfayre · 4 years
a young!qiucheng at a party prompt request for @itssomekindofheaven! thank you so much for the prompt, and I hope you enjoy!!
There were many different ways Qiu imagined their reunion to be. Most of them involved surprise entries; a pair of motorcycle keys left on the countertop for Cheng to find in the morning, or the half-cracked bedroom door across the hall that hadn’t been opened since he left, beckoning curiosity. Others of them involved hard glares — a moment of shock (”When... did you get back?”) as well as bitterness (”Wouldn’t you like to know.”) — and perhaps a dose of silent treatment to ensure the message was well received.
But Qiu never considered either of them to be that theatric, nor that inclined to waste such time, and so none of that ever came to fruition. Instead, now, Qiu watched the effect of the command unfold before him. 
Cheng, kneeled before He Tian with a wet cloth that he dabbed disdainfully against the red stain on He Tian’s dress shirt, turned to look up at Qiu. His eyes caught the irritated sweep of Qiu’s gaze — widened only for a moment — and then held it.
“Enough of what?” Cheng asked, drawn. Qiu was surprised to find no bitten severity behind the words, which had increasingly become Cheng’s standard disposition over the years. Instead, he was calm, and in front of him He Tian rocked back on his heels, abashed by the salsa that had still coated his fingertips when Cheng found him — and a shattered serving bowl — in the kitchen. His older brother had made quick work of scolding him, then stiffly comforting him when He Tian began to pout, then aiding in removing the stain before the maids (or worse, father) found out. 
Qiu had watched it all happen from across the room as he feigned interest in a family head’s state of affairs. When the opportunity came, he made some lame excuse to find himself here, now, looking down on the celebration’s main attraction playing babysitter. And while regular fuck-ups on young He Tian’s behalf were never exactly surprises, tonight it made something in Qiu’s mouth go particularly sour.
“There’re others who are responsible for him tonight,” Qiu told Cheng now. “Let him be.”
He Cheng’s mouth quirked, and he turned away to dab at the stain again. “He’s my brother.”
“And it’s your birthday,” Qiu said, frowning. He jerked his head over his shoulder where small crowds littered the marble floors of the He’s dining hall, gathered in tight circles as they prodded at finger foods. “People traveled to see you.”
I’m here to see you, idiot.
“They came to see my father,” Cheng amended, flat. “Don’t get us confused.”
“Well,” Qiu said, then said nothing more, because Cheng gave him a look that warned Don’t start and, frankly, Qiu didn’t have the energy tonight. Instead, he turned to He Tian, who looked up at him with a mixed expression of fear and anxiety thinly veiled by bravery. Little lion man, Qiu often called him, and he was often reminded of the truth behind such a nickname. 
“You have other shirts, don’t you?” Qiu asked him. “In your room?”
He Tian nodded. “But father told me I wasn’t allowed to go upstairs tonight. They locked my door.”
“Fuck’s sake,” Qiu muttered. He stopped a passing servant balancing a platter of drinks, and the man bowed his head with respect. “Take He Tian with you,” Qiu ordered, “and find a house maid. He needs a new shirt. And—” a glance at Cheng, who frowned, “—don’t let Mr. He see.”
The servant looked where Cheng — broad shoulders draped in a dark, pressed suit and hair neatly slicked back — kneeled before his little brother on the kitchen tiles. It was a sight to behold. “Yes, sir,” the man said.
He Tian glanced to his brother, who eventually relented with a scowl and nodded with permission, dropping the cloth. Sheepish, He Tian followed the servant toward the nearest loitering maid, picking at the shirt stain as if that would make it go away faster.
“Don’t give me that look,” Qiu said as Cheng stood, silent but telling in the way that his lips pressed and his eyes, dark and severe, leveled on him. “You’re not his fucking parent. You have other shit to worry about.”
“This event isn’t any different than the others I’ve attended,” Cheng replied, mouth pulling at the edges. “Don’t be so damn sentimental. They’ll eat you alive for it.”
“Who? Your daddy?” Qiu scoffed. “I don’t care.”
Cheng tilted his head. “Your payroll would beg to differ.”
“I’ve just spent five months overseas for his ass. If he wants to fire me over a salsa stain, then I’ll start packing my bags.”
“Bags? Plural?” Cheng shook his head. “You could fit the shit in your room in a single backpack.”
Qiu scowled. “Sorry I don’t have the luxury to drop all my money on useless shit like you. Like cars.”
It had the intended effect. Cheng regarded him, surprised. “You already know about that?” he asked after a moment.
Qiu leaned back, the wall firm against his shoulder blades. He’d taken off his suit jacket an hour ago because he was hot, and because he was irritated watching Cheng interact with the party’s guests without ever thinking to greet Qiu, too. The thought in itself made him crave a cigarette. He still did. “Yeah, I do. Heard it from one of the guys because, apparently, you don’t know how to fucking text. Or call.”
There was a pause; a moment in which Cheng only watched him, stoic like his father but quiet in every way that wasn’t his father. Qiu suppressed the urge to reach forward and drag his fingers through Cheng’s gelled hair and fuck up every perfect strand if only to prove that Cheng was only twenty-three — no, twenty-four now — and nothing of what Mr. He tells him to be. To do. That Cheng was right: this party was for his father, even though Cheng’s name was on the invitation, but that doesn’t mean Cheng didn’t deserve more than a calculating, decisive look from all the guests he greeted. That he didn’t deserve more than going to bed after all the guests have left and the house staff cleans up their mess and his only thoughts being of tomorrow’s agenda, and his little brother’s wellbeing, and the empty chair that sat next to his father during the dinner.
God, Qiu could give him more than that.
“I’ve been busy,” Cheng told him now, his voice lowered so that Qiu knew that this was an apology, and that Cheng, in some fashion, meant it.
Qiu didn’t accept it. “Not busy enough to avoid buying another fucking Hongqi though, huh?”
Cheng exhaled, in the same way he exhaled when He Tian bothered him while he was trying to work: worn, but understanding. “I’m serious, Qiu. I was busy. And I didn’t want to distract you while you were abroad, either.”
Qiu frowned. “Distract me? With what? A single phone call just so I know you’re still alive? What the hell does distract even mean?”
“You know what it means.”
There was a pause; another servant passing them with a quiet apology even though they were the ones taking up space in the doorway. Then Cheng shifted on his feet, slipped a hand into the pocket of his trousers.
“She’s a beauty,” he offered. “The Hongqi. I wanted it to be a surprise when you came back. But she’s in the garage, just polished. Want to go see her after...?” He made a vague wave of the hand towards the dining hall. 
Qiu’s jaw set. “No, actually. I’m still jet lagged from the plane ride this morning that you never greeted me from and I want to get some sleep tonight.”
Cheng frowned. “Ah-Qiu—”
“Forget it. I need a smoke.”
As Qiu turned and headed for the nearest exit, Cheng sighed again, irritated. “For fuck’s— You’re joking. Qiu.”
Qiu was already pulling a pack of smokes from his pocket as he walked. “Yeah, because you’re always so receptive to a joke, aren’t you, He Cheng?” he muttered.
Cheng didn’t respond, but followed him out. People only gave them a passing glance as they went by, sometimes a nod or a half-smile once they recognized Cheng as his father’s son. But soon they were alone, warm evening air dragging away smoke tendrils from the glowing end of Qiu’s cigarette as he walked the stone pathway. The sky was a deep orange hue like that of a wildfire, tainted by a dark, creeping purple at the edges. The gardens hadn’t been touched much since Mrs. He’s passing earlier in the year, but Qiu followed the edge of it nonetheless, coming to a stop at the iron gate that was cold through his sleeves when he leaned his elbows on it.
He said nothing when Cheng appeared at his side, and the two stood in silence as Cheng sparked a lighter and held the flame to his own cigarette until it caught.
For a while, they only looked upon the shadowed landscape of the He estate; the small rolling of hills disturbed by the forest, trees’ silhouettes protruding out like teeth on a comb. Qiu wondered how long it would take for a single match to leave the hilltops barren and charred. Then, Cheng spoke.
“How was it?” he asked. His voice sounded louder here, away from the house. “The trip.”
Qiu glanced at him from the corner of his eye, then looked forward again.
“Same ol’ shit,” he answered blandly. “Every city looks the same to me. Nothing worth mentioning. And I couldn’t even understand the fucking language they were speaking during the meetings, either. Waste of my time. I was muscle and not much else.”
Cheng nodded, absentminded, like that made sense. 
And then he said, in little more than a mutter: “I thought of you.”
Qiu’s brows drew together, cigarette paused between the split of his lips. Then he drew in a breath; let the smoke dance and twirl in front of his eyes. The burn at the back of his throat almost felt cathartic. 
“Well, aren’t I fucking lucky?” he muttered. “He thought of me. Fucking groundbreaking.”
Cheng looked at him, expression blank. “You were gone a long time, Qiu. I don’t want you to think I wasn’t thinking of you during that time. That I didn’t notice your absence, when I did.”
Qiu only shook his head. “Hard to believe when you’re more worried about talking to old men who don’t give a shit about you and a stain on He Tian’s fucking shirt than you are about seeing me again.”
“I couldn’t find the time,” Cheng told him. “My father told me my first priority was socializing — networking, or however he puts it. And He Tian developed a bad habit for nightmares about our mother again while you were gone. He’s woken me up nearly every night, and he’s skipping meals again. I’ll be the first to admit it’s annoying, but I can’t just fucking— ignore him.”
Little lion men, Qiu thought, the both of you. 
But Qiu weighed the words sitting on his tongue carefully. He tapped away the flaking ends of his cigarette as he did, and watched the ash rise to the sky among the dim stars.
Eventually, he gave into the loss of inhibition.
“You’re filling a spot you don’t need to fill,” he said, a little coarse. “He’s a kid; he’s gonna mourn his mom whether you bend over backwards or not. But you’re putting more and more shit on your plate that you don’t need to, and it’s gonna bite you in the ass eventually.”
To Qiu’s surprise, Cheng nodded. 
“But when it comes down to it, there’s no other option,” Cheng said. His eyes scanned the horizon, and Qiu wondered what he saw in the trees. “I didn’t have a sibling growing up in this family; I’m not so damn selfish that I would want that for He Tian, too. Especially now, after...”
Behind them, Qiu could hear the distant drone of music and the chatter of people. The liveliness seemed to be separated from them in that moment, like a dome encasing the noise. Here, they were still and quiet, caressed by a soft wind that had freed a strand of hair to lie on the flat of Cheng’s forehead, warmed by the heat between their too-close shoulders and the smoke that one man breathed out and the other breathed in. Equilibrium.
“So…” Qiu started after the silence stretched, “what, then?”
Cheng straightened, smirking. “So, nothing. I do what I can. I’m taking him camping near the river this weekend. Getting us both away from here for a few days.” 
He looked at Qiu. Continued: “And when I come back, we can take the Hongqi out for a ride. I know you want to see it. And I’ll let you tinker with it, or whatever the hell you usually do with the bikes and shit.”
Qiu clicked his tongue — even as his chest warmed at the idea of putting his hands on something that nice. “Don’t try to bribe your way out of this.”
Cheng huffed a laugh, breathy and stolen. “Why not? There’s only so many ways to make you happy, and I never knew you were such an attention whore until tonight. I saw you the moment you walked in, but I didn’t realize I had to make it known.”
Qiu spit into the grass. “Fuck you. I’ll remember this when you fuck off somewhere and come back.”
“An eye for an eye. Sounds fair enough to me.”
“‘Course it does to someone like you.”
Cheng smiled — something small and rare and barely noticeable that made Qiu break eye contact. Oblivious, Cheng took a long drag off his smoke, then nodded to himself.
“Then this weekend is a deal,” he confirmed, low. “Spending some time together, now that you’re back.”
Qiu dropped his cigarette, and crushed it beneath his shoe.
“Fine,” he said, feigning vexation. “But only because it’s your damn birthday, and I’m the only one around here who seems to care. I pity you.”
The words were meant to be clipped and prickling, but he felt the weight of Cheng’s eyes trail the length of him with anything but contempt. Eventually, Cheng put out his cigarette too, then slipped his hands in his pockets as he overlooked the hills. 
“Well,” he said, smirking. “Aren’t I fucking lucky.”
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12yeahiminluvwu · 4 years
pairing - Rudy Pankow x Little Sister!Reader
summary- Requested by @deathcompass :) “hi! your writing is amazing :) i was wondering if you could write something with drew/rudy where his younger sister has a panic attack and he helps her calm down because she gets them a lot?”
word count- 1.9+ 
warning(s)- panic attack tw, anxiety tw, swearing (maybe? idk), kinda cliche… gives me 2016 wattpad vibes ngl, the ending sucks i’m so sorry! very loosely edited
series masterlist 
Disclaimer: I’ve only ever had very mild panic attacks so I’m going to use my own experiences to write this, but I do understand that they can be very severe and I’m not in any way trying to romanticize anything at all. I love you, stay safe <3 
“Hey bug, you ready to come home?” You sighed, realizing that summer was ending and you would be having to go back to Alaska for school. It hadn’t snuck up on you, but some part of you had hoped that you’d get to stay with your brother forever. 
“I guess…” You mumbled back, not wanting to hurt your parents but also not wanting to go back. 
“You’re all set to fly out in a few days, we can’t wait to see you!” Your mom exclaimed. You could hear the excitement in her voice which only broke your heart even more. The familiar feeling began to bubble up in your chest, making it seem like you couldn’t breathe in all the way, like something was taking up space in your lungs preventing you from getting enough oxygen. This hadn’t happened all summer, not since you came to live with Rudy. It had been so long since you felt it, you almost forgot the feeling altogether. 
“Sweetie? You still there?” Your mom’s voice brought you out of your own head and back into the real world, where a few minutes of silence had passed. 
“Yeah, yeah I’m here. I’ll see you soon. Love you guys.” You quickly ended the conversation, wanting to get as far away from your phone as possible, as your mind assimilated it with the panic you were feeling. 
This time, you were able to keep yourself calm.
“Baby, do you really have to leave?” Your boyfriend asked, his arms sliding around your waist, leaving goosebumps in their wake. The feeling of his skin on yours always ignited a fire within you, one you didn’t want to put out. You leaving in a few days felt like a storm threatening to wash away the wildfire the two of you had created together. 
“Yeah… I have to go back to school, my brother is gonna be filming season two of his show in Charleston, I’d have no one to stay with…” You mumbled into his chest, soaking in his scent, aching to remember every piece of him. Part of you wanted to believe that a long-distance relationship with him would work but the rest of you knew that it wasn’t fair to either of you. 
“Go to school here, with us! You could stay with me!” One of your best friends chimed in. A spark of hope lit up in your stomach, maybe you could stay. But then, like clockwork, that same feeling from earlier began to slither its way through your body. Your mind raced to all the things you’d be leaving behind, all the friends you had back home that you hadn’t seen in months. 
But as your mind raced and you sat with your new friends, and boyfriend (something you never thought you’d get back home), you realized the people in this room meant more to you than the people back home, who were only still friends with you because they didn’t have anyone else to be friends with. That still didn’t keep the panic at bay, but once again, you were able to keep yourself calm. 
“Roo, I wanna talk to you about something…” You said, coming into his room that night. 
“What’s up kid?” He asked, watching you sit down next to him on his bed. The way you twiddled your thumbs and chewed on your lips told him you were nervous about something, his mind racing to find out what it could be. The energy in the room shifted, and it was like all the oxygen had been sucked out of the room. Taking a big gulp, you started trying to verbalize your thoughts, even though it felt like you couldn’t breathe. 
“So… I was thinking- maybe- I… I could stay here with my friends and go to school here. She said she’d- she’d talk to her mom and ask if it was ok. But like, I would- I would need your help talking to mom and dad because I don’t want to hurt their feelings, but I really- really don;t want to go back home…” You stumbled out, hoping that he would understand what you had just word vomited at him. Slowly, you began to feel the burn of tears coming to your eyes, and desperately you tried to hold them back. 
“You want to stay here? How come?” He asked. He sat up, coaxing you into his arms cause he knows it calms you down. You laid your head on his chest and kept trying to take deep breaths as he stroked your hair. 
“I feel more understood by the people I’ve met here than I do by anyone in that stupid little town…” You whispered, “I’ve gotten closer to them in 3 months than I did to anyone back home in 16 years, Rudy. I have no one... no one real anyway.” 
“So you want to stay here in LA?” He asked again and you nodded. The sound of his voice was distant, sounding miles away. You did your best to focus on your breathing but that focus was quickly slipping away as your breathing became more sporadic and uneven. It was as if something was sitting on your chest, preventing you from getting enough air. 
“I’ll talk to mom and dad and see what they say. Kiddo, I need you to focus on your breathing ok? Focus on taking a deep breath all the way in and breathing all the way out.” He continued to run his fingers through your hair as you gasped in deep breaths and let the tears fall down your face. Slowly, the room started opening back up and even though the tears still ran down your face and your hands shook like an earthquake, it got a little easier to breathe. 
“That’s it, just like that,” He cooed. You sighed at the sound of his voice, remembering when you used to get these all the times before Rudy left home. After he was gone, they picked up even more and your mom and dad just didn’t quite know how to ground you like Rudy did. He was always there to protect you, it was a kick in the gut when he left you. But here he was, calming you down.
Rudy sat up in the living room, the next morning. You were still asleep, somewhat exhausted from last night's events. The phone rang and he took a deep breath, hoping for nothing more than to be able to get you what you want. 
“Hey Rudy! How have you been?” Your guys’ mom answered and he smiled, hearing the happiness in her voice. 
“Hey mom, is dad around?” He asked and heard shuffling on the other end. Suddenly his dad's voice sounded from the line and they got a little lost in simple conversation. Rudy then remembered exactly why he called them and got down to business. 
“So I wanna talk to you about Y/n…” He trailed off and your parents went a little quiet. He started to feel the sweat gather on his palms and gulped down the nervous lump in his throat, noticing the shift of energy in the call. 
“Is she ok? Did something happen to her?” Your dad spewed out, worried that something might have happened to his little girl, but he shook his head before remembering they couldn’t see him. 
“No no no she’s fine, but I know you guys are gonna be a little skeptical about what I’m going to tell you,” He sighed before continuing on, “ She wants to stay here for the school year…” 
The line went quiet. He could tell his parents were shocked, the fact that their daughter didn’t want to come home was a lot to process and they had no idea what the reasoning behind it was. 
“What do you mean? She doesn’t want to come home?” The woman gasped, feeling tears well up in her eyes.
“She’s ade some really awesome friends, people she’s closer to than anyone she is with at home. She’s already lined up a place to stay while I’m shooting. I think you’d really like them actually. It’s one of her best friends and her mom, they’re really nice! I think you guys should change Y/n’s ticket so that you guys can come down here…” He rushed out, hoping they understood him, but he was met with silence once again. 
“Uhm… We’re not making any promises, but we’ll come down there so we can talk about this as a family…” His dad said and he nodded with a smile, agreeing. 
You woke up feeling the events from last night lingering in your shoulders and neck. 
It was a familiar ache that only ever happened after an attack, a muscle tightness that made it feel as though you’d been sleeping on concrete for the past week. Doing your best to roll out the soreness, you walked into the kitchen to see Rudy with a look on his face that you couldn’t read. 
“So… I talked to mom and dad, and they’re gonna come here so we can talk about you staying!” He smiled and you felt like a little bit of the weight you’d been feeling lifted. 
“When are they coming?” 
“They’ll be here tomorrow,” He said, coming over and hugging me tightly, “We’ll get you where you need to be kid, promise!” 
The tension in the room was thick enough to cut with a knife. Your parents sat across from you and your brother, silently. You could tell they were deep in thought, but it didn’t help the shaking that began to take over your hands. 
All you wanted was for them to understand. They weren’t always great at that… 
“Mom, are you gonna say anything?” You finally asked, wincing when she let out a sign.
“Y/n, I just don’t like the idea of you living with someone you just met three months ago....” She said finally and your dad nodded along with her. 
“You don’t understand though. I’m closer to them than I am to anybody back home! I know her and I know that she cares about me, her mom cares about me! When I wasn’t here, I was there. I’m practically already a part of the family! She’s had me and Rudy over for dinner so many times I lost count. She’s hosted dinner parties for the cast because she wants to get to know the people close to Rudy and I because she cares! She’s like a second mom to me. And I love you guys, I really do. But I’m just not happy at home! It doesn’t feel like home anymore. This… This feels like home.” You stood up, pacing back and forth, your voice gradually raising to try and hold in the tears that threatened to fall. 
“Momma…” You whispered pleadingly, looking her in the eyes for the first time since she’d arrived and finally letting the tears fall. Rudy was next to you in seconds, pulling you into his arms, doing his best to keep you grounded so you didn’t fall off the edge.
The silence was filled by your sniffles and Rudy’s whispers into your ear. Your parents looked at each other with a knowing look in their eyes. It was obvious that they were not your home anymore, and no matter how much it broke their hearts they knew they had to let you go.
“Y/n, honey, we want to meet the family first, but we think you should stay. We want you to be happy bug, and if this is where you’re happy, then this is where you should be!” Your mom finally said, coming over and wrapping you and your brother in a tight hug. Your dad followed in suit and soon enough you started to feel yourself calm down.
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ayellowcurtain · 4 years
could you write about robbe and sander go on a date but the waitress tries to give sander her number and robbe feels jealous and angry
Could you write about sander taking robbe to a romantic place (or date where there’s only the two of them) and being all romantic with him then asking them to live together? (with a lot of fluff and a little bit of smut)
Sander is a natural flirt, it’s no secret and he doesn’t mean to do it, Robbe learned that since they started dating. He’s just...good at it without even trying. Robbe should remember himself of that constantly. He’ll never forget that random grocery shop trip when they first met. If he learned anything about Sander since then, Robbe assumes that it wasn’t his imagination playing tricks on him, Sander was flirting with him since day one. 
And his boyfriend is obviously handsome, effortlessly sexy. 
Robbe doesn’t have the courage to ask if she behaves like that with every customer, but he notices how the waitress makes sure she’s the one always coming to their table when they’re ordering something. She smiles when Sander makes a joke, asking for her to tell the chef to choose what they’ll drink tonight, something fancy, because neither of them know anything about wines. 
He looks at Sander and his boyfriend is looking at him, with the smile still on his face, raising his eyebrows. 
“I hope it’s good. Fancy wine...” 
Robbe laughs awkwardly, bitting the inside of his cheek not to ask if Sander is seeing what he’s seeing. Robbe doubts it, but he really wants to know. 
The fancy wine is good, the dinner is probably the best food Robbe has ever eaten, but he struggles to really stay focused and present. Everytime the waitress comes to bring their food, the salad, the wine again or ask if they need anything, Robbe is back to noticing how this girl is clearly trying to get his boyfriend’s number right in front of him. She’s not even embarrased about it. 
“Can we go?” He decides to ask when Sander asks if he’ll want any dessert. He wants dessert, of course, but he can’t spend another five minutes watching that girl. 
Sander doesn’t argue, just asks for their bill. He can tell something is going on, but they wait for the waitress to come back while having small talk. Robbe tries to smile at Sander, ensure him that Robbe is fine, but she’s quicker. 
Both of them get up as soon as she’s back, standing next to their table, closer to Sander, but Robbe has to look back to be able to grab his jacket from his chair. When he looks at his boyfriend again, Sander is serious, even looking a little mad. He holds Robbe’s hand and they’re finally out of the fancy restaurant.
They walk in silence for a few minutes, and when they decide to talk, they do it at the same time.
“Did you notice she was flirting with you?” 
“The waitress gave me her number.” 
Robbe stops walking, looking at Sander. His boyfriend rolls his eyes, walking back, standing right next to Robbe, carefully opening his hand like it’s a secret, with a crumpled paper with a number and a name written on it. 
“Robbe...” Sander sighs, holding his hand tighter, “I didn’t do anything, I promise.”
“I know. I know. It’s just...” Robbe snorts, letting go of Sanders hand, looking around them, wanting to go back to the restaurant and tell the girl to stop being a fucking creep, “Did she really think we were just friends having a romantic dinner or what? I can’t believe she thinks it’s okay to flirt with costumers and” Robbe sighs, stopping himself from getting this worked up about something so stupid, trying to calm down. 
He looks at Sander and he’s smiling. Not a sad smile, an actual smile like he thinks this whole situation is suddenly funny. 
“Sander...” Robbe feels all the heat from his body going straight to his cheeks, wanting to hide himself and apologize for behaving like a child. 
“Are you jealous?” Sander comes closer, quietly holding Robbe by his jacket, raising his eyebrows. 
Robbe opens his mouth to say no, but he stops himself because that would maybe be a lie. Tonight was just another proof that Sander can have anyone he wants, ever. Or he doesn’t even need to want, people will throw themselves at him. 
And he’s with Robbe. He just doesn’t understand how or why. 
“Yes...?” he tries instead, looking at his hand, carefully holding Sander’s again, “Maybe...” 
Sander laughs quietly and Robbe is looking down so he notices his boyfriend coming closer, his boots right in front of Robbe’s sneakers. Sander kisses his temple and waits until Robbe works up the courage to look up. 
“There’s nothing to be sorry about. It’s cute.” 
“No, it’s not.” 
“I think it is.” Sander shrugs, holding Robbe’s hands, putting them around his own neck, “You’re so cute.” 
“I’m sorry, it’s just that I’m always thinking that and sometimes, it slips out of my mouth.” Robbe rolls his eyes, wrapping his arms tighter around Sander’s neck. 
“Cute and jealous doesn’t take many people to many places. I want to be sexy. Like a sexy waitress.” 
Sander’s eyebrows go as high as they can and Robbe blushes even harder, knowing he messed up. That wasn’t, at all, what he meant. And he knows Sander is the type up to try anything. 
“We can work that out...” 
“No. No. You know what I mean.” 
Sander pouts, brushing their lips together and Robbe stops overthinking anything else just to focus on this. Sander’s drunk in love eyes for him. Robbe smiles easily, getting even closer. 
“I think you’re sexy. So sexy and without even trying. I don’t tell you everytime I think about it because then you’ll get all shy on me and I’ll feel bad if I make you uncomfortable. But know this, Robin: you’re the sexiest person to me. It’s a struggle to keep things down most of the time.” 
The warmth finally spreads all over his body again like wildfire and Robbe bites his lip, looking up at his boyfriend. 
“You don’t have to...” 
“I mean it.” 
“I know. And that’s the problem. If it was only my decision, we would never leave a bed, we would constantly be naked...” Robbe knows where Sander is going with that, not comfortable using his words because he knows Robbe will get all shy on him. 
“I want that too. I’m constantly thinking about it too, if you’re wondering.” 
“You are?” Sander frowns a little, his lips so shiny, his eyes staring at Robbe, so intrigued. 
Sander sighs loudly, resting his forehead against Robbe’s, his hands sneaking inside Robbe’s jacket and hoodie. 
“You should have told me that before. We could have skipped dinner.” Sander smiles, kissing his cheek, going a little lower, kissing his jaw and neck. 
“It’s good that we ate. We’ll have energy all night long...” Robbe whispers, too insecure to say it louder. Sander stops with his kisses, hiding his face against Robbe’s neck for a second.
“Fuck...” He stands up again, his hair a little messy, his eyes so dark and interested, “Let’s go home already.” 
Robbe nods his head, his skin feeling oversensitive all of a sudden, needing to be alone with his boyfriend right now. 
“Hey, Robbe...wait.” Sander stops him as soon as they start walking. He holds Robbe’s hand tighter, pulling him closer again. 
Sander doesn’t get actually nervous that often, not with Robbe. So when he sees his eyes constantly moving, never meeting Robbe’s, his lips twitching, Robbe gets a little worried, forgetting all about the ideas Sander was giving him a second ago. 
“Hey, it’s okay...” Robbe runs his fingers through Sander’s hair, putting everything back in place again, patiently waiting.
“I actually had a plan for tonight.” 
Robbe frowns, back to being completely lost again. He thought the dinner was the plan. 
“A friend of mine from college told me about this place. Too small for him and his roomate. It’s one bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom, basically...” 
Sander looks up at him with his puppy, insecure eyes and Robbe’s heart starts beating a little faster. 
“Do you want to go check it out?” He finally asks, his eyebrows going a little up instead of meeting in the middle, so afraid if him asking will make Robbe umconfortable. They both smile a little bit. A place just for them, with nobody else. 
“Right now?” 
“Hm, yeah...his family owns the place and it’s empty...I asked if we could check it out so he gave me the keys this morning...” 
Sander had it all planned. They have a place to go to for the night. Sander got the keys this morning. If Robbe knows anything about his romantic boyfriend, he’s sure he’ll find a perfectly clean place with candles everywhere, maybe some flowers. 
“Yes, please.” 
“Really?” Sander asks, surprised and Robbe laughs, nodding his head excitedly. 
“Really. Please!” Robbe begs, pouting and Sander laughs, sighing in relief, kissing him. 
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kitsunesakii · 3 years
A long day: part two
Part one here
Original prompt here (No.7)
     The next day I woke up alone, got dressed and headed back to work. I'm going to get fired for what I do the words echoed in my head. A red hue taking place on my features. I got to work a little late, headed to my desk, and waited for my first call.
     "Frisk! Come quick! We get to work in the feild today!" Maggie could barley contain her excitement as she nearly ran into me, quickly grabbing my arm and pulling me outside towards the 'bus', a military vehicle used when catching robbers and such.
     "W- what?!"
     "They said they needed reinforcements, and we were the only ones left!" We were given tactical gear and shoved in the back with a bunch of others.
     "Where are we going?" I swallowed thickly, A tinge of fear swelling inside of me, I wasn't used to being in the feild. On the account of no powers, our division was pretty useless outside the building, mostly just used for reassurance. This must be pretty important if they were calling us in.
     "We got a tip off the web that there's gonna be a robbery but most of the force is working on the other side of the city due to the super villain 'pyrite'" Maggie whispered into my ear. We got there fairly quickly. The main police were already there, in civilian attire. 
     I nodded in understanding, walking with her and an undercover officer into the bank. It was still morning, pretty empty except for an older couple and a mom with a sleeping baby over her shoulder.
     I sucked in a breath, uncomfort stirring in my stomach. This wasn't going to end well.
     We must have been there for thirty minutes, nothing. I looked at Maggie, she bit her lip, glancing at the officer a little ways away. He gave a short nod. Finally, we started towards the door.
     "Everyone on the ground!"
     My stomach flipped as I watched two men in masks break through the window. The mother screamed, covering her child with her body. Bending low against the floor. The older couple, frightened, leaned against a pillar, too out of shape to bend low to the ground. One of the men looked over at them, and angled their gun.
     "Did I stutter? Get. On. The. Ground."
     "Hey" I mentally cursed, why can't I ever keep my mouth shut, "come on, do they look like they're a threat?" Maggie gave a curt wine. I ignored her, lifting my hands, trying to give a peaceful gesture.
     "Did I ask you?" He growled, his partner shifted, whispering something in the others ear. My eyes flicked from one to the other. The first lowered his gun off of the older couple and placed it in the holster. He looked back at me and cocked his head.
     My brow furrowed, I felt heavy. I looked down to see my feat weren't touching the ground. Someone screamed. I was lifted up nd swung to the side, back hitting the wall. Hard. The impact would of killed me if the partner hadn't of knock into him. The pain came quick, a small rippling pierce cut through my ribs. Knocking the air out of me.
     I closed my eyes, my body feeling the cool of the floor. I heard a gun shot before everything went silent, my body going limp.
     Whatever room I was in was bright, I was on something soft. I jerked, remembering the past events and quickly feeling a sting close to my gut.
     "Hey," someone breathed "carful, you're lucky that he didn't damage anything severely."
     I rubbed my eyes, I was on a couch, whoever was talking was behind me. I strained to look. Sean. I breathed a sigh of relief, relaxing into the couch.
     He walked over with some medical care. I looked at my arms, realizing I had bandages wrapped around cuts from the fall.
     "I thought-" he paused, studying me, "you were out for a while..." He finished flatly, undoing a rather bloody bandage and replace it with new gauze, gently wrapping it over the cut.
     I gave a weak chuckle "looks like we switched roles"
     He didn't smile, instead moved on to check other bandages. "You hit your back really hard, and while I checked for signs of rib damage, I'm still gonna need you to try and stand." His voice was near silent, blanketing over the anger that was glazed over his eyes.
     He helped me up, making sure I didn't hurt myself as I stood to my feet. I tried again at a small smile, "with all of this information, why did you ever need my help?"
     Silence. I felt him gingerly roll up my shirt. I winced, everything felt like a low sting. He shifted into my line of sight, quickly grabbing some type of gel. The cool of it hit my back, shattering the numbness that was in place and caused my shoulders to rise.
     He stopped emediatly, "did that hurt?" His voice lost its cutting edge and instantly turned into worry.
     "No, no," I reasurred, "just cold"
     He continued placing the gel, smoothing it over what was probably a bruise.
     "Why were you in the feild?" He asked, moving over to scoop up a second layer of gel.
     "We were the last resort, most of the team was working on detaining Pyrite." The pain was fading, only a small rising and falling pinch in my gut.
     He hummed in agreement, moving his hands skillfully over the bruized patches. A minute passed.
     "It wasn't your fault. " I held my breath, feeling his hands stop mid stroke. Simply lingering.
     "You shouldn't of been there dearest" his words carried a bite, but I also felt the bit of weight roll off of his shoulders.
     "Maybe I just wanted an excuse to see you" I whispered, echoing his previous statement.
     I was rewarded with a small chuckle. He shifted, unravling my shirt until no skin showed.
     "You can sit back down, I'm glad your safe. "
    Speaking of safe, "why did they let you take me?" I asked, curiosity tinted on my face.
     A grin spread over his features like wildfire, amusement bubbling in his words, "ah, yes... They let me. " 
     "You kidnapped me?!" My stomach dropped, "wha- how long have I been gone, are they searching are-"
     "Hey, hey, relax dearest, I told the officer that I'd return you after I fixed you up"
I slumped into the couch "Oh and I'm sure they believed you!"
     His lax posture returned, his grin spreading ear to ear with every comment. He stared for a moment, studying me before standing back up.
     "What?-" I choked on my words as he moved over, taking up the space on my lap. Situating each knee at my sides. I sunk into the cushions, my heart leaping out of my throat. He draped his arms over my shoulders, towering a good inch higher than me.
     My face lit up like a firecracker. My brain all but working. Leaving me frozen to the spot.
     "Once they see that your bandaged up they'll relax"
     "Ah yes, the villain that kidnaps people, patches them up, and sends them on there way." I drew in a breath, forcing my thoughts into words. "Nothing suspicious about that, your going to get me fired!" I squeaked, watching the amusement sparkle in his eyes.
     He hummed, dragging a finger through my hair. Goosebumps danced along my skin. "Don't worry, you'll be on your way soon, but first-"
     He leaned in, pressing his lips flush against mine. At the same time moving his hands to my sides, drawing shapes on my skin. I melted into his touch, easily leaning into his kiss, loosing my sense of gravity. Like a magnet I was pulled closer, paralleling his stance with my own.
     He held me there for what seemed like forever. A love letter written in the blush of my cheeks, in the strength of his hands.
     Then, without warning, he drew back, leaving me lightheaded.  Taking his long forgotten spot on the couch back, and giving me room to breathe.
     "Incase it wasn't clear enough dearest, I love you"
     I gawked at him, taking on shallow breaths, my brain slowly starting back up. I couldn't help but giggle. I rubbed my forehead, a smile creeping up on my features. "I'm so fired"
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the-lady-of-stars · 4 years
Wishing you were somehow here again - part 1
Commander Wolffe x Jedi ! Reader
Summary: Wolffe loves you, his Jedi, more than anything. Nothing could ever come between your hearts. Or at least that’s what you believed up until he was commanded to kill you under Order 66.
A/N: Unfortunately for you all I have returned, once again inspired to write more heartbreaking angst for Wolffe. Luckily for you, however, this first chapter will exclusively be fluff. Kudos for anyone who knows what the title is a reference to. Enjoy my lovelies ;) 
You had always thought that Wolffe looked most handsome under the light of the moon. The way the silver glow framed his face made him out to be some ethereal being sent from the stars themselves.
From where you lay next to him on the grassy hill you could just about see the blissed out smile that graced his features. He had brought you out here away from camp to bask in the beauty of the night with him, and there you were, fingers clasped with his as his thumb stroked tender circles on your palm, grounding you in the moment. His eyes were gazing up at the vast expanse space above you, but you couldn’t bring yourself to peel your sight from him. Sensing your lingering stare, Wolffe turned his head to you, smile broadening at how enamoured his beloved looked. 
“What’s goin’ on in that pretty little head of yours, hmm cyar’ika?” he coaxed sweetly, squeezing your hand. 
“I really love you, Wolffe,” you spoke softly, not daring to break the pure serenity of the moment. 
He huffed in loving amusement, rolling onto his side to look down at you with fond eyes.
“And I love you, my starlight. But what’s brought this on? You goin’ all soft on me, General?”
“Can’t help it, Commander. ‘S all your fault. Might just have to court martial you for it,” you mused. 
“Court martial! And what exactly would the reasoning for this court martial be, might I ask?”
“Mm, well, quite a few things actually. For starters I’d accuse you of making your Jedi General fall hopelessly in love with you- that’s the most important one.” Wolffe grinned down at you as you spoke. “Next I’d accuse you of distracting your General from patrol and making her stargaze with you instead. Also important. Finally I might accuse you of having brought me here over an hour ago yet not having so much as kissed me on the cheek even once, although that can be rectified before it’s too late.”
Wolffe let out a genuine laugh before leaning down closer to you, putting his weight on his forearms, obscuring most of your vision but leaving a slight backdrop of the blinking stars surrounding him.
“Ah well, in that case I suppose I had better make a start. You have my sincerest apologies, Mesh’la.”
“I might find it in me to forgive you, but you’ll have to make it up to me first.”
“Yeah?” he cooed. 
“Mmhmm. Real nice.”
“I think I can do that.”
He began with a gentle kiss to your jaw, rising up your face to your cheeks, brows, forehead and nose, spoiling every inch of you in the loving way he thought you deserved. He muttered compliments and praise in between kisses, soothing you with his whispers of  “sweet girl,” “so beautiful,” and “so good for me.” You both sighed in harmony as he finally closed the remaining distance to meet your lips, locking them against yours. Your noses pressed together, eyelids fluttering at the sheer intimacy of the moment.
When you eventually separated from each other, you remained with your foreheads touching, both panting to reclaim the breath you had stolen from the other. You remained there, silence unbroken for minutes, just enjoying the moment. 
Wolffe was the one to break the stillness, pushing himself off of you to lean on his side again, eyes wandering over your face in thought. 
“What is it?” you spoke serenely, surveying his expression. He appeared to be deep in thought, although what about you couldn’t tell. 
“Do you remember when we first met?” he spoke up after a few more moments of thinking. 
“Of course, how could I forget?”
“We all knew that General Plo had trained a padawan to knighthood but we’d never actually met you. I remember on one campaign to some planet in the outer-rim we were resting for the night and Wildfire asked the General to tell us a story to pass the time.  That was the first time he told us about you. Told us how you’d taken out an entire squadron of clankers all on your own and without your saber. I’ll admit I fell a little bit in love with you right then. The more he told us about you the more I wanted to meet you. That night I couldn’t sleep because I couldn’t stop thinking about what you might have looked like. I lay there picturing your face, wondering things like what colour your eyes might be. If there’s one thing I guessed right it was that your eyes would definitely be striking, had to be to match the personality that went with them. So in some way I suppose you could say I was in love with you before I had even met you. I’ve heard Master Plo saying before that the force can bring people together. I don’t know if that’s real or not, I’m no Jedi, but I like to believe that we were meant to find each other, you know?
“Wolffe, you’ve never told me any of this before,” your eyes were glued to his lips as he spoke, captivated by his words. 
“I was always too embarassed to tell you. Honestly I’m surprised the boys didn’t get to blabbin’ about it to you before now. And the first time I actually met you? Stars. If you ask the boys they’ll tell you that I looked hypnotised. According to Sinker my mouth was wide open like I’d been hit straight on by a gunship. Nothing I’d imagined before could even compare to how beautiful you were. If I wasn’t in love with you before that then I definitely was then. My vode still haven’t stop teasing me for that one. But you wanna know when I was sure you were the one for me? You remember that time I got injured on Naboo after that clanker we didn’t notice hit me good in the knee?”
You winced, the memory still fresh in your mind. “I still have nightmares about that sometimes. Thought I was going to lose you, and even though I hadn’t known you all that long I realised then that I couldn’t bare to live without you.”
Wolffe took one of your hands in his, pressing a reassuring kiss to your knuckles in comfort then moving to play with your fingers absent-mindedly as he continued to speak. 
“And that’s why I fell for you. You looked after me all day and night, even while I slept, making sure I was clean, hydrated, comfortable and not in any pain. You cared for me so selflessly. When I woke up and saw that you had fallen asleep next to me in exhaustion I wanted nothing more than to show you just how appreciated you were. But I just couldn’t find the words no matter how hard I tried.” He looked into your eyes, noticing how they had glazed over slightly from how close you were to tears. 
“I know. I felt your emotions through the force. No one had ever felt that strongly for me in my life. Which is why I kissed you when you woke. Couldn’t find the right words either,” you smiled at him, lips trembling with emotion. 
“You’ll never know how often I think of that kiss. Think I nearly passed out again when it happened, my heart was racing so fast. You had me absolutely doll dizzy. But you know what the funny thing is? You’d think that I’d have become more used to it by now, you kiss me at every chance you get, but I haven’t. Every single time you kiss me I feel that same way I did the first time. You’ve got me good, sweetheart. Point is- I don’t ever want to stop feeling that way. I want to be able to lean over and kiss you for the rest of my life. So, Y/N, I’ve been thinking about this for a while now and I’ve decided. I want to marry you.”
“What?” you gasped, heart pounding against your chest. 
“I know it technically won’t be a legal marriage seeing as I’m a clone and you’re a Jedi, but that doesn’t matter to me. We don’t need paperwork to prove our love for each other. I want you to be my wife. My wife who I can spend every day of the rest of my life spoiling in the way she deserves. So, what do you say? Y/N Y/L/N, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?” 
Both of you now had tears streaming freely, a sob catching in your throat as you went to reply. 
“Yes,” you choked out. “Yes, Wolffe, I would love to marry you.”
The two of you were crying your hearts out, smiles pulling at your cheeks so brightly that it was nearly painful. Wolffe wasted no more time before standing up and pulling you to your feet then into his arms, picking you up to spin you in pure unbreakable joy. 
He set you down and instantly brought your lips together, giving him a new most passionate kiss to think about for the rest of his life. 
“I love you,” he laughed through his tears. “I love you so much!”
“I love you too. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”
Wolffe paused for a second, visibly thinking before kneeling down to the grass. 
“What are you doing?” you asked, but he was too distracted with what ever he was doing to reply.
You watched as he plucked a long blade of grass out of the soil forming a loop with it then tying it off so it was shaped like a circle. 
“A ring. I’m sorry I can’t get you a pretty one straight away, so this will have to suffice for now, but one day, after the war, I swear to you I will buy you the most beautiful ring I can.”
Wolffe took your left hand delicately in his, sliding his grass ring onto your fourth finger. You once again sobbed at his actions, throwing yourself into his chest and tucking your head under his chin. 
“Wolffe, it’s perfect. I don’t need a fancy ring, I only want you. And if you think I’m not treasuring this ring made from the grass of the hill you proposed to me on for the rest of my life then you don’t know me like I thought you did.”
He laughed, a wide grin settling on his face as he pulled you tight against him, rocking you in a slow dance as you both tried to stop crying. 
Absolutely nothing could tear the two of you apart. Or at least, that’s what you believed. Palpatine, you would soon discover, thought otherwise. 
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summonerscenarios · 4 years
What if some major property damage happened during the night, and the evidence suggests that the Mc did it. The teachers punish them, despite the Mc going on about how they didn't do it. How would the teachers react to all this going on, and after a week after said punishments were finished, it's revealed that the Mc was in fact, actually innocent. Hope this was an ok ask
Well I do believe it’s been a hot second since the MC has suffered so let’s change that lmao. Honestly this scenario had me SO TORN writing it up because I legit couldn’t see any good way for this turning out okay - like how do you come back from this??? Just. So many emotions. So many.
The whole thing was a mess - within the course of a single night there’s been significant damage to school property, to the point where the authorities had to be called in in case there was another attack coming. Rumors flood the school like wildfire, and every eye is trained onto the damaged site with either concern or a desperation for answers, nothing but questions on everyone’s lips for the foreseeable future. What happened? Who was responsible? Is it going to happen again? If so, when? By the time that the school is updated on the situation they’re notified that the culprit is clearly one of the students - there’s evidence left behind which suggests that someone was on the property right around the time the damage was done, in that exact same spot not even a few hours before it was discovered.
That student? Is you.
Mononobe, technically being labelled as your legal guardian, is the first to be approached with the issue, and he almost doesn’t believe it. Yes, you may be jokingly referred to as a ‘problem child’ for the trouble that you seem to attract, but going out of your way to destroy something for no discernible reason? He’s insistent that they lay out all the evidence gathered, to look over it, and look over it again till there’s another explanation for the damage. But everything investigators have managed to dig up points right back at you being responsible, and once that sinks in . He takes the situation seriously, and offers to be the one to call you out from class and bring you in; he’s hoping that seeing a familiar face will put you more at ease rather than being dragged out by strangers. But the entire walk to your classroom feels heavy - he knows that he’s bringing you in for a confession, and a part of him is still hoping that you aren’t responsible even as he knocks on the door and slides it open.
He tries to offer a reassuring smile as he asks to see you for a moment, but Ms. Ziz, who’s responsible for your lessons today, realizes that something isn’t right when she turns to greet him. Her expression flashes to concern for a brief moment, but she replaces it with a reassuring smile before turning back to the class and giving you the go-ahead to leave with Mr. Mononobe. You’re confused, but don’t seem to realize anything’s wrong as you join him out in the hallway, following in step as he motions for you to follow. The walk there is spent with him making small talk, asking you about how you’re settling in with new classes and inquiring how your friends are doing - the whole time you’re relaxed and smiling, even chuckling as you joke about the latest spat between Kengo and Shiro.
But then he stops at a door, and without thinking you open it, only to find what could only be described as a small jury waiting inside. It’s a mix between the officers responsible for the investigation and teachers not currently teaching classes - with some of the notable people being Mr. Triton and Mr. Jinn. Their expressions are grim but serious to reflect the gravity of the situation, and confused you turn to look back at Mr. Mononobe, that confusion turning into one of realization once everything clicks into place.
They think it’s you who did it - they all think that it’s you.
You deny the accusations almost immediately, growing increasingly more distressed and frustrated when they keep bringing up evidence that suggests you were responsible. Yes, you had been at the school after classes ended - but that was to pick up your bag that you’d left behind - your friends could vouch for that because you told them where you were going! You have an explanation for everything, but your denial only seems to make things worse - Jinn tries to comfort you by saying that if you tell the truth they’ll be able to figure something out but you just snap that you are telling the truth! Do they seriously not believe you?! 
By the end of the meeting it’s clear they see you as guilty. You feel your eyes burning as you stare down at the floor, and your throat feels hoarse from the yelling, but you know that saying anything else will just make things worse, so you go quiet, only piping up to once again declare your innocence only for it to fall of deaf ears. They inform you that with the damage being on school grounds it’s up to the faculty to discern what punishment you’ll receive; the authorities aren’t going to get involved, but you still have to face consequences for ‘your’ actions. The teachers see you physically deflate when you’re informed that whilst you won’t be suspended, you’ll be excluded from all notable foreseeable school events until the damage is repaired - on top of this, you’ll be escorted to and from classes by a faculty member whilst on the school premises until it’s clear that an event like this won’t happen again effective immediately. It’s only then that the meeting is adjourned and you’re allowed to either return to your class or stay until the bell rings.
The moment that the Summoner’s catch wind of what’s happened there’s an uproar - Kengo comes barging into the staff room the minute that the last class bell rings, practically seething as he demands to know what the hell’s going on - are they serious?! Do they really think it was you?! This is followed by Shiro who steps forward to intervene, asking Mr. Mononobe to please explain what made them all agree that it was you who was responsible for the damage. Even Toji steps forward on your behalf, corroborating your story about returning to the school for your belongings. It’s at this point that thing’s really start to feel wrong, but the teachers have to rely on the evidence they’ve been given, not to mention you took the trip alone - there was no saying what actually happened besides the information that they do have. Once it’s clear there’s no way to appeal your accusations the group leaves, all the while defending the fact that you were being punished for something you didn’t do. 
The next week is heavy with a tense atmosphere - even without the news getting around, the fact that you were on constant watch was enough for people to catch on to what happened. Naturally your friends are there to support you, each one coming forward to either offer you words of encouragement and comfort, or to approach the teachers directly for some kind of answer. You try to keep your spirits up in the face of your friends, but around the teachers you don’t say a word. 
Mr. Triton tries to strike up a conversation while he escorts you from one class to the next, only to be met by a blank stare before you focus back ahead without even a sound. Mr. Jinn  is there to greet you as you enter the school grounds, and watches as the smile on your face as you talk with your friends drops into an impassive look by the time you approach him. Ms. Ziz tries to comfort you on multiple occasions, confiding that she honestly believes that you didn’t do it - but even that feels hollow compared to the people who have already deemed you guilty. Everyone sees it - there’s hurt and anger in your eyes, and Mononobe can make it out clearly every time he catches your gaze. You feel betrayed in a way, and you have every right to feel that way given your innocence, but no one else is aware of that fact.
Until the following week.
Things come to a head once the week is over - the majority of the property damage is rebuilt and there’s talk about making an exception to your punishment since there’s been no further incident and it looks like things could be going back to normal. But then there’s a knock at the staff room door and Mr. Triton is the closest one to answer it. The moment he opens the door a student comes rushing in, practically sobbing and apologizing over and over as she clutches something in her hand. Mr. Mononobe steps in to calm her down, trying to reassure her that everything’s okay until he’s finally able to make out what she’s saying.
The student knew who did it - who really did it. She had been on the school grounds the night of the incident, noticed the damage but was too scared to confront the culprits so she’d taken a video, planning to turn the video in the next morning until she heard that the person responsible had already been caught and punished. It wasn’t until much later that she’d heard that it had been you who took the fall, and the guilt of knowing the truth just ate away at her until she knew she had to tell the truth. Saying this, the student hands over her phone to Mr. Mononobe, and sure enough there’s the video of the real culprits right before his eyes - clear evidence that you’d been innocent all this time. 
Everyone in the room realizes at that moment that this entire week you’d spend miserable, restricted and punished, was for a crime you didn’t even commit - and now that they know the guilt is palpable. This time when Mononobe goes to collect you it feels as though he can’t get there fast enough, and the second he opens the door the class goes silent. The last time he’d done this was when you were accused, so the moment you see him he can see you tense in your seat, apprehensive and hesitant when he asks you to step out of the classroom. Every eye is on you and you feel them burning into the back of your head as you stand up and head over to the door. Kengo almost gets up to follow you, but you shoot him a strained smile and tell him that you’ll be fine and he reluctantly slumps back into his seat.
Mononobe tries to comfort you by assuring that you’re not in trouble, but unsurprisingly you’re still doubtful, and keep looking anxiously at every door that you pass as though waiting for something to happen. You once again come to stop outside of the staff room but you don’t budge, instead turning to stare up at Mononobe in a silent refusal to open the door - but you don’t need to. The door swings open and Triton and Jinn burst out, mid discussion about checking on what’s taking you so long when they freeze and spot you and Mr. Mononobe. Almost immediately you feel panic wash over you, clearly taking their words the wrong way and you start walking back until Mononobe intervenes and tells you that it's best to explain things once you’re inside. 
There’s a notable tension in your posture - you’re terrified that they’re going to tell you some other bad news - that you’ll be suspended, or expelled, or worse, even as they explain to you the new information that’s come to light regarding the property damage. The moment the word ‘innocent’ leaves his mouth you straighten up in your seat, eyes wide processing what he’d just said before anger lights up in your eyes. A week's worth of disappointment and stress come bubbling up to the surface as you seethe about how you’d been telling them that for days, only to get ignored and punished for something you never did - and they let it happen. You were innocent, and they didn’t believe you. Eventually, your voice pipes down, your anger simmering into something more melancholic and you bury your face into your hands, eyes scrunched shut trying to muster up enough strength to keep being angry, to keep yelling until everyone understands how bad it hurts. But you’re just exhausted, upset and just plain tired of the whole ordeal. 
There’s a hand on your shoulder and you look up to see Mr. Mononobe kneeling down to your height, his expression remorseful as he apologizes to you. He knows that apologize will do nothing to take back everything that you’ve been subjected to this past week, but apologies are the only thing that he can offer you, alongside promises of making things right - you don’t have to believe his words right now, but he wants you to at least know that he will do his best to make good on his word. The only thing you can do is take a deep breath to steel your nerves and explain that you need some time before heading back to class - they don’t argue and you spend the rest of the lesson in the staff room, coming to terms with everything that’s just happened.
Things are incredibly awkward for a while after the incident. Your relationship with the teachers is noticeably more strained - you don’t confide in them nearly as much as you used to, and conversations between you and the teachers often ends with uncomfortable periods of silence. They clearly feel guilty about accusing you, and whilst you understand that they had to rely only on the evidence they were given it doesn’t make it any easier. You want to trust them, really you do, but it’s going to take time - and until then you keep your distance, and never go alone around school alone if you can help it for a while afterwards.
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