#I still dream about that fire and the houses in 2033
Inkjournal Day 10 - A book you could live in
Summary: When it rains, you can always find Aeronwen and Ian Trevelyan in the library, reading the day away. This doesn’t change, even if time and location does. Some things just live on no matter what.  Word count: 2033
And before her eyes, the little seed turned into a might bean sprout. It went up and up, past the houses and even the church steeple, pushing past the clouds and towards the heavens. Even as the little girl glanced up, she could see no end to it.
“Where does it all lead to?” She wondered, before reaching out to take the first leaf. If she wanted to find out, she would need to do it herself. And so, the little girl began to climb the mighty bean stalk, leaving the ground behind for greater adventure.
Outside the window, a typical Ostwick fall storm was raging. Buckets of rain splashed against the glass, turning the few bits of dirt on the rocky ground below into mud. If anyone tried to walk in it, they would be stuck fast.
Aeronwen was away from it all, sitting in an alcove in the library with her book. Really, she should have been doing her homework for tomorrow's theory class. That book, much larger than the one she was holding, rested next to her on the seat just below the edge of her robes. It was waiting for her, ready to swallow her whole.
She hated theory class. The teacher was old and mean.
“Just one more chapter and then I'll read it.” One more chapter was of course going to become another, and even she knew it. But it was sort of a promise that made something inside her feel warm as she turned the page to follow the rest of the well-worn adventure.
At the top of the bean stalk, far above the clouds, the little girl found herself standing in a field. There, colorful flowers in jewel shades blossomed in the sun. Their color bathed the cloud ground below in a hundred hues, looking like stained glass on a Chantry building.
In front of her, on a simple path lined with this flowers, was a large building made of shimmering blue stone. All around it were bright red flowers, producing a cheery sight to anyone that viewed it. Despite that, a shiver ran down the girl's spine.
There was something unnatural about this.
“Did you get to the part where the wolf-headed man tries to eat her yet?”
Shadow fell over the page, blocking the rest of the tale. Scowling, Aeronwen looked up, fully prepared to tell off whoever had interrupted her reading. However, her face softened as she realized it wasn't an older student or a teacher who had bothered her.
Instead, she was met by the freckled face and bright red hair of her cousin, Ian. He was grinning at her as he moved her theory book onto the floor, hopping up to the seat next to her. Even though they were close in age, she had quite a few inches in height on him – where her feet touched the ground, his still dangled.
“Glad to see I'm the only one putting off school work. The way it is around here, you'd think it was a capital offense.” He chuckled and brushed back an errant curl of red that was always falling across his forehead. “Besides, who can read in such lovely weather? I'm surprised they haven't taken us out to exercise.”
Thunder boomed outside for emphasis as the rain kept coming down. However, the two young mages were safe in their tower from the elements. Perhaps that was the only thing they were safe from; after all, from the other side of the room they watched as a Templar skulked through the stacks.
They always thought they were so sneaky, but anyone could hear their armor clanking from two rooms away.
“How'd you know I'd be in here, Ian?” Aeronwen at least made an attempt to look like she was doing her homework by retrieving her theory book. She cracked it open, inserting her story inside like one would a notebook. At any angle, it would've looked like she was just taking down details for class. It was a trick an older student had taught her a year ago, and it had served her well.
The boy next to her grinned and rested both his palms behind his head, elbows up so his robes slid down his wrists. “You always go to the library when it's raining, Aery. You like to read the story you're reading now cause it reminds you of home.”
Indeed, it did. The Trevelyan estate was miles away from the Ostwick Circle were both of them had resided since they were young. Most days, she couldn't remember much about her former home at all. Like the shimmering blue castle in her story, it was more a dream than reality. At least, it was for mages like them.
At least she could dream, she supposed.
“You should probably pick up a book before Master Wendell comes back. He'll grab your ear again if he catches you goofing off.” The aforementioned teacher wasn't far either if the top of his bald head was anything to go by. Next to her, Ian blanched and scrambled for something that looked like a class book.
It was enough to make her suppress a chuckle as she hid behind her book, watching him with a smile. Even on the worst days, he always managed to make her laugh. Maybe that was the good part about having relatives in the same Circle.
Well, if there was any.
“Great, another lousy ass day out there. I'm going stir crazy!”
Trevy picked up her head as she sorted through yet another pile of library books. A loud voice had drawn her attention – there were guard recruits there, complaining about their lack of anything to do for the last couple of days.
If only she could've had that luxury.
It was to be expected, of course. Ferelden was lousy in early spring as the winter storms changed to spring showers. Right now, they were caught in a mix of the two as rain pounded against Skyhold's defenses and a freezing cold win blew through any cracks. It might not have been snowing, but it sure felt like it.
“Days like this, it's good to be in the library.” She returned to her task, sorting the books into piles that corresponded to the shelves. Once that was done, she picked up a stack and started her next task for the day. With her in command, chaos was slowly turning into order as books were categorized and organized into some semblance of a system.
Now if only they could keep it that way. There were certain mages she was this close to throwing something at.
In fact, one was close to drawing her ire. Trevy sucked in her cheek as she spotted a book on primal magic smack dab in the middle of the entropy section, pushed in the wrong way. Before she returned it to her pile, she scribbled down the title. Whoever had returned it would be in her records, and they would be getting a stern talking to from her.
“Maker help me if it's Michael again. I told that fool the last time to just put them on the cart.” She shook her head, loose strands of white hair falling into her forehead. A quick swipe of her fingers put them back behind the thick cloth she wrapped around it, but the close proximity caused a brief twinge of pain. It wasn't anything to write home about of course, but it still hurt.
The good thing was, it was hurting less by the day.
“Right then, I'll just take this back to the primal section after I finish up here.”
The whole shelf was soon in order, leaving Trevy to hum to herself as she headed to the next bit of the library. Here it was quiet, probably because it was so close to the largest of the windows. Too close, and an unsuspecting reader could find themselves facing the full brunt of the icy cold wind that blew over the mountains their stronghold was nestled into. Thanks to her thick robes, she only felt a bit of it, but it was unpleasant all the same.
Outside, the storm was raging. Sleet and icy rain pounded against the windows and dripped down into the glacial valleys below. The snow hadn't started to melt, and now it would get a deadly coating of ice come nighttime. Tomorrow, anyone who had a good hand at fire magic would be hard at work to make sure nobody met their death on the battlements.
Luckily, she was crap at that too.
“I guess that's my one former Tranquil privilege.”
“What, not the stylish headgear? You're killing me, Aery.”
A warm voice caused her to turn. Another mage was standing there, chuckling as he crossed his arms over his chest. Unlike her, his robes were pitch pack and bore no Circle mark. In fact, everything he wore was black, right down to his boots.
“I'm surprised the quartermaster was able to get you back up to code.” A smile slid across her face as she wrapped her arms around the man's neck. “Good to see you back on your feet, Ian.”
He was a new recruit to the Inquisition after all – they had found him and some other mages in the dungeon of a castle. It had taken weeks to get him back to walking around health, and even now he looked a little pale.
Well, she thought so anyway. It was a little hard to tell under the skull makeup.
“The healers here did a good job of putting me back together. I'll have to thank them later.” He motioned her towards a small reading alcove. “Think you can ditch the books for a few seconds to join me?”
For a brief moment, Trevy's gaze went back to her stacks. They weren't growing, but they certainly weren't going anywhere. However, Ian's eyes were practically shining as he beckoned her on, so how could she say no?
“Just for a few seconds. I have work to do.”
Soon, they were both seated in the alcove, far from prying eyes. It was warmer there too, thanks to being so far away from the windows. Even the cold stone of the tower didn't feel as bad as she rested her back against it.
Ian, still beaming, reached towards a shelf to pull out a book. Memory reminded her it was in the folk tales section, and that particular row was centered in the Free Marches. Why he had called her there she had no idea until he slid the book over.
Jane and the Bean Stalk was written across the cover in curly font, and the picture was of a young girl climbing up a massive green shoot into the clouds. She had never seen a cover with illustration on it – the one they'd had at the Circle was plain, like all the books.
“Figured since it's such a crappy day you might want something good to read.” He nudged her arm. “Why don't you crack it open and get it started for me?”
There was a lump in Trevy's throat, but it was a good one. She blinked away tears she hadn't even realized were there as she opened the cover to the first page. Here too, it was illustrated in a delicate hand. Wherever they had gotten this book, it was special.
“Alright, but just a few pages.” She cleared her throat, forcing past the lump. “'Once upon a time, in a land far away, there lived a little girl in a little cottage...'”
And just like that, it was as if time had melted back to their childhood. Of course, she knew well that both of them were well past their apprentice days, but it was nice to  return for just the afternoon. In the end, Ian was right.
She had wanted something good to read after all. Even better, he was there to read it with her. Maybe the Inquisition was on to something after all.
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vegas-glitz · 4 years
Skip Brick House
At nineteen, in 1975, I was providing promotion for the OSU college paper, The Lantern, and submitting stories and receiving printed in the university student "fringe" paper: Our Choking Situations. The one exactly where I received their regard as a budding radical, then went traveling about the strains of professionalism to date Gil Scott-Heron.
I not only wrote about the more mature and otherworldly genius radical rapper, I threw warning in my hometown wind, hit the road with him, and very well, you know. Ditching school for practically a week, I boarded a tour bus with Gil, soaking up his superstar and smiling a smug smile, when other ladies stared with hungry eyes. Mostly I watched him read and examine and read.
Now I understood why his lyrics ended up so intriguing. He devoured news journals and publications, pace-studying, ideas on fire. I tried using to be completely ready with an clever comment or witticism, though maintaining the target of my posting in head.
"I like conversing to you," he when mentioned approvingly, eyes smiling as he looked up from U.S. Information and Entire world Report. And well my heart did little flips as the bus clipped alongside.
In 1976, I would have flashbacks of our modern time together: Gil, handsome, angular-faced and charmingly disheveled sat backwards on a chair throughout from me, as I lay robed in his lodge bed and dreamily drank wine. He enthusiastically entertained his enraptured audience of a single. I alternated concerning laughter and awe, as he tossed off fantastic dialogue and humor with an upturned finger, woven in with his trademark political rhapsody and a wacked, uncombed, uncared-about afro.
My merriment only somewhat dimmed by an shadowy perception of foreboding when Gil manufactured a place of using frequent "creative time-outs" to do copious lines of cocaine from an album deal with on The Holiday break Inn resort dresser. Credit history to him, he failed to corrupt me with his coke, which I experienced turned down the to start with working day. I was still terrified by cocaine--then. And he let me remain happily "in my cups", replenishing my drink stash at each individual rest stop. Again in that day, a gentleman who hardly ever enable my drink operate out, was the epitome of a gentleman to me, which created it tough to concentrate on diamonds and much more upscale amenities.
Wrenching myself away from that rendezvous for a time, I grew to become the at times-faux, oft-occasions certainly-dedicated scholar once again and dove into my higher education courses for an additional year or so.
Typically I wrote from the soul, devoid of receiving intimately concerned--all in preparing for my coming profession in broadcast journalism. That is till I got sidetracked all over again, but by this time I was twenty-one particular. Hey, I was grown! But my grown self was managing a semester guiding my scheduled graduation day. My degree experienced to hold out for spells of heavy drinking, the neighborhood get together scene and manic despair hovering in the wings.
At minimum faculty was out for a year, since it was the smoking-incredibly hot Summer months of 77"!! A mate of a pal, a concert promoter, borderline soiled outdated gentleman. (he was late 40's which at 21 appeared fairly historical.) This person submitted my title to a contest, then instructed my pal that I might be ideal with some coaching and could probably get.
It was a splendor contest, but kind of an invented a person for publicity to start Lionel Richie and The Commodores' live performance tour and boost the strike record du jour. The track soaring up the charts was "Brick Home"--serving to to make The Commodores 1 of Motown's hottest teams. The contest was for Miss Columbus (Ohio) Brick Home.
The winner at the nationwide level it was promised, would also snag a motion picture function with the exceedingly interesting, Billy Dee Williams in his future film. I was jazzed over and above rhythm-and-blues. Fifteen women competed at "Ciro's", the well known Columbus dance club, sort of Pass up America fashion, in swimsuits and heels and then exposed their "intellect" or "wit" when asked a significant question.
To be genuine, there was a woman who was a Brick Property bombshell, with a sensational eye-popping figure, judging by the collective stares of the men in the viewers, but the expensive bombshell appeared dumb as a bag of hammers! (She wasn't, just shy.) I was very adept at stringing a sentence collectively, and she fumbled above her identify. Because they needed a kind of spokesmodel winner, I won.
Sandi, the Bombshell, became the runner-up and we turned speedy buddies, simply because at that point, The Commodore's administration shut down the contest and picked the two of us to go on Tour with the team.
We received gift certificates and cost-free vacation, limo rides, meals, funds for...clothing. We stood at the rear of barricades in record shops in swimsuits, substantial heels and bogus furs and signed autographs, along with The Commodores. I often wore a pair of slacks around my swimsuits in public when offstage, since I failed to want to glance sluttish. I was in fact aiming for something complex, attractive and upscale. Years later, Beyonce' pulled it off.
Sandi and I roomed together, giggled, gossiped and drank champagne while we traveled to Philadelphia, Hartford, Connecticut, Boston, and manufactured a pit prevent in Dayton in advance of the tour was to have a massive concert at Madison Sq. Garden in New York Metropolis.
It was at a packed arena in Philadelphia that I was "topped" the official stage dancer on tour and I was ecstatic to be onstage with Lionel Richie and The Commodores.
"She's a Brick Household--she's mighty, mighty!" they sung in comfortable, glittering armed service-fashion suits--a eyesight for testosterone-deprived eyes. And I would do a wham-bam funky still feminine, hip thrust as I wound my provocative dance to situation myself in between Lionel Richie and William King.
"A-A-O-O-W", I would think though William Orange basically sang it.
I was building a serious crush on Lionel, but would try out to reign it in each time his pretty wife, Brenda, phase left, arms folded, appeared at us, sullen from the sidelines. I was advised by the highway supervisor, she experienced been undertaking that for the previous two decades, but now it appeared undoubtedly directed at me. That angst and heady excitement turned a combustible combine that changed the show's regime it appeared in the course of a person concert.
The regime was that Sandi would dance solo from stage ideal and I would dance solo from stage remaining. Once throughout a live performance the air billed with anti-subject, the regimen was interrupted at the pit cease in Dayton. There was a rustling, a din, and then full clamor and chaos.
Quickly a "boo" erupted from the again. What experienced started as a tiny disturbance, quickly became a little something monstrous. 10,000 men and women packed in the arena started booing in a large roar for almost a total, tortuous moment.
I was mortified, spinning dizzily as I lastly stumbled offstage when the tune was around, practically tripping more than my sky-significant heels. Consider hiding donning a neon-orange bathing fit. I ran into a photographer who was stage facet, who became just one of my very best friends above the several years.
"Why did they boo?" I broke out in minimal-woman sobs, heaving in-among blurted words and phrases, "I was imagining I did my finest Chaka Khan dance moves,"
"I was in the back of the arena previously," Chuckie laughed, "and I heard a loud, nuts protest, men and women complaining---Skip Brick House is white! Miss out on Brick Home is white!". Then everybody commenced booing, not even recognizing why they were being booing," he claimed. "Just genuinely stupid."
"But I'm not white!" I wailed, "I am a black female, a light-weight-skinned black woman." (African-American was not nevertheless in vogue.)
"Oh, of course I can see that," explained Chuckie, "but wa-a-ay in the again with shiny lights washing out your pores and skin tone and the actuality that you sometimes put on that straightened Farrah Fawcett-on the lookout hairdo---nicely, I guess they just couldn't notify." Tears of laughter brimmed Chuckie's eyes and he wiped them away with his knuckles.
I found it challenging to snicker with him or even chuckle. To be booed by 10,000 persons in a roar of disapproval again then, designed me desire the earth would quake, open up up and eat me quickly, no issue what the explanation.
The up coming early morning on the road yet again, I had washed and curled and frizzed my hair, allowing it dry in a natural way. But I ongoing to whimper about the night time in advance of. Yet it seemed to disturb no one but me, which I found remarkable. I believed they would mail me house. Then I remembered the performer's mantra:
"The present will have to go on."
I also imagined of Lionel Richie's smile. Did I treatment he was married? Only when I examined his wife's facial area did I truly feel a wave of guilt. She appeared so unhappy about the nightly crush of women of all ages. But I was not a groupie, I sniffed to myself. 'Hey, I am Skip Brick Home! I am not only with the band, I am in the display!'
That sense of entitlement combined with the bitter-sweetness of an early hallway smile beamed in my direction. And gentle discussion concerning Lionel and me--and I only cared for my individual egocentric pleasure.
That summed up a 21-calendar year old woman-little one, with a dusty Bible and a neon orange bathing accommodate strutting nightly onstage with a supergroup, led by a welcoming, unbelievably gifted, loaded and popular person. I was dancing a dream and anything at all seemed probable. And so I danced.
Supply by Tory Connolly
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barbosaasouza · 4 years
Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now
We love Nintendo – it’s in our name; it’s in our DNA. And, naturally, we play a lot of Nintendo games. If you’ve ever wondered which games keep us occupied, we’ve compiled a playlist of recent titles we’re heavily into. You never know, you might even find some inspiration in here too.
Check out our latest playlist below and let us know which games you’re obsessed with at the moment. We promise there’s no judgment here.
Pure Nintendo playlist
Guacamelee 2 (Switch) – Been playing this with friends at our weekly game nights and having a blast! The challenge is definitely ramping up as we near the final boss, but it’s worth the ride. I especially liked the ‘Dank Cave’ hidden area :). The devs had some fun there!
Metro 2033 Redux / Metro Last Light Redux (Switch) – Playing this for review and enjoying my time so far. I’m not too far in yet but look for full my full write-up on these coming up!
Lego City Undercover (Switch) – It  began when I saw it was on sale last week. Then I thought I will just play it on my Wii U, but that seemed like work. Then I remembered Jemma’s review, so I read it. After reading it I decided to buy it again. I have been enjoying it ever since. I play a mission or two per day.
Soccer, Tactics and Glory (Switch) – This began as a review I posted earlier in the week but since finishing the review I have still been enjoying it. I try to play a game or two a night.
My Hero: One’s Justice (Switch) – I have been playing this off and on for a year now. I recently decided to give it another go. I am really enjoying playing my way back through the story again. Trying to get better rankings on certain levels.
Rune Factory 4 (Switch) – I am playing this for an upcoming review and it’s under embargo so I can’t say any opinion at the moment. It is the game I have been sinking 90% of my gaming time into.
Stardew Valley (Switch) – With a new Animal Crossing game on the horizon, there has been no better time to jump into Stardew Valley than now. I’ve been playing the game on and off for years, but lately I’ve devoted more time to it so I can leave my farm on a high note when I sign my soul away to Tom Nook.
Overwatch (Switch) – Most who know me know that I’ve long hated the way Blizzard handles their popular hero shooter, Overwatch, but with the recent release of the game on Nintendo Switch everything changed, and it has become one of my favorite games on the system.
Payday 2 (Switch) – The Payday video game franchise has always been a long-time favorite of mine, and recently I’ve been spending some time with Payday 2 on Nintendo Switch, so that I can regain my “Infamy” status in that particular version of the title.
Pokémon Shield (Switch) – A couple months after the launch of Sword & Shield and I’m still going strong on my Pokémon addiction. I absolutely love the camping feature, the wild area, and the new Pokémon introduced in the game. With the recent announcement of DLC and the launch of Pokémon Home, I can’t see myself stopping this game anytime soon.
Leisure Suit Larry – Wet Dreams Don’t Dry: Happy Ending (Switch) – After missing this point-and-click adventure throwback upon its initial release, I received a review code to take a look at the new “Happy Ending” content that was recently released. You have to understand that the first LSL was released when I was in college, and was therefore directly responsible for shaving at least a few points off my GPA. Thankfully, that’s not a concern anymore.
Glass Masquerade 2: Illusions (Switch) – Another review in the works. This beautiful, surrealistic puzzle game is my current go-to when I have a short time to play or want to kill a few moments before or after digging into a bigger title for a longer gaming session. Speaking of which…
Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate (Switch) – This is my second attempt at conquering this entire game, made more difficult by all of the content added to this new ultimate edition. Thankfully, my oldest son is helping me out now that Ryu is included, and my daughter jumps in, too, provided she can play as Kunoichi. 177 fighters now, and it takes those two characters to get my family involved. I’d say I don’t understand it, except you’ll rarely find me using a party that doesn’t include Sun Shangxiang.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Switch) – I am late to playing this game, but over the course of a month or so, I’ve managed about 60 hours into it. It’s been a welcome surprise how much content is in this game. As a first time FE player, I’ll definitely be paying more attention to this series.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS) – In a desperate attempt to get in as much Animal Crossing time as I can, I’ve played a bit more in my town. It’s still a solid game, but it hasn’t dampened my excitement for New Horizons.
While I’m playing several games for review coverage, I want to focus on the one game I’m playing just for fun… Polyroll (Switch) – Lots of platformers try to capture that feeling of nostalgia, but Polyroll manages to pull it off successfully. From its Sonic-esque gameplay to its colorful level design, it feels like a game I would’ve played in the early-mid 90s. I think I’ll be sticking with this one for a while too, as I try to find all the hidden gems. The Switch is no stranger to platformers, but Polyroll has a high-quality that many lack. For less than $9.99, genre fans need to definitely check this one out!
Milo’s Quest (Switch) – I’ve just reviewed this simple RPG, in which you play the role of a puppy chasing ghosts while digging for bones. There’s a lot to like in this cute game, though it does lack some variety.
Dr. Mario World (mobile) – I don’t know if this will ever drop off my playlist! I’ve been playing this one for awhile now. I love the events that come up every week, like star and clinic events, which keep me hooked. I’m currently on level 388.
Mario Kart Tour (mobile) – I played this a LOT over the holidays, and I’m still playing it weekly. I love the themed cups and its fun to play the remixed retro tracks. I’m also desperate to collect all the drivers!
Super Mario Party (Switch) – this is something we play most weekends, making levels to outdo each other. I’ve been enjoying desert levels of late.
Super Mega Space Blaster Special Turbo (Switch) – I’ve just started this one for my next review, a retro-inspired shooter with plenty of unlockables as well as leaderboards to climb. Watch for my review soon!
Hey! Pikmin (3DS) – I’ve been revisiting this one with my family, it seems to be a favorite lately. I reviewed it way back in 2017 and I’ve grown to appreciate it even more over time.
What’s on your playlist this week? How often would you like to see our playlist? Let us know in the comments section below.
The post Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now appeared first on Pure Nintendo.
Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
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barbosaasouza · 4 years
Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now
We love Nintendo – it’s in our name; it’s in our DNA. And, naturally, we play a lot of Nintendo games. If you’ve ever wondered which games keep us occupied, we’ve compiled a playlist of recent titles we’re heavily into. You never know, you might even find some inspiration in here too.
Check out our latest playlist below and let us know which games you’re obsessed with at the moment. We promise there’s no judgment here.
Pure Nintendo playlist
Guacamelee 2 (Switch) – Been playing this with friends at our weekly game nights and having a blast! The challenge is definitely ramping up as we near the final boss, but it’s worth the ride. I especially liked the ‘Dank Cave’ hidden area :). The devs had some fun there!
Metro 2033 Redux / Metro Last Light Redux (Switch) – Playing this for review and enjoying my time so far. I’m not too far in yet but look for full my full write-up on these coming up!
Lego City Undercover (Switch) – It  began when I saw it was on sale last week. Then I thought I will just play it on my Wii U, but that seemed like work. Then I remembered Jemma’s review, so I read it. After reading it I decided to buy it again. I have been enjoying it ever since. I play a mission or two per day.
Soccer, Tactics and Glory (Switch) – This began as a review I posted earlier in the week but since finishing the review I have still been enjoying it. I try to play a game or two a night.
My Hero: One’s Justice (Switch) – I have been playing this off and on for a year now. I recently decided to give it another go. I am really enjoying playing my way back through the story again. Trying to get better rankings on certain levels.
Rune Factory 4 (Switch) – I am playing this for an upcoming review and it’s under embargo so I can’t say any opinion at the moment. It is the game I have been sinking 90% of my gaming time into.
Stardew Valley (Switch) – With a new Animal Crossing game on the horizon, there has been no better time to jump into Stardew Valley than now. I’ve been playing the game on and off for years, but lately I’ve devoted more time to it so I can leave my farm on a high note when I sign my soul away to Tom Nook.
Overwatch (Switch) – Most who know me know that I’ve long hated the way Blizzard handles their popular hero shooter, Overwatch, but with the recent release of the game on Nintendo Switch everything changed, and it has become one of my favorite games on the system.
Payday 2 (Switch) – The Payday video game franchise has always been a long-time favorite of mine, and recently I’ve been spending some time with Payday 2 on Nintendo Switch, so that I can regain my “Infamy” status in that particular version of the title.
Pokémon Shield (Switch) – A couple months after the launch of Sword & Shield and I’m still going strong on my Pokémon addiction. I absolutely love the camping feature, the wild area, and the new Pokémon introduced in the game. With the recent announcement of DLC and the launch of Pokémon Home, I can’t see myself stopping this game anytime soon.
Leisure Suit Larry – Wet Dreams Don’t Dry: Happy Ending (Switch) – After missing this point-and-click adventure throwback upon its initial release, I received a review code to take a look at the new “Happy Ending” content that was recently released. You have to understand that the first LSL was released when I was in college, and was therefore directly responsible for shaving at least a few points off my GPA. Thankfully, that’s not a concern anymore.
Glass Masquerade 2: Illusions (Switch) – Another review in the works. This beautiful, surrealistic puzzle game is my current go-to when I have a short time to play or want to kill a few moments before or after digging into a bigger title for a longer gaming session. Speaking of which…
Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate (Switch) – This is my second attempt at conquering this entire game, made more difficult by all of the content added to this new ultimate edition. Thankfully, my oldest son is helping me out now that Ryu is included, and my daughter jumps in, too, provided she can play as Kunoichi. 177 fighters now, and it takes those two characters to get my family involved. I’d say I don’t understand it, except you’ll rarely find me using a party that doesn’t include Sun Shangxiang.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Switch) – I am late to playing this game, but over the course of a month or so, I’ve managed about 60 hours into it. It’s been a welcome surprise how much content is in this game. As a first time FE player, I’ll definitely be paying more attention to this series.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS) – In a desperate attempt to get in as much Animal Crossing time as I can, I’ve played a bit more in my town. It’s still a solid game, but it hasn’t dampened my excitement for New Horizons.
While I’m playing several games for review coverage, I want to focus on the one game I’m playing just for fun… Polyroll (Switch) – Lots of platformers try to capture that feeling of nostalgia, but Polyroll manages to pull it off successfully. From its Sonic-esque gameplay to its colorful level design, it feels like a game I would’ve played in the early-mid 90s. I think I’ll be sticking with this one for a while too, as I try to find all the hidden gems. The Switch is no stranger to platformers, but Polyroll has a high-quality that many lack. For less than $9.99, genre fans need to definitely check this one out!
Milo’s Quest (Switch) – I’ve just reviewed this simple RPG, in which you play the role of a puppy chasing ghosts while digging for bones. There’s a lot to like in this cute game, though it does lack some variety.
Dr. Mario World (mobile) – I don’t know if this will ever drop off my playlist! I’ve been playing this one for awhile now. I love the events that come up every week, like star and clinic events, which keep me hooked. I’m currently on level 388.
Mario Kart Tour (mobile) – I played this a LOT over the holidays, and I’m still playing it weekly. I love the themed cups and its fun to play the remixed retro tracks. I’m also desperate to collect all the drivers!
Super Mario Party (Switch) – this is something we play most weekends, making levels to outdo each other. I’ve been enjoying desert levels of late.
Super Mega Space Blaster Special Turbo (Switch) – I’ve just started this one for my next review, a retro-inspired shooter with plenty of unlockables as well as leaderboards to climb. Watch for my review soon!
Hey! Pikmin (3DS) – I’ve been revisiting this one with my family, it seems to be a favorite lately. I reviewed it way back in 2017 and I’ve grown to appreciate it even more over time.
What’s on your playlist this week? How often would you like to see our playlist? Let us know in the comments section below.
The post Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now appeared first on Pure Nintendo.
Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
0 notes
barbosaasouza · 4 years
Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now
We love Nintendo – it’s in our name; it’s in our DNA. And, naturally, we play a lot of Nintendo games. If you’ve ever wondered which games keep us occupied, we’ve compiled a playlist of recent titles we’re heavily into. You never know, you might even find some inspiration in here too.
Check out our latest playlist below and let us know which games you’re obsessed with at the moment. We promise there’s no judgment here.
Pure Nintendo playlist
Guacamelee 2 (Switch) – Been playing this with friends at our weekly game nights and having a blast! The challenge is definitely ramping up as we near the final boss, but it’s worth the ride. I especially liked the ‘Dank Cave’ hidden area :). The devs had some fun there!
Metro 2033 Redux / Metro Last Light Redux (Switch) – Playing this for review and enjoying my time so far. I’m not too far in yet but look for full my full write-up on these coming up!
Lego City Undercover (Switch) – It  began when I saw it was on sale last week. Then I thought I will just play it on my Wii U, but that seemed like work. Then I remembered Jemma’s review, so I read it. After reading it I decided to buy it again. I have been enjoying it ever since. I play a mission or two per day.
Soccer, Tactics and Glory (Switch) – This began as a review I posted earlier in the week but since finishing the review I have still been enjoying it. I try to play a game or two a night.
My Hero: One’s Justice (Switch) – I have been playing this off and on for a year now. I recently decided to give it another go. I am really enjoying playing my way back through the story again. Trying to get better rankings on certain levels.
Rune Factory 4 (Switch) – I am playing this for an upcoming review and it’s under embargo so I can’t say any opinion at the moment. It is the game I have been sinking 90% of my gaming time into.
Stardew Valley (Switch) – With a new Animal Crossing game on the horizon, there has been no better time to jump into Stardew Valley than now. I’ve been playing the game on and off for years, but lately I’ve devoted more time to it so I can leave my farm on a high note when I sign my soul away to Tom Nook.
Overwatch (Switch) – Most who know me know that I’ve long hated the way Blizzard handles their popular hero shooter, Overwatch, but with the recent release of the game on Nintendo Switch everything changed, and it has become one of my favorite games on the system.
Payday 2 (Switch) – The Payday video game franchise has always been a long-time favorite of mine, and recently I’ve been spending some time with Payday 2 on Nintendo Switch, so that I can regain my “Infamy” status in that particular version of the title.
Pokémon Shield (Switch) – A couple months after the launch of Sword & Shield and I’m still going strong on my Pokémon addiction. I absolutely love the camping feature, the wild area, and the new Pokémon introduced in the game. With the recent announcement of DLC and the launch of Pokémon Home, I can’t see myself stopping this game anytime soon.
Leisure Suit Larry – Wet Dreams Don’t Dry: Happy Ending (Switch) – After missing this point-and-click adventure throwback upon its initial release, I received a review code to take a look at the new “Happy Ending” content that was recently released. You have to understand that the first LSL was released when I was in college, and was therefore directly responsible for shaving at least a few points off my GPA. Thankfully, that’s not a concern anymore.
Glass Masquerade 2: Illusions (Switch) – Another review in the works. This beautiful, surrealistic puzzle game is my current go-to when I have a short time to play or want to kill a few moments before or after digging into a bigger title for a longer gaming session. Speaking of which…
Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate (Switch) – This is my second attempt at conquering this entire game, made more difficult by all of the content added to this new ultimate edition. Thankfully, my oldest son is helping me out now that Ryu is included, and my daughter jumps in, too, provided she can play as Kunoichi. 177 fighters now, and it takes those two characters to get my family involved. I’d say I don’t understand it, except you’ll rarely find me using a party that doesn’t include Sun Shangxiang.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Switch) – I am late to playing this game, but over the course of a month or so, I’ve managed about 60 hours into it. It’s been a welcome surprise how much content is in this game. As a first time FE player, I’ll definitely be paying more attention to this series.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS) – In a desperate attempt to get in as much Animal Crossing time as I can, I’ve played a bit more in my town. It’s still a solid game, but it hasn’t dampened my excitement for New Horizons.
While I’m playing several games for review coverage, I want to focus on the one game I’m playing just for fun… Polyroll (Switch) – Lots of platformers try to capture that feeling of nostalgia, but Polyroll manages to pull it off successfully. From its Sonic-esque gameplay to its colorful level design, it feels like a game I would’ve played in the early-mid 90s. I think I’ll be sticking with this one for a while too, as I try to find all the hidden gems. The Switch is no stranger to platformers, but Polyroll has a high-quality that many lack. For less than $9.99, genre fans need to definitely check this one out!
Milo’s Quest (Switch) – I’ve just reviewed this simple RPG, in which you play the role of a puppy chasing ghosts while digging for bones. There’s a lot to like in this cute game, though it does lack some variety.
Dr. Mario World (mobile) – I don’t know if this will ever drop off my playlist! I’ve been playing this one for awhile now. I love the events that come up every week, like star and clinic events, which keep me hooked. I’m currently on level 388.
Mario Kart Tour (mobile) – I played this a LOT over the holidays, and I’m still playing it weekly. I love the themed cups and its fun to play the remixed retro tracks. I’m also desperate to collect all the drivers!
Super Mario Party (Switch) – this is something we play most weekends, making levels to outdo each other. I’ve been enjoying desert levels of late.
Super Mega Space Blaster Special Turbo (Switch) – I’ve just started this one for my next review, a retro-inspired shooter with plenty of unlockables as well as leaderboards to climb. Watch for my review soon!
Hey! Pikmin (3DS) – I’ve been revisiting this one with my family, it seems to be a favorite lately. I reviewed it way back in 2017 and I’ve grown to appreciate it even more over time.
What’s on your playlist this week? How often would you like to see our playlist? Let us know in the comments section below.
The post Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now appeared first on Pure Nintendo.
Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
0 notes
barbosaasouza · 4 years
Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now
We love Nintendo – it’s in our name; it’s in our DNA. And, naturally, we play a lot of Nintendo games. If you’ve ever wondered which games keep us occupied, we’ve compiled a playlist of recent titles we’re heavily into. You never know, you might even find some inspiration in here too.
Check out our latest playlist below and let us know which games you’re obsessed with at the moment. We promise there’s no judgment here.
Pure Nintendo playlist
Guacamelee 2 (Switch) – Been playing this with friends at our weekly game nights and having a blast! The challenge is definitely ramping up as we near the final boss, but it’s worth the ride. I especially liked the ‘Dank Cave’ hidden area :). The devs had some fun there!
Metro 2033 Redux / Metro Last Light Redux (Switch) – Playing this for review and enjoying my time so far. I’m not too far in yet but look for full my full write-up on these coming up!
Lego City Undercover (Switch) – It  began when I saw it was on sale last week. Then I thought I will just play it on my Wii U, but that seemed like work. Then I remembered Jemma’s review, so I read it. After reading it I decided to buy it again. I have been enjoying it ever since. I play a mission or two per day.
Soccer, Tactics and Glory (Switch) – This began as a review I posted earlier in the week but since finishing the review I have still been enjoying it. I try to play a game or two a night.
My Hero: One’s Justice (Switch) – I have been playing this off and on for a year now. I recently decided to give it another go. I am really enjoying playing my way back through the story again. Trying to get better rankings on certain levels.
Rune Factory 4 (Switch) – I am playing this for an upcoming review and it’s under embargo so I can’t say any opinion at the moment. It is the game I have been sinking 90% of my gaming time into.
Stardew Valley (Switch) – With a new Animal Crossing game on the horizon, there has been no better time to jump into Stardew Valley than now. I’ve been playing the game on and off for years, but lately I’ve devoted more time to it so I can leave my farm on a high note when I sign my soul away to Tom Nook.
Overwatch (Switch) – Most who know me know that I’ve long hated the way Blizzard handles their popular hero shooter, Overwatch, but with the recent release of the game on Nintendo Switch everything changed, and it has become one of my favorite games on the system.
Payday 2 (Switch) – The Payday video game franchise has always been a long-time favorite of mine, and recently I’ve been spending some time with Payday 2 on Nintendo Switch, so that I can regain my “Infamy” status in that particular version of the title.
Pokémon Shield (Switch) – A couple months after the launch of Sword & Shield and I’m still going strong on my Pokémon addiction. I absolutely love the camping feature, the wild area, and the new Pokémon introduced in the game. With the recent announcement of DLC and the launch of Pokémon Home, I can’t see myself stopping this game anytime soon.
Leisure Suit Larry – Wet Dreams Don’t Dry: Happy Ending (Switch) – After missing this point-and-click adventure throwback upon its initial release, I received a review code to take a look at the new “Happy Ending” content that was recently released. You have to understand that the first LSL was released when I was in college, and was therefore directly responsible for shaving at least a few points off my GPA. Thankfully, that’s not a concern anymore.
Glass Masquerade 2: Illusions (Switch) – Another review in the works. This beautiful, surrealistic puzzle game is my current go-to when I have a short time to play or want to kill a few moments before or after digging into a bigger title for a longer gaming session. Speaking of which…
Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate (Switch) – This is my second attempt at conquering this entire game, made more difficult by all of the content added to this new ultimate edition. Thankfully, my oldest son is helping me out now that Ryu is included, and my daughter jumps in, too, provided she can play as Kunoichi. 177 fighters now, and it takes those two characters to get my family involved. I’d say I don’t understand it, except you’ll rarely find me using a party that doesn’t include Sun Shangxiang.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Switch) – I am late to playing this game, but over the course of a month or so, I’ve managed about 60 hours into it. It’s been a welcome surprise how much content is in this game. As a first time FE player, I’ll definitely be paying more attention to this series.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS) – In a desperate attempt to get in as much Animal Crossing time as I can, I’ve played a bit more in my town. It’s still a solid game, but it hasn’t dampened my excitement for New Horizons.
While I’m playing several games for review coverage, I want to focus on the one game I’m playing just for fun… Polyroll (Switch) – Lots of platformers try to capture that feeling of nostalgia, but Polyroll manages to pull it off successfully. From its Sonic-esque gameplay to its colorful level design, it feels like a game I would’ve played in the early-mid 90s. I think I’ll be sticking with this one for a while too, as I try to find all the hidden gems. The Switch is no stranger to platformers, but Polyroll has a high-quality that many lack. For less than $9.99, genre fans need to definitely check this one out!
Milo’s Quest (Switch) – I’ve just reviewed this simple RPG, in which you play the role of a puppy chasing ghosts while digging for bones. There’s a lot to like in this cute game, though it does lack some variety.
Dr. Mario World (mobile) – I don’t know if this will ever drop off my playlist! I’ve been playing this one for awhile now. I love the events that come up every week, like star and clinic events, which keep me hooked. I’m currently on level 388.
Mario Kart Tour (mobile) – I played this a LOT over the holidays, and I’m still playing it weekly. I love the themed cups and its fun to play the remixed retro tracks. I’m also desperate to collect all the drivers!
Super Mario Party (Switch) – this is something we play most weekends, making levels to outdo each other. I’ve been enjoying desert levels of late.
Super Mega Space Blaster Special Turbo (Switch) – I’ve just started this one for my next review, a retro-inspired shooter with plenty of unlockables as well as leaderboards to climb. Watch for my review soon!
Hey! Pikmin (3DS) – I’ve been revisiting this one with my family, it seems to be a favorite lately. I reviewed it way back in 2017 and I’ve grown to appreciate it even more over time.
What’s on your playlist this week? How often would you like to see our playlist? Let us know in the comments section below.
The post Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now appeared first on Pure Nintendo.
Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
0 notes
barbosaasouza · 4 years
Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now
We love Nintendo – it’s in our name; it’s in our DNA. And, naturally, we play a lot of Nintendo games. If you’ve ever wondered which games keep us occupied, we’ve compiled a playlist of recent titles we’re heavily into. You never know, you might even find some inspiration in here too.
Check out our latest playlist below and let us know which games you’re obsessed with at the moment. We promise there’s no judgment here.
Pure Nintendo playlist
Guacamelee 2 (Switch) – Been playing this with friends at our weekly game nights and having a blast! The challenge is definitely ramping up as we near the final boss, but it’s worth the ride. I especially liked the ‘Dank Cave’ hidden area :). The devs had some fun there!
Metro 2033 Redux / Metro Last Light Redux (Switch) – Playing this for review and enjoying my time so far. I’m not too far in yet but look for full my full write-up on these coming up!
Lego City Undercover (Switch) – It  began when I saw it was on sale last week. Then I thought I will just play it on my Wii U, but that seemed like work. Then I remembered Jemma’s review, so I read it. After reading it I decided to buy it again. I have been enjoying it ever since. I play a mission or two per day.
Soccer, Tactics and Glory (Switch) – This began as a review I posted earlier in the week but since finishing the review I have still been enjoying it. I try to play a game or two a night.
My Hero: One’s Justice (Switch) – I have been playing this off and on for a year now. I recently decided to give it another go. I am really enjoying playing my way back through the story again. Trying to get better rankings on certain levels.
Rune Factory 4 (Switch) – I am playing this for an upcoming review and it’s under embargo so I can’t say any opinion at the moment. It is the game I have been sinking 90% of my gaming time into.
Stardew Valley (Switch) – With a new Animal Crossing game on the horizon, there has been no better time to jump into Stardew Valley than now. I’ve been playing the game on and off for years, but lately I’ve devoted more time to it so I can leave my farm on a high note when I sign my soul away to Tom Nook.
Overwatch (Switch) – Most who know me know that I’ve long hated the way Blizzard handles their popular hero shooter, Overwatch, but with the recent release of the game on Nintendo Switch everything changed, and it has become one of my favorite games on the system.
Payday 2 (Switch) – The Payday video game franchise has always been a long-time favorite of mine, and recently I’ve been spending some time with Payday 2 on Nintendo Switch, so that I can regain my “Infamy” status in that particular version of the title.
Pokémon Shield (Switch) – A couple months after the launch of Sword & Shield and I’m still going strong on my Pokémon addiction. I absolutely love the camping feature, the wild area, and the new Pokémon introduced in the game. With the recent announcement of DLC and the launch of Pokémon Home, I can’t see myself stopping this game anytime soon.
Leisure Suit Larry – Wet Dreams Don’t Dry: Happy Ending (Switch) – After missing this point-and-click adventure throwback upon its initial release, I received a review code to take a look at the new “Happy Ending” content that was recently released. You have to understand that the first LSL was released when I was in college, and was therefore directly responsible for shaving at least a few points off my GPA. Thankfully, that’s not a concern anymore.
Glass Masquerade 2: Illusions (Switch) – Another review in the works. This beautiful, surrealistic puzzle game is my current go-to when I have a short time to play or want to kill a few moments before or after digging into a bigger title for a longer gaming session. Speaking of which…
Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate (Switch) – This is my second attempt at conquering this entire game, made more difficult by all of the content added to this new ultimate edition. Thankfully, my oldest son is helping me out now that Ryu is included, and my daughter jumps in, too, provided she can play as Kunoichi. 177 fighters now, and it takes those two characters to get my family involved. I’d say I don’t understand it, except you’ll rarely find me using a party that doesn’t include Sun Shangxiang.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Switch) – I am late to playing this game, but over the course of a month or so, I’ve managed about 60 hours into it. It’s been a welcome surprise how much content is in this game. As a first time FE player, I’ll definitely be paying more attention to this series.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS) – In a desperate attempt to get in as much Animal Crossing time as I can, I’ve played a bit more in my town. It’s still a solid game, but it hasn’t dampened my excitement for New Horizons.
While I’m playing several games for review coverage, I want to focus on the one game I’m playing just for fun… Polyroll (Switch) – Lots of platformers try to capture that feeling of nostalgia, but Polyroll manages to pull it off successfully. From its Sonic-esque gameplay to its colorful level design, it feels like a game I would’ve played in the early-mid 90s. I think I’ll be sticking with this one for a while too, as I try to find all the hidden gems. The Switch is no stranger to platformers, but Polyroll has a high-quality that many lack. For less than $9.99, genre fans need to definitely check this one out!
Milo’s Quest (Switch) – I’ve just reviewed this simple RPG, in which you play the role of a puppy chasing ghosts while digging for bones. There’s a lot to like in this cute game, though it does lack some variety.
Dr. Mario World (mobile) – I don’t know if this will ever drop off my playlist! I’ve been playing this one for awhile now. I love the events that come up every week, like star and clinic events, which keep me hooked. I’m currently on level 388.
Mario Kart Tour (mobile) – I played this a LOT over the holidays, and I’m still playing it weekly. I love the themed cups and its fun to play the remixed retro tracks. I’m also desperate to collect all the drivers!
Super Mario Party (Switch) – this is something we play most weekends, making levels to outdo each other. I’ve been enjoying desert levels of late.
Super Mega Space Blaster Special Turbo (Switch) – I’ve just started this one for my next review, a retro-inspired shooter with plenty of unlockables as well as leaderboards to climb. Watch for my review soon!
Hey! Pikmin (3DS) – I’ve been revisiting this one with my family, it seems to be a favorite lately. I reviewed it way back in 2017 and I’ve grown to appreciate it even more over time.
What’s on your playlist this week? How often would you like to see our playlist? Let us know in the comments section below.
The post Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now appeared first on Pure Nintendo.
Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
0 notes
barbosaasouza · 4 years
Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now
We love Nintendo – it’s in our name; it’s in our DNA. And, naturally, we play a lot of Nintendo games. If you’ve ever wondered which games keep us occupied, we’ve compiled a playlist of recent titles we’re heavily into. You never know, you might even find some inspiration in here too.
Check out our latest playlist below and let us know which games you’re obsessed with at the moment. We promise there’s no judgment here.
Pure Nintendo playlist
Guacamelee 2 (Switch) – Been playing this with friends at our weekly game nights and having a blast! The challenge is definitely ramping up as we near the final boss, but it’s worth the ride. I especially liked the ‘Dank Cave’ hidden area :). The devs had some fun there!
Metro 2033 Redux / Metro Last Light Redux (Switch) – Playing this for review and enjoying my time so far. I’m not too far in yet but look for full my full write-up on these coming up!
Lego City Undercover (Switch) – It  began when I saw it was on sale last week. Then I thought I will just play it on my Wii U, but that seemed like work. Then I remembered Jemma’s review, so I read it. After reading it I decided to buy it again. I have been enjoying it ever since. I play a mission or two per day.
Soccer, Tactics and Glory (Switch) – This began as a review I posted earlier in the week but since finishing the review I have still been enjoying it. I try to play a game or two a night.
My Hero: One’s Justice (Switch) – I have been playing this off and on for a year now. I recently decided to give it another go. I am really enjoying playing my way back through the story again. Trying to get better rankings on certain levels.
Rune Factory 4 (Switch) – I am playing this for an upcoming review and it’s under embargo so I can’t say any opinion at the moment. It is the game I have been sinking 90% of my gaming time into.
Stardew Valley (Switch) – With a new Animal Crossing game on the horizon, there has been no better time to jump into Stardew Valley than now. I’ve been playing the game on and off for years, but lately I’ve devoted more time to it so I can leave my farm on a high note when I sign my soul away to Tom Nook.
Overwatch (Switch) – Most who know me know that I’ve long hated the way Blizzard handles their popular hero shooter, Overwatch, but with the recent release of the game on Nintendo Switch everything changed, and it has become one of my favorite games on the system.
Payday 2 (Switch) – The Payday video game franchise has always been a long-time favorite of mine, and recently I’ve been spending some time with Payday 2 on Nintendo Switch, so that I can regain my “Infamy” status in that particular version of the title.
Pokémon Shield (Switch) – A couple months after the launch of Sword & Shield and I’m still going strong on my Pokémon addiction. I absolutely love the camping feature, the wild area, and the new Pokémon introduced in the game. With the recent announcement of DLC and the launch of Pokémon Home, I can’t see myself stopping this game anytime soon.
Leisure Suit Larry – Wet Dreams Don’t Dry: Happy Ending (Switch) – After missing this point-and-click adventure throwback upon its initial release, I received a review code to take a look at the new “Happy Ending” content that was recently released. You have to understand that the first LSL was released when I was in college, and was therefore directly responsible for shaving at least a few points off my GPA. Thankfully, that’s not a concern anymore.
Glass Masquerade 2: Illusions (Switch) – Another review in the works. This beautiful, surrealistic puzzle game is my current go-to when I have a short time to play or want to kill a few moments before or after digging into a bigger title for a longer gaming session. Speaking of which…
Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate (Switch) – This is my second attempt at conquering this entire game, made more difficult by all of the content added to this new ultimate edition. Thankfully, my oldest son is helping me out now that Ryu is included, and my daughter jumps in, too, provided she can play as Kunoichi. 177 fighters now, and it takes those two characters to get my family involved. I’d say I don’t understand it, except you’ll rarely find me using a party that doesn’t include Sun Shangxiang.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Switch) – I am late to playing this game, but over the course of a month or so, I’ve managed about 60 hours into it. It’s been a welcome surprise how much content is in this game. As a first time FE player, I’ll definitely be paying more attention to this series.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS) – In a desperate attempt to get in as much Animal Crossing time as I can, I’ve played a bit more in my town. It’s still a solid game, but it hasn’t dampened my excitement for New Horizons.
While I’m playing several games for review coverage, I want to focus on the one game I’m playing just for fun… Polyroll (Switch) – Lots of platformers try to capture that feeling of nostalgia, but Polyroll manages to pull it off successfully. From its Sonic-esque gameplay to its colorful level design, it feels like a game I would’ve played in the early-mid 90s. I think I’ll be sticking with this one for a while too, as I try to find all the hidden gems. The Switch is no stranger to platformers, but Polyroll has a high-quality that many lack. For less than $9.99, genre fans need to definitely check this one out!
Milo’s Quest (Switch) – I’ve just reviewed this simple RPG, in which you play the role of a puppy chasing ghosts while digging for bones. There’s a lot to like in this cute game, though it does lack some variety.
Dr. Mario World (mobile) – I don’t know if this will ever drop off my playlist! I’ve been playing this one for awhile now. I love the events that come up every week, like star and clinic events, which keep me hooked. I’m currently on level 388.
Mario Kart Tour (mobile) – I played this a LOT over the holidays, and I’m still playing it weekly. I love the themed cups and its fun to play the remixed retro tracks. I’m also desperate to collect all the drivers!
Super Mario Party (Switch) – this is something we play most weekends, making levels to outdo each other. I’ve been enjoying desert levels of late.
Super Mega Space Blaster Special Turbo (Switch) – I’ve just started this one for my next review, a retro-inspired shooter with plenty of unlockables as well as leaderboards to climb. Watch for my review soon!
Hey! Pikmin (3DS) – I’ve been revisiting this one with my family, it seems to be a favorite lately. I reviewed it way back in 2017 and I’ve grown to appreciate it even more over time.
What’s on your playlist this week? How often would you like to see our playlist? Let us know in the comments section below.
The post Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now appeared first on Pure Nintendo.
Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
0 notes
barbosaasouza · 4 years
Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now
We love Nintendo – it’s in our name; it’s in our DNA. And, naturally, we play a lot of Nintendo games. If you’ve ever wondered which games keep us occupied, we’ve compiled a playlist of recent titles we’re heavily into. You never know, you might even find some inspiration in here too.
Check out our latest playlist below and let us know which games you’re obsessed with at the moment. We promise there’s no judgment here.
Pure Nintendo playlist
Guacamelee 2 (Switch) – Been playing this with friends at our weekly game nights and having a blast! The challenge is definitely ramping up as we near the final boss, but it’s worth the ride. I especially liked the ‘Dank Cave’ hidden area :). The devs had some fun there!
Metro 2033 Redux / Metro Last Light Redux (Switch) – Playing this for review and enjoying my time so far. I’m not too far in yet but look for full my full write-up on these coming up!
Lego City Undercover (Switch) – It  began when I saw it was on sale last week. Then I thought I will just play it on my Wii U, but that seemed like work. Then I remembered Jemma’s review, so I read it. After reading it I decided to buy it again. I have been enjoying it ever since. I play a mission or two per day.
Soccer, Tactics and Glory (Switch) – This began as a review I posted earlier in the week but since finishing the review I have still been enjoying it. I try to play a game or two a night.
My Hero: One’s Justice (Switch) – I have been playing this off and on for a year now. I recently decided to give it another go. I am really enjoying playing my way back through the story again. Trying to get better rankings on certain levels.
Rune Factory 4 (Switch) – I am playing this for an upcoming review and it’s under embargo so I can’t say any opinion at the moment. It is the game I have been sinking 90% of my gaming time into.
Stardew Valley (Switch) – With a new Animal Crossing game on the horizon, there has been no better time to jump into Stardew Valley than now. I’ve been playing the game on and off for years, but lately I’ve devoted more time to it so I can leave my farm on a high note when I sign my soul away to Tom Nook.
Overwatch (Switch) – Most who know me know that I’ve long hated the way Blizzard handles their popular hero shooter, Overwatch, but with the recent release of the game on Nintendo Switch everything changed, and it has become one of my favorite games on the system.
Payday 2 (Switch) – The Payday video game franchise has always been a long-time favorite of mine, and recently I’ve been spending some time with Payday 2 on Nintendo Switch, so that I can regain my “Infamy” status in that particular version of the title.
Pokémon Shield (Switch) – A couple months after the launch of Sword & Shield and I’m still going strong on my Pokémon addiction. I absolutely love the camping feature, the wild area, and the new Pokémon introduced in the game. With the recent announcement of DLC and the launch of Pokémon Home, I can’t see myself stopping this game anytime soon.
Leisure Suit Larry – Wet Dreams Don’t Dry: Happy Ending (Switch) – After missing this point-and-click adventure throwback upon its initial release, I received a review code to take a look at the new “Happy Ending” content that was recently released. You have to understand that the first LSL was released when I was in college, and was therefore directly responsible for shaving at least a few points off my GPA. Thankfully, that’s not a concern anymore.
Glass Masquerade 2: Illusions (Switch) – Another review in the works. This beautiful, surrealistic puzzle game is my current go-to when I have a short time to play or want to kill a few moments before or after digging into a bigger title for a longer gaming session. Speaking of which…
Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate (Switch) – This is my second attempt at conquering this entire game, made more difficult by all of the content added to this new ultimate edition. Thankfully, my oldest son is helping me out now that Ryu is included, and my daughter jumps in, too, provided she can play as Kunoichi. 177 fighters now, and it takes those two characters to get my family involved. I’d say I don’t understand it, except you’ll rarely find me using a party that doesn’t include Sun Shangxiang.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Switch) – I am late to playing this game, but over the course of a month or so, I’ve managed about 60 hours into it. It’s been a welcome surprise how much content is in this game. As a first time FE player, I’ll definitely be paying more attention to this series.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS) – In a desperate attempt to get in as much Animal Crossing time as I can, I’ve played a bit more in my town. It’s still a solid game, but it hasn’t dampened my excitement for New Horizons.
While I’m playing several games for review coverage, I want to focus on the one game I’m playing just for fun… Polyroll (Switch) – Lots of platformers try to capture that feeling of nostalgia, but Polyroll manages to pull it off successfully. From its Sonic-esque gameplay to its colorful level design, it feels like a game I would’ve played in the early-mid 90s. I think I’ll be sticking with this one for a while too, as I try to find all the hidden gems. The Switch is no stranger to platformers, but Polyroll has a high-quality that many lack. For less than $9.99, genre fans need to definitely check this one out!
Milo’s Quest (Switch) – I’ve just reviewed this simple RPG, in which you play the role of a puppy chasing ghosts while digging for bones. There’s a lot to like in this cute game, though it does lack some variety.
Dr. Mario World (mobile) – I don’t know if this will ever drop off my playlist! I’ve been playing this one for awhile now. I love the events that come up every week, like star and clinic events, which keep me hooked. I’m currently on level 388.
Mario Kart Tour (mobile) – I played this a LOT over the holidays, and I’m still playing it weekly. I love the themed cups and its fun to play the remixed retro tracks. I’m also desperate to collect all the drivers!
Super Mario Party (Switch) – this is something we play most weekends, making levels to outdo each other. I’ve been enjoying desert levels of late.
Super Mega Space Blaster Special Turbo (Switch) – I’ve just started this one for my next review, a retro-inspired shooter with plenty of unlockables as well as leaderboards to climb. Watch for my review soon!
Hey! Pikmin (3DS) – I’ve been revisiting this one with my family, it seems to be a favorite lately. I reviewed it way back in 2017 and I’ve grown to appreciate it even more over time.
What’s on your playlist this week? How often would you like to see our playlist? Let us know in the comments section below.
The post Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now appeared first on Pure Nintendo.
Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
0 notes
barbosaasouza · 4 years
Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now
We love Nintendo – it’s in our name; it’s in our DNA. And, naturally, we play a lot of Nintendo games. If you’ve ever wondered which games keep us occupied, we’ve compiled a playlist of recent titles we’re heavily into. You never know, you might even find some inspiration in here too.
Check out our latest playlist below and let us know which games you’re obsessed with at the moment. We promise there’s no judgment here.
Pure Nintendo playlist
Guacamelee 2 (Switch) – Been playing this with friends at our weekly game nights and having a blast! The challenge is definitely ramping up as we near the final boss, but it’s worth the ride. I especially liked the ‘Dank Cave’ hidden area :). The devs had some fun there!
Metro 2033 Redux / Metro Last Light Redux (Switch) – Playing this for review and enjoying my time so far. I’m not too far in yet but look for full my full write-up on these coming up!
Lego City Undercover (Switch) – It  began when I saw it was on sale last week. Then I thought I will just play it on my Wii U, but that seemed like work. Then I remembered Jemma’s review, so I read it. After reading it I decided to buy it again. I have been enjoying it ever since. I play a mission or two per day.
Soccer, Tactics and Glory (Switch) – This began as a review I posted earlier in the week but since finishing the review I have still been enjoying it. I try to play a game or two a night.
My Hero: One’s Justice (Switch) – I have been playing this off and on for a year now. I recently decided to give it another go. I am really enjoying playing my way back through the story again. Trying to get better rankings on certain levels.
Rune Factory 4 (Switch) – I am playing this for an upcoming review and it’s under embargo so I can’t say any opinion at the moment. It is the game I have been sinking 90% of my gaming time into.
Stardew Valley (Switch) – With a new Animal Crossing game on the horizon, there has been no better time to jump into Stardew Valley than now. I’ve been playing the game on and off for years, but lately I’ve devoted more time to it so I can leave my farm on a high note when I sign my soul away to Tom Nook.
Overwatch (Switch) – Most who know me know that I’ve long hated the way Blizzard handles their popular hero shooter, Overwatch, but with the recent release of the game on Nintendo Switch everything changed, and it has become one of my favorite games on the system.
Payday 2 (Switch) – The Payday video game franchise has always been a long-time favorite of mine, and recently I’ve been spending some time with Payday 2 on Nintendo Switch, so that I can regain my “Infamy” status in that particular version of the title.
Pokémon Shield (Switch) – A couple months after the launch of Sword & Shield and I’m still going strong on my Pokémon addiction. I absolutely love the camping feature, the wild area, and the new Pokémon introduced in the game. With the recent announcement of DLC and the launch of Pokémon Home, I can’t see myself stopping this game anytime soon.
Leisure Suit Larry – Wet Dreams Don’t Dry: Happy Ending (Switch) – After missing this point-and-click adventure throwback upon its initial release, I received a review code to take a look at the new “Happy Ending” content that was recently released. You have to understand that the first LSL was released when I was in college, and was therefore directly responsible for shaving at least a few points off my GPA. Thankfully, that’s not a concern anymore.
Glass Masquerade 2: Illusions (Switch) – Another review in the works. This beautiful, surrealistic puzzle game is my current go-to when I have a short time to play or want to kill a few moments before or after digging into a bigger title for a longer gaming session. Speaking of which…
Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate (Switch) – This is my second attempt at conquering this entire game, made more difficult by all of the content added to this new ultimate edition. Thankfully, my oldest son is helping me out now that Ryu is included, and my daughter jumps in, too, provided she can play as Kunoichi. 177 fighters now, and it takes those two characters to get my family involved. I’d say I don’t understand it, except you’ll rarely find me using a party that doesn’t include Sun Shangxiang.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Switch) – I am late to playing this game, but over the course of a month or so, I’ve managed about 60 hours into it. It’s been a welcome surprise how much content is in this game. As a first time FE player, I’ll definitely be paying more attention to this series.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS) – In a desperate attempt to get in as much Animal Crossing time as I can, I’ve played a bit more in my town. It’s still a solid game, but it hasn’t dampened my excitement for New Horizons.
While I’m playing several games for review coverage, I want to focus on the one game I’m playing just for fun… Polyroll (Switch) – Lots of platformers try to capture that feeling of nostalgia, but Polyroll manages to pull it off successfully. From its Sonic-esque gameplay to its colorful level design, it feels like a game I would’ve played in the early-mid 90s. I think I’ll be sticking with this one for a while too, as I try to find all the hidden gems. The Switch is no stranger to platformers, but Polyroll has a high-quality that many lack. For less than $9.99, genre fans need to definitely check this one out!
Milo’s Quest (Switch) – I’ve just reviewed this simple RPG, in which you play the role of a puppy chasing ghosts while digging for bones. There’s a lot to like in this cute game, though it does lack some variety.
Dr. Mario World (mobile) – I don’t know if this will ever drop off my playlist! I’ve been playing this one for awhile now. I love the events that come up every week, like star and clinic events, which keep me hooked. I’m currently on level 388.
Mario Kart Tour (mobile) – I played this a LOT over the holidays, and I’m still playing it weekly. I love the themed cups and its fun to play the remixed retro tracks. I’m also desperate to collect all the drivers!
Super Mario Party (Switch) – this is something we play most weekends, making levels to outdo each other. I’ve been enjoying desert levels of late.
Super Mega Space Blaster Special Turbo (Switch) – I’ve just started this one for my next review, a retro-inspired shooter with plenty of unlockables as well as leaderboards to climb. Watch for my review soon!
Hey! Pikmin (3DS) – I’ve been revisiting this one with my family, it seems to be a favorite lately. I reviewed it way back in 2017 and I’ve grown to appreciate it even more over time.
What’s on your playlist this week? How often would you like to see our playlist? Let us know in the comments section below.
The post Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now appeared first on Pure Nintendo.
Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
0 notes
barbosaasouza · 4 years
Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now
We love Nintendo – it’s in our name; it’s in our DNA. And, naturally, we play a lot of Nintendo games. If you’ve ever wondered which games keep us occupied, we’ve compiled a playlist of recent titles we’re heavily into. You never know, you might even find some inspiration in here too.
Check out our latest playlist below and let us know which games you’re obsessed with at the moment. We promise there’s no judgment here.
Pure Nintendo playlist
Guacamelee 2 (Switch) – Been playing this with friends at our weekly game nights and having a blast! The challenge is definitely ramping up as we near the final boss, but it’s worth the ride. I especially liked the ‘Dank Cave’ hidden area :). The devs had some fun there!
Metro 2033 Redux / Metro Last Light Redux (Switch) – Playing this for review and enjoying my time so far. I’m not too far in yet but look for full my full write-up on these coming up!
Lego City Undercover (Switch) – It  began when I saw it was on sale last week. Then I thought I will just play it on my Wii U, but that seemed like work. Then I remembered Jemma’s review, so I read it. After reading it I decided to buy it again. I have been enjoying it ever since. I play a mission or two per day.
Soccer, Tactics and Glory (Switch) – This began as a review I posted earlier in the week but since finishing the review I have still been enjoying it. I try to play a game or two a night.
My Hero: One’s Justice (Switch) – I have been playing this off and on for a year now. I recently decided to give it another go. I am really enjoying playing my way back through the story again. Trying to get better rankings on certain levels.
Rune Factory 4 (Switch) – I am playing this for an upcoming review and it’s under embargo so I can’t say any opinion at the moment. It is the game I have been sinking 90% of my gaming time into.
Stardew Valley (Switch) – With a new Animal Crossing game on the horizon, there has been no better time to jump into Stardew Valley than now. I’ve been playing the game on and off for years, but lately I’ve devoted more time to it so I can leave my farm on a high note when I sign my soul away to Tom Nook.
Overwatch (Switch) – Most who know me know that I’ve long hated the way Blizzard handles their popular hero shooter, Overwatch, but with the recent release of the game on Nintendo Switch everything changed, and it has become one of my favorite games on the system.
Payday 2 (Switch) – The Payday video game franchise has always been a long-time favorite of mine, and recently I’ve been spending some time with Payday 2 on Nintendo Switch, so that I can regain my “Infamy” status in that particular version of the title.
Pokémon Shield (Switch) – A couple months after the launch of Sword & Shield and I’m still going strong on my Pokémon addiction. I absolutely love the camping feature, the wild area, and the new Pokémon introduced in the game. With the recent announcement of DLC and the launch of Pokémon Home, I can’t see myself stopping this game anytime soon.
Leisure Suit Larry – Wet Dreams Don’t Dry: Happy Ending (Switch) – After missing this point-and-click adventure throwback upon its initial release, I received a review code to take a look at the new “Happy Ending” content that was recently released. You have to understand that the first LSL was released when I was in college, and was therefore directly responsible for shaving at least a few points off my GPA. Thankfully, that’s not a concern anymore.
Glass Masquerade 2: Illusions (Switch) – Another review in the works. This beautiful, surrealistic puzzle game is my current go-to when I have a short time to play or want to kill a few moments before or after digging into a bigger title for a longer gaming session. Speaking of which…
Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate (Switch) – This is my second attempt at conquering this entire game, made more difficult by all of the content added to this new ultimate edition. Thankfully, my oldest son is helping me out now that Ryu is included, and my daughter jumps in, too, provided she can play as Kunoichi. 177 fighters now, and it takes those two characters to get my family involved. I’d say I don’t understand it, except you’ll rarely find me using a party that doesn’t include Sun Shangxiang.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Switch) – I am late to playing this game, but over the course of a month or so, I’ve managed about 60 hours into it. It’s been a welcome surprise how much content is in this game. As a first time FE player, I’ll definitely be paying more attention to this series.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS) – In a desperate attempt to get in as much Animal Crossing time as I can, I’ve played a bit more in my town. It’s still a solid game, but it hasn’t dampened my excitement for New Horizons.
While I’m playing several games for review coverage, I want to focus on the one game I’m playing just for fun… Polyroll (Switch) – Lots of platformers try to capture that feeling of nostalgia, but Polyroll manages to pull it off successfully. From its Sonic-esque gameplay to its colorful level design, it feels like a game I would’ve played in the early-mid 90s. I think I’ll be sticking with this one for a while too, as I try to find all the hidden gems. The Switch is no stranger to platformers, but Polyroll has a high-quality that many lack. For less than $9.99, genre fans need to definitely check this one out!
Milo’s Quest (Switch) – I’ve just reviewed this simple RPG, in which you play the role of a puppy chasing ghosts while digging for bones. There’s a lot to like in this cute game, though it does lack some variety.
Dr. Mario World (mobile) – I don’t know if this will ever drop off my playlist! I’ve been playing this one for awhile now. I love the events that come up every week, like star and clinic events, which keep me hooked. I’m currently on level 388.
Mario Kart Tour (mobile) – I played this a LOT over the holidays, and I’m still playing it weekly. I love the themed cups and its fun to play the remixed retro tracks. I’m also desperate to collect all the drivers!
Super Mario Party (Switch) – this is something we play most weekends, making levels to outdo each other. I’ve been enjoying desert levels of late.
Super Mega Space Blaster Special Turbo (Switch) – I’ve just started this one for my next review, a retro-inspired shooter with plenty of unlockables as well as leaderboards to climb. Watch for my review soon!
Hey! Pikmin (3DS) – I’ve been revisiting this one with my family, it seems to be a favorite lately. I reviewed it way back in 2017 and I’ve grown to appreciate it even more over time.
What’s on your playlist this week? How often would you like to see our playlist? Let us know in the comments section below.
The post Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now appeared first on Pure Nintendo.
Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
0 notes
barbosaasouza · 4 years
Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now
We love Nintendo – it’s in our name; it’s in our DNA. And, naturally, we play a lot of Nintendo games. If you’ve ever wondered which games keep us occupied, we’ve compiled a playlist of recent titles we’re heavily into. You never know, you might even find some inspiration in here too.
Check out our latest playlist below and let us know which games you’re obsessed with at the moment. We promise there’s no judgment here.
Pure Nintendo playlist
Guacamelee 2 (Switch) – Been playing this with friends at our weekly game nights and having a blast! The challenge is definitely ramping up as we near the final boss, but it’s worth the ride. I especially liked the ‘Dank Cave’ hidden area :). The devs had some fun there!
Metro 2033 Redux / Metro Last Light Redux (Switch) – Playing this for review and enjoying my time so far. I’m not too far in yet but look for full my full write-up on these coming up!
Lego City Undercover (Switch) – It  began when I saw it was on sale last week. Then I thought I will just play it on my Wii U, but that seemed like work. Then I remembered Jemma’s review, so I read it. After reading it I decided to buy it again. I have been enjoying it ever since. I play a mission or two per day.
Soccer, Tactics and Glory (Switch) – This began as a review I posted earlier in the week but since finishing the review I have still been enjoying it. I try to play a game or two a night.
My Hero: One’s Justice (Switch) – I have been playing this off and on for a year now. I recently decided to give it another go. I am really enjoying playing my way back through the story again. Trying to get better rankings on certain levels.
Rune Factory 4 (Switch) – I am playing this for an upcoming review and it’s under embargo so I can’t say any opinion at the moment. It is the game I have been sinking 90% of my gaming time into.
Stardew Valley (Switch) – With a new Animal Crossing game on the horizon, there has been no better time to jump into Stardew Valley than now. I’ve been playing the game on and off for years, but lately I’ve devoted more time to it so I can leave my farm on a high note when I sign my soul away to Tom Nook.
Overwatch (Switch) – Most who know me know that I’ve long hated the way Blizzard handles their popular hero shooter, Overwatch, but with the recent release of the game on Nintendo Switch everything changed, and it has become one of my favorite games on the system.
Payday 2 (Switch) – The Payday video game franchise has always been a long-time favorite of mine, and recently I’ve been spending some time with Payday 2 on Nintendo Switch, so that I can regain my “Infamy” status in that particular version of the title.
Pokémon Shield (Switch) – A couple months after the launch of Sword & Shield and I’m still going strong on my Pokémon addiction. I absolutely love the camping feature, the wild area, and the new Pokémon introduced in the game. With the recent announcement of DLC and the launch of Pokémon Home, I can’t see myself stopping this game anytime soon.
Leisure Suit Larry – Wet Dreams Don’t Dry: Happy Ending (Switch) – After missing this point-and-click adventure throwback upon its initial release, I received a review code to take a look at the new “Happy Ending” content that was recently released. You have to understand that the first LSL was released when I was in college, and was therefore directly responsible for shaving at least a few points off my GPA. Thankfully, that’s not a concern anymore.
Glass Masquerade 2: Illusions (Switch) – Another review in the works. This beautiful, surrealistic puzzle game is my current go-to when I have a short time to play or want to kill a few moments before or after digging into a bigger title for a longer gaming session. Speaking of which…
Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate (Switch) – This is my second attempt at conquering this entire game, made more difficult by all of the content added to this new ultimate edition. Thankfully, my oldest son is helping me out now that Ryu is included, and my daughter jumps in, too, provided she can play as Kunoichi. 177 fighters now, and it takes those two characters to get my family involved. I’d say I don’t understand it, except you’ll rarely find me using a party that doesn’t include Sun Shangxiang.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Switch) – I am late to playing this game, but over the course of a month or so, I’ve managed about 60 hours into it. It’s been a welcome surprise how much content is in this game. As a first time FE player, I’ll definitely be paying more attention to this series.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS) – In a desperate attempt to get in as much Animal Crossing time as I can, I’ve played a bit more in my town. It’s still a solid game, but it hasn’t dampened my excitement for New Horizons.
While I’m playing several games for review coverage, I want to focus on the one game I’m playing just for fun… Polyroll (Switch) – Lots of platformers try to capture that feeling of nostalgia, but Polyroll manages to pull it off successfully. From its Sonic-esque gameplay to its colorful level design, it feels like a game I would’ve played in the early-mid 90s. I think I’ll be sticking with this one for a while too, as I try to find all the hidden gems. The Switch is no stranger to platformers, but Polyroll has a high-quality that many lack. For less than $9.99, genre fans need to definitely check this one out!
Milo’s Quest (Switch) – I’ve just reviewed this simple RPG, in which you play the role of a puppy chasing ghosts while digging for bones. There’s a lot to like in this cute game, though it does lack some variety.
Dr. Mario World (mobile) – I don’t know if this will ever drop off my playlist! I’ve been playing this one for awhile now. I love the events that come up every week, like star and clinic events, which keep me hooked. I’m currently on level 388.
Mario Kart Tour (mobile) – I played this a LOT over the holidays, and I’m still playing it weekly. I love the themed cups and its fun to play the remixed retro tracks. I’m also desperate to collect all the drivers!
Super Mario Party (Switch) – this is something we play most weekends, making levels to outdo each other. I’ve been enjoying desert levels of late.
Super Mega Space Blaster Special Turbo (Switch) – I’ve just started this one for my next review, a retro-inspired shooter with plenty of unlockables as well as leaderboards to climb. Watch for my review soon!
Hey! Pikmin (3DS) – I’ve been revisiting this one with my family, it seems to be a favorite lately. I reviewed it way back in 2017 and I’ve grown to appreciate it even more over time.
What’s on your playlist this week? How often would you like to see our playlist? Let us know in the comments section below.
The post Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now appeared first on Pure Nintendo.
Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
0 notes
barbosaasouza · 4 years
Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now
We love Nintendo – it’s in our name; it’s in our DNA. And, naturally, we play a lot of Nintendo games. If you’ve ever wondered which games keep us occupied, we’ve compiled a playlist of recent titles we’re heavily into. You never know, you might even find some inspiration in here too.
Check out our latest playlist below and let us know which games you’re obsessed with at the moment. We promise there’s no judgment here.
Pure Nintendo playlist
Guacamelee 2 (Switch) – Been playing this with friends at our weekly game nights and having a blast! The challenge is definitely ramping up as we near the final boss, but it’s worth the ride. I especially liked the ‘Dank Cave’ hidden area :). The devs had some fun there!
Metro 2033 Redux / Metro Last Light Redux (Switch) – Playing this for review and enjoying my time so far. I’m not too far in yet but look for full my full write-up on these coming up!
Lego City Undercover (Switch) – It  began when I saw it was on sale last week. Then I thought I will just play it on my Wii U, but that seemed like work. Then I remembered Jemma’s review, so I read it. After reading it I decided to buy it again. I have been enjoying it ever since. I play a mission or two per day.
Soccer, Tactics and Glory (Switch) – This began as a review I posted earlier in the week but since finishing the review I have still been enjoying it. I try to play a game or two a night.
My Hero: One’s Justice (Switch) – I have been playing this off and on for a year now. I recently decided to give it another go. I am really enjoying playing my way back through the story again. Trying to get better rankings on certain levels.
Rune Factory 4 (Switch) – I am playing this for an upcoming review and it’s under embargo so I can’t say any opinion at the moment. It is the game I have been sinking 90% of my gaming time into.
Stardew Valley (Switch) – With a new Animal Crossing game on the horizon, there has been no better time to jump into Stardew Valley than now. I’ve been playing the game on and off for years, but lately I’ve devoted more time to it so I can leave my farm on a high note when I sign my soul away to Tom Nook.
Overwatch (Switch) – Most who know me know that I’ve long hated the way Blizzard handles their popular hero shooter, Overwatch, but with the recent release of the game on Nintendo Switch everything changed, and it has become one of my favorite games on the system.
Payday 2 (Switch) – The Payday video game franchise has always been a long-time favorite of mine, and recently I’ve been spending some time with Payday 2 on Nintendo Switch, so that I can regain my “Infamy” status in that particular version of the title.
Pokémon Shield (Switch) – A couple months after the launch of Sword & Shield and I’m still going strong on my Pokémon addiction. I absolutely love the camping feature, the wild area, and the new Pokémon introduced in the game. With the recent announcement of DLC and the launch of Pokémon Home, I can’t see myself stopping this game anytime soon.
Leisure Suit Larry – Wet Dreams Don’t Dry: Happy Ending (Switch) – After missing this point-and-click adventure throwback upon its initial release, I received a review code to take a look at the new “Happy Ending” content that was recently released. You have to understand that the first LSL was released when I was in college, and was therefore directly responsible for shaving at least a few points off my GPA. Thankfully, that’s not a concern anymore.
Glass Masquerade 2: Illusions (Switch) – Another review in the works. This beautiful, surrealistic puzzle game is my current go-to when I have a short time to play or want to kill a few moments before or after digging into a bigger title for a longer gaming session. Speaking of which…
Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate (Switch) – This is my second attempt at conquering this entire game, made more difficult by all of the content added to this new ultimate edition. Thankfully, my oldest son is helping me out now that Ryu is included, and my daughter jumps in, too, provided she can play as Kunoichi. 177 fighters now, and it takes those two characters to get my family involved. I’d say I don’t understand it, except you’ll rarely find me using a party that doesn’t include Sun Shangxiang.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Switch) – I am late to playing this game, but over the course of a month or so, I’ve managed about 60 hours into it. It’s been a welcome surprise how much content is in this game. As a first time FE player, I’ll definitely be paying more attention to this series.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS) – In a desperate attempt to get in as much Animal Crossing time as I can, I’ve played a bit more in my town. It’s still a solid game, but it hasn’t dampened my excitement for New Horizons.
While I’m playing several games for review coverage, I want to focus on the one game I’m playing just for fun… Polyroll (Switch) – Lots of platformers try to capture that feeling of nostalgia, but Polyroll manages to pull it off successfully. From its Sonic-esque gameplay to its colorful level design, it feels like a game I would’ve played in the early-mid 90s. I think I’ll be sticking with this one for a while too, as I try to find all the hidden gems. The Switch is no stranger to platformers, but Polyroll has a high-quality that many lack. For less than $9.99, genre fans need to definitely check this one out!
Milo’s Quest (Switch) – I’ve just reviewed this simple RPG, in which you play the role of a puppy chasing ghosts while digging for bones. There’s a lot to like in this cute game, though it does lack some variety.
Dr. Mario World (mobile) – I don’t know if this will ever drop off my playlist! I’ve been playing this one for awhile now. I love the events that come up every week, like star and clinic events, which keep me hooked. I’m currently on level 388.
Mario Kart Tour (mobile) – I played this a LOT over the holidays, and I’m still playing it weekly. I love the themed cups and its fun to play the remixed retro tracks. I’m also desperate to collect all the drivers!
Super Mario Party (Switch) – this is something we play most weekends, making levels to outdo each other. I’ve been enjoying desert levels of late.
Super Mega Space Blaster Special Turbo (Switch) – I’ve just started this one for my next review, a retro-inspired shooter with plenty of unlockables as well as leaderboards to climb. Watch for my review soon!
Hey! Pikmin (3DS) – I’ve been revisiting this one with my family, it seems to be a favorite lately. I reviewed it way back in 2017 and I’ve grown to appreciate it even more over time.
What’s on your playlist this week? How often would you like to see our playlist? Let us know in the comments section below.
The post Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now appeared first on Pure Nintendo.
Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
0 notes
barbosaasouza · 4 years
Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now
We love Nintendo – it’s in our name; it’s in our DNA. And, naturally, we play a lot of Nintendo games. If you’ve ever wondered which games keep us occupied, we’ve compiled a playlist of recent titles we’re heavily into. You never know, you might even find some inspiration in here too.
Check out our latest playlist below and let us know which games you’re obsessed with at the moment. We promise there’s no judgment here.
Pure Nintendo playlist
Guacamelee 2 (Switch) – Been playing this with friends at our weekly game nights and having a blast! The challenge is definitely ramping up as we near the final boss, but it’s worth the ride. I especially liked the ‘Dank Cave’ hidden area :). The devs had some fun there!
Metro 2033 Redux / Metro Last Light Redux (Switch) – Playing this for review and enjoying my time so far. I’m not too far in yet but look for full my full write-up on these coming up!
Lego City Undercover (Switch) – It  began when I saw it was on sale last week. Then I thought I will just play it on my Wii U, but that seemed like work. Then I remembered Jemma’s review, so I read it. After reading it I decided to buy it again. I have been enjoying it ever since. I play a mission or two per day.
Soccer, Tactics and Glory (Switch) – This began as a review I posted earlier in the week but since finishing the review I have still been enjoying it. I try to play a game or two a night.
My Hero: One’s Justice (Switch) – I have been playing this off and on for a year now. I recently decided to give it another go. I am really enjoying playing my way back through the story again. Trying to get better rankings on certain levels.
Rune Factory 4 (Switch) – I am playing this for an upcoming review and it’s under embargo so I can’t say any opinion at the moment. It is the game I have been sinking 90% of my gaming time into.
Stardew Valley (Switch) – With a new Animal Crossing game on the horizon, there has been no better time to jump into Stardew Valley than now. I’ve been playing the game on and off for years, but lately I’ve devoted more time to it so I can leave my farm on a high note when I sign my soul away to Tom Nook.
Overwatch (Switch) – Most who know me know that I’ve long hated the way Blizzard handles their popular hero shooter, Overwatch, but with the recent release of the game on Nintendo Switch everything changed, and it has become one of my favorite games on the system.
Payday 2 (Switch) – The Payday video game franchise has always been a long-time favorite of mine, and recently I’ve been spending some time with Payday 2 on Nintendo Switch, so that I can regain my “Infamy” status in that particular version of the title.
Pokémon Shield (Switch) – A couple months after the launch of Sword & Shield and I’m still going strong on my Pokémon addiction. I absolutely love the camping feature, the wild area, and the new Pokémon introduced in the game. With the recent announcement of DLC and the launch of Pokémon Home, I can’t see myself stopping this game anytime soon.
Leisure Suit Larry – Wet Dreams Don’t Dry: Happy Ending (Switch) – After missing this point-and-click adventure throwback upon its initial release, I received a review code to take a look at the new “Happy Ending” content that was recently released. You have to understand that the first LSL was released when I was in college, and was therefore directly responsible for shaving at least a few points off my GPA. Thankfully, that’s not a concern anymore.
Glass Masquerade 2: Illusions (Switch) – Another review in the works. This beautiful, surrealistic puzzle game is my current go-to when I have a short time to play or want to kill a few moments before or after digging into a bigger title for a longer gaming session. Speaking of which…
Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate (Switch) – This is my second attempt at conquering this entire game, made more difficult by all of the content added to this new ultimate edition. Thankfully, my oldest son is helping me out now that Ryu is included, and my daughter jumps in, too, provided she can play as Kunoichi. 177 fighters now, and it takes those two characters to get my family involved. I’d say I don’t understand it, except you’ll rarely find me using a party that doesn’t include Sun Shangxiang.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Switch) – I am late to playing this game, but over the course of a month or so, I’ve managed about 60 hours into it. It’s been a welcome surprise how much content is in this game. As a first time FE player, I’ll definitely be paying more attention to this series.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS) – In a desperate attempt to get in as much Animal Crossing time as I can, I’ve played a bit more in my town. It’s still a solid game, but it hasn’t dampened my excitement for New Horizons.
While I’m playing several games for review coverage, I want to focus on the one game I’m playing just for fun… Polyroll (Switch) – Lots of platformers try to capture that feeling of nostalgia, but Polyroll manages to pull it off successfully. From its Sonic-esque gameplay to its colorful level design, it feels like a game I would’ve played in the early-mid 90s. I think I’ll be sticking with this one for a while too, as I try to find all the hidden gems. The Switch is no stranger to platformers, but Polyroll has a high-quality that many lack. For less than $9.99, genre fans need to definitely check this one out!
Milo’s Quest (Switch) – I’ve just reviewed this simple RPG, in which you play the role of a puppy chasing ghosts while digging for bones. There’s a lot to like in this cute game, though it does lack some variety.
Dr. Mario World (mobile) – I don’t know if this will ever drop off my playlist! I’ve been playing this one for awhile now. I love the events that come up every week, like star and clinic events, which keep me hooked. I’m currently on level 388.
Mario Kart Tour (mobile) – I played this a LOT over the holidays, and I’m still playing it weekly. I love the themed cups and its fun to play the remixed retro tracks. I’m also desperate to collect all the drivers!
Super Mario Party (Switch) – this is something we play most weekends, making levels to outdo each other. I’ve been enjoying desert levels of late.
Super Mega Space Blaster Special Turbo (Switch) – I’ve just started this one for my next review, a retro-inspired shooter with plenty of unlockables as well as leaderboards to climb. Watch for my review soon!
Hey! Pikmin (3DS) – I’ve been revisiting this one with my family, it seems to be a favorite lately. I reviewed it way back in 2017 and I’ve grown to appreciate it even more over time.
What’s on your playlist this week? How often would you like to see our playlist? Let us know in the comments section below.
The post Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now appeared first on Pure Nintendo.
Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
0 notes
barbosaasouza · 4 years
Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now
We love Nintendo – it’s in our name; it’s in our DNA. And, naturally, we play a lot of Nintendo games. If you’ve ever wondered which games keep us occupied, we’ve compiled a playlist of recent titles we’re heavily into. You never know, you might even find some inspiration in here too.
Check out our latest playlist below and let us know which games you’re obsessed with at the moment. We promise there’s no judgment here.
Pure Nintendo playlist
Guacamelee 2 (Switch) – Been playing this with friends at our weekly game nights and having a blast! The challenge is definitely ramping up as we near the final boss, but it’s worth the ride. I especially liked the ‘Dank Cave’ hidden area :). The devs had some fun there!
Metro 2033 Redux / Metro Last Light Redux (Switch) – Playing this for review and enjoying my time so far. I’m not too far in yet but look for full my full write-up on these coming up!
Lego City Undercover (Switch) – It  began when I saw it was on sale last week. Then I thought I will just play it on my Wii U, but that seemed like work. Then I remembered Jemma’s review, so I read it. After reading it I decided to buy it again. I have been enjoying it ever since. I play a mission or two per day.
Soccer, Tactics and Glory (Switch) – This began as a review I posted earlier in the week but since finishing the review I have still been enjoying it. I try to play a game or two a night.
My Hero: One’s Justice (Switch) – I have been playing this off and on for a year now. I recently decided to give it another go. I am really enjoying playing my way back through the story again. Trying to get better rankings on certain levels.
Rune Factory 4 (Switch) – I am playing this for an upcoming review and it’s under embargo so I can’t say any opinion at the moment. It is the game I have been sinking 90% of my gaming time into.
Stardew Valley (Switch) – With a new Animal Crossing game on the horizon, there has been no better time to jump into Stardew Valley than now. I’ve been playing the game on and off for years, but lately I’ve devoted more time to it so I can leave my farm on a high note when I sign my soul away to Tom Nook.
Overwatch (Switch) – Most who know me know that I’ve long hated the way Blizzard handles their popular hero shooter, Overwatch, but with the recent release of the game on Nintendo Switch everything changed, and it has become one of my favorite games on the system.
Payday 2 (Switch) – The Payday video game franchise has always been a long-time favorite of mine, and recently I’ve been spending some time with Payday 2 on Nintendo Switch, so that I can regain my “Infamy” status in that particular version of the title.
Pokémon Shield (Switch) – A couple months after the launch of Sword & Shield and I’m still going strong on my Pokémon addiction. I absolutely love the camping feature, the wild area, and the new Pokémon introduced in the game. With the recent announcement of DLC and the launch of Pokémon Home, I can’t see myself stopping this game anytime soon.
Leisure Suit Larry – Wet Dreams Don’t Dry: Happy Ending (Switch) – After missing this point-and-click adventure throwback upon its initial release, I received a review code to take a look at the new “Happy Ending” content that was recently released. You have to understand that the first LSL was released when I was in college, and was therefore directly responsible for shaving at least a few points off my GPA. Thankfully, that’s not a concern anymore.
Glass Masquerade 2: Illusions (Switch) – Another review in the works. This beautiful, surrealistic puzzle game is my current go-to when I have a short time to play or want to kill a few moments before or after digging into a bigger title for a longer gaming session. Speaking of which…
Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate (Switch) – This is my second attempt at conquering this entire game, made more difficult by all of the content added to this new ultimate edition. Thankfully, my oldest son is helping me out now that Ryu is included, and my daughter jumps in, too, provided she can play as Kunoichi. 177 fighters now, and it takes those two characters to get my family involved. I’d say I don’t understand it, except you’ll rarely find me using a party that doesn’t include Sun Shangxiang.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Switch) – I am late to playing this game, but over the course of a month or so, I’ve managed about 60 hours into it. It’s been a welcome surprise how much content is in this game. As a first time FE player, I’ll definitely be paying more attention to this series.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS) – In a desperate attempt to get in as much Animal Crossing time as I can, I’ve played a bit more in my town. It’s still a solid game, but it hasn’t dampened my excitement for New Horizons.
While I’m playing several games for review coverage, I want to focus on the one game I’m playing just for fun… Polyroll (Switch) – Lots of platformers try to capture that feeling of nostalgia, but Polyroll manages to pull it off successfully. From its Sonic-esque gameplay to its colorful level design, it feels like a game I would’ve played in the early-mid 90s. I think I’ll be sticking with this one for a while too, as I try to find all the hidden gems. The Switch is no stranger to platformers, but Polyroll has a high-quality that many lack. For less than $9.99, genre fans need to definitely check this one out!
Milo’s Quest (Switch) – I’ve just reviewed this simple RPG, in which you play the role of a puppy chasing ghosts while digging for bones. There’s a lot to like in this cute game, though it does lack some variety.
Dr. Mario World (mobile) – I don’t know if this will ever drop off my playlist! I’ve been playing this one for awhile now. I love the events that come up every week, like star and clinic events, which keep me hooked. I’m currently on level 388.
Mario Kart Tour (mobile) – I played this a LOT over the holidays, and I’m still playing it weekly. I love the themed cups and its fun to play the remixed retro tracks. I’m also desperate to collect all the drivers!
Super Mario Party (Switch) – this is something we play most weekends, making levels to outdo each other. I’ve been enjoying desert levels of late.
Super Mega Space Blaster Special Turbo (Switch) – I’ve just started this one for my next review, a retro-inspired shooter with plenty of unlockables as well as leaderboards to climb. Watch for my review soon!
Hey! Pikmin (3DS) – I’ve been revisiting this one with my family, it seems to be a favorite lately. I reviewed it way back in 2017 and I’ve grown to appreciate it even more over time.
What’s on your playlist this week? How often would you like to see our playlist? Let us know in the comments section below.
The post Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now appeared first on Pure Nintendo.
Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
0 notes
barbosaasouza · 4 years
Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now
We love Nintendo – it’s in our name; it’s in our DNA. And, naturally, we play a lot of Nintendo games. If you’ve ever wondered which games keep us occupied, we’ve compiled a playlist of recent titles we’re heavily into. You never know, you might even find some inspiration in here too.
Check out our latest playlist below and let us know which games you’re obsessed with at the moment. We promise there’s no judgment here.
Pure Nintendo playlist
Guacamelee 2 (Switch) – Been playing this with friends at our weekly game nights and having a blast! The challenge is definitely ramping up as we near the final boss, but it’s worth the ride. I especially liked the ‘Dank Cave’ hidden area :). The devs had some fun there!
Metro 2033 Redux / Metro Last Light Redux (Switch) – Playing this for review and enjoying my time so far. I’m not too far in yet but look for full my full write-up on these coming up!
Lego City Undercover (Switch) – It  began when I saw it was on sale last week. Then I thought I will just play it on my Wii U, but that seemed like work. Then I remembered Jemma’s review, so I read it. After reading it I decided to buy it again. I have been enjoying it ever since. I play a mission or two per day.
Soccer, Tactics and Glory (Switch) – This began as a review I posted earlier in the week but since finishing the review I have still been enjoying it. I try to play a game or two a night.
My Hero: One’s Justice (Switch) – I have been playing this off and on for a year now. I recently decided to give it another go. I am really enjoying playing my way back through the story again. Trying to get better rankings on certain levels.
Rune Factory 4 (Switch) – I am playing this for an upcoming review and it’s under embargo so I can’t say any opinion at the moment. It is the game I have been sinking 90% of my gaming time into.
Stardew Valley (Switch) – With a new Animal Crossing game on the horizon, there has been no better time to jump into Stardew Valley than now. I’ve been playing the game on and off for years, but lately I’ve devoted more time to it so I can leave my farm on a high note when I sign my soul away to Tom Nook.
Overwatch (Switch) – Most who know me know that I’ve long hated the way Blizzard handles their popular hero shooter, Overwatch, but with the recent release of the game on Nintendo Switch everything changed, and it has become one of my favorite games on the system.
Payday 2 (Switch) – The Payday video game franchise has always been a long-time favorite of mine, and recently I’ve been spending some time with Payday 2 on Nintendo Switch, so that I can regain my “Infamy” status in that particular version of the title.
Pokémon Shield (Switch) – A couple months after the launch of Sword & Shield and I’m still going strong on my Pokémon addiction. I absolutely love the camping feature, the wild area, and the new Pokémon introduced in the game. With the recent announcement of DLC and the launch of Pokémon Home, I can’t see myself stopping this game anytime soon.
Leisure Suit Larry – Wet Dreams Don’t Dry: Happy Ending (Switch) – After missing this point-and-click adventure throwback upon its initial release, I received a review code to take a look at the new “Happy Ending” content that was recently released. You have to understand that the first LSL was released when I was in college, and was therefore directly responsible for shaving at least a few points off my GPA. Thankfully, that’s not a concern anymore.
Glass Masquerade 2: Illusions (Switch) – Another review in the works. This beautiful, surrealistic puzzle game is my current go-to when I have a short time to play or want to kill a few moments before or after digging into a bigger title for a longer gaming session. Speaking of which…
Warriors Orochi 4 Ultimate (Switch) – This is my second attempt at conquering this entire game, made more difficult by all of the content added to this new ultimate edition. Thankfully, my oldest son is helping me out now that Ryu is included, and my daughter jumps in, too, provided she can play as Kunoichi. 177 fighters now, and it takes those two characters to get my family involved. I’d say I don’t understand it, except you’ll rarely find me using a party that doesn’t include Sun Shangxiang.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Switch) – I am late to playing this game, but over the course of a month or so, I’ve managed about 60 hours into it. It’s been a welcome surprise how much content is in this game. As a first time FE player, I’ll definitely be paying more attention to this series.
Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS) – In a desperate attempt to get in as much Animal Crossing time as I can, I’ve played a bit more in my town. It’s still a solid game, but it hasn’t dampened my excitement for New Horizons.
While I’m playing several games for review coverage, I want to focus on the one game I’m playing just for fun… Polyroll (Switch) – Lots of platformers try to capture that feeling of nostalgia, but Polyroll manages to pull it off successfully. From its Sonic-esque gameplay to its colorful level design, it feels like a game I would’ve played in the early-mid 90s. I think I’ll be sticking with this one for a while too, as I try to find all the hidden gems. The Switch is no stranger to platformers, but Polyroll has a high-quality that many lack. For less than $9.99, genre fans need to definitely check this one out!
Milo’s Quest (Switch) – I’ve just reviewed this simple RPG, in which you play the role of a puppy chasing ghosts while digging for bones. There’s a lot to like in this cute game, though it does lack some variety.
Dr. Mario World (mobile) – I don’t know if this will ever drop off my playlist! I’ve been playing this one for awhile now. I love the events that come up every week, like star and clinic events, which keep me hooked. I’m currently on level 388.
Mario Kart Tour (mobile) – I played this a LOT over the holidays, and I’m still playing it weekly. I love the themed cups and its fun to play the remixed retro tracks. I’m also desperate to collect all the drivers!
Super Mario Party (Switch) – this is something we play most weekends, making levels to outdo each other. I’ve been enjoying desert levels of late.
Super Mega Space Blaster Special Turbo (Switch) – I’ve just started this one for my next review, a retro-inspired shooter with plenty of unlockables as well as leaderboards to climb. Watch for my review soon!
Hey! Pikmin (3DS) – I’ve been revisiting this one with my family, it seems to be a favorite lately. I reviewed it way back in 2017 and I’ve grown to appreciate it even more over time.
What’s on your playlist this week? How often would you like to see our playlist? Let us know in the comments section below.
The post Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now appeared first on Pure Nintendo.
Playlist: which Nintendo games we’re playing right now published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
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