#happy they finally can chill after all drama but also i WANT the drama
On the one hand I loooove to see Kinn and Porsche just be in love and out in the open. They've been going through a lot together, so it's nice, but like... I can't help but be a bit disappointed??? Like now when the high of last episode has settled. Like nothing really happened in their scenes? while the other couples (especially vegaspete) had so much going on. It's nice that they didn't have to experience much drama, but couldn't they.... Idk, maybe have talked about Big? I am sad his death wasn't addressed at all and I feel like Kinn and Porsche having soft scenes could be a good opportunity to talk about it. Big sacrificed his life for them to be together. They could have had a nice scene, and cherished the fact they are able to be together and talk about Big because Big's death must have affected Kinn, right? And Porsche as well, since he died in front of him. Let them talk about it pleaseeeee
I love Kinn and Porsche, but after ep 9 it feels like something is missing with them??? Idkkkk
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terry-perry · 8 months
Smile Through Your Fear and Sorrow
Pairings: Ex!Steve Rogers x Odinsdottir!Reader, Steve x Peggy (implied, but can also be open to interpretation)
Genres: Angst, songfic? (more of a story inspired by listening to a song multiple times), Family fic
A/N: Another AU for my popular AU. Basically a "What If...?" scenario where Steve and Odinsdottir break up because he stayed in 1945. However, he returns sooner than what we saw in Endgame. And not alone...
Inspired by ABBA's "Angel Eyes," as well as Charlie Chaplin's "Smile."
Enjoy the angst!
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It was the talk of New Asgard now. Last night had been such drama.
"Last night, I took a stroll along the waters, and I saw him with this new woman! They looked very happy together."
Thor narrowed his eyes at the two women discussing this so openly at the bakery like this was entertaining gossip.
"You should've seen the way he looked at her. Absolutely spine-chilling!"
"Was it anything like how he'd look at the princess?"
"Oh no! This was even more intense!"
He had half a mind to lift up his hood and let his intimidating presence put a stop to their conversation. He had more important matters to attend to though. He turned back to the pastries displayed in front of him and pointed at the sweet bread he knew she loved. He hoped it would lift up her spirits for at least a moment.
Yes, it was true. Steve was not only back but has returned with another woman. They ran into him in New York after everything. It was not only a surprise to learn that he was back, but was with somebody else. Apparently, this was someone from his past that he brought back with him after returning the Infinity Stones. Someone he just couldn't be without.
Thor wanted so much to confront them, to at least talk to this woman about how she better be careful. This was all just a game to Steve. Everything might be lovely now, but it won't be long until there's trouble in paradise after realizing who he truly is. She'll be deceived by his charms and be forced to pay the price when the time comes.
Thor thought Y/N would think so so. He thought she might be hurt by Steve's sudden return, but she maintained that everything was fine. In fact, she kept going on with how happy she was for them.
Then the siblings decided to host a lovely gathering to help celebrate Mid-Summer. They invited their Midgardian companions who were very excited to help enjoy this celebration of light, fertility, and music. Even though Steve came and brought along his new female friend, Y/N kept insisting it was all right. Everything did seem to be okay at first, with everyone distracted by all the fun. Bonfires, traditional music, and the burning of corn dollies to celebrate the brightest time of the year were wonderful ways to forget about all worries.
Then last night happened.
On the third and final night of Mid-Summer, the new couple took the opportunity to announce their engagement. That was when Thor witnessed it. It was only for a brief moment, but he managed to spot the tears springing into her eyes and her lips trembling.
A dull, hollow feeling filled his chest as he saw her. Then, a flicker of light appeared. He saw her with a smile and a fresh face, which was nothing like the broken look he just saw. The split second of changing energy was too quick for everyone else to notice as they were in the midst of congratulating the newly engaged couple. He was the only one worried about what she would think, and he finally saw that everything wasn't okay.
Try as she might, Thor finally saw how not-okay Y/N actually was.
To Be Continued...
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cleabellanov · 5 months
💙 hi and welcome to my ted talk about the latest episodes of what if, please read through (3) 💙
First of all. Why is season 2 so...happy?
I'm not complaining. Marvel has enough sad stories for a lifetime, but I found that, instead of exploring demises, we're now seeing victories. Old villains find their insight and become heroes (Hela, Nebula, Gamora) and lives are influenced for the better, earlier on (Peter Quill, Bucky, Hope).
It might be nothing.
But I think it's something.
You know what season 2 of what if comes right after? Season 2 of Loki. And, as you'll see at the end of this post, their colors are making themselves known.
Could it be that, from his throne, Loki got sick of watching sad stories and seeing worlds die? There is a chance, I don't know how plausible, but there is, that he's influencing all that we saw this season. A little hope here, a little time there, and, using their free will, everyone gets a second chance.
That, or Uatu felt bad for us and wanted to gift us in honor of New Year being in 1-2 days. Do tell me if you have additions on that.
If I had to bet on something, it would be the overall fan reaction to the opening scene. I screamed, yes. Did they expect us to see Loki's name there in the subtitles and be totally chill about it?
"To be or not to be, that is the question"
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I can totally see Tom having this idea for the opening scene: just Loki reciting Hamlet, and altough to his brother's bordedom, acting from Shakespeare. And it was the best idea he could have.
It's a missable detail, but Thor mentions Mjölnir! And you know how? As a gift...for Loki!
He responds to that with "I...have misplaced it" which is, yeah, typical, but how do you just lose Mjölnir, Loki? The idea, however, is that he'd be able to lift it, which I would have loooved to see on screen. But this was fun to have too.
And the response to Captain Carter's "You're a bigger drama queen than your brother" (talking to Thor)?? 😭
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Can we also point out how insane it is that after just being stripped from her home in an unknown world, Peggy still wanted to help?
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She not only has a hero's soul, she is that brave as to turn down The Watcher's warnings and offers to take her back safe. And remember, not everyone can hear Uatu as he narrates. But she can, sometimes.
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"What if, what if, what if. I have to try."
"Not on my watch"
This ambition of hers, is, of course, given by her humanity too. But that's not only a bad thing. The Watcher's all knowing, his experience of seeing worlds die everyday, has made him unsensible (from our point of view). That's not the case for Peggy.
Amidst all her adventures, however, perhaps she's also searching to avenge the love she lost, searching for her happy ending. In the movie Endgame, I have to admit she felt optional, like Steve wasn't meant to be there with her. But not now.
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I wish The Watcher told her she has a happy ending somewhere.
I don't know about you, but this episode...is my favourite ever from the series. It used to be the Strange Supreme one, but that's on the second place of the podium now.
We got to see queen Hela, drama prince/ actor Loki, king Thor. Bucky, NOT the Winter Soldier, and Steve, finally on the same page! Scarlet Witch!! Using her powers for good, not corrupted. All of them in cool costumes too. If things like these were on live action, I'd lose my f- mind, if I haven't already. :))
And now the green. The "rifts" that are tearing this world apart are very familiar in color.
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And this is not the only thing that's turning green, when it used to be multi-colored. The prism, too, the one from which The Watcher watches and narrates. And I'm not talking about the Time Stone. I'm talking about the tree of life, and how it might actually have a serious impact over everything. I mean, does Uatu know anything? And what was that decorated Yggradsil in the trailer, before the holidays?
Nevertheless, I think it's related in some way, and if it's not, don't blame me. I really like green.
That being said, thanks for reading <3
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shortstrawberry · 6 months
Breaking MY silence, my final thoughts
After this post, I'm moving on to my regular operations, that is writing and memeing.
Alright, first of all, I thank everyone who came to my support. Thank you, it means a lot to me. I feel a lot better now and feel ready to write my fic ideas. Thank you for giving me a safe space.
I also appreciate @isas-bathbombs for her sporting act. We both are now cool 🤝. You should honestly be asking for more pay as PR manager.
I also thank the devs for their personal support and intervention. Your great care and enthusiasm for this fandom is what makes it thrive. Thank you so much for making Resident Lover and giving all of us this space to be free crackheads.
Next, I want to give a timeline from my perspective and clear things up. Don't worry, this isn't a accusatory or blaming post by any means. I have not unfollowed or blocked anyone, even those who don't agree with me.
A lot of people have offered their own take on what happened which were pretty accurate. However, since I was admittedly directly involved in it, I feel I should and deserve to offer things from my perspective as well.
Let's start the bullet points
I did NOT write anything that had questionable consent. Yes, I can write things that lean on darker side, but never did I write CNC or any serious kinky stuff. Like bruh, I'm very new to this fandom. Let me get to the kinky part at least! Also, if I do write any (like I recently did for one of my asks) I will make sure to put trigger warnings (which is what I exactly did).
Here's what I ACTUALLY did: write a post asking why Miranda was so scared of Donna. The discussion it started was frankly quite amazing. The characterisations and character renaissance it created was amazing. However, some people didn't like the darker characterisation that happened in it. Or the "excessive" simping that followed by Donna stans. I've put excessive part in quotes for obvious reasons. Excessive is subjective and depends from individual to individual.
I went to sleep feeling satisfied and happy to see all the Donna love. Come morning, I see posts that were quite passive aggressively attempting to be call outs and police people.
I have never stood up for policing creative content. I've been part of several fandoms. I'm a part of Resident evil Village fandom. It's about evil woman doing evil things. So to see people cribbing about THESE characters being dark who have obvious darker undertones was flabbergasting to watch.
So while I didn't have a major part in creating majority of the darker stuff that happened, I did do one thing. I stood up and told people to take a chill pill. Like daddy chill, we are part of fandom that has cult stuff. And so the drama happened.
I don't regret what I did. I've always stood for freedom in creativity, and I will continue to do so. I saw my fellow Donna and Miranda stans getting indirectly attacked, and I had to speak out. I'm glad I did. Policing is the death of any fandom, and I hope this drama teaches us to let people be and not police people. Have a healthy discussion and tease people? Absolutely! But make personal attacks? Hell no.
I hope this clears up any miscommunication or misconceptions about me. I do not hate anyone, or any characters for that matter. Yes, Donna is my favourite, but I'll happily write for any Resident Lover character. I love the game, never doubt that.
Thank you for reading to the end. Feel free to follow me to be updated with whatever stuff I come up with. I never want anyone to think my blog is a unsafe space. I understand how important mental health is. I have a degree in it. Whatever you say, would be heard with patience. Unconditional positive regard bestie.
Signing off
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spellsunderthestars · 16 days
Mage and Ziffer i mean ziffer i mean zipper i mean ziffer i mean Zypher went back to game. Neptune was dragged along sorry he comes back every once in a while BECAUSE HE STILL HAS A JOB. sorry chronically online guy. also sorry vamp and cerb ur husband and wife are gone. Lantern gets a break
(,,,,,,,Yes he brought the flowers)
Avian is. Probably in the hospital. If that exists (im so sorry avy you’re going to have to befriend Pyx instead)
Alchemist went back to the cave since Dialtone finally moved back to his cabin and it doesn’t take such a long walk to get there and back. Cloud is htere too. Sorry dialtone. Atleast there’s a lower chance of a fire AHAHA haha hahaa. ha. (looks left, looks right)
Anger is just. Locking herself in her room for some reason. Sorry sunshine your gf is . Not happy
,,,,,Not for any reason in particular! Not for any reason in parti
Bow’s(the cooler one) bothering his wife. No need to go deeper on this
Skeleton’s going through the Horrors. None of you will get any context. Other than he remembered something. lol (GLARES AT SOUP)
Oh yeah and thanks to SOMEONE IN MY DMS YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE he now has the snas head !! Feiar is going to love this when he comes back i justf know it
,,,,for the room thingy, (hi soup) you get to choose whatever room you want them to stay in if you want to skip that interaction because i’m pretty sure by the time i come back zombie has FUCKING LOST IT so!!
room from 100 bc or something. the two or ATLEAST SKELETON dusted everything off. good as new !!!!!! (ignore the rats) (the breadbox is still there)
. empty room. Atleast one of them tried to bring furniture. ther es is only one bed. sorry zombie. skeleton is kinda restless when eep. that or skel won’t sleep at all
The. Other one. You don’t get to pick this. Skeleton visits it sometimes A LOT
you dont have to skip it if you don’t want to
@zombie-an0n just in case you DON’T see this
Drama is. Having a depressive episode probably. Sorrh mimic
Moon’s sleeping her ass off . Sorry sun your platonic gf is taking another unnecessary break
Surfer and his brother i mean brother i mean totally uncool guy he is not related to are just. Chilling
,,,,,,Surfer is being forced to do farm work. Do with that what you will
(someone else is going to be in control of the two now)
(also hi to you know who. you may give others the username if you want to. ill probably have the surfer design by then if my lazy ass don’t catch me)
characters that DON’T have accounts that I can remember off the top of my head i think
Therapist is. Just fucking around in Sarah’s palace. So is crowneater
Laine (worst name i think i’ve ever given a character ever sorry lai)fell into the lake. He lives there now. Waterboy
Robber & Rational (no, not reason. hitting you with a rolled up newspaper lily) are. Also chilling. ,,,,,,,,,Someone’s being forced to take their meds sorry robber,,,, Least Pam gets a break
Affie (used to have account) is busy. Making gifts for no one ever. She just makes them and has them stay there. Whoever visits her is welcome
Durian(IM SO SORRY I NAMED YOU AFTER A STINKY CANCER FRUIT) is worrying about why he can’t leave. No need to look into this. No need t
Jinx. Already said this. Stuck in his room again LOL LOL L BOZO
sorry for the tags lol
@sh4tt3rg1rl vamp, cerb, sun somewhere, dialtone
@theautumnaldemon or @/mod-autumn (forgot pyx tag)- Pyxel , Pam and Stranger (if I mentioned them anywhere)
@courtjesterrr sunshine, mimic, some other irrelevant guy
tagging you for another reason but don’t tell anyone that wink wink wink smirk wink
@crazy-into-you sarah, arrows
@zombie-anon zombie. i can’t remember if i named someone else sorry
im like 100% sure i missed someone else sorrh for not tagging you
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void-ink-studios · 7 months
Teatime With a God
More bonding between Scarab and his kind of office mom! Behold, Prismo's "Meet the parent" scenario, except the parent is a supreme goddess who literally has receipts on everything you've ever said or done!
Anyway, as always, enjoy!
Maybe I'll bring Fionna and Cake into the next installment? Who knows! Anything could happen!
Word Count: 2,000
Prismo was not one to panic over guests. The Time Room was a chill place to hang out. You were always welcome to visit and relax, no need for added drama or stress.
Except, it was not just a normal guest who was coming.
The Organizer was coming. Who also happens to be someone very close to Scarab. Who also happened to be one of the most powerful entities in the entire pantheon.
So, maybe Prismo was panicking a bit more than usual over someone visiting.
Scarab had been so excited to invite her. While he didn't share much of what was in the letters they sent back and forth, it seemed to be going well. Very well.
Well enough to apparently warrant a face-to-face visit. With tea.
Prismo was not used to feeling this far out of his element. Was this what Scarab felt like all the time?
Note to self, get more chamomile tea for Scarab.
At least he's finally managed to air out all of the depression funk. The Time Room actually looks kind of nice for now. He spared a glance to Scarab, trying to distract himself from his own nerves.
The beetle actually looked oddly calm, given the circumstances. He was diligently brewing tea, chirping softly to himself as the kettle whistled.
"Ah, that should be good..."
Scarab finally looked back to Prismo, who tried to flash a smile. Maybe the panic was more apparent on his face than he thought, because the beetle tipped his head at him.
"Are you alright, Prismo?"
"What? Yeah I'm alright, why wouldn't I be alright?"
"You know you're a terrible liar Prismo. You always have been." Scarab scooched close to Prismo, giving a gentle pet on his upper arm. "Can you tell me what's wrong? Usually, I'm the one pacing around the Time Room."
Prismo made a few strangled sounds as he thought. "I'm not usually this nervous. I'm everybody's pal!"
"Well, it's understandable to be nervous. The Organizer is very important, both to the pantheon and me."
"Scarab, Lovebug, I know you're trying to help, but that isn't making me feel better."
"You didn't let me finish. She's important, but she's also reasonable. She also doesn't have direct authority over you. Also, you are charming. If you could get me to like you, you won't have a problem here."
"I know but I didn't exactly make the best... impression on her, at the Gala..."
"You didn't make a good first impression on me either. Yet, here we are. I'm telling you; you have nothing to worry about." Scarab gave Prismo's cheek a soft nuzzle, chirping soothingly.
"Hmm... Thanks, Lovebug."
Scarab gave him one more squeeze, as Prismo finally seemed to be calming down.
It wasn't long after when a fractal rainbow beamed into the center of the Time Room, the Organizer standing there.
"Ah, good day, ma'am" Scarab said, a little bit of eagerness in his voice. He walked as close as he could from the wall and bowed respectfully. "Thank you for coming."
"I'm happy to be invited, little bug. Good day, Scarab, and to you, Prismo."
"G-Good day, Organizer, ma'am..." Shit, the nervousness was back. He clung to Scarab's words like a lifeline.
"I made tea, ma'am. Please, sit, make yourself comfortable."
"Ah, tea, just like when you were interning."
Prismo felt a spark of curiosity.
"You guys had tea together before?"
"Of course" she said, as if it was the most obvious things ever. "Scarab would brew a pot of tea every once in a while, and we'd enjoy it over lunch."
"It reminded me of home."
"Really now?"
"Yes. It was a common activity to do with friends. We'd gather around in one of our burrows, brew some tea, and talk about our lives. No one in the Judgement Hall wanted to partake, but the Organizer offered to join me. And then, it became a ritual between the two of us."
Prismo smiled softly. But, now he couldn't help but feel he's intruded on something private.
"...What kind of stuff did you talk about? Didn't take you for gossips."
"Oh, gossip is hardly my concern," the Observer sighed. "Scarab traveled all across the multiverse during his internship. Much of his scouting and tracking skills were built during that time. He would bring back stories and shiny things. I hardly leave my office. And I'm not like my brother, who can see it all. So, it was nice to hear more about the countless worlds our pantheon stewards."
"And the Organizer would tell me history" Scarab chirped. "When you are as ancient as she, you experience enough to talk until the end of time."
"Scarab. Ancient? Really?"
"What? You're the one always talking about 'The Time Before Nothing.' Prismo, you know what I'm talking about."
"Don't drag me into this, Scrabs."
Prismo chuckled, taking a sip of tea. It was a bit more bitter than he would've preferred, but he wasn't about to complain. Scarab and the Observer seemed to be enjoying themselves.
"So. How has life in the Time Room treated you, little bug?"
"I have fared well. I have enjoyed my time, both here and with Prismo. It is... peaceful. Sometimes too much so. But it is nice to exist not on the move sometimes."
"I am glad, Scarab. While I stand by the statement that you made an excellent Auditor, I am happy you have found some peace."
"I have. I've been... making things. I made the shawl and wing attachments I wore to the Gala."
"Really now?"
"It was traditional on my home world to decorate wings for special events and gatherings. I... Well, I couldn't do that anymore. But I still wanted to honor the practices... Prismo has been helping me... reconnect with my identity. Talking about my homeland again, it got me thinking. So, I improvised."
"You looked wonderful, Scrabs."
"Thank you..."
"I do agree, you looked confident. It seems that the Time Room has been good for you."
"It has, in a lot of ways." There was a slight pause in his thought. "But... I don't know, there's things I cannot do here. I suppose that keeps it a punishment of sorts."
Prismo raised an eyebrow. "Scrabs, do you miss your Auditor stuff?"
"Hmmm... I miss the excitement. I miss the hunt. I miss seeing the multiverse. I miss putting away criminals and cosmic threats and keeping reality safe."
"They are noble things to miss, little bug. But I sense hesitation in your voice."
"...I do not miss the hatred."
"The Auditors are not popular, I admit. Necessary is their profession."
"I heard a lot of weird things can get you in trouble with Auditors. Like, stealing office supplies? Playing games on work time? Not great, but I didn't think Auditors are necessary."
"They... weren't" Scarab admitted. "Not really. But, I frequently ran out of high-profile targets. Orbo... thought I was lazy if I rested. I thought the same thing myself. So, I tried to never be without work. I took on targets that would've most likely been waved if left alone. I know it made me no friends. But it was either that, or deal with Orbo, and that had made it an easy choice."
"Oh, Scarab" Prismo sighed.
"Little bug, I can imagine that was a stressful way of life. I once again reiterate, if you should return to Auditor, you will not be dealing with Orbo again."
"And I thank you for that, ma'am."
"...It was not right he was allowed to do what he did to you."
"I am... beginning to understand that now, ma'am. I hope you know I... don't blame you. You are busy, you don't have time to check on every Auditor in your employ..."
"I should've made time to check on you. I have employed many Auditors, Scarab, but it was you who I mentored. I had thought you wanted separation after our last conversation, but... I miscalculated, I believe."
Scarab's eyes widened.
"You are the Organizer, ma'am. You do not make mistakes."
"I am the Organizer. Not the Observer. I do not know everything. I do not make mistakes when the instructions are clear. But there are no instructions when it comes to living things, Scarab. It is all calculations and trust. As you once said to me, you are left to guess when it comes to people. And... I guessed incorrectly in this case."
Scarab seemed to mull her words over, chirping softly.
"Well... I have miscalculated plenty in my life as well... Consider us even, ma'am."
The two were looking intently at each other. Prismo could imagine there was a full conversation happening here with just eye contact. Then the two nodded, as if everything was clear.
"Speaking of miscalculations..."
Her eyes turned to the Wishmaster.
"You're telling me what happened here, with your 'close friend' Prismo."
Prismo nearly choked on his tea. "H-Hey, I thought you were above gossip!"
"I am. It's not gossip if it's facts."
Scarab chirped lowly in a laugh before part of the gaze was turned on him.
"One of you is going to tell me. Unless I must call on the Observer."
"No no no no need to bring the Observer into this, heh..."
"Perfect. Then why not tell me how you two became 'close friends' then."
"I-I mean... I dunno, we just... talked" Prismo stammered. "We got to actually talk to each other as people for the first time. And, we found we liked each other."
"Hmmm... Liking each other does not necessarily mean holding hands, Almighty Prismo."
Prismo felt his face heat up.
"Y-You saw that, huh...?"
"There is very little happens in my office that I'm not aware of, great Wishmaster."
"R-Right... sorry... Uh, well, we uh got closer. We find ourselves liking each other more and more... I... I found out things he hasn't really told anyone else. I... I dunno know how it happened ma'am, but I'm thankful it did. Scarab's great. He... He pulled me out of a very dark place. I'm glad he's in my life."
"As am I, ma'am" Scarab cooed. "Prismo has made me feel loved and cared for in a way I have not felt in eons... Not really since you, in all honesty."
"Hmmm" the Organizer cooed, thoughtfully. "I can't say I know much about you as a person, Prismo. But, I do trust Scarab's judgement. And I think I shall learn more, soon enough."
"Does that mean you'll come again?" Prismo smiled at the barely suppressed joy in Scarab's voice.
"Of course, my little bug. I missed our teatime. And I need more breaks from the office. My new assistant can hold the fort down."
Scarab paused.
"Assistant? I thought you didn't want or need help?"
"Oh, I still don't. Doesn't mean I can't find something for a currently being punished Auditor handler to do."
"For the next few thousand years at the least. Scarab, you're familiar with the Archive, correct?"
"...The Endless Archive? The one that has a file of every being to have ever existed in the multiverse? The one you specifically told me to not enter when I was interning? That Archive?"
"That's the one. It's been needing some reorganization. I've never had the time to do it myself. Luckily, I have an assistant to help me with that. For the next eon or two."
The two other gods stared. A beat. Then two. Then both burst out laughing.
"OH MY GLOB!" Prismo wheezed.
"Ha! Have fun with paperwork for once, Orbo!" Scarab sounded triumphant. "That'll be torture for him! Nothing but endless corridors of filing cabinets and silence!" He looked at the Organizer. "Thank you, ma'am. For everything!"
"The Judge and I both thought it appropriate."
Scarab smiled. Wider than even Prismo had ever seen him. "...I thank you. From the bottom of my heart, ma'am. I appreciate everything you have done for me. If there's anything I can do to repay-"
"Nonsense little bug. The only repayment I seek is that we continue having tea."
Scarab looked like he was about to weep. He nodded. He nodded eagerly.
"Yes! Yes, of course, I'd love to."
The Organizer did not have a mouth. Or a face in general. But... Prismo got the impression she was smiling.
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mirambles · 2 years
Little Women - The Ending
What a wild ride this drama was! When you watch too many KDramas there is a constant cynic in you wondering if the drama with a solid start will derail after it hits the mid way mark - or will the finale be a disappointment. Every episode of Little Women upped the level of mystery, thrill, sinister plots, character twists and you kept wondering if the writer and director would be able to tie all the loose ends or will it make no sense at all and leave us infuriated.
The plot twists were largely unexpected, to maintain such consistency over 12 episodes is near impossible, getting 1-2 plot twists right amongst 20 odd is a big win for the writer. It means she had us glued, she had us guessing, she had us theorising and she kept blowing our mind and surprising us. Jung Seo Kyung deserves a standing ovation.
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Before I jump into the main characters and their ending - just wanted to put it out there that every single actor/actress in this drama - whether the role was big or small, brought their A game to this drama. This is what great direction and writing can do!
However it left me baffled that people are actually lamenting and disappointed that InJoo and DoIl didn’t get their ‘happy ending’ - are you effing kidding me? Did we even watch the same drama? The romance is a side plot - it didn’t even exist or even if it had , it would have no bearing on the story. Please stop obsessing over this non existent plot point. DoIl was a side plot. Let it be that - don’t make the drama about him.
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I will re-emphasise this - a drama made by women for women. The story was about the 3 sisters who loved each other immensely and would go to any lengths to protect each other, the story was about the heiress who went rogue after being denied her right by patriarchy, the story was about a friendship between two young girls wanting to free themselves of their family burdens, the story was about a woman’s revenge to avenge her mom’s death. The story was about these women fighting their battles - winning some and losing some and the men were a side plot, they were mere pawns and let them be at that. Don’t make a woman’s life about the men in her life.
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The ending was poetic in many ways - Won Sang A bringing about her own destruction. Her guilt over her mom’s death, her anger at being discriminated channeled in the wrong way. Uhm Ji Won was brilliant, simply brilliant in shifting those expressions and her cold calculated behaviour sent chills down my spine.
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In Kyung was the smart, principled one, but was equally reckless and impulsive; however she realised in quick time the importance of holding back the important cards to play at the right time. I’m also glad she realised that brain producing alpha waves is the right choice over her heart racing. Nam Ji Hyun was stellar and I haven’t seen her look this gorgeous in any drama of hers. She slayed the pants look in this one.
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InHye - everyone hated on her and her selfishness but she turned out to be equally selfless - never ever forgetting her sisters’ love and sacrifices. Once she found her path, she made sure her sisters were in a comfortable place just like she was. She was a great friend to HyoRin and helped her escape a life that would have been pure hell, and who knows might have tipped her to the dark side. How valuable is their friendship to each other.
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InJoo being in the apartment alone - this scene was the most poignant one in the finale for me. How often do we define our happiness by the people in our lives? How often do we forget to place ourselves ahead of others? The grand-aunt did deliver some wisdom nuggets to InJoo. InJoo who loved her sisters and her life was only about them, was now by herself; still loved by her sisters, but free of the responsibility to take care of them, free to live her life. She wasn’t lonely, she was just relieved. Despite all she was put through, her innocence and naivety were not damaged. As @kdramaplaybook on twitter said she grew but she stayed the same.
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The consistency in the characters throughout the drama was impressive. DoIl loved his money and he probably liked InJoo too l, but if he had left it all for her - it would be so cliched and inconsistent and hence I liked where it ended. Maybe they will meet, maybe they won’t , there are other fish in the sea. InJoo needs to finally live her life, happiness is not always being with your loved ones, sometimes it also lies in letting them go to pursue their happiness and putting your own happiness first. InJoo can do whatever she wants to be happy - even if that means spending all her money on buying truckloads of lipglosses and icecream.
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I may need to write another long post in praise of Kim Go Eun’s performance as InJoo in this drama - she nailed every expression, but most of all I loved her expressions when they changed in split second from ‘There I got you’ to ‘holy shit did I mess up again’. I love Nam Ji Hyun, but Kim Go Eun had the meatier role and she did full justice. Having watched quite a few dramas of hers, this is by far her best one.
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The background score and the cinematography were two equally powerful characters in this drama and I can write pages on every shot , frame and scene where they took the story ahead or warned us of the upcoming twist or shocked us to the core. They elevated every frame of this drama. As my friend @KdramasSlump on twitter said - this drama was pure art.
The drama praises would be incomplete without praising the director Kim Hee Won ( also directed Vincenzo) and writer Jung Seo Kyung of this drama. Sure men write good thrilling plots, but women write thrilling plots with equal emphasis on emotions , life’s lessons and well etched characters. Kingdom was a case in point and now it is Little Women.
This drama has so much to be spoken and written about - the social commentary in it, life’s hard hitting truths in so many dialogues, it could well be another long post. It will be a long , long time before I get over this drama and multiple rewatches will happen to discover more hidden meanings behind every dialogue and scene. When a drama sucks you in and engulfs your mind like this - you know the team has delivered a masterpiece, what’s more wonderful is that an all women team delivered it and I will forever be rooting for more of this to happen!
If this drama doesn’t get all the awards - I’m staging a revolt!
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kanraandchrome · 1 year
Opinion on the LIs of MCL New Gen
I WAS RIGHT ABOUT RED SHADOW LEGEND. Anyways, here are my two cents about the characters, their designs and hopes I have for their routes.
I really love his eyes full of wonders, since you have to be extrovert and always searching for new ideas when you work in event management (how to market it, how to please both the clients and the people you're going to source the project to, finding catchy sentences or downright awful puns) but I love his hands even more, the way the interior is lighter, his long fingers, it reminds me of Mahershala Ali's hands and I hope he was one of the models to create the character. His hair are also a nice touch, especially the colors blending ! Seeing him in bright colors is refreshing, he seems fun and full of peps ! Sure black clothes give a more classy vibe, but we're managing events not burials. And do you even know how bright are the colors of some African clothes (search for dashikis, they are amazing and bright and joyful and...) ? I'm overall really happy to see a black man not bald nor fully dressed in black because god forbid they wear colors.
I'm hoping for a route like Rayan's, with a bit of conflict because dating your boss can lead to a lot of inequalities and risks for the low-rank involved, but I'm pretty sure we won't get a lot of dramas this season (apart coming from players who are so chronically online they can't not play a game that will make them miserable but that's another issue). I think he might have an ex ? Or past relationships that failed because his balance between work and personal life is bad ? Maybe Candy and her freshness/ability to surprise him and take him out to touch grass will be the balance he needs ? Honestly I'm hoping for praises from him, awful puns, dad jokes and a lot of complicity.
Oh, is he gonna be the Castiel of the game, but more chill ? People seem to love him a lot already and I can't fault them, he's handsome, looks nice and has tattoos (you can see it on his right shoulder, the black strip). His long hair looks very nice to braid, and I can just picture him as the outdoor guy, the one who always want to see the places the events are gonna take place since he's probably very good with spatial thinking !
He looks a bit "bland" at first sight, but I'm sure he'll show another side, probably more caring once he notices MC is not here to only get in his pants. He looks like he'd listen to any rant without taking side and just feed you until the anger dies down. Himbo maybe ? We'll see ! But he looks like the most gentlemanly of them all and I'm sure he'll be the one to ask Candy out first, probably after a date to the beach or so. Dake style but less flirty ? he's my least liked LI so I have a hard time thinking about possibilities about him.
Oooooh she looks like a Targaryan !! Joke aside, she looks preppy enough and is probably the most down to earth of them all (and not just because she's a Taurus). I'm thinking that maybe, she'll get Yeleen's kind of personality ? The fair but harsh one ? She'll get the job done for sure, and the color palette is really soft and fashionable. Having a plus size LI is already a remarkable step forward, but making her so pretty AND dateable ? Now that's improvement.
And I can already picture people saying "they'll ruin the wlw romance like they did with Priya" but Jesus Christ and all his Apostles combined, didn't you notice Chino wasn't the one managing it ? That all the mistakes you blame on her are actually Uncoven's creators' mistakes ? That they sabotaged everything (MCL, Elda S2) just because they were so woke and so enlightened ?? Now that they're out of it, I'm pretty sure we'll finally have nice things, and without misandry nor biphobia. I'm hoping an enemies or rivals to lovers with her, just like I hoped one with Yeleen uwu.
I WAS RIGHT ABOUT HIM FROM THE START. Ok time to be serious, his design is really nice, the high cheekbones, the milky white skin, he lost his freckles but gained piercing eyes looking directly in your soul and his curls look so nice to ruffle. He has the most guarded pose out of the four and is skinny, which gives us two "no six pack abs" characters (thank Gods beemoov). I don't know if he still plays the guitar, but that could be one of his special interests along a lot of things we need to discover about him.
My guess is that, as we saw him being precocious, he's neuroD and will be the harshest without meaning harm. You ask him something and he answers the raw truth, which could give a very good dynamic depending on the Candy's personality, which could also give us an interesting dynamic when dating or falling in love ? Like not touching but hesitantly grabbing her sleeve between two fingers, or gifts, or stuttering, or all of the above. I just hope he's aloof enough for Candy to have to "run after him" (no harassment involved) just to show him she cares about him, and so he could open up at his own rhythm. A soft slowburn or an abrupt hook up ? I don't know, I hope he surprises me a lot !
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ericshoney · 3 months
"Do you want to build a snowman?" ~ Ju Haknyeon
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It was a snowy day and you were very happy. You loved the snow and watching it fall slowly. It was something you loved from a young age. You were curled up with a blanket, a mug of hot chocolate and a random movie playing as you watched the snow fall gently. It was calming and quiet, until your phone rang. You glanced at the caller ID and saw it was your best friend, basically brother, Haknyeon. You smiled and accepted the call.
"Do you want to build a snowman~" He sang down the phone, making you giggle.
"Yes!" You exclaimed.
"Yay! Want to come over to the dorms? I can come pick you up." He suggested.
"Sure! Sounds good!" You replied happily.
"Cool, see you in ten." He said before hanging up the call.
You smiled and threw the blanket off your body and quickly got changed into some warm and comfy clothes. You slipped on a sweatshirt (that belongs to Hak), some black leggings and a pair of boots. You also put on a thick coat, scarf and gloves, just before you heard honking outside.
You left your home and saw Haknyeon pulled up outside in his car. You went over quickly slipping into the passenger seat of the warm vehicle.
"Let's build a snowman!" He exclaimed.
You smiled as he drove towards the dorms, as it was only ten minutes, you soon arrived and went to the back to see some of the others messing around in the snow. They all greeted you cheerfully before you and Haknyeon started on your snowman.
As you both talked and rolled the snow up to build a large snowman, the other members gathered inside to watch you both through the kitchen window.
"They look so happy." Juyeon mentioned.
"Of course, Hak's got his girly friend." Changmin teased.
"When will he tell her that he likes her?" Jacob questioned.
"Never, he's too worried about breaking the friendship." Kevin answered.
"But she likes him too, so what's the harm?" Sunwoo called.
"He doesn't know she likes him and she doesn't know he likes her, basic drama love story." Eric said.
They just laughed and watched you both. Haknyeon had made the body for the snowman, as you had finished the head. Both of you rolled it over and placed it on top, happy with the figure and just needed to add some stones and twigs for characteristics.
After another ten minutes, your snowman was finished. You both smiled happily at the large figure that sat proudly in the middle of the garden.
"It looks good." You said, as Haknyeon nodded in agreement.
It then started to lightly snow again, flakes hit your nose gently, the cold chill was bitter sweet. You looked up at Haknyeon, who was standing right next to you, smiling down at you.
"What?" You called.
"Your....just really pretty." He mumbled, your cheeks heating up at the complement.
"Your not too bad yourself." Your replied with a giggle, the male smiling at your words.
"Can....Can I kiss you?" He asked quielty.
You felt your heart jumping and nodded quickly. Haknyeon smiled and pulled you in gently, his lips on yours. The kiss was gentle, soft and sweet. It made you all warm and fuzzy inside, perfect on such a cold day.
The other guys watched, cheering quietly, happy for you both to have finally gone for it.
When you pulled away, your cheeks were a rosy red colour and so were Hak's. You both giggled and looked down, your hands intertwined together.
"Want to go inside and get a warm drink?" He asked.
"Yeah." You answered with a nod.
You both headed inside, to the kitchen, the others all looking occupied as if they hadn't just watched you both share your first kiss together. Not until Hyunjae spoke.
"So...you both dating now?" He asked.
"Dude!" Younghoon exclaimed.
"Oh, wasn't I supposed to say something?" He replied, making you all laugh.
You smiled and would have never thought that building a snowman would lead to you kissing your best friend and long time crush, but you were very happy about it.
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td-frog · 4 months
okay i'm not done talking about this. i want to highlight again the all stars couples from previous seasons and what direction they seem to be heading in (and why i think it's a good narrative choice)
they had a whole arc throughout their season with loads of conflict. it went back and forth a little bit, but in a way that made sense for the characters, and it felt like it resolved really nicely by the end.
because of that, it would be really disappointing if they just brought the conflict back now that they're on a new season. they put in the work on the show and all signs pointed to strong, healthy relationship when they left off (having already had the experience of working through problems).
and so far, that's exactly what they are. the drama of the past season is resolved, they're still super close, and the conflict now is not within their relationship, but who they are outside of it. first with being on different teams, and now with james being out so early.
i really really like that james immediately shut jake down with the accusations of cheating. it was very much an opportunity to reintroduce relationship conflict, but the show said "no, they're happy together."
i also like the choice to have james leave and aiden stay: first, james is a stronger competitor (explicitly why he got to go for the win in s2), second because aiden is less confident about being on his own and we get to see that, and third because of what's going on with tom/jake
i think at this point jaiden seems super solid and it doesn't look like they're planning to change that. which they shouldn't, these guys have had their drama and deserve to be happy.
they also had a lot of back and forth in their season, but the key difference is that nothing was really ever fully resolved? there were mini resolutions, where they agreed to communicate better (and then failed immediately) but it didn't have the finality of "we've worked through the misunderstandings and are stronger for it" that jaiden had.
like, their issue has always been being Terrible at communication. tom because of the secretiveness of his spy background, and jake because of his gullibility and tendency to jump to the worst conclusions. so the fact that their plot this season seems to be Bad Communication turned up to 11 is perfectly in line with what we've seen before.
it's also a nice contrast to jaiden- they both have the "on separate teams" problem, but while jaiden have the trust and strength in their relationship to handle it, jake's insecurities cause him to fall back on old patterns with almost no prompting at all (and tom's not entirely innocent here either- i fully believe his friendship with aiden is just friendship and there's nothing wrong with that, but his avoidance of jake is absolutely feeding the problem and he should know that)
based on s1, it really doesn't seem like they'll make the relationship work unless some major conflict forces them to actually deal with their problems (and then they have to Actually deal with them), so i'm expecting it to get worse before it gets better. they both need to grow as people before the relationship can work, and until then they can suffer.
(also: removing miriam from the picture by putting her on the third team is key- she's the voice of reason for jake that he desperately needs, so taking that away rapidly accelerates the Problems)
they're kind of an in-between case. we saw a little bit of conflict on the show, but they didn't actually get together until the very end (counting them resolving their friendship problems in the finale) or after (start of the actual relationship). so we haven't actually gotten to see how they work as a couple.
similar to miriam, tess seems like she is a key part of keeping the relationship together (given that the problems seem to have started after she left, and she seems to be the most chill and rational at this point), so distancing her is good for seeing how the relationship plays out.
as far as hunter and ally's conflict, it's interesting how it follows from their characters in s2. hunter seems like more of a jerk, but not in an ooc way- literally the first thing we learn about him is he's not big on socializing, so it's not surprising that he might not put much effort into a relationship. meanwhile ally always seemed a bit more invested in their relationship on the show (partly because she had a crush on him), so it tracks that she could be putting more into the relationship and get frustrated with him when he didn't.
like from what little we've seen so far, the conflict they're having feels very realistic for "we became friends on a reality tv show and started a relationship after"- they don't really know each other that well by the end, and they might not be as compatible as they thought (and regardless, need to work to make the relationship succeed)
also, another note on tess: while i am a little disappointed that it's not the poly throuple i expected, i don't hate it. tess's relationship to the other two was more "the first people to try to help her out of a very dark place" which can be romantic (and especially at first is likely to feel that way) but it doesn't have to be. i would be very disappointed if they weren't still friends, but that's not the case.
i also think there's a possibility that the resolution is their relationship doesn't work without tess. i don't know if this is the direction they'll take (and i don't need it) but i think it'd be super cool if it ends in a poly relationship that isn't romantic on tess's end but is no less important (possibly more important).
shoutout to these two. i don't have much to say, mostly because their relationship has never been the source of drama in the same way as the other three.
i do like how they've almost kind of switched roles since s1? at the start of s1 everyone hated gabby, and ellie wasn't super popular but liked well-enough. now ellie's the one everyone hates and gabby's still not the favorite but is doing fine.
i think they're really cute together and i love how they support each other. and it's really nice to have a relationship that's almost fully outside of the drama of the show, like it's formed in response to individual drama (ellie being the only person to stand up for gabby) and it affects the drama (gabby saving ellie even though it could (and did) cost her a chance at immunity later on) but it's not dramatic itself. i hope that lasts.
as for other couples: i have some thoughts on connoriya but they're kind of separate from this. yulgrett is new this season so that's also a different thing. there isn't really anything to say about ashwill given that he was out first and didn't return. and i think that's it for all star couples so far.
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ceasarslegion · 3 months
honestly i think if this site finally dies to a ceo meltdown (which might be the only thing that can kill it lmao) i think... it would be for the best to just leave this place and the communities it fostered buried
I won't go to cohost, or bluesky, or anything. Y'all can catch me on my already made social (1) (discord. Im not giving anybody my facebook account with my full name on it after the death threats ive gotten over the years here) if you want, but this site has been going downhill ever since the advent of cringe culture and ace discourse circa 2015. It feels like recent months have been hurtling towards the logical conclusion of the turbo-echo chamber this site exists in. I seriously miss the era where it was just superwholock jokes and the only drama you'd hear about was the occasional bone-stealing witch level shit that everybody would go "lmao what" about and then go back to their regularly-scheduled movie discussions. Maybe i'll go back to pinterest at most and spend the rest of my time in fandom and furry forums and AO3. It would compel me to write and draw a lot more.
And honestly, I think tumblr finally getting the plug pulled on its long-dying life support may be legitimately helpful for a lot of the users who yanked this site's culture away from that and into the echo chamber. They might like, go outside for once. I know "touch grass" is a cliche or whatever but I do think a lot of this echo chamber can be chalked up to sitting on the computer all day and never getting exposed to anybody outside of your self-imposed internet echo chamber. Go outside, get some fresh air.
Also, it won't be the end of the world. If your free time and happiness is really that contingent on any one social media site then it may be for the best to take it away from you. Learn how to entertain yourself without it. There's a whole world out there to explore. Find something else to do. Pick up new hobbies, look into events in your area. Get really into some weird niche hobby and spend all that time doing that instead of just posting on a different website if this one's finally done. Remember that 4chan guy whose life turned around after he got really into raising shrimp instead of discoursing on 4chan all day? Maybe it's time to find your shrimp raising hobby instead of just posting the same things and perpetuating the same cycles on a different site.
I'm not saying to go full amish and abandon the internet altogether but i am saying that if this website has consumed so much of you that the prospect of it imploding is this upsetting to you, maybe you need to start raising shrimp for a while. I think it would be good for you.
Idk man, I'm chilling in my chair here but if it goes, she goes. I'll find something else to do, but this site hasn't been the tumblr I stuck around for for a long time now, so it won't be the end of the world for me if it ends. I'd just grab my favourite mutuals discords and head out to get more into the furry fandom and write more fic instead. I never wanted to be exposed to this much of the everything on this site anyway, I joined for the memes and the fandom content way back in 2010 and then just never really left.
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kaitaiga · 1 year
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CoD MW OC: Captain Lachlan Jones
G'day everyone! Today I can *finally* introduce you to my second oc, Lachlan! This post will serve as his profile and what not so I hope you like him and look forward to seeing more of him soon! (ᵔᴥᵔ)
*click for better quality!
Edit: also, just realised I forgot his sidearm. Gave him the mags but no gun to go with it HAHA 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’ll add it in soon.
Profile under the cut!
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Name: Lachlan Jones
Nickname(s): Lachie/Lockie, Jonsie, Cap, Boss, old fuck.
Birthday: 1982, aged 40 (2022) in Perth, WA.
Nationality: Australian
Face Claim: Henry Cavill
Height: 194cm
Weight: 96kg
Occupation: 2nd Commando Regiment, B Squadron.
Rank: Captain
Call Signs: Bravo 0-6
Family: Ex-wife, two children – two daughters, Ava (13) and Mia (8). Remarried 2024.
Appearance: Brown hair, green eyes, chevron moustache + stubble, thin scar across the left eye that splits into two all the way down to collar bone, large rose tattoo on right side of neck.
Accessories: AMCU Operator cap with Aus patch, Oakley Batwolf sunglasses worn backwards on his head.
Personality and Traits
Look overall once you’ve got to know him a bit and have a few chats, he’s a pretty chill guy, easy-going. Loves a bit of chat or whinge every now and then over a few drinks. You wouldn’t know this at first though since he looks so done with everything and everyone in conjunction with his gruff voice constantly sighing or telling people to go fuck themselves.
In reality, if you catch him at a time when he’s not busy, he’ll be happy enough to have a chat with you (as long as you don’t get on his nerves), same applies for everyone else in the unit. Just for fun, I see him as a guy who likes listening to drama even though he says otherwise - “I don’t have time to care about stuff like that” as he recalls the info the next day.
Though don’t get me wrong, he can lash out quite easily thanks to his developing anger issues after being in the military for so many years as well as family issues I suppose…but he tries his best to control it and is seeking help over it, for the sake of himself and being a good role-model to others and his children.
Speaking of his unit, he can be an absolute hardass on them, putting them through the worse of the worse scenarios so that they’re prepared for anything as well as being an outstanding solider on the field. He just wants them to have the best chance of survival out on field, and all while being one of the oldest members in the unit, shares his many years of experience with them. In short: when training or on operations, he shows little to no mercy on his men, will yell and scream at them to get on top of their shit, and if they don’t, suffer consequences later.
With that being said, he just cares a lot for them like they’re his own, especially the more time they’ve taken to grow and work together. He will check in on them and see how they’re doing like mentally since he knows how taxing this job is on the mind. Sometimes when they’re back in Australia, he’ll take some of them out on trips (like fishing or like driving to a nice Airbnb somewhere) or to grab food.
Lachlan was born in Perth, WA to his father (who was an ex-SASR solider) and his mother who was a primary school teacher. His upbringing was pretty standard, not much to comment on, went through school pretty smoothly and was in the Aus Army Cadets in high school.
The start of his military career started when he was young. His father was still in the SASR for majority of his childhood and so when he wasn’t on deployment, he would take Lachlan to base a lot, showing him the various equipment, medals and even letting him have a go on the range once he was old enough. After hearing stories from his father and seeing all his achievements, he really was influenced by him to sign up once he was old enough to.
He enlisted at 17/18 (2000), into the Aus. Army where he served as an infantryman for a couple of years before going for commando selection, approximately at age 22 (2004). His father wanted him to go for SASR selection instead to follow his own footsteps, but Lachlan decided that the commandos were more his style.
Sometime during the mid years of him joining the commandos, Lachlan marries his wife and has two children whom he loves dearly. Few years later, they do separate on good terms due to the both of them not being able to sacrifice time for one another, along with Lachlan’s long departures and just the entirety of his line of work in general. He was paranoid about something happening to his family just because of their ties with him. When on leave, they all do meet as much as they can, especially his children who he’ll take care of. In short, he loves his children so very much and does hope to rekindle things with his ex-wife once he leaves 2CDO.
Current Events – Modern Warfare
Just like Damien, he spends most of their time out in the Middle East – Urzikstan – following orders dished out from the Ministry of Defence, unless specifically called upon by Price.
2009: Lachlan joins Lieutenant Price alongside other SAS members to raid a Russian chemical lab whilst also saving Farah and her brother, Hadir.
2019: Seen in Piccadilly and Clean House alongside Damien, Gaz, and Price. Returns to Urzikstan with Damien.
2022: Violence and Timing: help rescue Kate Laswell from AQ fighters.
Sometime in the future: Lachlan states he’s getting a little old for the full-time commando job. He plans to retire from 2CDO and transition into 1CDO (reserve commandos), where he will primarily work in the West Australian Police Tactical Response Group (WAPOL TRG), focusing on domestic counterterrorism.
Involvement with 141
As previously stated, he doesn’t particularly work alongside TF141 very often UNLESS Price specifically asks for his and/or his team’s aid. He’s met some of the members before with Damien, but very rarely do they work together with the full task force.
The two actually go waaaaay back! They’ve been good friends for years, ever since they met at an exchange exercise between 2CDO and SAS when they were both just sergeants. I think they admire each other in the sense that they both hate following certain rules/orders that go against their own morals, so they’re both willing to go against them. They’ve worked together in many operations over the years, either side by side or across the globe, and have earned each other’s trust. In general, they do have similar personalities, but Lachlan is a bit more hot-headed.
In their downtime though, they love bantering. Particularly poking fun at each other’s hats…
 Lachlan has also gotten to know Gaz pretty decently too since he’s always by Price’s side in recent years. He and Price are always talking about Damien and Kyle like proud fathers ;’)
Another interesting note to add is Lachlan’s relationship with Simon Riley, rather than Ghost. There was a line in MWII suggesting Price knew Simon before he became Ghost, so taking reference from this, Lachlan has definitely met him before and has worked with him/trained him.
He could see that Simon was different from the rest of the SAS members in the sense that he was more quiet and observant, but above all, incredibly skilled in a multitude of things. He really took a liking to him – often calling him ‘kid’.
I don’t know Ghost’s lore in the reboot/if it’s the same as the OGs, however, you could imagine when Lachlan met up with Simon after a while he was taken aback by his new identity as Ghost. Of course, he was naturally inclined to ask why Simon had suddenly just changed, but he stopped himself when he looked at his overall demeanour. He knew something had bad happened but ultimately decided it was up to Ghost if he wanted to share.
Again, I don’t know how much Price knows about Ghost’s past but if he does, then Lachlan would too sometime later, either through Price dropping subtle queues or Ghost just outright telling him.
That’s all for now! This post may or may not be updated over time (bc I am incredibly indecisive, and things change over time) so keep a look out 👁️👁️
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alblondo23 · 1 year
Thank you for asking!! Here's my lecture.
Okay to start off:
Oscar: Alpha or Beta (leaning more Alpha)
Logan: Omega or Alpha (leaning more Omega)
I don't see Logan as a Beta, and I don't really see Oscar as an Omega (I've read and will def continue to read Omega Oscar fics, but personally I doubt I'll ever write or hc it myself, no hate)
Oscar gives off settled Alpha vibes. Not that he's settled down with someone no. Just that he's not snapping at everyone or acting aggressive every second of every day. He's comfortable with himself and doesn't feel the need to act like an idiot Alpha, which makes him very popular. He's plenty aggressive when he needs to be, but he's not an Alpha who people would worry about losing their temper. His temper stays under the radar until the final moment before he snaps. He knows what he's doing, but he's not going to bow down to others just because he's not an in your face alpha. Mans is blanking out McLaren's shitshow. He would blank out most anything outside of driving because he's here to race.
Logan, on the other hand, gives off Omega who's kinda pissed he's an Omega. He doesn't want to be like other Omegas, and thus, he has elected to simply ignore it. He wants to race, and he's been told he needs to be less Omega-like to do that. (This is a mentality he's been working on breaking with Benny and Oscar. It's harder than he thought) He'd tried pretty hard to establish dominance when around Alphas in the lower categories by suppressing every bit of his dynamic. Since they were kids, Oscar had been the one Alpha who didn't immediately go for his throat after being challenged or eventually snap at him, and Logan can't help himself. He's a bit too attached to the Alpha who spent their year at Prema letting Logan push into his space and try to kick his ass on track. He never submits, but he never attacks either. Logan's a bit too into it.
(I also definitely see Logan hiding that he's an Omega and passing himself off as a Beta just because he's uncomfortable being an Omega.)
Logan does not understand being an Omega. He gets asked questions about Omega rights or life as an Omega, and he straight up does not know what's going on. He thinks all the necessary Omega stuff (heats, nesting, scenting) is optional. Benny has to force him to take time off for heats because Logan doesn't understand that he's screwing himself over in the long run.
Oscar thinks Logan started courting him in F3 Prema days only to need a break when Oscar moved up to F2 and Logan was struggling. Everyone thinks that except Logan, who thinks messing around with Oscar, scenting him, and challenging him on track and off was just him showing he's capable of racing with Alphas. Logan is an idiot btw. (Potentially his suppressants make it so he can't smell scents like he should, so he doesn't realize both he and Oscar have been scenting each other as mates not pack for years)
Years later, Oscar thinks that maybe nows a good time to start up that courtship again seeing as they're finally in the same series again. Logan seems happy to court again given he's constantly seeking Oscar out. Everyone thinks they're courting until one day Logan gets asked about it at a press conference and doesn't know how to answer. Oscar swoops in to take the answer, but everyone's seen the shock on Logan's face.
Cue some drama that ends only when Logan has to go off his suppressants and can finally smell and understand that Oscar has been in love with him too. It's about the personal journey of acceptance and character building that Logan needs to suffer through (lol)
In general my whole vibe is that Oscar is very internal about his feelings while being chill outwardly (while also being unafraid to voice his thoughts when he needs to) as Logan is very external about his feelings and has a lot of energy to express said emotions when he's not in a pr setting (which makes it harder for him to say what he actually wants to say even though you can see it on his face). As you can tell I lean Omega Logan just because I think the internal struggle would be good for him.
Thank you for listening to my nonsensical ramble that definitely has grammar and spelling mistakes. Now does anyone have any questions?
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moon-alight · 1 year
Hii can i request harua as a boyfriend ☺ love your blog 🥰
Sure thing! Here it is! (づ ᴗ _ᴗ)づ♡
&Team Harua as your boyfriend
Warnings: none
Word Count: 584
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-Boy would be head over heals for you.
-Literally can't stop thinking about you like, ever.
-So, he spends his free time with you. I see him as a chill person, if he has a crush he probably just wants to be close to said person.
-Has a hard time deciding whether or not to tell you because he is scared you don't feel the same.
-I wrote a fic where he confessed at like midnight to this girl because he couldn't sleep so here we go.
-He would have a speech written on paper but wouldn't get a word out.
-Eventually just decides to say it. And you're obv so happy too.
-Two happy kids in love.
-Harua is young and he likes to tease.
-Again, not in a mean way, more a 'I'm one inch taller kinda way' or maybe a 'I'm a minute older' kinda way. Even if you're taller and older, he'll find something to tease you with.
-The kind of guy to always appear at your front door to take you on spontaneous dates.
-Defo takes you to go roller skating and then he falls like a million times but it's light-hearted so you're both happy.
-Can be serious if he has to but overall the relationship is very sweet and unserious.
-You'd be sending each other memes or telling each other lame dad-jokes all the time.
-Has a thing for couple-things.
-I think he definitely gets you matching bracelets and expects you to wear it 24/7.
-Likes it when you play with his hair, especially while watching a movie.
-Hates being called cute but makes an exemption for you because he loves you.
-So much girlfriend privilege like, yeah.
-Has a funny or weird picture of you as his lock screen and you have one of him.
-You two would be watching couples argue in public and enjoy the drama because you two hardly ever fight.
-If you do, it's over something so stupid, you forget it in the next hour.
-You know when people describe young love or your first time falling in love and it's all sweet and such? That's what this is.
-You always think about each other.
-Harua has told his members so much about you that they feel like they know you personally.
-And when you finally meet them, it's chaos.
-Everyone exposes Harua on all the cute things he's said about you.
-But they only tease him because they love him.
-Harua would send you voice messages where he sings songs for you randomly.
-Like you'd be grocery shopping and he sends a voice message with heavenly vocals.
-Would dress you up in his clothes.
-Like, when you're about to go out on a date or something and you didn't bring a jacket, he would give you his.
-Loves seeing you in his clothes.
-Also loves babying you.
-Even if you're older... you're his baby. ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝
-Gives you a million hugs and kisses in private.
-Only sticks by holding your hand in public.
-Trusts you enough to cry in front of you, but he's awkward af when you cry.
-Pats your back and says sweet stuff to try and calm you down.
-Says ily after he had planned it for ages.
-Like he would've known he loved you weeks before admitting it because he was waiting for the right moment to tell you.
-You two are the definition of first love and I love it.
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cagedcats · 9 months
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The possible final part to Starkit’s Reduxify- this one is an odd one.
So this one is a combination of love interest, mentor and father. Weird huh? Let me give you the rundown real quick!
Starkit is made into Starpaw and apprenticed to Firestar, her great grandfather through Jayfeather. Her and Firestar… yeah it gets odd.
So Firestar thinks of how attractive she is. And then next chapter it is outright said- they’re mates. Not only is he in a relationship with his great-granddaughter, but also someone who was just apprenticed three days prior.
It’s weird!
Graystripe is the one who finds this out btw. Only because he wanted to become mates with Starpaw and she had to tell him the bad news.
Starpaw not sure how to handle all of this runs off and into Blackstar (who also confesses his love to her). She runs away again and runs into Jayfeather. Who is rather okay with his teenage daughter being courted by his grandfather and two other dudes triple her age.
If anything he’s happy about it because “people like you” and then tells her it’s her choice. She picks her great grandfather. She doesn’t get to tell him, because Hollyleaf and Tigerstar attacks and becomes leader a day after becoming a Warrior aaaaaaaaand Firestar leaves.
He joins ShadowClan and like his great granddaughter immediately becomes leader because Blackstar died. Graystripe is only mentioned three other times and Jayfeather is stuck in a state of dying and coming back to life for all of eternity.
Now that that’s over with, let’s get to the renames-
Firestar -> Morningspot OR Sparkstripe
He gets two for the reasoning of him leaving ShadowClan and becoming leader.
I’m not certain of whether someone from one Clan can leave to another and become leader. I mean we see with Yellowfang she can become a Seer, but a leader? I’m not 100% certain about.
I did ask and I got smacked with a plant fact. So there’s something we can sit and squint for in the upcoming arcs!
Now Firestar like everyone else isn’t a character. He’s there to make Starkit feel good, and be a supporting character. He can’t win a fight for his life, and is mostly just there. His most notable moments are being A) in a relationship with his great granddaughter (and an apprentice) despite Sandstorm being right there and B) leaving ThunderClan and joining up with ShadowClan
Now I did play with giving him -cloud. Because he does seem like a relatively chill guy. But then I remembered he got in a fight with someone because relationship drama.
He has no morals (he was in ShadowClan and was therefor ‘evil’ to the point of interacting with the antagonists), and he isn’t skilled. He’s a pelt based suffix warrior for sure.
So Morningspot (ShadowClan) and Sparkstripe (ThunderClan) for him.
Of course I’ll probably be going with just one of them. If Sparkstripe, he will be Sparkstar and for sure not in a relationship with Nightpaw. Morningspot though I’ll probably make more her age just to give a Easter egg to the weird relationship shenanigans prior. Though not weird this time.
Oh! But if I go with Sparkstripe I did play with the idea of making him, Waspdusk’s dad maybe? Or somehow related to her.
Greystripe -> Darkbelly
I almost didn’t add him because of how little he is seen. But I decided to anyway.
Greystripe is only seen twice. Once when asking out a literal child, then comforting Blackstar for being rejected a second time, and finally at the very end.
He is switched to Dark- because he is described as a dark grey cat in some cases, and because he is outright described as “funny” I can twist things and give him the -belly suffix.
Once again no relationship between him and Nightpaw/claw. Instead he will be her mentor.
Why? You ask, well it was stated that leaders rarely mentor apprentices. Too much going on. And unlike Bluestar, Sparkstar (or whatever other leader) doesn’t have to take responsibility for bringing in a random kid.
So to Darkbelly she goes. He was probably there to try and make her see the lighter things in life rather then take things so seriously.
Not that it worked, but he tried. And was probably relieved to be free of her once she was made into a Warrior.
Jayfeather -> Cuckoocloud
Now onto Starkit’s father! The medicine cat that is blatantly open about it. It’s brought up once about how cats don’t like it. And never seen or mentioned again.
Starkit Prophecy Jayfeather is the complete opposite of canon Jayfeather. He’s rather laid back, and is someone there to help Starkit in her times of need.
Helping calm her down, and give her advice on what to do.
He is killed by Hollyleaf, revives, and then lives out the rest of his life presumably. I think it’s stated that the death of his daughter was something he had to work to get over? But I can’t remember tbh.
Now I wanted him to be an outsider. First to make him stand out from the other ThunderClanners, but also I like the idea of him being the person really pulling the strings along. I wanted him to guide Nightpaw into being the cat she becomes.
To do away with the old, and replace it with something far different from typical Clan beliefs.
Yes, he’s a Seer. But whoever said it was StarClan he was communicating with? And with Nightpaw’s connection to StarClan, he should’ve picked her as his apprentice. But if she became leader? Well that just helps him move things along.
Of course that’s also partly because I gave him Cuckoo- as a replacement prefix. And of course with his very chill behavior and soothing nature with Starpaw/Nightpaw, the -cloud suffix was easy.
And that’s partly why he’s here. While Morningspot/Sparkstripe was her mentor in the original source, Darkbelly her mentor here- he is the secret teacher who is giving her secret lessons.
And the one she is the closest with.
Now this is probably the last one- and I may- MAY start writing down a plot line and writing. But that’s a very big maybe.
I may make one more reduxify of the story. But tbh i think I’ve ran through most of the cats? At least the ones who speak more then once or mentioned only one time. So this is probably the very last one.
But I may make a poll to decide between Morningspot or Sparkstripe. Or maybe just maybe keep both. But that’s unlikely.
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ak319 · 24 days
(Gp actress x fem reader)
(Scene# 01)
(your name is Fairoz in the story)
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Aman Dagon, the enigmatic, handsome and alluring actress that everyone drooled on. Who wouldn't? Her tall height, black soft, silky hair that one desired to touch, including her co-stars but her cold and mysterious personality intimidated them not to. She was famous for her villain roles especially the ones in which she was in a historical drama playing a distraught, arcane yet passionate lover oh, and how can we forget her iconic mafia lady role. It was her debut role that caused the wave of enchantment among women and men. People also know about her softer side for the heroines as she always acted gentlewomanly around them. This caused her female fans to fall in love with her more. She was always surrounded by paparazzi and everyone wanted to know more about her personal life. Her family owned many different businesses which she also took care of when she was not busy doing movies or dramas.
People were more than shocked when they found out that she was engaged. It all started when a fan made a TikTok about a ring on her finger that seemed different from her usual style and that she began to wear on more than one occasion. The internet went wild and even though her PR team was ecstatic to see that, they were tired of seeing and trying to control baseless and atrocious articles. It was after a month that the team was finally instructed by Aman to confirm that she was engaged. Aman didn't have any socials, which had made her fans more agitated as they had little source material to do research from. People were already jealous at her wife and few were genuinely happy for her. Even her co-stars were shocked as Aman's behavior didn't give the slightest hint about her engagement.
The real truth was that this marriage was hell, to begin with.
(2 months ago)
"Aman ma'am -- what? I mean didn't we already decided the amount to be 5 million? How come you are changing this now?" The director, Usama looked at Aman stunned.
"Mhmm , so you are saying you can't do it? Is that it?" Her deep voice , although calm , still sent chills down Usama's back. Not to forget her father was quite influential in entertainment industry.
"I am - sorry but yes , the contract had been signed prior , you remember right?."
"Do you know I can buy this company of yours and actually don't want your money . I didn't have any interest in doing this movie too but .....I did not do it for money or any of your shit." Yes , this is how she talked when she was annoyed . Her die hard fans would refuse to believe that she can be this egoistic but she was , and she was good at hiding it as well.
"But you do know if I sue you for forging a fake contract and paying me less , you will loose everything ....not to mentions my fans , they will make sure you can't do shit after this. So , all of this can be avoided if you hand me over , oops , haha. I meant , give me the hand of that girl you brought on set one day to me in marriage."
Mr. Usama nearly fainted right there. The girl she just talked about was her niece who was still in college. He couldn't believe his ears. Marriage of Fairoz to a woman like her, this is ...a nightmare.
"Earth to my favorite director" Aman snapped her slender fingers in front of his face, startling him. " I know it's hard to digest. That's why I will give you some time to decide and discuss this with your family and by that I mean ......a date for our engagement pronto.."
"She is my niece and what you are asking for is---I am sorry but --not possible."
"Not possible? Mhm. it has been forever since I have heard that word. Or you can say I am not used to hearing it ." She paused to let out a sarcastic chuckle. " Let me give you even a better one, I hate when people say it to me." Making the man gulp with her slow steps cornering him, she continued "I don't get what is impossible about a marriage? Isn't that the best thing you can get in your whole life? Me as your niece's wife. Pft. Never knew you to be so ungrateful."
Usama pondered over her words . Maybe she is right. What if she is a bit arrogant , that is a pitfall of being in the industry. 90 percent of people Usama had worked with are like her. If only focusing on the pros momentarily , the proffer doesn't sound terrible. Especially in the long term. Fairoz , if this goes well , may live a fruitful life. Just like her parents wanted and if Aman is proposing herself that must mean that she likes his niece.
Heaving a breath in , the words "I'll have a talk with my family . Sure." flowed from his lips which made the taller woman smirk.
"I am looking forward to a cordial response." Usama very well knew that she definitely won't take anything other than a cordial answer anyways.
Little did Aman know that the girl she was probing after would change her life in ways she hadn't had the slightest inkling about.
Unveil part 2
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