#especially if your prized possession are your books
celestesinsight · 5 months
The hardest part of moving away is to choose what to take along with you and what to left behind.
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its44intheehouse · 1 month
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pairing: lewis hamilton x Wolff!fem!reader
author’s note: GOD this might be awful but please keep in mind that it’s my first story :) WILL most probably go through major adjustments.
summary: in which her father, Toto Wolff, has always told her to stay away from the young drivers. He never said anything about the older ones though…
warnings: 18+ smut/nsfw, masturbation(f), oral sex(f receiving), fingering, cursing, size kink, unprotected sex, squirting, creampie, age-gap, praise kink, bit of choking.
Being the daughter of a Formula 1 Team Principal never failed to be exciting.
Always VIP treatment, lots of traveling to beautiful countries, numerous job opportunities and getting to meet famous people. You were always grateful for your privileged life but never took advantage of it in a selfish way, although you enjoyed the things it had to offer from time to time. You always refused being treated differently just because of your status. You just weren’t that type of person. You liked working for the things you desired. Your adventurous side always loved a challenge, and that was also the thing your father admired and feared the most about you.
He always encouraged this side of you, ever since you were a kid. If you wanted to learn how to skate, he’d buy you a skateboard. If you spontaneously wanted to spend the next 3 months away from home in another country, he’d book your flight. One day you showed up at his office to show him your first tattoo. You always said you’d never get a tattoo, you didn’t think it would look good on you. But one day you randomly found yourself in front of a tattoo salon and couldn’t resist the curiosity. Your father was never a big fan of tattoos, but he laughed anyway, called you crazy and snapped a few pictures of the tattoo before sending them to your mom.
Toto didn’t have a lot of rules for you. He always told you “Just don’t get yourself in jail, maybe.”. But the most important and unwritten rule was “never involve yourself with the young drivers.”.
He thought they were immature boys and walking red flags, although he deeply respected them for performing in such a dangerous sport as Formula 1. You, on the other hand were never interested in any of them anyway. You befriended a few of the drivers, sometimes partied with them, but no one really caught your interest. No one besides Lewis Hamilton.
Lewis was your father’s most prized possession in the team. 7 times World Champion (or 8 if you ask me), a genuine person, an expert in what he was doing and the best he could get.
Lewis Hamilton emanated power everywhere he went. He always took his work and image very seriously, always told it as it was and his charming personality never failed to impress everyone in the room. Even the drivers looked up to him, hoping to one day be as great as him. Your first encounter with him was when you were only 15 years old, and to say that you were immediately intimidated by him was an understatement.
The nervousness you constantly felt when you were around him was originally a reaction to all the things you heard about the driver. But as time passed, you found yourself intimidated for others reasons. Maybe it was because you were a teenager and your hormones were going crazy, or because of all the books and fanfiction you used to read at that time, but you couldn’t take your eyes away from him anymore. Everything about him drew you in. His tall and muscular body, his numerous tattoos that gave him a dangerous and playboy vibe, his soothing but rough voice adorned with the most beautiful british accent, his braided hair and smooth skin… That man was basically sex on legs. One of God’s finest pieces.
He instantly took a very protective role in your life. To him, you were basically a child, especially due to the big age-gap between you. But you were also his boss’s daughter so he naturally felt the need to protect you.
Now, at 23, you managed to keep a close friendship with the driver. He was always there if you needed advice for something, always there to rant to about your crazy life and always there for a good time. You spent a lot of vacations with him and his friends. Went to a lot of road trips, skateboard dates, dinner or breakfast dates, countless movie nights, sometimes just the two of you. And although your crush on him never went away, in fact the adoration and attraction only deepened, he not once tried anything with you. He always kept things friendly between you two, decent.
And it frustrated the shit out of you. Sometimes you would catch him staring at you, or even touching you for a minute longer, but never more than that. And you slowly began losing hope that one day he’d see you as more than a friend and his boss’s daughter.
It’s Friday night. Since you didn’t have any plans for today and were bored out of your mind, you decided to call Lewis to ask if he would go out with you tonight. He apologized and told you that he wasn’t really feeling like doing anything crazy tonight, but insisted that you could come over and spend time together, maybe watch a movie or something. You accepted immediately.
So here you were now, 1AM in his living room, with your head on his lap and eyes closed. You didn’t mean to fall asleep really, but your fucked up sleep schedule was beginning to take a toll on you, making you doze off at very random times. Plus, the way his hand was mindlessly running through your hair felt too good.
You slowly open your eyes when you feel Roscoe licking at your hand. With a groan, you try to sit up and take in everything that’s going on. How long have you been asleep for? “Suits” is still playing on the TV, the room is almost dark except for the light of the television, Roscoe is sitting by the couch, looking back at you with his tongue hanging out, and Lewis is on his phone, probably reading through his emails.
“Thought you’d never wake up.” He chuckled, locking his phone and throwing it on the couch.
“I’m so sorry, Lewis.” You sighed, rubbing your face with your hands in hope of getting rid of the sleepiness and the headache you just woke up with. “I didn’t mean to, lately I’ve been having trouble with sleep. Maybe it’s because of school, I don’t know. My schedule doesn’t really allow me a healthy bed time anymore.”
He looks worried as he reaches out to you, shaking your arm a little.
“You can sleep here if you want. It’s late, you’re obviously very tired. I don’t want you driving back home in this state.” He proposes.
“Yeah? I can?” You chuckle, placing your hand on his. Your stomach flutters when you feel his soft, warm skin.
He looks rather angelic in the low light. His eyes are shiny but tired, his lips look soft and juicy, and his body is comfortably spread on the sofa.
“You know you can, bunny.”
Bunny. He loves to call you that. Ever since you were a teenager, he’d always call you that. You found it cute.
“Okay, then. Can I borrow some clothes, though? These jeans aren’t the most comfortable thing in the world to be honest.” You say, getting up from the couch.
“Yeah, sure.”
You follow him to the guest room. The bed looks cozier than ever, and you quickly find yourself hopping into it, groaning at the feeling of the comfortable and soft mattress. Lewis laughs and leaves you for a moment, but comes back a few seconds later, throwing some clothes on the bed beside you.
“Got you a shirt and some pants. But I’m not sure the pants are gonna fit though. You’re… a lot smaller than me for sure.” He spoke, crossing his arms to his chest. “Sorry.”
“No, Lewis. It’s all good.” You giggle, waving your arm lazily. “Thank you.”
You take a moment to look at him again. He has a soft smile on his face and his body is leaning against the door frame, the dim light in the room accentuating the muscles in his arms. He looked huge. And delicious.
“Good night.” He gently whispered. You say it back and then he finally leaves the room, leaving you all alone. And frustrated.
With a deep sigh, you grab the clothes he gave you and inspect them a little. A simple tie dye t-shirt(he loves these), and a pair of shorts, probably the smalest he had in his wardrobe. And they still looked big. Making a decision, you throw the pants on a chair and only keep the t-shirt, then start to change out of your clothes.
Once that was done, you floop back on the bed and check your phone real quick, before turning off the lights and pulling the blanket over your body.
You woke up sweaty. With a groan, you quickly pull the covers off your hot body to try and get some air. Your hair is sticking to your forehead and the massive headache you just woke up with already makes you irritated.
Stretching your body a little, you reach for the phone sitting on the nightstand to check the time. 4AM.
“God dammit.” You curse under your breath, rubbing your face with your palm.
You could feel the faint smell of Lewis’s cologne on the t-shirt he gave you. Le Labo’s Rose 31, his favorite. Biting your lip, you bring the material to your nose and inhale the scent. A moan almost escaped you. You could basically feel him, it was like he was in the room with you again. And that definitely didn’t help your current state.
You start wondering what he might be doing right now. He’s probably sound asleep, spread on his king sized bed with nothing but his boxers on, quietly snoring, like he always does. You wish you were there to see him. Admire him. Touch his skin.
Subconsciously, you let your hand travel down your chest and under the shirt, touching at your hot skin. A shiver hits you, and you curiously start to feel around your stomach with your fingers. With eyes closed, you imagine Lewis touching you like that.
It wasn’t unusual for you to think about him like that. But in your defense, you just couldn’t help it. Everything about him felt masculine. His energy, his body, his voice, his gestures. He was basically the man you always dreamed of having, even for one night. You always wondered what he would be like in bed.
Maybe he’d whisper softly in your ear, call you “sweetheart”, take his time on making you feel good, praising you for how good you are for him. How good you take him. Or maybe, he’d manhandle you, make you do whatever he asks, put you in any position he wants while choking you with his big arms and mockingly slapping your face, degrading you for being such a whore, as his cock would slide in and out of you at an abusive pace, making your juices drip out of you with every deep, harsh thrust.
You don’t even remember the exact moment your fingers started rubbing your clit through your panties. You were definitely soaked, the wetness making a faint noise everytime your middle finger would flick at your pussy down to your enterance. A needy whimper escapes you. You needed more.
With the other hand, you quickly grab at your boobs, softly massaging them one by one and pulling on your sensitive nipples. It was all too much but still not enough. The material of your panties was drenched at this point, so you quickly moved them aside.
Circling your awaiting hole a few times, you insert a finger inside slowly.
“Mm, fuck.” You moan, hiding your face into the pillow so you could hopefully hide the sounds you were making.
You imagined Lewis doing this to you. Sitting between your thighs so he can have a clear image of your creamy pussy as he is pumping his fingers in and out of you. He’d have his mouth on you from time to time, sucking your clit harshly and moving his tongue from one hole to the other. His deep brown eyes would never leave your figure, trying to take in every single inch of you and memorize it, so he can always remember how desperate and ruined he makes you.
“Such a pretty pussy. U’re doing so good for me.” He’d praise.
The squelching sound of your cunt momentarily takes you off the trance. Your hand is wet and you’re working one more finger inside of you now, as your other hand desperately rubs at your sensitive button. You can’t believe you’re doing this in Lewis’s house, especially when his room is so close to yours, but you shamelessly don’t care enough about that right now, not when you’re so close to your orgasm.
“Mphh, Lewis…” You cry out, eyes shut.
As your back arches off the mattress, you start scissoring the fingers inside your pussy faster. You gasp for air as your legs begin to shake violently, your swollen clit throbbing uncontrollably. You moan louder than expected as you come all over your fingers, and the thought of Lewis hearing your needy sounds almost excites you more.
After a few moments, you remove the fingers from your pussy. You needed a shower so bad, maybe it would wash away the shame you were feeling at the pit of your stomach. Were you too loud? Did he hear how pathetic you’ve been, just from his scent and a few scenarios of him fucking you with his mouth and fingers?
Sitting up, you scrunch your face in disgust at the feeling of your drenched and cold underwear. You curse in your head for not taking them off early on. What the fuck were you supposed to wear now?
Deciding to swallow your shame, you finally get up from the bed to make your way to the bathroom that was connected to your room. After washing your hands twice with the expensive soap bar, you look into the mirror to see just how messy you really were. Your cheeks were flushed, your mascara was smudged, skin was glowy with sweat and your hair looked like a bird nest. Basically, it was as if you had just taken part in a gangbang.
With a sigh, you take off your panties and run them through the water, trying to wash away the sin you had just committed. Getting lost in thoughts, your stomach almost startles you as it begins to growl loudly. The little amount of energy you had left and now you felt hungry, and incredibly thirsty. Balancing your options, you wonder if you should leave the room to go get something to eat from the kitchen. Your panties were still wet and you couldn’t imagine wearing them now, but you knew you’d never be able to fall asleep again if your stomach constantly demanded food. Plus, drinking tap water was never an option.
Slipping your underwear back on, you inspect yourself in the mirror a little and pull on Lewis’s t-shirt, making sure that it covers enough, just in case.
The whole penthouse is silent as you walk to the kitchen. A few lights are still on, but that’s just how Lewis prefers it. You assume Roscoe is in his room fast asleep as well, because you don’t run into him on your way. Opening the fridge, you immediately grab a bottle of water and place it on the counter, before scanning for some food. The indian takeout boxes were really calling your name right now, so you grabbed two of them before closing the door with your foot.
“Couldn’t sleep?”
You almost drop the boxes from your hands when you hear his voice. Turning around, you find him staring at you, with a little smirk on his face.
“You almost shit your pants, bunny. Did I scare you?” He laughs, approaching you.
“Jesus, Hamilton. Almost gave me a heart attack, could’ve died right here on your kitchen floor.” You exhaled, dropping the boxes on the table and placing a hand on your chest, trying to see if your heart was still beating.
“I’m sorry. Won’t do it again.” He chuckles and briefly massages your shoulders, before pushing past you to grab a bottle of water from the fridge. After he takes a few sips, he speaks again. “Why aren’t you sleeping?”
“Why aren’t you sleeping?” You bite back, drinking from your own water, almost gulping down the whole thing.
The thought of what you just did a few moments ago creeps into your head again, and you suddenly wish the ground would swallow you. What if he heard? You get self conscious remembering that you’re only wearing his shirt and your destroyed pair of panties that were still wet and uncomfortable, so you pull on the hem to hopefully try and cover yourself as much as possible.
His top lip twitches for a second, then he smiles and shrugs. “Was thirsty.”
He looked absolutely delicious now, with nothing on but a pair of grey shorts and his braids down. His abs were shining underneath the dim lights, and all you wanted right now really was to drop down on your knees and lick them. You couldn’t look further down though, you feared you might pass out if you saw the imprint of his dick in his pants.
You had the opportunity to take a peek, though. Multiple times. Especially on race weekends, when he would just grab his dick in his hand and struggle to readjust himself through the racing suit before hopping in the car. You knew he was big. You fantasized about how he would feel on your tongue, heavy and large. About how he would fuck your throat rough, making you choke on his cock. About how he would hardly be able to slide into your tight, warm pussy, but when he would finally make it, he’d rip you apart with it until you were left a crying, overstimulated mess.
“Why are you so red, bunny? Are you ill?” He asks, furrowing his brows.
When you finally snap out of your filthy thoughts, he’s already in front of you, checking your temperature with the back of his hand, looking concerned.
“N-no.” You almost sound unsure, your voice cracking a little.
“No?” He shakes his head, cupping your flushed cheeks in his hands.
You couldn’t make eye contact with him, even though you knew he was intently watching you. He was so close that there was almost no space to breathe anymore, and you couldn’t take it, so you hesitantly backed off.
A cheeky smirk was plastered on his face though, and he quickly looked you up and down before grabbing a fork and digging into the food left on the table. You just stood there, petrified. No thoughts behind your eyes.
“Aren’t you gonna eat?” He spoke again.
Well, the hunger disappeared, that’s for sure.
You shake your head then clear your throat. “Not hungry anymore. I think I’ll just go back to bed.”
He doesn’t say anything after that, so you grab the bottle of water and make your way past him, whispering a “good night” softly. After a few seconds, he speaks again.
“Maybe this time you’ll be able to get some sleep instead of moaning my name while you’re touching yourself.”
Your stomach drops. Maybe you’re imagining things. Maybe you’ve gone crazy. But there’s no way this was happening right now. This can’t be real.
You’re stuck in your place for a few moments, calculating your possibilities of escape. Throwing yourself out the window sounds like a good idea now. But you feel cornered, and you can’t think of what to do or say. You were doomed, for sure. But you choose to play dumb instead, so you anxiously turn to him and speak.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ve been asleep the whole time.”
He says nothing, and that worries you even more.
Then he throws the fork in the sink and finally faces you. He lifts his eyebrows and leans on the counter, with his arms folded to his chest.
“No, you weren’t.” He spoke. “Come here.” He gestures with his hand.
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you decide to listen to him and get closer.
“Please don’t tell dad.” You beg. There was no point in denying anymore. He knew.
He chuckles then, and furrows his brows, looking at you funny. God, you just wish all this would be over already. It felt humiliating.
“You think I’d tell Toto about how his daughter is pleasuring herself to the thought of me?”
His words come out as a whisper as he carefully moves a strand of hair behind your ear.
“I don’t know…”
“What were you thinking about?”
You finally get the courage to look into his eyes then. You’re not sure you heard him right.
“I think you heard me just right, princess. What were you thinking about when you had these pretty fingers deep inside your pussy?” He asks, lifting your hand and pressing a few kisses to your fingers.
A whine almost escapes your mouth while you’re watching it happen. You’ve never heard Lewis talk like that, especially towards you, and it both sexually frustrated you as well as made you impossibly shy. A deep shade of red is present on your face and you seriously don’t know if you should just risk it all and tell him about your little fantasies or act dumb about it.
You snap out of it. “I-I don’t know what to say, Lewis. This is so humiliating.” You sigh deeply, covering your face with your hands.
“Hey, hey.” He shushed you, pulling you into his arms. He smelled so good, and his skin felt hot pressed against yours, even with the t-shirt you were wearing as a barrier. “No need for that, bunny. It’s just me.” His words come out as a whisper as he is moving his hand up and down your back. “…Just us.”
Lifting your head slowly, you look into his eyes and bite your lip. This was all you ever wanted. For him to want you back. And now that he finally hinted that he might be into you in that way, had you at a loss of words and action.
Fuck it, you thought. It’s been too long. Too much time spent on secretive glances, crushing, overthinking, masturbating to the thought of him. Maybe you could finally get something out if it.
“I was thinking of you… Touching me.”
“Good girl. How was I touching you, hm?” The praise goes straight to your core as his head falls to your neck to press a few wet kisses, and you swore you could die right there on the spot. His hands squeeze your waist a little before traveling down to your ass, massaging patiently, waiting for you to respond to his question.
You moan at the action, getting lost in the feeling of him touching you like that. In a second, he lifts you up by your thighs and you unconsciously wrap your legs around his waist. He sits you on the counter then positions himself between your bare legs. His warm hands touch the insides of your thighs, making your breath hitch. You still can’t believe this is happening.
“You look so good in my clothes…” He mumbles, lifting one of his hands to your shirt and squeezing your skin a little. When he reaches your breasts, he squeezes harder.
“Mm… Lewis…” You whine pathetically, waiting for more.
“That’s what you were moaning a few minutes ago, baby?”
You look up to find him staring at you intently with his teeth pulling at his lower lip. His eyes were darker, full of lust. You enjoy having him like this, you realized. A man, the man you dreamed about, about to pleasure you.
“Yes.” You confess sincerely, batting your eyelashes at him.
“You’re such a naughty girl…” He whispers, touching your soft cheek with his finger.
His other hand starts wondering further underneath your shirt, and you find yourself opening your legs wider, waiting desperately for his touch. You can feel one of his fingers pressing against your clit only a few seconds later, and you can’t help but moan already. He rubs tight, circular circles on your sensitive button and groans, pushing your body back. You lean back and let him lift your legs on the counter.
“Shit, bunny. You look so delicious right now."
He reaches the band of your underwear and pulls on it urgently, leaving you bare in front of him. Normally you'd get self conscious everytime a man saw you naked, but for some reason that wasn't the case now. The desire to have Lewis eat you out was much bigger than any insecurity you may have. You grow impatient already just thinking about it and you feel your pussy clenching around nothing. He notices.
“I’m going to eat this pretty pussy.”
“Please.” You say immediately, eager to feel his tongue on your most sensitive spot.
He pulls you closer to the edge of the counter and gets on his knees, holding onto your shaky legs. You played this scenario in your head over and over again so many times, and you craved to see it finally happen. You really need to see him.
Standing up a little, you think you might just pass out. There he was, propped between your legs, licking a fat stripe of your pussy. He makes eye contact then and moans, connecting his lips to your puffy clit and sucking, hard.
Your body twitches on instinct and you whimper, pushing your needy pussy into his face. He moans and starts licking up and down your cunt, pushing his tongue inside you from time to time.
“Yes… Just like that.” You manage to say.
He’s hungrily lapping at your cunt like he hadn’t eaten in days, collecting all your sweet essence with his eager mouth. You can’t help but yelp a little when you feel two of his thick, long fingers pushing inside your tight pussy. It stings a little, but he doesn’t let you adjust, instead he pushes them deeper and curls them, making your eyes roll and your jaw drop.
“Oh my god." You gasp, arching your back so hard that you think it might break in half. His mouth is still attached to your sensitive clit, pressing torturous licks on it.
He pulls away a little bit, looking at how his two fingers push in and out of you, all shiny with your juices. His darkened eyes were glued to your pussy, like he was hypnotized by the sight. And he was. Suddenly, his eyes snap to yours and you think you’d never seen something hotter in your entire life.
“Look at you, baby… Hear the sounds your pretty pussy is making for me? You’re so fucking wet.” He humms and gives your puffy clit a sharp slap, fucking his fingers faster inside you.
You scream his name, like you always dreamed of doing. You’re desperately trying to hump his hand to get more, already feeling the familiar tightness in your lower stomach building rapidly. He doesn’t like that, so he quickly pushes your hips down with his free hand, keeping you in place. You don’t get to protest, because then he curls his fingers right on your g-spot, having your body tense immediately. You’re almost breathless and trashing your tiny body on his counter, and when he gets his hand on you and starts to flick your clit with rapid movements, you know you’re done for.
“That’s it. Cum all over my fingers like a good girl.”
You don’t hear anything for a few seconds after that. Your ears are tingling, your toes are curling and your whole body is shaking violently. Your orgasm washes over you in an instant, your pussy clenching down on his two fingers.
While you’re busy trying to catch your breath, he doesn’t stop. He continues to fuck you with his fingers, a bit slower now, and he reattached his mouth to your pussy, licking it slowly.
Feeling overstimulated, you immediately jerk away from his touch, twitching uncontrollably.
“N-no… too much!” You whimper, pushing his head back.
“Mm.” He slowly removes his fingers, and you feel yourself clenching around nothing. He’s chasing a trail of cum that your pussy is pushing out with his tongue and moans. “Such a sweet pussy. Sweetest I’ve ever had.” He praises.
You don’t say anything. Mostly because you can’t. Your whole body feels like jelly, still shaky from the powerful orgasm you just had. But you knew he wasn’t done with you yet. No, he gets up and grabs your chin forcefully, smashing your lips together. You can taste yourself on his lips and it makes your head spin and your pussy leak. Again.
When he finally pulls away, he takes a moment to look at your fucked out expression and humms, licking his lip.
“Was it good, bunny?” A smirk creeps out on his face.
“Yes…” You reply, the shyness taking place in you again as you batt your eyelashes at him.
“Good…” He whispers softly, tugging slowly on your bottom lip. “God, I want to fuck you so bad right now.”
God, the things this man makes you feel. He just fucked you stupid with his mouth and fingers and now he wants to fuck your pussy? It had to be a dream.
You want to take advantage of this moment for as long as you can.
“Fuck me, Lewis. I want it.”
The way you just look up at him so innocently but so seductive at the same time, with lips swollen, slightly messy hair and smudged mascara, makes his dick twitch. It isn’t the first time he’s rock hard for you though. No. You never knew this, but he had his eyes on you too. For the past few months, at race weekend, everytime he’d see you, you’d have him losing his mind. Walking around in short skirts and crop tops, or those lovely sundresses you adore so much. It made his dick throb, and he had to make up some excuses a few times just to run back to his driver’s room and touch himself. But he wasn’t only attracted to you because of those things. Your energy captivated him completely, and he knew he wasn’t the only one dreaming about having you. He wasn’t blind, nor stupid. He saw the way the other younger drivers or random people in the pit crew looked at you. How they smiled at you or tried to make you laugh, subtly touching you. It made him feral.
Toto was his boss. They go way back. Lewis admired your father, in many ways, and the bond they formed through working together was tight, for sure. He knew about the stupid rule he had for you, about dating or messing around with the drivers, and he respected that. Up until recently, when he started looking at you in a different light, and the rule suddenly frustrated him deeply. He never had a problem staying away from you. The need to protect you was the only thing on his mind. Then he started to finally see you.
How smart you were, how much joy you bring when you walk into a room. How everyone stops to look or listen to you when you talk. How adventurous you are and openly emotional without a care about what other people might think of you. The way you’re always there for people, the warmth you possess. Your unintentional seductiveness. Your charm.
Now, he had you exactly where he wanted. He wasn’t sure at first if he should tell you that he heard your sweet sounds when you masturbated to the thought of him, but he became desperate. All he needed was confirmation that you felt the same way about him as he felt about you. And he got it. He wasn’t gonna let you slip away this time. And he was done thinking about how complicated the situation is with your father.
Grabbing at your hand, he helps you get off the counter. You look at him confused, scared that he might realize that everything was a mistake and he’d changed his mind. But the thought quickly vanishes when he starts kissing your neck and nipping at your skin, lifting your shirt with his hands.
“I’m not gonna fuck you in a kitchen. My sweet baby deserves a bed, no?” His raspy voice sends goosebumps on your skin and you nod, letting him walk you backwards to his room, as he finally manages to get rid of the only material left on your body.
When you get to his room, he carefully pushes you on the bed, with him on top. The cold air in the room hits your sensitive flesh and makes your nipples harden. Licking your lips, you raise your head from the soft pillow to look at him. His gaze is darkened and his bottom lip sits between his teeth, pulling at it desperately, like he was trying so hard to keep his control. You wanted him to lose it. All of it.
“Please, Lewis… Fuck me. Wanted this for so long.” A whine escapes your lips and you pout, caging his body between your legs as your legs wrap tightly around his torso.
Your confession made him groan. He wanted to keep this moment in his memory forever. How needy you are begging for him to fuck you, how pretty you looked all spread out on his bed, with your hair tousled on his pillow, your lips puffy from his kisses and your eyes glossy and dazed.
Finally, he gets rid of the shorts he was wearing, pulling them off along with his boxers. You're left speechless as you shamelessly stare at his very erect cock. It's thick and you can spot a few angry veins almost popping, running up towards the head. It's standing proud and tall glued to his pelvis, almost reaching his belly button, and it has your mouth water.
He notices how you stare at him with your cheeks flushed and your lip between your teeth and smirks, tapping your thigh a few times to get your attention.
"What's wrong, baby?"
"It's so big..."
"Yeah? Never had a real man before, princess?" He asks, raising your leg to his shoulder and pressing soft kisses on your soft skin while maintaining eye contact with you.
You shake your head timidly.
"Gonna make you feel so good. You trust me?"
"Yes." You respond immediately, squirming under him.
"Just hold on for a sec. I gotta have some condoms in here." He lets go of your leg and leans towards his nightstand to search for the condoms.
"W-wait." You stopped him, pressing a hand to his chest. You were anxious when your next words left your lips. "I... I'm clean, and on birth control, so if you want, there's no need for that."
He turned his head to look at you and stopped in his tracks.
"Want me to fuck you bare, bunny?" He reached a hand to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear and looked at you lovingly, with a grin on his face.
"Mhm." You mumbled, nodding your head. "If that's okay with you, of course!" You rushed the words out.
"I'm more than okay with that." He hummed, caressing your hip with his thumb. "Come 'ere."
He pulled you lower on the bed and leaned forward, gripping your cheeks and smashing his lips with yours. He kisses you slow at first, taking his time to taste you. Then, as his hands start to explore your naked body, it turns wild. You feel dizzy as you wrap your hands around his neck to bring him even closer and your hot bodies stick to each other. It feels so intimate, you've never experienced something like this with someone before. His erection is standing right between your legs and it makes you raise your hips eagerly. You want him inside already.
"So eager." He whispers and smirks, pulling away a bit.
You glance down and lick your lips as he lines himself up, watching him tap your clit a few times with his cock, then pushing his head through your sensitive folds to collect all your juices. It sends jolts of electricity through your body and you whimper, spreading yourself a bit more. When he finally slides in, it's so overwhelming that you let your mouth hang open with a loud moan. The stretch is stinging a lot, but there's another sensation that comes with it that makes it so pleasurable at the same time.
Lewis watches you carefully and stills his movements, to let you adjust to his size. Your eyebrows are slightly furrowed as you try to relax as much as you can to accomodate your thight walls around him. Once you feel the pain diminuate a bit you nod your head, letting him know that he can move further.
He slips in a little more then and lets himself moan at the heavenly feeling of your bare, tight pussy squeezing him tightly.
"Doing sooo good, baby. Taking me like a pro." He praises, moving your damp hair out of your face.
He bottoms out inside you and you whimper. He's so deep that you could swear you felt it in your stomach, but you want more.
As if he could read your mind, he slowly pulls out a bit then pushes himself inside again, making you let out tiny mewls and moans as you got to feel every ridge and vein of his cock. Lewis humms and buries his face in your neck, leaving wet, hot kisses all over it before going down to your breasts and taking one of them in his mouth and swirling his tongue around your hard, sensitive nipple. He starts to thrust his hips in a steady rhythm while taking your other breast in his mouth and all you can do is arch your back and whine, overwhelmed by the intense feeling.
"So fucking tight." He hissed, leaning back to grab your thighs and lift them on his shoulders, the new position allowing him to hit your spot better. You felt so full of him, and you were ready to cry from the pleasure.
"Lewis." You let out a loud moan and touch his abs, scratching them as he suddenly surprises you with a rougher pace that makes you roll your eyes back and let out a cry.
“Shit.” He curses, groaning when he feels your pussy clench around his fat cock. “Thought about fucking this pretty pussy every single day lately. And now look at you, all fucked out on my bed.”
His words make your head spin. You had no idea he thought about this just like you did, so many times.
“Y-you thought about me?” You manage to ask between moans, looking down for a second to catch a glimpse of his dick sliding in and out of you at a fast pace.
He went in for a messy kiss then pulled back a little, looking at you with half closed eyes. “You have no idea.” He mutters, grabbing your neck softly.
The sounds in the room are intoxicating. It’s filled with heavy breaths, moans, skin slapping repeatedly and the filthy sound of your impossibly wet pussy getting filled to the brim by Lewis. Your gaze is locked with his and it feels like there’s just the two of you left in this world. Nothing matters anymore. Not your dad, not your age gap, nothing. It’s so intense and intimate that it almost has your heart burst out of your chest.
Your thighs are trembling as he folds them to your chest, and your hands are frantically searching for something to grip onto, while incoherent sounds are dripping off your lips.
“You wanna cum, princess?” He asks, smirking down at you.
“Yes! Yes, please please don’t stop.” You beg, shaking your head as short screams leave your mouth.
He’s quick to drag a hand down to your pussy and starts rubbing your clit harshly with his thumb to force your release. The added pleasure makes you pulsate rapidly around his cock and you find yourself arching your back off the mattress again, struggling to breathe as your orgasm is nearing quickly.
“Come on, want you to make a mess on this cock, baby. Can you do that for me?”
You nod your head pathetically and yelp when he pinches your swollen clit, letting out a loud cry as your orgasm washes over you. It hits you so quickly and so violently that it makes your breath get stuck and your eyes squeeze shut while your legs are uncontrollably shaking. Your juices are dripping down Lewis’s cock and onto the mattress underneath you, and it’s a sight to die for as he watches it all happen.
“Good girl. Did so good f’ me.” He coos, but doesn’t stop the movements of his hips, although he slows down a bit to let you come down from your orgasm.
When you open your eyes to look at him, you find him already looking at you, with an enamored expression on his face. His hand is softly caressing your thigh while he is admiring the post-orgasmic glow of your skin.
Soon enough, he is picking up his pace again and you whine in discomfort and overstimulation, furrowing your brows.
“Can’t. Please. Can’t.” You squirm underneath him.
“You can, baby. Come on, just a little bit more.”
Using his arms, he spreads your legs wider so he can have more access to you. His thrusts quicken again and his fingers attaches themselves to your clit again, pressing into it in circular motions. You were squeezing him so tightly that he could barely move inside you but he pulled through, ramming his hips into yours with brutal force, trying to chase his own release.
“Oh.” You gasped and glued your eyes down to where your cunt was greedily sucking him in. Your milky essence is visible at the base of his cock and the sight is downright filthy.
“Fuck.” He grunts, also watching where you two are connected before he lunges towards you and grips your neck more tightly and yanks you forward a bit. You prop up on your elbows and look at him with wide, doe eyes, moaning uncontrollably. “Where do you want it, bunny?”
“Inside!” You respond immediately, placing one of your hands around his wrist. “Want you to come inside me. Please.”
Your eagerness to take his cum inside your tiny walls makes him shiver with enthusiasm. His tip hits your g-spot with every powerful snap of his hips and it made you part your lips in bliss. Lewis takes the opportunity to slide his tongue inside your mouth, kissing you messily. You suddenly start to feel a different kind of pressure at the pits of your stomach and you wince, pulling back from the kiss.
“Lewis… I think there’s something wrong. Feels different.” You slurred, your eyes widening in fear.
“It’s alright, baby. I’m here. Give me one more, yeah?” He grunted, flicking at your clit with his palm rapidly.
The bed is moving with the rhythm of his aggressive thrusts and you feel your muscles contract and twitch with every move. You’re fluttering around him desperately as you scratch down his back with your polished nails and he moans deeply.
“Fuck. Gonna stuff this cunt. Come on, come for me. again, baby.” You know he is close by how much you can feel him throb inside of you.
With a particularly sharp thrust your orgasm washes over you, and you scream, letting your back fall on the mattress as you squirted, your juices making a mess on both you and Lewis. The sight makes him burst instantly and he groans, throwing his head back while he stills inside of you, pumping you full of his cum.
You’ve never done this before. I mean, you definitely heard of squirting, but no one was ever able to get you to this stage. You quickly become self conscious. What if he didn’t like it? What if he found you disgusting now? Terrified, you look up to him only to find out how wrong you were. He is already looking your way, with a huge smirk on his face.
“Look at that. My girl squirted all over the place.”
You blush deeply at his words and cover your face with your hands, but he is quick to grab them and pin them to the bed around your head.
“Why are you hiding? What’s wrong?” He chuckled, amused by the childish action.
“I… I’ve never done that before.”
“Did it feel good though?” He asked with a smug grin.
“Mhm…” You bite your lip and writhe slightly, making him moan at the sudden movement.
He carefully pulls out of you and leans back on his heels, only to see both of your releases slowly drip out of your cunt. He humms and brings two fingers there to massage around your hole, and then he pushes them inside, fucking the cum back into you.
You whine and he stops, looking back at you.
“Wait here for a second, hm? I’m going to draw you a bath.”
You nod and thank him quietly, watching him lovestruck as he gets up from the bed, collects his boxers from the floor and pulls them on, then disappears to the bathroom.
Few minutes later you’re both in the tub, your back is pressed against his chest and your eyes are closed in relaxation while he is lazily running his hand through your hair.
Even though the silence is comfortable, you can’t help but start to overthink. What was he thinking about? You didn’t necessarily think he regretted what you did, but what did it mean? Was he going to ghost you after that? Act like nothing ever happened? You wouldn’t judge him, especially considering the situation with your father, but you hoped that it wouldn’t be the case. Part of you was convinced that he wouldn’t just leave you in the dark like that. That wasn’t Lewis. Could never be Lewis. But your insecurities are still eating you alive.
Then he takes you by surprise again by reading your mind. “What are you thinking about?”
“I was actually wondering what were you thinking about.” You chuckle, leaning your head back a bit to look at him. God, how can this man be so beautiful?
He smiles softly and nuzzles his nose along your cheek, pressing a sweet and tender kiss to it.
You let out a breath and sigh, closing your eyes at the sensation. “I was just asking myself… what now, I guess.” You shrugged, with a heavy heart.
He furrows his brows and grabs your chin, forcing you to look at him. “What do you want?”
You gulped and licked your lips, looking at him through your lashes. “I want you.”
“Then you have me. And you know I want you too. But it’s going to be a lot more complicated than that.” He whispers to you and you feel your heart drop on the spot, afraid of what he might be insinuating.
Noticing the broken look in your eyes, he quickly places his hands on both your cheeks and leans forward. “What I mean by that is, that we should be careful. I know keeping things a secret isn’t healthy, but giving the circumstances, I don’t think it would benefit either of us right now if someone found out about what we have going on. I promise that it won’t last forever, I would never keep you a secret, but for now that’s just the way things are.”
You take in his words. You know he is right. And you’ll take anything as long as it means that he’ll be finally yours. Even though the thought of keeping a secret like that, especially from your dad, makes you feel uneasy. But you’re so ready to give it a shot, just for him. What if everything turns out alright in the end?
“I know. And I understand.” You nodded, closing your eyes and pressing your lips against his in a tender kiss.
When you pull back, he gives you a quick wink and a smile, tapping the inside of your thigh lightly. “Come on, let’s get you to bed.”
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Hello Child of Man! I have a request if it interests you.
What would the TWST boys (Riddle, Leona, Lilia, and Jade or Azul) give to reader to show their affection is honest? Like, it's their prized possession.
You write so well! Please continue. ♡ Thank youuuuu.
A Gift can speak a thousand words
Heyy, Thank you so much for the request, and I'm so sorry it took so long to write,, school has been a pain :') Thank you so much for the kind words and i hope you enjoy!!
What they would give reader to prove their affection is honest
Characters: Riddle, Leona, Lilia, Azul
Format: Headcanons
Warnings: None that i can think off
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Red roses from Heartslabyul's Rose Garden
-This might seem rather basic and almost thoughtless at first, but these roses truly hold his entire heart
-There is the factor that his mother most likely raised him very traditional and conservative, so he was taught to gift his lover flowers
-Also, this is probably his first relationship, and the people around him, as well as the internet, will have told him that red roses, the flowers of love, is a good gift.
-but there is so much more to it than just that
-Both heartslabyul and especially the red roses are very dear to him, after all, the red roses are a, if not the, symbol of the queen of hearts and her kingdom. He himself tries to be as similar to the queen of hearts as possible, heartslabyul practically his kingdom
-By gifting you these Hand picked roses, from the Heartslabyul garden, he, as the so-to-say queen of heartslabyul, is gifting you a part of the most important part of his kingdom, and by extension, a part of him
-the roses are, of course, hand picked with extreme care, it's to ensure that you will truly only get the best of the best, because in his eyes, you deserve even more than just perfection.
His dorm uniform jacket
-Another one that might seem basic and meaningless at first
-But once again, there's more to it!
-Kings are most easily recognised by their crowns. Since he isn't the firstborn, and therefor not king, he doesn't have a crown.. But at NRC, the Housewardens are recognized by their unique dorm uniform, it's his version of a crown, so to say. 
-Also, most beast men, including lions, mark their territory through scent, similar to their animal counter parts.
-And since he usually skips classes and spends a majority of his time in his dorm, he's usually wearing it!.. well, was, until he gave it to you. It's his way to mark you without outright admitting it 
-Being second in line, most of his kingdoms treasures and similar things, have always been given to his older brother, so with the few things that are his, that he considers precious, he's very territorial about. and that includes you, the love of his live.
-The beastmen will smell his scent, and almost all other students will most likely recognize the jacket, both resulting in them leaving you be. An absolute win in his book.
-Also, when a king marries his lover, he gifts them the crown of his kingdom, but he is no king and therefore has no crown, so instead he'll gift you his housewarden jacket as a sign that you rule alongside him
a precious fae gem
-No matter how young Lilia try's to act, in the end he's still an old man
-He'd give a thousand year old gem, that still somehow looks perfect. Maybe it's embedded into a necklace, maybe a ring. 
-If you can take it out of it's original casing, he'll definitely put it into your favorite type of jewelry! 
-chances are, it has been in his family for generation, or it was a gift from someone dear to him during the war, like Baul or Meleanor. Either way, this gem is very dear to him, although not nearly as dear as you!
-Him giving you this gem, is his way of telling you how serious your relationship is to him, that he definitely plans to marry you one day, and, most importantly, that in his eyes, you're already a part of the little family he has build himself
-In fact, chances are, that he gave you this gem after he saw you acting particularly like a parent caring towards silver, it just proofed how perfectly you fit in!
-He would have used it as part of your engagement ring, but he wants that to perfectly suit your taste. Also, that means it'll eventually be replaced by a marriage band, and he wants you to be able to wear the gem even after marriage, till the rest of your days.
Master key
-Azul values his privacy. A lot.
-As a child, he could seemingly never get away from his bullies, and even now, when he gets overwhelmed or reminded of his trauma, he sometimes feels helpless. So, chances are he secured a small room where he could get away, somewhere even the twins don't have access to.
-But you? you're the only exception. It seems that no matter what, you always manage to calm him down, he doesn't understand why or how, but you do. It almost scares him.
-For him to give you this, you'd also have to be in a relationship for quite a while, at least around a year. Bullying causes insecurities, and insecurities can cause quite the trust issues.
-He'd be so nervous about giving you it. What if it's a mistake? What if you think it's weird? But he loves you enough to pull through. He try's to play it cool. He Fails.
-Now you often surprise him at work, or specifically seek him out when you know he's upset. It flusters him every time, but he has yet to regret his decision :) He never will, he is heels over head in love with you
A piece of his moms jewlery
-This was more of a side thought, but i found it cute and wanted to expand a bit on it.
-Azul is an absolute mamas boy in my eyes, she made sure he grew up to be a gentleman once he grows up
-So, when he visits home, he most likely tells her about you!
-And she, in true motherly nature, is just like "How sweet, my baby is in love! Oh, how about you bring them back a gift! Do they like jewelry?" 
-And suddenly he comes back with a piece of her jewelry, soon to be yours. He's just happy she seems to approve of you :)
-A  blushing, nervous wreck, as he gives it to you and explains the reason for it
-Every time he sees you wearing it after that, he just starts stuttering while turning red. The other members of the board game club are very confused, they know you two are dating, but that doesn't explain why he turned into a tomato..oh hey, is that some new jewelry, prefect?
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Fried my brain trying to find the perfect things haha, Lilia was definitely the hardest, but very fun to write nonetheless!
Feedback is welcomed, just be kind! Hope you all have an amazing day!
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reallyromealone · 3 months
Title: oh hey a mate(s)
Chapter: one
Fandom: obey me
Pairing: demon brother's x male reader
Warnings: suggestive themes, readers got truama, internalized gender hatred, anxiety, panic attacks, mentions of being a breeding tool, self hate, reader doesn't really understand sex, sexual themes, omegaverse, male reader, mentions of mpreg
"HE STOLE THEM FROM ME!" (sisters name) Screeched out in a rage as she threw things around "they were supposed to be MY mates! And he stole them! That whore stole them!" She was hyperventilating at this point as her body shook, feeling robbed of her alphas.
Of her life, the thing she wanted more than anything.
"I know sweety but maybe we can set you up wit--"" I don't want someone else! I want the princes!"
And she was going to get them.
She swore it.
'fuck you (name)'
Holy shit this place was big.
God he felt under dressed, especially beside these alphas who were dressed so fancy and perfect.
The floors were marble and two grand staircases winded on each side and paintings that had to be centuries old hung on the walls "we will have one commissioned for you soon enough... Maybe one with us all" Belphegor yawned as he wandered the halls "for now, let's get you settled in" he said and looked to a nervous looking Leviathan who nodded.
(Name) Was nervous as he walked beside the demon who seemed to want to be anywhere but here "I-im sorry if I wasn't who you were expecting... I'll try and not step on your toes" (name) whispered, anxiously fiddling with his fingers and looked down "i-i dont-- fuck... I'm really nervous and anxious and just I don't really talk to omegas often so I'm just--" the demon seemed panicked and (name) felt relief flood through his veins as he pumped out calming pharamones for the Alpha "hey... I get it, if it's any consolation... I'm not great with people either-- hell I think this is the first time I ever left my families property!" He laughed a bit but Leviathan was shocked at his words "you never been into the capital or even your home town?" He asked genuinely and (name) shook his head "nah, my parents didn't trust me going out there-- you know how troublesome an Omega can be"
What the fuck? That's all Leviathan could think as he looked at the Omega worried "I- you're not troublesome?" He whispered and (name) just smiled "I try not to be" (name) giggled a bit as they continued to (name)s apartment, the Omega expecting a quaint bedroom but...
"I think we went to the wrong room.... This is awfully big" (name) said softly to the envy demon who looked confused "you like your apartment?" Asmodeus popped out from nowhere and pulled (name) close with a flirty grin "we had the butlers being your things in, don't worry we didn't let them unpack... Pharamones and all that ~" he pulled (name) into the apartment and (name) felt overwhelmed by all this "there's a nesting room there~ if you need help don't hesitate to ask"
"A-are you sure?"
"Sure of what?"
"That this is for me?"
"You are to be our mate, I personally wanted you with me but Luci wanted you to have your own space... Something about acclimating" his words teasing and (name) chuckled but cut short when his stomach growled and the two demons looked curious "oh yeah! Humans need to eat for survival!"
(Name) Felt embarrassed as he silently cursed his stomach for exposing him like this as the demons looked at one another in a silent conversation.
They were definitely having a sibling meeting later.
(Name) Dissociated during the rest of the evening, eventually ending back in the rooms he was given, the size of his old house if not a bit bigger...
Everything was pristine as he took out his belongings, his prized possessions and small hobbies to occupy him.
A few heirlooms and books and his childhood stuffed toy 'this will go in my nest' he thought as he looked at the nesting room doors, two ornate doors in a rose gold shade, the apartment all light colors unlike the rest of the palace.
It was a strange contrast, almost like they didn't know what to expect so they just made what they thought humans liked. It was funny really, demons trying to understand what humans wanted or needed as he was doing the same, wondering what these demons wanted or liked.
Getting up he went to the nesting room and was overwhelmed by the nesting supplies he was given, piles and piles of blankets and pillows and soft things, his purring could probably be heard from outside the apartment as he snuggled into them, a sense of safety he wasn't quite used to washing over him.
He was excited to make a large nest, spending half the night making it perfect for him to rest in and just not think about the fact he was to be mated on his next heat to seven strangers that were also fucking royalty! Well there goes not thinking about it because here he was!
Also his sister! Holy shit she was mad! And like at his wedding she will be there! Fuuck!
(Name) Was just sitting there head in hands as he processed the fact that within 24 hours he was now engaged and now in the public eye!
(Name) Curled up closer into his blankets and let out a shutter of a sigh, he wondered if he would be able to do the things he enjoyed before... Would he be allowed to garden? Would he have to dress more Omegan? Or would he be able to wear clothes that were comfortable?!
He needed to walk, movement to process this.
Getting up he walked out of his apartment and into the hall, dark and grand, ceilings at least 15 feet tall and paintings lined, some he recognized as the siblings and some unfamiliar as he walked around curiously.
Somehow he made it to the kitchen "I hope they don't mind..." (Name) Whispered as he sliced an apple, careful and gentle as his stomach growled a bit.
"Can I have some?" A voice startled him out of his thoughts causing him to slice his finger "shit!" The voice said and (name) looked to see Beelzebub who in turn looked a bit startled as he took (name)s bleeding finger and put it in his mouth, the Omega looking thoroughly concerned as Beelzebub sucked on the blood "I feel like this is incredibly unsanitary" (name) whispered worried and beez released his finger "demons saliva can heal amongst other things, depends on the demon really"
"Oh " (name) said dumbly as he looked at his wet but healed finger "what else does your saliva do?" He asked curiously and Beelzebub smiled at the others cute and curious expression "ah, well besides healing my saliva can work as an aphrodisiac if ingested!" (Name) Looked concerned and Beelzebub laughed "don't worry, it only works if I were to like make out with you or eat your ass!"
And now (name) was flustered as the gluttony demon kept laughing at his embarrassment "so why are you up so late?" Beelzebub asked after calming down and sealing some apple slices and cutting up some more, handing (name) an orange "just... It's stupid"
"Oh please!" Beelzebub pushed and (name) sighed "I'm just... I'm having trouble processing this stuff, it's stressful and like-- I never left my property let alone this! My sister wanted to be with you guys and she's already insufferable, this is just worse! I'm just paranoid that you guys are going to realize that like this was a mistake and reject me and like the fear of being an Omega in general! Will I be able to do the things i enjoyed before? Will I be a breeding tool?!" He was hyperventilating now as Beelzebub panicked "hey hey, calm down! It will be alright and-- no we aren't making you a breeding Omega.... shhh" beez tried to calm him as footsteps quickly made their way to the kitchen.
"What is happening?" Lucifer and the others seemed startled as the smell of distress was heavy in the kitchen "he's worried we will strip him of his rights and make him carry our young" Beelzebub explained as he lifted (name) into his arms and set him on the counter "were demons but we aren't monsters" Satan said disgusted and Asmodeus smiled "we would never do that unless it's what you're into~" he teased the Omega as they crowded him "I know it's an incredibly hard adjustment but know we mean well, it's literally impossible for us to not fall for each other" it's true soulmates would eventually fall for one another due to the bond "and we are sharing one mate so that means you have seven people to love you" mammon said in a rare moment of genuine care "what do you mean?"
"Oh yeah, he knows basically nothing about secondary gender or soulmates" Levi said softly and the demons looked horrified "well I know what we are doing tomorrow" Satan said simply and (name) looked ashamed and couldn't meet their eyes, feeling stupid for his lack of knowledge.
"Well his town is backwards" Belphegor yawned and wandered off back to bed now that the problem was solved "goodnight...."
(Name) Was led back to his room by Beelzebub and Asmodeus and looked confused when they put sweaters in his arms "the smell of your alphas will calm you~" Asmodeus said simply and the two wished him a good night.
And for once?
He sleped peacefully.
(Name) Spent the next few days learning about soulmates and secondary genders, the two interlocking "when your heat comes, it will be dangerous for you to not mate with your soulmate" (name) read the book in his off time, the book explaining how the bonding is key to not cause rejection symptoms or a drop, he definitely didn't want that. Fuck how does he have sex? Fuck.
Time to go figure that out, he really felt behind on this shit.
(Name) Made home in the library as he looked for any books that would aid him "Hmm? Looking for sex books ~ didn't know our omega was like that" Asmodeus seemed to love just appearing out of thin air and scaring (name) who dropped the book "i-i it's not like that!"
"Hmmm? And what is it about? Oh you're so cute when your flustered!" He cooed and (name) huffed "I am trying to figure out like, how sex works and stuff... I wasn't exactly taught... Just put on suppressants so my family could avoid it" he just constantly felt ashamed with them, their faces of realization and pity as (name) tried not to cry "well, if you like I could teach you~ don't worry I won't touch you where you don't like" Asmodeus could get used to his omega so flustered as he got closer, his alpha giddy at his mate being untouched "the first thing one should know is their body after all~"
"I- uh... I'm not sure..."
Asmodeus let his lips barely touch (name)s as he caged him against a bookshelf and smiled, his tail flickering and (name) seemed a bit startled by it All as the demon gently kissed him "that was... Uh.." "your first kiss?"
"Did you like it?"
(Name) Could only nod as the lust avatar giggled sweetly at his adorable Omega "oh, you're going to fit in nicely here~!" He doted on (name) a bit "don't worry darling, we won't do anything your not ready for but if you're willing... To experiment a bit, I'm always a summon away" and with that he was gone, (name) left with nothing more than the smell of his pharamones, sweet Jasmine and warm vanilla.
It wasn't till after lunch that Lucifer brought him to the gardens, a small greenhouse and a garden plot stood "we had it cleaned up, you said you liked gardening" he said simply and looked down at (name) who looked like he was given the potion of youth "really? Thank you so much..." (Name) Was releasing the happiest pharamones and Lucifer kept composure but god damn did that boost his ego as an alpha, making his mate happy.
"Just clean yourself off after you finish" Lucifer said calmly and (name) beamed at this "of course!"
(Name) Puttered in the greenhouse and began planting things, thankfully it was early in the season so he had time to make a nursery for plants "oh, sor--" (name) immediately shut up as he saw Belphegor sleeping in a sun beam, cozy and calm. Looking around (name) found his cape that Satan had made for him and covered the demon with it "it's still chilly" he whispered and went back to work, unaware the demon was awake and watching intently at the Omega who was carrying heavy pots and sacks of soil around.
(Name) Kept quiet for the Alpha, he must be so exhausted to fall asleep in a greenhouse of places so it would be best to let him rest! Eventually (name) moved outside, it was less chilly but a slight chill but movement will keep him warm! Using twine he found in the greenhouse he sectioned spots of the garden plots for various things like carrots and garlic amongst others, they were still in the nursery but it's good to get things ready now, he reasoned with himself.
"Your Highness! It's quite cold!" A servant panicked as she saw (name) in nothing more than a shirt and pants and apron, dirt on his cheek "don't worry! I'm alright!" He reasoned but she was not having it and removed her cape "it's not good for an Omega to be cold like this!"
Before she could drape the cape on (name), he felt fur on his shoulders as Mammon smiled with a warning "don't worry, he's warm" his eyes telling the servant to leave and (name) looked confused "oh hello!" (Name) Smiled at the demon who felt annoyed at how sweet the other was, his bond making his heart beat fast "Luci wanted me to take you into town so get ready" he grumbled and (name) nodded, a simple smile on his face as he wandered to the palace "where's your cape anyways?! It's freezing for mortals!" He chastised and (name) chirped "Belphegor was sleeping and I wanted him to be cozy!" (Name) Couldn't explain why he felt so calm and comfortable with the princes but they made him feel safe, even if they were sometimes like angry chihuahuas.
"You're weird" mammon said with no bite as they walked to (name)s area.
The tailors and seamstresses worked tirelessly to put together some clothes for (name) and his new class, the maids commenting about how the seamstress always kept embroidered sleeves on hand as the brothers always tore clothes during training--- well save for Asmodeus and Belphegor who couldn't be fucked to do stuff like that.
(Name) Felt regal, a beautiful vest made of silk and embroidered with birds and roses and a linen powers shirt and nice pants and expensive boots "you look wonderful your Highness!" A maid commented, (name) growing fond of his personal maids who cheered him in, them all being mated and married betas.
(Name) Was curious as he looked around the city, never really interacting with so many people who looked at he two in awe, the guards keeping a fair distance as he looked at stalls "you seriously never been in a city?" Mammon said incredulously and (name) looked confused "no? It's not right for an Omega to be by himself around alphas, I would be a temptation" reiterating his parents words and Mammon was horrified at the omegas genuine belief that HE was the problem and not alphas who couldn't keep their hands to themselves "well we are unpacking that later"
He didn't even want to get into the family thing, remembering the chat he had with his brothers when (name) had his meltdown and the acceptance that their Omega came from a very problematic living situation but he seemed to be acclimating well.
Or at least he hoped.
Mammon was confused as (name) handed him a stuffed bunny "what is this?" He raised an eyebrow from behind his circular sunglasses "well we didn't get to actually court because of being soulmates so I got you all courting gifts" he chirped out innocently, remembering what he was taught by Lucifer and deciding to put it in action though he seemed to have gotten it backwards as it was supposed to be the Alpha who gave the courting gifts.
"I- uh... Thank you?"
(Name) Seemed pleased as they continued their walk through the cities market, a giant hub of the equally giant city as Mammon stared at the bunny that was made of fabric the same color as his eyes, a small detail that made him flustered.
He noticed (name) budgeting, a soft smile on his face "you know we have basically endless money, right?" Well mammon didn't, he was cut off and put on a strict budget but (name)? He still had his money privileges "that's your money, this is so much!" To (name) it was a lot of money as he did the budgeting of the house back with his family, this was ten times of what they made in a year! "I am fine with this"
Hell, how did they get the exact opposite of them?!
A nervous Omega who was innocent and naive and sweet as honey!
"Oh you are absolutely precious!" Asmodeus cooed at the stuffed rabbit that fit in his hands "I hadn't even thought of courting!" He said with exaggerated sadness and (name) watched the others alphas reactions, though it wasn't the fanciest courting gift, it was a genuinely thoughtful one.
"He was worried about spending the money, he literally budgeted it" mammon groaned and Lucifer snorted "you could do well to learn that" he said as (name) seemed reminded and handed him back the coin bag, the Omega barely dented it "I got a few things for my hobbies but I brought back the change!" He said sweety and Lucifer had cute aggression at that moment as (name) looked at him with so much pride "you know you could have spent all of this right?" He said a little slow, (name) nodding "but that would be rude, I'm spending all your money without care... I don't like that"
Seriously, how did they manage to be fated with the sweetest Omega?!
"He didn't even but himself actual things for himself! He bought things to make us things!" Mammon groaned out but they all knew he equally swooned at the fact their Omega was so sweet.
But also he didn't buy himself anything, Asmodeus has had to bring him to eat and Beelzebub would put food on it.
"Rural Omega culture is different than cities, they're treated more as a commodity" a maid explained to Asmodeus one night as she helped him get ready for bed, she herself being an alpha from the boonies "an inconvenience would be a better word though, everything your saying shows he was treated like how my love got treated, need to make them feel genuinely valued" she went to explain how omegas need regular scenting and assurance to keep mentally regulated and (name) probably never had that.
Which would explain why he seemed like he was constantly waiting for the next shoe to drop despite growing used to them.
Like it was all going to go away.
His dreams were often that, every night he dreamt of waking up in his old room as his sister lived the life she wanted and he was stuck in that musty bedroom where he would rot.
"Your dreams are noisy" Belphegor mumbled as he crawled into bed with (name) and held him close, pumping out pharamones as he thought smugly about the fact he's technically been in bed with (name) before the others. (Name) Snuggled in his chest and physically relaxed, chirping in his sleep as he clung helplessly to him and he was hooked.
He wanted this more and was already annoyed he would have to share with his brothers.
(Name) Let his mates to be plan the wedding though he and Beelzebub thought of food together, the demon horrified at how little foods he got to experience and made him try everything for the wedding and smiled at his happy face with good food "these are mirangue cookies! Like eating plaster that loves you!" He exolained and (name) basically melted at now delicious it was.
Beelzebub was more than happy to share food with him, his alpha wanting the Omega to be well fed to carry his pups after all.
They were all anxious for mating, their bond slowly making them VERY intense about (name) who after weeks, finally sat close to Satan as he read with him though (name) did struggle a bit "omegas being taught to read is laughable, I taught myself as much as I could" he explained and that's when Satan decided he would read for (name), the two spending an hour or two in the library reading together like how Lucifer spent his time teaching (name) new things when he wasn't busy or just dragging him along with things.
(Name) Was always well behaved, he thought of (name)s family and how they were... How did this come out of THAT.
But now, (name) had one worry...
Would he invite his family to his wedding?
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quill-and-quiver · 17 days
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𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐: house of the dragon | aemond targaryen x fem!reader 𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢: After years of pining after Prince Aemond Targaryen, he finally allows you to meet his prized possession—his dragon. 𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜:  i don’t think any. this one’s mild - others won’t be lol | if u noticed anything i missed, pls let me know 𝚆𝙲: 2.7k — 11 min read time .·:*¨༺➻𝙰/𝙽: hi omg! my first post on a shiny new blog (◕‿◕✿) i know i’m like wayy late to the game with aemond but the new trailer coming out kicked my ass into gear. this is pre-s1e10 so we're pretending that aemond does, in fact, have control of vhagar 💀 also what i learned from this fic? aemond calls u pet. i don’t make the rules sorryyy. ALSO ALSO - requests are open - pls send some! 🤍 mills
✧❦༺ 𝖗𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙 |.☽.| 𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 |.☽.| 𝖙𝖆𝖌𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 ༻❦✧
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As he lies asleep, his head resting on the leather cover of a large tome, you study the features of his face. Your eyes trace the delicate curve of his nose, the sharpness of his Cupid’s bow, his angular jawline. Entranced by him, you may not have even noticed when he stirs if it isn't for the soft hum that slips from his lips. As Aemond lifts his head, you quickly turn back to the open book in front of you.
For the last three months, you have spent an unbearable amount of time with him. He’s recently fixated on the history and technique of dragon riding, and you’ve been helping him with his research. And for the last ten years, you have spent an unbearable amount of time gazing at him from a distance, waiting for him to really notice you.
While you relish the time you spend together in private, you tire of it. The truth is that you’re itching to make a show of your friendship. Publicly. Unfortunately, you doubt Aemond will be so understanding. You’ve spent many late nights together in the library or the study. You’ve even fallen asleep more than once in his private chambers, though not wrapped in his warm arms as you might wish. Especially recently, you’ve begun to waste the nights away talking, commiserating, and comforting one another.
But in the light of the day, under the watchful eye of society, everything is so different. Though you wait for his call during the day, it never seems to come. At times you wonder if Aemond is keeping away from you on purpose. When you cannot avoid one another, he pays you no mind as if you were a simple servant and nothing more. You’ve grown closer over the past months, but he still holds back. He is a man with many secrets, and you don’t appreciate being one of them.
As he groans and stretches, you exert every morsel of self-control to avoid glancing at him, even though you know that the muscles in his neck are likely pulled taut.
“What happened?” he mutters, his voice low and rasped.
“You fell asleep,” you reply as you pretend to be immersed in your book.
“For how long?”
“No idea. I was busy and enjoying the rare silence.”
A lie. You know it’s been at least a couple of hours. The truth is that you couldn’t have woken him up, even if you wanted to. Seeing him rest… You’ve never gotten the chance to before; you’ve always fallen asleep first. But he looked so content, peaceful, young. You’ve never seen him so relaxed, and you couldn’t be the one to destroy it.
“Surely the silence pales in comparison to the charming sound of my voice, does it not?” he says.
You can’t resist the temptation to lift your eyes, and you’re glad you do. You catch him just as the corners of his mouth curve upward into his signature smirk. Even in the dim light of the library, you admire the way his cheeks wrinkle when he smiles.
“Perhaps the way it sounds in your head. To the rest of us out here, it’s rather nasally, actually.”
You offer a grin of your own. He chuckles, leaning back in his seat. He drapes an arm lazily across the the chair. His silver hair is ever so slightly mussed from his nap. As you try not to imagine what it would feel like to run your fingers through it, the light catches on something at his throat. Your eyes flick down to the dragon-shaped hooks on his leather tunic.
“Ah, I found something for you,” you say, searching around the desk. You slide a dusty, red book toward him. “It’s a record documenting the pedigree of several Old Valyrian dragons. I checked and, unfortunately, Vhagar is not among them. The book is old, outdated. Still, I thought you might find it interesting.”
He hums in approval, running his long fingers over the spine of the book. You drag your eyes away from him, busying yourself by trying to find where you’d left off reading.
“I’d like you to meet Vhagar," he says.
Your head snaps back up, your eyes widening.
“I want you to meet my dragon.” His unwavering stare tells you that he’s absolutely serious. “You’ve never seen a dragon before, have you? In the flesh, I mean.”
“Well…yes, I suppose I have seen them at a distance but not up close.”
“Good,” he responds, that horribly charming smirk returning. “Then it’ll be educational for you.”
“No, I…” you trail off, unable to come up with an excuse more convincing than ‘I don’t want to.’
“Why? Are you afraid, pet?”
All of the excuses you’ve whipped up in your mind suddenly evaporate. That stupid word that always makes your knees weak. Apparently, you’ve made it obvious that he can have anything he wants when he calls you by that one sweet name.
“Is it not reasonable to be weary of an ancient beast?" you counter. “Dragons are fickle creatures, no matter how much training they’ve had. And that’s not to mention the sheer size alone of Vhagar. I can hardly even imagine.”
“So you do fear her then. Or is it that you do not trust me to protect you should something go awry.”
His eyebrows furrow and head tilts inquisitively. You sigh and shake your head.
“I do trust you, Aemond. It’s just…as I said, dragons are fickle, unpredictable, wild.”
“I can assure you that I have full control over Vhagar.” He pushes the chair behind him and stands before stepping closer. His hand moves to the table, and he leans over your shoulder. His silver hair drops over his frame, nearly brushing against the bare skin of your forearm. In a low, deep voice he says, “I bonded with her, claimed her, rode her with no training. The largest dragon in the known world obeys me and me only.”
Your cheeks heat as his breath ghosts over your neck. His words drip with honey, and you imagine what it would be like to hear those words said of you.
You heave a deep breath and toss him a warning glare before putting a strip of parchment in the book and snapping it closed. You sneak a glance at the clock in the corner of the room and gasp when you realize the time of night. Before you can protest any more, Aemond holds out his hand, his open palm beckoning you forward.
Evidently his persuasion doesn’t just work on Vhagar because at the single command, you too obey him.
He pulls you into one of the Red Keep’s secret passages, tugging you along through an unfamiliar maze of shadowed halls and steps. You follow blindly, realizing just how much you’ve allowed yourself to trust him. And wondering if it’s a good idea. What feels like an eternity later, you step outside into the chilled night air. A quick glance around allowed you to guess at where you are, and you’re proved correct as you eye the massive stone structure before you. The Dragonpit.
You’ve never been inside. You’ve never needed to until now. And you’re in absolute awe of the entire place, craning your neck to take in as much as you can. Once inside the main hall, Aemond gestures for you to wait as he retreats into the shadows.
You aren’t quite sure what to expect. You envision dragons as harsh, violent beings, but Aemond talks about them as though they’re household pets. Trying to imagine Vhagar like a common dog is impossible. Though you’re doing your best to focus on the beautiful craftsmanship of the building, you keep noticing alarming features like ash-stained walls, talon marks slashed through stone, crumbling marble columns.
Aemond’s voice startles you to a jump. Your head whips to the side to find that he’s snuck up behind you and is standing less than a foot away. He smirks again as you nervously chuckle and nod. When he angles his gaze toward one of the archways, you follow it.
“Māzigon, Vhagar,” Aemond says firmly. He’d used one of the few High Valyrian words you know the meaning of. [come]
You gulp as the lumbering giant moves into the firelight, her massive wings swaying from side to side with each step. Although there is plenty to take in, your eyes immediately latch onto the giant rows of sharp teeth. Vhagar snarls as she prowls forward. An acrid, foul smelling burst of hot air surrounds you - her breath. As the dragon stalks toward you, you can feel your body instinctively shrinking back. You inch closer and closer to Aemond. The beast comes to a pause before you, its nostrils flared.
“Y/N,” Aemond announces, lifting his chin proudly. “May I present the largest dragon in the world. My dragon.”
“She’s…lovely,” you quickly respond. You really hate the way Vhagar’s orange eyes are trained unwaveringly on you.
“Would you like to touch her?”
There he goes again, talking as if he had just presented you with a standard house cat, no larger than a small child. You glance over at Aemond, tilting your head.
“D-do they like to be pet? I hadn’t really thought of them that way.”
“Like it, not so much. But she’ll tolerate it,” he leans closer, offering a sinister crooked smile, “if I command her to.”
A tingle ricochets down your spine. You’re sure he’s just poking fun and, after all, he's talking about Vhagar. But you cannot deny that you, again, pretend you’re the one he’s playing with. You shake yourself out of your head and shrug.
“Alright then. How do you suggest I do this?”
“Lift your hand, flat palm, facing her. I’ll have her come to you. Oh, and try not to move, pet.”
You nod and take a deep breath before extending your arm as far as it will go and positioning your hand as instructed. Aemond steps forward in front of you, waving Vhagar forward.
“Māzigon, Vhagar,” Aemond repeats.
With a huff of hot air and a low growl, Vhagar begins to walk forward. It takes most of your willpower not to shy away. Aemond turns, standing to the side of you and Vhagar as the dragon inches closer and closer to your outstretched arm. She pauses just a few inches from your fingers. You freeze, unsure how to proceed. After a few moments of awkward silence, Aemond speaks.
“You can touch her now,” he teases. “She won’t come closer, you’ll have to meet her halfway.”
“I…right,” you mutter but remain still.
Aemond chuckles, circling around to stand behind you. Once again, he leans closer to you, his voice sounding sweet in your ear as he says, “I told you before, there’s no need to fear her. I have complete control. She won’t harm you.”
You know he’s probably right, but you still can’t bring yourself to move a muscle. You will every fiber of your being to obey you, to reach forward and touch the thing in front of you. But you can’t. More silent moments pass.
Suddenly, you feel the warmth of Aemond’s broad hand as it flattens on the small of your back. You arch your spine in response, startled yet electrified by his gentle touch. His other hand moves to wrap around your forearm, and his body molds around the outside of yours. With careful movements, he pushes your arm forward. Vhagar jerks, tossing her head with a growl. Aemond stops abruptly.
“Manda, Vhagar,” he says quietly. “Manda.” [gentle]
Vhagar huffs but lowers her head just enough for Aemond to guide your stretched palm onto her forehead. You release a breath, smiling despite yourself.
The feeling of her scales is strange - not how you expected. She is smooth and hot, like the ceramic surface of a warm teacup. You giggle, feeling almost giddy at the fact that you’re petting a real dragon as if it were a pup. You marvel at her, running your fingers over her broad head.
“She’s very important to you, isn’t she?” you ask, the thought escaping your lips before you really have the chance to stop it.
A few moments of silence pass before he replies, “Yes. She was…”
His voice fades but you nudge him with your shoulder.
“She was what?”
He heaves a sigh.
“A way to prove myself. To show everyone that I'm not to be passed over simply because I am the second son.”
You nod, your fingers still trailing over Vhagar’s scales.
“While I cannot understand the feeling, I can imagine how difficult it must be,” you reply. “Particularly when your older brother is someone like Aegon, who avoids his responsibilities like a sickness. When you are the one training, studying. It cannot be easy. But she is a very fine dragon, indeed. One you’ve earned. Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For trusting me. For sharing her with me.”
You’re still so fascinated by the texture of her scales and blurred by the sound of your nervous heart pounding in your ears that it takes you a moment to realize Aemond’s palm sliding up your arm to cover your own hand. Your smile fades.
He’s never touched you before. Not like this - not so…intentionally, sweetly. You turn your head back to glance up at him and are surprised to find him staring down at you. His parted lips and furrowed eyebrows make your knees feel weak. His hand slips onto your wrist, pulling your touch away from Vhagar. He guides you to face him and wraps his free hand around your other wrist. You don’t resist as your gaze drops down to his lips and then returns to his eyes.
“Qrīdrughagon.” [leave, away]
He doesn’t even bother to look at Vhagar as he speaks the command. With his hands secured firmly around your wrists, he gazes down at you. His thumb brushes along your skin, almost in time with your rapid heartbeat. You dare to look into his stormy eye once again, doing your best to seem enticing but not desperate. Though, by the gods do you feel it.
“I knew you would understand, pet. You’ve always seemed to understand me. No one else ever tries like you.”
He lifts a hand, brushing his knuckles across your cheekbone. Your eyes close in contentment at the sensation of his touch on your skin. When his finger hooks under your chin, you raise your face willingly. Aemond guides you toward him, your noses touching. Your hand slides onto his chest, a fist curling around the leather fabric of his tunic. His breath is hot and fast on your mouth. You release an involuntary gasp.
And then his lips crash onto you, slipping in between yours. When your mouths separate, he wastes no time coming back to you. He angles his head to reach you better as his grip slips from your face to curve around your waist. His other hand, still encircling your wrist, pulls your hand toward his chest and holds it tightly against his heart. His lips move expertly on yours. He pushes against you, and you meet his energy to deepen the kiss. You can feel his grasp tightening, his fingers clutching the material of the fabric on your back. The pressure sends your back into an arch and presses your chest flush against his. He begins to drag his fistfull of your clothes upward. You separate, breathless. But your fingers grip at his tunic, refusing to let him move any further away. He chuckles breathily and moves to attach his lips to yours again. A loud snort from Vhagar startles you, and you jerk back from one another.
“Oh…” you muse and chuckle quietly.
“I should take her back,” he says, breathlessly.
You smooth your hair as Aemond glares at Vhagar. He releases you but not before lifting your hand, curled tightly around his, to his lips and pressing a chaste kiss to your fingers. He steps away to take care of his dragon. With his back to you, he glances over his shoulder. His chest still rises and falls heavily as his eyes flick up and down your frame, the ghost of a wicked smile playing on his lips.
“Troublesome girls, the both of you,” he says teasingly.
When you return to your private chamber the next morning after breakfast, you find a small, stuffed dragon with greenish-blue bronze scales and a handwritten note, which reads:
𝒯𝑜 𝓂𝓎 𝓅𝓇𝒾𝓏𝑒𝒹 𝓅𝑒𝓉. 𝐹𝑜𝓇 𝓉𝓇𝓊𝓈𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓂𝑒. 𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓁𝑒𝓉𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓂𝑒 𝓈𝒽𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝒽𝑒𝓇 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝓎𝑜𝓊.
— 𝒜.
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tags: wanna be tagged?
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astroismypassion · 1 year
Astrology observations 🌸🌸🌸
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Credit goes to my Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
🌸If you have Virgo Venus, you could feel like you can have the most rewarding, stable partnerships with people who have a 6th house Synastry with you. If you are Taurus Venus, you could resonate more with 2nd house Synastry. If you have Cancer Venus, you connect best with people you have 4th house Synastry with.
🌸I noticed with Mars in the 12th house Synastry is that the Mars person (who most often has secret feelings for the house person) is more "spiritual" about the connection. They have this "if it's meant to be, it will be" passive approach towards starting the connection.
🌸Venus sextile/trine Neptune in a Synastry chart means that Venus person is easily inspired by the Neptune person, hence being more creative. Meanwhile, Neptune person could have material, financial benefits from Venus person, such as getting more lavish, expensive gifts, free dinner, more clothing etc.
🌸In Synastry, when one person's Saturn is negatively aspecting the other person's North Node, they North Node person can feel like this person is slowing down their life purpose and career. North Node person feels like Saturn person wants them to prioritize them and relationship they have with them (starting a family for example, being more present in the connection) rather than their career goals and life purpose.
🌸If both people end up dating their Saturn sign, they view each other as trophies or like a most prized possession. If you have Pisces Saturn, you could see your partner with Pisces Sun as a trophy.
🌸I'm noticing a pattern that I'm starting to develop in a little theory. Often men who have for example Gemini Sun mum, often go for women who have Gemini Moon in their chart. Or if their mum is Taurus Sun, they pick a woman who has Taurus Moon.
🌸Often times people who have Scorpio over the 4th house tend to overshare and claim they are "an open book", when in reality you don't really know much about them personally or what is happening with them or their life.
🌸People who have Mars in the 9th house LOVE to travel (especially long-distance), but I noticed with them, they at some point have this weird, unique, "rebel" phase when they just rebel against travel and kind of don't want to leave their home or hometown that they are used to.
🌸Libra Moon can get pregnant, expect a baby with a person that is already married.
🌸You can start feeling like they brought you closer to who you truly are at your core level around the sign over your 8th house. Like you become more you through the connection with this person, not necessarily "lose" yourself in the connection.
🌸 Partners of women who have Virgo Mars always admire their woman’s modesty and how humbke they are.
🌸People with Scorpio or Aries over the 4th house might really like the gym, but also kinda dislike themselves for how much take actually enjoy it.
🌸 For fitness motivation always look at the people who share their Sun sign with your Mars sign. For example: if you have Scorpio Mars, you might be really interested in a workout routine of a Scorpio Sun, such as Kendall Jenner. If you have Cancer Mars, you might want Cancer Sun Gisele Bündchen to leak her workout routine. The same goes for if you want to have a personal trainer, it’s best if this person has Sun sign of your Mars sign, because they will be able to motivate you better than others.
🌸 Gemini Juno could have a partner that diets or often does cleanses.
🌸 People who have Neptune Ascendant aspect might view the gym as a sanctuary or like personal therapy.
🌸 Young musicians who have Capricorn Venus make songs that even the elderly like to listen.
🌸 In Synastry Venus opposite Mars can mean that Venus person can act differently at home with their Mars partner versus when they are in the public with them. While Mars person is always their authentic self at all times.
🌸 People who have Cancer or Capricorn over the 8th house could attract a partner that acts like their mother (in case of Cancer over the 8th house) or their father (in the case of Capricorn over the 8th house).
🌸 Pisces Mercury and Neptune aspect Mercury can sometimes be mentally quite lazy or passive. They would rather challenge themselves to do a task, chore physically than mentally. For example, they would rather learn how to skate than learn biology.
🌸Capricorn, Pisces, Aries and Libra Moons are prone to be more emotionally insecure, especially when in a partnership. That's why they need validation on a daily basis or often.
Credit goes to my Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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hisui-dreamer · 5 months
ode to the lonesome prince
Pairing: Malleus Draconia x gn!reader
Synopsis: you adored him so much you would stand by his side no matter what
Tags: drabble, fluff, slightly poetic hehe, reader is a simp for malleus
Word count: 683
Notes: happy birthday dragon boi!! im so sorry im so late🥹 i wrote more especially for you and i promise ill give you another fic soon!!!
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Your lover is an enigma to those who perceive him from a distance. The powerful aura that surrounds him is something you've come to see through. His calm and respectful yet cold tone has become a language only a few, including yourself, have learned to decipher. In his presence, you've unearthed layers of vulnerability and passion, discovering the intricate mosaic of emotions that make him who he is. And with each revelation, your connection grows stronger, bridging the gap between the mysterious exterior and the tender heart within.
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Your lover is unwavering in his commitment to always give his best, navigating through life with an oblivious charm. Despite his best intentions, there are moments when he may inadvertently cause harm or make mistakes. Yet, what sets him apart is the sincerity with which he approaches apologies, never shying away from acknowledging his fault. He instead offers heartfelt apologies, demonstrating a genuine desire to make amends and ensure that your feelings are heard and respected. It's this combination of genuine effort and a sincere willingness to rectify any missteps that makes your relationship a harmonious dance of understanding and growth.
Your lover transforms into a delightful and childlike enthusiast whenever the conversation veers towards gargoyles. It's as if a spark ignites within him, and suddenly, his eyes light up with unbridled excitement. The usually composed demeanour gives way to a genuine, infectious joy. With each word, he paints a vivid picture of the stone guardians, their intricate details, and the stories they silently hold. His enthusiasm is palpable, and you can't help but be swept away by the sheer delight he radiates. There's a charm in the way he talks about gargoyles, turning a seemingly mundane subject into a respected figure.
Your lover is a fountain of kindness, his generosity flowing endlessly like a river nourishing the parched earth. Whether it's a small enchantment to brighten a mundane day or a grand display of magical prowess to make a special occasion memorable, he’s always eager to take action if it means a smile may find its way on your face. What sets him apart is his remarkable ability to remember the intricacies of your preferences, as though each detail is etched into his consciousness. Whether it's a favourite flower, a cherished book, or a specific type of tea, he effortlessly incorporates these nuances into his gestures of kindness, as if he holding a key to the chambers of your heart.
Your lover possesses a profound sense of possessiveness, a quality that perhaps stems from his draconic instincts. In the intricate dance of emotions, he is fiercely protective of the bonds he forges, especially those that pierce through the walls of his solitude. The possessiveness is not born out of malice but rather from a deep-seated fear of losing the connections he painstakingly nurtures. When it comes to those he cares about, his grip is firm, an unspoken declaration that he would go to great lengths to shield them from the unpredictable currents of the magical world.
You love how he cherishes you with a devotion akin to a dragon safeguarding its most prized treasure. When it comes to those he cares about, his grip is firm, an unspoken declaration that he would go to great lengths to shield them from the unpredictable currents of the world. There's a warmth in the gaze he reserves for you, a flame that flickers with unwavering commitment. In the warmth of his possessive embrace, there lies an unyielding commitment to safeguarding the treasures he has allowed into the sanctum of his heart. And like a dragon yearning for a trusted companion, you long to wrap him in the same sense of security and love.
Your lover may often seem distant from others, but you find yourself consistently eager to stand by his side, becoming his steadfast companion and introducing him to the little joys of life. It’s by his side, that you feel at home and where you’re meant to be.
Your lover, is none other than Malleus Draconia.
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kingkatsuki · 5 months
omg arranged marriage with dragon king bakugo 😱 imagine you’re a princess from far far away and you’ve heard of the brutality of the dragon king, known for his skills in battle and showing no mercy. You don’t want to be betrothed to such a brute from the dragon lands! you enjoy the crisp air, the twinkling streams and your silken garments. You’re quite spoilt really with your silky hair and soft skin, draped in the finest of fabrics. Such a contrast to katsuki when you meet him at first. Hair coarse and spiked, skin hardened like leather, brash voice and abrasive personality, not a speck of manners to be seen. And their clothing?? leather, furs, dragon skin and skulls; showing off their chiselled forms, how could anyone live like this? with the humid air and suffocating heat. You smile, in politeness only. And he despises you. You’re such a pretty little thing, so fragile.. yet such a fucking brat. You’ve had it so easy, never had to claw your way to the top, fight tooth and nail to survive, so peaceful in your ivory tower. and something something idek I got carried away!!
- 🎀
You were the most prized possession from your Kingdom, but Bakugou would’ve rather taken riches or land to form an allegiance, this just seems like a burden.
He sets an area up for you in his Kingdom, gives you everything you desire to live comfortably and it’s like he just leaves you to it. Makes no effort to say good morning or goodnight, doesn’t eat with you, spend time with you, wash with you or even lay with you at night. Despite the fact that you’re now bonded— it’s about as loveless as an arrangement like this can get.
You suppose you should be thankful, glad that he’s not living up to his reputation by claiming you as his each night or throwing you around, staking his mark and claim on you— but for some reason you’re not.
You spend your days reading, arranging the flowers that your maids bring you each week as they brighten up the dreary, cold four walls you spend most of your time inside. The only times you leave them is to wander around the grounds, admiring the plants that grow here. The flowers made for harsher conditions compared to your homeland, the ones thriving where yours wouldn’t survive.
It’s not until one afternoon that Mina is bringing you in a fresh bouquet to replace the ones beginning to wilt, asking her to leave the petals so you can flatten and seal them in the pages of your books. Your fingertips tracing the new stems as she helps you clip their thorns and you ask where she picked them.
“Oh, I didn’t pick them.” She smiles knowingly, as you look at her in confusion. If she didn’t pick them who did?
“The King noticed how much you loved flowers in your homeland,” She smiles, “He brings these back each week from his hunts, picked especially for you.”
You wonder why a man so cold, so brash would waste his time picking flowers for you when it’s so far from what you picture him to be. Nothing like the stories that circulated your Kingdom about a callous, cruel leader.
“He’s not all bad, you know,” Mina places a warm hand on your shoulder as she leaves you to arrange the stems inside the vase.
“How did he even know I liked flowers?”
“He saw you walking the grounds and picking out flowers. He actually asked Kirishima to try and plant some more for you too, the flowers from your climate would never survive here so he was discussing perhaps a greenhouse.”
“Why would he do that for me when he hates me?” Raising a brow in confusion as you smoothed your fingers over the pointed leaves.
“It might not seem like it, but he does care.” Mina smiled as she exited your room.
And this is the first evening where you actually desire to leave your room, walking the halls in search of your husband—
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Unravelling the Pact
After back-to-back missions, you and the boys finally get some downtime. Enjoying the nightlife on Coruscant, a stranger is all too willing to dance with you, leading to the boys making a decision that will change everything. Pre-Echo.
Pairing: All Batch x f!reader
Word count: 3.6K.
Rating: 18+ MINORS DNI!!
Warnings: dancing with a stranger in a club, grinding, possessive Batch (but in a non-toxic way), bickering brothers, small insult from a stranger, flirting, pet names, communication and consent are sexy, discussion of poly, first kiss, roaming hands, I guess this counts as friends to lovers?
A/N: I'll die on the hill that Tech and Cross are tube twins, and that Wrecker is a smart/emotionally intelligent man.
This can be read as a stand-alone or as a prequel to Painted Pretty.
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The loud music drowned out the sounds of the city outside, the dancefloor vibrating under your feet from the heavy bass as you moved to the beat.
Nearby, tucked in a booth, the boys kept an eye on you. Dancing wasn’t really their thing, especially after the string of back-to-back missions you’d all been running, but that hadn’t stopped you from wanting to let loose a little more. You’d dragged them out of the hotel, having splurged a little on some rooms with comfortable beds during this period of shore leave, knowing you all needed some R&R.
You’d found an okay-looking club where the boys didn’t draw too much attention – they didn’t look like Regs, which opened up a world of new possibilities, especially once they donned their civilian clothes. Drinks were decently priced, and the floor wasn’t sticky, both of which were a win in your books. You could feel the weight of their gazes on you occasionally, but you paid them little mind. That was their prerogative if they wanted to be sourpusses and stay in the booth.
A year you’d been with them, traversing the galaxy, trying desperately to keep them safe. As their civilian handler, you fed them missions and made sure they came back in one piece – the Kaminoans couldn’t have anything happen to their prized experimental unit, after all – and surprisingly, it hadn’t taken long for them to warm up to you, for you to become one of them. The black Aurebesh ‘99’ Crosshair had inked on your wrist six months ago, while the others crowded around and watched, was a constant reminder of that.
“Uh oh, incoming,” Wrecker grumbled, eyes watching as someone made a beeline through the bar towards you. 
All eyes at the table snapped in your direction. Hunter’s jaw clenched, Tech’s fingers tightened around his datapad, Wrecker sat up straighter, and Crosshair’s eyes narrowed at the man approaching you.
Clammy hands on your waist spooked you a little, and you turned to find the culprit. “You look a little lonely out here.” The man who’d approached you spoke. He was a little taller than you and couldn’t be more than a few years older, with tousled blonde hair and green eyes. His smile was warm, as was his body as he pressed closer. “Dance with me.” He insisted, shifting behind you, sliding an arm around your waist to pull your back to his chest and your ass to his crotch, the pair of you now moving to the beat.
At the booth, the boys bristled. Downing the last of the Corellian whiskey he’d been nursing, Crosshair stood. He could only make it one step in your direction before Hunter stopped him. “Vod.” His older brother's voice made him groan, turning back to face the table. 
Hunter shook his head. “We agreed not to interfere.” He points out.
Crosshair grits his teeth. “He’s got his hands on her.” He hisses out, sparing a glance over his shoulder in your direction.
“And she doesn’t seem to mind,” Hunter states, even though it kills him inside to admit it. He was trying not to listen to your fluttering heartbeat or the flirtatious words being whispered in your ear by the stranger, but you were like a damn honing beacon, and he couldn’t tune it out. 
“I mind,” Crosshair answers sharply, narrowed brown eyes focused on his oldest brother.
Hunter sighs quietly. Crosshair’s distrust of outsiders and his jealous streak had always been an issue. It was a miracle he’d taken to you so quickly a year ago - Hunter had been sure they’d go through countless handlers as the war progressed.
Frustration flashed in Crosshair’s eyes. “She’s ours.” He states.
“We agreed.” Hunter leans forward in his seat, silently imploring his brother to sit back down and shut up. Ever since they’d been old enough to talk, they’d formed pacts. And when you’d joined them, a new pact had been added to the list. 
Pact 52. None of them would make a move on you, regardless of the fact they wanted you. 
Your comfort was paramount, and they didn’t want to put you in an awkward position.
“You’d be fine if she went home with him?” Crosshair spits the word like it's poison, shooting a glare over his shoulder at the stranger you’re dancing with, whose hands are grasping at your body as if he’s known you his entire life. 
Hunter doesn’t have a comeback for that. He wouldn’t be okay with it. Not at all, in fact. But you’re a grown woman and he has no say in what, or who you do. If you want to spend the night in a stranger's bed, all he can hope is that you’ll leave your tracker on, insist he wraps it, and comm them if there’s a problem. 
“I would not be fine with it,” Tech interjects, his eyes shifting between his brothers, datapad long forgotten on the table. 
Hunter huffs. “We made a pact. When she joined, we agre-“
“Kriff the pact.” Crosshair spits, cutting Hunter off. “She’s not going home with him. He doesn’t know shit about her.” He presses his palms to the table as he leans down, the booth tucked away enough that no one can hear their conversation. 
The boys fall silent, each remembering the first and only time you'd gone home with a stranger. Shore leave was hard to come by, and you spent most of it with them, but you’d been up at the bar, chatting away with the barman, when you’d been approached. Hunter could still remember hearing the guy flirt with you; Wrecker could remember how he’d reached out to touch your arm. He’d bought you a cocktail you hated but had politely drank, Crosshair had noted, and you’d chatted for a little while. Then you’d disappeared with him, Tech’s datapad pinging a few minutes after you’d left with a message not to wait up for you. 
And in the morning, you’d come back to the Marauder smelling of that stranger, with a small hickey on your throat that you’d tried desperately to conceal. It had nearly killed them.  
“And what happens if she doesn’t want us, or only wants one of us? Could you handle that if it’s not you?” Hunter sighs as he leans back in his seat. This wasn’t a new debate – they often bickered about it – but it had never been this charged. 
Fear and jealousy rage inside of Crosshair. He didn’t want to think about that. You were theirs, and you wanted them just as much they wanted you. It was a fact.
“I-I don’t want her to go home with anyone else either.” Wrecker finally pipes up, looking awkwardly between his brothers and you. You’re still dancing with the stranger, laughing at something he’d said, eyes closed as you grind back against him. Wrecker feels an odd coil of anger in his gut that someone else has their hands on you. It’s a new feeling for him, and he doesn’t like it.
“All in favour of dissolving Pact 52.” Crosshair throws down the mantle, glancing between his brothers. He was tired of holding back. 
Tech lifts his hand a little in agreement, Wrecker following suit. But for it to be dissolved, there had to be complete consensus.
All eyes turn to Hunter, who’s staring at Crosshair like he’s gone crazy. His youngest brother could sometimes be stubborn and hard-headed, but he’d never called for a pact dissolution before. Tearing his eyes away, Hunter watches for a second as you dance with the stranger, taking in the way his hands are starting to creep down your body, how close his lips are to your neck. Fire rushes through his veins. “Go and get our girl.” He growls out his agreement, eyes swinging back to his brothers. 
Crosshair smirks in satisfaction, standing back up to full height. Dropping his toothpick onto the table, he’s on the move again, slinking through the crowd in your direction. Tech follows hot on his twins' heels, tucking his datapad back into its pouch on his belt.
Hunter sighs, watching them go, not entirely sure whether he’s just agreed to the self-destruction of his squad or the best thing to ever happen to them. All he knows is that he and his brothers are selfish and don’t want to share you with anyone else. He turns his focus to Wrecker, raising an eyebrow in silent question. 
“They can break the ice. If it don’t work and she don’t want us, we can blame them.” Wrecker explains with a grin. He wants so desperately to go to you, to put himself between you and the stranger, to feel your body pressed against his. But he also doesn’t want to overwhelm you, so he’ll sit back for now and let his younger brothers do all the leg work. 
Hunter chuckles. Taking a sip of his drink, his dark eyes watch as Crosshair and Tech reach you. 
Lost in the music, you don’t realise the boys have approached until the man behind you – Trent, you think he’d said his name was – stiffens. “Hey buddy, do you mind?” You hear him bark over the song, your eyes flying open as your hips stop moving, finding Crosshair and Tech next to you. Your brows furrow in confusion. 
“No,” Crosshair answers, his fingers tightly wrapped around the man's wrist, prying it from your body. “Scram.” He demands.
The warmth of Trent’s hand disappears from your waist, and your confusion only increases as Tech reaches for you, gently drawing you closer to them and away from Trent. 
“Hey, take your hands off her.” Trent has no idea what’s happening but tries to break free from Crosshair’s grip, worried for your safety as you’re pulled away.
“I know them, it’s okay.” You find your voice, raising a hand in a placating gesture. Trent stares at you for a beat, before his green eyes flick to Tech and Crosshair. 
“Scram,” Crosshair repeats, low and deadly, as Trent meets his gaze. 
Trent swallows. “Eh not worth it anyway.” He frowned toward the three of you, shaking his wrist free before stumbling back into the crowd and turning tail. 
Trent’s words sting a little, but before that sting can settle, deft fingers hook under your chin and tilt your head, and your focus is pulled to Tech. “You look so lovely, darling.” He coos over the music, those soft brown eyes of his skating across your face and then down your body, chasing away Trent’s insult.
You blink a few times, brain pausing. Have you died on some remote planet somewhere and been teleported to a different dimension? Pet names weren’t uncommon – the boys had them for you, and you had them for them, but they were never affectionate. They were shortened forms of names and occasionally just a descriptor. And Tech was…flirting? 
“This is new.” Crosshair’s voice slinks against your ear as one of his arms slides around your waist, and he presses against your back, right where Trent had been moments before. His free hand smoothes down the curve of your side, across the dress you’d treated yourself to and had delivered to the hotel. Life in armour had made you appreciate the rare chance to dress up.
Your confusion only doubles. “If you two don’t tell me the hell is going on, I will purposefully snap every toothpick between here and Kamino and put viruses on all our datapads.” You threaten.
Crosshair glances up, catching Tech’s gaze. They communicate silently, the strange phenomenon you’d witnessed a handful of times over the last year. 
“Will you join us back at the table, please, darling? There is something we wish to talk to you about.” Tech finally answers your question.
Curious, you nod, letting them lead you back across the dance floor to the booth. Crosshair slides in first, Tech’s hand on your back guiding you in next, and then he sits, keeping you safe between them. “Is something wrong?” You ask, now more worried than confused as you look between all four brothers. 
“No, cyar’ika,” Hunter answers, the smokiness of his voice making the new pet name sound sinful, and you blink a little quickly at it, unable to control the strange thud of your heart. 
Silence sits with the five of you for a moment, the four men communicating with glances before Hunter leans in a little. “Were you planning on going home with him?” He asks, genuinely curious.
The question stuns you, and a small flare of annoyance erupts in your chest. “That’s none of your business.” You answer calmly.
Hunter gives a slight nod of his head, conceding the point. Taking a deep breath, he leans back in his seat and rethinks his approach. “It suits you.” He comments, unable to stop his gaze from dropping, from taking in how breathtaking you look in that little dress. 
Heat rises in your cheeks. Another compliment on your appearance. You weren’t used to this – usually, you only received them for your work, for a mission well done. “T-Thank you.” You stammer out. 
Satisfaction crosses Hunter’s face. “You’re important to us, you know that, right?” He asks, wanting to ensure that as this conversation progresses, you know they’re not just after frivolous fun.
Brows drawing downward, you nod. Under the table, you feel Crosshair’s slender fingers turn your hand over, the pads of his fingers gliding over the ink he’d etched into your skin. On your other side, you feel Tech lifting a hand, reaching out to tuck an errant strand of your hair – fallen loose while dancing – behind your ear. 
If Crosshair’s touch had given you a rough idea of where this was going, Tech’s actions took it to a new level. It was as subtle as a Rancor in a den of antiquities. A strange sensation settles in your stomach, growing as you glance at Hunter again. The look in his eyes confirms your suspicions, and you swallow thickly.
They want you. 
After a year of pining for them, resigning yourself to the friend zone, they want you. A million thoughts and questions rush through your mind, none of them sticking or answered. But if they want you, then there's something you need to say.
“No.” You state, catching the way Crosshair’s fingers pause, all four sets of brown eyes staring at you as you glance around the booth. For a moment, you can’t believe you have these incredible men wrapped around your little finger, hanging on your every word. “I wasn’t going to go home with him.” You clarify, eyes swinging back to Hunter, though you don’t miss the way all four brothers quietly let out the breaths they’d been holding. “Wasn’t my type anyway.” You tack on as your eyes betray you and dip for a nanosecond down to Hunter’s lips. 
What would it be like to kiss him? Or Wrecker? Tech? Crosshair? 
The fingers around your wrist tighten, and you glance down to watch the action, missing the look that Crosshair and Tech share across you. The air seems to vibrate with unspoken words. 
Tech broke the silence, leaning in, his voice a soft caress. “That is excellent news, darling.”
Tilting your head, you glanced his way, taking in all the details you adored – the sharp angles of his jawline and nose, expressive brown eyes, and lips that looked oh-so-soft.
A light bump against your foot pulls your attention away from the genius, eyes darting to where a large boot is pressed against the side of your heels. Eyes drifting up, Wrecker offers you a fond smile as you meet his gaze. Heart hammering, you know you can’t keep them waiting.
Crosshair’s fingers are now skirting around your wrist, drawing lazy patterns as Tech rests a hand under the table against your thigh, fingers splayed and curling around you – steady and comforting. 
“It’s your choice, cyar’ika.” Hunter captures your attention, understanding this is a pivotal moment for you all and could change everything. He decides to lay their cards on the table. “We’d like you to be ours. But we understand that’s a lot to ask. We’ve shared everything in life except a woman. You’re the first we want, so there might be bumps along the way – nothing we can’t work through.” He notes. “The feelings aren’t new, either. It’s…well…we’ve wanted you since you joined us.” 
All this time, they’ve wanted you, and you’ve wanted them. All this time, you could’ve been... “Then why now?” You question.
“It hurt, thinkin’ you’d be going home with that guy,” Wrecker answers before the others could, a large hand rubbing at the nape of his neck. “And it’s gettin’ real hard to keep pretending.” He shrugs, hand falling from his neck. “But we’ll keep doin’ it if this ain’t what you want. You’re our priority.” Wrecker is hasty to add. 
You’d never been someone’s priority before, and it comforted you knowing they’d immediately back off if you said the word. You reach across the table with your free hand, sliding it into Wrecker’s to link your fingers with his. Holding the big man's gaze, you give a small nod. “I want this.” You decide. “All of you.” You clarify, glancing around at the four brothers, watching as delight and surprise crosses their faces. “The feeling isn’t new, either.” You mimic Hunter’s words as a year’s worth of weight lifts off your chest. You know there’s a lot more to discuss and many things to work out to keep things fair, but making your intentions clear is a good start.
Crosshair’s grip around your wrist tightens, and you turn your head towards him. Longing and desire swirl in his hawkish gaze.
You only have a moment to commit his expression to memory before you feel the soft brush of his lips against your own, like the fragile wings of a butterfly alighting on a delicate flower. It was barely there, an exploration of the unknown, but it ignited a spark that threatened to consume you both. Eyes closing, you surrendered to the moment, and your lips met again, this time with more urgency and hunger as the bar's sounds faded.   
“Hey, that’s not fair!” Wrecker protested, scowling at his youngest brother. 
Hunter held out a hand, silencing him. Dark eyes focused on your face, and then on the way your shoulders dropped as you relaxed into the kiss, how your chest rose and fell a little quicker with each breath, and the gorgeous curve of your throat as Crosshair used his free hand to tilt your chin for a better angle to deepen the kiss. Senses tuning in on you, Hunter picked up on your rapid heartbeat. His nostrils flared, your sweet scent coming into focus even under the layers of other smells from the bar. With every second the kiss continued, your scent became sharper. 
Catching Tech and Wrecker’s eyes, Hunter tipped his head toward the rest of the bar. The three brothers pushed out of the booth in sync, leaving you in Crosshair’s capable hands while they grabbed your jacket from the coatroom, flagged down a taxi, and settled the tab at the bar. 
Lips still pressed to Crosshair’s, you gasp at the feeling of a warm hand on your back, reluctantly pulling away and opening your eyes, turning to see who’s touching you. Your gaze lands on Tech just as Crosshair’s lips find purchase on your jaw, trailing down your throat. A whine of pleasure slides out before you can stop it, and you watch as Tech swallows thickly at the noise, offering out a hand to you. 
Shakily, you take it, enjoying the contact as your heart races, every nerve alight as you’re guided out of the booth, and you hear Crosshair grumble as he slides out after you. 
“You only got away with that because you are the youngest.” Tech chides him, though the bite to his words is lacking. If anything, he’s jealous his brother took the opportunity before he could. In return, Crosshair offers him a trademark smirk, placing a fresh toothpick between his lips, not at all remorseful. 
The two of them escort you through the club – Tech leading you by the hand with Crosshair bringing up the rear, the warmth of the sniper's hand pressed against your lower back.  
As you step out into the city, your jacket is placed across your shoulders before you can feel a pinch of chill, strong hands guiding you towards a taxi Wrecker had flagged down, the gentle giant holding the door open for you. 
The five of you cram in. Hunter is pressed to your right, Wrecker to your left, while Crosshair and Tech take opposite seats. A tanned, tattooed hand lands on your right thigh as the taxi pulls away and into the night sky, deceptively soft fingers drawing slowly up to the hem of your dress, the red fabric pushed aside oh so gently as those same fingers curl around your body and hold on to you. 
You’re so caught up watching Hunter’s hand roam across your body that you’re startled ever so slightly as Wrecker’s large paw starts doing the same to your left thigh. A low chuckle from Tech has your eyes flicking across the dimly lit cabin, catching the wisps of amusement and desire on his face.
“That little heart of yours is racing, mesh’la.” The smoky rasp of Hunter’s voice ghosts against your ear as he leans closer, making you feel like you’re about to combust. You have no idea how this will work or how the night will end. What you know is that you trust them implicitly and can’t wait to have your hands on them.
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viviennevermillion · 1 year
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5 Love Languages ♡
notes: might write these for all dorms if i have the stamina. if you would like to be notified when i post works for your favorite characters, you can join my taglist. also feel free to commission me! Also everytime I write anything for Lilia I have to physically stop myself from turning it into the angstiest shit I have ever written.
prompt: how they express the 5 love languages and how they like to receive love in return
contains: diasomnia x gn!reader
warnings: none
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𝕄𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕦𝕤 𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕚𝕒 ♡
╰┈➤ Words of Affirmation
Malleus is one of the most verbally affectionate people in the cast. He may not be as in tune with his own emotions, but once he's aware of his feelings for you, he knows well to put them into words. He has this old-fashioned, sometimes almost poetic way of speaking and he doesn't even need to try very hard to make your heart beat faster. Like, just look at his lines in canon. "You're not afraid of me but I'm starting to become afraid...of losing you".....once you're dating him it's this x5. He'll take your hands into his and tell you that you make his heart flutter and that he wants nothing more but to spend the rest of his long, long life with you. He notices all the little things about you that he finds beautiful and he doesn't hesitate to tell you.
Malleus loves being on the receiving end of compliments as well. It boosts his mood instantly to have you gush over him or go on a tangent about how much you adore him. Malleus sucks up compliments and affection like a sponge. He'll have the softest smile on his face when you cup his face and tell him he means the world to you. He takes your hand into his and presses soft appreciative kisses to your knuckles. Malleus is whipped for you and the second your relationship is no longer a secret everyone will notice.
╰┈➤ Quality Time
Malleus loves spending time with you. Quality Time with him is the foundation of your relationship and the whole reason you even got this far with him. After centuries of being alone, Malleus adores having someone who will just ask him to hang out with them like it's second nature and he won't hesitate to seek you out either when he has an idea for how to spend your day together. This goes without saying but Malleus would love to take you on long nightly walks under the stars and hold your hand; exploring his favorite ruins and explaining every gargoyle he sees to you. You expressing interest in him and listening to his words with your utmost attention was what touched his heart first and it never fails to make him grateful for your presence in his life. Malleus is also up for almost any date ideas you bring to the table. He has much to explore about this world and what better way to do this than with the person he loves? He's curious and attentive. As your lover it's self-evident for him to learn more about your hobbies and engage with you in the things you're passionate about. His interest in your life is nothing half-hearted and you can bet he's getting just as excited as you about the things that matter to you.
╰┈➤ Gifts
Malleus likes to give you gifts as well. It's custom for dragon fae to give their lover prized possessions such as gemstones and jewelry, but Malleus has a very different understanding of what a valuable gift is than most fae engaging in this method of courting. So you'll get expensive jewels alongside a photo of his favorite gargoyle and a broken chandelier he found in an abandoned building. Sometimes you don't really know what to do with the gifts he gives you but he insists that once you become his consort you can have your own dragon hoard and just put everything there.
He treasures every gift you give him as well, no matter what it is. But he is especially weak for gifts where he can tell that you put a lot of thought into it. Something personal, adjusted to his interests. A modern book about gargoyles or a beautiful ice cream cup. He'll thank you and press a kiss to your lips gently, reminding you that he loves you and that you're the greatest gift he could ask for.
╰┈➤ Acts of Service
Don't let him. At least not in the beginning of the relationship when he's not as attuned to your needs yet. Because we know how Malleus trying to do things for other people usually turns out...acts of service from this man could be anything from a mild inconvenience to a magical safety hazard. He has the best intentions but the worst approaches.
Once he becomes aware of those shortcomings, he makes a point of asking you directly how he could support you. He will accompany you to tasks and appointments that stress you if you so wish, as well as use his magic to make life easier for you if you tell him that he can. It'll take him a while to not mess it up but he'll try for you.
Malleus generally doesn't see a need for you to assist him in anything while at Night Raven College, as he can do most of his tasks easily with magic. He still chuckles at your attempts to do so and feels flattered though. When you become his consort, Malleus treasures when you support him in his duties as prince and later king. Sometimes you'll personally bring him a few snacks and a cup of black coffee when he's busy with his documents. He'll thank you and presses a soft kiss to your lips, smiling against them and squeezing your hand gently, offering that you may seek him out if you need any assistance with your share of the work as well.
╰┈➤ Physical Touch
Malleus is touch-starved so he will happily take you up on the offer to touch you, if you allow him. When you two are alone, he'll be snuggled close to you or at least has an arm wrapped around you or holds your hand.
He'll let you touch his horns. They're quite sensitive and he'll close his eyes, letting out a soft sigh as you work your magic. When he's stressed or something upset him, he loves to rest his head in your lap and have you card your fingers through his hair and gently caress his horns.
Malleus also loves when you kiss the markings on his forehead. It's a silent promise for dragon fae that one intends to stay by their side forever. Malleus takes this gesture as an unspoken sign of your devotion and he'll reciprocate it, even if you don't have any dragon markings.
He loves to be snuggled up in bed with you or take a nice warm bath, kissing you softly for as long as you let him. He loves to spoil you with his affection and receive yours in turn.
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╰┈➤ Words of Affirmation
Lilia has his own, sometimes strange way of reminding you verbally just how much you matter to him. He always expresses his love for you in words when you least expect it; often by using unusual analogies and sentences that aren't very direct but still make it clear that he's speaking from his heart and out of genuine adoration for you.
Lilia is used to taking care of others; having served Briar Valley for centuries as well as having raised both Malleus and Silver. His love for you will shine through the most in moments where he's worried about you or scolds you playfully. He'll float if necessary, putting a hand at the back of your head and letting you bury your head in his chest. He'll look down at you with a peaceful smile of such pure devotion and fondness you don't get to see that often, softly telling you not to worry too much or to be more careful. He presses a kiss to your forehead as a reminder that he's always there when you need him.
Lilia can be a tease when he's on the receiving end for compliments. He'll usually laugh it off. "Khee hee, you flatter me", he'd chuckle and press a kiss to your cheek. But sometimes you'll see him respond with a sly smirk. "You think this getup suits me? Well, tell me all about it, won't you?", he lowers his pitch, maybe whispers in your ear or nibbles at your lips gently. Though, his teasing demeanor quickly shifts back to a hearty laugh when he sees that he has made you flustered. "Hehe, I didn't mean to fluster you", he lies. He absolutely meant to do that.
╰┈➤ Quality Time
Even though Lilia has been on this earth for a very long time, he still treasures the time he gets to spend with the people he loves and you're no exception to that. Sometimes you may underestimate how much all these small moments shared with you mean to him, especially with how casually he tends to talk about him, but those are the things he'll remember most when his final day does come.
Lilia loves to share the things he finds fun with you. He'll let you sit on his lap (or sit on yours) when he's gaming online and let you watch, explaining the game to you so you can share the experience together. He'll totally be up for playing games with you if you'd like to get the game yourself. He's the kind of man who's super welcoming to new players and willing to help you out whenever you need it.
He'll also offer to cook with you. If you are brave enough to let him into a kitchen while you're preparing a meal, you better keep a watchful eye on him to make sure he doesn't put any "special ingredients" into the dish that he thinks would "spice it up". Sometimes he'll be very insistent about doing things his way and assures you repeatedly that he has ways to improve the recipe tremendously. Pay no mind to suggestions like "Are you sure we don't want the oyster sauce in there?" or "Shouldn't we leave the gratin in the oven for a bit longer? The cheese on top isn't even black yet"; for the good of everyone involved.
Lilia knows how, even for someone with a long lifespan, life can feel surprisingly short; as can the time we spend with those we care about be cut short in an instant. As someone who has seen the horrors of war and experienced loss over and over again, Lilia sees even more meaning in the fact that you've chosen to spend a significant portion of your time with him. Time is a precious resource and he'd choose to spend his on you and the children he raised over and over again.
╰┈➤ Gifts
You need to find some sort of way to get yourself out of the predicament of being given "homemade meals" by him because that stuff is inedible, if not actively toxic, but you can also tell he put a lot of effort into it, however misplaced that effort may be. He'll be so excited when he brings you the dish, waiting eagerly to see your reaction to his cooking. Only that your reaction would probably not be what he anticipated.
Other than that, Lilia has a way of finding gifts and souvenirs you would enjoy for sure, just as he does for Malleus, Silver and Sebek. He treasures every gift you give him as well, whether it's something expensive you bought or something as simple as a sloppily made acorn necklace. For Lilia, it's the thought that counts when it comes to gifts.
╰┈➤ Acts of Service
Lilia doesn't mind helping you out when you need it; assisting you in matters that may stress you out or that you may have trouble with on your own; though Lilia is someone who will also always encourage you to be brave and find your own way to tackle issues head-on. He can't always tell you how to solve a problem in a way that works for you, but when you do find out yourself, he'll be very proud of you.
Lilia insists that he doesn't need your help with anything and most of the time that is true, but that doesn't mean he doesn't appreciate your attempts at doing so anyway. And if he truly does need your assistance with something, then what you do for him will be something he'll never forget.
╰┈➤ Physical Touch
Lilia enjoys touch; especially for showing his affection to you when he can't really put it into words. You'll definitely receive headpats whenever the occasion calls for it.
He'll also let you cuddle him when you wish to do so, letting you rest your head on his chest while he has an arm wrapped around you. He'll let you fall asleep while he holds you; though Lilia tends to shift around a lot at night. Sometimes you'll wake up and find him sleeping upside down on the ceiling instead. This is normal behavior for him, don't let it deter you.
Lilia likes teasing you with his physical affection. Expect quite a few kisses on your neck and close to your earlobe. He finds it very amusing when he can fluster you. Though, his teasing is often followed by a genuine, gentle kiss to your lips or your temple, to reassure you he truly does mean all the affection he gives to you.
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╰┈➤ Words of Affirmation
Silver isn't really that good at putting his love for you into words and when he attempts to do so, he'll be quite awkward about it and maybe stumble over his words a few times. His care for you shows in the way he's willing to protect you and how he worries about you a lot. That is the one thing he never fails to tell you. That you do not have to hesitate to call for him when you need his help for anything or feel unsafe in any situation. Your comfort and well-being is so important to him and he treasures when you acknowledge his efforts at preserving those things. He loves when you tell him he's a good boyfriend and is relieved to know that he's doing everything properly when it comes to making you feel loved and cared for in the relationship; as he doesn't really have any experience with dating and was quite nervous at first.
Silver gets flustered quite easily when he's on the receiving end of compliments. Lilia teases him about it a lot when he first starts dating you. His father is going to try to play wingman for the two of you and he's having the time of his life with it. Lilia will also absolutely tell you about the sweet things Silver has said about you when you're not around. Silver doesn't really know how to respond to a lot of verbal affection, so he just tends to let his actions speak and holds you for a while or gives you a sweet kiss.
╰┈➤ Quality Time
Silver has learnt to appreciate the time he has to spend with his loved ones, especially growing up around people who will live for so much longer than he does. So he too will treasure how much time you're willing to dedicate to him.
Before he confessed to you, he was a little unsure what activities you would enjoy doing together and he was a little hesitant to suggest anything; letting you pick whenever the occasion called for it, but he starts taking the initiative more once he actually starts dating you. He'll get one of the horses from the equestrian club ready and will take you on a ride, letting you sit behind him and relishing in the feeling of your arms wrapped around him and you holding onto him for support.
Silver sometimes, as he always has a habit to in any situation, falls asleep during your time spent together and he'll feel so sorry for it. At first he's worried that you might take it as a sign that he finds your presence boring or isn't really committed to your activities together, so reassure him that you don't take it personally. He'll still feel a little guilty, but he appreciates the reassurance. He'll try his best to stay awake during your dates.
╰┈➤ Gifts
Silver is pretty classy when it comes to gift-giving. Flowers and chocolates are his go-to option along with anything you have previously expressed wanting or enjoying. When he knows you like a certain brand of tea or a type of shampoo, he gets it for you when he sees it in a store. Silver is very attentive and notices when you run out of things needed for your daily life and he has a habit of getting them for you.
Silver has a tendency to be humble when you give him gifts. "Thank you, y/n, but that really wouldn't have been necessary" and "You didn't need to go out of your way to get me anything" are not unusual sentences to come out of his mouth; even on anniversaries or Valentine's Day. He'll be a little awkward about receiving gifts from you but he does appreciate them a lot nonetheless!
He's especially fond of practical gifts. Things like new riding gear or polish for his sword. It tells him that you're paying attention to the activities he cares about and support him in his training as well as with his hobbies. Silver will thank you for your gifts with a kiss on the cheek and reminds you that he loves you very much.
╰┈➤ Acts of Service
Perhaps the most prevalent love language Silver has. I mean he's literally a prince's attendant, a guard and his motivation is dedicating his life to pay his adoptive father back for raising him. If Silver is good at any way to express love, it's acts of service and that is what he defaults to. He's always ready to get you whatever you need to be comfortable and happy; he'll protect you whenever the need arises and he is dedicated to supporting you with any situations you might struggle with.
He's so attentive and can even go a little over the top when you're not feeling well. You're sick? He'll look up how to make a nice soup for you and brings it to your bed along with however many blankets you need and a warm tea. Nervous about an upcoming event? He'll hold your hand, gently caressing the back of your hand with his thumb to reassure you that he's right here with you to support you. He'll try to find solutions to the problem to make you feel more at ease. You're crying? Silver is ready to hand you tissues and wrap his arms around you, letting you cry into his shoulder.
Silver is a giver in a relationship and acts of service is another thing he will say he doesn't need and that you don't need to go out of your way to do anything for him. He can even be a little stubborn with this. Lilia might bonk him gently and tell him to just let you spoil him for once.
╰┈➤ Physical Touch
Silver loves cuddling. He'll fall asleep very easily when he's nestled in your arms and has your fingers running through his soft hair. He'd have a smile on his face that he isn't even aware of in that moment.
His kisses are gentle and sweet most of the time, reminding you of the pure and unconditional love he has for you. You're his first love and it shows. It takes him a while to ease into being shown a lot of physical affection but he adores it. Never complains about it and just accepts it without question.
He also doesn't mind PDA. He enjoys taking walks with you around campus, holding your hand or having an arm wrapped around you. He kisses your lips or your forehead as a quick goodbye whenever you part ways to go to different classes.
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╰┈➤ Words of Affirmation
The one love language Sebek likes to receive the most. He's not too enthusiastic about mixed signals and when he's truly dedicated to someone, he wants to know he's doing a good job at providing comfort and happiness for them. If you don't tell him on your own, he will ask you whether you're satisfied with how much affection he's showing you, if he's giving you everything you need and whether there's anything lacking. Sebek takes pride in being praised for his care and attentiveness and he craves the affirmation that he's a good boyfriend to you.
He will boast about it when you compliment him and he might let it go to his head once in a while. He definitely brags about the compliments you have given him to other people and sometimes you'll have to remind him to tone it down a notch.
Sebek is also very quick to compliment you in return. You're also Sebek's first relationship and he needs to unlearn the tendency to idealize you the way he does Malleus (he also needs to unlearn to idealize Malleus but that's another cup of tea). Either way, if you're dating Sebek you will know exactly where you stand with him. He leaves no room for doubt about that. He could go on for an hour about all the things he loves about you. He's the type to send you a whole love letter in your DM's.
Sebek finds so many little things he thinks are beautiful about you and with time you'll become aware of every single one of them.
╰┈➤ Quality Time
Sebek feels honored that you spend your time with him. He enjoys the quieter moments; having tea together or talking about books you have read. Like Silver, he will also take you horse-riding and enjoy the scenery on the Isle of Sages with you.
Sebek's ideal date is just going to the bookstores on the island and picking out books for each other; preferably something one of you has read already, so you can both look forward to the other's thoughts about the matter. He loves just being snuggled up in a cozy position on the couch and reading idly next to each other. You occasionally exchange kisses or he'll glance over to your book, see which chapter you're on and ask you for your thoughts on a particular thing that happened in the book.
╰┈➤ Gifts
I hope his parents don't give him that much pocket money because Sebek is not above spending a ridiculous amount of money on gifts you really didn't need. If someone just offhandedly mentions something would be a good gift for a lover, Sebek is already contemplating whether to get it for you. I'm honestly surprised Azul hasn't made a regular customer out of Sebek yet because convincing him that you or Malleus would like a thing is a pretty solid way to get Sebek to spend money.
He treasures every gift you give him. Even if you didn't intend for something to be a gift. You could give him the wrapper of your chocolate bar and he'd treat it like a family heirloom. This is another "Sebek you need to tone it down a notch" instance.
Sebek is appreciative of literally everything you do for him so if you want a boyfriend who'll have grand reactions to your affection and is no stranger to elaborately explaining just how much a thing you did touched his heart, Sebek is your guy.
╰┈➤ Acts of Service
Sebek's #1 love language when it comes to giving you love. When you need something, Sebek gets ready to provide it for you before you even finished your sentences sometimes. "Sebek. Chill. Sit down", you take his hand and guide him to sit next to you again. "Right...", he responds and runs a hand through his hair awkwardly.
He moderates a little as your relationship progresses. At the beginning of it he's in a state where he would gladly do your homework for the rest of the year and make you dinner every evening etc.
He is so touched when you do things for him in return. He's like "wow, they actually put in so much effort to support me 😳🥺" internally and struggles to process that he's actually that lucky for this to be happening to him.
╰┈➤ Physical Touch
Sebek loves physical touch and he's actually kinda sensitive. At the beginning of the relationship when he's not used to your affection yet, just a kiss or you running your hands through his hair is enough to have him stumbling over his words and struggling to form coherent sentences. Sebek.exe has stopped working.
Sebek actively encourages as much PDA as possible without having it affect his reputation as Malleus's guard. He loves to boast about your affection and your love for him. Literally, the entire school could hate your guts and Sebek would still brag about being your boyfriend.
If you don't stop him you're going to be that couple who kisses repeatedly in the hallway before class starts.
Sebek especially adores cheek kisses and when you nuzzle his neck. But literally all affection from you has the potential to make his heart melt.
If you go too overboard, he might cry out of happiness.
taglist ─ @moldy-cheeto @vera-deville @rose-the-witch1 @endlessorrow @xxheartspadexx @mochinee @curekibouka-writing
also sebek is surprisingly hard to write for if you have to ignore malleus for the most part
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slashers-and-rats · 7 months
I’m gnawing at the bone for any kind of Brahms Heelshire x Reader content 🙏🏼🙏🏼
rat chat: first off, excited for my first ever tagged anon. v cool. secondly, i hope this satiates your needs.
brahms heelshire x gn!reader | nsfw |
brahms wasn’t a social man, if that wasn’t obvious. even after he had revealed himself to you, and you had accepted him with open arms, he found himself struggling to be in your presence all the time. there wasn’t any doubt he liked you, that wasn’t the case. he was comparable to a cat. he curled up on your lap, and pestered you for pats and scratches, and when he was finished, he’d disappear for hours on end with little regard for your own needs. it was something he was working on. consideration didn’t come naturally to him, especially after so much of his life was spent worrying about how he would survive and nothing else.
that’s not to say brahms didn’t want you around. he desperately craved you, just in different ways. while he felt anxious being around you physically, he kept himself close to you within the safety of his walls. anywhere you were, he was there too, just stowed away within his passages.
he enjoyed keeping an eye on you, and observing the way you went about your business. you were an alien to him, a new species, and he was your observer. you kept to a tight schedule, and he memorized your routine down to the last detail.
he also had a small habit of stealing your things. to him, these were specimens; they were little items for him to study and examine to understand you better. he liked nabbing things you wouldn’t miss. sometimes it was pieces of jewelry you never used, sometimes it was books he’d seen you finish, sometimes it was even the cutlery you had used and put away for cleaning. he added it all to his hoard. if you had seen it, he was sure you’d think it a shrine, but it wasn’t as simple as that. it was a nest. being so close to these things you had interacted with made him feel warm inside, comfortable, and he liked laying among them as if to pretend you were there too.
brahms had a habit of getting carried away, though. during the night, when he had no real reason to watch you for more than an hour or two, he’d crawl back to his little sanctuary and lay among his collection. he’d stare up at the ceiling, and grab his most prized possession. it was a pair of your underwear, taken off the floor of the bathroom during one of your showers. he was sure you would’ve noticed, but you had been tired that day, and didn’t check your clothes before throwing them into the hamper.
they smelled of you. they smelled of sin, and of naughty thoughts, and of dark desires. when he rubbed them against his face, and breathed your scent in deep, he’d feel dirty but alive. there was something about the shame of it all, about how if you saw him you’d be disappointed, that made it all the more delicious. those moments when you chastised him for something bad he did were his favourite, because it meant you were giving him your full attention. that’s all he really wanted, to be seen by you. he wished it didn’t involve so much… physical presence.
this was good enough for him. these little moments, when he would yank his pants down his hips and reach his hand down, and pretend it was yours; when he’d grip hard at his base, and stroke up and down slowly, and pretend you were sitting on his face, it was good. it brought momentary bliss. he’d smother himself with the fabric of your underwear, and use it to muffle his wanton moans. he’d fuck into his hand, and pretend you were the one bouncing recklessly on him.
he had such a specific fantasy. he wanted you to find him stroking himself, indulging in the dirtier things in life- and he wanted you to relieve him. he wanted you to walk up to him when he hadn’t even realized you were there, and take over for him. his hands were too rough- yours were so soft and gentle. even when you were mad, you had such a caring touch about you. you’d wrap your hands around his cock, and pump him slow, and watch him writhe and whine for you. he’d be so surprised, but so happy. he wouldn’t fight. he might beg for you to go faster, or plead that you use more than just your hand, but you wouldn’t budge. he didn’t deserve it yet, not after stealing your things and using them for such nefarious purposes.
you’d massage his balls, and praise him. he wouldn’t be able to look at you. even thinking about it made him embarrassed, and made him push his face further into hiding. he tried to mimic what you would do to him, how you’d squeeze your hand around him, and rub his balls until he felt tight. he tried to be good for you even then, by whispering your name and promising he’d be good. sure, he was speaking to nothing but air, but it was the thought that counts.
brahms would shove his shirt and sweater high up on his chest, letting himself feel the cool air hit his skin. he was so hot, so needy as he stroked himself. he could barely focus on his own fantasies. he kept getting lost in the feeling, lost in the very idea of you being there. he could imagine you smiling down at him, so smug. he liked it when you looked cocky, like you knew exactly who he was and how to press his buttons.
he’d cum hard. his load would spread onto his stomach and part of his chest, and it would feel scorching against his skin. it would make him sob, shaking and fucking the last aftershocks out of his cock until he was soft. he’d let go, panting like a dog, tired. with a huff, he’d remove your underwear from his face and discard it into its special place in his nest, careful to keep it somewhat hidden in case you ever did stumble into his little sanctuary.
brahms liked you. he liked being around you. he liked what you did to him. he knew if you saw your effect on him, that you’d like it just as much.
maybe one day he’d show you.
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Open Window (Part 2)
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Part 1 here
Pairing: Barely threatening thief!Hyunjin x fem!reader 
Trope/Genre: Non idol au, fluff
Summary: You’re nearing the end of your gap year, and you decided to spend your last month of it at your aunts house. Unfortunately, a very stupid criminal has struck your house many times and you need to figure out who they are and why they did it.
 1112 words 
Warnings: Hyunjin LITERALLY ROBS YOU. DO NOT DO WHAT Y/N DOES SHE IS A DUMBASS. Usage of pet names, swearing. 
It had been two days since you’d seen the robber. He had come through the window while you were asleep a couple of times and stolen a few small items that you had to look for when you woke up. You had so many questions.
‘Why is this guy stealing dumb shit?’ ‘Why is this guy stealing from me?’ and most importantly, ‘What is his name?’ All you were hoping for was for him to come back through your window (While you were awake) and explain everything. 
After another boring day, it was finally night again. There was one problem though, it was freezing. Although it had been warm the weeks prior, the temperature had randomly dropped. You weren't expecting him, but just in case, you left a note taped to the window that said “Knock on the window and I’ll open it for you so you can steal all of our prized possessions :)” 
Surprisingly, at midnight you were awoken by a knock at the window. Navigating your way through the dark, you managed to open the window and let the man in. “Hi again!” he said happily as he sat down on the windowsill. “What do you want to steal this time? Because I have a few things that I’d rather keep.” “Well, this time I’d like to talk for a bit, because I feel like you’re a little confused.” 
You were taken by surprise, but touched by the fact that he was willing to help you understand what was going on. “Oh, thanks!” 
“I’m not an asshole, darling, I’m not gonna leave you in the dark… Figuratively, it’s the middle of the night I can't make the sun come up again.” You laughed and began to speak. 
“Why are you stealing from me?” “I can’t answer that.” “Okay? Why are you stealing useless stuff?” “I can’t answer that.” 
“What can you answer then?” “You should start smaller. Let me ask you one. What’s your name?” “I thought I was supposed to be asking questions!” “You’re shit at asking questions.” You rolled your eyes. 
“Y/N. What’s yours?” “I can’t answer that.” “Seriously?!” “I’m kidding. My name’s Hyunjin.” “Hyunjin? That’s a really pretty name.” “Thank you. So is yours, it suits you.” 
“Well, Hyunjin, what do you like to do for fun? Other than stealing weird garden gnomes.” You could see a dimly lit face smile across the room. “I draw and paint and read, so basic stuff.” “I wouldn’t call that basic, especially for a criminal.” “Don’t judge a book by its cover Y/N.” “You stole an empty soda bottle from me, I think my anger is valid.” He laughed. 
“You’re definitely the most interesting person I've ever robbed.” “You’re definitely the most interesting person who’s ever robbed me.” “How many people have robbed you?” “Let me count. One.” “I’m honoured to be your first.” 
“How many other robbers do you know?” “Out of the ones I know? Six.” “That’s more than I thought would be around here.” “Yep, we all rob around this neighbourhood because we’re honestly not bothered enough to go anywhere else.” 
“Well, I’m all out of questions. Is there anything you wanna say or ask?” “Oh yeah! Are you single?” “Oh, um, That was very forward.” “I’m just asking!” Despite how far away he was, you could see him smirking in the darkness. 
“Yeah, I’m single.” “Okay good to know.” “What about you?” “I’m single. Painfully single to be honest.” “Really? I didn’t think that you’d be a romantic type.” “I’m such a hopeless romantic it’s insane.” 
“How many other robbers out there are like this?” “I don’t really know…” 
“Do you want me to turn the lights on? It might help you see what you’re stealing from me.” “Nope, then you’d see me and it would ruin my threatening mysterious persona.” “I hope that was sarcasm.” “No, but seriously, you can't see me with the lights on.” “Sure, but I’m not gonna look for you and report you to the police or anything, I probably should though.” 
“I promise, my stealing isn’t just for fun.” “I believe you, for some reason I trust you a lot. It’s weird.” “I’m just so charming aren’t I?” “I take it back.” “Aw, why?” “You’re too cringy to trust.” “What do you mean?! I’m not cringy at all.” You threw a pillow at him and you could see him dramatically collapse on the floor. “You deserved that.” “No, I didn’t.” “Find something to steal and get the fuck out before I throw something bigger.” “Fine.” 
He scanned the room. “What’s that?” He said, pointing at a new item on your bedside table. “Oh, I was gonna give that to you.” He walked over to pick it up. 
He was a lot closer than he’d ever been before and you could see his face in more detail. He was absolutely stunning. He had an incredible jawline and the prettiest lips you had ever seen. 
“Wow.” You said. He tilted his head in confusion. “You’re so beautiful.” He looked down shyly. “So are you.” 
He held the item and squinted at it. “Is it a torch?” “Yeah! I thought it would be useful to have something that could help you see what you’re trying to steal.” “Thank you so much!” He pointed it towards the corner and turned it on. 
“Why do you have a box of paper clips in the corner of your room?” “I don’t even know. I thought it would be useful but it really isn’t.” “I think I’ll take that.” 
He was about to grab the box when you grabbed his arm. “Wait. Don’t go yet. I’ve barely seen you and I have to leave in two weeks.” “You’ll see me again soon love.” You felt your face heat up slightly. “But,” 
He cut you off as he kissed you softly. Butterflies erupted in your stomach. Your hand was still on his arm and his hand had moved up to hold the back of your head. When he pulled away, he moved his hand and tilted your chin up to look at him. He smiled for a moment but the smile had quickly transitioned into a look of concern. 
“Was that okay? If you weren’t fine with that I’m so sorry.” You laughed. “No that was okay. More than okay actually.” “Okay good.” 
You let go of him and he walked to the corner of your room to pick up the paperclips. He opened the window and prepared to jump out. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow Y/N.” 
With that, he was gone and you couldn’t stop smiling, replaying the moment in your head as you fell asleep.
Author note: Thank you so much for reading! I seriously appreciate it. Like always, constructive criticism is wanted! I'm planning to make a part three to this so if you found it interesting stay tuned! If you liked this, please follow me for more fanfics like this one <3 Thank you!
@catiuskaa thanks for the stickynote idea!!! :D
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boydepartment · 11 months
Masks Off? - Jake Sim x Idol! Reader
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Description: You are part of Hybe's new girl group. You loved your job dearly but it was always nice to have your days off where you can be yourself. On one of your days off you run into this guy. He makes you feel like yourself without the idol pressures. As everything starts getting stressful, what are you going to do when you find out the guy you're in love with is also an idol? Let alone your coworker?
warnings- fluff, SLIGHT angst, crack wc- 10.1k
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“Y/n?” The leader of your group peaked in the bathroom where you were washing up, you hummed with a toothbrush in your mouth.
“Are you going out today? Felicity wants to do her vlog today.” Kim spoke, now leaning against the doorway. You spit and grabbed the mouthwash.
“Yeah, I have to run errands, does she need me for her vlog?” You asked, really hoping that you didn’t have to help, no offense.
Kim shook her head no, “nope, she has Jade helping her.” You nodded and Kim went back out to tell Felicity the news.
With your job you don’t get a lot of days off, for the most part you work, sleep, eat, and repeat. While sometimes getting your privacy invaded. It doesn’t sound very appealing to most, but you love it. You loved being a part of the Hybe girl group- Pastel Road. Especially because you can spoil your family members with gifts that will mean something to them. So, on this day off you found yourself going to a comic book shop. You had done research on this specific shop; it looked like it was your best chance to find this rare Spiderman comic book that was just so perfect for your dad’s birthday. You grew up with your dad collecting comics, video games, movies, anything “nerdy” and you grew up around it. You even started collecting stuff in your corner of the dorm aswell. You are very proud to say that you splurged on the Lego Bowser and a couple signed photos from different Marvel movies.
What? You worked hard- you deserved it!
Taking a breath, you got dressed, recently Hybe had your hair dyed so it was sort of kind of REALLY damaged, so a hat was placed on your head. Slipping on your sandals and mask you headed out. Today you didn’t want to have a camera in your face, so you made sure to wear ‘normal?’ clothes. Smiling under your mask, you headed out. You were thrilled to go to this comic book shop, having looked forward to it forever. Preparing for this comeback took a lot of work.
As you walked down the street, you made sure to stop by a little coffee shop to get a pick me up. It was your favorite shop to go to with Kim, even predebut. You smiled at the memories then headed out again. Headphones on, music blaring, feeling normal.
When you got to the shop, safe to say you were really overwhelmed by how much stuff you liked was displayed. Figures, posters, even clothes! You were in Heaven! To make sure you don’t spend too much money you went to the comic book section. You saw whispers online that they had it. When you turned the corner you saw it, cased in glass, shining like pure gold. This was it, the perfect gift for your dad. As you went to grab it someone else did too. He was taller than you, wearing a hat and a mask aswell.
“I’m sorry!” You both said at the same time.
“You can have it…” He said shyly, his voice was unique but somewhat familiar.
“Nono its okay… You were closer to it.” Your voice was shy too, he wasn’t intimidating in the slightest, it was just really embarrassing that this was happening to you. This was like the opposite of a fictional moment.
“I insist, it would be really rude of me.” He awkwardly handed it to you, you tried to push it away, but he didn’t budge.
“I feel kind of bad now.” You laughed a little, holding onto the prized possession. Lowkey taking it from someone else took the excitement out of it. You looked down at your shoes.
“Um, well, you know um…” As he spoke you looked up at him, he looked awkward and kind of funny. From what you could see he looked nervous. It made you smile.
“Yeah…?” You questioned.
“I don’t normally do this but maybeyoucouldmakeituptomebygoingonadatewithme?” the guy asked, his voice raising a bit by the end of it. You never got experiences like this anymore, it was cute. Really cute. So, you decided, fuck it, why not?
“Wait actually? You don’t have to I don’t want to come off as creepy or anything and- “
“I would like to go on a date with you.” You said.
This was a chance to feel normal. It was breaking rules but… whatever. You handed him your phone, and he put his number in. You tried not to focus on his hands too much, but they were really pretty so you couldn’t help the small glances. He handed your phone back and you looked at the contact’s name, Jacob?
“Your name is Jacob?” You questioned. “Jacob” nodded.
“…Yes…” his words came out as a question. You smiled at him; you needed a fake name. You can’t just be like ‘oh yeah I’m Y/n from Pastel Road!!1!’ You didn’t know him from atom.
“I’m Miranda!” You stook your hand out- you were mentally cringing.
“Like the girl who plays Carly from iCarly?” He laughed and shook your hand. You laughed along with him, somewhat nervously.
“Yeah exactly…!”
Okay smooth, good job Y/n!
You looked at him and his eyes were really attractive too. You could see pretty much ONLY his eyes but still. You felt in a silly goofy mood for accepting a date with this random stranger.
“Oh here!” He handed you his phone and you put your number in. You nodded handed it back to him. Right after his phone started ringing and Jacob excused himself. You stood there in shock; you just gave a complete stranger your number. Oh my god you cannot tell Kim. You think she’d kill you. Looking down at the comic book in your hands you smiled, at least you got the gift for your dad, that is what was most important. Jacob walked back after a few minutes and you two walked the store together.
“Obviously Thor is the best Avenger, his arcs are so beautifully portrayed in the movies.” He spoke as you guys looked through the boxes of comics.
“That is SO not true. Tony Stark’s character had so much development through the different movies. Especially in Civil War.” You said back, leaning against the table.
The man looked at you and jokingly scoffed, “that is SUCH a copout. Everyone says Iron Man.”
“Okay if we are going all Marvel characters, then Rocket.”
Jacob’s face fell, “DON’T REMIND ME- OH MY GOD.” He whisper-yelled and covered his face. You let out a laugh, throwing your head back.
“I am just speaking facts here! He has an amazing character arc, and his backstory is GUTWRENCHING!”
Jacob looked at you, “you aren’t wrong! But oh my GOD!”
You two continued to laugh and look at the different comics together- both of you walked out with a couple bags of comics. You felt normal, and it sort of made you giddy.
“I have to um, go this way.” You said it was time to walk back to the dorm, sadly. You didn’t want this day to end but you’ve been out for a really long time, and you should probably go on weverse and talk to your fans- the travelers. Maybe go live. Even if it was your day off. You felted refreshed enough to do so.
“Shit yeah, I didn’t even notice the time. I have to work on something for my job.” Jacob looked a little panicked, “I will text you.” His eyes squinted and he waved before rushing off. You turned around and went in the opposite direction, grinning to yourself. You never got this feeling anymore; you shouldn’t try to get attached to it though.
When you got back to your dorm you did go live and talk to the fans, Felicity was still doing a vlog, so you were stuck in one of the rooms until further notice. It didn’t bother you, you loved talking about random things with the fans.
A couple days go by, and you had work with your members. You and Kim sat next to each other on the ride over.
“I was thinking for the recording today we focus more on the intro songs than anything else, then this weekend we can focus on the title track since that will take up most of our time.” She was the leader, so scheduling was really important to her.
“I think that is a good idea!” Felicity said and peaked her head over the seats, she was the youngest, so she went along with whatever Kim said, for the most part. Jade and Q were too busy talking about concepts. Q spent a lot of her free time talking to and being with her family which you didn’t blame her. If you could, you would, and Jade was always with her dance teacher. All of you were very busy people, so car rides were fun. The car was lively, and your group continued to be lively even in the studio. You were first to record your bits of the song and then you filmed some things for a behind the scenes before taking a break on one of the couches. You opened up a game on your phone and just decompressed. You got a text, and you couldn’t help the giggle that escaped you.
Jacob :] : I am literally so sorry for not texting you, my job had me swamped right when I got home and for the past day
You: omg don’t worry its okay! im actually at work rn! but im on break so i can text
Jacob :] : Im at work too haha, except I am kinda sneaking my phone
Jacob :] : shhh don’t tell anyone.
You: oh i wouldn’t dream of it
Jacob :] : So, I was thinking, if you still want to go on that date with me, why don’t we go out to that store again and then maybe read our comic books together at like a park maybe???
Jacob :] : I am sorry if that sounds lame, I’ve never been on an actual date since like I was in highschool.
You: nonono i love the idea, a lot actually. its really sweet :( it will depend on my schedule.
Jacob :] : Oh, thank god you like the idea, I almost shit my pants trying to figure it out.
You let out a laugh audibly, he was just so cute…
You: no need to worry, i really love the idea. is it okay if i keep my mask on though? i have REALLY bad allergies sometimes.
Jacob :] : I do too so I will probably do the same :] do you have the next federal holiday off?
You: i shouuuld is that when you want to go out?
Jacob :] : 100% yes
After you finished texting you went back to work, which consisted of 5+ hours of dance practice so that was fun! You were sore but it was worth it. Your group has made a lot of progress recently and it made you proud. Kim and Jade were out to get food and the rest of the members were sprawled out.
“Oh Y/n, your phone is buzzing.” Felicity said and flipped over to you, handing you your phone. It was Jacob texting you about his day. You smiled to yourself.
“Why are you smiling?” Q asked, now on her stomach.
“I made a friend at the comic bookstore a couple days ago.” You said nonchalantly. Q looked at you funny.
“And you gave them your number?”
“Isn’t that dangerous?” Felicity questioned you. You shrugged.
“They seem nice so.” You read over Jacob’s texts. It was so hard to not smile. He was so dorky it was charming. He wasn’t like the other guys in your industry who tried to hit on you. Jacob was normal…
“Kim’s gonna kill you.” Q mumbled and rubbed her eyes; it was a really long day so far and it wasn’t even CLOSE to being done.
The past few days were busy, Pastel Road was recording the show you guys have as a group and once again always practicing. You were really happy to have this lunch by yourself in the company canteen. You scrolled through your phone just watching TikToks. The noodles in your bowl are long forgotten. You smiled to yourself as some goofy things popped up, you didn’t even notice someone sitting by you.
“I’m so sorry to sit at your table, they are just cleaning over there and like, I feel awkward sitting there.”
For a second it sounded like Jacob’s voice which really threw you off. When you looked up you saw Jake. He was a coworker. One of the guys in the group that helped train your group sometimes. He was close with Jungwon.
“Oh no worries.” You smiled at him, he eased and sat down.
“Busy lately?” You wanted to try and start some sort of conversation with him. Jake just looked at you like you had nine heads then pointed to himself, asking if you were talking to him. Your brows furrowed. Obviously, you were talking to him, he was the only other person at this table.
“Oh, yeah.” He said and sipped his drink, “we have a lot coming up soon.”
You couldn’t help but let out a small laugh, “I don’t bite, you know, you can talk to me.”
“I-I know! I’m not scared of you! That would be ridiculous!” Jake scoffed, “I am great at talking to women actually!”
“Alright Jake.” You laughed again and picked up your trash, “it was nice talking to you playboy, I need to get back to work though.” Your tone had a sarcastic lick to it, and you smiled as you walked out. You always found him cute, but you would never think to make any kind of move on him. He is your coworker, that would be disastrous. You are already on thin ice with Jacob.
The whole week leading up to your date you have been overworking yourself and getting things done, so you made sure you would have absolutely no work on the day. All your fans were astonished to see how much content they are getting out of you, they were not complaining though!
When the day finally did come, Kim was suspicious as to why you were somewhat dressed up and had light makeup on. On your group’s downtime you don’t usually wear makeup being how almost every time at work it had to be caked on. Luckily, you managed to sneak past her, and you practically skipped down the sidewalk. You ordered new clothes online last week to wear out today. This was mainly because while traveling and working you wore the same things a lot. You wanted to make sure your date today with Jacob went smoothly. No creeps, no weirdos, and as much as you loved them- no fans.
You walked into the familiar comic book shop and saw Jacob. Fixing your hat, you approached him.
“Hi!” You smiled behind your mask. Jacob looked down at you, ohhh boy. He really knew how to dress.
“Hey Miranda!”
Who the fuck is- oh yeah… Your fake name.
“You look great! I love your jacket!” You complimented him, he had on a really nice denim jacket, like the ones that have the really fancy buttons. His hat matched the color pallet too!
“Oh, this old thing? Pssshhhh.” He waved his hand and looked away, Jacob being a little shy was cute. He wasn’t really like this over text- and to be honest it added to his charm. You couldn’t help grinning up at him. He was so awkwardly dashing.
“I’m kinda relieved both of us have bad allergies and have to keep our masks on, it would be really awkward to be the only one in a mask.” You spoke as you walked through the store with him.
“Oh, me too.” Jacob sighed in relief, “I also get really bad sores so- wait I’m sorry is that gross?”
A small giggle escaped your mouth, “it’s not gross, it’s human. I wish I got told stuff like that more to be honest.” You both found yourselves in the figure section.
“Wait what do you mean by that?” He asked and watched you look at the different figures from various Marvel and DC comics. You took a deep breath.
“Just work stuff, we always have to be proper and perfect.” You looked back at him, and he was still looking right at you.
“I really understand. Trust me.” Jacob spoke, his voice softer now. It was bad he already had you somewhat weak in the knees. The next appropriate question would be, ‘where do you work?’ but he changed the subject.
“Oh man I’ve wanted this figure forever.” His eyes widened and he blinked fast while looking at the Hulkbuster figure. Your smile came back almost instantly seeing him act like this.
“I actually have two of those if you want one…” You said, Jacob whipped his head toward you.
“Are you for real???”
You nodded, “my mem- roommate, my roommate got me one when I had already ordered one. I couldn’t tell her, so I just have it in my closet.”
“Welllll, if you have two, I guess I could take it off your hands…” He bumped your shoulder; another giggle escaped you and you ended up leading him to the comic book section.
Once again, you two probably spent way too much money on comics. Both of you laughed as you walked to the park. There seemed to always be laughter and small giggles between you two. This date was going too well, you already knew it was dangerous for your heart.
“I’m being so serious, he makes fun of me all the time, these random noises that happen around me are not my fault!”
“Yeaaaah… Okaaay Jacob.” You teased him, he looked confused for a second and then seemed to snap out of whatever confusion had him.
“I have a nickname, if you want to call me by that…” Jacob said, you looked up at him and turned your head.
“Oh? Do tell.” You bumped arms with him this time. He visibly relaxed and he looked down at you again.
“My close friends call me Jake.”
How ironic…
“We are close friends now?” You teased Jake. He huffed and looked away, ears turning pink.
“Well, we’ve texted every day for the past couple weeks and are hanging out, so I’d hope so…?”
“I’m just teasing you, Jake.” You smiled up at him, you watched as his eyes squinted down at you which meant he was smiling too. You wish you could see behind his mask. You bet he had a wonderful smile to match his personality.
“This seems like a good spot.” He led you under a tree and dug through his bag for a blanket. He laid it out and you both sat down. The river view was really calming. It was a little chilly in the shade, but you put up with it.
“Can I read yours with you?” Jake asked, he was shy again and you could feel yourself melting. You nodded as you leaned against the tree, he followed your actions, “just tell me when to turn the page, okay?”
Jake nodded and leaned his head on your shoulder, you were not going to lie to yourself- he smelled really good. You two read comics together until you shivered.
“Oh!” He sat up and you honestly frowned behind your mask. That was until he took off his jacket and wrapped it around you. Your face definitely was warm. Maybe the mask wasn’t such a bad thing.
“Here, it’ll keep you warm.” After, he just resumed putting his head on you and continued like it was nothing. You were left in shock.
Unfortunately… All good things come to an end, and he was walking with you back to the shop where you two agreed to part ways in front of.
“I’ve always wanted to go to Avengers Campus at Disneyland, I mean obviously the superheroes walking around are actors BUT I still love the idea of goofing off and taking photos with them!” You rambled. Jake nodded listening to you.
“That would genuinely be so fun!” He giggled. Your conversation turned into random things until you both made it to the store.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to walk you home?” he asked sincerely. You turned around to look at him.
“Maybe next time.” You swung your bag back and forth.
“Next time!?” Jake’s eyes widened.
Your head was thrown back as you laughed, “yes next time! If you want of course!”
“YES! I MEAN- yes yes definitely next time!” You saw how Jake practically was bouncing up and down at you wanting to go on another date with him. I mean you wanted to scream in your pillow and kick your feet when you got home, it made you happy to know your feelings were reciprocated.
“I’ll choose the date spot next time.” You looked up at him, letting your eyes do all the talking.
“Sounds perfect!”
“Oh here-“ You went to take off his jacket, but he stopped you.
“Keep it, you can give it to me next time.”
The two of you went to say goodbye, but you quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him down to you so you could give him a kiss on the cheek through the mask. Then you quickly sped off, leaving him in awe.
Once again you found yourself lying on the practice room floor, out of breath. You decided to take up more practice time with Kim. She was next to you, also worn out.
“You know, Y/n…” She turned to face you and you turned to face her.
“I didn’t want to tell the other members yet, but since we are here, I overheard our management talking.”
You nodded listening to her.
Kim grinned at her next words, “apparently they want us at K-CON LA.”
You sat up super quickly, “NO WAY!”
“Y/N DON’T GET UP THAT QUICKLY YOU’LL FAINT!” Kim laid back down laughing.
“I already feel like I am going to!” You said while letting small giggles escape you.
“We are going to announce it later today apparently when we go live.” Kim got up slowly and put her hand out.
“So, lets get washed up!”
Kim heard correctly because next thing you knew you were sitting in front of a camera going live for your fans- travelers. You wore Jake’s jacket not really thinking much of it. It’s not like people would know its this random nerd you met in a comic book shop’s jacket, right?
After the K-CON announcement all of you were dismissed back to work. Now, it was straight to stage practices. Once again, you guys were going to have an action-packed few weeks, especially with your comeback coming up too.
“Felicity try that move again and then we can all go on break.” Q watched intently. Felicity listened and Q corrected her. Then FINALLY, it was time to eat.
The five of you headed to the Hybe cafeteria, it was packed today. You could pick out TXT, Enhypen, you thought you saw a couple Seventeen members too. Today must’ve been announcement day.
You looked over at Felicity who looked nervous, you felt bad. She was still getting used to the whole idol thing. You put your arm around her and led her through. Kim and Q helped the rest of your little friend group. When you guys got situated almost instantly Jungwon came to check in on you guys. He was talking about K-CON or something. You didn’t know, you just went on your phone to text Jake.
You: im finally on my break
Jacob :] : Hey :) I am too
You: im really sorry ive been so busy, ive wanted to hang out and stuff with you and talk but my schedules been insane
Jacob :] : Amen to that, me and my coworkers have been swamped, we have a big thing coming up so you can imagine how frantic it has been.
You: we just got told that we have a big thing coming too
You: wouldn’t it be funny if we worked at the same company lolz
You: WTF WHY ?!
Jacob :] : um… I am a businessman…….
You started laughing and Felicity looked at you funny, “oh you’re texting your friend, right?”
“What friend?” Kim looked away from her conversation with Jungwon, “you don’t have other friends- no offense!”
Jade started laughing at the conversation.
“I met a friend at the comic book shop I frequent!” You said back, “h- they are really nice!”
“HE!?” At this point all the girls were looking at you. Jungwon looked around.
“I think I will leave you guys to it! Haha!” Jungwon then sped back to his group. Now you were left with four girls and 8 curious eyes. You took a deep breath before explaining. You left out the romantic nature of it though. Mainly because you didn’t know what you two were yet and because it wasn’t allowed. After eating and letting your food settle you guys went right back to work.
The only other time you got to text Jake again was in bed. You closed your bunk curtains and got comfortable.
You: heyheyhey im finally in bed
Jacob :] : Hey I’m glad you got home safely
Jacob :] : We just got back a couple hours ago
You: you work late too?
Jacob :] : I don’t have a set schedule tbh. It is mainly when they need us, we show up
You: oh man i feel you
Jacob :] : Where do you work? If you don’t mind me asking
You: i help with idols makeup haha
You weren’t TECHNICALLY lying.
Jacob :] : Holy shit i help produce songs with idols
You: it would be so funny if we ACTUALLY FR worked at the same company tbh
Jacob :] : Should we text it at the same time?
You: why not
Jacob :] : One
You: 1
Jacob :] : Two
You: 2
Jacob :] : Three
You: 3
Jacob :] : Bighit
You: bighit technically
Your eyes widened and you shot up hitting your head on the bunk, “FUCK!”
Jade screamed and Kim hit your bunk which was under hers, “I TOLD YOU NOT TO GET UP QUICKLY!” You heard Felicity start laughing and then Q turning off her switch. Your eyes were glued to your phone- he worked at Bighit…
Jacob :] : You’re fucking with me
You: im literally not… how could i? we sent it at the same time!
Jacob :] : Holy fuck okay
You: do you um… work tomorrow?
Jacob :] : Yeah at the building
You: im not at the building tomorrow :(
You were lying obviously, not in a malicious way. You just wanted to get a scope out on who this guy is. What if he knew you were an idol? He could be a secret stalker or something… No, Y/n you’re being crazy. If he was insane, he would’ve done something by now. Pull yourself together.
Jacob :] : That sucks I would’ve asked if you wanted to get lunch or something
You: at the canteen?
Jacob :] : Yes, they have like the best snacks there.
Jacob :] : Well you’d probably already know
You: i do lol but i can act like i don’t
Jacob :] : Cute
The conversation ended around there and you felt insanely nervous for tomorrow. He worked at the same company as you, anything that could’ve gone wrong is going wrong. You need to keep your head on a swivel tomorrow. It wasn’t a fear of him when you thought about it more. It was the fear of losing Jake.
You kept an eye out for him for the past couple weeks but got nothing. It was weird, he said he was at the building but no matter what you couldn’t find Jake at work. At one point, you thought you saw the back of him. But that was just Jake from Enhypen, not your Jake. It was all so confusing; you were starting to become delusional. Your conversations with YOUR Jake never ceased, you guys would text about your days, meals, everything. He helped keep you grounded in this environment and part of you hoped you did the same thing for him. Whatever branch of BigHit he was in.
You checked your phone as it buzzed.
Jacob :] : Are we still on for tonight?
Fuck, you totally forgot. You honestly just wanted to go home and sleep, but even if you had a broken leg, you still wanted to see him. It’s almost as if you just always wanted to be around him. His energy revived you.
You: yeah lemme just get changed :)
You honestly couldn’t wait, today was stressful with all the work now piling up. Even though your group kept a steady and ahead work pace, everything still stacked. It was a lot, and you missed just being yourself.
After getting changed in the company bathrooms you walked to the destination spot. You guys went out a few days ago to go to a themed café but both of you were awkward with drinks. You and Jake were still keeping the masks on. But even with that fact, he still told you to keep his jacket, you still gave him things that were in your own personal collection of comics, figures, anything you thought he’d like. Jake would tell you small details about his family and you told him how your dad really loved the comic that brought you and him together. Even without seeing each other’s full faces… you still had a close connection. He didn’t even call you by that stupid name you gave yourself anymore. He just called you by petname.
Part of you wanted to tell him. I mean if he was staff was it really so crazy to actually date him? Would it be so crazy to establish something?
You got lost in your thoughts as you waited for Jake by a tree, it was his turn to pick where you guys went out this time. Your heart fluttered in excitement and your brain started to imagine what he looked like behind his mask.
“So sorry I’m late we don’t have time lets go!” Jake ran by you grabbing your hand and rushing off. You follow him, laughter escaping you. Your body was tired, but your heart was filled with endearment and excitement.
“Where are we even going?” Your chest heaved as he stopped in front of a café. He held onto your hand still. Your eyes met his and it became your favorite sight.
“The uber said he would be here in like 2 minutes.” Jake laughed; he was out of breath too.
“Is he here?”
“No- BUT! It’s okay.” His eyes squinted; you knew he was smiling.
You found yourself holding onto his arm and leaning on him.
“I forgot to ask if you’re even comfortable getting into a car with me…” Jake mumbled down at you, “I mean like, we haven’t really seen each other’s faces yaknow and-“ He was rambling.
“Jake, I trust you.”
This was a horrible move, your logical brain that was connected to your idol mentality was telling you to run. But you, your Y/n mentality, wanted this. Of course, that part of your brain won, you were with your Jake. You didn’t have to be Idol Y/n.
“I’m glad.” He mumbled; you felt his head lean on yours as you both waited for your uber.
“Okay, we are here!” He made you walk with his hands over your eyes. You have never experienced something like this in your life. When he uncovered your eyes, you were standing outside an Aquarium. You saw the signs and read that there was a night event.
“Jake this is so sweet…” You smiled up at him. He stood pridefully.
“I did good then?” He teased you, nudging your shoulder. You started laughing.
“Don’t get a big head about it!”
He let out a loud breathy laugh and you both walked into the aquarium. There weren’t a lot of people there being how the exhibit was at night. You had guessed it was probably the last hour of it being open, you didn’t mind. Any time with Jake was worth it.
They had a good number of fluorescent fish out, you went up to the glass in awe, “did you know that sometimes the fluorescent parts of the fish are just their bacteria?” You asked turning around for a split second.
“I didn’t.” You couldn’t see as you were enthralled by the fish swimming around, but he looked at you with the biggest hearts in his eyes.
“It’s true, so I think if you were to pet one then-“ You stopped when you felt his arms around you, he snuck them around your waist, placing his head on your shoulder. Your brain short circuited as he hugged you from behind.
“Is this, okay?” he asked quietly. You hummed a yes, he relaxed, “so what was it about petting the fish?”
“Well- if it’s bacteria I’d think that if you were to pet it, it could rub off. However, I don’t know if it’s like a moth where they need said covering. Moths have dust that they need to survive.” You spoke, he hummed now- listening to you.
“But some of the other fish, have this fluorescent as a way to hide from predators, you might ask, well wouldn’t that attract preda-“
You stopped when you felt his lips hit the side of your face that wasn’t covered by the mask, the urge to whip your head around was strong. But… Something in you told you to not turn around.
“Don’t move, let me put my mask back on.” Jake said, now letting go of you. Your heart was racing even more than when you guys ran to the uber. He actually kissed your cheek; Jake took his mask off. You couldn’t witness it, but he did.
“Okay ready to go to the next exhibit?” Jake giggled and grabbed your hand, once again dragging your lovestruck self.
The next one was a shark one, you loved sharks.
“I used to go fishing a lot back home.” Jake was reminiscing, his hands in his pockets as he watched the animals. You knew he didn’t grow up here, his accent prominent. You never asked about it though. There was a lot of foreigners in your company, on camera and off.
“Did you like it?”
Jake huffed a laugh and looked down, “I still do. I’m not very good at it though.”
You let out a laugh now and Jake continued.
“I’m being so honest with you, I embarrassed myself a couple times. But I still love it…” He looked down at you now, “sometimes I wish that- sometimes I wish I could go more often.”
You nodded, “I have a couple hobbies like that back at home, they aren’t as interesting as fishing but still.”
“A hobby is a hobby.” Jake’s voice was soft, you felt his hand slip in yours. You wanted to ask what you two were. You didn’t want to get played or let on.
“Jake?” You asked him.
“Yeah?” Jake looked down at you, you played with the hem of his jacket, that you were wearing. The denim one from your first date.
“Do you see anyone else?”
When you met his eyes, he almost looked hurt, “no, of course not. Did something make you feel that way?” Frantically, you shook your head no.
“I just wanted to make sure, I am not seeing anyone else either…” Behind your mask you were grinning looking back at the tank. You were glad he wasn’t seeing anyone else.
“Don’t get a big head about it.” He mocked you and lightly pinched your arm, “I can see your eyes squinting- someone’s happy I give all my attention to my one favorite girl.”
One thing you learned with him, the second he was comfortable with you, anytime you thought you had the upper hand in flirting, he annihilated you.
“So, what does that make us?” You asked. Jake took a deep breath.
“Well, me and you are still busy a lot.” He walked you guys through the next exhibit, “I’d say exclusive for now. I don’t want to see anyone else, and not to sound like a dick, but I don’t want you to see anyone else either.”
“That makes two of us.” You nudged him, giggling to yourself.
Jake nudged you back, “I’m just being honest, I don’t want the girl I lo- really like-“
“Oh?” You interrupted him, behind your mask you were grinning wickedly, “girl you what?”
“Really like!”
“I don’t think ‘really’ starts with ‘lo’”
Jake looked up and covered his face, “I’m SO embarrassed I didn’t mean to drop that on the third official date…”
“I love you too.” You said in between laughter.
“I totally meant to drop that on the third official date.”
That was the last time you saw Jake physically for a while. Well… A week, but that was way too long for you. As much as you wanted to run into his arms and stay there. You had a job, responsibilities. You couldn’t always be JUST Y/n. People counted on you. You huffed as you walked back into the practice room. All your friends were yelling now at each other. This confused you; you were gone for like five minutes to get water.
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU SPRAINED YOUR ANKLE!?” Kim was erratic in her hand movements. Q was covering her face, and Felicity was running out past you to presumably get the staff. Jade was on the floor in tears.
“I didn’t know it was sprained until this morning! I thought I could get through practice… K-Con is a really big deal for us…” Jade held her leg. You went over to her and pulled her into your arms. Kim stood silently now. The staff quickly rushed in and got Jade up. You had to let go of her even though Jade was practically sobbing into you.
The four of you sat silently in a circle in the practice room.
“K-Con is in a month…” Q spoke, and the air was heavy.
Kim let out a sigh and mumbled to herself.
“We could have her perform on a chair…” You said, trying to find some way out of this. Some way your group wouldn’t have to completely cancel out Jade. It was just her ankle, it’s not like she was sick, or her vocals were fried.
“No, you know she would hate that.” Kim said sternly, “you would know she would if you were actually at home on your days off.”
Ouch… That was a shot towards you…
“Well, what do you want us to do?” Q questioned; you could sense this conversation slowly getting heated. A couple months of practice and stress now all crashing down.
Kim took a deep breath, “we can just do it without her.”
“What!?” Normally, you wouldn’t raise your voice, however, this was ridiculous, “just give her the chair! Yeah, it’s a little embarrassing but she will still be on stage!”
Q nodded along with you, “Y/n is right, we shouldn’t take that away from her.”
“Last time I talked to her, since neither of you actually sit down with he-“
“I have an idea!” Felicity interrupted Kim and got up. She ran out of the practice room. Now down to three, none of you wanted to talk. You were worried about your friend. Someone who you shared a home with, a group with, a fanbase, everything. You shared everything with each other. It felt like hours of silence until Kim went to speak up again.
“As I was saying when I was-“ Kim started speaking and then Felicity came back in the room, but not alone. She had three other people with her. It was Jungwon, Jay, and Jake. The three J’s of Enhypen.
You watched as she explained to them what happened, they explained that a similar thing happened to them with Sunoo. Jungwon took a deep breath and leaned back on the practice room mirror.
“I know you guys don’t want to perform without her…” He started, “but sometimes it has to happen.”
Kim nodded, “I said this- “
“What?” Jake spoke up, “she sprained her ankle not her head.”
You practically jumped up at this, “LITERALLY! Just let her perform on the chair!”
“The chair is humiliating.” Jungwon chimed in again. Kim nodded.
“Jade told me she never wanted to perform on a chair.” Kim said, you and Q looked at each other in disbelief.
Your eye twitched, “so you’re just going to take away that option!?”
“Yeah, how is that fair?!” Jake had your back on this. Normally, you’d tease this weirdo(endearing) but he had your back right now.
“She told me her- “
“People change Kim! They change their opinions! And you shouldn’t take away that option!” You stood up, “I’m taking a walk. If I am not back at the dorm by midnight just call me or whatever. Don’t lose your shit that I’m taking MY downtime to do things that relieve my stress!” Your legs quickly took you out before your brain could comprehend your friends calling after you. Your bag slung over your shoulder, and it hit your legs which were extremely sore. You put on your mask quickly.
Tears welded up in your eyes and you started beelining to the exit, when you opened the doors the warm summer air hit you, even though it was late. Your tears were pouring, and you fumbled with your phone. You called one of your family members, you might as well go there for the night. You’d text the members when you get there and tell them your plans. You thought it was your tears hitting your phone until you saw the ground. Great- it started raining. It was one of those hard summer rains too. Where the air would get humid, and the rain wasn’t any sort of refreshing.
“Hello? Y/n its late for you- are you okay?” Your Aunts voice chimed in.
“Yeah, I just- wait for me?” You sniffled and took off your mask to talk more clearly. It was already going to be hard due to the horrible feeling in your throat.
You heard your cousins yelling in the background, “yeah we are out of town- honey, what’s wrong?”
“I just need a place- a place to stay tonight and-“ You stumbled as you walked down the sidewalk.
“The key is under the ceramic pig near the potted plants, stay as long as you need. If you’re still there next week, we come home Thursday, okay?”
You nodded and thanked her before hanging up and trying to walk safely to that neighborhood. You really shouldn’t be walking alone but you were until someone ran up to you.
“Y/n! Wait!” You turned around and saw Jake running up to you. This is not the Jake you wanted to see right now.
“I don’t want to see anyone from work right now.” You practically bit his head off.
Jake looked at you, both of you soaked, “at least tell me where you’re going so, I know you’re safe.”
“Does it matter to you? You barely know me-!” Your eyes pierced through him, “just leave me alone!” You whipped back around; you were upset, and you just wanted to see YOUR Jake. The one that made you feel normal. Where you didn’t have to deal with this idol bullshit.
“Promise me you’ll text Jungwon, I know you have his number.”
Jake’s voice sounded scarily familiar, but you were too messed up to even think.
“Fine! I promise! Now leave me alone!”
You started walking again, it was a longish walk to your aunt’s house, but you made it safely. You texted Jungwon that you were safe then you dropped your bags. You were soaking wet, it was late, and you just had one of the biggest group fights ever. You felt like the worst friend ever too. You noticed the puddle on the floor and sighed.
Taking a shower and getting into your aunt’s clothes, you were sure she didn’t mind, you laid on the couch. In the dark, alone. You could hear your phone buzzing from the bathroom. Part of you didn’t want to even look at it, but you needed your Jake asap. You hoped he was still awake. Getting up and almost slipping on the towel on the floor you headed to the bathroom.
When you unlocked your phone you sat on the toilet seat cover, at this point your voice was steady and you calmed down. You opened Jake’s contact and called him.
“Hello?” He picked up after a couple rings, you could hear voices in the background.
“Hey, um, are you busy…?” You asked, your voice was softer than usual.
You heard Jake fiddle with his stuff, “things are a little wild here in the ummmm producer office?” It sounded like a question before he continued, “however, if you need me, please say so because I need to get out of here.”
“I need you; I am at a family members house… housesitting…” You cringed, lying to him. You couldn’t let him know you ran away from work to your Aunt’s house. That would look horrible.
“Send me the address I’m on my way.”
The second you hung up- you sent it, and he was there in 15 minutes. You already had your mask on, and he had his on. He wore some clothes from the Hybe gym.
“Did you steal those?” You laughed, Jake looked down and laughed.
“I got soaked earlier when it was raining so I had to change.” Jake snickered and you both sat on the couch.
“I had to shower and change too,” taking a deep breath you leaned on him, “I’m sorry for interrupting your work… It sounded busy.”
Jake looked down at you, “I should be thanking you. It was a rough last couple hours of work…”
“Amen to that…” You mumbled and stretched out. He laughed again and kissed your head through the mask.
“I’ll probably stay here for a few hours to make sure you’re okay before I head back.” He spoke quietly, his voice matched the calm atmosphere of the empty home. You only had the hall light on, that light was dimly lighting the living room.
“You don’t have to do that, I just wanted to see you even if it was just you stopping by… it’s late and your roommates-” Your voice was quiet now. He hummed a no.
“I need this right now too… Work has been nonstop lately with some work trip coming up… I already told them I was going to be out.”
“Are you working K-Con…?” Your question was valid, if he was in the producing apartment, you’d imagine they’re having very late nights.
“Yeah…” He sighed and laid his head back, “constant work on producing… yeah…”
You nodded, that’s what you thought, “do you want to watch a movie or something?”
“Did something happen today?” He fully turned to you, “you’re quieter.” You just looked at him and shrugged.
“It’s nothing I want to go into detail about right now…” You looked up at him. Jake nodded.
“Movie it is then.”
You grinned and ran to turn the hall light off; movies were always the best in the dark.
By the end of the movie, you were both laughing. The work stress almost all gone.
“I haven’t seen that movie in forever.” he said, still chuckling. You turned to him.
Jaw on the floor you spoke, “are you for real?! I watch Tangled at least once every few months!”
“If I watch movies its usually with other people!”
The end credits played, and you got up, “dance with me.”
Jake nodded eagerly and stood up; you laughed as he pulled you close to him. He spun you and you almost fell over. He caught you, just like he always did. The upbeat song made both of you dance around wildly, you couldn’t help singing along aswell. Jake laughed.
If anyone saw you two, the sight would be insane. Two people, sleep deprived, overworked, dancing like maniacs. When the screen started fading to black, he pulled you close again. The black and white credits rolling.
“Can I kiss you? Like actually this time…”
Your heart was racing from more than just the adrenaline, “like taking our masks off?”
“We can close our eyes…” His hands found your waist, you looked up at him and saw nothing but love in his eyes. You nodded. The screen fading to black, it was now or never. You both closed your eyes and you felt Jake’s hand creep up your face.
“Tell me if I poke your eye.”
You started laughing, “just kiss me.”
And he did.
You weren’t thinking about work, or whatever was stressing you out. The only thing on your mind was him. He cupped your face with both hands, the kiss was soft, like he didn’t want to hurt you in any way. When you both pulled away, on instinct both your eyes opened.
The screen illuminating the room, both your faces staring at each other.
At this point both of you jumped away from each other.
“YOUR NAME ISNT JACOB!” You yelled back pointing at him. Jake put his hand on his chest like you just accused him of murder.
“I TOLD YOU A NICKNAME THAT WAS KIND OF CLOSE TO MY NAME!” You argued back with him. You both went silent, and this is when it both hit you. This situation was BAD.
“Fuck…” He mumbled and started chewing his lip, “you know I had my suspicions, but I thought I was crazy.”
“I should’ve known the second you said your name was Jake…” You spoke to yourself. You both just stood there in the TV light.
“I need to check my contract… I don’t even know if my dating ban is up…” He said, loud enough for you to hear.
He looked at you, jaw on the floor now, “don’t girl groups ALWAYS have a ban!? Why’d you say yes to going out with me in the first place!?”
“We do not! I just- Our group still has ours…” You mumbled, looking away from him. Whenever you were previously with Jake you could forget about reality for a while. Now it was absolutely biting you in the ass. You sat down with your head in your hands, you were in love with the idol Jake Sim… You felt the couch dip next to you.
“Listen…” Jake started, you looked at him, tears brimming your eyes. He felt like the worst person ever, making you cry, “Y/n… I’m not mad at you.”
“You’re right, I should be mad at you for asking me out.” You tried joking. He laughed through his nose.
“The only reason why I brought up the dating ban is because I still want to be with you… I don’t regret asking you out…” Your eyes stayed on him as he spoke, “I can’t be mad at you because I wasn’t really truthful either.”
“Yeah, you’re not a producer.” You laughed slightly.
“And you aren’t a makeup artist or whatever you said.” Jake added on. He grabbed your hand and squeezed it.
“I don’t want to stop seeing you, yeah, it’s stupid and it’s so risky… But…” Jake looked at you, “I feel human around you… I don’t want to lose that…”
“I don’t either…” You mumbled, a couple tears falling, Jake caught them.
“You don’t have to cry anymore Y/n it’s okay…” He wrapped his arms around you, and you hugged him back.
“I still love you Jake, even if you’re the loser I tease in the canteen or in passing at work.” You chuckled and looked up at him.
He smiled and rolled his eyes, “pfft and you’re in love with me, doesn’t that make you a loser too?”
“I guess it does.”
You both were silent for a bit before laughter erupted in the living room, “we are so fucked if anyone finds out.”
The next morning you walked back to your dorm, you texted Jake to let him know you got home safely. He thanked you for telling him and you took a deep breath before walking into the lion’s den.
“Y/N YOURE HOME!” Felicity ran up to you and tackled you. Kim sat at the island; she didn’t even look your way.
“I am, I texted you guys’ last night that I was staying at my aunts.” You laughed as you tried to fix your hair. Q emerged from the hallway and hugged you too. After reuniting with her Kim finally approached you.
“I’m sorry, I let my stress get the better of me.” She said, “I should’ve asked Jade her opinion on it before making rash decisions. I am the leader, and it was my bad…”
You smiled and pulled Kim into a hug, “its okay! We are all learning.” She sighed in relief and gave you the update on Jade. Jade wanted to perform; it would just be on the stupid chair. She said she had to suck it up.
After that, the next few weeks were swamped. K-Con was coming up FAST. Next thing you knew you were arriving at the airport. Ironically your group arrived at the same time as Enhypen. You saw your Jake and he went to wave at you before Jungwon smacked him upside the head.
No dating rumors today!
Q looked at you funny, then her jaw dropped. She covered it by pretending to sneeze. Cameras were surrounding you all so you can’t imagine the scolding you were about to get from Q when you got on the plane with staff.
Once settled on the plane you looked to Q, her eyebrow up, “did you and Jake become close when he chased after you?”
“Yeah, you can say that.” You said, ignoring your phone buzzing.
“Did he run after you in the rain?”
You nodded, “he did…”
Your group was about to go on the red carpet, nerves fueled you all. It was your first serious event and it had all of you shaking in your boots.
“What if I vomit?” Felicity said and gripped onto you, her acrylic nails stabbing into you.
“At least you aren’t wearing a boot! The staff made me wear one that doesn’t even help my foot!” Jade said and looked at her.
“What’s important is that you’re here.” Kim spoke and smiled at Jade. Q nodded and gave Jade a squeeze on her shoulder.
“Ready?” Kim asked you all. The five of you smiled and walked into the flashes of cameras. The interviews went smoothly, everything went smoothly. Your group was praised for growing so quickly and how hard you all worked. This is what made your job worth it.
You found your seats backstage and saw all the snacks, “ohhhhh my gosh!” Jade limped over to the snack table.
“Ugh Jade is so lucky; she gets the chair so she can eat without getting sick on stage!” Felicity whined. As your friends started fighting for snacks, you excused yourself to the hallway. You wanted to talk to the staff about your stage outfit, there was a part that was itchy, and you wanted to see if they had cloth to stick under it.
As you walked down the hallway, someone pulled you into a corridor, you yelped until you saw it was Jake.
“Hey.” He smiled down at you.
“You know people are filming behind the scenes stuff around every corner.” You looked around, his hand still holding yours.
“I already cheeeecked.” Jake spoke, he looked at you, “its weird seeing you in an idol getup.”
You looked up at him, eyebrows furrowing, “what do I look bad?”
“WHAT NO!” He said loudly, now waving his hands around in defense. You started laughing as you leaned against the wall in front of him. You had to create some sort of distance- just in case.
“I am excited to see your performance tonight.” You now calmed down from your laughter, Jake grinned at you.
“I’m excited for you to see it, I feel bad for not being able to see you often.” The second part of the sentence was quieter.
You smiled and rolled your eyes, “you see me if our lunches match up.”
“You know its not enough.” He stepped closer to you, his hand held yours again. He went to lean in to kiss you, but you heard one of his members calling for him.
“Duty calls…” You whispered to him before skipping off.
All the performances went smoothly, your group went live at the end and people started leaving comments about something.
“Did you see Enhypen’s reaction to the performance?” Kim read aloud. You were messing with your pajama pants on Q’s hotel bed as the live went on.
“No… Did they hate it?” Jade joked and looked around.
Q started laughing and looked at the comments with Kim.
“Jake looked like a dog watching it!?” Felicity said, peeking over the two older girl’s shoulders. You turned away from the camera pretending to sneeze to hide your smile. He was so dumb, in a good way of course.
“Enhypen is a group that helps us a lot,” Kim started.
She continued to explain how the group helps your group train, how you all were thankful for them. At the beginning of becoming an idol and even during that time there are a lot of struggles, so having friends really helps.
At the end of the live you guys went to your separate rooms, you all decided to pay out of pocket if you wanted a separate one. You flopped on your bed, exhausted. You were still jetlagged and so when there was a knock on your door, you sighed and got up.
When you looked through the peephole you saw a familiar mask. You swung open the door and pulled him in.
“What are you doing here?” You shut the door behind him.
“I wanted to see you, I have the day off tomorrow, do you?” He giggled and took his shoes off, and put his bag down, make yourself comfortable you guess.
“Yeah, I do why?”
You sat down on your bed, and he flopped next to you, “I emailed you something.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, “you emailed me something? What year is it 2008?”
Jake gave you a deadpan look before breaking out in a smile, “haha very funny… I also brought legos.”
Your eyebrow quirked up, “what kind?”
“Do you have no faith in me as a boyfriend?” Jake whined; you shoved him lightly.
“You aren’t my boyfriend! You haven’t asked me!” You whined back. Jake looked up at you, he was laying down. He had a look on his face. Like he was up to something.
“What.” You asked, “you have a devious look…”
You quickly covered his mouth, “you are so loud!” You started laughing and he smiled behind your hands. He muffled something, you looked confused. He muffled again before uncovering your hands.
“Check your email!”
“Fine fine!” You laughed and got up to check your phone, you stood leaning against the hallway. You opened your email and looked at him one last time before reading it.
“Oh my god…”
You already heard Jake’s giggles, you didn’t even have to look at him, “we are going to Disneyland!?”
“You mentioned it on our first date that you wanted to go! Plus, they have that Tangled section too!” Jake said and got up. You felt like crying, like you didn’t deserve him. When he was in front of you, you sat your phone down and hugged him.
“One thing though…”
You pulled away as he spoke, “only my girlfriend gets to go with me.”
“Making another deal with me?” You teased him, your arms around his neck. Jake grinned down at you.
“Is it working?”
“Yeah, it is. It’s a deal.” You smiled and kissed him.
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anya-anya002 · 5 months
More lil thoughts <3
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-bedtime, just bedtime. Being all cozy and tangled up underneath the sheets. In the winter the air is dry so the slither of the window being open is quite normal. But not the freezing air that creeps within the cracks that lay beneath you two. He pulls you in closer most times, frustrated from all the cold.
-Imagine getting high asf with him around the city. You took him to this THC infusion cafe and bought coffee…you both were gone within the hour. Just wandering around the streets giggling and looking around at all towering skyscrapers and clouds that crawled by. (He‘d never say this to anyone but you but he had an high moment when you were wandering in a Target because he thought too hard about the idea of Cool Ranch Dorito seasoning-)
-Him getting overwhelmed and tired that the only thing he can think to do to relieve stress is to suck on your breasts. His lips wrapping around your nipple as you scroll through you phone. His eyes instantly fluttering shut once you give in and cradle his head to your chest.
-Both of you being big on napping. On tour? You’re both knocked the fuck out in his bunk. At a party? You got too high and he didn’t wanna be around people for that long, you both took a nap in the guest room. Either way, neither of you play about napping. You’re both like two little cats.
-A professor Al’ one. You smoking on your porch early mornings with him. The first of many peaceful things of the day as you sit close and listen to him talk about a new film he’s seen or a new record store that’s opened up in the city. He dreads 6:00 am, begrudgingly getting dressed for work as you watch him from the doorway of the living room.
-Reading books around/ with him. You’re laid across his lap on the couch or in the back of the car reacting to each page you read aloud as he follows along silently. His fingers trail against the side of your head as you complain about how stupid the main character is being, lightly chuckling at your remarks.
-Teaching him how to use a phone (don’t lie…he’s paw paw-). This man forgets his password every 4 business days, he always calls or texts you for the password like he didn’t make the Netflix account 🧍🏿. You’ve started to just keep a tally of which account he forgets the most (…it’s his Spotify-)
-Watching reality tv with him. He swore he would never watch such insanity, but there he is shouting “she really just say that to her?” while you nod in silent agreement. He's probably more caught up than you, especially when he's touring. No you aren’t horrid like the cast, but it somehow warms his heart knowing on the other side of the world you're probably watching the same show. (Imagine him watching 90 day 🧍🏿-)
- funeral director one…Mr. Turner’s most prized possession is a gold plated trocar. It’s usually hung up in his office where no one can see it, but when he first taught you embalming he brought it out just for “good luck”. (He was indeed half hard watching you hold his most favorite item in the world-)
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mysterious-ocarina · 1 year
Request: hi again!! i can’t get over your writing omg- could you do another remus x reader? im actually obsessed with him haha. reader is sirius’ twin but is really quiet almost mute most of the time(bc of family trauma). they draw really well and draws remus the most. one day reader is out and sirius finds their sketches and shows it to the rest of the marauders and when reader comes back they get loud for the first time bc they’re touching their book. i love the idea of sirius sibling reader it’s taking over my brain!
A/N Dedicated to the anon who's been waiting since the beginning of January for this! my longest fic yet and I'm sorry it took me so long to start writing it <3
Main Masterlist HP Masterlist Requests AO3
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(2.9k words)
If someone were to ask anyone about you, the first thing they would say is how quiet you are and how much of an opposite you were to Sirius, your obnoxious twin brother. You loved Sirius and when he moved into the Potter home, you were graciously invited and followed Sirius. This is how you became close to The Marauders. Everyone knew that the Black family was dysfunctional but you and Sirius coped with the family troubles in opposing ways. While Sirius was always loud and rebellious, you were more stand-offish and reserved. Sirius always knew this, but his friends found it to be quite the surprise.
The Marauder who was the least put off by your nature was Remus Lupin. He understood the want for silence as well as how annoying your brother could get. This is likely why you may or may not have developed the tiniest crush of sorts on the werewolf. You guys often spent time alone in each other's presence. You with your sketchbook, and Remus with a book. This was your favorite time of the day because Remus often gave you inspiration to draw.
On one hand, he would tell you about whatever story or topic that he was reading about so you would draw whatever he was talking about. On the other hand, he gave you inspiration even when he wasn’t talking. Your sketch book was your prized possession. You never let anyone look at it. Sometimes you would show off your sketches of random things to your friends but that was it. You didn’t want anyone, especially Sirius with his blabbermouth, to see all of the sketches you have of Remus. 
Drawing Remus during your time together started off normal. You simply wanted to get better at drawing faces and such and he just happened to be with you. Over time though, as you started to fall for him, your sketches started to become less about anatomy lessons and more about the way Remus looked peaceful curled up reading a book. Or how the scars on his face made him more attractive even if he didn’t think so. Or how his shirt clung to him in all the best ways. In your head, you defended yourself saying that it was still about anatomy, that you're learning how to draw facial expressions, facial features, and how clothing works on a body. But you knew, it had nothing to do with that. You were just desperately in love with Remus and this was the only way to express it.
“What are you thinking about?” Remus asked aloud, peering over his book at you.
Blushing, you replied with a short, “Nothing.”
You focused back on your sketchbook and realized that you were so distracted by your thoughts, that you hadn’t even been drawing. Your sketch was only the outline of a faceless body. You didn’t start drawing Remus and with your mind still distracted, you put your sketchbook down on the coffee table in front of you. 
“How is my favorite twin doing?” Sirius asked, ruffling your hair from behind you. He hopped over the back of the couch you and Remus shared and took the seat in between the both of you.
“I’m your only twin,” you grunted, slapping his hand away. “Unless you count James, who’s hip you seem to be attached to all the time.”
“Well, unlike you, I have a best friend. . . Or friends in general,” Sirius offered you a smirk.
“I have a lot of friends. I even have a best friend,” you replied, stubbornly. You didn’t have a single friend outside the Marauder boys. You were decently close with Lily and Marlene, your roommates, but the person you were closest with was Remus. There was no way that you would admit in front of the boys that Remus was the closest thing you had to a best friend, who you have a fat fucking crush on.
“Oh, really? Name one friend, that isn’t one of us 4,” at his request, James and Peter sat down on the chairs around you, coming from seemingly nowhere, and joined the conversation.
“She probably can’t. She loves us too much to have other friends,” James said with the most prideful look on his face.
This argument was petty and stupid, you realized. You weren’t really in the mood to bicker with Sirius right now. You were also embarrassed by their teasing because Remus hadn’t said a single thing to add. You wondered if he knew that you were only close with him.
“It’s called quality over quantity. I know you don’t know what that means with the amount of guys and girls you. . . affiliate with,” you remarked. It was no secret from anyone that Sirius was a bit of a playboy around school.
Remus suppressed a giggle at your comment and started to laugh harder at Sirius’ fake offense to your suggestion.
“Shouldn’t you be on my side?” Sirius raised a brow at Remus.
“Maybe,” Remus shrugged, giving you a wide smile. You smiled back with a blush adorning your face.
As the conversation lulled, everyone started to do their own thing. James and Sirius played a serious match of wizard chess as Peter watched on, stuffing his mouth with some Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. Remus was still on the opposite side of the couch as you, with his nose tucked firmly into the book he was reading.
Later that night, you were alone with Remus in the boys’ dorm, sitting across from each other on Remus’ bed.
“You’ve never told me why no one is allowed to see your sketchbook, not even me,” Remus mentioned, adorning the cutest pout you’ve ever seen.
Avoiding his gaze, you softly replied “It’s just private, that’s all.”
“If I had your talents, I would be showing it off to whoever I could,” Remus smirked at you.
“A showboat Gryffindor. How unusual,” sarcastically replying, but a smile still threatened to take over your face.
“Admit it, the show offs in Gryffindor keep this school alive. . . and the ladies swooning,” Remus told you with a laugh.
“Absolutely no ladies are being swooned by the Marauders, I can tell you that,” you lied.
“I can think of a few ladies,” Remus looked right at you. Your heart stuttered in your chest.
Did he know that you liked him?
Was he flirting with you?
There's no way he could like you back, right?
Before your thoughts could spiral anymore, the rest of the Marauders entered the room. You think you hear Remus give an exasperated sigh but you decide you’re being delusional.
“Time for you to leave,” Sirius gives you a head pat. “Can’t have my twin in detention for being out past curfew.”
“I get it, I get it,” you swat Sirius’ hand away from your hair, for the millionth time in your life. “I’ll see you losers tomorrow.”
With a wave and a look, mostly in Remus' direction, you bid the boys goodnight. You wouldn’t realize until too late, but you left your sketchbook sitting on your brother’s nightstand.
“Shit, look at this,” Sirius whispered, picking up a leather bound book from his nightstand.
“Is that y/n’s sketchbook?” James asked, wide eyed.
“Let’s take a look inside,” Sirius exclaimed. With wide eyes, Remus shot up and attempted to grab the book from his friend.
“We shouldn’t do that. It’s an invasion of their privacy. Even I’m not allowed to look inside,” Remus sighed. He understood how important the book was to you. Even though he was as curious as the others to see inside, he would never want to ruin your trust in him.
“Come on, Moony. She’ll never know that we took a little peek inside,” Sirius claimed. Remus didn’t know what else to say so he just laid back in bed and tried to ignore his gossiping friends.
“Well, well, well. That is not at all what I was expecting,” James whispered. “Explains why they didn’t want us to see it.”
“Moony, come take a look at this. You’ll love it,” Sirius pleaded, excitedly.
“Unlike you guys, I don’t want them to hate me for invading their privacy,” Remus replied, exhausted.
“Trust me, they could never hate you. Just come here,” Sirius pulled Remus from his bed and brought him to look down at the sketchbook.
Remus blushed as he saw most of the pages filled with different drawings of him, some filled with cheesy hearts and flowers. He was surprised to see that most of the portraits had a little comment under them. The comments were about different stories that he told you.
He adored telling you stories, especially from whatever book had captured his attention that week. He never realized you actually listened to them or even cared enough to write them down for later.
“Someone has a crush on you Moony,” Sirius smirked.
And at the worst time possible, you walked right into their dorm and Remus watched as you took in the scene before you.
You were already all the way to your dorm by the time you realized that you left your sketchbook. You debated between leaving it there overnight, but a gut feeling pulled you back to the boys’ dorm. Not bothering to knock, you entered the room.
“Someone has a crush on you Moony,” Sirius smirked. All of the boys were crowded around Sirius’ bed and a blushing Remus.
“What’s going on here?” you nervously asked.
All 4 boys turned to you with the guiltiest faces possible. With them facing you, instead of hunched over the bed, you could see what captivated their attention. A familiar leather bound book.
You felt your stomach drop to the floor and tears threatening to fall. Silently, you walked up to the bed, not looking anyone in the eye, and harshly grabbed the book.
You were about to leave the room, when Sirius spoke up. “Hey, y/n. Wait-”
“No!” you screamed, turning to face the boys. All 4 of the Marauders shrunk at the sound of your voice. You never yelled before, especially at them. You were always level-headed and calm but the anger rolled off of you in waves at this moment.  Remus tried to think of a time where you unleashed any kind of anger like this, but couldn’t think of one. Not even when you were ambushed by Slytherins, did you yell.
Sirius felt so much guilt at the sound of your voice, that he almost thought you walked up and slapped him. But no, you stayed glued to your spot next to the door.
You were seething. You never asked for much, always grateful for anything you had. You didn’t care when they annoyed you, pulled silly pranks on you, or even got you in trouble with the professors.
“What the hell is wrong with all of you?” you paused to collect your thoughts. “I’ve only ever asked you guys for one thing. Not invading my privacy. That was all I ever asked of you four. And here I find you guys doing exactly that.”
Your yelling was so loud that each of the boys wondered if the silencing charm around their dorm could contain it.
“And don’t get me started on you,” you pointed a heated finger at Sirius. “As my brother, growing up in the same shit household, I thought you of all people would understand privacy and trust. Looks like I was wrong.”
With that said, you turned around to leave. Opening the door, you shot one pitiful look at Remus before making your way back to your dorm.
“Fuck,” Sirius cursed. You guys never fought and it was obvious in Sirius’ distress. “We’ll fix this. We have to.”
“Well on the bright side, we know that they like Remus as much as Remus likes them,” James tried to soothe.
“Yeah, well any chance I had, is now gone,” Remus sighed, solemnly. He was the only one who saw the tears in your eyes as you looked back at him.
“We’ll fix everything in the morning. Don’t worry,” James tried to comfort. 
With tired sighs, the boys did their best to go to sleep that night.
Fuck. You yelled at the boys. The embarrassment of the entire situation muted the anger you had for them. You were beyond angry about what they did, but even more embarrassed about what you were sure they found. No doubt had they realized how much you cared about Remus.
Oh, Merlin. Don’t even think about Remus. He didn’t utter a single world to you last night. He didn’t even stop you from walking out the door.
Walking into the Great Hall, you found the Marauders with their heads casted down, with depressed looks on their faces.
In no way did you forgive them, but you decided to take pity on them.
Wordlessly, you sat next to Sirius and across from Remus. You filled your plate with your favorite breakfast foods and ate.
The silence that overtook the group would have amused you under different circumstances. This group of boys did not know how to keep their mouths shut.
Your silent eating was only disrupted when you felt someone lightly tap your foot. You looked up to find Remus staring at you with an unreadable expression except for the blush staining his cheeks. You offered him a small smile back.
One look at all the boys staring at you had your heart cracking. You couldn’t be sure, but you thought that Sirius might even have unshed tears in his eyes.
You finally decide to speak up. “I’m still mad at you guys, but you are forgiven.”
“Oh, thank Merlin,” Sirius hugged you tight. The force almost knocked you out of your seat. “I’m so sorry. I promise, anything like that will never happen again. I never want to do anything that would make you yell at us.”
The love in your brother’s voice made you tear up as you tightly hugged him back. You realized that you could never stay mad at these boys forever.
Breakfast passed quickly after that, the usual jokes and conversations starting up. Once the meal was over, James and Sirius headed off to quidditch practice and Peter headed to his tutoring sessions. This left you alone with Remus, making you beyond nervous.
Grabbing your hand softly, Remus whispered, “Come to the Astronomy Tower with me, please.”
“Of course,” you easily replied. You were nervous to find out what awaited you but with the tight grip Remus had on your hand, you felt your bad thoughts fly away.
The walk up the stairs to the Astronomy tower was agonizingly long but Remus never once let his hand slip from yours.
Your mind was wandering the entire time. Had he looked through your book? You’re sure he did because he seemed embarrassed last night. Did he not like what he saw? He knew that you drew him because sometimes he would catch your eyes as you sketch away. But maybe he didn’t know the extent to which you drew him. Maybe he was uncomfortable with your small obsession with him.
“We’re here,” Remus whispered, derailing you from your current train of thought. With a smile, he pulled you over to one of the railings and you both stood there taking in the view. In the distance, you could see red robes whizzing around the quidditch field.
“Do you promise you’re not mad at us anymore?” Remus asked you with a hopeful smile.
With a blush and a sigh, you replied, “I promise. There’s no way I can stay mad at you guys forever.”
“Good. I don’t want my favorite lady to be mad at me,” Remus flirted. Your whole body felt like it heated up at his comment.
“Don’t tease me,” you snapped with an embarrassed huff. You didn’t need him to rub your crush on him in your face.
With wide eyes, Remus replied, “I’m not teasing you.”
You finally looked up at him, whispering “Then what are you doing?”
He looked into your eyes. Silence hung in the air but you didn’t care because of the twinkle in his eyes as he looked down at you.
Before you realized what was happening, his lips were on yours.
You stood still for a second, taking time to process what was happening. It didn’t take you long to kiss him back with almost as much fervor and passion as he was kissing you. His hands made their way from your waist to your hair. He was holding you as if he never wanted to let you go.
This close to you, he smelled of sandalwood and old books. He felt like heaven against you, and you never wanted this to end.
All too soon, Remus pulled away from you, leaving you to lightly trail your lips after him. He gave you a dashing smile, panting from the kiss.
You gave him a dazed smile of your own, excited for what was ahead of you.
Still panting and with a light blush covering his cheeks and nose, Remus winked at you. “Have I made you swoon?”
With a roll of your eyes and a pat on his chest, “I don’t know. Kiss me again and I might tell you.”
Remus laughed at your remark before bending down to kiss you again. This time slowly, as if the world revolved around you and time stopped.
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my-own-walker · 1 year
dating frat! kyle headcanons please?? ily 💕💕
Dating Kyle Spencer - Campus Fratboy Headcanons
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note: i love this! it's a lil quickie i can put out before i post my next story!
He's really affectionate in public. Especially around his frat brothers. He treats you like his prized possession, but not in a toxic manipulative way. He's just really proud he bagged a babe like you.
And by showing you off, I definitely mean he tries to make his frat bros jealous of what he has with you. He talks you up to them and tells them how cool you are (your achievements, things he likes about you).
In private he's even sweeter. Very vulnerable with his emotions. He comes right out and says what he's feeling no matter what.
He will open up to you about anything. Fights/arguments are typically very productive. He's a good communicator and lays his thoughts out on the table for you.
Not afraid to cry in front of you either. He isn't afraid to curl up into a ball on your lap and sob into the crook of your neck. But he's also very supportive of your emotions too. Will do anything in his power to make you feel better. Total softie.
Frequently buys you flowers/food/trinkets he thinks you'd like whenever he gets the chance. Always thinking of you. He remembers the small things, too.
You said you were out of your moisturizer last night? He shows up with it the next day, correct brand and all, because he knew you had class and would be too busy to get to the store.
Definitely is already planning your wedding. Like who will be there, where it will be, the whole nine. He's a commitment king. He doesn't do flings. When he's dating you he's in it for the long haul.
100% has the worst sex playlist on Earth. Like he made one, which is cute, but it's all 80s yacht rock and classic rock he was raised on.
Fav songs include: Hold The Line by Toto, Goodbye Stranger by Supertramp, Do Ya by Electric Light Orchestra, and I'm Still Standing by Elton John.
Total uncle vibes. He's a 20-year-old uncle. Makes dad jokes and is super corny. If you're in a store together and a song he likes starts playing, he will full-on start singing and dancing to it in an attempt to make you laugh.
Like he will twirl you and everything.
A total people-pleaser. You have to have multiple stern talks with him about doing whatever his frat brothers ask him to do. He just wants to fit in, but you see their tendency to walk all over him and take advantage of his kindness.
That being said, he is totally cool with making a fool of himself in public. He laughs at himself a lot.
He's really book-smart, but not always street-smart. Common sense sometimes evades him. He'll tutor you in biology but then forget to use oven mitts when pulling something hot out of the oven.
Very intimate in more ways than sex. It isn't a top priority for him. He is very touch-oriented. Every part of him wants to be touching you at all times. He would live him your clothes if he could.
He's big on neck kisses. They're his weakness.
Whenever you hold hands he makes a point to stroke the back of your hand with his thumb. When you cuddle, he's playing with your hair. When you're studying together, his arm is around you, or his hand is on your forearm.
Big on eye contact. He likes to look into your eyes during intimate moments. It helps him feel grounded/stay connected to you. Gives him a sense of control.
He is super helpful. Will always carry heavy things for you. Built the Ikea bookshelf in your apartment for you all by himself. When he's around your family, he helps with cooking, cleaning, whatever.
Makes a point to sit next to your grandmother/grandfather. Really respects his elders. Has genuine conversations with them and is super patient. Truly listens to their life stories.
Has a folder in his phone of pictures of you. He's always taking candid shots of you. He likes the non-posed photos just as much as the posed ones.
Don't even get me started on the selfies. He will send you 5 million silly selfies when he's bored. Whenever you hang out he's taking dumb selfies with you. Basically, he figured out his phone had a front camera and has been entertained by it ever since.
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