#cptsd nightmare
mycptsdstory · 3 months
I had the worst nightmare imaginable and I haven't had it since I was 18. It was about the band and the singer I fell in love with (not now, I'm 31 now and I moved on since then).
But like, all those old feelings came up.
Abandonment, isolated, betrayal, hurt, crushed, suicidal.
It's horrible.
Basically the dream was that everyone blamed me for the band splitting up and I ended up killing myself. No one cared enough to look for me, so my body was just in the forest and that was it. I was a lost ghost and no one cared that I went missing. Then I woke up.
I haven't felt like that in such a long time.
I meant to go to my art course, but that nightmare threw me off. I haven't left my bed in an hour. I hate myself because I love going, but I have no energy to go. I have so much work to do. I'm definitely gonna put in the work on Wednesday and do my work then.
It's just AAAHHHHH. I hate my CPTSD some days. I want to go and do my work but I have no fucking energy after that fucking nightmare. Wtf. I just want to function like normal for once. I feel like I let everyone down. Fuck me. I hate myself.
Tbh, I don't want to hear from the band or that life ever again. I don't want to hear "I'm sorry" or "can we talk". No and fuck off. The damage has already been done.
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furiousgoldfish · 19 days
I love how I will wake up from a nightmare and then not be able to move much from the bed that day. Really adds a level of helplessness and panic in this 'struggle for survival' type life.
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bpdohwhatajoy · 4 months
Having to sleep knowing you’re just going to have another nightmare
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mentalhealththingz · 2 years
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brennan-lee-mother · 2 months
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normal way to figure out how big someone's house is
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coffeexxcigarettes · 1 month
If my voice breaks
When explaining,
You do not push to hear more.
I fall back into silence,
The heaviness pressing against my chest.
The irregular beat of my heart
A reminder of failure.
So many untold stories
Die beyond my lips.
They wreak havoc on my insides,
Consume what remains of me,
Change me into a shell of who I use to be-
"Goodnight." You yawn.
I smile.
And slip out of bed..
To struggle to breathe in the silence
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whump-on-a-string · 3 months
Whumpee waking up absolutely drenched in sweat after having a string of nightmares based on their abuse.
Even though it's been a couple of years since everything had happened. Even though they know the dreams aren't real. But in their sleep they feel so much like recalling specific locked away memories of things they'd been through that they'd forgotten. Despite knowing they weren't actual memories of specific events and their mind has cruelly decided to make their subconscious experience new but similar events. Despite the source of the nightmares no longer being able to hurt them.
Confused, shaking and distressed in bed having woken up way earlier than they were meant to.
(MEGA Bonus points if whumpee has someone there to comfort them.)
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neuroticboyfriend · 1 year
sometimes, when it comes to past trauma, what hurts the most is that the past is gone. you may less feel like the past is following you into the present, and more like you belong in the past - like you're stuck there, or the world is leaving you behind. as if you're an anachronism in your own life. as if you don't truly exist, and your life ended when the past trauma ended. you feel like a ghost.
people think you "just won't let go of the past," but the past has become you. so they don't understand. but i do. you're not alone. and i hope, someday, we can be present. and safe. and happy.
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spookietrex · 1 month
Me: I have trauma and get angry for what may seem irrational at times. I react with high sensitivity and cannot always control my meltdowns and my reactions. Sometimes I will replay trauma themes, including themes of abuse.
Them: All trauma is valid.
Me: *starts showing trauma symptoms, including being angry all the time, flashbacks, suicidal ideation, and severe chronic pain*
Them: You're making it up just to get attention. Stop being a bitch.
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mycptsdstory · 8 months
I just had a dream where my family killed my fiancé, so I killed them instead. I legit hunted down every family member that thought murdering my fiancé was a "good idea" and "surely, she will go back to the family". Boy, were they wrong.
I hope this doesn't happen in real life. Now I can't sleep.
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stormofdefiance · 14 hours
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2.2 spoilers //
He finally texted me back and I’m on my knees. Like I might actually cry - he wants to live 😭😭 ffffuck. HAPPY about being alive, FUCK - I can’t believe he just said that with his fingers aaaHHHHH. He’s worrying about being a bother but also actually SHOWING he’s insecure about it oh my god lay me down in the tall grass
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tryingtogetaway · 10 months
I love not feeling afraid. I love being able to linger.
Brandon Sanderson, Yumi and the Nightmare Painter
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bpdohwhatajoy · 1 month
Anyone else have symbolic ptsd dreams more than literal depictions of your past trauma
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poisonedm1nd · 1 year
Sleep is either for the weak or for a week. It likes to mix it up but there is no in between
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thebunnitwins · 1 year
Trauma squad knows what its like
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bipolarmango · 1 month
One thing no one told me about c-PTSD is that when you start digging all the old things up, it's not just traditional nightmares that come. It's violent drems where the ones who hurt you and those you, even silently, team up against you, and you're being the violent one. The one who breaks people's arms and kicks them in the stomach, breaks their phones when they try to call for help, terrorize the whole family/other group, the one who is so violent there's blood and police and unimaginable rage.
It's horrible how trauma comes out, especially when, in real life, you're not a violent person at all and are strongly against physical or emotional violence.
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