#comments lik this keep me writing :)
Hi, hi! I've been reading some of your work and when I saw you had a tumblr I just had to come pay your inbox a visit.
I just wanna say, I really love how you write! It's so, so easy to get immersed in your stories, to the point where something kind of funny happened in my case actually XD
So there I was at midnight, browsing the monster romance side of AO3 when I came across Finally Woken. I was looking something on the shorter word count side, but the summary had me very interested. So I go, hmmm I think I'll just read the first chapter to see how it is and if I like it I'll come back to it tomorrow. I definitely liked it, but wanted just a bit more, so I clicked on the second chapter. Then the third. And fourth. And so on until oops, I binged it and it was 4 am hdjsgaca
And then the next day, I was once again browsing. And came across Don't shoot the messenger. And I go, well last night was a success but tonight I definitely only read the first chapter and then if I like it finish tomorrow. Aaaah the lies we tell ourselves. Did not even notice it was the same author until I was halfway through it. This one I managed to finish before 4 am at least XD
And then! The next day! Once again browsing in bed! I come across Sacrifice! Once again didn't look at the author until later! Take a guess at what happened next, surely you will never expect the outcome! (The outcome was exactly the same. I could not stop reading. My self restraint is in shambles.)
So yeah! I just wanted to one, come and thank you for such wonderful stories, and two, compliment the heck out of your writing skills because your pacing, and atmosphere and descriptions are top notch. Like the sense of anticipation before Satrasi knew what that captain had done was chef kiss, or the sense of dread building up to the ritual and then calm once Tai finds the reader. Or the sense of domesticity as time passes with Heshi.
All reader characters and monsters feel unique as well! My personal favorite story so far is Don't shoot the messenger, Satrasi has me swooning fdhdgzh But honestly I loved all of them so much and they're going to my favorite monster romances stash. Oh also, I'm 100% going to go back and reread, kudos and comment more thoroughly on each story, but I was on another account like a fool the first time I read them all gahdgdh So hopefully you'll see me in AO3 soon as well!
Alright I've been rambling enough already haha, so yeah! Tldr, You're a great author, I am weak and procrastinated going to bed because I wanted to read your stuff, love what you do, take care! :D
thank you so much! this was such a good message to get and i've been hoarding it for lik 2 months lol because work has been so busy which is why it was even better to get such a nice ask - it really cheered me up!
i'd say i;m sorry for the accidental repeated trapping and keeping you up until 4 am but its kinda the greatest compliment ever lol so i guess i'm not sorry
i'm so happy you enjoyed the stories and the characters and the atmosphere of the stories! my writing means so much to me and i'm always worried that i'm not getting whats in my head down onto paper right so comments/asks like these are so so heartwarming because it makes me feel lik i am in fact getting it right :D
thanks again!!!!
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krypticcafe · 4 months
i wanna know how u think 141 + König & Alejandro would react/feel about reader doing this trend with them, ofc reader doesn't upload it or anything they just record it for fun :]
if the link doesn't work the trend is basically a person is putting on lipstick and they "mess up" and their s/o wipes it off for them and the camera pans to their s/o covered in kissmarks
this has been on my mind for a while i think its so sweet 🥲 i lovelovelove ur writing!! its so good lik oml <33
Lipstick trend w/COD:MWII men
rating: teen
character(s): Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, John Price, John "Soap" MacTavish, Simon "Ghost" Riley, Gary "Roach" Sanderson, Hound König, Alejandro Vargas / GN!Reader
warning(s): language, suggestiveness
wordcount: ~1.6k
summary: Silly little lipstick trend with your silly little military boyfriend.
a/n: the money I'd pay to kiss these men dizzy.
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Knew about the trend for a while, was wondering if you'd do it, so it's not much of a surprise when you come to him asking about it.
Honestly, he thinks it's a little cheesy, but he's not so insecure that he doesn't want to do it, he's happy to make you happy.
Literally won't stop teasing you like "You sure you're doing this just for the trend?" when you're smooching him all over his face.
When you're done, you can't but stare for a bit.
"What, too pretty for words, love?"
"Shut up, Garrick."
"Make me."
Now his lips are a bright red to match yours<3
The recording goes pretty smoothly, but by the end of it, Gaz can be seen bursting into giggles which in turn makes you giggle a little until the recording cuts off.
You guys don't post it publicly, but I like to think Gaz posted a screenshot of when the two of you are in frame, looking at each other with goofy smiles.
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The last person you'd expect to be up with any trends, but it's alright, you're here to help him!
He's hesitant, only because he's a bit bashful! When it comes to these silly little recordings and any of your playful schemes, he gets a little shy about it.
But if you really bat your eyes, pout a little, maybe even tug on his sleeve...
"Please? Just this once, sweetheart?"
He sucks in a deep breath. He's a captain for Christ's sake, he's resisted things worse than this, and no amount of hellish torture has ever made him crack in the slightes-
"Pretty please? For me, Johnny?"
What was he thinking about again?
He sits there while you practically bounce in your spot while you lather on thick layers of lipstick, wondering if this will haunt him.
But all his bashfulness goes out the window when you cup his face oh-so-gently, smother him with kisses, giggling about how ticklish his facial hair is, how it nearly messes you up, how you smile proudly at your work and at him.
You swear you won't post it because you know he can't risk his reputation as a captain... but you also know nothing is stopping you from bringing it up every now and then to him.
Pulling up the pictures and videos, smugly grinning and ogling them while he groans at how smug you are.
Real proud of that one, aren't you?
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"So basically for the trend I just need to put on some lipstick, kiss yo-"
"Say less."
Literally he doesn't care what he has to do, this man wants his kisses.
He'll be all "You missed a spot" when you're applying the marks on his face.
Your guys' version of the trend is a little different.
Instead, the video starts with you putting on lipstick, Soap takes it, commenting how the shade would look good on him, applying it on his lips before smothering you with kisses in the video, leaving the two of you all covered in lipstick stains.
After you wiped your face off, you notice Soap hasn't.
He's just staring smugly at the mirror, rubbing his chin, talking about how "Y'know, I think this actually looks good on me" and "Think I'll keep it on for today, yeah?"
"Honey, you can't go out like that."
"An' why not? I'm jus' wearin' makeup."
"Don't be a smartass- hey! Get back here MacTavish!"
Every day that man tests your patience, but you wouldn't have it any other way.
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"You won't budge until I say yes?"
You're sitting on his lap on the bed, keeping him still, batting your eyes with faux innocence. He could lift you off if he wanted, but he doesn't, and that alone is enough of an answer for you.
He's trying to pretend so much that he doesn't care too much about it, that he's just letting you do whatever you want. Obviously, he's just playing along.
However, it isn't until you kiss that particular spot of his neck just right under his jaw where the stubble stops that it escalates.
"Oh? Is the lieutenant feeling ticklish?" You coo.
"'m not ticklish-" He's cut off by more kisses peppered around the area and a few extra on his face.
"Mhm, really, because," You're giggling in between your words, "When I kiss you here," He forces the fakest cough he's ever made when you kiss the same spot against, nipping it slightly. All he can do is lean back into the couch, leg bouncing impatiently, trying to bite back a chuckle or two until he finally cracks. The two of you are in a quiet fit of snickers and giggles until you finally let up.
After making the video, you silently gush over it, replaying it over and over. There's a hint of redness on his cheeks, and his eyes seem to flicker from you to the camera, it's the most flustered you've ever seen him be and you got it all on tape, lucky you.
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"That's so dumb, of course I wanna do it."
Roach is all for goofy little couples trends, so it's nothing new if you ask him to do another.
"Babe, stay still would you?" You pout, "I'm gonna have to start over if you keep squirming!"
"Mmm, I think I'd like that."
"Of course you would." Rolling your eyes, you pinch his cheek and he yelps, apologizing and letting you continue. He really can't help it though, it's really ticklish for him.
It takes maybe three tries for you to get the video right, ending with one where Gary messed up your makeup for you by swooping in to give you a sloppy smooch and clumsily wiping it only to further smear it while in a fit of giggles. He claims you were taking too long so he put matters in his own hands.
"So when do I get to do you?"
"What are you talking about, that's all there is- Gary!"
"Nuh-uh, c'mere!"
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He's confused as ever but agrees to it on a whim since he's often entertaining your needs and wants anyways.
As you settle on his lap, his hands rest on your sides and he looks up at you with affectionate eyes. He was looking at you like that when you were putting on your lipstick, too. You almost don't want to ruin his pretty little face, but at the same time, you think it'd look so much prettier with your kisses all over it<3
His eyes close and he stays still while you mark his face all over, even when your lips tickle sensitive spots like his scars. Patient as ever.
When you pull away, he looks like such a doll for you. Your hands cup his face and his lashes flutter open, showing those big brown eyes still giving you the same adoring look, and your chest is basically hammering. He can probably hear it, too. He reaches up to hold your hands and presses his lips against the knuckles. You swear your heart just stopped.
"Everything alright, sugar?"
Oh fuck, what were you supposed to be doing?
"Mhm." You nod frantically, face burning while his thumb brushes over a knuckle, "Y-You know, maybe we can just... tonight... haha... holdmeplease?"
Yeah... you never did quite get your video.
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"What, with me?" He asks, bewildered.
"Of course?? Who else am I going to do it with? Oh sure, let me call up Horangi, I bet he'll be happy to-"
"Nonono! I want to do it!"
Moments later, he's sitting on the edge of your bed, hood off, fidgeting awkwardly, and watching you quietly. Now you know what he meant when they told him he couldn't stay still for the life of him.
"König, honey, you act like I'm going to hurt you or something." You chuckle, popping your lips as you apply your lipstick in the mirror. He wasn't even this skittish in bed so what had him all jittery?
Setting your hands on his shoulders, you reassure him with a kiss first on the forehead. "Relax, I just want to take a video, that's all."
"Sorry schatz, I'll behave." He hums, easing up at your touch and you smile, planting kisses all over. It seems he just didn't know what exactly he was in for.
You show him how he looks on your phone, "Thoughts?"
"Not bad..." He attempts to wipe off the marks, but you swat his hand away from him.
"You think we're done, mister?"
"Huh?" Practically pouncing on him, you cut him off with a hungry kiss, hovering your body over his. What, he didn't seriously think all you wanted was a video, did he?
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He snickers, "If you just wanted my attention, you could've asked."
"I'm serious, Alejandro, it's a thing!" You beam, pointing to the videos on your phone.
He jokingly dismisses your claim and settles onto his office chair, looking at you expectantly. You're confused for a moment, what was he staring at you for?
"Are we going to do this or not? Don't tell me it was actually an excuse now, mi vida."
"No!" You blurt, though now you're debating if you should do this or just leave him waiting with how much he wants to tease you. Then again, you can't pass up this opportunity.
While applying your makeup, you can spot him quietly admiring you in the corner of his eye, and it nearly throws you off your game.
As you kiss him, he keeps his eyes on you, a grin on his lips. Not for a single moment does he tear his attention away from you, instead pointing at a few spots for you to mark.
"I got it, I got it," You huff, mumbling to yourself, "You're certainly enjoying this, colonel..."
Post-production, when you get up to wipe off your lips, he looks at you with offense, "What, that's it?"
"Nonono, I think we need to do it again, my way, this time." He snickers, pulling you in by the waist.
"Your way? Alejandro!" You whine without fighting back as he pulls you in for a longer kiss, all your protests forgotten.
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a/n: homies i kinda regret writing this so close to valentine's day haha...
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fushigur0ll · 11 months
Hiii.!! So idk if u take requests or not..😅 but i js read all of ur e42 miles fic and i love the way u write him sm.!! And i was wondering if u could write a fem reader or not up to u.!! But reader having a rlly bad day and miles come home and sees her rlly upset and js comforts her.? Js like a fluff wit sum angst.?!
Ive js been havin a hard time here recently and i need some miles comfort..☹️ buttt if u dont want to do it that’s completely fine i just love ur writing smm.!!💕💕💕💕
Have a good day.!!!
..you’re the sweetest person? omg? help me now? i’m so sorry you’re having a not so good time but i hope it does it better with me writing your request and in general<3 this may be a little late because i’m going through temporary writers block once again:)
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꒰ ♡ ꒱ — earth42!miles notices you haven’t been yourself lately so now being the boyfriend he is, he’s gonna try and make you feel better!
includes; a tinge of angst nothing too much, fluff, tears, cuddles, kisses and a whole lotta love<3 not proofread, i just woke up💔
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miles stares at his you with a blank look, noticing that ever since you came over to his house you’ve been quiet..unusually quiet. everytime he’d ask you something you’d answer with basically a monosyllable or a mutter of an ‘yes’ or a ‘no’
he’s not frustrated with you at all but he’s frustrated with himself that he can’t figure out what is wrong with you and he wants to make you feel better and not dwell in this feeling forever. he huffs and just stares at you longingly, thinking on what to do but the only other thing he can think of is just talk but you really don’t seem in the mood for that but hey
he has to try
“baby” he calls out, watching you hand freeze, the tip of the mechanical pencil was at least half an inch away from the book. you keep your hand there as you glance up at him, just staring at him with a blank look to your face and eyes making him get increasingly worried.
“c’mere” he beckons you over with a nod of his head and you sigh, placing your pencil down then your headphones before getting up from your seat to walk over to him. he pats his lap and you hesitantly sit on sideways on his lap so you can rest your head into his chest. he rubs your back softly while his other hand softly rubs your thigh, his callused hand squeezing the fat of your thigh.
“something is wrong with you and don’t deny it because you know that i know” he looks down at you not giving you a chance to deny the things he’s said.
which was true.
you didn’t want to bother him with your concerns and your train of thoughts because you thought it would’ve burdened or bothered him. your eyes start to burn with unshaded tears, your hands in your lap as you play with your fingers trying to stop yourself from crying so he wouldn’t see but if it wasn’t for miles noticing the change in your breathing pattern going from calm to staggered, made his eyebrows furrow, quickly cupping your face to see now, tears rolling down your cheeks.
“hey hey- what’s going on?” he frowns as you stuff your face into his chest again, sniffling and softly crying into his chest. he looks up and holds you tight to his chest as he hears you no longer trying to keep your cries to yourself with your sobs getting louder and louder the less you try to keep them concealed.
at this point he thinks he did something to hurt you this much that you’re sobbing this harsh onto him. it almost makes his eyes stings by the way he can hear the heartbreak and sadness from your cries. he sits there holding you to him tightly and kissing your cheek, temple and shoulder once in a while with small mumbles of comments like “i’m here” “i’m not going anywhere” “talk when you’re ready baby”
“Deep breaths." he whispers into your ear, trying to make you calm down. “do what i’m doing baby, come on” he holds your hand softly and starts breathing in and out for you to repeat. you nod and you start repeating him, breath still shaky but doing much better..
it took a while, like 5 minutes before you calmed down. you were about to wipe your cheeks but your boyfriend beats you to it, wiping your face for you. he fixes you on his lap so you were filling straddling him with both legs on either side of him and you facing him directly. he keeps his hand cupped on your cheek and sees you nuzzle into it with your eyes fluttering closed
“a little better?” he asks, softly and you nod.
you both sit there in silence for what feels like a while before you open your eyes again and kiss the palm of his hand then leaning forward to kiss his soft lips that kiss you back. you wrap your arms around his around his shoulders while his go around your waist, pulling you closer as you two continue to lock lips. you pull away from each-other staring into each other eyes with nothing but love and admiration.
“talk to me beautiful” he whispers, hands going back to rubbing your skin softly. you sigh and look down at your lap.
“i’m sorry- you have nothing to apologize for” he cuts you off. he tilts your face up to him again. “don’t ever apologize for feeling how you’re feeling. i just wanna be there for you” you nod and stare at him softly.
“i’m just so tired miles” you pout slightly, feeling another tear come down your face but he’s there’s to wipe it away. “i was so annoyed with classes today and some boys in my class just kept annoying me on purpose” you feel his hand tighten on your thigh but you continue “and when i stood up for myself and told them to stop— the teacher came at me..me! not them, me! i tried to explain but he just told me to go to the principals office for talking back and then i just went and i told the principal everything and he said that everything will be fine which obviously nothing turned out fine right after that” you exhale “they kept flipping harassing me and they just kept saying the most complete idiotic things about how i don’t belong here and they said…” you trailed off, frowning deeply which makes his head tilt to the side in confusion
“they said what?”
your mouth opens and closes trying to spit it out but you didn’t want to because you knew it was gonna be a 85% chance he was gonna go search for them tomorrow and deal with them
“tell me baby, i’m not gonna do anything” he mumbles bringing you much closer and you knew his ass was lying but you told him anyways.
“they..they said how i didn’t deserve you and how you could do much better then me..then they just started mentioning stuff you did in the past before me just trying to make me believe that you’re just gonna treat me like shit..then on top of all of that, the same teacher that sent me to the principals, said how i failed my test and i just couldn’t take it anymore” you sobbed “t-then my friends ditched me at lunch today and i was by myself and i didn’t want to be by myself because i knew i was gonna break down like right now” you sob harder, just mentally and physically tired. “my back hurts too” you add, shaking your head and he just sighs, pushing your head to his chest again, allowing you to get your feelings out.
“it’s okay to cry baby, let it out” he assures and you nod, holding him tight as you continue to cry. “i’m sorry, i’m crying too much” you laugh tearfully, going to wipe your tears but he beats you too it.
“again, stop apologizing” he frowns gently puts your hands down from your face to cup and rub your cheeks to wipe the tears.
“don’t you ever, ever, think i’m gonna leave you or treat you like shit..why would i? i have no reason to, pretty” he brings your face closer to kiss your nose and lips. “those idiots, they don’t know me baby, they haven’t spent a single day with me, they only just love to judge from a far and think whatever and that’s what i am” he shakes his head. “i love you too much to let you go, i’m so appreciative of you, you don’t even understand and you won’t ever. i never had anyone care and look out for me the way you do, love me the way you do” he whispers, staring deep into your eyes.
“everything you do makes me feel at home, it doesn’t make me what everyone thinks i am. you didn’t run when we met, you didn’t give up on me no matter how many times i tried to keep that wall around me” he chuckles and shakes his head. “you made me understand how it is to love someone else that isn’t my mom, dad or even my uncle. no matter how many times i see you, even still till this day, my heart beats so fast for you” he takes one hand off your cheek to get your hand that rests on his lap to bring it to his chest, right where his heart lays and no lie that was told.
you eyes widen a bit when you do indeed feel his heart beat faster then normal. you smile and so does he. “and you know i never like lying” you agree with a small nod of your head.
“i’ll talk some sense into them” that makes you look at him with a deadpan and he smiles “no one is gonna talk to my girl like that, i don’t play about you” you couldn’t help but giggle and that makes him smile every wider that you’re cheering up. “as for your test, let’s see if you can retake it and i’ll help you study. if you can’t retake it, wait for the next one and you’ll do even better. ‘n for your back, i can run you a hot or warm bath and i’ll take care of you, mkay?”
you nod
“words baby”
you smile “yes miles”
“that’s my girl”
“can we lay down first? i missed you” you whisper, rubbing his arms making him smile and nod. “anything for you” he holds your thighs as he fixes himself on his bed, laying back properly and with you still ontop of him, head on his chest listening to the fast but soft beating to his heart. he hums softly, eyes closed as he rubs your back and thigh softly.
“hearing your heart makes me happy” you speak softly, tilting your head up to look at him. he opens his eyes to looks right back at you.
“you make me happy too”
“…” you both stare at eachother bursting into laughter. “too corny baby” you chuckle and lean him to kiss him softly. “i love you” you whisper against his lips and he grins against yours, kissing you back but not before responding,
“i love you more, my beautiful girl”
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fushigur0ll © 2022 all rights reserved.
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buckgasms · 1 year
I am sooooo obsessed with Daddy Bucky!!! 🤤🥰 I’ve had this particular idea that I need your thoughts on… how do you think he handles punishment with his princess? Especially when she’s been quite bratty that day or is bothering him while he’s trying to work
What about teasing him while on a work call?? 👀
Hi lovely nonnie!! Omg yes me toooo ❤️
So I have many many thots on this, so please buckle in because I just could not stop writing this 🥲😘 hope you like it gorgeous xxx
This is straight up filth so drink water and read on...
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So for minor offences, daddy would take away toys, ban certain TV shows or a couple of spanks whilst you were clothed so they didn't hurt as much.
But you wanna know what he'd do if his princess is bratty, and that he takes very very seriously because his princess is supposed to be a good girl.
I think that if princess is being bratty it's because she wants attention, probably a specific kind of attention y'know? And if princess had asked for what she wanted, she would have got it, so you're gonna have to work for it now. And if you had called daddy with the intention of teasing him, then oh boy.
The first thing to do is stand in the corner, hands on your head and panties around your ankles. There would be a comment about how wet and sticky your underwear is, what a dirty girl you were, before being left there to think about your behaviour.
Being a secret exhibitionist this actually only serves to make you even more of a mess, but god forbid you complain or make a fuss.
I feel like if you did make a fuss or try and beg your way out of it, he would put a pretty gag in your mouth, saying "you had your chance to talk babygirl." He'll leave you for a good while, making sure your arms are burning and arousal running down your legs.
"Come here" you hear him say and you walk over, slightly wobbly and teary. You know it's not the end, but part of you really hopes it is.
You are guided to stand between his thighs and he doesn't say a word as he rubs his hand through the wetness, tutting as you gasp at his rough hands making a mess of you. He pulls off your clothes until you are naked in front of him, breathing heavy behind your gag.
He finally looks at you and pats his thigh. You whimper a little before climbing over his lap, shivering a little in anticipation. He smoothes his hands over your ass and thighs as he speaks to you.
"I don't know why you do this baby. I give you everything you want, yet you chose to be a silly little slut. You want your slutty little holes filled up? You want to be my little cumdump princess?" Your moan is muffled but he gets the desperation in your tone.
He lands a swat on your ass that makes you jump. "Well ok then babygirl, I'm gonna use your little holes and fill you up, but I'm not gonna treat you like a princess, I'm gonna treat you like the little fuckdoll you are..."
Your whining is cut off by his spanking. It's hard, it stings, it feels like it goes in forever. It also makes you incredibly wet, and he uses a free hand to tease you, unsatisfying touches to your pussy, making you tense before another spank.
Before long your ass is glowing, your face stained with tears and his jeans are soaked with your arousal. "Daddddyyy" you wail from behind your gag and he does eventually halt, rubbing a soothing hand over you.
"Ohh you feeling sorry now hmm?" He mocks and drags you until you are straddling him and he grips your wet cheeks in his hand, chuckling darkly as you grind down on him a little. "Maybe not feeling so sorry huh?" You cry out, and grab at him, desperately trying to show your regret. Surely he knows you well enough by now? You can be as sorry as anything but you're still gonna be horny for him.
He's gonna keep the theme of humiliation at the forefront of the rest of the evening. He'll fold you over and pile drive into you, making you watch your greedy cunt swallow his cock over and over. He'd find a way to make you squirt on yourself too, because he's nasty like that. He'll play with your ass too, spitting on it, mocking how well your tight hole opens up for him, what a perfect cocksleeve you make. When you tell him it stings he hushes you before switching back to your pussy, making your stomach bulge. You know better than to look away, but if you do, swift slaps cover your thighs until your eyes are locked back on his face or cock.
He'd be using that mouth as well, especially if he thought you were enjoying yourself too much. Plenty of choking, holding your nose shut, burying your face in his bulge. He wants to make a mess of you, so you better believe he's coming over your beautiful face.
"God baby, so fucking perfect ain't ya? Even when you act so naughty, you're still gonna be my perfect girl hmm?" He strokes your face, dipping a thumb into your mouth to give you a taste. You can only manage a hum of agreement, but he knows getting you to speak now would be an impossible feat.
Your eyes are glistening and fuzzy. Arms and legs have fallen open to him, letting him do as he pleases to make you feel every bit the naughty thing you are. You are slightly aware of soreness, here and there, but his touch is now so gentle and soothing that you don't worry about anything at all.
"On your knees baby" he mumbles in your ear and you scramble on unstable limbs to plant yourself back between his thighs, head resting on his knee as he fixes his gaze to you.
"Have you learnt your lesson now Princess?" He strokes a gentle hand through your sweaty hair, making your eyes flutter. He can see the cogs turning in your head as you try and remember what got you to this position in the first place. Your eyes widen, then fill with tears, hands grabbing at his chest.
"Yes daddy, promise, promise I'll be a good girl." You nuzzle his thigh and stroke his hair dusted stomach. He chuckles, pulling you up to sit on his lap, pressing kisses to your cheeks. Your hands grab his face and he kisses your palms, before letting you plant soft kisses over his face.
"Baby, do you know what you're sorry for?" He asks, a full laugh slipping past his lips as you giggle, running your fingers over his lips and beard. "Mmm not really sure daddy, but I don't think I'll ever do it again..." That makes you giggle even more as he growls and nips at your neck and chest.
You sit quietly for a moment, stroking his face as he brushes your hair squeezes your thighs. You seem to be a little fuzzy still, but happy and satisfied. "You did so well sweetie pie, I love you so much princess..." He mutters in your ear and you giggle and hide in his neck.
He lifts you up and carries you away into the bathroom for a thorough wash and recovery, surrounded by Daddy and bubbles. As you cling to him you whisper back, "Love you too Daddy"
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bingusbongu · 6 months
Ok ok so hear me out-- romantic or platonic tadc jax x fem! reader-where the reader is kinda a meanie like him but more so in an oblivious feral way-like they just love pulling pranks & dont rlly think of the consequences of there actions ( idk if youve seen the show but just ignore this if not ggbgghfvgv but theyd remind me of max & nikki from camp camp-) cant wait to c what you do with this !! 🐇💜
Authors note: omg, this was an intresting request! This one ended out shorter than the other one, but i wanted to squeeze out another one for today! Sorry if its abit wonky! I hope this works!!! Thank you so much for requesting!
Jax × Fem! Prankster reader
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○ when you first showed up in the circus, Jax could really care less about you. He really only thought of you as another didgital meatbag that he could try to push around, figuring that you wpuld either end up shy like gangle, or a mom friend like ragatha
○ what he didnt expect was you being the one pranking him first
○ it hadnt even been a day since youve been in the digital world, and you already stole and hid all his keys for him to find himself, which was tough mind him, the circus was a huge place, and you managed to hide them in places he never even thought of
○ at first, he would be annoyed with you, when you sometimes made snarky comments to him, like his appearance, calling him the 'bun boy' which got on his nerves
○ though, once he sees you pranking the others, almost out doing his own pranks. Like putting more than one centipede in Ragathas room, writing a fake document for Pomni, like an old record of the circus and make her go on this wild goose chase, etc.
○ he got a good laugh out of it
○ one time, you attempted to prank Caine, and nearly sucessed at it, befoe you were caught ad trapped in time out, and no one liks time out
○ and befoe you knew it, Jax wooshed in and found a way to release you from your prison
○ "i didn't do it because i like you, i did it because i need a good laugh"
○ Jax got intrigued by you, and eventually started up a prank war, going againts eachother and seeing who can pull off the funnist prank, either on someone else or on the other competitor
○ you always found a way to out do him, which annoyed Jax, but in the end youd both get a punishment and it was worth it. You two just laughed a storm right after
○ after that, Jax and you became close friends. Hardly seen around without one hanging around the other. It was annoying to everyone else, because wherever you two went, chaos followed
○ you were a frightening duo lemme say that
○ he unironically finds you funny, especially when your making comments to one of the othed characters
○ you and Jax would do pranks together, though you were the one who took it farther sometimes, abd usually faced the harder punishments, but Jax always would come aroubd and free you so you werent waiting to long
○ def uses his keys to get into your room when he is bored just so you two can plan your next prank plan
○ no one likes you two but you guys could hardly care
○ once he realized how oblivous you were to when someone asked why you were so mean, amd you were like, "huh????" he made it his duety to keep you that way so he could actually have a friend (he needs one)
○ it would still be the same, with the pranking, but instead it would be more like dates. You two would hold hands if he allowed, and watch tge entire circus glow ablaze with smiles on your faces
○ would call you 'doll' as your nickname, he really just does it to tease you
○ definitely takes you outside the tent to plan a trap for whoever walks outside next, and you two would just sit outside and watch and wait
○ jax likes seeing how your face lights up when one of your guys's plans go off, especially if it was one he planned. It makes him all proud.
○ Jax isnt the type to really care about what happens to others, but he cant help but admire how unafraid you are to take your pranks to anothsr step. He likes that about you, but he would be dead before he ever admitted that
○ when im private, will let you sit in his lap as you two plan. He would complain about it at first, but he really dosnt mind
○ i think he would be touch-starved, after being in the circus for who knows how long.
○ All you need to do is put your hand around his cheek and speak softly to him for Jax to immediately agree with you
○ watches you closely, just to make sure you donf get into trouble with caine while he is doing something else (will save you regardless)
○ now that you are together, Jax always has plans on how to get you out of caines punishments. Almost exactly when it happens, he is freeing you and running away with you close behind
○ jokes about you being a damsel in distress
○ he lets you use his keys, to get into other people rooms, he likes to snoop, and if you like to snoop, it makes ut even better to have a snooping partner
○ you two share all the gossip in the tent istg
○ youre one of the first people he actually likes in this place, so expect him to go wherever you go, youre not getting him off of you
○ points out flaws in your plans and helps you with making a better, fullproof one
○ never admits it, but he admires and loves your personality. Just like him! But not the same gender, and with a few more extra steps
○ again, everyone hates your duo, but you two are inseparable
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Fic Writer 20 Questions
I was tagged by @texasdreamer01 😊
1.) How many works do you have on ao3
9, though some of them are only visible if you're logged in.
2.) What's your ao3 word count?
64,757, not a lot but there's nothing wrong with that.
3.) What fandoms do you write for?
Star wars, lots of Star Wars. I think I wrote for Yuri!!! On Ice before? I used to write for Marvel, I did a little bit of Phantom of the Opera (very little), I have some unpublished Avatar the Last Airbender fics, and I am currently writing for Our Flag Means Death 🤭 I hope around depending on what I feel/am hyperfixating on, but ultimately it always comes back to Star Wars.
4.) What are your top five pics by kudos?
Fighting For Your Power - one of my first published Star Wars fics. Definitely not my favorite and also unfinished, a common occurrence with my ever changing brain.
If I Could Hold You For a Minute (Darling, I'd do it Again.) - Codywan. A little hurt comfort thing that takes place after the Rako Hardeen incident
Orbital Decay - another Codywan fic, probably my longest posted fic at this point in time.
And cowboy is his name - a short little bobadin cowboy au that I'm thinking of adding more onto, whether it's little snippets or an actual story is to be seen.
To Be A Good Soldier - a Commander Cody fic, kinda my own little headcanon as to how he got his scar.
5.) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do, it just takes me a while to get there. I'm always a little slow on the up taking. I reply to comments because someone took a brief moment of their time after reading my story to let me know their thoughts, and it means the world to me, so the least I can do is respond to their comments.
6.) What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
A fic that no longer is on AO3 🙈 I took it down after a couple years of like....no one reading it, and decided to keep it to myself, like a dragon. The story is hurt comfort without any of the comfort lol. Poor poor Garashir, doomed by the narrative and also me.
7.) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oooooh let me think. Recently they all have happy endings because I myself need one. Uhhhhhh. Probably Orbital Decay. My babies get together very tentatively at the end.
8.) Do you get hate on fics?
Ehhh my fics don't get seen by a wide enough audience I think. The only 'hate' I've ever gotten was someone demanding me tag something, but it wasn't even very hateful so. No I guess not.
9.) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Once upon a long time ago, but I haven't in ages and frankly it makes me uncomfortable to write, always has.
10.) Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I don't, it's not something that holds my interest.
11.) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of...😳
12.) Have you ever had a fic translated?
No sir-y
13.) Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Yes and no? It's a collaborative fic, but I'm not the one writing it, I just had the base idea and give more ideas for the concept and squeal and cry over it.
14.) What's your all time favorite ship?
It changes with the tides, but how can I pick one set of my beloveds over another?
15.) What's a WIP you'd like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
All of them. Lol uhh I really really wanna get the Codywan AU fic written, but I'm at a point where I currently don't have it in me, I don't have much writing in me at all right now.
16.) What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue. I love dialogue. I've also been told, and I have to trust what people tell me, that I'm very descriptive and also know how to write a fight scene.
17.) What are your writing weaknesses?
Lack of confidence in my skills. Inability to finish what I've started. Making sure I'm keeping people in character, and also I tend to lack in the plot department.
18.) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Well, I think so long as you...ugh this one is tricky cause I don't know how to phrase it. I like to write in other languages in very very small doses. A little smattering here and there. But also, I feel like it's important to know the language you're writing in or consult someone who does for accuracy? Idk how to explain it.
19.) First fandom you wrote for?
Marvel. Marvel. And more Marvel. I had a very long story (with no actual plot) posted to a different site, and then took to writing people's requests for Marvel ship fics for a time.
20.) Favorite fic you've ever written?
Uhhh idk To Be a Good Soldier? I'm not entirely sure. Maybe it will be the little OFMD fic idea I had, but who knows.
Softly nudging @poibynt @missypup @frostbitebakery and anyone else who might like to do this
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lgg5989 · 2 years
Church Encounters Chapter 9
Hey guys! Thanks to everyone for your continued support of this fic, @barbiewritesstuff and I are having a great time writing it. She is posting this on her tumblr as well so jump over and give her a like or a comment. You can find the previous chapters on my Masterlist, and you can read the whole series so far on my Ao3! I made the moodboard, I hope you enjoy it! :D
Comment on my post or @barbiewritesstuff​’s post to be added to the tag list.
Tagging: @roosterscock​  
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Jake didn’t usually help with the teens but Bob had convinced him a few weeks after Christmas that it wouldn’t be bad. His only experience was with three to seven year olds, even at home, so now that he was sitting with the sixteen years olds he found he didn’t really know what to say. He couldn’t really ask what their mummy and daddy did for work, or if they had learned any cool dinosaur facts at school, or even if they had learned any fun things in Sunday school. Jake was feeling way out of his depth. The campfire had been a good idea, the country boy inside him was satisfied, but that didn’t help that the few months of planning felt like a waste now that he was here. 
It felt like being back in highschool. The kids were all talking amongst themselves, in cliques and groups, it was the same type of gossip too. Who was dating who, who was breaking up, did you hear what Patricia said to Joan, I heard Millie’s parents are getting divorced. Really, the entire thing was making him panic. 
Jake desperately wanted to take a walk and shake off the feeling, but the rational part of his brain, the one that was keeping him firmly seated on the uncomfortable log next to Bob, was reminding him that he was in his thirties now, he was an adult. It didn’t really do much to make him feel better.
“You okay, man?” Bob’s youth ministering partner asked, he was a lanky dude with a goatee and an uncanny resemblance to Shaggy from Scooby Doo. Jake didn’t know his name, the man had been way too absorbed by playing the bongos by himself for most of the evening to bother with introductions. 
“I feel like I’m back at school again,” Jake said, taking a swig from his bottle of coke. One thing had changed since High School at least, his taste buds had stopped liking sugary drinks. 
“I getcha, man,” the man replied, “I’m Freddie,” he added, sticking out his hand for Jake to shake, “though I can’t see why you wouldn’t like high school.” 
Jake snorted. Where to begin, really? He hadn’t always been big and muscular, that was the result of a pretty drastic lifestyle change when he entered basic training. Jake had been awkwardly long and lanky for most of his life, coupled with a few unfortunate hairstyles and the ability to somehow turn every conversation into talking about the Lord, teenage Jake Seresin had been less than popular.
He’d started being mean on purpose then, a skill he now exercised liberally as a sort of shield he regretted having developed at all. Still, the Seresin charm eventually appeared and things started to look up in senior year. Despite his brand new friends, he’d never managed to shake that strange awkwardness and defensive aggressivity about him. 
“I liked leaving highschool,” Jake replied, knowing it cleared nothing up and unwilling to expand.
One of the kids snorted, “I don’t believe that,” he said, “You seem like the kind of guy who’d have dated the cheer captain or something,” he added. 
“Don’t pay him any mind,” Freddie said, “He’s going through his first big boy breakup.”
Freddie had said it in such a mocking way that Jake found himself disliking the man even before the sentence was finished.
“That sucks, kid, I’m sorry. Trust me, I know what it feels like,” Jake said.
The kid looked at him for a second, “You do?”
“Sure,” Jake smiled, “What’s your name?”
“Peter Marshall,” the kid replied.
“Well, Peter Marshall, my first ‘big boy breakup’ was with a girl called Stacey Callahan. We met at my cousin’s weekly Dungeons and Dragons night and we dated for all of senior year. Like all teens, I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with her. I thought we were going to go to college with her, get married, buy a house, have 2.5 kids, you know. The whole nine yards. And then, the day before we were leaving for college, I found out she was cheating on me with my cousin. I think I cried for a whole week straight,” Jake said his best adult voice. 
“Stacey Callahan is a bitch,” Peter concluded, Jake nodded.
“True. But if I hadn’t gone out with Stacey Callahan I wouldn’t have met my girlfriend,” Jake continued, “When I finished crying, I prayed for a while. I really spoke about everything with the Lord, talked about the things I hadn’t updated him on while I was busy with Stacey. Asked him to forgive me for missing church a few times… You know. In the end I also asked him for guidance.” 
“A week later, as I’m still unpacking boxes in my college dorm room, I find that my grandmother has packed me a memory box of my grandfather’s stuff. In that box there’s a pack of letters from my grandfather. He described what it was like to fly and it resonated in me so much that I signed up for the Navy the next day. If I had been with Stacey, I’m sure she’d have talked me out of it. But I signed up for the Navy, went to Top Gun and then I met my girlfriend. She’s everything I have ever prayed for,” Jake finished quietly. He hadn't confessed that to many people. 
Peter considered him for a moment before asking, “Do you think that she was sent to you?” 
Jake let out a laugh, “I don’t know what I did to deserve her but yes, I think she was. But you have to remember that the Lord makes things happen in His own time. I had to wait a few years before I got her, but there was a reason for that, I just don’t know it.” 
“Do you think that you ever will?” he asked Jake. 
It was Jake’s turn to think for a moment, “No, but I don’t think I need to. We need to trust that the Lord has a plan for us, and he will reward our faithfulness and devotion to him with what we need when we need it.” 
Peter nodded. Jake gave him a kind smile before standing up, “Who’s ready for s’mores?”
Jake and Bob made their way to his truck, grabbing the s’mores stuff from the back seat. Before they rejoined the group around the campfire, Jake asked, “You don’t think that was too much do you?”
“Nah, I think you gave him some good stuff to think about. Maybe he will pray on it too,” Bob said, patting Jake on the back, “At least I know you gave me some stuff to pray about.” 
Jake grabbed Bob’s shoulder, “Hey man, I know you’ve had an eye on Maria, and I’m happy for you, just treat her right, okay?”
Jake saw a tint of red come over Bob’s cheeks, “Yeah, I have no doubt that she wouldn’t stand for anything less.” 
“Alright then,” Jake said, “Let’s get these kids some s’mores before their parents come.” 
Bob busied himself distributing the ingredients, and giving each kid a plate and a napkin while Jake stoked the fire. When he sat back down on the log, Jake found that Peter had moved to sit next to him. 
“Can I ask a question?” he asked, his voice sounding a little apprehensive. When Jake nodded, Peter took a deep breath in, “How do I pray? -- I mean I know how to pray, and like, I know the types of prayer but I mean, you know, how do I pray?”
“You’re going to have to be a little clearer,” Jake said. Peter smiled a little.
“You said that your girl was everything you prayed for. I pray everyday: I pray the rosary, I pray the Our Father, I try to talk to the Lord but I don’t know if I’m doing it right,” Peter explained.
Jake was quiet for a minute, thinking his answer through, “Well, the rosary is great, and the Our Father is too, but I think you’re looking at it wrong. You’re looking at prayer like it’s something on your to do list, talking to the Good Lord is more something that needs to be on a schedule, like -- err -- meeting a friend for coffee. Next time you try and sit down with God, maybe look at it like updating your dad on your life, you know? Like you tell him what you’ve been doing, how you’ve been doing. You talk to him about your plans, your hopes, your dreams and what you’re scared of. Just be casual if you have to, you know, just as long as you get the words out. I know some people who write down prayers if they can’t say them, there’s no wrong way, I don’t think. Just make sure that you tell him you love him, you know? Like you’d tell your dad. Tell him you love him and that you’re grateful for the life you have. The Lord put a lot of work into making your life perfect for you, it’s important we let him know we appreciate it.”
Peter was quiet for a moment, drinking in the conversation. Next to Jake, Bob had picked up his guitar. He had put it on his knee, one arm ready to tune the strings, but he hadn’t moved while Jake spoke. Jake felt himself grow self conscious. 
“Maybe -- err -- maybe Bob or Freddie can give a different opinion?” He stuttered out. 
Freddie opened his mouth, but Bob interrupted, “No, I think you explained it very well,” he said, giving Jake a smile.
“It was very genuine,” Peter said, looking at him, “You’re good at this. You’re good at speaking about the Lord and helping people find their ways.”
Jake nodded, “I wanted to be a priest when I was little. I figured learning how to speak was a good idea,” he explained.
“I mean yeah, but that was -- you can’t learn how to find the right words. That’s just you,” Bob said, gently patting his back.
“Was that before Stacey Callahan?” Peter asked, Jake nodded with a shy smile, “So, when you signed up for the navy, being a youth minister was kind of your backup plan?” Peter questioned.
“No. When I signed up for the navy, I figured I had left that all behind, but then I went to Top Gun, managed to piss everyone off and made a grand total of one friend. I was just really lonely, so I went to church on a random Tuesday at like, eleven pm and I was expecting to find it closed. But when I pushed the door, the lock gave way and the door opened. I just kind of walked in and kneeled in front of the altar and prayed for a while.” Jake explained, “Then, I felt a hand on my shoulder and I just about jumped out of my skin, when I turned around Father John was just standing there. I think he thought I was drunk or something, but I stood up, explained everything and told him I was missing home. Halfway through he interrupted me and asked if I wanted to be a youth minister, he thought it would suit me. I said yes and here I am now.”
“Peter’s right, you do know how to tell a story,” one of the girls asked. Jake had felt them looking at him from their log for the entirety of his conversation with Peter. “Why don’t you do the abstinence talk? I bet we’d understand things so much more,” she added. 
Bob had chosen that very unfortunate moment to be drinking from his coke. As soon as she spoke, a laugh came out of his throat and made him choke on the soda, Jake patted him on the back, trying to hide his deer-in-the-headlights look.
“Yeah, Jake,” Bob coughed, “Why don’t you do the talk about abstinence?”
The mess hall was booming with people excitedly chatting about the family day that was about to start. With five minutes left to wait on the clock, phones were starting to ring and buzz and siblings had started flocking together. Fanboy had found his sister and had dragged her away from her own friends to join his. Vegas had been dragged away by her brother and Harvard and his brothers had decided to meet in the middle and commandeer a separate table so the four of them could chat and wait. Eventually though, they all joined your table and soon enough, everyone was yelling over everyone else trying to get themselves heard.
“I would appreciate it if you kept the noise down,” Admiral Simpson spoke, his stern voice cutting right through the excitement, “Captain Mitchell, keep your students under control,” he added. Maverick nodded quietly with the facial expression of a man who had no intention of doing what he was told. 
“Dove, Lieutenant Floyd, you seem to be the only ones here not screaming. Help Captain Mitchell keep it down,” he added, shooting you and Bob a look.
“Yeah, sure thing Dad,” you said with a laugh as Bob chuckled into his drink, knowing very well that nothing anyone could say would keep this bunch calm. If family day hadn’t excited them to that point, the seventeen disposable cups of coffee currently littering the table would be enough to cause a commotion. 
It took a second for it to dawn on you but as soon as you had finished your sentence the table had gone quiet.
“Did you just call Admiral Simpson dad?” Vegas snorted. 
The table roared with laughter at your mistake, only Jake and Bob remained serious. You felt a deep blush creep up your face, turning you a lovely shade of fuschia. Seeing your embarrassment, Cyclone decided to step in.
“Your sister’s called, they’ll be late. Although I don’t know why they bother to warn us, I swear Annie would show up late to her own funeral,” he said.
“Wait,” Fanboy said, the smile that had been plastered on his face slowly sliding off, “Are you serious? Is Cyclone your dad?”
“Admiral Simpson, Lieutenant Garcia. And yes, we are serious. Now keep it down,” he said, shooting you a wink, and patting Bob on the back as a goodbye gesture. In the distance you could see Cyclone removing the phone from his back pocket.
Dadclone: Hope they don’t give you too much shit for this…
You could see him standing by the vending machine, pushing a coin into the slot and punching in some numbers, a mischievous smirk plastered on his face. 
‘Bullshit, you live for this,’ you texted back.
Cyclone moved away from the vending machine to stand in the queue for a coffee. He picked up two cups and filled one with black coffee, the other he filled up to the halfway mark and poured milk in to make up the rest. He typed a text with one hand as he fitted the lids on top of the cups.
Dadclone: Watch your language.
Dadclone: (You are right, I live for this)
You let out a chuckle.
‘You evil evil man,’ you replied.
Dadclone: :’)
Dadclone: It’s my revenge for that stupid music set. Just so you know, Elisabeth has already lost a third of it.
Dadclone: Accidentally of course.
‘Of course.’
Cyclone was making his way back to your table. Without saying a word he deposited the two cups of coffee in front of you and Bob, keeping the double decker chocolate bar for himself. Leaving you in the aftermath of his kind gesture with a shit eating grin on his face. Once he had disappeared back into the corridor, your phone buzzed again.
Dadclone: I like being your dad.
The table had been eerily quiet up until that point. Bob raised up the coffee cup to his lips and winced at the boiling hot liquid. On the table, you could see him tapping three of his fingers. He removed a finger, winking at you as you picked up your own coffee and sipped. As his last finger disappeared, Rooster opened his mouth.
“Wow, Hangman… Admiral’s daughter, huh?” Bradley laughed, easing the tension around the table. A few still exchanged nervous glances and Halo looked stupefied, but most had returned to their conversations.
“In my defence, I didn’t know until after Christmas,” Jake replied, shooting you a wink. 
“I spent so many evenings telling you what a hot piece of ass I thought that man was and NEVER did you think to mention he was your DAD?!” Halo shouted so loud that half the mess hall turned to look around. Phoenix choked on her coffee and Coyote patted her back.
“Awww, Halo has a cruush” Fanboy sang, “Halo and Cyclone sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G”
“Leave me alone. There’s nothing wrong with liking older guys,” she said, offended by their teasing. When the boys laughed at her statement, she added, “Why are you fixating on that when he clearly seemed familiar with Bob too. I mean, he gave him a coffee.” 
“I -- maybe -- there’s nothing weird about bringing me a coffee… ‘t’s just a nice gesture,” Bob said, getting quieter as the sentence went on.
Fanboy turned towards him, “No, actually it’s totally not normal. Spill, are you like his kid too,” he joked. Bob thought about it for a moment and Fanboy groaned, hanging his head low.
“I have used too many insults to describe that man around you in the last three years…” he lamented, “You could have just told me, or y’know, asked me to stop, dropped a hint, just give me any indication that saying Cyclone had a stick so far up his ass that he could probably taste it was not a good idea…” 
“Hey man, it’s alright, you didn’t know,” Bob said, trying to make him feel better. 
At that moment Maverick called through the mess hall, “Alright everyone, let's get out to the hanger, they’re about to let people in.” 
When the clock ticked eleven people began streaming through the bases’ gates. The team stood in front of the hangar with Maverick, waiting to be spotted. Penny and Amelia were the first to make their way. Harvard’s family joined them in second, followed by Coyote’s, Halo’s, Yale’s and then, Phoenix’s. Chatter filled the echoing space, making it seem much more crowded than it actually was. 
“I’m going to get some fresh air,” you told Jake, who was deep in conversation with Coyote. He smiled at you in acknowledgement. 
You found an overturned metal box to sit on, not wanting to get your uniform dirty. 
San Diego had been unusually rainy for the past two weeks, soaking everything in a coat of mud and watermarks. But today, as if the sky had known about family day on base, the clouds had vanished to make way for a beautiful blue sky, golden sun and warm temperature. The only reminder of the almost constant storm left were the puddles yet to dry on the tarmac. 
“Got room for one more?” Bob asked, gently pushing you to the side of your box so he could keep himself dry too. 
“Maria is coming,” you said.
Bob turned away from you slightly so you wouldn’t catch his smile, “I know. She texted me, we’re going on a date tonight,” he said, forgetting to hide his grin, “You sure Jake doesn’t have a problem with it?” Bob asked, with worry in his tone.
Jake had gone through stages. At first he had been accepting, then, after a week, he had grown crabby at the thought of his baby sister possibly dating one of his friends, and now, he had turned right around to be accepting. You knew though, that deep down, Jake was excited about having Bob as a brother. 
“No,” you said, “he’s happy for you. He knows you’ll treat Maria right, and he knows that if you don’t Maria will be more than happy to set you straight,” you added. Bob chuckled a little.
“Speaking of, I think that’s them, isn’t it?” he said, pointing towards a group of people now making their way to hangar six. Even in the distance, you could see Isabella’s exasperated facial expression and Tony’s shit eating grin. 
Maria waved at you and you waved back, next to you, Bob jumped up from his seat and dusted off his uniform with a deep exhale. He looked at you with a smile, “I have it bad, right?”
“I don’t think you’ll recover,” you joked as Jake’s family steadily approached. They were now only a few feet away. 
“Y/n , it is so good to see you!” Isabella said, kissing your cheeks before moving on to Bob, “Where is my son?” she asked.
Jake stepped out of the hangar behind her as soon as he heard her voice. Despite having excused himself from whatever conversation he had been engaged in inside, Coyote and Fanboy had followed him out. Jake hadn’t invited anyone to family day before and everyone was curious to know the people responsible for Hangman. You could see in their faces that they hadn’t expected Isabella and Giovanni, however. 
“I’m here. I’m here --” Jake started.
“Pensavo di averti cresciuto meglio! Smetti di rispondere a tua madre!” Isabella chastised him, clearly upset Jake had turned off his phone. 
“Il mio telefono ha esaurito la batteria,” Jake lied. When he caught your eye, he winked, you knew damn well his phone hadn’t died, "Buongiorno" he told everyone. 
“Ci presenti i tuoi amici?” Tony asked, nodding towards Fanboy and Coyote who had now been joined by Rooster and Maverick. They too seemed to be waiting for an introduction.
“Sure. Can we switch back to english?” Jake said, sounding a little annoyed at the show his family was putting on. 
Giovanni huffed, “Come mai? L'italiano non ti basta adesso? Stai diventando un americano?” his voice had been meant as a joking jab, you’re sure, but there was real venom in the words, ‘Italian not good enough for you? Are you becoming American?’
Jake rolled his eyes, ignoring his father’s outraged questions, “This is Fanboy,” he tapped the man on his shoulder, Mickey waved a little, “This is Coyote, he’s my friend from the academy,” Javi nodded slightly, “This is Rooster,” he turned towards Tony, “guarda quei ridicoli baffi.”
“Hey!” Rooster exclaimed at Jake’s jab, “Watch what you’re saying, I do speak Italian. And my moustache is classy, not ridiculous. ”
“You speak Italian?” Jake asked, surprised. 
“Yeah I was stationed in Rome for a year after Top Gun,” Rooster explained, “I picked up some of the language.” he shrugged. Jake looked a little impressed. 
“This is Maverick,” he said, pointing at the instructor standing next to Rooster, “Do you speak Italian?” he asked, when Mav shook his head, he turned back to his family, “E quello che ho buttato fuori dal bar,” he said towards Tony. He’d told the story of throwing Mav out of the bar a million times by now and it never failed to make others laugh. Tony tried to hold in a smile.
“It’s not the full team, but everyone else is busy. We might see them later though,” Jake concluded, “Now, what are you doing here. I don’t remember inviting you,” he told Tony.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot, Jake Seresin is too cool for his family. First you renounce Italian, now your brother… What’s next? The Catholic church?” Tony replied, earning himself some shocked gasps from his wife and mother and a sharp pinch on the arm from his father.
“Non scherziamo su cose del genere,” Giovanni Senior growled menacingly. Jake looked at his brother for a moment as Tony tried to evade his gaze. Implying a rejection of the Catholic church was almost a death sentence for the Seresins, which Tony wouldn’t even think of doing under normal circumstances. Jake narrowed his eyes suspiciously.
“What are you hiding?” Jake asked. Everyone turned around to look at Tony. He’d never been good under stress, you had seen it when the boys had played poker at Christmas. Tony had a tick, whenever he bluffed, or someone asked something that made him uncomfortable, his eyebrow twitched. You saw the concentration in Tony’s face as he desperately tried to control the muscle.
He was saved from his involuntary muscle spasm when Annie shouted your name, her long blonde hair flowing in the wind as she ran towards you, and Audrey hot on her heels. You detached yourself from the group and joined them halfway. 
“Oh my God, I have missed you so much!” she exclaimed, grabbing your face in both of her hands and kissing your forehead, “Look at you! You look gorgeous!” 
Annie engulfed you in a bone breaking hug, “Annie, let her breathe for a moment,” Audrey said, engulfing you in her own arms as soon as her eldest sister let go. 
“I thought I heard a noise!” Cyclone’s voice rang behind you, “How is it that in a base full of people, I can only hear you?” he joked.
“It’s because you love us. Your ears are trained to recognise our voices,” Annie joked, hugging him tightly, this time Audrey didn’t wait for her sister to let go before hugging too. 
“I do love you, you are right.” he said, hugging back, “So, have you two met Y/n’s boyfriend yet, or will this be the first time?”
“We briefly met on the phone,” Jake replied for them, coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your shoulders, “Ladies, it is a pleasure to finally meet in person.”
“Huh,” Annie said, “I thought you’d be taller.”
“Yeah, I’m the runt of the litter,” he joked, nodding back to Tony and Giovanni who were standing there talking to Maverick, towering over everyone else, “I make up for it in humour though,” he said, earning himself an approving smile off of Audrey.
“Well, it’s lovely to meet you too. You really should introduce her to your friend, she might lighten up a little,” Audrey laughed while Annie rolled her eyes, “It would be good for you. You wouldn’t smother me as much,” she turned towards you, “She tried tying my shoelaces for me this morning.”
Audrey put down her handbag and took off her scarf, swinging it over Cyclone’s shoulder before taking off her coat and folding it into her bag.
“I work in a nursery, it’s a habit,” Annie defended herself, “But please do introduce me to your friend,” she asked Jake, a hint of desperation in her voice.
“Now, which friend are we talking about?” Cyclone interjected, placing a protective arm over Annie and Audrey’s shoulders.
“Rooster,” you and Jake answered simultaneously. Cyclone paused for a minute. He looked at Bradley and then at Annie, “I can see it,” he said.
“Girls, as much as I would love to show you around with Y/n, I have some work to do. I won’t be free today. Maybe we can grab a coffee tomorrow and catch up?” he added.
“Sure,” you agreed, turning away to walk back to the hangar, “Come on, I’ll show you my plane.” 
Cyclone had already walked away when Audrey realised he had taken her scarf with him. “Admiral,” she screamed with no effect, “Admiral,” she tried again. So much for only being able to hear them, you could see her think, “DAD!” she finally screamed, taking a leaf out of your book. He turned around with a puzzled look. As Audrey tapped her own shoulder, Cyclone looked down to find what had caused the commotion. He jogged back towards them and gave it back with a kiss to her cheek, before kissing you and Annie on the forehead one last time. 
Jake pressed a kiss to your head, “I’m going to show my family around but we should get dinner together tonight okay?”
“Sounds good,” you said, giving him a brilliant smile and a kiss on his lips, “I love you.” 
“I love you too,” he said back before turning to your sisters, “Have a good day ladies, I’ll see you again tonight.” 
“Bye Jake,” Annie and Audrey called out after him. They both turned to you then, Audrey speaking first, “Okay so I know we said he was liquid fire on that video call but damn Y/N, he is like molten lava in person. I need to find myself a fighter pilot.” 
You laughed at her, “Well lucky for you there is a whole base of them here.” 
Before they could continue on the conversation you started to walk away from them, “Come on, let’s go see my plane.” 
Following behind you, your sisters chatted, occasionally pulling you into the conversation as well. The day on base passed quickly. Annie and Audrey oo-ed and ah-ed over your plane and the different training equipment that they saw as well as some of the other equipment that the Navy had brought out for the day. By the time the afternoon set in, you were exhausted and your voice was tired of being used. 
“Do you two want to come back to my apartment before dinner?” you asked them, “I bought a bottle or two of that wine we like.” 
“That sounds lovely,” Annie said, trying to fan herself with a pamphlet that she had picked up along the way, “Indiana is brutal but it is hot hot hot, today.” 
You laughed, “Yeah, you get used to it,” you said, walking with them back to the parking lot. 
They climbed into your car chatting the whole way home. All three of you let out sighs as the cool air inside the apartment hit your hot bodies. Annie sat down on the couch and took off her shoes, “This is what heaven feels like,” she said as she laid her head back on the cushion.
You and Audrey laughed as you popped open the bottle of wine, “Now it’s heaven,” you said, passing her a glass. 
It was only three and you had agreed to meet Jake and his family for dinner around five. When you made the plans with him that morning, he promised to pick you and your sisters up. When the three of you were together things had a tendency to get rowdy quickly, and today was no exception. 
The two hours passed quickly, and promptly at five there was a sharp knock on the door. You practically skipped down the hall before wrenching the door open, and excited, “Jakey!’ leaving your mouth. 
“Darlin’,” he said questioningly, accepting the hug that you pulled him into before pushing you back slightly to see why you were in such a good mood. The loud laughter coming from within the apartment as well as the sound of pop music started to clue him into what you had been up to, he cracked a smile before asking, “You doin’ some pregaming?” 
You laughed, “Well when we got back a glass of wine sounded so nice, but now that I think about it, I can’t remember the last time we ate.” 
Jake shook his head, “Well we better get you ladies to dinner then, are you ready?” 
Pulling him into the apartment, you pushed the door closed, “I think so, let me gather them up.” 
The drive to the Hard Deck was interesting from Jake’s perspective. The three women with him kept singing to the radio and every now and then Annie and Audrey would let out loud awes at your hand holding. 
When you got there, Jake helped you out of his truck before leading everyone inside. His family had gotten there early, claiming a table towards the back of the place. The kitchen was open until ten so there was plenty of time still to order food. As the night progressed, you had sobered up, but your sisters were down to have a good time. 
Tony had his hands full trying to keep up dancing with Audrey, he was the only one you trusted to make sure she didn’t wander off, and you were sure that Sofia wouldn’t mind since she hadn’t been able to come. 
You had lost sight of Annie a few hours ago, but Jake had eased your anxious looks when he pointed her and Rooster out to you, they were leaned up against the bar talking. 
As Tony and Audrey rejoined you and Jake at the table, he looked at his brother, “So Tony, where is Sofia, I would have loved to see her here.” 
His eyebrow started twitching, “Ah…well you know…she was feeling a bit under the weather…thought it might be a cold…so she decided to stay home.” 
Jake laughed deeply, “Just tell us Tony, you’re a shit liar.” 
Tony grumbled, “Oh lei mi ucciderà…She will kill me, I swear… Sofia is pregnant!” he finished excitedly. 
Everyone at the table cheered, Isabella even going as far as shedding a few tears, “Mio figlio, my son, another baby! How exciting!” 
“I knew you were hiding something!” Jake cheered, “Congratulations man! How’s Sofia feeling about it?”
“She was over the moon when we found out and now that the morning sickness is in full swing, she glares at me whenever I enter a room…” Tony joked, “I get it though, she’s having a rough go of it. It was the same with Catalina, so hopefully it eases up as the pregnancy goes on.” 
Jake nodded, his mouth opened to say something, but you spoke first, “How is Catalina?”
“We haven’t told her yet. You guys are actually the first to know, so I would appreciate it if you kept it quiet.” Tony said, addressing the last part to the whole table.
Everyone chimed in with ‘of course’’s and ‘for sure’’s, and Tony relaxed, everyone had noticed how tense he was before but nobody had said anything about it. 
You looked around, realising that you hadn’t seen Maria and Bob in a while. Turning to Jake, you asked, “What are Maria and Bob up to tonight?” 
“Well Maria said that he was taking her to the boardwalk, they are going to take the ferry into San Diego for part of the night I think, there was a street fair or something he had heard about,” Jake whispered in your ear, not wanting the rest of his family to spoil their night. 
“Oh that’s nice for them,” you said, glancing down at your watch, “We should probably leave soon, or these two will be nightmares to get to church tomorrow morning.” 
Jake laughed, “Alright, let's round them up then.” 
He drove you home, the truck quiet except for the sound of the wind blowing through the open windows. In the distance you could hear the gentle melody of fairground music rising through the air. You smiled at Jake, “We should go some day.” 
“Sure, I thought you didn’t like rollercoasters, though,” Jake said, giving you a nervous look. 
“I’m sure I’ll be okay with what they have, if not, I guess I’ll just have to hold your candy cane,” you replied, moving your hand from your lap to rest on top of his over the gear stick.
Your phone buzzed in your lap. You unlocked the device to see a text from Bob, it was a picture. The photograph had been taken from the top of the ferris wheel where Bob and seemed to be sitting with one arm over Mara’s shoulders. She was leaning into him, her head on his shoulder and one of her hands laying flat against his torso. Behind them, the San Diego skyline stretched far, the lights and lamps throughout the city shining bright in the phone’s front facing camera. Another text came in a minute later, “Thinking of you guys, did you have a nice evening?”
“I take it it’s going well?” you texted back, “Evening went well, my sisters got plastered.”
Bobby boy: Yes! We’re getting off the wheel now, I think we’re going for hot dogs after. Nice, I want to meet them properly, they seem fun.
“We’re meeting dad for lunch after church tomorrow, tag along?” you asked. Bob sent back a yellow thumbs up.
The next morning was rough to say the least. Your sisters awoke with moans and groans from all the drinks the night before, but after a few Tylenol and a cup of coffee each, they were up and ready to go. The drive to church was quiet save for the praise playlist that you had turned on. 
When you arrived, they both got out, pinning their chapel veils to their heads. This is the part of the day that you were dreading the most. You pulled out the chapel veil that Jake bought you for Christmas and began pinning it to your head. Upon seeing the lace fabric that you were using, Annie and Audrey both stopped walking beside you. 
“Y/N, what is that?” Annie asked quietly. 
“What?” you asked, trying to play dumb. 
Audrey sighed, “Don’t play dumb. That’s a new chapel veil.”
“Yeah,” you said quietly, “Jake got it for me.” 
“Why did he do that?” they both asked. 
“Um…because he wanted to be nice?” you said, but the nerves laced into your voice gave you away. 
“What happened to grandma’s?” Annie asked, her face more stern than you had ever seen it. 
“Um…about that…when I was at Jake’s family’s for Thanksgiving his niece went through my bag and she accidentally ripped it…she is only two and she didn’t know better, but its…its ruined,” you said, tears coming to your eyes once again at the thought of what happened. 
Annie’s face softened at that, and she pulled you into a hug, “Hey, it's alright. You took such good care of it for so many years, something was bound to happen sooner or later.” 
At that moment, you felt a hand on your back, Annie let you go and you turned to see Jake, he was giving you a concerned look, “You okay?” 
You nodded, wiping away your tears, “Yeah, I’m alright.” 
He pulled you into his side, squeezing you there gently before taking your hand in his and leading the way into the church. Audrey and Annie sat with the two of you in the back row, Jake’s family sitting to his right and you and your sisters sitting to his left. A few minutes before mass started, Cyclone came in with Elizabeth and joined the group on your side of the pew. 
Jake still pressed a kiss to your cheek when sharing peace and held your hand during the Our Father. At the end of mass, he bid you goodbye, pressing a kiss to your forehead, “I’ll see you after your lunch?” he asked. 
“Yeah, I’ll let you know once I get these two dropped off at the airport,” you replied smiling. 
Jake bid your sisters goodbye before leaving with his own family, they were headed to their own breakfast before the Seresin clan headed back to Texas. They all gave you a hug, Isabella pressing a gentle kiss to both of your cheeks, before they climbed into Giovanni Senior’s truck and followed Jake into town. 
The diner you were meeting Cyclone at was just down the street. Annie and Audrey took off their chapel veils and tucked them into their luggage carefully before the three of you drove to breakfast, parking the car next to Elizabeth’s SUV and Bob’s Astra
“Hey kids,” Cyclone called out, ushering his brood into the diner, “You ready for some breakfast?” 
“Ready as ever Dad,” Annie called out with a smile, the three of you making your way up the stairs into the building. 
Cyclone gave each of you a side hug, holding the door open and bringing up the back just behind you. Your group was crowded together for a minute before the hostess had gathered enough menus to take you to a table. 
The eleven of you enjoyed the meal and at the end, with much protesting from Annie, Audrey, Bob, and yourself, Cyclone picked up the whole bill, simply saying, “I don’t get to take my adoptive kids out to breakfast as much as I would like, let me treat you.” 
When it was time to be headed to the airport you all made your goodbyes. Annie and Audrey were both a little tearful when giving Cyclone and Elizabeth hugs. They might not be your parents, but they were sure as hell the closest thing you had for a long time. 
You dropped your sisters off at the airport with hugs, tears, and the promise that you would see them on your next long leave. You stood at the bottom of the escalators watching as they rose to the security floor, giving one last wave before they were out of sight. 
Climbing back in your car, you sent Jake a text. 
Girls dropped off, heading home :(
Jakey <3: I’ll meet you there. 
Jakey <3: My family just left too. 
While family day was nice, it was always hard saying goodbye. As if the weather could sense your mood, it started to rain softly on your way home. Jake was waiting for you at your apartment when you arrived, and he had already picked out a movie to watch. You smiled when you recognized the beginning of the film, Pride and Prejudice (2005) was your comfort movie. You hadn’t mentioned that to Jake more than once, but he must have remembered. 
After changing from your church dress to a pair of warm sweatpants and a t-shirt you snuggled up next to him on the couch. You laid your head on his shoulder, inhaling his clean, manly scent. He squeezed you to his side, no words were needed to communicate the melancholy that you were feeling. The afternoon passed in a blur and the last thing you thought before falling asleep was how even the stupidly handsome Matthew Macfayden had nothing on how Jake had looked while standing in the rain. 
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idk-wha-ahm-doin · 2 years
You gave me two prompts to choose from, thanks for that XD
Since the next prompt to write is also Birdrick, I chose the second one! Beth and the Smith family finding out about Rick's Diane and Beth.
Tell me what you think. I think it kinda goes off the rails a little.
"Wh-where?" Morty panickingly asked, clumsily fiddling with the portal gun. "He'll follow us into every dimension!"
Gritting his teeth, Rick urged his daughter to run faster by the wrist. "Not every dimension. Give me that."
"You can run, but you can't hide, C-137! Oh wait, I'm C-137! Are anything but a ghost of me at this point?" Mocked the echoing voice.
"Dad!" Voice breaking into a shriek, Beth ran to keep up with her father and son. "What is going on?! I thought we were going to Boobworld!"
"Me too, sweetie." Grunted the old man, entering coordinations he'd sworn not to revisit. "Where's Summer and Jerry? Did we lose 'em?"
"We're here, asshole." Out of breath, Summer announced their presence. Only a few steps behind.
"Hold on tight." With that warning, he shot a portal ahead where they were running into, basically jumping into the first scene of his life where he began to mentally degrade. He wouldn't be surprised if Prime knew of this already.
On the other side, Rick tripped on an uneven part on the sidewalk, leading to all five falling on each other like pieces of domino.
Rick tensed under the pressure, more concerned about the noise of something getting crushed under their weights. "What, was, that?" He spelled out, fearing the worst.
His son in law cleared his throat nervously to his right. "Oh, uh, haha. That? That was... uh." Chuckles trailing off. "... H-how long will it take you to fix an um, a broken portal gun?"
"Fuck." Crying out his frustrations in one word, Rick let his forehead hit the cold stones of the ground. Not that repairing it took much effort, but it took time, and time was not something Rick wanted to spend a moment of here.
"Ugh, Dad, get off of me. Why are y'all just laying here like dead fish? Jesus Christ." Summer was the one that urged them to get up. The old man took another moment to grieve whatever patience he had and whatever lunch he was about to lose before reluctantly standing up and dusting off his clothes.
"There are corpses on the street, Rick." Awkwardly waving back to the old man in a kid's bicycle, Jerry pointed out. "Is this the dimension of old people?" Innocently, he asked.
Keen observation Jerry, he wanted to make a sarcastic comment, but something made his brows furrow. "I thought I switched it off." He muttered under his breath.
"Switch what off?" Beth pressed him, having been standing close. "Dad, where exactly did you take us?"
Inhaling the dead odor in the air, Rick's gaze travelled up to the building he once called home. "One place the son of a bitch can't follow us into. You're welcome." He dryly said before taking off toward the house. "All I know is that a Rick lived here once."
"Which was you." Walking close to him, Morty frowned. "Is this your house?" He asked, loudly enough that the rest of the family wouldn't hear him. "It actually screams sad on top of its lungs."
"Maybe stop talking." Rick offered, storming into the garage. "Keep your family busy, will you? I'll make it quick- and oh-" He paused in his tracks. "Don't let them into the basement."
Walking casually past an incredulous Morty, Rick put the broken portal gun on some blueprint he didn't remember drawing. "... Are there bodies there?"
Running a hand down his distraught expression, Rick sighed. "I-I dunno, maybe? J-just don't risk it." He could hear the boy rolling his eyes.
"Hold up, the garage doesn't have a door, the floor isn't fixed after a goddamn explosion and your basement is a torture room. You're telling me you lived here after... s-stuff happened?"
The man pursed his lips, merely staring at the gadget while suffering a blank mind. "Maybe."
Coming to stand next to him, Morty's eyes studied the place. "Definitely like I remember."
"You don't know jack shit." The scientist scrunched up his nose, going through a box.
"I know plenty." Morty glared at him. "I practically lived your life once, asshat. I'm just as angry."
Rick paused in his search, shoulders slumping. "Sorry about that."
"I just think you should tell them." Morty offered with a wince. "W-we're a family now, Rick. Whether you like it or not."
"Fuck off, Morty. Now's not the time for this."
Maybe he needed to search the kitchen?
Grunting under his breath, he opened the cabinets in search of a specific item. "Goddammit, I think I'm out."
"Jesus!" Jumping out of his skin with a yelp, a pot nearly fell on his head. "Don't just scare me like that, sweetie."
The blonde was sheepishly scratching her arms, her daughter and husband also in the kitchen. Huh, he wasn't really paying much attention. "Sorry, I just... you sure you don't know who lived here or... what happened to them?"
That sentence shouldn't have frozen him the way it did. "What uh, makes you say that?" He couldn't help but drawl it in hesitance as he tried to casually lean against the counter.
The woman's eyes were furrowed in sympathy or worry. Her fingers grazed the horse doodles on the fridge door of his daughter- his daughter, Rick's actual daughter, her small hands held a crayon and drew them one warm evening long ago. It hurt something deep and suppressed in his chest to look at anything in the house at all. Part of why he wished to leave as soon as possible.
"This... a kid drew these, Dad. This is messed up- a-and we saw the garage, it can't be more obvious." Something sank in the depth of his stomach, but he held his indifferent facade. "The me here didn't get to grow up." When she finally tore her gaze apart from the drawings and faced him, they were glistening with tears. "A-and maybe even the whole family didn't survive, who knows?" Voice shaking.
Fidgeting with an empty bottle, Rick tried to play it cool. Sometimes he really wished Beth wasn't so smart. Smart people suffered. "I try not to think about it." He admitted.
"There's something wrong with this universe." Summer raised an eyebrow. "Seriously creepy. No wonder that Rick didn't follow us here."
"Yeah, no wonder." Muttered Rick in an echo, facing away when Morty joined them in the kitchen, probably wearing a scold on his face. Clearing his throat, he straightened his back and continued. "Nothing I can do here, fellas. I have to make something from scratch and I know the perfect lab-"
A familiar chirp cut him off, filling him with dread.
"Rick, baby! Did you come back again?"
The honeyed tone glued his shoes to the floor, turning the blood in his veins into liquid ice. His heart pounded painfully against his ribcage and his mouth dried up.
No, no, no, no.
Now was the worst possible fucking timing for this.
The rest of the family looked confused by the caller, eyes drawn to the other room. Morty's wide stare stayed on him, though. And Beth looked somehow relieved.
"Oh, I'm so glad you didn't kill yourself!" The voice sang with a pleasant sigh. "I told you flying off without coordinates was dangerous!"
Jerry eyed a frozen Rick with disbelief. "Rick, who is that in the house? I thought it was empty!"
"Tha... that's Mom." Beth whispered against her palm. "S-she's alive!" She cried with joy.
"Oh, Rick." It called in a singsong. "Did you finally kill our target?"
Whatever joy and relief was radiating off the family died at that, four set of eyes staring the poor man down.
Noticing the attention was on him, Rick shook his head and narrowed his eyes. "You're uh, the house AI, right? You got the wrong Rick." He lied, hoping it would take a hint.
"If the wrong Rick steps in this house, he'll be blown up to pieces! You thought I wouldn't recognize my own d-d-d-dirtybear?"
Pulling his lips into a strained line, Rick closed his eyes. He felt their eyes piercing holes through him. "Mute." He grumbled.
"You designed me so I can't be muted! Or did you forget that already?" The AI responded cheerfully.
"... No. I-I didn't... kill, the target." Gritting out, every word was forced out and clawed on his throat before forming sentences. "Can you stop- talking to me for a few minutes?" Pinching between his brows, Rick inhaled, trying not to look at anyone of his found family. He would lose all his nerve if he did.
"I wouldn't be a good haunter then, would I? And oh, you brought your new family here!"
The concept of denial forgotten completely, Rick glared at the ceiling and growled. "Don't you even dare, Diane!"
"I'm just doing what you told me to!"
"Well, now I'm telling you to fucking quit it!" He shouted. "I'm giving you new codes! I don't- I don't fucking want to be haunted!" Voice rising as he yelled.
For the first time since its creation, the AI paused. "You made my codes un-rewritable for a reason, Rick! Besides, I'll always be in your head! You said that last time!"
"Ugh!" The man exclaimed with a mixture of rage, exasperation at the ugly truth and stares poking on his nerves.
"If you want to move on, I'm proud of you, baby! I forgive you for getting us killed!" Her voice was so joyous, so full of life, and yet she whispered bites of venom wrapped around a layer of honey. "But before you do, you can kill off the killer's genes!"
"Hold the fuck up- did you just tell him to kill me?" Morty glared at the same spot on the ceiling Rick had.
"No." Innocently replied the AI.
"Wait, the killer's your Rick, Morty?!" Summer suddenly yelled, pointing at him. "You never said anything!?" Jerry and Beth gasped and looked at the scowling brunet.
"I-i's complicated!" Morty shouted back with a streak of panic and defensiveness. "Rick! Help me out here!?"
Stopping for a moment to bite down a harsh retort and a tendency to murder, Rick smacked his hands on the table. "Everybody, shut up!" The yelling quieted down. "For fuck's sake, no one's killing Morty. And Diane, tell me, are we out of Isotope 322?" He demanded loudly. "There's no crack in the main tube that needs immediate fixing, but the fluid still spilled out."
The AI paused for a moment to scan the house. "Oh, there's actually some in the cupboard to your right, sweetheart!"
"Thanks." Mumbled halfheartedly Rick, opening said cupboard and snatching it and a beaker.
"Wow, grandpa. This is..." Summer trailed off after breaking the silence.
"Sad?" Rick snapped, beginning to make more portal juice. "Well, guess what? We know, Summer. We know."
Fucking splendid. Now there was going to be awkward silence and more pity than he could stomach.
He should've thought of another dimension, another solution or even avoided this house. He should've gone straight to the lab.
But no matter how hard he scolded himself, he knew in the back of his mind that the black hole of this building would always draw him in and drown him.
His hold tightened on the beaker as he watched the liquid stir together into a homogenous substance. "Why are you fucks just standing there? Go out- be-be useful." He ordered with a growl.
But his rage didn't last when two arms wrapped around his chest, making him wince. "... For all the times I blamed you for leaving me and Mom." Beth's trembling voice came from where she rested her cheek against his shoulder. "And you let me because- I-I can't even..." She breathed out in utter disbelief.
"I yell and scream at you about how you don't care about family!" Her incredulous voice rose gradually. "Is that- is that supposed to be a joke?! How many years did you spend out there I- pursuing a vendetta? What was that- a torture robot with Mom's voice?!"
"Sweetie-" Rick started.
"Fo-for all the times I called you a-! Do we even know you?!" She cried.
"Don't take it personal, honey." Rick paused and freed his hands, reaching one to put on Beth's head crown. Then sighed. "Even I don't know myself." He muttered the second part, earning himself a tighter embrace.
A tear threatened to wound his pride by falling down, but he blinked it away. A tender affection for Beth burned in his chest, encouraging him to turn his head and plant a soft kiss on her hair.
This cut too deep.
"Is there like uh, a room for one more?"
Raising his head, he saw Summer awkwardly standing with her arms spread out and a truce-seeking smile on her face. Behind her, Jerry was watching with an open mouth, and Morty had a goodhearted smug look to him, arms crossed.
Eh, fuck it. "All of you fucknuts, bring it in!" He cried.
A moment later, he didn't know whose snort was in his ear and who was trying to tackle him,
But he felt like a part of this dumb group of people bonded together through their experiences.
For maybe six minutes and twenty one seconds, Rick forgot about his haunted mind.
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queenofthecon · 1 year
fuck! i wanna do nothing but read ur NinexRose stories all day - the cruelty that i have to "work" is ridiculous - god, i can't wait til busy season is done so i can properly comment again. please keep it up! feels like all thats getting me through these 70 hr weeks is reading fantastic fics lik urs
i feel this deep in my bones, sweet anon. i'd also much rather be writing ninerose fics than working any day of the week.
keep your head up for there will always be more fic to come home to. y'know... soon as i write it.
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hardfeeling505 · 3 months
All about her
This story is about my experience became friend with someone i accidentally met on random tiktok live and i asking her to be FRIEND MOOTS
her nickname idk, i just call her M, she is the oldest child, from what i see she is a very good big sis to her younger sis(her sister is so lucky to have u M).height 5'4 feet in cm its like 162.56 (she told me how else i know😐)born on September something 2005. I thought i'm going to jail man😐 but i born on 2001 so it okay, thanks God for that✊ (im a little bit cooked tbh i'm on a thin ice right back there😔) she a Filipino Canadian Girl, raised in Alberta , Edmonton , Canada. It take about 24hr 45 min flight from my place. One day i hope for to meeting her in person😤,even though i know its not gonna happen(just me being delulu).
Actually, i want to witness the flower bloom in spring with my own eyes + Also meeting my buddy. She told me her province is known for Grand Prairie’s and stuff, it's like a full green land and have so many lake ,as i recall there also a moutain (6 hours ride from her home) bcs she told me that there is so many wild flower will bloom when it spring season. I bet the view is so beautiful, you know nature and beautiful, a word that can't be separated, and yes always beautiful + watching with her? Bro!! i gotta prepare insulin injection bcs i might got sick from all those sweet moment with her
(🗣️📢🔥🔥🔥this is not a pickup line).
Other thing about her.She is one of the lactose intolerant victim , can't drink or eat anything contain dairy stuff ,only almond milk. She told me she can't eat corndog ,poor her.😭 Bro!! i eat corndog like i cant even count how much i eat.When she say that , i wish i can give her a hug but must keep it halal (yes i'm a muslim). Furthermore, i like like like it when she go suddenly share random fact about her ,one example of it "i hate energy drink" and "im just got choke from reading your comment bro" , she so random Bro that is one of her charm and i loving it (as a buddy ofc)
And one moment, my dumbass go tell her to try drink banana milk, After re-read my chat i go Oof what have i done😐. I genuinely want to kick myself for that I'm so sorry M forgive me please i think i half asleep at that moment not thinking straight. 🙏 (im doom can't think of any better excuses Help😔)
Also the so CUTE impression of her i can't hold myself to tease her😭(im cooked). SO STRONG INFJ VIBE FR. There is one morning we chatting about breakfast , she say she making a toast bread, I ask her "M you eating the bread with what? peanut butter?" and she answer "i eat it with banana and something" , then i say "i like banana too" for real i like banana💯. Then, i saw my opportunity to tease her and i took it😭, i start with asking her "u know what i like too?" ,she reply "what?" , it might seem crazy what gonna say, i with my full consciousness say " i like strawberry jam, strawbewwy jam is so✨✨" , and she reply with "Oooh" then "okay". I feel like a bad guy at that moment but man she so cute i cant resist it I am so sorry M forgive me🙏😔. (i want to do it again frfr)
She going into Nursing then paramedics like ambulance people, praying for her to achieve her dream, Amin .Please God give her All the strength she need bcs im so far away from her🤲.(Proud for her Bro as buddy ofc).She enjoy work out so much (i like it too💯), consider it her hobby for now.She like to say LOL a lot i know everyone does but her LOL is different for me (dont attack me).
One more thing i like about her is her habits to explain to me about something until i truly understand, her effort Bro!!. (she like to express her feeling by put it all in her writing). I swear i will like and always read everything she wrote man like i feel like my eyes and brain (my whole life existance) is created by god to read her essay man, to listen to her. I literally crying right now while writing this. thank god i not writing this on paper man.She so precious to me Bro!!! like very unreal to me and i dont deserve to get to know her, to good to be true.
(Pls read this one paragraph below while listen to Everygreen by Richy Mitch & The Coal Miners trust me)
one moment , i talk to her about snow (we like to talk about random stuff) anyways it go like this i ask " M, is it spring there?" she answer "it still winter season " , after that i told her "i like winter but i like to see flower bloom in spring more" , and she start telling me all of her life experience living in 4 season, after that we caught in deep talk moment it for like forever for me (it feel long for me) It so beautiful man talking to her, its healing me. Then the sentence hit me.I dont want to lose her as a buddy ofc(she already on a somewhat relationship).
- her Twice bias is dahyun meanwhile mine is sana
- her Aespa bias is karina(same as me)
- her Nmixx bias is lily(same twice) Do you see there is a sign here.
Finally we are here thank for staying with me on this journey,The Main Topic is her MBTI😤
A Beautiful yet So Soft INFJ personality ,i have so much interest in this mbti man,you know this type of mbti is so rare. I am shooketh yes my jaw drop ahh so cringe but it is frfr when she told me her mbti i am so shock Lol, i never found this type before all of my friend male/ female is always started with E and end with J or some case started with I and end with P, what i want to say is it so weird to me this type of MBTI INFJ. It so UNIQUE thats the word .Don't want to be so hype talking to her so i tried to cover with "oh idk u were an I" meanwhile me talking to myself ofc she an I you dummy she like nature and stuff also she admire cat ☝️😃 Also it her fav animal. (i bet you 100 dollar she will pat every cat she bypass)
About her song taste is interesting .Quite similar to me or just the same genre?🤔 As expected from her MBTI type. Her fav song is My Love Mine All Mine by Mitski (this song is PERFECT just like her)😤 *i want to cry again bro. She has 39K+ minutes streaming on spotify for this song ALONE (she told me). JUST FOR 39k MINUTES ??? THE SONG IS IN YOUR BLOOD GIRL FRFR . It Mother Mitski song never ever doubted her song✊). One statement from M. "I actually have 209k minutes of listening to music on Spotify😌"
I want to ask her ig so bad Bro!!! or anything that can i use to reach/contact her others from tiktok. i can't use my sticker that the main reason, all my hilarious meme collection relatable go to waste and also i'm a coward.
Something i truly get hurt from is the fact she have anxiety/panic attack(she frequently got stomachache).I really want to know how to pleasant or calming her, tbh i try search and read many article about anxiety, unfortunately ,i don't find any effective ways just some drinking water and stuff like that😔. Even though i suffer from same thing but i too don't know any tips.Maybe try go to therapy session like me once a week?(its not working for me my therapist just want my money i know it not that right Mr Lim? you scammer he is chinese).Article nowadays is unhelpful.
I think i just like her personality or am i? or im just too easy to catching feeling (maybe its true). It just a phase i guess i will get over it😌
Sorry i forgot to put her Newjeans bias(her ultimate Gir Group). Her bias is Kang Kaerin😸 , i agree with her Kang Haerin is so cute but She more cuter to me ahh i wish i could tell her this, what a coward i am. Ofc bcs they share the same Mbti INFJ (she like her so much, i bet her photo album of Kang Haerin is more than 500+ pic). Her bias wrecker is Danielle🐶(my bias), YES if you notice there is pattern here.If you a Bunnies, DaeRin Friendship you will get it what i mean. Also i make a Favorite Collection on my tiktok profile for her, I know i know, it nothing but i should do something for her. The Title "For Her , yep U" . I remember creating it 3 day after meet her, and ofc as buddy nothing personal. My tiktok name is Newjeans Haerin (cactus name)🥕 on her Jean'Zine solo vlog.
Btw I'm an INFP My MBTI ,funny right?
About my MBTI there is story too🤟.
Before the covid, i take the MBTI test between 2018-2019 i'm still in college back then and My first MBTI test result is ENFP. Fyi, i'm quite not shy person. Main reason, 2nd child curse?. i believe this is so true My family always ignore me frfr😭 but i know deep down of their heart they still care or maybe bcs“ i'm annoying "ahh kinda kid back then, I like hugging them, its that wrong?😃 that not a crime and i am still kid. I think clingy is the word😌🤟.Don't blame me, since birth i'm like this (im cooked)
After Covid, between 2023 year i retake the test the reason is i notice that my social skill is gone ,maybe bcs im live alone. Literally, It was like i scare to talk , i'm worry that someone will judge me when i approach them. I hate anxiety bro!! My condition is so bad at some point i can't breath normally , it like my chest is so full, i took various antistress pill(i stop taking them now) this entire pain after years not talking much to someone, only my cat Lol, i love my cat he so cute like frfr😭 his name is kuromi. he a black cat with yellow eye + he like hugging me,he is the only creature that like back when i hug😭 the other half of me. About friend i have friends so many friends but i don't usually contact them by phone or online its just me, i prefer go meet them , stop by for a drink like that , Face to face Obviously before covid what harm can happen to you by doing outdoor activity?get hit by car? actually that is harmful.Super harmful actually, really what the dangerous thing could happen to you? got sick from fever? Back then even social anxiety scare to me😔. Yeah i know what u thinking My friend when don't like the idea i want to hug them too , that not a new things to me i'm just joking 😔(im not).Frfr i have so many friends. It so easy to make friends Bro!! like just go talking to someone new i don't see any problem at all . It just 2 human talking like .
Agree with me Dangerous Virus is just a myth before covid-19 exist, its like a movie title Bro so dumb. Just a small dumb virus ruining my life.
Continue my story about mbti test , i retake it, the result come out, and i got the INFP BRO!!☹️ as expected ,yeah the E is gone. Untill now i still not retake the test but im 💯 sure the E is back bcs starting this year at my workplace i slowly not slowly tbh Lol, easily can approach people now bro like frfr, i think i enjoy talking to people back , i like listen to them. i know what u think the hugging thing i can control it now.Bro i'm a grownass man now😭 (i still like hugging but not other gender keep stay halal). Maybe i should consider retake the test again this year🤔.Overall For who reading this now.Thank You Very Much For spend your time reading my yapping essay about someone who already i lost contact with. My conclusion is, Heals Really Take Time FRFR,you just has to trust the process.
side note : i type all this while listen to her fav song on loop, I'm not good at writing essay unlike her, sorry for all grammatical error or miss place, word conjunction. Thanks all for the memory M. Hope ur doing Great Now.
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2023 Writing/Stories Look-Forward
thanks to everyone who's read and liked and commented and tagged and sent in asks for my writing this year!
today i sat down to sketch out a vague--and definitely not set in stone plan for 2023--and I thought i'd share it with you guys, from a very high level and with the caveat that it will likely not be followed to the letter as i always inevitably bite off more than i can chew
but i lik to shoot high! lol so here's what i've got
Main goal: finishing the first draft of Nothing's Wrong with Dale and getting it all posted. this is the goal i'm most confident about and will lik, cannibalize other parts of my plan to achieve. i also have some like bonus offshoots for Dale, but those will likely get posted after the story is over and so are not part of the plan
Short Story goals: I plan to finish both Selfish (f!naga) and Free Piano: Haunted (m!spirit). I want to put out my Sci-Fi oneshot Snapped (m!alien) and the three part Seen (f!deity) - both of which i posted sneak peeks of a little while ago for that 'WIPs u didn't finish this year' ask meme.
Then it gets a little fuzzy - i'll either do two shorter 5 parts fics (both with winged monsters f&m) or one longer fic (probably Goddaughter or Quid Pro Quo - both m!demon fics), depending on what i'm feeling like for lik April-May ish. My summer fic will be about a runalong. In the fall/winter, I'll post the rest of Free Piano: Haunted and Feral (f!hellhound).
Choosing these from all my ideas was super hard, but I think i'm happy with what i picked (and all are technically subject to change).
At least, that's the plan.
As far as the short term, i plan to finish off some shorter things now (Selfish, Snapped, and Seen - idk y they all start with 'S' lol) in January. After that February and March are literally the busiest time of year for me at work and this will not be an easy busy season so I might literally post nothing (which is another reason that part of my plan is so up in the air). I will be working a minimum of 6 days a week, 55 hours a week - likely more than that so my brain will not be up for much writing during that time.
Hiatus: Last year I was able to keep posting Nothing's Wrong with Dale for some of January, but that's not going to be the case this year - putting up half of the next 4 part arc and then not finishing it until April would be unfair imo - both to you for the cliffhanger and to me because i will be able to write them far better if i write all oft he at once/in a row. So no more Dale until April, I'm afraid. The only reason I'll be able to post some of the other things at all in January is because most of them are already partially done where as next Dale is not started.
Feel free to send in any asks about upcoming/current stories! Happy New Year!
(please note that this is me, if anything, overestimating how much I'll be able to write and asking me to change my mind about say, Dale, to be more frequent etc will not work)
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yulin-pop · 2 years
⤷ ✧ Training
- order 24 | One-shot | Diasomnia
P.1 — Finding family
Platonic, female reader
Note: After this I kind of ran out of ideas for scenarios with this Jackalope fae + diasomnia. This was fun to write at least!
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You carried yourself with ease, with your footsteps were light but your belt making a harsh clanking. Passed by a lot of students with different color vests, they all seemed to back away and make room for you.
“Who’s that chick, and why is she carrying a sword?”
“She’s kinda pretty.”
You turned your head at that comment and tilted your head.
“Oh, what was that?” You asked while pointing at yourself.
“You idiot!”
Then the two boys ran off. You shrugged and continued your way. You stood in front of the mirror with Diasomnia written above with a symbol.
You hopped through carefully and you found yourself on the hard floor. You made your way towards the building at a fast pace.
The door opened and you took your chance to fly through it. You almost tripped due to the friction but you regained balance and looked around.
“Who is that?!” Someone asked but a familiar hair of silver locks became visible in the crowd.
“[Name]?” He softly asked.
“Brother!” You called with enthusiasm. You swiftly ran over to him with only a few steps and captured him in a hug.
He took a step back to keep you two balanced and he put one hand around you and smiled.
The smile soon dropped as if he remembered he shouldn’t and he gently pushed you away.
“Why are you here? How are you here?” He sternly asked.
“I came to see you. Not just you actually.” You quickly added. “And I got in here completely legally.”
“Well, that’s what I hoped…” He said. “The master is in his room, I’d assume the rest of them are there too.”
“Then let’s go there.” You said while nudging him towards the stairs nearby. The people there were watching your every move carefully. You felt their eyes peering at you but decided to ignore it.
You moved up the stairs alongside Silver. He has always been quiet but a lot less with you. You looked over at him expectantly but he merely glanced back with a confused stare.
“Silver, aren’t you gonna say something to me?”
“Is there anything that needs to be said?”
“You could’ve asked me how I’ve been doing lately.”
“I already know. You tell me over text. Speaking of which, why didn’t you tell me you were visiting?” Questioned Silver with suspicion.
“Cause you would’ve told me not to come and surprises are always better.” You stated.
Silver stopped you and faced a door to the right. Without hesitation, you knocked on the door which startled the ones inside.
You felt an anxious feeling in your stomach as you heard footsteps getting closer. The door slowly opened and Sebek revealed himself.
“What busines— [NAME]?!”
“Good day, Sebek.” You said while passing by him with a closed eye smile. “Please pardon the intrusion.”
Silver repeated the same and you opened your eyes. You kneeled down and bowed.
“Good afternoon, Master.” You said. Malleus nodded while sitting down with his legs crossed.
“What brings you here, [name]?” He asked with a monotone voice.
“I c—!”
“You’ve grown so much!” A deep voice squealed as you felt hands touch your horns and ears.
“A-AAAaH!!” You slapped away the hands that so carelessly grabbed at your horns. “Father— How many times I have told you to not touch any of my jackalope features.”
“I’m sorry but they’re so cute, sometimes I can’t help it.” He said while standing up straight. “Welcome back, [Name], or should I say Sergeant?”
You smirked at the title yet continued to bow. “I see you’re climbing up the ranks. Truly impressive for a girl your age.”
“Thank you for your praise.” You blushed at the compliment. “I’ve come to visit on a rare opportunity. Being a Sergeant, its a lot of responsibility.”
You stood up and smiled. Lilia took that opportunity to brush his fingers through your hair.
“Awwww you’ve grown so tall… You’re even taller than me!~ You’re so pretty! I bet all the boys like you.”
“Spoken like a true dad.” Silver commented while Sebek watched with pity.
“Let me do your hair like back then!” Lilia suggested, but in the end it wasn’t really a suggestion, it was a demand.
“Must we do this in the Master’s room?” You asked while Lilia styled your hair.
Lilia shook his head, “Malleus, you don’t mind, do you?“
“No, I don’t mind.”
Silver looked at you sympathetically as he remembered when Lilia played with his hair too. Even now, Lilia wants him to keep his hair a bit long so he can play around with it.
“How are things here? I have no time for a normal education. Well, maybe this is more education on magic.” You thought. You were in a military school yet still apart of the military for Briar Valley.
“It’s been fine.”
“It’s been interesting.”
“It’s been troublesome..”
“I’d say it’s pleasant.”
“Mixed opinions I see.”
Lilia used some magic to create a flower and put it in your hair. You stood up and shook your head and stretched.
“Ahh.. Anyways, I’m bored.” You said while peering over at Sebek with a mischievous smile.
“Hey, don’t mess up your hair!”
“Sebek…” Your eyes shined with an evil glint as you charged at him and jumped on him with ease.
“Urgghh… I told you to stop with this!!” He shouted. And yet, he supported you by putting his arms under your knees and around your waist. To steady yourself, you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“So? You’re the one holding me right now. Silver would just dodge me or drop me if I did it to him so I jump on you.” You pointing accusingly at the knight.
Sebek set you down softly while you whined.
“Sebek, you use to carry me a lot. Especially when I injured my leg.” You reminisced while looking up.
“I remember most of the time, you faked it or hurt yourself on purpose so you could be carried by one of us.” Silver crossed his arms. You coughed and shook your head profusely at the comment.
“Anyway, I take your magic ability as increased?” That question was directed at Sebek and Silver, Malleus and Lilia knew that for a fact.
“Of course! I’m working hard in my studies.”
“I’ve taken extra classes to practice my magic, mostly in offense rather than defence.”
You nodded as you brought out your small ring that held your gem. It worked the same way as the magic pen Night Raven uses.
“I haven’t actually practiced in a hot minute, wait that’s a lie. I’ve been working on adding different elements into weapons.” You brought out your sword that was held around your waist. You wielded it and it began to glow red and heat radiated from it.
“Impressive, that technique is difficult with how you have to pour magic into the object instead of around it.” Malleus commented with a small praise.
“Th-thank you… I’m still trying to find my fighting style. Right now, I’m just mixing whatever I see.” You swing your sword through the air and you pointed it at Sebek.
“Sebek, may we hold a demonstration duel? Just to see how far we’ve improved.”
He accepted the challenge without hesitation. Somehow, the news spread throughout the dorm and it was no surprise that people gathered around.
“It’s that girl from earlier.”
“Do you really think she’ll be able to take on Sebek… He’s pretty strong.”
You paid no mind to the whispering as you looked over at Lilia. “Don’t worry about damages you two, I set up a barrier already.”
You nodded and withdrew your sword slowly and took a stance. Sebek did the same, he wielded a regular sword but you noted his pen that was tucked in his pocket.
“Three, two, one, begin!” Silver declared. You didn’t make a move as you knew Sebek was going for the first hit.
As you predicted, Sebek made the first move but it was unique. You felt yourself sink into the floor a smidge. You lifted your foot and the ground was mushy and it was slippery.
“Dirty tactic..!” You commented as you readied yourself to defend as he flew towards you with his sword.
You used your heel to slide across the floor, still staying balanced as you felt his blade cut in half without fail.
Your sword cooled from the input of fire, Sebek didn’t drop the sword despite the blade being cut in half. It was one quick movement and the sword was right in front of you.
You dodged by moving your upper body to the side and you grabbed his arm at the opportunity. You flipped him over with a big struggle from him.
“She just flipped him?!”
“Embarrassing on his end..”
You nearly fell back yourself with how much he was struggling. You pointed your sword down at his neck and grinned.
“Seems like [Name] wins.” Silver declared. You put your sword back in its sheath and looked down at your shoes, which were covered in mud.
“It’s apparent who’s more skilled.” Malleus spoke up, “She defeated you, she hardly had to use her magic or sword to defeat you.”
Sebek bit back his words and nodded. You could tell he felt rather insulted and it was an unfair advantage from the beginning.
“It was expected, no offense, I train everyday and I’m a high ranking officer.” You realized your words were just adding salt in the wound and you didn’t say anything more. “It mostly just came down to technique. You were straight forward and I took advantage of it. You jabbed forward with the sword and I was able to grab your arm because you put your full force into it.”
“So it’s about reaction time?” Sebek asked. It seems that he wishes to improve from his mistake.
You could see how he’s changed. Usually, when you would beat him in swordplay, he would berate you and call it foul play.
“Yes, ah wow. Sebek you’ve changed so much!! It’s hard to think that I’ve known you for nearly a decade!”
“Why are you talking as if you’re older?” Sebek questioned saltily.
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Requests: Open!!
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Pairing: Clint Barton x Fem!Reader
Written: September 17th and 18th, 2021
Posted: November 29th, 2021
Warning: Drinking, club
Word Count: 2,701
Authors Note: I’ve been writing some Clint x Demi goddess fics let me know if you would be interested in reading them!!
Summary: Fluff
Clint Barton master list
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“Ready?” Wanda questioned as she leaned against the door frame of Natasha’s room.
Rolling her eyes, Natasha let out a scoff as she crossed her arms along her chest. “Just waiting on the princess.”
Hopping off her bed, she strolled over to the bathroom door before she began knocking. “Come on, Y/N!” She sighed. “We’re gonna be late!”
Gazing at your figure in the mirror, you sighed. Smoothing down the front of your dress you moved your body to slightly check out your backside while glancing over your shoulder.
Natasha had loaned you one of her dresses. It was a skin tight black mini dress, the hem barely kissing the middle of your thighs. The neckline swooped lower than normal, allowing the tops of your breasts to be seen.
As Nat banged on the door, you jumped involuntarily as it downed on you that, you had run out of time to nit pick your figure.
“Coming!” You called through the door as you sighed giving your image a last once over.
Opening the door, you were greeted with beaming smiles of your two best friends.
“Woah.” Natasha spoke, surprise evident in her voice.
“Y/N….” Wanda began. “You…You look-“
“Hot.” Natasha finished for her with a smirk.
The room quickly erupted in giggles between the three of you. All the things you had been insecure about slowly melting away as your friends knew exactly how to lighten the moment.
“Come on, we have some men to make drool.” Natasha spoke, interwining her arm with yours.
Her comment earned a sigh and an eye roll from you. Once you had ventured into the hallway, Wanda quickly intertwined her arm through Natasha free one.
As your trio entered the area that Tony was throwing his party, you instantly felt the heaviness of stares. The subconscious insecurities quickly coming back to you.
“Drinks!” Wanda exclaimed capturing both yours and Natasha’s attention. “I think we need drinks!”
Giggling, you nodded your head in agreement as you allowed your friends to drag you towards the bar.
Once Natasha and Wanda ordered their drinks they had quickly disappeared, leaving you all alone waiting for yours.
“You got a little somethin’ right there, Barton.” Natasha smirked as she gestured vaguely to her face.
“Drool.” Nat chuckled.
“Natasha!” Clint hissed.
“What?” She chuckled giving his shoulder a gentle bump with her own. “I’m just sayin’. “
Clint shook his head as he gave her a slight chuckle. “No you weren’t.”
“No, I wasn’t.” Natasha grinned with a light laugh. “You should tell her how you feel.”
Frowning, he turned to glance at Natasha. “I…I can’t do that.”
“Why not?”
“Because…” His voice trailed off as he let out a heavy sigh. “Because she probably don’t share the same type of feelings.”
“As you best friend, I’m advising you, to take what I said into consideration.” She spoke raising an eyebrow as she lefted upon spotting Bruce.
Letting out another heavy sigh, Clint turned his attention back towards you. He clenched his jaw once he saw the scene before him. You were letting the sweet melody of your giggles into the air as a build brunette chatted you up at the bar. Heat rose in his cheeks as well as traveling up the back of his neck. Clint wasn’t one to harbor jealously, but in this moment, he did.
Your laughter filled the air. Once your humor had subsided you lifted your glass to your lips taking a sip.
“Well,” You sighed, keeping your attention on the man. He was showing you clear signs that he found you attractive and that he was interested in you. However, you had your eyes set on a certain archer. Although you were best friends, you didn’t want to ruin the close relationship between you with something as silly as one sided feelings or so you thought.
“Would….Would you like to get dinner sometime?” The man questioned.
He had told you his name earlier in the conversation, however you hadn’t been bothered to remember. As you pondered the thought, you felt an arm wrap around your waist tugging you tight against a built body behind you.
“She’s busy.”
Clint’s voice rang through your ears as his arm wrapped tightly around your waist, in a protective manner.
A shocked gasp falling past your lips at his actions, completely taking you by surprise.
“She never mentioned she had a boyfriend, buddy.” The man taunted, his body stiffened while he leaned against the ledge of the bar.
“She shouldn’t have to.” Clint spoke tightening his jaw.
“Are you guys going to keep referring to me in the third person as if I’m not here or …. ? “ You spoke sassing both men. Turning slightly, you gave Clint a questioning gaze with a raised eyebrow.
“Shit, sorry-“
Letting out a sigh, you rolled your eyes. Downing the rest of your drink, you lightly slammed it on the ledge, before manuvering around either man.
“I’m outtie 5000.” You spat turning towards the dance floor, in search of your Two friends.
Clint let out an exasperated sigh.
As time passed by, you enjoyed dancing with Natasha and Wanda in the middle of the dance floor.
Shared giggles were shared between you. A few men tried to infiltrate the small circle however none were successful. Each of you letting out a huff along with an eye roll of annoyance.
It wasn’t much longer before you felt a pair of firm calloused hands, land on your hips. Turninng around in their arms, you were ready to spit a sarcastic remark at them. Quickly, it died in your throat as Y/E/C gazed into a set of familiar blue ones.
“Clint?” You questioned scrunching your eyebrows together in slight confusion.
“Hi.” He spoke gently, offering you his signature smile.
Frowning, you tilted your head slightly as you gazed at him.
“W-What’re you doing?”
“What?” He chuckled. “Can’t I dance with my favorite person?”
Before you could stop it, a gasp tumbled from your lips. “I’m….I’m your favorite person?”
A light laugh fell from his lips, causing his chest to rumble beneath your hand that you hadn’t realized was resting there. The gentle feeling capturing your attention.
“Why wouldn’t you be?” He questioned tilting his head towards the side.
Not allowing you to answer, he wrapped his arms further around your waist, gently tugging you closer towards him, yet giving you enough time to reject him or pull away. When you didn’t Clint held you firm against him. His chest was pressed to yours, along with your hips. Leaning down, he allowed his forehead to rest against yours, while your breaths mingled together.
Closing your eyes, you allowed yourself to be in the moment. The stereos of the club bumping with whatever music they deemed popular. Other club members dancing and grinding to their heart’s desire.
“Do you want to get out of here?” Clint questioned. His jaw clenching tightly once the words had slipped past his lips.
Grinning, you nodded your head. “Please.”
Manuvering himself to lead you out of the club, he held a hand out for you to take. Butterflies erupted in your stomach. Placing your hand within his, he intertwined your fingers, allowing you to keep together through the crowd of people.
Once you were outside, the stale, heavy air of the club, was quickly replaced with refreshed and lightness.
Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes allowing yourself to enjoy the feeling. However, in your slightly drunken state, you hadn’t realized you had begun to sway and tumble to the ground.
Clint swiftly wrapped his arms around your waist, holding you up right. For the third time that night, you had found yourself in contact with his chest.
Letting out a soft whine at the warmth he provided, he chuckled. The same rumble you had felt before quickly returning.
Releasing his hold on you, he quickly shrugged off his jacket before he placed it around your shoulders. Letting out a giddy squeal, you slid your arms into the sleeves. Clint’s aroma coursing through your senses. Your mind hazy with the thoughts and smell of him. Everything was Clint.
“Hey.” Clint spoke gently. His hands resting comfortably on your waist. “You okay?” His eyebrows furrowed together in concern.
Grinning to yourself, you bit your bottom lip. A soft hum leaving your lips.
Placing a finger beneath your chin, Clint gently forced you to gaze at him. “Did you hear me, baby love?”
Gaping at him, you felt the butterflies erupt in your stomach once again. “N-No.” You admitted.
Grinning to down at you, he leaned forward allowing his nose to gently rub along yours. His breath mingling with yours, while invisible sparks enveloped you as heat danced along your cheeks.
“Are you okay?” Clint’s voice seemed to somehow dropped an octave. His voice becoming much more hoarse than it was before.
“Oh.” You breathed against his lips. Your hands finding his shirt beneath them. Grasping the fabric, your balled the material in your hands gently tugging him the slight distance that was between you.
Your lips brushing against his, Clint found himself at a loss for words for the first time all night. Without missing a beat, you could see him take a sharp breath at your actions, while his hands tightened around your waist. Giggling, you had drunkenly decided that you were going to tease him.
Since you could remember, there was always a feeling of something more between you and Clint. Neither of you wanting to be the first one to crack. However, as of late, the tension had become unbareable. Not just to the pair of you, but to everyone around you. Your mutual friends had even begun attempting to get the pair of you together. Your friends mostly being Wanda and Natasha.
Giggling, you decided to poke your tongue out and trace the seam of his lips. Your actions taking Clint by surprise. Taking another sharp breath, he let out a groan.
The sweet melody of the noise he made, caused you to let out a moan in return. Tightening your grip upon Clint’s shirt, you gently tugged him until he was firmly pressed along you. Before you knew it, your hands were buried in his hair, while he maneuvered you to a nearby wall pinning you beneath him.
Gasping at the chilled sensation, he took the opportunity and placed his lips upon yours. Sharing a groan, Clint pressed himself further into you while you allowed your hands to travel along the plains of his muscular back.
Pressing his lips to the corner of your mouth, he began descending along your jaw and throat. It wasn’t until you felt the graze of his teeth, that you realized where you were and what you were doing.
“W-Wait.” You panted, feeling your chest rise and fall at a rapid pace.
Clint halted his actions immediately. His hands were swiftly off your body and onto the wall behind you, earning a soft whine from your lips. Pushing himself away, he gazed at you with alarmed eyes.
“I’m…I’m sorry…” He breathed out, guilt immediately washed over his features.
“No, it’s… It’s okay.” You sighed, grasping his shirt tugging him back into you. “We….We should take this somewhere else….Please.”
Grinning at you, he placed a soft kiss to your lips. Nipping at your bottom lip, he nodded his head.
Hailing a cab. You slid in, impatiently tugging Clint in behind you. Telling the cab driver directions to the compound, you nearly jumped his bones. Tugging him into you, there was a shared giggle of happiness. Reminding you much like a giddy school girl crush.
Kissing his lips, it was your turn to nip at him. A quieted groan sounded from him. Slipping your tongue passed his lips, you licked into his mouth. Clint’s hands wrapped around you keeping you snug against him. Giving a gentle tug to the ends of his hand, another groan surpassed his lips and into yours.
Smiling into the kiss, you hand untangled yourself from him just in time to arrive at home. Once the cab driver was paid, you both had bolted out of the cab and into the compound.
As you both ventured through the hallways, your stumbles and giggles bounced off the walls. Supporting each other, you nearly tripped and sent you both tumbling to the floor.
Bellowing in laughter, you had finally arrived at Clint’s room. Once you both had passed through the threshold, shoes and clothes came off.
“Here.” Clint spoke gently, giving you a small stack of clothes. “I’ll be in the hallway.”
Leaving the room, you bit your lip as the butterflies fluttered around your tummy. Giddiness overwhelming you. Spinning around, you quickly realized how terrible of an idea that was.
Once you had finished changing, your senses were overloaded by Clint again. His shirt was much too big for you, stopping past mid thigh while his pajama pants fit a tad baggy.
Opening the door, you peer into the hall to find Clint gazing at the ceiling while leaning against the wall.
“Well, hello there handsome.” You spoke softly, leaning against the door frame. Gazing at him softly, you could see the slightly tint of a rose color making its’ way along his cheeks. “Are you looking for someone?”
“Yeah.” He responded with a grin, making his way towards his room. “You.”
Squealing you attempted to move swiftly, but the drinks from the bar gave you false hope.
Wrapping his arms around your waist, he gave you a gentle squeeze while lifting you off the ground. The sound of shared giggles filling the room.
“You look…” Clint’s voice trailed off, once he placed you back on your feet. Turning to face him, you bit your lip. Lifting his hand to cradle your jaw, his thumb made its way towards your lips, tugging your lip from between your teeth.
“Breath taking.”
Grinning at his confession, you quickly rolled your eyes. “Have you gone soft on me, Barton?” You teased, giving him a poke in his stomach.
Jolting away from you he let out a surprised groan. “Me? Never.”
Giggling, you shook your head before crawling into his bed. Clint promptly moved around his room before he changed into a pair of pajamas, and climbed into bed beside you.
Turning on your side, you gazed at the archer beside you. Catching your staring, he mirrored your position. Reaching up, he began lacing his fingers through your hair, lightly playing with it.
You were the One to break the silence first. “You know,” Your voice was dripping in sarcasm.
Clint hummed in acknowledgement.
“When we agreed to go to bed together, this isn’t exactly what I had in mind.” You spoke feeling butterflies arise.
“Oh?” He spoke moving closer towards you, gently nudging his nose against yours. “And what exactly did you have in mind?”
“Well,” Your voice trailed off, as you pondered in thought.
Raising an eyebrow, Clint was quickly becoming impatient.
“Well, this.” You spoke giggling. “But with food.”
Letting out a bellowing laugh, you quickly joined in.
“You know, I did too.”
“See!” You exclaimed excitedly. “This is why we’re best friends!”
“Is that what we are?” Clint questioned, his voice giving away the slight hurt he was feeling.
“I-I…” Your voice broke off as you gazed at him. “I…I was hoping not.”
Frowning Clint scrunched his eyebrows together as he tried to wrack his brain.
Letting out a sigh, your mind attempted to stop you, but you were fed up with the slow movement of things between you.
“To hell with it.” You murmured. “What’re you doing tomorrow night?”
“Uh…Well…” Clint spoke as he attempted to recall what he was doing. “Nothing..”
“How would you like to go on a date?” You questioned leaning up on your arm, allowing you to tower over him. “With me?” Your voice waivered slightly as you felt a slight uneasiness wash over you.
“I would like that.” Clint responded with a grin. Wrapping his arms around your waist, he gently tugged you down onto him.
“Good. Now how about some food?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
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yoongsisbae · 3 years
Handshakes of a Lifetime - Chapter 1
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This was a dream I had that was kind of driving me insane, so I had to write it down and get it out of my thoughts so you can go insane with me! This is my first time writing fanfic since I was fifteen and Harry Potter fanfic was a thing, so please be gentle with me. I have so many crazy and detailed dreams, so I might write other stories if this one is well received. Enjoy!
BTS Soulmate AU. Reader x ot7 eventually, this chapter is Jungkook focused.
Word Count: 2k
Trigger Warnings: There’s mention of blood, death, ANGST, sexy times, let me know if I missed anything since this is literally my first fic on tumblr and I actually have no idea what I’m doing. :D
You're in line to meet your idols and you can’t believe it, your luck! When you first bought your concert tickets months ago you also managed to snag exclusive tickets to a fan touch event, one of the very few fan meets offered on their world tour. As large as their popularity has grown, they have only become more elusive, but now you get to meet them. You’re meeting BTS. Your entire body is buzzing from excitement and happiness, you feel so lucky!
You think of all the girls who would be dying to be in your position right now, crammed together with all the other lucky fans, taking in each other's excitement. Even if you don’t know the fans’ names around you, you feel close to them already, like you all share a common thread and you feel full of warmth.
As you trod along slowly, the door to the meeting room is getting closer and closer, basking you and those around you in warm light, and you think about all the internet comments people write about this kind of moment, “she must have saved a country in her past life to experience this.”
You’re finally at the front of the line, at the door frame behind a velvet rope. You can see each member standing in a line, a fan in front of them, shaking hands and girls whispering their affections briefly.
The boys are glowing, you’ve never been as close to them as you are now, and you’re about to be even closer, you’re about to shake their hand too. You’ve been rehearsing this moment in your head ever since you had confirmation the tickets were yours.
‘You can do this, y/n. This is your moment, you got this!’ You try to hype yourself up as you fix your hair and try to calm your nerves.
You realize your mouth hurts from smiling so wide, you can barely contain yourself. You try to take in each of them from your distance, all their tiny quirks and actions, as you wait for your turn. Now the staff is unlocking the rope for you and ushering you to the first member.
You think you might throw up with all the butterflies in your stomach and hope to God you don’t.
“Hello Army,” Jungkook says in English shyly, holding out his hand and giving you a bright smile. You meet his brown doe eyes and freeze ‘Don’t pass out, y/n.’ You extend your hand and-
The second your fingers wrap around his you feel like you’ve been pulled underwater. Everything around you goes dark and clouded except for the man in front of you.
And then you’re in a forest, you’re still holding his hand, but Jungkook’s running, pulling you along. He’s so fast, the muscles in your legs are burning and your feet ache. You feel each branch and twig jab your soles painfully, your slippers doing nothing to protect you from the rugged terrain. All you can see is a flurry of leaves and twigs as you try your best to dodge them in the moonlit forest. You hear the whines of dogs behind you and yells of angry men.
Jungkook’s grip on you is causing you to lose feeling in your fingers, but he doesn’t lessen his hold, and pulls you along even impossibly faster. You’ve never been more scared in your life, but the man in front of you doesn’t feel scary. Actually, Jungkook feels like safety, like protection. He feels like home. You do everything you can to keep yourself from tripping and falling and losing Jungkook forever. Now you can feel the fear of losing him wash over your entire being, like an ice cold shower. You both run and run and run and-
And you feel the sun’s warmth on your closed eyelids, Jungkook’s fluffy hair is tickling your cheeks. When you open your eyes, Jungkook is giving you a lazy smile. You can feel the rough fabric of a blanket beneath you both and the straw of the farmhouse beneath that. Jungkook is playing with your fingers as you lie across from each other, rolling each finger pad between his, “Hey beautiful.”
It’s so warm and quiet and still, you can’t help but smile back as he moves his face closer nudging your nose with his, bringing up his other hand to play with your hair. You feel his warm breath against your skin, breathing him in you close the gap between his lips and yours and everything is so warm.
The instruments in the ballroom play a fast melody, the crowd around you dancing in pairs, you are being spun around by your fiance but your attention is on someone else.
You see him out of the corner of your eye and you wish he’d come to you, and as if he heard your inner thoughts, he makes a beeline to you on the dance floor.
“You don’t mind if I cut in?” He shines a bright smile, addressing your dance partner, paying special attention to not give you too much recognition, and your body becomes jittery with excitement.
Your fiance looks irritated but his voice is calm, “of course,” and places your hand in Jungkook’s.
Jungkook pulls you along the dance floor, and your heart soars. His hand squeezes yours, thumb rubbing circles affectionately.
“You look beautiful this evening, as always.” he gazes down at you, stopping only briefly at your lips, an action you catch and your breath hitches.
“And you look as dashing as ever.” You say hushed enough for only him to hear, not brave enough to look him in the eyes.
He twirls you and dips you, and when you stand again he pulls you a bit closer to the length of his body. You laugh together and you feel like you are the only two people on the dance floor. He pulls your body all the more closer, he pulls you-
He pulls you through the forest. You’re drenched in a cold sweat, the howls of the hunting dogs are so loud they feel like they are right behind you, but you don’t dare look back, instead you look down at Jungkook’s bruising grip.
He shudders and you feel like you’ve been shocked by electricity. The second you touch his hand you pull back fast and hard. The room’s attention is on both of you. Your breathing is heavy, the sound of leaves crunching plays in your memory. His eyes, his smile, his body swaying to the sweet melody of the string quartet against yours, it all replays again and again within your mind. Before you can make sense of it, he is reaching out to you again, gripping your hand and yanking you to him. You look up and Jungkook looks how you feel, frantic and anxious.
You’re back on the dance floor, laughing and twirling, happiness you’ve never felt before.
The two of you walk hand-in-hand on a gray beach during twilight, the mist and fog concealing you and Jungkook from the world. His words are gentle but pleading as he begs you to go away with him. You stay silent as you listen to the waves crash onto the rocks of the shoreline, you feel the waves of despair ripple in your heart, and you question which storm is more tumultuous, the air brewing around you or the storm of emotions thundering within your chest.
You know if you say yes, you’ll lose everything, but then, you’ll have him.
And you already know your answer, that you don’t love your fiance, someone your parents arranged for you to continue to live a cushioned, safe, and frankly boring existence. No, you love the man in front of you, with all the strength of a roaring current on a windy day.
His body is above yours, trapping you beneath his strong frame, he pulls away from your lips just long enough to pull his shirt over his head, and your lips connect together again. His hands trail down your body and down to grip at your thighs, pushing them more open for him. The straws of hay scratch against your back. You caress his cheek while you both catch your breath, and he leans into your touch. You love him. In that moment, you knew you’d never stop loving him, in this lifetime and forever after.
You cry out, your sobs wretched from deep within you, resounding your despair. Your fingers twist around the fabric of Jungkook’s shirt and you bury your head into his chest trying to breath in his scent, but instead you smell dirt and woods and the metal sting of blood. A desperate scream leaves your lips while Jungkook lays there broken, trying to call your name but can only gasp for breath, gurgling on the accumulating blood in the back of his throat as he chokes on it, his vision blurs and he can only hear your cries.
You want nothing more than to disappear from this place with him in your arms. The dogs are barking all around you, being shushed by the men circling your tired battered bodies.
“Take her back to the house,” commands the familiar voice of your fiance as you sob into Jungkook's chest. He looks down at you both, and then looks away disgusted, “You know what to do with the body.”
A large hand grabs your elbow and yanks you from Jungkook. You scream, both your hands envelope his left and you gather everything left in you to hold on.
But it’s not enough. You wail no at the top of your lungs, but he’s already so far away from you.
Jungkook is visibly shaking now under the lights of the meeting room as you instantly yank your hand back again. The memory of your faint screams still reverberating in his ears. Your eyes are wide and staring at no particular spot on the ground trying to control your emotions.
You have a splitting headache, as you breath in you swear you can still smell dirt and rust around you.
It had felt so real, everything, but you know it’s not. You know you’re not covered in blood and dirt and grime but you still feel it surrounding you. You can hear the hushed whispers of other fans wondering why you two are acting so weirdly. Next to Jungkook, Jimin shakes the younger man's shoulder looking concerned. Among the musical instruments still playing in your head you hear a staff member tell you to move along, but you feel frozen in place. As your surroundings become clearer, you try to shake it off, whatever that was. A weird day dream? You take in a shaky breath and lift your heavy feet.
Jimin raises his eyebrow at you and looks briefly between you and Jungkook, who just stares at you like he’s seen a ghost, face pale and eyes glassy. Trying to salve the situation, Jimin turns on the charm, giving you a crescent eyed smile while reaching out his hand. Your shaky hand grabs his.
I'll stop it here, what you think is gonna happen once y/n touches Jimin hu huh? Let me know what you think! Did I mention this is my first fanfiction? Haha cries.
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knockknockchicagopd · 3 years
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❚❙ REQUEST BY ANON: Hi sweetie, I hope you have a good day/night. I love your writing (finally someone who loves Antonio and Hank as I do) and I wondered if you could write number 5 from fluff prompts with Hank. Maybe he is in love with the reader and he isn't sure if his feelings are requited but he takes a chance and asks her for a date? (Btw sorry for my terrible English, not my first language)
❚❙ PROMPT: “Give us a chance. One chance”.
❚❙ WORDS: about 550.
❚❙ A/N: this writing hasn’t been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I’m sorry about that. If you find a description about body or a word out of place, or something that makes you feel uncomfortable / unrepresented, let me know by a private message and I will change it delighted.
❚❙ GIF credits: to the author.
❚❙ General tag list: @melblacc @rebelwrites @skyofficialxx @sesamepancakes @scarletsoldierrr @mondefantastique @that-chick212 @enbyamaro @inlovewith3 @ocetevasgirl @destynelseclipsa @miahelen @jadakiss13 @mcgreads @graniairish @teller258316 @i-love-scott-mccall @tclaerh. Hank Voight tag list: @sophie-writes. If you wanna be added to my tag list, send me a message! ⚡
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“I have a frie—”.
“For God's sake! Not again!”
Interrupting Maggie, you only cause her and April to break into laughter. Frowning at them as you catch the medical records on the counter, you turn around to come inside the small office next to the entry. Hank has an eyebrow curved with curiosity and his eyes fixed on the annoying grimace you can't hide. Without saying a word, he raises his chin in a soft move wanting to know what is happening over there.
“It's just… Argh…” Giving him the folders, you rub your face with both hands. “They're all the time trying to set me up a blind date. Apparently, I need to find a boyfriend soon because they don't want me to be left on the shelf”.
“What? Don't you look at me like that! And don't you dare to side, Hank Voight”. You can't help but point at him with your index finger, as he giggles scratching his jaw with the back of his thumb.
“Didn't know you were into the dating game”.
“And I'm not. Even less if I haven't ever met the guy”.
“So, hypothetically… If I ask you for a date, you'd say no?”
You can't believe what he has just said, keeping silent trying to figure out if it's a joke or if he's being serious. You haven't thought before about having a date with him for many reasons, but now you are seriously considering it. He's a man, not a kid. He won't make jokes about your job, nor comments out of place. He won't call you or text you to control every single second of your life like it happened to you in the past. And he doesn't look like the kind of guy who gets drunk, cheats on you, and blames the alcohol.
“Give us a chance. One chance. And if you don't lik—”.
“Okay”. Your mouth replies before your brain can assimilate the words.
You're still trying to understand what a man like Hank has seen on you. But you aren't going to contrary him.
“Yeah, uh… I finish at five, so we can meet at seven if it's good for you”.
“I'll pick you up”. The smile curving his mouth races your heart for a moment, causing you to pucker your lips a little ashamed.
“Okay, lemme write you my address”.
“I know where you live”.
Squinting at him, you babble some nonsense words until remembering where he works and what he does. It's easy for him. Although Hank has sounded like a stalker.
“You'll not regret it”. He scoffs funnily before leaving the office.
Turning around and staring at him in silence, you wait a couple of seconds to step out and walk towards the counter where Maggie and April are very expectant for knowing why it has taken you too long.
“So… I have… a date?” You can't believe it yet. Neither can they.
“With Voight? You aim high, girl…” April says palming your chest.
“He has waited too much to ask you out. It's funny how you haven't noticed yet the way he looks at you and how his face is brighter when you talk”.
“Oh, shut up… That isn't true”.
“Yes, it is, my little apprentice. Hank is like a teen in love whenever he sees you walking around”.
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gaemkyuu · 3 years
The Recovery
Warnings: Recovery from a traumatic event, mood swings, vomiting A/N: Writing this part was therapeutic for me. In a way, this piece describes moments of what my life looked like for two years after an extremely traumatic event. I felt that maybe sharing my story this way, it could provide comfort to those who have been there or who are still there. It might even provide perspective to someone who knows a friend or family member going through something similar. Disclaimer: This is a FICITONAL writing piece on Charlie Gillespie. In no way do I claim or declare that Charlie’s portrayal is accurate to real life. I do however, own Teagan Valencia :)
Masterlist *now taking requests ;)
The Teagan Valencia Series: The Meeting  / The Fight / The Proposal / The Present / The Recovery / The Future
*The song used in this piece was ‘Porcelain’ by Marianas Trench
The Recovery
Charlie was suddenly awakened by a sudden movement from the bed. Rolling over, he noticed the fading warmth, the sudden brightness of the ensuite light and the sounds of vomiting. He abruptly rose from the bed, threw on a hoodie and dashed over to help the poor girl emptying the contents of her stomach into the porcelain bowl. Charlie held her hair back and soothed her back, patting it at times, as she continued to vomit. As soon as she stopped and sat back slightly on her knees, Charlie put the lid down and flushed, opening the water bottle the girl had grabbed on her dash to the toilet.
“Same dream?” she nodded, rinsing her mouth with the water and spitting it back into the toilet. He glanced at the clock that sat above their bedroom window. 2am. Even though it was dark outside, the Vancouver city line still looked so beautiful.
You thought by now You'd have it figured out
She dry heaved and Charlie instinctively pulled her hair back again. When nothing came out, he flushed the toilet again and rubbed her back. Charlie noticed that the tears in her eyes were no longer due to the vomiting, but rather the girl was starting to cry. He sat against the open door and pulled her into his lap, as she curled into a ball.
You can't erase the way it pulls When seasons change
It had been three months since the incident.  Three months of on-and-off personal leave. Three months of meetings with lawyers and court appearances. Three months of trauma therapy. Three months of being afraid to be alone. Three months of feeling insecure about herself. Three months of waking up from a dream that reminded her of the events that day.
“I’m right here. No one is going to hurt you” Charlie kissed her head softly and held onto her tightly, his own tears threatening to spill. He couldn’t bear to see you like this. It didn’t matter how many therapy sessions he accompanied her to, or how many times they’ve talked about what they could do to help her heal. Seeing her like this broke his heart.
He held her until her cries softened and eventually stopped. Escorting her to the bed, he tucked her in tightly, snuggling up to her. He kissed her forehead, examining her tired face. 
“I’m sorry for waking you up, Char” she whispered, inching closer to him. She hid her face in the crook of his neck and took a deep-breath. Charlie smiled softly to himself, pulling her close, knowing that she was practicing a strategy she had learned from therapy.
It hurts sometimes To find where you begin
“Teags, there is nothing to be sorry for” he kissed the top of her head, wrapping his arms around her and rubbing her back. Her 5”1 frame fit his 5”8 perfectly like two puzzle pieces. The two lay there in silence for a moment or two, but Charlie knew he had to “address the situation” like they learned at her therapy sessions. “This is all a part of the recovery process Teags. Although it sucks, you can’t be mad at the way your body and mind are responding to the trauma”
“Thanks for the reminder Dr. Cheung” He grimaced at her sarcasm and cynicism. 
But you are perfect porcelain
He pulled away from her to look at her eye to eye. Charlie thought that even when she was like this she was still the most amazing and beautiful woman he had ever met. She avoided eye contact, fiddling with the blanket. He kissed her nose, offering her a gentle smile. “Do you want to start or do you want me to start?” 
She sighed heavily, but Charlie could feel that she was slightly annoyed with his persistence. It didn’t help that she moved to lie on her back to face away from him. She knew that Charlie was not going to let them sleep until they had this conversation, even though she knew she probably wouldn’t even go back to sleep. “Char, you have to get up early... Can’t this wait until the morning?”
“Okay, I will start” Charlie could feel her roll her eyes, but he persisted. “This is the third time this week that you’ve woken up due to a bad dream. After every dream, you’ve avoided talking about anything, insisting that we go back to sleep, even though you lay here pretending to sleep. I feel like there is a lot on your mind that you are harbouring. If you don’t find an outlet, it won’t help you heal.” She knew he was only trying to help, but she couldn’t help but feel angry with his attempts to help her...
Or was it that she was angry with herself?
The slow and simple melody Of tears you cannot keep from me It's alright if you don't know what you need
“Why are we still talking about this Charlie?!” it came out harsher than she intended to, a complete mood swing from her previous calm demeanour.
She felt Charlie flinch at her outburst.  She wiped away the hot tears leaving her eyes. She immediately regretted her actions.  She lost control.
Teagan hated that she was crying again. She felt like a stupid child who couldn’t control their emotions and simply move on. She knew that Charlie wasn’t the source of her anger and she knew that he didn’t deserve to be lashed at. Annoyed with herself, she sat up against their headboard and scratched her head furiously. Teagan angrily wiped her tears away, knowing what she wanted to say but not knowing how to say it. “Can’t we just drop it? I’m fine, everything’s fine!”
Charlie sighed deeply. He knew that Teagan didn’t mean to take out her emotions on him, but this hadn’t been the first time. Sometimes it made Charlie angry or upset, but he always brought himself back to the point that she didn’t mean it. What could Charlie expect of her? What happened to her would’ve messed anyone up! Heck, the therapy sessions weren’t only for Teagan... Her therapist would check up on him and give him the space to talk about how Teagan had been around him when they weren’t in the office. Sitting up to sit beside her, he wrapped an arm around her lower back and leaned his head on her shoulder. Something he always did when he needed comfort from her.
I'm right here when You need someone to see It's not speak or forever hold your peace
No words were exchanged for a while. Charlie’s head rested on her shoulder and she eventually rested her head on his, silent tears falling from her eyes, wetting his hair. He held her hand with his free one and rubbed soft circles on the back of her palm. ‘Sometimes you just have to wait until the other person is ready to talk’ these familiar words from Dr. Cheung rang through his mind as they sat there in the darkness, Charlie waiting for Teagan to start talking. 
Teagan was always the strong type. She believed that everyone deserves a chance and that the world wasn’t as crappy as people thought it was. Charlie fell in love with her optimism and excitement for life. Teagan was the type of girl who hated hiking, but she would do it so she could see the beautiful view from the top of the mountain. She always believed in trying everything before deciding how she felt about it and Charlie loved this about her. Her compassion and empathy for others was uncommon, and everyone would always describe her this way. Every night before bed, Teagan would journal about what she did great that day, what she wanted to improve tomorrow and how she planned to do that. Charlie admired how intentional she was about each day and how committed she was to making the world a better place.
Her determination and conviction was so intense that Teagan was very hard on herself. It also didn’t help that her parents weren’t always the most optimistic. Charlie was sure they didn’t mean to hurt their daughter with their words, but he couldn’t help but notice how her excitement was sometimes snuffed by a comment her parents made. She would always tell him that they just thought differently and that one day they would understand, but he knew that it did bother her. He suspected that her determination was fueled by this upbringing, always being held to a higher standard because she was the oldest. 
After being with her for three years, he knew that she didn’t always ask for help. He knew that she never wanted to bother anyone or admit to herself that she couldn’t do it alone. In their relationship, she had begun to start opening up more and reaching out to others for support, but after the incident, that changed. At first, Teagan was her usual self, just jumpy, but soon started to close off to others, returning to old habits. She went back to the mentality that whatever it was, if she just focused hard on it and worked hard at it, she could achieve it... But this time was different...
Teagan was focusing hard and working hard on healing, but she didn’t feel like it was working.
It's alright to take time And find where you've been
“Why am I not getting better Char?” the question came out in the quietest whisper. Charlie bit his tongue, knowing that if he stayed quiet a little longer, she would continue talking. “I’m doing everything that Dr. Cheung is saying. I’m doing everything that those self-help books and podcasts are saying. I’m doing everything that I can, but no matter what I do, it won’t go away” as she said this her voice rose but fell to a quiet whimper. “I’m trying so hard to get better but it doesn’t feel like anything is working!” Teagan felt herself tearing up again, but quickly blinked them away. 
“Why are you rushing the process of healing?” Charlie’s question was simple but it made Teagan face some harsh truths that she wasn’t wanting to face. Teagan approached her trauma as if it were any other goal she had set for herself. Identify the goal and work to complete the goal. Charlie’s question was making her face the fact that this whole ordeal was out of her control and that it was going to take time. It also made her face the truth as to why she was trying to be systematic about the goal.
Charlie had been there every step of the way. She knew that he begged Kenny to work his filming schedule around her therapy sessions. She saw the way he yawned in the mornings after she had a rough night. There was only so much that movie magic could cover up and she felt guilty that her trauma was affecting him. He never had a single complaint and never got mad at her or took his frustrations out on her. The instagram comments didn’t help either as the fans noticed the weariness showing on Charlie’s normally bright face. She felt guilty for being a burden on him and she was desperately trying to get better so she wouldn’t be one.
“Because I don’t want you to leave me.”
You are perfect porcelain
Charlie snapped his head in her direction and in the moonlight, she could see his eyes wide as saucers. His mouth slightly agape and pure shock encompassed his body. He sat there in disbelief but quickly came to the realization as to what had been heavily weighing on Teagan’s chest.
“Do you feel guilty?” She bowed her head, more tears falling, but she shyly nodded her head. Charlie clicked his tongue in disappointment, not at Teagan but himself, for not realizing sooner what she had been struggling with. He moved to straddle her on his knees, his legs on either side of hers, and held her face in his hands, his own face inches away from hers. “Teagan Jillian Valencia. I will never leave you, do you understand me? I am doing this because I love you. I don’t care what I have to do but I will do whatever I can to support you.”
He kissed her forehead, nose and lips, searching her eyes for some sort of acknowledgement. He saw her hurt and her guilt for the first time, and knew that she didn’t quite believe what he was telling her. “Teags, I. Love. You. I would give up my entire career to move to the mountains and live the rest of my days there with you and our future kids. This? All of this? As much as I hate that this whole thing has been destroying you, if I had to do it again I would. Call me a simp, but I will do anything for you. Je t’aime Teagan. Il n’y a personne dans le monde pour moi, excepté you.”
When your heart releases You won't fall to pieces You'll let those old diseases lie And your breath comes crashing in
Teagan smiled for the first time that night at Charlie’s ‘simp’ comment, but she saw the sincerity in his eyes. It was the same look he held when they first met, when they fought and when he asked her to marry him. Charlie spoke through his eyes and all Teagan could see was love. 
“Tu comprends? Je ne te laisserai jamais. Ever” Teagan nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him tightly. He naturally reciprocated the hug and held her tightly, even when her grip loosened. He held both sides of her face and gave her the most passionate kiss he could muster, to which Teagan reciprocated. “I promise” he kissed her ring finger and engagement ring. 
With everything going on, they couldn’t even discuss wedding plans. They were both so focused on moving past this hurdle, but Teagan realized that instead of trying to move past it, she just had to face it bit by bit, little by little. She had to admit to herself that no matter how much she wished the whole thing away, she couldn’t. She had to accept that it happened and that she can’t simply work on it like a regular goal. It was something that was going to be a part of her, where one day she would find peace and strength from it.
“Now, why don’t we cuddle and try to fall asleep?” she smiled sheepishly at him and nodded, “there’s the smile I love so much.” The both of them settled back into their bed, but this time Teagan rested her head on Charlie’s chest as he massaged her scalp, lulling her to sleep. Charlie could see that Teagan was slightly resisting the sleep befalling her, so he moved to gently massage the spot in between her eyebrows. It was an odd place to massage, but Teagan’s dad once shared that when she was little and had nightmares, this action would calm her down and put her back to bed. It worked without fail and Charlie kissed her head before settling himself into the pillow. Maybe tomorrow he would ask Savannah to come over with wedding catalogues and help Teagan start thinking about the wedding. As his tired eyes closed, he found comfort in knowing that tonight was a big step. Teagan opened up for the first time in a long time and he hoped that this was not a one time thing, but a beginning.
Like perfect porcelain
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