#and we tried giving her a saucer of some food separately
my cat was sick for a few days, took a few days to recover properly, and now suddenly I’ve woken up today and she’s absolutely lost her god damn mind she’s moving in hyperspeed and hitting maximum levels of menace/bastard behaviour and won’t. Stop. Running. Everywhere. For no reason.
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scapegrace74-blog · 4 years
A/N  When we last saw Jamie and Claire, they’d crashed, burned (somewhat literally) and declared their mutual interest in each other in their individual ways.   Whither now, our pair?
All other parts of the Metric Universe are available on my AO3 page.
The song by Big Red Machine (another guest artist!) that inspired the title is here.
June 1, 2018, Costa Coffee, Whitechapel, London, England
“It feels like ye might be avoiding me, Sassenach.”
It occurred to her that Jamie knew her schedule and habits to an uncomfortable degree for him to be at her favourite coffee shop at exactly the point in her shift when she could no longer resist the siren call of caffeine.
Since the fire in their building and Jamie’s subsequent profession of love, they’d been living under separate roofs.  Claire was sleeping on the couch at the home of one of her fellow medical students, and Jamie was bunking down with his uncle.  Their flat had escaped the flames, suffering only smoke damage, but it would be at least eight weeks before the building was declared structurally sound and they could move back in.
Heading to the counter, Claire purchased her usual extra-large oat milk cortado with a fruited teacake, then added a flat black with raw sugar for Jamie.  Settling across from him, she slid his coffee across the tiny table before splitting her teacake and balancing half on his saucer.  He nodded his thanks, but was otherwise silent, waiting her out.
“I don’t know how to do this,” she began, surprising them both with the frankness of her opening salvo.  It helped, she found, to be paying undue attention to stirring her coffee as she spoke.
“That doesna sound like ye, mo nighean donn.   Why don’t ye tell me what part is vexin’ ye, an’ we can see if we canna bash our brains t’gether til we come up wi’ a plan, aye?”
She knew what he was doing.  Cleverly depersonalizing their situation so that she could approach it like any other problem.  Part of her resented his easy manipulation, grounded as it was in how well he knew her.  But there was a secret part of her that thrilled at the emotional intimacy.  To be seen, truly seen, in all her messy complexity, was a novel experience.  Jamie knew the architecture of her heart, all its dark corners and blind hallways.  He must have recognized something worthy, to be willing to so patiently coax her away from her solitude.
Plus, she’d spent the last year training him to leave the toilet seat down.  That wasn’t the sort of work you just walked away from.
“It’s... god, where do I start?  It’s having no idea what it means to be in a healthy adult relationship.  And the crippling fear that if I fuck this up, it’ll ruin our friendship, which is so important to me, Jamie.  I don’t think you have any idea...  Plus our living situation...”
“We arenna livin’ t’gether for the moment, Sassenach,” Jamie interrupted.  He had leaned forward across the table as she stammered through her recitation, and his curls had flopped across his brow in that boyish way they had.  Her chest tightened, torn between affection and blind terror.
“No.  That’s true.”
“With yer permission, I’d like tae make a suggestion.”  At her cautious nod, Jamie continued.  “For the next two months, we willna be roommates.  I’d like tae... court ye...”
“Court me?!” Claire blurted out.  “What, like in a Jane Austen novel?”  She couldn’t help but smile at Jamie as he blushed, but he continued undeterred.
“Aye, like that.  Ye’re used tae havin’ all the answers, Sassenach, but this isna one of yer wee tests tha’ ye can study for.  We’re gonna have tae wing it, and see where it takes us.  But I promise ye, I willna play ye false and I willna walk away.  Will ye at least give this thing between us a chance?  If it doesna work, we can go back tae livin’ t’gether as friends, no questions asked.”
At some point during his speech, their hands had met across the table.  She could feel Jamie’s trembling through his fingertips.  He was scared too, but he was being brave because he felt it was worth the risk.  How could she dare to do otherwise?
“Alright,” she conceded, and his smile warmed her face like sunshine.  “What do you propose, then?  Shall I don my best parlour gown and set out the petit fours, Master Fraser?”
“Och, I dinna mean tae be makin’ me call me master quite yet, Sassenach,” he teased, delighting in her blush.  “I’ll be at yer door t’morrow.  Three sharp.  Wear somethin’ comfortable an’ bring a jumper for after dark.”
Finishing his teacake in three large bites, Jamie hopped up from his seat and brushed the crumbs from his jeans.  With a mischievous grin and a cock-eyed wink, he raised her hand to his mouth and kissed her knuckles.
“Until tomorrow then, milady.”
Jesus Christ, what had she just done?
To her relief, Jamie showed up at Joe’s front door in his usual jeans and Henley, not a frock coat and jodhpurs  He wasn’t even carrying flowers.  Joe tried to buttonhole him with talk of the previous night’s football match, but after a few minutes of polite chitchat Jamie ushered Claire out the door, joking that he’d have her home before curfew.
She wasn’t quite sure what to make of his behaviour.  The Jamie she knew had always been charming, when he wasn’t busy putting his foot in his mouth.  Now she marveled at his apparent ease as they descended the steps into the Tube.
Heading west on the District Line, thoughts continued to assail her.  Was he always this self-confident on a date?  How often did he go out with other women, anyway?  She’d assumed she knew everything there was to know about Jamie, but maybe she was wrong.  Before Frank, her last date had been back in nursing school, and a VHS player and copious cheap beer had been involved.  Despite the over-zealous air conditioning in their train, her palms began to sweat.
“Ye needn’t be afraid of me, Claire,” Jamie’s soft burr interrupted her quiet panic attack.  “I’m no’ going tae suddenly turn into some man ye dinna recognize, just because I’m tryin’ tae romance ye a wee bit.”
Once again, with only a few words Jamie had peeled away her layers of confusion and doubt to strike at the core of what was bothering her.  She forced herself to take a deep breath and immediately recognized Jamie’s scent; a blend of laundry detergent, his vetiver bar soap, and a touch of chlorine left over from the morning’s swim.  It set her at ease.  He hadn’t worn cologne.  His left boot had a frayed lace that had needed changing since March.  His cuticles were as inexplicably perfectly formed as always.  He was her Jamie, and she could trust him to behave in accordance with what she already knew of him, even in this uncharted territory.
“So, where exactly are we going?” she asked after the crackling announcement for St. James Park had died away.
“Would it ease yer mind a wee bit, tae ken?”
“Maybe a wee bit,” she confessed.
“Well, then, how can I refuse?  Have ye e’er been tae the Chelsea Physic Garden, Sassenach?”
As it turned out, by some grievous oversight she hadn’t.  Wedged between a high brick wall and the Thames was a three hundred and fifty year old urban oasis, filled with plants that could either treat your ailments or kill you.  Naturally, she was enchanted.  Jamie followed her between the beds and down the shaded lanes of pea gravel, a soft smile held between his lips.
When the garden closed, they walked along the Embankment and over the Thames at Chelsea Bridge, stopping to watch the sun set over the murky water.  A food truck beckoned with its aroma of chips and burgers, which they ate on a nearby bench, going back for extra napkins when their choice in toppings proved especially messy.
It was the least romantic meal she’d ever eaten, and she was soothed and smitten in equal measure.
Washing grease from his hands in a drinking fountain, Jamie turned to her in the half-light.
“Now, I have a verra important question of ye, Sassenach, and how ye answer will determine the future course of our evening t’gether.”
Here it was, she balked.  The hook at the end of the line. The sour amongst so much sweetness.  She shouldn’t have expected...
“Are ye,” Jamie continued, unaware of her inner monologue, “afraid of heights?”
... no different than any other man, with his...
“Am I what?” she blurted, once her brain caught up with her ears.
“Afraid of heights?  An’ a bit of a scamper up some scaffolding?”
Jamie was pointing over her shoulder.  She peered into the night, but all she could make out was the hulking shadow of the derelict Battersea Power Station.
It was a convoluted story, but the outline went something like this: the massive coal-fired station, with its four spire-like chimneys, was slated for redevelopment.  Jamie had taken part in an onsite review of the location by the London Fire Service, and had befriended a representative of the developer.  Somehow, this friend had granted Jamie access to the site, which is how Claire now found herself over fifty metres above the ground, climbing a seemingly endless series of metal steps, with her curls trying to escape the confines of a workman’s hard hat.
“You really know how to show a girl a good time, Jamie Fraser,” she grumbled as they came to a landing made out of scaffolding.   Above them, a white chimney ascended into the dome of the sky.
“Ye canna say I dinna take yer breath away, Sassenach,” he teased.
She was about to retort when they stepped around the base of the chimney tower, and all words failed her.
Rolled out far below their feet, the Thames was a black carpet reflecting millions of pinpoint gems skyward, broken by belts of light where it was traversed by a bridge.  Beyond the eastern bend in the river, the City glowed with its eternal hum.  The colossal space taken up by the station was a palpable presence behind their backs.
“It reminds me of yer Uncle Lamb’s saying, about makin’ our present out of the bones of our past.  Twasn’t the original plan, but here she stands, still vital and strong, being remade anew.  An’ a beautiful vision fer all tha’.”
She wasn’t convinced that Jamie was talking about the power station.  
A cool breeze blew off the river, and she shivered.  A jacket still warm with body heat immediately covered her shoulders.   They stood side by side in silence, just taking in the view.
When their hands bumped, it seemed the most natural thing in the world to thread her fingers with his own.
“You’ve set the bar impossibly high for any future dates, you know,” she commented eventually.
“Ye’re only sayin’ that because ye dinna ken what I have planned next.”  His grin was impossibly smug, and she fought the urge to kiss it right off his beautiful mouth.  He must have read the impulse in her eyes, because his face was slowly approaching her own, eyes a volatile mix of hope and trepidation.
Her own eyes fluttered closed in anticipation.  Just as their lips should have been meeting, their was a ductile crunch, and their heads bounced apart with comedic timing.  Their hard helmets had collided.  Jamie swore softly beneath his breath, but Claire couldn’t stop giggling.
“Oh, thank god.  It is you.  I was beginning to wonder.”
It was late when they finally exited the Tube, but Jamie insisted on accompanying Claire all the way to the Abernathy’s front door.  She handed him back his leather jacket, feeling suddenly awkward in the brightly lit hall.  The date had been magical, far beyond her wildest expectations, and it felt strange to return to the prosaic reality of their lives.
“Thank you for a wonderful time, Jamie.”
“Twas my pleasure, Sassenach.   I’ve missed ye, these past few weeks.  And I really hope... well, you’ll tell me if you want to do somethin’ like this again, aye?”  His hand went to the back of his neck in a gesture she knew well.  Bless the man, he had no idea the effect he had on her.  It was well past time to let him know.
“I’d love that.  Truly.  I’ve got final exams to study for, but maybe sometime next week?”
"Well then,” he replied, clearly delighted with her response.  “I should let ye get some sleep.  Good luck on yer exams, Sassenach.   And thank ye, fer bein’ willing tae give this a chance.  Twas a day I’ll ne’er forget.”
He began to walk away.
“Jamie!”  He turned around.
Walking forward to the beat of her pounding heart, she halted when their bellies were practically touching.  Lifting up on tiptoe, she pressed into his mouth.  Time slowed to a syrupy drip as their lips met for the first time.  His rough exhale was the only sound in the cocoon of sensation that enveloped them.  It felt like she was falling through an endless cloud. Too soon, she had to pull away to capture her breath, and the spell was broken.  Judging by his moonstruck expression, Jamie had been equally affected.  She smiled when she realized his arms were still held aloft, like he was trying to hold on to the memory of their kiss.
“Goodnight, James Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser,” she purred before she disappeared from his sight.
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A Joint Effort
Description: Sam and Bucky are hesitant and unhappy to fulfill the task at hand.
Warning: None
Queen @jtargaryen18 reached 4k followers! Congratulations Jamie 🎉🎈💃🏻🎊!! This one-shot is my entry for her 4K celebration writing challenge. Click here to participate!
My Main Masterlist
I don’t consent to have any of my work published or featured on any third party app, website or translated. If you are seeing this fanfiction anywhere but Tumblr and AO3, it has been reposted without my permission. In that case, please do share the link and let me know.
"You are Captain America!" Bucky exclaimed. 
"And you are the Winter Soldier!" Sam retorted.
"I was the Winter Soldier! Am not anymore and you know that!" hissed Bucky. 
Sam raised his hands, "I did it last time. I am not going to do it again."
"Sam please," Bucky tried to plead with him, "Please don't make me do this. I was tortured by Hydra for decades."
"So? Dude you wrecked my car!" Sam argued aggressively.
"That was one time! ONE TIME!" Bucky raised a finger, "And my mind was being controlled." 
"Whatever man. You gotta do it," Sam pushed the tools towards Bucky.
He whimpered, "She won't talk to me if I do that to her! Remember last year, when it was your turn? She didn't even look at you for 3 months after that! What if my baby decides to hate me now?" wondered Bucky with a slight pout.
Sam folded his hands in resolution, "Then she will join the long list of people who detest you."
As Bucky kept on grumbling, Sam pushed a book towards him. "Look, I don't want to do this either, but we gotta do it for her. That's what the doctor said last time, remember? He said it's supposed to be an annual thing."
"But she hates it," Bucky tried to urge Sam, "She hates it when we do that to her. I mean just look at her right now, she's sleeping so peacefully."
Both the superheros walked towards the door and gazed into the next room, where a beautiful, graceful, furry feline was peacefully sleeping on the couch.
"How am I supposed to wake her up and give her a bath? Especially when it's torturous for her? Sam, that's inhuman," he feebly tried to argue.
Sam almost melted at the thought. Almost. 
Shaking his head, he squared his shoulders and said with determination, "You need to do this. We have to bathe her once every year. That's what the vet said. Now," he placed a book in Bucky's hand, "There are detailed instructions on how to give her a bath, complete with precautionary steps, guidelines and a blueprint of the tower in case she makes a run for it.'
Bucky squinted his eyes at him, "Your plan didn't work last time Sam."
"Of course it did!"
"Sam, the hospital staff thought you had been attacked by a wild animal," Bucky reminded him. 
Sam scoffed, "Not my fault you brought a cat from Wakanda! I mean, why didn't you just get one of your goats?"
"Gerald didn't want to come because Fiona was pregnant. And he had spent his entire life with Fiona and his parents at that farm, so I didn't want to separate him from his family," Bucky replied sincerely. 
Sam's eyes went as wide as teacup saucers. Slowly, he blinked twice and asked him, "Gerald?"
Bucky nodded, "The male goat, or buck, as they are usually called."
"... didn't want to leave Fiona?" Sam repeated slowly.
"Yeah, his wife, who is obviously a female goat, or a doe, as they are called," supplied Bucky as if it was obvious.
Sam still looked bewildered, so Bucky repeated, this time slowly, "Fiona was pregnant. And Gerald had-"
"No no. I heard you the first time," Sam interrupted him, "I was just having a hard time  processing all that information."
Bucky shrugged in response. Then an idea popped into his head, "I really miss Gerald these days. He was such a nice goat you know? All he ever-"
"Oh hell no! You are not going to emotionally blackmail me with your steel blue puppy eyes!" Sam exclaimed as Bucky gave up in defeat.
"Okay how about this? We do it together. I will lure her in with snacks, and lock the door. You prepare the tub and wash her while I hold her back and keep feeding her treats," suggested Bucky, "What do you think?"
Sam pondered for a moment, "Yeah okay. That could work."
Over the next hour, both the superheros bent over the book, outlining the new plan and jotting down the course of action.
Finally when they were ready, Bucky gently woke up Mrs Marshmallow. The white, soft and adorable feline opened her large eyes and yawned at him, looking a bit disgruntled to have been awoken from her sleep. But as soon as Bucky kept her favorite treats in front of her, she stretched and snacked on them.
Bucky kept placing treats on the ground in the form of a trail, so that Mrs Marshmallow followed him till they reached the entrance of the bathroom. He tentatively placed one last piece of treat inside the bathroom, and as soon as Mrs Marshmallow entered, Sam closed the door and locked it. 
Slowly chewing her food, Mrs Marshmallow looked up at the two of them, then took in her surroundings. 
"Sorry baby, but you need a bath," Bucky told her.
"I know baby, but we have to give you a bath. I am truly sorry honey but we have no choice," Bucky tried to reason with her.
"Meeeeeow! Meeeow!! Meeeeoooww!"
"Okay miss that kind of language will not be tolerated in this house," Sam scolded her as he picked her up and placed her in the tub.
The nightmare that ensued in the next 2 hours will probably haunt Sam and Bucky for the rest of their lives. 
A drenched Bucky opened the bathroom door and out walked a disgusted, and freshly washed Mrs Marshmallow, her tail swishing in annoyance and mistrust as she headed for the door of the apartment.
Soaked with soap and water, Sam went ahead and opened it for her as Bucky followed the pair, limping on his way.
Thanks to the commotion caused in the bathroom, quite a small crowd of people had gathered outside their apartment at the Avengers/Stark Tower.
Fury screamed and jumped aside as Mrs Marshmallow left the apartment and went towards Wanda. "Awww what did they do to you kitten?" she cooed at the feline.
Wanda gasped sarcastically, "Oh my God! Are you serious? We need to talk about this over catnip. C'mon," she led the cat towards her room, laughing all the way as Maria glared at Sam and Bucky.
"Are you kidding me?" Maria asked them, "Both of you are buff superheros. You fight terrorists, aliens and God knows what for a living! And you couldn't bathe a small cat?"
"Small cat?!" Fury looked at Maria with shock and fear, "Did you see the size of that monster?"
"Mrs Marshmallow is not a monster," both Sam and Bucky said in unison.
Maria rolled her eyes, "Just because one cat clawed out your eye that doesn't mean every cat is a monster."
"Wait…" muttered Bucky.
"WHAT?!" exclaimed Sam.
"Maria!" Fury said in a threatening tone.
She smirked and walked away, leaving the three men in uncomfortable silence.
"Sooooo-" Sam started to say, but Fury cut him off. "Not. A. Word. Am I clear?" Fury growled.
As soon as he left, both the men doubled down giggling, but immediately regretted it. 
"Let's head towards the med bay," Bucky suggested, limping towards Sam.
Sam nodded, "What do you know about Fury's eye?"
"All I have ever heard are urban myths and rumours," admitted Bucky, "It is said that back when he was still an agent at S.H.I.E.L.D, he met Captain Marvel and her pet cat, who was an alien. Giant tentacles would come out from the cat's mouth and swallow entire vehicles, jets, and even people! Some people say that it was the same cat that scratched out his eye."
"I wonder if any of it is true," Sam thought. 
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2 WEEKS LATER, Mrs Marshmallow was still sour with Sam and Bucky. Both the gentlemen tried to shower her with her favourite food, toys and what not. Still, there was no swaying the feline. Unknown to them, she was seeking revenge.
And so one night, when Bucky was fast asleep, Mrs Marshmallow entered his room stealthily and looked for his vibranium arm. He often removed it before sleeping and kept it on the chair besides his dresser. She slowly went towards the arm, and opened her mouth. Large, thick tentacles emerged from her mouth and grabbed the arm. The tentacles retracted back in her orifice as she swallowed the whole vibranium arm without flinching her eyes. 
She then turned towards Sam's room and swallowed the compact bag that contained his giant metal wings.
Bucky woke up a few hours later and immediately noticed his missing arm. "Sam! SAM! Where is my arm?" he shouted as he looked for him in the apartment.
Sam emerged from the kitchen with a bowl, whisking the pancake batter, "What's wrong? You need a hand?" he snickered. 
"Yes I need my hand!" Bucky showed him his shoulder stump, "Where did you hide it?"
"Hide what?"
"My arm! Ugh! Sam I am not in the mood for games!"
"And I am not playing any!" Sam defended himself, "I know I have hidden your arm in the past, and I know I have even laughed at you about it for days, because it's always hilarious, but-"
"I am checking your room," Bucky snapped and entered Sam's room. 
He came out a few minutes later, "Sam, even your wings are gone."
Sam dropped the pancake he was about to flip, "WHAT?!" he exclaimed in shock.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y was there an unauthorised entry last night in our apartment?" Bucky asked the AI.
"No Mr Barnes," came the prompt reply.
"We need to inform Fury about the robbery and secure a perimeter," Sam supplied as they prepared to leave the apartment in a hurry, worried about a potential breach in the security system.
Both the superheros kept food and water for the cat and left. Mrs Marshmallow gladly ate her imported tuna mush in peace, relishing every bite with leisure without a care in the world.
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This fic was inspired by this beautiful image created by @muffinshark 😍😍😍
Permanent tag: @donutloverxo @notyourtypicalrose @just-one-ordinary-fangirl
Taglist for Bucky: @loustan90
Taglist open! Just comment, send an ask or message!
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littlemessyjessi · 4 years
“Chasing Jessi”:  A Sirius Black Story: Plus Size OC: Chapter 8: “True Happiness”
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Sirius Black Imagine Turned Story
Re-Written and Edit of an old story of mine I had on Mibba that deserved some more love and attention, lol.
Sirius Black x Jess Scamander (OC, OFC, PLUS SIZE OC, PLUS SIZE OFC)
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The day was November the second. The time was precisely 11:53 p.m. Just a few more minutes, the day would change over and it would be the birthday of none other than Sirius Black. Who, coincidently, lay no further than three feet from the current all out war raging in James Potter's bed. War you ask? What's the matter, you ask? Jess happened. At ten til twelve, Jess had snuck into the boys dormitory with full intentions of being the first to tell her boyfriend happy birthday. However, her plans were foiled when she saw JAMES sitting up in his own bunk. Just waiting... "No." he had said to her when she entered. "I've been the one to do this for the past six years. It's my right." "I'm his girlfriend." she had whispered. "I'm his best MATE." he had countered. "Well, I'm prettier!" she argued quietly. "Says who?" he challenged her in a harsh whisper. Her full lip had curled into a snarl before she shoved him into his bed. She jumped on top of him before she promptly tried to suffocate him with his own pillow. Eventually....their 'quiet' scuffling awoke everyone in the room. "What are you two on about?" Remus groaned as he turned on the light. "What now?" came Sirius' groggy sleep deprived voice as he pulled back the curtain of his bunk to see his girlfriend straddling his best mate in his bunk. He lifted a dark brow. "Not exactly the way I'd like to start out my birthday, but ok. I'll give you a chance to explain before I blow my top." he said trying to wipe the sleep from his eye. "Hap-" James started but Jess clapped her hand over his mouth. "Happy Birth-" she got out before James did the same and the wrestling began again. Eventually she bit him and they went tumbling off the bed and she kept trying to choke him. "Guys." Sirius said tiredly. "You stupid black haired, four eyed, quidditch playing little -" she said hitting him with each insult. "Guys." Sirius repeated rubbing his eyes. "Oi!" he defended and tried to shove her off. "Nothing about me is little!" "Guys." he said again. "That's not what I'm going to tell, Lilypad..." she grinned evilly as she socked him in the arm. "You wouldn't-" "Hey!" Sirius snapped. "Happy Birthday to me! There, problem solved. Now, neither of you were the first." "Awwww." Jess and James said in unison. Sirius rolled his dark grey eyes at the both of them. "It's midnight. Please just go to bed." he said, so tired with the both of them. Clearly, he wasn't THAT much of a morning person. And it was only further proven when he laid back down and ripped the curtains shut around him. Jess eventually got off James and he got back in his bunk. The two of them glared at each other momentarily before Remus turned the lights out again and she turned to leave. However, before she did, Sirius felt something soft press against his cheek and a sweet little, "I love you. Happy Birthday." was whispered in his ear. Soon followed by the undeniable sock in James' arm judging by his groan and a faint, "Ha!" And then she was gone. Sirius couldn't help the smile on his lips as he drifted back off to sleep. As crazy as they all were....he was so lucky to have them all in his life. Several hours later, the four Marauders were heading down to the Great Hall for some breakfast. James' felt like he had been justified since he'd actually given Sirius his first present on his actual birthday. However, when he saw that crazy girl sitting at the table waiting on them....he felt a little nervous. She had Lily on one side, Alice on the other and a pleasant smile on her face. She was quietly eating her pancakes. Now, those that knew her knew that there was very little that she actually did quiet....and pancakes and syrup were not one of them. Pancakes were an event. Pancakes were a celebration. Pancakes were, to Jess, life. So, to see her so composed....well it made the Quidditch captain a bit uneasy. But as they approached, she leapt from her seat and fled the Great Hall. At first, no one really paid that much attention....because sporadic events such as that were common place with a girl like Jess Scamander. However, as the day progress and the hours passed...Sirius felt a bit down. Most of his birthday had passed now and he'd barely seen her. He didn't expect her to dote on him but....he cared for her deeply....and he'd thought that maybe they'd spend time together on his birthday. He knew the deal with Jess. Sure, he knew she was wild and that she loved to explore...and that a great deal of her time she spent covered in mud, searching for some odd little creature. He supposed he just missed her was all. Their relationship was rather fresh after all. Officially, only a few days in but he'd felt like it was much longer...mostly because he'd spent so much time pining after her. However, apparently their short lived honeymoon phase was shorter than normal. Needless to say....he was moping around the castle. He ACTUALLY went the the library and when he got there he knew something was wrong with him. Since when did Sirius Black actually go the library...out of boredom?! He was in desperate need of some firewhiskey and he knew just the person to get it for him. Off he went in search of a few Ravenclaws he knew he buy some off of. However, at each source he was turned down. The more he tried to cheer himself up....the further down he got. People kept avoiding him. James had already blown him off for a quick game of Quidditch. Remus had to study...which wasn't all that unusual to be honest. Peter claimed he had already made plans with someone else.  Eventually he found himself in front of the entrance to the kitchens. With a sigh, he tickled the pear and let himself in for a snack. However, upon arrival he was a little shocked to find the house elves in full motion, preparing as if dinner was near. Which they most certainly were not since it had been a few hours ago. As he looked around he noticed how much of his own favorite food littered the space before mysteriously disappearing. "Hello, Master Black." came the voice of a tiny elf he knew to be named Posey. "May I help you?" "Er, yeah. Where's all this food going?" he questioned carefully. She shook her head, "I mustn't tell anyone that, Sir. Terribly sorry bout that. Would you like a snacker or something?" His curiosity having peaked he waved her off and he left the kitchens in search of where that food had mysteriously disappeared to. Eventually, having searched corridor after corridor, he bumped into Alice. "Oh, hello, Sirius. Sorry." she smiled apologetically. "No problem." he said softly. Alice tilted her head, "What's wrong, Black?" "Nothing." he faked a smile. Alice gave him a rather pointed look. Sirius sighed. "It's just....I feel like everyone's been avoiding me today. I mean, I don't expect anything special or anything for my birthday but it just seems like- oh, bloody hell, this is ridiculous." Alice smiled, "It's not ridiculous, Sirius. I'm sure there's a perfectly good reason." He just nodded...not entirely believing her attempts to make him feel better. "Well, if you'd like I'm looking for this so called Room of Requirement. You can tag along if you'd like and we can see if we can find it." she offered. "Oh, I know where that is." he said with a shrug. "Come on. I'll show you." Alice smirked as the boy turned and walked in the other direction before looking back at her. "Coming?" he asked with raised brows. "Yes." she smiled and fell in step with him. Alice played dumb and let him lead her to it before he turned to her. "It's pretty simple." he said nodding his head to the blank wall in front of them. "You just have to visualize what you want and then just walk back and forth three times. To put it plain- if you should need a toilet." he said and demonstrated before a door popped up and revealed a toilet.   "Cool." Alice smiled. "Try it." he said. Alice smirked and visualized what she wanted before another door appeared. Sirius stepped up and opened the door to what appeared to be a dark room. He peered inside and yelped when she shoved him in. "Oi! Alice, what the bloody-" "Surprise!" His gray eyes were as wide as saucers as wands lit the room and many smiling faces greeted him. Complete with party streamers, balloons and confetti. Good music, all his favorite foods, a table full of gifts and plenty of room to dance. His face was priceless as he stared around the room. A surprise party....for him? His eyes searched the faces of his friends before they landed on one in particular. Jess stood there in a rainbow stripped dress and a grin a mile wide. Unbeknownst to her, James, Peter and Remus were pointing at her behind her back. Sirius strode right to her, pulled her into his arms and planting her with a massive kiss. Eventually they separated for air and she gasped. "Well, Merlin's Beard, Snookums!" she giggled. "If I knew a little party would produce that reaction I'd have told you this morning!" He pressed his forehead against hers, "I fucking love you." Her eyes sparkled as she grinned at him, "I love you too. Now, let's party! There's cake to be had!" The evening progressed with ease and happiness. A lovely meal, the opening of presents and plenty of time to dance. It was a blast...unforgettable. As the people began to disperse, Sirius pulled Jess out onto the dance floor. He was no Sinatra but one perk of his upbringing required him to know a handful of ballroom dances. Although, a basic slow danced worked just fine as he held her close to him. Sirius stared at Jess with his steely dark grey eyes. "You're staring me, Sirius." she pointed out with a smile. "You're beautiful." he said honestly. She smiled, "Thank you." "Thank you. For all of this, Jess. Really it's the best present I've ever received." he told her. "Well, you're welcome but this isn't your present." she said. "It's not?" he questioned. She shook her head with a smile. "Follow me." she said taking his hand. "And also, I plan to rub what you just said in James' face later...so just prepared for him to mope." Sirius snorted and tossed his arm around her shoulder so he could kiss her temple. She lead him out of the castle....pulling some rather sneaky maneuvers to get past curfew, mind you. However, eventually they made it to Hagrid's empty hut. Only vacant because the half giant was currently still in the room of requirement....presumably drinking himself silly. "What are we doing at Hagrid's?" he asked curiously as she wove through the pumpkin patch toward something covered in a large tarp. She turned around and smiled, "Oh, so she still needs some work and I'm thinking a fair bit of magic might really make her extra special. But I'm telling you, she's a real diamond in the rough, Siri." Sirius couldn't help the smile tugging at his lips, "Jess, what are you on about?" She ripped the tarp off to reveal a beautiful motorcycle. Shock covered his features as he made his way over and took it all in. "Like I said, she needs a little love but I've done a lot of work on herself myself so she rides pretty smooth. She's just not as easy on the eyes." Jess rambled. "Although, I think I've worked out a fair few spells that will really make a -" Sirius cut her off but cradling her face and giving her another passionate kiss. It damn near flushed the air from her lungs. "Why did you do this?" he asked her. He just couldn't understand why and how he'd been so fortunate to have her. "Because I love you." she said softly. "And I thought it would be something you'd like. Do you like it?" "I love it." he said. "Almost as much as you. Almost." She patted the seat of the bike affectionately with a smirk. "You know." she grinned. "I'm betting I could place a silencer on it for now....if you wanted to go for a late night ride...." "I don't know how to drive it." he admitted. "I do." she grinned. "I can teach you. It's pretty easy and not that much different than a broom. Get on." She hopped on first and he slid around behind her. "Ok just reach around me and we'll do it together." she said looking at him over her shoulder but he was already staring at her. She bashfully looked away as she cast the charm on the bike and cranked it up. It roared to life beneath them and she popped a wheelie...just to mess with him. However, the laughter that came from him made her soul shine. He was happy....truly happy and that was all she had ever wanted.
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Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Hello, loves! How do we feel about this chappie?  Sirius’ surprise party and his bike! Squee!!!!! The boy is in love!!!!!!!  
I’d love to what you think! Please feel free to hit up the ask box, blast the comment section or reblog with your thoughts and feelings! Next chappie coming soon!
All my love darlings!
@pleasantdreamqueen   @becrazy–beyou
@littledeadrottinghood @blackirisposts
@therealmrshale @woodworthti666@thegreatirene@fanfictionandjunk
@sullybot @georgiagrl1990 @whenallsaidanddone
@mischiefnevermanaged94 @inumorph
@fanfics1717 @mrscasnovak
@thickemadame @babygirl-barnes
@theladyofmasks @aengsty
Love, Kenny
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ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
Instead of Shiro, Neko is smitten by Tatara
This would end kind of tragically though wouldn't it D: Then again maybe Neko would save the day here, since she could use her powers ultimately to save Totsuka's life. I imagine Totsuka not knowing that she's really a girl for the longest time though, like what happens is one day he's walking along the street and he sees this poor scared pink kitten who was just chased by a street vendor for stealing food. Neko's a little beaten up and tired but then suddenly she looks up and there's Totsuka smiling down at her holding out a bit of fish. Neko sniffs the fish curiously and Totsuka's all 'there, there, Kusanagi-san won't miss one piece.' Neko grabs the fish and chomps it down happily, Totsuka gives her a kind smile and a wave as he starts to walk away. Neko blinks and then goes scurrying after him, Totsuka wonders if she likes him and she walks around his legs purring. Totsuka pets her and tells her to be careful as he walks back to Bar Homra and Neko follows him obediently the whole way there.
When they get to the bar Neko slips in behind him and manages to follow him around mostly out of sight until a drowsy Mikoto almost steps on her and she hisses. Mikoto looks down like 'what's this?' and Kusanagi wonders if Fujishima brought a cat in at some point. Totsuka recognizes her and says it looks like she followed him home, he reaches down a hand to her and Neko rubs her head against him happily. Kusanagi isn't really into keeping pets at the bar but he makes Neko a saucer of milk anyway and she seems very happy, drinking up her milk and then curling up right next to Totsuka and falling asleep. Totsuka pats her and says she's a good kid, wondering if they can keep her, and Kusanagi kinda throws up his hands like guess we have another feline in the bar now. A bit later Anna comes down from upstairs and she stares at Neko for a very long time, Totsuka asks her if something's wrong and Anna just shakes her head, sitting down on his other side and petting Neko.
So for a while Neko is happy being Homra's official cat, she follows Totsuka everywhere and she probably gets spoiled a bit by Kusanagi and the rest of the Homra guys. Anna sometimes looks at her with this strange searching expression but she's always nice and even Mikoto doesn't seem to mind her though he also sometimes gives her weird looks. Totsuka is her favorite though, Neko's decided that he's her Totsuka and she's his cat. So then the evening when Totsuka goes up on the Hirasaka building to do some filming Neko comes with him, hanging out on his shoulder calm as can be. When they see Colorless Neko starts to hiss, Totsuka pats her and tells her to calm down as he asks who Colorless is. Colorless pulls a gun and there's a bang and maybe even a moment of pain in Totsuka's abdomen but the next thing he knows there's a giant wall separating him and Colorless and there's a naked girl dragging him away from everything.
Totsuka's very confused by this one and he's bleeding too, Neko's illusion disrupted Colorless's aim but Totsuka still got hit in a less fatal spot. Totsuka's wondering if it's the blood loss and that's why he's being carried by a naked girl and meanwhile Neko's all worried about him. She sets him down in the nearest alley and starts freaking out over the blood while Totsuka's gotten weirdly calm and is telling her everything will be all right. He tries to call Kusanagi and maybe passes out while he's talking but Neko grabs the phone and begs 'Colored Glasses' to come and save her Totsuka. Kusanagi has no idea who this girl is or how she ended up with Totsuka but he goes running anyway and he and Yata get to see the sight of Totsuka unconscious in an alley being protected by a completely naked girl (who then promptly poofs into Totsuka's cat and suddenly Kusanagi feels a headache coming on).
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tamilkerr · 3 years
Lolita lovers
Wondering those busy hallways alone always unnerved Charlotte. Yet here she is  wondering with no sight of her friend, holding down her skirt while she walked around in circles. She was going from the stall that sold the melon soda to the one that sold the figures of pretty girls, and then back round again.
  It seemed that her friend had left the convention without her and she could feel the tears welling up in her eyes “I just want to lay on the floor and cry.” She murmured to herself, but she couldn't, her dress would get dirty.So Charlotte found a solitary corner, crouched down to the floor and started to take many shallow breaths. She did this to stop herself from getting too anxious. She was just about to break down when she heard it. 
 “Hi.” A very soft voice greeted her from above. 
Charlotte looked up to see a hand reaching for her. “Are you ok, you look upset” asked a very cute girl in a similar sort of dress to Charlotte, but this one was black instead of pink. 
“Oh I’m fine, I just..” Charlotte paused and took a deep breath. “I can’t find my friend.” She said.The girl with the black dress and hair to match, simply said “I will help you.” prompting Charlotte to finally take the hand the girl had offered. Soon Charlotte was on her feet. 
 The girls had walked most of the con floor enjoying each other's company and conversation “So you're a gothic lolita then?” Charlotte twiddles her thumbs together, “yes it’s only gothic for me, what about you, what's your style of lolita fashion?”.
 tucking her black hair behind her ear to listen to the answer “well I'm not sure yet, this is my first time wearing lolita” the blonde sounded unsure of herself.    
 Placing a gentle hand on her pink sleeve “well I would continue with the sweet style, it looks really good on you” she blushed at her words but before she could say thanks or give a compliment back.They had walked into the food and seating area and Charlotte’s very loud friend had spotted her “THERE you are!” a tall girl with fiery red hair stood by the small blonde, “I was looking for you everywhere, WHY didn't you tell me you were going to get food” her pink bow almost falling off her head.
 “Aw sorry, I got too ahead of myself” the redhead apologised, the goth girl fixed the blonde's bow and smiled sweetly then went on her way. “Ooo Charlotte, got yourself a girlfriend there” the tall girl teased and a huge blush grew on Charlotte’s face “NO! you just have it all wrong Willow, that gothic girl was helping me find you” wagging her finger in willow face to get the point across.
Much more teasing and walking later the con was at its end, Willow was attempting to join in on a dancing routine with other girls in lolita. While Charlotte was looking about frantically, searching for that kind frilly stranger from earlier “Oh I wanted to give this to her” muttering things to herself as she held a small voodoo doll with black button
eyes “Who’s that for, because it can’t be for you it isn’t pink” Willow gave a toothy smirk.
A little bit of red formed on her cheeks as she answered “It’s for that girl in black from earlier, I just wanted to thank her” Willow did give a small laugh “Nah you just liked her” and with that the taxi for them both had HONKED loudly. 
Backdrop set up and lights just right “Hello my lovely viewers, it’s me Carlottalita” the perky blonde announced “and I’m bringing you the latest in Lolita fashion news.” Charlotte continued the day making videos. As night fell she took her huge ponytail hair extensions out and lay down in bed, posting mindlessly to social media.
“WAKE UP! Charlotte, it’s me willow” a harsh banging on the door, made her shoot straight up in her frilly bed sheets and night dress. “oh COMING! let me find the keys” she had her hand digging around in a bowl filled with many cute keychains. As soon as it was unlocked the women burst through with bags filled to the brim with petticoats, “look at all this, Daisy got rid of everything” she thrust bags into the sleepy girls arms.
“REALLY daisy doo, she’s done with lolita?” Willow nodded at her questions “yup! She announced it with a video early this morning, so obviously I went to console her and maybe get some of her stuff” a very big grin on her lips. Charlotte was still shocked but boiled the kettle to make her and her friend a nice hot cup of tea, so Willow could spill the T.
“That’s not even the best part” Willow stood up after an hour of sitting and chatting “she gave me her tickets to that big con in Paris” Charlotte almost dropped her saucer with her tea cup on it. “Are you serious, France? we are going to France!” her voice went up an octave, she then threw herself at her friend who in return gave her a big bear hug “Yes my tiny friend, so plan out your most loveliest lolita dress yet!”.
That afternoon she was already online looking at bows and socks to match her very expensive dress “wow Lotte that costs the same as a  gaming pc” Willow’s eyes were almost popping out of her head looking at this web page “I know, but this con is really important and special”  twisting and twirling her blonde hair. 
The ginger pinched her cheeks and shook her face from side to side “ohh nah, you're just hoping that you’ll find a fellow lolita girl to fall in love with” Charlotte just swatted her hands away “oh stop it Willow” a big huff escaped her. “just because I fell for someone once, doesn't mean it’ll happen again” the blonde started to daze off thinking of the gothic beauty she had met at one of her first cons.
“she had the loveliest voice as well” unfortunately she had said her thoughts out loud which resulted in her friends endless teasing all through the night. Willow had already made herself comfortable in the pink frilly bed sheets.
Finally the time had arrived to take off “Ahh do you think we have enough bags yet Lotte?” Willow asked as she eyed up the two separate piles of luggage. One pile decorated pink with pandas and the other green with foxes “Haha I worry we don’t have enough” the blonde responded nervously.
After the two had arrived successfully to the airport in separate taxis, with still many hours to go until they got on the plane they messed about in the various shops after putting their luggage through the check in gate.
“Hey don’t I look like Elton John!” the loud mouthed girl bellowed across the shop while she wore novelty pink, sparkly booby glasses. “That is funny because he is in fact gay” Charlotte giggled and nodded as she approached her friend. Against better judgement Willow bought the glasses and wore them as they ate their burgers and fries.
Eventually, they landed in Paris, France after a longer than usual flight due to bad weather Charlotte found one of her bags to be missing. Almost on the verge of tears Charlotte tries her best to hide it from her friend but before they could leave the airport Willow, like a sniffer dog could sense there was something wrong. 
“You had four bags. Now there’s three” she growled. The fiery redhead slammed her hands down onto the help desk “My friend's bag has gone missing” the friend in question watched in horror as she stood alone with the two luggage carts. “Well ma'am luggage does get lost quite often.” She gave a well practiced smile which angered the ginger more “How could you lose it? It's covered in pandas!!!”
Finally leaving the airport the two girls grabbed a taxi heading towards their hotel room. Sitting in an awkward silence the whole journey until they finally got into their pajamas “Thanks Will for trying” giving a soft smile as she spoke.
“I still think we could have gotten it today” still frustrated she wrapped her arms around Charlotte in a supportive cuddle “It’s okay we filled out the form so we should hopefully hear back from them” she returned the cuddle squeezing tighter.
After a while they settled into their beds and put on some TV they couldn’t understand so just ended up chatting to each other “So Lotte what was in that bag anyway? It wasn’t that fancy dress you just got was it?”
seeing the panic in Willow’s eyes she quickly responded, “well it was just some petticoats and a couple of pairs of socks but, you remember that doll I bought for that girl” When she realized what her blonde friend was going on about she gave her a cheeky grin “oohhh I see, you’re hoping you’ll meet her again” giving Charlotte a wink.
Many people stared at Charlotte and Willow as they walked down the streets of Paris dressed in their usual lolita styles. Charlotte in her pastel coloured lace skirt and top with a bow to match, Willow contrasting in multiple shades of brown with the clockwork decoration plus a top hat to top it all off. 
“So how’d you sleep last night Lotti?” she asked her clearly sleepy friend as they sat down outside a cafe “fine! It wasn’t like I was worried about my bags or anything Will” responding in an overly sarcastic tone.
As their tea and assortment of pastries was brought to them the waitress could not help but focus on their garments “Um excuse me but why are you dressed like that?” She couldn’t help but ask as she set down the numerous plates.
“Well we are wearing lolita” Willow couldn’t help but interject. “It’s just an alternative fashion, the woman who had served just looked more confused and with an ‘Oh’ she just walked away continuing to do her job. So the two friends just spent their whole day sightseeing but unknown to them both that girl whom the blonde has been enamoured with was not far from where they have had tea. 
The dark haired girl stood in a room with many lights and cameras wearing a black dress a lot fancier than the one from before “Rio stop daydreaming and get over here” a woman in a very regal outfit commanded “Okay, coming Hina” the two posed in many positions and wore many clothes but Rio’s were always mostly black. 
“That's enough photos for today ladies” a man with very shiny hair and equally shiny blouse told the girls “Well it’s about time, come Rio we must go meet my new friend” linking arms with her gothic friend and guiding her to a very nice car outside. 
Once inside the vehicle a neutral blonde with gray eyes gave them a very wide smile “Bonjour, you’ll be coming to my house for dinner, I’ve got chef’s making it as we speak” she announced as she held her head high “Rio this is Aimee, Aimee this is Rio” Hina introduced them both to each other.
With that they went to Aimee's house and the whole time they were in her home Rio couldn’t help but feel a sense of uneasiness around this new person. 
They were all sitting in Aimee’s bedroom, she had her own small sofa and coffee table which had a beautiful tea set with a matching cake stand next to it “oh you simply must see my lovely collection of vintage polly pockets” Hina’s eyes lit up at those words but her fellow model didn’t really know what these polly things were. On this white wood shelf there were a lot of tiny little pastel coloured boxes that kind of looked like compact mirrors without any glass “Cool” was all Rio could muster. 
After some time Aimee left the room “Hina how well do you know her?” the goth asked, “Not very, I met her the last time I was here for a photoshoot” her friend said it so casually.
 Rio was a little shocked “What! You’ve only known her for a month? Why are we in her house?” grabbing her friend by the shoulders and shaking her a little “Calm down there’s nothing to worry about it’s very unlikely that she’s a serial killer or something” Hina laughed at her and messed her hair up. 
Their conversation was interrupted by the person in question with another big smile plastered across her face. She informed them that a car was waiting to take them to their hotel.
As the two japanese women entered through the door of the hotel, just across the street from them Charlotte and Willow went through the door of the much smaller hotel. 
Hina couldn’t help but tease her friend as she removed her black lipstick “So did you think Aimee was cute?” Rio looked confused by her question “Well I mean, you do have a thing for blondes” responding quickly to her confusion. “N-n-no I don’t” her cheeks clearly flushed bright red.
Frantically they tried to get ready as fast as they could while simultaneously being as cautious and deliberate as they can be, after layers of clothing such as petticoats and tights were finally on both of the girls were ready to put on their fanciest dresses yet for this convention.
“Will! How does this look on me? Was it worth the money?” Charlotte was frantic “Don’t worry Lotte it definitely looks real expensive and you look damn fine in it might I add” Willow thrusted her hips towards her friend in a joking manner,She was not so worried anymore, just really amused because of her friends' antics. 
hair and makeup all done the two of them went downstairs to the hotel's breakfast buffet as they had much time to spare, one wonders why they were rushing or even worried in the first place. 
While getting to the train was uneventful, being on the train the two overly dressed friends were met with many stares and whispering even a few rude words. 
“I had a few words in mind for those people” the fiery redhead snorted “If you just let me Charlotte” she said through gritted teeth “It’s just best to let people be rude and ignore them Willow” putting her hand gently on her friends shoulder in a sort of soothing manner “Be the bigger person” another hand placed on the other shoulder and softly shaking back and forth to get her point across “NEVER!” she grabbed the blondes cheeks in response.
The line outside of the convention hall was chock a block, you have not seen so much ruffles and lace in one place in your whole life, although there was much pastel to be seen there was plenty of goths with their darkness. 
Rio was with Hina, both were staring out of an open window at the crowd below “wow there are a lot more fellow lollita’s this time around” her friend had to agree “It seems that the online shops have really brought more people in” the two of them were dressed head to toe in very fancy attire, Hina looked like pure royalty with her mostly cream and gold dress whereas her fellow model resembled more vampire royalty with her black and purple outfit. 
Our two British besties stood amongst the crowd somewhere in the middle of the line “OMG it’s Carlottalita and The Maiden of the Cog” a young and very hyperactive girl squealed, with her came a group of more squealing ladies. 
“Hi everyone so nice to see you all here!” waving her two hands in the air while her yellow pigtails bounced frantically “What’s up my fellow shipmates” outstretching her arms in the same direction, waving them about to greet the group. “But you’re not a pirate this time” one of the little fangirls told Willow “Yes but I’m in steampunk so I can still have an airship” crouching down with her hands in a diamond shape to emphasize her point.
As the crazy antics went on in the que, the staff were preparing to open up the doors to let everybody into the convention hall. Aimee was standing atop a staircase watching the doors like a hawk “Miss Lamar, we are preparing to let everybody in, you should probably go join the models from in the conference room” she agreed and followed the staff member to the room in question. 
A large hall was lined with stalls that featured a selection of many different J-fashions but mostly that of the lollita variety not to mention plenty of plush toys and much cute art being sold. Although too much pink and purple kind of took over the place, a good helping of black other darker colours were dotted around the place. 
Not long after getting through the doors the ‘Cog Maiden’ dragged her fellow internet personality to the toilet to freshen up, re-applying their lipstick and fixing their lashes made them ready to face the crowds once again.
Suddenly, the door burst open and a very tall woman was dragging someone in with her 
“Come on, don’t worry I’ll get it fixed and I’ll stitch it back up” she reassured the crying girl, pulling a very ornate sewing kit from her equally beautiful handbag. They couldn’t help but watch as she fixed the large rip in the side of the other girls skirt, even adding a few buttons along the way for decoration. Looking at the repair she cried even more “OMG thank you so much waa” she couldn’t keep herself from hugging the tall lady very tightly “No problem” patting her softly on the head.
The newly happy girl ran out of the toilet to leave her tall friend behind “You did a real good job on that repair there” Charlotte couldn’t help but say and Willow behind her gave a big thumbs up and a grin. 
“Why thank you I do never go anywhere without my trusty sewing kit” she tucked said kit back into her decently sized bag. The three of them couldn’t help but gossip and walk around the main hall together, their new friend got along with Willow especially “So my name’s Zoey but most know me as Meime online” explaining as they all sat and had tea and coffee with each other. 
They were already discussing the online lollita community, Charlotte and Willow just got done explaining their online personas “Ah yes now that you mention it, I do remember you two from a daisy doo video” her eyes lit up with the realization that she had seen these two before.
The two Brits side eyed each other “Well I’ve some bad news for you, she’s quit!” Willow was the one to break the news as Charlotte couldn’t bring herself to do it. Zoey looked visibly upset but was quickly comforted by her new friends telling her of all the pretty frocks that they got from the retired internet personality “I think some might even fit you Zo” the bouncy blonde informed. 
The trio were already making plans for their new American friend to come visit the other two in the UK. As this was all going on Aimee was sitting behind the stage where all the lollita fashion models were doing a panel to an audience of mostly bonnet wearers. Hina was just finishing up answering questions from the crowd when it was Rio’s shot to talk, she mostly discussed the many creepy and spooky patterns that she has gotten to wear over the years.
“That's all from Elizabethy, does anybody have any questions?” immediately all of the ladies in black frantically gathered to ask their many burning questions “Aliceness how long have you and Elizabathy known each other?” another model asked Hina “coming up five years now” with that response she went back to watching Rio muddle her way through the question people asked her.
As they all left the conference hall, the wealthy French girl linked her arms with the Asian girl she had become acquainted with “I know of a wonderful place we should go for dinner after the con, my treat” Rio couldn’t help but cringe at her sickly sweet tone of voice, thankfully she did not see her facial expression.
“I absolutely love that idea” the other girl responded much more positively and with that the goth’s fate was sealed. Meanwhile, Zoey was preparing herself to leave with the two mildly ‘famous’ lollita girls “So how far is your hotel from here” satisfied by the answer they gave she texted her sister letting her know she would be spending the night with others. 
A fully decked out restaurant with pristine white walls and the fanciest of chandeliers, although they weren’t poor none of them were quite used to this level of wealth except for Aimee of course. They sat down on very well cushioned dining chairs and the tables were as highly decorated as the walls around them, with at least five different very fancy forks, a couple of knives and a few spoons.
“Oh wow these plates look so regal” of course Hina was mesmerized by this place, Rio couldn’t help but think but she's always been a bit more cynical with people than her dear friend “Oh you must really try the desserts from this place they are fantastic” when they had all finished their meal, they got to try out these desserts for themself. Rio couldn’t help but love her white chocolate and lime cheesecake, looking over Hina was already nearly finished with her strawberry tart with cream and of course the French girl had French macaroons in many pretty pastel colours. 
Eventually getting in after the train was delayed for about half an hour they de-petticoated as soon as they got in “So this is our humble abode Zoey” willow mockingly fanned out her arms to show off the whole room. Charlotte rolled her eyes, took her pigtails out and laid them down on her night stand. All of them couldn’t wait to get their makeup off and watch some internet videos, the conversation went from what they were watching to about Zoey’s personal life.
It mostly focused on her skills as a seamstress but the subject of her sister came up and her eyes seemed to sparkle with pride when discussing her sibling “Yeah my big sister’s so awe inspiring, she’s a photographer” the other two girls were drawn in by Zoey’s clear enthusiasm “that’s why I’ve been here for a week already because of her job” with that Willow couldn’t help but launch into questions about her sister’s photoshoot she was doing and Charlotte quickly followed suit with the interrogation. 
Sleep overcame them all and they continued their discussions the morning “Oh so what are the names of the models” The American looked a bit apprehensive about answering this question but they both promised her that they wouldn’t discuss it outside of this room “Okay there’s Aliceness, she mostly does hime style and Elizabethy is pretty much all gothic” when Charlotte heard the word gothic she perked up a little bit followed by Willow’s teasing. 
None of them really had time to search up the two lollita fashion girls as they wanted to make the breakfast buffet but it was still really cool to them that Zoey’s family member was involved with fashion photography and not to mention their favourite kind. Unbeknown to them across the street the two girls in question were having their own breakfast but they had room service and were preparing themselves for the day ahead which had them on shoot all day in the studio (around the city as well). 
As soon as Zoey found out about the shoot today she was able to convince her sister to let her friends come along. Charlotte promised to help out as they had studied photography in college, Willow wasn’t so quick to offer assistance “But Lotte it’s our holiday” she whinged but reluctantly agreed. The excitement was palpable although they would have to work hard helping out with lighting and such, the prospex of seeing and meeting Japanese models who exclusively wear their favourite fashion was too much Charlotte almost cried. 
The photographer was already hard at work before her beloved little sister came through the door “Emily! It’s me Zo, I’ve brought reinforcements” she yelled with a slight sing song tone. Emily wasted no time in briefing the girls on what she wanted them to do, it was mostly lighting related but they also offered a great deal of help with different backdrops
 “So what time are the models getting here sis?” she couldn’t help but ask as she set down everyone's cup of tea. Emily gave her phone a cursory glance “They should be here soon but the traffic here can always be a bit of a mess” so they sat and gabbed but the mature woman felt out of place with these youngsters but enjoyed their company anyway. 
Everyone’s attention was diverted to Hina and Rio entering the studio, Charlotte’s mouth was agasp; it was her! Their eyes met each other and for a good solid minute they just stared. 
Remembering that she had seen this cute blonde from a convention Rio was surprised that she was here but Charlotte was blushing profusely at the prospex of seeing gorgeous goth again and possibly getting to know her. “This is Hina Satō she does Hime style and Rio Itō is the gothic one” Emily informed “I hope you don’t mind but my sister and her new friends wanted to help out” She explained to the models who assured her it was fine with them and were thrilled when they found out that they too were into lolita fashion.
Although the two of them worked hard on their specific tasks, one posing and showing off clothes the other adjusting lighting and sorting props they couldn’t help but be a bit distracted by their subtle attraction to each other. Everyone was preparing to take the photoshoot outside around different locations in the city, all were very happy to get out of the very hot studio and into the fresh air. 
They did visit many lovely, lush parks but some dingy and dark locations were not out of the question either. One such place was an alleyway that was situated between two very similar looking  bakeries with plenty of seating out front (this is Paris after all) “Okay you two go set up over there, Stand here models, and you hold that reflector” Emily was being very commanding but they all knew to trust her judgement Charlotte was the one holding the reflector and she stood at the entrance of the alleyway, she admired how photogenic Rio was and got lost in thought about her this is how she became unaware of her surroundings.
Suddenly, she felt herself hit the concrete and a weight on top of her. 
It was Rio! “WHY were you just standing there not paying attention” she was frantic but the ditsy blonde didn’t know. What she had failed to realize was while her head was in the clouds someone on a moped was about to knock her down, luckily for her Rio’s sharp eye had noticed her absent mindedness and seen the driver in plenty of time to get her out of the way.
Charlotte upon realizing their position blushed, they both quickly stood up to get out of this awkward situation “Lotte what you doing you twit, almost getting run over”  the redhead was truly fiery now, luckily for the driver he had already apologized and left on his moped otherwise he might incurred the wrath of Willow (even though it was her friends own fault for standing on the road).
The absent minded girl couldn’t help but feel embarrassed about her idiocy however she was very grateful for the dark haired girls intervention. It made her feelings deepen. “Thank you Rio and I’m so sorry to everyone for causing trouble” The whole group was a little bit shook by what happened so all decided it was best to head back.
Not long after they had finally gotten a chance to sit down and enjoy some cups of tea and coffee (maybe some hot chocolate) a fancy looking and very clearly french girl came through the door. Hina's eyes lit up, she went over to her but Rio just sighed and face palmed herself. “I have made more plans for us” she cackled while clapping, of course Hina was overjoyed while her friend was less than amused. The rest of the group didn’t really get much acknowledgement from this girl named Aimee before she left with the two Asians.
Charlotte looked defeated, obviously upset by Rio’s departure. 
The photographer had gone off to tidy up, her sister and the redhead had recognised their friends clear sadness and asked about it. Willow was flabbergasted “You mean to tell me one of those models was that girl you’ve been thirsting after since that con!” she was damn near dancing at this point, Zoey was very amused by this whole thing “Aww it’s like something out of one of those rom-coms” quickly the two were hatching some crazy plans to get these girls together and in this moment Charlotte knew she had messed up. 
After they had all helped clean up the studio Emily wanted to take them all out for some drinks and a meal (nothing like Aimee’s fancy meals) The blonde was thoroughly embarrassed by the other two telling Emily about her crush on the model, “Come on Will and Zo there’s no need for this”. although she’d like to think of herself as the more mature one she couldn’t help but get roped into the other girls romance schemes. 
Waking up a little bit hungover from the night before however, they had only had a few drinks and a meal (they’re probably light weights) When Zoey’s sister called to make sure she was okay she poked fun at their ability to hold their alcohol. lounging about most of the morning till a call came about the bags with the pandas on it “Finally it took them long enough!” Willow obviously got all worked up about it but quickly calmed down after they said it would be delivered to the hotel later.
Delighted at the fact that she would finally be able to give Rio her gift, the two ‘cupids’ were thrilled by this development and were planning to use this (as they are now very much invested in seeing this possible couple come to be) they rested their elbows on her shoulders “well you have to give it to her lotte” they both cooed at her like a pigeon.
Now she couldn’t help but feel a bundle of nerves in the pit of her stomach at the thought of an audience “please don't embarrass me more than I'm going to embarrass myself” Charlotte pleaded. 
Rio lazed about in her hotel room with sweats and hair in a messy bun, whereas Hina was meticulously plucking her eyebrows “I just don’t see what the problem is, she seems perfectly nice to me” was her response to their argument about Aimee “Well I’m glad you like her but I’m not that fond of her” folding her arms in defiance and Hina just shrugged her shoulders, she was filing her nails now.  
Hina suggested they go get some fresh air outside their hotel and raved about a little coffee shop across the street next to the other hotel. As they made their way to the other side of the street they spotted the girls from yesterday that were helping the American photographer, Rio went over to say hi (as she would like some other company that wasn’t some fancy french girl) 
It amused them all to find out that the hotels where they were staying were across from each other. A small delivery van stopped, out came a driver who brought over a suitcase covered in pandas and asked for a Miss ‘Charlotte Rose White’ once it was handed over he was gone. 
Charlotte’s face was flushed, Rio just stood there confused as she watched her shaking hands reach into the bag and pull out a very spooky looking doll. 
Handing over the small gift “I wanted to give this to you at that convention as a thank you...for being so kind” Some parts of what Charlotte just said were too quiet to hear but Rio got what she meant anyway. She did have to admit it warmed her little black heart to know that a small interaction on her part made someone's day (it did help  that she found the girl in question very cute). 
Giving as much of a smile as she could muster “Thanks, she’s my child now” grasping the dolly close to her chest. Although Willow and Zoey were well aware of what was going on, Hina was left out of the loop “when did you two get soo friendly?” placing her arm around Rio’s shoulder and raising an eyebrow. 
Quickly being brought up to speed and flashing a cheeky grin to her friend “Ooh I see well that's nice” she spoke with a teasing tone, the five of them sat in the coffee shop together of course they mostly spoke about clothes and their online pseudonyms. When Charlotte and Rio both needed to go to the loo neither really talked to each other although they did exchange some soft glances and sweet smiles. 
Unbeknown to them that left the two schemers to their own devices and they quickly roped Hina into their plans “So we need to get these two on a date with each other” Some would say they’re a bit too enthusiastic about getting their pals together.
 Both were washing their hands but before they could go back and join their friends, Rio reached out her hand toward Charlotte's face, she closed her eyes ���There you go, your little bunny clip was falling” speaking very softly. Opening her bright blue eyes to stare straight into those deep brown ones “thanks, you're too sweet Rio” pink still lay on her cheeks. Giggling a little at her  “your one to talk about sweetness Charlotte, I have the doll to prove it” giving a little wink, when they made it back to the table their friends were giving them a strange look (as if they were planning something).
Hina was the first to speak up “So Rio didn’t you say you wanted to go to Louvre Museum?” she had such a smug look on her face that her bestie was suspicious immediately “Yeah but you said that we didn’t have time for that” She retorted raising an eyebrow . Agreeing but quickly explaining that now they had some new pals who would probably like to go with her “Oh well it definitely won't be me I failed history so I’d just be lost” Willow was the first to back out “Ahh it can’t be me either I’ve already gone with Emily” Zoey just shrugged and smiled.
“Guess that leaves Charlotte then” hina said it in such a condescending way that it made Rio almost want to slap her, whereas the blonde just looked dumbfounded by this sudden request “I suppose I don’t mind museums my favourite part is always the art” her voice noticeably went up an octave when talking about the pretty art. 
Still annoyed by besties meddling Rio couldn’t help but be somewhat happy that Charlotte would want to go with her “Cool I guess we’ll go there tomorrow then” the masterminds were bursting with joy at the two future ‘lovers’.
Worry consumed Charlotte, she hadn’t gone on many dates as it isn't easy to approach women and talk to them (and don't get her started on dating apps). So to say she was inexperienced was an understatement, focusing on things like how should she wear her hair was all she could do to lessen the stress of it all. 
Rio didn’t have much more experience but was just a lot more chill about the whole thing, her friends had often told her she was like a robot with how nothing seemed to phase her. Making a good impression still sat in her mind though, deciding to wear something a bit more colourful than usual (although still very dark) to match pink a bit more.
Staring out the windows of their respective rooms were the masterminds of this whole date, looking down at their two friends meeting each other, chatting a little and walking away from the hotels. Everyone was itching to see how it might go but they knew that following them there to spy was more than a bad idea. 
The walk and subsequent train ride was unbelievably awkward but each other's company was enjoyable nonetheless. Most of what they talked about at first was Rio and her work , unlike other models she didn’t travel too much as Lolita was a fashion subculture mostly localized to Asia. Charlotte was just captivated by it all feeling like she had learned so much more although her date didn’t want to be the only one who chatted, when pressed on her career choice the blonde was hesitant to share because many have scoffed at her  ‘so called job’ as they would put it. 
Far from ridicule she got a positive response when explaining that she made videos about all sorts of things she likes mostly the clothing they both loved so much,  Promising to show some when they eventfully sat down for tea or coffee. Rio took her up on that offer and also promised to share her photo portfolio of some of her best modeling work, the dialogue between them slowed down somewhat as they relished in the egyption section especially our goth girl.
Charlotte’s favourite part was still to come, all that beautiful art with the golden frames she was practically drooling. They both knew that seeing the whole Louvre in a few hours would be very difficult so just focused on enjoying what they could, roaming through the gift shops Rio spied a tiny white vase adorned with pink flowers. Looking at her small gifted doll and back at the vase, she bought it.
Of course the British girl was distracted with the many lovely postcards to notice her date's stealthy purchase, both were finally relieved to sit down as their feet had gotten quite sore. as the two lovely ladies were sharing their many photos and videos with each other a certain ‘la dam’ had spotted them.  
Just as Rio was planning to give her date the little vase Aimee had to stick her nose in and join in the conversation (she took a spare chair at the table). “Hiya Rio, it’s so cool to see you here, where’s Hina?” Looking around until her gaze focused on the blonde her “Oh hello and whom
might you be?” Aimee gave a wide grin that Charlotte found unbelievably uncomfortable. 
Holding in a sigh “This is my date”  she put so bluntly to Aimee and “My name’s Charlotte it’s nice to meet you” cutting in to make this whole interaction less awkward or trying at least. She gave her the cold shoulder and grabbed a chair to sit down next to Rio, preventing the girls on said date from looking at one another. 
Almost pulling her black hair out in frustration at Aimee’s rudeness but Rio didn’t say a word (it would be more hassle to chastise her and cause issues between her and Hina), sitting there and just watching this random French lady completely ignoring her existence.
 Barely an hour had passed before the ‘lovely‘ lady had gotten a phone call and was on her way, leaving them alone at last to bask in each other’s company. 
“I am so sorry, she’s Hina’s friend and unfortunately has spent a lot of time with her” Huffing loudly after finishing speaking. Charlotte couldn’t stop herself from laughing (probably from being too nervous about the whole thing), Rio did join in and they just giggled about the whole thing and made lots of jokes about it on the journey back to their hotels. 
The date had gotten to the point of the goodbyes as they stood where they had met hours earlier,. if this hadn’t been their first date they probably would have kissed at this point but at last it was, so they just gave each other a gentle hug.
“Oh lotte, here I saw this in the gift shop” handing the little vase over to the blonde who’s month was in an O shape and thanked her sweetly for said tiny gift “No problem, after all you did get me my daughter” holding the small doll in her hand and winking.
Charlotte's face was quickly becoming her favourite colour, pink. 
As they both got to the front entrance of their respective hotels they looked back at each other and smiled while also waving goodbye. 
While all this was going on the ones who had set this whole arrangement up were watching intently and fawned over the fact they had cuddled. 
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Family Reunion
Rating: mature
Ship: Connor/Gavin
Word count: 2,095
Chapter: 5/5
Summary: Gavin is going to a family reunion, but he doesn't have a date. Of course, he has to ask the android he's been pining for. What could possibly go wrong?
Tags: Trans Gavin, fake/pretend Relationship, mutual pining, bi Connor, ace Connor, gay Gavin, Ken Doll Android Anatomy, Sharing a bed, first kiss
The morning came too soon. Gavin got up, and Connor followed along, both staying silent. He knew this would be the perfect time to talk, but doubt gnawed at his wires.
When they got back, Kamski was already up but Chloe wasn't, so Connor offered to make the food for the humans.
Gavin didn't stay in the kitchen, instead, moving around the house and making sure it was ready.
Everyone was up and about by nine, and Shona had Connor, Kas, Chloe, and Dylan put the tent up. Apparently, they used to do it without the tent but it had rained on too many reunions, and it helped with any wind or bugs.
The four of them got the massive tent set up in no time and started dragging the tables and chairs out.
Connor hadn't realized just how many people were coming over until Kas mentioned that they never had enough chairs.
Then the people started coming in. Some had flown in that morning while it only took a few minutes for the others to get there. It was interesting to see how many different cultures there were in one family.
At some point, Gavin had found his way over to Connor and started pointing out family members he remembered.
It was sweet, but he could just have easily scanned them for their names along with other information he wouldn't need.
Some people didn't seem to mind Connor, some were excited to meet him and others outright avoided him. At least it seemed like no one wanted to start a fight.
It was around three when everyone had arrived and Connor was impressed. He smiled at the ones that greeted him with smiles. One older lady had even kissed him in greeting. He took it in stride and just chuckled.
There was music in the back and food set up. There was also a separate table for android food and drinks. Connor was surprised for a second before looking around and scanning everyone.
There were more androids than he expected. At least 3% of the people there had brought an android with them. Some were partners, others just friends and a few had children.
Gavin got pulled into a few dances by his younger relatives, and when he went to sit he was pestered with questions. A young girl came up and Gavin sat her on his lap while she talked about who knows what. Then once she was apparently done talking she scooted off and ran back to wherever she came from.
"You're good with kids," Connor said after watching for a while.
Gavin snorted and shook his head. "These guys are pests, but I love them."
He'd never seen Gavin smile so much before and Connor was instantly glad he had agreed to come. Even if he had made things awkward it was worth it to see Gavin so openly happy.
Connor even got some attention and not just from the young children. A few adults and teens would stop by to talk. Some asked about the revolution while others just wanted to get to know Connor.
A few people made speeches, and there was even one proposal. Apparently, that happened every year, and every year it was always a yes from whoever was getting asked.
Gavin made snarky comments throughout the speeches and pointed out others and told stories about them. He could see the way his eyes lit up when he thought of another fond memory.
Soon it was getting dark and the parents either left to put their children down or did so then came back. Then the adult party started. Connor had noticed that anyone 17 and up could stay, but only people 21 and up were allowed alcoholic drinks.
Gavin had made a snarky comment about Connor's age and not being allowed to drink. Connor just rolled his eyes and took the glass Kamski had handed him.
Presumably, it wouldn't be able to get him actually drunk, but it would simulate the feeling of being 'buzzed'.
So, Connor drank it and after a bit, he started feeling the effects. His posture became slightly slumped and he leaned somewhat onto Gavin. Not for support, but just for the physical contact.
"Connor, hey, you good? He didn't overheat your systems did he?" Gavin asked after Connor had come up behind him and wrapped his arms around his middle.
He rested his head on Gavin's shoulder and shook his head. The two swayed like that to the music until Gavin turned around.
He hooked his arms around Connor's waist and rested his own head on Connor's shoulder. They stayed pressed together, swaying to the music. Neither of them was focused on the world around them so they didn't notice Kamski taking a few pictures.
He somehow had gotten Hank's, Markus's and North's phone numbers and sent them the images.
It was after one in the morning when the party was effectively dead. Only a few people were left chatting while the others had gone into the house to sleep.
"Connor, can we talk?" Gavin asked, pulling away. Connor felt himself stiffen before nodding. He leads them out of the tent and to the lake.
They both sat on the pier and looked out at the still water. It was a very clear night so he could see the reflection of the moon on the water.
"So… about the kiss," Gavin said, turning his body just slightly towards Connor. "I'm not sorry about it. I know you said you were sorry, but I'm not. I… fuck this is harder than I thought." Gavin sighed and pulled his hand through his hair.
Connor wasn't sure what to say. He didn't want to assume Gavin's meaning and end up making things worse between them. He couldn't interface with him either because Gavin wasn't an android.
"Fuck it. Look, Connor, I like you. Like, I like you romantically, and sexually. You're fucking perfect and this whole time I've been fucking screaming in my head. I could have easily found someone else to bring, but I wanted you to come. I wanted this to be real, and I wanted to date you. Even if it was pretending and for only a few days." Gavin's voice had gotten progressively louder.
Connor stared at him in shock. Then he slowly reached over and cupped Gavin's cheek. He moved in slowly, slowly enough so that if Gavin wanted to pull away, he could.
Then their lips met again and they both seemed to sag in relief. The kiss was slow, but Connor could feel the want radiating from Gavin. He kissed him slowly though.
Gavin had to pull back for air and when he did he was smiling, pressing kisses all over Connor's face. Connor giggled and pulled him into a hug.
"Thank you, for inviting me and everything else."
Gavin hummed then slowly pulled away to kiss him more. Neither of them was sure how long they stayed there but soon Gavin was yawning and his eyes turned heavy.
"Fuck, sorry. I swear you aren't boring me." Gavin sighed, resting his head on Connor's, his eyes closed.
"I don't mind. You should get some sleep. I can drive tomorrow if you want." Then he pulled away and stood. Gavin made a small whine and went to stand too, but Connor quickly picked him up. Gavin let out a soft squeak and grabbed onto Connor's rumpled shirt.
Connor smiled and kissed him again before carrying him all the way back to the house and to their room.
This time when Gavin started to change he didn't look away. He openly watched as Gavin shed his clothes. When Gavin caught him he raised one eyebrow before walking over and straddling him on the bed.
Then they started kissing again, and this time it was hot and quick, both of them gasping for air. Connor left marks down Gavin's neck that they'd have to hide in the morning.
"Fuck, Connor, wait," Gavin panted pulling back just enough to talk. Connor sucked one more hickey before pulling away.
"I just need to know. Do you want this? Don't say yes because I do. I need to know that you're comfortable with this and give complete consent." Gavin's stare was intense but that just made even more warmth flood Connor.
"Yes, I very much want this." With that, he went back to kissing and licking down Gavin's chest. They'd have to be quiet, even with the walls being thick.
It didn't take too long after that for both of them to be undressed, Gavin now on his back. He propped himself up on his elbow as he trailed a hand down Connor's chest.
"You're so beautiful," he mumbled, leaning up to kiss him again. Connor whined when Gavin's hand finally reached his smooth crotch.
"Con, babe, you gotta tell me how to do this. What do you like?" Gavin asked, sighing when Connor attacked his neck again.
That did make him pause and a deep blush form on his cheeks. "I… I don't know."
Gavin smirked and started to rub him, making Connor squirm and whine softly. He tried varying pressures with each stroke. "This good?" Gavin asked.
Connor nodded quickly, rocking his hips into Gavin's hand. They both jolted when a panel opened and Gavin's hand went in.
"Fuck, shit, Connor are you ok? What should I do?" Gavin asked, not moving an inch. If he broke his boyfriend (were they even dating now) during sex he'd never hear the end of it.
"I… could you move your fingers around?" Connor’s voice was a whisper. Gavin's eyes widened to the size of saucers before he nodded.
Connor had to grip Gavin's shoulders when he started moving his hand. "Does this feel good?" Gavin asked, finding a wire and rubbing his finger along it.
Connor let out a strangled moan and nodded his head, pushing down against the hand. He then remembered himself and reached his own hand down to stroke Gavin.
They both were trying to keep quiet with their moans of the other's name. "Fuck, Connor I'm going to come soon," Gavin sighed out.
Connor nodded and bit gently at Gavin's neck before pulling his head up so he could kiss Gavin on the lips. "Me too, just… pull a wire out and plug it back in."
Gavin nodded and did as told, grinning into the kiss when Connor's whole body shuddered.
It didn't take either of them much longer until they were curled up together, Connor pressing soft kisses onto Gavin's face.
Gavin just pulled Connor closer and let his eyes fall closed. Both of them slept better than they had in a very long time.
The drive home was far different than the drive there had been. Connor had taken the wheel this time and they talked the whole way.
It also took much longer because they had to stop a few times just so Connor could fully pay attention to Gavin.
Once home they weren't exactly sure what to do. Going back to Hank's meant that they probably wouldn’t have any more alone time. Of course, Connor wanted to see Hank, but he also wanted to spend more time with his boyfriend.
They decided that they'd go to Gavin's and have lunch, then be back to Hank's by dinner. That plan didn't exactly work out as they got to Hank's well past nine pm.
Hank took one look at them and sighed, "when did this happen?"
"Last night," Connor replied with a smile. Hank nodded and pulled his phone out, looking through it before calling someone.
"Hey, yeah they're back. You owe me ten bucks. Yep, last night. And they were late getting back, so that means Chris owes me ten too."
Connor and Gavin glanced at each other before breaking into laughter. Hank rolled his eyes at the two as he figured out how much he owed and much he'd gain from the apparent betting pool.
The two were the talk of the office for months. Connor didn't mind, because the next year he was invited again, but this time they were officially together. Three years down the road Connor invited Hank to come with and even made his own special speech. It wasn't as special though, as the moment late into that night on the pier, Connor getting on one knee with a ring. It didn't surprise anyone when Gavin pulled out his own box with tears in his eyes as he said yes.
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shardweavers · 4 years
Chapter Five - Questions
Shoto's ears twitched at the sound from above. Yuki blinked, then looked around for the source of the noise. Sumire had drawn his weapon and looked ready to fight. Ice blinked, as the sound had been odd, and Angel took a moment to realize something had happened; his thoughts still suck on the prior conversation. Shoto focused, then turned her gaze upward to the darkness of the vaulted ceiling; she was sure the sound had come from above. A moment later, she spotted it: a mass falling swiftly towards the floor. Her instincts kicked in, and she sprinted off as soon as she'd shoved her cup into Angel's hands; too quickly for him to realize what was going on. He shoved the last of his donut into his mouth to free his other hand for her teacup, but fumbled and missed it. Ice quickly caught the cup and saucer before it could fall to the floor, then looked to Shoto. Angel looked relieved, then finally noticed the falling mass as well... some sort of bird...?
Shoto reached out to catch the bird just before it could impact the floor; a grey-blue one, of medium size. It wasn't very heavy as it lay curled in her arms. The female Miqo'te slid to a stop, then turned back to the group with a confused look on her face. She had seen this kind of bird at least once before... in Kholusia.
"It's," she frowned as she looked down, "It's a shoebill." The healer in her instantly knew something was wrong. The Exarch blinked, then looked up to the ceiling for a moment. He tilted his head thoughtfully, as he looked back to the bird Shoto had caught.
'A bird that large certainly would have gotten my attention,' he looked over to Angel, as the White Mage carefully added his own empty teacup to the pile that Ice now held, then hurried to Shoto's side. The Exarch sighed quietly, then shook his head a little, 'I'm probably just being overly cautious... Lyna would certainly tease me for being so on edge over a bird.'
"It seems badly hurt," Angel frowned, and flicked his ears worriedly. Shoto nodded, then focused for a moment. She ran her aether over the bird's form, but all she could tell from a quick survey was that it had pretty bad internal injuries. She'd have to focus further if she wanted to fix it, and that might be better suited to her room rather than the Ocular. Shoto stopped her aether, then looked over to Angel.
"The poor thing is definitely wounded," she looked down to the bird again, "It must have flown into the Tower to seek shelter." Angel worriedly nodded in response, then the two healers headed back to rejoin the others. Shoto carefully cradled the bird in her arms as she stopped beside Ice.
"Is it dead?" The Warrior asked curiously, focused mostly on the bird.
"No," Shoto shook her head, "but it's definitely in very poor shape." She turned to look at the Exarch; Shoto was very much the archetypal healer, and was always eager to help if she could. Her tail curled happily as she thought of helping this bird fly again, "If it's alright, I'd like to take it with me back to my room at the Pendants. Maybe I can help mend it enough that I can get it flying again." Eos and Selene instantly appeared at the mention of mending the bird, then swirled around her excitedly. Shoto sighed softly, and said, "Not now, you two," which made the two fairies pout slightly, then immediately re-dismiss themselves. The Scholar then beamed a smile to the Exarch and hoped it would be okay. The Exarch seemed thoughtful as he stared at the bird for the moment.
Emet-Selch; or rather, the shoebill; waited for the pain of impact. He drifted in and out as he desperately tried to stay conscious. He didn't immediately realize that he wasn't still falling. It felt warm, like he was being held aloft. Only then did he realize his body wasn't still moving. He partly opened one eye to see the dark-haired, female Miqo'te looking right back at him. He was indeed being held... it was none other than her. The momentary silence was then broken by the Exarch's answer to Shoto's request; at which she looked up from him, to the red-haired Seeker.
"I don't see the problem with it. Just be careful, okay? Injured animals can be dangerous if they get frightened," he held up a finger to make a point, "If you should need any sort of medicine or require further assistance, I'm certain you can ask Chessamile in Spagyrics." He looked up to the ceiling again, thoughtfully, "I just hope there aren't more of his flock injured somewhere."
"Thank you," Shoto nodded excitedly, then looked back to the bird at the mention of assistance from Chessamile. She wasn't as sure about herbal remedies, so she just may seek her advice later. Angel took a half-step forward, then curled the tip of his tail as he looked at Shoto; he had a very similar desire to help out however he could.
"I-I'd like to help too, if you need me, Shoto," he looked to the bird, as Yuki shook her head.
"Must you two always be the ones volunteering to help those in need?" She looked over at Sumire, "Is this just a healer thing?" The purple-haired Miqo'te just replied with a laugh and a slight shrug. 
"It's just," Angel shook his head, "it feels like a bad injury," he ignored Yuki's comments, then looked back to Shoto, "Though, I could be misjudging how bad, since it was just a quick glance." He paused, his ears flicked, and a quiet, nervous purr escaped his throat. Ice put a hand on his husband's head to settle his worried thoughts.
Sumire stretched, "I'm sure it's only late afternoon, but we should all probably purchase some supplies from the Markets before it gets too late," he flicked his tail pointedly, "Especially if we're heading out on two separate, long trips."
"Ah, about that," the Exarch took a step forward as he smiled, "I spoke with Bragi earlier when I bought the tea and food. He assured me that you would be welcome at any time to stock up on whatever you may need." He looked to his friends, then the bird. While he had told Lyna to make sure their rooms were ready, he hadn't anticipated the distraction of an injured bird. There would be no harm in waiting until tomorrow to head out. "Perhaps... as late as it has gotten, you should all take your time today, and prepare to head out on your journeys tomorrow morning. Your rooms should already be prepared for you."
"I think taking the rest of the day to prepare is a good plan," Yuki nodded, then looked to Shoto; specifically, the bird in her arms, "Especially with distractions." Her tone wasn't angry, but she'd kept it unclear. Sumire frowned at her, but said nothing about it. Ice's calming presence helped Angel focus. The White Mage still fidgeted a bit nervously, and was still torn on what he should do. He stumbled slightly over his own words, "I-I can... that is... a-afterrr we pick up some... supplies, I can... stop by... to check in? Y-Your rrroom is on the way... to ourrrs," his tail curled.
"That would be great!" Shoto beamed. Ice smiled gently and leaned over to look at Angel.
"You're overthinking it, Love."
Shoto nodded in agreement to Ice, "Sometimes a second opinion is helpful! You should go with Ice to get what you need, and I'll see what I can do in the meantime, okay?" Angel looked a bit relieved that she'd understood his fumbled offer, then nodded in reply; he let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. She grinned at him reassuringly, and Ice chuckled at his husband. The Exarch cleared his throat to refocus everyone.
"There's one last thing I wanted to give you before I let you go," he reached into his robes with his crystal hand. He withdrew it a moment later to reveal five small, blue crystal clips in his palm. "With Urianger's help, Beq Lugg and I combined Whisperweeds with small shards of the Tower to create something equivalent to Linkpearls. Although, I couldn't make them quite as small as I wanted to and still allow them to have the range I needed." He stepped forward to allow everyone to take one of the crystal clips as he continued, "Since my assignments are splitting you all up to such distances, I felt it necessary to come up with a way to contact you in case anything happened."
"A way to keep tabs on us, you mean?" Yuki teased as she took one for herself. Sumire grabbed one next, then looked it over to figure out how it was meant to work. The Exarch blushed a little, slightly flustered at Yuki's tease. Angel hopped forward and took two, then handed one to Ice, the other to Shoto; he then took the last one for himself.
"These seem like something the Crystarium Guard could use," Ice commented as he looked over the clip.
The Exarch frowned, "Whisperweeds have a limited range, and require relays among the guards, but they are easily replaced and quicker to distribute. I certainly wish they were much easier to make, but perhaps I can give the plan to Katliss for something more easily mass-produced." He shook his head, "Ah, I'm getting distracted. I have something else I must attend to before I return to work on the vessels. There's not much left in the basket, but you may have anything that's left if you would like."
"What about you, G'raha?" Angel worriedly asked as he held the clip against himself. The Exarch blushed a little, then smiled reassuringly.
"I promise I kept some for myself. I'll have some with another pot of tea this evening before I retire to bed. None of you need worry for me," he flicked his ears slightly, then gave a slight bow. "You're free to go now, my friends. I will speak with you on the morrow, unless something should arise."
The Exarch turned and hurried off. Yuki turned, then tugged at Sumire's sleeve.
"I'd like to drop my things off in my room before I go to the Markets. Perhaps you could do the same."
"That does sound like a better idea than dragging everything through the Markets if we're going to spend the night first," he stretched again, then looked down to his clothes, "Actually the thought of that long journey to Kholusia already makes me feel sleepy. I think stopping by my room first might be a good idea," his tail flicked thoughtfully. Yuki tugged his sleeve a bit more insistently, which got him to follow her out of the Ocular. Shoto had put the crystal clip in her pocket carefully, then readjusted the bird in her arms.
"It's okay, little guy, we'll get you all fixed up and flying again," the dark-haired female Miqo'te turned to head out towards the Pendants, which just left Ice and Angel. Ice sat the cups and saucers he'd been balancing on the cart, then leaned in close to Angel.
"I think this is our cue to get moving," Angel nodded slightly, distracted by Shoto's departure. "Maybe we should check around the Markets first?" Angel just nodded again. Ice noticed his distracted look, and lack of actual response. The Warrior's blonde hair swayed as he took a step around his husband to look more directly at him, "Shall we see what sort of troub--" He swiftly trailed off as Angel looked directly at him. The White Mage pouted disapprovingly before the Warrior could even finish his suggestion of finding trouble, "...I mean~, let's see if we can find... good deals! On supplies. And items. And food." He grabbed the last donut from the basket, flashed a grin, then started to head off.
"H-Hey!" Angel reached for the donut, then hurried after the Warrior with a determined flick of his tail; it seemed like Ice successfully distracted his husband with something else...
* * *
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* * * Outside the Tower, it was very late afternoon; early evening; and the lights around the Crystarium were on. The sky outside the crystal canopies was a deep orange as the sun set for the day. Shoto still cradled the bird in her arms as she carefully made her way down the stairs. She didn't want to jostle him too much and risk worsening whatever injuries he had before she could even try to repair them. The shoebill didn't move much, it just continued to rest, and breathe quietly. The female Miqo'te took her time heading down as she felt distracted by the bird; it almost reminded her of someone. It was an odd thought, but perhaps that was why she'd felt the need to help it? She just smirked to herself as she reached the bottom of the stairs, then headed across the plaza towards the Markets and the Pendants. 
The Scholar stopped halfway across the plaza, then looked to the side. She stared towards the Aetheryte Plaza; to the stairs where they first encountered Emet-Selch. The party just didn't feel the same without him around. Even after their battle, it still seemed like the Ascian would pop up with that smirk on his face and some sort of quip or remark at any moment...
...but he never did.
"Ah~! Here is the appointed hero of the hour," a male voice from behind her teased. Shoto's eyes widened and her heart hammered in her chest; could it be...? The Miqo'te turned swiftly towards the sound of the voice, but only found an Elf teasing a Mystel who looked to be out of breath; bent over and panting. She seemed to have rushed to meet her friend at the aetheryte shard, only to be teased by way of greeting. That ache that had been with her returned sharply, and Shoto did her best to shake it off; the pain still sat on her face, though. She turned toward the Markets again, then took off with a hurried pace to get to her room.
* * * Angel and Ice exited the Tower only a few moments after Shoto had started to make her way across the plaza. The blonde Miqo'te grinned at his husband, who'd managed to procure the donut somewhere between the Ocular and the front door.
"I'm surprised you didn't take some of the other sweets from the basket," he teased. Angel pouted as he took another bite of the half-eaten donut, then replied in a mumble with the treat in his mouth.
"I like Hanji-Fae's donuts." Despite his best efforts, his comment was still clear to Ice. The Warrior snickered, then stopped only a few stairs down; he'd noticed Shoto was staring at the Aetheryte Plaza. Angel continued to eat the donut, as he tried to finish it before they got down the stairs. Ice reached up to stop him from continuing. Angel blinked, then looked past Ice to take notice of Shoto, as the Mystel ran across the plaza from the stairs to the Amaro Launch and skidded to a halt beside the aetheryte shard.
"Ah~! Here is the appointed hero of the hour," the Elf commented, with a grin. Angel felt a shiver up his spine, which made his tail curl against him. He looked immediately to Shoto, and saw the expression on her face. It put everything together for him, and he frowned. Ice crossed his arms over his chest as Shoto turned to hurry off.
"Maybe you should go check on her after we hit the Markets," Ice flicked his tail, "We could get her something to cheer her up." Angel remained silent, which made Ice turn to look up the two stairs. He seemed confused, "Angel?"
"I think I understand what's been wrong with her," he responded, then gripped the strap of his bag across his chest.
Ice tilted his head, "I mean, I think I get that it has something to do with Emet-Selch. He always called us heroes instead of our names, and I remember that we met him at the Plaza stairs." Angel nodded, then took a few slow steps past Ice. "What I don't get is why she looked like--" he stopped before he finished his thought. Angel noticed the abrupt end to his husband's thought, then looked up, over his shoulder. Ice's expression looked almost apologetic.
"Looked like...?" Angel turned to face Ice, who then took the few steps to be beside him.
"Looked like you did, when we met," Ice frowned, then reached down to take hold of Angel's hand. The black-haired Miqo'te's ears fell to the sides at the wording.
"I'm sure it isn't quite the same," he gently squeezed Ice's hand, "But I think the reason she cried the way she did was because she felt something different than the rest of us in that moment." He looked back to the plaza; to the place they'd first met Emet-Selch. "If I had to take a guess, I'd say she's still not sure what to make of it, nor how to deal with it."
"...Well," Ice spoke quietly, "if that's the case, you may be the best one to talk to her about it." Angel fell silent, and blinked, then looked back up to Ice. The blonde tried to be encouraging; he gave his husband a small smile as he returned the squeeze of his hand. "You're right, it's not exactly the same situation, but wasn't she there when it happened...? She was the reason you were safe in Mist, wasn't she?"
Angel looked back to the plaza, thoughtfully.
Ice sighed softly, "C'mon, let's grab some supplies from the Markets. We can find something for her, then maybe you can keep her company for a while," Ice kissed Angel's cheek. The smaller Miqo'te nodded in reply, then immediately turned to bury his face against the blonde's chest and hugged him tightly. Ice blinked at the sudden hug; Angel shook slightly. He hadn't meant to upset his husband by reminding him of that trauma, he just realized that the two of them might be able to talk better than he could.
* * * Yuki finished putting her things away rather quickly. She took her coat off, then summoned her emerald carbuncle onto the bed. The soft jingle of the aetheric creature solidifying was a reassuring sound for the Viera. She smiled, then leaned down to point at the carbuncle's nose.
"Stay here and guard the room. I'll be back shortly, and I expect things to remain the way they are." The carbuncle tilted its head, nodded, then sat on the bed like a guard dog. Yuki nodded, satisfied, then headed out to pick up some things at the Markets. She hadn't gotten very far from her room when she saw Shoto stop in front of hers. The Miqo'te seemed completely lost in thought, then a moment later, she was crying again; it was the same expression she'd had a few times when she thought no one was around in the FC house. Yuki crossed her arms, then sighed. She turned her head to see if Sumire was coming, and found his door ajar. The Viera shook her head, then went over to his room. She gently pushed the door open, but didn't see the violet-haired Miqo'te anywhere. It was dim, only two small lights had been turned on. 
"Sumire?" Her voice was cautious, as she took a few steps into the room. She was greeted with silence, to which she frowned, then looked around again. Nothing seemed disturbed in the kitchenette, nothing was missing or moved on the table, his bathroom was open and dark, the window was still closed, his dresser hadn't been touched...
It wasn't until she got around the screen beside the door that she found him. Still half sitting on the bed, he looked to have just fallen over asleep; he hadn't even dropped his bag. She sighed with both relief and frustration, then hurried over to him.
"Hey. You can't really be that tired, we've barely done anything" she grumbled, then reached down to shake him awake. He didn't stir immediately, which in turn, made Yuki a bit worried. She shook his shoulder a bit harder, then spoke a bit louder, "Sumire, if you're going to sleep, that's fine, but you should really get into bed properly."
"...eh...?" His voice was quiet, and he took a moment to register what happened. One pale green eye blinked open, then he shook his head a little as he pushed himself up. "Y-Yuki...?"
"Really, Sumire, you didn't even close your door," she stood up straight and crossed her arms over her chest, "Are you that tired? We've barely done anything today."
"W-Well, my room," he looked around at the dim room, then turned his head towards the bed he sat on, "My room's just... comfortable." He slipped his bag off and sat it beside his bed, then flicked his ears. He stood up carefully, "I'm fine," then straightened his shirt, "It was just a long trip to Mor Dhona, and the tea was relaxing. We have supplies to get for tomorrow, don't we?" The Dragoon smiled to the Summoner, who still looked concerned.
"Maybe you should stay here and head to bed then," Yuki shook her head, "I can get us both supplies." The Viera turned to head off; the Miqo'te quickly followed.
"But I wanted to go with you, Yuki." The Viera blushed slightly at his words, but continued out of his room, then up the hall without pause. Something about his words; his tone; they reminded her of why she left her village. That fear she felt when she realized the males would be coming back soon, and her mother would find her someone to marry. That life she realized she didn't want, and had run from. Such an odd thing to feel from his words, maybe she was also more tired than she thought.
Sumire felt confused, but hurried after her quickly. She had such long strides, he had to run to keep up with her. She only slowed as they approached the Markets; at which point she stopped to look back at him. He barely skidded to a stop in time not to run right into her.
"I saw Shoto go to her room." Sumire just tilted his head a little in response, it felt random, but Yuki continued, "She was crying again." He suddenly understood why she'd said it, then frowned.
"...Any idea if it's the usual sort of thing... or if something happened...?" He asked, worriedly. 
"No," Yuki shook her head, "though I'd be willing to bet coming back here reminded her of a lot all at once. I'm sure she'll be okay with some rest, and Angel will be checking on her later."
"We'll be traveling with her," Sumire looked thoughtful as he looked over to the stairs  that led to the Markets, "maybe we could get her something from the Markets to cheer her up?"
"I was thinking the same thing," Yuki nodded, then smiled a little. She had successfully distracted herself from unpleasant thoughts for the moment.
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fanpom-imagines · 5 years
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Request by Anonymous: Can you do one where the reader lost her dad @ 14, she's now 17, she's been living alone.She was closest with her dad because her mom left them. Stephen Strange runs into her and she peaks his interest, he convinces her to let him take her in. She starts to get attached to him and sees him as a father figure.She then forces herself to turn cold, she doesn't want to loose him like her dad.He notices and confronts her about it. She starts crying and explaining and he comforts her. Lots of fluff😊
Imagine loosing your father and having Doctor Strange become your father figure.
Fandom: Marvel
Words: 5031
Warnings: cursing, mention of father’s death, homelessness, and mention of depression, but good ending so don’t worry
Gifs aren’t mine.
(Female Reader)
I swiftly walked through the seemingly never ending clumps of people whom were clustered around New York City’s Chinatown. I looked from sign to sign trying to find any that were either in a language I could read or a food that didn’t require cooking to be eaten. I saw a few fruits and vegetables dumped into separate containers at one booth. I shoved my way through people and weaved my way around some more obstacles. When I was finally getting close to the fruits I gently pulled my hand out of my pocket and grabbed an apple and a peach before shoving it into my pocket and then coming up to the veggies as I walked by with the same pace and as the lady turned away I snatched a handful of potatoes, but having to place them in my pocket on the right as they wouldn’t ft in the other one with the rest of the stolen goods it got me caught. The woman yelled at me in some Chinese dialect as she pointed at me and I bolted. Hearing footsteps running after me I looked behind me to see an older man and a younger man who seemed to be father and son, most likely related to the woman I stole from.
Picking up my feet to run faster through the market as a pushed aside people which earned me many yells of protest and harsh looks. Shrugging them off I took a sharp turn and ran between two stalls and straight into an alleyway. I looked back and saw the two men struggling to get through the people and past the stalls. I let out a laugh and turn back, but slipping as I step on something and falling face first onto the cold and smelling of piss and vomit covered ground. I grumbled and heard a hiss as I looked back at what I stepped on I saw a cat pulling its tail near to itself as its ears pulled back and it hissed at me.
“Shit, sorry kitty,” I mumbled out as I got up on one need and placed my arm on top of it to push myself off the ground. I got closer to the cat, but it just hissed and swiped its claws at me. I pulled back from it before its claws could cut me, “Just trying to help, sheesh.”
And with that I placed my hand back in my pockets and walked out of the alleyway. I looked back to make sure the cat was indeed okay and seeing it prance off in the opposite direction I let out a small sigh of relief and went onto the street the alley lead into, but it seems fate really hates me.
I bumped into someone and take a few steps back at the impact. I apologetically look up at the person, but stop myself before any words can come out. The man was dressed in a ridiculous attire. He looked like some wizard from those cartoons my dad and I watched when I was younger. My mined slightly soured at the thought of my father before saying, “Does your mother know you dress like this?” (Doth your mother know you wereth her drapes, sorry I had to)
The tall stranger gave me an unamused look as he raised his eyebrow, “No, does yours know you’re a thief?”
I fummed in anger at his reply, “My mother is a selfish bitch.” I tried walking around the wizard man, but he just grabbed my arm and pulled me back.
“Do you have somewhere to go, kid?” He asked me with a more serious tone this time as he glanced over my clothes.
“Let go of me, and leave me alone,” I yelled out as I pulled my arm out of his grasp and took a few staggering steps back before booking it down the street.
“Wait!” I heard the man yell and for the second time today in the same hour I was being chased by an unknown man.
My heart started to beat faster in fear at the crazy wizard stranger running after me. I had no idea what the hell was going on or who this man was or why he was chasing me, but I wasn’t gonna sit around and find out. New York City may look pretty to tourists, but when you’ve been living here for years on the streets all the beauty seems to be sucked out of it.
I look behind me to catch a glimpse of my pursuer and sigh in relief as I don’t seem him anywhere. Most likely lost him in the large traffic of people. I walk into the closest shop which seemed to be a coffee shop and went into the restroom. I placed my back against the wall and took a few breaths before pushing off the wall and checking the stalls to see if anyone was in any of them. Seeing as there were no occupants I locked the women’s restroom door and placed my hand on both sides of the sink, trying to catch my breath.
After getting my heart beat down and not hearing the blood pumping in my ears I looked up at my face through the mirror before turning the handle of the faucet and scooping up the water and splashing it in my face. The cool water was refreshing on my skin and helped not just my mind, but also my body to relax.
I pulled out the apple and peach and washed them in the water before placing the apple back in my pocket and biting into the peach. I let out a satisfied hum as I took another bite whilst closing my eyes. I turned around and leaned my back against the sink and took another bite of the each before opening my eyes and letting out a scream at seeing the tall wizard man again.
I choked on the small peach piece and hit my fist against my chest as my body was gasping for air. I hacked up the piece and spit it onto the ground then my eyes snapped to the man standing before me.
“What the fuck, man?” I yelled at him in disbelief and annoyance. “How the fuck did you get in here?”
“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” he said plainly.
“What are you talking about?” I said in utter confusion as I coughed a little more to fully clear my throat that felt hoarse from the events that took place just seconds ago.
“Here, let me show you,” without another word he took my arm and made a circular motion with his other arm and before I could ask what we were doing a portal of sorts was opened and my eyes had never been wider. My mouth fell open as he tugged me through the portal into a room that seemed to also give off a very wizardry vibe.
“What the fuck?” My eyes were wide as saucers as I looked around the room. There were stairs leading to the second floor which had a circular window with a peculiar design at the end of it. Along with that there were glass cases on the second floor that seemed to have things inside them though being too far away from them I couldn’t exactly pinpoint what.
“You do have a foul vocabulary for a kid,” the man said turning back to me which had my attention focused on him once again.
“I’m not a kid I’m seventeen,” I told him in slight aggravation.
“A teenager, even worse,” he shot back at me making me open my mouth ready to shoot out a protest at him, but he dismissively waved his hand making me stop mid breath. “I’m kidding. I want to help you not fight you.”
“How can you help me?” My brows furrowed in confusion.
“I can give you a home and proper education. No child should have to live on the streets and stealing food to survive,” he told me, pointing at my hand that was still clutching the peach which had two bites taken out of it.
“But why?” I asked him, still not believing that he didn’t have another motive and that he was doing it out of the goodness of his heart.
“I went through something similar once, though it was more of my own fault rather than anyone else's,” my lips frowned at his reason more so in understanding than in pity.
“So you’re doing it out of pity?” I scoffed out at him.
“No, I’m doing it out of wanting to help someone go down a better path and have a better life than what they were given,” my heart filled with hopefulness at his words. I haven’t felt hope in a long time. Not since my father had died when three years ago. He was shot by accident by one of the robbers stealing from our drug store my father used to own. Though we didn’t have the highest standard of living we still had each other, and honestly that’s all I needed. We had each other’s backs, but when I was taken out of school and had to go to the morgue and see my father in a body bag. All that hope and happiness was taken away from me piece by piece. I didn’t know it was even possible for my hope of even having a somewhat decent life be even more crushed when they sent me to an orphanage since my father had no known relatives and my mother could not be located. I don’t remember how long or how much I cried, but I knew I didn’t stop crying myself to sleep each night until one day I just started to feel numb to it and fell asleep silently alongside the other children in the orphanage.
After a few months of living there I had enough with the place and couldn’t bear to live there any longer. Deeming the dark and grimy streets a better living space than the cramped, dusty rooms of the orphanage. I’d rather be woken up by cops in the early mornings every day shining bright lights into my face as they yelled at me to get off a park bench than to have to wake up to seeing those dark, gloomy chipped walls one more time. So when packing up whatever other belongings I still had. I ran away to the only place I knew. Which was the corner store my father used to own. The place still had some of the previous items inside, but most things were already boxed up or placed in trash bags with a large yellow “For Sale” sign in the front. Approaching the door I pulled at the door and entered the store. I looked around and grabbed any items that were still a ways from their expiration date along with some hygiene products and water bottles. After my bag was full I looked around and the place and looked towards the area they said my dad was shot. I sadly looked at the floor and counter to see it completely void of any stains or products only a small coat of dust laying on top of it.
Wiping a tear from my eyes I walked to the back of the store and tried opening the door, but it was locked. I tried pulling on it two more times, but it wouldn’t budge. Looking around I luckily spotted a leftover crow bar. After getting it and then getting back to the door I wedged one end of the crow bar between the doorway and the door and pulled trying to get the door to open. After trying for about ten minutes the door finally flew open with me falling back onto my backpack. Getting up with a huff I made it up the stairs and looked around to see the house completely void of any of our previous belongings. There was nothing there. As if we never lived here. As if we’ve never existed. No belongings, no nothing. Just the smell of fresh paint was all that lingered in the room. My eyes started to well with tears and hoping that some things were still in the trash I quickly ran down the stairs and out the exit. Placing the backpack onto the ground I jumped into the dumpster by the side of the store and pulled open garbage bags trying to find any of our belongings, but once again nothing. I searched that trash can for hours and when seeing the sun was rising in the East I made it back inside and upstairs to try and find something, anything, but once again I came up empty handed. I broke down as my body started to shake and I could feel that pressing feeling in my throat before I broke into sobs.
No idea how long I cried for, but at one point I fell asleep and was woken up by the sound of people talking and footsteps making their way up the stairs. Not taking the chance of being caught my body automatically got up and snatched my back off the ground before moving to window and forcing it open. I quickly ran down the fire escape and jumped down into the alley. That was the last time I ever saw that place, and honestly it’s the last time I ever wanted to see it. Since that day I’ve been sleeping on park benches and in abandoned cars. Each day being woken up by a cop though on some occasions it was some disgruntled person who was complaining about me disturbing the place or whatever the hell. I never really listened. Every week I always locked myself in a public restroom and washed my hair in the sink and brushed my teeth. Though trying to be as concervative as I could be, but never staying too long because the owners will call the cops or open the doors at one point with a key to come and kick me out.
It wasn’t the best way of life and sometimes I pondered if I should’ve stayed at that depressing orphanage, but those thoughts went away as quickly as they came. There was no way I was gonna go and rot away in one of those places. I’d rather live on the streets and do minor chores or jobs then in that psychiatric ward they call an orphanage.
“Are you okay?” the wizard’s voice came through my thoughts. I blinked my eyes to clear my thoughts and saw the expression of concern on his face.
“Yeah, I’m fine. You just reminded me of something,” I said, brushing off the memory from before and clearing my mind of it.
The man was seemingly on the fence of asking me, but let it be before asking me another question, “So what is your name?”
“(Y/N), yours?” I told him simply as he led me up the stairs. My eyes scanned around the second floor at all the things that were behind the display cases. They all seemed out of this world, and the way the man created a portal with a simple hand motion I assumed they were. This all seemed like it was out of some comic book.
“I’m Doctor Stephen Strange,” he told me as he led me down a hallway.
“That’s strange,” I giggled out which earned me another unamused look.
When walking down the hallway I’ll looked around at all of the intricate designs and beautiful carvings. It just didn’t seem real. It felt like I was having some weird dream where I meet a wizard for some unknown reason after committing a crime, but in reality it’s has some complicated hidden meaning behind it, or some shit like that.
When coming to the last door in the hallway Mr. Strange opened the door and I was met with a bedroom. It was quite large, at least by my standards. It had what I assumed was a queen sized bed. There were two large bookshelves filled with antique looking books, and on the other side there was a wardrobe with a mirror besides it. There were windows above the bed that provided most of the lighting and on the left side of the wardrobe there was another door alike to the one we just went through that most likely led to a bathroom. All in all it was the nicest bedroom I’ve ever seen in person. I looked up at Mr. Strange in curiosity before a smug smirk making its way onto my lips.
“I never agreed to live here.”
“You didn’t have to, but if I read you wrong then you can leave if you would like,” Mr. Strange told me. He seemed to be pretty wise, but I couldn’t tell if it was because of his age or because he was a wizard.
I made my way further inside the room and turned around to face Mr. Strange before sitting down upon the end of the bed. I placed my hands on top of the blanket and had my fingers running over them. It felt so nice and even though I knew what it felt like it felt foreign. It’s been so long since I’ve felt anything this soft let alone be able to sleep on it. I’ve been sleeping on hard surfaces for the past to years. The feeling of this bed felt better than I had remembered, and I was loving it.
“Thank you, Mr. Strange,” I told him as I lifted up the peach in my other hand to my mouth and took another bite.
“It’s Doctor,” Mr. Strange said.
“Hmm?” I asked, not hearing him as I was off in my own world at the feeling of the soft fabric under my fingers.
“It’s not Mister Strange it’s Doctor Strange,” his tone seemed annoyed and I gave him a sheepish smile.
“Oh, okay. I’m sorry,” I mumbled out apologetically with my head downcasted.
“It’s okay,” Dr. Strange said with a more reassuring tone.
“Are you a wizard?” I asked him curiously.
“No, I’m a sorcerer.”
“What’s the difference,” I asked nonchalantly taking another bite from the peach.
“Wizards are people like Gandalf, fictional, then there’s people like me who are sorcerers, non-fictional.”
“Soooooo, there’s no difference?”
“No, there is.”
“But what is it?”
“I just told you!”
“One’s real and one isn’t?” My face at this point was morphed into a mixture of confusion and disbelief.
“Yes… well mostly, yes. Actually not quite there are other things, but you’ll learn about them later” Dr. Strange said as he tried to find the correct wording.
“When will I learn about what things?” Before Dr. Strange could reply to my answer my eyes widened as I gasped, “Oh. My. God. Are you going to train me to become a wizard?! Holy shit!” At this point I was giddy with excitement and ready to jump out of my seat in joy.
“Yes, I have decided I shall take you on as my apprentice, but-” I cut him off before he could go any further.
Jumping off the bed I ran up to him and hugged him, “Oh my god this is the best day of my life! I’m gonna be a wizard’s apprentice!” I squealed out in excitement as I squeezed him harder.
“Not a wizard,” I heard Dr. Strange mumble out, but he patted my back and gave me a slight smile nonetheless.
And from that day on I began my training.
He’d give me tasks to do and books to read on some days while on others he would have me practicing my form and spell casting. Many days past by where I got closer and closer to not just become a “Master of the Mystic Arts” as he says, but I just call it magic, though he gets slightly annoyed when I do and insists that it is art. But I also got closer to Dr. Strange as well. He turned out to be a very kind and a sort of father figure to me. He’d help me with anything that I was struggling with and even promised to take me to the Avengers Tower oneday to meet Earth’s mightiest heroes. After he promised me that for a whole month I couldn’t stop asking him when, and every single time his reply was, when you stop asking or when you’re ready. Few weeks into living in this place I had met one of Dr. Strange’s associates, working partners, fellow wizard, or whatever the hell he calls them. His name was Wong and at first he had scolded Dr. Strange for taking in a child without permission, I don’t know whose permission and I honestly didn’t care because seeing Dr. Strange scolded was hilarious to me, and the annoyance on his face was also great to see. After meeting Wong he had helped me train too, but he helped me with the book part of it and he was also a stricter teacher. He tried giving me homework once, but I didn’t do it and spent my day sleeping because of training and he fussed at me the whole day. Dr. Strange found this rather amusing, but I on the other hand was groaning, complaining, and rolling my eyes as Wong nagged me for being irresponsible. He was honestly like the mother I never had, or asked for.
Within a few months it started to feel like home. I was familiar with the place and unlike the first few days where I could barely even fall asleep, as I was not used to the softness of the mattress and the sheets, I was now sleeping like a baby each night. My body finally being able to have proper sleep had gotten me more relaxed and more comfortable with my surroundings and new living arrangements, but the closer it came to it almost being a year of living here something felt wrong. My stomach started to drop and my heart raced every time I saw Stephen. Not knowing why I distanced myself from him letting myself spend more time with my thoughts. After a few days of distancing myself from him t clicked why. My consciousness was warning me not to get too attached. I started to see Stephen as not just a mentor, but also as a father. I’ve already lost one father and if anything ever happened to him. I don’t think I would be able to handle it.
Over the past few weeks I wasn’t the same. I wasn’t as eager to learn. I wasn’t as joyous as I usually or as talkative. I was more distant and consumed with my thoughts and sad memories. I was starting to feel more and more depressed and without even knowing it I was starting to make it worse for myself by limiting my interactions with not just Stephen, but also Wong and any other people sorcerers who came by at times. I started going back to feeling uncomfortable in my own bed and slowly but surely I started to cry myself to sleep every night once more. I didn’t want to. I mean who would? But the fear of losing someone once again was too much. The fear of reliving my worst memory had made me paranoid, distant, and depressed. Some nights I even thought of just running away to avoid being hurt again, but I never did. I couldn’t. This was the best my life has been since my dad passed away, and I didn’t want to let it go, and though I tried to hide these things from Dr. Strange he could see I wasn’t being myself. My attitude change and behavior were making him suspicious and was the thing that led him to confront me about it in the first place.
I heard a knock come from the door and I put down my phone that Stephen had gotten for me after a few weeks of staying here.
“Come in,” I said and waited to see who it was. It was Stephen. Shit.
“Hey, (Y/N), how are you holding up?” He asked as he came further in after closing the door behind him.
“I’m doing well,” I said picking up my phone again and going back to playing the current game I was on.
I felt the bed dip next to me, but I didn’t dare look up at him and just kept on tapping at the screen. Stephen placed his hand over the phone and pulled it out of my hands, “Can we talk for a second?” He asked me as he placed the phone on the other side of himself, out of my reach.
I nodded my head and he went on, “Are you really okay? Because you’ve been distant lately.”
I broke eye contact and looked down to the floor in shame. I didn’t want to tell him why. It seemed like a stupid reason and I didn’t want him to think less of me. I couldn’t even bring myself to speak out of fera my voice would crack. Feeling that familiar sensation in my throat where it felt like it was stuffed up I knew that if I started to talk, I would let it all out and break down crying in front of the one person I don’t want to see me vulnerable.
“Please, (Y/N), talk to me. I’m worried about you. Is it because you don’t like it here? Do you wanna go back to school to be around kids your age because there’s a kid I know around your age who live shere in New York and I think the two of you could become great friends. He’s also learning to help people, like you.”
I shook my head no and brought up my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. I placed my head in my arms and took a few shaky breaths before turning my head to face him.
“No. It’s not that. I… I just…,” I took a deep breath trying to level out my rising heart rate before continuing, “I know this may sound stupid, but I’m scared,” I told him looking down at my thumbs that were going around in circles.
“I never told you this, but my dad passed away when I was fourteen. We had a simple life before that. He ran a corner store while I went to school everyday. My mom left us when I was only a few weeks old so I never got to spend time with her, but frankly I don’t and never wanted to. Anyways… after my dad passed away they brought me to an orphanage, I hated it there. I’m not claustrophobic or anything, but that place made me feel like the walls were enclosing on me. At one point I just couldn’t take it and ran away from there. Thought it was better to live homeless than stuck in some sad orphanage, and sure I ended up doing some illegal things, you know like stealing, but what else was I supposed to do. Everything in my life was taken away from me and all I have from when my dad was alive are some of my old instagram posts and facebook photos. There’s nothing tangible from my past. All I have is memories, but those fade away, and… and…” At this point my vision was blurry as my eyes were filled to the brim with tears and were overflowing. Tears made it down my face as I hiccuped and I felt arms wrap themselves around me. I clutched onto Stephen and cried into his shoulder and I felt his head rest on top of my head. After a few minutes my crying died down and the tears stopped flowing. I sniffed as I clutched harder on Stephen’s shirt. When my breaths were finally even and I was able to speak again continued.
“And I don’t want the same thing to happen to you. I love it here. It’s amazing to be able to learn freaking magic and be able to have a home, but I’m just scared that one day I’ll lose my home again,” I mumbled into his shirt as more tears cascaded down my cheeks.
Stephen pulled away from me and held my face in his hands. He whipped away my tears with his thumbs and gave me a gentle smile, “It’s okay to be scared, (Y/N). There’s no shame in that and it’s definitely not stupid, but you also shouldn’t be pushing me or any one away from you because of it. I’m here for you if you need me, and I don’t know how it was to lose your father, but I can understand that it is probably one of the most painful thing someone can feel or go through. Don’t push me away, please. I’m here for you. I see you as if you were somewhat of a daughter of mine. I don’t want to replace your father I just want to be there because your father can’t be. It’s okay to get attached to people. Okay?” Stephen asked as he searched my eyes for a reply.
I nodded my head in conformation and he pulled me back into a hug as I started to cry again, but these tears were out of happiness. Happy that I finally had a family again. Happy that I didn’t have to worry about where my next meal would come from or where I was gonna sleep tonight. Happy knowing that I’m safe. Happy that if my father could see me now he’d be happy too knowing his daughter was safe and happy.
“Thank you, Doc,” I said smiling into his shirt. I heard a soft laugh come from him that I could feel through his chest as it rumbled.
“No problem, kid,” He whispered back before kissing the top of my head and giving me a squeeze of reassurance.
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xmr-deity · 5 years
Chris Rembrandt, What the Fuck?
Pairing: Remy x Villain!Male!Reader
Words: 1,487
Universe: The Adventure Zone: Commitment (Post cannon)
Summary: Remy needs to catch a villain, but the villain catches him first- in a different way...
Requested by: @youvesquel 
It had been a few months since the whole ‘titanic’ accident, as Chris ‘Remy’ Rembrandt liked to call it. The day the ‘berg sank. Well.. maybe it was opposite titanic, but whatever. They’d gone off to the white house and given the ‘King of America’ to the president.. It didn’t really go as planned, and by that he means they were welcomed in for a cup of tea and Richard Poer was taken away while they were distracted. They have no idea where King Dick is now, but it’s fine.. Remy’s sure he’s fine.
The Do Good Fellowship was actually still thriving, some of the other people in there taking full charge, Mary actually taking most of the reins. So that’s how Remy found himself in this situation, racking his brain over this one villain they’d failed to catch, like, five times now. It was starting to get to the athlete.
He sat in his apartment room with Kardala and Nadiya both breathing down his neck as they tried to put clues together about where this villain might strike next. He hadn’t actually killed anyone yet, they were pretty sure, but he was really frickin’ annoying. Hitting up random spots and taking and/or braking things. One time they found him trying to interrogate the mayor of a tiny town in the countryside. But each time this guy keeps getting away, and Remy is determined not to let it happen again.
“What if he goes to that, ah, what is it called again.. Ah, yes, the pizzeria! What if he attempts to steal all of the Stromboli! We better go check there.” Kardala said, making Nadiya roll her eyes so hard Remy was afraid they might fall out.
“We’re not buying you more Stromboli.” She said, putting her pen behind her ear before she planted her hands on her hips.
“But this.. It is incredibly boring. We aren’t getting anywhere.” Kardala said, clearly getting increasingly agitated.
“Well it’s not like you’re doing much to help.” Nadiya snapped back, and Kardala raised a fist.
“I am the most helpful, demon!” The goddess cried, and Remy quickly stood up.
“Okay! Okay! Woah, woah, chill, okay? I think it is time for a break. Tell you what, I’ll go pick up some food- Stromboli for Kardala- and you guys can chill here, alright?” Remy said, hands up as he tried to diffuse the situation.
“I don’t want to stay.. Here.” Nadiya said, looking at the surroundings with disgust.
“Ouch.” Remy mumbled.
“I’ll take these files home and keep thinking. You all can stop for today.”
“But wait, then Kardala will return to the prison of Irene!”
“Yes, give the girl a break.” Nadiya said, gathering up papers and putting them in a manilla folder.
Remy helped clean up, mostly ignoring Kardala’s protests to not seperate, and they all headed out. The young athlete watched Nadiya drive away in her small, gray car and Kardala shifted back into a flustered and nervous Irene. Remy waited until a taxi showed up for Irene, and once she was gone he realized Stromboli actually didn’t sound too bad.
He walked down the street to his favorite little pizzeria, the bell jingling as he walked inside. He waited in line, idly thinking about what he knew about the villain.
1. They hadn’t killed anyone that they knew of.
2. They had also gotten powers from the Do Good Fellowship, but then got angry or something then left
3. Their power was the ability to create ice out of air
4. They were freaking annoying because they just had to slide away on some ice to escape.
Remy was pulled from his thoughts as he heard a rather out of place clink.
He turned to look at what made the noise and nearly had a conniption.
There was a boy sitting there creating ice cubes on his fingertips and letting them fall into one of the restaurant’s glasses. Just sitting there. At a table. Doing nothing.
“YOU!” Remy shouted, pointing at the casual looking villain, who jumped in surprise, looking over at Remy. Probably not one of Chris’s finest moments as a hero, but he was jittery and agitated. The villain got up from his chair so fast that it tipped over, and he made a brake for the back exit. Oh no, no, no no. That was not gonna fly with Remy.
The villain ran and Remy chased, the villain only just making it out to the alley behind the restaurant. He picked the wrong way to run as well, ending up at a dead end. Remy shouted, and the villain yelped, backing up against the wall just in time for Remy to leap. Remy cornered him, literally and figuratively, his hands on both sides of the villain’s head and his feet holding himself up on the wall on both sides of the villain’s waist. A four limbed kabedon.
“I’ve got you. Finally.” Remy panted, adrenaline rushing through him. The villain’s eyes were wide as saucers looking up at him, before a smile cracked on his face and he started giggling, which turning into laughing.
“H-Hey what are you laughing at?!” Remy questioned, letting his feet plant themselves back on the ground, leaning closer to the villain. The man Remy had pinned reached a hand up and gently pinched his chin, pulling his head forward and pressing a brief and yet somewhat passionate kiss to his lips. His lips were cold, but.. Super soft.
A blush bloomed across Remy’s face as he stared wide-eyed down at this villain he’d caught, but now he was starting to think maybe the villain had caught him. Because all it took to escape the astonished boy’s clutches was for the villain to gently push him aside and start walking away. Remy took the ‘L’ for today…
“Wait!” He called, and the villain paused, glancing over his shoulder. “What’s your name, at least??”
“(Y/n).” He said, then the ground in front of him was covered in ice and he was gone.
Remy’s eyes widened again, no expecting such an honest answer.. Though for all he knew he could have made it up, but.. He’d sounded pretty sincere.
He better tell Nadiya and Irene about this.. Tomorrow…
-Several Months Later-
Remy spit blood out of his mouth, wiping at it as he brushed pieces of crushed ice off of himself, rolling onto his front. Fuck, that hurt..
In the near distance he heard the sounds of battle, Nadiya had turned her hand into a sword and (Y/n) had created a sword out of ice and they were fiercely battling.
This was what.. Their 15th encounter with (y/n) at this point? Remy was starting to feel things. And not just annoyance and anger.. Also.. well.. Maybe… affection..? (Y/n) was slippery, but he was also strangely polite to them each time, and he never hurt them too severely, and the only bad things he did were steal stuff and scare people. He was also super cute.. Remy couldn’t help it, okay! He’s weak for cute, smart boys!
Remy managed to get to his feet, feeling a bruise already start to bloom on his cheekbone. Ouch.
As his vision cleared up he could see down onto the main floor of the abandoned factory they were in, and he saw Kardala starting to approach the two individuals battling. She was raising her arms, lightning starting to crackle in her palms. Remy’s heart felt like it stopped, knowing just what she was about to do. And Nadiya had gotten a good few hits in on (y/n), the boy was not in the best shape. Remy didn’t think.
He leapt off the ledge where he’d been lying, aiming only for one person. He collided with (y/n) just as Nadiya dodged out of the way of the blast of lightning. It missed them by a hair, the two boys flying into a whole separate room because of Remy’s force.
It felt like time was moving in slow motion. (E/c) irises stared into brown ones, both their breathing heavy as they looked at each other’s hot, bloody, bruised faces. Their lips met and it felt right, soft, passionate.. And then they remembered where they were and all the adrenaline flowing through them and it got rough. Battling for dominance, rolling each other over again and again and again and again.
What finally broke them out of their trance was Kardala, cheering for Remy thinking they were still battling, Remy was on top at this point and quickly pulled away, looking back at the two women he worked with. Nadiya’s face was- first of all hilarious- but also a visage of pure disbelief, anger, and horror. Kardala just looked confused at why they’d stopped battling so abruptly. Nadiya cried out, (y/n) laughing his lungs out.
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spideycents · 5 years
Spider-Man Songfic Series: I Don’t Care - Ed Sheeran & Justin Bieber
summary: Pre Infinity War, post Homecoming. Dinner with the Midtown Tech decathlon team after a day of competing.
word count: 1,554
pairing: PeterxMJ
WARNINGS: swearing
a/n: repost cause user error :P
        “How many?” The hostess at the restaurant asks.
         Mr. Harrington turns around and starts counting heads. Ned rolls his eyes and answers for him.
         “Eleven,” he smiles at her. “How are you doing tonight?”
         “I’m alright,” she says simply as she collects the menus and steps out from behind her podium. “This way.” She starts walking and the decathlon team shuffles after her.
         “So,” Ned continues. “What time do you get off tonight?”
         “Dude,” Peter groans under his breath and quickly ducks past them to slide into one of the booths she’s led them to.
         She doesn’t respond to Ned. She straight up pretends she didn’t hear him while she sets out the menus on the tables.
“Your waiter will be with you soon.” She smiles at the group, making a point of skipping over Ned while he tries to catch her eye, then heads back to her station.
         “Smooth move Ex-Lax,” Flash laughs as he steps past Ned.
         Ned slumps down into Peter’s booth on the opposite side of the table and picks up his menu.
         “You good?” Peter asks him.
         “Fine,” he responds. “Let’s just move on before Flash comes up with anymore insults.”
         They look over their menus while the rest of the group picks their seats. Rather than push a few tables together so they’re all sitting together, probably because it’s a busy night and there seem to be quite a few big groups here already, the hostess gave them a few booths that are back to back and right across the aisle from each other.
         Mr. Harrington and the other chaperone take their own table and the students cram into the remaining two. Peter and Ned end up sharing with four other people. Both pressed up against the wall, Ned sits next to Abraham with Cindy on the edge and Peter’s struggling for elbow room beside Charles, who’s decided to sit as comfortably as he possibly can while still giving Michelle enough space at the end. Peter’s forced to basically become one with the wall, because he’d rather be uncomfortable all night than make MJ sit on the corner of the seat.
         “There’s room over here,” Flash says when he cranes his neck over the back of his booth.
         They all glance each other, but no one moves.
         Their table decides to split bottomless chips and salsa and they fall into overlapping conversations. Reviewing the questions from today’s meet, judging the students and their uniforms from the other schools, and picking back up the main topic most of Midtown Tech, and basically the whole country has been talking about again after another press conference with the Wakandan king: what the hell is really in Wakanda??
         “It’s Area 52. No, strike that. Area 69.”
         “Shut up, Charles.”
“It’s where they’re hiding all the clones they’ve made since those sheep.”
“How do we know for sure that those were the first?”
         “It’s where they’re keeping patient zero of the zombie apocalypse.”
         “It would’ve gotten out by now. Especially if it’s airborne.”
         “You don’t know that.”
         “Neither do you.”
         “It’s the biggest nuclear testing site.”
         “How the fuck is it so green?!”
         “It’s an illusion.”
         “You’re all wrong. It’s where they’re keeping all the alien tech and survivors and shit from the New York battle and all the Avengers fuck ups since.”
         Peter is very noticeably not adding to this conversation.
         He’s taken the liberty of collecting all the remains of the straw wrappers from the table and is meticulously twisting them together.
         “What are you making?”
         He looks up, but the table is still immersed in their discussions.
         “Looks cool.”
         He turns to his right to find Michelle leaning back to see around Charles’ back.
         Peter smiles slightly. “Thanks.”
         “What is it?” she gestures at the paper scraps.
         He looks back down at them and shrugs. “Not sure yet.”
         “Looks kinda like a bug,” Cindy speaks up from across the table and Peter looks up to find that the whole table has turned their attention on him.
         “Not a bug,” Abraham corrects. “More than six legs, possibly eight? Maybe it’s an arachnid.”
         Peter’s eyes widen and quickly flick up to meet Ned’s who’s have also grown to the size of half dollars. He quickly crumples the papers in his hands and messes them into a ball.
         “You’re all wrong,” he laughs lightly. “It’s a dung beetle. See, here’s it’s ball.” He opens his palm, displaying the crumpled paper and smiles awkwardly.
         Everyone is looking at him like he’s insane.
         Dung beetle was definitely not a good cover up. There are literally hundreds of thousands of insects out there and he had to go with dung beetle.
         Nice one Peter. Real nice.
         “Well anyway…” Charles cuts in, returning to their previous debate. “It’s Area 420.”
         “And we’re done,” Ned says finally right as the waiter appears with their food.
         Peter flicks his eyes to the side without turning his head and notices MJ looking questioningly at the ball of straw wrappers and then over to Peter and he quickly picks up his Coke and swallows some massive gulps before she notices he was watching her, because that fast response was totally a casual, normal thing to do.
          Eventually, after they’ve all finished their food the two booths become one when the other teammates drag over chairs and sit at the end of the booth or get up on their knees on the cushions and crane their necks over the top of the seats. The conversations turn into random games and stupid things and someone, Flash, proposes the idea of shots.
         “Don’t even think about it,” Mr. Harrington says loudly, without turning to look at them.
         “Non-alcoholic,” Flash whines over his shoulder then turns back around in his chair. “Who’s all got Coke?”
         Peter and a few others grab their glasses.
         “Anyone got any leftover limes?”
         A few students start picking them from their plates and Flash grabs an unused saucer to collect them.
         “Okay,” he starts once he’s got everyone’s attention, which is surprisingly instant. “Here’s what you do…” He demonstrates by first: licking the back of his left hand, then shaking some salt onto it, then licking his hand again, taking a large swig of the nearest Coke, and biting one of the lime wedges. He swallows it all together and finishes with a loud “Ahhh!” like in every soft drink commercial ever.
         “Gross,” Cindy says flatly.
         “Yeah, I’m not doing that,” seconds Ned with an added grimace.
         “Fuck it, I’m game,” Charles pops up.
         “Do we have to lick our hands?” Betty asks.
         Peter glances at Ned questioningly and Ned rolls his eyes.
         “Pass me a lime,” he says.
         Peter watches as everyone around the table takes their own non-alcoholic shot. Most are indifferent about it, a couple really don’t like it, and Charles goes back for seconds.
         After Ned downs his like a champ, earning some noticeable praise from the table, it dawns on Peter that he’s the last one.
         Or not.
         “Cheers, loser,” MJ nods at him and holds up her Coke.
         “Oh uh,” he picks up his own glass and raises it to hers. “Yeah, cheers.”
         They smile slightly at each other and clink their drinks, then lick their hands and toss back their shots.
         With their eyes on each other, Peter almost chokes on his Coke but manages to bite into the lime before things go south.
         “I gotta be honest with you, Eugene,” MJ turns to him. “I think I would’ve preferred to wait to try the alcoholic shot first.”
         Most of the table chimes in with a chorus of agreeds and sames and me toos.
         Not long after, their parents start to arrive to take them home and the group starts to break off. When it’s down to only about five people left, they wander outside to wait.
         Some people are hugging each other goodnight and it kinda feels like everyone’s supposed to hug each other so no one feels left out.
         Peter and Ned dramatically fake sob into each other’s shoulders as they hug tight, then turn to their classmates to continue overdoing it with their goodbyes. That is, until Peter comes to his last hug, with MJ.
         Unsure of who’s supposed to make the first move, they both end up hesitating for a step before wrapping their arms around each other. But, of course, neither knows which direction to go with their arms so they each end up with one arm over and one under.
         “Bye MJ,” Peter says.
         “Bye Peter,” she responds quietly.
         And it’s almost as if in that moment, maybe their classmates aren’t around and maybe their hug lasts a second longer than the others and maybe their heads turn into each other’s necks rather crane over their shoulders and maybe their hands linger on each other’s arms as they maybe slowly separate and maybe they smile shyly at each other as they turn away and maybe Peter’s cheeks are still flushed when he climbs into his aunt’s car and maybe he spends the rest of the night analyzing the hug and whether it means anything significant.
         Or maybe it’s just a hug and maybe they say see you tomorrow and maybe that’s it.
         Or maybe they’re both still thinking about it when they fall asleep that night.
Hope the run-on sentences didn’t annoy anyone. My editor thought I should cut them up or rewrite them, but I really like how they make you read like a spiral. They feel innocent and rambly to me so I hope they worked alright.
Let me know your thoughts in the tags or drop a review or more song suggestions in my inbox.
See ya in the next one! :P
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writersrealmbts · 6 years
Safe with Me -Hybrid Au Part 14
Description: You’ve always wanted to help people, and suddenly, you’ve been given the chance to help three hybrids who are down on their luck: Jimin, a cat hybrid, Jungkook, a bunny hybrid, and Jin, a dog-hybrid. Opening your home and your heart to these three, anything could happen. Including you getting hurt.
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, implications of sexual abuse, mentions of death, mentions of violence, descriptions of violence, references to sexual activities, mentions of rape
Posted: 8/5/2018
Tags: ReaderxJin, hybrid!Jimin, hybrid!Jin, hybrid!Jungkook, hybrid!Namjoon, hybrid!Hoseok, hybrid!Yoongi, hybrid!Taehyung
Fluffy and Angsty: 3,723 words
A/N: I love you, so you’re getting it three days early. I’m working on a few different things and they’ll get posted after the last part. I really enjoyed writing this series, and thanks to an Anon I do have an idea for sort of sequel, however it’ll probably be a while before that gets posted (or written). Enjoy and let me know what you think!
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Jin woke you up with kisses, starting at your lips and then trailing down to your stomach. “Good morning, my love.” “Seokjin,” You murmured, carding your fingers through his hair. He pressed his face into your stomach, breathing deeply through his nose as he smelled you. It was a habit of his in the morning, though usually he wasn’t smelling your stomach. Usually he buried his face in your neck, kissing and softly biting until you would kiss him on the lips and get out of bed. You jumped as you heard a big thump upstairs, and then pounding of feet. Jin’s head went up, ears swiveling slightly to listen more carefully. “Boys are awake. And excited.” You sighed, knowing that meant you had to get up. Or at least put something on before they came rushing in to get you two up so that you all could start the day. Jin placed a couple more kisses on your stomach. “I think they’ll get even more excited before the morning is over.” “Why’s that?” He looked up at you, then crawled up to kiss you again and again. His kisses were so loving and gentle. “Because you’re pregnant. I thought you were a week ago, but I can tell today. The smell is distinct now.” You had had your suspicions as well, but now that he said it, you knew he was right. You grinned and hugged him tightly. “We’re going to be parents. We’re going to have kids.” “Well, biological parents and biological kids.” You just giggled. “I’m going to have your baby.” He met your gaze and quickly dove in for a passionate, possessive kiss. “You’re going to have my baby. Our baby. Our boys are going to be big brothers.” “Kookie isn’t going to know what to do with himself.” He laughed with you, then got up and helped you up. You both got dressed with lots of exchanged kisses, then went out into the kitchen together, still looking at each other with elation. Hoseok was helping the boys cook a simple breakfast, but greeted your both with a huge grin. “Good morning!” “Good morning, Hobi. Kookie, Chimmy,” You replied happily, parting from Jin to kiss each of their cheeks in greeting. Jimin purred loudly. Jungkook gave you a grin. “Go sit down, Eomma. We’re making you and Appa breakfast.” Jin helped Jimin with a task, then nodded. “Good. We have something we need to tell you boys after.” Hoseok froze, then screamed happily and wrapped you in a hug. “Or now,” Jin said, shaking his head. Jungkook and Jimin looked lost. Hobi was grinning so big that you thought it had to hurt. “Now, tell them now!” You looked at Jin and nodded, smiling. Jin put his arms possessively around you. “Jimin, Jungkook…y/n is pregnant.” Both their eyes were big and round as saucers, stunned. “Pregnant?” Jimin finally said again, a smile starting to tug at the corners of his mouth. “You boys think you’ll be okay being big brothers?” You asked, smiling at them. They had grown since coming to live with you, Kookie now taller than Jimin and starting to fill out. Hobi now looked strong and healthy. Jimin fluctuated with looking like an adorable little mochi and a serious young man who sometimes got into mischief. Jungkook finally smiled. “Anything for you, Eomma.” He hugged both you and Jin. Jimin grinned hugely, then joined the group hug. Hoseok bounced a couple times. “When do we find out if it’s a boy or a girl? Where is the nursery going to be? When are you telling Micheal and the others?” “After the wedding. Actually, after they get back from their honeymoon.” You glanced at the time. “We should get to eating. Let me and Jin help cook so that we can all get going.” They nodded and cooking recommenced. Then you had to help the boys get dressed and ready for the wedding, showing them how to tie their ties and fixing their hair, and that was after ironing their shirts for them. They cleaned up into extremely handsome young men. But Jin looked the best to you. Refined, almost prince-like. His hair fell perfectly, and he seemed to know just how to smile at you to melt your heart. You smiled up at him, thinking that if your kids took after him they would be truly lucky. He kissed you. “My gorgeous y/n. Carrying our kids. Going to your brother’s wedding.” “Finally.” He chuckled. “Finally. I was talking with Namjoon and Yoongi and they sounded excited for this. Apparently Tae is off the walls excited. He adores Becca.” A little stab of jealousy struck you, but you brushed it off. It was good that he loved her. He would be living with her for a long time. “Good,” You answered, hugging him. “Come on. I need to be early.” “Boys! Time to go!” “Yes, hyung!” “Coming!” “I’ll be in the car!” You smiled, looking up at Jin. “Figures Kookie is the first one ready to go.” “Figures Jimin is the last one ready, vain little thing,” His voice was teasing as Jimin rushed to catch up with you two outside. Jimin looked slightly embarrassed. “My hair was laying funny.” “Ah, the hair,” You teased, kissing his cheek. “Looks perfect now, Chimchim.” “You look perfect, Eomma.” You grinned. “Thank you.” “Aish, get in the car.” Jin gave him a gentle shove toward the vehicle. You gave him a gently scolding look. “Don’t go getting all possessive of me just because I’m pregnant.” “Isn’t that when I’m supposed to do that? I’m always possessive of you. He’s just delaying us further. We’re already leaving later than you wanted.” “Right, you’re driving?” He nodded and got the door for you, helping you in before closing it again and going around to his side of the vehicle. You were getting ready once there since you were a bridesmaid. Yoongi met you guys out front, already in his suit. A smile on his face as Hoseok hugged him excitedly. You greeted him briefly, then headed straight inside. Taehyung practically tackled you. “Ah! Y/n! Isn’t it exciting! Micheal’s getting married! Becca’s moving in! We’re going to your house!” You laughed. “Good to see you too, TaeTae. But I have to go to Becca now.” He nodded, kissing your cheek. “Namjoon! Y/n is here!” You rolled your eyes, then quickly greeted Namjoon. “You both look very handsome. Go tell my brother I’m here.” Namjoon nodded, grabbing Tae’s tail as he tried to follow you upstairs to where Becca was getting ready. Becca turned toward you as you entered. “Y/n!” You grinned and hugged her. “Ready to be married?” “I’ve been ready for two years,” She replied, laughing and smiling so happily. “But he had to be ready, and I was ready to wait as long as he needed. I knew he loved me. And I love him.” You grinned and then helped her put on the wedding dress. “Becca! Gorgeous!” She grinned at her reflection. “Today is going to be perfect.” You nodded, then kissed her cheek before getting yourself ready. Makeup, hair, dress—the works. The wedding went off without a hitch. It was gorgeous and perfect and there were hybrids and humans everywhere. It was the reception that got to you most. You danced with him for what was normally the mother-son dance. He kissed your forehead. “Everything changed so quickly. We’re both getting our happy ends.” You smiled and nodded. “You’re finally married.” “You’re pregnant,” He murmured, smirking slightly. He chuckled when you looked up in surprise. “Jin told me after Taehyung asked.” You rolled your eyes. “Ah, Taehyung.” “Yeah, he’s going to be a handful. Good luck.” He grinned at you. You hugged him tightly. “Promise me you won’t work while you’re gone.” “I promise. I’m taking a different phone, and only you will have the number stateside. Becca’s already told her parents that they can’t call unless it’s an absolute emergency.” He hugged you tightly. You hugged back as the song ended. “I love you, Micheal.” “I love you too, Y/n.” He pulled away, then we separated as he went to Becca and you went to Jin. Hybrids really love dancing. Especially yours and Micheal’s. They were hopped up on caffeine, sugar, and the excitement of the day and when they started dancing they really didn’t stop. Jin sat down next to you after dancing for a while. “Ah, y/n, in four months we’ll have known each other for a year. It feels like I’ve known you so much longer.” “I know. I’m carrying your kid.” He grinned and nuzzled up to your cheek. “You were the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen.” “You were so handsome.” “I was emaciated and dying,” He replied, chuckling at the absurd notion of being handsome at that time. “I could still tell that you were handsome. You know, if it hadn’t been for you giving all the food to the boys, Jimin might never have tried stealing from my garden, and I never would have met you all.” He buried his face in your hair. “My poor Jimin-ssi.” You watched Jimin, Jungkook and Hoseok dancing together, showing Taehyung the routine they came up with for the current song. Namjoon was doing some weird flappy dance, and Yoongi was actually bouncing around with the boys. Jin chuckled, then kissed your cheek and hurried out to be weird and silly with them. You grinned and videotaped it all, watching adoringly at their antics. Jimin came and got you for the next one, practically dragging you onto the dance floor as you protested loudly. You were a mediocre dancer, and you were about to be out-danced by all of them. Then again, they were so hyped up that they really weren’t paying attention to your dancing, just the fact that you were with them while they were having fun. You were extremely grateful that the boys were too young to drink because you could tell they would be crazy when drunk. You hoped they would never get drunk. Jin was hard enough to handle when he was buzzed, as you had learned the night that the laws that allowed hybrids freedom to roam and work when he had had just a little too much of the champagne that you two had decided to indulge in. He got a little louder, a little more silly—and if ignored in any way he could get extremely pouty. And well… Come to think of it, if your calculations were right that would have been about the time that you got pregnant. Wrangling all of them into the car when it was time to go was the hardest thing you had done. You were already exhausted—a side effect of being pregnant and of the wedding and reception—but just starting to try and round up the boys made you feel like a zombie. Or like you were going to collapse from exhaustion. You stood in place, swaying slightly after having chased Taehyung a few steps, your hand resting on your stomach protectively as you fought for balance. A large, familiar hand slid firmly into place on your waist and an arm supported you from behind. “I’ll get them. You’ve done too much for today. Namjoon!” Namjoon looked over, blinking a couple times, then coming over. “Yes, hyung?” “Get her to the car, would you? I have to get the others.” Namjoon nodded and quickly took Jin’s place, supporting you as you made your way to the van. “Hey, y/n?” “Yeah?” “What’s it like? Being in love?” You let out a short laugh. “Being in love with someone means you can see them at their absolute ugliest and still think they’re beautiful. It’s knowing that you are safe with them. You want them on your side. It’s letting them be right every now and then, and them letting you be right every now and then. It’s balance. You both give a little and you both receive a lot more than you thought. It’s deciding to have sleepless nights, and days where you’re at your wits end because you both want a baby. In short, I have no idea. I just know it works and that I do love him. I trust him more than anyone in the world. I can’t sleep without him beside me anymore. I notice the little things and I love them. And I ignore the things that bug me. That’s a big part of it. A lot of people end up dwelling on the things that annoy them, which is a mistake because then when you lose your temper you really lose it. I need sleep so bad.” He just nodded, eyes wide, then helped you into the vehicle. “I’ll…ask again when you’re not exhausted.” “That’s a good idea. I probably said something stupid or…wrong…” You leaned back into the seat, feeling like you were falling asleep already. “Just rest, y/n. It’ll take him a while to get Tae and Jimin off of the dance floor.” You smiled a little, closing your eyes and already half-asleep. ————— Namjoon had his face buried in a textbook of yours from college that you had failed to get rid of, but since he seemed fascinated you weren’t about to get rid of it. In fact, you were coming upstairs with a box of the other textbooks that you had failed to throw out and you set it beside him. He looked up in surprise, then he hurried to look through all of them. “I didn’t find them very interesting, but you seem pretty hungry for information. There’s psychology, math, a couple literature books, a history textbook, geology, and—of course—two architecture books and…a book on interior design that I’ve been looking for.” You picked up the book and flipped through it, smiling a little. “Mom got this for me in high school.” “Jin might like this one,” He held up a guide to basic home repairs. You grinned, laughing a bit. “My Dad got me that one. Wanted me to always be able to take care of myself. He gave it to me when I was twelve. I didn’t use it until I was twenty and started working for Micheal.” “Did you ever get your degree?” You nodded. “Economics and arts. I took classes in the summers to cut down on how long I would be in school. I had just gotten my degree before I moved in here.” You shrugged. He stacked the books in order of his interest in them, then looked at you. “Thanks, Y/n. You didn’t have to dig these out for me.” “You seem hungry for knowledge. I feed hungry people.” You kissed his cheek and he got shy, smiling behind his hand and then diving back into his book as you went to the kitchen. Yoongi was napping on the couch, having spent all of his energy when he was running around earlier with all of the boys. He had been super goofy on and off all morning as he gathered energy and burned it off. Thankfully Jimin had documented the gummy grins and excited antics of everyone—himself included—with the Polaroid camera you had given him the night before. He had been ecstatic as he ran around and took pictures of everyone to display on the walls. He was excited that he got to be in charge of taking the pictures of his family that would be on the walls for anyone to see. Taehyung was on your computer, completely immersed in what he was doing. He glanced up and smiled at you, then refocused on the screen. Jimin was at the window, watching the snow fall on the ground. He had a coloring book in his lap, and a pack of markers beside him. His tail was curled lightly around the markers, keeping them on the window seat with him. Jungkook was gaming in your room so that he wouldn’t disturb the others. Hoseok came in, all bundled up and headed straight for the back door. “Oh, it looks cold.” You smiled. “I’ll come out with you.” He grinned and bounced. “I’ll get your coat and gloves!” You hurried to put your boots on, which was exhausting for some reason—not a great sign for the future of your pregnancy since things were only going to get more difficult from here on. Hobi came back with your coat, gloves, scarf, and hat and helped you put them on, excited that someone would be playing with him. He zipped your coat while you laughed at his enthusiasm, which had stopped you from tying your boots, so he then finished tying them for you and pulled you outside by the hand. Jimin was all bundled up and ready to join you, smiling, and the three of you went outside to your private winter wonderland. Hobi and Jimin hurried into the snow, kicking around the drifts and dropping to make snow angels. You walked through, carefully sitting and making a snow angel. Jimin eventually came over to you. “Can we go to the pond? I want to see if it’s frozen.” You nodded and let him help you up. “We can’t go on the ice unless it’s a certain thickness, though.” “Yes, Eomma,” He held onto your gloved hand and the three of you trekked through the snow-laden woods to the pond. It was partially frozen, but not completely. Still, it was gorgeous. Hobi grinned, then kept exploring things close by. Jimin pulled his hat lower. “Hobi-hyung! It’s cold! Let’s go back.” “Ah, my Jimin-ssi is cold?” Hobi was back immediately, fussing over the scarf and coat. “We’ll cuddle in front of the fireplace with hot chocolate. Maybe Eomma will read us a story?” You grinned. “That sounds like a very Christmas-y thing to do.” “Is Christmas really close?” “There’s a calendar on the wall,” You told them. “A countdown calendar.” They both looked at you with wide, excited eyes, and started hurrying to see what Christmas decoration you had secretly put up today. Yesterday had been the stocking holders on the fireplace mantle. It would be your first Christmas together, and you wanted to make it the most magical Christmas they had ever seen. Inside the boys quickly stripped their snow gear off and went to find the countdown calendar. Hobi screeched with delight when he saw it and they both got all excited about it. You smiled and went into the kitchen to make them hot chocolate. You didn’t know why they were so excited already. It was only December 2nd, so it wasn’t like Christmas was that close. Yoongi wandered in. “Can I have some?” You nodded. “Of course. Sorry, I didn’t think they’d be so loud.” He just shrugged. “I was awake. They’re always loud.” He curled his tail around your ankle as he got himself a snack. It was about as cuddly as he usually got with you, aside from hand holding and the occasional petting he would let you do. “What does Micheal do for Christmas?” “Well, usually we’re together, so it’s more what will Micheal and Becca do for Christmas. And I don’t know. But if nothing happens by the sixteenth I’ll come steal you all away and give Micheal a scolding.” He purred softly, coming close and taking your hand in his. He rubbed against you, purring and looking sleepy. “I’m going to read to the boys in front of the fire. You want to join?” He nodded, his purr getting more audible. “Will you scratch behind my ears while you read?” You hid your surprise at him voicing the request, and just kissed his forehead, watching as he turned pink. “Of course.” He surprisingly didn’t run away in embarrassment, instead cuddling closer to you. “Why’s it so cold?” “Why are you cuddling so close to her?” Jin asked, half teasing and half possessive. He came in on your other side and kissed your cheek. “Ah, why is your cheek cold?” “I went outside with Hobi and Jimin.” His hand slid over your stomach, resting there. “How was your morning sickness?” You scrunched up your nose. “Ugh.” Yoongi murmured something about making sure the fire was still going and darted off. You smiled and looked up at Jin. “How was work?” He nuzzled up to you, arms wrapping protectively around you. “It was good. I like taking care of the new tenants. It’s different than taking care of you as an aide, but it’s not too bad. I like it.” He sniffed all over you, placing kisses after sniffing. “I thought you would,” You kissed him a couple times on the lips. “I was about to read to the boys. You want to join us, or are you going to go play games with Jungkook?” “I’ll play with Jungkook, unless he goes to listen too. Then I’ll make sure to have a good spot.” He gave you a last little squeeze. “What will you read to them?” “Hmm, either a Christmas Carol or something more exciting, like Ranger’s Apprentice.” “Save the Christmas Carol for closer to Christmas. If Jimin-ah likes this sort of cuddle session you’re going to be doing a lot of reading.” He gently nipped your ear and then chuckled and went to find Jungkook. You smiled, and put the mugs of hot chocolate on a tray, taking it into the study where the fire was roaring. You only had Yoongi, Namjoon, and Tae until tomorrow, and times like these were very precious for you. Jimin and Hobi were already making a big cuddle area, and Namjoon appeared to be joining them. Yoongi quickly took his place beside you after you sat down with the book, purring once you started scratching and rubbing behind his ears. Jungkook and Jin came in, with Tae close behind, the last looking ecstatic at an opportunity for cuddling. You took a sip of hot chocolate, then handed the mug to Jin since you wouldn’t really have time to drink the whole thing while you read to your boys. Your precious boys.
Masterlist.  Part 13.  Part 15/Finale.
@hollzysworld @ephemeral-mindset @stitchattacks
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sneezehq · 5 years
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Thanks for the prompt, anon! I’m always down for some sick Eren. I’m giving the college au a try here, even though I’m pretty sure that I suck at aus. Enjoy!
How many days can a person subsist on no sleep, coffee and cheap pizza? At least before they see a noticeable difference in performance? Now those would be be good questions for an experiment, Armin thinks to himself. He’s been staring at his notes for so long that the letters are starting to float off the page, but he’s nowhere near being able to take a break. Everything needs to be examined thoroughly, all variables accounted for, before he can turn this manuscript in.
He’s so focused on his notes that Mikasa’s hand on his shoulder as she sets a glass of tea by his elbow startles him, and he nearly knocks it over as he flails. Fortunately, Mikasa’s reflexes are quick enough that she manages to settle the cup back in the saucer before anything spills.
“Sorry for the scare,” she tucks a strand of dark hair behind her ear. “But you looked like you could use that.”
“Thank you,” Armin takes a grateful sip. “I definitely needed that.”
“I bet,” Mikasa says, a hint of amusement in her voice. “You’ve been holed up in here all day.”
“Wow, has it really been that long?” Armin glances over at the the clock on the wall behind him. It’s almost nine o’clock already. The night sky outside the window is dark and dotted with stars. “Wow, I guess it has. I must have been really focused.” He yawns, brushing his bangs out of his eyes. “How’s the presentation working out?”
“Finished,” Mikasa smiles, the relief in her voice almost tangible. “All we have left to do is rehearse a few times before class. Jean and Marco are just arguing over how we should save the file.” She pauses and stretches her arms over her head. “How’s the manuscript coming along?”
“I think it’s going well,” Armin replies, unable to keep the pride out of his voice. This paper will be the culmination of months of work; hence why it has to be perfect. “At this point I’m just double checking everything. I don’t want there to be any errors when I turn it in to Professor Hanji.”
“I’m sure it’ll be fine Armin,” Mikasa reassures him, smiling gently. “You’ve worked so hard on this all semester.”
“I hope so.” Armin drains the last dregs of the tea. He hadn’t realized how thirsty he was. “This isn’t just about my grade, though. Professor Hanji thinks that the Titan cells could have some real impact in the world, help a lot of people.”
“Those are the mutated cells that can repair themselves faster, right?”
“Yeah!” Armin nods eagerly, before resting his head thoughtfully on his hand. “If we can eventually find a way to apply it to humans in the future it could save countless lives. I’m probably going to spend all of tomorrow in the lab double checking all the relevant data.”
“I’m sure it’ll turn out great, Armin. You’re a great researcher, you just need to have a little more faith in yourself.” She looks him in the eye, stern gray meeting anxious blue. “Just don’t overwork yourself again. I don’t want to get another call about you falling asleep in the lab and getting locked in.”
“That was one time!” Armin protests, rolling his eyes. “But fine, I’ll be careful. Speaking of overworked, you seem a little too worried, given that you finished your project. What’s wrong?”
Mikasa looks down at her hands. “Oh, it’s nothing. I just haven’t been able to find Eren anywhere. He disappeared after we finished the project this afternoon, and he hasn’t been answering his texts at all.”
Armin squeezes her hand reassuringly. “I’m sure that Eren is fine, he probably just decided to take a nap when he got back from working with you guys and forgot to check his phone. Tell you what, if I see him when I get back to the dorm I’ll let you know.”
“Thank you.” Some of the tension drains from Mikasa’s expression, her shoulders relaxing a fraction. “Be sure to get some rest.”
“You too. You look absolutely drained,” Armin scolds her before they head their separate ways back to the dorms.
His and Eren’s dorm is less than a five minute walk from the library, which is why Armin had insisted on living there. He’d had a feeling that he would be spending a lot of time among the books. The cool night air feels refreshing after the still staleness that permeates the study areas. Before he knows it, Armin is swiping his card to get into the dorm and making his way up the stairs to the room he shares with Eren. He sends a text to Mikasa asking her to let him know if her roommate finds some more cheap food to share. Sasha is a coupon wizard, and the best in their friend group at tracking down inexpensive but tasty food.
“Eren, I’m back!” he calls through the door before opening it. There’s no response, but Armin isn’t expecting one. Eren’s probably asleep, which means that he isn’t rousing for anything less than an invasion of naked giants.
“Eren?” The lights are on in their room, but Eren is nowhere to be seen. “Eren?” Armin calls again, starting to worry. He hears a muffled snore from the direction of Eren’s desk, and his shoulders sag in relief. Eren must have fallen asleep at his desk again. It’s weird that Armin can’t see him from here, but Eren has a habit of sleeping in odd positions, so it’s nothing to worry about.
Making his way over to the desk, Armin yelps and stops suddenly when he finally spots Eren. The boy in question is slumped at his desk, hanging halfway out of his chair. It’s impressive that he didn’t fall. Oh, and his face is also covered in blood.
Panicking, Armin rushes over to his unconscious friend frantically trying to find the source of the blood. He sighs in relief when he realizes that it’s just a small cut on Eren’s forehead that’s just happened to bleed an alarming amount. He cautiously pushes Eren into a more stable sitting position and grabs a couple tissues from the desk, pressing them gently to the wound on his forehead. Eren grumbles under his breath and jerks a little bit at the sudden pressure on his head, but otherwise doesn’t stir. Once he’s satisfied that the bundle of tissues are in place, Armin quickly fetches the first aid kit that Mikasa insisted that they keep on hand. Given how accident-prone he and Eren tend to be, it was a good idea.
Armin carefully wipes the partially dried blood off of Eren’s face with an antiseptic wipe, frowning when he feels the uncomfortable heat radiating off his skin. “You’re running a fever,” he notes with a frown. It would explain why Eren didn’t wake up after hitting his head.
When the wound is carefully cleaned and bandaged, Armin allows himself to breathe a sigh of relief. Setting the first aid kit on the desk, he taps Eren’s cheek gently. “Hey, hey, Eren, I need you to wake up, okay?”
It takes several tries before Eren does anything besides groan, but finally his eyes slide open a crack, revealing slits brilliant green. “Armin, what?” he mutters, expression confused and unhappy. Like a grumpy toddler.
“Glad to see that you’re awake-hey!” Armin pokes his cheek when Eren’s eyes threaten to fall closed again. “Sorry, but you’re sick. I need you to stay awake for a minute.”
“Don’t feel so good,” Eren mumbles, sighing in discontent.
“Yeah, I bet,” Armin commiserates. “Just keep this in your mouth for a minute, okay?” He gently presses the thermometer into Eren’s mouth, sliding it under his tongue.
Eren giggles dazedly. “That’s what . . . he said.”
Armin rolls his eyes and readjusts the thermometer. “Shhh,” he scolds Eren. “You’ll mess up the reading.” While he waits for the thermometer, he fires off a text to Mikasa, letting her know that he found Eren asleep in their dorm room, and that she doesn’t need to worry. If he tells her that Eren’s sick she’ll insist on coming over to help instead of finally getting some rest.
A tiny chirp sounds and Armin retrieves the thermometer, frowning at the reading. “101.1. That’s pretty high. C’mon, we should get you to bed.” He slings one of Eren’s arms over his shoulders and tugs him to his feet, suddenly grateful that the bed isn’t far away. Eren groans at the shift and belches ominously. Armin yelps and snatches the wastebasket out from under the desk, getting it under Eren’s chin just in time. He retches for a few minutes but nothing comes up. He must have forgotten to eat lunch again.
“We’re going to have a talk about this later,” Armin huffs as he guides Eren, slowly shuffling over to the bed. “I know that you don’t have much of an appetite when you’re stressed, but this is ridiculous! I bet you haven’t been sleeping, either.” Eren says something unintelligible in response. He can never let anyone have the last word, even semi-conscious.
It’s with great relief that Armin finally stops and lowers Eren onto his bed, tugging his long legs up until he’s sprawled somewhat comfortably on top of the covers. He pulls the blanket out from under him and pushes a pillow beneath his head. “Thanks, Armin,” Eren slurs gratefully. Armin shakes his head in amusement.
He coaxes Eren awake again and into a sitting position long enough to swallow some fever reducers. In the process, Eren somehow manages to end up slumped on Armin’s shoulder, snoring softly into his collarbone. When he tries to free himself and get up, a clammy hand clutches at his wrist. “Don’t go,” Eren insists, green eyes glazed with fever. “Had a weird dream. You and mom and everyone were gone, and there were monsters. Please stay?”
He’s never been able to say no to Eren, so Armin resigns himself to spending the rest of the night serving as Eren’s makeshift pillow. “You’re gonna get me sick,” Armin grumbles, not unkindly.
“Worth it. Love you.” And with one last yawn, Eren is out again, nuzzling closer to Armin’s heart.
“Yeah, yeah,” Armin murmurs, tugging the covers over them and letting his head fall to rest on top of Eren’s. “Love you too.”
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vanilla107 · 5 years
Smoke and Bullets (Part 3)
Hey everyone!
Okay so a few updates on my life: University is starting for me in a few days and I will need time to adjust to all the new work I will be getting. That being said, the updates won't be as frequent but please know that I will still be writing slowly but surely in the background.
I also used some 1920's slang in this chapter since there is more of an interaction between other people and I wanted to get an authentic feel for the 1920's. Scroll down to the end notes to see the translations! Remember to check out @littleresalu as this is her AU!
Stay healthy! vanilla107 xoxo
Read on AO3
Part 1, Part 2
She Ra Masterlist
Catra watched Adora remove the syringe and Mister Jaws began to scream.
“Gag him and put him in the basement. He should be dead in a couple hours from the pain,” Adora said, her eyes devoid of emotion and Bow nodded and unstrapped Mister Jaws.
Glimmer secured his hands with handcuffs and looked at Adora, waiting for her signal. It was a tradition for Adora, as the leader of the gang, to address the rest of the crew downstairs after they had a huge victory.
Adora straightened her suit and turned around to look at Catra, and held out her hand. The feline could see the Adora she knew coming back, her eyes the crystal clear blue she knew and loved.
It scared her sometimes how easily her partner could be so cold...the coldness she never could peg Adora to possess. Catra walked around the desk and accepted the outstretched hand and watched as Bow and Glimmer walked out first, dragging the fallen crime boss.
Adora could hear the sounds of the gang cheering already as Glimmer and Bow walked out of the office.
“Are you okay?” Catra whispered and Adora felt her stomach squeeze.
“Yeah...I’m all good...just jumpy.”
“Hardly the words I’d thought I’d hear after you killed the man who killed your parents, you goof,” Catra teased and Adora smirked.
“We can’t all be poets like Angella,” she replied as they made their way to the door.
“Well Angella is a rich widow and has time to write poetry. She can’t run a gang like you.”
“Technically...she does…”
“Yeah, yeah, but you’re at the front! And doing the dirty work.”
“Angella can’t afford her reputation to be tarnished with blood, which is why she came to me. Without her I never could’ve done this...” the crime boss murmured as she thought back to the day that she had met Angella for the first time.
Adora walked into the cafe and immediately felt self conscious. She hadn’t realized how under-dressed she was in comparison to the other ladies there, in their fancy day dresses with the latest florals and pearls dotting their necks. Her sky blue cotton dress was cute but still not to the quality of the other women. She could already feel the stares of other woman and the whispers seemed to echo. Adora cursed herself and looked around nervously.
“Maybe she isn’t here. Maybe this was a hoax. Why would Angella, the richest woman in Brightmoon, want to see me?” she mumbled to herself.
She was about to turn around and leave when she felt a hand on her shoulder.
“Adora? Oh my, you’ve grown so much since I last saw you! Come, our table is in the corner,” the gentle voice said from behind her.
Without a word out of her mouth she was lead to the table and she could see that the other women who had previously been judging her, were now looking at her with envy.
The booth was cosy, well-furnished and brushed by the light of the sun that fluttered from the tall window next to them.
“Here, this is my favourite spot. Tea?” the soft voice asked as they sat down.
Adora nodded and heard the voice order a pot of tea, a plate of sugar cookies and a few pastries from the waiter. While the older woman had been ordering, Adora allowed her eyes to fully take in the female that was sitting in front of her.
Angella was the perfect image of an elegant lady. Instead of following the new trends, like bobbed hair and the little black dresses that emerged from Paris, she still donned effortless wavy hair and a white silk tea dress that just hit her calves. Her sheer stockings with white Mary Janes made her legs seem even longer and her cotton gloves was the cherry on top.
Even though Adora had lived in an orphanage her whole life, everyone knew Angella, the richest woman in Brightmoon and a heart of gold. She was known to donate money to charities and Adora could remember when their orphanage had gotten a donation that lasted them a whole year of decent food. Angella was a mystery to Adora and if anything, she sounded like the women out of fairytales that could grant you your every wish.
But it still didn't make sense as to why Angella had invited her to tea.
“Angella…” she breathed in relief but backtracked quickly, her manners slipping temporarily. “Ma’am! It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”
The tall woman smiled and let out a small laugh.
“Adora, please call me Angella. I know that it’s a little…strange especially since you don’t know me that well at this point.”
“Oh...Okay…Angella. I…I came here because you invited me but...I am a little confused as to why you want to see me. I don't know you and...I don't think you know me.”
The elegant woman nodded.
“Straight forward and to the point. I like that,”
She took a deep breath.
“To be truthful...I don’t know how to tell you anything without...without making you sad but there’s no way I can phrase this any differently....”
Adora tensed and her gaze locked with the woman in front of her.
“I knew your parents Adora.”
The blonde was silent as the waiter brought their tea, cookies and pastries. Angella took a sip of tea and looked at the girl intently.
“I know this might be a lot to process and you might need some time-“
“-Tell me.” Adora closed her mouth and felt her face burn in embarrassment at her rude interruption.
“Please…tell me everything about them,” she said a little quieter and tried to keep her breathing under control.
Angella cleared her throat before placing the cup down on its saucer.
“Your father and mother met at school whereas your mother and I were neighbours and friends since we were babies. We grew up together. They were young lovers but broke up when your father had to go away and study. Your father had always shown disinterest at studying far away but shocked your mom when he announced he was leaving to business school in two weeks. Broke your mothers heart but after five years they reunited at a mutual friend’s gala.”
Angella smiled, her eyes lost in memory.
“That gala changed everything. Your father apologized profusely but your mother was never one to give out second chances so easily. She made him work for her favour and after five months she took him back. They dated for three years and decided to get married. The wedding was a grand occasion, both families thrilled for the couple. A year later, your mother gave birth to you.”
Adora clenched her tea cup and decided to set it down before she shattered it.
“You were their sun and moon, Adora. They took you for Sunday walks in the park in your pram, always playing with you and they loved seeing you laugh. It was round about the same time that I gave birth to Glimmer, my daughter. We often organized play dates for the two of you and you got along well with each other.”
Angella’s face few solemn and she clasped her hands in front of her. Adora noticed that she was trembling slightly.
“You were two years old when your parents were killed. I was in the countryside with my husband and Glimmer, visiting my sister for two weeks. We only heard the news a few days later. I…I tried looking for you when I came back. I thought you had been killed but I needed reassurance. I was so relieved when I found out you were still alive that I planned on adopting you.”
Angella grew quiet.
“I…I was scared though. The papers never stated why your parents had been killed. I only ever knew it was a gang murder. I didn’t know if they would come after me and my family but at that point I didn’t care. I wanted you to be safe with me. Word must’ve gotten out and the night before I was supposed to sign the adoption forms...my husband, Micah…was killed too.”
Adora found it hard to swallow, the tea leaving a sour taste in her mouth.
“The police had found him in an alley, stabbed to death. I knew I couldn’t afford to risk losing Glimmer too...even if the murders had been two separate cases. I didn’t want the same people who killed your parents hunting you down so I decided to contact Mr. Francis to relocate you to a smaller, lesser known orphanage on the outskirts of New Brightmoon. I wanted him to keep a close eye on you and be the one to tell you the news about your parents once you were old enough.”
Angella sighed and took long sip of tea before taking out a picture from her handbag. She handed it to Adora and the blonde's eyes widened. It was a black and white picture of two women standing together, both smiling. In one woman's hands was a tiny baby wrapped in a white blanket. It appeared to be a Christening.
“Adora, I am your godmother. Your mom asked me to look out for you when you were born and I never break my promises. I promised I would raise you in the absence of your parents and I tend to fulfill it. I know I haven’t been with you most of your life and you may think of me a coward but…I want you to have a good life. You’ve lost too much already.”
Adora felt tears threatening to escape her eyes and she hiccuped into her tea.
“I will try my very best to guide you and to help you if you let me. You are of legal age but...Mr. Francis has told me about your…plan and even though I don’t necessarily agree with it…it is your choice. I can’t force you to not do what you want to do-” Angella was cut off as Adora stood up and walked around the table to face her.
“Adora? Is everything-?” Angella asked with a confused expression before she felt the blonde wrap her arms around her and breathed heavily to stop the tears from falling.
“Thank you.”
Angella was shocked momentarily but returned the hug, despite the shocked looks they were getting from the other ladies in the café.
“It’s the least I can do. I…I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you.”
“No…I...I understand why you did what you did.”
They broke apart and Adora walked back to her normal seat and eyed the sugar cookies.
“Don’t be shy! They are meant to be eaten,” Angella teased and Adora picked up a cookie and grinned.
There was still much she needed to know but Angella...Angella was family. Besides Mr. Francis, Angella knew her parents and had grown up with them.
“One question. Why did you want to meet here?” Adora asked. “I mean, I would’ve been a little cautious if we had met at your house but…you did also make me cry in public.”
“Word spreads fast and in case you haven’t noticed, I am the most influential woman in New Brightmoon. I can make things happen with a snap. So, now that these wonderful women have seen you with me…you will be getting things done a lot easier now...like that sales assistant that refused to sell you that coat you wanted?”
Adora felt her blood boil at the situation that had happened a week ago.
“I have the money! I don’t know why she refused! And...how do you know that?”
“I have eyes and ears everywhere, Adora. I know lots of things that would shock you. But to be blunt, it’s because you don’t look the part. Don’t get me wrong sweetheart, you look very lovely in that dress...but people are shallow, Adora. They take one look at you and decide whether you’re...the cat’s meow or not.”
Adora looked at her dress sadly.
“I know I could afford the clothes you wear…it’s just I… have a plan with the money I’ve inherited and I…I’m still waiting for someone to live with me.”
“Someone? Is this someone…Catra?”
Angella grinned at the fiery red blush on Adora’s cheeks.
“Yes…she’s my best friend back at the orphanage. I left her when I turned 18 and I said I would go back for her when she turns 18 in October. She…she has nothing. No money, no parents whereas…I have money and she…she is my family. She was my only family for 18 years and I can’t lose her. It’s already been torture sleeping alone at night.”
“But didn’t you have separate beds?” Angella asked with a raised eyebrow and a smile hidden behind her cup.
“I…I…I meant that…um-“ Adora stumbled over her words and she groaned.
“For someone who’s planning on forming a gang, you are very easily flustered.”
“I care about her a lot, okay!” Adora yelled and she quietened down when she saw the looks she was getting.
“Sorry…Catra means a lot to me. I can’t leave her when she’s always been there for me.”
Angella smiled as she picked up a beignet.
“I understand that she means a lot to you but please know…some people will not understand. Just be careful.”
Adora swallowed and nodded. She could pick up the hidden message in the widow’s words.
Please be careful of your relationship with Catra and how people will be with her skin colour.
She had always feared the blatant racism from people especially with regards to Catra. The topic always had been sensitive and there had been nights when Adora could hear Catra crying because of the treatment she got from the other kids as well as the caretakers. The bullying was harsh and even though Catra could handle it like a pro as she got older, it still stung.
Adora was sure that their relationship something more than…friendly. Being in a romantic relationship with another woman was unheard of in New Brightmoon and Adora had heard horror stories about couples like her and Catra, who had been killed because of it. Which was why Adora was so driven to make sure Catra lived with her and experience the life she was living.
The life where she could eat whatever she wanted. The life where she could afford clothes she never thought she could. The life where people would talk about them behind their backs because they loved each other but dared to never say anything because of their weathly status.
She wanted that for Catra.
Which is why starting the gang could kill two birds with one stone. They’d find her parents killers and be the most feared couple in New Brightmoon that no one would lay a hand on.
Catra with her determination and willingness to get her hands dirty and Adora’s strategy skills and wealth…they would be unstoppable.
Catra snuggled up to Adora’s arm and sighed bringing Adora back to the present. The blonde looked at her with ‘the pleading eyes’ and Catra groaned in annoyance.
“I hate it when you do that. Stupid eyes that make me melt,” she mumbled.
The brunette released Adora from her grasp and Adora noticed the slight pout on Catra’s face.
“I promise I’ll give you all the attention you need when we get home,” Adora said as she gave the feline a quick kiss on the cheek.
Catra huffed but Adora could see the small grin on her girlfriend’s face. The cheering was deafening when they walked out and Adora gazed down at the sea of faces from the banister. There was roughly a couple hundred people in her gang and she was proud of how many people they had recruited over the past seven years. Catra watched Adora lean against the banister and smile, her leadership skills starting to show.
“Everyone! Tonight is a night that will go down in history for the Alliance!”
The crowd cheered louder and Catra lowered her ears in sensitivity.
“Tonight, the Alliance is now the number one gang in New Brightmoon. We have taken down the Sinners! And as you can see, Mister Jaws is having a hard time functioning…” Adora smirked as the crowd laughed as she looked at him, his mouth frothing.
“But what I am trying to say is, we could not have gotten far without every single person in this room. Yes, Johnny I’m looking at you, I promise your bathroom cleaning duties helped us all.”
The crowd laughed again and Catra smiled.
She loved seeing Adora happy.
“I know all of you in this room. And every single one of you made a difference tonight. Sure, we’ve had spies before but we dealt with them. We’ve had missions go to shit but we always managed to claw our way out. Most of you know that I lost my parents to the Sinners years ago, and now I can be at peace, knowing my parents are finally at rest. I want you to all appreciate the life you have. It may not be the most...legal one…”
There were a few laughs and Adora chuckled.
“But you have a family and people who would be willing to take a bullet for you. Never forget that.”
Bow started chanting, “The Alliance!” and everyone followed suit.
“The Alliance! The Alliance! The Alliance!” the crowd repeated and Adora blinked back tears of happiness.
“Which is why tonight we celebrate as one. That being said, drinks on me at Salineas!” she announced.
Catra was sure that there would’ve been a riot if Adora hadn’t raised her hands to silence them.
“Just remember to look out for each other tonight. The heat got nothing on us but they wouldn’t hesitate to leave one of us dead. Other than that, enjoy your time! We have a big shipment coming in within the next week so I want everyone to be bright eyed and bushy tailed!”
Catra looked at her partner in crime and felt her heart stop.
Adora was glowing.
Her smile was genuine and she was sure that she had never seen Adora so happy. She couldn’t help but slip her hand in her girlfriends and Adora turned to look at her. She grinned and pulled Catra in for a kiss, catching the feline completely off guard but she reciprocated nonetheless. Catra could hear the whistles and whoops from down below and she laughed as she pulled away.
“What happened to being a good example Ms. Perfect?”
“Screw it,” Adora grinned and kissed her again.
“C’mon everyone! Let’s go to Salineas!” a voice said and the crowd walked out of various exits in the building and soon, it was deserted.
Bow and Glimmer dragged Mister Jaw to the basement while Adora started into the eyes of her loving girlfriend.
“I can’t believe it’s over,” she murmured as she kissed Catra again.
“Yeah...feels odd,” Catra sighed and she could taste the smoke on Adora’s lips.
Most people would be revolted by that but to Catra, it felt like home. They stood like that for a while in each other’s arms until Glimmer and Bow came back from the basement.
“Mister Jaws is in the basement,” Glimmer announced and Adora nodded.
“Glimmer, Bow, you two are the bees knees. Thank you for everything,” the blonde said as she hugged them. As she pulled away she gave Glimmer a concerned look.
“Are you okay? You didn’t look too good earlier.”
“Adora, I don’t think I’ll ever get used to you torturing people but don’t worry! Everything’s jake! Let’s go to Salineas.”
Catra smiled and Adora wrapped her arm around her waist and leaned her head on her shoulder.
“Let’s go, Glimmer.”
The cat's meow/The bees knees - The best/the greatest
The heat- the police
Everything's jake! - Everything's fine!
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merryfortune · 5 years
Watering Can
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains
Ship: Miyu/Spectre
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2.5k
Synopsis: [post-canon] Miyu likes to stir up trouble wherever she goes, including in Spectre’s apartment and when helping with his favourite chore of all: watering his overabundance of plants.
  Miyu stepped inside and she had a cheeky sort of look on her face. She knew she wasn’t supposed to be here, so she relished the fact that she was. Spectre gave her an exasperated expression as he let her inside; not shooing her away or giving her a snide comment, nothing like that.
  “Thank you for having me.” she mumbled and there was a mischievous glimmer in her eyes.
  “I don’t care.” Spectre replied. He sighed and looked around. “You caught me at a good time though, I hadn’t started my chores yet. So, do you want some tea?”
  “Yes, that would be lovely, thank you.” Miyu said.
  Spectre led her into the living room and Miyu made herself comfortable on the lounge. It was a pretty basic set-up: one arm chair either side of the lounge itself. There was a low, glass coffee table and some generic art on the wall. In the corners, various ferns were potted and even on the coffee table, there was a vase of well-tended to orchids. It was to be expected though, this was Spectre’s apartment, and his first one at that since he had moved out from Ryoken’s mansion, after all and he wasn’t the gaudy type.
  Spectre flitted into his kitchen, which was latched on behind the living room and separated by a half-wall. Miyu looked around for something to do. He didn’t have a television and she couldn’t see any magazines lying about either.
  “Don’t touch anything.” Spectre said.
  Miyu stiffened and she turned around. Spectre had his back to her. She wondered how he had known that she might have been looking for trouble.
  “You’re an utter butterfingers. I know something will somehow get broken if you touch my things all willy-nilly.” he huffed as he prepared the kettle.
  “Alright.” Miyu sulked and she turned back to face the wall in front of her.
  They didn’t make conversation after that, but the apartment began to smell of fragrant tea. Soon, Spectre brought over a tray of tea served on some very nice china but Miyu was certain this was his pauper set. No special consideration for her, the uninvited guest. He sat next to her, if only so he could place the tray on the coffee table.
  “May I?” she asked as her hand hovered near one of the cups.
  “Of course.” Spectre said.
  He let her make her choice before he selected the cup which remained. Miyu sipped delicately from the teacup and smiled. The tea made her belly feel warm. Spectre noticed, and he was, just a teensy-bit, glad that he could provide some hospitality to her even if he was cold and annoyed that she had turned up unannounced.
  “So, what are your plans for today?” Miyu asked.
  “Chores.” he replied, idly.
  “Oh.” Miyu said. “Like what?”
  “Today’s watering day.” Spectre said.
  “That sounds fun.” Miyu exclaimed.
  “It is.” Spectre admitted with a twinge of a smile on his lips.
  “Can I help? I’ve got more than enough time on my hands.” she laughed.
  Spectre paused and scrutinised her. Miyu smiled, unrelentingly, back unto him and with a hint of puppy-dog eyes too.
  “Fine.” he surrendered. “Once we finish our tea, it’s a sin to waste food after all.”
  “Sounds good.” Miyu agreed.
  She continued to attempt to make light chatter with Spectre as they drank. Spectre was more attuned to listening than responding but Miyu didn’t mind. She could tell that he was slowly lowering his guard to her. He was the standoffish sort, so she wasn’t offended. It helped that she was the kind of girl who liked to try to befriend everyone and anyone.
  Eventually, the teacups were drained, and Spectre returned them to the kitchen. Miyu offered to help clean up and Spectre accepted her invitation. So, they spent a few moments by the sink, scrubbing down the teacups and the pot itself. Whilst they did so, Miyu was able to confirm her suspicions regarding which of Spectre’s crockery he had used for them. There were nicer sets in his cupboards with far fancier and intricate designs, so he had used one of his worse for wear sets for her. She wasn’t offended though but his nervously protective antics were a bit much. It was only a few things to wash-up after all, she wasn’t going to mess up.
  Though, as soon as she had such scoffing thoughts, Miyu messed up. Her fingers relaxed slightly too much as she was dragging the tea towel across the saucer one of the teacups had come on and dropped it. With a magnificent clatter, the saucer consequently broke into a few different pieces.
  Miyu paled. “Oops?” she offered as she robotically looked up to Spectre.
  Spectre sighed. “I should have seen this coming, in all honesty.” The delivery of his comment was flat.
  Miyu set aside her tea towel. Guiltily, bent down and began to pick up the pieces. She tried to fit them all together as she held them and showed Spectre.
  “Do you think it’s possible we could glue it back together?” she asked.
  “It’s okay Miyu, I’m not mad.” Spectre said: his voice was finite and even. “Accidents happen.”
  “Oh. Uh, thank you then… For not being mad.” Miyu replied.
  “If you make a habit of it, I will be.” Spectre replied, and he found himself resisting the urge to pet the top of Miyu’s head.
  She looked strangely cute in the mid-morning sun which was barely coming in through the windows. Her hair, the pink-brown, turned an auburn colour in it and her eyes were so wonderfully expressive. It was hard not to be entranced by her, even when she was being naughty. Or so Spectre found, and he would defend himself as saying anyone would feel that way about her because Miyu was cute. Very cute, even.
  Regardless, they soon finished up and the broken saucer wound up in the bin. With the crockery sorted and returned to their proper places in Spectre’s humble cupboards, they moved onto the next chore which was, of course, the chore that Miyu had distracted Spectre from originally upon her moment of arrival. So, Spectre led Miyu to his laundry.
  “Please,” he begged her, “do not flood my apartment.”
  “I won’t, I won’t.” Miyu huffed. She wasn’t that annoying.
  “Okay then.” he said sharply. “Now, this is where I keep my watering cans. I will get you a small one and you can start on the living room plants. I will begin on the ones in my room.”
  Miyu’s eyes lit up again and her lips parted slightly. It was an overeager expression which filled Spectre with dread.
  “I want to see your room.” she said.
  And, for a moment, it struck Spectre that Miyu was still a little bit younger than him and less wizened in the ways of the world. She was just a high schooler.
  “And why, pray tell, would you want to see such a thing?” he asked.
  “Because it’s interesting.” she snickered.
  Spectre was unnerved by such a reply. So, he chose not to make a big deal of it. Relenting despite himself.
  “Very well then.” he murmured.
  Spectre opened the door to his laundry and almost immediately in front of the door, were two pairs of watering cans. One was small and plastic, with childish designs on it, and the other was larger and made of tin. Spectre picked up the small, plastic one and handed it to Miyu. She smiled.
  “I can totally handle the bigger one.” she said.
  “I want you to do the hanging plants; that’s the can I use for those.” Spectre told her.
  “You want me to do the annoying ones, don’t you?” she said in an accusatory tone.
  “I have no annoying plants, I just think it would be cute to watch you struggle.” Spectre teased.
  Miyu stuck her tongue out at Spectre. “Rude. I’ll just have to prove you wrong.”
  “I would love to see you try.” Spectre replied, a slight hum of amusement in his voice. He patted her shoulder. “Here, you fill up your watering can first.”
  He indicated the deep basin and Miyu huffed. She brought her can to it and began to fill her assigned watering can. Behind her, Spectre patiently waited. By the time Miyu turned the faucet off, she had overfilled her can. The meniscus was far too close to the opening rim and Spectre noticed, he chose not to tell her. She could learn just like he did.
  Miyu stepped out of the way. She smiled, slightly forced, as she hefted her watering can around. Water was a lot heavier than she thought it was. Spectre passed in front of her and filled his watering can to a reasonable limit.
  “Okay, we’re ready to do the first room.” Spectre said.
  “You’re room!” chirruped Miyu.
  “Yes, my room.” Spectre replied.
  Miyu left the laundry first and Spectre pointed her down the hall, adjacent really. She waited aside and let Spectre open the door. He pushed it open using the toe of his shoe, at the door’s base, and it swung open silently. Miyu didn’t know why but she had expected it to creak. She swallowed, strangely nervous even though she she had no reason to be, and Spectre permitted her passage into his room.
  She stepped inside, wide eyes in wonder, and it was exactly how she had imagined. Cream walls with ornate windows and plants. More plants that what ought to be allowed to inhabit a space. His room was positively weeping with lichens and ferns and pansies and other little flowers. It smelt wonderful in here, fresh and crisp. Miyu was amazed by it.
  “How do you sleep?” she asked, a slight giggle in her voice as she stared up at the floating planter boxes with the realisation that they were her job.
  “Very well thank you.” Spectre replied with snark tinging his voice.
  “I can’t even see your bed for all the greenery.” Miyu said.
  “It’s how I prefer.” Spectre said. “Now, enough talk. We have work to do.”
  “Yeah, yeah…” Miyu murmured.
  Spectre went to the furthest reaches of his room and deftly avoided all the curls and coils and tendrils of his plants, barely brushing past extended branches or leaves. He was very graceful and Miyu liked to watch him, she realised. Her heart pounded as she watched him so tenderly water his low hanging plants and all their pots. His actions, so subtle and pure, were illuminated by a creamy-yellow sunshine, as filtered inside his room through his curtains. Miyu smiled and stared. Something which did not go unnoticed.
  Spectre glanced over his shoulder, curtly and returned his focus to his plants. “Miyu, stop staring…”
  “D’aww, you feel self-conscious?” she asked, and she pretended to look like she was doing something, her gaze rising to the nearest hanging pot plant.
  “A little…” Spectre confessed.
  “I couldn’t help myself, sorry,” Miyu said, “you just looked like such a gentleman. It was… nice.”
  She could think of other words besides nice as well. Handsome, lovely, stunning… so on and so forth. She then hefted her watering can above her head. She went onto her tip-toes and she struggled to tip the watering can’s contents out onto the plant. She began to wobble and soon enough, Miyu made yet another mess of herself.
  She lost her balance and dropped the can. Water went everywhere, and she pouted. It clanged on the floor and Spectre ceased his watering of the can.
  “Sorry…” she mumbled.
  “Don’t be.” he said, and he drew in closer to her.
  “That was fun though.” she said.
  He looked down upon her and she smiled up at him. Water streaked down her face, through her hair which now clung to the head. It seemed her head had copped the most of it – it and the floor. Spectre could feel the wet beneath his slippers. He smiled back, and he was seized by a strange desire.
  The desire to kiss Miyu. She looked so adorable. Earnest in her mistake and still wanting to be helpful. Her eyes were wide and partly apologetic yet keeping of that sparkle which made Miyu distinctly Miyu: carefree and mischievous but so, so sweet all the same. Spectre caressed her face. The touch of her soft skin was electric on his fingertips.
  “I really like you, Miyu. More than I’ve liked most people.” Spectre confessed, his voice low and his eyes sparkling.
  “I like you too, Spectre…” Miyu replied.
  She lifted herself onto her tip-toes and closed her eyes to Spectre. Spectre, awkwardly, took the cue and kissed her lips. His fingers ghosting underneath her chin. Their kiss was chaste, but it was exciting. Both were quiet as they kissed. Barely opening their mouths to each other as they kissed but they could feel each other’s warmth. Shared between this sunlit place.
  Neither one broke off first. It seemed mutual. The need to breathe soon overcame them, overpowered their desire for intimacy. When they opened their eyes to each other, they could see themselves reflected in the other’s widening pupils. So stark and awed. Miyu beamed.
  “That was lovely, Spectre.” she said.
  Spectre swallowed. His cheeks reddening like a blooming rose and Miyu laughed. She had never seen him caught so off-guard before. Her heart pounded, vibrating with excitement, and she found herself swearing to cherish the moment, so awkward and lovesick.
  “Let’s, um, let’s get you cleaned up. You’re still sopping wet, you, silly girl.” Spectre elected to reply to Miyu’s compliment instead of anything equally sincere or heartfelt.
  “Alright then.” Miyu replied.
  Spectre was glad that Miyu not overly miffed by his attempt to save face. He did genuinely enjoy the kiss – and, more importantly, her company. He was just uncertain of how to voice it without coming across as creepy. He had complexes regarding that and they had been reignited now that he was ‘civilian’ and not a Knight of Hanoi.
  So, he decided to say something despite his fear of social failure. “I think you are quite lovely as well, Miyu.” he murmured.
  “Thank you, Spectre.” Miyu said, her eyes gleaming with her love of being praised and Spectre’s heart beating because he loved to give praise.
  “But we still have so many more plants to water so let’s get a hurry on. And no more accidents, I mean it this time.” Spectre hastily added and folded his arms.
  Miyu laughed. She was endeared to Spectre and chose not to bring up the fact that he had most certainly let her overfill her watering can and purposefully set her up to fail. For now, anyway. The moment she needed an upper hand in something, she would absolutely inflict that little factoid on him. But, until that, happened Miyu was content to continue helping him with his chores, instead of hindering him. Well, maybe she would hinder him a little bit. Giving him surprise kisses and other touches and that sort of thing. It was more fun that way.
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pumpkinscreams · 7 years
Christmas party (Reddie)
Hey, i thought id take a crack at some fanfic, and i love reddie so fucking much i wrote one from a dream i had. Hope you enjoy/ tell me if u want more of these?-
Richie didn’t think he looked nice that often, he didn’t have many clothes, ones that he liked nonetheless, but this Christmas eve was an exception. His grandma gave him a bunch of his dad’s old shirts for Christmas, and they fit his thin frame perfectly. He walked down the street to the Denbrough’s annual Christmas dinner. He had a three quarter length mint collared shirt, with tiny black dots all over, with black slacks and shoes to match, with a huge marshmallow coat covering the whole ensemble. His hair was not having any taming that day, he decided to not poke the beast. He felt good, he doesn’t feel that too often. His hope was that somebody special noticed this time. He shook his head,
“Why do I care about what Eds thinks? I mean Eddie- Shut the fuck up!”
He was looked down, stepping on the new fallen snow with a satisfying crunch. He made his way to the door to see Santa barfed all over Bills foyer. The banisters were wrapped in gold and red ribbon, mistletoe over every doorway, there were bows on top of every mirror, and all the rugs were replaced with Christmas themed ones. He noticed when he saw he was rubbing the snow off his shoes onto Santa’s belly. He disposed of the gawdly coat, and wandered to the living room. He saw the room was lined with adults, with a huge tree in the middle with a bunch of gifts under it.
“Rich kid’s” 
Richie said under his breath as he adjusted his shirt.
“Richie!” Mike called to him from the piano by the window.
He strut over to see the group clouding around Bill, who was failing at playing rudolph on the piano.
“Oh no Billiam! This is how we play it in the theatre!” Richie said in a pompous british accent, as he started slamming the keys.
The adults looked at him in confusion, then went back to their separate conversations. The losers rolled their eyes.
“And a M-Merry Christmas to you Richie” Bill said with the most attitude.
“Hey, where’s my teeny amigo? Jerking off to windex?” Richie says as he looks around the room, the group smirks, knowing their playful flirtings ever since that one day at the lake, but none of the losers wanted to out them so they kept it to themselves.
“What?” Richie asked,
“Your boy toy is on the mission for some bottled water, he refused to have some punch” Stan says, the least caring about their obvious secret.
Richie’s face blushed to a light pink,
“fuck off man, I’m gonna get some of that punch” he says as he punches Stans arm and walks to the kitchen, he couldn’t help let out a smile.
“Boy toy? That was pretty weak if you ask me”
he thinks as he gets to the kitchen.
“He shouldn’t talk about my Eddie like that”
he starts pouring his punch when he hears from behind him
“Richie you made it! I could’ve driven you!” he freezes, dropping his cup in the bowl and rotates. His mom, obviously tipsy, is standing in front of him. She walks over and grabs his shoulder, he tenses.
“What are you doing here mom?” He said so quietly she could barely hear.
“I thought I’d get out of the house, spend some time with you! You hang around with those kids way too much, especially that Eddie kid” she slowly shakes her head, her drunken state taking over. “Don’t tell anyone, but I think that kids a bit queer, to feminine for a boy!” Richie grabs his mom’s arm and forces it off him.
“What the fuck mom.” he says in an angry whisper as he stomps out to the hallway.
She yells out to him but it’s too late. His glasses start to fog by how mad he is.
“She’s just drunk, she doesn’t really feel that way”
he keeps repeating in his mind. He starts to feel his eyes water and he goes in the closest door in the hallway, closes it, and slides down to the floor, tears starting to stream. He keeps his eyes closed and starts crying. Hanging his head down, his shoulders shaking. After a good 20 seconds, he feels a hand creep onto his shoulder. Ever since that thing… it, he’s been hyper aware and grabs the hand before it has a chance to clutch him. He hears a small squeal from something far too familiar. He opens his eyes to see a water bottle on the floor, with shelves of food surrounding the room. He’s in the pantry. He looks up and sees Eddie, in maroon corduroys and the ugliest Christmas sweater he’d ever seen. The boy was kneeling beside him, with his hand trapped by his. His face is flustered. Richie must’ve come in so quickly he didn’t notice Eddie.
“Jesus fuck Eds, don’t sneak up on me like that, I thought you were that clown thing.” and gives a small chuckle. Eddie looked at Richie with concern, He sat down beside him on the wall, the two still holding hands. Eddie looked up at his taller friends eyes through his coke bottle glasses “Why’re you crying Richie?” his eyes were as big as saucers, innocently looking up at him. Richie vulnerably looked down, he started rubbing Eddies soft hand he’s intertwined with. Richie began to speak,
“My mom doesn’t…approve of the…person I love- I mean like…like, ya-like.” He spewed out. “God I sound like fucking Bill”
he thought as rolled his eyes at himself, but the tears started to pour again. The tears just fell down his small chin, he didn’t want Eddie to see him cry and turned his head. Eddie was surprised, whenever things go to shit, Richie always had something funny to say, some way to get out of it, even in the worst of circumstances. He realized this was the one monster he couldn’t swing a bat at. He cupped Richie’s freckled cheek and turned his face to his. Their noses touching, Eddie wiping the tears off Richies pale skin. Eddie nestles his face into the concave of his shoulder and neck. He whispers sweetly into Richies ear
“One day, you’ll get out of that house, and you’ll be able to have your own house” Richie couldn’t help but giggle. It was the mix of his whispers tickling his neck, and the idea of having an actual happy home. He started rubbing Eddie’s hand again, memorizing each nail, fingerprint, and wrinkle. Eddie took the giggles as a challenge and starts making the new life even sillier.
“You’re gonna have a TV in every room, and a pantry filled with all the cookies you could think of! And ten dog! And a whole room dedicated to comic books!” he blows in Richie’s ear, and Richie laughs as as his head falls back, supported by Eddies other hand. Eddie titled his head and placed it on Richie’s shoulder.
“And… you’ll have someone living with you… who loves you…so very much” Eddie tenses, moves his hand from Richie’s face to his own side. He feels awkward,
“did I share too much?”
he questions.
“I wish he knew I wanted that with him”
Richie thought.
The two sat in silence, holding hands, both feeling confused, but they both knew this felt right. Suddenly, the two heard loud, but humming song infiltrate the little pantry. It was White Christmas, Eddie starts humming the song.
“Im, dreaming of a white,Christmas, just like the ones I used to know”
Richie chuckles, his tears dried.
“Care for a dance, m’lady?” He raises their conjoined hand and licks Eddies hand, instead of kissing it. While Richie laughs and Eddie looks in disgust,
“What the fuck Richie!” he tries to retract his hand, but Richie holds it tighter, and kisses it. Eddie squirmed, but still couldn’t help to forgive him. Richie stood up, bringing Eddie up with him. Eddie put his hands on Eddies small waist, just above his fanny pack.
“So I’m the lady?” He crosses his arms. Richie just rolls his eyes and puts his hands around the little boys small shoulders and wraps his hands around Eddie’s neck, forcing their noses to touch. Eddie blushes a bright red, and wraps his arms around Richie’s waist, basically hugging him. The two are face to face.
“May your days days be merry, and bright”
Richie looks at the boy through his lashes, he kisses the middle of Eddie’s forehead. Eddie looks up, and eagerly kisses Richie on the lips, hugging him tighter. At first Richie was a bit shocked, but he let it happen. It was quick, and very sweet. The two were flushed in a light red and Eddie put his head on Richies chest.
“Merry Christmas Eds”
“And may all your Christmases be bright.”
“Ditto, Richie”
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