#Positioning for Success
marketxcel · 7 months
Shaping Perceptions: Brand Positioning in Wealth Management
Explore our case study on brand perception and strategic positioning for a prominent wealth management company. Witness the art of building trust and value in financial services.
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theambitiouswoman · 10 months
How to Stop Procrastinating by Managing Your Emotions
Procrastination happens when we delay doing things, and it's often connected to our emotions. Feelings like being afraid to fail, feeling worried or stressed, getting bored, or lacking motivation can all contribute to procrastination. To stop procrastinating and get more things done, it's important to learn how to handle our emotions better.
Break the task into smaller, more engaging sub-tasks.
Find ways to make the task more interesting or challenging.
Set a timer and work on the task for a specific amount of time, followed by a short break doing something enjoyable.
Feeling Overwhelmed:
Prioritize tasks and focus on one thing at a time.
Break the task into smaller, more manageable steps.
Delegate some parts of the task if possible or seek help from others.
Use tools like to-do lists or task management apps to stay organized.
Practice deep breathing or mindfulness techniques to calm yourself.
Challenge negative thoughts and replace them with more positive and realistic ones.
Start with the easier or less intimidating aspects of the task to build momentum.
Set realistic expectations and remind yourself that it's okay to make mistakes.
Focus on past accomplishments and successes to boost your confidence.
Seek support or feedback from others to gain reassurance.
Remind yourself of your skills and capabilities to tackle the task.
Use positive affirmations to counteract negative self-talk.
Embrace the concept of "good enough" rather than seeking perfection.
Set realistic and achievable goals for each task.
Recognize that mistakes and imperfections are part of the learning process and growth.
Break decisions into smaller steps and make one small decision at a time.
Set a time limit for making decisions to avoid overthinking.
Trust your instincts and make the best decision you can with the information available.
Apathy or Lack of Interest:
Find aspects of the task that align with your values or long-term goals.
Break the task into smaller, more manageable parts and focus on completing one at a time.
Reward yourself for completing the task to make it more appealing.
Stress or Burnout:
Practice stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, exercise, or spending time in nature.
Break tasks into smaller steps to reduce the feeling of overwhelm.
Prioritize self-care and take breaks to avoid burnout.
Feeling Uninspired or Creatively Blocked:
Engage in activities that stimulate creativity, such as brainstorming, mind mapping, or seeking inspiration from others' work.
Start with a simple and basic version of the task to get the creative juices flowing.
Collaborate with others or seek feedback to gain new perspectives.
Fear of Success:
Identify and challenge the negative beliefs or fears that may be holding you back.
Visualize the positive outcomes of completing the task successfully.
Focus on the benefits and personal growth that come with success.
Break long-term goals into smaller milestones to track progress.
Practice mindfulness to stay present and patient throughout the process.
Remind yourself that progress takes time and effort.
Lack of Confidence:
Celebrate your past accomplishments to boost your confidence.
Seek support and encouragement from friends, family, or mentors.
Focus on building specific skills related to the task to increase confidence.
Avoiding Discomfort:
Acknowledge that discomfort is a natural part of growth and improvement.
Break tasks into smaller steps and tackle the more challenging aspects gradually.
Remind yourself of the long-term benefits of facing discomfort.
Overestimating Future Motivation:
Practice discipline and commit to starting tasks even when motivation is low.
Set specific deadlines for tasks to create a sense of urgency.
Establish a routine that includes regular work on the task to build consistency.
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the0nlyallison · 5 months
I am a writer, I write poetry and am working on about 13 books lol. Umm for every 200 notes this post gets, I'll post a poem of mine or a section of one of my books.
In total that'd be about 6600 notes to see all of my writings lol
The writings will be on my side blog @allisonswritings
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backjustforberena · 5 months
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Corlys and Rhaenys at their daughter's wake, with their grandchildren. DO NOT REPOST.
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venuslilgirl · 9 months
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I am worthy of all the good things that are happening to me
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bitchy-craft · 1 month
Confidence: Affirmation Series
Hello and welcome to this post! In here I will be giving a few confidence affirmations. I hope you all enjoy and find this useful.
Masterpost > Paid Readings [NEW]
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My self-worth is not dependent on the opinions of others.
I trust myself to make the best decisions for my life.
I am resilient and bounce back from setbacks stronger than before.
I am confident in my ability to learn and adapt to new challenges.
I embrace uncertainty with courage and grace.
I am the architect of my own destiny, and I create a future filled with success and fulfillment.
I am enough, just as I am, and I celebrate my uniqueness.
I speak my truth with confidence and authenticity.
I release the need for perfection and embrace my journey with compassion and acceptance.
I radiate positivity and inspire confidence in those around me.
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Tip: The more you repeat the more effective your affirmations can be.
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brookheimer · 1 year
shiv was not being altruistic nor intellectually self-interested when she voted against kendall. that was pure raw visceral desperation to maintain some semblance of dignity that she felt kendall being ceo would shred her of. sometimes people do not act in other people’s best interests or their own best interests. sometimes people do the wrong thing for the wrong reasons just because it feels like the right, the only, thing to do. shiv could not let kendall be ceo. she just couldn’t. not because she wanted to sacrifice herself to “stop the cycle,” not because she made a calculation and decided tom was her best interest — because the thought of kendall being ceo and acting like That the rest of their lives when shiv earned that job, she fucking earned it, that was too much to fucking bear. watching him sit in dad’s chair, conduct that vote, grin with entitlement and cockiness and certainty — seeing that elicited a visceral painful all-consuming sensation not dissimilar to overwhelming nausea that, summed up in two words, would simply be: fuck. no. she couldn’t live with that. she just couldn’t. it’s not kind. it’s not smart. it’s just human. painfully, destructively human. because sometimes, that’s all there is to it. not just for shiv, but for everyone. god knows roman and kendall have had those same feelings, made those same self-destructing yet necessary-feeling decisions throughout the show. why does it have to be different for shiv? why can’t she be painfully destructively human, prone to impulsive ill-conceived viscerally felt actions, like everyone else? why are we incapable of allotting her the same nuance and humanity (the good and the bad), the same trauma-informed self-destructive life-ruining hamartias, as we do her brothers? why can’t we fit a whole woman in our heads?
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louisdelac · 1 year
thinking about connor in prague saying "dad's theory was you got two fighting dogs, you send the weak one away, you punish the weak one." in relation to this episode, and the way the siblings view abuse inside their own family.
shiv and kendall and their belief that connor and roman are the weak dogs that got the brunt of logan's worst behavior, because abuse is reserved for the kids who can't behave - the ones who aren't smart and mature enough to make it in the world. abuse evokes pity, because abuse is what happens when you expect too much from people who obviously aren't capable of more.
and then they go forward in life, believing that they're just naturally more intelligent and more capable than connor and roman, as if being raised seeing what happens to you if you aren't a perfect child wasn't the entire point of the "punish the weak dog" mentality that logan instilled in them. the looming threat implied behind any praise they do receive that tacitly tells them "you're not like roman and connor" because everyone knows what happens to roman and connor.
the absolute height of the rich capitalist mindset. "we're succeeding because of our own merit, and other people fail because they don't have what it takes" when in reality they're succeeding because of arbitrary rules made up by someone who knows that infighting makes meaner dogs.
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orbit8k · 2 months
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wandoffire · 4 months
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svdaily · 11 months
Get out of the mindset that people are better than you, that you cannot reach their standard, that they are inherently above you. Money, status, confidence, love, these are all attainable and rejecting yourself first from your ideal lifestyle/relationship/self-concept will keep you settling for crumbs. All the greats surpass their own standards and do not concern themselves with conforming to someone else's benchmark. You cannot believe you deserve the best if you can't even imagine your proximity to the best. Believe in an abundance mindset, believe in your efforts, believe you are limitless, believe you are worthy. Believe you have a seat at the table and that any standard that rejects your best effort is a redirection to a better seat, or a better table.
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a-path-by-the-moon · 2 months
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theambitiouswoman · 7 months
Why You Struggle With ✨Discipline✨
Discipline can be hard for many people because they often lack a strong reason or motivation to stick to their goals. It's like wanting something really badly but not having the determination to work for it. How bad do you actually want it? Sometimes, people choose fun things over the things that are good for them in the long run. Others have trouble managing their time and making smart choices, and they give in to distractions or bad habits easily. Fear of both success and failure can also make it tough to stay disciplined. If there's no one to remind them or support them, they might give up too quickly. This is your life and no one is coming to save you. No one can want it for you more than you. Things like phones and social media can also make it hard to focus, but they don't disconnect. Feeling stressed or overwhelmed can mess with discipline too. Having clear goals and a plan can help a lot. Remember, being disciplined is like a skill that you can get better at with practice and by finding ways to stay motivated. Usually, there's nothing really stopping you from achieving your goals, it's mostly you standing in your own way. The thought of missing out on your dreams because you're not disciplined enough can be really tough to handle. Worrying about what could happen 5 years from now causes you anxiety and paralyses you. It's difficult to accept that you could have it all with just a bit of effort. So, discipline is not only about getting things done but also about achieving the life you want and avoiding the regret of not trying harder.
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princesssascha · 6 months
Luck affirmations because you're blessed
1. "Miracles unfold in my life with divine precision."
2. "Every moment is a canvas for miraculous possibilities."
3. "I attract and welcome extraordinary miracles into my reality."
4. "My belief in miracles amplifies their manifestation."
5. "Miracles are a natural part of my life's journey."
6. "I trust that the universe conspires to create miracles for me."
7. "My thoughts align with the miraculous energies of the universe."
8. "I am open to receiving unexpected miracles every day."
9. "Miracles flow effortlessly into my life, transforming challenges."
10. "I am a magnet for the miraculous, and my reality reflects it."
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the-healing-mindset · 8 months
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Source: Liz Fosslien
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venuslilgirl · 9 months
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I am always being guided to the right places at the right time to receive the best opportunities of my life.
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