#If you read this whole thing I salute you
eros-lyssamay · 6 years
Okay so I saw a post today about how demisexual isn't a real thing so now I'm gonna talk about it:
Get ready, this is not thought out and I might ramble.
Okay. Here's the thing, most of you know that demisexual means a lack of sexual attraction without a strong emotional bond. And some people take that to mean "oh you just don't like hook ups". But that's.... That's not it. No I don't like hook ups but it's a lot deeper than that.
Alright so here's how I came to identify as demisexual. Buckle up. So I dated a couple people in high school, the first few were nothing serious, I wasn't that into them, and I hated kissing them. Like honestly it was kind of gross. I wasn't too worried about it though. And it didn't go any further. Alright then I met a guy who I actually connected with and we started dating. Things were different here and we didn't even kiss until we were already pretty into each other and things were different!! I had a bond with this guy and kissing was suddenly nice. Anyway fast forward we fell super in love with each other and I was very much attracted to him. We never "went all the way" but the point was I was way hella into him. It was my first serious long term relationship and I felt sexual attraction. Everything seemed normal. Eventually break up cause he actually had some gross morals and other stuff that's not important. Anyway I had two notable long relationships after that. Even though they were with very different people, my relationships with them were very similar. I liked them, had fun hanging out with them, wanted to be around them, but never really formed that strong of an emotional bond with either of them. And kissing wasn't... Awful but I didn't like it much either. Go about three months or so into the relationship and my thought process is sort of "this is about when you had ~those~ feelings for that guy, you should want that with them obviously. You're in a committed relationship" and they did want sex. So I tried, really really TRIED to want to be with them physically(and I do not want to go into detail there), but no matter what new thing was done or what I told myself in my head I just did not enjoy it. I was frustrated. I didn't understand. These were attractive people and I was in a somewhat long standing relationship with them. I should want to be with them I should enjoy them touching me and touching them. But I just didn't. Both relationships ended in part because I eventually gave up trying, one more because of that than the other. Now fast forward to a few months after that second not great relationship ended. I meet a couple ace people and am INTRIGUED. I read up on it. All that jazz. But I know I'm not ace because I /have/ felt sexual attraction before so I can't be right? And THEN I discover demisexuality and God I swear everything just made sense. I wasn't weird. Other people have experienced this! There's a WORD for how I have experienced sexual attraction! I finally figured out that the reason I was sexually attracted to the one bf but not any other people I've been with is because I just do not feel sexual attraction without a strong emotional bond, period (sometimes not even then as I've come to learn)! I'm demisexual! And I do fit under the asexual spectrum. Okay. So. There's my life story Tumblr, enjoy.
In summary, demisexual is not "just how normal people are", you cantaloupe.
TL;DR: people who say demisexual isn't real piss me off. I've only felt sexual attraction to one person and didn't know why until I learned what demisexual was.
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soul-music-is-life · 6 years
More About Me Than You’ll Probably Ever Want to Know...
Came across this questionnaire at the bottom of my drafts (right beneath a thread I started ages ago titled “PLL plotholes that were never resolved” that I plan to finish before the world ends) and since it’s another sleepless night and I need something to occupy my brain, I figured...why not?
1) Do you have a good relationship with your parents? This would be the first fucking question. I have re-evaluated how much I used to take them for granted. Nothing like a family tragedy to slap some sense into your head.
2) Who did you last say “I love you” to? My mom. Or my dad. Probably both of them. Or it may have been one of my friends who called to check up on me. Hell, I’m just saying it to everyone at this point. Because you just never know, man.
3) Do you regret anything? Regrets are just lessons learned. And I could write an entire school decade of lesson plans with what I’ve learned.
4) Are you insecure? “You’re insecure. Don’t know what for. You’re turning heads when you walk through the dooooor…” Jesus, I just started singing a One Direction song. What the fuck is wrong with me?
5) What is your relationship status? Single, cuz don’t nobody want this crazy dorky mess.
6) How do you want to die? Happy. So the key to immortality is to be all emo.
7) What did you last eat? Salted milk chocolate caramel. Actually, I think that’s the only thing I’ve eaten all day.
8) Played any sports? Awkwardly and badly.
9) Do you bite your nails? It’s a horrible habit I’ve had since I was a child.
10) When was your last physical fight? I do get distracted and run myself into the wall a lot, does that count? I may have done it ten minutes ago.
11) Do you like someone? I like a lot of someones. No, I’m not a whore. I just like people.
12) Have you ever stayed up 48 hours? Ha. Hahahahahaha, I am an insomniac whose mother is currently in the ICU. I’m going for the record of staying up for 48 days.
13) Do you hate anyone at the moment? Mostly myself, because I’m really good at self-loathing, especially when I’m editing my writing. Which I’m doing tonight.
14) Do you miss someone? My mom. I miss her annoying me constantly with her stupid emojis and talking to me about our TV shows and just being ridiculous in general.
15) Have any pets? I have a very bossy cat.
16) How exactly are you feeling at the moment? The weather is being a bitch, so my head is currently about to explode.
17) Ever made out in the bathroom? Public or private? Because, like, ew, public toilets are filled with so many disgusting germs that the last thing I want to do in there is roll around in those germs. Private? No comment. Heh.
18) Are you scared of spiders? No. I rescue them when I find them, because my hatred for mosquitoes far outweighs any fear I might have and they eat mosquitoes. So, house spiders and I are homies. But Brown Recluse and Black Widows? I’ll burn those motherfuckers to death.
19) Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? The older I get the more I answer yes to this.
20) Where was the last place you snogged someone? Ohhh, a Brit came up with this questionnaire and I just love that. And actually, to answer the question, I’m not really sure. I haven’t dated in a while.
21) What are your plans for this weekend? Read. Write. Pretend reality isn’t real. Maybe I’ll remember to eat and sleep. Who knows?
22) Do you want to have kids? How many? Yes, but I don’t know how many. Depends on how much I like the first one I guess. *glances at future first born, puts weight of world on that child’s shoulders*
23) Do you have piercings? How many? Yes. I think. Maybe. It’s been a while since I’ve worn earrings, but I’m pretty sure they’re still pierced.
24) What is/are/were your best subject(s)? Lunch and recess. I was great at sneaking food off to the playground and then hiding from my teachers. My teachers hated me.
25) Do you miss anyone from your past? I do.
26) What are you craving right now? Relaxation. But since that’s not happening, I’m just gonna go for like…pizza or something instead. Take THAT arteries!
27) Have you ever broken someone’s heart? Not intentionally.
28) Have you ever been cheated on? Yes.
29) Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? I don’t think so, because unlike Shonda Rhimes and George RR Martin I don’t need the tears of my relationships to survive.
30) What’s irritating you right now? Adulting. Just being an adult in general. It’s so hard. I want to go back to the days where I was stealing from the cafeteria and hiding on the playground.
31) Does somebody love you? I like to think so.
32) What is your favourite color? Purple and royal blue.
33) Do you have trust issues? Majorly.
34) Who/what was your last dream about? My mom.
35) Who was the last person you cried in front of? My neighbor. We hugged it out. She is good people.
36) Do you give out second chances too easily? I do not. See the question about trust issues.
37) Is it easier to forgive or forget? Neither, unless you have memory problems, then I guess it’s easier to forget.
38) Is this year the best year of your life? *guffaws, falls over laughing* 2018 and I are having creative differences and I have decided that it’s best for the both of us if we just mutually split.
39) How old were you when you had your first kiss? Five. Ah, playground shenanigans.
40) Have you ever walked outside completely naked? Is that…are you not supposed to? *whistles while carefully backpedaling to room to put on clothes* Come on, I live in the south where it gets hotter than Satan’s butthole in the summer.
41) Favourite food? Chocolate. Tomatoes. Not together, of course. Ew. Although… *leaves to try something* …nope ‘ew’ was right.
42) Do you believe everything happens for a reason? You know, I like to believe so, but there are just some things I’m not so sure about. Like…Beiber. Why? Don’t @ me.
43) What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? I never went to bed. See the question about staying up for 48 hours/days.
44) Is cheating ever okay? Personally, I don’t believe in it, but I’m not going to judge anyone for how they choose to live their lives. Just wrap your tool when you do.
45) Are you mean? I’m a sarcastic asshole, so that can be taken as mean sometimes, I guess.
46) How many people have you fist fought? I have lost count. I did not grow up in a stable neighborhood.
47) Do you believe in true love? Call me an idiotic dreamer, but I do.
48) Favourite weather? This is a trick question, because no matter what I say mother nature is going to attack me. Winter = black icy death. Summer = death by heat. Spring = death by tornadoes. Hmm, maybe Fall is the way to…nope, Fall = leaf piles of fiery death.
49) Do you like the snow? I do. But do we get snow? No. We get 8 fucking inches of ice.
50) Do you wanna get married? Maybe some day.
51) Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? Eh, I could take it or leave it.
52) What makes you happy? My TV. My TV understands me.
53) Would you change your name? I would consider it. I would consider changing literally everything about me. I’m going to start a new life in Canada where no one knows me. I will adopt a moose.
54) Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? If it was, why would I have kissed that person in the first place?
55) Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? “Listen, when my (future) husband dies, you and I can get a condo at the beach and grow old together like we planned, and oh, wait a second, you just started plotting my (future) husband’s death, didn’t you? Well, let’s just skip that then. I don’t feel like burying any bodies.”
56) Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? I do. He’s a good homie to have. Listen, I’m here to tell you, if you can’t be your true self around someone (regardless if they are the opposite or the same sex) then they may not be as good a friend as you think. Just be you.
57) Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? See above question about my good homie to have.
58: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? You know, considering neither my dad, nor I, are good with talking about our emotions and shit, the fact that my mom has been in the hospital for over a month has spawned some really in depth conversations. And my best friend, because my best friend just gets me. We all need that Thelma to our Louise to keep us from hot-rodding a car over a cliff. You find you your partner in crime and you hold on to them.
59) Do you believe in soulmates? Absolutely. Mine is just apparently lost as hell.
60) Is there anyone you would die for? Many people. I would throw myself in front of many buses for many people. But to be fair I’d also throw myself in front of a bus to get out of paying my student loans. And to get away from the current government. And to just finally get some goddamn sleep.
Alright, I’ll quit flooding your feed with my nonsense now. Hope I entertained at least one of you. Peace out.
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lizzy-bennet · 4 years
You’re the sweetest, glad you liked my answer. It’s like we all made a deal with Moffat ages ago. “I’ll tell you a love story, and it’ll be one of the best you’ve ever heard, but the catch is, you’ll be cursed never to be able to speak of it without feeling like crying or looking like you’re losing your mind.” And us naive mortals took the deal and now look where we are.
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ghostlyheart · 3 years
Please tell us about your dnd character!!!
Okay so backstory: a couple friends and I have been playing dnd once a month online, run by our local library, and we all kinda fell in love with it. The dnd character isn't actually a PC, I had an idea for a campaign of my own I'd like to play with my friends (I'm Very New so I have to actually familiarize myself with the rules and mechanics of the game before I do that, I may never even get around to it, but anyway) 
more under the cut because Oh Boy this is longer than I intended
The gist of my idea for the campaign is that theirs this huge library filled wall to wall with books that the players are all drawn/summoned to for one reason or another. The books are all magical, and function as portals into their respective stories (à la The Magic Treehouse series.) The players can explore the world of the books, fighting whatever monster there might be or helping the characters with whatever they need (I still haven't decided if I'm going to use actual books, like Dracula for example, or tweak the details and just make them Inspired by real books.) The campaign would function as a series of mini adventures fitting into the overarching narrative
Okay so NOW here's my character: his name is Judas Gildengaurd (because it's the most ridiculous and pretentious name I could think of.) He's a half-elf, well-to-do magical scholar who originally owned the library. He's a true adventurer and is absolutely fascinated by the books (I haven't decided how he comes into possession of them, maybe he inherits them or collects them? I haven't decided yet.) He delves into them and hops from book to book, doing his swashbuckling thing and trying to uncover their true nature, along with his adventuring companion and confidante (with another incredibly stupid name, currently I'm thinking Caleb Straeth which is So Awful it fills me with joy.) This is all great until Caleb gets a taste for power and wants to bridge the divide between the books and the real world (either because he's power hungry and wants to use the malleable, warp-able nature of the books to rule or because he falls in love with a character and wants to take them out of the books. Again I havent decided.) Judas thinks this is a really bad idea because it will upset the balance of the universe or whatever blah blah blah, they get into a huge power struggle, and Judas ends up binding Caleb to the books so he can't carry out his plan, effectively trapping himself as well. He exists as a kind of wandering soul, moving from book to book but forever trapped within them (or maybe he's stuck in one specific book, again I haven't figured out The Rules.)
When the players come in, Judas has been Mysteriously Disappeared and presumed dead in the real world for like 30-40 years. There's a huge portrait of him up on the wall of the library. The party will explore some of the books for a few sessions, maybe there's hints of Judas' presence there and they can slowly piece together the puzzle. Eventually they'll encounter him and he'll tell them his story. Caleb has been gathering power and forces for years and has transformed into a Lich because of how imbued with the books magic he is by nature of being bound to them, and is going to make another push at breaching the barrier between the books and the real world. He's the Big Bad Evil Guy the players will eventually have to face. As kind of a side thingy, if the player collect certain artifacts (a special quill, magical ink, etc) from the books, they can create their own book and "rewrite" Judas back into the real world, freeing him.
adventurous, gregarious, mischievous in a good-natured way, stringently guided by his moral compass and what he believes is right, to a reckless extent. His strong desire to do the right thing can cloud his judgement. He is ravenous for adventure and has thrown himself into learning everything he can about the magic of the books. He is the type to rush in boldly and self sacrifice (why he binds himself to the books to stop the lich)
I really just wanted to create a character that would be really fun to act as, and totally out of my comfort zone. As a younger man he’s charming and dramatic and ridiculous, sort of a combination of derring-do gentleman hero and pretty-boy degenerate. The best way I can think of to describe him for now is a combination of Prince Hal from Henry IV and Westley from the Princess Bride. He’s kind of pretentious, a bit full of himself, but also starry-eyed and lively, and ultimately has a good heart. As an older character, after he’s been stuck in the book for 30 to 40 years, he’s a little more serious. He’s still definitely sort of roguish, but he has a sort of gravity of regret around him after all he’s seen and done. I want him to still be fun, but a little older and more grizzled.
Hes not super well formed yet, I'm not a very creative person and I have almost no experience creating stories or building characters so, I feel like this whole idea and this character are both kinda cringy. But my friends and I are new to this, so hopefully (if I end up being able to pull this off) it will be a fun learning experience for all of us!!
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versadies · 2 years
special anniversary | genshin x gn!reader
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salutations. how they celebrate your anniversary (w/ gn!reader)
addressed. diluc, kaeya, albedo, jean, lisa, eula, venti, zhongli, tartaglia, xiao, ganyu, ningguang, beidou, kaedehara kazuha, thoma, gorou, arataki itto, yae miko, and raiden shogun
content. fluff/small-angst, spoilers to inazuma archon quest act 3, spoilers to into the perilous labyrinth of fog event, not proof-read (apologies in advance if there's any errors in this fic!!)
sypnosis. short hcs on how they celebrate your first anniversary
penpals. @scaraslover @saving-for-xiao @dawgimsohot @kazu-topia @chiruru @aqualesha @renamichii
links. teyvat's penpal service
post-script. i decided to make a special post dedicated to my one year anniversary of my blog (january 26, 2021) soo here it is ! hope you guys enjoy this <<3
TAKES YOU OUT TO EAT - zhongli, lisa, ningguang, arataki itto, yae miko, gorou
ZHONGLI would take you out to have a nice dinner in third-round knockout, thinking that the best way to celebrate each other's anniversary is to retrace the memory of how the both of you met and the memory of your first date. unlike most of the dates you've went to with this man, this one was more intimate and romantic.
the staff of the restaurant was happy enough to make things more romantic by making someone play an instrument as the iron-tongue tian tells many stories in the background. it was really nice, you admit. it felt like it all happened yesterday when you first met zhongli at the same spot and same time.
later on after eating, the both of you would start strolling around the harbor together as the stars shines above you, causing you to be busy looking at them to not notice how your lover looks at you with love-eyes, thinking about how he's glad to meet someone like you. it honestly felt like deja-vu throughout the whole date, because it felt like he fell in love with you all over again.
LISA will take a day off to spend her day with you. the first thing the both of you did is have a tea session together, talking about whatever comes into your minds for hours on end. it really lightens the whole atmosphere to hear the two of you laughing over your conversations.
the both of you will also spend time taking a stroll around mondstadt and shop together, with lisa willing to dress up for you and you the same. it's a sweet sight for people passing by to see the humble librarian of the knights of favonius spending time together with her lover - it felt like windblume festival already returned with all the romance between you.
afterwards, the both of you will spend time eating dinner in good hunter eating each other's favorite foods. when sara found out about your anniversary, she immediately cooked another food that's on the house, much to you and lisa's delight. by the end of the day, you two lay on your bed in each other's arms, thinking about the future that lies ahead the both of you.
NINGGUANG will wear the most beautiful dress made with the finest clothing the city harbor could offer to their tianquan, wondering what the special occasion is that made the woman dress up so nicely. to her three secretaries, they know full well enough that their superior will be meeting the special someone in her abode.
obviously, the special someone is you.
given her status and reputation, ningguang made sure to pull every string she has so that no one can know about you and the fact that you're her spouse – mainly because she didn't want any person in her city to look badly on you and the dangers that could be brought to you for being with someone like ningguang.
hence why she decided to celebrate her anniversary with you by letting her staff take a day off outside of the jade chamber and immediately take you in, her eyes brightening at the sight of you arriving her home in your best outfit that you manage to get and buy.
it was a quiet evening to say the least, but it was peaceful enough for you and ningguang to enjoy your date together. she knows you long enough to know what food you like the most, knowing that it puts a smile on your face when you see the wondrous sight of your favorite food plastered over the table, so when she sees how you're so happy eating, it makes her happy as well.
however, what took her by surprise is your response when she asks you about your opinion about the food.
"it makes me happy, of course." you said with a smile. "though, not as much as spending time with the one i'm in love with."
she immediately covers her face with her fan, trying not to smile too much from your response. but you know her long enough to know that she's flustered from your words, causing you to laugh a little at the sight of the flustered tianquan.
deep inside, it does make ningguang happy that she gets to spend time with you without any interruptions from her duties. despite having all the luxury she has that now resides in her new jade chamber, none of them compares to the luxury of happiness that she feels when she spends time with you.
when ARATAKI ITTO finds out that today's your anniversary, he'll immediately invite you to go out with him and eat together in a ramen restaurant. oh, you don't have to worry about the money, a certain fox lady owes him free ramen after a competition many moons ago.
although the place he chose for you is something that isn't something worth in awe for, your lover makes it up by the atmosphere and the pleasant conversation the both of you have. with itto, it's like the both of you can talk about any topic you want and he'll make it fun.
and what's better than spending time with your lover in the best ramen restaurant in town? giving your lover the best beetle of course!
by the time the both of you are finished with your meals, itto will immediately surprise you with a rather large box that turns out to be a special gift from your man. you expected something like a jewelry, a matching hairbrush, or even a trinket that he got from a kid who lost to him, but never a giant looking beetle sleeping. of course, your reaction is up to you – either way, you'll hear your lover laugh.
YAE MIKO will be all too happy to show you just how much she loves you more than any human known in this world during your anniversary. you're not sure why but she seems to be more affectionate when it comes to special occasions – which you don't mind of course.
to start the day, she’ll smother you with so much kisses on your face when the both of you meet up just to see your flustered state. could you blame her? you’re just so cute that she just had to kiss you!
she'll give you a special light novel that hasn't been established in her store yet along with a charm that'll surely give you luck and prosperity as a gift (or rather, gifts). she'll be more delighted if you too give her a gift even if it's less special than hers.
she'll then take you to a nice restaurant where the both of you can be alone and enjoy the meals you share. it'll only take a while before the woman decides to sit next to you and offer to feed you with her chopsticks, laughing in amusement from your flustered state.
"oh but i insist on feeding you!" she said when you tried to protest her request. "this is what couples do sometimes is it not? now open your mouth and say "ah" hehe"
it feels strange to be in narukami island despite visiting there multiple times, GOROU would admit. however, if it's for you, then he's all too willing to come over and spend time with you. especially during an occasion as important as an anniversary.
the two of you decided to spend time together by going to a restaurant and introduce gorou to many dishes that he had missed back when he was busy with his duties, alongside letting him eat his favorite dessert after not being able to eat them for so long.
however, gorou then insisted in trying out a new dish that he'd like to share with you alongside his desserts, not knowing what's in store for him as he excitedly tries the food with you.
the food stored onions.
the moment gorou took his first bite, he instantly froze like a deer caught in the headlights, realizing his mistake as he feels the contents of his food rising up his throat.
"gorou? what–"
"i'm sorry y/n, i can't hold it!" he exclaims, rushing out from the door and towards the bathroom that's beside your reservation room before he pukes his guts out on the toilet.
later after that, gorou swears to always ask merchants if there's onions in the food as you try to make it up to your lover with sweets.
SPEND TIME WITH FRIENDS AND/OR FAMILY - tartaglia, beidou, venti, ganyu, jean
TARTAGLIA will spend the anniversary with you by inviting you to come to snezhnaya with him and meet his family, who are all too willing and excited to meet the person who has stolen his heart and has been mentioned in many letters written by yours truly.
he values his family more than anything alongside you, so seeing you and the people he shares the same blood with getting along makes him happy - especially if they approve your relationship and you as a person overall.
expect them to ask you many questions about yourself and what you think about your lover, who watches the whole thing with a genuine smile on his face – until he spots his mother sneakily bringing out a very familiar photobook that he intends to hide from you in fear of embarrassment, that's when his smile will drop 6 feet underground and try to stop her from showing you many pictures of childe as a kid.
not to worry though, because his smile will easily return when he overhears a conversation between you and his mother while he’s cleaning up the table, listening to you two talking about how his mom is happy that childe has someone as special as you to be his spouse. his smile could only widen more when you confess to her about something that'll change your lives for the better.
BEIDOU was very enthusiastic when she finds out that you're okay with celebrating your anniversary together with her crew, who are all more than happy to help their captain plan the occasion alongside xinyan and xiangling. spending time with the crux honestly feels like you're in a wedding reception with you and beidou being the newly-wed couple, which you admit, does make you feel a bit flustered to think about.
the whole night, your lover always has her arm wrapped around your shoulder or is beside you, the both of you leaning on each other for warmth and comfort as you celebrate your first anniversary with the people your lover considers as family.
while xinyan takes her cue to start preparing for her performance, beidou takes her cue to take you far away from where her crewmates are, her palms begins to sweat from her nervousness as you follow her without any clue of her intentions.
it wasn't until the woman slowly pulls out a small box and opens it for you to see the inside, causing your eyes to widen at the sight of two shiny rings.
"it's a matching promise ring," she said, smiling. "i uh, i found this on display while doing some errands around the harbor, so i thought it would be great if you and i can have matching rings. think of it as a charm that you and i can take whenever one of us is away from the other, haha.."
if only your lover knew that you too have a small box that has a ring, a ring that represents your willingness to spend your whole life together with her by the sea and her crew.
VENTI is more than happy to take you out from the city of freedom and explore around the nation with the help of his dearest friend, dvalin. given that it's the first time meeting the dragon that people feared long ago, you honestly were nervous on how your encounter will turn out.
"so you're the human that my friend has been chatting about for ages," dvalin spoke in an amused tone, causing you to get spooked because of the fact that the creature can talk. "it's pleasant to meet you."
without letting you reply, he instantly starts flapping his wings together, causing strong winds to come at you and venti. "come, i shall take you around and show what mondstadt can offer."
windwail highland, brightcrown mountains, starfell valley, and galesong hill – you name it. dvalin took you and venti everywhere as you hold onto your lover in fear of how high the both of you are, paying no mind to how venti starts laughing at the sight of your scared form.
by the time dvalin lands in windrise – the last stop – the first thing that caught your eye was a blanket that sprawled foods near the statue. although this was an endearing sight, you could only wonder how on earth venti managed to make sara from good hunter make so much food.
“silly y/n,” venti said with a giggle, helping you come down from dvalin’s back. “who said i bought these?”
for your anniversary, you and GANYU agreed to take a two-day break from your duties in the qixing and celebrate. to your relief, your request for your break has been approved and assured by the tianquan herself, who immediately gifted you a gift for your anniversary much to you and your lover's delight.
the first thing you and ganyu did during your anniversary is to visit cloud retainer's abode to pay respects and let ganyu introduce the adeptus to you, who has never met an adeptus in person until now (besides your lover, that is). however, your nervous and doubts have all washed away when cloud retainer expresses how she approves your relationship.
it didn't take long before the adeptus started telling you embarrassing stories about ganyu in her childhood when your lover decides to drag you away from mt. aocang and send farewell to the adeptus, who swore to you that she'll tell more of her stories, as the both of you head back to wangshu inn, where you'll be staying for the next two nights together.
unlike most of the characters, you and JEAN weren't able to spend the whole day together thanks to her busy duties as the acting grandmaster. the woman felt guilty when she told you she won't be able to spend the day because of the overwhelming amount of work to do – but you reassured her that it's alright and that there's always next time to celebrate.
it wasn't alright, you admit deep inside, but you're aware that there's nothing you can do to stop your lover from protecting your homeland with everything she can.
you were too sad to notice how a lot of knights of favonius members often came in and out from angel's share with questionable boxes and party supplies, and how sara from good hunter seems to be giving you a reassuring smile when you told her that you're just spending time finding a gift for your lover as an anniversary gift.
however, when you came to angel's share to buy some wine, the first thing you saw when you opened the door was your dearest friends screaming "SURPRISE" at you, causing you to open your mouth agape in shock.
you were about to ask what was happening, until jean walk towards you and give you a comforting hug with a smile on her face. "i apologize for lying to you. i was spending the afternoon preparing the party for you and wanted to make it a surprise." she explains, kissing your temple.
"wait, i don't understand.." you mumbled, staring at your lover with wide eyes.
you looked at the people behind jean, who're all smiling and waiting for your lover's cue to start the party.
jean then holds out her hand to you.
"let me make up for the times we've missed."
ALONE TOGETHER - raiden shogun, diluc, albedo
as someone who's been in plane of euthymia for so long, EI prefers being alone rather than in a crowded place, hence why she decides to invite you to her palace and spend time with her eating desserts and your choice of food. the archon was honestly relieved that she has yae miko, because if it weren't for her, ei couldn't imagine what she would do to celebrate your anniversary together.
it didn't help that she feels.. nervous for the first time in centuries. since when was the last time she felt like this? the things you do to her are so different, yet... not so bad. still, it felt strange to be so nervous about giving you a gift that yae miko helped her come up with, and she certainly hopes that you wouldn't notice it.
if you didn't notice, then the people watching by did.
it was a surprise sight for people who work in the tenshukaku to see their beloved archon acting like a high-school girl in front of you, a mere commoner mortal who managed to capture ei's heart with unknown reasons. but were they complaining? nope.
when ei decided to push her nervousness aside and give you your gift, you stopped talking for a moment and stare down at the wrapped box in confusion.
"you're supposed to.. open it." she clarifies, gesturing the gift.
you chuckled from her words before doing what she said, the first thing you saw is a kamera.
"...happy anniversary, y/n." she spoke with a small smile. "it may… not be much to you but i heard from traveler and his companion that this item makes a visual record of you at this very moment in time, so it makes a great souvenir. i-i was thinking that this may be good for you and i whenever we spend time together."
your eyes brightens from her explanation, an idea instantly came in mind. “why not take a picture of us together right now as our first picture?”
DILUC decides to spend your anniversary together with him by letting all his staff take the day off and let you stay in dawn winery with him.
whether it’d be picking up berries together in his vineyard, chase each other around the field, cook meals together, or even chill in front of the fireplace — you name it. as long as diluc gets to spend time with you, he’s satisfied with whatever you want to do.
with you, he felt like he’s truly at home for the first time in years. the atmosphere have never felt so.. bright and comforting and the place was filled with laughter and happiness shared. not to mention the fact that he actually starts smiling even if it was just small — and you can guarantee that he doesn’t want this day to end.
which is why he starts to think about the next phase of your relationship as the both of you lay on his bed with you sleeping soundly in his arms. would you say yes if he finally invites you to move in with him?
ALBEDO finds it comforting to spend your anniversary together in the cold embrace of dragonspine with just the two of you in his labratory beside one another. expect him to make a painting of you with his best ability as you pose for him with a grin on your face. it didn't take long before you jokingly whine about why it was taking so long, causing albedo to chuckle.
"stand still, dear. i just want to make sure this painting captures your beauty and features that i love." he said, your cheeks feeling warmer than the campfire nearby from his words.
after a long hour of painting you, albedo will then summon a nice table with dining utensils for you to eat and insists on cooking for you – only for you to protest and want to help him out with cooking your meals.
despite wanting you to just sit back and relax, albedo would admit that it was more... enjoyable to cook with you rather than cooking by himself. your hand brushing against his as the both of you lend each other items or ingredients never fails to make his heart (does he even have a heart?) beat so fast.
by the time the both of you finished cooking and serving the food down on the table, he'll immediately pull his and your chair next to each other, letting you sit down first before he does.
as you compliment his cooking and eat your meal happily, albedo could only smile in response and eat his salad, thinking about how it does taste better than any salad he had ever tried in his life.
perhaps eating with the ones you love makes food better is true, albedo thought to himself, humming in satisfaction.
"happy anniversary, y/n."
STAR-GAZING - kazuha, thoma, xiao, kaeya, eula
KAZUHA spends your anniversary by taking you to the highest spot of guyun stone forest, where the both of you can watch the stars together as you bask in each other's presence.
expect him to pull out a small poem that he worked hard for before reciting it to you, who did not expect the poem to be all about you until your name was mentioned along the lines. if only you knew how much poems he wrote about you that are all hidden in the alcor where no one can find them.
you may not have written a poem for your man, but you do know some of the stars that are shining as always. while you point out some of the stars and explain about it happily, kazuha could simply watch you and listen to you for hours with a loving look on his face.
it won't take long before beidou calls out for you two, telling you that you should come down with your lover and celebrate your anniversary with the crux, who has a feast waiting for you to eat, reminding you and kazuha that you're no longer as alone as you were back then in inazuma.
instead of staying in komore's teahouse or explore around inazuma city together, THOMA wanted to change things up a little and take you somewhere far away from the city, which is the amakane island, where the two of you not only will get to star-gaze together but will also get to see a fireworks show prepared by yoimiya.
the chief retainer could spend years gushing about how amazing you look in your outfit that he hasn’t seen you use until now, his words stumbling because of how breathtaking you look much to your amusement and embarrassment.
it was a cute sight to see you two like a high-school couple, and merchants did not hesitate to tease thoma right at the spot whenever the two of you stop by to buy something, causing the housekeeper to laugh and ignore the way his face turns even more red. even some of the merchants gave you and thoma a huge discount after finding out that the two of you are celebrating your anniversary toegther.
not to mention the fact that thoma actually bought himself matching kitsune masks for the both of you to wear – he'll absolutely gush more about this moment too!!
by the time the both of you found a spot to watch the stars and the fireworks alike, you immediately intertwine your fingers with his, leaning against him with a content sigh as he wraps his arm around you with a grin.
"did you enjoy it?" you asked him, still staring at the sky.
"of course," he replied, pulling you closer to him. "why wouldn't i be when i'm with you?"
coincidentally, your anniversary with XIAO is on the day the lantern rite releases its lanterns and mingxiao lantern, so you decided to take this opportunity to take your lover out from wangshu inn and spend the night watching together.
if it were any other person, xiao wouldn't hesitate to refuse. however, since it's you, xiao won't mind coming out to spend time with you.
you decided to make it up to your lover by treating him to dinner in wangshu inn, insisting to your lover that you don't want to watch the lanterns rise with an empty stomach as verr goldet and the rest of the wangshu inn staff watch you both from time to time in adoration, thinking that the both of you look so cute together (xiao knows you and him are being watched, but he won't say anything due to his embarrassment).
by the time the both of you finished, you decided to go to liyue harbor with the help of your lover's teleportation abilities. you were too busy from preparing yourself to notice the way his face has a light pink shade on his cheeks from how close the both of you are.
of course, knowing that his karma debt could affect those in liyue harbor, you decided to watch the lanterns with the yaksha at the same area as where you and him watched the previous lanterns together, which is near the entrance to liyue harbor.
while waiting for the lanterns to rise, you decided to pick up the lanterns that you made with the help of traveler, thinking that it'd be great for xiao to experience wishing in the lantern and let it fly to the sky.
it was as beautiful as it was before, you admit. watching the lanterns along with yours rise along with the mingxiao lantern as it lights up the starry night was indeed a memorable sight, but not as much as the way your lover's eyes brightens at the sight of his lantern floating high above to the sky in awe.
there's nothing more romantic than mondstadt’s most famous spot that's perfect for couples to hang out in: the starsnatch cliff. call KAEYA cheesy, but he honestly likes the idea of star-gazing with his love while dining delicious foods and drinking wine instead of spending the night in angel's share – which isn't an ideal date for an anniversary, if you ask him.
but then again, star-gazing isn't just enough for kaeya, so he decided to plan a scavenger hunt for you to find him and your anniversary spot.
at first, you found it romantic and a bit cliche – but then you realized just how far you might have to go from the city to wherever the hell kaeya is. maybe it wasn't a good idea to let kaeya plan your anniversary.
by the time you arrived, kaeya was standing not too far away from where you are with a smirk. "how was the scavenger hunt, sweetheart?" he asked.
"terrible, not recommended." you replied in a monotone. "you better have food up there or i'm leaving."
he chuckles. "leaving so soon? won't you at least stay for the surprise?'
by the end of the night, kaeya's surprise turned out to be a very expensive wine that you had never seen in your life.
oh, and a very special ring that made kaeya go from being your boyfriend to your fiance.
given that you're the first person EULA has dated, it's safe to say that the woman doesn't know what to do to celebrate her first anniversary with you, so you have to be the one to take the lead on this and guide her.
you made sure that your date isn't somewhere in the city or anywhere that has people, not wanting eula to get another backlash from others on the day of your anniversary, so you chose a spot that's a nice and quiet area around windwail highland that can show you the view of the city of freedom, with springvale not being too far from where you are – it's a perfect area for a picnic with your lover.
when you and eula meet up in your "secret" spot, expect her to give you a gift – which is a home-made special dish made by yours truly alongside a brooch that matches your usual outfit – however, she won't expect you to give her anything in return, so if you too got her a gift, she'll be surprised and happy.
the two of you then eat each other's dishes with your choice of drink, enjoying the quiet atmosphere around your surroundings.
and what else would be great other than amazing meals? dancing with your lover without a care of the world of course !!!
eula will pretty much invite you to dance with her once she deems that it's enough for your stomachs to rest from eating so much food, and despite your protests that you don't know how, she'll simply insist and pull you away from the picnic blanket.
"shouldn't we be using music?" you asked, laughing nervously as your lover holds both of your hands.
"who says we have to use music?" she said with an amused smile. "there's nothing to worry about – just hold onto me and i'll lead the way."
BONUS - scaramouche
celebrating without SCARAMOUCHE honestly made you sad, but you understood why he has to go away. just thinking about the things the fatui would do when they find out that the traitor who hasn't returned the electro gnosis to the tsaritsa has a spouse made you shudder in fear.
you sat alone by the dining table staring at the untouched foods that you made by yourself, wishing that your lover was sitting beside you celebrating this memorable occasion, but alas, fate is too cruel for the both of you to get what you want.
you wondered what he was doing. is he celebrating alone as well in a hideout? is he safe from the fatui chasing him? you could only sigh, knowing you'll never get to know the answer until then.
"happy anniversary to you, kunikuzushi." you whispered, smiling in sadness. "please come back here safe and sound someday."
unnoticed to you, a lone figure stood a few feet away in your cottage, staring at the window where he can see you eating your food alone, which caused his stomach to twist from the sad sight of his lover. there's nothing more scaramouche desires than to enter the place he considers home and have you in his arms, but he knows it'll only risk your safety.
"...happy anniversary to you too, n/n." he mumbles, covering his face with his hat before walking away, never knowing when will the day come that he'll go back to your waiting arms.
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lu-morningstar · 2 years
Safe with him - Chris Evans [Blurb]
pairing: Chris Evans x neutral!reader
summary: Chris discovers you got assaulted coming back from your job. After that Chris takes you and picks you up from your job.
a/n: it's almost 2am, so bear with me. btw, this was requested by (x) and (x).
TW: mentions assault (not explicit), bruises, and unsafe feelings. Do not read if you feel triggered, thanks.
Feedback, comments, likes, and reblogs are always appreciated <3
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It was around 9 am when you woke up, still shaken from the night before. You did your morning routine, pretending it was a typical day, but it wasn't. You were feeling sick and nervous, it was like they stole from your house and not your purse, and they left an evident mark on your face and neck that saluted you when you finally dared to stare at yourself in the mirror. You washed your face carefully, avoiding touching your cheeks. Even though it hurt, you applied makeup to cover the bruises and then took a pill for the pain with your breakfast. 
You did your day as normal as you could, running errands and filling out paperwork, forgetting about yesterday until you got an email from your bank letting you know your account will be frozen for the next three weeks. 
You arrived home (feeling bad the whole ride) and went to wash your face, removing the extra layers of concealer and foundation you applied earlier. You were making a simple dinner since it was just you for the next few days until Chris came back from filming, and you were praying the bruise wasn't noticeable by then. You didn't want to tell him you got mugged. He already felt bad, leaving you for weeks -sometimes months- by yourself; you didn't want to add up to his load. 
You were enjoying the show Netflix recommended when you heard a noise. It was the door opening. It made your body flinch and your heart race as you slide down the sofa. 
"Honey, I'm home!" you heard his voice. It was your boyfriend. He is a safe person. You are safe with him. 
"Oh my god, it's you," you murmured as you recomposed yourself. He placed his suitcases in the foyer. "Thought it was a robber."
"I don't think a burglar would announce themselves," he said making his way to you with a smile on his face that dropped when he got close to you. "Who did this to you?" he carefully placed his hand on your shoulder and neck to inspect your profile. You were going to tell them the truth, but the only thing that came out was muffled cries as you leaned towards him and he welcomed you with his arms. You instantly felt safe and secure with him as he rubbed your back to help you let it out. 
"I got... assaulted last night... coming back from my job... wasn't even late and..." you were saying, hoping he understood you through your crying.
"It's okay, babe. I'm here." he hugged you a bit harder, not caring about his light sweater getting damp by your tears. 
"...and they got my bag... lost everything."
"It's okay, that doesn't matter y/n." he comforted you as you cried. "Did you call the police or-" you nodded, interrupting him as you calm yourself.
"Someone found me sitting in the street and call them, so I had to fill in forms and everything. Was pretty bad."
"Did you call someone?" you kept silent and he took it as a no. "Why not?"
"Didn't want to. You were busy and-"
"And I would have gone there and held your hand and helped you, y/n. And if I couldn't I would have called Scott or mom." you heard the worry in his voice as he played with your hair, the action was soothing. "I'm glad you are okay," he said before kissing your temple. 
Chris picked you up that night just like yesterday. It passed almost two weeks. The bruises were long gone but you still felt unsafe after taking a few days off, so he decided to become your chauffeur. 
The ride with him is fun and light, you sing along to the music, you update him about the clients that come and go every day and he tells you about a possible project he was to join. 
Life is better with him by your side. 
༄✧*‧₊˚✧ ・゚*:・・゚✧*:・゚✧˖*°࿐
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sukirichi · 3 years
— just the two of us
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request: I almost read all of your jujutsu kaisen writings and I love it. Your writing is really good! I do not know if a request about a fics🥞 about satoru gojo who is really in love and not very possessive with an oblivious reader. It will be fun to see Satoru try to flirt with her and she doesn't get it🤣
pairings: gojo x oblivious! reader
notes: THIS IDEA IS SO CUTEEE I absolutely loved every second of writing it! thank you for the request and I hope you like this! 🥞 breakfast has been served!
word count: 3.3k
warnings: none, other than this is unedited and written humorously rather than seriously~
masterlist !
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Gojo doesn’t know whether he’s lucky – or completely cursed – over the fact you’ve got no idea he’s so in love with you.
It’s a bright sunny morning, perfect for outdoor training, and he walks with you all the way to school with his hands shoved deep in his pockets. You stretch your arms out in the sky to bask in the morning glow and warmth of the sun, sleeves pushed up to your forearms to “get that vitamin D.”
Satoru snickers at your statement, because you’d totally be getting a different kind of Vitamin D if only you’d notice him. Sometimes he wonders, if maybe you’d inherited the Six Eyes instead of him, would you finally be able to see him – or would you still remain unaware?
He doesn’t even know where it began. A year ago, Yaga introduced you as the newest staff member. You’d been so fidgety and nervous then, unsure of what to do and worried if maybe the kids wouldn’t love. They did, of course, how could they not. Not only were you extremely fun to be with, you’re also caring, fretting and even crying whenever one of the students got injured over a mission.
Shoko reminds you all the time that this should be normal for you by now, but you always cry every time, sobbing that they’re still only kids and should be out having fun.
Yeah, maybe that’s where it began. Your kindness struck a chord in Satoru’s heart, and before he knew it, he was falling for you. Hard. Next thing you know, he shows up five minutes before you leave for work, mock-saluting you before inviting you to breakfast. He does this every damn day, and you still don’t get a single thing.
“That café was really good,” you muse, fingers stretching outwards and giggling as the sun peeks through the spaces. Satoru sighs beside you, wanting nothing more than to slip his fingers through those softer ones. “We should go back there sometime. Maybe even take the kids with us this weekend so we can all have breakfast together!”
Satoru masks a snicker with a cough. It reminds him of the time Megumi called you mom and dad by accident, to which you happily responded with before tackling the boy in hugs, while the strongest jujutsu sorcerer only flushed in embarrassment.
Him being him though, Satoru played it off cool, flipping his hair before striking a pose. “Huh, a dad?” he smirks, “The only person who gets to call me daddy would be no one else but Y/N.”
The raven haired first year student immediately recoils in disgust. Meanwhile, the innuendo flies straight through you, and you peer up at him innocently with your head tilted to the side. “Daddy? Why would I call you my dad? My father is still alive and well, and I don’t see you marrying my mom or anything,” Just as Megumi nearly howls in laughter – another evidence that you’re really something else to get the usually stoic boy to lose his composure like that – you snap your fingers, the light bulb above your head practically shining. “Oh, I get it! You prefer younger women and you want them to call you that! Kind of like the hype for onii-chan nowadays.”
Hopeless, Satoru wants to say, you’re absolutely, utterly hopeless.
“Hmm, I don’t know,” Satoru shrugs nonchalantly, sending a smirk your way. It usually drives everyone crazy, but you only smile back up at him in the same way you smile with everyone, and he tries his best to not show his shoulders are deflating. Nevertheless, he doesn’t give up. “How about you and I go out somewhere this weekend? The movies, perhaps?”
Say yes, say yes – please say yes.
Really though, he’s waiting for that ‘no’ already. Satoru knows you always go out of town during the weekends to visit your family in the countryside, only coming back on Monday the next week with a basket of fruits and traditional goods that isn’t so easy to find in the city.
But then you clasp your hands together in excitement, lashes fluttering delicately as you beam up at him. “Really? You’d like to go to the movies with me?”
“Of course I would,” Satoru tries not to stutter, hiding the fact that he’s completely taken aback. He’s the Gojo Satoru for heaven’s sake, he shouldn’t be this affected by anyone’s presence. “What makes you think I wouldn’t want to?”
“Oh, nothing, I just thought you were busy. This Saturday, then?”
Holy crap, holy crap, holy crap, it’s actually happening – his mind was barely functioning at this point, and he even slapped his cheeks to snap him back to life. “I thought there was a fly,” he lied with a chuckle, “But yeah, Saturday. I’ll pick you up?”
“Yeah, sure!”
Satoru wouldn’t stop smiling the whole way to the school. Even when Yuuji had face planted into the ground and Megumi sprained his ankle from training, he wasn’t able to get rid of the ridiculously big smile that stretched across his lips. He’s floating in cloud nine, flowers erupting from his ears and heart-shaped emojis bursting in his background.
“Well, you look creepy,” Shoko commented in the faculty room the moment you excused yourself, “Did you land a date with her or something?”
“That I did,” he stated proudly, even banging his fist on his chest like a deranged form of King Kong.
“I can only hope Y/N makes it out alive,” Nanami announces from behind the newspaper he’s reading, legs crossed over another before he peeks above the paper, narrowed eyes dead set on the blindfolded man. “Don’t be too wild with her, Satoru. She’s a gentle soul despite being a sorcerer – I humbly suggest you don’t mess with her feelings.”
“Are you kidding me? She’s the one messing with my feelings by being so fucking cute all the time!”
“Who’s cute?”
Shoko nearly spits out her coffee the moment you enter, glancing around the room and sitting down next to a shock-still Satoru. Nanami only huffs in his seat with a shake of his head. It doesn’t take long before Satoru regains his confidence and recovers from his shock – he’s turned to you with his torso completely facing your way.
You bask in the attention, mimicking the gesture until your faces are mere inches from one another. The fact you’re so responsive and attentive to him yet still painfully naïve strikes a mental war of himself debating whether he wants to kiss you or knock your head upside down. Satoru chooses neither options as he leans closer, his smile growing wider when you don’t pull away, and he doesn’t stop moving until his lips are right beside the shell of your ear.
“You’re cute.”
Shoko shudders at the same time Nanami just gives up on everything, folding his paper and lying that he’s got someplace to go with Ichiji. Satoru patiently waits for your reaction; for you to crumble this time around.
You’re silent for a moment, brows almost right across each other when you register his words. Satoru ends up holding his breath for your next words, wondering: is this it? will she finally understand what I feel for her now?
Even Shoko ends up sitting at the edge of her seat, silently watching the exchange with interest barely hidden in her sparkling eyes. Satoru watches as your lips open, his eyes transfixed on the way the soft flesh moves. They tilt upwards, revealing a set of a wide smile – the smile he can never get enough of. “Thank you!” you giggle at his compliment, “You and Shoko are very cute too! And the kids too, especially Toge! Not that I’m saying he’s my favourite—”
“He’s definitely your favourite student,” snorts Shoko who is ignoring the way Satoru turns completely gray beside you.
It turns out you still haven’t figured it out after all.
“The kids this – the kids that,” the tall, lanky man whines, his head falling back on the back of the leather couch. He looks so utterly defeated you can’t help but lean over him to check if he’s okay, but Satoru pouts and hides his face under his uniform instead. “Why can it never be just the two of us?”
“Sorry, what did you say?”
This time, you’ve kneeled on the couch to hover him. You even pluck one side of his blindfold off to see how he’s doing, and suddenly thankful you can’t see the way his cheeks are absolutely flaming right now. 
“Nothing,” he assures, his smile hidden behind his shirt. You look absolutely adorable hovering over him like that – eyes wide and lips pouty – what he wouldn’t give to kiss those lips right now, but it isn’t the right time, and Satoru just needs to find a better way to tell you how he feels. “It’s nothing.”
It’s absolutely not nothing.
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Saturday couldn’t come faster.
Satoru finds himself willing time to go faster. Once the awaited day finally comes, he wastes no time in choosing his best outfit; an oversized black shirt tucked into black skinny jeans before styling his hair up the way he likes.
He winks at his reflection in the mirror, going ooh and aah at how hot he looks. It’s another reason why he can’t comprehend why you don’t like him yet, when, uhm, he knows he looks damn good? He’s pretty funny too – and his strength and power is already a no-brainer. Satoru can’t wrap his head around any possible reason why you wouldn’t like him; it’s basically a life or death mission at this point.
With that end goal in his mind and a spritz of perfume later, Satoru sashays out his apartment. Even though it’s already dark outside and he spent the whole day walking back and forth in his room trying to come up with ways to confess to you, he acts coolly all the way to your apartment.
This time around, he’s more than confident. He’s going to have you wrapped around his pretty little finger, “Wow,” is the first thing he says, pulling his blindfold down just to look at you.
Satoru feels blessed in that exact moment to witness how the heavens took their time with you, creating only the best out of the best and birthing the most magnificent person ever. Suddenly, he grows an urge to run to the countryside and thank your parents for going funky one night and creating you, because you’re an absolutely magnificent gift and it really baffles him how you’re real.
“Wow,” he repeats again, and you chuckle when he shakes his head. “You look beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.”
“Thank you,” you look him up and down, smiling in satisfaction. “You look very handsome yourself.”
Satoru’s been called handsome a million times before that it’s gotten too much in his head already, but hearing it come from your lips hits different. If he was excited before, it’s nothing compared to what he feels now when you loop your arm through his, dangling off his arm like you were a lover.
He knows it’s not real and this is probably just a friendly date for you – something he intends to clear up later – but it doesn’t stop him from puffing his chest up a bit, almost as if bragging to everyone around you that he was the one you’re with, and that he was the one you’re going to the movies with.
All your babbles about everything goes straight into one ear and out the other. He wants to listen to you, he really does, but he’s so intoxicated with your voice that he just ends up nodding at everything you say; his attention mostly on how sweet you sound and smell.
His feelings only intensify a hundred times more when you finally make it to the theatre. Not only is it dark, but you’re sitting right next to him, arms and thighs brushing against each other. He takes note of every little movement you make, smiling to himself when you don’t pull away from his thigh flush against yours.
In this close proximity, your perfume overwhelms his senses. He finds himself leaning closer just to get a little more taste of it, his arm resting on the armrest beside him and placing his cheek on his open palm.
He doesn’t even know what the movie is about. All he can see, hear, feel and recognize is you – nothing and no one but you. Just as he wanted, it’s just the two of you.
Satoru reaches out to the bowl of popcorn in his lap to distract himself from the need of kissing you already. He was so smug that he’s on this date with you; now he feels like the world is laughing and mocking at him because you’re so close yet so far away. The last thing he wants is to say something weird and have you running for the hills. It’s clear you don’t like him, after all.
You end up reaching for it the same time he does, making your fingers brush. It sends a jolt of electricity down his spine and he immediately retracts it.
Looking up at him with an apologetic smile, Satoru knows he’s messed up. “I’m sorry,” you blurt out, raising your hands in surrender with a nervous chuckle. “I should’ve gotten my own bowl instead.”
Satoru stares at you through his blindfold. You’re close enough that he can count your lashes – both top and bottom row – and he’s so stupefied at this point that he just says the first thing that comes to his mind; absolutely anything just to get your attention. “Cold,” he shows you his hand, “I’m cold.”
“Oh,” you nod and slip your fingers through his. Satoru nearly gasps at how electrifying the sensation is from having your smaller, softer fingers collide with his, your hands fitting perfectly in his bigger, calloused ones. Then, you close your intertwined hands and smush your cheek with it to transfer your heat – completely unaware that Satoru feels like he’s floating in his own Infinite Void right now. “Feel warmer now?”
“Yes,” he replies. “Extremely.”
Something beast-like wakes within him after that. Now that he knows you don’t mind touching him at all, Satoru can’t help but want to take out all his playing cards and just go fuck it. So he does – and he might regret, he might not – who cares? It’s just the two of you, and you’re the only one he ever cares about this much that he’d pretty much let you do anything at this point.
“You know,” Satoru begins, shifting until your joined hands are resting on top of his chest. His heart is just about ready to burst through its confines at this moment, but he holds back. It’s now or never. “Shoko and Nanami are annoyed that I talk about you all the time.”
Your eyes widen at his statement. “Really? Do you talk badly about me or something?”
“No,” he nearly groans in frustration, “You’re really pretty and cool. You’re amazing during missions, too, when you fight, it’s like I’m witnessing a warrior princess. So cool.”
This makes you laugh until the person sitting behind you rudely shushes you. You bow your head in apology, turning to Satoru with a softer smile this time; one that looks reserved and private compared to your big grins. “Oh, no,” he closes his eyes even behind his blindfold, “Don’t smile at me like that. I don’t think I’ll still be cool if I end up stuttering over my words.”
“Satoru!” you whisper-hiss, although your chest is filled with so much giddiness too that you’ve both forgotten about the movie; unaware that the entire theatre was crying over the main character’s friend’s death. “What are you going on about?”
He wants to laugh so damn hard. He thought confessing his feelings for you would end up in a pitiful heartbreak that you’d be weirded out and push him away. For a moment, he forgets it’s you, and that nothing is ever difficult or painful with you – other than, of course, you being oblivious, but that isn’t something he can’t fix. He’ll get you on the train one way or another.
“I have a confession.”
“I was practicing how to ask you out for a whole hour in the mirror,” Satoru whispers, careful to not ruin the melancholic mood of theatre. It doesn’t even surprise him that his world is filled with nothing but sunshine even if the world around you has descended into grief and loneliness. “I also called Nanami on first date tips.”
“Nanami?” you echo with a gasp, “Why Nanami?”
“Because he’s married, that’s why. Mans know some tips for sure.”
“Wait, so,” you chuckle nervously, and Satoru waits, waits for you to pull away or push him back – anything that would indicate discomfort. He’s patient the whole time, watching carefully as you only squeeze his hand and gesture to the both of you with your free one. “This is a date? Our first date?”
“Only if you want to be,” Satoru shrugs, grimacing afterwards at how sappy he sounds. “Well, I actually consider this our first date and I’ve been waiting for this for like forever now, so I sure as hell hope you want this too. I didn’t dress myself up today only to come back home crying.”
Satoru’s heart – if possible – only beats crazier and sings the syllables of your name when you start laughing harder to the point you have to muffle it by burying yourself in his bicep. He feels like his muscles and nerves could erupt at any moment. It’s crazy – absolutely insane – how you have him wrapped around your finger like this. He doesn’t complain though; he never will.
“I’m glad,” you mumble through his shirt, your erratic heartbeat matching kiss when you take the first tentative step of kissing his jaw.
Satoru stiffens underneath you, a low growl ripping from his throat. He’s feral, wild, drunk at the sight and scent of you. You make him feel like he’s fluctuating between dimensions, all the planets just crashing on one another until the stardust is left in your eyes because what else could be an explanation for what he’s feeling other than a supernova collision of hearts?
“You always make me feel so happy when you’re around that I still can’t believe you feel the same way. I was so worried that maybe you wouldn’t get my hints.”
Satoru groans, “What the hell? How long have you liked me?”
“I guess when you started bringing flowers to Megumi randomly just to piss him off.”
Satoru wants to rip his hair out. That was just a few weeks after you’ve started working with him, meaning you both have liked each other this whole time and he’s been suffering and feeling stupid just for nothing?
“God, Y/N,” he mutters to himself, “You really do know how to make a man go crazy, huh?”
That innocent smile on your face lets him know that as usual, you’re oblivious of everything. Satoru is right; he still can’t decide whether he wants to whack you in the head upside down. With a sigh, he ends up choosing the latter, nearly falling over his seat when you let out a surprised yelp at the feeling of his lips on yours.
It doesn’t take long before you grab onto his shirt and cling to dear life, laughter bubbling through your lips as you kiss. The sound is so precious he wants to bottle it up and keep it treasure for the rest of his life, but Satoru doesn’t rush anything.
With you and only with you is he ever capable of feeling like it’s just the two of you in a world filled with chaos and destruction.
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buckybarnesdiaries · 3 years
bucky barnes x reader. ⎢ masterlist.
Steve gives you Bucky's dog tags for a reason.
word count: 2.4k (lol, sorry)
warnings/tags: none. bucky being a cutie.
author notes: none of my stories contain reader’s body descriptions to be inclusive.
Join the tag list here.
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“Welcome to Wakanda, agent (Y/N)”.
A second after you crossed their airspace, you were courteously greeted. The views from your ship were indescribable. Peace invaded you just at the sight of the open fields and the warm colors of autumn. You could get used to that place too. To live in calm, work hand-to-hand with Shuri, and have time to spend it with Bucky. The reason why you were flying there. Removing your right hand from the control and grabbing in a fist the dog tags hanging on your chest, you took a deep breath while closing your eyes before getting ready to land. T’Challa was waiting for you at the entry of his kingdom, accompanied by his excited little sister and some of his guards.
Pressing a sequence of buttons above your head, to pull the control back, the ship went down slowly folding its wings. As you landed and turned off the engineers, you freed yourself from the seatbelt and the huge headphones to step out. Shuri received you with a friendly hug, breaking protocol and being just Shuri. You built a strong relationship since you met a year ago, when you brought Bucky to that beautiful and magical place, to let him recover. To let him rest.
“Your highness”. You uttered to T’Challa crossing your forearms in the traditional salutation of Wakanda.
“Agent (Y/N)”. He corresponded walking closer. “The white wolf asked me to let you know he wouldn’t want to be… bothered with visits today”.
You couldn’t help but frown. The last time you saw him was around three months ago. You usually interchanged letters from week to week, being one of the fewer persons he trusted in. And it wasn’t just a question of trust. Steve told you about his feelings, his shyness, and insecurities, his fears. What Bucky didn’t know, again, it wasn’t a question of trust from you either. That’s why the Captain gave you the dog tags, after more than thirteen years under custody. You wanted to see him, to know if he was happy there as he wrote you in his letters one million times.
“He doesn’t wear his arm here”. Shuri clarified, taking a position close to his brother.
By the look on their faces, you were aware of two things. One, they noticed too that something was growing between Bucky and you, and that it wasn’t a simple friendship. Two, they weren’t going to stop you. Oh, quite the opposite. They’d bring you to him on a golden platter and a big red bow on your head. The king beckoned a hand to urge you to follow him to the inside of the building and use one of their ships to fly above the place to the white wolf’s location.
You were nervous. You didn’t sleep more than a couple of hours last night thinking about him and how he’d react to having back his tags since the forties. Your eyes were focused throughout the window on your left, watching different citizens taking care of animals and plantations, children running from one side to another, playing and having fun. Oblivious to the horror of New York, where you resided. One of the cities in the world with the highest rates of street violence. Serial killers or simply killers, rapists, kidnappers, drug dealers (...). It was a minefield and Wakanda seemed and felt like Heaven.
“Did you think about the offer?” Shuri nudged you to push you back to reality, turning your head towards her.
“Since you dropped it to me”.
“I…” You needed to put away your gaze again, focusing on the blue opened sky in front of them. “I want… to consult him first if you don’t mind”.
“Of course, (Y/N)”.
“I don’t want to put his world upside down, now that he’s not the…” You couldn’t finish the sentence. You couldn’t pronounce that detestable nickname and the pain beneath it.
Shuri nodded in silence, not needing your explanations. She knew how you felt. She understood you. The talk didn’t continue, stretching your right hand on your lap to calm your nerves and make you comfortable with the situation. The flight didn’t last longer than five or ten minutes, losing the track of time deep in your thoughts. The pilot indicated to you through the headphones that you were about to land, glancing at a complex of small houses in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by trees and wilderness.
You were the last one jumping outside with your hand grabbing the tags on your chest, trying to find the encouragement there to follow T’Challa’s hand pointing at a man working with goats and collecting hay for them. Licking your lips and assenting with your chin, you guided your steps towards him. Slowly. As if you wanted to turn around at some point. But you knew it was too late when he was the one turning at the sound of your heavy boots cracking the grass under them.
Bucky didn’t look annoyed for your visit, nor the lack of attention to his petition. Although there was something in his pale blue orbs you weren’t able to decipher, until he bowed down his head unconsciously to his left shoulder covered by a dark fabric matching his eyes. You had to do your best to not roll yours, shortening the distance setting you apart. You had been dreaming about that encounter since the last time you were there before Shuri accessed the darkest place of his mind and cleaned it from any trail of HYDRA. Now, he was free. And he looked in good condition as the bags under his eyes had disappeared and his hair was almost tied with a bun. His cheeks seemed a little more chubby and you just wanted to pinch them. But it’d be weird and out of place. For the time being.
Bit by bit, a sweet smile widened in your lips, curving them as Bucky stared at you again when he was conscious that you didn’t care. With or without a metal arm, your feelings were exactly the same. You couldn’t admire him more than you were admiring him at this point. You couldn’t love him more than you loved him already. And God was a witness of how many times you practiced to confess to him and tell him that the only thing you wanted in life was to be by his side. Bring happiness to his days, bring him peace and harmony.
“I'm sorry…” “I brought you…”
You two spoke at the same time, breaking in a soft giggle that jumped your hearts in complete sync.
“You first”. He let you, waving his hand.
“I… brought you something”. You susurrated, loosening the grip around the metal hanging on your chest to take off the necklace.
You noticed the way his eyes widened in surprise and confusion. Why did you have them? Who gave them to you? Why now? Bucky gulped watching you stretching the dog tags between your fingers towards him. He didn’t know what to do, taking a second before he was able to react. He couldn’t remember when was the last time he saw them, and the amount of memories they gave him overwhelmed his whole brain.
In slow motion narrowing his eyes, Bucky held the chain with two fingers to hang the necklace from it. You thought he was about to wear them, but he destabilized you as he directed his hands to above your head, to place them where they were an instant before. You didn’t understand. Didn’t he want them back?
“I want you to keep it”.
“I want you to have something mine”. Bucky recognized with a shy smile decorating his lips. “Those tags and my arm are the only things I have from my past. And… I won’t give you my arm…”
“Well, I bet it’d look good hanging from my neck”. You jocked tilting your head.
In his gift, you found the encouragement you needed to talk about T’Challa’s job offer. It wasn’t as if you were proposing to him, in the end, you were just friends even if it felt quite the opposite. You licked your upper lip, kissing your teeth after it, earning more than his attention.
“Shuri said, uh… I could come here, work with her. We’d do great things together, not only for Wakanda but for the world”.
Bucky’s gesture didn’t change a single inch, focused on the nervousness you were trying to hide from him and reading the reasons beneath.
“So T’Challa offered me to stay here”.
“Yeah… Permanently”. You assented pressing your lips, breathing through your nostrils.
“Did you accept?”
“Not yet. Not until talking to you about”.
He nodded then a couple of times, turning to the goats behind him coming closer. “Got to finish some stuff… Maybe we can talk later about it unless you have to leave”.
“No, no. I, uh… asked for the day off. Banner didn’t need me at the lab today”.
“Okay, good”.
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While the king was showing you the new level for research and investigations, Bucky took the advantage to go and find Shuri without your knowledge. He found her in the surroundings of the main building, working on your ship as you said it made some kind of random noise that put you out of your nerve during the flight.
“I need my arm”.
The princess squatted close to the left wing, turned at him without standing up. Pulling her sunglasses to the top of his head, she raised an eyebrow.
“For what”.
“You know for what”. He clicked his tongue, placing his hand on his left shoulder.
“No, I don’t”. She lied while cleaning the grass and oil in her expert fingers.
“I need to have two arms”.
“You’ve been working the last months with one arm only. Why do you need it now?”
“C’mon… Argh…” Bucky rubbed his face with boredom. “I want to hug her, okay? Can you just… give me back my damn arm?”
“Not enough reasons, you can hug her using your right”.
“I want to have two hands when I kiss her”. He finally confessed in a hiss, provoking a triumphant smile growing on Shuri’s lips.
“If you lie to me, if you don’t kiss her, Sergeant Barnes… I’ll code it to punch your face”.
“Wait…” Bucky wrinkled his nose drawing a horrified gesture on his face, as he turned his blue eyes towards his left shoulder. “Can you… do that?”
“Try me”.
No, of course she couldn’t, but he didn’t know. Which were a good push for him to not go against her and her petition.
“C’mon. I’ll set it up and help you to put it on”.
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Your eyes were traveling from one picture to another. He put some of them around his small house and it looked better now. More like a home. A place to stay. And for a second you felt a twinge straight in your heart when you noticed one photograph of the two of you, close to his bed. It was after your first mission together. Steve insisted on taking it, after noticing the sparkles between you. But you didn’t know he brought it to Wakanda with him, as your copy is on your nightstand too. And you used to fall asleep every night looking at it.
The curtain being moved and some steps in pulled you out from your thoughts, turning to find Bucky staring in silence at you. Your orbs landed on the metal arm. It was different too since the last time you saw it, with golden strips forming between the silver ones. You couldn’t help but sigh.
“You didn’t need to…”
“Yes, I did. I did need it”. He interrupted you, breathing through his parted lips and his heart about to fly off from his chest.
“Because, otherwise, I couldn’t do this”.
You were about to ask what he was referring to, watching him breaking the distance between the two of you in three fast strides. You closed your eyes at the moment his hands held your neck and Bucky slammed his lips on yours. The kiss, the contrast of cold and warmth on your skin, the everlasting longing for it to happen… All of this caused you to gasp, tangling the tunic at the height of his chest in your fists, not wanting him to take a step back. Your mouths fit perfectly without looking for it, made for each other, as he secured his fingers on the back of your neck. And you felt your knees weak when he pecked your lips one more time, before caressing your nose with his, not being able to open your eyes. Neither of you.
“I don’t have the right… to ask for anything”. He babbled. His insecurities coming afloat even if you hadn’t pushed him away. “But… I want you to stay here. With me. I… I don’t have much to offer you, but I promise to make you happy”.
At this point, your eyes were filled with tears, strongly closing your eyelids to not let them fall. You swallowed a sob, moving your hands from his chest to his middle back, embracing him tighter as you could.
“You’ve been making me happy since we met, Bucky”.
He chuckled breathless, intuiting he was too at the edge of his crying because of that affirmation.
“Every Tuesday, I wait at the stairs of my apartment for the mail, for your letters. I’ve… read them so many times I can recite them��� by heart. Every word you've written to me”.
“I will continue writing them for you, even if you stay with me”.
Your voices were low, barely audible out of his place. Like secrets. Bucky kissed you again, bending enough to raise you by the back of your thighs and urge you to surround his waist with your legs. The dog tags on your chest clicked against the other, as you moved your arms to his shoulders and neck, and you were unable to stop kissing him. You two could die right now and not be bothered because you were finally together, and that was all you deserved in life.
“Tell me you will stay… please”. His beg brushed your lips, still pecking them between syllable and syllable.
“I will…” You replied without hesitating as you could, eager to correspond to every gesture from him. “I will stay with you”.
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feedback is appreciated, please, leave a comment to let me know if you liked it and/or reblog it.
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kueble · 2 years
Covered in My Marks
Written as part of the Witcher Writers Unite for Ukraine fundraiser.
Explicit. Warnings: biting (mild blood mention). 2,300 words.
The tavern isn't overly crowded, but there are enough people paying attention to him that Jaskier puts on a brilliant show. He steers clear of newer songs and sticks with the classics and a few well-known dirty ones. It's only been a month or so since this - whatever this crazy thing might be - with Geralt started, and he doesn't want to ruin it before it starts. They're alone for the first time since leaving Kaer Morhen, having dropped Yennefer and Ciri with Triss. It feels like coming home, just the two of them and Roach (though a slightly different version) on the road again. As Jaskier wraps up his set, he catches Geralt's eyes from the table in the back and sends him a wink before saying his goodbyes to the crowd.
And this, this is completely different. He's still not used to Geralt smiling back when he grins from across the room, even going so far as to tip his mug in salutation. He can feel his cheeks heating up, and suddenly it's like he's a young lad back at Oxenfurt, tripping over himself while he flirts with his fellow students. There's something about getting everything he's ever wanted that keeps him on his toes, always waiting for Geralt to change his mind. Maybe someday he'll believe the soft words shared between the sheets, but he's not letting his guard down yet. No, Geralt has hurt him plenty already, and he's doing his best to stay practical with this. Jaskier knows he's a fantastic lover, can play his partner's desire as easily as a lute, but he's not used to being kept around. He can't get his hopes up just to have his whole world come crashing down again.
So he doesn't do what past Jaskier would have done - rush right over to his witcher - but makes sure to stop by the bar and talk to the villagers. He's becoming more of a known entity, and he loves meeting people who have heard his songs before. He slings his lute case over his shoulder and sidles up at the bar, right next to a man who immediately shoves a mug of ale into his hands.
"An absolute pleasure! Such a rare thing to see a seasoned bard out this far. Thank you for such a lovely night!" the man says, clapping a hand on Jaskier's shoulder and squeezing it tightly. He's perhaps a bit too close, but sometimes fans get excited. Jaskier nods in thanks and takes a long pull of his drink, letting the hoppy ale soothe his tired throat.
"Always love to hear from a fan," Jaskier beams at him, and the man looks flustered. He starts chattering about Jaskier's history, and it's quite clear he knows a lot about him. It's a sign of how far he's come in the world, how well his hard work and talent has served him, and Jaskier grins widely at the man. He's still getting used to being recognized like this, and it turns out the man owns a book of his poetry. Jaskier can feel himself flushing at the title, one of his filthier anthologies, and suddenly he realizes just how close the stranger is to him.
"I'd be open to a private reading, if you know what I mean," he says with a leer, and Jaskier feels the ale rising up in the back of his throat. He hides his grimace behind the mug and takes a slight step backwards.
"Perhaps the next time we come through, but I'm afraid I've got to return to my companion lest he think I've wandered off again," Jaskier tells him, laughing nervously as the man steps even closer to him, refusing to let him slide away. The room is suddenly hot, and sweat starts beading at the back of his neck. He sucks in a deep breath, and the man seems to mistake it for interest, leaning closer with a smirk.
"I've heard tales of more than just your music," he says gruffly, winking as he reaches out and wraps a heavy hand around Jaskier's upper arm. He flinches, but the man holds him tightly, fingers squeezing even as he tries to pull back. "Why don't we head upstairs and you can show me just how talented that mouth is."
"Terribly sorry, but you've heard wrong," Jaskier manages to grunt out. He's not a weak man, but this stranger is as strong as a witcher, and he is just not letting go. Jaskier tugs at his arm, spilling beer onto the floor, and still goes nowhere. A chill of fear runs down his spine, and he turns to look for Geralt, hoping he's noticed the altercation.
Thankfully, Geralt is already on his way over, his boots thumping as he stomps towards them. He spreads out, like a bird opening its wings, and uses his full size to overshadow the man. He doesn't bother talking first, just shoves at the center of the man's chest, slamming him against the bar and breaking his hold on Jaskier's arm. "He said no," Geralt growls, and the man starts nodding, holding out his hands in defense. As much as Jaskier would love to see Geralt give the man the beating he so rightfully deserves, he deserves a bed tonight, and they can't get kicked out now.
"It's fine," Jaskier says, tugging Geralt's elbow to get his attention. "No need to cause a scene. Let's just head up to the room."
"I'm sorry! Won't happen again!" the man rushes out, and Jaskier nods sharply.
"See that it doesn't," Geralt says, his voice deep enough that Jaskier can feel it in his gut. He's even more eager to get back to their room now and practically drags Geralt away by the collar. He can feel the tension coming off Geralt in waves, and hopes there's a way to focus all that energy into something a bit more fun. By the time they slam the door behind them, he's buzzing with excitement himself.
"Well that was certainly something, wasn't it?" he asks before peeling out of his doublet. He's about to take his chemise off when Geralt crowds him up against the table, tilting his head as he looks down at his arm.
"He hurt you," Geralt murmurs, and Jaskier can feel the anger in his voice.
"Yes, I fear it will bruise, but I've had worse," he tries to shrug it off, but Geralt won't let him.
"Let me see," he orders, and Jaskier tugs his chemise over his head, wincing when Geralt takes hold of him and inspects his bicep. He looks down and can already see a bruise forming. Several, actually, in the shape of fingers around his arm. He swallows thickly, looking away before his arm starts to sting more than it already does.
"I'm going back down there," Geralt grumbles, but Jaskier reaches out and pulls him close, stopping him from moving.
"Darling, stop. I promise you that it's not worth it," he says gently.
"He hurt you," Geralt says again, his voice cracking as he slumps against Jaskier's chest. He presses his face against Jaskier's throat, breathing deeply while Jaskier holds him. "I don't like seeing you marked up like this. Not from someone like that."
"Well, maybe you should cover them with your marks, then," Jaskier challenges, and Geralt hides a gasp against his skin. Jaskier smirks, knowing he finally found the way to turn the tide, and Geralt takes a shaky breath before pulling back to look at him.
"Do you want that? To be covered in my marks?" he asks slowly, and Jaskier shivers under the intensity of his gaze.
"More than anything," he whispers. "Claim me, Geralt. I'm yours for the taking."
"Mine," Geralt grunts before surging forward and crushing their mouths together.
At first it's too rough, too unaligned, and Jaskier can feel just how desperate Geralt is even though they haven't started yet. He cups Geralt's face, nipping at his lower lip before kissing him again. This time they fit together like a lock and key, mouths sliding against each other as Geralt licks the seam of Jaskier's lips. He opens for him, moaning as Geralt deepens the kiss and starts pushing him towards the bed. By the time they reach it, his laces are halfway undone and Geralt is rutting against his thigh, whining deep in his chest. Jaskier cries out as he's tossed on the bed, giggling as he tries to shove his trousers off and they get caught on his boots.
"You're a mess," Geralt chuckles, before dropping to his knees and tugging at Jaskier's boots. He's about to defend his honor, but then Geralt turns and nips at his inner thigh, and Jaskier loses the ability to form words. He slams back against the bed, hips bucking as Geralt sucks a hickey into the sensitive skin. He hardly registers his boots coming off, but suddenly he's fully naked and Geralt is standing up and grinning smugly down at him.
He doesn't even bother getting undressed, just climbs onto the bed and picks up Jaskier, manhandling him up to the head of it. A surge of heat rushes through him, and he feels almost small as Geralt moves him exactly where he wants him. He straddles Jaskier, grinding down against his leaking cock, his leather armor streaked and wet by the time he sits back on his heels. Jaskier reaches for him, but Geralt shakes his head and brings his hands up above his head before grunting out a rough, "Keep them here."
"Yeah, yes...anything," Jaskier mumbles, head going fuzzy as Geralt takes control. This isn't what he'd imagined would happen after the altercation downstairs, but he's definitely on board. He tries to buck his hips, but Geralt just growls, stopping him mid movement. "Got it, I can play nice," he drawls out, and Geralt just leers down at him. He can feel his gaze down to his bones, and his prick twitches against his thigh.
"Mine," Geralt repeats, and Jaskier nods frantically, hoping he might finally get Geralt's hands on him. He's only slightly disappointed when instead Geralt leans down and mouths at the bruises forming around his bicep. "Only mine," he adds before raking his teeth over the marks.
Jaskier shivers in anticipation, already trembling though he's barely been touched. Fuck, he wished Geralt owned him, only wanted him. Maybe he's not lying? Maybe this is all more real than Jaskier ever thought it would be? Those thoughts are shoved out of his head the second Geralt bites him, his fangs almost breaking skin. He keens, leaning into the touch but somehow managing to keep his hands above his head. Geralt reaches out and palms his cheek, petting him as he moves from one bruise to the next, covering the stranger's marks with his own.
His cock is so hard it's throbbing, leaking steadily and making a mess of him. Jaskier whines, clasping his hands together to keep from reaching out and touching Geralt. His bicep is on fire, the heady mix of pleasure and pain burning in just the right way. Geralt shifts, straddling one thigh, and starts rocking gently against him. He can feel the hard press of his prick through the leather, and Jaskier knows they're both close.
"Geralt, please...fuck," Jaskier manages to choke out, his words failing as his body buzzes. "Need, please. Fuck, let me come."
Geralt is merciful, reaching down to wrap his calloused fingers around Jaskier's cock. He pumps him slowly, mouthing at the fresh bite marks on his arm while he does. Jaskier is close - so fucking close - and Geralt works him just how he likes it. He falls apart when Geralt kisses the deepest bite and thumbs the wet head of his cock. Body arching, he shouts Geralt's name as he spills over his hand. Geralt works him through it, murmuring praise against his skin while he jerks him roughly, perfectly.
By the time he can think again, Geralt is already standing up to find a rag to wipe him down with. He sits up and tilts his head at him before asking, "What about you?"
"Not necessary," Geralt mumbles, cheeks reddening as he sends Jaskier a sheepish look. And fuck if that isn't just the hottest thing that's ever happened to him. Geralt came in his trousers like a young lad just from jerking him off. Melitele's tits, he's in love.
"Grab the slick on your way back to bed," Jaskier tells him, and Geralt looks confused, but he rifles through his bag to find it. He's probably thrown because, yeah, they've gotten off a lot, but never twice in one night. It's been hard finding time while traveling with others, and sneaking away for blowjobs by the riverbank doesn't lend itself to more than one round. Geralt slides into bed, and looks like he's about to speak, so Jaskier cuts him off. "I just figured it might be a good time to admit that I'm madly in love with you," he whispers, heart hammering in his chest.
"Me too," Geralt says quickly, and then they're kissing again. It's softer this time, for all that Jaskier is still covered in his own spend. He takes his time, laying back and dragging Geralt down on top of him. They spend ages trading lazy kisses, hands trailing over sweat-slicked skin. Soon he'll beg Geralt to open him up and fuck him, braced against the headboard while Geralt claims him yet again. After all, he has a lot of blank canvas that needs to be marked up.
NSFW tags: @tothedesert @mayastormborn @feraljaskier @allinthebones @selectivegeekwithstandards @trickstermoose67 @dapandapod @theweirdlynx @tedrakitty @sharinalein @iamaqt314 @silvermintnightprincess @honeysuckletook @rockysstupidity @live-long-and-trek-on @larawrmonster @thesynysterunknown @rebard-main @gryffinqueen-blog @fangirleaconmigo @mothmanismyuncle @fontegagrilledcheese @thestarkwinter @lokibus @geraltrogerericduhautebellegarde @221birl1823 @strippiluolamies @concussed-dragon @aurelia-which-means-sunrise @clarebear66 @feral-jaskier @hayleynzlive @answrs @jaskierswolf @holymotherwolf @thisislisa
If you’d like to be added/removed, please let me know.  Thank you!
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mimi-ya · 3 years
celebration ~ trafalgar law x reader
1,600 words | f!reader
summary: law just wants you to have a nice birthday
a/n: happy birthday to @5braun!!! I hope you enjoy this little scene of the heart pirates trying their best to celebrate your day!
masterlist | birthday celebration masterlist
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Everything had gone to shit.
When Law had begun planning for your birthday surprise, he knew there would be some bumps along the way, but he didn’t expect this.
If he really thinks about it, he can say it all started the second he decided to rope in his three idiots to help.
“Dumbass! That’s salt, not sugar!”
“Well how am I supposed to know? They look the same!”
Law cracks an eye from his spot against Bepo’s back, “Don’t fuck this up.”
“Captain! Penguin can’t read for shit!”
“Yes I can!” The offended Heart Pirate protests, shoving Shachi, “You’re the one that wanted to bake it at twice the heat!”
“Because it’ll take half the time!”
“That’s not how baking works!”
Law sighs, rubbing his temple. He can feel a migraine starting to form. He had intended to buy a cake but being deep under water left little options of bakeries, and with your birthday quickly approaching he had asked for help. Now he was starting to regret it.
“Well I’m putting it in and you can’t stop me!”
“It still needs the super secret special ingredient!”
“Captain?” Bepo’s timid voice distracts Law from the arguing, “How does it look?”
Law turns around to peek over his shoulder. The banner is a little crinkled and he’s spelled birthday wrong, “It looks great.”
“Really captain?” Bepo asks hopefully with a smile, “I used her favorite color!”
“I can tell.” Law nods, choosing to ignore the paint that’s splattered on the tile now, “Think you can manage to keep those two in line while I gather up the rest of the crew?”
“Yes captain!” Bepo salutes.
Law stands from his spot and with a quick glare to the two newest chefs on the sub he leaves the kitchen.
He wanted to do something special for you. You deserved it.
Deserved the world if Law was being honest, and he would try his best to get it for you.
Law made his rounds, reminding every crew member to gather in the kitchen in an hour. Not like he had to since most were already impatiently waiting to go join Shachi, Penguin, and Bepo.
Law was a little insistent that everyone not give any hint of the surprise for you. Making sure to always look around the corner when he would discuss the plans, basically had threatened the crew with a quick shambles to the sea if they let it slip.
Most had rolled their eyes at his behavior. He thought it was because they assumed he was being dramatic, but what Law didn’t know is that most found it endearing how meticulously he was about the whole thing.
Even if he hadn’t realized it himself, it was pretty obvious to everyone else.
After checking in with the last of the crew, Law makes his way to the navigation room. Stationing you there for the day was his best bet to make sure you stayed out of the way.
When he cracks the door, he takes a moment. You’re sitting at the head chair, flipping through a couple different charts, the submarine’s light reflecting a blue hue across your face that has Law mouth going a little dry.
He must have not been as sneaky as he thought because you quickly spin around, a smile lighting up your face when you see it’s him.
“Captain!” You straighten in the chair, “I didn’t think you were on the next shift.”
“I’m not.” Law clears his throat, “I was actually hoping you would come with me, uhm, for a second.”
“Sure thing! Let me just auto the engines.” You say before quickly pressing a few buttons here and there.
Law can feel himself getting nervous as you wrap up. He thought the surprise was a good idea, but now that it’s actually happening? He might have been in a little over his head.
“Why should you be the one to hold the cake?” Shachi demands, “You barley helped!”
“If it wasn’t for me, the cake would be full of salt!”
“And because of you, the cake is almost overcooked!”
“No one can tell with the frosting!”
“Will you two shut up?” Ikkaku rolls her eyes, “Why does anyone have to hold the cake?”
“I want (Y/N) to see it when she comes in!” Penguin smiles, lighting the last candle “Doesn’t it look good?”
Ikkaku chooses not to comment.
“Well no one is going to see the cake if we can’t get this banner hung up!” Jean Bart complains, holding one end to the ceiling.
“More to the left.” Bepo directs, and Clione tries his best to scoot over on his tip toes, “Uhm, maybe more to the right?”
“It looks great, Bepo.” Ikkaku rests her hand on the mink’s shoulder, “Let’s just tack it where it is now.”
“You don’t think (Y/N) will care if it’s not in the middle?”
Ikkaku smiles, “I think (Y/N) is going to love it no matter what, right guys?”
There’s a chorus of support from all the Heart Pirates that are lined up waiting for you and Law to make your appearance. They were just as excited as their captain to see the look on your face when you came through the door.
“If you don’t let me hold the cake, I’m going to tell Captain about the books in his office!”
Penguin gasps, “You wouldn’t!”
“Shh!” Ikkaku says with a furious wave of her hand, “I think I hear them!”
Everyone’s eyes widen and they try to scramble to a good hiding place while a few are still fiddling with the last minute adjustments.
“Give me that cake!” Shachi grabs onto the plate, trying to tug it closer.
“A little to the left!”
Your laugh can be heard just out the door.
“No! Your other left!” Jean Bart looks distressed as he pulls on the banner while Clione pulls the other way.
“Stop it! The candles will go out!” Penguin pulls the plate back.
The door creaks open and Law can be heard telling you to go first, and then a lot of things happen at once.
Penguin grips the plate tighter, “You’re gonna ruin it!”
“Fine! You hold it!” Shachi lets go of the plate.
“No!” Bepo cries watching as his two crewmates pull in opposite directions.
Penguin stumbles when he’s finally no longer fighting for the honor of displaying the cake. His exerted force instead sending him colliding into a chair.
A resounding rip cuts through the commotion and Bepo falls to the floor with a shriek watching as his masterpiece is torn in half.
“Shit!” Penguin yelps when he falls on his ass, cake leaving his hands and up into the air while Ikkaku and the others jump out.
“Surprise!” They shout with glee, “Happy birthd…” And then silence takes over the room.
All words get caught in your throat because what a scene to walk in on. Everyone is looking at you with wide eyes, what seems to be a birthday banner hanging from Jean Bart and Clione hands. Shachi has terror written across his face while Penguin crouches behind the chair he tripped over.
Suddenly a loud plop breaks the tension.
Turning, you see just where the sound came from.
There’s Law, wearing his typical outfit and mushroom hat you love to tease him about so much. But only this time, well, he has quite the accessory of a birthday cake smashed against on top of his head.
You have to bite your lip when another chunk breaks off and falls to the floor with a squelch.
Law takes a deep breath, closing his eyes as he tries to calm himself. This is about you after all, he doesn’t want to ruin the day with an outburst. Though this may take the cake as the biggest fuck up his crew has yet to do.
When he opens his eyes, he sees the entire room is looking at him. Some in fear and some in surprised mirth.
He turns towards you, trying his best to suppress the rage bubbling inside him, before he’s able to grunt, “Happy birthday, (Y/N)-ya.”
And that’s your breaking point when you can’t hold back anymore, laughter spilling from your lips at his flushed face with cake and frosting slipping down the sides.
“Aww! Thanks captain!” You giggle with tears in your eyes, the rest of the crew following.
Law is proud to say he holds it in for the rest of the afternoon. Of course, after quickly washing off the sugary treat from his face. There’s still the sake he had been saving for the occasion, and you don’t seem to mind that your birthday cake is hardening in his hair.
“So?” You take a seat beside him, “What’s the damage gonna be?” The rest of the crew having cleared out after the long day of celebrating to return to duties and rest.
“I’m thinking bathroom duty for a year.” Law grumbles.
“Oh c’mon!” You laugh, “It was just a little cake.”
He scoffs, “Wasn’t about the cake.” Law shyly meets your stare, “They ruined your day.”
“Law.” You say seriously, and he really likes the way his name sounds on your lips, “Today was great, really. Nothing could have made it better.”
“Not even a cake?”
You purse your lips, “Well, maybe one thing could have.”
“What?’ He asks quickly, wondering what he could have done differently, sure to catalog it for next year.
“A kiss?” Law swears his brain short circuits for a moment, which you must interrupt as something else entirely, “But you don’t have to, of course. I wouldn’t-”
But your cut off when his lips press to yours. A gentle kiss that fills you with happiness as you smile against his mouth, “Hmmm.” You pull back, “Look at that.”
“What?” He asks, worried he didn’t something wrong.
Your tongue darts out to lick your lips, “I think I still got a taste of my cake.”
Law smirks, “Want another?”
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intoafandom · 2 years
Sorry i dont know how to do that cut thing sooooo just scroll lol.
Ok so I just saw the movie and i have A LOT to talk about and i need to get this out of my system so i can somehow sleep tonight 😂
First of all i LOVE that we were just thrown straight into the action during the opening scene. No bs just BOOM “SPIDER MAN HIT ME!!” SHUT THE FVCK UP KAREN!!
And speaking of karen’s lol, I binge watched every spider man movie ever during this past week and I watched far from home last night and UM at the end may asked peter where his bags were and then she goes “oh yeah they got blown up” AND UM PETER’S SUIT WAS IN HIS BAG. YOU KNOW, THE ICONIC RED AND BLUE ONE THAT TONY MADE FOR HIM. SO IS THAT DESTROYED? ARE WE EVER GUNNA HEAR FROM KAREN AGAIN!? PLEASE I NEED HER😫
And then after all the sht he’s suddenly dealing with, all Peter wants to talk about is May and Happy’s relationship
Ned incriminating himself during the interrogation scene😂
Also whoever threw that brick, GO TO HELL
And speaking of hell, everyone who decided to draw devil horns on peter, yall cant head there too just saying
Its cuz of all the fanfics i read where he gets a guest room all decorated for him
But like come on all the decorations and stuff on the walls really made me think it was peter’s
Like the islanders jersey?
Anyways I LOVE Peter’s teachers so much. They were funny af in ffh and they were funny in this movie as well. When one of them saluted Peter 😂
And when all the kids were taking pictures of him as if y’all didn’t participate in bullying him his entire high school career
Also i DIED when they showed flash’s initial reaction to finding out peter was spider man
Anyways the college scenes really struck me. I’m 19 so I literally just went through the whole college admissions process and Peter not getting accepted to any school, even despite his intelligence and achievements (like bruh he interned with tony freaking stark bro) was really sad honestly. And they fact that none of them got into MIT and you could see it on their faces was so upsetting
Also backtracking a bit, when they first mentioned how they wanted to go there when they were on the rooftop and Peter goes “there’s plenty of crime in boston right” i DIED at that cuz I’m from Massachusetts and dont live far from Boston at all and just hearing the name of the city im so close to was just 😄
And the “wicked” thing 😉 iykyk
So now we head to dr strange and all the snow lol. This scene was very different from what we saw in the trailers. I was expecting wong to tell him not to cast it but all he said was “leave me out of it”????? Like ??
Also he’s the sorcerer supreme now?? Cuz strange blipped? But shouldn’t the most powerful one be the sorcerer supreme like the last one said (remember, the bald lady. Idk if she actually had a real name)
But anyways I found it really interesting that wong never actually talked him out of casting the spell in canon.
Anyways I really like how the spell casting scene played out. How one by one Peter started adding ppl to the list of who should still be allowed to remember that he’s Spider-Man, and then how the world seemed to break apart, kind of symboling and foreshadowing the end of the movie.
I also love how Peter didn’t realize he could call MIT associates and plead his case to them. It shows how he’s still a kid and hasn’t learned that there’s multiple options instead of just one in any given situation. Which again kind of foreshadows the main plot divergence of the movie (how he wants to send them back but figures out ways to help them instead of letting them die)
Anyways when Peter waved at the helicopter and was like I CAN SEE YOU I died 😂
And when doc oc showed up and the whole theater started screaming and cheering
But I absolutely love how we got to see Peter actually protecting regular old civilians during this scene. He was helping them off the bridge and saving the falling cars.
It gave serious parallels to tasm 1 when peter has all of the cars hanging off the bridge after his first encounter with the lizard
And I honestly dont like that lady he saved. Like bruh he really had to save your life for you to reconsider? As if he wasn’t already the smartest kid to apply to ur ‘dumb’ school
Lol see what i did there hehe
Anyways I really did love the scene where peter was fighting doc oc. And i LOVED when Peter took control of his arms with the nano tech and made him move around like a puppet 😂 and i LOST IT when he opened and closed his hand a few times like idk it was just so funny to me
Also when lizard showed up and everyone in the theater went crazy and they were like “A DINOSAUR” 😂
Also whoever threw the paint at peter YOURE ON MY LIST TOO
But the inside-out spidey suit was cool af
Also im glad he started out as his blue self from tasm 2 and transitioned to getting his body back. “Are we just gunna pretend im not standing here buck a$$ naked”
And osborn fighting with his dark side and smashing his mask!! And then he goes and finds may and she implants the idea to help them in Peter’s head
And i love Peter’s moral compass. He doesn’t want the villains to die even when they do terrible things. Its a throwback to homecoming when he saves the vulture.
But like im assuming its his natural spider sense thing. Like thats SO cool like he doesn’t even need to be conscious for his spidey sense to work
AND HE BEAT DR STRANGE AT OWN GAME. I looooved this scene cuz its a perfect combustion of spider man AND peter parker at work. He shows his actual intelligence by figuring out its geometry “you know whats cooler than magic.....MATH!!!!”
And when Peter takes them all back to happy’s place and later happy’s on the phone like ????
But anyways CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW PETER RECREATED THE CHIP FOR OTTO LIKE OMFG THIS DR HAS SPENT HIS ENTIRE CAREER WORKING ON THIS STUFF AND PETER JUST FIGURES IT ALL OUT. They REALLY showcased Peter’s intelligence in this movie which i adored cuz we never got to see that side of him in the mcu. Like in tasm 1 we got the whole compilation of peter creating his web shooters and just generally being really smart so seeing mcu peter’s brain at work was soook satisfying
And call me crazy but I FREAKING LOVED Peter’s relationship with osborn. He seemed to actually really like Peter when green goblin wasn’t in control and it was very cool and refreshing to see.
And i love that immediately after doc oc gets cured he automatically wants to help peter
Now listen. Can we TALK about Peter’s spidey sense. This is what ffh was leading up to. I ADORED the way his spidey sense was portrayed in this movie. It was INCREDIBLY well done. The way the sound got muted and faded out and all of the voices were quiet and echo-y. And the way things ALMOST felt slow motion as he walked around happy’s home and how his footsteps were so loud and you could almost feel them. And that light high pitched sound that occurred every time he sensed something. (It reminded me of all the times peter hallucinates gwen’s father in tasm 2) I thought it was absolutely brilliant the way it was portrayed and it deserves some credit. It was so cool and creepy at the same time and it made the scene so suspenseful and unique. That build up to the first fight with green goblin was so well executed and was one of my favorite things about the whole movie
Speaking of favorite things in the movie, one of my favorite scenes was Peter’s fight with green goblin. It was SO suspenseful and just flat out insane. They way he told may to run before the fight started, the way everyone escaped, and the actual fight itself. It was just so BRUTAL ive never seen anything like it in an mcu movie. They were just trading blows back and forth with no freaking breaks. Goblin picked him up and slammed him into the floor so hard they smashed through multiple floors of the building. And Peter sitting on his shoulders/ front side and just repeatedly throwing gruesome punched and elbows at goblins head. It was so intense and flat out brutal.
And BRO when he had Peter pinned on the floor and he grabbed his hair and pulled him up a bit and Peter STILL tells may to run cuz the serum didn’t work. That was STRAIGHT OUT OF A FANFIC BRO I SWEAR. Thats like exactly how I picture peter in the fanfics when he’s getting hurt like that
And then when he sent the glider at May bro omfg. And on top of that he threw a BOMB TOO.
Bro I really wasn’t expecting may to die at all so it was a huge shock for me.
And can i just say, Tom Holland you absolutely PHENOMENAL actor. That scene was one of the most heartbreaking scenes from any movie and tv show ive ever seen.
He was like “its okay we’ll take it easy” and “just please wake up and talk to me” but the line that really REALLY broke me was how he just KEPT REPEATING “it’s just you and me may. Its just you and me”
And when jj is doing the next broadcast and it just shows Peter’s face and you can tell how DEPLETED he is as he’s watching it I CANT
and mj’s reaction throwing bread at him and he’s like “yeah i dont get the spider sense for BREAD”😂
And when they all go to see Tom’s Peter oh my freaking fvck dude
Tom Holland really is an incredible actor and he really knows how to destroy our hearts.
When ned and mj just come and hug him and he’s just sitting there sobbing SOMEONE HELP ME OMFG😭😭😭😭😭
And then tobey and andrew come and they have the whole conversation about who they’ve lost
Tom Tobey and Andrew have the best freaking chemistry and i cant wait to see the behind the scenes footage so we can see their banter and everything cuz the three of them together was so amazing
And when someone was like “Peter” and all threes of them all spoke at the same time and did the spider man pointing meme ahhhh
And ned talking to tobey and was like do u have a best friend and he’s like he died in my arms after he tried to kill me and the way ned looked at tom after that was HILARIOUS AND WHEN HE SAID HE’D NEVER TRY TO KILL TOM’S PETER THE WHOLE THEATER LAUGHED CUZ HAHAHAH HEMOGLOBIN
And Peter’s broadcast about how he was sorry and how he needs all the luck🥺
And when they were about to start the fight and all three of them were just shooting the breeze with each other
AND TOBEY GOES “i faught a black goopy alien”
AND TOM GOES “i faught an alien too. Here and in space. He was purple tho”
AND ANDREW GOES “i wanna fight an alien. You guys are way cooler than me”
And bro
Peter’s final fight with green goblin. Bro
Ok but real talk literally Peter’s completely alone now. His entire family is dead and the 3 final ppl that he loved dont even remember he exits.
He had no access to stark tech and has no more connection to the Stark family. That must be so freaking devastating for him. Him and tony were literally like father and son and for peter to no longer have that connection anymore is just
Ugh i cant
And bro whats pepper gunna say when she sees the pic of him and tony in the kitchen and all the other pics of them that probably exist
And no one knows he’s mays nephew so he literally has zero finances or back up plan. He literally has nothing except spider man and his identity. Like say goodbye to college cuz he can barely pay for this apartment
But he is going for a GED test which is something cuz he cant even get his high school diploma since no one remembers him or his school records or anything
There are so many problems thats Peter’s gunna have to face that most people probably haven’t even thought about and its so crazy
We’ve got three more spidey movies coming so we’ll see what happens
But literally this movie was just totally insane. I literally deleted all my social media apps so this wouldn’t get spoiled for me. I didn’t even read any fanfics just in case (im sooo excited to read some fix it fics with my three spider babies being cute brothers together (and my forevee fav irondad ones ofc))
It literally nailed everything on the head. The only thing I wouldve loved to see was stan lee. Even if it was just his face on a magazine cover like in venom. This is the biggest spider man movie of all time and it would’ve been really special for him to be in it somehow
This movie felt like no other marvel. Yes it had humor but it was honestly so dark, especially when u compare it to the other two spider man movies (ESPECIALLY homecoming) The only marvel movie that had this sort of dark feel was black widow and maybe endgame
And i love that they found a way to mention every single character even if they weren’t in the movie. Rhino, vulture, mysterio, mary jane, gwen, harry, etc. nothing and nobody was left out. They even teased miles!
And i loved the buildup and hype that came with this movie. All the times the actors were asked about it and all the memes we got from it. ANDREW IS OFFICIALLY THE WAREWOLF GUYS!!!
Also just wanna mention remember that pic that leaked of Andrew with his hand in the bar? And everyone was trying to figure out if it was real? Well when we saw that shot in the movie my freaking theater screamed AGAIN LOL
This movie was so crazy it literally feels like a fever dream now that I watched it. Like DID I REALLY JUST WATCH THAT AND IT ISNT SOMETHING IVE LITERALLY HAD DREAMS ABOUT!!? IS THIS REAL!? It blew by so fast man the pacing was so good i couldn’t tell how much time had passed
Also this is kinda random but i LOOOOOVED how they brought back a few of Peter’s homecoming outfits
But literally can we talk about this for a sec. Literally in like September of 2019 we received the news that disney and Sony couldn’t negotiate a new contract and it meant that tom would no longer be in the mcu. And now here we are two years later. Who would’ve thought back in 2019 that we’d end up with three generations of Spider-Man movie all together at once. It’s honestly mind blowing and making me emotional. Im so proud and happy for tom andrew and tobey.
Im so proud of everyone who worked on this movie and im so thankful that I was lucky enough to watch it, especially on the official opening night. The hour and half I spent trying to buy these tickets and all the prep i went through. It was truly an incredible experience. The audience I watched it with was so amazing, some dude literally did a backflip and screamed LETS GOOOO during the credits and we all cheered. The first time i ever experienced people screaming in a theater was during endgame and i was really hoping this would be the same and man did we out-do ourselves as an audience lol. Marvel fans TRULY ARE OUTMATCHED. I wore my spider man socks and a midtown high sweatshirt and even brought a spidey blanket with me. Im just so happy I was able to experience this. I literally cant wait to watch it again and make some edits for it (maybe even some fics too) Its was PHENOMENAL 3000/10❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙🕷🕷🕷
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primofate · 3 years
Two Sides, One Coin  (Part 2) Gorou x fem!reader Angst to Comfort
Summary: The Resistance has been fighting the Vision Hunt Decree of the Raiden Shogun. There’s a traitor in The Resistance. Gorou finds out that it’s you.
Warnings: spoilers from the 2.0 Genshin story quests, injuries, may not follow the exact lore cause I’m bending it slightly to fit the story, betrayal, not proofread, graphic details of injuries, quite dark, mention of organs being cut out
Read: (Part 1) (Part 3 - Final)
“Kill one of the men,”
You pick your head up. The moment of silence seemed to stretch on for far too long until you had the mind to reply, “Yes, sir,” 
“And we don’t want a half-assed attempt, bring their head back,” one of the generals in the Raiden’s army orders. They grin at you, as if knowing that you can’t do it. Trying to test your loyalty in the cruelest way ever. You have to kill a friend, and bring their head back. 
It has to be done. 
You tell yourself. It has to be done to gain their trust, so you can continue being a double spy. So you can pretend that you’re on their side. That you’re a loyal member of the Raiden’s decree. 
The internal battle in you is immense. You have to kill one of your own. Is there anyone who can save you? Would the Excellency have another plan? If you told her, would she tell you to stop? That you’re free from being a double spy and just fight the decree like everyone is doing? No one knew except you and her. 
But this was your own way of fighting. Someone had to get secret and classified information about the vision hunt decree and that was you. It had to be you. 
So, that night in itself as you sit up, unable to even close your eyes with so many thoughts flitting in and out of your head, you decide to do it. Several guards would be up and on duty, you’d randomly pick one. 
One who had a family. One who was also hoping for this war to be over. One who had fought side by side with you. The guard was doing his patrols as you approach him and he salutes. You stand in front of him and stare. He only smiles, “Lieutenant! It’s quite late, unable to sleep?”
Your throat bobbles up and down as you swallow thickly. You’re their second in command, and yet you were about to kill him. 
He didn’t see it coming. He was unguarded as you unsheathe your sword and plunge it right through him. The blood splatters forward onto your hands and clothes. There’s shock in his face. You’re trembling as you pull your sword back, the hole on his chest is now gushing blood and you step away as he crumples to his knees. “L-Lieutenant-- Wh-Why?” It just so happens that this particular soldier wielded a vision. You tear it away from his waist and keep it dangling from your hand. 
A shiver runs up your spine and you can feel someone watching you from the back. With your clothes stained and your hands bloody you turn, and meet eye to eye with Gorou. 
He didn’t know what it was that compelled him to get up and do some rounds at this time of night, but he was there and his face was rather blank. There was no expression whatsoever as he watched the whole thing happen, and then his eyes come up to yours. “Y/N... Why?” 
“Gorou...” Your best friend. Your companion. Your General. You did this in front of him and you watch as his face contorts into anger. “He didn’t do anything! Why?!” His voice would awake the others around him and you wanted to flee, you stepped back away from him. Gorou knew there had to be a reason, but as soon as he looked at the stolen vision in your hand. He understood. “You...You’re--”
His teeth is grit and his ears up and alert. He was furious. More so than you’ve ever seen. “You’re a traitor” 
It’s not that. Don’t look at me like that.
You wanted to say. Anyone else could have seen you. Anyone else and you would’ve been fine with it, but the way Gorou looked at you, as if you were the most disgusting creature on Earth, it hurt you more than it already had. “I won’t forgive you, how could you?”
You couldn’t bear to listen and watch anymore, so you fled. You ran away. No one gave chase to you and you weren’t sure why. Possibly they were too stunned, or too occupied with their fallen man. 
Still, you felt nothing but numb as you go back to the Raiden’s general. Your clothes are still unclean, splattered with dried blood. He’s surprised when he sees you, he didn’t think you were the real deal. You bring your hand up and give them the vision. “...I couldn’t get his head,” you mutter, but in the next moment lift your other hand, in a bloody mess, and dumped an organ on the general’s hand. “...But I got their heart instead,” 
The general is sickeningly delighted. He starts off with a chuckle, that intensifies into a laugh. “Didn’t think you had it in you. You’re the real deal!” 
And that was how you secured your place in the Raiden’s army. 
It was a week later that you rendezvous with Kokomi. Despite what happened, her Excellecny still put her full trust in you. The two of you met in her secret cave and she looked at you with pity and confusion in her eyes.
“They wanted me to bring his head back... I-I couldn’t do it but I wasn’t thinking straight at the moment and still hurt him... In the end I went and killed a pig, carved out it’s heart and gave it to them... In hopes that they wouldn’t notice...”
Kokomi was astounded. It was no wonder that the soldier you stabbed that day survived. “...I see... Y/N, you don’t have to do this... Perhaps it’d be better if you just came back and--”
“I can’t,” the image of Gorou flashes in your mind. “I’ve gone this far, I should see it through,” You wonder if he would ever forgive you, even if he found out that your were doing this as a double spy. You’d agreed with the Excellency not to tell anyone else, to keep up a better pretense. Part of you was already ashamed to face Gorou. “...Aside from that... I have other information...” 
The two of you move your talks to strategy and war secrets. 
“In five days time they’ll move to take the 100th vision. In a grand display, they’ve decided to have Thoma as their target. He’s well-known in the city, and has a lot of connections. I suppose they want to have his vision as a message to the city... That they can seize anyone they want to...” You sigh and close your eyes, “It’d be wise to warn the Kamisato Clan...”
You continue, divulging everything that you’ve found out to Kokomi, including the inside information that you’ve gathered about the Raiden Shogun, about how her true self lies within the Plane of Euthymia, and that they’d need someone who could transcend into that plane. 
“I’ll be off now, Your Excellency,” 
The next five days was a slow one for you, and yet everyone around you was getting ready for an all out war. The Raiden was to take her 100th vision in public from Thoma, tied up and unable to resist. Kokomi must have had a plan by now, and Ayaka must have been informed. 
And you, just one of the Shogun’s guard as you watch everything happen. Watch as the Raiden seizes Thoma’s pyro vision, watches as the traveller comes through, waging a battle against the Raiden. Chaos ensued. 
You weren’t sure what was happening anymore, but you, wearing the Shogun Army uniform, was deemed an enemy of The Resistance. 
It was hard to fight when you were trying not to kill anyone. It was hard when they were going all out on you, cuts and gashes start to litter your body as the fight went on, and the Raiden’s army is pushed back into Tenshukaku, you along with them. 
It’s a while before the Traveller wins. 
A while before things settle down and finally the vision hunt decree is called off. 
You walk away unnoticed by everyone. Covered in cuts and gashes you have no place to go.
You don’t belong in the Raiden’s army.
Nor do you belong in The Resistance. 
You start to walk the long path ahead alone. 
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Not tagging anyone in case this is too gruesome for you.​
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frodokas · 3 years
Well, the journey has ended - and I've never imagined that it would happen in a disappointing way like this. Before I'd jump into anything THIS ISN'T A HATE POST - I respect Isayama and am really grateful his more than a decade-long hardwork, preciseness. I completely understand that in the end he got tired of it and he absolutely has the right to finish his own story as he pleases - but as auidence we have the right to criticize it in a cultured way. The post is based off the untranslated, korean chapter. Not proof-read.
The conclusion of Mikasa. Okay, we've had our rounds(bee - boo) why I'm personally not a big fan of her and why she's objectively a badly-written character - but I'd be upset even as a Mikasa fan. I was glad that she seemingly was ready to let Eren go, BUT NO. Mikasa killed Eren, but didn't actually let him go. Seemingly she's gonna grieve over him forever, and this isn't a good message, it isn't a big development from her - I think this is a very bad (main!!!) character writing - many people refer to Mikasa a badass, independent, but she sticks to her deceased loved one in a self-destructive way, even withdrawing from society. I understand that she isn't able to process Eren's death, but I they could've shown it to us in a better way. Mikasa isn't a good role model in general, especially with this conclusion of her story.
I've always been reassuring myself, that Historia will surely have a reason being almost written-out. Well, her pregnancy didn't have importance, the identy of the father neither. Just an easy, plot-saving movement, which is really disappointing, it completely ruins her character.
No titans anymore. A thing I enjoyed about Attack on Titan is that actions, decisions actually had weight - if something happened that couldn't be turned back. I was almost certain that everyone will turned back into human - suprise, suprise I was right. It was just a cheap movement to keep the fans thrilled for a month. My heart cried for Connie and Jean, but this upsets me even more.
Jean really didn't have a vision about Marco? REALLY? When the spirits of all the deceased SC members are there, and Jean, one of the most important characters doesn't have a last-last goodbye with the person WHO WAS THE MAIN MOTIVE FOR HIM? It's okay if you ruin this man's whole character arc, but now totally forgetting about a thing that has determined his personality, development and actions during the WHOLE series? Keep me hung.
Connie, where's your mom? You were fighting for her and would even feed a child if that meant you can bring her back to life. HAHAHA.
I think I won't list all the characters whose development and/or arc were thrown into trash.
Everything is just rushed. I haven't been satisifed with the last eight-ten chapters - they weren't logical, some characters started to act OOC and the story just fell into pieces, being the shadow of itself. The Attack on Titan was a morally grey story about soldier life and centuries of hatred, but it got sugarcoated in the end - former enemies are acting like nothing happened, like none of the killed each other's loved ones or committed mass war-crimes. Yes, I know they've been trough a lot - but suddenly the whole world just forgets all of it? Meh. Completely goes against what AoT was originally about.
Of course, it's not a catastrophe, there were some stuff I enjoyed:
Levi's fate. He's an average character, but at least everything is okay about him - there are no holes. He's fufilled his promise to Erwin and now (as predicted) he is the only remaining veteran SC member of his generation. The last one. Also, his salute was beautiful despite the fact I didn't like the whole "SC ghosts" element in the series.
Gabi-Falco reunion. Anatomy 0%, meme material at max.
Overall the first ~130 chapters. They were truly excellent.
I'm grateful, that this story ever existed, its messages, characters and story is still something outstanding. I feel bad for it, I'm disappointed but that's it. It be like that sometimes.
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Hitch is a mood as always. Gotta love this bitch.♡
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shinpachirights · 3 years
Naruto Fics I Live Vicariously Though
Are you tired of searching for hours for a good read, getting hooked on a super long fic, only to burn through 200k words a night and get to the cliffhanger ending chapter? Worse, you discover the author hasn’t updated for months? Now you can skip the searching part because here are like 20 of those
(no offense to ppl who take hiatuses tho if y’all are making fics you’re already going beyond the call of duty, salute)
Of Harrowed Hearts:
Words:  247,273
The one Naruto fic everyone has read/heard of. Naruto meets Kurama early, they're friends. Bamf rookie 9, fuuinjutsu shenanigans, good shit. 
Chained to the Magma Pit:
words: 63,458
Fuck yeah this fic is my favorite on this list. Its the opposite of "Of Harrowed Hearts". Naruto meets the Kyuubi early, but their dynamic is they hate each other. (Which seems A Bit more realistic than them getting along instantly)(not to bash on the sacred texts -harrowed hearts- or anything) plenty of Naruto centric angst, as there fuckjng should be. Kurama drops a couple of Thanos level quotes, I think about them and this fic all the time, it’a just really well done guys.
What you Knead:
words: 38,483
Kakashi quits anbu after the Uchiha massacre and takes up baking, as well as parenting. He's way better adjusted as a result, and the bakery shenanigans bring me so much joy.
A Political Perspective:
words: 104,584
Another good teacher Kakashi, council wants to pass the team, Kakashi doesn't want to listen to the council but the team passes anyway. 10/10 training scenes, lots of fluff, some good Angst, similar to "being over prepared is impossible" (no.7 on list) but not complete.
A Philosophical generation:
words: 83,432
Canon divergent at the chunin exams, team 7 focus, lots of world building, if you like a Political Perspective you will like this.
From the Corner of Your Eye:
words: 166,986
Sasuke thinks Naruto has a crush on him (which… is he wrong?) As a result he's more invested in the team… kinda. Sasuke centric, it has some pretty neat characterization of Sasuke and good takes on his perception of how things are. Sasuke fans should read!
Being Over-Prepared is Impossible (and other mottos):
words: 40,028 (part one of a series)(this part is Complete!!)
Good teacher Kakashi, you know the drill. This one has a pretty fun energy to it, very entertaining. A bit of Jiraiya bashing later in the series installments, tho if u do like his character it’s pretty quick to get through that part and on with the rest of the work. A very Good read.
Demon Raised:
words: 41,504
"Fuck off Gyuki" iconic
I want so badly not to elaborate but I want people to read this fic more so here goes. Kurama and Naruto friendship, bamf Naruto as well as bamf konoha 12, Good Uchiha Itachi on the side with a dash of Shisui content. This fic is so much fun guys I promise. 
words: 64,867
Ooooooh this fic is a whole other beast. Sasuke-centric with some good Uchiha Obito, both of them are pretty badass in this, realistically enough that it seems earned. I am always down for great action, which this story has in spades. Sasuke doesn't interact w/ the Konoha 11 much here, but his interactions with Obito are entertaining, they have a fun dynamic. A hint of hint of kisaobi. 
Change Fills my Time:
words: 73,401 (Complete!!)
This fic is so good, I was looking for any other good fics I've read to make this list and I found this again. Kakashi centric, one of the only time travel fics I like. A fix-it that doesn't feel like one because there are actual consequences, realistic and gritty, with amazing action and plenty of Kakashi Angst.
Help Me to Open My Eyes:
words: 609,524
Like "from the corner of your eye", great take on Sasuke (those are so hard to find, lots of these fics found their way here because the authors don't fuck up his character) Definitely a good one for Sasuke fans
Through Your Door:
words: 317,860 (they go by so fast though)
Jinchuuriki bonding! Mito made a seal and now all the jinchuuriki can talk through a mental link. Amazing world building, legitimately funny, some good action, you've got everything you need! Unfortunately Kurama's only made one appearance, but we'll get there. Roshi, Han, and Yagara going akatsuki hunting gives me life.
The Rift that Tore this World in Two:
words: 71,565
Same deal as "through your door" less funny and more Angst, still amazing.
The Water Truce:
words: 86,220 (words in the full series. All entries are complete, last one has a cliffhanger though)
The absolute fucking best naruto fic. The best. Godaime Naruto, he and the gang kick ass and run the country respectably, treason is the name of the game. This is actually the second installment of a series where Danzo assassinated Sarutobi, so Kakashi takes his kiddos and yeets for a couple of years b4 assassinating Danzo. The Water Truce picks up after this, where Naruto is Hokage.
Foundation (Build it Higher, Bury it Deeper)
words: 25,672
Tsunade makes Naruto a chunin after the exams. Naruto focused, he distances himself from team 7. Team 7 bashing, but fantastic Tsunade content, as she deserves.
What A Big Heart You Have
words: 22,754 (Complete!!)
Oooooooooof this one, this one is a lot. Kushina runs into Sakumo in a graveyard the night before he kills himself. She makes him dinner, they become friends, happy ending. So fucking good.
Would You Eat Them With a Fox?
words: 12,077 (Complete!! it’s a oneshot)
Short but good. Iruka slowly realizing Naruto isn't some demon and reaching out to connect with him. Angst and fluff.
Chase The Wind
words: 231,815
Gaara/Naruto soulmate AU, you hear a sound associated with your soulmate in your head,, and when you're together the sounds combine. good shit
When You Bleed, I Bleed
words: 22,583
Another Gaara/Naruto soulmate AU. Your soulmate's injuries show up on your body. Remember Sasuke shoving his hand through Gaara's shoulder? Remember that? 
words: 89,054
Kakashi/Iruka, the only one of those I've ever read, Kakashi stays sane throughout ANBU by stalking Iruka after seeing him once at the memorial stone basically. It's good.
Fruit on the Vine 
words: 96,391
Tobidei supremacy. That's all folks. That one undercover scene-   so fucking good.
Our footprints in the Dust
words: 37,046
I lied before, I also love this time travel fic. Sasuke and Itachi centric, they meet by chance when Sasuke doesn’t know The Truth yet. Bam time travel, now they’re 6yrs in the past and immediately run into their fam + past selves. Author states this is more of a character study than a plotty fic, even so the plot is good. The character analysis is  the star tho, it doesn’t treat Sasuke’s trauma like something he can just “get over”, and it doesn’t erase Itachi’s agency from his own terrible choices while still acknowledging that he was in an impossible situation. I can’t wait to see where the author goes with this one. Not as long as some of the entries so give it a go if you have a few free hours
Honorable mention to “Pulling My Weight” and other Bamf Sakura fics, the reason I didn’t include those here is 1) There are a lot of them and this list is already long af and 2) I love Bamf Sakura fics and Sakura in general, but I get annoyed when Naruto is portrayed badly, he’s my fav. Finding good Sakura fics with good Naruto content is hard y’all.
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timid-orchid · 2 years
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NSFW 18+ Leon Kennedy x Reader
Summary: Date night didn't go as you planned.
Warnings: cuteness, smut
Word count: 3,050
(This is my first time ever writing smut so please keep that in mind while you read through this, other than that please enjoy)
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. We’ll have to reschedule our date night.” Leon sighed loudly into the phone. “Hey, maybe you can have a girls night with Claire.”
You sat on the bed you shared with Leon. Tonight was supposed to go differently, a nice dinner together and a long night for other activities.
Fate wasn’t on your side, however, when Leon was called into work for an emergency ‘mission’, whatever that meant. You understood though, as many dates were canceled because of your job too.
“That sounds like fun. I’ll have to call her and see what she’s doing tonight.”
You heard rustling on his end of the phone, then a loud voice in the background. “Hey, I have to go. Call Claire and have fun!” He hung up.
“Yeah, love you too.” You mumbled.
You took a deep breath as you lie on your back and exhaled. “I hope everything is okay with his work, that voice in the background sounded angry.” You scrolled through your contacts, not having to scroll too far.
You didn’t really want to bug Claire, you’re sure she’s going to be confused. All week you have been telling her about tonight and how excited you were. Tonight was the 5th anniversary of your relationship with Leon, you even bought a two piece lingerie for the occasion, something easy to rip off. But that plan was thrown out when Leon got a call 30 minutes before you were supposed to leave for the dinner reservation.
You tried to stay positive about the whole thing, you really did want to hang out with Claire. She’s always been there for you and vice versa, so you knew you would still have a good night.
When was the last time you two had a girls night?
Hell, you were already dressed to go somewhere, anywhere.
“Hello?” Claire answered.
“Claire, date night is canceled. Do you want to do something?” You asked.
There was a muffled voice in the background on her side. “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that, Y/N.” You could hear a quiet “hush, I’m talking”, then Claire spoke into the phone. “Yeah, let’s have a girls night, it’s been forever since the last one.”
“Is this a bad time? You sound busy.”
You heard a quick “shut up” over the phone.
“No, it’s just Chris being, well, Chris. You know how guys are.” Claire explained.
“Oh, don’t I know.” You said, sitting back up.
“I’m coming to pick you up. There’s this new place I heard about, it’s supposed to be amazing.”
“Okay, I’ll wait for you out front.”
“Sounds good. Elbow me one more fucking time, Christopher, and I swear to God I’ll castrate-“ *Click*
You giggled, “yeah, that’s definitely Chris being Chris.”
By the time you grabbed your bag and keys, you could hear someone honking over and over outside.
‘Damn, it’s only been five minutes.’ You thought.
You walked out and locked the door, turning the handle to double check the lock. Satisfied, you walked down the little sidewalk to the driveway. Claire had her window rolled down and whistled at you. “Holy shit! Leon is missing out, you’re all mine tonight, baby!”
You gave her a little twirl, showing off your short blue dress that stopped at your thighs. You wanted to wear a dress that matched Leon’s eyes, you loved the color of his eyes.
You hopped into the passenger seat and turned to Claire. “So, where is this place you were talking about?”
She held up her finger to you, wiggling it back and forth. “Nu uh, it’s a secret. You’ll have to find out when we get there.”
“Aye aye, captain.” You saluted jokingly.
“Are you taking me somewhere so out of the way so you can kill me and dump my body without ever having to worry that someone would find me?”
Claire side-eyed you, “damn, I had hoped to keep it a secret for a little longer. How’d you guess?”
You’ve been in the car for an hour, and at least 45 minutes of that time was spent driving down a creepy road in the middle of a forest. The trees were so packed together that the evening sun couldn’t even hope to breach them, making it dark around you.
“Well, the trees would muffle the sound of me screaming, although we’re so far out no one would hear the screams anyways. This forest practically screams ‘murder’.”
“No it doesn’t, you really need to stop watching those documentaries.” Claire laughed, turning a corner and going up a tall mountain. “They’re not good for you to watch.”
“I just want to be ready in case someone tries to kill me. I’ll know what signs to look for and get out of the situation alive.”
“Alright, alright. That’s valid.”
After winding around the mountain for a bit, you could see a small gravel parking lot with guardrails doubled as makeshift parking markers. “We’re here!” Claire practically vibrated in excitement.
She parked and you both got out, looking around as you closed the door. You were on the side of the mountain that faced to the east, judging by the darkening sky in front of you.
“There’s supposed to be a beautiful spot to watch the sunset on the other side, we just have to go down this path.” Claire explained, pointing at a dirt path to your left.
“When you said you heard about a new place I thought you meant a restaurant or something.” You laughed.
Claire froze, “D-do you not like it here? We can go to restaurant if you want.”
You waved your hands in front of you, “no, no. It’s beautiful out here, I just wish I’d known to not wear heels.”
“I guess I could’ve given you a little warning.” Claire sighed, outwardly relieved.
“Are you okay?”
She straightened, “yep, let’s go to the spot before the sun goes down.”
You two walked for about 10 minutes, avoiding the little holes and uneven ground. ‘I wish I wore sneakers.” You thought.
“Oh shit!” Claire suddenly yelled, “I left my phone in the car.”
You turned to her, “We can go back toget-“
“No, it’s all good. You keep going and I’ll catch up with you.” She yelled and ran off.
You quirked your eyebrow, “umm, okay…”
You walked a bit further, slowing down when the dirt path turned to a stone path. There were little candles that lined up on either side of the path. The stone path was covered in red, pink, and white rose petals leading to a circular table in the middle of a beautiful clearing. There were wooden poles on either side of the table, fairy lights were hung between them. A log fence separated the clearing from a cliff.
You walked up to the table, spotting a picnic basket and a piece of paper with one word on it: sit.
You sat on the chair, looking out to the horizon, the sun already on its way down.
“Is this seat taken?”
You looked over to your right, smiling when you saw Leon with a bouquet of roses.
“Not at all.” You gestured to the chair in front of you. He handed you the roses and sat down. “You planned all this?”
He smiled at you. “Well, I did have some help from the Redfields, mostly Claire.”
You smelled the roses, the beautiful scent engulfed you. “Thank you.”
Leon kept his eyes on you, making your stomach do somersaults. “What is it?” You asked.
He shook his head, “sorry, you’re just…” He sighed, “just so damn beautiful, Y/N. How did I get so lucky?”
You felt your face heat up. “Leon, I’m the one who’s lucky. I mean, look at what you set up, it’s absolutely beautiful.”
“It pales in comparison to your beauty.” Leon looked out to the sunset, “see, even the sun has to hide. Your beauty outshines it.”
Your heart was beating so quickly, you thought it was going to burst from your chest. He stood up next to you, the intensity in his gaze made you shiver.
“Y/N, ever since I first met you…you changed my life. I was going down a self-destructive spiral, you helped me recognize that. You stayed by me and worked with me, helping me every step of the way and beyond.”
He took a deep breath and released it. “And although you constantly remind me that I helped you through your problems too, I still think you did more for me than I could ever do for you.”
“Leon, no, you helped me through so much. I-“
He chuckled, “now you’re just trying to make me feel better.”
“I’m serious!” You exclaimed.
He grabbed your hand and knelt on one knee. “I know, baby, I know. These past 5 years have been the best in my life. When the darkness threatened to consume me, you were there to light up my world, making everything okay again. You’re always patient with me, even when I make it hard to be. After hard days at work you’re always there when I get home to give me a hug and ask me if I need anything. You’re always comforting me after I wake you up from thrashing around in my sleep, stuck in a nightmare. You open your heart to me each and every day, and I want you to know that I open mine up to you too.”
He pulled a little black box from his pocket, opening it to reveal a beautiful silver ring with a large blue stone, matching his eyes perfectly. It was official, the blue of his eyes had to be your favorite color.
“Leon, I-“
“You are my best friend, my confidant, my soul mate, the love of my life and many more things that I can’t recall at the moment.”
You smiled, tears forming quickly in your eyes.
“I love you so much, Y/N, with everything in me. Will you do me the absolute honor of being my wife?”
“Yes, yes! I would love to be your wife, Leon.”
He had the biggest smile while sliding the ring on your left ring finger. You wiggled your finger a little and giggled. “It’s so beautiful, Leon.”
He stood up just in time for you to jump into his arms. He lifted you easily and spun you around, while you both laughed together. He slowed and put you down, looking at you with so much love in his eyes.
“Are you going to just stare at me or are you going to kiss me?” You teased.
He smirked at you, “eager are we?”
“Yes, Mr. Kennedy. If you would be so kind…”
“Well, Mrs. Kennedy, I guess I shouldn’t leave a lady waiting.” With that, he leaned down and connected his lips to yours. Slowly at first, wanting this moment to last.
Then the kiss got heated. He squeezed your ass, making you gasp into the kiss. He took advantage and quickly dipped his tongue past your lips, exploring your mouth like it was the first time.
He pulled you up, making you wrap your legs around his waist, then he walked you back until you were sitting on the edge of the table. He quickly moved the basket aside, giving you more room on the table.
“Fuck, Leon.” You moaned, pulling back to catch your breath. He attacked your neck, leaving kisses and bites along the way. “What if someone sees us? Claire is supposed to come back and I-“
“Claire left when she went back to her car. No one else will show up, and even if they did,” he looked you in the eyes, “they’ll see how good you make me feel, how good I make you feel.”
You felt heat go south, gathering up at your core. Biting your lip, you nodded, letting him know it was okay to go on.
He kissed you again, as passionately as before, all the while he slid his hand to the zipper on your back. He quickly unzipped your dress, and you lifted up against him so he could pull it off you.
“Fuck, baby, look at you.” He pulled back from the kiss and gestured to you. You had put on the lingerie earlier when you getting ready for your date and completely forgot about it. “You’re fucking stunning.”
“Touch me, Leon, I need you.” You pleaded.
“You don’t have to tell me twice.” He chuckled.
He rubbed your nipples through the lacy top with his thumbs, while his hands cupped your breasts. You moaned out, trying to get his dark blue suit jacket off. He pulled off your top, his mouth replacing his hand on your hard nipple while his hands helped you with his jacket.
“Didn’t think it’d be this hard to take off this suit…” He mumbled.
“Oh, so you thought about doing this?” You teased, helping him pull off his vest and undershirt.
“All the time, sweetheart.”
After his shirt was discarded, he started pulling down your panties, tossing them over his head once he got them off, making you laugh.
He looked at your most private part, licking his lips. “We were supposed to have dinner on this table, but I don’t mind skipping straight to dessert.” He leaned down, kissing your inner thighs, then he ran his tongue over your bud. You felt a tickling sensation at first, then a burst of pleasure once he pushed a finger in you.
“Ah, I-“ You moaned out. He was making quick work of unraveling you. His tongue flattened against your clit while he added another finger, thrusting them in and out. He kept his eyes on you, loving your reactions. He always wanted to make you feel good, concentrating on giving you as much pleasure as you give him.
He added a third finger and curled upwards, making you buck your hips. “There it is.” He murmured against your clit, the vibration making your head spin. His fingers kept up a steady pace, then went faster when he felt you clench around him.
His tongue swirled roughly on your clit, humming every once in a while. You had grabbed his hair, pulling him hard against you. You moaned out when you felt that familiar build up in your stomach. “Le… I… I’m going to-“. You couldn’t even get the words out.
Leon sucked on your bud then pulled back, releasing it with a *pop*. “Cum for me, sweetheart.” He went back to your clit, swirling his tongue with a renewed force.
“Leon~”, you moaned loudly while gripping the edge of the table as tight as you could. Leon kept up with his ministrations, letting you ride out your orgasm.
You let go of the table once Leon stood and began taking his belt off. Breathing hard, you looked up at him. “Like what you see?” He asked, smirking at you.
“Fuck yes.” You let out.
He chuckled, pulling down his pants and boxers. He lined his hard erection to your entrance, and slowly pushed in. Once he was all the way in, he leaned down and kissed you. You could taste yourself on his lips, turning you on more and making you clench around him.
“You feel so fucking good, sweetheart.” He hissed out. “You’re so good to me.”
He thrusted into you harshly, putting your leg over his shoulder and angling your hips upward. “Ah, Leon~”, this angle let him deeper into you, hitting all the right spots.
“Fuck, Y/N.” He grunted, leaning on you so your knees were to your chin. He had both of your legs on his shoulders. “Such a good little cock whore for me.”
Somehow he managed to go faster, making you see stars in your vision. “Leon, I-“ You reached out for him and he grabbed your hand, pushing your entwined hands down next to your head.
“Me too.”
You looked into his eyes and saw adoration, love, and lust reflected back. The things that look did to you.
Leon snaked his other hand down to your clit, rubbing circles in time with his thrusts.
And just like that, your orgasm hit you, making you clench tightly around Leon’s cock. “Ah, Leon~”, you moaned out, back arching.
“Damn, baby, you’re milking me for all I’m worth, huh?” His thrusts became sloppy, he was nearing his peak.
“I’m going to fill this pretty pussy up.” He grunted out, gripping your hips tight enough to leave bruises.
“Cum inside me, baby.”
“Fuck~”, he moaned, hips stuttering while he filled you with his seed. He kept thrusting, pushing it deeper inside you. He didn’t pull out of you, wanting to stay connected in such an intimate way.
He leaned down and kissed you softly, gazing into your eyes. You pulled your legs down to his waist so he could get closer to you. You were chest to chest when you heard it.
The table broke underneath you, not able to take anymore abuse. You landed on the broken table top and Leon landed on top of you. You looked at each other and laughed.
“Damn, Leon, you didn’t have to break the table.” You teased.
He slowly pulled out of you and stood, pulling you up with him. He turned you around and made sure you didn’t injure your back. “Next time I’ll buy a sex proof table. I’m just glad this one wasn’t glass.”
You turned back around and gave him a cheesy smile. “Next time, huh? How many tables are you planning to fuck me on?”
He smirked, wrapping his arms around you. “As many as I can, every table on earth.”
“Those poor tables.” You stood on your tiptoes and kissed him again.
Once you both were dressed again, you gazed out on the horizon, the sun was long gone. “We missed the sunset. There’s not any sunlight left.” You gestured to the tips of the trees.
“That’s okay, you’re my sunlight.” Leon said, still looking at the horizon. “You’re all I need to guide me in the right direction.”
Your heart started racing again.
“That’s sweet and all, but this sunlight doesn’t know how to get home from here.” You joked.
He looked at you and smiled. “Wherever you are is home.”
Happy Valentines Day everyone! I hope everyone has an amazing day today and everyday! I hope this made you smile today!
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bellafragolina · 2 years
Salutations dear Renee! I have become completely endeared to your self aware Ingo after reading all your works! I had the idea of aware PLA Ingo about what if after reader has had proper contact with Ingo and he expresses his feeling, then finds out that him being sent home isn’t part of the current game (still praying for DLC to send our boy home!), they say screw it! I’ll do it myself! So they learn programming, 3D modeling, the works, to give Ingo the world and everything he deserves! They safely back him up three times over just in case, then get the code of every game he’s been in (DS & Mobile) to give him all his memories back! Even model and reintroduce Emmet and all friends to him again so he won’t ever be alone when they aren’t there! Hell even recreate a Nimbasa for them!
Getting him out here or getting to him may be near impossible, but I would want to bend over backwards to give him the next best thing, the world, His World, and every happiness in it. No matter how much work was involved or the long nights it took. Plus when a world is 1’s and 0’s that’s not impossible! Think of the possibilities! Make them railways and steam trains to travel on! Amusement parks to visit! Heck you could make him fabulous outfits to dress up in! You could even make little virtual dates to go in with him like a dating sim! 😆
Sorry if this was a bit much 😅 Just got a little swept up in all these ideas. Thank you for your time and all that you’ve shared! You are incredibly kind and talented person! 😊 Your works have been just a wonderful comfort these past few days. I Wish you all the best!
Salutations! I want to apologize ahead of time because I know absolutely not a thing about coding, so this will be a little vague with concern to that. Sorry, love!
Ingo appreciates all you do for him. You keep your switch on constantly, so he's always able to chat with you should he want. He'll watch you work away at something, asking you questions and listening to you talk about your day.
He knows you're designing things for him. A whole world that you'll create yourself, of the place he used to live. You're downloading code as well, all of his appearances and sayings that ever existed, for him to be able to finally recall. He's not sure how it works, but he appreciates how hard you're working
When you finally complete your project, you're incredibly nervous. You're scared to lose him, and he's scared too, but he trusts you. He wants this new life you've made for him, and he's excited to see it. Besides, you've taken precautions. If things don't work out, he'll still be here. You'll just try again
When he wakes up next, he's at home. His head buzzes with memories, carefully sorting themselves out with what's already filled his brain. He recognizes his room, and smiles when he realizes you've succeeded. You did it!
He calls your name when he doesn't automatically see you. Something buzzes on the nightstand, a phone, and when he answers it, there you are. You're so happy it worked out.
You tell him to go explore, you've set this place to always be running, so he doesn't have to worry about anything stopping. He wants you to be with him, however. He's so appreciative that you gave him his life back. How can he just run off without you, after all your hard work?
You just laugh and insist he'll see you later. So he begrudgingly goes about his day. He hugs Emmet endlessly, who laughs but allows the affection. The two ready to go out, to go visit Elesa, but Ingo's still itching to see you. Where will he see you?
He sees you at the station, or at least someone who looks like you. When he approaches, it feels stiff, but he knows it's you. The person speaks in your voice and dialect, leading him to believe this is a you you've added, for him to see.
So he flirts with you, to his brother's exasperation. He can hear your laugh along with the model of you, so it's nice.
Yeah, this is really nice. He'll need to think of a way to repay you. Maybe he can take this you on a date? Nimbasa has a lot of nice restaurants. . .
I want to thank you for always being so kind to me in the comments you leave on my posts. You're the highlight of my day, and I feel so good knowing that you like the things I post so much that you're willing to write in the comments on them. I hope you're having the best day, love, and thank you again <3
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