#I was walking back home daydreaming about that food for lunch tomorrow too
the-bluestreak-cat · 19 days
Cooked decadent meal last night. Come home from work this afternoon to discover I never put it in the fridge
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goldenshoyo · 3 years
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A commission! If you're interested in commissioning me, send me a dm!
Summary: Iwaizumi comforts you after your ex hurts you again.
Genre: Fluff and smut
Word count: ~3k
Warnings: vaginal sex, fem reader, use of "good girl" and "baby girl", and really not much else. This is soft. Let me know if you want anything else tagged.
He's done it again, Hajime thought as he looked down at his phone and the cluster of messages you had been sending him. He knew before opening them, but upon confirming his suspicion, canceled all the meetings he had leading up to the weekend and decided to make you, his propriety. Surely, the team wouldn’t mind. They had more than one athletic trainer for a reason and could easily make do without him for one long weekend.
“Heading out?” Coach Hibarida raises his eyebrow at Hajime as he packed up his bag.
“Emergency,” he says slipping his phone in his pocket. “I’ll let you know if everything is alright. Might need to call in one of the others for tomorrow.”
“No problem.” He crosses his arms and turns back to watching the team run drills. With one last careful glance at a few of the players he’s been concerned with due to past injuries, he leaves to rush to the bakery down the street from your home.
Parking the car outside of the bakery, glad to have made it before the rush, he pulls out his phone and responds to your texts.
Don’t worry. I’ll be there soon. You can tell me all about it when I get there.
He picks out a few croissants stuffed with chocolate, slices of cheesecake and strawberry shortcake, and two turkey sandwiches to go. He laughs as he places the bag on the passenger seat, the sandwiches sound so out of place with all the sugary treats, but he wants to ensure you are taking care of yourself… especially since your bastard of an ex never cared to.
If he wouldn’t, Hajime knew he could.
The sound of your apartment buzzer blaring in your living room pulls you from your daydream… or dissociation… whichever it was at that point. You press the button, giving Hajime access to the building, and try and straighten up the mess that gathered in the room since yesterday evening. Unlocking the door to the living room, you lay on the couch, curling your knees up to your chest and resting your head on a fluffy pillow you’d brought out of your room last night.
You felt dumb, letting this happen again. While it’s obviously not your fault, part of you can’t help but feel like if only you were stronger, you’d stop letting your ex do this to you. It’s nearly pathetic, you think, always letting him back in and letting him crush you just to call your best friend to pick up the pieces. He’s probably getting tired of it and you can’t blame him if he is.
“Hey,” he opens the door, and you see a brown bag from the bakery between his chest and arm.
“Hi,” your voice cracks, and you cough. You didn’t realize your previous fits had affected your voice so soon.
He places the bag on your coffee table and lifts you up to a sitting position and takes your place so you can lay on him instead of the arm of the couch and your pillow. He strokes your hair softly, twirling the strands between his fingers when he gets to the end before letting it fall and repeating the steps. You let him continue this for a while, happy that he’s not pushing you to talk. You know how he feels about your ex, having had a few… well disagreements to put it lightly… over him. It’s easier when he just holds you instead of telling you what you already know.
“I brought you lunch… well I guess it’s actually closer to an early dinner now. But there are also lots of sweets. I tried to get all your favorites,” he tells you softly and you look up and see his face isn’t happy or sad. He looks completely neutral.
“I really appreciate that.” You sit up and let the blanket fall off your shoulders and pool on your lap and the couch. “Thank you for coming by again.”
He wraps his arm around your shoulder and rubs his hand up and down gently. “Anytime. I’m always here for you,” he chuckles, and you give him a confused look. “Even when you make stupid decisions.”
“There it is!” You giggle and lean forward taking the ridiculous amount of food out of the bag. “I wondered when you’d start picking on me.” You hand him one of the sandwiches and lean back on the couch. “I’m really done with him this time.”
“Mhmm,” he hums. You choose to ignore it and eat your food. It’s better this way, not talking about it and just letting him keep you company.
Hajime cleans up the table after you’ve both indulged yourselves, putting the leftovers in your fridge. Noticing your dishwasher had been run, he puts the dishes away and reloads it with what’s spread out across your counters and in your sink. You want to tell him to stop, but from past experience, you know it won’t stop him.
“Come watch a movie with me,” you plead as he shuts the dishwasher. “I think the new Godzilla movie is out, don’t you like those?”
You hear a soft chuckle, barely audible. “Yeah, let’s watch it. Need anything else?”
“Just you,” you tell him, and he smiles at you before taking his place beside you.
His arm snakes around your shoulder and you lean into him. You watch as the movie starts, not really knowing anything about the movie playing out, but laughing whenever Haji makes a comment about one of the giants fighting on the screen. He smiles at you every time he catches your gaze, going into more detail to give you information on the lore or answering a question you ask.
“That was…. interesting,” you comment as the credits play.
“Yeah,” he laughs. “It was good.”
You can’t help but giggle. “Well, it’s not my type of movie. That’s all I’ll say,” you continue laughing and he wraps you in his arms and pulls you closer. There’s a long bout of silence.
“You deserve better, you know.”
“I know,” you say quietly not looking up at him.
“Someone who will take care of you,” he continues. “It kills me every time you do this, letting him in just to use you even though this always happens.” He gestures between you and him. “Let me instead.”
“What?” You sit up, pulling away from him and furrowing your brows. “Let you what?”
“----, I’ve always loved you. You have to know that by now.” He strokes your cheek with the back of his hand. “Please, just let me take care of you. Please,” he continues. His eyes are locked on yours and you shiver.
Of course, some part of you always felt like he may have had feelings for you. But you weren’t sure if they were still present ever since this mess with your ex started 6 months ago. He never said no to coming over to comfort you, and every time you began getting closer and closer with Hajime until you become comfortable just laying on his chest and letting him soothe you to sleep like he was your boyfriend and not your best friend.
“You don’t have to say anything now. I know I just sprung it on you out of nowhere, and when you’re vulnerable on top of that.” He sighs standing up and walking towards the door. His hands run through his hair. “I’m sorry to dump it all on you-“
Your body moves before you can think, walking over to him and wrapping your arms around him, but there’s no stopping it now. You kiss him, cutting off his word vomit. His hands cup your cheeks and hold you still while his lips move against yours. They’re softer than you expected, but then again, you’re not sure you expected any of this.
Pulling away you look up at him. His green eyes are looking down at you, slightly glossy and bright. “Don’t go.” You tell him and pull him closer to you. “Please,” you beg, lip quivering and tears threatening to spill. “Please stay.”
As the tears break the barrier and stream down your cheeks the skin under your eyes burn, the skin still raw from the night's previous. It hurts, but the desperately empty feeling you’ve had in your chest is filling up. The warmth returning and your heart feeling lighter and lighter the longer he holds you close to him.
“I’ll never leave you,” he says softly, his hand resting on the top of your head and then stroking down your hair. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you tell him back. It feels weird saying it to him like this. You’ve told him before, but never feeling the way you do now. Your chest swelling and nerves making you want to fidget your fingers. “I’m sorry-“
“Don’t apologize for anything.” His tone is much firmer now, less desperate like before. “I should have told you sooner, then maybe you wouldn’t have gotten hurt so often.”
“It’s not your fault,” you pull away and grab a tissue to wipe your eyes and cheeks. “I’m just glad you told me.” The flood of emotions seems to be washing away, your body lighter and mind no longer cloudy.
“I really need to shower,” you tell him then laugh. “I probably smell.”
“You don’t,” he laughs. “But if you feel like you need to, go ahead. It’s getting sort of late anyway, so I’ll head ho-“
“No! I told you I don’t want you to go. You can stay the night.” You frown at him and he laughs.
“I just didn’t want you to feel like you had to let me stay since I confessed to you, that’s all. I want to respect your boundaries. Especially since everything is so fresh and raw.”
You ignore the way his words make you feel between your thighs and disappear into your room, getting your things together for your shower. Hajime joins you in your room, sitting on the bed and crossing his legs while watching you gather everything.
When you step outside the bathroom door, Hajime has to look away. Your towel wrapped around your body, skin sparkling with water droplets, and the sweet scent of your body wash is too much all at once. Adjusting his pants, hoping you don’t see, he finally looks back at you when you speak.
“I think you left some shorts here the last time you stayed. I’ll see if I can find them.”
“Thanks,” he says quickly.
Tossing him the shorts, you see he’s not making eye contact with you, and you giggle. “It’s okay to look at me, ya know. I mean, aren’t we like… a thing now?”
He coughs, “yeah, I just need to go change.” Getting off the bed, he tries to sneak past you to the bathroom, but you catch his arm.
“Why not change in here?” You tilt your head, a devious smile forming on your lips. “Is something wrong?” You fake a concerned tone, knowing what you’re doing to him. He’s hard, you can see it through his pants, but you don’t dare to make it obvious… yet.
“I… I just-“ he stutters. “I want you to feel comfortable getting dressed is all.”
Instead of answering you drop the towel, your body fully exposed to him now and his cheeks go bright red. He can’t stop himself from looking now, hypnotized with everything he sees. He’s ashamed to even think about the times he’s thought of you this way but seeing you fully nude is so much better than any daydream.
“Fuck,” he mumbles quietly, and you giggle again.
He reaches out, taking your hips in his hand and pulling your body against him. You lean up and kiss him, his tongue slipping into your mouth almost instantly as you wrap your hands around his shoulders. You moan against his lips, your hands sliding under his shirt and feeling his abs underneath.
He breaks the kiss, pushing you gently onto the bed with a small apology before quickly pulling his shirt off and attaching himself to you again. He grinds against you, his thigh rubbing your cunt and making you gasp while he bites down on your neck gently and licking over the skin. Arching your back, you try your best to get as close to him as possible.
“More,” you whimper needing more than just his thigh teasing you. “I need you.”
“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to hear those words from you,” he stands up at the end of the bed and pushes his pants down his legs, and steps out of them.
His cock flinging from his underwear and hitting his stomach makes you whine, it’s almost too perfect. His hand wrapped around it and his thumb dragging across the tip nearly make you beg for him to fuck you, but you know you need to be patient.
“Are you sure you want to do this? I promise I don’t mind waiting.” He sounds so sincere; you could cry if you weren’t so pent up and desperate to have him fuck you right. Instead of answering, you sit up, opening the drawer on your bedside table, and toss a condom at him. He chuckles, ripping the packet open with his teeth then sliding it down his length.
“Please,” you say pulling him down towards you with your arm. “I need you,” you smile knowing he likes hearing that. Beyond just tonight, you plan him making sure he knows this forever. “Please make love to me.”
He kisses your lips, his hand holding the back of your head while he pushes you further onto the bed and teasing your folds with the tip of his cock. You whimper feeling the head push past your hole and inside of you. His size didn’t scare you when you first saw it, but now feeling him slowly fill you up you think maybe a healthy dose of fear isn’t such a bad thing.
“Shhh,” he whispers. “It’s okay,” a kiss to your forehead helps you relax. He stops moving after he fully reaches inside of you, and you try to relax more. “Let me know when you’re okay,” he kisses your forehead again. His lips are so warm and soft, you could melt.
“Move,” you beg once you feel the burning subside and become antsy for him to make you feel even more.
The first thrust takes your breath away, making you close your eyes and squeeze his biceps tight with your fingers. The second, you moan so loudly you think the neighbors will hear. You lose yourself completely while he fucks into you. His breath is hot against your neck and ear, shallow moans leaving his lips and making your stomach turn in delight.
“Haji, please! More!” Wrapping your legs around his waist, he thrusts into you harder, and you let out a loud cry. Each thrust is better than the last, and you wonder if you’ve ever felt this good. The coil twisting in your stomach threatens to snap with each swift impact of his cock hitting the spot inside of you that makes you dig your nails in his back.
“Are you close baby girl? Are you gonna come for me?” He looks down at you with a smirk and you nod. “You feel so fucking good squeezing my cock so tight. Come on baby, I know you want to cum. I want to feel it. Cum for me.”
Your breathing hitches and you close your eyes as your orgasm rips through your body; toes curling and nails digging deeper into Hajime’s skin. He kisses you through the high of your climax and you cling to him as if he’s your lifeline. Again, you’re left wondering if you’ve ever felt this good. How has he made you feel this high on him?
It’s overwhelming. It’s too much. You’re not sure if you can keep letting him go. Part of you starts to panic scared you won’t be able to let him continue fucking you.
“Good girl,” he says against your lips. All previous worries leave your body in an instant with those two simple words. “My good girl. I’m close too. Can you hold out for me baby?” You nod again, too tired to say anything and whimpering each time his cock drags against your walls. After a few more quick thrusts he’s holding you still and cumming.
Without stopping for a moment to breathe, he pulls out and stands up. Slipping the condom off and tying the end before tossing it in the bin beside your desk, he then tosses himself onto the bed beside you. He pulls you into his chest, holding you as close to him as he can while slowly stroking your arms.
“Is it cliché to say I love you again?” you ask kissing his chest.
“I don’t think so,” he laughs, chest vibrating against your lips. “I love you.”
“I love you!” You kiss his lips once before laying your head on his bicep and closing your eyes. “Thank you for always being here for me.”
“You don’t have to thank me,” he moves a strand of hair from your face and smiles. “I have nowhere else I’d rather be. In fact, that reminds me…” he sits up and reaches down off the bed for his phone from his pants. “Need to tell Coach Hibarida I won’t be in tomorrow.”
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achubbydumpling · 3 years
Consider this: slightly chubby office worker bucky and lean, muscular steve who has a huge crush on him.
They work in the same department so Steve is always sneaking him food and rubbing his belly for him. Poor bucky keeps outgrowing his shirts and his pants barely go over his ass anymore but he doesn't wanna stop.
Bucky finally has to work from home when he gets too big for his office chair and his belly is almost constantly hanging out. All thanks to steve, of course.
Hello! I'm sorry for only answering this now, buuuuut this ask made me think of a very specific scenario for some reason? So, I hope you'll enjoy reading this... imagine? ficlet? this is neither edited nor proofread, so I apologize for any mistakes
Alright, I immediately jumped to Bucky working from home because he's outgrown his office chair. Maybe he hit the weight limit, maybe he's just gotten too wide to comfortably fit between the arm rests. Maybe he’s a gainer in this? In any case, he applies to work from home, and they grant him the request (anything to facilitate the kink, right? :D)
Rating: Mature Words: 1638 Relationship: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers Additional Tags: Stuffing, Belly Kink, nicknames (pig), allusions to masturbation, mutual pining, maybe slight dub-con (Bucky doesn't know he's unmuted and Steve doesn't tell him right away)
The only requirement is that he has to be "on call" the entire workday. So, the next week on Monday Bucky sits down at his desk at home and logs in to the program his company makes him use for those calls.
And of course Steve picks up. The guy Bucky has had a not so subtle crush on since basically his first day. The blue eyed, blond haired subject of all of Bucky’s dreams, who is also the guy that Bucky has been eating his weight in junk over, because Steve keeps bringing in baked goods and Bucky can never say no to Steve.
On the other end of the call Steve is nervously chewing on his pencil until he finally hears Bucky’s warm voice say “Good morning.” A huge grin appears on his face without him wanting it to, but this is Bucky. So, of course he’s grinning like a maniac.
Bucky is just… Steve had tried to explain it to Nat once, but all he’d gotten out was a stupid “wow”, while grinning the same way he was right now. So, maybe he had a bit of an office crush, it’s normal when you spend 8h a day together, right? Bucky’s video feed is off and Steve is glad he didn’t stupidly turn his own camera on. He was debating it while he waited for Bucky’s call.
“So, do I just do my work, while I stay on this call or…?” Bucky asks when Steve didn’t respond. Steve scrambles out of his daydreams and nods. Then he remembers to actually say “Yes.”
“Alright,” was all that Bucky said and then the little red mute symbol pops up. Steve groans and rubs his hands over his face to get rid of that stupid smile.
“What’s up?” Bucky chimes back in, when Steve yelps in surprise, he adds, “you didn’t mute yourself. I could hear you… being annoyed, I think.”
“Sorry, Mondays.”
“Yeah,” Steve hears something crunching, “though my day has actually been pretty good so far.”
“Are you eating breakfast right now?” Steve looks at the clock—9:03 am.
“Nah, post-breakfast snack. I was craving something crunchy like those pig's ears you brought in on Friday.”
“That just sounds disgusting. Just call it a palm heart or a palmier.” Steve said the name of the pastry in a French accent in an effort to make Bucky laugh and when he did, his heart fluttered with a burst of warmth.
“Well, I’m having some cereal to make up for not having any pastries around.”
“Some?” Steve asked. He sobered quickly at the mention of what Bucky was actually eating, he hated how badly he was hiding his excitement at hearing what Bucky was eating. He’d been “subtly” pushing food on him since Bucky had first started working at the office. Steve doesn’t know a lot about flirting, but providing food seemed like a natural place to start.
Except he’s been stuck there for close to a year now. Every day he’d promise himself to finally ask Bucky out when he brings him one of the pastries, he brought in from that bakery on his way to the office, but when he’s actually looking at Bucky’s face, that lights up when he sees the sugary treat, Steve can never work up the courage and just slinks back to his own desk. And now Bucky wasn’t even in the office anymore.
Because you’ve fattened him up too much, a traitorous voice whispers in the back of Steve’s mind. It not like Steve was forcing Bucky to eat what he brought in, but all those treats right there in the break room surely weren’t helping with Bucky’s expanding waistline. Or those lunches they started taking together, where Steve always suggested they go out to eat instead of sharing a packed lunch in the break room. So, yeah, Steve wasn’t really at fault. Then why did he feel so goddamned proud whenever he saw Bucky’s shirts getting too small and the armrests on his chair digging into his plush sides?
Steve snaps back to reality when Bucky starts talking again.
“Just a bowl-full. Well, this is my second bowl, but cereal is pretty much mostly air, right?” They talk (argue) about what’s the best cereal after that, then what Bucky had for breakfast and then they somehow spend the entire morning talking like Bucky was still in the office and not all the way across town. Bucky refills his bowl twice before lunch rolls around at noon.
“Well, I’ll see you after lunch.” Steve reluctantly leaves his desk.
“I’ll be here!” Bucky calls before Steve takes of his headphones and heads into the breakroom to scarf down his lunch. He knows Bucky will probably only get back on the call once he has to work, but some small part of Steve hopes that if he eats fast enough he’ll get to spend at least part of his break chatting with Bucky.
When he makes his way back to his desk, Steve pops his headphones back on, plops down on his chair and immediately freezes at what he’s hearing. Bucky isn’t muted. Steve is listening to Bucky eat some kind of pasta dish, a very saucy pasta dish from the noises he can hear every time Bucky takes a bite and sucks the spaghettis he missed into his mouth. This is Steve’s personal hell, he thinks, it can’t get any worse than this.
Steve is just about to tell Bucky he’s unmuted when he hears him say, unmistakably, “Fucking pig.” It can get worse.
“Such a fat fucking pig.” Bucky muffles his moan with another mouthful of food. He must be close to finishing his food Steve thinks, then he blushes at realising he knows what Bucky sounds like when he’s getting full.
Bucky’s headphones must be lying on the desk, because they pick up the slide of skin on skin perfectly and Steve leans closer to his monitor even though there isn’t an image. He presses his hands over his headphones to make sure he hears all the little sounds Bucky is making and then he jolts back when Bucky burps loudly.
Steve’s eyes scan the office to make sure no one saw him jumping around on his chair like a scaredy cat, but no one is around. No one is around to see Steve listen very intently to his co-worker eating lunch. Stuffing himself.— Brain.Steve scolds himself, but then Bucky moans again and Steve can’t help but scoot his chair closer. One, to hide his growing erection and two, because logic has left his brain and he needs to get closer to hear better apparently. Steve turns up the volume and then takes his headphones off to make sure it’s no so loud that anyone walking by could hear the sound.
“Fuck, so good,” Bucky groans and Steve can hear his cutlery cluttering onto the desk. He can hear clothes rustling and suddenly the sound of Bucky rubbing his hands over the taut skin of his belly is back. It overtakes the connection for a long moment, that and Bucky’s shallow breathing.
“Best penne and pizza? Yeah, I can believe that.” Steve can hear Bucky’s chair groaning under him. Three suffering clicks from the chair and another pained belch from Bucky.
“If you keep eating like this you’re gonna get fat, Barnes.” Bucky chuckles to himself, “well, fatter.” Bucky exhales heavily, Steve can hear him shift again and his breathing gets heavier.
“Only thing missing is dessert. That’d make a real glutton outta me, not just overeating at lunch, but eating more sugar after,” Steve hears the familiar sound of Bucky popping his button to get comfortable, but Bucky doesn’t stop there, Steve hears the zipper being pulled down too. Steve’s heart skips a beat. Is he gonna—
“Get some feeder to bring it to me, some rich chocolate cake. No, ah, those little cake pops, that— that Steve brought in.” Steve holds his breath when he hears his own name in Bucky’s voice, the emphasis Bucky puts on his name.
“Steve—” He hears a bottle cap being snapped open. Ok, nope, this is too far, Steve decides and reaches for the mouse.
“Oh, my God, Bucky. You’re unmuted!” Steve just about shouts into the microphone. He immediately hears something clatter to the floor and then Bucky swearing.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry. I was just— This isn’t what it looks like. I’m— I was— How long were you listening?” The tips of Steve’s ears are burning and the blush is working it’s way down over Steve’s face.
“A few— just a bit. You said my name.” Steve adds, hopeful, even though Bucky was probably more worried about his co-worker almost catching him jerking off. Listening to him jerk off.
“Great, are we going straight to HR or is tomorrow fine?” Bucky asked resigned.
“How about dinner?” Steve didn’t know where he plucked the courage from, but when Bucky didn’t answer right away whatever ounce of courage had possessed him left just as quickly.
“I’m sorry—"
“No. No, yeah, that’s fine. Great! That sounds good.” Bucky floundered a bit but Steve couldn’t wipe that grin of his face again.
“Tonight?” Bucky added.
“It’s a date.”
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whale-minmin · 3 years
the new student | choi soobin
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♛ Genre : fluff, angst, childhood friends au
♛ Word Count : 1.2k ( I DID IT )
♛ Summary : After a long wait, you're finally reunited with your childhood friend.
♛ a/n : this is something i wrote for a practice of my word count! and i'm so proud of myself, i wouldn't be able to do it without the lovely people who helped and reassured me, thank you :(( ♡♡♡
"Oh my god, did you see the new student in our class?" You entered your classroom, as usual sitting on your desk without a word. You were sitting, thank god, alone. You didn't hate your class, but that didn't mean you really liked them, too. You just didn't mind them. Some of your classmates were gossiping loudly, giggling and whispering to each other. "He's so handsome! I'm in love" They sighed, heads up high in the clouds as they daydreamed about the student whose name wasn't yet known.
A new student? Who in their right mind would want to study at your school?
The school is yet to fix the broken light in your classroom, and it has been well over a year. Your school never got new things, you were stuck with the same old desks that countless students have left their mark on, used PE balls, the benches all written on. Eating the school's lunch was quite literally a death wish. Once you ate mashed potatoes here and couldn't get out of the bathroom for a whole day. You prefer not to know the food's expiration date.
The school's bell rang, signaling the sad end of breaktime. The teacher, Mr.Kim entered the class, lazily putting his bag on the desk. "Good morning, class. I will check the attendance and we shall begin our lesson." You pulled your books out of your black bag, laying back against your seat. "Choi Yeonjun?" Mr.Kim glanced at the black-haired, laidback male. "Here~" Yeonjun put his hand up, smiling gently. You liked him, sometimes you talked and he helped you with studying and homework. He was the top student in your class, and one of the best in your school.
"Y/N?" The teacher's eyes searched through the students, finally landing on you. "Here" You said, fiddling with your blue pen. "Okay. We have a new student, which I see.. some of you have already heard of." He glared at the pack of students who were still gossiping about the mysterious student. They instantly shut up, sitting in their seats. "He also appears not to be presen–"
"I'm sorry! I missed the bus and needed to walk. I'm really sorry, teacher" The male bowed, turning to the class. He seemed oddly familiar, his bunny-like features calling out to you somehow. You weren't sure where you knew him from, but everything about him seemed similar. His messy hair, deep, black eyes, the cute smile showing off his bunny teeth you could swear you saw somewhere before.
"It's fine. This is Choi Soobin, our new student. Please sit wherever you'd like." Soobin? Your Soobin? The cute, clumsy Soobin who always looked out for you when you were children? 
The male made eye contact with you, his eyes widening and mouth hanging open. "Soobin, please sit down" The teacher sighed in annoyance, Soobin gasping and bowing to the teacher apologetically before sitting down beside Yeonjun. Everyone was staring at him, the girls and the boys practically drooling. Whispers echoed through the classroom as the teacher wrote the topic on the blackboard.
What if it is your Soobin? He seemed shocked when he saw you too, right? Maybe it was just an odd coincidence? The name Soobin wasn't especially rare in Korea. And it couldn't be him, right? Your best friend, Soobin, moved to Japan because of his father's work. 
But what if?      
You were seven years old, playing around in the park. Soobin ran up to you, giggling happily. The boy was filled with joy, his yellow shirt dirty with some mud. "Look, Y/N! Look what I found!" He showed you his hand, a tiny, green frog sitting in it. "Do you want to hold it?" He asked, his cheeks turning rosy pink. You took a closer look at the little frog, extending both of your hands to the male. "Sure!" You laughed, gasping as he gently put the animal on your palm, careful not to hurt or scare it. "Wow!" Your eyes were shining, admiring the little frog.
You wanted to pet it but the frog jumped away into the grass, disappearing from your sight. "Aw.." You pouted, a bit sad that your cute, green friend left. Soobin patted your head, smiling widely. "It's okay! I'll find more animal friends for you!" He assured you, running away to search.
Two years later, you were playing with Soobin while your parents talked to each other. "Y/N.. I have to move out soon.." He said while you two were chilling on a bench after playing and running around. "What? But I don't want you to go!" You whined, hugging him as tightly as you could. "It's for my father's job." He hugged you back, letting out a long sigh. "Can't you stay for me?" You asked, your vision becoming blurry as tears started to flow down your cheeks. "I wish I could.. But I promise, I'll be back!" He smiled widely, wiping away your clear tears. "Pinky promise?" You held out your smallest finger to him. "Pinky promise!" He connected his pinky finger with yours, giggling.
"Y/N!" Your teacher's yell snapped you back to reality. "I'd appreciate it if you didn't zone out on my lessons." You could feel everyone staring at you, making you want to bury yourself deep underground. "I'm sorry, Mr.Kim." You bowed, opening your notebook. The memories of your childhood all returned, making you feel all kinds of emotions. When he protected you from the neighbourhood bullies, gave you his ice cream because yours fell, when he sang you to sleep. It all came back to you.
The school's bell rang, students getting up to circle around Soobin. Did you zone out for such a long time? You stood up, getting your things. You saw someone trying to push through the crowd of students, apologizing to them for pushing through. It was Soobin, standing before your desk. He reached out his hand to hold your cheek, his mouth wide open. "Y/N..?" 
After school, you were standing before the big building with Soobin. It turned out that he was your Soobin after all. It was quite hard to believe, but he was standing right beside you with his adorable, big, bunny smile, the one that you loved so much since you were children. It always made you smile back, and today that was the case too. 
He has grown up pretty handsomely if you'd say so yourself. And.. has gotten quite tall over the years. Once you were just a bit smaller than him, and now he was a real life giant. "What did your parents feed you?" You scoffed, standing on your tippy toes to reach him at least a bit. "This is the first time we met in years and your first question is that?" He laughed, ruffling your hair like he always did when you were younger. "Shortie." He teased playfully, making you scoff loudly and cross your arms. He'd always tease you about things, whether it was your height or something else.
"You're just a giant." You rolled your eyes, hugging him tightly. "We're going home and you're telling me everything, Bin" It felt so good to finally be reunited with him. You began to lose hope, knowing it was unreal for him to come back and find you. But now he was there. Hugging you like there was no tomorrow. You were never going to let him leave you again.
❀❀❀❀❀ a/n² ❀❀❀❀❀
1k isn't a lot of words but it's a start! one step at a time, i'm kinda proud of this <33
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@atiny-chocolate-chip @lmaoskz
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suituuup · 3 years
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pieces - chapter seventeen
Five years ago, Chloe dropped off the face of the Earth. Beca didn’t expect to see her again dancing in a strip club, out of all places.
rating: E (drug use and emotional abuse in early chapters)
ao3 link
A shrill cry pulled Beca out of her slumber with a startle. It had been a month, but she had yet to get used to being awoken by baby cries. Tonight was her shift, and she swung her legs to the side and she pushed back the covers, her bare feet hitting the carpet floor and carrying her across the hall. 
“It’s okay, Bean,” she soothed as she picked Marleigh up, cradling her against her chest as she headed down the hall towards the kitchen. She fished a pouch of breast milk from the fridge and expertly poured it into a bottle with one hand, all the while trying to soothe Marleigh’s cries by rocking her lightly. Setting the bottle inside the warmer (best purchase they had made), she hit the button and paced the living room while it heated up, pressing soft kisses over Marleigh’s velvety hair. 
Once the milk was at the perfect temperature, she padded back to the nursery and settled into the rocking chair, shifting Marleigh to the crook of her elbow and bringing the teat to her lips. 
“Here we go,” Beca murmured, her tone full of love and affection for the three-month-old as Marleigh’s cries subsized to coos as she fed, her big blue eyes locking with Beca’s. She was a carbon copy of Chloe, and Beca was truly obsessed. “Much better, huh?” She smiled. “Listen MJ, tomorrow I have to go back to work. It sucks big time, and I’m going to miss you so, so much, but I’ll come back at night, okay? I’m not abandoning you, or anything. I’ll never do that. I promise.”
Once Marleigh was done, Beca changed her and sang her a lullaby, gently lowering her in her crib. Marleigh had the habit of sleeping with her arms up by her head, and it was the most adorable thing. 
Come morning, Beca was definitely reluctant to go back into the office. Chloe and Marleigh were doing tummy time in the living room when she rounded the corner to pour her coffee into a travel mug. 
Chloe smiled and picked Marleigh up, carrying her over. “Ready for your first day back?”
“No,” Beca mumbled as she screwed the lid back on, pouting a little. “Send me photos and videos, alright?” 
Chloe giggled. “I will, don’t worry.” 
“Come here, Bean,” Beca said, plucking her from Chloe’s arms. She kissed her forehead. “I love you.”
As though sensing her sadness, Marleigh wailed as soon as Beca transferred her back into Chloe’s arms, making Beca’s departure a thousand times more difficult. She spent her first meeting of the day with her mind wandering to the two people she left at home, daydreaming about going back home later that day. 
“Knock, knock.” 
Beca looked up from her computer, grinning at the sight of Chloe and Marleigh. She was just about to leave for lunch. “Hey! What are you guys doing here??” 
“We thought we would come to have lunch,” Chloe said as she stepped inside and placed a bag on Beca’s desk. 
“Oh my god, she’s a bear,” Beca gushed as she walked around the desk to take Marleigh from Chloe once she was out of the chest carrier. The baby was clad in the most precious bear fleece winter suit, complete with a hood sporting round ears. She kissed Marleigh’s cheek. “Hi, Bean. I’ve missed you.” 
“How was your first morning back?” Chloe asked a few minutes later once she was settled down in the chair opposite Beca’s desk, nursing Marleigh. 
“Busy,” Beca said once she’d swallowed her mouthful of poke rice. “But good. It’s nice to get back into it, even though I miss you guys.” 
“We’ve missed you, too,” Chloe murmured with a soft smile. “Maybe we’ll do this lunch thing regularly. It’s nice to be outside. We can meet at the park when it gets warmer, too.” 
Beca smiled. “That sounds like a great idea.” 
It was strange, for someone as workaholic as Beca to be looking forward to the weekend, now. She and Chloe had a pretty good routine down. During weekdays, she would wait for Beca to come home to start Marleigh’s nighttime routine: bath, feed, and playtime. On weekends, Beca usually spent her mornings entertaining Marleigh so Chloe could have a lie-in and she and Marleigh some bonding time. She also made sure to come home earlier on the days Chloe had therapy or NA meetings, so she could watch Marleigh. 
Her absolute favorite thing was whenever Marleigh fell asleep sprawled out on her chest while she lounged on the couch. 
“Oh my goodness,” Chloe murmured the first time she was there to witness the scene. She whipped out her phone. “Don’t move.” 
Beca chuckled. “Couldn’t even if I wanted to. She’s been passed out like this for an hour. Sorry, I didn’t get a start on dinner yet.” 
“Don’t worry about that. Did everything go okay?” 
Beca nodded. “Yeah. We did tummy time, then had a snack, and then decided we were too tired to do anything else, so we passed out on the couch.” 
Chloe smiled as she sat down next to them. She brushed a kiss to Marleigh’s forehead, then one to Beca’s cheek. “You guys are so cute. Oh, I went to pick up the birth announcements from the photographer, check this out.” Chloe pulled out a stack of pictures, handing one to Beca. 
“Oh my god, she’s adorable,” Beca said, smiling fondly as she gazed at Chloe. “You really said copy and paste, huh?” 
Chloe laughed. “I know. It’s pretty crazy. Part of me is glad she doesn’t look like him at all,” she admitted. “Not that I would love her any less but, yeah…” 
“I get it,” Beca murmured. 
When Marleigh woke up, they let her play on her own on her mat for a bit while they worked on dinner, singing along to the music playing. At now four months old, Marleigh was able to start eating solid food, which they were trying for the first time tonight.
“Tonight’s menu is a carrot, sweet potato, and parsnip puree,” Beca commented as she stirred the homemade concoction with a spoon. “Doesn’t sound too bad, does it, Mar?”
Chloe had her phone ready to record, and Beca scooped half a spoon, blowing on it then presenting it to the baby. Marleigh closed her lips around it and paused, a perplexed expression flashing on her features once she seemed to realize this definitely didn’t taste like milk. Beca chuckled and backed away a bit, half expecting Marleigh to spit it right out, but the baby ended up swallowing and opening her mouth for more. 
They gave her a bath afterward, and read her a story. Marleigh usually woke up for a feed around ten pm, which Chloe handled while Beca washed the dishes after their own dinner. She changed and washed up for bed afterward, messing around on her phone for a bit. 
A knock on the open door made her look up. 
“Hey,” she murmured. “All good?” 
Chloe nodded. “Yeah, she’s down.” She padded over and laid down, shifting to her side. 
Beca set her phone aside, mirroring her position. “What’s up?” 
“You’re amazing, you know that?” Chloe said. “Like… since the start. With taking me in, paying for rehab and my dad’s treatment, being by my side through my recovery and pregnancy, and now this-- raising Marleigh like she’s your own. You’re…” she shook her head. “I want to find the words to tell you how grateful I am, but I don’t think those exist.” 
Beca’s heart swelled with Chloe’s words. She smiled, blinking back the tears burning behind her eyes. “I know you’re grateful, I promise. And since we’re telling each other what we think…” she grabbed Chloe’s hand. “I’m in awe of you. Since day one. Accepting to go to rehab, keeping the baby, being a kickass mom. Marleigh is incredibly lucky.” 
“Thank you,” Chloe murmured. “I just hope I won’t mess up.” 
Beca nodded, squeezing her hand. Chloe had expressed concerns about being able to remain sober once she would stop breastfeeding a few months from now. “I know you’ll do your best not to.”
“Can I…” Chloe hesitated. “Can I sleep in here tonight?” 
A soft smile curved Beca’s lips and butterflies flapped in her belly. “Yeah, of course. I’d love that.” 
As Chloe got settled under the covers and turned on her opposite side, Beca waited for a few beats, then draped an arm across her middle, shuffling closer. “This okay?” 
“Yeah,” Chloe breathed in the darkness. Her fingers loosely laced with Beca’s. “Goodnight, Bec.” 
“I’m home!”
“We’re in the kitchen!” Beca called out as she stood by the island, Marleigh propped on her hip. Today was an important day, but the five-month-old didn’t seem all that aware. “Happy one year of sobriety!” 
Chloe’s eyes widened, taking in the sight of the cake that bore the same sentiment. “Oh my god,” she breathed out, tears pooling in her eyes. “You remembered.” 
Beca rolled her eyes. “Duh. Of course, I did.” She glanced at Marleigh. “Can you say happy one year of sobriety mommy?” 
Marleigh reached out for Chloe in response, emitting the cutest cooing sound. 
“Close enough,” Beca decided with a soft laugh. She smiled at Chloe. “How do you feel?” 
“Good. Proud,” Chloe said, beaming. 
Beca nodded. “As you should. I’m also freaking proud of you, Chlo.” 
Marleigh rested her tiny hand on Chloe’s cheek when a tear slid down, big blue eyes focused on her mom. Chloe exhaled a watery chuckle. “It’s okay, Bean. Mommy’s alright.” 
Beca grinned, taking the knife. “Shall I cut this bad boy?” 
“One sec,” Chloe said, stepping closer to pluck the knife from her hand and set it on the table. Before Beca could ask her what she was doing, Chloe’s lips were on hers in a soft kiss that stole the breath from her lungs. 
It was short, chaste, but sent Beca’s mind for a spin. 
“I love you,” Chloe murmured as she pulled away, brushing her nose against Beca’s. “Thank you for being so patient with me and going at my pace. But I feel ready now. To start something real, with you.” 
Beca blinked. “Can you say that again?” 
“Which part?” Chloe asked with an amused smile. 
“The… love part.” 
“I love you,” Chloe repeated, resting her forehead against Beca’s. “And I want to be with you.” 
Beca closed her eyes, basking into the pool of happiness spreading inside her as those words danced in a loop in her mind. She reached up to cup Chloe’s cheek, cradling her face tenderly. “I love you, too.” 
“Hey. Breathe,” Beca coached, taking Chloe’s hand at the red light. 
Today was Marleigh’s six-month-check up, and as always whenever they went to the doctor’s, Chloe was terrified something might be wrong. 
It had been two weeks since Chloe’s kiss and confession, and they’d been taking things slow. They hadn’t had sex yet, but Beca was in no rush at all. She knew Chloe would probably be more reluctant with that aspect of their relationship given everything she’d been through (Beca guessed, as Chloe never broached the topic), and she was once again following her lead. 
Chloe nodded, puffing out a breath as instructed. “Thanks.” 
Beca couldn’t help but feel slightly nervous as well as they waited in the doctor’s office. Marleigh seemed and looked healthy; she rolled over now, made different sounds, and reacted to her name. Nothing indicated a failure to thrive, but something could be wrong with her heart, her lungs, or her liver without any physical sign showing up. 
“Good afternoon,” Dr. Gazzola greeted as she stepped inside the exam room. “Hello, Marleigh. Wow, you’ve gotten big since the last time I saw you!” 
Chloe chuckled. “She eats really well.” 
“Good. Are you still nursing?” 
“Yes. Once in the morning and in the evening before bed. The rest is solid food.” 
Over the next twenty minutes, Dr. Gazzola dotted down Marleigh’s weight and height, inquired about the milestones, and listened to her heart and lungs. Beca’s eyes widened when she said it was time for the shots. 
“Shots?” She asked, paling slightly. “Again?” 
Marleigh’s three-month-check up had been traumatizing for Beca, as she had felt powerless against Marleigh’s distress after getting two shots. 
“Want to hold my hand?” Chloe teased, though Beca knew it was hard on her, too. 
“Shut up,” Beca muttered, throwing her a glare. 
Chloe held Marleigh in her lap while the doctor administered three shots. Marleigh cried, but it wasn’t as bad as last time. 
“You were so brave,” Beca gushed as she put her onesie back on while Chloe asked the doctor about any signs of defects because of the drugs having passed in the placenta the first three weeks of pregnancy. Marleigh cooed, holding on a chunk of Beca’s hair and pulling it to her mouth. Beca chuckled and picked her up, propping her onto her hip as she focused on the doctor’s words. 
“I see no signs of defects so far. She hit all the six-month milestones, her weight and height are good. She’s as healthy as can be.” 
Chloe’s shoulder slumped, and she mustered a smile. “Okay. Thank you so much.” 
They strapped Marleigh back inside her car seat and carried it out to the car, Beca’s hand finding Chloe’s on their way out. 
“Wanna stop at Chick-Fil-A for lunch?” It felt deserved after that emotional hour. 
Chloe grinned. “Heck yeah.” She leaned in to kiss Beca, and Beca wasn’t sure when or if she’d ever get used to that. 
After lunch, they hung out at the park as it happened to be one of the first warm days of the year. Marleigh was getting a lot more curious and talkative, and putting everything within reach in her mouth, including rocks, they soon found out. 
“And that’s a dog,” Beca said as Marleigh sat in her lap. “Can you say dog? Or woof?” 
Beca chuckled and glanced at Chloe to find her snapping a picture or filming. “Are you capturing more material to further destroy my reputation, Beale?” Beca asked, narrowing her eyes. 
Chloe giggled. “Don’t worry, I’m keeping this one for myself.” 
On their way out of the park, they ran into someone Beca never thought she’d see again. 
“Oh, hi.”
Beca blinked. “Hey, Sarah. How, um, how have you been?” 
“I’ve been good.” She cleared her throat, her eyes falling to Marleigh as she chilled in her stroller, munching on a teething toy and seemingly unaware of the awkwardness surrounding her. 
“This is Marleigh,” Chloe provided with a soft smile. 
“Wow, she looks just like you,” Sarah said. 
“Can I… talk to you for a minute?” Beca found herself asking, pointing over her shoulder. She sent Chloe a smile before she and Sarah stepped away. Beca rubbed the back of her neck. “I uh, wanted to apologize. You were right about my feelings for Chloe, I just-- I was oblivious. I’m sorry I unconsciously led you on more than I should have.” 
Sarah nodded. “Thank you for saying that. And it’s okay. The first couple of months were a bit rough, but then I met someone, and…” she smiled, glancing at the ground. “I’m really happy.” 
Beca’s shoulders slumped as that last bit of guilt she wasn’t aware she was carrying until now dissipated. “Good. I’m really glad to hear that, Sarah.” 
Sarah looked back to where Chloe was, crouched down in front of Marleigh and talking to her. “You guys make a beautiful family.” 
Beca smiled. “Thanks. It was good to see you,” she said, meaning every word. “Take care of yourself, Sarah.” 
She headed back to Chloe and Marleigh, taking Chloe’s hand as they resumed their way to the car. 
“You okay?” Chloe asked after a few beats. 
“Yeah,” Beca breathed out, lacing their fingers as she kissed Chloe’s cheek. “More than okay.” 
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biscuit-buddy · 4 years
kuzumochi. (18+)
Endeavor x Reader (Smut, Birthday Fic, 3.1k)
A/N: holy shit guys this got so much longer than expected i’m sorry if it drags at all i just had so much i wanted to get out! Also its 11:22pm so its technically still his birthday. ha. 
What do you get for the man who could already have whatever he wanted at the snap of his fingers? Being the number one pro hero meant that Enji already received truckloads of expensive things, tickets to exclusive events, and the newest technologies simply because of his status. You knew this because everything he received went through you after being thoroughly checked at security. Eight months as his personal secretary offered you a glimpse into his extravagant world and honestly left you with a small bite of bitter jealousy. Some of the things that passed over your desk could pay the rent in your measly apartment for the next year, and you were sure he never gave most of it more than a second glance. 
Your pen tapped lightly against your bottom lip as you stared at the pad of sticky notes on your desk, nothing more than illegible lines, dots, and scribbles covered the top one. With a sigh of frustration, you detach it from the stack, crumple it and toss it in the trash. Today was the first day of August, and the mental countdown to your boss’ birthday plagued your thoughts. While your job was comfortable as is, the cold treatment from the man you worked for grated on your every nerve. You’d think after nearly a year in his employment he’d begin to warm up to you, maybe even bother to remember your name. This was your chance to finally stand out to him if only you could think of something that the hero could possibly want for his birthday. 
As much as he’d probably like a break or a vacation, you were in no position to provide that for him. He obviously didn’t want for anything material either. Does he even have a sweet tooth? You wondered silently as the tapping of your pen resumed against your face. I can’t even imagine a guy like him eating a cupcake. You know what? Actually I can and it’s hilarious. I bet his mustache would burn the frosting and-
“Ahem” Well, speak - or think- of the devil and he shall appear. Endeavor himself stood at your desk with an impatient look on his stern face. The goofy smile you’d been developing at the thought of the massive man eating sweets was quickly wiped off and your back straightened at an uncomfortable pace. 
“Daydreaming on the job?” he asked, but you got the feeling he didn’t really want an answer, so you just bow your head in apology. In an embarrassed mumble, you replied, “Sorry sir, won’t happen again” and he gave a huff in response, not unlike that of a great dragon. You held back another smile at the fleeting thought of smoke puffing out of his nose in discontent, as he handed you a manila envelope stuffed to the brim with some kind of paperwork. 
“I need this hand-delivered to the Hawks Hero Office immediately. This is sensitive information I’m trusting you with.” You gingerly accepted the packet, but couldn’t avoid the brief touch of his massive hand sliding past yours. You noted briefly just how warm they were, though you shouldn’t really be surprised. Courier work isn’t exactly in your job description but lately, you’ve been desperate to suck up anyways, plus some fresh air couldn’t hurt. You stood and gave one more quick bow, “of course sir, I’d be happy to deliver it” He seemed content with your answer and turned to walk through the frosted glass double doors that led into his office without so much as another word. 
Honestly, that had gone better than most of your interactions in the past. Pleased with the slight development in your relationship you gatherers your purse and the envelope and headed for the elevator. Floors passed monotonously as you continued to float gift ideas around in your head, this was looking to be harder than you initially thought. 
Once the lift reached the lobby you made your exit, pushing past a crowd of workers who seemed to just be returning from lunch. They laughed boisterously and made no notice of you squeezing around them. Finally, you made it to the front door of the Endeavor Agency and swiped your employee ID  badge on the terminal next to the front door alerting the system that you had left the building. Fresh warm air tickled your skin as you made your way onto the sidewalk and began the trek to Hawks’ Agency. It wasn’t particularly far, only a few blocks away and the route was dotted with storefronts boasting all kinds of wares from cake to clothes to flowers.
In theory, one of the displays you passed should have given you an idea but once more you found yourself coming up blank as you approached your destination. The young man at the front desk smiled politely when you entered  “Hi there, do you have an appointment?” his eyes flickered between you and the computer screen in front of him. 
“Actually I’m here on delivery for Endeavor” you waved the yellow folder a bit to accentuate your statement “something about sensitive information?” This really wasn’t part of the job you signed up for. Face to face interactions with strangers is so damn awkward. Luckily the receptionist probably dealt with people like you all day and didn’t bat an eye before saying
“Of course, his office is on floor 22 but if he’s not in there, try the roof. I’ll let security know you’re heading up” and he began tapping at the keyboard with one hand while making a ‘go on’ gesture toward the elevator with the other. You thought about boarding but instead made your way to the staircase. I already walked this far, might as well make it a cardio day, and give myself a good excuse to order takeout for dinner. You were truly a genius, maybe it was time to apply at NASA instead of working your ass off for Mr. Hothead. 
Twenty-two floors was a bit more of a workout than you thought it would be, and when you finally arrived at the top you were mildly sweaty cheeks ruddy and more out of breath than you’d like to admit so you take a moment to calm down before opening the doors and walking past the security guard. He gave you a sideways glance but kept his mouth shut as you knocked twice on the office doors. 
The lack of a verbal response clued you into the fact that he was likely on the roof just as the receptionist had said, so you hung a left and let yourself sprint up one more flight of stairs. Once you made it through the door marked ‘rooftop’ you spotted the winged hero perched near the railing. You announced yourself so as not to startle him,
“Excuse me, Mr. Hawks? I’m here on behalf of Endeavor, he asked me to deliver this to you as soon as possible”
He wheeled around at the sound of your voice, and his eyes lit up with amusement at your disheveled appearance. “Hey, thanks! I was kind of expecting the big man himself but you’re certainly a nice surprise” he winked and took the folder from your hands “Nobody told me Endeavor hired such a cutie to be his secretary, ya think I have any chance of poaching you from him?” Despite your earlier thoughts about NASA, you had no intention of leaving your current position so you just laughed. 
“I’m flattered but unfortunately I’ve got some oddly placed sense of loyalty for him” 
“Oh I get it” he cocked an eyebrow “I would too if I was you, the guy’s a size queen’s dream after all. Gotta love the whole naughty secretary dynamic too”
You sputtered at his bluntness “Oh god no nothing like that I-”
“Aw, I’m just teasing kid, how couldn’t I when you come up here looking like that” He gestured to your flustered appearance and you immediately regretting taking the stairs moments ago “Besides, I’d be surprised if you got him to warm up to you enough to remember your name let alone bend you over his desk” He was spot on, you had to sigh at that. 
“You’re right there, I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t even notice if there was an entirely different person sitting at my desk tomorrow” 
“Heh, yeah, sounds like him. But you know, his birthday is coming up maybe a gift will put you in his good graces” another effortless wink was shot your way and despite him being the one with wings, the attention really ruffled your feathers. It’s like he had a secret mind-reading quirk or something. 
“I thought of that, but I have no clue what a guy like him would even want. It’s not like shopping for your mom, where you can just give her a picture frame that says ‘Live Laugh Love’ and she cherishes it forever ya know?” Hawks snorts in amusement at your comparison. You’re right and you’ll defend that if he asks, but he doesn’t. 
“In that case, I’d be willing to let you in on a little secret, some little known Endeavor lore, a true exclusive if you ask me”
“I’m not a tabloid Hawks, just tell me already” this guy messes around a lot for being the number two hero, its an incredibly stark contrast from his only superior.
“Okay, okay, you gotta lean in though, he’d kill me if I leaked something so personal” you lean in closer as instructed and he whispers into your ear, “his favorite food... is kuzumochi” You pull back in visible disappointment. 
“That’s it?”
“Yeah, he goes crazy for the stuff. Honest to god I’ve seen him inhale an entire batch in like five minutes. You want him to notice you? Then this is the best possible way, trust me.” and for some crazy reason you do. This could actually work, if it’s really as much of a secret as the blonde claims, you’d certainly stand out among the other gifts he’s sure to get. 
You thank Hawks and turn to leave with a newfound confidence in this new plan, but not before he makes you promise to tell him how it goes after the big day. As you exit the winged hero’s agency building the work phone you were assigned chimes with a new email letting you know that you can go straight home after the drop-off, and your grin widens. Even better, now you have time to stop at the grocery store on the way home, the decision already made to go big or go home. You were bound and determined to make the kuzumochi from scratch, and it was gonna be the best damn thing your boss had ever tasted. 
The rest of the week dragged on in a painfully average way, the only thing keeping your mood afloat was the surprise dish you had been working on every night. You’d gone through multiple test batches, determined to get the flavor and consistency just right. The work paid off on the night of the 7th, just in time when you completed your best batch yet. With a content sigh, you washed your hands and packaged up the kuzumochi like a damn professional. Finally, you were able to take a long hot shower and climb into bed early with the anticipation of tomorrow bubbling in your chest.
Morning came quickly and your daily routine was done with care, then you grabbed the gift and began the short commute to work. Brain on autopilot, it seemed like no time at all until you were seated at your desk and logging in to the company’s computer system. The pristinely packaged gift was nestled into the corner of your desk, waiting for the perfect moment. 
This moment came just before lunch when a mildly scuffed up Endeavor breezed past you in a huff and headed straight into his office. This is it you thought Sure, he’s a little pissy at the moment but this’ll cheer him right up. And with that, you knocked once on the office door and peeked in. The sight of him slumped in the leather office chair in front of the massive floor to ceiling window, eyebrow cocked at your intrusion made your heart jump just a little. How can one man be so damn intimidating? You cleared your throat and began to speak with entirely false confidence.
“Sorry for barging in sir, I just wanted to give you a birthday gift. It’s not much, but I hope you’ll accept it” the whole situation reminded you of confessing to your crush with a box of chocolates in middle school, and it’s funny how some things never truly change. You presented the box to him and to your surprise he actually reached out to take it. 
His scrutinizing glare never let up as he untied the silky ribbon and lifted the lid, but once he recognized the contents his expression shifted quickly to one of surprise. 
“Is this... kuzumochi?” His gaze fell on you and it had nearly physical weight.
“Yes sir, I have it on uhm, good authority that it’s one of your favorites” should you admit that Hawks told you this bit of information? 
“I’m sorry? Its… well, it’s your birthday, right? I wanted to get you something that would stand out.” It felt silly to admit to his face. 
“And why would you need to stand out, Y/N?” You had to keep your jaw from hitting the floor when he so casually dropped your name, the name you were sure he hadn’t even known. He decided to let you mull over the question as he took a bite of your carefully crafted treat, you could hear a small satisfied hum in his throat and it gave you chills. He beckoned you closer, “it’s delicious, would you like a taste?” when you hesitated he added, “it would be awfully rude to refuse your boss on his birthday, especially after all the trouble you’ve gone to making these”
A heavy step carries you over to his desk, like lead weights attached to your ankles. As you approach he rises out of the chair, a new unreadable look replaced the one of irritation you had been so used to all these months. “Come closer,” he said when you stopped just short of the desk. He’d never spoken to you like this before, and it sent chills down your spine. A few more steps took you around the desk to where he stood, and you barely flinched when he placed a large palm on the side of your jaw, the other held a piece of kuzumochi near your mouth. His intent was clear, he was going to feed it to you by hand. “Open” he commanded softly and you couldn’t deny him if you wanted to, so you complied.
The sweetness melted over your tongue, you truly had outdone yourself here. And once the piece was securely in your mouth, a warm thumb brushed over your bottom lip where his eyes also happened to be resting, completely content in watching you chew and swallow. The intimacy of the situation wasn’t lost on you. You recalled something that Hawks had said about a ‘sexy secretary dynamic’ and once again he was right. When the taste had completely faded from your senses, you looked up to finally meet your boss’ eye. The intensity in them shook you to your very core.
“I’ll ask you again, why do you think you need to stand out?” at this, his hand dropped from your lip down to your waist “Were you hoping for some kind of special attention?” the depth of his voice made your thighs clench, knowing full well where this conversation was heading. He noticed the action and quirked his lips into the faintest smile, one full of mischievous intent. One large step forward for him pushed you back onto the sturdy wooden desk. “I can’t possibly disappoint my favorite little employee then, can I?”
You barely had time to brace your arms behind you before his hand moved over again to res on the top of your thigh, and the one that remained on your jaw guided you into a kiss. It began soft, Endeavor was no fool. He tested the waters, your willingness, before jumping right in. The second you started to kiss back it was full speed ahead. The man was experienced for sure, he knew exactly how to coax your mouth into a dance with his own. Once his tongue pushed into your mouth it was all over for you, you’ve become a slave to the feeling.
All too quickly he broke the kiss, and you had half a mind to whine at the loss of contact. When you opened your eyes you noticed he was leaned over towards the box of kuzumochi that started everything. Odd time for a snack but okay. And when he returned to face you he did have another piece in his mouth, as well as the red ribbon you used to tie it in his hands. Your mouths met once again, this time he pushed the food into yours with his tongue. While you’re distracted with the odd sensation of kissing and eating at the same time you hardly notice the way he pushed both your arms up above your head and deftly tied your wrists together with the ribbon. When he was sure they were secure he let them drop and find a home around the back of his neck.   
You swallow the kuzumochi just as he turns up the intensity, completely claiming your mouth with his own. This time, he pushes you even further back until you’re laid completely flat on the desk. His fingers rake up and down your sides while his hips press against yours. You can feel his growing excitement pushed up against you and the feeling has you nearly moaning. Nearly isn’t good enough got the number one though, and he starts trailing kisses down your jaw and further until he reaches the junction of your neck where he bites and sucks like his life depends on it. This finally brings forth the noise he was chasing, and when you go to cover your mouth from embarrassment is when you finally realize that your wrists are bound. 
Your boss’ attention is directed elsewhere though, as he reaches a hand under your skirt, past you panties, and begins to stroke your folds. You both realized how wet you’ve become at the same time, and now it’s his turn to moan. One large digit enters you as his mouth travels further south, now nipping at your collarbones and chest. Your wrists slip from around his neck and his free hand strokes upwards from your side to push your arms up over your head. Completely exposed to him he continues to ravish your skin and curl his finger in and out of your cunt. Quickly you come undone around his finger and he removes his mouth from you long enough to drag the digit along his own tongue. 
“You’re even sweeter than the kuzumochi, here” he pushes the finger into your mouth and you diligently suck the rest of your juices from it. “Good girl.” The praise itself makes you moan once again. When he’s satisfied with your work he begins to remove his pants and you finally get a glimpse of what you’re working with. You nearly get up and walk out right then, because the man is massive.
“Just relax, I’ll start slow” he reassures and stays true to his word. After a long moment of adjusting he’s fully sheathed inside you and you swear this is what heaven feels like. The moment he begins to move you know you were wrong. If that was heaven you must have finally ascended even further, to wherever gods go when they die. Endeavor fucks you hard and slow against his desk until your eyes are rolling back in your head and you can see every constellation on your eyelids. And when it’s over, you’re shaking like a leaf.
He pulls out, not giving a second glance to the fluids leaking out of you and onto the floor, and begins to untie your wrists. Both of them are red and raw from the friction of the ribbon, and he places a tender kiss on each of the marks. One more kiss on the bruised patch he left on your neck, then he’s hoisting you upwards in a sitting position. Still unsteady but slowly coming back down to earth, you feel a soft tissue wipe at the mess between your legs while a strong hand continues to keep you upright rests at your side. 
When you look up to meet his gaze, your confidence is no longer an act. “Happy birthday,” you say and for once he breaks out a genuine smile that makes him look ten years younger.
As he rests his forehead against yours he replies, “It’s not over yet” but before you can question his meaning the intercom system next to his computer rings and a voice announces “Mr. Hawks is on his way up, sir” and you choke. You did promise you’d tell him how things went. 
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cherrypoki · 3 years
• Wonder
Summary: You cuddle, you hold hands and share clothes. You have since you were kids afterall so why would you stop now? Shuichi is your best friend and unfortunately seems to be struggling with the newfound emotion of pure love.
➵ Pairing: Shuichi Saihara/ Female! Reader
➵ Genre: Fluff, Childhood Friends, Friends To Lovers, Mutual Pining,
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Everybody has that one person.
That one person who makes everything better.
Everything tastes better with them.
Candy is sweeter, the sun is warmer, the breeze is cooler, colours are more vibrant and every emotion or feeling can get twisted and turned into something so positive it makes you feel like you drank melted sunlight, sunlight that gets into your bloodstream and dances around your body untill all you can see is them, all you can feel is the pure tranquility of knowing that everything is going to be okay.
Everybody has that one person that makes their days better.
And for Shuichi Saihara that person was (Y/N) (L/N).
Meeting (Y/N) was such a small moment. Looking back Shuichi couldn’t help but laugh at how that little moment seemed but how big it made his future. Meeting the excitable (Y/N) was in interesting trip on young Shuichi then, their personality’s were polar opposites yet they seemed to get along so easily, Since Shuichi always had trouble making friends his uncle took to you right away, always setting up playdates for the two of you, noticing how much Shuichi had came out of his shell since his parents death. When you got older his uncle had made sure to thanks you for how much you’d done for them. But that’s getting off topic.
It was 11:42pm on a school night. Shuichi had two quizzes tomorrow and a minor case to solve involving a missing computer. Yet there he lay, in his unmade bed with the sheets dangling off the sides staring at the ceiling with his window open. He’d never had to worry about mosquitos too much anyway, he was an AB so they didn’t really bite him much. So insted of mosquitos his mind was solely fixed on you.
Now your friends right? So what type of friendship involves one of the friends staring at the ceiling at night insted of working thinking about them?
Answer? It’s not a friendship thing, it IS however a crush thing, and despite him being the Ultimate Detective and having a whole job baised on his quick thinking and intelligence, Shuichi did not want to admit it was a crush. Ah yes, Denial his old friend.
Shuichi never really felt romantic feelings before, granted he’d had some crushes before but they were quite minor, usually grade school crushes that didn’t last for more than a month, despite that you always teased him for his crushes. He’d try and do the same with yours but your crushes seemed to be different than his, your type was different and it took you longer to catch feelings for someone, but once you did you fell HARD. Shuichi couldn’t use two hands to number the amount of times you’d talked to him about the person you like, swearing to tell them but never actually telling them. Shuichi would always remember the look in your eyes when talking about them. And right now he wanted nothing more than to have you get that look in your eyes when talking about him.
Pulling his hat over his eyes embarssed at his own thoughts the poor detective couldn’t stop thinking. His brain just loved to torture him by overthinking and nowadays it seemed you were all he could think about. Usually it would make sense given all the time you spend together, walking to school together, having classes together, eating lunch together, walking home together, spending afternoons and some nights together.
Why was he feeling all this for you now? He couldn’t help but wonder, why did all these feelings for you come out now? He’d known you for so long, snaring the bed, stealing each other’s clothes, changing in front of each other (this was when you were younger and less devolped) walking home, holding hands and shopping together had been a natural thing for the two of you, so why now did doing all these make his heart want to jump out of his chest and run a mile.
Yes Shuichi Saihara sucked with feelings.
➵ ➵ ➵ ➵ ➵ ➵
Waking up the next morning he knew he would be at your house before you were ready, Shuichi was such an early bird and had been ever since you were kids. Grabbing his lunch and leaving he kept his pace slow as he walked to yours, seeing no need to rush. It was a colder morning he noticed, so cold when he breathed out he could see his breath. Smiling softly to himself he could already see you acting like a dragon when you learned this fact, wrapping his scarf tighter around his neck he somehow always found the walk to your house quicker each time.
Ringing the doorbell and waiting outside for your response he stared at the familiar entrance, it seemed so surreal to him, it almost felt like yesterday he’d been there for the first time, smiling to himself he internally laughed at the memory of their giant family dog giving him a small fright, but they both warmed up to each other quickly. Speaking of the dog the door opening and the pooch poked his nose out, sniffing Shuichi as a greeting making the boy smile once more, he found himself smiling a lot more in your presence.
Shooing your dog back inside and shutting the door behind you you grinned at the flustered boy in front of you.
“Morning Shuu~!” You smiled, despite still being noticeably half asleep (at least to the detective) you seemed so happy to see him, wrapping your arms around him you left out a contented sighed as you sunk into the detectives body more and unknowingly killing him inside, He didn’t need his winter coat afterall.
“Mmmm” You hummed, unaware of the boys flustered expression “so warm~”
Finally pulling away you two nearly walked two blocks before Shuichi noticed your hands, smiling exasperatedly he looked at you
“You forgot your gloves (Y/N)”
You couldn’t help but laugh, Shuichi was such a mother hen to you sometimes making sure you never froze or overheated, unfortunately his care was sometimes overruled by your own stupidity.
Raising your hands in a mock surrender you laughed your real laugh, one that would make some people laugh at but just made Shuichi’s heart melt.
“Techinally I lost them, therefore I didn’t actually forget them and you lose”
He laughed more, pulling his scarf down a little and feeling bold, he grabbed your hand. Looking up at him confused he smiled sweetly at you and tried not to show how nervious he actually was, you’d held hands all the time as kids so this should be no different- right?
Ignoring his inner panic attack he focused on your smile and how easily you seemed to accept and grab onto his hand.
Ah there was the sunlight again.
➵ ➵ ➵ ➵ ➵ ➵
Class was as normal as it always was.
Well, as normal as you can get in a class of ultimates with clashing personality’s, honestly sometimes it reminded you of keeping up with the kardashians.
Sitting on the desks near the back Shuichi was reading a novel while you napped beside him. The peaceful expression was something he could stare at forever without fail. He wouldn’t mind waking up to that face next to him every morning. With that thought his cheeks flushed pink as he shoved his face so close to his book the words didn’t even look like words anymore. And he couldn’t help but wonder, if he ever did confess to you, what would you say? As far as he knew you didn’t have any feelings for anyone at school. And there was no way he’d ruin his closet friendship for feelings that might not even be returned.
As far as he was concerned he was fine with just being near you, he could live a thousand years of hell just to get a minute of moments like this with you.
Only when he heard a crash across the room snapping him out of he deep daydreaming did he realise you had one eye open and were starring at him just as attentively. Unlike him however you showed no signs of embarrassment and insted smiled
“You look really cute deep in thought like that” you mumbled, part of you thought it was too quiet for him to hear untill he pulled away and pulled his hat over his face. Smiling once again at his antics you couldn’t help it, you really loved to fluster the detective.
Only when the teacher walked into class is when the two of yous focus shifted to schoolwork. He had planned to skip today, but because of the two tests he decided he’d skip tomorrow insted, you’d most likely come with him if he told you, and he really didn’t mind at all. He didn’t know what exactly the two of you would do tomorrow but once again he didn’t care. Time with you was all he wanted. No matter where it was or what you were doing. You made everything worth it.
Staring at the paper on his desk he couldn’t remember the last time he’d actually studied for one of these tests, it wasn’t that he was cocky in his own abilities, it was more that he faith in himself, and while the two of you did study sometimes, it quickly turned into fuck around and cheat so you can have fun.
Sneaking a glance over at you you looked so focused he felt the warmth come back again. Truely you were like fireplace to his heart.
The first test was easy enough the both of you agreed on that, however the next one was a subject you sucked at. Shuichi offered you the answers but you shook your head staring at the paper, you didn’t really care about the grade you were given. But you didn’t want to drag Shuichi down with you. Plus how was this gonna help your ultimate anyway?
➵ ➵ ➵ ➵ ➵ ➵
Shuichi mostly let you lead the conversations when you walked home, you could talk to him about anything and he loved it, even if he didn’t know what the hell a Unus was seeing how happy it made you was enough for him, and he made a mental note to check it out later so he could ask you more questions about it.
Stopping by at the grocery store before you got to his house you both decided to grab some food for the night, the sun was already starting to set and the golden hues dancing on the sidewalk outside the store gave an nice atmosphere. You were grabbing some juice when the radio in the store started to play a song you and Shuichi both loved, Ophelia.
Laughing while putting the juice in the trolley you grabbed Shuichi’s hand and started to dance with him in the beverage section. Grinning at his red face you spun yourself and used it to pull yourself closer to him, your faces close enough yours noses were nearly touching. And the song playing in the backround seemed a hundred times louder as you two just stared into each other’s eyes. Neither one wanting to risk getting closer but neither one wanting to pull away either.
The song switching seemed to snap the two of you out of your daydreams, looking up and catching where the other person’s gaze was was enough to make you both flustered enough to pull away and awkwardly grabbing the rest of the stuff you needed. And despite both of you thinking you mistook the other person gaze and made them uncomfortable, it was painfully obvious to everyone else in the store what the two of you were thinking. Escpially the manger who originally was gonna throw her sandal at you two for eye fucking in her store was insted gonna throw it at the two of you for both being so obliviously stupid.
Leaving the store the tension quickly left as you both were soon laughing and joking about all the things you’d heard and seem today, specially things like Ouma writing on his test that Paraguay wasn’t a country. The colours of the sunset lay to rest of both of your faces and illuminated them in a way that made you both look ethereal.
“Hey Shuichi do you like anyone at school?” You spoke, breaking the silence that had formed, you must’ve phased him with the question, as his face went pink and he struggled to form a sentence,
“Wh-where did that come from?” Giggling at his reaction you couldn’t but but subconsciously lean closer to the boy as you walked
“No reason, I was just curious as you haven’t had a crush in a while”
He laughed at your reasoning, lifting his hat higher he looked at you, a slightly smug smile on his face “what about you (Y/N)? Any cute guys or girls you got your eye on?”
Shaking your head you laughed “maybe I do, maybe I don’t, you’re the ultimate detective Shuichi, you figure it out”
➵ ➵ ➵ ➵ ➵ ➵
The walk ended sooner than he expected as he was shocked when he realised they were already on his doorstep, opening the door and stepping insted he smiled and felt peace in his bones. You even made home feel more like home.
Pulling off your uniform jacket and wanting to get changed as soon as possible you turned to Shuichi was putting the food into the fridge or pantry.
“Hey Shu can I take a shower?”
He nodded, “I’ll leave some clothes outside the door”
You nodded in response and made your way towards the bathroom, going to his room to get changed Shuichi wondered if you’d still be okay with sharing a bed. Lying on his bed in the all familiar position of staring at the ceiling his mind wondered as he thought about you. Once again, you. The feeling’s you gave him were truely exhilarating. He’d always hated having crushes, but this feeling was much different, and while he was scared about feeling this strongly for his closet friend his emotions were mostly overruled by the feeling of euphoria he got whenever he thought about holding you.
He was once again so deep in thought he hadn’t even noticed the shower had turned off and in you came, dressed in one of his shirts and sweatpants drying your hair with a towel you looked at him and smiled.
“Wanna watch a movie shu?”
Contrarily to popular belief Shuichi does like detective movies, but he really enjoys old black and white ones, He lay with his back on the bed, his neck craned slightly so he could see the screen, while you lay on top of him, your chest against his stomach while you lay on his chest. It was normal for both you to cuddle like this. you always had, and despite being older now you still did. And it was another thing that made Shuichi happy. Even if it was purely platonic he just liked holding you, or you holding him.
You’d fallen asleep watching movies with him all the time, and this time was no different. His focus on the movie lost as insted he opted to look at you. You looked so happy and content asleep, he couldn’t help but wonder what you were dreaming about. And he hoped maybe one day he’d be in your dreams.
➵ ➵ ➵ ➵ ➵ ➵
Waking up you two were cuddled under the blankets, with no memory of moving like this your arms were wrapped around Shuichi as his face rested in the crook of your neck. The tv was off and the only sorce of light was comforting from the streetlights outside though his thin curtains. As rain quietly hit the window he felt warm inside again. And it wasn’t because of the duvet, or the warm clothes, but you.
Pulling himself close to you all he wanted was to stay like this forever, and he was glad he had a day off tomorrow. Feeling confident as he was sure you were asleep he pressed a small kiss to the top of your head and mumbled
“I love you”
He was nearly asleep himself when you kisses his cheek lazily and mumbled a response. At this point he felt like he’d become one with the sun now, and he didn’t mind at all.
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dnarez · 3 years
Chapter 5 - Day to day
The two weeks had passed and now Keigo was totally healthy! So healthy that he had a LOT  of energy.
"Yes ma'am..." as he was about to pick the toys that were scattered on the living room you stopped him by putting your hand on top of his head.
"I know that you had helped those people with your feathers by accident, but do you think you can use them now to put the toys away?" you lightly petted his head as he looked up at you and nodded.
He does as he was told, Keigo finishes putting everything away much faster than he normally would. "Isn't illegal to use my quirk without a license?"
"First we are on a closed environment, second, you are being watched by me, a person that has a license, and Third the commission will protect you within reason."
"Oh!... I didn't know that"
You nod and pet his head again before going to the kitchen to prepare for lunch. As you walk to the kitchen you hear his small footsteps following you. "Young master, did you finish your homework?"
"Yes, about half an hour ago"
"What about that book that I recommended to you?"
"It was cool... OH! Now that I can read better will we read that book again?" his wings were fluttering and flapping lightly showing his enthusiasm.
"Sorry young master, it seems that I have misplaced my book, so we won't be able to read it until I find it" You finally get to the kitchen and starts to cook right away.
"Oh... okay" Keigo sit on the chair and watches you walking around while you prepare some light food.
"Young man, tomorrow morning I will take you to where you will train, It will be very hard at the beginning, but it will get easier as time goes on. Every day you will train for about 6 hours, and as you get older it will increase as you will be able to do more stuff... but tomorrow you will train from morning till dawn." He nods at your words.
"But what if I want to come home earlier the other days?"
You look at him and then stops to think for a bit "Then you have to do all the exercises and all the tests faster than the time the coach will give you."
"Is that hard to do?"
"It depends on the person, I think you not only have an incredible quirk, but also have an awesome mind... I think you can do it" You smile at him as you put a sandwich on the table, with a cookie and some orange juice for him.
"You really think that I can nee-san!?" His eyes were shining with hope.
"I know so, you shouldn't doubt yourself" you sat down, and he sat next to you.
You knew that he would be fine since it was the first day, Keigo now was a healthy and happy young master, you teach him the basic and his brain took in all the information really quickly, the small things you asked him for help made him feel useful, but it wasn't because you couldn't do it or couldn't reach it, but it was because you were "warming him up" since the training will be severe after the first week.
"NEE-SAAAAAN!" you woke up from your daydreaming and looked at him surprised. "I finished... are you okay?" he tilted his head.
You smiled at him and petted his head "Sorry, I'm a little tired, but I will be okay"
"Can we watch a movie?" he said while getting up and putting his plate on the sink with his feathers.
"Nope, you got to take a nap now" you started to wash the dishes, but when you looked at him, he was pouting.
"I don' wanna" he crossed his arms.
'Oh... my god... SO. CUTE!!!' You finished the dishes and picked him up "How about we nap on my bed this time?"
His eyes light up, and he nodded happily "Yes, please! It's been sooooooooo long since I went there!!!" he threw his head back dramatically
You chuckled and went to the laundry room, where your hidden door was. "It's been three days, you drama queen!"
"Three days is too long!" you threw him on the bed, where he bounced a little and glared at you. "I'm gonna make you pay for this!" he got up on the bed and started jumping while saying the usual empty threats.
"Oh yeah? So you will have to give your all! Because this woman is one of the bests on the commission!" you made a pose and opened your arms, making claws gesture with your hands while going in his direction "I AM GOING TO HAVE BABY BIRD FOR DINNER!!!"
He screeches and tries to get out of your range, but fails and is quickly captured. "Release me you beast! If you eat me now I can't become a hero!"
"Another reason for me to eat you! Since... HEROES TASTE BAD AND LIL BIRDS ARE DELICIOUS!" you start to blow raspberry all over his face making him giggle and laugh.
"STOP!" he said between laughs.
You stop after some time and lay down on the bed while holding him close. "Let's nap together Kei"
He yawns and nods, getting comfortable on your arms. "Night mom"
You freeze for a minute and then relax, petting his hair "Good dreams baby bird" you kiss the crown of his head and close your eyes, tomorrow will be a long day.
As you predicted, the next day was a long and tortuously slow day, you had woken Keigo up from his bed, helped him dress and took care of the breakfast, gave him some warnings about the training that he would be doing and took him to the commission's gym. Then you came back to the house, cleaned everything and made preparations for dinner, organized the next subjects to Keigo's next class that will be tomorrow morning.
Today was a different day, were the young master was going to train on the hole day, he won't be having any other type of activity, since he will probably just want to take a bath, eat and sleep, but it was fine, you would be there for him.
When Keigo was brought home unconscious and on someone's arms you were alarmed, it was easy to think that something serious would have happened, but you knew that if something like that had occurred, he wouldn't be home, he would be on the hospital, a place where you wish that he never have to go to, but you know that it's a futile wish, since you know very well that pro heroes get hurt all the time.
"Oh my god! What happened!?" You got him on your arms, he was burning.
"He used his quirk too much, and now has a fever, he possibly won't be able to do anything tomorrow, so cancel all his activities"
You nodded and closed the door, his clothes were rags right now, he also had some cut and his skin was lightly burned on some places, nothing serious of course, but enough to make your heart ache from seeing him in pain.
And so you took care of the poor unconscious boy.
Giving him a bath with lukewarm water, them successfully woke him up just so he could eat something and take his remedy.
"My head hurts mommy" he said while panting.
"I know sweetie, hold on a little longer, the remedy will soon do its job." you hummed and rocked him lightly while walking to his room.
"I- *puff* *puff* I don't want to be alone!" he grabbed your shirt tightly
You held his hand and smiled at him "Don't worry, I have no other place to go, I will always stay by your side"
You gently put him on his bed and laid down by his side.
He snuggled next to you, and you covered him with the blanket 'he needs to sweat a lot...'
You keep yourself awake all night to take care of him, keeping a wet towel on his forehead at all times.
In the middle of the night he barfed which ended up all over himself, which made him cry and ask for forgiveness, it took quite some time to get him to calm down, when he did calm down you gave him another bath and feed him something light, you were glad that his fever went down.
"I want you to focus on getting better okay?" he nodded to you while you put him on the now clean bed.
You sing a lullaby while massaging his stomach.
Hush little baby Cuca is coming to get you, Papa went to the fields, mama went to work.
Black-faced ox, Come grab this child Who is scared of grimaces.
Bogeyman Get off the roof Let this child sleep peacefully.
This time he sleeps peacefully the hole night, but you still keep yourself from sleeping, since you wanted to be sure that he was fine.
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jobean12-blog · 4 years
Top Shelf: Chapter 3: Sweet Anticipation
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Word Count: 1,965
Summary: You and Bucky continue getting to know each other and every day you fall a little harder...
Author’s Note: Thank you all for coming on this journey with me. Happy to see you’re enjoying it! It’s a sloooowwww burn but I promise things will move along soon. There is a bunch of texting between the reader and Bucky in this chapter so I put those in italics. I tend to use a ton of emojis when I text so it happened in the story as well haha :) Thank you for reading! Much love❤❤❤
Warnings: fluffy softness, small amount of angst, light flirting, but mostly the fluffy sweet stuff! :)
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Previous Chapters: 
Chapter 1: Enchantment
Chapter 2: Cookie Crumble 
You’re still smiling as you finish folding the laundry, your thoughts never far from Bucky and his soft smile. The ding of your phone pulls you from your latest daydream, your smile only widening when you read the text, ‘you know what would make this tea even better…. A COOKIE.’ Bucky’s text is followed by a picture of him holding up his mug, complete with a ridiculously cute disgruntled face.
‘O m g, you are so dramatic! Don’t you have any other cookies?’ You send your reply along with a kissy face emoji to ensure he knows your tone is playful. His answer is almost instant, “I don’t….and someone ATE ALL THE COOKIES I HAD.’ He promptly sends a third text with two kissy faces, clearly playing along.
Curling up on the couch and giggling like a teenager you continue to tease each other over text, easily falling into a conversation about food and your love for baking. When you finally look up from your phone you realize it’s been almost two hours and the sun has set. Your apartment is dark other than the small light in the kitchen. ‘As much as I would love to talk to you all night, I have to go shower and get my stuff ready for the work week 😊.’
Bucky’s response comes a little slower this time, ‘good thinking, that went fast 🙂 and I wish we could talk all night too.’ Your heart does a little flip at his last text and your mind is foggy as you try to come up with a good response. He beats you to it. ‘Enjoy your shower and sweet dreams 😍. Feeling your cheeks heat you quickly reply, ‘thanks, you too, goodnight 😘’.
Putting down your phone you practically float into the bathroom, twirling around like Cinderella after the ball. It’s only when you do one last twirl, this time into the doorframe, that you effectively break yourself out of the spell. You let out a string of curses, rubbing your shoulder but thinking with a smile, I can’t wait to tell Bucky about this.
Monday morning hits you hard, thoughts of Bucky keeping you awake for too long and your alarm going off way too early. The minute your eyes open you want to grab your phone to text him but when you go to do so you find he once again beat you to it, ‘morning y/n, hope you have a great day.’ The smile you’re wearing for the rest of the morning is borderline obnoxious, but you could care less as you two continue to text throughout the workday.
You notice that he’s much less shy over text. His use of emoji’s and sweet endearments makes it easy to flirt. The week goes by surprisingly quickly. You talk to Bucky every day, getting to know each other more and more. It isn’t until Thursday rolls around that you get the idea to bake him some of your awesome chocolate chip cookies. It’s also a perfect excuse to stop by the bookshop Friday after work.
After rushing home to wash up and change you pack a big tin of the cookies and head out. The day is beautiful and warm, and you can’t help your smile as you walk to the bookshop. Peeking through the large front windows you see Bucky behind the counter cashing out a customer. His chocolate brown hair falls in front of his face and your fingers itch to tuck it back behind his ear.
He looks up just at that moment, locking eyes with you as you stare. Giving you a sideways smirk, he says goodbye to the customer and walks around the counter as you enter the shop. Before you have a chance to think about how to greet him, he wraps his arms around you and gives you a big squeeze, pulling away to place a soft kiss to the corner of your mouth.
Momentarily stunned you stand there with your mouth slightly agape, trying to find the strength to speak. “Are those cookies?!?” Bucky cheers, grabbing the tin and your hand as he drags you back toward the reading nook. “They are! I made my famous chocolate chip cookies I was telling you about. I made you a whole batch, so you know, you have some for tea and coffee,” you finish with a smirk.
He turns to you with a huge grin, “thank you, I can’t wait to taste them.” Those last words come out in a deeper tone, his eyes darting to your lips as he watches you intently. Clearing his throat, he quickly adds, “want me to make some tea?” You give him a nod, smiling as you watch him walk away, the blush he was trying to hide giving him away all too easily.
You watch as he takes the first bite, his eyes closing as he makes approving sounds. “Wow, y/n. Listen, don’t tell Sarah but these are the best chocolate chip cookies ever. It’s a good thing you made me so many.” He pops the last bite into his mouth, reaching into the tin to grab another, “want a bite?” “I may or may not have eaten a couple for breakfast this morning but one more won’t hurt.” Before you can reach to grab your own, he lifts one to your lips, “here.”
Taking a bite and chewing slowly, you try to keep your composure, wanting nothing more than to crawl into his lap and kiss him. “You have a little something here,” he says, reaching up to brush his thumb over the corner of your mouth. “Again!? Really? It seems I can’t eat cookies without making a mess when you’re around,” you laugh, dipping your head to try and hide your own blush. “Actually, no. You didn’t. Your lips just look so soft and I…”
The sound of the bell over the door and someone frantically yelling for Bucky has you both jumping up and running to the front. A tall blonde with wide blue eyes yells, “Buck, there you are. Listen, I….” he turns to you, “oh hey, sorry to bust in like this, I’m Steve,” he says holding out his hand. Bucky finally speaks, “Steve, this is y/n.” Steve’s whole face lights up and he pulls you into a hug, “y/n! I’ve been hearing about you all week, so nice to meet you.”
With a wide smile you hug Steve back, “nice to meet you too Steve! Bucky shared some of your moms amazing cookies with me the other day, which I’m sure he told you about…” You give Bucky a look, knowing full well he told Steve you ate all the cookies. “Well yea, he may have mentioned that you ate all of them,” he chuckles.
“Good thing I made more; they aren’t your moms’ recipe, but Bucky seems to like them.” Your eyes catch Bucky’s and you give him a sly grin, “in fact, Bucky said they…” Bucky cuts you off before you can finish the sentence, “Steve, why did you come in here yelling for me, what’s up?” Steve gives you a lopsided grin, but it turns to a frown as he looks at Bucky.
“It’s grandma, she fell and she’s at the hospital. She’s ok! So, stay calm but I knew you would want to get over there asap.” Bucky moves with determined speed to grab his belongings, “what!?! What happened, are you sure she’s ok? Steve runs a hand through his hair, “she’s ok, Buck, I promise, but she in pain. I didn’t get a ton of info; I just came here first.”
Bucky turns to you, his eyes wide with fear, “I’m so sorry y/n, I have to go. I promise I’ll text you as soon as I can.” Steve gives you one last smile before heading to the door, “I’m sorry we have to run off like this but I’m sure I’ll be seeing you again.” Bucky runs over and pulls you in for a tight hug. “Everything will be ok, Bucky,” you whisper in his ear, kissing his cheek, “I’ll talk to you soon.”
You head out in front of Steve as Bucky shuts the lights and puts the “closed for emergency” sign on the door. With one more wave you watch as the two of them jog down the street to hail a cab, hoping more than anything that his grandma is ok.
The rest of the afternoon drags as you wait for any word from Bucky, your stomach in knots. It’s not until you sit down with your takeout that you get a text from him. ‘Hey doll, so grandma is ok. She fell going up the steps to her apartment building and hit her knee and hand hard. Nothing is broken, thankfully but she’s pretty banged up, so they just want to keep her overnight to monitor her.’
You let out a loud sigh, typing your reply quickly, ‘oh thank goodness she’s ok, I’m so happy to hear it isn’t too bad. Please tell her hello for me and I hope she feels better.’ He answers right away, ‘thanks, me too, sorry to run out on you like that, talk about bad timing 😉. And she says, thank you, she’ll be home in no time and ready to cook us dinner.’
You’re still reeling from his ‘bad timing’ comment, hoping above all hope that you aren’t reading too much into this and he likes you as much as you like him. ‘Tell me about it! And really, it’s nothing to be sorry for, I’m just so glad she’s ok and dinner sounds amazing!’ He sends you back a single heart, sending your own into a frenzy. ‘Have a good night and text me if you need anything, I’ll check in tomorrow 💕.’
‘Thanks doll 😘.’ You put your phone down and try to finish your dinner but find it difficult with the butterflies in your stomach. Picking up your phone again you dial your best friend, hoping some girl talk will help. You spend the next hour on the phone with Nat, telling her all about Bucky in between squeals and giggles.
Saturday morning you wake to a text from Bucky, ‘morning beautiful, grandma had a great night and is coming home soon! Also, I was wondering what you were doing for lunch today, I would love to take you out.’ Flying out of bed you call Nat, talking a mile a minute as you fill her in. “I mean, we have our girl’s day so I have to tell him no, but we can just reschedule,” you squeal into the phone as you pace your apartment.
After solidifying your plans with Nat, you text Bucky back, ‘that’s the best news, I’m so happy! I would love to go to lunch with you, but I have plans with my best friend for the day, can I take a rain check?’ You try not to freak out while you wait, worried he is going to back off.
‘That sounds fun and I completely understand, what about tomorrow? We can hang at the bookstore before closing then go to dinner from there if you want.’ Doing a little dance, you type back, ‘sounds perfect, can’t wait! 😍.’ His text bubbles pop up right away, ‘me either, I’m gonna get back to the hospital to get grandma and get her home but I’ll text you later ❤.’
You spend the rest of the day riding your high, your excitement over your day with Nat and date with Bucky keeping you energized. “So, there is this bar that recently opened on the lower East side, want to go tonight? We can go shopping, buy new outfits and have some fun!” Smiling at her through your mouthful of food you give her a high five, “yesssss!”
Once you’re dressed and ready to go you text Nat a picture, ‘all set, I’ll grab a cab and head to you.’ Her reply makes you laugh out loud, ‘too bad you aren’t seeing Bucky tonight, you look HOT🔥 .’ You consider sending Bucky the picture but before you can make a decision another text from Nat comes through, ‘do not send that picture to Bucky unless you want to torture his life 😉 😇😏.’
@aesthetical-bucky @book-dragon-13 @irishflutiegirl​ @throwmyheartawayagain​ @amandatar-06​ @nd1998sc​ @captainchrisstan​ @vherriepie​ @godofplumsandthunder​ @fire-flv​ @jamesbarnesappreciationclub​ @eurynome827​ @flyawaybay @hiddles-rose​ @hailmary-yramliah​ @ikaris-whore​ @itsunclebucky​ @jhangelface0523​ @jewelofwinter​ @jewels2876​ @loricameback​ @littledarlinhavefaithinme​ @littleredstarfish​ @marvelgirl7​ @mushyjellybeans​ @marvelandotherfandomimagines​ @nano--raptor​ @randomfandompenguin​ @sallycanwait68​ @softpeachbarnes​ @when-the-hell-is-bucky​ 
548 notes · View notes
tteokdoroki · 4 years
I've been thinking vv soft thoughts about Bird Boi because of how sad he's made me. Like, it'd be nice if he had something special he tucks away just for him.
He's not going to date. Not with the public, the league, & the commission breathing down his neck. Flings are fine. He likes it fast. Delusional. Tweetie feels all the things so the need for something real is THERE.
Then one day he tries this new restaurant for a late lunch & cracks the worst joke to the girl taking his order. Just horrendously corny even for him. He actually cringes internally at his inability to just keep his mouth shut. & she giggles, & oh she giggles. Cheeks dimple. Eyes crinkle & shine. & the boi is GONE.
Oh she's making sure to get his order in before her lunch break? You know he feels kind of lame sitting by himself, you should sit with him! Talk about him? Nah that guys a loser, let's talk about someone more interesting, like you!
It's just an hour with an interesting stranger talking about anything besides work. He chases giggles instead of villains. Throws shitty puns instead of shining feathers. It's immediately obvious to him that you've never once edited yourself so he feels no need to. It's just easy & sweet & over entirely too soon but neither of you have time to complain.
You're taking your apron off the table. He's taking off into the skies. Isn't it a little brighter out? His shoulders aren't as sore as they usually are by now. Must've been the overstuffed booth. The rest of the day calls & snatches you from each other's minds.
However, next Tuesday at two he finds himself in front of a familiar door. Without hesitation he steps through & searching eyes find a waiting smile.
Back again? Well he couldn't keep himself away! From the food, obviously. Your break? Again? How lucky! That means he doesn't have to eat alone right? The same booth is open even...
There's a certain satisfaction in deja vu. In having a "usual". In finding a handbag saving his seat on busy days. In having inside jokes, second helpings, & see you laters, never goodbyes. A certain satisfaction in sweet & easy.
Easy cuts it close a few times. Too comfortable means too much sometimes. He wasn't supposed to say that? Checking his phone is the politest way not to notice small hands curling in on themselves halfway across the table. White knuckled with the desire to comfort. Did she really mean that? Leaning down to eat her food is the nicest way give earnest eyes time to tear themselves off her lips. Sweet & easy is just too rare these days to give up willingly.
He's asked about it of course. Reoccurring charges are always asked about. Nosy motherfuckers. "I swear it's the best in town! Go stop by and order one, no, order six!!!" Eyes are rolled, the word glutton is muttered, & Hawks' new favorite spot is brushed right on by as usual.
If only they bothered to stop by. A single glance at the man staring when his companion is distracted would tell an entire story. But they never do. And every Tuesday at two, the same eyes, the same smile, the same booth.
Sweet & easy.
#sorry it's so long I just plunked an entire daydream in your inbox #no regerts
aaaa this was so warm and sweet it made my chwest feel nice and happy !!!
can we just talk about the idea of hawks slowly falling in love with the girl he met at his new favourite spot in town?? like he always has to do things so fast, that’s what he’s known for but now he he has a quiet place to go to every week— it’s comfortable, routinely and he doesn’t have to put up the same facade he does with everyone else.
him slowly opening up to you while you share the new combo he’d been dying to try on the menu and you’d somehow managed to bag the last one on the menu for keigo ( even after the lunch rush ); you laugh at something he says; another terrible joke just as bad as the one he told you the day you first met !! the way your smile shines and eyes sparkle makes him blurt our a compliment that has you both feeling bashful 🥺 so he promises next week he’ll bring his a game
shy flirting turns to hands being held under the table, feeding each other meals over your lunch break and suddenly keigo is waiting for you when you finish your shifts in the evenings— walking you home because “you don’t know what kinds of people are lurking around in the dark!” and finally; you land on your doorstep, thanking hawks for the lovely late night stroll !! you turn to enter your home but in a last minute decision you press a sweet kiss to his cheek that have his feathers ruffling and a pink hue shearing his face when you pull away.
“goodnight, hawks.”
“until tomorrow, yn.”
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harryskalechips · 4 years
A/N here’s a fluffy and angsty piece I wrote from a request! It’s a bit long but I hope you enjoy 🥺❤️
Claire has had the biggest crush on Harry Styles since eighth grade, now he notices her but it’s for the wrong reason.
Word count 10.1k
“Fuck baby!” Harry pants as he catches Claire running towards him. She was coming from the bleachers, holding onto the big sign with his name on it. 
“Congratulations!” She smiles as her arms wrap around his neck. He lifts her up and spins her in a circle. His sweat sticking onto her skin as he took an inhale of her sweet perfume. “You played so great tonight!”
“I was so stressed I thought we were going to lose the game but I glanced at you in the bleachers.” Harry smiles as he sets her down. “You’re so fucking cute, you know that right?” He takes her chin in his hand so he can lean forward to kiss her.
“I’m your number 1 fan.” She bites her lip as she smiles. “And you know...you looked really good.” Her cheeks flush as she compliments him. She’s been in love with him since 8th grade! How did she get so lucky to be his girlfriend? To be standing in the bleachers cheering him on as she wore his sweater?
“Hello?” The familiar voice whispers. “Earth to Claire?” Claire blinks her eyes as she falls out of her daydream. 
It’s high school and just like every cliché movie, Claire had a major crush on one of the most popular guys in her grade. Harry Styles. The boy sat next to her in AP Bio and although he barely spoke to her, her heart somehow always fluttered when she would get a whiff of his cologne or when she would make eye contact with him on the field. Funny thing is Harry was on the football team with her brother, Tom. So when she would stay after school for her ride home, she couldn’t help but focus a bit more on the cute boy.
“Are you okay?” Hannah asks as she takes a spoonful of her fried rice. “I was literally mentioning how we should come back tonight and watch the senior boys’ football game-” She chewed on her food a bit more as she notices her best friend staring at the table behind them. Following Claire’s gaze, it was the group of boys from their grade. Since lunches were split between grades and Claire and Hannah always chose to sit near the middle, they always had a clear view of the athletic boys who were having their meals at the circle in front of the big windows. 
Harry was sitting on the table with his elbows on his thighs as he laughed at Niall Horan’s joke. The rest of the boys were Jack Norton, Samuel Donevy, Mark Randers, and Kai Dowery. Not all of them were on the senior football team but they played other sports and probably had the highest record of dating the girls at their school… except for Harry. He was quiet and he never showed any interest in a girl. Maybe he’s gay? Claire thinks from time to time. 
I mean she’s been observing him since 8th grade. She would look at what snacks he would eat during break time, what sweater he would wear for the week. For God’s sake! Claire started eating oranges while walking back and forth in front of him. She was hoping he would ask for a slice. She thought she looked cute as she peeled her orange walking back and forth. From the corner of her eye, she noticed him staring at her. Maybe, he wondered what she was thinking? Or maybe, he thought her red oversized flannel looked cute on her? … Wrong!
Harry watched her during his break time while he ate the small cookies from the bag in his hands. What the fuck is Claire doing? Can she stop? Holy shit, I would aim perfectly if I hit her in the head with my shoe! Can she choke now, please?
I guess that’s how it’s always been since Claire met Harry. When he first transferred to her school, she fell in love with him but Harry paid no mind to her. Instead, she was just some random girl who he’s known for three years. 
“You’re staring again.” Hannah throws a pea at Claire. In retaliation, Claire throws it back as it lands near her elbow. 
“They’re just in my line of sight.” She scoffs as she takes a sip of her water. “And yes, we can go watch them tonight but we can’t head to the after-party. I need to study for my chem test tomorrow.”
“What? Claire, how else are we going to have fun? I told Brooke, we were going.” Claire wasn’t just friends with Hannah. They had a bigger friend group of 5 but she and Hannah were obviously the closest. The other girls were at their club meetings. 
“Go with Brooke then? I’ll just uber home.” Claire packs up her container. She stands up to throw their garbage in the trash bin before coming back. “You know, I don’t want to let you down like this.”
“Sis, you would only stay home tonight if it wasn’t Harry Styles on the football team.” Hannah teases as they get ready to leave. “At least you’re coming to the game.”
“Tom!” Claire runs to her older brother. Hannah and Brook were already sitting in the bleachers as the game was starting in 30 minutes.
“What?” He snaps back. He was sitting on the bench, taking a sip of his water watching the other boys warm up. 
“I’m just letting you know, I’m going to uber home tonight. I’m not going to the after-party.” She had to tell her brother where she was going after the game. Ever since their mom and dad divorced, Tom was in charge of his little sister. He had to drive her to places and make sure he knew where she was. It’s been their routine. Hannah would drive from home and to the party. He would meet her at the party so they can drive home together but it seemed like tonight was not the case. 
“You don’t need to.” He takes his sister’s sweater and rubs his sweat on it. 
“Tom!” She calls out his name in disgust. 
“The party is at our house tonight.”
“What about Ben’s?”
“But what about mo-”
“She’s working the night shift in the ER today.” He stands up and takes his foot to his back to stretch. “Now, go. Make sure you order 6 boxes of pizza after the game. The guys and I will bring the beer.”
“What’s wrong?” Brooke questions as she watches Claire climb the stairs to their seats. It was starting to crowd, so she had to yell a bit louder. 
“The party is at our house tonight?” Claire replies with a confused face. “Tom is so stupid! How could he plan this without telling me?”
“Claire, you know what that means right?” Hannah shakes her head as she takes a sip of her soda. “Harry Styles is going to be at your house tonight! Perfect timing to seduce him!” She wiggles her brows. Claire cringed. Seduce him? That’s exactly what she didn’t want to do. She can already picture him pushing her off. 
“No, thanks.” She pouts. If only she didn’t have a test tomorrow, she could be downstairs ogling Harry across the room. Instead, she’ll be ogling a stupid video with the catchy crash course intro. “You guys have fun but you better tell me if some girl starts talking to him.” Brook laughs as she checks her phone.
“Don’t worry, I’m sure he’s going to be standing in the corner drinking a cup while watching other people get pissed drunk.”
The Falcons won. In other words, Harry’s football team won. It ended with Claire coming out of Hannah’s car with a bunch of people waiting for her to open the door. Now, she sat at her desk rubbing her temples in frustration. She could hear people laughing as the music beat vibrated against her floor, making the glass of water on her desk shake in the corner of her eye. I’m about to-
“Sorry, I thought this was the washroom.”  She turns around to see Harry standing in her doorway. He had his baseball cap on backwards. He was wearing a band tee she couldn’t recognize. 
“Oh, i-tt’s the next door on your left.” Claire stutters as she stands up immediately. “Hi.” Harry gives her a strange look before looking around her room. 
“Hi.” He pauses before talking again. “Nice room.” He was about to go but Claire needed to speak up. This was the only time she had his attention. 
“Did you study for the chemistry test tomorrow?” Oh my fucking god… You’re so dumb Claire.
“I don’t have chemistry.” He raises his eyebrow at her before holding onto her doorknob. “Sorry to bother.” And with that, he closed her door shut leaving her dumbfounded. Claire stood there as her heart kept beating fast. That had to be the third time Harry spoke to her. 
The first time was in freshman year when he asked her for an eraser during math class. The second time was in Biology class three months ago, when he told her to shut up after she kept asking Mr. Lisak questions about the nucleotides in genes. She hated herself, she really did. 
After a while, Claire came to a realization that she couldn’t study tonight so she stood up once again to head downstairs to see what fun she was missing. 
“Hannah!” Claire pushed herself through the crowd to greet her and Brooke. They were sitting in a circle with some other kids from their grade. Brooke moved over so Claire can sit with them. 
“I thought you were studying?” she whispered to her friend as she took a sip of her mixed drink. 
“I couldn’t concentrate.” Claire bit her lip. She was watching the board game in front of them but as she looked up, she noticed her brother laughing with his friends. What stood out to her was that Harry was with them. “I have to go.” Y/N stands up as she watches her brother call her over.
“Where are you going?” Hannah asks as she leans into Gabby. 
“My brother needs me.” She sits up carefully as she continues to walk towards Tom. “What do you need?”
“What are you doing down here? I thought you were studying?” He asks as he crosses his arms. His friends were laughing to themselves as they watched the siblings talked. “What are you guys laughing about?” He eyes them. Carlos shakes his head as he looks at me. 
“Isn’t Claire in eleventh grade? So, is Styles-”
“Shut up.” My brother interrupts him. “Don’t drink too much, you have to help me clean.” he talks to Claire again.
“What? I wasn’t the one who initiated this whole thing!”
“Yeah, well you came downstairs so you’re automatically co-hosting with me.”
“Reports on last night’s cleanup?” Sandra asks Claire as they walk to Bio. Sandra and Kaitlyn were the other two girls in their friend group but they both hated going to parties so instead, they chose to have movie nights when the other girls were out. 
“It was horrible.” Claire rolls her eyes as they enter the classroom. Other students were getting settled in as well. Claire didn’t need to admit it. Today was an absolute shit day. First off, her chemistry test was a total fail. Her mom seemed to be too suspicious about last night’s events, and now, Mr. Lisak was assigning their bio assignments. 
“Glad to know I won’t ever have to deal with that.” Sandra brushes her hair away from her face. “You don’t even like parties, I can’t believe you still go.”She sets her textbook on the table. “I know it’s because your boyfriend Ha-”
“Shut up. Don’t say his name!” Claire pulls Sandra’s hair softly. Harry was just so happening walking behind them to his seat. 
“Claire.” He calls her out. Harry was calling her.
“I need to talk to you after class.” He doesn’t look at her as he unloads his backpack. 
Harry and Claire walked alongside each other as they exited the school’s building. She had to text Hannah to find a group of friends to sit with since she didn’t know how long this conversation would take. Harry stopped them in front of a tree near the football field. What did he need to tell her?
“Your brother thinks you have a crush on me.” He keeps a straight face as he looks at her. Claire chokes on her breath. She takes a step back and looks at the field. 
“Whaaaat? I do not!” She scoffs back with a particular tone. She never told Tom, how would he know!
“So, you don’t like me?”
“No, of course, I do! You’re such a nice guy- and you play really well on-” She rambles on as she watches Harry just look at her. 
“It’s a yes or no question.” He shakes his head. 
By the time, Claire got her thoughts together, she notices him already walking away from her, she had to yell. “No! I don’t like you!” He pauses in his tracks and turns around.
“Okay good because I need a favour.” Claire widens her eyes. Harry Styles after three years of having the fattest crush on him, he’s happy to know she doesn’t like him? She lied! 
“What do you need?”
“I need you to go on a date with Finn Hartley.” Harry walks back towards her as he holds onto the straps of his backpack. 
“Finn Hartley? You don’t even talk to him!”
“How would you know?” Harry questions her making her mouth run dry. She’s been obsessed with you, that’s why. 
“I just- I don’t think you hang around him that much.” 
“Well, I do. I need you to go on one date with him.”
“He likes you.” Claire widens her eyes once again. How did Finn like her? She’s always been busy with her attention on Harry. She didn’t know a boy liked her. 
“How long has he liked me?” She mumbles as her cheeks begin to flush.
“Since the beginning of the year. I lost a bet with him so I had to set him on a date with you.”
“What was the bet on?” She bites her lip. Claire didn’t even realize she was standing so close to him. He still smelled the same. She was wondering if he was warm enough to hug her. Maybe, if she kissed him now, all these feelings would go away. 
“Some stupid shit.”
“Why does my brother think I like you?” 
“Stop asking questions, Jameson.” He calls her out by her last name. 
“Just one date?” She pushed back, ignoring his last statement. Harry just sighs and turns her around before pushing her to walk back towards the school building. She couldn’t help but notice how his hands were still on her shoulders as they continued to walk. 
“Yes, one date. If you don’t like him, that’s okay. I don’t care.”
Claire sat in the bleachers by herself as she took a book from her bag. She was staying after school today since Tom had another practice. She couldn’t help but notice Harry doing push-ups with some other boys. 
It’s a bit weird how easily Harry’s presence can bring her joy. Despite him not noticing her, just seeing him already made her day. 
He was already sweating due to the sunlight that was directly pointing in their direction. He stood up walking to the bench to take off his shirt but for some reason, this was his first time noticing her. I mean, he knew that Claire Jameson sat in the bleachers every time they had practice but this was the first time that he caught himself looking at her. 
She sat quietly in the bleachers as she read her book. She seemed to have been smiling from something she was reading but little did he know, it was because she was watching him. 
“Did you tell Harry I like him?” Claire sits in the passenger seat next to her brother. He put his shades on and started the car. Claire was watching Harry get into his own car across the parking lot. 
“Styles? You like Styles?” Tom laughs as he rubs his itchy nose. 
“So, you didn’t tell him?”
“Claire, I’m not going to lie I think you’re kind of out of his league.”
“Really?” She blushed. Her brother thought she deserved better? But Harry was her first love!
“No, you ugly sack of potatoes.” He turns out of the lot as he blasts the music. “I’m so going to tell mom you have a crush!”
“Tom!” ~ Bz. Bzz. 
Claire drops her pen and leans over to grab her phone on the bed. It was from Harry.
Harry: I’m coming over tonight. H.
Claire blinks repeatedly as she stares at the message. Luckily, she already updated her friends about Harry but this was just out of nowhere!
Claire: Why?
Harry: I need to give you some tips on how to make Finn have the best date H.
Claire: Shouldn’t he be working hard on how to make me have the best date.
Harry: I’m just coming over to give you some tips on what to talk about. H.
Claire couldn’t help but let her cheeks turn red. She never knew he texted with his initial at the end.
Claire: okay.
“Hey.”, Claire smiled as she opened the door for Harry. It was around 7 PM and he seemed to have change into a red flannel and black jeans. 
“Hey.” He glances at her and walks in. 
“Sweetie, I see your friend is here.” Claire’s mom steps into the foyer. “I’m Morgan. It’s nice to meet you…”
“Styles?” Tom comes downstairs with a bag of chips in his hand. He then looks at his sister and laughs. “Holy shit, you actually could go-” Claire throws her slipper at him. 
“Mom, we’ll be in my room.”
“Oooooo.” Her brother teases as she pushes him out of the way. She grabs Harry’s wrist so she can take him upstairs. 
 She slams the door close as Harry sits on her bed. What is she doing? Why is he here? Why did she lie about not liking him? Now, she has to go on a date with his friend, when she’s been wanting to go on one with him! 
“Are you okay?” He licks his lips and leans back on her bed. His legs were wide open as he watched her and she had to look away before she invites herself in between them. 
“I’m fine.” She glances at his face then looks away. She sits at her desk and looks at him. “I haven’t been on a date before.”
“Yeah, that’s why I’m here.”
“How would you know that?” Claire was a bit offended. He knew she’s never been on a date. That no guy has ever been interested in her… no wonder he paid no attention towards her. 
“I don’t know.” He looks at her ceiling. She still had those glow in the dark stars. 
“Before we talk about my date though, you need to come clean.” She mumbles as she plays with the tiny cracks on her phone. She pushed it away after feeling some glass on her skin. 
“About what?” He sniffles and sits up a bit more. He couldn’t stop himself from picking up a frame of her. It was her sixth birthday, and she was blowing her cake with her dad and brother beside her. 
“Tom doesn’t think I like you.” 
“Oh.” He puts the picture down and shakes his head before looking at her. He leans his chin on his hands before kissing his teeth and replying. “Yeah, It was me. Thought you liked me?” Claire’s heart stopped beating. Was it obvious? How she would always ramble when she would see him? How she watched him on the field and in the cafeteria. Holy shit, how she would eat things based on what he would eat? 
“Well, I-”
“Yeah, I know you don’t Claire. I realized you’re just a weirdo.” Claire crinkles her face.
“No, but for real, I had to make sure you didn’t like me or anything. That’s fucked up if I tried to set you up with Finn.” Well, you’re in for a surprise. 
“Really fucked up.” She laughs at herself. 
“Okay, let’s get started.” He yawns a bit. “I told Finn that I got your input about going on a date with him and he’s happy about it-” Harry continues on but for some reason, Claire found herself just looking at him. How he would rub his chin and use his hands to explain things. “Claire. Claire!”
“Yeah!” She falls out of her trance. Trying to pull it off smoothly, she spins her chair around and looks at him. “I’ve been listening!”
“No, you haven’t.”
“Yes, I have!”
“What did I just say?” He smirks at her, leaving Claire to smack her forehead on the desk. “Hey, stop you’re going to get a bruise. Why are you hitting yourself so hard?”
“I’m stupid!”
“Or more like falling asleep.” He pulls her off the chair to join him on the bed. “Y’know if you don’t want tips. It’s fine, I was thinking about talking you through it but I should just leave.” 
“No, don’t!” Claire urgently replies back. God, does she sound desperate or what? Seduce him! Hannah’s voice enters her mind. She possibly can’t. Should she?
Claire decides to give a go. Maybe, if he rejects her, this is how she’ll find out if he’s gay or not. She lets her hair down before biting her lip. She leans a bit back on one of her elbows as she reaches over for her remote to turn on the TV. Specifically, Netflix.
“What the fuck are you doing Claire.” Harry sits next to her with his eyebrows furrowed. He pushes her arm, making her completely fall onto the bed. He leans over to take the tv remote but just as he was hovering over her, the door busted open.
“Claire, what did I say. No closed doors when boys- Oh My God!” Morgan yells as she looks at Harry partly hovering over her daughter as the screen of movies and tv shows are on display. 
Harry quickly pulls away and stands up before clearing his throat. Claire sits up as well, tying her hair back up. 
“I’m leaving. No closed doors!” Morgan quickly walks away. Harry turns around to look at her before throwing himself back on the bed.
“Are you okay?” He rubs his eyes and looks at her. He honestly thinks this girl is weird. How does Finn like her?
Hm, how should Claire respond to that? I’m fine. I was just trying to seduce you that’s all.
“Yeah, my ponytail was giving me a headache and I was wondering if we should watch a movie while you explain the stuff.” Harry didn’t reply when she was done speaking. Instead, he reached over to pull her hair tie off her, softly as possible. 
“There.” He throws it back at her before taking the remote. “Wanna watch a random episode of friends?”
“Um, sure.” She takes the hair tie back as she sits a safe distance away from him so they can watch the show. 
Throughout the episode, Harry ended up sitting against the wall with Claire as he spoke about what to expect from Finn or more importantly from a first date. This time she listened well and tried not to focus too much on him. Of course, it still made her heart beat fast when he would laugh at her stupid questions but if Harry thought she was a weirdo… then a weirdo she is. 
Click. Claire hears as she opens her eyes. It was Tom holding his phone as he took a picture of her and Harry. Claire wanted to yell at him so badly but she was kind of happy he took the pic. Plus as she turned a bit, she noticed she was laying on Harry’s shoulder. God, how did they end up this way? Last she knew, She was closing her eyes subtly as he continued to explain what was a good conversation starter. Did he think she was a loser? That she can’t even impress his friend? Well, not too wrong, she can barely handle a conversation with him.
Tom laughs as he walks forward to tug on Harry’s ankle. “Yo Styles, wake up.” Claire immediately pulls away as she stretches her arms.
“Fuck did I fall asleep? Sorry, Claire.”
“Yeah, yeah. Do you like my sister or not?” Tom glances at his sister before looking at Harry. 
“What? No dude.” Harry gets off the bed as he rubs his eyes. “I fell asleep by accident.” He looks at Claire as he rubs his chin. 
“Mom is asking if you want some dinner before you leave.”
“Oh no, It’s fine I got to head home anyway.” Harry glances at the clock. It was about 9 PM. He never stayed this late at a girl’s house before. Quite frankly, he never really went to their house, they came to his.
As Harry was driving home, he couldn’t help but sniff his flannel a lot, especially on his left side where Claire was sleeping. As he parked his car and came inside, he noticed how lonely it felt. How the picture of his dad sat on the fireplace. He missed him. 
“You fell asleep on Harry?” Kaitlyn clarifies as the five of them sat on the field. Their Classes were about to start in 15 minutes and this was usually the time when all of them could hang out. 
“Holy shit, when did Harry start noticing you?” Hannah laughs as she plucks some grass and into her fingers.
“I don’t know… ever since my brother hosted the party at our place?”
“It had to be before. Finn likes you! When did that bet take place anyway?” Brooke questions as she lays her head on Sandra’s lap. 
“That’s true, you should ask.” Sandra braids Brooke’s hair as she listens to the conversation. 
“I barely ever spoke to Finn in my life.” Claire leans up to look at the sky. “Now, Harry only notices me because of him.”
“That’s cute. Imagine if Harry ends up liking you or you end up having a crush on Finn.”
“I don’t know. I’d pick Harry over anyone.”
“Ooooo.” Kaitlyn teases as she playfully pushes Claire into Hannah’s side. 
“Jameson!” The girls look up to see Harry a bit further from them. He stood in a black T-shirt and his signature skinny black jeans.
“I got to go. Duty calls.” 
“Yeah, your boyfriend is calling.” Brooke burst out in laughter as Claire pulls some grass herself before dropping it in Brooke’s face.
“Yeah.” She catches up to him as they begin to walk inside the building. 
“He’s asking you out today during lunch. Where do you eat?”
“In the cafeteria…” Claire pouts a bit as she looks at Harry. He really never did notice her. She sat in front of him every day and he had no idea! 
“Oh okay. Why are you looking at me like that?” 
“What? I’m not looking at you like anything.”
“Cut the crap, Claire. I don’t know what’s your problem today but that’s all I needed to tell you.” And with that, Harry walks away, leaving her pretty sad. 
She didn’t feel right. How obsessed she’s been about him, only to have him talk to her a couple of times due to a lost bet.  It sucked. 
Last night before they fell asleep, they were talking about the what-ifs on her first date. She remembered him smiling and laughing at her awkwardness. Now, it seemed like he wanted nothing to do with her.
Hannah sat in front of Claire in their usual seats. She was drinking some chocolate milk while doing her homework. Claire seemed to barely touch her food. “Are you okay? What did Harry tell you?” Hannah couldn’t help but asks. She noticed how her best friend barely looked at the table behind them ever since lunch started. 
As Hannah brought the topic up, Claire couldn’t help but look at the table, only to catch Harry already looking at her. Well, hi to you too. “I’m fine. It’s just- Harry was kind of mean today. I thought after getting to know him, he would be a bit nicer.”
“But do you really know anything about him?” 
“I know…” Claire seemed to be lost on this one and it upset her more. She claims to be in love with him but she doesn’t even know what he likes? What his favourite colour is? “I know he has a sister named Gemma. She’s in University.”
“How do you only know that?”
“He said it in 8th grade, during a presentation.” Claire shakes her head and looks down. She is so pathetic.
“Hey Claire,” She looks up again to see Finn Hartley standing at their table. “Hey, Hannah.”
“Hi.” Claire forces a smile at him as she feels Harry’s eyes on her. 
“I was wondering if I could get your number and take you out on a date?” Finn smiles at her as she glances at Harry once more. He seemed to be far more interested in Natalie and her friends who sat at their table a couple of minutes ago. 
“Here you go. I can’t wait where we’re going to go.” Claire genuinely replies as she fills in his phone. 
“Thanks.” Finn smiles as he puts his phone in his pocket. “I’ll see you soon.”
“You better come over and help me prepare for this date.” Claire lets out a sigh as she begins to eat.
“Wait so, he’s taking you out to Mcdonalds?” Hannah asks confusedly as she sits on Claire’s bed. “For a guy who seems to like you, his date location choice seems pretty… uh” 
“I know right?” Claire pauses as she tries on a new shirt. “ I don’t know it’s fine. It’s my first date though. I’m really excited.”
“I’m really happy for you, babe. After Harry stopped talking to you, I can only imagine how open-minded you are to this.”
“Thanks for coming, it means a lot.” 
“Anything for you.” 
“So, what would you like to order?” The girl asks the pair as they look at the menu and at her. 
“I’ll have combo 1 please,” Finn states as he looks at Claire.
“I’ll have combo three, the chicken nuggets.” She smiles. The night was a bit awkward, she expected Finn to talk a bit more. That’s what Harry told her. Instead, he was quiet as a mouse, barely acknowledging her. 
As they took their seats in the booth, Claire couldn’t help but take a french fry in her mouth. She was quiet too and Finn was just trying to eat his burger.
“Are we okay?” Claire couldn’t help but asks. Harry told her that Finn was excited about tonight but instead, he was acting as if he hated being here. The boy looks up and nods his head. 
“Yeah, I ‘m fine. Just a bit shy.”
“It’s okay. Me too. It’s kind of my first date.”
“Really? This is probably my third but I don’t go out much.” Claire dips her nugget in her sauce as she laughs a bit. 
“Same. Let’s get to know each other.” She takes a bit of the meat in her hands. “ How did you and Harry become friends?” She wasn’t going to lie. Finn was cute but she didn’t know much about him. 
“Oh, Haz and I? We’re next-door neighbours. I knew him since he moved in.”
“Why haven’t I seen you during middle school then?”
“Homeschooled.” Finn laughs as he takes a sip of his soda. “You’re probably wondering what our bet was. I would have asked you on a date without his help but I was really nervous.” Claire smiled at him and shakes her head. 
“It doesn’t bother me at all. I’m glad I’m here tonight.” Was that a lie? She wasn’t mad to be here but she did wish she was with Harry instead.
“Harry and I were playing soccer in my backyard. I ended up getting more shots than him. I mean, the guy is better in American football than his English soccer, isn’t that crazy?”
“I’m sure he was a bit rusty.” She laughs about their bet. “What was his reward if he won?”
“Nothing actually. Sometimes, I think he purposely lost so I could finally go out with you.”
“That’s nice of him,” Claire admitted. So, she didn’t know much about Harry but that little story from Finn made her think the world of Harry. She wished that he still talked to her.
You guessed it. Claire was stuck on the bleachers again waiting for her brother. Tomorrow, they had a home game so tonight’s practice was a bit more longer. She played with her hair as she watched the boys run from one side of the cone to another. She was trying her best to not look at the curly-headed boy. 
After her great date with Finn, she came to the conclusion that maybe it was time to get over Harry Styles. 
After all, he really made sure to let her know he doesn’t like her. 
Once practice was over, she noticed Tom talking to his friends before climbing the bleachers to meet up with his sister. “Claire, tonight we have a change of plans.” 
“What?” She whined. It was already 5 PM and all she wanted to do was head home and sleep. 
“Jeffrey and the others are heading to the diner for some food, you can either come or you can walk home.” Claire put her backpack on as she stood in front of him.
“I’ll uber home.” She really didn’t want to walk for 30 minutes if she was being honest. 
“I’ll drive her,” A voice speaks out. Tom and Claire look at the bottom to see Harry holding onto his sweat bag. Tom smirked at his sister before walking down again. Claire followed along without another word.
“No funny business Styles, you drop my sister home and then you leave.” Usually, Tom wouldn’t let a guy from his team talk to his sister but weirdly enough, he let Harry drive his sister home. After all, she had a big crush on him. Tom walked away leaving Harry and Claire on the field while the other boys were in the change room. She glanced at Harry to see him rubbing the back of his neck before nodding his head to the exit.
“Let’s go.”
Step by step, Claire followed him to his car. It was a regular black sleek Sedan. She sat in the passenger seat while she watched Harry throw his bag in the trunk before sitting down in front of the wheel.
She sat awkwardly in the seat as Harry just observed her. “What?” She mumbles as she stared straight ahead of her.  Harry just laughs at her as he shakes his head. After a couple of seconds, the boy leans over to grab the seat belt on her side. He clicks it on and puts his on too. “You could have just told me.” She bites her lip as she adjusts the strap on her chest.
“Yeah but for some reason Jameson, you act like you have no brain cells when you’re around me.”
“No, I don’t.” She protested as Harry smirks at her. He starts the car and begins to drive. “Thanks for the ride though. It’s nice of you.”
“I wanted to hear about your date last night.” He glanced at her. She’s pretty. Holy shit, stop that Harry. 
“Of course you do.” She rolls her eyes as she takes an inhale. His car smelled exactly like him. “It went great though. In the beginning, it was a bit rough but after a while, it was really fun.”
“That’s good to hear.” He didn’t know why he asked her. After their date, Finn knocked on his door, telling him everything about it. It made him a bit… upset. The only question in Harry’s mind was why? Why did it bother him?  He barely spoke to this girl since a couple weeks ago and for some damn reason, he’s been thinking about her since. 
He remembered how talkative she was during Bio class. She was way too interested in genes than anybody else in the room. How she bit her pencil when she couldn’t understand the topic. He already knew she was going to raise her hand up by the way she kept glancing at her notes and then at the slides. 
How she was reading something while she sat in the bleachers or on some nights, she would just watch them train…. He was suddenly getting a bunch of thoughts of her thrown into his head. 
“Harry?” She pokes his arm as he stares at his wheel. They finally arrived at her place after not really talking during the drive home. Now, she needed the boy to unlock the door. He shakes his head and looks at her house. Harry shrugs his shoulders, waiting for her to get out but the only problem was she didn’t know what button unlocked her door. “Can you unlock the door?” He presses the button on his side before looking at her. “Thanks… would you like to come in?” Claire screamed in her head. Why would she ask him that!” 
“Your brother said no funny business. I’m scared you might try and seduce me again.”
“I wasn’t trying to!” Claire lies as she grabs her backpack and steps out. “Okay, fine go home. I was going to make you dinner!” Harry smiles at her. He was only teasing her but to see her so flustered made him a bit happier.
“I’m coming.” He pulls his keys out and unbuckles his belt.
They sat together in Claire’s kitchen, eating some pasta. Tom wasn’t home yet nor was her mom so they had the house to themselves. Harry already had two bowls why Claire just ate slowly while watching him eat. 
“You know, we never really talked and we’ve known each other since eighth grade,” She speaks out as she pours him a glass of orange juice. She sat in her hoodie and her tights after they came home. 
“I don’t talk to a lot of people, especially girls.” He mumbled thanks after, she put the juice box down. 
“That’s not true. I saw you talking to Natalie and her friends!” He raises his brow at her and takes another forkful of the pasta in his bowl.
“Do you stalk me, Jameson?” “No.” She widens her eyes and pours more juice in his glass. It was still full… “I don’t know anything about you.”
“I have a sister named Gemma.”
“I know.” He drops his utensil in his bowl. He slowly drags the cup towards him since he didn’t want to spill the juice. The girl beside him filled it to the brim. 
“Drink it.” He looks at her then his glass of juice.
“I already have a cup. No thanks.”
“Drink it.” He smirks and pushes it towards her. She filled it to the top so she has to fix it. 
Claire leans forward as she takes small sips from his glass. She couldn’t help but think of how lips touched it before hers. After she finished it halfway through, she pulled away and wiped her mouth. She was about to look at Harry for his reaction but instead, he pulls her closer to kiss her. He kissed her!
His hand was on her arm as he pulled her towards him. She wanted to wrap her arms around him but instead, she stayed frozen. His lips were so soft just like she imagined. He couldn’t help but suck on her top lip as it tasted like orange juice. 
He pulls away as he looks at her and bites his lip. “I have to go.” He sits up immediately and gets ready to leave her house. Claire chases after him and just as he was about to walk through the open door, she couldn’t help but call him out.
“Are you gay!?” She watches him with tears in her eyes. He regretted kissing her. A boy like him didn’t like her. The boy she was in love with wanted nothing to do with her. 
“What? No!” He replies with a particular tone in his voice. He was obviously offended. “Bye Jameson, thanks for the food.” he mumbles. 
Claire closes the door and locks it before walking to her staircase and sitting down. Her sleeves were her only substitute as tissues while she continued to cry. Harry Styles was her first kiss and he walked away from her right after.
Let’s go Falcons! Let’s go! 
The cheerleaders chanted in the corner of the field as the boys continued to vs the Panthers. Claire was sitting in the bleachers as usual with Brooke and Hannah. She tried not to come tonight but the moment, Hannah showed up at her house, she couldn’t say no. Now, they sat together cheering on their school. From the corner of her eye, she could see Finn sitting with his friends. They were known for running the robotics club, which was really cool. 
“I’m going to get a drink,” Claire announced as she stood up from her friends. Their school was winning by 92-77. She was barely watching the game anyways. After last night, she’s been avoiding her brother. She didn’t want Tom to know about Harry and their kiss. 
“Hey.” Finn elbows her and smiles. They stood at the front of their vending machine with some other guests standing behind them. 
“I’m sorry for not calling you back after that date.” Maybe, he wasn’t interested in her too. “I just- my mom is sick and she went back to the hospital.”
“I’m sorry to hear about that. It’s fine Finn.” She couldn’t help but hug him. She hated it when she heard stories about her friends’ parents. When something bad happened to them, she couldn’t help but feel as if they’re her parents too, especially since her dad left them. 
“Styles!” Norton yells at him as he misses the ball. The coach calls time, making their team head back to the benches.
“What were you looking at!?” Tom snaps at him as they huddle up.  Harry shakes his head as he takes his helmet off. 
“Sorry, I don’t know.” But he did know. He was looking at Jack running with the ball but his eyes caught Claire and Finn hugging near the vending machines. He obviously had no idea why it made him lose focus. 
“Get back on the field and if you get your head out of the game one more time, you’re out!” Coach Turner smacks his board on the pole. The other team was finally catching up. 
“What took you so long?” Brooke questions as Claire sits beside her again. Hannah was taking selfies with their poster. 
“Saw Finn.” She replies back as she smiled at the boy who looked at her one more time before talking to his friends. 
“You missed Harry getting yelled at by your brother. I think Coach Turner did too.”
“Why did he get yelled at?” Her brows furrowed as she caught eyes with Harry. He was about to snap the football behind to her brother. It was crazy how they could still see each other even though she was on the bleachers. She wasn’t far though only 6 rows up. 
“He missed a play.”
“Party tonight at Ben’s!” Hannah cheers as she leans on Claire’s shoulder but for some reason, Claire couldn’t stop thinking of Harry.
“Another win for the boys!!! HUH HUH!!” Norton yells as the boys enter Ben’s house. Harry followed behind them with a smile on his face as he took a beer from a random guy who offered it to him. After the game, Jack and Tom seemed cool with him again. After all, he scored two touchdowns after his mistake. Now, tonight was their celebratory party… like always. 
“You played really well, Harry.” Natalie walks to him as he stands at the table where the snacks were laid out. 
“Thanks, Nat.” He purses his lips as he looks at the variety of chips in front of him. He was having a hard choice between them. 
“I was wondering if you wanted to I don’t know… Go somewhere a bit quieter?” Harry pretended to act clueless but he knew exactly what she was talking about. He never really liked a girl but he did play around with Natalie from time to time. He just hated the way she talked. Harry was about to say yes until he saw Claire across the room, dancing by herself… surrounded by other people who seemed to ignore her. Where were her friends? Did she know that she can’t dance?
“No thanks.” He walks away to grab Claire from the crowd. He brought her outside on the patio where most people were just chilling. Where was Tom?
“Claire.” He tries to stabilize her as she holds onto his shoulders. “Why are you drunk?” If anything, Harry knew Claire wasn’t the type to lose her self control at parties. He noticed she was just as sober as he was… at least most of the time.
“Why di coach Turnerrr yell at you?” She pouts and leans into him.
“I made a mistake.” His hands placed themselves on her waist. He could feel her skin through the thin cropped cardigan and skinny jeans she was wearing. 
“You know! I like Finn.” Harry couldn’t help but look down at their shoes. 
“You do?”
“Yeah! Especially when he told me how youuu lost the gamee so he can go on a date with me!”
“I didn’t do it on purpose.” He lies as he takes a whiff of her sweet perfume. She smelled like lavender. 
 “You’re British! How could you not be good at soccer?” She looks at him as she slurs. She takes her pointer finger and taps his nose. 
“You know who I like more than Finn though?” “Who?”
“You! I’ve liked you since eighth grade!”
“What?” His eyes widened. Harry stared at her eyes to see if she was lying but instead, she smiled sweetly as her cheeks were pink as the colour of her room.
“Mhm. Been in love with you since! I always tried to get your attention but you never noticed me!”
“Claire.” He looks at her. He doesn’t know how he feels about the new fact He doesn’t even know what to say. Yeah, he’s always wanted a girlfriend but he never really found a girl for him… well except now. Harry was liking the idea of Claire being his girlfriend. He thought that she liked him but after the first time, she said no, he got his answer and he never thought about it again. 
“Holy shit Claire!” Brooke comes out of the house to see them too. She was wondering where her friend was. “Hi, Harry.” Harry took his hands off of her immediately as he pushed the girl into her friend’s arms.
“Hey. I brought her out here, it was pretty hot inside and she’s pretty drunk.” Brooke trusted him as she took Claire. She knew he wasn’t trying to take advantage of her. Truthfully, she heard their whole conversation and the moment she saw Harry’s reaction to Clarie’s confession, she had to come in. 
“Thanks.” Harry just nods before walking back inside.
“I knew what I said. Stop bringing it up.” Claire groans as she and her friends sat on the football field just like usual. It was now a Monday and ever since Friday night’s party, her anxiety has been killing her.
“You know, you can always pretend you don’t remember.”
“What?” She takes a sip from her thermos as she listens to Kaitlyn’s suggestion. 
“That’s true. You were drunk! Just pretend you don’t remember.” Sandra agrees with her.
“You should. Remember how he just left  after kissing you.” Brooke joins into the conversation.
“Tom should never hear about that.” Claire rubs her eyes. 
“He won’t as long as you never tell him.” Hannah shakes her head and laughs. “He probably yelled at your ass when you guys were driving home.”
“I still hate how he drinks then drives.” Brooke pouts as she bites her lip. She may have a crush on Claire’s brother.
“He barely drinks though but yeah, I definitely got yelled at.”
“Shit was that the bell?” Sandra sits up and helps the other girls stand up too. “We gotta go. I’ll see you in Bio Claire.” 
“Pssst, Psssst Claire!” Harry whispers at her as people enter their classroom. 
“What?” She looks at him and takes her pencil case. 
“Meet me at the tree during lunch.” Claire wanted to say no. That Hannah needed a buddy to sit with but it was Monday and the other girls had no meetings today so they were going to be a full table anyway. 
“What? No.” That was the first time she said no.
“Yes, you will.”
“Class, Let’s get started.” 
Harry leaned against the tree as he watched the girl in the dress walk towards him. The sun was shining on her as she carefully walked on the field trying not to get mud on her white sneakers. 
“What do you need, Harry? Does Finn want to go on another date?” Claire arrives as she holds onto the straps of her backpack. She was cute, really really cute. Harry had to shake out of his thoughts as he spoke to her. 
“You know, you were drunk on Friday.” “I know. I got yelled at by Tom.” She picks up a stick and peels its skin. Harry takes the thing in her hands and throws it away. “Hey!”
“Do you like me?” He cuts her off as he steps closer to her. “You better not lie this time or so help me God, Claire.” 
“I told you I don’t.” “Who do you like then?” Harry tested her. 
“Finn.” She replies confidently as he clenches his fist. 
“That’s not what you said last Friday.” 
“I didn’t say anything last Friday! Especially, not to you!” She lied. She knew Harry didn’t like her. She needed to save herself the embarrassment. 
“You told me you-”
“I don’t even know anything about you! You barely let me in!”
“Why do you care so much about knowing me!” He yells back at her. She turns around as she feels tears in her eyes. “Are you fucking crying?” She turns around again and sighs.
“I tell you anything you want to know about me but the moment I ask you something, you cut everything short!” “No one cares about me-”
“I do, Harry! I care about you!” She rubs her face and hugs herself. Why did she have to care so much about this boy? 
“If you think this is some romantic movie...” He looks at the field then back at her. “That I’m going to comfort you and tell you shit about myself than you’re wrong Claire.” He takes his backpack and leaves her there, by the tree.
“You okay?” Tom unlocks the front door and lets his sister inside the house first. “If you’re still mad about me yelling at you on Friday, you deserve it. You know you need to be careful during these parties.” “I get it, Tom.” Claire walks straight upstairs and shuts her bedroom door. 
The pillows surrounding her head comforted her as she continued to cry. It’s pretty sad how she thought he was different. She always admired him from afar but now that she knows him she wants nothing to do with him. She was surprised when her brother opened the door. 
“Tom,-” He ignores her and shuts the door. He stands away from her as he watches her cry.
“Did I make you cry or did somebody else?”
“Do you miss dad?” Claire ignores his question and sits up. 
“No, I hate him.” He throws the tissue box on the vanity towards her. 
“I miss him.” She glances at the picture from her birthday as she wipes her tears with the tissues. “Some times I wonder why I like Harry so much.”
“What did he do? Is he the one who’s making you cry.” Claire shakes her head not to disagree with him but to point the conversation somewhere else. 
“Maybe ever since Dad left, I needed to find another person to help me cope with the divorce. Maybe, that’s why I always thought of him.” “I don’t know Claire.” Tom itches his head as he watches his sister. “You do know I’m here for you right. Even when I move off to college, I’m still here.”
“I wonder how I’m going to get home now.” “Learn how to drive you dumbass.” Claire sticks her middle finger at him as she opens her arms. 
“Now, come hug me.” 
Finn sighs as he kicks the soccer ball past the soccer net. Harry and he were hanging out by the soccer field near their houses. “Fuck man, I don’t know what to say.” He looks back at the curly-headed boy sitting on the grass. “You’re saying if I didn’t win the bet, you wouldn’t have realized you like her? Claire?”
“I’m sorry. I just felt like I needed to tell you about this. You can be mad at me. I just- I don’t know.” Harry rests his face in his hands. Finn sits down in front of him and pushes his arms. 
“You sure you like Claire Jameson?” He raises his brows at him. “I thought you said she was stupid and weird.”
“She is Finn! That’s the problem!” Harry falls on the grass as he looks at the sky. “She’s not even stupid. She’s actually really smart. She’s just awkward and clumsy - and she’s so fucking cute like that I don’t-”
“Okay, I get it you like the girl.” Finn laughs sadly as he looks at his friend. “You know, I really think she’s a nice girl but when we were on our date, she couldn’t help but talk about you a lot. She kept trying to ask me questions about you.” “I don’t even know if she likes me. She said she did. I asked her today and then she said no! Girls are crazy man!” “I know but in fairness, this is the first girl you spoke about to me.” 
“She drives me crazy.”
“Can you imagine how crazy you’ve been driving her since eighth grade then?” Finn laughs as he stands up again. “Come on, let’s play one more round together and make a bet.”
~ “Hey.” Finn catches up to Claire as they walk in the hallways together. Lunch had just started and she needed to meet Hannah at their table.
“Hey Finn, how are you? How’s your mom?”
“We’re good Claire, thanks for asking.” He holds onto his binder a bit tighter. “I was wondering if I can take you out on a date again?”
“Oh okay.” Claire looks at him. “When?”
“Um, on a school night?” “Yeah. I know it’s just my only free day.”
“Okay. Are you going to pick me up?” “Yeah, wear something nice alright?” Claire raises her eyebrows in surprise. Wow, his standards obviously upgraded. 
“He’s taking you out again?” Hannah rolls her eyes as she eats her burger. “To Mcdonalds?”
“No. Somewhere nicer.” Claire glances up to see Harry already looking at her. Niall seemed to be talking to him but his attention was somewhere else, or someone else. 
“Stop looking at him!” Hannah throws a piece of her sliced cabbage at Claire.”Chant with me. We don’t like Harry Styles, we don’t like-”
“I have to go.” Claire stands up and throws her lunch out. “Go to Sam’s table.” She walks out of the cafeteria. She needed to clear her mind before class and Harry in her peripheral vision wasn’t helping anybody.
She needed to scream at him. She needed to scream at herself. She needed an outlet. By the time she knew it, she was back at the tree from yesterday. As she sat down, she couldn’t help but pout. She’s frustrated, really really frustrated.
“Where we going?” Claire asks Finn as he drives out of her neighbourhood. 
“Harbour.” He smiles at her.
“I love the harbour!” She couldn’t help but feel the excitement as she sat in her seat.
By the time, they were there, Finn helped her out of her seat before going back to his. “Finn, Where are you going?” Claire asked in panic as he started his car again. She really tried for this date. She was wearing a bit more makeup than usual and she was even wearing a dress. 
“Look behind you.”Finn smiles sadly then drives away. Claire turns around to see Harry in a suit, holding a rose. 
“Harry…” She walks towards him. He gives her the pink rose before holding onto her hand and directing them to the restaurant in the front. “Wait, what about Finn?” Harry rolls his eyes as he pulls a seat out for her. 
“Is it not obvious that I’m your date tonight.”
“Don’t ‘oh’ me love, or I might get that boy to come back here and continue this date for me.” Her cheeks flushed red as she looks at him. 
“Why couldn’t you ask me out on a date?”
“I won another bet Finn and I made so, he had to set us up.” Harry licks his lips and smirks. “You better finish everything on your plate sweetheart, I’ve been saving up my money since 5th grade for a date with a girl.”
It was around 6:30 PM as they walked alongside each other in front of the water. Harry couldn’t help but give his jacket to Claire since it was quite cold tonight. “You wanted to know more about me huh?” “Yeah.” Claire rolls her eyes at Harry’s statement. “Just forget about it-”
“My father passed away 5 years ago and we couldn’t pay for our house, so we moved to a smaller one. It’s where I live now. I have a stepfather so he’s been helping my mom now.” He glances at her and squeezes her cheek. “Don’t cry, Claire. I know it’s sad but that’s what life is.” Claire stops walking. For the first time in three years, she’s able to look him in the eyes without feeling nervous.
“I’m here for you.”
“I know.” He takes her hand and nods his head to the right to gesture they should walk again. “You know what’s funny? I ‘ve always known about you. I just never really spoke to you.”
“I know!” Claire laughs as she plays with the rose, bumping it on her face. “I used to watch you all the time and observe what stuff you wore and what you like to eat.” They stop walking in front of the boats.
“So, you were a stalker?” Harry laughs as her cheeks turn red. “Oh, stop acting shy. I like you too.”
“I never said I liked you!” Claire begins to walk again but Harry grabs onto her wrist to pull back.
“Well, I’m telling you… I like you, Claire Jameson.”
“I like you more, Harry Styles.” Harry’s eyes crinkle as he hears her response. He rubs her hair at the top of her head, before kissing her forehead. 
“Alright, I won’t fight with you on that.
~ Five months later
“Hey, baby,” Harry smirks as he catches Claire into his arms. Football practice had just finished and Hary couldn’t wait to take his girlfriend home, especially with the heart eyes she’s been giving him since the whole thing started.
“Hi!” She hides her face in his T-shirt as she wears his hoodie. 
“Gross!” A voice teases them, “ Styles you better have my sister home by 10.” Tom walks with their other teammates out of the change room. Harry just nods as he takes his girl’s hand. 
They walked together towards the tree at the end of the field. The sun was setting as mixtures of purple and pink covered the sky. Claire sat down as Harry laid his head on her lap. 
“I have a question.” She asks her boyfriend as she plays with his soft brown curls. 
“Mhm.” He closes his eyes and rubs his face on her stomach.
“Would you rather date me or the most beautiful girl in the world?” Harry just rolls his eyes and sits up.
“The most beautiful girl in the world.”
“Harr, that was supposed to be a trick question.” Harry leans in to leave kisses all over her face. 
“You are. You’re the most beautiful girl in the world.” He kisses her and smiles, “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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poliel · 3 years
Surprise Egg 7/13: I Feel Great
Filbo ended up going to out to get lunch for both of them. Which felt a bit strange to do since Buddy was usually the one doing that. Of course, unlike Buddy, all Filbo could bring back was sauce, not that Buddy could eat bugsnax anyway so it didn’t matter. It would’ve still been nice to be able to do more though. Would’ve been even better to be able to do something more substantial for Buddy.
“How do you stand it?” he asked after they’d finished eating.
“Stand what?” Buddy asked as they stood up from the table with a stretch.
“Eating almost nothing but sauce. I mean… after Liz went missing and before you found me, it couldn’t have been much longer than a few weeks but I was sure I was starving to death. But you’ve been doing it for… I don’t even know how many months now without complaint.” And while carrying an egg for most of it too.
“I don’t have a choice so why complain about it? But anyway, now that Shelda’s back, that’s practically everyone, you planning on throwing another party?”
“I was thinking about it.” Before Buddy had come strolling back into town, distracting him with first their news about the Snaxsquatch and then everything that had followed. “I wish Liz and Egg were here too though.”
“I’ll find them soon.” The complete casual confidence in their tone indicated it was a promise without them even have to say it. And if anyone could keep such a promise, it was them. Even half-starved and run visibly ragged, they would find Liz. All without even whining about it a little bit.
With a sigh, Filbo stepped around the table to stand in front of them and look them over. Their fur was visibly rough and messy, a clear sign of poor health, nothing new there though. And… “You have more burns.” Places where their fur was burnt all the way away, exposing blistered flesh underneath.
“Yeah. I was trying to catch an annoying as hell scorpepper in the Sizzling Sands. But then the whole going into labor thing made that hard, especially since I didn’t know that’s what was happening at the time.”
“That must’ve been really scary.”
“Yeah, it was. But I lived it’s fine.” They brushed it off as it was nothing. “Why are looking at me like that though? I already agreed to rest until tomorrow morning. You’re not getting any more out of me so don’t make me feel bad about it.”
“I know.” Even if he could convince them to rest for longer it’d have the negative side effect of prolonging their stay on the island where they had practically nothing to eat but sauce. So the sooner they finished their story, the sooner they could go home and eat properly again. “Just… take it easy please?” He could ask for that much, right?
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll take it easy. Now, let’s cuddle.” They grabbed his paw and pulled him towards the bed.
*Around evening the next day*
Upon coming down from Sugerpine Woods with a backpack full of mostly peanut butter for themself and a bugsnax for everyone else except Gramble, Buddy was waylaid by Chandlo outside the mill. Not unusual when they were entering town from here but what was unusual was the concerned look on his face.
“Yo dawg, I’ve been meaning to talk to you since you came back from the desert the other day but didn’t want to disturb you. But… you really didn’t know you were carrying Filbo’s egg that wholetime?”
“I had no clue whatsoever.” If the thought had even occurred to them even once they probably would’ve figured it out. “Why?”
“Just… if I’d known I wouldn’t have asked you to take on the Mama Mewon with me, you know?” Good thing he hadn’t known then because that had been an exciting fight and seeing him come to his conclusion afterwards had been a bit of a downer but interesting nonetheless. “She banged you up pretty good so… sorry ‘bout that.”
“It’s fine.”
“Are you sure you should be up and hunting already though? I’ve heard laying an egg can be pretty intense.”
“No, I feel great.” A lie. But now that their body was no longer providing for the egg they should start feeling better soon, right?
“Well… if you’re sure. Take it easy though dawg, you don’t want to hurt yourself.”
They didn’t bother to even reply to that as they shifted their back around to hang off their front to make digging into it for bugsnax easier.
Chandlo wasn’t the only one who brought up concern over Buddy’s lack of knowledge about the egg and how they’d behaved while carrying it. And of course everyone had something to say about how they were up and running around so soon after laying the egg also. Even Shelda, who they barely knew, brought it. Though she used it as a ploy to distract from them asking why she’d requested they put a bugsnax in her ‘box of purity’, confirming their suspicions about what she was going to do with it. It made them mad but… whatever, they were going to keep doing her favors as she asked anyway just to see what would happen and to see if she’d ever own up to it.
On top of all that, they were also given updates on the egg. Which they neither asked for nor wanted but they politely listened to anyway. Apparently, the group had decided to have a schedule for pouching the egg and would figure out what to do with the grumpling once it hatched. It was very kind of them all to do so, Buddy made sure to thank each of them, especially since they’d neglected to do so properly yesterday.
A few days later
Despite the sedate pace Buddy set and them leading him up the easier/less steep way whenever possible, Filbo was struggling before they’d even quite reached the halfway point up to Frosted Peak. He wasn’t requesting a break yet though so Buddy kept going for now, being sure to glance back every so often to make sure he was keeping up.
It was kind of nice to go at a slower pace for once though. It gave them time to appreciate the view more and… to rest a bit because they were still tired and didn’t feel well. Which was just no fair, it had been almost a week since the whole birthing the egg thing, shouldn’t they be starting to feel better by now? Their body wasn’t providing for it anymore so they should at least be starting to feel better, shouldn’t they? And to add insult to injury they couldn’t even find the Snaxsquatch again no matter how hard they looked. Well, at least they’d finally found another lead on opening the stones doors so it wasn’t all bad.
Hopefully Lizbert would indeed be on the other side. Then they could interview her, getting the final things they needed to really make their story shine as well as the answer to the mystery of what had become of her and what was behind the door. And then they could finally go home and eat and publish the story. It was going to be amazing. And never again would they go anywhere for an extended stay without bringing at least twice as much food than should be enough for how long they planned to be there. Maybe more since they’d been sure they’d brought too much for this trip only to run out what felt like forever ago now.
They’d have to return soon after publishing their story with food supplies for Gramble and Shelda even if she was a hypocrite with her stupid purity box or whatever it was called. And for Filbo, if he didn’t come with them when they left, they’d return to see him again too. Hopefully he would come with them but it’d be unfair to expect him to do so. If they could get internet set up on the island then perhaps they could do a long distance relationship type thing. It wouldn’t be ideal but Buddy would be able to visit fairly often with the airship. Hopefully he would just come with them though. Maybe he might even want to go other places with them to? Probably to nowhere super dangerous but maybe…
As they reached Frosted Peak at last, they shook off the daydream. They had important stuff to do up here that would hopefully result in their daydreams about what they’d do when finally freed from this cursed island become reality.
The air was crisp and clear up here, making them shiver a little. It was nice though, cleared their head some. Taking a deep breath of it, they turned around to watch Filbo half stumble his way up too.
“We made it?” he asked in between panting.
“Pretty much yeah.”
“Oh thank grump.” He flopped down to sit on the ground and then seemingly unmindful of the snow, lay down too.
Buddy walked over to look down at him. “You okay?”
“Yeah, just… really tall mountain is really tall. Who’d have thought, right?” His attempt at a chuckle petered out as he continued to try to catch his breath.
“You could’ve asked to take a break pretty much whenever.” In hindsight maybe Buddy should’ve suggested at least one. “I would’ve stopped for you.”
“Yeah, I know but… you never ask to take a break, I have to practically beg you to. And just… lookat you.” He lifted a paw to gesture vaguely up at them. “You gave birth to that egg like… a week ago and you’ve already seemed to have recovered a quite a bit from the whole thing, not just the birthing but carrying it too. I know you can’t possibly as well as pretend to be but still… how do you do it?”
Hmmm… seems Buddy had been hiding their continued discomfort better than they’d thought if Filbo believed they were what could be considered ‘recovered’ in anyway. Since then though, desperate to be done with this island, they’d been pushing themself a bit harder which meant spending less time with him, so that might be why. Well, he didn’t need to know the truth. “I guess I’m just that good.”
Filbo opened his mouth respond but before he got a single word out…
“Hold on a second.”
Buddy looked up to see Eggabell approaching with a righteous look of concern and borderline fury on her face. Uh-oh, here came another lecture and/or scolding.
“Did he just say you were pregnant?” she asked as she reached them.
“I was but then I laid the egg like a week ago so I’m not anymore. I’m fine now.”
She didn’t look at all placated. “That’s means all the other times you were up here you were carrying an egg. You were splashing around in the freezing cold water and getting knocked around and just being reckless in general. What the grump is wrong with you? And where is the egg now? Please tell me you didn’t actually hike up to a freezing cold mountain with an egg in your pouch.”
Buddy had to hold back a sigh. “No, I didn’t. I gave it up and half the town ending up adopting it. But just for the record, I didn’t know I was carrying an egg until after I gave birth to it otherwise I would’ve been more careful.” Or at the very least they would’ve triedto be more careful. “And I wasn’t ‘splashing around’ I was catching the sodie. I was only in the water for not even close to a full minute so you don’t need to lecture me about that again.”
“In your state, after laying in egg, whether or not you kept it, you should be resting. There’s no way you recovered that fast.”
“I’m kind of in the middle of something though. In fact, all three of us are. So let’s just go open the stone door so Lizbert can come back to town. And then I can finally interview her and finish what I came here for. After that, I promise I’ll rest as much as both of you guys want me to. In fact, I’ll be able to go back to the mainland and eat real food again. So can we please focus on finding Lizbert instead of being worried about me or whatever?”
That finally gave Eggabell pause, her expression shifting into a worried frown. “I… guess you’re right. And you two are already up here so… we should focus on opening the stone doors and saving Liz. … Oh and uh, hi Filbo, it’s been a while huh?” She extended a paw towards him to help pull him to his feet.
“Hi Eggabell,” he said with a smile as he brushed himself off. “I can see you already know Buddy. How long has that uh… been a thing?” He glanced at Buddy. His expression remained pleasant but it was clear what he was thinking nonetheless.
“I told them not to tell anyone I was up here. So don’t be upset with them about that. Let’s just go open the door now and hope Liz is inside for everyone’s sake.” She set off in that direction and Buddy and Filbo followed.
“Did you really splash around in water up here?” Filbo whispered with a slight grimace.
“I didn’t splash around. I just stepped into the water for a little bit. It’s not even deep enough for Gramble to swim in.”
“But… isn’t even that still a really bad idea when it’s this cold?”
Yes and the water had frozen to their fur almost instantly but… “I had to catch the sodie. And it turned out totally fine, I’m sure you would’ve noticed a long time ago if I’d lost a foot or whatever to frost bite.
Filbo still looked unsure and concerned but thankfully was distracted as they rounded the bend and the stone doors came into view.
One failed attempt at opening the stone doors later and at the end of the following conversation between Egg and Filbo. None of which probably went down 100% the same way it did in game but it’s close enough that I don’t feel the need to write it since the gist is the same and the differences aren’t essential to the part I’m jumping back into.
“Please come back to town,” Filbo blurted out before Eggabell could finish turning away to leave. “I knowyou want to stay up here and figure out what we did wrong with the doors but…”
“Exactly! I need to figure this out and I will, I just need some time.”
Filbo grimaced as he lifted his paws to fiddle with them but he spoke with little hesitation. “But… if you’d been there before you might’ve been able to tell Buddy was pregnant and gotten them to relax more because of it. Or if you’d been there the day they got back from birthing the egg, things would’ve been a whole lot lessscary. And uh… while I happily gave the egg up for adoption with Buddy, I’m still worried about it. Floofty’s not a doctor so all they could really do for sure was determine that it’s alive. And I’m basically always worried about Buddy lately especially after what you said earlier about how they should be resting.”
Buddy took a breath to interrupt and insist such concern wasn’t necessary but… if given the chance would Filbo actually be able to convince her to come back to town on his own? So they held their silence for now as he continued.
“So please come back to town even for just a little bit. Just to check on the egg and examine Buddy properly. You can look at Liz’s notes again pretty much anywhere, right? And… and… maybe stepping away for a bit and coming back might be the exact thing you need to figure how to open the door. I know there’s probably not really anything you could do to help Buddy or uh… I guess the egg too but… I’d feel a bit better if you did.”
She frowned at him and then glanced at Buddy for a few seconds before sighing and looking at Filbo again. “So the egg is yours too?”
“Yeah, mine and Buddy’s. It was an accident, we didn’t mean for… it to happen.”
“Hmmm… I would’ve assumed you’d want to be a parent.”
“No. I don’t mind kids and stuff but… I don’t want to raise one, not right now or anytime soon anyway. So uh….”
“Yeah, fine, you’ve convinced me. I’ll return to town. Only for a little bit though and mostly to check on the egg but I’ll examine Buddy too if they’ll let me.”
“Really? Awesome!”
She sighed again. “Let’s just go.” Without further word she took off, without even looking back to see if they were following.
After a beat or two, Filbo jerked back into motion and followed. Buddy fell into step with him. “You actually convinced her to go back to town.” They were proud of him for that especially since they hadn’t been able to do so themself. Not that they’d tried very hard before accepting she wasn’t coming back until Lizbert was found. “Good job.”
Filbo beamed back at them. “Thanks.”
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
Fitting In ~ KTH [Drabble] [Request]
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➾➾➾Word count: 1.2K
➾➾➾Genre: Fluff? drabble
➾➾➾Pairing: Kim Taehyung x reader
➾➾➾A/n: I hope this is okay for you sweetie, I’m sorry it’s so short
It took you a while to notice it at first but once you saw it, it became harder to unsee it. You'd moved to Korea to be with your boyfriend of two years, you and Taehyung had started as a long-distance relationship but you both decided it was time to move in together and since then you couldn't help but think that you didn't fit in there. Every other girl you saw there was small, cute and a real girly girl but you weren't like that at all you were the type of girl that didn't care about wearing skirts or thrilly clothes. You didn't mind if you scraped your knee up climbing trees or wearing pink to feel cute but you noticed that Taehyung liked it when girls acted like that. ''Aegyo'' is what Hoseok told you it was called and you knew that it was a thing because the boys did it a lot for interviews and videos but you didn't think girls acted like it a lot but you were wrong.
"You okay?" Taehyung asked at lunch, you snapped out of your daydream and nodded at him. You had been staring at a girl across the cafe who was dressed in a pink jumper with a rabbit on the front and she looked cute. Playing the cute part and her boyfriend was eating it all up, your eyes travelled to Taehyung who was staring down at the menu and you couldn't help but think about if he would act differently if you did things like that.
"Just a little tired." You lied staring at the menu and looking through the options,
"I'll take the salad." You told the waitress and ignored the look you were getting from Taehyung, for as long as he'd known you you'd never ordered a salad when you went out together but you made a promise to yourself to try and fit in. You were sick of not being able to fit in with everyone else around you.
"What?" You giggled taking a drink from your water and looking at Taehyung, he shook his head and began talking about what he had planned for you both for the day.
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The following week when Taehyung was back at the studio you decided to go on a shopping trip alone, you'd done it plenty of times before but this time you were going for one purpose and it was to find clothes and other items to help you fit in a little bit more with the local aesthetic. You'd looked up how to find your own aesthetic but you were really struggling with finding what you thought yours was, there were plenty of quizzes on the internet but none of them seemed right for you and you didn't think they were the cutesy ones that you saw a lot of in Korea.
"Can I help you?" A small brunette asked as soon as you walked into a brightly coloured shop, you really stood out as you were dressed in all black and you looked at her with a small smile on your face,
"I'm looking to have a whole new change, what do you recommend?" The small lady turned to you with a giant smile on her face,
"Makeovers are my speciality, you came to the right place. I'm rose," She walked you over to some clothing rails and began to explain what she was going to do with you throughout your time there,
"We'll find clothes especially suited for you and then we'll move onto hair and makeup." You nodded along with everything she was saying and she took you over to some changing rooms to take measurements from you so the clothes would fit you perfectly and they could find everything to suit your body type.
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When Taehyung walked through the door that night he expected to see you waiting for him like you normally would but he found the house empty and he frowned wondering where you could have been. He decided to sit and wait for you while watching one of his favourite K-Dramas and he'd ordered food for you both when you came in.
"Oh, you beat me home." You laughed as you walked into the apartment to find him on the sofa watching something that was playing on the TV, his eyes glanced at you then back to the TV and then back to you with widened eyes.
"What did you-"
"I dyed my hair." You said trying to act cooly about it but he came over to you grabbing your face and staring at you, instead of the usual makeup you wore you were wearing peachy colours on your eyes, you even had some contacts in to change your eye colour.
"You don't like it? I thought you liked cute things?" You asked looking down at the plaid skirt you wearing and the light pink jumper and he stared at you,
"What do you like?" You looked at him and shook your head, it wasn't about what you liked this was to make him happy.
"I'm trying to make you happy, I want to look cute for when we're out together like everyone else around here." He stared at you and then he started putting things together, over the last week or so you'd been questioning him on what he thought was cute on you and what he found cute on other girls and he finally started to realise why.
"No, no-"
"I changed for you...So you think I was cute and wouldn't be ashamed to be out with me." His hands were cupping your face in his hands and staring into your eyes,
"Y/n, listen to me." You stared up at him as he stared down into your eyes, he was tearing up and you had no idea why.
"I have never, ever, been ashamed to be out with you. Ever." He said making sure you were listening to him,
"I will never be ashamed to be out with you and I will always love you for you which is why I know that all of this," He said pointing at the outfit and the bags of clothing that you had with you.
"Isn't you, this isn't the you that I fell for." You began tearing up as he told you how much he loved you for you and not someone you were trying to be.
"Tae I thought you liked when other girls dressed like this," He shook his head running his hand over your cheek and promising you that you were the only girl he ever looked at and cared about.
"So can I go and change back into jeans and a hoodie?" He chuckled as you rushed to get changed into one of his hoodies and he'd told you he'd go with you to take everything back tomorrow.
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"I might keep the hair." You said as you laid your head on his chest later that night, he ran his hands through it and hummed liking the new colour on you, it was a fresh change and it did really suit you.
"Only if you want to. Never change for me, okay?" You nodded and he lent down giving you a soft and loving kiss,
"I love you for you," He reassured you as you kissed him back pulling away to get some air,
"I love you too." You whispered to him kissing his cheek before laying your head back down on his chest and getting ready to drift off to sleep in his arms knowing he loved you for you was comforting and you didn't feel so bad about not fitting in anymore.
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@writingdreamsnottragedies @yoongisdumplingcheeks @snowy-meowl @lynnthevirgo @jooniesdarlingdimples @chimchims-stories-and-tales @lyoongx @mitzwinchester @btsiguess-kpop @rjsmochii @fan-ati--c @callingmyangel
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suituuup · 3 years
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pieces - chapter twelve
Five years ago, Chloe dropped off the face of the Earth. Beca didn’t expect to see her again dancing in a strip club, out of all places.
rated: E (drug use and emotional abuse in early chapters)
ao3 link
Chloe was surprised to hear music drifting through the apartment when she got home from her late-afternoon NA meeting that Thursday evening. 
It had been four days since they had come back from Oregon, and Beca had spent most of her time at the label, often coming home after Chloe was down for the night and leaving before she was up. She always left a note and texted Chloe throughout the day to check on her, but Chloe could tell something was off. 
She rounded the corner to find Beca cooking at the stove, and smiled. “Hi.”
“Hey you,” Beca greeted with a matching smile. “You hungry? Making a stir-fry.” 
“Starving. This baby is making me eat for three,” Chloe mumbled as she walked past Beca to pluck a bottle of sparkling water from the fridge. She uncapped it and took a sip, leaning against the counter. “Are you alright? I couldn’t help but notice you’ve seemed off since we got back.” 
Beca nodded. “Yeah, I’m fine. I uh,” she cleared her throat as she reached for two plates in the cupboard over her head. “I broke up with Sarah the other night.” 
Chloe’s eyes popped wider in shock. “Oh.”
Beca set both plates on the island, then opened the cutlery drawer. “Yeah… and I kinda threw myself into work, because that’s what I do to cope with my emotions.” She grimaced again, meeting Chloe’s eyes. “I’m sorry I haven’t been around much.” 
Chloe shook her head. “No, no, it’s okay. I’m sorry, Bec.” She wondered what the reason for the break-up was, but she doubted Beca wanted to get into that. “Are you sure you’re okay?” 
“Thanks. Yeah. It’s, um, life, right?” She shrugged a little as she turned off the stove. “We just weren’t looking for the same thing.” 
Chloe nodded slowly, then pushed off the counter. “Okay. I’m here if you wanna talk, alright?” She hitched her thumb over her shoulder. “I’m just going to freshen up, I’ll be back in a couple of minutes.” 
Beca had scooped food into each plate and poured water into two glasses when she got back clad in comfier clothes, and Chloe perched herself on the stool across from Beca. 
“Thanks for making dinner,” she murmured as she dug in.
“No problem. Did your NA meeting go okay?” Beca asked as she stabbed a couple of vegetables with her fork. 
Chloe chewed and swallowed, then took a sip of her water. “Yeah, it went fine. My sponsor is amazing. We’re meeting for coffee tomorrow morning. Well, tea for me.” Decaf just wasn’t the same. 
“Cool.” Beca smiled. “I was thinking we could get a start on the nursery soon? Have you thought of a color for the walls?”
“You wanna paint the walls?” Chloe asked in surprise. “We don’t have to do that, you know. I don’t want you to be stuck with a nursery-looking room once Bean and I move out.” 
Beca shrugged. “I have another guest room, and I kinda want Bean to have their own room whenever you guys come to visit.” 
Chloe’s heart swelled against her ribs. She wasn’t sure what she had done to deserve someone like Beca back in her life, but she wasn’t going to screw it up this time around. And she had thought about what she wanted Bean’s nursery to look like, but didn’t allow herself to daydream about it until now. “I like those beige walls the way they are, but I was thinking of a woodland theme? Something gender-neutral, for sure. A few animal frames, maybe an animal mobile above the crib?” 
“That sounds nice,” Beca said, smiling. “Are you going to find out the sex at your next appointment?” 
“I think so, yeah.” 
“That’s the 26th at 3, right?” Beca asked, surprising Chloe once more. Upon catching her look, Beca added, “I wrote it down in my planner.” 
It was one thing to have written down, another to remember it off the bat like that, but Chloe didn’t even know why she was surprised. Beca had been nothing short of amazing since Chloe decided to keep the baby, between keeping track of the baby’s growth on her app or making sure to pick up ginger ale every time she went grocery shopping.
“Oh. Yeah, the 26th at 3.” 
As Chloe further settled into her second trimester, her constant exhaustion gradually faded away. She felt more energized from the start of her fifteenth week, which felt like a breath of fresh air. As her OBGYN saw nothing against it, she started each day with a morning fitness walk followed by a yoga session, then settled down to have some breakfast as she read her book. After lunch, she either had a therapy session or an NA meeting, except for Wednesdays and over the weekend. 
The cravings were still there, sitting somewhere at the back of her mind, but she continued pushing through, for the baby’s sake first and foremost, but also because she didn’t want to disappoint her support system and risk losing them forever if she did fall back into old habits. The taunting was strong, every time she walked in front of the liquor store or a familiar street corner where she would get the good stuff, but she resisted, and never hesitated to call Aubrey or her parents when her resolve wobbled a bit too much for her liking. 
“Shit,” Chloe muttered as she tried buttoning her pants up, her more than noticeable belly getting in the way. She had just reached 17 weeks, and her bump seemed to have popped a little more overnight. So had her boobs. She could also start to feel some movement going on in there, which was absolutely mind-blowing. 
Not ready to accept defeat yet, Chloe grunted at the effort of bringing these two stupid pieces of fabric closer together, exhaling with a sigh when they didn’t budge. 
“Chlo?” Beca called out, a knock on Chloe’s bedroom door following. “We should get going.” 
“I know, I just-- can’t get my pants to button,” Chloe muttered with a huff. 
A pause. “Can I come in?” 
The door was pushed open, and Beca appeared, leaning against the frame. 
She Beca looked amused, causing Chloe to glare at her. “Maybe wear a dress?” 
Chloe’s nose wrinkled. “I only have stripper dresses.” That she should definitely donate, or get rid of. 
Beca hummed. “Mesh shorts?” 
“I guess, yeah.” 
“We can go buy some stuff after your appointment if you want?” Beca suggested as Chloe wrestled out of her jeans and slid on a pair of shorts Beca lent her. 
“Yeah, definitely.” She needed bras, too. “Okay, I’m ready.” 
As her last ultrasound at 13 weeks, Chloe didn’t have to change when they got there, and she laid down on the cot as they waited for the tech to come in. Beca stood by her side, scrolling through her phone. 
“So the Bellas’ results are in: 6 say boy, 4 say girl. I said girl.” 
Chloe had broken the news to the girls when they came back from Oregon and had once again received nothing but support. Bets started coming in over the gender, the due date, and whether Bean was going to come out with ginger hair. 
Chloe chuckled as she rubbed her bump with her palm. “You only said girl because I told you I felt like it was a girl.” 
Beca smirked. “They don’t have to know that.” Her expression softened as she pocketed her phone. “You excited to find out?” 
“Yeah,” Chloe breathed out. She was more anxious to hear about how Bean was doing and braced herself for bad news. 
“Hi there,” the tech greeted as she came in. “How are you doing, Chloe?” 
“Good. Hungry all the time.” 
The other woman laughed as she rolled the ultrasound machine closer. “Let’s take a look at that baby. Can you lift your top up for me and lower your shorts a little bit?” 
Chloe did so, reaching for Beca’s hand as the tech squirted some of that cold gel onto her tummy. 
“Alright, let’s see…” the woman drawled out as she moved the wand until she got the perspective she wanted. “Here we go.” 
“Oh, they got so big,” Chloe murmured in awe. 
“They’re moving around quite a bit,” the tech observed with a smile, pointing at the baby’s kicking legs. 
Beca gasped and tore her eyes away from the screen to glance at Chloe. “Can you feel that?” 
“Yeah,” Chloe confirmed, blinking back the tears pricking behind her eyes. “Feels like butterflies taking off in my belly.” 
“Strong heartbeat,” the tech continued. “Baby’s in the perfect position to tell their gender if you want to know?” 
“Yes, please,” Chloe said with a nod. 
“Looks like you’re having a baby girl, Chloe.” 
“A girl?” Chloe croaked out, a lump rising to her throat. The gender didn’t matter to her but knowing made it feel a thousand percent more real. She felt a squeeze to her hand and found Beca smiling down at her. “We’re in trouble. I was a handful as a kid.”
Beca chuckled. “If she has your eyes, I definitely am in trouble. Won’t be able to say no to anything she asks for, I’m warning you now.” 
The way they talked, it almost sounded like they were going to raise Bean together, and Chloe’s heart did another funny thing. Over the last couple of weeks, she had been experiencing weird feelings for Beca that went beyond the friendship line, but she was convinced it was just her hormones acting up like they did with her libido. Chloe felt aroused pretty much all the time, it was getting ridiculous. She also cried in front of a Budweiser commercial because the puppies were cute, so her body and emotions were definitely out of whack. 
The doctor came in shortly after, easing Chloe’s worries when she assured her the baby looked healthy, with normal measurements all around. They scheduled another ultrasound four weeks from now, and she and Beca were on their way with three copies of the ultrasound, one for Chloe, one to put on the fridge, and one Beca requested to store in her wallet. 
Beca drove them to Target next, and instead of heading to the maternity clothing section, Chloe went straight for the baby stuff, pulling a chuckle from Beca as she pushed the cart alongside. 
“Okay, I wanna buy everything,” Chloe mused aloud as she put a onesie back on the rack, even though she found it adorable.
“I know you’re still uncomfortable with it, but please don’t restrain yourself because it’s my money,” Beca said, as though reading Chloe’s thoughts. “I haven’t really had anyone to spend it on, so it’s my pleasure to get Bean whatever they need. Crib, car seat, changing table, stroller, clothes… you name it.” She smirked, nodding towards the rack. “So get that rainbow onesie, because it’s the cutest fucking thing I’ve ever seen.” 
Chloe giggled and nodded, her eyes shining with unspoken gratitude before she reached for the onesie. It was scary to think of how small her baby girl was going to be as a newborn, and Chloe was so glad she wasn’t doing this on her own. 
She selected five more, all animal-themed ones, then moved onto shirts and pants, showing Beca what she thought was cute to get her avail. She kept in mind that the Bellas and her parents were probably going to go overboard with gifts and paced herself on the quantity of stuff she dropped into the cart. 
“I feel like we should get the crib, stroller, and car seat from like, a special store?” Beca chimed in as they strolled through the blankets/swaddles section. She scrunched up her nose. “I don’t think I trust Target brands when it comes to sturdiness. I actually strumbled across a car seat that looks amazing, it goes from that to a stroller in just a few folds and clicks.” 
Chloe cast her an amused look. “How did you stumble across that, exactly?” 
Beca’s cheeks reddened. “By looking up the best strollers on the market.” She cleared her throat when Chloe giggled. “I just have a lot of time to kill on the subway.” Another grimace. “Is that too invasive?” 
Chloe shook her head, reaching out to rest her hand on Beca’s forearm. The contact of her skin under her fingertips made Chloe swallow as her body immediately reacted. Freaking hormones. “Not at all. I promise.” 
Chloe managed to walk away from the baby part of the store before she bought the whole thing, and headed to the maternity wear, buying a couple of jeans with an elastic waistband, a belly band, a few bras, and a pregnancy pillow. 
“Your total is $843,50,” the cashier announced once he had rung everything up, and Chloe swallowed thickly, glancing at Beca with slightly wider eyes. 
“It’s fine, Chlo,” Beca insisted as she swiped her credit card through the device. She thanked the cashier and grabbed most of the bags, letting Chloe carry the two lighter ones. Everything easily fit into Beca’s large trunk, and Chloe slid in the passenger seat, buckling up. “Any particular craving for dinner? We can stop for take-out on the way home,” Beca said as she slid her sunglasses over her nose before pulling out of their parking spot.
“I could go for a burger and fries. And a milkshake.” 
Beca grinned. “Cool, I’ll stop at Shake Shack.” 
Once they got home, they hauled everything upstairs and stored it in the nursery for now, and Chloe changed into sweatpants and Beca’s Bellas hoodie which she had never given back, picking an episode of The Office for them to watch. 
“Oh, I forgot,” Beca said after they were done eating, pushing to her feet. “Stay put.” 
Chloe did as she was told, giving Beca a curious look when she walked back to the couch with a package. Setting her milkshake on the coffee table, Chloe plucked it from her hands. “What’s this?” 
“A little something for Bean,” Beca murmured as she sat back down beside her, folding one leg underneath and hugging the other to her chest. “I ordered it when we got back from Oregon and forgot to give it to you.” 
Chloe ripped the tape over the opening and peered inside, fishing the box out. “Belly headphones?” She asked even though that’s what it said on it, her voice wavering slightly as emotions once again rose to her throat. She could blame that on the hormones too, right? 
Beca nodded. “I read that babies can hear from 18 weeks on, and I thought it would be cool if Bean listened to music before she’s born. And you know nobody takes picking out a pair of headphones as seriously as I do, so I thought I was the right guy for the job.” 
A watery chuckle burst past Chloe’s lips. “This is amazing. Thank you.” She leaned forward to hug Beca, holding her tight. Her scent did another number on Chloe, and she inhaled sharply, willing her body to chill out as she backed away. “For this, and for today…” She couldn’t remember the last time she had smiled so much. “I really don’t know what to say besides thank you.” 
“You’re welcome, Chlo,” Beca said, a soft smile curving her lips. “I’m just happy you’re finding your way back step by step.” 
Chloe nodded, exhaling. The light at the end of the tunnel was just in sight, and while it was another long way to reach it, she felt like she could, and that on its own felt like a victory. 
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atinytokki · 3 years
v. Haneul’s Relapse 
“That’s quite a good pearl. If you want, I can help you wash it.”
San glanced up from the pearl he was rubbing and followed the teenage girl to the shallows, where she hiked up her skirts and bent low, skilfully cleaning off the little treasure without losing her grip on it.
Afraid it would wash away in the waves, San bit his lip and shuffled nervously the entire time. When the girl handed it back, he clutched it to his chest and thanked her shyly.
“Do you think... do you think you could make a necklace with it?”
The girl glanced at her sister and giggled, likely assuming San had a sweetheart to woo. “Of course.”
“It’s for my half-sister Haneul,” he explained quickly as he followed the three up the hill towards their house. “She’s sickly and sometimes she’s not well enough to come down to the beach, so...”
The girls suddenly stopped in their tracks, the younger one facing San with a curious expression on her face. “Do you live in the blue house over there?” She asked, pointing over the sand dunes to where his grandparents’ place was.
San nodded hesitantly and watched the sisters glance at each other again before explaining, “Your sister is one of our dad’s patients.”
It dawned on San the longer they stared at him. “You’re Dr. Hong’s children?”
The pair smiled at him and the oldest extended her hand. “I’m Eunkyung, this is my sister Eunae and our little brother is Inho.”
“Choi San,” he responded simply, shaking the offered hand. “We’re also neighbours then?”
“That’s right,” Eunae confirmed as she bent down to let little Inho climb on her back to be carried up to their house. “We always wanted to visit the blue cottage. It looks so cute and homely over there.”
“You should come by to deliver the necklace when we’re done with it,” San offered, feeling awfully proud of himself to have done such a grown-up thing as invite guests. “It’s also a carpentry shop. We have lots of lovely things to look at.”
After all, they were teenage girls and teenage girls liked looking at pretty things.
The doctor wasn’t in at the moment, presumably out on a visit with patients, so the three of them set up shop in the kitchen while Inho played with his toys on the floor.
San mostly just sat and watched the girls pick out shells and beads and string them together, setting the shining pearl in the middle of the necklace as a centrepiece.
When it was finished, they walked over to deliver it as the sun began to set, and more excited at the prospect of introducing Haneul to new friends than that of giving her the necklace, San raced through the shop to enter the house and inform her she had visitors.
A voice called out to him as he barrelled past the woodworking bench. “San! Where have you been?”
Halted in his tracks, San spun around, surprised, and blushed when he caught sight of the clock. He was supposed to be working, not playing.
“I met some friends on the beach and they wanted to see Haneul, so I thought—”
“I need you here, San,” Grandfather scolded, standing and brushing off his hands. “Go on, tell Haneul she has visitors, but I expect you back here as soon as you’ve let her know.”
Deflating, San apologised respectfully and trudged upstairs.
It was torture for him to sit there hammering boards together while he listened to Haneul come out of her shell, fast befriending the girls and talking more than he’d heard her talk in weeks.
When their guests departed to eat dinner in their own home, San selfishly wished they had a brother his age. Eunkyung and Eunae were nice but they were older and closer with Haneul than him as it was. And little Inho was fun to play with for awhile, but like most five year olds, he asked an insufferable amount of questions.
As San took a bite of his chicken, he distantly wondered if he was like that as a five year old.
“I’ve taken the liberty of inviting the Hong children to a picnic tomorrow,” Grandmother announced as she cleared away the empty dishes. “I can see you’ve taken to them, and I’m sure you children will enjoy a playdate before classes start up again.”
She gave Haneul a knowing wink and shuffled away to the kitchen. As usual, she knew everything.
Making steady friends was difficult with the coming and going of families for the winter holidays. As school sessions neared, fewer and fewer visitors arrived and Namhae began to go back to being a small fishing town instead of an island getaway.
Which meant the Hong children were more or less the only option for lasting friendship in the off season.
They all knew this, so they set up lunch on the beach with a smile the next day and chatted about anything and everything they could think of, determined to get to know each other better.
Inho was fascinated by San and had good fun playing pirates with him, using specially made wooden swords fashioned by Grandfather in a moment of indulgence.
Eventually they tired of the play and joined the girls for food. There was no opportunity to insert themselves in the conversation, so they simply ate in silence, enjoying the bird calls and flashes of sunlight from behind clouds.
“I’m going swimming!” Inho announced when he had finished his food, throwing off his shirt and facing the ocean.
“You should wait awhile so you don’t have a cramp,” San warned, throwing an arm over his eyes and laying back as the sun blazed out again. “And besides, the water’s a bit cold still.”
“I’ll be fine!” Inho yelled back, his voice more distant than it was before. San sat up and noticed the boy’s towel sitting beside him.
“You forgot your towel—”
“I can do it myself!” Inho insisted, returning to snatch up the cloth and going back over to the shallows, dropping it just out of range of the tides and entering the water.
San didn’t remember being that stubborn as a five year old, but he didn’t want to interfere. Clearly Inho liked doing things for himself.
“Will he be alright?” San asked Eunkyung, trying to keep his tone casual. She didn’t look at him but swatted a hand. “He knows how to swim, he’s fine.”
The girls resumed their conversation— something about a drawing they’d seen in a book somewhere— and San resumed his sunbathing.
A patch of clouds covered the sun again and he was so peaceful and full of good food that he drifted off into a daydream, cresting the waves in search of something. The wind took him faster and faster away from his island and he wondered where he was headed, until a faint noise jolted him into opening his eyes.
“Where’s Inho?” Eunae was saying, voice tight and nervous.
San sat up and swept his eyes over the shallows. He couldn’t see the boy anywhere.
A noise got caught in Eunkyung’s throat as San stood to get a better view.
He couldn’t have just disappeared, maybe he was snorkelling under the water, maybe he’d appear in a moment and laugh at their horrified faces.
“There!” Haneul shrieked, standing with support and pointing out into the ocean , almost all the way past where the farthest docks reached. “He’s caught in a rip current!”
The moment he saw him, San ran.
He sprinted harder than he ever had before and struggled against the resistance of the waves before swimming to where the boy was being dragged out to sea.
San felt the pull of the current himself when the sandbar under his feet gave way, and he relaxed and let it pull him to where Inho was struggling to get back to shore.
The boy was tiring, exhausted gasps leaving his chest as he periodically slipped beneath the waves, too worn out to tread water much longer. At the sight of San he choked out a whimper, scared pleas to save him being washed away with the surf.
“Hold on to me!” San instructed, easily lifting the boy in the buoyancy of the water but struggling to bring him back to shore himself.
In rushing out here to save him, San might have just put himself in danger as well.
The specks that were the girls on the beach grew smaller and smaller, and San’s whole body was wearied from holding the blubbering Inho above the water as he tried to pull them back. Swimming against the current wasn’t working, he had to think of another way.
Noticing the docks protruding from the town as they drifted far enough out to see them, San decided to head for the jetty nearest them, moving parallel to the shore and breaking out of the pull of the current.
Suddenly the ripping force was gone, and San’s sore muscles could give out, the sand meeting his feet as he finally waded ashore, Inho shaking and sobbing in his arms.
The girls had watched from the beach and ran to meet them, Eunae hurrying home to fetch their father and Eunkyung scooping up the traumatised Inho, drying him off and shushing him calmly.
Haneul moved forward and embraced San, and he melted into her arms with relief that he’d managed to save both of them and that Haneul had let down her walls and given him access again.
“I was so scared for you,” she admitted, a few nervous tears slipping out before she could hide them. “You’re a much stronger swimmer than I realised.”
As his breathing returned to normal, San glanced out at the ocean again. The weather hadn’t changed, it was as sunny and mild a late winter day as it had been before. The water sparkled a dazzling cerulean and promised only fun and refreshment, not death and terror. But those very same waves had nearly dragged him and Inho to their deaths and on his return to the picnic blanket, he realised the ocean was more dangerous than he thought.
All the more enticing to explore.
Dr. Hong arrived to check the boys over quickly and decided to take all three of his children home after the excitement they’d had, profusely thankful to San for his quick reaction and teasing that he wouldn’t mind keeping him around.
He wasn’t joking when he called him Inho’s official bodyguard.
For the entirety of the spring, San found himself coming to the rescue time and time again.
Inho trailed after him wherever he went, and San protected him from everything from bee hives and ant hills to thunderstorms and broken tree branches.
Most of the time it just entailed getting him back home to be bandaged up, and San was thankful such an accident prone boy had a doctor for his father.
On one such rainy afternoon in the summer, San was bringing Inho home after saving him from falling out the back of a carriage in town to have his sprained ankle looked at. Namhae was busy with droves of vacationers and none of them were good carriage drivers.
Dr. Hong was already with a client, and to his surprise, San realised it was Grandfather.
He was seated and his hands covered his face, bent over in some type of begging position, and the sight of him made San’s stomach churn.
There was no doubt it had something to do with Haneul.
She had been cooped up in her attic room the past week or so, but San had blamed it on the rain. Haneul was healthy enough to play with Eunkyung and Eunae after all, even if they talked more than they played.
Putting himself out of his misery, San pushed open the door and escorted limping Inho to his father.
“Oh dear, what happened!” The doctor cried, making a fuss for Inho’s sake but clearly unfazed by the appearance of a new injury.
Inho went on to explain and San greeted Grandfather, taking a seat next to him and inhaling that familiar musk of sawdust and tea.
“I’m sure you didn’t expect to see me here!” Grandfather chucked, having composed himself frighteningly quickly and forced on a smile. San knew the difference between that smile and Grandfather’s real one.
“Not really!” He chirped in response, kicking his legs as they hung from the chair. It was always awkward between them outside of the workshop, when neither knew what to talk about.
“You know, I’ve decided to extend an invitation to your father to come stay with us for awhile around your birthday,” Grandfather informed him, the real smile flashing when he saw San’s eyes light up at the prospect.
“Can I come to your birthday party too?” Inho asked from where his father was elevating his leg. “When is it, anyway?”
“Next month,” San explained, keeping a keen eye on the doctor’s activities.
“How many tomorrows is that from now?” Inho muttered, confused, and the rest of the room had a good laugh at his innocence, one that was not appreciated by the five year old.
True to his word, Grandfather mailed a letter to Father just as he’d done many times before, this time with a special offer enclosed. When Father arrived, he brought gifts with him— not just for San, but plenty for Haneul, too.
They’d missed out on seeing him for almost a full year, and there was everything to catch up on, especially with regards to current events.
The constant clanging and shouting from the garrison construction zone was a brand new sight for Father, and he spent a great deal of time frowning at it during San’s birthday party.
They all settled in for another rainy evening and Father administered Haneul’s medicine, a very familiar sight, while San wrinkled his nose from where he sat by the window.
He admired her for being able to stomach it every day, but he was ten now so he didn’t complain about such things.
Even on his birthday with Father showing more attention to his half sister than to him, San didn’t pay it any mind and continued to play until he was shooed out of the room.
“Off to bed, birthday boy,” Father hummed gently, nudging him away from the window. “The beach will still be there tomorrow.”
San stayed awake in his bed for as long as he could, paying attention to the amount of time Father spent speaking with Haneul before the telltale sounds of him moving back into his own creaked throughout the attic.
There was something serious going on with her, and San had a sneaking suspicion her health was the real reason Father was paying such a long visit, not his tenth birthday.
By the next morning, he knew he was right. Haneul had relapsed considerably and San was once again sent off to go play outside.
Only this time he had more than a few trees to mess around in, he had an entire ocean ahead of him.
A/N: It’s been way too long since I updated this one, but finally I got around to it! Hope it was worth the wait, and keep on the lookout for various other updates from me as I get on a summer schedule ;) Don’t forget to reblog and comment and have a good day!
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rosierocks30 · 3 years
Chapter 11: The Coup D'état 
Reiner hasn’t seen Mikasa for a week since their unexpected encounter. All he could think about was the way her soft lips crashed into his. As a Marleyan warrior, he shouldn’t have these thoughts towards his enemy, but as a man, it’s so tempting to expand his forbidden thoughts about the female Ackerman. He remembers when he and his comrades went on their mission to retrieve the Founding Titan from the Paradis Eldians, he met Mikasa at a military academy and his crush for her grew when she spared him and took him down. He admired her strength and talents from being an excellent soldier. He felt she had so much potential, but with Eren it was hard for her to focus on her priorities.
Sure he was jealous a little bit, but he believed Mikasa could grow to her full potential which a week ago, Reiner saw what she was capable of doing. He saw another side of her personality that she rarely shows to anyone. 
Right now, he kept replaying on that day when Mikasa kissed him. Just thinking of the way they kissed was very enjoyable and passionate, especially for two former comrades now enemies. 
The Armored Titan holder was lost in his thoughts as he’s with his family having a late lunch. Gabi, his cousin telling interesting tales during her training. His other relatives praised her while his mother was staring at him with concern. 
“Reiner? Are you alright?” His mother interrupted his daydream. Reiner’s cheeks were now flushed embarrassedly. 
“Yes, mother. I’m alright. I just had a lot of things on my mind.” He tried to stay cool.  The rest of his family gave an ‘are you sure’ look. 
“Are you sure, son? You just have that look that I used to do that when I thought about your father.” Ms. Braun's voice was low. Reiner glanced up at his mother then sighed as he got up from his chair. 
“I’m fine, mother. I had a lot on my mind because we’re going to the shoreline tomorrow to prepare for the invasion soon.” He said. 
Ms. Braun seems not convinced, but she lets him off as he gets up from his seat. “Are you heading back to the base?” 
“Yes, I need to prepare for tomorrow. Gabi, you can enjoy a little more time here before you have to come back soon for tomorrow.” The titan shifter looked at his cousin who nodded. 
“Well, thank you for the lovely meal mother. I will definitely miss your home cooked meal and uncle and auntie, it’s good to see you both again.” He smiles at each of them. 
“Wait son, let me pack you up some leftovers so you can enjoy it on the trip to the shoreline.” Ms. Braun gets up quickly to go pack up some leftovers for his son, but add more to share with his close comrades. His soldiers always praised how good his mother’s home cooked meals were. 
The blonde haired man goes towards the kitchen where his mother is packing up some food for him. “Reiner, I know you have a lot of plate in you, but I’m asking a favor from you to find a girl. I don’t care...where she’s from as long, she makes you happy.” 
Reiner was surprised by his mother’s words. Usually, she always told him to find a good respectable Eldian girl even though she prefers a Marleyan girl, but that sounds too far fetched for him to be with. With years passed, his time is running out. Soon in a year, he will be dead by the titan's curse and have to pass it on to his successor. 
“Mother, what are you trying to say?” He finally broke his silence. 
“I want a grandchild. I understand this will be unfair for you and the potential mother of your child, but hear me out my son. I may push you to be in the warriors program so our family can be citizens. I want to say, I’m sorry, Reiner …for letting my ambition put on you. I was so hurt and in denial when your father stopped this secret affair. I thought being citizens will make him come back to me and be a family like I’ve dreamed. Every time I count the days when you’re about to die, I cry...from the guilty making my only child go through hell. I’m sorry for causing you pain, my precious son. I love you so much. Please, if you can make time, find a girl that makes you happy and have a child. I promise you that I will accept the mother of your child with open arms and treat her as my daughter. Your child will be raised with love and knowing its father died as a hero.” She cupped her son’s face to stare into his eyes. 
Reiner scoffs that his mother mentions him as a hero. He didn’t feel like a hero when reality had hit him hard during the time of the Trost District invasion of the Titans. He started to have nightmares. At first it was the loss of his comrades Marcel Gaillard, Porco Gaillard’s older brother, the last holder of the Jaw Titan before Ymir ate him and stole the Jaw titan from him on the island. Porco had resented him because of his brother’s death. 
“Reiner, you may not think you’re a hero but you are. Your loyalty to our Motherland Marley proves you will sacrifice for your country, comrades, our people and the Marleyan who had discriminated against us for years. With you, you have shown there are good Eldians; not the devils from Paradis.” Ms Braun’s tone brings some comfort in Reiner from the deeds he had done in the past. 
“Mother, if I already had in mind who has my heart, will you keep your promise once I die?” He said
His mother smiled in joy from hearing this. “Oh son, so there is a girl in your life. Yes, I will keep my promise.” 
“Even if it’s an enemy?” He dropped the news on to her. Now, his mother became quiet. He knew it that she would not keep her promise. 
“Is she with a child?” She finally answered. 
“No, we...I just saw her a week ago and….my old feelings for her had resurfaced. I thought I would grow out of it once I got back home. Instead I deeply buried these feelings since she’s an enemy and also her heart belonged to someone else at that time. I can’t keep her out of my mind. I tried mother, but if you knew her; she’s compassionate, fierce, strong, loyal, kind and also protective. Did you know she saved Gabi from getting killed by one of her comrades when Eren Jaeger attacked Liberio? She doesn’t see us, not even Marleyans as enemies. She fights to protect. I’m tired of denying my feelings for her. I want my last year on earth to have that small happiness. With that I see Mikasa Ackerman as my happiness.” he took a deep breath after his passionate speech. 
“I see...this Mikasa is related to that Ackerman monster?” Reiner was confused about what his mother meant, but remember Zeke mentioned to the higher ups that they all need to beware Captain Levi Ackerman who is a monster when it comes to fighting. He agrees with Zeke that the Captain of the Survey Corps is a bloodlust killing machine. Heck, he had nightmares because of the captain.
“Yes, she is his distant relative, but how do you know about the Ackermans?” He questioned his mother. 
“Let’s just say, I know how to retain information from the military when it’s necessary.” She said. 
“Mother, that’s treason.” He whispered. 
“And you falling for the enemy isn’t not treason? I did it because you had me worried the way you scream at night from terrors and I read on your report that you attempt to shoot yourself. I am scared for you, but like I said. I take mostly blame on myself for making you lead that path. I will do what it takes for you. It won’t make up completely what i made you do but it’s a start. Now, about that Mikasa girl. If you believe she will make you happy then you have my blessing. Just please both of you be careful ok. I don’t want anything bad to happen to you, son.” Her hand caressing her son’s cheek. 
“I will be careful, but first I need to confront her about my old feelings for her.” He said. 
“Well, you better because I still want a grandchild. Here, I pack enough for your friends and some extra if you meet up with the girl again.” She said with a smile then gave a paper bag with containers of leftovers to him. 
“Oh god mother.” He blushed and took the big brown paper bag. 
“I love you mother. I promise I will come back home alive to spend my last moments with you guys.” He smiled and hugged her. 
“ I love you sweetheart. Please take care and take care of Gabi. She’s still a child.” She said. 
“Of course I will. Goodbye...mom.” He whispered then exited through the back door and walked around to walk through the sidewalk. 
Reiner enjoyed walking down the streets whether it’s empty or crowded. The nostalgia feeling rushed in when he glanced at all the spots he had hung out with his old friends and new. He will miss home and the people who were busy with their daily lives. There are some destroyed buildings from the surprise attack by Eren that haven't been reconstructed yet. 
The Eldian blonde man was now glancing up at the blue sky until he saw a very familiar figure up at the roof jumping from roof to roof. Seriously, why isn’t Mikasa being decree? Is she trying to get herself spotted? He stopped to see her staring down at him. He doesn’t know whether he should ignore her for now. Well, his mother did pack some for Mikasa, maybe having lunch with her will get her to lose her guard with him. He goes to find a ladder that's connected to the roof where Mikasa is staring down at him. Her eyes kind of glow silver which scares him a bit, but also feels intrigued. 
Finally he reaches to the top of the roof and sees Mikasa a bit far distant with her hoodie covering the top half of face. Her jet black bangs flow delicately from the breeze. His mind definitely wasn’t playing tricks when he stared at her silver glowing eyes. Reiner began to walk towards her. At first, she was about to spring off from him; but he gently used his hands to make a surrender gesture for her. 
“Hey I'm not here to chase after you. I’m here for a peace offer.” He waved the big brown paper bag at her. 
When the smell of a home cooked meal reached to her nostrils, her stomach growled from hunger. She blushed from feeling hungry. Mikasa pulled off her hoodie to reveal her face towards him. “This isn’t a trick right? Because i won’t hesitate to kill you this time if you do.” She warned him. 
“I swear on my honor, this is not a trick. I just thought two adults having lunch on a nice clear day.” He said truthfully. 
Mikasa contemplates whether to risk it and take his offer or just run away. “Fine I guess having lunch with an old friend is acceptable, but can I trust you if I show you my hideout?” 
Reiner sighed. “Yes, you can trust me. I would have already tried to capture you by now.” 
“Hmm fair point. Just don’t make me regret it ok. Follow me. I’ll show you my little temporary place.” Mikasa began to hop on the other rooftop which Reiner groaned but thank goodness with his titan strength he managed to catch up with her. 
Finally they reached their destination. An old abandoned building was far apart from the city limit. Reiner felt they passed the internment zone where they segregated Eldians like him from the Marleyan citizens. It felt like no man's land.  
“This is a good hideout.” He said. 
“Yeah, I need a good place not to be seen.” She made a scoff sound then used her strength to move the heavy cemented flat block to reveal a hole enough for them to get through. Both entered into the hole then Mikasa once again closed the entrance and used candle lights to brighten the room. It's dark here, but there’s a stairway which Mikasa leads him upstairs until there is brightness from the daylight. He saw a bed and a small desk with a little feminine touch. The view was beautiful since he can see the rest of the city far away. Mikasa blows her candle light which he does the same. 
She took off her boots and sat on her bed. “Sorry I don’t have a table for us to eat. Just take off your shoes and join me on the bed.” the way she said it made Reiner blushed. 
He took off his shoes and went to bed. Reiner placed the bag on the bed and opened it which the aroma of the food spread around the room. “So, what did your family cook? Because it smells good.” She said. 
He took out containers of the different kinds of dishes his mother made. “My mother made a feast like lunch since Gabi and I are being shipped off to the shoreline soon.” 
“Yes, I’m aware your armies are preparing to invade my home.” She said with a bit of a dark tone. 
“Mikasa...I know this is too late but I’m sorry for what I did in the past. I was naïve and eager to please my superiors especially I made a promise to my mother that our family will be rewarded to become citizens. This war had opened up my eyes and the consequence. I hate the mindset the Eldians were taught to hate their own people across the sea. We are all the same. It's just a fucked up world that my people have to hate your people just to live.” While speaking his thoughts out, he prepared the right amount of food in one bowl his mother placed into the bag. Then he handed the bowl filled with food to Mikasa. 
“Thank you.” She mumbled gratefully then took a bite. “Reiner, maybe the younger me would accept an apology, but you don’t need to because like you said, you were a child being upbrought with my people being the devils and your people just happened to carry the blood of the devils. You thought it was justifiable of what you, Annie, and Bertholdt did the day you and him broke into the Wall of Shiganshina. After that, that hatred infected my people in wanting to destroy all titans. So, I understand what you did was necessary and naïve if I would have been in your shoes. Now, I see a man with remorse and pain from the guilt you caused during that time. But if you need my forgiveness then you are forgiven. I believe us Eldians and against the world aren’t the real villains since the real ones cause this long history of bloodshed and pain. This is one of the reasons why I joined the Brotherhood of the Creed. I learnt the truth of the history both sides were lied to.” 
Reiner already had his bowl with food in it while Mikasa was speaking. He glanced up in confusion. “What do you mean, Mikasa?” 
“What I mean is the history we both know is not what it seems.” Mikasa gets up while holding on to her half empty bowl. She placed it on her desk then grabbed old artifact documents and placed it in front of Reiner. 
“Huh? What’s this?” He stared down old documents on the bed. 
“This is evidence that our history was lied to. Everything we knew was nothing but a lie.” Her tone became dark. “I didn’t want to believe it at first either but the facts never lie.” 
Reiner stopped eating and placed his bowl on the ground. He grabbed one of the papers and read. He was surprised that he kept reading each paper to process this revelation in his mind. 
 “What did I just read, Mikasa? Don’t tell me that all the pain, blood, tears, and fears we Eldians and Marleyans endured was all just for these sick people’s ambition to rule the world? Who do these templars think they are?” His body was shaking from the anger building. 
“They planted the seed of hate and fear on both the Fritz king and his concubine, Ymir the Founding Titan. You know how the legend goes when Ymir made a deal with the Earth Devil to receive the power of the titan?” She glanced at him. 
“Well, the real lore was she went to the forest to get fresh berries and herbal plants like she would usually do then one day, Ymir was gathering more until she came across a device that’s not from this world. She touched it to see strange imaging in her mind and there was an object next to it. Ymir hears voices in her head whispering the promise of endless power and immortality. Of course, she was a slave to the king; she desperately made the deal without knowing the curse. Ymir had the power to have the world under her feet instead she let the king use her as a weapon to just protect from neighboring enemies. The templars heard stories of a woman turning a giant so they came here and that’s where they whisper to the king to conquer and the world will bow to him.” 
Reiner listened to Mikasa. “So in order to take over the world they need to let chaos spread to manipulate how they see it fit?” he was trying to understand what he just found out. 
“Yeah pretty much. Yet their ideology and the Order are still alive today. Some are disgusting as Paradisan citizens and some are very close to your military ranks.” She stared into him. 
He gasped and grunted his teeth. “Fuck, this is too much.” 
“It explains why this part of the world hasn’t advanced a lot for years. The other half of the world already have this device called cell phones.” She pulled out from her pocket a phone and let Reiner hold it.
He looked at it with curiosity and intrigue. “What does it do?” 
“You can communicate from a very long distance but it needs satellites and the internet. I use this flat round device to recharge it. It’s how I keep my contact with my higher rank.” Mikasa said while watching Reiner touching the screen and his eyes lit up like a child. Low key a smile appears on her lips as she finds it cute. 
“Why are you telling me all this?” He stopped and became serious. 
“Because I feel you should know the truth. My gut feeling tells me to trust you so I did, plus you’re the only person I know in this place who will listen and consider. You did have the right to inform your superior about my appearance here, but you didn’t...why?” The titan shifter couldn’t help staring into her dark eyes. They are full of mystery. Reiner knew he'd get lost into them if he kept staring at them. No matter how she looked, he would always see her as a beautiful warrior. 
“Because I don’t want anything bad to happen to you...I guess you can say; my old boy crush had resurfaced when I saw you again a week ago.” He was blushing from his confession. 
Mikasa was surprised by this. Her cheeks were blushing too. “How long have you had this crush?”
“The first time we met when we became partners to spar. I had admired your strength. You made things look so effortless. I haven’t seen that since Captain Levi.” his tone became soft. 
“Yeah, you might be surprised but captain midget and I are actually related. Apparently, when he found out his surname is also Ackerman; Commander Hange began to research our family genealogy. So, he’s my second cousin. We’re the only blood family we have. Well, I will be an auntie soon.” She brushed her bang to the side to see him better. 
“Wow, that explains so much the way you both have this similar intimidating look and your fighting style is very similar also.” Reiner carefully gathered the papers to place them on the ground. 
“Pfft, first off, I’m better than him.” She mumbled.  
“Already having a family rivalry going on?” he chuckled. 
“I just hate to always be compared by him. I don’t want to be his shadow. I want to be just Mikasa.” She whispered. 
“Hey, you two may have similarities but you are way different from him. He is always alone and you surround yourself with friends. You’re passionate, kind to others, but fierce in battle. You are protective of those you care about. You’ll be a wonderful badass mother one day.” Just the thought of her being a mother made his stomach flutter. Maybe only in his dreams, she would be round with his child. 
“I���.I mean being a mom would be something I always wanted to be if I survived this war.” Mikasa thought about motherhood for years. She thought once this hell is over maybe Eren would realize how much she loved him, but that idea died when her comrades recused Queen Historia from him and his older brother. 
“You would look beautiful… even though you will always look beautiful no matter how you looked.” Again he blushed as he looked away. 
“Reiner, are you proposing for me to have your child; it seems that way?” The dark haired beauty smirked teasingly. 
“I- what? No! I mean I don’t want to put you in a situation where you will be alone with a child once I...passed away from the curse.” He became nervous. 
“How long do you have until you're dead..?” Mikasa felt her heart squeeze from thinking about him already dying. 
“A year.” He said in a low tone. 
The Asian woman nodded from his response. “This probably shouldn’t be a good idea but we can try...if faith allows us to have a child then so be it. I want to be with a man who will love me for me and just make me feel I'm the only woman in this cruel world.” The assassin gently placed her hand on his lap. 
The blonde man felt his heartbeat pound loudly. He can feel her hand gently slide up his thigh. His manhood woke up excitedly as it throb to be free from his trouser which it was getting tighter. “W-will you let me be that man?” His tone became husky. 
As his tone got deep and raspy, Mikasa felt the warmth feeling below where her core pulsed with excitement. Now, her tone became seductive. “Yes, I can’t stop thinking about you since our encounter on the rooftop. Honestly, I wasn’t expecting the kiss to make me feel alive. Since then, just thinking of you made me feel a woman for once. I haven’t felt like this with anyone; not even with Eren.” 
Reiner didn’t know what possessed him, but he boldly captured her lips with his passionately kissing Mikasa. The Paradisian woman was a bit startled, but adjusting the deep kiss quickly. Her hands cupped his cheeks while their tongue fought for domination. Mikasa shifted her body to sit on his lap while Reiner placed his hands on her waist. She could feel how his hands moved up and down her sides. Mikasa slowly begins to rock her body to grind on him. Reiner felt his cock throbbing hard. He let out a groan. They broke free from their kiss, but Renier hovers his lips on her neck. 
Mikasa whimpered from the tease of his hot breath hitting on her skin. Her body started getting hotter so quickly she began to remove her assassin outfit. Reiner happily helped her. He now kisses and bites her neck as her outfit was discarded on the floor. Only her undergarment was still on. 
“Am I the only man to make you feel this needy?” He growled low close to her ear. 
“Mmm y-yes, you make me touch myself when I'm alone here.” Her moan was the most sexiest sound he ever heard. 
“What a naughty girl you are?” He chuckled and let his finger hooked the hem of her panties to slide them off slowly. His other hand unhooked her bra as it fell off from her. Her breasts were exposed. He could see her nipples hard. Reiner let his hand gently massage both of her breasts. 
Mikasa moaning increased. She closed her eyes to enjoy the pleasure of the way he touched her breasts. Slowly, her legs spread apart as her pussy produced more slick and the throb of her clitoris made it eager for her wanting attention down below. 
Reiner other hand slides to grope her thigh then travels up to between her legs. His finger rubbed her clitoris which a wave of ecstasy spread in her body. 
“Ohhhh yes Reiner….d-don’t s-stop p-please.” She kept moaning. 
The blonde man is already busy suckling and licking both of her nipples one at a time. He took his time to taste her soft skin. He can’t believe it that he’s actually doing this with the woman he had a crush with. He enjoys her moans become louder while his fingering goes at a fast pace. Mikasa begins to rock her hips against her finger. He added two more into her hole. This drove her on the edge. 
Mikasa may be high on getting finger fucked, but she glanced at him to see his clothes are not off. She let out an animalistic growl and undo clothes aggressively. Something deep in her subconscious awakened. A familiar voice whispered. 
Claim him...claim mate now…
Reiner felt how she undo his clothes and removed them. Now equally, his body was exposed as Mikasa’s. His vision became clear from the pleasure he was giving to her. He noticed Mikasa’s eyes glowing silver. The titan shifter was hypnotized. His eyes glowed amber. Like animals, they wrestled for domination again. 
There were biting, sucking, and scratching. Their moans and growls echoed in the abandonment building. Finally, Reiner had her on her hands and knees bend over. His grip was on her hips. Mikasa pressed her ass on his cock grinding to feel his precum pulsing shaft on her entrance. 
“Fuck Mikasa, let me try to be gentle with you.” He groans. 
Her head shook. “N-no, I don’t want you to be gentle...I want rough. I need your f-fucking thick meaty cock inside me!” She begged with a demanding tone. 
“This is the first time you are becoming demanding.” He mumbled. “But…this is your first time? I don’t want to hurt you.” he said. 
“I’m an Ackerman, pain is the least of my concerns. Please Reiner just fuck me. I have been wanting you all this week.” Her whimpers were visible. 
He stopped her then spread her bottom cheeks to see how wet she was for him. He felt pride in what he had done to her. Already with his hard cock, he thrusted into her pussy. 
Mikasa cried with joy and bliss from feeling his thick meaty cock stretching inside her walls. Her body shakes from the pleasure and an electric familiar feeling spread every inch of her body. She hasn’t felt this since her awakening when she lost her biological family. 
Reiner growls and keeps thrusting into her harder. His body leaned on hers while fucking her as she demanded. The sound of slapping skins echoing the room. His lips kissed ferociously on her neck. He whispered sweet words and promises in her ear.
Mikasa sobbing with bliss as she listens to Reiner’s sweet words. She wants it all. She wants love, happiness, family, marriage, and him. Mostly him. Even though it's going to be for a year, she doesn’t care. As long she gets to be with him in those 12 months. Mikasa knows she’ll be ok if faith blesses her having his child. 
(Somewhere in Wall Sina, Paradis Isle)
Levi was riding his horse back to the Orphanage. He had finished all his assassin’s duties to finally come home to Historia. As he got closer to the familiar roads, far in the horizon; Levi saw black smoke in the sky. His sense started to pick up the burning scent. His heart dropped when the location was where the Orphanage is. The raven haired man kicked his horse to gallop faster to the smoke location. 
When the view of the property became near, he saw it was the building along the cottage that both him and Historia put time and enough. He got off his horse and ran toward the heated area. 
“Historia! Historia!” Levi screamed desperately for his wife. Maybe she hid herself along with the kids and the caretakers. Whoever does this they will pay with their lives? The place was black like charcoal. There were some small fires but it’s dying down. The captain walked through the Orphanage first. God, he hopes there’s no bodies here.
He saw the second floor gone. The rumbles of burnt wood and other materials laid on the ground. Levi carefully removes the things to spot anything who has done this. He lifts a pile and sees what he fears. Few burnt bodies. Most of them were adults, but one child lay crouching. For almost nine months, Levi had begun feeling fatherly. It angered him that probably a group or one person did this sinister act. He saw a shiny silver that caught his attention. Levi picked it up and brushed off the ashes to see it was the Templar cross. 
“Those fucking bastards!” He gripped tightly the cross. As he glanced at it, the cross was dented from his strength. He placed it into his pocket to have as evidence. If there were only a few that died, where are the rest of them? He goes to the stables. 
Levi reached to the stables to see it was untouched. He walked in and heard noises from under.
“Come out now.” He said sternly. 
A tiny head pops out from the stack of hays. “Captain Levi you’re back!” 
The little girl Kathy ran towards him to hug him tightly while sobbing. “Where are the others?” He changed his tone a bit softer for the crying child. 
The child glanced at the captain when he kneel down to eye level her. “S-some were burnt...others were shot and thrown into the lake. Only us hid in the hays. Historia was taken by the bad men...one of them called Zeke.” 
That fucking piece of shit Zeke. He was behind on all this. Levi tried to remain calm since he doesn’t want to scare the kid. 
He heard shuffle from the hays and the rest of the children came out. Thank fucking Walls the children survived. They probably killed the adults. This time he won’t fail both Erwin and Historia. Zeke Jaeger will die by his blades.
“Come kids, let’s head to town. I’ll make sure you’re all safe.” The assassin had bottled up his bloodlust rage. He can’t go on the rampage yet. The kids need to be safe first. His titan wanted to come out. 
Those fuckers. They will meet their death. How dare they kidnap our queen. We must go after her to protect her and our offspring.
“We will but let's take the kids first.” He whispers which only Iapetus heard in his subconscious. 
“Captain? Who are you talking to?” Kathy looked at Levi curiously. 
“No one, kiddo.” His eyes reflect silver which Kathy felt a bit frightened, but she knows the captain won’t harm her and the kids. He’s a good guy. A hero. A knight especially to Historia. 
He gathered the surviving children. Levi noticed there are still two horses in the stable. He goes to the animals and takes them out to prepare the saddles. Once the horses are ready, he leads both the children and the horses where his horse awaits for him. 
“OK only some of you will ride on the horses. The little ones will go on them including mine. The oldest I’m sure you guys can walk until we reach the next town.” He stared at the kids. Some were still shaken up from the event earlier. 
He helped the smallest kids into threes on all the three horses. Only a few kids are a bit older from 7 to 13. The thirteen year old was holding a baby. She’s probably around 6 months. 
“Here I’ll carry her. You’ll need your strength right now.” He said to the girl holding the baby. 
She nodded and gave the baby to Levi. Might as well get used to it. He’ll be carrying his own brat soon. God, he hopes his and Historia’s kid will survive. Finally everything is ready and they all walked or rode on the road to the closest town. 
They reached into town by late afternoon. The kids whined from being tired and hungry. Even the baby cried from missing her meal time. Luckily, he saw a very familiar Commander. 
“Oi Dok.” He called out. The other man glanced to see it was Levi with the rest of the children. Something must have happened.
“Why do you have the orphans with you? Where is the queen?” Commander Dok of the Military Police began to question Levi. 
Levi was getting annoyed. He glared at the commander. “I just got back from the capitol to find the property burnt to the ground. Some bodies were burnt too. The kids say the rest adults were killed and thrown to the lake. Historia….the queen was kidnapped. They fucking took her. They took my pregnant wife, Nile.” His voice was shaking with anger and fear. He fears if he doesn’t find her; there is a chance both could be dead. 
“Wait what? Who? We need to alert the Premier.” Nile said. 
“Come let’s go to the station and I’m sure these kids want to eat and rest.” Nile looked at the kids and felt sorry for them. They must have seen awful things.
Some of the MPs help out the kids that are on the horses off. The horses were sent to the stables to rest and be fed. Once they all entered the headquarters, one of the female MPs attended the kids. The baby that Levi is carrying didn’t want to leave his arms. 
“Hey kiddo, she won’t hurt you.” He is trying to calm her down. The thirteenth year old took the baby from Levi which he was gladly that helped. The baby nuzzled onto the girl. The captain watched the kids leaving to the mess hall for food.
“Bye Levi. Promise you will save her.” Kathy ran to hug him tightly.
“Don’t worry I will.” He said. Then he let go of her as she catch up with the group. 
Now it was him and Dok. They headed to the office and sat down. 
“We need to act fast. Especially the condition her Majesty is in.” Nile said as he started writing the letter. 
“I know. Last week she began getting cramps. Very soon my kid will be born.” Levi said. 
“I’m still not used to the idea, but I’m sorry what you are going through, Captain. This is every husband and father's worst nightmare.” The MP commander sympathizes with Levi. 
The captain was quiet but nodded. “It was the fucking Templars and the Jeagerists. They became allies.” He grabbed the dented cross and aggressively placed it on Nile’s desk. Nile was disturbed of this news. The queen is in grave danger. 
“What will you do now?” Nile asked. 
“I’m going to pass the message to Hange and my grandfather what had happened then go find those bastards and slaughter them especially Zeke. He is mine.” His tone became dark and sinister. 
Dok never saw the captain like this. He had heard his notorious bloodlust when it came to titans. The middle aged man took a glimpse of files about the Ackerman clan. They are the product of titan genes to make them the perfect warriors to protect the royal family and slay titans. They are titans in their human forms. At first, he doesn’t believe it, but seeing Levi’s eyes glowing silver ready to unleash chaos. This gave him chills. 
Levi had his hoodie up to cover him. “Will the kids be fine here? I’m putting their lives into your own hands, Commander.” He said as he turned around. 
“Of course, we’ll keep an eye on them.” Dok said. 
“Good. I gotta go. See you around and thanks.” Levi walked out the room and the chills disappeared from the room. Dok gasped since he didn’t realize he was holding his breath. 
Levi got on his horse and rode away to the Capitol. War had been declared. Levi Ackerman and Iapetus are eager to shed blood on the enemies.
They will be praying to their god for mercy. 
(unknown location in Wall Sina)
Historia was dragged to a beautiful luxurious bedroom. Her labor has calmed down. She was too weak to fight. Her kidnappers place her on the bed. She sees maids running around preparing for the birth. 
“Where is this so called King?” Her voice was weak but still held a stern tone.
“Oh I’m here, my queen.” No, it can’t be true? It’s him. 
“You.” Her tone spewed it like acid when she saw Lord Evans. 
“Yes, it’s me. The mastermind of all this. Here’s what you will do. You deliver your spawn then get ready for our wedding. I’m already crowned by the High Priest Of the Walls. I have the rightful claim then you. You’re nothing but a bastard borned from sins and lust. But the people adorns you so I’m merciful to make you my queen consort. Your child will have no rights to the throne as it will be a bastard like it’s parents.” He smirked. 
“You! YOU’RE A TRAITOR.” Historia’s blue eyes glared at the man. 
“My darling, I think it is you that’s the traitor. You being a bastard taking the throne. You have changed what our ancestor King Karl Fritz had worked hard to make sure our kingdom stayed isolated and ignorant from the outside world. And the worst of all, you whore yourself with an Ackerman. Once we get married, I will install the old laws which include prosecuting the last Ackerman line forever. Don’t worry, I will only let your child live for now.” He laughed and walked away. 
Historia screamed in fury. This isn’t happening. This is becoming too much. She wants Levi here to comfort her.   
“You’re Majesty, I’ll be your head midwife to safely deliver your heir.” The woman who’s in her mid 50’s whispered to the queen. 
“Huh? Aren’t you working for Lord Evans? How can I know you will try to fish me out of information for that asshole?” Historia grunted from the pain but her tone was cold. Right now, how can she trust? It seems enemies are everywhere for her. 
“My queen, I may work for him, but my loyalty lies with you. You are our queen. The Walls had blessed you to rule this kingdom. It was you who slayed the enormous titan. It was you who protected the people. And it was you who care and listen to the people. You are the People's queen. Now, let’s welcome the crowned princess or prince to this world.” The midwife smiled at Historia then called in her apprentices for assistance. 
“These fine ladies are my assistance who are under apprenticeships to study to be a midwife.” Historia glanced to see girls from 13- 20 years of age lined up and pay respect to her with a courtesy. “Your Majesty.” All of the girls greeted her. 
Historia was about to say something, but another major contraction appeared. “Ahhh!”
“Alright, girls you know what to do. Have the bowl of cold water ready and drench the towel to cool off her body.” The senior midwife ordered her apprentices as they rushed to prepare. The midwife had Historia get comfortable on the bed laying down. She lifts up Historia’s nightgown to have her legs spread. 
The old woman sees the entrance already widen open and barely sees the baby’s head. “Alright, your majesty. On the count of three, you will make a big push. Ready? Now, push.” 
Historia lifted her head up as she pushed hard. The pain was unbearable. It felt her back was split in two. The queen screamed in agony. “Ahhhhhh. It hurts! I don’t think I can’t do this.” She pleaded from this awful pain. Is this what her mother endured when she gave birth to her? Maybe that’s why she hated her. Oh god, she doesn’t want to become like her mother and hate her own child. 
“Your majesty, you must keep pushing. The head is not out. Your child will die if it's not out to breathe.” The midwife trying to reason with her. One of the girls damped the wet cool towel on Historia’s forehead. 
“I-I can’t...I need him here. He’s supposed to be here with me.” the queen began to sob. 
“Who? Lord Evans?” another girl asked. 
“No, you ignorant child. The father of her majesty’s heir.” The oldest girl said. 
Historia felt exhausted but the baby was trying to come out. She feels scared like when Historia was Krista in her Survey Corps years. Those were happy times even if they put their lives in danger from titans. 
“L-levi where are you?” The queen whimpered then another pain consumed her. 
“Levi? As the Captain Levi Ackerman of the Survey Corps? You’re carrying his child.” The girls gasped from this information. 
“Girls! Focus. Worry about chatting later.” The old woman scolded at them. 
Historia tried again to push. “Grrrrr-ahhhhh!” 
“I see the head is out. You’re doing a good job, my queen.” The midwife said. 
As the blonde haired woman paintings, her sight was getting blurring from the dizziness and exhaustion. She breathed in and out. Her face was pale like white sheets covered with swears. Her golden hair was expanded on the pillows but looked dampen. Historia feels like dying from this hellish torture called childbirth. 
“Just three more pushes and the baby is out. Promise you.” The old woman said. 
Historia gained more strength to make the last three pushes. Her scream had echoed the whole place that Lord Evans and his allies could hear her agony screams.
“The baby is out. You did it, your majesty.” The midwife holds the baby, but the newborn hasn’t made a sound. The midwife was worried. She slapped the newborn’s bottom which finally a crying noise was heard. It was not loud but it’s better than no sound. 
“Congratulations to your majesty, he is alive and healthy. Let us clean him and you’ll meet your son.” The old midwife said with a smile. She passed the baby boy to one of her girls as some helped clean up the baby while the rest cleaned up after Historia. 
The queen let out a cry of joy from hearing her son’s cries. She did it. She gave birth to Levi’s son. Historia was too weak and distorted. She felt something heavy on her arms and looked down to her it was her baby. “My little miracle. You’re finally here. I’m your mother and I love you so much already.” She whispered to the baby. 
The baby opened his eyes to show it’s blue like hers. He inherited Levi’s raven hair and nose. Most of his features are Levi’s only her colored eyes are on him. “Welcome to the world, Atticus Ackerman-Reiss.” 
Her son looked at her curiously, but already formed a smile for his mother. This brings Historia with joy. How did her and Levi make this pure angel? He is her everything along with Levi. Then she thought about something that will keep her son safe from Lord Evans, the Jeagerists, and the templars.
“Mrs. Goodman, you said you’re loyal to me right? Please, take my son to the Commander Hange secretly. Lord Evans and his allies will kill him if they see how my boy resembles his father. I beg of you...please.” Historia stared at the woman with pleading eyes. 
“You’re majesty, his lordship promises he won’t hurt the prince.” The old woman is trying to reassure her.
Historia shaking her head in disagreement. “No, I don’t trust his promises especially allying with Zeke and his followers and the templars. They burnt the Orphanage down. Children and caretakers died from there. So please take him before they do god knows what awful things they have plans.” 
“Your Majesty, I don’t mind taking the baby safely to the Survey Commander.” The eldest girl volunteered. The midwife stared at her. “Are you prepared? You can’t be caught by anyone until you reach there. Do you understand, girl?” 
The 20 year old nodded. “Yes, I’m prepared. I will make sure the prince is in safe hands.” She was determined. 
“Already child, let’s quickly prepare the child and you to leave. We’ll say the baby struggled to breathe and died within minutes. My queen you must act like a grieving mother to fool them. Can you do that?” The midwife said. Historia nodded. 
The apprentices and the midwife begin to get the baby ready which he wraps warmly with a clean blanket. At first, Historia had a hard time to let go of her son; but it’s necessary to do this. She kissed him on his tiny forehead. “Gods...the Walls please as a mother protect him. Protect my only child from harm. I can’t lose him.” her tears stream down. She gave Atticus to the girl who was placed in a basket. Before leaving, Historia asked for a paper and pen to write a note for Hange. Finally, place the note on the basket and watch the girl sneaking away with Atticus to safety. 
Historia placed her hands on her face as she sobbed. Already being away from her son is breaking her heart. She feels alone. Soon, she will be forced to marry that despicable asshole. All he would do was to breed her into having more kids than probably kill her off. The queen silently prayed for her warrior to come take her away. 
The young apprentice walked hastily on the dark cold road. Lord Nathaniel Evans’ property was  far away from the capitol. She covered her head with a blue hood and held the basket carefully. She took a glimpse of the newborn prince who whimpered from feeling not being around his mother. Poor little one, he will be separated from his mother. The girl glanced back at the lights from the estate to see guards patrolling the area. Quickly, she entered the forest to hide from their sight. It’s a good thing, she knows the way through the forest.
Meanwhile back at the Evans estates, Lord Nathaniel barged into the room where Historia had given birth earlier. “What happened? Why is my bride crying like a banshee?” He glared at the blonde petite woman who was on the bed crying hysterical. 
“I’m sorry Lord Evans but the child died. He only lasted a few minutes before he was gone.” The midwife made a sad expression. She understands the heartbreak the queen feels. 
“A son? And you sure he died?” The nobleman was surprised. Looks like Ackerman’s seed wasn’t that strong as they claim. This is perfect. One Ackerman down. Two more to go. 
“Where’s the corpse?” He asked while trying to ignore the wailing sound of Historia grieving. 
“We have to cremate the smell that is already getting bad from the decompose.” The midwife continued explaining. 
“Do you have the ashes at least?” He kept interrogating the older woman. 
“Of course, we put it in a tiny container for her to keep it. A mother’s loss is something not easily forgotten.” She goes to grab the metal container and hands it to him. Nathaniel took it to open the lid to see ashes in it. Then handed back to the midwife. 
“Very well, she may keep it as a wedding present.” He glimpsed at Historia who now glared with hatred in her cold blue eyes. 
“Don’t give me that look. You will soon forget your dead son. You’ll have plenty of children once we are married. This is a sign of your union with that low level criminal was unbalanced and invalid.” Nathaniel gave a pouch of golden coins to the midwife. “Here, for your service. You may leave. Historia will need to get ready for her wedding.” 
The midwife caught the pouch and frowned. “My king, I implore you to let your bride rest. She just gave birth and lost a child. I suggest you postpone the wedding for her health sake.” 
“She will be fine. Historia had gone through much worse than losing a half-breed.” He said. 
Historia growls in anger. “Fuck you! You don’t get to assume what was the worst I endured! You took everything from me. My orphanage that I worked so hard to have a home for unwanted children. My home where my husband and I built together! And now my child. My son...he only get to fucking live minutes. I hope Levi will come after you and torture you. I will gladly watch while sipping my tea and decorate your head on a spike. That’s my wedding gift to you, oh my dear darling.” The queen felt a slap on her cheek. 
“Whore you have no authority towards your true king!” He said with rage. The usurper quickly glared at the midwife and the apprentice which they were terrified for their queen. 
“Why haven’t you left? You did your duties and I paid. Leave now!” He yelled at them which they gladly left. 
Now it’s him and Historia. The nobleman grabbed her hair to drag her out of the room while Historia began kicking and screaming. He entered another room and there were the maids waiting for their lord’s orders. 
“Maids, prepare this bitch for the wedding within a couple hours. I want her in the wedding dress I bought for her. Then escort her on the vehicle so it will take her to the main citadel in the capitol for our wedding and the coronation. By morning the whole island will wake up with a true king and his royal consort. So, be ready Historia, the templars will rule this island and Marley.” He chuckled darkly and shoveled her, Historia fell on the ground. He walked away to go get ready. Behind him, fainted whimpers from Historia were heard as the double doors closed. 
(The capitol, Mitras) 
One by one templars assassinated higher ups and a personal army from Lord Evans marched into the city. The MPs begin to shoot their rifles. Chaos had started. Civilians woke up from the bloodshed nightmare. Some hid, but others ran for safety.
Meanwhile at the Survey Corps headquarters, the girl finally reached there and knocked the door loud. Quickly, ran away from the building when it opened to see Sasha looked down where the basket was. 
“Aww what a cutie?!” Sasha is cooing the baby. Little Atticus began to cry. The soldier freaked out and picked up the basket since the noise of rifles and screams was heard away in the main plaza. 
“Let’s get you somewhere safe.” Sasha said and walked to see a note there. She picked it up to read it. Then gasped to know whose child it is. As she holded the basket, Sasha ran to the Commander’s office and pounded the door. 
“Commander Hange!” She shouted out then the door opened to see both Hange and William were interrupted in their nightly activity. 
“Why do you have a baby with you, Sasha? Remember what we tackled about they are not pets where you can take home.�� Hange said. 
“Commander please read this note. This is Queen Historia and Captain Levi’s baby.” The soldier gave the note to her higher up. William read from over his girlfriend’s shoulder. 
“So the queen had given birth and sent someone to bring the baby here. Lord Evans was behind all this chaos that’s happening now.” Hange frowned. 
“We need to find a different location. The templars will come after us and find the baby. They think he died.” Williams said with concern. He picked up his great grandson who stopped crying. 
“He needs to be fed.” Bill goes to find baby formula since they have an emergency in case an orphan child is needed. 
“We need to leave now, I’ll send a message to Levi that we’re relocating to our secret hideout.” Hange said. 
“What about helping the Mps?” Sasha said. 
“I will lean some of the scouts for Commander Dok to help out. But I will need my best soldiers to protect the crown prince. He is our hope along Queen Historia. Thank goodness she is still alive, but we need a better plan to get her out. Right now we relocate for his highness’s safety. Plus, Levi will go batshit crazy once he finds out what had happened to Historia.” The Commander already got ready to lead her regiment. 
Once she gave the order what was happening, everyone packed up necessary things. The assassins took their best weapons while the soldiers filled up their tanks for their OMD gears. After everything was ready, they left the building abandonment. Some of the soldiers and assassin head to the destruction while the rest leave the city.
Both Mikasa and Reiner were enjoying each other's company when far away they heard guns and screams. They looked at the view to see chaos. 
“What the hell is going on? Mikasa please don’t tell me it’s you guys?’ Reiner said. 
“What? No, it’s definitely not us. We don’t have firearms.” Mikasa frowned. She goes to grab her clothes to put them back on. “I need to go.” 
She felt her arm being grabbed. “Wait, Mikasa...I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to jump into conclusions.” His expression felt guilty. 
“It’s fine….I’m just as shocked as you.” She said. 
“Will I see you before you leave the island?” He said with hope. 
“Yeah, just be careful out there. Meet me at the edge of the city in the south.” She leans to kiss him. “I’ll see you later.” She smiled then stepped back to turn around and leave. 
Reiner quickly dressed up and headed out to go to the base first. He hopes everyone is ok and defends their home. It can’t be Paradis. His comrades had been keeping an eye on them for a while. Who could it be that’s invading his home? Maybe it’s those Templars that Mikasa mentioned. 
The titan shifter ran fast pace while avoiding getting shot. When he entered the internment zone, he saw his comrade squads already fighting. An enemy stopped him. The blonde man noticed the cross symbol on the other. So it is the templars that Mikasa warned about. Shit, they are fucked. 
“Why are you doing this?” He yelled at the templar. 
“For the peace and dream of the Templar’s Order.” The man said with pride. 
The templar began to attack Reiner which the titan shifter dodged his attack. He’s glad the power of being a titan shifter, his strength and speed are abnormal than an average strong human. 
The other man growls in annoyance and charges at him again. Reiner uses his leg to kick the shin of the knee and disarm the firearm to point at the enemy. Without hesitation he shot the templar between his eyes.  The blonde Eldian ran towards his comrades. 
“Guys, what’s going on? Where’s Gabi and the young candidates?” He asked. 
Porco and Pieck turned around to see their Deputy Chief already here. “Our military and government had gone coup d’etat. Most of our higher officials were assassinated. Those devils outsmarted us.” Porco was busy aiming his gun at the enemies. The armies from the shoreline were bombed and not a lot of them survived. Our soldiers are small now.” 
“I don’t think it’s the Paradis devils. You know they are not that advanced in technology as we do. The only thing they have is the titans. Eren had most of them. And Zeke will betray us. The colossal titan belonged to another Paradisan named, Armin Arlet. So it’s just us three and a small number of soldiers.” Reiner explained. “We need to go to the base to check to find the rest.” 
All three begin to run to the main base. They stopped when on the other side their comrades were shooting at the enemies while vice versa. The templar’s armies had a big machine weapon that shoots ammunition with fast speed. 
“Shit, we gotta shift to help our comrades.” Porco was distressed from seeing the bloody sight. Suddenly, Pieck screamed when a bullet shot on her shoulder. She fell from the pain. 
“Pieck!” Both men turned to help their fellow female soldier up. Some of the enemies spotted them and aimed their weapons at them. So both Reiner and Porco dragged their friend and comrade to a safer area to be shield from the attack. 
“One of us has to distract them. Porco you go take Pieck to the base where they will treat her at the base hospital.” Reiner said. 
They were about to protest until they heard two gear sounds and screams from the enemies. Reiner looked around to see it was their lost long comrade, Annie Leonhart. 
“A-annie?” Reiner was shook seeing her. He thought she was still a prisoner. 
The Female Titan landed in front of them. “It’s been a while guys.” 
All three were so happy one of their own had made it home. But they see another blonde figure landed beside her. 
“Wait, What the hell what is he doing here? Why do you have our enemy beside you.” Porco frowned as he stared at Armin Arlet. 
“Touch him and I wouldn’t hesitate to chop your legs and arms. He’s here to help everyone out against these Templars and their soldiers.” Annie glared at Porco. She will not let anyone harm her boyfriend. 
Reiner may have an idea that these two were with Mikasa the whole time for some mission. He can’t judge Annie being involved with their supposed enemy since he is after all with Mikasa earlier. 
“Alright, let’s calm down and not jump to conclusions. We have a bigger problem right now.” Reiner used his leadership tone. 
“He is right. We need to work together. Forget our past of hatred with each other. This war is us against templars. If they win, we’ll be all screwed. I mean the whole world screw. We all want peace so let’s make it happen together.” Armin's inspirational monologue made them contemplated. 
“We’ll have to get to the base quick then.” Reiner said. 
“Wait, if we go; they will shoot Armin since he’s a Paradisan.” Porco said while carrying a wounded Pieck. 
“I won’t let that happen.” Annie said darkly. Armin felt a hint of a blush from how protective Annie is towards him. They both confessed their feelings when Annie used to be a prisoner and he visited her often. 
“Pfft I can’t believe you're fornicating with the enemy.” Porco mumbled. 
Annie rolled her eyes at him. “Oh I’m not the only one who had fornicated with an ‘enemy’. Isn’t that right, Reiner?” She glanced at her old friend and comrade. Reiner was flushed from her comment. He coughed. “This isn’t the time to gossip our sex life.” He said in a cool tone. Now, Porco was a bit stunned that his deputy chief also slept with an enemy before, but he is right they have no time for whatever this conversation was. Pieck needs medical attention soon. 
“Let’s go. She is losing a lot of blood.” Porco was worried for her. She groaned in pain. All five of them make their way to the war zone between the base and the enemies. 
A/N: For those waiting for Annie's appearance. She’s finally here! I was contemplating where to have her appear. So a lot of crazy things had happened in this chapter. Yes,  the baby is finally born and his name is Atticus Ackerman-Reiss uwu. He looks like his papa Levi but with Historia’s blue eyes. Tell me what you guys think of this interesting chapter? Yes, there were dark scenes. Also there will be a more dark scene in the next chapter with Historia. War can bring out the darkness in you especially trying to protect your loved ones. Ok, enjoy this chapter guys! Love you all. Until next time. 
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