#I love Silver so much- he's my second favorite character
donelywell · 27 days
.....mmmm silver. Please I love his freckles 🥺🥺🥺
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May 14 2024
Doodle Request #31!
He can't hear your food opinions through his big ass weed quills.
wordless under cut
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It is so empty without the red...
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minimallyminnie · 11 months
Lipstick Stains
Gn Reader leaving tiny remnants of themselves on Diasomnia
Tw: None but if you don’t like reader wearing lipstick I suggest you read something else…
Characters: Malleus Draconia, Lilia Vanrouge, Silver Vanrouge (I will die by this.), Sebek Zigvolt
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Malleus Draconia
Ok, ok, it wasn’t like you were the bigger person in the relationship but you two needed to get to class!
It was sweet that he spared a few minutes just to talk to you in the morning near the emptier area of the busy hallway
He could after all teleport away
But he needed to get back to class asap! You knew his class times by heart and currently, he had a minute left!
You told him to go to class five minutes ago…but he gave you those eyes and you couldn’t refuse
“Tsuntaro, you need to go!!”
Damn those pretty emerald eyes of his!
While he’s talking with you, you take some time to just put a layer of your favorite lipstick on, rolling it smoothly on your lips
When you finished putting it away, he’s still talking and you know he’s about to get in trouble with Trein soon!
“Silver was ecstatic when he saw the red dragon, almost fell back if not for Seb-“
You kissed him on the cheek, imprinting a kiss mark on his cheek
He blinks for a second speechless as he sees your smudged lips. His cheeks grow a soft pink. Connecting the dots, he warmly laughs
“It’s that time huh? My apologies dear, I’ll be getting going.”
Before he teleports, he wraps a hand around your waist and kisses you. When he pulls back, he whispers
“Could I have more of your kisses later my love?”
Lilia Vanrouge
Absolutely just adores your time with him
Doesn’t matter how, when, or why, just adores it and is willing to take as much as he can get
Both of you are just so lovey dovey
(Silver has complicated feelings with his friend possibly being his step parent…)
He always adorns you with compliments but…since he’s in light music club, course he’s going to get a lot of fans
“Awh, jelly of me my love~?”
One time you read a fan mail from one of the students from Nobel Bell and oh boy, that letter felt like it was from a classic romance movie with how sugary sweet it was
Lilia laughed when he saw your annoyed face at the letter
So, before one of his concerts you put on a layer of pigmented lipstick, pulled him to the side, and kissed his face all over
You then stood back panting a bit from how fast you kissed him before looking up and admiring the shocked expression on Lilia’s face
“Oh my great sevens…”
He chuckled before pulling you in a kiss again
“My, my…Had I known you were so jealous, I would’ve made it known you are my significant other….”
Silver Vanrouge (I will die for this.)
Head over heels, he’ll be your sleeping beauty however long you want him to be
Silver is the type to always try to protect his significant other, so he’ll always be by your side when he can if he’s not with Malleus
Because of his curse though…he feels bad that most of the time he spends with you, he’s sleeping
Makes him feel really upset, he brought it up once when you crossed paths one day
“I…I really do want to spend time with you. I hate this…I can’t keep my eyes open sometimes…”
His upset face made your heart ache.
In the afternoon, during both your free times, you two went near the forest to have a picnic
Of course, he fell asleep again but you didn’t mind
You smiled as he slept in your lap and then you pulled a tube of lipstick out, layering it on your lips
Then, you pressed kiss after kiss on Silver’s face softly.
He wakes up when you kiss his lips, a smile gracing your face. You take your phone out and tapped on the camera app to show him
“I feel like an art piece. I guess so since you’re the artist behind this after all.”
He sits up and smiles at you, kissing you gently on your head
“Thank you for this…Would it be selfish if I asked for even more?”
Sebek Zigvolt
Ah. There we go. Loudest man on Earth in Wonderland.
He’s surprisingly a soft and gentle lover, very sweet but still having his usual loud and boisterous personality
Sebek doesn’t mind your soft touches or gentle kisses as long as it’s not in front of Master Malleus!
(Who really is more entertained by it than annoyed…)
He’s like those strict knights, following every rule by the book to please his master!
“Master Malleus Sama!!”
“Sebby, he’s ok. Don’t worry!”
You don’t mind, but you want to show at least a tiny bit of love for him.
So! One day, you’re invited to the Diasomnia dinner and you dress yourself up for the occasion like the students in the dorm
Before you meet at the entrance with Silver and Sebek though, you carefully line your lips with lipstick and walk nonchalantly to Sebek
He’s a bit blushy at your more elegant appearance but his face turns apple red when you kiss his cheek
You can hear a small muffle laugh from Silver but then Sebek whispers, stuttering
“…N-not here! But…c-could I have more later when..when we’re f-finished with dinner..?”
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We love a blushy Sebek here and a sweetheart Silver here. I ran outta tags—
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I like to think that arlecchino loves showing off her girlfriend, especially to those close to her. She loves showing off that fancy engagement ring she bought you, and the one that you had bought her to match. She loves holding your hand in public, the gold of her rings clashing with the silver of yours. She loves when the kids in the house of the hearth call you "mother" around others, a title that had been given to you when Lyney said it as you cleaned his wounds (he swears it was by accident, but alrecchino didn't believe him in the slightest)
She loves when you wear those little gifts she gave you. Your favorite being the small silver amulet from Snezhnaya, one side holding a picture of her, the other side of your parents. She loves when you whisper little secrets into her ear at parties, savoring the small moments when you two could chat, before you two would get pulled away from each other for whatever reason. She loves when you let her plant little kisses on her cheek, and she loves it even more when her lipstick leaves a little mark. She would always leave it be, letting someone else point it out. (She knows you love the attention just as much as she does)
But of course, she leaves some things in between the two of you.
She wouldn't want to share that look of pure joy you gave her when she asked you to marry her on the beach. You were the most beautiful thing she had ever seen, she didn't want to share (especially once you said yes, that only fueled her possessiveness). She would never let anyone see those soft kisses you gave her at night when she was tired, the only thing keeping her awake was the feeling of your lips trailing down her neck and your hands running through her hair.
She wouldn't let her children see any weakness in her, and you were the same way. You were both strong for the world, but when it was just the two of you, those hardened exteriors could fall, a genuine smile on your face as you saw her come into view.
At the end of the day, she is always happy, no matter how much she got to brag about you that day <3
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Authors notes: So I wrote this silly little thing in about two seconds, I really needed to get something out + Alrecchino was on my mind.
Anyway, I have two other actual fics in the works rn, both will probably come out in the next 2 weeks, but I think I may try to write some more short things like this, so who knows 🤷
and as always requests are still open! I'm honestly kind of desperate like please I will write for almost any genshin/hsr character, just please send me requests (⁠๑⁠•⁠﹏⁠•⁠)
Daily click to help those in Palestine
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dotster001 · 1 year
For Tuna; Snack Break
Summary: A series of vignettes taking place while Grim is making his final choice. The time will soon arrive....
Part One Part Two Choose your ending....
"I have detention everyday for three weeks," Grim pouted as you gave him his tuna pancake breakfast.
"What did you do this time?"
"I-" he cut himself off, his eyes nervously flicking to yours, then back to his plate.
"Crowley's an ass that's why. No other reasons, don't dig into it henchhuman."
"Am I going to get a bill for it?"
"Then I don't have the energy to care," you said with a sigh, thinking of all the maintenance you had to do on Ramshackle today.
Grim looked at the time, shoved what was left of his pancake into his mouth, then scampered out the door, passing Ruggie on his way out.
"Hey Y/N, I found  a tool kit, ready to do some fixing?"
You nodded, ready to renovate Ramshackle with your favorite hyena for a couple hours.
Grim stepped into the mirror chamber, and made sure to use his toe beans as much as possible. He silently made his way to the headmage's mirror. He had almost made it when he was scooped up, and squeezed firmly in a pair of strong arms.
"Thought you could hide from me forever, didn't you sealio?" Floyd said in a growl.
He brought Grim up to face level, a nasty scowl on his face.
"Let's see if this jogs your memory. I gave you a month's worth of free lobsters. In exchange, you promised I would make it through to the second wave of interviews. Starting to sound familiar?"
Grim quickly nodded.
"Cool, then why did I have to find out from Jade I wasn't chosen to participate, and Azul was?"
Grim whimpered.
"I warned you, right? People who cross my family have a tendency to disappear. It won't be today, it won't be tomorrow, but watch your back, cause one day I'll have Y/N, and you'll-"
"Mister Leech. Unless you want to join Grim in detention, please let him go," Crowley said, crossing his arms in a pout.
"Sounds boring," Floyd pouted, dropping Grim like a hot iron. Unfortunately for Riddle, he happened to choose that moment to step through the Heartslaybul portal.
"Oh! Goldfishie! Let's play tag!"
And now Floyd was running after Riddle, who was practically begging the headmage to save him.
But the headmage conveniently couldn't hear as he escorted Grim to detention.
"Shit! How did you get in here?" Idia screamed at Silver who was patiently sitting on his bed waiting for him.
"I let him in!" Ortho said excitedly. "It is better for your mental health to have friends!"
Idia fought back a glare, before pulling out his iPad, and hastily typing.
"Why are you here?"
"My father said you could answer a question I had. What is "babygirl"?"
Idia stared at Silver for a moment as the tips of his hair slightly flickered pink.
"Damn. I have to choose between the otaku urge to participate in an irl otome cut scene, and my love of Y/N, the greatest character to ever spawn in my save file."
He chewed his lip, and Silver continued sitting patiently.
"Fuck it, this is too epic to pass up. Babygirl means Y/N thinks you're just a little guy."
"I still don't understand."
Idia groaned.
"Um, okay, so Y/N thinks you're a total cutie and would be happy to have you on their arm as a trophy husband."
Silver's cheeks turned a light pink.
"Like, they prob. think you're submissive and-"
"Babygirl is like a princess! You're Y/N's princess!" Ortho cut in excitedly.
"I'm Y/N's princess…" Silver whispered, a slight smile on his face.
"Not exactly! It means Y/N wouldn't mind if you were their princess. Nothing is set in stone. I have a lot of bbg's, but I wouldn't necessarily settle down with any of them."
"I like the idea of being Y/N's princess…"
"Damn it, why am I rooting for this? It's too cute!" Idia groaned. 
"Hee hee, big brother also wants to be Y/N's princess…"
Idia's hair turned a bright red and he went catatonic.
"So that's why you booked out the kitchen this morning."
Ace stiffened, and turned from the Ramshackle door to "greet" Trey. He was startled to see Trey holding a tart.
"I had the kitchen all morning! When did you make that?" Ace asked in horror and despair.
Trey shrugged. "I always have a spare tart lying around, in case we have company. What's under the tin?" He nodded towards the dessert tin Ace was holding.
"My masterpiece," Ace grinned. The grin quickly fell. "Wait! Why are you here? You stole my idea!"
"The idea to bring food to a hungry prefect at lunchtime? While it's such an original idea for you to have, I didn't steal it from you," Trey sighed in irritation, attempting to step around Ace to the door. Ace blocked him.
"No. I was here first. I get to give Y/N treats."
"Ace, I beg you to reconsider."
"No!" Ace got in a defensive position that he used when playing basketball, then swatted the tart out of Trey's hands.
"What the hell!"
"There. I'm the only one with treats. As the Seven intended." Ace turned the door knob, but Trey started shoving him, and reaching for the door knob himself.
"I tried to be nice, but you've completely blown it."
"It's not nice to steal someone's idea!"
"It is literally 12:30. Everyone is eating right now. It's not an original idea!"
In the midst of the shoving back and forth, the door opened, revealing a very amused Ruggie.
"Shihihi, you both just saved me a trip."
He snatched the dessert tray and shut the door behind him. Both men froze in shock, and heard Ruggie yell,
"Y/N! I got us a treat!"
Ace elbowed Trey.
"Nice going, dumbass."
Trey raised an eyebrow and stared at Ace, who only at that moment remembered who he was talking to.
"I mean, that sucked, didn't it, Mister Vice Housewarden, sir?" He laughed nervously.
"Don't worry too much about it. I doodle suited it when he took it from you. Whatever it was will taste like sardines."
Trey walked away calmly as Ace stared in mixed awe and horror.
You and Kalim were walking to class together, when you noticed some scribbles on his hand.
"What's that?" You asked.
"Oh! It's a new thing I'm trying. You know how I'm trying to be more independent from Jamil, but I have a terrible memory? I'm just writing everything on my hand and arm!"
"Can you even read that? It looks all smudged!"
"Sure I can!" Kalim pulled up his sleeve, pointing to each word as he read aloud.
"Party, present, Grim, books, botany, secret, and snack."
"How is that helpful? What does any of that even mean?"
"Well party is, I'm throwing a party soon. Or I want to. Present and Grim, is because I want to give Grim a present at the party, because I heard he really likes presents. Books is so that I don't forget my textbooks, botany is because I have botany in an hour, and snack is because I'm hungry and might forget to eat!"
"Wow, okay, I guess that does help. But what is "secret" supposed to mean?"
"Oh! Right! Thanks for reminding me!" Kalim smiled happily. "There's something Jamil and I know that I'm not supposed to tell you."
"Oh?" Your curiosity definitely peaked. "And what aren't you supposed to tell me?"
"Let me double check," Kalim looked at his arm smudges, before gasping and laughing. "Nice try, it's a secret!" He said, pointing to secret on his arm.
You gave your best attempt at a flirty pout. "Couldn't you just tell me? I won't tell Jamil you told me. It can be our secret."
Kalim tilted his head thoughtfully, before nodding.
"Okay! So Grim has been-"
In moments, Jamil had body slammed Kalim to the ground.
"Kalim! I'm so sorry, I thought I saw an attacker."
"It's okay! It was an honest mistake,"Kalim smiled despite groaning in pain.
"We should go back to your room, just in case," Jamil said firmly, yanking Kalim to his feet, and away from you.
Jamil then turned to Kalim. "How many times do I have to explain this? You're lucky Grim is still even considering you, since you failed to show up to the interview. But you'll completely blow it if you tell Y/N! You'll never get another chance at Grim choosing you!"
"Right, I'm so sorry, I forgot," Kalim facepalmed. "Thanks for stopping me back there, Jamil."
"Anytime," Jamil smiled sweetly, "After all, I just want what's best for you."
Deep in the recesses of the Octavinelle Dorm, two random Octavinelle students are expressing their distaste…
"It's not fair! I'm Prince Rielle's first cousin! And Y/N's lab partner in Alchemy! We've actually gone on a date! Where does that cat monster get off not even considering me?"
"You think you got it bad?" The other student was tying his bow tie in the mirror, his anger evident on his face. "Y/N and I are in the newspaper club together. And I was about to ask them to be my significant other, when Grim showed up out of nowhere and told Y/N he "desperately needed their help with something." It's pathetic! The whole reason he chose us to sit in for those two other bachelors is because he knew how upset we were!"
"Absolutely disgusting. You know what?" The first student stood up. "The rat is in detention more often than not. He can't stop me from asking Y/N out!" 
"Me too!" The other student stood up as well, before giving a flirty smirk to his roommate. "This is going to be our best anniversary yet."
"Agreed," they grabbed each other's hands and opened the door, both startled to see Jade standing there with an eerie smile.
"Excellent timing. You both need to work an emergency shift in the lounge."
"Damn it"
"Monsieur Fuzzball! I have arrived with a new batch of conditioner specially formulated for your luxurious fur!"
"Much obliged," Grim smirked as he took the goodie bag from Rook.
"And I have Roi du posion and my financial statements, as requested," he handed Grim a manila envelope.
"Thanks, I'll let you know once I've looked over everybody's."
Grim moved to leave, but Rook picked him up by the scruff of his neck.
"I would like to make something clear though. I am le chasseur d'amour.  I will hunt after the love of my life, whether I have your blessing or not," his eyes glittered with unbridled glee. "And should anyone stand in my way, I care not who they are. I shall act in a way that I see as fitting."
Grim's fur prickled. "What's that supposed to mean?"
Rook laughed lightly. "Who's to say?"
He pressed a kiss to the top of Grim's head, then set him down.
"Sleep well, Monsieur Fuzzball!"
And with a flourish he left Grim alone.
Jack, Epel, and Deuce were on a run together. As they rounded a bend, they came up on Leona taking a nap.
"Housewarden," Jack greeted.
Leona opened a single eye, and groaned.
"You three look remarkably calm for people whose best friend is set to be betrothed soon."
All three of them stiffened.
Jack rubbed his hand on the back of his neck and looked off into the distance.
"Y/N doesn't care about money. Whoever Grim picks, I have no doubt that Y/N will turn down the relationship, unless they truly see a future with them, in which case, what will be will be."
Deuce bit his lip. "I'm not in the place for a relationship anyway…I want to get my degree and start my career before I try to support someone else."
"It's just dumb as hell, and Y/N's not gonna put up with it. And when it all comes to light, they'll turn to the only people who don't see them as an object to be purchased. An' I'll be there to scoop them into my arms and pick up the pieces," Epel said with a smirk.
Deuce and Jack stared at him.
"Oh please. You both were thinkin' it. I'm just the only one brave enough to say it!"
Leona smirked. "Well I hope that works out for you boys. Just know you won't even get the chance if I'm the one chosen. I know how to treat Y/N right."
He lounged back with a triumphant smile, and quickly fell back asleep, leaving the boys with torn expressions.
"Your majesty! It is always an honor for the queen of Pomefiore to pay us a visit. How many I be of service?" Azul asked Vil, who was gracefully seated in the chair across from his desk in the VIP room.
"I have already drawn up the contract, it just requires your signature," Vil hummed, pulling out a scroll that already had his signature on it.
"Simply put, I am asking you to step down from the running for Y/N's future husband, and to clear the way for my victory. You will notice," Vil pointed to a blank space in the contract, "the payment spot is blank. Upon completion of the contract you are able to fill in whatever you want."
"Whatever I want?"
"Money, product, fame, anything you can think of is yours."
Azul thoughtfully tapped his chin.
"I could have Vil Schoenheit as an unpaid spokesperson for my future restaurant chain for an undisclosed amount of time. The capital that would bring in would be unmatched."
Azul picked up the contract, and Vil smirked. Until Azul tore it into pieces.
"The name of the game is confidence, and insecurity is not a good look on you, my queen."
"I have no idea what you're talking about," Vil snapped.
"You think I haven't noticed the fact that your hair is half a shade darker since that monster told you you might grow old?"
"You've misseen it, I assure you. My hair has always been this shade of blond," Vil hissed.
"It's very possible I have misseen," Azul pushed his glasses up his nose triumphantly, "but it would be impossible to "missee" the fact that we have had to up production on your facial moisturizer, because you are using it in higher quantities."
"I am not, I'm just stocking up!" Vil slammed the table as he stood.
"Let's face it, Schoenheit, I know what it looks like when someone has lost. One of us here has crumbled under the pressure, and I'll give you a hint. It's not me."
Vil glared at Azul heatedly, before turning on his heels and leaving the VIP room, slamming the door on his way out.
You had been reading a book on the couch, while Grim sorted through some papers. You were hoping, in your heart of hearts, that he was studying or doing his homework. Deep down, you knew that wasn't the case.
After some final rustling of papers, Grim said, "Alright, I've made my choice."
"For what?"
"Nothing, mwahahahahaha!" 
"Then why are you-"
"No reason!" He shouted. Then below his breath you heard, "mwahahaha…"
You sighed heavily.
"Am I going to get a bill for it?"
"Then I don't care."
Below his breath, he released another, "mwahahaha…"
Tag list-@shytastemakerthing @stygianoir @leonia0 @lleoll @eccedentesiast-sapphic @supertmntgirl @cxsmicdustdreams @aethermostbeloved @krystalkiller25 @asmallbean3 @theneurodivergentdummy @candlewitch-cryptic @smilingfox22-blog @phantomgaming1920 @the-dumber-scaramouche @a-small-tyrant @noidonothavetimeforthis @bontensbabygirl
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saikira999 · 2 months
~ Headcanons for twst characters playing Minecraft.
Another parts about:
Idia and Malleus!
Riddle and Leona!
Jade and Floyd!
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Headcanon, what if Idia and Yuu somehow convinced Him to play minecraft, Azul...:
1) "Why are there cubes everywhere??? I don’t understand anything...."
2) When he learns that monsters are appearing in the dark, he places two stacks of torches around himself in horror.
3) Crying from the physics of trees.
4) Will try to make a copy of Mostro in Minecraft.
5) He does not like to dig in mines and fight, but prefers to engage in agriculture, construction and trade.
6) He built his own village, with a complex hierarchy, its own economy and an underground mafia, where he keeps all the villagers under iron grip.
7) Every five minutes:
<Octo_businessman> fell from a high place.
<Octo_businessman> tried to swim in lava.
<Octo_businessman> was blown up by creeper.
<Octo_businessman> was drowned.
<Octo_businessman> starved to dead.
8) If one of the players hits or kills an squid in front of Him, He will take it as a personal insult.
9) The only one on the server who goes to bed on time and swears at everyone in the chat, because he cannot miss the night while others are awake.
10) Chief of food, armor and potions (Not for free, of course)...
11) Tries to negotiate with the pillagers.
12) Most likely, his house is either a clumsy box decorated with vines and blue flowers, or a huge penthouse with twenty rooms. There is no middle ground. Also, it seems to me that his house would be somewhere on the beach, or in the middle of the lake.
13) Drowned people are his worst enemies.
14) Makes secret chests with all sorts of treasures that he clearly does not intend to share.
15) Already dug up all the gold and ransacked all the treasuries, while the others fought with the ghasts and withers.
16) He comes into the game the least often, because “I actually have my fill of things to do.”
17) He is afraid of dolphins, because he personally knew real ones and knows that they are not the friendliest guys (No, seriously. Dolphins are assholes. Just Google it).
18) Terrible in PVP and always dies first.
19) He says that He doesn’t care about griefers and considers their tricks to be child’s play, but in reality, he is very offended and complains to Yuu in PM on discord.
20) Likes to play in small groups of 2-3 people and does not like to play alone or with too many players.
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(A SMALL UPDATE! Previously, this post was dedicated only to Azul, but I decided to make two characters for each post, for beauty, so I'll add another Lilia from the request here.)
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Lilia has been familiar with Minecraft since the game's inception:
1) "Ha-ha, I love adventures!"
2) Competes with Idia, who spends more time in the game and brazenly takes advantage of the fact that fairies do not need sleep as much as people (even the cursed).
3) Daddy's house is either a cave full of vegetation and bats, or there is none at all, since Lilia prefers to roam the entire server. Usually wanders the world on a fast black horse in leather armor painted green, but often runs on His own two feet.
4) He named His horse Samson.
5) He is constantly accompanied by bats.
6) During His adventures, Lily has found many interesting resources and items, and in order not to carry everything with Him, He makes ingenious warehouses with traps, which the entire server covets.
7) Sometimes takes other players on His campaigns. For example, Malleus, Sebek, Silver, Idia and Yuu.
8) Thunderstorm of PVP. Want to fight Him? Good luck.
9) Seriously... You will need luck VERY much.
10) His favorite biomes are forest ones. He hangs out especially often in Taiga and Tundra.
11) The second admin and dad of the server, who suggested Idia the idea of ​​creating a world for the rest of the Twst guys.
12) The most secretive player on the server after Idia. In most cases, He disappears somewhere far, far away, but occasionally, He can be found bargaining with other players, sitting in a tree, or on a campaign. He also likes to play pranks and make fun of other players.
13) For some reason, all the monsters in the area ignore Him, or quickly run away.
14) Collects records (He especially likes "Ward" and "Pigstep").
15) His favorite soundtracks from the game are "One More Day" and "Firebugs".
16) Lilia has already cleared out all the treasures, sunken ships and pyramids, and in order to further annoy other players, He usually leaves signs next to the empty chests saying “Lilia Vanrouge was here :3”
17) Didn’t go to the End because caught flashbacks because of the dragon.
18) Was the one who informed Malleus that a dragon egg cannot be hatched and raise a baby dragon, and without knowing it, he regrets it.
19) Helped Idia find suitable mods for hatching and taming the dragon :D
20) "Silver, bring Your old man a glass bottle of water..."
...And then He goes off to brew an invisibility potion so he can shoo away and banter other players around with an evil giggle.
If you like My post, please reblog Me! :3
Also, if You want a doodle and headcannons for some other twst character, I will be happy to answer Your requests. They are open :D
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bones4thecats · 5 months
Hello, hello! Before requests close, could I request Deuce, Silver, Ace, and Malleus getting plushies from their s/o? For example, Deuce gets one of him in a chicken costume.
Type of Writing: Request Characters: Deuce Spade, Silver Vanrouge, Ace Trappola, and Malleus Draconia Name: {Character} when their S/O gifts them a plushie Requester: Anonymous
A/N: This is adorable! I would cry if someone gave me a plushie of these men, especially one of baby Malleus. He's so damn cute I nearly cried when I first saw him!
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♠️ It was around his birthday and you wanted to give Deuce, your boyfriend, something that he would love and keep around for years to come
♠️ You remembered hearing a story from his mother that, when he was younger, Deuce loved to mess around with the small plushies that his mother and grandmother both collected growing up
♠️ Deuce was rough around the edges, but, it sounded to cute for your heart to handle seeing a small little stuffed-Deuce sitting on his bed, just waiting
♠️ So, in the name of your sanity, you had designed a small plushie of your boyfriend, one that looked exactly like him inside of a large chicken outfit, it reminded you of when he dressed up as a bunny for the festival a few months prior
♠️ The small stuffed version of your boyfriend was adorable, and as you walked down to Heartslabyul, you asked one of the members where your boyfriend is, and they answered with practice for track
♠️ You sat down on the bleachers and cheered as he ran and did his exercises, and when his practice finished, he changed and met with you just outside the changing rooms
" Happy birthday, my One of Spades! "
♠️ He chuckled at the albeit odd pet-name and hugged you as you wrapped your arms around his midsection, his head resting against the top of yours as you chuckled at his reaction
" I have a surprise for you, it's in your dorm though, so come on! "
♠️ Dragging him by the arm, you went through the halls and eventually found your way to the mirror chamber and to his dorm's building before snapping his room's door shut
♠️ Pulling out the small box from underneath his bed, you smiled and held it out to him with both of your hands, a smile ever so present on both your faces, though his was covered in a rose-red blush underneath
♠️ The sound of paper being torn apart echoed through both your ears as he threw it in his garbage can and took the lid off the cardboard cube, his eyes widening as they laid upon the small object, it was him in a chicken outfit
" W-what is this exactly? "
♠️ You began to laugh as his face erupted in a flustered faze, why did you think of this as a gift? Oh god, if Ace sees this he's gonna-
" I hope you like this, dear. Happy birthday to my favorite boy in the entirety of Twisted Wonderland. I love you. " " I-uh, heh, I love you as well, love. "
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⚔️ This guy sleeps so much that he ends up forgetting what day it is sometimes, and for the past couple years, Lilia has been having to remind his own son when he birthday is, because of this issue
⚔️ But, this year, he had his S/O to remind him more often, since his father was dealing with something back in Briar Valley, though he did send a present for his son to open
⚔️ He was resting when you gained an idea. You heard from Rook that one of Pomefiore's second years was an amazing sewer and could make a bunch of stuff, and thinking about that, you wanted to make a thing for Silver to rest with when you weren't around
⚔️ Your boyfriend had his head on your lap with a small amount of animals surrounding you both, so, since nobody else was around, you messaged Rook and asked for the second year's number to ask him things, and he happily gifted you it
⚔️ While messaging the male, you sent an image of your boyfriend resting with you in his arms, in which he just sent you so many heart-eyed emojis in response, as well as a price for the gift and wishes of luck to you both
⚔️ Silver awoke nearly 30 minutes later when Sebek came to drag him to their Equestrian Club as you kissed his forehead and gave Sebek a nod of approval as he dragged your boyfriend away, with him waving tiredly as you grew smaller and smaller
⚔️ Once you knew he couldn't see you anymore, you began to walk towards the mirror chamber to transport to Pomefiore to check up on the plushie being made by the resident there
⚔️ When you walked into the dorm, he was just coming outside with a small box in hand, and you exchanged words and handed him the money he wished for before giving him a small hug before going your separate ways
⚔️ Silver had just fallen asleep again by the entrance of the stables, Sebek trying to awake him as Riddle sighed and rubbed his temples, frustration evident on his face
⚔️ You eventually were able to wake him and bring him back to his dorm with Sebek wishing you both goodnight as he trudged back to his room, probably to say prayers to Malleus before sleeping
⚔️ Before Silver could fall back asleep, you poked his forehead and handed him the same box the Pomefiore student gave you and he smiled lightly before thanking you and opening the gift
" What is this? Is this- " " It's us. I asked a Pomefiore student to make you it, you see? That's you holding me, and that's me right there holding my phone up to take our picture! Isn't it cute? "
⚔️ He smiled and hugged you before saying
" It's lovely, my flower. But, I'd rather rest with the real thing than a memory. Now, let us rest, I'm tired. " " You're always tired. "
⚔️ He chuckled as he fell asleep, the plushie of you both finally finding a place in his room, right on his nightstand, where it could be a reminder of the person he loved more than anyone else
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🪅 Ace Trappola, where do I begin with how many plushies you could get made out of him?
🪅 He does so many stupid things that you had caught on camera, and one of those moments was when he was holding a small hedgehog that they had in Heartslabyul
🪅 The smile that graced his face was one that you loved seeing, so, you asked Epel if he could bring this idea to the second year he had been talking too
🪅 He, of course, agreed and showed the second year a photo that you loved of your boyfriend and gave the student the money you owed before bringing the finished item to your dorm room and wishing you good luck
🪅 When you pulled out your phone, you immediately pushed the call button and the contact photo you had set for your boyfriend
" Heyo, it's Ace, what's up, Y/N? " " Well, I have something special for you because it's your birthday. Meet me at your dorm room, yeah? " " Sure. See ya then! "
🪅 Once meeting the mirror leading you to Ace's dorm, you rushed through and began to spring with all your might, adrenaline pumping through your veins as you ran, passing Deuce and Cater as they chuckled at your actions
🪅 You found your boyfriend's room and began knocking on his door with your heart pumping and your brain spinning, why did you decide to run like that?
🪅 Ace opened the door and pulled you inside, saying that Trey was looking for him, since it was his birthday, and he just wanted some peace and quiet with his S/O at the time
" So, what did you get me? "
🪅 You smiled and pulled the box out from the bag you put it in so you wouldn't drop it while visiting, and you handed it to him with the brightest smile on your face
🪅 He opened the box and his face froze when he saw a piece of paper on top of everything, a printed photograph of him on it, and his face dropped into a playful scowl
" Why this of all things? " " Damn it, Epel! It's underneath that. "
🪅 He watched as you pulled out a thin layer of tissue paper and hand him the small plushie of him with his signature grin in a 'chibi' form
🪅 He grabbed the plush and he smiled before laughing
" I guess I have to get a matching you one, huh? After all, one is not the same without the other. "
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🐉 You knew that Malleus had an issue with his birthday, especially after the fact that he normally had no one there, so he'd have to eat the rest of his cakes himself, and that has to be hard on his stomach and rest of his body
🐉 He loved spending his birthday with those he cared about, and since he had you now, his S/O, he would be able to enjoy this day maybe a bit more
🐉 Despite the tradition, he would tell you that you didn't have to worry about getting him any kind of gift, claiming you were the best thing he could ever want in the many years of his life
🐉 When you couldn't think of anything to get Malleus, you went to his father-figure, Lilia, and asked for his opinion
" Well, you know that he loves gargoyles, and you, of course. Why not merge it? Make him a gargoyle themed after you! " " Uh, I think that'll take me around five years worth of time, and his party is in eight hours, Lilia! " " Oh! I nearly forgot. I have a photo of a small Malleus that you wanted, and I need to get started on the amazing side they wanted me to work on. Aparently Trey, Jamil, and the ghosts want to work on the main courses with me, isn't that exciting? "
🐉 Malleus stood outside of Diasomnia, the wind blowing through his hair when you messaged a specific dorm member of Pomefiore's, asking where your gift for Malleus was, and they sent you a thumbs up emoji
🐉 Telling Malleus you needed to grab something from your dorm room, he smiled and nodded as you walked away to grab the gift from the dorm member
🐉 You paid him and began running back with a bag containing your present inside, a note on the front of it saying, 'Do not open until after the party!'
🐉 Once the party was over and everyone else had gone to bed, you and your boyfriend sat outside on a large vine of the rose garden, you pulled out the bag and laid it in his lap
🐉 He smiled and thanked you before de-summoning the tissue paper you had laid inside to hide the objects inside
🐉 Once he pulled them out, Malleus' eyes widened and he laughed as he allowed the mini Malleus, Lilia, Silver, Sebek, you, and gargoyle plushies float in the air
🐉 Malleus hugged you tightly, his now-revealed tail wrapping around your leg as his eyes began to tear up
" Thank you, darling. This is the best day of birth I have ever had. "
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bestanimatedmovie · 1 year
Choose your favorite!
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Vote in the other polls!
What fans say:
Kung Fu Panda:
Honestly iconic. The progression of story, the message, the acting.
The way this movie balances tone is nothing less than astonishing to me. It's funny and lighthearted but also intense and dramatic and neither ever take away from the other. Every joke and emotional beat lands excellently. Not to mention. The fight scenes SLAP. And so does the score!!
It's just GOOD. I love how all of them were insanely genuine. Po genuinely wanted to be a Kung Fu master. The Furious Five genuinely wanted to be the very best like no one ever was. And Tai Lung genuinely wanted to kick the shit out of anyone that even looked at that dragon scroll. But seriously one of the best movies.
Treasure Planet:
The setting and focal relationship!
WHALES IN SPACE. Second best treasure island adaptation (#1 is muppets). The song The Song!!
Where do I begin with this movie? It blends CG and hand drawn animation beautifully. All of the backgrounds are gorgeous. There are so many cool alien designs. The score is absolutely perfect. The amount of detail put into the design and worldbuilding shines through. All of the characters are so much fun to watch, especially Long John Silver and Captain Amelia. This movie takes at least partial responsibility for my love of space/sky pirates. Also it was actively sabotaged by Disney so I need to vouch for it at every chance.
Space pirates in a classic novel. It's gorgeously animated with a blend of 2d and 3d. Also, LONG JOHN SILVER HAS A 3D HAND thats hecking impressive for a main character to be a blend of the two in 2002. Did I mention the twink protagonist and malewife for the rich halfwit son? The aliens are beautifully unique, and a mantis guy floats off into space. from a pirate ship. because they aren't just space pirates, they're aliens and cyborgs on pirate ships going through space. Which fucking rocks.
It's a genuinely creative adaptation of Treasure Island that has so much heart and incredible animation. It helped pioneer 3D animationa nd it was the first feature animated film to utilize both 2 and 3 D animation
The animation is so good, and the way that the antogonist isn't black and white, he genuinely cares for the protagonist <3
Pirate ships in space!
Watched this on loop as a kid, gave me solace for not growing up with a dad
It fucks
The ☆A n i m a t i o n☆!! And captain Amelia
It's so fun looking, cool character design. It's funny, it's emotional. I love it so very much please aaaaaaa
How this movie looks is absolutely amazing. A space-steampunk pirate story with fantastic visuals and (mostly) great characters. The vibes this movie has are off the charts. Jim is the bad-boy-good-heart kid, the doctor is a silly-goofy-but-oddly-competent support and Silver is a complex father-figure-who's-made-mistakes. Also MORT the cute little jelly that won me over in 0.5 seconds flat. I am also a slut for a good soundtrack and this one SLAPS. I will stand by my opinion that the Russian version of the song I'm Still Here did a better job of fitting the montage and the mood. That's a hill I will die on.
494 notes · View notes
yuujispinkhair · 1 year
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From Sukuna, made with love
Christmas is your favorite time of the year. You love the coziness, the warmth, the love. But unfortunately, all this feels less magical when you know you will spend Christmas Eve alone. And so you desperately try to find someone to keep you company via your dating app. But maybe the real magic of Christmas is already right in front of you, brewing your favorite coffee and baking your favorite cupcakes while wearing a far too smug smirk and complaining too loudly about the stupid Santa hat he has to wear at work.
Pairing: Sukuna x Reader (female) Genre: fluff, Christmas AU, Coffee Shop AU Word Count: 6.5k Warnings: none, just lots of fluff, flirting and kissing. This is a non-curses AU. Sukuna is the barista from hell to some of his customers but not to you :) All characters are of age. My blog contains 18+ content. Minors don't interact.
There is now art for this story!! Thank you so much to the lovely @irideste for drawing barista!Sukuna!!
This is my contribution to my sweet friend @shirohyorin's Ficmas Calendar! Thank you so much for hosting this cute collab, Loni! I hope my story can add to the coziness you are spreading over our dash. I wish everyone a sweet December and merry Christmas if you celeberate it!
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December 1
The doorbell jingles softly as you enter your favorite coffee shop. It makes you smile because the sound reminds you of Christmas. Like Santa's sleigh with the reindeer. The smell that drifts towards you adds even more to the Christmassy feeling. The rich taste of coffee and hot chocolate laced with cinnamon and gingerbread spice.
You sigh happily. This is your little safe place, your sanctuary every morning before you start your hectic work day. And especially now, when the countdown to Christmas has begun, and the pretty Christmas decorations and lights are up, this little coffeeshop all in white is the coziest place you know.
You smile to yourself, already looking forward to a little treat before work, a gingerbread latte, and maybe a cinnamon roll. You look over at the counter, expecting to see the owner or one of the usual baristas. But you blink in surprise when your gaze lands on someone else.
A new guy.
He stands out in the white interior like a black sheep amidst its white herd. He is dressed all in black and is tall and muscular with an athletic build. His hair is pink and styled in a fashionable-looking undercut. His ears are pierced several times, and his face is adorned with filigree black tattoed lines.
He looks intimidating. Strikingly attractive but scary. And definitely very out of place in the middle of all the sparkly white and silver Christmas decorations.
The woman before you grabs her bag of cookies and leaves, giving you space to step up to the counter.
Your breath catches when a pair of pretty maroon eyes meets yours. They are framed by long black lashes and a second pair of eyes, tattoed ones, black and red. But what strikes you the most is the intensity with which those eyes look at you. As if the owner of those eyes can see right into your soul.
The corners of his eyes crinkle, and you realize that the new guy is smirking at you, looking almost infuriatingly smug, as if he knows how flustered you are by his gaze.
Even his voice is mocking you. A sexy lazy drawl that should rather be used in the bedroom than in a cozy little coffee shop at 7:00 in the morning!
"Good morning, princess. What can I get you?"
"Sukuna, you shouldn't call customers pet names!"
"Oh, shut up, Yuuta! Get back into the kitchen or something and stop getting on my nerves. I'm just being nice. Isn't that what is expected of me here?"
You watch the little quarrel with wide eyes until those maroon eyes snap back to you. The new guy, Sukuna apparently, laughs softly, revealing two rows of straight white teeth. And a pink tongue that curls upwards to press its tip to his front teeth, letting you catch a glimpse of something sparkly in his mouth. You realize only a split second later that Sukuna has a tongue piercing. You don't know why this fact makes your pulse flutter.
Sukuna cocks his head, fixing you with his intense gaze and a lifted eyebrow, like a cat checking you out, deciding whether you are worthy of its presence,
"So, let's try this again, huh? What do you want to order?"
"Um...I...a ... a large gingerbread latte, please...but can I get extra cinnamon, please?"
"Sure, anything you want, princess."
He smirks at you again before walking over to the coffeemaker. He is really tall. And his skinny black jeans are snug on his thighs and firm butt, making you silently curse yourself for checking out your new barista's ass. Sukuna is looking at you over his broad shoulder and asking in that velvety voice,
"What's your name?"
You tell him, and he nods, grabbing the pen next to the coffeemaker and scribbling your name on a paper cup before he starts preparing your order.
A few moments later, Sukuna puts the cup in front of you with another big grin on his handsome face.
"Here, enjoy!"
His long fingers are still wrapped around the cup. He's wearing black nail polish. Of course, he is! You almost snort. But his handwriting is surprisingly elegant.
You take the cup from him and give him a polite smile,
"Thank you. Have a nice day."
"Have a nice day too, sweetheart. Make sure to come back tomorrow."
His voice is filled with amusement, and the cheeky wink he gives you is absolutely not the way the other baristas treat the customers.
You quickly leave, wondering why your face feels so warm. It must be the heating in the coffee shop.
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December 2
"Good morning, princess. I'll get your order."
You are greeted by a smirking Sukuna, who is leaning casually against the shiny white counter, bracing himself on his elegant hands. The sleeves of his black sweater are pushed up to his elbows, exposing a pair of tattoed forearms. Tattooed and toned.
You stare at them for a moment too long before you lift your face to blink still a bit sleepily at Sukuna. His words register in your mind, and you frown in confusion.
"But...I didn't order anything yet."
"Oh, you don't have to. I know what you want."
His maroon eyes sparkle teasingly. You hate the way you get so flustered by a stupid comment like that. But something about the way Sukuna looks at you with so much confidence and smugness makes it hard not to get nervous.
Sukuna chuckles and turns around to walk over to the coffeemaker. When he comes back to place the paper cup in front of you, you see your name written on it correctly with a smiling face next to it, and Sukuna announces in a triumphant tone,
"Large gingerbread latte with extra cinnamon."
He really remembered your name and your coffee order. You can't help but be impressed. It took his coworkers weeks to remember those things.
You leave the coffee shop with a smile, sighing happily as you take the first sip of your gingerbread latte with extra cinnamon. Perfect! Exactly like you want it.
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December 6
You are in a bad mood this morning as you wait in line in the little coffee shop. Your thoughts are occupied with what your workday holds in store for you today. So you barely manage a weak smile when it's your turn to place your order.
Sukuna raises an eyebrow, 
"Rough morning ahead, princess?"
You nod, oddly touched that he noticed something is amiss.
"Yeah, I have a meeting with my boss today, and he will probably give me even more work."
Sukuna srunches his nose,
"In that case, you need something sweet to get you through the day. Take one of the red velvet cupcakes! They are the best. Trust me on that."
Before you can reply, he is already leaning down to grab a plate with a delicious-looking cupcake out of the glass display. He puts it on the counter in front of you with a boyish grin.
"Something sweet for a sweet girl."
You feel like an idiot when you drop the money you want to give him and have to pick it up from the floor with your ears ringing from the blood rushing into your head. Sukuna's laughter still carries through the coffee shop when you have already reached the door.
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December 7
"There she is! Hey, how did you like the cupcake? I didn't promise too much, did I?"
You can't help but laugh as Sukuna greets you with those words.
"It was one of the best cupcakes I ever ate! Thank you for recommending it."
He pouts, huffing in mock exasperation as he crosses his toned arms in front of his defined chest.
"Only one of the best? Then I'll make it even more delicious next time, so it will become the best cupcake you ever had. I'm not ok with only being second best!"
That makes you stop and raise your eyebrows,
"Wait, did you bake them?"
Sukuna laughs and nods smugly. There's a proud twinkle in his eyes.
"Yeah, I did. Tell me what you want me to change about the recipe, and the next batch will be the custom-made cupcake of your dreams."
Somehow you have no doubt that he is ambitious enough to really do that. And so you put a finger to your lips and lift your eyes in a playful thinking gesture,
"Hmmm, in that case, I really would love dark chocolate frosting instead of the vanilla one."
"Ok! My favorite customer wants dark chocolate. She'll get dark chocolate!"
You can't help but laugh at Sukuna's words, and hours later, when you are already sitting at your desk at work, his low playful voice still plays in your head. "My favorite customer," he said.
His favorite, huh?
A smile lifts the corners of your lips. Sukuna is definitely well on the way to becoming your favorite barista too.
As rude as he is, he is also pretty charming. You have to admit that. He definitely manages to lift your mood before a long workday. And maybe you are looking forward to his teasing comments and smug smirk every morning. Just a tiny bit.
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December 8
The first thing you see when entering the coffee shop is Sukuna's smirk, and he lifts a tattoed hand to wave at you and give you one of his teasing winks.
You chuckle softly and wave back at him as you get in line behind the other customers.
When you are only one customer away from the counter, the man in front of you steps to the side, allowing you to get a good look at the display stand. Behind the glass is a delicious-looking tray of red velvet cupcakes. This time with a dark chocolate topping, exactly as you wished for.
Your lips lift in a smile. And then your gaze lands on the little chalkboard in front of the cupcake tray. There is written in Sukuna's elegant handwriting, "(Y/N)'s dream cupcakes".
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December 10
When you enter the coffee shop this morning, you are greeted by the sight of red amongst the otherwise white interior. The two employees you see both wear bright red Santa hats.
Not Sukuna, though. He chooses that moment to stride out of the kitchen, carrying a baking sheet with Christmas cookies, looking as un-Christmassy as usual.
"Hey, Sukuna, put the hat back on! You know we have to wear them! Same rules for everyone!"
Sukuna rolls his eyes at his coworker as he places the cookies in the glass display.
"Tsk, I won't do that shit. It looks ridiculous."
His maroon gaze meets yours, and he grins.
"Let's ask a customer! Hey, princess, I'll let you be the judge."
And before you can say anything, Sukuna already grabs his discarded Santa hat and puts it on his pink hair. His eyes sparkle challengingly as he raises an eyebrow at you and points one long tattoed finger to his head,
"What do you think? This looks stupid, doesn't it?"
You stare at him wide-eyed, feeling like a deer caught in the headlights with all eyes on you. Especially that pair of maroon eyes that fixes you with an intense gaze and a smirk so attractive it should be illegal.
Your mind isn't functioning properly with all this attention on you before you even had your first fix of caffeine. And so you just blurt out what comes to your mind,
"I think it looks really good on you!"
It does. Everything looks good on Sukuna! He is gorgeous. He could even wear some reindeer antlers and a glowing red nose and pose as Rudolph, and he would still look hot!
Maybe your answer was a bit too enthusiastic, though, judging by the smug look on Sukuna's face. You feel embarrassed, averting your gaze quickly and feeling much too hot suddenly. But Sukuna just laughs.
"Well, in that case, I'll leave it on. Just for you, sweetheart."
The loud "Ooooooh!!" coming from the people in the waiting line behind you makes you wish the ground would swallow you whole, but at the same time, you cannot help but snicker softly and grin as you take your coffee from Sukuna.
The grin won't leave your face even when you are already on your train to work.
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December 12
Today you chose to pay the little coffee shop a visit after work. It's already pretty late, but you can't bring yourself to get up from your comfy seat at your favorite table that lets you watch the wintery street. People rush past the coffee shop on their way back home from work. Some carry big bags filled with Christmas presents, probably. You see small children on their parents' hands, pointing excitedly at the Christmas lights installed on the street lamps and the buildings.
It started to snow an hour ago, and now the trees lining the street are covered in fluffy-looking powdery snow. You watch, mesmerized, as big snowflakes slowly soar down from the sky.
It's so comfortable here in the coffee shop. Warm and cozy. You take a sip from your coffee before closing the e-mail you have been responding to. And now your finger lands on another app.
Tokyo Hearts – The dating app for lonely city hearts.
You open the app and get greeted by their current seasonal welcome message. You don't want to be alone on the merriest day of the year? Find a date for Christmas Eve here and discover true love.
You sigh. If only it was so easy! As much as you love Christmas time, it also gives you a little pang this year because you know you will be lonely on Christmas Eve.
Or maybe not! A notification pops up, telling you there is a new message for you.
The guy who sent it looks cute. And he works in an animal shelter, which makes him sound like the type of guy you could like.
Your finger hovers over the reply button, thinking hard about what you could message him back when a low voice next to your ear makes you jump,
"Are you looking for a boyfriend online, princess?"
You squeal loudly and almost drop your phone, struggling to catch it before it falls into your coffee.
Your gaze snaps up to Sukuna's tall figure, seeing him grin that insufferable grin at you.
You hurriedly lock your phone screen while trying to fight the embarrassment washing over you. As if Sukuna caught you doing something dirty.
"W...what are you doing over here, Sukuna?"
Sukuna graces you with a shit-eating teasing grin as he replies,
"Oh, I don't know. Maybe I work here. Maybe I am being a good employee for once and checking on my customers to see if they are happy in our wonderful coffee shop or if they have another wish. Crazy, I know!"
His maroon eyes are full of mischief as he leans casually against your table.
You huff and roll your eyes,
"Wow, I guess I am talking to the employee of the month. But I don't need anything at the moment, thank you."
Sukuna laughs at your reply, but he doesn't leave. Instead, he shoves his hands into the pocket of the apron he is wearing over his black jeans and sweater and eyes you with a strange look on his handsome face.
"Be careful if you want to meet up with one of those guys from your little dating app. You never know what kind of idiots hide behind that screen."
That makes you blink up at him, surprised at the uncharacteristically serious tone of his usually so playful and teasing voice. Sukuna is towering over you with his tall height, but the bright red Santa hat atop his pink hair makes him look cute instead of intimidating today.
And his concern is touching. You find yourself nodding slowly and smiling gratefully at him.
"I'll be careful. Thank you, Sukuna."
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December 13
Your date with the animal shelter guy is a disaster.
You asked him to meet you in the coffee shop, and at first glance animal shelter guy is cute. But it only takes about ten minutes to realize that a cute face doesn't make a cute personality.
He is annoying. A know-it-all who keeps talking over you, making fun of your taste in movies and music, scrunching his nose at your job, and even looking down on the gingerbread latte with the extra cinnamon you love so much.
Not even half an hour into the date, you already know you never want to see him again. But he refuses to get the hint even when you start responding with only one-worded answers. You have a feeling he even prefers that you don't talk anymore because, most of all, he likes to listen to himself. And so he keeps on talking, sharing his opinions with you about this and that.
You zone out and let your gaze wander across the coffee shop and over to the counter, where Sukuna's tall figure is leaning against the wall with his arms crossed in front of his broad chest. His maroon eyes meet yours. He has been watching your table, you realize.
He raises one eyebrow curiously, and then his gaze slips to your date and then back to you with a knowing grin. He lifts his right hand and makes a throat-slitting gesture.
You have to bite your lip to stop yourself from laughing out loud, but your eyes sparkle amusedly at him as you nod softly.
Sukuna pushes himself off the wall and grabs a tray with a large coffee cup that his coworker just put on the counter, making said coworker complain loudly. But Sukuna ignores him and, to your astonishment, starts walking toward your table.
Your eyes widen in foreboding as Sukuna stops next to your table, smiling down at animal shelter guy. It's a dangerous smile. And his low voice is sugary sweet, dripping with fake politeness,
"Here is your order, sir."
Your date lifts his head to snap at Sukuna,
"What do you mean!? I didn't order anything."
Sukuna's smirk grows wider as he stands there in all his glory, tall and gorgeous, looking intimidating with all his tattoos and piercings and the toned muscles of his biceps flexed from balancing the tray.
He cocks his head, eyeing your date with an amused expression on his handsome face that reminds you of a cat playing with a mouse,
"Aww, you didn't? Well, I guess this is on the house, then. Enjoy."
And with that, Sukuna flicks his long fingers against the large coffee cup, making it tip over.
You watch in fascinated horror as the coffee spills out of the cup and gushes over animal shelter guy's shirt.
"What the fuck!!?? Can't you be more careful!??"
Your date jumps up from his seat, hands twisted in his soaking wet shirt while he glares daggers at Sukuna, who just watches him with a satisfied grin.
You can't help but laugh but try to hide it by coughing into your hand while you watch the scene before you.
Animal shelter guy is now gesturing wildly with his hands, spitting insults at Sukuna.
But Sukuna just smiles devilishly at him and informs him in a dangerously soft voice,
"I want you to walk out that door now and never come back."
"I will NOT do that! Who do you think you are? I want to talk to your boss!"
That makes Sukuna laugh,
"Oh, I can do anything I want. My shift, my rules. And you are banned for a lifetime. Bye bye loverboy."
Sukuna jerks his chin towards the door and adds,
"You better not make me drag you out."
His gaze is stern now. The smile is gone. And apparently, your date finally gets the hint that he shouldn't get on Sukuna's wrong side. He scrambles to grab his jacket and hurries towards the door without a glance back,
Sukuna calls after him,
"And don't ever contact her again! I will find out about it if you do!"
You spend the next hour chatting with your favorite barista and eating a red velvet cupcake which he brings to your table with the words:
"On the house because you deserve that after having to listen to that loser for longer than a minute."
When you leave, you smile and call out softly,
"Thank you, Sukuna."
His answering smile is so genuine and pretty that it makes your breath catch in your throat.
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December 14
You have a dream where you are at a speed-dating event in the coffee shop, and Sukuna walks from table to table and pours various drinks over every potential date partner.
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December 15
You can already spot Sukuna from outside the coffee shop. He stands out, as usual, dressed all in black, tall and athletic, with pastel-colored pink hair and black tattoos.
But you realize immediately that there's an important detail missing. Where is the Santa hat he is supposed to wear?
You scrunch your nose. Maybe he decided to fuck the rules after all. It would suit him. You shake your head in amusement and push the door open.
The little bell jingles, and the comforting smell of coffee and Christmas wraps you in its cozy embrace.
And a pair of maroon eyes instantly meets yours.
Your heart does a weird thing. It throbs.
And Sukuna strides over to the counter and grabs something off it. His Santa hat, you realize a moment later, when he puts it on his head while grinning broadly at you.
The gesture makes you laugh, and when it's your turn to place your order, you can't help but comment teasingly,
"I see you are following your boss' wishes. Good boy."
At the beginning of the month, you wouldn't have dared talk like that to Sukuna. But by now, the two of you have established quite the playful banter, so teasing him back a little won't hurt, you assume.
Sukuna throws his head back, laughing loudly, revealing his slightly pointy canines and the silver tongue piercing that glitters in the light of the coffee shop. His voice is a low, seductive purr when he answers,
"Oh, I'm not wearing that stupid hat for my boss. I'm only wearing it for you."
And once again, you leave the coffee shop with a big grin and a fluttery feeling in your stomach.
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December 16
There's a small heart doodled onto your coffee-to-go cup.
You spot it in the middle of a meeting when you play with the cup in your hand and turn it to look at your name in Sukuna's elegant handwriting.
A heart.
It's red.
You didn't even know they have a red pen in the coffee shop.
When your boss asks you a question, you stutter because you have no idea what he is talking about.
The paper cup stays on your desk even after it is empty.
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December 17
The 17th day of December is the day when the "red velvet incident" happens.
You're standing in the waiting line, smiling to yourself as you already look forward to your gingerbread latte and a yummy red velvet cupcake. Of course, the ones with the dark chocolate frosting. The ones Sukuna always bakes for you now.
But your smile wavers when you catch a glimpse of the display and see that only one cupcake is left. And, of course, the guy in front of you orders a red velvet cupcake right now.
You silently curse and already try to come up with a replacement when Sukuna looks the guy dead in the eye and informs him,
"We are out of red velvet."
You blink. The other customer is just as surprised as you are because his head snaps from Sukuna to the cupcake and back again.
"Um, no, there is still one left."
Sukuna shakes his head,
"What do you mean? It's right there."
"It's not available."
Sukuna lets out an irritated breath and straightens up, crossing his toned arms in front of his chest. His maroon eyes glitter dangerously as he glares at the customer,
"Do you want to be a problem? When I tell you there is no red velvet cupcake available, then there is none available. Now order something else or leave!"
Your eyes widen, and you watch in stunned amusement as the man stares at Sukuna for a long moment before he takes the hint and nervously asks for a cinnamon cupcake instead before hurriedly leaving the coffee shop, probably never to return again.
You step up to the counter. The same maroon eyes that were so unrelenting only a moment ago twinkle amusedly at you now, and the face that was so stern and threatening, is now lighting up in such a genuine and dazzling smile that it makes you feel a bit lightheaded.
"Hey, princess. Fancy a red velvet cupcake?"
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December 19
It's hard to focus on work today. 
The paper cup standing in the middle of your desk is just too distracting. Maybe not the paper cup itself, but definitely the message that is written under your name.
From Sukuna, made with love.
A stick-figure is doodled next to it, with a grin on its tattoed face and a Santa hat on its head.
And somehow, your heart beats a bit too fast.
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December 20
You roam through your dating app just like every night before you sleep. But you skip all the guys it suggests to you. They are all lacking something. Even though you can't tell what it is you don't like about them. They all seem nice and good-looking. So what is it that you are missing?
But in your dream that night, you see yourself sending a message to a very familiar guy with pink hair and tattoos on his handsome face.
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December 22
"So, did you meet anyone new on your little dating app, princess?"
Sukuna's gaze burns into yours, making you gulp hard before you manage to answer.
"Um, yeah, I have been exchanging some messages with someone. He asked me to be his Christmas Eve date."
Yesterday morning you woke up to a message from a good-looking businessman who rather straightforwardly asked you to be his date for Christmas Eve since he didn't like spending the evening alone.
As unromantic as the message was, you replied to him and agreed. After all, everything was better than being alone on that day. And this way, two lonely hearts wouldn't have to be so alone on that special day.
You thought you would feel relief upon finding someone to keep you company on Christmas Eve. After all, this was the sole reason why you downloaded that dating app. You were scared to spend this special evening alone. So you should be glad you found someone who wants to take you on a date. Right?
But why do you feel so unsure about it all of a sudden now that you are standing here in front of Sukuna? Why does it feel so wrong?
There's a strange twinkle in Sukuna's pretty eyes, and his smug expression wavers for a split second, but then he huffs softly, and his arrogant smirk is back in place. His soft, teasing laughter fills the air,
"Good for you. But I hope this isn't another loser like the last guy. Bring him here, ok? So I can have an eye on him. You know I'm excellent at getting rid of your failed dates."
Your fingers touch Sukuna's when you reach out to take the paper cup from him. His fingers are warm, and only the silver of the rings he's wearing feels slightly cool to the touch.
His eyes still look deeply into yours. They are an enticing shade of brown you have never seen on anyone else before. Maroon, like rich red wine, dangerous and warm at the same time. Framed by pretty black lashes and the filigree tattoos on his face.
Sukuna still hasn't pulled his hand away. And your fingers are still lightly wrapped around his, not making a move either to take the cup from him.
Only when Sukuna's coworker yells from the kitchen that a fresh tray of Christmas cookies is ready, do the two of you pull away.
When you leave the coffee shop to run towards the train station, you can't help but let a treacherous thought slip into your mind.
What if your date for Christmas Eve had pink hair and a smug smirk and made the best red velvet cupcakes you ever tasted? Would you feel happier about your date then?
You know the answer but forbid yourself to think about it.
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December 23
"Do you have any plans for Christmas Eve, Sukuna?"
You curse yourself for asking. You didn't want to give in to the urge, but you couldn't stop obsessing over it. What is your favorite barista doing on that day? Does he have a date himself? Will he leave the coffee shop behind to meet some beautiful girl or boy and take them on a date, making them laugh and flirt with them until they are so flustered they can only stutter? Will he kiss someone under a mistletoe? Will he take someone home and keep them warm in his strong arms while the snow falls down over the city?
The thought makes an uncomfortable knot form in your stomach.
Please don't say you are going on a date! Please don't say you are meeting someone else!
"No, I don't. I took the evening shift. I'll be here, blessing the love-drunk couples with my presence. The best Christmas gift, I dare say."
He winks at you, sounding smug and teasing like ever, but you feel like there is a little edge to the comment.
You are already at work when it hits you: Sukuna took the evening shift. He will be here tomorrow when you meet your date.
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December 24
Christmas Eve.
The time for couples. The time for love and romantic dates.
And yet you are sitting alone at your favorite table in the coffee shop.
Your date is already twenty minutes late.
The truth is you aren't even sure you still want him to show up. Or that you ever wanted him to show up at all. Because isn't all of this just a farce anyway?
You aren't interested in that guy. You don't know him and don't want to get to know him. Your heart doesn't beat faster when you think of him. There aren't any butterflies in your tummy when you see his pictures. You have no warm feeling in your chest when you hear his voice. He doesn't make you laugh. He doesn't make you look forward to talking to him. He doesn't know your favorite coffee order or that you like dark chocolate frosting on your red velvet cupcakes.
So what are you even doing here? It's an uncomfortable truth but one you have to face. You only wanted to meet him because you didn't want to be alone on Christmas Eve.
But is this the right way to do it? Fight loneliness with a meaningless date?
It was stupid to do this. And now you are sitting here amidst all those happy couples, clutching your coffee cup tightly in your hands, feeling the sadness wash over you.
So stupid.
How could you think that you could force yourself to have a romantic Christmas Eve?
You get startled out of your misery when Sukuna suddenly plops down on the bench on the other side of your table.
"He's not coming, is he?"
His beautiful maroon eyes are watching you carefully.
You bite your lip and shake your head, feeling tears gather in your eyes. You feel so small and pathetic, sitting here all alone while around you all the couples have their romantic dates. And all you managed was to get stood up by some random guy you weren't even interested in. It's so embarrassing. Surly Sukuna thinks the same.
But his eyes narrow at your words, and he reaches out to put his large hand on top of yours, giving it a short but reassuring squeeze.
"What an asshole! He doesn't know what he's missing."
"It's... it's ok, I guess. I didn't really like him anyway. I don't even know him. I just...I didn't want to be alone on Christmas Eve. That's why I wanted to meet someone on that stupid dating app."
"You aren't alone, princess. I'm right here! I'll be your Christmas Eve date!"
The smirk is back on Sukuna's face, looking so handsome and charming that it makes your heart skip a beat. And his words...
You blink at him, feeling heat spread through your body. Is he serious?
You eye him shyly, not sure if this is just part of your usual banter or something else. But there is a softness on Sukuna's tattoed features you have never seen there before. As if sensing your insecurities, Sukuna adds with a smile,
"I mean it, princess. I would have asked you anyways if you didn't tell me you already had a date. And come on, I am much better than any of those guys in your dating app! With me, you'll experience the ultimate Christmas magic! So, say yes, and I'm all yours."
Laughter bubbles out of your mouth. The gloominess from a moment ago is already forgotten as you smile at your favorite barista and nod softly,
"Ok, how could I say no to an offer like that?"
Sukuna's answering laugh is warm and genuine.
"Good girl. You won't regret it. Give me five minutes, and I'll make this the best Christmas Eve of your life!"
And with that being said, he gets up and walks over to the counter. You watch him across the coffee shop, feeling your pulse race and smiling from ear to ear at the fluttery feeling you have in your stomach when Sukuna's gaze meets yours across the room, and he winks at you.
He comes back after a few minutes carrying a tray that's overflowing with red velvet cupcakes, Christmas cookies, and two slices of Christmas cake as well as your gingerbread latte with extra cinnamon. He sets it down on the table and sits down across from you with a big cheeky grin.
"Merry Christmas, princess."
He looks so pretty with his glittering maroon eyes and boyish smirk. And his low voice is gentle and playful, making it impossible not to smile brightly at him.
"You are actually really nice. Do you know that, Sukuna?"
"Oh, I can be nice if I want. But don't tell anyone. I prefer it if they are scared of me. It's more fun."
Both of you laugh at that, and after that, you fall into a comfortable conversation while sharing the delicious Christmas treats and sipping coffee. It feels so natural to be here with Sukuna. He makes you laugh and roll your eyes in mock exasperation at his arrogant comments, but your heart feels so full at everything he says, at the familiarity of it.
And you realize at that moment that this is what you have been looking forward to every morning for the last few weeks. These flirty comments, that smug smirk, those warm maroon eyes that always sparkle so mischievously.
And all the nice little things Sukuna did for you. And finally, you let yourself think those thoughts you used to consider treacherous. You let yourself feel those things you thought would lead nowhere. You let yourself admit that you like him.
You enjoy Sukuna's company. You like the way he talks and smirks and is so insufferable in the most attractive and irresistible way. You think he is the most charming person you have ever met. And as tough as he appears at first glance, he is actually caring and sweet when you don't let yourself get tricked by his rough attitude.
Another customer chooses that moment to clear his throat loudly before he addresses Sukuna,
"Hey, um, can I order?"
Sukuna musters him with a cold look, his face a stony mask.
"No, you can't. Don't you see I'm on a date too? If you want more cake, just go behind the counter and get some. Put the money on the table."
The corners of his lips lift in a grin when his gaze meets yours again, and you laugh softly, shaking your head,
"Aren't you going to get into trouble with your boss?"
Sukuna shrugs,
"I don't care. And the owner is actually my cousin. So as much as I have tried, he hasn't fired me yet. I think you'll be stuck with me as your barista."
"Oh, that's good to hear! You're my favorite, after all!"
"I know. Who else would prepare your coffee so perfectly and bake your dream cupcakes? I'm the only one who gets it right, don't I?"
And yes, it's true, you realize at that moment. Sukuna is the only one who gets it right. Not just your coffee order and your favorite cupcakes. He also gets it right when it comes to making you feel happy. He is the only one who gives you this magical Christmas feeling that you crave. He has been doing it the whole month.
And suddenly, you are filled with so much affection for your gorgeous barista. You catch yourself wishing there was a mistletoe above your table so you could seal this Christmas Eve date with a kiss.
You look around the coffee shop for one, thinking you are sneaky. But then your gaze meets Sukuna's, and you see the sly grin on his face.
"You know, you don't need a mistletoe to kiss me, princess. I'm your official date now, so you can get a kiss anytime you want."
Before you even have a chance to get embarrassed, one of Sukuna's large hands lands on yours again, and this time he interlaces his fingers with yours. He leans over the table, smiling that boyish grin at you that makes your stomach fill with butterflies. 
You see his gaze wander to your lips, and you instinctively lean closer to him too.
Is this really happening?
Maroon eyes gaze deeply into yours as Sukuna places a long finger under your chin, tilting your face up and smirking that sexy smirk at you. 
And then his lips are on yours. Warm and soft and surprisingly gentle, making you melt into the kiss with a happy sigh.
Soon your mouth opens against Sukuna's, and he deepens the kiss, making your heart race when his tongue strokes tenderly against yours. Letting you feel his tongue piercing and making you gasp at the sensation of the metal stud gliding over your tongue.
You smile when your fingers land on the back of Sukuna's neck and caress the soft stubble of his undercut, which makes Sukuna groan softly into your kiss. Before long, the Santa hat on his head falls to the ground, but neither of you cares.
Not when Sukuna's kiss is so sweet and enticing. Not when his kiss is your personal Christmas miracle.
Sukuna's fingers caress your jaw, a firm but tender touch. Just like his kiss is passionate and gentle at the same time. A deep, slow French kiss that makes your head spin.
When the two of you pull apart, you are both grinning broadly at each other, eyes filled with wonder.
Your voice is a bit hoarse when you confess softly,
"This is really the best Christmas Eve date I ever had."
Sukuna's grin grows even wider at your words,
"I am the best choice for a date all year."
"In that case, I think we should go on many more dates."
"Anything you wish, princess. I told you, my favorite customer gets anything she wants from me."
You roll your eyes, but you can't hide how pleased you are, brimming with happiness, lips lifted in a smile and eyes shining brightly. Before Sukuna can go on even more about how perfect he is, you quickly lean over the table again and shut him up with another kiss.
The other customers are forgotten. The only thing you know are warm maroon eyes and soft lips and a smug smirk that turns into a beautiful smile when you caress the tattoos on Sukuna's cheek.
It's getting late, and gradually all the couples around you leave the coffee shop to head home or to go see the Christmas lights.
And then there are only you and Sukuna left. He joins you on your side of the table. And soon after, you find yourself sitting on his lap, with Sukuna's strong arms wrapped tightly around you, his warm solid body pressed against yours, and his lips moving on yours in slow sensual kisses that taste like gingerbread spice and cinnamon.
You send a silent thank you to your original date, who decided to ditch you. Because, after all, Sukuna was right. He really is the better date. The best one you could have ever wished for.
Your perfect Christmas gift.
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Thank you so much for reading my Christmas story!! I hope you enjoyed barista Sukuna :) He definitely baked his way into my heart! I didn't plan for this story to get so long, but I couldn't stop writing. All the Christmas fluff with Kuna made me feel so happy and warm! I hope he can make your December sweeter too! If you are lonely on Christmas, you can count on barista Sukuna to make you feel better.
A big thank you again to Loni for hosting this amazing collab! It's such a sweet idea!!
Please let me know how you like barista Sukuna! Comments and reblogs make me happy :)
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suiseisyojo · 1 year
Hello! I absolutely adore your TWST love potion HCs and I'd love it if you did one for Idia too!
a/n: thank you so much, i'm so happy you like them! i'm sorry this is a little belated, i've had idia's segment done for the longest time but i felt awkward only uploading 1 character LOL but i hope this was worth the wait, and that you enjoy! thanks for requesting!♪
「idia shroud, silver x gn!reader」 ↳ in which you accidentally drink a love potion and fall for the one who’s always harbored unrequited feelings for you. [parts 1 + 2] cw: angst, suggestive themes (all), reader is based off hen wen (silver)
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[idia shroud]
Everyone knew how difficult it was to befriend Idia—an introverted, pessimistic shut-in with no social awareness—and yet, you found yourself on amiable terms with him. The two of you bonded over your mutual love for 〈Precipice Moirai〉. You confided in Idia about how their music aided you in troubling times, and your relationship began to blossom deeper and deeper from then onwards.
But Idia's feelings for you were much more profound, severing the border between 'like' and 'love'. Ortho was aware of these feelings Idia possessed, encouraging him to be open with you; yet Idia would always, always refute, ”There’s no way they’d love someone like me. If I ever confessed, I can hear the way they’d say, ‘Ew, why would I date a walking corpse like him?’!!”.
And so, when you had accidentally consumed a love potion and began lavishing heaps of affection onto him, him of all people!, Idia was at a complete loss on what to do. "Idia-san, I'm going crazy. I need you, my heart is on fire because of you," you softly spoke to him, fingers grasping his sweater.
Ortho giggled at the sight of you cooing at him, before letting it slip that Idia loved you. "Isn't this great, Nii-san? [Name]-san's heart rate is 114 beats per minute, all from looking at you! They must love you, too!" Oh no, oh no, oh no⋯ Ortho, no!
“Aah! I can’t believe Ortho outed me like that⋯!!” Idia lamented, his scorching cheeks hidden behind overly long sleeves of his sweater. Thanks to his little brother admitting to you that Idia’s always harbored feelings for you, you were even more obdurate on receiving his affections while under the love potion’s influence. “Huh? It’s fine? No way is that true!”
In the first place, having you on his bed like this was enough to make him faint, now let alone having you try to make advances towards him! Isn’t all of this happening too fast? It’s as if the writers in a romance visual novel didn’t care enough to develop the relationship past the four bullet points in the reveal trailer!!
Anxiety and heat swirled in his mind and left him overburdened by his own pessimistic thoughts, mourning his existence with you before it even began. Your hand coiled around his wrist, bringing his hand down away from concealing his countenance from you.
Breathlessly, Idia stared at you with wide-eyes, “Eh? What is it?” He looked mortified beyond his normal scope, and it made your heart squeeze. The palms of your hands smoothed over his cheeks, feeling how he trembled beneath you.
“Put on some Premo?” Repeating the words back to you, Idia realized why you suddenly had such a request. To make him feel more comfortable, to settle his unease with your shared love of the idol unit. “⋯ I guess that would help.”
Idia got up from the bed and sauntered over to his computer, where he put on your favorite album. Unconsciously, he did so—he thought of you as if it was second-nature. Can’t he just stay here at his desk? Why did you have to be so insistent on being close? Okay, it was the heightened effects from the love potion, but still.
You were killing his heart! Inhaling shakily, Idia begrudgingly climbed back onto the bed as you pleaded oh so sweetly to him. His heavy breaths scorched his lips as it spilled out, and he froze when you wrapped your arms around him.
“Now It’s too hot? Well, that’s what happens when you snuggle up close to someone like me!” Idia sobbed, only for pure, unadulterated panic to suffuse through the fissures of his body as your fingers hooked around the hem of your shirt. “LEAVE IT ON, PLEASE!”
The faint sound of incoherent mumbling could be heard, as Idia senselessly babbled, “I-I didn’t think I’d unlock an H scene!” under his breath.
Overlaying his panting was your beloved idol unit, and Idia was on the verge of tears as he watched you come closer and closer to him. Your first kiss with Idia was underscored by your all-time favorite song. The song that even brought your path to his.
Idia melted into you as your mouth rounded with his, the heat from your mingling breaths sending a frisson of excitement down your spines. Deep in his chest was guilt, a dreaded sensation he was all too familiar with.
A mixture of worry and titillation coated his insides—what if you hated him after this? He only just worked up the courage to talk to you first without being prompted!!
“You’re going to be the death of me, [Name]-shi; I’m falling for deeper seeing you like this-!!”
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Your relationship with Silver had always been extremely close—in fact, many people were stupefied to find out you two weren't dating and remained friends. You retained potent oracle powers, your magic bestowing you the ability to see into the future. And most of the time, you used the aforementioned ability to predict when and where Silver would fall asleep; so that you may catch him in time, or be prepared to wake him up should he sleep too long and miss a class or event.
It didn't help that the two of you would often be caught cuddling together, your arms and legs tangled with one another as you shared your heat. Silver had never experienced love until he met and fell for you, and even as those feelings flourished in his chest, he never once put that pressure on your relationship. He kept all the words he wished to say, and the feelings, hidden away.
When word got out that you had ingested a love potion, whether accidental or not, Silver vowed to continue being your knight and stay staunchly by your side in order to protect you. And things would've been perfectly fine if the words "I love you, Silver" hadn't spilled from your pretty, entrancing lips.
As his heart stopped in his chest, Silver ran. His legs carried him far away before his mind could process a single thing, and he couldn't tell if that was for you his sake⋯ or yours.
Fluttering his eyes open, the sensation of soft lashes dusting across skin distant, Silver’s weariness exacerbated as his vision was enveloped with your prepossessing countenance in propinquity to his own. “[Name]⋯?” he inquired indolently, bewildered by the sight before him.
Your body hovered above his as you pinned him down further onto the couch he rested upon, the spates of warmth emanating from your skin seeping into him; in a way that didn’t beguile him into slumber or serenity, but another kind of excitement. 
“You knew I would be napping here so you looked for me?” Silver found himself sighing as he heard your words, a pathetic attempt to placate his titillation, before latching his hands onto your hips. “Never mind that, you should get off me.”
With ease, Silver dug his fingers rougher into your hips as he lifted you up; shifting himself upwards with hasty movements so as to be sedentary. The reason he was tucked away in a spot aberrant for him, occluded from view, was precisely because he was avoiding you.
The harrow of receiving your distorted heart was too much to bear—he didn’t want to do something shameful, something unbecoming of a knight-to-be. Yet your obstinacy towards clinging onto him was alluring all the same, like a gleaming spindle meant to tantalize and corrupt.
It made Silver’s head spin.
“I see that the love potion hasn’t worn off yet⋯ if you can predict the future, wouldn’t you have known if that drink you accepted was poisoned or not?” Silver, of all people, knew that your powers weren’t that easy to manipulate or control.
Ever since Silver was a little boy, he’d always dreamed of falling in love like that of a fairytale. When Lilia would swathe him in abundant blankets as they snuggled together in bed, utilizing his magic to resplendently illuminate the room along with fantastical and whimsical stories. ‘Will I find someone like the prince did?’ Silver remembers asking his father, a string of giggles overflowing from his lips as Lilia tickled his sides, ‘My fated person?’.
If this was a fairytale, true love’s kiss would break the egregious spell holding you captive—but as your lips feverishly met with his, Silver realized he wasn’t your prince; for no prince would so greedily taste your lip-gloss on your teeth while he deepened these incessant kisses.
“Yeah, you’re my fated one, [Name]. Let me show you how I’ve always dreamed of having you.”
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bebx · 8 months
One of the things I love about Lokius is that, if you're someone like Thor and you're introduced to Mobius, and you had to appraise this funky lil dude in 10 seconds, you know the immediate, visceral reaction is: HIM?! This folksy guy with the ugly brown suit, haircomb mustache, corny dad jokes, average height, and middle-aged tummy? This guy?!
Because if you've only ever known up to Phase 3 Loki, it's not unreasonable to think he'd go for someone up to his "standards"; someone sexy, alluring, powerful, fashionable, and a little bit dramatic. Heck, that's what present Loki expected, too.
But no, it turns out it's very much THIS GUY, with the slight southern twang, no mystical powers whatsoever--not even basic super strength--and a love for snacks. THIS GUY who has a general calmness about him and whose epitome of joy is jet skis. THIS GUY who manages to find a little bit of purpose in bureaucratic paperwork.
It's objectively hilarious and, from a trope perspective, very sweet. Because a healthy, healing individual would see past the superficial and fall for the heart. All those quirks? Endearing. But what matters most is this person believed in you from the start, when you were at your worst and lowest. The wrinkles? Memories of all those times he laughed, smiled, or worried for you. The white hair? Very stately. Gorgeous, like a silver fox. But maybe Mobius is more of a coyote. With that silly knee-slapping laugh and wily mind. The soft tummy? A reminder of every time you had a heart to heart at the cafeteria or "detoured for refreshments" during a mission. So huggable. So perfect.
And past Loki would be appalled. He'd call it pathetic. This puny mortal? Oh, how low you've fallen ... A disgrace!
Present Loki would be so /offended/ by his own arrogance. By his own blindness!
"Yes," he'd say, chin up, eyes firm. "HIM."
this reminds me of this fic I wrote here where Mobius meets Thor and the rest of the Avengers as Loki’s special someone and they’re all shocked because Loki???? The Loki????? with This Guy????????!!!. I mean not to shamelessly promote my own fic or anything but Loki, a god, ending up with Mobius, a little guy, is the concept that is so precious to me I had to write a fic about it.
and yes, Mobius being just a Little Guy is what makes him so special as a character. we have all these superheroes Marvel introduced us to and then you have Mobius. and somehow he still manages to be such a popular fan’s favorite and also I think Mobius just being who he is is what draws — mind you, not just Loki but also so many fans towards to him. like everything you’ve described about him here is actually what makes me a fan of him. so really, we can’t blame Loki for falling head over heels in love with him here.
Thor’s reaction to meeting this boyfriend of Loki would be so hilariously precious too. but also, I believe it wouldn’t take long at all for Thor to grow overprotective of Mobius because Mobius is a good man with a heart of gold and most importantly, Mobius makes Thor’s brother happy. and Thor will do anything to make sure no one looks at Mobius the wrong way.
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whetstonefires · 1 year
Do you have any opinions on Scholomance?
I do! I like it a lot. I really enjoyed all three books, blitzed through them easily and was much more excited to see how the plots unfolded than I'm used to these days, as a jaded adult, and I also really appreciated them as works of craft.
Especially the first one, I spent the whole time being all 'wow!' at how simple it was. So easy to read, but no waste. You really need to know what you're doing, to get that kind of pared-down elegance of form to work and still fit so much content in.
Like these are dense, there's a fantastic stylistic minimalism that allows El's character all the space it needs to breathe by making absolutely every other thing and person in the whole novel also do character work for her, which is exactly where the first person voice shines.
Also great use of character perspective to make the pacing feel really natural, so the fact that the first book takes three weeks, the second book takes one year, and the third book is like. Five or so incredibly stressful days spread out over the course of a few weeks? Doesn't feel imbalanced.
I actually got distracted from the story a few times by noticing the strength of Novik's technique. 😂 This is a me problem, in itself it's the opposite of distracting. Very low-profile.
I think the Scholomance is a great example of how far you can go in specfic when you aren't cringing from the label 'derivative,' because the Scholomance books feel very fresh ad clean specifically because nothing in them is concerned with standing out as 'original,' whatever that's supposed to mean, only with being well-executed and suitable to its task.
Hm, maybe that's where Liesel was born, the intersection of the efficient narrative style and the vast proportion of the story that concerns the maximization of utility and the instrumentalization of persons by themselves and others, and the forces that incentivize these behaviors. Or maybe she's just the narrative counterweight to Orion 'Head Empty' Lake lmao. How's that for a principle of balance, Galadriel?
I really did enjoy how beautifully it was laid out, over and over, in dozens of shades of humanity, how no matter where you go in an exploitative system almost everyone is being driven by the same survival instincts.
Because I don't think I've ever seen made so cleanly clear why you just can't expect any person or small group of people, no matter their level of goodwill or status, to unmake one of these systems from the inside; how it's not a matter of people being bad but of every single person being very...small.
And then not retreating into the idea of a person who is Big coming and breaking the cruel system from the outside as some kind of panacea, because 1) that is terrible, even if it's necessary and done in the best way possible and 2) that's not a sustainable answer to anything. Getting a balance between the protagonist being able to effect change and not subscribing to the great man theory of history can be really tricky!
Also did I mention, I love El, and I love most of the cast, even the dreadful ones. How am I going around with this many feelings about Li Shanfeng who doesn't appear until the actual climax?
The romance murdered me a bit, but it took up no more space than it absolutely needed to do its job, and I respect that. Also I appreciated Orion as a love interest; Novik has a slight record at this point of a version of that style of male love interest who's like a caricature of Mr. Darcy but old, which was shaping up to be my least favorite thing about her body of work.
...Orion is kind of like if you took the human king from Spinning Silver and gave him an alignment flip come to think of it, so he's not coming out of nowhere. Lmao.
Which reminds me (re: romance character typing) I've heard Novik didn't want it to be known she was astolat, which this series has renewed my sympathies if so. Because if I were a published novelist I wouldn't want people going 'you know, that resolution was really emotionally satisfying! reminds me of that fic she wrote where optimus prime and megatron get stuck in a hole underground and hatefuck about it.'
I don't even like Transformers. That fic almost made me cry. Actually I suspect it reads better if you don't like Transformers because I'm sure it does not give a shit about canon.
Anyway, whoever pointed out that one of the things El has going on is she's Enoby (and we're going to sit down and explore what the true reason to put your middle finger up at preps is, and what are some constructive ways to channel that socioeconomic wrath, and what it means that there is no ethical consumption under capitalism) was right and I'm not entirely over that either.
Fucking love El's mom as a character. Spectacular level of parent relevance and usefulness. A+.
Aadhya and Liu are also characters who fucking delivered.
Re: minimalism though, I laughed at the start of The Golden Enclaves when I realized that none of the enclaver characters who'd gotten development in the the first two books were from London, the enclave El was theoretically shooting for when we met her.
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thatsdemko · 1 year
one night with you - p.gasly
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requested: n
parings: pierre gasly x fem!reader
warnings: one room trope + enemies to friends to lovers(ish)
a/n: inspired by one of my favorite books one night on the island by Josie silvers (book linked if interested)
it’s how every story goes, there’s only one bed, only one seat, only one car, etc. . it’s how every “fairytail” started, and somehow you were living your least favorite trope main characters nightmare.
it all started with renting an Airbnb in Monte Carlo with a couple of friends, and he, of all people, showed up. your friends, and their significant others, had promised he was too busy in Milan to make time for a friendly get away. but there he was with his stupid French accent arms wide open as a surprise.
the second thing to happen was your flight was delayed making you the second to last person to arrive—the last person arriving being him. you were given the shitty bedroom with twin size bunk beds, and to top things off he had to room with you.
“chérie, it’s going to be fun! we can stay up all night and tell ghost stories.” he’s practically giddy to share a room with you because he knows how much you hate him. he loves antagonizing you and he loves watching you squirm around his gaze.
“I think I’m going to vomit.” your words are bitter at the tongue, feeling his hand gently touch your shoulder as he passes by you to head to unload his things in your shared room.
“its just for the night, he leaves tomorrow afternoon. you’ll survive.” your friend gives you a promising smile, but you’re not sure you can trust them. they told you he wouldn’t be joining this trip, and now you have to share a bedroom. who’s to say you’ll actually survive.
the nights winding down, almost everyone has already headed to crash to prepare for tomorrow, but you’re trying to deny your fate. you think if you sit out here long enough it’ll all go away. maybe he’ll go away.
you’re watching the orange flames dance around the fire pit, there’s only a couple of pieces of wood left in there, as ashes began to spew into the air. you hear the back door open, and it’s Pierre coming outside with a blanket. you hadn’t realized he had gone in some time ago, you didn’t notice his departure.
“you’re going to freeze if you’re going to stay out here.” he lays the fuzzy material across your lap where goosebumps and chills traveled your body. you’re thankful for his gesture, and it’s probably the first time he will ever hear you say those two words.
“coming to bed soon?” he asks, checking the time on his phone and it’s only just after 1am. usually you were one of the first to head in for the night, he’s surprised you were up this late.
“yeah I think so, you don’t have to wait up.”
“so you’re fine if I take the bottom bunk? my arms are sore from working out.” you can’t tell if he’s being serious, but when you look over he’s got a playful smile on his face. you just roll your eyes in response shooing him away for some more alone time. you were going to need it in order to spend a night in the same room as him.
“don’t be out too late!”
it’s not even ten minutes after he leaves, the fire is just hot coals and you’re left with whatever fate had for you, as you trekked your way up into the house and up into your shitty bedroom.
you gently knock twice before opening the door. you’ve never shared a room with a man before, let alone pierre gasly, so you’re not sure what to expect, but when you do open the door, it’s not what you thought it would be.
pushing open the door carefully, you’re greeted to a dim lamp light, and him sprawled across the top bunk shirtless. his legs hang over the edge while his head rests on the wood ledge of the bunk. he’s definitely too big for the bed which makes you chuckle.
“what’s funny down there?” he peaks his head down, hands gripping the railing, it makes him look like a little kid eager for a bedtime story.
“you in that stupid bunk bed.” you close the door behind you beginning to search your luggage for your pajamas when you notice Pierre’s clothes are scattered next to his bags.
“you couldn’t put your clothes away?” you throw his expensive shirt at him, he catches it and throws it back at you hitting perfectly you in the face.
“you can keep the shirt, it’ll be a souvenir to the best night of your life.” he sends you a wink, and you can feel your blood boiling. you’re not sure what it is about that, but it got you going, he just had that ability to press your buttons without the slightest clue.
“this isn’t funny, pierre! you’re not supposed to even be on this trip! you were supposed to be in Milan being the biggest fucking jerk somewhere else! now you’re here ruining my vacation.” your words vibrated through you, it was almost like you weren’t even speaking they just flew out of you, but it didn’t make you feel better. in fact, it made you feel worse, because there sat a man in his twin bed looking like the most pathetic idiot because of you.
“wow, I didn’t know you felt that way about me.” he swallows, his eyes not meeting yours, you feel bad. there’s something about how he looks that makes you want to rush up to him and apologize, tell him it’s not his fault it’s just that ever since you both met, you hated him.
“yeah, well I know how you feel about me.”
he scoffs shaking his head, “do you? tell me, how do I feel about you.” his finger tips tap the wood while his other hand holds up his chin, he’s waiting for you to spill what you thought you knew.
you sigh, unsure where to begin but somewhere it all starts, “I know that ever since I joined this friend group you’ve hated me from the second because I didn’t want to go skydiving, that I was a wimp for crying because I twisted my ankle hiking, and because I hate your driving!”
he’s laughing, you’re not sure when he started, but he’s pretty much bent over holding his stomach laughing. he couldn’t believe how ridiculous you sounded because none of that was true.
“are you done? because that’s hysterical.” he’s still laughing, but he’s climbing down from the top bunk to where you stood, his dirty t-shirt laying on the floor in front of you, “I don’t hate you. whoever told you that was messing with you.”
you feel stupid and small. he’s hovering over you a goofy grin on his face, “let’s start over, yeah? I’m Pierre and we have to share a bunk bed. you want to be my roommate for the night?” he extends his hand, awaiting for you to accept the fresh new start.
“I’m y/n, I’d like to be your roommate.” you take his big hand in yours and shake. he moves out of the way gesturing to your bed, which happened to be the bottom bunk.
“your bed.” he undoes the covers for you and fluffing the pillows.
“ah thank you, but first I must change.” you turn on your heel grabbing your pajamas. you barely open the bedroom door to see there was already a line for the one bathroom.
“do you mind just turning around so I can change?” you close the door once again, and his back is already facing yours. you slowly begin to take off your clothes afraid at any moment he was going to let his intrusive thoughts take over, and turn around.
“you know, I have seen you naked by accident.” he admits, it was many summers ago, but you were in one of the guest bedrooms of his summer home. he thought Charles was in the bedroom you were in, so when he opened the door, and was greeted to a pair of breasts he was quite surprised.
“we just became friends, pierre.” you challenge hearing him laugh, it was almost like music to your ears now that you didn’t hate him. you actually enjoyed his laugh, it was infectious.
“so you’re saying I shouldn’t turn around?” he fakes you out, your arm quickly covers your chest giving his back a shove. he’s back in a laughing fit that you join now.
“you test me, gasly.” you pull your shirt over your head, moving in front of him to show you are fully dressed and he’s free to go back to his bunk.
“I think you like it.”
you’re blushing, quickly moving to get under the covers of your small bed, “I do not.” you stick out your tongue like a little child and he slaps your arm.
“please you’re practically in love with me now that you stopped hating me.” he’s leaning over your bed, his body practically on top of yours, while his head inches from hitting the panels that hold his bunk up above yours.
you inhale his cologne nervously laughing, because at that moment you felt butterflies in your stomach. not just because you were nervous, but because he was so close. this was the first time you ever saw Pierre as someone other than an enemy.
“I just like you that’s it.” you’re afraid to breathe, it’s like if you did he’d pull his body away from yours, and you didn’t want him to. you wanted him there.
“you sure?” he teases, face moving closer to yours, his chin is resting on your stomach, close to your breasts. his eyes are glowing in the dim light, and you so badly want to get lost in them.
“yeah,” your exhale was supposed to be more of a sigh, but it sounded far more from that, he chuckles moving closer to your face, but then swiftly pulls away.
“goodnight, cherie—“
“kiss me you fool.” you cut him off, legs swinging from under the sheets grabbing his leg pulling trying to pull him down from the ladder before it was too late and he was asleep.
he looks down, a cheeky smile on his face, he’s moving down the ladder. his hand cups your cheek as he bends down, pressing his lips against yours. of all those times you hated his entire existence, you were absolutely wrapped into him. his lips were soft, but firm against yours. it was like melting into heaven, a moan escaped your lips.
“one night with me isn’t so bad, huh?”
“I guess not.”
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yuurei20 · 3 months
Hey! Love your info compilations. I have a bit of a harder question(maybe?).
So, we know that in the overviews of the characters they all have student numbers. Are the student numbers chosen specifically or do they mean a specific thing?
I'm just a bit confused on how they're given their student numbers.
Sorry if this is a harder question to answer but it makes me curious. 😅
Hello hello!! Thank you so much, and thank you for this question! ^^
While I haven't been able to find this explained anywhere explicitly in official documentation, it is generally assumed in the fandom that the student numbers are alphabetical by last name!
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To use Class 1-A as an example, Deuce is number 25 and Ace is number 26 because, in a class of 30-something students, Spade and Trappola would be towards the end of the alphabet and next to one another.
As Grim does not have a last name it seems that he has been assigned the number 9 for "G," so it might be safe to assume that there are eight other students with last names that range from A to F in class 1-A ^^
While I am not sure if this has been confirmed anywhere in the game, the second novel explains that the students are free to sit anywhere they wish in their classrooms, so the numbers do not correlate to seating assignments. By the second month of school everyone has pretty much decided where they wish to sit everyday, though, and Ace and Deuce do sit next to one another, in front of Yuuya:
"Yuuya takes his usual seat to the far side of the class. While seating is not assigned, places have generally become set by now, one month into the school year." - Twst the second novel
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The "student numbers are decided by last names" theory is further supported by details like Kalim, Azul and Ruggie having earlier numbers (1 for Al-Asim, 3 for Ashengrotto and 2 for Bucchi), while Silver, Lilia and Sebek have later numbers (22 for Silver, 30 for Vanrouge and 33 for Zigvolt).
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As for how it is decided what students will be assigned to what classes, it seems to have been done at random, according to the second novel:
"Night Raven College has five classes per grade, with dormitory assignments based on the nature of students' souls. Classes are arranged to ensure a roughly equal number of students from each of the seven dorms, but are otherwise randomly assigned." - Twst the second novel
Also, it seems this is not an uncommon topic! I came across discussions on twstsoku, Yahoo! Answers and more. My favorite was the person who asked, "Why did they decide to publish such a small detail?," who received the answer of, "There are fans who want to know everything about their favorite character, down to the length of their intestines."
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ja3hwa · 6 months
Hey!!!! First of all, I’d like to say that you are probably one of my favorite fic writers out here and I’m always so excited to read your fics! I would like to submit something for the sleepover party (it’s my first time so I hope I’m doing this right). I wanted to ask for a Yunho or Wooyoung (you pick) x reader where they’re watching her favorite movie, like Romeo and Juliet or Pirates of the Caribbean, and the reader is so entranced she’s mouthing all the lines. The Ateez member notice, and it turns him on, like a lot, to see her so passionate about the movie. Right before the characters kiss on screen, he quotes the lines back to her, to her surprise, (he learnt it just for this), and then kisses her, and the two start having passionate sex…. Is that okay? Or is this too complicated? If it is, Dw!!! (Sorry I wrote so much 😅)
Thank youu baby, for the send, hehe. I'm gonna be honest with you i haven't seen pirates of the Caribbean, but i have seen a few different types of Romeo and juliet plays. But I've never watched the films of it, ahhah. Also, i picked Yuyu cause I'm down bad for actor yunho ahah
But let's imagine...
Yunho is leaning back along the couch his left arm draped over the cushions, and the other resting on your lower back drawing shapes lightly on your exposed skin. His legs were spread wide, his thigh leaning snugly against your crossed legs. Your eyes are glued to the screen as you watched your favorite version of Romeo and Juliet for what seems like the millionth time.
This was only Yunho's second time watching it—well as fair as you knew—. He had secretly watched a few scenes over and over to remember the lines. Specifically, the love confession. He knew how much of a romantic you were, so when you asked to watch it, he was thrilled to watch it with you so he could put his plan into action.
His eyes were stuck on you, watching the way you smiled or how you mouthed the words softly. Your eyebrows knotted when a character kissed another. Or how your face turned red when someone said a flirtatious line. You were so smitten for romance. And then, as the scene starts, Yunho can't help but grin.
"Lady, by yonder blessed moon, I swear. That tips with silver all these fruit-tree tops—"
Your head whipped so quickly that you swore it almost snapped. Your eyes were wide, and your throat went dry. Yunho's smile only grew, his legs spreading wider. "What shall I swear by?"
Your lips quivered a tear building on the corner of your eye. "If my heart's dear love—"
His hand that was playing with your back now slowly snaked around your waist, sitting up to tug you slowly towards him. You let him manhandle you until you were perched on his right thigh. "O, wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?"
He whispered that line, his lips so close to yours, and then you finally responded. Your fingers lacing into his loose shirt, "What satisfaction canst thou have to-night?"
"The exchange of thy love's faithful vow for mine." You could feel his hot breath on your face. His hands gripped your ass slightly, grinding your body forward so your chest was flushed against his. You had forgotten the movie entirely now as you leaned in to seal your lips against his own. Your mouths move in sync like a play only the two of you can perform. Your hands, dance along one another, feeling every curve and imperfection. Neither of you could tell when or how clothes were lost or how Yunho ended up on top of you. But as the movie drew to a climax, he made sure you did too. Sunk so beautiful on his cock, he listened to your moans like his favorite song.
His thrusts, were so gentle, so moving. Like he spoke words of endearment without his voice. His fingers laced with yours, as his lips kiss any part of your skin. “My Romeo.” You’d whisper.
“My Juliet,” He murmured back.
anywayyss hehe. I hope you like this. I tried making it more of a poetic thingy i dont't know. but also thank you for sending in an asks again. ♡♡♡
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kustas · 7 months
I'd love to hear your hashtag wha critical thoughts about recent developments if you feel like sharing them :)
I'll preface this with saying that for this answer I will not be making a distinction between my personal tastes and what is "objectively worst". The TLDR is I have felt like WHA's been dipping in quality since book 8 approximately.
One of WHA's strong points is its ongoing theme of accessibility, via its premise of how magic is purposefully restricted from people, and via its characters, mostly the kids, who showcase various life issues and allow the story to talk about how to solve them. Disability is an important one and was at the center of book 8, which is one of my favorites. You get to see Tartah and Coco work together for a goal (=making their friend a better mobility aid), and by doing so they brainstorm the why and then how which allows for complex notions to be carried out and explained to the reader. Cute story with touching implications that flows well. This quote in particular sums up so well what WHA is "about"
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After this we transition rather brutally to the latest ongoing arc of the Silver Eve. This arc has been ongoing for years now, and three volumes, making it the longest so far, I'll come back to that, putting a star on it [*]. It delves further into aspects of accessibility the series had talked about before - access to magic, access to healthcare, and poverty. This is where this blog's namesake gets relevant. Custas is a kid who was already poor, who got badly wounded ending up disabled, and who because of that was stuck in a situation with no good endings: he can't make money in his state and needs money to get out of his state. On top of this gets added magic, and comes back the question at the center of WHA: Is it wrong to restrict the use of magic, and how?
After the arc is kickstarted by Custas getting his share of spilled beans of magical secrets revealed, enter immediatly strong players via ch.48's introduction of the Wise Ones and the king himself. The political aspect of how the world works was not mentioned before. Great chapter, interesting stuff all around, personally answered much of my questions. Immediatly after this chapter the focus in 49 fully switches to the Knights and their job, and the rest of the chapter is dedicated to a story of a sexual assault survivor and how she made it. It's a surprising topic to see pop up and it's handled with the respect it deserves. Chapter 50 goes back to Coco and her troubles. This concludes book 9 and...it makes for a Lot of stuff to deal with. Put a Second star on that. [**]
Addressing those stars before we move on:
[*] This arc is taking forever. WHA's arcs in earlier volumes only took a few chapters. This arc has taken three books thus far and I doubt we have reach its climax yet. I personally don't like it and it raises an issue the series did not have before: Will the payoff be worth it? Where it is worrying for the future of the series is that manga serialized regularly tend to up the stakes progressively until the end and it might...not work out.
[**] Too many things at once unresolved. This has already had consequences with the progressive vanishing of something WHA was once excellent at: sneakily introducing elements that get used a few arcs later in important ways. The manga has been, for a while now, accumulating unfinished plot threads via not answering the questions it opens and instead adding more and more characters. Jumping from a group of characters to another was not an issue beforehand because unlike this arc's, chapters took place at different times and/or in totally different places. The Silver Eve is both set in time AND place, making it hard to follow because all sideplot happen at once.
Book 10 continues to accumulate ongoing unresolved plots with: the royal family being shady, Agott's struggles irt. her mother, Dagda running around confused and tracked by the Knights, Custas and Ininia jumping Tartah and Coco, and Galga's accident + relationship.
Book 11 does the same adding Agott's crush on Coco, the actual festival, Jujy's inner troubles...Funnily enough, this page is a good summary of the ongoing mess.
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Instead of solving all of this stuff we instead get stakes ramped up to 100 with the introduction of what I can only describe as a kaiju attack. As much as I love the horror and drama element, given what was already going on, this does NOT strike me as a good decision.
Now, we go back to the three latest chapters. These follow the same subplot: Custas' faction change and Coco's attempts to save him. This subplot has, to me, a whole lot of issues. Way earlier on in the story, even before Dagda's ambush, I had issues with how Custas was portrayed in relation to his anger, being drawn weirdly spooky for...a frustrated poor kid? Others have also pointed out it wasn't great to have one of your only dark skinned characters be a slum kid. Obviously given my handle on here, I am still a huge fan of the character. After chapter 45 (included), I already found it a bit tasteless to have so much horrors piled on him. WHA is a rather unsubtle series at time which I really, really dislike. Sure, makes it hard to miss the point, but when you're dealing with sensitive topics it can fall into touchy territory fast...
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In the latest chapters, Coco appears to save Custas, the "how" part of her plan still being a mystery. Meanwhile, a timelooped and very confused Dagda looks for him, accompanied by Lulucy, who knows them both and is unaware of their ties with forbidden magic. She ends up telling him to abandon the faction he sided with by literally ripping off the brim of his hat with her magic. Meanwhile, Lulucy starts attacking him on sight. I have so, so so many issues with all of this.
Coco's story is about knowing the system in place sucks. Custas' story is about being screwed over by the same system. The story explicitly points those two out as mirrors: Custas is what would have happened to Coco without the right support. Coco's unique POV on the pointed hat witches shows us many prior times they are not the good guys. Hell, Custas himself talks about how the pointed hat's magical gatekeeping prevented him from living a better life.
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To me, the point was supposed to be: the system in place doesn't work, which results in people in need not getting help. We loop back to the accessibility I started off mentioning. Yes, before the current system, bad things happened - but the current system is still allowing other bad things to happen now. So...why is Coco pushing Custas to join the pointed hats and abandon the faction he sided with? If a character who was upholding the status quo was doing so it would make sense (like Beldaruit) but Coco as a main character exists partially to point out why the pointed hats are not good. She demonstrates it to the reader via what happens to her AND knows it as a character. It comes off as inconsistent and frankly makes little sense.
Speaking of inconsistencies...why does Lulucy not recognize Custas, a child she's known for a while? Why does the young prince, introduced as a suspicious character on behalf of his family's unknown goals, become a helpful selfless little guy? Why are the Knights, originally introduced as an antagonistic faction because they are a milita enforcing the status quo, suddenly portrayed as fighting for good as a bunch of remarkable individuals?
Ah yes, the cops. I'm going to address something really fast about them. It makes me frankly uncomfortable the author chose their faction to evoke the two very sensitive topics of sexual assault and homophobia. I think the way those topics themselves were handled without greater context was surprisingly good, and it's touching in the first place to see an author who not only cares, but uses her series, destined partially for younger readers, to explain why she cares. However, Witch Hat is a very black and white series: the bad guys are bad and ugly and you should dislike them, the good guys are good and you should like them. There are some exceptions but who have been losing steam as of late. While originally introduced as a group of individuals who act in problematic ways for their day job, the Knights have slowly lost that bad guy flavor to become a fun band of colleagues/friends. They are law enforcers who enforce unjust laws, but it seems that the author's not on board with people hating them because this is the second time she gave a Knight a tragic backstory that makes them more sympathetic to the reader. First of: I do not see what's to redeem about them if the story's about changing an unjust system, so I don't get the necessity to make them nicer. Secondly: at least in my country (which has legal gay marriage and notably less sexist than Japan) law enforcement is renowned to not help sexual assault victims or gay people. The Knights Moralis are fantasy cops and cops, in real life, tend to abandon people who need their help regarding those two issues - if not worsen them, and count a majority of sexists/homophobes among their ranks. Making your unsubtly cop stand-in faction have both characters with those issues comes off as at least a poor decision if not bad taste.
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(big words from the guys introduced in the story by arresting a bunch of children who were on a rescue mission for a misunderstanding they would not have cared about. Die idgaf)
Some more surface level things:
The art. The first books of WHA are noticeably more complex in their style featuring more reaslistic proportions for the characters. Latest arc has seen art lose some of the decorative "classic" flair in the linework and characters looking simpler and stylized to look way...Younger? In a way I do not like. Yes, it's expected for manga series to see their style evolve. I also want to make this clear: I consider the pace imposed on manga artists to be inhumane and if Shirahama had decided to draw her manga as stick figures to work less I'd be down for it.
The dialog. While WHA is very in your face (you may call it preachy) the dialog in the latest chapters especially Coco's feels off. A 12yo wouldn't give off speeches about the world in the heat of battle. When it's a calm scene between two characters discussing a deep thing, sure. When it's an epic public adult figure (see: Dean), sure. I'd prefer having the kids talk like kids.
Goddamn the story has become less nuanced and subtle over the time. Scenes like Qifrey getting confronted by Tartah post mindwiping his grandpa owned. The story's current "morally grey" moments just don't do it for me anymore. No, I don't want the witch politicians of the faction you established as a mistake beforehand to continue. I don't care if the fantasy cops are offended by a grieving husband pointing out they suck. I kinda wish he'd thrown hands actually
So...yeah, that's about it. While WHA's plot beats has always been impossible for me to predict, I don't know if I can trust where the story is going anymore. The fans eating it up confuse me and I might even get hate for posting this. Truth is, while some aspects have always been more or less present in the series since the start, I've felt like the really good bits that balanced it out have been going extinct. I don't know why and it's none of my business to. Some friends have pointed out we might be reaching a point where the author ran out of pre-written story and is now improvising. What's a bit concerning to me is I've also noticed she's way less active on social media, where she used to post regular bonus material for the series, this has stopped and I hope it's not because she lost her interest for the series or way worst, is overworked. Given the conditions for mangaka it wouldn't be impossible and like previously stated, I am of the opinion that no comic book series is worth putting their author's life, health and free time down. It's more important than me disliking the comic.
And regarding Custas - him joining the atelier to study with Qifrey would not be a good ending, no matter what the fandom says. It won't be cute found family. Custas has a family who's unique member wouldn't be able to follow him as a witch. That ending would separate a very traumatized child from the only adult he has in his life that gives him unconditional love and support. Custas needs to not be seen as a criminal so the rest of his life won't be over, and also a whole bunch of cash.
I'm not excited for the anime.
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I don’t know why but I got this idea in my head of Cater’s sisters being really into Ace’s brother. Maybe because I got Cater and Ace mixed up all the time when I first saw the character designs for TW.
Ah, yes. Putting more Heartslabyul boys in familial crises with the fear that their own [relative] may start a relationship with a [relative] of a classmate (the last one was Mrs. Spade + "Silver's dad") :)) That's been my favorite thing to write lately, lol
I wrote Cater’s sisters with the concept of bubbly, sociable girls and gyaru fashion/subculture in mind. There's a lot of "like" and "totally" in their vocabular! Ace's brother is 7 years older than him, so in my head I'm placing the Diamond sisters around that ballpark too. (We don’t actually know what the age difference between the Diamond siblings are, nor do we know that much about the character of the sisters other than having girlish interests and being somewhat bossy with Cater.)
Family means Nobody is Left Behind or Forgotten.
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Head-turning was an understatement for the effect the Diamond sisters had on NRC’s general populace. The gemstone of their surname might have implied elegance in the right context—but they were more the gaudy kind of jewels, shining so brightly it was difficult to ignore them.
The Diamond sisters dressed loudly, talked loudly, and lived, laughed, and loved loudly. It earned them no shortage of strange looks and stares. Attention, but not the good kind.
The cards that Cater held so close to his chest threatened to slip out from between his fingers and scatter. Putting on an act was one thing—but when his sisters were present? A whole different act to balance.
People looked too closely. They wondered. All things he worked so tirelessly to avoid.
His house of cards threatened to topple.
“Is this really your dorm?” one sister gushed, disrupting Cater’s thoughts.
She gazed at the red roses that wreathed the lounge. Cards were also strung above to give the illusion of floating down. Suspended clocks ticking away the time, racking up the seconds.
“Heartslabyul’s, like, so aesthetically pleasing!” the other sister declared. “It’s like I just walked straight into a viral Magicam pic.”
“Yup, it’s my dorm alright!” Cater said quickly, careful to not let his smile falter. “Hey, if you like Heartslabyul, then we should check out the other six dorms too. You might find a place that vibes with you even more!”
“Really? But I wanna soak up the atmosphere of your dorm first!!” The first sister fell back into a quilted couch with a pout.
The second shook her head and tutted. “Let’s stop and smell the roses, okay, Cay-Cay?”
“Eeeeh? That’s easy for you two to say… I kinda get tired of smelling roses all day myself. Don't 'cha find it a little stifling? There are other places we could hang."
His sisters looked at him incredulously, neither of them willing to budge. He had feared this--their headstrongness had been the cause of many disputes as children.
"Maybe we could hit up the gardens then?" Cater offered, changing up his tactics. "It's so big, and there's so much to see there! Lots of 'cammable spots! We could spend all afternoon wandering it and getting lost~"
Hopefully out of sight for the entire day. It was more energy than he had hoped to expend, but it was a concession Cater was forced to make.
At this, the Diamond sisters leapt up excitedly.
"Omg, pics with floral backgrounds are like, SO hot right now. It's the season for it!"
“Is there a flower archway? Or a trellis we could pose in front of?”
“All that and more!“ Cater beamed and gestured to the open door. It led into a twisting hallway, checkered in black and white squares. When he looked to his sisters, he mustered all the eagerness he could. “Come on, let’s shake a leg and check it out!”
“What, you’re checking me out?”
“… Eh?” Cater whipped back to the doorway.
A man was now there, casually leaning against the frame. He wore a confident grin on his handsome face, poised with the laidback sort of swagger of a street-smart alleycat.
Riddle would have blown a fuse at how he dressed—his vest was open, his shirt wasn’t fully tucked in, nor full buttoned. His tie was loose too, and tossed over the shoulder… and, worst of all, he had the same impish glitter in his cherry eyes as Ace did. Double trouble, it seemed.
“I didn’t think my lil’ bro’s classmates would be so into me,” the Ace-like man joked.
Cater blinked as realization kicked in. “Eh, could it be that you’re Ace-chan’s…”
Right on cue, the first year in question popped up from around the corner. He crammed himself in the doorway with his brother with a groan.
“Would it kill you to wait up for me?!” Ace cried indignantly. “Just cuz you’re visiting your alter mater doesn’t mean you can ditch me to run off and do whatever!”
“Can’t help it if you still can’t outrun me,” his brother smirked. “Maybe you oughta work out some more.”
“Yeah, right! You just got a head-start is all. I bet I’m WAY more in shape than you are!”
Yup, that pretty much confirms it… They argue like siblings—I’d know it anywhere.
"I didn’t know your brother would be dropping in," Cater began. Rapt gasps cut off the rest of his thought.
“O. M. G.”
The blood in Cater’s veins ran cold. He didn’t need to look to know that something had completely entranced his sisters.
They were both suddenly on either side of Cater, sandwiching him between them. "Cay-kun, who’s this cutie?! Where have you been hiding him?"
For once in his life, he was at a total loss for words. Cater stared pleadingly at Ace, his puppy dog eyes (a technique he had learned from many fake Magicam apology vids) on full blast.
The first year wiggled his brows at Cater, then strolled forward. He slicked hair back with both hands (he had seen it once in a movie) and made what he probably thought was an attractive expression. “Ladies, ladies! I know I'm hot stuff! No need to clamor, there’s plenty of me to go around.”
The Diamond sisters flew right by him, snubbing the boy.
"... Huh?"
Both Cater and Ace gawked as the girls clustered around the older of the Trappola brothers. One sister took hold of his right arm, the other, the left, in a desperate bid for his attention. The Diamond sisters giggled coquettishly, batting their eyes at Ace's brother and toying with locks of their hair.
"Hey, cutie~ You free right now? Cuz we totes are!"
"Let's ditch our bros and get to know each other better! You're, like, def our type."
"Oh, you've got to be kiddin' me," Ace groaned, face-palming.
His brother smiled languidly and shrugged. "Sorry, my dude. I can't help being a chick magnet. Better luck next time."
"You don't sound very sorry about it!!"
"What else is a guy supposed to do in a situation like this? I'll make it up to you somehow, promise!"
"Aw, you care about your little bro's feelings? I love that," one of the Diamond sisters swooned, a hand to her forehead.
"Hot and considerate? He's the total package!" The other traced a light circle on his chest, a longing sigh drawn out from between her lips.
"Oh, BARF." Ace yanked on Cater's sleeve, demanding, "Uh, a little help here, Cater-senpai?! You CAN'T be okay with this, right?"
"Eeeh, you seriously want me to get in the way of true love, Ace-chan?" he pulled back, both hands up--distancing himself from the situation. "Sorry, but I'm not up for it."
"Oh, come on! True love, my ass! You're fine with your sisters peacing out on you to flirt and make goo-goo eyes?!"
"Honestly, whatever keeps them out of my hair~" Cater replied with a mischievous wink. "And besides, I don't want to deal with the potential fallout if they kick up a fuss about it. Haven't you ever heard of 'hell hath no fury like a woman scorned'?"
With a grin, the third year wrangled his junior by the shoulder and brought him close. "I should actually be thanking you, Ace-chan! You got me out of a real tight pinch there~"
“Yeah, and now you put me in a pinch!” he groused back, shoving Cater away. There was no shame to his senior’s smile, only smug satisfaction. “Traitor!”
“Geez, that’s mean of you to say. I didn’t ever promise you anything, did I? We just happened to cross paths and things worked out in my favor 🎵”
"Well thanks for NOTHING, then!"
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