#High schoolers
mjbythebay · 2 months
Because there's an eclipse, in latin class my teacher had us translate all these old Roman dudes thoughts and shit on eclipses and incase you didn't know they filled a basin with oil or tar so they could see the reflection of the eclipse and study it, or just watch it like normal because they were also obsessed like we are
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aroace-and-has-a-mace · 9 months
let me tell you a story.
pride month, 2023, my dad is teaching world history at a high school. one of his fellow teachers at said high school had a pride flag outside his trailer (the building was under renovation, so some teachers taught in trailers. let’s call this Trailertown).
one night, while all the teachers were gone from the building, some high schoolers decided to set the flag on fire.
literally, fire. they burned it, and luckily, they were caught on camera.
the next day, all the teachers who teach in Trailertown heard about this, and were reasonably angry.
so they (including my dad) all agreed to wear shirts supporting pride, for this teacher who’s flag got destroyed.
that. that right there is how you can be an ally.
(if anyone’s wondering, yes, the students who did it got punished.)
(shoutout to my dad for being the best <3 i’m so lucky to have him)
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quotidian-oblivion · 1 year
✨Out of context lines shitpost Pt. 3✨
Part 1 | Part 2
Quo: Do you want to put the sparkles in the title like we did in- Nogolsta: Of course. We're not savages.
@mispeltnostalgia and Quo bring forth more shit.
Hello, y'all enjoy the chaos cause i know i do :) -Nogolsta
The batfam but as things we said in public and in class:
Tim: I cleaned my floor, I washed the dishes, I did my h.w, I was productive.
Jason: Damn. The motivation demon possessed you.
Tim: Yeah it did!
Jason: Meanwhile… meanwhile…
Tim: What did you do?
Jason: *softy* torture
Tim: I love that
*high five*
Dick: *Starts sinking in his chair sliding under the table*
Also Dick: *Struggles to get up. Almost dies*
Steph: look if it's wrong you can blame me. I’ll even give you a crochet hook to stab me
Jason: I’d rather kill you with words
Steph: So I'd get on OC and you would brutally murder them?
Jason: Well, I do have an OC called Steph. Well its Christopher but I can shorten it
Bruce: What are you talking about?
Jason: Murder.
Steph: Specifically mine.
Special extracts from Tim’s essay about funeral rites in Egypt:
(Please note these are some extracts from Nogolsta’s essay outline. We don’t question it.)
The brain getting removed via nose with a crochet hook and the rest of the brain goop getting washed out with 💉drugs💉.
The flank (above the hips and below the booby area) is then cut open to scoop out the entire abdomen.
The cavity is then washed with palm wine and then with a ✨spicy blend✨.
Then it's filled with nice smelling things: pure myrrh(dur), cassia (another variation of cinnamon) but no frankincense (they don’t want the dead waking up now do they? Or else it’s gonna cause another Jason Todd). Then they sew the body up.
Body is chucked in natron (godly salt) for 70 days. No longer, no shorter (just like Dick) (Or Damian).
After this, the body is washed and wrapped in linen for that mummy look we all know and love.
Middle class funerals got less care (shockingly).
The body is injected with cedar oil through the butthole and is then plugged up like the hair in the sink.
(Note: Bruce got a call from the teacher about Tim being submitted to counseling.)
Dick: *walking backwards* I will make you hydrate
Tim: No you won’t 
Dick: you don’t have a choi- *walks into bookshelf and knocks books off*
Babs: and we could just sit and read fanfiction. I’m open to any Fandom as long as no romance or smut. I’m not comfortable with that. But I'm open to anything else. Especially ✨torture✨
Damian: Did you burn the paper I told you to burn?
Steph: Yeah!
Damian: Do you still have the ashes?
Steph: What? No, I burnt it in the fireplace, I’m not scooping it out.
Damian: *sigh* a pity. I was hoping to put it in a jar and look at it every day, reminding me of my dreams.
Wally: Oh no! We haven't been unpredictable enough today! Quick! Say something shitty!
Dick: I didn't bring a sandwich because we ran out of bread at home so Alfred made me a salad but I don't want a salad, I want a ham, cheese and tomato toastie. I mean, I love a salad, but I want a toastie *starts sobbing*
Wally: I have regrets.
Bruce: *crying* Please- I will get down on my knees. Please stop.
Jason: NNJsjeuewjjJQJS EBSIWOSUEHEHBWBD RJE sndjjdidiwiwje
Jason: You have to say the ones not in all-caps quieter.
Jason: jwjduruwhsbdjriwi aanwjeiisjd NSNWOWORIRBEBSJA
Jason:*whispers* i have a torture idea
Dick: *facepalms in disappointment*
Dick: Our father has become a pigeon!
Jason: What?
Dick: *swivels phone to show a snap from Tim of Bruce with a pigeon filter on*
4 yo Damian: *grabs onto someone's leg in a crowd*
Jason: "raises the foot holding Damian with disgust* what the fuck are you?
4 yo Damian: you're not my father
Jason: I sure hope not. I haven't got any fuckers like you running around.
4 yo Damian: If you were my dad, I’d be sad.
Jason: Let’s find your dad you little shit.
Note: Nogolsta as a child was precious and savage at the same time 
Part 4
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PJO as things I hear in the hallways
Percy: Yes I prayed to goddess tuna and there was a pandemic
Annabeth: Somebody tell me I’m a big word
Grover: Cleanse it with a single baby carrot
Piper: I hate my body. Not in a self-hatred way, but in a, I’m sick and my body is dying kind of way
Jason: I'm pretty sure it's called my control is being restrained by myself
Leo: I just go because they have pickles…not that kind of pickles
Hazel: My anti-capitalistic cat. Why am I at school when I could be at home petting him outside my window.
Frank: I feel… *pats eyes* naked
Reyna: She got bitch slapped by her pet and died
Nico: How would you feel if you woke up and your teeth were in your ears and somebody else’s teeth was in your mouth?
Will: There’s no more hot boys in clown costumes
The Stolls: Candy man!! I won’t molest you!
Rachel: I can’t believe you got cashew on my fucking tarot cards
Luke: I have committed adultery
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miawashere · 7 months
completely off topic but pre-calc is kicking my butt!! ap gov > math any day imo because tell me why i spend like 3 hours weekly trying to figure out my homework 😭😭.
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incorrectpot · 29 days
Tokugawa: Ready to go to war (communicating my feelings)
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Mean girls anecdote #3
Regina is method acting by being mean to one of the actors who keeps pissing her off.
Ex. Telling her(Regina) to learn her lines when she doesn’t even know hers that well :/
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every day in high school i get closer to genuinely screaming at someone to shut the hell up
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emotionsofateen · 1 year
Selena Gomez sends a special message for Elco High School thanking their students for all their work they do related to mental health🫶🏼
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mjbythebay · 2 months
Ok the other day we had this club fair at my school where the 8th graders come in and look at all the clubs and shit and we give away prizes.
Anyway this one kid gets a few prizes and one of them is boba. I fucking love boba so I jokingly asked for it.
He responds "no cry about it"
My guy I have cried 3 times this week that was not the insult you think it was. High school will eat you alive pookie
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whenweallvote · 4 months
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Shaping the future of civic engagement and democracy by registering voters in your high school community? Superstar behavior 🌟🗳️
If you’re a change-making sophomore, junior, or educator living in any of the following states, you might be a perfect fit for our PAID high school Ambassador Program:
📚 Arizona
✏️ Michigan
🎒 Nevada
📓 North Carolina
✂️ Pennsylvania
Learn more at weall.vote/MSVAmbassador! Deadline to apply is February 19th. 👩‍🏫👨‍🎓
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thistherapylife · 2 years
Welcome back to school, therapists
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icollectfunnyquotes · 9 months
Cody if you don’t want to be a furry, get over here
guys, what furry do we think Cody should be? I think you’ll make a pretty great wolf
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miawashere · 8 months
tinker v. del moines
in 1969, a group of students wanted to wear armbands to peacefully protest the vietnam war, but ended up suing the school because they were told they weren’t allowed to. angry, the group of students went on to sue the del moines independent community school district, and the case went all the way up to the supreme court where the court ruled in favor of the students and basically said they were allowed to because of the 1st amendment: freedom of speech/expression!!
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incorrectpot · 7 months
GUYS ヽ(;▽;)ノ I did it!!!
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With my last 10 pull!!! NNNOOOO I CANT
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leilani-lover · 10 months
Alright, i know many will agree with me. And i feel like this isn't spoken enough about.
Make school more supportive.
Better for everyone.
Because someone who suffers for example depression may not be able to do as well as someone who doesn't have mental illness.
Those insomniacs are trying. Stop telling them to just sleep. ADHD and ADD are extremely real and you shouldn't just block them out. That anxiety is real. Stop telling for them to just get through it. They will have a panic attack. That depression is real and should be taken seriously even if someone joked about it. none of these really should be joked about.
Check their mental health. Because isn't that what's suppose to come first? Safety first. If you give us bunch of work and then wonder why everyone did so shittily when they have been stressing themself out just to even try to pass the first test. And when they try to study for the second test they'll have a breakdown from that build up stress. they bottle all that up because they're not given time to cry and relax, they don't have enough time for themselfs under all that studying.
"Well ______ can do it, why couldn't anybody else?" Because they're talented kids with strick and high standard parents who only accept them if they do well in school. Remember you should try to check up on those talented kids, because they too can and will get burnt out. They also have problems. Nobody is perfect.
And those group projects and assignments you make us do? I'm quite sure you know that in every group there's the one that actually does the whole thing and the others just laugh and fuck around.
And no yelling and telling them to do something will not do anything. It won't change the situation. They're still going to continue doing nothing. Threatening their grades? Won't work, they know they're already doing shitty, they literally don't give a living mind of their grades. Calling their parents? Usually won't work either, because that's the millionth time they'll be threatened with that.
And no, you may not suspend them. Because that's not what you got to do. Have you possibly tried being nicer to the children? Have you let them pick their own groups? Have you asked your students about their mental health? Do they get enough sleep? Do they have good homes? Do they get bullied? If their project isn't exactly about the the right subject see how close it is and how much it actually still teaches and see if you could still grade it better than you first did.
And i'm not saying you should randomly hold up a mental health check. Because that will just scare the ones who truly are suffering and trying to hide that stuff. But I'm saying you should try to keep an eye on your students and see if they seem to be still able to take it. Though a mental check up is good idea you should try to get it a bit better and make it seem less threatening.
You know, for some, school is the scariest place to be at. And that can be for several reasons. The teachers, other students, because of the pressure. That's the reason why some students might skip classes or take certain routes. To avoid people they know are not good for them. They try to get away from those teachers who seem to lock them up in one style or who seem like pedophiles or those who completely ignored their signs of burn out and just kept giving impossible amounts of work. Or those who force them to do certain things even if they have shown several times that they're terrified to do so.
What I'm telling you to do is be gentle on those students. Show care to them and let them do stuff their way sometimes. Let them listen to music while doing assignments alone or while reading classes. Let them talk to each other in class. Let them tell their perspective of the things.
Give them different ways to learn. Slide shows with a lot of pictures and little text simplifing the stuff may be for some or a lot of text and very little pictures are the better for some. Some may be colourblind too and it is your job that they too have the same teaching as the others. But you just got to show pictures that they're able to understand.
Everyone should get the same teaching. Nobody is better nor higher than someone else. You may have favourites, but that shouldn't effect how you treat the others. You can't give them any advantages. You can't give them easier or less assignments or tests. Keep it fair. I'm sure you've said that to the students too. Keep it fair. No cheating, no looking anwers from others.
You should give your students breaks in the middle of the day. If you've done that and there's still a few students who don't take breaks that because they fear that they'll not be able to do it in time or that they will be seen as failures. You can be proud of them, but try to get them to take a break sometimes. Tell your students that they can take as long as needed. You don't know what they're going through.
That just was a small thought of mine that kept bothering me.
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