#workouts to lose weight at home
How Long Does It Take to Lose Weight?
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Losing weight can be a challenging and time-consuming process, and one of the most common questions people have when starting a weight loss journey is "How long will it take?" The answer to this question is not straightforward, as there are many factors that can influence how long it takes to lose weight, including a person's age, gender, starting weight, diet, and level of physical activity. In this article, we will explore some of the key factors that can impact weight loss and provide some guidelines on how long it might take to see results.
One of the main factors that determines how long it takes to lose weight is the rate at which a person loses weight. On average, most people can expect to lose about 1-2 pounds per week, although this can vary depending on factors such as a person's starting weight and level of physical activity. For example, someone who is very overweight may be able to lose weight faster than someone who is only slightly overweight.
Another important factor is a person's diet. To lose weight, a person must create a calorie deficit, which means that they must burn more calories than they consume. This can be achieved through a combination of diet and exercise. A healthy, balanced diet that is low in calories and high in nutrients can help a person lose weight more effectively than a diet that is high in unhealthy, processed foods.
Physical activity is also a key factor in weight loss. Exercise can help a person burn calories, build muscle, and improve their overall health. It is generally recommended that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week. However, the specific amount and intensity of exercise needed will depend on a person's goals and fitness level.
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here are some additional tips for losing weight:
Keep track of your progress: It can be helpful to track your weight loss progress by keeping a food and exercise diary or using a fitness app. This can help you stay motivated and make any necessary adjustments to your diet and exercise routine.
Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water can help you feel full and satisfied, which can make it easier to stick to your diet. Aim for at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day.
Don't skip meals: Skipping meals can cause your body to slow down its metabolism, which can make it harder to lose weight. Instead, try to eat regular, well-balanced meals throughout the day.
Get enough sleep: Lack of sleep can cause an increase in appetite and cravings for unhealthy foods. Aim for at least 7-9 hours of sleep per night to help support weight loss.
Find a support system: Losing weight can be challenging, and it can be helpful to have the support of friends and family. Consider joining a weight loss support group or enlisting the help of a dietitian or personal trainer to help you stay on track.
Be consistent: Weight loss takes time and consistency. Don't get discouraged if you don't see results right away – keep making healthy lifestyle choices and the weight will eventually come off.
In conclusion, the amount of time it takes to lose weight can vary significantly from person to person. It is important to set realistic weight loss goals and to make healthy lifestyle changes, such as eating a balanced diet and getting regular exercise, to achieve them. It is also important to be patient, as losing weight takes time and consistent effort. With dedication and persistence, it is possible for anyone to reach their weight loss goals.
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aryapooja0501 · 2 months
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rainyfestivalsweets · 1 month
Yesterday was awesome. I was so happy to see my nephew wrestle.
I refilled my water bottle several times. Ate my car snacks when it was over. Although I admit I should have brought a jerky in with me.
I didn't hit the gym after because of PF's damn closing hours. And lack of headphones. And the incoming storm.
I hit the grocery store before heading for home.
I went home and did a 1 hour elliptical workout.
I relaxed with mom after. I had some dinner. I was exhausted by 10:30 so I went to bed by 11.
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What you do every day matters.
It is who you become.
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fattofitsure · 4 months
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sl1cedguts · 8 months
i can’t even do basic multiplication but when it comes to counting calories suddenly i’m Albert Einstein 🤓
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mr-weight-loss90 · 2 years
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happyhealth-703 · 1 year
Tone and lean arms excercises at home
Without equipment
For better results click here
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freeonlineworkouts · 4 months
How Can I Lose My Love Handles Fast?
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walkworkouts · 3 months
Discover the Fitness Power of Walking At Home
You'll feel more energized and focused after this 15-minute fitness walk! A fitness walk makes everything healthier! If you want results, this is how you should walk! One of the quickest and easiest strategies to reduce weight is to exercise by walking. You can burn calories and lose weight rapidly and simply by doing walks at home! Thus, if you're seeking a quick and simple method to shed pounds, try this walking workout! Everyone, let's go for a walk!💪❤️
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aroace-polyshow · 3 months
I HATE PE!!!!!!!!!!
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annbourbon · 3 months
My diet & Workout Routine
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🍒Pics Masterlist here🍒
Well, it's not exactly a diet, but at the same time it is, kind of(?)
Sooo for those who are curious, I do ballet, and I'm really petite. About 5'0 (153 cm.) which means I need to lose a looot of weight and gain strength to be able to keep up with everything.
Couple of months ago I got really sick so I gained weight. And I struggled with that. Now I'm in a better place, and I can say confidently that I'm making a recovery. I still have a long way to go but hey! I'm getting a treadmill this month~ *♡*
Anyway, my rules:
I don't eat anything after 6pm (no matter how much I'm starving)
I started with this one first because I know how hard it is.
So I'm not saying it's was easy, but at first I started eating at 9 or 8pm, then I started eating my last meal at 7 or 6pm but nowadays I'm eating at 4pm
It takes time, discipline and training yourself to not eat anything.
I did notice some significant change after this. Mostly my muscles started to appear and I developed my ballerina appearance. Which still needs some improvement but I'm getting there!
If I'm really starving I might drink some water with lemon or soup without anything else.
No snacks between meals
This is not even a tough one for me but it's worth of mention because a lot of people do it and it's a way to self sabotage your progress. Don't do it. But if you do, make sure it's close to your meal time at least.
No lying on the bed after eating
I usually go for a walk or climb up some stairs, I recently bought my cats a transporter so I go out for a walk with one of them after every meal. I have three. It works puuurrrfectly lol
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So I do that before going back to work or to study. I'm making sure my meal doesn't put me in a comma.
There's an old chinese saying~~
If you can stand. Don't sit. If you can sit, don't lay.
It has been working pretty good so far.
I drink water. Two to Four liters.
But that's just me. I tend to workout a lot so I definitely lose a lot of liquid and I need to keep myself hydrated. Do not over hydrate yourself. Know your limits. If you're feeling tired, drink water. Most of the time you need water.
Two meals per day.
Three if I'm really starving. But usually two. They're big ones so I don't really starve. Don't worry about it.
*I workout from 8 to 9AM (three days a week) and then from 4 to 7PM (admittedly, whenever I can instead of everyday, because I have to keep it up with my studies and projects)
* My last meal tends to be at 4PM
(From time to time my mom cuts me off rice, sugar, soda, mayo and bread. It's a torture but it's worth it! But since I have an ED I can't keep it for longer without going nuts. So she watches my intake.)
Workout Routine
* I'm not going to the gym but I do follow several routines depending on my stamina that day.
* I have ballet 3 days a week: Tuesday. Thursday. Saturday. I try not to skip classes but sometimes I have appointments at the hospital.
* I always take the stairs.
* I walk at least 5k per day (with low stamina) but good days can be up to 8k or 12k
I'll be posting my workout routine soon but here are some of the things I do:
♡ Routine #1 (still working through this because it leaves me exhausted)
♡ My Kpop Routine *soon*
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robertasgym · 4 months
Effective Workout to Resolve Flabby Arms, Legs, Belly
This workout routine is designed to target all the major muscle groups in your body, helping you to tone your arms, legs, belly. It is s combination of cardio and strength training exercises, which will help you to burn calories and build muscle. The following workout can be done 2-3 times per week, with a least one day of rest in between. With dedication and consistency, this workout routine will help you to achieve your fitness goals and create a toned and healthy body.❤️💪 **If you want to be notified when I upload a new video, make sure to subscribe to our channel. I upload new videos everyday from Monday to Saturday! 
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rainyfestivalsweets · 12 days
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Today so far.... 9.5 hours work. 1 lecture for school.
Doing the things. Bath later?
Chores now.
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fattofitsure · 1 year
Cardio workout for you to burn fat 🔥🔥
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sl1cedguts · 7 months
i’ve been so weak and shaky and dizzy recently, it’s annoying but it shows my progress and reminds me to keep going 
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weightlosebyanna · 8 months
2 weeks challenge
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