#how to burn calories fast at home
How Long Does It Take to Lose Weight?
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Losing weight can be a challenging and time-consuming process, and one of the most common questions people have when starting a weight loss journey is "How long will it take?" The answer to this question is not straightforward, as there are many factors that can influence how long it takes to lose weight, including a person's age, gender, starting weight, diet, and level of physical activity. In this article, we will explore some of the key factors that can impact weight loss and provide some guidelines on how long it might take to see results.
One of the main factors that determines how long it takes to lose weight is the rate at which a person loses weight. On average, most people can expect to lose about 1-2 pounds per week, although this can vary depending on factors such as a person's starting weight and level of physical activity. For example, someone who is very overweight may be able to lose weight faster than someone who is only slightly overweight.
Another important factor is a person's diet. To lose weight, a person must create a calorie deficit, which means that they must burn more calories than they consume. This can be achieved through a combination of diet and exercise. A healthy, balanced diet that is low in calories and high in nutrients can help a person lose weight more effectively than a diet that is high in unhealthy, processed foods.
Physical activity is also a key factor in weight loss. Exercise can help a person burn calories, build muscle, and improve their overall health. It is generally recommended that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week. However, the specific amount and intensity of exercise needed will depend on a person's goals and fitness level.
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here are some additional tips for losing weight:
Keep track of your progress: It can be helpful to track your weight loss progress by keeping a food and exercise diary or using a fitness app. This can help you stay motivated and make any necessary adjustments to your diet and exercise routine.
Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water can help you feel full and satisfied, which can make it easier to stick to your diet. Aim for at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day.
Don't skip meals: Skipping meals can cause your body to slow down its metabolism, which can make it harder to lose weight. Instead, try to eat regular, well-balanced meals throughout the day.
Get enough sleep: Lack of sleep can cause an increase in appetite and cravings for unhealthy foods. Aim for at least 7-9 hours of sleep per night to help support weight loss.
Find a support system: Losing weight can be challenging, and it can be helpful to have the support of friends and family. Consider joining a weight loss support group or enlisting the help of a dietitian or personal trainer to help you stay on track.
Be consistent: Weight loss takes time and consistency. Don't get discouraged if you don't see results right away – keep making healthy lifestyle choices and the weight will eventually come off.
In conclusion, the amount of time it takes to lose weight can vary significantly from person to person. It is important to set realistic weight loss goals and to make healthy lifestyle changes, such as eating a balanced diet and getting regular exercise, to achieve them. It is also important to be patient, as losing weight takes time and consistent effort. With dedication and persistence, it is possible for anyone to reach their weight loss goals.
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linnienin · 1 year
🍰 T h e ⁕ m o o n ⁕ a n d ⁕ I C 🍰 : how are you behind closed doors?
Disclaimer: Take what resonates. I'm not a professional astrologer, i just am an avid researcher and i use my personal experience when writing my posts (Also, pls, don't copy my work, i spend lot of time on it, thanks)
We all know the Sun and Ascendant play important roles in our chart, but they are often what people see at first and what we usually display to the public.
Once we get home or we meet someone that makes us feel at home, this is when another unexpected 'part' of us unleash, that part comes from our deepest place of our personality, we don't hide our emotions anymore, we feel completely free to express ourselves in our rawest form (can also be interpreted as 'getting in tune with our inner child')
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⁕ Aries moon/IC : The forever child, kinda like a Peter Pan, and hella CHAOTIC. If you think this person appeared as balanced, laid back and diplomatic, well, you were very wrong lol. You'll soon realize he/she is the most spontaneous of all. Behind closed doors they'll sing loudly, they'll laugh loudly, they'll throw things at you (be ready to catch them or they'll break for sure 😂). Clumsy as hell, and they like it. Endless energy. Gets touchy in an aggressive mode (like when a child put their head violently against their mother's head, they don't mean to be violent, it's just the way they express love, it's bold and uncontrolled hehe) The type to workout at home and be LOUD about it (how many times did i write loud 🙈), has noisy heavy footsteps. Can burn the food lol. Can also be prone to burn themselves accidentally. Constantly finding new distractions to turn their head to. "THAT THING IS MINE, DON'T TOUCH IT". The bed is their personal trampoline. At night, they change position at least 10 times before actually find a decent one to sleep in (they'll make the bed appear as a gym, be ready for the earthquake), heavy sleeper.
⁕ Taurus moon/IC: 'AHHHHH, finally my dear bed'. I see you tauruses, first thing you do once you get home is jumping on that comfy bed and hug your pillows (yeah, you still have your coat,scarf,hat,backpack,shoes on, why bother taking them off 😂). Not picky when it comes to food, they love all dishes, just the act of eating gives them pleasure (they're here to ✨enjoy✨, that's also why you'll rarely see them cook 😂). The living ghost (that maxi blanket looks good on you, but remember to wash it from time to time since you basically slide it on the floor wherever you go lol). The hugger, literally a safe and calm space for everyone, you'll see people comes to them when stressed just to feel their healing aura. Touchy, but in a sensual and calm way, like gentle little massages/strokes on shoulders, or waist (especially when the other person is cooking, to give them extra support and maybe get a taste of that sauce they're cooking👀) Fall asleep FAST. Usually stays in bed until late morning even if they wake up earlier (spends that time fantasizing)
⁕ Gemini moon/IC: The multitasker. They can't stay still a second. Cooking while doing laundry, while listening to a podcast, while cleaning (superficially lol),while playing with their cats, while sending emails, while preparing for that exam, and oh...wait what is this smell? OH GOSH, THE OVEN! (of course of all things you forgot the food, sometimes you forget you are even human, you need those calories bby😂). Has the messier room, but also the most interesting one. Have a difficult time with silence, it's uncomfy to them, that's why they are always listening to something (tv shows, podcasts, youtube videos, music) even if they don't really care about what's being said (that's also why they know everything about anything, they absorb these facts like a sponge). Changes hobbies at the speed of light. You see them throwing ceramics one week, the next they're playing the cello (they secretly can't stick to a single hobby because it becomes too boring). Have difficulty sleeping, their brain can't seem to shut down, so usually they can take hours before falling asleep (they find sound comforting and helpful so lots of them listen to ASMR before going to bed or even listen to the sound of breathing of the person next to them to calm themselves)
⁕ Cancer moon/IC: Home sweet home. There's nothing that feels better for these natives than a good relaxing day at home (or maybe an entire life between those walls 👀). They literally can feel the mood changing the moment they pass the line that separate the outside world from their inner bubble of the home. They love to take care of their environment, they don't feel the chores to be so exhausting because it feels like helping an old friend out, and they take pride in their home too (they won't let you in easily, you need to really conquer them and show them you respect and cherish other's surroundings). They make very good cooks, but not the type to be super detailed with the ingredients, they are more intuitive, a bit like old grandma style (probably learnt to cook from a female family figure too). Make traditionals meals, can make meals from recipes thet have been passed on by previous generations in the family (and they take pride in this too). Has probably a personalized cookbook they wrote by hand with cute doodles on it. Has a specialty for making excellent sweets (and love to eat them too hehe). Has a welcoming aura. Has the coziest room. Loves to make forts with bedsheets. TV series binger. Pretends life only exist between those 4 walls. Bawl their eyes out for no apparent reason at a random time (well, they accumulated the stress from outside so now that they feel safe they let go). Likes to be held when sleeping, and if there's no one beside them, they like to hold a plushie or to curl up in side fetus position 😂
⁕ Leo moon/IC: The beef. Oh yeah, as soon as the door closes, they can't wait to spill tea on all the people that bothered them during the day (i see u 👀). The funny and spot on imitator. Gets very touchy and loving, until you don't give them attentions anymore 😾, then they'll put on a show, and if you're still apathetic, they might break something lol (don't get them to this stage pls ). Has lots of lights decor in their room, also lots of... mirrors 👀. 48393983902 hair products, their hair routine is absolutely a ritual, if you interrupt them they'll give you the death stare (but deep down they like being caught while taking care of their beautiful mane, cus they feel sexy with wet hair, or even when blowing them, feeling like a superstar). Don't you dare telling them the food they cooked wasn't good, they take pride in it and they try their best to provide for others. Also they care for their family and friends a lot, so never talk bad things about them or you'll hear the roar of the lion. Are the best entertainers, sometimes the show gets a bit too real and you don't know where the fine line lies anymore (that's how good they are, but are you good enough to handle them?). At night, they wanna be hugged from behind to feel the heat on their back (it helps them relax when trying to fall asleep)
⁕ Virgo moon/IC: Picky af. Especially with food. They don't let you enter their room unless they like you. Everything in their home is accurately chosen and has a function, no useless stuff (even if it seems 'useless' they might use it to relieve stress or whatever). Tidy room. Don't decorate much, they're into the clean look aesthetic, usually they don't have lots of things and they're put in strategical places so that it's easier for them to clean (and they clean the home quite often). The one that knows how to do anything PERFECTLY. They become masters at what they do. Cooking? They know all the secrets. Doing laundry? They have a baggage of knowledge no one else has. Oh, wanna have segss? I just got my PhD in sexology 😂. Is into way too many hobbies, but unlike geminis they actually go deep into it until they have reached a level of satisfaction (honestly...they never reach it because it's never enough, so that's why they say they putted on hold that hobby and not that they got over it, while geminis are like well..who cares, it wasn't for me, next). Reflecting on that conversation they just had with a person 1 hour ago and re-write it to perfection in case they get to experience the same thing another time. Control freaks, i knoooow, but it's true cm'on, why would you get a panic attack when you're home? Your brain never leaves the outside world right? You overthink way too much, pls, it's okay to let go sometimes ok? Light sleeper, has difficulty falling asleep because of they're constantly ruminating.
⁕ Libra moon/IC: Lives in a castle... i'm kidding, they only wish they did lol (i mean maybe there's really someone out there that is a Libra and lives in a castle and they're reading this post laughing at me, sorry for the generalization). Loves when they have people do the things for them, it makes them feel appreciated and evalued (but also because they don't have to choose or they'll be the forever indecisive). They are the mediators in every family discussion because of their ability to remain calm while others easily fall into rage. Have a room with posters of their idols or fav celebs, is into photo collages of memorable moments. Everything in their room is somehow cohesive because of the ✨aesthetic✨. Sweets lover🧁. Randomly tries all the clothes in their closet just to see if they can make new outfit combos (and spend an entire day on it). Sips wine (or blackberry juice if they're not into alcohol, just because of the old money aesthetic) while watching rom-coms. Loves to try new foods, but don't exactly love to cook it, i mean, they try but... at some point they just lose focus, and when they see the immense chaos of mess they just did, they lose faith lol. Good listeners, probably not the best at giving advices tho (they usually don't even know what they'd have done in that situation😂).
⁕ Scorpio moon/IC: Collectors. You enter their room and thay have all type of weird stuff like miniatures and gadgets looking at you like... ok wow, it's a creepy good kinda feeling (i found they're into animal's skulls too). It's not rare to hear them talking to themselves, they're not crazy, it's their way to release stress lmao. Headphones on 24/7. Not available for your bullshit, they got stuff to do. "Don't disturb or i'll kill you" on the door. Plan a whole murder but archive it because in this world it's not worth making it. But they have a heart i swear, just for those they love, that's it. Likes playing with kitchen tools, to test all their abilities. Just in case. They plan all the best hiding spots. Just in case. Learning that new taekwondo move. Just in case. Yeah, they're a liitle paranoid 😂. Can leave a bit of dust specifically so they see if someone touch their things. Likes boiling hot food and beverages. I swear, how can you even drink that tea and not burn your tongue, i'm impressed. Is the last one to fall asleep in the whole building, or family members, usually stay up until very late. Sleep few hours, i honestly don't know how they can even stand, they're for sure resilient. Don't like hugs, but gives them when they feel like it. They're like cats, 100%, you got a cat? Good, that is not a cat, it's a scorpio moon. (I love them tho hehe)
⁕ Sagittarius moon/IC: Clumsy af, but has great humour. Tell the best stories ( can add quite a lot of beef in them, but they don't make it sounds like they're saying bad things hehe ). Has the jungle room, i swear, they have all type of things dangling from walls and the ceiling, sometimes to the point of almost looking like a laser room lmfao (prepare yourself to train like Catwoman). The one that pushes others out of their comfort zone (and kinda use this excuse to escape outside with them too 'cause can't stay inside a building for too long 😂). Probably lives somwhere in the countryside or dreams of living around nature, like in the mountains, in a forest, near a river etc... Constantly jump between rooms and hit themselves with some furniture, has constant bruises on them legs (their energy is too big to be contained between walls sigh). The big portions eater, they can eat all the leftovers from others and still not feeling heavy, i admire their digestive system lmfao (i could never). The funny face eater too, they're the living anime's characters. Binge watch survival shows. Wanna be free, so don't force them into stuff they're not interested in (they'd join by themselves if they want to). When don't know what to do, scroll endlessly their phone through meme pages. Send memes to EVERYONE , even when it's like... why did they send me that? Well, ok let's laugh (ya know, they don't have reasons, they are pretty simple people after all). The first one to try that weird stuff because you only live once so why not make it an adventure? Leaders, but need a counselor. Loud sleeper, can snore. Usually spread their limbs to the whole bed, and if you need to join them, well, good luck (you'll be sleeping on the couch sometimes😂)
⁕ Capricorn moon/IC: your pacific homie. They do the same things every time they come home (like a programmed robot lol). Routine lovers. They need a predictable environment because their energy gets sucked by the chaos of the outside world. They aren't into decorating much, but they do have a passion for artistic hobbies, some of them can paint or play an instrument/sing, they have their tools for that hobby and that's it, the rest is quite minimal and practical. Can wear the same outfit on repeat too, it's like they don't care, or they have better things to care about (Mark Zuckerberg kinda vibe with the same tee over and over again). Loves traditional meals, meals they always ate since they were a child, not so open to try new food. Have a...peculiar relationship with the family (particularly their mother). I have noticed they usually don't talk much when having lunch/dinner at the table, they don't express much, and don't make eye contact to avoid people making questions. Quite reserved, need a lot of alone time to recharge. However, there's a need for them to have someone by their side to share those things too, they're absolutely afraid to end up alone, it's their worst fear, so even if they don't open up much, they want someone that understands them with just a look (however, communication is key guys, sometimes you succumb to the other person, especially if they have a strong personality, to just avoid conflict, and this is to your own detriment, you deserve better!). People say that this placement don't like physical touch, however, i'll say they veery rarely initiate the contact, but deep down the like it when others take initiative and show affection to them, it makes their heart warm even if they might not show it (but i can still see that subtle change in the expression 👀). The stable sleeper, they sleep in a position and that's it.
⁕ Aquarius moon/IC: Step into home=step into my fantastic spaceship and leave earth for a while bye. The crazy calm gal. Constantly crunching their bones (why tho). Tries to walk on walls just to see if they can bend gravity. Wanna try to glue their shoes with the Pattex and attach themselves to the ceiling like the guy in the advertising(Can be content even with swinging from the chandelier). Throw random parties and invites everyone (even strangers lol). Likes when people stay over to sleep, just to see them all in their worst condition (usually drunk)😂. Have the tech room, and when they enter it, they turn off their lights, turn on their displays and pick up their hood, and voilà, they're in a Mr.Robot mood (can be good hackers for real tho). Don't know how to show emotions so they instead react with a weird funny expression that could mean everything and nothing at the same time. Yeah, they can be confusing as hell (is this part of their plan? I dunno). Record a video of themselves everyday talking about their experience on this earth, just in case someday someone (maybe an alien) finds these recording and place them in the Interspatial Galactic Museum. Thanks for your contribuition. Can sleep with eyes open. I'm kidding hehe, they actually can sleep well, because they know they did their job that day, so rest in peace (and you'll never know when the world will end, might be today, so gotta enjoy the sleeping hours). (but honestly, there's some truth behind the sleeping with eyes open, because of all the screen time on their devices, the melatonin production is at 0 basically lmao, turn on the night filter when looking at your devices!)
⁕ Pisces moon/IC: Walks in, continue walking, get to their room, get on the bed. Wakes up. Moment of realization: ohh, i didn't know i just got home, i was in my head thinking, but good thing that now i can relax. Proceed to search for food ready to be eaten (without too much cooking involved). Free to daydream with 0 consequences (hmm...maybe you should organize your time better cause that exam won't pass by itself). A literal softie, their room is full of plushies and pillows where they can drown in. Always lose track of time. Has a messy but cozy room (very bad at tidying their things). Leave 3789132789 clothes piled on the bed lol. Lost in their thoughts. Intuitive eating (can binge eat tho if not careful). Can burn the food because they just forget they even put it on the first place. The master procrastinator. Has a calm vibe , and won't disturb anyone (you probably won't even notice them). Have artistic hobbies, but can't focus on them for too long because they get easily distracted. Can lose the entire day to watching videos or social media, and even if they're aware, they still continue doing it. Are into spiritual stuff, probably got 17932701 cristals and a personalized altar for them too, with others meaningful pieces and some candles. They're always in the bathroom, even when they shouldn't be there, it's just their favourite place. Can take veeery long showers, if you live with them, be ready to wait A LOT before they actually get out (or just sneak in😂privacy who?). Loooove to sleep. That calming time at night when everything shuts down is the best feeling in the entire world to them. They can't wait to go to bed honestly, they even get excited. Afternoon naps are also a thing for them. Like to sleep on their stomach.
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A n d ⁕ y o u ⁕ h a v e ⁕ r e a c h e d ⁕ t h e ⁕ e n d !
I hope you enjoyed this post,
and i wish you all a great day! 🍰
⁕ L i n n i e ⁕
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fatbellyboysstuff · 11 months
I've seen many feedees write about how theyd love to be able to not work and just laze around, being spoiled like princesses/princes. and as much as I love this for them (I hope you get to live that dream someday!!) I can't really relate because I actually love my job/going to work! so here are some fantasies and thoughts for those of us who want to keep working:
getting fast food breakfast at a drive through on your way to work everyday
your feeder packing you a big lunch everyday
your uniform becoming tighter and tighter, having to ask for a size up constantly until your boss tells you they don't have larger sizes
eating so much lunch it'd have been enough for three of your coworkers and then trying to secretly rub your aching gut at your desk
having a snack drawer in your desk, snacking mindlessly while working, easily getting an extra 1000 kcal in every day
your ever fattening belly starting to push into the desk, your chair digging into your love handles more and more
your coworker bringing in cake on their birthday and giving you two pieces without you even asking
everyone around you talking about their newest fad diet while you are so proud of reaching your latest gaining goal
noticing your new fat getting in the way more and more, no matter what you do.
getting home all tired after being on your feet all day, your feeder waiting for you with a large home cooked meal. stuffing your gut til you feel like you're going to burst, leaving you still bloated the next morning
spending your days off just laying around, eating and eating and eating, your work clothes ever so slightly smaller on your next work day
your boss reassigning you to different tasks that are less physically demanding, making you burn less calories and growing fatter even faster
feeling yourself getting distracted from your work more often because of all the new softness on your body
being so aware of your size all the time, feeling your body jiggle with the slightest movement, getting more confident the more you grow
just some things I keep on thinking about, if you have more, feel free to add some! 🥰🤤
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bavariansugarcookie · 4 months
By the time Jason realized he was down bad for Tim it was already too late.
It was a typical patrol – Poison Ivy had been spotted in the business district, so they spent a couple hours clearing out a particularly nasty batch of carnivorous plants.
Personally, Jason would have been fine with a bunch of C-suite execs getting eaten, but he knew they would just take a work from home day and leave the interns to fight off the giant mutant plants.
He pulled up the last carnivorous seedling, holding it gingerly so it wouldn’t nip at his fingers. He turned to Tim to see if he wanted a new office plant – it might be helpful for the suck-ups at WE – when he saw Tim pull a granola bar out of his boot, unwrap it, and take a bite.
“What are you doing?” Jason asked and Tim looked up, like a deer in the headlights, if the deer had a mouthful of granola bar.
“I’m eating a granola bar,” Tim said with his mouth full, and Jason felt his eye twitch.
“It was in your boot.”
“It was wrapped!” Tim protested. “And I didn’t have room in my utility belt.”
Jason suddenly vividly imagined Tim reaching into his belt for batarang and whipping a granola bar into some goon’s face instead. “Doesn’t the suit have pockets?”
Tim gestured at the red spandex. “Where would I put one?” he asked, and that was – fair. Jason was all-too-aware of the way Tim’s suit left nothing to the imagination. “Can I eat my granola bar now, before my blood sugar tanks?”
Jason squinted, and sure enough, Tim’s hands were shaking a little. “Alfred’s been pestering me about eating before I’m about to pass out,” Tim grumbled.
“I have a better idea, little birdy,” he said. “Let’s get you some protein.”
“It has almonds!” Tim protested again and Jason shook his head.
“You just burned at least a thousand calories and that tiny bar is gonna fill you up for about ten seconds. Come on.”
And that’s how Jason ended up sitting on a rooftop eating chili dogs with Tim, like it was normal to hang out without a case or a debrief.
Tim closed his eyes and moaned at the first bite and Jason blushed, staring at his chili dog. Luckily Tim was too busy eating to notice – he proceeded to eat three chili dogs so fast that Jason wondered when the last time he had a real meal was.
Tim smiled at him, an errant smudge of chili on his lip and Jason felt his cheeks flush. Fuck.
He should’ve known better, but it was too late now. Now he kept beef jerky in the pockets of his leather jacket and took Tim out for chili dogs, or pizza, or the halal carts life-changing gyro after patrols. 
It was embarrassing. Jason was too old for a stupid crush on the one person who had the most reasons to hate his fucking guts.
That didn’t stop him from giving Tim a knife “because that’s what you hide in your boot, Tim,” trying to ignore the swell of satisfaction in his chest when Tim laughed and tucked the knife into his boot. 
“Do I even want to know how many knives you’re hiding?” he teased and Jason winked.
“More than you could ever find, baby bird.” Tim laughed again and Jason pulled a switchblade out of (one of) his secret pockets, twirling it around while Tim watched, his mouth curving up in a small, fond smile.
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rippersz · 6 months
𝘐𝘵 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘮𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘠𝘖𝘜.
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(DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT) (TW: Mentions of cannibalism, murder, slight glorification of both; gore, toxic love, smutty/suggestive themes, etc.) (Larissa Weems x Fem!Reader)
"I’ll be your slaughterhouse, your killing floor, your morgue and final resting," ~ Richard Siken
It was an accident.
It was all an accident.
Wrong time, wrong place, wrong moment.
Why were you awake?
What were you looking for?
Was it her?
Was it something else?
Were you out of bed because you had a feeling?
Was the bell tolling for you even in your sleep? Could you hear the echo?
Was her silence too loud?
You turned the corner.
Why did you turn the corner?
She was so close to safety.
Too slow, in the end.
Too slow too slow too slow.
And you were too fast too fast too fast. Too inquisitive. Too smart for your own good.
Draped in the darkest grey of a hooded designer coat. Gloved hands holding bags. Red plastic and squishing softness. The handle of a pocketknife tucked between white teeth. No heels, but black boots. Careful not to track mud.
There was no mistaking it.
There was no mistaking her.
Tall, intimidating, curved and sleek. Disappearing into the night without a peep, only to come back past the devil’s hour and get caught.
Years of secrecy.
And to think it was all ruined by you.
You. Her limbo. Her undoing or her reaffirming supporter. Her end or her beginning. The in-between of her life. The connecting thread, so thin, so weak, that ties the two aspects of her existence together. The hungry and the satiated. The mask and the actor. The figure in the dark and the hero in the light. Trusted and feared. Loved and bewared. You, who had captured her eye the very moment she saw you all that time ago. You, who stood in her presence and commanded all of her attention and looked her in the face with no fear at all.
You, who only felt the fear after you turned the corner.
‘No, not you’, was her first thought. ‘No, please, let it be someone else. Let it be someone palatable.’
But no.
No no, little bell.
There you stood, hands limp at your sides, watching Larissa open the door to her quarters with a small golden key. Not trembling from the rush of the kill. Not breathing heavily from the long walk back. Not even bothering to slow her steps as she comes to a stop before her door.
Calm, instead; and swimming in a sea of only thought and anticipation for how the future meal would taste.
One does, after all, burn quite a few calories after chasing a rabbit through the woods.
She was hungry.
And you couldn’t sleep.
And in a fucked turn of events, her desire to romance you into love had melted into a necessary evil. Of course she could just kill you, but what a regret that would be. Not seeing your pretty little face each day… not hearing the sweet tones of your voice… not knowing the way you laugh… oh what a mistake it would be to taste your liver. And she probably wouldn’t enjoy it anyway. She never enjoyed the ones she cared about. Strangers were preferred. Strangers that would never be tied back to her because - my oh my why would anyone like Principal Weems ever kill somebody? How could anyone ever dare think that? When would she even have the time? And no woman could shoulder the emotional weight of murder! And cannibalism?! Oh perish the thought! No, Larissa Weems wouldn’t hurt a fly. She’s an amazing woman; she’s helped my kids so much. Oh, Principal Weems? No, that woman is an angel. She’s really good with the teens, younger and older; gets along with everyone too. And she’s a great colleague! There’s no reason to suspect her. Because she can’t kill anyone. She doesn’t have the heart. Doesn’t have the guts. She’d cry and cry and cry her way home, bending beneath the horror of her actions.
She doesn’t have it in her.
Whatever ‘it’ was.
Whatever ‘it’ is.
No. She didn’t have it in her.
She had something else in her.
A bell. An alarm. An innate sense of disguise, of self, of shadow. A mind 20 steps ahead at all times. A heart that never stopped beating. Breath that never skipped. Hands that never shook.
Unless you were around.
Then the human sank forward and suddenly she found herself falling behind, skipping beats, skipping breaths, and shaking.
And what, above all else, was so special about you?
Hm? What was so special about sweet darling beautiful you? Was it your own intelligence? Was it your own knowledge? Your own creativity? Was it your ability to be effortlessly funny? Was it the way you looked at her, sarcastic and cold and frightened and lustful? Was that it?
Or was it because you knew?
You knew.
You know.
You saw.
She waited for so long- days, weeks- sitting around, walking around, breathing and going about her life, waiting for everything to come crashing down. Waiting for the police to walk up to her door, demanding an inspection. They wouldn’t find anything, no, but that didn’t matter. They’d keep it all on record. So if anything did happen in the future, and she slipped up, her head would be on the chopping block - instead of one of her victims.
But the police never showed. And nothing ever changed. And the only shift in her life was you - but even that was slight and even that was small and even that was enough to make her feel reinvigorated. Because you knew… and yet you didn’t tell anyone. Why didn’t you tell anyone? She asks herself that constantly. Why haven’t you said anything? She’s teased you, frightened you, lured you in, put people on your plate, and you have yet to bolt up from the seat in her office and fly out into Jericho, screaming bloody murder. She’s most likely killed a person you saw once in passing; watched the light fade from their eyes, their breath dissipate in one last exhale, their heart slow to a complete stop. She’s ripped out insides, rearranged them, memorized their places, tasted them and enjoyed them. She’s done the most horrific things a human or non-human can do to its own kind, and you know this, and you haven’t called for help.
Perhaps you should just be honest with yourself, lamb.
Perhaps you should just say it. It will make things easier. You can cut through the tension and get over all the bullshit.
You want her.
Don’t you?
You want her just as much as she wants you.
You saw her that night after turning the corner and you knew. You felt it.
Something changed.
You want her protection. You want her passion. You want her love.
One could even say you are hungry for it.
By the time Larissa reaches the top of the stone steps, feet cold and heart thumping in anticipation, the minutes she has left have dwindled. It was a long trek through the halls to her quarters and once the secret wall on the other end slides into place behind her, she flicks up a beautiful slim wrist again and nearly chokes on her own breath.
“What on Earth?”
2 minutes?!
She has 2 minutes?!
Not a chance she spent that long cloaked in the dark of the Nevermore passages. There’s no way…
But her eyes don’t deceive her. Even after the few times she blinks, caught by utter surprise.
No. The clock reads 2 minutes. 2 minutes decreasing.
“Right,” she nods and huffs, suddenly and so thoroughly pissed off.
2 minutes. Fine. If she had 2 minutes, she’d do something with it. No predator waits for their lamb. You’re hers anyway.
You’re hers and that’s that. 2 minutes or not. That’s how it is.
And she’s gone too long without seeing your face this evening. Time to find you, her sweet darling. Time to win.
Her legs slide into a strut as she makes her way down the hall. Chafing, she finds, is a complete bitch. But she’ll bear it of course. For you.
You, who are so keen on pushing lines and breaking rules. Thinking you’ve outsmarted her. Hiding yourself away somewhere in her quarters.
Or so she hopes.
Really, there’s no way of knowing. You could be anywhere else actually. In a bathroom somewhere maybe - or a closet, shoving yourself into the shadows with a hand clasped tight over your pretty little mouth. Even in the main hall… celebrating your victory as she takes herself to her own bedroom, hoping to the gods that you’re there.
She wishes, of course, that you could walk into her bedroom under better circumstances. Circumstances in which you’re less frightened, and not so full of anxiety. Circumstances in which you’re smiley and giggly and happy to be in her company and not worried about if she’ll eat you or not - which she won’t. Ever. As she’s already told herself.
But you don’t know that. And you’re in her room, maybe, shaking with the fear of when she finds you. Even though, at the heart of things, she’s not sure if she has it in herself to stick to the rules of the game.
Can they be changed?
It’s the one thing she wonders about as she gets closer and closer - speed eventually picking up into a jog as she looks down at her watch and sees that it’s ticked over to 1 minute. 1 minute. 1 minute.
Can the rules be changed?
The outcome maybe?
50 seconds.
Her feet begin to pound against the stone. They’re cold - they nip at her bare heels - but none of it registers.
40 seconds.
She needs to take a left then a right.
A left then a right.
A left…
45 seconds.
Then a right…
30 seconds.
You barely have time to hold in your gasp- barely have time to breathe through your panic- no time at all to duck into shadow and hide- because she’s already there.
In the doorway. Outlined by a muted light.
Out of breath, but victorious.
“I found you,” Larissa huffs, shoulders falling up and down in the most mesmerizing rhythm.
Up… down… chest moving with the weight of her lungs as she catches her breath.
So she was running.
Since when does the bell run instead of toll?
“I know.”
It’s all you can think to say.
Double checking the time doesn’t even fade across your thoughts. Making an effort to dash past her somehow never even touches the corners of your mind. The bell has run and the game has ended and you have lost - just as you somehow knew you always would. Because what else would the universe have you do? Win? No. No, the lambs never win. That’s just not how it goes. And when a phone begins to beep somewhere- a small silent beep beep beep beep beep in the next few seconds- you know that doubting your loss will lead to nothing. She has won. And you have failed. And now you will have no choice but to consume one of your own. Another lamb that could never beat the wolf. Never smart enough. Never fast enough. Never good enough.
“10 seconds to spare,” comes her dulcet murmur.
You nod, numb to the truth of it all.
10 seconds to spare.
If only the bell walked.
If only you were smarter.
If only you were better.
If only you were good enough.
Silence blankets the two of you. The only thing that speaks are the breaths from each of your throats, pouring into the still perfumed air of Larissa’s closet.
From an outside perspective, one would think that a chase like that, a game so neck and neck, would end on the most explosive of notes. The biggest catch, so to speak. The climax of it all. One would think that with everything on the line, with a livelihood wagered and morals placed on the table, the finale would be something memorable and great and probably terrifying and macabre.
The be all end all for games of wolves and lambs and bells and prey.
But great climaxes don’t happen in real life. And the feeling of your heart in your throat is uncomfortably genuine. And though you’d like to have the balls to tell Larissa to go fuck herself and shove her cannibalism where the sun don’t shine and flee off down the hall past Nevermore’s doors to the Jericho police station, you just don’t. You don’t have the balls, the courage, the energy.
In the face of Larissa’s success, your body’s given up.
Months of trying to keep in stride with her, but it never works. You never feel like the control you have is actually yours. She is just too good. Too good at making you feel special. Too good at capturing your attention. Too good at being a woman of her word and making you feel comfortable even when you feel uncomfortable - and too good at making you love her.
But really.
How can you love a woman who will feed you the thigh of a man?
How can you love someone like that?
How can you want someone like that?
Truly. Honestly.
What is wrong with you?
Why do you want, even now, to grasp her shoulders and pull her close and kiss her senseless? Why do you want her to lead you to her bed? Why do you want to drown in her passion?
Why do you love her so much?
Why do you love her so much?
Why do you love her so much?
Why do you love her so much?
A person can’t be heard screaming in space.
All calls for help don’t matter there.
And we ask ourselves: what is the human psyche if not a universe?
What is the mind if not a vast unfathomable thing?
One in which we cannot hear each other’s screams? One in which we do not care enough to hear?
The cries for aid are internal for a reason. They reverberate through time and bones and blood and viscera and space and everything.
So Larissa cannot hear you.
All she can do is watch. And see you unravel. And hear your muted sniffles in the dark as tears well up in the hot of your eyes. Eager to fall. To release. To plead a case to a woman who has been the source of judgment for so long. To beg in the face of danger.
“I don’t want- I-” you choke on your words.
“…I don’t want to eat human.” Your voice is far away. Soft. Defeated.
“Please,” and only now do you return to the moment - blinking at her through the haze of your tears and the midnight of dark, “please don’t make me.”
Your heart, a tad late on the delay, seems to realize now the extent of everything. You have lost. And now you must face the consequences. And give into her wishes. And ruin everything for yourself.
For the rest of your life.
To eat… that… would be to say ‘this has gone too far.’ It would be to say ‘You are making me do this because of a silly stupid game and for that, I can no longer love you.’ Because eating one’s own kind is only seen in some animals - and you are no some animal. You are no hungry beast. You are no curious soul that is unable to admit the truth to themself.
You are just a woman. A woman who does not want to stop loving, even though the love feels more like rot.
Even though the love feels more like pain.
“Please. Please don’t make me.”
And the tears only fall faster, racing down your cheeks in the same rhythm as your heart’s beat. On and on and on and on. Even as Larissa mumbles your name and flicks on the closet light, rushing forward at the smallest sight of your wet face. Flushed from tears, crumpled with sadness and self-loathing and the undeniable feeling of being lost. So lost. So out of place.
And you don’t even question the whole power situation - how Larissa’s room has power while the rest of Nevermore doesn’t. Or seemingly doesn’t. It would be like Larissa Weems to ‘fake’ a power outage for the sake of raising the stakes and winning the game. Just another reason why she’s fucked up and you shouldn’t love her and yet-
“Shhh shhh, you’re okay. You’re okay.” Her soft accented voice in your ear and warm breath against your temple, speaking the sweetest reassurances as you tuck your face into your open palms and weep into the clammy skin of your hands. Her body presses against yours and her arms go winding around your waist as soon as she realizes that your legs are slowly buckling - simply unable to hold up the heavy weight of your heart.
“It’s going to be okay. You’re going to be okay.”
But you don’t know how you can believe her. Even as she sits down next to you, both of you on your knees, pressed to the cream carpet in the middle of the walk-in closet with your head slowly falling to the side. Resting against her chest. Seeking solace in the very thing that frightens you and seduces you and restrains you and frees you and knows you and loves you and needs you and is somehow comforting you while you cry about her cannibalism.
It’s sickening.
But it’s what you need.
And when warm tears fall into your hair and are smushed along your temple, you realize that Larissa needs it too.
Not the comfort or the vulnerability or the release, but the shared feeling of otherness. The realization that neither of you are alone in your secret. A secret you never asked to know and a secret Larissa never wished to tell. And yet here you are. Knowing and telling and sharing and keeping. Keeping it between just the two of you. Like Romeo and Juliet against the world. Twisted souls with a depraved lust and desire for each other- in the heart and in the flesh.
But Romeo and Juliet is romantic.
And you two are just sad.
And damned.
And leaning on each other still, silently weeping while mindless words spill out of Larissa’s lips.
“I won’t,” she rasps, “I won’t make you. You don’t have to. I promise. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I didn’t- this wasn’t- I’m sorry. Please. Believe me. You have to believe me. I’m so sorry.”
But she’s not sorry about eating people.
She’s just sorry you found out.
She’s just sorry you saw who she really was. Is.
She’s just sorry you love a version of herself that isn’t the woman she wants to be.
Still Larissa Weems, but someone different.
Still Larissa Weems, but a murderer.
Blood on her hands. As red as her lipstick.
“I’m sorry. You don’t have to. I’d never make you. I swear it.”
And she cries as she speaks, the length of her throat clogged with guilt and tears and sorrow. A million apologies for a million offenses. One right after the other that somehow fills the void in your heart and stitches up the horrendous wounds in your mind. Keeping you bloated on apologies.
The only difference being that she means them.
You can tell.
And when she says she’d never make you, pushing it out of her lungs in the way she does, sobbing it into the softness of your neck, you believe her. She wouldn’t let a single piece of long pork touch your tongue and she wouldn’t serve you something you don’t want to eat. No woman in love would do such a thing. And so she clutches you closer and whispers it over and over again.
“I won’t I won’t I won’t I won’t you don’t have to I’m so sorry I’m so sorry-”
Until you’re both exhausted and you find enough breath needed to take your hands away from your eyes and wipe your snot and tears on the skin of your forearm.
“I know,” you finally speak, crackly and pathetic. “I know.”
Larissa sniffles and nods but doesn’t stop her weeping - and her hands only bring you closer. As close as you can get. Molded to her body, tangled up with her on the floor, finding your arms returning the desperate hug and sliding around her midsection to hold her close too. Like a lifeline.
Like a lifeline.
Smiles nervously. - Rip x
Tags (Plz keep in mind Tumblr doesn't let me tag some accounts): @kaymariesworld @bloommushroom @readingtheentrails @thegoddamnfeels @theonefairygodmother @theflashesoflove @sweetderacine @gwensfreak @shyladyfan @sunnyanon @emilynissangtr @sugipla @deongocrazy @nocteangelus15 @azu-zu @hopelessly-sapphic @enchantressb @syrenacrainn @im-a-carnivorous-plant @willowshadenox @aemilia19 @scarlettssub @ladysdraga @willisnotmental @gela123 @zillahofviolets-bayolet @the-bearr @amateurwritescm @alex-nyx @h-doodles @weemssapphic
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allfryam · 3 months
feeder for president!
Lots of excitement was shared when Frank wheeler was elected as the new president of the United States. He seemed to have great ambitions and an incredible spirit. But just a few months after he was elected, he put a new law into place. Every single American over the age of 18 must consume at least 5000 calories per day or they will be executed. He implanted every single American with a chip in the back of their throat that counted their calories. If the requirement had not been met, it would start leaking a poisonous substance into your system immediately. Effectively killing the person. This wasn’t all though. All gyms and any form of exercise equipment became illegal. Sidewalks were replaced with conveyor belts to prevent people from burning calories. Every year, you are required to gain at least 25 pounds. For every pound over this goal, the government will send a $100 check to your home.
as expected, all hell broke loose. People began rioting and begged for the law to be reversed. The smart people didn’t hesitate to start stuffing their face. Fast food restaurants had their busiest days in years as people frantically raced to consume as many calories as possible. To bring in more customers, McDonald’s released the heart attack burger. It was three burger patties cooked in pure oil and fat, then there was 6 pieces of bacon, loaded fries, a mountain of cheese, and McDonald’s new secret sauce. The burger contained almost 2000 calories and people went nuts for it. Companies removed small drinks and fries and replaced them with xtra large and supersize. A supersized coke was two liters and contained almost 100 calories.
the new system quickly weeded out the protesters and the only people left were obedient, soon to be fatties. Fitness influencers became weight gain influencers. They would give tips and tricks on how to eat more and expand your stomach. New stores began to open where you would pay to be mindlessly fed by one of the employees. You could set a certain amount of calories or a certain amount of time to be stuffed. If you were really desperate, some places carried an item called a lard ball. It had exactly 5000 calories all in the size of a pill. You would take it and immediately feel like you had just stuffed yourself silly at a buffet. It was quite expensive, but for those who could afford it, it was a game changer.
after a couple years with the new law, there wasn’t a person in sight without at least a bit of a belly. Abs were a thing of the past and it was hard for new 18 year olds to let go of theirs. But they obeyed and ate till they passed out. Some people took the $100 a pound rule very seriously. With how easy it was to gain weight, some people could gain over 100 pounds and get tens of thousands of dollars. Desk jobs became popular as no one was fit enough to do much else. Jobs were now required to give multiple snack breaks to employees so they had time to stuff themselves. it was paradise. Bulging bellies in all directions, former abs were memories of the past, countless people racing to shove food down their throats to meet the limit. I think this law may stay in place forever!
109 notes · View notes
fkinavocado · 1 year
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in which you try to shake off your insecurities and plan a surprise picnic for your loving boyfriend; he reminds you just how amazing he thinks you are, his love silencing the mean voice inside your head (penpal!harry, photographer!harry, chubby!y/n, lhh)
A wish come true- Masterlist, Author’s Note & Warnings
Through the viewfinder / alternatively, read on wattpad
Greedy bunny (word count: 4k)
It was a nice day out, and you decided to surprise your boyfriend with an impromptu picnic. You knew he had a short day at work, what with it being Friday and all, and so you packed your little basket along with a blanket and everything you needed and took a cab to his company’s studio. 
You were going to drive to the picnic spot in his car (you didn’t have one and was frankly scared of the prospect of driving, so you didn’t even want one), since it was a remote place the two of you had accidentally found while you wandered off in a national park one day while on your bicycles. You’d spotted that cute little clearing in the forest and you both agreed that would make a perfect spot for a picnic one day.
You knew Harry would admonish you for carrying all the stuff to his work instead of having him come to pick you up from home directly, but that would’ve ruined the surprise factor. And you loved surprising him. You loved seeing his eyes sparkle with joy. Harry was such an expressive man, you never tired of watching him. He wore his heart on his sleeve. He never held back.
The basket was indeed quite heavy, but you were sure to pack everything Harry liked. Despite his appearance, he had quite the appetite. He was just naturally fit, his fast metabolism seemed to burn all those calories as though they were nothing, and he did work out a lot as well, but he didn’t overdo it. You loved the bit of pudge he’d put on his lovehandles sometimes. Made him look adorable.
You, on the other hand… well, you weren’t so lucky. You were always very careful with what you ate, counted your calories, went spinning, even did some yoga- but you were just always on the curvier side. A bit chubby, is how you’d have best described yourself. No matter how well you tried to balance your diet and exercise, you still could not slim down enough to fit your ideal standard. Maybe it just wasn’t in the cards for you.
Harry, however, loved your body, and he didn’t shy away from letting you know just how much. It had taken you by surprise. He could’ve had anyone he wanted; personality aside- he looked amazing, and could have had his pick at anyone. You’d not have expected him to be attracted to you. Guys like him normally went for similar body types- models, dancers, fitness enthusiasts, etc. But he’d somehow settled for you, and you could never wrap your head around why that was. 
At first you thought maybe he was just drawn to you because of your bond from all those years back. Finding eachother after a decade since you’d been penpals in school without having met had been such an amazing experience! At first you thought to yourself, he was just being nice. Then, you thought he was just experimenting maybe, and that surely once he got to see you naked he’d run for the hills. 
It’d taken you a long while to fully open up to him, partially because of your insecurities, and partially because of your lousy experience with your ex who had treated you badly. You didn’t want to lose Harry, you’d grown very attached to him in the 2 months you’d been dating, and you were scared to blow it all off once you’d finally have sex.
But then you took the plunge and it’d left you completely speechless. Not only had it solidified your relationship, bringing you impossibly closer, but he’d not ran for the hills- on the contrary. He seemed to be quite literally obsessed with your body ever since. 
It’d been another 3 months since you first slept together and Harry was insatiable. He couldn’t get enough of you. He made you feel incredible- so wanted and cherished, and most of all- loved. You’d shared your feelings for eachother on that same night those 3 months back and he proved to you every day since just how much he meant them.
It’d been a major confidence boost. Harry knew everything about you, seen every square inch of you, and never once did he make you feel insecure about your body when you were in his arms. When you were by yourself, however, you still slipped into your old mindset, was still mean to yourself and disliked certain aspects of your appearance, but when he was around, that voice inside your head was silenced and was replaced by all the words of praise Harry would shower you with.
He had no reason to lie to you. He had no reason to stick around. And the way he was physically responding to you proved without a shadow of a doubt just how attracted to you he truly was. 
You’d been shy at first, but under his constant praise and encouragement you’d let go of any inhibitions with him in the bedroom. You truly felt beautiful and sexy and acted accordingly, because you believed it when you were with him. 
When you were alone, though… that was a different story.
You didn’t know if Harry knew about your insecurities. You’d never discussed them with him. You’ve had friends laugh at you when you’d shared them with them, telling you it was all in your head. Telling you you were way too harsh on yourself. And you knew, in theory, that they were right. You were not overweight by any medical standard, you were healthy, and active, and you did try and eat as clean as you could, you just… weren’t the way you were brainwashed to think you had to look to be beautiful. The way all the magazines, movies, tv shows portrayed how a young woman should look. You weren’t a model by a long shot. And you were starting to recognize that it was alright. Every body type was beautiful. Every shape and size. People had different tastes in partners for a reason. If everyone looked the same then it would’ve been incredibly boring.
You’d planned this picnic for a while, and had had a particular summer dress in mind for it all along. Yet, when you put it on that morning you felt as though it was hugging you in all the wrong places. You’d worn it before, but this time you just weren’t feeling like you looked that good in it. You were having one of those days where you were just bloated for no reason, and nothing fit right. You weren’t about to call the whole thing off just because of that, though. So you told yourself you were being unnecessarily harsh on yourself, and finished getting everything ready for the picnic.
You’d baked a cheesecake and packed some fresh homemade mint lemonade in cute glass containers, and as for savory goodies you’d made some caprese sandwiches with pesto sauce, as well as some pineapple salsa and guacamole dips to go with some store-bought tortilla chips and french baguette. Harry loved all of these and would probably scarf most of it down, and you were happy to have a taste of anything which would already go well beyond your daily calorie intake. Watching him eat with such joyous abandon would be the biggest treat, though. You were glad you could make him happy with your cooking, he particularly enjoyed anything you made with your own two hands as a labor of love for him. It was a rare treat, since you tried to avoid temptations and rarely cooked goodies. So you knew he would be a happy boy today.
All those goodies however made for a heavy basket. You’d initially planned on riding your bike to his studio, but you couldn’t secure it in a way that wouldn’t tilt you over. Not to mention you had to bring the blanket along too. So, cab it was.
Feeling a bit silly to be hauling the basket and blanket into the elevator, you also didn’t trust to leave the goodies with the security guy in the lobby. The last thing you needed was for someone to sample the goods before your boyfriend did the honors. 
When you reached the 17th floor, you were immediately thrown into Harry’s everyday life as a photographer for his company. You’d been to some of their other locations they used for shootings before, but never the main studio. It was loud, music was blasting as though you’d just entered a nightclub, and the lights were pretty dim too. Lots of people roaming around but your eyes inadvertently went to the big canvas that was set up in the middle, with two models posing center stage. Fans were positioned around them to blow their hair away from their faces, and to create flow within the fabric they wore. Which was- incidentally- very scarce.
They were probably doing an advert for swimsuits, because that’s what they were wearing, one of the models also had a chiffon wrap around her waist but it was definitely see-through.
The bikinis might as well have been see-through. They were practically naked with how little the bathing suits were covering.
Legs that went on for miles, shimmery, golden, perfectly unblemished skin, amazing bone structure, just the right amount of curves, plump lips, impeccable hair and makeup… these girls were drop dead gorgeous. 
Nothing you hadn’t seen before all your life, yet, seeing it unfold up close, and the behind the scenes was captivating. Nobody actually looks like that - is what you kept hearing. Airbrushed photos, photoshop, filters, etc. Then how come you were looking at them and there they were- looking absolutely flawless from head to toe? Was that just something normal people told themselves to feel better? 
But something snapped you out of your train of thought- and that was none other than your boyfriend’s voice. He was chewing gum, you could hear it in his voice, that air of nonchalance it gave it- and was behind the camera that was set on a tripod, conducting that photoshoot. Telling the models how to pose, where to move their limbs, how to tilt their heads. 
“Perfect! Great, more of that!... Beautiful! Now look straight ahead- both of you. Gorgeous.”
You felt a pang of jealousy you never knew was humanly possible. 
You knew this was Harry’s job- knew it all along. Knew he was hired by his company to conduct all sorts of photoshoots. Some even more risqué than this one for sure. He’d done nude sessions as well, he’d told you as much. It was his job. And you thought you’d been ok with the idea of it. You’d imagined all those instances in your mind’s eye and you knew he was being professional and was just doing a job, at the end of the day.
But it was an entirely different thing seeing it unfold before your very eyes. Somehow, even though this was exactly how you’d been imagining it, give or take a few details, it made you feel ridiculous for ever believing you could be good enough for him.
He was exposed to these perfect people, up close, day in, day out, and somehow you were meant to believe he would choose someone like you to be attracted to?! When he very clearly belonged to this world instead. The world of flawless, insanely attractive people. Whereas you… were average, at best.
“Did anyone order takeaway?”
You were once again snapped back to reality, but by a different voice this time, one of a person by your side, wearing earpods and eyeing your basket curiously.
“Oh, no, I’m just here for my– for Harry.”
“Harry…? Oh, Styles?”
“Yeah?” your boyfriend shouted from behind the lense, without averting his attention from his task at hand.
“There’s someone here for you. Little red riding hood.”
You blushed furiously at the person’s little quip at your attire. It wasn’t even red. 
Harry pulled back from the camera and his eyes immediately landed on you. No doubt you stuck out like a sore thumb.
He hopped off of his little barstool and sprinted towards you “That makes me the big, bad wolf then!” he grinned, taking you into his arms and kissing you without hesitance. “Fuck, bunny, what a pleasant surprise, eh? Is that for me?” he gestured toward the basket and picked it up from next to you “Owh, what’d you pack in there!? What’s all this, then?”
You didn’t even get to wiggle a word in, he was already going through the basket, his eyes widening and his grin spreading all across his handsome face “Fuck me. How am I supposed to finish this shoot? I wanna dive right in!”
“Well, you can’t.” you pulled the basket away earning a whine of protest from him which made you smile “We’re going for a picnic just as soon as you wrap up, though.”
His eyes lit up, just like you’d imagined they would when you were getting everything ready “We are?” you barely got to nod when he bent and kissed you, again and again making you giggle and almost drop the basket on the floor.
“Yes! Now behave. Go do your thing and I’ll wait.”
He fished his phone out of his pocket and then looked around for a second “Nah. It’s like 10 minutes to go, anyway. I think we got all we needed.” he then resumed his tone from earlier, shouting so everyone heard “That’s a wrap up, everyone. Good job. We’ll get in touch.”
“Oh– okay? I could’ve waited, though?”
“Nonsense” he put his arm around your shoulders and after nodding his goodbyes to a few people around, he guided you back to the elevator, making sure to take the basket back away from you.
The ride to the national park was nice, Harry had told you about an upcoming project he’d been assigned the following week, and he seemed really excited to get started on it on Monday. You tried to listen, but all you could think about was the seemingly parallel universe Harry was living in when he wasn’t with you. You couldn’t get that whole atmosphere from inside there out of your head. He kept his hand on your knee, squeezing it from time to time, no doubt to make sure you were paying attention.
You made your way to that clearing you’d stumbled upon a while back, happy to have found it just as nice as the first time around “Ah, this is perfect for a picnic, lovey. I’m so glad we’re doing this. Perfect way to end the week.”
You placed the blanket in a perfect spot and then sat down, with Harry not wasting a moment longer before unpacking the basket. He looked like he was unwrapping Christmas gifts, making excited noises for every little thing he fished out of there “You made all these yourself, bunny?”
“Well, except for the tortilla chips and the baguette.”
He groaned enthusiastically, leaning over “Kissy?” you smiled and pecked his lips “You’re amazing. I’m starving. Do you mind if we dig in?”
You giggled at how truly impatient he seemed “Have at it baby, it’s all for you.”
He kissed you once more, more like an audible wet smooch before going right for the sandwiches first. You handed him his glass bottle of mint lemonade and explained how you didn’t wanna bring any plastic single use cutlery. You could just take turns eating everything right out of the tupperware you’d packed them in and drink straight out of the bottles. It was finger food anyway. 
“No baby, I can’t have any more, you finish them” you pushed the cookies back towards him, the same way you’d done with all of the things you’d packed. He kept trying to go 50/50 but there was no way you could eat as much as him. You were so full you felt you could pop. 
“But you barely touched them! Come on, lovey. For me?”
You laughed, pushing his hand away that was making its way toward you with a chocolate chip cookie in tow “Nuh-huh babe. I’m full, seriously. I’m about to burst out of this dress as it is.”
He lowered his eyes toward your cleavage and hummed appreciatively “Hmm. I’ve noticed. You won’t hear me complaining.”
“I meant my belly, you perv.”
He leaned over and placed his head in your lap, snuggling into your body. You wasted no time and began playing with his long hair “I love your soft tummy. If I weren’t scared I’d crush you I’d sleep like this all the time. Plus it gives me easy access to other goodies” he snaked his hand under your dress’ hem and you gasped, slapping his hand away.
“Bad boy!” 
“I know… I’m real bad.” he caught your hand and redirected it to his crotch, pressing your palm firmly against his very evident hard-on, making you gasp even louder “Yeah? Can’t help it when my sweet girl looks so fucking good. Good enough to eat. You’re my dessert.” he resumed his ascent underneath your dress till he reached your crotch. You had your legs pressed together, and he lifted his head up from your lap a bit to push them apart slightly, enough to grant him access before resting it over your thighs again.
“You… already had dessert.” you were already a bit breathless in anticipation. 
“I love your baking, bunny, I really do. But this is what I’m really craving. Gonna be a good girl and let me have a taste?”
You watched him from underneath heavy lids, his eyes were hooded and his pupils had dilated considerably. He finally snaked his middle finger between your legs, hooking your panties and pulling them to the side, then pressed it right between your folds before pushing it inside you ever so slowly. His mouth fell agape watching you whimper at his gentle intrusion, and you nodded your head, granting him permission.
He groaned, pulling away from your lap and going in for a kiss, without removing his finger from inside you. When he pushed his tongue into your mouth he added another finger inside as well, placing his thumb over your clit too.
You moaned loudly and he smiled against your lips “There’s my dirty girl. Here we are in broad daylight, anyone could hear you or walk by and see you let me do these things to you. And you love it, don’t you bunny?”
You nodded, looking at how fucked out of his mind he looked. You couldn’t remember anything from moments earlier about feeling insecure in your body. The way he was looking at you and touching you made you feel amazing in your skin.
“Then lie back for me and let me eat that pretty pussy, hm?” 
You did as instructed and he took off your flimsy panties, pushing your dress up and leaning in for another kiss while he searched for your g-spot again. He knew your body like the palm of his hands, so when you started mewling again he began kissing down your neck “That’s it. Wanna hear you, pretty girl. Show me how much you love it.”
He brought his other hand to the front of your dress and undid the bow at your cleavage, loosening up the fabric there, and then pulled one of the straps over your shoulder and groaned when your boob spilled out to the side. He caught your nipple in his mouth, sucking greedily and speeding up his fingers inside you. You could only hear birds chirping, some insects buzzing and the squelching sounds he was making plunging in and out of your soaked pussy.
“I know, bunny. Come on my fingers so I can clean you up, lap you up till you spill again on my tongue. Come on. Give it to me.”
“Fuck, fuck!” your thighs shook violently, pushing his hand away.
“That’s a good girl! My best girl.” he pushed his soaked fingers into your mouth “Greedy bunny!” he chuckled teasingly when you sucked his fingers into your mouth clean “I was just giving you a taste, it’s all for me. This, I’m not sharing.” 
He didn’t waste a second longer plunging his face between your sticky thighs “Fuck lovey, you made a mess! Mmmm” he hummed, sucking your clit into his wet mouth “Best fucking pussy.” he squeezed the back of your thighs, pressing his rings into your flesh. You were sure they were gonna leave indents. You loved when he did that, loved seeing the aftermath of your lovemaking.
And his mind seemingly went to the same visual “Gonna look at those marks on those beautiful thighs when I fuck into you from behind as soon as we get back to yours. Can’t fucking wait.”
“I can’t wait that long!” you whined.
He pushed your knees to your chest and slapped your ass before dipping his tongue inside you, making you cry out “Yes you will. Little tease, came into my work looking like that, made me drive all the way up here hard as a rock. Could barely enjoy what you prepped for us, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on your gorgeous body.”
“Shush, bunny.” he slapped your ass again “Gimme another one and then we’ll go back to yours and I’ll teach you not to tease me like that again. But not here. Cause I can’t promise I’d be able to stop if someone really did walk in on us.
“Oh God…”
“Look at you gushing at the thought of that… dirty girl… you like that idea, don’t you?” he kept alternating between licking and rubbing at your clit with his thumb lazily “Like to show people what you do to me. Like to claim what’s yours. Is that why you came into the studio today, wearing this flimsy little thing? Wanna make sure everyone gets the memo, that I’m taken? Could hardly keep my hands off of you in front of everybody.”
“Fuck, baby…” 
“Yeah? You know I’m right. And I love it. I love you. That’s it, you’re close again. Lemme have it, lovey, I need to get us home and bury myself inside you… Need you so bad” he pressed himself into the blanket, trying to ease the ache at least a tiny bit, moaning against you as he did so and that’s what sent you over the edge. He coaxed every little spasm out of you, and after kissing you thoroughly, he began putting everything away back inside the basket as you came down from your high.
You used a napkin to clean up a bit, then Harry helped you up and slapped your ass through the dress “Come on pretty. We got some traffic to beat. Sure wish you had a license right about now, I can barely walk let alone press pedals.”
You felt bad for Harry for having to drive with blue balls all the way back home. But he did bring it on himself, as much as he liked blaming it all on you and your apparently provocative getup. And to think you felt unattractive putting it on earlier in the day. You were now glowing. Radiating confidence in your own skin. You felt good, desired, appreciated. Harry truly made you feel like you were… beautiful. 
You were back on the road and knowing there was a long stretch before you got off the highway, you leaned over the center console, palming his crotch and finding him just as hard as before.
Harry whined “Bunny, stop it, yeah? Gonna get us killed.”
“Just keep your eyes on the road” you whispered into his ear before kissing down his neck and pulled him out of his skinny jeans, with quite a bit of effort since they were virtually glued to him especially in this state.
“Mhm. I know baby… God, you’re ready to burst. Tell me when you’re close so we don’t make a mess, hm? Gonna swallow it all. Just like the greedy bunny I am.”
A/N: i missed this verse SO much! they're just so special to me! hope you enjoyed their silly love and hope you always remember to be kind to yourselves! ❤️
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someonefantastic · 2 years
so the line in Faith, Hope & Trick where Buffy says that after slaying she “sometimes craves a non-fat yogurt" bugs me (and those on the cangel discord as well) because with the amount of calories Buffy must burn she should be allowed to eat more than just a non-fat yogurt. to rectify that, here are a bunch of food related headcanons:
shortly after becoming the slayer, Buffy realizes that she’s hungry nearly all of the time
we’re talking like wakes up to raid the fridge at three in the morning hungry
Joyce notices too and chalks it up to Buffy being a growing girl and starts preparing heartier meals and stocking up on extra filling snacks
when she starts at Sunnydale, Giles is already prepared
apparently this is a common thing for slayers cause he has drawers filled with protein bars and when she comes into the library after school he usually has a sandwich or wrap prepared and Buffy’s like “sir, I’ve only known you for like a week”
she really appreciates it though
one time when they go on patrol together he has a bag of orange slices and Buffy calls him a soccer mom
Willow is the one who most consistently has snacks though
no one knows where she gets them though, she’ll be wearing a dress with no pockets and not be carrying a bag or anything and Buffy will make a comment about being hungry and the next thing she knows a homemade granola bar is being shoved into her hand
years later Xander is still convinced that Willow learned how to use magic before she actually started actively practicing it just for magic snacks
speaking of Xander, he’s Buffy’s snack buddy
the classes where they sit next to each other, they’ll just pass a bag of pretzels or chips back and forth until the teacher tells them to knock it off
*dead silent room as they take a test* *CRUNCH* “it was Xander!” “Buffy!”
the real reason why Xander becomes snack run guy is because between him and Buffy, Giles’ slayer snack supply is in serious detriment so he makes Xander go because “if you both insist on eating me out of house and home, than at least one of you should go get more snacks” and since Buffy is the slayer, Xander gets snack duty
it means he gets first food pick though so it’s not a bad gig
Buffy has a frequent punch card at Mister Donut
actually they all do
also the nice thing about dating guys with affinities for trench coats is that they have lots of pockets to keep protein bars or trail mixes in, plus since Angel and Spike are on liquid diets so there’s no worry of either them mooching
(side note but after each one winds up in L.A. they’re still finding random food in their pockets--Spike especially has no clue how, he’s a ghost after all. Angel used his to give to scared victims or Cordelia when she was first starting out and couldn’t really afford food. When Spike shows up in L.A. he alternates between throwing the trail mix nuts at Angel and giving his snacks to those who need them)
it’s not just snacks though
Buffy is the first to go back for seconds... and thirds and no one bats an eye
sometimes after they save the world (again), the scoobies will go out to get burgers or whatever fast food is open and Buffy winds up with like six burgers or tacos or [insert food here]
Willow is very generous about sharing her fries
Xander will only share them after being persuaded by the joined forces of puppy eyes from Buffy and Willow
Giles is still ranting about the choice of food in America
the scoobies or Giles or whoever automatically doubling a recipe when Buffy is invited over without giving it a second thought
they all want her to eat as much as she wants without feeling bad about it or worrying someone else won’t get fed
the ones who like to cook or at least can cook have a few recipes under their belt that are high in protein and other stuff to help a growing slayer
by the time Faith rolls around, they’ve got their food game down
Faith is actually really surprised by how quick they are to hand her a yogurt or pull out a sandwich or give her a bagel, sometimes even before she makes a comment about being hungry
not to make this sad but after she starts going dark, she notices how they become less and less forthcoming with their food
this is purely self indulgent but I love the idea of the honorary/secondary scoobies being indoctrinated into the snack life
they hang out with Buffy, Willow, and Xander for like two weeks and the next thing they know they’re carrying around extra food
Cordelia, less than a week after she “helps” Buffy and the other scoobies kill the master “why the hell am I bringing two smoothies to school?”
her housekeeper actually makes really good smoothies though, Buffy is secretly always thankful when Cordelia shows up to school with an extra thermos
Oz just always has beef jerky
Anya is a little less helpful in the snack department but she reads a book on food and nutrition and talks about the merits of calories and proteins and other food stuff for like an hour straight
she means well
also she can’t really cook but she almost always has ice cream to share
and strange cheeses
I feel like Tara would make the best oatmeal raisin cookies, maybe she also has like sunflower seeds and bags of granola on her too
she’s the one who jumps on the snack train the fastest, she hears Willow mention Buffy and snacks once and the next thing they know she’s got her school bag filled
Dawn steals a lot of Buffy’s food
she uses the “I’m a growing girl too. You know... teenager” excuse often
it works usually
not food related but there’s at least two water bottles a person at all times
hydration is important folks
anyway this got really long but I simply love the idea of Buffy being allowed to eat a lot of food without being made to feel bad about it and the rest of her friends/family supporting her fully
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wannabesknnysworld · 3 months
i got asked about workout tips sp imma post on here as i think it might be useful to some!
1. i swear by swimming! it’s enjoyable and not too tiring, it also burns a decent amount. for reference i started on 45 20m lengths and up it by 5 after completing it 3 times! i’m on 55 at the moment as i’ve only just got back into swimming but i really recommend it especially if you hate working out! i also go 3/4 times a week!
2. 10,000 steps EVERYDAY! and i mean everyday ,never miss a day! this will burn around 300-450 depending on ur weight and how fast u walk. this can be done by just going on walks, going out with friends etc or if ur at home just pace around ur house!
3. i really recommend getting a watch/fit-bit to track ur calories burnt it’s a lot more accurate or if u can’t get an app to track!
4. i’d recommend also going to the gym at least once a week. i haven’t got into this yet but planning to start soon. when i do go i walk at about a 5.5 speed and 15 incline. as someone who HATES running this is a lot easier and burns about the same!
5. i also recommend doing some sort of workouts a few times a week, wether this is ur own or something u follow on youtube. this helps u to get fitter and burns extra cals. i used to do 150+ sit-ups a day, i have stopped this recently but planning to start again tomo! u don’t have to do sit-ups. there’s many workouts on youtube. personally i like the ones with no jumping as i workout secretly. i also think that workouts on youtube that tell u how many calories ur burning are better as it can motivate you more!
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mezzy-1 · 8 months
A Bunch of WHOLESOME Valorant Headcanons
Damn I shoulda posted these a week ago but here goes. Also thank you to @eviethelesbian for coming up with the prompt. Gotta give credit yknow.
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Is always challenging people to race her or beat her in some way.  Competitive as hell but just likes the thrill of it
Misses her old home, but brought a lot of her mementos along and has a story behind every one of them in her room
She’s worried about her powers acting up, but Sage and Reyna helping her out has given her a little more confidence.  She’s grateful to both of them
Sleeps like a rock after a hard day, to the point where it's usually impossible to wake her and not get shocked in the process
Has big sister energy with most of the other young agents and lightly teases them if they lose to her.  Always lets people rechallenge her and may or may not let them win 
Complete menace to the fridge because of the calories she burns running so fast, but shares the food she preps.  
Gets excited when she meets dogs and will absolutely lose her mind if someone lets her pet their dog
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Despite being the leader and ex-military he’s not really harsh on any of the younger agents
They still hate him for the PT he makes them do, especially because he knows how to bring out the best of them.  
Usually it's reminding them about not letting someone close to them down, but other times it’s about proving themself
A lot of personal records have been set thanks to Brimstone, but the aches and pains from intense exercise are the price of hard work
He is always there for agents when they have self doubt or regret.  A hand on their shoulder, giving them some time to themselves, or a quick story from his ‘younger days’ that manages to provide some guidance
Him and KAYO sometimes take a few extra minutes after a briefing to go over ‘potential strategies’ or ‘advanced tactics’ but everyone knows it's for them to talk about something pleasant before getting back to work.  
When agents return from a successful mission and are unharmed, the look on his face is of pure relief
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A lot of her ideas come from something someone says or suggests, she’s always listening to people intently because of this
The chicken design on the turret was in reference to a chicken she kept after her school did one of those agriculture/biology programs.  She named it ‘Gelbie’ and the turret shares the name.
She may build her gadgets, but she prefers to have people weigh in on the colors (hence Raze helping her out a lot).  She lets people pick out some of the colors of things
She’s the tech support for a lot of people and likes using it as an excuse to get to know people.  Also has left notes for people who don’t understand tech as well, signed with little doodles 
Can and will outdrink other agents, and loves dragging people to go clubbing.  If whoever she brings isn’t the most social, she’ll keep close if they need it and encourage them to try dancing with someone
Huge nerd for everything and somehow part of every fandom.  Will definitely rewatch or replay things with fellow agents.  Enjoys talking about the nerdiest stuff with anyone 
While working for Kingdom, she’d hack the coffee machines and vending machines to spit out free drinks for her favorite coworkers.
Absolutely loves her jacket, and it was a gift from one of her friends back in Germany and she does her best to keep it in the best condition she can, despite the firefights
If an agent is a little shaken from the last fight, she’ll lay her jacket on them if they need it or if they’re sleeping.  She sees it as extending a bit of good luck.
Blushed a lot when Raze joined the VP and stayed up late to help her with any kind of work.  She’d make excuses for it too and try to avoid letting people see how red her face was.  It made it even more obvious
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Didn’t realize how serious she seemed at first and used to scare some of the younger agents, much to the amusement of Viper.  Apologized a lot after she realized it
Has moments where she drops her formality and everyone kinda stops what they’re doing.  When she isn’t restraining herself to monotone or quiet it’s really noticeable
Nobody knew she could laugh at first but it came out once.  It’s one of those really loud and tearful ones that she can barely breathe through.  Borderline snorting laugh
On occasion she’ll tell people how they remind her of her ‘sisters’ 
Will sit in with the other agents while they watch dramas and whatever else, despite her obvious confusion.  
Is blunt, but tells people what they need to hear to get things done.  Never leaves any room for miscommunication or anxiety at all
Understanding and observant with the other agents, and is often able to bring an element of calm to tense situations
Kept the tags of her Staljaeger unit and has them in a locked box in her room, along with a group photo
Enjoys doing her weapon maintenance because she can sort of lose herself in the work, but doesn’t mind doing it with others
Wears a ton of sweaters, like absolutely lives in those ultra-comfortable ones that are constantly warm
Gekko (+ Wingman)
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Wingman will grab people’s hands and try to lead them to things.  It’s always the fridge cause he isn’t tall enough to reach the handles
Wingy will bring things to his favorite people, and most of the time its things from Chamber’s room cause of how shiny they are
Neon loves that Wingman steals from Chamber and lets him into Chamber’s room for the hell of it
If asked to grab things by anyone other than Gekko, he brings the wrong item most of the time.  Cypher once asked for a soldering iron and Wingman brought back a minifridge that let cans and food everywhere
Dizzy passively floats in Gekko’s room like a helium balloon and is usually found on the ceiling.  All curled up and sleeping like a cat.
Thrash will follow a laser pointer around and yes there’s a video of it 
Gekko may not have a lot of battlefield experience but he’s always ready to charge in to save someone.  
He also gets along great with everyone by keeping things light and throwing compliments around.  Phoenix and him brighten up a room, and behave like brothers
Loves having dinner with the protocol, it feels like the dinners his familia would have 
Will attempt to do challenges from the internet with other agents.  Most of the duelists are usually game but getting Brimstone to try something makes his day
Discussed working with the protocol with his mom before leaving, and sends her little postcards from the places he’s visited.  The radivores sign them with paw prints
Will help people dye their hair no questions asked and knows all the places to get tattoos and dye in LA.  Loves showing his home to the agents.
Loves getting together with people and hitting up food trucks, doesn’t matter what kind of food either
Protocol Wide Headcanon
One time someone (Neon or Jett take ur pick) put a Jalapeno in someone’s (Harbor’s) food as a prank.  When he ate it no problem, that’s when some other agents chimed in saying that Jalapenos aren’t spicy.
This began a debate as to what is and isn’t considered spicy, and to test their theories more chiles, peppers, and habaneros were eaten.
This led to almost the entire protocol having a contest to see who could eat the spiciest food.  A lot of people were either trying to prove a point or show how tough they were
It got so heated that Brimstone stepped in, and decided to make a point as to who knows spicy food the best
He made a chili the next night that had people turning red, downing milk and chewing ice, and generally rolling around in pain
Undiluted spice hell
Brim said he used a family recipe and that nobody would ever be able to handle the chili his grandpa came up with
Viper had poured straight capsaicin into the chili the night before, she just wanted to stop the contest and since capsaicin is a neurotoxin she had a ton of it lying around
Brim still thinks it was his cooking
Now from time to time, small contests of spice tolerance break out over dinner but not enough to get the attention of the higher ups, fear of the chili haunts them
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wherearemyb0nes · 3 months
1) Never eat alone. (My boyfriend works full time so that usually means fast until he get home at 5)
2) Drink a liter of water with every meal
3) Avoid cheesy/carb dense foods like the plague
4) Take every opportunity to burn more cals such as taking the stairs or parking far from the entrance.
5) Weigh in every morning but focus more on the weekly progress rather than overnight changes.
6) Measure and log every Monday
8) If drinking alcohol keep it light and only eat one small meal that day right before drinking.
9) If there’s a “light” version of something, buy it instead.
10) Allow myself 2 days a month to eat out and order anything I want on the menu without shame. Obv omad that day but these days keep me connected with friends and family, serve as a metabolism day, and satiates my cravings for tasty fatty foods. I order a drink with the meal too to turn off my my calorie counter and just get a small break from ana.
11) Take multivitamins, collagen peptides, and fiber supplements everyday because health obv but I’m TERRIFIED of losing my hair.
12) Stay under 800 cals (I’ve been struggling to do more than 300 lately but I know I should be closer to 800 for my metabolism)
13) NEVER drink soda (I don’t like it anyways)
14) Try to take around 45 minutes to eat a meal no matter how small it is.
**I don’t suggest these rules for other people it’s just what works for me**
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worldseer · 7 months
A list of random HCs about Jason Todd because I have brainrot~
THESE ARE MY PERSONAL HEADCANONS! IF YOU DISAGREE, THAT'S FINE BUT DON'T LEAVE HATE! Headcanons are separated by catagories: Random, fluffy, angsty, and NSFW. MDNI!!!! The different colors are just to break up the hcs a bit and not look like pure walls of text-
Has tapetum lucidum after being in the pit, causing his eyes to glow green in low/no light.
Has hazel eyes, which causes them to look brown or green at certain times.
Built sturdy and more like a boxer. I refuse to believe that this man isn't wide. Getting a better diet since being adopted + Robin training + Lazarus Pit = BIG. FRIDGE OF A MAN.
Has vitiligo, hence the white streak in his hair. It just so happened to show up after being resurrected.
Known to sleep walk and talk after resurrection. If he ever sleeps at the Manor, Bruce has cameras and sensors in place to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid.
Mostly talks shit to the houseplants while sleepwalking.
Canonically eats fast food alot. However, he always manages to burn off the calories. And the fat just makes him bulkier.
Bisexual but he doesn't tell anyone. Not that he's trying to hide it. He just doesn't label himself.
Wears eyeliner regularly, just because he wants to. Look I just love the concept, ok?
Considering getting his ears pierced, just debating on what exact kind of piercing
Has tattoos but not many, most notably small tattoo of a flower on his wrist to honor the death of Catherine, his step-mother.
Has prominent scars: Autopsy scar (died, obvi), scar stretching from the left edge of his left cheek and then up into his hairline (from crowbar), cut in his right eyebrow (from fighting as a child), lip scar that runs from slightly above the skin of his top lip and down over his lips to his chin on his left ( also from fighting as a child). Any other "scar" he receives since resurrection often fades away due to effects from the pit. The others do not fade.
Almost as tall as Bruce, maybe shorter by about an inch at most.
Has cried watching the Titanic movie. Was inconsolable for a week. Refuses to watch it ever again.
Laughs at horror films these days. Also will talk about how cuts and bullet wounds are anatomically incorrect like its casual conversation. It's one of the few activities he actively enjoys doing with Damian.
Calls Dick an old man just to spite him.
Never passes on an opportunity to tease Tim and call him a huge fucking nerd.
Loves all animals, but prefers cats. No real reason. He just always liked them more. Used to leave cans of food out for the cats to eat from as a kid.
Mostly likes Nu Metal, since it allowed him as a kid to get anger out and all the cool teens in his neighborhood blasted it a lot. But he's not picky about music. Secretly a snob for classical music though.
Strong relationship with Barbara, thinks of her as a sister he never had.
Always helps Alfred cook when he's at the Manor, and is good at it. Obviously works a knife well in cooking, but secretly prefers baking because the kitchen smells better afterwards.
As I've said before, I would not be surprised if he brings a stray home from either a shelter or the street. If he could, he'd help all the stray animals in Gotham and keep them.
Cares deeply about Tim. Tries to act like a big brother and be a good example to the best of his ability.
Not really a gamer, but he had some old consoles when he was a young kid under Bruce's care. Loved Wii Sports; boxing was his favorite. Nowadays, he doesn't play video games much. When he has time and feels like it though, he will play a game or two. Doom Eternal and Red Dead Redemption II are the top favorites after being resurrected.
Spends a good amount of time around Cass when at the Manor. They probably understand each other on almost a psychic level. They also train together a lot too to sharpen skills they both are weaker in.
Angst: (sorry for the pain)
Volunteers often at shelters and soup kitchens as a way to cope, makes him believe that he can offer comfort instead of just pain and being a burden.
Prefers to not talk out feelings after being resurrected; usually drives around to clear his head. Depending on how bad the situation is, it ranges from a few minutes to over an hour.
Loves classical literature because it was the first thing that allowed him to escape reality.
Has weird as fuck dreams, thanks to trauma and the pit. Never says anything about them to others however.
Never lets his stubble grow out too much because it makes him think he looks too much like Bruce, and he doesn't want to look like him.
Picked up smoking because what the hell are they gonna do? Kill him again? Always tries to avoid smoking around the others though, especially the members who are younger than him.
Rarely drinks. Reminds him too much of his birth father. Only does it for times when things are really bad.
Is so close to Barbara because she's one of the few who understands what it's like to be traumatized by the Joker. Often seeks her out for some comfort if his PTSD acts up again.
Hates crying, never cries in front of others unless he really trusts them. People who have seen him cry include Barbara, Dick, Alfred, and Bruce (on accident).
Grew up Catholic. Stopped believing the moment right before he died. Now has immense Catholic guilt and occasionally questions his morals a lot. (Might be self projecting but fuck it)
Zones out a lot. Happens the most during off time. If he's not doing anything, he's likely zoned out. Usually zones out when he thinks too hard about what the Lazarus Pit did to him, his death, and resurrections.
Copes in brash and self-depreciative humor. Also will make fun of others to draw attention away from his own problems.
Tried to help Catherine as much as he could, even if she wasn't the best mother to have.
NSFW: (Minors look no further!!!!)
A switch, dominant-leaning.
Softer dom, surprisingly. Sure, he can be a hard dom if he asked, but that's not what he wants. Coos sweet words while teasing.
Grunts and groans. Not vocal, but he'll talk through it sometimes. Grits his teeth if he's really into it.
"Oh, look at you on my cock. So tight and taking all of it, do you feel full? You look good when you're full of me."
He needs foreplay before subbing. Sometimes he's still wary about letting his guard down, so he needs lots of prepping and reassurance. Once he is into subbing, he's very obedient and eager to please.
Softer noises and gasps when subbing. He doesn't dare be loud, and often tries to cover up his noises. Doesn't beg often, takes what he gets without much complaint.
"Mmph- ah- hah- fuck- I'm close- I'm close baby. Can I finish?"
LOVES dirty talk, giving and receiving. He's already a bit of a cocky lil shit, so he'll tease you and talk you through it. Supportive about his dirty talk usually.
"That's it. Just like that. God- you're perfect. So fuckin' perfect- keep goin' baby, I gotcha."
Not experienced, sorry. With a combination of being bad at expressing emotions, trauma, and being busy as a vigilante, he does not get many bitches.
Has had hookups here and there, but that's all they were. He left the moment the other was all settled or asleep.
Experimental. Because he's low on experience, he's not entirely sure what he does or doesn't like.
Would not use a weapon in bed. That's a hard line. Weapons make him think of violence, and that's the last thing he wants to think about when in such a vulnerable moment.
Hates degradation, on both ends. Won't do it even if asked. The only time he'd ever get close to degrading is if you allow him to fuck while he's still working through some anger. Would apologize profusely afterwards though.
Not big on being tied up himself, but likes tying someone else up a bit. Nothing crazy besides handcuffs. Any further and he feels like he's taking advantage/being taken advantage of.
PRAISE!!! Loves to receive it, especially if he's being focused on or on the more submissive side.
A giver. He's not selfish, and feels bad if the other is not feeling good as well. Would most likely give more than he ever receives.
Not picky. As long as you are clean and consenting, he'll eat out if offered/allowed. Hair? Doesn't matter. Menstruating? Good thing he's low on iron. And you best believe that he is not stopping until you either push him away or are begging.
Thick, as expected. A little bit over 6" long. Prominent veins.
Trimmed, not shaved. Yes there is a difference.
Has a bit of a happy trail, and veins appear on v-line when hard.
Aftercare game ranges on how much he and his partner did, and their relationship. Hookups are usually left to take care of themselves and he leaves quickly. If Jason is serious about someone, he'll grab a washcloth, urge the other to use the bathroom (and maybe carry them if they're tired), and stay for cuddles.
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pillsandumbrellas · 2 months
Could you extend on the fat/water for fuel thing you said while fasting please?? Also, some tips? Like you've done this for such a long time it's so impressive
I'm not 100% sure what you're referring to. I'm assuming you're asking about what your body requires to function while still fasting. I'll go into a lot of detail regarding this since I feel like it's important. First of all I'd like to preface this by stating that everyone is different. Some people have deficiencies or immune issues or blood pressure.. the list goes on issues. Before even considering a fast, know your body and it's requirements. I would hate for someone to read anything I write and take my word for it and do something that harms them. I couldn't live that, so please do your research. Regarding what your body needs; if you're already a very thin person, don't fast. You have to understand that when you're eating, your body is burning calories for fuel. When you're not eating, it switches to burning fat. This is ketosis. A lot of the goal of a ketogenic diet is to switch the body over to burning fat for fuel. This is the biggest reason for why people have a really goddamn hard time the first few days of fasting or even starting keto. What people refer to as "keto-flu." It's your body protesting against your switching over to burning fat, when burning calories is so much easier and it's instant energy. Burning fat is a lot more work. So, if you're already thin, your body won't have much fat to burn through. What your body will do instead if burn through muscle and organ tissue. You REALLY do not want that. Bear in mind that even if you have fat deposits, muscle loss is likely to occur anyway, as your body may burn through muscle it thinks you don't necessarily have use for. If you go past a 36h fast, autophagy also begins to occur where your body starts to heal itself. I personally love this and have healed my acne scars through this. I had really bad acne scars and now I have maybe a couple I can see if I look reaaally closely. Putting that aside. You need hydration A LOT of water, and you need fasting minerals (electrolytes). These are mainly sodium, magnesium, and potassium. Now I personally just make snake juice at home, because I like control over what I put inside myself. Water=2L | Potassium chloride =1 tsp | Sodium chloride = 1/2 tsp | Sodium Bicarbonate = 1 tsp Magnesium Sulphate = 1/2 tsp Now it's up to a person to know how long they can fast and how long they should fast, however if you're planning an extended fast. I cannot stress enough to get a general check-up, get professional help during your fast if you can, and monitor your blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Some things I experienced through my many fasts has been throwing up by the way. Usually around day 7-14. I was able to fix this with a mixture of a table spoon of apple cider vinegar and pickle juice. I couldn't drink snake juice anymore, because it was too concentrated it made me feel ill. However the pickle juice had enough minerals to keep me satiated without being overwhelming and the apple cider vinegar balanced me out. No these do not break the fast. This is medically proven to aid with fasting, I didn't just come up with this btw. Also you may find yourself bloated with water as you lose weight and your body decides that it wants to fill the fat you lost with water. Potassium supplements can help with this. Just be careful with your dosage. Little goes a long way. You will pee A LOT. This is normal. You'll pee a lot in the beginning of your fast, as you drop water weight, especially when you got to bed. It slows down towards the middle when your body starts packing on the water. Potassium makes you start the hose again though. Anyway I hope this helps some people, gives some insight. Be careful. Take care of your bodies. Don't be stupid. I can do stupid things, but I try to be a self-aware and well informed idiot. That way I don't have anyone but myself to blame, because I know better.
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bigfatdenial · 6 months
Big Fat Denial
I was overweight as a child up until I was 22. At my heaviest, I felt fine; I had no mobility issues, I walked to work every day, I had lots of energy, etc (I just ate more calories than I burned, so I was fat). I lost weight and managed to keep it off for the most part through proper nutrition and exercise.
Fast forward 20+ years later, I gained weight during the pandemic (being sedentary as a result of working from home, eating heavily processed comfort foods, and drinking wine). I let myself go. Because of the weight, my health went to absolute shit - FAST. I began to experience
Joint Pain.
Sleep Apnea.
Constant WHEEZING.
Acid Reflux.
High Blood Pressure.
I couldn't stand for very long due to the pain and pressure in my lower back. I had problems with my balance. My digestive system was a mess. I hurt just getting out of bed every morning. I would wake up gasping for air like I forgot how to breathe. The acid reflux was kind of my breaking point because it already sucked trying to sleep with the joint pain, wheezing, and fear of waking up gasping - now I felt like my esophagus was melting as well.
I went back to my trusty TDEE calculations and stuck to a diet of 1500-1700 calories per day* (lots of lean protein and bulky vegetables, as well as carbs because carbs are important). Once I lost the weight, guess what disappeared?
Joint Pain.
Sleep Apnea.
Constant WHEEZING.
Acid Reflux.
High Blood Pressure.
I see a lot of young fat-positive people out there who brag that they "feel fine" being fat and that they are active and happy. That may be the case now. It's going to be a different situation once you get older. Our bodies are not meant to be excessively fat. We need health at every size - but we are not healthy at every size.
*This TDEE is based on my personal stats and may not be suitable for everyone. This included 3 full meals plus snacks and was not in any way restrictive or caused "starvation." If you want to create a caloric deficit in order to lose/maintain weight, speak with a nutritionist to come up with personalized meal plans.
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deepwithintheabyss · 7 months
re weight gain and bats: Dick's weight loss and strict eating habits as a sign of Bruce's control over his mind and his mind, of Bruce's gaze on his body. Dick's weight gain with Slade as a sign of his liberation from Bruce's control and gaze and of his improving body image
Now on ao3 too
Dick had grown up with rigidous meal plans and a minimum amount of what he should eat. It just came with being someone who was very physical active. This hadn't changed when his parents died and he came under the care of Bruce Wayne, if anything his food intake was only micro-managed more. The man drew up many plans as to how much he should eat if he was to go out as Robin.
Once when he had moved out, it had seemed like an act of rebellion to go against those plans, to disregard them and eat whatever he wanted and how much he wanted. He didn't try and force himself to to eat anymore even when all he wanted was to throw up or just go to sleep. He just, existed, as if he was solely unaffected by it all.
But he wasn't, soon he began to loose weight, fast. He had dizzy spells and moments of uneasy that left him breathless. Some days he didn't even have enough energy to try and get out of bed to eat something, even if his stomach seemed to rebel at the idea of filling it.
He was in a very bad place, only the almost concerned comments of Deathstroke managed to break through him. He must have been a truly pathetic sight to see if the other man decided he had to go easy on him.
So he tried to get his live back under control, tried to connect to the new Robin (as reculant as he still was about it) tried to get his weight back. And just when he was able to wrangle himself into at least eating a small portion daily.
Jason died.
It was as if he never had made any progress, he was sent back to square one but this time he was haunted by nightmares and hallucinations as well.
Even if he had wanted to he wouldn't have been able to heave himself out of it on his own.
The lonelieness ate at him more than the hunger ever did.
Bruce accusing him didn't help, and as sweet Timmy was, he was just a child. It shouldn't have been his responsibility at all to take care of a grown man, let alone two.
So Dick didn't tell him, oh he was aware that he might have some idea, that Bruce and Alfred at knew how bad he was off. But he wouldn't make this Tim's responsibility.
Even without Tim actively helping Dick noticed he started to get better, he was nowwhere near fine, but his own desire to ensure Tim was well taken care of and fed meant that each time he was visited by the little rascal (which was many times) he found himself eating at least something.
Over the years Dick got better at regulating what he ate, he drew up plans not unlike what Bruce had done for him and set himself reminders. He bought cheap shakes and other food that would have Alfred frown at him in distace even if it did it's job.
But he knew he would never be fine again. It had damaged something in him and he often still struggled with keeping to his plans each time he came to blows with Bruce, or had a bad day at patrol.
Surprisingly enough it was Slade Wilson, Deathstroke, who helped him heal and finally gain more than the bare minimum of weight.
The man would bring food with him each time before, or after they fucked, excusing it as just paying him back for all the calories he was about to burn. Bit Dick knew better, he knew the other man cared, had known for years, from the first time Slade had realized Dick was about to pass out from lack of food and had helped him get home all those years ago.
Overtime as their visits to each other would grow more frequent, Dick started to gain actually weight. He couldn't help but admire himself in the mirror each time it caught his attention.
Gone was the taut skin over his rips, that had the bones peeking through. It was padded with a healthy layer of fat now that had a little give to it.
As he grew more, domenistic, with Slade so to say, he even found that he was forming a little belly! His regular eating, enforced by the other man, and lack of physical activity, save for the few times he went out allowed his body to finally store some of the food he ate instead of burning through it instantly.
He hadn't been able to poke and grab at it in fascination, lost in his head as he realized how much he had grown over the years and away from Bruce's control.
Only two hot, possesive hands, laying down besides him had torn him out of his musing. Dick was well aware of what his healthy body did to the other man, as was evident by the hard cock being pressed into the small of his back as Slade crowded him closer so he could roam all over his body.
Dick let out a happy humm as he leaned his full weight onto the other man, trusting Slade to hold him up as he closed his eyes in content.
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vanamozblr · 4 days
tips how i lost 18kg (39lbs) easily in a 1 and a half months ɞ˚‧。⋆
- I started off being 78.4kg (172lbs) and now I'm 60.2kg (132lbs)
-i had no food intake calorie limit, this significantly lowerd my stress but instead i focused to burning 300 calories at least per day, the human body naturally burns about 1500 cals per day, so I had on average 1800 cals burned per day.
-I mainly went on walks and sometimes did light running. Also, I did exeriecises in bed while on my phone, such as side leg raises, half bridge pose, I did them many times a day for 10mins each. I also occasionally did actual work outs but i didn't do them like everyday.
-I fasted for 8 hours every day immediately from waking up to about when my family came home/i got out from school, I had a lot of water and black coffee with ⅓ teaspoon of sugar & diet coke during this time.
-I never ate if someone was not looking. to not concern people i only had omad with my family and I ate as much as I needed to, sometimes I ate tiniest amount or even got a second plateful, you shouldn't count cals but insted analyze how much you need to survive to the next time you eat. and also it depends on the food, like if we had pizza I only took one small slice, but if we had salad and mashed potatoes, I took more of those. analyze how much energy the food will give you instead of how many calories it has.
-to avoid binging distract yourself, sleep, draw, read, watch movies, pretend you are an super model, girlblog, do enything fun and entertaining to forget to eat and make the time pass!
- finally romantize the EVER LOVING SHIT out of your life, love the feeling of being melancholic and hungry, make 📌pintrest boards of how you want to look like, think about how perfect you'll be when you're finally at you gw. everytime you feel like binging try to look im the future at the life you'll live and how amazing it will be<3
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