#twilight of the demigods
demigodforfend · 3 months
Twilight of the Demigods: Forfend Edition - Session 30
"Took you all a while to get back here," Howell started. "So what have you all been doing these past several hours?"
"I took some time to do some smithing. New weapons. New armor." It took a short step forward. "More importantly, however, may I cast Remove Curse on you?"
"Why?" Howell paused. "Oh. For the... Yeah, go ahead."
Forfend nodded. It approached and gently touched Howell's shoulder.
Magic coursed from it with a soft orange glow and spread throughout Howell's body. With all the practice it had gotten recently, Forfend recognized Despot Falco's demigod magic immediately. It seized the malignant energy and crushed it out.
Forfend withdrew its oversized hand and tilted its head at Howell.
Howell's one visible eye squinted. He glanced himself over and patted his chest. "That was, ah, that was a bit weird. Is it gone now?"
Forfend nodded. "Feels better?"
Howell shrugged. He shuffled foot to foot. "A bit of warm magic flooded through me, so I guess it feels better." He blinked, touching his chest again. "Unless you're burning me alive from the inside out."
Forfend recoiled at the idea. It vehemently shook its head. "No! No, of course not!"
"Alright, then I think I feel better," he decided.
Forfend nodded quickly.
"You did crafting," Howell restated, gesturing at Forfend. "What about the rest of you guys? Also, who's this one?"
He cocked his head at Vesper, eyeing the purple tiefling and his basket of what was clearly Howell's giant arrows.
Vesper's tail straightened and fluffed up as his whole back went briefly rigid. He seemed to put effort into schooling himself back into a more relaxed position.
The whole display happened with such speed Forfend wondered if anyone else had seen it.
Vesper stared awkwardly at Howell for a moment, then looked to Forfend.
"This is Vesper," Forfend took the hint and introduced the anxious man. "He is a new ally of ours."
"Vesper," Howell tested out the name.
He strode straight to Vesper and stared up into his face, scrutinizing. "What can you do?"
"Well," Vesper almost mumbled. He cleared his throat and spoke with more confidence, "There is the casting of magic. There is the speaking with the dead. And there is the... carrying these." He shuffled the bundle of arrows, causing them to clank against each other.
Speaking with the dead. That was certainly an interesting talent. Befitting of an undertaker, but concerning just the same.
Forfend hoped Vesper wasn't a necromancer.
"It is a pleasure to meet you," Vesper finished.
"Those mine?" Howell asked despite obviously knowing the answer.
"Yes. You want them back?"
Howell drew in a deep breath. He seemed to assess Vesper's posture again. "I can always make more. Besides, you could use them to stab someone with."
"That is a possibility." Vesper reconsidered the arrows in his arms and nodded to himself.
Howell turned to Melzaryn. He gestured over Vesper, but also to Forfend and Kagoshi. "You trust them?"
Melzaryn hummed to himself for a moment before deciding to nod.
"That's good enough for me," Howell said. "I've gone ahead and hired some mercenaries who should be able to turn the tide of battle for us. They're from the Valley of Glass, so they're adept in arcane arts as well as martial combat. They should be able to make do. They're already waiting inside the Teleportation Hub." He folded his arms. "So what's the plan? How are we getting back?"
Forfend looked immediately to Melzaryn.
Melzaryn spread his hands. "I intend to provide some means of magical teleportation. There are a few options and I'm not sure which one we'll need to take yet. One is almost risk free. Another is probably only dangerous to me. The last one could endanger all of us. We'll see."
"How many could each one transport?" Howell asked.
"Depends." Melzaryn smiled his unhelpful, inscrutable smile.
"What exactly are the options?" Howell pressed.
"My mother is searching for a magic item that would be able to get us all there. It would only work once, but it's pretty much a guaranteed safe bet. I could also request the college's help, but I'd have to pay them back somehow. That's the risky part. And the last option is to get help from my sister." Melzaryn grinned again, but he looked decidedly nervous this time.
"Your sister?" Howell schooled his tone firmly into neutral but his expression betrayed his own apprehension even through the wealth of cloth over his face.
"Yeah, I'm sure that she can build something," Melzaryn said. He shrugged. "It just might explode."
"It explodes... or we explode?"
"Now that's the question, isn't it?" Melzaryn giggled, but everyone else took an unsettled half-step back.
"That's also not really an answer," Howell grumbled.
"I'll give you a proper answer just as soon as I have one."
"Great," Howell deadpanned.
"I mean, this one hasn't exploded." Melzaryn gestured to a mechanical snake curled across his shoulders.
The constructed creature moved and acted with all the grace and watchfulness of the flesh and bone animal it was modeled after. Frankly, Forfend was impressed. The machinated rarely emulated the natural so fluidly.
It was curious how Moli could both be so skilled and apparently so dangerous. Maybe she was like Fletch and sometimes let her eccentricity take her further than she should.
Howell watched the metal serpent for a moment. He scratched at the back of his neck. "Have you heard back from anybody yet?"
"Not yet, no," Melzaryn shook his head. "Of course, I also haven't asked Moli yet. That's a bit of a last resort. I'm more or less expecting my mother to contact me when she's ready."
The mechanical snake's head suddenly swiveled toward Melzaryn. Its jaw dropped open.
"Hey, uh, Mel?" Moli asked in a tinny voice that seemed to originate from somewhere within the snake's mouth. "I think Mom wants to talk to you? Here, hold on." Her voice grew more muffled. "Here, Mom, just speak into this."
"Is this working?" someone, presumably Melzaryn's mother, nearly yelled. The tinny, buzzing voice screeched sharply when the volume grew too loud for the speaker. "Hello? Mel? Is this working?"
"It is working," Moli promised. "Just speak into the--"
"Hello?" the speaker squealed painfully loudly as Melzaryn's mother raised her voice even further.
"You don't have to yell!" Moli sounded exasperated. "Just speak into it. You got it."
"Hello, Mel." This time the volume was finally at a level the speaker could properly process.
Apparently unfazed by the uncoordinated back-and-forth, Melzaryn simply replied, "Excellent timing. We were just wondering when and how this would happen."
"Of course, darling," Melzaryn's mother hummed. "I was able to procure a magic item for you from one of the deeper vaults. It's a spell scroll of Teleport, or, well, moreso Teleportation Circle. It should let you Teleport everyone in your group to a location of your choosing."
Melzaryn glanced around the group and mentally counted out everyone who would be returning. "It'll definitely take everyone?"
"It's something of an experimental spell. Very high level. It's almost a mix between the two spells, taking aspects from both. According to the description I've got here, you simply draw the magic circle on the ground using the spell scroll and anyone who'd like to be transported needs to walk through it within six seconds. You need to have your intended location in mind when you draw the circle and you need to be familiar with it. You wouldn't want to appear in the middle of the aether." She giggled. "I'm sure you'll be able to handle it, son."
"Utterly fascinating," Melzaryn nodded once.
"I did have to pull some strings in order to procure it," she said, "but this will do for your use, correct?"
Melzaryn glanced at Howell, a sly smile on his face.
"If it's a circle, it should fit all of us," Howell figured. "Well, the big one may have some trouble." He tilted his head toward Forfend. "But I think it should still work."
Forfend hummed quietly to itself.
"Excellent," Melzaryn nodded again. "That sounds perfect."
"Splendid!" his mother announced. "Absolutely Splendid!" Her voice grew very quiet, distant. "Moli, do you have a way of transporting this to your brother?"
"Yeah, of course. I've got it, Mom," Moli answered. "I'll send another bird. I'll have to make another bird... It'll be fine! Don't worry about it."
"Thank you. Melzaryn, be safe and do arrive home again relatively soon. But most importantly, don't get stabbed. Or, if you do get stabbed, let me know."
Melzaryn sighed. "Trust me, I'm not looking for a third stab wound," he grumbled bitterly.
"Please do be careful," his mother begged.
"I'll do my best," Melzaryn promised.
"Thank you." Her voice grew quiet again. "Moli, how do I turn this off?"
"Don't touch--" Moli cut herself off with a gasp. "Here, just let me, uh--"
The speaker made a loud boop and the snake snapped its mouth closed.
"So does that mean we're just waiting for something?" Howell asked.
"Well, the last time anything bird-related showed up, it was a bit weird," Melzaryn offered. "It bumped into a window, I let it in, and it gave me things. I assume we're waiting for that."
Right on cue, a mechanical bird tumbled to the ground at Melzaryn's feet. It rolled twice, bounced back upright, spread its wings, and shook itself off.
"And that right there is the reason Moli had to rebuild it," Melzaryn noted.
He crouched down and held his hand out.
The bird's head popped forward and craned upward on thin metal scaffolds that ejected from the neck. Once it was eye-level with Melzaryn, its beak dropped open.
"Hello. This is for you," it said in a voice too deep and too monotonous.
Forfend hoped it wasn't that disconcerting when it spoke.
"Caw," the bird added after a moment of thought.
The creature spread its wings again and a panel on its back popped open. A metal grasper thrust from within the compartment beneath, a spell scroll in its clenched metal prongs.
The second Melzaryn's fingers brushed the scroll, the grasper released it.
"Thank you," he told the bird. He turned around to address the group. "Alright, so–"
"On a scale of one to ten," the bird suddenly piped up again, "how would you rate my performance?"
"Right, um..." Melzaryn looked the little creature over.
"That landing was definitely a three," Kagoshi commented.
Melzaryn touched the scuffed, dented stone floor where the bird had landed and nodded his agreement.
"I'm going to have to give you an eight for this one," he decided.
"Understood." The mechanical beast seemed slightly disappointed not to have gotten a perfect score. "Self-destructing."
"Whoa, okay!" Melzaryn rapidly scrambled backwards.
Something inside the mechanical bird exploded, bloating the metal with the barely-contained force. The creature fell into a thousand tiny broken pieces.
Vesper raised an eyebrow at the scene. He plucked a card from the ever-shuffling deck in his hands, frowned at it, and tucked it away again.
Forfend knelt down to inspect the shattered metal. "Why destroy the creature and the material like this?"
It didn't get an answer.
Melzaryn was already busy unrolling the spell scroll and realizing it was much larger than it first appeared. "Oh, this is a big one."
"Why is it a carpet?" Kagoshi grumbled.
"Big writing?" Melzaryn guessed. "I don't want to open it fully up until we're ready to use it."
"Well, now's the time, isn't it?" Howell prodded. "We're on a pretty tight time constraint, aren't we? We're in a hurry. We need to move as fast as we can."
Melzaryn nodded. "That's true."
"Then what are we waiting for?" As soon as the words left Howell's mouth, he straightened up and looked toward the Teleportation Hub.
"Probably the rest of that group you mentioned," Melzaryn teased.
"Right." Howell sheepishly scratched the back of his head. "Let me go get my guys."
With that, he left.
A few minutes later, he returned with a trio of mercenaries dressed very similar to himself. All of them were covered in fabric that would blend easily with the desert sands.
One stark difference, though, was that none of them obscured their faces the way Howell chose to.
Some of them wore bits and pieces of armor sporting metal that was such sharply polished silver that it resembled glass more than anything else.
The mercenaries sized up Forfend and its allies.
Kagoshi returned the sentiment, watching them all with a vaguely hostile air.
Forfend knelt and nodded politely to them.
"So you're the ones that hired us to help kill a despot king, yes?" one of them said, stepping forward slightly. "A bit of regicide?"
"Yes," Kagoshi growled. "Preferably with my bare hands."
The mercenary's eyes lit up. "Ooh, this'll be fun!"
Another mercenary swatted him on the back of the head. "Hey! We're being professional here!"
"Ah, let me have a bit of fun. Anyway, I'm ready to go whenever you are."
"I like this one," Kagoshi said.
The first mercenary grinned uncannily.
"Don't encourage him," the second sighed.
"Why not?" Kagoshi questioned.
"He killed a cat yesterday."
Forfend startled. It looked to Howell, who grimaced, and then to the third mercenary, who maintained the same flat silence he'd held this entire time.
Forfend hissed steam deep and slow.
It seemed they had a quiet mercenary, a serious one, and a crazy one. What a combination.
"Reprehensible," Forfend finally found its voice.
Vesper glared at the unhinged mercenary, his tail swishing swiftly beneath his cloak.
Melzaryn found himself an interesting ceiling tile to observe.
"Alright, well, fuck this guy," Kagoshi changed his mind.
"Like I said: don't encourage him," the serious mercenary reiterated.
"Aw, come on, it was just one little creature," the crazy one complained. "It was stealing our food."
"I gave it that food!" the serious one snapped.
Vesper narrowed his eyes. "You know, you are a little creature compared to some and I'm sure you will bleed the same."
"I guarantee it," the crazy one hissed, reveling in the idea. "Can't wait."
Forfend shuddered, humming its disapproval in a low tone.
"Please don't encourage him," the serious one begged.
"That's some serious sadomasochism," Melzaryn noted.
"You have no idea."
Vesper shared a glance with the quiet mercenary and subtly shook his head. He paused a moment and tilted his head. He tilted further, further, until he threatened to knock himself off balance. He stumbled, straightened, and awkwardly cleared his throat.
Forfend cocked its own head at the odd behavior and the quiet mercenary seemed to share its confusion.
Vesper pointedly looked at no one, his ears tilted down and burning red.
"Are you alright?" it asked.
Vesper gestured vaguely at the quiet mercenary. "The... The kit-- The cat."
"What cat?" Kagoshi asked.
Vesper's tail slowed and disappeared beneath his cloak. "Nevermind."
"Alright." Kagoshi shrugged. "You're being weird, but alright."
"No weirder than you."
"That is true," Forfend nodded.
Kagoshi huffed. "What did I do?! I haven't done anything yet!"
"The key word is yet," Howell mumbled.
"The plan is to kill a disgraced king! I plan to do that!" Kagoshi seemed to be trying to get them back on track in his own strange way.
"It will be a fun hobby to pick up," Vesper added.
"Oh yes, regicide!" the unhinged mercenary shouted with almost lustful glee.
"Shut up!" the serious one yelled.
Kagoshi jabbed a finger into the crazy mercenary's chest. "You shut the fuck up before you're next on the list."
The man raised his chin and grinned. "Oh, come on now, we're all on the same side for the moment, aren't we?"
"No," Vesper said immediately.
"Only until Falco's dead," Kagoshi contradicted.
Melzaryn looked over everyone and folded his arms neatly behind his back. "Well, it's going to be a battlefield. A lot will go down and a lot will go unseen. Watch your own backs."
The quiet mercenary looked pointedly at the crazy one and stared daggers.
Forfend wondered if all Howell's mercenaries would be making it back from this, or if one of them would intentionally allow the unhinged one to disappear.
"We're wasting daylight," Howell interjected. "What are we doing? Are we leaving?" He paused and glanced over his little band of mercenaries before looking apologetically back to Melzaryn. "Also, if you're wondering why I got these guys, it's because they're the only ones who'd do this job for only a favor in return. I don't have any money on me right now. It was pretty much all taken."
Melzaryn chuckled. "They'll manage. Probably. Is everyone prepared?"
"As prepared as we are going to be," Forfend hummed. "Unless we would like to discuss a plan first."
"Do any of you guys have one?" Howell asked. "Because I'm going to be completely frank, I have no idea how to fight what we're going to fight."
"Well, in my experience, it's just attack and don't let Falco touch you. Unless you have a way to turn off magic items, that's about all we've got," Melzaryn said.
Howell nodded. "Before we try to come up with anything solid, we should scout the place out first. Try to get the lay of the land."
"Luckily, I don't intend to drop us into the middle of the fight," Melzaryn shared. "So we should be good there."
"Where are you dropping us?"
"There's a resistance outside Cragwall and my staff was imbued with magic there. I should be able to use that as a focus to get us back there." Melzaryn trailed his fingers along the staff and fiddled with its odd spinning chamber.
"Alright. Ready and waiting," Howell reported. He glanced over at his band of mercenaries.
The crazy one nodded eagerly. The quiet one continued to glare at him. The serious one simply nodded.
"Everybody group up close together then," Melzaryn ordered. "I'm not sure exactly how big this thing will be or if it'll activate immediately."
Everyone huddled tightly against each other.
Melzaryn unfurled the scroll in one smooth motion. He crouched down over the enormous thing and read the runes adorning the elaborate magic circle.
"Great." Melzaryn straightened. "Everyone, get into place around the scroll. When I tap my staff to the center, it'll activate and we'll all need to go through it as quickly as we can."
Everyone spread out.
Melzaryn reached out to touch his staff to the circle, but paused. He looked pointedly at the unhinged mercenary who nearly vibrated with anticipation. "A reminder: no stabbing until we tell you to."
The mercenary deflated, pouting. "Okay, fine."
"Most of the Envema members are victims," Forfend added. "Actually, I believe they all are, save Despot Falco himself."
"I wasn't worried about Envema. I'm worried about the genasi we're about to meet," Melzaryn griped.
"I am worried about everyone around this man. He has already murdered a cat.”
"It was stealing food," the man in question whined.
"I gave it to him!" the serious mercenary yelled.
Melzaryn stepped into the circle and touched his staff to it before the argument could progress any further.
Immediately, a beam of pearlescent white magic consumed him.
Kagoshi stepped through right on Melzaryn's heels, his form dissipating as he passed through the magic.
Howell and his band went next.
Forfend turned to Vesper, but he was watching it.
It nodded and stepped into the circle.
White filled its vision like a blanket of snow and a sense of weightlessness whisked it off its feet.
A moment later, all of its considerable bulk came back to it. Uneven ground slipped from beneath its overlarge feet. It fell with a resounding thud.
Ko'Dan rose, pulling himself together out from beneath the group's intruding feet.
"Apologies," Melzaryn yelped as he deftly leapt off Ko'Dan.
Kagoshi managed his own graceful landing.
The quiet mercenary gasped and tumbled onto his rear much like Forfend had.
Howell and the rest of the mercenaries managed to stagger off the rising tower of emerald and stone and vine.
Vesper slipped and scrambled on all fours like a startled animal to flee the huge elemental.
Ko'Dan, startled by their sudden appearance, clasped his fists together and bore down on the first thing he saw.
Unfortunately, that was Forfend.
It didn't flinch. This was their fault for landing on him.
Luckily, Ko'Dan recognized it and halted just short of striking it.
"I am sorry," Forfend hummed, ducking its head.
Ko'Dan stepped back, a rockfall tumbling as he spoke his language. He eyed the lot of them with his featureless gem-and-vine face.
Forfend rose slowly to its feet and dusted itself off. "Again, I apologize. We have returned to help."
The sound of ice cracking and wind howling escaped Ko'Dan as he cocked his head to inspect the gaggle of new additions: Kagoshi, Howell, Vesper, and the three mercenaries.
Vesper's tail bristled, the fur standing like hackles. He looked outwardly calm, but he stood as far from Ko'Dan as he could. He was scared. Terrified, even.
Forfend found itself wondering why. Vesper hadn't responded so severely to meeting it and Ko'Dan was larger, more regal, more imposing than it was, but not by some immeasurable margin.
He only demanded a little more respect and reverence, and it was surely owed to him. He was not a person to be feared by an ally of the genasi.
Ko'Dan made a sound like dust settling after a sandstorm. He looked out over the group of staring genasi and raised one enormous hand as he voiced the clamor of a torrential downpour.
The genasi startled, backing away.
Forfend grimly noted how many of them were injured.
A genasi with rose quartz hair and beach white skin recognized Forfend and Melzaryn. He cautiously approached.
"Oh, the saviors are here!" he said.
Forfend's chest lit up reddish-orange. It wasn't wholly certain how it felt about such a title. There was so much more work to be done before anyone could be considered saved.
"Who are the newcomers?" the genasi questioned. "Are you alright?"
The man's arm was immobilized in a sling, but he was worried for them after they'd only suffered an embarrassing entrance.
"Are you?" it asked, healing magic warming its fingertips. It held back the urge to expend the magic now. The injury was far from fatal and Forfend would need every last drop of divine energy to stop Despot Falco.
"Yes," he nodded. "Though a number of us were injured defending the people, but now you're here to help!"
"To the best of our ability," it hummed.
The genasi looked past Forfend to Ko'dan. "I'm getting a little ahead of myself. Our protector, Ko'dan, was wondering whether or not the new ones here could be trusted."
"Yes," Forfend answered immediately.
"Understood," the genasi smiled.
Forfend suddenly thought better of its statement.
"Well, keep an eye on him." It pointed out the unhinged mercenary.
"Why?" the crazy mercenary whined.
"He killed a cat," Kagoshi supplied.
The genasi man grimaced. He translated to Ko'Dan in the rustle of dry fall leaves.
Ko'Dan visibly recoiled. He stared harshly down at the unstable mercenary.
Howell sighed and dragged a heavy hand down his cloth-covered face. "They were the only ones who'd work for only the promise of a favor."
Ko'Dan rattled like branches in a hurricane and pointed toward the exit.
"He says River and the others are at the entrance to the lair," the genasi translated. "They're keeping an eye out, but as far as we can tell, Envema doesn't know the location of this place."
Forfend nodded once. "Good."
"Time may change that," Kagoshi said, unnecessarily ominous.
"Let us hope not," Forfend hummed.
Ko'Dan rumbled and thundered in much the same way as a volcano.
"Ko'Dan thanks you," the genasi said. "We were able to retrieve Ry'Ha'Dach, though he's slumbering due to his injuries."
Forfend's chest lit up briefly orange. It was glad to know Ry'Ha'Dach was safe, even if he was too wounded to fight. He would see another day. The genasi hadn't lost him.
"Who is that again?" Kagoshi asked.
Forfend hissed a heavy bout of steam. "The dragon. The emerald dragon."
"That the guy that tried to fight King Fuckwit?"
"He did fight Despot Falco, yes." Forfend stared down at Kagoshi, both irritated and concerned by his flippant regard of their draconic friend.
"He didn't exactly win though, did he?" Kagoshi growled.
"Did you?" Vesper snapped.
"Definitively, we did not," Forfend answered.
Kagoshi scoffed, closing in on himself and letting his deep-set rage burrow even further beneath his skin. "No, but I get a second round," he hissed murderously.
Ko'Dan grumbled and rushed and cracked like a tidal wave sweeping through a forest, his broad shoulders squaring as he loomed over Kagoshi.
"I think Ry'Ha'Dach has been through quite enough," Forfend said.
Slowly, Ko'Dan ceased his disastrous-sounding speech and settled back down. He didn't take his baleful gaze off Kagoshi.
Forfend apologized to Ko'Dan for Kagoshi's behavior and turned from the conversation. "I am going to speak with the people who have been fighting out in the city. They will be able to tell us what has been happening."
Ko'Dan nodded. He rumbled as he descended back into a pile of rocks, vines, and gemstones.
Forfend picked out people who held themselves like warriors, who were still trying to keep morale up and the people organized.
Just by the looks of them though, Forfend was quite certain the battle had gone poorly.
Forfend moved through the crowd and offered up the weapons and armor it had made to anyone still abled enough to use them.
Whether the genasi would be fighting again soon or not didn't matter. They needed their damaged gear replaced either way.
It spoke to several of the more seasoned fighters as it made its rounds, until it had a decent understanding of what had occurred in its absence.
Kiyori had valiantly defended the Teleportation Hub, but she'd had to leave her post to retrieve Ry'Ha'Dach. In that interval, many genasi had been severely wounded.
River was among them.
Jewel and Flint were also too wounded to fight.
Despite its inquiries, no one seemed to be certain how Kiyori fared.
Forfend worried for her. She was exceptionally powerful, but still as mortal as itself. It hoped she hadn't been hurt.
Melzaryn popped up at Forfend's side. "We're going to have to speak to the leaders about what happens after all this."
Forfend nodded, humming low in its center. "The whole of the government will need to be restructured. King Maggard Stormrike may take this as a strike upon his kingdom. It may all get worse before it gets better."
Melzaryn smiled his inscrutable smile and made for the exit.
Kagoshi and Vesper were already making their way out with the mercenaries right on their heels.
Forfend decided to follow Melzaryn before they all left it behind.
As they made their way through the caves, trailing a ways behind Vesper and Kagoshi, Forfend noticed there were more and more people crowding every open cavern.
These people were almost all human, with smatterings of elves, gnomes, halflings, and dwarves amongst them. There were almost no genasi here. And there had been only genasi in the last chamber. They were separating themselves from one another.
Despite all being trapped beneath the thumb of the same wretched despot, despite suffering the exact same situation, they held onto their petty prejudices.
Forfend found itself disappointed in Cragwall.
Kagoshi, Vesper, and the mercenaries disappeared through the illusion covering the cave entrance ahead of them.
Melzaryn idled along. He didn't seem to be in any special hurry to catch up with the others.
Forfend felt a touch more rushed and worried, but it tried to maintain the calm it would need in the coming battle.
The world shimmered around it as they finally passed through the illusion themselves.
Melzaryn continued on, unfazed by the oddity of the magics.
Forfend paused to catch its bearings.
It spotted Kiyori kneeling on a tree stump, her sword embedded in the earth by her side and her eyes fixated firmly on the route to Cragwall. She stood sentinel, ever ready.
The best Forfend could tell, she was unharmed.
It hummed to announce its presence.
Kiyori cocked her head slightly in acknowledgement and continued her dead set staring.
Melzaryn eyed her blade as he passed by the unsheathed weapon. He nodded to himself and looked up at Kiyori. "A lot of things are about to start happening very, very quickly," he started. "I think it's best the leading parties speak with each other sooner rather than later about what follows Falco's fall. Who do I need to see?"
Kiyori's gaze never wavered from the woods in front of her. She ripped her blade from the ground, gestured to the cabin with it, and returned it to its place buried in the dirt.
"Understood." Melzaryn turned on his heel and strode into the hideout.
Vesper and Kagoshi already stood outside, but neither of them seemed inclined to enter.
Forfend nodded to them both as it followed Melzaryn.
Immediately, Jewel startled awake and thrust a blade at them. She gasped when she recognized them. Her shortsword quickly rediscovered its sheath as she settled back into her chair by the door.
"Oh, it's you," she breathed a sigh of relief.
"Hello," Forfend greeted.
Jewel was heavily bandaged and clearly fighting exhaustion. She needed rest. A lot of it.
"The other two are at the back," she mumbled, sleep already coaxing her eyes closed again.
She shook her head and shot up from her chair. "I'll walk you," she said suddenly.
Forfend nodded. It offered her an arm to hold if she needed assistance.
Jewel frowned at it, but only a few steps down the hallway, she decided to brace her hand against its shoulder after all.
As they rounded the corner at the back of the hideout, Forfend caught sight of River and gasped in a sharp hiss of steam.
He sat in a chair leaned back against the wall and heaved for every breath. His right arm was gone, completely gone. Blood filled the thick bandages around the stub of his shoulder and occasionally dripped onto the floor.
"Oh, good, you've returned," he panted.
Forfend fought the urge to heal him now. He was strong. He'd survive until after Despot Falco had been dealt with.
Forfend was going to need every last resource it had available to defeat the rampaging demigod. It couldn't heal River and the rest of the genasi yet. It would, it promised itself, but not yet.
"We have brought allies," it hummed.
"They are outside?"
Forfend nodded.
"Good." River groaned as he tried to sit up straighter. He grasped at his side just beneath his wound and slumped back down.
Flint knelt at River's side, grimacing at his grievous wound.
Out of all of them, he looked the least injured, but he was not unharmed.
The onyx crystals atop his head were cracked and the side of his face was bandaged. His eyes seemed to struggle to focus. He looked unsteady on his feet, dizzy, nauseous.
"What can you tell us about what has happened in Cragwall?" Forfend hummed. "What happened after we left?"
"The battle was hard fought," River answered. "Once you and the refugees escaped, he had to hold down the Teleportation Hub for as long as we could. Kiyori proved invaluable in that. She essentially held off the entirety of Despot Falco's army all by her lonesome, using the Hub's entrance as a choke point."
River made another attempt to sit up straight and managed it this time, though he had to grit his teeth against his pain.
"Then she charged out into the fray completely alone to retrieve Ry'Ha'Dach. She fought valiantly through the tide of Envema," he continued. "She succeeded, but we took heavy losses while she was away. I lost my arm saving another." He gestured to his blatant injury. "The Envema members seemed to notice my adept arcane practice and targeted me accordingly to cripple it. That proved to be a major blow to our endeavor here."
Flint dropped into his own seat and leaned in to hear the story, despite having lived the details.
River cast him a glance Forfend couldn't read and carried on with his tale, "The Abjurist, Sonya Caddel, and the Hawk Knight, Kendrick Arvad, also proved themselves invaluable. Sonya created countless barriers while Kendrick guarded any gap Kiyori couldn't. It was only due to their combined efforts that we escaped the city alive with as many as we did." River sighed heavily, sinking once again into his chair. "I don't know where they've gone now though."
He shook his head. "As far as I'm aware, the Despot himself is still residing inside his castle preparing gods only know what. I wish we had Ry'Ha'Dach to assist us, but he transformed into a human so Kiyori could carry him and he seems unable to turn back. He's still healing."
Jewel set down a map of Cragwall without being asked.
Immediately, River pointed out key points around the city.
"The entire place is overrun. I can't recommend a full-frontal assault," River said. "If anything, I'd think the best bet would be to sneak into the Mountain Quarter. What you do from there will be up to you."
Forfend hummed long and low and slow.
"The best we can tell, they don't know our whereabouts in the forest. Kiyori, though, she's worried they'll find us. She's been fighting from before you left until only a short while ago. Even now, she's out there standing guard."
Forfend nodded and shared a glance with Melzaryn. The wizard looked mildly impressed, if anything.
It, however, was concerned.
"That is all I know," River concluded.
"We know for certain that Despot Falco's intention is immortality," Forfend offered.
River considered this briefly. "I don't know how he plans to do it, but whatever he's going to try will take place within his castle. That's where he'll be safest and most secure. No interruptions."
"Oh, there's going to be an interruption," Melzaryn spoke with unexpected ferocity.
Despite himself, River almost smiled.
Flint snorted.
Jewel let a ghost of a smirk cross her tired face.
"According to the scouts I've sent out, Falco's children have returned to Cragwall," River shared.
Forfend and Melzaryn both took a moment to ponder this information.
"Concerning," Melzaryn matter-of-factly decided.
"That cannot be good," Forfend seconded. "If they are not on his side willingly, then he has certainly got them under his mind control."
"What is your plan?" River asked, his fingers steepled. "How do we proceed here?"
Forfend looked to Melzaryn.
Melzaryn chewed his lip.
"I'm not sure most of us will be of much use here. But with four demigods, you can surely accomplish something." River glanced toward the hallway. "Are Kagoshi and Kairi outside? I don't recall seeing Kairi with you when you left."
Forfend hissed steam, its core sinking low in its chest. "Kagoshi is outside. Kairi... Kairi did not survive Despot Falco's attack."
River's lips pressed tightly together. He rubbed his face. He looked to them with deep sympathy in his eyes, the sorrow of every loss laying heavy on him. "I see. I'm sorry. May she rest in peace."
Forfend hummed. It muttered a prayer for the departed in celestial.
"Still, the three of you survived and proved yourselves mighty," River offered some hope. "You could alter the course of a nation if you truly wanted to."
That was, Forfend assumed, more or less their intention at this point.
"What's the plan?" River asked again.
"Truthfully, the plan is to sneak in and fight Falco," Melzaryn shrugged. "We don't have enough information to plan beyond that. There is no more strategic-minded idea besides just winging it."
He drew in a deep breath and scratched at the back of his neck. "I think it's going to be more important to talk about what happens after. Once this is all over, things are going to happen very, very fast. I took the liberty of speaking to a sovereign from Harmonia about some potential solutions for everyone. You're about to lose a king. I'd like to cut down on the chaos where I can because the world is... not friendly."
"I understand," River responded grimly.
Melzaryn nodded. "I spoke to my mother about it. Being the son of one of the heads of the Collymore family, I've got some sway. She's willing to help us with these matters."
River paused, the gears in his mind turning as he looked over Melzaryn anew. He swallowed thickly. The gravity of who Melzaryn was settled onto him.
"Oh," he finally said.
"She suggested three possible solutions we can take after Falco's death," Melzaryn carried on as though River, Flint, and Jewel were not all still thoroughly stunned. "Of course, I have my preference and opinion on what's likely to be the best one, however, they're all viable options."
Melzaryn placed his hands on the table, leaning forward to draw all attention to himself. "I think the thing you're probably most worried about is King Maggard taking this as an attack and deciding to oust all of you from his vassal state."
All three genasi nodded.
"Well, the best solution to that is to use the rules and precedents already put into place by the Celestial Summit," Melzaryn explained. "One of the options this affords us is simply to declare war and fight it out with the Howling Plains using the Kuumedian Desert as an ally, but I'm not a huge fan of this one. It's not ideal for you or the Desert. We'll almost certainly win, but there will be a lot of loss and Tyrwedia will end up owing the Kuumedian Desert for our services."
River glanced to Jewel.
Jewel wiped her tired eyes and looked to Flint.
Flint folded his arms on the table to bury his face in them.
They all looked exhausted and well out of their depth.
Forfend also felt like it had only the vaguest notion of what Melzaryn's plan was. The genasi weren't title holders in Tyrwedia. Their power in the Land had been rather effectively stripped from them.
Melzaryn seemed to have a very clear idea on how he intended to seize that power back the second Despot Falco was dead, even if Forfend couldn't parse it.
"Another option could be for a demigod to simply assign themselves as leader of this region." For some reason, Melzaryn was watching Forfend from the corner of his eye. "That would allow them to claim the territory right out from under King Maggard and give the nation autonomy.”
The genasi also each cast a quick peek at Forfend as they considered the option.
It turned away. It may be the only local demigod they had, but it was incredibly far from the leader they needed. Everyone here knew as much, but other demigod options were effectively non-existent.
"The third option is the one I think is best," Melzaryn said. "We can form a council."
River perked up.
"As a member of a high-ranking family from another country, I'll be able to take the role of foreign emissary,” Melzaryn offered. "I won't have any more power or sway than any other member on the council, but I can provide insight and advice. You could also place Forfend on the council, since it seems he has very strong morals. Ideally, he'll play the role of tiebreaker when necessary, instead of having total control over the decisions that get made. He can bring the staying power we'll need, as the local demigod. I'd prefer my own demigod status not be disclosed, but Forfend's probably should be to give us the most possible credibility."
River rubbed his chin, his head tilting. "Maybe. If there's anyone we'd consider to be sovereign, it's Ry'Ha'Dach."
Forfend nodded its agreement. Ry'Ha'Dach was certainly more of a dependable, experienced leader than Forfend. Tiebreaking for a council didn't sound as difficult or terrifying as controlling a nation on its own, but it still wasn't sure it liked the idea of wielding that much power.
That said, the colonizers of Tyrwedia would never accept Ry'Ha'Dach as their ruler. Forfend may have an easier time in that regard.
Melzaryn opened his mouth to continue the discussion, but Forfend felt dizzied by the whole situation.
It politely ducked its head. "I will leave you to discuss while I check on our allies," it excused itself.
Forfend left as quickly as it could without drawing more attention to itself.
Outside, it found Vesper standing by the door.
"May I ask a question?"
Vesper nodded affirmatively. "You certainly may ask."
"Do you have any ideas for a plan? No one else seems to, I certainly do not, and I am concerned."
Vesper cocked his head. "Step one: place Howell at a distance because that's how he fights best. Step two: place someone in between him and Falco. I'll volunteer. I have a skill that sometimes causes people to flee from me. You should be between me and Falco. Step three: place Melzaryn opposite Howell and just as far away from Falco. Kagoshi will stay between them. Step four: cast Silence and Hold Person on Falco at any cost to prevent him from using his demigod ability. Step five: magically buff Kagoshi as much as possible."
Forfend's chest lit up. "That is brilliant, Vesper. Thank you."
"We should also try to get Falco's equipment off if we can. He'll be much less effective without it," Vesper added.
Forfend hummed thoughtfully.
Howell nodded. "Got it."
"I will tell Melzaryn," Forfend said. It pulled its Sending Stone from its belt rather than risking getting pulled back into the delicate political conversation. It was out of its depth and nervous about the role it may need to play. It had enough on its mind at the moment as it was.
"Melzaryn," it called into the Stone.
"Yes?" came the immediate reply.
It relayed Vesper's plan almost verbatim.
"That is a worthy plan of engagement with the Despot himself," River's voice sprang through the magic connection. "Getting to him will be another matter. You may be able to sneak into the Mountain Quarter, but all the tunnels into Castle Ledrian have been collapsed. There will be no sneaking inside the castle itself. The only real method left is entering directly through the front gate."
Forfend hummed anxiously.
"I'm sure that will be fine," Vesper said.
Kagoshi grunted from somewhere behind Forfend.
"If you do make it into the Mountain Quarter though," River continued, "the defenses were designed to work both ways. You can use that to your advantage. It's difficult to get in, but it's also difficult to get out. They won't be able to mobilize effectively to rally reinforcements. Once you're inside, you should be safe from that threat, though I can't say what others you may face."
Vesper chewed his lip and wandered away from the conversation.
"So what exactly is the fucking plan?” Kagoshi gruffed. It seemed he hadn't been listening.
Forfend actually wasn't certain where he'd milled off to or when he'd come back.
"The outside of the Mountain Quarter is heavily guarded," River informed them. "They're using their sheer numbers as a threat to keep us away, and I must say that it's working. We couldn't possibly handle a deluge of forces like that. Stealth will be paramount in getting past them. The tunnels beneath have all been collapsed, but perhaps you could find another option."
"I might have some suggestions," Melzaryn's voice wafted through the Stone.
"Something I've observed that might be helpful is that most of Falco's puppets are of unsound minds. There are some that seem to possess more free will and more intelligence to go along with it," River continued, "but the more control Falco has, the less functional his puppets seem to be. He has to make things simple for them or they fail to find their way. Hence, the open main gate into the Mountain Quarter, but the closed gate into the castle itself. His most intelligent personnel are being kept close at hand."
"So if we collapse the Mountain Quarter gate, the fodder will be too stupid to find a way into the castle to provide reinforcements," Melzaryn stated. "We won't have to hurt them or worry about them causing problems. We'll only have to deal with whoever's already inside."
"Noted," Forfend hummed. It considered the possibility.
Between the enchantment it had added to its mace, Kagoshi's raw strength, and Melzaryn's propensity for targeted destruction, bringing down the gate should prove fairly easy.
A few minutes passed and Melzaryn exited the hideout. "They showed me a map they made of the destruction in the city. Hell of a maze, but I've memorized us a really good route that should make stealth easy for us. Let's go."
Forfend nodded. It fell into step behind Melzaryn.
Kagoshi followed.
Vesper looked up from conversing with his odd wooden box. "We're leaving?"
He jogged to catch up.
"Seems so," Forfend answered.
Howell and his mercenaries also rushed to join the march to Cragwall.
"Do we have a plan?" Howell asked.
"More or less," Melzaryn shrugged.
"We are sneaking in," Vesper provided. He flipped through his deck of cards over and over again. Forfend thought at first the fiddling was perhaps a nervous habit, but then it sensed the magic in the air.
Occasionally, he nodded or muttered a question as he watched the empty air by his side. He was holding a conversation with someone or something.
Forfend wasn't certain what Vesper was doing, but it hoped the ritual would prove useful for them.
"Do any of you partake in any forms of stealth?" Howell looked doubtfully at Forfend and Kagoshi, suspiciously at Melzaryn, and uncertainly at Vesper.
"I'm very good at going unnoticed," Vesper answered flatly.
Kagoshi cracked his knuckles. "Can't get caught if there's no witnesses."
Howell shook his head, but dropped the subject.
The group made their way through Cragwall's east gate.
The city lay in ruins and all was silent save for the crackling fires. Most of the living denizens escaped with the genasi, and any still remaining kept well hidden.
All of Falco's forces were deeper in the city, protecting him as he prepared his murderous ritual.
Vesper hugged his carved wooden box and watched the unshifting rubble around them with a detached sort of wariness.
Howell ruffled his heavy cloak. He sighed.
A thick, dark mist rolled out from beneath his hood and engulfed the party.
It dissipated as quickly as it came, but it left all their movements muffled into silence. There was no longer a chorus of footsteps on stone. Even Forfend's creaking body stopped announcing its presence.
"Since none of you are any good at stealth, I figured I'd do this to keep us hidden," Howell said, his voice barely a whisper beneath the muffling magic. "It's Pass Without Trace."
Forfend nodded. Kairi had used the same spell for the same reason only a day ago.
Howell's magic had a distinctly different feel in the air than Kairi's had.
Where her arcana had felt bubbly and soft, his felt coarse and sun-warmed.
Howell's magic didn't hold a negative sensation, but the stark difference made Forfend miss their feisty, soft-hearted druid companion.
The group slipped soundlessly through the dead and dying city.
Forfend took stock of the immense damage.
Eamon's house lay in ruins alongside the majority of his neighborhood.
Forfend could only hope he and the other inhabitants had survived and escaped.
Kagoshi paused to stare at a section of road not far from the center of the city.
A space nearly a hundred feet in diameter had been steamrolled flat and every inch was covered in deep red blood.
Forfend recoiled, rocks tumbling in its chest.
Kagoshi only squinted. "I remember leaving corpses."
"You did this?!" Forfend couldn't help the whetstone shing that passed through its chest or the sharp sinking of its core into its midsection. The strong mix of emotions nearly threatened to knock it off its feet.
It knew Kagoshi had rampaged in the aftermath of Kairi's murder, but what sort of excessive, hellish violence was this?!
Kagoshi didn't respond to it.
"Either you mashed them into paste or someone cleaned up your mess," the serious mercenary interjected.
Kagoshi growled.
Forfend clenched its fist. Angry and indignant as it was, there was no time to have this conversation now.
The quiet mercenary grabbed Forfend's shoulder and tugged it down behind a pile of rubble.
Howell motioned for everyone to hush.
A patrol of Envema members marched past.
Two of them were the enormous amalgamations of flesh and metal.
Vesper stared, the fur of his tail standing on end as he watched them pass. He swallowed thickly, but said nothing.
The unhinged mercenary also watched the hulking beasts, though his expression was one of concerning giddiness.
Howell motioned for the group to get moving again.
Melzaryn resumed his place in the lead.
With him navigating, they very soon found themselves sneaking past the horde of Envema outside the Mountain Quarter.
"Good luck," Vesper whispered to Melzaryn the second they crossed through the gate, Guidance magic lacing his words.
He ducked into hiding with Howell and the other mercenaries.
Melzaryn hopped on his broom. "Kagoshi, smash that pillar and, Forfend, you've got the other." He zipped up into the air.
Kagoshi and Forfend both nodded.
They were spotted as they took their places, but it was much too late for that to matter now.
Melzaryn cast Shatter at the top of the arch above the open gate. A large section of stone exploded into dust as the unsupported stone began to collapse downward.
Forfend used what Byr had taught it in all his masonry lessons. It smashed its mace into the weakest spot it could determine.
The destructive magic imbued within Gilthur's Inspiration reverberated through the wall. Cracks shocked like lightning up the pillar.
Kagoshi slammed his fist through the wall of the pillar on the opposite side.
Both shivered, then shook, and suddenly crumbled before the Envema members could scramble through the gate.
The earth shook as all of the rubble tumbled to the ground, piling on top of itself into an impassable wall.
Dust whipped out from beneath the destruction.
Kagoshi was swept off his feet by the buffeting wind.
Forfend braced itself as sharp gravel bounced harmlessly off its stone body, but the rushing air wasn't strong enough to move its weighty body.
The Envema members hollered from the far side of the rubble, but there was nothing they could do to get over the dangerously shifting pile.
Forfend turned. It, Melzaryn, and Kagoshi all rejoined the group.
Kagoshi swore under his breath as he dusted off his dirtied jacket.
Howell whistled. "It wasn't stealthy, but I'll give you that it was kind of impressive."
They left the scene of the collapse and made their way toward Castle Ledrian.
Vesper stopped dead in his tracks in the center of the pathway. He spoke to someone who wasn't there.
"Hello, do you know where King Falco is?"
He stood in silence, his tail swishing thoughtfully.
Forfend assumed he must be conversing with a ghost.
Everyone paused, hovering awkwardly nearby as they observed what looked to be a one-sided conversation.
"What do you know of the renovations?" Vesper questioned.
Further silence.
Vesper tilted his head. "What sort of things would those be?"
No audible response.
"Thank you for your time."
Vesper paused for only a moment, then spoke again, "You are dead."
There was another beat of quiet. Vesper blinked as though surprised.
He shrugged off whatever oddity he'd encountered and looked up at everyone in turn. "My work here is done."
Forfend nodded slowly, though it wasn't sure what had happened.
"He is at the top of the castle," Vesper relayed as they all began moving onward again.
"You got some intuition on that or something?" Kagoshi asked, ever dense.
"No. I know for certain he is at the top."
"Oh." Kagoshi rolled his eyes. "Sure, whatever you say, Fluffy."
"I do believe he has... reinforcements of sorts up there."
"Yeah, I'd imagine so," Kagoshi gruffed.
"It is likely the very big, scary ones though, so take precaution," Vesper said. "You know. Grrah," he growled, poorly mimicking the hulking flesh-and-metal monsters. "The icky ones we have seen strutting about. The flesh monstrosities."
"I'm sure those guys are easy to take care of," Kagoshi decided.
"I disagree," Forfend hummed.
"You only say that because you wouldn't be able to just throw one of them." Kagoshi clenched his fists and flexed his thick muscles.
Forfend shook its broad head.
As they neared the castle gates, they encountered a small caravan of upturned wagons still smoldering as they belched pitch black smoke into the fire-stained sky.
"Wagon," Melzaryn noted, craning his head to see what may lie beyond them.
"Wagon," Forfend concurred.
Vesper cocked his head at them. "Why are you repeating the same word? It's just a bunch of wagons."
"Yeah, why are you guys doing that?" Howell asked.
"It is strange. Seems very repetitive," Vesper noted.
"Thank you!" Kagoshi shouted, throwing his hands into the air. "Somebody gets it!"
"Why does it even matter?" Vesper shook his head in confusion.
No one answered.
Melzaryn huffed, a bit sad his game had ended so soon.
Forfend found itself missing Kairi all over again.
The mercenaries moved forward, taking cover behind the wagons.
Forfend, Melzaryn, and Vesper followed their lead.
Kagoshi, however, didn't seem concerned in the slightest about staying out of sight.
Forfend peered around the edge of the wreckage, hoping the smoke and flames would obscure its form.
A small group of Envema members stood watch.
A cluster of them guarded the gate while another pair manned the barrels of boiling oil stationed along the ramparts above.
This was a very, very small group to be guarding such a critical point.
Pebbles clattered in Forfend's chest as it fretted over the situation. This was too simple, too easy. A trap. It had to be.
Something hazy entered the edge of Forfend's field of vision.
It focused its gaze and stiffened sharply.
Kairi, ghostly pale and translucent, waved to them from off to the side.
Forfend couldn't tell if she was a true spirit or a dark trick, but it couldn't tear its gaze off its fallen friend.
Kairi's glittering wings spread and whisked her around a stack of abandoned supplies tucked close to the wall. She disappeared from view.
Forfend shook its head, uncertain if what it had seen had even been real.
It locked gazes with Melzaryn who simply frowned, his eyes narrowed.
Forfend hummed softly. It seemed he'd seen it.
They silently agreed not to chase the startling entity.
Kagoshi finally ducked behind cover before the Envema guards spotted him.
Forfend motioned to him in an attempt to catch his attention, but he was staring too intently at the space Kairi had ducked into.
"Don't do it," Melzaryn whispered an almost idle warning, as though he was joking or teasing Kagoshi instead of truly trying to ward him off.
Kagoshi paid him no mind. He darted out from hiding and dove behind the huge supply pile Kairi had disappeared behind.
"Wh-- Hey, what the fuck?" Howell whisper-yelled as his cloaking magic fell away from Kagoshi.
Luckily, Kagoshi had been quick and silent enough that the guards hadn't seen him, but Forfend feared what he may be about to encounter.
"Well, he's dead," Melzaryn shrugged. "At least he'll probably soften them up for us."
"What the hell?!" Howell threw his hands up.
The crazy mercenary snickered, but the other two just stared.
Vesper chewed his lip thoughtfully. "Why would he do that?"
Forfend shook its head. It couldn't so much as pretend it understood Kagoshi.
There was silence from Kagoshi's hidden corner for a few seconds too long.
Forfend shuffled as it considered trying to follow Kagoshi.
Vesper stilled it with a hand on its side and a subtle shake of his head.
A chorus of a dozen bloodcurdling screeches ripped through the air.
The Envema members startled, snatching up their weapons and whirling around to face the hidden corner.
"How dare..." came a broken, raspy, struggling cacophony of voices. "How dare you. Should not have let... such fine flesh as this... go to waste. Wasn't she your dear... friend?"
The voices laughed mockingly, wheezing with every strained breath.
"Should not have left... the body behind. How... cruel," the voices admonished and cackled all over again. "Now you can't even give her... a proper burial. Who's fault... is that?"
Forfend squeezed its mace tight in its grip.
Whatever that creature had been, it wasn't Kairi and now it had Kagoshi.
The Envema members weren't prepared for it either. They were acting as though they hadn't known it was there.
They didn't approach. Nervously, they waited to see what would happen.
"You?" the voices asked. "Who found yourself wallowing in rage... and grief? Or me? Who saw... a simple use... for what you... discarded?"
The voices screamed their wailing laughter.
"I'll be sure to torture you before I kill you!" Kagoshi yelled back.
The entire supply stack they hid behind quaked as Kagoshi and the mystery monster clashed.
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Carlisle Cullen x Fem Reader (2)
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This fic is a continuation of this drabble here.
Warnings: mentions of death, destruction and one curse word. Edward is not manipulative or controlling in this au.
“It’s all going to be all right Bella,” Alice soothed.  “(Name) won’t mind if this runs over time.”
“But it’s her birthday,” Bella protested.  “She shouldn’t be worried about us.”
“She won’t be worried about us,” Edward replied.  “She and Carlisle are spending time together.”
Bella cheered up at that; seeing you and Carlisle together was like witnessing everything romantic in the world all at once.
“At the back there, pay attention!” Mr. Mason barked. 
Edward, Bella, Alice, and Jasper murmured apologies.
“Now that we are all focusing and not distracted, perhaps you can describe the painting that we are standing in front of.”
“They were talking about Edward’s mom’s birthday,” Mike interjected.  Mr. Mason ignored the comment in favour of staring at Edward until he began to speak.
“This painting is part of a series of three paintings called La Purga.  They depict the destruction of Olympus by its own King.”
Mr. Mason’s expression became a little less severe, “Miss Cullen, what is the backstory of the paintings?”
Alice needlessly cleared her throat, “The story behind these paintings is that the King of Olympus, Zeus, feared that someone he was related to would destroy Olympus.  He slaughtered everyone that he shared a bond with.  There are many interpretations regarding Zeus’ final fate but the prevailing theory is that his own power destroyed him.  In the last painting, the artist leads you to believe that his lightning rebounded and killed him.”
Bella looked at the bottom right corner of the painting where the artist had signed.  The writing seemed familiar and the longer Bella stared at the signature, the more she realised it was an anagram.  Reshuffling the letters in her mind, she came up with a recognisable name.  Rosalie Hale.
As Alice drove her to the Cullen’s home, Bella voiced her thoughts.  Alice grinned, “Rosalie may have painted the picture, but who do you think told her the story?  The real story?”
“No way!”  Bella gasped.  “I thought Zeus killed anyone even slightly related to him?”
Alice shook her head with the grin still on her face, “Zeus couldn’t detect (Name) when she lived with the Volturi which is how she met Carlisle.”
“Zeus was destroyed by his own power.”  Bella breathed, “Which was wielded by his own daughter.”
Jasper leaned forward, “As Emmett always says, ‘Mom’s a badass.’  To date, she is one of the only outsiders to have the Volturi’s respect.” 
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notrandtumblin · 27 days
118 notes · View notes
girlinthetardis04 · 9 months
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329 notes · View notes
punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Percy dosen't just have traditional and edgy pins on his battle jacket,he also has a few of these bad boys
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rowan-on-the-moon · 2 years
who needs romance when friendship is literally the most powerful thing ever to grace this mortal plain
allos please get with the program?? have you never seen a children’s cartoon. ever. the power of friendship can level a fucking city
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ct1409lover · 1 year
Celia: You are the love of my life and I would do anything within reason to make you happy.
Leah: I would be happy if you ate, stayed hydrated and got a reasonable amount of sleep.
Celia: I said within reason, Leah. How about I murder that guy?
Leah: So murder is in reason but proper self care isn't?
Celia: Well, duh. What kind of question is that?
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞
Women who are caught between worlds, or between who they are. Both light and darkness are within them. Do they stay within their safe confounds, or branch out and find adventure? These women are challenging traditional norms and societal standards. They’re strong, and fierce, while upholding their femininity. 
𝐿𝑢𝑐𝑦 𝑃𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑒
𝐵𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑎 𝑆𝑤𝑎𝑛
𝐴𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑎 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑜𝑣
𝑆𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑎 𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑘
𝑆𝑜𝑝ℎ𝑖𝑒 𝑆ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑑𝑎𝑛
𝐹𝑒𝑦𝑟𝑒 𝐴𝑟𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑛
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possumferns · 23 days
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colored a rough sketch i did during session wherein vesper learned his best friend died a brutal death
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stellaxmoon · 1 year
2000s nostalgia this and 90s nostalgia that what about 2010s nostalgia genz is going to go through. i can already feel it. declining tumblr shitposts and how awesomely silly badjokesbyjeff is and sam claflin in the hunger games and the inevitable death of prim. seeing chicago anew in divergent and the vampire fever from twilight and shadowhunters. believing you can survive the apocalypse because you read the maze runner. secretly trying to control the rain because lowkey you still think youre a demigod. romance books and ramen and kdramas. old bts songs. evermore, midnights, sour, harry’s house. unhinged tiktoks and opposite emojis; flared jeans and oversized shirts. “which 2014 movie are you” uquizzes and “would you survive squid game”. endless aesthetics, but above it all—the most important—love.
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demigodforfend · 1 year
Twilight of the Demigods: Forfend Edition - Session 13
They walked quietly to Roman Summerstead's estate. The ornate gates loomed before them.
Movement caught Forfend's attention. At the far corner of the grounds, a cloaked figure shuffled through the hedges and jumped the fence, running back into Brightcrossing proper.
A thief?
Her shock of red hair caught in the breeze as she pulled back her hood. She didn't look to be carrying anything, but Forfend hardly caught a glimpse of her before she disappeared around a corner. It could be wrong.
It glanced at its companions.
Melzaryn fiddled with his quill.
Kagoshi glared straight forward.
Kairi caught its ever-blank expression and shrugged. "She's a little nervous, but mostly happy. Excited too."
Forfend hummed. Would a thief be giddy? Maybe. Though Forfend guessed they would usually be more subdued until they were sure they'd gotten away. Apprehension should've been the largest feeling. At least, Forfend thought so. Perhaps they lived here and were only sneaking out.
"Should we alert Roman?" Forfend wondered aloud.
"I'm not sure." Kairi pat its arm. "Maybe."
"It certainly is not worth giving chase." Forfend shook its head. "We have no proof of wrongdoing and we are not authorities."
Kairi hummed her agreement.
Ahead of them, a group of knights stood stockstill at attention in front of the entrance.
Forfend nodded politely.
They regarded it and the rest of its party with mild disdain.
"State your business," one of them ordered.
"We are here to report to Roman Summerstead regarding the kruthik infestation," Forfend stated.
They glanced among themselves.
One of them pulled a Sending Stone from his belt and whispered into it, eyeing the party suspiciously.
The Sending Stone flickered at the knight's ear. After a moment, he nodded to the others.
They pushed open the gate.
"He'll be waiting for you in the meeting room," one of them said.
"Thank you," Forfend nodded politely as it passed them.
The building ahead was huge. Much larger than any house Forfend had ever seen.
It was opulent too, the grounds covered in perfect topiaries and the house adorned in the Summerstead crest. The oversized double doors sported an exquisite dark wood Forfend was sure had been imported. Golden knockers shaped like twin peacocks spread their wings in perpetual flight in the center of either door.
Forfend hesitantly touched one of their outward-curling tails and bumped it against the wood with just barely the force needed to be heard on the other side.
A butler, the same butler they'd seen the first time they visited Roman, opened the door and nodded to them. He turned and led them up a wide, fanciful staircase to the second floor.
Forfend felt steam breeze easily through its chest. No tight, twisting staircases this time.
It took a moment to assess its surroundings.
The inside of the house was far more ostentatious than the outside. Decorative armors lined the hallways. Expansive paintings of beautiful scenery or sneering relatives or winery-related agriculture lined the walls. Glass display cases filled to the brim with gracefully designed wine bottles also dotted the pathways periodically.
The butler led them what felt to be very deep into the house, but may have actually not been very far at all. Forfend was disoriented by the neverending network of halls and stairways and doors.
Finally, he stopped and quietly opened a door. "Your guests, Lord Summerstead," the butler introduced them as the party filed inside.
Forfend ducked carefully through the doorway. The meeting room itself was fortunately quite sizeable. Forfend stood upright with ease and did not feel it was crowding its companions.
Roman sat on the opposite side of an almost comically large mahogany table.
To his right sat a human woman with long plaited brown hair. She wore an elegant red dress and a placid expression.
To his left was a young half-elf woman. The structure of her face was slightly sharper than Roman's own, but otherwise resembled him quite closely. She, too, wore a red dress accented in gold, though she wore a bit more jewelry on her fingers than the other woman.
Forfend hummed quietly to itself. She was likely Roman's daughter and the other woman must be his wife. Those were the only people Forfend was currently certain lived in this house. Perhaps they had seen a thief.
Behind Roman, the arcanist Zoshaan quietly ruffled through the pages of a book. He looked up and shut it as softly as he could manage.
Roman gestured to four chairs neatly arranged in front of his desk. Well, more accurately, it was three chairs and one exceptionally large and apparently reinforced ottoman.
A slight glow emanated just beneath the cracks of Forfend's body. Accommodations just for it. How polite and inclusive!
Forfend took the ottoman while its other companions each slid into one of the offered chairs.
"I heard word you were here to report progress on the kruthik extermination," Roman prompted. "Is that correct?"
Forfend nodded. "The infestation is dealt with. There are no kruthiks left in Brightcrossing."
Roman drummed his fingers on the table. He didn't quite seem aware he was doing it. Perhaps, his wife or daughter disliked when he smoked in an enclosed space with them, so he wasn't sure what to do with his hands. "I heard from Knight Thomas Adri that your work was complete. For that, I would like to first offer you thanks. I would also like to interview you to acquire the exact details of what occurred."
Zoshaan subtly leaned forward, apparently interested as well.
"We will answer any questions you have." Forfend ignored the sensation of pebbles tumbling within its chest. It disliked lying, but it would have to omit every demon and Calamity Shard from its retelling of events as per Knight Thomas's orders. It was for the greater good. If the real tale got out, there could be mass panic. Still, Forfend couldn't help but feel guilty and nervous.
Luckily, it had no face to give away those feelings.
"Oh, um, Forfend." Kairi nudged it lightly.
"Ah, yes." Forfend nodded. "I feel we should mention that we saw someone jump your fence on our way in. They were leaving."
"Hm. Interesting." Roman did not look concerned. Instead, he was more flatly unamused. He waved to a knight standing against the wall.
The man nodded and left immediately, his armor clanging with every step.
Up until that moment, Forfend had genuinely thought that he and the three other knights in the room were just armor decorations like the others in the estate.
Now that it was watching, it saw them shift occasionally. Still, they remained so sharply at attention that they were almost motionless.
"We will see to it, do not worry," Roman assured. "We have other matters to discuss. I would like a full report on what happened. While I do trust Knight Thomas's experience and ability to produce accurate reports, I would still prefer to hear it firsthand."
Forfend hummed. "Of course."
Roman nodded seriously. "What happened down in those tunnels?"
Forfend glanced at its companions.
Melzaryn wore an easy smile. He kept his eyes straightforward and his shoulders pulled back.
Kairi looked up at Forfend, her wing softly brushing its back.
Kagoshi picked his teeth. He wasn't listening in the slightest.
It had been hoping one of them would be willing to speak, but apparently not.
Steam rushed as Forfend turned back to Roman. Nonetheless, it launched into the sanitized, demon-free version of the fiasco.
"Hm, I see," Roman muttered mostly to himself. "I suppose that leaves the hive lord firmly marked in the unusual category. I have no explanation for what caused it to migrate here."
Zoshaan stepped forward far enough to make eye contact with Roman. "It is strange, my lord. Given the report, it does not sound as though anyone planted them here. We could perhaps surmise this was something of a fluke. The Adamantine Mountains are not too far away in the grand scheme of things. This could've been an unnatural migration due to a number of things: natural disaster, outcompeted by another hive, predators, civilization destroying their local habitat. Anything really."
"You're sure of this? There was no sabotage?" Roman narrowed his eyes suspiciously.
"Kruthiks are fickle, unpredictable creatures. Herding and manipulating them is exceptionally difficult. If it's possible at all, it would likely be more trouble than it's worth. Every point on the path from A to Z would have to unfold perfectly or the kruthiks would escape and probably cause grievous harm to their would-be captors in the process," Zoshaan placated.
Roman nodded and relaxed. "I see." He turned back to the party. "Well then, it appears you were very much successful in your endeavors. Congratulations on a job well done. As per our contract, you will be provided a lawyer to assist with your court date in Cragwall. You may meet him outside the courthouse on the day of your trial, or you could meet with him early at the Summerstead Estate within Cragwall."
Roman sat forward, his fingers steepling. He glanced over at his wife. "And due to your extraordinary expediency, we would like to offer you an additional reward."
"Oh?" Forfend straightened and nodded politely. "Thank you for your kindness."
"What do you seek?" Roman spread his hands out to encompass the party as a whole.
Forfend looked from one side to the other at its companions. It, personally, wasn't seeking anything. It had no requests.
Everything was quiet for a moment.
"I could, perhaps, commission Gilthur on your behalf. Kagoshi." He tilted his chin up, trying to keep his brows from twitching at the idly distracted man.
"Hm?" Kagoshi only just bothered to make eye contact with Roman.
"You aren't currently carrying a weapon, but your stature suggests you could easily use something heavy. Perhaps two-handed?" Roman looked down his nose at Kagoshi. "Would you accept such a humble reward?"
Kagoshi leaned back his chair, wobbling dangerously as he considered the possibility. "Yeah. Yeah, I could use a weapon."
"Alright," Roman nodded. "What would you like? A great sword? A spear? A hammer?"
"Do you happen to know what a kanabo is?" Kagoshi grinned wickedly.
Roman's brow knit. He turned to look up at Zoshaan.
Zoshaan opened his spellbook, flipped through the pages, and whispered something into them. He snapped and a flash of magic briefly lit the page.
"It is a club-like weapon of Fulgar Isle design," Zoshaan read.
"I see." Roman glanced back at Kagoshi, his expression denoting that the weapon choice was unsurprising. "Gilthur should understand how to make you something such as that. It will be done."
Roman turned to Forfend and the rest of its companions. "Despite your expediency, you have been delayed a day in your travels. As such, Zoshaan has already alerted the Tyrwedian Grand Court that your delay was due to your assistance here. It will not be held against you."
Steam hissed as Forfend let itself relax slightly. "Thank you."
"I do not suggest you delay further," Roman warned.
"Of course not," Forfend agreed.
"I believe that will conclude this meeting and all associated addendums. Is there anything further you wish to request of me or discuss regarding the matters of our contract?" Roman asked in a tone that suggested he'd prefer if they did not.
Everyone shook their heads.
"If not, then I must kindly ask you to leave." Roman placed a stack of papers on his desk. "I have work to do."
"Have a nice day," Forfend said as it stood.
"Same to you," Roman replied. "Forfend," he added after a moment.
As they filed back out of the room, Zoshaan followed them.
He twirled his hand and a paper flipped itself into his grip. Magic raced across the white sheet. He handed it over to Kagoshi.
"If you give that to the blacksmith, Gilthur, it will accommodate everything," he instructed.
Kagoshi nodded.
"I wish you luck on your journey," Zoshaan said politely. "And with your trial."
"Hm," Kagoshi barely vocalized.
"Thank you," Forfend spoke up in his stead.
The party were escorted back outside and off the grounds.
"Gilthur is exceptionally talented," Forfend shared with Kagoshi as they made their way to the smithy. "He will forge you an excellent weapon."
"Yeah? Good," Kagoshi huffed.
As they approached, the ringing sound of Gilthur striking metal grew louder.
Kagoshi opened the door to the shop and headed straight in.
Kairi followed him.
Forfend sat down outside. It had already said its goodbyes to Gilthur. It would leave him to his business.
Melzaryn leaned up against its shoulder.
Forfend heard Kagoshi yell from inside and inwardly cringed. Kagoshi was purchasing a service from a highly skilled craftsman. Where was his respect?
A few minutes later, Kagoshi and Kairi exited the shop.
"He already had something similar in the works, so we'll only have to wait four hours," Kagoshi informed them.
Forfend nodded. "While we are waiting, we will talk outside town about what happened during that fight."
Kagoshi grimaced. "After I get my weapon."
Forfend shook its head. "We have the time to talk right now. We will not put this off. It is too important."
"Kagoshi, we really should talk about it," Kairi nudged. "I'm worried."
"Fine," Kagoshi ground out. He jabbed his finger into the metal brace of Forfend's chest. "You've got four hours."
"That will be plenty enough." Forfend led the group outside the city.
They found a spot down a short incline off the main road, tucked into the shadow of the Brightcrossing wall. No carts going past would spot them, no guard patrols were stationed in such an empty spot, and no one could get close enough to eavesdrop without being spotted. They could have a confidential conversation without worry here.
Forfend crossed its arms as it looked down at its deeply scowling companion.
Kagoshi glared up at it, his own arms folded defiantly over his chest.
Kairi scooped up a little lump of dirt. Green light shown through gaps in the soil as a cluster of lavender sprouted up. The calming scent filled the air around the tense party.
Forfend let steam hiss for a long moment. "Does anyone else understand Abyssal, aside from myself and Kagoshi?"
Kagoshi flinched and grit his teeth, though his eyes didn't waver from Forfend's face.
Kairi shook her head.
"Not currently," Melzaryn shrugged. "And not during the fight either."
Forfend hummed. "The greater demon said in no uncertain terms that Kagoshi is, in fact, a demigod of Atrox. I have had my suspicions since shortly after we met, but now I know for certain."
Kagoshi ground his teeth and looked away from Forfend for the first time since their pseudo-standoff had started. "Yeah," he growled.
"Kagoshi, did you know?" Forfend asked with deadly seriousness.
"No, I didn't know." Kagoshi looked... Maybe uncertain wasn't the word, but it was as close as Forfend could get to naming the complicated emotions flitting behind Kagoshi's eyes and getting buried before they could make it onto his face. He was uncertain of himself, likely for the first time in a long time.
"As Callan explained, I know that some demigods take a long time to discover their patrons. Some never do. I believe you are being honest with me." Forfend hummed to itself, tapping its fingers against its metal chest. "Still, it is troubling. We do not know if there are others out there. It is good to know that you want to fight against demons, Kagoshi, but others like you may not."
Kagoshi huffed. "I don't know if there could be others like me."
Forfend tilted its head, but Kagoshi pointedly didn't elaborate.
"When did your power first manifest?" it tried a different avenue of questioning. "And what did your family do?"
"I can answer that first question," Kagoshi offered. "About ten months ago, give or take."
Forfend straightened. Ten months? From the way Callan talked, most demigods manifested their powers in their childhood. Kagoshi was easily in his twenties. Perhaps older.
"That is very late," Forfend finally said aloud. "What occurred ten months ago that triggered your abilities?"
Kagoshi evaded its gaze and stood silently.
"There is nothing interesting?" it said disbelievingly. "Nothing of note happened? What were you doing at the time? Were you in a fight?"
Kagoshi was quiet for another moment. Forfend was beginning to think he would refuse to answer when he finally looked up. "I did wake up after a fight."
"Elaborate?" Forfend requested.
Kagoshi was silent once again. He looked as though he was gathering his thoughts. And also deciding what he was willing to share. Forfend had never met anyone so closed off.
After a long moment, Kagoshi finally unfolded his arms and spoke. "There's a reason I know so little about the current era."
Forfend knelt to bring itself closer to Kagoshi's face. "Are you saying you are like me?"
"Yes and no," Kagoshi shrugged. "I'm not from the Sundering. It was later than that."
"But you were from a previous era and awoke here in this age." Forfend tilted its head curiously. "How long ago did you awaken?"
"About ten months," Kagoshi gruffed.
"And that is when your powers began manifesting. What was happening before that? Do you remember?" Forfend couldn't remember what had been happening before it had suddenly woken up in the present. Not really. It was all so fragmented.
Kagoshi shook his head. "When I try to remember, I mostly get fuzz. A blur."
"That is... common, apparently," Forfend hummed.
"The last thing I remember vividly is watching my entire kingdom burn." Kagoshi took a deep breath to steady himself.
He looked more vulnerable in this moment than he had ever let himself look before.
Forfend bowed its head respectfully. "I am sorry for your loss."
"Hm," Kagoshi acknowledged.
Forfend took in Kagoshi's visage with a new perspective. He'd seen tragedy. That's likely why he was so standoffish. It was a sensible reason, though hardly an excuse for his rudeness.
Forfend found itself wondering as well how someone who hadn't been a demigod before, had suddenly woken up from a tragedy in the distant future with a patron so heinous as Atrox.
It placed a hand tentatively on Kagoshi's shoulder.
Kagoshi glared at its arm as though he was offended it dare exist at all.
Forfend removed its hand and straightened its back, a deep metallic hum resonating in its center. "It is clear to me that you are at least trying to get a handle on your newfound abilities and your circumstances are not your fate. If you want to do good with them despite their terrible origin then I will support you. Kairi, myself, and Melzaryn, if he would like, could help you on that path."
Kagoshi growled, staring towards the Brightcrossing wall.
"Is that the path you want to take?" Forfend prompted.
"I am a warrior. And I will fight whatever I must," Kagoshi answered cryptically. "If that includes my own self, then so be it."
"What are you fighting for?" Forfend asked. Everything was always a battle with Kagoshi.
"I fight for the things I care about."
"And what do you care about?"
"Strength," Kagoshi growled, his gaze meeting Forfend's with sharp determination. "Real strength. Not given strength."
Earned strength. That's what he wanted. Maybe all he wanted. If that's the case, the abilities dropped on him must be difficult to reconcile with.
And it begged another question regarding demons and unwanted power.
"Kagoshi, what do you remember about the fight with the demon after you went down?" Forfend rolled its shoulders as it recalled the dawning horror of Callan's limp weight being lifted from its back.
"Everything," Kagoshi breathed, angry and world weary.
"Could you explain to me what happened? Because, frankly, it was terrifying. And I know that thing was not you because I have never seen you not swing to kill. That monster was toying with us." Forfend shuddered.
"Well, you got me on that one. I don't play." Kagoshi cracked his knuckles and stared down at his hands. "My body wouldn't respond to me. It didn't do what I wanted. I was just trapped in my own mind. Watching."
"Could it happen again?"
"I don't know," he answered honestly.
"I dislike that we have no idea what caused it. Was it the presence of the demon? Or was there something else at work? Was it the shard in your spine?"
Kagoshi shrugged. "I don't know. Whatever's causing it, I plan on conquering it."
"Noble," Forfend nodded approvingly. "Easier said than done."
"Yeah," Kagoshi agreed grimly. "But I'll do it."
Forfend angled its face and leaned slightly forward in hopes of giving an intent, curious impression. "What do you think of Atrox? Of what you know of it?"
"I've always heard him described more as a demon than a god."
It nodded. "It is effectively both a demon and a god. Though, that did not truly answer my question."
Kagoshi rolled his eyes. "Ask what you meant to ask."
Forfend let a rush of steam release from its center. "Can we trust you?"
"Well, that's a good question." Kagoshi let a smirk twitch at one corner of his lips. "Do you trust a random stranger?"
"We have been traveling together and encountered enough dangerous happenings that I would no longer call us strangers."
"We ain't exactly friends either," Kagoshi countered.
Forfend looked Kagoshi over and shook its head. "No, I wouldn't say so." It hummed softly. "Perhaps a better question: do you trust yourself?"
"I trust my own strength. If it fails me, I'll fail everyone else." Kagoshi glanced at Kairi. "I can't let that happen."
"Knowing that you are a demigod of Atrox, cultists and demons may offer you power. Or money. Anything they think you'll want." Forfend had seen demons promise the world and more before. It had seen good people fall for it. "Would you accept it?"
Kagoshi shook his head firmly. "I'd fight them. I'll always fight them. I'll kill every one. I don't want my strength handed to me."
Forfend nodded. That was enough of an answer for it. At least for now. "Well, that is reassuring. If you will have me, I will help you on your journey. There is a bold sense of justice in fighting Atrox's demons alongside one of its demigods."
"You do what you want," Kagoshi huffed. "I won't stop you either way."
Kairi smiled and bumped her wing against Forfend's shoulder. It took that to mean Kagoshi's response was about as positively receptive as he was capable of being.
"We will help you learn to control your rage," Forfend assured.
"I just have to try harder," Kagoshi muttered partially to himself.
"Do not hesitate to fall back on us when you need us," Forfend pushed. "Especially Kairi. She has been your friend the longest."
"I've traveled with her the longest. That's all." Kagoshi shrugged noncommittally.
Forfend glanced at Kairi, concerned.
Kairi grinned smugly. "Uh-huh. Sure."
Kagoshi pointedly looked up into the air and away from all of them to hide his face.
Forfend shook its head at his stubbornness.
"Any more interrogation questions you want to ask me about my life?" Kagoshi griped.
Forfend tapped the side of its stone head thoughtfully. "I do not think so. You know, you could always ask me questions about mine, if you were ever curious."
Forfend hummed low in its chest. "For the record, I believe that all of us were brought together for a reason. I have heard from Fornax for the first time in two years, not just once but twice. I have a new shield and a new mace. I think something very big is happening here and that is why we stumbled across an Atroxian cultist. There is more work for us to do."
Kagoshi scoffed, but Kairi and Melzaryn both looked to at least be considering it.
"Well, if you're done asking questions, I'm going back into town to wait for Gilthur to finish my weapon." Kagoshi tromped off immediately.
Forfend and the others followed him.
"Perhaps I should ask if Knight Thomas is alright," Forfend suggested. "Surely, he is home by now."
"Yeah, you do that." Kagoshi waved dismissively. "I don't think he likes me all that much."
"I would imagine not. You scared him quite significantly and threatened his life," Forfend chastised.
"Oh, c'mon! That was a joke!" Kagoshi argued.
"It did not sound like a joke!" Forfend scolded more harshly.
"Fine! My apologies for always looking angry!" He huffed, then muttered, "Not like I can turn that off."
"The least you could do is simply not threaten people." It gazed down at Kagoshi as they walked. "If you looked angry but said nothing, people would think you were averagely grouchy. As opposed to homicidally grouchy."
"I will punch you in the face," Kagoshi casually threatened.
"Technically, I do not have a face to punch," it countered.
"You've got a rune. Maybe I'll just break that. Fuck it, I don't know." Kagoshi stood up on his toes and eyed Forfend's blank face. "What would happen if I broke it?"
"I do not know and I would prefer not to find out," Forfend answered honestly. "It has never been damaged. I would like to keep it that way."
Kagoshi hummed to himself.
"I imagine it would not be dissimilar to caving in a person's skull," Forfend elaborated.
"Yeah, that makes sense." Kagoshi grinned. "Speaking of which, I need my kanabo. Pick up the pace."
Forfend completely disregarded Kagoshi and paused to speak to a pair of guards.
Both of them tensed sharply and looked at each other. One turned to stare straight forward as though ignoring Forfend would make it go away. The other craned his neck up to take in Forfend's full height and swallowed hard.
"H-hey, man," he muttered, "you're really tall. What the fuck?"
Forfend chuckled softly. "I thought we had moved past this." It didn't recognize these particular guards, but surely word of its presence and unusual appearance had gotten around.
"I've never seen you before," the guard squeaked.
"Do you work under Knight Thomas?" it asked simply.
Forfend crouched to make itself less intimidating. "Have you seen him recently? Is he off duty? Did he make it home alright?"
"I'm pretty sure he's off duty," the guard managed. "He's taking a nap, probably. Something about a late night?"
"Very late, yes," Forfend agreed.
"Alright. Um, can I help you?"
Forfend shook its head. "I think not. Thank you for your time."
"That thing was so big," one guard whispered nervously to the other as Forfend walked away. "What the fuck was it?"
Kagoshi rolled his eyes at the pair. "He's friendly."
"Really?" the second guard sounded unconvinced.
"I do my very best," Forfend called back to them.
"Oh shit, it heard us," they panicked.
"He's a lot more friendly than I am," Kagoshi grumbled.
"Oh, that's good! That's nice! You seem nice," one of the guards nodded.
"Me?" Kagoshi balked.
"Sure," the other guard shrugged. "You're talking to us, aren't you? Most people would just walk on past."
Kagoshi huffed irritably. "I can't wait to get my damn kanabo." He turned and stalked away.
The rest of the party followed him to Gilthur's smithy. They waited patiently outside until the four hours was up.
Kagoshi rushed inside as soon as the fourth hour mark hit. Kairi followed him.
A moment later, Kagoshi was back and swinging his massive studded club.
Forfend took a short step back, but assessed the weapon with admiration. Gilthur had once again done a brilliant job.
"Alright, let's get going!" Kairi fluttered her wings. She had a new rapier at her side, apparently freshly purchased from Gilthur as well.
Forfend nodded and the party set off for Cragwall once again.
The first day of the journey was blissfully quiet and uneventful. At dusk, they made camp by a stream.
Forfend took the opportunity to tidy up its stone body. Demon blood and bug innards and golden ichor gathered in every crack of its body. It felt uncomfortable and disgusted. It also stank.
The cool water of the river washed away all of its filth and most of its worries, leaving it relaxed and eager.
Rest was easy.
The next day was similarly quiet and the weather was beautiful. And the next day as well. Travel was smooth, easy, enjoyable, and free of hiccups or hitches. Finally, they were making steady progress.
Forfend's spirits were lifted. Confidence and optimism filled its form as Cragwall's massive outline came into view on the horizon.
The path turned abruptly from dirt to cobblestone beneath their feet. A refreshing breeze drifted off a wide, deep river flanking the slow slope Cragwall was built upon. Beyond the expanse of water, the Howling Plains of Begstrom were living up to their name.
A towering, swirling storm framed Castle Ledrian, which sat imposingly at the very top of Cragwall's incline.
Even from a distance, the sprawling stronghold looked intimidating. Like one could spend their whole life living inside those walls and never find their way into every room.
The next district below the castle on the mountainous outcrop was similarly excessive. Forfend assumed the line of mansions would each belong to the major nobles of the realm. One of them must be the Summerstead Estate. Another could belong to the Gallofords. Though, that left at least three noble families that Forfend knew nothing about. It hoped that wouldn't be important.
The base of the hill was filled up with what was by far Cragwall's largest district. That was the area where the common folk lived and worked. The very air bustled with all the lively happenings of everyday routine. Forfend had never seen so many people in one place.
A handful of particularly large buildings stuck out. One of those was a wide, circular building with a domed roof made up of red glass. The sunlight glinted brilliantly off it.
Not far from it, a grand cathedral rose up towards the heavens as though the building itself was beseeching the gods. Forfend hoped it was truly filled with all the holy energy it looked to encapsulate.
Other domed buildings and large dwellings surely marked myriads of libraries and shops.
Along the sides of Cragwall's outcropping ran aqueducts, poised as both water infrastructure and railings for the steep drops on either side of the raised city. They collected the rain that fell around Castle Ledrian and the noble district whenever a storm might cross the river from the Howling Plains and carried it all the way out into the farmlands Forfend and its companions were now passing through.
Of everything, Forfend was most interested in this area outside the soaring stone walls. These people were farmers and likely the poorest people in Cragwall. Their ramshackle homes clustered beneath the shadow of the city and spread outward from there.
The earthy scent of farmland permeated the air, adding a familiar undertone to the river breeze. This area was nearly like home, though even it alone would dwarf Foumedo.
Many people worked the fields without so much as glancing up. Others were out hanging laundry to dry or tending to playing children. Fewer people stopped to stare here than Brightcrossing. Those that did looked awestruck or nervous or curious.
Forfend waved to them.
As always, the children were most delighted by this. Some of the adults hazarded a smile and wave of their own.
The road itself was crowded with people coming into or out of the city. Occasionally, a street vendor called out to Forfend and its companions, or approached them pitching all manner of supplies and tools and luxury goods.
Forfend shook its head politely before Kagoshi could cause a fuss.
Melzaryn looked perfectly comfortable in this bustling atmosphere as he led them into the line at the gates.
Kairi had slipped into the back of the party, massaging her temples. Forfend worried for her. She had mentioned that crowds of people overwhelmed her with their collective emotions. She couldn't turn her demigod ability off. She would have no choice but to endure.
Forfend raised itself to its full height and looked out over the line ahead of them.
The gates were heavily guarded. Two knights on horseback stood watch on either side of the road. More knights and guards handled the paperwork of those entering, asking various questions before allowing passage. Yet more guards crowded the ramparts above, staring down at the throngs of people.
All of it looked far more rigorous than what they'd gone through in Brightcrossing. Forfend touched the bag of Calamity Shards at its side. Hopefully, they wouldn't search it.
Forfend fretted silently as the line slowly inched forward.
Melzaryn nudged it gently and cast a relaxed smile.
Forfend nodded.
"Next," a guard called the party forward without looking up from his list.
An arcanist is deep green robes sat nearby. He perked up at the sight of Forfend.
"What is the purpose of your visit?" the guard asked.
"We are reporting for court," Forfend hummed.
"Ah, alright," the guard nodded, pencil pressed to the paper. "Names please."
"Forfend," the guard repeated and looked up for the first time. His next words caught in his throat. He glanced at the arcanist.
"Excuse me," the arcanist said, "but where is your owner, good sir?"
Forfend hissed steam and shook its head. "I own myself."
The arcanist gasped. "A sentient construct!" He paused and blinked curiously up at Forfend. "Is that correct?"
"Effectively, though not precisely," Forfend answered.
"You said your name was Forfend?"
"I did. Forfend Smith."
"Fascinating! And where do you come from?" the arcanist pulled out a journal and began taking notes.
"Foumedo," it said proudly.
"Foumedo?!" the arcanist exclaimed. "Perhaps they have more down that way than I thought. Perhaps I should visit."
"It a very small and beautiful town," Forfend agreed.
"And what are the rest of your names?" the guard prompted Forfend's companions.
"Kagoshi," came the first flat answer.
"Kairi Camilla," came the next in a singsong tone only a bit more muted than usual.
"Melzaryn. Collymore," the third chimed smartly after.
The guard's eyes widened slightly, but he tried to keep his surprise concealed.
"Thank you," he said as he wrote all their names down. He took them through the very same set of questions Knight Thomas had originally asked.
Now familiar with the proceedings, it was a quick process for Forfend and its companions.
The guard nodded. "Everything seems to be in order here." He passed the papers to the arcanist.
Copies of the papers faded into existence as the arcanist accepted them. He held them up and they all burnt away in a flash of magic. "There we go," he smiled. "Enjoy your visit and pose no trouble. And welcome to Cragwall." He gestured through the archway into the massive commons area.
Forfend strode into the city and stared up at the absolutely sprawling space. It had looked huge from a distance, but from within it was overwhelming.
Just ahead was a statue of a knight on a horse stoically keeping vigil over the marketplace beneath him. The monument was so collosal Forfend nearly expected the knight's aloft sword to brush the clouds drifting over. He wore a crown upon his head, his armor lacking key defensive platings in favor of fashionable flair.
This was meant to depict King Falco then. Forfend huffed steam at the bold narcissistic display and pulled its gaze back down to street level.
The marketplace at the horse's hooves was overrun with merchant stalls and rushing shoppers. A cacophony of shouted pitches and prices and products slashed the otherwise busily peaceful atmosphere.
Forfend found itself drawn in towards the noise.
No one here so much as paused to give it a second look. All of them were buzzing about their own business.
"Where are we going?" Kairi asked meekly.
"I do not know," Forfend hummed, stunned by its new surroundings.
"Oi!" a rough voice cut through the noise. "You bunch newcomers here?"
"Yes," Forfend replied as it looked for who had spoken.
"Ah, well, welcome to Cragwall!" The voice's owner stepped forward into the circle the lively crowd was making around the stalled group.
He was a halfling man whose head was only just level with Forfend's midriff. He wore a duster jacket over mussed, baggy clothes. His boots were spattered with dried mud and so worn down they looked steps away from falling apart.
He brushed dirty fingers through his messy hair in an effort to tidy himself. "You look a bit lost. Can I help?"
Forfend knelt. "Perhaps you can."
The man tugged his jacket and grinned proudly. "If you're lost in Cragwall, I can certainly help you find your way. For a fee of course."
Forfend tilted its head. "What is the fee?"
He looked over the party and tapped his chin. "Let's call it a good four gold. I charge per person. How's that sound?"
"Four gold? Per person? For directions?" A chuckle rumbled in Forfend's chest.
"Big city," the halfling reasoned. "I've got some insider secrets too, if you catch my drift. I'm Cragwall born and bred! I know this city inside and out."
"Ah, I see." Forfend let a soft hiss of steam cover the last grindstone chuckles in its core. "Could you lead us to the Summerstead Family Estate?"
"Yeah, it's in the mountain quarter! There's a lotta noble homes up that way," he nodded sagely. "I could tell you a bit about all of them. Whatever you need, wherever you need to go, I'll be here to help you out." He paused, then added. "If you pay my fee."
Forfend felt its chest begin to glow faintly. It could get directions from anyone and probably rather easily too. There was no need to pay this stranger.
But Forfend liked his moxie, his brazen audacity. It was charmingly reminded of Fletch's insistent positive attitude.
The halfling also looked as though he may need the money much more than Forfend did anyway.
It pulled the four gold from its pouch and its companions each did the same.
The halfling almost looked startled. He shook himself out of it and accepted the payment. "Thank you! Alright, on with your tour then! C'mon, c'mon, I'll show you the way!"
Forfend followed him intently.
"By the way, my name is Erzor Littlefoot," he introduced himself.
"Nice to meet you, Forfend! You're a big one, ain't you?" Erzor teased. "What's it like being made of stone?"
Forfend's thought process was momentarily stymied by that question. It hummed deep in its core. "I... imagine it is quite different from being made up of flesh, but I have never been anything other than stone. I have no comparison."
"You know what? That's fair," Erzor nodded appreciatively. "Carrying on, I'll let you in on the destinations of interest here in Cragwall."
He pointed out three buildings clustered near one another far off to their left. "That first one there with the domed roof is the Tyrwedian Grand Library. That's where the greatest minds and scholars in Tyrwedia come to learn."
He tossed his head at the next stately building. "That one's the Tyrwedian Grand Court. You only go there if you really fuck up some shit. Most legal business is dealt with in the town or city it happened in, but if somebody fucks up real bad they get sent there."
"That is our destination," Forfend sighed in a weary rush of steam.
"Really?" Erzor blinked in surprise.
"It is a long and complicated story," Forfend lamented.
"No, no, I'm just your guide for the afternoon. Your business is yours. You'll get no judgment from me." He nodded kindly and pointed to the third building. "That one is one of our resident artisans. A woodcarver's place. The dwarf there does a fine job with his craft. I bought something there recently myself. A gorgeous chair. Real comfortable."
"I will certainly make it a point to visit before I leave Cragwall," Forfend said.
"You should!" Erzor encouraged. "Over yonder is the statue of King Ledrian on his mighty steed. Of course, I've never actually seen the steed. Or the king, for that matter!"
He laughed, but Forfend heard the steel across whetstone noise slice through its chest. A king, or any leader, should be present for their people. It was not a good sign that a citizen of the capitol had never seen his king.
"Off to our right there is the general military installation. That's where the guards and barracks and all are at. Jail's part of it too." Erzor gestured toward thick stone walls surrounding a heavily fortified brutalist structure. Everything about the place was designed to project strength and authority.
"Not far from there is the Tyrwedian Grand Cathedral. It's got a spot for every deity in the pantheon." Erzor whistled appreciatively. "Ain't she gorgeous?"
Forfend took a long moment to appreciate the grandiose church. It whistled like a kettle. It didn't have the time right now, but it would have to visit this place before it left Cragwall.
Erzor pat its arm and pointed off towards the building with the red glass dome. "That's the Teleportation Hub. It can take you to almost any other capitol city in Rozdarta. Not Ashea though. They're very isolationist."
Forfend tilted its head at the crowd forming there. The place had been busy before, but now droves of people filled the surrounding plaza. Most of them were earth genasi. They were shouting, chanting. Some of them brandished signs.
"What is going on there?" it asked Erzor.
Erzor grimaced. "I don't really get much into politics. The earth genasi are protesting something. I don't know much about it."
Forfend hummed and edged closer to the crowd.
Erzor followed hesitantly.
Melzaryn pointed up at the glimmering ruby dome. "The glass is designed as an arcane focus. It channels sunlight to power the magic circle and everything else in the building."
Forfend nodded, but it was more focused on trying to catch the jumbled yells of the protestors.
Kagoshi dropped back from the shuffling throng to check on Kairi. She had her hands pressed to her temples and her eyes squeezed shut.
"They are talking about stolen land," Forfend shared over the din. "I wonder what happened."
Half-elves, humans, dwarves, and halflings interspersed the crowd occasionally, but almost every protestor was earth genasi.
Forfend could not recall ever seeing so many genasi of any element in one place like this. They were livid.
"They're all so upset," Kairi mumbled, pain scrunching her face. "They just want their homeland returned."
Forfend nodded, gazing over the crowd to the building they surrounded. It paused as an oddity caught its attention.
There were several hooded people around the base of the Teleportation Hub. They appeared to be doing maintenance, but then why were they wearing such dark clothing?
"What are they doing?" Forfend stood taller, watching them suspiciously.
"What's going on?" Erzor wondered aloud.
"Can you see?" Forfend asked the much, much shorter man.
"Not really," he answered predictably.
"Would you like assistance with that?"
"Um, sure." Erzor squinted at Forfend.
Forfend knelt down, carefully lifted the man up onto its shoulders, and stood back up.
"Oh, oh wow, this is really tall!" Erzor blinked owlishly at his new vantage point.
Forfend pointed out the strange workers. "Them. What are they doing?"
"Oh, those are the maint--" he abruptly cut himself off. "Wait, who the fuck are they?"
The mysterious figures stepped away from their handiwork. They'd stationed large barrels all around the front entrance.
Forfend glanced at Erzor, then at its friends.
Melzaryn's brow was creased with a rare show of concern.
"Kagoshi, look at this," it beckoned urgently.
One of the hooded workers pulled a scroll from his side pouch and whispered into it just as Kagoshi turned.
Every barrel ignited in violent, surging flame. A shockwave crashed through the city. People screamed, glass shattered, blood splattered, stone cracked.
The crumbling building cascaded forward, bearing down upon the protestors.
Kagoshi dashed in immediately, shoving panicking people out of his way as he doubled in size. He slammed his oversized hands into the tumbling wall. His knees nearly buckled, but he held strong.
Erzor half-fell half-jumped from Forfend's shoulders.
Forfend ran, but it wouldn't reach the next section before it collapsed onto the protestors. It was too far.
"Mel!" it yelled frantically.
Melzaryn responded immediately. Magic warped around Forfend.
In an instant, it was deposited beneath the shadow of the massive falling slabs of stone. It threw its arms up and felt the heavy burden nearly crush it. It grunted, cracks arcing across its straining shoulders.
Somewhere above it, the remaining pieces of the glass dome began splintering. The red light of the magic bathed the scrambling streets like an omen of blood yet to spill.
Forfend spared a look to its left and saw more crumbling rubble coming down.
Magic whirled in its core and burst free, smoke belching from its back. Its body seared so suddenly and so strongly with heat it thought it may truly melt.
The golden magic coalesced into a large adamantine support beam with a broad, flat top. The sound of a hammer striking metal reverberated through the plaza as the form solidified.
The weight of the rubble buried the support's stake through the cobblestone and into the ground, locking it in place.
A perilous creak emanated. The support began to bend.
Too thin! Forfend cursed and fumbled for the magic coursing through its shield.
The Orison Aegis responded. A new stream of golden magic met Forfend's and thickened the adamantine device.
The creaking stopped. No more stone or shrapnel fell. For the moment, the collapse was stalled.
Forfend let its head hang and focused on not letting its feet slip or its knees buckle beneath the unbelievable crushing weight on its back.
People scrambled out from beneath the imminent, looming shadow. They dragged their injured comrades with them.
They would make it. All of them not fatally caught in the initial blast would survive.
Forfend felt its body shaking. It wouldn't quit. It managed a glance at Kagoshi.
He'd transformed. Normally, that made him a violent threat, but right now he didn't look like an Atroxian demon. His giant form was wholly changed.
Instead of onyx skin with glowing scars and burgundy flames, he was ashy gray with burning orange hair. His scars lit up like flickering firelight.
He looked far more like a fire giant than a demon.
Forfend almost wasn't certain if this new creature was Kagoshi until he caught its gaze. He grit his teeth, a snarl on his face.
"Go, move!" he shouted at the fleeing protestors in a deep growling voice.
That was surely Kagoshi. He wasn't a demonic monster this time, but he was still characteristically angry.
Forfend nodded gratefully to him.
Kagoshi huffed irritably. He looked away to focus on his work.
Long, agonizing seconds crawled by as the last of the crowd finally escaped the collapse.
Forfend could feel more cracks shooting across its shoulders and chipping pieces off its back.
It was nearly at its limit.
"On three," Kagoshi strained.
Forfend nodded.
"One. Two." Kagoshi tensed, preparing himself. "Three!" he shouted.
Forfend released the crumbling building and staggered backwards.
Kagoshi dropped his section as well and dove as the mountain of debris finally crashed to the pavement.
Forfend's support melted into golden slag and dissipated as the final section fell with rattling clatter.
Kagoshi doubled over, panting heavily as he shrank back to his original size. "Shit," he wheezed.
Forfend knelt, one hand on the ground to steady itself. "Shit," it concurred. It wiped at the ichor pouring down its runic face.
A warbling electric crackle whipped through the plaza.
Forfend looked up, locking onto a spinning sphere resting near the top of the rubble. Lightning flashed off it, stinging the air with the sharp scent of ozone and uncontrolled arcana. It spun faster and faster and faster as it pulled in unfettered energy.
Suddenly, it exploded.
A violent blast of magic energy careened deafeningly through Cragwall. Forfend and everyone else in the crowd was flung backwards, slamming into similarly tossed market stalls or rolling across the pavement.
Forfend skidded to a halt and flattened itself further as glass and other shrapnel launched over its head.
An alarm rang out. Dozens, maybe hundreds, of guards flooded from the military complex. Immediately, they swarmed the swaths of downed citizens, yelling orders to one another and providing aid however they could.
Forfend hauled itself upright.
Kagoshi was by its side a second later.
Melzaryn and Kairi rushed to them, coughing at the dust in the air.
The smoke cleared enough for them to see through to the ruined foundation of the Teleportation Hub.
Those same cloaked men were already picking through the rubble. One of them pushed debris off a survivor in the wreckage and stabbed her where she lay, wounded and helpless.
The others appeared to be following suit, finishing off anyone who'd dared survive their assault.
The emotions that coursed through Forfend were too strong for words. More than grief, more than horror, more than rage.
It stormed forward, its companions right on its heels.
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yakool-foolio · 8 months
Vivia is a god. Change by mind
I wouldn't call him a god, per say, but he does fit the definition of a demigod. Technically any Master Detective could fit under that term with their supernatural powers, but Vivia especially stands out cause he has one of the most powerful Fortes that we know of. He's a human being like everyone else, however, his ability is one of the most complex. Not only can he spectral project and see different paranormal beings, he can also phase through physical objects and fly. No wonder rumors spread around about him in the WDO! Vivia is the jack of all trades, but only when he has the motivation to put the many aspects of his Forte to use.
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Percy Jackson/Kingdom Hearts crossover continued
Frank: Wow, Jason. Sounds like you had quite a dream last night. Are you sure that this whole thing about a parallel universe wasn't just a dream?
Jason: Of course not! I told you that Saturn showed it to me.
Annabeth: ...but that's not good Jason. Saturn is the other half of Kronos, and from what you told us - he's already planning to cash in a favor with a descendent of yours.
Frank: That's far in the future though, Annabeth. It doesn't really concern us. At the end of the day, we have to live our lives in the present, just like everybody else. Make the most of the present, like Epicurus said.
Annabeth: I don't need you to quote Greek wisdom to me, Frank. Point taken.
Frank: Moving on then. I'd like to see this parallel universe and these other 'selves' Jason talked about.
Annabeth: ...but Frank, not if it means getting help from Kronos!
???: She's right, you know.
Jason: That voice...
Annabeth: (turns) Lady Hekate!
Hekate: You want to see what Jason saw, Frank Zhang? In a way you should be glad that you cannot. Crossing between parallel existences can have unpredictable consequences.
Frank: You won't help us?
Hekate: I advise against it, of course, but as your girlfriend Hazel would tell you - I never try to prevent people from choosing the course that they decide.
Hekate: (holds out an orange-red gemstone) That other world exists in twilight. If you want to go there, go to the beach in the hour before sunset and hold up the stone toward the sun.
Frank: (accepts stone) Gee, thanks a lot Lady Hekate.
Hekate: I'm only helping you because I worry you might reach out to Saturn if I don't. I could just turn you all into dolphins, which is undoubtedly what Dionysus would do if he knew about this. Again though - that isn't my way. This is your path.
The three of them spent the afternoon debating about who they should tell, but ultimately it was decided that word might somehow get to Dionysus if they told.
In the end, it was decided that even Percy should be excluded. Annabeth didn't like what Jason had said about Percy's parallel counterpart Roxas being two halves.
The hour before sunset came, and the three of them stood on the beach of Long Island Sound.
Frank tried raising the stone, but nothing happened.
Frank: That's odd...
Annabeth: You must be doing something wrong. Hekate's magic doesn't fail. We just need to think about her instructions more.
Annabeth pondered over it for several moments, and then it dawned on her. Getting the stone to work was a riddle of sorts!
Annabeth: Hey Frank, when Hekate said hold the stone up to the sun, I think that means you can't just hold it up to the sky. You have to envision holding the stone up to the sun. It isn't enough just to raise the stone up.
Frank: I'll try it.
Frank raised the stone, envisioning the sun as the god Helios, ready to take the stone from him.
There was no doubt about the magic this time...
The very air around them seemed to come apart. They found themselves suddenly pummeled by a mighty gale force wind.
When the wind blew over and everything came into focus, they were standing in an open sandlot, under a twilight sky.
Jason knew immediately that this wasn't like the last time, when Saturn had merely shown him shadows and images. Hekate's magic had really brought them to that other place.
From the looks of it, the sandlot was in the center of a rather large city. It looked a lot like the city from Jason's dream.
The three demigods could hear a train moving over tracks in the distance.
???: What are you three doing here?
Annabeth, Jason, and Frank almost jumped out of their skins at the unexpected intrusion. They turned and found themselves facing three teenagers - probably not much younger than themselves.
One of the teens was a muscular guy with spiky black hair, wearing a red tank top and baggy sports pants. He was flanked by a girl with silver hair, and a less muscular guy with a black beanie.
The silver-haired girl pointed at them.
???: Strangers!
Black beanie boy: (chuckles) Fuu likes to state the obvious. She isn't one for many words. The dude with the spiky hair is Rai, and I'm Seifer. We're the Twilight Town Discipline Committee.
Rai: Yeah! The Twilight Town Discipline Committee! Ya know?
Fuu: (points at Frank) Trouble!
Seifer: You hear that? I think Fuu probably has you pegged about right. You're troublemakers.
Jason: Wait! We're troublemakers? You just met us.
Rai: Yeah, but you're outsiders. Ya know?
???: Aw, leave 'em alone Rai!
Jason recognized the guy who said that from his dream. It was that Roxas guy, and he was flanked by Hayner, Pence, and Olette.
Seifer: (assumes fighting stance) Were you planning to interrupt our disciplinary measures? Not wise, Roxas.
Hayner: (raising fists) We're ready for ya, Seifer. We won't back down!
Seifer: (smirks) Whatever. We've got bigger fish to fry anyway. These outsiders seem hardly worth the effort.
Fuu: Losers!
Seifer laughed heartily as he and his friends departed.
Roxas: Don't mind them. They're mostly hot air. Seifer thinks he has some unexplained right to rule this town and tell other kids what to do.
Frank: That's weird. Wonder what his problem is...
Hayner: Don't sweat over it. I'm Hayner by the way. He's Roxas... Pence... and the cute one is Olette.
Jason: I kind of already knew that. It'll sound strange to you, but I saw all of you in a dream.
Hayner raised his eyebrow skeptically.
Hayner: (smirks) Well, I suppose that's not as weird as some of the stuff that Roxas comes up with. You're in good company. You want to see our special place?
Pence: Follow us!
-To be continued?-
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science-lings · 2 years
Not me waking up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night (6 am) with another LU AU idea (CHB demigods but hylian flavored) given to me but I’m too tired to write it down so who knows if I’ll still remember it after my next batch of sleepies
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punkeropercyjackson · 13 days
@parkerpresentz asked me for The Eight's favorite MLP pony's(The Seven's actually but i'm throwing in the s/i for funsies)but my dumb ass forgot when you save asks they get drafted in the same spot the time you got it so here it is as a post💀👍🏼Mb bestie /gen
Percy-Rainbow Dash obviously,i need not elaborate
Lex-Fluttershy for the same reason and Perlex and Flutterdash is the same
Annabeth-Applejack,he loves her country girl swag and canon butch lesbian rep
Jason-Sunset Shimmer,he just thinks she's neat and also her life is just his...in a way /Gravity Falls ref
Piper-Trixie Lulamoon,she is deranged and she loves that
Leo-Rainbow Dash or Discord,it's a tie and you will NOT make him choose.Wait Discord's not a pony nvm but they are indeed tied for his fave
Hazel-Pinkie Pie,this is literally Hazel irl
Tumblr media
Frank-Twilight,she caters to him specifically ykwim?
I think Nico and Reyna were also asked for but even if not here's their bonuses:Fluttershy(he takes after Lex)and Cadance(sprung on her by 'The Bride and The Ugly ass Groom' meme but her fave before her was Cheese Sandwitch)
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lukore · 2 years
Meant to ask this when I saw you had finished worm but. Did you enjoy it overall? Was it worth your time reading it?
caveat that i read it in a fever fueled fugue over the 10 or so days that i was in quarantine due to covid but yes i enjoyed it. idk if you've read it and want my overall thoughts or if you're asking for a recommendation but i can type more later (it is 12am) if you want. taylor skitter hebert top 10 characters perfectly primed to destroy me emotionally.
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