#rey of jakku imagine
stargirl230 · 10 months
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Out there, somewhere
or: hey BB-8, ya like sand?
(no reposts; reblogs appreciated)
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clqoo · 9 months
god i need an ancient greece reylo fic
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(Star Wars) Rey x Reader
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The rain was pouring down on the forest planet of Ajan Kloss which had been discovered by an Alderaanian scouts prior to the Galactic Civil War. This planet had once a long time ago been inhabited, the natives-who were referred to as the “Kloss”-died out. This was a secret location that only the Alderaanian Royal Family knew about and passed on to Leia, who know used the planet for the Resistance’s new base after the loss to the First Order several months ago.
Rebuilding the resistance was harder than anyone would’ve guessed because nearly all by fifty members had remained after the battle that made it safely onto the Falcon. It was hard to see how many people had died because (Your Name) Solo had known so many of them and worked along side many that lost their lives to the First Order.
(Your Name) had only been only been gone to find Luke along with Rey for only a few days and all this death had happened. How was (Your Name) going to be a Jedi if so, many people had died when you were away?
The sounds of a lightsaber hitting trees could be heard into the storm night and (Your Name) Solo closed their (eyes color) eyes before looking out into the rain. The noise was coming from Rey once more which made (Your Name) roll their eyes at the sudden activities going on within the wet and cold night.
Rey had been training none stop under Leia. (Your Name) would argue that Rey was somehow better than even anyone that (Your Name) has ever met and it was something that made (Your Name) furious about how easy the Scavenger girl from nowhere could use the force than the living legacy of the Solo and Skywalker bloodline.
Only (Your Name) kept those bitter fleeing down because they didn’t want to turn into Kylo Ren and given into the Dark Side which seemed to be a running trait within their family. But (Your Name) always kept calm and try to stay kind.
(Your Name) moved out into the rain which made your body shake before you continued to move through the rainy forest and finally came across the Scavenger girl. “You should be inside. Trying in the rain will only make you ill.” Which the Resistance didn’t have a lot of medicine for at the moment.
Rey shook her head as she tried to make her lightsaber-which was supposed to be (Your Name), Kylo Ren’s, or Leia because it was Anakin Skywalkers-using it to hit against floating rocks. “Not until I get all the targets.”
(Your Name) gave a small scoff at the comment. “Yeah. Sure. Stay out in the rain longer than you have too.”
“I’m training.”
“You’re making yourself ill the longer you try to be everything that everyone needs.” (Your Name) corrects. Rey had been trying to become a Jedi for the Resistance and to understand that power, but the scavenger didn’t need to be one. Only Rey didn’t have much of a choice when she was sent off with (Your Name) by Leia to find Luke.
Rey turned off the lightsaber to turn and all at (Your Name) for a second before shaking her head. “I want this.”
“Really,” (Your Name) fired back. “Last I remember you wanted to do back to Jakku.”
“There’s nothing for me there anymore. You already know that…you saw it along with Ren.”
(Your Name) frown for a moment because that was correct. When Kylo Ren, Rey and (Your Name) touched hands the three saw visions of each other that was past and future. But something about what (Your Name) saw made feel uncertain of Rey because (Your Name) saw a throne made of rocks and a figure that looked like the later Emperor. That’s what caused (Your Name) to dislike the young scavenger because Rey was somehow connected to Palpatine. Only (Your Name) didn’t know how to explain to Rey about what they had seen.
“That’s true, but you still could do back where it’s safe. This fight doesn’t have to be your fight,” (Your Name) explained to Rey. “I’m giving you a choice. Unlike most people in the Resistance. Come inside the base until it stops raining or keep training and get sick…your choice.”
Rey stared in shock. “I thought you would say I should leave…”
“It’s your choice if you want to stay in this fight. I’ve always been in it because of my bloodline and Uncle Luke and my mother pushing the Jedi onto Ben and I when we were kids. I wasn’t given a choice in being a Jedi… it was to always happen.” (Your Name) explained. “But you…. Rey. You still have a choice.”
“I’m choosing to stay because I need you.” Rey stated.
(Your Name) looked at Rey in surprise. “Me?”
“Yes, along with Finn, Leia, Poe, BB-8, Chewie, Connix.” Rey continued to list off the names of the people that she knew within the Resistance. “Your guys are the closest thing to a family that I have. That I might ever have within my life. So, I’m becoming a Jedi for now to protect all of you. After this war is over, I’ll make the choice to continue the training or not. But for now, I need to be a Jedi.”
(Your Name) gave a small nod. “Yeah. But you should still come inside. Unless you want me to get sick.”
Rey let out a small breath in defeat before following (Your Name) back into the base.
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be-loved-moon · 2 years
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write-your-reality · 1 year
Write Your Reality
Hi y'all! Just wanted to plug my new Etsy shop for writing commissions. Right now I've got listings up for personalized emails from your favorite characters, but I'll be adding other types of writing commissions too in the same vein!
I'm comfortable writing for:
Assassin's Creed:
Star Wars:
The Mandalorian
Cara Dune
Kylo Ren
Marvel Cinematic Universe:
Bucky Barnes
If you don't see your favorite/comfort character her or on the listings, just reach out to me on here, on my Etsy, or through my email: [email protected] . I'm willing to try my hand at certain characters if I'm at least familiar with the fandom! :)
Check out my listings for pricing + more info!!!
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dxsertsuns · 2 years
Me: doesn't agree with the plot of the sequels.
Me: so Luke adopted Rey and Finn. They're both Skywalkers. He loves his kids.
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ladythornofrivia · 5 months
MY SCAVENGER || Kylo Ren!Aemond x Rey!Reader
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a/n: i’ve been thinking about what one-shot I should do next. Though I’m currently writing Saltburn fanfic, I love Star Wars. Even Reylo! Have fun reading! (Some dialogue in the beginning doesn’t belong to me. It belongs to the movie.)
warnings: interrogation, torture kink, lust at first sight, breeding kink, p in v sex, fight scene, violence, aemond has issues, loss of virginity, aemond is a d*ck, kink size, obsessive aemond, dom/sub, aemond not only uses the power of force on reader but also with his d*ck. Bl*wjob, degradation kink, creampie
pair: aemond x reader
Somewhere in the galaxy far away, the leader of the First Order, Aemond Targaryen, was hunting for the map that’ll lead him to Daemon Targaryen, the last Jedi ever existed. Or so he believed.
While Aemond knew the legends of his uncle and his journey as a Jedi warrior, but those who commanded under Aemond’s order and leadership, not a soul in a galaxy believed Daemon ever existed, not in the history textbooks or screens. The stormtroopers only meant to serve their skilled leader.
As young as he was, Aemond Targaryen is known for his cold and calculating nature. He kept his helmet on, under any circumstances, and wields a red lightsaber. Tall and lethal, no one really knew what he looked like—it left to the imagination far and wide, leading his troops picturing of his appearance. Aemond wouldn’t dare make his troops or his other commanding officers enter his private quarters.
In the galaxy, everyone feared him.
Until you.
A nobody living in the stories of galaxy.
Hunting for scraps and leftovers for the sake of small profit to keep on living. Finding rare scraps in Jakku, was meddlesome. A nightmare. Filled in stacks of desert sand and humid waves lingered and pierced your skin.
Deserted land has been your home. And in your home, inside the AT-AT Walker, after you scratch another tally mark on the metallic wall, you cooked a loaf of bread and fried vegetables and scraps of thin meat. You wondered when your life will begin anew with reborn purpose. A nobody, in the galactic space, hoped your family would return.
You hoped that your life isn’t meaningless.
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Jakku has been destroyed; in chaos, you’re forced to leave—of taking refuge, but more companions in your journey agreed that Jakku is nothing but a junkyard, and there you met a legendary shooter and a Wookie Warrior. But the plans failed.
For Aemond Targaryen spotted the map to Daemon Tarygaryen’s location. But the expectant acquirance wasn’t the astromech, droid BB8, rather, something far more interesting.
Aemond captured you—after minutes of chase and defense in the thickened forest. “Bring the girl,” he ordered, as your body fell to unconsciousness by the force, as he carried you and fled away with his ship, brought you to the First Order base, entrapped in metal straps as soon as you woke up.
Luminous lights and thick air provoked your tightened lungs to breath and your skin had broken a perspiration.
The doors opened, unveiling a tall, dark figure between the gaps of archway. Stomping on his shoes echoed until became nothing.
“Where are the others?” you asked, rasping, eyes hazed.
“You mean the murderers, traitors and thieves and cravens you call friends,” he said, taunting, his voice was nearly a merry. “You’ll be in such a relief that I have no clue to where they are.”
The reflection of his mask stared back at you. “You still want to murder me—challenge me,” he assumed.
“Well, that’s what happens if you’ve been chased and captured by the monstrous creature in a mask,” you snapped, low voice laced with venom.
His mask has taken off, long silk strands of silver-blond hair flowed over his chest, as the violet eye and the substitution of his sapphire gleamed at you. For a second, you never thought that your captor is skilled fighter, but it’s also young—young and handsome. His milky skin aglow, a good correlation to his deep stone wedged on the empty socket of his amputated eye, lined with scar that is faded. Outline of his jaw sharpened, shadowed as he strode closer to you.
Thundered, his mask dropped at a nearby stand, the grey sand flew and dissipated as his lithe frame inched closer.
“The droid,” he said, almost frantic. “Tell me about the droid. I know the droid has the map to Daemon Targaryen. Ever heard of him?”
Looking at his eye, you shook your head, “Never heard of him,” you answered, the illuminated lights flashed over your eyelids each time you blinked.
Aemond inched his face closer. “Your heart beat is pounding awfully loud.”
“Must be the heat,” you retorted.
He chuckled. “What a clever liar you are. But not clever enough. Now, tell me about the droid.”
“He’s a BB Unit with a Selenium Drive with a Thermal Hyperscan Vindicator.”
“It’s carrying a navigational chart, which the droid possesses the map.” His head tilted. “You, a scavenger, living on Jakku—a deserted planet with nothing to offer.” His face leaned closer. “You know I can take what I want.”
You swallowed, eyes flicking at his smooth pink-colored lips.
“My,” he said, licking his lower lip. “It appears you have some sort of interest in me, showed no signs of fear.”
You looked away, face reddened from the strict heat in the room and the huskiness in his voice. His hand outreached to your side temple, though no contact. You felt the Force strengthened and battled against the mobility of your system.
“You’re lonely. Alone and desperate. Waiting for someone to show up and rescue you. Waiting for someone to lead you out from the land, from the galaxy and into the great land with trees and life. I can sense the anger…not only that…something far more…delicate…in the matter based on your compromising position,” he cooed.
You resisted, of course, but your energy drained quicker.
His body leaned back, taking a good look of your exasperated form. “Tell you what, I’ll release you, but only if you can give something to me, in one condition.”
You (e/c) locked onto his. “And what would that be?”
Only the corners of Aemond’s lips curled.
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“Please, no,” you begged, wrists tied up behind your back while Aemond was sitting on a spare chair, his thick and lithe legs spread wide while you’re in between them, knees already hurting.
“Shhh, trust me, my little scavenger,” he cooed again, his gloved hand flattened behind your head and dragged it downward. “So, are you going to be my good woman, or do I have show you the force again?”
Gulping, you succumbed at his voice. Maybe another way of his “force”.
“Good woman,” he praised, and unzipped his black trousers, his long and thick cock sprung out it nearly hit your cheek below the eye. “Sorry, darling, my cock couldn’t help but to view at the sight of you,” he said, smirking, tugging your locks, hauling you closer to his engorged tip, leaking. Your lips opened, taken his length in, choking. It felt as if your eating a whole uncut rod—or a thicker lightsaber. “All trapped underneath me, my power. The force within can’t abide much later.”
Gagging proceeded in your throat, but you took his length in precarious and fervent care.
“That’s it,” he groaned, his other hand flicked, the force brought your head down further to the end of his swollen cock, his large balls. “Argh! That’s…it.”
It was impressive for him to not only deal with a woman with capable resistance, but also has a coy nature she has been hiding—a tease.
The force no longer hostage you; your mouth watered as you took his cock well, swallowing the taste of his flesh, his warm flesh. Oh, how delightful. You never dealt a Jedi or a commander to have desirable or naughty urges. But you figured that even the force cannot contain beastly urges of a man. Aemond was one. But, has he ever been a woman before you? Jealousy pitted down on your heated belly, flickering.
It felt so wrong, but, your heart was aching for him, despite “meeting” under the matters of selfish urgency and a brink of death.
Aemond sighed, his silver-blond locks befallen on his broad and lean backside, his throat bobbed, heaving and sighing at your warm and slick mouth.
“Your thoughts are troubling you again,” he said. “No, I have never been with a woman.”
You doubted. Tortured at the thought of a previous woman, a torture where a previous woman might do better than you—an inexperienced scavenger.
“I never lie,” he said. His index finger flicked, and the hair ties on your head casted, your longish locks flowed, nesrly covering up your breast. “In fact, I never did.”
Semen spurted in your slippery mouth.
“Take it all in, darling,” he encouraged, hearing your throat quenched its thirst, smothered in his slick and spurt of his thick semen.
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The room became hotter as Aemond strapped your wrists above your head onto the prison bed.
“Stay still, woman,” he grunted, his lips inched downward to yours, seeing if the pace of his breath matched with yours.
Your chest steadied from a grasping breath you tried to behold with gentleness. Aemond sensed it, too.
“You’re steady…Good.” And plunged his suppled lips to yours, caging your soft ragged breaths, playing your tongue with his, heavy sighs played out in the air, his palm snuck in your cloth, smooth fingertips tracing the lines of your stomach, the soft steep of ribcage.
“With you under my protection, nothing can go wrong, little scavenger,” he said, his tucked hand withdrew, and flicked a sharp movement, and your clothes shred and tossed across the room under his Force.
Gasping, Aemond silenced your lips again under a deep passion. A sheer underwear tucked your maidenhood. Frustrated, Aemond snatched and ripped in one swoop, his cock engorged twice, hardened, his throat dried and croaked at the sight of your flawless beauty, picturing the lines of stretch marks on your lower belly from the swollen pregnancy. Aemond thought beforehand that if the First Order has been under siege, in one way to promote a difficult position that couldn’t diffuse, he needed an heir, an heir of a stronger, faster and more calculating version of himself.
“Hold on, scavenger, I’m sure this will be painful for you, but you’ll grow to love the feeling of my cock, grinding inside your walls. How do you feel now, little woman? Are you willing to give an heir for me?”
You gasped. There was so much life ahead of you. Unsure of his words, you were sure he’s crazy to know that one, obtaining pregnancy is scandalous—especially if a father is a notorious leader. He could be killed, and could be tortured or his enemies will use you and the child to proceed their victory to reach Aemond.
Gulping and vibrating under him, you uttered. “Why me?”
Your heart is torn in half. What if Aemond is only using you as a spare time hobby? What if he’ll soon find a lover who’s more beautiful and mature and not childlike like you, and for you to be thrown in the dark and be forgotten? Numerous possibilities rushing in your mind—and halted—when Aemond said, “I won’t betray you. Betraying is the enemy’s job.”
“But you’re the enemy,” you remarked.
“In this room, you’ll only see the real me, as the real Aemond, a beast hidden in a skin of a man,” he murmured. “I must have you,” he grunted, pushing his cock into your constricted folds, pumping and sliding in a tremendous pace that the bed rocked.
Moans ascended in the roofs, Aemond’s quiet grunts entered through your ears. Your legs wrapped around his slender waist, bobbing as his powerful thrusts electrified your drenched walls.
Your eyes lulled, but Aemond grasped your face and aligned it to his, violet eye narrowed. “Look at me as I fuck you good—heavy and fast. Your belly will soon swell with a future Jedi, a more powerful warrior than any good-for-nothing troops in the galaxy.”
His legs ached as his one hand untied the knot on your wrist and hauled your body up for you to snuggle him, bed rocking continuously as your voice rasped, airily sighing with your eyes closed, almost seeing pink stars swirling in your closed lids, your mouth sucked Aemond’s neck, offered a low hiss through his teeth.
“That’s it, my good angel,” Aemond purred,the flat of his large hands enveloped and motioned against your naked back. The heat in the room faded, the coldness bumped into your bare flesh; the air condition is activated, encouraged your warm bodies to go at full speed.
“Aemond,” you moaned, head threw back.
Aemond’s pace became sloppy, staggered at you calling his name. “Say it again, my darling scavenger. Say my name.”
“Aemond…Aemond,” your hips gyrated, in pleasurable heat.
His lips curved. “I knew you would love it eventually.”
“Need you to come…inside me..in me…on me…in my mouth or face. Fuck me good,” you begged, corner of your lips salivating, tongue buds prickling, in hopes to taste his cock again.
But you missed the part where Aemond’s eye gleamed in darkened shade, in secret thrill.
Grabbing your hips, nails deepened and bruised your flesh and bones as his thrusts shoved harder, sending your voice wailing through the roof. You were sure that the Stormtroopers would stop and listen over your voice. Aemond couldn’t care less; he loved seeing you like this.
“Almost there, my scavenger,” he groaned, kissing your cheek, last few rounds set in; your arms slightly flailed yet gripped around his neck, face nuzzled onto his lean neck as he blasted hot white liquid inside you.
Kissing on several spots on your face, Aemond tugged your body down with him, with your side profile pressed against his chest, his hand rested on your back head while the other brushed your back.
“The child will soon grow into you,” he reminded.
“What about the droid?” you asked, puzzled.
Aemond scoffed. “Forget about that damn droid. It is you who I am enamored to, who I am now devoted to.”
“Is this the power of force?”
“No, this is my love yearning for someone—for you, my sweet,” he said. “The force is neither the army nor the galaxy. The force is within us, and only us can gather. The force can sometimes break us.”
“You didn’t break me,” you noted, admiring his sapphire eye.
Aemond smiled. “No, but you tamed the force within me.”
And you both shared a tender kiss under dimmed light.
Taglist: @daonenonlysandman @toodlesxcuddles @kittendoll05 @omgsuperstarg @xcharlottemikaelsonx @paninisstuff @danika1994 @angeljcca @marvelescvpe @kukulyarva @namelesslosers @heavenly1927 @snh96 @herathedreamer @fandom-maniac-anime @httpsmenace @velunis @nananeptune @domithebomi @moonseye @valeskafics @faesspace @rxixo31 @tm-starr @xinthia19 @popsycles @naiaaramena @aleemendoza2425-blog @letmehavemyfictionalmen @aracelipf @ammo23 @blackswxnn @buccini555 @watercolorskyy @taangie @wolfdressedinlace @qardasngan @justyelena @jolixtreesunn @runekisses @jmii722 @colored-tr-panels @evergreen9083 @foggypeacestarlight @dixie-elocin @galactict3a @momowhoo @saturnssrings @dani5216 @liannafae
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writingwife-83 · 20 days
When Ben turned to the dark side of the Force in The Rise of Kylo Ren comics, Rey in the Jakku desert felt cold. They have always been connected, even before they met. Now imagine what Ben must have felt when Rey was born. When she was born, Ben was 10 years old and at that age he was sent to Luke's Jedi Academy. He missed Han and Leia a lot and there were certainly moments when he was very sad because of his parents' distance, especially in the first days of living at the Jedi Academy. But perhaps Rey's birth made an inexplicable joy well up in his heart that brought him a little comfort, even if he didn't know the origin of that happiness in his heart. I wish this became canon. 🥺
Well thanks a lot for that. 😭 No, but really, this is a great HC and I completely accept it! I feel like it would be something like this…
Hope Is Born
Ben pulled the covers up tighter around him, trying and failing to make himself comfortable. He hated the stiff bed and the scratchy blankets and the cold that never seemed to go away in this place, even with a fire nearby. This wasn’t home, and he didn’t want it to be.
What Ben wanted was his mother; wanted her to come tuck him in and tell him a story, to ruffle his hair and tell him he was looking more like his father every day. Then Ben would ask when his father would be home and his mother would get a faraway look in her eyes before smiling and giving him a vague answer like, ‘before you know it.’ And when his father was there, the bedtime stories would do nothing to tire him out, instead thrilling him and fueling adventurous dreams.
His little chin quivered in the next breath, anger quickly replacing the soft feelings for his parents as he remembered the things he used to hear them saying about him when they thought he was asleep. He hated them for sending him away. Uncle Luke was teaching him that anger and hate were wrong. But sometimes, in the quiet darkness, it felt good to let those emotions well up in him and embrace them. To imagine making them all sorry for all the times they’d hurt and rejected him. Sometimes the voices in his head praised him for those thoughts…
Suddenly, Ben’s eyes flew open. He sat up on his little cot, breathing heavily as his heart pounded and the hair on his arms stood on end. He nearly cried out for his uncle because of what he felt. The only reason he didn’t was because he wasn’t afraid. Instead, he felt…
Ben felt warm, for the first time since he’d come to Ossus. He felt warm and comforted. He was still surrounded by the darkness of night in his little tent, and yet somehow he could swear everything around him seemed brighter, more vibrant, and clearer.
He lay down again, the initial adrenaline slowly wearing off and leaving an intense peace in its wake. It felt as if he’d been hugged by his mother, told by his father that they loved him and were so proud, and then gently tucked in. It felt as if he’d been given everything he knew he needed and more in that one moment. As if someone out there was telling him it would all be ok.
For the first time in some weeks, Ben Solo shut his eyes, feeling completely calm. No voices to keep him up and haunt him, no anger or fear. He couldn’t tell exactly what it was, but he knew that something good had happened somewhere out there in the galaxy. It made him feel special to be a part of it, to have been able to feel it so intensely. Maybe it wouldn’t last, but it gave him something he hadn’t felt in a long time.
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darkonekrisrewrite · 5 months
Bnha's Final Twist Villain
I believe that UA and the hero side's real traitor has yet to be revealed, by the process of writing consistency (inconsistency) and references/parallels.
The real traitor that will (hopefully) be emerging soon as we're reaching the conclusion of this "final" conflict between the heroes and villains.
Horikoshi loves star wars
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He constantly puts references in his work.
The master and the apprentice narrative:
Deku and All-might - Shigaraki and all for one.
Naming places and techniques in bnha after Star wars locations:
Nabu Island from My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising = the Star Wars planet Naboo
Hosu City from the Hero Killer arc = The frozen planet Hoth.
The Jaku General Hospital = Jakku is Rey's home planet in The Force Awakens.
Musutafu city = mustafar the unstable volcanic world
Phantom Menace (ファントムメナス, Fantomu Menasu?) is an Ultimate Move performed by Mirio Togata using the Permeation Quirk.
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All for one is a very direct Darth Vader reference.
Likes to hold up people via the choke lift, uses weapons made of light, the dark helmet is spot on.
While true All for one does use (dark) lightning as a weapon that trait is not unique when drawing parallels to sith characters or other forces users of the darker side, as many in star wars are able to use that ability such as count dooku, Darth nihilus, Darth revan or starkiller, Nightsister Clan Mother Talzin, Snoke (sequel series) or even Rey.
And then there's: Chancellor Palpatine
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The mastermind that succeeded in talking over the galaxy, but why and how exactly did he win?
Palpatine won because he was playing both sides of board, manipulating both parties against each other for his own ends.
The "heroic" Jedi/Republic and the "villainous" Sith/separatists.
Cliff notes rundown of pre/during-clone wars:
The separatists were in many ways, the scapegoats of the clone wars.
While they generally did lean towards the corrupt political category in it's leaders, that doesn't mean that the movement itself was wrong in their grievances towards the Republic.
The Senate and it's governance really were corrupt and uncaring, many peoples and outer planets abandoned and left with far less than more prosperous/useful planets.
Those left to rot by the system would inevitably rise up against it, though due to deception and bad leadership, the separatist movement and it's end was made to help Palpatine rise to power.
The Jedi (and by extension the Republic) didn't fair any better.
Palpatine was able to so effectively pull the wool over the Jedi's eyes because they were so set in their ways, so much that they couldn't imagine any elements or consequences beyond what they believed, they refused to adapt to evolving circumstances and threats (their enemies using different tactics) and address their own flaws (their rigid beliefs being one example), that it all resulted in their downfall.
Which leads me to: Principal Nezu
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Nothing about Nezu makes any sense when you really think about it.
For an important detail to start, he won't even specify what he is: "That's right. It's me, Nezu, the one who could be a dog or a mouse or a bear, but more importantly... I'm the principal!"
And supposedly he's an animal that manifested a quirk, something that hasn't been shown anywhere else in bnha.
Then it's later revealed that he has a Dark past as an experiment by humans, this only came up once and was never mentioned again, though it definitely stated to be his backstory.
But that's the thing, if Nezu is an animal that was in a quirk based experiment (the only reason the situation would make sense is if it was quirk based) there's only one person in who could have had a hand in his being the way he is.
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Afo's doctor (or doctor Ujiko), is literally the only person in this series who could create a being like Nezu.
There is no one else who even seems to know any quirk based science.
This doctor is the only one.
Nezu is supposedly a genius, his quirk is: High Specs: Nezu's Quirk grants him a high level of intelligence that surpasses that of humans.
A level of: Intelligence - 6/5 - S
This is backed up by his performance in the students vs teachers match, but there's never been any kind of showing of Nezu's genius or strategy skills otherwise.
It's not even confirmed that Nezu came up with much of the current war strategy.
He (if you believe he's truly genuine) failed to sus out the student traitor, being aoyama, and couldn't prevent the attack of the league of villains in the forest training event that lead to the kidnapping of bakugo.
He didn't play any significant part in the first war against the paranormal liberation front.
And he didn't do much else in the future arcs except encouraging class 1A to go get deku.
Nezu doesn't really seem to do much of anything or have any real impact.
So either Nezu isn't nearly as competent or intelligent as he and his allies say that he is.
Or his stated intellectual level is true, but how could that be if he isn't shown to be proving it and when he does participate (finding the traitor, protecting the hero students) it ends badly?
Unless that was the plan.
And his absence or failures benefiting how he wanted these circumstances to play out, with all the conflicts/events going against or for the heroes being what Nezu wanted.
A counter point to this theory would be this scene:
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Nezu saying this does imply that he believes ochako can be a hero that could surpass All-might.
(She definitely could if she sticks the landing with toga.)
But if there's anything that's definitely been explicitly shown to be true in bnha, it's that those who are heroes can still be in the wrong.
Endeavor, Hawks, the pros in general and even All-might himself.
All had a hand in creating the current situation (and the destruction that came from that) in their world.
Insane ambition, serving an obviously corrupt government, allowing/endorsing brand deals/popularity contests and ensuring the status quo "Normal " to be an unshakable cornerstone of hero society.
And finally the over reliance on heroes (making apathetic civilians) had a giant hand in creating "History's Worst Villain".
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Just because someone believes in heroes, that doesn't mean that they are actually making things better or that they have good intentions, not in bnha.
And again, it's really hard to believe that someone with a genius level intelligence wouldn't realize all of these hypocrisies and flaws in hero society.
While in this theory, Nezu's real overall goal for why he's doing this would be debatable, the inconsistency with his character and the parallels to star wars' greatest villain is too spot on to be a coincidence.
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(source: star wars the clone wars 2003 TV series)
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Also something else interesting to note, if deku and shigaraki's battle at mount Fuji is meant to parallel the mustafar lava battle in star wars: revenge of the sith-
-what else happened in that movie?
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
Aisle 39. Ben's Hardware
5250 words / Ben Solo x Rey
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Warnings: I8+ mdni. Sexual tension, dubcon (via uninformed use of force connection but she wants it), dry humping. I 🖤 Dry Humping. Hardware Store AU but more than meets the eye.
A/N: posting my first fic in any fandom since I never posted it on Tumblr aside from the AO3 link and Tumblr is home now 🖤. I'm resisting the urge to improve it 😅 I'm not even gonna reread before posting. It was originally reader insert but @dark-scape translated to reylo. Lmk if you want the reader insert version instead and that can be arranged.
Rey visually undresses him.  He inhales through his strong nose, meets her gaze, and cocks an eyebrow: “Now that’s an idea."   He sinks all the way back into the cushions, his huge palms on his thighs, as if to take in the moment with a subtle, satisfied smile.  He then abruptly sits back up and starts unbuttoning his shirt.  As if on command.
Rey drives through the streets of Jakku. It's a chilly day, but bright for mid December. The sun is in her eyes, but the drive isn't long enough to commit to finding her sunglasses. As she turns into a parking lot, she sees the cafe next door is open and realizes it will be the perfect day to grab her favorite nutmeg butternut squash soup with their signature green tea bread if she can make it out of the hardware store before the lunch rush really picks up. This is a rare opportunity because the cafe's hours are aligned to typical office job hours when she’s normally across town.
Rumor has it the hardware store is locally-owned now, and she wonders how much it’s changed. She's taken a vacation day to finish some holiday shopping and errands, and thought of an easy home improvement project last night to spruce up Finn and Poe’s house while she housesits and takes care of their cat Bebe. She wants to fix the dimmer for the light above their kitchen table. The knob has been missing for awhile now, and even when you twist the naked peg, the lights don't dim, so she assumes the bulbs aren’t the right kind. She figures she can fix this with a new plastic knob, a 4-pack of dimmable LED lights, and five minutes of labor. She can finish it off with a little red bow on the new dial. This will be a nice surprise and will also give her an excuse to procrastinate her other errands.
Turns out, not much has changed. She clip-clops through the sliding doors in her warmest boots and still sees orange aprons with names hand-written in sharpie. She immediately locates the light bulbs and spends a few minutes longer than necessary deciding which pack to get. She looks at her phone and sees she has about ten minutes until the lunch rush, so it's time to find the other item she needs, the knob.
She looks up and sees a worker. He's wearing a dark gray jacket over his apron, and what looks like a lighter gray hoodie under it. It isn’t that cold in here, she thinks . She almost leaves him alone, but something on his apron catches her eye. She can't see the name, but barely sees the edge of an expertly doodled death star. Bold choice.  
He's got a nice head of dark hair, chin length, tapered around his face, but out of the way enough to see his eyes are brown. He runs his hand through his hair over the top of his crown as though slicking it back, then some of the strands fall back down. His face is a mix of heart and square shaped with a masculine jaw and strong nose. He has the stubble of a mustache and soul patch but no beard.
He has beauty marks, so many. How many? Are they just on his face or all over? He has an enviously clear complexion and looks like he tans easily. He's kind of tall, but not looming, maybe because his head is bowed slightly as he lifts a crate of lightbulb boxes and begins to unpack it. He seems athletic, hard to tell with what he's wearing. He has a youthful vibe but isn't exactly boyish.
He carries himself like he knows more or less what he's doing, but doesn't take the job too seriously. Rey imagines he wouldn't be the best candidate to tell her how to do a project, but he must know the aisles at least. She doesn't like to be a bother, but hopes it's an easy enough question, and he's standing right there. He can tell she’s about to ask him something and looks up. The whites of his eyes are clear and sparkly. Rey wonders if hers would be like that if she blinked more, which leads to her unintentionally fluttering her lashes.
She finally says, close to a whisper, “Can I ask you something?” I asked… if I can ask him something. She groans inwardly.
She isn’t prepared for the gentle baritone voice he responds with, "Yeah. Sure."
"Uh, where can I find the light switches and dimmers?"
"AISLE 39. I think. Here, I'll show you." He sounds about twice as old as he looks. Those few words he speaks are enough to flip a switch in Rey.  Her heart is melting at the same time her mind is racing. She can't tell for sure because he’s so bundled up, but she imagines he has strong arms and is in great shape based on the vascularity of his hands as he holds his barcode reader. He's working in the middle of the school day so he's got to be at least 18, not that he looks any younger, but Rey tends to think in worst case scenarios. Realistically, she would peg him for mid-twenties, but his voice sounds at least two decades older.
He walks her to aisle 39 and stops. She thanks him for his help, and as she turns to walk in the direction he pointed, she realizes she’s slightly blushing and she’s been silent. She doesn't want her shyness to come off as cold, so she makes eye contact and lets a little smile sprout from the left corner of her mouth across her lips, small but beaming. She hopes it doesn't come off as a smirk or make him self conscious. She can't tell whether he's the self conscious type.
She figures she can find the item herself from here, and doesn't think to ask him about the specific product. She wanders nearly all the way down the aisle, but after several minutes of searching (albeit distractedly), Rey is relieved to see him come back with another customer. He's helping a man find a specific thing, not a whole aisle. She’s jealous, even though it was her own fault not to ask. She hopes he sticks around and asks her if she found everything okay, but when he's done with the other customer it seems like he's about to leave.
She quickly approaches him. “Can I- can I ask for your help again?” Asking to ask again. Do I always sound this ridiculous? She tells him about the dimmer she’s looking for, which is apparently called a rotary switch.
To her surprise and delight, he talks far more than he needs to about rotary switches. His dark velvet voice is lulling Rey half into a fantasy while she struggles to continue listening to his words. He repeats almost every word she says back to him coolly and casually. And these aren't complicated concepts. She isn’t sure if he's practicing an active listening technique from sales training or is simply aware of his effect on women. Or his effect on her. She stands inches from him and looks into his eyes. She wonders to what extent her white cheeks have bloomed into roses under her freckles and given her away.
"You need a dimmer?" He looks her in the eyes, but she’s transfixed on every flex of his jaw and twitch of his lip as he talks.
"Yes, but just the knob, not the whole thing,” she says.
He nods thoughtfully then confirms, "So you just need the plastic part?"
“Right, there’s still a stick you can use to turn it, but it’s naked,” Rey confirms. She pulls her phone out of her back pocket to show him what kind of set-up the panel has and what part she needs.
"So on the panel there's an up-down switch, and a rotary dimmer."
“Yeah." She shows him the knob on the store's app and says, "I think the dimmer part is in stock.”
He replies "Oh, it says aisle 2?" He looks in that direction like he’s trying to remember what’s in aisle 2. He must be new.
"No, we’re in the right aisle. It's wrong on the preview page, but if you click into it you can see," she explains.
"Oh, ok. This is what you need though?" He locks eyes with Rey.
Just like that, she’s imagining him taking off his apron and hoodie at the end of the day, revealing meaty biceps that want to burst out of a black, soft washed t-shirt. Running his large hand through his hair. Flexing those beautiful arms as he peels off the shirt. A smooth torso with hard pecs, scant chest hair. At the thought of this, the left half of her bottom lip starts to creep under her left front teeth, and he cracks a smile for the first time, from the right side of his mouth, almost like a mirror image to Rey’s. His teeth are pretty but unassuming. They're close to white and not overly straight.
Her cheeks grow warmer and she looks away, responding to his question with a slight nod, which she hopes doesn’t read as hesitant, before resuming eye contact. “Yeah,” she quietly confirms.
"But you don't need the regular switch, right?" He speaks with a relaxed beat, not rushing the conversation to its end.
He's speaking low and soft and looks back and forth between Rey’s eyes, not at the screen they’re both supposedly studying. "You just need the dimmer."
"Yeah." She feels like this is being drawn out to the point of overkill, but she’s not complaining.
"And you only need the plastic part." Every time he speaks is like music.
"Yeah," she confirms, barely audible, with a smile.
He continues to search her eyes and she repeats, "Yeah."
For a brief moment, he seems to gaze at Rey as lustily as she knows she is looking at him before he gathers his thoughts. She feels self conscious and suspects by the amount that he’s talking he must know the spellbinding effect his voice has on her. But if that's the case, she supposes there’s no harm that could come from him knowing it.
"Okay, let’s go over here," he says as he leads her back to where she started at the front of the aisle. "I think I see it.” He crouches down to get something from the bottom shelf.
"That’s it!" Rey says with a grin.
She feels bad for not crouching down with him. She’s always self conscious of making people do too much work, but then she also doesn’t want to make it awkward by taking over. So it's not that she expects him to serve her, she’s just frozen. He starts to pull the small product off the metal rods. It's the exact one she’d shown him on her phone, but she notices a better color next to it. Rey squats down and as she looks at the package to the right of the one he's holding, he almost looks disappointed that he didn't pick the exact unit she needed.
She says, "This one is even better, it'll match the old yellowed white." As she slides the package toward her, her right thumb almost imperceptibly brushes his left hand which is still holding the other package. She hasn’t even thought about his package yet, but the lightest brush of his skin is enough to short Rey’s circuits. She gets nervous and stands up, thanks him twice with a genuine smile and that's all she can do.
"No problem," he says, and that's all. As Rey watches him walk away, she feels an odd desperation to hear his voice again. She thinks about making up another question and recording him with an app. Is that creepy? It’s a little creepy, but not full-blown creepy, right? It isn't an option to never hear his voice again. She briefly glances around and he's nowhere in sight. She gets a hold of herself and makes her way to the self checkout line and pays.
Scanning the parking lot as she leaves, Rey wonders which car is his. When she gets to her car, she realizes she doesn’t have her keys. She sheepishly walks back inside and grabs her keys and receipt from the self-checkout terminal she just used. She looks at the receipt - “Ben’s Hardware”. So it did change ownership. She feels someone watching her from the aisle straight ahead, but tries to play it cool. She smiles and shakes her head in disbelief as she turns around and leaves, heart pounding.
Rey forgets all about the soup she was going to get and drives on autopilot to the house to install the dimmer and bulbs. What was that back there? When did I become so shy? It’s been a long time since she’s felt a visceral longing for someone, too. She can feel the animal inside of her awakening from a years-long slumber. She isn’t worried about it, she welcomes it. It’s tame. She has the maturity and experience to stay in control.
She pulls into the broken driveway and parks under the carport. Bebe runs to greet her and Rey bends down to pet her when she opens the car door. This should be an easy but impactful little project. She enters the kitchen, and takes the rotary dial out, dismissing a ridiculous passing thought that she should have bought the white one, too, because he touched it.  She tears the packaging open and holds the off-white plastic rotary dial in her hand, smiling as she remembers all the ways he described it.  
She raises the cream plastic dial to the light switch panel and glances at its underside, confirming it’s compatible.  The unsheathed rotary peg juts out from the panel in anticipation. She holds the dial by its outer edge, aligning its hole with the peg, and gently eases the peg inside.  The dial slides all the way on and snaps into place. It sticks out a little far from the wall, but it works.  Then she unscrews the light bulbs in the cheap chandelier one by one and replaces them with the dimmable ones she bought. 
Finally, the moment of truth - she presses the rotary dial, which turns on the lights, but when she rotates the dimmer, it dims nothing. The dimmer wiring itself might not be LED compatible. Of course. It looks like she’ll have to go back to the store, but not today. She does her shopping and begrudgingly runs errands, and finishes off her day with a warm cup of rooibos.
When she gets in bed, her mind drifts back to Him. She’s dying to hear his voice again. He was so calm, aloof, but somehow radiating power. She interprets it as sexual energy, but she wonders if she’s just seeing what she wants to see. To keep his voice in her mind, she imagines him narrating, “So. This is your bed… we’re going to use an extra blanket tonight, because it’s cold.” She feels ridiculous. But when she drifts off to sleep, there he is.
Rey is in a living room, but not hers.  It’s a subtle mid-century style with huge windows and modern touches.  It’s dimly lit with a fire roaring behind a glass.  He’s slouched on a stool at a wet bar, drinking something on the rocks.  He’s wearing black slacks, a form-fitting charcoal button-up shirt, untucked, with the cuffs unbuttoned.  He has one foot on a rung of the stool and another with its heel on the ground as he looks at his glass. 
He looks at Rey and puts down the glass.  “Drink?” he asks, standing up to go around the other side of the bar.  Rey watches him.  “Whisky? Wine? Water?” he asks, while filling a glass of water.   “I’m fine,” she replies.  He puts the glass of water down on the smooth granite in front of a second stool that’s still tucked under the bar.  As he walks out from behind the bar, he lets his fingers graze the leather seat of the closest stool.  Rey notices he’s shoeless, wearing black and gray argyle socks.  Why is he so quiet? 
Right on cue, he says, “Well, you’re here.  What do you want to do?” It’s so vivid.  Rey is frozen and says nothing.  Her heartbeat quickens.  He paces patiently.  There’s a teal sectional facing the fireplace.  The living room has soft carpet that feels new under her bare feet.  He walks across the living room, crossing into It a breakfast nook with an oak table.  Behind the kitchen table, he reaches for the wall and lightly touches a conspicuously cheap looking dial that dims the room further.   He comes back toward Rey, and pauses between the breakfast nook and living room. There’s a cabinet separating the spaces, about the same height as the kitchen table.  It has a record player and a box of records sitting on top of it.  
He approaches the record cabinet, which is about hip height to him.  He’s facing Rey, with the cabinet and the entire living room in between them.  With a casual stretch of one leg, he spreads his feet to lower himself a little and look at the records. He rolls up his sleeves, glancing up at her with his tan forearms flexing.  He thumbs through the vinyl records, which appear to have no words on the covers.  He has his head down, his hair has fallen slightly in his face, and he’s glancing up at Rey every few seconds as he thumbs through the box. 
He starts reading out the names of records, and her butterflies intensify at the low rumble of his voice. “Led Zeppelin III,” “Some Girls,” “Get Behind Me Satan,” “Ocean’s 11,” “Travis” “John Wick 2”  The foliage outside rustles gently against the window.  The next time he looks up at her, he doesn't look back down.  It’s an expectant gaze as though to see if the sound of his voice was effective.  She squirms a little and blushes.  He holds her gaze, squints slightly, and smiles a little.  He’s finished going through the records.  He doesn’t put anything on the record player, but a song she likes starts playing anyway.  Think, by Kaleida.  
He gives Rey a mischievous, inquisitive look, and runs his hand through his hair as he walks over to the sectional. He takes a seat and hinges forward at the hip, putting his elbows on his knees and clasping his hands together.  She admires the shape of his forearms.  He raises his clasped hands upright and sets his chin on them playfully, his biceps straining his sleeves as he meets her eyes.  He says, “Well, here we are at my place,” which she doubts.  Rey doesn’t know what she expects his place is like in reality, but it isn’t this refined.  He chuckles, removing his elbows from his knees and resuming a more grown-up posture. With arched brows and an otherwise straight face, he says, “Really.” His brows relax again.  “What do you feel like doing?”  His voice floods every inch of her body with a yearning to be touched.  
She doesn’t know how to answer him.  She doesn’t know how she got there or what’s going on, but the combination of his voice, eye contact, and arms are enough for Rey to begin visually undressing him.  He inhales through his strong nose, meets her gaze, and cocks an eyebrow: “Now that’s an idea."   He sinks all the way back into the cushions, his palms on his thighs, as if to take in the moment with a subtle, satisfied smile.  He then abruptly sits back up and starts unbuttoning his shirt.  As if on command. . . Holy shit, Rey thinks.  She realizes this is a dream. She’s lucid.  It’s like a 5-d game where she can feel everything.    In theory, she can do whatever she wants.  What she really wants at this moment is to straddle him.   
He glances down between his legs and coolly says, “sit anywhere you want.”  She feels observed, even though he isn’t real.  She walks over to the sectional and perches next to him on the edge of its velvet cushion. She feel herself getting wet.  She’s wearing a gray stretch miniskirt–something she wouldn’t have picked out for herself–black leggings, and a green cardigan with no undershirt.  He finishes unbuttoning his shirt and discards it on the floor.  She sees exactly what she’d pictured earlier - a strong physique, his lightly bronzed arms straining against a soft washed t-shirt.  “What’s your name,” he asks, and she feel a warmth growing between her legs.     She tells him, “Rey.”  “Rey,” he repeats, and she fruitlessly responds, “What’s yours?” 
He sighs and gazes around wistfully, “Her name is Rey.”  Then his eyes are back on her.  He places a large hand softly on her knee.  Electrified, she reciprocates.   It’s not real, she reminds herself.  She can do anything.  The guy from the store will never know.  She dares to run her hand a few inches up his quad and give his muscle a light squeeze.  He exhales with the slightest little groan,  “yeah,” and moves his hand to the small of back to urge her closer.  She’s sitting next to him but facing him now, left leg folded under her, working her right hand up his quad. 
The expanse of his thigh dwarfs her pale fingers on his black pants as she leans forward and lets her heel nestle between her legs to relieve some tension.  A tsunami of tingling deep inside her spreads through her breasts.  She grips his thigh for support, and lifts herself just barely,  intending to bring the inner crook of one knee up over his closest leg in a cuddly way while remaining seated on the couch.  A tent in his pants catches her eye and her skin starts to burn with urgency.  If she moves too quickly, she wonders if she could startle herself awake.  
As Rey raises her leg, he brings his far hand to it, gently coaxing her to move all the way onto his lap.  Her skirt rides up over her ass as she follows his lead.  He seizes one buttock in each hand, gives them a gentle squeeze, and takes a deep breath.  She is overcome with arousal and takes her own deep breath, shuddering and blinking slowly as she exhales. Her legs are now spread wide open straddling his lap, but she’s hovering and hasn’t put her weight on him yet.  Her head is a little higher than his in this position.  He bows his head and nuzzles his nose into her cardigan between her breasts, closing his eyes and taking in her scent.  
Rey’s modest chest is heaving against his face and he cradles her with both arms as she breathes.  She places her hands gently on his shoulders, and slowly moves them inward to fondle the hair at the nape of his neck.  She twirls a lock around her finger contemplatively, but she’s still hovering.  His arms are under hers with his face still in her sweater.  He drags his nose up to her neck and she feels her cardigan unbutton, exposing a lace bra, which is fastened in the front.  He looks up at her and reiterates in an intimate whisper, “you can sit anywhere you want.”  
Rey could tell from his breathing what would await her in his lap.  Her leggings were already soaked.  One by one, she scooted her knees closer to the back of the couch on either side of his expansive torso and let her weight down.  She is now truly straddling him, her inner thighs and the intimate seam of her warm, moist leggings fully embracing his arousal.  Her wetness spread through her leggings and into his pants.  His lumber swells against her, pulsing into her aching nub.  “Yeah,” he breathes.  “Right here.” She leans forward to feel his full length, which spans from her privates to her belly button as he thrusts against her. 
Over the course of a few blissful seconds, she feels his erection press harder against her, slide upward, then come back down, and repeat.  His mouth finds her neck, then her mouth.  She accept his lips hungrily and grinds back in rhythm.  Her lips pull away as pleasure shoots through her gut and breasts.  She leans her head back and gasps.  He moves his way back down to her heart, nuzzling his nose along her neck then planting a kiss on her collar bone, another kiss on her breast.   
Then his teeth lightly pinch her skin as they find the front of her bra.  He looks up at her as the clasp flies open and her breasts are free.  Her hard nipples are framed loosely by her dangling bra and the top half of her cardigan which is still buttoned, only at the bottom.  She’s still wearing leggings, but his cock feels too good to leave it for even one moment to undress further.  She continues to slowly grind against him as he moves one hand to her breast, keeping the other behind her for support.  He palms one breast, lightly at first, grazing her nipple with the heel of his palm, then softly cups the whole breast, enveloping it in his large hand as he continues to slowly thrust into her warmth  He uses his free hand to bring her close enough to kiss her other breast. 
Rey is burning up now.�� He undoes the last two buttons of her cardigan and she lets it fall off her shoulders, discarding her bra at the same time.  She reaches down to the hem of his shirt and slides four curled fingers underneath it.  He helps her take it off, and she takes in the sight of his shredded torso.  His right pec has a scar.  She traces it with her thumb.  His pecs are so hard.  As she explores him, they continue grinding, then he gives a more emphatic thrust, like his cock cannot physically get close enough to her.  She reaches between their loins and strokes his arousal through his pants, tracing the outline of his cock in detail.  His pants are damp and shiny from her leggings and with a wetter spot of his own.  
Rey needs him badly.  He isn’t wearing a belt.  She frantically searches for his button and zipper and carefully frees him. She holds, and beholds, the glorious, veiny shaft that lands in her hand.  She savors the feeling of its soft skin as it throbs in her hand.  “You. . . are a vision,” he murmurs into her chest, which is exactly what she was thinking about his package.  She moves her thumb to the head of his cock, collects a bead of precum, and swirls around the head affectionately.  Her brows furrow with want.   He holds her tighter, closing the gap between them.  He begins thrusting again, hard and slow.  Rey grinds her throbbing warmth against his lower shaft while her hand is still in between them.  
She feels the spine of her groin twitching and knows she’s close.  She takes a deep breath and lets a sharper pleasure overtake her chest and groin.  Her breath quickens as she nears her peak.  She still has her leggings on. He reaches his broad hands into the back of her leggings, taking one buttcheek in each hand and moves her up and down against him.  “I need you,” he breathes. They look into each other’s eyes and there’s something wild in his pupils, something dark, like a warm, black hole, drawing her in.  “Take me,” she says.  He reaches a hand behind her neck to cradle her head, and they gaze at each other, breathing, grinding.  Then he pulls her face decisively to his.  
Rey inhales through her nose as their lips meet hungrily. He kisses her hard, too messily to  seal their mouths together, leaving his lower lip between her lips as he draws in a deep breath through his mouth.   He then closes his lips on her upper lip, his teeth and tongue slightly grazing it.  Half his mouth opens into hers, the other halves of their mouths still breathing heavily. 
He shifts her slightly upward, wraps her around his waist, and she feels the head of his rock hard cock aggressively nuzzling her clit, up and down.  His tongue finds hers and she lets it brush against her teeth.  When she pulls away for a moment, he looks her in the eyes. They’re both moving faster now, and  as they’re about to come, she folds herself into him, sliding her lips down his chin to his neck and opening her mouth, breathing against his skin. 
His thumb finds her most sensitive place and one touch sends her over the edge.  The pleasure is almost too much to bear.  Her ass clenches as ecstacy blooms from her groin, her nipples, her ears, and deep within her gut.  Muscles she didn’t even know she had shudder in release, and he wraps his arms tight around her, thrusting to the beat of her orgasm.  She rides wave after wave, pulsating against his cock, and as another wave swells he groans, and she feels his cock begin its own contractions, intensifying hers.  
Rey’s mouth is open against his neck and she’s breathing into his skin and as he unleashes a huge lode of cum, between them, soaking through her leggings, and gluing their clothes together.  Her canines dig harmlessly into the side of his neck – she can’t resist –  then she brings her lips to the flesh and seals it with a kiss.   She collapses into him, loosely hugging him with her legs, and the two of them just breathe.  Then he tightens his arms around her in a hug, and she looks up. She sees the mark of her teeth on his neck, and remembers no one else will see it.  This isn’t real.  
She nuzzles her head into her mark and blinks her eyelashes against his skin.   He sighs slowly through his nose, then she feel the vibrations of his voice against her face as he says, “You are… remarkable.”  She lies there breathing for a few minutes and he wraps them both in a cream, cable-knit throw.  She falls asleep in his arms and wakes up in her own bed, marveling at how a dream can make one feel like they’ve experienced someone so intimately.  She hadn’t had a lucid dream in years.  She absently scratches an itch between her breasts and wonders how she can be sure to dream of him again tonight.  Was it the rooibos, or the sheer will of her want?
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nobodysdaydreams · 2 months
Crack/Crangst idea you want to share?
Once again, a perfect anon, because in anticipation of Star Wars Day, my brain came up with a crack Star Wars AU and now I have an excuse to share it (it’s more crack than Crangst, but I hope you like it!)
This crack au features Anakin and Palpatine as semi-problematic grandparents in an au where Anakin never turns, but Palpatine is never discovered and keeps evilly plotting and cloning himself a son while Anakin and Padme raise their family together. Eventually, Anakin and Padme become grandparents to Ben and Palpatine becomes Rey’s problematic boomer grandpa who shows up at his son’s house on Jakku holidays in order to try to bribe is granddaughter with presents to get her to join the darkside.
Details of this AU include the following in no particular order:
Palpatine cloning himself a son and asking everyone not to question who the boy is or where he came from
Anakin and Padme congratulate Palpatine on his son. Even though Palpatine is fuming because his son is powerless but of course Anakin’s children are some of the most powerful in the galaxy, he has to pretend to be a good father, for the sake of public appearances. He’s really bad at it.
Palpatine initially plans on naming his son “clone attempt 53” or something until his advisors tell him it will look bad if he doesn’t give his son an actual name. Palpatine lazily picks the first name he thinks of and then forgets it and continuously calls his son by the wrong name.
Palpatine’s adult son has to give his dad multiple talks about boundaries and why he shouldn’t be telling his ten-year-old granddaughter Sith legends as bedtime stories
Palpatine (reading a bedtime story to five year old Rey): “Tell me child, have you ever heard of the tragedy of Darth Plageuis the wise? It’s not a story your weak and powerless father would tell you.”
Rey’s Father (yelling from the hallway): “Dad, you know I can hear you, right?”
When it comes to Rey, Palpatine is thrilled that his creepy evil Sith experiments FINALLY created a grandchild with the power he desires, only to discover that power comes with a force bond to, you guessed it, another Skywalker. (Palpatine’s hatred for the Skywalker family grows with every passing generation he fails to turn to the dark side).
Han would for sure make a comment about Sheev being old and say something like “isn’t it weird this guy never seems to die even though he was like super old when Anakin was a kid? And how does he randomly have a son? Where did that guy even come from?” These comments drive Palpatine crazy, but Han is Leia Organa (or Leia Skywalker in this AU)’s husband so he gets away with it. (Also Han regularly almost exposes Palpatine’s plans by making casual jokes. This is not on purpose, Han has no clue what’s going on, and he just sort of roams around the senate building while his wife is in meetings causing trouble and speaking out of turn without a care in the world, but Palpatine grows weary of him and constantly has to change his plans because he thinks Han must be onto him but really Han is just snooping around cause he’s bored).
To Palpatine’s utter disappointment, Rey loves the Jedi. An elderly Anakin specifically takes her under his wing, as she reminds him of a young Ashoka. Plus they both grew up in poverty on a desert planet (because Rey’s dad moved out as soon as he could) so I think they’d have a lot to talk about. I can see Anakin showing up to Luke’s Jedi school specifically to take the kids on fun and dangerous missions and Luke can’t say anything against it because it’s his own dad doing this. I like to imagine Anakin and Rey, impulsive little sand orphans that they are, running around on Jedi missions getting messy and ruining their clothes while Padme and Ben (who would bond over their love of fashion and dramatically stylish capes) always look like they’re trying to be on the cover of a fashion magazine. Also you can’t tell me Padme wouldn’t dress her little grandson, baby Benny, up in the cutest little outfits.
Little Ben, Finn, and Rey go to Jedi training together and Palpatine tries his best to get Rey to spill secrets on Luke and his other students to figure out how to turn them. He teaches her to use force lightening and tries to get her to use it against her classmates but instead Rey teaches her new trick to her friends, who accidentally zap Palpatine in the face. He is not amused. Han accidentally makes jokes about his appearance at a senate meeting in front of a microphone that was left on.
In a last ditch desperate effort to get his apprentice, Palpatine invites himself to Luke’s Jedi school, and when Luke is distracted, he tries to bribe Ben, Rey, and Finn into joining the dark side using the promise of things kids like, including toys and candy. He tried the same thing with Luke and Leia when they were young and it fails both times
There is a point where everyone (eventually) figures out Palpatine is evil, but by then, Palpatine is so old and out of it, it doesn’t really matter. There’s one time where he dramatically tries to stand up and take the energy from Rey and Ben’s force bond at a family party, but then his old man knees give out and he topples over and falls asleep in his chair. I’m not much of a Reylo shipper, but I do think it would be funny if he tried this during the objections portion of their wedding and Poe and Finn have to awkwardly and uncomfortably escort him out like wedding bouncers. I also think it would be funny if during this he yelled something like “Fools! I am all the Sith!” or “You will find that it is YOU who are mistaken!” or “Stand together… die together!” with zero context and shoots forth the teeniest weakest little flash of force lightening he can muster and everyone just writes him off as being an old person who’s starting to lose it.
Might add more later but I hope this finds its target audience.
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fattocatto-wizard · 10 months
Ok, imagine the Disaster Lineage all end up being sent to the same place, pulled from their respective time periods.
Three groups:
1. early point DL: we’re talking young Padawan Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, and Ashoka, (As in Tales of Jedi, Ep 1, and CW movie) Dooku as from Tales of Jedi pre-murder, beginning of ANH Luke and Leia, Jakku scrapper Rey, and idk pre-ep 1 Yoda.
2. Mid-point DL: this is Ep. 5 Yoda, Ep 3 Dooku, Ep 1 Qui-Gon, Season 6 (pre-temple bombing) CW Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ashoka, soon after Ep 6. Luke and Leia, and idk. Ep. 9-ish Rey?
3. End-point DL: this is force ghost Yoda, Dooku from when he was about to die, force ghost Qui-Gon, Old Ben Kenobi, Ep 6. redeemed Darth Vader, old Ahsoka the white, Old Sassy Uncle Luke, Ep 8. Leia, and idk 52 yr old grandmaster Rey cause f*** it.
This assumes that they are all in a decent state and not going to die, won’t immediately attack each other and will probably talk (somewhat) reasonably, and the force ghosts are temporarily given a physical form again.
Let’s assume that after they interact, they each are sent back to their time period, and can act on this information. Each group is a separate scenario btw.
Also, sorry for the poor formatting, I’m a little dumb and new to tumblr.
And yes, I know it would be a complete and mess and the interactions would get insane
“You’re meaning to tell me that you’re my son, and I turn evil, and I fight my best friend/father figure and apprentice, and then I get redeemed at the last second and get blown up in a giant fiery explosion in a planet destroying space station? Wow, well that’s one hell of a life. Im gonna go be angsty in the corner now.”
“Who is this sassy, lost child?” (Points to Ahsoka)
“I feel like I’m missing something here. Am I even supposed to be here?” (Rey)
“Confusing, this is…”
Edit: sorry, I forgot Leia and scuffed up some time travel shenanigans.
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mandosaur · 9 months
Had like the craziest idea that doesn’t follow canon or the timeline established in Star Wars but hear me out:
Imagine an AU where Palpatine has a daughter who works with him in the senate as an aide. She’s his complete opposite. Kind, good hearted, and sympathetic. She befriends the clones and works closely with the Coruscant Guard which her father sees as beneath them.
Being Palpatine’s illegitimate daughter, she gets free reign. Palpatine doesn’t care for her and only keeps her around to hide her real identity. She isn’t force sensitive so she can’t be his apprentice and she’s not privy to his beliefs or actions during the Clone Wars. All in all, she’s free to wander around and befriends the clones.
Eventually she ends up falling for one stoic, serious Commander named Fox. The two of them carry on a romance in secret hiding from her father and the other senators. Right before Order 66, she hears of Fives and what happened. Palpatine believes she’s on his side and brags about his plans for the clones and the fall of the Jedi. She realizes Fox will be included in the order so she decides to run.
While Palpatine is occupied with his new apprentice, she takes Fox and runs. They escape to Jakku where they hide from the Empire and her father. She knows she will die if her father ever finds her because he sees her as a traitor and a loose end to his rise as Emperor. Eventually, she and Fox settle down in Jakku and have a daughter named Rey who they are later forced to abandon when the Empire finds them-
Leading to the Rey we see in the sequels who is force sensitive and still waiting for her family.
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charliedawn · 2 months
The next day, JR was woken up by the smell of food and opened her eyes to see Finn standing there with a plate. He smiled down at her before waving shyly.
"Hey. Hum…I just wanted to come and see how you were doing. Cause I know how strange it could be for a stormtrooper to come here and…Anyway." Finn rambled before putting the plate down next to her. "Breakfast."
JR stirred slightly, and opened her eyes.
"Morning..." She mumbled, smiling softly at Finn as she saw him. She sighed quietly, sitting up and stretching lightly.
"Thank you..." she murmured, picking up the plate and starting to eat...
Finn smiled.
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"Yeah. No problem. Am just happy to have another…you know…'traitor' around." The way he emphasised on the word made JR frowned slightly.
"Traitor..." She muttered under her breath with a frown, taking a small bite of her food. It tasted bitter. "I thought the term was 'deserter'..."
Finn chuckled before patting her back.
"Yeah. Well…Not when Captain Phasma or General Hux say it." Finn grinned. "Are they still pissed about the whole 'taking an X-fighter and flying away' thing ?"
"...I should imagine so..." JR said with a small smile, taking a small sip of juice before continuing. "And what's your story anyway ? How did you manage to escape the First Order in the first place ? They didn’t exactly tell us how you did it. Just…that you did. And that you were a deserter."
Finn’s eyes widened slightly before chuckling awkwardly while massaging the back of his neck.
"Oh. Me ? Yeah. So hum…I kinda offered to help Poe escape if he also helped me and one thing led to another and here I am."
She blinked twice in front of his explanation, before chuckling.
"And that’s the story ? Just ‘one thing led to another’ ?"
Finn laughed and shrugged.
"Pretty much. Yeah. Listen. I am just glad to be alive."
JR smiled, taking another bite of her food before nodding in agreement.
"I can understand that..." she murmured, before taking another sip of her juice. Finn then looked around her tent.
"You got lucky. When I escaped the First Order, I ended up in quicksand on Jakku. You at least got a tent. By the way, how did you find out that the Resistance was on this planet ?"
"Oh..." She said, her tone softening as she heard this part. "That sounds rough..."
There was a slight pause, before she continued.
"Well...I was in a blizzard a couple of days ago...And I bumped into a Resistance soldier, who gave me directions to this base. Then...Well..." she took another sip of her juice. "Here I am..."
"A blizzard ?" Finn frowned. "On what planet ?"
"...The planet Coontra..." She stayed silent for a moment, realizing that she hadn’t really paid attention to the name of the planet Hux had given her and hoped she hadn’t mistaken. She shrugged dismissively. "But…Doesn't matter. What matters is that I survived..."
"Funny. Never heard about the planet Coontra…" Finn narrowed his eyes suspiciously at her and before JR could answer, Poe came in the tent with a smile. "Rey is back ! Come on."
They both looked at his excited face and JR nodded before returning her attention on Finn.
"Hey...Thanks for the food...We’ll talk later." she murmured, getting up from her place and walking over to meet Poe. Finn nodded. The three of them went outside to see people surrounding Rey’s ship getting back down. When she got off, she immediately smiled and went to hug Finn and Poe.
"I got it ! I know where Skywalker is ! And…" Rey stopped dead in her tracks when she noticed JR. "…Who’s that ?"
JR stayed silent for a moment, watching the small reunion, when Rey noticed her...Her entire being tensed up, and she stayed completely still. It wasn’t like she could hide from Rey. She could use the Force...So just remaining still and staying silent was her best bet. Poe grinned and wrapped an arm around JR.
"This is JR ! She’s the stormtrooper who helped us escape Starkiller Base, remember ?! Seems like she finally decided to come on our side ! Isn’t that good news ?"
JR stayed silent for a moment. She knew Poe was only trying to help. But she also knew full well that this was unlikely to go well...Rey couldn’t just be friendly to her, after all. She was a stormtrooper ! It didn’t matter to Rey that she was now a “deserter” or something...Rey was always going to view her with suspicious eyes. And this situation was only going to heighten that suspicion.
"...Right." Rey said after a few moments, her own expression shifting to one that was much more guarded. "I see...I remember you. You are the stormtrooper who talked to me when I was captured."
Poe took a step backwards, realizing that his attempt hadn't worked.
"...So ah...Yeah. It's good to have you back, Rey..." He muttered awkwardly, not knowing how to salvage the situation...JR tried to put on a smile on her face before extending her hand towards Rey.
"It’s nice to see you again, Rey."
Rey stared at her for a few moments, before slowly taking JR’s hand in her own...
"...You too..." She said with a soft voice...Not exactly the warmest response in the world, but it was still a positive one...Rey knew her from the day she had been captured. There was a silent understanding between them. Rey knew JR had tried to salvage the situation and end the war the only way she had known how…
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JR nodded understandingly. Rey slowly let go of JR's hand and the trooper stayed completely still, her body still tensed. But...Rey wasn't outright suspicious of her. She was definitely cautious but, she was also giving JR a chance...That was something, at least. She felt grateful for it.
General Organa arrived just at that moment and smiled as she saw Rey.
"Ah. Rey. You are back. Good. I do hope you bring good news."
Rey turned towards General Organa, quickly returning the smile.
"Don't worry, I do. I have confirmation of the location of Luke Skywalker."
General Organa smiled.
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"Ah ! Excellent. Let’s go talk in privacy…"
"Yes." Rey said with a nod. She took one last look at JR, before following after General Organa, with some people following along, including Finn. They left and JR hesitated before returning to her tent and pacing around. This could be big…Was she to warn the First Order ? Part of her wanted to stay loyal to the First Order, to tell them where Skywalker was, to tell them everything she new...But the other half of her...The one who remembered what it was like to be a stormtrooper...The one who felt guilty for all the things she had done while under the First Order. That half of her wanted to help the Resistance. For this nightmare to end. JR finally sighed in defeat before turning on her transmitter.
"General Hux ? Can you hear me ?"
A few moments passed, and then General Hux’s voice finally came through.
"Yes. I can hear you. What is it, JR-6025 ?"
She looked down. It had been a long time since she had heard his voice…It made her momentarily nervous.
"I…have news. It seems the scavenger girl got her hands on the final piece of the map to Skywalker."
"...The final piece...?" Hux muttered, slowly turning to look around, making sure he was in a private place before adding: "...How did she come across this piece ?"
"…I do not know, sir. I wasn’t authorised to participate in the meeting." JR told him and general Hux sighed. She knew he was disappointed…
"Understood." He then stayed silent for a few moments.
"Where is she now...?"
JR looked at the tent where they had disappeared in and replied promptly.
"Rey and General Organa as well as a couple of Resistance fighters are holding a meeting in the command centre right now."
"...A resistance meeting..." General Hux muttered and frowned at the news. That certainly didn’t sound good. "So ah...She is close to finding him."
He stayed silent, his fingers clenching and unclenching for a few moments.
"...When does the meeting end...?"
JR shook her head.
"I do not know, sir." She then waited a moment before asking. "Your directives if indeed the girl is planning on going to see Skywalker ?"
There was a moment of silence before general Hux spoke again.
"...The orders stay the same. She cannot reach Skywalker..." He stayed silent for a handful of moments as he thought about his next move. The scavenger girl could—under no circumstances—reach Skywalker and become more powerful than she already was. "...And...If she does ? She must not return from that place alive..."
"…Sir ?" JR was stunned. "…Do you mean…?"
General Hux closed his eyes and his jaw twitched. He knew that the mission would be hard for JR-6025, but he also knew of her undying loyalty to him.
"...If Rey manages to reach Skywalker..." His tone was flat. The words cold as he finally condemned out loud. "...She must not return...Understood, trooper ?"
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JR’s heart hammered in her chest at his death sentence and she gulped. No…She couldn’t…kill her. She had made a promise to Kylo Ren. But at the same time, Rey was the last hope of the galaxy. She was the only wall standing between the First Order and total domination.
But, JR was still a stormtrooper.
"Sir. I…" She closed her eyes. "…Yes, sir. Understood."
There was a moment of silence, before he finally said: "...Good. Keep me informed...And get ready..."
There was another long moment of silence, before he finally added:
"...That is all for now..."
She remained with her eyes closed and replied.
"Yes, sir."
She ended the transmission and sighed before looking up at the ceiling…What was she supposed to do now ? She had to do something. She couldn’t possibly break her promise to Lord Kylo Ren. But, JR also could not stand by while Rey left to meet with Skywalker. It would crush the First Order and general Hux’s slim trust in her. Her inner conflict was becoming stronger...Part of her told herself: The First Order will be fine...The galaxy will be fine with them in charge... But the other part, the part born out of guilt and shame, told her: No...The galaxy will not...We have only brought destruction and pain, while the Resistance is fighting for peace...
She was starting to wonder what to do when she heard that the meeting had ended. She quickly got out and saw Rey enter a spaceship to leave.
Her eyes widened.
She was leaving—surely to meet with Skywalker.
She couldn’t let her go alone.
She was still struggling with these competing voices within her head...The First Order...The Resistance...Her promise to Lord Ren.
Who was she loyal to...?
She knew that if she revealed Skywalker’s location, the First Order would reach him first which would ultimately lead to Rey’s death which was what Hux wanted...and what Lord Ren dreaded. JR hesitated before suddenly racing towards the spaceship to get inside just as it was about to leave. JR raced aboard the spaceship—just as the door was closing.
JR took a few minutes to process all that was happening, taking deep breaths to try and calm herself down...She stayed hidden until the spaceship had landed. She didn’t know where they were, but she knew that it must be on the planet where Luke Skywalker was…
The spaceship landed, and the doors started to open. Rey got out. JR was still hidden in the spaceship, and she could hear Rey stepping off in the distance...She waited a few minutes before finally getting out herself. She found herself on an island surrounded by waves. She took a deep breath. She had never seen an ocean before…
JR looked around her, taking in the scenery...
An ocean...The gentle waves...She breathed in the air...It made her think of Azterri—but so much wilder. There was a wild beauty to the island. She couldn't believe she had never seen something like this before and as much as she was torn between sides, as scared as her inner conflict made her...She couldn’t deny it.
This was beautiful.
She took a deep breath of the fresh seaside air and momentarily forgot where she was until she heard a voice coming from one of the caves. She frowned before following the voice and found an old man talking to himself.
"No. Not again. Never again am I going to train jedis. It's over." Luke Skywalker said and shook his head—memories of Kylo Ren haunting him. The ghost of Yoda shook his head next to Luke.
"Train them You must. The future They are."
Skywalker scoffed mockingly at his old master’s words before replying.
​​​​​​"Yeah well…You train them then !"
Yoda frowned before answering in a serious voice—hinted with disapproval.
​​​​​​"Skywalker's job It is. Let the galaxy down You must not…"
Luke frowned before sighing. He knew that the galaxy’s fate held in the balance and soon enough, there would be no place to hide.
​​​​​​"The galaxy never did me any good. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to train them. And that's my final answer." He said with finality in his tone and Yoda’s gaze softened as he saw the pain and sorrow in Luke’s eyes.
"Yoda’s role it is not To convince you. If you are to turn your back from the truth Then lost we will all be…" Yoda said with finality before slowly disappearing. JR’s eyes widened as the ghost’s eyes met hers. She held her breath. But, the ghost only smiled at her before disappearing completely—leaving Skywalker alone in the cave. Skywalker seemed adamant in his refusal to train Rey—noy that that it surprised her...But the ghost's words...about his “duty” to train the Jedi...something seemed to urge her to stay and convince Skywalker. If the ghost was right, then the balance would be broken…
She was about to step closer to hear more of the conversation when she slipped and suddenly tumbled inside the cave.
JR immediately froze...Her presence was no longer unknown to the person inside. JR stayed completely still and quiet, hoping that Luke hadn’t heard her. Wishful thinking. Suddenly, she saw a pair of shoes in front of her and slowly looked up to see Skywalker looking down at her—he didn’t seem pleased.
"Who are you and what are you doing on my island ?" He asked authoritatively and JR's mind was all over the place as she tried to think of an excuse...She shouldn't have been here, she shouldn't have gotten on the spaceship...But there was nothing she could do now...She quickly managed to calm herself down a little and she then replied with a soft voice:
"I'm...I'm a stormtrooper, sir."
Luke frowned and looked her up and down.
"Oh really ? Stormtroopers aren’t welcome on my island…" He raised his hand towards her and fear struck JR. She thought about trying to flee from the cave...But then another thought crossed her mind...Why not simply say the truth...
"I'm a deserter...I wasn’t sent by the First Order, sir. I come in peace." She hoped it would help her case, but Luke didn’t seem impressed at all.
"Oh yeah ? And I don’t care. Get off my island before I…"
"JR !" Rey arrived in the cave and frowned before helping her up. "What are you doing here ?!"
JR flinched as Rey spoke. She was still tense and anxious and she couldn't help but remain still as Rey helped her up...It looked like Rey was about to yell at her at any second, but she restrained herself.
"...I just came here because I wanted to help you." JR whispered.
"Wait…Did you sneak onto my ship ?" Rey didn’t seem pleased at all and she sighed and shook her head in disbelief. "I do not need your help. I need you to go."
JR stayed silent for a moment. She felt so ashamed of herself...Of what she had done...A stormtrooper, a deserter, sneaking into a Resistance ship...She knew it wasn't good...
"I am sorry. I…" She started, but was interrupted by Luke.
"Here’s an idea. How about you both get off my island ?!" Skywalker raised his arms in disbelief before JR turned towards him and replied.
"Alright. I will leave. But, please…Train Rey. She made it all this way for you to train her. She searched for you. For this place…" JR continued and tried to plead, but Skywalker interrupted her.
"I know." Skywalker muttered, sounding annoyed.
"Then, will you train her ? Please." JR insisted. "I know there must be a reason that you have decided to stay hidden for so long, but Rey needs your guidance."
JR could see the old Jedi Master slowly lowering his gaze, and she knew what she was doing was having an effect...Luke sighed, raising his gaze once more. He looked at Rey and frowned.
"...She will not become a Jedi..." he said, sounding resigned and JR frowned in incomprehension.
"Why ? Why are you so afraid ?" She asked and Luke’s eyes hardened as he glared at her.
"You do not understand. None of you do." He muttered, shaking his head slightly. "You don't know what happened..."
"No…Maybe not." She conceded. "But, I know that this war needs to end. And that Rey can put an end to it. So, please…Train her. I beg of you."
"...I...I can't...I cannot...The past..." Skywalker mumbled and shook his head. Luke was suddenly shaking and clutching his chest. "...Will come back...It always does."
"The past doesn’t need to repeat itself…" JR spoke up and Luke closed his eyes—a pained expression on his face.
"...But it does..." Luke muttered, his voice low and shaky. "...We...We always think we can be different..."
He then turned away, looking towards the darkness within his cave. "...But the galaxy has a way of repeating history..."
She looked at the darkness as well.
"…But, we can learn from past mistakes." Rey advanced and Luke huffed a mocking laugh.
"...Oh, we do learn...." He muttered to himself. "...And we think that we can be better because we have..."
He let out a sigh...
"...But history always has a way of repeating itself...The light and the dark...They balance each other..." A short pause followed. "...But every time there's too much light...The darkness rises...And every time there's too much darkness..."
There was a longer pause.
"...The light rises...It's a cycle..."
"A cycle can be broken !" JR claimed and Luke glared at her once more.
"But it shouldn't be." Luke looked at her, and JR noticed the sadness in the Jedi Master's eyes. "...The Force is supposed to be balanced. Neither too much light. Neither too much darkness..."
"But the cycle is going to be broken. Look at the galaxy. Listen to the Force. You know that if we let it happen, the First Order will destroy this cycle…" She countered and Luke nodded.
"Yes. And a new light and a new dark shall rise...It's the way things go...It's the way things always go..." His voice was low and solemn...But there was a hint of sadness there too. There was a hint of resignation there as well...
"Nothing changes. Nothing. When a cycle ends, another is born."
He turned his back on her and Rey’s eyes lowered. JR felt an urge within her begging to be let out. She couldn’t let him go. She knew her duty and the fact that Skywalker himself was set on staying out of trouble could only be good for the First Order. She should be happy. Rey wouldn’t be trained and her mission would be finished. She wouldn’t have to betray anyone or kill anyone.
"Please !" JR surged forward and grabbed his arm. Luke hissed and turned towards JR with widened eyes. He groaned loudly in annoyance.
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"What do you want from me ?!"
"I want you to train Rey !" JR pleaded and her eyes filled with tears. She hadn’t come so far and seen so much just to give up now. "Han Solo is dead…And who knows how many innocents will die before the end of the war ?!"
JR could see the sorrow in Luke's eyes at the mention of the death of his old friend, but he quickly shook his head.
"This war is endless. I already tried to end it years ago, but it didn't work. I'm sorry."
He didn’t look JR in the eyes, he couldn’t. But, she didn’t give up and took his hand in hers to force him to look at her, which he eventually did.
"Please..We need your help, master Luke. Help us." He opened his mouth, prepared to shut her down one last time, but she looked at him with such pleading eyes that he finally sighed in defeat and nodded.
"Fine. If you want to learn about the Force and be killed because of it, who am I to disagree ?! But, know that after that, there is no turning back to what you were. People will hunt you down for your knowledge, or just because you are different from them, are you ready to face the consequences ?" He turned towards Rey and he had a stern expression on his face. "Are you ?!"
Rey gulped, but nodded nonetheless.
​​​​​​"I am ready to do what must be done."
Luke looked into Rey’s eyes. She sounded resolute...Determined...She made him think of Han. The same stubbornness in their gaze. If Rey was to save the galaxy, he knew he had no choice but to train her.
"...Fine...Fine..." He muttered, and the sadness in his eyes grew even stronger...He would do as he was asked...But, there was alwa a price to pay for such knowledge. Both women smiled at each other and Rey took a step forward to give Luke his lightsaber back.
"Thank you, Master Luke."
Luke remained silent as he looked at the lightsaber in Rey’s hand and then he realized that the time had come...He couldn't refuse her. He slowly reached out to take the lightsaber from her.
"Do not thank me…Training will start tomorrow morning at the first rays of sunlight. Be ready."
Rey smiled and nodded in agreement. JR smiled weakly as she knew that Rey would be trained now and hope flared within her. Her mission was done. JR turned around, walking away. JR had managed to sway Skywalker—just in time. The next step was making sure that he trained Rey and that she fulfilled her goal...Whatever the price might be...
She looked down at the transmitter around her wrist and her smile dropped. She started thinking about General Hux. Her thumb rubbed around the wrist band. She was torn. If she was to communicate their location, then the First Order would win. They would come and kill Rey and Luke. It would be over. Finally. But…She couldn’t find the will to do so. Poe and Leia’s hope had succeeded in making her believe in something else than the First Order—something greater.
Everything will be alright. I will put an end to this war. And he will understand—eventually.
She took a deep breath before walking away. She returned to the ship where she knew Chewbacca was waiting. He would certainly bring her back to the Resistance and she could always invent an excuse to General Hux about not being able to know the location of Skywalker.
JR took a deep breath and was about to get on board when she heard a voice behind her.
"And where do you think you’re going ?"
JR turned around and saw that Skywalker was behind her. Her first instinct was to just keep walking, but she decided to turn and face the old Jedi Master...
"I'm going back to the Resistance camp..."
He raised an eyebrow at her.
"You would leave your friend alone ?"
JR frowned in confusion before she realised he was talking about Rey and she sighed.
"She isn’t my friend. Or I cannot be hers. She would never trust a stormtrooper."
Luke hummed.
"I see…But, you still begged me to train her."
JR smiled to herself.
"Hope is contagious…Some people infected me with it."
Luke chuckled before walking forward to stand next to her.
"I see…Leia is still as convincing as she used to be. This is why she sent you both to me."
JR frowned and let out an awkward laugh.
"She only sent Rey. I simply sneaked myself in."
Luke raised both of his eyebrows at her and restrained a mocking huff.
"Oh really ? You—a stormtrooper—managed to sneak yourself aboard a Resistance ship, in the middle of a Resistance camp and without anyone seeing you or trying to stop you ? Impressive. Please. Teach me your ways." She could hear his sarcasm and her eyes widened at the realisation.
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"…She knew." JR whispered and Luke smiled.
"Of course she knew. The woman has eyes behind her head. Nothing flies past her." He then looked at JR with a little mirth in his gaze. "You are exactly where you are meant to be. Your friend needs you—Rey needs you. Or, she will. Now, the only question that remains is…Will you stay and help or leave and flee from your own fears ?"
He extended a hand towards her and JR blinked twice in astonishment at the offer before hesitating. Was he right ? Would Rey need her ? And most importantly, would JR want to engage into something that would make her a true traitor of the First Order ?
She bit her lower lip—doubt plaguing her mind.
She finally closed her eyes and looked away.
"I…do not think Rey needs me. She has you. I would not help her by staying."
Luke humphed before replying.
"I do not know what conflict you seem to be having or why you wish to leave…but what I do know is that Leia is never wrong. And that if she let you come to me ? It is that you will have a role to play. And if I am to play the role of a teacher, then I will expect you to also take on the role that the Force has bestowed upon you."
He then started walking away.
"First lesson tomorrow. Do NOT be late."
And with that, he was gone.
JR sighed before looking at the spaceship before her. She knew she should go, but Luke’s words had left an impact on her. Was he right ? Did she really have a role to play in this future to be built ?
And if she had…
Which role would it be ?
She looked down at the transmitter around her wrist.
Was she to be a traitor ?
She looked back in the direction that Luke had taken.
Or was she to be a hero ?
She waited for a few minutes before taking her decision. She followed in Luke Skywalker’s footsteps and her eyes looked up at the sky where night was slowly falling.
…Maybe could she try to be someone else ? Just this once.
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raehs · 2 months
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misc rey headcanons !!!
gifted with psychometry. it's not something they're typically has control of due to the lack of training she has in the sequels but in prequels au's she was able to be taught things to help her control it. it's also why she gets overwhelmed with emotions so easily.
rey is a very skilled fighter. they're also very intelligent ( knows multiple languages, and understands technology and spaceships very well )
her favorite things include tinkering with things, rain, PLANTS, animals, the ocean, and nature. it might be a force-sensitive thing to be very in tune with nature but regardless, it's something she loves and appreciates ( she's always careful when walking around nature, makes sure to not step on flowers, respect it, etc ). she's also a big reader and will read manuals FOR FUN.
flying spacecraft is one of their favorite things, even if there's nowhere to go. being in the sky is one of the most freeing things for her to experience.
they're very susceptible to the dark side but has always chosen the light.
her fighting style is very messy. this is verse-dependent. she's not afraid to fight, pull your hair, fight dirty. she's a very capable fighter and easily angered so if she feels threatened she might (probably will) attack.
on jakku, it hardly rained. and yet some of her own water supply went to a little plant she had.
on jakku, while there was genuinely nobody looking out for them, i imagine there was this crazy old lady who taught her a few things. like the basics on how to read, maths, a bit of history, survival stuff. she gave rey the basics to let her explore further on her own. in a way, rey taught herself everything from the basics she was given. so rey will likely pronounce things wrong since she had nobody to bounce things off of. she's also fluent in many languages but not fluent in speaking.
they were left with unkar plutt and he basically controlled everything she did. ( i wouldn't say she was ever SOLD, she wasn't a slave or anything like that but he was very controlling ( she was prob more of an indentured servant? bc since her parents didn't come back for her he made her make up the debt / work for him but by the time tfa happens she's independent ) ! but he basically controls all the workers on jakku bc he's the only one around with food, so. it's bc most on jakku are poor and don't have other choices. she was his favorite scavenger so he controlled the jobs she took, and would typically make sure she only took his jobs, the lack of food she'd be given, made sure she couldn't leave even if she wanted to + didn't see her as a person which reflected on rey's identity issues and not knowing who or what she is ). very manipulative, instilled in her head that she was a nobody and nothing and didn't matter in the galaxy. he also made her work right away. so she was like. five years old and working all day in the heat. the few good things he gave her was making her figure out how to survive on her own and he kept other scavengers from bothering her / stealing her stuff. and also was a person she NEVER wanted to become.
rey's name is taken from the dosmit raeh helmet she has on jakku ! but her birthname was kira. kira kenobi.
if rey had a gun tlj + tros wouldn't have happened bc she would've taken down the entire first order with sheer willpower and spite.
rey was visited by various force ghosts as a child, whether she was aware/remembers is tbd.
rey doesn't actually remember most of her childhood. she gets brief flashbacks in dreams but that's the extent of it. she doesn't remember what her father looked like but vaguely remembers her mother.
when rey has her own lightsaber, it's dual-bladed lightsaber staff that can also split in half to form two separate lightsabers. she prefers it in the staff form.
i DO like the idea of rey's parents actually caring for her and they were killed by palpatine / the first order / the sith who wanted rey bc they knew she'd be a powerful force user ! but it wouldn't be bc she's a palpatine who would inherit the sith legacy or w/e but because she's a kenobi. i can't really vibe with parents who genuinely didn't care for rey or abandoned them on purpose.
rey wasn't born on jakku. i think she was either born on coruscant, OR hyperkarn ( her mothers homeworld which is a forest planet.
rey is bisexual, but leans more towards demisexual, potentially grey-ace. she very much needs to develop a deep bond with someone to consider anything.
rey would identify as non-binary, but is very fluid in it. they're ok with typical feminine descriptions ( woman/girl, daughter, etc ). they have a connection to womanhood + girlhood while simultaneously feeling outside of it. ( rey's so me, actually ) so she/they/any pronouns are fine! i will either go back and forth with pronouns or choose one in a thread and stick to it.
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thispatternismine · 4 months
Feedback Fest 2024: 10 Fic Recs
It's been a while since I've done any kind of recs list post, so I thought I'd have a go at this. Instead of trying to pick just 10 fics as my favourites (Difficulty level: Impossible!), I decided to base it on which fics seem most overlooked, so I chose fics from my bookmarks that had under 500 kudos
Fandoms included: ATLA, SVSSS, MDZS, Watership Down, Star Wars, Good Omens, Untitled Goose Game All are complete, with a variety of ratings & themes (ranging from chill G to E with archive warnings)
Title: Gabriel & the Great Goose of Terror Fandoms: Good Omens, Untitled Goose Game Pairings: None Rating: G Wordcount: 4,363 Description: A strange package arrives in Heaven. An unnamed angel opens it and finds it empty. Not having the imagination to see what this implies the angel miracles the box away and continues with their daily duties, blissfully unaware that the horror that had originally been hiding in the box has already been unleashed.
Title: The Story of El-ahrairah & the Rabbits of Cloud Recesses Fandoms: Watership Down, MDZS Pairing: Tagged as Wangxian but it's background Rating: G Wordcount: 1,702 Description: The Black Rabbit of Inle and El-ahrairah are both very disappointed in the warren of Cloud Recesses, though for very different reasons.
Title: This Bed of Love Fandom: MDZS Pairing: Wangxian Rating: E Wordcount: 4,513 Description: Wei Wuxian sucks a string of hickies around the base of his throat, a perverse necklace that matches the one Wei Wuxian wears. Lan Wangji can’t help the way the corner of his lips curl at the giggle his husband gives when he draws back to look, happy that they are both enjoying themselves. Day 1 – Coming Untouched
Title: The Element of Change Fandoms: ATLA Pairings: Urzai, Ozai & his family Rating: T (the MCD is for canon character death) Wordcount: 6,862 Description: A think piece on if Ozai had been born a waterbender and how that would change his relationships with his family and, ultimately, his life.
Title: Gratuitous Fandoms: ATLA Pairing: Ozai/prison guards Rating: E (the pairing + rating should tell you all you need to know regarding warnings) Wordcount: 7,757 Description: In another version of events, perhaps, someone comes to his aid. Someone saves him, and he does not have to face degradation again, and again, and again. This is not that story.
Title: About the Acquired Blindness Fandoms: SVSSS Pairing: Moshang Rating: T Wordcount: 891 Description: Shang Qinghua isn't sure if he wants to know if his eye sockets are empty or not. If yes, then it is irreversible. How will he do his job then?
Title: I've Connected the Two Dots Fandoms: SVSSS Pairing: None Rating: T (CNTW) Wordcount: 1,242 Description: Airplane has a problem. However, as the Peak Lord of An Ding, he has a lot of practice dealing with problems.
Title: Twilight Sleep, Waking Nightmares Fandoms: SVSSS Pairing: Moshang Rating: M Wordcount: 6,111 Description: An alliance of young cultivators are looking for Xin Mo, and want Mobei-jun to tell them where and how to get it. It goes pretty badly for them, starting with the fact that their demon bindings and truth potions work. How do you torture a demon enough to make them shut up?
Title: Amongst the Crystals Fandoms: SVSSS Pairing: Moshang Rating: G Wordcount: 5,482 Description: Early one morning, Shang Qinghua is awoken by Mobei-Jun and taken somewhere. He doesn't know why, but he figures his King has a good reason. Never could Shang Qinghua predict what lay in wait for him.
Title: The Warm Embrace of Long, Sharp Teeth Fandoms: Star Wars Pairing: Reylo Rating: E Wordcount: 18,847 Description: There are stories on Jakku that every child knows. Younglings who wander off into the cold, barren night and never come back. Ever-shifting monsters, too terrible for the mind to hold. Stay close to the fire, my darling, stay close. Rey knew these stories, too. She just didn't realize she was in one.
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