#my dad didn’t realize my partner and I were dating until they came to visit me bc I didn’t know how to talk to them about it
glittertimes · 2 years
I’ve been avoiding any talk about marriage even though I love my partner so much and it’s not that I’m afraid of commitment.
My brain kept telling me “I just want to be silly, I want it to stay fun and not be all serious and have to worry about finances and scary things.”
And I don’t think that’s bc I’m being irresponsible, it’s because I didn’t really get to be a kid.
My sister was telling me that she felt similarly the first time she was in a relationship where she was thinking about marriage or being with them for a long time, what she remembered about that relationship was them setting up a tent in the living room and baking cookies, and getting matching pj’s and being silly.
My sister is a public defender with all her fancy degrees, and all she wanted was to just be silly too. 🥺😭
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butwhyduh · 3 years
Getting tall
Summary: Damian finally hits his growth spurts and the fam have opinions. Some damijon, timkon, jaytemis, and dickori mentioned.
Damian was an adorable tiny murder baby when he first showed up at the manor. Like a feral kitten. Short end of normal growth at 10 years old and thin too, Dr Leslie found. Make sure he eats 3 square meals and snacks when he wants and he’ll be just fine. Alfred had made it his mission, as he had done for both Jason and Tim, to put weight on Damian.
The first family member he outgrew was Cass. She reached over to ruffle his hair only to reach up above her head rather than below it. She didn’t mind. 5’4 isn’t very tall. She’d just have to remember that the next time they spar. Height wasn’t an important factor to her.
It was a few months later that Damian hit a massive growth spurt and grew 4 inches. He passed by 5’6 Stephanie.
“Hey little dude. What are they puttin in your food, miracle grow?” She asked when she noted how tall he was and how big his feet had gotten. Damian was a bit like the giant puppies all gangly. Alfred was adjusting the Robin costume monthly after Damian rushed to put it on for patrol one day and every time he raised his arms he felt his stomach show. Clothes were constantly being bought that met his newest height increase. The Kents were very appreciative of the barely worn clothing Jon got as Damian went through another pair.
“I’m perfectly normal in growth,” he said pulling on the hem of his shirt that was growing shorter by the day. Stephanie eyed him but left it. Tim hated the height jokes they would make when everyone started passing him in height. Nowadays Tim just rolled his eyes and deferred all short jokes to Bart who Damian was now taller than. Bart didn’t care at all because he was short but he was also at least top 3 faster people ever so who cares right?
For a very short time, Damian was taller than Jon. He liked that. Jon thought it was pretty funny.
“D, I’m going to be taller. My dad and mom are both taller than yours. I’ll be taller in the end,” Jon said with a grin before Damian pushed him off the roof. Jon giggled and stared at Damian with obvious heart eyes. The kid was definitely smitten.
Tim was half an inch taller. He didn’t acknowledge it in any way. But it wasn’t surprising. His mother was tiny, his father lower end of average, and Tim probably skipped too many meals with working during an important growth phase while he was becoming Robin. 5’8.5 is a perfectly normal height for a man. He had an easier time with stealth.
Bruce watched as his son grew more handsome and taller everyday. He recognized things he hadn’t taken the time to see with Dick or Jason and had missed completely with Tim. Aftershave, cologne, and deodorant budget went up exponentially and Damian was barred from bringing any of his shoes in the house and his Robin uniform had to double washed occasionally. He spent far longer in the bathroom doing his hair and agonizing over any spot on his face.
Bruce even once caught Damian do the lean on the doorframe while talking to someone they like when Jon visited once. He had to give the worst birds and bees talk of all time. Bruce also noted how Damian had Talia’s nose and his lip curled the same way hers did when he smiled. He stretched when walking to the breakfast table the same way Dick did.
Damian didn’t get another true growth spurt for 2 years. There was plenty of jokes that he jumped up to his height and didn’t move again. Jon was once again taller than Damian. Alfred was ready this time with the massive amount of food the 15 year old could put away and panels in his costume for easier adjustments.
Talia smiled proudly at her son as he grew taller than her. He was turning out handsome like his father but kept her feature and in her mind, that was the perfect combo. She never told Damian because she didn’t him to grow arrogant.
Dick didn’t notice it right away. He was so busy with Bludhaven and the Titans that he didn’t notice Damian had gotten a full inch taller than him. He only realized when him and Damian practiced a complex move that required a taller and shorter partner while training. They paired up as they always did and the maneuver completely fell apart. Dick was mentally putting together why it failed when Damian walked over and it clicked. Little D was not so little anymore.
“You’re taller than me,” he said brightly. Damian immediately grinned.
“So now you’re little D,” Damian said back. Dick laughed at that one.
“Don’t let it go to your head. I can throw you around like a tilt-a-whirl,” Dick warned. Of course, that’s exactly what happened the next time they sparred when Damian tried to use his height advantage.
“I can beat Jason so don’t think you can beat me just by being bigger,” Dick said standing over Damian who rolled his eyes.
Dick had no problem with Damian getting taller. It was his own height he had a complicated relationship with. See, Dick grew up as an acrobat. Being tall is a disadvantage. More weight to swing, more body to move. And his father had told him growing up that almost every Grayson man has been 5’8. It’s a legacy as strong as flying above the circus crowd.
And so when at 15, Dick was very distraught with the fact that he hadn’t stopped growing at 5’8. It felt like a part of his history and family legacy had died. He wasn’t one of the 5’8 Grayson men. He never told anyone beside Kori, late at night where she told him she loved him tall or small. She had already far outpaced Dick and was on her way to being 6’4.
Duke and Alfred and Damian were the same height for a short while. Duke would joke that he could just wear the Robin’s costume since they were the same size. Damian would threaten to disembowel him if he touched it and that made Duke laugh even more.
When he grew taller Duke once again joked with Damian calling him a not so jolly green giant and Alfred considered his nutrition attempt a complete success. Damian went from a tiny kid to a tall strong young man.
Damian and Jon were practically the same size for a while. Jon barely bent his neck to rest his chin on Damian’s shoulder as his partner worked on a complex mechanical part. Then Jon hit another growth spurt to end in his final height of 6’2, same as Bruce and his father. Damian enjoyed having a taller boyfriend for a while but would never say anything. High school dances were nice.
Bruce could see Damian getting taller and stronger and was practically grown. Dr Leslie warned Bruce that growth could continue until Damian was in his early 20s and he could end up a quite tall young man or stop tomorrow.
Jason liked being the tallest and biggest in the family. He had an entire inch in height on Bruce and was at least 20 lbs heavier. He was built like tank. When Jason had died at 15, he was terrifyingly thin. Alfred had tried his best but Jason had suffered malnutrition and hunger from practically birth. He was short and thin and Dr Leslie had told Bruce he probably always would be. And so when Jason came back to life a giant 6’3 and over 200 lbs, it was a shock. It took him forever to accept his size as anything more than an amour to create fear in his enemies. The first time he had accidentally scared a woman walking in the street at night, Jason had hated that he was so big. But within his family, it had become a source of pride. He was certainly taller than Dick and Alfred and even Bruce.
So when he visited Cass’s birthday party and Jason stood next to Damian and realized that the kid was taller than him, he was a little shocked. Damian had reached his final height of 6’4.
“When the hell did you get so big?” Jason asked while cake was being served. Dick nosed in the conversation.
“Little D is taller than you now,” he said with a teasing grin at Jason.
“And yet you insist on calling me Little D,” Damian said with an eye roll.
“I call him Big D,” Jon said with a smile. Dick blanched and Jason coughed out an awkward laugh.
“Good for you, bro,” he said patting Damian on the back. Jon blushed at the sudden understanding.
“No! I mean- he’s taller than me. I didn’t mean- uh,” Jon stuttered. Damian grabbed him by the shoulder and dragged him away from his brothers who were laughing.
“It’s weird you know,” Jason admitted, scratching the back of his neck.
“The fact that he is dating Jon?”
“No, they’ve been together forever. That he’s taller than me,” Jason said.
“Are you- does it bother you that you aren’t the tallest?” Dick asked with a gleeful smile.
“No,” Jason said abruptly.
“It could be like how I learned my little brother was bigger than me,” Dick teased. “All of a sudden you were just massive. My tiny little brother was this big dude. Good thing I’m comfortable with my masculinity.”
“Your girlfriend is like 6 inches taller than you. If that isn’t emasculating then there’s nothing I could do,” Jason answered.
“Yeah, she’s always been taller than me,” Dick said with a fond smile. “You can’t talk with the Amazon you’ve been hanging with.” He pushed Jason’s shoulder with a grin.
“We’re just friends-I guess,” Jason said uncomfortable. “That’s not the same-“
“Well at least Tim will always be our little brother,” Dick changed the subject but mentally noted Jason’s reaction to the mention of Artemis.
“Yeah, he’ll always be a shrimp,” Jason agreed.
“Honestly fuck you both,” Tim said from across the room. With Kon standing next to him he certainly looked tiny.
“Hey, it’s my birthday and I am the shortest and I can still kick all of your butts,” Cassandra reminded them both and they laughed but neither corrected her because they knew she was right.
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devildomimagines · 3 years
I live to make these bois into whores 😎
Can I get head cannons of the boys meeting MC’s family; the catch is, MC is attractive as hell and so is their family? Literally everyone is hot. Their Dad is a whole dilf, their Mom is a milf, their older brother and sister are both sexy as hell, and MC’s just casually introducing them to the demon boys who could barely handle being around them.
They have a storm coming hehe 🤭
Sorry for the long wait but what else is new on my blog ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The older brothers are under the cut because this ended up longer than I first planned. I hope you enjoy~
It might take some bribing to get him to promise to be awake for the whole day but he gave in because it was important to you that he meet your family.
As you two approached the house, your mom was out in the front yard gardening.
When she turned around and caught the sight of you two she beamed a bright smile and waved.
You giggled as you waved back and looked at Belphie to see if he was waving too.
He was waving like a robot.
You have to elbow him to make him focus again.
He blushed as he admitted, “Your mom is really pretty.”
“I know,” you looked proud of the fact.
Your mom had called to the rest of the family and soon they were all outside to greet you.
You started greeting and hugging everyone.
Your dad clapped Belphie on the back and you caught his blush as he watched your dad head back towards you.
He mouthed the words, “Him too?” and you nodded.
Your brother and sister wasted no time in teasing you about bringing someone home.
Your brother tousled Belphie’s hair and your sister draped herself off you as she assessed Belphie.
“He’s cute,” she finally decided, “Be careful or I’ll steal him away,” then stuck her tongue out at you as she went inside.
You responded with your own tongue out at her retreating form.
Belphie fixed his hair and straightened his clothes, “You didn’t say your whole family was so handsome?”
“I thought it would be obvious, where do you think I got it?” You teased as you grabbed his hand and pulled him inside.
You had thought maybe he wouldn’t fall victim to your family’s charm. You were wrong.
When the two of you entered the house, your mom greeted you two with a hug.
Beel blushed at the contact but recovered quickly. That is until your dad came up and patted him on the chest, “What a solid guy you caught, MC.” 
You rolled your eyes but you caught Beel’s eye sparkle at the compliment.
Your sister introduced herself to Beel and he shook her hand before she pounced on him. He caught her in surprise.
“Ok, that’s enough, get off him!” You pulled your sister away with a huff.
She made a face at you before retreating.
Your brother was sizing Beel up from across the room.
“Are you gonna say hello bro?” You asked.
“How much can you bench?” Your brother stood up.
Beel wasn’t prepared for the question, “Uh…”
“Probably a lot by the look of it,” Your brother supplied.
Beel looked at you for help. Leave it to your brother to make a demon uncomfortable. “Can you cool it and get out of his face? Dinner’s almost ready.”
“Hm,” then a wicked smile flashed on your brother’s face, “Arm wrestle for the loser’s dessert?”
Oh no.
Beel’s smile reflected your brother’s, “You’re on.”
You pulled on Beel’s sweater as he was rolling up the sleeve. “Wait, go easy on him please, actually maybe let him win? With your strength you could break his arm.”
“But MC, the dessert,” Beel looked determined.
“I’ll give you mine,” he looked like he was debating it but the enticing offer of two desserts was winning out. “And… I’ll do that thing you like.”
That was clearly the winner. Beel sat down across from your brother and gave you a quick thumbs up before putting up a compelling fight if you didn’t already know he was going to throw it.
Dinner went off without a hitch. Beel complimented the hell out of your parent’s cooking and they complimented his appetite. As he ate your dessert, he whispered to you, “Don’t forget about your promise.”
The thing Beel likes is when you two go to the gym together, don’t get it twisted!
“Oh?” Asmo smiled, “This is gonna be fun!”
He immediately starts towards your mom, “Hello! You must be MC’s sister?”
She laughs at the compliment, “No honey, I’m their mother.”
Asmo lays on the charisma in his shock, “No way! I could have sworn,” he looks back at you and you roll your eyes, what did you expect?
Asmo offers his arm and your mom takes it with a smile. The pair of them walk towards the house chatting about something that you couldn’t hear.
He was a tricky demon but you laughed it off as you walked after them.
You bumped into Asmo as you entered and you caught his surprised face. He then smiled to himself as he found a spot on the sofa, he clearly felt at home.
Loud enough for everyone to hear, even those in the kitchen he commented, “MC, you didn’t tell me your family was so attractive.”
Your brother and sister snickered at your embarrassment as you sat next to Asmo.
“Because,” you lowered your voice just for him, “I knew you’d act like this.”
“Like what?”
“Can we just have a normal dinner?” You asked, taking his hand.
“Of course MC,” he squeezed your hand, “but I really don’t know what you’re talking about.”
It figures. Asmo just gets like this when he’s surrounded by others that he both appreciates their features but finds them to be competition. If he can get them to like him, then he’s ‘won.’
He effectively keeps your family enchanted the whole night, he really does shine in social situations.
Interesting is the word of the night.
You had shown him pictures of your family as he was ‘studying’ for the night. He wanted to make sure he didn’t call someone by the wrong name, pronoun, or bring up a story you had told him in confidence.
The pictures did not do your family justice. They were gorgeous.
He immediately fell into his gentleman image. Satan took your mom’s hand and kissed the back of it.
She giggled but you shook your head, “That’s a bit much,” you commented.
“I don’t think so?” Satan tilted his head towards you.
“What about me?” Your dad snickered as he extended his hand.
“Dad~” You whined but Satan didn't skip a beat by taking his hand and kissing the back of it.
You dad chuckled heartily as he wrapped an arm around Satan, “Son, I like your style.”
Satan was starstruck and easily led further into the house by your dad.
You groaned, you clearly had not prepared Satan for how bewitching your parents could be.
Your sister and brother sandwiched you in the middle as they laughed. “Another one falls victim huh?”
The running joke being that the two of them had plenty of partners defeated by the magnetism your parents had. The partners often choosing the charming company of your parents and not the child they were dating when they visited.
You sighed and hung your head, you figured it’d play out like this but it was disheartening. That is until your thoughts were interrupted by a throat clearing.
You looked up and smiled at seeing Satan’s emerald eyes on you, silently asking if everything was ok.
You nodded and wiggled out from between your siblings to stand next to him as you formally introduced them.
You gave Satan’s waist a squeeze, happy he found his way back to you.
He smiled back at you softly, that is until your mom called out for him. He then blushed deeply as you let him get back to the kitchen. 
“Good luck!” You called after him with a giggle. Your parents were incorrigible.
It took a lot for Levi to agree to meeting your family.
He was a nervous wreck, already sweating and you hadn’t even opened the front door.
“Hey,” you took his face in your hands, “You’re going to be ok, they’re going to love you and I’ll be with you for every second.”
Levi exhaled and relaxed into your hands. He nodded and finally smiled.
Then the door opened and he was tense again.
You shift your hands from his face to holding one of his hands.
“Oh I’m sorry!” Your mom said, “Was I interrupting?”
“No,” you confirmed before she could make a big deal.
“Well, welcome!” She threw her arms around Levi. 
He squeezed your hand but said, “Thanks for having me.”
“Of course,” Your mom took his other hand and pulled him inside, “If you’re important to MC then you’re important to us!”
The three of you entered the living room and everyone got up to offer their greetings to you and Levi.
He never let your hand go.
When you got through everyone, Levi was a blushing mess.
He held you back as everyone made their way to the dining room. “I can’t do this, MC!” He whisper-yelled at you, “You didn’t say they were all so hot?! I can barely stand just you, but...” Levi looked at the dining room, “it’s like you times five now!”
You had to giggle and he gave you a pout. “Levi, we just got here. Dinner will be a breeze. Dad will probably tell stories of when me and my siblings were little, something about him in college and my mom will ask you-”
“She’s going to talk to me??”
“Well yes but she’ll only ask about your interests and hobbies. She loves anime BTW. It’ll be a sitch for you! I’m not worried at all.” You gave him a smile and you could see the gears turning.
He could talk about anime, that is manageable… “But won’t the others think I’m lame?”
“Nonsense! If you haven’t realized we’re a pretty accepting family, what other family would agree to send their child to hell for a year?”
Levi nodded, this is true. He took a brave breath and pulled you to the dining room.
He’s overconfident in his ability to woo your family, which means he’s nervous.
It’s cute that he wants them to like him but it’s not as serious as he’s making it out to be.
You knew they would love him, they love everyone.
“Oy, this is it?” He shielded his eyes from the sun as he looked up at your house.
“Yep,” you took his hand and led him around to the side door.
“Wait, shouldn’t we use the front door?”
“We’re not guests, I lived here.”
“But I’m…”
The two of you entered the kitchen and your mom looked over her shoulder as she was pulling a large pot out of the oven, “You’re here!”
Mammon straightened up and took a step forward, “Let me help you with that, it looks heavy.” He grabbed the towel hanging from the oven handle and effortlessly carried the dish to the pot holder on the table.
“What a gentleman,” your mom snickered as she hugged you hello.
Mammon blushed and looked away but hugged your mom when she made her way towards him as hello.
“Who’s that holding my wife?” Your dad boomed.
Mammon backed off immediately as he came eye to eye with your father, “S-sir.”
With a smile your dad embraced Mammon, “I’m kidding, we’re all huggers here, better get used to it!”
Mammon blushed again in your dad’s grasp and you laughed. He shot you a look before smiling at your dad letting him go.
You shuffled up next to Mamms as he sighed, “Tired already? I know they can be a lot.”
“W-what are you talking about? I’m fine!”
“Good! Because my siblings are even worse!” As if on cue, the pair entered the room sizing up Mammon.
Your brother smiled, “I like him. He looks like he can get in some trouble.” If only he knew, but Mammon relaxed with the assessment.
“He’s pretty attractive,” Your sister said but her tone was skeptical.
“He models part time,” you offered, proud that you were making her somewhat jealous.
“Too bad he couldn’t cut it full time,” she dismissed. She moved in close to Mammon as if she was going to whisper in his ear but said loud enough for you, “If you ever want the better sibling, call me.”
His eyebrows shot up, Mammon was not expecting that.
You pushed your sister out of his space, “Go suck an egg!”
Your sister retreated with a vicious smile.
When you looked at Mammon, he was frozen in his shock. “God, she got you with just that?” You groaned, “This is gonna be a long night.”
“N-no!” Mammon was recovering, “I wouldn’t call her! You know that, right?”
“I know,” you sighed, “She’s just like that. I swear her and Asmo would have a day trying to one-up each other.”
“This is gonna be a long dinner huh?” Mammon was finally realizing it for himself.
You took his hand, “Yeah, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be!” He squeezed your hand and smiled, “The Great Mammon can handle anything!”
“Hm?” He would hum as you two walked up to your childhood home. “Who’s that?” 
Your dad was outside mowing the lawn. He turned the mower to start a line towards you two but stopped when he recognized you.
“That’s my dad!” You ran over to hug him.
Lucifer watched as he wiped the sweat from his brow with a cloth in his pocket before catching you in an embrace.
Lucifer steeled himself and made his way over to join the conversation.
“You must be the man of the hour! Wonderful to meet you finally, after all MC has said about you!” Your dad had extended an arm to shake hands, “I’d usually hug you but I’m a sweaty mess. Come on inside, everyone is waiting!” He led you two to the front door and announced your arrival as he excused himself for a shower before dinner.
The rest of the family entered, your mom, brother and sister, each dazzling in Lucifer’s eyes.
He was used to beautiful people; angels have their allure, demons their temptations but humans had always seemed somewhat average until he met you and now your family.
Lucifer subconsciously fixed his shirt and then ran a hand through his hair. Then he caught your gaze.
“You look fine,” you whispered as you sidled up next to him.
“I see where you get your captivating looks from, I believe the celestial lineage is from your paternal side,” Lucifer gave your returned father a long glance. “He cleans up well.”
“You’re not too bad yourself, Mr. Morningstar,” you teased as you took his hand and led him to the table.
“This will be an interesting dinner,” he murmured as he took a seat next to you and then gulped as your dad took a seat next to him with a brilliant smile. 
Is Lucifer nervous? Not that he would ever admit it, but who gave this human the right to be so handsome? With a hand on his chest, Lucifer clears his throat to regain composure.
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deanzboyfriend · 4 years
Boss Dad™️
[Not edited]
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Summary: We love when you have an overprotective dad that just so happens to also be your boyfriend’s boss
Pairing: Hotch x son!reader, Spencer Reid x male!reader, Jemily
Requested by anon: “Hi, I wanted to know if you could do a Dr. Reid x male reader, where the reader is Hotch’s son, and his father became kinda overprotective since his mother was killed (Idk if it’s right, my English is not that good)”
⚠Warnings⚠ Slight angst, Spence fluff, overprotective dad! Hotch, Spence comforts reader, bad writing, spoilers, I think that’s all
a/n: this is my first x male reader, and I loved writing this, so thank you anon. Also, apologies if the spacing gets weird, I wrote this in my notes and just copied and pasted lol. 
All of Y/N’s life, he’s had certain...troubles in his relationships. It’s not that he has any trouble finding partners, no, it’s more of my-dad-is-an-overprotective-profiler kind of problem. Ya see he loves his dad, that’s the unquestionable thing. But his dad is, as mentioned before, very protective of his eldest son. Especially after what happened to Haley. He couldn't stand to lose another person he loved.
So he was always wary when Y/N brought someone home. Always ended in the same way. They’d get scared away by getting their secrets exposed and when they left he’d say something along the lines of, “I didn’t like them.” with nothing else.
Now after a certain point, Y/N got tired of trying to reason with his dad. So he just gave up on dating. Until he met a certain Doctor Spencer Reid.
Spencer was a light in his life. The person he never knew he’d been dreaming of. Spencer filled in every empty feeling Y/N ever had. They were quite a pair.
Y/N was studying social sciences and psychology, so he had quite a bit on his plate, and Spencer was out on cases a lot. So the number of official dates they had was slim, but their love for each other wasn’t any different. Hotch had only recently discovered their relationship. And boy was he not happy. He tried to not express it or take it out on YN, but Y/N knows Hotch better than anyone. He could tell it was eating at him, and he wasn’t sure what to do.
“I should visit dad at the BAU. He didn’t bring a lunch anyway so I might as well bring him something...plus I get to surprise Spence.” Y/N mumbled, smiling to himself at the thought. He had a couple of days off school, so he decided to spend them with Jack and his dad. ”He did mention today was a paperwork day, so I shouldn't have to worry about him being out of town.” He said to himself as he grabbed his keys.
One drive to the BAU later, Y/N gets out of his car and makes his way to the entrance. He goes in and pulls out his visitor’s pass that he received from his dad. The security team there knew him pretty well, he visited a lot when he had free days. “Heya Mark, how are the kids?” Y/N asked as he waited for his bag to be checked. “Oh! Andrea got the lead in the school’s play, and she wanted me to thank you for helping her rehearse her lines. Micah is doing just fine, he enjoys soccer practice.” Y/N smiled as he grabbed his bag. “Be sure to tell me about any of Andrea’s performances or Micah’s games!”
“Will do!”
Y/N laughed as he walked towards the elevator. He presses the button for floor six and takes a breath as the elevator ascends. He finally reached the correct floor, and couldn't help but smile as he strolled towards the bullpen, where he immediately sighted Emily. ”Y/N! My favorite Hotchner! How have you been?”
”Oh please Emily we all know that Jack is the favorite Hotchner.” Y/N chuckled and hugged her. ”I’ve been alright, but school is kicking my ass, as usual. How are you and JJ?” Emily smiles warmly at his question. ”Amazing. We just finished unpacking the rest of JJ’s boxes yesterday. She’s officially moved in!”
”I’m so happy for you guys! Anyway, is my dad in his office?” Emily glanced towards Hotch’s door. ”Yep! Where else would he be?” The two laughed together before Y/N said his goodbye and started his trek to his dad's office. He knocked on the door and opened it after hearing a small ”come in” from the other side. Aaron looked up from the file he was working on to see who was at the door. ”Y/N? What're you doing here?” Y/N closed the door. ”Well, I did come here to see you, but I also brought you the lunch you probably didn't realize you left.” Y/N walked over and put the food on Aaron’s desk. The door opened again, and this time, it was Spencer.
“Hey Hotch, I had a question about- Y/N?” Spencer examined him in surprise, not anticipating him to be in his dad’s office. ”Heya Spence.” Y/N grinned, walking to him and engulfing him in a hug. Hotch couldn't help but slightly grimace at the exchange. Y/N saw this, making him wither a bit. Spencer noticed. ”Um- Spence- why don't you meet me in the break room and we can talk a bit over a cup of coffee, yeah?” Spencer pulled away from him, looked into his eyes, gave his hand a small squeeze, and walked out.
Y/N let out a sigh. ”Y/N. You know how I feel about this. You know how our work is- it's dangerous-” Y/N cut him off to finish the statement. ”- because it can compel the unsubs to come after me to get to him. I know.” Y/N looked over at his dad. “Which is exactly why-“
“No, dad.” Aaron was taken aback. “Is that the only reason you don’t like me being with Spencer? Dad, just me being your son puts me in danger. Being friends with the whole BAU team puts me at risk. No, that’s not the real reason, because if that were the case, you would’ve never shown me to the team at all.”  Y/N stood his ground, holding in his pending tears as he tried to stay calm. ”Spencer makes me feel safe. He takes care of me. The only reason you don't want us to be a thing is that you're scared that I'll leave and what happened to mom will repeat itself!” Y/N took a shaky breath in, storming out the door with tears running down his face. He knew he went too far, but right now all he needed was Spencer.
Y/N hurried his way to the break room to avoid being seen by anyone in the bullpen.  Y/N strolled into the break room, where Spencer had just finished making them both coffee. Spencer looked over to him and his smile immediately turned into a look of worry. ”Y/N what’s-” He was cut off by the strong hug that was given to him. He instantly returned the embrace, gently rubbing Y/N’s back and giving him a forehead kiss as a form of comfort. Y/N eventually settled down and moved back from Spencer a bit. ”Can we- you think you can afford to postpone your paperwork for a bit babe? I kinda just-  I need to talk about this with you.” Spencer moved some hair out of Y/N’s face. He pecked his lips and gently grabbed Y/N’s hand. ”Ok, my love.”
-Meanwhile, in the office of big boss dad-
Hotch did not expect that to say the least. He knew Y/N would be upset, but he didn't think he would have lashed out as he did. When he watched Y/N slam the door on him, the weight of what was said hit him. Y/N thought he didn’t trust him? Thought that he didn’t want him to be happy? That’s the opposite of what he wanted. He wanted nothing but the best for his oldest son. He had to think to himself for a while. Was he doing the right thing? Or was he just trying to keep history from repeating itself?
“I was too hard on him...he’s a grown adult, he can make his own decisions.” Hotch thought out loud. He sighed.
He needed to talk with Y/N. Hotch walked out of his office, surprising everyone in the bullpen, as he rarely came out of his office on a paperwork day. He made his way to the break room and was about to say something when he heard Y/N talking.
”Spence I just- I don't know what to do. I don't know why he's so hesitant to let us be a thing I mean- I wouldn't be as upset if it were anyone else but- it's you. He knows you. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me- especially after- especially after what happened to mom. I just- I don't want to lose you.” Hotch heard it all. He watched as Spencer easily calmed him down. He saw the love as the two looked at each other. He knew he was mistaken. He had to fix it.
        -6:30 pm, Hotchner household-
Aaron returns from work, take-out food in his hands. As soon as he sets the bags on the dinner table, Jack comes running. ”Daddy!” Aaron smiles as he scoops up his son into his arms. Y/N walks towards the table and looks at his dad. ”Hey Jack, why don't you go play in your room for a few more minutes while Y/N and I set up the food ok?” Aaron set jack back down on the floor and ruffled his hair. ”Ok!” Jack ran upstairs, leaving Aaron and Y/N alone.
”Y/N I-” ”Dad I-” They both started. Aaron sighed and made eye contact with Y/N. ”Listen, dad, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get so mad at you, and I know I went too far with what I said about mom. I know you have your reasons and-” ”Y/N. It's ok. Aaron cut him off, putting a hand on his shoulder. ”I know that I've been hard on you when it comes to you dating- especially after Haley...but I realized this today. First of all, you're a grown man now. I should let you date who you want to. I trust you, and I know that you can take care of yourself. And another thing, I realized how good Spencer is for you. While I shouldn't have been spying on you two, I saw how comfortable and safe you felt with him. I saw love between the two of you. I would never wish to be the reason you are kept from your happiness. So, you have every right to stay with him.”
Y/N had tears in his eyes. ”You mean it?” He asked. ”Yes, completely.” Y/N got closer and tightly hugged his dad. ”Thank you...” He mumbled into his dad’s shirt.
They sat there for a bit, just comfortably embracing one another. ”Who knew big scary boss dad could be so soft?” Y/N remarked, getting a laugh from both of them. ”Anyway, let's get the food set up for real before Jack comes back.”
That night, Y/N texted Spencer, saying all was well.
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verai-marcel · 3 years
Forever and Always (RDR2 Fanfic, Arthur x F!Reader)
Summary: You reminisce about your life and have a sweet moment with your family.
Author’s Notes: I was listening to a podcast about wedding dress design and got inspired.
Tags: pure fluff, Arthur x F!Reader
Word Count: 1644
AO3 Link is right here, darlin’.
Twenty-five years.
A quarter of a century.
Funny how time flies, and all of a sudden you're nearly fifty years old. Looking back, you can see the crazy turn of events in your life like some kind of movie, detached and yet feeling every single emotion as if you were there in that moment.
Fresh out of college, you remembered the night you found your partner sleeping with your roommate. The white hot rage and cold grip of disbelief sent you fleeing into the rain, into the streets, into a bar in the middle of the night. As you meandered between sadness and anger, a bartender had given you a cold glass of orange juice, soda water, and a bit of ice, with a shot of grenadine.
"Here ya go, sweetheart. On the house."
You had looked up and drowned in eyes the color of volcanic springs, finding the same warmth and comfort in his kind gaze. Taking a cautious sip of the drink, you found it to be the perfect drink, not too sweet, and took your time savoring it.
"What brings you here tonight?" he had asked.
After a moment of silence, he held up his hand. "You don't need to tell me if you don't want to."
He leaned in close. "But I'm happy to listen, whenever yer ready."
His sweet smile undid you, and you poured out your heart. He seemed to nod along with your story, as a stranger would, but there was a steadily growing fire in his eyes. After a while, after a few interruptions from other customers ordering drinks, you had finished venting, nursing the last of your drink and debating what your next move should be.
"Alright folks, last call!" the bartender shouted. A few people came up and got one last drink before he started to clean up.
"Well, thank you for listening to me," you said, dropping a tip on the bar. "I really appreciate it."
"I didn't catch yer name."
You told him.
He smiled. "I'm Arthur. Could… could ya wait a bit? I'll walk you home."
You slumped. "I don't want to go home."
Arthur raised an eyebrow at you. "Where were you goin' to go, then?"
You shrugged. "Walk around until sunrise, I guess. Not feeling sleepy."
He tilted his head as he observed you. After a few moments, he shook his head. "If you don't mind, you can come sleep on my couch. You need some rest, darlin'."
"Um…" As sweet as he was, you had just met him.
Arthur pulled out a pen and scribbled something on the back of a bar coaster before giving it to you. "Here's my address. You send it to someone you trust, so they know where you are."
Touched by his offer and his understanding of your hesitation, you agreed. You texted his address to your best friend who lived a city away and told her that you were staying with a new friend and that you'd call her in the morning and tell her everything.
Then you waited until Arthur was done with his shift and followed him home.
That was years ago. He had helped you deal with the whole situation with your ex-significant other and ex-roommate. He stood outside as backup while you confronted the two of them and told them that you were leaving. Then you found yourself temporarily moving in with Arthur, bunking on his sleeper sofa for a couple of weeks while you searched for another place to live.
And then you slept in his bed. And your temporary move became permanent.
Life continued. You slept together, in the adult sense of the term. You got pregnant. You dated. You gave birth. He proposed. You got married. He finished college. You became the breadwinner while he worked part time and took care of your daughter.
Nothing went in the 'normal' order of things, but what was normal, anyway?
Looking at the photos of your wonderful daughter when she was a small child, you smiled as you heard the doorbell ring.
"Hey Mom!"
"Hi Avery!" You greeted her with a warm hug. She was twenty-three now, working hard during her first year out of college. You got to see her a couple times a month, and each visit made you smile, no matter how grumpy she might be.
Today the two of you were just hanging out, having tea and going through some of the old boxes in the attic, when she pulled out an old scrapbook.
"Wow, didn't know you did scrapbooking."
"I didn't, I only made one for my wedding."
Together the two of you looked through your silly notes and hand picked photos, telling her the story behind each one, and who each person was.
"Do you still have your wedding dress?" she asked after seeing the photos of you and Arthur, dressed up in a tuxedo that barely fit his broad shoulders.
"I do, somewhere."
After some time searching, you found it, brushed it off, and held it up to your body. "I don't think it'll fit, I've gotten a bit wider since I wore it."
"C'mon Mom, just try it!"
Smiling, the two of you went to your bedroom and you managed to shove yourself mostly into the dress. Except for the shoulders.
"I've gotten more buff," you joked as you pulled the dress off yourself. "You try it."
Avery took the dress, stared at it for a moment, and with your help, pulled it on. It looked like it fit, until she moved her arms.
The sound of a seam ripping made you both pause.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry–"
You patted her shoulder. "It's fine, sweetie. It's just a dress, it can be fixed. And you look beautiful in it."
Your daughter grinned, and you could see Arthur's eyes and smile on her face.
After she spun around a few times, she took it off and handed it back to you. Out of curiosity, you checked which seams had torn.
"It might fit you now," Avery joked.
"Sure, why not?"
You pulled it back on, and sure enough, the seams that had torn were the very ones stopping you from fitting your thicker arms through. You turned around and looked in the mirror. Twirling around a bit, you suddenly felt young again, remembering the first time you had tried this dress. Your two closest friends had been by your side, encouraging you to buy the dress because you were so pleased with it.
And you remembered the last time you had worn this dress, walking down the aisle with Arthur, hand in hand, the two of you grinning at each other as if there was nothing else in the world, just the two of you, happily in love.
"Let's take some photos outside!" Avery suggested, her eyes lighting up with enthusiasm.
Smiling at your daughter, you walked through your house and out to the small backyard that Arthur lovingly cared for, with a small waterfall and herb garden.
He was there, kneeling in the dirt, planting some new basil plants. He turned around at the sound of the back door opening.
"What're you two doin'–"
Arthur's words stopped abruptly as his jaw dropped. He hadn't seen you in that dress since the wedding, and for him, time stopped and all he saw was his beautiful lady, dressed in white, smiling like a goddess.
He quickly washed his hands with the garden hose, wiped them on his jeans, and came towards you.
"Beautiful, just like an angel," he said in awe.
You went to him, holding your hands out to him. He took them and brought them close to his heart before lifting your hands to his lips and kissing your fingers oh so so tenderly.
"Amazin', I feel the same as I did on our weddin' day, seein' you like this."
"I'm a little wider now…"
"That don't matter none," he said, leaning closer to you. His forehead touched yours and he looked into your eyes. "Yer always lovely."
Avery's exclamation brought the two of you back to reality. She had her phone out and had been taking photos of the two of you, a giant grin on her face.
"I'll send these to you later, after I touch them up a bit," she said. "I, uh, got an errand to run. Bye Dad, bye Mom, I'll catch you later!"
She left, giving you a conspiratorial wink. You looked back at Arthur to find that his eyes hadn't left you for a single moment.
He was in his late fifties now, streaks of grey in his hair, giving him a sophisticated appearance. He smiled much more these days, finding happiness in tending his small garden and being outside in the sunlight. He was still strong, still broad shouldered, but he had filled out a little from your delicious home cooked meals.
And he still looked at you like you were his entire world.
"Should we go inside?" you asked with a mischievous smirk.
"I got mud on me," he said, although he didn't resist when you pulled him into the house.
"I'll get you all clean," you said. "Then we can get dirty."
"Darlin'," he said as if he was chastising you, yet he was chuckling softly as he let you lead the way.
That night, looking at the photos Avery had emailed, you realized how the two of you appeared, so deep in love. You both looked younger in her photos, and you wondered if it was because of the photo editing.
Showing Arthur, he just smiled and kissed your cheek, his whiskers scraping your skin lightly as he nuzzled you.
"See? Told you my feelin's fer you would never change." He pulled you into his arms and held you close.
"You'll always be my shinin' star."
End Notes: I started with a small idea and it kinda got longer. Oops.
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mellowswriting · 3 years
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pairing || Marcus Pike x fem!Reader
summary || Welcome home, Baby Pike! Sneak peeks of Marcus Pike being the best father and husband in the world.
words || 3,985
warnings || pregnancy and labor (no graphic detail), allusions to sex, BABY DADDY MARCUS PIKE Y’ALL, a somewhat physical altercation (Between Marcus and a stranger), fluff, mentions of breastfeeding, referenced breeding kink
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You never expect your life to change on a Tuesday at two o’clock in the afternoon. In fact, you expected it to change three days prior on your due date, but Baby Pike decided that they wanted to make their entrance into the world a total surprise to everyone. After a morning full of what you thought were Braxton Hicks contractions, your water broke right in the middle of the living room. A small surprised yelp came from you, one that had Marcus scrambling from the kitchen to your side in an instant.
“Honey, what is it? Are you okay?” He asked, his eyebrows pinched together in worry.
“Yeah.” You said breathily, chuckling slightly. “Yeah, my water just broke.”
“What?” Marcus whispered and you watched as the realization broke across his face. He immediately held you at your forearms and eased you back to sit on the couch, a smile slowly growing on his face as he knelt in front of you. “Okay.”
“Oh my god, Marcus.” You stared at him, eyes wide, hands rubbing your belly almost absentmindedly. “Marcus, we’re having a baby.”
“Holy shit, we’re having a baby!” Marcus cried out excitedly and you couldn’t help but pull him forward to give him a kiss, one he eagerly reciprocated before pulling back suddenly. “I have to call Dr. Weston!”
At first, you had been pretty worried about how Marcus was going to handle your labor - the man could barely handle it when you had a headache, for god’s sake. But to your surprise, he shouldered the role of birthing partner with a calm demeanor. Firm and steadfast, Marcus let you drape your arms over his shoulders to support yourself through some particularly rough contractions, his voice low and reassuring as he met each of your fears with steady encouragement.
It really shouldn’t have surprised you, in hindsight.
Marcus practically ran after Dr. Weston to scrub up with her, intent on helping catch his little one ever since she brought it up and you confirmed that it was okay over and over; he never wanted to overstep, especially during such a serious, life-changing moment. His excitement was a beacon through your pain and exhaustion and frustration.
The last few pushes were rough. You were exhausted, everything hurt, and you were just over it. You were over all of it, and you wanted that damn baby out and you wanted to fucking sleep. Marcus could tell, his eyebrows pulled together in worry, but the second he stood from between your legs to return to your side, you gritted out that if he didn’t stay right there and help bring his child into the world, you would kill him yourself.
Understandable, but not your proudest moment.
With a dozen more pushes and the encouragement of both Dr. Weston and your fiancé, a shrill cry pierced the room, followed immediately by your fiancé’s amazed whispers of “Oh my god, oh my god”. Your little one was lifted up to your chest by Marcus’s sure hands.
“He’s so perfect.” You whispered, your voice hoarse and barely audible over his wails, tears of pain and exhaustion and joy falling once more as you cradled the perfect little baby against your chest. You laughed wetly and looked up at Marcus, your tears mirrored on his face, and you couldn’t help but say, “I told you he was a boy!”
“You were right.” He chuckled, pressing a kiss to your hair before gazing back at his son and laying his gloved hand on his back. He didn’t bother trying to hold back the tears and neither did you. “You were so right. He’s so beautiful.”
After you and your son were both cleaned up and settled and one extremely personal visit from the hospital’s lactation consultant, you laid in the hospital bed with little Oliver held at your breast. The tiny baby was just as exhausted as you were it seemed, his eyes fluttering shut as he suckled. Marcus paced by the bedside, his phone cradled to his ear as he spoke to his parents.
“Yeah, she was amazing. You and Dad can come by once she gets some sleep, they’re both pretty tired.” Marcus kept his voice low even though he knew you weren’t asleep, trying to let you at least rest for a little bit. “Oh, he’s perfect. Seven pounds, eight ounces. Twenty inches long. He’s got a head full of hair, just like I did.”
The pride and happiness in his voice made you smile despite the exhaustion and soreness that radiated through your body. Marcus sat next to you once his call was over, resting his head on your arm as he gazed at you.
“Thank you.” Marcus whispered. His eyes were shining with more tears and an appreciation that took your breath away. “You have given me everything I’ve ever wanted and I just… thank you.”
“No, thank you.” You chuckled quietly. “I’m sorry I threatened to kill you.”
Marcus shrugged, an amused smile on his face. “I don’t blame you.”
You puckered your lips in a silent request for a kiss, something Marcus gave without hesitation. “I love you so much.”
“I love you, too.” Marcus gave you another kiss before leaning back in his seat, content to sit and watch the miracle that was his life. “Get some sleep, my love.”
The first weeks at home with your little boy only confirmed the suspicions you had since the moment you met Marcus Pike - he was an amazing father. Beyond that, he was an amazing partner. Despite your insistence that he didn't need to, Marcus took it upon himself to bring you a glass of water and anything else you could possibly need every time you nursed. A pillow to prop up your feet, a book to read, the remote to pick a show to watch. Only when he was sure there was nothing more he could do, Marcus would sit next to you, happy to just enjoy the moment together.
A lot of promises were made, way back in the beginning of your pregnancy, a few of which you didn't even remember at first. But Marcus did, and that man followed through. Each time a tiny wail would echo through your home past ten o’clock at night, Marcus tossed back the blankets and was out of bed before you could even sit up all the way. Sometimes he would deliver a little bundle of hungry baby to your arms and then whisk him away back to his bed once his belly was full. Other times you would hear Marcus over the baby monitor as he hummed and sang and whispered to his son as he changed his diaper and rocked him back to sleep.
“Thank you. You’ve given me so much, I… thank you.” He murmured into your shoulder as he settled into bed behind you one night, having just put Oliver into his bed. “I love you so much and I promise you, I will give you the entire damn world.”
“You already have.” You whispered as you turned to kiss him.
Somehow time managed to drag and fly by at the same time, the days, weeks, and months morphing together. Oliver grew like a weed, sleeping well and eating more than you thought he could even hold in his little belly. Every milestone he hit made pride swell inside you both. Watching Marcus interact with Oliver took your breath away more often than not. The second you passed Oliver off into his father's capable hands, Marcus was cooing at him, lifting him up in the air to see that gummy smile and hear that high peal of giggles each time Marcus gently jostled him about.
Going out in public with Oliver had a tendency to be nerve wracking, especially those first few times. But your worries about germs and public diaper changes quickly gave way to the fear and frustration that came from complete and utter strangers. It was the last thing you expected to be a problem and maybe that was naive of you, but holy shit. How many people thought it was perfectly acceptable to just harass parents while they’re out with their babies?
Too fucking many.
Oliver, on the other hand, loved going to stores, although the rhythmic swaying as he snuggled into either you or Marcus in his ring sling almost always had him knocked out within the first fifteen minutes. One second, those big brown eyes were taking in the bright lights and the next, he was conked out with his little cheek squished in the most adorable way.
He was snoozing against your chest as you perused the ice cream aisle, Marcus trailing a couple feet behind you with the cart as you both tried to pick out some flavors. You were so focused on the billions of choices in the freezer in front of you that you didn’t even notice the way the other man in the aisle was eyeing you.
“How old?” He asked, motioning to Oliver.
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. All of the questions, god were you over it, but you weren't trying to cause a scene in the middle of the ice cream aisle. “Uh, four months.”
“Congratulations!” The man said and before you could fully process what was happening in front of you, he was reaching a hand out seeming to… touch your baby, what the hell did this guy think he’s doing!? You twisted away on instinct as both of hands came up to cover Oliver protectively, but before you could find your voice from under your shock to give that man a piece of your mind, Marcus swiftly stepped between you and grasped the man’s wrist.
In all your years of knowing Marcus, you had never seen his face so stoney. The muscle in his jaw jumped as he clenched his teeth, his eyes alight with anger, and all you could do was stare, wide-eyed at this fierce and protective side of your fiancé you had never seen before. Marcus didn’t say anything - the punishing grip he had on his wrist was enough to have him murmuring an apology and backing off. His face didn’t soften until he looked at you, his hand settling over yours on Oliver’s back as if he had to reassure himself that his son was still cradled safely between you.
“Are you okay?” Marcus asked.
You still couldn’t find your voice, though this time it was stuck behind a lump of admiration and appreciation and desire because holy shit. Watching Marcus shift from his usual goofy, loving self to someone who would readily and easily break the wrist of a man who had the audacity to try to touch you or your child… it stoked something deep in your belly, some fundamental, basic urge that made you crave him.
“C’mon, we don’t need ice cream. We need to go home.” You said, grabbing him by his forearm and dragging him back to the cart.
“Wait, I’m sorry.” Marcus’s voice was full of worry. “I acted like a caveman and it was ridiculous, I shouldn’t have -”
You cut him off with a kiss, leaning up on your tiptoes to firmly press your lips against his with your hand at the side of his neck. It pulled a surprised sound from Marcus but he gladly reciprocated, his hand finding your hip by habit.
“We aren’t going home because I’m mad, Marcus.” You whispered almost conspiratorially before jokingly covering the side of Oliver’s head, as if to keep him from hearing you. “We’re going home because I need you to fuck me.”
Marcus’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, but a playful grin followed immediately after and he immediately grabbed the cart in one hand and intertwined his fingers with yours in the other. The shopping trip was only half successful grocery-wise, but in the end it was worth it to be able to drag him into bed and show him just how much you appreciated that protective side of him.
The last thing Marcus wanted to do was go back to work. Walking out the door and leaving you and Oliver at home had been damn near impossible, but he really didn’t have much of a choice. He had used every second of his paternity leave and if he tried to weasel out of going back into the office, he was pretty sure he would get fired.
That first day was the worst. Marcus knew better than to call or text you constantly, but he missed being able to just see you and Oliver whenever he wanted. So instead, he checked his phone constantly, glancing over and over again just in case he received a text from you. Every now and then his phone would chime and it made him grin with each and every picture or small update you sent him. The little reminders of what he had waiting for him are what got him through the day.
Each week that passed, the wait for the clock to chime five o’clock became easier. His passion for his job reignited once he was steadily working again and his life felt so much more full than he ever thought it could be. He had a job he loved with an amazing team and a family at home that he cherished. It choked him up if he thought about it all too much, how he endured heartache after heartache, all the while thinking he would never actually get the life he envisioned for himself.
It made coming home to you and his son that much sweeter. Each evening played out by the same pattern; Marcus would plant a kiss to your lips and then Oliver’s head as he scooped him up to snuggle him, inquiring about how your day was and intent on hearing every silly little detail of whatever you got up to that day. A satisfied little smile found his face as just how full and happy his life was.
Bedtime routine was something Marcus excelled at; if there was a competition for getting a baby settled into their bed, he would win first place every damn time. You were jealous, there were no two ways about it. Yes, you could get Oliver down for the night just fine, but there was just something about the calming air Marcus carried about him that had the little one’s eyes fluttering shut.
You claimed that he was magic, but Marcus was sure it was just his boring office stories that knocked his son out.
Weekends were something special to Marcus. He loved the lazy mornings where he didn’t have to heave himself out of bed and creep around to get ready for work without waking the baby. Being able to instead appreciate how pretty you looked lost in your dreams and wake you with soft kisses was a gift he appreciated even before your family had grown.
Except now he got the added pleasantry of scooping up Oliver when he woke and bringing him into the big bed for you to feed him before Marcus could make him laugh that adorable laugh by popping up from behind the sheet he held in front of his face. Those cozy moments were his happy place, the fuel that got him through long days and sleepless nights.
Since the weekend brought all three of you together for the entire day, Marcus had taken a liking to offering to gather up Oliver after he had a full belly so you could have some time for yourself. It left him in awe just how much you did for your family, how hard you worked to keep the fires burning at home, and he wanted you to keep your fire burning within as well. The soft sounds of music and the perfumey smells of your bath products coming from under the bathroom door always made him smile, little Oliver curled against his chest. It was a win-win all the way - you got to relax without the immediate responsibility of childcare hanging over your head and Marcus got to bond with his kiddo.
Afterwards, Marcus would always bring the three of you together for some quality family time. Whether it was a simple walk through the neighborhood to the park a few streets away or a simple picnic in the backyard, Marcus loved getting to see you and Oliver bathed in sunlight, both of you cracking up as you tickled him while he tried to wiggle from your grasp. Oliver always ended up asleep at the end of the entire ordeal, exhausted from all of the fun and action, and Marcus always volunteered to carry him home, even when he had the empty stroller in front of him.
You woke up feeling beyond well-rested. The heaviness that often plagued your eyelids had eased completely, leaving your eyes opening easily to blink against the sunlight peeking through the window. The sheets next to you were rumpled and cold and you shot upright on instinct. When you fell asleep, both Marcus and Oliver had been curled up with you, your son safe between both of his parents as he snored lightly. He wasn’t feeling well, a small fever and a case of the sniffles making him more clingy than usual, and neither you or Marcus could deny the puppy-dog eyes he gave from the foot of your bed when he toddled into your bedroom from his own.
The sound of Sunday morning cartoons eased the worry that prickled down your spine. With a quick stretch and a low groan, you tossed back the blankets and quickly made your way into the living room, and the sight that met you brought a small smile to your face. Both of your boys were still in their pajamas, a colorful pile of crayons between them where they lay on the floor as they scribbled away in a shared coloring book, the cartoons on the television entirely forgotten as father and son created yet another masterpiece sure to end up on the refrigerator with the half a dozen others. It took a moment for you to catch Marcus’s eye and he smiled at you in greeting before leaning closer to Oliver to whisper, “Guess who’s awake?”
Oliver’s head immediately snapped up to look around and he scrambled to his feet the second he saw you standing in the doorway. “Mama, mama, mama!”
“Good morning, little man!” You greeted as you scooped him off of his feet, his arms wrapping around your neck and tightening with a dramatic groan. You settled him on your hip and brushed his wild hair from his face. “Feeling better?”
“Better!” Oliver exclaimed, nodding so fast it made even you dizzy.
“I’m glad, baby.” You ruffled his hair, chuckling at his dismayed response of ducking away from your hand and wiggling from your grasp. His little feet took off running the second they touched the carpet, but your arms weren’t empty for long. No, Marcus stepped right into them and wrapped you in a warm hug, planting a kiss to the top of your head.
“We decided to let you sleep in.” Marcus said, his chest rumbling against you as you relaxed into his embrace. “His fever is gone, has been since around 7:30.”
“Good, I was worried we’d have to take him to the pediatrician.” You murmured before leaning up to kiss him soft and slow, breaking away at the sound of a pan hitting the floor in the kitchen. “Sounds like someone’s trying to make breakfast again.”
“Better get in there before he spills flour all over the floor again.” Marcus chuckled, giving your ass a quick pat as he followed the sounds of destruction.
Once Oliver had gobbled down a bowl of cereal and you had a cup of coffee to sip on, all three of you settled on the floor to finish up the drawing that Oliver insisted he needed both of his parent’s help for. He was all too happy to slap it on the refrigerator under one of his letter magnets before scampering off to drag all of his toys out for the first of many times. Marcus plopped down on the couch next to you, situating himself so he could lay his head in your lap.
Those pretty brown eyes of his fluttered shut with a pleased hum as you began running your hands through his hair, the untamed curls fluffy and soft between your fingers. He winced slightly at the familiar sound of Oliver’s toy chest dumping over in his room and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“So, I was thinking…” Marcus murmured, sleepiness returning to his voice under the relaxation your talented hands brought him.
“Don’t hurt yourself in the process.” You teased.
A pout formed on Marcus’s face and you leaned down to kiss his put out lower lip so he would continue. “I was thinking we could talk about if you want to do all of this again.”
“All of what?” You asked, your brain still booting up from sleep. Your fingers paused in his hair when it clicked. “Do you mean another baby?”
“Yeah.” Marcus’s voice was soft, quiet, as if he was fearing rejection.
“That’s ironic, actually.” You said with a small laugh. “I was thinking about asking you if you wanted to have another baby.”
“What?” Marcus sat up to face you, hope and excitement bright in his eyes. “Really?”
“Of course,” You shrugged as you reached out for his hand, your thumb swiping back and forth over his knuckles. “Ollie is gonna be in preschool soon and I think three-ish years is a good gap for siblings. He really would make such a great big brother. Besides, I already told you I wanted a full house. Wait, we would definitely have to find a new house. Shit. I didn’t even think of that. Maybe we should just -”
Marcus’s lips crashed against yours, effectively cutting off the worried words that were about to spill from you in a rush. The kiss was messy and broken up by the huge smile Marcus wore. “We can start looking now. That way we’ll have a new house by the time I get you pregnant again.”
A shiver rocked down your spine at his words, at how excited he was at the prospect of having your belly swell with his baby again. Marcus pressed his forehead to yours, eyes closed, the both of you just breathing in the moment of electricity. “Are you really ready to do this?”
“Hell yes,” Marcus said with an eager laugh, his voice lowering as he continued. “And this time I’ll know exactly what I’m doing. I’ll know I’m filling you up, getting you nice and round with my baby again.”
“Fuck, Marcus.” You whimpered, that familiar heat pooling in your belly.
“Just you wait until tonight, sweetheart.” Mischief was plain on his face, his bottom lip momentarily captured between his teeth as he gripped your chin in a gentle, yet firm hold. “I can’t wait to get you pregnant again.”
With that lewd thought, Marcus gave you another firm kiss before leaving you there on the couch to make another cup of coffee, probably to give you both the space to cool off. With a loud sigh, you leaned heavily into the cushions unable to contain the grin you wore. How lucky were you? An amazing husband who doubled as an amazing father to your sweet, happy little boy. Two thriving careers. And even more plans for your family’s future. Soon your son hopped his way back into the living room, insisting you and Marcus come see the tower he made with his blocks. Hand in hand, the two of you listened as Oliver explained his creation, happiness and hope hovering in the air around you.
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hinatas-sunshine · 4 years
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Synopsis: The Boys seeing their significant other interacting with the other girls
Genre: Fluff
A/N: I hope you guys enjoy this, sorry I’ve been writing a lot of Haikyuu but I’ll bring back my OG ppl hehe, requests are open! Feel free to send any! Kithes 🥺❤️
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• You were a transfer student and when Aizawa introduced you, you bowed and said a slight hello
• You had stolen his heart from the moment you smiled right at him
• you were smiling at everyone but let the poor boy dream
• Listen you were actually crazy psycho crackhead dumb but no one got to know that because they were busy watching you look normal from afar
• That was until Kirishima witnessed you, laptop on your bed, blanket over your head replaying the google man’s voice saying “y/n Clowns aren’t scary you just think a lot about the clown that chased you in 2016 and how he wouldn’t stop saying fetty was lyrics.”
• Yeah he was gonna pretend he didn’t see it
• But when he walked in to you dancing to your “bad b*tches only” playlist and you noticed him, screamed and then fell on your butt
“Oh so transfer girl has some moves.”
“My names y/n.”
“Y/n what?”
“Whats it to ya”
• He liked your spongebob references so you two became fast friends and next thing you know he’s asking you to “kermit to him” with a kermit the frog stuffed toy
• Once you two were together he was the only one who knew your cracktivities
• That was until the girls wanted to peek into your room to see what it looked like
• they all loved the vibe of your room and you invited them to stay!
• That night was the wildest girls night you had
• And they realized how crazy you actually were
“Mina if you don’t do a dance battle with me right now I swear I’ll cry I have some sick moves!”
• You didnt 🧚🏻‍♀️✨💞 stop trying 🙈✨☺️❤️
• They all loved you! And screamed at Kaminari for hiding you from them
• Now when he often saw you doing crazy things with everyone it made his heart happy you were fitting in
“Denki I’ll race you on a pool floaty down the stairs right now!”
• You, Denki and Kirishima were the idiots of 1-A
“Don’t put me in with those two idiots!”
“Y/n? 😔”
“No Kirishima I was just kidding 🥺!”
“Y/n 🥺👉🏽👈🏽”
“No I meant it for you Denki 😃”
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• The power you hold ✨
• Only person Bakugo with scream at and apologize to
• everyone was kind of scared of you and you didn’t know why but either way you stuck to creating cool things for your suit or making a cool gadget in your room
• Bakugo would come visit from time to time and you’d go to his room and just lay with him
“Make me something for my suit.”
“Not until you say please.”
“Tch fine then.”
• *walks in five minutes later*
• You had this boy wrapped around your finger and everyone knew it
“I don’t ever seen y/n, all she does is hang out in her room or hang out with Bakugo.”
“Shut up shittyhair! She doesn’t have time for you extras!”
• You did but you didn’t really bother to say anything because this certain piece of technology needed your attention
• One day there was just... nothing. Nothing for you to fix or build...
• So you went to the common room and saw the girls messing with a piece of technology and you couldn’t help but peek and see them looking into a bunch of wires
“Oh y/n! Do you think you could help us?”
• You looked at Uraraka and shuffled over nervously sitting on your legs studying the wires, bolts, everything before going to your room grabbing a piece of thin tweezers and fixing an unscrewed bolt
• All the girls eyes lit up at applauded, leading to a long talk about anything that came to mind such as how you knew so much about technology
“My mom used to be in the Support department, my dad wanted to be a pro hero before he risked his life, so I picked it up from my mom but wanted to save lives like my dad.”
• They all smiled and awe’d before Bakugo walked in and threw you over his shoulder, you huffed and waved at them letting him take you back
“What was that?”
“They needed help with something.”
“Oh... so... are you friends with them?”
“I don’t know I guess.”
• He nodded, he was happy for you but he’d never admit it to your face
“Are you jealous someone will take your place as my best friend?”
“Shut up dumbass.”
“I’m sorry, I meant shut up.”
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• You are just as antisocial as him oh my gosh no one knows how you two ended up together
• In all honesty it was the lack of speaking and more of action, you two would just look for each other any time there was a group project, partner training or working together at all
• You two were just each other’s friend and it evolved into something more
• When you watched him and Midoriya at the festival you were extremely proud of him opening up
• You on the other hand had a lot of catching up to do
• The girls had managed to get you in a cheerleading uniform and they became obsessed with you but you were still too shy for your own good
• You remained with a small smile on your face when cheering
• Todoroki thought you looked so cute trying and attempting to make friends his heart went crazy
• After that day you began to notice him around Izuku and Bakugo
• Izuku said it’s okay to call him Deku like everyone else
“Okay Izuku.”
“Sorry Izuku.”
• Poor boy felt to bad to correct you djwjnfownr
• Todoroki realized you were feeling a little down
“What’s wrong y/n?”
“I’m too shy for you own good..”
• He became determined to help you and although it didn’t work, someone else’s words got you to
“Eh? Y/n doesn’t even speak you half and half bastard how are you even dating her?!”
• You tapped on his shoulder
“I do speak!”
• You furrowed you eyebrows and walked away making it a mission to make one friend
• You ended up with Yaoyorozu, who agreed to have tea with you
“So how did you and Todoroki start dating?”
“We just always looked for each other, and it was nice, I guess I kinda found comfort in him.”
• All the girls aw’s were heard from behind the wall and Momo sighed making them come out, as they all did you giggled at them
• They were so happy you weren’t running away their Baby y/n is growing
• You all sat together and talked about everything, mostly you because they wanted to know more about you
“You’re saying you, y/n l/n, used to get in trouble for being TOO TALKATIVE?”
“Yes and I don’t know why!”
• Once you opened up they noticed you did talk a lot but they loved it
• Todoroki smiled at you from afar, he was really glad you were opening up
“Icy hot are you EVEN LISTENING?”
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krreader · 4 years
BTS scenario → your child that you raised together, despite not being together, playing matchmaker.
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pairing: bts x reader fandom: bts warnings: / genre: fluff word count: 2.3k+
a/n: ooooh, I loved this so much, I really hope you enjoy reading this my loves ♥
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kim seokjin
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Despite her young age, your daughter had always known that there was something going on between you and her father.
It wasn't easy trying to explain surrogacy to a child, so you never did, but maybe you should have, because it was getting increasingly more difficult to make her understand that you and Jin weren't a couple.
“Such a beautiful family,” an old lady commented while you and Jin were walking with your daughter through a park.
Jin and you had been friends and neither of you had met a partner that you wanted to spend your life with, but due to you not getting any younger, you both thought that surrogacy might be a good option for you. And it really was, you two raised your daughter together happily, despite not being together romantically.
“Mommy and daddy look good together, right?” your daughter said with a cheeky grin.
“Oh, they do, little one,” she knelt down in front of her, “You must be very happy to have such parents that love you and each other so much.”
Jin wanted to say something, but you simply grabbed his hand and squeezed it tightly. You'd rather have that woman believe that, than make her understand why you went for surrogacy.
“They pretend like they don't sometimes, but then I see how daddy looks at mommy and how mommy strokes his hair when daddy falls asleep on the couch,” she giggled.
And boy, did you two blush from ear to ear while your daughter and the old lady had a blast exposing you two like that.
min yoongi
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“Help me out, I think my mom and dad still love each other, despite them being divorced.. what should I do?”
That is the tweet that had started all of this.
Your daughter hadn't thought she'd get so much notes on it, but oh boy, was she wrong. Thousands of people retweeted it and sent her messages with tips on how to, first of all, confirm whether or not you and Yoongi were still in love with each other and then, on how to help you two get back together.
And some of them really came through.
“Thanks for dropping me off, mom,” your daughter smiled at you.
“That's what I'm here for, right?”
“And you're sure it doesn't bother you that dad's home?” the small shift you did in your seat was enough for her to start grinning, quickly turning her head to the side so you wouldn’t see. But she saw how you smiled.
“That's fine.”
Your daughter could barely remember the two of you being together, since you had gotten a divorce when she was still a toddler, but somewhere along the line, you two must have realized that maybe it had been a mistake. Because when she watched you get out of the car first and Yoongi standing there all nervous, scratching the back of his head, it was like the two of you were the teenagers, and not her.
And so once she confirmed it and was sure that she wouldn't do anything that would hurt either of you, she came up with a plan.
A plan that worked perfectly.
“It's too late to drive home, you can just stay here,” you said one night after your daughter had 'gotten sick' and Yoongi drove her back to your house.
“No, don't be ridiculous.”
“Stop and sit down, I’ll make something to eat. Besides, I'm sure she'd be glad to see both of us here when she wakes up tomorrow. It'll be good for her.”
Yoongi told himself that he was doing this for his daughter and not for himself. But if that had been true, he would have gone to your spare bedroom and slept there. Alone.
Instead, he joined you in the living room and you and him ended up talking until four in the morning.
And when your daughter woke up the next morning, she found you and him cuddled up on the couch, his arm around your waist and your face buried in his chest, both sleeping in the most peaceful state she had ever seen you two in.
That day, she sent out another tweet: “Mission accomplished. Thank you to everyone who helped.”
jung hoseok
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How were you supposed to tell your son that the reason why you and Hoseok weren't together was because you had never actually been in a proper relationship? You and him had been friends and then friends had turned into friends with benefits and that's all it had ever been.
The sex had been amazing and, well, it still was, but you and him had a hard time being with each other romantically. On a more deeper level.
But your son didn't know that and neither of you wanted to tell him that. And so he must have assumed that the two of you still had feelings for each other when he 'locked you in the bathroom so you could finally work things out'. Those were literally his words.
“See? I told you we should just tell him,” Hoseok sighed heavily and sat down on the edge of the bathtub.
“Oh, so are you going to have that conversation with him? How his mom and dad are simply better at sleeping with each other than forming an emotional connection?”
At second thought, maybe not.
You sat down next to him and shook your head, “But you're right. We should have handled it differently. He behaved weirdly for the last couple of months. Maybe he thought that.. we were actually developing feelings for each other.”
“Yeah, right,” Hoseok crossed his arms in front of his chest and tried to act stubborn, while you just sat there next to him biting down on your lip.
Two hours. That's all it took for yours and his resolve to finally break down and finally – after fourteen freaking years – to talk about what neither of you had wanted to say. And you had your son to thank for that.
kim namjoon
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Namjoon wished he could spend more time with his daughter, but with you living and working overseas and his daughter having decided that she wanted to attend school there, rather than in Seoul, school breaks was all he got if he didn't fly to visit her.
But those days that she was with him were his absolute favorite.
Right now, him and her were sitting in a small but beautiful café while she brought him up to speed on what had happened the last couple of months. Not that she didn't do that over the phone already, but face to face, she was able to properly tell him everything.
However, there was one thing that she hadn't told him yet. Mainly, because she wanted to see his reaction.
“Have you and mom talked lately?”
Namjoon's head shot up, “Why? Why are you asking?”
She grinned a little, “Oh, nothing, it's just, she's acting weird these days.”
“In what way?”
“Spends a lot of time on her phone, smiles a lot more and is in a better mood in general. I tried talking to her about it, but she's stubborn and doesn't let anything slip. I thought I'd ask if you knew anything about that. You two started talking again, right?”
Namjoon began scratching the back of his head, laughing and stumbling over his words.
It was useless. You weren't an idiot. You knew that him and her had started talking again, had overheard more than one conversations between them and knew that there was something going on. And from the way her father acted right now, she assumed that her hunch had been right and that they did start to get closer again.
And so she just leaned back with a smug grin and watched her father suffer.
park jimin
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Your relationship with Jimin had always been a little unconventional.
When you were younger, you were fascinated by him. By his looks, his wealth, his charm. And he liked the innocence about you that he couldn't see in this industry anymore. And so you had started a relationship that could only be described as that of a sugar daddy and a sugar baby. And it went well. Better than that. Those were the best years of your life and Jimin enjoyed it just as much. There weren't really any strings, while at the same time, you knew that you were fully his and he yours. Whatever you needed, he got you and if he needed anything, you'd be at his door to give it to him, which often times, just was someone to listen to him.
You getting pregnant had not been the plan. But Jimin had never let you down and he didn't let you down then, he told you that, despite you and him not getting married for this baby, he'd still support you no matter what and so you raised your son together with him.
And the love and affection you still had was so obvious, everyone could tell that you two had a history. But it was your son that thought that maybe, you could have a future too.
“Hey dad, can I ask you something?” his son sat down next to him on the couch and waited for him to nod before he asked: “Mom and you go way back, right?”
“Of course, otherwise you wouldn't be here,” Jimin chuckled.
“No, I mean.. your relationship. It's.. deep. I see the way you two look at each other. Like there is some sort of connection that isn't just about me. I always wondered about that.”
His father became quiet for a moment, then he said, “Your mother has helped me a lot through life. And when she got you, I realized that I owe her everything. She gave me the biggest gift I could have ever asked for.”
“And yet, you're not with each other. Married, I mean.”
“You don't always have to marry each other to show how much you mean to each other, you know?”
“So she does mean a lot to you still.”
Jimin was once again quiet, but then he smiled, “I guess she does.”
Your son shrugged and got up, “I agree with you on the marriage part. But maybe you should tell her how you feel, who knows what might happen.”
Jimin couldn't believe that he actually considered taking dating advice from his son, but here he was, doing just that.
kim taehyung
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“Oh, there they are,” Taehyung's mother immediately pulled you and your daughter into a tight hug, “I missed you both so much. Have you eaten? Oh, probably not, you two must be so hungry. Come inside.”
You might think that was a normal thing for the mother of your daughter's father to do right? True. But you and Taehyung had never gotten married.
You and him had been childhood friends and you had gotten pregnant very early from you and him  'experimenting'. It hadn't been ideal, your parents, his parents, everyone had been so disappointed in the both of you and even more so when you had decided not to get married. Why? Simply because you knew that Taehyung couldn't pursue his dream of becoming an idol if he did.
And so you raised her as friends.. as friends who could have been much more if you had only made different decisions.
And now that it's been so long and your daughter was older and your families saw just how well you had done by raising her as friends, it was all good again. His mother treated you like family, despite you not actually being that.
“Grandma,” your daughter pulled her aside and pointed at you and Taehyung hugging. And that wasn't just a friendly hug, that was him burying his nose in the crock of your neck and holding you so close to him that he was afraid you'd let go, “This isn't normal, right? Friends don't do that, right?”
“Your parents aren't just friends, my love. They're..-”
“What? They're what?!” but when she wanted to answer, her grandfather came along and pulled your daughter into the biggest hug you could imagine.
And when she managed to look at you and Taehyung again, she found her father brushing a strand of her behind your ear with a smile.
This wasn't normal. Everyone knew that.
But your daughter was tired of everyone pretending that it was. It was time for you and him to finally figure out what it was that you wanted, because playing around like that wasn't cutting it anymore.
She’d help. She’d help you two finally find your happy endings.
jeon jeongguk
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“Uncle Jin? Can I ask you something?” your son sat down next to him, waiting for Jin to nod, before he asked: “Have you ever seen my mom and dad together? Romantically, I mean?”
“Why are you asking me this?” he furrowed his eyebrows.
“Dad once told me that when he went through one of the hardest times in his life, he confided in you. I'm assuming that by the hardest time, he meant the time where mom got pregnant with me.”
Jin sighed heavily, “You shouldn't be talking to me about this. It's not my place to tell you.”
“I'm not asking because I want to know what happened between them. I'm asking because I want to know if them behaving like they do now is normal. As a kid, I never really noticed, but now that I'm older and actually understand what's going on, I feel like it isn't.”
“Like what?”
“Like.. dad slept over last week. And not in one of the spare bedrooms, but in mom's. That's not normal, right?!”
Jin's eyes wandered over to the two of you laughing together, then back at your son, “They do that a lot these days?”
“Yeah. And it's frustrating me so much, because every time I ask, they say they're just friends. But I don’t do that with my friends.. do you?”
“Nope, I don’t, kid,” and with that, he got up and walked away before he’d expose something that he shouldn’t.
But your son had gotten his answer anyways.
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alwaysmychoices · 3 years
Where I Think the OH Gang Ends Up - HCs
After 3 books of falling in love with these characters, I thought I’d share my HCs for where these characters end up - including some about Charlie and Ethan’s future. Obviously, this varies because I’m a Ethan romancer, so I could make different versions depending on your LI. Included is where they live, their jobs, and their personal lives. 
If you have any questions/HCs, feel free to reach out, and I hope you enjoy this!
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Location: Boston, MA
Career: Diagnostician Specializing in Pediatrics
After her residency, Sienna worked at Edenbrook for a year before deciding to complete a fellowship in Pediatrics at Edenbrook, where she focused on diagnostics in children, particularly in conditions that are rare or difficult to diagnose.
During her fellowship, this field proved difficult mentally and emotionally, but Sienna’s resilience and strength, coupled with her passion for her patients, made her a leading figure in her field.
She stayed on at Edenbrook, where she bridged the gap between pediatrics and diagnostics.
Personal Life:
When all her friends started leaving Boston after residency, Sienna acted as the “glue” holding them together. She organized Zoom calls, visits, and group vacations. She also gets the best gossip as a result.
She stayed close with the whole group and regularly sees those who remained in Boston.
She still goes to see Danny’s mom for coffee and fresh baked goods.
Sienna met her husband through work. Her patient’s fourth-grade class organized a trip to show their support for their classmate. Andy was their teacher. Six months after they started dating, Sienna knew Andy was the one. She was baking cookies for her next meeting with Danny’s mom, and Andy not only offered to go with her but started helping her bake.
The gang is still very protective of Sienna – so much so that they all rushed to meet Andy to see if they approved. After all, only the best could deserve her.
When Sienna and Andy got married, everyone was so happy for them. But they were probably even happier a few years later when they started their family.
It took some adjustments, but Sienna adapted to her new work and family life balance like a pro – even if it meant she barely slept for those first few years.
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Location: Boston, MA
Career: Diagnostician, Co-Head of the Diagnostics Team, Department Head
At the culmination of her residency, Charlie Greene probably could have gone anywhere she wanted, but she wanted to stay with her team. Even as she watched some of her friends go off to start new lives, she felt committed to Edenbrook.
However, it would have been easy for Ethan to stifle her career ambitions purely by taking up too much room and not leaving enough for her to grow. He wanted her to prosper though, so he had to step back when necessary.
Over time, the team dynamic shifted so that they were leading it together, so she deserved the title.
She proved to be an excellent doctor, teammate, researcher, and leader. So, when she was named head of the department many years later, it was an honor well deserved – even if it was one she later started to appreciate less once she realized the amount of paperwork involved.
She’s worked hard for everything she’s achieved, and she’s not done achieving it.
Personal Life:
Charlie married Ethan Ramsey, and after everything they’d been through, saying those vows came with a sigh of relief and joy.
Despite conversations about leaving Boston to be closer to family, they never did. Boston had become home.
They started a family with children, dogs, and a townhouse. They invited Ethan’s dad and Charlie’s parents to holidays, and Charlie’s friends had an open invitation to visit her.
It would be wrong to say that everything was easy, but they were happy.
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Location: Boston, MA → Stanford, CA → Boston, MA
Career: Researcher & Attending at a Medical School & its Affiliated Hospital
Elijah went straight into research at Edenbrook after his residency. After a few years of learning from his coworkers and growing as a researcher, he published his research. He received the opportunity to leave Edenbrook and join a research team at Stanford University, and it was too good of an offer to pass up.
Elijah spent the next few years researching at Stanford as an academic, but once their research was published, he decided that pure academia wasn’t the right environment for him.
His impeccable research skills and high recommendations earned him job offers at university-affiliated teaching hospitals where he could do research and engage with patients. He accepted a position in Boston that met his research needs and brought him closer to home.
Elijah’s research contributions went on to help countless patients.
He continued to publish his research and lead several teams, all the way until he was leading his very own lab. By the end of his career, he was a top lecturer at a premier medical school.
Personal Life:
At the end of their residency, Elijah was the least afraid of the distance now separating him from his friends. His familiarity with his technology and his love for the gang meant that he was ready to keep them so digitally connected that they hardly noticed the separation.
Still, he missed them. And he missed Boston when he left, too.
Elijah was never too concerned about finding a partner, so he wouldn’t have minded ending up alone. In fact, for a long time, he thought he would.
Then, he met a fellow researcher, Alicia, at a convention. They bonded over their favorite comic books and their work. Though Alicia lived in Connecticut, they started dating, and within a few years, they were married in Boston. A few years later, they had kids and a shared google calendar blocking out their research days and family time.
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Location: Miami, FL
Career: Surgeon
As the star resident, Bryce wasn’t particularly surprised when Edenbrook offered him a full-time position at the culmination of his residency. He fully intended it to take it, too.
But then there was the recruiter from Miami. He entertained the offer primarily for his ego, but something about it struck a nerve. One of his career idols was offering to take him under wing there, and even though Bryce had finished his residency, there was still so much he wanted to learn. He only visited to find out more – not because he intended to accept – but Miami allured him. The familiar heat, sea breeze, and electric energy captivated him.
It was a difficult decision, but ultimately, Bryce packed his bags and moved to Miami (even if he secretly cried about it and facetimed his friends constantly).
There, he prospered and honed his skills as a young surgeon.
When MC (Charlie) visits, it’s clear that Bryce and his mentor have a very similar relationship to that of Ethan and Naveen. So, it isn’t a surprise when Bryce assumes his mentor’s role after his retirement and heads the department – nor is it a surprise when Bryce’s surgical prowess became known outside Miami.
Bryce’s favorite achievement is the Lahela Method, a surgical method he developed, perfected, and popularized.
Personal Life:
Having finished his residency two years after everyone else, he thought he would be ready to leave Boston and his friends, but he wasn’t. They had become his family, and even with their strong bond and efforts to stay close, he missed them.
Leaving for Miami was difficult, but he made friends and kept in touch with the gang.
Bryce was too focused on work to ever start a serious relationship. He preferred casual flings and short romances to long-term relationships.
He’d been in Miami for two years when Kyra came into town for her extended visit. She only planned to stay in his guest room for two weeks, but she ended up staying for a month. He didn’t mind. In fact, he encouraged her to stay. He missed her and liked having her around – so much so that he convinced her to move to Miami.
Kyra was always looking for an adventure, and Miami looked like one. She moved in a few blocks from Bryce, and despite her intentions to soak up Miami, they basically spent all their time together.
He wasn’t sure when he fell in love with her.
But he did. Their friendship turned into a friendship with benefits. Then that got complicated with feelings. Then those feelings became more than feelings. And before either knew it, they were irrevocably in love. Despite never wanting to be tied down, they were tied to each other.
Bryce proposed, but it took them over a year to set a date because they were too busy living their crazy lives. They had so many plans – trips they wanted to take, a house they wanted to buy, and kids they might want to have – but they’re finding their way on their adventure.
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Location: Miami, FL
Career: Influencer & Author
Though Kyra enjoyed working at Edenbrook (and really liked making money instead of incurring medical debt), she wouldn’t say that working in hospital administration was her dream.
She became restless, and she traded hospital administration for a series of other jobs.
Kyra started posting more and more on social media, and as she became more comfortable, she started being vulnerable about her health, the scars it left, and how she moved forward. She built a community of people experiencing similar things, and it sparked a passion in her.
Kyra dedicated her time to learning about social media to grow her following and continue sharing resources. A few of her posts went viral, and that was the catalyst to start her career.
After sharing content for a while, Kyra had the opportunity to publish her memoirs – a witty, funny look at her life that was inspiring, hilarious, and beloved by many.
Personal Life:
Kyra didn’t just become restless in her professional life. She also became restless in Boston. She did all the things to do in the city – explored all the crevices and exploited all the excitement. Even though she had been in remission for years, she still craved a full and exciting life.
She started traveling, often to the cities where she had friends who let her crash on their couch.
That’s how she got to Miami.
And how she inadvertently fell in love with Bryce Lahela.
Kyra and Bryce loved their life, and they lived it to the fullest. They took risks. They ate interesting dishes, went to exotic locations, and learned new things. They visited their friends and became the cool aunt and uncle to their families.
Kyra stayed in remission. To celebrate five cancer-free years, she and Bryce got matching buzz-cuts. On the next anniversary, they got matching tattoos.
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Location: Washington D.C.
Career: Diagnostician & Activist
Jackie never intended to become an activist for healthcare reform, but once she stumbled into it, she developed a passion for the work after her unfortunate involvement with Panacea Labs. She even moved to D.C. to pursue lobbying.
She kept working as a diagnostician, but as her involvement in healthcare reform increased, she took a lesser load at the hospital so she could start working as an activist professionally. As a healthcare professional herself, she took her experience and used it to inform her activism and her lobbying to encourage Big Pharma reform.
She also worked with nonprofits to help struggling doctors and med students like herself find resources and emphasize ethics.
A woman on a mission, nothing could stop her.
Personal Life:
Though Jackie found her passion in D.C., she didn’t find the love of her life as easily. She was too busy to make anything work. She stumbled in and out of relationships. Her true companion became her dog and her high-rise apartment.
Jackie might not have been able to maintain a romance, but she maintained her friendships. She visited frequently and adored their children.
She liked being in charge, and she liked having things her way. It probably serves her right to have fallen in love with the only woman more stubborn than her.
Sonia was a public service lawyer, and she and Jackie spent their time bickering and adoring each other. They were both career-driven and supported each other’s mission.
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Location: New York City, NY
Career: Head of Diagnostics
Aurora spent her time in Boston making peace with her aunt’s legacy, but at the end of Aurora’s residency, she was ready to start her career and make a mark of her own.
In New York, she started working for a diagnostics department, and she earned a spot on the diagnostics team once it was formed. She worked hard. She made a name for herself. She proved that Harper wasn’t the only Dr. Emery to keep an eye on.
Once on the team, she helped elevate it to the point that it rivaled her own hospital, Edenbrook. She often came into contact with her friend, MC (Charlie). The teams even competed on occasion.
Aurora beat MC by becoming the first to head a diagnostics team.
She was an excellent leader and an exemplary physician. The team prospered, and the rivalry with Edenbrook playfully continued.
Personal Life:
For Aurora, career and academic efforts came easily, but interpersonal affairs were treacherous. Still, after finding friends in Boston, she was determined to maintain those friendships and develop new ones in New York.
The friends she made in residency were now her family, and she kept in touch.
In New York, Aurora was slow to make friends, but she did. She formed a close bond with her team and shared an apartment with a team member for a time.
Like her aunt, Aurora went without romantic commitment – until she started research with Dr. Alice Montgomery. Aurora fell head over heels, and despite a few stops and starts, they started a happy, healthy relationship.
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Location: Boston, MA → Brazil → Boston, MA
Career: Physical Therapist at Edenbrook
Personal Life
Rafael took the big leap and moved to Brazil. He spent two amazing years living in Brazil, traveling and making unforgettable memories before moving back to Boston.
Once back, he thought about saving up for more travels and spending his young adulthood moving around the globe, but after he got home, he couldn’t bear to leave for that long again. He opted for vacations instead and reinvested in his community.
Leaving his childhood neighborhood didn’t stop him from being an active community member. He volunteered regularly and made friends almost everywhere he went.
Of course, he also went back to his neighborhood to see his family regularly, but he liked having the independence of his own place and his own community.
Once he married and started talking about having children, Raf moved back to his childhood neighborhood so he could raise his child with the same level of community and love he experienced.
When everyone came back into town, they always stopped by his place for good food and an even better friend.
He stayed in touch with everyone, especially during his travels, and his friends had an open invitation to visit.
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bts-teaspoonff · 3 years
Distance pt. 1
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Genre: Romance, Oblivious Mutual Pining, Operation:Jealousy, College!AU, eventual smut
Pairing: Jimin x reader
Rating: PG-13 (last chapter - M rating)
Synopsis: You adore Jimin but you’ve kept it a secret from him despite being so close to him. Jimin turns out that he feels the same. Would you be able to erase the distance between you and Jimin when mountains of obstacles come both your way?
Word count: 6.7k
PARTS: 1 | 2 | 3
(A/N) I know I updated you guys about this being a oneshot but as I was writing it, it became a bit long and I was also busy with a lot right now. I will split this supposed-to-be-one-shot into two or three parts. It won’t be a long fanfic.
Loud blasts of sounds coming from the room beside mine woke me up from my nap. My brother’s speakers were on full blast, with no regards for life present inside the house that might be savoring the peaceful afternoon that was once inhabiting this house. I rolled to the other side of my bed and buried my face under the pillow. I really tried to mask the noise but apparently, he shot up the volume twofold. I trashed my blanket away from me and stood up from the bed. Still half awake, I bolted out of my room. Standing in front of my brother’s room, I bombarded his door with loud and mad whacks. He knows I take my afternoon slumber a bit more seriously so he better make sure to expect an earful from me.
“Jeon Jungkook. Open this door this instant!” I brutally murdered his door with knocks and pounds then I was greeted by a smiling Jungkook, as he opens the door with just his head peeking through. “I was taking a nap. Good dream in fact. Give me one reason now, for me not to cut the wire of your speakers.”
“I have a good one actually.” He fully opened the door and then I was greeted by two smiling angels, or little devils depending on their mood. Jimin and Taehyung, my brother’s best friends and also my batch mates in college. I was in awe at the sight of Jimin sitting on a beanbag across the room. Not a moment ago, he was fully occupying my dreams and now, he’s here sitting quietly enjoying his bag of chips. Taehyung still continuing to dance over the songs that, I might add, are making my ears bleed with how loud it is.
“You know I don’t question your music taste, but do you want me to check your ears? Are you deaf that you need to turn up the music this loud? The walls of this house are gonna crumble down any moment with how ground-shaking and deafening it is.” Jimin chuckling while taking a mouthful of chips in his hands from the bag. Jungkook was still wiggling his butt to the music. I was stealing glances at Jimin as Jungkook proceeded to turn the volume of his speakers down. “Thank you.”
“Sorry. I forgot that you were at home. I thought you were at your part time work.” Jungkook leaned on the door with his arms over his head. “Mom and Dad are on a trip so I figured I could enjoy the house.” Jimin stood up from where he was seated and I could feel a small pull from my chest as he fixed his shirt. I admired his skinny but toned arms and ethereal face, glowing from the golden hour just emanating from the windows in my brother’s room. It is not helping that he was wearing a white loose long-sleeved shirt but still shows his amazing physique, which is totally my type.
“Hey.” I could feel the heat inside my body just from this small greeting from Jimin. Gosh, I am so totally attracted to this man. “Sorry to disturb your nap. We really thought you weren’t at home.” Jungkook removed his arms on the door and went back to join Taehyung, who is still enjoying bopping to songs in the background like the comedian he is. Jimin, now leaning on the door in front of me, looked straight into my eyes while smiling. I was taken aback and found my head back up from embarrassment that he might discover the flush stamped on my face.
He threw what seems to be my brother’s heavy blanket over my chest. I looked down and caught the blanket, and stared back at him looking puzzled. “Cover up.” He jokingly grinned. I looked down again and I realized that I was wearing a spaghetti strap tank and boxer shorts. I was beet red from embarrassment. Why did I forget the lack of clothing I’m wearing and here I am still in front of my crush like I’m parading myself?.
Jimin cleared his throat.  “Are you gonna come to the party at Hoseok’s house this weekend?”
“I guess so. Are you gonna go?” I asked back.
“I might. I haven’t really decided yet.” He rubbed his nape and looked at me. It’s as if time slowed down as we both look into each other’s eyes. The tension was slowly suffocating me and I couldn’t muster a word.
“How about you go with us? I’ll drive.” Taehyung slid himself through the small space between Jimin’s body and the door.
“I thought Jimin’s not decided yet?”
“Oh.” Taehyung turned to look at Jimin. “He’s going to come to the party. I’m sure.” Taehyung chuckled.
Jimin just stood there quiet, with both his hands at his side. “Okay. You guys pick me up at 8?” Taehyung nods and proudly places his arms on Jimin’s shoulder.
“Noona, can you order pizza? I’m famished.” I saw Jungkook from behind, sitting down on his bean bag. He was sweating profusely on his forehead and trying to catch his breath. Looks like him and Tae danced their asses off.
“Sure. I was about to ask you the same thing.” I smiled as I step out of Jungkook’s room and hurriedly ran towards mine, Jungkook’s blanket still wrapped around me, to phone the pizza place. However, a part of me also wanted to quickly escape the tension that was brewing in the room.
Taehyung nudges Jimin’s side, warranting an eye smirk from Jimin. “What was that? Getting your tongue-tied?” He whispered as he stood in front of Jimin, just inches away from the open door. “You’re not doing a good job hiding your feelings.” He looked behind Jimin and towards Jungkook to make sure the younger boy doesn’t hear what he’s saying.
“What are you talking about?” Jimin whispered back.
“I’m obviously talking about y/n.” Taehyung poked at Jimin’s stomach, suprising him. “In this situation, why don’t you just confess if you’re going to be so obvious?”
“Am I really... that obvious?” asks Jimin.
“I’m your best friend since high school. I know you like the back of my hand. Besides, it’s like you become this shy little boy when it comes to her. You look so cute.” Taehyung scoffs, rubbing his hand on Jimin’s chin before walking back to Jungkook.
“What was that? I thought he’s gonna hear my heart pounding.” I gently pat my hands on my chest, leaning on the door of my room. I paced around my room to calm down the party in my chest.
I used to just see Jimin as the goofy classmate and a friend of my brother’s. I already kind of know him even back then since he was slightly popular with the girls. Girls tend to ogle and chat whenever Taehyung and Jimin pass by through the halls. Come on, who wouldn’t? I admit that those two really look handsome but it didn’t faze me before. They became friends with my brother when they formed this band together with other boys from the campus.
We were once paired to present a report together in a class that we were both taking at the time when we were college sophomores. I’m not much of a talker especially to strangers. I’m comfortable enough with the company and stories of my few friends. That’s why it surprised me back then that Jimin would keep on making small talk even outside of our class while we were working together on our presentation. I just thought he would make me do all the work and not pay attention. He was really helpful with our presentation, even nitpicking all the small details.
Whenever he and Taehyung would visit my brother at home to do band practice, he would sneak in some moments to work with me on our presentation. I really saw his efforts when the date for their band performance and our presentation coincided on the same week.
“It’s okay. I can finish this. You can go back downstairs.” I was yawning in front of Jimin, while he snuck out from their practice downstairs to come to my room. He was adamant on working on the presentation.
“I want to work on this… with you.” I was sitting in front of my computer while Jimin was sitting beside me. I could feel his eyes locked on me as I let out another yawn. He slid his fingers on top of mine and I looked at him. The air in the room was ghost-quiet but my heartbeat was so deafening. It was the first time I felt shy around Jimin. I pulled my hand away from his. He cleared his throat and looked away. “What kind of a partner am I if I push all this on you? I don’t want my name to be on our work if I, at least, don’t put in this much effort.” He laughed and we both looked at each once more.
I guess I liked him since then. Ever since that night, my heart would jump at the sight of him. It’s like I got this pink sparkly filter in my eyes whenever I would see Jimin. I would become tongue-tied whenever I would be near him. I would be distracted in class, staring at him like what the other girls would do. I kept this to myself and I don’t want to be like other girls who go crazy over him and bother him. I thought to myself that my feelings would just be a waste of his time.
The week of his band performance and our presentation came. He still looks so handsome and perfect when he should be showing signs of stress and overwork. Their band practice would last until past midnight and he would allot at least an hour to work with me. I would sneak glances at his hands while I was typing and researching on the net. Sometimes, his hands would tremble from overwork. He would play the guitar for hours without rest. I could really see that he was tired. I would push him to just go home and rest since our report is almost finished but he would insist to stay in my room for at least an hour. Sometimes, he would nap on my beanbag for a few minutes then sneak back on the chair beside me to discuss our report.
Two days before their band performance, he unconsciously took a long nap on my beanbag. He was curled up like a cat, hugging his legs. He was so adorable like he could fit in my hands curled up like that. I noticed that my room was a bit cold so I took my blanket and placed it around him. As I was closing my distance from him, I heard him whisper my name so softly followed by a smile. My heart stopped and I stared at him. I wanted to caress his cheek. I was the only one to witness the cool Jimin from our campus curled up and vulnerable like this. Even if he wasn’t aware of my romantic feelings towards him, I was content with this distance. He is way out of my league. What would a cool and popular guy want from a normal college girl like me? Then I realized that my hand moved on its own and was now on Jimin’s soft and warm cheeks. I swiftly pulled my hand away and quietly walked back to my desktop.
It was not a surprise that their performance went on without a hitch and they became the talk of the campus. It was funny because Jungkook became a campus favorite as well. It was so funny to see that Jungkook would have eyes follow him wherever he would go. Girls loved his voice during the performance, screaming his name that night. All of them in the band became celebrities around the campus. Despite being the guitarist, Jimin also sang small parts in their songs and belted out high notes. I stayed at the far most corner and watched their whole performance that night. Jimin kept on searching through the crowd the whole night and there was a moment when I caught him connecting his gaze with me. His face lit up like a Christmas tree. You might even think that he was searching for me and was so glad to spot me at the back of the audience. I wish that was the case but there’s nothing bad in imagining it.
Our report was also commended by our professors, even getting praises from our fellow classmates. I was so proud of Jimin that he was able to achieve all of these achievements that week. I saw his hard work and dedication in all that he does. It makes me laugh that I had this former impression from him that he was just a typical popular guy who has no interest in anything but girls and vanity. Well, he really takes good care of himself and how he presents himself so I guess I could call him a bit vain.
The week after our report and their performance, he would still make small talks with me even outside our class. The band also frequently hangs out at our house, which made my college life a bit more chaotic but fun.
During our junior year, we barely had any class together and our schedules don’t match. I would just see him whenever he would visit my brother at home along with his other bandmates. We would occasionally eat together but only when my brother and his bandmates would push their way in my peaceful lunch time. He would sit beside me though, making my inner self very glad. I would, however, make sure that I was not so close to him since I was aware of the eyes of other girls behind him. He would show me a frown every time I would do this but I don’t want to overstep my boundaries. I don’t want him to know how I feel.
Our junior year went on like this. Not much interaction around the campus but I would be excited whenever we would be in the same place outside of school. I grew closer with their other bandmates, especially with Hoseok and Namjoon. The two of them were a year ahead of us and they both became my older brothers in a way. Hoseok would always know what to do to cheer me up and Namjoon would give me the best advices on everything. Although Namjoon is one year older than me, sometimes I feel like I’m the one taking care of him since he’s always clumsy. Whenever Hoseok is not free to offer a ride to Namjoon, he would always text me to accompany him somewhere. I share the same sentiment with Hoseok and the other members in the band that Namjoon shouldn’t ever drive for the sake of world peace.
As months go by, I grew a lot closer with those two than Jimin. We became a bit distant and Jimin would turn silent or timid whenever we would be in the same place. A few exchanges but the tension between us grew bigger. I don’t even know if he hates me, doesn’t want my company or just plain indifference. I couldn’t read him nowadays. Maybe we grew to be different people and I was just lucky that I was his partner for that one specific class report or I was just his bandmate’s sister. That’s it.
Now, we’re in the middle of our Senior Year. Hoseok and Namjoon have already graduated. Namjoon went away to live in another city to work while Hoseok stayed around here to work as an intern at a local subsidiary company of a renowned music label. Hoseok would sometimes visit Jungkook here at home with Jimin and Taehyung or he would ask us, sometimes including me, to visit him at home.
My friendship with Jimin got a little better this year compared to our junior year. Since the band is not active anymore, the three remaining boys relied on each other more. Taehyung would always barge in our house, sometimes un-announced, but not always alone. He would always come by at our house with Jimin. The both of them adore my brother too much to the point that they look miserable when separated from my brother, despite being older.
“What movie do you guys want to choose in Netflix?” Taehyung occupied the far most left spot on the couch in the living room. I was still in the kitchen getting two slices of pepperoni pizza for myself and my brother. Jungkook was standing beside me, waiting patiently for his pizza. I handed him his plate and he quickly walked away to the living room. As he disappears from the kitchen, Jimin appeared. He stretched out his arm to reach for the other pizza box. Once more, the air in the kitchen became heavy.
“I’m glad you’re with my brother. He really needs the company.” Jungkook was just dumped by his girlfriend a week ago. I tried to start up a conversation with Jimin as I couldn’t take the heavy tension in the air.
“Yeah. Don’t worry, we’re here for him.” He closes the pizza box as soon as he pulls out a slice. “…as we are for you. Don’t forget that.” I looked at him and as I was about to say something when my phone’s screen lights up from beside the pizza box. Jimin also looks at my phone.
“Hoseok’s calling me. I should… answer.”
Honestly, I was taken aback from what Jimin said then I began to wonder when did we became this awkward with each other. No matter how much I try to remove the heavy air, it always just comes back up. “Yes?” I answer the call and saw Jimin turning towards the living room. He proceeds to sit in the middle of the couch.
“Y/N!!!!!!” I was greeted with a cheerful shout from Hoseok. “Are you coming to my party tomorrow?”
 “Jimin, do you want some fried chicken?” Taehyung calls for Jimin as he offers his plate. Jimin took one chicken from Taehyung’s plate. “Who is she talking to?” Taehyung points.
“Hoseok-hyung.” Jimin’s eyes still glued to the screen as Jungkook chooses a movie.
Taehyung smirks but quickly erases it from his face when Jimin looks at him. “Hey, do you know that Hoseok-hyung plans to confess to y/n tomorrow?” he whispered and nudges Jungkook who sits between him and Jimin.
Jungkook almost choked on a small piece of pizza that he was eating. “HOSEOK-HYUNG?!”
“Yeah. He called me last night to ask me to at least convince y/n to come to the party. You know how she is with new crowds. He wanted me to make sure that she will come to the party tomorrow.” Taehyung looks at his friend. Jimin was frozen in his place, silent and taken aback.
“I didn’t even know that hyung likes my sister. Wait, eww! He likes my sister. Her?” Jungkook exclaims quietly. Taehyung shushed him and knocks his head. “I’m just joking but seriously? I didn’t even realize.”
“Am I the only one around here who pays a lot of attention to their friends?” Taehyung chuckles as he takes a bite on his chicken.
“Who pays attention to whom?” I noticed Taehyung and Jungkook were laughing and causing a ruckus as I walk towards the living room. I stopped behind the couch as I barely hear what Taehyung just said.
“Nothing. I’m just a good friend to everyone.” Taehyung flashes his adorable good boy smile towards me with his eyes squinted. I giggled.
I sat on the far most right spot on the couch beside Jimin. Jungkook chose Love, Rosie and I turned, in confusion, to look at Taehyung and Jimin’s reaction at Jungkook’s odd choice for our movie night. However, they just stayed quiet as the intro scene plays out. Normally, they would bicker on what movie to play but I guess they’re refraining on doing that today since my brother needs to soothe his heart. I would admit that watching a romantic film with my brother and male friends normally warrants a confused expression from anyone but somehow, this is now our normal situation. It just warms my heart thinking that my brother has got some good friends.
I honestly don’t know what dress I should wear tonight. In the back of my mind, I slightly want to look good in front of Jimin. I barely dress up or even come to a party with him. I’m also kind of tired with our current dynamic. I want to get our old dynamic back. I just want to laugh at his jokes and see him dork off. I want to ease myself around him without getting tongue tied.
I nearly tried on all the dresses that I owned. My bedroom is a mess at this point. I tossed some of the dresses on the bed while a few were on my chair. After an hour, I was satisfied on wearing my trusty red dress. Hoseok told me that some of his friends from work are present in the party and I want to look at least presentable. This is not just your normal college party where everyone would get wrecked and drunk.
I gawked at myself through the mirror. The scarlet red dress hugging the right parts of my body. I could feel fire while I stare at the figure-flattering dress on me. The way the short sleeve hugs my arm and puffs ever so slightly above the cuff up until my shoulder. I trailed my hands along the neckline. I like how it plunges just enough for a peek of my soft twins but still gives off a classy and demure impression. It gives off enough allure but not too much without looking over the top. The skirt, hugging my behind, tapers off just around my mid-thigh elegantly emphasizing my curves. I paired it with an almost-beige beret. I’m going all out here. I want Jimin to notice me and maybe, just maybe, he’ll look at me differently now.
“You look nice. Different.” Jungkook stood at my door. I turned around, alerted at his presence. He was smiling while leaning against the door.
“Really?” I shyly twirled around. I have always trusted Jungkook’s taste in fashion. If he deems my dress presentable then I’m satisfied with it.
“Taehyung’s car is already parked out front. Jimin’s downstairs waiting for you.” My heart jumped a beat from hearing his name. Jungkook walked away from the door. I hurriedly placed my trusty charm bracelet around my wrist and collected my bag from the bed. I slowly shuffle down the stairs.
I slowly noticed Jimin’s silhouette come into view as I go down the steps. He was looking out the door, talking to Taehyung who was leaning against his car out on the street. I was about mid-way down the stairs when Taehyung pointed at me to call Jimin’s attention. Jimin turns around and was obviously taken aback by what he was seeing. I unconsciously fix my posture and the way I tread down. He looking straight at me. I could feel a small ember lit up inside my chest but I was determined to catch his attention. As I put my foot down on the last step, I slightly wobble almost slipping. I quickly reach my hand out on the railing to catch myself. I saw Jimin surprised and shuffling away from the door, as if to try and catch me but stopped when I did save myself from falling.
I wanted to scream in embarrassment but I stayed indifferent. I just continued to smile until I stood a few inches away from Jimin. He was still staring at me, shyly checking me out. He looks rather ravishing tonight as well. He was clad in a white long sleeved button-down shirt tucked in his black sleek pants paired with a classic black belt. His black hair flowing across his forehead. Simple but so Jimin-like. Just the way I like it.
“You look beautiful.” Jimin smiled. I could feel my cheeks burning from his compliment. Much to my chagrin, this small compliment completely erased my inner humiliation from a while ago.
“Thank you. You look nice as well.” I beamed back at him.
We both walked out the door and to Taehyung’s car. Taehyung complimented on my outfit as well. I teased him that his outfit was the only one making his appearance work. The three of us laughed and entered the car. Jungkook soon followed.
I thought I was going to squeeze out at least a conversation from Jimin but he stayed somewhat silent throughout the drive to Hoseok’s. Taehyung was talking to me while peeking from the rearview mirror as I sat behind with Jungkook. Jimin sat in front, making small conversation but he didn’t even stole some glances towards my direction.
We finally arrived at Hoseok’s. The four of us wading through the crowd to look for the host of the party.
“Guys!” A scream came from ahead of us, hidden behind the crowd. We immediately recognize who it is. “I missed you guys!” Hoseok came running, hugging all of us. I almost panicked at the sudden contact and looked for Jimin. I’m glad he was not beside or else, my chest would be buried across his arms. Instead, Jungkook was the recipient of this dreaded moment. Luckily, I pushed the thought aside since it’s just my brother.
“Hyung, we missed you.” Taehyung frowns and hugs Hoseok. He hugs Taehyung back.
“I heard the baby of the group got dumped.” Hoseok releases Taehyung from his arms and looks at Jungkook. Jungkook shyly laughs and hugs Hoseok as well.
“I missed you as well, hyung.” Jungkook lightly punches Hoseok’s arm as a joke. Hoseok does this complex handshake with Jimin from behind Jungkook as my brother is still wrapped around Hoseok’s body. Hoseok finally turns his eyes to me. He smiles and releases my brother.
“Look at you. I haven’t seen you in two months and here you are, looking so wonderful tonight.” He twirled me around, getting giggles from Jungkook and Taehyung. “Is it for me?” I jokingly hit Hoseok’s arm.
“This is a nice party. I gotta look okay so as not to embarrass you.” I swear I could feel Jimin’s stare from my peripheral vision as Hoseok continues to compliment me.
“I have to introduce you all to my workmates.” Hoseok pulls my hand to lead the four of us to the living room. The three boys followed the two of us. He stops just before two men. He calls them out and the two men turns to us. “Guys, these are my college bandmates that I was talking about.” I stood aside as he reaches his out towards Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook.
“Nice to meet you.” Jungkook respectfully bows and shakes the two men’s hand. The three of them take their turns in introducing themselves to the two men.
“Guys, these are Yoongi and Seokjin. Yoongi is a producer while Seokjin is an aspiring artist soon to debut under our label.” The three of them bowing once more, as well as myself.
“Who is this beautiful lady beside you?” They all turned to look at me as Seokjin turns the attention to me. I smiled and shyly bowed.
“I’m Y/N. Jungkook’s brother and I suppose you could say I was appointed as their manager when they were still active as a band.”
“So you’re Y/N? I heard a lot about you from Hoseok. He used to…” Hoseok quickly nudges Seokjin’s side and laughed. Seokjin stopped and just giggled.
“I heard a few of your songs. It was amazing.” Yoongi slips in. Taehyung and Jimin beamed at Yoongi. They were now starting to talk about music. Not that I don’t care about it but I don’t understand the technical part of it. I silently excused myself out from their conversation, not telling anyone from the group that I walked away.
I make my way to the mini bar. I could really use a drink and honestly, a time out from the boys. This dress should be making Jimin notice me but I guess I don’t have enough charm. With slight frustration comes a bravery to order two cocktail right away. As I wait for my drinks, I look around the party. I recognize some of the guests but I guess a few of them would be Hoseok’s acquaintances. I’m not much of a party person but it turned out that I only enjoy going to one when I’m with the boys.
“Why are you alone?” I heard a voice from behind me. I turned around and saw Jimin walking towards the bar. He stood beside me, leaning his arms on the bar stool.
“You guys were talking about music and I’m honest that I don’t understand a lot of it so I went to the bar. Also, I figured that I needed a drink.” Because of you but I can’t tell him that.
“Well then, you’re not drinking alone.” He proceeded to order his drink. While he was turned towards the bartender, I nervously fixed my dress and my posture. I slightly puffed out my chest and bent my waist, leaning on the bar stool. “So… there’s something we need to talk about.” I nervously stood straight from his words.
“Okay… What is it?” As of this moment, I felt like I was treading on thin ice. I couldn’t hear the blasting music from the party and the chatter from everyone else here. He was fiddling with his hands, which got me thinking that maybe it got something to do with me. I’m so nervous on what he was about to say.
“Uhhh…. Jungkook, Taehyung and I were planning to perform again at the Gala night.” Okay. I got my hopes up for nothing. “We’re in a slump trying to write a song. The organizers told us that we should at least perform one song about Love. Jungkook was our main songwriter but he told us that he doesn’t want to. We understand why he doesn’t want to but Taehyung and I are really doing our best. We just couldn’t come up with good lyrics.”
“Wait, why are you telling me this? Don’t tell me…”
“We need your help. I need your help.” He stared at me. “You and Namjoon-hyung worked together on one of our songs and it was a hit. Maybe you could do it again this time?”
“Yeah, but that was a song about hardships of youth. I just included my real thoughts into the songs. I guess that’s why the lyrics came easy to me. Besides, most of the lyrics came from Namjoon.” Jimin held my hand, which surprised me. He did his puppy eyes and silently begged me. I could see him grinning and tilting his head. It’s funny because the way he looks right now, it’s like we’re back to normal again. I smiled as I was amused by Jimin’s antics.
“You could try to include your real thoughts through the lyrics. Tae and I will help but we figured that we need another set of brains. We don’t want to make a song just for the sake of performing on the Gala night. We really want to make it good.” I could feel Jimin’s passion for music flowing out of him right now. This was one of the reason why I grew to like him a lot. He gives his all on whatever he does.
“Okay but trust me, I haven’t been in a relationship in a long time. My input might not be helpful.” I giggled.
“That’s okay. Neither have I.”
“Really? I thought…” Before I get to finish my sentence, the bartender gives out our drinks. Two for me and one for Jimin. He saw the two glasses I pulled from the bartender’s hands and chuckled.
“Going all out?” He asked, laughing while trying to cover his mouth.
“I told you I really needed a drink.” Even before I got a sip on my liquid courage, I’m glad we’re having this conversation and it’s going pretty smoothly.
“You want to sit over there?” Jimin pointed out a small couch just outside the reception area and beside the swimming pool. I nodded and followed him. We make our way out through the crowd and out the living room towards the pool area. He let me sit on the couch first and sat beside me. I placed my other drink on the small coffee table in front us while I sip on my drink that was in my other hand.
“I can’t remember correctly when the Gala Night would be. Is that… two weeks before our graduation?” I closed my eyes as I try to remember the significant dates.
“Yeah. I guess the Gala night would be… a month from now.” He casually sipped on his drink.
“Oh wow. That fast huh? We’re about to graduate from College.” I looked at him as I try to savor those words. Graduation. When we graduate, I won’t see him around and Taehyung. Jungkook would still be in college as a senior. Thinking about it just makes me sad.
“Wait, what are you going to ask me just before the bartender gave out the drinks?” he asks.
“Oh. I’m just surprised that you haven’t been in a relationship in a long time. I thought that with the abundance of choices around you, you might have your eyes on somebody already. ” We both sipped from our glasses. His gaze lingered on the floor for a second while sipping on his drink before he replied.
“I do actually.” I choked on my drink. “But I don’t think it’s the right time for the both of us. She might not even be attracted to me.” Jimin’s face is now somber.
“Who wouldn’t be attracted to you? Look at you, you’re plenty attractive.” Well, I am but that doesn’t erase the fact the he likes somebody already. He might even be courting her already. I finished my first drink and reached for my second.
Jimin stayed with me until I finish my two drinks. We talked about almost everything and you’ll wonder why we even became awkward in the first place. My heart was jumping all around the whole time we were chatting up. I was conscious if I smelled good or if I still look good. Taehyung gave us another round of drinks and went back inside to chat with Yoongi and Seokjin once more. I wanted my nerves to take a break so I asked Jimin to get me another drink from the bar. He stood up and left me on the couch. As soon as he was out of my sight, I slumped back on the couch.
Normally, I wouldn’t be this nervous talking to any boy. It’s not like I’m a stranger to love. I have one ex-boyfriend and that relationship ended on bad terms. That was in high school and ever since then, I haven’t fallen in love with anyone. Not since Jimin came barging into my life. It was really a push and pull situation ever since then.
“Hey miss. Can I seat beside you?” I heard a male voice coming from my side. I was still slumped back on the couch with eyes closed. I sat up properly and saw a stranger with two drinks in his hand.
“This seat is actually taken. He’s just getting our drinks.” I placed my hand on the space beside me so as to show him that I am not interested in his company.
“But no one is seating there right now.” He proceeded to seat beside me, disregarding my hand that he almost sat on it. “You can have my other drink instead.” He gives his other drink out to my hand. I inched myself away from this guy who’s beginning to irritate me.
“No thanks. My friend would be here soon.” I placed the drink that he handed me on the table. I got a whiff of this stranger’s scent and he smelled strongly of alcohol. Shoot. This guy is very intoxicated.
“Come on. I’m lonely. Can’t you entertain me at least while your friend is not here yet?” I was looking at his face while I wiggled away to the far side of my part of the couch. I didn’t realize that he started wrapping his hands on my thighs. I was shocked by the coldness of his hands and a shiver went down to my spine. I couldn’t think of any words and my hands started to tremble.
When I was about to push his hands away, I was shocked when somebody pulled the stranger off the couch. I looked up and saw a very furious Hoseok holding the stranger by the collar. He pushed the man off and shouted something out. I couldn’t really hear anything clearly right now but I was sure when Hoseok kneeled down in front of me and talked to me.
I looked around and everyone’s attention was now on us. It didn’t register to me yet at how Hoseok shouted at the man must’ve been really loud to get the attention of even the people on the second floor. Some of them were peeking their heads out the balcony overlooking the pool and garden.
“Hey, are you okay? He didn’t try to touch you anywhere?” Hoseok was kneeling down in front me, placing his jacket on my lap.
“I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.” Everyone was still murmuring and looking at us. I was even more bashful at the amount of attention we’re getting now. Suddenly, my attention went to Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook who were standing feet away from us. Jimin’s face looked so gloomy watching Hoseok and I while Taehyung and Jungkook were visibly arguing with the stranger who just took advantage of me.
“No you’re not. I’ll drive you home.” Hoseok took my hand and stood up.
“Jimin or Taehyung can drive me home. I came here with them.” I followed suit and stood up with Hoseok’s jacket still in my hands placed on my thighs.
“Those two drank. They can sleep here tonight.” A tone so stern came from Hoseok that I wasn’t even familiar with this kind of composure from him. He pulled my hand as we wade through the crowd. We also passed by a stunned and upset Jimin. Taehyung and Jungkook just watched as Hoseok pulled me through the living room and out the house.
Hoseok was silent as we walk to his car. I entered his car first followed by Hoseok. He soon starts the car and pulled away from the driveway. I looked back at his house thinking that I might have lost another chance to fix things with Jimin. Hoseok was visibly irritated about something as he taps his fingers in rhythms on the steering wheel. I don’t dare to speak to Hoseok as I was more nervous now with how he is irritated at something.
After a 15 minute drive, he stopped his car in front of our house. He was not stepping out of the car, still looking visibly irritated with one hand on the wheel. I thought that this was my cue to go out of the car so I opened the door and exited the silence-filled car. I took a few steps towards our patio when I heard a loud sound from Hoseok’s car door. I turned around and he was rushing, still looking very irritated, around the car and… towards me? I prepared myself for a lecture from Hoseok at how I was not aware of my surroundings and why couldn’t I even ask for the guys’ help when I was obviously in a bad situation. I closed my eyes and prepared myself for an earful scolding from him but I was greeted by a tight hug.
I opened my eyes in confusion as he hugged me tightly. My chin was sitting on the crook of his neck and my arms were frozen at my side. He released me from his arms soon after and he gazed at me with an expression I’m not familiar with. It was not from anger but something soft.
“I like you, y/n.”
Next: pt. 2
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sweet-sammy-kisses · 3 years
The Sun Leading Me Out of the Storm
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Title: The Sun Leading Me Out of the Storm Link : AO3 Square Filled: Thunderstorm Ship: Eddie x Buck Rating: Teen Tags: Shannon Diaz Lives, Divorced Eddie and Shannon, Background Taylor/Shannon, Minor Eddie/Ana, Soft and Pining Eddie and Buck Summary: Eddie had already lived a life without Buck in it during the lawsuit and it had been worse than living without Shannon. It had been like half his soul had been ripped out of him, he had been lost in a storm than as well. Only that had been a storm of rage because he had been left adrift without his sun.
Buck is his sun.
Buck never failed to fill him with warmth when he needed it or shine the light dispelling the darkness. Created for @911bingo and @anyfandomfluffbingo​​
Eddie felt like he was trapped in a never-ending thunderstorm, lost in the rain, his voice drowned out by the thunder and his vision blinded by the lightning. He had felt that way since he started dating Ana and Buck began to distance himself from him.
He was lost in the storm and he didn't know which way it was out.
Ana was sweet, she was beautiful and it was easy being with her. She is everything that Shannon is not. He knows his parents would love her, she is their ideal partner for him. He can already hear his mother asking him when their wedding will be. His father would be proud of him. He would finally have their respect and that is all he wants.
Or at least that is thought he wanted.
There was no passion with Ana.
And then there is Christopher, his whole world. Christopher likes Ana but isn't fond of their relationship or fully supportive.
"She makes me feel like I can't do certain things. Not like Buck does."
Christopher's words echoed in him.
Ana was nice and easy to be with but he wasn't happy. Neither was Chris. And he didn't feel like he was himself with her. Like he was wearing a mask or acting a part. To Ana, he is Edmundo, not Eddie and she doesn't seem to want to get to know Eddie, she is happy with Edmundo.
Buck loves Eddie. He loves the imperfect man that has flaws but does his best.
Buck loves with his full heart, who just wants to be loved and not left behind and Eddie feels like he has failed in that. Since Ana came around Eddie has allowed the distance between them to grow because how was he supposed to be with Ana when the one that completes his and Chris' world is already with them?
There were two paths out of the storm one was with Ana and the other, the one his heart and soul are tugging him towards is with Buck.
If he continued down his path with Ana, where neither he and Chris are truly happy he would end up making his parents happy and finally feel like they truly love him. He would spend his life playing a role that he doesn't want.
But if he took the chance, if he acted on what is between him and Buck. What has been building between them since they met and Buck was so determined to hate him, which didn't last long, he could have a taste of true happiness.
Don't get him wrong he loved Shannon, she will always be special to him and he will always be grateful to her for giving him their son. But she had been right in divorcing him. They just weren't meant to be. They had been happy but now they were happier as co-parents to the most amazing kid and Shannon seemed to be happy with Taylor Kelly of all people. He can't believe that Buck set them up.
Shannon studied her ex-husband, "So I hear you are dating again."
A groan escaped Eddie, he had known that this was coming. "Yes, I am. Is that going to be a problem?" The last thing that he needed was for Shannon to have issues with Ana, okay so Shannon still hadn't completely gotten over Ana's attitude towards Chris and saying he needs limits after the whole skateboard incident.
"No, I am just wondering why you are going after your parent's dream girl and not following your heart."
Eddie froze, "I have no idea what you are talking about."
"Oh Eddie, you can lie to yourself but you can't lie to me. We both know that while you might be attracted to Ana you are only dating her because she would make your parents happy. And you shouldn't have to pretend to be someone you are not to get their approval. You, Eddie Diaz, are amazing as who you are." Eddie hadn't even seen Shannon move until she was standing before him and had her hands on her shoulders. "And we both know that there is someone out there who loves Eddie Diaz with all of his heart. But in the end, it is up to you, do you want to be Eddie or do you want to be Edmundo."
Shannon's words stuck with him, they buried themselves deep into his heart and whispered in his ear when he was with Ana and he tucked who he was away and played the role of Edmundo for her.
"Make sure you are following your heart and not Christopher's."
Carla's words stayed with him as well and they both knew that he wasn't following either his heart or Chris'. Chris had made it clear who he saw as his third parent, who he loves so deeply. Chris had made his choice long ago and now he was just waiting for his dad to make his.
Getting shot and seeing Buck covered in blood haunted him as did reaching out to him the need to know that Buck wasn't harmed. Buck told him that it should have been him filled his nightmares. Telling Buck that he was Christopher's guardian should anything happen to both he and Shannon had been easy because Eddie needed Buck to see that he wasn't expendable, that he is love more than he realizes.
Eddie had already lived a life without Buck in it during the lawsuit and it had been worse than living without Shannon. It had been like half his soul had been ripped out of him, he had been lost in a storm than as well. Only that had been a storm of rage because he had been left adrift without his sun.
Buck is his sun.
Buck never failed to fill him with warmth when he needed it or shine the light dispelling the darkness.
"I am a fool." Eddie knew which path he needed to take to get out of the storm.
Buck was bored. Shannon had his favourite Diaz for the weekend and she had a full weekend planned. He didn't want to disrupt the mother and son weekend, plus it seemed off that Eddie wasn't with him and Christopher, so he stayed away.
He could have visited his beautiful niece and checked in with his sister to make sure that she was doing okay but Chimney had been playing a special weekend for him and Maddie could read him like a book and the surprise would be ruined.
So here Buck was wandering around his loft unsure as what to do. He could call up Eddie but he didn't want to risk the chance that he was out with Ana or she was over at his place finally staying the night like she had been hinting at every since Eddie had recovered. There was only so much feeling his heart ripped out of his chest he could take pretending to be happy that Eddie, his best friend, the love of his life, was finally moving on.
He just wishes it was him Eddie was moving on with.
The sound of frantic knocking pulled Buck out of his thoughts and since he hadn't been expecting anyone and hadn't ordered any food he had no clue who was there. Still, at least it was something other than sitting around and pining for his best friend.
"Eddie?" When Buck opened his door he never expected to come face-to-face with a frantic-looking Eddie.
"I'm in love with you."
Or for Eddie to say that.
Given the look on Eddie's face, he hadn't expected to say that. "Why don't you come in." Stepping back for the door Buck waited for Eddie to move past him and then he shut the door.
Buck could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he turned to look at Eddie. "Did you mean it?"
Eddie wasted no time in closing the distance between them and cupping Buck's face with his hands, "I do. I am in love with you Evan Buckley. I have been for a long time. You are the sunshine that pulls me out of the raging storms and brings back the warmth into my life. Without you, I would be lost and adrift."
"I'm in love with you Eddie Diaz. I have been for so long that I can't remember a time that I didn't love you. Even when Abby still had a place in my heart I knew that what I felt for her was a shadow compared to what I felt for you and those feelings have only grown." Buck admitted in a soft voice.
Stroking Buck's cheek Eddie felt like his whole world had settled, "I'm sorry it took me so long to get here. I'm sorry I hurt you with Ana. I went with what my parents would want instead of following my own heart."
Resting his forehead against Eddie's Buck smile was full of love, "All that matters is that you got here. And now you are stuck with me for life."
Eddie's eyes shone with pure love, "Good because I wouldn't have it any other way." And then he was moving and doing something he had been dreaming of for so long kissing Buck.
Buck melted into the kiss as he clung to Eddie. Never had a kiss left him so weak in the knees and he wondered if this is what it felt like kissing your soulmate.
Eddie would still have storms but Buck would always be there showing him the way out of them and back into the sunshine.
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deancasgreenblue · 3 years
Suptober 05: Nostalgia
Title: Ten Years Later
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Words: 2758
AO3 Link.
When Dean saw Castiel again, it all came back to him. Like a movie reel playing in his mind. God, how long had it been? Ten years? They’d been eighteen the last time they’d talked. Suddenly, all Dean could think about was those long Kansas summers on the bed of Castiel’s pickup truck, stargazing. The many meals they shared together at Judy’s diner. And the one time they’d kissed, the night before Castiel moved away to New York for college.
The kiss had been a surprise to Dean, but a good one. A great one. They’d been friends since they were kids, and Dean would be lying if he said he hadn’t harbored feelings for Castiel. But he didn’t think they’d ever cross that line, no matter how much Dean wanted to. It was Castiel who had snuck into Dean’s bedroom window at midnight, wanting to say goodbye before his morning flight.
Dean hated goodbyes. He’d been hoping they could skip theirs. But Castiel was stubborn, and he refused to leave without a proper one. So, he’d showed up, and they’d sat on Dean’s bed for a while, just talking about their hopes for the future. Castiel wanted to be a prosecutor. He had big dreams. Dean? He wanted to teach high school. English, because he loved Vonnegut. But Dean wasn’t going to move away from home. He was staying put. He’d realized that this was probably the last time he’d ever see Castiel. They’d promised they’d stay in touch, but Dean knew how these things worked. People lost touch eventually. And that was exactly what happened with them.
At first, they’d kept in touch during college. Their calls decreased after the first two years, and by the fourth year, Dean only got an email to congratulate him on graduating, and Dean replied to congratulate Castiel in return. When Dean got a job at Lawrence High School, Castiel was just a nice memory from his past. Dean thought about Castiel often, even though they’d lost touch. Castiel had been important to him, but the long-distance ruined their friendship, and whatever could have been between them.
Dean had gone on to date many women and men, and he assumed Castiel had done the same. His life was good in Kansas. Quiet, and sometimes lonely, but good. Seeing Castiel at Judy’s diner now, though, made Dean feel like something was definitely missing in his life. Maybe it was his old friend.
Castiel hadn’t seen Dean yet. He was sitting at a booth by the window, alone. Dean was sitting a few booths over. From here, he could see the back of Castiel’s head. His hair was dark and messy, like always. But he was older now. He had a five o’clock shadow that made him look scruffy. It suited him. Dean wondered if he should go up to him, start up a conversation, see if Castiel still remembered him. How long had it been since they last spoke? Four, five years? Yeah, it had been about that long. Dean still remembered that final email, the one he never replied to.
Hello, Dean,
It’s good to hear you’re still teaching. I’ve been doing well at work myself. I made partner. You should come up to New York and visit me one of these days. I miss you.
Dean hadn’t thought the offer was serious. And even if it was, Dean didn’t want to disrupt Castiel’s life in New York. He assumed he was dating someone, since Dean had been dating Lisa at the time. Besides, Dean wouldn’t get on a plane even if someone paid him to. He had considered taking a road trip in his trusty Impala, but he never dared to do it. Too much time had passed, anyway.
A few minutes went by, and Dean had done nothing but reminisce about the past from his seat, memorizing the back of Castiel’s head. He sipped his sweet tea and then brushed his lower lip with the tip of his thumb. Castiel hadn’t been his first kiss, but he had been the first kiss he most remembered. Sparks flew the moment their lips touched. They’d kissed on Dean’s bed for what felt like a small eternity, and then Castiel smiled and whispered goodbye before he slipped out of his bedroom window.
Dean knew that if he went up to Castiel that night, he’d give up that perfect goodbye as his last face-to-face memory with his friend. But curiosity was killing him. He wanted to know what Castiel was doing back in town all these years later. He wanted to know if he’d even thought about paying Dean a visit while he was here.
So, with a final sip of his tea, Dean worked up the courage to get up, and approach Castiel at his booth. Dean couldn’t believe how sweaty his hands were. Hell, he was so nervous he could barely get any words out.
Dean cleared his throat. “You’re back.”
Castiel, who had been looking out the window, immediately turned to look at him. His eyes were just as piercing and blue as Dean remembered. The grin that he gave Dean lit up the entire room. “Oh my God, Dean.” He was out of his seat in no time, pulling Dean into his arms, squeezing him tight.
Dean hugged Castiel back, ruffling his hair before he pulled away. “You mind if I join you?”
“Not at all. Have a seat. Are you hungry? I just ordered a burger. I’ve never been able to find a burger just as good in all my time away.”
“I’ll eat with you. I got here a few minutes before you did.” Dean rubbed the back of his neck before slipping into the seat across from Castiel. “I noticed you come in, but you didn’t see me.”
Castiel shook his head, still grinning. “No, I was starving. I didn’t pay much attention to anything other than the menu.” He chuckled. “I can’t believe you’re here. I just arrived in town. If I wasn’t so hungry, I would have stopped to visit you first.”
“You don’t know where I live, do you?”
Castiel blushed, looking down slightly before his gaze met Dean’s again. “I reached out to Sam before my flight here and asked for your address. I wanted to surprise you.”
Dean couldn’t believe that. So, Castiel did still remember him enough to want to visit him. “You did? Well, consider me surprised, Cas. I didn’t expect to see you here of all places. Not after all these years.”
Castiel leaned forward. “Well, since you never visited me, I figured I should visit you.”
Dean felt suddenly guilty for having ignored Castiel’s last email. Maybe he had been serious about Dean visiting him. Maybe Dean should have taken that road trip after all. “Well, you’re here now. Tell me, what’s new with you? What have you been up to all these years?”
Castiel hesitated. “I…I got married.”
Dean’s stomach sunk at the news, but he kept his smile in place. “When?”
“A few years ago. Her name is Daphne.”
Dean nodded, knowing his smile must look as fake as it was. “Where is she?”
“She’s in New York.” Castiel sighed. “We’re getting divorced.”
“Oh.” Dean didn’t realize how much the news had hit him until he could finally breathe again. “I’m sorry.”
Castiel waved a hand. “Don’t be. That marriage was doomed from the start.” He chuckled. “We actually got married in Vegas when I was there on a work trip. We’d been dating for a few months, and I had invited her along. One thing led to another, we got drunk, and I proposed to her. It was so stupid. I’m surprised we stayed married this long. But now that that chapter of my life is over, I felt I needed a change of scenery.”
“And now you’re here.”
Castiel nodded. “And now I’m here.” His eyes skimmed Dean up and down. “I have to say, you look really good, Dean. What’s new with you? I haven’t heard from you in so long.”
“I know. Sorry about that. I guess I’m the one who stopped answering emails.”
“Yeah, you were,” Castiel said, and Dean didn’t miss the bitterness in his voice.
At that time, Castiel’s burger arrived, and Dean placed his order, even though he wasn’t really hungry anymore.
“I’ll wait for you to eat,” Castiel said.
“But you’re hungry. Go ahead. I don’t mind.”
“You sure?”
Dean chuckled. “I’m sure. Have at it.”
Castiel took a bite of his burger, licking his lips afterwards. Dean didn’t miss the action. “What about you, Dean? Are you seeing anybody?”
Dean sighed. “No, I’m very single at the moment.”
Castiel wiped his mouth with a napkin. “Good to know.”
“Is it?” Was Castiel still interested in Dean? The thought made Dean’s heart thump harder than ever before.
“Yes, it’s good to know more about you. I want to catch up. Tell me everything.”
So, Dean told Castiel about his life. He talked in length about how much he loved his job, and the road trips he’d been on, and the new friends he’d made. Castiel listened intently, only interrupting when he wanted more information. Dean even told Castiel about some of the more serious relationships he’d been in, and it wasn’t awkward at all.
“Anyway, I’ve rambled on way too long now,” Dean said. “You didn’t get to say much.”
Castiel smiled. “I like listening to you speak.”
Dean shifted on his seat. “What are you doing after this? We could go out for beers, if you have time.”
Castiel sipped his drink. “I don’t have anything going on. I’m all yours.”
Well, Dean liked the sound of that.
After paying for the tab—Castiel’s treat—they went to the Roadhouse for beers. They were immediately greeted by Ellen, who hugged Castiel and offered him a free beer.
“Why don’t I get a free beer?” Dean asked. “I thought you liked me, Ellen.”
“’Cause you haven’t disappeared for ten years,” Ellen said. “When you do, come claim your free beer.”
“Thank you, Ellen,” Castiel said, taking his beer.
Dean rolled his eyes, pulling Castiel to an empty table. “You’re back for one day and you’re already everyone’s favorite.”
Castiel laughed. “Hey, don’t be jealous just because I’m charming.”
“I’m not jealous.”
“Yeah, right.”
“Hey, remember that time when we stole your dad’s six pack and drank it in my basement?”
Castiel widened his eyes. “Of course I remember. That was both of our first drink.”
Dean nodded, smiling down at his beer. “Yeah, it was. We got a tipsy with those beers.”
Castiel chuckled. “We really couldn’t hold our liquor back then.”
“Those were the days.”
“They were amazing days.” Castiel placed a hand to Dean’s back, sliding it down to the small of his back. It sent a shiver down Dean’s spine. “Do you remember that night we said goodbye, Dean? A million years ago?”
Dean sipped his beer. “How could I forget?”
Castiel leaned closer, his hand never moving. “Did you ever wonder what would have happened if I hadn’t left?”
Dean shrugged. “I’ve wondered all the time, but you did leave, and we can’t change what happened.”
Castiel took another sip of his beer before leaning to whisper in Dean’s ear, “Do you ever think about that kiss?”
Dean looked up at Castiel, meeting his blue gaze. It was warm and inviting. Dean’s heart was racing. “Yeah, Cas, I do.”
“Me too. All the damned time.” Castiel licked his lips. “I always wondered if you still thought about me, as much as I thought about you.” He frowned. “Because, Dean, your silence was loud. I thought you’d simply forgotten me.”
“No, Cas, I didn’t forget you. I could never forget you. I just didn’t think you really wanted me to disrupt your life in New York.”
“Dean, you could never have disrupted my life. I wanted you there, with me. I wanted to see you again.”
Dean furrowed his eyebrows. “You did?”
“Of course I did. I just—I missed you. I can’t believe we didn’t see each other for ten years, Dean. But seeing you again, it’s brought everything back. All the memories, all the…all the feelings.”
Dean swallowed. “Really?”
“Yes,” Castiel breathed. He moved his hand up to Dean’s shoulder. “Tell me, Dean, am I alone in this? Or do you feel the same way too?”
Dean could barely hear Castiel through the pounding in his head from how loud his heart was beating. “I feel the same way too.”
Castiel beamed. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” Dean said. “Do you want to come back to my place? I’d really like to be alone with you right now.”
“I’d like that too.”
“Then let’s go.”
Castiel downed the rest of his beer, and so did Dean, more for the courage than for anything else. And then Dean drove them back to his place in his Impala. It was a quiet, uneventful drive, except for when Castiel reached over and put a hand on Dean’s thigh and left it there the whole ride. Dean turned to glance at him, giving him a smile.
“I can’t believe this is happening,” Dean said. “You. Me. After all these years.”
“No one ever measured up to you, Dean. Not once.”
What was Dean supposed to say to that? “I think I love you.”
Castiel didn’t miss a beat. “I love you too, Dean.”
Dean hit his steering wheel. “God, we wasted so much time.”
���We did, but I’m ready to make up for it now.”
Dean pulled into his driveway and unbuckled his seatbelt, but he didn’t get out of the car. “Before we do this, Cas, we should discuss logistics.”
“What do you mean?”
“You still live in New York, and I still live here. If we do this, if we start something up, we’ll still have the long-distance issue. We didn’t survive it before. What makes you think we’ll survive it this time?”
Castiel squeezed Dean’s thigh. “I’ll move. This city could use a prosecutor, I’m sure.”
Dean widened his eyes. “Are you serious?”
“I’m serious, Dean. I’ve lived in New York for so long, and I’ve been happy, but there was always something missing. You. It was you. I’m willing to give up everything for you.”
“What if you resent me down the road?”
“How could I? This is my decision, not yours. I chose to come back. I chose to make a move on you. I chose to move here. I chose you. In every way possible.”
“You really know how make me weak in the knees, man.”
Castiel chuckled. “Can we go inside now?”
They walked into Dean’s house, and just as Dean was about to show Castiel around, he found himself shoved against his door, hands intertwined with Castiel, who was holding them above Dean’s head.
“I’ve waited to kiss you for ten years,” Castiel whispered, nose brushing Dean’s.
“Me too,” Dean whispered back. “So you better hurry up and do it.”
Castiel smirked before closing the gap between them. The first kiss was chaste, similar to their first kiss a decade ago. But then it picked up speed, urgency, with open mouths and biting teeth. They kissed like they had just discovered how good kissing felt. As soon as Castiel let go of Dean’s hands, Dean wrapped his arms around Castiel’s neck, drawing him closer. Meanwhile, Castiel wrapped his arms around Dean’s waist, his hands on the small of his back again.
“I remember you so well,” Castiel said against Dean’s lips. “You’re carved in my memory.”
“I’m glad you didn’t forget me.”
Castiel kissed him again, softer this time, but just as passionately. “How could I when you kiss like this?”
“I’m so glad you came back, Cas. And I’m sorry I never went to visit you. If I had known how you felt, I would have done more to stay in touch.”
“How could you not know how I feel about you? As a teenager, all I did was follow you around like a lost puppy. I’m the one who kissed you the first time. I wasn’t going to leave without you knowing how I felt. And I thought you knew.”
“I didn’t know,” Dean said. “I thought the kiss was just a goodbye kiss. I didn’t think it meant that much to you.”
“It meant the world to me, Dean. You mean the world to me.”
Dean kissed his forehead. “Now I know.”
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achliegh · 3 years
Alright, I had this wonderful idea come into my head about Clayton, honestly he deserves his own fic. So here is his version of events! Lots will tie together with Golden so I recommend you read that as well. But you don’t have to of course.
Before Letter is the present.
Letter is updating the lives of the people back home, of whoever wrote it mostly.
After Letter is memory.
The first few letters will be very awkward because writing letters and not being sure what to talk about and what not to talk about is hard and confusing. Stick with me! Yes, this prologue is just a letter.
TW/CW: Discussions of death, military training, smut, cringy jokes, underage drinking, dumb choices, swearing, hospitals, injuries and death caused by someone close, domestic abuse, blood, unfair treatment from police, false allegations.
Beta: @walking-crisis
Some Characters belong to @lumosinlove
Chapter 6:
In Color
“I don’t think you’re ready for that.” Grev was leaning against the door frame, cigar in his mouth and dressed in a casual yet expensive suit. “It will mess with your head.”
“Are you allowed to smoke in here?” Grev snatches the book from his grasp and raises a challenging eyebrow at him. Putting his hands up in surrender he starts walking back towards his bed. Ass out.
“How did you get up?” Grev took his normal seat and put his ankle on his knee to get comfortable.
“I stood up… why is that some miracle or something?”
“A little, you did get shot in the back of the head.” Grev goes back to puffing his cigar, oddly enough it doesn’t smell like a normal cigar. His dad would have one every holiday, he knows what they smell like. Clay is about to sit back on the bed when he hears Grev clear his throat, looking up Clay makes eye contact with the older man for a moment.
“Fine, I changed my mind… you can look. But, only if I get to explain the pictures to you.” Clay sits down and pats the mattress next to him. Grev grumbles under his breath and walks over to sit next to him. He opens the picture album to the first page.
“Is that you?” Clay points to a picture of two small boys looking happy with smiles on their faces, but their eyes told a different story. Even in black and white Clay could see how scared they were.
“That's my twin brother Clark and I, we were 12 years old, working in a factory during the Great Depression.” Clay looks up at him confused, Great depression… but Grev doesn’t look that old. Shaking his head thinking maybe he found the fountain of youth, Clay kept looking at the pictures. Flipping through happy and sad pictures as he turned each page.
“You are in the military?”
“Was, and yes. That was my battle buddy, his name was Gerald Kinzie. He was a high school teacher in San Antonio… I wonder where he is now.”
They turn the page and Clay can’t help but awwwwwww out loud. A picture of Grev with a beautiful woman, he’s kissing her cheek and they appear to be in… wedding? Attire.
“That’s your grandmother and I.”
Dear Clayton,
I know you are deployed a little longer than we were told you would be, but it’s okay! As long as you are safe somewhere then I don’t mind! You’re someone I can spill the beans to and not get in trouble.
You obviously remember the Sheriff, well he has passed away. I know it is terrible to celebrate someone's passing but he and his family made your life a living hell. Ashley scarred your beautiful face.
Yes, you may look more devil's advocate but it doesn’t make me sad.
A bad thing to come out of his death, besides his death of course God Bless his soul, is that Leo was investigated for it.
Now this happened a few months ago, I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want you to worry about your brother, he is just fine now. Him and his boys came to visit not long ago.
First it was Leo by himself and then his boys came down a few days later. He was the happiest I have seen him since you left. He really misses you baby. So does your Daddy.
I think I am close to convincing him to write to you! He was asking for a pen and paper the other night when he had his night smoke on the back porch. So, look out for that letter.
I got a call from Noelle, she is just a peach you sure got lucky with her, she called to ask me if I had a box or a basket of little things you would find and give to me and your Daddy. She called you a penguin and I couldn’t help but laugh.
I told her that we have a room dedicated to everything you would find for us because the things you brought us vary in sizes. She didn’t say much about it after that, just talked about how Thomas and her were thinking about coming down in a month. After the last game of the season.
Of course I told them they can have your room, I’ve been cleaning it everyday just in case you surprise me like you like to do.
I love you baby, can’t wait for you to be home. xoxo
I already know.
It was humid that night, Noelle has been so excited for this date the entire week. They could only do this on a Thursday night because Thomas was leaving for an away game in Hufflepuff, Noelle was going to visit her other sisters, and Clay was going to get tested to get into boot camp this weekend.
So, driving Clay’s brand new truck up to the highest point in Gryff to watch the sunset. It was cliché but it was comforting. Noelle parks the truck after backing it up into the spot so they feel like they are floating over the cliff. They lay blankets and pillows down to be comfortable.
They turned on some low music, Thomas and Noelle laughed as Clay tried to mimic Finn’s dancing on the tailgate as the other two snuggled together. Clay stopped and stared at them for a moment, he didn’t realize how intensely he was staring until he felt two very different hands pull him on top of the beautiful two humans he was staring at.
“Hi…” Noelle snorts and gives him a small kiss on his scarred eyebrow. He feels Thomas lean over to presumably give him a kiss on the cheek. Instead he blows a raspberry in his neck, causing Clay to smack his neck and try to get away, only to be pulled further into the pile until he is being sandwiched in between them. Both looking up at him from where their cheeks are squished into his biceps. They are hugging him tightly and their legs are a tangled mess.
Eventually they all relax their grip on each other just a little, watching the sky as it starts to change colors. Clay notices how heavy his partners have gotten suddenly. He looks down to see that Noelle has fallen asleep with her mouth open and is starting to drool, and Thomas has fallen asleep looking more relaxed and peaceful than he has all week.
Clay knows they don’t want him to go into the military but ever since he moved to Gryff for the winters… he's been lost. Feeling useless while everyone else is out improving their lives. He needed a path of his own. He can’t just be the pretty thing that sits at home and waits for his lovers like a dog. He needs a purpose of his own.
Looking down at them, he smiles and traces the three little moles on Noelles tan cheek that make a triangle. He looks over to Thomas who has a small scar just below his lip. Noelle recently attacked his eyebrows with some tweezers and Clay can still see the little scab from where Thomas tried to move his head and she plucked his skin on accident.
Clay doesn’t realise how much time passed as he just memorised their faces, breathing pattern and the way they cling to him, until he realises the only light illuminating Noelles honey brown hair is the streetlight they parked next to.
He looks up at the sky and sees the stars for the first time since moving to the city… it just so happens to be his lucky night.
He makes a wish on the bright northstar.
He wants this forever.
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scabopolis · 3 years
Omg congrats on 600 followers! Honestly any fake dating with Jonah x Amy would be amazing, although I love number 44 and/or 48 on your Google Docs <333
This is my first Jonah x Amy fic and I offer two caveats: 1) I’m still not sure if there is a particular vibe people who read for this pairing preferring, so...here we are, and 2) I have only made it through 4x12 of Superstore but am pretty familiar w/ what happens the rest of the series. 
Prompt: “You know we’re not actually dating, so why did you propose to me in front of my family?” / “I’m sorry, I panicked.” --- Title: the scene of the complication Fandom: Superstore Pairing: Jonah/Amy Other Characters: My crippling insecurity writing for a new fandom, sleep soft mornings, dumbs being dumb (but, like in a cute way) Additional Tags: friends to lovers (or idiots to friends to lovers??), fake dating shenanigans, alternative universe where Amy’s HS pregnancy test was negative and she and Jonah met in college Word Count: ~2,100 ---
It started with a chance meeting ten years ago, and somehow it’s brought Amy Sosa here: awake in her childhood room with Jonah Simms beside her, sleeping off upwards of half a dozen tequila shots. Maybe she shouldn’t be surprised. She knew that day they met in the lecture hall that Jonah was a person who would make her life exceedingly more complicated. 
And ten years later, here they are, practically leaving complicated behind in the rear view mirror. 
(“What are two hopes and one fear you have for your first lecture on your first day of college?” the guy sitting to her right asks. 
Amy doesn’t answer at first but this stranger just waits for her, all blinking, bright eyes and freshman eagerness. It’s barely morning. Is this her life now? 
“Hope one,” she says, holding up a finger, “that I’d sit next to someone quiet. Hope two,” she holds up another, “that no one would talk to me before I managed to find coffee.” She holds up a third finger. “And this moment right here is what I feared.” 
For some reason, her shortness delights him. His smile is open and affectionate, and he nods in appreciation. 
And Amy fully intends to never speak to this wide-eyed panda boy ever again, but then their General Psychology professor informs the class that the person they’re sitting next to will be their assignment partner for the semester. 
The next lecture her partner – his name is Jonah, she learns – brings her a cup of coffee and doesn’t speak a word until she takes a long sip. 
Jonah snuffles in his sleep, his eyelids fluttering slightly. His hair is doing that thing it does when he’s hot or drunk or has run a hand through it too many times, where a single lock of hair hangs in the middle of his forehead. Amy resists the very real urge to brush it away. Because, yeah, she has those kinds of thoughts a lot and they also make things complicated. They’re friends. Maybe even best-friends, but definitely not ‘tenderly brush a lock of your hair away’ friends. 
Do those kinds of friends even exist? 
Jonah stirs again, and now that it’s clear he’s actually waking up, Amy reaches for her phone and opens Candy Crush. The last thing she needs is to get caught staring at him like some weird stalker.
“Oh, god,” he groans, his voice scratchy. He stretches out with another groan, his foot bumping against Amy’s as he does. Rather than move away, he kind of just rests it there on top of hers. And this is something she is all too familiar with. Drunk and/or hungover Jonah is yet another complication. More accurately, his propensity to cuddle indiscriminately is a very real complication. 
“I need—” Amy reaches for the glass of water on her night stand and hands it to Jonah, stopping him mid-thought. “Do you have—?” She hands him two ibuprofen. “Thank you,” he says. 
“You’re welcome.” She looks back at her phone. 
Jonah swallows the two pills and drinks the entire glass of water, and then lays back down, curling slightly into Amy’s side.  
“I made so many mistakes last night,” he says.
“I’m aware. As are your 80 Instagram followers.” 
“I liveblogged it?” 
“And tagged everything with the hashtag ‘best noche ever.’” He groans again and turns his face into Amy’s side. She sets her phone back on the nightstand. “What got into you?” 
“Your dad is intimidating.” 
“My dad?” 
“Yes. Your dad. And then he and your brother kept pouring me shots—” 
“I knew this had Eric’s fingerprints all over it.” 
“Well, it was kind of my fault, too.” 
She frowns. “What do you mean?” Jonah doesn’t answer and Amy kicks him under the covers. He looks up at her. His eyes are red-rimmed but also so sleepy and soft. Complicated. “Jonah.” 
“They kept asking me questions. About you and me. And I was so worried I’d say something wrong, I kept taking shots to avoid answering.”
“You could have found me.” 
“I know, but—” he trails off. 
“But what?”
“I want them to like me.” 
“Oh, Jonah.” She gives in and brushes the lock of hair off his forehead, and he looks up at her. “They’ve known you for 10 years. They’re never going to like you.” 
“Thanks, I feel so much better.” 
“I do have one more question.” 
“You know we’re not actually dating. Right?” 
He closes his eyes and nods. “No. Yeah. I know.” 
“So why did you propose to me in front of my family?” 
“I panicked.”
“Your dad asked what my intentions were, and there were just so many shots. 
“And that’s why you shouted ‘I intend to marry her!’?” 
Jonah flips the comforter over his head. “I just got wrapped up in it all.” His words are muffled from under the comforter.
She’s glad for the moment of respite, with Jonah unable to see her. If Amy didn’t want things to careen so off track, she probably shouldn’t have agreed to let him come to her dad’s retirement party as her fake boyfriend. 
(“I don’t see what the problem is,” Jonah says, spooning more cashew chicken onto his plate. “You don’t still have feelings for Adam, do you?” 
“No. No. God no,” she says. “Absolutely not.” 
“Alright. I’m clear on the no.” 
“It’s just the last time I saw him— Well, you know.” 
“I recall, yes.” 
And he does. Jonah knows all about Amy’s high school boyfriend. The one she liked but never quite loved. The one she broke up with when the pregnancy test came back negative. The one she slept with again the summer after their senior year of college. 
(An event that occurred in no small part because Jonah was dating Mindy and the two of them were talking about moving in together. Maybe moving to the west coast together and Amy realized there was a very real possibility she was going to be left behind. 
Jonah doesn’t know that part of the story.) 
Adam is also the guy who thought having sex in her childhood bedroom meant Amy wanted to get back together. He’s the guy bringing his very beautiful fiancée to her dad’s retirement party. Because he’s also somehow the guy who still helps her dad with home improvement projects. And Amy is just Amy – the one who doesn’t visit St. Louis enough, and is using her very expensive liberal arts degree to work as a survey researcher for Cloud9, meaning she’s basically paid to manipulate shoppers. 
And, not that it should matter, but she’s also very single. Has been for a while now. 
She mostly blames the man stealing chow mein from her plate for that. She blocks Jonah’s chopsticks with hers, and a piece of cabbage goes flying. 
“Stop that,” she says. 
“You’re not eating it.” 
“I’m too annoyed to eat.” 
“If you only ate when you weren’t annoyed you’d starve.” 
“I hate you.” 
She pushes the chow mein around her plate. God, when she thinks about it, this really is Jonah’s fault. If she could just find a way to get over this stupid, dumb, little crush that has creeped up – without her permission, mind you! – then maybe she could actually—
“I could do it,” Jonah says, interrupting her thought spiral. 
“Do what?” 
“Go with you to your dad’s retirement party. Be your fake boyfriend.” 
“You think that’s a good idea?”
“I think it’s a great idea. Besides, I am very close to getting your dad to like me.” 
“He’ll never like you.” 
“It’s not that I didn’t like the painting—” 
“—How would this even work?” she asks, cutting him off. 
“I don’t know,” he says. “I think we act like we normally do, but maybe you can hold my hand and be nice to me.” 
Jonah smiles around a large bite of cashew chicken. She really needs to stop hanging out with him so much – he’s become immune to her insults. It’s rude. 
And him as her fake boyfriend is a terrible idea. Truly awful. If Amy is looking to get over her crush and make things between her and Jonah less complicated, there are better ways to do it. 
Except she kind of wants to. 
“Okay. Let’s do it,” she says. 
“Yes,” she says decisively. “But if you try and kiss me, I’ll cut your lips off.” 
“That seems like a proportionate response.”)
“So, to be clear, I told you kissing wasn’t allowed, and you thought that left proposals on the table?” 
He groans again from under the comforter. It’s a little sad and a lot pathetic. Poor guy. 
She pats the comforter in the area of what she hopes is his shoulder. As annoyed as she is at having to untangle these threads, it’s not his fault. Not really. She knows her family is relentless. Amy slides down and flips the comforter over her head as well. 
Jonah rolls over onto his side to face her. Amy does the same. 
“It was better than Adam’s proposal.”
“Adam proposed?” 
Amy nods. “Ish. If I remember correctly he said, ‘I’ll marry you if I have to.’”
“Right?” It’s cozy under this blanket. Intimate even. “You did say some nice things. Even if they came out kind of slurred.” 
“Sexy, huh?” 
“I really didn’t mean to shout that to all of your dad’s—”
“Because it’s not true?” 
“No!” Jonah winces and Amy isn’t sure if it’s ‘I have a hangover’ induced or ‘I am revealing too much’ induced. “It’s true. Of course it’s true. You are very, you know.” 
“Sexy on a completely objective level? Or, are you saying that you, yourself, Jonah Simms, think I’m sexy?” Jonah goes completely still. Amy isn’t even sure he’s breathing. It’s entirely uncharacteristic and a little unnerving. She pokes his cheek. “Are you blushing?”
“Big time, yeah.” 
That does enough to break the tension under their blanket enclave, both of them laughing, at first awkwardly and then more genuine. Once they stop to catch their breath, Amy notices they’ve shifted closer together. 
This would be the perfect moment to flee from the scene of the complication. But the complications don’t seem so terrible at this specific moment. She blames that lock of hair of his.
“How long have you held this opinion?” Jonah frowns at Amy’s question. “Regarding my sexiness?” she clarifies. 
“What are you doing?” 
“I just want to—”
“Really? You really want to have this conversation?” 
Jonah stresses the ‘you’ and Amy knows why he does. There isn’t a topic or feeling that is off-limits to Jonah – he’d happily discuss every feeling he’s ever had. It’s her. It’s always her. 
Their faces are so close they’re practically sharing the same pillow. It takes no effort at all for Amy to close the distance between them, lightly brushing her lips against his. As quick as it began it’s over, and even in the dim light under the comforter, Amy can see Jonah’s eyes blown wide. She’s sure she looks just as shocked and she’s the one who did it.  
“You said if I kissed you you’d cut off my lips.”
“Which is why I kissed you.”
“Oh,” he nods. “Makes sense.” Jonah taps out a slow but erratic rhythm against the side of his leg. She just knows he’s trying to stop himself from verbalizing every single thought in his head. “To be clear, was that a friendship kiss, or—” 
So Amy kisses him again. This time Jonah recovers quickly from his shock, winding a hand into her hair, his palm cupping the back of her head. It’s just unbelievably good. 
“Okay,” Jonah says, his voice unsteady as he pulls away. “That answers that.” He traces her jaw with his thumb. “Any chance we could do it some more?” 
Amy rolls onto her back, putting some distance between them. “I don’t think so.” 
“Wait. What?” 
“Your breath is awful.” 
Jonah breathes into his hand and sniffs it to confirm. “What if I brush my teeth?” 
Amy sighs, long and exasperated. “I suppose that would be—”
Jonah is out of the bed in seconds, scrambling for his overnight bag, and Amy presses her lips together to hide her smile. From the way Jonah smiles, soft and delighted as he backs out of the room, she isn’t fooling anyone. 
So far past the point of complicated, she thinks, her heart still racing. But then again, maybe complications that make her feel like this are okay.
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Stumbling Over Your Own Two Feet
request: hey angel! since your writing for cedric diggory too, i was wondering if you could make a headcanon/drabble about cedric dating the reader who has muggle parents? and maybe some stuff about him visiting the readers home and seeing all the muggle stuff? also maybe a part where she shows him her phone LMFAO bc idk if the wizards have phones or not x just tons of fluff and cedric being confused by memes, tik tok or vine references xxx
warnings: none
note: gender neutral!reader,,,, i havent written for cedric in a long time so i hope yall enjoy this but omg this is so fricken bad i am so so sorry i-
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You were smitten the first time you saw Cedric Diggory. He was not only unbelievably handsome but kind, funny, and just an overall wonderful human being. At first, the two of you rarely talked, only having a few classes together. But as years passed, you both became partners in most of your classes and began to realize how much you had in common.
Until you started to realize that not every wizard has been introduced to a muggle. Well, at least you thought you were muggle - you apparently had some sort of magic blood within you, letting you attend Hogwarts.
You were beyond shocked when you received a letter from Hogwarts stating that you were a wizard - weren’t those made up, like that one series of books into movies? What was it called, Harley Porter?
It was extremely difficult being a muggleborn in a school mostly filled with students who had at least one parent that knew of magic. However, one person that stayed consistent through those years with you was Cedric. He was quiet in his first few years, but slowly came out of his shell and showed you how to be a wizard to your full potential. He also proved to be an amazing friend, sticking up for you whenever other wizards would question your ability to even be a wizard with your muggle status. He seemed to know how to handle every situation thrown at him, and that was something you envied about him - but loved him nonetheless. 
So to see Cedric very confused over such minuscule items in your house was a wee bit surprising. You thought wizards would know everything about muggles, considering they were like little pet rats and most wizards loved analyzing them. Apparently, that wasn’t the case.
Cedric had decided to come over to your house during Christmas break, saying he missed your mom’s homemade meals and your dad's jokes that made him laugh till he cried - but you knew he just wanted to spend time with you. He had met your parents once before, but that was outside of the muggle environment. So now, coming into your home for the first time, he didn’t know what certain things were and was taken aback by some items.
Entering your house, your tiny laundry room was the first room that the house enclosed, attached to the kitchen. Cedric pointed at your washer and dryer, stacked atop of each other, “what are those things, darling?”
You raised an eyebrow, “a washer and dryer. We use them to wash and dry our clothes.”
Cedric furrowed his eyebrows, “why not use the scouring charm?”
With a laugh, you took Cedric by the arm and led him through the kitchen, “it feels better to sort our clothes and have them go through the process of being cleaned. Although, I sometimes use the charm when I’m feeling lazy.”
Your boyfriend chuckled and nodded along, but stopped once he saw the toaster in your kitchen, “okay, darling, I understand the washer and dryer, but what in Merlin’s beard is that?”
Looking at where Cedric was pointing at, you squeezed his hand, “a toaster, love. We put bread within those little slots and by pushing the level down, the heaters inside toast the bread.”
He looked dumbfounded, “you muggles astound me. You don’t just make lightning bread?”
Now you looked confused, “lightning. . .bread?”
Cedric looked you in the eyes before snorting, “how about that tour?”
Rolling your eyes but silently adoring his little snort, you pulled your boyfriend through the dining room to the upstairs and into your room, before closing the door, setting one of his bags on the floor. Plopping on your bed, you pulled out your phone, deciding to go onto Snapchat and send pictures to a few of your friends.
Your boyfriend walked around your room, glancing at the little trinkets you had. One thing that caught his eye, though, was a picture with you and some of your friends from your hometown. Picking up the photo, he noticed you were mid laugh, along with your friends, but the picture wasn’t moving.
“Sweetheart,” Cedric started, watching as your face lit up from the flash on Snapchat, looking over at him, “how come this photo isn’t moving?”
You smiled, “those are my friends, my muggle friends. Obviously, they can’t be exposedto magic so I can’t take any moving pictures with them.”
You seemed a little hurt at the end, but understood that it’d be dangerous to even expose your muggle friends to a moving picture.
Giving you a tight smile, Cedric jogged over to your bed and laid next to you, resting his head on your chest as you played with the filters on Snapchat, laughing at Cedric’s facial expressions he made.
“That’s your phone, right?” your boyfriend asked, still looking surprised as to how so much light and information could fit onto one screen.
You kissed his head, “yes, love, and actually. . .I just downloaded this new app called ‘TikTok’ and I’ve been scrolling through it - the people on here are absolutely hilarious. I even learned a new dance!”
You pushed yourself up, looking around for your phone charger that seemingly disappeared.
Cedric leaned back, propping himself up on an elbow, “a new dance, you say? Show me those moves, beautiful.”
You blushed, “I didn’t say I was good, Ced.”
Pausing your search, you wrapped yourself up in one of Cedric’s Quidditch sweaters that you definitely took with his permission, tossing your shirt into your hamper, leaving you in shorts and his sweater. Then, you leaned over the edge of your bed once more, trying to see if your charger was caught between the wall.
Cedric smirked, leaning over to grab your ankle, jokingly trying to pull you towards him as you leaned over the bed, trying to reach the charger, “c’mon darling, show me some of those moves you learned on. . .TikTok.” He chuckled to himself, wondering how muggles came up with those names.
You yelped when his hand met your ankle, blushing profusely as his fingers played with your calf, “Cedric Diggory!” With a sigh, you tossed a glance to him as you hopped off the bed, “promise you won’t laugh?”
He looked you over as he supported his head against the many pillows and stuffed animals you had on your bed, ruffling his hair, “no promises. . .go ahead, sweetheart.”
From that night on, Cedric learned the multitude of TikTok dances that took over the world, ranging from the Renegade (he grew frustrated at how quickly Charli picked it up but he couldn’t) to the Chika dance.
All the two of you did was laugh, stumbling over your own two feet as you struggled to learn the dances. However, at the end of the night, Cedric kissed you, telling you that while being TikTok famous would be cool, just being with you was a hundred times better.
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Stuck in the Game
Mafia!Dad!Yunhyeong x Mom!Reader ft. Mafia!ATEEZ, Mafia!iKON, Mafia!BTS
Summary: When your daughter, Soojin, finally finds someone she likes, her father freaks out because, despite his best efforts to keep her out of that life, the boy in question is also a mafia member. A rival group finds the couple and uses the relationship as blackmail.
Anon Request: a long and specific request that started with dad!Wonwoo but was changed to Yunhyeong and we edited the specifics together so idk what to put here anymore lol 
Word Count: 3.3-3.4K
Contains: mafia!AU, violence, guns, kidnapping, blackmail, reunion of old friends-turned-rivals, forced cooperation, fluff, angst
A/N: This took forever for me to get the energy to type out and format, I’m sorry, but I’m proud that I implemented all the aspects I wanted to in this.
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If 17-year-old you could see yourself now, you don't know whether the reaction would be amazement or fear. At age 23, you were a performer and bartender for a high-end bar famous for its mafia visitors. You'd often listen to their meetings whenever they requested "beautiful company," and that made you a very valuable person in the business, even without you trying to be.
When the day you feared finally came, your kidnappers wanted all the information you had from other mafia groups. They were very kind to you, treating you like a valuable treasure. They called themselves iKON, and the moniker was written in numerous places in the house. Their leader, B.I., insisted you be treated like royalty, but one of the boys enjoyed the chaos of going against the leader's requests. He was a charmer, and you fell for him quickly. Gradually, the romantic encounters turned into sexual encounters, and you found out that you were pregnant with his child shortly after.
Until the day you told him of the pregnancy, you only knew him by his mafia name, Song. When you revealed your secret, however, he happily disclosed that "Yunhyeong will be a good father. Don't worry." It was his way of disconnecting his mafia status from his child. You figured this out as he moved you out of the mafia base with B.I.'s approval and bought a good home for you both to stay.
You remember the day you gave birth as if it was yesterday. You remember the joy that swept away all the pain as you held your newborn daughter. You remember all the boys visiting you at different times, and you'll never forget how proud Yunhyeong looked as he introduced his squad to his daughter.
Soojin. You remember her baby face without issue, even though it was 17 years ago. Your daughter grew up so fast - as you're told they all do.
Soojin and her father get along so well. Both of them are trouble makers, so you always see them planning chaos or laughing about something together. You and your daughter talk about deeper subjects more often than not, so seeing her being carefree and enjoying life with Yunhyeong brings so much joy to your heart.
Today, however, you catch them fighting. You don't hear the topic, only Soojin storming out after her final jab at her father, "You don't understand me at all!"
Seeing the pain on Yunhyeong's face hurts, but you decide to check in with your daughter instead, knowing that Yunhyeong can handle himself. Following Soojin, you find her on the front porch, sitting with her arms wrapped around her legs and her head buried in her knees. You sit down next to her, the wooden patio revealing your presence with a creak. You don't say anything before she immediately begins ranting about her father.
"Why doesn't he understand? Why can't he just be happy that I found someone that makes me happy?"
This is the first time your daughter has ever mentioned anything along the lines of having a crush, so you know it must be important to her, "Soojin, you've found someone?" You try approaching the situation softly, opting to learn about her partner before thinking about why her father would be upset.
"Mom, he's amazing. He's really sweet and caring. He takes me to nice parks, and we message every single day. He's pretty tall and really cute, too."
"So, what's this boy's name?"
"Hyunwoo. Jeong Hyunwoo. He's a year older than I am, and he's technically in the mafia - he was born into it just like me - but he treats me so well."
Suddenly, you understand why Yunhyeong freaked out over Soojin's boyfriend, but you don't bring it up just yet, "Jeong Hyunwoo. He sounds nice. Have you met his family?"
"Yup! We hang out with his dad a lot. He's super cool. Makes lots of jokes. His mom died when he was younger, and he's an only child, so it's just the two of them. For some reason, though, dad freaked out on me when I told him. Something about dangerous relationships and hoping I'd never have to deal with this stuff. I have no idea what he's talking about. Ugh, it's not fair. Why can't he be cool about it like Hyunwoo's dad?"
"Honey, your father just wants to protect you. He'll come around. He just knows someone he has bad blood with that has the same last name. They used to be friends but the friend was recruited into a mafia group, which meant he never even said his goodbyes to your father."
"But dad's in the mafia, so what's the big deal?"
With a sigh, you reveal some of your husband's past, "Your dad didn't choose to join. He had to join or they would've killed him for the damages he caused as a teenager. He despises the lifestyle, but there's no way to leave once you become part of it. Your father accepted the life he was forced into and did his best with what was given to him. His friend, Yunho, on the other hand, was invited and willingly chose to join. He does want you to be happy, but he's worried about your life if you date a mafia member."
"Well, what about you? Why'd he date you if that was the case? He was okay involving you?"
You laugh and shake your head. You think back on the unconventional relationship you and your now-husband had before the marriage, but decide not to explain that quite yet, "That's a very long and complicated story for another day. Just know that your situation is extremely different from mine. If you truly love Hyunwoo, don't let your father's attitude affect the relationship. When he sees you truly happy, he'll support you. Believe me."
You could tell that Soojin wasn't quite convinced, but she was always head-strong, so you also know that she will continue her relationship. So, you weren't surprised when she came to you a few days after and announced that she had a date with Hyunwoo. Watching her walk out in her cute date outfit, you can't help but feel proud of her for following her heart.
During the date, you finally confront Yunhyeong, "She'll be okay, y'know? She's the daughter of two very strong people, and we've raised her well."
"I tried so hard to keep her out of the mafia life. And a Jeong of all people could ruin all of that."
You place a hand on his back, "Yunhyeong, you can't use your past against her future. Aren't you happy Soojin finally found her first love?"
"Well, yeah, but..." He sighs, deciding not to finish his complaint.
"She'll be fine."
Soojin meets with Hyunwoo at the coffee shop down the street. When he sees her, the smile shows on his whole face.
"You look so beautiful." He places a kiss on her head and takes the seat across from her.
"Thanks, Hyunwoo. My mom helped choose my outfit and styled my hair for me."
Unknown to the couple basking in their puppy love, a low-ranking member of another mafia group sits at the next table and recognizes Hyunwoo's name. To confirm that he's the right person, the member listens in on their conversation.
"How's training? Is your dad being hard on you?"
"Naw, it's pretty smooth. What about you, though? How'd your parents react when you told them?"
"My mom is understanding. She fell for a member, too, after all, so she can relate. My dad, on the other hand... Ugh, he's so difficult!"
At this point, the stranger decides to alert his higher-ups of this potential Achilles' heel for the ATEEZ mafia team.
"He doesn't approve?"
"He hates that I'm becoming part of a lifestyle he tried so hard to keep me out of. My mom said it has to do with your name, too. Apparently, my dad's childhood friend ended up willingly joining the mafia without saying goodbye, and his last name was Jeong."
No longer paying attention, the stranger has been communicating with other members about following the couple around for a kidnapping so they can blackmail their rival mafia group. When the couple leaves the cafe, he follows them to a nearby park, his last-second assignment to find her house underway.
At the end of the date, Hyunwoo walks Soojin back home, finding you sitting out on the porch, reading under the warm light.
"Hey. mom! I'm back!"
As you look up from the book, you find your daughter waving at you with one hand as her other arm links with a nervous-looking boy. You stand up to greet them, and you notice Hyunwoo relax a bit when he realizes how nice you are. You have a short chat before Hyunwoo claims he should get home before his father worries.
"Thank you for walking Soojin home. Get home safely."
You and your daughter watch as he leaves, then she enthusiastically recounts the events of the date. Seeing her this happy makes you smile, as she hasn't smiled this brightly since she was a young child. When the two of you head inside, she falls asleep the moment she lays down. You meet with your husband in your shared bedroom.
"How is he?"
"He seems sweet. He was clearly nervous when he saw me, and he genuinely seems to love her and wants to keep her safe."
"That's good." His robotic response ends the conversation, so you both get into bed.
A few weeks pass before Soojin and Hyunwoo have time for another date. You offer to drive her to the arcade, but she insists on walking to enjoy the nice weather. You kiss her forehead as you tell her to be safe, then watch her until she leaves your view.
Maybe an hour later, an exhausted Hyunwoo comes banging on your front door.
Between moments to catch his breath, he pleads, "Please... tell me Soojin is here... She never came..."
Even though you answered the door, Yunhyeong hears and freaks out. "I told you, Y/N! It's too dangerous for her! She might've been kidnapped!"
You quickly bring Hyunwoo inside, looking up and down the street before closing and locking the door. Once both boys have calmed down a bit, you try calling your daughter, but you're immediately sent to the voicemail. Moments later, Hyunwoo gets a call from his father, who sounds very confused but speaks urgently without revealing details. When Hyunwoo tells him where he is, his father hangs up. Ten minutes later, Yunho pulls up with his leader in the passenger seat. You let them in quickly, only for chaos to ensue the moment Yunhyeong sees Yunho.
He abruptly stands, the chair falling behind him, "Get out of my house."
"Babe, we both want the same things right now. Put the rivalry aside." You try.
"It's him, Y/N. This is the bastard who left without so much as a goodbye."
Time feels frozen as everyone's eyes go wide. Yunho sighs, breaking the silence.
"Hello, Song. It's been a while. You may hate me for the past, but your daughter has been kidnapped. She's being held as blackmail against my group. So, unless you want her to die there, I suggest you put that hatred aside so we can save her."
"I don't know what you've learned, Hyunwoo, but Song and I were best friends until I chose to join the group, which forced us to cut ties. Their group is a rival; there wasn't much choice in the matter." Yunho says it as if it was rehearsed for years, his eyes still transfixed on Yunhyeong's.
The ATEEZ leader clears his throat before moving forward with the information he has, "I'm HJ, and I received a link to this video earlier." He hits play on his tablet and talks over the soundless visual of your daughter tied down to a chair, "This was accompanied by a message demanding that we give up some of our fronts to them or she dies. I don't think they realize she's your daughter, or else they'd be blackmailing your group as well."
The four boys discuss further action while you listen, quietly analyzing the options. Hours pass without much progress being made. When you finally try to chime in about going to get her yourself, using the same tactics you used as a dancer, there's another knock on the door. The room instantly falls silent as Yunhyeong slinks toward the door, a hand on his gun. As he looks through the peephole, his body relaxes. Keeping his hand on the gun in case of ambush, he opens the door for B.I., who gives him a pitiful look before stepping inside.
"This doesn't look good, Song." The leader states as he pulls out an envelope addressed to iKON.
Opening it, Yunhyeong finds a lock of hair and a handwritten note:
iKON, we have one of your members. This member is a daughter of one of your high ranks. We suggest you follow the instructions on the back of this message if you want to see her ever again.
On the back, the instructions simply list a date, time, and place to meet, followed by their demands of a certain area under iKON's control. From the handwritten element, Yunhyeong quickly narrows down the suspects to two cocky newer groups: Bangtan or The Strays.
"Why is ATEEZ here?" B.I. asks when he reaches the others.
"Soojin is my girlfriend."
"And Hyunwoo is my son. It was easy blackmail for them."
HJ stands and holds out a hand to B.I., "Looks like we have to work together this time."
He reluctantly shakes his hand, gripping tightly, "Only this once. I don't want to lose that zone, but I can't risk Song going insane over his daughter's death either."
The debating and planning continue with more force, as the deadline doesn't give much time. Now that they can narrow down the subjects, they can plan in more depth. The two groups in question are much cockier, so they'll expect the ultimatum to be enough for cooperation. However, they're both smart enough to plan defenses in case of an ambush, and they have the numbers on their side. You're quick to point out that Bangtan's numbers don't show for power, as the top seven do everything themselves rather than relying on others, protective of everything they started together. Hyunwoo adds that The Strays don't have the same numbers as Bangtan, but that power is much more balanced, with each of the top members taking assistants by their side.
"We have to assume this is Bangtan. I don't think The Strays would be this aggressive. They'd take their sweet time with their attack. They'd probably kidnap Soojin and Hyunwoo together so that they have a larger upperhand." B.I. declares, repeating for clarity, "Bangtan do things on impulse like this. The Strays think too much."
Agreeing, you all begin fully planning the attack. Ultimately, Hyunwoo and Yunhyeong will attend the meeting, since they're the clear emotional targets in this scheme. You will infiltrate enemy lines if at all possible, with the support of the ATEEZ elite hacker, Yeosang. B.I. and HJ will join each group's top sniper, aiming at whoever joins the meeting on the opposite side, as well as keeping eye on anyone who comes into contact with you. Everyone wants this done as quickly and quietly as possible.
After two agonizingly-long days, the plans are put into action. Yeosang finds you an entrance around the side of the building, disabling its alarm long enough for you to get inside. You quickly find yourself in a group of other girls who are being given simple equipment. As you approach, the person hanging out guns asks for your member number. Without fail, iKON's intel expert spits out a number that you repeat with confidence.
"Kim Eunsoo." You relay the information you're given and receive a small handgun.
You follow the others, blindly acting like the rest of the pack. You don't have sight on the meeting, but you find yourself face-to-face with one of Bangtan's top members. He gives you a once-over before giving you the 'follow me' gesture with his fingers. Although you're scared, remembering rumors of him being the harshest of the members despite his sweet-sounding name.
When Suga finally leads you far enough from the others, he throws a hand around your throat and leans in close, "Do you think we're that dumb?"
He pulls your earpiece from your ear and breaks it under his foot before moving his hand to your hair, dragging you to the meeting. He cuffs your wrists behind your back before pushing you to the floor next to your daughter.
"Well, well, well. You actually did try some tricks. Good for you. Now, we have both of your girls, Song. You better give us what we want." RM, Bangtan's leader claims, a smirk plastered on his face the whole time.
He clearly sounds victorious, so you refuse to look up, hiding your proud smile since they're falling so easily into the trap everyone set. There were no disguises; you meant to get caught. As he continues his victory monologue, you fidget with the handcuffs, slipping out easily without letting them see. You press a button planted in the fake wedding ring you're wearing, alerting everyone that you've freed yourself and can continue the plan.
See, they neglected to take the loaded gun back, believing you wouldn't be able to use it anyway due to the constraints.
"RM, tell me. You think we're idiots for trying to beat you this time, right?" Hyunwoo mocks, cutting off the mafia boss mid-sentence, "You think we'd send Y/N in without a disguise and expect to get a win like that. Isn't that right, buddy?"
Right on queue, you point your gun at RM, and the snipers turn the scope lights on, revealing that the other members have targets on their chests. The leader chuckles and raises his hands.
"Oh no! They have us surrounded! Can you believe this, Jin?" Sarcasm flowing from every word, you realize he's planned for far more than you expected.
Understanding RM's plans at the same time, Hyunwoo lunges toward his girlfriend, shielding her body with his. Shots sound. Groans echo through the building as bullets pierce skin, followed quickly by shuffling feet to get the wounded out of harm's way.
When the dust settles, Yunho and B.I. quickly work to treat the wounded. As B.I. removes a bullet from your right shoulder, you tell him that you hit RM clean in the leg.
"It seemed like slow motion. I watched the bullet break his skin right before the pain hit my back."
"If you're such a good shot, we should train you properly. Dunno if your husband would approve, though."
Everyone made it back safely, so you're all exceptionally happy about how smooth it went. Only you and Hyunwoo actually got hit, and, luckily, neither shot hit anything vital. You also know Bangtan didn't suffer many injuries either, which gives you peace of mind.
Once B.I. finishes dressing the wound, you meet with Yunhyeong, who won't stop thanking Hyunwoo for jumping on top of Soojin and taking the bullet. You drag him away and have him meet with Yunho, who sits on the roof with a celebratory bottle of beer.
"Hey... Thanks for helping save our daughter." Yunhyeong nervously starts, sitting in between the two of you.
"Now, Yunho, so you want to tell Yunhyeong what you told me?"
Silence falls over the group momentarily.
"Nah, I think this speaks enough." Stubbornly, he takes another swig of his drink before laying back, "I'll help my friends, even if the companies we work for are rivals."
As silence creeps in again, you decide not to push for it anymore tonight. You already have a nice victory to sit on, so you feel no need to try for another. You lay down and let your mind drift as you stare up at the stars, knowing full well that Yunhyeong will accept Hyunwoo as family, meaning Yunho will slowly become part of the family as well.
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