#meanwhile I’ve Got a Dream from Tangled is playing
littledreamling · 2 years
Headcanon: once Hob finds out Dream’s name, he makes an entire playlist of songs that have ‘dream’ in the titles, regardless of genre
Headcanon: he plays this playlist in his office while he’s grading or researching
Headcanon: Dream HATES this playlist
Headcanon: it looks a little bit like this:
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autumnalwalker · 1 year
Find the Word Tag
Thank you for the tag, @blind-the-winds.
My words were miss, mother, myth, mouse, & mirror.
Passing the tag to @andromedaexists, @rainbowbokchoy, @thetruearchmagos, @loopyhoopywrites, @lukey-the-pup, and the usual open tag for anyone else who may wish to participate.
Your words shall be flustered, single, children, playful, & recognize.
Miss: Empty Names - 7 - Gathered Here Today
“Most of these trees shouldn’t be growing together,” Eris observes aloud.  “You’ve got a white pine next to a mahogany, I’m pretty sure I saw a baobab back there, and,” she points at a nearby tangle of above-ground roots, “somehow you’re growing a mangrove without a coastline.  I’m not going to ask how, because I know the answer is just going to be some magic BS, but why?  Even with magic that still has to be a Hell of an energy expenditure to maintain.”
To Lacuna’s surprise, it’s Glassheart that answers the question in an awe-tinged voice.  “They’re all bridges.”
“Right on the first try, wizard boy,” says Bridgewood.  “We are right now walking through the eponym to the family name.”
Wait, wizard boy?  But he’s so…  Lacuna glances again at Glassheart practically gliding down the path before shoving down the implications of this particular case of gender envy for the time being.  As it is, she’s already flustered enough to almost miss the ongoing conversation. 
Mother: A Dream About Waking And Sleeping
One day, I wake to find my coffin harder to open than normal.  Eventually I break free to find that the crypt has been converted into a basement. The stone coffins have all been covered beneath floorboards or sealed into plaster walls.  Above, the church has been replaced by a strange house.  It is too warm for winter and there are sun-bright humming bulbs inset into the ceiling and adorning suspended fans. Yet, when I look out the glass window it is dark outside and snow is falling to cover the ground. 
A woman hears me moving around and is as shocked to find me in her home as I am to find hers built on top of mine. 
It is a long talk to explain and to get her to believe.  And to not fear me.  And there are enough details that I keep accidentally surprising her by casually mentioning things I’ve grown too used to to think noteworthy.  The skeletons in particular get a more amusing reaction than they ought to. 
Meanwhile, she explains that it has been a long, long time since I last woke.  Going out hunting for game in the woods is no longer viable, for the area is too developed now.  She offers to do what she can to get me and the child through the Winter until it is time for us to sleep again, whether she winds up going to a butcher or a “blood bank.”
During all of this I learn that she is a single mother.  I am delighted to hear that my little sister will finally have someone else her age (in a manner of speaking) to play with. 
I’m concerned though about what finally drinking human blood will do to us.  Not the woman’s or her child’s of course, but what she might bring us. 
Myth: The Archivist's Journal, Day 62
In that moment, I couldn’t bring myself to talk about my meeting with Theo and the lingering doubts and suspicions it left me with.  Instead I think I surprised us both in obliquely asking about something related that had been bothering me.
I asked Pat to tell me a story.
Not a story brought by outsiders like ends up in the archive anthologies, I clarified.  And not a reminiscence of old times.  A story that came from this place, these islands, this Village.  A myth, a folk tale, something told to children before bedtime.  Something I wouldn’t have a version of in my pre-waking memories.
Pat laughed, saying it’d been a long, long time since anyone had asked him for that.  He asked me to give him a moment to remember one, steepled his fingers in front of him and closed his eyes.
For the next several minutes I waited in silence, alternating between blowing on my tea and sipping on it, wishing it would cool faster.  Worrying my host had fallen asleep I eventually reached out to poke him, getting scarce more than a hairsbreadth away when his eyes abruptly snapped open and I snapped my hand back with a stifled squeak, hoping he hadn’t noticed.
What follows is my attempt to record the story Pat told me, although it’s missing most of the finer details and most certainly fails to capture the spirit the old man put into the telling.
Mouse: Empty Names - 7 - Gathered Here Today
The entrance foyer is dominated by a grand staircase leading to the upper levels whose balconies wrap back around to look down on the visitors.  Above the landing where the staircase splits and turns halfway to the next floor hangs a portrait of a woman in a blue dress of a style as antique as the house’s.  Her smile at the viewer is playful.  Playful in the same way that a cat is playful with a mouse.  Several closed doors line the walls on either side between the entrance and the staircase, although those seem a background detail compared to the small pile of black crates and out of place chairs in the center of the hall.
Mirror: The Archivist's Journal, Day 100
Ninety nine days ago I looked in the mirror, didn’t recognize myself, and cried tears of joy without knowing why.  I still don’t know why, but now that reflection really does register as me and regardless of any other strangeness about this place that makes me question my senses that feels right.
And have a bonus since I just used the "mouse" snippet in the last one of these find the word tag games I did:
Rat: Empty Names - 8 - En Route
Road opens their mouth to say something more but is interrupted by a squeak down at their feet.  Having gained their attention the rat sits back on its hind legs and makes a series of gestures with its forepaws.  Road makes some similar gestures in return and gives a salute that the rat reciprocates before scurrying away.
“What was that about?” Ashan asks.  “I am afraid my translation charm does not parse hand signs well.
“He said we should step away from the railing,” Road answers.  “This ship may be large, but so are the waves and they’ll be larger still before journey’s end.”

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tsukikoayanosuke · 2 years
Twisted Disney Cruise?
in which the captain has a dumb idea.
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So, there’s a thing called Disney Cruise Line and sometimes (or all the time I think) they will have these theater shows. I’ve watched a couple on YouTube, like on Disney Dreams cruise you have Believe! and An Enchanted Classic, while on Disney Fantasy cruise you have Wishes!. Sometimes you get Tangled or Frozen the musical.
So, I was like “What if, instead of making a fanschool or fandorms, we make a theater cruise?”
This is just an excuse to not think hard about academic system and dorm names XD
So, what this will be twisted on?
How about gacha games? Kinda meta. Honestly the biggest excuse is really to make one character based on a gacha game characters, so I just pick more gacha games on the line XD
So, a stage play basically, who are the crew? I only figured out a couple. Basically the criteria are:
It has to be a gacha games from any platform. It can be a gacha game based on anime/light novel/anything else, however those which are games first get top priority, and 
The gacha game need to have a stage show or any live performance (like orchestra). The media with an already stage show gets higher priority to be twisted.
For example, we have Obey Me! and Magia Record. Obey Me! is a gacha game first to fill the first criteria, but doesn’t have any live performance so far. Meanwhile, Magia Record is a gacha game part of the Madoka Magica franchise which was an anime first, however, it has a stage play to fill the second criteria. Thus, I would pick Magia Record over Obey Me!, however the later can be a consideration.
Below is the list of crew:
MC (1 person) - Ikemen Revolution (the MC is the only exception because following Twisted Wonderland, they came from another world. While IkeRev has a gacha featured, it wasn’t listed on the TVTropes page, but instead got categorized in Otome Games)
Main Director (1 person) - Fate/Grand Order
Playwriter (2 people) - Bungou to Alchemist
Actors (5 people) - Genshin Impact
Choreographer (dances & fights, 2 people) - Kingdom Hearts Union χ
Stage department (scenic and properties, lightning, sound, special effects, 4 people) - Arknights
Costume and Make-Up Department (2 people) - Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story
Music Department (composer, vocal coach, 3 people) - BanG Dream! Girls Band Party!
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wallflowerimagines · 3 years
How would the Lords handle their crush rejecting them? The reason can range from just not returning their feelings to having feelings for someone else to having feelings for one of their SIBLINGS
Ooooooooh. Time for Angst.
Alcina Dimitrescu
Alcina doesn't settle for second best, unfortunately.
She's going to try and convince you of how wrong you are, and use every trick in her arsenal. Making you jealous, degrading your choice in perspective partner, showering you in affection, she's not above any of it. Hell, she might even play matchmaker for your crush.
To a certain extent, as long as she can convince you not to choose your crush, she's happy. You don't even have to pick her at the end of the day, she just wants to make sure they are out of your life.
IF it's another Lord, though...
I'm going to be a thousand percent honest, if she likes you and you reject her for a stranger, it would go way better than if you rejected her for a sibling.
She's not Mother Miranda's favorite, and now she's not your favorite either, and it hurts.
She's not going to try and win you over if you chose another Lord. Depending on how close you were beforehand she might even cut you out of her life entirely. If she sees you in public, she'll either ignore you or be so icily civil that it feels like she's disemboweling you with her words.
If the two of you were close friends, there might be a chance for reconciliation, but it's not likely. You would have to put in an obscene amount of effort, and it would still take years before she's even willing to entertain the idea.
(You need to prove that she's still special to you. She needs to feel appreciated, and that her love for you wasn't a waste. If you can manage to do all that, your relationship can recover and your friendship will thrive.)
She's also worse to the sibling who got picked over her, Especially if it's Heisenberg. Their petty squabbling actually turns into heated arguments with Intent To Harm, and she will not hesitate to kill him if he steps on her toes.
Donna Beneviento
For Donna to make herself vulnerable enough to confess to you, pour her heart out, and still be rejected?
It hurts. It hurts so much.
She spent all this time and effort trying to be brave, trying to build up just enough courage to make you see how she felt, and it didn't work. You don't love her. It feels like she made a running jump into the void and nobody was there to catch her.
Was it something she did? Was it something she said? Was it Angie? Her scar? Her mutation? Donna wants to know why.
And when she finds out it's someone else? ...She doesn't know how to feel.
Do they know how you take your tea? Donna does! Donna knows your favorite color, and song, and what your dream job is! It's almost like she's bargaining with you. You two are perfect together, she just knows it! Does this stranger even care about you at all?
Eventually, once you start to console her, she settles down a bit. Okay. You don't love her romantically. But you have to promise her that you'll stay in her life, that's the only way she'll accept this.
(She can't lose anyone else)
It doesn't matter if your crush is a stranger or another Lord, Donna watches them like a hawk. She's a little more lenient with her Siblings, of course, but her standards for the relationship are even higher than yours. They have to pass all these small 'tests' to prove that they're worthy of your affection.
If you don't get anything and everything you ask for, your partner is going to have to deal with Donna. If they so much as make you cry, Angie and the rest of Donna's porcelain family are going to shred them to pieces. No questions, no excuses.
Her feelings will probably change to something more familial rather than romantic (she love you too much for you guys to just be friends), but Donna will never stop being crazy protective over you.
Salvatore Moreau
Surprisingly, he has the best initial reaction.
As much as he hoped--As much as he dreamed--that you would love him back, he knew it was never going to happen.
Salvatore is aware that he's a monster, and Beauty and the Beast is just a story. People like you don't fall for things like him, and it's just a fact of life.
He's still devastated, don't get me wrong. But if you reject him because you have feelings for someone else already?
He's a little more understanding.
He would still want to be friends. No matter who you fall for, he wants to be in your life, even if he made the mistake of revealing to you how disgusting his feelings are. If you want him as a friend, he'll be there for you, no questions asked.
If you confess to your crush and it goes well? He's so genuinely happy for you! You deserve every happiness the world has to offer, and your crush would be a fool not to see how much of a gem you are.
He'll also want to know about your relationship, to the point where it's a little bit voyeuristic. But he honestly can't help himself. It's like a movie with his favorite person as the romantic lead, and he can't bring himself to look away.
Just... Don't tell him about your first kiss with your new partner. It's something he built up quite a bit in his head, and he really wanted to experience that with you. He'd spend long nights fantasizing about what your lips might feel like against his, and to hear you gush about that experience with someone else will break his heart all over again.
Moreau would also be happier with the Situation if you told him you were in love with one of his siblings. That means you're part of his family! You're not going to leave the Village! You're going to stick around, and he will still get to see you all the time!
Salvatore isn't going to pine after you until the day he dies--but it's pretty damn close. He's fairly emotionally mature about things like romance, but feelings can't just be turned on and off with the push of a button. Just because you are taken doesn't mean he still doesn't have feelings for you, after all, but he promises you he's going to work through it. Still, please, give him time.
Karl Heisenberg
Magnet Man is ready to murder.
You're HIS crush friend. You're supposed to like him! You guys have so much in common already, why would you spend time with someone else when you could be spending time with Your Friend Heisenberg??
(why don't you like him like he likes you?)
I've said it before, but Heisenberg is bad at processing emotions. He does not know what his own feelings are 99% of the time, and the rest of the time he does not want to acknowledge it. When he finds out you have a crush and it's not him? He practically throws a tantrum. It's frustrating for him too, because he's not even sure why he's so angry.
Especially because you make a point of saying that you still value your friendship with him. He's irreplaceable to you, but only platonically.
And he likes you as a friend. So much. The fact that you want to stick around after he word vomited his tangle of platonic-romantic feelings at you just proves you two are great friends. So why is he STILL so fucking pissed?
He will play the Needy Best Friend card to keep your attention on him as long as possible. Any minor inconvenience he might have is an emergency of the highest caliber, and you HAVE to help him. A part of him hopes the extended exposure will convince you to choose him.
Meanwhile, if your crush is some stranger (and he thinks he can get away with it without hurting you) that person is straight up dead. All tattoos and other identiying marks are removed so you aren't suspicious, and the corpse is used as Lycan fodder. No evidence, no proof, no problem.
If You like one of His Siblings? He does a little more soul searching. He does want you to be happy, and as much as he argues with them, his siblings are just as much Victims of Mother Miranda as he is. They do deserve happy lives (if only to spite that bitch, or at least that's how he rationalizes it to himself).
He'll... probably get over it. Maybe. Someday. But in the meantime, as long as you stick around and promise to spend time with him, it will sting way less.
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dameronology · 3 years
love in the time of p.t.a. meetings {marcus moreno} - 4/5
summary: after a few months of slightly chaotic bliss, you & marcus start to think about the next steps in your relationship. {series masterlist}
warnings: swearing 
this is up a little later than i wanted & i do apologise, i once again stayed up all night and i cannot recount a single thing i’ve done. enjoy!
- jazz
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Things between you and Marcus quickly fell into a routine.
You kind of had to when you both had kids; their lives needed structure. Depended on it, in fact. It wasn’t long before both of your lives were entangled in more ways than one, mostly for the sake of Missy and Jack having security around them but also because things between you were so good. Neither of you were trying to rush by any means, but when it worked, it worked. You were both good at communicating with each other - not that many issues really cropped up - and you both understood that your children came first. Things progressed easily and naturally, and he made you feel secure enough that you didn’t have to question whether or not it was too good to be true. 
Five months had quickly passed and you were both comfortable. Marcus Moreno was your boyfriend and it wasn’t a big deal. Okay, it had been at first - especially the first time he planted a kiss on your lips in front of the minivan brigade - but now? It was normal. It felt like he’d always been there, and you took it as a good sign. You got on well with Missy, especially since she’d witnessed your spat with Carol and started to think the world of you, and Jack...well, he was obsessed with Marcus. You couldn’t blame the kid. 
‘Jack! Put the soup down!’ 
It was another one of those mornings. It was a Sunday, so you didn’t have to worry about getting up early for school or work but you’d been at Marcus’ till late the night before. You and Jack ended up spending a lot of time at his; there was a swimming pool and a big garden for Optimus Prime to run around in, so it tired both of your tiny spawns out, which worked in your favour.
 Even when the kid had spent four hours swimming last night, he’d still risen that morning at 6AM like Jesus Christ on the third day. You’d woken to find the kitchen covered in smashed eggs and ham, then your oven had broken and the toilet was blocked again. 
You’d been halfway through reversing the problem when you’d heard Jack shuffling in the kitchen. You were stood in the hallway, still in your pyjamas, with a toilet brush in one hand and the other balled up into a fist. 
‘Jack, the soup is about to-’
You paused mid-sentence, watching as the bowl he was trying to reach for toppled straight off of the counter. You’d only washed his hair ten minutes ago, and you might as well have not fucking bothered because it was now covered in chunky vegetable soup. And the Chewbacca onesie he loved so much? Trying to peel that off him for the next few hours to wash the Heinz out of it was going to be a whole task in itself. You’d only just been to the laundrette the day before, and you’d gotten to the point in life where having a place with its own washing machine was a sign of success. 
‘Mum, there’s soup in my hair.’
‘It’s okay.’ You took a moment to breath. ‘We are not going to cry.’
‘I’m not crying.’
‘Wasn’t talking to you, buddy.’ You rubbed your temples for a moment. ‘C’mon, let’s go hop in the bath.’
So much of parenting was just...stopping to breath. Stopping to take a moment to remind yourself that although your love for your child was unwavering and unconditional, you sometimes felt like screaming. All you’d done for the last five hours was go in circles, cleaning and lecturing and cleaning some more. It made you wish you were at work that day, because at least then you could have conversations with people that weren’t about what cheese they wanted for lunch or what cartoon they wanted to watch. 
‘I just had a bath.’ Jack muttered. 
‘Yeah well, you need another one.’ You took another deep breath. ‘I’ll be there in a minute-’
‘- I don’t want a bath!’
‘And I don’t want a kid that’s covered in soup!’ You shot back. ‘C’mon, buddy. Just do as I say, please?’
Your conversation was interrupted by a knock at the door. You frowned for a moment - you weren’t expecting anyone. There was no post on Sundays and you hadn’t seen your landlord since the day you’d moved in. Your nosey neighbour knocked sometimes, usually asking about the noise (he didn’t have kids, clearly) and you were this close to telling him to mind his own fucking business. 
‘I swear to god, if that’s David again, I am going to shove this can of soup up his - Marcus!’ You almost did a double take when you saw your boyfriend stood at the door - he really chose his times, didn’t he? You hadn’t even had time to put the fucking toilet brush down. ‘Hey.’ 
‘Hey, baby.’ He greeted you slowly, eyes slowly taking in your appearance (and not in a sexy way). ‘Were you not expecting me?’
‘Shit, did we have plans?’ Your eyes widened. 
‘No, but Jack called. He said you’d asked him to ask me to come over, but I realise half way through that sentence that starting with Jack called probably means you had no idea.’ He offered you a goofy smile. ‘He said that the sofa had exploded and that you needed help.’
There was a lot to unpack there. When had Jack done that? More to the point, when had he learnt to use the phone? How had he worked out your phone password? The kid couldn’t do up his own velcro and now he was a Russian hacker, apparently. 
‘Oh my god.’ You groaned. ‘I am so sorry. Things have been batshit here this morning and I’m sure he had my best interests in his weird little heart, but he made you come all this way-’
‘- Marcus!’ Speaking of the devil.
Jack pushed past you, wrapping his arms around Marcus’ waist. He leant down to pick him up, lifting him off the ground - albeit at a distance, due to Soupgate. 
‘Hey, buddy.’ He greeted him. ‘You been causing trouble again?’
‘Not on purpose.’ Jack replied. ‘Mum says I need another bath.’
‘I think she’s right.’ Marcus said. ‘Why don’t you go pick out some clothes and come back in a minute, yeah?’
‘Okay!’ Seemingly impressed by the newfound trust in him to choose an outfit, Jack wriggled himself back down to the floor, trotting towards his bedroom. Seriously, how did Marcus do that? Perhaps his ability to have authority over your archaic child was another hidden power of his. 
‘You look like you need a break, baby.’ He reached out, gently running a hand down your arm.
‘I’m fine, he’s just been a lot today.’ You sighed.
‘You have soup on your shirt and fluff in your hair.’
‘Couch stuffing.’
‘It’s couch stuffing. Except that was Optimus Prime and not Jack, which makes a nice change.’ You muttered.
‘Look, Missy is at her abuela’s today and she’s been begging for ages to see Jack again.’ He said. ‘What d’you say I drive him over there, you clean up and we hang out? Just us, no kids, no dogs, no stress.’
‘That sounds like a fucking dream.’ You couldn’t help but smile. ‘But Optimus has consumed half the couch and I gotta keep an eye on him-’
‘-we can bring him with us!’ Marcus grinned. ‘He loves the garden.’
‘Are you sure? Because I remember you saying you had work plans today and I don’t want you to cancel them on account for the fact I can’t control my own kid. Or life.’
‘You two come first.’ He said it as though it were the most obvious thing in the world. ‘Three, including Optimus Prime.’
In the time it took Marcus to drive Jack to his mum’s and get back to yours, you were able to clean up. The apartment was still a state, but it hadn’t been properly tidy in...how many days had it been since Jack was born? Because it hadn’t been clean in exactly that many days. You felt a little bad dumping him on Anita when he was still covered in soup, but if anyone was able to wrestle him into the bath and some clean clothes, it was her. You’d met her a few times and she was absolutely lovely, but you had no doubt she could be terrifying when need be. She was the sort of woman you aspired to be.
By midday, you were driving out the city. There was music playing quietly over the radio and you were watching the houses go by; even though it was cold out, you had the heater on and you were bundled up in a leather jacket, Marcus’ scarf snugly around your neck. It smelt faintly of his aftershave, which had become one of your favourite scents over the last five months. The time had gone so quickly. You’d seen each other practically every day since then, and having the kids meant you’d been fallen into being domestic pretty quickly. The simplicity of it all - him and you and getting to this point so easily - was overwhelming in itself. 
Your first relationship had been so complicated - so finicky and filled with unnecessary arguments. That should have been a sign early on, but then you’d gotten pregnant with Jack and getting married had seemed like the obvious thing to do. His presence meant you wouldn’t have changed anything, not for the entire fucking world, but it made you a little sad to think about how long you’d wasted on what had clearly been the wrong person. Meanwhile, Marcus’ situation had been entirely different; he’d had the right person the first time around and then he’d lost them. You never felt like a replacement to his wife, or even thought about the notion, really. That had been another part of his life. You were a new part and it didn’t mean he was forgetting the past. The two could co-exist without taking away from each other. 
‘You’re deep in thought.’ Marcus observed. He moved one of his hands to rest on your leg, giving it a light squeeze. He did that a lot, usually whenever you were sat beside him at the table or on the sofa. It was just a him thing. 
‘Yeah, sorry.’ You tore your gaze away from the window. ‘My brain always goes a little into overdrive when things are quiet.’
He chuckled. ‘What’s on your mind?’
‘You, actually.’ You tangled your fingers with his, thumb brushing over the back of his hand. ‘I was just thinking about lucky I am and how good things are, and how it almost feels too good to be true.’
‘Better believe it, baby.’ He replied. ‘Because it is true.’
‘I know.’ You peered over at him with a smile. ‘It’s just...my only perceptions of relationships were based on the single one I’ve had. Everything was so complicated and exhausting. This is completely different and it’s so nice. And normal. And I don’t know, that sounds stupid-’
‘- it’s not stupid at all.’ Marcus peered over at you, shaking his head. ‘It’s natural to be a little apprehensive after a bad relationship and if there’s anything I can do to help, you just have to tell me. You know that, right?’
Maybe it was the way he said it, or maybe it was just him, but you knew for certain that he meant that. There was sort of a silent agreement now that you were both in this for the long haul. Your mum had always said that you’ll know when you know but you’d always written that off. Mostly because you hadn’t known the first time round. But, now you did. You did know and though you weren’t going to admit that to Marcus, you never doubted him for a second. 
‘I do.’ You said. ‘But he’s in the past now - and hopefully it’s where he fucking stays.’
‘I have contacts. I can find him and set Miracle Guy on him.’ Marcus’ grin had returned. ‘Just say the word.’
‘You make a tempting offer.’ You smiled back at him. ‘But the past is the past and I’m ready to...slam the lid on that dumpster.’
‘Do you think he’ll ever want to come back into Jack’s life?’
You pondered for a moment. ‘I don’t think so, but if he did, I dunno if I’d let him. I never wanna be the person who stops someone from seeing their kids but what he did was...it was unforgivable.’
‘You don’t have to make that decision until it actually happens.’ Marcus gently said. ‘And I’ll support whatever you choose.’
He pulled into the drive way of his house - his nice, clean, sofa-stuffing-and-soup free house. Optimus Prime leapt out the car as soon as the door was open, practically tearing past the two of you and down towards the yard. There was a moment of silence and then a splash!
‘Guess he found the pool.’ Marcus commented. ‘At least it’s heated, I s’pose.’
Truth be told, he loved having the three of you at his house. It felt like whatever had been missing before was slowly making an appearance as your relationship progressed. The irony was that you brought nothing but chaos and clutter with you, but that was exactly what made it feel like a home. It was small things; the painting that Jack had done for him at after school club was now hung up up on the fridge, and there was a photo of him and Missy on the fireplace with Optimus Prime. Half of the thousands of blankets of pillows that had been at your place had ended up on his sofa, thanks to the countless sleepovers. 
If he could have it his way, Marcus would have you live with here all the time. The energy that you and Jack brought made everything feel complete. He loved the evenings where Missy and Jack would play out in the pool, and you two would sit back inside, complaining about the cold. Then there were the nights where you’d take both the kids back here when he was working late, and he’d come home to find you piled on the couch watching an old movie, with your burnt cooking abandoned on the stove, surrounded by boxes of left over take out. It was the kind of thing that was so simple and so domestic, but it was everything he wanted. 
That was probably the flashpoint moment when Marcus Moreno realised he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. He already knew he loved you - he’d worked that out about three months in, when you’d fallen asleep in one of his shirts whilst trying to wait up for him - but he hadn’t said it. He’d hinted at it and made back-handed comments but he’d barely admitted it to himself, let alone to anyone else. He knew what you and Jack had gone through before and it broke his entire fucking heart. You both deserved someone who stand by you and support you, someone who would embrace you both for the craziness and warm energy you brought everywhere with you. More than ever, he was realising he wanted to be that person who gave it you. After all, you’d made his life so much brighter without even trying.
Snapping out of his trance, Marcus looked over at you. You’d already ditched your shoes and dropped onto the sofa, pulling one of the blankets with you. This was exactly what you needed. A quiet house, your favourite person and a cable knit blanket. 
‘Hey, baby?’ 
You looked over at him, smiling at the name. ‘Yeah?’
‘You know I love you, right?’
You blinked in surprise, sitting up. ‘I know.’
‘You do?’
‘You’ve never said it, but I can tell.’ You nodded, before offering a smile. ‘And I love you too.’
‘I’m sorry I didn’t say it sooner.’ He slowly approached you, dropping onto the sofa beside you and taking your hands in his. ‘I think I just got so caught up in everything and feeling everything that I forgot.’
‘Why are you apologising?’ You couldn’t help but scoff at him, leaning forward to press a kiss to his lips. ‘It’s your actions that say it, Marc. Hearing it is good but you showed it a long time ago.’
‘I know, but really you deserve to hear it everyday.’ He smiled against you, helping you move onto his lap. 
‘You do tell me everyday, with the things you do.’ You reminded him. ‘Like meeting me in the parking lot with coffee, or bribing Jack into going to bed early with video messages from your superheroes, or doing my grocery shopping when you know money is short.’
‘Why wouldn’t I do those things?’ Marcus seemed genuinely confused. ‘It’s you.’
‘I love you.’ You repeated the phrase. 
‘And I love you.’
He pulled you into another kiss - this time it was a little firmer, not unlike your second declaration of love. Marcus did all those things without thinking, simply out of his intense want for you to just be happy. He was the same with Missy, always doing little things to make her life easier just because. It was just part of who he was, and it made him happy to see his loved ones happy. 
With your body pressed against his and your hands tangled in your hair, Marcus realised he didn’t want you to ever leave again. He didn’t want you to have to drive home in the dark at ten because all of your stuff was on the other side of town. You did stay over sometimes, but then you’d have to creep out at 6AM with a sleeping Jack in your arms to get home in time to get ready. He wanted you here all the time. You should have been here all the time. 
‘Move in with me?’ 
He both did and didn’t mean to say it out loud. He did because he wanted you so badly to be a permanent fixture in the house, but he also didn’t because the idea might have been a little absurd. Was it too soon? What if you didn’t want to leave your place? He knew you loved your apartment. It was your home and had been for a long time.
‘What?!’ You suddenly pulled back from the kiss, eyes wide. 
‘I mean...if you want to.’ Marcus slowly said. ‘Hell, Missy and I can move to your place if that’s what you want. It might be tight but she loves the dog and I just want to be with you-’
‘- hey!’ You cut him off, planting your hands on his shoulders. ‘You’re rambling again, but that’s besides the point. I would love to live here.’
‘You would?’
‘I would.’ You smiled. 
It made sense. Aside from the glaringly obvious fact you wanted to, it was also practical. It was closer to the school, closer to your work and it had a fucking swimming pool. Marcus was already clearly financially secure and moving in wouldn’t mean relying on him, but it would have meant that things for Jack were a lot more stable. Missy loved the company of you both, and it meant she would finally have the dog she wanted so bad. 
‘Missy would be okay with it, right?’ You asked.
‘She was the one who put the idea in my head, actually.’ Marcus admitted. ‘I’d thought about it but then she kind of asked in passing why you don’t live here, and I couldn’t give her an answer.’
‘Your kid is smart.’
‘D’you think Jack will-’
‘- I’m going to stop you there.’ You cut him off.
‘Right, I probably don’t need to ask that question.’ He chuckled.
‘Exactly.’ You pressed a kiss to his nose. ‘Don’t forget the dog, either.’
‘How could I? I can literally see him peeing on my lawn right now.’
‘Our lawn.’
Exactly three weeks later - and after a hefty amount of paperwork and hours of sorting through Jack’s endless amounts of crap that he insisted on hoarding - moving day came. 
Anita had insisted on having the kids again. They were both excited, but perhaps a little too much. They were probably more likely to get in the way of things if anything. Children, a dog and large boxes? It seemed like a match made in hell. Plus, she had a whole ass training course in her back garden and if that didn’t wear the kid out, then you were definitely going to take him to the Heroics to get tested. The thought alone was enough to tire you out. 
You didn’t have too much stuff to move. You’d been half-moved into the damn place before Marcus had even made the formal proposal, so that made things a lot easier. You were keeping your sofa for Jack’s room, but the rest was going to Goodwill. Most of it had come from there in the first place.
‘I think that’s the last box.’ Marcus announced, exiting the bedroom. ‘I didn’t realise that a five year could own so many variations of storm-trooper toys.’
‘Oh, yeah.’ You replied. ‘There’s the original trilogy ones, sequel trilogy ones, dark troopers, shock troopers, clone troopers - and I realise half way through listing them that you don’t care.’
‘I never said that!’ He placed his hands on your waist, pressing a kiss to your forehead. ‘I’m excited to learn.’
‘I’m sure Jack is excited to tell you.’ You grinned. 
Then, it faltered slightly with the realisation you were actually leaving this place. You’d never intended for it to be your permanent home, but it had still been the centre of your entire universe for half a decade. Every room told a story; the crayon marks on the bathroom wall, the dents behind the TV from, the crack in the living room mirror. All caused by Jack, naturally. The last five years was contained entirely within these four walls and you got bleary eyed at the idea of it becoming someone else’s. 
‘Hey, don’t cry.’ Marcus gently wiped away a tear from your cheek. 
‘You know, the rent is still paid till the end of the month so we could revisit the idea of you and Missy living here instead.’ You tearfully smiled. 
‘You’re kidding but you know I’ll do it.’ He pressed another kiss to your nose, grip on your arms tightening. 
‘It’s okay.’ You moved so that the kiss landed on your mouth instead, capturing his lips in a brief kiss. ‘I knew we were gonna outgrow this place. I just didn’t expect it to be so soon.’
‘I know. Still kinda feels like it all came out of no-where, huh?’ He replied. ‘In the best way.’
‘You’re right. In the best way.’ You firmly nodded. ‘Can you believe I was 23 when I moved into this place? I found it on Craiglist within ten minutes of finding out I was pregnant.’
‘Do you wanna take a minute before we go?’
‘No, it’s fine.’ You shook your head. ‘We should get going.’
The apartment was just that: an apartment. And the house you were going to was just that: a house. But the people you were with? That’s what made it count. It wasn’t about the four walls or the roof over your head, or whether or not it had a big yard and a jacuzzi bath tub (though, that did help). It was about the laughter and warmth inside; the faces in the photos on the wall and the people you came home to after a long day. It was the smell of your burnt cooking and the pizza you’d ordered in place. It was Jack’s toys left in the exact place where someone could trip and it was Missy using all the hot water in the morning so that Marcus’ showers were practically arctic. It was everyday things that reminded you of the people around you; the people that made it home, and how lucky you were to have them.
That was home. And you’d found yours. 
taglist: @naivara-duneimith @1-2-3-4-5metalfingers @likeshootingstarsinthenightsky​ @lyanna-the-giantsbane @phoenixhalliwell @crazycookiecrumbles​ @bitchin-beskar​ @comphersjost
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nincompoopydoo · 3 years
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PAIRING: Bruce Wayne x reader
SUMMARY: Being laid off isn’t very fun but Bruce tends to find himself even more entangled in your life, including his alter ego—Batman.
A/N: I’m loving this series and if you are, feedback is appreciated. Thank you for reading my crappy stuff aka my daydreams <3
WARNINGS: Guns! Death threats! Crying! A mental breakdown!
James Taylor’s Fire and Rain plays like a funeral hymn on the record player, echoing through your studio apartment. You’re sitting on the ground, back against the ratty couch with a pizza box on your lap. You take a bite of a BBQ Chicken pizza slice, furiously wiping your tears away as you replayed the events from six hours ago. From being called to the principal's office to only be told that you’re one of the non-tenured teachers to be laid off due to cutbacks. Gotham High was...a tough school. The students were mean to you because well, you're young and always gave them the benefit of the doubt. Plus, you taught English Literature and frankly, your students didn’t exactly enjoy the subject as much as you wanted them to. Nevertheless, you’re devastated. Teaching was a dream of yours, and it’s being taken away from you. You cried all the way back home, tried to call your mother but it kept going to voicemail. You must have called someone else, but you don’t remember and couldn’t care less to check your phone—the whole day went by like a blur.
Then, there’s a sound. An insistent buzz, it’s the doorbell. You furrow your brows, not recalling ordering anything else other than the large pizza from Domino’s. Yet, it doesn’t cease, and you’re forced to bring yourself to stand on your feet, instinctively flattening your tousled hair to make yourself seem somewhat presentable. Like, you’re doing fine and you have everything completely under control. Maybe, you did call your mother, and she’s at the door. You’re hoping she is although she’s going to kill you for the mess.
Another buzz and you’re toddling across the wooden flooring and towards the doorway. It’s starting to become infuriating by the second, like a house fly don’t won’t stop bugging you. Considering the mood you’re in, it doesn’t take much to tick you off. Swinging the door open, you expected to see the radiant face of your mother but to your surprise, it’s not.
It’s Bruce.
You haven’t seen him in two weeks.
You nearly choke at the sight of him in a slightly crumpled oxford blue dress shirt, sleeves rolled up, hair as much of a mess as yours and tired eyes staring down at you with concern. You note how Bruce is very charming, no matter how disarrayed he is. Meanwhile, you’re realizing the current state must be a little startling. Your eyes are probably bloodshot, hair still in a tangled mess and glaring tomato stains everywhere on your GCU t-shirt. This is such a low point for you.
“Bruce,” you say, voice raising an octave with wide eyes as you stare at him like he’s grown another head, “What are you doing here?” His frown is immediate, seemingly confused by your question. “You called me.” He gestures to his phone within his grasp. “It sounded bad even though I couldn’t make out what you were saying half of the time,” He chuckles and holds up a familiar looking paper bag “So, I got you bagels. Three of them. Thought you could use some of these.”
It takes a second or two for you to finally process what he just told you before your emotionally wrecked brain decides to do the most irrational thing ever—You just start sobbing. You’re crying so hard that it terrifies Bruce. He blinks, thoughts racing. The sight of you in complete misery strikes him like a punch to his gut and for the first time, he doesn’t know what to do. Not immediately. Yet, through glassy eyes, you manage to notice the way his face dropped and morphed into pure horror. Justification is key, you don’t want to weird him out and think you’re crazy. You wave your hand in the air dismissively, rubbing your eyes as you spoke between strangled sobs. “I’m sorry, it’s been a tough day and that’s the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me all week.”
Your words are a tug to the heartstrings, and it sends his head reeling but relief was all that overwhelmed him. Bruce would never wish to see you hurt, especially when it’s caused by him. Actions of affection were primarily reserved for those closest to him, but he never experienced the urge to be intimate and care so much for a person ever since his parents died. Yet, out of everyone, you’re the one that brings out the most in him. Moving closer to you, he reaches and pulls you in a hesitant embrace. You stiffened at the mere touch of his arms around you, unsure of what to do with yourself.
Sure, you had a fair share of intimate moments with the man but this, this was different. You couldn’t shake the thought of how something so warm felt so right, smelt right. Despite the fact you had been trying to suppress your feelings for Bruce, and this was doing the exact opposite of that, you can’t help but feel this was what you needed at the moment. So, you let your body sag, muscles becoming loose and you let yourself truly cry for the first time.
You end up inviting him in later, when your tears are dry. You eat two of the bagels, sharing the last one with him. You called a peace offering, a gift of appreciation, for the whole emotional massacre you unexpectedly shoved at him. He simply laughs, eyes crinkling with fondness. He thinks you’re beautiful, especially when your hair is wild, laughing like you don’t have a care in the world. It’s what keeps him grounded, to know you’re raw and very real. The next thing you know, you end up shuffling cards of UNO until the wee hours of the morning—exchanging knowing smiles and Bruce trying to pick a Wild Draw card from the deck to get you to lose. But, he lets you win anyway.
He slept on your couch that night, still in his dress shirt. You must've peeked a glance at his sleeping form, squeezed onto the couch that’s clearly too small for him. Cute. You snap a picture before heading to bed. For blackmail purposes, of course.
You end up working a night shift at a burger joint called Big Belly Burger somewhere in midtown. Your first week comes and goes, and you’re starting to hate how your uniform itches and how the restaurant can get really filthy by the end of the day. Yet, it’s the kids from Cameron Kane High that come after school that keeps you going because it makes you miss being a teacher even though they tend to leave a mess after a meal.
Thursday comes and you’re exhausted. Even so, you’re thankful it’s a slow night. You’ve done all your cleaning duties earlier on and Lucie, the manager went out to buy a pack of cigarettes from the convenience store around the corner. Hence, it’s just you, slumped against the counter, devouring a Triple Belly Burger.
You’re half way through the burger when you hear the door swing open. Expecting to see Lucie, you turned around to see two men brandishing handguns your way. “Everything from the register, now!” The taller masked man shouted, gun gesturing to the cash register. Your eyes are wide, and you can feel your chest heaving. There was no way you’ll be able to fight them. Not two of them with guns pointed at you.
The burger drops from your hand and so does your heart. With trembling hands, you slide the drawer of the cash register open and begin pulling out dollar notes. From the corner of your eye, you spot your phone on the counter, close enough for you to make an emergency call. Your eyes scan the two men wearily and with every ounce of courage you had left, you managed to unlock your phone, pulled up the messaging app and texted the first name on the list: Bruce Wayne.
help, was all you managed to say.
To say your luck ran out was an understatement; you were never lucky anyway. One of the robbers must have caught on to what you were doing and just as the call goes through, he snatches your phone away, throws it onto the ground and shoots it.
So close, yet so far.
You don't know if the message got through.
The muzzle is now inches away from your forehead, and you hear the cock of the gun. “Don’t you dare pull somethin’ funny like or I’ll blow your brains out. Give us the money, now.” It was in that moment, your tears give way and your life flashes before your eyes. You pray for a miracle, a savior.
Then, you see him.
A looming figure appears by the doorway and your breath hitches. It’s Batman, looking like a Goddamn angel. The robbers seem to realize this too, guns quickly directed towards the vigilante. He launches batarangs to the pair of men and immediately disarms them. In a flash, he knocks them out, unconscious bodies dropping to the ground like dead flies.
You stare at him in awe although he’s very frightening and intimidating but Batman...just saved you. Now, this is a story you’re going to be telling everybody until the day you die. He approaches you with caution, and you instinctively take a step back. Then, he calls you by your name like it’s second nature. You stare at him with blank amazement, brows raised.
“You know my name?” Your voice dwindled; It’s so soft and timid you hardly hear yourself. Despite the mask, the vigilante looks like his brain just short-circuited for a moment. He clears his throat.
“...Bruce has mentioned you.”
You ignore how his synthetic voice makes every hair on the back of your neck stand and the familiarity that struck for a split second when he said your name because you’re too wrapped up with the fact that Bruce has discussed about you to his other ‘best friend’ as one might call it. Brooding over this lump of a thought, the corner of your mouth twitches. “He did?” you say with a hint of affection. It’s hard to read the man under the mask, whoever he was but you’re certain he looked taken aback by your response. Maybe, it was the way you delivered it—the longing in the very core of the expression. You may have outed your feelings for Bruce to...Batman.
This doesn’t get any stranger than that.
“Yes,” he replies curtly, and you hear the police sirens afar. “Are you hurt?” Like the true caretaker of Gotham, he wants to be sure you haven’t been injured. You shake your head, lips pressed together. The whaling of the police sirens grow louder, lights of red and blue flashing before your eyes. He appears like a shadow against the glaring lights from the police cruisers and before you can blink, he flees with a muttered ‘Goodnight’ and disappears before the police come flooding in and does Lucie. The poor woman looked at with frantic eyes as soon as she glimpsed the two men on the ground, groaning in pain.
The glint of the batarang on the floor captures your attention, you smile at this.
You may or may not have taken it back to your apartment that currently sits proudly on the bookshelf in your living room.
You’re so telling Bruce.
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akawrites000 · 3 years
A tale that remains unchanged, no matter how many times it is retold.
Their hands are soft- I got to feel them when they grabbed my hand and pulled me into an alleyway, shielding me from oncoming bullets. Having not expected that at all, it took a few moments for me to come out of that headspace, as I stood there- dazed, staring at their back as their hand that held mine a moment ago, let go to grab their gun from their belt and point the weapon at our pursuers. My brain understood why they had to let go, but my heart refused to understand and kept yearning for that touch again and again- like a stubborn child who wanted to eat more ice cream and wouldn't listen to reason. The minutes passed by as I fought to keep my brain and heart at bay while trying to stay connected to reality because we still weren't safe. Move, I reminded my legs and held onto their silhouette with my eyes. Being a human was hard.
By the time we managed to outrun our pursuers, I was gasping, sweaty palm clutching my shirt- right above my heart, as if I'm pushing it to stay inside and not fall out of my mouth. Eyes on the ground and frantic heartbeats in my ear, I failed to register anything else. I felt a light touch to the top of my head and managed to look up from my bent-over-the-knees posture, just in time to see their hand falling from its spot on my hair a few seconds ago. My heart fluttered. And then our eyes met, their worried gaze trained on my face. I swallowed, but my throat still felt dry. I didn't like it when people worried about me, it made me feel guilty. So, I smiled like I always do when I wanted to hide something- when I wasn't ready to tell them why I might have looked like a flustered mess then. They gave up after a few seconds and began to scout our surroundings. I heaved a sigh, relieved, and tried to do a lot of silly things. I tried to tell myself that I was okay, when I was not (how could I be?). Even though that touch lasted for mere seconds, I could still feel the embers of the fire that it had sparked in my chest and now it threatened to burn me inside out. So no, I was not okay. Definitely not.
A bit more of walking and we were finally home!! It's not much- a small, rundown apartment at the edge of town but it was something. The metal stairs gave a *creak* as they stepped on it to climb up, and I was about to follow when a black cat came out of nowhere and climbed up before me. I landed on the ground with an embarrassing *shriek*, my backside aching. Sounds of their laughter echoed in my ears. I looked up at them, a not-so-serious frown playing on my lips because I just couldn't be mad at them when they laughed like that- like a carefree child who had nothing to worry about in life. I sighed and gave in to their smile but then the black cat stared at me, as if to challenge me and rubbed its fur against their leg. Their attention was completely on the cat now (unfortunate for me), as they gently stroked its fur, surprised and pleased when it purred against their blue jeans. Come on, you can't be jealous of a cat, you can't be jealous of a damn cat! You just can't-
But now, finally, they're sitting right in front of me, within the confines of our single bed, legs crossed messily, and all my mind can think of is that they're so close, so close, that if I reach out my hand, I can touch them. They lean towards me to reach for the blanket, their fingers brushing against mine and that fire which I felt earlier in the day was back now, and it was angry- ready to burn me whole.
They're staring outside our bedside window, looking at the city lights far away, oblivious of the plight I'm in, while I can't bring myself to look at anything else but their eyes. They must have noticed of course- as inquisitive as they are, so they turn over to look at me and all my breaths and words just die in my throat as I realise all over again, just how much I adore those blue eyes. They remind me of a sky, where the birds soar free; of freedom.
"What is it?" They ask in a teasing tone, smiling softly but I can't answer. I can't do anything. I can only look at them. Their brows furrow slightly in concern, and they move closer, those lovely soft hands brushing against mine again. But they don't stop with that alone this time. Their fingers become curious as they start exploring my hand, dragging their index over my palm, down to my fingers, feeling them over, digit by digit and I can feel myself going crazy.
Before I know it, my hand is entirely in theirs and they're so close that I can feel their warm breath fanning over my neck. My mind goes empty but my body is set ablaze, and I think that maybe, I've stopped breathing entirely, if only for that moment. Noticing my lack of response, their hands become braver, their right one tangled with mine while their left one rises up to cup my cheek with the gentlest of touches that makes me feel so giddy.
I hear them call my name, but it feels like it's coming from the bottom of a well; so far away. Panicked, my hand reaches out towards that voice, only to be caught by theirs. I stop as I'm held in place by blue eyes; I can't escape. They're searching my face, my entire being for an answer, their soft touches coaxing me to relax and give in. I finally come out of my head, and it feels as if I'm being born again as I learn how to breathe, how to move and how to speak within the safe haven of their touch. And I don't want it any other way.
"You're beautiful", I breathe, leaning into their palm. Their lips part to let out a small laugh and my ears rejoice. "How can you say that with a straight face?!" they say fondly, as if it's something they wouldn't mind listening to everyday, my mind beginning to dream about that very scenario. Meanwhile, their lips inch closer and I don't notice until they're suddenly too close and touching mine.
And the rest is history.
Hello all of you lovely people!! Yes, I know it's been a while since I posted- been trying to find some inspiration and fight off procrastination. So here is this long piece to make up for that (hopefully xD) - I tried first person narrative this time and I don't really do this style a lot, so I hope this is satisfactory for you all to read and enjoy ^^ (also this can be read from either hero/villain/ or literally any of your fav character's pov- you decide <3)
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shini--chan · 3 years
OKAY IMAGINE THIS - by some mirracle, s/o get teleported back in time to the pirate era and suddenly just drops from the sky as Antonio and Arthur are battling! Everything comes to a halt because a friggin woman fell from literally nowhere - Arthur is quicker and he captures s/o first, DEMANDING to know where she is from, how did she get here. Poor s/o tries to tell him the truth but it just isn't working. How stupid do you think Arthur is, huh?! He's not buying what you're selling love! (1/?)
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Oh blazes, my dear. You’re trying to seduce me into writing a novel for you, correct. Well, not today (sadly) so I’ll be going ahead with my usual mixture of headcanons and snippets. Also, to everybody out there: Requests are still being accepted – I just can’t bring myself to close my ask box.
Also, I wanted to write Arthur’s and Antonio’s lines in an older English, but then I remembered what it was like having to read books from the 19th century for school and decided not to inflict the torture upon you.
Yandere Love Triangle: England vs Spain (Historical Pirate AU!)
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As mentioned in the ask, you would be minding your own business, more or less, when you would suddenly be granted two of the wishes many harbour in their hearts: to time travel and have an adventure. Unfortunately for you, that wouldn’t happen with a forewarning and you wouldn’t have any chance to blend in. I wouldn’t say the battle would completely stop – with all the smoke and gunpowder and bangs going on only those close by would have a chance noticing.
Antonio was having a wonderful day. Yes, extremely wonderful. Life on the ship had been very good as of late, supplies running high and spirits even higher. They were reaching their climax now, with Spain showing England the business ends of sword and cutlas and cannon. It was a fitting sort of revenge being able to rob the lilly-livered bastard after he had stolen so much Spanish silver and gold.
The runt in question was baring his teeth and snarling like a cornered dog while their blades were interlocked, when Antonio heard a loud crash from behind England. It was probably just part of the ruckus of a sea battle, yet something – his fantastic intuition most likely – advised him to take a look. Of course, making the other combatant to move just how he wanted proved to be tricky, because Arthur had always been an uncooperative like blight and liked to fight dirty.
Yet he wasn’t a famed duellist for nothing. The sight that caught his attention when he got the opportunity to see it nearly caused him to lose an arm due to inattention. Men of both sides had briefly abandoned the battle to crowd around a failing figure that was desperately trying to free itself from a tangle of nets and torn sails. The onlookers whispered amongst themselves. The chorus of voices only grew louder when a very confused woman.
He found himself remarking: “It seems like you’ve finally started to develop a good taste in bed mates. Say, when did that happen, fishy. I always thought that you’d have luck to get a starved old tramp to warm your bed.”
“Shut up, Anthony!”, came the immediate reply, proving that the island nation wasn’t aware about what he was playing at. “Let’s not get on about you. Or should I tell your precious monarch about what you do in the stables when all the servants are gone?”
Pathetic little weasel. Enraged, Antonio brought the hilt of his sword down on that pale, cruel face and busted a pair of thin lips. “You should guard yourself from spreading lies, English pigdog. Or else the Almighty himself will smite you.”
Naturally, being the cunning demon he was, England used the opening Spain had provided him to barrel into him and send him flying overboard and into the sea.
That action would be quick to turn the tides, especially with so many men coming to aid their captain and help him out of water. This would result in Arthur then discovering you on his ship, probably when his first mate would rush to him and explain that a very strange women in a strange get-up had just suddenly appeared on the ship.
England would go and investigate and discover you surrounded by his crew, each of them having different responses to your presence and hence causing quite a commotion. He too would find you utterly alien – in your attire, in your mannerisms, even in your speech. But Arthur would be ever the pragmatic and reason that there would have to be another explanation to your appearance, one that doesn’t include miracles. But because he wouldn’t have either the time or the head space to deal with you at the moment, he’d have to thrown in the brig with strict orders to leave you alone. That would also be a way for him to torture you and force you to wallow in your worries and terrors.
The brackish water of the brig had long since made your feet wet, cotton soaks completely soaked through and chilling you. The stench it all emitted, and Arthur’s relentless questioning only further enhanced your discomfort.
He was prowling in front of your cage-like cell, like a tiger in the zoo. Only that he didn’t want to break out, rather that he was being continuously tempted to drag you out of your cell and onto the deck to be flogged for your insolence.
“At every turn you say to me that you’re from the future and that you don’t know how you came here”, he rehearsed the main points of your conversation with him. There had been a snarl on his face the whole time throughout the interrogation, his anger only making his voice curl tightly around the vowels and roll the r’s harder until you had to strain to understand him.
Mutely you nodded – you yourself had come to the conclusion that he understood you better when you kept your words simply, underlay them with gestures and expressions and spoke slowly.
In return, England shook his head and spat: “I do not believe you. Going backwards in time is impossible, it only goes forward.”
In any other situation you would have been inclined to agree with him. But you were living proof that there were glaring exceptions to that rule. Having unexpectedly landed in a long-gone era, you had first found yourself desperately grappling with your new reality. You had pinched yourself and read the letters on crates and barrel and closed your eyes and read them again to see if anything had changed – everything to assure yourself that you were dreaming.
You weren’t, nor had you taken any psychedelics, so this was painfully, gruesomely real. A fact that Arthur wasn’t excepting even with evidence right past the tip of his nose.
“Then how do you explain the ripped sails then? How do you explain my strange clothes?”, you questioned him. Then, after a brief pause, you asked: “How do you explain that I know who and what you are?”
You knowing that he was a personification of a budding Empire was a sore spot for him and made him even more suspicious of you. Something that was now backfiring on you.
He waved your words off with evident irritation and countered: “There are more reasonable explanation for all of that. That you’re a spy from a foreign country for example.”
Arthur would never cease with side-eying you and constantly be on the look-out for more logical explanations for your otherness. He would find them as well. Yet there would always be a little voice in the forefront of his mind nagging him that you are telling the truth and that he was wasting the opportunity of the millennia by blowing your words in the wind.
Those doubts would be the main reason he would keep you alive, along with his quest to extract the “truth” from you. However, there would be times when he would be tempted to fetch those thumbscrews from his quarters to see if you’d crack under pressure. Yet he would still restrain himself.
That wouldn’t mean your stay on his ship would be pleasant. You’d constantly be wet and cold, with rats crawling around the brig and your meals being a near inedible gruel that would be set aside for you.
Therefore, it would be an absolute relief when Spain would swoop in to rescue you. It would be an even greater wonder when he would actually listen to you and take into consideration what you would say.
“Tell me if I’ve got this right: In the future, you don’t send letters anymore that take months to reach another country. Instead, you send messages from small machines which the other person can read only after a few seconds, no matter how far away they are”, Antonio summed up what you had just cautiously explained to him.
You had been so shy when he had taken you aboard his vessel, so afraid he would just maltreat you like Arthur had. It had taken its time for him to convey that he was different from that godless brute, that he was civilized and patient. He wouldn’t disregard miracles and let them slip through his fingers. It had taken its own sweet time to coax you into telling the truth, but now you were sitting across him in his quarters, nodding enthusiastically.
“More or less, yes. There is a lot more to that, but that is the start of it”, you affirmed his words. You were relieved that you finally had somebody to talk to in this time were you previously had nobody. The food being served helped you weigh yourself into safety – fresh fruit and other perishable treats, an absolute luxury onboard a ship with a sizable crew. Indeed, you were becoming so comfortable with your host, your lifeline at this point, that you were betraying things about your future that you otherwise wouldn’t have.
And wasn’t yet about detail concretely concerning him, but you would both get there eventually. Spain was sure of that.
Meanwhile you didn’t notice the hungry gleam in his eyes when he purred: “Fascinating, my dear. What else can these things do?”
Being a Catholic, Antonio would be far more inclined to believe you on the time-traveling thing. He would also add two and two together on your strange clothes and their material, not to mention your different attitudes and behaviours and realise that you would be telling the truth. He would treat you kindly as a way of getting you to talk to him, eventually becoming the only person you could trust.
He would guard you jealously and ensure that you would only speak to him – having knowledge of the future would be a right he would reserve for himself alone. It would also cause him to become obsessed with you, keeping you in his quarters or leading you onto the deck at night for short walk. Of course, he would paint the whole isolating thing as he keeping you safe, saying that Arthur was after you.
The argument with Arthur would have far more validity then Antonio would even imagine. The wisdom that you don’t know what you really have until you lose it would be especially true in his case. It would finally dawn upon him that you were telling the truth the whole time and that would lead Arthur to beat himself up over it. A pursuit to recapture you would ensue.
Not to mention that it would make his blood boil to think that Spain would be courting you, persuading you to tell him everything he could ever want to know about the future. Besides  being a threat to his future existence and ongoing success, England would like to have all that knowledge himself and for himself only. Knowledge is power, after all.
Arthur would also miss you for your wit and endurance, fantasizing and dreaming of you to the point of obsession and never quitting his chase for you.
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srn-clrwtr · 4 years
dating embry call,,,, kind of HAHA
i hate myself for writing this, however, it was asked of me and i have no other ideas 😐😐 pls,,, go easy on me. i’m not good at romance, or any writing, but... i need to release something HAHAHA also i hate writing in second person but i’m TRYING **pls reblog**
also this is more like??? plot based??? in the beginning anyway. it isn’t till the end where i throw some headcanons in there... my writing goes from eloquent to straight up meme sorry about it :)
pls enjoy this v v v v long request and pls excuse any errors 🙏🙏 i’m going to edit this throughout the day
***also this is after breaking dawn and the cullens r gone and resume never happens :)
your mother had called la push her childhood home. it was the place she had learned to walk and ride a bike, it was where she experienced her first love and heartbreak, and the place where she knew unconditional love and friendship.
embry’s mother had been her best friend since she could talk, the woman knew her like she had known herself. where one was, you could always find the other.
they were the same person, all before yours had moved away. the second she was able to free herself of the chilled and misty winds of the torrential northwest, she was gone.
while she was utterly in love with the life she built, she itched for something beyond the quiet comfort of gentle rain. still, she always knew that she could find solace in the waterlogged soil if she ever needed.
and so she began with college, where she rooted herself with a man just a few short years older than herself. she moved in tandem with him, where he stepped, she followed.
when she fell pregnant with you, she found herself settling down and building a home. from crumpled photos on the fridge, to the sea smoothed stone that littered the windowsill above the sink, she left subtle reminders of the home she had left behind.
your father was initially a happy man, loud and boisterous with a grin so contagious, even the moon smiled back. you suppose it was what your mother had fallen for.
as you grew, his sunny aura shifted, hidden from the dark and looming clouds of a more than stressful work week. by the time you hit middle school, you understood that even though he had loved you and your mother, his priorities were found elsewhere.
your mother understood that raising you was best alone. though her husband responsible, living with the shell of the man he once was, was pointless. he was far too rooted within the floorboards of his office to quell the brewing storm of their marriage.
by the time you were in high school, your parents had divorced, and your mother had asked you about moving back to her own home town.
while she understood that moving away from your own home could be hard, all she had to do was mention embry.
Embry Call was the highlight of your summers. Your father was always too busy for family vacations, and so your mother always took you to La Push for a few weeks during the summer or over the holiday. Her job allowed to work from the comfort of her home, so trips to visit Embry and his mother weren’t entirely uncommon.
whenever you went to visit, you were both joined at the hip. As children, your fingers were always laced as he brought you all over the reservation. From the beaches to the middle of the forrest, he made sure you always ended up caked in mud, hair tangled messy.
In middle school, you were introduced to Jake and Quil, where you graduated from mud pies and forts, onto bonfires and the dryness of jake’s workshop.
of course, you still went on the occasional hike with embry, eager for at least some alone time away from your mutual friends.
it was pretty obvious that the both of you liked each other, but you were young. it was playground love, if you could even call it that.
into high school you stopped visiting so much, your mother grew busier, and you began to focus more on your own studies... during the summer, you enjoyed time at home, with friends not so far away.
still, you both stuck to phone calls. they were generally late at night, usually with the excuse of studying and school. you had no idea that it was actually because he ran on a much later schedule due to his shift.
and so when she all but mentioned Embry Call, you agreed... apprehensively, of course. at the end of the day though, you knew that you wouldn’t exactly be alone.
and truth me told, you always kind of liked it there better... the memories you made in la push were the best you had.
when you had arrived in la push, your mother had breathed in the air with a gentle smile, eyes closed as she took in the misty air. it was then when you began to wonder how much she had actually missed her home there.
embry’s mother had come to help unpack, explaining that embry was off running a couple of errands for her. a lie of course.
you were obviously bummed, a small pout gracing your features before your mother had all but rushed you to start unpacking. embry was not forgotten, the boy still on your mind as you grumbled throughout the rest of the night.
it wasn’t until after dark, when the sky was surprisingly clear with stars, did you get to see your long time friend.
with a knock to the door, and a shout from your mother telling you to answer it, you had flown down the stairs... with a small gripe of course. she was in the dining room. why couldn’t she get it?
the attitude all but vanished from your being as you opened the door to see embry, so much more different than you had last remembered.
it took you a moment to recognize him— his chest and shoulders were broad, hair cut short compared to the long inky strands that you were used to.
it took maybe a few seconds at most to register that the boy standing before you was indeed embry, and once that small fact had clicked, you all but flung yourself into his arms.
“em, oh my god just look at you! what in the hell did you do to your hair?!” your exclamation was muddled into nothing to embry, taking a few seconds himself to respond to your embrace.
little did you know that when the door had flung open, and his eyes met yours, his mind went blank as the world stopped spinning. the only thing on his mind, was you.
with gentle hands, he pulled you close and returned your hug. he had laughed a little bit, letting go of the breath he seemed to be holding, “it’s good to see you too, y/n”
embry hadn’t expected to imprint at all, let alone on the one person he wanted it to be the most. it was the first time he had seen you since his shift, and he had all but forced himself to forget any chances with you. all until you had opened the door.
you pulled away with a grin, quick to tug him inside your home, “you okay though? looks like i lost you in space there for a second.” and in all honesty, it looked as if he still was.
“yeah yeah, no... i’m okay! promise. i just... i’ve got a lot on my mind, is all.” you chose not to pay any attention to the way his eyes looked to the ceiling when he spoke, or the way he stammered out his response.
instead, you turned to your mother, where she sat at the counter with embry’s mom, tea in hand. They were smug as you spoke, “if it’s okay, i’m going to drag embry upstairs... i can’t put my bed frame together for the life of me.”
your mother shrugged her shoulders and looked over to her friend, “i don’t care—” and before she could finish, you yelled out a quick thanks before rushing up the steps.
neither of you missed the, “keep the door open!” from embry’s mother. you laughed it off, meanwhile, embry’s skin darkened with blush as he stuttered out a complaint. to say he was horrified, was an understatement.
embry was up in the clouds. it was you. of course it was you. it has always been you. though embarrassed, he couldn’t help but admire the way you could laugh something off so easily. how you blew the constant teasing off from his mother without question. and then he thought about how you did the same with jake and quil... you accepted it. you played right back.
images of you with his pack floated through his mind like dreams, a soft smile on his face. if you could get along with quil and jake, and take their endless amounts of teasing, then there wasn’t a doubt in his mind about his other friends, his brothers.
embry hadn’t noticed that you had laced your fingers between his, or that you were talking aimlessly to him. it wasn’t until you stopped leading him down the halls of your home did he realize.
you had turned around to look at him fully, head tilted in wonder as you held eye contact with him, “i wasn’t kidding when i said i needed help, embry. but if you have too much on your mind, we can talk it out too, you know?”
his heart fluttered a bit, eyes wide as he stared down at you, “no! no. i can help. i just... i’ve missed you.” and before you could squeeze in a cheeky comment, he continued, “well i mean, i mean we all do! my mom missed you visiting... i did too! and then jacob and quil never stoped pestering me about when you were going to visit again... and... and now your here! for good...”
you giggled as he rambled on, trying to cover up his obvious mistake. rather than watch him stutter over his words, you shook your head and lead him into your bedroom, “okay embry i get it. i missed you too. now, please for the love of god help me with my bed.”
this seemed to shut him up as he gazed into your bedroom, where your bed frame lay across the floor... somewhat put together, and lopsided, “well i mean you’re half way there... i guess?” he noticed the screws and various tools scattered across the floors and smiled fondly, “don’t worry, i’m here the save the day. let’s see what we got.”
and as he began to reconstruct your bed frame, you watched on in admiration. he wasn’t aware of your silent stare as he worked. instead, he was focused on the task at hand... admittedly, also day dreaming. ever since you had opened the door, his brain had turned to mush.
“so em... are you going to tell me why you cut your hair? or how you changed so much since the last time i saw you? you never even mentioned it over the phone!”
the boy looked up at you as you questioned him, hand moving to scratch at the back of his head, “i mean... well.. i just needed a change i guess. long hair is a lot of maintenance and with school being so... busy? i guess i just wanted one less thing to worry about.” his excuse seemed rehearsed, but you payed no mind. if he didn’t want to tell you the truth, you weren’t going to make him. not now anyway.
you nodded, and let out a hum. you thought about a lot of things, such as why he seemed so stressed and up tight. or why he felt the need to lie about his hair. using the excuse of “it’s too hard to keep up with” was bs. at least to you. whenever you came to visit, you had noticed that his hair was a priority to him, just like it was for jake and some of the others on the reservation.
he kept it well, carried around hair bands for when he needed to keep it back, and even had a brush sometimes. he wouldn’t even let anybody except for his mom touch it. why did he think you were going to believe his lie so easily?
the rest of the night went on with ease. it took embry less than fifteen minutes to figure out your bed frame, insisting that he put on the mattress himself.
the rest of the time, embry had watched you unpack. you wouldn’t let him help after he put the bed frame together, so he settled for asking you about life since he last saw you. he danced around your own questions, making up excuses here and there for his appearance or tired complexion.
eventually, you took a seat next to him as you spoke. you smiled as his head fell against your shoulder, “you can rest your eyes em, i won’t mind.” he all but nodded, hair brushing against your cheek as he settled closer. he hadn’t realized how exhausted he was until you told him.
it wasn’t long before embry’s mother had come up the stairs to find embry asleep on your shoulder. she leaned against your door frame as you waved to her, “i’ll wake him up and send him down. it won’t be but two minutes.” at that, she nodded and turned around.
hand coming to rest against the skin above his knee, you ahook his leg gently, “okay emmy. you gotta wake up, your mom is waiting for you downstairs...” he stirred awake, body stretching as he hummed, “i’ll see you tomorrow? maybe?”
he nodded at your inquiry, rubbing his eyes, “yeah, i’ll see you tomorrow... just, just call me when you wake up or something. the boys will want to see you... maybe i can take you to meet some more friends of mine? a bonfire maybe?”
you agreed, and pulled him up for a hug goodbye. his body was hot against yours, another question forming at the top of your tongue. it was like he knew, and before you could mumble it out, he pulled away to ruffle your hair. with a quick ‘see you later’ he all but rushed out the door, leaving you in a comfortable silence.
embry and you only grew closer after that. he couldn’t help but cry a little inside when he saw you interact with his brothers the following night. you all sat around a fire at the beach, where you had laughed and played into friendly banter as you snuggled up into his side.
you stuck your tongue out at quil nd jake whenever they had something to say about you both together.
into the following weeks, you and embry acted as if you were already dating. he never uttered a word about the wolf thing until seth had let a comment slip past his lips, something about how, “us wolves are just like that”
and then embry told you. you had all but laughed in his face when he told you, turning to cry after he shifted. it wasn’t like you were upset, you were just... overwhelmed. he walked you home that night, where he tucked you into bed and kissed your forehead, apologies rushing from his mouth. you refused to let him leave you after that.
you pulled him beside you and buried your head in his chest and basked in the silence of your room. he let you, running his fingers through your hair as he let you think everything out. he was afraid to speak, terrified of losing you.
you were the one to break the silence, peaking up at him, your eyes red from tears, “you owe me so many answers, embry call. too many for you to even count.” embry laughed a little, letting the tears he held back fall down his cheeks, nodding as he pressed a kiss to your forehead.
he did give you answers. all of them. he told you about when and how... and why. he told you that after the cullens left, he stopped shifting so much. he wasn’t as busy anymore, no longer needing to patrol the woods for roaming leeches. after they left, the trouble they brewed followed.
he calmed your worries before you even spoke of them, promising that everything was okay, and that you’d be the first to know if they weren’t. he all but promised to keep you safe.
later, when he asked you on a date, you agreed as fast as ever. you had claimed that you already thought you were together. embry sort of died a little at that, peppering little kisses over your face.
he only told you about imprinting after having an established relationship so you could get used to the wolf thing.
made sure to explain to you that he loved you before it happened.
dating embry was... simple. it was like being his best friend with the exception of intimacy.
he loved cuddling, and always found a way to pull you into his embrace when you weren’t looking.
he was literally glued to your hip. in the kitchen, he hugged you from behind.
on the couch, he preferred to pull you into his lap or against his side, arms wrapped around you.
this man would use your chest or hips/butt as a pillow, you are not getting away from that.
dating embry also means cooking. a lot. you had practically beg emily for her muffin recipe before she finally caved. she made you swear it to secrecy.
when you first made them, embry had walked into your home and nearly cried in excitement. he was not expecting the sweet smell to greet him when he opened the door.
when you’re sick, you have to shove embry out the door. while it’s nice to know that he’s worried about your well being, he’s extremely annoying. and you love him for it.
he settles for pressing kisses to your forehead when you’re sound asleep.
embry also is the kind of guy to be like, “do yOu nEed heLP?!1?!?1” :/
no sir they does not but thank u for asking
“arE yOu sURe??1??” :// dude if u don’t stop ✋
he means well but sometimes you really have to grab his face and press your forehead to his nd say, “embry. i am more than capable of doing this by myself. i need u to sit down and be quiet or do something else because i am b u s y” instantly makes him check out for a hot second tbh
he knows you’re more than capable and that you don’t need his help, but like???? he’s still?? like he wants to ask and be helpful all of the ti m e
this usually happens when you’re making dinner for him or something
he feels bad cause he feels like you do too much for him
so you usually tell him that he can help clean up HDHSJ
when you told your parents that you guys were dating, they were all like, “oh baby,,, we already knew that” they have been planning your guys’ wedding since u turned 10 and they caught u guys holding hands
maybe u join jake nd quil in teasing embry
you have to make it up with kisses
embry strikes me as a pouty type... not like, the annoying?? pouty??? but a cute pouty. one kiss to his forehead tho and he’s g o n e
anyway,, dating embry is as easy as counting. he’s loveable and sweet and he’s funny and the love of your life.
the person who requested this brought up marriage too but this is already too mfing long u feel
so maybe another day
bye bye now
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thesunshinebunny · 4 years
Hey !!!! how've you been? I hope you are taking care of yourself. I would like to order the dorm leaders reacting to MC / Yuu listening to Yagami Yato
I post it again because tumblr ate it and it doesn't show it to the number of people who deserve it
I'm going to be honest, I've never heard a single YY audio in my life and I had to do homework for this request ... and let's say ... I liked it ... quite a bit ... her patreon is for drooling. Which pet name is your favorite? And witch one do you thing the dorm leader will give us? I bet my ass Leona will continue call us Hervibores, but in a suave tone.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Oh My God. Imagine our queen's red face as he hear the moans coming from your headphones.
He saw your red cheeks and your inability to focus on the notes in front of you and thought you were having a fever.
"Hey! You're good? Your cheeks are completely red and your face is boiling ”
He put his forehead against yours, causing the headphones to drop to your shoulders and the moans and * applause * to be heard clearly.
It is not that Riddle ran away… but he left the room with a quick step.
Poor thing, give him a few days, maybe a week, and then try to look at him in the eyes again with what little dignity you have left.
Those sounds may have been imprinted on his mind when trying to fall asleep at night, imagining indecent scenes with you.
Try to picture his angry face when he heard moans coming out of your headphones.
He had gotten up from his usual nap in the botanic garden and noticed that you were sleeping next to him, with your arms around his waist. He removed the headphones from your ears when he saw that they caused a bad posture to your head and a moan escaped at the right time.
For a millisecond he thought that moan had come from you, perhaps some risque dream or that you were waking up, but when he heard more and more moans and they were not coming out of your mouth, his mind went blank.
More moans and applause came from your headphones, getting louder and more lewd. Leona went feral and turned your headphones into sand.
He shook you in a very abrupt way, even imposing his deep voice to wake you up at once. When you did, Leona's angry emerald eyes were the first thing you saw.
“What the fuck is this bullshit!?!?”
Your face turned fifty shades of red and it was difficult for you to reason and put into words an explanation.
"You can have the real thing and you go and listen to this ... I think I have to teach you a lesson of who owns your moans, your hornyness"
He pinned you down and approached your ear "The only moans and grunts you have to hear are mine"
Would you believe me if I told you that Azul found out about these audios thanks to a blunder that he himself committed?
He wanted to try the new speaker the twins got, and he couldn't think of a better idea than to borrow your cell phone.
“Can I play music from your cell phone to try this new speaker, little inky?” "Sure! No problem, try any audio "
Well… with putting any audio you didn't mean the first one that appeared in your gallery, in large letters *YAGAMI YATO SAMMICH COMPILATION*
But poor Azul, he's too innocent to know what Sammich means… Well, he’s about to find out.
As he press play, applause and moans * from Hawks, my daddy bird, cof * came out of the speaker and reverberated throughout the room.
Make a deal to never talk about this moment again for the rest of your days.
The problem here is ... that the twins were present, except that behind the front door ... and they didn't make any deals with you two. So… get ready for an ashamed Azul for the rest of the academic year.
Another baby who we need to protect… because when he’s listened to this lewds souns coming out of your headphones, lets say that you broke him.
He ran through the corridors, trying to find you and when he saw you sitting in the library his smile widened, until it went from ear to ear.
"Hey! Whatcha doing? Studing? ” his outstanding voice reverberated through the walls, achieving a lot of "shhh" back. You took a headset out of your ear and replied with a sweet smile that you were just resting.
Kalim sat next to you, too close with the perverted audio playing, and unconsciously you fell back, hoping to get this sunbeam away from that audio.
But… actually, it had the opposite result. He gave you some wet puppy eyes and his pot was to melt. He got closer and again unconsciously you went back, and he got closer and closer, until your back touched the wall.
Being so close at last, his smile returned to his lips and in an almost invisible movement to your eyes, he raised his hand towards your headphones with the intention of hearing the same as you.
"Eh..wait Kalim ... hold on a sec"
And with a headset on his ear, his smile disappeared again. You wanted to die. You REALLY wanted to die.
Leaving aside his amazement, which lasted a few days, Kalim is not the one to judge you by your tastes. If you want to listen to those audios, that's good for him… but, he said, if it could be more pleasant to listen to them with him.
Honey… you really didn't give a shit where you were or with whom, and this was the case with Vil in the common room of his dorm.
There you were, reading a book, with the cell phone aside, without headphones and an asmr in the playlist. You knew what was about to happen and you were going to enjoy it.
Vil came through the door and hearing the soft sound of the music (which was about to change) sat next to you, giving you a light kiss on the forehead.
"What are you reading, potato?" "Ah, just a book that Trein recommended me to understand your history a little more." He gave you a little hum and took out his pocket mirror to retouch his makeup. A small moment of tranquility that Vil appreciated, he could live from these moments.
Until a deep voice suddenly sounded, cutting the quiet music.
If you paid too much attention, a small rustle of glass was heard from Vil's side.
"Potato ... what is that?" "What is what?"
You gave him a serious look, your eyes didn’t take off for a second of his, waiting for a response.
For the first time in history, Vil Schoenheit, our beautiful queen, was speechless.
Bold of you to assume that Idia has never listened to some similar audios before.
Obviously he didn’t listen to Yagami Yato, but surely some fanservice of some favorite characters from his video games.
Either way, his flame turned red when he heard the distinctive applause when you connected the computer audio to the video call.
Smoke everywhere. You could hear the fire alarm go off and Ortho's small, quick footsteps approaching Idia's room.
"Don’t enter, don’t enter, DO NOT ENTER !!!"
Meanwhile, you were trying to unlink the perverted audio from the video call.
When the situation calmed down thanks to Ortho, you decided to dedicate a visit to his bedroom.
“Do you want to listen to these audios one night with me?”
Call Ortho again, the room is on fire.
Honestly, Malleus had absolutely no idea what was going on, much less what he was hearing.
To his innocent ears, he was only hearing loud applause and one person as if was complaining, or going through a terrible fever.
By your side, with the headphones tangled in the horns of our beloved fairy and a face like a tomato, you wanted the earth to swallow you. As much as the situation was a little "tangled" you knew that anywhere Malleus was, Lilia, Silver and Zebek would be close ... very close.
It was Lilia himself who untangled you from the headphones and a few plants in the botanic garden. And it was also himself who had the great decency to explain to Malleus what he was hearing.
Gotta get out of here faaaaaaaaaaaast.
Give Malleus time to process the new information… and maybe you could enlighten him a little more about these * audios * that you love to listen to so much.
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sun-spice · 3 years
@themagnuswriters is apparently doing a fic appreciation thing? Have I got that right? I've been busy as fuck lately so I haven't had the energy to properly appreciate the stuff I've been reading, but I do happen to have an old rec list in my drafts that I'd forgotten about. If I have the time I might do another one with some more recent stuff and maybe an additional nsfw reclist :)
List under the cut, word counts and completion statuses are probably out of date.
the sword of damocles by penhaligon | post-160 apocalypse averted, hurt/comfort | 89k, ongoing, T | minor JonMartin
Summary: Martin interrupts Jonah's ritual. That doesn't mean their problems are solved.
Jon, Martin and Basira set off to deal with Jonah once and for all after the ritual is interrupted. To make matters worse for them, however, the Fears now know of said ritual and are each determined to pull it off themselves. Stunning prose in this one, I love how penhaligon builds up small moments of suspense.
where there's a will, we will make a way by bubonickitten | S4 time travel fix-it | 107k, ongoing, T | minor JonMartin
Summary: Jon goes back to before the world ended and tries to forge a different path.
Late series time travel fix-it with communication between the characters. Some development on minor characters as well, which I love, and lots of relatable hard conversations <3
An Cailleach agus an Fear Sidhe by Drowsy_Salamander | urban fantasy, fae au, witchcraft | 30k, ongoing, T | JonMartin, Martin & Sasha & Tim
Martin moves to join a witch coven consisting of Tim and Sasha. The three of them have to pick up the slack protecting their town, previously lacking witch presence, from the fair folk. Meanwhile there are people in the town who know more than they're letting on.
Loving the dynamic between Martin, Sasha and Tim so far. The exposition and worldbuilding is well delivered and the beginnings of a mystery start to drag you in. What do Jon, Daisy and Basira have to do with everything? What is Jane Prentiss hoping to achieve?
A Home For What Loves You by TheWrongShop | canon divergence, hurt/comfort, slow burn romance | 66k, ongoing, T | JonMartin
Summary: Jon and Martin end up investigating Carlos Vittery's basement and finding the entity formerly known as Jane Prentiss together.
Jon and Martin are trapped together in Martin's apartment band later have to live together in the archives. Communication? Among archive staff? More likely than you think.
What Once Was Mine by dieanywhereelse | reverse time travel fix-it, dramatic comedy, safehouse fic | 29k, ongoing, T | S1 Polychives, JonMartin, found family
Summary: The Scottish Safe house gets a few visitors from the past. Jon and Martin get a chance to set things right.
In which future Jon and Martin are actually somewhat well adjusted after averting the apocalypse and dealing with Jonah. They get an opportunity to help past versions of themselves and their dead friends to get where they are with (hopefully) less pain. Love this au a whole bunch, it's one of my all-time faves! Really well thought-out with some great character dynamics and some adjusted monster!Jon.
Moth Song by Siarven | time travel fix-it, dimension hopping, hurt/comfort, found family | 76k, ongoing, M | minor JonMartin
Jon accidentally travels into the S1 of an alternate universe and tries to set things right. He's a mess, and has a breakdown, but he talks with his friends and together they start to work it out.
I'd Be Under the Sea but You Hold Me Above by Write_as_Rain | mer au, hurt/comfort, fast burn romance | 14k, completed, T | JonMartin
Summary: As a fisherman working under Captain Lukas, Martin has learned to keep his head down and fade into the mist. He does his work, walks further down the path Peter has laid before him, and if members of the crew occasionally disappear, Martin has learned not to ask about them. Has learned to stop caring at all.
At least until the crew pull up something strange and wonderful and impossible, tangled in one of the fishing nets. Something that Peter means ill.
No, Martin doesn't... care. But maybe he can save it. Maybe they can save each other.
A Few Small Repairs by Mad_Maudlin, shipwreckblue | canon divergence | 138k, completed, M | minor JonMartin
Gertrude shot first, killing Elias and all of the staff of the Magnus Institute who where in the building that day. Jon somehow survives and is taken in by Gertrude, Gerry and Mary at Pinhole Books.
Meanwhile, Martin, Sasha and Tim are some of the surviving staff trying to pick up the pieces after the strange 'fire'. But wasn't Gertrude supposed to be dead? What is up with this new Institute director?
the garden of forking paths by bibliocratic | post post-apocalypse, time travel, dimension hopping, angst with a happy ending | 50k, completed, T | JonMartin, minor found family
Summary: Whatever he had predicted might happen, Jon wasn't expecting to survive upon demolishing the Panopticon. He certainly wasn't expecting to be rescued.
Instead, he wakes up in an alternative universe where he's never been the Archivist, and Martin Blackwood doesn't exist.
Martin Blackwood wakes up somewhere else entirely.
Poignant and bittersweet but with a happy ending. Really well written!
youth dipped in folly by evanescent_jasmine | pre-canon divergence(?), bittersweet | 27k, completed, M | GerryOliver
Summary: In 2012, Oliver meets Gerard Keay and thinks that maybe, just maybe, he can finally save somebody.
He’s wrong.
A Reel for the Watcher by RedCytosine | period drama (early 1900s), fae au | 50k, ongoing, M | JonMartin, minor found family
Summary: Martin Blackwood, in need of employment and out of options, takes a clerical position in Scotland at Castle Magnus, working for the enigmatic Lord Elias Bouchard. He expects it to be glorified paper-shuffling, but what he finds instead is much more sinister. What secrets lurk in the castle library? Who plays the wild music that haunts his dreams? And why does a strange horse wander the lakeshore each morning at dawn?
TFW you wake up from a long nap and have no idea where you are by forgetfulmachine | time travel fix-it, fluff, found family | 33k, ongoing, G
Summary: Jon gets sent back to mid season one in the middle of his coma. Tim, Sasha, and Martin help him through his emotions and stopping the Unknowing. There's a lot of fluff along the way.
Thistle and Weeds by ajkal2 | time travel hurt/comfort, disability | 6k, ongoing, M
Excerpt: “Jon,” Martin says. “Are you alright?”
Jon’s head lifts, turns toward the sound. He’s shaking. His teeth are bared, a flash of white against his dark skin, but it’s not a smile. There’s something- His eyes, they don’t look right-
His mouth opens, jaw trembling, and he says “Martin?” The bright overhead lights gleam off the blood pouring down his face. His eyes are black, empty sockets.
for a firmament by supaslim | two works | canon divergence, transformation horror, recovery | 31k, completed, T
Series summary: There is beauty in destruction. There is art in becoming.
In which Jon becomes the Archive, and the Archive becomes Jon.
Wonderful monster!Jon with some amazing body horror and mental illness recovery themes. Moved me to tears!
A Break in the Clouds by Ash_Rabbit | time-travel, fluff and angst, pre-canon | 22k, ongoing, T | Jon & Original Elias
Excerpt: “I’m eight.” the kid sniffs as if eight was any different from four, maybe not an unspeakable horror then, just a regular horror. “And I heard that the Magnus Institute deals with-” his little nose scrunches, cute. “-spooky things.”
“Do you have a-” he cracks a grin, and then rethinks it as small hands tighten against their burden.”-spooky thing to deliver?” gods he hopes not, it’s bad enough when adults walk in and lay out all of their baggage, but for a child-
“There’s a spider in this book.” the kid says solemnly, raising his textbook sized parcel. “It ate Evan Pritchard.” a bloody fucking Leitner. Of course an eight year old would find a murder spider book. “This seemed like the best place to bring it.”
Seen, Unseen, Unsung by bluejayblueskies | character undeath, canon divergence, memory loss, End!Tim | 50k, ongoing, M | JonMarTim, Tim & Danny & Sasha
Summary: Tim wakes up from the Unknowing with a blank slate where the Institute had been, Danny sitting at his bedside, and a man with too many eyes haunting his dreams.
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cowboyx2 · 4 years
Road Trip: Part Eight
Pairing: jemily and moreid
Summary: Emily has yet another crisis, this time a little more complicated.
Warning: swearing is all i think?
A/N: it’s been a minute since i’ve updated but here ya go!! damn only 2 more parts left :/
“Aaron, if you don’t pull into that damn motel over there..” Rossi and Hotch continued to bicker over when they should turn in for the night. “Fine. We’re only doing this because you insist we need to-“ JJ, finally fed up with their arguing cuts Hotch off. “That’s it, ok? Pull into that motel right now or I swear to god you will* regret it.” Hotch pulls over and they all clamored out of the van into the cold air.
“Morgan can you just grab my bag so we can go in already!” Penelope gestured to her white polka dotted bag sitting next to her feet. With many of eye rolls and some sighs they all made it into the smaller than they thought motel. If you weren’t one for noticing the small things then you would’ve missed it, quiet 50’s music played all throughout the lobby.
“How can I help you all?” A short women with eyes almost the same color as Emily’s sat at the check in bar. “Yes, how many rooms do you have available?” Hotch and the women named Tammy as her name tag stated discussed the price and the rooms. Meanwhile JJ had pulled Emily aside towards the withering couch.
“Look I know i’ve been kinda a bitch with the whole” The blonde hopelessly points to her lips. “but I um, I maybe might like you... a little bit.” While JJ continued to fidget with her hands and bags, Emily stood completely still. This was not happening right now, not next to a beat up old couch, not in a badly kept motel and not while she was half way to tears, not now. Emily was not a perfectionist, her mother would laugh her ass off at that. She half assed things all the time, that last case report? Yeah, she filled half of it out in colored marker, Hotch threw a fit over that. But she was not about to half ass this, not now, not with her.
“Oh, um I kinda thought you uh might of, a little bit.” She sputtered out some nonsense and promptly walk away to wherever she could hide out. Even while she practically jogged away her posture was stick straight, posture her nanny would of been proud of. This was not happening right now, the girl she dreamed of every day and night did not just say she liked her. JJ a beauty of love and what was Emily? A shell of a women full of ghosts
Spencer sat curled up with a book in hand as Morgan flipped through the channels on their shared tv. Neither of them had stopped smiling, it all seemed unreal. Reid still had to remind himself that this was infact not a dream. Not even a nightmare with a cruel trick waiting to let him fall deeper and deeper into a false reality, it was real. All was well until the banging started on their door started.
Please don’t let this be a nightmare..
Quietly Morgan got up not to disturb Reid from reading the same page over and over again. “Emily? What the hell are you-“ She pushed past him pointing at Spencer. No words came out but all was understood. With a quick frown at Derek he got up and pulling Prentiss with him.
At least it’s not a nightmare, not yet..
They stepped out onto the small patio back where it all began, this time there was someone else there. “Um, I’m sorry miss can we uh have the patio? My friend wants to uh..” He trails off as the same women from the front desk, Tammy, smiles. Her hard exterior fading into sympathy. “Oh don’t worry! I should probably get back to managing this place, anyways.”
As soon as she leaves Emily collapses onto the steps with a sigh. “God dammit, I can’t do anything fucking right!” Her dark hair had fallen over her face as she sat there silent again. Carefully Spencer sat down next to her unsure of what to do or why she was upset.
Reid’s hands tangle in his lap. “Um, what happened?” Emily picks herself up somewhat at the seemingly easy question. “Whats not* wrong? JJ FINALLY told me that she likes me yet I couldn’t even say anything.. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME?!” Emily had buried her face into her hands out of embarrassment.
Next to her Reid chose his words carefully. “Well uh, maybe you worried you’ll ruin it? I uh don’t really think you can though, I mean you um really like her, right? I’m pretty sure that’s what matters...” Emily turns to face him, her tears have spilled over. Slowly she takes a breath and lets her head rest on his shoulder, that’s something she never thought she’d do. “Yeah, yeah.. why do you always have to be right?”
The clock ticks to 12am as Prentiss only then makes her way back to her and JJ’s shared room. Spencer had turned in earlier after her whole meltdown, she wasn’t going to keep him from Morgan any longer.
She turns the doorknob carefully and slowly as to not wake up anyone who might be sleeping. Emily still holds onto hope that JJ will still be awake and they can talk to the wee hours of the morning but of course she’s not. JJ’s back is turned from the door, her hair is strewn around her pillow. The small blanket is falling off of her, Emily can just make out some goosebumps on her shoulders. Prentiss makes her way over to her bed.
With melancholy feeling drifting through the air she pulls the dark blue blanket over JJ’s shoulders. Emily quickly gets ready for bed, finally she takes her spot on her bed next to who could’ve been’s. Maybe it’s strange or creepy but she just lays there watching JJ’s shoulders rise and fall from her breath. She looks so peaceful even if her face is hidden by the room’s lack of light. Even if she never gets to be with her, she’d be okay just watching her live and breathe.
A/N: AHHHHH!! dw guys we still have 2 more parts for them to figure it out! but uh yay? Also the this part featured @hellotamgerine , thank you for submitting a cameo! :))
Road Trip Au Taglist:
@catchingflames-with-plasticcups @xgoldentigerlilyx @ssaemxlyprentxss @ellyhotchner @alli1902 @thestrawberrygirl @davidrossiismydad @youaremyfiveever @bisexualprentiss @drpipecleaner @pretty-b0yy @cyn-00 @study-and-drink-tea @nobody13 @emotional-goblin @kaytlyngraygubler @hellotamgerine @anxious-alto @laiba-the-person
Permanent Taglist:
@hellotamgerine @ssaemxlyprentxss @scxrletbitch @reese-the-edgy-enby @pretty-b0yy @catchingflames-with-plasticcups @abit-criminalminds
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His Family (Theseus Scamander x Reader)
Request: Hey girl! We need a Theseus x reader with them being a cutesy ass family and kiddos and everything
Pairing: Theseus Scamander x Reader
Warnings: fluffy fluff fluff, too much love my heart is aching, mentions of sex, slightly NSFW but no full smut
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You stirred as sleep’s grip slowly loosened around you. Slowly you began to notice the birds chirping happily right outside your window, the sun rays tickling your face. But you didn’t want to get up just yet as you felt the warm body laying behind you, a strong arm wrapped securely around your waist.
Calmly you turned in the arms of your husband, Theseus, snuggling deeper into his chest as a sound of contentment made its way through his mouth, his arms now completely engulfing you as he felt your delicate fingers massaging his head. You lived for these little moments, just the two of you sharing an unbreakable bond of your undying love for each other. Your legs tangled together, both of your hearts beating in unison as your chests pressed against one another, naked warm bodies touching. The both of you basked in your little bubble of love and contentment. 
The opening of your bedroom door made you finally open your eyes. Confused you looked around as your sight slowly focused. The pitter patter of little feet trying to sneak around made you smile and surely enough two little heads with curly auburn hair appeared at the foot of your bed. 
Egan and Niles, splitting images of their handsome father, had their favourite stuffed animals – gifts from uncle Newt – in their little grasps, both just woken up from wonderful dreams full of unimaginable beautiful, magical things.
“Shhhhhh mommy, we want to wake up Daddy”, your oldest son whispered, while your youngest put his finger in front of his lips in a silencing motion. Both of them looked at you, giving you their signature puppy dog eyes they unfortunately inherited from you, before you beckoned them into bed.
Egan, 6 years old, crawled straight over his fathers’ body until he reached his face, starting to pepper it in little kisses. Theseus immediately cracked a beautiful smile as he finally opened his sparkling blue eyes, searching for yours instinctively, before he turned onto his back, surprising little Egan. Softly Theseus tickled his firstborn, enjoying his carefree laughter before he snaked his arm around him and pulled him down onto his chest, planting a little kiss on his forehead. Egan instantly cuddled into him, sighing as Theseus ran his hand along his back soothingly.
Meanwhile Niles, your 4-year-old, crawled in between your bodies, smiling tiredly up at you, as he snuggled into your side and putting his tiny hand against your belly, while you started to run your fingers through his hair. A blissful silence embraced your little family, the only sound being the soft snoring of your boys falling back asleep. Both, you and Theseus shared a smile, as he carefully laid Egan down beside Niles. You gently draped the blanket over them, before scooting closer to your children as Theseus put both of his arms around all of you, trapping his family in a protective hold.
“Good morning, my wife”, Theseus whispered in a hoarse morning voice, sending you a kiss over the heads of your sons.
“Good morning, my dearest husband.”, his hand wandered up to your cheek, stroking softly while you leaned into it. “Did you have a nice sleep, Theseus?”, you asked, watching your precious boys cuddle with each other.
“The best I slept in a long time. I’m not used to sleeping without you in my arms anymore. I’m so happy to be back home with you, darling”.
Theseus just returned from a mission in Paris. It was torture – a whole month without getting to hold you at night, without getting to see your face when he woke up. He missed you dearly, almost losing control and playing with the thoughts of abandoning his whole team just to take you and his beautiful baby boys back into his arms – his family. Still he pushed through it and as he finally went through the door of your beautiful home, all worries instantly vanished when Egan and Niles tackled him forcefully to the floor, holding onto him for their dear life. And lastly, as his eyes landed on your form approaching him, Theseus nearly started crying at witnessing how your belly slightly seemed bigger than before. He took you carefully into his arms, breathing in the comforting smell of roses and lilac emitting form your soft hair. No words needed to be said, only a soft loving kiss was shared. The rest of the evening was spent with hot chocolate and numerous children’s books being read, while Niles babbled on about how he too would get to be a big brother now.
And eventually, as night-time arrived, all the pent-up feelings surfaced and your dearest husband took you to bed. Theseus spent every second mapping out your body the way he remembered it. The picture of you was burned clearly in his mind, yet he still couldn’t get enough of you. He couldn’t help himself, gently caressing your protruding belly while lying behind you, softly moving in and out of your warm, inviting walls. He adored the way you silently whimpered for him; he adored the way your nails clamped into his arms around your body while your walls tightly clenched around him, luring out a breathless groan from him. It was a magical night, full of passion and lust, as you were lost in an all too familiar dance until the early morning hours.
“It doesn’t matter anymore, These’, you’re home now. Safe and sound”.
“I know, beautiful.”, he sighed closing his eyes and enjoying the feeling of his family in his arms. 
His fingers softly brushed against your belly, coming to still over the little hand still lying there.
“You could’ve written that we’re awaiting a new addition to the family, you know?”, Theseus said, a teasing smile now adorning his face.
“Where would’ve been the fun in that?”, you teasingly replied, making him chuckle slightly.
You shared one last longing kiss, before you carefully made your way out of bed, leaving the now awake boys cuddling with your husband.
“Pancakes, coffee and fresh orange juice?”, you asked strutting over to the closet and putting on Theseus’ favourite blue summerdress.
“Yaaaayyy that’s my favouwite, mommy”, little Niles said excitedly, sitting straight up. 
“Can I help you with breakfast mommy?”, Egan now asked, while playing curiously with the fingers of his fathers hand.
“Why don’t you stay in bed with daddy for a bit? You know how much he loves cuddling”, you responded, heart doing a flip at your adorable babies.
Both of them squealed immediately turning to Theseus and trapping him in a typical Scamander bear hug.
Theseus P.O.V.
“You’re an angel, darling”, I shook my head, an adoring spark glinting in my eyes as I watched you leaving the bedroom, your melodious laugh making my heart flutter. 
A few more minutes, before I join her, I thought, cradling both Egan and Niles in my arms, catching up on the missing father-son time.
Half an hour went by, the smell of fresh pancakes and coffee wafting through the house. Egan and Niles already left by now, happily playing away in the living room under their mother’s watch. I stood in the shower, washing away every last remaining bit of the mission. A loud laugh resounded from downstairs, making me grin. 
God how I missed this. I’ve finally got everything I’ve ever dreamed of. A supporting, amazing, beautiful wife, soon three unbelievable cute and behaving children, a house…Money to support my family.. And still I miss out on most of it… And what if one day, I won’t be able to come back to this? What if…, I sighed, defeated by all of my thoughts. 
I turned off the shower, stepping out in front of the mirror, drying myself with a fuzzy towel. I starred longingly at my reflection, picturing a future me where I could be home for all of this, where I could fully witness my children growing up and leaving for Hogwarts, taking you out on dates and spending passionate nights together everyday – just like we used to before I became famous Head Auror. For a brief second, I thought I could see my reflection nodding at me, as if saying that my next thoughts would be the right thing to do.
“Theseus!” your voice sounded from the bottom of the stairs, “Breakfast is ready!”
Maybe, just maybe, it’s time for me to retire… maybe just take on desk work, instead of going out into the field… Merlin, it sounded so right.
No P.O.V.
You watched as your boys already dug into their breakfast hungrily, blabbering away about this and that. Dressed in their day clothes, you almost swooned. They resembled their father unbelievably much, from their gentlemanly behaviour to their dashing looks. You were a proud mother, indeed, you thought as you stroked your belly absentminded. While you started purring two cups of coffee, swaying your hips to the soft jazz music in the background, the smell of your husbands’ expensive cologne reached your nose, his arms wounding around you. Soft wet kisses landed on your shoulder.
You turned, starring into the ocean blue eyes of your Theseus, your arms snaking up his broad shoulders along his suspenders until they locked behind his neck. You stood on your tiptoes, still not quite reaching him, making him laugh and tilt his head, his lips catching yours in a slow and sensual kiss. You were lost in the moment, Theseus’ hands stroking all along your small baby belly and waist, while yours tangled in his still wet locks of auburn hair.
“Ewwwwww mommy and daddy, that’s gross”, Egan shouted, making you instantly break apart and laugh at your sons behaviour.
“Oh so you get to steal kisses from mommy and daddy doesn’t?”, Theseus teased him, as he strutted over to the table to take his seat at the head of it.
“Mommy’s kisses awe only fow us”, Niles said, puffing out his chest in a proud manner and making Egan do the same thing.
“Alright, alright. I’ll give up, I surrender. No mommy kisses for me anymo-“, you interrupted him as you pressed a long loud smooch on Theseus’ cheek before setting down his cup of coffee in front of him. Your boys laughed at their fathers surprised expression.
“Oh you spoil me, darling..”, he sighed adoringly, taking your hand in his while you sat down beside him. As always, the breakfast was quite eventful, your boys talking non-stop and laughing so much it made their parents’ hearts almost melt. Theseus cherished moments like these, getting to sit here and spending time with his family, as all of you started into your day. Also he loved how easy it always was to talk to you, conversation flowing freely about various stuff. Gossip over the neighbours and his work, things that needed to be fixed in the garden, baby names… 
“Mommy, daddy, are me and Niles allowed to play with the Nifflers in the garden?”, Egan asked, excitedly jumping up and down in his chair. The little Baby-nifflers living in your garden were a gift from Uncle Newt and Auntie Tina. You could still remember how brightly their eyes sparkled as they got to care for something so small and fantastic.
“Of course, boys. But don’t give them too much to eat again, you hear me?”, Theseus agreed, watching them as they sprinted outside through the glass doors in your living room leading out into your backyard.
Both of you smiled lovingly. Theseus’ mind went back to the thoughts he had in the bathroom earlier; the taste of the word ‘retirement’ not as bitter on his tongue the more he thought and the more he watched his boys running around the garden.
He slowly came back to reality though, shooting up from his chair as he realized that you already started cleaning off the table. He immediately cleared the rest of it, before bringing the last dirty dishes back into the kitchen. Both of you worked in comfortable silence, stealing small kisses here and there until everything looked flawlessly clean again – how both of you liked it.
Just as you were about to tend to your many flowers, Theseus grabbed your wrist and maneuvered you back to him. He just wanted to hold you once again, taking you into his strong arms, your head finding its place just underneath his chin. You fit together perfectly this way, like puzzle pieces finally finding together. Slowly you both moved to the music sounding in the background, basking in the feeling of your love.
“Theo…”, you whispered, closing your eyes.
“Theo, darling?”, Theseus now looked down at you, his heart doing a little giddy dance of his own. He felt like he was in Hogwarts all over again, at the Yule ball  he first asked you out at.
“Yes, Theo.”, now you looked up at him, leaning your chin on his strong chest. “It would be a perfect name for a boy or a girl, don’t you think?”
You watched as his smile turned into a full grin, before he picked you up and spun you around.
“Sounds perfectly fitting, dear”.
After that conversation the whole day just went by in a blur and you ended it the same way as the night before. Egan and Niles already slept soundly in their rooms, while Theseus and you found yourselfs in the same position as last night – naked, your legs tangled together beneath the tussled sheets. Your breathings finally returned to normal, but the burning feeling of your husbands’ hands on your body still remained. You weren’t ready yet for sleep to whisk you away.
“You know I kind of had a little conversation with myself today”, Theseus admitted, stroking along your warm skin, making you shiver.
“Oh? What did you talk About then?”, a teasing, carefree tone in your voice. Your nails now softly raked down his already red back, while Theseus settled in between your legs, his half hard member brushing your swollen sex. He propped himself up on one of his hands, as to not crush you and your belly. The other stroked back streaks of hair hanging in your face.
“About retirement”, he bluntly stated. A gasp left your lips – never had you thought that your proud auror husband would ever want to give up his work. Unsurely where this was supposed to go, your hand went into his hair, stroking his scalp and motioning him to continue.
“You know, I just thought about resigning from my position in the active field”, he whispered, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “After all, I’ve got a family waiting for me at home. I don’t think I could spend so much time away from you again – I want to be here, I want to live out my life here to the fullest – with you”, and suddenly you moaned out, as his member pushed through your waiting walls.
Theseus kissed you; once, twice, before he started to move.
You couldn’t form any words; the love and happiness, the passion and lust all washed through you at the same time, deeming you unable to form any useful sentences. So as you gazed into eachothers eyes, you held onto one phrase, that would surely get your thoughts across –
“I love you.”
And together, Theseus and you got lost in the sensual moves of that beautiful, familiar dance.
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Soooo because the name Theseus is of greek origin meaning “to set, to place” and a mythical king, i thought that giving the children equal meanings to their names would be fitting. Egan means “little fire”, Niles basically holds the meaning of “people’s Victory” and Theo (a male Name, but also fitting for girls) meaning “divine gift”.
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cutieodonoghue · 4 years
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dark gray (11/?)
summary: Killian Jones operates a lighthouse in the middle of nowhere, preferring a life of isolation, until one day a woman and a baby wash up on his little island and change his life forever.
read it on: ao3, ff.net
and also catch up on tumblr!
Henry is happy when she finds him in the bright of the new morning, cooing and kicking his little feet.
She laughs softly, then lifts him up to hold him while she pads into the kitchen. The house is relatively cold, thanks to the winter weather, and Killian hasn't gotten up yet to put a fire on.
"Maybe when Killian smells breakfast he'll get up."
In response, Henry just grins happily, little creases by his eyes. He holds a fist in his mouth and sucks on it as if it's a lifeline.
Emma settles Henry down on the floor with his blanket and his repurposed shirt of a toy while she works, humming a little to herself.
Last night, things had changed. For the better.
She’s glad that dancing around Killian day after day is seemingly an activity of the past, but she can’t help but wonder just how things will be different.
To be perfectly honest, she still isn't sure what he wants. She isn't sure if he's going to stay with her no matter what his head says, or if he'll stay out of fear.
There’s still plenty of time for things to change, but she’s okay breathing in the new day with hope for the future for now.
As if hearing her thoughts, Killian comes into the room at that very moment.
His bare feet click against the flooring to alert her to his presence and she looks over at him with a soft smile that he mirrors. He's wearing sweats that hang low on his hips and his hair is jutting upward. He winces a little at the light.
Killian wraps his arm around her from behind and spins her around, pulling her into his arms with ease. Butterflies swirl in her belly at his touch, both possessive and kind.
She stares up at him, biting at her lip while he smiles at her, and for a short, delirious second, she dreams of a future where this is a natural part of the day.
Emma laughs. "What are you doing?"
Killian continues to grin at her sleepily. "Good morning, love."
Breathless, she replies, "Good morning.”
He smirks at her, then glances at the oven as she slides her hands down his arms.
"I see you found the last of the pre-packaged scramble." He wriggles his brows at her.
Emma hums.
“A personal favorite.”
She gives him an annoyed look for the sarcastic drip in his voice. “I know, it’s gross, we’re tired of it… but I figure it’s better than day seven in a row with oatmeal.”
Smirking, Killian presses a kiss to her cheek that burns from his beard scruff pleasantly afterwards.
He slips away and she watches him crouch down on the floor with Henry, her heart squeezing as he pokes him in the belly and makes him giggle.
Killian sits down at the table with Henry in his lap, talking to him about something in a sweet, low tone, and she swears it's more like home than anything has ever felt in her entire life.
When Emma dishes up two plates of pre-packaged scrambled eggs, she takes them to the table and has a seat by Killian while he tickles and teases Henry.
Killian stares at her after a few moments, his smile still happy and warm. "Would you like a tour?"
Emma gives Killian a confused look. "I'm pretty sure I know this place better than you do."
Killian laughs. "No, no." He tilts his head back just a little. "The lighthouse."
Emma's heart skips a beat at the prospect. She hasn't ever been out to the lighthouse. She just knows he spends full days out there, doing who knows what. Killing time, she suspects.
"Oh," she says. She manages a smile. "Yeah. If you want to. I know you like to do things out there."
"What do you think I do?"
Emma shrugs. "I don't know. You just… disappear."
Killian shakes his head. "Well, we'll head out after breakfast and put your mind at ease."
Emma holds Henry in her arms while Killian guides them out to the lighthouse. He keeps an eye on them, eager to see their expressions when they enter.
Emma's dressed in one of his coats, his hat snug on her head. She's adorable like this, cold but bundled up warm.
Meanwhile, Henry's been secured in everything they could manage to wrap around him.
"When we go back, I think he'll be really happy to know clothes aren't all oversized men's shirts." Emma had muttered to Killian's responding laughter.
As they approach the lighthouse, Killian turns to Emma, finding himself feeling more nervous than he had been when he’d first offered the tour.
"Now, I want to apologize ahead of time for the look of it," Killian says. "It could be better."
Emma hums playfully. "I'll be reporting you to the proper authorities as soon as I'm out of here."
Killian laughs. He's glad they're able to engage one another like this. Glad they're able to be friends as much as partners in this situation they've found themselves bound to.
He shakes his head and sets his hand on the door handle. "Just give me grace."
Emma's smile is soft. She nods her head. "Of course."
Nerves pinch at his belly as he opens the door. They step inside and Killian clears his throat, the sound echoing against the walls slightly.
"Alright. Emma, Henry," he smiles. "Welcome to the lighthouse."
Emma looks around, awe in her expression, and she scans the room he uses as his office and workshop. "Wow. So this is where you hide out all day."
Killian rolls his eyes. "It's just an extension of the house. Not really that big of a deal."
"Hm," Emma keeps a neutral expression. She goes to the desk he has set up on the ground level and leans against it, craning her head back so she can look upwards. "Can we go up?"
"Aye. Of course."
And they do. Emma doesn't speak, something that curiously makes him even more anxious. When they stand on the landing with the light, Emma immediately goes to look out at the water.
"Wow." she breathes.
He stares out at the water with her, trying to do it with fresh eyes, as Emma might be seeing it. It's vast and empty. It's lonely.
Killian turns to look at Emma after a few moments of silence. She has tears in her eyes and she swallows, turning away from the view to instead look at the light.
"So is this the light?" she asks, clearly trying to ignore the fact that her emotions had the best of her.
Killian frowns. "Are you alright, love?"
Emma shakes her head. "I'm fine."
Killian gives Emma a look, lifting his eyebrows. "Tell me the truth. No use keeping secrets."
For a moment, she hesitates, worry in her eyes as she turns away from him.
"I just miss home," she tells him finally. "Nothing I can fix right now."
It makes him feel bloody awful, but there isn't anything that can be done. She's here with him until help comes.
The best thing he can do is help make the waiting period a good one so that when she leaves, she’s leaving with good memories.
Killian takes a deep breath and glances out at the water. It's terrifying- the prospect of leaving, of having to set sail for the first time in years.
Fear tightens in his throat and he blinks a few times, forcing himself to face Emma and Henry again. Oddly enough, they provide him enough peace to feel as if his world isn't spinning anymore.
In the evening, Emma sits on the floor of the living room listening to a record play on low. Her head rests gently against Killian’s shoulder and his arm is settled around her waist. He allows her to trace lines against his palm lazily, no words necessary in the intimacy of the quiet of the night.
It's late. Her eyelids have started to droop and she's not sure what's keeping her up, if not the warmth of the comfort of Killian.
Emma drags her teeth over her lower lip as she studies his hand in hers and then settles both of their them over her middle.
"Will you tell me something?" he asks softly.
She looks up at him, eyes gentle and lips quirked slightly. "What is it you'd like to know?"
Killian pauses thoughtfully. "Tell me about your adoption."
She's honestly surprised. Of all of the conversation topics, this is one she never would have guessed he'd bring up.
He chuckles softly, turning his hand upright to tangle their fingers so he’s holding her hand.
"Come on, love. I've told you all about my miserable past. I'd love to know about your beginnings."
She smiles, because no one ever really cares this much, and takes a moment to consider what telling him about her past could do. She knows this is new and fresh, and it's completely different, for all that it is.
They are alone on an island in the middle of nowhere, with no other human contact but with each other and a baby. There isn't anyone he could go run off and tell, not that he would, and not that she worries he would.
There is just the constant worry at the back of her mind that when she has to leave, she'll never see him again, that telling him about herself is pointless chatter to fill the time. It's the biggest fear she has about being with him.
But he is a friend and an equal. She feels like she can talk to Killian and he will listen, because that’s the kind of man he is. He is patient and kind, when he isn't angry or alone in his wallowing. With her, he's been relatively good.
"I was found on the side of a freeway in Maine," she tells him with a sigh. "My parents had wrapped me in a blanket with my name on it and that was all they apparently wanted from me, because I haven't been able to find them."
She closes her eyes briefly as she continues. "I lived from home to home for a long time, until I was fifteen. I met my adoptive parents after I got out of an abusive home and I've lived with them since." Emma takes a shaky breath. "No one really wanted me before them. I had a family until I was three but they had their own baby and gave me up."
Emma feels her eyes burning hot like they do when she thinks back on the childhood that she had to live through.
When Emma leans back, away from Killian, she finds him sympathetic, his brow dipped and his frown sorrowful. He wipes at the tears that have slipped free from her eyes and she smiles in thanks.
"You deserve so much better than what you've been given."
She hears genuineness in his tone and she nods, because she's heard it before from Mary Margaret and David, a lot from them, and she knows it in her heart that her parents didn't abandon her because they hated her. They wouldn't have made a blanket with her name on it if that were the case.
"Thank you,"
He searches her eyes and leans forward to kiss her forehead, making her close her eyes and breathe him in deep.
When he slides back, Emma moves to curl up in his lap. She presses her cheek to his shoulder and his arm wraps around her, holding her tight against him.
He's warm and comfortable and safe.
"Tell me something."
She suddenly wants to know everything and anything, and she doesn't want to fall asleep in fear of the nightmares returning her to the man who burned his cigarettes into her arm and hit the woman who made her cookies for her birthday.
Or to the place where she was left and betrayed a hundred times over again. People and places shifting with each passing day. People never wanting her the way she deserved to be wanted. People never loving her the way she deserved to be loved.
It isn't like Killian is ever going to be able to give that to her, but at least he isn't going anywhere right now, and he does care for her enough that he listened and didn't say anything that showed her that he sided with the evil in her past.
"My father abandoned me when I was a young boy," he tells her, and she almost laughs, because they're both pitiful messes. "And you know my mum passed after I was born. I don't remember her. Liam used to tell me stories about her."
"How much older was he?"
"Seven years," Killian says with a smile. "Used to pick on me an awful lot."
Emma laughs when he chuckles. "Sounds like he loved you a lot."
"Aye," he hums. "As much as a brother could."
She wouldn't know what that feels like, but she has an idea that it must feel a lot like friendship, only closer. She can sense it in the way he continues to tell her stories about their time in the Naval Academy, about how he used to pull pranks on him until Killian finally wised up and pulled pranks back.
He has her laughing and forgetting, and for once, she doesn't feel like she's stranded on an island with a stranger.
They continue to talk well through the night, about anything, really.
He tells her what it is that he does in that lighthouse of his. She tells him about what her favorite movie that he hasn't seen in the past four years is.
They speculate and formulate stories about Henry and where he came from, laughing about silly plot lines where aliens sent him to earth from a desolate future to save the human race, but they miscalculated and sent him too far back and attached a letter to his basket to make him sound human.
She knows him now. She knows about who he is and how he is. They've shared, intimately, stories and memories. Hurts and aches.
And yet, she doesn't know if it's enough.
"I think I should go to bed," she whispers, gazing at Killian with her head pressed against the back of the couch so she can look at him. Her legs are draped over his lap and their hands are still entwined over her thighs.
Killian searches her face and smiles, nodding slightly. "Aye. It's late, isn't it?"
"Hm," Emma closes her eyes. With a determined sigh, Emma pulls herself up and cups Killian's cheek, her thumb caressing his scruff. "Good night."
Killian awards her a sleepy smile, his eyelids droopy and his voice scratchy and low, "Good night, love."
For a second, she just admires him, and he admires her, time slowing as she fondly thinks back on the day they’d shared.
Kissing him sends her flying, but she anchors herself, nuzzling his nose in the moments afterwards while she tries to catch her breath. He leans in for one more and she allows it, because she kind of loves the way it feels to have his affection.
She presses her forehead to his, humming contentedly. “Ok. Seriously. Good night.”
Killian manages to steal one more kiss, both of them laughing by the time they break apart.
“I’m finished now,” he murmurs, his ears pink and his cheeks rosy. “Promise.”
Her heart feels absolutely full, desperate to stay with him a little longer, but she determinedly climbs off of him instead. She only turns back once she’s standing at the door to the bedroom, biting at her lip to keep from saying something stupid.
She's filled with hope, by the look on his face, that maybe today was enough to prove something to him.
Emma's eagerness fades into something twisted and frustrated as she falls into bed.
Going back to Storybrooke together is something she hasn't spent enough time thinking about.
What's going to happen if she shows up with a baby on her hip and a guy holding her hand? Her parents are going to flip. Neal's probably going to be pissed.
The Emma they knew was not the person she is now.
After Emma goes to bed, Killian finds that he’s just a little too wound up to fall to sleep, so he goes out to his lighthouse.
He slumps down at the desk, pulls open a drawer, and removes the pieces of the radio that he'd smashed against the wall of the lighthouse.
With a sigh, he examines his handiwork. He's been working, slowly but surely, to piece it together, in the hopes that maybe by some miracle, he’ll be able to radio for help and they won’t be stuck here until the supplies boat comes.
He slinks back against his chair and scrubs his hand over his mouth, staring blankly at the mechanism on his desk.
The idea of leaving feels all too real now, especially after the day he’d spent with Emma. They’d spent hours talking, laughing, and honest. She’d tasted sweet when she kissed him, so sweet that he couldn’t let her get away with just one kiss goodnight.
There’s a wild part of him that can already see them leaving the island, getting married, giving Henry a bunch of siblings, and growing old together. In fact, he can imagine it so well that his heart skips a beat at even the imagined life they’ll have together.
There isn’t a doubt in his mind that choosing Emma over the ghosts of his past was the right decision, but he now stands at the edge of a precipice.
Fix the radio and leave soon, or continue to wait.
Almost automatically, Killian begins to tinker with the wires and screws. It doesn’t take long for a light to flicker on, a testament to just how long and hard he’d been working on this for the past week or so.
His heart skips at the sight of life from the machine. He steps away from his desk, staring at it.
Leave soon, or continue to wait.
Taking a deep breath, Killian shuts the radio off.
It would have to wait until the morning.
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whatsseobb · 4 years
Something Old, Something New (Crystal x Gigi Fanfic) - Chapter 11
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[A/N: Thank you for all the likes and for reading this work of mine. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing. This is the first long fanfiction that I’ve written and I am happy to receive positive feedback. Speaking of long, this is quite a long chapter. Hehe. Anyway, you can message me here or comment on AO3 if you loved it or if you have any questions/speculations of what might happened next. Enjoy this chapter!]
Synopsis: Crystal finds an enchanting jewelry box from the antique shop. Day by day, she discovers different journal entries hidden inside the box. Where is it coming from? What exactly is the music box? Most importantly, who is G?
Chapter Eleven - Runaway
“Let’s run away.”
Waking up with the biggest smile on her face, Crystal immediately got up and took a piece of paper to write a good morning message to her lover. Her mind kept wandering on last night’s events, what they talked about, running away together, and their kiss. Even if it was just a dream, Crystal can still feel Gigi’s lips on hers, her touch lingering all over her body. It was all too vivid, the scent of her scarlet locks and the taste of her honey-dipped lips were all the teenager could think of. There would be times that she found herself staring at the wall, reminiscing last night’s memories. As she was about to finish her letter, she heard the music box play indicating an incoming note from the young lady.
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Crystal was not the type who typically likes cheesy or mushy lines from anyone but reading it from Gigi seemed to be an exception. Smiling from ear to ear was an understatement of how the teenager was feeling at that moment. She was ecstatic.
She grabbed her pen and continued writing her morning message to Gigi. She was feeling too much happy emotions that she was able to finish writing the letter in a very short amount of time. She was that excited to talk to her again.
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The teenager energetically got up and cleaned her room. In contrast to yesterday’s gloomy atmosphere, that day seemed to be brighter and lighter. Crystal was humming as she picked up the random pieces of clothing from her bedroom floor and tossed them to the laundry bin happily. She also put on some cheerful music that suited her mood.
That merry and smitten feeling wasn’t a stranger to Crystal. She sure have felt that way before however, this time was different. There was something about the young lady that got her infatuated. As much as she tried to figure out the reason, she couldn’t pinpoint what exactly have gotten her head over heels towards Gigi. Despite knowing the fact that they were years apart, the feeling was exciting. The way that they haven’t even met in their waking reality and she hadn’t even seen or felt her other than the times they met in their dreams felt mysterious. It didn’t matter at all to Crystal. She was just so sure about this one.
After a few hours, she propped herself on top of her bed and opened her laptop, looking at towns where they plan to run away to. Of course, she couldn’t get Gigi off of her mind. She was thinking of her as she read and read until she slowly fell asleep.
 “There you are!” A pair of long arms made its way around Crystal’s waist from behind. The teenager, looking perplexed, turned around and found herself standing in front of a huge building full of stores and boutiques. She glanced at the person hugging her which immediately put a beam on her face.
“Geege, hi. Missed me?” The young lady pushed her bottom lip forward, nodding in response. The cuteness made Crystal roll her eyes jokingly, poking the tip of her perfect little button nose.
“Where are we?”
The brown-haired girl took the girl’s hand and pulled her inside. They found themselves surrounded by a lot of people and loud music. Pinball machines, hoop games, bowling machines and different play stations surrounded them. Gigi was looking around curiously as she stopped in front of a claw machine. It was full of snuggly animals which caught her attention.
“Do you want me to get one for you?” Crystal offered as she pushed a coin inside the machine.
“I didn’t know that you could get toys from a claw machine. The ones I see in town are just full of candies. Or maybe there are toys there too, but not as cuddly as these ones.” She stood beside Crystal as she pointed which toy she wanted.
The teenager operated the machine, biting her lower lip as she tried to aim the claw towards the colorful stuffed toy that her girlfriend wanted. She pressed the button with a hundred percent certainty that she will get the stuffed animal.
“Aw!” She kicked the machine in frustration as the toy landed nowhere near the exit. She walked around the machine, observing and planning on how she was going to aim for the toy the second time. Then, she inserted another coin, giving it another try.
“I don’t think this machine is working, Geege.”
“Let me try.” As Gigi was about to take control, Crystal gained more determination to win her a toy. She put another coin and took the controllers, aiming for the stuffed animal that she wanted. She turned to the sides, making sure that she aimed correctly. When she was sure that she would get it, she hit the button and waited for the claw to pick the toy up. To no avail, she failed once again.
The young lady took over. As she was calmly moving the controllers, the teenager was watching on the side, pouting sadly as she could not get a toy for her. The lonely pout turned to a big smile as she heard her girl cheering happily. She bent down to pick up her toy, hugging it close to her with the happiest grin on her face. “I won!”
“Wow, G! On the first try? Impressive. I bet the machine just doesn’t like me. Hmp.”
 They continued walking around the area, hand in hand. Gigi had the toy on her other hand as she slightly swayed the other that was holding onto Crystal’s. The teenager glanced at their intertwined fingers then back at Gigi, a small crescent forming on her lips. She didn’t realize how far they were walking, she was too enticed by the young lady beside her. Their tracks stopped when they reached a dance machine which caught Gigi’s curiosity once more.
“What’s this?”
“This is a fun game! It’s Dance Dance Revolution. You can choose a song to dance to and then you just have to follow the steps. You need to step on the arrows that will be shown on screen. Okay, watch me.”
Crystal picked her song and started playing the game. At first, her confidence was on the roof as she tried to show off her dance moves. She glanced at Gigi from time to time who was very amazed at the dance machine. She did her best to follow all the arrows but her two left feet didn’t allow her to do it successfully. The young lady didn’t mind. She was just happily watching her.
Panting heavily, Crystal walked to Gigi and smiled. “So, that’s how you play the game. I’m quite good at it, you know.”
Gigi let out a soft chuckle before pulling the other girl closer to the machine again. “I challenge you.”
“You? Challenging me? Oh sure. What are we betting on?” A smug smirk appeared on Crystal’s lips as she crossed her arms in front of her chest. “Oh, I know. The loser will have to grant a wish.”
“What kind of wish, Crys?”
“Anything. It’s up to the winner.”
The two stood in front of the Dance Revo machine, competitively looking at each other. Gigi was the one to pick a random song she hadn’t listen to before. It was quite a fast yet unfamiliar song but nonetheless, one of them did it successfully. They were holding onto the rail tightly as they both tried to step on the correct arrows. After a few minutes of dancing, Crystal fell on the floor as she breathed tiredly. Meanwhile, the young lady jumped around, cheering for her own win.
“How… could you… do that? I thought you don’t know this game.” Crystal uttered in between her heavy breathing as she looked up at the other girl, pouting her lips once more.
“Yes, I don’t know what this game is but it’s easy to play!”
“It’s not! That was a very fast song. My feet almost got tangled.” The taller lady laughed as she shook her head before handing Crystal a handkerchief.
“It was not that hard. You did incredible, my love.”
“Hmp. How are you just amazing in anything you do? With the claw machine, with this one. Is there anything you can’t do? What else can you do?”
Gigi let out soft giggles at the compliment she received before leaning closer to Crystal. The tip of their nose were touching as the young lady muttered under her breath, “Name something.” The smug comment from Gigi made Crystal roll her eyes before she placed her hands on the scarlet-haired girl’s cheeks, cupping her face. She leaned in quickly to leave a light peck on the other’s plump lips.
“Now Ma’am, what do you want me to do for you? You won the bet. Your wish is my command.” Crystal pulled away, bowing in front of her like a knight in shining armour which gained chuckles from the young lady.
“Hmm… I’ll hold on to that win. When we meet, I’ll let you know.”
 “Let’s try this one!” Gigi tugged on Crystal’s hand as they went inside a photo booth. The couple sat down and adjusted so that they can be seen on camera.
“Should we try some poses? Or props?”
“The two of us would be enough, Crys.” Gigi moved closer to Crystal, smiling widely at the camera. The teenager put her arm on Gigi’s shoulder, leaning her head closer to hers as she showed her smile. The camera clicked.
“Another one. Hmm, maybe we should do a silly pose, G. Show me your ugly side. You always look pretty. It’s getting quite unfair.” The two giggled as they showed their funny faces, Crystal crossing her eyes and throwing her hands to the air while Gigi sticking her tongue out. Click.
For the third photo, the teenager tried to think of a couple’s pose that they can try. Crystal lifted her left arm on top of her head and made an arc by dropping her wrist towards Gigi. The young lady looked at Crystal weirdly but still tried to copy what she was doing using her right arm. Click.
The young lady moved closer towards the other girl. Her face was inches from Crystal, the latter feeling Gigi’s breath on her skin. She wanted to look at her as she wondered what she was doing but instead just looked at the camera. Before the camera shot their last photo, Gigi leaned as she softly whispered, “I like you.” The teenager couldn’t help but smile at the sudden confession which made the other grin happily while looking at her girl. Click.
After the final shot, Crystal took a deep breath before turning her body towards Gigi. She put her hand on Gigi’s neck which sent shivers down her spine as she felt the coldness of the teenager’s palm. They both leaned in and their lips met halfway. It was obvious to the both of them that they were really yearning for each other’s kiss. It took a few seconds before the two heard their photograph finished printing. They pulled away from each other with the sweetest curve on their faces.
Gigi excitedly showed it to Crystal, smiling from ear to ear as she scanned the photos that they have taken. “These are so adorable! Look at that!”
“What are we doing in this third picture? I thought that was supposed to be a heart.” Crystal laughed as she pointed at their third photo, which turned out to be a circle instead of a heart formed with their arms.
“You are so beautiful here, Geege. I wish I could take this home.” Her smile slowly turned upside down as she sadly stared at their photograph, holding it closer to her. The young lady cupped her cheeks and pulled her face closer.
“Hey, don’t feel glum. We can take more pictures soon, when we meet.” The taller girl bumped her nose against the other, smiling happily before taking her hand and walked around some more.
“Speaking of… maybe we should talk about our plan, G.”
“Oh yeah! About that… I have to tell you something.” Gigi and Crystal found their way towards a car which was parked in an empty lot. They sat inside, the brown-haired girl still holding on to the photograph.
“Is something wrong?” Crystal turned to look at the scarlet-haired girl, nervously biting on her lower lip.
The young lady took the other’s hand, placing it on her lap as she caressed it tenderly. “Well, I’m just going to get this out there. I want to be 100% honest with you. Mother wanted me to get closer with Lawrence, before our wedding. So she wanted me to take some of my things to his house.”
“Rose and Nicolette helped me out. Didn’t I tell you, Rose and Lawrence are actually cousins, that’s why we are sort of friends too. Anyway, I brought some of my things to their house and my friends helped me out. I also told them about you and our ‘plan’. They are willing to help us out, Crys.”
A tiny hint of hope appeared on Crystal’s eyes as she listened to what Gigi was telling her. The two of them meeting in their waking life soon didn’t seem like an impossible matter anymore. She believed that there’s a huge chance she can be with her in reality, not just in their sleep.
“That’s great, G. I really can’t wait to be with you soon.” She took her hand and rubbed her thumb against the top, drawing small circles on her smooth skin.
“Me too, Crys.” The teenager leaned closer towards Gigi as she planted a gentle kiss on her lips. The other girl replied with the same softness, smiling afterwards.
“I like you, Crystal.” She mumbled in between their lips, looking intently in her dark orbs. The other girl smiled back before moving closer to give her another smooch. As she pulled away, she brushed her cold fingers on her cheeks, making the other flinch a bit before snuggling her skin on the other’s hand.
“Oh, by the way, you still have the painting, right? Maybe you can show it to me in person soon, when we officially meet.”
“That’s a great idea, Crys! Maybe we can meet soon. Well, soon for you anyway. I’ll be a lot older when we meet. I wonder if you would still find me pretty.” Gigi looked down and pushed her lower lip forward into a pout, which the other girl found cute. She leaned in and gave it a quick peck before sitting back to her former position.
“I bet you will still look glamorous like you are right now. And even if you have all those wrinkles and what not, I would still fall for you.” Crystal’s words made the young lady blush, looking away only to see a movie playing on the enormous screen in front of them.
“Oh, they are playing Roman Holiday. I have seen this film once with Nicolette and Rose. Have you watched this?”
“Not yet. I am willing to watch this with you. We can watch a lot of movies together. I’ll bring my laptop with me when I come visit you then we’ll have movie marathons. Wait, umm… a laptop is this computer that you can bring anywhere with you. It can store a lot of files and you can watch videos and movies there too. There’s a lot of things you can do.”
Even though Gigi had no idea what Crystal was talking about, it still put a smile on her face. She watched her, her eyes glistening with happy tears as she listened to what she was saying. “I would love that, Crys.”
 Crystal turned to Gigi, hugging the colorful toy they won earlier from the claw machine closer to her. “I have a question, Geege. When we meet, what’s the first thing that you will do?”
“Hmm… Maybe I would wrap my arms around you and hug you tight. And say that I have been waiting for you, like when we first met here. I remember saying that. It’s true though, I have been waiting for you.” The scarlet-haired girl delicately let out a laugh. “What about you? What will you do?”
“I will… wrap my arms around you, like this.” She demonstrated, wrapping her arms around Gigi’s tiny waist, pulling her closer to her as she leaned closer to her ear and muttered. “And I will tell you how much I have been waiting to hold you like this. I will lean closer to your ear and I’ll tell you how much I like you.”
“How much?”
Crystal paused for a bit as she took a deep breath before leaning back to meet Gigi’s gaze. “You mean so much to me, Gigi. I am willing to do anything just to be with you. When we meet, I am willing to stay with you. I don’t care if you are years older than me. To me, you are still the Gigi I met through the letters. You are the same Gigi that I think of every single day. I am willing to take care of you, Geege.”
Tears were welling up in Gigi’s eyes as she listened to Crystal’s honest confession. She tilted her head to the side, smiling softly. “I like you so much, Crys.”
“Me too.”
The couple inclined towards one another as they shared another kiss. This time, it was passionate. Like their first, they poured all of their raw emotions toward each other onto the kiss. There wasn’t a moment of hesitation. Even if it was just a dream, Crystal could still feel the tenderness of Gigi’s lips against hers, the warmth of her skin and her sweet scent just millimeters away from her made her knees frail. Her fingers wandered on her back as if they had a mind of their own. She felt flutters on her stomach as she noticed Gigi’s hands running through her curly hair, brushing her fingers on it as she played with her brown locks. Her heart decided to skip a beat as a wave of chills crawled on the back of her spine. Gigi was all she could think of. Her scent consumed her senses. Her lips were oxygen, it was the only thing that mattered to her, the only thing she needed to keep her alive.
As they pulled away, Crystal gazed deep into her orbs, getting lost. Gigi was the first one to say something, her cheeks showing hints of red as she remembered their burning exchange. “How I wish we can stay here for evermore.”
“Me too, Gigi. I can’t wait to see you. I know it will be a very long time for you, but I will come for you. Please wait for me. Are you willing to do that?
Their surrounding started to fade one by one. The cars around them were disappearing into the background, everything turning black and white. Crystal didn’t mind. She focused her stare at Gigi, holding onto her as she heard her mutter softly, “I am. I’ll be waiting for you, Crystal.”
 It didn’t take long before the teenager went back up to consciousness, rubbing her eyes gently to remove the sleep away. Last night was vivid in her mind, everything was stamped in her memory. Remembering all of Gigi’s smiles and kisses were the highlight of it all. Just the thought of it made her feeling euphoria. She stood up and just then, the music box played its soft tunes. She opened the lid excitedly and read her lover’s letter.
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The brown-haired girl looked at her reflection in the mirror, taking a deep breath as she composed herself. Gigi. I will be meeting Gigi now. She thought to herself as she fixed her hair and put on her best clothes. Her heart was hammering on her chest, beads of sweat watering her head as she walked back and forth inside her room. Her hand was shaking profusely as she inserted the jewelry box inside her bag, taking in some pen and paper just to have a form of communication with Gigi for the moment. She also took her small drawing of them, the one in her vanity mirror. Crystal made sure to bring things that may remind her that she was the Crystal that Gigi was talking to.
 A few hours have passed and the teenager arrived at her destination. She looked around the unfamiliar place, strangers flocking the streets. She made sure she had Gigi’s letter wherein she wrote the address where they would be meeting.
Her pulse was gradually increasing underneath her skin, butterflies fluttering in her stomach as she anticipated Gigi’s arrival. The teenager’s heart pounded hard against her rib cage as she watched every person passing by. Mind flickering towards the thought of her meeting her lover at last, made her anxious. She tried looking at their hands, to see a familiar piece of jewelry, the ring she gave to Gigi. Her hands fidgeted on the last letter Gigi gave her. With the jewelry box in front of her, she waited for her. She wrote a few more notes for Gigi, saying that she arrived already, but got no reply at all.
What if I wasn’t what she was expecting? What if she saw me and disappeared? Or what if she doesn’t remember me at all? She talked to herself as she sat down on their meeting place. No. I am confident. She did not forget about me. She will be here soon.
As if the world slowly disappearing in front of her, her hopes slowly started to dim and fade away. For hours, she remained in one place. She tried her best to stay optimistic. She kept herself upright and strong. For Gigi, she kept waiting…
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phoneboxfairy · 4 years
Education - natsu x lucy x cana smut
(Changed my mind. Now back to my sweet fluff.)  Ao3 link -> https://archiveofourown.org/works/24956659
Every once in a while a girl just needs a relaxing night with her best friend. So one night Lucy invited Cana over for a sleepover. Drinking, gossiping, and enjoying a night free from work or obligation were all part of the plan. Then Cana asked Lucy a question that threw everything off kilter. "You're a virgin, right?" Instant blush. This wasn't just flushed cheeks from alcohol. "Y...yeah. I mean, not that it's a big deal or anything. I'd rather focus on writing than sex, anyway." Unless the sex involved a certain someone...but no way was she about to admit that. "Fair enough." She took a drink. "You do know how to masturbate, right?" "Duh. I'm single, not dead." Lucy knew she sounded a lot calmer than she felt. "I've, umm, never used a toy before though." "Never? Girl, you're missing out!" "Really? They're that good?" "Hell yes. The right vibe can be almost as good as a man." A naughty image flashed through her brain, hot enough to make her squirm. Lucy was by all accounts a good girl...but good girls had needs too. And right now Lucy was all too aware of her needs. "I wouldn't mind trying one. You know, eventually." "Why not tonight?" "To...tonight?!" "Yeah, why not?" Cana pulled a small box from her purse and handed it to Lucy. "Think of this as thanks for helping me through the S Class trials." "But...you're here and..." gulp. "So? We're both girls. There's nothing wrong with one friend teaching another about real self care. Besides, not like we haven't seen each other naked before." Lucy was sober enough to see the wisdom in Cana's words. She was also drunk enough to actually want to do it. "Okay. Let's do this." "Good girl. Open the box." Lucy did what she was told. She pulled out the toy and examined it, noted how soft it felt against her skin, imagined it deep inside her... She squirmed. Cana noticed, grinned. "Now get undressed." "Okay." Gods, how her heart was racing! She was feeling a little shy about the whole thing, but honestly arousal and anticipation were drowning that out. She took her pajama top off, noticing how perky her nipples were. She reached to tweak the aching buds, shuddered. Then she slipped her bottoms off, feeling the familiar tingle between her legs. She stroked herself, experiencing her warm wetness firsthand. "Lay back and relax. Think about something that makes you feel horny. Maybe there's someone you feel a certain way about." "There, um, there is." "Good. Think about this special person, imagine they're with you right now. Turn the toy on and rub it against your skin." Lucy obeyed, and trembled as she felt the toy buzzing over her breasts, tummy, navel... It felt so good, and she was barely getting started. She traced it over her outer lips. Exhaled. "Natsu..." "Oh ho!" Cana's voice brought Lucy back to Earthland. "I guess the rumors were true!" "Ru..rumors?" Shit. Her little secret was out. Not that it matters, not like he'd ever see me like that...right? "Yeah, rumors. Everyone in the guild thinks you're into each other. You're always together and you can practically cut the sexual tension every time Natsu looks at you. You guys should hook up." The thought alone was enough to get Lucy worked back up again. Just imagining him pinning her down, fucking her hard on her own bed... she spread her lips, angling her hips and feeling cool air against hot wet pussy. "I can see you're not opposed to the idea, Lu." Lucy shook her head, biting her lip. "No..." "Then think about Natsu right now, fucking you exactly how you've always dreamed. Let your imagination run wild." Lucy nodded. She started fantasizing, picturing her would be lover eating her out, lapping up her horny juices. The fantasy shifted as she slipped the vibe into her pussy. Natsu on top of her, filling her, satisfying her every desire. She wanted him. No, needed him, needed him so much more than she would have admitted. Before tonight, anyway. So she moved faster, pumping the toy in and out, enthralled by so much sensation. At one point Cana reached over and massaged her breasts. Still her mind remained focused on her naughty little fantasy, on the delicious idea of fucking her best friend. "Natsu...oh Natsuuuuu~!" She cried out as her orgasm hit, white light tinging her vision. "...Lucy?" A new voice, one she never expected.
 Shit shit shit...of all the times for him to sneak into my house... She blushed, covered herself with a blanket. Tried her best to be cool and calm about the whole thing. 
"Oh, uh, hi, Natsu."He stared at her, this intense gleam in his eyes.
"What's going on, Lucy? I heard you screaming my name..." Sniff, sniff. "And you smell incredible." 
"Um, nothing. We were just having a little slumber party, that's all." 
"Slumber party, huh..." 
"Yeah." Cana chimed in. "Lucy was telling me how she has a big crush on you, and I told her she should act on it."
 "Act on it..." He turned his full attention to Lucy, eyes still intense. "Is it true?"
Oh crap, no point hiding it now. 
"It is. Although I think crush might be an understatement." She let the blanket fall. Natsu watched, eyes darkened, this devilish smile on his face. She bit her lip. 
Meanwhile Cana stood up, moved away from the bed.
 "I better go. I don't want to interrupt private time."
"Nah. You can stay. You're part of why I'm about to fuck the woman of my dreams. The least I can do is let ya stay and watch." 
The brunette had no objections. 
"Woman of your dreams, huh?" Lucy couldn't help blushing as she watched him get undressed. Vest and scarf off, pants unzipped. He leaned over her, ever the fierce dragon slayer. 
"Yeah. And I'm about to make those dreams reality."
He shucked his pants off, claiming her with a kiss and a deep thrust. Lucy melted. She curled her legs around him and splayed her hands across his chest, the same magnificent body she had imagined over her so many times.
Reality was definitely better than her imagination. He was a bit wild and unruly, but no mistake. He knew how to use his hands, groping and massaging her boobs and stroking her swollen little clit even as he thrust faster, changing his pace as she begged for more. 
"Don't stop, Natsu. Please."
"I ain't about to stop, Luce. I want to go all night with ya." All night...such an appealing idea. Feeling his massive cock inside her, imagining him riding her all night, was a dream come true. She bucked her hips against his, well aware that she was drenching him with her juices. 
The knowledge made her even hornier.
 Truth be told she didn't want to be able to walk in the morning. Her heart fluttered at the idea and she clenched around him. 
"Nat...Natsu...I, I think I'm gonna..."
"Good..." his voice was no more than a growl. "Do it. Come for me." Somehow he managed to go even faster, hitting all the right spots so deliciously deep inside her. She let out a mewling sound that evolved into a moan as she trembled from her second orgasm of the night.
It didn't take long for Natsu to follow suit. He scraped his fangs against her neck, growled, buried himself inside her, and roared her name in the height of fiery passion.Afterglow. They lay tangled together, sharing gentle kisses and whispering sweet murmurs of affection. 
Eventually, reluctantly, he pulled out, leaving her feeling a bit...empty. 
She pouted. 
"Hell yeah. Just give me a few minutes, alright?" He blushed, gesturing in the direction of her bathroom.
"Oh...sorry. Go ahead."
 Once Natsu left the room Cana finally spoke up.
"Better than your little fantasies?" 
"Oh my God yes. He's...wow..." The happy sigh of a woman whose every dream was being fulfilled and exceeded. "Thanks, by the way." 
"Glad to help, especially when I get to watch. You two are really fucking hot together, ya know?" 
"I definitely know." Just thinking about what had happened was enough to get Lucy worked up again. A naughty idea popped into her mind, one that only amplified her arousal. "You can do more than just watch if you want..." 
"Whoa, you're serious?" 
"Yeah. You keep a toy in your bag, right?"
 "Duh. Perfect for long solo missions." Excitement was clear in Cana's eyes, the same excitement Lucy was starting to feel. 
"Good. Bring it over here and sit down." She pointed at the space next to her, where her friend quickly sat. "Get undressed. Hurry. I want to surprise Natsu when he gets back."
"He'll be surprised, all right." Knowing smirk as she stripped then repositioned herself on the bed. "Lu, you should know that guys love girl on girl action. It drives them wild." 
"Really? Huh. This'll be a treat for all three of us, then." Naughty giggle. Lucy got on her hands and knees. She took the toy, turned it on, buzzed it over Cana's body. 
Right as Natsu came back Lucy rubbed the toy over her friend's clit. Cana let out a moan that would make a porn star proud. 
"Damn. What's going on here?" That devilish smile from earlier had returned. Lucy knew Natsu liked what he was seeing. 
"Spicing things up a bit. I figured our dear Cana deserved a little reward for bringing us together." 
"Works for me. Especially if you're staying in this position." He grinned as he grabbed her ass.
"You bet." She shifted her legs to make herself more open, more accessible to the delicious fucking she anticipated. "Get over here. Your girlfriend and her best friend are ready to play." 
"Yeah. Hurry up already." 
"Yes ma'am." He climbed up behind Lucy and rubbed against her ass, brushing against her greedy little pussy. He pushed deep into her and she mewled, forgetting everything except how incredible it felt. 
"Hey, don't forget about me..." Cana's voice brought Lucy back to reality. 
"Oops, sorry. Don't want you to feel left out. Mnnnnh..Damn, Natsu..." Somehow Lucy managed to arch her back and take even more of him even as she slipped the vibe into Cana's wet folds. 
“Turn it up, Lu.” 
“Alright...is this enough?” 
“Nnnn yeah that’s perrrrfect…” Cana was squirming in ecstasy, tweaking her tits and arching her back with each motion. Lucy, despite her inexperience, knew her friend was pretty worked up. By her reactions and increasingly loud vocalizations, she couldn’t last much longer.
So Lucy decided to have a little fun. She thrust the toy in and out. At the same time she leaned closer, flicked her tongue over the tender bud of her clit. 
That did it.
Cana’s orgasm was almost immediate. As tremors of passion rocked her body she let out a moan that eventually became a quite content sigh.
“Holy shit...I’m out. Thanks, Lu.” Cana slowly got re-dressed and relocated back to the chair, spare blanket and a flask of booze in hand and a smug smile on her face. 
That’s when Lucy felt a warm, quite welcome hand stroke her shoulder. 
“I’m still here, babygirl.”
 “You definitely are, and I wanna see you.” 
“See me, huh?” 
“Mhm. I think I’ll be more into it if we’re, you know, eye to eye. Like earlier.” 
“Oh!” Comprehension lit up his face. He pulled out, gave her a moment to lay on her back and get comfortable. He leaned over her, touching his forehead to hers, cupping her cheek in his hand. “Ready?” 
“Yeah. Go on, Natsu.” A deep kiss as they became one and made love anew. He went slow at first, deliberately increasing speed and driving her absolutely wild. More kissing and caressing, punctuated by Lucy vocalizing and begging for more. She was too far gone, too far in love, to care about much else besides him. 
I love him… Her last thought as she came, whispering his name over and over again. 
“Lucy...Lucy-baby… “ 
“Go on, Natsu…” Well aware that she was mirroring her own words from earlier. “Come for me.” As she spoke she traced delicate lines across his skin with her fingers. He shuddered, then nodded. One last thrust, spilling his seed into her as he gasped her name then crashed into her arms. 
Sweet silence followed, accented with Natsu’s ragged breaths, Lucy’s content sighs...and Cana snoring in the corner. 
Eventually Lucy spoke up.
“...I love you.” 
“Never thought I’d hear ya say that. But then, I never thought we’d get this far.” He chuckled, nuzzled her cheek with his own. “Love ya too, Luce. Glad we finally figured it out.” 
“Me too.” Soft sweet kiss. “Let’s get washed up.” 
That was that. Lucy led Natsu to her bathroom. They shared a bath, relaxing in the warm water. Eventually they dried off, dressed, and cuddled together in bed before dozing off in the welcome comfort of one another’s arms. 
The night hadn’t gone as planned. Somehow a relaxing sleepover with a friend had turned into a firsthand sexual education primer, and somehow long-hidden feelings had finally been revealed. It had been unexpected, even a little bit weird at times. But that one night had allowed Lucy’s relationship with Natsu to blossom from friendship to love.
And I wouldn’t trade that for all the magic in Fiore…
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