#manuscript search tag
kaylinalexanderbooks · 2 months
Manuscript Search Tag
Thanks @talesofsorrowandofruin for the tag!
Rules: post excerpts containing the following words in your manuscript, then tag others with a new set of words!
My words: held, notice, ring, cold
Your words: accept, appreciate, access, advice
Tagging @sleepywriter00 @illarian-rambling @verba-writing @vyuntspakhkite-l-darling @blind-the-winds @little-peril-stories @dyrewrites @i-can-even-burn-salad @ohnomybreadsticks or if anyone else wants to hop in
Keep reading for:
Parker wants to be punched
Training scene...Noelle scary
Robbie attempts to come up with a superhero name
Flashback with George actually getting hope!
Held - from The Secret Portal Part One (Gwen POV)
“Do it!” Parker said to the blond without missing a step. “Man, I don’t—” “You gotta practice, Wade.” Parker reared back his arms over his shoulder before thrusting forward, his arms out and stance strong. A strong wind blew across the room, and I could feel it from where I stood. Wade’s hair blustered around his face, and he held up his arms in a protective “X” in front of his face. He pushed forward against the wind. Once close to Parker, Wade punched the kid in the face, sending Parker over the barricade. I let out a squeak of alarm, bringing my hands up to my mouth as Parker crumpled beside me. As I wondered if I’d have to perform more first aid, and despite the blood on his face, Parker laughed. “Finally,” he said as Wade leapt over the barricade and went to Parker’s side. “Yo, it’s been years and you finally give it your all.” “That wasn't my all,” Wade said, holding his palm over Parker’s face. A white light glowed around his hand. “I’ve tackled people much bigger than your string-bean self to the ground.” “Yeah, but they were wearing football gear.” “Stop talking,” Wade instructed. “You’re gonna mess up the healing.”
Notice - The Secret Portal Part One (Akash POV)
I flew away to get a better picture of things. On the Shoeless team, Lexi, Gwen, Maddie, and Wade had been taken down. On my team, Rose, Liam, Niri, and Parker were down. In the center, Noelle and Ash stood back-to-back, Ash with her hand on her temple. Noelle thrust her arm out just as an orange streak neared, which disappeared as George was flung against the wall, then crumpled to the ground. Realizing their psychic connection, I flew toward the two in the middle, flying low only to knock Ash off her feet with the sparring stick before shooting back up to a safe distance. Noelle flung her arm out, and a sudden force grabbed onto the stick, pulling me forward. I flew backward as much as I could, holding onto the stick until my knuckles paled. Noelle glanced at Tyler bending the light toward Custos’ collar with one hand and warding off Kelsey’s attacks with the other—Kelsey was holding back, only sending short bursts of dark energy at a time. Couldn’t say that I blamed her. Noelle raised her right arm. I followed her gesture to see the lights on the ceiling shake—then a short popping sound burst and all the lights went out. I didn’t notice the noise until it suddenly became silent. An unsettling shudder caused a temporary falter of my grip as I lost any sign of the people in the room, but I quickly regained it.
Ring - The Secret Portal Part Two (Robbie POV)
“I feel like I’d have to include the word ‘scarlet’ in my name somewhere.” “Why?” “Because it’s the color of my powers.” “Oh, I thought it was because it was the color of your jacket.” I looked down to see I was, indeed, wearing a red jacket. “Nah, this isn’t the exact color. It’s more… hold on.” I pulled out my phone, typing in “shades of red” into the search bar. “Um, uh… vermillion.” “What the hell is vermillion?” I showed him. He nodded. “I’d actually say your powers are more vermillion than your sweater. Your sweater is more… la—” He squinted at the screen. “La-ter-i-tious. Lateritious? That’s a color?” I turned the screen back toward me. “Hm. I guess. So my powers aren’t scarlet?” “Not saying they’re vermillion, but they’re more vermillion than your sweater.” “Vermillion does have a better ring to it than scarlet,” I said. “Maybe we should ask Sammy. Don’t girls see colors better than guys or something?” “I think so.” “Will get her opinion later,” I said, slipping my phone back into my pocket. “The Vermillion Energizer! No, that’s stupid, forget I even spoke.” “The Vermillion… yeah I can’t think of anything. Maybe you could just go by Vermillion.”
Cold - from The Secret Portal Part Two (George POV)
Damian turned the monitor toward me. “Superspeed.” I blinked. Then a smile stretched across my face. “That’s actually helpful! Dad was working on how to reverse chronokinetic freezing using superspeed!” “Georgie, that is amazing news, but it will be hard to convince Jef to listen.” “I just need to find my dad’s journals!” I wondered if just running would make my power kick in. I ran out the door and down the hall, feeling a charge within me until an orange flash of lightning traveled around my vision. I ran to the door where my dad used to work and pressed the button. The door slid open at a painfully slow rate. I tried to turn off my new powers. “George!” Damian called from down the hall. The door slid open at a normal rate. “It’s late! We’ll continue this in the morning! Let’s go to bed.” I looked into the dark room, the cold air rushing past me. “Okay,” I said, pressing the button to close the door. Down the hall, Damian nodded, turning slightly. My thoughts now raced faster than ever, and after a half-second of an hour-long debate, the lightning appeared in my vision as I ran into the lab. I looked through the shelves until I found my dad’s tablet, gathering dust like no one had consulted it in months. I ran back to the hall and hit the tablet in my pocket with my personal one before going back to normal time. The door closed. I followed Damian around the hall, feeling slightly light-headed, but a drive for tomorrow.
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autumnalwalker · 3 months
Find the word tag
Thank you for the tag @druidx.
I've got a bunch of these word find tags in my queue, and I'm finally getting back around to them. Will be posting several over the next few days.
My words to find were effort, entry, ear, error, & expression.
Passing the (optional) tag to @authoralexharvey, @alainastrauss, @ceph-the-ghost-writer, @talesofsorrowandofruin, @theprissythumbelina, @squarebracket-trick, and the usual open tag to anyone else who wants it.
Your words to find shall be please, space, surprise, melancholy, & unassuming.
Effort: Empty Names - 10 - Cleanup
“Please, let me help you.  You’re safe here,” she says as she takes his hand.  Or at least, she thinks that’s what she says.  She never actually got to practice speaking the language with anyone else before now.
There’s a moment of horrendous silence as Dis!ma*s’s feet touch the ground.  He makes one slow blink with horizontally closing eyelids and then doubles over.  Laughing.  He says something but it's fast enough and interrupted by gasps of laughter that Lacuna can’t follow.
“I’m sorry?” she says on reflex before remembering the language barrier. “I mean, I apologize.”  The latter sentence sends Dis!ma*s into a renewed fit of what Lacuna really hopes is amusement as the rainwater shakes off of him.
“Your pronunciation is so garbage it was half gibberish and half propositioning him,” Bridgewood says from the other side of the carriage.  He’s not literally laughing at her, but he may as well be with the face he’s making.  “And then you -”
“Okay, okay, I think I get it!” Lacuna’s voice cracks as her face grows hot with embarrassment and frustration.  She tries to remember gestures that she’d read up on for some culturally appropriate sign of contrition but draws a blank.
Recovering, Dis!ma*s stands up straight and speaks again, slow and loud this time.  “I apologize,” he starts and Lacuna immediately sees where she went wrong with the pronunciation but has no idea how to make her mouth form the right phoneme.  “You surprised me.  It has been a difficult day.  Thank you for trying.”
Or at least, the parts Lacuna can parse are something along those lines.
“He says getting hit on at the end of the worst couple days of his life was too absurd to deal with, but A for effort on the welcoming attempt,” Bridgewood offers by way of translation.
Entry: Empty Names - 3 - Dance Partners
The girl was surprised at how steady her hands were as she punched in the keyless entry code for the pickup.  She was the most scared she’d ever been in her life and yet there was something else.  Relief at having gotten away?  Excitement?  Thrill?  A feeling of power after having stared death in the eye then punched it in the face?  She smirked as she opened the door and climbed inside.  That last one had a nice ring to it.
Fish out the keys, start the engine, buckle her seatbelt, change the radio to something less sad, and she was off.  Or so she thought until she felt a bump backing out of the parking spot.  The girl looked in the rearview mirror and saw her pursuer once more, now holding onto the back of the truck.  She changed gears and pressed the gas, speeding forward and bouncing over the parking blocks between the spaces.  
Ear: Empty Names - 20 - Changeling Child
It surprises Ashan just how light Lacuna is when she falls forward into his arms.  He is barely even eye level with her shoulder on the rare occasions she stands up straight, but he realizes now just how much she is skin and bones beneath the loose-fitting clothing she always seems to favor.
“Don’t tell Eris,” Lacuna breathes into his ear before passing out.
Error: Empty Names - 16 - Mall Rats
Echo Plaza, a place that becomes more aptly named with each passing year.  
A mere three decades ago this place would have been teaming wall to wall with shoppers from Backstage and beyond.  Wide-eyed newbies who mistakenly thought it would be a good place to ease themselves into things.  Paratech hobbyists looking for the newest offworld imports to reverse engineer.  Teenage witch covens staking out corners of spellbookstores and food courts.  Offworld travelers taking advantage of their multi-day anchor world hub layover to go sightseeing.  Fairies playing tricks from the cover of palm fronds and aerial shrubbery.  Naiads presiding over the grand fountains and granting small blessings in exchange for the coins thrown in. The list went on.
Back then, when the ideal of the shopping mall as cultural centers of commerce and socialization occupying a prominent place in the collective consciousness brought Echo Plaza into being and sustained it and its occupants with an effervescent zest for life, vendors would kill for a storefront on the young pocket dimension’s main concourse.  Quite literally, as Sullivan knows from personal experience and paychecks.  In those days just being here would make everything feel exciting and wondrous.  In these window displays the kitsch became cool and the mildly uncommon became alluringly exotic.
Now there are more marble statues than people.  The grand fountains are all long dry.  Food court menu screens proclaim cryptic messages over blue error backgrounds.  Shadowy suggestions of mannequins linger in gutted boutiques at the edge of a flickering neon haze.
The golden age of the shopping mall has passed, and even the subcultural revival of the concept is inextricably intertwined with emptiness and signal decay.  None but the most stubborn of holdouts are willing to invest property in a pocket dimension on its last legs before dissolution.  Only the most dedicated seekers of aesthetic and pursuers of the niche bother to put up with the permeating air of nostalgia and melancholy.
Expression: Empty Names - 19 - Shire
It’s actually two someones walking up the sidewalk toward the unassuming safehouse, and they’re not any of the local residents that Sullivan now knows by sight after the length of his unsleeping stakeout.  The woman in front is of a middling height, similar to Sullivan’s own.  Auburn hair loose down to the shoulders, purple-framed glasses, beige knit sweater, red scarf, blue jeans.  Checking an old model flip phone as if verifying the address.  Some niggling familiarity about her appearance that Sullivan can’t quite place.  
The second woman, walking stiff-backed one pace behind and a shoulder-width to the left, towers head-and-shoulders over her companion - no, her superior, unless Sullivan misses his mark.  Silver hair pinned back in an elaborate bun, expressionless face, amber brooch pinned to a white cravat, dress of maroon so dark it’s almost black with so much frills and lace that it leaps out of the realm of antique and into the territory of gothic.
Sullivan blinks through his filters and the taller woman’s face takes on a porcelain sheen and the ball-jointed segmentation of her hands becomes apparent.  Another blink and the next filter reveals the leash of metaphysical strands linking the two women heart-to-heart.  A witch and her arcane doll?  Sullivan didn’t think they had those in this world cluster.  No, far more likely to be a superficial similarity born of convergent evolution.  More likely an unorthodox familiar bond with a construct.  Either way, he suspects that once the mage is dealt with (witch, wizard, or otherwise is hard to say without seeing her in action) then that should cut the puppet strings on the doll and make for easy pickings.
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akindofmagictoo · 5 months
manuscript search tag game
this one comes from @zmwrites!
my words are after, green, hurt, back
after (Dragonsong draft 1)
“I can’t become a knight, not now. What’s the use in being a squire? For you or Tor Brendon?” “You’ll be safe and fed and dry.” And what was to say he couldn’t learn to fight from horseback? There must be ways around it. “Brendon won’t—” “Brendon made it clear that he doesn’t want you as a squire. So what you do with your life is no longer his problem. I won’t oblige you to stay. But there’s space in my house for you to stay as long as you want to. Even if it’s just one night.” Inside the tavern, a burst of laughter swelled. Robin’s eyes darted towards it. “They laugh because they’re scared of him,” said Isi. “Not because they really think he’s funny.” She was going to have stern words for Brendon after this. “So?” She held out a hand. Robin eyed her outstretched hand warily, as though he didn’t dare believe she meant it. Tears welled in his eyes. She said nothing, just held her hand steady. Waiting. Waiting for his answer. He put his hand, small but already calloused, in hers. When he said “Thank you” it was choked, barely a whisper. She smiled. “You’re welcome.”
green (Dragonsong draft 1)
“Last chance,” Bethany spat. “Or we try this again with someone else.” She raised the sword high to the ready position. Robin squeezed his eyes shut. Isi did the same. Bile rose in her throat. She couldn’t watch this. Something went click behind her. SB cried out. A gust of wind tore through the room. Green light exploded behind Isi’s closed eyelids. Then everything fell silent and still. Isi dared to open one eye.
hurt (Dragonsong draft 1)
“Shit, what did they do to you?” asked Sierra. She strode towards the door like she might attack the guards who’d brought Isi in. “Sierra, no…” Isi grabbed the bars of the cell door to keep herself from falling over. “Don’t.” Sierra paused and made eye contact with Isi. And stopped. Isi held her gaze until both doors had shut and the guards had left the room. “I don’t want you to get hurt as well.” Her legs gave out under her and she slumped to the floor. She gasped. “Oh, fuck, you’re bleeding. What did they do?” Sierra tore a strip off her sleeve, rolled it up, and pressed it firmly against Isi’s side.
back (Dragonsong draft 1)
“I cannot promise how well we can fly,” said Fintan. “We have been kept here a long time. But there is perhaps something else I can do.” He lifted his head higher, towering over Isi. “Hold up your sword.” She unsheathed it, steel ringing on leather, and held it high. Fintan inhaled deeply. A soft rumble began at the back of his throat. Isi sat as still as she could manage, waiting. Fintan exhaled. A ball of orange fire issued from his mouth and enveloped her sword blade. It warmed her hand, warmer and warmer until she thought it might burn, but faded abruptly away. She lowered the sword; despite the fire, the blade was cool to the touch. As she turned it over, it seemed to sparkle in the weak sunlight. “A sword tempered in dragon fire is a sword fit for a queen,” said Fintan, lowering his head back to the ground.
i shall tag @isherwoodj @dragon-swords-prophecies and anyone else who wants to play for mile, belong, road, fate
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writernopal · 8 months
Manuscript Search Tag
ALRIGHT this is going to be a FAT post because I have quite a few of these to catch up on and I didn't want to spam lol
Tagged by the following lovely peeps!
@talesofsorrowandofruin, here
@oh-no-another-idea, here
@justnerdy15, here
@sam-glade, here
@ellatholmes, here
Thank you all so much! 💙
Tagging (gently): @duckingwriting @acertainmoshke @callahanscorner @lorenfinch
Your words will be: savor, energy, camp, and fortune
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From @talesofsorrowandofruin
The words tangled in my throat as the open door revealed the lavender lizard pirate standing there, bandaged and supporting himself on a cane. I clutched my hand to my chest and nearly bit my tongue to avoid screaming. Of all the guests I might have expected, he was not one of them. But I suppose I should speak, shouldn’t I? I couldn’t simply stand there looking at him.
He departed, and while I did my best to temper my anger, it got the better of me as I seized one of the paperweights from my desk and threw it across the room, shattering some glass thing wherever it landed. Mar-Dur knew we would not follow him into waters crawling with the Pale Navy. It would be suicide. Though if he was going willingly into those cursed seas, it must mean that he was searching for powerful allies, heavy artillery, or both.
I missed him more than I could put into words, and much as I tried to deny or convince myself otherwise, I loved him. The dull ache in my chest grew, and I started to cry. I’d missed people before; in fact, I’d spent most of my life yearning for the company of those I could not be with, but these feelings were different and altogether more painful.
Perhaps it was silly, but it reminded me of his grandmother’s story about the Kingdom of Frogs, hidden under the humble visage of a well, just as this place was hidden within him... A wonder unlike any other took over me, and with it came an overwhelming need to protect...to protect what? Him? This place? I got the sense that it was extraordinary despite his writing it off as ordinary.
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From @oh-no-another-idea
I sat up and reached over to the small end table beside the tub to retrieve my soap when I saw a strange black smoke creeping in from outside my tent. A panic entered my stomach. Was this the Third Prince’s magic? I choked back the scream in my throat and watched it closely to see what might happen next. It began to grow thicker and started to crawl up the air, coalescing into the form of something.
I don't have this word, so have an AASOAF fun fact instead! In the original telling of AASOAF, Wilkes attends a formal event dressed in Lizardfolk robes heavily inspired by Mexican Mariachi dress because I think he'd really like the style IRL!
She was leaning against one of the masts and somehow managed to look imposing and enchanting at the same time. Her face was long and elegant, each feature upon it well-defined and distinguished. Her eyes were a golden color that stood out against her skin and hair; both appeared the color of rain-dampened soil, rich and dark.
She’d traveled in nightclothes, a cloak, and bare feet; even I could admit that probably didn’t feel good despite not personally needing to wear shoes myself.  Humans had paper-like skin on their feet, so they could hardly withstand things like pebbles and small branches, unlike my kind, who stepped on things like cactuses without issue.
The fabric of her dress rustled as she produced the pouch of treasure I had snuck into her bag the night before. She wasn’t here to return it, was she? She couldn’t be that stupid, right? Though I suppose she could be. Intelligence was not a credit she could be so confidently assigned, at least not in the same way one could with her honesty.
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From @justnerdy15
“Do you think they’re alright?” I asked softly. She laughed. “Child, don’t tell me you are still soft-hearted after being in my service for two years. Very little should concern you about society now; you should see this as nothing more than mere entertainment. When you get to my age, things such as these are commonplace.”
It seemed one of the ropes of my makeshift tent had come loose from the branch I’d tied it to, freely letting in the rain as a welcomed guest. I frantically gathered my things, but it was no use. They were ruined! But what about—?! I gasped and dropped the blanket I’d been holding and patted my pockets hurriedly, sighing relief upon feeling the card tin safely inside one of them.
As I chewed, I looked over the landscape and marveled at how peaceful it was. There was a gentle breeze, the sound of tall grasses sliding past one another, bugs flitting all throughout the air, and birds chirping, hidden in the boughs of their chosen trees. I might enjoy it more if I wasn’t in the company of an absolute tyrant.
I wouldn’t be bold enough to say it looked comforting because it didn’t, but it was a relief to lay eyes upon, if only because it was the last remaining gesture of kindness being shown to me. I reached up nervously and took it. He pulled me up with ease and then quickly replaced his steady grip with my bag’s handle instead.
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From @sam-glade
The woman began to approach with slow, deliberate steps. Wrong again. Miss Frère walked with a bouncy urgency that swished her skirts ever so slightly to make the most gentle rustling sound. Perhaps to sound, well, like the beating of a dove’s wings. Yet another thing this woman was not.
It was an odd way to sleep, but I didn’t want to question it if that’s how she was most comfortable. I shifted ever so slightly, and then it was silent again. The low crackle of the fire in the hearth and the occasional firework outside punctuated how uniquely awful this lack of sound was. I wanted to take her into my arms, but she didn’t seem to share the desire, or else she would not be so far away. But she was cold, right?
“If’n her type be tall and handsome, she will forget ‘bout him entire when she claps eyes on me. Landlubber be right squat.” I declared smugly. She laughed. “Well, let’s make this interesting then. If you don’t manage to win her over, then tomorrow night, you must wear a corset.” I eyed her for a moment, then glanced back at the woman in the starling mask. Perhaps I was a little out of practice when it came to charming women, but surely I was not so useless. Pulling a woman away from a man like that should be easy for someone as dashing as me.
I expected her to come back after that, but instead, she stood there until the vessel disappeared from view entirely. Would she wait like that for me if I ever sailed someplace without her? And would she be awash with tears as she was now? I hissed quietly, trying to shake the image from my mind. I didn’t like it.
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From @ellatholmes
I took a few deep breaths and cursed my hands for being so uncooperative as they failed to strike sparks with the flint and iron that had been sitting on the mantle. After several attempts, I gave up and decided to use matches instead. Though I wasn’t sure why I thought that would be any better. Upon opening the box, several tumbled out and onto the floor, and I even snapped a few as I tried to light them.
Okay this word is in the snippet for dull somewhere up there and since I don't want to put it here gain, have an AASOAF fun fact! Axtapor was original a blue Lizardfolk but then I realized that I had like four other Lizardfolk characters who were blue and decided that I needed more variety so I chose to make him lavendar instead.
Her voice was smooth and cool, like a piece of ice upon the back of one’s neck on a sweltering day. Still, her tone did nothing to take the annoyance out of paying for setting foot in here. I eyed Hartim with a frown as I fetched the advertised twenty-five pieces from my pouch.
I watched as she carefully sliced the meat away from the bones of a desert hare I hunted earlier. The meal would be that and roasted potatoes. A far cry from the handsome meals she was cooking back when we lived in a proper house, but it was better than starving.
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duckingwriting · 6 months
Manuscript search
Tagged by @author-a-holmes and you can see her post here.
I will lightly tag - @mrbexwrites, @squarebracket-trick, @mthollowell-writes, @kaiusvnoir, and leave an open tag for anyone else who wants to join.
Your words will be: Instinct, Wage, Filter, Oil
My words are - Coin, Cloud, Cozy, and Cough
Coin - From Wanted: 'Til Death
There was no reason to think that anyone else knew who was beneath the disguise. No one ever saw beneath them after all. So when the targets were all lined up and the shots began Phil felt no need to warn Robin against showing off. It always brought a smile to his face and even in the darkest times that smile would sooth the ache in Phil's chest. It's how it always had been and he suspected it was how it always would be. The sun rose, rain was wet, Marian would take advantage of any man foolish enough to let her, Tuck would preach, Phil would turn a blind eye to the sudden coin some citizens got after robberies, and Robin's smile reminded Phil that there was still good in the world. These were facts and there was no point in denying them. It would not make them any less true. Just make someone seem foolish for denying what should be undeniable. 
Cloud - from a RDR2 Charthur(I still hate that ship name) fic I'm working on
Arthur figured the other man was asleep when he finally pushed himself up and pulled out his sketch book. The low embers barely cast enough light with the moon disappearing behind clouds but he managed to start sketching. He glanced at the man as his likeness began to take shape in his sketch book. Arthur found himself lost in the scratching of pencil to paper that he forgot to pay attention to Charles.
Cozy - ....I have absolutely nothing. Not a single story that I can find uses the word cozy, I even dug through the "no one but me will ever see these" and found nothing.
Cough -From a A/B/O Firefly AU. Jayne/Simon
“Told ya, she’d stab you someday.” Jayne broke the silence pointing his fork at the smaller man. “That’s vile.” River wrinkled her nose at Jayne. “You stab him.” “No one’s stabbing no one.” Mal cut in glaring at the two before leveling a flat stare at Simon. “Maybe keep little sister on the boat ya?” Simon nodded his head and poked his rations. “I have something I’ve got to get.” “Alright, Doc.” Mal shrugged. “Add it to the list. We’ll grab it for ya.” “NO!” Simon coughed to try and covered his outburst as every eye turned on him in silence. “I…It’s…I’ve got to get it myself.” “Alright, Son.” Book offered Simon a soft smile while the younger man squirmed in his seat. “I’ll keep River company until you return.” “Thank you.” Simon deflated with relief, even if Mal’s eyes promised this conversation wasn’t over.
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mrssimply · 11 months
Find the word/Manuscript search tag
Ohhh!! I was so excited to see this game appear on my dash, Thank you so much @rockerboyrepo for the tag! Very happy to play, even though it took me a week or something (I was on holiday with limited access to my files)
you gave me the words: Again, Deeply, Growl, Smirk
And since it was very diffisult for me to cut after a few sentences, you get full snippets.
[That one is for Rockerboyrepo, actually, I need to finish it when inspiration strikes again - it's the follow up to his own fic that I started to write with his permission ;p]
After going back to his apartment and burying himself under booze and drugs, Kerry elects to ignore the motorcycle for a week.  He can’t help but think about it, and as the week passes by, he’s starting to feel angry again. 
Even in death, Johnny is a fucking asshole, coming back to haunt him, making sure Kerry can’t live a normal life, free of his perpetual shadow. Making sure he can’t forget, as if he ever could in the first place. He might want to but he’s not sure he can.
Which is how after a particularly bad day that started with spilled coffee on his brand new tank top, went on with a frustrating meeting at the label, and ended with the discovery that the Rainbow Cadenza wouldn’t reopen after the damage it had taken during the explosion, Kerry went down to the garage instead of his flat. 
He rounds it with jerky movements, crossing his arms as he looks at it. He feels the rage rise inside of him, let it sour his tongue and fill his stomach with acid.
“Fuck!” He curses out loud when the feeling overflows, and he kicks the rear tire once, then twice with more strength, and a third time with a cry of rage. The bike doesn’t move an inch, pretty much like its previous owner, stubborn by default.
“Fuck you!” Kerry screams at it, aiming his futiles kicks higher to try and unbalance the vehicle, but with the center stand and the weight, Kerry is no match. The motorcycle takes his rage placidly. With another cry of anger, Kerry grabs the seat and the trunk, pulling at them to try and upturn the bike, but it doesn’t work either. It doesn’t force the compartment open, though, and the surprise unbalances Kerry, who falls on his ass with a stunned expression.
Other words bellow the cut :D
That one is from the secon John Wick fic, publication should happen soon(ish)! Kept it short because of spoiler for the fic ;)
“I didn’t think you were capable of love,” he declared, prompting an eyebrow raise from Santino. “Love isn’t supposed to be that vicious.”
The Italian mob boss snorted and his smirk turned into his usual sneer.
“Did you ever consider it was vicious because I was always on the defense? I had no choice but to be cruel because I didn’t know any different. It was the most precious thing I ever experienced, and it made me particularly savage when it came to defending it.”
Winston made a face, but didn’t debate the reasoning.
“And what about now? Did you learn anything different?”
“No,” he admitted with a shrug, “But he did.”
“Ah, sweet Helen taught him, and you expect him to teach you in turn?”
Santino bared his teeth in a poor imitation of a smile, making Winston snort and hold his hands up in surrender.
[that one is from the original story I'm trying to write. It's... slow progress but hey, first time I show it!]
“It’s a key,” Tiberion went on, pulling Sisay’s focus back to him. “And like every key, it opens a door. I need a team to find that door, and then help me retrieve something.”
In the couch between them, Kheor shifted, and Sisay sensed something like agitation. It was hard to tell, as she still looked unflappable, but there was a new tension in her body.
“I thought this was for the Rebellion,” she hissed between her teeth.
Tiberion gave her a fleeting smile.
“It is. In a way.”
“Tell me it’s not what I think it is?” she asked in a sharp bark.
The Primadyne pulled on his cigarette, eyes fixed on her. 
“It would be difficult for me to tell you this, since I don’t know what you think it is.”
She gave him a grin, the kind that would make lesser men quiver and cower, but Tiberion didn’t look impressed. 
Their interaction clued Sisay on the fact they weren’t just from the same alien race: they were close, too, they knew each other like friends, or something like it. 
“Kheor told me you lost a lot for this mission,” Tiberion went on, “I know what it’s like to lose everything. So let me offer you a new purpose: it’s a dangerous mission, with high rewards.”
“I have enough money with what you paid for the gig,” Sisay found himself replying. The words were robotic, a negotiation technique more than real disinterest. Truth was, the idea of another job to distract him was appealing.
Tiberion smiled: it was an ugly thing, full of irony and pain.
“Yeah, well, what I’m offering now is glory, to go with the money.”
“I don’t care about glory.”
“Revenge, then. Wasn’t it the Imperat guards that killed your friend? What I seek would help the Rebellion greatly. It’s a chance to fight back.”
Sisay gave him an unimpressed look. So far Tiberion’s attempt to lure him felt half hearted, like he couldn’t be bothered to really try. Kheor seemed to think so too because she was giving him about the same expression.
“You’re really bad at this,” she commented. “Why don’t you give us the truth: what does this key do, what does it open… You know, the questions I asked you before taking this job for you that you didn’t answer because you told me to trust you. I did,” the Witch reminded him pointedly even though the second Primadyne refused to look at her.
“Back then, you told me you would clear everything up if the key was retrieved. It’s been retrieved, so now, I’m asking again, and I expect answers.”
Tiberion went on smoking in silence, he took the time to ash his cigarette before turning to Sisay. The hacker was startled by the intensity of his gaze; for a flash, something powerful shone through his pupils.
“What do you know about the Deathwalker, Sisay?”
Next to him, Kheor sighed and got up.
“Not this again,” she muttered in a growl before making her way to a small cabinet to the left of the room where she retrieved  glass of a purple liquid that glittered, and poured herself a glass.
Tiberion ignored her, gaze still stuck to Sisay, who was frowning.
[from the John Wick fic again]
Santino listened to the silence for a few more minutes before sitting up with a soft groan of contentment. Despite the dread and the lack of sleep, his body felt deeply relaxed, and ached in the best ways. He couldn’t help but snort when he thought about their joining. Letting John drive had been a marvelous idea, and it showed how much both of them had changed in the past eight years.
After showering, Santino put on his own suit: dark shirt, sacks of a deep anthracite color and matching jacket, to put on top of a forest green vest. For later, he had also brought  the heavy black coat to drape over his shoulders. He laced his shoes, knowing he would have a few hours more of reading and work before he was to make his way to the Sacré Coeur. John would start making his way earlier: from the Bowery King to Santino, every one of them was persuaded the Marquis would try to prevent John from being on time, or from coming at all. 
As he crossed the threshold of the living room, he found John bent over the table where he’d set shop, skimming over the papers. He was in the middle of securing his cufflinks, stopped in the process by his curiosity as he read over the coded documents. Apparently, he still remembered the decryption key because he didn’t seem to struggle deciphering them.
Walking up to him, Santino gently plucked the cufflink from his lover's hand and took over the act of securing the button on the sleeve. John glanced at him, dark eyes assessing him in silence.
“Why are you doing this, Santino?” 
The man knew the question was layered, and since he wasn’t particularly willing to discuss all of them, he started with the most obvious one.
“Making sure you’re perfectly dressed to meet death. Wouldn't let you lose the battle of style to your brother.”
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elshells · 10 months
Manuscript Search Tag
Thank you for the tag, @talesofsorrowandofruin! Check out her words here
My words to find are: MEMORY, SILENT, TEARS, and WASTED
* * *
MEMORY (Agent Ace, Chapter 1: Sophia's POV)
The gun burned in her hands like a bad memory. What does he know about the Guard? What does he know about me?
SILENT (Agent Ace, Chapter 7 Pt. 2: Harley's POV)
Admin and Jester exchanged silent glances. Harley sat still, her heart pumping in her chest. After a short eternity, Jester looked back to Harley and asked, “A warning? From who?”
TEARS (Agent Ace, Chapter 11: Sophia's POV)
“Stargazer?” she murmured groggily. Her puffy eyes stung in the wind, tears blocking her vision. “Where’s… where’s Agent Clarke? H-He needs us, we—‌” “He’s dead, Ace,” Stargazer replied in her deep rasp of a voice. Her embrace was warm as she held Sophia tighter. “There’s nothing we can do for him. But we’re not gonna lose you, too.”
Surprised to say that I don't have this word!
* * *
Tagging @writernopal, @sam-glade, @captain-kraken, @tabswrites, @korblez, and @mysticstarlightduck.
Your words to find are: BLEED, PRICE, PASSAGE, and SHIFT
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primroseprime2019 · 1 year
Manuscript Search Tag
Thanks for the invite, @talesofsorrowandofruin
This is from Transcendants: Skyfall
Words: distance, defeat, double, declare and dislike.
Distance: “Magnus?” Natalia said gently as she walked over to him. The boy had been keeping his distance as of late and it worried everyone. Magnus’ tail curled up and he sniffled.
Defeat: Matthew grumbled as he walked down the hallway. He stopped in front of a door and he saw Ahmanet chained up and he glanced at the large syringes of mercury. He looked at her and she glared at him. “You will know defeat, Transcendant,” she snarled. He huffed, “the day I know that is the day I die.”
Double: “How are we supposed to find the Golden Lion Statue?” Sylvia huffed, “I mean, what, do we just bathe in the River Nile?” Adora rolled her eyes, “no. We double checked the waters and we still have no clue where the Lion statue is. It might be connected to finding Set’s Stone.” “Good luck with that,” Ophelia grumbled.
Declare: “A god who doesn’t care is useless,” Paige growled as she glared up at Zeus. Poseidon hid a wince as his brother growled and he stood to his feet. “Watch your tongue lest I rip it out,” he snarled. Paige narrowed her eyes coldly, “you could declare war upon Transcendants and you know they’ll fight back… but you won’t.”
Dislike: The Constellation Squad were in the Starlit Mountains. They stood in front of a large cave entrance. The only problem was… that there was no entrance. “How are we supposed to find Stella’s Ark if we don’t know where it is?” Damien huffed. Val looked around before she walked over to the side of the entrance and her eyes glinted golden. The others jumped in surprise and a large boulder rolled out of the way, revealing the entrance. Torches came to life and everyone stared at them in surprise. Rocco, Damien’s Furret companion, shuddered. “I’m starting to dislike these mountains.”
Tagging: @btranwrites @toribookworm22 @tzipor-feather-blog @movieexpert1978 @goldenbrownanddistasteful @musicmoviestv @princessquinnella @little-mouse-gardens
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Manuscript Search Tag Game!
tagged (twice :D)by @akindofmagictoo! thanks!
Forever (herald at dawn, draft 1)
Alex nodded. “It will not keep you secret forever. In truth, I don’t think it will last for more than 24 hours from date of publishing. Your name was in the news a lot, especially then.” Nathaniel nodded. “That it was. You are sure I’ll only have a day or so?” “Journalists are an industrious group. Even if they aren’t looking for the witnesses mentioned, they will still be looking for her son. There are four and a half months of daily newspaper articles with your name in them in our archives alone.”
I can't find rage anywhere in any draft of a wip.
Trial (herald at dawn, draft 1)
“I do not understand why they need to have a trial go on for four months, and I am quite literally being paid to understand that.” “Do you want help? I don’t much understand legalese, but a second person looking at it might help?” offered James. “Thank you, Blakely, but you’ve got more important things to do, surely.” James half shrugged. “Not as such. Nothing that my uncle can’t wait for. Which case is it?” “The Ekker trial,” said Leo, leaning back and cracking his neck, “regarding the murder of Marisol Ekker by her son’s father’s wife, who was possibly aided by her son’s father.
Fade (enna's prequel, draft 1)
The expression on her brother’s face as she walked into the room, the plea for help, the way that man in the passage had claimed to be her uncle before he faded back into the shadows. Not that she believed him. She didn’t, not really. Why would he kill his nephew?. The look on first Penelope’s face, as she followed the screaming and the open trapdoor to find Enna staring into the darkness of the tunnel with blood on her shirt and no words to prove the man had actually been there. The look on Anne’s face as she admitted that she had gotten there after Enna, and their brother and their captain was already bleeding out. That look, and the way Anne wouldn’t—or couldn’t—meet the eyes of her sister as she damned her. The way Anne had looked at her when, three hours later, she broke into the cells to set Enna free. The way she had hugged her, and told her to run, and promised not to forget Enna, that they would find each other someday, like all the old stories said about twins.
I'll tag (no pressure) @ashen-crest @sleepyowlwrites and anyone who wants to play! your words are seek, find, wonder, and fire
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autumnalwalker · 29 days
Find the Word Tag
Thank you for the tag, @ahordeofwasps.
My words to find were never, night, nail, & need.
Passing the (optional) tag to @theimperiumchronicles, @sarahlizziewrites, @druidx, @blind-the-winds, and the usual open tag to anyone else who wants to join in.
Your words to find shall be muscle, morning, matter, & message.
Never: Empty Names - 23 - Compression
She waits a second for any objections and then places her palm on the bare skin between his shoulder blades.  He’s warm.  She feels the surrounding muscles reflexively tense on contact and then slowly relax.  He’s all muscle beneath the robes, but it feels different from what she’s felt through Eris’s tank tops when pulled into an embrace.  Leaner.  Less bulk but still toned.  She’s heard of mages tapping into their own metabolism for fueling magic to burn excess fat and retain figures in defiance of diet, but that doesn’t build muscle mass.  The skin on his back and arms doesn’t look like it could ever be anywhere near as sickly pale as hers is, but it is noticeably lighter than his hands and face, even accounting for makeup.  She wonders when the last time was that he wore anything with short sleeves.  Does he even have other clothes?  She’s never seen him wear anything else.  
Still less distracting without the robe on than with.  Probably says more about her than him.  Do all wizard robes on Orthon look like sleek dresses with wide sleeves, or is it just because he copied his mentor’s style?
Night: Empty Names - 23 - Compression
“No vertigo, nausea, or other adverse reactions to the counterseal,” Ashan reports once he and his double return to Lacuna.  “This illusion feels as natural to create and control as my conjurations.”  He glances over at said illusion practically bouncing up and down in excitement.  “Well, almost as natural.  Thank you, truly.”
With those last words Ashan lightly puts a hand on Lacuna’s shoulder.  When his double tries to do the same it passes through her slightly and becomes both there and not there to her vision, like an object only visible through one eye.
“You’re wel- whoa, that’s weird,” Lacuna stumbles her words in surprise.
Ashan pulls his hand back with a puff of exhalation and the illusion throws its head back in silent laughter.
“Ah.  My apologies.  Illusions can be like that when exposed for what they are.”
“It’s fine.  Kind of cool actually.  Do they normally reflect the caster’s emotions like that too?  That’s not something I’ve read about.”
Ashan’s reflection has just enough time to blush hard enough to be seen through the perfect makeup before flickering out of existence.
“Merely a random aberration born from tiredness, I am sure,” the real Ashan says coolly and evenly.  “It must be well after midnight by now.”
“Sure it is.” Lacuna grins and chooses not to poke more fun at the matter.  “Let’s call it a night.  Morning?  Whatever.  Either way, I think we can call this experiment a resounding success.  What do you say?”
“Indeed,” Ashan agrees.
Nail: Empty Names - 9 - Test Run
Just a little further to climb.  Not a bad warmup for her, really.  As long as she’s burning Sullivan’s money, maybe she should add a rock wall to her equipment request along with the other training gear. 
One more stretch.  Grab the main pole of the bowsprit.  Heave.  Swing herself up.  Nail the landing.  Dust off her hands.  Nearly lose her balance when she hears Sullivan slow clapping and sees the others already on the deck.
“What the Hell?”
“I conjured a ramp,” Ashan says matter-of-factly. 
Of course he did.
Need: Empty Names - 23 - Compression
She bends over to use the keyboard and mouse, foregoing sitting down for fear of not wanting to get back up again.  She stops the recordings and takes a brief glance at compiled readouts.  Nothing catches her eye as out of the ordinary, but she’ll need to check it again in the morning when she’s more awake.  She shuts down the test chamber, starts to shut down the computer, and then remembers she forgot to check her email all day.  Nothing urgent, thankfully, but there’s an unexpected message from RevaTech asking if she’d be interested in scheduling an interview and reconsidering working for them.  Weird.  Maybe someone from her old team heard it had taken her a while to find a new job?
She nearly deletes the email but then thinks better of it, flagging and archiving it instead.  Not that she has any intention of leaving where she is now.  Still… It’d be a heck of a coincidence, but with what she gathered yesterday evening and this morning over breakfast about Sullivan and Road looking into something involving robots, it couldn’t hurt to keep open as an avenue to explore later.
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dyrewrites · 2 months
Manuscript search/Find the word tag
@kaylinalexanderbooks gots me for this thing what is like the other thing and I am confused, but I will do it anyway!
Rules: post excerpts containing the following words in your manuscript, then tag others with a new set of words!
Tagging YOU, and also @rmgrey-author and @stesierra ^.-
You words: track, latch, hope, cry
My words: accept, appreciate, access, advice
->under the cut cuz long<-
I understand the fear now, I told Lucient, but a glance towards him confused. He did not gape up at the horror, he sneered, defiant. It is not what he is you should fear, treasure, he explained, but what he does. The witch bowed to us, revealing four spindly arms and too many long webbed fingers, “I will accept your terrified silence as apology,” and Lucient gripped me tighter as the witch did not move so much as appear directly in front of us. He bent and touched my cheek with a single finger, twice as long as my face, “Warm, this pet, kitty...but where did you find it, and where is your Mistress?”
The young man that brought our coffees set the tray down, still gawking at us and, in a very quiet voice said, “We call it a ‘penny university’.” We remained locked in our kiss, but both of us slid our eyes to glare at the poor boy, withering him before he backed away from the table—then ran. It killed the mood but not the desire, too cool on my tongue Lucient was and I didn’t want to let him go, so I tried to rile him again, is that the scene you meant? He pulled away, but licked the taste of me from his lips before speaking, “You know it wasn’t, but I appreciate the attempt, treasure.”
“I can certainly try, sir, but I cannot guaranteed they will allow you access,” that coachman had a smoother voice than the last, one that practically sang as he spoke. And I tilted my head for that delightful melody, closing my eyes to focus on it as he explained that there may be crowds slowing us on the way and security around the structure and how he doubted he could even get the coach all the way up the hill. Lucient eyed me over his shoulder, his glare forcing my eyes open to witness how he caught my enjoyment of that voice, but he continued to the coachman with more effort put into his own, “Merci, monsieur, as close as you can get us would be lovely.”
He blurred in my sight, all blurred, but I kept my eyes where I hoped he was as he caressed my cheek, “Magic is not always loud and flashy, the most powerful is quiet as a whisper and subtle as a caress.” “Like yours?” It came out harsher than I meant it, grinding with all my uncertainty. But he nodded, smiled—if small—and tapped my chest, “Ours, yes.” Quiet magic, I wondered, vision yet blurred, strange and another thought fluttered in it as I noted how Lucient did not sway, did not slur. He answered before I asked, “His is a magic that lessens with...exposure.” I said nothing else of it, but whimpered ever so slightly when he released me to tend to the crew. And he smiled with it, “Go rest, treasure, I must give them their destination and they become noisesome when receiving orders.” I had no desire to be around the crew, so I heeded his advice and stumbled toward his quarters.
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akindofmagictoo · 5 months
manuscript search tag game
this one comes from @isherwoodj! thank you!
my words are house, light, stretch, quit, grass
house (Dragonsong draft 1)
Her little house was hardly lavish, but it had been home for four years. For five years before that, Meg’s house had been home and it was virtually identical. And she’d thrown it all away, turned it all upside down. Her house, her pay, her job, her entire life. For what? For a little dragon that ultimately, she hadn’t even been able to protect. Enya was in the king’s hands now. A lump rose in her throat, choking. Hot tears pricked her eyelids and she stumbled to her bed. What had she done? It might have been the fact that she didn’t even have an answer to that question that made the tears start.
light (Dragonsong draft 1)
“You say that like there’s much choice,” said Robin. “You want to leave all those dragons to suffer for thousands more years?” “I don’t particularly feel like finding out my magical limits the hard way, no.” Robin shrugged. “We can at least go and investigate. Presumably we can get an idea of what will be required before we actually do anything. I’d love to know more about how it works; I’ve never seen a spell that big. I’ve never even seen a spell that permanent. Most spells I cast don’t stick around that long.” Isi smiled. The subject might be serious, but there was a light in Robin’s eyes that she hadn’t seen that much in the past year. His passion was endearing, though. If all of this worked out… well, it was hard to believe it would, especially given her current state, but if things worked out she hoped Robin would be able to study magic in greater depth.
stretch (Dragonsong draft 1)
“Are there still wanted posters up for us?” said Robin. “Oh, shit, yeah.” Sierra stretched out her legs in front of her. “Are there?” Jasper scanned their faces, apparently thinking. “For harbouring a fugitive?” “Yes,” Isi said. “I believe I have seen them, but if anyone were to try and turn you in, who would they go to? Me.” The corner of his mouth twitched. “No need to worry.”
quit (Dragonsong draft 1)
“Good, ‘cause I have a question.” Without waiting for a reply, Sierra barrelled on, “You said you quit your job. Why? I thought you loved it? That’s what you said when you were last home.” She glanced up at Isi, and there was a tinge of jealousy under her words, like Isi had loved it more than she loved Sierra. “I was ordered to go kill a dragon, which I did. But then we realised the dragon had a baby.”
grass (Dragonsong draft 1)
Isi wiped her sword clean on a nearby patch of grass, then stood and headed back to the tavern. Baya was waiting for her outside. A smile lit up her wrinkled face as Isi approached. “It’s dead,” said Isi, re-sheathing her sword. “I expected no less.” A wry look came over Baya’s face. “I don’t think I did mistake you for someone else. I think you were a knight when last I saw you. Weren’t you, Tor Isadora?” Isi sighed. “That’s me. Well… it was.” Tor Isadora had followed every rule, every law to the letter. Tor Isadora had kept herself clean, avoided getting her hands too dirty, made sure her armour was always polished. Everything had been by the book, strictly governed. Sterile. Isi stood here now, her skin sticky with capybara blood and smudged with days-old dirt. Her braid was starting to come loose, and her shirt had a rip in it that she was yet to fix. But she felt more alive than she had as a knight. This wasn’t sterile, simple change. This was tangible. She could still smell the blood. She liked to be clean and tidy. But really, it had all been for show. Here and now, she had done something. There would be time to clean up later.
tagging @dragon-swords-prophecies and @ellatholmes for this one! your words are forever, rage, trial, fade
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writernopal · 9 months
Find the Word Tag
Fair warning this is going to be a FAT post because I had several lovely peeps tag me for this one!
@captain-kraken, here
@toribookworm22, here
@autumnalwalker, here
@squarebracket-trick, here
@talesofsorrowandofruin, here
Thank you all so much!
Tagging (gently): @kosmic-kore @sunset-a-story and @sugar-phoenix
Your words to find will be: deprived, include, major, and hate
From Kraken:
faint (AASOAF 1)
And then, I heard a faint sound. A thud? I stopped, struggling to figure out what it might be, but my nervous breaths seemed to overshadow anything that my ears might pick up.
lonely (AASOAF 2)
In any case, they fed and clothed me without complaint and made sure I wasn’t lonely or wanting for anything, even going so far as coming to have supper with me in my recovery room. It was touching.
grow (AASOAF 2)
I looked down at my hands and chewed my lip. “I-I can’t help but feel as though there is something that you are not telling me.” My comment did nothing to make him speak, but I could feel the atmosphere between us grow heavy, sign enough that my suspicions were correct. 
memory (AASOAF 2)
Who did I find? I’d been pining after her so desperately without even knowing who or what she was to me. His question and the memory of her cruel words further overshadowed my momentary happiness at seeing her again.
From Tori:
subdue (AASOAF 1)
As terrified as I was, I needed to be brave. I needed to protect Samuel, but to do that; I would have to subdue him, and quickly.
fate (AASOAF 1)
Why was he being cruel? I’d lost my livelihood because of him! Not only that, but managed to save his life once more! It felt like some sort of cruel joke that fate would force us to make such an unfair and savage exchange.
told (AASOAF 1)
She wasn’t even in half-mourning. Husbands had the option to be in half-mourning after the passing of their wives, but wives weren’t given such a choice. She should still be observing it if what she told Xaxxix was true.
believe (AASOAF 1)
Sometimes it was exceedingly easy to believe that they were my underlings. This was one of those times. And with their constant ribbing of one another, one might easily mistake them for brothers.
From Autumnal:
broke (AASOAF 1)
“She said wells be portals to the Kin’dom of Frogs, and I wanted to go there to see as so for myself. So I jumped into the first well I could find. Broke my leg and near scared my mother to death.” He said with a nostalgic look on his face.  “It sounds less that she played the trickster and more that you were simply impatient.” I remarked with a giggle. 
flattery (AASOAF 2)
“I’m not buying you more furs, Anise. We can barely afford to feed ourselves as it is. Do you think there is gold just lying about for you to spend?!” I yelled, throwing an angry hand up in frustration.  “You have so much hair.” She said, changing her strategy to blatant flattery, “Wilkes is lucky he gets to sleep in it.” I smacked my lips in an annoyed fashion. “You and Wilkes are lucky I let either of you near me…”
I don't have this word! Have an AASOAF fun fact instead! I legitimately thought that everyone was going to hate Axtapor while I was writing AASOAF 1 so I was genuinely surprised that so many people liked him when I started sharing my work online.
rattle (AASOAF 1)
I tried to lift my head before a shock of pain thrust itself through the base of my neck. I cried out and heard the rattling of chains in my ears as I fell to my knees. The water is rising. No. I’m sinking. I struggled further and called out to anyone who might hear me, but there was no response. No echo. No sound. 
From Kate:
smooth (AASOAF 1)
The pair of smooth sloped horns upon his head, his bright red eyes, and the ruby set in his forehead helped me confirm my suspicions about who he was, though they were hardly needed. He was unmistakable.
free (AASOAF 1)
“Do ye want to be free? Or will ye let them step on ye again?” “Even if I wanted to be, what can either of us do?” I whispered shakily. “It nay matters tell me what ye want.”
broken (AASOAF 1)
“Oxlo, Oxlo. First Mate, broken-hearted Dreamer. Broken man, broken heart, broken Dreamer. Nightmares. Dark. Terror. Oxlo.” “Aye, Kirik.” I responded with a frown as I pulled my pipe from my pocket and began to stuff it with tobacco.
slowly (AASOAF 1)
But we would need to stop to water the horse soon; the poor beast was foaming at the mouth and proceeding slowly after being worked so hard the night before.
From Nerissa:
anger (AASOAF 2)
He departed, and while I did my best to temper my anger, it got the better of me as I seized one of the paperweights from my desk and threw it across the room, shattering some glass thing wherever it landed.
opposite (AASOAF 1)
People bustling about and minding their own business seemed to suck whatever unique value such an environment could provide to any new eyes that might lay upon it. I let out a small sigh as I scanned the crowd in the opposite direction and felt my limbs become tense.
continue (AASOAF 2)
Of course, such things would not go unnoticed by her. She knew me well, and no matter how much I dismissed her, she would just find another angle and continue to prod, but where would I even begin telling her about what was troubling me?
answer (AASOAF 2)
I supposed his answer was sweet, and I should be happy that my grandmother would finally have a chance to be with someone who treasured her in the way she deserved, but I wasn’t. When it came down to it, I didn’t like his response at all, and I didn’t know why.
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duckingwriting · 7 months
Manuscript Search
I was tagged by @talesofsorrowandofruin and you can find her post here!
NO pressure tagging: @author-a-holmes, @mariahwritesstuff, @mthollowell-writes, @mrbexwrites, and leaving an open tag for people to hop in on.
The new words are: enlarge, coin, bill, and angel.
I'm going to be searching for the words anyone, everyone, someone and no one in Wanted: 'Til Death.
As always it's bellow the cut.
CW/TW - Sex,
anyone -
Phil wasn't sure if the scent of cigarette smoke or incense was the bigger cause of the haze filled room. He figured it was probably a combination of both. Not that they would stand a chance of getting anyone here to stop smoking. And the incense was needed to covered up the heavy scent of sex. Phil saw some of Marian's girls look his way but none of them approached him.
“Phil…” Robin groaned tipping his head back against the back of the tree. Threading his fingers through the man’s dark locks. “How much time we got?” “Mmm…only five men. The ‘corns are flighty too.” Phil trailed his mouth over the stubble covered chin and down to the neck to lightly nip and kiss. “Not long then.” “Long enough if you’re fast enough.” Robin gripped Phil’s hair and pulled his lover’s mouth back to his while pulling a jar of lubricant from his pocket. Pulling back he grinned the brilliant smile everyone knew him for nearly taking Phil’s breathe away.
Robin laughed. “Why ever not? It’s not like Pie's easy to see on moonless nights.” John looked up to the moonless sky Robin had gestured to, weighing his words carefully. “I know…You care a lot for him, Robin. But he’s the Sheriff.” Robin snorted. “For fuck’s sake, John. It’s Philip. Badge or no he’s not gonna arrest me just because Mayor Henry demands he does.” “And what if someone notices that?” John finally turned to look at the shadow he knew was Robin. “That no matter how often the two you cross paths both of you walk away without bullet holes?” “We’re both light on our feet.” Robin dismissed again. “I’m just saying. Someday someone will notice him and his connection to you.” John warned as he started off down the road. “And they’ll either use one of you against the other or just eliminate whichever one is easier to get to.”
no one-
There was no reason to think that anyone else knew who was beneath the disguise. No one ever saw beneath them after all. So when the targets were all lined up and the shots began Phil felt no need to warn Robin against showing off. It always brought a smile to his face and even in the darkest times that smile would sooth the ache in Phil's chest. It's how it always had been and he suspected it was how it always would be. The sun rose, rain was wet, Marian would take advantage of any man foolish enough to let her, Tuck would preach, Phil would turn a blind eye to the sudden coin some citizens got after robberies, and Robin's smile reminded Phil that there was still good in the world. These were facts and there was no point in denying them. It would not make them any less true. Just make someone seem foolish for denying what should be undeniable. 
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vellichor-virgo · 1 year
manuscript search lxxii
currently taking a break from writing a lab report, so @akindofmagictoo caught me at just the right time with this tag! my words are nightfall, horizon, safety, & whisper
nightfall (predictably, from ND v1)
Enormous and soaring, Nightfall Palace echoes the rest of the city, with the same sleek, sharp dark elegance. It is the colour of onyx, a blend of metal, glass, and smooth black stone, with turrets and towers sharp as daggers scratching at the sky glittering above; the stars mirrored in every smooth, shining surface. It gives the impression of the palace being made of stars, rising straight out of them as though we are standing in the middle of the night sky. 
horizon (from ND v1)
This is what I did in Kallana whenever I needed to settle my emotions, or when the voices in my head began whispering too loudly for me to stand. I’d just walk off into the night, through the empty village streets and darkened forest paths, down to the trickling water of the stream. [...] This has always been my favourite time of day. The world feels so wide and full and endless; so quietly alive beneath the stars.
And so true. There is something undeniably honest about the night, as though lies set over the horizon with the sun, leaving only truth and darkness.
safety (from ND v1; Aedan has just met/rescued Celena, and is arguing that she should be brought back to the crown city, aka the capital)
“Where would you have her stay, Your Highness?”
“The palace, of course. Where else?”
A tiny squeaking sound escapes me.
“The palace, sir?” The captain’s eyes flick over me again, taking in my ragged appearance. Imagining me in the finery of Nightfall Palace is probably unthinkable for him. I know it is for me.
[...] “Why not the palace? We are not exactly wanting for space. There are enough rooms to host a village of people.”
“Prince Aedan, your father—”
“Her safety is at stake, Captain. How can we leave her here to them?” The intensity of the prince’s voice surprises me. Has anyone ever spoken so passionately in my defense? “My father will understand.”
whisper (from ND v1; an iconic Celiana scene, if i do say so myself)
[Iliana] stops just before me—much, much closer than she was before. Close enough that I can see the different shades of brown flecking her eyes. Close enough that I can smell the cinnamon-and-clove scent of her skin. Close enough that I can feel her breath on my face.
My heartbeat, having just settled, starts picking back up.
“What I want to know,” Iliana whispers, “is this: what is it that you have lost, Celena?”
i’ll tag @cream-and-tea @dontjudgemeimawriter @zmwrites @oh-no-another-idea @albatris @sleepyowlwrites and whoever else wants to join in :)
new words: settle, understand, path, & scratch
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