#magneto fluff
typing-catastrophe · 1 year
Erik Lehnsherr - love language headcanons
💕 fluff
showing his love: quality time and gift giving
he enjoys cooking together or playing chess, even just being in the same room together
he makes little trinkets and sometimes even jewellery out of metal
to an outsider it might seem like he doesn't care much or that he's inattentive, but he listens
he makes sure you never run out of your favourite tea, snacks, alcohol etc. and whatever else you mention, will magically appear sooner or later in your room
he is the type of person to come home with an absurd amount of whatever you mentioned liking the day before
also, that man is touch starved as fuck
so while he might not actively reach out to you, in the beginning at least, he does enjoy receiving physical affection
meaning, the way he feels loved/likes to receive love is physical touch
i guarantee you this man will melt when you run your fingers through his hair or snuggle up against him
when you two fall asleep together he will hold you close in his arms so that he knows you're safe
he absolutely adores it when you two stand close together and you reach your hand out to cup his cheek, letting him lean into it
whenever sitting besides each other he will put his arm up behind you on the backrest
he would never admit it but he definitely is a little bit disappointed if you don't lean into him when he does it
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mostlymarvelgirl · 1 year
Erik Coming Out To You As Bisexual
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• Erik isn’t the most affectionate or kind or open boyfriend and person, but he can always talk to you about his problems and he’ll ask without his usual sass and try to be a good boyfriend.
• He does love and care about you, after all.
• You kind of get worried about him when he sits you down with a serious and no-nonsense face because usually making jokes which are the dad jokes. Historically, it always meant he had bad news. Like that one time he accidentally destroyed one of Charles's office (though it wasn't really an accident). 😉;)
• When he comes out to you, you can see the fear of judgement that he think you'll give him, and he sort of gets pissed off as you have a smirk.
• “You’ll think I’ll treat you any different because you’re bisexual?”, you ask him.
• You don’t give a damn about that. You’re still you. That’s all that matters to him.
• You knows different sexualities exist in the world. Did he think you were so close-minded that you would condemn him for something he's born with? Something he has no control over?
• He thought you would hate the fact that he was so scared and worried coming out to you. From then on you would make sure to let him know how you support him.
• You would definitely try to help him come out to the rest of the xmen, only if he wants to. And of course smack Alex in the head and throw him off the window if he comments anything snarky.
• And you being you, would make him comfortable and teach him about the entire LGBTQIA+ community (which listens to very carefully) and teach him the memes to use once he's comfortable enough. (cause you're a GENZ)
• You being you, aka being dirty minded, would teach him to kinky in bisexual ways.
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layla4567 · 11 months
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Evan's quicksilver x fem!reader
Summary: The girls (mainly Rogue and you) have the idea of ​​recreating their favorite movie at school for a day. With the proviso that everyone must be dressed in keeping with the theme, and you hope that a certain sprinter will too Warnings: p in v, virgin reader, teasing, suggestive, also fluff Word count: 4k
A/N: I clarify just in case that the personalities of some secondary characters I don't remember so much so I basically invented some things
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Rogue shared a room with me and what we liked to do the most was watch old movies, especially "Grease", it was our favorite. We loved the music and the clothes that people wore at that time. We were actually watching it for the fifth time lying on our bellies on the mattress with our elbows propped up on soft pillows and our faces resting on our palms when out of the blue the idea struck me.
"Hey, wouldn't it be great to host a day like Grease?"
"A day like Grease? What are you talking about?"-She asked me confused without taking her eyes off the screen.
"Yes, I mean…"-I straightened up a bit to get a better look at her face- "A whole day dressed as the characters from the movie, we can even decorate the whole school!"
Now Rogue was looking at me with interest.
"And do you think others would like the idea? You know how difficult it is to agree with everyone"
"Well, we'll try! And if they don't want to, we will force them!"
I got up on my knees and slammed my fist against my hand in a determined gesture that made my friend laugh.
Then I grabbed the remote and turned off the TV
And then I stood up on the bed and started jumping up and down, then jumped down and grabbed Rogue's arm.
"Come on! we have to prepare everything!!"
"Woah, woah wait, now? I thought we would organize it in a few days"
"Do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today"-I wink at her and drag her through the halls giggling
We were chatting in the aisles planning what we were going to buy when we felt a breeze pass in front of us and as if it were an apparition Peter Maximoff stood in front of us with his arms on his hips.
"Hello ladies, what are you doing?"
Peter looked from me to Rogue with a suspicious look and a playful smile.
Peter and i had been dating for a couple of weeks and he always followed me around like a little dog. It's not that he controlled me or was toxic but sometimes he got bored and he liked to know what I was doing and if I could do it with him
"Why do you want to know, to ruin our plans?"-Rogue crossed his arms.
Peter chuckled
"Why do I always think that I want to do bad things?"
And after saying that, the sprinter looked at me with a mischievous smile and raised eyebrows. Why did he always have to misthink everything? I rolled my eyes
"Anyway, Y/n I'm going to look for the other girls to go buy things, we'll wait for you at the entrance of the mansion"- Anna patted me on the shoulder and walked quickly away waving her white locks of hair.
Quicksilver put his hands in the pockets of his silver jacket and looked at me curiously.
"So, May I know what you have to buy?"
"How nosy you are, my dear"
"And so you love me"-he winked
I pushed my cheek with my tongue trying to suppress a smile, Peter knew that I couldn't get mad at him because as he said, I adore him that annoying.
"Ok you win, I'll tell you but promise me that you will join our plans without complaining"
Peter looked at me skeptically and pretended to think about it.
"Fine, spit it out"
"Anna and I are planning to recreate the Grease movie and dress up as the characters from the movie as well as decorate the place with some things."-I said with a beaming smile as I did a little dance.
Peter let out such a laugh that he put his hand to his stomach while bending his entire torso forward
"Don't count me in"-he said while wiping away his tears
I looked serious and indignant at Peter, typical of him always making promises that he doesn't know how to keep..
"But you said you would join!"
"Yeah..I should have thought better of it"
"Peter Maximoff!!"-I exclaimed angrily
Peter hated it when she called him by his full name to get his attention, and it always worked.
"Ok, ok, don't get mad, I'll join on the condition that you give me a kiss"
"How immature you are"
Pet looked at me with puppy dog ​​eyes and pouted. Was he trying to hurt me with that?
"Ugh, not the puppy eyes again"-I sighed
I grabbed Maximof by the face and gave him a tender kiss on the tip of his nose which tickled him and made him laugh, he kept insisting that I give him more kisses so I kissed his forehead, his cheeks and finally his lips. But it was a quick kiss that made Peter give me a disappointed and sad "Oh." He expected something more.
"You will have to wait until you find me in the courtyard when everything is ready"-I blew Peter a flying kiss as I walked away smiling
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I met up with Rogue, Jean and Jubilee to go thrift store shopping. It had taken some convincing for Jean but we did it on the condition that she would not wear skirts or dresses. We headed for the city with the old Renault Jubilee. We not only had to buy clothes for ourselves but also for our colleagues, well, at least those who wanted to participate and if we couldn't buy for everyone, we agreed that those who wanted to participate could wear their own clothes but that they should be as vintage as possible. We entered all the stores we could find and bought dresses, blouses, jackets and also pennants and old posters of singers, I was even able to get a vinyl in almost perfect condition.
Jubilee chose a leather jacket and a white skirt with red polka dots, while I opted for an outfit quite similar to Sandy's in the final scene of the film. Rogue, who was by my side looking at the dresses, praised (in her own way) the black leather leggings that I had grabbed.
"Those leggings are going to look great on you, they'll mark your ass and you'll make Peter follow you behind drooling like a dog"
The girl's comment made the others burst into laughter.
"Anna!"-I screamed as I felt my cheeks turn red.
"Come on, you have to admit that you have Peter eating out of the palm of your hand, he would do anything for you or he wouldn't have agreed to do this."-Jean replied
I smiled proudly, Peter despite being a stressful nuisance at times, I knew that he loved me with all his being and that love was mutual. But I couldn't help but laugh too when imagining him melting just by seeing me in a set of clothes like that.
We finished buying everything we needed and then headed over to Jubilee's cousin's house to rent a food truck just like in the movie. In the meantime, Charles and the other teachers were supposed to be setting up game booths like a real fair. Jubilee's cousin's house wasn't that far but the main problem was trying to get the food truck to the mansion.
"Well, I think we didn't think things through.."-said Jean with his usual pessimism
"What the hell do we do now?"-Said Jubilee
"Don't worry, I'll call Peter, he can bring his car and we'll hitch the truck from behind"
I dialed Pet's number and as always he didn't take long to answer, he was a real sprinter for everything.
"Hey babe, what's up?
"Hi honey, I think we need help with a little matter."
"Aww, do you need me so fast?"
I could feel Peter smile through the phone
"Just this once, I need you to bring your car"
After giving him the address of the house, I barely hung up the phone when we heard the noise of an engine purring behind us and Peter honking with that smirk he always wore. Damn that's how he drove the streets? How unconscious.
"Peter to rescue, uh? What do you need now?"-he said as he got out of the car
"We need you to take this food truck to the mansion, please, will you?"-Jean said
Quicksilver looked surprised at the food truck and whistled but then he chuckled and said
"That's a piece of cake, count me in ladies"
The boy was about to run towards the truck when Jean stopped him with a wave of her hand.
"But! like a normal person would, no super speed"
"How boring.."
Peter made a disgusted face but then he helped us with everything we needed, he started his car. Peter and I were in the lead with the food truck hitched to the back and the girls following closely behind us in Jubilee's car.
It was obvious that Peter was making great efforts not to exceed the speed. It's just that Peter loved his superpower so much that he used it whenever he could and if he didn't, he was terribly bored. Along the way Peter was trying to figure out what we had bought by looking sideways at the bags on my lap but I didn't give him a chance to guess.
"Come on babe let me see what it is"-He said as he put an arm around my shoulder.
"I'm sorry, it's a surprise"-I said leaning on his shoulder
"And wouldn't you do it for a pretty boy like me?"
Peter kept taking quick glances at the bags but without losing concentration on the way.
"Bold of you to say you're pretty"
Maximoff did not resist and tried to put the hand that was around my shoulder into the bag that rested on my lap.
"No, Peter stop! You act like a child!"-I said annoying
I quickly pulled Pet's hand out of the bags and held it tightly between my legs, which was a bad idea because Peter gave me one of his typical smirks and began to gently caress his fingertips along my thighs that were discovered by the skirt that I was wearing
"Peter.."-I said in a warning tone
"You were right, this is more fun"
The sprinter moved closer to my crotch under my skirt and I had to squeeze his arm hard as he let out a contained growl. With all the peace of mind in the world with his free hand Peter now caressed the inner part of both my thighs while with the other hand resting on the steering wheel he drove the car
"I hate you"-I said controlling my gasps
"I know"
We were finally getting to the mansion so Peter stopped the torture but I was still blushing. We both got out of the car while the girls did the same and we unloaded the food truck in the school yard. The teachers worked in the stands assembling wooden stands and painting them. He could see that some were excited and others like Logan would rather sleep on a train track than do all that. I grabbed the bags before Peter knew it and ran with the other girls to our rooms to change.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Everything was almost finished, from the windows you could see the patio of the mansion full of game stalls like in fairs. It was impressive how they had finished everything so quickly but then I remembered that they had the great help of Quicksilver. Rogue and I were putting on our clothes. Anna had bought a pretty light blue dress with big white polka dots and she wore her hair loose and wavy with a light blue bow headband decorating her head. For my part, I had put on the black leather leggings with the black off-the-shoulder blouse and had curled my hair. I did a fancy spin in front of the mirror to which Rogue excitedly told me.
"My God y/n you are beautiful! You look like the real Sandy!!"
"And you are divine too!"
Anne was about to answer me when there was a knock on the door.
"If it's Peter I'll kill him"
I went to open the door and when I did my eyes widened in surprise. Stalls were Jean and Jubilee. The first one was wearing skinny jeans with the sleeve rolled up a bit to reach her calf and was wearing a white halter top with straps that tied at the neck and was white with small red polka dots. On the other hand, Jubilee wore a beautiful white skirt with red polka dots, the same one she had chosen in the store along with the leather jacket and also a red shirt tied with a bow in front at the navel. Jean wore a curly high ponytail and Jubilee had her hair loose and wavy like Anna.
Anna who came behind me smiled broadly.
"The girls are beautiful, and you were right Jean, a dress would not have fit you as well as those pants"
"And with those hips that you have you will attract all eyes"-said Jubilee laughing as she bumped her hips against Jean's.
Jean pretended to be angry but couldn't suppress a giggle.
"Well girls, what do you think if we go to the yard to have a good time?"-I said
We all went out to the garden while I carried a basket with clothes in case someone wanted to dress and didn't have the right clothes. When we got out I could really appreciate what a wonderful job everyone had done. Each booth was identical to the one in the movie, they had even managed to recreate the "Shake Shack" where the protagonists dance at the end.
The girls went to order ice cream while I walked towards an arcade. Luckily I was wearing red heels with a wide and thick heel that allowed me to walk on the grass without ending up with the tip of the heel buried in the ground. Henry was manning the booth, I just had to knock over a stack of cans with a ping pong ball.
"Hey y/n, Do you want to try your luck?"
"Give me that ball now"-I said smiling confident
But when I was aiming to throw the ping pong ball I felt that someone had stopped next to me accompanied by a buzz. I was about to make a sarcastic comment about Peter as I turned my head to look at him but when I did the ball almost fell out of my hands. Peter was wearing a white T-shirt with a black leather jacket and matching black pants, plus he had combed back (but no gel) that silver hair he always wore tousled. I didn't even try to suppress a smile, let alone the laughter that flowed from my lips.
"What's up John Travolta"-I said non-stop laughing
"Hey, I don't look so bad and you know it"-he said a little offended as he ran a hand through his hair
I hated to admit it but Peter was right, he looked so sexy in those clothes and I loved it when he ran his hand through his hair like that, but I would never say it out loud to him.
Without answering, I got ready to throw the cans. I usually didn't have a bad aim but that day it seemed like I had forgotten all skill, and to top it off, every time I missed a shot Peter booed me like he was on a soccer field.
"Can you stop doing that?"-I turned to face him furiously
was his mature response while he smiled innocently but his eyes showed mischief
"Ok, try it, I want to see you"
Peter grabbed the ball confidently and started knocking over the cans at full speed.
"No, not like that! that's cheating!"
"Of course not"-he made a face of indignation
"Uhm, actually she's right, it's against the rules"
"Ha!"-I shot Peter a triumphant look.
"Oh c'mon! What kind of rule is that?"
"I'm sorry, rules are rules"-Henry said
"Fine, but if he won you owe me a favor"
I was about to complain but stopped myself, remembering how annoying Peter can be if we don't come to an agreement. He would chase me around the mansion making annoying noises like a 6 year old.
So I gave him my place and he settled in to throw the ball. Even though he wasn't using his superpower, he had a great aim and managed to knock down all the cans without much effort. Henry clapped while Peter strutted around to make me angry.
"The winner can claim his prize"
Henry pointed out the prizes that were there. A panda bear stuffed animal, a Nerf gun, a box of chocolates among other things. Peter was tempted to claim the toy gun but opted for the panda bear
I widened my eyes in surprise, thinking that Peter would choose something else.
"For you"
Maximoff gave me the panda bear that was fairly large, when he proposed it could become very romantic
"Thank you"-I tucked a lock of hair behind my ear flirtatiously
I hugged the teddy bear tenderly as I made my way to the ice cream truck with Peter. He bought a strawberry ice cream for him, he offered me one too but I kindly declined
"You know? I must admit that your idea was not that bad, at least there is free food"
Peter said as he sucked on his ice cream that was threatening to melt while I chuckled.
Hearing Peter admit that I was right was the most satisfying thing in the world. And of course I would not miss the opportunity to tease him.
"Oh sorry, what did you say? I don't think I heard you right"-I said as I placed my open palm near my ear feigning deafness.
"Don't make me say it again"-he frowned
"Or what?"-I smiled mischievously
Peter smiled too as he tipped his ice cream up to my nose. I backed away yelling his name angrily as we started an unequal fight in which Peter wanted to continue smearing his ice cream on my face and I, with one hand grabbing my stuffed animal, tried to push Peter away with the other hand.
"Ok ok I give up!"-I said laughing with Pet
Suddenly the song "You're the one that I want" began to play through a speaker and I gave a scream of emotion that scared Peter and he looked at me as if something bad happened to me.
"Peter, that's my favorite song come let's dance!!"
And without waiting for an answer, I quickly dragged Peter to where the music was playing, which caused him to spill the ice cream on the grass. The other students had also gathered to dance to the song, Jubilee and Rogue were dancing together while Jean had partnered with Scott. I placed the panda bear that Peter had given me on a basket and began to move my hips and feet to the rhythm of the music, letting myself go. I would throw my head back making my curls bounce and move my shoulders gracefully. Peter was gawking at me, it seemed my tight leggings worked. He was somewhat embarrassing to dance in public but he happily joined me. Peter came up behind me following my movements from side to side with his hands on my hips. I turned around so I could place my hand on his shoulders while I clasped my hands behind his neck and we began to move our shoulders forward and backward, accompanying the movements with our torso.
The music was blaring so I quickly trotted over to the "Shake shack" with Peter following behind. I went up the stairs and forced Peter to his knees and then nudged my shoe into his shoulder which left Peter scrambling like a dog as he came up the stairs with a goofy grin on his face. When he stood up and the machine began to move from side to side like a mechanical bull, I hung over Pet like a monkey wrapping my legs around his hips as he hugged my back. We danced back and forth while the others watched us clapping to the rhythm of the song. I looked into Peter's eyes and he did too but I could tell how sometimes he looked down at my waist. My pelvis was brushing against his lower belly and Peter was trying very hard not to blush.
We continued dancing normally until the song ended and we went down exhausted from the "Shake shack"
Now I was the one strutting around in front of Peter walking around like I was a model. Peter had just noticed my black outfit with my red heels and matching lipstick, I couldn't tell but he thought I had a delicious figure. The other students had dispersed from the garden and were playing in the fair stalls or eating, some bored or tired returned to school. I sat on a bench while Peter did the same next to me.
"Not bad up there, huh?"
I leaned an arm on the back of the bench while crossing my legs and staring at him with a smile
"Are you saying it for you or for me?"
Peter made a funny face trying to appear nonchalant, expelling air through the lips making them sound like a trumpet.
"I say it for myself, obviously"
"Well I didn't see that you did much to dance other than not stop looking at my hips. Did you know that my eyes are up?"
I loved making Peter nervous, it was like giving him a taste of his own medicine since he always did the same to me
"Uhmm, yes of course uhmm"-Peter's cheeks turned pink-"W-would you like to go somewhere else? I think there is nothing to do here anymore"
I knew him. When Peter stuttered it was because he wanted to do dirty things.
"Mmh sure, why not"
Peter's countenance was no longer so red and a bright smile graced his face. Immediately afterwards, he lifted me up in his arms and holding my head so as not to suffer a whiplash, he took me running away from there without anyone noticing. In the blink of an eye I was sitting in the back of Peter's car, an old Falcon that he cared for like a pet.
Before I could say anything Peter stole my breath with a passionate kiss. As our tongues swirled in a pitched battle inside our mouths, I clung to Peter's hair, which was more disheveled than before. Pet knew how to kiss me or where to touch. His hands were on the side of my body, high up near my bust.
"Wait...are you sure?"-I said catching my breath
I got a mischievous smile in response and in a second Peter was gone and back with a condom in hand. Peter's wet kisses on my neck made me feel like I was in paradise. It started in my jaw and worked its way down to my shoulders and collarbones.
I threw my head back in pure pleasure, closing my eyes, which Peter took the opportunity to leave kisses and bruises in the central part below my jaw. I moaned softly feeling his teeth softly biting my skin. Peter took off his jacket and left it on the floor of the car while I lay flat on the seat. The boy couldn't wait and began to unbutton his pants. Nervous I looked at him and stopped him
"What's wrong, babe?"-he looked at me concerned with his eyebrows raised
"It's just…it's my first time"
Peter seemed relieved and, smiling, leaned close to my face to whisper to me.
"It's ok, it will probably hurt at first but then it passes"
Peter's words and breath made me start to feel that heat rise up my crotch. In order to better control the thrusts, Peter offered to let him be below and I above him. He started to lower my leather leggin but not completely until he could visualize my entrance. I lowered Pet's boxer so I could put the condom on him, his member was already hard so the task was easier. He soothed me by rubbing my thighs tenderly, I took a deep breath and slowly sat on Peter's member. A sharp, tight pain emanated from my entrance causing me to close my eyes, wincing as I let out a small moan.
"You're doing good baby, keep it up"-said Peter to encourage me
I stayed still for a moment to try to get used to it, when I felt that the pain had passed, I began to go up and down at a slow but constant pace. Peter closed his eyes and tensed his jaw as his fingers dug into my thighs. Our breaths were quickening and a concert of moans was fogging up the windows. All the pain that I felt at the beginning had given way to a sensation of infinite pleasure that ran through my body and my belly like an electric current. I leaned a little closer to Peter's chest and put my hands under his white shirt. He understood and took it away. Dear God, Peter was often ashamed of his body but what he was seeing now was priceless. His pectorals and abdomen were marked like a Greek sculpture. Feverish, I stuck my fingers into his stomach and began to scratch gently while massaging. Peter let out a grunt of pleasure as he frantically raised his pelvis, increasing his thrusts.
I could already feel Peter's member fully hardened inside me while my walls were contracting.
"Fuck peter"-I gasped
"You are very tight"-he growled, making an effort to focus his eyes on me.
We were both practically sweating, I felt my hair stuck to my neck and nape. I increased the thrusts going at a faster pace to be able to reach the climax, and at the least expected moment I felt like a waterfall was released inside me. But Peter wasn't done with me so I kept swaying my hips until he said.
"I-I'm about to.. cum"-Peter's voice came out hoarse with excitement.
I was at the edge of my strength when I felt the warm liquid of Peter come out and fill me under me. I stopped moving and sat still on him while we caught our breath. I slowly withdrew from him as if his cock were made of glass and I was about to break it. I lay down next to him and squeezed until we both got inside. Pet hugged me lovingly as he caressed my back and I rested my head on his sweaty bare chest, I looked up to see him, he looked very sexy with his hair plastered to his face.
"Do you think the others will realize that we are not here?"-I asked suddenly
"Probably, it bothers you?"
"Not at all"
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When I lose intrest in one of my fictional crushes I instantly become their daughter/sister.
One day I'm reading bucky barnes smut and the next I'm his mutant sister who is a hydra project as well.
There is something wrong with me.
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diviedrawn · 2 years
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Here’s my contribution to the cherik fanbase, I shall return w more soon
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aarcanevillains · 7 months
The truth doesn’t hurt
Peter, after a realisation with his cousin, finally tells Erik the truth- and it’s a better reaction than he expected.
Warnings: none | cousin OC
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Peter stared down at his cousin’s son, the six year old babbling about his newest obsession while Lili cooked the trio dinner. James, like Peter, was growing up without a father- and just like Peter it wasn’t really by choice and for some reason that stung more than usual today. His heart ached for his cousins because he realised something… Peter at current had the choice to change that.
Erik Lensherr is his father. Magneto is his dad.
According to Liliana at least James’ father isn’t a major terrorist so points to her he guesses.
He blinks down at the kid who is now staring blankly at the TV, a long day at school finally catching up to him again it seems.
“Pietro, James. Dinner!” Lili called, that soft polish accent loud and clear as she did (the proud Eisenhardt accent Peter’s uncle- his mums brother and Lili’s dad- would say)
“Coming Mama.” James called back.
Peter zipped the two into the kitchen, James giggling like a madman as he did, settling them in for dinner.
“Thanks for watching him today Pete.” Lili said for what was probably the tenth time since she came home from work. “But… are you okay?”
“Yeah I’m okay why wouldn’t I be okay I’m perfectly fine.” He said at what many would say was a fast tempo (which he would then say it was Andante at most thank you).
“Because you haven’t said a word since James started talking about dinosaurs and you love those giant lizards Kyzun.”
“Pete quiet today.” James interrupted, food being shovelled into his face at an alarming rate- where Lili definitely didn’t shoot him a scathing glare at that. Peter only shoots one back that says *after James goes to bed*.
And so he waits till then to ask for her opinion on his troubles.
“Just been thinking.” He admits and waits for the usual teasing jab they would share but she’s quiet, listening. “I have the chance to tell Erik he’s my father and I haven’t taken it yet.”
“Why is that?” Liliana asks with a frown.
“I don’t know… I’m scared?” He shrugs. “Either he’ll think I want to replace Nina or he’ll hate me because I’m.. well I’m not the best son in the world so…”
“I’ll rip him to shreds if he thinks that. Peter there isn’t anything wrong with you for one and for another you know it’s the right thing to tell him.” Lili pats his arm. “You said family is important to him yeah?”
Peter nods slowly.
“Then let him know he isn’t alone.”
“I know I should… but what if Erik is already gone when I get back to the mansion?”
“Then you make the bald man find him and you tell Erik everything. You make sure he doesn’t leave until you tell him.”
Peter stands, pushing down those nerves threatening to stop him for the thousandth time.
“I’ll tell him tonight.”
“Give me a call tomorrow about it yeah?”
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His palms were so fucking sweaty.
Like really fucking sweaty. Worse than Alex trying to drill Scott on the plasma beams and accidentally burning a few (a lot of) really expensive antiques and then Charles going on a rager about how fucking stupid this idea to train inside the house, away from the bunker, was while Kurt stared into your soul for ruining a perfectly good book case… no his brain was not trying to plan an escape route.
His knuckles hit the door before he knew it, three sharp knocks surprising even himself as he heard the door unlock and creak open.
“Peter.” Erik said as way of greeting.
“Hey Erik.” Peter said in kind. “Uh…”
“Do you need something?”
“No-yes… yes I need some help.” His shoulders dropped. “It’s really important and uh.. can I come in?”
Erik frowned in contemplation before moving to the side. Peter was never this… scared to look someone in the eye and Erik was half ready to call out for Charles should the boy do or say something worrying or dare he say stupid.
“How can I be of help?” Erik asked after some long seconds of silence. He was notably irritated which only made Peter more nervous, he felt sick even.
“I was babysitting my cousin’s kid and I got to thinking… he’s gonna grow up like me.” He started, easing into the plan he had haphazardly thrown together.
Erik’s irritated stare softened a little. Peter was sharing personal information, according to Charles Peter didn’t like to share that sort of thing unless it was something… fun.
“Like you?” The metalokinetic prodded.
“Without a father figure.” Peter gulped. “And like me it’s not really on purpose. Neither of our dads even know we exist but Lili… she wants James’ dad to know- she just doesn’t know how to find him and she fucking tried.”
“I do hope she can find him then. I imagine anyone would want to know if they had a child. I certainly would… family is important no matter the circumstances.” Erik sat on his bed, patting it down for Peter to join him.
“You would want to know?” The speedster said quietly. Erik only nodded. “I found my dad.”
Erik’s brows rose, a smile tugging at his lips.
“That’s excellent, no? Have you told him?”
“I haven’t, I’m just… I’m scared.”
And though Erik still wandered why Peter came to him, thought he could be of any help he placed a hand on the twenty-six year old’s shoulder and squeezed. “Why?”
“He’s a… powerful mutant… Because he lost his new family not that long ago. Because he scares a lot of people.”
“Does he scare you?”
“Not anymore.” Erik nodded again. “What would… how would you react if I came up to you and said hey… I’m your son and I’m twenty-six but you’re my dad!”
Erik frowned, not expecting that kind of question.
“Well I would not be disappointed. Perhaps miffed I did not know sooner and angry that I hadn’t been there for you because and know this Peter I would have raised you.”
Peter’s brown eyes widened, something shining by the corner of one that Erik suspected was a tear and his heart well… it aches for the man.
“Do I know your father?” Peter seemed to freeze at that before tentatively nodding. “Practice what you want to say, with me I mean.”
Why was Erik doing this for him? Peter was so confused and yet relieved all at once before snorting out a laugh. He nodded and turned to face him.
“Twenty-eight years ago you met my mother. Dated for a little under two years and after your break up and her move to America she found out she was pregnant with me and my twin sister… my mama is Polish you see so I actually have a traditional name- Pietro.” The slight crease in Erik’s brow told Peter that something had started to click. “She decided to americanise our names for school but anyway… her name was Ma..”
Peter gulped.
“Ma?” The former terrorist tried to joke, to make Peter feel better. “You’re doing well so far Peter, a strong start.”
“Her name was Magda Eisenhardt.“
Erik felt a twist in his chest, a lurch in his gut. He knew that name.
Peter’s mother is Polish… Peter’s real name is Pietro- a name he and his former partner had cooed over once they heard it. Magda… Magda Eisenhardt.
Peter’s silence seemed to be louder than any other sound, than when Banshee would scream or when any explosions echoed.
“But… Maximoff?”
“Mama remarried, we took his name and now I have a little sister.” Peter said quickly. “Her name is Anya but my twin is Wendy which is actually-”
“Wanda?” Erik pulled Peter in for a tight hug. “Like Magda’s mother’s name.”
“Yeah.” Peter relaxed into his father’s hold.
“Thank you for telling me. I wish… I wish you had told me sooner I would have-”
“Stayed?” Peter quipped.
“Yes. I would have tried to stay.”
“Don’t force yourself to stay.”
“I have a son… a daughter.” Erik pulled back, looking at Peter- Pietro… he looks like Magda, he looks like him. “I still have family.”
“Yeah. Yeah you do.”
After moments passed and both men had taken deep breaths Erik asked quietly.
“Your cousin? Is she Aleksey’s daughter or through your step father’s sibling?”
“Uncle Aleksey is still alive and kicking but yeah Liliana is his. He’s still a great brother for ma…”
“And she has a son?”
“James.” Peter smiles brightly. “A six year old with more energy than me some days.”
“I think.” Erik starts. “If you’d allow it I’d like to get to know you, your sister- my daughter- and your family if they would too.”
Peter smiles. He hadn’t expected the immediate warmth, the utter joy on his fathers face the fact that Erik didn’t think he was trying to replace Nina.
Lili was so going to make fun of them both for crying on each others shoulders.
Worth it!
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v-thinks-on · 1 year
The moon and stars have never been so beautiful. It may be cliche, but it is true. The man once known as Magneto gazes up at them, more peaceful than he could have imagined possible, the man who he once called his worst enemy nestled comfortably into his side. It is like a long awaited dream, a hope he has held far longer than he has known hope.
It was like the song of a siren, drawing him onward through the dark, where he could never hope to go, but still he dared. He assumed he would never truly be able to rest, but now Charles soothes his dreams.
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citrus-wall-paint · 2 years
this is my last desperate cry for help to find a Cherik rp partner 😭 i can play either, do whatever prompts or aus - as long as it’s preferably based on the prequel versions of them (mcavoy + fassbender)
this fandom is so dead and i am suffering greatly
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superherotiger · 2 years
A Pair of Silver Wings (Dadneto fic)
Oh boy, I’m absolutely hyped to be sharing my first Dadneto fic with you all today! X-Men (and specifically Dadneto and his Speedyson) have captured my heart and consumed my soul entirely ever since I watched the movies a couple of weeks ago! We were robbed of amazing Dadneto content in the films, but I’ve arrived with the fix it and the fluff in this gift for the bestie that started it all, the lovely @sunsetuniverse!! Hope you all enjoy!! - Superherotiger
“Hey Mags, what’re you doing up?”
Erik raised a brow as he rounded the back of the couch, observing the silver-haired speedster who was lounging back with his eyes glued to that obnoxiously loud game device in his hands. “I could ask the same of you,” the man replied, lifting his hand and dragging the device out of Peter’s grip with ease.
“Hey! Not cool,” Peter protested half-heartedly, though he made no move to snatch it back.
For a moment Erik simply observed the device the speedster admired so much, turning it over in his magnetic grip and noticing the buttons that had become worn down from overuse. Eric didn’t have much experience with video games. He preferred things like chess- methodical and strategic. Something that actually drew him out of the rabbit hole that was his mind, instead of the quick reactions and rush of adrenaline that this new era of games demanded. No, Erik had experienced enough of that on the battlefield as it was.
But he supposed for someone as fast both physically and mentally as his son, it was a fitting pass time.
“You’re supposed to be in the medical wing,” Erik stated matter of factly as he moved to sit beside his son on the couch.
“Yeah, well, you’re supposed to be asleep,” Peter shrugged, as if that were somehow a valid defence.
“Perhaps,” Erik mused, before the ghost of a smirk passed his features as he added, “But you see, I have this thing called an ‘injured child’ in my care-“
-A burst of laughter exploded out of the boy beside him-
“-and no matter what I do, said child insists on endangering himself despite how many times he is instructed to simply rest,” Erik continued with a strange mix of exasperation and fondness. Something he had only ever felt in the presence of his chaotic son.
“Please pops, give me a little bit of credit. I’m 27!” Peter huffed in faux offence. “I may be injured, but I ain’t no child.”
You shall always be my child, Erik thought warmly, before nudging Peter’s knee with his own and saying “Nevertheless, you should be resting. In the medical wing too preferably.”
Rolling his head back with a groan, Peter complained, “But it’s so boring down there man. There’s absolutely nothing to do, and time just drags on forever and ever- and trust me, for a guy who already feels time drag as it is I can tell you it’s a nightmare-“
Erik just made himself comfortable as he listened to his son ramble on about the severe boredom he had been forced to endure over the past few days. It was tempting to remind the speedster that his foot was only in a cast because he had ignored Hank’s earlier advice to rest his sprained ankle and gotten himself more injured in the process, but Erik knew the words would fall on deaf ears. Peter could be as stubborn as a mule when he wanted to. A trait Erik had not so proudly passed on, it seemed.
But deep down -underneath the menial complaints and over-confident façade- Erik could see Peter’s true struggle, which was his inability to run.
Speed was not just a power or a trick to Peter, it was his entire life. It defined him- gave him purpose. It was his weapon and his shield, leaving him practically invulnerable to anything that dared to threaten him or those he loved. Without his swiftness, he was defenceless. And Erik knew how awful that could feel- remembering those ten long years trapped at the bottom of the Pentagon, or the years he had spent trying to hide and restrain his gifts long after that. So detached from his true identity… from the power that could have saved his loved ones had he just been fast enough-
Erik quickly shook the thoughts away, turning his attention from the family he’d lost and back onto the family he still had. One look at those warm, dark eyes and that bright, mischievous smile again immediately reminded Erik of how lucky he was to have Peter in his life. Two survivors of a family that had only known hardship and pain and grief- but somehow through it all, they found each other. It didn’t right the wrongs of the past or return all that was stolen from them, but it was enough.
They were enough…
And when Peter’s ramblings were eventually slowed by the occasional yawn or scrub of his eyes, Erik took it as his sign to intervene. “If you insist on evading your bed downstairs, then will you at least attempt to sleep here?”
“What? Dude, no- I’m not even tired,” Peter bemoaned tiredly. “But hey, if you need to get some shut eye old man I completely understand, what with those aching bones and all-“
With the call of his birth name and the stern furrow of his father’s brow, Peter’s smirk quickly dropped with a displeased huff. A sign of defeat, if you would. One that Erik couldn’t help but celebrate with a coy smile of his own.
But always the one to have the last word, Peter rolled his eyes and threw a pillow at his father’s chest, saying dryly “If you’re gonna force me to sleep, at least be a decent pillow, yeah?”
Erik didn’t offer a reply, just raised his brow inquisitively and watched the boy lie down along the couch with his clunky cast stretched out and his head resting easily on his father’s cushioned leg. Neither of them said a word. Neither of them wanted to either; content to sit in the silence of familiarity. It didn’t take long for Peter to get himself comfortable, but sleep was clearly still out of reach judging by the little tremors and twitches that passed along the speedster’s hands and fingers. The residual instinct to move -be quick, be vigilant- now keeping him awake.
Noticing his struggle, Erik felt an old instinct of his own spark to life as he gently pulled a blanket off the arm rest and laid it over his restless son. It stilled the shuddering for a short while, but despite Peter’s clear attempts to subdue it, that pent up energy returned before long. So, with a careful turn of his wrist, Erik switched on the power to the record player sitting in the corner of the living room and lowered the needle down onto whatever vinyl Charles had last left on the turntable.
Gentle, soothing melodies echoed faintly into the air, and Erik felt his worries ease as Peter’s shifting and twitching soon settled against his side.
 ‘Although some people say he's just a crazy guy,
  To me he means a million other things.
   For he's the one who taught this happy heart of mine to fly.
  He wears a pair of silver wings.’
Glancing down at his son through the dim glow of the hallway light, Erik felt his heart bloom with fondness at the sight of Peter’s peaceful expression and his wild nest of silver strands. All mutations both great and small were a wonder in Erik’s eye, but his son’s hair was undoubtedly his favourite. As bright as Peter’s spirit; as soft as his generous heart. It suited him to perfection, despite the doubts and concerns that plagued the young mutant so.
Slowly, almost hesitantly, Erik ghosted his fingertips over the waves of his son’s hair, admiring their silky touch. It wasn’t often that Peter let him or anyone else touch it -at least not after the whole ordeal with Apocalypse the year before- but it was a scar they were slowly working to heal. The fact that Peter hadn’t smacked his hand away by now meant he was neither nervous nor uncomfortable by the gesture, and Erik took it as permission to gently comb his fingers through those heavenly silver waves, soothing them both more than they could ever know.
 ‘But when I'm left alone and we are far apart,
  I sometimes wonder what tomorrow brings.’
Closing his eyes for a heartbeat, Erik soaked in the warmth that had coiled around his bones in a soothing embrace. Promising a host of things he had only ever caught glimpses of in his dark past; safety and belonging, and serenity and love. Things he never thought he deserved…
Things that his beloved Pietro had given him anyway.
‘For I adore that crazy guy who taught my happy heart,
To wear a pair of silver wings…’
Lyrics from the song ‘He Wears A Pair of Silver Wings’ by Dinah Shore
Tag list:
@joyful-soul-collector @lost-lunar-wolf @lbigreyhound13 @aixabi @zanderljones @milstrim @anarinette @sfabsha @appleschloss @sdottkrames @katthebookiestnerd
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naoa-ao3 · 7 months
Eye to Eye
Charles tells him he's a good man but Erik doesn't think so. He knows better than that. He's twisted up inside and full of rage but he's started to like hearing the other man say it. When he does the words ring in his ears and for almost a second Erik imagines he could be what the other man believes he can be.
He won't be but a slim part of him wishes for it just the same. Imagines it in some parody of a normal life neither of them will ever know.
He likes it when the other man smiles and looks at him.
At first he hadn't known what to do with it. These looks and the smiles that follow, the way the man seemed so relaxed around him.
If he knew more perhaps he wouldn't have been so relaxed, he'd only gained a glimpse inside his head after all. The tip of the iceberg and Erik tells himself that if he ever saw more, Charles wouldn't look at him the way he does.
It makes him sometimes want to look at him the same way and he wonders inside if he is even capable of it.
When he thinks of warmth and love he can only hear dogs and bullets.
The last time he had been loved.
After the war. . . after the liberation they hadn't known what to do with him. A small group of children and no relatives to send them to.
He'd almost hated the children who's aunts or uncles had survived. The one's with family left.
After the war he'd felt detached from his own people. He was something other. . . something Schmidt had seen and he feared telling them.
Yet the anger had only festered and now he's a million miles away from where he started and Charles keeps looking at him like he's his best friend, like he's actually glad to see him and him. . . he can't help but look forward to the time spent with the other man.
"You know that worked really well." Charles says one evening after working with Hank. "I think the team is going to pull it together."
"They're still very young." Erik points out.
Charles shrugs and settles into an arm chair. "So are we."
Erik does not feel young.
He has not felt young in a very long time. "You're very confident in them." He say's, not feeling the same confidence. The others have tremendous powers, brilliant and blinding, wonders of nature but they're unpolished, they're still little more than children.
"I have to be." Charles say's, leaning towards him conspiratorially. "After all, if this works out we'll be a proper school. Can you imagine? Parents sending their children here. . . all varieties of mutation learning and excelling together!"
Erik catches himself smiling at the other man's enthusiasm. There's something so bright about Charles. Something that brings out a piece of him he thought once might have been missing.
"See, even you're thinking about it and you're a pessimist." Charles laughs.
"I'm a realist, Charles."
Charles laughs and pours them both drinks, their fingers touching for just a moment when he hands Erik his. "And that's semantics."
He sits back, still feeling the brush of skin on his finger despite the absence of a hand. It lingers in his mind even after he tries to dismiss it.
He's never met anyone like Charles and it has nothing to do with them both being Mutants. He's just never met someone who's mind could electrify his own so totally, who had vision and brilliance and a plan.
"You really believe that parents will send their children to us?" He asks, eyes on the fire.
Charles nods. "Of course, this is just the beginning. One day these halls will be filled with young Mutants. We're only going to increase in number."
"And you really believe the children will be spared the hatred of the world?"
Charles's brightness dims a moment but it's important he push him, important he bring some measure of reality to ground. "We'll just prove to the world what we can be first."
Erik does not agree.
The children should not have to prove themselves like that.
He also knows what happens when you play by the enemy's rules. When you look for compassion among people who have none.
"You don't believe it will work." Charles say's, some disappointment in his words.
He shrugs. "No but I do believe your halls will be full one day. As you said, we will only grown in number."
Charles see's a school, he see's an army.
It's unfortunate but it's reality.
It's what they have.
Charles however leans forward in his seat again and looks him in the eye. "I'll need teachers." He say's.
Erik almost laughs at the idea of himself in a classroom.
He remembers when he had to leave school and then after the war when they told him he had to go back.
He doesn't belong in a classroom.
"I'm serious." Charles say's.
He crosses his legs at the knee and humors him. "And what would I teach? Physical education? You've got Hank for that."
"Hank's a bit more than a P.E. teacher and anyway, you speak multiple languages and you've travelled. Your powers aside I'm sure you could find something."
Oh, he's sure he could but the idea is still amusing.
Erik actually tries to imagine what he could teach. Charles is right, damn him about the foreign language option but it still seems distant and idealistic but if that isn't what Charles is then he doesn't have another word for it and in all of his realism and pessimism he appreciates Charles's idealism.
"Trust me my friend, one day the world will know about us and when they do, you may be surprised by their reaction."
Charles has such optimism, he almost loves that about him and with a painful twinge wonders if that's what his heart is getting close to.
Dangerously close to.
He levitates the fire poker and stirs the logs around, making Charles laugh as he pours them a second drink and then they both settle back and the room becomes warm and orange.
He won't say it but he enjoys these moments and he does almost feel like an old school teacher.
He looks at Charles and wonders if any part of him senses how deep these feelings run beside him.
The man stay's out of his head.
It's respectful but he's never once forgotten that Charles could destroy his mind in an instant if the tables were turned.
"What are you thinking about?" The other man asks, leaning out of his chair to speak to him, eyes bright.
Erik only waves a hand. "The future and the past." Charles asks when he could just find out for himself.
The smile disappears but only slightly. "I'm glad you're here, Erik. I want to build this future with you. . ." He pauses. "I mean I want you to be part of it."
Erik wishes he hadn't revised his words. Just for a moment it was so very good to hear. "Of course I'll be here." He say's, not yet imagining what's to come. "These children can't be left to train themselves." It's light and joking but he does mean it.
Charles however nudges his chair closer and it's unnerving. "No, I do mean I want to build this with you. I've never met anyone. . ." He pauses, eyes searching the floor. Erik just listens. "I've never met anyone I thought I could build it with. Not like with you."
He doesn't believe Charles feels the same things he does.
Charles's mind is full of bright futures and the good in people.
He doesn't dare let the words effect him.
Instead he let's them almost hurt but Charles hasn't looked away and when he meets his eyes he actually entertains the idea that the other man could feel similarly. It makes him feel vulnerable and he hates it. He hates feeling so naked and open.
"I mean it. . . even if you don't feel the same way or. . . have other ideas. There's no one else I'd want. No one. I mean that, Erik."
Eyebrows raised, eyes earnest.
Erik could have wept to hear him say it but instead holds it in.
A hand on his arm then, a pounding in his ears.
"Erik is something wrong?" Charles asks and damn him he looks so utterly worried. "If I've said the wrong thing you can tell me."
The hand is still there and Erik licks his lips. "You haven't." He said. "But I do not think I can be the man you want me to be."
The smile returns. "You don't have to be. You just be the man you are."
His arm twitches under Charles's hand and the man gives it a squeeze.
"I mean it."
Erik is very still.
His heart is hammering and his mind is telling him to end this conversation. It's getting dangerously emotional.
"Are you alright?" Charles asks, eyes intense now.
He thinks of this man as innocent in a way, untouched by the evils of the world.
So unlike him.
"I'm-" He's never at a loss for words.
Something passes behind Charles's eyes and the man suddenly leans in and after a second Erik feels lips on his own.
His hand clenches around the arm of the chair but the kiss is soft and he doesn't pull away or kiss back.
After a moment Charles withdraws, taking his hand from his arm with him and putting it to his lips, eyes terribly sad. "I'm sorry." He say's. "Erik I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that."
Erik curses himself.
Everything he had not let himself hope for and he hadn't kissed back.
He wonders for a brief moment of insanity if it even actually happened before he see's Charles's eyes and the hurt there.
Charles looks down and he hates himself.
"Don't be sorry." He hears himself say and Charles's eyes find his, some small spark of hope showing.
His own heart is pounding still and after a million years of debate he reaches out, hand to Charles's face and draws him back, kissing him this time and even if it's short and still a little awkward it feels so incredibly good. So very good to kiss and be kissed by someone who. . . who cares for him and whom he cares for in return.
It burns his mouth and brings him almost to tears so he has to end the kiss, too much emotion in his chest.
Charles smiles. "I didn't dare read your mind." He say's, voice soft. "Only to find out you'd never want me to do that. I was afraid."
Erik understands, chest tight.
He swallows and takes Charles's hand, the future uncertain.
"I've not once. . . I didn't entertain the thought that you would want to." He say's, struggling to admit something so close to his chest. He can feel every bone in the other man's hand and savors them.
Charles smiles almost sadly. "Can I do it again then?"
And this time Erik almost smiles, hands only a little clammy. "Please do." He whispers, feeling a hand on his own cheek and lips on his.
They're both glad the door is locked and even if there's a fight to come at least for a moment there is something good in their lives.
There's been precious good in his life so far but Erik is glad at least of this, glad he can feel these things and that someone could feel them in return.
They might not always agree but at least for now they're eye to eye.
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typing-catastrophe · 1 year
erik lehnsherr x reader headcanons
💕 fluff
shoulder massages
you've been moving your shoulders and neck a bit, trying to loosen some of the tension that build up over time
from stress or work or maybe just sitting at your desk all day
what matters is, that it hurts and you can't seem to get rid of it
so he walks over to you and places his hands on your shoulders
he presses a kiss to the top of your head and starts to gently apply pressure and move his thumbs
he doesn't say anything, just wants to make sure you feel good
let's be honest, this man spend years without receiving or showing affection. no real positive physical touch, let alone verbal affection
but he tries
he's also very touch starved but doesn't know how to properly communicate/express his needs for hugs and all that
it took him some time to get to the point of reaching out for you first, but he has so much love to show once he learns how
erik is possessive as well as protective
so most of the time when he gets like that, he will stand right behind you and glare at everyone daring to look your way
and sometimes, if he gets especially jealous, he will sneak an arm around your waist and hold you close to his side
while still glaring, obviously
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
27 - Suprise You're A Sister
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Part 28
She's Human or Weapon
@supernaturalgirl30 @groovy-lady @bigbendyhorns @logolepsic-insomniac @the-big-bad-klaus @ocappreciationtag
3 months later
The bedroom door opened but I keep my head buried underneath the covers of the bed. Charles and I have been busy running the school again and a few months we got our wish. No not that Hope isn't dating anybody. We're pregnant again, except Hope and the students don't know yet. I heard the sound of the wheelchair enter the room where Charles carried a tray of breakfast in his lap. He locked his chair in place when I shifted to sit up taking the tray from him. He pushed himself up from the chair dropping down on the side of the bed sighing. "Has the sickness gotten any better darling?" He asked as I tried to eat something but pain shoots through my stomach so I dropped the fork groaning. Throwing my head against the pillows I yank them over my head moaning. When I was pregnant with Hope I don't remember the sickness and pain being this bad. Plus there are times when my magic goes crazy where I want to destroy everything in sight. "I hate feeling like this...it's ridiculous!" I grumbled until Charles shook his head cracking a smirk.
"I don't seem to remember you complaining that night. I believe you're exact words were I can't believe we only did this once." Grabbing his pillow I smacked him upside the head with it feeling my face being bright red. He falls backwards onto the bed just laughing that beautiful sound I love. I couldn't help but smile hitting him with the pillow a couple more times until he grabbed it. He rolled over so he was laying beside me in the bed smiling. The only thing that could have made things better is if he had his hair still. Apocalypse's battle managed to make that permanent. He reaches over playing with my loose blonde hair staring into my eyes. We stayed like this for a few hours before I forced myself out of the bed. Charles could feel my mind racing so we strolled out to our woods again near where his grandfather's favorite tree used to be. "Are we sure this is a good idea for the baby, Charles?" I questioned when he stopped moving his joystick controller watching me.
He takes my hand in his freehand squeezing it gently. "Hank did the testing. You'll be fine." Slumping my shoulders I removed my hand from his turning on my heels facing the opened landscape. Closing my eyes I released a breath clutching my hands into fists then opening them again. The golden energy blasted forward smashing the tress into bits that I raised one hand in the air. Throwing them around with Charles watching behind me seeing Hope and Peter appeared beside him. Turning around on my heels I sighed in relief walking over to my husband. "Sweetheart, what are you and Peter doing exactly?" I questioned crossing my arms over my chest the wind blowing my hair around. She replied with a smile tilting her head to the side. "Just thought I should use Astral projection to ask this question. Can Peter take me out to the mall for a few hours?" Charles glanced up at me tapping his temple but I shook my head no making him roll his eyes.
"Yeah that's fine. Have fun." I answer her leaning against his wheelchair where he intertwined my hand with his. Peter smiled at us when I bite my lip not wanting to tell Hope that she technically can't date him since he is Erik's kid. One night I had accidentally slipped into his mind when he was sleeping and I learned the truth. They aren't related but it's close enough. "Mom, why can I hear a voice inside you?" Our daughter asks walking forward even though she wasn't physically in front of us. Charles chuckled throwing his head back in laugher. "Like mother, like daughter. Reading the little ones mind." I blushed running a hand through my hair smiling at his statement. Shortly after Hope ran forward now physically being here wrapping her arms around me in a hug. Wrapping my arms around her I smiled into her hair until she broke the hug. "Suprise sweetheart. You're gonna be a big sister." I revealed grinning like I did on my wedding day pulling her in for another hug.
Charles and I returned to the house where I rushed to the bathroom needing to throw up. He came inside holding my hair out of my face until I was done. Running my hands through my hair I needed a walk through the school seeing Raven sitting at the kitchen table smiling instantly at me. Pulling out a chair I sit down with her resting my chin in the palms of my hands. "What are you smiling for girlfriend?" I asked since we haven't had time to just hang out as friends. We've been having to save the future and everything. When I met her it sounded so easy to have a friend for once. "It's obvious Rora. You're glowing so it's clear. My brother got you pregnant again." She grinned with a smirk on her face seeing me blushing at her words. Bending my head down on the table she laughed over I nodded my head yes that she was right. "I want it be another girl. So this time I can spoil her with fun Aunt Raven time. Oh can she be named Raven please?" She gave me puppy dog eyes where I shake my head at her silliness. "Maybe but it might not even be a girl you know...uh I'm getting tired I'm going to bed." I waved bye to her going outside to look at the stars before I would go to sleep.
Closing my eyes for a second I could hear someone walking towards me. I knew it wasn't any of the kids because they were all asleep and Charles was in his office doing some late night paperwork. Spinning around on my feet something gets shot into my neck from up in the air. Grabbing my neck I stumbled onto my knees. My vision blures together before I collapse onto the grass. "I've got Deerfield down. We'll have in a few minutes. Then we will learn her power." The last thought I heard from someone named Stricker. The humming of a helicopter got closer before I blacked out.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
So I decided to not write Aurora in Dark Phoenix and make my own storyline instead
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ichorai · 1 year
snow spider ; miguel o'hara.
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pairing ; miguel o'hara x spider!reader (gender-neutral)
synopsis ; you were the ice to his fire—and miguel was burning for you.
words ; 4.4k
themes ; fluff, slight angst
warnings / includes ; set before the events of atsv, descriptions of injury/violence, cursing, a bit suggestive, mentions/appearances of other spidey characters, ben being a dramatic idiot, peter & may being adorable, cameos of magneto and doc ock, miguel is down so bad, can you guys tell i'm also in an asoiaf phase ? (winter is coming !!)
a/n ; there will be a part two set during the events of atsv !!
main masterlist.
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You were Miguel’s seventeenth recruit. The first of your name. The first that wasn’t a Peter Parker, or a Jessica Drew, or a Ben Reilly. 
When Miguel dropped into your universe, one rife with crime and tragedy, stricken by a never-ending winter, he fell into a large pile of snow. 
“Damn it,” he whispered through chattering teeth, brushing off the frigid frost clinging to his suit and glancing around the iced-over city. There were sparse few people littering the streets, hovering over trash-fires and clutching rumbling stomachs. This was certainly a stark contrast to Nueva York—the universe looked dead, almost. A ghost town, frozen over into nothing but a glacial artifact.
Before Miguel could start forward to look for the Spider of the universe, a sticky web shot out from seemingly nowhere, binding his hands together. Ah. It seemed that you’d found him before he could find you.
“You’re not from here. I can’t smell the winter on you,” a voice echoed, saturated with curiosity, edged with caution. A second later, you materialized in front of him, clad in a white suit, sharp silver lines running over your form. On your chest was a spider, a pale snowflake engraved into its abdomen. Miguel stared at you with wide eyes. “Who are you?”
A beat of silence. 
“Your universe is cold,” was all he could think of saying, still caught off-guard. 
You took a step back. “My universe…?”
After clearing his throat, he shook himself out of his reverie. “My name is Miguel O’Hara. I’m from a different universe. I’m here to recruit you into my team to help keep the multiverse from collapsing.”
You shifted, muscles still tense. “How do I know you’re telling the truth?”
Lifting his wrists, Miguel twisted a hand and used his sharp claws to cut himself free of the sticky bonds. “Let me show you.”
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It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Miguel wasn’t supposed to like you this much. You were just meant to be another recruit for the Spider Society… maybe a close work companion, or a trusted friend at best. 
But as he watched you dart in and out of visibility, your suit only but flashes of white and silver, he couldn’t help but marvel at how easy it was to work with you. How much he genuinely enjoyed working with you, spending time with you, listening to you laugh at his stiff quips. And he really thought he was being subtle about it, but Jessica had already picked up on Miguel’s keen interest in you, always teasing him about having a crush on another Spider.
It wasn’t a crush, though. No, Miguel just really liked your work ethic.
“Heads up!” you yelled, swinging forward and using the momentum to kick an incoming car barreling right in his direction. The metal doors caved in beneath the power of your strike, veering to the left just in time to miss him. 
The two of you were taking down another anomaly that’d cropped up, one of the several dozens in only the past week. This anomaly, however, wasn’t the regular neighborhood villain they’d usually get, but instead an omega-level mutant: Magneto. 
Shards of metal rained down around you, but you were quick to deflect by thwipping out large, sticky webs to catch them before they could impale you. 
“This guy manipulates metal, Miguel!” you yelled. “Cuffs won’t work on him!” 
Another large metal pole rocketed straight for you, but Miguel dove towards you, yanking you out of the way.
“Thanks!” you told him, a bit too wound up to notice his large hands tightly wound around your midriff. “Can you distract him for me?”
Nodding wordlessly, Miguel shot out several glowing, synthetic webs in quick succession to momentarily blind Magneto. You used his shoulder to launch yourself upward, turning invisible in mid-air. 
Before the man could realize what was happening, you yanked his protective helmet off, landing a calculated strike to the back of his head. Immediately, all the bits of metal floating in the air came plummeting to the ground, and Magneto went limp in your hold. You swung down to the ground, coming back into view. 
“You’re gonna have to alert one of the Spiders that we need a metal-free cage for him,” you told Miguel, a bit breathless. 
Okay, a lot breathless. There was a sharp sting on your side—a broken piece of metal must have grazed you during the fight.
Miguel wound an arm around you to help you walk, concern festering within his chest at the sight of crimson staining your once-pristine white suit, his other hand dragging an unconscious Magneto by the scruff of his collar. With a tap of the watch, a portal opened up, flashing a multitude of bright oranges and purples. 
Back in his universe, Miguel was quick to hand Magneto over to a few Peters, telling them to be careful not to get any metal near him. You pulled off your mask and squeezed Miguel’s bicep in gratitude when he shifted his hold on you, ensuring that you wouldn’t put any weight on your injured side. Even exhausted, you were beautiful. Miguel remembered the first time he saw you without your mask: the entirety of his linguistic vernacular went flying out the window and he was left embarrassingly spluttering out a long string of incoherent sentences. You were patient with him, beaming wide and nodding emphatically, even though none of what he said had made sense. 
Yeah, alright, fine. Miguel had a crush. It really wasn’t a big deal (it was a very big deal). He’d be damned if he’d ever admit it to Jessica, though—that woman would never let him live it down.
Several Spiders waved hello to the two of you as you hobbled by, and you could only give them a winded half-smile in return. Some of them asked if you were alright, noticing the blood on your suit, but you reassured their worries away, “I’m fine. Miguel’s got me.”
A rush of protectiveness fell over him, and he clutched onto you all the tighter, hurrying to make his way back to the base. There were a few Spiders hanging around the control panels, chattering amongst themselves, and Miguel gave them a quick scan to make sure things were going smoothly since his departure. Once everything seemed to be in order, he finally tugged you into a more secluded room, helping you sit on a table as he grabbed the first aid kit. 
“Sorry,” he murmured, ripping off his mask as well. His dark hair was disheveled, sharp brown eyes softening with guilt. “I got distracted during the fight.”
“Hey, it happens,” you replied warmly, fingers lifting to pat his cheek. The feeling of your cold skin pressed up against the blistering heat emanating from his cheeks made a shiver dance up his spine. “We’re alive, and we got the anomaly. Everything’s fine.” 
“But you’re hurt.”
“I’ll heal.”
With careful, fleeting touches, Miguel drew back the ripped fabric of your suit to inspect the gash in your side. He cleaned away as much blood as he could, murmuring gruff apologies every time you flinched. The guilt worsened when he began deftly stitching up your wound—it didn’t go past his notice when your face twisted with the pain, and you bit your lip in a fruitless attempt to keep the sharp agony at bay.
“You did good out there, Y/N,” he said, desperate to distract you. “What was it like being the Spider in your universe?”
You spared him a loose grin, appreciating his attempts to keep you entertained. 
“Tiring,” you admitted, fingers digging into his shoulders when he began another stitch. “I mean, I’m sure you’ve heard the same story a million times by now. I was a scientist, trying to find a way to reverse the never-ending winter. I was bitten by a radioactive winter-spider… the only kind of spider left after our world iced over. I, uhm… I lost my uncle. My mom, shortly after. She was captain of the police force.” 
There was a long pause. It was obvious that you weren’t too keen on divulging all the details just yet. Your eyes watered with the memory, a glimmering film of tears warbling over your lower lashes, and Miguel gently patted your knee in understanding, silently reassuring you that you didn’t have to tell him everything.
You drew in a deep breath. “I realized I had powers—I had all the abilities of a spider, and I could turn invisible, and withstand the cold much more than before. I was known as the Snow Spider. A lot of people died from the frost. I couldn’t save them. I tried to help as much as I could, but it was just never enough. And then… I met you.” A smile graced your expression, one that sparked life into Miguel’s heart. “I moved from just helping my city, to helping the entire multiverse.”
Before you knew it, Miguel was tying off the last stitch, biting the thread short with his sharp fangs once he was done. You murmured a sincere thanks, placing your palm flat against his chest, feeling the quick thrum of his heart slamming against his ribcage.
If you noticed how his pulse seemed to kick up a notch with your ministrations, you didn’t say anything. For that, Miguel was grateful.
“There you go. That’s a brief summary of my life story. It’s only fair if you tell me yours.”
The man met your gaze, irises dark and warring with conflict.
“What’s there to say? I got powers, just like you. I lost people, just like you. I built the Spider Society… and then I met you.” The last bit was said as he nudged you gently, and he offered you a tentative smile, though it didn’t quite reach his eyes.
Hesitant, you lifted your hand, softly grazing your knuckles against his cheek. Icy was your touch, but it felt nice—almost addicting. He found himself leaning against your hand, shutting his eyes as he exhaled.
“You’re a mystery, Miguel,” you murmured, leaning forward to press a chaste kiss to his cheek as thanks for patching you up, before sliding off the table to stride away. Miguel watched you go with a lump in his throat. “Luckily for you, I like mysteries.”
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“How long has that been a thing? I haven’t noticed because I’ve been too busy thinking about my… miserable past,” sighed Ben, coming to stand beside Jessica, the two of them watching Miguel follow after you like a lost puppy, face uncharacteristically mellowed with an undeniable lovesick expression. 
“It’s not a thing,” she replied with an amused scoff. “Not yet, at least.”
You halted what you were doing and turned around to grin at Miguel. “Look, I stitched my suit back together. It’s good as new!” 
His dark, molten eyes gleamed with affection. “It looks great.” He caught sight of your web-shooters, fixed against the base of your hand. “I still can’t believe you need those.”
“Well, I can’t believe you have spinnerets embedded into your skin. I can’t tell if I’m more grossed out or curious to know more,” you shot back, taking his hand to inspect his wrist with narrowed eyes. “What other kind of powers do you have?”
With a roguish grin, he bared his teeth, sharp fangs drawing out. 
“I can never get over those. They’re kinda intimidating, but in a cool way.” Before you could stop yourself, you tacked on, “And really fucking hot.”
Heat crawled up his neck. He stared blankly at you. “They’re poisonous.”
Still, you smiled at him, all sweet and flustered. “Hm. It’s a shame, really. I definitely would’ve asked you to bite me if not for the venom.” Neither of you were quite sure if you were joking or not.
Miguel was certain he was going to combust into flames. “I can still bite you without injecting the poison into your system. It’s a voluntary response.”
To his surprise, you burst into a fit of laughter. Gods, he was absolutely smitten with that sound. The way your nose wrinkled, the side of your eyes creased, the shaking of your shoulders as you chuckled… it was all too much for Miguel.
“Don’t tempt me with a good time,” you warned.
“Oh, I can do much more than just tempt,” said the man in front of you, making your laughter taper away into silence. 
You studied him for a moment longer. Before you could say anything, both of your watches beeped simultaneously. With one more amused huff, you patted his shoulder, brushing past him and pulling your mask over your face. “Come on, mister. Anomalies to catch, universes to save… we can continue this conversation later.”
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The months pass by in a blur. 
You were wrangling back another Doc Ock anomaly, having webbed up all his metal tentacles, easily tossing him into a temporary laser cage with a sweet smile. The villain was spitting obscenities, going on and on about the power of the sun in his grasp, how you’d ruined everything for him. 
“You’ll pay for this!” he yelled, slamming his fist against the glowing barrier. 
“Sorry, Doc,” you said with a mild grin. “I’ve met around a dozen of you, and so far, you were the most compliant. That makes you my favorite!”
You saluted him with a wink, before turning on your heel and striding away. It wasn’t long before Miguel found you, falling into step with your stride.
“Look at you, taking on anomalies all on your own,” he murmured lowly, nudging your side with his elbow. “Good job.”
With a scoff, you pulled off your mask, regarding him with an expectant gaze as you leaned forward, so close that your nose nearly brushed against his. He could feel the cold frost of your breath blow over the heated planes of his cheeks. “Well, then, Mr. O’Hara, wouldn’t I deserve a reward?”
The vampire-spider only flushed at your words, mouth falling open and shut as he struggled with a rebuttal. 
Your laugh, soft and tinkering, made his heart nearly seize within his chest. Still chuckling, you shoved away from him, saying that you had to get back to your universe to make sure everything was still in order there.
As you made your way out of the room, using your watch to portal through to your wintry hellscape, Jessica appeared out of nowhere beside him, one hand on her heavily pregnant belly, and the other cocked upon her hip. 
“God, you really can’t be more obvious, can you?” she asked.
Miguel spared her a glance, snapping out of his reverie and standing up straighter. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Everyone knows you’re in love with the Snow Spider. And don’t you deny it—I know a liar when I see one.” She watched Miguel frown, but didn’t bother protesting her claim. “Yeah. That’s what I thought. Tell them, you big grump. Y/N deserves to know.”
Before he could reply, Jessica was already hastening away, yelling over her shoulder that she had to go to the bathroom because the damn baby was kicking against her bladder again.
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Jealousy was not an emotion Miguel was well acquainted with. Ever since he witnessed an entire universe crumbling away in front of him, he was careful not to get too attached to anything. To anyone.
But he did. He grew attached to Jessica, who was his most trusted friend, always giving him the best advice and always available to lend him a helping hand. Though he’d never admit it, Miguel was also rather fond of Ben and his obnoxious penchant for his dramatic tragedies. And, most obvious of all, he was undoubtedly very close to his best soldier, Lego Peter.
Then there was you.
It infuriated him—the way you’d smile around him, give him the most fleeting of touches, always pleasantly cold, leaving prickly goosebumps in your wake. You would offer him an affectionate nudge and a myriad of teasing compliments that made his stomach want to fold in upon itself. But Miguel tried not to think too much of it: you were a generally kind person, with many of the Spiders in the society taking a certain liking to you. It didn’t go past his notice that you’d caught more than a few romantic eyes. Every time a Peter or a Ben would openly flirt with you, he could feel himself bristling, bile rising within his throat.
Again, Miguel wasn’t used to feeling jealous. He wanted to be the one cooking dinner for you, holding you in his arms, kissing you, touching you—
To his relief, you never paid them much mind, often politely declining with a poorly-forged excuse of having to return to your universe.
It was nearly a year since you’d first met Miguel when you were at Headquarters, holding a babbling Mayday as she crawled all over you. You laughed when she climbed up onto your shoulders, slipping down into your hands with a gleeful coo, blue eyes bright and wide. With gentle hands, you brushed her messy ginger hair away from her face. 
“She doesn’t look like you, huh?” you asked Peter B. Parker. “She must be a carbon copy of her momma.”
“A good thing,” admitted the man beside you, muffling a yawn as he dug the heels of his palms into his sleep-deprived eyes, adorned with dark bags. “Wouldn’t want her taking after her old man, now would I?”
“Why not?” you asked, amusedly watching when May shot out a web from her tiny shooters, swinging away to clumsily scale a nearby wall. “I think you’re very handsome. Trust me, the sleep-deprived look is very trendy right now. In my universe, at least. Nobody can really sleep well with the never-ending cold we got going there.”
Peter gave you a loose smile. “You know what, you’re right. Dad bods are making a comeback. By the way, did I tell you about my coin collection—”
Before Peter could finish what he was saying, your watch beeped noisily, and Ben’s slumped hologram appeared over your wrist. “Y/N, I’m glad you’re here,” he said. You had to hold your tongue not to retort that he was the one that’d called you. “I need you to come comfort me and hold onto my strong, muscular arms as I tell you about my gruesome past.” The pale image of Ben flickered as he flexed his biceps. 
You rolled your eyes to the side. Ben had become a close friend during your time with the Spider Society, nearly inseparable after you’d saved his life from an Electro anomaly once. That man was quite the emotional one, he was.
“I’ll be there, just give me a minute.” 
“Bring me one of those Spider-burgers, will you? Extra ketchup and no p—”
You tapped at your watch and his hologram disappeared before he could finish his request. With a mild wince, you glanced at Peter. “You wanna come with me and listen to Ben dramatically mope for an hour? I’ll treat you and May to Spider-burgers, because it looks like I’ll have to stop by there, anyway.”
“I would, I really would, but I gotta put May down for a nap,” he said with a sympathetic slant of his lips. As if on cue, the baby fell back into Peter’s arms, yawning widely. Bouncing her up and down, Peter absent-mindedly remarked, “Make sure Miguel doesn’t catch you being all sweet with Ben. That guy is crazy about you. Hah, he’d lose his marbles!” 
You blinked.
Peter froze, realizing what he’d just said.
“What?” he parroted.
“No, uh, what did you say, about Miguel being…”
“Nothing! Huh? I didn’t say anything.”
“Yes, you did. I heard you. Peter, what are you saying? Miguel is—?” 
Sheepish, Peter scratched the back of his head. “Oh, wow, would you look at the time!” Peter pulled down the sleeve of his pink bathrobe to mimic looking at the watch. He hastily stepped away. “I have to go. I didn’t say anything. Bye! I’d love a Spider-burger with you another time! Bye! See you later!”
You watched in bewilderment when the older man swung away with his baby in his hands, muttering out a long string of panicked curses under his breath.
Miguel was crazy about you?
After a few seconds of deliberating your next move, you shot out a web and swung away, heading to Miguel’s private office, where you knew he would be buried in figuring out a solution to the influx of new anomalies. Surely Ben would be alright with you showing up a bit late (he wouldn’t, but you had more pressing matters at hand).
“Hey, Miguel,” you greeted with a soft voice, slipping inside after knocking twice. “Hope I’m not catching you at a bad time.”
The man offered you a warm grin. “Never a bad time with you. What’s going on?”
“Well, I just… I had a rather interesting talk with Peter B,” you started, striding across the office until you stood just in front of his desk, with Miguel on the other side.
He tilted his head. “Was it about that collection of coins he lost to an anomaly? He needs to get over that.”
“I—what? The poor guy lost his coin collection? He’d been working on that for years!” Shaking your head, you mindfully got back on track. “Well, no, that’s not what we talked about.”
Dark eyes narrowing, Miguel crossed his arms, deadpanning, “What did he tell you?”
There was a rather mischievous hue to your expression that Miguel misliked. Slow and deliberate, you stepped around the desk, fingers dragging along the smooth top. You stood so close to him that your chest was only a hair’s breadth from his—if he were to take too deep a breath, the two of you would be touching by now.
“Hm… Peter accidentally let slip that you have feelings for me. Is that true, Miguel?” The way his name rolled off your tongue nearly made him choke as his brain short-circuited. 
“I… I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said, echoing the exact thing he had said to Jess a month ago. 
You studied him, gaze dragging from his stiff face, to his tense stature, and back up again. It may have been a trick of light, but Miguel could swear he saw your eyes linger on his lips. 
With a hum, you leaned even closer. He could hear your heart thrumming now, a steady, strong beat—which completely juxtaposed against his own rapid pulse, drumming loud within his ears. Up this close, he could smell your perfume, see the flecks of color within your pretty eyes, notice the way your lips quirked up with a sweet smile. Even whilst teasing him, you made sure that you weren’t overstepping any bounds, giving him ample time to step away if need be.
“Oh,” you said, feigning confusion. Your hand rested upon his clavicle, nails lightly dragging down his neck. A sharp thrill struck down Miguel’s spine at the sensation. You were barely touching him, for God’s sake! “So you wouldn’t mind if I… go ask Ben out for dinner?”
A beat of silence. Miguel’s brows knitted together.
The next words were susurrated as you dipped forward to nudge your nose along his neck, pressing a cold whisper of a kiss along the underside of his jaw. “Or if I… I don’t know… if I invite him to stay at my place for the night?” 
Of course, there was no real weight to your words. Ben was simply a good friend, but damn if you didn’t enjoy the way Miguel’s eyes twitched.
Finally snapping, a low growl rumbled within his chest, his hands shooting out to grab your waist. You were cold to the touch, the ice to his fire, as his fingers curled over your back, shoving you up against the wall behind his desk. As if on instinct, your hands came to clutch at his broad shoulders.
You smiled, wide and triumphant. You’d finally broke him. 
“I’m going to kiss you now,” he gruffed, staring deep into your eyes to make sure you were alright with this. The last thing he wanted to do was make you uncomfortable. From your gleeful expression, Miguel could see that you were just the opposite. 
His lips slanted over yours, warm and rough, yet cold and soft at the same time. It was a kiss of starkly juxtaposing contrasts, heavy with months and months of unspoken yearning. His large nose brushed against your cheek, angling his face to kiss you harder—deeper. 
When one of your hands slithered up the back of his neck to tug at the roots of his dark hair, he sighed against your mouth, breaking the kiss to lean his forehead over yours.
“He was right,” said Miguel.
“Who was?”
“Peter. I do have feelings for you.”
You kissed the corner of his mouth, nudging your nose against his sharp cheekbone. “Really? I would’ve never guessed.” He surged forward to kiss you again, relishing in the way you just about melted into his touch. “If it wasn’t obvious already, I really like you, too.”
At your admission, Miguel beamed, loose and hesitant. “You still planning on asking Ben out to dinner and having him stay over at your place, then?”
You tapped a finger onto your chin, pretending to have a good, long think about it. “Give me a good reason to stay, and I won’t.” At Miguel’s slightly crestfallen expression, you patted his cheek, quick to say, “God, Miguel, I was just kidding. Ben and I are good friends. You and I, however… I wouldn’t exactly call you a friend—”
His lips met yours again, stealing the rest of your words from you. 
When you smiled into the kiss, he smiled back. It was a bit too early for love, sure, but Miguel already knew he was in too deep to back out.
He was falling in love with you. 
The thought terrified him to no end, but he merely kissed you harder, and clutched you all the closer to him.
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cera-writes · 23 days
your gambit fics are so good you write him amazingly 💕 gambit or magneto x reader fluff pls?
Merci, mon ami! <3 For real though, thank you that is such a great compliment!! I'll definitely write for both requests! Erik x Reader will be in a separate post. But I do plan on writing for him <3 Pairing: Remy "Gambit" LeBeau x Reader Prompt: Remy shows the reader how to make his famous creole gumbo and a confession with lots of fluff ensues tags: sfw, fluff, and Remy just being his lovable ragin' Cajun self.
"Let ol' Gambit show you how it's done."
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You were busy prepping supper in the kitchen of the mansion, taking over dinner duties that afternoon. Thing was though, that you couldn't quite figure out just what you wanted to make.
You'd pulled out every cookbook Professor Xavier had stored in the kitchen but nothing was quite to your liking.
You flipped through the pages, eyes scanning over every recipe on every page but nothing spoke to you. You really just didn't know what you specifically had the taste for.
You sighed, growing frustrated with your lack of a decision for picking something to eat.
"Geez, this should not be that hard," you scolded yourself. "Screw it. I'm just gonna pop a frozen lasagna in the oven."
You had just opened the freezer and pulled out the frozen food and closed the door when you nearly had a heart attack seeing Gambit standing on the other side.
You nearly dropped the frozen lasagna before Remy grabbed it out of your hands.
Gambit took one look at the monstrocity you were about to make before tossing it back into the cold tundra. He then made a disgusted face.
"Gambit know you ain't about to cook that, petite!"
You folded your arms over your chest raising a brow at him. "You have any better ideas?" You asked, daring him to give you his suggestions.
"As a matter of fact I do, chere. Let ol' Gambit show you how it's done."
You watched as he started pulling out different types of ingredients from the pantry and refrigerator.
"Help Gambit out darlin' and grab that big pot out from over there," he pointed to one of the bottom cabinets that held all the cookware.
You huffed before doing just that as he laid out all the ingredients on the counter.
"Gambit gonna show you how to make his famous gumbo."
You had no objections. "Be my guest, monsieur."
He grinned at the use of your French vocabulary.
"It may take a while to cook but this'll have everybody comin' back for seconds," he smirked, grabbing a knife from the cutlery set.
He then motioned for you to stand in front of him, guiding the knife into your hand as he helped you chop some of the ingredients up.
Your back was pressed flush to his chest and you could feel the warmth radiating off of him. It was no secret that the two of you had unspoken feelings towards each other. He always found ways to brush up against you or use some excuse to get close to you. Right now was no exception either.
"Just like that, chere..." Remy trailed off, helping you slice up the food and put it into the pot. He was so close to your ear that you felt his breath tickle the sensitive skin there. It made your heart rate quicken.
"You're doin' a mighty fine job of that," Gambit praised you, causing your cheeks to heat up. He then moved away, letting you catch your breath. He knew exactly how to rile you up. And it always seemed to work.
Soon, he had the pot boiling on the stove. "Now we let it simmer to perfection," he made a little chef's kiss motion, bringing his fingers to his lips. "But in the meantime, Gambit can find other ways to pass the time with you ma petite." He tossed you a playful wink.
His eyes then trailed over your frame, noticing what you were wearing. "Not gonna lie chere, you look delectable in an apron."
You rolled your eyes, not being able to hide your smile at his compliment. He was such a shameless flirt.
He moved closer to you again, wanting to just be near you. He loved your presence. You somehow always had a way of lighting up the room when you were around. He backed you up against the counter, placing his hands on either sides of you.
"You wanna know somethin' ma cherie?" His gaze lowered to yours, face just mere inches from kissing you. You swallowed hard, wondering what he was about to say.
"Gambit has, well, liked you for a while. And ain't referring to like in a friend sort of way. You do somethin to me and I need to show you what that means..."
He cupped a hand to your cheek, leaning in as his stubble brushed against the skin there. His lips melted into yours, causing sparks to fly in a figurative sense. You gasped softly, wrapping your arms around his neck, bringing him in closer to you.
Once you both finally pulled away for air, the pot had started boiling over.
"Merde!" Gambit cursed under his breath, reluctantly breaking away from you to tend to the food.
Once he got that settled, he immediately turned his attention back to you only to find you with your hands on your knees laughing at the whole situation. "What?" He smirked. "We almost let the food burn from makin' out."
"Exactly," you grinned, face flushed red with happiness and humor.
He couldn't help but sweep you off your feet this time as he sat you on the counter. He moved some stray hair from your face before he gazed into your eyes.
"I need to know if you feel the same for Gambit..." his voice was low and husky now and suddenly all seriousness returned back to your features as he trailed his thumb over your bottom lip.
"Do you even need to ask, Remy?"
You grabbed his shirt and crashed your lips into his this time. He kissed you back eagerly, until you both heard the sound of someone clearing their throat awkwardly.
You both turned to look and see Wolverine, Morph, Cyclops, and the rest of the X-Men standing at the entrance to the kitchen.
"Uh, It's dinner time. Or were we interrupting something else?" Cyclops raised a brow.
You both smiled sheepishly.
Remy scratched the back of his neck and smirked, "Dinner's ready," before giving you a wink as if to say we'll finish this later.
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kayesfanfics · 2 months
Would you be willing to do a Magneto x nonbinary reader oneshot? I just need something fluffy and sweet after everything that happened with episode 5. Smut is okay too, but I’m mostly just here for the fluff.
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You were stirred awake by the man next to you in your bed, hearing his breath panting harshly. You rubbed the sleep from your eyes before opening them, seeing your husband sitting up in bed, his chest heaving and hands gripping the sheets next to him. You slowly sat up and raised a hand to his bare chest, feeling his heart pounding and a sheen of sweat coating his body. You looked at his face in concern, his eyes shut as he removed a hand to comb through his grey hair, attempting to calm himself.
“Erik?” You asked, giving him a small smile when he opened his eyes to look at you. His expression softened a bit as the hand in his hair moved to hold your face gently, his thumb rubbing your cheek as you leaned into his touch.
“I apologize for waking you, meine Liebe.” He spoke softly before pressing his forehead against yours, his body calming at your touch as you moved your other hand to rub his back.
“Don’t apologize, my love.” You responded, pressing your lips to his and giving him a sweet kiss. “Are you alright?”
“Yes, I suppose I’m just a bit stressed out lately.” He admitted pulling away slightly to look you in the eyes. “What with the team and all.”
“Of course, you’re under a lot of pressure.” You smiled, wanting to be there to support and help your husband. “They will accept you soon enough, you just have to show them that they can trust you.”
Erik gazed at you softly, giving you another kiss before he got up out of bed. You lied down in bed and watched him walk to the bathroom, turning the sink on and washing his face. You smiled fondly as he brushed back his damp hair, watched him take a deep breath before patting down his face with a towel, then turning his attention to you and smiling just as fondly. He felt so lucky that such an amazing person such as yourself, always so supportive and loving to him and his goals. He chuckled when you moved over and lifted the blanket, inviting him into your arms. He left the bathroom and got back into bed with you, grabbing you by your waist and pulling you flush against your body, making you laugh as he held you like a teddy bear. You pressed your face against his bare chest, smiling as he kissed you on top of you head, his large hand holding you between your shoulder blades to keep you near.
“Ich liebe dich.” He mumbled against you, his chest rumbling as he did.
“I love you too, Erik.” You smiled against him, pressing a kiss to his chest before shutting your eyes to drift back to sleep.
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whoiseduardito · 24 days
Heeey so I've come to the sad realization that marvel has yet again made me simp over a character that is NEVER written for so, I was wondering if you would be willing to do a fluffy magneto fic.
Maybe where you are a new teacher a the school and had never me Erik and end up with a crush and he ends up finding out somehow. Idk sorry ik that was a long one.
I need something fluffy after these past episodes and Smut is fine with me but I'm not sure if your comfortable writing smut if not no big.
pairing: erik lehnsherrr (magneto) x reader warn: i love this type of fluff!!!!!!! a/n: my first req!! not proof read!!! horrible writing, rushed, you can tell i loved the sound of music trope.
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so maybe you have a type.
older guys who have the humor of a rock.
...maybe just the older xenotype- but that's not important, totally not. the issue is that, you're crushin'. you're crushin' hard.
maybe it is the face, maybe it is the hair, but something about erik lehnsherr pulls you in, like a magnet, ironically.
you were the new teacher at the 'xavier's school for gifted youngsters, it was a pleasant experience, the students were nice (until their mutations were triggered, but that's not their fault), the ambient was too, and the pay? you could pay your rent, and more!
for you, the 'no crushing on coworkers' was bullshit, a harmless crush can't do that bad, as long as it's harmless.
so you continued with your lecture, 'history of mutation', very cool, you had even made a presentation, and then a kahoot, pretty cool right?
"so, the history of mutations can date back to many years, such as the sixth century-"
the door opened, all of the heads turned, and the person stepped in, you turned away from the board you were writing, your eyes searching for the person.
it was your fucking crush, it was fucking magneto.
your face drained of all color, and his electric freezing blue eyes stared back.
"-..this is a senior class, correct?" he walked around the class, his eyes cutting contact from your's
"...y-yeah totally" he stopped near a decoration with 'mini prom!" painted on it with photos of the students as younger kids.
"then why are decorations everywhere?" he stared at it "this is not kindergarden."
damn. "well?"
"i-i thought it would be good to make this a nice atmosphere for the students."
"the world is not an nice atmosphere for mutants, is it?"
the class was dead silent, no one dared to breathe, even lightly.
"i want this off the wall before the end of the day." he made his way out.
"why?" you whispered
he stopped "because i said so, miss l/n. now rip it off"
oh, your mood had soured
"i'm sorry magneto, sir, but the decorations stay." you said those words with all of the backbone you have
"i'm the headmaster. it goes off."
"i'm the homeroom teacher, it stays."
you were a teeny tiny scared but for your students you'd fight him without your mutation. he glared, his piercing glare stayed on you
"i'm sorry mister magneto but in here, i give the best ambient for my students."
his stare became harder, and then he blinked, sighing and walking away "...i'd like to see you in my office, right now."
you gulped loudly, you're pretty sure he heard.
he began walking away, a beat passed until you realised he wanted you to follow him, you began walking alongside him.
the way there was silent, but your head was running, this is it, this is what you get for standing up for your students, shit.
he opened the door, and let you in, murmured a 'take a seat'
"...i am not fond of people disobeying my commands."
"i am aware, mister magneto."
"just call me sir, mister magneto is ticking me off"
"sorry, sir" you quickly said, most of the backbone you had you used it on standing up to him, and now you were getting fired.
"just answer me this." you nodded, you complied "you are aware that in this school you're just needed to teach them, and just make sure they understand how the world works, not pamper them, not make them decorations."
"are you aware?"
"yes, but-"
"then why are you pampering them?"
"i'm going to move you, transfer you if you will"
"roulette, the mutation to be able to randomize whatever power you have seen either physically or by any media."
you're screwed
"your mutation, am i right?"
"you're going to work with me to make them control their mutation."
"you and me, are going to train them."
"uhm.... who?"
he sighed loudly, he surely had a small fuse "your students."
great! teaching with magneto.
"...you sure sir?"
"i am sure."
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breaking the news to your students was easy, making them behave so you don't look like a doof, was hard.
many classes had passed with mag- mister lehnsherr (he had told you to stop calling him 'magneto'), each day was hard but sometimes you picked at his stony personality, hoping that he would notice, sometimes you swear you saw him crack a small grin when you made a joke or had integration activities for your class, and your tiny crush had maybe turned into a bigger crush.
"hm?" the voice of one of your students pulled you out of your meditation spot "what is it?"
"are you okay? you've been in this spot for the whole break."
"oh here? this is a great spot to think." it was a tree behind the mansion, in a secluded corner.
"mister magento is looking for you." they sat next to you beneath the tree
"why?" they shrugged
"maybe's cause he likes you" your head snapped to their direction
"...don't be silly" you tried to look away "he doesn't"
"really? 'cause i always hear his heart beating faster, when you do something or appear." their mutation was enhanced hearing, you blushed
"oh, stop lying." you snorted
"he does!" they jabbed you with their fingers to tease you "and you like him back!"
"shut up!" you laughed
"you do! you do!" they chuckled, suddenly they remained quiet and a smirk slowly was painted in their face "i'll leave you both alone" they walked away
"miss l/n?"
oh shit.
"do you like me?" you turned your head slowly to face him.
"mister lehnsherr!-"
"please, call me erik." he chuckled, maybe the first time you saw his face in a smirk that isn't evil. "and how about a coffee to discuss about your teaching methods?"
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