#like Nancy’s on the right but Nat’s on the left
jonathans-cam3ra · 6 months
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Something that has and always will make me giggle and kick my feet is the fact that when ever Jonathan and Nancy or Charlie and Nat kiss he always always goes for the bottom lip
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munsonfamilyband · 6 months
Just had the most ooey gooey platonic stobin thought (featuring, as always, steddie)
Just, years after everyone has left Hawkins. The kids all graduated and have gone on to college. Nancy has her degree and is working her way very quickly up the ranks of the paper she works at. Jonathan got a job with Nat Geo somehow (though no one is surprised). Robin is working at some kind of archive, sorting and translating and transcribing and she loves every second of it.
Eddie and Steve live in the apartment right next to hers. At first it was awful, both because she hated having a wall between her and Steve, even with the balconies that they managed to connect somehow, and because their bedroom shared a wall with hers and they were so LOUD. Over time it got easier, her and Steve still were weirdly connected and Eddie woke up with a surprise third person in their bed multiple times a week but he knew she was a bonus when he asked Steve out.
Eddie got a job working as a tattoo artist (he convinced Steve to get one, but he only agreed to any tattoos that had a pair on someone else so he and Robin have matching anchors and ice cream scoops and he and Eddie have a little bat wearing a crown).
Steve struggled his way through school and got a job as an elementary school teacher. He comes home covered in glue and paint and glitter multiple times a week and has complained about ruining so many sweaters but he adores his kids and his job.
The night they get engaged Steve had just come home from the first parent-teacher conferences of the new year and he was barely standing up. He was carrying the italian Eddie had told him he ordered on his way home and when he got inside their apartment he was almost too tired to notice all the lights being off and all of their candles lit.
Steve froze and then kept putting his stuff away, calling out for Eddie. He finally found him in their bedroom (that no longer shared a wall with Robin’s), where Eddie was bouncing on his toes and twirling a small box in his hands.
Robin didn’t know what was going on when she heard Steve scream… something, she couldn’t really tell because it almost sounded like he was crying. Her Bestie Alarms immediately went off at the sound of Steve Tears but as she opened her balcony door to go check on him, he was already there. Tears still falling, hand shoved into her face, and the biggest smile she had ever seen him make.
It took less than 5 seconds for her to recognize the new ring on Steve’s hand and then they were both screaming and crying and hugging each other. (They were also ignoring Eddie yelling from their balcony to give his fiance back).
A few months passed and Steve and Eddie had started planning their wedding. Robin was nervous, she was waiting for Steve to ask her to be his maid of honor or something and she wanted to, she did. But she was also terrible at planning big events and she didn’t think she could handle all the pressure of having to plan showers and parties and getting things organized the day of. She wanted to be in Steve’s wedding more than anything, but she did NOT want to be in his wedding party and she was terrified of telling him that.
When Steve and her were at lunch one day and he said he had something to ask, she started panicking. She had barely been listening but she did catch a word she wasn’t expecting.
Steve told her that he wanted her to officiate his wedding. He said that he knew she would have hated being best man (the way he didn’t said maid of honor didn’t make her love him more, it didn’t) because of all the planning but he needed her to be part of his wedding. She was great at giving speeches, rambling included, and he couldn’t think of anyone he would rather have perform his wedding.
They both cried and then got kicked out of the chinese restaurant.
When the time came, Robin stood at the “altar” that the kids had helped make. It was covered in flowers and twinkling lights and it looked beautiful.
That day, being able to be the one to help her best friend get married, was the best day of her life.
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kedreeva · 2 years
(my askbox is open for prompts)
"They're here!" Eddie bellowed from somewhere in the front room, like an excited puppy even now.
Steve rolled his eyes. "Well, let them in, I'll be out in a minute!"
As he pulled the last batch of sugar cookies from the oven, he heard the sound of the front door bursting open and the blare of children shrieking at the top of their lungs.
"Grandpa Eddie!!!!!!"
Laughter filled the air, and Steve couldn't help his smile, listening to the quieter murmur of adult greetings. He transferred the cookies to the cooling rack, checked the time, and then looked over as Nancy appeared in the doorway to the kitchen.
"Not going to say hi?" she asked.
"And risk burning the cookies?" he said, shaking out of his oven mitts and holding his arms open to her. She walked into them without hesitation, her own going around his waist and squeezing. "Nat gave me one more chance last year."
Nancy snorted to hide her laugh. "I would say I doubt she remembers, but she did mention it on the ride over."
"See!" Steve said, letting her go. "But, I'd rather not get scolded by a five year old about ignoring her, so. Come on."
He offered her his arm for the short walk to the living room. The whole thing - the whole house, really - had been decorated to the nines for Christmas. Eddie has insisted on hanging lights inside, and putting up fake snow, and decorating the tree himself. Steve had put out the collection of little santa figurines they had acquired over the years, and the reindeer. There was gingerbread sitting in the dining room, with all the candy and icing supplies a rowdy group of children could want, waiting to be turned into houses for everyone to take home.
Jonathan lit up when he saw them return, and he bounced the tiny child on his leg once before setting her feet on the floor and pointing her in Steve's direction. Natalia, up in Eddie's arms still, spotted Steve and squirmed free with another ear-splitting shriek. Steve caught her as she launched herself at him, and spun her around despite the protest of his back. She was little enough still. For a little longer.
"Hey jellybean, how ya been?" he asked, taking a sloppy kiss to the cheek with grace.
She immediately began to babble at length about her first time at school, and the friends she had made, and Steve had to drop a hand from holding her to touch her younger sister's head as she reached Steve's leg and hugged him, too. Nancy swooped down and scooped Millie up, cradling her like a baby and bringing her around so Steve could smile at her, too.
"Where's your mom?" Steve asked, when Nat paused for breath. He had thought Cara and Joe were coming with Nancy and Jonathan, but it looked like it was just the four of them.
"She'll be here," Nat said, squirming to get down again. "Did you burn the cookies?"
"I did not," Steve said, shooting Nancy a told you so look.
The doorbell rang again, the door opening before anyone could even answer it, and suddenly there were even more children as Robin's family arrived. Robin lit up like a christmas tree the second she saw Steve, and she abandoned Vickie to come toss her arms around Steve's shoulders and hug him tight. Steve squeezed back, giving Vickie a smile over her shoulder, and nodding to their daughter and her husband and trying to catch sight of the little twins that rocketed past on their way to see their cousins.
"Glad you could make it," he said before releasing her.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world," Robin said. "I thought we'd be first, we're early!"
"You know how Nancy gets," Eddie said, pulling Robin into a hug of his own as Steve opened his arms for a smiling Vickie.
Nancy smacked his arm. "Hey! Don't blame this on me. It was either come early or listen to Nat yell the time every five minutes until we left."
"We should have waited to teach her how to read a clock," Jonathan lamented, and everyone laughed.
"Everyone's coming though, right?" Robin asked as she hugged Nancy, kissing her cheek and giving her a little wink. "The whole party?"
"Can't have a party without... well, the party," Steve ended a bit lamely. "I think the only one who wasn't sure was Erica, because she was supposed to have some fancy hotshot meeting out East, but that got canceled last night, so she'll be flying in." He checked his watch, but they still had a couple of hours until her flight arrived. "Drinks?"
"I'll help," Robin said instantly.
"She means she's got gossip and she can't wait to get you alone," Vickie translated, as if Steve needed it. Robin turned, offended, and Vickie just shrugged. "It's true, babe."
"Yeah but you don't have to say it!" She laughed, and grabbed Steve by the elbow. "Come on, Eddie can handle everyone for a minute. You are not going to believe what happened with Sharon."
Considering that Steve talked almost nightly with Robin and had been hearing about Sharon's Shenanigans(tm) for over a year now, Steve was pretty sure he actually would believe it, but he threw a glance to Eddie, who nodded that he had things under control, and headed for the kitchen with Robin.
It felt good, honestly. All of it. Familiar. He loved this time of year, the way the party collected, pooled in one place in a way that didn't involve monsters or alternate realities and adding more trauma. Just good food, gifts, and laughter, the way things ought to be. The way they had worked so hard to for it to be, given so much of themselves to protect. He had always expected the group as a whole would save the world, but there had been a time he'd honestly thought he wouldn't make it to this side to see it.
But here, standing in the kitchen and watching Robin pour drinks for everyone while she rambled about her catty coworker at the craft store, he thought maybe it was always supposed to go like this. Maybe there was always supposed to be a happy ending, and maybe he was supposed to be a part of it.
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vicsnook · 8 months
Will Lead You Back To Texas | Jake Seresin x Reader x Tim Riggins
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word count: 6053
warnings: SMUT, MINORS DNI 18+, Fluff
notes: Hey y’all! Here is part 2 of What Happens In Texas (Jake’s Version). I hope y’all enjoy and I’m sorry that once again I’ve out our girl through a love triangle 🥹. Please don’t forget to like and reblog! 🫶🏼
Part 2
The morning came too soon and when you woke Tim was no longer beside you. In the bathroom you fixed your hair as best as you could and brushed your teeth with the toothbrush Tim set out for you on the counter. He had also left you a shirt and sweatpants and a note that said he went out to the stables to feed the horses and would be back soon.
You smiled at the note and took a much needed shower. Reflecting on the events of the night before. After all, coming to Texas hadn’t been a terrible idea but you were dreading going back to Jake’s mom’s later in the day.
Getting dressed, you reminded yourself of the various girls Jake took home after your breakup. What you did was not wrong and you shouldn’t have felt so guilty but the look on Jake’s face when you opened the door yesterday kept haunting you.
Shaking your head you gathered your things and headed downstairs. Tim was in the kitchen making breakfast and you smiled at the gesture. “Mornin’ sleepin’ beauty, I hope you like scrambled eggs, because that’s about the only way I can make an egg.” He said smiling as you sat on one of the stools of the breakfast bar.
“That’s perfect. Thanks for everything by the way. I really appreciate it.” You said as he placed a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast in front of you and gave you a quick peck. Your stomach growled at the sight of the food and both of you laughed.
Both of you dug into the food and made small talk about life. You tried to do the dishes after both of you were done but Tim refused. The time to leave had finally come since it was already noon so you followed Tim out to the truck.
“I suppose you’re staying at Mrs.Nancy’s right? Matt’s aunt and Jake’s mama’s house.” He asked as he started to back out the driveway.
“Sure am, do you need the address?” You asked, as he turned left at the stop sign. “Nah, Mrs. Nancy used to keep me and my brother when we were little.” He replied, making a right turn this time.
You recognized the dirt road and realized that Tim’s house wasn’t too far from Jake’s. “How long are you staying in TX y/n?” he asked, turning into the long driveway that led to Jake’s. He grabbed your hand again after he turned.
“Um, until Monday. My flight doesn’t leave til 5PM though.” You replied, the house was starting to come to view and Tim started to slow down. “Here, take down my number and shoot me a text so I can have yours before you leave. Maybe we can have lunch on Monday.” He said, as you added his contact to your phone and texted him.
“Sounds like a plan, thanks again for everything.” You said, unbuckling your seat belt. “It was my pleasure,” replied Tim, who was already out of the truck by the time you were done grabbing your stuff and was holding the door open for you.
“Thanks and I hope to see you again soon.” You said stepping out. “You will darlin’” He replied and gave you a kiss, this one was longer than this morning’s but it was cut short by someone clearing their throat.
Pulling away you saw Jake standing on the porch watching y’all. You smiled at Tim and then turned to walk towards the house. Tim honked as he started to pull out the driveway and you waved him goodbye from the front porch steps.
You noticed Jake eyeing your shirt as you turned to him. You’d forgotten that you were wearing Tim’s shirt. Feeling your cheeks heat up you turned around and walked inside. Breathing in relief when you saw Nat seating on the couch.
“Tell me everything!” Exclaimed Nat after you shut the door to the bedroom. You laughed and sat across from
her on the bed. “Wait, that’s not your shirt either, Y/N!” She continued, shoving you playfully.
It was a relief that there was no tension with her. “So, you already know me and Tim met and hit it off at the airport but we didn’t exchange numbers.”
“Uh,huh” Nat cut in, trying to get you to get to the important parts. “I saw him at the game working the concessions and he invited everyone to the party.” She nodded and widened her eyes, urging you to get to the point. You were enjoying taunting her a bit.
“He gave me a house tour at the party and we ended up making out on the couch. It was cut short unfortunately by Jake breaking a beer bottle in the kitchen but that actually led us to go upstairs for more privacy and”
“Ooh it’s getting spicy,” Nat cut in, giggling. “Shut up!” you exclaimed in embarrassment. “Okay, okay continue,” she said.
“Well one thing led to another and we hooked up.” You finished, putting your hands on your face because you could feel the blush on your cheeks.
“And I’m assuming that Jake went looking for you not long after?” she asked, toying with the blanket.
“Yeah, Jake woke us up banging on the door. I was wearing Tim’s shirt and Tim woke up and walked up in his underwear behind me so Jake could put two and two together after that.” You said, as you put your dirty clothes in the laundry bag in your suitcase.
“Wow, and you came home with Tim this morning. Now that’s awkward,” Nat concluded. “Yeah, he saw us kissing again earlier too when Tim dropped me off.” You admitted, her eyes widening at your confession.
“Y/N, y/n, y/n, what has Texas done to you?” she muttered, getting up and helping you pick out clothes for the day. “Serves Jake right. He’s made out with half the girls at the Hard Deck since you broke up and who knows how many he took home.” She finished, handing you your socks.
You nodded, but couldn’t help the pang you felt in your stomach when you recalled Jake making out with another girl not even 24 hours after breaking things off with you. Working as a contractor on base at least helped you out since you just switched with another mechanic and now you didn’t have to work on Jake’s jet anymore.
Rooster, Bob, and Jake were buying food for the party. So you were sent off with Jake’s sister Anna to buy party decorations while Nancy and Nat stayed back and made the cake for tomorrow.
“So, you and Tim huh?” asked Anna as she pulled out of the driveway.
“Something like that. News sure do travel fast around here.” You replied, clicking in your seatbelt.
“Well my brother has a big mouth when he’s angry, honey. But don’t pay him no mind, he’s harmless.” She said, as she drove through town.
“Yep,” you said, pulling out your phone that was going off. A text from Jake illuminated the screen. “We need to talk” it read. You sighed and put your phone back in your purse not replying.
The store was small and homely. Anna and the clerk were apparently old friends and she had everything ready and set aside for her. Anna went to grab some fireworks and you took the opportunity to pay, figuring it was the least you could do after everything.
“You’re all set, Anna. I’ll get Mike to carry it on out.” Said the cashier as she went into the back presumably looking for Mike.
“Wait, I haven’t paid!” Anna exclaimed, but the cashier was already gone. “It’s okay, I took care of it.” You told her, giving her a small smile.
“Y/N! No! You’re our guest. Here let me pay you back.” Anna replied, digging through her purse. “No need. I wanted to. Consider it a thank you for letting me stay at y’all’s place and an apology for the drama.” You told her, not taking the money she was trying to give you.
“Alright. But don’t you do this again. My mom would kill me if she finds out.” “Yes ma’am. It’ll be our secret.” You replied, interlacing your pinky with hers and laughing along.
Once Mike had set everything in the back of the truck, you and Anna headed back to the house. You were lost in thought when Anna cut in.
“You know, my brother may be a fucking idiot, but I do know that he loves you.” She said, stopping to let another car go at the stop sign.
“I don’t know about that, Anna.” You muttered, twiddling with your hands nervously. This was not a conversation you wanted to have.
“Y/N, you’re the first girl he’s ever brought home. He had told our mom over the phone he wanted to make things right with you. Maybe y’all need to have a conversation.” Anna finished, then got out the truck and headed towards the house.
You closed your eyes and held back the tears that had started to form. Jake always was so complicated. Taking a deep breath you stepped out the truck and followed Anna inside.
The boys were in the kitchen and she went to get them to help bring the stuff inside. Jake was the last one out. His eyes on yours as soon as he stepped foot into the hall.
“You get my text?” he asked, putting on his boots. “Yeah, we’ll talk tonight.” You replied. “Alright,” he nodded and headed out the door. You headed into the kitchen and put on your best fake smile while checking on what Nancy and Nat might need help with.
After dinner, everyone headed out to the back porch and you stayed back with Nancy to help wash and put up dishes. “Darlin’ go on outside. I got this.” She urged.
“It’s okay Nancy, I don’t mind. Plus they did leave a pretty big mess.” You replied, wiping down the table. She begrudgingly agreed to let you help and after you wiped the table and counters down, you helped dry the dishes as she washed them.
“Tell me darlin, have you spoken with Jake since you got in?” she asked, handing you another plate.
“No ma’am, but we did mention earlier that we’ll speak tonight.” You replied, turning to put the plate inside the cabinet.
“Good, hear him out please. He can be difficult sometimes but he means well.” She said, handing you the last plate. You nodded in response and once you dried the plate, you turned and placed it on the cabinet with the rest.
Nancy excused herself to her room and left you in the kitchen. You washed your hands and then as you were drying them, you noticed Jake had been watching you through the window. He got up and walked inside as you made eye contact.
“Ready?” he asked, walking into the kitchen. “Yep” you replied, following him through the house and out the front door.
He headed towards his truck and you followed, getting in when he held open the door for you. He started the truck and backed out the driveway, heading down the dirt road and stopping by a side gate.
He quickly jumped out and opened the gate then got back in the truck and drove through. After a couple of minutes he came to a stop in front of a pond. Turning the truck so the back faced the pond and you could both sit on the tailgate.
You both sat on the tailgate. Admiring the beautiful sunset. There was a peaceful quiet but it was soon interrupted by Jake.
“I’m sorry for the way I acted last night. You had all the right to do what you did with Tim.” He said, still looking straight ahead.
“Um, thanks.” You replied, not knowing what else to say. He turned to look at you and he had the same look he did a year ago when he broke things off with you.
“I know it’s probably too late, but I brought you out here to try and get you back. I admit I was stupid to break things off but I was scared that I wouldn’t come home from one of the missions and I didn’t want to put you through that. And I know I should’ve just talked to you then but I can’t change what I did. I’m sorry y/n.” He finished, this time looking at you.
Your mind was racing. He had said everything you wanted to hear the past few months. But you couldn’t shake off the fact that he had hooked up with someone else not even 24 hours after he dumped you and how he acted like nothing had ever happened between you two the past few months.
“Look Jake, I appreciate the apology but that doesn’t take away your actions after you broke up with me. I-”
“I know, but please Y/N, just give me another chance. I promise I’ll do right by you this time. I swear.” He cut you off and begged, his eyes searching for yours desperately but you continued to look away.
“I don’t know Jake. I need some time to think.” You answered truthfully. On the one hand you knew he was being sincere but you also thought he was sincere the last time around.
“Okay, I understand and hey, if you want to pursue something with Tim while you’re still here, I understand that too.” He finished off, getting off the tailgate and getting inside the truck.
You wiped away a couple of tears that had escaped and then got into the truck too. The ride back was silent but thankfully quick. All you wanted to do right now was go back home to California.
When Jake pulled in, you got out and headed upstairs. Deciding a shower would help you think. You sat on the floor of the shower as the water enveloped you and cried. The past few days had been too much on you. Truthfully the past few months. Shortly after that you fell into a much needed sleep.
By noon the next day, the house was fully ready for the party. All the decorations were put up and all the food was set out on the tables. Cars were beginning to pull up as you set down the deviled eggs.
Nat and you headed upstairs quickly and changed into your bathing suits and then joined everyone. The boys were already in the pool playing volleyball. You shrieked as Jake splashed you when you walked by.
The evening went by quickly as you played cornhole with Nat, Anna, and Bob. Both you and Anna beating them. You excused yourself to go to the bathroom and Rooster stood in for you.As you came out of the bathroom, you bumped into Tim. “Hey! What’re you doing here?” you asked surprised.
“Mrs. Nancy always invites everyone in town.” He replied, following you into the kitchen where you handed him a beer from the cooler. “Oh, that’s nice of her. You getting in the pool?” you asked, pointing outside at the pool where the squad was playing chicken fight.
“Only if you are,” he replied, winking at you. You smiled and took his hand and lead him out to the pool. Letting go of it once you crossed the door. Both you and Tim got in and he was quick to splash you. You giggled, splashing him back.
“Y’all gonna play or flirt all day?” asked Jake sarcastically from the other side of the pool. Rolling your eyes you followed Tim to where the boys and Nat were. “Me and Nat versus you and Tim” said Jake, and hoisting Nat into his shoulders before anyone could reply.
You got on Tim’s shoulders and Bob sounded the whistle. Nat was strong but Tim’s hold on you was better. Quickly you were able to push her off Jake’s shoulders. You got off Tim’s shoulders and high-fived him. Jake just shook his head and walked off to the other side to make conversation with a blonde who’d just gotten into the pool. “Sore loser” you mumbled under your breath.
“Let’s go grab another drink,” Tim said, leading you out the pool and through the crowd to a picnic table. He passed you a beer and a towel and then settled beside you on the bench. His arm slipping around your shoulders.
“So are you gonna tell me what’s going on between you and Jake or do I just have to wait til he punches me?” Tim asked, giving you a half-smile.
You looked at Tim and then at Jake who was still in the pool with the blonde who had joined him and was practically glued to his side. “We dated for a while and then he broke things off about a year ago. Nothing else really to tell.” You replied, looking back at him.
“Well he sure doesn’t act like it’s nothing.” Tim retorted, passing you a strawberry. “Yeah, I know. He claims he wants me back and that he shouldn’t have broken up with me but his actions the past year say otherwise. Um, but I don’t really want to keep talking about this though.” You said, turning your head to look for Nat and spotting Jake making out with the blonde instead.
You felt like you were going to be sick. Quickly excusing yourself and practically sprinting to the bathroom and throwing up. As you rinsed your mouth, you decided against giving Jake another chance. Tim was outside in the hallway waiting for you.
“Hey, you alright?” he asked, following you up the stairs. “Yeah, just something I ate probably. I’m just going to brush my teeth really quick.” You said, leaving him in the hall as you went into the room and grabbed your toiletries bag. Tim sat on the bathroom counter as you brushed your teeth, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear that had escaped your ponytail.
After you finished, you placed everything back into the toiletries bag and then went to open the door but Tim stopped you. “I haven’t gotten to do this today,” he said, turning you around and pulling you in for a kiss while pressing up against the door. Your hand tangled up in his hair as he pulled you closer by your waist. His hands cupped your ass and then moved to the back of your legs to pick you up.
But before he could, you pulled away. After last night’s conversation, even though Jake was making out with another girl, you couldn’t.
“I can’t. I’m sorry Tim.” You whispered, backing away from him. “It’s okay, darlin’. The heart wants what it wants after all.” He replied, giving you a half smile.
“Thank you, Tim and I’m really sorry, this isn’t fair to you.” You told him, feeling guilty for having led him on. “Don’t sweat it. It happens. Friends?” He said, extending his hand to you. “Friends.” You agreed, shaking his hand.
“I’ll be out in a sec, I’ve just got to take care of this,” he told you, pointing at his boner. “Uh, yeah, sorry!” You replied, turning around and leaving the bathroom. Unfortunately you didn’t get too far as you bumped into someone.
“Watch where you’re going!” shrieked the blonde who’d you seen with Jake earlier. “Um, sorry.” You told her, shaking your head and heading for the stairs. You rolled your eyes as you caught a glimpse of her trying to force the bathroom door open. Once outside you decided to head for the gazebo where everyone from the squad was sitting except Jake.
“Where you been?” asked Bob, as you sat down next to him. “Something didn’t agree with my stomach.” You told him, turning to look at the fireworks that were starting to go off. “Was that something a blonde who had their tongue down Hangman’s throat?” asked Rooster, Nat slapped his arm as he raised his hands in defense and laughed.
You rolled your eyes at him and turned back to the firework show. Tim joined y’all soon after. Sitting beside you. “I think I’m gonna head out.” He whispered to you. You nodded and got up to walk him out. Telling everyone you’d be right back.
He gave you a hug on the front porch and wished you luck with Jake. You waved him off and then watched as the taillights of his truck disappeared in the distance. Walking back inside you bumped into a not very happy looking Jake in the living room. “You want to tell me why you’re fucking Tim in the bathroom of my mother’s house?” He asked, getting in your face.
“Woah, woah, woah, first of all back the fuck up from me.” You said, as he backed away a step. “Tim and I didn’t do anything in the bathroom. He was checking up on me since I threw up.” You told him, crossing your arms.
“If you’re gonna see him again, make sure it’s away from my house and you can forget what I said last night.” He said, turning to walk away.
“Oh I will Jacob. So much for you being sorry while shoving your tongue down another chick’s throat.” You yelled after him. He stopped in front of the door leading to the patio and turned around, walking back towards you.
“I was sorry!” He yelled, “until I saw you flirting it up with Tim in my own house.” Jake’s face was flushed, as he stood in front of you glaring at you.
“Jake, I cut off everything with him less than an hour ago even though you’ve been making out with Barbie half the evening. Isn’t that what you wanted?” you replied exasperated, running your hands. through your hair.
“The only reason I kissed her was because you were all up on Tim in the pool. You might’ve cut things off with him now but that doesn’t change the fact that you were flirting with him in the pool.” He retorted.
“God Jake, you’re impossible. When he tried to kiss me, I broke things off. What else do you want from me?” you asked. He ran his hands through his hair, and looked away from you.
“I don’t know what it is you want from me Jake. But I know that I don't want to be with someone who can’t communicate and who goes back and forth on their word.” You told him, turning around you mumbled “You can forget about me giving you any more chances,” and then walked outside.
You tried to act happy amongst the squad and played cornhole and drank for the rest of the night while staying away from Jake. During the final firework show, you started to clean up and pick up trash. Bob and Nat began to clean the pool and put away the inflatables since everyone was out of it by now. By the time the last car pulled out the driveway, everything outside was cleaned up. All that was left was dishes which Nancy refused to let any of you do.
So you headed upstairs and planned to go to bed, until Jake cornered you in the hallway. “What now?” you asked him annoyed, you were ready for bed after what felt like a never ending day.
“You walked away before we could finish talking.” He replied, he was towering over you now and his hands were on the wall beside your head. He had you trapped.
“Can we do this another time? I’m exhausted.” You told him, trying to push him away from you but he didn’t budge. “No, we’re gonna do this now.”
“Whatever, suit yourself.” you replied, looking down at your feet rather than at him and crossing your arms to try and put some distance between you two.
“Look at me,” he commanded. You did as he asked. “Tell me right now to my face that you won’t give me another chance and I’ll drop this and leave you alone.” He said, looking into your eyes. The sound of Nat and Rooster talking downstairs snapped you both out of your trance.
Jake took his hands off the wall and pulled open the bathroom door beside you then walked inside but not before pulling you in and pinning you against the door. “Tell me y/n and I'll stop. But don’t you mumble it.” He whispered, in your ear. A shiver went through you as he breathed on your neck.
“I-I can’t.” You managed to say as he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you in for a kiss. It took you a second but you couldn’t help but melt into the kiss. He moved you away from the door as you continued to kiss passionately and hoisted you onto the bathroom counter. “One sec,” he whispered, pulling away to lock the bathroom door.
His lips quickly back on yours after he locked it. He moved on from your lips down to your neck while you tugged on his hair. His fingers toyed with the string of your bikini for a moment then and undid it.
He took one of your nipples into his mouth as you slipped your hand into his trunks and grabbed onto his hard cock. He grunted as you slowly stroked it. Pulling away from your nipple, he came back up to your lips and pulled you into another heated kiss. Your tongues fighting for dominance.
Your hand left his trunks and tangled back up into his hair as he pulled off your bikini bottoms and started kissing your neck again. You moaned as he sucked on your neck, surely leaving a mark. He pulled down his swimming trunks and rubbed his tip against your entrance, eliciting another moan from you which was quickly muffled by him putting his hand over your mouth.
He slowly sank into you fully and you continued to moan into his hand. He started to thrust into you faster, holding onto you with his free hand. Finally he took his hand off your mouth as he whispered roughly “You’re mine,” into your ear. You moaned in response as he thrusted harder.
“Say it,” he asked, continuing to thrust harder into you. “I-I’m y-our-s” you managed to choke out in. “I’m the only one who can fuck you in this bathroom. Understand? ” He said, his hand around your neck, lightly choking you.
“Mh-m,” you moaned in response. Feeling close to your orgasm. “Are you close?” whispered in your ear and you nodded repeatedly, desperate to reach your high. But as you almost reached it, Jake slowed down his pace.
“I never said you could come. Beg me to let you.” He told you, looking into your eyes as he continued thrusting into you slowly. “Beg,” he commanded, as he slowly started to rub on your clit too.
“Please Jake,” you begged, desperately chasing your release. “Again,” he said, while kissing your neck. “Ple-as-e J-ake” you choked out in between moans as he finally started to increase his pace.
Your nails dug Jake’s back as you reached your high. His thrusts became harder and faster as you came. “Where?” He asked as he started to reach his high too. “Inside,” you whispered against his neck as he came.
You were for once glad that you’d continued to take your birth control after the break up. He pulled you in for another kiss as you both started to come down from your high. He pulled out of you slowly, his cum dripping out of you as he did. He pulled you down from the counter and led you into the shower. The warm water felt great against your skin.
He kissed your shoulder as he lathered your back. You leaned back into him at the action. “I love you, Y/N,” he whispered against your ear. You smiled at his words turning around to kiss him. “I love you too, Jake,” you whispered against his lips.
“Can we start over? Forget everything before this moment?” He asked, holding you against him as the water soaked you both. “Yes.” You replied, smiling against his chest. “But can we not forget what just happened a few minutes ago?” you asked, smiling cheekily.
Jake laughed at your question and gave you another kiss. After drying off and cleaning the mess on the counter, Jake opened the door and stuck his head out into the hallway then motioned for you to follow him as the coast was clear. Quickly you both ran into his room giggling as only you had a towel on.
He passed you one of his old shirts and then put on some boxers. You looked around his bedroom and took notice of all the football memorabilia, school awards, and pictures.A picture on top of his dresser caught your eye, it was of you both from when you went on a beach trip before Jake got deployed. You smiled as you picked it up to look at it more closely.
In it you were laughing as Jake looked at you smiling. “Come to bed, y/n.” Jake said. You set the picture back down and got into the bed with him. “What if you change your flight? Leave Tuesday with me instead of tomorrow?” Jake asked you as you cuddled up to him.
“Um, I don’t know if I can. Let me check.” You replied, grabbing your phone from the nightstand and checking on the airline website. Luckily for you since you were technically only moving your flight to the next day after it was originally scheduled, you were able to do so. Jake smiled as he watched you confirm the details of your new flight.
Jake kissed the top of your head and turned off the light on his nightstand. He held you close to his chest and soon after, you both drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
The next morning you woke up still in Jake’s arms. He snored lightly as you reached for your phone on the nightstand. Rooster had texted you asking if you needed a ride to the airport, you responded letting him know you changed your flight to tomorrow and thanking him for checking. You went to get up to use the bathroom but Jake pulled you back onto his chest.
“5 more minutes,” he mumbled sleepily. You chuckled, turning to shake him awake. “Whaaat?” he asked, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. “Time to wake up, sleepy head.” You replied, finally getting out of his grasp and opening the curtains. “Nooo!” Jake yelled, throwing the cover back over his head.
You rolled your eyes at the action, Jake had never been a morning person. “Come back to bed,” he asked as you headed out onto the hall and then into your room to grab clothes and your toiletry bag. As you left your room to go brush your teeth, Anna walked past you, giving you a thumbs up.
Blushing, you rushed into the bathroom. As you brushed your teeth, you realized that everyone probably heard you and Jake last night. You took a quick shower and by the time you were getting dressed, Jake knocked on the door.
You gave him a quick peck then went downstairs as he went into the bathroom. Nancy and Anna were sitting at the table drinking coffee. You poured yourself a cup and then joined them at the table.
“Good morning sunshine, you’re just glowing today,” said Nancy as you took a seat beside her. “Thanks, um so how’d everyone sleep?” you replied, taking a sip of your coffee.
“Great, although some noises coming from the bathroom woke me up,” replied Anna, grinning.
“Oh hush, Anna,” Nancy said in response, waving Anna off. Your eyes were glued to your coffee as your cheeks burned bright red.
“If it ain’t my 3 favorite ladies.” Jake said, finally joining y’all at the table. You all smiled at him and response.
“You ready?” he turned to ask you. “Um, sure. Where we going?” you asked, taking his hand as you stood up and began following him out the door. “You’ll see honey. Bye ladies!” He yelled out at Anna and his mom, while shutting the front door. “Bye!” they shouted back in unison.
Jake drove slowly through town, pointing at various places and telling you about them. You grabbed a small lunch at a bbq place in town and Jake introduced you to the owner Ray, who’d known him since he was little.
After that, Jake and you met up with Matt and Julie to drop them off at the airport. Matt and Jake sat in the front while you and Julie sat in the back and made small talk. She told you about their daughter, Adrianne, and about their life in Chicago. In return you told her about how you were a contractor in the Navy and worked on jets.
Jake pulled into the airport as she asked if you and Jake planned to move to Texas when your contracts ended. You didn’t know how to answer her but thankfully Matt opened her door so they could leave so you didn’t have to.
You waved them goodbye and then you and Jake headed back to his mom’s. This time he took a different route than when he picked you up. The sun was starting to set when you finally made it back.
He drove past the house and finally stopped when it was out of view. He got out but not before telling you to stay put and to not look back. You tried to distract yourself by playing on your phone as he did whatever he was doing. A couple of minutes later he finally came around your door and lead you to the bed of the truck.
He had blankets and pillows in it and a basket of snacks. You turned smiling and hugged him. “Thank you, Jake” you told him when pulling away. “I promise I’m gonna prove to you that giving me a second chance was a good decision.” He said, as you both got in the bed and cuddled up to watch the sunset.
This weekend didn’t go at all how you expected but oh were you so glad you’d gone to Texas after all. That night as Jake slept, you facetimed Nat and told her about you and Jake making up.
Rooster cheered in the background making you laugh. Jake tossed a little and you covered your mouth to stifle your laughs.
The next day, you and Jake were able to get your seats next to each other on the plane. As you settled into your seat, Jake passed you a headphone to share. Smiling you took it and tried to watch the movie but instead of paying attention you ended up reminiscing about the weekend you just had.
After getting to your place, Jake asked if you wanted him to stay the night to which you happily answered that of course you did. He helped you make dinner and before the night was over you were both back in your old routine like nothing had changed.
“Y/N, can I ask you something?” Jake said, as you laid on his chest watching a movie. “Sure,” you replied, as you paused the movie and sat up to look at him.
“My contract ends in February and yours in March. What do you think about moving out to Dillon?” He asked, while you laid on his chest in your bed. “I understand if you don’t want to or its too soon, I just figured I’d ask now since we’d have to get a house and all.” He finished, looking at you waiting for an answer.
Before this weekend, you definitely wouldn’t have known what to answer. But you were certain now more than ever of what you wanted.
“I’d love to move to Dillon with you,” you replied, his face breaking into a smile and then he pulled you for a kiss. You were so happy that what happened in Texas, will lead you back to Texas.
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Eddie muson x reader
I'm right here sweet heart
Best friend/crush eddie
Warning swearing and period
Wrote for comfort and cuz yeah
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Your period had hit harder than it had been the last few months this go round. Leaving you miserable at its only been day 1 . Pain killers went touching it. Lunch was spent down in the news room with Nancy with you in the fetal position.
"Why don't you just go home. Head to the nurse and have her dismiss you? There isn't much else for you to do. "
"Can't drive like this Nanc. I'll just deal with it in class there's not much left to the day. I'll have to call Steve or see if Eddie will take me home or see if some one will take my car back to my place."
You had been in many cliches in school but you had always had music and writing going for you . Taste in music all over the board and you were a damn good story writer. You too had been one of Eddie's lost sheep. Him the shepherd you and many others the sheep. Since that point you had helped write his campaigns when you did they were even harder to beat.
"IF Eddie or Steve see you like that you know your not going back to your place. You'll be at Steve's with nurse Steve up your ass. Eddie will have you higher than a kite to manage the pain."
"Eddie's a furnace too Nancy. If any thing I'll have heat too."
She nodded seeing the point you had. She was also the only other person besides Steve that knew you had the hots for the metal head.
The last class of the day came about the only one with thr munson boy one of the only ones he came to any way. He stood holding open the door for most people waiting for you like normal. The hunch walk was the tell for him that you were hurting.
"There you are sweet heart had me worried there you good?"
Entering the class room you shook your head "no sir rolled a nat one on the cycle from hell"
"Jesus h Christ that bad huh?"
"Yeah walking is a load of shit there's no way In hell I'm driving back home"
"Wanna crash at my place? Beds always open with or with out a long haired heater present."
"Please " you gave him the eyes of many thanks and a soft smile
"Hey what's a guy to do. Let a damsel suffer? Never. My uncle would shame me. Tarnish my reputation ."he chuckled lightly knowing damn good and well what Hawkins things if him." IF you'd like there shall be spagetios and some reff and you hoos maybe some shity cabke film or some shit.i can play for ya too ."
Eddie wanted to make it better. Hinest to God that man has a pure heart.
When class ended he took your bag from you and walked with his arm around you for comfort. To most it always looked like you guys were an item and to you sometimes it felt like that.
He pulled the van to the curb and opened doors for you and even blasted the heat . Sane thing at the trailer.
He had you sit for a bit
Found the rice sock and shoved it in the microwave as he went to work on the bed.
The couch had you supported as you curlded in on your self again.
Eddie shocked you by picking you up and carrying yo to his bed. He grabbed a pair if sweats for you too.
"Okay bra off and that tight shirt must go too. Today you get a treat. A full minson outfit"
You took the afor mentioned articals off in front if him nit carrying if he looked or not ad he too took off his Hell fire shirt.
"Fresh off the Eddie. Warm.smells good too." He smiled as he said it
"Eddie you smell like old spice woods and weed" the shirt was big on you and he knew it. You needed comfy and was gonna make it happen.
"Sweet heart you font feel good it's my duty to make you better. So take this rare occasion of a girl wearing my cloths for what it is. "The rise sock was your friend that night. As was he when it got cold
You had smoked till the world felt fake and you felt better but this too ment you passed out. When Eddie had put down the guitar and found a cold rice sock on you he replaced it with himself and stayed there for the rest of the night.
When his uncle had come.home he did them a favor and snapped two Polaroids of them like that.
Wayne called your folks and let them know you had passed out over here when helping Eddie study and you'd be back by Sunday morning as you guys had a big test coming up. They understood and thanked him for the call.
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stranger-masters · 1 year
It's A Date! (G.L.W)
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OC Name: Sienna Dyer.
Sister: Natalia (Nancy Wheeler).
Best Friend: All, but mostly Gwydion Lashlee-Walton (Gareth from Hellfire Club).  Summary: In practicing for his role, Gwydion has to play the drums. Sienna wants to learn, so he teaches her. Gwydion X OC.  Tags: Fluff, romance, cute awkward Gwydion, adorable Gwydion, drumming, flirting.
      Sienna Dyer, Natalia's little sister, loved her older sister's friends, and they loved her. She'd grown close to all of them as Nat's character progressed in the show, and she thought, easily, that her best friend, before Season 4, was Noah and Millie. They still were, but for some reason, Sienna and Gwydion Lashlee-Walton, AKA Gareth Emerson, were closer now. 
Over time, she realized she was in love with him. 
      Apparently, it was obvious to a few people: Natalia and Maya, Finn, both Joes, Gaten, and Sadie and Noah and Millie. Gwydion and Sienna didn't see it. If they did, they didn't speak about it. She was nervous and shy, and he wasn't wanting to ruin what they already had. 
"Gwydion!" Sienna sang, hugging the boy as he sat at the fake Hellfire table during a break in scenes. Last year, Sienna got cast as Eddie's "estranged sister," Hannah. "Hi." Gwydion laughed, hugging her awkwardly, as he had to reach up instead of around. He grinned, big and dopey, and Gaten snorted, making Finn smirk. "What?" Gwydion and Sienna tilted their heads, and Caleb shook his head, "Wow."       As the break ended, Sienna was aware of Gwydion, like she always was, and thought, I'm gonna do it, right after this scene pack. She stayed in character very well for being distracted, trying to figure out what to say. When the scene pack ended, she walked up to Gwydion, talking to Gaten and Finn. "Can I talk to you?" She blurted, and Gwydion blinked. "Okay." He didn't ask anything as she led him a little ways away. "So...we're friends, right?" She started, and Gwydion nodded. "Yeah, why?"  "I like you." She said, avoiding his gaze. "I have for a long time. Like, I'm In Love with you," She whispered, making emphasis on "in love." She didn't know how much courage she had left, so she needed to hurry. "I wanna know if you feel the same, and if you do, cool. If not, I'm sorry for bothering--" He swept forwards, kissing her, and she shut up.  "YES!" They heard Gaten shout. "THEY DID IT!" "Hell yeah!" Finn yelled.  Gwydion and Sienna laughed as they pulled away. "Fan club much?" Gwydion pretended to glare, then turned to Sienna. "If it's okay with you, I wanna take you out to a movie." "When?" Sienna asked breathlessly.  "Tomorrow night?" She smirked, kissing him shortly. "It's a date!"
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livingfictionsystem · 2 months
A story about menopause, the sense of self, reincarnation, ghosts, a cult, and a serial killer. This was exceedingly well-written, first of all. It's so immersive that I actually kept making the mistake of Googling the characters and locations as if I could run by a historical document or photos of the massacre. Mary's POV is intriguing, as well. I was altogether not able to relate to her on a literal sense, but I felt so deep in her mind that I empathized with her through most of this. She's probably no one I'd be friends with in real life, but she was such a multi-dimensional person come to life by the prose. Mary is also realistically inconsistent. Sometimes meek, quiet, shy. Sometimes brutal and vicious. Many times, snarky and almost giggling through her own mental breakdowns and pointing how ridiculous her circumstances are. Throughout the book, she also becomes jaded, which I love in a horror character. She's fed up with her own existential crisis and even at one point, thinks, 'Wait, what happened to that child I supposedly killed? Eh, who gives a shit.' Which made me almost choke o my tea. Nat Cassidy is an exceptional writer for this. It also stayed in the mind enough that one of the people I was reading this book with found themself drunkeningly rambling about it to their friend one night in a McDonald's drive-thru, so, again, very well-done. I definitely recommend reading the author's Forward and Afterword because this is, as he points out, the story of menopause, told from the POV of a 50-year old woman, written by a cis guy. (He actually does specify cis, too, which I thought was refreshingly inclusive. There's no declaration like 'No man has gone through menopause!')
I will say, the feminism, though appreciated in some respects, really hits you over the head. It was almost funny how, in a scene with ghosts and gore, there'd be a narrative ramble about how women are overlooked. Like yes, that's nice, Mary, but that man's head was just cleaved in two by Ghostie Claws over there, a little focus please. Also, this book features a cult. As a cult survivor, I found the depiction unrealistic. There was no incentive, no threats of punishment or exile, no deprivation, to keep the members there and they all seemed to be just hardwired into being zealots that are just fine and dandy about human sacrifice. I do think the revelation about Damon Cross' journal was outright hilarious, though. No one is all that likable, but you don't need to be invested in anyone here. In fact, it's probably best not to be. Aunt Nadine was a bombshell of a character, vulgar, stubborn, and cantankerous, was a riot in nearly every scene she was in, but I definitely wouldn't want to be in the same room with her. I'd pay to see her on a reality show, though. She'd fit right in on Jerry Springer. It was also strange how much of the characters who insulted or berated Mary seemed to echo her own thoughts about herself---same verbiage and everything, 80% sexism. Nat Cassidy did try to bring in mythology and demons that didn't really fit and I'm left wondering what the point was. TW's for almost everything but SA. (A horror book that doesn't have a graphic SA scene? It Does happen!) There's substantial gore that is described very explicitly. And yes, the dog does die. (Possibly two?)
Oh, and if you can, get the audiobook. Susan Bennett did Such an amazing job.
The entire thing being pinned on Nancy was out of nowhere. Especially since it tried to hint towards Mary being caught in the excepts of the FBI agent's book. What was she even doing at the scene? Where did she even come from? It was sort of almost funny that the FBI's book boasted that he danced with the devil and took out some random hospital worker, but I wish there had been more lead-up.
-Xhaxhollari Icarus 🕊
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thisisarcanereverie · 3 years
Something ‘Bout You (Biker Natasha x Reader) Chapter 1
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A/N: Hey this is a new series! I’ve been meaning to write something for her for a while now so here ya go enjoy! 
SUMMARY: After Wanda announces her engagement a familiar face returns into your life. 
You heard the familiar chime of the doorbell and the familiar excited voice of your friend fill the relatively empty store. You whipped your head to her just in time to see her barrelling toward you and captured you in a bone crushing hug. 
“Whoa there Wands,” You said as you returned the hug, “did something happen or are you just that happy to see me?” 
Wanda quickly released you from her vice grip, “oh nothing much happened,” Wanda paused before holding up her left hand, “except this.” On her left hand on her ring finger sat a beautiful vintage ring. 
“Oh my god!” You exclaim smiling as you grab her hand to get a closer look at the ring, it was simple in design but it really suited Wanda. ‘When did this happen?!” 
“Last night,” Wanda reveals happily her smile never deterring, “Vis and I were watching reruns of the Dick Van Dyke Show, I told him how Mary’s ring was beautiful and next thing I know he asks ‘is it as beautiful as this ring’ next thing I know he’s down on one knee with the ring in his hand asking me to marry him.” 
“I’m so happy for you and Vis.” You congrat Wanda as you and her continue to talk about her engagement for a few more minutes. 
“Actually Vis and I were planning on going to the city tonight to celebrate, are you busy?” Wanda asks. You take a quick look at your calendar finding nothing but closing the store on the agenda for tonight. 
“Nope,” You respond, “just have to close the store.” 
“Close early and Vis and I will pick you up,” Wanda said, “We’re bringing Pietro, Steve, Bucky, and Monica with us.” 
You hesitate for a bit, but you take one look into Wanda’s pleading eyes, the same eyes that have gotten you into more than your fair share of trouble since highschool, next thing you know you’re nodding your head in agreement.
Wanda lets out a small squeal before enveloping you once again in a small hug before saying goodbye and that Pietro will pick you up by seven. 
As you continue about your day, stacking books and working the register you start to wonder when the last time you actually had a date was. 
During the slow rush you decide to check your calendar again. You flip through each page until finally you land three months prior where you had plans to meet up with the local coffee barista at some bar you can’t remember the name of. What you do remember is that the date ended with you buying a half quart of ice cream and watching reruns of Gilmore Girls. 
You check the clock and check the store to find it empty. You decide now would probably be a good time to close and to start getting ready for the night in the city with Wanda and the rest. 
You turn the sign on the door to ‘closed’ and push all thoughts of dating to the back of your mind. 
You had just slipped your shoes on when you heard Pietro knock on your door in the familiar pattern he’s done since high-school. 
You answer the door to reveal Pietro. You always thought he had looked handsome in that mischievous way. But when he wears that white button up and slacks with his hair gelled back he is a special type of handsome. 
“Well damn don’t we look fancy tonight?” You say as Pietro noticeably checks you out in the same appreciation. You did a small turn in your black dress that fell just mid thigh. 
“And you don’t look too bad yourself Princeza,” Pietro said as he offered his arm in an overdramatic gentlemanly style. Which you responded in kind, laughing slightly as you made sure to lock the door behind you before finally heading out.  
You were back in your parents backyard, sitting in that hammock with a book in your hands. Nancy Drew had wormed her way into eleven year old you’s heart, with all of her adventures and detective skills. 
Just as you were about to reach the climax of the book you heard a familiar voice. 
“Whatcha reading today?” You look away from the book and spot a familiar blue haired girl the same age. She was the neighbor that moved in about three years ago, Natasha, who quickly became your best friend. 
“Nancy Drew,”
“There’s more than one Natty.” You responded, next thing you know the book is lifted from your hands and Natasha is hovering over you with the book in her hands. 
“Naaat.” You whine as you try to reach for the book only to have her expertly move it away from you. 
“C’mon,” Natasha says as she makes her way to the bushes separating your yard and hers, “adventure awaits.” 
You struggle a little as you make your way out of your hammock and through the lush bushes to Natasha who slips through the crack in between. 
“Nat,” you warn lightly. 
“I promise I’ll give you the book back,” Natasha promises, “but first we go on an adventure! Grab your bike and meet me out front!” 
“Where exactly is this adventure?” 
“Just grab your bike, chatty cathy!” 
You hear her footsteps rush over to her bike as you rush to yours. 
By the time you let your parents know you’ll be riding your bike and get to the front of your house Natasha is already waiting for you. 
Together you both rode your bikes until finally settling on a clearing near the local park. There was this big oak tree and in front of it a huge rock as well covered in green moss. 
For a while both you and Natasha played by either climbing on the rock and proclaiming yourselves rulers of the land, climbing the tree, playing pretend in the most kid way possible. 
However you would catch glimpses sometimes, you didn’t know what, but it made you worry for her. Like how sad she looked, or scared. 
Finally, after being worn out by playing you both lay on the grass beneath you and watch as the fireflies began to dance around the big oak looking like thousands of moving stars. 
You were enjoying the bit of peace and silence when you felt her hand hold yours. You look over and see the blue haired girl still staring at the millions of fireflies with a smile on her lips. 
“Thank you for being my best friend.” She said gently as you looked away from her and continued watching the fireflies dance, until the sun finally set and it was time to go home. 
She never did give that book back. 
“Princeza, we're here.” You hear the familiar accented voice say. You slowly open your groggy eyes to see the glittering lights of the city. 
“How long was I out?” 
“An hour.” 
“So the whole car ride,” You say, you could see Pietro nod from the driver's side, “I’m sorry.” 
“What for?” 
“I was asleep the whole car ride, you were probably bored.” 
“No, I wasn’t bored,” Pietro said, “I know you haven’t been sleeping much because of the store.” 
Here it comes. 
“You need to start working less Princeza,” Pietro continued concerned, “you spend all your waking hours at the store, tending to your books, and life is going to pass you by.” 
“I don’t mean to be harsh or rude,” Pietro quickly added, “it’s just I see you all the time at the store and nowhere else lately. I get that the store is demanding, but just try to make some time for yourself. Promise me?” 
You look at him and can’t refuse. 
“I promise.” 
You can start relaxing tonight. 
You came to quickly realize that clubbing really wasn’t your thing. 
A pile of random sweaty bodies ground on each other on the dance floor to music that hurt your eardrums. 
It wasn’t that you were judging anyone for liking this atmosphere, it just wasn’t your cup of tea, you preferred to stay on the sidelines and watch your friends dance. 
And the full bar proved that you weren’t the only one. 
You had looked away for a second to order a beer when you spotted someone familiar. 
It was dark save for the flickering lights that illuminated her every once in a while. You couldn’t place where you knew her but you knew that you knew her. It was in the way she walked with a certain grace and her eyes were sharp enough to cut through you and you imagined her tongue was the same way. 
She must have noticed you staring because the next thing you know she’s staring right at you. Your eyes lock and that’s when it hits you. 
You didn’t recognize her without her blue hair. 
You panic and turn back to the bar to order that beer you were going to order about five minutes ago. You mentally beat yourself up, if you didn’t look like a creep before you definitely did now. 
You were so busy mentally assaulting yourself that you didn’t notice the redhead sauntering her way to you and sit on the empty barstool next to you. 
“Well if it isn’t Nancy Drew.” 
You turn your head and see Natasha there beside you. Her hair was shoulder length and no longer blue. Now her hair was it’s natural elegant red color, her blue eyes sharper than you remember as well as her cheekbones. You noticed hints of tattoos peeking out from the collar and sleeve of her leather coat. 
“You never did return that book.” 
You both couldn’t help the laugh that erupted. Even though it’s been years somehow it almost feels like no time has passed. 
“So what’ve you been up to?” Natasha asked, “still into books?”
“Uh yeah,” You confirm, “I actually own a bookshop back home.” 
You see Natasha smile from ear to ear before taking a sip of what was your beer now it seems to be adopted by Natasha. 
“That’s so you,” Natasha said before taking another sip from the beer bottle. 
“Well what about you?” You ask, “what have you been up to?” 
You could see the hesitancy in Natasha’s face, just as she was about to answer, however you see a light brown haired male come up beside her. 
“Hey Nat, I hate to interrupt but we got a Budapest situation over here.” Natasha swerved her attention to where he pointed at the blonde who was obviously drunk off her ass putting a six foot tall man into a choke hold. Which you had to admire and be impressed at. 
“I guess that’s my cue Nancy Drew,” Natasha said as she took one last sip from the beer bottle before abandoning it. As she was making her way through the crowd but before she got too far you saw her turn around. 
“What was the name of your bookstore again, Nancy Drew?!” She yelled over the crowd. 
“Oh-um- Summertime Stories!” You call out, you catch a glimpse of something in her eyes before it disappears. 
“I’ll see ya soon Nancy Drew!”  
Oh how right she was.
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Convenience Store Clean Up
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Reader
Warnings: Spoilers for season 3, blood and injury
Word Count: 1256
A/N: So, here is part 22 of Nightmares and Bruises. Sorry this is a bit later than I said it would be but I’ve had a very busy two weeks because I had to move out of my uni accommodation. Anyway, I hope you like it even if it is a bit of a filler chapter. The taglist is open so drop me an ask or a comment! I won’t reply to comments because this is a side blog but know that I see and read them all.
Series Masterlist
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As the cars tore into town, Y/N flashed her lights at Nancy and gestured for her to pull over as they approached a convenience store. El’s leg was bleeding badly and needed to be treated sooner rather than later. Both cars came to a screeching stop outside the shop before everyone got out. Nancy grabbed a rock and threw it through one of the locked, glass doors as Y/N, Mike and Max helped get El out of the car.
They all followed Nancy through the door, Max and Mike supporting El, and made a beeline straight for the first aid aisle. Nancy grabbed a bottle of rubbing alcohol and gauze.
“Okay, get her down.” Nancy said to Max and Mike. They glanced at each other before gently lowering El to the floor against one of the shelves.
“Okay,” Nancy dropped to her knees by El’s leg. “let me see.” Nancy carefully rolled El’s trouser leg up to reveal the bite.
“Oh shit.” Max exclaimed as everyone else made similar comments.
Blood was oozing out of the puncture wounds and started to run onto the floor. It looked a lot worse than any of them were expecting and was worse than anything any of them had dealt with before.
Nancy started unwrapping some gauze but Max stopped her. “Hey, what-what are you doing?”
“I’m cleaning the wound.” Nancy said reaching for the rubbing alcohol.
“No, first, we need to stop the bleeding, then clean, then disinfect, then bandage.” Max said resting her hand on Nancy’s to stop her, as Nancy looked at her with wide eyes.
“She’s right.” Y/N said dropping down next to them. “Skater kids know best.” She flashed Max a quick smile which Max reciprocated. “So, what do we need to do?” She had some experience cleaning Billy up but it was never as bad as this.
Max laid some of the gauze over the bite and then grabbed Mike’s hand. “Mike hold this. Keep the pressure on it, nice and firm, okay?”
El groaned as Mike did as he was asked.
“We’re going to need water, soap.” Max turned back to Nancy and Jonathan.
“Yeah, okay. Alright.” Nancy said as they got to their feet and went off looking.
A sudden clattering caused them to turn and see Lucas emptying the contents of his back pack all over the floor. “Does any of this help?”
“No! Go get me a wash cloth and a bowl.” Max ordered.
“A bowl?” Lucas repeated.
“Lucas. Go.” Max said sternly.
Will smacked his arm and started walking away, forcing Lucas to follow.
“You need me to do anything?” Y/N asked.
“Bandages and medical tape or something else to secure them.” Max said.
Y/N stood up and walked up to the shelf Nancy had grabbed the gauze from. She grabbed some bandages but there wasn’t any medical tape. She walked back over and handed Max the bandages. “I think I’ve got some medical tape in the kit in my car.”
She walked back outside and opened the boot of the car. As she shifted through all the junk her cast got caught on something and she made a mental reminder to clean it out tomorrow; if they survived the night that was. And it was one big if. It suddenly hit her just how serious this was compared to the other things that they had faced. At least last time everyone was together. This time they had no idea where Joyce, Hopper, Steve and Dustin were. Or where Billy was her brain reminded her.
She pushed the thoughts out of her head as she located the first aid kit. She checked that there definitely was some medical tape before taking the whole thing inside with her. When she got back inside Mike was screaming into the walkie talkie.
“What happened?” Y/N asked as Nancy and Jonathan appeared at the other end of the aisle.
“It was Dustin, he was trying to tell me something about the gate but he kept cutting out.” Mike said.
“El, do you think you’ll be able to find him?” Y/N asked as she dropped to the floor in front of her and opened the first aid kit.
“Yes.” El nodded.
Y/N looked at Nancy. “Get Max, let’s get El’s leg strapped up and then figure out where Dustin is.”
After they had successfully strapped El’s leg up, they moved her in front of the freezers. Mike found a bandana to use as a blindfold as Nancy and Y/N opened all the freezer door to create a low buzzing noise. Then they all took a few steps back and let El do her thing.
Until Lucas opened a can of new coke.
“Quiet.” Max hissed.
“Oh, sorry.” Lucas whispered back.
“How do you even drink that?” Mike asked in disgust.
“Because it’s delicious.” Lucas said.
“What?” Mike and Max said simultaneously.
Y/N and Nancy shared a glance because they couldn’t believe they were going to have this argument at this time.
“It’s like Carpenter’s The Thing. The original, is a classic, no question about it. But the remake…” Lucas paused to slurp at the coke before giving a contented sigh. “Sweeter, bolder, better.”
“You’re insane.” Mike stated.
“So, you prefer the original Thing?” Lucas asked.
“What? No! I’m not talking about The Thing; I’m talking about new coke.” Mike said.
“It’s the same concept, dude.” Lucas said.
“Uh, actually, it’s not the same concept.” Mike said condescendingly.
“It is the same concept.” Lucas shot back, their voices rising in volume.
“No, it’s not.”
“Yes, it is!”
“Hey!” El yelled as she ripped her blindfold off.
“Sorry.” Mike said.
Prompting Lucas to do the same. “Sorry.”
El just glared at them both.
“Did you… find him?” Mike asked.
“He’s at the movies, in Starcourt.” El said.
“Then let’s go.” Y/N said as she grabbed the first aid kit and her keys.
Lucas grabbed a shopping cart and loaded it with fireworks, which he said could be used against the mindflayer, while Mike helped El up. They loaded the fireworks into both cars before everyone got in as before. Y/N once again pulled out behind Nancy as they set off for the mall.
It wasn’t too long after they had left that the Camaro pulled up in front of the convenience store. Billy’ boots crunched on the broken glass as he walked into the store. His movement was almost robotic and his eyes were glazed over as he walked past each of the aisles, looking down them to make sure they were clear. He stopped at the end of the first aid aisle as he noticed all the dried blood and medical supplies on the floor. He crouched down and dipped his fingers in the blood that was still on the floor as the mindflayer came to life in his mind once again.
Part 23 (coming soon)
Tags: @assholeheartthrob @httperrornicole @ambeazyyy @princess-huffy @gemgemswift @colie87 @iris-suoh @sydneynix8305 @peter-pan-hoe @p0wderedtoast @not-a-glad-gladiator @fangirlinganditswonders@endgamenedsme @lazinesstookovermylife @lilac-dreams @anon-1112 @lilmissperfectlyimperfect @wickedlovely121 @lightlysweetened @scarecrowsragdoll @bilesxbilinskixlahey @moonstruckbucky @krazykatkay456 @thecraziestcrayon @moonchild1507 @tah0e @tony-stank3 @allie-mcginn @supernatural-girl97 @hi-my-name-is-riley @ria132love @t-swizzle-owns-me @sabrinasturtlenecks @meliv99 @jamesvaldezzzz @thatfrenchperson @cynthianokamaria @avnngrss   @studysimsx  @emmaquarius @stevieboyharrington@eyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy @ofwisdomandwar @external-l-appel-du-vide @evelynfreakinaddams @bish-ima-clown @noodlenerd101 @jakesmysterio @playboygeniusphilanthropist @itsfangirlmendes @pinkrosesx @killer-queen-xo @steveharrigntons @bookmarkofglitter @alina-margaret @labyrinth-of-thoughts @helen-of-troi @ninjathrowingstork @requestedmemory @believerofall  @thefandomzoneisdangerous @esteroni @deepmilkshakecoffee @somethingdawn @brandi1936 @universefinds @huang-the-geek @silver-winter-wolf @longliphoney @absolute-randomness-forever @littlepsychos-world @octavia05 @escaping-reality21 @httpakasha @dmv49 @lyricfreaks @helena-way07 @katiexdacre @fangirlbitch02 @lo-bells @slytherinrising @i-am-a-smol-sweet-potato @imjusthereforsupernatural @lokis-butter-knife @banannie25 @itsanallygator @justabeautiful-letdown @calumsfringe @jakeblckk @sunshine-and-riverwater @lasnaro @ang-hellic @marvelous-hargrove @safewithintheheart @kpopishilarious @beyxlm @sighrins @iloveyou3000and5 @yosoymuyloca @lauren-novak @killerqueenishere @fanngirl19 @nonexistentsouls @charmed-asylum @teenyforestfairy  @speedmetalqueen @xobeautifulfaith @clinomanians @briemariea @kcd15 @ellenna @just-a-nat​ @readinthegarden12​ @peqchynero​ @rosariia25​ @chloe-skywalker​ @aurorajuarezwolf​ @vulture-withafile​ @and-drew-101 @aamcqueeny​ @lovepandasloves​  @nightbu-g​ @spaceythangs @lookalivesunshine-x​ @hoeposey​ @marvelouspottering​ @ellyseveronica​ @hadokenkamehameha​ @billywig-on-baker-street​
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ashintheairlikesnow · 4 years
could we mayhaps see chris as he just starts to get comfortable. tentatively interacting with people in the house for the first time, antoni being a nice roommate and helping him feel comfortable. jake trying to hold in his excitement that chris is properly coming out of his shell and interracting🥺👉🏻👈🏻
CW: Referenced drugging, neurodivergent character trying to “pass”, VERY vague referenced to past noncon, conditioned internal dehumanization/conditioned behaviors 
Takes place directly after Chris Gets a Name
Tagging Chris’s crew:  @burtlederp , @finder-of-rings , @endless-whump , @whumpfigure , @stxckfxck , @slaintetowhump, @astrobly, @newandfiguringitout
“Hey, Chris, you’re up.”
Oh, he forgot that his name is different now, that he chose one for himself. It felt like part of the fever, he hadn’t been sure if he actually chose a new name or if he just made that up.
“Chris,” He repeats, knowing he sounds like a parrot, and his eyes trail over to the curtains over the kitchen windows, gingham curtains, old-fashioned and homey like a family on TV that he watches with Sir some evenings, curled up with him, warm beneath Sir’s blankets and feeling perfectly, truly cared for when the games are over and he’s won or he’s lost and he takes the pill and is allowed just to be quiet and still and good and not scared-
“My name... is Chris, now.”
“Yeah, and it’s a good name. Everyone, this is Chris.”
He has met all these people at the table, but they look at him as though they’ve never seen him before, and he cringes back and away from their murmured greetings. 
The tall blond man, Jake - who isn’t an owner, Chris understands that now, and he’s wearing a t-shirt plaid sleep pants - is sitting at the table and the boy’s eyes go immediately to the plates of biscuits with white gravy layered over the top, the smell of frying sausage heavy in the air in the kitchen, although an open window lets in a soft breeze and the scent of lilacs from a bush at the house next door.
The boy feels his stomach flip, uncomfortably unsettled. Miss Nancy smells like lilacs and Sir likes biscuits and gravy, has them every morning once per week, the boy thinks of days in the food Sir eats. Biscuits Day, Omelette Day, Cheese Danish Day. 
Is it Biscuit Day here? 
The others are at the table, too - not the older woman with brown hair, the boy could hear her talking to someone up in the attic when he first left the room. 
He felt like standing for the first time in days, since he’d gotten so sick and hidden in the storage room. His legs wobbled, weak and weary, underneath him as he made his way downstairs but now, leaning against the doorframe and wrapped in a big fluffy blanket that smells like some man’s cologne but not Sir’s, he feels better.
“D’you want to sit?” Jake gestures at the table. There is one chair empty, the lady’s chair, but the other seats are taken by the other ones like him.
Not like him at all.
There’s one girl with a ponytail, wearing a big sweatshirt and sweatpants, looking at him with nervous wide eyes that seem a little too big for her face. The other girl has short dark hair in a bob and barely looks at him at all. There’s a boy, too, older than he is (they’re all older than you are) who has dark hair mussed-up and shadowed, faintly feline eyes that turn up at the corners just a little, a hint of a smile on his face. He looks at the boy directly, and gives a little wave with his free hand.
The boy lifts his arm just enough to give a wave back, then drops it again, curling himself even more tightly up in the blanket. 
“Do I... want to... sit?” He paces his words, careful and calm, just like training. Try to figure out the expectations and deliver on them. “Should I...” He hesitates, swallowing hard. “In your... lap, Sir?”
The dark-haired girl chokes on her food and jerks forward, coughing into one hand, while Ponytail pats her on the back, whispers something into her ear. Both of them look back up at him, briefly, and Chris can’t tell if they hate him or pity him but their eyes are shuttered closed and he cringes away, ready to run back upstairs to the bedroom and the stuffed puppy he’s been petting while he stares out the window and wonders if he’ll be allowed outside, sometimes, here.
Jake clears his throat, shifting uncomfortably. “Uh... no, man. No, you don’t... no. We’re not like that.”
“You will never be expected to do that here,” The other Box Boy says, his eyes on Chris’s, warm and inviting. “Jake is offering for you to sit in the chair.” His voice is low and deep, his words soft and slow and gentle. 
They sink into Chris’s mind like the feeling of petting a rabbit’s ears, and he takes one step forward and then another. 
“In the... chair?” He looks around at them all, trying to understand. “But, but, but but but I’m not allowed-” He flinches-
silence is better than stammering, darlin’
-but when he looks back up no one looks angry, just... curious, still. Maybe nervous. Are they nervous, too? Chris is nervous, he doesn’t know what any of this means or who to be, here, how to be anything but what he’s always been, the only thing he remembers how to be.
It’s been days since he had a pill and his mind feels normal again, running on all his tracks, and he notices that the sausage gravy looks heavily peppered at the same time he thinks that Jake has lots of muscles and the girls are very pretty but one has a scar over her lip and eyebrow and the other one’s hands are shaking and are they shaking because of him?
“You are allowed to sit wherever you please,” The other Box Boy says, gently. “Whenever you want to sit there. There is no allowed, here.”
Chris’s eyes skip from him to the girls, who give him small soothing smiles, and then to Jake, who has pushed the chair out a little in an obvious invitation. Jake feels safe, he feels like maybe a good kind of handler, like he will be the one to teach Chris the things he needs to know and won’t even have to hurt him to do it. 
“I will... I will sit in the, the chair,” Chris says slowly, and moves into the room in a shuffle-step with the blanket still pulled tightly around himself. It’s a light blue downy fluff blanket that puffs out like the puffy vest Sir likes to wear on cold days - Southern affectation, I admit you can take the man out of the South but you’ll never get the South out of the man whispers his soft slick voice in the back of Chris’s mind - and he settles into the chair despite the bone-deep urge to slip to his knees, because he doesn’t get to use a chair unless it’s Sir’s.
“Chris,” Jake says, leaning over to squeeze his shoulder, and Chris closes his eyes at the brief warm touch that feels so good, so right. “You know I’m Jake. You’ve heard the other’s names but i’m guessing you probably forgot... this is Krista-” 
Ponytail smiles at him, a little more warmly this time. Her eyes roam over his face and whatever she sees makes her smile even warmer. Chris had expected her to go cold. The other ones never like the ones like him. He doesn’t know that he’s ever met one before but it doesn’t matter, they all know that, they always tell you don’t even bother, they’ll all hate you in the end.
But Krista only smiles at him and says softly, “Hi, Chris.”
She’s so pretty, with the ponytail that swings over her neck and her wide, wide eyes. He wants almost to kiss her, but he doesn’t want to kiss her at all.
What you want is no longer relevant. What are your options now?
Be g-good, or... or be in trouble.
He can kiss her, if he needs to. He can be good.
“H-hello,” He whispers back. Jake gets up and Chris flinches at the sound the chair makes as it scrapes along the kitchen floor. He still feels a little shivery around the edges, like the fever wants to come back and is lying in wait. He’s tired and weak and it feels like one of the nights Sir plays games, except he feels like they don’t do that, here.
He’s in a shelter. This is a safe place for escaped pets, he tries to remind himself of what he was told when they brought him inside. They call him a rescue, now, not a pet.
“And I’m Leila,” The girl with short dark hair speaks next, leaning over to catch Chris’s eye. Her smile is more impish than Ponytail’s, and he could definitely kiss her, too, but there’s also a distance, there. She seems... cautious of him. Or maybe of everyone. “All our names we pick ourselves. I like yours.”
“I am Antoni,” The other Box Boy says, smiling calmly at him. “Are you hungry, Chris? Jake made us breakfast.”
Chris swallows, hard, looking around at the plates of biscuits and gravy. He can almost feel Sir’s fingers wiping a bit of gravy from the corner of his mouth. “Can, can I please...” He swallows, hard.
Calm. Quiet. Careful. Slow.
“Can I... please just have something else?”
There’s a silence, as the three other ones stare at him, and Jake is quiet by the stove. Then, with nothing but the same genial welcome in his voice, Jake says brightly, “We have Pop Tarts, would you like those? It’s just strawberry, but Leila likes them, so Nat keeps them on hand.”
“What... what’s a Pop... Pop Tart?” Chris asks, hesitantly, then winces. Is this something he should have known? Will he be in trouble?
Leila’s eyes light up. “Oh, God, you don’t remember them. Oh, Jake, give him one of mine!” She looks at Chris, right at him, and he feels the urge to cringe away and lean closer, both at once. “You have to-... you’re going to love Pop Tarts, I promise!”
“‘Love’ might be a strong word...” Antoni murmurs, and Krista shushes him with a little giggle.
Chris discovers himself smiling, a little, as Jake opens a little rectangular foil package and lays what looks like icing-covered sprinkle bread in front of him. He picks it up - it feels hard to the touch, like it’s overcooked, but all of them are watching him, now. 
Sir has never fed him anything like this.
“Go ahead, man,” Jake says brightly. “Take a bite.” He drops back down into his seat, and Chris looks at him - strong and tall and muscular and nice-looking - and he thinks, I could be so good for you.
Chris picks up the thing and puts it in his mouth, takes a bite and chews. His eyes widen at a sudden burst of nearly chemical oversweet flavor, the crunch of icing and chewy bread part and then a kind of sweet filling like jam but it doesn’t taste like any jam Chris has ever had before. He chews and chews, it sticks to his tongue a little, but finally he swallows it down and stares at it, looking at the center full of a deep red something-or-other. It does look like jam...
Then he puts it back in his mouth and takes another bite. 
“See, I told you he’d like Pop Tarts,” Leila says, almost smugly.
“No, you told him he would like Pop Tarts,” Antoni answers, humor lacing his voice. “And so he does.”
“You owe me, Ant.”
“We did not make a bet!”
“I’ll tell Nat to buy some more,” Jake interrupts, and Chris looks over at him and smiles around his mouthful, and Jake smiles back. Chris pulls his feet up to sit cross-legged in the chair, blanket tight around him, and starts to tap on his stomach hidden by the blanket where none of them can see to stop him.
“I, I, I I-I feel better,” He says after he swallows. 
No one says anything about his words.
“I feel so much better.”
He really, really does.
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pairing - Dacre Montgomery x Reader
You woke up to your father calling you, "Y/N!! Get your butt up, I need to leave in 15 minutes!", groaning you rolled yourself out of the bed and stumbled over to the suitcase that held your things in, as you hadn't got around to hanging them up when you arrived lastnight.
You worked in LA at an interior design firm, life in LA was everything you dreamed it would be, but you did miss your father, it was always just you and him since your mom passed away when you was 11, 14 years later you still needed your father more than you would ever let him know.
He didn't like the idea of you moving from New York to LA on your own, but two years after you moved away, your father got a job in Atlanta, he had been cast as chief Jim Hopper on the tv show Stranger Things.
You couldn't be any more proud of your father, he hadn't done much acting since you left and you felt kind of guilty, but when he told you the news of the role you couldn't believe it, This is what he needed. The two of you FaceTimed everyday and he always told you the gossip on set, but FaceTime wasn't enough, so this week you took the week off of work and spent the week at your fathers apartment with him.
Today he was taking you on set with him, you was excited to see what the new set would be like and to see the cast from last season, especially Nat and Joe, the three of you became really close friends during season 1.
You had persuaded your father to let you bring your designs to set with you so you could carry on working on them while he was busy.
You eventually came downstairs wearing a little pleated skirt, knee boots and a jumper. "Finally! What have you been... oh I see what's taken you so long, you look beautiful honey, but we need to leave, it's set not the met gala", you laughed at your father trying to be funny. Your father was on a call most of the car ride so you took the opportunity to text Nat.
Hey! Guess who's on her way to set.... meeee!
No way! Today has totally moved up to being the best day ever! I can not wait for you to arrive! Iv just told Everyone and they are super excited! Gosh I missed you Y/N!
You laughed at her acting like it was you who was the celebrity and not her!. The car ride wasn't long at all, when you arrived on set the first thing you saw was Nat stood in the parking lot, with her full Nancy Wheeler costume going on!,
"Y/N!", she shouted as she ran towards the car, "Nat!", the two of you hugged for what felt like forever, "god I missed you girl! ...David she needs to move back here permanent!", she said to your father as she held onto your face, you laughed before looking at your father, who put his hand on Nat's shoulder before winking at you, "working on it kiddo".
You loved your father so much, but he never understood why you had to go and pursue your own career so far away from him, you loved your job, design and architecture had always been fascinating to you.
You, Nat and your father made your way through the set, everyone was greeting you and telling you they were glad to see you etc, as you made your way closer to the live set you had to keep quiet as they were shooting a scene. You could see from the distance that it was Joe who was filming, quietly you stood and watched the scene, his character was playing basket ball with a group of guys, but one in particular was all up in Joes face, 'he must be Steve's enemy" you thought.
As you kept watching the guy turned around and when you saw his face, his bright blue eyes and his insanely toned chest you could feel the butterflies in your stomach come alive, "that's Dacre, he's new, I can introduce you?" Nat said nudging you're side, you just covered your face and shook your head, she was always trying to hook you up with someone new, you were, as Nat put it, "too pretty to be alone".
After a few moments your father took you over near the cast trailers and food trailer, "I need to go see Matt, il be back soon grab a coffee and do your designs or what ever, I won't be long sweetie", with that he walked off.
You didn't need telling twice, so you sat down at the table and pulled out your laptop and design pad, put your earphones in and began touching up some of your designs, you must have been at it for at least 30 minutes when you felt a tap on your shoulder.
You take your earphones out and turn around to see Dacre, the guy who was shooting with Joe, you jumped a little in shock, "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!" He said politely, causing you to let out a nervous laugh, "oh no it's ok, I was totally in my own world", you pointed to the work you had been doing.
Looking at him you could feel the butterflies were back, you noticed he was looking behind you, you turned to see it was your laptop he was looking at, you turned back to him, he saw you looking and instantly stopped, "oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to be nosey, it's just .... that is amazing .... I'm a real design freak", he began laughing, feeling embarrassed.
You couldn't believe it, you didn't often meet people your age that obsessed over design like you did, "what really! Finally someone to talk to!... come here let me show you something, tell me what you think", Dacre instantly sat next to you looking at the laptop.
Natalia and Joe walked into the food trailer talking to each-other, but when they saw the two of you talking they backed out.
As they were walking back to set they saw your father, "hey guys you seen Y/N around?", Nat looked at Joe, yet they both remained silent, "what?! Just tell me what's she doing?", he asked, Nat spoke up realising Joe wasn't going to!, "ok David don't freak ok, she's hanging out with Dacre in the food trailer, they are just looking at Y/N's work", he pinched the bridge of his nose with his finger tips, "it's a good job I like Dacre, this girl is going to kill me". The three of them laughed as your father walked off towards the trailer.
"This is amazing Y/N!, how you use the textures to make the colours pop is just mind blowing, it's so strange, this is the first time iv spoken to you but I feel like iv known you for years", Dacre said, still looking at the designs as he spoke, but turned to face you when he finished, "god your eyes are beautiful", you told him making him laugh, his hand finding yours on the table, his fingers began softly tracing over yours, "well if were doing complements where do I even begin with you, you're prefect", you smiled at him and began to blush, the two of you were interrupted by a voice in the background, "she gets it from her old man!", Dacres eyes shot behind him as he removed his hand from yours, you just shook your head at your father taking on the big bad dad role, "relax Dacre, I like you, plus it wouldn't stop Y/N even if I didn't, she never listens, hence why she's living in LA, right honey?".
You rolled your eyes at your father, "yeah, independent woman and all that dad", you looked back at Dacre smiling, "he forgets I'm 25 now, ...so, how about you take me out tonight Dacre? Who knows there may be more than one reason for me to stay in Atlanta a little while longer",  Dacre flashed you his signature smile, "you took the words out of my mouth beautiful", the pair of you were staring at each other, eyes full of lust and attraction, "3 years, I tried to convince her to stay! 3 years!, I give in, enjoy your night guys!".
The pair of you laughed as your father walked out, Dacres hand instantly finding yours again.
I hope you enjoy it guys I had the idea about Y/N being David's daughter but  then I got so stuck on the meeting and chatting with Dacre part!
Please vote and comment!
Love my readers 🥰
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doc-pickles · 4 years
grow as we go
this fic is sponsored by Nat (one of the Group Chat members) 
HAPPY BIRTHDAY NAT! If there’s anything this girl loves it’s fluff and Jolex babies. So that’s exactly what I delivered for her special day!! I hope you enjoy this and just know WE LOVE YOU!! (and Pepper but mostly you)
This fic takes place early season 15 while Alex is chief and Jo is doing her Mass Gen fellowship. Hope you guys like this fluffy fic! :)
Alex Karev loved being chief. He loved being the big man in charge and he loved Grey Sloan. He loved his coworkers and he loved helping sick kids everyday. What Alex did not love, however, was being away from his wife. They’d been married just three months ago and he’d only been able to spend three weeks of that time with Jo before she left for Boston to start her fellowship at Mass Gen. Between her long hours working in the lab and his hectic new schedule, neither had found time to visit. They talked everyday and Skyped every Friday, but he missed having Jo next to him every night. 
Alex’s path into his office was interrupted by Nancy, his secretary, letting him know that he had files or budgets or something to look over, causing him to let out a groan. 
“Nancy, I told you I will get to it, but I have to call my wife,” Alex motioned to his phone as he backed into his office. “You know the woman who I married that lives clear across the country? The one I talk to at this time everyday? Give me thirty minutes.”
A sigh left Alex as he closed his door and sunk down into his office chair. He dialed Jo’s number and sat in silence until she picked up. 
“Hey, it’s me,” Alex spun in his chair, brows furrowing as he listened down the line. “You sound out of breath, are you okay?”
“Yeah, I just ran up the stairs to my apartment, I’m good,” Jo paused and sucked in a breath, before returning to her normal voice. “Sorry, I didn’t realize what time it was. How’s your day been?”
“Long and boring. I had two meetings and I wanted to stab my eye out with a pen during both,” Alex could hear Jo’s laugh from the other end, his heart aching at the all too familiar sound. “I miss hearing your laugh everyday, I miss you being in our bed.”
He tried his hardest not to bring up the distance between them, mainly because Alex knew things were much easier for him than they were for Jo. He got to stay in Seattle where they’d built their life while she lived on the other side of the country by herself. 
“My fellowship won’t last forever babe. Besides, we vowed for worse or for better right?”
“I know, it’s hard to think about when you’re not here next to me though.”
“Well I’m hoping to get some time off soon, then I can fly home for a bit,” a sigh escaped Jo and Alex couldn’t help but lean forward, anticipating her next words. They were filled with tears and he wanted nothing more than to wrap his arms around his wife. “I miss you so much Alex, I hate Boston and I wish I were still in Seattle.”
“You said it yourself, we’ll see each other soon. If you can’t make it out here then I’ll take some personal leave and come see you,” Alex ran a hand over his face as he helplessly listened to Jo crying. “I’m sorry babe, I’ve been so overwhelmed with this new position that I haven’t even had a second to think about coming out there.”
“Don’t say that, you’re doing important work. I’m sorry, my mind has just been all over the place lately,” Jo sighed then, signalling that she was done crying. She did it every time she wanted to move on and Alex felt like she was right next to him when she did it. “I’ve gotta go babe, but I’ll talk to you soon, okay? I love you.” “I love you too Jo,” Alex hung his phone up, eyes taking in the large office and the nice view he had of the hospital from the panoramic windows.
Alex loved his job, but he’d trade everything he had and more to have his wife in his arms again. With one last look, he stood and left the room, flicking the lights off as he walked out the door.
Alex didn’t make it back to his office until mid afternoon the next day, meetings and consults keeping him busy through the morning. His mind was still heavy from hearing Jo yesterday, even though they’d both texted before going to bed later that night. He knew he’d been distracted all morning, not paying enough attention to anyone that was talking in his general direction. 
“Chief, you have-”
“Nancy, not now, please,” Alex paused outside the door to his office, giving his secretary a pointed look. “I’m not in the mood, maybe after I call my wife I’ll be able to do whatever mundane task it is that you have for me today.”
“But sir that’s-”
“Not now! And can you please clear off a week sometime in my schedule? I need to go to Boston.”
Alex opened the door to his office, flicking the lights on and cocking his head to the side as he took in the sight before him. Alex rubbed his eyes, making sure he wasn’t seeing things as he stared at the woman who had been occupying his mind. 
“Hi there.”
More real than anything he’d been through since he got off the phone with her the day before, Jo sat on the couch in Alex’s office, a small smile creeping up onto her face that made her cheeks glow brightly. Alex couldn’t move from his spot in the doorway, his heart beating out of time as he watched Jo stand from the couch. She was dressed in leggings and one of his oversized flannels that she’d stolen when she left, probably what she’d worn on her flight here. 
“I didn’t want to say anything until it was all straightened out, but I left my fellowship,” Jo held her hands up, stopping Alex from intervening as she walked towards him. She shut the door behind him before coming to stand in front of Alex, eyes meeting his tenderly. “I know you’re gonna tell me I shouldn’t have left for you or whatever crap you’re going to say, but I promise I have a really good reason for coming back.” 
“Jo you shouldn’t have come back just for me,” Alex was happy to have his wife here but he didn’t want her to sidetrack her career for him. “We can make the distance work, I’ll take a sabbatical and come to Boston with you. I don’t want you giving up on your dreams because of me.”
“Alex,” Jo grabbed his hand then, Alex looking on in confusion as she pulled him closer to her and settled his hand on her stomach. The normally flat and toned area was now rounded and growing, Alex’s eyes going wide as he looked up to see Jo’s megawatt grin. “I didn’t just up and leave for no good reason. I know we could’ve made it work but I really couldn’t stay away any longer.”
“You’re here.”
“Yes I am.”
“And you’re pregnant?”
“Did you listen to anything I said?”
“I heard it all but I’m still not convinced that I actually got out of bed this morning,” Alex placed his other hand on Jo’s hip and brought her closer to him, his left hand still placed firmly on her baby bump. “When the hell did this happen?”
“Mmm remember the shed,” Alex let a laugh out then, watching Jo for any sign that she was joking. “Hate to break it to you but we definitely made a baby in that shed.”
Leaning down, Alex caught Jo’s lips with his, her arms coming up to wrap around his neck. Having his wife in his arms again was better than he could’ve imagined, especially finding out that she was having his baby. 
“I only found out three weeks ago because I’m completely clueless and thought the mood swings and the missing period were because I was stressed out and I missed you,” Jo’s eyes were glassy as Alex let his hand rub her back gently. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier, I wanted to tell you in person, here, at home. Because I don’t wanna leave again, Alex.”
Alex took in his wife, her puffy eyes and glowing face, the way one hand instinctively floated down to cradle the curve of her stomach. Her breasts were fuller, he could tell even through the layers of clothing she wore, and she’d cut her hair shorter again. Once he took a good look at her, he realized just how much Jo had changed in the short amount of time she’d been gone. 
“I’m not letting you go anywhere. I’ll even talk to the chief to get you a job here,” Jo let out a laugh at his comment as Alex let his hand wander under the shirt she was wearing, fingers brushing over her bare skin and the swell signaling the new life growing there. He was going to be a dad. “I’m glad you came back, I missed you.”
“You don’t know the half of it, I cried myself to sleep the past week because I was so hormonal on top of missing you,” Jo trailed her fingers up to the knot of Alex’s tie and began to loosen it. “Thankfully for you I’m past all my first trimester aches and pains and all I really want is you.”
Alex’s eyebrows shot up as he took in the lust filled look on Jo’s face. She was undoing the buttons of his shirt now, fingers slipping under the fabric to run her nails over the smooth skin there. 
“Well I think since my loving wife has finally come home, I can take the rest of the day off,” his words did nothing to stop Jo though, her lips trailing to his neck as Alex’s eyes involuntarily shut. “Or we can christen the couch in here since you don’t seem to want to stop.” 
At his words, Jo began to pull him backwards, pushing his white coat off with a smirk. Before she could get her hands anywhere else, Alex quickly shut the blinds to his office, turned back to Jo and brought her in for a searing kiss. They collapsed onto the couch in a fit of laughter, hands moving greedily over each other as they made up for lost time. 
Alex did like being chief, he loved this hospital and his coworkers, but he was absolutely certain that nothing in his life was better than having his wife and their baby back home with him. 
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docstark · 3 years
Ignite (Avengers/Bucky Barnes Fanfiction) Chapter 2 - He Would Have Liked You
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<<Previous Chapter
So this chapter is jumping staying in Doctor Stark's story and will slowly move into the more of a Bucky fanfiction. It's kind of my running story.
Warnings: Language, violence, mentions of 18+ activities lol
I managed to get control of my power and I made gauntlets so that I wasn’t getting massive internal arm injuries from the vibrations (Agent Coulson said that I probably used the last bit of vibranium that SHIELD had but as Fury didn’t want me to have broken arms…)
Long story short, my brother is Iron Man, I have powers, Captain America was found, and now after some thawing, a freak out in New York where he was taken to wake up in, Steve Rogers himself is now my patient….kind of. (I’m not a practicing doctor)
“I feel like we’ve met,” he said after a long silence.
“In a way we have,” I said as I looked over his blood work, “You knew my father.” His forehead wrinkled as he was looking at me like he was trying to place me with all the people that he once knew. “Of course, if you were to see my brother you would really see the young Howard Stark in him.”
“Stark? You’re Stark’s daughter?”
“Is...Is he gone? Like everyone else?” He questioned looking at his feet.
“Both he and my mother died in ‘91,” I replied quietly, “Car crash, I was 15.”
“It’s okay...it was a long time ago.”
“That doesn’t make it any easier,” he said. I remembered hearing from Aunt Peggy how Steve had lost both of his parents as well and it wasn’t something that you want to have in common with someone, but at least he could understand what I went through. “Anyway, are you doing more tests today doc?”
“No, you’ve got as clean of a bill as a super soldier that has been frozen in the ice for nearly 70 years,” I replied, “Got some interesting data on myself as well…”
“On yourself?”
“Oh...it’s nothing,” I said, not meaning to have said that last part out loud. As a scientist it made me curious to see what my own altered gene sequence looked like to that of Captain America’s since both our serums came from the same doctor and the same time period. I honestly wasn’t expecting any huge similarities, but I was surprised that what had been altered in me had also been altered in him, but because of the way that the serum was meant to activate within my body it didn’t turn me into a super soldier, but a weapon.
“And Bucky used to call me a bad liar,” Steve said, crossing his arms and sitting back in his chair, “What’s going on doc?”
I sighed. He was going to find out sooner or later because of The Avengers Initiative that Fury was putting together, so I just told him everything.
“All for that fact that your brother was kidnapped?” he questioned, “You are a tough one and got heart doc…”
“Yeah, well my brother damn near killed me when he found out what I did,” I replied, “But I’m good with my choices. But this isn’t about me…I brought these from the old SSR storage…” I went to go grab the couple of boxes that I brought with me that morning but he beat me to them.
“Let me get those for you,” he said as he carried them over to the table.
“Thank you,” I said, “These boxes have some of your belongings that were stored away after you went missing.”
He opened the box and looked in, there were some old photos, a signed baseball, his father’s dog tags, his mother’s wedding ring. Small things that were squirrelled away from his Brooklyn apartment for if he were to be found again. “These were in storage this whole time?”
“Yeah, I’m going to guess that either my father or Agent Carter had this done,” I said as I reached into the box and pulled out a picture that caught my eye.
“It wouldn’t surprise me at all if Peggy had it done,” he said, looking at the compass that was sitting on the table by where he had been sitting.
“There are other things that belonged to you that aren't as personal that you can find in the Smithsonian,” I said, captivated by the man in the photo.
“He would have liked you,” Steve said looking over my shoulder.
“Bucky…he would have liked you,” he said pointing to the picture.
“This is a much better picture than the memorial one that they have in the museum,” I said as Steve and I sat down, “He has playful eyes…”
He snorted. “Oh you have no idea...he knew just how to make everyone feel happy even on the worst days, but when he was around others...oh and women could not get enough of him. Though thinking about it now he was actually quite picky.”
“Man, romance did die in the 40s,” I said lulling my head back as I put the picture back in the box.
He chuckled. “Guys today not what you wish they were?”
“I get more satisfaction from my hand then men nowadays…” There was a silence in the room and I looked at Steve whose ears were now a bright shade of red. “Sorry…”
“It’s fine…”
“You didn’t,” Natasha said as she blocked my punch.
“As you well know, don’t ask me questions you don’t want an honest answer to,” I replied as we continued to spar. As we did so I managed to grab her arm, twist it and use her own leg to give me a little extra leverage to jump and get my legs around her neck and flip her over.
“Good god, woman…” she said, landing with an oomph.
“I’ve been getting some tips from Agent May,” I said with a cheeky grin, “You are the one that told me not to always rely on my powers.”
She sat up and looked up at me. “Want to play it that way huh?”
“Oh shit…”
After getting my ass thoroughly handed to me (though Nat did say that I did quite well), we hit the showers and after returned to our previous conversation...thanks to her.
“So what did he say after you said what you did?” she questioned as we stood at one of the Triskelion’s coffee stands.
“Who say about what?” I asked at first not catching on to what she was talking about.
“Steve….what did he say?”
“Oh, nothing...his ears turned bright red and I apologised, I forgot that in the 1940s they weren’t exactly open about that kind of stuff.”
She let out a snort. “Oh if only the 1940s could see us now!” she said sliding down the zipper of her jacket with a wink.
“You’re horrible,” I said nudging her with my elbow.
“Anyway, what about that guy that you just broke up with?”
“Kevin?” I asked, wrinkling my nose, “For starters, he broke up with me.”
“Excuse me?”
I just shrugged. “He wasn’t worth the time anyway. He only cared about what I could do for his dick, and not what his dick could do for me. No satisfaction what-so-ever...always ended up sneaking off to the bathroom to get off.”
“I hate that...he’s losing out though,” she said as we grabbed our coffee and headed down the hall.
“I don’t need a guy who leaves me feeling unsatisfied or that tells me that I work too much, or that-”
“He does know that you have 3 Phds and are the co-owner of a billion dollar company...right?”
“Must’ve slipped his mind…” I said shrugging.
“Ladies,” we looked and saw Fury as he walked over to us, arms tucked behind his back.
“Doctor, I saw your final report...is Rogers ready when if we need him,” he questioned.
“I think he is, whether or not he thinks he is will come down to what he does when a challenge is put in front of him,” I replied.
“Very well, are you leaving tonight or tomorrow?” he questioned.
“Tonight sir, I believe that Nat is leaving tonight as well, I finished my work with Captain Rogers, got my training in, and now I need to get back to Stark Tower so that Tony and Pepper don’t completely steal my thunder with the sustainable energy for the tower.”
“Very well...a Quinjet will be available for you to take whenever you are ready,” he said with a nod of his head, “Agent Romanoff...good luck on your mission.”
“Thank you sir,” she said.
He left us standing there and I just looked at her. “Did I just get debriefed?”
“In a subtle way, yes.”
“Agent Doctor Stark or Doctor Agent Stark?”
“None of the above….”
That evening I did find myself back at Stark Tower, at the very top in Tony’s “Home Away From Home”.
“You know Y/N, technically...you could live here,” Tony said as me, him, and Pepper sat on the couch putting making sure we had all our plans put together for when Tony when to connect the Arc Reactor to Stark Tower.
“So generous, but I like my garden,” I replied, “And I like feeling like a normal human being first thing in the morning.”
“Your house is so small,” he said.
“I’m sorry my 3,000 square ft house bothers you so,” I said, “But it’s my ‘small’ house and has all the upgrades that I need. If I ever need a bigger house I’ll just buy the house next door and evict the neighbors and build over onto that plot of land.” I thought Pepper’s head was gonna snap off her neck with as fast as she turned it when I said this. “I’m kidding Pep...cool your jets.”
“The two of you have deep enough pockets, forgive me if I get concerned sometimes,” she said with a chuckled.
“Nah, I like my neighbors...guy across the street is kind of creepy but-“
“Big brother need to step in and take care of him for you?” Tony teased earning an eyeroll.
“When I moved in there, Nancy, the neighbor to the right of me said he’s been the head of the neighborhood watch for 20 years or something like that,” I replied knowing that though he was teasing me, part of him was also serious, “He apparently didn’t like all the people that came in and out of the neighborhood when I was having the house upgraded with Stark Tech, the lab put in the basement, and then the security around the perimeter...I disrupted the peace.”
“Look at you, turning suburbia on its head,” he said.
“Alright you two, enough...let’s get this finished,” Pepper laughed.
Two nights later project clean Sustainability was a go.
“How’s it look big bro?” I asked as Tony flew back to the Tower as it lit up the New York skyline.
“Like Christmas, only more...us,” he replied.
As he landed I turned to Pepper. “I will leave you two to celebrate, I have other work that needs to be felt with.”
“What? N/N, stay and have some champagne,” Pepper said.
“No, you two celebrate. Date night for you two...enjoy.” I headed to the elevator and to my office where I was greeted by my Artificially Intelligent Digital Assistant or AIDA for short.
“Good evening, Doctor Stark. I would like to congratulate you on making Stark tower the first fully clean and sustainable building in the United States,” she said as I sat at my desk, “Also I am being informed by JARVIS that Agent Coulson is trying to get a hold of both you and Mr. Stark, should I put him through?”
I sighed. “If I don’t, he’ll probably just hack his way-“
“Agent Coulson…”
"Doctor Stark, I'm sorry to interupt your evening but there is something urgent that we need dealt with," he said holding out a file to me. Opening the file I saw a picture of a familiar blue cube paperclipped to the top. "What do you know about the Tesseract?"
"Only what was in my father's files," I replied. By now there were five people that knew about the files that were given to my by Aunt Peggy. I knew I couldn't keep them a secret forever so I kept it down to:
Fury Coulson Nat Tony Pepper
Thanks to Pepper and her due dillagence, most of the files were now store electronically on an encrypted harddrive. Though there were somethings that were secret to only me.
"Good, in five minutes send what you have up to Mr. Stark," he replied, "The Tessaract was stolen by an Asgardian by the name of Loki. We will need your help on this....time for you to suit up."
As Coulson headed back to the elevator I went over to my computer and pulled up my files. 'Why my father ever fished that thing out of the ocean instead of throwing it back I will never understand....'
Chapter 3>>
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vicsnook · 8 months
Didn't End In Texas | Tim Riggins x Reader x Jake Seresin
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word count: 5617
warnings: Teasing, fluff
notes: Hey y’all! Here is part 2 to What Happens In Texas (Tim’s version). I hope you enjoyed part 1 and if you want more parts please comment below! Thank you for your previous likes/reblogs. Don’t forget to like/reblog this one 🫶🏼.
Part 2
The morning came too soon and when you woke Tim was no longer beside you. In the bathroom you fixed your hair as best as you could and brushed your teeth with the toothbrush Tim set out for you on the counter. He had also left you a shirt and sweatpants and a note that said he went out to the stables to feed the horses and would be back soon.
You smiled at the note and took a much needed shower. Reflecting on the events of the night before. After all, coming to Texas hadn’t been a terrible idea but you were dreading going back to Jake’s mom’s later in the day.
Getting dressed, you reminded yourself of the various girls Jake took home after your breakup. What you did was not wrong and you shouldn’t have felt so guilty but the look on Jake’s face when you opened the door yesterday kept haunting you.
Shaking your head you gathered your things and headed downstairs. Tim was in the kitchen making breakfast and you smiled at the gesture. “Mornin’ sleepin’ beauty, I hope you like scrambled eggs, because that’s about the only way I can make an egg.” He said smiling as you sat on one of the stools of the breakfast bar.
“That’s perfect. Thanks for everything by the way. I really appreciate it.” You said as he placed a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast in front of you and gave you a quick peck. Your stomach growled at the sight of the food and both of you laughed.
Both of you dug into the food and made small talk about life. You tried to do the dishes after both of you were done but Tim refused. The time to leave had finally come since it was already noon so you followed Tim out to the truck.
“I suppose you’re staying at Mrs.Nancy’s right? Matt’s aunt and Jake’s mama’s house.” He asked as he started to back out the driveway.
“Sure am, do you need the address?” You asked, as he turned left at the stop sign. “Nah, Mrs. Nancy used to keep me and my brother when we were little.” He replied, making a right turn this time.
You recognized the dirt road and realized that Tim’s house wasn’t too far from Jake’s. “How long are you staying in TX y/n?” he asked, turning into the long driveway that led to Jake’s. He grabbed your hand again after he turned.
“Um, until Monday. My flight doesn’t leave til 5PM though.” You replied, the house was starting to come to view and Tim started to slow down. “Here, take down my number and shoot me a text so I can have yours before you leave. Maybe we can have lunch on Monday.” He said, as you added his contact to your phone and texted him.
“Sounds like a plan, thanks again for everything.” You said, unbuckling your seat belt. “It was my pleasure,” replied Tim, who was already out of the truck by the time you were done grabbing your stuff and was holding the door open for you.
“Thanks and I hope to see you again soon.” You said stepping out. “You will darlin’” He replied and gave you a kiss, this one was longer than this morning’s but it was cut short by someone clearing their throat.
Pulling away you saw Jake standing on the porch watching y’all. You smiled at Tim and then turned to walk towards the house. Tim honked as he started to pull out the driveway and you waved him goodbye from the front porch steps.
You noticed Jake eyeing your shirt as you turned to him. You’d forgotten that you were wearing Tim’s shirt. Feeling your cheeks heat up you turned around and walked inside. Breathing in relief when you saw Nat seating on the couch.
“Tell me everything!” Exclaimed Nat after you shut the door to the bedroom. You laughed and sat across from
her on the bed. “Wait, that’s not your shirt either, Y/N!” She continued, shoving you playfully.
It was a relief that there was no tension with her. “So, you already know me and Tim met and hit it off at the airport but we didn’t exchange numbers.”
“Uh,huh” Nat cut in, trying to get you to get to the important parts. “I saw him at the game working the concessions and he invited everyone to the party.” She nodded and widened her eyes, urging you to get to the point. You were enjoying taunting her a bit.
“He gave me a house tour at the party and we ended up making out on the couch. It was cut short unfortunately by Jake breaking a beer bottle in the kitchen but that actually led us to go upstairs for more privacy and”
“Ooh it’s getting spicy,” Nat cut in, giggling. “Shut up!” you exclaimed in embarrassment. “Okay, okay continue,” she said.
“Well one thing led to another and we hooked up.” You finished, putting your hands on your face because you could feel the blush on your cheeks.
“And I’m assuming that Jake went looking for you not long after?” she asked, toying with the blanket.
“Yeah, Jake woke us up banging on the door. I was wearing Tim’s shirt and Tim woke up and walked up in his underwear behind me so Jake could put two and two together after that.” You said, as you put your dirty clothes in the laundry bag in your suitcase.
“Wow, and you came home with Tim this morning. Now that’s awkward,” Nat concluded. “Yeah, he saw us kissing again earlier too when Tim dropped me off.” You admitted, her eyes widening at your confession.
“Y/N, y/n, y/n, what has Texas done to you?” she muttered, getting up and helping you pick out clothes for the day. “Serves Jake right. He’s made out with half the girls at the Hard Deck since you broke up and who knows how many he took home.” She finished, handing you your socks.
You nodded, but couldn’t help the pang you felt in your stomach when you recalled Jake making out with another girl not even 24 hours after breaking things off with you. Working as a contractor on base at least helped you out since you just switched with another mechanic and now you didn’t have to work on Jake’s jet anymore.
Rooster, Bob, and Jake were buying food for the party. So you were sent off with Jake’s sister Anna to buy party decorations while Nancy and Nat stayed back and made the cake for tomorrow.
“So, you and Tim huh?” asked Anna as she pulled out of the driveway.
“Something like that. News sure do travel fast around here.” You replied, clicking in your seatbelt.
“Well my brother has a big mouth when he’s angry, honey. But don’t pay him no mind, he’s harmless.” She said, as she drove through town.
“Yep,” you said, pulling out your phone that was going off. A text from Jake illuminated the screen. “We need to talk” it read. You sighed and put your phone back in your purse not replying.
The store was small and homely. Anna and the clerk were apparently old friends and she had everything ready and set aside for her. Anna went to grab some fireworks and you took the opportunity to pay, figuring it was the least you could do after everything.
“You’re all set, Anna. I’ll get Mike to carry it on out.” Said the cashier as she went into the back presumably looking for Mike.
“Wait, I haven’t paid!” Anna exclaimed, but the cashier was already gone. “It’s okay, I took care of it.” You told her, giving her a small smile.
“Y/N! No! You’re our guest. Here let me pay you back.” Anna replied, digging through her purse. “No need. I wanted to. Consider it a thank you for letting me stay at y’all’s place and an apology for the drama.” You told her, not taking the money she was trying to give you.
“Alright. But don’t you do this again. My mom would kill me if she finds out.” “Yes ma’am. It’ll be our secret.” You replied, interlacing your pinky with hers and laughing along.
Once Mike had set everything in the back of the truck, you and Anna headed back to the house. You were lost in thought when Anna cut in.
“You know, my brother may be a fucking idiot, but I do know that he loves you.” She said, stopping to let another car go at the stop sign.
“I don’t know about that, Anna.” You muttered, twiddling with your hands nervously. This was not a conversation you wanted to have.
“Y/N, you’re the first girl he’s ever brought home. He had told our mom over the phone he wanted to make things right with you. Maybe y’all need to have a conversation.” Anna finished, then got out the truck and headed towards the house.
You closed your eyes and held back the tears that had started to form. Jake always was so complicated. Taking a deep breath you stepped out the truck and followed Anna inside.
The boys were in the kitchen and she went to get them to help bring the stuff inside. Jake was the last one out. His eyes on yours as soon as he stepped foot into the hall.
“You get my text?” he asked, putting on his boots. “Yeah, we’ll talk tonight.” You replied. “Alright,” he nodded and headed out the door. You headed into the kitchen and put on your best fake smile while checking on what Nancy and Nat might need help with.
After dinner, everyone headed out to the back porch and you stayed back with Nancy to help wash and put up dishes. “Darlin’ go on outside. I got this.” She urged.
“It’s okay Nancy, I don’t mind. Plus they did leave a pretty big mess.” You replied, wiping down the table. She begrudgingly agreed to let you help and after you wiped the table and counters down, you helped dry the dishes as she washed them.
“Tell me darlin, have you spoken with Jake since you got in?” she asked, handing you another plate.
“No ma’am, but we did mention earlier that we’ll speak tonight.” You replied, turning to put the plate inside the cabinet.
“Good, hear him out please. He can be difficult sometimes but he means well.” She said, handing you the last plate. You nodded in response and once you dried the plate, you turned and placed it on the cabinet with the rest.
Nancy excused herself to her room and left you in the kitchen. You washed your hands and then as you were drying them, you noticed Jake had been watching you through the window. He got up and walked inside as you made eye contact.
“Ready?” he asked, walking into the kitchen. “Yep” you replied, following him through the house and out the front door.
He headed towards his truck and you followed, getting in when he held open the door for you. He started the truck and backed out the driveway, heading down the dirt road and stopping by a side gate.
He quickly jumped out and opened the gate then got back in the truck and drove through. After a couple of minutes he came to a stop in front of a pond. Turning the truck so the back faced the pond and you could both sit on the tailgate.
You both sat on the tailgate. Admiring the beautiful sunset. There was a peaceful quiet but it was soon interrupted by Jake.
“I’m sorry for the way I acted last night. You had all the right to do what you did with Tim.” He said, still looking straight ahead.
“Um, thanks.” You replied, not knowing what else to say. He turned to look at you and he had the same look he did a year ago when he broke things off with you.
“I know it’s probably too late, but I brought you out here to try and get you back. I admit I was stupid to break things off but I was scared that I wouldn’t come home from one of the missions and I didn’t want to put you through that. And I know I should’ve just talked to you then but I can’t change what I did. I’m sorry y/n.” He finished, this time looking at you.
Your mind was racing. He had said everything you wanted to hear the past few months. But you couldn’t shake off the fact that he had hooked up with someone else not even 24 hours after he dumped you and how he acted the past few months like nothing had ever happened between the two of you.
“Look Jake, I appreciate the apology but that doesn’t take away your actions after you broke up with me. I-”
“I know, but please Y/N, just give me another chance. I promise I’ll do right by you this time. I swear.” He cut you off and begged, his eyes searching for yours desperately but you continued to look away.
“I don’t know Jake. I need some time to think.” You answered truthfully. On the one hand you knew he was being sincere but you also thought he was sincere the last time around.
“Okay, I understand and hey, if you want to pursue something with Tim while you’re still here, I understand that too.” He finished off, getting off the tailgate and getting inside the truck.
You wiped away a couple of tears that had escaped and then got into the truck too. The ride back was silent but thankfully quick. All you wanted to do was go back home to California.
When Jake pulled in, you got out and headed upstairs. Deciding a shower would help you think. You sat on the floor of the shower as the water enveloped you and cried. The past few days had been too much on you. Truthfully the past few months.
That night before going to bed, you replied to Tim’s text and made plans on Monday for lunch. Shortly after that you fell into a much needed sleep.
By noon the next day, the house was fully ready for the party. All the decorations were put up and all the food was set out on the tables. Cars were beginning to pull up as you set down the deviled eggs.
Nat and you headed upstairs quickly and changed into your bathing suits and then joined everyone. The boys were already in the pool playing volleyball. You shrieked as Jake splashed you when you walked by.
The evening went by quickly as you played cornhole with Nat, Anna, and Bob. Both you and Anna beating them. You excused yourself to go to the bathroom and Rooster stood in for you.As you came out of the bathroom, you bumped into Tim. “Hey! What’re you doing here?” you asked surprised.
“Mrs. Nancy always invites everyone in town.” He replied, following you into the kitchen where you handed him a beer from the cooler. “Oh, that’s nice of her. You getting in the pool?” you asked, pointing outside at the pool where the squad was playing chicken fight.
“Only if you are,” he replied, winking at you. You smiled and took his hand and lead him out to the pool. Letting go of it once you crossed the door. Both you and Tim got in and he was quick to splash you. You giggled, splashing him back.
“Y’all gonna play or flirt all day?” asked Jake sarcastically from the other side of the pool. Rolling your eyes you followed Tim to where the boys and Nat were. “Me and Nat versus you and Tim” said Jake, and hoisting Nat into his shoulders before anyone could reply.
You got on Tim’s shoulders and Bob sounded the whistle. Nat was strong but Tim’s hold on you was better. Quickly you were able to push her off Jake’s shoulders. You got off Tim’s shoulders and high-fived him. Jake just shook his head and walked off to the other side to make conversation with a blonde who’d just gotten into the pool.
“Let’s go grab a drink,” Tim said, leading you out the pool and through the crowd to a picnic table. He passed you a beer and a towel and then settled beside you on the bench. His arm slipping around your shoulders.
“So are you gonna tell me what’s going on between you and Jake or do I just have to wait til he punches me?” Tim asked, giving you a half- smile.
You looked at Tim and then at Jake who was still in the pool with the blonde who had joined him and was practically glued to his side. “We dated for a while and then he broke things off about a year ago. Nothing else really to tell.” You replied, looking back at him.
“Well he sure doesn’t act like it’s nothing.” Tim retorted, passing you a strawberry. “Yeah, I know. He claims he wants me back and that he shouldn’t have broken up with me but his actions the past year say otherwise. Um, I don’t really want to keep talking about this though.” You said, turning your head to look for Nat and spotting Jake making out with the blonde instead.
You felt like you were going to be sick. Quickly excusing yourself and practically sprinting to the bathroom and throwing up. As you rinsed your mouth, you decided against giving Jake another chance. Tim was outside in the hallway waiting for you.
“Hey, you alright?” he asked, following you up the stairs. “Yeah, just something I ate probably. I’m just going to brush my teeth really quick.” You said, leaving him in the hall as you went into the room and grabbed your toiletries bag. Tim sat on the bathroom counter as you brushed your teeth, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear that had escaped your ponytail.
After you finished, you placed everything back into the toiletries bag and then went to open the door but Tim stopped you. “I haven’t gotten to do this today,” he said, pulling you in for a kiss while pressing up against the door. Your hand tangled up in his hair as he pulled you closer by your waist. His hands cupped your ass and then moved to the back of your legs to pick you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist, feeling him through your thin bikini bottoms.
“Not here. We can’t.” You whispered in Tim’s ear as you pulled away. He slowly let go of your legs and as they hit the floor, you couldn’t help but feel a little off balance.
“Wanna get out of here?” He asked, as you re-did your ponytail. “I don’t think we should. I don’t want to upset anyone. Plus we still have tomorrow anyway.” You said, setting your hands on his chest. “Alright, um-” he replied, disappointment in his voice. “You go on ahead, I’m gonna be a while.” He continued, pointing at his very visible boner.
“Sorry!” you giggled, turning the handle and exiting the bathroom. Unfortunately you didn’t get too far as you bumped into someone.
“Watch where you’re going!” shrieked the blonde who’d you seen with Jake earlier. “Um, sorry. The restroom’s occupied by the way.” You told her, already headed for the stairs.
She came storming down the stairs behind you and headed for the other bathroom. You rolled your eyes and headed to the gazebo where everyone from the squad except Jake were sitting.
“Where you been?” asked Bob, as you sat down next to him. “Something didn’t agree with my stomach.” You told him, turning to look at the fireworks that were starting to go off. “Was that something a blonde who had their tongue down Hangman’s throat?” asked Rooster, Nat slapped his arm as he raised his hands in defense and laughed.
You rolled your eyes at him and turned back to the firework show. Tim joined y’all soon after. Sitting beside you. “I think I’m gonna head out soon, didn’t get much sleep last night and I gotta be up early tomorrow.” He whispered to you. You nodded and got up to walk him out. Telling everyone you’d be right back.
You watched as the taillights of Tim’s truck disappeared in the distance and turned back to head to the party. Bumping into a not very happy looking Jake in the living room. “You want to tell me why you’re fucking Tim in the bathroom of my mother’s house?” He asked, getting in your face.
“Woah, woah, woah, first of all back the fuck up from me.” You said, as he backed away a step. “Tim and I didn’t do anything in the bathroom. He was checking up on me since I threw up earlier.” You told him, crossing your arms. That was only half true but he didn’t have any right to be in your face after what he’d done earlier.
“If you’re gonna see him again, make sure it’s away from my house and forget what I said last night.” He said, turning to walk away.
“Oh I will Jacob. So much for you being sorry while shoving your tongue down another chick’s throat.” You yelled after him. He stopped in front of the door leading to the patio and turned around, walking back towards you.
“I was sorry!” He yelled, “until I saw you cuddling up to Tim in my own house.” Jake’s face was flushed, as he stood in front of you glaring at you.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Would you prefer I cut all ties with him because after a year you finally decide that you want me back? After you fucked half the women in Miramar!? Is that what you wanted Jake?” you reply exasperated, running your hands. through your hair.
“I know I should’ve told you sooner how I felt but I never took any of those women home Y/N. Yeah, I kissed a few to try to get you off my mind. But I never slept with anyone else after you.” He retorted, throwing his hands up in the air in defeat.
“What?” you asked, quietly.
“I never slept with anyone else Y/N. I know that still doesn’t make things better but it’s got to count for something.” He replied, as he went to sit on the stairs.
“I don’t know what you want from me Jake. But I know that I don't want to be with someone who can’t communicate and who goes back and forth on their word.” You told him, and then headed outside.
You tried to act happy amongst the squad and played cornhole and drank for the rest of the night while staying away from Jake. During the final firework show, you started to clean up and pick up trash. Bob and Nat began to clean the pool and put away the inflatables since everyone was out of it by now. By the time the last car pulled out the driveway, everything outside was cleaned up. All that was left was dishes which Nancy refused to let any of you do.
So you headed upstairs and planned to go to bed, until Jake cornered you in the hallway. “What now?” you asked him annoyed, you were ready for bed after what felt like a never ending day.
“You walked away before we could finish talking.” He replied, he was towering over you now and his hands were on the wall beside your head. He had you trapped.
“Can we do this another time? I’m exhausted.” You told him, trying to push him away from you but he didn’t budge. “No, we’re gonna do this now.”
“Whatever, suit yourself.” you replied, rolling your eyes at him and crossing your arms to try and put some distance between you two.
“I know I’m in the wrong and that it's up to you to give me another chance but I won’t sit around and let you hookup with someone else. Not when he doesn’t love you.” He said, his words sharp. He’d never told you before that he loved you.
“Jake, you don’t love me and frankly it isn’t your business if I hookup with anyone.” You replied. Your voice was shaky though and he knew he had you right where he wanted you.
“I don’t love you? Bullshit! If I didn’t love you, I wouldn’t know your favorite drink or the way your eye twitches when you’re nervous like you are now or how you set two alarms so you can fool yourself into thinking you’re getting extra sleep or that you like the taste of pickles but not the actual pickles themselves because of their texture and you wouldn’t be standing in my mama’s house right now.” He continued “And if I didn’t fucking love you, I sure as hell wouldn’t be fighting for you right now. And I’m sorry I’m an idiot and it took me losing you and seeing you with someone new to realize it.” He finished, his breathing was fast due to his long monologue.
You swallowed hard. Letting everything he’d just said sink in. You looked down at your feet and then to the side, anywhere but Jake’s eyes.
“Look at me,” he commanded. You did as he asked. “I’m going to give you time to think about everything I just said. But please don’t go have lunch with Tim tomorrow. Let me show you around town instead.” He asked, finally backing away from you.
You didn’t know how to respond so you instead turned and walked into the room and closed the door quickly behind you. You sat on the floor and began to repack your suitcase, only leaving out your clothes for tomorrow.
The possibility of something happening long term between you and Tim was not possible if you continued to work in CA and that’s even if he wanted to have something more with you. On the other hand, you’d been with Jake once before and while your relationship was nothing short of great, you knew you didn’t trust he wouldn’t do the same thing again. Once everything was re-folded and packed, you let yourself fall asleep finally.
The sound of your alarm woke you up and you realized Tim would be there to get you in only an hour. Jake’s words popped into your head too. You knew ditching Tim didn’t feel right so you opted with still going to lunch with him to at least close that door if need be.
You got ready quickly and texted Jake that you were sorry but that you had to talk to Tim. You practically ran out the door after hitting send and started to walk along the long driveway attempting to put some distance between you and Jake before Tim came around.
When you reached what you assumed was the halfway point, you saw Tim’s truck rounding the corner. He slowed down and you quickly jumped in. “Sorry, I didn’t want any drama so I figured I’d meet you at the gate but you kind of beat me to it.” You told him as he backed the truck carefully and started to head back towards the main road.
“Um I got you these. I didn’t know which ones were your favorite but I thought they were pretty.” Tim said, handing you a small bouquet of yellow roses. You smiled, taking them.
“These are actually my favorite.” You told him, smiling. He looked over at you and smiled. You knew soon you’d have to make a decision but right now you wanted to enjoy the moment and also see what he had to say.
He pulled into a small diner off the highway and got out to open your door. Keeping his hand in yours as you walked in and only letting go to grab the menu.
“So, what’s the verdict? You like Texas or not?” he asked, still reading the menu.
“Hmm I like it but I didn’t see much of it honestly.” You replied, setting down your menu and opting for a milkshake and a burger.
The server took both your orders and Tim once again grabbed your hand. You never thought this was how Texas would go but honestly you weren’t too mad about it either.
“I’d love to show you around. I know we don’t have time today but maybe next time?” he asked, a hopeful look on his face.
“Yeah, I’d love that.” You replied, he sighed in relief.
The food came soon after that and both of you ate in a comfortable silence. Sharing your milkshake afterwards. Truth was you knew being here meant you’d picked Tim but you didn’t know how to ask for more.
“So what do you want out of this?” you asked Tim as he pulled out of the parking lot and headed back towards Jake’s. “You. I don’t know, I’ve never been one to believe in fate or love at first sight but the moment we met, something just clicked.” He said, as he drove slower than the speed limit and sneaked glances at you from the driver’s seat.
You smiled before responding, “Yeah, I feel the same way. I know California is a long way from here so it’s not going to be easy.”
“Oh it’s definitely not going to be easy. But I’d be a fool to lose a girl like you. So if it’s okay with you, I’d like you to be my ol’ lady before you go.” He said, pulling off into a dirt road instead of your destination.
“Ol’ lady? Is that like a girlfriend?” You asked, confused.
“Yeah, that’s just a fancier term for it.” He replied, turning towards you now that the truck was stopped. He continued, “I know it might be a little too soon, I just don’t want to risk losing ya before I even have ya, you know.”
You smiled, looking down at the roses he’d given you earlier. Deciding to take a leap of faith you looked up and grabbed his face and pulled him in for a kiss. He smiled while kissing you as did you.
Both of you laughed when pulling away. “I’ll take that as a yes? Well I think I need another one to really solidify it.” He said, pulling you in for another one.
You giggled when you pulled away. Tim pulled out of the dirt road and started heading towards Jake. You admired the fields around you as you did once before when you arrived. Only back then you had no idea this is how things would work out.
Tim snapped you out of your thoughts when the truck came to a halt in front of Jake’s house. His truck wasn’t there anymore so that was a relief since you had planned on walking down the driveway so he wouldn’t have to see you both but you had zoned out.
You grabbed the flowers and took Tim’s hand and stepped out of the truck. You both hugged each other tightly and then kissed each other goodbye. Once again you waved him off until the tail lights of his truck disappeared into the dust and then headed inside.
Nancy was sitting in the living room when you came in. “I take it you choose the Riggins boy then, sweetie?” she asked, while getting up and heading towards you.
“Yes ma’am. I really appreciate you letting me stay and I’m really sorry about everything that happened.” You told her, hugging her as she had motioned for you to.
“There’s nothing you need to be sorry about darlin’. You’ve got to follow your heart. Jake will come around eventually and understand.” She said, pulling away and squeezing your shoulder.
“Thank you. Um, I’ve got to get my bag and then I think I’ll ride with Nat and them to the airport.” You told her pointing towards the stairs.
“Go on ahead, and hey, don’t be a stranger. I’m sure you’ll be coming to Texas a lot more.” She replied, taking a seat back on the couch.
You nodded and ran upstairs, grabbing your stuff quickly since you had to be at the airport in two hours. You shot a text to Nat and asked if you could ride with them and she agreed and messaged you that they’d be there to get you soon.
You took one more look around the room and grabbed your bags and headed downstairs, waving Nancy goodbye, and then taking a seat on the porch. Unfortunately, Nat and the boys got there to get you before Jake came back and you felt terrible you didn’t get to talk to him. The ride to the airport flew by, Nat snuck a couple glances at you through the rearview mirror as you were unusually quiet but didn’t question you.
Jake wouldn’t be back in California for another couple of days and you knew his mom would probably tell him. Sitting on the plane, you hoped things would be somewhat okay at least when he came back. Seeing Texas fade away as the plane took off made you tear up.
You already couldn’t wait to be back. Sighing you picked up a book Bob had lended you and tried to read the rest of the way. You couldn’t concentrate though, thinking already about seeing Tim again.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 4 years
Just Say the Word: One
Bucky took a drag off his cigarette and exhaled slowly, looking up at the sky. There was no moon tonight. And no stars eithers, not that you can see much of them for all the neon lights glowing. Including the lights of the club. But those he’s rather proud of. 
They cost a pretty penny. And they make the joint look a little more legitimate. They bring in out of towners looking for a drink. People who don’t know that this is gang territory. He takes another drag and watched the smoke curl in the light. For a second, the music and the laughing, the clack of pool balls from inside, seems far away. It drifts behind him but doesn’t really penetrate.
It’s like radio static. There and not there at the same time as he watches the smoke shift and change. But it doesn’t last long. This moment of peace. 
Across the parking lot, there’s a sound. A very distinct sound of a laugh. A laugh he knows really well. And with a jolt, he realizes that it hurt somewhere behind his ribcage.  He’s missed that sound. He’s missed that sound more than he realized until he heard it again. 
It’s your laugh. 
And he thought he’d never hear it again. That lilting, musical sound. Your real laugh. Genuine and bright. Not the brittle, tense sound it had been at the end. When you were walking on egg shells trying to avoid his fucking temper. Laughing at his jokes even if they weren’t funny in a desperate bid to keep him happy and keep him from accusing you of cheating. With Barton, Steve, Sam, Hell Nat once or twice. It turns out, Nancy Reagan was right about some things. When it came to cocaine, it really was best to just say no. Pot was alright. Booze was fine. But cocaine made him a paranoid asshole, which, surprisingly wasn’t a good thing as president of a biker club. 
For a moment, as he watched across the stretched, you walking on a low wall, arms outstretched, your umbrella in one hand and your date holding your other. He can’t see the guys face but the hair cut says professional of some kind. And he can’t see the suit but... He’s with you so. Probably a med student or something. He can’t be that professional. Nothing against you but, honestly. No one with a fancy job is gonna go for a cute little art teacher who can coax deer into eating out of her hand. Who wears rainbow doc martens and has a purple goddamn motorcycle. But he knows it’s you. He’d know you anywhere. He can almost smell the sage and lavender and paint smell that clings to you. The bite of aspirin that clings to your lips when you’ve been chewing up the pills trying to quash a migraine.  He wants to go over there and rip you off that jokers arm. To pick you up and carry you off like a fucking cave man. Fuck you over the pool table and reclaim you as his own. 
He wants it so bad, he can feel his jaw grinding. But as you stop under the streetlight, standing on your toes to smudge a kiss against this guy’s jaw, he forces himself to stay still. To wait for you to disappear around the corner. It had been 3 years. You’d left him 3 years ago. And someone had helped you do it. He’d never asked. And after the dust had settled he didn’t really want to know. But what he did want to know is how you were back in the city now. And why. And why he didn’t know about it. He exhaled a cloud of smoke slowly and flicked his cigarette butt into the gutter. He didn’t know but he was going to find out.
When the club door banged open and everything ground to a halt. Glass clattered and every head in the room turned. 
“Which one of you fuckers knew Y/N was back in town?” he demanded.
He doesn’t miss Steve throwing back a shot and shooting a guilty glance at Nat. “Rogers you son of a bitch,” he said walking forward, “How long?”
“Leave her alone, Bucky,” Nat said warningly, pouring him a shot and sliding it down the counter. 
“Oh,” he snorts, “So you’re both in on it.”
“You threatened to kill her,” Steve hissed, “You were waving a gun around and telling her that if she was gonna fuck around on you, you were gonna make her pay. We didn’t have a choice.”
Bucky held up a hand and threw back the shot, hissing at the burn and tapping the glass on the counter for another. “I know,” he sighs, “I mean... I don’t remember it. Not really but. Yeah. I just... How long has she been back?”
“A couple weeks,” Steve admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. “Her new guy got a job in the city.”
“What’s he do?” Bucky asked, taking a seat. 
“Pediatrician, I think,” Nat said, “Nice guy... Bought her a really nice rock.”
Several tumblers clicked into place and Bucky inhaled sharply, choking on his drink and sputtering, “She’s getting married?”
Nat nods, “I guess they’re gonna get married at City hall and throw a nice party when the weather gets nice.”
“She still looks the same,” Bucky said softly.
Steve and Natasha look at each other over the bar and Steve throws an arm around Bucky’s shoulders. It had been rough. A really fucking awful few years. You two had been together so long. And you’d tried so hard to stick by him. To help him. And now? Bucky had to... deal with it. 
And as he stared at the amber liquid in his glass he wasn’t sure how to go forward. He wanted to see you. He wanted to tell you he was sorry. That he still loved you. Fuck, that he finally painted the kitchen. That it wasn’t shit brown with gold flecked pea green linoleum any more. It was the butter yellow color you wanted. And he’d had the linoleum ripped out and the wood floors polished... It was a kitchen you could finally be happy working in... but. how was he going to get to you? Could he get to you? Would you even want to see him? 
You were his first love. Since the second you gave him a pencil in math class when he was 13. The new girl. The cute one. The Quiet one. The one girl that never offered to show him her still fucking concave chest in a desperate bid for his attention. And from the jump, you were hand in hand. Giving him a reason to stay out of jail. And you stuck by him. Through boot camp. And deployment... But. He didn’t blame you for staying through the drugs. The coke the started using to deal with the depression from the PTSD. It made him mean. It made him act like a bastard. And now, Bucky knew that he’d been pushing you away. That’d he’d meant for you to go. 
But he never expected you to actually do it.
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pinktwingirl · 3 years
I rewrote Endgame (AKA Endgame but with Squirrel Girl and Loki)
Hey everyone, so since I think we can all agree Endgame could have used more Loki (and more Stucky!), I wrote some scenes that I think should have been added in. I included Doreen Green (aka Squirrel Girl) because she’s an amazing character and I would love to see her in the MCU! Also, in the comics, she’s a really good friend of Loki’s (and I think we can all agree MCU Loki could use a friend.) For a bit of context, I have a headcanon that the girls Thor got a picture with in Ragnarok were Doreen and her best friend/roommate Nancy, and Doreen was actually plotting to get close to Loki so her pet squirrel Tippy-Toe could plant a tracking device on him and make sure he didn’t get into any trouble while he was on Earth. Some of the scenes during the final battle are meant to be interspersed throughout the sequence, and aren’t really in any particular order. They’re just events that I thought would be cool if they actually happened. Since Endgame didn’t have a post-credits scene, I also added one for good measure! :)
(Also, I didn’t write a scene for it, but let’s just all agree that Steve and Bucky get married and retire to raise goats in Wakanda!)
Natasha, Bruce, Steve, Scott, and Rhodey are in a meeting room. Natasha paces back and forth.
We still have a lot we need to get done before we try anything else. Rhodey, have those robbers on 22nd street been identified?
Yeah, just a couple of cheap scumbags. I'm sure the cops can handle them.
Okay... And the subway hijackers?
Nat, calm down. Okoye's got it covered.
Well, there's still that attack on Times Square. I don't know about you guys, but I'm not about to let some asshole terrorists try to blackmail the entire district into giving them money or whatever the hell they want-
Bruce flips on a monitor that projects an image on the wall.
Actually... it looks like someone got there before you.
Everyone turns to look at the screen. Natasha and Steve give each other an impressed and amused look, while Rhodey and Scott look at each other in confusion. On the screen, we see a group of men in black armor knocked unconscious and tied together. Next to them is a sign that reads "We got our butts kicked by the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl!!! :)"
We see a pair of boots walking down the street. Behind them trails a gray squirrel with a pink ribbon tied around her neck. The squirrel hops onto the shoulder of her companion, Doreen, who gives her a smile. We cut to her crouching in an abandoned building and typing on a computer screen, which shows surveillance footage of robbers sneaking around. We see the robbers loading their guns and tying up hostages in an alleyway. One of the robbers suddenly notices that his partner is staring at something. He pushes his partner on the shoulder.
Hey, what-
The robbers turn to see what the man is staring at. In the corner are a group of squirrels poised to strike. They slowly turn around and see Squirrel Girl, dressed in full gear and high-tech goggles standing with her arms folded. She smirks.
We then cut to Squirrel Girl attacking the robbers. Despite her small stature, she easily overpowers them. One of the men points a rifle at her, but she grabs it and points it upwards as it fires and kicks him aside. Another man throws a knife at her, but she grabs it with her tail and tosses it away. She then unleashes her knuckle spikes to cut through the mans armor.
We then cut to Doreen untying the victims, with the robbers knocked out beside them. She takes a purse out of one of the robbers' hands and hands it to one of the hostages.
Here ya go!
She walks off with her squirrel army as the hostages look on in awe.
Doreen steps out of a stall, where she has changed into a waitress's outfit. She stuffs her gear and clothing into a bag and tidies herself up a little in the mirror. Just as she's about to leave, she notices her tail is sticking out of her dress a little, so she tucks it in.
Doreen is waiting for a train. She looks around solemnly. There is hardly anyone at the station even though it's midday. Sighing, pulls her purse strap tighter on her shoulder.
Doreen rushes through the diner kitchen where her boss is waiting for her.
Hey, right on time. How you doin', kid?
Oh, I'm fine. Still no luck on the roommate search, though.
Oh, that's a bummer.
How's the dining room looking? Did we make it to half-capacity this time?
Eh, not exactly, but...
(He chuckles as he opens the door to the dining room.)
You've got a hell of a first customer.
Doreen's eyes widen when she sees Steve, wearing a baseball cap, sitting at a table by the window. He gives her a friendly wave.
We cut to Doreen sitting across from Steve at the table.
Can I just say, I... I am such a huge fan! Like, even before you came out of the ice, I literally had posters of you all over my wall!
Oh, wait, that's creepy, isn't it?
Steve shrugs.
Anyway, I... I never thought you guys would find me. I-I mean, I hoped you would, 'cause you guys are awesome and all, but I just didn't think it would be this soon and... okay, I'll shut up now.
So, how exactly does one get squirrel powers, anyway?
Honestly? I have no idea. I was born like this. My DNA is just... different. The doctors told my parents they have a name for people like me. They call us mutants.
Mutants? So there are more people with altered DNA?
Supposedly. I mean, I've never met one before.
They could be hiding it. You do.
That's true. My parents always told me I had to keep my mutation hidden. They didn't want people to be afraid of me. I didn't want to feel different but... I was always afraid to get close to people.
So no one else knows?
My best friend Nancy did, but she... you know... the snap.
How many did you lose?
Everyone. My parents. My family. Nancy. Even Mr. Lieberman...
Who's Mr. Lieberman?
My pet squirrel.
But after Thanos, when things started getting bad... I don't know. I couldn't just sit back and do nothing, you know?
Why did you come looking for me?
Steve takes a deep breath.
We think we may have found a way to bring them back.
All of them?
There's no guarantees, but... we have to at least give this a shot. There's a lot we'll have to fill you in on, though.
I'm not sure how much help I can be. I mean, I doubt most people would be proud to say they were saved by a giant squirrel.
I think, when it comes down to it, most people in trouble would be grateful to have anyone.
Doreen smiles and shrugs.
Look, I don't know what your folks told you about your abilities. I'm sure they were just trying to protect you. But what you can do? That's a gift. And it's nothing to be ashamed of. And with this plan we have... well, we're gonna need all the help we can get. So, what do you say? Are you in?
Doreen pauses for a moment, then smiles.
Steve grins. Suddenly, the boss enters the dining room again.
Hey, Doreen, I'm not paying you to fangirl!
Uh, I... sorry...
(She abruptly stands up and takes out her notepad.)
Um... Can I... get you anything?
You know, my buddy and I used to eat at this diner when we were kids. I was surprised it's still open.
Yeah. Do you guys still have the best burgers in New York?
I'll let you be the judge of that.
She gives him a wink and heads into the kitchen.
Steve leads Tony into the compound, where Doreen is working on a holographic screen.
Tony, meet Ms. Doreen Green. Mutant and computer science student at Empire State University.
Uh, former student, actually. I kind of left after the whole world... went to shit.
(She shakes Tony's hand.)
Hi, it's such an honor to meet you! I hope you don't mind, some of your computers systems were a bit outdated so I took the liberty of fixing them for you. Also, I recalibrated the data retrieval and processing systems, so those should be up to speed now.
(to Steve)
I thought you said she just talked to squirrels.
Doreen is showing the photo of her and Nancy with Thor on her phone to Thor.
Yes, I... I do remember this photo, Lady Doreen. I'm very sorry about your friend.
Well, that's why we're here, isn't it? I really hope Nancy can meet you again when this is all over. She's a huge fan! She named her cat "Mewnir" after your old hammer and even wrote these fan-fiction comics where you were a cat! It was called "Cat Thor"!
Thor raises an eyebrow and smiles.
Thor, clean up your beer cans! This place reeks!
Thor rolls his eyes and leaves. Doreen catches Tony walking around and rushes up to him.
Hey, Tony, could I ask you something?
You already did.
Doreen rolls her eyes.
I was thinking of bringing your Binarily Augmented Retro-Framing device with us when we go to 2012 New York.
You mean BARF?
You seriously need to get a better name for that.
Eh, it sticks in the head better. Why do you want to bring it?
I was thinking of using it on Loki. I didn't want to bring it up in front of Thor, since I figured it's kind of a sore subject for him, but if his brother knows anything about the infinity stones, it could tell us how to use them-
Absolutely not.
What? Why? Come on, Loki was sent by Thanos to come here, he must know something that could help us!
Our job is to get the stones and get out. That's it. We're not taking unnecessary risks by messing with people in the past.
I can handle it! Just give me the device! I'll be in and out like that!
I'm sorry, kid, my answer is no.
Doreen sighs.
(She holds up her pet squirrel, Tippy-Toe.)
But can we at least make a time travel suit for Tippy?
Doreen is snooping around the tower while the Avengers keep an eye on their past selves. She notices Hydra agents disguised as SHIELD agents walking around.
How did you not know those guys were Hydra? I mean, they just look evil!
Wait, those guys are Nazis? Can I punch them?!
No! Stay focused!
Suddenly, a robotic voice is heard from inside Doreen's utility belt.
Binarily augmented retro-framing system activated.
Oh shit.
She frantically reaches in her pocket to try and shut it off.
What was that?
Uh, nothing.
That sounded like your BARF-tech, Tony.
Uh, I'm sorry, did you steal my BARF-tech?
No, I borrowed it.
I'm pretty sure "borrowing" implies that you asked.
I'm gonna give it back!
You better. You break it, you bought it, fuzzy.
Loki collapses to the ground from the impact of the Hulk's rampage. Doreen rushes to the scene and freezes when she sees the tesseract lying near him.
Oh no...
She dives on the ground to grab it at the same time as Loki. They look up and face each other, mystified when they realized they are both holding onto the tesseract. With a flash of blue, they disappear together.
Doreen slowly opens her eyes, groaning in pain. She lifts herself up and takes in her surroundings. The ground appears to be covered in a deep violet soil and the night sky is pitch black. Aside from a few bare trees in the distance, the place seems empty. Doreen clutches her time device on her wrists and speaks into it.
Hello? Is anyone there? Tony? Steve? Can anyone hear me?
She waits a moment. There is silence on the other end.
Ugh, great.
Suddenly, we see Tippy-Toe in a small time-travel suit rushing towards her and jumping in her arms. Doreen gives her a few gentle strokes on the back.
Hey, buddy.
Tippy-Toe gives a few squeaks.
No, I have no idea where we are.
She stands up and looks around, freezing when she notices what appears to be a crater in the distance. She runs up to it and sees Loki lying in a large hole in the ground, with the tesseract beside him. His body is bleeding and covered in bruises.
Holy shit...
She rushes down the crater to Loki's body and checks him for a pulse.
He's still breathing...
(She takes a bandage out of her utility belt and tosses it to Tippy-Toe.)
Tippy, stop the bleeding while I get the machine set up.
Tippy-Toe squeaks in protest.
Because I said so, now help me out here a little!
Tippy-Toe begrudgingly takes the bandage in her mouth and begins bandaging Loki's head.
Thank you.
(She starts setting up Tony's device.)
Actually... It's a good thing he's unconscious. It'll make this a lot easier.
She turns to look at the tesseract lying on the ground and hesitantly picks it up.
Um... I'll just... take that.
She puts it in a pocket in her utility belt.
We cut to Doreen scrolling through a holographic screen. The device has been set up, with the necessary parts attached to Loki's head.
Here we go...
She presses a button and a flash of blue transforms the area into a spaceship dungeon. Behind her, Doreen hears someone gasping in pain. She turns around to see 2011 Loki being held up by what appears to be an electrical current. His face is pale and sweaty, and his eyes are sunken. Doreen slowly approaches him.
As if momentarily forgetting she is in a simulation, she starts to reach out to touch his face. Suddenly, we hear a door open behind her. Nebula, Gamora, and Thanos enter. Startled, Doreen backs away as they approach Loki.
We found him in the void. He was just floating listlessly.
The fallen king of Asgard...
He presses a button on the wall that shuts off the electric current, causing Loki to collapse to the floor. He lets out a weak wail of pain. Thanos and his daughters step closer to him as he slowly lifts up his head to look at them.
K-kill me... P-please...
Nebula clicks her knife open, unleashing a large blade.
Shall we oblige him, father?
(He lifts Loki up.)
Perhaps there is some merit in keeping him alive. He is a boy... Lost... afraid... But I sense ambition in him... A lust for power... He may serve us well if he sees what we can offer him in return.
N-no... I... Th-there is nothing... you can offer me... Wh-whatever this is... I want no part of it.
After a pause, Thanos slowly unveils the mind stone scepter with magic in his hand. Wide-eyed, Doreen slowly starts to back away as she looks on.
Then again... A little persuasion can't hurt from time to time...
He presses the scepter to Loki's head, causing the mind stone to glow. Loki screams in agony as its power overwhelms him. Doreen gasps and covers her mouth in horror. With a sinister grin, Thanos presses the scepter harder, causing Loki's screams to grow louder. Mortified, Doreen frantically slams the off button on the device, causing the simulation to disappear. As she takes deep breaths, trying to collect herself, we see Loki's body disappear in a flash of green, as the real Loki appears behind her, untouched and unscarred. He was never really injured.
I don't know if anyone's ever told you this...
Doreen gasps and whirls around.
...but it's quite rude to look into someone else's mind without their permission.
I... I-I'm sorry, I just thought maybe Thanos told you something about the stones-
Unfortunately, he did not. Thanos only ever told me what he felt I needed to know.
Doreen slowly backs away as he stalks towards her.
I know you have the tesseract in your possession.
Doreen's hand instinctively goes to the pocket in her utility belt.
I'm afraid I can't let you leave with that.
As Tippy-Toe jumps on her shoulder, Doreen grabs her time device.
Sorry to disappoint you.
She tries pressing a button on the device to send her back to the present, but nothing happens. As she repeatedly tries pressing the button, she sees a shimmer of green surrounding the device. Suddenly, Loki strikes her from behind. They fight, with Doreen struggling to overpower him. A dagger emerges in Loki's hand and he stabs her shoulder. Doreen screams and grabs his hand before he can strike again. Before Loki's strength can overwhelm her, Doreen unleashes her knuckle spikes and cuts his face, making a gash on his cheek. Loki recoils and raises his hand to the cut in shock. Eyes wide, Doreen backs away and tries to run, but Loki knocks her onto the ground, sending the tesseract flying.
Doreen and Loki continue to fight. At one point, Tippy-Toe jumps onto Loki's face, blocking his vision. As Loki fumbles with the squirrel, Doreen rushes for the tesseract. She dives on the ground, but when she tries to grab it, her hand goes right through it in a green shimmer. Her face falls. It was just another illusion. As she lies on the ground, Loki approaches her, towering over her with a triumphant grin. He has the tesseract in his hand, chuckling darkly.
This is who the mighty Avengers sent to stop me? Pathetic.
He kicks Doreen in the face and turns to leave.
If you bring that to Thanos, you're dead. He'll kill you.
Loki pauses and turns around, visibly amused by her comment.
Is that so? And pray tell, why would he do that?
Why wouldn't he? You're just a pawn to him. You really think Thanos gives a damn about you? About what you want? He's using you! And you know it!
Loki's smile fades and his jaw tightens.
You don't know the first thing about it. It's merely a transaction. I give Thanos the tesseract, he gives me my throne. That's all there is to it.
Doreen picks herself up and tries to approach him, but he blocks her with a green magic shield.
Loki, listen to me, please! The tesseract is one of the infinity stones. If Thanos gets all six, he's going to wipe out half of all life in the universe! Trillions would die, including people on Asgard, and you'd barely even have a kingdom left to rule! Is that what you want?!
Loki freezes in shock.
How would you know that?
Because I was there when it happened.
Doreen is trying to make a fire with a few bundles of wood she gathered as Loki paces around, visibly troubled.
So, Asgard is destroyed... and half the people are dead... Assuming, of course, I am to believe this story of yours.
Oh, I'm sorry, who's the god of lies here?
She gives a little cheer as the wood pile lights up in flames. Loki stops his pacing to look at her.
You don't know anything about this planet, do you?
Gee, how could you tell?
Well, for one thing, you're burning netmook wood, which emits a toxic fume when set ablaze...
Oh, God!
She frantically kicks dirt onto the fire, extinguishing it.
Why did you even come here, anyway?
It's one of the most remote places in the galaxy. It won't stop Thanos' army from finding me... but it'll at least buy me some time.
(He grins.)
And, actually, I was joking about the netmook wood... It's completely harmless.
Doreen scowls at him.
With a wave of Loki's hand, a green fire appears on the wood pile. Doreen sits down to warm her hands. A green shimmer appears on her face, and she touches her cheek, where a cut has disappeared.
Loki sits down beside her.
How is Thor?
Miserable. He's changed... a lot.
He really misses you. You were the only family he had left.
Loki looks down solemnly for a moment, then glances at Doreen.
You know, I don't recall most mortals having a tail.
Doreen lets out a light laugh.
They don't. I was born different. I've had to hide it my whole life... well, at least until now.
I... suppose I understand what that's like. I'm actually not Asgardian. I was born a Frost Giant. But I didn't know until I was much older. Of course, then I knew everyone would fear me for what I was...
I thought that if I could be an Avenger, I could at least make the most out of being different. I looked up to them for years... I thought if I could prove myself to them, maybe I wouldn't have to be afraid anymore. But I was so stupid! I should've known I wasn't cut out for this... I stole Tony's tech for nothing and now I've messed up their entire plan... I couldn't even face you without getting my ass kicked!
Loki clears his throat awkwardly.
Well, um... you were quite an impressive fighter... for a mortal, that is. I-I didn't really mean what I said earlier, I was just trying to intimidate you... Of course, your stance could use work, and your techniques are a bit sloppy-
Wait, are you trying to make me feel better?
What? Well, I-
Because that's... actually really sweet. I mean, you completely suck at it, but...
Loki rolls his eyes and stands up to leave.
No, no, no, I'm just kidding! Sorry, I... It was just a joke. Thanks, really.
Loki smiles a little and sits back down.
In all seriousness, you are stronger than you believe. Having faith in yourself is the most powerful weapon you can possess.
Doreen smiles and nods.
Loki, I... about what Thanos... what he did to you... I had no idea. I'm so sorry you had to go through that.
Loki turns away, his expression solemn.
Why didn't you tell anyone?
Loki lets out a bitter laugh.
You honestly think anyone would believe me if I had?
Doreen's face falls. Suddenly, Tippy-Toe starts angrily squeaking at him.
Oh, uh, this is Tippy-Toe. Sorry, she kind of hates you 'cause she said your Chitauri army blew up her stash of acorns back in New York...
I know. She's expressing her anger with rather foul language.
You speak squirrelese?
I have the power of all-speak. It allows me to understand all languages in the universe.
Doreen looks impressed.
Does it... feel better to be open with your identity now?
I don't know. It's... weird, definitely, but... I think in a good way. I'm just not used to it. My dad was always so strict about keeping it a secret. I love him and I miss him, but he could be really hard on me sometimes. I guess... he just wanted to keep me safe.
My birth father abandoned me and left me to die because he thought I was too small.
Wow. What a dick.
(After a pause, she stands up.)
Loki, I know this is a lot to process, but I really can't leave here without the tesseract.
Loki stands up as well.
Doreen, I am sorry, truly I am, but I can't give it to you. I know your future is in peril, but I have my own future to think about. The tesseract is the only bargaining chip I have against Thanos. If he truly is as ruthless as you say, giving it to him might be the only way to convince him to spare my life.
I could bring it back! After we're done with it in the future, I could bring it here to this exact spot in time. It would be like it never left!
Loki scoffs and starts to object, but Doreen interrupts him.
And because I know you think I'm going to double-cross you... Tippy?
Tippy-Toe's ears perk up.
You stay here with Loki until I come back, okay?
Tippy-Toe lets out a few squeaks in protest, but reluctantly hops to Loki's side.
Now I have to keep my promise!
Even so, this is beyond risky. What if you don't make it back?
You told me to have faith in myself. Now I'm asking you to have a little faith in me.
Loki looks down and shakes his head.
I would be the biggest fool in the nine realms to leave my fate in the hands of a mortal...
Doreen's face falls. After a moment, Loki extends his hand, where the tesseract appears. He places it in Doreen's hands.
Then again... I've been a fool for so long now... One more time couldn't hurt.
Doreen looks down at the tesseract in her hands in disbelief. When she meets Loki's eyes again, he gives her a small nod. Ecstatic, she grins and gives him a kiss on the cheek. Shocked, he recoils back slightly.
Oh, Loki, thank you! I won't let you down, I promise!
Suddenly, Loki freezes. He makes a strangled, choking sound as his face contorts in terror.
Loki collapses on the ground and starts convulsing, gasping for air.
Loki?! What's happening?!
She grabs him and turns his face towards hers.
(in a strangled voice)
Horrified, Doreen looks up to see THE OTHER materializing onto the planet.
We cut to The Other stalking toward Loki, clenching his fist, making Loki's choke harder. Doreen is nowhere to be seen. Loki lets out an agonized groan.
You fool... You really thought you could run from us? I told you there would be no escape.
(He glances at the tesseract, which is lying beside Loki.)
Now, you will give Him what is rightfully His...
The Other reaches to collect the tesseract, only to have it disappear in a green shimmer. It was just an illusion. Furious, The Other looks up to see Loki giving him a weak grin.
You knave! Where is the tesseract?!
We cut to Doreen and Tippy-Toe running away. Doreen crouches behind a purple rock and starts to set the time-travel device for the present. As she is about to press the button to go home, she glances back at Loki, who is screaming in agony as The Other shocks him with his scepter. She bites her lip in contemplation.
We cut to The Other brutally torturing Loki with his scepter.
Tell me where it is!
I would rather die.
As you wish...
The Other strengthens his choke on Loki, watching as the life starts to drain out of his eyes. Suddenly, a surge of blue power blasts The Other out of the way. Gasping for air, Loki rolls over to see what happened. His eyes widen. Doreen is holding the tesseract, her body glowing with a blue haze. She is wielding its power. As The Other moves to attack, she strikes again. Loki and Doreen begin fighting him together, Loki with his magic, and Doreen with her powers and the tesseract. Eventually, Doreen is caught in a standoff with The Other. They are both grasping the tesseract, trying to take it from the other. A few cracks start to form on the cube. Doreen's eyes widen. Suddenly, the cube bursts, sending Doreen and The Other flying. Loki rushes over to Doreen, helping her up.
Are you alright?
Doreen looks up, her face falling at what she sees. The Other is lying dead on the ground, with smoke rising from his body. Beside him, the tesseract has shattered into hundreds of pieces.
No, no, no, no...
She desperately tries to scramble up as many pieces as she can, but it is no use. Defeated, she collapses back onto the ground.
What were you thinking?! I told you to go!
I couldn't!
Why?! Your world was at stake, you should've left when you had the chance-
I wasn't just gonna let you die!
Loki freezes. After a pause, he slowly sinks to kneel beside her as she cries.
What have I done...? This is all my fault... The Avengers... Everything they've done, I've just wasted... I'm a failure...
Doreen, look at me.
Doreen glances at him with teary eyes.
You are no failure. What you did... I've never seen anyone wield the tesseract like that. You unlocked its power. It chose you.
Why? I... I don't understand...
You don't have to.
Doreen sniffles and wipes her eyes.
At least... with the tesseract destroyed... your future is safe. Thanos can never collect all of the stones now.
Loki looks down with guilt.
What about your future?
Doreen looks down.
We'll... we'll be okay. I guess... we'll just have to move on.
They both stand.
I... I'd... better go.
(Tippy-Toe hops on her shoulder again.)
What will you do?
I suppose I'll have to stay here until the bifrost is rebuilt. After that... well, my father will most likely imprison me for my crimes.
Please tell them the truth about what happened to you. Even if your father doesn't believe you... I'm sure Thor will. Someone has to.
Loki nods slowly.
Doreen adjusts her time travel device on her wrist and glances at Loki one last time. They exchange a sad look. Suddenly, Doreen hugs him.
Goodbye, Loki.
She and Tippy-Toe disappear. Loki is left looking over the area where they were for a moment. As he starts to walk away, he suddenly notices the tesseract shards beginning to rise...
The Avengers all return from their time travel journeys... all except for Natasha. Doreen immediately rushes towards Tony.
Tony, I'm so sorry, I couldn't get the tesseract back, I really tried-
Whoa, whoa, whoa, calm down, kid. We got the tesseract.
Doreen freezes.
You did?!
Tony nods and taps his briefcase.
Oh, thank God...
Everyone freezes when they notice Clint standing without Nat.
Clint? Where's Nat?
Clint collapses to his knees.
As Tony is working on the gauntlet, a hand suddenly places the BARF-tech device on his desk. Tony raises an eyebrow to see Doreen standing there with her head down. He picks up the device to examine it.
I'm sorry I stole your tech. I was just trying to prove that I could do something useful. I know that's really stupid and immature, and I totally get it if you want me to leave. I can pack my stuff up now-
Do you know how long it took my guys to program this thing to work on an unconscious brain?
Two months. It took them two months to do what you did in two minutes.
Doreen freezes.
You know, I took a look at your records from Empire State. You were one impressive student. Top of your class. Why'd you leave?
I... I don't know. I guess... after Thanos, I just didn't really see the point anymore.
Tony thinks for a moment.
I actually had to put the augmented reality department on hold for a little bit. We had some issues with the guy that was running it a couple years back, and higher-ups were complaining about costs, but since I don't have to worry about that anymore... I want you to hang onto this.
Are you serious?
Totally serious. Tinker around with it a little, see what you can do. We could use a new face handling the department.
He extends his hand for Doreen to take it.
I... oh my God, I-
He pulls his hand away before she can take it.
On one condition: Whatever happens today, whether we win or lose, you go back to school. Get your degree. Get your shit together. Because you've got a brilliant mind and I don't want to see that go to waste, you understand me?
Doreen grins.
You sure?
You promise?
Uh huh.
He hands her the device and heads out.
And next time you steal one of my gadgets, be sure to return it on time or I'm gonna start charging late fees!
Doreen grins.
After the explosion that destroyed the Avengers Compound, Doreen wakes up underground, surrounded by a pile of rubble. She sits up and sees her high-tech goggles have been crushed.
She tosses them and tries to stand up, letting out a cry of pain. Her leg has a huge gash in it. Working quickly, she takes out a bandage roll from her utility belt and patches up her leg. Suddenly, she sees something glowing from underneath a pile of rubble. She stands up and cleans the object off. It is Tony's gauntlet.
Oh my God...
She scoops it in her arms, trying to make her way out of the maze of ruins. She suddenly bumps into Clint.
Oof! Oh... hey, are you okay?
Clint dusts himself off.
Yeah, I'm fine. What the hell happened?
I think someone followed us from the past.
Clint glances at the gauntlet in Doreen's arms.
Well, whoever they are, we need to make sure they don't get their hands on that. Did you see where-
They suddenly hear a low growling sound in the distance. Clint readies his bow, aiming at the sound.  Through the dim emergency light of the tunnels, they can see the outlines of Thanos' monsters creeping towards them. Doreen whistles and hands him the gauntlet.
Here. Take this. We'll deal with them.
Yeah! I called for backup!
Suddenly, a giant group of squirrels squeezes through the cracks in the rubble, ready to fight. Clint takes the gauntlet and flees. Doreen and her army rush towards the monsters and begin fighting.
We cut to another part of the ruins, where Rocket is scrambling to make his way out. Water is pooling into the area, threatening to drown him.
Hey! Can anyone hear me?! I need help! Get me out of here!
We see Scott, in his microscopic form, in another area.
I hear you! Just give me a second!
I don't have a second!
Scott starts running.
I'm trying to get to you, buddy, but I don't know how long it's going to take! I don't think it's safe to expand here...
Ooh! I can help with that! Hey, Monkey Joe, could you give the nice man a lift?
Monkey who?!
He sees a squirrel barreling towards him.
Monkey Joe tosses Scott onto his back and starts running towards Rocket. Once he reaches him, Scott is able to get them both to safety.
We cut to Doreen and the squirrels fighting the monsters. Tippy-Toe tries to attack one, but it rips it off its face and tosses it aside.
She pounces on it and begins beating it with her fists, emphasizing each word with a punch.
We cut to Rocket holding a grenade.
I got it. This'll blast those creepy suckers outta the sky.
He presses a button, activating the grenade, and drops it down into the ruins.
Isn't Doreen still down there?
We cut to Doreen fighting the monsters. Suddenly, she notices all of the squirrels are disappearing into the cracks.
Huh? Hey, where are you guys all going?
(She freezes when she sees the grenade by her feet.)
As the explosion rocks the tunnels, Scott and Rocket wince. They suddenly see Doreen crawling out of the ruins. She is panting and covered in soot.
Would you guys mind giving me a heads-up before you send in the grenade next time?
Rocket and Scott give her a sheepish grin.
Everyone who was dusted is emerging from the portals. Dr. Strange looks around at all of the people gathered.
Is that everyone?
What, you wanted more?
Wait, hang on.
He forms another portal where present-day Loki falls onto the ground. Loki dusts himself off and scowls at Stephen.
Do you have to do that every time?!
Stephen shrugs. Thor freezes when he sees his brother standing before him. Loki's face falls as Thor begins to walk toward him slowly, his expression dark and unreadable. Loki starts to back away.
Look, I realize this is becoming something of a tradition between us, but I swear it was all for the best. If you would just give me a moment to explain, I'm sure you would understand that my death was in Asgard's best interest and I had no other alternative but to-
He freezes when he see's Thor's new physique... or lack thereof.
What... the hell... happened to YOOOOUUU-
Thor squeezes him with a bone-crushing hug. When he lets go, there are tears in his eyes.
It's good to have you back, Loki.
Loki smiles, his own eyes beginning to well up.
It's good to see you too, brother.
How have you come back?
Well... I was resting in the afterlife, when I received a visit from my past self. He told me of a very special mortal who saved his life and granted him the tesseract, which allowed him to travel through time. It also gave me the power to restore my body and return my soul to the land of the living.
He winks at Doreen, who blushes and grins.
Still... it was a shame to leave. It was wonderful to see mother again. Valhalla is also quite lovely this time of year...
Wait... I thought the tesseract was destroyed!
Loki smirks and conjures up the tesseract in his hand. Doreen's jaw drops.
(She laughs.)
You really are an asshole, you know that?
They hear someone clear their throat behind them. Tony, Steve, Bruce, and Clint look at them with a stern, distrustful glance.
What is he doing here?
I've come here to aid you in your fight against Thanos.
Yeah, last time you were here, you were working for Thanos.
That wasn't his choice. Tony, I saw what happened to him. Thanos tortured him. He forced him into it.
I know I am far from blameless for what has happened. But I have a score to settle with Thanos too. And I want to help my people, same as all of you.
Why should we trust you now?
I've got red in my ledger... I'd like to wipe it out.
Clint's eyes widen. After a moment, a hint of a smile grows on his face.
We cut to Thor lifting Doreen up with a crushing hug.
Thank you for bringing my brother back, Lady Doreen!
(She awkwardly pats him on the back.)
Yep, I love you too, big guy...
An assortment of scenes during the battle (in no particular order)
During the scene where all of the female Avengers team up, Loki starts to join them, but Doreen stops him.
Hey! Um, excuse me? Ladies first!
Loki shifts into LADY LOKI.
Is this better?
Doreen smirks.
You're hilarious.
We cut to Loki and Doreen fighting together. A monster sends a rock tumbling towards them and appears to crush them. Suddenly, a hand taps the monster on the shoulder from behind. The monster turns around and a green shimmer reveals the real Loki and Doreen. Doreen punches the monster, sending him flying. Doreen and Loki smirk and share a fist bump.
We cut to Thor and Loki fighting together.
We should do get help-
Don't even think about it.
We cut to Clint, who is fighting off some of the monsters. As they begin to gang up on him, they start to overwhelm him. He collapses to the ground, trying to push them off of him. Just as one is about to slit his throat, it is stabbed from behind. The rest are magicked away. The stabbed monster collapses and we see Loki standing behind it. Clint stares at him in awe.
Don't mention it.
We cut to Dr. Strange, Wanda, and Loki standing together. The camera pans around the trio as they charge up their magic.
God, these things are everywhere...
What, you've never fought a demonic horde before? Thor and I used to do it every week. It's a been our favorite past time since we were children!
Good for you. You don't need to brag.
Will both of you shut up?
As she flies off, Stephen and Loki raise an eyebrow at each other.
We cut to Wanda as she uses her magic to lift Thanos up, along with several rocks. Doreen jumps onto the rocks to leap onto Thanos’ shoulder, unleashing her knuckle spikes and digging them into his face. Thanos screams, overwhelmed by the two women attacking him. Using the stones, he eventually manages to send Doreen and Wanda flying. As he turns away, we see that Doreen has gouged his eye out. Wanda uses her magic to clear a pile of rocks off of Doreen.
Oof! Thanks
(She extends her hand to Wanda.)
Oh! Hi! I’m Doreen!
Wanda smiles.
After Tony's death, all the Avengers begin to kneel. Loki is standing by Doreen and Thor's side, both of whom are crying. After hesitating, Loki kneels beside them, looking at Tony's body solemnly.
At Tony's funeral, we see Nancy hugging Doreen, who is crying. Later, Doreen approaches Loki, who is standing alone on the porch.
He turns around at the sound of her voice.
I... wanted to say thank you.
Whatever for?
For believing in me. When I didn't believe in myself.
Well, I guess that wasn't you, you, it was the past you, but... whatever, it still counts.
Loki smiles.
No, my dear, it is I who should be thanking you. You showed me unconditional kindness when no one else did.
(He gives a small bow.)
My most sincere gratitude, Lady Doreen. I owe you my life. I don't know how I could ever repay you.
Tippy-Toe crawls on his shoulder and squeaks at him.
You could start by giving Tippy those acorns you owe her. You know... whenever you get the chance.
I will... certainly make a note of that.
He gives Tippy-Toe a few awkward pets.
So, now what? Are you gonna try and take over New Asgard?
Loki laughs.
I think Asgard has had enough of my rule. No, I believe I'll accompany my brother on whatever ridiculous journeys he has planned. We do have a lot of catching up to do, after all. Also...
(He conjures the tesseract in his hand.)
I believe this will allow me to travel to some... entertaining places in time. I trust you won't tell anyone?
Well, I don't know, that depends. Are you gonna kill anybody?
Loki laughs.
I will try to avoid it.
Doreen shrugs.
Eh, good enough for me.
What about you? What will you do?
Well, I made a promise to Tony that I'd go back to school, so that's what I'm gonna do. Besides, I couldn't let Nancy finish her senior year of college alone.
They turn to Nancy, who is enthusiastically showing Thor her "Cat Thor" comics in the distance.
And this is Cat Thor's mighty hammer, Mewnir, which he uses to defeat the evil Laufur, leader of the bad dogs!
She's a big fan.
Loki chuckles.
How did the past you know to find you in Valhalla?
He didn't. He had a little help... with this.
(He tosses the tracking device she placed on him to her.)
A word of advice: Next time you want to track someone, do tell Tippy-Toe to be more subtle about it.
Doreen grins sheepishly.
Of course, I expected all of you to enact your little time-travel experiment three days earlier, but better late than never, I suppose...
Doreen freezes.
You knew what was going to happen...
But of course! Why do you think I got myself killed by Thanos in the first place? My plan was risky, but at least if I died, Thanos wouldn't be able to stop me.
(Slowly understanding)
Thanos couldn't kill you if you were already dead... But... but how did you know I would get my hands on the tesseract? And use its power and everything? And...
My gift of foresight may not be as strong as my mother's, but...
(He winks at her.)
I know a special mortal when I see one.
Doreen blushes.
Oh! I almost forgot!
She hands him a golden locket with an imprint of his helmet.
I made this for you. I wanted to apologize for, you know... stalking you without your permission. This locket lets me see where you are if you're ever in trouble. If you need me at all, I'll be there.
I know it's not much, but... I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate everything you've done for me.
So... your way of apologizing to me for tracking my location is... tracking my location again?
I can only see it if you want me to!
(She pulls out a matching locket.)
I have one too, see? Just press this button here, and I can see where you are, anywhere in the galaxy.
She presses the button and a holographic screen of their location appears on both of their lockets.
I also put your little horns on it, 'cause I thought it'd be cute!
Loki smiles as she shuts the lockets off.
I'll keep it with me. I promise.
Well... I guess I'll see you around. Bye, Loki.
Goodbye, Doreen.
She heads off, leaving Loki to admire his new gift. Suddenly, she runs back and hugs him, catching him off-guard. After a moment of confusion, he smiles and returns the hug.
Post-Credits Scene
Doreen and Morgan are sitting in Morgan's room, where they are talking to Thor, Loki, and the Guardians of the Galaxy through a holographic screen. Thor is swigging a glass of whiskey as they talk.
See, this is why I'm the best nanny. Like, who else is gonna let you facetime with people thousands of light years away?
Enough stalling. We must resume our game.
Right. Whose turn is it?
I believe it is Loki's turn!
Okay, Loki, truth or dare?
Hmm... Truth.
Oh, please, you're incapable of telling the truth.
I am not!
Okay... is it true that you did it with a horse?
Because I read in a Norse mythology book that you did it with a horse and then gave birth to a horse with eight legs, and... I don't know, that just seems super weird, like even for you.
Thor and the Guardians of the Galaxy snicker.
What did he do with a horse?
Uh... I'll tell you when you're older.
Drax turns to Loki.
I am impressed, my friend. I did not know that equestrian women were your type.
They're not! Those rubbish Midgardian books are full of lies!
I don't know, brother, you always seemed fond of the horses in the royal stables growing up...
Is that why you did it with a horse?
I didn't do anything with a horse!
Okay, okay, guys, let him be. I'm just teasing. Whose turn is it next?
I think it's your turn, Doreen. Truth or dare?
Hmm... I'll do a dare. Let's let Morgan decide! Morgan, what should I do?
Morgan whispers in her ear, and Doreen grins devilishly.
Ooh, yes! Okay, hang on a second.
She disappears into the next room. Suddenly, we see a flash of blue from the other room.
Doreen time travels to 2011 Asgard, where Thor is confronting Loki at the bifrost.
Why have you done this?!
To prove to father that I am a worthy son! When he wakes, I will have saved his life. I will have destroyed that race of monsters, and I will be true heir to the throne-
Suddenly, they are both hit with Valkyrie's obedience disks, which electrocute them both and cause them to collapse on the ground. Doreen, in her time-travel suit, steps over them.
Hey, uh, sorry to interrupt your little, uh, family drama over here. Do you mind if I borrow that really quick?
She scoops Loki's helmet off his head as he and Thor give her confused, exasperated looks as they convulse on the ground. She fumbles with the helmet, trying to place it on her head.
Oh my God, how do you wear this thing?
She manages to clumsily place it lopsided on her head.
Well, uh, thanks for that. I hope you can both resolve your issues in a peaceful, non-violent manner.
(She looks at Thor.)
Nice look, by the way. Really rocking the, uh, blonde eyebrows. Anyways, I got places to be, so I'll see ya!
(She starts to press her time-travel device on her wrist, but freezes.)
Ooh! I almost forgot!
With a flash of blue, Doreen rushes back into Morgan's room wearing Loki's helmet and holding Mjolnir. Everyone stares at her, jaws dropped and eyes widened.
Okay, I did it!
(She swings the hammer around.)
You know, this bad boy actually isn't as heavy as I thought it would be. I do have to return this stuff soon, though. I kind of left 2011 Thor and Loki electrocuted on the ground, and they'll probably be mad about that.
Anyway, whose turn is it next?
Frozen stock still, everyone continues to stare at her. Thor drops his whiskey glass on the ground.
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