#i love alpine and bucky 🥰
jobean12-blog · 4 months
Next Door to Love
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x female reader (Neighbor AU)
Word Count: 3,188
Summary: When you made the move to the city you never expected your new neighbor to be so sweet and helpful...or hot.
Author's Note: Because why not! Moving in across the hall from Bucky would be a dream, one I'd like to live out please and ty haha! Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics thank you Daisy!🥰
Warnings: fun and flirty, teasing and tension, a curse or two or three, Bucky is impatient and cocky in the best way!
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Last week
Your tired, fuzzy slipper clad feet drag along the floor as you trudge toward the door across the hall. You’re hoping someone is home. Someone who has sugar. Anyone.
You let out a quick exhale and lift your chin before rapping your knuckles against the wood. A frown starts to mar your forehead when you hear a sleepy mumble come from inside the apartment.
Shit, fuck, shit you woke him up. It’s a guy. Of course it is…because you don’t look like you just rolled off your mattress that still has no bedframe and tripped over twenty-five unopened boxes…etc, etc.
The door swings open revealing said guy…a hot-as-fuck guy. Naked, except for his unbuttoned jeans.
Oh hi neighbor.
Before you can stop it, your gaze instantly drops to the dark trail of hair below his bellybutton, framed by a set of abs that you could dry your laundry on.
You reel yourself in and lift your eyes to his which does nothing to help your declining focus. His hair is perfectly mussed from sleep, his chiseled jaw shadowed with dark stubble and his incredible blue eyes lined by dark lashes.
His hands are planted on either side of the door frame and with every passing second you’re mesmerized by flexing muscles in his chest and arms.
He drags a lazy hand through his unkept hair and smiles. Knowingly. Smugly.
“Can I help you doll?”
“Um…hi. I’m sorry if I woke you…it’s just…I moved in yesterday and haven’t gone shopping yet and I have no sugar. I need my coffee.”
“So you’re my new neighbor,” he croons. “Lucky me.”
You audibly swallow and hold up your coffee cup pleadingly.
“I’ll take care of ya doll.”
With a wink he holds up one long finger.
“Come on in and make yourself comfortable. I’ll be right back with that sugar.”
He spins on his heel and walks toward what you’re guessing is the kitchen and it should be considering your apartments are mirror images of each other.
You step inside and stand by the door to wait. You hear him rummaging around and then hear a crash followed by grumbled curses.
Before you can react the cutest white cat saunters out of the kitchen, looking quite proud with his fluffy tail held high and blue eyes unblinking.
“That’s Alpine,” he yells from the other room. “Don’t let his cuteness fool you. He’s a menace!”
You let your laughter ring out and then kneel down to give Alpine some scratches. The cat instantly warms up to you and presses himself against your leg, purring loudly.
“Ah, of course he likes you.”
You look up at the sound of your neighbors voice and reluctantly give up petting Alpine to take the offering of sugar.
“Thank you….?”
“Bucky,” he finishes for you. “Name’s Bucky.”
“Thanks Bucky,” you say with a smile and then introduce yourself.
You look back down at the cat that is now circling between Bucky’s bare feet. “And Alpine really is cute. I can’t imagine he’s a menace.”
“Just wait until you get to know him,” Bucky says. “Can I get you anything else doll?”
“No. Thank you and again I’m sorry if I woke you.”
“No problem at all. I had a late night at the office and I was just being lazy. If you need anything else just come by. Anytime.”
His lips turn up in a boyish grin and he winks again.
You can feel his eyes on you as you turn and walk out into the hall and toward your apartment. Just as you push your door open you look over your shoulder and catch him staring, his teeth dug deep into his bottom lip.
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The knock at your door startles you from your unpacking trance and from your spot on the floor, surrounded by open boxes and a mess of things, you ask, “who is it?”
“It’s Bucky…and I have food.”
Your smile is impossible to hide and you shout back, “come in!”
Bucky appears in the doorway with a pizza box.
“Hiya doll face,” he chimes. “I figured you’d need some fuel.”
You drag yourself out of the mess on the floor and hop up onto the edge of the counter.
“Thanks Bucky. I really appreciate it, but you’re spoiling me. What is it now…the third time this week you’re feeding me?”
He hands you a slice and then stands there, watching while you take a bite.
“And why not? You need to eat and I love to eat, might as well do it together!”
You laugh through your bite. “Then what motivated you to help with my furniture?”
He shrugs and grabs a slice of pizza, shoving half into his mouth before he answers.
“Perfect opportunity to show off my muscles.”
He waggles his brows suggestively and flexes a bicep.
“Double win for me,” you admit, licking your lips. “How will I ever repay you.”
He remains quiet for several moments while he studies you then asks, “how about a real dinner?”
“Pizza is the realest dinner there is!” you state with a mouthful.
“Let me take you out. For something other than pizza.”  
“Are you asking me on a date?”
“Would you say yes if I were?”
Your legs swing back and forth at the knee as you finish your bite and then place your slice of pizza down. You reach over the box and grab the marker you left out on the counter, placing it between your lips.
Watching him from under your lashes, you take his arm and roll up the sleeve of his Henley and when your fingertips make contact with the sensitive skin on his underside of his forearm you can feel his muscles tighten.
Your mouth curves around the marker at his reaction and you pluck it from between your lips and start writing on his skin.
“Now you’ve got my number. Text me and we’ll pick a date for our date.”
“Thank you,” he says, leaning in close and dropping his eyes to your mouth.
Your lips part with your small gasp of air and when his thumb lifts to brush along the corner of your mouth you let out a rush of air.
“Sauce,” he states before he licks his finger clean, his gaze locked on yours.
You nod as he steps back and pulls out his phone to dial your number on his arm. Your phone rings and he says, “and now you’ve got mine.”
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You spend the rest of your weekend unpacking and doing errands, running into Bucky only once in a frantic rush of laundry. He offers to help but you know if you let him you’ll become distracted and never get anything done. The two of you text back and forth, deciding on Saturday for your official date. No pizza involved.
The next morning you get another text from him.
“Morning doll face. Don’t forget an umbrella. Gonna rain later today.”
“Are you the weather man now?” you message back, smiling at your phone.
“Nah. Just a friendly neighbor.”
“Did you tell everyone in the building about the rain and remind them to bring an umbrella.”
“Just you…”
“Thanks, but I’m already half way to work sans umbrella.”
“Damn it. I knew I should have texted earlier. Now if you get caught in the rain it’ll be all my fault.”
“Hardly! I should have checked the weather. Can’t rely on you for everything can I?”
He sends a wink face.
“Is it Saturday yet?”
“Still only Monday morning. What’s Saturday?”
“Don’t tease me doll. I’ve been looking forward to this date since you showed up at my door lookin’ for sugar.”
“Have a good day Bucky.”
“You too doll…stay dry.”
You’re only two blocks from your apartment building when the sky opens up and the rain comes down in buckets. By the time you reach the doors you’re soaked through and cursing at yourself for forgetting an umbrella.
The door attendant lets you in with a sympathetic smile and as you’re sloshing past him and toward the elevator you hear Bucky’s voice.
“Oh doll. Look at you.”
He tugs his mail from the box and slams it shut, rushing toward you and taking your arm.
“Soaked,” you say sadly.
“I can see that,” he muses with a twitch of his perfect lips. “Come on, let’s get you upstairs and dry.”
The elevator doors open and you step inside with a shiver. He immediately starts to pull your jacket from your shoulders.
“What are you doing?” you ask without stopping him.
“You have to get out of this jacket. I’m sure your shirt is….”
He stops speaking when his eyes catch sight of your white button down, soaked through so that you can see the lace of your bra outlined against the fabric.
“Fuck,” he mutters, dragging his eyes back to your face. “Here.”
He shrugs off his damp jacket and then takes off his suit jacket and drapes it over your shoulders.
“But it’ll get all wet,” you protest.
“Don’t care. You can’t walk out of the elevator like that.”
His jaw is set in a hard line as his fingers work over the scruff that lines it. The elevator dings at your floor and he takes your hand, leading you out and checking the hallway.
“Why are you looking around like that?” you ask.
He turns back to you and tugs you closer. “I don’t wanna anyone seeing you.”
“Why not?”
“Because then I’ll have to kill them,” he states.
“Someone is acting a little jealous,” you giggle.
“Yeah well…we haven’t even had our first date yet. Can’t have someone looking at what’s about to be mine.”
“Yours,” you breathe out, not even realizing you’re now standing in front of your apartment door.
With shaky fingers you start to remove his suit jacket but before you can he stops you with a hand on your wrist.
“Don’t doll. Just keep it for now.”
“But we’re at the door. I’ll be fine.”
“Yeah, but if you take that off then I have to see you in your wet shirt again. And I’m not sure I’ll be able to control myself if I do.”
“Control yourself how?” you ask in a breathy whisper.
He responds with a pained groan before his mouth meets yours and he has you pressed against the door.
Even though your shirt is soaked through and your skin is cold you can feel the warmth of his body seep into yours. You wrap your arms around his neck to steady yourself and he lifts one hand to cup the back of your neck, tilting your head and deepening the kiss.
Your scrape your nails along his broad shoulders and he moans out your name.
“Fuck, I love having your hands on me.”
The desperation in his voice has you arching into him and you drop your head against the door, giving him access to trail his lips down your neck. Your fingers slide into his hair and tug at the soft strands. He growls into your skin and scrapes his teeth over your pulse point making you gasp his name.
“Oh I like that,” you whisper.
He does it again.
“You’re going to like everything I do to you doll face.”
His lips graze yours and he swallows your whimper, crowding you closer to the door before muttering out a curse and letting you both take a breath.
“Is it Saturday yet?” he asks, still breathless.
“Still Monday,” you answer, feeling just the same.
“Right,” he says, planting his hands on the door above your head and dropping his head forward.
A door down the hall opens and he pauses, straightening his body to hide your own. You both smile at the older lady who walks by with a questioning look.
When Bucky’s eyes return to you they drop to where he spread his jacket open to put his hands on you, your shirt sticking to your wet skin even more now.
He stares before reluctantly dragging his eyes up and taking the sides of the material and pulling them tightly around you.
You tremble.
“Still cold?” he asks, his eyes soft with worry.
“Hardly,” you answer and lean up to kiss the corner of his mouth.
“See you later Bucky.”
“I’m counting on it doll.”
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You spend the rest of the week juggling your time between work, texting Bucky and sleeping. You’ve only seen him once since Monday evening and that was for five minutes when he caught you coming home again but this time he had his friend Steve with him and there was no chance for any kissing.
Saturday morning rolls around and you wake up to a text from him.
“It is finally Saturday or am I dreaming?”
“It’s really Saturday!”
“Thank fuck! Can we start our date now?”
“No…I have to do girly things and prepare.”
“What kinds of things….?”
“I’ll see you tonight Buck.”
You can almost hear his groan through the phone.
“I’ll be at your door at 7 sharp.”
Bucky knocks on your apartment door at exactly the same time your phone clock hits 7:00pm. You grin at your best friend Nat before she gets up and walks toward the door.
“Oh girl. He’s hot!” a muffled voice says from the other side.
It isn’t yours so Bucky assumes it’s your friend.
“He’s at least a nine.”
Bucky scoffs, muttering, “a nine?” quietly to himself.
“Hey, I can hear you in there. Are you gonna open the door?” he asks the unknown voice.
The door swings open to reveal a red head who looks him over with two scrutinizing green eyes.
“Hi,” he smiles, holding out his hand. “I’m Bu…”
“Bucky,” she finishes. “I know who you are…question is…do you know who I am?”
“You must be Natasha,” Bucky answers with a smug smile.
“That’s right and I’m a black belt in jiu jitsu so you do anything I don’t like and I will end you.”
Bucky’s eyes light up and he watches Nat as she moves toward the kitchen.
“You almost ready doll face,” he yells, not taking his eyes off Nat in case she goes for a knife.
“I’m right here,” you say.
Bucky turns to find you standing right in front of him. His mouth drops open as his eyes sweep you up and down.
“This is where you say she looks amazing,” Nat admonishes from the kitchen, dangerously close to the knife rack.
However, Bucky’s eyes never leave you and when he steps into your space and wraps you in his arms, pulling you into his chest, you let out a squeal of delight.
“You look fucking gorgeous,” he says, loud enough for Nat to hear, then whispers, only for your ears, “I want to rip this dress off you.”
Your lips spread into a sly smile. “We made the right choice Nat.”
“Of course we did,” she chimes. “Now go. I’ll lock up.”
“I’m so ready,” he says, ushering you toward the door, but not before turning to Nat, still in the kitchen eyeing him warily, and asking, “I’m good with a nine, but just out of curiosity, what did I lose a point for?”
“You’re really gonna make me say it in front of you?” Nat asks.
“I wanna hear it too Nat,” you say, raising an expectant and skeptical brow.
“You didn’t shave.”
He runs the free hand, the one not wrapped around your waist, over his jaw.
“I didn’t get any complaints earlier this week,” Bucky says, eyes now sparkling with mischief.
“He’s right Nat,” you add. “I like it.”
Nat rolls her eyes and shoos you away.
Once you’re safely in the elevator and away from prying eyes Bucky invades your space, plastering you against the cool metal wall and caging you there with his large body.
“It almost killed me to not be kissing you for the past five minutes,” he says against your lips.
When you press into him and slide your body along his it sucks the breath right out of his lungs and fills them with something else. Need.
The kiss pulls a throaty groan from him and his belt buckle digs into your skin, the muscles hidden beneath his clothes, pressing and flexing over the thin material of your dress.
The elevator door dings and begins to slide open, causing you to give his chest a gentle shove.
“You’re trying to kill me, aren’t you?” he asks as he lifts a finger and traces your swollen lips.
“That would suck,” you reply. “I kind of like having you as a neighbor.”
After a delicious dinner at a roof top restaurant down town, Bucky walks you along the street, hand in hand, as you listen and laugh to his childhood stories about growing up in Brooklyn.
“Where are we going now?” you ask.
“It’s a surprise,” he says as he twirls you into his side and presses his fingers under your chin to steal a kiss.
As you get closer to your destination the bright lights sparkle and the smell of the ocean is carried on the warm breeze.
“Which bridge is that?” you ask with awe.
“The Brooklyn Bridge,” he tells you and grabs your hand to pull you along. “Come on. I have something to show you.”
When you reach the top of the look out he slides an arm around your waist and pulls your back to his chest.
“This is so beautiful Bucky,” you whisper.
He kisses your cheek and takes your chin between his fingers, turning your face up to his. “I always thought it was the most beautiful thing in the city…but not anymore.”
You’re thankful for his strong arms holding you up and after a sweet kiss you enjoy the view in comfortable silence for a few more minutes but his hands start to wander, soft and sure, and with each passing touch your body aches for more.
His warm breath fans across your neck and his arm moves lower until his hand grasps your hip and he pulls you back to feel the hardness between his legs.
You suck in a breath and fight the urge to move against him.
With a curse he pulls away and grabs your hand, dragging you toward the park under the bridge. The only lights come from the lit-up buildings across the street and when he finds a hidden spot he backs you against the cold stone but you’re too hot to care.
“Bucky,” you whisper as your hands roam over his broad chest.
His mouth brushes yours before he gently nips at your bottom lip.
“I can’t even keep my fucking hands off you long enough to bring you home,” he murmurs.
His fingers find the hem of your dress and he slides them under, slowly teasing the fabric higher until his hand brushes over the wetness on your panties.
“Please, Bucky,” you pant.
“Fuck, I love hearing you say my name like that,” he growls. “I need to get you home so I can hear you scream it for me.”
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@hiddles-rose @littleseasiren @randomfandompenguin @blackwidownat2814 @goldylions @buckysdollforlife @lizette50
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 2 months
New House and A Cat » 40s Bucky Barnes
Pairings: Husband!Bucky Barnes x Wife/Pregnant!Reader with Alpine
Summary: Bucky and Y/N move into their new house with their cat and have a baby on the way.
Warnings: Fluff, language, nothing but cuteness, kissing, use of pet names
A/N: I was curious to know what it would be like if Alpine was in the 1940s🥰 I hope y’all like this🩵
Written on my phone. I’m sorry for any mistakes and typos.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
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“Alpine, sweetie, you can’t be on the counter while we’re moving stuff in here.” You say, gently placing her on the floor.
Alpine meowed before walking over to the window and jumped up onto the window ledge and laid down. You smiled and looked at her for a moment before putting more dishes away. Bucky walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, placing his hands on your 3 month baby bump that’s starting to show.
“Doll, what did I tell you about lifting things?” Bucky asks softly, kissing your cheek.
“James, I’m 3 months pregnant, not made of glass.” You say.
“It’s better to be safe than sorry, babydoll.” He says.
“Fine.” You sighed, finally giving in. “I’ll sit outside on the porch and watch my husband and his best friend move our stuff in our new house.” You say, turning around and kissed his lips.
“That’s more like it.” He says, kissing you once more.
You walked outside to the porch and sat on one of the chairs with Alpine following behind you. Alpine jumped up onto your lap and made herself comfortable as the two of you watched Bucky and Steve take stuff inside of the new house. You gently pet Alpine, luring her to sleep.
“How are my girls doing?” Bucky asks, walking over to you and Alpine.
“I’m doing good, but I think moving took a lot of Alpine today.” You say, looking down at Alpine who’s sleeping comfortably on your lap.
“What about our other little one?” He asks, placing a hand on your baby bump.
“Baby Barnes is doing amazing.” You say with a smile, placing a hand on top of his.
Bucky leaned down and kissed you passionately, his hand remaining on your baby bump.
“Sorry to interrupt your moment, but I should get going so you guys can get settled in.” Steve says.
“Thank you for helping out, Stevie.” You give him a smile. “I’d give you a hug, but I kinda can’t at the moment.” You say, referring to the sleeping cat on your lap.
“It’s ok.” He says, leaning over to give you a hug.
“Just know, you’re welcome to come over anytime you want.” You tell him.
“Thank you, Y/N.” He smiles. “See you guys later.” He says.
“Bye Stevie.” You smiled and waved.
“See you later, punk.” Bucky says to him.
After taking the rest of the day to get settled in the new house, you took a moment and walked around the house, admiring what you and Bucky have and what you two have to share with your baby when he or she is born.
“What’re you doing, babydoll?” Bucky asks, wrapping his arms around you from behind.
“Just taking a look around.” You tell him. “I can’t believe all of this is ours.” You say, turning your head to look at him.
“You better believe it, doll.” He kisses your lips. “In a few months, we’ll be sharing all of this with our little one.” He says, making you smile.
You turned around and wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. Bucky’s hand found their way to your waist and gently pulled you against his body. You two smiled against each other’s lips when Alpine rubbed against your legs, wanting to get in on the attention. You two pulled away from each other and Bucky bend down to pick her up.
“How’re you liking the new house, princess?” Bucky asks her, gently scratching behind her ear.
Alpine purrs in approval. You two smiled at her. Bucky put her down so she can explore the new house more. Bucky places his hands on your waist and gently pulled you against his body, your baby bump against his stomach.
“I love you so much, doll.” Bucky says before kissing you passionately.
“I love you more, Buck.” You say, smiling against his lips.
-Bucky’s Doll
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Imagine Alpine waking up you and Bucky cause she’s hungry or she just wants attention from her mommy and daddy🥰🩵🩷
Just Like Her Dad
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PAIRINGS: James "Bucky" Barnes x Girlfriend!Reader
WARNINGS: Extreme fluffiness (pun intended)
*not proof-read*
The afternoon sun shines brightly through the open blinds, indicating the day is nearly half done. Bucky and you sleep in after staying up all night to watch the entire Hobbit series.
You feel Bucky wrapping an arm around your back pulling you close, and you nudge your nose against his chest inhaling his woodsy scent. You just lay in each other's arms, wanting to soak in the presence of the other.
Suddenly, a mass jumps on the bed. Then jumps on your side, and you let out an 'oof'.
Turning around, you see Bucky's white cat, Alpine. She chews on your covers and you start to chuckle.
"Aw, hello there baby," you pick her up and cuddle her close your chest. She purrs and rubs her head against your collarbone.
Bucky clears his throat, and opens his eyes to see the view in front of him. "Mornin' Alps," he rubs her chin, and Alpine moves away from Bucky and closer to you.
You both are in shock.
"Someone has a favourite," he grumbles and rubs his eyes, trying to wipe the sleep away. You laugh and coo and the little furball. "No she doesn't," you argue playfully, adjusting the little pink bow you tied on a small clump of her fur at the top of her head last night. Bucky looks at you with a look that just says 'are you kidding me?'.
"She doesn't!" You laugh harder and your grin windes, "Buck, I'm serious she doesn't like me more." Bucky turns and lies flat on the bed as he nods sarcastically, "sure."
Alpine purrs loudly and snuggles closer to your body, Bucky laughs and raises a brow at you, "see."
You shake your head and hug the cat closer, "Alpine, do you like me or you're Daddy more?" Alpine meows and licks at your jaw, pronoucing her choice.
You gasp while Bucky laughs, "I told you, she LOVES you more."
You shake your head as you laugh with Bucky, "well it just proves one thing." Bucky looks at you curiously, reaching over and starts to play with your hair lazily, "yeah?"
You hum and nod, "she's just like her dad." You wink at him.
So fucking mad at Marvel, for not including Alpine in TFATWS.
Like besties, we were ROBBED.😩😩😩
Till' then,
Stay Coquette-y,
Anya 🫶🏽🕊️🎀
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navybrat817 · 4 months
I saw an Instagram reel - https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2H-mV3y2ng/?igsh=dHNlYWl2N3RpbWdz - that immediately made me think of Stud and Smartie! They’re one of my favorite pairings that you write about and I can never get enough of their story, they are perfect for each other! 🥰❤️
I hope you have a good weekend, Navy 🥰
I love this, nonnie, and it's very Stud and Smartie coded!
Just Because
Pairing: Roommate!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Summary: Bucky gets you a card just because.
Word Count: Over 1k
Warnings: Fluff, established relationship, inner monologue, slight feels (it's me), Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?).
A/N: Lovelies, your girl is worn out, but I hope you enjoy this Stud and Smartie ficlet. ❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Divider by the talented @firefly-graphics. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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You yawned as you let yourself into the apartment, but quickly smiled when Alpine and Soot rushed to see you at the door. They brushed against both of your legs once you got your shoes off and set your keys down, your smile widening when they purred. You half expected Bucky to call out to you or make a joke that the cats were crowding his girl, but all that greeted you was silence.
No music, no television, nothing.
“Honey, I’m home!” You called out, frowning when Bucky didn't answer. “Where is he, huh? Is he taking a nap?” You asked, crouching down so Alpine could rub her head against your hand. Soot patiently waited until she was done for his turn. Like Bucky, he was crazy about his other half. You were convinced that was the case.
Okay, but if he’s actually taking a nap, I’m crawling into bed with him because I deserve all the naps and cuddles and orgasms. I mean, it’s not like I did anything extremely worthy of those things today, but adulting is hard, so I actually really do deserve love and warmth and hot sex.
You ceased the ramblings in your head as you headed toward your room to get into something comfortable that you didn't plan to be in for long. You felt your heart jump when you saw an envelope taped to your door, a smile spreading across your face when you recognized Bucky’s handwriting. It had to be something special or important, otherwise it would've been a post-it note.
But what is it?
You lightly bounced on your feet as you carefully took the envelope from the door. Part of you hoped it was not the first clue to a scavenger hunt. Not that you wouldn't enjoy that, but you wanted to set something like that up for him as a birthday surprise. Or a romantic gesture.
He deserves it.
Happiness bloomed inside you when you opened the card. It was reminiscent of the puzzle he had made for you when he revealed his feelings to you, the different pieces creating a heart. There was even a smaller envelope that held the “missing piece” for you to finish it.
You thought your heart would burst from how full it was.
Gasping when you felt a warm, familiar chest against your back, you smiled as Bucky pulled you back against him by the hip. “This is beautiful. What’s the occasion?”
It isn't our anniversary. Not my birthday. Already engaged. Wait, was it the first time we made a pizza together? Is it the anniversary from the first time I blew him?
Bucky chuckled as if he read your mind. “I’m glad you like it. And there’s no occasion for it.”
“Okay then,” you said, whining when he pressed a gentle kiss to your shoulder. “So, why get me such a nice card then?”
It was a sweet gesture. One he clearly put some thought into since the card looked homemade. You'd have to get it framed.
“I got it for you just because I was thinking of you. I got it just because,” he said against your ear, making you shiver. “Because I love you, Smartie.”
He is the most romantic, perfect man and I will not burst into tears. I won't.
You turned in Bucky’s arms so you could face him, taking care not to drop the card as you put your hands around his neck. Tears sprang to your eyes anyway when he smiled and nuzzled his nose against yours. Love was in the small things and he reminded you of that every day.
“I love you, too, Stud,” you whispered, watching his blue eyes soften at your words. “Thank you.”
He leaned in for a kiss, your heart aching from how tender it was. “I’m glad you liked it. Otherwise, I would've had to make you fall in love with me all over again.”
You giggled as he kissed the tip of your nose. “Bucky, we’re engaged. I’m very much in love with you,” you reminded him.
Always will be.
“Yeah, my ploy worked,” he smirked at you. “I got you to move in with me.”
“You had a cheap room and a nice cat,” you deadpanned. Both things were true, but they were bonuses compared to the amazing package of a man holding you.
“And I made you fall in love with me.”
Cocky, but true.
“It’s because you're adorable,” you said with a tilt of your head.
Yes, my beefy fiance is adorable and easy to love.
“I try to be,” he said, pressing another kiss to your lips. “Don't want some book boyfriend taking my place.”
“A book boyfriend wouldn't get me the best puzzle or cards,” you said, though you did enjoy how he acted the last time he got jealous of you reading a romance novel. “Or take a nap and cuddle with me.”
He trailed kisses over to your ear. “Or give you orgasms.”
How did he know I was thinking that?
“You are welcome to take me to bed then,” you said, still a bit surprised at yourself for not jumping on him over the sweet card. But you stopped him when he reached past you to open your door. “Bucky?”
“These ‘just because’ gestures? And every gift you’ve given me? They really mean so much to me,” you said, hoping he understood how much you appreciated them and him.
You still couldn't believe some days that he was real and in love with you.
He swallowed before he spoke in a quiet tone. “You deserve the entire world and I just wish I could give it to you.”
“You already have,” you promised, pulling him against you this time so you could kiss him.
Bucky had given you everything you could ever dream of by loving and believing in you. And you would get him the perfect gift as soon as you could. Something that said you were thinking of him. Something just because.
Because you loved him.
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They bring me such comfort. Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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buckyalpine · 2 years
Master List
18+ Minors dni
Requests are on pause
🔥 - smut
💔 - angst
🥰 - fluff
One shots 
Live Stream - 🔥💔🥰 When the team doesn’t hear from you or Bucky for hours during a mission, they start to worry about their teammates.
Teach Me -🔥🥰 Bucky has the answer to your growing frustrations.
Fur Baby -🥰 Bucky has a furry little secret.
Mine - 🔥💔🥰 You show Bucky exactly who he belongs to.
Home -💔🥰 Comforting Bucky after he has an awful day. (Mob Bucky)
Untouched - 🔥🥰 A conversation with your brothers best friend reveals some interesting information. (College Bucky)
Sunshine - 💔🥰 You’re there for everyone, a ray of sunshine whenever the team needs you but whose there for you? (mini part 2) Pudge - 🥰 You are Bucky’s favorite pillow. 
Spicy Plants -  🥰 Bucky finds a special little stash of yours... 
Spicy Brownies - 🥰 He finds another special stash
Spicy Snacks -  🥰 Bucky and Steve discover yummy treats
Bangles and Bordeaux - 🥰 No gown? No problem
Redemption - 💔🥰 Bucky finds the peace he was searching for.
Imagine - 🔥🥰 You go down the fanfiction rabbit hole about a certain super soldier. Would be a shame if he caught you...
Cheeky - 🥰 Bucky Barnes does not back down from a dare (Drunk Bucky) 
I Don’t Wike It - 🥰 Uncle Steve has been spending too much time with your babies
Salacious - 🔥 Dirty talking and pure filth 
Salacious drabble -  🔥 Solo Bucky’s dirty talking and pure filth 
Not a Fan  - 🥰 Alpine is not a fan
Lemonade - 🔥💔🥰 You’re neighbor's son is irresistible Lemonade drabble
Sour - 🔥💔🥰 Bucky doesn't like your visitor (Lemonade AU) 
Deep  - 🔥 giving dom CEO Bucky what he needs. Bad.
7 loads -  🔥 You take care of him. Them. Now they need more. 
Reflection - 🔥💔🥰 You show Bucky how beautiful he is
Missing - 🥰 Bucky’s baby is missing and he will not stop until he finds her
Missing 2 -  🥰 
Let Go - 🔥💔🥰 Touched starved and emotionally repressed Bucky gets his release
Her - 💔 Bucky misses her 
Cute - 🥰 How dare you call him that 
Work Wife - 💔🥰 Why does Bucky talk about her so much? 
Signals - 💔🥰 Your past doesn’t leave that easily 
Practice - 🔥 Your boss doesn’t like to share (soft!dark Bucky)
Pretend -  🥰 The perfect solution to a nagging problem 
Pull out  - 🔥 Bucky doesn’t want to. 
Posies - 🥰 The first times you buy each other flowers 
Touch - 🔥🥰 His beautiful hands 
Count -  🔥Steve can’t help himself 
Justin Capshaw - 🔥🥰 Your sweet boyfriend isn’t the only one who wants you
Safe Space - 💔🥰 Bucky protects you  
Don’t Touch - 🔥🥰 Bucky has to keep his hands to himself 
You had one job - 🔥💔🥰 Bodyguard Bucky has one job 
Craving - 🔥 You crave him so badly, would your husband give you a taste?  
Just a Taste - 🔥 Your husband doesn’t mind watching
Satisfied - 🔥 Your husband and his bestfriend fill that craving 
Drip - 🔥 Bucky just wants to help you clean up
Catch Me If You Can - 💔🥰 Maybe he isn’t so bad 
Catch Me If You Can 2 -  💔🥰 Sometimes, he could be sweet
Catch Me If You Can 3 - 💔🥰 🔥 You caught him, or did he catch you 
Come back to you - 🥰 Time travel brings back 40′s Bucky 
Yours to Claim - 🔥💔🥰 Your first night with the king 
Attention - 🔥🥰 Your mafia husband hasn’t given you any attention lately 
Spiral - 💔 He doesn’t need you anymore. 
Bellini - 🔥🥰 DBF!Bucky shouldn’t be looking at you like that 
Destined to be Yours - 🔥💔🥰 Your lives cross paths when you are captured with the Winter Soldier 
CEO Bucky - 🔥🥰 He knows what his secretary needs 
Barbie -  🥰 Bucky and his little one see Barbie in real life 
Cheating Steve - 🔥💔🥰 Bucky comforts you
Cheating Steve - 🔥💔🥰 How you and Bucky got together
Pick Me - 🔥💔🥰 A new recruit has her eyes on your soldier 
More cheating Steve - 💔🥰 Repost of something I deleted 
One Night - 🔥💔🥰 Bucky can’t forget 
CEO Bucky x Secretary -  🔥🥰 You don’t like people touching what's yours 
My First and Only - 🔥🥰 Mob Bucky waits for his wedding night 
Buttercup - 🥰 Baby Bucky loves his neighbor 
Writing challenge - JESSY REACHES 500; FWB to lovers  💔🥰
Sub Bucky AU - One shots & Drabbles with a subby super soldier 
Baby boy - 🔥🥰 Bucky discovers a new kink
Release - 🔥 Bucky has to take care of himself when he’s away from you
Messy - 🔥 Your needy boyfriend needs his release right in the middle of the store
Can I? -  🔥🥰 You learn a little more about your boyfriends kink
Play -  🔥 Bucky explores a new territory 
Drink  - 🔥 Bucky wants to feed you...
Painting - 🔥 Bucky wants to make a mess 
Pretty Baby - 🔥 Stucky x reader 
Needy  - 🔥 You catch your baby doing something 
Please - 🔥 He needs you to finish 
Untouched au - A series of discovering all your firsts with your brothers hot best friend (continuations of Untouched with College Bucky)
Tongue Twister - 🔥🥰 Bucky goes down on you for the first time
Date Night - 🔥🥰 You show Bucky what your mouth can do
Tipsy - 🔥🥰 A little alcohol and Bucky is insatiable
Call me - 🔥🥰 Bucky is just a phone call away 
New - 🔥🥰 Bucky want’s to try something new 
Make a movie  -  🔥🥰 Bucky wants to record something 
Personal Pillow AU - Can be read together or as one shots 
Personal Pillow - 💔🥰 You are Bucky’s favorite pillow
Personal Pillow 2 - 🥰 Bucky discovers something very interesting  
Personal Pillow 3 - 🔥💔🥰 He doesn’t want his mouth anywhere else (switch!Bucky)
Personal Pillow 4 - 🔥🥰 There’s a little one in your belly and Bucky is more insatiable than ever (pregnant reader)
Personal Pillow 5 -  🔥🥰 Bucky needs a taste
Braxton Hicks  -  🥰
Twins -  🔥🥰
Personal Pillow drabble -  🥰 
Bad habits - 🔥🥰 Bucky’s developed some bad habits
Personal Pillow antics - 💔🥰 Bucky loves his safe place
Wait, What? AU  
Wait, what? - 💔🥰 The secret you’ve been keeping from the team can only be hidden for so long (pregnant reader)
Wait, what? 2 -  🔥💔🥰 A little more back story + baby Barnes! (pregnant reader)
I do (again) Wait, what? 3 -  🥰 Everyone missed the first wedding, obviously you have to have another one
Wait, what? More Babies? -  🔥🥰 The family grows with a little new addition
Pretty Little Thing (On going) - 🔥💔🥰 Stuck in a forced marriage, you try to accept your life no longer belongs to you however, fate has different plans (Mob Bucky) 
Can you not... - 💔🥰 Your ex is trying to win you back, Bucky is having none of that. 
Limitless -  🔥🥰 You let Bucky do anything he wants (Can you not AU) 
Supply Closet -  🔥🥰 Can you not AU 
Hold me -  💔🥰 Bucky comforts you when you’re having a bad day 
Choices -  🔥💔🥰 You walk in on your husband cheating on you (alternative endings)
Choices 2 - 🔥💔🥰  Bucky faces the consequences of his actions 
Boundaries -  🔥💔🥰 You catch Bucky with Sharon (alternative fluffy ending) 
Boundaries 2 - 💔 Angst only part 2 Bonus for this
Smores and Smooches -  🥰 The fire isn’t enough to keep you warm but Bucky’s arms might help
Fake it till you make it -  💔🥰 Fake dating solves everything, right? 
The Party -  🔥🥰 A little three way helps Bucky make a move (part 2)
Safe 1 -  💔🥰 Bucky rescues from Hydra 
Safe 2 -  🔥🥰 A smutty part 2 
Mornings with Mob Bucky - 🔥💔🥰
Pocket Angel -  🥰 Where does Bucky keep sneaking off to? 
Pocket Angel drabble 
Pocket Angel 2 - 💔🥰 What happens when someone takes his angel? 
Fill me - 🔥🥰 A certain super soldiers birthday plus a someone else… (Bucky x You x Frank)
Capture my Heart -  💔🥰 On the run from your abusive ex, a beefy lumberjack comes to your rescue 
Capture my Heart 2 - 🔥🥰 A smutty part 2
Mornings with Lumberjack Bucky - 🔥🥰
Carrying your Love -  🔥🥰 Your super soldier comes with super loads 
Pieces -  💔 TW: child loss 
Sweet Dreams - 🔥 Super soldier wet dreams
Sweet dreams 2 - 🔥 Free use 
My Doll - 💔🥰 TW: Self harm 
Always you - 💔🥰 You’ve always been Bucky’s first choice angst only alternative  alternative happy ending
Own me -  🔥💔🥰 Bucky likes to make you jealous. Should be fine, right? A little extra here. 
Sprinkle - 🥰 It’s Bucky’s birthday 
Pinky -  🥰 Just a tiny bit of touch is more than enough
Want you - 🔥🥰 Bucky only has eyes for you
Sensations - 🔥 Bucky’s arm has some new features 
Inexperienced Bucky drabble - 🔥🥰
Step away - 🔥🥰 A new recruit gets too close for Buckys liking 
His Tags -  🔥💔🥰 Bucky shows you you’re his forever 
Secrets -  💔🥰 Nothing will stop you from dating your super soldier 
Baby Burrito - 💔🥰 Bucky knows how to make you feel better 
I’ll Catch You - 🔥🥰  Bucky never leaves your side after you faint
Witches Brew - 🔥 Bucky and Wanda love to toy with the sweet new avenger
Skin - 💔 Comforting Bucky when he struggles with his body 
Bookmark - 🔥🥰 The team discovers your a writer  
Rockstar Bucky -  🔥
Protect You -  💔🥰 Bucky is all yours 
I’ll hold you  -  💔🥰 TW: Pet loss
Please? - 🥰 Bucky just wants one chance 
Raw -  🔥 Bucky just wants to feel all of you 
Tame -  🔥 Bucky hears you doing...something..
Sparring - 🔥🥰 Two versions, smut and fluff
Stay -  🔥💔🥰 Casual stuff is fun...for a while
Garden Fairy -  🔥🥰 Grumpy Bucky with his little sunshine 
TW: mental health  -  💔
Any time any place - 🔥🥰 Bucky is ready to take you just about anywhere
Daniel - 🥰 Who the hell is he and why do you like him 
Curves - 🔥💔🥰 Bucky shows you how much he loves your body 
Tumblr - 🔥🥰 Bucky discovers you have a kink 
Sugar - 🔥🥰 You take care of your sweet college baby 
Sugar drabble - 🔥 Your baby takes control 
One Night - 🔥🥰 Bucky is smitten with his one night stand 
Intentions - 🔥💔🥰 Bucky knows what he wants from you...right? (mob AU)
Touch Starved - 🔥💔🥰 You think Bucky doesn’t want to be touched after a nightmare 
You came -  💔🥰 The one person he needs 
Hot head - 🔥🥰 Bucky wants you 
Dad Bucky - 🔥🥰 Dad Bucky from A to Z 
Story time - 🥰 Bucky tells your little one about how he fell for you 
Like me -  🔥💔🥰 You just can’t let go of his Henley
Soft - 🔥🥰 Sub space reader  
Size -  🔥🥰 He doesn’t have to be the biggest 
Christmas -  🔥🥰 Christmas with Bucky and your babygirl 
Rude - 🔥💔🥰 Bucky is an asshole to you 
Games - 🔥🥰 A night of games leads to so much more 
Hot and Cold  - 🔥🥰 You can’t stand him, he can’t stand you 
Just friends - 🔥💔🥰 You’re just friends...
Werewolf Bucky -  🔥🥰
Miscommunications - 💔🥰 Did you hear him right? 
Baby making - 🔥🥰 He has to get it on camera 
A little Longer - 🥰 It’s just a little lie 
Disney Princesses and Dog Tags -  🔥💔🥰 Bucky wonders what you’re hiding from him
Bucky and his CEO -  🔥🥰- He takes care of you when you’re stressed 
My lovely anons
🌺, 🐚, gossip girl, 🧸
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staying-elive · 8 months
I so wish Figaro had been in TFATWS. Would've been so easy even if Hollywood doesn't like working with animals.
I can imagine it though.
Figaro chilling in the kitchen as Sam and Sarah talk...
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Sam could've given him a cute little boop or a little forehead kissy kiss like he does to the boat. 🥹
Speaking of the boat, Figaro could've been chilling in the background while Sam worked by himself...
*bonus points if he gets another little kiss boop after Sam kisses the engine. (He's so cute 🥹😭)
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(I'm just imagining him sleeping on that shelf in front of the window)
Figaro chilling while watching Sam and Bucky work...
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(This would be his audition process for future fellow Cat Dad Bucky 😆)
Bucky waking up and Figaro's just chilling on top of him...
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('Congratulations, human, you've made it through to the next stage.')
Basically, Figaro would be all of us! 🥰🥰🥰
Also, sets up nicely Bucky going... "Yeah, I want one of these too. This is nice." (Enter Alpine!)
Seriously though, from a more meta angle, Sam being a cat dad would've been a subtle hint to him not being the extrovert open book many people mistake him for. He doesn't open up easily until the time and effort is taken for him to trust someone. Plus I've always headcanoned that Sam adopted Figaro after he left the air force and Riley died. Like he became a support animal that helped Sam get up in the morning and take care of himself because he had a little buddy to also take care of.
Because I also imagine Figaro chilling in the background of Sam's CAWS home...
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(Of course Nat would trust Sam right away. He's a Cat Dad! 😁)
And then during Endgame, Nat could've had Figaro with her! (Maybe Sam's neighbour who'd looked after him after Sam was a fugitive also got blipped and Figaro was sent to the Avengers Compound...)
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Especially since this scene between Nat and Steve reflects on the people they've lost. i.e. SAM! The missing third person of their fugitive trio 😭😭
Basically what I'm saying is... I want more Figaro! Everywhere. He represents love and grief but also healing.
Love is stored in the Cat. Thank you.
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thatmexisaurusrex · 3 months
I love Sam Wilson for all of eternity
Sam Wilson Ask Game
JESS 😆 Fantastic asks here, lemme answer them 🥰
☀️ Describe Sam’s perfect day.
I think it would 😂 somehow start with him jogging before the day even begins so that he can get to some picturesque place to watch the sunrise.
I feel like then, he would make himself a big breakfast; something with sausage patties and sunnyside eggs and breakfast potatoes with buttered toast made just so.
He'd do some work as Captain America, but not fighting crime; more like going to schools and helping kids plant gardens or talking to community organizers about how he can help them.
Then, he'd stop by Sarah's house for lunch with her and Gideon, just him hanging out with his siblings. They'd maybe take longer than the hour Sam usually took for lunch.
He'd take the afternoon to read a book that he's been meaning to start before he goes to pick Sarah's kids up because he had promised to pick them up that day. He'd talk to AJ and Cass about their day and help them with homework before Sarah gets back home.
He'd head over to his own house after that, where he'd be greeted by Alpine and Figaro. He'd find Bucky starting on food prep and they'd cook together, talking about their days. They'd eat their dinners watching a show they'd been meaning to binge then cuddle up on the couch as they finish a few more episodes.
They'd settle into bed together, Sam snuggled close and feeling safe in Bucky's arms as Sam fell asleep.
🌊 Sam’s earliest childhood memory.
I think it would be on The Paul & Darlene. I feel like he remembers the taste of the salt in the air; the light breeze on his face; his parents making sure his lifejacket is secure on him before he wanders the deck. Maybe he sees a humpback whale and points it out to his older brother Gideon and they both are in awe at the whale's immensity. Sam definitely thinks he helps with the fishing. Darlene lets Sam feel Sarah kick for the first time, and it's when he realizes he really is going to become a big brother. It's a good day for Sam.
🚿 What’s Sam’s favorite song to sing in the shower?
I don't know why, but "Haven't You Heard" by Patrice Rushen is the first song that popped into my head for this and it feels right 😂
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jamesbukkakebarnes · 2 years
di!! what are your favourite steve headcanons?? 🥰
elliot!! thank u for asking me this bc i have Some Thoughts:
Steve loves it when Bucky just plops right down on top of him, like a weighted blanket but Bucky shaped :) it grounds him, really.
He's really good at side scrolling platformer games, even if it's his first time playing, like obnoxiously so; he's a master tactician, after all 😩
He prefers working in pencils, ink, and charcoal but will occasionally work with pastels and oil paint 😌
Gonna have to steal one of yours- he HATES coconut flavored anything, thinks it's very gross and cannot tolerate the smell.
He has a longstanding rivalry with Alpine for Bucky's affection,, this is canon in every and all universes okay 😤
He is the little spoon like 75% of the time 🥺
If he's not the little spoon, he's a tummy sleeper~
Slightly nsfw- he's definitely said the I can do this all day line while eating Bucky out, and Bucky's definitely punched him in the arm for that 😔
i wish i had more but my head is extremely empty rn 😭
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musette22 · 10 months
Minnie Darling, today marks six years since my cat has lived with me so seeing all art of Bucky and Alpine makes me so emotinal🥺 silly me thinks it's so amazing he has his own little ball of fur to love and who loves him back 💗 💖 💕
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Aaaaaaawwww darling!! This is so sweet 🥺💕 He is SUCH a cutie, and so so pretty! I can totally imagine why you love him very much, and vice versa (because you're wonderful too!)
I bet you guys and Bucky an Alpine would get along amazingly 🥰 Happy anniversary, and I hope you have a wonderful day together!! Sending you both love <33
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gay-jewish-bucky · 2 years
talk to me about steve and alpine's relationship pls! 🥰
i know it's common for people to write them with a semi-antagonistic relationship but i love the idea she adores steve almost as much as bucky.
cats are amazing judges of character and i think she'd trust steve pretty quickly.
yes, they both vie for bucky's attention, and she spends most of her time with him, but at the end of the day she is just as happy to get hugs and pets and a lap for napping from steve as she is getting that from bucky.
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jobean12-blog · 4 months
Life is Good
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x female reader
Word Count: 999
Summary: Bucky loves to take care of you even if it means he has to get out of the the warm and cozy bed but he'll be keeping it warm for when you get home.
Author's Note: My sweet friend @sgt-seabass shared this absolutely lovely and adorable tik tok with me and just made me think of this softness with Bucky and Alpine. Thank you love! And thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics thank you Daisy!🥰
Warnings: soft sweet fluff and warm and fuzzy 😁
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“You don’t have to bring me to work Buck. Stay in bed!”
Alpine meows in agreement and stretches himself out in the warm spot Bucky just vacated.
“Nah doll face. I’ll take you. I don’t want you going out in this alone.”
You stare at him as he sits sleepily on the edge of the bed and yawns, the backdrop of the neighboring buildings obscured by the flakes of snow fluttering wildly outside but doing little to distract from his perfection.
He gives you a lopsided smile and crooks his finger at you before patting his thigh.
You walk between his legs and sit, curling against his bare chest, still warm from sleep.
“Just need a hug before we go.”
You hum happily into his skin with a soft inhale.
“I should call out…”
“You should.”
“But I have to get this project done.”
“I know baby doll.”
“Alpine?” you ask and peek over Bucky’s shoulder at the white fluff sprawled out on the bed.
The cat doesn’t even lift his head up.
“We all know his answer,” Bucky chuckles. “He’d stay in bed all day.”
You place a soft kiss to Bucky’s neck and nuzzle closer.
“Honestly. Hugs were the best and worst idea. I do not want to get up,” he says. “Ever again.”  
“Yeah, I know. Now I’m extra comfy and in my happy place.”
You feel the satisfied rumble that moves through his chest before he presses his thumb under your chin and tilts your face up to capture your lips in a toe-curling kiss.
“Bucky,” you murmur against his mouth.
“Uh huh, I know,” he sighs, kissing you again before he gently sets you down on the bed.
“Gimme five to wash up and change and we’ll go.”
Once Bucky is dressed he appears in the living room and looks you over.
“Do you have everything you need?” he asks.
He crowds your space and pulls your hat down over your ears before tightening your scarf.
“Yes Bucky,” you answer sweetly and pat your bag.
He then pulls your gloves from your jacket pockets and motions for your hands.
“Of course,” you reply.
When he has your gloves secured he gives you one more check and nods approvingly.
“Ok, let’s go.”
He gets himself dressed, of course with fewer accessories than you, and holds the door open while reaching out for your hand.
“Bye Alpine,” you yell.
Bucky walks you to the train station, takes the train with you and then walks you to your building before kissing you until you’re overheating. He watches you get inside and waves through the large glass panes until you disappear into the elevator.
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The day flies by thanks to all that you have to do but you’re productive and manage to finish early. With excited steps you walk toward the elevator, contemplating calling Bucky to let him know you’re leaving. He insisted on coming back to get you and take you home but you want to surprise him and decide you can make it home just fine on your own.
Your trip back is uneventful and when you reach the door to your apartment you can already smell the familiar aroma of your favorite comfort meal. With a smile you unlock the door and walk inside, softly calling Bucky’s name.
When he doesn’t answer you toe off your shoes and whip off all your warm weather garments then walk to the crock pot on the counter and lift the lid, inhaling with contentment.
The bedroom door is wide open and as you get closer you can see Bucky’s bare foot dangling off the edge of the bed. You inch closer with quiet steps and find him laid out on top of the comforter in nothing but his black boxers.
The curtains that normally cover the large window next to the bed are pushed haphazardly aside, allowing the soft brightness of the snow to bathe the room in a white glow. Everything you can see outside is lined with a neat new edge of dazzling crystals.
As pretty as it all is your eyes quickly move back to the bed and Bucky.
His metal hand is curled around your pillow and his face is smushed into it. Alpine is laying in the small space between Bucky’s bent leg and his arm with all four legs straight out and his furry belly gently rising and falling with his even breathing.
You stare for a few moments before taking your phone out and snapping a photo.
“New lock screen?” Bucky mumbles as he slowly shifts and opens his eyes.
“Definitely,” you giggle.
“How come you didn’t call me doll?”
His voice is stern even though his face is half hidden in your pillow.
“I was done early and wanted to surprise you…surprise!”
He grumbles something about ‘next time you better call because blah blah’ and trails off.
“Get over here doll.”
“That’s my pillow,” you tease.
“Smells so good,” he murmurs with one last nuzzle before holding out his arms and making grabby hands.
You curl into him and after several kisses you ask, “did you fall asleep reading again?”
“Yeah,” he whispers. “I got the food in the crock pot, had a snack or two then decided to read while I waited for you to call and well…”
“Thank you for cooking. It smells so good.”
“Of course baby doll. It’ll be ready soon.”
“Mm. I don’t want to get up yet.”
“Me either.”
Alpine stretches and presses himself closer into Bucky while lightly kneading the comforter.
“Hi furball,” you giggle. “Did you help daddy cook?”
Bucky scoffs playfully and tugs you closer into his embrace.
“He’s been in the same spot since you left!”
“He’s living the life!” you muse.
Bucky slides his face closer to yours and holds your gaze while he delicately traces a finger along the curve of your jaw.
“It’s the best life,” he murmurs against your lips.
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@lizette50 @buckysdollforlife @randomfandompenguin @blackwidownat2814 @goldylions @kmc1989 @haileygarciasunshine
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 8 months
Imagine Bucky looking at you like this. Wanting cuddles and kisses from you.
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If Bucky wants cuddles and kisses from me, then that’s what he’s getting🥹🥰🩵
Cuddles and Kisses » Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader with Alpine
Summary: Bucky comes home from work, wanting cuddles and kisses from his girlfriend (the reader).
Warnings: Fluff, language, kissing, cuddling, pet names for reader (doll), pet names for Bucky (babe, baby boy)
Written on my phone so sorry if there’s any mistakes or typos.
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creators. I found this gif on Pinterest.
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“Doll, you home?!” Bucky’s voice echoed through the apartment.
“Bedroom!” You shouted back.
Bucky walks into yours and his bedroom to see you putting laundry away. You looked up to see a pout on his face.
“Aww, babe. What’s wrong?” You asked with concern in your voice.
Bucky didn’t say anything. He just held his arms out, doing grabby hands to you. You stopped what you were doing to hug him.
“Let’s lay down.” You say softly.
You laid down on the bed and Bucky laid down next to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and laying his head on your chest. You ran your fingers through his hair, lightly massaging his scalp and kissed his forehead.
“Bad day at work?” You asked.
“No. Long day.” He says with a sigh.
“What can I do to help?” You asked.
“Cuddles and kisses.” He says.
You smiled at his cuteness. You cupped his stubbly cheeks and tilted his head up to kiss his lips softly and sweetly. Bucky smiles against your lips.
“I love you more than anything, doll.” Bucky says, looking into your eyes.
“I love you more than anything too, Buck.” You say.
“Impossible!” He pouts.
You let out a small laugh and kissed him again. You guys felt a small dip on the bed next to the two of you followed by a soft meow. You to look over to see Alpine, waiting patiently for kisses, pets, and cuddles.
“You want cuddles and kisses from mommy too, huh?” You say, lightly scratching her chin.
Alpine responded by head butting your hand. She walked in a circle a couple of times before laying down next to you and Bucky. Bucky leaned over and kissed his small head. He laid his head back on your chest and wrapped one of his arms around Alpine.
“My princess.” He whispers to Alpine. “And my doll.” He says softly to you.
“My baby boy.” You say with a smile.
“Say it again.” Bucky says with a smile.
“Baby boy.” You say again, running your fingers through his hair.
“I love it when you call me that.” He smiles.
You kissed the top of his head and held him close. You, Bucky, and Alpine spent the rest of the evening cuddling.
Thank you for the request!🩵 @buckys-wintersoldier
-Bucky’s Doll
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cable-knit-sweater · 2 years
Hiiii love! Big big congrats to you 🥳🥳🥳 I am so glad to have come across your page and get the opportunity to scream with you over the last couple months, I feel truly blessed 😭💖💖💖
You know I’m gonna come through with a stucky request - fireplace, because even if it’s still a heatwave I will never not want cozy domestic nonsense.
Love you!! ✨
Oh Gina, my love 💖💖💖 Thank you so so much!! I’m so grateful I got to meet you on here and scream and cry with you about our boys! And I feel like I’m the one that should feel blessed. You’re such a wonderful, loving, kind person, just a ray of sunshine 💕🥺 Seeing you on my dash or in my notes makes my day every single time! And I’m so happy you started writing, because your fics bring me so much joy and make me feel all the feels 🥺🥰🥰
Thank you for always being so freaking supportive 💛 And thank you for this wonderful prompt!! I’m sorry to say it’s a little bit hurt/comfort and emotional, but I was just so deep in my stucky feels this morning, I couldn’t help it. It all works out in the end though, so I hope that you love it! I love youuu 💖💖💖
Stucky + Fireplace, 1.7k, T
Read on Ao3 or below
He rushes off the quinjet, not paying any mind to whatever Stark calls out to him as he’s leaving. He probably should stay for the debrief. He really should change first, but the last thing he wants is to stick around and have one of his - probably well-meaning, but still - coworkers corner him and make him stick around. The elevator opens its doors immediately when he presses the button, and whether it’s luck or FRIDAY, he’s grateful for it either way. He doesn’t stop moving while he’s on the elevator. Standing still, even for a moment, could mean crashing. He can’t risk it. He needs to get on that bike, he needs to get home .
Even with the ridiculous amounts of floors Avengers Tower has, the elevator gets to the parking garage fairly quickly. He gets on his bike, shield strapped to his back, and takes off. He hopes he doesn’t scare any civilians into thinking he’s on a mission right now. It wouldn’t be surprising if they did - he is in his full uniform with the shield visible, driving a little more quickly than is probably advised in this city’s traffic. That - and probably even more so, the fact that Bucky would kill him for getting into an accident - makes him slow down a little.
Still, it takes him no time to get to Brooklyn and their brownstone. He parks his bike out front, taking off his cowl on his way up the stairs to their front door. He stands outside for a moment, trying to get his breathing under control. He can feel his energy draining by the second. He leans his head against the front door before finally opening it and getting inside.
The entry hallway is quiet, dark. It’s early evening, not late enough for Bucky to have gone to bed, but for a second there, he worries Bucky might be out for a drink with Sam or one of the guys from his VA meetings. He unceremoniously dumps the shield next to the shoe rack, starts to unstrap the top part of his uniform on the way to the living room when he hears the soft tones of jazz music. Steve breathes out heavily in relief, leaning against the wall. He gets himself together as much as he can and makes his way towards the living room.
He blames his exhaustion - and the heavy feeling in his gut and his heart from a mission gone wrong - on the way he can feel tears in the corners of his eyes when he takes in the scene playing out in his living room. There’s a fire roaring in the fireplace, only a small lamp on a side table turned on, the living room bathed in soft, warm light.
Bucky is sitting on the floor, back leaning against the couch, Alpine curled up on his lap. He’s scratching her behind her ears, soft purring barely loud enough for Steve to hear over the music and the sound of Bucky humming along with the music.
Alpine notices him before Bucky does, getting up from her comfortable stop and making her way over to Steve, greeting him by rubbing herself against his legs. Bucky looks up, a soft smile quickly turning into a worried frown. Steve stands there for a moment, feeling - and probably looking - a little lost, arms heavy at his sides, uniform half on half off. Bucky gets up and makes his way over, takes his hand. He doesn’t ask Steve any questions. He just knows.
Bucky pulls him up the stairs, into the bathroom and sits him down on the closed toilet seat before turning on the shower. He runs his fingers through Steve’s hair, presses a soft kiss on top of his head. “Just gonna get you some clothes, okay Stevie? I’ll be right back”, he whispers. Steve nods slowly. He tries to get the rest of his uniform off but it feels like too much effort and it becomes too frustrating, so he gives up.
Bucky gets back quickly, a sad look on his face, a hurt noise making it out of his mouth. Steve must look incredibly pathetic. “Don’t you say that”, Bucky says, sounding hurt. “You’re not pathetic. I just hate seeing you like this, is all”, he continues, softly caressing Steve’s cheek.
He helps Steve up, carefully helps him out of his clothes. Steve starts to make his way over to the shower but Bucky stops him, taking off his own clothes and then getting into the shower with him.
He just lets himself be moved around, lets Bucky soap him up and rinse him off. He has his eyes closed, tries to focus just on the feeling of Bucky’s careful hands on his body and not the mess of thoughts in his brain. He barely flinches when Bucky runs his hand over a bruise on his side.
Before he knows it, he’s out of the shower and being wrapped up in a soft towel, letting himself be dried off and helped into soft sweats and a t-shirt. They’ve both been quiet the whole time, the only sound that of their breathing, the occasional heavy inhale when Bucky must see some more of the bruising.
“You wanna go to bed?”, Bucky asks softly when they’re making their way out of the bathroom. They probably should. Steve is tired, so exhausted. But he doesn’t think he can sleep. Not yet, maybe not at all tonight. He shakes his head, sees Bucky worriedly bite his lower lip. “Alright, that’s okay honey. How about we go downstairs huh? Keep Al company for a bit?”. Steve tries to find his voice, but not much more than a rough “yeah” leaves his mouth.
They go back downstairs to the living room. “You just get comfortable, I’m gonna make you some tea”, Bucky tells him, so he makes his way over to the couch. Instead of sitting down on top of it, however, he joins Alpine on the floor in front of the fireplace, mimicking how he found Bucky earlier, leaning his back against the sofa. He closes his eyes, lets himself focus on the warmth of the fire and the soft fur underneath his hand.
The record had stopped playing when they got downstairs, but Bucky must turn it back on again because soon he hears the melodic tones of Ella Fitzgerald coming from the record player. Soon after, he feels Bucky sit down next to him, shoulder presses to shoulder. “Don’t want to sit on the couch baby?”, he asks, and Steve keeps his eyes closed, shakes his head. He slumps down a little, to Alpine’s annoyance going off the sound she makes, resting his head on Bucky’s shoulder.
They sit in silence for a while, Steve grateful that Bucky isn’t pushing him to talk yet. They sit there until the record runs out, the only sounds Steve can hear those of the crackling fire and his and Bucky’s heartbeats. Eventually he lets himself slump further, until he has his head in Bucky’s lap, his fingers running soothingly through Steve’s hair. Bucky must get a blanket and a pillow from somewhere, somehow, because after a couple of minutes he feels him shift beneath him. “Sit up for a second”, Bucky murmurs, helping Steve up before placing the pillow on the floor and laying down, dragging Steve half on top of him.
He covers both of them up with a soft blanket. Not that Steve needs it for warmth - the fireplace is giving off enough heat, if being so closely pressed to Bucky didn’t do the trick - but it makes Steve feel…safe, protected. The last of his adrenaline-induced nervousness leaves him then, hiding his face against Bucky’s chest, the sound of Bucky’s heartbeat under his ear soothing him. With that, unfortunately, comes a rush of feelings, and he can feel himself start to shake a little.
Eventually he can’t keep it in anymore, sobbing into Bucky’s shirt. His husband pulls him in tighter, gentle hands running up and down his back, keeping up a steady stream of comforting whispers that Steve can’t quite make out until he calms down a little. “It’s okay baby, you’re okay”. “Whatever happened, you did what you could okay?”. “ohh sweetheart”. Steve grabs onto Bucky’s shirt even tighter when he feels mostly cried out, needing the feel of Bucky below him to ground himself a little, like an anchor in a storm.
When it’s just the sound of Steve trying to control his breathing, Bucky shifts him a little so he can see Steve’s face. “You wanna talk about it?”, he asks, voice devoid of any expectation, not putting any pressure on Steve. It almost makes him want to start crying again, just how good Bucky is, how he knows just the right things to say or do. He tries to respond, voice coming out a little rough. “Not yet?”, he says, asks, and Bucky just nods and lets Steve go back to hiding his face in his chest.
They must fall asleep like that, Steve waking up after surprisingly solid hours of sleep without any nightmares. It’s early morning, a little bit of sunlight coming through the windows, Alpine curled up in one of its beams. The fire in the fireplace has died down, only ash remaining. He doesn’t feel completely okay, not yet. He’ll talk over what happened during the mission with Bucky over some coffee at breakfast, start to really process what happened.
But somehow, he feels lighter. Like most of his pain and sadness died down along with the fire, reduced to ashes. Not completely gone, but not as fiery and intense. He snuggles up a little closer to Bucky, who’s still out like a light, before pressing a kiss to his cheek and getting up to brew some coffee and get started on breakfast. When he comes back a little later, to bring Bucky his cup of coffee, he’s awake and sitting up. He looks beautiful in the morning light, a little sleepy, hair a little messy, eyes still half lidded.
When Bucky notices him, he gives Steve a soft questioning smile, one that says “good morning”, “are you okay?” and “I love you”, all at the same time. This time, when Steve feels an overwhelming rush of emotions, it’s not sadness or pain or exhaustion. It’s gratitude, and an overwhelming amount of love. He smiles back.
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navybrat817 · 2 years
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Stud would totally do this. Sending you a picture of Alpine and her bf cuddling 🥰
That is very much a Stud thing to do! ❤️
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There may be a day where you're on campus for a bit, out with some friends, or even at the store by yourself and you get a message from Bucky. You perk up the way you always do when "STUD" flashes across your screen. You half expect a sweet message, also keeping the phone close in case it's naughty. Either one would make you happy.
But the photo beneath the word "us" almost makes you melt on the spot.
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You're not sure if Bucky somehow got Soot's paw around Alpine or if it just happened, but it didn't matter. It's one of the cutest things you've ever seen. You're going to keep that photo forever.
Once you recover from the cuteness overload, you message back, "How did you get that photo of us?"
"I have my ways. 😉"
You smile to yourself before another message pops up.
"They're waiting for you. They miss you."
"I haven't been gone long and I'll be back soon. 😉" you send back. "Just them?" you add.
"Me, too, and it feels like days. Hurry home, please?"
You look at the photo again, a familiar weightlessness taking over your senses. Everything around you seems brighter and better because you're happy. Does Bucky realize he helps you view the world in a different light?
"Be home soon. ❤️"
"We'll be waiting. ❤️"
I know Soot may be in the Soldat and Sparrow AU eventually, but he works perfect for this as well. Unless we decide on something else. 😂 Love and thanks! ❤️
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hehehe I am here to fuel your cottage core stucky feels
what do you think they grow in their garden?
do they grow any catnip for alpine?
Oh my god. This is going to be long you unleashed a monster<333
They grow different herbs in spring for baking, cooking and TEA HERBS!! Which are super helpful for Bucky when he hass nightmares and Steve LOVES them while he is the art studio and can you imagine the smell in their herbs garden??? Oh my god 😭💕💗
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Strawberries in summer which Bucky makes shit time of jam of and tomatoes with so much pasta sauce that Steve makes from different recipes from the internet and from his ma's recipe book
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they tried with the leafy vegetables shit in winter but even super soldiers don't like that shit but maybe some lettuce and cabbage for Aesthetic Purposes~
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Also Steve gets obsessed with tho whole giant cabbage bs but quickly realise that he is just not made to for shit like that<3🥰🙂
And they tried to grow catnip but that ended very wonderfully with a trip to the vet cus alpine can NOT be contained by a simple little gardening elevation 😌(good for her)
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ohbuckie · 1 year
being mushy on instagram w b!bucky on valentines🥰 you post a pic that’s taken in the bathtub of him sitting between your legs leaning back on you and you’ve given him a soapy mohawk and are kissing his face in the pic it’s so cute
it's that pic, a pic his mom took of you guys napping on her couch together, a pic of one of the sweet notes he likes to leave you on the fridge before he leaves for the day, a pic of him snuggling with alpine in bed, and then some more that are just so sweet and intimate. the caption is like 'my valentine sexy dream boy. i tell u every day but instagram also deserves to know how much i love u ❤️💕💘💓💗💞💝❤️‍🔥'
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