#i havent decided on the rest yet so requests are still open
thelien-art · 8 months
Hi! I love your art, thank you so much for so much of it <3 I was wondering if you're up to drawing Daeron or Berúthiel for the six characters challenge?
Uhhh, don´t make this hard for me-
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I wanted to go with red under the black first as it was a nice blend, but I wanted her to have green eyes, and going over with green instead of red makes it look more "out of place" as the black/grey has a warm red undertone, and the green is colder and the opposite, and therefore giving the vibe I want for her - and then, of course, an ash-like skin and dull, on the yellow spectrum making it look green as there´s already green in there, hair. I also gave her grey undertones, and no reflection in the eyes as I tend to do.
close up↓
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archangeldyke-all · 6 months
Modern au office sev has crush on reader Love you
before i answer, if you havent yet, you should check out @piscespetals they have a really sweet romantic long fic on this exact topic! it'll have you giggling like a school girl...
okay anyways! i have never worked (in an official capacity) in an office setting so forgive me if some of the terminology is wrong. (also i know nothing about IT)
men and minors dni
i think it goes like this: sevika and silco run a private security firm out of the office building you do IT work for.
the first time she noticed you, you were in silco's office cleaning out his laptop after jinx downloaded a virus while playing roblox on it. she nearly tripped over her own feet. she'd never seen you before, she'd have remembered someone like you. you were biting your lip, a little furrow in your brow as you clicked and typed away. she swears that image of you is burned in her brain to this day.
you were rarely on her floor, most of your requests coming from the customer service offices in the lower levels of the building. but after your first call up to silco's office, you mysteriously started to get more and more calls up to the 10th floor.
(it's because sevika started downloading viruses and smashing monitors in order to see you again)
you didn't notice sevika for several visits. she hid behind corners and in her office, stealing glances at you when she was sure no one was watching.
silco sees all though, and he quickly put the pieces together as to why they'd been having so many technical issues when he catches his business partner ogling you in the middle of their quarterly review. usually, sevika's even more tuned in and focused than he is, taking notes and humming along as their employees talk. but that day, she was doodling in her notebook, chin resting in her palm as her eyes tracked your movements on the other side of the glass wall.
he decided to give her a nudge in the right direction. that night he downloaded a virus to her computer and put in a request for IT support first thing the next day.
the first time you met sevika is that next morning. the request came through marked as URGENT, so you made it your first stop. you were still a little sleepy, rubbing sand from your eyes as you navigated your way to the sevika's office.
you perked up the second you saw the woman inside, furiously pressing the power button on her monitor. she was gorgeous, big muscles filling out her silk button up, thin glasses sliding down her broad nose.
you knocked on her open door frame. her eyes snapped up to yours, and in a flash she was out of her seat, smoothing out imaginary wrinkles in her shirt, nervously waving you in.
sevika was shitting bricks. she'd never even been in the same room as you before, and now you were standing in her office.
"hi." you said. "i'm from the IT department."
"i know." she blurted. then, with a horrified look, "i mean i figured. not like we've met before or anything." you nodded along in confusion as you rounded sevika's desk. she backed away from you like you were contagious, cursing herself when you sat in her chair. she'd had a dream like that before, but instead of sitting in her chair, you ended up sitting on her face. with your attention on her computer, she was free to smack her forehead with her palm. "get it together." she whispered to herself.
"you say something?" you asked. she shook her head no, then fled.
after that, sevika was determined to never see you again, sure she'd ruined her chances with you. but fate has a funny way of bringing people together, and (with a bit of help from silco) her floor started having even more tecnhical problems.
you started showing up multiple times a day. she'd see you making small chat with her employees as you worked on their computers, and she'd melt over the way you'd attentively listen and nod along to boring stories about their kids and grandkids.
she'd see you in their break room pouring yourself a cup of coffee, and she'd try to pretend like she wasn't counting your sugars, just to make sure she knew how you liked it.
she'd even see you outside, eating your lunch on her designated smoking bench, admiring the same patch of wildflower she always watched while smoking. it was like she couldn't shake you.
you started noticing her too. each time you'd catch her eye, you'd smile and wave at her. she tried to pretend like it didn't make her lightheaded, nodding back at you with a casual smile, and you tried to pretend like her little smile didn't give you butterflies.
you bumped into her in the bathroom once. she had her shirt off and in her hands, scrubbing away at a stain on it under the running tap water. you tried not to gawk at her, but you're pretty sure you failed. especially since there were only two sinks and you had to brush against her naked bicep to get to the available one.
sevika started loitering around the IT department on the main floor. there's a little lobby for the whole building just outside your department where she started eating her lunches. when asked, she said she liked the couches in the lobby. (but really she was just there to see you walk in and out of the building, shooting her a shy smile each time.)
one night, you popped your tire before you got out of the building's parking lot. sevika caught you trying to change your tire on your own and offered to help. she did more than just help, she changed the tire all on her own while you tried not to drool at the sight of her grease streaked forearms.
she started to visit her smoking bench again, finally comfortable enough around you to sit beside you as you ate your lunch. the two of you started to spend your lunches together. on particularly stressful days, you'd bum a cigarette off of her. she'd laugh every time you coughed at the harsh smoke, but she never denied you. you started packing extra in your lunch box to share with her after noticing that she never brought anything to eat.
the more time you spent together, the fewer calls you'd get to her floor. you started to suspect that the two things might be correlated, but you never brought it up to her. just like you never brought up her lingering stares and stuttered words.
ironically enough, it all came to a head on valentines day. when you got to work you were surprised to find six URGENT requests from sevika's office.
"i fucked up." she said the second she saw you. "i don't know what i did but i fucked up." she turned her monitor around for you to see and you cringed. popups were crowding her screen, and in the background her files were being remotely opened and deleted. you quickly got to work typing away as sevika started pacing in her office.
"it'll be okay sev. you've got a backup for all this stuff. worst case scenario you need a new computer." you said, trying to calm her.
"worst case scenario i have to fucking resign." she muttered. you chuckled.
"what would you have to resign for?" you asked. "you didn't do this."
"not this time, not on my computer, but what if I fucking... let this one in last time somehow? and it was just laying dormant until now? it's got all our numbers and clients now... silco's going to kill me." she rambled, running her hands through her hair. you perked up in her seat, taking in her words.
"what do you mean this time?" you asked. sevika froze in her tracks. "sevika?"
"i." she paused. you waited. "i might have been downloading viruses on a few of our computers a few weeks ago to get you up here. maybe." she said. you blinked again.
"oh." you said, your focus shifting back to her monitor. it was a flashy virus, but nothing bad. you got it cleared away in a flash. "get me up here for what?" you asked, biting your lip to keep a smile from forming. you watched in amusement as sevika shrunk into herself. you kept your eyes on the monitor, but your attention was all on sevika as she shuffled in place, gathering her confidence.
"wanted to see you." she whispered. your eyes darted up to her face. she was glaring at her feet.
"why?" you asked, slowly standing from her desk. sevika huffed, kicking her shoe against the carpet beneath her. you rounded her desk, and her eyes snapped up to yours. "fixed it. not your fault. you're not gonna lose your job." you said, gesturing to her monitor. sevika gulped. "you gonna answer my question now?" you asked.
"you gotta crush on me and were too chickenshit to be normal about it?" you butt in. her eyes widened.
"y-yeah, basically."
you grinned, then launched forward to kiss her.
the two of you made out in her office until silco knocked on the glass.
"ladies, as happy as i am to see my plan has worked out, this is still a workplace. let's keep it professional." he said.
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heliads · 2 months
If requests are still open :) Something for dead poets society, just sth with the gang having a good time, maybe trying to stage a play in the woods? Tbh just a everyone lives and is happy AU with fluff and winter and hot tea! (while I love this book I havent read it in a very long time...)
ok consider an everyone lives au but they are not 100% happy. (i am incapable of not writing angst my apologies) also this is movie dead poets society not book because i have not yet read the books whoops. hope you enjoy xoxo
'and it's not tonight' - dead poets society
Todd Anderson is looking out the window at a gray, blustery morning, when they ask him if he’s going to be alright. It wasn’t quite certain before then. It’s not quite certain now, either, even after he answers.
“Of course,” he says somewhat unconvincingly, “Why do you ask?”
Behind him, Charlie Dalton raises a dubious brow. For once in his life, he’s holding himself back, but the situation requires discretion, and who is he to mess up at a time like this? He’s already been warned about treating Todd like a glass doll rather than a paper mache target, but even Charlie can tell that now is the time to pull a few punches. The hollows under his friend’s eyes are far darker than they were a couple of months ago. He wears unease like a well-traveled coat, thin at the elbows and rubbed raw at the seams.
“Look at yourself,” Charlie answers at last, “You’re exhaustion walking. And don’t tell me otherwise, I’ve got eyes.”
“I should hope so,” Todd remarks, and permits himself a small curl of his lips up into a half-smile. Half-smiles are good, though. Almost there to the real thing. So he’ll tell himself, at least.
Even a half-smile can let Charlie know that he’s alright. The other boy breaks into a well-intentioned snorting laugh. “Hey, ask any girl in town and they’ll tell you I’ve got beautiful ones. ‘Sides, Anderson, you know everything’s alright. The stuff with Neil was cleared over, right? He came back.”
“He came back,” Todd repeats somewhat weakly.
“Yeah, yeah, he came back,” Charlie confirms, walking over to clap his friend on the shoulder, shaking him a little bit just to mess with him but mainly to get his affections across. “He’s a little more tired than he used to be, and we’re all plenty scared from what could have happened, but overall we’re glad to see him again. His parents realized they messed up in the nick of time, and even if they wanted him under watch for a little bit, he’s back and we’re back and everything’s alright. Capiche?” He asks dramatically, wiggling his eyebrows for a bit of flair.
“Since when are you Italian?” Todd asks doubtfully.
“Since the situation requires it,” Charlie answers him, and slings an arm around the boy’s bony frame. “Come on now. The snow’s cleared up, and even if all that does is remind us how little grass grows on our campus, it means we can go into the woods again. I’ve been talking to the boys and we all agree that it’s time to dust off our finesse with literature. What do you say, Todd? You up for another rousing poetic exchange tonight?”
Todd jerks his head up and down in a hasty agreement. “Yeah. Neill’ be there?”
“Yeah, and me, and Knoxie, and everyone else you forgot to mention,” Charlie says in a tone of mock outrage. “God, you live with the guy, don’t you? Can’t you spare some excitement for the rest of us, too?”
Todd rolls his eyes, and finds the grace to elbow Charlie in the ribs. “Spare me the self-indulgence, Dalton. I’m glad to see all of you.”
“Don’t I know it,” Charlie affirms. “It’s been a while since we were all together, yeah?”
Todd blows out a low breath as they walk back towards the halls. It has been a long time, or it felt that way, at least. After the– after the incident after the play, in which Neil was found in his father’s study with a gun in his hands about to blow the trigger, it was decided that all of the pupils of Welton Academy would go home for a short period of time to clear their heads and come back ready to face the end of term. 
Mainly, Todd thinks it was so rumors couldn’t spread about just what happened with Neil Perry to take him out of school, and he’s glad for it. Neil doesn’t deserve to have everyone whispering about what happened to make him decide that the best thing for his life was to end it. Neil deserves the world, and none of them could give it to him.
That was the worst part of it all, Todd decides. The guilt, how it wrapped around him in wires as strong as the heaviest chains of iron. He couldn’t escape it. If he was really Neil’s friend, he would have known. If he was really Neil’s friend, Todd could have stopped him. If he was really Neil’s friend, Todd wouldn’t have found out about the attempt the next morning, quietly awoken from drowsy sleep by a Charlie Dalton with eyes like a stricken soldier as he lurchingly informed Todd that Neill Perry had tried to kill himself the night before. And none of them had known. And when his father had taken the gun away, Neil fought and screamed for it, worse than he did when he tried to convince his parents that he wanted to act, louder than he protested that he would be sent away to military school.
And then they were alone. At home. The worst place for boys to be. Should you grieve the friend who is not dead? Do you call each other on the phone, and ask if you have been playing any sporting games with other boys your age, or if you have given any thought to the fact that your friend might not have wanted to die if you had praised him more in class, or clapped louder when he performed, or said something– anything– to this beautiful, brittle boy?
They don’t say any of that. They think it quite loudly, but unspoken thoughts do not travel well over the telephone. The flittering ghosts of would-be words tend to get lodged in the coils of wire from receiver to housing, across the street and over the miles of terrain until they reach the abode of the boy on the end, who also has a lot to say but won’t. And then they both stay silent. And they both know exactly what the other wanted to say anyway. That is how friendship works.
They came back, though. Welton sent out a series of letters to usher back the pupils, even had its secretaries working overtime to call the people who never seem to answer their mail. There was another rush of cars and luggage to the dorms, and then they were settled in again. Todd had wondered if he might be assigned another roommate– anyone other than Cameron, God, but preferably Neil still– and then the door had opened quietly and Neil was there again, trying for a brave smile, and saying, “Todd?” in a voice that had once rung pure and true through a theater that loved him.
Todd loves him for it. He’d embraced Neill with open arms, felt the air punch out of his lungs in one strike, but it came back. He came back. They were alright again, sort of. They might be alright in time, but time is what they have.
Now they’ve all been waiting for the snow to melt, and treading on thin ice around topics they don’t dare broach. Neil has been a good sport, never making them feel awkward for wanting to treat him like a china doll. He was good before, too, though, and– It gets hard to tell sometimes, that’s all. Hard to tell when he genuinely is unbothered and when he’s superbly good at pretending otherwise. They stick to safer subjects anyway.
At last, though, the ground is firm, the weather not terrible, and Charlie’s gone and rallied the troops for a night out there. At first, Todd’s first instinct is to panic. They aren’t supposed to be having any more meetings of the Dead Poets Society, not since Keating was the scapegoat for all the trouble and everyone cracked down on what makes a good boy want to escape, but over time he realizes that it’ll be alright. Some things are worth the risk. Making Neil smile again is one of them.
They meet at midnight. Todd sits awake with bated breath, even though the act by itself isn’t even all that unusual. They’re teenage boys. Staying up until the moon hangs high and lofty in the sky is expected, not uncommon. Still, a delicious shiver of inherent wrongdoing whispers down his spine when Neil walks slowly into the center of their shared dorm room and says quietly, reverently, “It’s time.”
As if the others had been waiting upon that very proclamation, the remaining boys peer out into the hall immediately after Neil and Todd silently close their door behind them. Their eyes meet with shared secrecy, shared triumph, and they make their way down the wooden stairs and out into the bristling chill of night. The stars are out tonight. We are all out tonight.
They all start heading out into the woods. Charlie takes off like a flash at the end of a matchstick, hurtling at a runner’s sprint across the hills, and the others follow him at varying speeds. Todd begins walking at a normal clip until it occurs to him that he doesn’t see enough heads bobbing around him and he turns to see Neil hesitating by the door.
They lock eyes, and Todd sees a whole host of things swimming in brown irises, fear and apprehension and a sick sort of guilt that makes Todd’s stomach squirm in sympathy. He gives Neil one last moment over the threshold, then jerks his head towards the others, putting a little faux arrogance into the gesture in the hopes that an actor might appreciate an act in someone else and remember what it is like to trust oneself again.
Neil accepts the move and grins, his teeth flashing in the moonlight. “I’ll race you to the caves,” he calls, and begins to run, his footsteps sure and strong.
Todd stares after him, an astronomer watching his first comet, then takes off after him. The grass is dry and quick under his feet, spread out under each footstep like the wake of a speedboat. The wind, already coarse, pulls at Todd’s skin, his hair, his clothes, but not even the strongest gusts could keep him down. Somehow, he’s already to the edge of the forest, and he lets out a loud, delighted whoop. A barbaric yawp, if you will. Somewhere in the back of Todd’s mind, a dark-haired man in a comfortable brown sweater smiles indulgently, and chalks up another small victory to the wonders of poetry.
The second his war cry leaves Todd’s throat, the other boys swarm him like moths to a flame. Someone claps a hand over his mouth, and around him, laughs echo into the crunching of leaves underfoot. 
“Don’t be so loud, you’ll get the professors on us in no time,” someone admonishes, but then a different boy cuts in, “Don’t be stupid, we’re far enough out that we can all be shouting,” and Todd’s punishment is lifted and he can yell once more. His defender– Neil, it must be, no one else can make their voice ring with glory like that in just a few words– joins in in the triumphant calls, and then they’re all shrieking up to the stars above, here we are, not boys and not men, bold enough to scream and young enough to never listen.
Todd thinks, as they run through the forest, that it’s been a while since he let himself go free. He hasn’t listened to his mind in a long time, hasn’t let the words roll around in his brain, loose marbles of similes and paraphrased poems. His musings are dusty, dark things most of the time, but sometimes the light catches them just right and they glow like sapphires. He could write a thousand stanzas if he wanted to, right now, and everyone would listen.
The Dead Poets Society reaches the caves and a hush falls among the crowd. Slowly, they edge inside, eyes wide. The rock faces and crumbling caverns should be different, Todd thinks, something should mark the passage of time and all the awful things that have twisted their fates since the last time they sat together and thought of prose, but the stones still look as they did the last time they were here. The moss grows in familiar patterns, albeit a little thicker in certain patches now that it hasn’t been scuffed by boots in a month or so, but one of Charlie’s magazines that he forgot to take back with him turns up under some spiderwebs, and Todd’s favorite place to sit is still just as inviting. Maybe, then, the only thing that changed was them. Maybe that’s all that needs to happen.
“So?” Meeks asks, settling into a seat, “What are we doing tonight?”
“Poetry, duh,” Charlie answers him, rolling his eyes fondly. “We’re the Dead Poets Society. What else would we do, peruse our textbooks?”
This earns him a vengeful swat on the shoulder from Meeks, but even Charlie can admit that the question was fair. They’ve read plenty of poems, they’ve written a few, they’ve even gone off and run some improv limerick challenges, although Todd notes that they haven’t brought nearly enough alcohol for that tonight.
After a few moments’ thought, someone suggests a play. It might be Todd. Instantly, the idea is accepted, and roles are divided out. They’ll be doing Hamlet, since there are plenty of long sticks outside and everyone is quite fond of the idea of pretending to run each other through. Pitts is already practicing his death rattles, except he’s not very good at it, and it sounds more like he’s hacking up a lung or two.
Neil, though, is glowing at the idea, and even though they haven’t got any scripts so everyone is mostly just planning on paraphrasing the hell out of one of William Shakespeare’s finer works, Todd gets the idea that Neil has a few memorized soliloquies rattling around in his head already.
Good, then. They’ll enjoy tonight, and the next night they’re out here, and the one after that, too. It has been a very long winter, but Todd has caught his first glimpse of new spring, and he gets the feeling that warmer, sunnier days aren’t the impossibility they seemed a few weeks ago. The days are healing, and they will too. And so the Dead Poets come back to life.
requested by @reinekes-fox, i hope you enjoy!
dead poets society tag list: @faerieroyal
all tags list: @wordsarelife
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suckerforv · 1 year
My Little Fairy (KSJ x Female Reader)
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genre: angst, tiny bit of crack ig, fluff, smut, fairy au
warnings: explicit smut, mentions of family abuse and shunning, mc's mom is a bitch, toot-rotting fluff, jin calls reader "slut" one time, general swearing, fluffy nicknames like "sweetheart, dear, darling, etc" BASICALLY JIN IS WHIPPED
word count: 2.5k (Might be my longest fic yet!)
author's note: i hope you all like this! i havent written a long long fic like this in a long long long LONG time so i hope i haven't lost my touch :D asks are open! i will be opening requests real soon, but i will see. i have COVID right now, so i took this time to finish writing this fic that i started over christmas break. Enjoy!
Chirp, chirp! The sound of your friendly spirit bird filled the room, and you fluttered your eyes open sleepily. You glanced down at your wings- well, where they would have been. Now only bare skin greeted your eyes. You see, you were a fairy. When your people reached puberty, they would grow magnificent wings and fly away to find their future mate, their fated one. However, fate seemed to have different plans for you. Yours never grew. You sighed sadly, folding your blankets and placing them at the foot of your bed. Your hand hesitated as it reached out to the door, then opened it slowly. 
   The empty room seems to mockingly remind you that your family and friends are gone. Having no wings meant having no mate, no grandchildren. For that, your family and friends shunned you. The rest of your generation had already taken flight and chosen their mates, while you were left on the ground, with no one to share your heart. Nevertheless, you went about your day, preparing breakfast and whatnot. Around noon, you decided to go explore the woods, to see if there were any mushrooms you could find to bring back for the stew you were planning to make for dinner. Skipping down the steps of your little cottage, you headed out to the woods, humming happily. Sure, it was hard living alone, but you had your spirit bird and the woods all to yourself. 
   “Ooh, these oyster mushrooms look ready to pick!” you chirped excitedly, plucking the fungi off the base of the tree. Suddenly, you heard a rustle in the bushes near you. Frightened, you grabbed a stick near you and pointed it at the bush with shaky hands. “Come out, whatever you are!” you shouted, your voice wavering. 
   The bushes rustled even more, your senses heightening. A very handsome, tall man stepped out and grinned at you. “Hi!” 
  You shuddered out a shaky breath. “Who are you? Are you following me? What’s your name, and why are you here?” you demanded, poking the stick in his chest as you stalked towards him. 
     “Whoa, calm down, little one,” he chuckled, pushing the stick away and putting his hands up. “My name is Kim Seokjin, and no, I was not following you. I was out here collecting mushrooms just like you, actually.” At this, your eyes lit up and he laughed, eyes crinkling at the corners. “Would you like to see, little dove?” 
    You faltered, glancing down at your wingless back. “I don’t think you should be talking to me,” you turned away. 
Seokjin cocked his head. “Why?” 
“Why? WHY?! Because I don’t have wings!” you blurted out, your face red. “I’m alone here in these woods because my family and friends shunned me. Why are you talking to me, anyways? Are you talking to me out of pity or…” You sniffled, tears trailing down your cheeks. You closed your eyes, wishing for this stranger to go away. Why couldn’t he just leave you alone, for fucks sake?! 
   You felt a thumb wipe away your tears gently and you opened your eyes to see Jin still there. He had a gentle, soft look in his eyes and he turned his back to you. 
  You gasped, eyes widening as you took his back. One wing dangled from his back, and next to it, a scar ran down his back, dark and red. “What happened?” you whispered, looking up at him in sadness and wonder. 
   “I was in battle,” Jin confessed. “I was injured when an arrow hit my back,” he looked at you with sadness, yet there seems to be some understanding behind them. “I have been living alone too. So I understand you, little dove. I have not yet found myself a fated one, my mate. But as soon as I saw you, I felt as if the Moon Luna had made us for each other.” His hand cupped your cheek tenderly, his amber eyes looking into yours with adoration and love. “Will you accept me, y/n, as your fated one?” 
  Your lip trembled. “Is this true?” Your fated one smiled lovingly at you and you burst into tears again. “Yes! A thousand times yes!”
  As you spent more and more time with Seokjin, you learned that he is more than just a mushroom lover. He loved to cook, (which didn’t come as a surprise to you) sing, and build cute little things! He built you a little bed stand, insisting that he had seen how little furniture you had and wanted to provide you with some, seeing that you two were together now. You developed your own daily routine, preparing coffee for the both of you while Seokjin continued on a project he had started on the day before. 
    “Good morning, my love,” Seokjin sang, coming up behind you to plant a kiss on your shoulder. “I’m almost done with the porch swing,” he pondered, grabbing his cup of coffee. “After I’m done with that, I’ll make a few more pieces of furniture and once that’s done, I will continue making wood pieces to sell at the market.” 
  You hummed in response, grabbing the frying pan off the shelf. “Do you want to go to the market today? We need some more flour, salt, and coffee, since we have two of us now,” you chuckled, leaning into his embrace as he tucked his face into the crook of your shoulder. 
   “Yeah,” his voice was muffled as he snuggled into you. “But first, I want cuddles.” 
Chuckling, you set your mug of coffee down and turned around. “All right, let’s head to the couch, hm?” 
   You two flopped down onto the couch. Running his fingers through your hair as you lay on his chest, Jin lulled you to sleep. 
   “My love, it’s time to go to the market,” a raspy voice cooed in your ear. “We’ve slept for almost six hours, and it’s going to be dark soon.”
Groaning, you gazed sleepily into the eyes of your lover. “M’okay. Let me get ready,” you grunted, pulling yourself off of the couch and stumbling into your room. You picked out a simple outfit that consists of jeans and a comfy white off-the-shoulder sweatshirt. You and Jin walked hand in hand to the market, chattering happily along the way. 
   “Okay, so let’s get some flour,” you murmured, grabbing your basket and heading off to the stand where you usually got your flour. Jin followed, looking around in wonder at the small market. Dusk was approaching, so the market was filled with fairy lights and Jin sniffed the air. His stomach grumbled, and you laughed softly, turning at the sound. His face grew red as you tugged him towards a food stand. 
  “You should try the deep fried mushrooms here!” you said excitedly, paying the vendor and passing him a plate of the delicacies. “The long stringy white ones taste like potato chips!” 
   As you both chatted and ate, your stomach dropped all of a sudden. It must’ve shown on your face, because Jin immediately noticed. 
  “Little fairest of them all, what’s wrong?” he questioned, looking over to where you were glancing, but all he could see were people laughing and vendors preparing their goods. 
“My family is here,” you whispered, fear reflecting in your eyes. “What are they doing here, I can’t let them see me-” 
“Well, well, look who we have here,” your mother sang, strolling up to you. “Fancy seeing you here, HA!” 
   “Hello, mother,” you mumbled, picking at your food. “What do you want?” 
“Is it too much to just say hi to my daughter?” she pouted, looking at you endearingly, lower lip jutting out. “My, my, you’ve been feeding yourself well!” She laughed, looking you up and down, but you could clearly see right through her façade. It was all fake. 
  An arm wrapped around your waist, and you looked up to see Seokjin towering over you and your mother, who raised an eyebrow at this new stranger. “Who is this, love?” he questioned even though he already knows the answer.  
  “This is my mom,” you mumbled, looking down. “Mom, this is Seokjin.” 
“Hm,” your mother hummed, scanning him up and down. “Do you have wings?” 
“I do,” he replied, then paused. “Only one though.” 
Your mother recoiled as if something had burned her. “Why only one? Did fate hate you like it did y/n?” She laughed cruelly as the rest of your family laughed at you. Your heart burned with indignation and shame, but Jin squeezed your hand in reassurance. 
Jin looked straight at her and spoke. “No. I was in battle, and an arrow pierced one of my wings. It dropped off not long after, so I have been living with one wing. I must say, your daughter is very lovely.” 
  “Yes, well,” your mother sighed as she dropped into a chair next to you. “It would be better if she had wings. Pity that she is still alone. Then again, I can understand ” 
   “I think I’ve had quite enough of your rudeness with my mate,” Jin snapped. “I love her no matter what, it doesn’t matter to me if she has wings or not. In fact, I’d rather have a mate that has no wings at all, if all fairies who have wings are just like you.” With that, he pulled you away from your mom, who was left gaping and sputtering like a fish out of water. 
    The two of you walked back to the house, shopping long forgotten. Silence reigned in the air, until you felt the need to break it. 
“You didn’t really have to do that,” you softly spoke, making Jin stop and look at you. “I’m… used to it.” 
 “Well, you shouldn’t be,” he huffed, frowning. “I hate society sometimes.” 
“Me too,” you agreed quietly, scuffing your sandal into the ground. “I love you,” you admitted, Jin taken aback by your sudden confession. “Nobody has ever shown me love before, I was always looked down upon because of my lack of wings. I was constantly bullied by both friends and family, and I guess being insecure of how I looked definitely did not help either. When you came into my life, you made me feel loved. You made me realize that love is alive.” 
   “I love you too, little dove,” he smiled. “I can’t wait to spend my life with you.” 
“Can I kiss you?” you asked shyly. “I-it’s okay if you don’t want to, I was just-” 
You were cut off as he pressed his lips against yours. He pulled you closer, wrapping his arms around your waist. You melted into the kiss, a soft moan leaving your lips as you both kissed passionately. Stumbling along the path to your cottage, you groped for the keys as you and Jin continued to kiss fervidly. You whimpered, your hands gripping his shirt. “Jin, mhh-” 
   “I got you, princess,” he whispered, picking you up in his arms. “Which way is your room?” 
“That way,” you pointed, cheeks aflame when you realized the close proximity you were to Jin. 
He gently placed you on your bed, then crawled on top of you, planting his arms on either side of your body, caging you in. You softly whimpered as he nibbled on your lower lip, a tiny growl escaping from his throat. 
“You look so pretty, my love,” he praised, kissing you softly on your neck and lightly sucking on it. “May I make love to you?” 
   “Yes,” you gasped, your core throbbing. “Please, please…” 
“So pretty, so good for me,” Jin hummed, helping you remove your bra and planting soft kisses along the swell of your breast. “My good girl,” he whispered. “So beautiful for me.” 
   You whined, your pussy starting to leak arousal. “Jin,” you moaned, reaching out for him. 
“I’m here, my love, what is it?” Jin whispered, tenderly tucking away the hair behind your ear. 
“I love you, and I appreciate that you love me, but will you please just fuck me already?” you whined in desperation, making Jin chuckle. 
    “Needy, now, are we?” he teased, nipping at your neck playfully. “Don’t worry, my love, I’ll take care of you,” he smirked, lowering himself down to your already soaked panties. Slowly and almost teasingly, he moved your panties aside, taking care to adore every inch of your pretty pink pussy. “Fuck, baby, you’re so pretty,” he breathed, planting a kiss on your clit, making you jolt. 
   “Fuck, Jin, that felt good, please do it again,” you pleaded, chest heaving up and down. 
“You sound so pretty for me, baby,” he chuckled lowly. “Does my needy little slut like that so much?” 
   At a loss for words, you whimpered and nodded. “F-feels good-fuck, JIN!” Your moans reached a higher pitch as he slipped a finger into you. 
  “Relax, sweetheart, I’ve got you,” Jin hummed as he pumped his finger in and out of you at an astonishing pace that had you gripping the sheets. 
   “More,” you pleaded, thrusting your hips to meet his fingers. “Feels so good.” 
“My princess likes that, hm?” Jin hummed, adding another finger. “Gosh, you’re so tight, baby.” 
   “I want you,” you managed to say, his fingers sliding in and out of you pausing. “I want you to fuck me.” 
   “Of course, how would you like to do it?” Jin asked, pressing a kiss to your shoulder. 
“Um, missionary?” you asked shyly. “I wanna see you..” 
“My baby wanna sees me when I fuck her, hm?” Jin smirked, seeing your face heat up from embarrassment. “Don’t worry, sweets, I wanna see your face when you cum on my cock,” Jin whispered. 
   Moans and sounds of skin slapping filled the room as Jin began to fuck you at an inhumane pace, hitting all your g-spots. 
  “Jin, I-i’m gonna cum soon!” you warned him, your chest falling and rising very heavily. 
“Cum for me, then, darling,” Jin murmured, speeding up. “I want to see you cum for me.” 
That was enough to tip you over the edge, tightening around him and your body shaking. 
When you finally came to, Jin was wiping you clean with a towel and smiling endearingly at you. 
“Ready to take a bath, my love?” he asked, picking you up bridal-style and running a bath for you. 
“Jin?” you spoke up once you two were in the tub with one of your favorite bath bombs. 
“Yes, my love?” he responded, resting his chin on your shoulder and holding your hand. 
“Thank you for showing me what love looks like,” you said softly. 
“Oh, my little fairy,” he breathed, turning you around so he could kiss you. “Thank you for showing me what heaven looks like.”
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
Consequenses // Thomas Raggi
words // 1590
warnings // smut ahead hehe and not even a full smut, just a snippet honestly
pairing // Thomas Raggi x F!Reader
author's note // if you want to be on the tag list let me know. ok please let me know on the taglist link if you have asked me to tag you and i havent right now... I lost some of the user names so yeah im so sorry 🥺
request // yes
summary // Reader has been breaking Thomas’ rules by teasing him for days. Thomas eventually is fed up and shows Reader what happens when you disobey.
tag list: @bieberhoodforever @tabi-toast @ginny-lily @moriro-da-regina @the-killer-queenie @makapaka11 @bidet-and-legolas @atremendousstrawberrycollection @otaculo @selenophiliaxx
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Music, throbbing lights and booze was the way Thomas and his partner decided to spend his weekend off. An average gathering made to feel like a party amongst the closest friends of the band and everyone’s partners. Of course the guitarist couldn’t resist bringing his lover along. He had not seen her in a while, traveling around and working on new music had made the relationship hard for the two of them, things only becoming harder when they started being unsatisfied with their more intimate relationship. The longing did not help much, instead it brought anger and anxiety, both resulting in ruining both of their moods.
The suggestion came from Y/N in the afternoon after Thomas took a break. They were sitting on the couch watching some tv show neither cared for, slowly trying to relax and potentially do more than sitting on the couch. The thought had occurred a few days ago, while the man was still not there, when his lover was maybe watching a bit of an erotic movie. “Maybe we should… switch,” was all she said. No explanation, no details, nothing.
Not much convincing was needed so here they were. Y/N being dominant was finding it a little hard to just sit there and listen. Thus the dom turned into a brat, choosing to tease the man during their first night together.
It was rather simple to get Thomas all riled up this fine night. They happened to have a small fight before the party (a disagreement over minimal things truly) so they were both in a very tense mood while at the party. Thomas was on the one side of the yard, talking with some of his friends, while Y/N was on the other, revealing clothing and lingerie (with certain movements it was visible to the man - and anyone else that paid attention, but not many did). The man was unable to take his eyes off his partner. See, she knew that the result would be pretty good.
“Keep this up and the result will not be very nice for you, amore,” he whispered in her ear when he finally approached her. His hand right above her ass, face too close for comfort.
“I am not sure I want to stop,” said Y/N, an evil smirk decorating her face. Her hips moved side to side, making sure the man could see. Back on her plotting she was.
At first things went smoothly: a bit of seductive dancing, a bit of drinking… The casual. But soon that would change as well. Ethan was sitting on a pool chair, joking about Y/N’s dancing, having a playful back and forth with each other until Y/N sat on his lap. It was nothing unusual for the two, it had happened plenty of times before, but both Thomas and her knew that this time was different.
By now Thomas is fuming. If he was in a cartoon his face would have gone comically red, smoke coming out his face in an exaggerated way. The cigarette and drink in his hand did little to help restrain him. For that, he downed the rest of his drink in an instant, smashing his cigarette on an ashtray and moving to his friends and partner. “Sorry to cut your fun short,” he smiled, trying to keep it together, “but me and Y/N need to go. Honestly, I’m feeling very tired,” he finished, taking Y/N’s hand in his and pulling her up and towards him.
Their friends did not say much, but rather voiced their goodbyes allowing the pair to leave the party.
Getting in the car was now the easy task, but one of them was dreading it. She knew that this would be so fun, but she was undeniably afraid of what could potentially happen that night. “What do you think you have been doing, dolcezza?” He all but growled, roughly turning her face towards his with his hand.
“Me? Nothing. I was just trying to have fun with my friends.” Oh, the innocent act. If Thomas wasn’t hot and bothered (more of the later) already, he certainly was now.
“I don't think so, baby. I think you have been very very naughty. I think you need a punishment.” His tone was playful but his eyes told a different story. Y/N was in for a long night, and they were still in the car. Thomas’ hands had already begun to travel all around his lover, faces dangerously close. And like that the vigorous kissing started.
“You shouldn't have acted like that tonight, amore,” he commented before he started driving back to their shared apartment. The ride was quiet but the tension and anticipation was loud as hell.
Patience was out the window the moment Y/N opened the door to their home. Thomas pushed her to the wall, attacking her neck with kisses. “I warned you enough times, my love, now it’s time for actions,” he commented, hand slowly traveling up to her neck, lightly squeezing, blocking the blood flow lightly making her lightheaded but so much more desperate for him. “Turn around and put your hands on the wall - just like that, good girl! Now, ass perked up.”
She was very well aware of what was about to happen and saying that she did not want it would be a lie. She was rather used to serving spankings to the man whenever he disrespected her - rather lenient - rules, taking such an adrenaline rush every time, but oh did she get a rush now, too. Thomas was getting more and more confident by the minute, Y/N getting rather aroused from it.
Thus she obeyed his demands, pushing her ass back, all there for him to do what he wanted. Thomas quickly got to work moving up her tiny little skirt to have her exposed to his will. Her ass looked amazing in that white lace thong she wore, making the man undeniably hard. “You know what you’re doing, don’t you? You planned for this to happen-” slap, “you knew I would not be able to hold back, didn’t you, puppy?” slap. “Answer me!”
“Yes, daddy,” Y/N responded very timidly, slightly flinching every time he struck her cheeks.
“Good, good. Now count for me, and you will thank me for each slap.”
“One. Thank you, daddy,” she began with his rhythm getting quicker and his force bigger by each slap of his palm. They reached around twenty five before Thomas decided on his next move. He said nothing but roughly turned Y/N around, pulling her towards their shared bedroom, lightly. After closing the door behind him - more out of habit than any actual practical reason- he pushed her to the bed, legs automatically falling open as he stared with lust in his eyes.
“Just sit there and do nothing,” he ordered, “no touching, or there will be consequences.” He did not go far after that, he only undressed and picked up the condoms and the lube, just making sure that she was entirely ready (not that he truly needed it at the moment - just a safety precaution) and knelt in front of his lover.
“Mhm,” he moaned, “you are looking delicious, but I’m not sure you can handle it. Maybe we should do this anoth-”
“No, no! Please, I can handle it! I can handle anything! Please, please!” she exclaimed, or more so whined, making Thomas smirk like a cheshire cat and proceeding with his actions.
“Anything, you say? Hm, we’ll see about that.” Oh boy was she about to regret those words.
His tongue started to tease her immediately as he finished his sentence. It was small short licks and little pecks on her clit, featherly but was agonizing in this case. The pace was slow, timid, really, all in an attempt to show his love in the most painful way possible. Her eyes were shut tightly, mouth hung open releasing heavenly (or rather sinful) noises - a pleasing confirmation of Thomas’ plan working perfectly. Y/N’s back was arched up as her head hung behind, chest bouncing in the attempt to gain more pleasure by Thomas.
“Thommy, please,” she whined, earning a slap on her thigh.
“You are being ungrateful, amore. I shouldn’t be giving you any pleasure at all. You’ll take what you can.” The lack of contact for the few seconds he spoke was enough to cause another fit of whines, but his breath on her heat made far worse ‘damage’.
He wasted no time moving up and away from his disheveled lover, moving to the dresser. Y/N simply sat there, mouth falling open, but this time due to confusion. It was clear that frustration had already started to pick up. Thomas on the other hand was enjoying the situation fully, finding it rather entertaining how he could make her melt so easily.
“Thommy. Come back,” she uttered in her usual dominating tone. Nothing. “Thomas, come back here-”
“What did you just say to me, puppy?” If he was pissed before, now he was livid, and it was clear as day. If this were some weird cartoon his eyes would’ve glowed red - a thought that did not help Y/N’s pleasurable fear. His hand had swiftly reached Y/N’s neck, not tightening up, yet making his stance threatening. “I think you have forgotten how things are going on around here, my love. You are not on the lead right now. I am. And you will pay for that.”
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gumilac · 2 years
AHH CONGRATS ON 500 LOVELY!!! i would love to request a seat in your 500 event <3
my order: 🥪
person to date: luke :,)
my drink: 🍨
song: “Lucky” by Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat
thank you so so much! and congrats again!!! 💞
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「 𝟓𝟎𝟎 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭 」
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pairings. luke pearce x reader
warnings. none, mentions of food but no one eats
a/n. THANK YOUU MWA <3 AND FUCK I HAVENT HEARD THIS SONG IN SO LONG OMGOMGOMG I WAS SMILING THE WHOLE TIME I WAS WRITING THIS IM SO GIDDY NOOOO, this fits him so well oh my *melts into a puddle*,,, also the code was apparently not working so yes 🧍‍♀️
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"are you coming home already?"
you lean on the kitchen counter, a hand holding your phone up against your ear.
"almost, my love," luke says, voice a little tired because of the work laid out in front of him. "i'll just finish up restoring these photos and i'm all yours when i come home."
you let out a small sigh and turned around to lean your elbows on the counter, "okay, have you eaten dinner already?"
"not yet," he says and you hear the faint clicking of his keyboard, and you decided to hang up the call to let him work easily.
"i'll see you at home, okay? please don't overwork yourself."
"i won't, flower," he pauses, "i love you."
"i love you too, luke."
with that, you end the call before making yourself busy to make his favorite dinner. there's a faint smile that makes its way on his face, and he shakes his head, looking down.
he still can't believe that he's yours... even after 2 years of dating.
the years of his youth all come back to him as he looks at the box of pictures he has to restore, as it somehow brings a sense of nostalgia and he reminisces the days when he was silently pining over you.
there's a small smile on his face as he looks over his shoulder, seeing you run up to him, eyes beaming.
"sorry, i got caught up with assignments"
"mhm, it's okay," sitting beside him, luke plays with the blades of grass as he watches you settle down— "i wasn't waiting long."
humming a response, you rest your back on the big tree, luke following suit. your shoulders are touching, but it isn't something new to you. luke being your best friend ever since you two were children, you were comfortable enough with the close proximity.
"i got an A today in science," you softly say, taking a deep breathe. luke looks down at the grass and smiles, "that's great! good job." and he means it, he really is proud of you because he knows that science can be quite difficult.
"hmm, all thanks to you, my sherlock."
leaning your head to face him, eyes slightly open as you take in the fresh air, relaxing your figure. luke fights the urge to kiss you right now, you look so serene, so beautiful under the tree as the sun peeks through the leaves. the cooling air lightly playing with your hair— god, he's so in love with you.
he gently smiles at you, cheeks warming up with the way you're looking at him, and he stares for a good while, admiring your beauty. luke reaches up to brush your locks and tucks strands of it behind your ear, before placing a flower he found dancing with the blades of grass, in your hair.
"my pretty, watson..."
voice sweet like honey and smooth as velvet call out to you, and you've heard it a thousand times. it's so familiar, that you could discren it among the heavy crowded streets filled with idle chit-chat.
"my watson!!"
"you're back!!!" running up to him, he wraps his arms around you, embracing you tightly— "you're back..."
"i am, aren't i?" he laughs, and it ignites something in your chest, a warm and... welcomed feeling. luke feels the world spinning as you hold him, grounding him here in this moment where he's in your arms. that he's actually with you.
"i missed you," he quietly says, and there's a hint of sadness, melancholic as he confesses, "i don't want to be apart from you that long ever again."
he closes his eyes, and breathes you in, basking in your presence.
"let me stay for as long as you allow me too."
hugging him tighter, you kiss his temple, momentarily shocking the boy before finally reciprocating his feelings.
he smiles and shakes his head as he returns back to restoring the photos. being your best friend since childhood, luke knows you like the back of his hand and you know him just as well. he's was so whipped for you and it shows, even now he still is.
you're all he sees, when he looks ahead, his future. luke has always wanted to ask you, that, there sits a beautiful velvet box in his drawers, waiting to be opened. a proposal, for a lifetime he so wishes to have, with you and only you.
maybe he'll tell you eventually...
but right now, he just feels lucky to be coming home again in your arms.
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themostdivisive · 3 years
Shared, Part Two
Pt. 1, Pt.2, Pt.3,
Pairing: Sirius Black x reader, Remus Lupin x reader, James Potter x reader
Summary: You’re best friends with Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and James Potter. Your world changes when the three of them get the idea to share you as a girlfriend.
Genre: fluff, angst, smut (all in good time)
Note: Here’s part two! I’m going to do my best to upload a part every day or every other day. This part is a little spicy/intense but y’all havent seen nothing yet... I have a lot planned hehe 
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More than a week later and you still hadn’t spoken to the boys about their request to “share” you as a girlfriend. For the most part, the boys acted normal to you. To be honest, you had almost forgotten about it until you were reminded of the conversation while studying in the common room late on Friday night. You were sitting at the table and hadn’t noticed that there was no one left in the common room besides yourself. 
Would it really be so bad if you said yes? A voice in your consciousness asked. You knew that it could potentially be a sticky situation if it went south. The boys had a tendency towards jealousy, as you had seen in their past relationships. But it was your seventh year. You rationalized. If anything went terribly wrong, I could just never talk to them again. This wasn’t much of a good argument considering that you valued your relationship with the three of them more than anything. Still there was part of you that was interested in what it might be like to date 3 boys at the same time. Would that mean they would have to take turns doing… intimate things? Your mind began to wander lustfully thinking of your body being shared between them. There was something delicious about the idea of letting each of them have your way with you one by one. Or even better, all of them at once. Thinking about it made you ache in all the right ways. You burned to be touched by all of them...
Your indulgent thoughts were interrupted by someone walking into the common room. Your head snapped up to see James coming through the portrait hole. He must have been coming back from quidditch practice, you figured.
“Hey, James.” You said casually. It wasn’t until after he slammed the portrait hole shut that you noticed he was acting different. The loud noise startled you. Oh no, you thought, quidditch practice must have been rubbish today. You jumped to your feet when he suddenly started to walk over to you.
“Are you okay?” You asked him as you stepped away from the table. He didn’t reply, in fact, he didn’t even look at you until he was standing only a few inches away from your face. There was a vein bulging in his forehead and his cheeks were flushed red. He looked frustrated, to say the least. He was standing close enough for you to feel his hot breath on your face. Something about the way he was looking at you was equally terrifying and intoxicating. You could feel the heat starting to rise in your cheeks. 
“James what’s gotten into yo-” 
“Have you made a decision?” He asked in a stern tone. Quidditch practice was rubbish today and he needed some relief. All week he had been thinking about you and the frustration started to bubble over. His performance at practice was faltering because of it. 
“M-made a decision about what?” His intensity somehow made him more attractive.
“Don’t be daft.” He hissed. The heat of the moment made you almost made your mind go completely blank. Your breath caught in your throat. For a moment you stood there speechless, just staring at the dark haired boy. Your gaze was locked with his fiery eyes. This was when you realized that he didn’t exactly seem angry, it felt to you more like he was desperately yearning for something. For what? You weren’t sure if you wanted to know. Your stomach lit up with butterflies.
“I-” You stuttered. “I don’t know, James. I need some more time to decide.” You lied. At that moment, you were certain that you wanted him. But his sudden possession of lust shocked you into a state of brain freeze. You had to focus all your energy into not immediately crushing your lips against his. Do ordinary people get these feelings about their best friends?
“You’ve already had time to decide.” As he stepped closer to you, you stepped back. Your eyes were locked in connection as you felt your back hit the stone wall of the common room. James took another step forward and pressed his body against yours. You could feel the bulge in his trousers make contact right in between your hips. Sure, James had flirted with you before, they all had. But it was never anything so intense. However, it was hard to complain when his hands were slowly sneaking around your waist. Despite his previous fierceness, he seemed gentle as he touched you. Before you knew it, James was leaning past your face and down to your neck. He planted a soft kiss below your jaw. Your eyes closed as you let out a small gasp. The bulge in James’ pants was getting harder for the both of you to ignore. His hand trailed up your body and found a resting place around your throat. Gently, he tilted your head to the side. 
“So what’s it going to be?” He hissed in your ear before biting your earlobe.  “What’s your answer?” 
“Yes,” You said in a voice that almost resembled a moan. “Yes, I want to be with you and Sirius and Remus.” James was blind with lust by this point. He loved how willing you were to obey him and follow directions. As a dominant man, it drove him crazy to think of how you would act in bed. He hoped you would bend to his will in a similar way. And if he knew anything about Remus and Sirius, they would love it too. You melted more and more with every kiss on your supple neck. You could feel the smirk on James’ face. 
“Brilliant,” He pulled back suddenly and grabbed you by the wrist. James led you toward the stairs and up to their dorm. “Something tells me that they’ll be more than happy to find you’ve made a decision.” He opened the door and to your surprise, both Remus and Sirius were still awake… 
Tag List: @kashishwrites   @i-am-addicted-to-tea @1975weasley @somethingchaotic @cosmoswid @emilianamason @quindolyn 
Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list! 
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buckysgoldenheart · 3 years
Angel in the Dark
Demon!August Walker x Reader
Summary: After a one-night stand, or what you thought would be one, a demon drags you to his world and forces you to grow wings like he has so you would have to stay with him, unable to permanently return to Earth.
Notes: (So this is like a one-shot that is little snippets/summary of something I might turn into a multi-chaptered fic. I’m not sure if I’m going to do that yet or if anyone would even like this idea, but if it seems a bit choppy, this is why.) I know its been an age and a half since i posted anything, but college, ya know? Also to those who have made requests, I have started all of them and they are to be posted next. I just started this fic a long time ago. I havent written anything for a while so it might actually kinda suck. 
Warnings: Implied smut, kinda. Unhealthy attachment on August’s end. If I make this chaptered then there would be actual smut. I think cursing. Eventual Stockholm syndrome if continued.
Words: 1713
 Angel in the Dark
You didn’t believe in fate, not really. You didn’t believe your life was predestined or anyone else’s to play with. It was yours alone, to make choices, good or bad. Only you decided when you did things and where you did them. And no one would have ever been able to convince you otherwise, until you met him.
Seeing him in that club, kissing him before you knew his name, now you couldn’t help but feel was in some way a trick, manipulated in his favor. That maybe bumping into him, quite literally, was his orchestration. Maybe whether you spoke to him or not, he had his sights set on you, and a one-night stand was never going to just get to be a one-night stand.
It was all too simple. Meeting you and not taking advantage, kissing you but following your lead, sleeping with you like you meant something to him. It didn’t add up. You could sense the kind of man he was; dominating and possessive. Too dominating and possessive to be as gentle with you as he had been. And all of it fell into a perfect line for what you now realized he wanted from you: not just sex, but more; nothing less than your life. But admitting all of that to yourself was entertaining the possibility that you were stalked like prey and any training at staying away from bad men had been a useless waste of time.
It was the third day, third of eight. August promised the pain would subside as the days passed, but so far he was proving to be a liar, not to your surprise. Every few hours, the wings ripped your skin wider to accommodate their size as they grew from the inside of your body pushing out. At three days, they were now the span of a couple feet, shining an opalescent white in the glare of the sun.
As you laid on your stomach, frozen in place against the mattress, wings bloodied and draped across your back with your eyes closed tight, you tried to understand the depth of the pain; how it was able to hurt the way it did. The feeling couldn’t compare to anything Earth may dare to offer. So different, so unnatural in its entirety, and indescribably excruciating. It was merciless, not letting you escape, not letting you find the will to walk without your bones threatening to crack. You could barely speak for fear fire would thrust itself up from your lungs and incinerate your throat. It was all-consuming, swallowing your body whole instead of localizing where the skin of your back had shredded open.
“Just a few more days,” August said, and you flinched at his voice. Every time he spoke it was a shock he was still there beside you, with his massive, black wings hanging over the back of the chair he sat in. Those monstrosities weren’t attached to his muscled back when you met him; nowhere in sight when he was in your bed.
August dabbed at your broken and bleeding skin with a cool cloth, eliciting little whimpers passed your chapped lips. “I know it hurts, Angel.”
“Don’t—" You forced out despite the heat in your throat, acid on your tongue, waves of nausea you knew would follow. “…C-Call me that.”
He sighed and continued to wipe the blood from your naked body. “I wish you wouldn’t say that. When the time is up, you’ll feel so much better about this, about me, and you’ll see how beautiful they are. You’re already so gorgeous, the wings will only add to your beauty.”
“I di-didn’t want--
“Don’t talk, Angel,” he said. “I know how you’re feeling about this right now, but humans are not allowed to live in this world. I had to do this so you can stay.”
You screamed as the wings tore your skin open a few more centimeters, and August quickly scooted his chair closer to brush the hair from your face.
He softly shushed you the way one might soothe a kitten, before leaning down and placing a kiss to your sweaty forehead. “It’s ok. I’m not going to leave your side.”
You would have slapped at him, pushed him away with all your might if you had the strength, but your lungs were tightening, body burning as if it had been licked by the sun. You were dying, slowly morphing into a horrid creature from fantasies, leaving behind any trace of humanity. In your veins you could feel something coursing and altering your DNA. You knew you still looked like you, for the most part, but you weren’t you, not anymore. All because you met a man who got attached and wouldn’t let you go. All because he couldn’t remain in your world and decided with certainty that if he couldn’t be in yours, he would drag you to his. A place some believed in and some didn’t, a place no one could prove the existence of, now your iron cage.
It was five more nights of torture before you felt like you could really breathe again, and even then, the oxygen was just as foreign as the pain you had trudged through, and you found little comfort in it fully filling your lungs.
“You’re awake.”
His smooth voice drew your eyes away from the scenery out the bedroom window; the first glimpse of true, heavenly beauty you’d seen since he brought you here. But you weren’t convinced it wasn’t an illusion crafted by his devilish fingers for your comfort. Much like his own beauty, a trick tempting you to call off your desire to leave this world and go home. You tried your best to ignore how perfect he looked; the curls of his hair, the scruff of his jaw, the black wings you first saw the night you met him when they had suddenly appeared only after you’d slept together.
“And you’re standing already. I hoped to come help you, but you’re clearly much stronger than I was after I had to grow my own wings.”
Your eyes flashed in anger before your tore them away from his, back to the rolling hills overlapping one another outside your window. The breeze rustling your hair, the chirp of the birds, the glisten of the sun off the small lake dotted in the landscape, distracted you from August’s approach. You stilled at his breath hitting the back of your neck, but when he slipped his rough fingers through the layers of your shimmering feathers you couldn’t contain the shiver that shot through your body. His own black ones ruffled when his skin touched his creation.
“So beautiful,” he whispered.
“I’m glad you’re proud of your work.”
August let out a puff of air, a weak laugh. “My work? Angel, this was all you. I knew they would be beautiful if they were going to be a part of you, but you really outdid yourself.”
Twisting your body fast, you met him chest to chest, your eyes burning with a heat to match the devil. “I outdid myself? You forced this on me. You injected me with that—that poison without my permission.”
“And you survived. Not many can say the same. You’ve come out stronger.” Fingers trailed through your feathers again and you ignored the heat it sent to your core.
“I’ve come out of this wanting to kill you more than I did before,” You said, shifting the wing back and away from his reach.
Without a moment to pass, August gently grasped your chin between his thumb and index finger as his gaze landed on your lips. “That will fade with time,” he whispered, then inched his face closer. You shoved him away just before his lips could meet yours, and August stumbled back with a chuckle. “Certainly stronger.”
“I’m not going to let you kiss me,” you snapped.
“Not today, it would seem.”
“Not ever again!” Somehow the words felt wrong, each one more sour than the last. Wrong, as if your lips called to his and a portion of your mind was so disappointed at the fight you were going to force it through by trying to keep yourself away from him. But it was a small portion, and the rest of you was much stronger.
“We will see, Angel,” He crossed his arms. “You and I have eternity. One day you will wake up and realize I am all you have, I am all you want, and this memory will be lost. All you will know is me and my touch and our world.”
As he spoke, his eyes held a gentle sincerity that you wished wasn’t there. You wished the blue of them wasn’t so calm and casual and certain of the way he was feeling. Shaking your head, you matched his stance. “You’re a monster,” you said. “You really are, and here I thought I’d seen the worst of monsters, but clearly not.”
August slowly stepped back into your space again, catching you off guard with a flush to your cheeks as he loomed over you. But you kept his stare, even with your back against the wall, wings spread against the stone. “You may breathe your sweet words all you’d like, Angel, but it changes nothing,” He said, running a knuckle down your cheek. “If I am a monster, I am your monster, and I’m not going anywhere.” Smiling, his eyes glanced at your lips again. “Luckily for me…neither are you.”
@agniavateira​ @tumblnewby @forthebrokenheartedthings​ @summersong69​ @starlite13​ @mstgsmy​ @purplelove75​ @defffcc​ @the-soot-sprite​ @kissthatlifeaway​ @atomicpaperhairdouniversity​ @aquariuslavenderhoney​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @the-problem-of-leisure​ @amberlokabrenna​ @a-dlv​ @writing-about-current-obsessions​ @weallhaveadestiny​ @coffeebreathy​ @madbaddic7ed​ @petitefirecracker10​ 
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kaz11283 · 3 years
46. “I’m in love…shit” with Loki. If you are still wanting requests. No pressure your stuff is amazing!
46) I'm In Love....Shit
I think I'm in Love
Summary: you and Loki spend some time together, later while talking to Thor in their mothers garden Loki comes to realize that he is absolutly in love with you.
Announcement: I havent been very with it these past few days and I feel like I have been slacking in a way. I have been so busy that by the time I finally get home and I am able to relax a pass out because I am so tired. I am trying to get better at this though and I am trykng ro work out a schedule for Fire and Ice maybe set a day of the week for that and just do requests durimg the rest of the week. I love you all and thank you so much for the love that you guys give me!!! 💚💚💚💚
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"Darling! It was absolutly hilarious." Loki laughted looking down at you.
"It was not and you know that very well Loki!" You said reaching up pulling a twig from your hair. You and Loki had decided to go out and ride since it was a pretty spring day and there was nothing else to do.
"Come here and let me help you." He pulled you to a stop so that he could help pull leaves and twigs from your hair. "You should have held on tighter." He smiled pulling the last of it from yojr hair.
"You should mot have slapped her tonmake her run off, Mr. Mischief." You said playfully smacking him on the arm.
"Watch yourself my dove." He warned stalking over to you.
"Oh what are you going to do about it Mr. Trickster?" You laughed pulling up you dress so you could take a few steps back. "This whole prowling thing doesnt intimidate me like it does your other fair maidens." You laughed loudly. He stopped and stared at you.
"My Lady y/n for you to think there are other besides you I would rather spend my time with." He placed a hand on his heart. "Why, you are absolutly right." He took off after you while you squealed with delight and ran away.
You ran from him up one of the paths that lead between the orchard and the castle walls. There were hidding spots all through there were the two of you use to hid when you were younger, the tall bushes being the perfect hidding spot to keep out of view from him. As you two chased and played you didnt realize there were two others observing.
Thor and Frigga warches from the balcony of her quarters as the sounds of screaming and laughing rose to them.
"How long do you think it will take for them to realize how in love they truly are?" Thor turned to his mother.
"Son, they have been doing this same song and dance now since before they were teenagers. Sometimes it takes a while for somethingblike that to become obvious." She answered leaning onto the rail.
"It is very obvious to others." Thor was happy that Loki had you but he knew that his brother wanted more he could tell by the way his eyes would light up when you were around.
"Though it is obvious to us it may not be as obvious to them. They are simply best friends that spend every hour of every day together." She sighed. She had taken you in and had let you start training with the other ladies working on how to be a princess.
"I dont understand allmother why I should start these. I am not fit to be a princess." You stated after your first class.
"But one day you will be. You may even rule over the kingdom." She said with a knowing smile.
"Thor, call for your brother please, it is time to start preparing for the banquet tonight." She placed her hand on his shoulder and gave a final look down to the garden where you and Loki where laughing loudly after he had caught you.
"Yes mother." Thor walked off.
"Loki! Mother wanted to let you know its time to start gettkng ready for tonight." Thor yelled through the garden trying to find the two of you.
"Ah, Lady Y/N, will You be joining the festivities tonight?" Thor bowed to you.
"Yes, I do hope you save a dance for me, will you Thor?" I asked smiling up at the blonde prince.
"As long as Loki doesn't stab me for it, I would love nothing more Lady Y/n." He took your hand and kissed the top of it.
"I shall see you both later." You curtsied and walked away.
"Brother," Thor smiled placing a hand on his brothers shoulder. "Does my eyes deceive me or could you possibly have a crush on Lady y/n?"
Loki moaned looking at Thor. "For the thousandth time, I do not have a crush on her. She is my best friend, someone I can talk to. Vent to when everything in the castle is just to much."
"Then I guess it would not bother you to bad to know that Fandral has asked if she would be attending tonight." This caused Loki to stumble slightly. "Said that if she wasnt escourted by anyone he could possibly have a chance to 'get to know her tonight'."
"Y/n wouldnt give that oaf the time of day much less attend anything with him. She has more class than that i dare say." Loki rolled his eyes.
"Well he hasnt asked her yet. Saod he figured he would wait till tonight and just meet her there. Said he couldnt wait to see just how pretty she looked." Thor gave Loki a sode ways glance and smirked.
"She can do so much better than him. She has better taste in book, though I doubt that he can even read," he tutted, "more grace, she is a wonderful listener, and he cant even dance that well." Loki stopped in front of his chamber doors.
"Loki, is that jealousy that i am sensing from you?" Thor raised an eye brow.
"By Norns, no Thor. It is not. I simply worry that she will be stuck with him the rest of the night and not be able to get away from him." He opened his door and walked inside his room. His heart was pounding, he did feel jealous. He was jealous that the time he would normally be spending with you would be spent with someone else. The only smart thing for him to do was to get ready and meet you.at your quarters so that he could escort you there and keep Fandral away from you. Of course time wouldnt work in his favor that night.
When you had arrived at your chambers you noticed a box with a note on top of it with Thors messy handwriting.
Lady y/n, I decided to take the liberty and pick out a simple dress for you for tonight. Though I realize that you must already have one but when I had seen this one I knew that i had to get it for you. I know the one you chose must be just as beautiful as you are i would greatfully appreciate it if youncould wear this one.
You rolled your eyes at thw thought of Thor picking out a dress for you, red and gold, he is by no means quarting you butnhe would do that type of thing just to get under Loki s skin.
When you opened the box the first thing you noticed was a beautiful golden chain that you assumed would go around your head, with an emerald that would sit lightly between your eyes. You removed more of the paper and noticed the dark green hues from the dress, when you pulled it from the box you noticed that the skirt hit midthight and the sleeves had cuts in them the material hanging from your shoulders to the ground. Next to the box was yet another note feom Thor.
Just go with it and lets see how you like it, the matching shoes are shoved under your bed. Dont worry thank me later by dancing with me.
You could see his face in your mind, picture him winking at you. You would surly kill him for this, or at least step on his feet.
After you finished pulling your hair half up and half down with a few braids falling from the side and finished your makeup you took a deep breath and stepped out of the door. You didnt understand why you were nervous but you were, its wasnt like you had never wore green before but this time it was different, this time there was nothing but green. It looked as if you were trying to say something.
You had always liked Loki, you has been friends since you were kids. Loki was your best friend, he was kind, caring, giving, compassionate in things that he truly cared about. You could talk to him about anything and he would listen, what you loved more than anything isnthat when he was with you all of his guards were down, you were the only one that got to see that side of him. You knew in your head though that he would see it as a compliment from his best friend as he sanced the night away with numerous other girls vying for his attention.
"You look....lovely?" Fendrel glanced at you as you walked into the dinning hall. "Might I be lucky to have a dance before you are snagged away by one of the princes?"
"Of course you may." You smiled holding your hand out to him. "You have always been a good lead Fandrel."
He took you spinning you onto the dance floor were some couples parted to make room for the two of you. He placed his hand on your lower back and pulled you closer to him. "You are quite a beautiful woman Lady Y/n, any man is lucky to be able to spin you around the floor." You blushed looking away from him, as you scaned the room you noticed Thor and Loki quietly talking to themselves. Loki looked handsome in his royal outfit, black and gold elegantly intertwining woth each other causing the emerald green to pop and to being ojt his eyes.
"Honestly brother, if she had planned on coming with him why did she have to wear my color? She knows by now what that stated." Loki rolled his eyes looking back to you and Fandral twirling around the dance floor.
"Maybe she didnt think much about it. You do realize that it is simply a color? There are many others here wearing it also." Thor said grabbing two glasses of wine and handing one to Loki.
"You truly are an idiot if you that she just so happened to pick out something like that, that just so happened to be my color. She wanted to make a statement." He handed his glass back to Thor and walked down the few steps leading to where you were dancing not noticing the small smile on Thors face.
"You know you are just as mischievous as your brother." Frigga came to stand beside him causing him to jump.
"Mother, I have no idea what you are talking about."
"Of course you dont son, just be careful, you could possibly be playong with fire on this one. Once they find out it was you setting this all up there no telling what they might do." Thors face dropped at the thought of the two of you teaming up aginst him.
ANNOUNCEMENT: OK Annon, I havent put the "I think I'm in love" prompt in this one because in all honesty this one I got carried away on and it was getting so long! I am making a part 2 and will add the link in once I am finished with it, i may actually have time today or tonight to start on it. Thank you so so much for the request and I love that it actually took me away and I didnt even realize how much I had wrote until I looked at it this morning! Keep an eye out for part 2 coming soon!!!
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miss--aura · 3 years
Saw your requests were open! I too love Fatgum so maybe an +18 plus scenario with some angst? Like maybe you were good friends but now both are stuck in limbo after sleeping with each other one night. Confused about what they are. Sorry if I'm not making sense.
Stuck In between
Pairing: Taishiro Toyomitsu x Reader
Warnings: angst, bad smut because I had a headache while writing the ending, idk what to put for warnings, banana milk sucks
Requested by: ness-is-a-vanillabean
On a serious note I decided I don't know how to wrote angst or if this counts as angst lmao.
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It was a spur of the moment decision, at least that's what you kept telling yourself. You were drunk, and let your lust get the better of you and now you didn't know what to do.
You shouldn't have let Midnight convince you to go, you shouldn't have taken the wine glass offered to you. It was all just some big mistake that you made, and it landed you where you are now.
You haven't left your house in a week and you certainly havent been checking any messages on your phone. Luckily you could work from home, but you couldnt hide forever.
"God, I'm so stupid!" Slamming your head on your desk with a groan, tears forming in your eyes as you choke out a sob.
No matter how hard you tried it kept replaying in your head. The way his eyes seemed to drink you up, his hands caressing every inch of your body, the way he filled you up hitting the spots that made you forget your name.
Part of you didn't regret it at all, getting out all of the lust filled emotions was such a nice release to something you've been holding onto for god knows how long.
Yet, you couldnt look back on the memory in a fond light. Because in the end, you said I love you. You said I love you to your bestfriend, and now you couldn't even talk to him.
He'd called you at least 15 times a day since then, over 200 messages being left unread. You just had to go and be selfish, didn't you? Ruin the one good thing you had in your life.
You wondered how he was doing, not that you'd ask. But at the same time, you were his bestfriend and you confessed your love to him in a drunken haze and haven't spoken to him since.
All the ways you could've confessed, you had to go and do it when you were drunk out of your mind and being pounded into a mattress. Going back to work at the agency would be a nightmare now.
One week left until you actually had to go back to the agency. Meaning one week to figure out how to avoid Taishiro for the rest of your life. Did you want to avoid him? No, but you'd rather avoid him than own up to your own emotions.
Picking your head up off the desk you decide to actually do something productive for once. You needed groceries anyways and right now was the perfect time to do so, considering Taishiro would be patrolling the other side of town.
You quickly freshen up and head out the door, the grocery store being only a few blocks away so you could manage walking there and back.
It was a short walk, being about 15 minutes give or take a few. Now that you were scanning shelves you realized how long it had really been since you've seen, well, another human.
It almost made you laugh, how seeing really people made you feel better about the situation your in. Sucking in your cheeks you put a small case of banana milk into your cart.
Taishiro didn't really care for it, but it was almost a comfort item for you. He always said it just tasted like a banana, and it'd cost less to buy regular bananas instead. Though you'd disagree everytime he brought it up.
Sure, it tasted like bananas, but it is banana milk so whatever. Plus it came in cute boxes with a straw and who were you to deny something that looked so cute.
Making it to checkout, you place your items on the counter. Allowing the cashier to do their job while you let your eyes wander around the store.
It wasn't big, but it had a comforting feel. Maybe it was because you'd been feeling down, or maybe it was the way you'd been here so many times that the familiarity was comforting to you.
Never the less you give a small smile to the cashier, finishing the rest of your items as you pay. Fishing the bags into your arms as you start the short journey back to your home.
"Need help carrying those bags?" The voice made you freeze in place. There was no way this was happening, he wasn't supposed to be here. He was on duty, right?
"Listen we need to talk, you can't keep ignoring me."
"I don't wanna talk right now, aren't you on duty anyway? I have to go put these away." You start walking off, hurrying to get away.
"I'm a hero, I help people in need. You aren't feeling like yourself which means it's my place to help. Is it not?"
"I said I don't want to talk, I said something I didn't mean, and I have to face the consequences for that. Okay?"
"So you don't love me?" You swear you could hear the hurt in his voice, but you told yourself you were hearing things. You can't ruin this anymore than you already have.
You can't bring yourself to respond, quickening your pace as your eyes fill with tears. Trying to blink them away only causing them to slide down your face. Not that you bother to wipe them because you know Taishiro is still watching you walk away.
He doesn't like you like that, he's a pro hero, you're just an office lady. That's what you have to remember. Whatever you thought you had, was just you trying to convince yourself that something could happen.
It didn't matter if you wanted to run into his arms, nothing would change. You'd be the hopeless romantic who had feelings for a hero who didn't have time to waste on a relationship.
"Y/n wait! Stop walking so fast I can't keep up!" Taishiro's voiced filled through your ears, your heart melting at the sound. But for once, your head was in control. Head over heart, that's what your mom always said.
"Go away 'shiro." It came out more broken than you wanted it to and you knew he could see right through you as much as you wanted to hide away from your feelings your feet plant themselves no longer letting you move further.
Two arms wrapping around your waist in the tightest hug you've ever experienced. Stealing the air from your lungs as a small whine of pain escapes your lips.
"Y/n, listen to me. You can't keep avoiding me. I've been worried sick about you, can't you tell? I thought I was dreaming when you told me you loved me but just as soon as that happened you dissapeared. Please Y/n talk to me."
You shook your head more tears streaming down your cheeks as you tried to speak without sounding like you were dying. Though it felt like you were.
"You don't love me 'shiro, I gotta get over you but whenever you're near me it makes it so hard. No matter how hard I try I keep falling harder."
"Who said I don't love you? Angelcake, you never asked me if I loved you. Look at you, what is there not to love about you? When you said you loved me I'd never been more happy in my entire life. So please, stop running away from me, I hate not being with you."
"Shh, let's get you home, I wanna show you how much I love you."
Arriving at your house, you force the key into the door as quick as you can manage. Taishiro taking notice to how desperate you were to enter.
Pushing the door open you realize how messy your house was, an awkward smile spreading across your face as you let him in. "Please excuse the mess, it's not usually like this I've just been having a hard time recently."
"As if it's any worse than mine, besides I'm not here to judge you." He grins placing his hand in yours and leading you to your bedroom. Seeing as he'd been here enough to know the lay out of your house.
Just as soon as you were in your room, he was all over you. Kissing you with so much passion you thought you were dreaming by the way he seemed to be bleeding out lust.
Taishiro opted to use his normal form in moments like this, his fat body not working when it came to the more intimate moments. Not that you loved him any less in any form.
You whine into the kiss, your body on fire from the arousal building up within you. Clawing at your close to get them off, desperate to have Taishiro's hands be on your bare skin.
"Someones needy, aren't they?"
"'shiro, please I want you. I've been waiting for this."
He hums, giving you a small nod as his hands sneak up your shirt. Helping you strip out of your clothes before falling suite with his own.
His hands grope your breasts squeezing lightly to get a reaction out of you. Which you give through a small moan. The noise is just enough to get him going though.
Spreading your legs and holding them open with his knees he slides his fingers over your folds, getting a grasp for how wet you were for him.
The more he teased the more you squirmed under him, small begs passing through your lips. Begging for him to hurry up.
"Taishiro, please stop teasing me I cant wait anymore~"
He only smiles in response, placing his cock at your entrance. Having done this just a week ago he was more than ready to plunge into the depth. Slowly thrusting into you allowing you to adjust.
You whine out his name, back slightly arching off the bed in ecstasy. Clenching around him your eyes clouded with list at the sensual yet familiar feeling of him filling you up.
He thrusts harder, finding a sweet rhythmatic pace that made the both of you feel good. Not too fast, but not too slow either. The perfect momentum between the two of you.
Leaning down to kiss you, he finds himself smiling like a little kid, happier than ever to be with you in this moment.
"'m close baby, where do you want my cum?"
"Anywhere, I dont care."
Satisfied with that response he thrusts into you a few more times before pulling out and letting his cum cover your lower abdomen.
"I told you I loved you babe, is that enough to prove it?"
"More than I could have ever asked for."
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diamondcamefromhell · 4 years
Kaz Brekker x fem!reader
A/N: play “guess whos back” on me because ayee, i am back, this time not with jaskier fic [sorry bby] but with... kaz brekker? whaa? so i am super late to the fandom but i read six of crows a couple of weeks ago and wanted to write an imagine with kaz x reader so.... vuioula?
oh and also HAVENT read crooked kingdom yet so no spoilers plz <333
Summary: y/n is part of the dregs, on good terms with kaz but when kaz gets a bit hurt things take a turn 
Warnings: swearing and leg injury [not grpahic at all]
word count:
FEEDBACK IS APPRECIATED AND REQUESTS ARE OPEN BUT I MIGHT TAKE AWHILE TO GET TO THEM [open for all witcher and six of crows characters btw]
Kaz slipped on his gloves looking at me like I was a disgrace, but I began to wonder if that was is resting face. He seemed to look like that at nearly everyone. I flashed him my teeth in return.
“No need to glare, pretty boy.” He clicked his tongue at my nickname, which I knew for a fact he hated. Or pretended to hate.
“Get off my fucking wardrobe, Y/N.” I lift by brows in question, laying back down, or trying to do so as much as I could in the small space.
“I like it here.” I shoot a glance at Kaz, who just rolls his eyes, but I see a small curl forming on his lips. “I may be no Inej, but I like small spaces.”
“I know.” Kaz says almost softly, before he picks up his cane and pokes me in the legs. “But terrorize someone else, please.”
“Oh did our great Kaz Brekker just said please?” I tease, but however jump off his wardrobe. Kaz towers over me slightly, looking down now, leaning on his cane.
“Next time I will beat you with my cane.” I narrow my eyes, grinning.
“Ooh, scary.” I pat him on the shoulder, moving away before he actually beats me with his cane. His expression grows cold at the touch, but I ignore it. “Where are we headed?”
“I am going to see some friends.” Kaz says through his teeth, making it pretty clear I am not welcome.
“You don’t have friends, but alright, pretty boy.” I wink, heading for the door, but I stop for a moment before leaving. I shoot a glance at him and he raises his eyebrows. “Be careful, please.”
“You don’t have to worry about me.” He says nonchalantly.
“You know I always will.” I whisper, leaving the room and slamming the door.
I decide to make my way to Jasper, jumping down the stairs to catch him gambling at the table. I glance at the group, already guessing he will lose. He sees me approaching and flashes me a smile. I wink in turn, looking around the room for more familiar faces.
I wish Nina were here. We got along great, even if she was relentless and insisted I have a crush on Kaz.
She may be right. But it wasn’t about that. It was about respect. Gratitude. It was about family.
Kaz makes his way downstairs, limping more than usual. Inej appears from nowhere and they exchange a few whispers before he leaves and the Suli girl looks at me.
“He’ll be fine, you know.” She says, approaching me. I believe her, but still feel uneasy.
“Do you think he would kill me if I followed him?” Inej laughs because the answer is blaringly obvious. I flush red.
“He would one thousand percent catch you. And be angry.” Inej takes my hand in hers. “And he will be fine. You don’t have to worry. It’s Kaz.”
“Bastard of the Barrel.” I mutter, pulling away. Inej’s face shadows but she forces a smile. I don’t respond. “I’m going to sleep.”
“It’s early.” I glance at Inej, already walking away.
“I’m tired.” I respond, stepping two steps at a time, rushing into a room they got let me stay in, falling face down on my bed.
Moments later I roll down off it, in the small tight space between the bed and the wall. Tight places make me feel safe. Not exposed. Hidden.
I had to hide too much as a child. It’s now forever in me.
You only wont get hurt if they don’t find you. If they don’t see you. If you make yourself so small, you disappear.
I slip into sleep, not sure for how long, until my door flies open. I instinctively lower myself underneath my bed, until I recognize that the voice.
“Y/N!” Jasper. I roll from under the bed, meeting his gaze as he gets startled. Our eyes lock and he opens his mouth to speak. “It’s Kaz…”
I don’t wait for him to finish. I am on my feet, practically flying out of my room, my heart a few steps behind, lungs on fire, I go to his room, but he is not there. I slam the door behind me, sending myself flying down the stairs.
I lose my footing, falling ungracefully on my knees. My ankle seemingly catches fire but I don’t care, jumping on my feet, looking around, white noise ringing in my ears.
Kaz. Where is he?
I see Inej rush from the furthest corner of the room. Our eyes meet.
“Here.” She points, but as I try to rush past her into the other room, she catches me. “You need to calm down first.”
“Let me go.” I practically growl, but she holds me. I feel Jasper approach too.
“Breathe, for fucks sake.” Jasper says, shaking my shoulders from behind, and I let out a breathe that I didn’t even realize I was holding in.
“Kaz is fine.” Inej says, forcing me to look at her. “Just his leg got busted a little bit more. He will be fine. Nina is on her way.”
“Let me in.” I hiss, freeing myself from her grip, but she stands in front of the door.
“He said-“ I slam my hand next to her face. She doesn’t flinch and doesn’t move. We lock eyes.
“I don’t care.” I know she understands. I know she knows why I have to see him. She moves out of the way.
“Knock yourself out.” She says coldly. I give her a nod, before I twist the handle, pushing the door.
The room is lit up and I see Kaz in a chair, his leg lifted on another one. He has his eyes closed, holding his cane over his midriff. He doesn’t look at me when I close the door.
“I thought I made it clear I don’t want you hear.” Ouch. I cross my arms, glaring at him, even if he cant see.
“I thought you said you will be fine.” I respond and he looks at me, cold faced.
“I am fine.” I shake my head, approaching him. I sit on the ground, pulling knees to my chest. A comfortable distance away, so he doesn’t kick me if I piss him off.
“That scared the shit out of me.” I whisper, closing my eyes. “When Jasper came in my room and just said your name and when Inej stopped me. I thought you died.”
“Why should it matter if I died? It doesn’t change your debt. Your life.” I snicker at his words.
“Yeah. My life would totally be the same if you died, Kaz.” I hate that I cant hide the shaking. I hate that he probably sees me as a weak woman. As a weak person. Someone childish and immature. But I cant stop acting like that. Even now, when he is hurt.
“People would still take care of you.” I glance up at him just as he looks down to me. “If that’s what you worried about. The Dregs have your back.”
“There are no Dregs without you.” I say, but he scoffs.
“Whatever.” I sigh, standing up. My ankle kills me suddenly, and I grab his chair to steady myself. “Are you alright?”
“Whatever.” I say, looking at him. “Why should it matter if I am hurt? Your life is the same.”
“Not if you don’t pay your debt.” He says and I am taken back. I stare at him, stone faced, sitting there without a care of the world. Only kruge. All he needs is kruge.
“Fuck you, Kaz.” I breathe out, stepping back, limping.
“You too, Y/N.” Doors behind my back open and I can only assume it’s Nina.
I don’t say a word. I turn around, not even saying hi, I leave the room. I limp past Inej and Jasper. They don’t try to stop me. I limp out of the building into the dark streets of Ketterdam.
I breathe in the air, not sure where to go. I needed to air out my emotions. To be away from everyone.
I wanted to be alone. To hide. Make myself feel small. Invisible.
Seemed that is what I will always be. Only seen for what people need of me, not who I am.
But then again, who am I?
I go to the Fifth Harbour. I know its not safe. I know its dumb. But I don’t care.
Luckily, I get there without any trouble. I go behind some crates and fishing nets stacked against one of the buildings. I squeeze myself in, make myself invisible between two crates. I throw the net over the top.
Sky looks like its made from puzzle pieces now. Nothing is connected. All scattered, all a mess.
I close my eyes.
“Im such a fucking child.” I say to myself, quietly. “I cant handle rejection like an adult.”
I lean back breathing in the salty air. I can barely move. It makes me feel safe. I focus on that. How I am squeezed in. How I feel.
How it proves I am alive. I am real. I matter.
I don’t realize how I fall asleep, softly crying, but when I wake, the sun is already high in the sky. My entire body is stiff from being squeezed in one position all night. Everything hurts and I can barely open my eyes.
I try to stand, but the pain in the ankle stabs me and send me back to the ground, with the net tangling around me. A wave of panic rushes over me as I try to get it off, only making matters worse.
I stop and breathe, trying to calm down, until I hear someone knocking on a crate nearby. Something towers over me, blocking the sun.
I open my eyes to see Kaz looking down to me. A smallest hint of relief runs past his face for a moment, but then he is back to being cold.
“Need a hand?” He asks, tapping the cane on the crate again. I glare at him, tears burning my eyes. I shake my head. “Alright.”
He moves away, the sun blinding me again. I don’t hear him walk away, so I know he is still standing there. Probably mocking me. Great.
I get the net off myself this time. Lift myself despite my body screaming at me. Just a moment later I am standing in front of him and our eyes meet again.
I limp past him, he silently walks behind.
“Told you I am fine.” He speaks, and I hear him double tap his cane. “As good as I was before.”
“Good.” I say, not slowing down. “Glad to hear that.”
“Nina is back at Crow Club to help you.” Kaz says again and this time I glance back. He isn’t looking at me, but more at the people passing us.
“Okay.” I slow down as my ankle is killing me now, limping even more. I don’t want Kaz to see me like this. Everything hurt. “I know the way.”
“Just keeping you safe.” He says calmly, and I know he expected me to protest.
“I don’t need you to keep me safe.” I say quietly and the man just sighs.
I stop for a moment, next to some other crates, leaning against them. Kaz catches up to me, blocking the sun again. I look at him.
“Am I really just walking kruge for you?” I ask, breathing heavily. “Not a walking, breathing and feeling human being?”
“You are barely walking.” He says, glancing at my ankle.
“Don’t ignore my question.” I say harshly.
“Don’t ask stupid questions.” We glare at each other, and I push myself up and walk again, though visibly way more slowly than before. This time Kaz stays by my side.
“At least I wont bother you anymore. I wont be able to climb that fucking wardrobe anytime soon.”
“Nina will patch you up and you will be there in no time, Y/N.” Kaz doesn’t sound fazed yet again, as if he thought all of this out already.
“I’m clearly not welcome.” I whisper, looking ahead. Tears prick my eyes but I will break another ankle before I let Kaz see me cry over him. “And I need to work harder to pay my debt off.”
“Not being welcome never stopped you before.” I glare at him.
We walk in silence. Or move at a snails speed. I try to fasten myself, but it seems like I will eat dirt before that happens. Kaz doesn’t seem fazed.
He also doesn’t seem to be limping as much.
We make it away from the docks, and he stops, and I follow suit. I sit down on the ground, breathing heavily. He stares seemingly into the abyss.
“Why do you care about me?” He asks and I scoff.
“Not here to boost your ego, pretty boy.” I say, rolling my eyes.
“It’s not about that.” He responds with sadness in his voice.
“Because you are the first person who cared about me. Even if it was out of kruge. You are the first person who made me feel not small.” I say in one breath as he looks at me, his expression unreadable. “I want you to do that for yourself too. You wont allow anyone else to help you, I want you to help yourself. I want to be here when that happens. I want to make sure you are here to see that happen.”
“Thank you.” He says so quietly I almost don’t catch that.
I smile to the ground until his gloved hand reaches out to me. I take it, standing up. Then the unexpected happens.
Kaz gives me his cane. I stare at it as if it’s a bomb.
“You need it.” I say, but Kaz shakes his head.
“You need it more, Y/N.” When I don’t move, he shoves it in my hand anyway. “I insist.”
I use his cane, wondering if this is the closest I will ever get to him. His cane feels like an extension of him. And he lend it to me.
We make the rest of the way without stopping or talking, once we enter the building a few pairs of eyes shoot to the cane in my hands and to the empty handed Kaz next to me.
Everyone is smarter than to say something, though.
Nina rushes to me, getting me to sit. Then she proceeds to scold me for walking on my hurt ankle. I sit there, apologising and nodding and thanking her as everyone watches us.
I glance at Kaz who is grinning at the sight.
He leaves though, going back to his room. Nina finishes and only then I realize I am still clutching his cane. I excuse myself from her and go up the stairs while grisha stares at me.
My ankle is way better but I’m still limping and she told me to rest.
I don’t bother knocking, I just limp in and he lifts his head from the table, looking at me.
“Your cane.” I say, putting it on the table.
“Oh right.” He says, looking at it. “How’s your leg?”
“Better now. Thank you.” I say, smiling. “And sorry for being a child.”
“I am glad you are like that. Means you are more than just kruge.” I flush. “You are a person.”
“Does that mean when I get better I can climb your wardrobe?” He rolls his eyes, though smiling.
“Fuck off.” I laugh.
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
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imaginingmyloki · 3 years
A Shift in Reality
Fandom/universe: Marvel
Pairing: LokixReader
Timeline: AU marvel where its after Ragnarok so Loki keeps his character development and no one dies because infinity war/end game never happened :)
Word Count: 2140
A/N: So this is the first non-requested fic I have written in a long time. Reader’s powers are essentially Daisy Johnson’s powers (earthquake/vibrations for those who haven’t seen agents of shield- if you havent seen it I HIGHLY recommend it!  If any part of reader’s powers being used for certain things get confusing I’ll try to link a youtube video of Daisy using her powers doing the same thing to see a visual of it! But here’s an overview video of her using her powers to do a lot of really cool stuff if you’re interested :) not at all relevant to the story but I have a MAJOR crush on daisy haha). I’m already working on part 2 and it should be posted early next week! Anyways, I hope you guys like it :) and requests are open so if you have any let me know!
“Kid, where are you?” Stark came over coms sounding like a frantic father. “I’m fine, Tony. I’m 26 and I don’t need a babysitter.” I had only been with the team for a couple months. Tony had found me in rough shape, running after escaping from Hydra. After a few weeks healing and training, I had been allowed to go on a few easy missions with the team but always had to stay with someone since I was still learning to control my abilities. Hydra didn’t teach me control, they only taught me to use anger as the driving force behind my power and with powers like mine, that could get dangerous quickly. This was my first mission where I wasn’t instructed to stay with someone the entire time. I still ended up walking with Loki for the first few minutes after everyone splitting up. He and I had become friends since I had moved to the compound. He was the only one who didn’t look at me like he was waiting for me to break or pestering me to talk about what I had been through before joining them. It was supposed to be a simple mission just to gather some intel from an old shut down Hydra base. I turned down a hallway that had a door at the end as Loki turned down one on the opposite side of the corridor. He gave me a nod before we went our separate ways as if to reassure me that I could handle this. I made my way towards the door and realized that it was slightly open and I could hear low talking inside. I paused just outside the door to listen, “There’s at least 6 of them here and probably more outside for backup. We need to hurry up and wipe the server and blow the rest of it.” 
I tried to warn Loki over coms but didn’t get an answer so slowly made my way into the room, staying out of sight of the two men sitting at the bank of computers. As I snuck around a large shelf, something came into view. A bomb that had a timer on it and was counting down. It was hooked to multiple, smaller impact bombs that would go off after the initial explosion disturbed them.This would cause catastrophic damage to the building. We had 2 minutes until it would bring the building down on top of everyone inside. Giving up on staying hidden, I stepped out, hands at the ready, and said “Stop the bomb. Now.” The man at work on the computer continued what he was doing and the man who had an air of authority about him slowly turned to face me and the air in my lungs suddenly went cold. His name was Nelson and he was the man that had been in charge of me when Hydra had me captive. It took everything in me to remind myself that I was in control of myself and I didn’t need to tell him that I was ready to comply with whatever orders he would give me. I was free now and there would be no punishments for disobeying. “Well now if it isn’t my most promising weapon of mass destruction. We’ve been looking for you. The boss is not happy with me for losing you. You took out quite a few high value assets on your way out.” He was smirking and the look on his face made me feel like I was missing a piece of the puzzle. With coms still silent and no sign of anyone coming to help me, the fear started to sink in and the room around us started trembling as I began to lose control of my powers. Nelson chuckled, “Still having trouble controlling the fear, I see. Guess we didn’t quite beat that out of you yet, huh?” I glanced quickly at the timer, a minute and 15 seconds left. Loki suddenly came running into the room, a knife in both hands. Before I could say anything to him, the knives left his hands with a swift flick of his wrist. One took out the man at the computer and the other landed in Nelson’s shoulder. “Go, Loki. Get everyone else out of here.” He ignored me and sent a warning out to the others over coms. Mine was apparently the only one not working. I heard Nelson let out a short laugh at my confusion. “Of course we knew you were here, 9213. We may not be able to hack all of Stark’s tech but we can manage to fry a single com unit.”  Hydra didn’t refer to any of their assets by names. It was either “soldier” for those that they tried to replicate the winter soldier on or by your file number. I was file number 9213. Just as I was about to respond, the bomb went off. Without thinking, I dove towards it and used my powers to contain the explosion. Loki punched Nelson, knocking him out. The exertion of trying to hold the explosion in place was starting to get to me. “Loki, I need to let this go. Is everyone out?” he nodded and I told him to go as well. He didn’t move but I couldn’t hold it anymore so I pushed it as far as I could in the opposite direction of Loki. The force of the explosion threw me into the shelves and just before everything went black I realized that Nelson was nowhere to be seen.
                                              --2 weeks later--
I sighed in frustration as I rolled over and adjusted the pillow for what felt like the hundredth time. Every single time I lay down and close my eyes to sleep since we got back from the mission, I can hear a rhythmic humming noise but when I open my eyes to try and find the source of the noise, it disappears. Giving up on sleep, I made my way to the kitchen for a midnight snack. “Oh for fucks sake, why does Thor keep putting the Oreos on the top shelf?” I grumbled to myself as I climbed up on the counter to reach my favorite cookies and heard a low chuckle behind me. “Need some help with that, Love?” I turned around with my arms crossed and looked down at Loki from where I was standing on the counter. “You could have offered before I climbed up here...” I pouted. After grabbing the Oreos and Loki helping me down from the counter, we sat on the couch together. Loki was almost always awake late at night so we had developed a sort of routine. We sat and talked for a few hours about everything or we sat and read together. Tonight was a reading kind of night but after a few minutes of comfortable silence he said “So what’s been keeping you up this late, Darling? Sleepless nights are my forte but before recently, I rarely saw you up and about after midnight.” I didn’t know how to explain the nonexistent noise that was plaguing me and keeping me awake without sounding crazy. After a few minutes of quiet contemplation I sighed and said “Ever since we got back from the mission a couple weeks ago, I hear this humming noise whenever I am trying to sleep but its almost like I’m hearing it through a wall. It’s muted but loud at the same time.” He gave me a look of concern “You hit your head pretty hard on that mission.. you were knocked out until we got back home to the compound. You should talk to Banner and make sure you’re ok.” I told him I would talk to Banner when he came down from his room. The sun was just starting to rise and I wanted to go up to the roof to enjoy the peace that always comes with the way the sun slowly chases the darkness away. 
I had been up on the roof for an hour, enjoying the quiet with my eyes closed and my face turned towards the sun. This was my favorite place to meditate and destress. After relaxing and getting my mind to go blank, I started to hear the noise again. Instead of immediately opening my eyes like I had been at night, I tried to focus on the noise to see if I could tell what it was. The humming noise started to die down some and I started hearing a slight beeping in its place. Just as I was about to give up, I heard a familiar voice say “(Y/n)? Can you hear me?” but when I opened my eyes there was no one on the roof with me. With the addition of hearing voices added to my list of problems I decided to give up on meditating and head down to the clinic to see Bruce. When I got to the clinic and told him what was going on he gave me a concerned look. After he ran a few tests, Banner came back into the clinic and I could tell by the look on his face that he was just as confused as I was. “Nothing in the tests suggests that there is any residual damage from the hit you took and you passed the hearing tests with flying colors so I don’t think that it affected your auditory cortex.” he said as he sat back in the chair across from me, rubbing his chin in deep thought. I could tell it was truly bothering him that something was wrong and he couldn’t figure out what it was or how to fix it. There was a knock on the door and Loki peeked his head in, “Are you alright, (Y/N)?”  I smiled at him and gestured to the seat next to me, inviting him to come sit. As he sat down Bruce said “So you said you only hear it when trying to sleep or when you let your mind go blank while meditating?” I nodded and he said “OK so I have an idea. What if we try giving you something to help you sleep? You can sleep here in the clinic so we can monitor everything and maybe get some answers on what’s going on with you.” He must have seen the hesitancy on my face because he was immediately reassuring me that I would be 100% safe and looked after at all time. Loki grabbed my hand and said “I will sit by your side while you rest and look after you myself.” This calmed my nerves a bit and I reluctantly agreed. After Bruce administered the meds and I got comfortable, I was beginning to feel pretty drowsy. Loki and Banner had pulled the comfortable couch from the library into the clinic and put nice cozy blankets on it for me. Loki had set up a chair next to me and was quietly reading out loud because he knew it helped to calm my nerves. As I drifted off to sleep the sound of his voice slowly faded and in its place was the humming. I started to notice more noises added to the humming. A steady beeping noise, hushed voices that I couldn’t quite make out, and I swear I could hear someone snoring. I reached up to scratch my nose and heard a gasp. “She moved. (Y/n)? Are you awake? Can you hear me?” I knew that voice. Why did I know that voice? I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. “What the hell is this?” I asked. My hand immediately went to my throat, surprised by how raspy and dry my voice sounded and the harsh feeling in my throat as if I hadn’t used my voice in a very long time. I was surrounded by strangers in white coats. “Who are you? Where am I?” I tried to move but realized I was hooked up to machines. Wires and IV lines getting tangled as I moved. The beeping was coming from a heart monitor next to my bed. I was in a hospital. Did Nelson find a way to take me away from the compound? I raised my hand in an attempt to use my powers and make a run for it but nothing happened. I looked at my hand in confusion and then searched the room for any kind of clue as to what the hell was happening. There was a small tv on in the corner that caught my attention. The team was on the tv. It was in New York and they were fighting aliens. “Is that the news? What happened?” everyone was looking at me. A small woman slowly sat on the end of the hospital bed and put a hand on my foot. The familiar voice from earlier came from her and said “(Y/n), honey, thats just a movie. Its your favorite movie. Remember? The Avengers?”
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cuddlesslut · 4 years
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Okay im super excited to do this!!! This is my first Yay!! 🥰🥰 So im going to do head cannons for Oikawa and Kuroo I might come back later and right one for Atsumu but atm I just don't feel like I could right for character and do justice.
Warnings: slight angst, nsfw, light smut, fingering, daddy kink, pet play, unwanted attention, alcohol
The boys reacting to you talking to your ex
This is my first time writing smut so bare with me. Hope this is what you were looking for.💞👉🏻👈🏻💖
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Oikawa Toru
okay so you and Oikawa have been dating for a few month
i love my baby boy shittykawa but i feel like he would be pretty insecure when it comes to having a girlfriend. due to past experience.
so after so many mess ups hes really trying his best with you
messaging you sweet texts
eating lunch with you and the team
and just trying to give you as much time as he can
but hes Oikawa and Prelims were coming up so as of recently volleyball practice was the only thing he could really focus on.
you understood and wanted to be there for him to support him but didnt want to distract him with such an important event coming up
that why when you got paired up with your ex for your science project it slipped your mind to tell him
he knew you and your ex ended on mutal terms but he had heard whispers that your ex still had feeling for you.
not that hes gunna tell you that as far  as hes concerned hed rather you and your ex be in as little contact as possible worried that youd fall for your ex again
so when you, Oikawa were sitting having lunch together.
your first alone time together in weeks
and Oikawa saw your phone light of from a text from said ex it was hard for him not to fear the worst
he hadnt been around for you lately he worried
his thoughts started to spiral thinking that maybe because he wasnt present enough in your relationship that you ex might have been there to steal you away.
Brows knit and voice a little stained trying really badly imight add to hide his jealousy
“whys your ex meassaging you about meeting up later” he asked heart aching as he read the message on the screen.
when you see the look on his face you immediately felt bad for not telling him sooner about your project
“oh im sorry babe i forgot to tell you that we were paired together for our science project.’ you say apologized seeing how tense he was. “im sorry i didnt tell you i didnt want to distract you i know you have so much going on right now i wanted you to be able to focus on volleyball” you admitted placing your hand on his arm to reassure him.
you saw hurt and pain flash across his face.
“ Y/n you never have to worry about distracting me,” he said caressing your cheek.
“if anything you are my favorite distraction im so sorry i havent here for you lately. im so sorry ive been such a shit boyfriend I promise to make more time for you please dont leave me.” he stuttered.
this was the most vulnerable you had ever seen Oikawa. worry still stain his beautiful features.
you leaned your head forward your forehead resting against his,
“Toru ,” you coo’ed his eyes flicked up to meet yours. “ babe im not leaving you. im so happy with you. im not upset that our time together is limited right now im just happy to be with you and support you in your passion. I wouldnt have dated you if i couldnt handle your volleyball obsession, i knew what i was getting into when i said yes” you saw him breath a sigh of relief at your short speech.
“you have nothing to worry about Toru my ex has nothing on you shittykawa,” you giggled at the nickname his best friend had taken to calling him
“ heey” he pouted his signature pout before smiling and closing the space between you , pressing his soft lips against yours
your heart fluttered for even the smallest things when it came to him
“i love you,” he whispered against you lips    
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 Kuroo Tetsurou
being at a frat party tonight was not your original plans but do to some complaining from your friends here you were wandering around trying to avoid the drunk party goers
you looked around for your friends who you had been separated from.
they were no where to be found ofcourse that figures
making your way to the kitchen cause if you were going to be stuck here you sure as hell werent going to be sober
not planning on being drunk you decided to forgo the shot offered to you instead settling on a mixed drink
you werent a wallflower but this still wasnt your usual scene and with your besties no where to be seen you need to find a place to situate yourself
settling for a seat on the open lounge chair sipping your overly sweet drink
scanning the room you realized that he was here too
standing across the room with a group of friends was none other than Kuroo Tetsurou
he stood tall among the party goers even leaning against the wall his head full of bed hair was more than recognizable he wore a pair of black jeans with a black t shirt that clung tight to his chest his arms crossed his strong arms on full display
even from where you were sited you could see the veins in his arms that always made you want to drool
continuing your gawking you eyes made their way up only to catch his staring straight into yours
it seems like you weren't the only one checking the other out
his signature smirk made your breath hitch just a little to yourself.
god this man. for the chemistry nerd you knew him to be he sure was cocky
you and Kuroo werent dating by any means you didnt fool yourself into think what you had with the science major was anymore than just two stressed students having fun
looking him up and down you bite your lip thinking back to one of your most recent hook ups
you think about going up to of the many bathrooms to send him some incentive to ditch this party and head back to his
yet as fate would have it before you could make your move your thought were interrupted
“long time time no see” you glance up at the man standing in front of you
you groaned internally as your ex slid next to you on the lounge slinging his arm behind you hand resting on your shoulder.
you rolled your eyes in irritation trying to remember how you ever fell for such a douchebag
even from across the room Kuroo could see how uncomfortable you looked. and honestly he didnt like the way your ex acted so comfortable with you
he didnt enjoy how close he leaned into to you or the way his eyes looked like they were undressing you
you may not be dating but Kuroo did not like sharing
the final straw was when your ex placed his hand on your bare knee and started trying to inch his hand closer to the hem of your short skirt
you grabbed his hand to stop him not wanting to try and take this any farther
“c’mon babe,” he groaned drunkly “ we both know you could use some good dick”
you rolled your eyes about to interject when you were cut off before you could even protest
“i couldnt agree more,” Kuroo smirked pulling you into his arms
“what do you say kitten,” he said moving his hand to grab your hip hand slipping down to grab your ass making you hitch your breath
“better luck next time dude,” Kuroo laughed pulling you away
Kuroo pulled you into one of the empty rooms locking the door behind him
“ now kitten what am i going to do with you,’ he said pushing you into the bed his breath hitting your neck sending shivers down your spine
his hands making their way up to your cheek pulling you into a searing kiss
you felt like the air was being sucked out of your lungs
you felt drunk on lust as he nipped at your bottom lip
“im sorry daddy,” you squeaked feeling his hand slip under your skirt just barley tracing his fingers were you need him most
you felt the heat in the pit of your stomach as he moved one his slender finger along your soaked panties
“please let me make it up to you,” you said slyly feeling a little more embolden from the drink you had nursed
you moved your hand down his toned stomach your fingers catching on the buttons of his jeans
his hand caught yours pinning both of you hands above your head his breath hot on your neck
“now now now ,” he breathed sucking a bruise on your neck causing you to arch into him
still holding you hand in one hand he snaked his free hand down pushing you panties to the side slide two finger between your wet fold
“ what kind of daddy would i be if i didnt take care of my kitten,” he whispered in his husky voice before he slid index finger into you heat.  
Okay im going to apologize if there's any grammatical errors im so sorry 🌸💐
I had so much fun writing this!!!
And like always 🥰🥰🥰
Request are OPEN 💞
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kiwisfics · 4 years
Varian x Reader - Cassandra’s Revenge
Request: @technolilly - Hi! I'm currently dying cause I'm in love with Varian and I need some angst, have you seen Cassandra's revenge? If so *SPOILER AFTER THIS MARK DONT READ IF YOU HAVENT SEEN IT* How about she uses reader as a motive for Varian to tell her the incantation instead? And she hurts reader until Varian says it? Then angsty confession with Cassandra mocking it?
A/N: For clarification, I actually love Cass; she's a great character, villain or not; but I'm an avid whumper, so I may have taken this prompt and uh... Ran.
All the whump aside, there’s a happy ending. (The ending is also a little rushed, sorry)
I cut this off sooner than I was going to, but I figured if anything, I’d make a part two with recovering fluff (and maybe some nightmare angst)
Warnings: ooc Cass, torture, violence, blood, threats, broken bones, drugging, humiliation (minor, but the ask mentioned Cass mocking a confession and I took liberties), guys this is really dark you gave me permission to pretty much torture reader and torture is my writing forte
The tip of one of the multitude of black rocks dug into the soft skin of your neck, one wrong move away from digging in and causing pain, or something far worse. 
"Let her go, Cassandra!" There was raw fear in his voice- he couldn't lose you; and his voice broke as he said her name. 
Varian looked a smidge worse for wear. His right eye was bruising over and a shallow cut marred his left cheek, but it could've been worse. You were almost grateful she'd turned to you as a bartering chip, rather than hurting him until he caved. 
(He wouldn't, for the record. Not for his own sake. He was holding onto the trust Rapunzel had given him with an iron grip and no amount of pain would shake that, you were certain. He'd be well and truly too far gone before any part of that incantation left his lips for his own sake. Maybe Cassandra knew that; that would explain why she'd turned her attention onto you.)
If you were in any position to fight back, you were certain you would've wiped her smug grin right off of her face, or at least tried to. But you weren't in that position, and the panic in Varian's tone was making your own panic more profound—he knew her, you'd never met this woman, and if Varian was worried, then what did that mean for you?
You swallowed, which was more than enough for the rock to break skin, leaving a thin trial of blood to drip down your skin and pool against your collarbone. 
Varian dared to take a step in your direction, but a wall of rocks exploded from the ground inches in front of him and, what honestly seemed to perturb him more, Cassandra placed a hand below your chin. The rock against your flesh receded enough for her to force your head forward. Your eyes met Varian's and you forced yourself to hide the fear in your expression. 
"I'd stay back if her safety's your priority," Varian's jaw clenched, you could see it from across the room, along with the way he chewed on the inside of his cheek, weighing his options, "I'll let her go, once I have that incantation." 
"Don't give her-!"
"Quiet!" The rock's proximity to your neck returned, and your mouth snapped shut as Cassandra's grip tightened painfully, "What do you say, Varian? I'd say that's more than a fair trade."
He rose his hands, not that he could be perceived as any kind of threat with his bag tossed into a far corner of the room. Without his alchemy, all he had was his words, and you doubted she had any intention of listening to them, "Cass, just let her go, she doesn't have anything to do with this!"
He rounded the rocks as he spoke, chancing another step forward before he stopped of his own volition before Cassandra could block him once again.
"She didn't have anything to do with this, until she became important to you." Cassandra turned your head to the side, eyeing your face before she laughed, "Where'd you even meet her? Did she fall into your lab?"
Honestly, not far from what had actually happened, but now was far from the time for recalling your meeting. 
"Just think about what you're doing. This isn't the road you want to go down, I know." He took yet another step, and rocks emerged from the ground again. 
This time, the rocks weren't the jagged weapons that you'd grown used to seeing, they resembled hands, "You know?" The hands wrapped around both his wrists and then melted back into the ground, bringing Varian to his knees. "No, Varian, you lost your nerve, I won't."
You knew enough about Varian's past. His guilt was palpable the moment he was reminded of what he'd done and he did his best to make up for everything he'd been responsible for. You didn't fault him for seeing himself in Cassandra, even if you were in the middle of this. To be fair, even if he did make a run for his bag, there was no guarantee anything in it would be more than an inconvenience to her with her control over the rocks.
"I want that incantation, Varian." She released your jaw, leaving burning fingerprints in her wake that would undoubtedly turn to bruises before a new day broke. 
She moved toward Varian, and for a moment you were sure that he was going to get the worst of this experience. But she crouched down in front of him, making a show of turning her arm to a weapon, "Do you really want to know what I'll do to her to get it?"
His eyes snapped in between you and Cassandra, and you gave a resolute shake of your head, steeling your expression to avoid giving him any more of a reason to tell her the incantation. Both you and Varian were holding out on the hope that Rapunzel would be here soon, and that this could all turn into fuel for future nightmares, until then, he just needed to keep that incantation to himself. 
You bit back any cry of pain that attempted to escape you, biting into your cheeks hard enough to draw blood and, as you clenched your eyes tightly, the taste of blood flooded your mouth. 
For now though, Cassandra stood, and you braced yourself for what was to come.
The rock against your neck suddenly shot forward, cutting deep into the side of your neck - anything vital was missed, but that was certainly the point; you couldn't be a bartering chip if you were dead, could you?
"Cassandra, Wait!" Varian struggled against his confines as she approached, doing nothing but rubbing his wrists raw. He wasn't getting loose, even he knew that. 
"One last chance, Varian," the blade on her arm pressed against your cheek in a grisly promise, as the weapon against your neck receded completely, "what's the incantation?"
"Don't do this! Don't hurt her!" 
The blinding pain that ignited on your face made clear that she hadn't appreciated that answer. 
You cried out, your hands - trapped against your sides by her rocks - pulling against their own confines in a desperate attempt to still your bleeding as well as defend yourself as a blow against your stomach made you keel over. 
"Cassandra, stop!" Varian's voice dropped an octave or two, making clear that his previous worry was turning to anger, "Let her go!" 
She snickered and the rocks holding you steady crawled higher, reaching just below your chest before they tightened around your midsection, resulting in an audible snap seconds before you started to scream. 
You could hear Varian screaming something, but your ears were ringing in response to the pain in your torso. The radiating burning in your ribs was enough to distract you from the fact that she'd grabbed your face again, maneuvering it so Varian could see the way your eyes glossed over from agony. 
Your breaths came out in shallow gasps and the pain didn't stop, but, eventually, the far away look in your eyes faded as you returned to the moment. 
God, where was Rapunzel?
Cassandra released your face once again, and her attention turned to Varian's discarded bag, not that either of you noticed. 
"You're going to be okay, (Name)," he was crying, and, all your pain aside, that made you hate her more than anything, "you're going to be okay!" 
You were sure that you were crying yourself, but you could hardly focus on anything other than the pain. You wished that the cuts were deep enough to knock you out, at this point. It would be much easier to deal with unconsciousness than to deal with the pain. 
Through the pain, you were still able to meet his eyes and hiss out, "Don't tell her."
She returned, a vial in her hand. 
You eyed the vial cautiously, but her grip on it kept the label hidden. You had no idea what Varian deemed necessary to carry in his bag, and, faced with finding out, you decided that you'd much rather remain ignorant. 
"I'm sure there will be plenty left to get me that incantation," she lifted the vial between two fingers, revealing the label: truth serum. You were going to yell at Varian for this later, no doubt, both for deciding to start labeling his vials now, and for carrying that around, "but first," she grabbed your jaw, and forced your mouth open. 
You briefly wondered what she got out of this; why she didn't just give the serum to Varian and get this over with, but you recognized the opportunity the instant the glass rested against your lips. 
If she was going to prioritize tormenting you over getting the incantation that she so desired, then, by all means, you'd use that to your advantage. 
Before she could see it coming, you forced your head forward and grabbed the vial between your teeth, tilting your head back and swallowing the entirity of the bottle. 
Cassandra growled, snatching the bottle back—you let go soon enough to avoid chipping any teeth—but she was a second too late, and you couldn't help flashing a grin, even through the pain you were in, "Whoops."
Rage flashed in her expression, but it melted back into self-satisfaction in a moment, "You shouldn't have done that." 
The threat of pain didn't miss you, but you remained unperturbed. Well, as unperturbed as you could be with the pain that coursed through your body with every shallow breath you took. 
She paced in front of you, and you could tell that, despite the facade, she was growing uncertain, "What's the incantation?"
You started to laugh, but you were immediately interrupted by a blinding pain, "I don't know." 
She knew that, but she had to ask. She rolled her eyes, "Aren't you proud of yourself? Well, (Name)," you didn't like hearing your name came from her mouth, particularly when you knew she'd only learned it from Varian's panicked yelling, "wouldn't you rather Varian be the one in your position? He's the one that got you into this mess after all." 
"No," the answer came without a thought, as it would have without the truth serum. You cocked a brow, maybe she expected the answer to be yes, and that it would hurt Varian, but you would rather take this pain ten-times over, rather than have to watch Varian be hurt. 
He probably felt the same, which, honestly, made you feel guilty, even if you couldn't do anything about your current predicament. 
Even if Cassandra had expected your answer to be yes, her expression perked up, "Really? And why would that be?"
Oh, crap.  
You bit back your answer, well aware that it wasn't something that you wanted to admit, but you had downed an entire vial of truth serum, "Because-because I," you bit down on the insides of your cheeks, but there was no stopping your answer, "Because I love him." 
Varian's gritted teeth and furrowed brow instantly relaxed in an expression of surprise at your answer, his mouth dropping open, and brows raising, 
If you hadn't been in such an awful situation, you would have admired how adorable he looked in the moment, but Cassandra's laugh shattered the moment, and he returned to anger. 
"Awe, isn't that cute!" She had the gall to pinch your cheek, and you jerked your head away without thinking, resulting in a massive spike of pain in your ribs. "She loves you, Varian!"
The sickly sweet tone lead into more pain as she intentionally pressed her thumb into the deep cut on your cheek. 
She opened her mouth, likely to continue mocking you, but a familiar voice interrupted before she could. 
"Cass!" Instantly Cassandra's face fell and she swung around. 
Rapunzel's appearance earned a sigh of relief from you, and the rocks pinning you in place receded into the ground as the two fought. 
You hit the ground, hard, causing the pain in your ribs to grow exponentially worse. You curled into a ball and pressed your arms against your torso, careful not to apply too much pressure.
"(Name)!" Varian's restraints must have broken as well, because you looked up soon enough to see him hit his knees from a run and slide the last few inches to your side, "(Name), are you alright?" 
You groaned before the truth serum forced a answer from your lips, "No. I think something's broken."
"Right, yeah, stupid question," his hand rested against your cheek softly, cautiously, as if he'd hurt you. Even with the cut burning, you tilted your face into his hand, "I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry. If it wasn't for me, this never- never would've happened." His voice cracked as he spoke, and you quickly forced yourself to sit up.
"Hey, hey," you rested your own hands against his cheeks, "this wasn't your fault, you didn't do this." You winced as you shifted onto your knees, "I'll be fine, Var." 
Your assurances didn't stop the quiet sobs that began to rock his body, and tears filled your own eyes in response, "If you hadn't met me, then-" 
"Varian, I'd rather go through this pain a hundred times over than to have never met you." 
He wiped his eyes with his sleeve and gave you a shaky, tear-filled smile, "I love you too." 
For half a second, you were sure your expression matched the one he had made when you'd admitted your feelings, but your shock melted into a grin, "Good, you not feeling the same would've been the worst part of this whole experience."
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sweetiejunie · 4 years
Who’s There?
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Summary: it was early in the morning yet someone was in the library with you
Genre: smut
Yeonjun x reader
Noted: to the anon that requested this. So this turned out to be more of shy boy!yeonjun rather than sub!yeonjun so ill probably attempt to write another sub concept for him :’)
It was a quiet day in the library. Well, it was 9am on a school day so what did you expect? Everone had already gone for their lessons.
In case you hadn’t figured it out, you were skipping your class.
You always despised your lecturer for that class. He was rude and insulting towards his student, you could list more things but i dont have all day to type all of it out.
All in all, that’s how you ended up in the deafening silent library on a monday morning, smell of old books surrounding you. Dressed in a cute floral wrap dress as you aiminglessly roamed the shelves, hands grazing across the books, waiting for a title to catch your interest.
You didn’t want to address it but, as you had been walking around you felt a pair of eyes on you, which felt strange since you figured no one else would be here.
“Who’s there?”
No answer. Thinking it was just your imagination, you chose to ignore it and continued on your quest.
After some time of wandering around, you wanted to give up on finding something to read when you came across the title ‘the map of time’. A thrilling melodrama of a man who could travel back in time.
Picking the book from the shelf, you found a nice, cozy couch next to a row of windows, claimed it and started reading. As if there was anyone else there to fight for it with you.
It was quite an interesting book if you had to admit. You would have been completely engrossed in it if it weren’t for that strange sensation of the same pair of eyes from before still watching you. Wanting to catch the culprit you jerked your head up, catching a glimpse of someone’s hair before it disappeared behind a shelf. The biggest clue you got was that the hair was blue, and immediately you knew who it belonged to. Of course it could only have been that boy, choi yeonjun.
You found out about his little crush on you from your tattletale of a friend Beomgyu. You never thought much of it but after that you started to pay more attention to yeonjun. You didn’t have a chance to see him very often but you had started to realise that he may have caught your interest too.
Yeonjun was a carefree boy that everyone thought to be full of confidence but never dared say two words to you and that you admittedly said to be cute. You never really confronted or teased yeonjun about this before so you figured, why not today?
You put your book down, you walked towards the shelf you last saw him at. Looking at his reflection in the window, you saw how he was leaning against the shelf, hands to heart, eyes wide, catching his breath as if he was just caugh red handed, which he was. You silently chuckled at his reaction and continued walking towards him.
Poking your head around the corner, you greeted him, “hello.”
Yeonjun jumped, making you laugh as you walked forward so you were in full view in front of him.
“Sorry, i didnt mean to scare you.”
He nodded, not saying anything as he tried to compose himself after the shock.
“So what are you doing here? Don’t you have class?” You asked, not wanting to immediately point out the fact you caught him creeping on you.
“Oh- i er... my class was cancelled,” he answered simply.
Humming a response you continued, “so care to explain why you were watching me?”
You already knew the answer but yeonjun’s face turn a bright pink as he avoided eye contact was something worth seeing. You smirked as you watched him struggle for an answer.
“I... I... I’m sorry, i didnt mean to. I was just-” he stumbled out.
You kept quiet for a while, loving the sight of the embarassed boy that everyone thought to be ‘mr. Confident’. Oh, this was going to be fun.
“It’s okay. But you know, i heard from someone that you have a crush on me. Is that true?”
Yeonjun chocked at your sudden question. Mouth hung open at a lose for words.
“Cause you know,” you took a step close to him, grabbing his hands placing them around your waist, keeping your hands on his.
Watching how yeonjun physically looked like he was about to break down, leaning in closer before continuing, “if it was true, i would admit that I’m interested in you too.”
Yeonjun’s eyes were blown wide open at your sudden confession, face and ears a bright shade of red. You took a half step back, smirking at him before held the back of his neck, lips landing on his.
It was a gentle kiss at first. But that only lasted until yeonjun had left his dazed, flustered state and processed what was happening. His grip around your waist tightened while one of his hands wandered to your cheek, holding your face in place. You took this as a sign to deepen the kiss.
Your hands glided down to his chest, his stomach, and back up, admiring his toned figure through his shirt. Whimpering slightly when you felt him flex under your touch as one of your hands travelled further down.
You broke the kiss to speak, earning a whine from the boy.
“Does baby boy like it when i touch him?” A devilish smirk plastered actoss your face, you hand ghosting over the slight bulge in his jeans.
“Do you want me, yeonjun? You still havent answered if the rumour is true that you like me. I need an answer before i can do anything,” your eyes fluttering down to your hand then back up to his face suggestively as you bit your lip.
Once again, your actions left yeonjun a flustered mess and all he managed to choke out was a measly, “yes.”
“Yes to which question baby?”
“Yes to everything. I like you and i want yo- no, i need you,” he let out in one breathe.
That was all the confirmation you needed for hand to start massaging him through his tight jeans, that you could only imagining getting more uncomfortable by the second.
Yeonjun moaned at the contact, causing you to tsk.
“You have to be quiet my baby. There’s no one here but we’re still in a library afterall, the librarian’s still here and there are still rules. Can you do that for me?” you whispered into his ear, breath tickling his skin.
Mouth shut in a straight line, yeonjun frantically nodded at your request, desperate for more.
“Good boy,” you praised as you leaned in to kiss him again, hands working on his belt, unzipping his jeans and bringing his hard member out from his briefs.
This time the kiss was needy and hungry as you felt his member press against your lower stomach. You felt yeonjun’s hands move down your waist, to your hips, stopping at your bottom. Squeezing lightly, cueing you to wrap your arms around his neck and jump, straddling his waist.
He walked you forward until your back hit the opposite shelf, not breaking the kiss a single time. And just your luck, it had to be the literature shelf.
You thanked whatever braincell of yours decided to put on a dress that morning and preyed Shakespeare will never see your crude behaviour disrespecting his books. But then again he did write Romeo and Juliet.
One of your hands slipped down between your bodies, taking yeonjun’s throbbing cock in your hands as you started pumping him, spreading his precum, using it as lubricant. He moaned into the kiss causing your core ached from need.
“Yeonjun,” you whined.
And as if through telepathy, he knew exactly what you wanted. Hooking his arm under your tigh, he moved your panties to the side as you guided him inside you.
You both let out soft moans at the sensation as yeonjun slid further in you, his length stretching you out deliciously.
“Move baby boy.”
His thrusts were slow at first, being mindful of the amount of noise you were making. The possibility of the librarian discovering the two of you just added to the thrill.
“Fuck yeonjun, you can go faster than that,” you moaned, planting kisses down his neck, holding on to him for dear life.
That was the first time yeonjun heard you say his name that way and he had to admit- he loved the way it rolled off your tongue. His thrusts got faster and harder, letting out a low groan every now and then at the way you tigthened around him.
With each snap of his hip, he hit that sweet spot inside you. With each thrust, you felt your lower back hit the shelf behind you and you knew that if anyone were near enough, there was no way you would have got away with this.
As you approached your high, you he was as well as his actions got sloppier.
“Jun-i i want you to cum inside me,” you managed to let let out between moans.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, it’s alright. I can take the pill,” burrying your face in the crook of his neck as this thursts got harder, chasing his high.
With a few more thurst he came undone. The feeling of his warm seed in you trigerring your own high. You both stayed like that for a while as you caught your breath.
“I really like you y/n,” he suddenly admitted.
His confession caused you to giggle, “well, i would hope so. Considering the fact you’re still in me right now.” Nodding your head, gesturing to the srea where you were still connected.
“Ri- right, sorry,” he apologised, face red as he slid his softened member out.
He put you down gently, holding on to you until he was sure you wouldn’t fall. After you both had made yourselves presentable again, he rested his forehead against yours.
“Shall we get to class? For once I’m glad we’re in the same lecture hall,” he whispered before gradding your hand, leading the way.
So not rly a sub!yeonjun so ill be writing another one soon. If u have other requests, send them in and ill see what i come up with 😚 hope you liked this!
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swiss-cheeze · 4 years
Baby I Will Love You Forever || Colson Baker x reader
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Hello my lovelies!! Long time no writing! I apologise for that but I’ve been in a slump due to general depression as well as the coronavirus and my school shutting down in a few weeks.
Please remember that requests are open however they will be slow!!
Requested by: @kellysimagines
‘Hahaha i understand sweety really. Basically its just where the reader and mgk have been together for 7 years and she is also famous and when he is live (the video i sended you) i am in in too and when baby ashton is in it comments roll in like why we havent got a baby yet and almost at the end i let him know i am pregnant with a cute suprise you can decide what it is haha’
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T77nbO53r48&t=883s
“CASIE?! COLSON IM-” the words to Too Young To Fall In Love floated through the house from the backdoor studio, a smile graced your lips as you heard the faint voices of both Colson and Casie as well as a laugh that wasn't from either of the two, some of Colson's friends must have come over while you were out. With a small huff you brought up the plastic bags from your hands and placed them carefully onto the kitchen counter so as to not break anything before starting to unpack what you had bought; normal groceries along with a little surprise for Colson, you smiled as you held it in your hand but put it to the side and kept unpacking. The sound of pounding footsteps and loud laughter made you smile as you quickly grabbed the surprise and shoved it into an almost empty bag so whoever was coming wouldn’t see it before you continued unpacking the other bag.
“CASIE NO!” Colsons voice floated through the hallways as he dashed out into the kitchen and dining area with a laughing Casie behind him holding out what seemed to be a dirty sock, one of which you could smell from your standing point. You let out a laugh at the sight which made the pair realise you were back.
“(Y/N)!” Casie yelled, the small girl abandoned the smelly sock to dash towards you in her own blue and white socks, sliding along the floor before engulfing your bottom half with a large bear hug. Letting out a laugh you hugged the girl back as you saw Colson pick up the discarded sock in a cartoon way and threw it into an already overflowing hamper, you made a mental note to put that clothing in the wash later. Colson turned around and smiled as he walked over to you and Casie before wrapping his arms around you in a bear hug, Casie moving out of his way so he could hug you properly, Colson brought your head into his collarbone as his nose rested on the top of your head.
“Missed you” Colson whispered softly into your hair, you smiled into the rappers chest as your arms tightened around him and balled his shirt in your hands as Colson did the same to you as he smelled your hair, “you used my shampoo didn't you?” the rapper asked.
You laughed.
“Maybe?” you said more as a question as you looked up to Colson from your point in his chest, Colson looked down at you before he snorted softly and unwrapped you from his confindes.
“Of course you did,” Colson said in a joking way.
“Hey! It smells better than mine AND makes my hair softer!” you defended yourself as you crossed your arms over your chest and pouted with the curve of a smile, Casie mirrored you as Colson looked between the two of you before giving an exaggerated sigh, bending his back backwards weirdly with rolled eyes.
“FIIIIIINNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEE,” Colson groaned loudly before standing up normally, “just this once”. The rapper pointed a finger at you with slight eyes as you smiled brightly and nodded.
“This once as in this past seven times then yes!” you giggled as did Colson and Casie, you kissed Colsons cheek before going back to unpacking the groceries, a loud gasp coming from Casie behind you.
“WHAT’D YOU GET” the girl asked excitedly, you smiled and shook your head as you gave the girl a bag of cheetos, Casie grabbed it quickly before giving you a side hug and dashing off again to the studio room. Colson laughed as he shook his own head and wrapped his arms around your waist from behind you.
“You spoil her too much,” the rapper said as he rested his chin on your shoulder.
“Mmhm, says the one whos a multimillionaire and owns a mansion” you retorted, Colson blew out air as if he was in pain with crossed eyebrows as he stood up properly.
“Low blow babe, low blow” Colson said, you laughed softly as you kept filtering around the kitchen as Colson hopped onto the kitchen counter.
“You can go back to your friends you know” you said as you put in the 24 carton of eggs into the fridge; one wouldnt think about it but this family and friends ate a lot of eggs.
“I know, but I haven't paid enough attention to you today so I'm staying,” Colson replied, the rapper kicking his feet like a child with a giddy grin as you looked at him before smiling, shaking your head again and continuing your work. Colson watched you happily as you emptied the bag and then went to the half unpacked bag; the one with the surprise in it, you paused as you looked into the bag, “you alright sweetheart?” Colson asked, he saw your pause and got concerned as he slid off the counter and came up behind you. You wrapped the bag in on itself without squishing the contents inside and turned around to face the tall rapper with the bag wrapped in your hands behind your back.
“Nothing!” you said quickly with a fake smile, “okay well yeah it is something, but it's something you don't need to look at!” you said quickly, “pads, tampons, all that glorious feminine shit” you shrugged as Colson backed away with his hands up in surrender.
“Alright alright, i won't ask then, i know when you're lying and you know when i know you're lying” Colson smiled as he stepped forward and kissed the top of your head, “but it's fine because i trust you” the rapper said before walking away.
“Alright you got me!” you said jokingly as you turned around to face the bag, Colson immediately got interested and dashed back to stand in front of the counter in front of you as you pulled out a pack of condoms with a shy smile, “its condoms” a blush covered your cheeks as Colson took the box and kissed your hand, the rapper laughed as he winked at you before walking up the stairs to your shared room, coming back down a few seconds later, blowing you a kiss and walking back to the backroom studio. You let out a breath thanking the lord that Colson took the bait before continuing with the other things in the bag to put away before stuffing the bags under the sink to be used again and taking your little surprise into the bathroom to be used.
Sitting on the toilet lid you bounce your leg impatiently and anxiously, it all comes down to these two lines, or one, or none! Maybe you had to go and buy another one because this one turned out to be faulty, maybe it just wasn't the right time, maybe you missed the window? What if you have to go back? Going back for a pregnancy test twice is a bad sign right? All these thoughts floated through your mind as the shrill of the timer brought you back to reality. You took a deep breath, grabbed the little stick from the proper end and brought it to your face.
Two lines.
A blue word.
A smile spread over your lips as your eyes watered, now the new questions started coming in, should you go to the doctors and have them do a test too to make sure? Should you tell Colson now or wait a little? You bit your lip anxiously as your leg started bouncing again, you sighed, shook your head and grabbed the second test. The exact same test but it was the second box, you bought two just in case, opening the test, taking off the cap and willing yourself to pee before placing the test on the sink next to you, starting the timer again and waiting.
You could hear music coming from the back studio as you walked closer to the room, tests in a small bag and a large smile on your face you entered the room to see Colson and Casie jumping around, dancing and singing to the song that was playing over the speakers as Colson held his phone up in a weird angle but you dismissed it quickly as you sat down on the couch next to Rook who was laughing at Ashton, the small boy prancing about with a large smile.
“A present for me? How lovely” Rook joked as he saw the bag you were carrying, the drummer made a move to grab the bag in a playful way, you laughed as you snatched the bag away and held up a finger making a ‘no no’ gesture as well as shaking your head.
“Not for you this time drummer boy, this one is for blondie” you said with a laugh, Rook laughed softly and held his hands up in a surrender before turning back to watch Colson, Casie and Ashton who had joined the others in dancing, the small child had grabbed a pair of drumsticks while you and Rook had your two second joking and was making beats to the song playing, at this point Colson finally looked up and realised you were here.
“Y/N!” the rapper shouted, his face beamed with excitement as he turned his phone to you to reveal why he had been holding it at such a weird angle; he was on an instagram live.
“Oh god Colson, please dont i look so bad i've been shopping all day without your help-” you brought a hand up to try and cover your face before Colson cut you off.
“Babe stop it! You’re beautiful! You always look amazing!” Colson said happily, you sighed as you rolled your eyes and shook your head but still smiling. Colson turned the phone back to him as Ashton started hitting the floor with the drumsticks as I Think I’m Okay came on and comments rolled in causing Colson to read some out as he stared down at the phone, “uhh, (Y/n), everyones asking when we’re gonna have a baby” Colson said softly as he squinted.
“Really? What’re they saying?” you asked, you shifted forward a little in your seat but not enough to see the screen, you hid the bag behind your back inconspicuously.
“Uhhh, ‘oh my god baby fever’, ‘whats (Y/n) hiding?’, ‘omg please have a Colson and (Y/n) baby he or she will be so cute!!’, and way way more. Jesus fucking christ we are not having sex on an instagram live to see the baby making ‘Amber underscore seventeen twenty’” Colson recited comments as well as calling out a girl from her comment, it made you laugh as you knew exactly what you had planned.
“Uh babe? I've got a thing for you, give me the camera, i wanna get your reaction on live” you said as you held out your hand for the phone, Colson cocked an eyebrow curiously before handing the phone over to you.
“Wait wait!” Casie intervened, “let me hold it and get the reaction of both of you together!” the girl stood up excitedly, grabbed her father's phone and prompted you to move next to the rapper, you smiled and thanked the girl as you took a seat next to Colson, facing the other members of the band and friends that were in the room as Casie pointed the camera to the pair of you.
“Please start screen recording people who are watching! I’ll give you a few seconds to do that before i give Colson his little present~” you had a tune to your words that Colson couldn't place.
“They’re all saying they’re screen recording!” Casie exclaimed as she watched the comments pile up, you nodded as you brought out the small bag from behind your back and handing it to Colson, Ashton heard the little noise the bag made as it was handed to Colson and walked over, you smiled at the child before grabbing him under his arms and plopping him into your lap comfortably as you looked at Colson who was waiting for you to watch him open his little present.
“Okay, you ready babe?” Colson asked as he looked to you, you smiled and gave a firm nod as Colon opened the bag and stared down at the pink and blue tissue paper, his eyebrow cocked as a small gasp came from Baze who somehow knew exactly what was happening, you gave the bassist a side eye as to say ‘don't you dare’ to which the man held up his hands and kept quiet. You looked back to Colson and gave the man a nod as he started taking out the tissue paper, scattering the discarded pieces beside himself as he looked down into the bag.
“Babe...is…” the rapper paused as a smile started to crease at your lips, “is that a pregnancy test?” Colson asked his question quietly as he looked to you with a shocked expression, eyes wide and almost pale as the rest of his band and friends gasped softly, including Casie who started to smile and bounce with excitement.
“Go on, take them out” you said as you motioned to the bag.
“THEM?!” Colson was quick to grab the sticks out (you had capped the bad parts of the tests so neither of you touched them) of the bag and held them in front of his face to read what was on them. Both included:
Two lines.
A blue word.
Colson almost stopped breathing as the room fell silent, the rapper's eyes started to water and his hands started shaking.
“Y-You’re actually pregnant?” Colson asked softly as he turned to you, you sniffled softly and nodded as you pat your stomach.
“They’re in here sweetheart” you said softly in a watery tone.
“OH MY GOD” Colson yelled, the rapper dropped everything and wrapped you in a large bear hug, resulting in toppeling you both a short distance to the ground (Ashton quickly got out of your grasp before he could get hurt), “OH MY GOD WE’RE GOING TO HAVE A BABY!” it took Colson a second to realise but quickly grabbed the tests and swiped his phone from Casie (who was now bouncing) as Colson held the tests in front of the phone screen to show the live, “WE’RE PREGNANT GUYS!!! NEW MEMBER TO THE EST FAM!!!” Colson screamed as Rook, Baze, Slim and his other friends swarmed around him, hugging him close and screaming. You laughed loudly as you quickly grabbed Colsons phone and held it out in front of you.
“I STILL HAVE TO GO TO THE DOCTORS GUYS JUST A REMINDER!” you yelled aloud for all to hear, the group quietened down a bit as you moved so the group was behind you and the instagram live could see everyone, “i have to go to the doctors because i want to make sure i am pregnant as well as the baby being healthy, i want to have my hopes up but there is always that slight chance of a miscarrige and complications during the pregnancy or the birth but i promise myself and Colson will try our hardest to bring our little Kelly into the world” you said into the camera with a large smile, comments started rolling through the screen all saying how happy each person was for you, talking about baby names and where the babies would sleep and be and play as well as saying how loving Colson is looking at you. You noticed those comments and looked at Colson through the phone, the rapper had all the love and admiration one person could in their eyes, you smiled softly as you handed the phone to Rook who was closest to you, grabbed Colson by the collar of his shirt and smashed your lips together, Colsons friends hollered and whooped as you gripped onto Colson as if he was about to vanish into thin air, this had definitely been the most passionate, love and emotion filled kiss you and Colson had ever shared together, tears leaked from Colsons eyes and dropped to your cheeks as you giggled softly, you brought Colson to your neck but the rapper had other ideas and dropped to his knees to come face to face with your stomach as he started talking to the growing child in you.
“H-Hey little fella, or chick” Colson chuckled and sniffled as he wiped his nose, “whatever you are, whoever you become, i will always be by your side, have your back and always love you, no matter what” Colson kissed your stomach and pressed his forehead against it before coming back up and kissing you again, the kiss telling you everything was going to be okay, that Colson would look after you and love you for eternity.
I hope you enjoyed reading! Please leave a comment or something idk!
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