#i hate people that give me nicknames/pet names especially when idk them
ayspec · 1 month
i hate it when people call me their friend or think that we’re friends after two seconds; even people that call me “bestie” ironically make me sick. on top of this, when i ask them to stop, everyone thinks i’m the asshole for being uncomfortable
here’s a reminder: friendship is just like any other relationship, and as such requires consent. don’t call strangers “bestie.” don’t call strangers your “friend.” it’s the same as someone you just met calling you their “boy/girlfriend” or “husband/wife.” it makes me feel sick, makes me feel like my consent doesn’t matter (because to you it doesn’t since friendship is the “lesser than” relationship), and i’d very much like you to dismantle your platonormativity and amatonormativity
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alienzsys · 1 day
Idk how to make a Tumblr post, tbh, this is my first one BUT!!!-
This will be our (host and sys) introduction i guess guh (idk how to do this)
(warning: swearing? Also this is a long post, sorry >_<)
We collectively use (He/They/It) + (More)! We are ftm, AFAB, but have mostly masc headmates. We also split easily (literally idk why, they won't stop spawning)
Ask whoever is fronting their pronouns pls and ty!(They may forget, pls be patient)
We are bodily 16, but will be 17 soon! (Idk if we can edit posts after making them so idk)
We Will Not Show You Are Littles If We Do Not Trust You (or any alter for that matter)
We speak: English, some french, some italian, German, and a little Spanish. We are on: Eastern Time. We are: Available to DM (if you fit int list!) ((may not always respond))
😘About The Host(me, at time of writing this)😘
Name: Mike/Michael/Mikey
Pronouns: He/They/It + more
Age: Big age: 16-17. Little age: 5-6.
Extra: I'm very hyper sometimes but also very dry, it depends, pls respect this ^^
🕺System Info🕺
System name: Alienssystem/Alienzsys
Type of sys: Traumagen(formed from trauma), fictive-heavy, brain-made heavy, possibly polyfragmented? (we're still figuring it out)
Headmates: A lot. We ain't keeping track no more. /hj
Main Sources: jjba, kny, other animes, and video games. (TES and RDR mostly)
Frequent Fronters (may change obv)
1. Mike, he/they/it (Host)
2. Xaiver -(⛓️), he/it/they + more (Co-host)
3. Abbacchio -(★), he/they/note (IWC: he's blunt)
4. Astarion -(📜), he/they/it + more
5. Jay -(💌), he/him
(IWC=interact with caution)
‼️Warnings About Us‼️ (PLEASE READ!!!)
1. Our phone is on silent, we have 'Do Not Disturb' on a lot, plus our wifi sucks. Just, idk, be warned. Especially if we don't reply right away.
2. Most of us are incredibly hyper when it comes to certain things and/or people that are close to us. We can and will ramble/send multiple messages or images.
3. We are very stupid and slow, so please don't get mad if we don't understand a topic. We also switch topics frequently, we are sorry in advance.
4. We get offended/surprised really easily, so please use tone tags (not all the time, but y'know) ((WE ALSO HAVE BARELY ANY FILTER, BE WARNED))
5. We fall asleep a lot, blame hypersomnia. So if we don't respond, that's probably why. But also don't get surprised when we respond in the middle of the night, now blame the insomnia.
✅INT IF:✅ Gamer, music listener, bodily above 13, bodily under 26-27, artist, therian, furry, age/pet regressor, a traumagen sys, tone-tag user, anime/cartoon enjoyer, a lover of the following: Nature, Space, Sunrises/Sunsets, Animals. And just generally nice people who aren't problematic!! ^^
‼️DNI IF:‼️ You're an Endo/Demo/Willow or any non-valid sys (DON'T INTERACT I'M SERIOUS)!! Bodily over 27, bodily under 13, a lesboy(NOT VALID BTW >_<), against neopronouns and xenogenders, a hater to any of the following: therians, furries, age/pet regressors, nsfw, the mentally ill, etc. If you are: overly political, a toxic religious person, a music hater, then DNI!!! /srs
❗DO NOT: Give us a nickname if we tell you we don't want one, make fun of us in a /srs way, mock our voice in a /srs way, question our photo gallery, overly judge us, or hate on our music taste. (Seriously, don't do the last one. We listen to music as a way to comfort ourselves/and our parts, so we are very sensitive ab it)
Basically, if one of our alters says they don't want a nickname, don't give them one!!!! /srs
Guh okay that was long. If you got to here, thank you very much for your time. We use Amino, Discord, and TikTok! Feel free to message us!
With love and many thanks💕: -Mike and Xaiver
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irishpotato19 · 1 year
Wylde Brothers Headcanons
because I can and I love them
I got tired of staring at the hands on my sketch and trying to draw them, so here's some headcanons for the bros...they make sense to me, idk about you lol
-Holy hell are these two boys so similar but so so different
-Both are cocky and hotheaded as hell, Kurt's mellowed out a bit, but is still cocky and stubborn
-Get serious ego boosts always
-Kurt's an eye roller, literally all the time. Or has super dry comebacks and snarky remarks ready on the fly and tells the worst dad jokes
-Both don't trust people very easily or willingly, and tend to self doubt themselves...they're kind of insecure (especially Mark when put on the spot)
-Both have really good hygiene, I know we poke fun at Mark for being the type of guy to wash his face and ass with the same rag, but come on, look at how clean they are...they actually both have really good sense in fashion and clothes (whether they try that is)
-Both tend to keep to themselves, quite introverted, unless they have to talk to their teams or do something for work...
-Mark spends a lot of time with friends/the metal maniacs, but has a very low social battery
-Kurt spends time with the Teku or in clubs with other racers and people he knows, but again would rather be by himself. I'd like to say he's a social butterfly, but just naturally, not by choice
-Neither one likes to look stupid or be wrong
-Both are very crafty and hands-on, Mark more so than Kurt, but they are both very creative...it's a good outlet for them
-Kurt's at least 6-8 years older than Mark, he called Mark his "kid" brother...I feel like 10 years or more apart would be too much, and 5 years apart would be too close
-But Mark's taller than Kurt by a few inches and holds it over his head
-Both can actually sing quite well. Kurt's a little flat here and there, but has a very soothing voice. Definitely a baritone, but also an alto
-Mark is the better of the two, but hates singing in front of others, was caught one time and totally turned beat red...he can sing lullabys like a god and his accent shows through every time
-To go off of the accents, they most definitely were raised separately by different parents at times. Kurt somewhere in California or on the west coast, while Mark was stuck in New York or Boston areas
-Explains why they aren't very close and have different accents and mannerisms. But they did try for the longest time to stay close, until it got to be too much...Mark definitely missed Kurt, and looked up to his older brother
-Both are softies deep down, very good with kids and pets/animals
-Mark sometimes fakes having a really low gravelly voice, it works for his badboy-I don't give a shit-vibe...but he does get kind of high pitched when pressured or scared or self-conscious
-Kurt is a really good cook and knows quite a few recipes; Loves fancy restaurants and is a health food fanatic...had a red wine stash
-Mark is the opposite and can't cook to save his life, he has tried though, and somehow set the microwave on fire...lives off of pizza joints and bachelor-like prepped meals
-They would both make terrific dad's
-I also feel like they would be good to either a baby girl or boy, but just something about them raising a baby girl would make them ecstatic...they just give off girl-dad vibes
-I feel like Mark would be better at taking care of kids because he still acts like a kid sometimes, and kids like him more, for what reason no one really knows
-Kurt can actually dance, like almost any style...a beautiful ballroom dancer
-Mark can not dance, but will do his best, he doesn't care if he embarrasses himself as long as other people/friends are getting second hand embarrassment from him
-In a relationship they'd both be very protective and supportive, they hate seeing their SO upset or hurt...loving and affectionate in almost every way, but sometimes don't show it because they don't want to be overbearing
-Kurt uses nicknames/pet names like; baby, darling, love, beautiful, something unique to his SO
-Think of Tramp from "Lady and the Tramp"
-Mark uses nicknames/pet names like; babe, baby cakes, doll, sweetcheeks, sweetheart, cutie, love, a unique joke for his SO
-Think of "Thomas O'Malley" from the Aristocats
-Mark would grow a beard at some point
-Kurt would try to grow a beard or mustache, and then immediately shave it off, Markie would definitely laugh at him...Kurt just can't pull off facial hair, maybe stubble but he hates it
-Both get nightmares quite frequently thanks to Gelorum, Mark more so than Kurt though
-Kurt hates needles
-Mark gets phantom pains every now and then where his left arm should be
-Kurt's a Leo
-Mark's either an Aries or Sagittarius
-Mark found a part of SpineBuster that was left over and made a bracelet and necklace out of it, still upset that his favorite car is gone...he put a lot of work into that thing
-He also cuts up his shirts a lot to show off his tattoos, or at least the one side for the metal arm cause otherwise it's kinda uncomfortable
-Kurt's an early 2000's club music man...Pitbull, Flo Rida, LMFAO, just something with a lot of bass and talking about pretty/hot women
-Mark's more rock/heavy metal, but has a type of nostalgia or special place in his heart for Linkin Park, FFDP, and Papa Roach
-Kurt's a suit and tie kind of guy, or matching track suit. He feels like he always has to look presentable, or like a professional in his element. If home by himself, or with a SO he'll lay back a bit and wear a white T-shirt and jeans or sweatpants
-Mark's in boots and jeans all the time, he sees no point in dressing up (unless you count an excessive amount of belts and gloves "dressed up"). But if a situation calls for it he'll wear a nice pair of pants and dress shirt or try to show up Kurt
-Both have put on eyeliner at some point, whether as a dare or joke, or just cause they wanted to see if they could look like Bucky Barnes or Killian Jones at 3am...they just look like they crawled out of an emo cover band
-Both agree no one else can know, this dies with them...someone definitely got a picture though, but they don't know that
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I gotta ask... The symbol relationship asks... For Whiskers! 🥺
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1. What were their first impressions of one another?
Kisa found Lucille odd at first. Too inquisitive and curious. Too nice, even. He spent a good deal of time waiting to find an ulterior motive. But he did find her gorgeous, so there is that.
2 .What was their first date like? If they haven’t been on a date yet, how would it go?
A classic man.. Expensive dinner and a nice walk in the Harbour. One of those dates where you don't want to separate at the end because it feels so right and warm.
3. It’s late at night and your characters want food, what do they order/find in the fridge?
DEFINITELY the two am chocolate chip cookies couple!!! tell me I'm wrong?! they are definitely baking and giggling and getting flour all over each other.
4. What’s a typical Sunday like for them?
With the assumption Kisa has no work; Either working on their own projects in comfortable silence, or resident kittyboy knitting while Luci naps on his lap.
5. What’s their love language like? Are they compatible with one another?
Kisa's giving are gifts and physical touch, his receiving is quality time and physical touch! I do not recall Lucille's but I think her entire personality is a love language in and of itself, and Kisa agrees with me so. Very compatible indeed.
6. Do they have any pet names/nicknames for eachother?
Kisa is.. a lover of petnames and nicknames.. SO MANY. but uhh; "My petal." "My flower." "Droplet." "Mi vida." "The thread to my needle." he lays 'em on thique.
7. What do they argue about?
They're more talk it out people but I can definitely see them getting into it over Kisa's work. Especially the.. shittier stuff?
8. Who does what chores, and why?
Okay idk about Luci, but I know that Kisa loves laundry and loves cooking. He HATES dishes though.
9. What’s the most difficult thing they’ve been through together?
we don't talk sad scenarios for them very often but honestly, just divulging each other's pasts and lost friends to each other and working through the pain of it together...
10. How do they make up after a fight?
Kisses and snuggles and Kisa WILL cook for her.
11. Who causes the most arguments?
Outsiders. idk how to explain it, again they're more likely to talk things through. But if somebody (like Decord or Galin or Zhongli) accidentally instigates an argument with a comment even unintentionally then well.
12. What would they say each other’s worst quality is?
Kisa is afraid of Lucille's trusting nature. It isn't that its her worst quality, he doesn't think about that. But its the quality of hers that he fears the most.
13. What would they say each other’s best quality is?
He thinks shes so nurturing and loving. It makes him so happy. She's such a kind soul and he appreciates it so much, he wants to protect her even though he knows Luci doesn't need it.
14. How would they describe one another if asked?
"Lucille? Ah, mi vida.. She's such a kind person, isn't she? (laughs) yes, unique too.. Her laughter is like sunlight and her smile is like the moon reflecting on a beautiful pond. The keeper of my soul that one.. Oh and her hair is simply so soft!"
15. What names are they saved as on each other’s phone?
"Love of my life(pink)"
16. What would they consider quality time?
working on their own projects in the same room in quiet or with minimal talking! Kisa likes to just exist with her.
17. Who decides which movies to watch?
They take turns...
18. How are they like on a road trip together?
I'm 80% sure this happens in canon?? i forgor. anyways kisa mf napping half the time!!! boy!! get up!
19. It’s raining, did either of your OCs bring an umbrella? If so, who, and do they share it?
Kisa did, his tail is a bitch when its wet. And of course he shares!
20. What are they like when sharing a bed?
cling machine 5000
21. Who is better at games? Does the loser take it graciously?
Depends on the game? Lucille 100% strikes me as NOT a sore loser, but Kisa definitely is sometimes LMAO
22. Do they ever share clothes?
kisa u cannot tailor ur gfs clothes to fit you when you miss her, thats so strange of you. anyways yes they share clothes.
23. Your OCs are on a trip and there’s only one bed! What do they do?
sleep together?? nightly activities even?? SNUGGLE. (we cut to luci cuddling kisa's tail instead of him)
24. What do your characters think about marriage? Are they for or against it?
Kisa deffo never saw himself getting married. NAH NO WAY. but now he's like "okay maybe.. but only to her." like alr. simp.
25. Pick a physical attribute that they love about each other.
HER SMILE!!!!! also her hair. he's j really into fluffing her hair.
26. Do any of them have bad habits that the other can’t stand?
omg kisa is the kind of person who puts his needle in his mouf and j leaves it there and that would annoy ME personally. that's so gross.
27. Who is more down to earth?
28. Are they affectionate in public? Is it too much?
disgusting!!!!! they love each other and everyone knows. it is everyone's problem. (we cut to decord gagging while sandrone smacks him)
29. How are they affectionate in private?
(smirk emote) sooo many kisses... but also kisa will take his arm off around her and idk thats a big sign of trust for him because it makes him insanely more vulnerable. and then he'll j?? cuddle her!!
30. How does your OC react to being broken up with?
"Oh. okay. I understand. I wish you the best, Lucille." (he's going to go cry for DAYS now. even Galin can't cheer him up and they usually never fail)
31. Do they fall in love easily?
32. Your character is in love, do they confess? If not, how long do they wait?
okay deadass pretty sure Kisa waited so much longer than he should have. I don't recall if we ever talked about who confessed first?? but honestly Kisa waits longer than he should cause he's.. afraid! this is new. he's slept with people sure, had dates, toyed around. But real genuine feelings? yikes, bro.
33. Who was the first to say ‘I love you’?
Same as before, I am not sure if we discussed this??
34. Who is more stubborn?
Kisa lol..
35. What moment did they realise that they were in love?
Working on something for an upcoming mission and his arm malfunctioning and Lucille picking up the dropped needle without missing a beat in her story and handing it to him with a grin before she continues and Kisa can hear his heart in his ears and he can't help the swish of his tail and his arm is still twitching but gods she's gorgeous and her voice is so soothing and maybe he won't make the deadline if his arm needs to be repaired but it doesn't matter because THIS moment matters.
36. How long have they been friends? Would they consider each other best friends?
I like to think they're fast friends so sure maybe they aren't friends the longest before dating (looks at mors caeli with judgement) but they're good friends!!
37. How did they become friends?
ngl I highkey forgot how they met and we should visit that again!! but I think it was Sulien's fault.
38. Who’s more ticklish?
Kisa is not AT ALL ticklish, so maybe Luci?
39. If your OCs has/had a child, who would be the stricter parent?
Hmm they're both carefree but strict in their own ways, imo? On the surface you'd think Luci is the less strict parent, but with what they've both been through I think they have their own "things", yk?
40. What do they do when they miss one another? Is one more needy than the other/s?
Kisa is a bit of a weirdo and will sleep with something that smells like her. He has them cat senses. He's not a particularly needy person, but this is his first really real long term relationship so.. yk.
41. What green flags do they have for one another?
"She's a walking green flag. Literally. I love her so much."
42. Have they ever been jealous?
oh Kisa is MEGA jealous. he's just really good at hiding it. She's such a charismatic lovable person! hard not to be a little jealous of all the attention she gets.
43. Is one more introverted/extroverted than the other?
They are both extroverted and introverted enough.
44. Who’s the better cook?
gonna claim this spot for Kisa. he and Decord compete for best Razvedka chef.
45. Are they good at comforting one another? Does someone hide their feelings usually?
Kisa is bad at it at first. But once Luci tells him what she needs and how she likes to be comforted, he takes that to heart, and he's really good about being there for her. Kisa hides his feelings at first, but when/if she calls him out on it, it just comes out like a waterfall and he stops hiding them.
46. Would they have been friends with each other in school?
probably not ngl.
47. Who made the first move?
i forgor i have memory loss im SORRY.
48. Do they get on well with each other’s family? Is family important to them?
Luci DOES get on well with the Razvedka team and we know that that's Kisa's family! so yes.
49. Do they tease each other? What about?
BANTER LOVERS... anything and everything, but they both know not to go too far.
50. Is there anything that scares them about their friendship/relationship?
I mean Kisa is mortal.. so..
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Hi hello! May I request a ship?:)
My name is Xena and I’m 5’5, INTJ-T and I go by any pronouns and Omni :)). I’m a Libra / September baby. I’m Latine and have wavy brown hair that barely go past my shoulders, brown eyes and olive skin(I tan pretty quick in the summer too if that’s important) and I’m mid size (full thighs&ass and bit of chub on my stomach & round-ish cheeks) my cheeks are naturally pink too, I wear small square glasses, and my main clothing style is normally a loose crop top, jeans and a hoodie around my waist
I would say my personality is a mix depending on the person. I love to help people as much as I can but I tend to put myself second because of it. With new people I’m very sweet and polite because I’d hate to have a bad impression. But once I’m used to someone I’m very loud and lively. I can be a bit cocky but I love to tease. With people I dislike I try to civil but René to ignore them especially if they’re very discriminatory or think too highly of themselves & puts others down. But with my s/o I can be very affectionate (it’s just I’m sometimes embarrassed to do so 🥲) I hate the feeling of being lonely or to be excluded. I’m very physical with my loved ones, I enjoy to give out hugs, link arms or hold hands with them. Prepping/teasing my s/o kisses is also up there :)). My hobbies are writing fics, drawing or doing a small project when it comes to mind. In my academics I’m really good with physics and maths, and English is one of my top five classes, idk something about numbers and writing makes me feel calm for pet-name i do like the simple ones like “love, sweetie, honey, my sweet, lovely” as I’d call them “mi amor, bebe, cariño”
(If you can do the Marvel that would be awesome also my pref can be anyone so & it might not be important but my type are sweet nerds keireodirhdj:))
hehe sweet nerds you sawy seems like you're a perfect match for
..................❣🕷SPIDER MAN🕷❣.................
         General headcanons🕸
Literally never forgets when you’re birthday is and probably spends the whole month of august planning for your birthday in september 
He likes to play with your hair when he gets bored 
He’ll even brush it if you let him 
Since you said you tan pretty quickly he will force you to put on sunscreen so you don’t burn >:( 
Probably steals your hoodies
Pls cuddle with him he is touch starved
Date Headcanons🌠
Cozy at home dates! 
He’ll set up his kitchen with some candles and start preparing whatever foods you like
He’ll also string up some LED lights to make it even better
Don’t be surprised if he also puts on soft music in the background
Peter is very cheesy :3 
But he just wants to give you the perfect date!
Romantic headcanons💓
If Peter notices that you’re embarrassed he’ll usually make the first move and wrap his arm around you or kiss you
Peter’s go to nickname is usually ‘sweetie’ and he’ll basically replace your name with it 
If he ever thinks you’re neglecting yourself to take care of other people he’ll usually step in and gently let you know
Peter literally will always include you and rarely goes anywhere without you 
Can and will be your emotional support puppy in trying times 
Please don’t tease him, he will die
Height headcanons✨
I headcanons him to be about 5'7 so while he isn't towering over you he's still a few inches taller than you
uses this to his advantage to become big spoon
He enjoys the subtle height difference when he's hold your hand
Bonus round🎉
If you ever decide to draw Peter/Spiderman and he comes across it he’ll literally just start freezing up and blushing, overall just acting flustered and confused. But deep down it makes him feel good about himself because he inspired you to create something so wonderful. Same thing goes with fics
Incorrect quote🫧 (Just for funsies)
Peter Parker: Fruits that do not live up to their names; passionfruit, grapefruit, honeydew and dragonfruit. Peter Parker: Fruits that do live up to their names? Peter Parker: Orange.
Thank you for waiting so long! I know it took me a while but hopefully it was worth it <3
Come back soon! 💌
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kaylawritesfics · 3 years
Marvel: Fic Rec 1
A collection of marvel fics that I’ve recently read that I thought were really good!
march 28, 2021
| Avengers |
@ijustwant2write : That’s Just Wrong (Avengers x lesbian!reader)
‘coming out to the avengers as a lesbian who likes pineapple on pizza and they’re super taken back - not cos ur a lesbian but cos of ur pizza taste’
this one is a super cute coming out story i loved it so much
| Bucky Barnes |
@moteldwelling : good girl (bucky x fem!reader)
bucky and reader turn eachother on with pet names, and smut ensues. dirty talk, couch sex, praise kink. this sort of turned into dom!bucky idk it just happened LOL
@crispychrissy : Healing (1940s!bucky x nurse!reader)
Tasked with examining the injured soldiers that were liberated from the Hydra factory, one sergeant in particular gives you a run for your money.
this one is one of my favorites
@tuiccim : Almost Had Me Believing It (Series Masterlist) (bucky x reader)
An undercover operation playing Bucky Barnes’ wife is a dream come true. Playing house in the suburbs while trying to take down a drug ring brings you and Bucky closer but a nosy neighbor causes trouble in paradise.
this is one of my all time favorite bucky series
@imaginexmeintheuniverse : Dog Tags (bucky x reader)
For your Christmas drabbles, could you write Bucky gifting the reader his old dog tags?
@pinkettepoet : In Which She Knows That They Don’t Know (bucky x reader) (avengers x reader) part 2
could you write a buckyxreader/avengersxreader where they like all forget her bday bc there’s just been a lot of stuff going on so even though she’s kinda upset about it she doesn’t blame them and something happens and they all realize what day it is and they go all out to throw her a party and it’s just really fluffy and happy avengers family? Sorry it’s kinda long!
| Loki Laufeyson |
@angelkurenai : One Moment (Loki x reader)
You have found a way to undo the damage Thanos did and bring everyone you lost back, all of your loved ones or at least most of them. As you travel back in 2012, however, you run into someone who is far too familiar. Unable to let go, even after all these years, of the death of the man - or basically god - you loved so much you forget all about the mision and decide to have one more moment with the one who sacrificed his life to save yours out of love.
@beskar-tano : Just A Taste (Loki x reader)
On a brisk walk through Central Park, Loki tries earth’s hot chocolate for the very first time.
@obscure-imagines : Loki x Valkyrie!Reader
imagine: being a Valkyrie that Loki was always in love with and when you show up in Sakaar he’s really excited to see you again
loki fangirling over the valkyrie reader is my aesthetic
@gingerwritess : Loki x reader
I’ve got a question I’d love for you to answer, because I simply adore your characterization of Loki. What sort of nicknames do you think he’d call his s/o? Both the lovey-dovey ones and the playful mean ones
this is so soft i love it
@too-attached-to-fiction : A Night In The Gardens (Loki x reader)
#2: “It’s nearly midnight, what are you doing?”
@justeclipseblogs : Complicated (2012!loki x goddess!reader)
Based on Avengers (2012), where instead of Thor going after Loki - it’s Thor and his friend, Reader, who happens to be Loki’s… well, it’s complicated.
this is one of my favorite loki fics and i would love to see a part 2 to it
@yourfavouriterival : i will always love you; how i do (loki x reader)
@beskar-tano : Undying Fidelity (Loki x reader)
“I was just kind of hoping you’d y’know … fall in love with me.” + Loki Laufeyson Odinson
@jobean12-blog : A Smile In Bloom (loki x reader)
You and Loki bond over your mutual love for plants :)
@rorybutnotgilmore : Exist For Love (loki x reader)
Just some domestic baking and dancing with Loki.
| Natasha Romanoff |
@lethological-clara : Bikes and Bruises (natasha x reader)
Natasha teaches you how to ride a bike.
@saltybaltic : Downpour (natasha x reader)
Walking through the streets of New York you get caught in a torrential downpour and have to find cover
@saltybaltic : Save The Date (natasha x wife!reader)
On the day of your third wedding anniversary with Natasha, you realise that you’ve both been celebrating the wrong date
@saltybaltic : Cat Walk (natasha x reader)
Being friends with Natasha isn’t always easy, especially when you’re supposed to be helping her pick an outfit and you’re struggling to keep your mind out of the gutter.
gay panic
| Peter Parker |
@starshipsofstarlord : Screen Light (peter x reader
watching a movie does not always entail paying attention to it. However, there is innocence to the picture perfect distraction.
@baroquebucky : Truly, Madly, Deeply (peter x reader)
Truly, Madly, Deeply by One Direction with Peter Parker
one direction and peter parker is the perfect combo
@buckysbeloved : of sleep and safety (peter x reader)
in which peter parker slumps into your room exhausted and you have to try and get him into bed despite the height difference between you
| Pietro Maximoff |
@dem-obscure-imagines : Little Stark (Pietro x stark!reader)
Could you do an imagine of being Tony’s snarky sarcastic clever badass part-time Shield agent sister and Bruce’s best friend and therefore spends a lot of time in their lab while they’re your favorite people you are also brilliant, and therefore they also see Pietro always hanging around because he has a crush on you and Tony is protective big bro and everyone else just teases Pietro??
@helaintoloki : Meet The Family (Pietro Peter Maximoff x reader)
An innocent family dinner with Pietro’s new girlfriend reveals that life in Westview is not what it seems. Uncle Pietro introduces y/n to the family!
This one is sweet with a touch of Westview darkness
| Pepper Potts |
@rae-is-typing : Mother’s Day (mom!pepper x stark!reader)
It’s Mother’s Day, and you surprise your step mom Pepper
| Steve Rogers |
@ohmygoditsanthonyedwardstark : Why Do You Hate Me So Much? (steve x reader) (slight bucky x reader)
You spend your whole life loving Steve Rogers, unfortunately he can’t even spare a minute to love you.
i really want a part 2 to this one
| Thor Odinson |
@rae-is-typing : She’s Not Dying (platonic!thor x reader)
You have a cold, and Thor thinks you’re dying.
| Wanda Maximoff |
@cap-n-stuff : wanda maximoff x reader
Wanda x reader angst (like reader gets hurt or dies maybe idrk lmao)
@beskar-tano : wanda x reader comfort headcanons
236 notes · View notes
hurricanery · 3 years
If the Sun Comes Up - pt. 4
A/N: Hi, it’s been a while, but here’s part 4 of If the Sun Comes Up! (AU - interns fic). This is me ignoring s17!!! Sorry for the delay, this has been repeatedly deleted from my drafts for the last week & then i didn’t even edit or make changes SO idk what all that was for. anyway thank you for sticking with this story! Previous parts here: part 1 // part 2 // part 3
Or, you can read on ao3.
And so it starts, you switch the engine on
We set controls for the heart of the sun
One of the ways we show our age
She has no idea how she got here. Or more specifically, how she could be pressured into something like this. Maggie typically prided herself on standing firm; standing her own ground and refusing to be swayed by others. But none of that self-proclamation holds true right now.
Because she’s here. Driving Winston’s car. Trunk filled to capacity and two of her roommates squeezed into the backseat.
The hypocrisy of it all is almost infuriating. Because Maggie hates camping.
“I hate camping,” she voices her detest out loud.
An apologetic sigh can be heard from Winston next to her, where he sits passenger side. But ultimately, it’s Amelia’s voice that grabs her attention, the bewilderment making itself known from the backseat.
“Oh, come on,” there’s an element of disbelief to her tone, and Maggie locks eyes with her through the rear-view mirror.
“Step out of your comfort zone a little, Maggie!” She raises her eyebrows, beginning to gesture with her hands. Link shuffles in his seat, where he’s squeezed in tightly beside Amelia, in an attempt to free up a little space for her body language. Some of the camping supplies had ended up packed over half of the backseat, and Maggie can’t help but chuckle at the proximity of Amelia’s hand to Link’s face as she gestures absentmindedly. “It’s camping. It’s adventurous, it’s-”
Maggie has since focused back on the road, but the sudden pause in speech makes her feel uneasy. Amelia’s focus shifts from the packaged tent next to her, to the back of Winston’s head, and then back to Maggie.
“It’s sleeping in a tent,” she continues, a spark of gleam in her eyes as she scans the couple in the front seat. “Or, maybe it’s not sleeping. Hey, I mean, whatever the two of you-”
“Amelia,” Maggie cuts in, gripping the steering wheel a little tighter as Winston’s hand comes to rest on her knee, giving it a soothing squeeze.
“Come on, babe,” Winston murmurs. “It’ll be fun. And plus, Karev would definitely be proud of us.”
Maggie grins a little, despite herself.
They’d been a bit all over the place, as a group of interns. A little bit too chaotic and never fully on the same page. As their resident, Karev was constantly voicing his impatience about the dynamics of the group. She partly thinks that yes, Alex would be proud of the bonding journey that they’d chosen to embark on, but the more realist part of her brain can’t ignore the obviousness that being roommates was probably bonding enough.
Maggie peeks in the rear-view once more, this time checking to make sure that Lexie and Jo are still following in the car behind them. She catches Amelia’s stare again and consequently feels the need to brace herself.
“Babe?” Amelia bites her lip, repeating the pet name Winston had just used. “What happened to ‘we’re just friends?’”
“We are friends.” Maggie sighs, trying her best to ignore the amusement that radiates from Winston at this specific call-out.
“And Link and I are friends,” Amelia’s quick with her rebuttal, tilting her head towards Link. “I don’t go around calling him babe.”
Link sucks in a breath, and then another one, with the addition of Amelia’s afterthought. “But maybe I’ll start.”
It’s subtle. The way Link’s face changes. He hides it just as quickly as it surfaces. But it’s there, she hasn’t imagined it, and it’s the first thing to make Maggie genuinely smile for the length of the trip so far.
“I’m kidding,” Amelia nudges Link with her shoulder. “I can come up with a better nickname than that.”
“Okay enough,” Maggie suppresses the grin she feels spreading across her cheeks. She reaches forward for the knob on the dashboard, turning the music up.
Link’s relief at the diversion tactic is almost palpable. Maggie can practically feel it from the backseat. She thinks maybe the feeling rising in her chest equates to sympathy.
She loves Amelia. She really does. Which is saying a lot, especially for her. It takes effort for her to grow comfortable with people, or to even relate on any level. She’s always felt a step ahead of most people in life. But Amelia really challenges her. It’s only been a couple of months since they’d met, and somewhere along the way, things changed. Amelia’s unpredictable nature had shifted from something Maggie initially feared, to something she appreciates. Like the human embodiment of the push she needs. The push she needs to take things less seriously, or the push she needs to open up and be spontaneous. Whatever the case, it’s never felt more necessary. Like she’s been missing out on it for too long. So, she tries to embrace it at every turn.
“Are we almost there?” Amelia pipes up again from the backseat. “I have to pee, and believe me, I’m down for a little side-of-the-road action if that’s what it comes down to-”
Maggie groans impatiently. But then she remembers about embracing it. So decidedly, her next words sound gentle. “We’re almost there, hold it together.”
It ends up taking two full hours for six surgical interns to figure out how to set up a campsite. And even though the task is grueling, the level of teamwork somehow exceeds what they normally display during a typical hospital shift.
The sun starts to set as the second of the two tents finally stands on it’s own and everyone takes a moment to finally relax.
“That wasn’t too bad,” Link sits back against the tree on the outskirts of their surrounding area.
Jo huffs out a breath as she joins him, rolling her eyes. “That was two hours of my life that I’ll never get back.”
“What’s next?” Amelia steps out of the larger tent, pulling a sweatshirt over her head. “Does anyone know how to build a bonfire?”
She has no idea how it got to this. How six grown adults could resort to immature party games around a campfire and feel so content about it. Maggie had been relieved when the game of ‘truth or dare’ ended as quickly as it started. She’d been hoping for something a bit more intellectual. A little less high school.
Unfortunately her hopes were never granted.
“Wait, I feel like the stakes aren’t high enough.” Amelia had tossed the observation out flimsily.
But the observation had its impact.
“Yeah, you’re right.”
And then the ideas had piled on.
“Loser has to cover my scut work in the ER all week.”
“No way.”
“Loser has to make us each a s'more.”
“Nah. Stakes not high enough.”
“Loser has to jump in the lake.”
Amelia had voiced the last one, resulting in a surprised type of silence. The type of silence that could raise stakes.
It was the ultimatum they were looking for, apparently. And to much of Maggie’s dismay, they hadn’t moved on to an intellectual game. Nothing worth raising the stakes over, at least.
Because they’d settled on a game of ‘never have I ever.’
“Okay, okay. My turn. What have I not done…?” Amelia trails off, deep in thought, and it earns some chuckles from the group. “Oh! Never have I ever had a threesome.”
Suspectful eyes dart around the bonfire, and Link’s attempt to conspicuously fold down a finger fails.
Jo giggles hysterically.
“You have?” There’s surprise in Amelia’s voice, and it corresponds with the way her face lights up.
“You haven’t?” Link bites back.
“Well, almost, I guess. But-”
“Okay!” Jo interjects. “No need for context! That’ll just slow us down. Link, your turn.”
“Okay,” Link grins determinedly across the bonfire, eyes landing on Amelia. “Never have I ever almost had a threesome.”
Amelia scoffs, dropping a finger.
“Wait!” Maggie fast-tracks her disapproval. “Are we singling people out now? The game will end too quickly if we-”
“Never have I ever been named after an iconic literary figure.” Amelia jumps in again, completely ignoring Maggie’s objection.
Link drops a finger, rolling his eyes. Too easy.
“Never have I ever slept with Mark Sloan.”
He sounds proud of this one. And all focus drifts to Amelia, whose eyes narrow only slightly as she drops another finger.
“You did what?” Maggie seems skeptical.
“You did what? When?” And Lexie’s voice sounds strained.
“Shit, sorry. Too far?” Link’s pride genuinely replaces itself with worry.
“I never meant for it to be a secret.” There’s something distinct about Amelia’s tone as she jumps back into the game, clearly with the intention of going after Link again. “Never have I ever-”
“No!” Maggie seems to be the only one intervening at this point. “No, stop. My turn. If we play it your way, this game will be over in two seconds.”
Amelia and Link shrug dismissively amidst the general hums of agreement.
“Never have I ever…” Maggie pauses, taking a moment to truly think on it. She racks her brain for ways to prolong the game. “Never have I ever been arrested!”
Amelia slowly drops her last finger, a grimace consuming her face, and Maggie’s mouth opens wide in shock.
“Amelia, what,” she breathes. “I was trying to keep people in the game. What-”
“We agreed on no context!” Amelia is quick to refute, forcing a grin as she repeats the request spoken earlier.
“Okay….” She draws out her response, and the next part of her sentence sounds quiet, or laced with secondhand defeat. “But you lost the game already.”
“That’s fine,” Amelia is just as quick to stand from her chair, shrugging casually at what that entails.
“To the lake? Or am I doing this without witnesses?”
Maggie’s brows furrow at the bitterness that exists in that question, but then Amelia turns, walking away from them, and Maggie is the first to go after her.
"Amelia, you’re the one who made the rule. You can’t back out now.”
They’re all huddled together at the sandy area near the dock that edges out into the dark lake, and Maggie can’t hold back her impatience. She’s a rule-follower, after all. She's also cold. And she just wants to be by the bonfire again.
“I know, I know. I’m….” Amelia trails off, exhaling harshly. “Just give me a minute.”
There’s momentary quiet. The kind of quiet that nearly gives room for everyone to re-think what’s about to happen. But, if anyone's thoughts were the loudest, they were Amelia’s.  
“The sun was still out when I made up this rule!”
That’s true. Maggie can give her that. It’s late now, purely dark outside except for the glow of the moonlight reflecting off of the lake.
“We don’t know what’s in there…” Amelia adds, eyes focused on the body of water before them. “We don’t know if it’s safe to swim here.”
“It’s a state park,” Winston chuckles.
“And there’s a sign right there,” Lexie adds matter-of-factly, nodding towards the edge of the sand. “No lifeguard on duty. Swim at your own risk.”
“Amelia, it's a swimming beach.”
There’s an element to Amelia’s expression that Maggie sees herself in. It provokes that feeling. The heart-lurching feeling that comes with the awareness that you can’t bring yourself to do the thing you intend to do. The restlessness that rises with the opposition of your mind moving miles a minute but your feet remaining frozen where you stand. It takes place in the nervous system. And it’s like the physical manifestation of not being able to rip the bandaid off, or not being able to take the plunge, to be more literal in this scenario.
Suddenly, Maggie’s hit with the fleeting recognition that everyone’s the same deep down. Some were just better at hiding it than others.
The revelation almost makes her feel sympathy. Almost.
Because Amelia’s version of hiding it was turning out to be displaced over-confidence.
“I knew you were all talk and no-”
“I’ll jump in with you,” Link interrupts, nudging Amelia, who shakes from her daze as she turns away from the lake, locking eyes with Link.
“Shit, I’m down, too,” Jo shrugs. “I’m right behind you guys.”
A look of pure skepticism crosses Amelia’s face, and Link just starts to grin, hugely.
“No,” Maggie breathes. “No, no, no.”
Because she knows what this is about to turn into. And then it’s all happening, fast.
Link is stripping down to his boxers, tossing his clothes into a pile on the grass just left of the dock. And then he’s running. His feet clamber against the wood paneling as he takes off over the structure that extends along the shore and into the body of water.
There’s a huge splash. And then he resurfaces, gasping.
“It’s not that deep, come on!” He yells. “And it’s warm, too. Like a hot tub!”
The next thing Maggie registers is that Jo is following suit, peeling off her sweatshirt and tossing it towards Link’s pile of clothes.
She feels Winston’s hand grip her shoulders, gently pushing her towards the dock as he murmurs “Come on, babe.”
There’s another splash somewhere, and then Jo resurfaces, giggling hysterically. "Link!” She gasps dramatically, “You liar, this is fucking freezing!”
And all Maggie can think is this is so unfair.
It’s so unfair.
The fact that five people have somehow endured jumping into this lake and yet, Amelia remains unscathed. Secure, on dry land, a smirk on her face that can only signify that she thinks she’s won.
“Amelia!” Maggie yells once again. “You have thirty seconds to get into this water.”
“No way,” Maggie cuts her off before the smug tone can set her off even further. She lets go of Winston’s shoulder, which she’s been holding onto for dear life since she jumped in, and she swims closer to the dock. Closer to Amelia. “I won’t let you play us like this.”
Amelia grins further, dipping just her toes in the water. “Maggie, I’m not trying to play anyone, I-”
“Get in the water, Amelia!” Maggie shouts, but her impatience only leads to more smugness on Amelia’s behalf.
She almost gives up. Accepts defeat. But then Link is joining her, inching towards Amelia on the dock, whose expression falters only slightly as they approach.
“Should we splash her?” Maggie tilts her head towards Link, inquisitive edge to her voice. “We could splash her.”
The threat seems to be the push Amelia needs. She shakes her head incessantly as they make their advance, and she takes a deep breath before she goes to remove her jeans, adding them to the pile of clothes that everyone else has stripped off.
Jo whistles from somewhere further out into the lake and Amelia’s smirk returns, a complete result of the knowledge that she has an audience. Her classic Harvard sweatshirt gets added to the pile and then she’s on an even playing field with everyone else, dressed down to whatever underwear she’d thrown on this morning.
They continue their approach, and Amelia looks down just as a burst of wind forcibly shakes the branches of a tree above, thus causing her to wrap her arms around herself.
“You’ll warm up faster if you get in, Shepherd.” Link says in a low tone.
“I know,” Amelia’s tone is just as low. “But I’m not jumping.”
“What happened to adventurous?!” Maggie mocks her. Not harshly, but more so aiming to re-inspire the fearlessness that previously had been.
“I’m not jumping in,” Amelia repeats as she sits at the edge of the dock, letting the water hit her up to about mid-shin. “I’m just gonna kind of slide in….” She trails off as Link pushes forward, now in shallow enough water to stand. And when Amelia goes to wrap her arms around herself again, Maggie swears it’s out of modesty this time.
“It’s harder that way,” Link smiles up at her. “But okay.”
“Okay,” she repeats his sentiment, but doesn’t make any move to get into the water.
“Okay,” Maggie interjects, directing her next words at Link. “As apparently the only rule-follower here, I give you full permission to do whatever it takes to get her into this water already.”
Her instructions result in a mischievous twitch of Link’s lips, and conversely, a look of complete betrayal from Amelia.
“Your rules.” Maggie quietly defends herself.
Link turns back to Amelia, who meets his gaze with pure panic in her eyes. But he steps closer anyway, placing his hands around her shins and pulling her a couple inches closer to where he stands in the water.
She gasps. Her hands fly out, landing on his shoulders. “Wait wait wait!” She cries, the alarm in her voice matching the frantic action of her nails digging into his skin.
Link stops his movements, placing his hands on her knees as he tries to read her facial expression.
Her eyes dart between his. “You swear it’s not too cold?”
“It’s not cold, Amelia,” he murmurs, moving his hands underneath her bare thighs and pulling her forward an inch more.
Maggie looks between the two, suddenly feeling out of place, or like she’s witnessing a private moment. But, she can’t tear her eyes away. She feels transfixed by the eye contact happening between the pair, and she lets out a stunned chuckle.
“It’s not cold,” Link repeats, and now Maggie scoffs. Because this moment is becoming almost unbelievable with tension. But then Link’s expression changes. Just as quickly as flipping a switch. The facet of mischief returns to his eyes and then he’s opening his mouth again.
“And I’m so sorry for this!” He shouts as he finally pulls Amelia into the water, throwing his head back with laughter as she resurfaces before him.
Her arms are still wrapped around his shoulders in a viselike grip. “Alright, screw you for that!” She laughs as she comes to her senses, consequently letting go and distancing herself from Link. “But thank you, I guess."
“My pleasure.”
Maggie watches, eyes burning with curiosity, and she’s not able to hide the smile that creeps onto her lips as the pair move as far away from each other as possible. The interaction is way too amusing, and part of her feels like, if she were the menacing type, this would be the perfect opportunity to pay back some of Amelia’s relentless teasing with some of her own.
“Can we get out now?” Lexie swims up, interrupting her thoughts. “I’m kinda over this.”
“I just got in. Was that for no reason?!”
“And whose fault is that?” Maggie snickers. But it doesn’t sound harsh at all, as she offers Amelia a comforting smile.
When they eventually leave the shoreline, Maggie feels a sense of fondness course through her. Or maybe protectiveness. Whatever the feeling, it was definitely the stark opposite of her previous annoyance with the way the evening was turning out.
She carefully observes as Amelia slows behind the group, and she slows with her, matching her pace.
Amelia offers her a small smile, before a shiver takes over her body, interrupting her guise. It makes sense, Maggie thinks. Because soaking wet hair and the sun going down in the middle of nowhere might just bring on that sort of involuntary action.
But she can’t ignore the shift in energy. The sudden vanishing of the confidence and even the playful competitiveness.
“You okay?” She eventually asks.
“Tired.” Amelia only offers a shrug, her thumbnail nearly reaching the corner of her mouth in a restless action. But it’s like she catches herself, as Maggie’s stare burns into her, and instead she drops her hands to her sides.
“Me too,” Maggie’s voice is soft, and an impulse rises in her that screams comfort. Suddenly, her arm is wrapping around Amelia’s shoulder tightly, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Let’s get some sleep.”
It’s a known fact that Maggie hates camping. She can think of several reasons for that. One of the side effects she’d fail to consider, though, was the consequent lack of rest that would come with it.
It couldn’t be any later than 5am, she concludes, as she unzips her and Winston’s tent and steps out into the dark campground.
To much of her surprise, she’s not alone. She’s not the only one experiencing the unwanted side effects of sleeping in a tent.
“Hey,” Amelia’s voice sounds gravelly, as she perks up from the chair she’s seated at around the empty bonfire. “Good morning.”
“How can it be morning?” Maggie groans. “Does it really count as morning when you didn’t get any sleep at all?”
���You’re preaching to the choir.”
Maggie frowns. “You didn’t sleep?”
“Link snores. And Lexie talks in her sleep….” Amelia weakly attempts a smile, and it just makes Maggie’s frown deepen.
“Everything alright?” She asks.
“Yeah, just wish I’d slept better.”
Maggie squints, because there’s detail there that she can’t quite decipher. She scans Amelia’s face another moment, before an idea strikes.
“Do you want to go on a hike with me? Watch the sunrise?”
“You don’t really seem like the hiking type.”
“You’re right. I guess ‘hike’ is a strong word. But anyway, how about it?”
Amelia stares blankly at her for a long moment, before eventually she nods, standing up.
“Alright,” Maggie grins. “Let me tell Winston where we’re going first.”
They take a marked path. Signs at every turn highlight for them which way to go. It’s a few minutes into the hike before either of them speaks. It’s Amelia who opens up the conversation.
“Ready to be home?”
Maggie laughs. “Absolutely. I’ve been ready since the moment we got here.”
“Well, hopefully they have the cars all packed by the time we get back.”
Maggie nods, then reaches for the water bottle she’d brought with her, taking a few sips.
“Do I tease you and Winston too much?”
The question completely catches Maggie off guard, and she harshly swallows her sip of water.
“I can be….a little overbearing sometimes. But,” Amelia offers a quick side-glance. “At least I’m self aware about that.”
“Not at all. I mean, honestly, Winston gets a kick out of it so-”
“Yeah, but do you?”
Maggie stops walking, her face muddled with confusion. It takes Amelia a moment to realize she’s stopped, and she turns around, meeting Maggie’s stare expectantly.
“Amelia….If it bothered me I would tell you.”
Amelia nods at this information, and then turns away, continuing on the path.
“Was I too harsh last night? About the rules of the game?” Maggie quickens her pace, catching up.
“No,” Amelia laughs under her breath. “We needed the discipline, I think.”
“Yeah but you didn’t need to jump into that lake. I can be a little of overbearing sometimes, too, so-”
“Nah. We balance each other out.”
Maggie squints, a little surprised by that observation. She’s taken aback by the accuracy of it, and it’s evident in her inflection.
“We kind of do, don’t we?”
Amelia beams at her, before her gaze returns to the path below. “I’m glad we came to that realization.”
Comfortable silence falls between them, and there’s a few minutes dedicated purely to the hike, before Amelia clears her throat to speak again.
“Although, I am trying to jump less. So maybe I need you to balance me out just a little more.”
“You lost me,” Maggie quirks an eyebrow at her. “Are we talking about the lake still?”
“Metaphorically. Maybe.”
Maggie’s expression just grows more perplexed, urging Amelia to continue.
“I’ve been….historically known to jump into things. Or people. Or habits, or…” She cuts herself off with a harsh breath, taking a moment to gather her thoughts. “I’d like to do that less. The whole….jumping blindly and hoping I’ll land, thing. So. Maybe I need you to balance me out a little more.”
Maggie nods, slowly grasping the explanation. “I get that.”
“Do you?”
“Well, no,” Maggie frowns. “I’ve never been one to….do anything, really, without weighing the pros and cons first. But, I do get what you’re saying, though. Even if I can’t personally relate.”
Amelia keeps her eyes glued to the path ahead, and the lack of response forces Maggie to attempt filling the silence with her own self-reflection.
“I’ve been thinking of taking a note from you, in that way, actually. Sometimes I really need to think less.”
This makes Amelia smile. “Maybe we can try to meet in the middle somewhere.”
“Yeah, that might be good for us.”
As the conversation trails off again, Maggie can’t help but question what specifically Amelia is referencing. She doesn’t want to push, especially given her recent self-proclamation as overbearing. But part of her thinks that one last inquiry won’t hurt.
“You and Link seem to have fun.”
Amelia’s eyes snap up to Maggie’s face before the sentence is even finished.
“What makes you say that?”
There’s not an ounce of emotion in Amelia’s expression. It’s probably the best poker face Maggie has ever seen. And so she’s careful with her next words, her voice slow and questioning.
“I just mean....you know….the banter?”
“Yes the banter, Amelia,” she lets out a stunned chuckle. “I don’t know how else to put it! It’s like you’re constantly play-fighting. It’s like….it’s like this weird, alluring competitiveness that’s almost uncomfortable to watch. It’s being at each other’s throats over a stupid game of ‘never have I ever.’ It’s the craziest form of flirting I’ve ever witnessed, and it’s-”
“Link and I are friends.”
“Winston and I are friends.” She bites down on her grin, trying to contain the pride that radiates as she uses Amelia’s own pointed claims against her.
“Okay, don’t pull that on me.”
“I think it’s perfectly fair-”
Two pairs of eyes tighten upon scrutinized contact.
“Amelia,” she softens her expression a bit. “All I’m saying is….despite it being weird to watch.” She releases an awkward exhale.  “I think it works. I think you’ve kinda met your match.”
“There’s no match to be made, Maggie! I’m-”
They’re both a little caught off guard by the frustration and volume of Amelia’s tone. And Amelia takes a moment to breathe before she continues, an octave lower this time.
“I’m jumping less, remember?”
Maggie wants to frown. She wants to disagree. She almost wants to laugh at the ridiculousness of it all.
But they’re edging towards the outskirts of the campsite. She can hear voices, and the distinct sound of car trunks slamming shut. Which signifies that they’re nearing the end of the hike, so she bites her tongue instead, because Amelia looks too exhausted to argue it more.
They clear the trees, entering the campground, and Winston watches them approach.
“Hey! Cars are packed, but it’ll be a tight squeeze again,” he smiles sympathetically. He walks forward to rest his hands on Maggie’s shoulders in familiar reassurance. “And you get to sleep in the car, because this time I’m driving.”
Maggie doesn’t think she’s imagining this part.
Her lack of sleep the night prior results in Winston’s refusal to let her drive. Which only bothers her a little, because the exhaustion outweighs her requisite for control.
Her eyes feel heavy as she rests her head against the window. She tries to focus on the road ahead as Winston drives; doesn't want to give up being a second pair of eyes as she sits passenger side. But her fatigue gets the best of her. Although it’s difficult to separate her overtired brain from certainty, she doesn’t think she’s imagining this part.
She hears it first. Link’s chuckle.
It’s enough to shake her from her reverie. She lifts her head and tries to be conspicuous as she turns, glancing into the backseat.
Amelia’s sat in the middle seat again, squeezed tightly between the camping supplies and then Link on the other side of her. Her eyes are fighting to stay open, and she's doing that weird head bobbing thing. That subconscious move that happens quite literally before falling asleep.
“Hey. Here.”
The sound of Link’s voice causes Amelia’s eyes to widen, quickly becoming aware of herself. She continues to blink, fighting off a bout of exhaustion that Maggie completely sympathizes with.
When Amelia locks eyes with him, Link simply pats his shoulder, indicating a potential landing spot for her head.
She frowns tiredly at him.
“Just do it,” he shrugs, patting his shoulder again. “I’m a better option than that boxed tent.” He nods past her. “As far as pillows go, at least.”
Amelia seems to fight it for a second. She really does. Her eyebrows pull together as she continues to stare blankly at Link.
Maggie diverts her attention because once again, she feels like she’s intruding on some private moment. But she remains listening. She can’t help it. There’s some shuffling around and then-
“Hm.” She hears Amelia hum. “You do make a decent pillow.” It’s followed by a murmured “Thank you.”
“Sure. What are friends for?”
Link’s response is barely a whisper, but Maggie can hear it still, even over the general hum of the highway below. She doesn’t think she’s imagining this part.
What are friends for?
It’s enough to make her turn in her seat again, an incredulous stare plastered on her face as she raises her eyebrows in Link’s direction.
He seems not to notice her interest, or rather her disbelief. Because his focus is consumed by the dark head of hair resting against his shoulder.
Amelia’s eyes are shut tight, her expression revealed when she adjusts herself slightly against him. And then Link smiles to himself, still unaware of the scrutiny descending from the front seat.
Maggie allows the doubt to flood her mind as she turns to rest against her own window again, and she fights off a smile as she lets her eyes finally close.
Friends. Right.
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derireo · 4 years
The way I SMILED at the nicknames from Autumn Troupe, especially at NYAM AND PUDDING T^T Im curious about the other troupes now, if it's okay;;
yes!! the nicknames i chose for juza are really cute– i rlly wish we could get sound clips of the va saying them tbh LOL. sry this one took a bit of time, i had difficult figuring out the other troupes,, for those who haven't seen it yet, here's autumn troupe's!
Spring, Summer, Winter Troupes: Pet Names
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He doesn't understand how pet names work!
He'll probably just call you _______ Chan!
Okay, but fr lol,,. I don't really see him using pet names? The way he speaks is already affectionate as it is and he uses the Chan honorific a lot with you in a sweet manner. Maybe when he's older and feels more comfortable, he'll call you something like Babe!
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Babe (public & private)
Baby ("")
My love ("")
It's cheesy, all of them, but he makes it work somehow??? There is just so much love in his voice when he calls you by any of these names, so much so that it even stuns the other members and people around him, haha. You know that heart animation when Izumi does the bare minimum? That's what he looks like when he calls for you.
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Dude (public & private)
Babe ("")
Sweetheart {"")
Calls you by your name most of the time, says Dude when he's playing a video game or something– not that you mind too much. Is normally whining when he's using a pet name, but don't worry, he is very affectionate with them as well. Whenever he comes back from work, he mutters a soft, but tired: "I'm home, Sweetheart." and it's sho cute! 
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Princess (public & private)
My love ("")
Sweetheart ("")
Truly, a prince. These pet names are all used very playfully, but serious at the same time. He's not shy to use them and he gets really confused when he sees how flustered you get after calling for you. He wishes you wouldn't though, he truly sees you as a princess!! He's really close to asking you to marry him!!!!!
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Cutie (private)
Bun (private)
Tsuzuru does not like using pet names outside of private life. From what I remember from the story, he doesn't share a lot about himself with the others and even gets upset with Kazunari when he mentions something without his permission. Tsuzuru really likes you, no doubt, but he prefers to be all sweet and loving to you when nobody's looking. In a way, nicknames have become really special between you guys.
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He'll pass out before he even gets a word in
I'm not even joking, he reads so much shoujo manga that he'd get super excited to be having this chance. He'd think of something super romantic to say as he like did a fucking kabedon on you lol but legit he'll black out before anything happens LMAOO
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No nicknames for u LOL
He would barf if he was forced to call u something other than ur name. He'll probably just stick with 'idiot" and leave it at that; don't expect too much from Yuki 😔
Stubborn brat,,,,, He Will get really embarrassed if you ask him to call you something cute, and he'll relent, but seriously? He'll never do it again unless You Beg.
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Cutie (public)
He gets flustered easily, he's not going to be able to call you anything else LMAO!!! He may act all cool but his game is Weak, so don't let his acting chops fool you, baby. Cutie is mostly used in a teasing manner, but he really means it. He thinks you are awfully cute, d'aw come here and let me give u a hug
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Saan! (public & private)
Kaku! ("")
Literally just triangle, he's not too creative, but he likes the ring to it. He only uses these when he hasn't seen you the whole day and he spots you across the room or something. He'll call for you all of a sudden and it'll startle everyone who is within a 10-mile radius from him. (idk how far that reaches im canadian)
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Beb (private)
Hon (strictly– no honey. public & private)
Beb is a sups affectionate nickname and it sounds so much better than 'babe' when it comes out of his mouth! He only uses it in private though because he thinks it's super adorable how you respond when he says it. Also, Honey is too long of a word (too many syllables) and Hon totally suits his style! It really goes BAM for him and that's wickedt
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'Mello (public & private)
Floofs (private)
He likes soft things. 'Mello being the last part of marshmallow and Floofs because he Loves resting his head in your lap cause ur thighs go squish and then he go night night. Doesn't really see the point in nicknames tbh, but he gets really lazy calling your own name sometimes. + he thinks he embarrasses you when he calls you by your pet name.
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Beloved (public & private)
Sweetheart ("")
Love ("")
He's got a lot to call you. He is a poet, but I am not so I can't give you anything better than this! It's romantic though isn't it, haha. You're his muse, so a lot of his poems are inspired by the daily things you two do together. Beloved is probably one of his favourite things to call you because it rolls off his tongue so nicely, he uses this nickname the most. Love and Sweetheart are used in whispers or when he wants only you to hear it when having a conversation in public.
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Bud, probably (i hate him. public)
Sweetheart (when he's feeling like a bad bitch! private)
Baby (private)
I've got this love-hate thing with Tasuku, but don't worry, I don't actually hate him. Nicknames aren't really his thing, hence the Bud only being used in public. Baby is the nickname he uses when he is feeling very affectionate and loving, but Sweetheart is his greatest weapon of all. He uses it with his low voice, using that rumble from his chest as he holds you in his arms, his large hands trailing up your body. When Sweetheart is uttered, the lilt in his voice shows how amused he is by your trembling.
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Petal (public & private)
Buttercup ("")
So sweet. What a sweet boy. Considering he loves flowers, I wouldn't put it past him to call you Petal or Buttercup. And he loves loves loves using them too! Petal is used when he's addressing you during a conversation or just wanting to catch your attention. Buttercup is mostly used when he's greeting you with a hello or goodbye! He even laughs sometimes when he uses your nicknames, but they make him feel all soft and fuzzy inside!
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Little Bunny (private)
Pup (private)
Baby (public)
Honey/Hon (public)
He's got so much of these up his sleeve, you better prepare your funeral in advance because He's Not Paying lmao. He really likes the animal nicknames though, they're very cute and suit you quite well.... A little erotic though so he's sparse when he uses them lol. Baby and Honey sounds so nice coming from him, his voice is so decadent and slow and he smirks a little when he uses it on you!
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infinitegalahad · 4 years
Idk I’ve been feeling pretty down lately. Something cute, angsty, and smutty with a jealous Merriell Shelton and fem reader ?? You can have fun with it
Doux Comme Des Bonbons
Pairing: Snafu x Gender Netural! Reader
Summary: Snafu has a tendency to always wound up into trouble. Regardless, you still manage to put up with him.
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: Implied sexual harrasment, jeleous! snafu, cursing, fighting, but very minor! 
A/N: Of course I can! I feel you, hope this cheers you up! ❣️✨ I’m sorry this came so late. I’ve been studying for a few tests. I promise to work on a few requests this weekend though! I love the requests though, keep them coming in! This one was a little longer than expected. Snafu is my favourite himbo. The title translates to “as sweet as candy” bc this is fluffy-is. Anyways, hope you enjoy!
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“Snafu, he’s just a classmate!”
Snafu slammed the door to your apartment building. If school and work weren’t hard enough, this had been your breaking point. As much as you loved your Cajun boyfriend, he was an absolute handful. It was like taking care of a manchild who you loved one minute, the next you wanted to scream in his face. Whenever things were peaceful between you, it was bliss. Endless worship, cuddles, cute french nicknames, romantic and steamy nights. It was anything a partner could ask for.
But when all hell would break loose between you two, it would be full-on discord.
“Classmate ma’ ass. Prissy lil’ fucker. I’ve seen ‘da way ‘dat preppy boy looks at you.” Snafu annoyingly badgered. He followed you around your apartment. Stopping at the kitchen counter, you spin on your heel to look at him straight in the face, a hand on your waist and an angry pout proudly displayed on your face. “ ‘Dat Chris or whatever his n-”
“Chad. His name is Chad.” You corrected.
The Cajun groaned as his calloused hands grasped onto the counter. He was extremely aggravated with hell in his eyes. “Whatever. I don’t like ‘yah hangin’ ‘round him. Chad kept starin’ at you like you were a piece of meat. Tried to fuckin’ steal ma’ seat next to you! ‘Dat lil’ sunva gun tryin’ to sit next ‘ta ‘ma Cher!”
Chad wasn’t someone you considered a friend or acquaintance. He was someone who was in your lecture who happened to be one of your friend’s inner friends. Whenever you would go to study, Chad would always tag along. He mainly wouldn’t study and would pester the hell out of you. He had even followed you to Snafu’s jeep, which proceeded to Snafu almost running him over. Thankfully you had convinced Chad not to press charges.
There was no denying he was a total asshole. He wore the brighetst polos, cheated on every test, and did whatever he pleased. Snafu was convinced that his parents paid his way into college. It baffled you how you’re best friend could even consider someone such as Chad a friend. His whole purpose of being alive was to annoy you. Snafu surely didn’t care for him. But you only had the class for another two months, and then you would be rid of Chad.
Two months had gone by and Chad’s advances had begun to slowly die down. He was aware that you were dating Snafu, who he deemed a man out of your league. It was true, but you loved Snafu with every part of your soul. Snafu was not your everyday boyfriend. It was like dating a man child off of his ADHD medication. He was a somewhat (but still young) man who worked in lumber, a little rough around the edge with a thick Cajun accent. You were a teacher’s pet with a kind heart and gentle presence. When your friend Eugene had set you up, you’d never thought it would work. But date after date, the two of you only grew closer. Within three months, you had moved into Snafu’s apartment since you could barely afford to live in a shitty dorm. When Snafu had offered his home to become your home, you knew you had fallen in love with him. As much as Snafu was the occasional pain in the neck, he was yours and you were his.
Also in those two months, your professor had invited you to a semester party after you had finished up exams. The university you attended was celebrating his retirement and had invited the whole school. Not wanting you to be alone, Snafu tagged along. He looked amazing that night; his wild curls tamed with copious amounts of gel, a white collared shirt, and dress shoes that were crisp. It would have been a lovely night if Snafu had simply kept his mouth shut, which he struggled with.
Walking arm and arm with your Cajun boyfriend, you were literally the belle of the ball. The amount of compliments you had received on your outfit was impressive. You had to thank your friend for the simple, yet elegant outfit.
One of your classmates had stopped to compliment your outfit. After a short discussion, you and Snafu continued your way to your assigned seating. Smiling at one of your classmates, Snafu pulled you in closer to his body.
“Relax Snaf,” You smiled as you leaned your head onto his shoulder. “Don’t get your panties in a twist.”
“Whaddya talkin’ ‘bout? I’m fine. Justa’ lotta guys comin’ up ta you-I don’t blame them ‘doe. But if the-”
Snafu was cut off by your friend Hana. Best friends since birth, the two of you were inseparable. Same neighborhood, same high school, and same world-renowned university. Hana knew you better than your own parents at times. You left Snafu’s link to go give her a hug. Hana walked over and gave Snafu a pat on the back, knowing him quite well. You could tell she was a little standoffish with him since she thought he was way out of your league, but was glad to finally see you happy.
“Someone's looking dapper tonight!” Hana commented, patting Snafu’s shoulder. Snafu chuckled and nodded back, complimenting Hana’s (hideous) pink coral slacks. You saw Snafu’s confusion at how bright the pants were. Hana, even if she was your best friend, was a drastically different person from you. “Glad you brought him along, y/n. You guys look so cute together!”
Snafu stood right beside you. Feeling a firm hand on your waist, he looked over and gave you a devilish smirk. “Hana, my cher right here is ‘da real belle of the ball? They don’t even have to try-they just always look flawless.”
While being flirty, Snafu’s sweet side was starting to break through. The three of you chuckled as you gave Snafu a peck on the cheek. Cooing into his ear, “Merriell Shelton, you’re one heck of a kiss up.”
“What? I’m only speakin’ the truth.” He defended.
Hana smiled along at that, giving you a small wink. “Snafu is only speaking the truth. You guys are looking for your table?”
You nodded in response. The banquet hall was small and full of people. It was also dark which made it near impossible to find your assigned seating.
“We’re actually at the same table! Allow me to lead the way.” Hana stated. Snafu and you followed here through the crowd to the table. It mainly contained your classmates and a few of their families and friends. Everything was at peace until you saw a flash of a preppy patchwork suitjacket. It took a minute to process before it hit you and Snafu.
It was the one and only Chad.
Chad had been conversing with his friends.Upon seeing you, he let out a bostieorus laugh with his other preppy friends. Snafu felt immeidntly threatened in his presence, his hold tigenthing at your waist. He was trying to act tough but came off more as a child who’s favoruite toy was going to be taken away. As Chad stood up to come greet himself, you leaned over with your teeth gritted into a smile.
“Don’t say a damn thing. I can handle this.”
The tension between Chad and Snafu was evident. Here Chad was a young and egotistical frat boy who thousands of girls would squirm after. Here Snafu was, a bug-eyed Cajun with a heavy accent and one hell of an attitude. Chad still seemingly wasn’t over the fact that he was almost run over one time by Snafu. He even lightly joked about it, which didn’t sit well with any of you. This only caused Snafu’s burning hatred for Chad to grow even more. Chad was the gasoline and Snafu was the flame. Unfortunately, you and Snafu were placed right next to Chad and his friends. Hana was right next to you and knew that this wasn’t going to end well with the prepster and Cajun. Snafu would swing around the cheap whiskey in his cup and glare down Chad whenever he would even dare look at you. You hated the fact that Snafu was acting like this just because of Chad. The inner immature child in Snafu was beginning to show when Chad began to talk politics. It led to a passive aggressive agreement before you became the mediator before someone got a black eye.
Chad was busy talking to his goons when Snafu turned to you, a hand on your thigh. You placed your hand, squeezing it as you leaned in. “Bab-”
“I don’t like him. Prissy little bitc-”
“Merriell!” You scolded. “Langug-” Snafu smirked as he leaned in to whisper into your ear. “I ain’t a Proctologist, but I know an asshole when I see one. Do people think he’s straight? With those pink tight pants, it’s sendin’ another message.”
A snort escaped your mouth as you leaned into the Cajun’s shoulder. He did have a point though. What did people see in Chad that was so attractive?
Snafu noticed that you were amused by his humor. That devilish smirk you knew all too well was plastered on his face. “We should bust outta here, ditch the party and go back home. Watch a ninety day fiance. I like what’s on ‘da outside, but i wanna see what’s on ‘da inside…”
Snafu’s fingers crawled closer to your stomach. You bit your lip in response, your cheeks burning. It was so hard to resist him all dressed up and neat. Two could play this game.
“What the hell am I ever gonna do with you, Merriell Shelton?”
“Beats me, (Y/p) (Y/l/n).” He purred into your ear. It was definitely starting to become harder to resist him, especially when he called you by your professional name. But you had to contain yourself and watch over Snafu for another hour.
Your professor had walked over, interrupting your intimate moment. It was mostly for the better. Snafu had a chance to talk to your professor and learn more about the class you had been taking. He chatted up a storm with Snafu, who seemed integrued. Snafu wasn’t one for learning whatsoever. But anything that his partner would do was of interest. Your professor had even complimented Snafu saying that he had found a lovely partner. As he walked away, Snafu stood by and grabbed your drink to go get a refill. You attempted to get up but Snafu put a hand on your shoulder, holding you down.
“Sit down, darlin’.” He stated, saying a hard d in his creamy Cajun voice. “I’m takin’ care of my smart lil’ student.”
The next few events happened too quickly for you to process. Once Snafu had left, Chad had scooted into his seat. You could smell the vodka on his lips. He began to be his typical self, but got much more invasive of your space. You mostly ignored him as he talked about how rich his family was and his summer house on Nantucket. Hana wasn’t there, so you were stuck until Snafu came back.
Chad began to insulet your boyfriend. It started out as nothing more than a drunken rant, but things slowly came to tug at your heart. He began to make fun of his appearance, calling him “bug-eyed” and “dirty looking skin”. He made fun of his work occupation, outfit, almost anything and everything about him. It was definitely an uncomfortable situation. Where the hell was Snafu?
The breaking point was when Chad had wrapped his arm around you, asking you “What the hell do you see in that loser?”
The next events were full of discord. Snafu had come over, furious. He had yanked Chad out of his chair, yelling in his face. Chad began to cry, threatening to sue you and Snafu. He had also thrown pathetic insults at Snafu, which only made Snafu’s burning hatred brighter. Everybody had their eyes on Snafu, you, and Chad. Embarrassed, you grabbed Snafu and dragged him out of the venue. It was best for the both of you to leave before the police were called. The last words you heard before leaving were Chad’s drunken cry.
“You’ll be hearing from my lawyer next day! Hope you both get evicted from your shitty little apartment! You people are so evil!”
“You could have just ignored him!”
“Like hell! He had yah’ hand ‘round you, tryin’ to s-”
“Oh for the love of god!” You cursed. “I could’ve handled that on my own. You didn’t have to yank him out of his chair!”
“I did have ‘ta! He was assaultin’ you! You’re my c-”
“Merriell, do not cher me. This is serious,” You hissed. All you wanted to do was go to bed and escape this horrible nightmare. “He could charge you for assault. Even if it was minor, you did try to run him over with your car. There’s no way you could stand a chance against that. If you had let me handle it, it wou-”
His sour tone definitely made your whole body go numb. When Snafu raised his voice, you knew he was mad. He was usually pissed off at the world, but it was chilling to hear him scream. His eyes widened as the gel in his hair began to wear off; his unruly curls began to show. You stepped back, feeling tears sting at your eyes. Snafu, upon seeing this, freaked out. He had been irritated the whole night. The last thing he wanted was to see you all upset. Your lip began to quiver as warm tears streamed down your cheeks. The Cajun’s face softened, walking over to apologize. He had fear all over his face. You were the person he loved the most yet at times he had no idea how to comfort you. Emotions weren’t his speciality. He grew up greedy and selfish since it was all he knew. When he had met you, Snafu had truly changed. He didn’t know how to describe it, but you had made him a better person. You gave him hope that the world wasn’t such a shitty place.
Turning around, you walk upstairs and block out everything. Your eyes are full of tears, blinding your vision. Snafu followed after you, begging for forgiveness. He was like a lost, heartbroken puppy. Instead of heading towards your shared bedroom, you decided to hide away in the bathroom. Slamming the door, you back into the wall and slowly slide down. All you wanted to do was just let your emotions loose and not have to think about absolutely anything. You just wanted to be alone with your tears and nothing more.
The tears eventually stopped with your vision cleared. You could feel the dry makeup under your eyes. Your arms and legs felt numb as you were backed to a wall, staring into the shower. What did your professor think? It was horribly embarrassing for you. There was no way you and Snafu could win a lawsuit against Chad. He knew the power he had over the both of you. It was going to be an absolute nightmare. Hana was most likely blowing up your phone with notifications. What di-
Your thoughts went away when you heard the bathroom door open. It was the one and only Snafu who had the look of a sad puppy. He normally wasn’t this soft, but his face was ridden with guilt. You didn’t even react when he walked over and sat right next to you, his thigh right next to yours. Staring at the wall, he let out a sigh. His big blue eyes were right on you.
“Cher,” His fingers trailed onto your chin as he gently turned your head. Your face was destroyed with ruined makeup. It looked like he wanted to say something, but he couldn’t bring himself to. Guilt was all over his face. But there was no time to be whining, all he could do was attempt to make things right.
“Come on,” Snafu cooed. Grabbing your hand, he gently led you up to look in the mirror. This was the second time you saw yourself in the mirror that night. You looked like you had been hit with a tornado. The once neat outfit had been wrinkled, your neatly gelled hair wispy and falling apart, and your face covered with runny makeup. Snafu had gone through the cabinet to grab some makeup wipes. His fingers titled your head to him as he ran it gently over your face. Instead of fighting back, you let him remove the makeup from your face. He made sure to clean off every little bit from your foundation to your lipstick. As he reached your eyes, he peeled off one of your fake leashes and jumped back.
“Sacre bleu!” He cursed, throwing the eyelash into the sink. Snafu was a man who was scared by nothing, except for a fake eyelash. You bit your lip, trying to hold back a chuckle.
“ ‘Da fuck is dat thing? Fuckin’ spiderweb lookin’ bitch. Looks like it has a damn life of its own...” Snafu ranted as his words slowly turned into french. He turned over to you, biting your lip as you held back a laugh.
A smirk appeared on his face as he placed his hands on his hips, “You’d wear this shit?”
“Hana gave them to me.” You shook your head, smiling. He did have a point; they looked like spiderwebs. “I know, they're ridiculous.”
You felt Snafu’s calloused hands grab your waist and halt you on top of the bathroom counter. “Well atleast you make them look hot. Speakin’ of hot, you looked amazing tonight…” He looked down before looking right back into your eyes. “Listen, I’m sorry darlin’. Just seein’ him bother you made me livid. Ain’t no one gotta treat my cher like ‘dat. Especially ‘dat vineyard vines lookin’ prissy.”
You let out a sigh, leaning into his shoulder. “God, his suit was awful…”
“Fuckin’ blindin’. Like, pick a struggle with ‘dat middle part and layerin polo shit…”
A snort escaped your mouth. Snafu wasn’t wrong; Chad looked even worse than he usually did. It was always bright, blinding colors matched with even brighter, more hideous clothes. Snafu’s hand gently caressed your hair as you leaned onto him.
“By the way…” You cooed into his ear, “I’m not condoning what you did, but hearin’ you rip Chad to pieces was kinda hot...”
“Want me ta’ do it again? I’d love to see his little face all scrunched uppa’ ‘gain.”
“God no,” Shaking your head, your hands fiddled with his unruly curls. “If you do, i’m gonna take away all your cigarettes. We can’t handle the lawsuit that’s coming.”
“Y/n, hate to break it ‘ta yah, but I’m not a rule follower. Can I atleast run him over with ‘ma car? Or steal his trump sign?”
“Snafu Shelton, what the hell am I going to do with you?”
Snafu wrapped his arms around you, holding you close. He held on tight, like a child holding a teddy bear. “Stay with me. Right here, right now.”
You smiled into his shoulder as the two of you were wrapped in each other's arms. Snafu was certainly a handful, but you loved him more than anything in the world. He was truly willing to do anything to protect your honor and make you happy. That was a true man, not a boy.
“Ok, your chokin’ me Snaf.” You stated. Moving his arms, Snafu looks at your eyes as you rubbed them. “What time is it?”
“Ten? Darcey and Stacey are on.” He said, grabbing your hand as he led you out of the bathroom into your bedroom. “We can poppa’ few beers and order from Shanghai.”
An relieved sigh escaped from your mouth. Alcohol and chinese food were the perfect cure to a horrible night. “Thank freakin’ god. Anythin’ to forget this god awful night.”
You walked away to throw on your sweatpants and one of Snafu’s flannels on. Suddenly, his hand grabbed yours as he pulled you back to whisper into your ear. “Can’t wait ta’ see you outta’ dat pretty lil’ number ‘ya got on.”
An over exaggerated gasp escaped your mouth as you playfully (gently) slapped his face. A snarky laugh escaped his mouth. You rolled your eyes as you walked over to change. “Keep it in ‘ya pants, soldier.”
“Sorry. Whenever I see yah, I lose control darlin’.” Snafu smirked devilishly. “Can’t help it that you're smart n’ sweet. Just like candy.”
“Seriously, what the hell am I going to do with you?” You repeat yourself as you finish changing. It baffled you how you could handle Snafu. He was a manchild at times.
The Cajun grabbed your waist and began to tickle you. You fought back as you held back your giggles. Carrying you to the bed, he laid you down as the two of you held each other. His hand drew careless figures into your back as you nestled your face into his neck. He placed a kiss into your face, gently sighing into it.
“I love you, y/n.”
“Love you too, you dirty bastard.”
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bangtancentricsblog · 4 years
○ red devil ○
➣ the beast from another realm loves a mortal meta human
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❒ pairing: min yoongi x reader
❒ genre: fluff, slight angst
❒ alternative universe: hellboy au (tbh idk if I managed to really covey it)
❒ rating: NC 17
❒ word count: 1.3k +
warnings/disclosures: yoongi has a tail, he is indeed red (hence the nickname), mc is institutionalized, the cats have no names, almost smut scene, hellboy yoongi, meta human fire user mc, cameos from human retainer Hoseok, fishman namjoon, Yoongi’s father Seokjin *cough*
monster mash ml • main ml • AO3
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It’s dark out when Yoongi makes his way across town, the darkness is his friend after all because people wouldn't take kindly to seeing him in the daylight. He’d rather not be the subject of yet another scandal, especially if his father has anything to do with it. He shivers at the thought, he hated when that old fart gave him lectures especially when looking so damn smug. If anything he much rather prefer the lectures from his know it all amphibious friend Namjoon. His destination is in sight, the building is shrouded in darkness but if he knows anything it’s that you are already waiting for him. He tries not to acknowledge the grin that tugs at his lips, but it’s there.
Your room in the west wing of the facility, basically abandoned compared to the east. He knows it’s because of your powers, it’s for the safety of the normal human patients. His father had gotten them to allow you to keep your cats with you, your children you had liked to remind him whenever he snuck out to see you. He missed those furry little shits but he missed you more. He’s quick to climb the fire escape, one that leads right to your bedroom but also the roof. He can feel his tail flick behind him as he climbs the ladders higher and higher and then comes to a stop on the roof.
Candles flicker as the soft wisps of wind that brush over his cheeks, your back is to him as you sit on the futon spread out across the bed sheets to protect it from dirt. He can hear the soft purrs of the cats that sit in your lap without even looking. The soft crunch of gravel under his boots catches your attention as you glance over your shoulder at him. You smile at him all soft and dreamy just like he’s used to, the cats dart around your body rubbing themselves against his legs as he closes the distance between you.
“Hey.” you breathe softly.
“Hey.” he mimics and this time when the smile splits his lips he can't help himself. He kisses you soft and sweet just how you like. Hands cupping your cheeks, as he presses closer, you sigh taking his lower lip between your teeth. He groans pushing you slowly so you're on your back and his weight rests comfortable against you.
“Missed you.” he whispers, twining his fingers with yours and squeezing gently.
“Missed you more Red.” you mewl spreading your thighs to get him closer. His tail swishes behind him as he shifts again pressing his body tight to yours to really feel the softness of your thighs, and how your body cradles him. You’re empty hand moves to tangle in his hair pulling just the slightest as you kiss at his jaw.
“Want you.” you whine nipping at his neck playfully.
“I know baby, want you too.” He’s kissing you again before he nuzzles your temple, the cats have joined you on the futon rubbing themselves against the two of you. You giggle happily turning your head to kiss them as one of them butts their head against your cheek. Yoongi laughs along with you, wrapping his arms tight around you so he can roll the both of you onto your sides. The soft press of your breasts against his chest reminds him just how long he’s gone without seeing you.
“The babies ruined the mood.” you murmur into his chest.
“Hmm, I don't know about that.” you smack at his chest playfully with a scoff reaching out to pet at your calico that manages to slip in between your bodies comfortably. He’s holding you close pinky resting just above the swell of your ass as he sighs heavily coming to the conclusion that he’s been effectively cock blocked by your furry brats. Still he loves that he can spend this time with you, because he just misses you so much.
“What are you thinking about?”
“You.” he breathes, meeting your gaze. There are tears in your lashes and you blink rapidly to try and clear them. They fall anyways as Yoongi coos at you rubbing at your back to sooth you, it works as you begin to hiccup. He’s raining kisses across your face, the salt of your tears on your cheeks are bitter on his tongue and he wished he could do more to comfort you.
“Hey, shh, c’mon don't cry it makes my eyes sweat.”
“M’sorry, I don't like it here.”
“I know baby, but this is for your own good. Just hang in there a little longer.”
“How much longer? I wanna go home.” He doesn't say anything else, just pulls you closer because the truth is he doesn't know how much longer you have to stay here. Hadn’t agreed when Seokjin had admitted you to this facility, but he understood the reasons why he had done so. You were young and struggling with your powers, and spontaneous combustions were a hard thing to explain especially when they were so frequent. The cats, all three of the fur balls hiss at something or someone who has come to interrupt your moment.
“Yoongi, ___.” Hoseok says in a clipped tone. You peek over Yoongi’s shoulder at Hoseok, and he smiles briefly before sighing heavily.
“Always the faithful dog Seok, what does the geezer want?” Yoongi asks miffed.
“You need to get home, and ___ you should go back to your room. The staff is lenient but not that lenient.”
“Sorry Hobi, is Jin mad?”
“No, but he will be if this one doesn't get home soon.”
“Do I have to go? I can stay with her, just for today.” Yoongi whines.
“I’m afraid not, your father wants you home now. To be perfectly honest I’m shocked to even see you made it here unseen.”
“I’m stealthy like a cat.” You burst out laughing as Yoongi looks down at you. You don't mean to but he’s been the center of attention since you’d been admitted. Always caught by some amatuer or security camera as he made his way to see you, and at first you’d been upset because he could get hurt. Then slowly you’d found it funny because how had he gotten caught so many times? It was almost like he’d made it his purpose. Hoseok lets out a chuckle quickly covering it up with a cough murmuring about how cold it is.
“Yoongi please can you just listen to me for once?” Hoseok almost begs because it's always a struggle to get him to leave your side.
“No, not when what I ask for is something this simple.”
“___, will you please say something to him.”
“Can I go with him?” you add rather unhelpfully, but your tone is so hopeful he just wants to give in and say yes. Instead he opts for something a little more helpful to his cause.
“I wasn't supposed to tell you, but you’re being released the coming week.” You dart up and out of Yoongi’s hold, eyes widened.
“Really?” you ask excitedly, as something sparks around you. The cats are quick to leave darting away from the futon as your body ignites and you gape happily at Yoongi. He stares in wonder and not for the first time as the blue flames engulf your being. It’s beautiful as it always has been the shifting colors that wrap around your being, he startled out of his thoughts when you throw yourself at him again. He’s lucky that he and the futon you lay on are flame retardant.
“I can’t wait to go home.” you laugh and cry into his shoulder.
“Me neither.” He whispers into your hair. Hoseok is watching the two of you embrace and he wonders if he should tell Yoongi that he’s been seen, again by some kid with a disposable camera. Well he guess the news can wait until the old man is yelling at him for it, he doesn't want to ruin the moment after all.
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willowistic22 · 4 years
Smokey : #2 Newsies OC
So I made this from my blood, sweat, pain, and tears.  I had this all written and drafted but then suddenly idk what the hell happened and it just disappeared. So i cried because it took me like four days to write this and tumblr decided to not work in my favor the day i finally wanted to post it and just delete the whole draft :D But i picked myself up and rewrote the whole thing once i’m over with my breakdown and was fortunate that i remembered most of the thing I’ve written already. (((As a warning: mentions of fire, panic, panic attacks, and nightmares. If there are more I forgot to mention please let me know!)))
Basic Info :
Name : Tristan Deveraux 
Birthday : September 20th 
Gender : male (he/him)
Heritage : Afro French 
Family : His parents wanted to stay in France but they needed to escape from some dangerous people and ended up starting a new life in Brooklyn. Smokey’s mother was only five months pregnant at the time. In time, those dangerous people found them again. Alas, his parents thought it’d be safer to give their son away to a church.
Appearance : Skinny at a first glance but very muscular in reality. Well over six feet tall. His skin is a tone of dark copper that makes his green eyes stand out even more. The yellow freckles in it glow like lanterns and it captures people to be sucked in his charm. Small frizzy curls in a shade of dark brown, serving as his magnificent crown that he proudly flexes as it bounces up and down when he walks. His face shape is strong, especially in the jawline. His teeth are a bit crooked but the smile is still pleasant. 
Further description :
- specifically canon : 
Smokey, mostly being raised in a church, grows up to be a good kid. He’s still quite mischievous at times but it’s nothing more than what the nuns wouldn’t expect from a boy his age. He makes friends with some of the newsies that passes or sells by the church. He thinks working as a newsie would be fun. But he knows the struggles those newsies face, for a kid his age at least, and he’s quite grateful that he still has the nuns that looks out for him. Until the fire happened. Him and the rest of the kids were sound asleep but was awoken by a lot of screaming. He was the only survivor and in the middle of saving himself, he ran into one of the newsies he befriended that goes by the name Spot Conlon. They were both just 9 years old. Since he has nowhere to go, Smokey follows Spot back to the lodge.
There he reunites with all the newsies he made friends with plus a couple of others he’s never interacted or even met before. The former newsie leader and all the other older kids helped him out. They taught Smokey the ropes of surviving on the streets as a newsie. Since he’s a fast learner, he was soon able to sell on his own. Smokey usually sells either by Brooklyn bridge or the local market. His charming nature came into good use for his occupation. And once he’s done selling, he’ll hang out with the rest of the Brooklyn newsies by the docks. Sometimes he’d be sitting around watching them swim or dip in the water along with them.
When the strike happened, Smokey was 16 along with the current leader Spot. He understands the worry Spot expresses with bringing his boys to strike but he strongly agrees with the Lower Manhattan’s idea on striking because he believes in fair pay for fellow newsies. So once Spot changes his mind about striking, he was fully on board with the idea. By the end of it all, he grew quite close to the Lower Manhattan newsies. To name a few: Albert, Specs, Romeo, Finch, Tommy, Crutchie, Davey, Henry, Sniper, and even Kathrine.
He loves little furry animals. He likes to spare some food from his lunch to give to the birds, squirrels, cats, or dogs he passes by on the street. If they seem friendly, Smokey would dare to pet them before going about his day again. His little adoration stuck with him even after he’s moved on from being a newsie. After being a newsie, he works at a small bakery and often throws away the leftovers from baking to the stray animals.
- specifically modern : 
He was also raised in a church before it burnt down. After that unfortunate incident, he was moved to a group home. He hated his life there. He met Spot in school when they were 9 and he talks about all his problem with him. Spot was a shoulder to lean on and his parental figure soon became Spot’s uncle. Spot was raised by his uncle since his father died when he was 10. Spot’s uncle welcomed Smokey to their home any time and he’s grateful for the hospitality till now.
His love for animals led him to work and get a scholarship to a vet school. With the support from his friends, no one was surprised he got it. He grew close to Crutchie from there, as a fellow student in the same school. They often do a lot of studying together. As time passes on, Crutchie was able to open up his own clinic and animal shelter. He made Smokey his right hand man and Smokey is forever honored.
Though he didn’t meet the Manhattan newsies through Crutchie. In his teen years, he was a street racer like his fellow Brooklyn friends like Spot and Hotshot. Since they are friends with the Manhattan newsies, Smokey is also friends with them. He had also met Albert since he’s also a fellow street racer but never gotten the chance to form a proper friendship with him till later on in their lives. And Smokey clicked with the Manhattan boys just fine.
- applies to both eras : 
Smokey got his nickname from a sarcastic joke Hotshot made the first time he tried a cigarette. He ended up coughing up a storm and never tried it again his whole life. Hotshot made a quick joke and called him Smokey. It made all his friends around and Smokey himself laugh. Soon, more kids started using that nickname. With the knowledge of his past, Hotshot slowly thought it was a bit insensitive to make that comment in the first place. But Smokey reassured him that it was okay. He actually likes the name rather than having the other kids calling him by his real name. Other variants of Smokey are Smoke or Smokes.
The fire incident shook him real good as it happened when he was quite young, but he never really shows it therefor making everyone think he’s fine. And for the most part: he is. Fire doesn’t necessarily scare him. Bonfires makes him a little uneasy and nervous. Bigger fires than that can make him panic as much as causing panic attacks or even nightmares. But with years of dealing with this, he can easily calm himself down.
Smokey is generally charming and cool. Unless he needs to use his voice, he’s usually quite calm and quiet. But he’s very friendly and caring to his friends. He also has an adventurous nature but always careful when the urge of going on an adventure is strong. Canon era: he’ll take a long walk around the whole city to discover the small details he missed the first time he was there. Modern era: he goes on road trips in his car getting lost in the remote places, upstate, or going out of the state. If that’s not possible he’ll always make the best out of a small situation because he appreciates the small things in his life. He’s also quite sensitive but doesn’t really show it because he’s shy about it :)
So he’s quite close to some of the Manhattan boys. But he’s closer to one than the other, and it’s Henry. The first time they met, Smokey found himself instantly intrigued by this boy. Nothing ever gets pass his calm and cool nature. He can keep his cool even when he’s in a middle of a fight and it impresses many people. But if he sees Henry doing something he finds a little cute, his stomach turns into a field full of butterflies and he’ll start to stumble on his words. In short: he’s gay :) It took Henry some time to figure it out, but in time he does realize. And when Smokey could get a grip of himself, Henry gets sucked into his charm and slowly starts to fall for this guy as they discover things about each other a little more. Some things they discover ends up making the other fall even more.
(I got more headcanons for him but like this has gone too long for one post. Feel free to ask anything y’all like to know abt Smokey!! ❤️❤️)
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yelenasdog · 4 years
rockstar (peter parker x gn reader)
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genre: fluff with a lil angst 
summary: peter always comes to the reader when he’s hurt, but reader wonders if it could mean something more.
words: 1465 ( more or less LMAO)
warnings: light cursing, peter being hurt, some kissing? idk if that counts sorry lol.
a/n: hello! so this is inspired by the song Lover of Mine by 5 Seconds of Summer so i strongly reccomend listening to it by reading! if u prefer to read it on wattpad from my peter parker imagines book, click here !
knock knock!
I was abrubtly woken from my peaceful sleep by the loud sounds coming from my window.
"What the hell," I muttered out as I groggily checked the current time. 3:47 am. I reluctantly made my way over, having a feeling it was a certain webslinger. I peeled open the entrance to see Peter, still in his spidey suit, without the mask may I add. I grabbed onto his broad shoulders, pulling him through the opening, almost slipping on the hard floor due to my fuzzy socks.
"Pete, what are you doing, people could see you without the mask." I heard his feet as he quietly padded over to sit on my soft comforter with an obvious limp.
I went over to my lamp and switched it on, a warm glow being strewn across the room by it. As Peter sat on my bed, I turned to meet him, gasping at what had been brought to my attention by the light. I rushed over to the boy, pressing the spider in the center of his suit, causing it to slide off and pool at his feet.
Peter grimaced as I soflty dragged my fingers against his bruised and battered skin from where I sat on the floor next to my bed.
"What happened to you, Pete?" I spoke, looking up at him, my facial expression laced with concern.
"Well," he began as he tried to sit up, groaning in the process, "just got hit a little harder than usual, that's all. It's no biggie, really."
I sighed, placing a tender hand on his from where I sat on the floor in a crouching position. I stood up, my hand staying in the same position.
"It kinda looks like a biggie, bud." One of my hands moved to run itself through his messy brown locks as I looked him up and down once more, scanning for any underlying injuries I might have missed at first look.
He flashed me a tired smile which I returned.
"I'm gonna go grab some stuff to patch you up, k?" This time I gave him a small smile, and he was the one who returned it gratefully.
"Thank you y/n." I squeezed his now bare hand, standing and turning to go.
"It's no problem, Pete, honestly." 
As I tried to leave, he lightly tugged me back by my wrist, catching me by surpise. My breath caught in my throat at the action.
"Really, y/n, I don't know what I would do without you."
I smiled at him once more, "Same to you, BugBoy"
He released my hand, allowing me to go get his supplies. As I gathered what I needed from the cabinet, my head was clouded with thoughts of the boy. The same thoughts that had been clouding my head since the day I had met him.
We had first met at midtown through decathlon, and grew quite close. I was entranced by the boy and everything about him, from his starwars obsession to the way he would rant about different scientific theories. It made my heart swell for reasons I would like to think I couldn't understand. He would confine in me with any problems he was going through, such as Uncle Ben passing, or even some of his biggest secrets, Spider-Man being one of them.
He hadn't meant for me to find out. Not in the way I did, at least.
It had been after a long day at school, when Ned had gone to hang out with Peter and build the lego deathstar, and I tagged along to surprise him, as I had been gone on a trip for quite some time and wanted to see him. Turns out I was the one in for a surprise, because I found out peter was Spider-Man that same day when he walked in on the ceiling through his window. It was a bit of a shock to say the least.
My feelings had only grown for the boy since that point, which also left me with uncalled for emotions that I had a difficult time dealing with. Especially when Peter would do this every time he would get hurt. This whole routine of coming to me at ungodly hours of the night, and me patching him up every time without question. It was sad to say the least. 
The way my heart would ache for the boy in red, so much so that I would sacrifice so much for his happiness, whatever form that would take. 
I tried to deny the feelings that would arise when I was around him, and God, was it difficult. I looked myself in the mirror, taking a deep breath. I walked back out to where Peter was waiting for me, reaching out and placing all the supplies on my mahogony side table.
"I know you hate hearing this, but we might have to do stitches, Pete."
He groaned, looking up to my poster covered ceiling as if one of the singers on the paper would somehow deny the fact he needed the medical attention.
He looked back at me, giving me puppy dog eyes.
"Come on, Rockstar? Really?"
My heart swelled at the nickname he had gifted me after finding out about my love for music, one of the many things we bonded over. I was tempted to give in, but quickly snapped out of it.
"Nice try, Peter, but this is for your own good, so lets just get it over with, yeah?"
His head dropped and he nodded, looking down to his feet.
"Head up, bub, I need to be able to see what I'm doing and get this done before it starts to scab." I could have sworn Peter's pupils dialated and he seemed a little off at the pet name, but yet again, it was nearly 4 am, so I very well could have been imagining things, and probably was.
As I started to run the needle through the forming scar, he let out a whimper, gripping my shoulder in pain as his eyes screwed shut. He did this often, grabbing me “as hard as he could” whenever he was hurting. 
It was an idea I had introduced to him to deal with any especially bad injuries, our little way of dealing with the pain. I knew it might cause me some minor damage, as he would never hurt me. I assured Peter every time that I felt okay, but something nagged at me telling me he felt guilty, and that he wasn't gripping as hard as he could.
As I went through what I imagined was an especially painful part, he cursed loudly under his breath.
I stopped what I was doing momentarily to check on him after the short outburst, unusual for his kind and calm demeanor.
"Are you okay, Peter?"
He moved his large hands to tightly grip his hair, moving down to his neck, back and forth.
"No, y/n! I'm not okay. I'm hurting, I'm hurting so bad, y/n/n" His volume increased and decreased again, silent tears falling down his face.
I had dropped the needle that I had been using, shocked by his volume. I picked it back up again, resuming my task with conceringly shaky hands.
"I can try to be softer if it would help, Pete." My voice was gentle as I spoke, in a feeble attempt to not upset him further. 
He looked at me and to his shoes as he began to talk, his voice low I could barely hear him.
"No, y/n, it's not you, you're doing amazing, it's just," he didn't finish his sentence, he rather just trailed off.
I blew out a deep breath, my eyes never leaving the work in front of me.
"What is it, Peter?"
I tied the knot on the stiches, cutting the thread and disposing of the needle in the small biohazard waste kit froom the first aid box.
I stood up directly in front of him to where I was slightly higher up than him. I reached a hand forward, wiping away a stray tear. He took my wrists in his hands, taking me off guard.
"Actually, y/n, I lied." I tensed, concerned about what he was going to say.
"It is you. It's always been you."
Confusion consumed me as I shook my head, and I wondered if it was just my tired state that had caused the emotions.
"Peter, what do you mean you're not making any sens-"
Before I could finish my sentence, he leaned forward encapsulating our lips in a sweet and long awaited kiss. He let go of my wrists, moving his own hands, one to rest around my waist protectivley, the other on the back of my neck under my hair. I moved one of mine to lazily drape over his left shoulder, the other playing with the curls on the nape of his neck. The kiss lasted a long while, but not long enough.
Our hands went to the sides of each others faces when we parted, and his own strong hands started running small circles on my jaw. As we struggled to catch our breaths, he began to speak, the boyish smile I loved so much covering his face.
"My feelings for you are there, Y/n, always have been, and they always will be. I want you to take all of me, Rockstar."
I giggled at the wording of his statement, appreciating it nonetheless. He pressed our foreheads together, a mutal content taking over us.
"Although that was extremely cheesy, I’ll allow it this once. You have no idea how long I've wanted you to say that, BugBoy."
idk how i feel about this tbh, kinda love it kinda hate it. stay funky! xx hj
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agemnor · 4 years
Thank you so much for tagging me @haoranghae haoranghae you’re an angel!
20 questions tag
1. what do you prefer to be called name wise?
My name is Morgane so you can call me that if you want, my friends also call me Morgani ^^ But like if you want to give me a nickname go for it, I live for that shit.
2. when is your birthday?
June 16th!
3. where do you live
4. three things u are doing right now?
listening to Turn back time, thinking about learning a new language (but I don’t know which one yet), and stressing about getting my exam results.
5. four fandoms that have piqued your interest right now?
I’m been listening to some Everglow and The boyz’s songs so I would like to know more about them. I’ve been really into Hands up by Cherry Bullet and Scream by Dreamcatcher, I need to stan more gg so yeah I think I’m really gonna look into them (especially Dreamcatcher, from what I see, their concept looks really boom.).
6. how’s this pandemic been treating you?
I realised how much I really loved being able to live alone and to just live my life instead of having to line with my family.It was a real hell living with my two brothers, I cannot stand them. I miss my friends too :(. However I’m glad that I had the chance to be safe and that no one that I knew got sick.
7. a song u cant stop listening to right now?
Like I said Scream by Dreamcatcher! But also Sleepsong by Bastille, I really love their songs and honestly All this bad blood was really the album that got me through those past few months.
8. recommend a movie
I just realised how long it has been since I’ve watched a movie lol. Most of the times I need to do something while doing it so I’m lost in the plot and stop watching it. But I would recommend Anna Karerina, I really love this movie, and basically any Barbie movie, you can never go wrong with them.
9. how old are u?
18 but like 19 in our days.
10. school, university, occupation, other?
I’m in my first year of University (I’m doing a Letter (?? Is this how it’s called in english) major). I’m also searching for a summer job, please pray for me.
11. do u prefer heat or cold?
Cold! Listen being hot is just so inconvenient like there are so many layers of clothes that you can take off, it’s harder to breathe because there is like no air and there are flies everytime you eat. When you’re cold you put on a sweatshirt, you cuddle and it’s okay!
12. name one fact others may not know about u
I had to think a lot about this one, I’m not that interesting ^^ But I really like sewing! Especially making plushies! (I’m not really good at it yet but it’s something that I’m really interested in.).
13. are u shy?
It’s not that I’m shy, it’s that I hate being the center of attention and I’m always afraid to bother everyone so it’s rare that I’m the person to take the first step.
14. do u have preferred pronouns?
15. biggest pet peeve?
When people don’t clean up after themselves!! Especially when you just organised everything!! I also hate when people talk for others, like no you don’t live in their brain, you don’t know what they think, they can talk and say what they want to say.
16. what is your favorite ‘dere’ type?
I had to look it up lol. Deredere and Kuudere I think
17. rate your life 1-10, 1 being rlly crappy and 10 being the best it could ever be
6? I don’t know, this quarantine really put me in a weird place where I lost interest for anything and I don’t know where I am in my life but at the same time I’m content? idk. But I started to think about projects that I wanna do this summer, to become more motivated so we’ll see ^^
18. what’s your main blog?
I only have one so it’s this one!
19. list your side blogs and what they’re used for?
I used to have one when I first started and tried to gif, but I think I only posted two gifsets on there before deleting it.
20. is there anything u think people need to know about u before becoming friends with u?
(oof I’m the same about the responding thing) I don’t know, I think that at first I seem very closed but it’s just because I don’t know you and I’m afraid of saying/doing something wrong, but once you know me I’m very loyal.
Thank you once again for tagging me Jill! I was fun! 
I tag @17dad @supermariohrothers @01fly @pja2jae @yixing-zhang @whenxoxosmilesunshines @axizzles @dxzzlinglight @je0nghans @electrofat  but only if you want to oc ^^
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chxoticmuses · 3 years
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Status: Accepting
@streetsofsecrets​ said: our ships?? 🥺 ( Leah & Munroe )
How did they first meet?: When they both snuck into a club when they were teenagers and Leah ended up bumping into him and the rest is history.
What was their first impression of each other?: He honestly doesn’t remember much since he was high out of his mind, but he remembers himself thinking that she was a pretty unique and cool person to hang out with. 100/10 hasn’t had a life experience like that since.
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?: heh, yes! He would tell his friends the story of their nightclub bender all the time and they encouraged him to try and look for her. And for a while, he did! But he kept getting sidetracked by things and thought he would never see her again. Later when they reunited later on in life at his interview, Bella slipped him Leah’s number before they left and I’m pretty sure June and Ben are #TeamMunroe.
Who felt romantic feelings first?: Munroe, it was something like love at first sight the night they met! A pretty girl who was ready to so drugs with him and wasn’t scared of his wacky personality? Yeah, it was a match made in Heaven.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?: Because of the whole aquarium number thing, I feel like Leah tried to force herself to stop liking him, but those feelings came back and hit her like a sledgehammer once they reconnected later on in life.
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?: “Really? Them?” But not in a bad way kinda ish? It would just be shocking to the both of them because even though their careers are very similar, they’re two completely different people who were, and still kind are, on two different paths.
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?: Munroe, but it wasn’t like he asked her to be his girlfriend or anything like that. He just started referring to her as his girlfriend and began calling her pet names one day and I guess she got used to it.
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?: Very cheesy and very much Munroe-ish. He took her through one of those tunnel of love attractions along with those fake Venice boat ride things. Instead of being his usual foolish self that night, he was a lovey dovey fool instead. He was reciting rom coms like The Notebook, pulling out his phone every five minutes to read Pinterest quotes, and reciting whatever Shakespeare he knew the whole night.
What was their first kiss like?: It happened the night of their little club bender. It wasn’t really a sweet cold night kiss in New York that I usually write for our ships. Munroe just felt the urge to kiss her so he leaned in and did it while she was in the middle of a tangent about something.
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?: To be honest, Munroe had all the experience he could possibly get by the time they reconnected.
What’s their height difference? Age difference?: Munroe is a very tall beefy dude, so I’m sure he hovers over her quite a few inches. As for age, shame on you for making me do math again, but I’m pretty sure he’s like a year or two older than her. Maybe more idk.
What’s their relationship with each other’s families?: Munroe and June have matching friendship bracelets that say ‘BFFs for life’ on them and he’s always spewing his nonsense at Ben, so I think it’s safe to say that he’s pretty close with her side of the family. As for his side of the family, they love Leah!! She’s the most sane and normal one out of them, so they appreciate having someone around like her who can ground them from time to time. They like to poke at her and make fun of how serious she is from time to time, but it’s all love.
Who takes the lead in social situations?: Leah. They don’t need him embarrassing them and scaring people off with more ridiculous life mottos.
Who gets jealous easier?: Heh, Munroe and he gets a passive aggressive type jealous when it comes to her. But he doesn’t trip too hard because he knows she’ll never find anyone with hair as luscious as his.
Who said “I love you” first?: Munroe. He’s very vocal about how he feels, so he had no problem expressing to her that he loved her after like their fifth date.
What are their primary love languages?: It’s hard to say because both of their love languages are so different from each other, but I’d say it’s a mix between physical affection and acts of kindness.
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?: Munroe is PDA monster, but even then he doesn’t cross Leah’s boundaries. He prefers to be extra and do a lot, but when it comes to her he dials it down a little bit. He’ll sneak up behind her and give her a big bear hug, greet her with a kiss in front of others, and hold her hand every time they’re walking side by side.
What are their favorite things to do together?: He really likes to watch her while she works and see everything come together for her. He sits by her side or close to her the whole time so he can give his opinions, help her word things, and all that Jazz. Besides that why do I feel like they still like getting high with each other? Maybe not smoking or anything hardcore like they were doing in the club, but they might split an edible together every now and then.
Who’s better at comforting the other?: The both of them. They really understand and get each other on like a spiritual level every since that night at the club since they spilled a lot about themselves.
Who’s more protective?: I’m going to give this one to Munroe again. He’s especially protective over her since she’s a journalist and he knows from being a criminal himself that journalists have a big target on their backs. He’d go crazy if anything ever happened to her.
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?: A mix of both. Munroe adds in the verbal aspect of their affection, always complimenting her and telling her how amazing she is. While Leah, on the other hand, is more physically affectionate with him and does little things like give him kisses, rub him like he’s a dog (at his request of course), and cuddle him.
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?: Any cheesy romantic song from the late 80s.
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?: Leahroni. It has no meaning to it whatsoever. He just came up with it one day while brainstorming and decided to add roni to the end of her name. When he’s not calling her that, he calls her cringy pet names like snookums, sweat peas, and anything that sounds like a nickname your grandma would give you
If they get married, who proposes?: Munroe proposed to her with a ring pop in front of everyone. She probably thought he was joking at first, but he was dead serious. Later on when they went home he ended up giving her the real ring he bought her.
What’s the wedding like? Who attends?: They had two weddings actually! One was a big outside wedding that was decorated very nicely, had everyone from family to drug dealer buddies, they did traditional wedding routines, and all that good stuff. BUTTT, after a lot of convincing he got her to have a more private wedding with just close family and friends at one of those Vegas chapels. It was very epic; Elvis officiated their marriage, he sang karaoke to her instead of vowels, and he wore just a suit top and his spongebob underwear. He liked the second one much more.
How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?: I used a baby generator and it said that they’re going to have a girl, so imma stick with that! It’s what Munroe was hoping for anyways so he can use the old Hollywood names he’s piled up over the years. Her name is Veronica, named after the great Veronica Lake of course, in hopes that she would be
Do they have any pets?: Munroe has 4 birds, a bearded dragon, a dog, and two guinea pigs. They’re littered around the headquarters, but his dog and one of his birds are located at his house. It’s like a tiny farm he loves it,
Who’s the stricter parent?: Definitely Leah! Munroe is the type of parent to let his kids do whatever and face the consequences on their own to teach them a lesson so he can rub it in their face later like “I told you so, but you never listen to me. See what not listening to me does for you?” Yeah.
Who kills the bugs in the house?: Munroe carefully places them back outside. They have a life too and their own civilization to get back to! He genuinely thinks that life for them is like A Bug’s Life or The Bee movie.
How do they celebrate holidays?: Besides spending time with family, Munroe likes to throw these epic parties at his headquarters. They’re like The Wolf of Wallstreet type office parties; super epic, almost have no real holiday theme to them, and result in a lot of bad decision making.
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?: Munroe’s a pretty lazy guy. He hates waking up early and you can catch him showing up to work like three hours late. He’s going to force his bad habits on Leah too smh.
Who’s the better cook?: You’d be surprised at how much Munroe knows about cooking and how many foods he knows how to infuse with weed. I hope no one ate the sides he brought to Thanksgiving 😔
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shyung-shoes · 4 years
tagged by the absolutely wonderful @kyunsies <3333 (i didnt know u changed ur url till this post!! its v cute!!)
20 questions!!
1. what do you prefer to be called name wise?
my full name is jillian but everyone calls me jill (except my family, especially my mom) i love nicknames tho but have never really had one beyond jill so if u give me a nickname ill die
2. when is your birthday?
aug 28
3. where do you live
east coast babyyyy
4. three things u are doing right now?
procrastinating on an assignment, watching a drama (while you were sleeping), and ignoring the basket of laundry i need to put away
5. four fandoms that have piqued your interest right now?
apink, gwsn, astro, april!! im still very new to all these groups tho so if anyone has any content/music recs, please lemme know :D
6. how's this pandemic been treating you?
it was a lot harder at first w/ the sudden transition from college to home. i was super happy at school and it was rough on my brain to be back home. but now ive adapted more and am doing better! i cant wait to go back to school though god
7. a song u cant stop listening to right now?
gonna reveal the extremes of my music taste but uh after the bloom (alone) by gwsn and bonfire by childish gambino. also without me by eminem. idk i think ive been feeling very angry/annoyed so rap is just a good way to get it out. and ive been fuckin so hard w/ gwsn’s discography that i had to put them on here
8. recommend a movie
tune in for love! truthfully, i prefer watching tv to movies but i watched this the other day and really enjoyed it! very cute and the ending was an actually satisfying ambiguous ending which is rare i think. its on netflix :P
9. how old are u?
18- im almost always the baby among my friends :// and i think im the baby on here a lot too
10. school, university, occupation, other?
im a rising sophomore in college and currently working as a dance teacher and waiting to hear back about an internship that’s actually in my field (event managment)
11. do u prefer heat or cold?
cold! i run hot naturally so i overheat super easily and i hate that feeling of sweating and being lightheaded. winter fashion also is much more my speed with boots and big jackets and darker lip colors
12. name one fact others may not know about u
im in a sorority! i think one or two people may know on here but i dont talk a lot about it. gamma phi baby (also @kyunsies youre only 4′11?? a baby!!)
13. are u shy?
i wouldnt call myself shy, im just anxious so im much more quiet when i meet someone for the first couple times. once im comfy w/ someone, my personality really comes out for all its dramatic glory
14. do u have preferred pronouns?
15. biggest pet peeve?
almost all my pet peeves have to do w/ eating lolol cause i get really bad anxiety and sensory overload from things like chewing sounds. so when people eat with their mouths open or let their silverware scrape across their teeth frustrates the hell out of me. the last one feels very specific but it irritates me yeet
16. what is your favorite ‘dere’ type?
tsundere or dandere i guess?? when a character starts to open bc of their love interest... i love it. ESPECIALLY when that character then becomes more open w/ other people because of their love. this also probably explains my natural tendency to love scorpios i think
17. rate your life 1-10, 1 being rlly crappy and 10 being the best it could ever be
i think im a solid 7 rn! which is honestly a lot better than i wouldve given it a month ago so thats a plus. im struggling w/ some mental health things rn but honestly, im pretty content with the way things seem to be unfolding for me
18. what’s your main blog?
this one! its not my actual main blog but this is the only one i use, tumblr just wont let me make this my main bc its dumb
19. list your side blogs and wha they’re used for?
i had a voltron side blog back in 2017? i think? but i havent watched the show in years bc its problematic as fuck i just didnt realize it back then
20. is there anything u think people need to know about u before becoming friends with u?
i am an extremely inconsistent responder- i am the epitome of the will respond in 2 seconds or 2 days thing but i will always respond to your message at some point. if this is about friends irl, its that i always have an earbud in and thats not an exaggeration- listening to music always makes me less anxious so i constantly just have an earbud in in case i feel myself get jittery. so i promise i am paying attention even if it doesnt look like it- im top tier at being able to pay attention to a song and a conversation
ill tag... @wennjunhui @leexchan @iiasha @lovechwe @1of1orbit @agemnor(theres ofc no pressure!!! <33)
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mysteriousmoonie · 5 years
gaming club headcanons
i haven’t been on this funcking site forever and i haven’t posted any dumbass headcanons on the yandere simulator tag in forever. so much has happened?? my girl hanako has plot relevance in a different universe and my boi kencho is on a boat but whatever floats his boat---- *slapped* okay let’s talk about this instead :)))
read more because these are looooonggggg
gema taku: (look mom it’s me in four years!)
- it’s been established that he’s an asshole. and he is, don’t get me wrong. but i like to think gema genuinely wants some friends- just people who have the same interests as him. i think everybody can agree on that, he just takes it way too far.
- but that’s because gema is passionate about video games! his parents (but especially his grandparents on his mom’s side omg) have spoiled him, mainly giving him video games since they’re expensive and to them expensive = kids like it. that’s how he got his first gameboy color when he was only five. ever since he’s been addicted
- but now his parents are REALLY worried, they’re like ‘frick we fricked our kid up’ his grandparents are supportive as ever but that’s because he doesn’t live with them. if he ever moved in with them (and let’s be real, if he doesn’t get his life together soon he’ll have to!) they’d be as disappointed as his parents. but he doesn’t know how disappointed they are yet shhh
- he actually has a little brother who would be in like 5th grade if they were in america. (i dunno i’m dumb) his little brother doesn’t like spending time with him and gema doesn’t like spending time with his brother. 
- while it’s true gema’s brother hates him and his brother is nowhere near as spoiled as gema, his brother still likes video games. they’ve 100% done the “mom said it’s my turn on the xbox” thing together, pretty much every day after school
- speaking of after school literally the only responsibility gema has is to pick up his brother; he forgets to do it half the time. 
- his brother does martial arts as a hobby and gema is forced to go to his brother’s matches. he hates it and mainly plays video games like always,,, though sometimes he peeks up, gives his brother a thumbs up, then goes back to whatever he was doing. he’s a jerk but he can be sorta supportive
- honestly gema’s brother could take him down in a few seconds despite being half his size
- really popular on social media, has this whole persona and everything! only the gaming club members (and probs his brother too) knows about it but he’s mostly teased. secretly he kinda wishes he could be as popular on the internet as he is in real life (Same gema same, but i’m not popular anywhere lol)
- get this though! he doesn’t really have a crush on the bullies. he just wants to be friends with them so he can get popular. i think that’d be a good alternative so the fandom could not be pissed off about it (but i don’t really like it either don’t get it twisted fam)
- hoarding thousands of anime body pillows within his closet
- honestly his only friends are the guys in the gaming club but they don’t even 100% like him... actually, midori does! him and midori are really good friends and they genuinely like each other’s company. but gema will never admit that out loud.
- hates fureddo, considers him satan even though that guy is one of the nicest at school. 
pippi osu: (when you play osu! and yandere simulator)
- obvious headcanon is obvious. she plays osu! a lot and is a champion at it.
- she’s seriously a sweet girl, but she’s really introverted and prefers to be alone most of the time. that’s how she got so good at video games, she dedicated her alone time to it and now she’s an e p i c  g a m e r
- she’s really short, the shortest person in the gaming club. everybody considers her the baby of the group and she gets treated as such. that lowkey annoys her but she’s learned to live with it, and get those sweet sweet baby perks. because that’s a thing now.
- disaster bi!!! she likes girls and boys equally but is kinda shy when it comes to girls in real life. luckily ryuto exists, so it’s fine---
- was probably a furry in middle school. she’s still a fan of sonic boom and wears her bandana the way she does because of it.
- she works at the yandere simulator universe gamestop! it’s a really fun job for her. it’s how she met ryuto! he was buying a video game for a friend of his (not anyone in the gaming club because he didn’t know them at that point) and he saw the super cute cashier and his heart exploded. he died right at that moment and his body was taken to the morgue.
- she has a literal vodka aunt and loves her. she comes by often at the house because pippi’s parents work a lot, so her aunt watches over her! her aunt always brings a ridculous but fun gift with her and they have a lot of fun. once ryuto came over when pippi’s vodka aunt was over and since that woman was lowkey getting a bit drunk she ALMOST SPILLED THE TEA ABOUT PIPPI’S CRUSH ON HIM AND PIPPI WENT TO THE MORGUE
- owns a pet cat named ozzy. (yeah i’m going all out with the references)
ryuto ippongo: (is it THAT DUDE?)
- no, it’s not that dude. he’s awkward as hell and doesn’t even really like video games that much. but it seems like everyone around him does, so he pretends he does. especially for pippi! because oh my GOSH that girl is cute though!!! he knows it and wants to date her really badly but he’s socially anxious and can’t bare to ask her out. yet
- he loves his parents and all, but he’s constantly lying to them saying he’s studying, even though he’s playing video games and “subtly flirting” with a cute girl. (him lying to his parents is actually canon i think)
- honestly the only the only expectation his parents have for him is to get good grades. that’s all they really care about, but they still do love ryuto. he just kinda feels like that’s all they care about sometimes, since they ask about it often and it gets on his nerves
- as you can see ryuto just wants to fit in. he’s never really been part of a distinct crowd before, and it always made him feel different compared to his peers. but once he got into the gaming club he was a lot happier! though, he still doesn’t like how he has to lie to everyone. he really wishes he could just be honest.
- he’s actually dyslexic, but he was worked with at a young age so he can read good enough. he still feels more pressure because of this, though. he keeps this secret from everyone in the gaming club, especially pippi, in fear of being made fun of.
midori gurin: (MY FAVORITE)
- Has ADHD
- Even though she cannot focus whatsoever, her positivity is contagious, and so is her smile. Basically everybody lights up when she walks in the room. However, she has been bullied because of her hyperactivity. Though Midori will stand up for herself, and she takes shit from nobody. Please don’t make Midori mad. She will take you downtown, and she can hold some pretty mean grudges too. (At least, sometimes.)
- Very forgetful, and that’s why she asks so many questions all the time.
- She loves Pokemon! Midori is very passionate about it, and her favorite Pokemon is Magearna. (She’s got thousands of Pokemon plushies)
- Her family is rich, she’s an only child, and she’s somewhat spoiled. She always has the latest technology, ESPECIALLY the newest phone models. i read on the wiki that yanderedev said midori’s parents are likely VERY cumb but personally i don’t agree and that’s why i make headcanons, to go against authority :)))
- Wants to become a videogame designer, though she doesn’t have the patience to become one tbh. she thinks it’s easy but when she tries to do it she cries after like, 10 minutes because she can’t code.
- Midori is friends with gema because she knew he needed a real friend, so she’s always there for him!.
- Has a bunch of different accounts for different websites; barely uses them. She is a VERY fast texter, but sometimes gets so excited during texting that misspells words or accidentally ends up spamming the other person she’s texting.
- Is currently secretly dating kaga kusha,,,, OKAY LISTEN! i know the uh, reason why most people ship them... but for my own sake i’m gonna say that’s not canon at all (i hope it’s not) and i’m gonna ship them because the iconic dumb and proud + smart and crazy couple is iconic, at least to me
- Her movements are quick and jerky. 
- Whenever she's happy she hums her favorite songs and dances around everywhere.
mai waifu: (cutie!!!)
- she’s trans and she’s openly out! i’m pretty sure that’s been said everywhere but i like that headcanon so ya know... even if that wouldn’t really work in japan... let’s ignore that! 
- the bullies like to target her for obvious reasons, but she’s learned to ignore them for the most part, and focus on her friends and supporters.
- she is the one that has given the gaming club that whole “otaku” vibe. sure, the others like anime but her!!!! oh her!!!!! she takes it to the extreme. it’s in her nickname, her aesthetic, everything. 
- speaking of aesthetic she has an aesthetic tumblr blog
- she has social anxiety, so she doesn’t have too many friends... but lots of guys (and girls too tbh) have huge crushes on her because she’s just so cute. 
- her best friend is pippi! they play video games, watch anime, have plenty of sleepovers and they play with ozzy! it’s a lot of fun. mai is one of the only people who know of pippi’s crush on ryuto and she is pippi’s wing woman.
- while she’s really good in domestic type of situations (she’s really close to her mom) she can’t really draw. at all. but she still likes it! most of her drawings are crappy looking anime characters, but she tries lol.
k i’m done. expect something on kencho (probably idk) in the future because i love to destroy the yandere simulator tag by being on it
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