#exercise fitness tips
fitnxsss-xo · 3 months
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murphyblogs · 2 years
20 Weight Loss Tips - Losing Weight Made Easy!
1. Drink 3+ liters of water daily.
2. Drink a glass of hot water with lemon and honey every morning on empty stomach.
3. Increase protein intake.
4. Get more fiber rich foods into your meals.
5. Switch to green tea instead of coffee.
6. Avoid junk foods.
7. Do cardio every single day.
8. Avoid the 3 white poisons: sugar, salt and rice.
9. Never skip your meals.
10. Reduce your food consumption.
11. Eat more watery and low calorie foods.
12. Choose sprouts as snacks
13. No more than 3 main meals per day.
14. Whenever possible, add honey, lemon, or cinnamon to your food.
15. Eat these fruits: watermelon, grapefruit, apples and blueberries.
16. Do some yoga.
17. Avoid crispy, creamy and cheesy foods.
18. Lift more weights.
19. Eat slowly and chew each bite of food.
20. Spend more time outdoors.
Follow few tips and stick with them and see the amazing results.
Thank you, Be fit and happy!
Read Next: Every Night 127,000 Women Use This Caribbean Flush To Burn Fat After Dark!
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biophilianutrition · 2 months
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Sunday Vibes
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oliviafitmomof3 · 2 years
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cardio-and-coffee · 1 year
easy ways to be more active
🌸 stretch after you wake up and before bed
🌸 get up and walk for a few minutes every hour
🌸 walk to work/school/the store when you’re able to
🌸 park towards the end of the parking lot to get more steps in
🌸 drink more water! you’ll be getting up more to refill your bottle
🌸 take the stairs instead of the elevator
🌸 take a short walk after meals - it helps digestion too!
🌸 walk or play with your pet!
🌸 if you’re watching tv, exercise in place on commercial breaks! this can be walking, stretching, push-ups - whatever fits you best!
🌸 take a walk on your lunch break
🌸 get a pedometer, fitbit, apple watch, etc - something that can track your movement. seeing your activity levels can motivate you to do more!
🌸 if you’re walking somewhere, try and take the longer way
🌸 clean up around your home more! sweeping, vacuuming, and putting things away gets you more active while cleaning your space - double win!
🌸 walk in a park or neighborhood with some friends!
🌸 pace around the room when you’re on the phone or watching tiktoks
🌸 turn on some music and dance!
🌸 listen to a podcast to audiobook only when you’re being active - you’ll want to move more to listen to it more!
feel free to comment any more easy ways to be more active!
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sensible-tips · 1 year
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Fitness Friday- No weights? No Problem!
Example of a full body workout, including cardio, that can be done without equipment and in limited space.
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nubiannewyorkers · 7 months
5 reasons exercise will help you in your later years!
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healthy-liiviing · 2 months
12 Daily Habits to Help You Get Healthier in 2024
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emmysclubhouse · 1 year
make it a priority to fall unconditionally in love with your body. it has carried you through everything you have been through up until this point. it is you. and you deserve to be loved fully—especially by your self. you cannot escape yourself and it is so important to work towards the position that—even provided with the chance to do so—you would not consider escaping. you are enough.
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theambitiouswoman · 9 months
I like doing quick at home workouts especially on days where I have to stay on the computer for most of the day.
These are some of the YouTube channels I’ll follow routines from.
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optimal-living-lab · 8 months
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Health and Fitness: Tips and Benefits
Health and fitness are two interrelated concepts that affect our well-being and quality of life. Being healthy means having a good physical and mental condition, free from diseases and disorders. Being fit means having the ability to perform physical activities with ease, strength, and endurance. Both health and fitness can be improved by following some simple tips and enjoying some benefits.
Tips for Health and Fitness
One of the most important tips for health and fitness is to exercise daily for at least an hour. Exercise can help you burn calories, strengthen your muscles, improve your cardiovascular system, and boost your mood. You can choose any type of exercise that suits your preferences and goals, such as walking, running, cycling, swimming, dancing, or lifting weights. The key is to be consistent and challenge yourself gradually.
Another tip for health and fitness is to eat the right foods and portion each meal. Eating a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, healthy fats, and water can provide you with the nutrients you need to function properly and prevent diseases. You should also avoid or limit foods that are high in sugar, salt, saturated fat, and processed ingredients. Additionally, you should control your portion sizes and avoid overeating or skipping meals.
A third tip for health and fitness is to keep track of calories and food intake per day. Knowing how many calories you consume, and burn can help you balance your energy intake and expenditure. This can help you maintain a healthy weight or lose weight if needed. You can use a food diary, an app, or a website to record what you eat and drink every day. You can also use a calorie calculator to estimate how many calories you need based on your age, gender, height, weight, and activity level.
A fourth tip for health and fitness is to be sure to get enough sleep. Sleep is essential for your body and mind to recover from the day’s activities and prepare for the next one. Sleep can also affect your appetite, metabolism, immune system, mood, memory, and concentration. You should aim to get at least seven to nine hours of quality sleep every night. To improve your sleep hygiene, you should follow a regular sleep schedule, avoid caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, and screens before bed, create a comfortable and dark sleeping environment, and relax before sleeping.
A fifth tip for health and fitness is to stay motivated. Motivation is the driving force that keeps you going despite the challenges and obstacles you may face. To stay motivated, you should set realistic and specific goals, track your progress, celebrate your achievements, reward yourself, seek support from others, join a group or a class, find a workout buddy, or hire a personal trainer. You should also remind yourself of the reasons why you want to be healthy and fit.
Benefits of Health and Fitness
Health and fitness have many benefits for your physical and mental well-being. Some of the benefits are:
Reduced risk of chronic diseases: Being healthy and fit can lower your chances of developing conditions such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, arthritis, and obesity.
Improved balance and coordination: Being fit can enhance your ability to maintain your posture, move gracefully, avoid falls and injuries.
Increased energy levels: Being healthy can boost your metabolism and provide you with more fuel to perform your daily tasks.
Enhanced mood: Being fit can release endorphins in your brain that make you feel happy. Being healthy can also reduce stress hormones that cause anxiety.
Better self-esteem: Being healthy and fit can improve your appearance, confidence, and self-respect.
Health and fitness are important aspects of our lives that we should not neglect. By following some simple tips such as exercising daily, eating right, tracking calories, getting enough sleep, and staying motivated, we can improve our health and fitness levels. By doing so, we can enjoy many benefits such as reduced risk of chronic diseases, improved balance and coordination, increased energy levels, enhanced mood, and better self-esteem. Health and fitness are not only good for us but also for those around us who care about us. So, let’s start today!
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projectbatman193 · 8 months
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murphyblogs · 1 year
Simple Things You Can Do To Lose Weight - 1
1. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
2. Stand up and move around every hour if you have a desk job.
3. Eat slowly and savor each bite.
4. Pack your own healthy snacks when on-the-go.
5. Use spices and herbs to add flavor to your meals instead of high-calorie sauces and dressings.
6. Focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods.
7. Try new healthy recipes to keep things interesting.
8. Use a smaller spoon to eat ice cream or dessert.
9. Drink green tea for its metabolism-boosting properties.
10. Take regular breaks from technology and go for a walk or do some physical activity instead.
Read Next: Foods To Avoid To Lose Weight
Stay Consistent. You Got This.
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biophilianutrition · 11 days
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Sporty Girls
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oliviafitmomof3 · 1 year
10 Things I’ve Learned in 2022
1. Eating a balanced diet and getting enough sleep is essential for a healthy lifestyle.
2. Exercise is not a one size fits all approach - find something that works for you and stick to it.
3. Rest days are important. Your body needs time to recover and repair itself.
4. Consistency is key! Consistent habits compounds overtime (small changes turn into big results)
5. Mindset is everything! Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.
6. Stop comparing yourself, period! You are your only competition.
7. Be patient with yourself. Implementing new habits take time, so give yourself grace.
8. Focus on the journey more than the outcome, that’s where the transformation is.
9. Find your tribe. Having a supportive community can make all the difference.
10. Have fun! Fitness should be an enjoyable experience.
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eatclean-bewhole · 2 months
Success takes time. There is no shortcut for anything worthwhile. Put in the work and trust the process. Your time will come.
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