#bucky Barnes marriage
sjsmith56 · 19 days
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Flash Forward - Part 2 - Eyes of the Father
Summary: Raina Barnes goes into labour and Bucky and Lacey await the birth of their first grandchild.
Length: 4.1 K
Characters: Bucky, Lacey, Tom, Raina, Bruce Banner.
Warnings: Some description of labour, reflection on how the serum affected Bucky’s daughter.
Author notes: This is it. The final chapter. Bucky becomes a grandfather. This is nearly all fluffy and soft Bucky, so enjoy.
<<Chapter 29
👩‍🍼 👨🏻‍🍼
Two and a half years later
The farmer's market was packed and Raina Barnes wondered if she should have come at all. Her cravings had got the best of her and she wanted her spicy salsa desperately. With both Bucky and Tom training today she phoned her mother-in-law Lacey asking if she would take them both to the market so she could pick up the spicy salsa that was only available at that particular farmer's stand. She felt a hand on her elbow and Lacey leaned towards her.
"You okay?" her face concerned. "You seemed hesitant there for a moment."
"I'm okay," replied Raina. "Let's just get the salsa and go."
They walked to the stall, bought several jars of the salsa and began walking back to the car. Just as they got to the parking lot Raina felt a stretching across her back. She breathed out in response and Lacey looked at her sharply. Shaking her head like it was nothing Raina took another few steps and then stopped again, this time putting her hand on her back. Lacey put her arm around the young woman and encouraged her to walk the few more steps to the car. Opening the back seat door she gestured to Raina to get in.
"Why the back seat?" she asked.
"You're in labour," said Lacey. "I've had three super soldier babies and you're definitely going to have that baby today. Are they painful?"
"Just twinges in my back," said Raina. "I'm not due for two more weeks."
"Doesn't mean anything to the baby," replied Lacey. "Super soldier babies develop faster. You planned on having it at the medical centre right?"
Raina nodded. She felt another twinge and this one was uncomfortable. Lacey got into the front seat and started the car. They were forty minute's drive from the compound. Hopefully the baby wouldn't arrive before then. Lacey activated the AI.
"Friday, alert Dr. Banner that Raina Barnes is in labour and en route to the medical centre," she said. "ETA is forty minutes. Alert Tom Barnes as well."
"Understood, Mrs. Barnes," said the female voiced AI, resurrected after the reconstruction of the Avengers compound. "Is transport in your private vehicle? I have your location near Chappaqua. Access to local traffic lights can be obtained to streamline your journey."
"Yes, it's my private vehicle," said Lacey. "I will advise if traffic light control is required."
She looked in the rear view mirror and saw Raina's face respond to the latest twinge. Her daughter-in-law was definitely uncomfortable.
"Raina are you wearing a watch?" she asked. "We may have to start timing if these twinges get stronger."
"No, my hands and wrists were swollen this morning, so I didn't put it on," replied the younger woman. "They are getting stronger and lasting longer."
"Okay, just breathe deeply when they come and try not to panic," said Lacey calmly. "Friday, you better get into traffic control and see if you can speed this trip up."
"Understood," replied the AI. "I can take control of your vehicle as Dr. Banner wishes to speak with you."
Lacey agreed to the AI's request and removed her hands from the wheel. Bruce's face came up on the dash display.
"I have Raina in the back seat," said Lacey. "They started out as twinges in her back, but she said they are getting stronger and lasting longer."
"Raina, are they still in the back or do you feel it in your abdomen?" he asked.
"They're all over my abdomen now," she replied, then she took a deep breath and tried to breathe through the contraction. Bruce heard the change in her breathing and looked at a clock in the medical centre. When Raina relaxed her breathing, he noted the length of the contraction. "That was a pretty long contraction. How bad was it on a scale of one to ten?"
"A six?"
"I'm going to call for a quinjet rescue," he said. "This being Raina's first baby I don't want to take any chances. Is there a parking lot nearby you can get to that will allow the quinjet to land?"
Friday answered. "Sending you coordinates."
A minute later the AI pulled into a parking lot and stopped the vehicle. Lacey pushed her seat forward then relocated to the back seat, kneeling on the floor in front of Raina. She could see the young woman looked scared and took her hand.
"You'll be okay," she said soothingly. "The quinjet will be here in minutes at the most. The first baby is always the hardest because you've never done this before. As much as it hurts as soon as that baby is born, you'll forget it all because he or she will be in your arms, and you'll have done this magnificent act of giving birth."
"It's a boy," said Raina, in a scared voice. "Tom wanted to see Dad's face when he puts the baby into his arms and tells him we're naming him James."
Lacey smiled at Raina calling Bucky Dad. It hadn't mattered to them that she called them by their first names but he would be happy she felt comfortable enough around him to call him Dad. Raina squeezed Lacey's hand again as she tried to breathe steadily through the contraction. Lacey counted through it until Raina let out a final big breath.
"That was an eight, at least," said Raina. "Oh, Mom, what if I have the baby here, in the back seat of your car?"
"Well, I've given birth three times," said Lacey, trying not to cry at being called Mom. "I think I can walk you through it. We won't have to because the quinjet is here now."
It landed gracefully beside the vehicle and Lacey smiled when she saw Bucky was at the controls. The back ramp lowered, and Tom came out followed by two medics from the medical centre with a gurney. Tom ran to the car and poked his head inside.
"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice worried.
"Mom has been helping me through the contractions," said Raina, trying to reassure him. "Can she fly back with us?"
"Friday can drive the car back to your place after dark," he said to Lacey. "If you want to come, I'd be happy with that."
"I would like to come," said Lacey. "Friday, can you return the car to our house?"
"Understood," said the AI. "Access to security features on your vehicle has been acquired. You may take the vehicle key with you."
Tom stood back and let the medics help Raina out of the vehicle and onto the gurney. Lacey grabbed both of their purses and the salsa, locked the car, and followed the couple back up the ramp. Bucky, still in the pilot's seat looked back at her, smiled and turned back to his duties. The medics locked the gurney into place as the ramp was closed and Lacey belted herself in, watching as Raina was set up with intravenous and monitoring units. Then the medics and Tom belted themselves in as Bucky lifted off the ground and began the acceleration towards the compound. It only took a few minutes before he landed on the pad, and they could unbelt again. Raina had another contraction and the medics talked her through it, noting the time and strength on the monitors. As Tom walked quickly beside them while they pushed the gurney off the aircraft Bucky finished his checklist before unbuckling his straps and getting out of the pilot's seat. Lacey put her arms around his neck as he kissed her.
"I'm going to be a grandpa today, aren't I?" he asked.
"And I'm going to be a grandma," she replied. "She called us Mom and Dad."
His face lit up. "Really? I love her like a daughter. She's been good for Tom. Just like you were good for me."
They walked into the medical centre and sat in the waiting area holding hands. After a time Bucky released her hand and put his arm around her so she could rest her head on him. Remembering something she pulled her phone out of her purse and called Laura's phone. Her face came up right away.
"I just wanted to let you know that Raina is in labour," said Lacey. "Your Dad and I are at the medical centre waiting so you and your brother will have to get dinner for yourselves."
"We can handle it," said her daughter. "I'm going to be an Aunt. Oh, I kind of got into trouble at school today. The principal wants to see both of you tomorrow."
"What did you do?" asked Bucky, rolling his eyes. "Who did you punch out this time?"
"Dad, I was intervening in a bullying situation," replied Laura. "I don't punch people out for no good reason any more, and I did pull my punch so I didn't hurt him. It was more of a shove, anyways, to get him off the kid he was beating on. That boy is backing me up so I'm not facing suspension. I think the principal just wants to reaffirm that I won't use my enhanced abilities to hurt people or damage property."
"I apologize for assuming the worst," said Bucky. "If you were stopping a bully then I'm good with it and I'll make sure that principal knows it."
Laura blew them both a kiss and Lacey ended the call. Their daughter had experienced difficulties growing up, especially after she began puberty at age eleven. Bruce explained that her hormonal surges had made her impulses hard to control. More than once she had punched out a wall or a tree, knowing that she could hurt a person if she did the same to them. Putting her on birth control had helped and she became more amenable in the time since she was started on the hormones. As far as they knew she wasn't sexually active and hoped she would wait as long as she could before taking that step. Like Tom found when he went to college, once she started sexual activity she would be open to just about anything before finding her life mate. Doing it in college was still more socially acceptable than doing it in high school even in this day and age.
"She is a good kid at heart," said Bucky, as if he had been reading Lacey's mind. "Girls have it tougher than boys. Right from the start they're inundated with conditioning to be subservient towards boys and men. Even though we've tried to avoid it at home she still feels it at school and elsewhere. If she put a bully in his place I'm proud of her, end of story."
Lacey smiled at Bucky's observation. For a man born in 1917 he was quite open minded. When Tom first told them in his first year of college he had been with a few guys as well as women she had worried about Bucky's reaction. Then he told Tom that it didn't matter because he knew what kind of man his son was and who he loved didn't change that. Bucky previously brought up the thought that Laura might be gay, based on her preferences in clothing, hairstyle, and the posters on her bedroom wall. Emphatically, he told Lacey that if their daughter was gay, he would be there for her no matter what. Lacey snuggled herself closer to Bucky's side as they waited.
"We could go to my office," he said suddenly. "I have a couch in there now."
She laughed. "Our first grandchild will be born soon, and you want to get frisky on your office couch?"
"It sounds suspect when you say it that way," he admitted. "I'm just getting anxious."
The door to the labour and delivery unit opened and Tom came out. He put his arms out to both of them and wept as they hugged. Remembering his own reactions to Laura and Steve's births Bucky just held him at first. Lacey rubbed his back.
"He's beautiful, Dad," gasped Tom, finally. "Mom, how do you women do it? Raina was incredible. I love her so much."
"A boy," said Bucky, his face alight. "I'm so happy for you. Everything's okay with both of them?"
Tom nodded, his face glowing as he grinned. "Bruce said you can meet your grandson in about an hour. He wants to run some tests on him, and Raina still has to feed him before I get my skin time with him."
He hugged his parents affectionately again then returned to the birthing suite. Bucky grabbed Lacey's hand, practically dragging her from the medical centre, through the pedway to food services. Lacey started to laugh.
"What?" he asked. "I'm hungry. We have an hour so I thought we should eat."
"I thought you were taking me to your office to break in your new couch," replied Lacey.
He laughed. "We could take a detour after we eat, if there's time."
They stood and looked at the menu. Bucky ordered two cheeseburgers and fries while Lacey ordered a vegetarian stir fry. They both poured themselves a coffee and sat at a table waiting for their order.
"Do you think the tests are going to confirm the baby is also a super soldier?" asked Lacey.
"That's what Bruce is expecting," he said. "They've learned a lot about the serum from my blood and the kids. It surprised me what they learned so far."
In the years since Bucky became an Avenger, Bruce Banner and Shuri had studied his blood serum trying to find out why he was so emotionally stable, compared to John Walker who had taken the serum created from Isaiah Bradley's blood. They believed it all came down to the state of mind of the person receiving the serum. Bucky had always been a reluctant killer, even when he was an army sniper in World War II. He accepted the role in order to protect his fellow soldiers but never enjoyed it. When he was a HYDRA asset the creation of the Winter Soldier persona had been the only way for them to bend him to their will and even then it didn't always last. When he wasn't that killer he resisted, and his protector instincts kicked in multiple times resulting in torture and memory wipes being inflicted on him. A significant portion of his PTSD was from his anguish over not being able to resist HYDRA enough. Isaiah Bradley was brutalized almost to the point of madness when his blood was forcibly taken from him which conceivably affected the blood quality. The serum created from his blood that was given to the Russian death squad in 1991 exacerbated their innate killing talents, making them uncontrollable. The remaining blood which Wilfred Nagel used to create the serum in Madripoor had varying effects on the Flag Smashers and on John Walker. Several of the Flag Smashers were also reluctant killers, not wanting to be as violent as Karli Morgenthau's mania had allowed her to become. John Walker's untreated PTSD locked in his violent behaviour, allowing him to feel justified when he went too far. There was concern about that being passed on to his children but there was hope that the calmness of their mother might balance it. So far, that had proved true as his children seemed to fit into society better than their father.
When Laura reached puberty and began lashing out there was concern but Bruce determined it was the combination of the super soldier serum and puberty itself which was wreaking havoc with her self control. After a heart-to-heart talk between him, herself and her parents she was put on birth control hormones. Once her monthly cycle was regulated, her hormone levels became stable and like Bucky, her protector instincts kicked in. Bruce theorized the HYDRA serum was never meant to be given to women in the first place. In HYDRA's fascist and misogynistic view women were child bearers only, receptacles for the Winter Soldier's superior sperm.
Shuri also had a theory that the Winter Soldier never impregnated any women, not only because of the chemical toxicity making him sterile but also because the serum was looking for the right life mate. Bucky and Lacey had only one night together which resulted in a pregnancy but were faithful to each other for the nine years they were apart. In their almost 15 years of marriage since their reunion neither had been unfaithful. Tom, a virgin when he went to college, became promiscuous with both men and women in that venue until finally meeting Raina. Even then they didn't consummate the relationship until their fifth date, both remaining faithful to the other ever since. In Shuri's opinion, that span of dates without sex started the "locking in" process in the relationship, making both of them attuned to only the other.
Bucky thought of all that information they learned and theorized about. A little part of him rebelled against the thought that the serum made him love Lacey but it really didn't matter because he did love her and only her. The thought of having her on his office couch aroused him and she noticed the look on his face.
"You're really considering it," she said, biting down on her lip in a way that made him want her more.
"We can add it to the list of different places we've made love in," he replied, nonchalantly.
Their food arrived and he took a bite of his first cheeseburger, watching her intently as she ate her stir fry. She watched him back and slipped her sneaker off to run her foot up his leg. A smile crossed his face.
"Challenge accepted," he said.
By the time they finished eating he was almost ready to have her on the table. Then she looked at her watch.
"Look at that time," she said, with a sly smile. "I guess we can go meet our grandson now."
"This isn't over," he replied.
Lacey giggled and offered him her hand. They walked back to the medical centre and asked if they were allowed to see their grandson. Tom came out right after, asking where they had been.
"Eating," said Bucky. "I was hungry."
"Right," said Tom, unconvinced.
He led them to the birthing suite where they both had to wash their hands, even though the baby's immune system was strong. Raina held the baby while Tom asked Bucky to sit in the chair. Taking his son from his wife Tom placed him in Bucky's arms.
"Dad ... Grandpa, meet James Edward Barnes," he said.
Bucky looked up at Tom surprised. "You want to name him after me?"
"Yeah, we do," replied Tom. "Your first grandchild."
Bucky gently touched James' cheek then leaned over and kissed him. "Thank you, he's beautiful," he whispered, becoming overwhelmed. "I wish I had been there when you were born."
"I know," said Tom, kneeling next to his dad and his son. "I'm glad you're here for him. You've been a great dad and I hope I learned enough from you to be a good dad for James."
Tom put his arm around Bucky's shoulder and kissed him on the side of the head. Lacey and Raina watched, both of them getting tears in their eyes at the love their men were displaying to each other and the baby.
"How are you doing?" Lacey asked the younger woman.
"It was just like you said," replied Raina. "Once he came out the pain didn't matter. I never knew what it felt like to love someone like this. It's different than how I love Tom but just as strong."
"Remember that feeling," smiled Lacey. "Especially when he's kept you up all night because he's hungry, or the first time he jumps off a building. It's going to happen, trust me."
She hugged Raina and they both cried a little. After about ten minutes of Bucky holding James, he decided it was Lacey's turn and he stood up to let her have the seat. Gently he put the baby into her arms, and he hugged Tom again, then went to Raina and hugged her. Lacey put her finger in James' tiny hand, cooing as he grasped it tightly.
"Hello James," she said softly. "I'm Grandma and I can tell you right now that you will be so loved. You're very special and as you grow up you will feel like you can do almost anything. When you're ready you can come to the farm. Grandpa and I will show you the horses, and the goats, and chickens. You'll meet Sarge who is going to love you. Little boy, you are so precious to all of us."
She kissed him tenderly then looked at her son, reaching out with her hand to his and squeezing it. All the years of raising him without Bucky came back to her. Thank the gods for Clint and Laura, then Terry for being her support until she and Bucky were reunited. Tom just smiled as he knew, just as he knew this baby would never be alone. He had a family, in the people in this room, his siblings, Raina's family and everyone in the Avengers who would care for this little boy. When Raina started yawning Bucky and Lacey said their goodbyes, kissing and hugging the couple several times. They left the medical centre and stood outside the doors holding each other.
"Let's go home," said Bucky.
"What about your office couch?" asked Lacey.
"It's not going anywhere."
She nodded and he led her down to the garage where his motorcycle was. He fitted his helmet onto her head then mounted the motorcycle, waiting until she got on behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. He started it up and slowly exited the parking garage. Instead of racing home he took his time, enjoying the feel of the wind in his hair, and Lacey's arms around him. When he pulled into the farmyard their car was already there, parked next to the recharging station. He plugged the motorcycle in, then plugged the car in. Lacey waited for him and they walked into the house together. A light had been left on in the kitchen but the rest of the house was dark. If Natasha and Steve had made themselves dinner there was no sign of it as everything was cleaned up and put away.
"We have good kids," noted Bucky.
"Yes, we do," replied Lacey.
She ran her arms around his waist and looked up at him expectantly. He bent over and kissed her tenderly. Then he pulled his phone out and picked out a playlist, setting it to play. He wrapped his artificial arm around Lacey and pulled her other hand close between them. As When I Fall in Love began playing Lacey placed her head on his chest while he bent over her, and they began dancing to the beautiful voice of Nat King Cole. Nothing was said and there were no fancy moves, it was just to be close with the one they loved the most. They were so involved with each other they didn't hear Laura and Steve come out of their rooms and watch them from the darkness of the stairs.
"I love it when they dance like this," whispered Laura. "They love each other so much."
"I hope I love someone that much when I'm older," whispered Steve back.
"You will," she replied. "We both will, when the time is right. It's what we Barnes do. We protect and we love. Dr. B. told me when we had that heart to heart talk, it's genetic. I can't wait."
Steve smiled at his older sister. She smiled back then jerked her head back to their bedrooms. They would find out tomorrow if Tom's baby was a boy or a girl. Silently, they both crept back up the stairs, leaving their parents to have their intimate moment before they went to bed. Of all the parents to have they knew they had the best. Both were calm and understanding, always truthful and always showing them they were loved. More importantly they always showed the love between each other, a love born out of one night together over 24 years before. It was the kind of love to aspire to.
Series Masterlist.
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sarahowritesostucky · 3 months
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Tags: dark!Bucky, mafia/mob au, dubcon/noncon, a/b/o, threats and coercion, non-con, forced pregnancy, forced domestic "bliss", mating, breeding, hate to strong affection, yandere, kid fic
Summary: You thought you'd left behind the alpha who turned out to be more dangerous than you'd ever imagined. But one day he walks back into your life and reminds you that, come hell or high water, you're all going to be one happy. little. family.
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Daddy's Home (Series teaser)
Episode 1: A Clever, Tricky Little Kitty Cat: Just like Her Mommy
Episode 2: Taking Back What's His
Episode 3: The Lap of Luxury
Episode 4: Motherhood Suits You
Episode 5: Should've Done this Years Ago
Epilogue: A Storybook Romance Once Again
Nickname Dictionary: vorishka = "little thief" mamochka = "mommy/little mother" kotenok= "kitty/kitten" omegya = (made up) Russian spelling of omega omegechka = (made up) "little omega" shlyukha = "slut" krasotka = "Pretty(n.)/pretty one" milashka = "cutie patootie" malen'kiy = "little one"  malyshka = "little girl" pchelka = "little bee"
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@cjand10, @violetwinterwidow01, @ppbhquinn, @myfavbuckyfics, @liannafae, @sadsackssss, @timidquindim, @dakotali, @rayofdawnworld, @wintrsoldrluvr, @lindasweetie
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buckrecs · 1 year
Hi!! Was wondering if you had recs for Bucky and reader fake dating??
Fake Dating / Marriage
masterlist | req masterlist
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Keeping Score by @all1e23
After hearing you begging Steve to pretend to be your fake boyfriend to keep your family off your back, Bucky quickly jumps at the chance to play your boyfriend even though you’re a hundred percent sure he hates you. What could possibly go wrong?
the right partner by @bucky-bucket-barnes
You and Bucky have always possessed a complicated history, and even more strained relationship with one another. Begrudgingly, you're sent out on a mission with Barnes where you two are posing as a newly wed couple. In an effort to investigate the consistent disappearance of young women in a certain neighborhood, you find yourselves forced to confront a whirlwind of emotions.
Suburbia by @wkemeup
Posing as husband and wife, you and Bucky infiltrate a quaint suburban neighborhood in search of a Hydra hacker. Perhaps if you weren’t so in love with him and he hadn’t broken your heart, the act of pretending wouldn’t hurt so much.
where do we go from here by @barnesafterglow
when you agree to be bucky's date for his sister's wedding - and his fake girlfriend for the weekend - you're expecting a good time with your best friend. but things may never go back to normal
Fake It Till You Make It by @buckyalpine
Fake dating solves everything… right?
A Little Longer by @buckyalpine
It’s just a little lie.
Crossing The Line by @jadedvibes
After your friends set you up on a blind date with your sworn enemy, you both drunkenly decide to mess with them by making a bet to see who can pretend to be a happy couple the longest.
annoying neighbors and fake boyfriends | 2 by @lovelybarnes
“You stayed over at my place one night but my nosy, annoying neighbour saw you leave. They always get on my case about being single so I told them that we’re dating to show them”
Undercover by @buckysknifecollection
You and Bucky go on an undercover mission, where you need to pretend to be married. You are close to solving the case when Bucky decides he’s done pretending.
Make Believe on Christmas Eve by @green-eyeddragonfanfiction
When your family insists you bring your [nonexistent] long-term boyfriend over for Christmas, you panic. You hadn’t expected to be put in this situation; you never thought you’d actually have to bring “him” over.
Stop flirting with the staff by @writingsoftheloser
You and Bucky go undercover to stop the sale of a very important device.
The Karen’s of the World by @espinosaurusrexex
Aunt Karen is possibly the worst person you know. So when her annual Independence Day party arrives, you try to give her as little reason to pick on you as possible. Not being single for once should cover most of the topics she complains about. So you ask your friend Bucky to play pretend.
Tis the damn season by @starrysebastians
On the first post-blip Thanksgiving, you find yourself having to reunite with your parents and your heart is not in it — Sam persuades you to take Bucky with you, and this might be an opportunity for you two to get to know each other.
The Holiday Hack by @gogolucky13
You ask Bucky to be your stand-in boyfriend for your family’s Christmas party.
Breaking The Rules by @redgillan
You hate James Barnes with a burning passion and the feeling is entirely mutual. Just when you think things can’t get any worse, you are tricked into attending his sister’s wedding as his girlfriend. Stuck with a bunch of strangers, you come up with a set of rules that are not going to last long.
Best Boyfriend You’ve Ever Had by @language-rxgers
When you find out your sister is getting married and expects you to bring a date to her wedding in two months, you panic, having not gone on so much as a coffee date with a guy in far too long. After all, being an Avenger doesn’t leave too much time for a life outside of work. So, when your best friend, none other than the James Buchanan Barnes himself, offers to pretend to be your boyfriend and plus one, how can you refuse? It seems like something that would come out of a movie. However, real life is never like the movies, and stories like this never go as planned.
Stepping Up by @i-am-a-closet-fanfic-fiend
When Steve can’t go with you to your cousin’s wedding, he sends Bucky in his place. What happens when more than one person assume you’re dating? 
Picture Perfect by @writingsoftheloser
When Steve asks his collegue to be his fake girlfriend, she accepts, thinking nothing could really go wrong. Then, she meets Steve’s best friend.
-> this is not bucky and reader fake dating but it’s one of my favorite fics so I included it!
Worst Idea Ever by @firefly-in-darkness
Wedding Season is brutal as it is but throw in two friends that decide to be each other’s plus ones and a mixed bag of feelings, what's the worst that could happen?
Heart to a Gunfight by @lailannajacobs
You didn’t want to help Bucky Barnes make it through the party by pretending to be his fake girlfriend, after all, you had just met him. You also didn’t plan on the charade lasting as long as it did. 
am i more than you bargained for? by @morsmordre-writes
Bucky has an unwanted secret admirer, so naturally you pretend to be his girlfriend until it blows over. Will someone catch feelings? Will they be absolute idiots about it all? Will they live happily ever after? We may never know.
Almost Had Me Believing It by @tuiccim
An undercover operation playing Bucky Barnes' wife is a dream come true. Playing house in the suburbs while trying to take down a drug ring brings you and Bucky closer but a nosy neighbor causes trouble in paradise.
A Certain Romance by @wienerbarnes
With the threat of yet another bad date at the result of Sam Wilson’s meddling, Bucky’s desperate to find a solution. As are you, another victim to Sam’s failed matchmaking. The two of you come up with a genius plan: pretend to date each other in order to escape the poking and prying nose of the Falcon.
The Proposal by @toomanyrobins2
Y/N Arnaud is the liaison to the Avengers, but she’s also a French citizen. After a couple mistakes, her visa application is denied. Even though they can’t stand each other, Bucky offers to marry her in order to keep her visa status in the U.S. and avoid deportation.
Follow My Lead by @ciarawritesmarvel
You and your new friend Wanda are enjoying a day together at the Avengers Tower, her giving you a tour around the place when you both run into the infamous Bucky Barnes. Moments later, he’s introducing you to Sam as his girlfriend and placing a kiss on your temple and you’re not sure you’ve ever been so confused in your life.
Where Dreams Go To Die by @insomniumstella
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winterarmyy · 1 year
Around My Scars
Glimpses of mafia!bucky and his wife's arranged married life.
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Summary: A careless decision leads to Bucky almost losing his wife.
Note: Read 《 Plot Twist 》 for backstory of the couple.
Words: 5.1k++
Pairing: beefy mafia!bucky x female!reader
Warnings: 18+ content, no minors allowed, nsfw, physical assault (not from bucky), sexual assault (not from bucky), graphic violence, reader is lowkey a badass, pussyjob, reader on top but bucky in control, p in v, unprotected sex, creampie, extra soft!bucky, fluff, tiny angst, etc.
P/S: If you have not read the original story yet. You can read it first for backstory. If not, you still can read it as standalone. And for those who came from plot twist series, I noticed there's a lot of you wanting more from this couple. So here's one of the glimpses of what happen somewhere in the future. Enjoy ♡
Read my other works here: Masterlist
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All her life, she never thought a kiss could be this gentle. In fact every time Bucky's lips graced on her skin, it was impossibly tender. His kisses trailed along her bare back, from the center of her waist up to the back of her shoulder.
His lips followed the surrounding shape of her scarring wounds, as if he was tracing the shadows of them. His hot breath fanning against her cold skin and the deep, and subtle hum of his voice lulled her to near slumber.
Unlike his soft pillowy lips, his hands however were the opposite. His right was calloused and warm while the other was smooth and cold. Yet both of them were cupping her bare breasts perfectly; they felt so good on her skin.
It felt good like this; nothing in between them. Not even a single piece of clothing separating them apart. Bare and naked.
"Bucky..." a quiet moan was drawn from her lips as his hands squeeze her softness before they roamed around her frame.
Bucky only tightens his hold on her upon hearing her voice. It was if he was afraid that she was not real. As if she was just an illusion he was despretely holding onto.
He pulled her impossibly closer, his metal arm wrapped around her waist, gripping on the side while his right hand palming her chest, right above where her heart was beating.
She's real. She's here.
His own voice reassured his doubtful mind.
However, Y/N was getting nothing from her husband. Only grunts and growl and him snuggling into her, "Bucky, baby? What's wrong, honey?" she coaxed him softly as her hand reached back to played with his hair.
It took a few moments of silence before Bucky finally replied, his voice sounded like regret, "It's my fault, y/n."
~ ~ Flashback ~ ~
It was a normal day for the couple. A lovely day, in fact. They were on one of their 'undercover' dates. At least, that what Y/N called it. A name she came up with that makes Bucky rolled his eyes and shook his head.
Apparently, after the diner date they had before, they find themselves wanting more of it. The normality of life outside of the reality they lived in. And they surely made it a weekly schedule. Not that it was chore for them though, it never was, never will be.
After visiting the Brooklyn Book Festival and basically almost hauling the displays, they were planning to eat the new cafe near the location. But, as soon as they find the seats, Bucky got a call.
He was not supposed to even received any call.
That was one of the rules he set himself; no business during their dates. For whatever reason, this one got through him.
"Probably something huge." Y/N guessed as she watched Bucky excuses himself to pickup the call.
And her hunch was true. It was a huge deal. Especially when she saw his expression when he was approaching their table.
"I'm sorry, sweets. I really hate to leave you like this." He apologized when Y/N said she was okay to eat lunch alone.
"It's okay, I'm already here so it'd be a waste to completely cancel the plan." She continued to justify her decision for the reasons that the new café was hard to book a table, as if Bucky couldn't just book the whole goddamn café everyday for the rest of their life for her.
But, in the end, she did managed to persuade him. Bucky gentlely pulled her by the chin, before placing a soft kiss on her lips; whispering promises to make it up for her.
As his promises were laced with sweetness and sin, Y/N couldn't help but to smile against his lips, humming in agreement before watching him jog to the car.
She waved him a final goodbye and smiled at Steve who came to pick him up. The car drove away, leaving two of Bucky's men behind to look after Y/N.
If only Bucky knew how careless his decision was to leave those particular men in charge of his wife. Both were high on drugs and was not in a condition to be on duty. Especially a duty as important as protecting the lady of mansion.
At first it wasn't clear why she felt a little out after her lunch. She thought she would be fine after a little walk at the nearby park but she was wrong. Utterly wrong; especially when her vision went dark all of the sudden.
When she woke up in that basement, it clicked her. Her drink or food must have been spiked.
How long has it been since? How far away is she now from Bucky? Y/N woke up knowing nothing. Not knowing the place she was in nor the duration she had passed out.
Her heart was pumping fast, all the while her body was deadly cold. She was expecting to be tied up on a chair, at least she could try wiggle herself out of it but luck wasn't on her side.
Metal chains securely cuffed around her wrists as well as her ankles. Her movement was limited as the end of the chains were attached to the wall behind here. Anxiety threatens her to cry but she tried to stay calm.
Y/N looked at her surroundings. It seems to be a run down basement. There's lack of natural light source; the very little lighting were coming from the dim fluorescent lamp right above her head and another two in different location.
Clearly some empty bottles of alcohol were scattering all over the place. But none of those items were close enough for her to reach out to. Y/N heard laughs from behind the rusty metal door. It had two distinct voices; one deep and another was rather squeaky.
A clacking sound seemed to indicate that someone was unlocking the door. As the door opened, a man in his mid 30s walked in with a cruel smile.
He walked closer followed by two other man behind him; both were armed. Y/N frantically crawled back to meet her back to the walls behind her, the metal chains rubbed with each other, breaking the silence in the room.
"Stay back!" she warned.
The brutal man took a chair and sat in front of her. He looked like that type of person who would do anything for power. He had nothing but fiery eyes.
He look down and said "What's your name, sweetheart?" his voice demand nothing but a clear answer.
Y/N glared up to him, "I'd tell you, but I don't like being labelled." If hatred was visible the air would have been scarlet. The man could see she was not afraid to bite if he reach his hands out.
He chuckled darkly, "You're funny..." But unfortunately, he wasn't the type to reach out, he's more likely to; lash out.
The silenced room was once again tainted with sound, but this it wasn't just the moving chains but there was also the sound created from the impact of the harsh slap across Y/N's face.
The back of his hand hit and she fell with the force of it, "Urghh.." she groaned as she fall flat on the ground. The man continued, "... but not funny enough."
She can taste the coppery liquid on her tongue; she must have injured herself. Her cheeks stings as hell but Y/N was never the type to stay quiet and cry in front of people, especially to her enemies.
She giggled eerily as she sat back up, the undying flames in her eyes burn brighter, "Well that was fucking weak." she spat out the blood right on his shiny black shoes.
The man slipped out hysterical laugh, "I see why he like to keep you around." he smirked and stood from the chair. He dragged the rickety wooden chair away and threw it farther away than the original position.
Y/N had her gaze as strong as her will to live. The man look back to the tiny woman on the dusty floor before walking away. "Sir, what do we do with the girl?" One of the guards asked.
The man stopped midway through the door and stay silence for awhile, a wicked thought came through him, "Do whatever you want to do. As long as she remains alive." he snapped his head back to display a meaningful malicious grin and closed the doors behind him.
It was just a second of a glimpse, but the man clearly saw Y/N's despair in her expression. Too bad he had to go so soon.
As the doors closed, the two man look at each other and back to Y/N. A person doesn't need be a genius to read the mood. She knew exactly what's going to happen and for the first time a long time, she was petrified. For the first time in forever, she was scared for her life.
She couldn't breathe, it felt as if someone was choking her. Her heart was racing and all she wanted to do was curl up into a ball and wait for someone to save her. But no one would, no one was there.
A choked cry for help forced itself up her throat, "Get away! Don't come any closer!" she felt a drop run down her cheek. It seemed as if this was the end of the road for her.
"Get the fuck away from me!" Y/N roared hoping the two man had a little bit fear but considering her position, that obviously not going to happen.
The man fearless and shamelessly grabbed her despite she was crying out pleads. "Come now, sweets. Make this easy for us."
Sweets. It sounds so disgusting coming from another man.
One of the man grabbed a hold of her wrists while another took his time feasting her with his eyes.
"P-please don't d-do this..." she sniffled as her strength were getting weaker, despite all of the quarrels and battle she had gone through before, she should be fearless.
But, when one is looking into eyes that lurked with such dark lust as those she was seeing right now; fear is bound to creep in. No matter how strong-willed a person see themselves as.
"Don't worry, we'll be gentle if you behave." he licked his upper lips as he run his hand along her waist up to her chest.
It was disgusting, every cells on Y/N's body was rejecting his touch; her throats seemed like it was trying to force her to puke something out but there's nothing but the nausea.
Tears kept falling down as they escape from the corner of her eyes. She was beyond terrified, even with her struggling; it seemed to be useless.
The man grabbed on the fabric of her sundress that was framing her collarbone and forcibly ripped them apart, exposing Y/N in her bra. The man scanned her body once more, cock straining in his pants.
Damn, she looked like sin.
He managed to gripped her hands together in one hand before she could protest even more. His other hand reaching to her breast.
His rough grip on her breast was only bringing her pain than pleasure. But he was rather enjoying the tenderness of her body.
He dipped in closer; he stuck his tongue out to lick the valley of her breasts, leaving trails of his disgusting stickiness behind.
He hummed in satisfaction, approving the way she tasted. His bulge rubbing against her clothed core, humping for pleasure. Y/N couldn't look at him.
Please, stop.
But the moment she looked away, she made eye contact to the other man behind him. He had his cock in his hand, lazy strokes and a wicked smile when the tears fell down from her eyes.
"So pretty, baby" he mouthed.
For a moment there Y/N stopped struggling. She sat still like a doll who loses its' battery power, the man's statement rang in her head in an infinite loop.
"You're beautiful, y/n" Bucky's voice resurfaced in her mind.
"You're always going to be mine." the voice continued.
"I'm always going to be there to protect you, sweets."
The flashbacks run through her head faster than a bullet train.
Seeing how Y/N stopped moving, they thought she gave up. But then again, some people never learn. Don't ever underestimate your opponent.
She get the hold of herself, pulled her head back and headbutt the man in front of her. She didn't even care if she could get a concussion herself from the impact. The man ended up falling back on his ass as he grunts in pain.
"Stay. The Fuck. Away. From Me." She threatened.
Though her defiant only spark anger from the man, rather than fear. When he regained his balance, he slipped the leather belt from his pants, "You asked for this little girl. So be it." he grunts as he pulled a hand back.
His palm strikes her on already stinging cheeks, making her fall on her chest. Before she could pushed herself up, she was forced to stay down as the man pressed his boots at the back of her head.
"You need to be trained like a bitch. And I'm gonna give you exactly that." His words only sounded like a warning to her.
Which was exactly it, when she felt the first strike of his belt across her back. It was one of many mean and harsh whipping on her delicate skin. Until she was aching, bleeding.
As sick as he was, enjoying the thrill of torturing a defenseless girl, the other man was much more twisted, as he kept stroking himself as he watched Y/N bleed and whimpered.
It was disgusting, it was painful; And at one point her hands were reaching around only to clung on the man's other foot.
Surprisingly he stopped, "Learnt your lessons yet, mutt?"
Y/N can hear his sinister smile despite her face planted on the floor. She didn't reply, the only sound can be heard from her, is her unstable breathing.
Wanting as answer, he foolishly pulled his foot away from her head, "Are you deaf? Answer me!" He pushed.
Foolish he was.
Y/N fought against the agonizing pain on her back and took the advantage to pull his leg as hard as she could, making his fall on the floor. She was swift with her next move; she hit the man's groin with her elbow, automatically lower the protection his other part of his body.
As he was busy tending his wounded balls, Y/N slide behind him and wrapped the chains around his neck, she yanked the man as she tighten the crossover metal chains.
"You better stay the fuck away from me or he's dead." She warned the other man who was trying to get to her, he called her bluff. He took a step closer, still pushing his luck.
Y/N strengthen her grip as well as pulling the chain as hard as she could, practically strangling and knocking out the breath out of his throat. "S-Stop. S-stay there." the dying man stuttered.
The other obliged and had his hand up in the air as a sign of surrender. Y/N glared up to the man, "Lay your filthy hands on me again, I won't hold back." she growled in his ears before drifting his head towards the wall, knocking him unconscious.
Upon seeing his accomplice slouched to the floor with a bleeding head, the other man tried to grabbed and hold her down. But she quickly grabbed the gun from the unconscious man, and pulled the trigger.
Her aim was off but enough to disarm him. His right shoulder now had a hole through it. He grunted to agonizing pain on his shoulder, but he should've known to not let his guard down. Then, it hits him. Another hole through the shins of his left leg.
He screamed and wailed, sucking air in and out of his mouth, holding on to the last cliff of his life as he fell into his knees and down to the floor.
Despite the lack of protest from the man, Y/N didn't let her guard down as she still holding on the gun in her grip.
At this point, Y/N was losing more than just her blood, but her strength and vision too. She blinked slowly, waiting for glimpse of threat from the entrance.
Even if the two men were rendered immobilized, however she knew gunshot will alert the others. Anyone could barge in at any point of time. And she needed to be ready for them.
The door was getting blurry in her point of view and the cracking headache greeted as painful as the other wounds all over her back.
The dark silence didn't last long as Y/N can clearly heard a lot of movements from the level above her. One time she heard multiple footsteps running around and another she heard loud cracks much resembles a sound of a "Gun shots..." she breathed.
It took a single kick on the rusty old metal door; Y/N's body jumped out of reflex to the sound of the door fall from it's frame. As the door fell down, it revealed the face of a man who Y/N thought she could never see ever again.
His face were painted with the colour of crimson, almost covering half of his beautiful features; but his sapphire eyes shines the same. Even if her hearts was pumping fast, it seemed like the man was more desperate for air than she herself.
A sense of relief hit her like the crashing wave as she called out his name, "Bucky..."
Bucky stood there,dark and dangerous; just a few steps away from the woman he claimed as his. His heart seemed to stop for a split second; there she was — crawled in the corner of the dim lit room, both hands and legs chained to the wall behind her.
It's not that Bucky couldn't see there were others in the basement besides her; he knew that, he could see them but the nudity of his wife's chest caught his attention and he could see the pieces of her torn clothes were near her wounded ankles and wrists.
The cuts on around her skin, cause by the metal cuffs symbolizes her struggles. The bright pair of eyes that Bucky had always admired; they glint, however, in pain and tears.
A sight that Bucky never wanted to see.
Frozen in his spot, Y/N gathered all the strength she had left, to shout his name once again, "Come here, Bucky..." the sound of the strained metal chain echoed along with her shaky plead, as she reach her arms out towards her husband.
Pleading for his touch, his warmth.
It took less than a second after hearing her calling, for Bucky to sprint towards her. Completely ignoring the riot of bullets echoed from above them, even stepping on the men on the floor.
He had lost her for less than seven hours, but it felt like forever. Bucky fell down to his knees as he wrapped his arms around Y/N, pulling her head to his chest. He hold onto her tightly, as if someone was trying to rip her away from his grasps.
It was slight, but Bucky could clearly feel her body shivering body in his embrace as she cried to his chest, a piercing pain struck his heart, "I'm here. I'm here." he whispered softly.
His hand found it's way to her back, wanting to give her a tender stroke of reassurance but he found himself frozen to the sensation on his palm.
At first he felt it; wet and sticky. But when he brought his hands up to the light, he finally saw how his whole palm were covered in blood. Her blood. His wife's blood.
A wave of pure rage reigned his whole being and what happen that day had become one of the things Bucky's men will never forget.
Bucky made sure it rain blood that day.
And it was truly a gruesome sight to see.
~ ~ End of Flashback ~ ~
Since the day Y/N woke up in their bed, Bucky never left her side. Not even for his business, for weeks now Bucky had temporarily place the authority to Steve and he had spend his day tending his wife as he should.
Now, weeks later from that day, Bucky is claiming that it was his fault that she was kidnapped?
No, it absolutely was not. Far from it. How is y/n getting kidnapped is his fault? How is y/n getting tortured is his blunder? That does not make any sense. Not in any universe.
"I should've been there with you." He explained.
Bucky's kisses took a halt in the crook of her neck, he relishes the sweet scent emitting from her as his lips rested on her weak spot. Where does the scent coming from? Was it from her body lotion or from her shampoo. Eitherway, it was intoxicating.
He almost felt guilty for finding a calming relief from it. He wasn't nearly worthy enough to find peace in her. And yet here he was; selfish and greedy for the friction of her touch, the influence of her scent, the melody of her moans, all of her.
Y/N release herself from his embrace and swiftly changed her position to straddling him. His eyes searched her face, wondering if she was uncomfortable and how can he please her.
She run her hands through his hair as she chooses her words carefully, "Yes, you should. But that doesn't justify why you blame yourself for it." She leaned into him, brushing the tip of her nose on his.
Before Bucky can protest, Y/N shuts him up with a kiss on his lips, "It was not your fault. No one knew that they going to spike my drink. No one knew that they managed to drug up your men. Honey, it was an accident. It was not your fault, it never was and never will be." She was only speaking the truth, even Bucky couldn't argue.
He leaned his forehead on her before speaking up, "I just hate seeing you get hurt, sweets." Bucky sighed, as a frown formed on his face.
Y/N does not want Bucky to dwell in this darkness again. He kept doing it for the past weeks, and though some days she managed to pull him out, some other she failed. This worries her; it scared her.
Bucky might not notice it right now since his mind was blurry with worry; but if he was more aware of his surroundings he might just notice how Y/N was slowly leaking on his cock. His girth was slotted perfectly between her pussy and the sight of it turns her on.
It's been awhile since they feel each other; due to her injuries Bucky was constantly worrying about hurting her during sex.
And she was desperate for him, she want him to remove all the bad memories of that day. Douse her with his touch, mark her body so the traces of the man will no longer bear any meaning to her.
Her cunt twitches to the thought, she couldn't help but to grind her hips. Letting his cock glides through her folds; getting it wet from her fluids, "Then love on me, Bucky." It was an instant respond from Bucky, his cock was growing hard on command.
His gaze briefly fell on where his cock was buried between, before looking up to her hazy eyes. "...If you don't want to see me hurt. Then make love to me, let me show you how good you make me feel." She coaxed as her hips continues to grind on him.
Each movement causing throbs of need on her clit. She kept brushing it along his length, presses a little force when it reached to the tip of cock. Bucky moaned in sheer pleasure everytime she did that.
"Please, Bucky I miss you..” She mumbled softly, rolling her hips a bit, making him groan as he melted, "I miss you too, babydoll." He breathes out deeply before placing a sweet kiss on lips.
Bucky held her by the side of her hips and pushes her down further, as he slowly thrusted his hard throbbing cock in between the wet slit of her pussy.
The immense sensation on her was beyond words to describe. She thought she knew pleasure before but turn out she was wrong. Unable to even utter a single coherent word, Bucky on the other hand wasn't planning disappoint her.
Bucky's thrusts get faster and rougher by time until he started to hump her almost uncontrollably, letting out these little desperate groans.
"Feel so good, Buck-- ah shit--" Y/N moaned, her face flushed pink, mouth hanging open as her pussy throbbed against his drenched cock. Every time he push forward, he could feel himself spreading the lips of her pussy apart.
His pace did not drop as his goal is to make her cum just by him fucking through her folds alone. He want see her feeling good. And sure enough, she began to whimper, "I'mma cum. Bucky, please don't stop. I'm cumming."
Bucky leaned into her ears and whispered, "Go ahead, babydoll. Cum for me. Let me see your face when I make you cum. That's it baby, hmmm, so pretty. Can feel ya clenching. Feels good doesn't it, sweets. Yeah you do." He held her still as he thrusted against her slick again and again, letting her ride her high; his pace was faster and maybe a bit more desperate than before while she from her orgasm.
Bucky caught her from falling back into the mattress, he leaned her body towards himself. Letting her rest on his chest. Slow drag of his cock on her pussy felt so good, she might have had a mini orgasm from it.
"Babydoll, gonna make you feel even more better. Gonna stuff your pussy full. Can I? Promise it'll make you feel so good. Want that, sweets?" Bucky coaxed her with sinful temptation that she couldn't resist.
"Yes please. Wanna be stuffed and full of you and your cum. Please?" She didn't need to beg like that for Bucky to comply.
His hand searched for hers before he interlock her fingers with him. He sit her up on her knee, using one of his free hand to line the tip of his cock at her entrance. 
Y/N's whole body trembled when he thrust himself up into her one swift movement. He watch as her eyes are furrowed shut, lips parted in pleasure. Her knuckles whiten as they grip the sheets and his hand.
Oh she was so full. So full of him.
Bucky bite his lip at the feeling of being inside her, the clenching her walls around his needy cock. He lift her up off him slowly, ceating a slow but deep pace, she let the sounds of his deep groans fill her ears. He’s not noisy, but just very vocal, every breath coming out as moan of pleasure.
"You’re so good for me, Bucky."  She praise breathlessly. "So good".
His hips buck up and she hiss as he inadvertently thrusts into her deeper than before. "God," he almost whined, lost at the feel of her warm cunt.
Y/N was also feeling as good. The sting of the stretch was amazing. She bite back her moan as he rubbed all over her favourite spots inside, "Hmmpph! Buck- ahh. please, ahh-- fuck me so good." She let out a breathy mumbling noises as he continue drill his cock in and out of her.
"Feels amazing being inside you, sweets. So warm, so wet. Fuck-- yeah just that, milk me like that yeahh" Bucky's hips moved upwards and downward as he fucks her rough and messy, holding her tightly against his body as he bounces her up and down on his cock.
Both of the pair of eyes never left each other. Eyes roaming to stare either at each others fucked-out face or to where their sex was connected.
How lewd it was; the way he languidly pumps himself in and out of her. How her small little hole could swallow his cock perfectly in each of his hips thrusts. How beautiful the sweat glistens across her skin;
The way Bucky dips his head into her to pepper kisses on her neck, the way his brows furrow when he gives a particularly deep thrust. Every single thing about it was beautiful.
Bucky felt so thick inside of her and he's hitting so deep, it felt fucking incredible. She can feel the pressure building inside of her, "i'm gonna cum again... oh god, bucky baby,-- ahh fuck-- "
Bucky encouraged her with with low growl and she moaned raggedly as she came on his cock; squeezing him tight, and his thrusts become even wilder, "fuck yes, squeezing me so nice. Gonna cum inside ya, sweets. Will have my load leaking from your pussy baby." his groan were starting to sound more desprete.
Still high on orgasm, she nods in agreement, "yes, Bucky. Wanna feel you leaking please" She pleaded as she felt another wave of pleasure was trying to burst.
Bucky's thrusts loses it's pattern as he chased his high, "oh fuck, i'm cummin' inside ya, sweets! Fuck fuck fuck" strings of curses spilled before he let out a long moan as his cock burst on his high, filling her to the brim with his thick hot cum.
Naturally, she came as well, accompanied by a sweet mewl as her walls pulsed around him while he empties ropes and ropes of his cum inside her, whimpering into her ear.
When he's finally finished he gives a long, contented sigh he slowly lay on the bed, gently bringing her along as he rested her head on his chest. With his cock still resting in her throbbing pussy, Bucky thought of going for round two.
But when he heard the soft snores coming from his wife, he put that thought in a backlog, and instead decided to help clean his babydoll up so she could get a better rest as she deserved.
By the time she was well taken care of, Bucky scrolled through his text messages with Steve. The 'temporary in charge' was apparently also in charge of depriving life out of the two men who had assaulted Y/N.
"Are they dead yet?" Bucky prompted.
"No. They beg to though." Steve replied.
"Then, let them beg to death." Bucky ended the conversation, before placing his phone aside.
Though he takes pleasure in torturing his prey with his own bare hands however nothing is more important than being by his wife's side when she needed him the most.
Besides, those scum will live long enough for Bucky to come down there and bring hell to them himself. He will make sure of that. But until then, nothing matters to Bucky than being here for his babydoll.
Read my other works here: Masterlist
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Love Me A Little
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Character: Secretary!Bucky x Female!Reader
Words: 1,539
Summary: "Love me, even just a little." When she uttered those words, they struck Bucky like a bolt of lightning, leaving him utterly bewildered. After all, he was just a secretary—his world and hers seemed galaxies apart.
Main Masterlist || support: Ko-fi
Thank you to everyone who has read this chapter. Leave a comment and Reblog, please. I'd love to hear your thoughts. ❤️
A/N: Check out the male version of this story - Be Mine.
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It was already 1:00 a.m., and the streets lay deserted, easing Bucky's drive. The sleek black Bugatti smoothly entered the apartment basement car park. Just one more turn, and he would find his usual parking spot.
"Screech." The sound of tires screeching echoed in the empty basement.
"Huh?" Bucky's foot instinctively hit the brake as he caught sight of the familiar figure standing in front of his car.
It's you. The sole daughter of the Rogers family, the heiress to Starlight Enterprises, a conglomerate spanning oil and gas, telecom, retail, and financial services.
You had fled, prompting the company to dispatch security teams in search of you.
And here you were.
Bucky stepped out of the car. "What are you doing? Don't you realize everyone's been searching for you?"
You scoffed, your tone laced with defiance. "So what? At least everyone will learn that I'm serious. I refuse to marry that guy."
Bucky understood the depth of your frustration. Your family was orchestrating an engagement between you and their business partner. But you vehemently opposed it. He comprehended why; the man they wanted you to marry was notorious—a playboy and a drug addict.
Unable to sway your resolve, Bucky carefully chose his words. "You should go home."
He reached out, gently clasping your hand, his touch pleading, wanting to guide you to safety.
But you recoiled, pushing his hand away. "I don't want to."
Bucky's heart sank, his expression pained. "Your family is worried about you."
Your retort was sharp, cutting. "Are they really? Or are they just afraid of losing their golden ticket?"
A tense silence enveloped them as Bucky grappled with the weight of your words. As the secretary to your brother, Steve, the Vice President, he was privy to the inner workings of wealthy families, aware that most marriages were arranged for business purposes.
Like Steve and Peggy, who defied the odds and found happiness together despite the pressures of their world, you refused to succumb to a loveless marriage.
With teary eyes, you gazed at Bucky, desperation etched in every tear. "I'll tell my parents I'll marry you instead."
Bucky sighed, feeling the weight of your request once more. You had asked him this before, seeking refuge from the loveless future awaiting you. Each time, he had declined.
"Not everything will always go your way," he murmured, his words heavy with resignation. "You've been living in a bubble as Princess Rogers." He paused, unable to bring himself to utter the name of your family's empire. "Now you're facing reality."
You fought back the tears, stung by his harshness. It was the first time Bucky had spoken so coldly to you. "Do you think my feelings for you are fake?"
"My whole life has been arranged from A to Z without my opinion," you continued, your voice trembling with suppressed emotion.
"The only thing I have is my dream of us living happily ever after. Can I at least have that?" Your breaths came in ragged gasps as you struggled to contain your emotions.
"Stop dreaming. Go home," Bucky commanded, his voice firm as he pointed behind you.
With a screech of tires, a white Mercedes arrived to collect you. It dawned on you that Bucky had already informed the security team of your whereabouts.
As you watched Bucky walk away, a surge of determination washed over you. Clenching your fists, you whispered, "I'll show you."
A few days later
The entire Rogers family had gathered for tonight's dinner, including your grandparents, Thomas Rogers, the esteemed founder of the company. Bucky joined the dinner as well, having become one of the company's key figures, seated right beside you.
Despite the gravity of your previous conversation, you seemed to have put it aside, acting as if nothing had happened when you saw Bucky.
The dinner unfolded in its usual extravagant manner, with everyone engaging in polite small talk until dessert was served.
Your grandmother, Anna, broke the silence. "It's wonderful that we could all come together like this. We must discuss our youngest's engagement."
Your mother, Sophia, nodded, her smile gentle. "I met with them four days ago, and we've already ironed out all the details, from the church to the wedding."
Bucky's mind raced. Four days ago? That's precisely when you had gone missing.
Anna's excitement bubbled over. "This wedding will be magnificent. I can hardly contain myself."
But only the two women seemed enthused; your grandfather, Thomas, and your father, Benjamin, remained stoic, while your brother Steve stayed silent.
Then, a sudden sound cut through the air—a sharp "clank" as a fork stabbed into a plate.
All eyes turned to you.
"I don't like it," you stated flatly, your voice cutting through the tension like a knife.
Sophia's hand hesitated mid-air, poised to call the waitress, but froze when she heard her daughter's words.
"I don't like anything," you continued, your voice ringing with defiance. "I don't like that person, the wedding, anything."
"Y/N, stop," Sophia interjected, her tone tinged with frustration. "We've discussed this."
"Discuss?" you retorted bitterly. "Do you mean when you ignore my words?"
Anna's patience wore thin. "Y/N, enough with the tantrum. This concerns the entire family."
You crossed your arms defiantly. "I refuse to marry him."
Anna rose from her seat, ready to reprimand you, but a sharp glance from Thomas halted her in her tracks. Without a word, she sank back down, chastened by her husband silent command.
Thomas fixed you with a steady gaze, the same gaze that had once spoiled you as his beloved granddaughter. "Explain to me the reason why."
"I don't love him," you declared, your voice trembling with emotion. "I love someone else."
A sudden palpitation coursed through Bucky's chest. He sensed the situation spiraling out of control.
"Whose the person you love?" Thomas inquired, his voice firm.
You didn't hesitate. "Bucky."
The room fell into stunned silence, broken only by the rapid thudding of Bucky's heart echoing in his ears, his mind racing as he grappled with the revelation unfolding before him.
Bucky rose hastily, his intention to apologize to the Chairman halted as your hand clasped his, the determination in your eyes stopping him in his tracks. It was the first time he had seen you like this, and it sent a shiver down his spine.
As all eyes turned towards you, you swallowed hard before speaking up. "And I'm pregnant. Bucky is the father."
The room erupted in chaos as Sophia and Anna screamed in unison.
"What?" they exclaimed in disbelief.
"Bucky! How dare you touch my daughter!" Sophia lunged forward, her hand reaching for Bucky's hair, but Benjamin intervened, restraining her.
Bucky opened his mouth to protest and deny the accusation, but the words stuck in his throat. He was taken by surprise, too.
"Silence," Thomas, the Chairman's authoritative voice, cut through the commotion, bringing an abrupt end to the chaos.
He rose from his seat, followed by Benjamin and Steve, their expressions a mix of shock and concern.
Fixing Bucky with a steely gaze, Thomas uttered just two words. "A word."
Bucky swallowed hard, his heart pounding as he replied, "Yes, Sir," bracing himself for the inevitable confrontation.
In Benjamin's office, Bucky stood before the three men, the weight of their scrutiny heavy upon him as they remained silent. Finally, Thomas broke the tension with a direct question. "Is everything true?"
Bucky knelt before his boss and friend, his voice steady but his heart pounding. "No, sir. None of it is true. I've never laid a hand on her."
Thomas's expression softened, a flicker of relief crossing his features. "Good."
Bucky let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding, grateful for Thomas's understanding.
But then Benjamin spoke up, his tone contemplative. "Then why don't you like my daughter?"
Bucky's brow furrowed in confusion as he lifted his head to meet Benjamin's gaze.
"She's better off with you than with that spoiled man," Steve interjected, his voice firm.
Benjamin nodded in agreement, his eyes holding a hint of understanding.
Bucky was taken aback. "What?"
Thomas leaned forward, his voice grave. "The wedding arrangement was orchestrated by my wife and Y/N's mother. I'm relieved my granddaughter took a stand today."
Steve clapped Bucky on the shoulder, a mixture of relief and gratitude in his eyes. "I nearly lost my cool when she said she was pregnant. I almost punched you. Thank goodness it was a lie."
Bucky struggled to find words, overwhelmed by the unexpected turn of events.
Steve's tone softened. "Stay with her. I won't allow my sister to marry that man."
As the men continued their discussion, Bucky's mind raced, unable to fully comprehend the depth of their support.
Excusing himself, Bucky closed the door behind him, only to find you waiting for him outside.
Your worried expression melted his defenses as you approached him.
"What did they say?" you asked, searching his eyes for answers.
Bucky hesitated, then shook his head. "Nothing."
You breathed a sigh of relief and pulled him into a tight hug, his body stiffening like a log. Lifting your head to meet his gaze, determination flashed in your eyes.
"I'll make you love me," you vowed softly. "Even just a little."
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Author Note: Hey friends,
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snarkyship-main · 3 months
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My entry for the @marveltrumpshate 2022, for MassiveSpaceWren. Beta by Illogicalkat. [Extras on chapter 2 on Ao3]
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gay-jewish-bucky · 11 months
I think Bucky's parents immigrated to America from a small shtetl in rural Romania. Winnie and George (which are English names they adopted in an effort to more easily fit into American society) had recently married and wanted to escape rising antisemitic violence in eastern Europe, especially in the form of pogroms, and they hoped for a better life for any potential future children they might be blessed with.
Bucky and his sisters grew up enthralled by stories their parents told them about the lives they lived in their small, but incredibly tightknit, Jewish community. The children also picked up bits and pieces of the little Romanian their parents spoke in front of them, it's just enough to understand the language, but not enough to speak it proficiently.
Bucky winds up in Bucharest after escaping Hydra, it's not an intentional choice, it's a magnetic pull to the place that has been etched into his family's DNA for generations.
His Romanian is spotty, but he's quickly embraced by a group of kind old bubbies who keep him fed by hiring him to do manual labour since he shies away from direct hospitality. When they take him to one of the last remaining synagogues in the country for service, he breaks down in tears as the stories his parents told come flooding back in vivid colour, overtaken by equal measures of grief and wonder.
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I'm Working || Bucky Barnes X Reader
CEO Bucky X Reader
18+ Minors DNI
Plot: An arranged marriage to Bucky leads to questions about the big night.
Warnings: praising, dirty talk, language, pet names, jealousy, use of toys, teasing, throat grabbing (not painfully) no condom (but they are both clean and r is on birth control), implied aftercare, no mention of y/n Let me know if I missed anything
"Elaine, send in my next appointment." Bucky's voice rings from the desk of the receptionist.
"Ms. Spoon, Mr. Barnes will see you now." Elaine speaks in a soft, quiet tone.
I stand and walk towards my fiancé's office. When I walk in, he is facing out the window, looking down the 26 stories to the street. 
"James? Can we talk?" 
I take a deep breath. Regardless of the fact that I've been planning what I was going to say for the past 4 hours. "We're getting married soon."
"I am aware." His tone is deadpan and makes me second guess myself. "Was that all?"
I remain silent for a few moments. Once I do finally gain the courage to speak, my voice is weak and unsteady, "I just- I guess I was worried about you expectations about our wedding night."
"Should I be offended that my fiancé doesn't think I'll be fucking her senseless on our wedding night? This may have been a marriage of convenience but I don't fuck around with plans. If we are supposed to be husband and wife, we will act like husband and wife. That means that we will live together, we will eat together, we will sleep in the same bed, and, of course, that means I will be fucking you like husband and wife,"
"So, let me get this straight," He lifts me up on his desk and hikes my dress up over my waist. "you thought you could come into my office in the middle of my workday because you didn't know if I wanted to fuck you on our wedding night?" His eyes piercing into mine make me glad I'm sitting on the desk. I stare back, not responding.
"Use, your words, babydoll. If you want something, you have to use your words to tell me." He looks down at the wet spot on my panties and smirks. "And there is something you want; isn't there?"
I gulp and try to break eye contact, but he grips my chin and brings it so close to his face, our noses are touching.
"Did I say you could look away? Exactly. You don't do anything without my saying so. Got it?"
I nod frantically, desperate for whatever comes next.
"Good girl." He lets go of my face and sits back down in his chair. "Now, because you thought you could get away with interrupting my day at work, I'm going to make sure you know what is going to happen if you ever do it again."
He reaches into his desk and pulls out a small pink object.
"I'm going to put this in that dripping wet pussy of yours and," he waves his phone," with the help of this glorious device here, I'm going to control you. And maybe, just maybe, I'll let you cum. How does that sound?"
I nod.
"What did I say?"
"Yes, what?"
"Yes, sir." I swallow hard, trying to hide my nerves.
"Это моя хорошая девочка," The way he draws out each word makes me weaker in the knees than I knew was possible.
He slides his chair to where I am sitting and pulls my panties to the side. He looks me straight in my eyes as he pushes the vibrator inside of me.
My eyes widen at the surprise, and I can't help but moan slightly.
His eyes don't leave mine as he reaches for his phone and turns the vibrator on, sending a shock through my body and causing me to throw my head back in the sudden pleasure.
His hand violently grabs my face to look at him.
"What did I say?" His voice firm and filled with annoyance.
I let out a short moan in response.
He cocks his head to the side and spreads my legs further apart before slowly leading his head to my pussy. He kisses right above my clit, and I moan in desperation.
"Please," I whimper. "Please, James."
He smirks before his tongue runs across my panties. It takes everything in my to not make a noise. Bucky clearly notices this and stops.
"милый, if you're not going to make any noise, why would I waste my time giving you an orgasm?"
"Fuck, Bucky. Please. Please don't stop. I'll be good. I promise." I whine desperate for his tongue against my pussy, tasting every bit of me.
"I think I need to teach you a lesson about not following instructions. What do you think?"
"I-," Bucky cuts me off by turning the vibrator on its highest setting. "FUCK! Oh fuck, James. Shit." I close my eyes throwing my head back. As soon as I'm back to looking at him again, the phone on his desk rings and he picks it up without breaking eye contact.
"This is Barnes."
Someone on the other line speaks but I can't hear it.
"Yes. That could be an issue. A deal of this size is not one that can be put off until later."
Another pause as the man on the phone speaks.
"Oh. No. I'm not busy. We can talk about this now."
I manage to shoot him glares through the waves of ecstasy washing over me. He responds with a clueless look that soon fades into a smirk.
"Give me two minutes to cancel my appointments for the rest of the day."
He leaves for what feels like forever. The vibrator in me still on the highest setting bringing me closer to an orgasm.
When he comes back into his office, he walks up to me, fitting right in-between my legs and whispers in my ear. "I'm in a meeting doll, don't make a sound. Do you understand?"
His hot breath against the nape of my neck making me more desperate. I buck my hips into his. He grunts and steps back.
"Please." My voice breathless.
"Be my good girl and do what I say." And with that, he picks up the phone from his desk again and lowers the vibrators setting. He then reaches for the phone to talk to the man.
"Alright. I'm back."
Bucky and the man keep going back to their meeting. He starts changing the settings what seems randomly. Eventually, I catch on. Every time he speaks, he turns the speed down the speed and when he isn't he turns the speed up all the way.
I whimper. Four minutes of him playing the game with me and I can't hold it in anymore. 
I try to hold back my moans but I am very unsuccessful and he shoots me a look that basically says: Did I say you could make noise? 
He put the phone on speaker before he stands up out of his chair and places his hands on either side of me leaning in close. "The next noise you make, will be the last one you make from me. Ты моя чертова шлюха. Got it?"
He gently pulls me off his desk and makes me stand in front of him as he sits down. Before I even know whats happening, he unzips his slacks and pulls his boxers down slightly; revealing his cock.
He then grabs the hem of my dress until I'm standing over him. He pulls the vibrator out of me and pushes my panties to the side and pulls me on top of him. 
He glares at me as I whimper at the sudden feeling of him inside me. He doesn't move for a few moments to let me adjust to him. His kindness doesn't last very long, though. He grabs ahold of my waist and starts moving me on top of him. 
Meanwhile the man on the phone is droning on about company numbers or some shit. 
We move in a quick rhythm and it takes everything in me to keep from moaning. I have no control over my body as James moves me up and down on his dick.
His voice snaps me out of my trance.
"Well, sir, it sounds like we have gotten a good start to this. As I understand it, you and your wife will be flying into New York tomorrow evening?"
"Yes. That is correct."
"Wonderful. How about I treat you and your wife to dinner with my fiancé and I the following evening? We can continue our discussion then."
"Sounds like a plan. We will see you then Mr. Barnes. Goodbye." 
And with that, the man hangs up. In one smooth motion, Bucky picks me up and turns to slam me against the wall of his office. 
He slams his dick in and out of my dripping pussy at a record speed. The room is filled with the sound of his balls smacking my ass, my heavy pants, whimpers, and moans, and Bucky's soft grunts at every thrust. 
"Oh. Fuck. Bucky. Oh FUCK- SHIT. Bucky pleasepleaseplease." I'm desperate. I've never wanted anything more than for him to fuck me senseless. 
"Yea. Is this what my baby wants? For me to fuck her dumb?"
I whimper in response. 
Simply put, he did not like that. He wraps his hand around my neck forcing me to look him in the eyes. "Use your words, Милый. Don't make me tell you again. 
"Y-y-yes, sir."
He leans in to kiss me and we hold there for a few moments before he continues fucking me. I throw my head back in pleasure. 
"Fuck. Bucky. I'm gonna-"
"I know Милый. I know. Let it out."
My body convulses as I release all over Bucky's cock. He keeps pounding into me as I ride my high. I feel him cum inside me and he fucks me making sure that none of it drips out. 
Finally, he gently carries me to his desk and kisses me before picking up his desk phone. 
"Elanie, will you cancel the rest of my appointments? I'm taking my fiancé out for the rest of the day. Thank you."
He comes back and leans in to give me a deep kiss. He fixes his pants and my dress before grabbing his bag and suit coat. He wraps his arm around my waist and leads me out of his office and motions to Elaine. 
As we walk to the entrance of the building, a car pulls up and the driver rushes to open the door for us.  He gives the driver instructions before getting into the back of the car with me. 
"Are you still worried about our wedding night?" 
I nod and he chuckles.
"As much fun as this was, Милый," his tone changes from sweet to serious, "If you ever pull something like that again, there will be severe consequences."
I stare at him understandingly before his leans and kisses my forehead. 
"Я люблю тебя, мой прекрасный жених."
Это моя хорошая девочка – That's my good girl
Милый- darling
Ты моя чертова шлюха - You're my fucking slut
Я люблю тебя, мой прекрасный жених - I love you my beautiful fiancé
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grace-writes-shit · 1 year
Hopelessly Devoted (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Words: 3.7K
Warnings/Themes: Domestic Life, Domestic Fluff, Talk of marriage, Talk of having kids, Marriage Proposal
Characters/Pairings: Bucky x Reader, Dr. Raynor
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“How are things going with Y/N?”
He stared at the wall behind the woman. Can’t really say ‘older woman,’ seeing as how he is practically twice her age. But she does look older, he thought to himself. And she likes to nag like his grandmother did.
“Fine. Things are fine.” He’d do anything to be out of this room and with Y/N instead. He’d rather be with her than do anything else, in fact. That’s how ‘fine’ things are going.
“And you two are still doing your own exercises at home?” She questioned him again, her passive-aggressive notebook still sitting on the table next to her. If he were being honest, the exercises he and Y/N did at home helped him far better than sitting in this room with this old crone.
“And how are those going?” Question after question. Y/N didn’t need to ask so many questions. She just knew. Granted, her ability to slip into others’ minds helped. Bucky hesitated before giving an answer. If he answered at all the Doc would see that as cooperation and he didn’t feel like doing that. If he lied, she would see through it. But if he told the truth… She would probably see it as progress, and he might be able to quit these court-mandated sessions soon. Truth it is.
“I didn’t have a nightmare last night,” he offered, not quite meeting her eyes, looking at the middle of her forehead. Her eyebrows rose.
“Good. That’s very good.” She paused to observe him; her gaze was cold and calculating compared to the one at home. The one that holds his gaze with so much love and understanding that it makes his chest feel like it was splintering.
“What did you dream about?” She asked.
“That’s kinda personal, Doc.” He hoped the lilt he forced into his voice would satisfy her, trying to imply it was some intimate dream about him and his girlfriend. In a way, it had been.
“This is therapy; it’s supposed to be personal.” She gave him a flat look. Darn. Bucky rubbed his palms on his jeans and looked out the window. He should have just lied.
“James, what did you dream about?” She asked again, her tone slightly softer. “Did you hurt her? In your dream?” She read his anxiousness wrong. Y/N wouldn’t have; even without her powers.
“I said I didn’t have a nightmare.” It would have been the worst nightmare he could possibly have. He couldn’t even bare to think of hurting her. Luckily, he has not had a dream of hurting her. Not after she had laid his ass flat multiple times with just a brush of her powers over his mind. Not after she shoved the soldier back into the basement of his mind when they first met in Berlin.
“So, it was a good one?”
“I didn’t say that.” No, but it had been. It was everything he had dreamed of. He and Y/N, married. A nice house with a white picket fence. The laughter of their kids in the backyard with their dog. And the two of them slow dancing in the kitchen, flour in her hair from baking. The sunlight was soft as it filtered through the lace curtains.
It was everything he had thought he’d have when he had come home from the War. But he never did.
And now that he was getting a taste of it… He didn’t feel like he deserved it.
A tone filled the room, some musical piece to indicate their session was over. It pulled him from reliving his dream. Saved by the bell.
“Well, we’ll pick up here next week, then.” She uncrossed her legs and grabbed her notebook, writing a few notes. He wasted no time to shoot off the couch and make his way to the door, barely mumbling a farewell to the Doc.
“But James,” she called as his metal hand wrapped around the door handle. He paused but didn’t look back at her. She sighed. “You do deserve whatever you dreamt about.” How she knew what kind of dream it had been was beyond him, but her words had his chest constricting.
“Bye, Doc.” He left the room.
Bucky returned to the Compound around lunchtime; he knew she would be in their shared apartment with food waiting. She always ordered the best comfort food on the days he had to see Dr. Raynor. Sushi.
Her singing reached his ears before he opened the door; the sweet sound sent his heart soaring. He smiled as he silently walked to the kitchen and leaned against the doorframe. She had yet to notice him, with her headphones in and her focus on the dough in front of her.
She was an absolute vision. Her hair was up in a messy bun, secured by a floral pattern scrunchie. She wore one of his white t-shirts that hugged her in all the right places, paired with floral pajama shorts. Simple white socks covered her usually frigid toes.
And she was singing like an angel. A song he hadn’t heard yet, though that was not a surprise. But man, did he sure love hearing her sing.
“My head is saying, ‘Fool, forget him.’ My heart is saying, ‘Don’t let go, hold on to the end,' that’s what I intend to do. I’m hopelessly devoted to you.” She swayed as she rolled up her dough, completely lost in her song.
He let her finish her song before coming up behind her, just as she was placing her unbaked cinnamon rolls in the pan to proof. She smiled as he wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder.
“I was wondering when you’d come and give me a hug. You were standing over there staring at me like a creeper.” She chuckled, twisting in his hold after placing a tea towel over her pan. She removed her headphones and placed them and her phone on the counter.
“Sorry, I was enjoying the view too much.” He returned her smile before pressing a kiss to her lips. She grinned into the kiss, threading her floury hands into the short hair at the base of his neck. When they parted, their eyes locked, and he rested his forehead against hers. Their eyes glazed as he allowed her into his head.
It was something they both agreed on. After every session with Dr. Raynor, Bucky would report everything that had happened during the session, including the things he thought about but didn’t say out loud. They both knew it would be easier for him to open up about certain things with her over his shrink, so the issue was never pushed on him to be more open with the Doc.
“Hm… I have to say I agree with her parting statement,” Y/N remarked as she pulled away. “But first, let’s eat. I could feel how hungry you are.”
Bucky forced a smile and helped her set out the sushi she had kept in the fridge until he got home. She had ordered a lot more than she normally did. Probably because of his dream last night. He didn’t show her his dream. Rather, his emotions were so high during the dream that she somehow got sucked into his mind and was living it with him. They had a small talk about it that morning before his appointment.
They ate in comfortable silence for a while, just enjoying the food and each other’s company. This is why he preferred his exercises with Y/N over his sessions with Dr. Raynor. Y/N never pushed him to talk. Never used a notebook as a weapon to get him to talk. She was patient and warm and kind. She understood that adjusting to this new life of his was hard; especially after everything he has done.
Forced to do. He reminded himself. It was one exercise Y/N had him practicing. Just rewording his thoughts. He didn’t have to believe it, not yet, but he just had to say it to himself. Eventually, he’d find himself believing it, she had said. She said it with such conviction that he couldn’t help but believe her. Because that’s how she got herself out of her dark place.
“What was that song you were singing?” He asked after they had eaten their fill and were cleaning up. She nearly dropped the dish in her hand as she whipped her head around to look at him. You would have thought he had slapped her with the look of pure shock and offense on her face.
“Excuse me? What song-? What?” She sputtered and shook her head in disbelief. He gave an incredulous laugh at her behavior.
“Is it really that much of a surprise that I don’t know it?”
“Yes!” She answered quickly. “It absolutely is, seeing as how we’ve known and been together for literal years, now. I can’t believe we’ve never watched Grease!”
She didn’t give him time to question anymore as she snatched the plate from his hands and carelessly tossed it into the sink and began pushing him to the bedroom.
“Dishes can wait! You get your old ass into some comfy clothes while I set up the classroom, because you’re gonna learn just how great of a movie Grease is, and you are going to like it.” Her tone left no room for arguments as she gave him one last push into the bedroom before disappearing into the living room.
He chuckled but did as he was told and slipped into some gray sweatpants that Y/N had once told him were obscene, and a cozy black hoodie. He took an extra moment to grab the large, fluffy blanket from their bed so they could cuddle under it.
When he entered the living room the movie was already pulled up on Prime Video and she was nowhere to be seen. The smell and sound of popcorn cooking gave away her position in the kitchen, along with her singing.
He grinned and tossed the blanket onto the couch before sneaking into the kitchen. She had just pulled the bag out of the microwave and was putting it in the large bowl, two sodas already on the counter. Defenses down. Shot clear. She set the bowl down and reached for the candy in the cabinet. Taking the shot.
Swooping low, Bucky knocked her legs out with his arm under her knees, the other wrapping around her back and lifting her into the air. A shriek of surprise turned into laughter, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling his face to hers. She gave him a loud, sloppy kiss.
“Should we get this show on the road?” He asked when they parted. She nodded and grabbed the bowl and candy and sodas, holding them in her lap as it seemed he wasn’t putting her down until they got to the living room.
He deposited her on the couch and sat next to her, pulling her legs onto his lap, and tossing the large blanket over them. She pressed play and nuzzled into his side. Bucky wrapped his arms tighter around her, kissing her temple.
As they watched, Bucky would ask questions or make comments on the characters. Y/N was happy to see him so engaged and genuinely enjoying the movie. Over the years, she would watch movies with him, trying to catch him up on pop culture. His favorites so far had been the original trilogy of Star Wars.
“Danny is a bit of a tool,” Bucky said out of nowhere. They had been sitting in silence during the prom scene and had finally reached the drive-in scene. Y/N left out a barking laugh at the sudden declaration.
“You know, he definitely is!”
By the time the movie ended, it was mid-afternoon, and Y/N was yawning. It was her usual nap time. Her work for Tony Stark and the Avengers usually had her sleeping at random times, just as inconsistent as Bucky’s sleeping schedule, mostly because part of her job was to help Bucky.
“How’d you like the movie?” She asked, stretching out her legs before standing from the couch.
“Definitely in the top ten.” Bucky’s eyes raked up her stretching form, the shorts, the way his shirt hugged her curves, and her messy bun at the top of her head. It all had him feeling like the luckiest man in the universe.
“Only the top ten? Why? And in what place?” She stood in front of him with her hands on her hips and a slight pout on her lips. This was definitely in the top five for her.
“Don’t get me wrong, the movie was great, and I loved it. But I’d probably place it at number six.” Okay, sixth place wasn’t that bad, just one movie away from being top five.
“Okay, so the top three I know is the Star Wars trilogy, and fourth place is the first Hobbit… But what is fifth place? What’s better than Grease?” She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. Bucky laughed awkwardly and looked away, a blush on his cheeks.
“Nothing…” He had seen this movie a couple of times and he loved it. The characters, the music, and the plot, it was all great. But it seemed… a little embarrassing for him to like it. He was still very old-fashioned and the style of dancing and clothing in this movie had him a little flustered.
“Oh, come on! What movie?” Y/N stepped forward until she stood between his legs and then bent over him, caging his head with her arms resting on the couch behind him. He turned his face to the side, not wanting to look into those inviting eyes.
She could just look into his mind with her abilities, but that would be an invasion of privacy and when she gained these powers, she vowed to never look into someone else’s mind without consent. Because consent is sexy.
“You can’t laugh.” He mumbled, still not making eye contact with his girlfriend. She rolled her eyes but smiled anyway.
“I’d never laugh at you, dear.” A blatant lie, they both knew.
“Liar.” Bucky reached up to pinch her side. She squealed and her knees buckled, allowing him to pull her onto his lap. “Just this morning you laughed at me because I asked where that kid’s parents were.”
Y/N let out another laugh as she recalled Bucky’s reaction this morning to a TikTok she had been watching. Some pre-teen girl was cursing about something wrong in her life and Bucky happened to catch the colorful language as he passed by.
Y/N definitely agreed with him, but coming from the 106-year-old soldier, it just sounded like the most grandpa response he could have come up with.
“Oh, but it was the cutest thing!” She snuggled into him, pressing her face into his bearded cheek. He let out a hmph and tried to turn his face away again. But her hands came up to hold him in place and she littered kisses all over his face. “Please, Buck? I won’t laugh.”
Bucky knew if he looked at her, he’d see those big puppy eyes and he would immediately crack. But her hands running over his chest and neck were having the same effect anyway. He tossed his head back against the back of the couch with a groan. She grinned, knowing she got him.
“Fine.” He hesitated for a moment, chewing on the inside of his lip. “It’s… di…cing..”
She tilted her head in confusion, “Come again?”
“Dirty Dancing! Okay? I like Dirty Dancing.”
Y/N had to press her lips into a tight line to stop the laugh that was bubbling up due to his outburst. She wasn’t laughing at his choice of movie, but just the way he said it. His face was bright red, and he was glaring up at the ceiling.
“Awww, Buck! That’s so cute!” She squealed and smothered him in kisses. He groaned and stood up, dropping her to the couch as she laughed.
“You lair! You said you wouldn’t laugh!” He made to stomp away but she rolled off the couch to the floor and grabbed his ankle.
“I’m not laughing at your choice of movie, I promise! I love that movie, too, Buck!”
“Nope, too late. Release me, you leech.” He began shuffling his way to their bedroom. She wrapped her arms around his ankle and forced him to drag her.
“Never!” She cried in defiance and reached up with one hand to tickle the back of his knee. He buckled and hit the ground. She could feel his panic as he began to army crawl away. She cackled evilly as she grabbed the back of his hoodie and dragged herself forward to straddle his back.
“No! Please! Lemme go- HA!” She had begun her assault on his sides. His scream-laughing had her chest filling with light and joy. It wasn’t so long ago that he never even smiled. So, to hear him let loose in such a way made her feel like the luckiest woman in the universe. To be able to have him like this. To love him like this. She wouldn’t trade it for the world.
Her fingers slowed until they rested along his scapulas. He turned his head to stare at her from the corner of one blue eye. His brows were drawn suspiciously. However, the soft smile on her face had his face relaxing into an easy smile. She leaned down and pressed a warm kiss to his stubbled cheek.
“I love you, Bucky,” She whispered in his ear before standing up. He was quick to his feet and even quicker to pull her into his arms. His lips sealed over hers in a chaste kiss.
“I love you more, Dollface.” He said in between peppering kisses over her face. She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning into his affections.
They both lived for days like this. It was a battle getting here, but it was well worth it. The calm that enveloped their cozy apartment, the warmth that filled everyone who entered. The quiet as they lay in bed, and the ruckus of them teasing each other. This was Bucky’s entire world. Right here. In her arms.
They had calmed down and were simply holding each other, both lost in thought of their love for the other. She gently stroked her fingers down the back of his head, letting her nails scrape against his scalp. She could feel the goosebumps rising under her other hand.
He was giving her the same treatment with his arms wrapped around her waist, his right hand tracing up and down her spine. He was so warm against her. She sighed contently against his skin, dropping a kiss to the space his shoulder met his neck. He hummed in happiness.
Oh yeah, he was going to make the dream he had last night come true. The second she fell asleep for her nap he was going to look up rings. And maybe a house. And at the shelter for a dog, or maybe a cat. Hell, he should look at baby cribs while he’s at it.
“What are you thinking about so hard, Bucky? I can smell smoke,” she teased. He grumbled and nipped her neck.
“Rude. And here I was thinking about how good you would look in a wedding dress.” He released her and tried to pull away. “But nevermind.”
“Wait! What?” She tightened her arms around him, preventing him from going anywhere, not like he truly planned to anyway. He was far too happy in her embrace to be out of it for long anyway. “You were thinking of me in a wedding dress? Is it because of your dream last night?”
Bucky stepped closer to her again, his hands on her hips stroking circles with his thumbs. “Well, yeah. Last night was the first time I dreamed of us being married… But it’s not the first time I thought about it.”
Hope and unadulterated joy filled her chest. Not a day went by since she confessed to him last year that she didn’t think of what it would be like to be called, Mrs. Barnes.
“Come here!” She pulled away from him and grabbed his hand, dragging him into their room. He had whiplash. One second he was saying he wanted to marry her and the next she was dragging him through their home.
In the bedroom, she went to the desk and pulled a notebook from the drawer. It was the one she kept with her during briefings and other meetings.
“Do you remember a few months ago when we were in a meeting and you asked what I was doodling?” She held the book to her chest nervously. Her feet were pressed together, fidgeting. He nodded slowly. He wasn’t entirely sure where she was going with this.
“Okay, well, I wasn’t really doodling… I was writing this.” She opened the notebook to a page in the middle and handed it over to him. He took it with shaking hands as hope and anticipation flooded his senses.
Mrs. Barnes <3
It was written over and over again on the page. Some with her first name. Some with her first and middle. She even looked to be practicing different signatures with Barnes as her last name.
“I’m sorry… it’s kinda weird, I’m just now realizing… We can forget it-”
He silenced her with a soul-searing kiss. He was never forgetting this. She wanted to marry him just as much as he wanted to marry her. Her hands dropped the notebook to instead grip his hoodie and pull him in closer.
When they pulled away their faces had matching love-drunk grins.
“I don’t have a ring and I don’t want to let you go to kneel, but will you, Y/N L/N, do me the very high honor of marrying me?” Bucky’s blue eyes peered into her own, bright and hopeful. She giggled and pulled him into a tight hug, her arms now around his neck and her lips against his ear.
“Of course, I will.”
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sjsmith56 · 27 days
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Getting Hitched, Chapter 26 - Eyes of the Father
Summary: It’s the wedding day!
Length: 4.4 K
Characters: Bucky, Lacey, Tommy, everyone.
Warnings: Lacey experiences a dizzy moment due to the heat but otherwise it’s all fluff.
Author notes: Bucky gets the woman he loves, and more.
<<Chapter 25
💍 🍰 🪩
There were several Avengers that got up with Bucky for a run the next morning. Even Terry and Tommy came out and joined them. They ran the perimeter of Clint's farm which didn't take long for most of them. By the time they got back the caterers had pancakes, sausages, bacon and scrambled eggs ready for everyone. There were also an assortment of muffins, pastries and fresh fruit. No one said anything when both Bucky and Tommy piled up their plates, knowing already they had caloric requirements for the high metabolism they shared. Clint came out to the food tables and loaded up a plate for Lacey, taking it back in the house.
Bucky watched, a big smile on his face. "I'm not even allowed to see her at breakfast?" he called as Clint went back inside.
"No," replied Clint leaning out the door briefly. "You'll see her this afternoon."
There was some laughter from the other guests and Bucky stayed put in his chair, stuffing his face, as Tommy called it. He noticed Terry sitting next to Sarah and were both flirting in an outrageous way. When he glanced at Sam, sitting on his other side it seemed he was okay with it. Sam looked at him and shrugged slightly.
"She's a grown woman," he said. "He's a nice man."
"So was I," said Bucky, in mock offence.
"You were taken," replied Sam, then he changed the subject. "So, what's this big announcement that Fury's going to make at the reception?"
"I don't know," lied Bucky. "He hasn't said anything to me."
"You're a terrible liar," said Sam. "I'm shocked he's even going to be here. There's only a skeleton crew minding the compound and I never heard of him attending any social functions with the old Avengers."
"Times change," said Bucky. "Maybe they have the training centre completed."
"Right," drawled Sam. "I can just see you being the first one there, pumping iron, doing a thousand push ups every day, and practicing your marksmanship."
"It's why I'm good at what I do," replied Bucky. "My body is a machine, Sam. Haven't you always said that?"
Sam sniffed and kept eating his breakfast while Bucky just chuckled. They were all going to be so surprised. Clint came out of the house again and this time he was looking for volunteers starting with Bucky and Sam.
"We have to finish decorating the barn," he announced. "Dressing the chairs, and tables, setting them in the right position, making sure the stage is safe for the DJ. Peter, you know technical stuff, can you check the lighting and make sure it all works?"
Peter Parker stopped chewing, mid-bite. "Sure, I can do that," he said, with his mouth partially full of food.
With Clint glaring at everyone breakfast seemed to speed up and soon there was a small army finishing the barn decoration as well as making sure the wedding ceremony location was also ready. With a couple of hours left before the ceremony Clint was satisfied and everyone was released to begin getting ready.
It was a good thing that Fury made sure they would have enough hot water for the showers as everyone hit them almost at the same time. Bucky needed only five minutes and he didn't care if it was hot or cold having been used to getting it done quickly either way. He came out of his shower and shaved, running his hand over his face after to make sure he hadn't missed a spot. He used a balm instead of an aftershave lotion, wanting to keep his inevitable five o'clock shadow as soft as possible. Then he brushed his teeth and looked out his bedroom door to see Terry and Tommy putting their suits on inside the trailer.
"My bathroom is free if anyone needs to use it," he announced, peeking out with a towel wrapped around his waist.
Sam came in to shave and brush his teeth while Bucky started dressing. Tommy came in with his tie in hand.
"Dad, how do I do this?" he asked.
Bucky zipped his pants up then stood behind Tommy in front of a mirror and placed the tie around his son's neck. "I learned the Windsor knot from my dad but when I joined the army they taught me the four-in-hand knot which is easier," he said. "That's the one I use now so I'll show you that one."
Patiently he showed Tommy how to do it, then asked if he wanted a go himself. When Tommy said yes Bucky undid the tie and walked him through it again, letting Tommy work the tie. When Tommy pulled the wide part through the top and down for the final part Bucky smiled at him.
"You got it," he said. "I couldn't have done better myself." Tommy beamed and Bucky hugged him from behind, before planting a kiss on top of his caramel brown hair. "You want some product for your hair?"
Tommy nodded and Bucky grabbed his can of pomade. He took about a dime's worth out, put it in Tommy's palm then told him to rub it well between his hands to warm it up and spread it around his fingers. Next, he instructed Tommy to start from the back of his head and lightly work his fingers to his crown, rub his hands again to redistribute it, then work it into the top and front, making sure to distribute it evenly.
"I use a water based one," he said, "so that it doesn't look greasy or waxy. I make sure my hair is dry when I use it so that it doesn't look wet either. When I was young I used Brylcreem but it makes it look too slick for my taste now. This looks more natural to me."
Gently he adjusted a few pieces of hair that stuck out, smoothing them back into place. Then Sam tossed him a hand towel and he gave it to Tommy to remove the remaining pomade from his hands. His son looked at himself in the mirror and smiled broadly.
"Looks good," he said, turning his head one way then another before smiling at Bucky. "Thanks, Dad."
Bucky felt his throat constrict and his eyes begin to water. "You're welcome," he said, trying not to give in to the strong emotion he felt at that moment.
Tommy went back out to the living area of the RV and Bucky watched him, noticing that Sarah was helping Terry with his tie. There were several soft looks and smiles exchanged between them as she straightened the knot, then his collar.
"You're a good Dad," said Sam, who had witnessed Bucky and Tommy's moment as he came out of the bathroom. "You're going to be okay at being a husband and father."
"Thanks," replied Bucky, turning back, slightly embarrassed. He picked up his shirt, put it on, and began buttoning it up. "I missed out on so much with him. Lacey did such a good job raising him. So did Terry. I kind of hope he and Sarah make a go of it. He would be good to her and the boys." He hesitated for a moment. "Lacey's pregnant, five weeks. We're going to announce it at the reception but you're my best friend, so I'll tell you now."
Sam stuck his hand out grinning. "Congratulations, that's awesome," he said. "She really is the right woman for you. Even when you two were split up you looked out for her and Tommy. You're a good man, Buck. Really, you are."
"So are you," replied Bucky, who took a deep breath. "Let's get this wedding going, okay?"
Sam nodded and left Bucky to finish getting ready. By the time they assembled in the living area of the RV there was a knock on the door. Laura came in with the boutonnières and a small box for Bucky. He opened it and smiled as he read the enclosed note. It was a Rolex, a vintage one. Sam looked at it and whistled out loud.
"That's beautiful," he said. "Do you know how old it is?"
"1941," said Bucky. "She found it when she went wedding dress shopping in New York." The tears began forming in his eyes as he strapped it on his right wrist. He pulled his handkerchief out and dabbed at his eyes. "Look at me, I'm crying like a baby. Laura, tell her I loved it. I won't wear it on missions because I'm scared I'll break it but I'll wear it for special occasions. Hold on, while I get her present."
He went back to the bedroom and came out with a long flat case, handing it to Laura without a word, only a smile. She kissed him on the cheek and left with the case.
"Pearls," he said to the others. "I've always loved seeing a woman in pearls. I have something for all of you as well. Let me get them." He returned to the bedroom and came out with three different sized boxes and a folded piece of paper. "I wasn't sure what to get you but I'm a practical guy, so Sam, I got you this for one of those quiet nights on your porch, enjoying the ambience."
He handed him a box. Inside was a bottle of 20 year old Macallan scotch, an engraved crystal glass, and a package of three premium cigars. Sam nodded his head smiling.
"Thank you," he said. "You'll have to come and taste this sometime. I'll bet it's good."
Bucky turned to Terry and smiled emotionally at him. "I wasn't expecting to find another man who I regarded as a brother," he began. "After you first punched me I thought for sure you hated me but later you extended your hand in friendship. I've appreciated your counsel since then. Here, I was told these are really good and I thought they would come in handy during an afternoon game."
Bucky handed Terry his box and he opened it up to a pair of Oakley sunglasses. Smiling he took them out and put them on, then went into the bathroom to see how they looked. He came out and gave Bucky a bear hug, thanking him profusely. Bucky looked at Tommy.
"You were the hardest to buy for because you're not old enough to drink," he said, smiling. "You're not old enough to smoke, and at your age I would be worried about you losing an expensive pair of sunglasses. So your Mom and I talked and I convinced her that once we move to where we told you, you could have one of these to ride around on the property."
He unfolded the sheet of paper and gave it to Tommy. His face erupted in a big smile as it showed a smaller version of a Kawasaki motorcycle, a different model from Bucky's.
"Seriously, Dad?" he asked. "You trust me on a motorbike?"
"Well, I'll teach you to maintain it, and ride it properly. You can only do it if you're geared up with a helmet and protective wear," replied Bucky. "Like I said, it's only for riding on the property. You're not old enough to have a licence so you can't ride it on the roads or highways. I trust you, Tom. Don't let me down."
Tommy grabbed him around the middle and held on tight. Bucky patted his back.
"What's that box for?" asked Tommy, pointing to a small box on the counter.
"Well, that's something for Sarah," said Bucky, looking fondly at her. "Kind of a thank you for letting me live with them and being like my sister."
He opened the box, revealing a white gold bracelet with a single birthstone. Taking it out he fastened it to her wrist receiving a kiss on the cheek as thanks.
They put their boutonnières on, with Sarah's help, then Bucky led them to the door and they went out into the heat of the day. Almost everyone was already seated at the wedding venue. Even though there were industrial fans blowing the air around most people were fanning themselves in the heat.
"You ready for a wedding, Sergeant Barnes?" said a familiar voice and Bucky turned to see Nick Fury, accompanied by Dr. Strange and Wong.
"I'm ready," said Bucky. "Thank you for everything you've done to make it happen. It's been a great week."
"Good," replied Fury. "It's been a long time since we had a happy occasion to celebrate. Here's to many more such occasions."
The three men took their seats and the officiant waved to Bucky then came to see him. He was a local, who performed non-religious ceremonies which is what Bucky and Lacey wanted. As he approached them, he had a big smile.
"You have a beautiful day for your wedding, Bucky," he said. "I've heard that Lacey will be ready in about five minutes so if you gentlemen want to come up front and wait there it's fine. The guitarist is in place and will begin playing the music as soon as the bridesmaids appear."
He returned to the front with Bucky and the others following him. They sat on the chairs provided for them and Bucky breathed deeply, running through a grounding exercise in his mind to keep his anxiety down. The officiant received the signal, telling Bucky and the others it was time. He signalled the guitar player who began playing What a Wonderful World. Bucky stood up and watched as Lila started her walk, followed by Lacey's sister Nancy, then finally Laura Barton. When the song changed to Elton John's Your Song, he saw Clint lead Lacey out of the house, then down the steps. His heart flew up into his throat as she came into view. She wore a cream coloured dress of lace, with her hair up and flowers inserted in the back. Around her neck was the string of pearls. In her arms was a small bouquet of deep red roses. They waited at the back briefly then began the slow walk to him. Her eyes were only on him as his were on hers and he thought he had never seen her so beautiful as she looked at that moment. When she and Clint arrived in front of him, Clint put her hand into Bucky's, then patted his friend on the back. Lacey got a kiss on the cheek. They turned and faced the officiant who smiled at them both.
"Folks, go ahead and sit down," he announced. "We're here to witness the ceremony of marriage between Lacey Christina Williams and James "Bucky" Barnes. This wedding has been almost ten years in the making since this couple first met in 2014, then were separated by circumstance and tragedy. Even though they faced difficulties after being reunited in 2023 they both hoped their love would prevail and it has as they are here today to commit to a life together. Before we begin, if there is any reason this couple should not marry, I would ask that an objection be raised now."
He looked over the assembled guests and nodded his head when no one said anything.
"Bucky, would you please say your vows to your beloved Lacey?" he asked.
Bucky faced Lacey and took her hand in his. "In the fall of 2014, I was a broken man; on the run, trying to get away from those who would use me against my will. I was a stranger and you gave me shelter. I was hungry and you fed me. I was thirsty and you quenched my thirst. Even though I had to leave the next day I never forgot your kindness, and you stayed in my heart from that time on. When I learned that you gave me a son I vowed I would make it right and marry you. Today is the completion of that vow. From this day forward I promise to love only you, to be faithful only to you, to be a good husband and father to our son, and any other child you bless me with. With you I will always be truthful, respectful, and to protect you and our family from harm."
She smiled at him the whole time he spoke, and when his voice broke during his vows for the future, she pulled her hand out of his and caressed his cheek.
"Lacey, would you please say your vows to your beloved Bucky?" asked the officiant.
She took his hand in hers and looked up at him. "There is so much that I could say to you about how we fell in love so quickly, even though it was months before we told each other how we felt," said Lacey. "Though we faced a long-distance separation, misunderstandings, and a kidnapping, I never once doubted your love for me. The hardest time was those five years when I thought you were lost to me for good. Now, I'm standing in front of you, older, hopefully wiser, and absolutely sure that this was always meant to happen. I know with certainty that I will never love anyone as much as I love you, there is no other who will ever tempt me, that being your wife will bring joy to my heart and having more children with you will bring joy to our lives. I will always be truthful to you, and I will be your loving partner in everything for the rest of our lives together."
"I will now ask Bucky and Lacey to declare their intent," said the officiant. "Usually the couple declares individually but they have asked to declare it together, as a symbol of their devotion to each other. Bucky and Lacey, do you take this person, standing before you, to be your lawfully wedded spouse, to live together in matrimony, to love each other, comfort each other, honour and keep each other, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?"
"We do," they both said, smiling at each other as they said it.
"May I have the rings, please?" asked the officiant, receiving them from Laura and Sam. "These rings are unbroken circles and symbolize the infinite love of your commitment together. When you wear them remember this moment as the time when your journey from first meeting each other came full circle to when you committed yourselves to each other for eternity." He handed Bucky the ring for Lacey. "Bucky, repeat after me, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love with the pledge to love you today, tomorrow, always and forever."
Bucky placed the ring on Lacey's finger and repeated the vow. He handed Bucky's ring to Lacey.
"Lacey, repeat after me," he said. "I give you this ring as a symbol of my love with the pledge to love you today, tomorrow, always and forever."
Lacey placed the ring on Bucky's ring finger and repeated the vow.
"Friends and family of the couple," said the officiant. "I know that many of you have waited for this moment as much as these two have. With you as witnesses, Bucky and Lacey have pledged to be joined in marriage. They have sealed their pledges with the exchange of wedding rings. By the authority granted to me by the State of Iowa, I now pronounce you married. You may now complete the ceremony with the sharing of a kiss."
To applause, whistles, and several cheers Bucky placed both of his hands on Lacey's cheeks and gave her a tender but passionate kiss. Then they hugged each other firmly. As they signed the papers with Laura and Sam, the guitarist played Fly Me to the Moon which some people sang along with. He followed that up with How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You). For their exit processional he played Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I'm Yours. They formed a receiving line, so everyone had a chance to say their congratulations then were able to get a drink, a scotch for him, ginger ale for Lacey. Bucky put his arm around Lacey and kissed the top of her head.
"You look amazing," he said. "My heart was in my throat when you came out of the house. I couldn't believe how beautiful you looked."
"Thank you for the pearls," she replied. "I cried when I saw them."
She wavered slightly and Bucky put his arm around her. "Are you okay?" he asked. "Maybe you should sit for a while?"
"It's just warm," replied Lacey. "I felt a little faint for a moment."
"Sam, could you see if the bar can make up a little ice bag for Lacey?" asked Bucky. "I think she's feeling the heat."
Sam ran over to the bar and came back with a plastic bag full of ice. Bucky placed it on the back of Lacey's neck and she looked at him in appreciation. "You take such good care of me," she said.
Clint was suddenly there studying her with a concerned face. "You're not going to faint at your own wedding are you?" he asked. "Bucky I have some sport drinks inside. Lacey can sip on one to restore her electrolytes. She should be in a cooler environment, maybe in your trailer?"
"But what about the photographer?" she asked.
"I'll talk to him," said Clint. "He won't want the bride fainting in the heat. It would hurt the baby."
Lacey started to cry. "Did Laura tell you?" she asked.
"We've had three," smiled Clint, looking at Laura who was vigorously shaking her head at Lacey's assumption. "You don't think I couldn't tell when Laura was first pregnant with the last two? Now, go cool down. You have a couple of hours before the reception. The photographer will do your pictures a little later and the light will be so much better."
Bucky picked her up in his arms and carried her to the trailer followed by the others. As soon as he sat her down on the sofa, he cranked up the air conditioning. Clint brought the sport drink, and she sipped it while Bucky kept the ice bag on the back of her neck. A few minutes later there was another knock on the door. Sam opened it to Bruce and Dr. Strange. Bruce kneeled in front of Lacey; his face full of concern.
"You got a bit overheated?" he asked. "How far along are you?"
She looked at Bucky, who shrugged. "Is there anyone who doesn't know by now?" she asked.
Bruce smiled apologetically. "I saw Bucky carrying you," he replied. "I've seen you pregnant before, remember? Stephen is an MD as well so we're just making sure you're okay. No one else knows."
"I'm about five weeks," said Lacey. "I had my implant removed about seven weeks ago. Missed my period, took an over-the-counter pregnancy test, no morning sickness. I just felt a little faint and you're all making such a big deal over this."
"Of course we are," said Bruce, with his gentle voice. "You're part of the Avenger family. You were when you were first pregnant with Tommy. We just couldn't help you then as much as we wanted because of circumstances. But now, we're all over it."
"I can examine you with magic and confirm for sure," said Dr. Strange. "If you'll permit me."
Lacey looked at Bucky who just watched it all with a little smile on his face. "They care, Lacey," he said.
She nodded at Dr. Strange and he conjured up several glowing circles from his hands and ran them over her, looking at the symbols that were generated by them. It took only a couple of minutes, then he stopped and stepped back.
"You're right about your timelines," he confirmed. "Your electrolytes were a little out which is why you felt faint. I would suggest you add a little bit of salt to the sport drink to get them back to an acceptable level. Half a teaspoon maybe in what you have left. You should be good to go for the rest of the evening as long as you don't overdo it."
Everyone in the small crowd inside the trailer gave a sigh of relief and Sam brought over the salt container. He poured out an amount on a spoon and poured it into Lacey's sport drink. After she swirled it around to dissolve the salt she sipped it again. Clint, Bruce, and Dr. Strange left satisfied that she would be alright. To her surprise, Lacey began to feel better by the time she was almost finished the drink. Her colour returned and Laura said her skin temperature felt better after laying the back of her hand across Lacey's forehead. Bucky offered her his hand as she stood up and watched her intently for any signs of distress.
"I'm good," she said to everyone. "Really, I feel a lot better. Let's get those photos done and have a party."
They filed out of the trailer and saw Clint standing with the photographer. It was the same man who had taken Lacey's head shot for her second book and he waved.
"You're, okay?" he asked Lacey. "After seeing what Clint has here on the farm, I have some ideas for some unique shots. I definitely want to use that old truck. What a beauty. Shall we get started?"
Bucky and Lacey nodded, following him over to the old truck, where he arranged everyone in various poses on and beside the vehicle. As Clint had predicted the light was better as the sun was lower in the sky. It had a golden property to it that would come through on the finished photographs. By the time the formal photographs were finished the guests were taking their place in the barn for the reception and everyone was in the mood for a party.
Chapter 27>>
Series Masterlist
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sarahowritesostucky · 3 months
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Happy Little Family
����"A Clever, Tricky Little Kitty Cat: Just like her Mommy"
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 4407
Tags: dark!Bucky, mafia/mob au, dubcon/noncon, a/b/o, threats and coercion, rape, forced pregnancy, forced domestic "bliss", yandere, kid fic
Summary: You thought you'd left behind the man who turned out to be more dangerous than you'd ever imagined. But one day he walks back into your life and reminds you that, come hell or high water, you're all going to be one happy. little. family.
This chapter: Bucky shows up unannounced at your cottage, shattering the peaceful life you thought you'd reclaimed for yourself and your daughter. He's reclaiming what's his, and he isn't planning on accepting a "no."
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Nickname Dictionary: vorishka = "little thief" mamochka = "mommy/little mother" kotenok= "kitty/kitten" omegya = (made up) Russian spelling of omega omegechka = (made up) "little omega" shlyukha = "slut" krasotka = "Pretty(n.)/pretty one"
1. A Clever, Tricky Little Kitty Cat, Just like her Mommy
"And then the knight took the princess away to his castle, and they lived happily ever after."
You're just outside the nursery when you hear his voice, and ice cold fear instantly floods your chest. You drop the laundry basket and run into the room, and there he is: seated in the chair you nurse from, reading one of the antique fairytale books that your mom gave at the shower, holding your baby. 
"James," you breathe, horrified. He's been smiling down at June, but now his face smooths out as he looks up at you. He isn't frowning or glaring, but you know him, and there's a storm behind those eyes that makes dread curl heavy in your stomach. "Hi Doll," he says quietly. "It's good to see you again."
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Your heart pounds in your chest. You feel sick. One wrong move and who knows what he'll do. You take a cautious step forward, eyes searching James' body and anywhere nearby for a gun. You don't see one. You take another step. "James," you warn,
June makes a happy gurgle at seeing you, and James coos down at her, "Aw, yeah Sweetie. I'm happy to see Mommy too."
Mommy. Hearing that word come out of his mouth, in a setting like this, is a nightmare you've woken from more than once. You lick your lips and hold out your arms, pleading, "Please give her to me."
He acts like he hasn't even heard you, smiling and tapping June's body with one finger. "We were just reading a story. Little lady is gonna be a big reader one day, I bet. Gonna grow up to be real smart." His gaze slides back to you, with what you interpret as a world-of-hurt-coming-your-way look glimmering in his eyes. "A clever, tricky little kitty cat. Just like her Mommy."
A whimper escapes you, unbidden. 
June starts squirming in his lap, eager to get to you. When he doesn’t hand her over, she starts to fuss. He coos at her and bounces her in his arms to calm her, kisses the top of her head while keeping his somber, reproachful eyes on you. “You left your door unlocked,” he says. “She was alone.”
She’d been down for her nap when you went downstairs and popped across the street to visit with Hilde, your one friend in the world. It’s so common for mothers to do, in this tiny, Nordic village you’ve settled in. It’s the culture here. It’s supposed to be safe. You swallow thickly, eyes flitting around to try and think of what to do. You think of your gun, so far away. You’d talked yourself out of keeping it tucked behind your bed, so now the only weapon you own is down in the kitchen. But maybe … maybe if you can get him away from June … 
“You should be more careful, Little thief. You never know who might break in and take everything you love.”
“The only thing we had to guard against here was you,” you hiss. “And I’m not fool enough to think a locked door would keep you out.”
“You’re damned right it wouldn’t.” He tosses the storybook aside like trash and stands up with June in his arms. “But you are a fool if you thought there was anywhere in the world you could go where I wouldn’t find you.”
You flinch forward compulsively, unable to think of your own safety over your baby’s. “Please, James,” you beg. “Please. Just give her to me.” 
“Oh no, Dollface,” he purrs, voice deceptively soft. “We’ve got a lot of catching up to do, and you aren’t gonna want her in the room when it happens.” His hands tighten threateningly on June’s little body. “Whose baby is this?”
You blanch. “Don’t hurt her.” 
“Aw. You don’t want me to hurt her?” 
“No, please!” The sob that’s been working its way up in your throat finally breaks. It’s killing you not to rush forward and snatch her from his arms. “Please, I'll do anything.”
“Is that so?” He stares at you long and hard. The few seconds of silence are torturous as he holds your daughter away from you. 
James is one of the deadliest people you’ve ever met, and he’s capable of horrendous violence, but he wouldn’t hurt a baby, that much you do know. What you have to worry about most right now isn’t him physically hurting her; it’s him wanting her, whisking her away right alongside you, when he inevitably takes you from this place. There’s nothing you can do to prevent your own fate, but if there’s anything you can do to keep him from getting his hands on June, you’ll do it. Your eyes flit around the nursery frantically, its pale, dream-like decorations taunting you as you try to think of what to do. It feels surreal to have a man like James standing in this room, feels wrong.
Your heart leaps when he suddenly moves, but he’s only turning to walk over to the crib, bending and placing June in it with a surprising amount of care. Something painful lances in your chest at seeing him handle her so gently, but when he turns back around to you, all of that gentleness is gone. “Come on,” he snaps. “To the other bedroom.” 
You hesitate, not wanting to leave your daughter alone, but he stalks forward and grabs your upper arm, herding you out of the nursery and down the hallway. In your bedroom, he pushes you onto the bed. You land in a heap and scramble to prop back up on your hands, trying to swipe the hair out of your face.
“Whose baby is that?” he demands. “Tell me. I want to hear you say it.”
His Voice. God. After almost a year and a half it should be lessened. The pull you feel when you hear it has no right to tug at you the way it does. You’re not even mated, which makes it all the more insulting. It gets in through your ears and spreads throughout your body, like an invasive plant, growing and sinking its roots into you and tug, tug tugging on your will: Whose baby is that.
You fight the awful urge to tell him, as you rapidly, fearfully weigh your options. It’s hard to think when you’re so frightened, so taken aback. Most people might think it wise to admit the truth, but you know this man, this alpha, and you know he’ll never let her go if he knows that she’s his. Anything, you think. You have to do anything you can to keep her from that life, that world. 
Heart in your throat, you insist, “Noone.”
“Noone?” His visage darkens. “Artificial insemination, then? I know they’re progressive and all up here, but don’t take me for a fool, mamochka.”
“It was just some guy! Just a one night stand, I swear!”
He surges in, gets one knee up on the bed and pushes you onto your back when you try to get up, leaning over you and holding you down by your shoulders. “So you did let another man fuck you,” he growls.
You jut your chin out and hiss, “Yes.” (Lying Rule #1: deliver your bullshit with confidence).
“Who? Was he alpha?”
“Why do you care? It was one night in Oslo.” (Rule #2: add in one or two unimportant details.)
“What’s. his. name?” 
A bitter sound escapes you (Rule #3: attach honest emotion to it, if you can). “I don’t know his name. I never did. I was just racking up a roster, just wanted to get laid after getting away from you.”
He bares his teeth at you in a snarl, furious, and shoves you harder against the mattress. You cry out and try to hit him, but he catches your wrists and holds them down to the bed easily, shoving you again, one of his powerful thighs pressed up between yours. “You’re mine,” he growls, getting in your face, lying on top of you. “Noone else’s. Not ever.”
You whimper and nod, shaken and keenly aware of his body on top of yours, his strength. James is a massive hulk of an alpha, capable of overpowering you in any situation, and even through your frantic thoughts, you know you’ll never be able to get away from him in close contact like this. He’s so angry, his scent gone thick and choking. You’re too panicked to plan out what it is you’re going to say next, you just wind up instinctively trying to placate him, blurting out, “What do you want?”
He leers down at you. “I want what’s mine. What’s always been mine.” On your wrists, his fingers tighten cruelly. “You’ve had your fun now, and gotten away with it for too damn long. You’re coming home with me, Little thief.”
You gasp as the pressure on your wrists increases painfully, mind flying to that cold, Siberian fortress and the life that awaits you there. You might be able to get away from him before then, but you might not, and you can’t risk June being trapped there as well. “Okay, okay! I’ll go with you, I will. Wherever you want. Just … Please let me give her to the neighbor. Please.”
He smiles nastily down at you. “Oh, you don’t want her to come along? Another man’s pup?”
Tears press at the backs of your eyes at the thought of leaving your daughter behind, but you shake your head. “Please. Just take her over to the woman across the street. She’ll look after her. Please James, she's my daughter. I won’t fight you if you leave her there. She’s nothing to you. Just let her stay where it’s safe.” 
Something in his expression shifts, but you don’t have time to figure out what the emotion might be, before he shutters again. He leans down and purrs, “Oh, I don’t know, vorishka [little thief]. You stole some very valuable things from me. And since I don’t see any fucking Picassos hanging in this hovel you call a house, I assume they’re in the wind.”
It wasn’t as though you’d simply been able to run away. Escaping had required finances, techniques, firms of dangerous men hired to plant false leads, erase tracks, ferret you away into oblivion, and then move halfway across the globe and buy yourself a new identity. The bribes alone had eaten up most of the money. You shudder in his grip, knowing that the paintings wouldn’t save you, even if you did have them. “They’re gone.” 
“I know they’re gone, Little thief.” He shoves his thigh down against you. “So how are you gonna make it up to me?”
You whimper. “I can’t,” you plead. “James. I don’t have anything.”
“Oh, I don’t know about that. I can think of a few ways you can start repaying your debt.” He runs one hand down your side, groping your waist as he breathes softly against your ear: “For instance, do you have any idea what she’d be worth on the black market?”
It takes you a split second to figure out what he means, and your heart seizes in terror as soon as you do. You know James is involved in every type of shady, illegal dealing there is in the world, but you’d never even considered the idea of human trafficking. Now that he’s said it, you panic that you’ve made a huge mistake by lying that the baby isn’t his. “James,” you whisper, horrified. “Alpha, please.”
“Oh, it’s Alpha, now, is it?” He chuckles meanly, the sound making your stomach churn. You’re about to say something else, beg in some other, pitiful way, tell him he’s June’s father, but instead you cry out as his hand fists in your hair and yanks your head to the side. His breath hits hot against your skin and he drags his nose up the side of your neck, scenting you. “Mmm,” he hums darkly, pleased. “You spread your legs for another man, but you didn’t let anyone in here.”
You squeak when his teeth scrape over your still-unmarked glands. “No!” you gasp, just as much an answer as it is a plea for nim not to bite you. “I didn’t, I didn’—”
“Shut up,” he snaps, closing his teeth down on the spot. You whine as he pulls your hair and slowly increases the pressure of his bite, threatening to break the skin. Horrified, you feel your body responding with arousal, heat blooming deep in your core. You squeeze your eyes shut, and sure enough few seconds later James is inhaling deeply and chuckling. “Oh, kotenok [kitten]. Still the same as ever, huh?” He shifts, hand slipping down between your legs and cupping you from over the fabric of your dress. “Ripe for your Alpha’s touch, even after all this time. How sweet.” Humiliated rage bubbles up inside of you and you glare up at him. He’s looking down fondly at you, eyes heated and lip drawn into his mouth. He lets it slide back out between his teeth and murmurs, “It’s okay, you know. It’s everything to me, omegechka [little omega], the way you respond. It’s only natural.” You growl angrily, but he just hums and tugs your hair again, other hand molding to your mound and rubbing. “Shh sh sh,” he hushes, when you cry out louder. “Don’t want to scare the whelp, do you?” 
You freeze, listening to try and hear June. She’s whining from over in her room,  not understanding why she’s been left alone when she can hear her mommy’s voice just down the hall. “Please,” you whisper, locking eyes with James again. “Please. Let me go to her.”
He grinds the heel of his hand against you. “I told you, Dollface. You don’t want her here for this.”
He kisses you on the mouth, chaste and lingering; so gentle that for a split second it makes you ache for what you once had with him. James always was very good at making love to you, at lavishing you with a softness and a tenderness even in the darkest of times. But now you can only shiver underneath his weight, because you know that’s not what’s about to happen. 
“Seventeen months, moya omegya,”  he rumbles quietly, lips brushing yours with the words. “My bed suddenly cold, not knowing if you were alive or dead. Do you have any idea what that did to me?”
His tone of voice is so intimately familiar that it makes your heart clench, bringing back memories of a life you’ve fought so hard to put behind you. “Please,” you whisper. “Don’t do this.”
He tuts and shakes his head softly, as if he’s actually remorseful. “How this goes depends entirely on you. I want you to know that.” He hasn’t stopped working his hand against you, rubbing his palm against your clit and smiling at how you shudder beneath him and your body betrays you. You watch his nostrils flare as he smells the reaction he’s pulling from you against your will. “Sweet girl,” he coos. “You just can’t help it, can you?” You toss your head and screw your eyes shut, but he’s having none of it. He yanks your hair and hisses at you to open your eyes. “No,” he warns, once he’s got your attention. He moves back, getting up onto his knees and shrugging off his jacket. “You’re going to watch. The whole time.” His hands land on his belt, the buckle clinking as he opens it and undoes his pants. “I want to look right in your eyes while I take back what’s mine.” He shoves his pants down along with his underwear. His cock springs free, already hard and wet at the tip. A part of him that’s been inside you hundreds of times, probably. Something you’ve craved and debased yourself for. 
Seeing it reignites your shame, but it’s the way you feel your cunt pulse and release a fresh wave of slick, that really makes you start resisting again. “Nnh!”
“Ah ah ah, Dollface. That’s not gonna work.”
“Nugh! Lemmo go!”  
You fight, of course you do, but it’s almost worse that way, as it only points out how comically mismatched you are to him. He laughs at you and holds down your thrashing body, barely even grunting from the effort of subduing you. “Shh sh sh,” he hushes, chuckling breathily as he forces you down with one hand and strokes himself with the other. “I have to tell you, kotenok. I’ve been looking forward to this.” 
“I hate you!” You manage to get a hand free and you flail, hitting and clawing at him. He inhales sharply as your nails scratch his face. He knocks your hand away with a surprised hiss and, wide eyed, touches the spot where a tiny line of red is welling up on his cheek. The next thing you know, he’s backhanding you, sending spots into your vision and knocking you out of your senses for a few seconds. Your ears ring and you blink, stunned.
His hand appears at your throat, squeezing, pressing up against the arteries. You briefly grapple with him, grabbing his forearm and fighting, but then his thumb notches into place and digs into your glands. Your cries taper off and you go limp with a pathetic, mewling whimper. “Nnnh …”
He leers down at you, adjusting his grip, still jerking his cock as he subdues you with the Hold. “Weak,” he says. “But that’s just how I like you.”
His thumb rubs in circles, sending a rush of liquid gold through your veins. It worsens the situation between your legs, and you can’t hide that any more than you can hide the humiliated tears that prick to your eyes as he shoves your dress up and rips your underwear straight off of you. He coos when he looks down and sees how wet you are. “Oh, omegechka.” He knees your legs further apart and drags his cockhead through your folds. “And this is you hating me?”
You shake with a silent sob, despising him with your whole being, hating yourself for reacting this way. Before James, you’d never met a man who coveted your omega nature so much, hadn’t known what it was to need an alpha that way, to have your body need him. And to think: you used to like it.
He lines himself up and sinks inside of you in one, unyielding push, forcing you to open to him, carving out his space inside of you. You cry out at the force of it, body clamping down hard and the delicate skin at your entrance stinging from the stretch, but he doesn’t stop until he’s fully seated. “Fuck,” he groans, grinding in deep, his pubic bone pressing against your clit, laughing darkly when it makes you squeal. “Oh, you sensitive?” He does it again, and again, doesn’t stop until he gets a high pitched, warbling moan from you. “Theere she is.” He digs his thumb in harder against your glands and stares right in your eyes as he watches the effect it has on you, soaking up the flush in your face and the furious tears welling at the corners of your eyes. “I know, Sweetheart, I know,” he murmurs. “You really can’t help it, can you?” You whimper and he nods along in mock sympathy. “Poor little thing. I can’t imagine what it must be like, to need it that bad.” 
He pulls out halfway and shoves back in, hard, rumbling in pleasure when it elicits another yelp from you. His other hand grabs at your waist, fingers digging into the soft give of your body. He hums dirtily. “I have to say, I’m pleasantly surprised. You look good for having just pushed out that pup. You look healthy.” You whine in protest and he fucks in hard again, baring his teeth in a mean smile. “Yeah, momma, you heard me.” He pulls out, thrusts back in. 
He laughs. “Don’t be like that, krasotka [Pretty(n.)]. I like it. You always were too skinny for my taste.” He runs his hand from your waist up to the top of your dress, yanking it down along with the cup of your bra, and groaning when your swollen breast spills out. You squeal in rage as he curses quietly, eyes going molten and unfocused. “Fuck, Honey, look at you.”
You start thrashing again hard, trying to hit him, but you only get a glancing blow to the side of his head before he refixes his hand on your throat and clamps down in another Hold. He gives you a firm shake. “Settle down. I told you: I like it..”
“Nnn, fuck you!” You spit on him, but he only laughs and wipes it away, leering down at you and continuing gleefully,
“Shouldn’t be skinny like some damn underwear model. Mm mn, naw. Now you’re nice and soft, just like you should be. Somethin’ for Alpha to grab onto. Bitty waist and a fat ass.” He grabs your waist again and pulls you down into the next roll of his hips, changing the angle and hitting that spot inside of you that makes stars burst in your vision.
“Mmhm. Right there baby? Yeah, thaat’s the spot. I remember.” He’s panting open-mouthed, breathless as he taunts you, “I remember everything. What you like. How you feel. The sounds you make. Fuck.”  He shoves into you hard and holds there, his licked-red lips curling up wickedly. “Your cunt’s fluttering around me, Sweetheart. Clamping down so fucking hard.” 
He laughs, but his smile slackens as his own pleasure continues to build. He angles back and looks down your body, stares at where his cock is disappearing inside of you with lewd, wet sounds. “Shit, momma. And this pussy snapped back real good, didn’t it?” 
You cry out angrily, but it’s what he wants: to see you aroused and humiliated and furious at him. He sets a punishing pace, his hips slamming against you hard on the end of each, brutal thrust; his open belt and the zip of his fly digging into your ass every time he grinds inside. “You haven't been fucking anybody,” he says smugly. “How long’s it really been, mamochka? Hm? How long since another man was in this cunt?”
You moan miserably, his cock driving hard against your walls, too rough but not painful enough to keep it from feeling good. James is big, has an alpha’s cock, and it’s never been a physical possibility for him to be inside of you and not rub against every spot that makes your body light up in pleasure. You shake your head and try to close your eyes, but he pushes his hand up harder underneath your jaw, shaking you. “Uh uh. Look at me.” 
You can’t fight off the command of his Voice, not when he’s already dominating you so completely. Your eyes open against your will, full of tears, and he rumbles in satisfaction. 
Every whimper and mewl you make drives him on, stoking the angry satisfaction that’s burning in his eyes—eyes that you can’t look away from as you cry out again and again, little “Ah, ah, ah's” that interrupt the cadence of your skin slapping together, all of his eager growls and satisfied grunts.
“That’s it, shlyukha,” he pants, hips snapping in hard, again and again. “You—ugh—you let Alpha know how good that feels. Don’t hold it back from me.” His breathing is getting heavier the closer he gets, his composure and even his anger losing some of their hold as he fucks you harder, sinks down on you farther, covers you with his body fully as he ruts into you in pursuit of his climax. “Shit,”  he hisses not far from your ear, face stuffed in your neck. 
You keen high in your throat at his proximity to your bonding glands—a plaintive sound that directly contradicts the panicked ‘no!’ that flashes in your brain. His hand leaves the front of your neck and scoops around behind instead, gripping you at the nape in a Scruff that feels just as toe-curlingly right as the Hold had. 
For a very split second, his breath hitches and his growling trips into a needy whimper. “O-oh …” And that’s when you feel it: his knot starting to catch on the end of each thrust.
“Ah!” You cry out sharply and grab onto him, helpless to keep your body from seeking out more, from clinging to him and clamping down hard as his knot grows and triggers you into orgasm. “Hhgnn …”
He goes feral when he feels your body locking down on him, growling and shoving in and grinding to ensure that he catches inside and ties you together. His hand abandons your neck entirely as he gives in to the instinct to rut, both arms wrapping around your waist, scooping under your back and holding you still for him to fuck furiously against. The tug of his knot inside your cunt makes you sob and come harder, losing sense of yourself as the pleasure cuts through you like a knife. 
“Fuck, fuck, ohhfuck …” The sound of his deep voice, so lost in the desperation and helplessness of his own pleasure, makes your belly flare hot with new arousal even as you’re coming down the other side of it. You gasp and pant, and eventually whimper as the bliss dissipates and you become more aware of him on top of you, grunting and groaning and fucking into your tie as he rides out the long, debilitating climax of an alpha.
You keep your eyes closed and cry, hating that it still feels good as he fucks into you, grinds down on your clit and gives your another orgasm, and another. You wait for him to finish as your brain fills with the high that comes after, that unavoidable pink cloud that you know is going to seal your fate and make you helpless to him for the next thirty minutes, at least. You squeeze your eyes shut and turn your head in the direction of the pillows. 
As the high starts to take you, you think about how, if you’d just kept your gun holstered behind by the headboard like you’d planned, you could be blowing his brains out right about now.
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A.N.: Soooo ... This is the rape-iest thing I've ever ever written. I hope y'all are okay. Just wanted to drop a note to let you know that this fic WILL lighten up and not be quite so, well, rapey, in the future. Thanks for reading! 💖Sarah
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Story Masterlist
🍵Consider tipping your friendly neighborhood starving artist smut author!
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This has been a fill for:
Event: @anyfandomdarkbingo
Card: sarahyellow/sarah-writes-stucky
Square I2: Face Slapping
Event: @badthingshappenbingo
Card: sarah-writes-stucky/sarahyellow
Square G3: rape/non-con
Event: @marvel-smash-bingo
Card: sarah-writes-stucky
Square O5: Rough Sex
Event: @sebastianstanbingo
Card: saraowritesostucky
Square N5: Revenge Sex'
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Tag List (I'm doing my best, people 😅): @cjand10, @violetwinterwidow01, @ppbhquinn, @myfavbuckyfics, @liannafae, @sadsackssss, @timidquindim, @dakotali, @rayofdawnworld
362 notes · View notes
buckrecs · 1 year
Hey honey ! Do you happen to have anything with Bucky and arranged marriage with a happy ending ? I’ve been dying for something like it 🥰
Arranged Marriage
masterlist | req masterlist
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Yours To Claim by @buckyalpine
Your first night with the king.
protector by @vxntagedior
the moment bucky fell in love with you
Plot Twist by @winterarmyy
An arranged marriage with mafia!bucky.
Arranged by @the-fallen-nightmare
Reader would do anything to make her parents happy and that included agreeing to an arranged marriage. She never expected it to be to one of New York's most feared Mob Boss: Bucky Barnes. He is anything but loving towards Reader however when her parents are mysteriously killed, Bucky makes it his mission to find out who were at fault. And in the process, ends up coming close to losing Reader.
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558 notes · View notes
winterarmyy · 1 year
Plot Twist | Part I
An arranged marriage with mafia!bucky.
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Run-through: I just need to get this out of my system. Most of arranged marriage mob/mafia!au I've read has a strong/bratty reader. And a really mean/asshole Bucky. Which is absolutely fine btw but its getting repetitive for me. I wanted to see a reader who's actually soft but fierce when she wants to be. And Bucky who is generally cold and seems to be married to his job but notices small things that the reader do, thus subconsciously started to care about her. They don’t hate each other, nor do they are infatuated. I don’t know if this exist, so I decided write it myself just in case. Enjoy!
Navigation: Part I | Part II | Part III* (end) | Extra
Words: 1.1k++
Pairing: beefy mafia!bucky x female!reader
Warnings: just fluffy and wholesome stuff here. Nothing graphic or explicit.
P/S: I like to write in 3rd pov btw. There's a few mentions of y/n sometimes too. Beware of the grammar mistakes, English is not my first language. This might be 2-3 parts type of fic, so tell me what you think so far.
Read my other works here: Masterlist
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“He's late.”
The soft clinking sounds of his rings colliding with each other and onto the dresser woke her up from her deep slumber. Though her body remained still, her mind continued to wonder,
“Late. Again.”  She thought.
The sound of fabrics rustling about hinted her of what was happening beyond her closed eyes. The shut of the bathroom door confirmed her speculations.
“So, what if he came back home late? Why does it concern you?” She questioned herself.
Only a fool would believe if she said that she didn't care at all about the whereabout and well-being of this man. He is her husband after all.
Six months ago, she stood on the alter with that man. They swore an oath. They sealed the kiss. He was hers and she was his.
James Buchanan Barnes; Bucky was what he preferred to called. He is what every man wants to become, and every woman wants to be with.
An Adonis of a man; impossibly tall, 6'5"; body armored with thick layer of muscles. Bucky is huge, that if he trapped her against the wall, she might just see the resemblance of him to a grizzly bear. His dark hair flowed just above his shoulder and his steel blue eyes were as cold as his personality.
Though she wouldn't compare him to a frozen blizzard during the winter, he was more like the first day of snow, when the white flakes started to fall.
Cold enough to make you shiver and warm enough to lure you out but most importantly, obscenely beautiful.
However, of course, the main reason of the marriage set up by her father was not because of how beautiful he is, but to fulfil his hunger for power. As if the territories that their family has wasn't enough, her father arranged this union to extend his reign.
Y/N protested at first but knew better than to fight against her father. Being raised in such family, at a very young age she learned to think always ahead; pass the emotions and intuitions. What's the rational and logical way to solve a problem.
Took her a week to wrap her head around the matter, research about Barnes and go through the agreement between her father and her then husband to be. Barnes had listed some main demands regarding the union and although most of them were about their business, but one particular demand had caught her attention.
“After marriage, the couple must be faithful to one another. Any romantic/sexual relationships prior must be severed/resolved immediately. Failed to do so will result to termination of the contract.”
“Hmm. Interesting.” She thought.
Not that she was in any relationship at the time, and all the research result to possibly positive outcome. So, in the end, she complied.
Which then explained why she was sleeping in Bucky's bed six months later.
“I know you're awake.” Bucky's gravel voice startled her internal thoughts. She could feel the indentation of the mattress on his side of the bed, the fresh and clean scent wafting from him. She nearly purred from a sniff of it.
She slowly opened her eyes as if she was trying to peep and god what a sight to see after a restless sleep; Bucky's idea of pajamas was basic pants and nothing above and Y/N didn’t know what to feel about that. Does she hate it? Absolutely not. Does she like it? Well, he is easy on the eye indeed.
The room was dimly lit, but she could see his slightly damp hair; it looked longer than it is dry. Her eyes followed the outline of his body leaning against the bed. The soft light reflected on his metal arm particularly follows the gold lines decorating the dark surface.
She often had intrusive thoughts of tracing the lines; what would it feel like against her fingertips. Does he feel anything? Is it cold? Will it feel good? 
“You do know that it’s a waste your time to wait for me, right?” He huffed a heavy breath. She could hear the fatigue in his sigh.
And how does Bucky know that she waited for him before admitting her defeat to the drowsiness? Somehow, Bucky always managed to know things, to the littlest matter, even when he’s million miles across the world.
Just like when she found a copy of Pride and Prejudice on the bed a few months ago. The day before she received it, her copy was drenched in coffee; a young woman bumped into her in front of the café she often visit. He was in Russia that time. “Was it Clint? Did he tell Bucky?” she wondered.
“Whoever said I was waiting for you?” She scoffed, yet if the room was well lit enough, Bucky would’ve seen how playful her expression was.
He hummed a deep voice, “Hmm.” there’s a hint of doubt in his tone.
Y/N quickly follow her previous sentence, “I was simply enjoying my reading, that I lost track of time.” She shifted to face him and tucked herself further into the blanket, hiding the lower half of her face as she looked up at him. She wondered if he could tell that she was smiling just from her eyes.
Bucky’s gaze remained still on her, as if he was trying to reach into her soul, before he leaned closer to peek on the book on the table. Pride and Prejudice written on it.
He chuckled, which was rare. At the least the real ones are.
Of course, she had seen him smile and laugh countless of time. Especially during those gala they often attend. But those were just another set of armor he wore on a daily basis.
Bucky tried to bite back a smile, sinking his teeth into his lower lip, “Lost track of time, huh?” Yet, somehow Y/N can hear the smile in his tone.
“A good read?” he asked as if he did not know why his wife brought up about the book. She never said anything about the gift; not a thank you or a complaint. 
She simply cherish it in her own way. He heard from Clint that she rearranged her whole bookshelf just to make space for the book he gave her. Maybe this was her way of saying thank you.
He had been giving her books every week, since.
She pulled the blanket away from her face, lips curled into a genuine smile, “Always.”
Bucky preened to her reply before suddenly, “Okay, enough chit chat. It’s late.” he said almost monotone sounded, as he made himself comfortable under the blanket.
Before she could overthink of what went wrong, why the sudden drop of chemistry; that was when she felt his hand roamed to find hers. Bucky brought her palm closer to his face, she could feel his hot breath against her cold skin. 
He leaned his lips on her palm, leaving a soft and tender kiss as he mumbled, “Goodnight, doll.”
Rush of red shades bloomed on her cheeks, before caving into the feeling of his stubble on her hand. She gently caresses the side of his cheeks, hoping it soothes him to sleep. 
The corners of her lips curved upwards into a smile, "See? Like, the first day of snow."
Part II >>
Read my other works here: Masterlist
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A/N: It’s my first fic so... share your thoughts? ily 🤍
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bi-ss · 6 months
~ Ties that bind ~
Bucky x reader- arranged marriage.
Summary: You agreed to arrange marriage when you were little, after seeing who you are to marry. You wish you could go back.
WARNINGS: mentions of boobs lol, James trying to flirt if you squint, Sharon being a bitch, swearing..
(Spelling may be bad as I'm very dyslexic sorry in advance)
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2:15. That's the time James said he'll pick you up, and he asked you to be ready. It's 2:53, and you've decided to go for a shower instead.
Slipping your hand into the shower you turn it on trying not to get wet, which you succeed in doing, you lay the shower mat on the floor and look at your self in the mirror before undressing, you step into the now steamy hot shower wetting your hair completely before grabbing your shampoo and washing the roots of your hair. You like shampooing twice before leaving in your conditioner just a smudge so your hair soft, you take a comb but just as you about to start you hear voices come from your room, which is strange as noone really comes in bar you so you were a little confused until you hear them, a deep scruffy voice then you think you hear your bed moving, Is someone laying on it? You thought, you were slowly combing the conditioner in the ends of your hair when you hear a grunt but a deep grunt, you wondered who could be bothering you as it hit you, James motherfucking Barnes. It's been a couple of days since the meeting, and you don't have a James number, but you do have natashas. You were aware that James, Sam and Steve, who ever they may be were talking about all this as Nat over heard but all she said was he were tied, you didn't really care but you do know they Sharon has moved into a spare room on almost the opposite side from the master bedroom, and that one of James few rules were that we were to sleep in the same bed ect ect...
You finish your shower, putting your hair up in a towel, drying yourself and putting on a silk robe, you smirk to yourself as you remembered the last time you saw James were when he ran in to sign a couple papers at the front door and you heard shanon call you a attention seeking where and a man stealing slut, but now here's her man on your bed, without her knowledge, you giggle and unlock the door, breathing quickly and walking out calmly.
You glance over at James and around your room, you see his black blazer hanger on your beauty chair, him laying on your bed, shoes thrown next to it, in an look black shirt and trousers look, shirt slightly unbuttoned, with a shit eating grin on his face. While you, on the other hand, were in a short red silk robe and damp hair wrapped in a black towel, you pull the towel from your head, letting your damp hair, which is slowly shrinking flow free.
James grin slowly falters as his eyes seductively graze across your wet freshly waxed legs and the little bit of cleavage showing, once back to your face he study it like a text book, "if I'd had known you were showering, I would have ran here myself" he speaking proudly like he won a race, a race he ran by himself.
You giggle, slowly making your way to one of the bed posts making sure to sway your hips a little, leaning on the post you pout slowly, "if you were here faster I wouldn't have showered here, maybe at yours but as your late" you check the clock and see its 3:35 "I had to shower here" you continue pout but you weren't sad or annoyed he was late, or he was on your bed, you were more annoyed that hw aas flirting with you becuase he has a girlfriend, you disliked Sharon but no woman should have to know her boyfriend is flirting with another girl, and that he will marry her, no no no no.
Smirking at James as you yourself off the post and walk round the bed next to James, pushing the double doors to enter your closet humming as the smell of diffrent fabrics and soft smells enter your nose, you jump slightly as you feel you large hand on your hip, looking up to see James with a shocked expression on his face. You get an idea in your head, slowly turning to the broad man behind you, grabbing his chin gently with one hand, pulling him down to look at you.
"Go on, mister you get free range" you laugh to yourself as you walk back into your main bed room almost to your bed when you look behind you, still walking, to see James even more confused still standing in the door way, getting to the side of your bed you quickly start explaining before you lose confidence. "You said you wanted to atleast look like a happy couple, so I want you to go mad and dress me" you smile happily as you slowly start sliding down on your side, praying your still atleast a little covered but it didn't take James long to smile like a teenage boy looking at boobs for the first time and disappear into your walk in closet.
Once he's gone, you breathe and wonder where your confidence came from, then you feel bad for Sharon bit then remember she called you a whole and slut multiple times so feel less bad. You grab your phone and see nat texted you 3 times, and the one you can see from your unlocked screen says 'don't feel bad' so when you unlock and see that rest you feel less bad for Sharon as her messages are about how they were fighting because bucky admitted that he'd seen you years earlier at one of your fundraising events but at that time you were dating John so he didn't introduce himself and how he knew for ages she was using him for money but she was shit at hiding it and some other stuff, you replied saying you guessed so and how it was pretty obvious.
Nat: ngl you should probably start making him fall for you
You: why?
He knows she's using him
Nat: yeah but this has happened before, she'll say sorry and how she's change she'll change for a month then slowly change back.
You: oml why don't they don't break up
Like srsly it's kinda embarrassing
Nat: I've been by his side for almost 20 years, they have been together for 3 and at first she was a darling but money changes people
Also, he really loved the person she was and still thinks she's in there
Love does weird shit to us, man
You: fairs, he's picking out an outfit for me rn so I'll see 😛
What do I do just kiss him or something? I've never had to really try it. It's easy when they are already swooning
Nat: I guess, make him feel love for the rest of his life. I doubt he'll let you go
And I'll make sure of it x
You: sound
OK Nat, we met a couple of days ago, lol
Nat did send you another text, but you were by James calling your name while smiling proudly again, throwing your phone on the bed, getting up to see what he's layed out for you, walking past him you see a all black suit with some heels you turn to him nodding with a pleased expression "you did good James, but now I will be changing and you haven't gotten to the stage yet" you wink as you closed the doors but you still see the annoyed just playful gace he pulled, you turn to the suit and pick it up, seeing one of your favourite black lace lingerie sets underneath, you should be upset that he went to fair but you just giggle and started getting dressed and doing very light makeup. Once mascara, lip liner, and lip gloss were applied, you reopened the doors to see his amused, then blank expression, you walk out with your jacket folded over your arm and your shirt undone all the way to expose your bra which for being lingerie with quite covering for the most part, you smile, picking up the bag you had earlier and open your doors making your way to the front hall to where your stuff is to see all of it was gone and with James closely behind you, walking outside to the now only blacked out car there, which wasn't your fathers.
James rushed ahead to open the door for you, climbing in and you watched him walk round and open his door, your bag at your feet with your door closed and seat belt on you were ready, you knew you'd come back home sooner then later so if wasn't emotional.
"James stop staring at my boobs and driving" rolling you eyes as he starts the door and slowly pulling out, you hope it's an short ride that's not to awkward, so you look out the window as the trees go by.
TAGS: @learis @unaxv @cjand10 @pattiemac1 @coffee-winter-and-silence @scott-loki-barnes
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gay-jewish-bucky · 9 months
What do you mean Steve and Bucky didn't get a happy ending?
They had a big gay Irish-Jewish wedding on Rockaway Beach at Coney Island, they honeymooned in space, a place Bucky has always longed to visit, and they moved into the home they built together! Steve got his dream art studio, and Bucky got his dream shabbat-friendly kosher kitchen.
They were even gifted Vibranium bedframe as a housewarming gift (which has saved them a ridiculous amount of money on beds that aren't strong enough to keep up with them)!
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fluffysucker · 10 months
Bucky Barnes x Reader (Mob Au)
'Liberation comes in whatever form to save me. I hit bottom, and then the whisper comes. Your whisper in the breeze. Your whisper's what I needed. Quiet words. Soothe the hurt whisperer.'
It is written in Third POV. No use of Y/N. However, the reader is referred to as a female.
A/N: I had so much fun writing this. Part three coming soon.
Likes, comments, reblogs are VERY VERY highly appreciated. Opinions really matter to me
TW: Violence. Cursing. Mentios of physical abuse.
Series Masterlist
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Some time had passed. Not long, but enough for Bucky to gather his thoughts. He couldn't listen to you. Absolutely no. The medical report sitting on his desk was a reminder. An alert that you were always in danger. And he couldn't live like this. He couldn't live knowing a monster was taking advantage of you in every way. He had to get you out of there. He didn't know how. He wanted to plan and do it correctly so you wouldn't get hurt more. It wasn't easy. But he was never going to give up. If it cost his life, he would still do it. You mattered the most.
However, he never thought the opportunity would present itself like this.
It was the middle of the night. Your father requested your and Rumlow's presence in his office. And you went. The meeting lasted for too long, and you couldn't tell what it was even about. Midway through the meeting, you left your father and Rumlow to carry on. You stayed in your father's office. You couldn't help but smile when you noticed your father only had pictures of your mother. Not you. Not even a family picture. He loved your mother dearly, but never you. Your mother died when you were a teenager. And from then on, it felt like he was punishing you. For a mistake that hurt you just the same.
After some time, one of your husband's men came and told you that they were waiting for you in the car. You followed him down. You couldn't hide your surprise when your father told you he would be joining on the way because his car broke. You didn't believe him, but who were you to object?
The ride was silent. You could feel something wasn't right, but you didn't say anything. If something was bothering Brock, then you would be the first to know when you got home. Unfortunately, it took you a bit to notice that you weren't on your way home. You were taking another route, and suddenly, you were on a deserted road. You tried to calm down. But Brock's voice ordering the driver to stop made you more nervous. Then he ordered you to go out. And you followed right away. Brock wasn't the guy to disobey.
The three of you got out of the car to stand on the deserted road. Then you noticed the car filled with Rumlow's men who had been following you. You looked around, trying to get any idea of what you were doing here. You gasped loudly when you saw your father punch Brock in the face. Brock's laugh made you stand still in your place. He turned to your father with the most evil smile you had ever seen, and he punched him too. You moved back when the punching continued. You looked at the men standing by the car, but none of them moved. It was like only you could see what was happening. But Brock and your father kept punching at each other until they drew blood.
Then Rumlow turned to you as he wiped the blood from his mouth. You couldn't possibly understand what was happening right now. You were too scared and confused. The next thing you felt was Brock's hand slapping you. Your head turned to the other side after the impact. You yelped as Brock grabbed a handful of your hair.
"You think you can do this to me, bitch?" Despite the smile on his face, you could tell Brock was angry.
"You think you are so clever that I wouldn't know." His grip on your hair tightened as he slapped again.
"Brock, what are you talking about?" You were holding his hand, trying to get away.
"Acting stupid too, ha." He hit you, and you couldn't help but cry out.
"Don't want to talk?" He hit you again. There was no winning with Rumlow. Whether you talked back or stayed silent, he still got angrier. You learned that the hard way.
"You and Barnes." He got tired of your silence, so he told you as he continued to hit you.
"What do you mean, me and Barnes? I have nothing to do with Barnes." You said it between your tears. Somehow, that angered him more. He threw you on the rocks, which left small cuts on all your exposed skin.
"You think I don't know about your history with him?. That you spent years loving him?" Brock's words almost sent you into a heart attack. Had he known all these years? Was this why he had been treating you like this?
"That you don't sleep next to me, thinking about him." Brock hit you with his feet, causing you to scream.
"Brock, I swear nothing has happened since we got married. I only saw him when you were there." You tried to defend yourself. Yes,you still loved Bucky, but your relationship ended before the marriage.
"Is that why he had his hands all over you at the party?" If Brock saw it, then you were as good as dead.
"I swear it's not how it looked." You didn't know what you could say, but you had to save yourself.
"Shut up." Rumlow leaned down to continue his aggressive assault on you. All while your father and men watched.
Once he was done, you were in so much pain, crying loudly. You didn't know how you were going to get out this time.
"But thanks to your stupid ass. I can finally have what I want." Rumlow said as he got up to stand next to your father.
"See if you died, and it turns out Barnes was the one to kill you. The city will be ours. It's a win without war."
"Oh, and why did Barnes kill you? To get rid of you because you wouldn't leave with him."
You tried to process how someone could be so evil, but you didn't understand. And fate hated you so much to get you stuck with them. Rumlow calling out with man made you flinch. As Josh, one of his loyal men, stood behind him, your mind quickly followed up on what was about to happen.
"No. No, Brock, you don't understand." You began to beg for your life in between your tears and sobs.
"Oh, I understand. It's two birds with one stone." His evil smirk made your bruised skin crawl.
"You know what to do, Josh." Rumlow ordered the man , as he was about to leave.
"No, Brock, please." You got up quickly despite the shooting pain in your body.
"Please, Brock, don't. I will do whatever you want me to do." You were used to begging, Rumlow. To stop hitting you. Stop touching you. It was nothing new. However, this time, you were begging for your life.
He threw you one more time on the ground and moved to get in the other car. You called out for your father, screaming for him to help you. But he didn't even give you a second look. If he hated you so much, why did he even have you? To watch as another man kills you. Quite literally.
Your sobs became so loud as Josh brought his gun out, and the engine of the car started and then drove away. Tears were like falls on your face. You couldn't believe that was it. Your life was about to end. Alone, scared, and betrayed. Maybe, finally, you would have real peace.
You tried to stop crying when Josh lifted the gun to your face. You are going to die. And it hurt knowing you had achieved nothing. You spent your whole life trapped and suffering. The only time you were free was when you were with Bucky. Bucky. You wish you could warn him. You wish you could tell him you loved him. One last time.
You put your hand on your mouth to console your sobs as you prepare yourself for death. You screamed as the shots were fired from the gun.
You waited for the pain to hit. To feel the blood. To see the light. All of it. But there was nothing. You lifted your head to look at Josh. He had the gun aimed above your head. He never meant to shoot you. You looked at him, baffled. He brought the gun back to its holster and threw you a phone.
"You make one call, then destroy it." He instructed you. You can only nod.
"And don't show yourself." He continued as he looked at the road to make sure nobody was there. He looked at you one more time before he went to the car you were in.
"Thank you." You spoke weakly. He saved your life. It's the least you can do. He smiled at you as he drove off.
You took the phone off the ground with shaky hands. You opened the screen and went to the contacts. But who could you possibly call? Fortunately, you only memorised one number, and it happened to be the number of the only person who could help you.
You dialled the number you knew by heart from your dating days, hoping he hadn't changed it. You couldn't help the sob that broke out of you when his sleepy voice reached your ears.
"Bucky, help me, please."
Bucky was driving like a madman. The second he heard your crying voice on the phone, he shot out of bed. He was glad he trusted his gut and answered the unknown number. It was a matter of seconds before he was out of the house and driving to the location you sent him. He tried to keep you on the phone, but it went off. Bucky has never driven faster in his life. He needed to get to you.
The location led him to a deserted road. He didn't care what happened or how you ended up here. If you called him, that meant one thing. The situation was so bad. So he had to get you somewhere safe immediately.
Bucky saw one car parked by the side of the road and two men who looked like punks who just got out of prison. The men were standing outside the car, hovering over a girl, trying to take her with them. Bucky could hear your screaming.
Bucky didn't even care to park the car correctly. He got out, brought his gun out, and shot the men dead. No hesitation. No thought.
You turned quietly to Bucky, and despite the dim light, he could see your state. Smudged mascara. Tears stained cheeks. Bruises and marks on your face, neck, and arms. Multiple cuts on your clothes. Bucky could feel the rage running through his body. Uncontrollable anger. Bucky wanted to go on a killing spree. Hunting down those who dared to do this to you. But now wasn't the time. You needed him.
Bucky called your name softly as he moved towards you. He didn't want to disturb you anymore.
"It's just me." He tried to reassure you that he was here now.
"Bucky." You whispered his name to make sure it was really his.
"Yes, doll." The use of a unique pet name was a good call. Because only Bucky has ever called you this. It was associated with happy and comforting feelings.
And it was like the pet name stirred everything once more. You started crying again, almost falling to the ground, but this time Bucky caught you in his arms. You were crying hysterically, holding onto Bucky like he was all you had. It was true. He was all you had.
"I'm here, doll. Nobody is going to hurt you anymore. You are safe now." Bucky kept whispering sweet, comforting words to your ears as you wept and clung to him.
But he meant it. Nobody was ever going to touch you again. Even if it meant war. He didn't care. You are all that matters. And you were back in his arms.
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After a bit of time, Bucky was able to get you into the passenger seat of his car. Your crying had stopped, but your sniffles filled the car. You held Bucky's hand with both of your hands, resting it on your lap. Both of you needed the simple touch. You needed to know you weren't alone. That you had someone to hold onto. And Bucky needed to feel you. He needed to make sure you were right by his side. That you were safe. He would keep you safe.
Bucky stopped the car in front of his mansion. He didn't waste any time. He got out of the car and went to your side. He opened the passenger's door and carried you bridal style. You rested your head on his chest. His heartbeats were soothing. It was strange how the second you stepped foot in his house, feelings of comfort and security engulfed you like a warm blanket. This house was filled with good memories and happy moments. Despite being in pain, being with Bucky made it easier than usual.
You failed to notice the other presence who had been following you up since you got inside until Bucky put you softly on a bed. Bucky immediately took in your unease when you saw the other man. He was quick to reassure you that it was Bruce, a friend of his who was a doctor and was here to check on you. Bucky texted Bruce to come over once you got in the car. You tried telling him that it was nothing, but he didn't bother to listen. He needed to be sure you were okay. Physically, at least.
Bucky knew he should have left the room and given you some privacy, but he just couldn't. He was already holding himself back from telling Bruce to check on you while you were in his arms. He was unbelievably desperate for you. And desperate to make sure you were safe. This is why he had to control his breathing whenever you winced or groaned in pain as Bruce was patching you. Bucky was going to make them all pay for ever hurting you.
After Bruce had finished patching you up and reassuring Bucky that you didn't need to go to the hospital, you just needed rest, Bucky led Bruce outside and came back to you right away. It was like he could read your mind. He showed you the en-suite bathroom and told you to take your time. You closed the bathroom door to be faced with the big mirror. You had looked worse before. You had been beaten up way worse before. But this time, it somehow hurt more. You didn't know if it was your father's willingness to kill you, if it was the gun pointed at your head, or if it was being alone on a deserted road in the middle of the night. Or maybe if it was all
You shook the thoughts away as you moved to turn on the water and set the temperature. Then you stripped off your clothes and threw them in the corner, and you stepped under water. It was comforting to feel the water on your bruised skin. To let the water wash out all the remains of this terrible night.
While you were taking the shower, Bucky left some of his most comfortable clothes on the bed for you. He changed his clothes into a t-shirt and sweatpants, then went to the kitchen to get you a bottle of water and some snacks. He got back upstairs, and when he couldn't hear the water running, he knocked on the door.
You smiled pathetically at yourself as you finished putting on the hoodie. It had been so long since someone had asked for permission to enter your room. You let Bucky in. The sight of you in Bucky's clothes was heartwarming. You still never managed to fit into his clothes. They always looked so big on you. And he always loved it, too. How he missed this sight. He would never forgive himself for letting this happen to you. But he was going to make it right.
Both of you sat on the coach that occupied a part of the room. You sat in silence as he forced you to eat something. You were surprised to see him hand you your favourite snack. But Bucky had always been thoughtful, especially when it came to you. He then handed you the bottle of water, which you almost chucked right away.
"Thank you." You were the first to break the silence. You didn't know if you meant for the snack and water or for everything. Bucky assured you that it was nothing.
You gathered every bit of courage you had in your body to speak your next words.
"I can leave if you want to." With all your courage, it still came out like a whisper.
"What do you mean?" Bucky didn't try to hide his confusion.
"I will find somewhere else. This is so messy. I will understand if you don't want to be involved." You tried to let your voice be strong and stop the shakiness, but failed miserably.
Bucky couldn't believe his ears. How selfless did you have to be to ask something like this? How oblivious were you to his undying love for you that you thought he wouldn't burn down the world to ashes for you? He would walk through hellfire and over oceans for you.
"Sweetheart, you aren't going anywhere." He still didn't know what happened, but from the looks of it, it wasn't good. And nowhere seemed safe enough for him other than his own house under his watch.
"If it involves you, that means it involves me as well. No matter how bad it is, you will never face it by yourself. Not anymore. I will be damned if I let you walk away again." Bucky was a wise man who learned from his mistakes, and watching you leave was his biggest regret. So he had no intention of letting you
You couldn't help but smile at him weakly but it was a genuine smile that made its way to your face. After a long day of betrayal, Bucky made you feel wanted. And you were thankful.
After putting away the stuff on a nearby table, Bucky helped you move and lay on the bed. As he was about to leave the room, thinking it was what you wanted, you grabbed his hand. He turned to look at you, and his heart almost broke. You looked so vulnerable, like a lost kid in the big park. Your eyes were finally showing their truth. Deep hurt and fear. You were scared to be alone. And Bucky understood. Without a word, he joined you in bed, pulling you closer to him and wrapping his arms around you protectively. He laid a soft kiss on your forehead as a sign that he was here now.
Wearing his clothes and being in his arms, you were surrounded by Bucky. And it felt too good. It felt like a dream. Maybe Josh did kill you and ended up in heaven. Because after all you had been through, that was it. The most peaceful you had been in a long time You couldn't help but think of how you were ripped away from this to be thrown into the wild by yourself. But that wasn't the worst part. The worst part was the possibility of losing Bucky again.
The idea was scary. More scary than before. Because now you know what life looks like without him. It was unbearable. You found yourself nuzzling closer to him as if you were trying to disappear from the world inside of him. Unknowingly to you, your thoughts came out as hot tears that Bucky felt on his neck.
"I've got you now, doll." Bucky pulled you impossibly closer to him, rubbing his hand up and down your back with soft kisses to your hair.
You finally gave up and let down your guard, admitting that you could no longer take it. Your unfair life was no longer fit for you. That here with Bucky was where you belonged.
"I missed you."
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You kept your eyes closed a bit longer. Maybe you would fall asleep again. When you didn't, you opened your eyes slowly, adjusting to the lights. It took your mind a moment to keep up with what happened and where you were, but the ache in your body served as a reminder. The feeling wasn't unfamiliar. It was the only thing you had ever felt for two years straight. You knew how to deal with it, how to live with it, and how to hide it.
However, this time felt different. Pain wasn't the only thing you were feeling. You didn't know how to describe it. But you felt relaxed in some ways. Maybe because that was the best night's sleep you had in a very long time. It was nice falling asleep in the arms of a man you didn't fear and spend your night afraid he might snap any minute. You fell asleep with a man who was always the only one to make you feel loved, appreciated, and, most importantly, safe. You felt safe with Bucky. A feeling that became so foreign to you. Having it back was pleasing.
It could be easy to just ravish in the comfort of these secure emotions. But you were realistic. You knew they were in for the short term. Your life would eventually catch up to you. If Brock and your father found that you were still alive, the outcome would be catastrophic.
You sat up, resting your back on the headboard, letting your mind race between the what-nows and what-ifs. Could you survive this, or was this your convalescence before death? You didn't know.
The soft knock on the door brought you out of your thoughts. You turned to the door as it opened to show Bucky, still in his home clothes. You reassured him quickly that you were already awake before he started apologising for waking you. Bucky started talking about how he prepared food if you wanted it or if you wanted to come down or just stay in bed. But you interrupted him.
"Bucky, you should know what happened last night." He was being too sweet and caring. He should know what he was getting himself into.
Bucky signed and came to sit next to you on the bed, keeping a little distance between you.
"You don't have to tell me now. Whenever you're ready." Bucky didn't care about anything other than your wellbeing.
"I think you have to know." You could feel yourself wanting to shrink away, but you had to tell him. He was at risk as well.
Before you could start telling him what happened, he spoke first.
"Just so you know. Whatever happened, whatever you say, It will change nothing. I'm neither leaving nor letting you leave. If I have to stand in front of the devil, I will do it." Bucky didn't have a problem saying it a million times. He needed you to be sure. He's got you. No matter how ugly it was.
You smiled thankfully at him. But despite being thankful, you hated how willing he was to risk it all for you because you loved him just as much as he did. You breathed heavily as you started telling him what happened.
You tried to give him as many details as you could recall. Everything from your father's call until you called him As you were talking, your voice began to shake, and your eyes were watering. You immediately felt Bucky's hand holding yours, fingers intertwined. He would draw small circles on your palm whenever it got hard to talk.
Bucky listened with full attention, not missing a thing that came out of your mouth. It was so hard to keep his anger inside, to not let emotions take over and burn down the city, but he was aware that now wasn't the right time. He needed to think straight. With all the information you filled him in with. Rumlow and Pierce knew about the both of you, and they already had a plan in motion to get rid of him. He was already in danger. However, he would keep you safe even if it cost his life.
The most important question for him was why Josh let you go and didn't listen to his boss. He needed to know if this was a trap, and both of you walked right into it. But you had a good answer. Rumlow was a cheap man regarding his men. He barely paid them enough. And you knew about this right away. And Josh was no different from Rumlow's way of working. So when Josh's little brother fell ill and needed money for surgery and medication, Rumlow didn't even consider it. You, on the other hand, gave him all he needed and a bit more once you found out. You even went and visited his brother in the hospital and brought him gifts. And it wasn't just Josh. You did this with all Rumlow's men and the housemaids. You were helping whoever needed it. You kept it all from Rumlow because you knew the consequences wouldn't be pretty. You couldn't help or save yourself, so you found serenity in helping others. A way to give what nobody could ever give you. But here you were. An act of kindness saved your life.
Bucky couldn't say he was surprised. Your kindness and good heart were what drew him to you in the first place. You didn't fit in this world. You were too good. Even in your darkest time, you managed to be the light for others.
So he promised you and himself that you would not shed a single tear again. That nobody was going to touch you again. And those who did were going to pay. Before you could stop him and tell him it wasn't worth it, he told you it wasn't up for discussion.
It was personal since he found out, but now that he knew Rumlow knew about your relationship and he still chose to hurt you. It became revenge.
You couldn't help the smile when he told you that he would handle everything and that you didn't have anything to worry about. You tried to tell him how impossible that was, but he knew how to silence you.
"They are coming for me now anyway. So let this be my problem while you rest."
And you listened to him. You spent the rest of the day with Bucky doing nothing. He took care of everything. Whatever you wanted came right to you. And you got to keep his company, which was something you missed dearly. Light conversations were going on between the both of you. You expected some awkwardness, but there was none. You felt at home. You were home.
After taking the medication that Bruce prescribed for you to help your recovery, you felt a little sleepy. He brought you back to the bedroom, telling you to let him know if you wanted anything. You thanked him, feeling truly grateful for all his help.
After you went to bed, he sat in his office, trying to figure out a plan. What should the next move be? He needed to play this wisely. He was interrupted by Steve and Sam's arrival. They showed up to find out why he didn't come to work today. Even if they could tell his excuse was a ridiculous lie, they didn't call him out for it. Bucky didn't want to tell them what had happened just yet. He trusted the two men with his life. But this was your life. He was extra careful.
However, his wishes didn't come true.
After Steve and Sam had stayed to hang out for some time, They heard noise coming from right outside the mansion. They left the office to be greeted with a very angry-looking Brock Rumlow and Alexander Pierce shouting at Bucky's men to let them in. Bucky took the lead, with his bestfriends following behind.
"Gentlemen, to what do I own the honour?" Even though Bucky had a pretty good idea why they were here, it was his time to put on his best act.
"Where the hell is my wife, Barnes?" Rumlow shouted as he pushed the man to go stand in front of Bucky.
"Why would I know this?" Bucky put his hands in his pockets to avoid punching Rumlow in the face.
"You know damn well why. Where is she? What have you done to her?" Bucky wanted to laugh at Rumlow's fake act of the worrisome husband.
"I have no idea what you are talking about." He wanted to see how this was going to play out.
"Like you didn't send your men on us last night and take my daughter." Pierce moved to join Rumlow, facing Bucky.
"No, I didn't." Bucky could see the cuts both men had on their faces. It must be from the punching session you talked about.
"Only you could pull a stunt like this."
"I have no reason to do so."
"Because you're still mad, she chose me over you. Your ego can't take it."
"I have no idea what you are talking about."
"She told me, Barnes. You like her and have been harassing her to get with you. And you took her. Where is she?"
"None of this is true. I only have respect for Mrs. Rumlow. That's all."
"So you aren't going to tell us where she is?"
"If I find anything, I won't hesitate to inform you."
"You are playing a dangerous game. If anything happened to my daughter, you wouldn't stand a chance."
"Let me know if there is anything I can do to help."
With a fake smile on their faces, Pierce and Rumlow left. They really stuck to their act. The loving husband and caring father It was laughable. Painting him as the bad guy was a smart move. He would give them that. However, he was smarter than them.
He turned to find Sam and Steve looking at him suspiciously. For someone to find out the love of his life was missing, he was too calm. And his reaction to the whole encounter was telling them that something was off.
Without a word, Bucky excused himself to go upstairs. He went straight to the room you were occupying. He needed to check on you. He walked in after knocking. The sound of the water was the only thing to stop his panic when he came in and saw the empty bed. He turned around when he heard the unlocking of the bathroom's door.
"Hey." You spoke with a smile when you saw him standing in the middle of the room.
"Hey. How are you feeling now?" He didn't hide how his eyes kept moving all over your body to check on you.
"Better. Thanks," you answered him with a soft voice.
"I thought I heard....." You were the first to bring up the real reason why he was here.
"Nothing. It was nothing." Bucky didn't let you finish.
"Like I said. You have nothing to worry about." He was quick to reassure you.
"Thank you." You lost count of how many times you said the word in less than a day. But you were truly thankful.
"Why don't you continue your nap while I make dinner for when you wake up?" You almost wanted to cry. Nobody ever cared this much. Expect Bucky. It had always been Bucky.
Bucky left the room as you made your way back to the bed. He smiled at you before he closed the door.
If it wasn't for his steady personality, he would have screamed like a baby when he turned to see Steve and Sam standing outside your door with the same suspicious look on their faces.
"Is there something we should know, Bucky?" Steve spoke first, knowing his friend was already hiding something.
With a sigh, Bucky knew he had to tell And he did.
"I can't ask you to help me with this. You have families and people you care about. But she is my family. I can't turn my back on her again." Bucky spoke after he had finished telling them what happened. It was going to be risky, and he didn't want to force his bestfriend to feel like they had to join him.
"So what are we doing next?" Both Steve and Sam knew they didn't need to talk to make a decision. They were kind of offended when Bucky suggested they wouldn't back him up instantly. Yes, both had families. Bucky was a big part of this family. So this was their fight, too.
"I don't know." Bucky gave them an honest answer. He didn't know what the right next move should be.
"It's quite clear, Barnes." A fourth voice added. The three men turned around quickly, hands ready on their guns.
"What are you doing here, Fury?" It seemed lots of people were remembering Bucky today.
"I just wanted to check on you." Nick walked in to sit on the big couch in the office, facing three of them.
"What do you want?" Bucky didn't have time for whatever game Nick was playing.
"Nothing. Just want to check on the girl and see what you are going to do next?" Bucky knew better than to let his surprise show.
"What girl?" He kept the neutral tone and expression up.
"Pierce's daughter." Maybe Nick is here to trick him. At the end of the day, nobody really knew where Nick Fury's allegiance lay.
"I said.."
"I know you were the one who went and got her last night. After Pierce and Rumlow left her."
Silence filled the place for a few seconds. The three of them are trying to process Nick's words. He knew?
"How do you..."
"I know everything. I know what Pierce and Rumlow were planning to do. I didn't know when. So I threw you the information about their marriage."
In any other situation, the stunned reaction the three men held would be very funny.
"What? Do you think I go around talking about other people's business? You needed to know. So you can move. So when this happened, the girl had somewhere to go."
"What made you think I would help her?"
"Cut the crap, James. You're in love with her. You love her so much that you wouldn't have had a problem standing in front of Alexander to marry her. If it wasn't for Rumlow,"
It appeared that Bucky didn't do a good job at hiding your relationship back then.
"So you knew they were going to kill her and did nothing?" He couldn't help the venom filling his voice as his mind caught on to Nick's words. He put you in danger.
"I knew they were going to let some of their men do it. I knew their men loved and respected her. They wouldn't do it."
"You couldn't be sure of this."
"They didn't do it, did they?"
"Why are you here, Nick?"
"To help you take down Pierce and Rumlow once and for all. Because if someone can do it, it can only be you."
Taglist: @ozwriterchick @vicmc624 @pattiemac1 @kandis-mom @dexter99
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