#and every time has been phenomenal! however. it is enough
bitegore · 7 months
i do not need to shower today on account of i showered two days ago and was conscious for all of six hours yesterday. However I think I would like to shower which means I need to do that literally right now or my groceries will ccome when i am still showering
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honeymoonblues · 8 months
If only you asked...
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Remus Lupin x Professor!Reader
Summary: Remus is deciding wheter or not to ask you out, and you're having a bad day. (Gender neutral reader)
Word count: 1.3k
A/N: A little continuation to my other Remus fic 'Crash!' can also be read as a stand-alone. Let me know if there are any spelling errors, English is not my first language.
A few months had passed since you became a professor at Hogwarts.
At first, it had been hard to get the students truly engaged with the subject. Of course you understood that history could get boring, but slowly and with a lot of effort, the kids were inspired by your own enthusiasm. You were eccentric enough to catch their attention for the whole hour, and stern enough to make sure they were actually learning.
Now, the relationship with your coworkers was an easier task. You got along with them just fine, having quickly learned about each of their personalities and being mindful of their own little quirks.
You knew well to treat Severus with respect, to call Minerva by her first name, to never interrupt Sprout while she was teaching and to be open minded to whatever Trelawney had to say, even when she spoke the most peculiar of facts.
Surely, there was also Remus. Whom, no matter how many odd quirks, could never get on your nerves. Even with his strange way of acting every once month, you thought he must have his reasons. Your bond was warm, a friendship disguised under pure professionalism (or so you thought).
You see, it was always:
“Oh, professor Lupin, you must come with me to Hogsmeade this weekend!”
And Remus would never turn down an offer from you. He would say:
“That’s very convenient, you see, I was just thinking that I need to go to the quill shop.”
 It turned cartoon-ish after a while. You’d invite him to the village, he’d suddenly remember that he also has to go the village, so it would be foolish to refuse, and you’d both smile brightly to each other. Now, Remus was quickly running out of stores he ‘needed’ to go to, and your invitations were so regular that they didn’t seem ‘just friendly’ anymore.
The truth is, you were fooling no one. Except maybe yourselves.
If anyone should ask about your relationship, you were kind to answer:
“Of course professor Lupin and I are friendly, we’re coworkers!”
And Remus didn’t hesitate to respond:
“Yes, I’d say we’re good acquaintances, why do you ask?”
In the staff room, Severus would raise his eyebrows every time, which is the most expressive you’ve seen him. Then Flitwick would sip on his tea, and Dumbledore would grin. Nevertheless, the professors were still indifferent to whatever-might-be-going-on with you two, Merlin knows they don’t need anything else to get involved with.
The students, however, do love a little love story. They would throw each other glances every time you stepped in Remus’ classroom, whisper excitedly when they caught you two talking animatedly, and roll their eyes whenever you’d invite him to Hogsmeade.
It was painfully clear! You both fancied each other, why couldn’t you just date, and get over it! The truth is, you were both phenomenal cowards. The ‘what ifs’ were clouding your minds. Also was it even allowed for professors to date? (No one cared!) But since the pair of you decided it would be best to ignore these feelings and not talk about it, the months just kept on stretching out and neither dared to make a move that wasn’t inside the usual routine of Hogsmeade’s strictly-professional-and-maybe-a-little-friendly strolls.
Remus’ heart raced just by thinking of asking you out for once. He smiled to himself, looked at a fixed point in his office, and ignored the papers he was supposed to be grading for a moment. He was thinking of you. Your humour, then your laugh, then your smile, then your blushing cheeks, then your twinkling eyes.
‘I’m absolutely done for.’ He thought, snapping out of his mind.
There was someone at his door.
“Minerva, please come in.”
Behind her glasses, McGonagall had a sharp glint in her eyes, and her mouth showed a faint smirk. She had come all the way to Remus’ office to discuss the little outing he was planning for the fourth years’ class. And she did just that, but in the back of her mind there was something else. She decided it was time to help her former student a bit, after all, she’d always had a soft spot for Remus.
“Winter holidays are getting closer.” She remarked, as she was getting up.
“A much needed break for everyone, isn’t it?”
“Of course...” She nodded with her usual poise. “Any plans for this winter, Remus?”
“Oh, Minerva, whatever could I have planned for winter? You know me...” He chuckled, shrugging and pointing to his office with his hands. Accompanying her to the door, he said. “I’m quite the dull man, after all.”
“I was just asking, since I’ve been seeing you out in Hogsmeade every weekend, I thought you could have...” She smiled, and Remus stuttered a bit before Minerva spoke again, softly but surely. “If you asked them, Remus, they would say yes, you know...”
Then she left, still grinning when she closed the door behind her. Remus stood there, lips tightly closed and feeling like he was caught red-handed. He sat down, then stood up again, and finally decided to sit down again. He also shook with laughter for a while as if he was insane, but kept quiet for a long time after that.
“I’m fucked.” He concluded out loud.
You loved the atmosphere that winter had brought to Hogwarts. The holidays were just around the corner and the kids seemed excited, ready for a break just as much as the professors were.
The students got more distracted this time of the year, but no one could really blame them. At the same time, exams were the last obstacle between them and the enchanting, needed rest. But it was surely a lot of work. You had so many papers and tests to grade that you started to wonder if it would be possible to have two history teachers instead of just one. Two whole stressful weeks where you didn’t even go out on weekends, and your free time was basically nonexistent. Merlin, you were almost out of your mind.
Hugging yourself in your heavy winter coat, and sipping on your hot tea, you made your way to your classroom. You were late because you’d accidentally slept in, after staying up late trying to decipher some bizarre students’ essays. But no matter how late, you were not about to miss breakfast or you’d surely pass out in the middle of the class, so you went down to the kitchens, asked politely for a cup and took off as fast as you could.
The thing is, today was not your day at all. But it could get worse, and it did! 5 minutes before the end of your first class, you tripped slightly, as you tend to do, but your worn out boots simply decided it was enough, and the heel on one of them broke. You just stared at your mutilated shoe for a moment, standing in a weird uneven stance, uncharacteristically quiet. You sighed, looked at the attentive students and dismissed the class for the day.
There were 35 minutes before the next class started, ‘enough time to cry a little’, you thought. But you shook your head, and sat down at your desk, examining your shoe.
“Certainly broken boot will not bring me down.” You spoke to yourself.
“I don’t see how it could.” Said a soft voice.
You snapped your head forward, and watched Remus entering your classroom, a shy smile on his face.
“Is this a bad time?” He asked, unusually bashful.
“No, no! I was just...” You held the boot for him to see. “Trying to fix this...”
He chuckled at the poor state of your shoes and got closer to take a look.
“I really should go to Hogsmeade, and see if someone can patch them up for me.” You mumbled, quite discouraged at your own chances of reapairing it. “Would you like to accompany me, professor?” The question was soft, hopeful, and it got a smile out of both of you.
“That’s very convenient, you see, I was just about to ask you on a date."
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tokyorevismylife · 1 year
Ladies Man- Pt.1
a ran x reader series
trigger warnings: a little cussing, reader is female
A/N:  I’ve decided to post more often, so here is a Ran dump I had saved in my drafts, because I love him so much.
Ran Haitani was the epitome of a ladies man. The very definition of one. His appearance and his charming personality was enough to with anyone over. Tall, well built but slim, with long hair tied up into braids, a pretty face and most of all, his calculating violet eyes that managed to capture the hearts of any girl he set his sights on. And he just was so seemingly effortless and graceful in all that he did. He was suave, charismatic, the list goes on. Not to mention, being able to take charge over the Roppongi district at such a young age and being apart of multiple gangs did wonders for the bad boy persona that so many females seem to like. Long story short, these advantageous traits made him extremely attractive. That’s why Ran Haitani, has always lived the good life when it came to dating. With one luck, he can wrap a girl around his finger. Who wouldn’t use this skill to their advantage?
This is precisely the reason when his younger brother Rindou didn’t even bat an eye when yet another one of his girlfriends came over to his house to disrupt the minimal peace he had. Living with such a popular brother like Ran isn’t easy. Naturally, with talents like these, a little bit of bragging is clearly understandable, right? So, obviously, Ran showed them off at every given moment. At last, what seemed like centuries later, the girl left looking utterly pleased that she was able to spend some time with a guy that seems like he came out of some fantasy shoujo manga. 
After she left, Ran plopped on the living room couch looking bored and displeased. “What’s up with you?” Rindou inquired. “Shouldn’t your dumbass be smirking in my face telling me about how many girls you manage to pull?
 “Aw come now, I understand you’re jealous but that’s no reason to insult your phenomenal elder brother, now is it?” Ran retorted. 
Rindou merely rolled his eyes, however his exasperation quickly faded when he saw that the look on Ran’s face returned to displeasure. “Dude, what the hell is wrong with you? How can you look dissatisfied after hooking up with a girl?” Rindou asked his brother.
“I wish I could be as simple minded as you, Rindou.” The elder Haitani melodramatically sighed. “You see, when you’re as attractive as I am, you can get anyone to like you. And that’s exactly my problem. I get all these girls to like me, and majority of them are smoking too. But they’re all the same, just trying to get in my pants because they think I’m some hot bad boy gangster, which I mean, I am....but I think I just want someone to like me for me.”
Rindou blinked. “Bro... are you on crack?”, was the only thing the younger Haitani was able to spew out after hearing Ran’s rather surprising monologue. “I never thought I would see the day where Ran Haitani would be tired of hooking up and actually want to commit to a relationship.” Ran didn’t say anything but glared at his brother. Rindou, if he wanted to, could also be a complete asshole. “Well, Ran, you’ll find someone someday. But, there is no point in moping around. If you want a committed relationship with someone, get off your ass, find someone you like, and use your charms. And quit hooking up with girls who only want you for shallow reasons if it bothers you that much.”
Ran stiffened at being called out but grudgingly accepted that his brother was right. Rindou has always been the wiser one among the two. He simply tilted his head back against the couch and hoped that someone would come along soon...
“CRAP!!!” I’m gonna be late!!” You leapt out of your bed, when you realized that school would start in 20 mins. You had spent majority of the night before cramming for an extremely important test of yours, which lead to you oversleeping due to your exhaustion. Within a matter of minutes, you somehow managed to shove some sort of food in your mouth, sort your appearance out and pack your bags before bolting out the door. 
“I think I may just have set a world record for fastest time to get ready”, you said as you were jogging at a quick pace. You pulled out your phone and checked the time. “Oh god, I’m gonna have to speed things up a notch if I want a hope of making it.” You swiftly quickened your pace. Upon focusing on being able to maintain a steady pace, you weren’t paying attention too much, which caused you to full on collide with an extremely tall person, which caused them to spill their drink they were holding, on their clothes. 
You straightened yourself out before looking up at the stranger. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!! I was in a rush because I didn’t want to be late for class and I wasn’t paying attention.” You looked at the guy, who had shrewd, calculating eyes and stared at you. “Um, I’ll probably be late, but I can buy you a drink to compensate?” You got a better look at the man, and despite being soiled with his drink, he was extremely handsome, with long braids accentuating his pretty face. And..silent. He was starting to freak you out. 
Meanwhile, in Ran Haitani’s mind, he didn’t know how to speak. He couldn’t gather his voice. What the hell is happening? He thought to himself. He was basically a professional flirt, so why was he struggling so much to recollect himself? He looked at the stranger before him. She was tinier than him, and stared at him apprehensively, and not to mention, she was incredibly cute. Beautiful. But not like anyone he was used to dealing with. He was used to dealing with girls with top-tier designer clothes, heavy makeup, and professionally done hair, and well... she was the opposite. She had a basic school uniform thrown on, which was disheveled, and a couple crumbs of food on her cheeks. And, she spilled a hot drink on him. So, how did Ran Haitani manage to fall so hard? 
“Hello, dude...are you good?? Yes or no to that offer? I’d really appreciate an answer fast. I need to go to school.” You asked him, nearing the end of your patience. He snapped out of his reverie that you placed him in. “Hm..I dunno...I, Ran Haitani might need something more...” And at that, he internally cringed. Where had his eloquence gone? I, Ran Haitani?? Who says that in this day and age?? So, therefore, Ran wasn’t surprised when you looked at him funny. “Well, pretty...how about a date with me, hm? I think that’s payment enough. And, I promise it’ll be fun.” That should do it, Ran thought. Most girls would swoon if they could spend one NANOSECOND with me. And, your disgusted face made his heart drop, and he felt nervous. This was the first time he was so desperate for a girl to say yes. He wondered how someone like you managed to have so much power over him. How did you make him, of all people become a simp?
“Um...no thank you. I’m not really into the arrogant pretty-boy asshole type. But look! Those girls are!” You exclaimed, pointing to a small group of screeching girls staring at Ran. You pushed past him, as he stood dumbfounded. But, you quickly turned back and pushed a wad of crumpled bills into his unsuspecting hand. 
“For the drink. Sorry for the disturbance, Ran Haitani.” And with that, you managed to make Ran Haitani come to a standstill. All he could do is stare at your distant figure, that retreated quickly.
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starsarefire824 · 6 months
Fic Recs
In honor of things being shitty in the tag right now and everyone in their depression era, I'm offering a few fic recs in these trying times. Hope you discover something new, friends. 🖤
the comforts that make us feel numb by passerine_in_jade.
“No, but really. If I were a girl,” Mike presses on, looking up at Will with red-rimmed eyes through dark lashes. Leaning in. Somehow, fully unaware that this line of questioning has Will's heart climbing up to his throat. “Would you want to kiss me?”
or, Will and Mike get high in the desert.
Well written, almost dreamy quality to it. Author to watch for me! Can't believe I only just discovered their writing.
A Wish For Something More by @waroftheposes
Seven year old Will didn't have a problem with kissing his best friend on a dare. Seventeen year old Will, however, would not do it if someone held his hand over a fire.
Or: Truth or dare at seven and truth or dare at seventeen.
They're silly and sweet and oh so confused. The writing is lovely as well. Great if you're in the mood for fluff.
On the Same Frequency by @oldfashionedmorphine
Ever since his best friend Will Byers was murdered back in 1985, Mike Wheeler wanted nothing more than to leave his hometown of Hawkins, Indiana and never look back—only each and every year he’s forced to make an exception when it comes to the holidays. And when Mike visits for Christmas in 1995, his mom asks him to help clear out some junk in his room and down in the basement before he returns home to Indianapolis. But when he comes across an old trunk containing his Supercom walkie-talkie and ham radio, he discovers something strange that has the potential to change everything…
(or an AU inspired by the movie “Frequency” from 2000)
I'm only just starting this, but Frequency au?? Hell yes.
Fleeting by olliecoddle. @souverian-are-we
Mike liked Will’s art shows, albeit slightly less the higher class they had gotten. Little paintings in the corner of a cafe morphed into white walls and rich spectators poised with champagne and well-mannered criticism. Still, he had been looking forward to it. He wanted to go. But now, walking up to the glass doors, he had to admit he felt jittery.
or, Will's new paintings are a little too personal
This is one of my absolute favorites ever. The writing of course, it's ollie. But the descriptions, the entire buildup of Mike's reaction in the art gallery, the content of the painting? The entire concept is beautiful. And be sure to look up the painting Will's was inspired by. It will tell you everything.
any semblance of touch by anonymous.
“Nothing,” Will says, right into Mike’s ear. “Still feeling good?”
So good. Mike makes sure to not say it aloud this time. “I think,” Mike says slowly, heart pounding, “I need” — Will pulls back just a little, just enough for their noses to bump against each other, clumsy, and Mike bites the bullet — “one more.”
Will is still in Mike’s lap, which is maybe not very platonic of him, and the joint has smoldered its way down to the end, nearly over, all eaten up by the fire. Will swallows thickly, then leans closer, a perfect imitation of their positions from earlier. Mike isn’t sure how long it’s been, but fire has been eating away at him too, this whole time, leaving him on the brink of going up in smoke, slow and burning and so good.“Yeah?” Will murmurs, realization dawning on him, eyes wide. “One more?”
or: Mike’s still new to this whole smoking thing. Will has a few ideas.
Utterly depressing this is anonymous because the writing is phenomenal. So alive and vivid. Not sure where this fic was hiding, but I'm glad I found it. Highlights: Mike’s inner dialogue, the playfulness between them, the lowered inhibitions finally letting them relax into the moment.
nosebleeds from epiphanies (i took full in the face) by wheelersboy @karenchildress.
Hawkins, Montana, June 1988. When Lonnie Byers catches his youngest son in the arms of another boy, he calls in that favor owed to him by rancher Jim Hopper in Lenora: Will must work as an unpaid ranch hand and learn to "man up." Mike Wheeler follows him to the creepy ranch with electrical problems, like any best friend would.
jo's writing is always fantastic. she has such a unique voice and mike's struggle in this just does things for me.
When The Sun Runs Out by olliecoddle @souverian-are-we
On a dreary day in March, 1989 the population of Hawkins, Indiana dropped to four. Will Byers watched as the final family left, the bed of their truck packed to the brim and tied down with a tarp. Furniture stuck out at odd angles, and the corner flap flailed in the breeze as they turned onto the highway. Will followed the vehicle with his eyes until it disappeared as a dot on the long stretch of pavement. Then, he got in his car and went home.
Or, Will is burning out, and Mike is mesmerized by the flame.
This was sexy as hell and all I'm gonna say is tattoos. I really enjoyed this little rougher around the edges, let down by life, closed off Will after being left in Hawkins alone with El, Hopper, and Joyce to wait for the end of the world that never seems to come.
dirty rain by henrycreel
mike wheeler is an average alpha teenage boy working on keeping tight control of his raging hormones in the wake of being seventeen years old, unmated, and a virgin who's never spent his rut with anyone before. when one of his teachers makes an innocent request of him, he finds himself spiraling almost right away. the omega sitting next to him in class is going to be his omega one way or another even if it means employing some traditional and unconventional means to show him who he belongs to.
will byers is an omega with a tendency toward anxiety and outright fear, marked by years of abuse at the hands of his father. high school should be a chance to open a new chapter for himself, but he only truly finds comfort sitting next to mike, an alpha whose presence seems to keep the usual mocking and bullying at bay. but when mike starts to cross the line from friendly classmate into so much more, will has no time to decide if he's ready to move on to a relationship of his own, to finding a mate to settle down with like his big brother already has.
mike is making the decision for both of them.
A solid Omegaverse fic! <3
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cookiesupplier · 18 days
Every Rose Has Its Thorns - Part Forty-Two
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pairing: Ricky Olson x ofc x Chris 'Motionless' Cerulli
warnings/tropes: slow burn, soulmates, strangers to enemies to lovers, betrayal, angst, fluff, smut, language, online bullying, panic attacks, stalking, mental health issues, conspiracy theories.
summary: In a world where soulmates inexplicably receive a tattoo that will match that of their soulmate the moment they turn eighteen years old, being famous and covered in very visible tattoos can make finding your true soulmate a questionable fate. For everyone involved.
author’s note: Unbeta'd as usual, enjoy!
To read from the beginning, check out the Masterlist Here!
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tags: @faceless-mirror @missduffsblog @tamtam-elizabeth @witchyweeb34 @tearfallpixie
@wild-child-7747 @shilohrosechicken @lacktoesandtoddlerants @blackveilomens @valiantroeagleangel
@bngurngheart @dominuslunae @collapsedglasshouses @embracethereaper42 @emmmm127
@sunsshinesunny @spicywhenspeaking
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Talia was ready, Ricky had told her yesterday before she left that he was going to pick her up along with Chris. She had offered to meet him there if he’d only tell him where they were going, but he’d been stubborn and refused to tell her what he had planned. More realistically, Talia probably thought he had absolutely no idea what they were going to do and him asking them on this date was spur of the moment and now was scrambling on the fly. What else could it be, he’d only just confirmed they were all without a doubt soulmates together yesterday afternoon, it wasn’t like he’d been planning this date for a while. Ricky had been vehemently against wanting to date her, wanting to date anyone, let alone having anything to do with soulmates, thanks to Grace. Let's be honest, Talia not only didn’t blame him, she had been feeling exactly the same way for years now, at least about the soulmates part. The dating part had been partially made that way because of the soulmate side of it.
So no, she didn’t blame him one bit, and yes, she thought he was scrambling now find something that was worthy of this date, at least she hoped he was. Then again, if anyone could get a reservation, or whatever he had planned, for something last minute in this town, it would be a member from a band that had made a name for themselves. Not to mention called this town home. Who knows what he could be coming up with on the fly. 
By the time the pair of them had finished with work together to get her ready, Talia felt like a porcelain doll, plucked, and polished to perfection. At least she had managed to talk her out of the stiletto heels she tried to convince her to borrow. There was no way she would have wanted to wear them on a date even if she’d known where she was going, let alone a mystery date. So instead she was wearing some mid-heel wedges. They were enough that they still made her ass look phenomenal according to Ava, but still felt like she had solid footing, she never felt like she had the balance to tiptoe in stilettos anyway. Ava had tried to claim to convince her that it wasn’t balance, it was confidence, but all it got from Talia was an eye roll as she turned back to the mirror to finish her makeup.
Now, she was waiting in the foyer of Vinny’s house until Ricky and Chris got there. She had always planned to. However, Ava tried to insist on going even one step further than that, just waiting for them to come to the door apparently wasn’t enough for her. This was an official date, Ava had even wanted to open the door herself like she was her overprotective parent. Only to have Talia scoff slightly and glancing over to Vinny.
“Hey Vinny, so, you know how I’m not a cock block while I’m living here?”
Oh, watching his eyes go wide right then was amusing, perfect.
“Right, so-”
“Ava, babe, let's go make some popcorn and watch a movie-”
Yea, he was getting what she was throwing down, now, whether Talia would actually do what she was implying, making his sex life very difficult and all that? That was beside the point. Obviously, Vinny wasn’t about to take that risk by letting his girlfriend get in the way. Talia couldn’t help but chuckle a little as she witnessed a complaining Ava being pulled along as Vinny sort to get her out of the way as she waited for Ricky and Chris to arrive. Hopefully it wouldn’t take them much longer. She was at least still waiting inside, Ava might not get to usher Ricky and Chris inside to interrogate them as she had wanted to, but Talia was still going to expect them to come to the door like gentlemen. It was a date, after all. It was almost a shame Ava was already practically living with Vinny, she’d skipped this part, cheater.
Oh, oh! There was the doorbell. Hearing a squeal from the kitchen and Vinny’s voice calling Ava’s name, followed by a No, Talia laughed, good luck Vinny wrangling her tonight, he was going to need to. Talia had a funny feeling, if Vinny didn’t manage to keep her occupied, she was going to get plagued with messages all night with how the date was going.. Actually.. Before she reached the door, she turned her head and called out back into the house,
“Vinny, confiscate her phone, will you?”
“Consider it done!”
Oh, she didn’t know if there was a scuffle, or if Vinny had taken her phone at that exactly moment, but then:
Laughing as she moved towards the door, hearing the echoes of Ava’s complaints as she made it to answer the knock. That was one less thing she had to worry about at least, she could get the run-down of her date, after it was over and not pestering her during their date. As the door swung open, her eyes fell on Ricky and Chris.
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They’d both walked to the door, of course, there was no way they one of them was going to stay in the car. Ricky not only had been the one that planned the date, he knew where they were going, but Chris insisted. There was no way that they were both going to stay in the car and just honk the horn to wait for her, no chance. Something about tonight felt like they’d been waiting for this date forever, which was rather funny, because Rick, had been in a committed relationship for years, so how was he waiting for this? 
He’d almost gotten engaged to Grace, even.
Yet, there was still something about tonight, something that felt, right. While it felt like he’d had years of his life ripped away, and that fear, that pain, he wouldn’t lie, it was still a wound that was open. He’d catch himself with moments wondering about what she was doing when he’d get reminded of her, fuck, how long was he going to be reminded of her, and it was going to kill him her lies, and the manipulation. Then he thought of Talia, and the relief, it wasn’t instant, she actually made the pain worse for a while. After all, there had been a moment when it was like he just couldn’t breathe. Then, now, when he could take a breath, that pain bled away and everything felt better. Adding Chris to the mix, and Rick felt so much calmer. The paranoia about worry about whether he could trust himself, just as he said to Talia, he wouldn’t lie, it was till there, but trusting both of them, together? That thought was so much easier. That was why he was here, that was why he was sure he could do this now.
So yes, it felt like he’d been waiting for this day, like something in him had been holding his breath waiting for this moment when everything was just how it was meant to be.
Taking one car, it was just so much more reasonable that Chris following him in his, Ricky drove them to Vinny’s to pick up Talia. No, he wasn’t giving Chris a hint of where they were going for their date. Both of them were dressed nice and casual, nice jeans, shirts, jacket hoodies, Chris knew him pretty well in that. Rick had no idea however what to expect from Talia, and he hadn’t told her what to expect from tonight.. So when the door opened and they saw her in that red dress.
Oh, that dress. 
He would be worried she had been expecting something far more extravagant than he had planned, but all he could think about, as he looked over her, was how exquisite she was. Her eyes were bright, and the fact that they were dressed casual didn’t seem to make her blink. If anything, she giggled happily as she quickly came out of the front door of the house, closing it behind her. 
“Damn, JellyBean, aren’t you something gorgeous tonight, sure we have to go out Rick?”
Smiling at the question from Chris, and the way Talia’s cheeks brightened from the obvious appraisal from them both as they walked down the path at the front of the house towards Ricky’s car in the driveway. 
“If we don’t, put that dress to waste, be a damn shame Spookie. You do look absolutely amazing, Sweetheart.”
Ricky couldn’t help but jibe at him, which had the blushing Talia in another pearl of giggles as they got to the car, which he wasn’t about to complain about in the least.
“Come on now, that's Talia’s nickname for me.”
Ricky just had to grin, chucking as Chris complaint, enjoying the way the other man’s face flushed all the same when he called him it. He might be complaining, but it had an effect, it was obvious.
“But it's so much fun making you squirm just now.”
He grinned as he opened the front passenger door for her, Chris could sit in the back, he wasn’t about to regulate Talia to the back when she had come out dressed up like that. Chris was just going to have to deal with it, but considering the way that he went straight for the back door without any fuss, he certainly didn’t seem to mind when Talia slid into the front seat.
As he climbed in behind the driving wheel, before he even got the car started, Chris was asking from the backseat.
“Now that Talia is here, can we get a hint of what we’re doing, or where we are going, now?”
Ricky shook his head with a laugh. Chris had been trying to get the information out of him all morning, but he’d been refusing, telling him that it wasn’t fair to tell him, but not Talia, of course, he’d use that against him.
“You just can’t be patient and accept a surprise, can you, Babe?”
Now that, got even more of a reaction from him than Spookie, that was definitely Talia’s, and with that, Ricky just grinned, yes, he had a good feeling about how this night was going to go. Starting the car, ready to get going as he pulled out of the drive and onto the road so they could get on their way. Ricky smirked as he focused on the road ahead, glancing in his rear view mirror at the squirming Chris in the back seat, knowing the effect he’d had on him. Enjoying the effect he’d had on him. Still, he was the only one that had any idea where they were going, so he had to focus, and he did. Change of topic, something else.
“So, Talia, what was up as you came out, all amused, practically giggling like a school girl.”
That just seemed to make her giggle again,
“That, was because I got Vinny to confiscate Ava’s phone. I mean, with how she has been all day, not to mention the fact she had planned to answer the door and wanted to interrogate the two of you before our date? I just knew she wasn’t going to leave me alone all night long, so after sort of, implying I’d cock block him if he didn’t help me, he called Ava off, and asked him to confiscate her phone. Then I walked out the door as she complained.” Her explanation was met from both men by a round of laughter, just the fact that she’d used the implication of cock blocking Vinny to get him on her side tonight had been hilarious enough. It was definitely a smooth ploy.
“Oh that's smart Sweetheart, very smart.”
“I love it JellyBean, remind me never to get in your way.”
All three of them laughing as they drove, their date night starting off in good spirits already.
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Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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avengersfantasies · 10 months
hii!!!! can I send a request? if so can I request a Bucky Barnes x reader fic? maybe where reader and Bucky live together but reader has some eating issues that they haven't told Bucky about and he finds out one day. like maybe a hurt/comfort? If not that's totally fine im just in recovery right now and just needing some comfort rn ty!! <33
Summary: After eating dinner one night, your roommate, Bucky Barnes, discovers what you have been keeping to yourself.
What to expect: eating disorder (bulimia), fluff
taglist: @pattiemac1 @justsebstan @winterslove1917 @crist1216 @lady-loki-barnes-djarin @kandis-mom @vonalyn @mavrellover91 @natashasilverfox @gojoismysensei @itsafamilyshow @casa-boiardi
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You walked in from your date – the smell of your roommate’s cooking immediately hitting your nose. It smelled amazing. Everything Bucky cooked was phenomenal.
            “Welcome home!” the soldier called out from the kitchen. You flashed him a quick smile as you walked in and sat down at the bar. “How was the date?”
            You sighed. “It was…okay, I guess,” you answered.
Bucky nodded and tasted the sauce he was finishing up making. “You hungry?”
“I’m good,” you exhaled. “Had a lot to eat at the movie.”
He looked at you suspiciously. “What all is there to even eat at a movie?”
You chuckled and shook your head – walking off to your room without responding. You knew full-well that you hadn’t actually eaten anything at the movie except for a few bites of popcorn. You got into your bedroom and started to change into some comfortable clothing, and the familiar sound and feeling of your stomach growling echoed loudly. You ignored it – continuing to change into your sweats and get comfortable in bed. You lay in bed scrolling on your phone and laughing at videos posted by some comedians you followed. After a handful of minutes, however, it became too much. Annoyed, you got out of bed and headed to the kitchen where Bucky was cleaning up and putting away leftovers. Without a word, you opened up one of the cabinets and grabbed a plate – stacking it with food and putting it into the microwave.
“Thought you weren’t hungry,” Bucky reminded you.
You shrugged. “Yeah, well…smelled too good.”
You gave him a soft smile as you went to the other side of the bar to sit and begin eating your meal. It was delicious, that much you had to admit. If there was one thing you knew for certain, it was that Bucky knew how to cook a homestyle meal.
“It’s really good,” you told him.
He smiled. “Thank you…it’s one of my mom’s recipes.”
Hearing those words and knowing what you were going to do once you finished eating caused a wave of guilt to crash over you – causing you to look down and eat smaller bites. His mother…the woman that he no doubt loved more than anything in the world, the one he had lost when he was a young boy had created the recipe for the food you were eating, and you knew that as soon as you finished, you’d be throwing it up. Were you insulting her? Him? If he knew what you did after every meal, would he be angry with you? How many other times had you thrown up food that came from his mother? In the end, it didn’t matter. You weren’t strong enough for these thoughts to stop you from doing what you’d been doing for years.
“Thank you, Buck,” you smiled – putting your now-empty plate in the dishwasher and heading to your room. “Goodnight!”
“Night!” His voice was happy, and he felt accomplished having made one of his mother’s beloved recipes and having it turn out good.
You locked yourself in your room before bolting to the en suite and locking that door as well. Almost on instinct, you threw your body to the toilet – forcing yourself to throw up everything you had just eaten. You always sobbed quietly as you regurgitated your meals, but this time was different. This time, you sobbed loudly – not caring if anyone heard you. The food kept coming, and each morsel that left your body caused more guilt.
“Hey!” Bucky’s voice called out from the other side of the bedroom door. “Are you okay?” You didn’t answer, too upset to respond to him. At this point, you didn’t care if he found out what you were doing…if anything, a part of you wanted him to find you. Some part of you needed him to. Hearing more of your sobbing and puking, Bucky easily broke the lock on the bedroom door and entered – making his way to the bathroom and breaking that lock as well. “Hey, hey, hey,” he spoke softly – kneeling down next to you and rubbing your back. “Are you okay?”
“No,” you sobbed – looking over at him with tear-stained cheeks. “I’m sorry, Buck.”
“Sorry? What’re you sorry for?” he asked frantically – desperately wanting to figure out what was happening. “Did something make you sick?”
You let out another sob. “I’ve been sick, Bucky.” His eyes searched yours for some sort of explanation, but the more you sobbed and gasped, the more he understood. Soon, the realization set in.
He pulled you close to him – wrapping his arms tightly around you. “How long?”
“Since high school,” you cried out.
He kissed the top of your head – resting his cheek on the same spot. “I’m so sorry I didn’t realize.” A tear escaped his beautiful blue eyes and landed in your hair. “I should’ve realized.” The feeling of being wrapped in his arms brought you a sense of calm – a feeling that everything would be alright. He wasn’t angry that you had just thrown up the food that he had worked hard on making. In that moment, all he cared about what you. “Do we need to go to the hospital?”
You shook your head. “No…please.” Bucky stood up and grabbed a wet washcloth and got your toothbrush together – helping you get up from the floor and clean up. He flushed the toilet while you brushed your teeth, and once you were done, he carried you to your bed. “Please stay…” Your voice was hoarse and weak as you practically begged the soldier to stay with you. “I can’t be alone.” Bucky nodded and lay next to you – pulling you close to him and rubbing your bath with his metal hand. The coolness of his arm soothed you enough and helped you catch your breath. “Please help me.”
“I’ll do anything you need me to do,” he promised – placing a gentle kiss on your head and holding you as you fell asleep from exhaustion in his arms.
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rangerbarbz · 9 months
What Are We?
Disclaimer: Welcome to the third part of my series! I am so happy that this story has been receiving love. It means so much to me <3
Summary: As the reader and Ford have their first kiss since admitting feelings to each other, they must answer some questions about their relationship
You struggled to put your keys into the lock of your dorm room door. Ford was peppering kisses along the side of your face as he held you from behind. His strong arms were wrapped around your torso, and his chest was pressed against your back. It was so comforting to be in his arms. The height difference made you feel even cozier.
“Ford, I can’t focus on unlocking this door if you keep doing that,” you chastised him playfully.
“Well, I guess we’ll have to continue this in the hallway then,” he murmured in your ear. As he said that, you pushed open the door, and you two entered your room. Thankfully your roommate wasn’t there because as soon as that door closed, you were pinned against it. He had put his hands on your hips and swapped positions with you so that he was facing you before pressing you gently against the door.
His lips quickly found yours and kissed them passionately. His hands moved up your waist to cup your face in his hands. You ran your hands across his muscular arms to his shoulders and into his hair. It was so soft. You tugged at it slightly earning a small moan from him.  
Dear Lord.
Ford separated from the kiss to look at you. “I’m so sorry if that was forward. I just can’t get enough of you,” he breathed. His face was flustered, and his hair had been severely ruffled. His pupils were dilated again. You were starting to get bashful from the way he was looking at you. His eyes were filled with desire. “You have no idea how long I wanted to do that,” he said, a grin forming on his face.
You smiled. “You have no idea how long I wanted you to do that to me.”
He chuckled. Then, his face turned serious. “Was that a good kiss? Was I too forceful?” You could tell that he was genuinely concerned as to whether he did good or not. (You made sure to make a mental note of that.)
You laughed. “Ford. That. Was. Spectacular.” He smiled at you, the skin around his eyes making the cutest crinkles.
“I’m so glad you thought so, Y/N. I don’t know what took over me. I guess I was just too eager to be kissed by you,” he said, putting his hand behind his neck.
You giggled as you climbed on your bed. You patted on the blanket next to you, gesturing for him to sit down. “Park it, cutie, I have some questions to ask you.” He gave you a toothy smile and sat criss-cross applesauce across from you. “I love answering questions! Ask away.” Ford placed his elbows on his thighs and set his head in his hands.
“Okay, well, how was Ford Pines’ official first kiss?” you asked wiggling your eyebrows. “Was it what you hoped it would be?” Hopefully it was good. You were a bit rusty on kissing since the last guy you kissed was your high school boyfriend.
“Oh, Y/N, it was phenomenal,” he responded dreamily. “How do people not kiss all the time? I want to kiss you every second of every day now.” He inched closer to your face and gave you a quick peck. “That means you’ll be getting 86,400 kisses, so be prepared.”
You couldn’t help beaming back at him. He made you feel like a schoolgirl with a huge crush. “Alright, I’ll make sure to buy a life supply of ChapStick if that’s the case.” You took a deep breath. Now you were getting into the more complicated questions. “So,” you said, intertwining your hands with his. “What are we?”
His eyebrows furrowed back at you in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“Well, we have confessed our feelings about each other, went on a date, and had a wonderful first kiss…”
“Yes, we did,” Ford sighed, kissing you on your forehead.
“Okay, so…Are we boyfriend and girlfriend now?”
Ford pulled back and looked at you. “I mean,” he started, “I will be whatever you want me to be, dear. If I can be near you, I am content. However, if you don’t feel the same, I will give you the space you need. I am your clay; mold me how you want me to be. I will be okay.” His response was so sincere it made your eyes start welling up with tears.
“Oh, Ford.” You threw your arms around his neck and peppered kisses all over his face. “I want to be with you. I want to be your girlfriend.  I want to tell the world about us. I want everyone to know how in love I am with Ford Pines,” you declared. Ford used his thumbs to wipe away your tears and held your face in his big hands. You leaned into his left one and planted a soft kiss against his palm.
“Then that settles it. We are boyfriend and girlfriend,” he responded, kissing you on your lips. It was a sweet, tender kiss. You were no longer crying and could only focus on how his lips felt against yours.
“I am so glad you feel the same,” you said looking into his big brown eyes. You sat up straight again. “Okay, so I do have some more questions for you.”
“Shoot,” Ford said, listening intently.
“Am I your first girlfriend?” You were afraid to ask the question because you didn’t want to embarrass him, but you wanted to gauge his romantic experience. You figured there wasn’t a lot.
“Ah, yes,” he mumbled. “Never have been smooth with the ladies, unfortunately.” He laughed awkwardly. “But I wouldn’t have it any other way because I’m honored to have you as my first everything.” He smiled fondly at you. You just wanted to smother him in affection.
“You are just too cute,” you giggled. His face grew red. “I wish I could say the same. I dated this dude in highschool for two years. He broke up with me before we graduated because he wanted ‘the real college experience,’” you mocked, putting up air quotations.
Ford chuckled dryly. “That is his loss completely,” he said. “Were you upset?”
You sighed. “Yeah, he broke my heart. I thought he was going to be my forever person,” you replied looking down at your hands. Ford was rubbing his thumb against the back of your smaller hand. It was comforting. “The first day of freshman orientation, I was not excited. That is until I saw you; it was magnetic. I just felt it in my gut that you were going to be in my life.”
You looked into his eyes, and now Ford was the sappy one. He wiped away a single tear. “Oh gosh. I’m sorry. I’m normally not this emotional.” You shushed him and wrapped him in a hug, pressing a kiss against his temple.
“You have nothing to be sorry about, sweetheart,” you reassured him. “I do have one more thing to ask you, though. I’m like 99% sure I know the answer, but I just wanted to make sure.”
“Go ahead.”
“Are you a virgin?”
His face went bright red. “Yes,” he squeaked out.
“Ford, that is nothing to be ashamed of. I figured that. I mean I was your first kiss and girlfriend. I just wanted to make sure. There is nothing wrong with not having sex,” you told him. “I will tell you; I am not a virgin. Does that bother you? You can be honest.” You were a bit anxious about his answer.
“No, of course not. It doesn’t bother me that you’ve had sex. I just hope I live up to your standards,” he said meekly.
You were baffled. “Ford, you could have the sex skills of a trout, and it would still be better than my ex.” Ford busted out laughing, and you began laughing with him. “So don’t feel bad if it takes time for you to get used to sex. It’s all about communication and what feels good to you. My ex was a very selfish love maker and did not care about my needs,” you explained.
“That is such a relief. Thank you for being patient with me, Y/N,” he replied. “I promise you I will cater to your every need.” He began kissing along your jawline. “A body as divine as yours deserves to be worshipped,” he whispered in your ear. A throbbing sensation started in your lower half.
This was going to be a good semester, alright.
Author’s Note: Be prepared for Ford Pines munch bf
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fruitfullofmalice · 4 months
Okay so I’ve finally got my thoughts together. I’ve been watching the show the day each episode came out, within the hour and I am a very very big fan of the books. HOWEVER, there are many aspects of the show I loved, but I’m going to focus on my main critiques. 1. In all of the marketing campaigns, everyone had said that this was an absolutely faithful adaptation. That though there were a few changes, they were minimal. That was not true at all. Every single episode had some minor or major change, and I enjoyed some of them, and was pissed about others.
2. The shows pacing and decision making in the writer’s room made my teeth itch. They are talking and talking and talking to explain everything, and I want to be SHOWN, which is like the main point of TV. The talking also leads into my next point:
3. These characters were not allowed to have “flaws”. They knew everything going into it, and there was no sense of wonder, no build up, and no sense of discovery because these are kids. I was so disappointed every time Annabeth was deprived of being soft (like crying over Cerberus) or naive, at Aunty Em’s. They just didn’t seem natural enough. And this critique has nothing to do with the acting. I think the acting was phenomenal, but the writing left things to be desired. And I’m sort of wondering if they were worried about displaying characters of color in a “negative” manner.
4. There were many many changes that made absolutely no sense to me. I think it has to do with the fact that this show takes its self so seriously. One of the reasons PJO was so popular is because of how funny and engaging it was. And the show, apart from a couple jokes here and there, just lacked it. There were some scenes where I honestly thought the movie had done better.
5. Episode 7. They changed so much, and the characters were made to be so flat. I know that the kids are meant to have all this background knowledge, but god do I wish they were allowed to be dumb. This was my cracking point.
Overall, I am very very very much hoping for a season two. The actors and the books deserve it. I loved so many parts of this show, but I truly am begging they fix at least a couple of these things. That is all I need.
(Also Disney, you’re absolute cowards for not making the Charon scene fun. I don’t care how much you want good publicity for not paying your workers well but this was cheap and so horribly hidden).
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star-anise · 2 years
i see you have discovered history professor bret deveraux, my beloved. i highly recommend his battle of helm's deep and pelennor fields series if you want to learn about historical battlefield tactics (and operations and strategies) and his fremen mirage series if you want to learn about the facist view of history and why it's complete and utter bullshit. his series on sparta is also phenomenal
I'm having such a good time working through his back catalogue. AGreatDivorce on Youtube has recorded audio versions of many of his posts, which is a godsend for me.
The Fremen Mirage series was a balm to my soul after having to deal with SO many "military history buffs" and SFF reply guys who think that violence is the pinnacle of human achievement, and therefore acknowledging the personhood of anyone but the apex warriors is like, taking resources away from the war effort or something.
For the uninitiated, the "Fremen Mirage" is what Devereaux calls a "pop theory of history" that believes:
that a lack of wealth and sophistication leads to moral purity, which in turn leads to military prowess, which consequently produces a cycle of history wherein rich and decadent societies are forever being overthrown by poor, but hardy ‘Fremen’ who then become rich and decadent in their turn. Or, as the meme, originally coined by G. Michael Hopf puts it, “Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And weak men create hard times.”
And then in his series he applies rigorous historical analysis to this idea, and takes it apart like Christmas wrapping. It's almost as fun as the Sparta series, where he demonstrates that Spartans would hate their modern fanboys, and also aren't actually as special or amazing as they're made out to be.
After a while, though, I got tired of the military side of things, and gone wandering. What I've found most refreshing this week were posts that take a step back from direct pop culture criticism and just simply lay out the material realities of life in the past. The really basic building blocks that help us get in tune with the daily life of the past. Stuff like the Lonely City series.
Or the clothing series! I said that I've been trying to figure out just how rare or common looms were, and while I've been looking at archeological evidence of loom types, he's just found the numbers that let me calculate it.
I'm using a base unit of 5 yards of cloth, which is, with a generous hand wiggle, enough to make one person's outfit, maybe two.
According to these estimates:
In the early middle ages, using a hand spindle and warp-weighted loom, that might take about 70 hours of weaving and, at a low estimate, 500 hours of spinning. If someone devoted eight hours a day to nothing but spinning yarn, it would take them over two months to have enough to weave with.
In the Late Middle Ages, with the invention of the spinning wheel and horizontal loom, that figure would go down to 180 hours of spinning and 30 hours of weaving. The change in technology reduces the time down to almost a third of what it was before!
This really settles for me the question I had about my early-medieval fantasy setting, which is that there would be a lot of looms, a loom in every household, and that it would not at all be out of place for even aristocratic women to spin and weave on a regular basis.
Which like, to be cranky about fantasy heroines who hate sewing: In that kind of world, embroidery is a luxury. Weavers and spinners have to bust their butts just to put clothes on everybody's backs. Spinning and weaving that much is gruelling work that I would absolutely understand hating. However, it is not stupid, silly, or useless. Being able to embroider—to do something primarily decorative and artistic, just because it looks good and feels nice—is likely to be more of an escape from drudgery than the drudgery itself.
It really can't be overstated, how much the Industrial Revolution was a textile revolution. Our relationship to cloth and clothing has transformed out of all recognition over the last 300 years. There are undeniable advantages to this, because it frees us to do so many other things with our time. But it also makes it tough to look back into the past clearly, because it's so easy to forget that the burdens we've shed still existed back then.
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How about this a Charlie x male reader story, Charlie wants to throw a ball to promote the newly built hotel, the reader and Charlie have been dating for a long time and he wants to propose, everyone in the hotel thinks he should, time come for the ball and y/n is wearing a regular suit however Charlie comes down the stairs wearing a combo of a tuxedo and a ball gown, the ball happens and there is lots of dancing and even Charlie sings a musical number, but then the reader begins thinking about proposing and thinks about what if she says no, he has an anxiety attack and the gang tries to comfort him and asks what’s wrong but he just runs up the stairs to his and Charlie’s room, Charlie comes in and asks what’s wrong but the reader says he just feels like he’s not good enough for her, Charlie tells the reader all the things she loves about him but then says that I love you so much I got you this, and she pulls out a ring, she was planning to propose to him the whole time. He says yes and fluff ensues.
A/n: Yesss!! I would love to do that it sounds so sweet and wholesome!!
Will You..?~Charlie x Male!Reader
Mentions: Proposal, Fluff, Minor Angst.
Topic: Request Above ^^^
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"...We have to celebrate with a big, BIG ball! Does that sound good Y/n?" Charlie asked, turning to you as you were sitting on the couch, watching your girlfriend excitedly explain the ball she was planning.
"One of your best plans for this hotel yet babe!" You encouraged, and she leapt into your arms happily, smiling brightly. You and Charlie had been a couple for about ages now. So much so you watched her bring this place together. To say the least though, you weren't a fan of Alastor from his constant attempt to make a deal with Charlie. You loved her with every bit of your body. Tonight, when the ball was in place, you had wanted to propose to Charlie. You had the ring, what you were going to say, everything. You had everything in plan and ready to go. Only issue was the courage to do so. In the midst of thinking about all this, you zoned out, worrying the blonde demon.
"Y/n? You ok?" Charlie asked, cupping your face with a worried expression, but it lifted when you looked at her and held her hands back.
"Yeah. I'm fine baby." You sweetly said as she hugged you, before standing up.
"I'm gonna go help set things up! Bye honey, I love you!" She laughed, running off too quick for you to stop and say that you felt the same. This made you sigh and smirk, shaking your head softly. Later, you were dressed in a tuxedo, looking around the hotel worriedly for charlie.
"Where is she..!?" You whispered, on edge from all the anxiety you had.
"Relax Y/n." Husk calmly spoke as you shakily sighed. You saw Charlie walk out, wearing a gorgeous deep crimson tuxedo gown. You sighed dreamily, and she spotted you, practically racing to hug you.
"You look phenomenal Charlie..." You muttered, and she blushed softly.
"So do you Y/n!" She complimented, and you almost forgot about the proposal. It wasn't until the hotel became lively and cheery, everybody was dancing and having a fun, and you nearly became a nervous wreck again. However, Charlie washed away your anxiety and nervousness from going into a musical number, even bringing you into it to dance. After all of the singing, it was just chatter and dancing from others. You were talking with Lucifer at the time, and forgot completely about the proposal. You told everyone except for Charlie, even Lucifer knew.
"Y/n." He said firmly yet softly. He wasn't upset or anything, just confused.
"Mmh? Yes?" You asked, making sure to be more formal in front of your Father-In-Law. Well...Future, Father-In-Law.
"When are you going to do it?" He asked, tilting his head and you froze up. Looking back at Charlie, your self-esteem dropped so many levels down.
"I...I.." You stammered, looking at the box in your pocket, overthinking all of this a bit too much. "I can't--" You were going to speak, but Lucifer cut you off.
"Finish that sentence Y/n and I fucking swear. You CAN do it."
"What if she says no..." You muttered, breathing heavy before Lucifer grabbed your arm.
"I know Charlie, Y/n. She won't say no. My daughter is smitten for you, I doubt she'll say no.." Lucifer comforted and you broke down, scurrying away out of the crowd, and to Charlie's room. Charlie saw you run away, and she softly furrowed her brows up, making her way to follow you. She went into her room, seeing you hugging your knees to your chest.
"Y/n...? What's wrong?" She asked sweetly, sitting beside you as you lifted your head up to look at her.
"I just...I feel like I'm not good enough for you...Your so sweet, beautiful, and just an amazing person I...I don't deserve it.." You muttered as she shifted a bit.
"Well...I think you do. Wanna know what I love about you?" She asked and you shrugged. She cleared her throat. "Weeeell, to start I love the way you dress! Your style is so unique and fun, I adore it! I love your hair, how you style it. Let's see...Oh! Your laugh! It's the cutest thing to listen to!" She went on before sighing. "But what I love most, is just you. I love you so much, that...I got you this.." She muttered, pulling out a small box, and opening it, a diamond ring encased in a cushion in the box.
You were starstruck, raising a brow. "I...Hehe...I was gonna propose.." You laughed as she giggled.
"I proposed fiiiirst~" She teased before smiling, "So is that a yes?"
"Of course I'll marry you!!" You exclaimed, scrambling to take out the ring you got, the both of you giggling excitedly from the predicament. You both put on one another's rings, before hugging.
"I love you Y/n..." She muttered, and you hummed.
"I love you too Charlie..." You uttered back as you both turned your heads to Lucifer.
"I knew you were a good match for my little girl. Hurt her though, and I'll fucking kill you." Lucifer said sweetly, before the threat he made changed tone to a more menacing one. Charlie laughed, and so did you, as you two kept hugging.
"Dad! Be nice!"
"Ok, Ok. See Y/n? Told you she wouldn't say no." Lucifer said softly, as you smiled sweetly at Charlie.
"Yeah. I'm glad I get to marry her..."
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bullet-prooflove · 2 months
Remy Scott FBI most wanted- A black leather jacket, A bad reputation, Insatiable habits prompt please and TIA
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You have a reputation, it goes back to the days when you were an alcoholic, before Jubal got you into AA. You used to drink, fuck and get high, not necessarily in that order. It was a way of coping with your trauma, drowning out the nasty shit you’d been through when you were undercover.
You’ve been sober three years now and those days are behind you, well the drugs and the booze are, the sex though…
The sex is pretty phenomenal. The shit the two of you get up together, it should be illegal.
When he sees you tonight, you’re clad in that cute leather jacket, the one that makes you look a little dangerous. You’re wearing that cobalt blue dress he likes, with high heels that he’ll definitely be fucking you in later.
He knows this is your way of reminding him what he’s missing. He’s been away too much recently, cancelled a couple of dates, missed a few video calls. You think his interest is waning but the truth is there’s nothing more he’s craved over the last few weeks than being balls deep in that sweet pussy of yours. He just hasn’t been around enough to actually get some quality time with you.
That changes tonight, he’s turned his phone off, blocked out his calendar. He’s all yours for the next twelve hours and he intends to spend every single one of them ruining you.
You don’t even make it to the bedroom. You’re too eager to get reacquainted and Remy can never keep his hands off you when you wear this dress. He’s already going down on you, his fingertips chasing over the lace of your panties, tugging them off when your phone starts to ring.
“Ignore it.” Remy murmurs, his lips ghosting over your clit and you make that noise, that erotic fucking sound he’s spent his nights imagining.
The ringing stops and he continues his exploration, his tongue tracing over you. Your fingers thread through his dark hair, gripping it tightly as your hips arch against his mouth.
“Oh it’s been too long baby, hasn’t it?” He whispers against your thigh as he uses his thumb to trace circles over your clit. “You’re gonna be coming on my tongue in minutes.”
He’s barely gotten started when your phone begins to ring again. He sighs, huffing his annoyance as you give him an apologetic look.
“It’s fine.” He mutters, rubbing his cheek across your inner thigh. “Just make it quick, otherwise they’re going to be listening to me getting you off.”
You laugh breathlessly as you pick up the phone and Remy’s mouth starts to wander again because now that he’s had a taste of you he just can’t get enough.
You say his name but it’s not in the tone he wants to hear. It’s more exasperated than intimate. His eyes flicker up to meet yours and he realises your holding the phone out to him.
“It’s for you.” You say, tugging the hem of your dress down and already his heart starts to sink. He rubs his palm over the bottom of his face, watching as you raise up from the couch and begin to pull on your underwear. He tries to signal for you to stop but you ignore him.
He pinches the bridge of his nose as he listens to Hanna talking. There’s been a lead on the case he’s working, he has to be wheels up in thirty. By the time he hangs up, you already have your car keys in your hand.
“Baby…” He begins but you shake your head taking the phone from his grasp.
“Just let me know when you can find the time for me.” You say stalking towards the door.
“Anika…” He begins but you wave him off before closing it quietly behind you.
He thinks that’s the worst part, that you didn’t slam the door. He can feel the resignation in you, the frustration. The thing is you have every right to be pissed because he’d promised you that you’d have him all to yourself tonight and again the job has intervened.
If you were a civilian you would have dumped his ass months ago but you’re in the same line of work you get how hectic the job can be. However not even your patience is infinite. You’ve been making all the effort, while he’s zipping out the country putting bad guys in lock up, something’s got to give.
Remy sighs as he rubs his hands over his features, he has no idea how the hell he’s going to make this up to you.
@kmc1989 @whateversomethingbruh @skyesthebomb @@narcoticluke20 @bubblesmaketheworldgoround-blog @luannysousaa @ratcatcher2world @scorpio-1357 @littleone65 @@ipromiseidk @secretsquirrelinc @atomic-art-dragon @keyweegirlie @readingislife @anime-weeb-4-life @yezzyyae @kj77 @yannekees @sca3a @ohhsheet-blog-blog too- @jeje1414 @goldengypsy7 @hopeonfire @delightfull999 @evee87 @gemstone-roses @satansfaviorite666 @glimmerglittergirl @foster-kirstyrose04 @sierravansoffthewalls @spookyboogyuniverse @thebeckyjolene @86laura11 @rosaliedepp
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moviewarfare · 10 months
A Review of “Oppenheimer (2023)”
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Christopher Nolan is one of my favourite directors operating today. He makes some of the most entertaining movies in modern cinema. Even at his worst, such as with his last film Tenet, it is still way more entertaining than a majority of movies released. After the Warner Bros same-day streaming debacle they pulled; Nolan left for Universal and this is his first film with them. Does Nolan continue to deliver or has he dropped a big bomb?
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Cillian Murphy has been a long-time collaborator with Nolan but this is the first time he is the main lead. He is PHENOMENAL as the titular character. He gives such nuance to his performance through body language and facial expressions alone to convey the emotion of his character. It is such a breath of fresh air from the normal yelling Oscar performances you see. He is genuinely perfect at Oppenheimer and if he doesn't get a nomination for his performance then I will be fuming! One surprising aspect of watching this film was how stacked the cast truly was. There are so many well-known actors in here that I didn't even know was even in the movie. Every supporting actor is terrific in their roles, even if it was a very minor role. The biggest standout amongst the supporting actors has got to be Robert Downey Jr as Lewis Strauss. He gives a spectacular, compelling and even frighteningly realistic performance that makes his character stand out from the crowd. It is great to see him in a non-Marvel role and knock it out of the park. If he doesn't get a nomination for the best supporting actor then I will be also fuming!
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This movie is 3 hours long but you won't even feel the length because of the amazing pacing. Despite being a drama, it never drags or bores you. It moves from scene to scene very quickly in a non-chronological order but you're never lost either. There are lot of scientific jargon which is to be expected as this is about the making of the nuclear bomb. However, the excellent screenplay makes these relatively understandable so that non-scientist can easily comprehend what's going on. There is some great political tension in the 3rd act as well which was handled masterfully. In terms of story, it is juggling a lot with Oppenheimer's early life, the making of the bomb and the aftermath. Despite this, Nolan does an amazing job of exploring the character of Oppenheimer which shows all aspects of him, including his flaws. The constant build-up and tension to the bomb is incredibly engaging!
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Ludwig Goransson, the composer of Tenet, returns for this film. His music score is wonderfully haunting with his use of violins. His music score illustrates the horror of the actions of these scientists. Hoyte van Hoytema also returns as the cinematographer. His cinematography is visually stunning and this is thanks to the practical sets, natural lighting and real locations used. On that note, the use of practical effects and no CGI is just so awesome to see. Nolan thankfully didn't use a real nuke but he still replicates it practically and it certainly shows! The realistic explosion meant it didn't take us out of the movie as you don't question the look of the explosion as it is real. When the explosion occurs, it is weirdly captivating and frightening to look at just like it was for the characters. The sound design is also a highlight as the sound of the explosion is impactful and even terrifying. The sound itself is the jump scare and it works. The only nitpick I have with this film, which is a common problem in Nolan movies is sometimes I just can't hear what the characters are saying because of the weird sound mixing. It isn't as bad here as it was in Tenet but it is still a problem.
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Overall, what an amazing movie from Nolan! This is a monumental and engrossing achievement from him. Nolan is one of the few directors whose name alone is enough of a reason to watch and Oppenheimer does not change that. He successfully made a 3-hour biopic drama, the most entertaining film of 2023. Oppenheimer isn't one of those Oscar-bait movies that were made to just win an Oscar. It was made to be enjoyable for everyone and that is why this film should win best picture. This is a must-watch for everyone as it is the best movie of 2023 so far!
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cummin-n-cryin · 2 years
👁️👁️ Phantom bride event gave me ideas. What if instead of Eliza, we the reader are the birde? The wedding is assumed fake, a means of just helping everyone live out a fantasy or even get parents off their backs. By the time we realize that it's real, it's already too late. You can do this as headcanons if it makes you more comfortable. I didn't see a limit but just in case, specifically Idia, Kalim and Jamil for this.
~Thank you for your request!
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Together Forever!
Idia Shroud + Kalim Al-Asim + Jamil Viper x gn!reader (they are all separate)
Tw: Yandere, obsession, forced marriage
Side Note: I did this more from their pov as it was just easier for me to write. I apologize that this took so long I had to research the characters, and writing their dialogue was tricky. Anyway I hope you like it!
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~Idia Shroud~
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Seeing you talking and dancing around with those other humans in such beautiful and extravagant clothes made Idia's heart race. You truly looked ethereal... His eyes burned from not blinking, he didn't want to miss a single detail of this CG, this might be a once in a lifetime event!
As he continued to watch you however, Idia couldn't help but notice the way the humans were talking to you.
You were being surrounded by those normies, all talking and chatting with you. They were acting like he couldn't see all of them salivating at the mouth just to get near you... with those stupid looks in their eyes... Have they ever looked in a mirror?! Don't they see how unworthy of your time they are, of your beauty, of yo-your.. EVERYTHING?!!?! DON'T THEY SEE HOW MUCH BETTER YOU ARE THAN THEM?!?!?!
.......um.. anyway-
Eventually after "watching" (stalking) you for so long, you left those normies and retreated into an empty hall, this was the perfect opportunity for Idia. After waiting for months just to talk to you, watching you through the school's cameras just wasn't enough anymore.
His parents have been pestering him about finding a partner lately so maybe....
"He-hey, um.. I know this might sound weird..."
Surprisingly it was much easier to convince you than he thought! Even though he was stumbling through saying the words, you were so willing to help him get his parents to stop bugging him, by faking a marriage with him of all things!
Of course he reassured you that it was fake, but.... obviously you must be deeply in love with him, you wouldn't have agreed otherwise, right? If you really didn't love him you wouldn't have agreed to marry a weirdo otaku like him!!
The whole event was a phenomenal experience. He put the ring on your finger and finally after watching from the shadows for so long, Idia leaned in and kissed you. He never tasted anything sweeter.
That look of shock on your face... you must be as happy as he is! He understands that this must be quite overwhelming for you, as it is for him but there's no need to cry. He wont ever leave you, you two can stay together forever!
"Fuheehee... finally.. now you can never leave me~~."
New Achievement Unlocked: Married!
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~Kalim Al-Asim~
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Kalim has shown his love for you so many times at this point, he would go to Ramshackle and drag you over to Scarabia to throw huge banquets for you, every moment he could he would spend his time with you.
He would sometimes invite you over late at night to join him for board games, dancing, or going on magic carpet rides always saying, "Come on! Come hang out with me, it'll be super fun!"
You always looked so happy to join him, which also made him super happy!
Kalim comes from a BIG family. He loves all of his family members dearly. He also really loves you, so you should join his family too! Which obviously means you two should get married! The bigger the family the better, right?
But Jamil always managed to stop Kalim, saying he needs to focus on his schoolwork among other things. So with a heavy heart and a deep sigh he pushed away his feelings for now, waiting for the perfect day to propose to you.
Finally that day came.
You were dressed in expensive and luxurious fabrics, dancing and laughing with the others. You had such a huge smile on your face, but.. he wished that it was you looking at him like that, he wanted to be the one you were dancing and laughing with!
So he ran up to you, "Y/n! I need to ask you something!"
He proposed the idea that you and him should get fake married! Thankfully you agreed easily, seeing it as a fun and interesting way to end such a chaotic night like this, and besides how could you hate Kalim, the banquets Kalim throws are always amazing!!
Of course it's all a lie and he feels super bad for lying about it, but don't worry! When you and him go to the Scalding Sands he'll throw an extra huge banquet and a parade to celebrate your marriage, also all his family will be there to!
However for right now the Scarabia dorm will work.
After setting up a banquet and a parade in Scarabia with the help of Jamil, you two were now officially married! During the whole event Kalim was ecstatic. He felt a rush course through him and he was so happy!
Of course being as happy as he was he couldn't help it, and he leaned towards you and kissed you. He felt like he was flying on clouds, there was no feeling that could compare to how he felt when he put his lips on yours. He was addicted.
You just stood in shock, he couldn't blame you he's shocked as well! He grabbed your hand and took off running towards the dancefloor, giggling and laughing along the way. He knows those tears your crying are because your so overjoyed, he feels like crying too! He finally gets to be with you forever, he could never be happier!
"Hahaha~! Let's sing and dance till the sun rises, together!"
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~Jamil Viper~
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Jamil has been pining for you for so long at this point. The only reason he never confessed his feelings was because of Kalim. Having to watch over Kalim while he saw you hanging out with Ace, Deuce, and Grim made his blood boil. He really just wanted you all to himself.
These feelings of his were strange at first, unexpected even, but not bad. However over time what started as a simple fascination or even crush turned into an obsession. He was possessive, he needed you, no... wanted you, and as he thought about it more and more what better way to keep you by his side than marriage?
He planned carefully for many days and nights, trying to figure out how to get you to fall in love with him. He tried to do things typical people would do, such as cooking food for you, trying to talk to you, and even trying to help you with your school work, but Kalim... tche, Kalim just wouldn't stop getting in the way...
Kalim would constantly grab your attention, dragging you off somewhere else when Jamil was right there trying to have a conversation with you, or Kalim would ask Jamil to start making food for a banquet when he was in the middle of cooking food for you. It was frustrating really...
Lucky for him however a very unique event would take place at the school.
Now here you are dressed in colorful and unique fabrics, dancing and chatting with the other boys. You looked amazing, the colors and decorations you wore were eye-catching, the fabric silky smooth and shaped around your body perfectly, in short you looked stunning.
Most importantly however was that Kalim wasn't here to interrupt him. While he did not plan for this event he can certainly make do with what he's got, so he quickly thought of a plan and put it into action.
When you finally left your group to take a moment to yourself in the empty hallway, that's when he struck.
"Y/n. If I could speak to you for a moment..."
It was quite simple to convince you really, all he had to tell you was that he had no problem pretending to marry you so that all those annoying pests would leave you alone, acting as a knight in shining armor for you.
He of course thought of using his ability "Snake Whisper" to make it easier for you to "agree", but thankfully it seems having all those boys chatting you up was really getting on your nerves, and so you agreed to the fake marriage.
All according to plan...
Kalim, of course wanted to throw a banquet for you two newly weds, and this time Jamil let Kalim do as he pleased, after all Jamil got what he wanted...
Now here he is officially married to you, and leaning towards you he firmly plants his lips upon yours. He never felt more free in his life, if he had the choice he would have loved to hold you like this forever. He has you now, and he plans on never letting go.
Your shocked expression and your tears were expected when you realized the truth, but that's nothing "Snake Whisper" can't fix. If he has to manipulate you into loving him then so be it, but it would really make everything so much easier if you just cooperated with him. So don't cause him anymore grief and start loving him already.
"The only place you belong is beside me...."
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utilitycaster · 10 months
(this might be a silly question, and please take this in the best possible faith, i don't mean it to be any kind of a gotcha or a trap, okay now that that's out of the way) i'm a cr fan who hasn't started c3 yet (still trucking through c2 and loving it) but i've been a quiet observer to whatever tf has been happening in the tumblr tags for it and have enjoyed your takes/opinions. so, asking this as someone without context who's not trying to comment on any recent ship developments (don't worry about spoilers though, not trying to avoid any), are there parts of c3, either characters or plot or backstories or whatever, that you do really enjoy/find compelling? (you might have already answered this, i've only been following you for like. a week and a half.) thank you!
Hi anon!
Yes, there definitely are! I completely get where you're coming from for this question, too, but I appreciate the context because I have gotten questions before where I feel like someone is trying to corner me and say CAN'T YOU BE POSITIVE??? Anyway, more on that at the end because I want to get to the things I do like, because there are, in fact, a lot. Also, because you've been vaguely following stuff this is chock full of spoilers just FYI.
Ashton, Chetney, and Fearne are all great characters. There is a lot of thought put into all three by the cast members who play them, I find their backstories and their inner lives rich and interesting, I am actually pretty patient with the Hishari plotline because Ashton has so much else going on that while I'm curious, I don't feel deprived. Chetney is just a great concept (for real people need to play older adventurers more often) and Travis is perhaps an unparalleled generator of interesting plot hooks, and Fearne constantly surprises me with her emotional depth and mischief - after two campaigns of Ashley playing characters who were often more, if not subdued, restrained or thoughtful, it's wonderful watching her let loose and be chaotic and cause problems.
Imogen is tricky because she's a character archetype I love, but her closest relationship does nothing for me. I would really love to see Laura lean into the darkness and moral ambiguity more. With that said her relationships with most of the rest of the party are great and I'd like more of them, and her family dynamics are also fascinating. With Imogen...I do want payoff but there has consistently been enough to keep me going.
Orym and FCG are interesting cases because I always liked Orym well enough but he was extremely Just A Guy - he delivered consistently but never wowed me - and I could not stand FCG earlier on. However, Orym's current arc is phenomenal. Liam's style doesn't always work for me but when it does, it really does, and the past few episodes have been top-tier Orym content. Similarly, after FCG learned of their history and met Dancer, they have been on an upswing that has not ended. I have never before turned around on a character to this degree but I love what Sam is doing. So if you're early on and FCG pisses you off: valid, but he gets good around episode 31 and then keeps being good.
The party split arcs are great. I love Uthodurn, I love Molaesmyr, I love getting to see some of Issylra, there's some great combat, the guests are all fantastic, it's a standout Laudna arc (quite literally part of why I've been recently frustrated with Laudna is because it's like every scrap of character development vanishes when she's within 15 feet of Imogen, like the dumbest paladin aura, but episodes 59-63 Laudna you will always be famous.
Earlier on, everything while Dorian is there is a fun time. Eshteross is precisely up my alley as are the Green Seekers. I also love the Twilight Mirror Museum heist.
The Bassuras arc is rough because there's a lot of good stuff going on but the plot is all weird and slow and I did not enjoy the guest arc. That said: some great interpersonal conversations, and also the Deathwish Run is a fun time if, like me, you love combat.
Yios casino episode, also a good time. The best way I can put it for someone watching through is that like...episodes 1-23 are typical finding one's characters/figuring out what's going on early campaign stuff, enjoyable overall, and the flaws within them can be attributed to that. 24-38 have plenty of bright spots within them (some of which I talked about) but it's a real slog at times. 39-42 are great. 43-45 are nonstop lore dump time, which isn't to say they are bad - there's some good stuff in there - but after 24-38 being lore dump and weird setup city it's a bit exhausting. Once the party goes to the feywild in 46 things get good and stay good. Like, for all the current romance isn't doing anything for me it's also, at this point, literally 2 minutes in an episode that otherwise fucking rules.
So just to get back on the bit about positivity: I tend to talk a lot more about what isn't working than what is. Some of this is because I firmly believe complaining is an art and a skill and is more fun to write. Some if it is also because I think if I like something, I just...like it! I can probably figure out why I like it if I want, but there's something very enjoyable about, well, just enjoying something. But if I don't like something, it's important for me to try to tease out why. Sometimes it's just that it doesn't work for me. There have been past CR characters who, while I can talk through the things I find I don't like about them, in the end it really comes down to "I think this personality is annoying, and that's valid and also a personal opinion." But sometimes I can frame it in terms of lack of narrative weight or momentum, or mechanically suboptimal builds that don't fit in with the character, or what have you, and I think it's valuable to be able to say that instead of just "wow this sucks." Like, there's meta to be had in why I don't care for something, whereas, for example, Fearne's incredibly clutch moves in the most recent episode were things I called out in my liveblogging but I don't have much to say other than "Ashley made some baller combat choices."
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outofthiisworld · 1 month
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name: Boo! pronouns: She/They (no preference, i like both :3)  preferred comms: tumblr ims mostly! if we mesh well+spoken ooc a lot we can chat on discord too :) i uuh do tend to forget to check my discord messages outside of my webhooks however names of muse: Ophelia, Doc, Copycat and Father Necrosis rn! A few ✨secret-menu✨ muses/npc’s as well
experience in RP: been rp’ing since i was 13 so bout 14 yrs exp rn! (i say 10+ in my rules tho cause that’s one less number i have to change each birthday)— most of my experiences have been w/ a close knit group of buds that soon turned into 1+1 rp’ing with a bestie im still VERY close with :3c
i dabbled in online rp’ing around eeeeeehhh 2015ish but i certainly wasnt putting myself out there like i am now sdfsdfg
best experiences: the entirety of this blog tbh. a few bumps in the road and learning curves to get back into the groove of things, but ultimately i feel like a carved out a really excellent and chill lil’ corner on this site :”) special shoutouts to some really INCREDIBLE partners and buds that make rp’ing on here beyond delightful:
@pzfr is a phenomenal writer, a beyond thoughtful rp partner and perhaps a bit too powerful of a creative— personally if some horrific yet comedic demise should befall me then i trust full custody of doc & ophelia to him 100% HE GETS IT (don’t u worry i’ll live forever tho). For real though, there's such genuine love in the way he works with the genres that inspire him as well as with writing as a whole! @5mind GAAAARLIIIIIIIC. we continuously cook up dubious foods in the dms; our plots are forebodingly diabolical (affectionate) and [covering garlic's ears] i still plan to consume their brain for power. he’s got THE most creative and inspired never before seen characters on this side of the universe that i adore so so so much and tbh if you aren’t following her like…….bro be fr with me rn like why @riiese Mark’s writing legitimately inspires me. They are THE voice master dude. The way they weave words together feels right out of a fairytale with this whimsical magic to it that gets me lost in the moment!!! i can’t help but get swept up in their beautiful prose!!! @dynamoprotocol BRO lowkey i remember being shocked when I saw he followed me. From the writing, the care to detail, the art, Clarissa/Chance’s development, the worldbuilding, AND he’s CHILL AS FUCK??? and you wanna follow ME dude??? for real though, i cant sing enough high praises!! @natterghast i stumbled upon her by chance and sooooooo happy i did <33 their ocs absolutely captivated me, each one has this cozy cosmic horror vibe that im? obsessed with?? AND THE WAY SHE WRITES IS SO GORGEOUS AND FULL OF MEANING AND CARE THEY PUT IN AND [wrattling the bars in my enclosure]
there are so many more i can shout out but i will have to cap it here since this post has gotten ... so long and i am now so sleepy. Genuinely though, everyone I follow and get to see pop up on my dash both makes me day and inspires me as a creative each and every time!!!
pet peeves/dealbreakers: the biggest ones for me rn are like … needlessly aggressive ooc attitudes, be it towards anons, in rules, in posts— esp if someone is flaunting about being mean i uh. have fun i guess? not for me.
Condescending rules, especially those geared towards oc’s, might even result in an insta-block from me. (i promise it’s okay to just say ur selective overall and leave it at that).
muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ): I generally like to lean more into light-hearted & comedic stuff, esp when first interacting but cus it’s fun! Once I get comfy with my rp buds tho i do loooooove to get into the meat n potatoes— the drama, the action, THE DRAMA!!! <- but a nice balance is important to me!
if everything is doom n’ gloom all the time without either a break, some sort of bitter-sweetness, and/or light at the end of the tunnel— then The Dread™ starts to feel too much for me :0 that being said … horror is … so much fun too <3
plot or memes: memes are a life savior esp when it comes to breaking the ice— i wouldn’t be cookin’ up like. any of the delectable plots i got brewing in the dms without em >:0
long or short replies: BOTH! i tend to naturally lean towards longer replies, moreso because i always have A Lot To Say™️ but i love goofing around with shorter stuff <3
best time to write: if i had my way it’d be an hour or two after i wake up in the morning and made myself my fancy energy drink + did my n.eopets dailies 💕 i try to make sure i get one day off like this each weekend it’s so lovely. Otherwise, i try not to stress about it too much and do what i can. i want my rp buds to know i genuinely dont mind waiting for replies or anything and i think it starts with how you hold yourself to that same degree too
are you like your muse?: ooooo aren’t we all in some way? it’s important to sprinkle some part or facet of YOU into them, especially ocs!
i will say, Doc is far closer alike to me versus anyone else on this blog, esp when it comes to values! he’s just far more gung-ho that i could ever have the energy to be tho. also i hope im not as stubborn as him 💀
i did give Ophelia my weird girl tendencies tho but cranked that shit up into MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE!!!
tagged by: @pzfr
tagging: i uh. i think most of my mutuals already got tagged this SO if you see this and you havent........PLEASE do this and tag me weeheehee <3
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0cta9on · 1 month
Hoya there bud, pray that things ease up over there😚, got quite a number of ask/tell so I will be doing it all in one ask
🗨️1. Question: What are you looking for in creating complex characters and relationships that you want in a story? Is it like how character A personality could click together with character B (Like Intimidated looking but klutz girl get couple up with compose looking but a teasing guy)🤔
🗨️2. Comment: Just saying, you making me go down bad for Eunha🥵, When she's in Gfriend, I only see her as a cute idol that's all but ever seen their Viviz debut, Gyaattt daym she's hot 🔥 the epitome of both cute and sexy combine into one person👌🗿
🗨️3. Comment: I really enjoy your blurb of Eunha, sometimes a blurb (as short as a couple of paragraphs and short dialogue) already satisfies me. Kinda reminds me of this, NSFW Tag game: sex positions: https://ggidolsmuts.tumblr.com/post/655847569294049280/nsfw-so-you-lost-a-bet-and-posted-that-you-wanted
💫Just for fun hehehe: You walk upon your housemate with an unintended morning wood, How would you start your day?
🗨️4. Comment: Here is Minji contagious laugh
Such a ethereal and cuddly girl to have that contrasting laugh was phenomenal 🤣, Watching minji clip always reminded me of your work, Just imagine Yuno amused shocking face after experiencing first hand her really genuine laugh 🤭
🪶To end this off, and yet again, I am truly thankful for your time and energy and attention on my humble messages, you probably got a lot on your tab already but I really appreciate every moment of it. Hope my long ass message doesn't pressure you🥲 cya✌️
Hello mikeylo!! Thanks for the asks!! Will probably be a bit long, so I'll put a divider here :) (Listen to Pat Pat by Eunha :)))) )
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I think it really comes down to my lack of planning. For smuts at least, I think of scenarios first instead of relationships, so I end up worrying about if the characters are interesting enough or if the entire story is focused too much on the sex. There was actually an ask that caps had where they started out with interesting pieces of dialogue first and built the story off of that, which I wanna try in the future as it looks very interesting and makes for better character development and interactions (evident in all of caps' works tbh). A little bit of a spoiler but one of the things I'm working on has a throuple in it and I could easily write a bunch of hot n trashy threesome sex, but I thought it would be better if I explored how each person interacts with each other outside of sex and potential issues that could arise from feelings like jealousy or favoritism.
2. EXACTLY, Eunha has always been the epitome of cute and sexy imo. Even though Gfriend mainly did "cute" concepts, there were still a lot of times where Eunha was just naturally sexy. I'll leave a couple pics here to prove it :)
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omg I remember going absolutely feral when she first did the bloom performance. And all of Eunha's Mago outfits are so GOOD gah damn.
3. I'm glad you enjoyed it :) I'm still looking for a perfect story to write about Eunha, anything less than perfection is a disservice to my girl. I remember reading those NSFW tag games when I was just a reader and it's a bit unfortunate I was too late to do them myself, they seem like fun to write. Anywho, here's another little blurb;
After a night full of drinking and partying, you're at the part you hate the most - waking up with a hangover. You stumble into your living room wearing nothing but your boxers and see your roommate, Eunha, sitting on the couch with a bowl of cereal in her lap. At this point, Eunha is used to you walking around in your boxers; what she's not used to, however, is your massive morning wood bulging through the fabric. Seeing you in your pitiful state, she decides to lend you a hand - more accurately, a mouth - and pulls your waistband down, taking as much of your cock into her mouth as she can. The sensation of her lips sucking your length is enough to make you forget about the pain in your head, and before you know it, you're shooting your cum down her throat. As you catch your breath, you can't help but think how lucky you are to have such a helpful roommate.
4. Omg I love her laugh so much, she's so cute I can't :,) There may or may not have been a time where I listened to her "I Love You 3000" cover on loop... Anyways, I cannot wait to write more cute shit for UD, thanks for the inspo, it helps a lot :))
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