#I even think they will skip the sex thing and just show them waking up together in this season
supercalime · 23 days
hi, i'm the anon from the previous ask! 😊 glad we agree that we want silly goofy happy bucktommy, but also a healthy dose of relationship drama to makes them even stronger and even more secure in their love. the tarlos sl with the lizard was adorable! especially when thinking of bucktommy in endgame terms, i hope we can witness them getting to know each other gradually, and actually see them discuss the typical big questions that should be discussed in any romantic relationship imo. moving in, kids, marriage, pets, past trauma, hopes for the future, likes and dislikes, sex. there is so much to explore. and so many things in life that can cause friction (and positive growth!) in a relationship. fingers crossed we'll get to see all of that with bucktommy 💖
Oh yeah! For sure! This show is dramatic af so I don’t expect any smooth storyline for anyone. We always got fanfics for the fluff!
And like you said, I’d also love to see the steps of their relationship and the questions that come with it. I really would like for the sex talk conflict to be brought up on screen cause there’s some things there that could be really cool to see. What I’d like is for buck to take a long time to have sex, because this relationship is different, not just because it’s his first with a man, but given how buck is a slut (affectionate) a good conflict that could come from it is him being questioned on why he’s waiting so long (maybe by the 118 because they know he’s a slut) and we could see him confessing that he’s maybe scared of “ruining” it with tommy, that maybe he’s afraid of losing him, since all the people he had sex with eventually left. But at the end of the episode tommy reassures him and it goes great. Maybe I’m just rambling non sense here idk, I just thought of it lol
And yes! Fingers crossed! I just want them back on my screen!
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navybrat817 · 3 months
Wish, Hope, Dream
Pairing: Best Friend!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Summary: You thought a night would be long enough to clear your head, but a bit of doubt lingers in your mind. Word Count: Over 2.6k Warnings: Slight angst, insecurities, longing, Natasha and Sharon being both good friends and devil's advocates, ongoing AU, feels (it's me), Bucky Barnes (yep, he's a warning) Previous Part of AU: We Don't Talk Anymore A/N: More Dreamboat and Butterfly from my Reconnect AU! Sorry again in advance, lovelies. ❤️ Beta read by the wonderful @whisperlullaby , but any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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You thought having answers would give you peace and allow you to rest before facing Bucky in the morning. Oh, how wrong you were. The tussle between your mind and heart didn’t stop, giving you one of the worst nights of sleep that you could remember in a long time. At least your pillow had dried from your tears.
And what was it that you were crying for? Relief that Bucky had feelings for you or were you mourning the lost time you could’ve had together had you two talked sooner? Perhaps both.
“Just get up,” you mumbled, willing yourself to get out of bed and lay out a random sundress to wear.
You wondered if anyone else was awake as you showered and brushed your teeth. Guilt crept in for skipping out on game night. Whatever transpired between you and Bucky, you couldn't let any of those feelings bleed into the rest of the time with your friends. You had to suck it up no matter the outcome.
Glancing down the hall as you left your room, your gaze lingered on Bucky’s door before your footsteps moved in that direction. You raised your hand to knock, wanting to check on him and make sure he got enough sleep. Part of you was tempted to sneak in and crawl into bed with him. Not even completely for sex, which you did not need to think about, but to have him hold you close and assure you that everything would be okay.
And to stop torturing yourself.
But you let your hand fall. You didn't want to assume that he wanted to see you first thing upon waking up. Assumptions and not communicating were what led you on this path to begin with. But you didn't want to smother him.
We can still figure it out together.
You crept downstairs, spotting a few empty bottles from the night before. The main floor was dark, minus the sunlight coming in through the windows and the kitchen. You stayed quiet when you saw Natasha and Sharon huddled together in a hushed conversation by the counter.
Which stopped the moment you walked into the room.
It didn't take a genius to figure out that they were talking about you. Not with the concerned look in Sharon’s eyes. Natasha, on the other hand, stared back at you in contemplation. At least it wasn't pity. You couldn't take that.
Did Bucky tell them? Or did they figure it out?
“Hey. Sorry for skipping game night,” you said, shifting on your feet as your gaze flickered between them. “Guess Steve and Sam aren't up yet?” You asked, purposely not mentioning Bucky.
“Don’t need to apologize,” Sharon said, concern continuing to show in her eyes. “I think they’re getting a run in.”
“Oh. Gotcha,” you said. Looking between them again, you hoped things wouldn't be this awkward for the rest of the week. “Am I interrupting? I can just grab breakfast when you two are done.”
“Not interrupting. Go sit in the living room,” Natasha urged, nodding toward the direction of the couch. “Look like you could use a pick-me-up.”
“Smoothie?” You guessed, glancing around at the array of fruit ready for blending.
“Oh, yeah. Better than coffee,” the redhead teased as she threw a few pieces into the blender with some ice, bringing a small smile to your face as you went back to the living room. She was a good friend.
All of them were.
“You okay?” Sharon asked, sitting beside you on the couch.
You hesitated for a moment. You adored them and always would. But when it came to Bucky, you feared everyone would always side with him over you. Your chest tightened at the thought that if things went south you’d get left behind.
And hadn't you been left behind once before?
“Yes and no,” you answered, not wanting to expand completely yet as Natasha walked in and handed you a glass, your hands gripping it tight. They didn't need to deal with your issues, did they? “Did Bucky talk to everyone? I’m guessing he said something since you two are looking at me like I'm going to break.”
“We don’t think you’re going to break, but you look on edge,” Natasha answered, taking a seat when you didn't disagree. “The guys talked to him a little bit. He wouldn't give them all the details, but we know you two had a long overdue chat.”
“And the way you bolted upstairs last night and how he looked like a kicked puppy, we guessed it didn't go well,” Sharon added, raising an eyebrow. “I think Nat wanted to kick his ass.”
“He looked like he kicked his own ass. Would've just been rubbing salt in an open wound if I did anything else,” she said with no trace of humor. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“It may help,” Sharon said.
With a deep breath, you told the girls what had happened. How you and Bucky admitted that you had feelings for each other, which neither of them appeared surprised by in the least, but that you walked away from him once the talk was over. How you wished you would’ve given him a chance then and there, but didn’t. It helped and hurt to tell them about it.
You hung your head by the time you finished, your throat tight. “I’m sorry,” you whispered, swallowing a little. “This is supposed to be a fun trip and I’m messing it up with my issues.”
Sharon rubbed your back as you took a sip of your smoothie. “Hey. You’re our friend. You didn't do anything wrong or mess anything up, okay? We all love Bucky, but he's an idiot.”
“Huge idiot. Don't know what you see in him,” Natasha winked as you scoffed. You would always try to see the good in him, even when you were upset. “But I have to say, I’m glad you two finally told each other how you feel.”
“Took you long enough,” the blonde teased halfheartedly. “Kind of hoped you would've said something before we showed up.”
Heat rushed to your cheeks. The gang ran late to the beach house on purpose. Of course, they did. The girls were perceptive. Always had been. “So, you knew.”
“Everyone knew, except for the two of you. What’s that trope?” Natasha questioned, her gaze directed at Sharon. “Idiots in love?”
“Oh, yeah,” she smiled. “You two are a walking romance novel, torturing yourselves for no good reason.”
“So, I'm an idiot then?” you said, narrowing your eyes when they both opened their mouths. “You know what? Don’t answer that.”
You beat yourself up enough.
“Like I said, I’m glad you told him and now you finally have confirmation that he feels the same way,” Natasha said, cocking an eyebrow. “What's the problem then?”
“What do you mean?” You replied.
“You said you took the night to think, but you don't exactly look like you're ready to move forward.”
“Because I don't know if I am,” you admitted.
You were overthinking the situation. You wanted to be with Bucky, but some of your wall was still up and you didn't know how to tear the rest of it down. Why was it so hard?
“Look, I'm not excusing what Bucky did because he's an idiot for going out with Dot instead of talking to you, but you know how he feels now,” Natasha began, diplomatic and level-headed like always. “Do you plan to keep him at a distance as a way to protect yourself? Or are you maybe punishing him just a little bit for seemingly abandoning you?”
Leave it to her to ask the tough questions.
“I'm not trying to punish him,” you promised. Both of you had punished yourselves enough. “I just don't want him to hurt me. I mean, I spent two years thinking he'd never want me, but he just didn't want to fight for me,” you said, tears brimming your eyes.
“Or maybe he thought he never stood a chance and settled,” Sharon said. “Which, again, he’s an idiot. Most guys are.”
“So, what are you saying? That I should just pretend the last two years didn't happen?” You asked.
“No,” they said in sync.
You huffed. Why were girls both direct and cryptic? “Then what are you saying?”
Natasha grabbed a tissue and handed it over when a tear slid down your cheek. “We’re saying that we think Bucky is genuinely sorry for his stupid assumption and wants you to be his girl. Start slow if you have to and set the ground rules. If it means him apologizing every day with his words and actions, he will. And we know if you gave him your heart, it would be the last thing he'd break. Don’t you owe it to yourself to be happy?”
“Yeah. Maybe just start with a date,” Sharon said, tilting her head when you didn’t say anything. They were only trying to help, but why did it feel like pressure of sorts? Did they fully understand your apprehension? “You really don't see how he looks at you, do you?”
“Why would I when I convinced myself he'd never want me?” You whispered.
Bucky had convinced himself of the same thing. Maybe the two of you were idiots. How long would you continue to torture yourself? They had a point. Why not start with one date and see where it led?
What would be the harm in that, besides risking your whole heart?
“Well, we see how he looks at you,” Sharon said, her eyebrows shooting up. “Wait. I have it.”
Natasha narrowed her eyes. “Have what?” She asked. You wondered the same thing.
The front door opened before you got your answer, your heart skipping a beat when Bucky stopped in the doorway with a beach bag in hand. You realized after a moment that he was still in the same clothes he wore the day before, his eyes bloodshot as he looked your way. His hair was disheveled, too. He didn’t look like he slept well, if at all.
It broke your heart.
“Hey, Butterfly,” he croaked when you got to your feet, clearing his throat with a tired smile. “You look beautiful.”
“It’s just a sundress, Dreamboat,” you said, the compliment making your stomach flip before you took a step toward him. “Are you okay?”
His eyes lit up. “You’re still calling me that?”
“Of course, I am.” you smiled softly. He’d always be your Dreamboat. “Did you get any sleep?” You added, sighing when he confirmed your suspicion with a shake of his head. Had you been on his mind? “Why not?”
He gripped the bag handle like a lifeline. “I needed to find a way to say I’m sorry. Tried writing a letter and it wasn't enough.”
Your heart swelled, glancing back at the girls as they both gave you an encouraging smile. “Look. Before you do anything, why don’t you take a nap?” You suggested. “It’s still early and I’m not going anywhere.”
“A nap sounds like a good idea before volleyball,” Natasha said, leveling Bucky with a look. “In fact, why don’t you get him to bed?”
“Nat,” you hissed. Of course, she’d suggest you take him upstairs.
“Yeah, we’ll catch up with you two in a bit,” Sharon said.
The hopeful look in Bucky’s eyes was irresistible. “Come on,” you said, taking his arm once he kicked his shoes off. You felt his gaze on you as you took him up the stairs. It amazed you that he didn’t trip over his own feet since he kept his eyes on you. “I can tell you’re staring at me.”
“I half expected you to be gone this morning,” he said, opening his door. “I wouldn’t have blamed you.”
Your stomach dropped. “You think I’d bolt after the conversation we had?” You asked. Did he think little of you now?
He chuckled under his breath. “I said half expected,” he teased.
Instead of releasing your arm, he pulled you into his room before you could protest. It wasn’t a good idea to be there, yet there you were. Not fighting it as he pulled you toward the bed.
His large, inviting bed.
“So, what’s in the bag?” You asked curiously to distract yourself as he set it down and stretched out on the bed, pulling you down with him. He gave you plenty of room so you wouldn’t have to cuddle close. He also left the door cracked open.
He was giving you an out.
“I can’t show you yet because I have to put it together,” he yawned, giving you an apologetic smile. “It’ll spoil the surprise otherwise.”
A giddy smile appeared on your face. He was actually going to make you something. “I’ll be patient,” you said, letting him keep your hand in his.
“Haven’t we been patient long enough?” He asked, his hair falling in his eyes as he gazed at you. Even exhausted, he was breathtaking. “I know you needed the night to think it over.”
The smile fell from your face, silence stretching in the room before you squeezed his hand. “Bucky, you need to get some sleep.”
He couldn’t mask the dejected look on his face. It wasn’t an outright rejection, but you hadn’t exactly declared that you should move forward. “I couldn’t sleep,” he said, his voice thick. “All I could see were the tears in your eyes and knowing I caused them.”
“It’s okay,” you told him. It was an assurance for yourself, too. You were okay and he hadn't tried to hurt you.
“It’s not okay,” he argued, the familiar determination back in his eyes. “And I don’t want to sleep. I want to make you smile. I want to win you a stuffed animal at the carnival.”
“You promised me that at dinner yesterday,” you teased.
“I want to take you dancing,” he added, rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand.
You could easily picture him smiling as he twirled you around and moved to the beat. Maybe that could be your first actual date. “As long as you don’t step on my feet.”
“I want to take you to bed,” he whispered,
You inhaled, your heart pounding at the implication. “Bucky…”
“I want to hear about your day. The little things, even the details that you think are mundane,” he said, scooting a bit closer. “I want to be the one you talk to and depend on again.”
Each declaration worked its way into your heart. Why couldn’t you just take the leap of faith? “We can’t just-”
“I want you to be my girl,” he said, his face inches from yours. “I want to give you everything.”
Your heart screamed at you to comfort him, kiss him, to tell him the same. “Bucky, you’re not giving me anything until you get some sleep,” you whispered, resting a hand on his cheek. He needed rest. “Please, for me?”
“I’m afraid if I close my eyes, I’ll wake up and you’ll be gone,” he whispered, fighting to keep his eyes open. “I can't lose you again.”
You didn't want to lose him either. “You won't lose me because I’m not going anywhere. I said we’d figure this out together and I meant that,” you promised, needing to give him hope. “Close your eyes. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
He finally shut them as he breathed out, “Butterfly, I lo…”
You gasped as Bucky trailed off, smiling to yourself as your eyes misted over. You weren’t going to run. Not from him. Not when you owed it to yourself to be happy.
You told yourself that as his phone rang.
Even as Dot’s name showed on the screen.
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It's fine, lovelies! 😭 Things will look up. Love and thanks for reading! 💙
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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creedslove · 6 months
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No outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
"You took my hand, you showed me how
You promised me you'd be around (...)
I took your words and I believed in everything you said to me (...)
If someone said three years from now, you'd be long gone, I'd stand up and punch them out, 'cause they're all wrong
I know better, 'cause you said forever, and ever, who knew?"
Summary: you and Joel try to handle what happens after you both slept together and a revelation brings the truth about the nature of your relationship with Joel
• This is the third part of the small series: Who Knew? 💍💔 (PART ONE | PART TWO) which was also inspired by this amazing HEADCANON request
Warnings: angst, broken hearts, mentions of divorce, mentions of infidelity, fluff, age gap (Joel is four to five years older than reader and the time skip is 12 to 14 years (Sarah's age) but feel free to imagine whatever you want), smut, oral sex (f! receiving/m!receiving) piv, dirty talking, discussions of relationships
A/N: alright besties, I really don't know where this chapter came from, I had sworn I wouldn't write continuations of this story, but here I am, with a serious case of Joel Miller brain rot and all I could think of was him! I love this story with all my heart and I don't know if this chapter is consistent or not, as it was written through several days and I poured my feelings into it, but days change and so do feelings so hehehe, also, I may or may not have been a little too horny for Joel xD, anyway, I hope you beautiful besties like the story ❤️
12.3k words
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Waking up by Joel's side was something you could've sworn it would never happen, it would only become a distant memory as the years advanced after the divorce; you thought maybe you would think about it every so often, when nostalgia got the best of you, if you felt lonely at times or maybe even the moments you would spend next to your ideal future husband, a man worthy of you and your love, someone who would actually treat you exactly how you deserved it, who wouldn't run away with the first willing whore he could find and build a life with her, the life that used to be yours, and was supposed to. No, that ideal husband would never steal from you, not your happiness, your beauty or your youth, as much as you closed your eyes and tried picturing this ideal, ethereal man, you were haunted by your ex-husband. It was his smile that came to your mind when you thought of this bittersweet fantasy; his hands that gripped your body, it was him. You realized your deepest wish was to have Joel as that husband; in an alternative universe where he wasn't a jerk, instead, he would be the perfect, sweet and hard-working husband, just like he used to in the beginning, and you both would love and support each other, building up a life, a family and a home together. That was how things were supposed to go, but everyone knew the end of that story.
What nobody except you and Joel knew, was the plot-twisted epilogue of your story with Joel. Very often, you thought of your relationship as a closed book, a shitty, depressing romance novel that had its indignant ending written and done, with no space to fix things up… until your return to Austin and things simply started to happen. You refused to believe it was a new chapter or a new beginning, quite the opposite, as much as your rational said had begged and screamed not to do it, not to get close to Joel and you simply went there and did it, now it begged you to put an end to it, your mind told you the night you'd spent together was just scratching that maddening itch and nothing more. It would be easy to pretend nothing had happened: Tommy had left shortly after the cops arrived at your place and headed to his girlfriend's, according to Joel. Sarah was absolutely clueless and had no idea what was going on, especially after both you and her dad had put an end to her efforts of setting you both up. All you had to do was to convince Joel of the same: it was a mistake, it shouldn't happen again.
But then, at the same time, why was it so good to wake up next to him? In fact, next to him was an understatement, as you were all over him. Safely tucked into his arms during the night, you had switched positions several times like you often did when you slept, but Joel always kept you at arms length, refusing to let go of you no matter what. It shouldn't feel this good, but it did, and even when morning came and it was time to get up, you pretended you didn't really have to. It was your secret, no one would know nor judge you if you stayed a little longer in his bed, what was the worst that could happen, after all? So the moment you felt Joel stirring right behind you, your eyes closed shut and you relaxed your body as best as you could so he would think you were asleep. It was quite stupid, you were aware, but suddenly you felt shy to be awake in his presence?! It was odd, but you didn't know how to act exactly… were you supposed to kiss? Act as a continuation of the night before or straight up pretend nothing happened? Should you begin ‘the talk' with Joel?! You didn't even know what you were going to say, so instead, pretending to be dead, well actually, asleep, was definitely a better plan. Joel hadn't changed in all those years, you recognized and anticipated every single move he would make; it started by his soft groans the moment he fully woke up, the hesitation he probably felt the moment he eyed you there and quickly the memories of the night before filled him entirely. His morning erection was hard pressed against your ass and that was another difficult part of the equation taking place in your mind at that moment; all it would take you was wiggling your ass a little and you both could start your day in a very fun way. It was tempting, and while you baffled yourself whether to do it or not, you felt Joel again. The way he gently placed his hand on your arm, caressing it up and down, almost in a ghostly touch, a bit afraid of scaring you away; to Joel, you were like a beautiful, delicate butterfly flying into his life, making things prettier for him, but also so easily scared off. He couldn't afford to have you fly away from him once more, not that time. His hand went to your naked stomach, stroking it softly, he enjoyed the butter-like feel of your skin under his hand. After all the cuts, bruises and dirt from hard work, it was a nice change to be able to touch you. He'd had his fair share of touching beautiful women, but none of them would ever compare to you. You were naked under his touch, entirely for himself, a dream that came true at that moment and yet it seemed way too good to be real. Hands that stroked your body leaving a trail of goosebumps over your sensitive skin, as he nuzzled your shoulder, taking some strands of hair away from your neck, he let his stubble beard scratch it softly, lips connecting to your skin, in gentle and silent pecks, ones that made you bite your lips not to moan too loud, even if the goosebumps insisted on appearing, hardening your nipples and sending a wave of lust down your core. Joel had his good ear to the mattress, not hearing if you were letting out small, sexy sounds but he could see the visible signs of his caress on you. He wanted more of it, he woke up with hunger, more like starvation and it was for you, your body, your touch, your presence. He wanted you, and he would have you, not only that morning, but forever, by his side.
“I know you're awake” Joel mumbled against your skin, you could feel his teeth nibbling you, making you squeal softly and moan at his touch, you turned around facing him and raised your eyebrow, heart melting at how adorable Joel's messy bed hair was, even if it was a little grayer now, it still made him look so handsome, you couldn't hold yourself back but caress his curls gently.
“How did you know I was awake?” You questioned him and felt his teeth scraping your collarbone instead of actually answering your question. It didn't take very long for Joel to straddle you, pinning you against the mattress as he took in all of you. You were beautiful, gorgeous, you were his. At least that was what he wanted to tell himself, but it didn't matter the future, not then, because at that very moment you belonged to him and only him. You lay under Joel, your breathing accelerating as you didn't know exactly what to do or what to expect, crashing your lips together, you tugged at his hair - you loved Joel's hair so much - and felt his rough hands running even more freely through your body. One knee on each side of you, preventing you from moving as he stared down at you, your body being the most beautiful piece of art he'd ever laid eyes on. Joel Miller was a man sinking deep further into his passions and he couldn't even hide it or pretend it otherwise. His mouth went for your neck, then down your collarbone, your breasts, so beautiful and tempting as they'd always been, time he'd been so kind to you, and now he appreciated it. He kissed your breasts gently at first, getting to your nipples, they were always so hard and sensitive and it was all for him. Lips wrapping around them, his tongue flicking then gently as you tugged even harder and pulled his curls gently. The way Joel made you feel was always something else, it was so stupid to try to fight that, at least while you were pinned down by his strong, sexy body. When he finally let go of your breasts, he kept moving his tortuous path south down you. His lips were dancing over your stomach, he loved that part of you and had lost track of how many times he'd daydreamed about your figure looking round while you carried his baby Miller inside. He enjoyed picturing it, another life coming out of you, a baby that would be half you and half him, that would bring Sarah the title of ‘big sister’ and seal the happy ending of your story in which you would become Mrs.Miller once more, for real and above all for the rest of your lives. Deep down he knew that wouldn't go further than a simple fantasy, something to lose himself in before falling asleep before bed every night, and yet, it always brought him such joy, comfort and affection within his body, and at that moment, when he was kissing your womb, his hands holding you legs spread as he took his time in kissing and nibbling your lower stomach, he closed his eyes and made that irrational wish, practically, that wouldn't do, not in real life, not with your history weighing heavily on the two of you, nor with your life styles that were so different from each other's. He worked too much, Sarah was already growing into a teenager, you were inexperienced at that matter at the same time he was getting older and was certain that having to watch a baby and later on a toddler would absolutely kill his back. But if it was so impractical, it should be so sweet at the same time. It would be a lot easier for him to keep those stupid thoughts out of his mind. When Joel got closer to your core, you wanted to tell him to stop, to remind him that you didn't use protection at all and you'd been missing up the pills, warn him there was maybe some probability of you both making that situation even more of a mess than it already was, but the words died out in your mouth, the moment Joel's eyes matched yours, the pool of brown warmth making your heart skip a beat at the same time he parted your legs, giving your inner thighs each a love bite, and your breathing accelerating once more in the anticipation of what was about to happen.
“Relax, baby girl” he purred against your skin, he was so close to your core you could feel his breath fanning your sensitive area, his hands gripping the outside of your legs in a way it was clear he was claiming his power over you. You were about to be devoured by a hungry man and at that, your heart raced like no other, just as Joel reached you.
His lips ghosted over your slit, loving how shaky and sensitive you were at that moment, head shoved between your legs he took his hands into action, using them to spread your lips wide and groaned in approval of how sexy that view was. Ever since you married Joel, being intimate with your husband was something normal and natural, expected even, and whereas you weren't a prude by any means, the way Joel touched you or how filthy that mouth could be always made you go red from head to toes, especially when he simply stopped at stared at your body like that.
“Fuck baby, you still got the same pretty pussy I remember, it's the best one I've ever seen, you taste so fucking good, this sweet clit of yours had always made my mouth water” he teased as you could barely hear his voice through the adrenaline making all that blood pumped so loud into your ear. He spread your pussy lips open, his cock was already twitching to see your cunt twitching for him. The way your clit twitched in anticipation and your hole clenched at the air, how your wetness simply pooled in your entrance and it was all for Joel, because of Joel and he wasn't going to waste another minute before having you. You closed your eyes the moment he kissed your clit, kissing it as he would with your lips, all you could do was whimper and once more grip your hands into his hair pulling his head against your pussy, wanting more and more. At your touch, Joel stopped playing around, he simply sank his face into you, devouring you, licking, suckling and flicking your sensitive clit, lapping at your juices so hungrily, like a madman having his favorite meal. Joel's hands were large and his fingers were thick, so the moment he inserted two digits inside, you were already filled with him, the way he ate your pussy and fingered you, the knot forming down your lower belly, you barely had time to warn him, but it wasn't necessary, Joel knew your body well enough to know you were cumming, getting so nice and ready for him he continued, until you exploded into an intense and long orgasm, in which he tried to make it last for you as much as he could.
After your bliss, it didn't take very long for him to slip inside, now that you were all wet and stretched for him, you wrapped your legs around his waist and closed your eyes in pleasure. Your nails scratching down his broad back, his skin warm and sweaty on top of you. You wanted more of him, at that moment that was you favorite place in the world, primal, obscene, his grunts into your ear as he fucked you like he would any whore. At that moment you couldn't hold back your desires, your lustful thoughts took the best of you. If Joel asked you to be his personal cum dumpster, you would say yes. And at that realization, he came inside, once more, just like he did the night before and you loved it.
Suddenly the exhaustion took over you, your body and your thoughts and it seemed like an impossible task to keep your eyes open.
“Sleep, baby girl, relax” Joel whispered against your ear once more, pulling you closer, the two of you appreciating the lovely bliss you shared after your orgasms. It felt right, even if it shouldn't.
When Joel woke up that morning for the second time with you tangled in his arms, he smiled at himself, wondering how lucky a motherfucker like himself could actually be. The past hours replayed in his mind, over and over, and he still didn't believe they were true, simply because they were too good to be true in the first place, still the reminders of how true it all had been were there: the pink fading lines you left all over his skin were still apparent, your clothes scattered around the bedroom floor, the way your hair invaded his pillow and now you smell lingered all over his bedsheets. It was real, and he couldn't be happier. Watching as you exhaustively slept, he dragged himself out of bed, not really wanting to leave but knowing he needed to start his day somehow. So he just planted a soft kiss on your forehead and headed to shower before going downstairs, as he needed to get breakfast ready for his girl.
You on the other hand, slept without even noticing you, being so exhausted after another steamy session with Joel; when you woke up nearly an hour later, you felt his side of the bed empty and for a split second you sighed disappointed at the impression it'd been just a dream, which only lasted until you could feel that bittersweet soreness between your legs, the mess Joel's room was in and how sticky you were with sweat and some of your juices mixed up together. You bit your lips and giggled, you thought you'd wake up full of regret, feeling guilty and upset about what happened, but turns out you felt great, perhaps, all you needed to decrease that upsetting feeling of melancholy you often grew inside was a good fuck provided by the best man you'd ever tried.
You yawned big and stretched, getting up and feeling that familiar sting between your legs, a reminder of Joel's virility and size. As you weren't sure what to do or where Joel could be, or even worse: if Sarah was home at all, you decided to be as silent as possible, your wish was just getting dressed and going downstairs, but the moment you saw your reflection in the mirror you knew you had to shower. It didn't take too long to find Joel's bathroom, you got yourself under the shower stream, groaning at how your muscles relaxed under it, the way the knots on your hair seemed to undo themselves. You chuckled while soaping your body in Joel's soap, shampooing your hair with his shampoo, smelling entirely like him, as if he'd marked you like an animal would. Perhaps you shouldn't enjoy this obscene thought as much as you did, but at that point that ship had sailed and you couldn't care less about it. Stepping outside the shower, you dried yourself and went through Joel's drawers just enough to find something comfortable to wear - one of his boxers and an old shirt.
“Joel?!” You called him at the top of the stairs, hoping you two were still alone there, as you really didn't want to risk being seen in those - lack of - clothes by Tommy or god forbid, Sarah.
“In here” Joel replied, his voice coming from the kitchen and as soon as you got downstairs you were hit by the delicious smell of coffee, and just as your stomach growled in hunger you realized you couldn't even remember your last meal.
You followed the delicious smell and smiled when you saw him flipping a bunch of pancakes, frowning softly at the image, it was so odd to see Joel being so domestic, cooking breakfast when in reality, you were the one who usually got to do all the cooking and chores, not to mention the choice of menu for the breakfast.
“You don't like pancakes!” you said surprised as you approached the stove to confirm if you weren't seeing things, being surprised by the way Joel wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer, greeting you with a peck on the lips, which you didn't expect but you couldn't complain either.
“I don't, but you do, and you deserve it, baby girl” he stroked your sides as he kept flipping pancakes with his free hand like a damn pro. You could only imagine how many times he had to step in and make his daughter pancakes until he got that skilled at that. You looked at him and as if he'd read your mind, he pecked your forehead this time
“Sarah is at her friend's which means she's only coming in the afternoon, you can hang out, maybe we can grab lunch together and then I'll drive you home, fix your door and all..” he said and stared lovingly at you “if you wanna go, otherwise you can stay here” he winked and made you chuckle.
“Joel, about us, about what happened-”
“Don't do that now, darling, let's not upset ourselves, let's have breakfast together and we can talk about it later”
You could tell Joel was postponing the subject, it was simply inevitable to talk about your future together or lack of it, due to your history, what happened between the two of you should be addressed, and even if you had been as willing as he was, it was a fact you weren't so easy to convince that perhaps being together was a good idea. However, he was also right: you could discuss things later, because at that moment you just wanted to have breakfast with Joel; damage had already been done, so what if you two continued to act the way you were? If anything, if you two parted ways, you would simply still have a nice time to cherish, to balance the ups and downs of your relationship together.
You two walked to the table, Joel placed the pancakes down and got comfortable on the chair, taken by surprise as you simply sat on his lap, instead of taking the seat next to him. You looked at him with a grin and stole a peck from his lips
“What?! You said we should have breakfast first” you giggled and started eating, at the same time his arm wrapped around your frame and he pulled you even closer. You couldn't really complain about that breakfast, it was the best you've ever had in so long, and it had nothing to do with pancakes.
During daylight it was possible to see the damage the thieves left in your home; not only did they steal valuable things, but they also left a trail of mess and dirt through the floors, making you feel so angry at the shit hole they'd left your house. As soon as you got off Joel's truck, you could see cleaning, fixing and buying things again would take a long time, and even if you had the best contractor around town next to you, you still had to do chores. He placed his hands on his waist, furrowing his brows while he scanned the room, thinking of what he should do. You quickly changed into more comfortable clothes, grabbing a mop and a bucket and began cleaning up everything you had to, you reminded Joel he could make himself at home and grab drinks or snacks, since it was the least you could do after he'd been so kind to help you - and fuck you raw morning and night.
Once you'd finished your chores and showered quickly to get rid of the sweat, you went downstairs, looking for Joel. He had fixed a few things here and there, things you hadn't even noticed, but the moment you walked down the stairs, he was fixing your door.
And you were not prepared for that sight, at all.
Not with how Joel's shirt was clinging tight to his body, damp with sweat, the way his jeans looked so good around his thighs and his butt, or how he flexed his biceps unconsciously while he forced the warped wood forwards, the soft grunt he let out and how his huge hand wiped the forehead off his forehead was enough to set your core on fire. You stood there, at the bottom of the stairs, gripping the handrail and wondering when you'd become that thirsty for a man. Even when you had relationships after your divorce, you couldn't remember being that easily turned on, but at that moment, a mere display of Joel's roughness was enough to pool your wetness on your panties. He was just so mainly, so strong, something primal and intense about that man's body, he was different from any man you'd met, and the years only added to it, you were so tired of fighting your urges and feelings. Yes, Joel had been the worst husband a woman could've asked for, but just because you wanted to crazily ride on his cock, it didn't mean you would have to marry him again, definitely not. Joel wasn't a good husband, but he was a damn fine lover.
“I didn't see you there” you jumped at Joel's voice, distracted by it as he snapped you out of your lustful thoughts, nodding at him and smiling nervously. He cleared his throat “I'm guessing you want to talk, don't you?” There was a slight hint of disappointment in his voice and you thought for a while
“Yeah, we need to talk, just… take a seat, I'll get you some water” you pointed at your couch and disappeared into the kitchen, finding Joel standing still when you returned with a fresh bottle of water for him. He hadn't moved, something inside of him telling him not to, some kind of superstition, that maybe if he sat down he would go back to the poor reality of his life, a life without you, your touch, your caress. As long as he stood up, he could always find something to do around your home and then spend a little longer by your side. He took the bottle with a nod in gratitude and took a big sip of it, at the same time it seemed you were watching an erotic movie just by the way your body reacted to the image of his neck, the way his veins pumped as he swallowed his water, showing his thirst, and to think just a few hours before he was eating your pussy with the same ferocity, made you press your thighs together. You needed that man, and you were going to have him, no matter what. To hell with needing to have a serious chat, to move on with your life and not forgetting the past, you needed him carnally. Joel finished his water and finally walked to your couch, taking a seat and spreading his legs, just like he often did to find a comfortable position. You hated when men did that, taking up space and being rude, but not Joel, the way he did it was hot, it reminded you of how big he was, his long legs, big, strong thighs, so perfect to ride, and his frowny face, you could tell he was worried, probably thinking you would just thank him for the help, tell him what happened between the two of you couldn't happen again and ask him to leave. Hiding the heartbreak under his mean face, little did he know that conversation would have to be postponed, because your mouth was about to be too busy to talk.
“You want to talk, right?” He asked, nervously running his hands through his jeans, watching as you took another step closer and nodded.
“Yeah, but we can't talk right now… I'd rather use my mouth for something else” you winked at him, falling onto his knees and began caressing his thighs over his rough jean, smirking at his surprised face, hands fiddling his pants as you opened his fly and bit your lips
“I need your cock now, Joel, I need you in my mouth”
He was taken aback by your sudden change of behavior, he'd sat down expecting to be told to leave, but now he had you on your knees begging for his cock and that was something he couldn't deny. His left hand gripped your hair, tilting your head up a little, while his right hand stroked your cheek gently, his thumb ghosted over your lips, tracing an invisible path on it as he nodded. Suddenly, roles were reversed: he wasn't waiting for you to stop and decide what he should do, instead, he was in charge and he was about to make you choke on his cock.
“So pretty, baby girl…” Joel's voice wasn't much more than a whisper “you want my cock, don't you? Just like a filthy little slut, you wanna choke on it? Want my cum down your pretty throat?”
All you could was nod at his filthy words, Joel's mouth could drive any woman inside without any physical touch, just his dirty choice of words was enough to cause a turmoil of feelings and increase the pool in your panties. He lifted his hips and pulled his pants down, freeing his cock, already hard and held it by the base, while you licked your lips. You could see his tip glistening and closing your eyes as Joel rubbed his tip against your lips, before you opened it and took his cock into your mouth. Joel threw his head back and groaned in pleasure, he could feel his balls quivering while both hands flew to your hair, gripping it as you bobbed your head up and down his shaft, your hand squeezing and stroking his cock up and down where you couldn't reach his length. You'd always loved Joel's groans, the way he sounded so voracious, you clenched your thighs together, trying to give your throbbing clit some sort of relief. He guided you through his blowjob, he hadn't gotten a good one like that in years; of course he'd had his affairs, nightstands and such, but no mouth in the world compared to yours at all. He praised you, reminded you were his favorite cock slut and he wouldn't have any other than you.
You could feel by the way he clenched in your mouth his release was close, he was about to unload and you wanted to swallow all of him. So you continued, even when Joel tried to lift your head gently and warn you, you didn't need any warnings, you simply continued blowing him until he was cumming into your mouth. He reached his orgasm with another grunt, at the same time you worked your magic and swallowed every single drop of him. The way his cock pulsed inside of your mouth, how his breathing got rapid, his chest raising up and down at a fast pace, it was the sexiest thing you'd ever seen. Joel Miller was a strong, manly man, and you loved it.
He finally rested his eyes on you, his hell and heaven on earth, and he just needed more of you, convinced that whatever he had of you just wasn't enough. He helped you up, then pulled you to his lap, making you squeak in surprise as you landed right on top of him. You rested your forehead against his, while he pressed your body closer, never wanting to let go. He pulled you for a kiss, your lips tasting like him, sent Joel another wave of lust and need; he kissed your neck, his hands fiddling with your clothes, getting rid of them as he wanted you bare for him, your body on his, naked; he wanted to take you inside your house, not just some dirty, rushed secret locked in his room, but instead, claim you in any room of your home, if you ever wanted to break with him and decide he shouldn't be part of your life any longer, then at least he would leave his mark knowing each time you walked into any room, you would think of him, reminded of the time Joel fucked you and emptied himself inside of your tight juicy cunt.
“Come on, darling, ride my cock” his rough voice commanded you at the exact time Joel's hand pulled your shorts and your panties down. He went for your ass, massaging it, squeezing your cheeks and slapping it a couple of times, seeing it wiggle softly
“You're so fucking hot, you know that, sugar? Only you can make my cock throb the way you do” he praised you. His fingers traveled to your cunt, caressing it for the second time that day, making you spread your legs as wide as you could over him. He stroked your clit, feeling your arousal pooled in your entrance, it was intoxicating to him, he needed you every single day for the rest of his life. He gripped your hips, helping you lift yourself up and as held his cock in place and sank down onto it.
“Just like that, gorgeous, take that cock baby girl” he praised you.
You spent the rest of your afternoon riding Joel on your couch, not giving a single shit if any of the neighbors could see it through the curtains or the mere fact Joel had given you the worst heartbreak of your life; you needed him as much as he needed you, and it seemed neither of you could let go.
The following days went by exactly the same way they usually did: you either worked from home or you went to the office a few times a week, you went grocery shopping, led a quiet, normal life, received Sarah's visits almost daily with the exception you were also seeing her dad without her having any idea. In fact, no one apart from you and Joel knew what was going on, and neither of you had any intention of changing that. Being completely honest, you should have broken things up with Joel the morning after, but each time you decided to do so, you simply couldn't get it done, the mere thought of standing in front of Joel and asking him to stay away from you was devastating, even if you turned to your memories of the day you found out Joel was in love with Angela and didn't want to be with you any longer couldn't help you. Of course they were as painful as if they were fresh, but at the same time it also felt like it happened between two completely different people rather than you and Joel. It was so difficult to process that Joel and your current Joel were the same, because deep down your heart claimed they weren't; the Joel you were constantly hooking up with was a hardworking, a great father, he was caring, sweet, he was passionate and he treated you as if you were the best thing he'd ever seen in the whole world. He'd become a closed man to relationships due to the guilt he felt for treating you the way he did and the abandonment he suffered from Angela. As much as that sounded twisted, the fact you were both abandoned by people you loved, also brought you closer, especially because he got to know exactly how you felt, which increased his guilt. It was terrible, but he was aware he was probably going to carry that for the rest of his life; even if he watched you smile and laugh, or if you wrapped your arms around him, underneath the joy and excitement he felt within, there would always be a tad of guilt just like a bitter taste in his mouth, reminding him of his coward attitude and how much better than him you truly were. As you had told Joel while you still hadn't crossed the line of how far your relationship should go, the problem wasn't the fact he fell in love with Angela, that could've happened to anyone, even if the sting of rejection hurt, being tricked and lied to was way worse than that. Even if it was hard to recover from the pain - if you had even recovered at all, after all, more than a decade went by without you being able to have a commitment to anyone, unable to stay in a relationship for more than other a few months, - you could only imagine Joel's experience was even worse; not only his relationship with Angela ended, but she also cut her ties with her own baby daughter. The disappointment he felt to realize his daughter would have to grow up without her mom, the paralyzing fear of being on his own to raise a baby, must've been intense. And even if some people could actually laugh at how funny life can be and swear there was still some kind of divine justice lurking around and he was simply paying for everything he'd done to you, you couldn't find the amusement in that situation, it was so sad, you could only feel pity. It seemed to you the years had turned Joel into a silent companion of pain, and not so much into the villain you'd projected onto him.
And all that was only the rational side of the story, because if you left it all to your feelings and desires, you wouldn't be able to leave his bed. Perhaps you were both feeling an overloaded amount of everything you had repressed for each other over the years; being able to externalize it was addictive, at first it was thought to be an inch you both needed to scratch, but soon enough it became obvious it was way more than that, which caused you to fall into his arms whenever you tried to make things easier for the two of you and simply let this condemned relationship go.
As you closed your laptop and watched Sarah's brows furrowing at the paper in front of her, in a mixture of focused and cranky for not being able to solve another math problem easily, she reminded you of Joel and how he would get the same way and have the same expression whenever he got frustrated with something not going according planned. You gently placed your hand on top of hers and offered her a reassuring smile, Sarah had had her nails done by you earlier, proud to see how pretty the sparkly color got on contracts with her skin. She was such a beautiful girl and you enjoyed being able to help her discover that, by introducing simple things like that, which meant the world to her, since she didn't have a mom around, it was nice doing stuff like that with someone experienced who could give her advice on school, friends and boys. She really appreciated it and if it were for Sarah, she would find a way to set you up with her dad and become one small family.
“you should have a break, you've been stuck in this question for a long time, try again later” you advised her and even if she sighed in a gruff way, - again, so Joel Miller coded - she nodded, closing her notebook and checking up her nails discreetly, which brought a warmth into your heart.
“So…” you started, hoping you would sound convincing enough and not raise any kind of suspicions from her, after all, that girl was smart “...you told me your dad is coming to pick you up, right? When he does, invite him inside so you guys can have dinner with me” you suggested, even if you and Joel had already agreed on it. You hadn't been able to see each other in a few days let alone touch each other, which was actually what you both really wanted, so all the options you got were texting like a bunch of horny teenagers. Now, sending nudes to a guy was something you would strongly disagree several months ago, but now? Each time your phone buzzed, you rushed to it, in hopes to get yet another picture of Joel's big hand holding his cock by its base, so you could lock yourself in any room and pull down your bra and panties, exactly the way he liked it. So spending some time around Joel even if you both had to play it cool was better than nothing. Sarah agreed but still felt a little puzzled at your suggestion.
“Alright… but why? You're regretting saying no when I tried to set you up?” She chuckled and you rolled your eyes, hoping you weren't so obvious. You moved to the kitchen and invited her to come along, so she could help you with dinner. You opened the fridge and had your back to Sarah, while you picked the meat and the vegetables.
“No, it's just that your dad was so nice to me, he fixed my front door after the break in, it would be a nice way to repay” you said “why do you even say that?”
“I think dad has a girlfriend or something…” she shrugged and you stopped, looking at her and trying to control the shock over your face.
“Y-yeah? And how do you know it?”
“Well, dad's different now, he seems happier, more cheerful, he's very often texting on his phone…”
“And what do you think of that?”
“It's nice, I guess” Sarah licked her lips “dad deserves to be happy, he's been lonely for a long time, ever since my mom left…” she said “but uncle Tommy says dad was sad before that, apparently there was another girl before mom, it didn't work between them or dad made her go away, I don't know why, but uncle Tommy told me once that even when he was with my mom, he couldn't forget about her an-”
“What happened then?” Only after you said it you realized you interrupted Sarah and sounded a little crazy, she didn't understand why you were so into that story after all, but seeing how eager you were to hear the ending of it, she continued.
“Well, according to uncle Tommy dad never forgot that girl, but she was way out of his league by the time my mom had left, so my dad sort of gave up dating” she shrugged “then my dad got home and interrupted uncle Tommy when he was about to tell me the full story, and he never spoke about it since” she replied with a simple shrug and pointed at the meat you were about to roast
“Hey, that's my dad's favorite!” She said amused at the coincidence of menus which you knew damn well that wasn't a coincidence, but your treat to Joel. As you kept cooking with Sarah's help, you also thought about the story she'd told you, too many things happening at once: finding out Joel had never forgotten you while his daughter was sure he had a mysterious girlfriend, which of course, was also you.
During dinner, you tried your best to forget about all of that, the way Joel and Sarah fit so well in that scene, the three of you at the table, eating and sharing how your days had been seemed like a beautiful painting of a perfect little family. A portrait of what things could've been like, or should have been like, and you enjoyed it, you couldn't deny it at all. Your gaze met Joel's and you shared a smile, silently agreeing you were spending a family time; you wondered if some day that would actually happen and if you would indeed be a family with Joel, sometimes you thought you would like it, and sometimes you would brush it off as some momentary lapse. But when he reached for your hand under the table and held it, caressing your knuckles with his thumb, your heart raced one more time and you couldn't help but allow yourself to picture a life by his and Sarah's side.
When you were all finished, Joel gladly dismissed his daughter from having to help with the dishes and the moment you two noticed she was fairly entertained with the new books you'd bought, he stole a kiss from you. It was quick but sweet and as much as it left you all giggly and blushing, it wasn't enough. Your need for Joel was overpowering, it was addictive, and you needed to touch him. Nothing would happen between the two of you while Sarah stood just a few feet away, Joel would never risk being caught that way, he respected his daughter too much, but he would kill to have his hands all over your body. He thought of asking you on a escapade with him, but he wasn't sure if it was a good idea, not with Sarah being a little suspicious of how friendly you were acting towards each other. He wondered if he could actually call you his girlfriend, if he could admit he was dating you, because that's what it felt like, but then, if you both came clean about the situation, it would get complicated, not only for him because of Sarah, but he was well aware you would be in a tricky situation with your family, since he knew for a fact your parents hated him, - with plenty reasons to do so - eventually, you would two would have to have the talk. Now, Joel didn't fear not being with you any longer, he knew that wouldn't happen, you were as attached to him as he was to you, but eventually, you would have to define that situation. He knew he could be cold and distant, but it was so damn hard for him to hide his passion, the way he leaned against the doorframe and watched as you carefully put the dishes away, looking every bit of sexy as you could be, not that young and naive little wife he kept at home before he screwed things up, but instead, the powerful, beautiful woman you grew to be.
Sarah was incredibly smart, but she was also naive at some level, which caused her to be oblivious to the fact you called Joel into the backyard at some point, asking him to check something up you wanted it fixed, only to pull him closer and kiss him deeply, gripping his body, wanting him to engulf you like he always did, your nails gently scratching down his back while his lips ravished yours.
“I want to spend the night with you so bad, baby girl” he whispered against your lips “you're so good to me, you treat Sarah like a princess, you cooked us my favorite meal, all I want is to show my gratitude by getting lost between these beautiful thighs” he teased and for a split second you felt like telling him to stay the night, to come clean and tell Sarah you were dating, dating as if you two were pretty much a decade younger and so eager to be in each other's arms, but it couldn't happen that way, not like that, and not at that moment. You nibbled his bottom lip a couple of times before letting go, your body tingled for him, aching for his touch and as he told you he would call Sarah to go home, you felt unannounced tears flooding your eyes for no reason. Why did things have to be so complicated, why Joel couldn't have been this good from the beginning? You could've lived more than a decade of happiness together, if it weren't for that.
As they said their goodbyes, you watched Joel's truck disappear from your eyesight, a pang in your chest insisting on saying it was your family leaving while you played too hard to get.
You had never seen Sarah smile that wide as she did while you two walked around the mall; side by side, a bunch of bags in hands as you spent such a simple, and yet incredible quality time together. For her, it was like hanging out with the mom she never had, and you felt as if you were shopping around for the daughter you could never conceive. It didn't matter where you were going, which stores you were checking and not even exactly what you were buying, just the fact you were doing that together felt incredibly special. It all began when Sarah complained about not having what to wear to the Harry Styles concert in the upcoming week; after months of begging her dad and uncle Tommy, she was given a ticket to the presentation she'd been dreaming of watching, under the condition she wasn't going to drag her dad along. Joel was an amazing dad, and he would do almost about anything for her, but standing in line for hours and then having to watch that guy performing while an entire stadium of hysterical teenage girls would be screaming at the top of their lungs which would probably cause Joel to go deaf in his good ear was a hard pass, that he wouldn't do. In fact, he would. The moment she gave him her puppy eyes and asked him to take her, he would do it, even if he tried tricking himself, however, luck seemed to be standing by his side, as Tommy happened to start dating this chick who was also obsessed with that Harry guy and when she got herself and Tommy a ticket, Sarah was all set. And so was Joel, because without anyone knowing, he managed to get a free night with you. And in the blink of an eye, you and Joel seemed way more excited for the Harry Styles concert than Sarah.
So when she complained she didn't actually have anything nice to wear, you thought of doing that for her, it would be fun, a change of just staying inside reading books, you could spend some girl time together and while you were out with her, you could really watch Sarah, the way she behaved, how she talked and acted, it reminded you so much of Joel, you wondered if she'd taken anything from Angela at all, deep inside, you wish she didn't, even if it was a petty thing to do. The idea of Sarah being similar only to her dad was nothing but comforting and sweet to you, it was the easiest way to see the evolution he went through, unfortunately, he had to learn how to be a better person through the pain, but he had succeeded and that was what it really mattered. You didn't really care if you'd spent a lot on Sarah, you had the money after all, and she deserved it. She was happy, talking excitedly about several things, to the point she barely noticed when Joel walked towards the two of you. He had his jacket on, hair a little messy from the wind as he grinned shyly at the sight of you, his heart skipping a beat as it felt to him he was meeting his daughter and wife at the mall.
Sarah frowned, amused to see her dad, walking towards him, she hugged him, which surprised Joel a little, not expecting that gesture at that very moment.
“What are you doing here, dad?” She asked curiously as Joel greeted you by giving you a peck on the cheek, trying so hard not to seem he was practically drooling over you.
“Tommy needed to buy his girlfriend whatever and asked me for a ride, so while he disappeared into the crowd I was trying to find him” he explained and stared at you “you girls are having fun, I see?” He raised his eyebrow and Sarah eagerly nodded, lifting her bags a little and showing him everything you'd bought her. He was so thankful for everything you were doing for his daughter, especially because he was sure you did it out of kindness and the fact you care about her. You watched their interaction and bit your lips in anticipation, you felt a sudden urge to kiss Joel in front of everyone and walk around the mall holding hands with him, you had never discussed that before, but the thought of it made your heart race. Sarah exchanged a few words with her dad before her eyes went wide as she spotted one of her best friends a couple of stores ahead and smiled big
“Dad, can I go show Nat the things I got? Please?! I'll be right back!” She asked with her sweet eyes and Joel agreed, telling her you two would be around as he intended to keep you company. As you walked towards another store with Joel following you, Sarah soon got entertained with her friend in an ice cream booth nearby. You both chuckled at the scene and he quickly placed his hand on the small of your back.
“Is Tommy really shopping around for his girlfriend or were you just stalking us?” You teased Joel, entering the lingerie store, earning a gasp from him before he could actually answer your question.
“Don't even think about it, Miller, I'm here just to buy some sports bra to go to the gym and nothing more” you added but the mischievous look in his eyes was extremely well-known.
“That's a shame, because this one would look so good on you” he pointed at a lilac lacey pair of underwear, his mouth watering at how beautiful you would certainly get in it, and how stripping you out of all that lace would feel like unwrapping a Christmas gift. You frowned at him, reminding him you were just there to buy a couple of things and leave, in fact, you shouldn't have even let Joel get inside the store with you, it wouldn't be appropriate and how would he explain to Sarah what the hell he was doing there in the first place. Joel, on the other hand, was pretty much entertained by all the beautiful colors and shapes the tiny pieces of fabric came with; he could picture every inch of your body in them, trying to guess which ones would look better. He knew all of them would be just perfect, but he was a guy who was simply drawn to the traditional good old red lacey; it was gorgeous, and it would be a nice gift for the two of you. As he looked around to find you and show you what he'd decided to treat you to, you were nowhere to be seen; the sales clerk already busy with the new customers walking into the store, he decided to wander after you. He was thankful no one seemed to mind nor notice him there, too worried to be seen as a creep, but determined to find you nonetheless; as he got to the fitting room area, he quickly called your name.
“What now, Joel?!” You immediately replied from the one in the corner, slightly annoyed at the fact he'd followed you there, sometimes Joel was a little like a stray puppy, coming after you with those big sad brown eyes, and even if you wanted to shop for freaking sports bras on your own, you couldn't help but enjoy the fact he was just so needy of you.
When Joel opened the door and got inside, you even tried to argue and ask him what the heck he was doing there, but instead, he smirked, gripping your sides and kissing you as a way to keep you silent. You wanted to push him away and tell him to fuck off, but the rushing adrenaline you felt through your veins made you feel alive, and as always, Joel's touch set you on fire. He broke the kiss dragging his lips over to your neck and then your collarbone, his hands climbing up your sides and going to your breasts, squeezing them softly
“This sports bra ain't bad, but I'd say a work of art like your body should have more lace, or glitter or whatever shit you like” he said in a grunt and lowered your top, even against your protests that weren't much more than just some whimpers that couldn't convince you, let alone Joel. You could feel his beard scratching down your chest and going straight to your breasts, lips wrapping around your nipples as he suckled on it gently at first, flicking it with his tongue before moving to your other breast and working the same magic. Your heart raced to the point you could feel your blood rushing through your ears, the fact you both could be caught at any moment and kicked out of the store, or even worse: be arrested for public indecency, added a hint of fear to the traditional lust you had for Joel; that man would be the dead of you, that much you were sure of.
“We can't Joel…” you mumbled against his curls, his head on your chest as his fingers found their way down your belly, getting so close to your sweet spot, he was so needy of you, wanting all of you to the point it felt he would go crazy. His digits toyed with the hem of your panties, while you pulled his curls a little, making him groan.
“Sorry honey” you whispered and kissed this temple, which made him smile. Joel was about to finger you in a fitting room in the middle of a store and you were so sweet to him, it made his heart ache a little, at the realization he definitely didn't deserve you. He kissed you once more and nibbled your lower lips the moment his fingers reached your core, spreading your lips apart and finding your needy clit, already so hard and wet, just for him to enjoy. He wasn't going to tease you, you both didn't have time for it, so instead, he played with your wetness, before shoving his fingers inside of you, stretching you up the way you both knew and enjoyed it, he thumbed with your clit before focusing all his ministrations into your tight cunt, feeling your muscles squeezing and clenching around him. He'd kill to have his cock inside of you instead of his fingers, but that would have to wait. He felt your teeth on his shoulder, while your pussy gushed at the same time you came for him. He felt your body going limp, sustaining your weight with his free hand
“Taste yourself, princess” he whispered against your ear and held his fingers up, waiting for you to wrap your devilish lips around them and lick them clean. Joel felt the urge to take you right there and then, but he was a patient man and knew things would have to wait. He kissed your lips goodbye and exited the fitting room after making sure no one was around to see him.
The sales clerk was a little confused when she saw Joel walking towards the register with a blood red pair of lacey lingerie, she couldn't remember seeing him walk into the store and let alone hang around, but the work policy forced her to smile at him and be helpful, especially when he got his wallet out and extended his credit card.
“I'd like you to gift wrap this and give it to the beautiful lady who's trying sports bra in the fitting room, tell her it's my treat” he winked at the woman, aware he could use his charms in his own favor. She agreed to his request and he left the store just like any other ordinary customer, at the same time you received the package as a present the moment you tried paying for your stuff.
After waiting what it seemed like forever, the Harry Styles concert was about to happen, which caused Joel to have a break from his brother, his girlfriend Maria and Sarah, who insisted they all spend hours waiting in line. His heart was full of joy and pride to see how happy his precious daughter was, the way she could barely sleep at night and that guy was the only thing she ever talked about. It was amusing to him, even if he ran out of patience from time to time, it was amazing to see his little girl looking like a beautiful young woman in her new outfit bursting with happiness. Joel couldn't also complain about the fact he managed to enjoy a full day by himself and get ready to receive you through the night. He'd gone grocery shopping, buying all the kinds of treats he knew you loved - or used to, as people could often change their personal taste over the years, but instead of seeing that with sadness, he felt glad to be able to learn something new about the woman he was madly in love with. He was going to go for some beer, but Joel thought again and decided to pick some wine, he just thought you were more of a wine kind of woman, more elegant than just cheap beer.
What you both hadn't counted on, was how hot the weather was, even if the sun had set down, it was still uncomfortable to remain inside, which made Joel suggest you both should move your date night to the swimming pool. At first you thought he was joking, but the stern look on his face told you he was being completely serious, and you thought it was a nice change. The way Joel took the bottle of wine, the glasses and simply began undressing without a word made you puzzled, until he turned around and told you to take off your clothes as well.
One skinny-dipping adventure and a quicky in his pool later, you both took sips of your wine, as you pressed yourself against him; Joel's arms were tight around your body as you rested your head on his chest, kissing it gently, and listening to his heartbeats, it was scary how out of the sudden, his arms became your favorite place in the world. You were far too deep into this story, and there was no way out without getting hurt, but that wasn't the time to think of that, you didn't want to have those kinds of thoughts, you wanted to spend your time with Joel and get lost into him, just as he was into you.
“Sarah told me you have a girlfriend” you blurted out, making Joel raise his eyebrow at you and looking down at you
“Well, she said you seemed happier lately, always texting someone, sneaking out here and there…” you chuckled “I wonder who that bitch is” Joel laughed at your comment, his hand sliding down your back and resting on your ass, squeezing it and then pecking your lips.
“She ain't no bitch, I can assure you that much” he said gently and nuzzled your neck “she's gorgeous, she's the best thing that's ever happened to me, well, after Sarah, of course, but still, and she was so kind to forgive me after everything I've done” his lips were back on your cheek and then on your lips “and I love her very much”
For a moment your whole world stopped. Joel loved you. He admitted it out loud, it wasn't just a matter of simple assumptions, but rather a concrete, explicit feeling. You opened your mouth looking at him hesitantly, what exactly should you say? What could you tell Joel? Did you love him back? If so, were you ready to admit it and face the consequences of getting back together with the man who caused the biggest emotional trauma of your life. Joel took his hands off your body and looked at you with a hint of disappointment, even if he didn't want to admit it, he was disappointed, he thought you shared the same feeling as he did, so he sighed and nodded.
“It's fine, you don't have to say it back…” he cleared his throat and swam to the ladder of the pool “it's getting a little chilly, I think we should get inside”
A few days later, your conversation with Joel simply wouldn't leave your mind; you were in love with him, it was impossible for anyone not to notice, him included, and yet, you didn't understand why it was so hard for you to simply admit it. Perhaps, if you did it, then it would become real, and your relationship with him would stop being a fun, little secret shared by the two of you, but rather a concrete relationship between two adults, where you'd eventually have to come clean and open up to family, friends, you would celebrate birthdays and holidays, anniversaries and face several, typical questions coming from all sides, wondering if you would both remarry or have kids. It was overwhelming, but not as bad as how you were feeling at that moment. You felt guilty and embarrassed, and the paranoid side of you was convinced Joel had been avoiding you for the past week, whereas Sarah was at your place nearly everyday, still talking about Harry Styles and showing you countless pictures of the concert, he wouldn't text much nor insist to see you, even when you suggested him to sneak out late at night and go to yours, he politely declined by saying Tommy and him got a new big client and work was rushed and soul crushing. Of course he could be telling you the truth, he did sound exhausted on the phone and Sarah had mentioned Joel and Tommy had been arriving late most days, both of them covered in sweat and in such a bad mood due to the unbelievable amount of work they were having. Yet, what should make you feel calm and at ease, didn't help one bit, it was uncomfortable and depressing not having Joel around, you missed him, his touch, his body but mostly his presence. He'd been a constant in your life for the past months, and it was only taking a week for you to feel abandoned. It wasn't fair to you, and yet, it wasn't fair to him either, not when he declared his love for you and you couldn't even say it back. You placed your living room, not sure whether you should drive to his home or not, in fact, you knew you shouldn't, but you wanted to, because that particular day, not even Sarah showed up, and it made you sad. You were so attached to the little family destiny set apart for you, simply a day or two away from them was enough to cause a large wound in your heart. You looked around, looking for an excuse to show up at the Miller's household; until your eyes widened and you grinned to see Sarah's history book lying around your coffee table. It was the perfect excuse to go and see them! Perhaps you could even end up having dinner with them, and then make up an excuse about a flat tire or whatever, have Joel giving you a ride home and end up being railed by him in the back of his truck. The longing for Joel was increasing and all you wanted was to make things right by explaining him you did have feelings for him and you needed some time, but you were willing to make sacrifices in order to be with him, because you wanted to and it was important for you that he saw how appreciated he was by you.
On your way to Joel's, you stopped at a bakery you knew Sarah loved, thinking of all the delicious treats you could take so you'd keep your family spoiled, at least a little. You smiled at yourself the moment you chose a couple of cupcakes, cookies and the chicken pie Joel loved, thinking of how you were already addressing them as your family. The truth is that they were indeed your family, the connection you three had was strong, the bond you created with Sarah without even knowing for a fact who she was and later on all that passion for Joel surfacing after spending a decade buried deep inside of you. It was a waste of time fighting that, and you wanted to get to them as soon as possible, you'd been alone far too long, it was about time to yourself have one good thing, to break free and admit how happy you were next to the Millers. You loved them just as they loved you, and it made no sense to fight that feeling and pretend it didn't exist.
The ride wasn't long, there was hardly any traffic in the suburbs, most families were already inside, having dinner together as the sun had set and the street lights were all lit up, as you parked your car, you saw Joel's truck in the driveway and felt your chest tightening in anxiety and fear; if he was already home why didn't he call or text you? Maybe he was indeed avoiding you?! Joel wouldn't make the same mistake twice and push you away, would he? You shook your head, you had faith in him, faith you both had matured and were able to handle things by talking and being honest with each other; you licked your lips and sighed, knowing that whatever was going on could be solved by the two of you as two functional adults, besides, there were a bunch of explanations to why he hadn't talked to you that day yet, you shouldn't jump to conclusions and let your paranoia win once more. You got out of the car with the bag full of treats and walked to the front door, you knocked a couple of times and waited for an answer but nobody came. It was odd, as you could hear Joel's and Sarah's voices coming from inside, and even if you couldn't tell what they were saying your heart raced, your gut feeling telling you something was up and you couldn't wait any longer, silently opening the door and getting inside. You placed the bag of food down the coffee table as you could clearly hear what they were saying. It seemed Joel and Sarah were arguing, which was extremely odd, since you had never seen them have any kind of disagreement, they just had a real nice and healthy father and daughter relationship in which they both listened to each other and acted with respect. As you approached, you heard Sarah's cries and you were taken by worry, perhaps someone had died? You couldn't wait any longer, you rushed and got into the kitchen, confused at first at what had happened between them, Joel looked so overwhelmed, his face was red and he desperately tried to make a point while telling Sarah a bunch of information she could barely cope with, as she cried in disappointment and shook her head, not believing anything her dad was saying. Her heart was shattered with disappointment and sadness, she couldn't believe her dad, her hero, the man she loved and admired the most in her life had done such a thing.
On the kitchen table, a photograph taken on your wedding day was lying around. A younger version of yourself hugged a much younger Joel as you both stood in front of the courthouse, smiling widely at the camera. There was no way to deny it nor hide it. Sarah had found out about your previous connection god knows how and Joel seemed desperate as he wanted to explain himself to his daughter, he couldn't bear having her so disappointed in him like that, it shattered his heart into a million pieces.
“Sarah…” you whispered and tried touching her cheek, wanting to caress it gently and assure her everything was fine now, that what had happened was in the past and that her dad was still the best father a girl could ever wish for. But Sarah moved her face away from your touch, her eyes were glistening with tears as she seemed so heartbroken
“You both lied to me! Why did you lie?” She asked and you looked at Joel wanting to have some kind of support in order to reply to her question.
“Sarah, we are both sorry, but your dad and I have made up after what happened, I know it's a lot to take now but don't be upset please” you asked her, Joel nodded and wrapped his arm around your waist in order to show her things were fine between the two of you. He promised to talk to her and explain everything to her in detail, but she was just so upset, feeling betrayed by the person she admired and loved the most in the whole world. You knew there was nothing you both could do at that moment, not with Sarah being so nervous and upset, instead, you asked Joel to call Tommy and suggested that he took her out for ice cream or something, maybe have a little chat with his niece while you and Joel could sit down and figure the best way to tell her everything. It didn't take more than twenty minutes for his younger brother to arrive, Sarah had drunk some water and washed her face, leaving with Tommy as you sat next to Joel. You took his hand and caressed it, while he refused to look you in the eye, the guilt and shame once more eating him alive, and now it had become even worse, as his precious little Sarah had found out the truth about him in the worst way possible. All she needed was an old picture for her school project and going through Joel's old memory box should be enough, and then she came across the pictures of his wedding day. Not to her mom, but to you instead, and then it all made sense: why you were never willing to be around her dad, or how you decided to keep yourself away from any kind of relationship. Because the asshole you told her you'd married once, was simply her father. The good old Joel Miller, the man who had to raise his baby daughter on his own after she left him, and then, Sarah had found out her dad had been really bad to someone so dearly to her. You, you could've been married to her dad, you could've been her mom, she could've had a family all along.
You looked at Joel and wiped a single tear that rolled down his cheek, even if he tried to hide it.
“What are we doing now, Joel?”
“I don't know…”
A/N: what a ride, right besties? Remember, feedback is life ❤️
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renranram · 2 months
Casual Pt.2
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nsfw!! kind of fluffy sex
quackity confesses, and reader replies and they have sex, yes
pt 1. is this
a/n; guys would u believe me if this i tell you this almost has 3000 words
the next day arrives as rei just woke up late, the girl had falled asleep at 4 in the morning, waking up at 11 pm, as she steps out of her room, she notices their shared apartment was empty, alex went streaming in his studio, but leaving a bouquet and a small note on their kitchen's counter for her
reader had slept in way too late, her overthinking had kept her up all night long, forcing her to skip out on breakfast. luckily, she managed to get ready in time for lunch
she was about to walk out of her room when she noticed the rose bouquet and note on the counters in the kitchen. there was a note attached that she hoped was for her
' take all the time you need, im always here for u ( ps: i went for recording, will be back later in the evening with some food so dont cook ) - alex :]'
as the time finally arrives, schlatt came back home with a fresh take out from their favorite restaurant down the street, deftones playing on the background of their apartment
alex entered their shared apartment with a bag full of food in one hand and a freshly-poured drink in the other. deftones had been playing in the background for a while now, he isn't such a huge fan of the band, thinking their music was a bit too harsh for him but letting it slide
he then looked at the rose bouquet that was still sitting on their shared kitchen counter. the vase was full of fresh water, which showed that reader had taken good care of the flowers while he was away
" .. welcome back " reader sits up from the couch, holding the cushion's pillow as she faces him, a tad bit awkward
alex couldn't help but smile at the site of her, he was about to respond when he noticed the slightly awkward expression on her face. she looked like she actually had something she wanted to say
" uhh, something wrong? " she chuckles awkwardly as she scratches the back of her nape, " no... uh.. i think ive decided "
he raised an eyebrow as he watched her try and figure out what she was trying to say. "decided? decided what?"
he looked at her with a small smile, which was the same smile he had been wearing during their little casual talk they had before going to bed yesterday.
" .. i think.. uhm.. i think i wanna be more than casual.. " she added, " but it's just.. im kind of... scared of it " alex was pleasantly surprised by what she was saying. this was not what he had expected. but it was definitely good to hear.
"more than casual? so.... exclusive?"
he said as he slowly took a few steps forwards, placing the back of takeouts on their counter, " girlfriend boyfriend.. you know stuffs like that " she looks up at him as she gently sets the cushion down
alex froze in his tracks as she mentioned the words 'girlfriend' and 'boyfriend.' he suddenly felt his heart skip a beat, his cheeks turn slightly red at the thought of them being a couple.
"so...you want us to..."
he paused for a moment, still trying to comprehend the thought. he didn't know why, but he felt a sense of excitement wash over him.
"...to officially go out?"
she slowly nods, " uhm.. yeah actually " she mumbles, " kiss in public, hold hands, hug, and pda stuffs.. " alex was still having a hard time processing this as he heard her list off all of the things they'd be able to do as a couple. holding hands, hugging...and publicly kissing.
"and...you would be willing to do all of this with me?" " do you not want me to? " she mumbles, now playfully, as she chuckles softly
a chuckle escaped his lips as he saw how playfully she was acting.
"no. i want you to."
alex smiled as he was now standing right in front of her, he then leaned forward and placed his other hand on her shoulder.
" i want all of this."
he said as he looked directly into her eyes. " all of this? " she repeats, chuckling softly as she leans her head onto his neck.
"all of this."
he repeated his answer as he wrapped his free arm around her and pulled her close to him. his warm grasp covered all of her tiny frame and pulled her even closer to him.
" i want all the cutesy things, and all the intimate things. i want everything." she slowly nods, pecking his neck, " ... i love you " she mutters
alex froze once he heard her whisper those words to him. he had gotten used to her teasing and flirting, and even to a degree, them being casually committed. but this...
her saying those words was something else entirely. the way these words melted through him had his heart beating rapidly. " huh? "
" i said i love you, dummy " she repeats herself, "w-...right. you said you loved me." alex stuttered out his response as he was still struggling to grasp the words she said.
and while what she had said was the furthest thing from his expectations, he was not gonna question it. he didn't even want to say anything in response that could ruin it. instead, they both remained quiet as alex held reader close to him. the silence was deafening as he wanted to say more, and to even tell her how much he loved her as well.
The silence was deafening as reader sat back down on the couch and alex still had his arm wrapped around her
alex wanted to speak, to say more to her, or even to just comfort her with his presence but he was too terrified to spoil the moment. his silence began to extend itself, as neither of them spoke up and just left it as awkwardly as it was.
the silence lasted for a good while until alex could feel the awkwardness getting the better of him. though he didn't necessarily want to, he knew that it was best to break the silence.
he mumbled as he tried to think hard on how he was supposed to approach this situation. he wasn't sure if what he might say would be the right thing to ask or say to her right now.
"are you...are you okay?"
" im.. shy.. and uhm... flustered and overwhelmed " she mumbles, " .. you? ", alex let out a soft chuckle as he thought about her response. she was being so honest with him now. it was...cute
"yeah...i'm overwhelmed too. this is..."
he paused for a moment as he thought about the right words to say.
"this is new. and good. and something I've been wanting for a while." alex said with a small smile as he looked back into her eyes
she cant help but crack a small smile before nodding, " that's... nice.. you have me now ", "yeah. i have you now."
alex said as he tried his best to hold back any other sweet words that were about to spill out of his mouth. In the process, he also began to feel his heart beat rapidly as he held her close to him.
"and since we're together now...i'm gonna have to take better care of you." he said jokingly, as he squeezed her closer to him and pulled her head onto his chest
" alex. " she calls him out before looking at his eyes directly, " i wanna.. i wanna make love to you " she bluntly states
"..you want to..."
his eyes widened in response of her blunt statement as he gulped loudly. things had just been a steady back and forth between them a few moments ago with no real momentum of what was to come next.
"you want to make love?"
alex repeated those bold words back to her. he could feel the redness spread across his cheeks as she asked this question. but he didn't want to back down from it. she was everything he had been wanting, and now...she wanted this too.
" well... uhm.. uh.. we used to have casual sex.. and stuffs and uhm.. i wanna.. i wanna see if there's a difference " she mutters
alex nodded, clearly understanding her reasoning now. that's what this whole relationship was built on, after all. so why should they not take this next step and truly see whether or not it could change things for the better? he paused for a moment, taking another deep breath, as he then finally spoke up again.
"only one way to to find out then...right?"
" well.. uhm.. yeah " she mutters, before blurting out, " if you dont wanna do it it's totally fine and you can just tell- " she was cut off by lips on hers
reader didn't need to finish her sentence before alex responded, because he was already doing what he needed to do. instead of saying anything else, he just pressed his mouth against hers and started to kiss her eagerly. she immediately kisses him back as she wraps her arms around his neck.
he embraced her firmly, holding her tightly close to him as he tried to put every last bit of his emotion into the kiss. his tongue darted around hers as he made sure to truly make love to her mouth.
hus heart was beating faster than anything they had ever done before, as it was clear that they wanted this moment together. they wanted to take our relationship to this stage. their desire was undeniable.
alex didn't want the kiss to end, as he felt such an incredible amount of love for her. but he forced himself to pull away for a few seconds, just to breathe.
"i love you. i love you so much. "
he said in between short breaths as he looked back into her eyes, staring deep into them while he was still holding her. " i love you so much " she replies to him as she moans softly, her hands slowly making it up to his hair for support as she was lift up from the ground by him
he knew that his hold on her was only gonna become harder and tighter, as he lifted her off the ground completely and carried her to his bedroom. alex was still kissing her as they made their way from the living room to his bedroom. his hands had only become more attached around her waist, and he kept her elevated until they finally reached the bedroom. the very second he got through the door, he immediately slammed it behind them both.
as reader gently placed on his bed, alex stops to admire his work, " jesus fuck.. you're so pretty mami " he mutters
" i.. fuck.. i love you so much " he mutters as he leans down to her, cupping his cheek whilst his other hand on the bed, for support as he showers her with kisses
" you're so pretty, you're so fucking pretty, i cant fucking believe you're mine now " he whispers to her, as reader gets goosebumps, his hot breath hitting her neck, " i wanna make love to you.. i wanna show you how much i love you "
reader moans softly, " a-alex " she stutters, face flushed, alex pecks her cheeks before slowly leaning up to bite her earlobe, " hm? what is it mami? " he mutters
as he continues to trace kisses on the side of her neck, before slowly reaching her shoulder, " ... i love you " she blurts out again as alex chuckles
" really? why do you say that? " he continues before pausing, his hands now cupping her breasts, pecking her clothed breast
" because.. because i love you so much " she rambles as alex fixes her hair for her as he helps her to remove her shirt, " you do? "
" uh huh " she nods, maintaining eye contact with him as she bites her lip, " i love your face, your personality, how you treat everyone, .. everything "
alex pauses, a faint blush appearing on his cheeks, " you're so fucking cute, always looking so dumb " he mumbles as reader chuckles softly
" well, atleast im saying the truth " she replies, as alex removes his shirt, tossing it on the side of his room, " i love you so much, so fucking much, ive been wanting this for years now " he confesses
" hot " she states as he bursts out chuckling as he sat next to her, lifting her by her waist as he makes her sit down on his lap
" you're hotter " he replies, before continuing to kiss her, reader didn't hesitate to kiss him back
alex places his hands on her waist, devouring her, gently, one of his hand slowly making it's way to squeeze her breast as reader moans out softly
" ah fuck " her breath shudders, as they continue to kiss, alex unclipping her bra with his other hand, letting the bra slip down, letting her breasts out
" they're so pretty hm, so pretty like you " alex breaks the kiss as he leans down, cupping her breasts, pecking her nipple as reader throws her head back in pleasure, " holy shit- a-alex.. "
the man chuckles, massaging the other one as he started licking on the soft bud, swirling his tongue around it as reader winces under his touch
" wait- ah, " she moans out, " alex.. for fucks sake- im so.. im so fucking wet.. please baby "
the boy chuckles, letting go of her nipple with a pop, " want me to give it some love? " he smirks, slowly sliding his hands on the waistband on her shorts, helping her slip it off
" mhm, need you to touch me there " she nods as alex gasps, " fuck... you're actually so fucking wet, holy shit you weren't kidding " he chuckles, amused
" shut up " she buries her head onto his neck, embarrassed, " im sorry " he chuckles, " it's just.. fuck..., i wanna devour you "
he slids his hand onto her panties, playing with her folds, feeling the wetness on his fingers, " ah, lex.. " she moans out, overly sensitive
" feels good hm? " he continues, slipping his finger in, feeling her heat, " yes.. ah.. fuck.. feels so fucking good lex, " the man continues to pump his finger inside her
slowly fastening his pace time by time, before inserting another finger in, " oh my god- alex- i love you.. i love-.. ah- i cant.. i cant fucking take it.. please, please " she pleads, her voice, whiney
" you're really making it harder for me.. " he chuckles, sweat dripping on his forehead as he tosses his beanie, letting his hair fall, " does it feel so good?, hm, princesa? "
she nods, now braindead as he continues, " lex.. please.. please just- just put it in ahh " she shudders
" fuck... you're so fucking pretty " he mutters, as he kisses her, reader wraps her arm around his shoulder as alex continues to finger her hole as his other hand fumbles with his belt and zipper
he lifts her up again, taking off his pants as he palms his already hard clothed dick, " shit.. " he groans out
" princesa.. lay down, " he breaks the kiss as the already sensitive reader nods, slowly getting off his lap as she lays down his bed
he takes off his boxers, pumping himself as he blinks, his eyes with admiration, watching her blissed face, " fuck.. i love you so fucking much " he groans out as he lifts up her leg, resting it on his shoulder as he slowly inserts his dick into her hole, making reader release a loud moan
" shit... why the fuck is it bigger.. " she moans out, as alex chuckles softly, " you know my dick can't magically grow some inches right " he hums as reader chuckles
he grabs her hips as he leans down, showering her face with peck and kisses as his hips does the work, slowly thrusting in and out of her, causing her to moan every thrust
" shit... lex.. " she groans out, " fuck.. princesa, you're so fucking pretty, it's fucking insane " he continues thrusting in and out of her, his eyes, heart shaped, watching her body bounce up and down every time he thrusts inside of her
" fuck.. i fucking love you so fucking much " he moans out as he fastens his pace, as readers leans in towards him as the two shares a kiss
both of their tongues dancing with eachother as every moan gives alex a motivation to fasten his already fast pace
" ah.. ah.. lex.. i love you.. i love you so much oh my god " she mumbles, moaning as her eyes roll back, " no mami, i love you more, fucking more " the two kisses eachother
alex continues to thrust inside her as her moans getting louder and louder every second, " fuck.. fuck.. lex im so fucking close.. lex oh my god "
" yeah? shit.. you're so fucking tight " he can feel her squeeze under him as he fixes her hair for her, " fuck.. i think im close too " he added
and with a few thrusts, reader reaches her climax, her eyes roll back, as she continues to moan as alex tries to reach his
" does it feel good hm? feels so fucking good? " he asks, as reader nods, now absent minded, overwhelmed with pleasure
" yeah.. yeah.. it's so good.. m'very good " she stutters as alex's gasps, his thrusts slowly getting sloppier
" fuck.. im gonna fill you up okay, ah- fuck... im gonna fill you up princesa " reader nods, as finally alex reaches his climax, filling his seed inside her as he gently pulls out
" shit.. princesa, wow... holy fuck " he mumbles, panting as he tries to catch his breath, " i...i fucking love you so fucking much " he mumbles, as reader smiles softly, " i love you too lex "
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lutawolf · 10 months
My Personal Weatherman and the D/s element Ep 2
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I got my regular inbox from @notfreetoday I adore you. Thank you for always taking the time to explain things and cheer me on. So let's start this post off with some info from them. Also, if you haven't read ep 1 first, that can be found here.
"Oh oh @LutaWolf 💜 you might want to know - about the whole dryer/only 1 bedsheet thing - The author of the original manga clarified through a tweet that the line "it's been 3 years since then" that was posted in Ep 1 actually meant it's been 3 years since the convo they had in the library - at this point in the story they've only been living together for a few months. Hahaha, too many people were confused by how they've been supposedly together for 3 years but seem relatively new to each other"
For further elaborations from notfreetoday check out their post here.
Poor Yoh, he's already missing the D. Bless him. I personally feel this is a valid response to a lack of sex. I would likely have skipped making the cute doll and gone straight to the priest. But that's just me.
As soon as Segasaki enters the house, he's looking for Yoh. When he looks around and notices a dark home, he goes right to his room. Yoh is concerned because he thinks this must be due to Segasaki wanting food, but Segasaki immediately corrects this.
There is a lot going on. First, Segasaki knows something is wrong with Yoh. Okay so, it's been three years since the conversation but a few months of living together. Yet Segasaki already seems to catch on to things concerning Yoh, which I would expect from a Dom but not this fast. It makes me wonder how long Segasaki actually had been watching Yoh prior to even approaching him with the deal. Also, he left the door open when he left. Like offering up an invitation. Come out here. Come be with me.
Then in the next scene. There he is, immediately sitting down and being with Yoh.
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Sure, he makes excuses as to why, but only Yoh doesn't realize their excuses. He's also being super considerate. He could demand Yoh spend time with him, but he's trying to find Yoh's boundaries. Then when Yoh goes to fix him a plate, he immediately stops him. Though it's in such a stoic way as to confuse Yoh.
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A Dom can feel insecure too, and that's what I feel we may be seeing from Segasaki. Which is why we are getting attention seeking demands from him. That Yoh once again completely misreads. Segasaki wants to feel connected to him.
Again, he notices something off with Yoh and asks, but Yoh doesn't talk. And he doesn't push. The drink. I freaking love that he drinks from Yoh. I do this so often but have never seen it represented in a show or movie before, it tickles me.
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These two are both so in love with each other, but they're both just stupid. Waking him up to make sure he goes and sleeps in a bed. Segasaki's sadness at being late and likely missing the Yoh making him dinner. You can see Yoh's instant sadness at being told not to make dinner for him. For all he complains about being a "servant" he sure does get upset when the duties are taken away. And let me repeat, in my opinion he is in no way a slave/servant, that's just how he views himself. It is not how Segasaki views him, and for a slave/servant he is given far too many liberties.
Here is the thing about M/s relationships. The master owns the slave. Slaves have absolutely no power. The best example is actually Hira from My Beautiful Man, prior to them developing a relationship anyway. Now, outside of fiction, the submissive 100% consents to this. This is not what we are seeing with Yoh. He is giving off all kinds of brat vibes, and Segasaki is allowing it. Which is why I'm saying what I'm saying about Yoh.
In general, M/s and BT/b won't be in the same room. We have a whole different view on D/s relationships. A Brat Tamer and brat will likely have experience in M/s relationships, but a M/s will have zero experience in BT/b relationships. Did I lose you? A Brat Tamer and brat when entering the kink community will often explore themselves and all the D/s spectrums, but once landing on BT/b, they stop. They've found themselves. A Master and slave will never explore BT/b, we either disgust them or confuse them.
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I adore how he realized what he was doing and threw down the teruteru bouzu like it was going to contaminate him.
Ugh, why we got to talk about a woman's cleavage. Especially as another female. Why put a female down over fucking tits? I get that this story line is meant to sure as initiating the jealousy from Yoh. I personally don't appreciate it, though. They could have easily established it without discussing how a female should or should not dress. Honestly, though, I think they did it in order to put the woman's tits on display, and I'm not mad at it. I hit the pause button and gave suitable appreciation for the support that bra was giving her.
Segasaki is completely oblivious to anyone other than Yoh and given the opportunity of getting home early to him. He is taking it. Sorry party lovers.
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OH, that look Segasaki gives after the initial "huh!" is a look that I'm sure had subs alike backing up from their screen. That look, is a Dom's I'll be damned, look. I personally got giddy over it. Yup, "You have the nerve to do this when someone is holding back?" The fact that he was allowed to push him away, and rather than getting punished, Segasaki begins cleaning up after him. That's a Brat Tamer and brat. Each Dom in my opinion has a different type of patience. You can't beat a Deep Dom when it comes to play but lifestyle, that's hands down a Brat Tamer. We are more likely to be charmed and amused by things that would set other Doms off. But there are no doubts that he is Dom. He said stop drinking, and he isn't backing down.
Oh, that shut up takes him by surprise and pauses him. His face tightens in annoyance, but he waits and listens to Yoh. He is not too happy when Yoh says that he'll make lots of money and get out of there. He wants an explanation, but his brat pushes him away. These two are a shitshow. A train wreck that I can't look away from. Drunk Yoh is a brave and talkative Yoh. On the bright side, we are getting mush needed things said.
Oh damn, there is lots of anger there. Yoh is very pushy, and let me say that only a guilty Dom would put up with that shit. "You never smile at me like that."
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"I'm tired. I'm tired when I'm with you. I hate it."
And I have just fallen in love with Segasaki as a Dom. I've been falling since the first episode, but now he has cemented it. When Yoh says this, Segasaki becomes self reflective. Sure he's sad, that's expressed in facial expression and body language, but he isn't mad, and then we see that he's appreciative. Which he expresses to Yoh.
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He rubs his head, "You talk a lot when drunk." Then he smiles. Ohhh, I was wrong about the rain. It happens people. I still maintain that he saw Yoh's anticipation and enjoyed it, though. You are not going to convince me otherwise. Segasaki was trying to respect a boundary. Meanwhile, Yoh is like, "Can't we buy a dryer." Bro isn't good with just going and buying an extra sheet. No, homeboy wants a dryer so he can get that D on the regular without worrying about sheets.
OMG! I love these two so fucking much. Segasaki is like, you accepted my proposal, and now you're saying you don't want it. Giving a whole new meaning and light to it that has Yoh scrambling to catch up. Segasaki calls him an idiot. He also asks Yoh if he hates him and when Yoh says nothing, he says whatever and rubs Yoh's head. Though this time it's not affectionately. I think he knows that Yoh doesn't really hate him, but he doesn't know how to get the relationship on track either.
The next previews look promising and I'm excited!
Hope you guys enjoy! 💜💜💜
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welldonebeca · 8 months
The Family (1/2)
Summary: When Sam and Jess move back into your home, you can finally sate a craving you’d been hiding since you left her in Stanford to fuck her silly. Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!F!Reader, Alpha!Sam x Omega!F!Reader, Omega!Jessica x Omega!F!Reader, Alpha!Dean x Omega!Jess WC: 1.9k words Warnings: Pregnancy. Lactation kink. Oral sex. Smut. Overstimulation. Teasing. Degrading kink. Praising kink. Frottage. Knotting. Fluff.
If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee or subscribing to my Patreon. It’s just $2 a month and helps a lot while I go through these hard times.
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Sam and Jess came back home as soon as they finished school, even skipping graduation, and you couldn't be happier to welcome them back.
You had done a few changes to the house since they had left. There was now a bed that could fit all of you in the master bedroom, and you set another room as an extra room when any of you needed privacy, and you had finished your baby's nursery. She didn't have a name yet - you liked the idea of letting Sam and Jess suggest names too, considering you were a pack and they would also be her parents, even if they weren't there to produce her.
Finally, finally, they were home and your family was complete.
The boys were off to deal with Sam's new university, where he would be continuing with his studies, but Jess had taken another road.
Oh, and she was also pregnant now. Your babies would be four months apart!
She still wasn't showing but was very proud of her belly anyway, showing it off, taking pictures every week and looping you into taking them with her with your weeks on the board and 'baby girl' and 'baby baby' under them.
You had to say, pregnancy suited her very well.
Your Omega was glowing and you could see how much happier she was now and it made you even happier that she was here with you.
"Oh, here," she pulled your hand, placing it on her 7 weeks belly.
You tried not to giggle at her enthusiasm.
It was impossible to notice anything about her pregnancy. Sometimes, she would feel things and try to make you or the boys feel it, and you had to stop Dean from telling her it was just gas.
But you didn't mind, because it was adorable!
While you were excited about your daughter, you were also very ready for her to come out already, though you were a bit far from that.
Your belly had begun to actually get big, and now you couldn't see your feet, and they were starting to swell.
Also, you were craving a few things to the point of them being the only thing you were able to think about sometimes!
Some nights you had to wake Dean up to ask him for some stuff, like peanut butter with ice cream, cucumber with jelly, his cum - and Sam's - on chocolate...
And you couldn't stop thinking of Jess' pussy.
Right at this moment.
As she spoke to you about whatever thing she was thinking about.
"Are you alright?" she asked, taking your focus to her voice. "Do you want some more cucumber with jelly?"
"Actually..." you bit your lower lip. "I'm craving something else right now."
You never thought you'd experiment with women before Joss, but she was one of the most beautiful Omegas you had ever seen and you wanted her even before you were mated.
"Oh, what is it?" she asked.
You took her hand, pulling her closer.
"Your pussy," you moved your nose over hers. "Can I have it, Jess? Can I eat your pussy?"
She licked her lips, eyes twinkling at the thought.
"Are you sure?" she asked. "You and Dean haven't mated in a while..."
It was true. Normally you two fucked like rabbits, but you were going through a very tired phase to go through being fucked and Dean understood that.
Mostly, you sucked his cock and used your hands on one another, and that was it.
"I am," you told her. "Please, Jess? I need it."
Jess nodded with her cheeks flushed, kissing you sweetly, but it quickly shifted into something passionate, and arched her body to yours when moved your hands to caress her beautiful tits, and pulled away from you slowly before you took it off.
"Let me give you a little show, Omega," she pulled back.
She teased you a little, taking off her shirt over her head, and massaging her tits a little bit as you licked your lips, eager to have them in your mouth.
Your Omega turned around to you, showing her ass in her itsy bitsy little shorts, buried between her ass cheeks at the end of her very long legs, and you just wanted to throw her on the couch just like that and fucking devour her.
Your pussy was already wet when she slid the piece off, stepping away from them and standing in your living room in just a little thong.
"Fucking tease," you whispered, licking your lips.
She giggled, playing with it with her fingers.
"You want me to take it off, Omega?" she teased you.
You nodded, and she pouted.
"Say please?"  Jess teased you.
Oh, how silly.
As if you were going to be bossed around by a younger Omega.
You stood up, pulling Jess and laying her down, half throwing but still making sure to be careful.
"I don't say please," you raised her ass.
Jess whined, sticking her ass out obediently, and you licked her over her panties, already seeing a little bit of her wetness sipping through them.
"Silly little Omega," you held her ass cheeks open.
You licked and licked her clit over the fabric until she was squirming and whining under you.
"Omega," she panted. "Please."
If you were Dean, you would have ripped off that silly thong and would give her a good spanking on her ass and her pussy.
Well... you could, couldn't you?
"Did Sam learn how to spank your pussy, Omega?" you asked her.
You tried ripping her panties, but struggled, and huffed to yourself.
How did Dean do that?
"No," she whined, looking back at you. "Sam is too afraid of hurting me."
You scoffed.
Silly Sam.
You pulled her panties down, watching with a pleased smirk when her wetness followed it with a long, stretched droplet.
Beautiful. Just beautiful.
You shifted her position, making her lay across your lap, thankful for the long space to stretch your legs so she would have where to lay on without your belly bothering her.
"Let's fix that, uh?" you decided.
You slapped her ass a couple of times, twice on each side, warming your hands up.
She gasped and whined as you did, her sweet ass making a perfect jiggle with each slap. Such a cute little college student, perfect little Omega.
"Omega," she moaned.
You hummed to her.
"Yes, sweet Omega?"
Jess wiggled her ass, as if that would tempt you into forgetting what you were doing now.
"Please," she whimpered. "Omega? Eat my pussy?"
You hummed a little, still slapping her ass.
"I don't know," you considered slowly. "You did tease me, Jess... I don't know if you deserve it."
She whined.
"But you said you-"
Before she could finish, you silenced her up with a slap on her pussy.
Jess cried out, shocked, and you were happy to find her so wet she made your hand all wet.
"Behave, little Omega," you slapped her again.
So that was why Dean liked this so much.
To shut up a silly, noisy Omega brat made you feel almost as much pleasure as being slapped yourself.
She cried as you found your rhythm, slapping her entrance and then her clit, til you were just slapping and slapping her.
You only stopped when your hand was all messy, finally satisfied, and made her lay on her back again, spreading her legs and licking her hungrily.
She came quickly after you set your lips on her, and you chuckled.
"What a messy little Omega," you teased, pushing two fingers into her. "So eager you barely needed any touch to cum."
Jess whined, and you just moved down to her, kissing and licking her cunt, eating her out hungrily, and moaned when you felt your tits ache and leak onto the couch.
Fuck, you hadn't even realised you were so horny.
You didn't stop licking and eating her out even after she came. Actually, you pined her down and focused on pleasing her even more.
During your first time, Dean had stopped you from making her cum so many times she got stupid and silly, but you were all alone now, and there was no Alpha around to tell you what you could or couldn't do with your Omega.
"Omega!" she cried, shaking under you. "Y/N!"
You held her, not letting her go from under you, and sucked onto her clit as you fucked her with two fingers, curling your fingers against her g-spot.
You'd make her cum until she didn't know anything but you, until she didn't need anything but you.
Jess's pussy squeezed your fingers when you pushed a third one inside - she was used to taking Sam's big cock, you knew she liked feeling full - and you focused a bit more on her sweet spot, looking to make her squirt.
"Y/N!" she cried. "Please, it's too much."
You clicked your tongue.
"But you can still form phrases, Omega," you reminded her. "I don't think it is enough."
Jess whined, desperate, and you held her close to you with your free arm.
You giggled, elated, when she moaned out loudly, her pussy squeezing your fingers tight as she finally squirted, wetting your whole face with her delicious slick.
You pulled away, sucking your fingers clean, giving her a minute, and turned her to lay with her belly up, drooling when you realised her tits were leaking all over.
"Oh, baby," you cooed. "Why didn't you tell me your milky tits were dripping?"
Jess looked down, seeming all dazed, unaware by her own biological reaction
So your hunch was right. Jess was just like you...
The Winchester did have a type, after all.
You latched onto her breast, sucking as you pushed your fingers into her cunt again, sucking her sweet, sweet milk, as you continued with your goal of making her just a silly little puddle of Omega slick.
She came beautifully under you, arching her hips to your hand, moaning so loud you knew she would be heard outside.
"Please, Omega," she begged. "Want your milk, please. I need your milk."
Oh, your poor Omega. You weren't the only hungry one, after all.
You moved up, putting a breast onto her lips and moaned when she started sucking down on you but focused on keeping fucking and playing with her with the hand you had on her pussy.
Jess' didn't pull away to moan when you felt her squeezing you again, her orgasm much quicker and much easier to pull from her now.
"My poor little Omega," you moaned. "So hungry for my milk, baby..."
Her beautiful eyes were closed, and she was just taking and taking everything from you, like a good Omega.
You didn't even notice she was moving to touch you until she did, and moaned when her slender fingers started playing with you, and couldn't hold back a loud cry.
"Fuck, Jess," you moaned.
She opened her eyes, pupils wide as she started fingering you and rubbing your clit with the heel of her hand.
Your eyes closed and you almost lost focus.
Fuck, you were so horny, so wet.
She pulled you up to her body, and you were quick to position yourself between your legs, rubbing your pussy on hers and moaning at how good, how sweet it felt.
You didn't stop when she came under you, too warm now, looking for your own pleasure.
"'mega," Jess cried under you. "Y/n!"
You reached down, pinching her tits and her nipples, and she cried out again, cumming one more time.
Before you could reach your own pleasure, though, a voice rose right behind you.
"My, my," Dean gasped. "What do we have here?"
“The Family” is the 4th part of “The Milk series”. To have early access to the second chapter subscribe to my page! It’s just $2 a month and helps me a lot through these hard times. I also post 6x a week.
Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth​​​ @amythyststorm33​​​ @shaelyn102​ @yknott81​​​ ​​@maximofftrash @kgbrenner​ @thefridgeismybestie @magpiegirl80​​​ @mogaruke​​​ @shadowhunter7​​​ @musicalcoffeebean @megasimpleplan4ever​​​ @deemoriarty​​​ @05spn18​​​ @malindacath​​​ @kdcollinsauthor​​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​​ @widowsfics @frozenhuntress67​​​ @averyrogers83​​​ @notyourtypicalrose @nerdypinupcrystal​ @giruvega
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serhum · 4 months
[Part 3] Birthday Game - Reader x Shohei Ohtani x Yuki Ishikawa AU - NSFW
Disclaimer: This is a 18+ writing so if you’re not comfortable reading this, please skip it! There will be a lot of smut & mentions of sex in this work so beware. ;)
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What I thought to be a short 5-minute nap went into a deep slumber. The clock shows it’s 5am already and I heard both of the men on my sides snore. “They looked really cute.” I mumble to myself. It’s really kind of them for not waking me up, although I promised Shohei another ‘session’ in the bathroom. I slowly get up from the bed as I’m still naked underneath the blanket. I tried to wiggle my way out carefully so that they don’t wake up. I collected my undergarments and slide into them. Then, I tip toed towards the bathroom after grabbing my phone and closed the door slowly, not bothered to lock it. 
I take a look into the mirror and saw several kiss marks on my body especially on my neck and chest areas. The thought of me making love with Yuki and Shohei still makes me feel giddy. Then, I open my phone to see several messages I receive from my friends who wishes me happy birthday.
“Are you awake already?” I was taken aback when I heard Shohei’s voice. He’s standing by the door shirtless, leaving him with his brief. His hair is messy but he looks too good to be true. “Ohh, I didn’t realize I was sleeping through the night. How about you? You should take a rest.” I reply and he shut the door. Shohei walks towards me and I turned my body to him. He closed the gap between ours and placed his hands on my hips and lifted me to the countertop. My breath suddenly got hard. 
“I think I haven’t tell you some of the things I really admired about you.” I suddenly said while having a staring contest with him. His face was a few inches away from me and when he heard me, he pulled away. “Really? What about it?” he grins. “Before that, I want you to pull the stool chair. This is gonna be a long talk.” I said to him while tracing his chest and abs. “Sure.” After he sits on the chair in front of me, I started to tell him the reason why I like him - not in a romantic way, more to as a fangirl. 
“I first heard your name during your time in Angels. You caught my eyes instantly,” I paused and took his hand so that our fingers interlock each other. “Since then, I found a lot of interesting facts about you online. I watched you play too even with Yuki. I like how determined you are to be a two-way player, how you tryna keep a lowkey personality in the midst of your popularity, and how you keep your body healthy.” I felt his thumb caressing my hands as well and he was so into my story. “You are such an inspiration to many, Sho. And I want you to keep being that way.” I smile to him.
“That’s very nice to hear. Thank you.” He simply replied with his husky voice and showing his eye smile. Very typical of him who doesn’t talk a lot but more into actions. “Not to forget that you’re able to challenge yourself in a completely different country and look at your fanbase. So big, just like these muscles, haha” I joked while grabbing his broad shoulders and biceps. I heard him chuckles as well. 
“If I had known you before Yuki, I’ll definitely date you, y/n.” My heart beats so fast when he muttered that sentence. That sounds like a confession to me. I look at him in the eyes and automatically my fingers reached to his eyebrows, eyelashes, and finally his lips. “You don’t realize how handsome you are, Sho. If you already have a girlfriend back in the States, she’d be really lucky to have you.” his dimples appeared.  
“You make me blush. Don’t you think Yuki will get jealous if he heard you complimented me?” he asks. I shake my head, “He already know that you’re my idol. Actually he left me dumbfounded when he said that you agreed to have threesome with me as a gift for my birthday. I was so embarrassed!” I jokingly punch his chest and he stopped me by holding my hands. “Don’t be. It’s my pleasure to make you feel special on your birthday, I should thank Yuki for this moment. I get to know you better,” he paused and I feel his face getting closer to mine. Our noses touched and there’s this electric sensation I get from him.
“I like how you hold me in your arms earlier. I like how our bodies move in sync. I like it when you play your tongue with me. I like everything about you but it’s impossible for us to be together. So I am grateful for this moment with you.” I might be carried away with the situation where we share our intimacy without Yuki eyeing us. I felt that I need to confess that to Shohei so that he knows what I feels. I feel his arms linger my body, giving me a bear hug. His manly cologne is still there although he was sweating all night. I’m actually afraid that it’s me who crossed the line? I sound like a cheating girlfriend right now but I will regret it my whole life if I don’t say those things to Shohei. Because he deserves to know how he made me feel.
He then kissed me slow but passionate, “Should we keep this as a secret from Yuki?” he asked in a lower voice. Thinking about what I said earlier, I realize that Yuki might be jealous even mad of our conversation. So I nod to him. “I’ll definitely miss you when I return home. We should spend time together again.” he said calmly while staring at me. His hands are now resting on my shoulders. “While you’re in Italy, we still have some time.” I said mumbling in his chest. Oh god, I like this man. It’s Yuki’s fault that he put me in this odd position with his best friend! 
“Shall we have a cold shower? You said you like being taken care of after sex, c’mon” Shohei said but I stopped him from walking to the shower. “Wait. I like that we have this kind of intimacy. Are you okay if I take a photo of us?” I nervously asked while grabbing my phone on my side. “I’m totally fine. It’s not that you’ll share it publicly.” I smiled at his statement. 
I activated the back camera and take candid photos of him. “Don’t be shy. Show me your sexy pose haha” I told him to pose and he acted really cool which is why the photos came out so good. “Can we also have photos together? Here, stand in front of me.” He gladly put me down from the countertop and we are now facing the mirror. “Can you wrap your arms around my neck? That’d be a good pic.” he does what I tell him. “You look so petite, so cute.” Shohei said at our reflections and I laugh. “Compared to you and Yuki, I’m just like a teenage girl.” I went along with him. 
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After several photos later, Shohei spun my body to face him. “Are you done, sweetie?” asked him. I put my phone down, “Is someone being impatient for the next round? Hm?” I continue by grabbing the strap of his briefs. Teasing him a bit. “I can’t wait to touch you and feel you squirm under my touch.” He sounded so sexy right now. “I need a little bit more of you, Shohei.” I whispered and with that he lifted me and walked to the shower.
My lips reach him and my tongue is trying to find its way to his mouth. He let me explore him and reply my kiss right away. My back is glued to the wall while he’s steadying me with his huge figure. “Mmh— you- taste so good- Hhh” he murmurs in between our kisses. 
With our bodies pressing against each other, I can feel his manhood on my lower body. I grab and rub it with my hands in the same tempo with our kisses. “You have no idea how sexy you are, Sho” I stopped the kiss and state what I feel. He smirked and suddenly the cold water flows on our bodies. “Oh my god!” We both chirped at the same time and laugh. “Oops, I didn’t mean to turn it on.” He said. Shohei’s figure is big enough to nudge the shower mixer without him knowing. “It’s alright. I’m the one who’s turned on by you.” I continue kissing him after those words came out of my mouth. I feel him smirking in the middle of our kisses. “Mmh—“ he let out a sexy whimper.
I feel butterflies in my stomach when he traces my body with his lips. He leaves his saliva here and there which triggers me to stroke his damp wet hair slowly. “I love that you’re the opposite of Yuki.” I said. He stopped right between my legs now, both hands still holding my thighs so I don’t fall. He looked up to see me and said, “Tell me.” “You’re more patient when we make love.” My response successfully made him grins.
Without wasting his time, he licks my clothed pussy that’s wet already. “Uhh—“ my natural responses were closing my eyes and playing with my harden nipples. My back arched more on the walls when he slid his tongue skillfully inside my vagina, making sure my thin underwear was moved out his way. His quick movements resulted in high pitched moan from me.
“Keep going.. Shohei,” I encourage him while squirming. The vibrations he gave me down there is out of this world. I feel it coming and he licked the wetness just for him to kiss me afterwards, letting me taste myself through him. “I like you, very much” I was surprised when listening to his sudden confession. 
“Can I go inside you now?” he added. “Yes. I need you inside me.” With that, he inserts his manhood deep inside me. This time I no longer feel hurt, instead I feel pleasure all over my body. “Sweet Jesus!” I mumble in the crook of his neck and reach for his muscular arms. He doesn’t go fast this time, meanwhile he increases his pace slowly. “Do you know how fucking tight you are?” he whispered. “U-huh.. and you’re so big.” I replied. We are now staring at each other intensely. When he accurately hits my g-spot with his slow tempo, I let out a whine. 
“Yeah you’re so fucking good. Come to me- come inside me—“ I chanted to him in a teasing way. I can feel him close to his climax when his body got more intense and he closed his eyes, with mouth opens. “Aahh- fuck” he sounded so manly in my ears. “But I’m not done yet.” I told him and I swiftly change our position where I pushed him to sit on the shower seat. 
I happily took control and now I positioned myself on his lap with my back facing him. “Do you like that?” is what comes out of my mouth when I took his whole length inside my vagina and sliding it up and down. His hands are now cupping my boobs from behind. “I like it when you take control, sweetheart” he responded. I turn my head to kiss his lips. “And I can’t stop riding you, Sho.” I keep circling my hips around him and feel so much pleasure. 
Minutes go by quickly that this shower has witnessed our numerous positions from the standing doggy to leg-up. We were enjoying our intimacy too much that I started to realize that Yuki is still in the bedroom next to us! Both Shohei and I have finally stopped our session and moved on to washing each other’s body in the shower. We took shower together where he rubs the liquid soap all over my body and on the other hand, I tried to wash his thick black hair. I tip toed to reach his height but he was kind enough to lower himself. It’s so fun with him around. He’s so playful but sexy at the same time. Shit, I can’t keep him out of my mind now.
“Are you done, princess?” Shohei asked me while drying his hair with a towel. I nodded. “I’m done, just a moment.” I tried to wear my undergarments and the last thing I found was Yuki’s oversized shirt so I decided to wear that. “Thank you for everything. I really enjoy our time together.” I confessed to him and gave him a peck on his lips. Before he responds anything, I walked out of the bathroom, leaving Shohei behind. 
To be continued
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bengiyo · 5 months
Cooking Crush Ep 5 Stray Thoughts
Last week, Prem took Ten to the restaurant of his favorite chef on that cooking competition show. Ten wasn't impressed with the food, and was not pleased with how enamored Prem was with this chef. Afterwards, Ten took Prem to a restaurant he likes and they bonded further about how much they like being with each other. Meanwhile, Jane ended things with Fire, Fire's mom came over and said foul things to Jane, and Dynamite helped cover for them. Finally, the cooking trio hopes to compete in the show, but their rivals are terrible and rude.
I love seeing Gun work with his actual sister. I don't know that I've seen Gun play against someone who was supposed to be his sibling in a long time.
This is why you gotta maintain a healthy balance of nosey. We are reading way too much into Ten getting flowers.
See, it was for Ten's mom. She must have passed when Ten was young.
Dish 5: I'd Like to Make Deep-Fried Shrimp Cakes With You, Chef
Ah, Ten blames his dad for not paying enough attention to his family, and thinks he should have noticed how sick his own wife had become.
Gun is so beautiful. I've been a fan for almost ten years now and he just keeps getting more beautiful.
I'm not entirely certain how all this physical contact and flirting in the kitchen before the new wife is supposed to help, but it is amusing at least.
Wow, OffGun dancing was not on my list for this show, but I am not complaining.
Even if I was wealthy, I would be curious why my kid spent damn-near $9,000 in a week.
Genuinely don't think Ten's dad is off-base here. He thinks he's shutting down someone who is an amateur scammer and distraction for his son.
Not me tearing up at Ten showing Prem's picture to his mom.
Ten is down bad waking up that early to make soup for Prem.
I love Samsee and Dynamite.
Chef Chang Ma, you are also down bad, but I would also smile at a Gun character like that.
These 3B shits are finally getting embarrassed.
🎶 Hey, jealousy. Hey, jealousy. 🎶
Suddenly, a PSA about sex work.
All these goddamn time skips. They better revisit what they skipped. It better include multiple dates and Samsee and Metha getting it on.
A tippy-toe kiss! How did we lead up to this??
I liked this episode a lot. I'm glad we understand the crux of the angst between Prem and his dad. I also enjoyed the dad putting a totally reasonable barrier between Prem and Ten. There wasn't much of Dynamite and Fire this week, but I like the little bit we got, and also the confirmation that Fire's sexual confusion may be grounded in a queer reality. I'm loving this.
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melticss · 1 year
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-not my art!
side kick
bakugo x reader
contains nsfw! -sex, cunnilingus, slut shaming, size kink
-as villain bakugos sidekick, your around him a lot. getting trapped in a situation that sprouted from a dangerous mission, you both confess your feelings for eachother, or atleast.. show them.
reader is female, if you want to me recreate this with male or nb let me know! <3
please ignore how bad my grammar is 💀 i didn’t pay attention in elementary school tbfh. also not proof read 👨‍🦯
it was early in the morning, as you sat in your office. watching the tv from your desk chair, the news showed up. showing that endeavor was in the hospital, and that a villain that all might had come across and supposedly “killed” was back in japan. you set your coffee down, your eyes widened. you grabbed your keys and headed down to katsukis office.
*bang-bang-bang..bang* you knocked on his door, not wanting to barge in, and find something unexpected. “what?” katsuki groaned. “did you see the news? he’s back!” you shouted “i don’t fucking watch the news y/n.” he remarked. “well, he’s not dead, and he’s back.”
katsuki had befriended a guy in his 3rd year, a guy that had always seemed sketchy, but never paid to much attention to. he later became a villain with katsuki, but betrayed him. he had stolen all the money that katsuki made, and used it to attempt to kill all might, but he “failed”. the reason katsuki wasn’t planning to kill all might yet, was because he didn’t have a team.
“your fucking joking.” katsuki said, opening the door with a deadpan look plastered on his face. “i wish katsuki, but he took advantage of all mights retirement and thought this meant he could kill endeavor. “we are not letting him take my fucking spotlight” he said, waking down the hallway to his room. “katsuki! we don’t have a plan yet!” you yelled, still in your pjs.
“we aren’t wasting anytime y/n.” he said with a tinge of annoyance. “well let me get ready atleast!” you said worried. “whatever y/n, don’t take too long.” you sprinted down to your room, throwing on your suit. you snap on your gloves as you walk into his room, expecting that he would be ready.
you open the door, to pre occupied to knock, stressing about the situation. “katsuki i-“ you get cut off with the sight of your assistant in nothing but his boxers, his abs reflecting the rising sunset. a orange hue decorating his hair as his veiny hans pick up his shirt. before you even get the time to look down, he yells
“y/n! you dumbass. i always tell you to knock!” you stand there, dumbfounded. out of pure shock that a man this handsome wouldn’t be on a play girl magazine. you stare at his body, his furrowed brows turn into a sarcastic smirk. “do you really like what you see that much, y/n? you try to muster up what to say, as your heart pounds.
“i-i just didn’t expect it” you say trying to act cool. “didn’t expect what?” he says walking towards you, putting his hand on the wall next to you, slamming to the left of your head as he towered over you. you look over at the clock, “w-we need to leave soon, b-before he does something else-“ he kisses you, your heart skips a beat, your stomach gets warm.
you lean into him, grabbing the back of his neck, pulling him in. sense he’s almost 6’4, he has to bend his neck, so he just picks you up so he can pull you closer. “i guess i should’ve realized the way you would clench your thighs together whenever you saw me shirtless, i should’ve known you had a thing for me.” he said smirking.
“well your always staring at my ass so, i think we are fair.” you say sarcastic. he sets you down on his bed, crawling on top of you. “what can i say, you have a nice ass yn, but you also stare at my bulge when i wear sweatpants, so i don’t think we are quite even yet dumbass” he says before pinning you down, and kissing you so passionately you loose your breath.
his lips are sweet, a taste of carmel and cherries decorated them. his arms on either side of you. seeing the veins bulge and his muscles perfectly defined with the orange sunlight made you squirm. his hair messy, his chest sweaty. his hot breath running over your body, he moves up, pressing his bulge into you.
he’s harder than you thought he was- “may i?” he says, tugging on your shirt. you nod, puppy eyes staring at his crimsons. he pulls off your shirt, then your tight leggings. he pulled you close, now both in your underwear, pressing his warm body against yours. something you never realized, katsuki was affectionate. you wonder if he’s really just a big softie.
he plants soft kisses on your neck, then biting softly. you dig your nails into his back, making him groan. “i wouldn’t be mad if you made me bleed, sweetheart” your stomach got tingly at the nickname. you kiss his collarbone, inhaling his intoxicating warm scent. you buried you face in his neck, as you wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling his hips down to rest on yours.
he looks down at you, his abnormally long k-9 tooth biting down on his bottom lip. “so fucking pretty, m’fucking pretty angel” he says, in a raspy whisper. he leans into kiss you, unhooking your bra, and throwing it somewhere into his room. he moves his hand down, the callous rough hands dragging down to your panties, hooking his finger on them and pulling them off.
he leans back, taking in the view. “such’ a pretty fucking pussy.” he says smirking. you whine in response, squirming your hips in embarrassment of your pussy exposed. he brings his thumb down, dragging it through your slit, your pussy making lewd noises. he rubs your clit, pleasure shooting through you. you whine in response.
he grabs your feet, throwing them over his shoulder. “hope you don’t mind if i eat this pussy?” he says leaning down, his hot breath rushing over you. you shake your head, grabbing his hair. your cheeks glowing redder every minute. he grabs your ass, pulling you in and flattening his tongue against your sensitive pussy.
his tongue is rough, and unforgiving. his tounge rubs your clit, drawing circles in it. he spells the letters, k a t s u k i, smirking. he flicks your clit, the swollen nub twitching. he sucks on your pussy, your labia swelling, he lets go with a pop.
your legs twitch and shake, feeling his warm tounge and hands making you quiver. the knot in your stomach getting tighter. you pull his hair, making him groan and vibrate your pussy. he looks up at you, his vulgar red eyes piercing you. you moan lewdly, rolling your eyes back.
the knot becomes undone, you shake and twitch. he rides you through it, kissing your pussy lips delicately, stroking your twitching thigh. “atta girl, that’s a good girl” he says in a raspy voice. he sits up, his bulge bigger and thicker than you could imagine. wet stains at the tip of his dick, decorating his dark grey boxers.
“do you want my cock, slut?” he says smirking. you nod, cheeks burning as cold air runs over your wet pussy. “i couldn’t hear you?” he says rubbing your clit. “y-yes!” you whimper. “what was that pretty girl? i couldn’t hear you over the sounds of your pussy getting wetter.” he says rubbing his clothed cock on your thigh.
“yes! i want your cock!” you greedily whine. “that’s my girl, you know how to obey like a good girl.” he says, taking his cock out of his boxers, the red vulgar tip dripping, the veins bulging, and metal piercing decorating his under gland shining. (frenum piercing)
“you like what you see?” you nod, practically drooling at the sight. he grabs the base, guiding his tip through your slit. rubbing your clit with his tip, his pre dripping down you. you quiver, he’s bigger than you thought, atleast 7-8 inches. but what surprised you was the girth, he’s big almost too big.
“i-it’s really b-big” you whine. “you’ll be fine-“ he says looking away. “a-and if it hurts to bad tell me.” he says before looking back at you, “but your such a slut i think you can take it.” he says, his vulgar words making you quiver. he leans down, arms on either side of you. he looks down, positioning himself. he looks back up, “you ready angel?” you nod. he pushes in, your pussy squelching. you whine, his girth stretching you, it burns deep inside. you grab onto his arm, and place one hand on his chest.
“s-suki!” you moan. he kisses your neck passionately. “breathe baby.” he says, his voice soothing and raspy. he pushes farther, until his tip kisses your cervix. your eyes roll back, his dick hits every spot. “shhshhh, atta girl.” he says pushing the stray hair pieces behind your ear. he rolls his hips, the burn subsides. his dick grinds your g-spot, making your legs twitch around his waist. leaving a creamy white ring 1-2 inches from the base, there’s no way you could take all of his cock.
his hip buck faster, hitting every spot that no one else could. the familiar knot getting tighter as you dig your nails into his back, he groans loudly, raspy and whiney. “fuck~ i’m cumming”he says, burying his face in your neck. as his dick twitches, hitting your g-spot every movement. “cum with me angel.” he groans.
he slams his hips, white creamy ropes shoot at your cervix, making you twitch and grab onto him, euphoria overrides you as your knot unravels.
“good fucking girl.”
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Being betrothed to Daemon Targaryen would include:
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A/N: my first headcanon! I don’t think it’s my best work, but hey, at lest I’m trying! I got a little carried away with this, but nevertheless, I hope you enjoy it!
SUMMARY: A little (big, to be honest) glimpse of your relationship with Daemon at the beginnings of your marriage.
WR: f!reader, mentions of death, murder and sex work, bad words, Daemon being a dick, misogyny, arranged marriage, toxic relationship.
WORDS: +1.8k
Him hating you at first sight.
After Rhea Royce’s death, Viserys feared that Daemon would try to stop Rhaenyra and Leanor’s marriage, so he betrothed his own brother to you, the oldest daughter of a Lord from far north Westeros.
With the prince far away from King’s Landing, everything went smoothly, and to say Daemon was pissed would be an understatement.
Unfortunately, you’ve become the object of his frustration: he even thought of getting rid of you, but held back; two wives dead on a short period of time would rise a lot of unwanted attention, and a politic conflict with House Royce would be a pain in the ass.
So, he contented himself by treating you the same way he treated Rhea Royce: in the worst way possible.
He couldn’t bear stay in the same room as you, never failing to leave the moment you come.
He didn’t even look at your way, and when it accidentally happened, he would make the most disgusted face ever, as if even staring at you made him nauseous.
His childish behavior lasted until the day of your wedding.
At the end of the party, Daemon didn’t hesitate to go straight to a brothel with the few soldiers from the City Watch that were able to follow him, and didn’t show up until three days later.
On the third day, he showed up, drunk, in the middle of the night, along with two prostitutes that later he brought to his bed chambers, not before giving you his usual disdain look.
Enough was enough; you stormed in on his room, spotting them naked on his bed, the bed that should be shared with you, his wife, and instead, he was sharing it the first women he found on a pleasure house, as if you were less than a whore to him.
You took the bucket with freezing water that you asked to your handmaiden to prepare earlier, and threw it at them; the girls shirked with the shock, and Daemon was ready to insult you, but he was too astonished to cuss when you started to yell:
“YOU TWO, GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE!” the poor girls, completely terrified, scrambled theirselves, getting their clothes on while trying to fight the pinching on their skin due to the cold weather.
When they were finally out of sight, you turned to your petrified husband, if you could even call him a “husband”, and pointed at him:
“We are not having this conversation right now, it’s late and you’re drunk. So you’ll listen to me very well, because I won’t say it twice: you are going to sleep and tomorrow, first thing in the morning, we’ll talk about what happened here, do you understand me?”
Daemon couldn’t make out the words on his head, probably because of the alcohol on his system, all he could do was open and close his mouth repeatedly, which riled you up even more:
“FOR THE GODS SAKE, DAEMON! I DESERVE AT LEAST A RESPONSE!” you sighed deeply, throwing your hands in the air “You know what? I don’t care, just go to sleep.”
That night, the Rouge Prince went to bed like a child who had been scolded.
The next day, you made sure that Daemon wouldn’t try to skip on your conversation, so you asked for the maids to prepare the prince’s breakfast on a tray so you could bring it upstairs.
You weren’t shocked to see he was still sleeping: after all, he was completely drunk last night. Unceremoniously, you opened the curtains, immediately making Daemon grunt on his sleep. Getting enough of his slowness, you ripped the blankets off of him, finally managing to make him wake up.
Letting him eat a little bit of his meal first, you waited patiently by edge of the bed, sited with your hands on your lap. After a long time, you decided to initiate the conversation.
“I don’t care if you like me, love me or even desire me. Believe me, I couldn’t care less. But what you did last night was extremely disrespectful. Wether you want it or not, I’m still your wife. Do you really think I’m happy? Being married to you? No, I’m not! But I’ve never even once though to take my anger on you. You’re angry, I understand, really, but it’s not my fault if you’re in this situation. I didn’t had a say on it as much as you did! It’s unfair of you to treat me like that when I’m not even the one at fault!”
Daemon thought about your words silently, still munching on his breakfast. Indeed, bickering with you was a waste of time; also, it didn’t make his frustration go away, quite the contrary: every time it made him remember of Rhaenerya and how much he longed for her touch, attention and presence, which made him even more bitter.
However, Daemon Targaryen would never admit he was wrong, at least for now. So, he proposed a truce: both of you would bear each other’s presence, with no more bickering and no more tries to slay each other’s throat.
You left his bedroom quite satisfied; it wasn’t the perfect agreement, but making Daemon Targaryen, The Rouge Prince, know for his stubbornness, shutting his mouth and listening to you AND making an agreement? It sounded pretty much like a victory.
After the incident, Daemon wouldn’t lie that he was impressed by your attitude: most of women would simply turn around to his doings or they’d be so scared to confront him that barely a word would pass trough their lips.
However, you were different: you not only went against him but also threw freezing water on him! Do you know how many could live after that? There’s little a person can do to impress the prince, but showing him that your not afraid to impose yourself definitely makes him hats off to you.
Suddenly, he started to initiate conversations with you. Obviously, he didn’t go on a full dialogue with you, more like small talk, but still, it was a big progress.
One night, you found your husband sitting by the fire on your library, frowning deeply. You couldn’t help but stare at how his silver hair glowed with the fire’s light and how it’s glow sparkled his tired lilac eyes; suddenly sensing your presence, Daemon caught you observing him, which made you break out of your trance.
Trying to cover your embarrassment, with a soft tone, you asked what was bothering him; having no longer patience to act kindly, Daemon brushed you off, stating that “a spoiled brat like you could never be of help.”
“You’d be surprised. Try me.”
Daemon glanced at you, perplexed. Then, he laughed with disdain, sipping on his wine.
“Royce House is asking for an indemnity for Rhea Royce’s death. I’m her legal heir, so House Royce has nothing but their useless name. They require an absurd amount of money that even I couldn’t pay. And even if I could, I’d refuse to spend my money with the family of that bronze bitch.”
The Rouge Prince finished his cup before glancing at his wife; she brought her hands under her chin with a concentrated look. Not longer than a minute, she came up with an ideia:
“If you want them do give up on the indemnity, you should offer them something better than money.”
The prince scoffed “And that would be?”
“A marriage. After you, Rhea’s nephew shall inherit the Vale, right? But, our child will inherit both the Vale and my lands, plus the Targaryen name. There’s no way they’d refuse a betroth with such advantages.”
“That would be the perfect plan, if we had a daughter, my dear wife” “That’s exactly the point.”
Daemon turned to look straight at his wife’s eyes, astonished. “They don’t know we’ve never consummate our marriage, so they’d not have any other option than wait for the birth of our daughter. That way, you—” “Could keep the money and get them off of my ass.”
Neither of you noticed how suddenly the distance between you faded; Now, you’re staring at each other’s eyes while Daemon has a ghost of a smirk on his lips.
“So, a brat like me can, in fact, be of help” you said smugly.
“How can you do that?” he asked on a whisper “do what?” you asked back, the words barely audible.
“Surprise me more and more. Every time I think I’ve finally discover every single part of you, you prove me wrong once again. I must say I like that” Daemon confessed, laughing breathlessly.
“Well, it’s not as if you ever tried to know me, but I must confess that I enjoy getting to know you too.”
He suddenly went silent, so you got worried that you messed up, but the Prince was quick to brush it off “It is useless to say ‘sorry’ when you’re right. I’ve always tried my best to be the worst husband for you, and for that I’m sorry. I was frustrated back than with something that wasn’t your fault, and even so, I took my frustrations on you.”
You were very touched by his words; obviously, you didn’t forgave him out of the blue for every single humiliation he made you pass through, but to know that he acknowledged his mistakes made you hope that someday you could live a healthy relationship.
“Daemon, I’m glad that you—“ “Please, if I don’t say it now, I don’t know if I will ever again” he begged, resting his forehead on your shoulder.
He slid his hands down your arms, finally reaching your smaller hands, which he covered with his bigger ones. His palms were calloused, but still held warmth and a tenderness that you caught yourself enjoying.
Lastly, the prince looked straight into your eyes “I know you’re still hurt by my actions, but I want to let you know that I want to make this marriage work. The last few weeks were the greatest days since a long time, and I finally realized they were because of you. You fascinate me, and I want to keep learning about you.”
Your heart skipped a beat, you could no longer breath. You felt like your heart were going to jump out of your chest, but still then, you replied “I want to get to know you too, Daemon.”
“Now that we’re good, it was kinda hot when you yelled at me”
You looked at him, shocked “For the Gods sake, Daemon, shut up!”
“Yes mommy” “DAEMON!”
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queen-scribbles · 5 months
I saw the post about the big Bioware sale and figured you're a good person to ask since I've seen you posting about Mass Effect/Dragon Age a lot. The games look fun, and I'm a sucker for complex stories with customizable protagonists, but I am a complete weenie about the more, uh, mature stuff when it comes to romance and the 'M' rating keeps scaring me off.
Like I'm over 18 and I'm fine with the violence/drinking/most of the swearing listed with the M rating, but I just get deeply uncomfortable with the other stuff. I'm just weird like that, I guess.
Is it really a lot? Or is there like a skip option, or some kinda setting that'll just have it be a fade-to-black sitch like SWTOR? I won't be too disappointed if there isn't, I kind of expect that really, but I figured it was worth an ask while the sale is on/to keep in mind for the next sale.
I have major social anxiety and am kinda embarrassed about all this, so sorry about the anon-asking. :P
No, no, you're fine, I understand completely. (I can take or leave a lot of the sexier stuff myself) Now I will try to remember romance scenes bc I haven't played some of these games in 4-5 years, and some of the romances I haven't gotten to yet. 😅 (if you don't mind spoilers you can always look up the romance on yt to check for yourself if it goes past your preferences. but if you do wanna avoid spoilers I will do my best) P much all the romances there's only even potentially anything that might be a problem in the Culmination Scene.
(If I got anything wrong anyone please feel free to correct me)
I know in ME1 the romance scene(with Kaidan for f!Shep, Ashley for m!Shep, Liara for either) there's sideview but shadowed nudity for f!Shep/Ashely/Liara(with Arm Strategically Placed to block boobs so all you really see is a little bit of butt) and Kaidan/mShep is shirtless.
ME2.... I think there's 0 nudity and ftb for Garrus, Thane, Tali, and Jack(ftb on tenderness, comes back in to fully-clothed snuggles in bed), Jacob's shirtless, and Miranda you half-unzip her catsuit uniform so you can see her bra. Oh, and there's a mini-romance-y thing with Kelly and she wears something really skimpy if you do that.
ME3... I need to caveat I've only actually gotten through ME3 with my Kaidanmancers + the Jackmancer, but I watched p much all the others on yt to hurt myself. Also it's been a while. I don't thiiiiink there's any full nudity, when it gets to the big sex scene toward the end, the furthest it goes is cuddling/foreplay with underwear still on, then cuts to waking up still just in underwear, and not all the romances get that. Some of them, ah. end prematurely for different reasons, or the romance isn't an actual companion in this game, so there's less content(Kaidan, Ashley, Garrus, Liara, and Tali get the most, since they join the team + have been established longer). There are new m/m and f/f exclusive option in ME3, but it's been long enough I don't rememberrrrrr if there's anything risque for them. I don't think so.
Andromeda I've only done Liam's romance and I don't think there was much in there(you can get him to stop wearing a shirt on the ship about halfway through and there's a makeout session on the couch that ftb). I think Cora's and Jaal's involve male and female shirtlessness, but I'm straight up blanking for the rest of them.
In Origins, the "big scene" for the romances does involve "sexy" movements, but the characters still have on underwear, so no nudity, and tbh with game engine/graphics advances that have been made a lot of people find those scenes cringey/silly more than sexy now. I think you can skip those, maybe, but if you can't there's dialogue after so you can just look away til you hear your chosen sweetie start talking and the conversation takes place fully clothed.
DA2 they did ftb for the four vanilla game romances. Love interest shows up, there's cutscene kissing fully clothed, ftb, wake up in underwear at worst. (Sebastian MY BELOVED is romanceable with a f!Hawke, but since he's a) chaste and b) a DLC companion, there's absolutely no sex scenes with him, you can get chaste married on his friend path and he'll talk about the two of you getting married to reclaim his homeland on his rival path).
DAI is... simultaneously best and worst in this regard lol Josephine and Solas there's nothing. Sera and Cassandra you see boobs and enough leg to hint at full nudity without actually showing it(Sera's might get a little more explicit, it's been longer for her so I don't 100% remember). Dorian's has... full rear nudity, but I think that's it. Blackwall's I don't remember, Cullen and Iron Bull both have scenes where you can tell they're naked, but the Inquisitor or an object is strategically in the way of the naughty bits.
OH AND not romance related, but possibly an issue, there are demons in the DRagon Age canon known as Desire Demons, who look like practically naked purple ladies(they have, like, an even skimpier version of the SWtOR Slave Girl outfit and are fond of caressing themselves seductively). They aren't in DAI, but do show up in the first two games for a few quests.
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realmermaid333 · 4 months
I watched "The Color Purple" today and wow it was such a moving story. I really want to read the book now and maybe see the past movie versions of it. Seeing Celie come out on the other side after all of the suffering she experienced was beautiful. It is so sad that her life finally started so far into it, and that her early years had so much suffering, but that is a lot of people's lived experience. But she comes out of it all with her own identity, a relationship (?? more on this next paragraph), her own clothing shop, and finally reunites with Nettie and with her children.
but, what i wasn't too fond of was how her and Shug Avery's relationship was portrayed. Not to hate on this movie too much, but I feel like they were kinda cowardly with their portrayal of a lesbian relationship. Like they only kiss once and it is covered up by light, then it just skips to them waking up in the same bed and it all goes by so fast. Toward the end, I couldn't even tell if they were still together or not, and if they weren't there wasn't even a breakup scene, and we see like zero casual intimacy between them and it is never insinuated that this is the case cause they're closeted or something. would the book give me more of an explanation on this? There was more domestic violence on screen than there was lesbian love. And usually with straight relationships we get longer, cinematic kissing scenes and even sex scenes. I think a sex scene could have been very powerful in this movie in juxtaposition to the sexual assault we see Celie experience.
I do feel like the ending was a bit rushed in general. But one thing that stands out with that is I am not sure how Celie and mister (i forget her terrible husband's name) go from her trying to slit his throat twice to being close friends. There isn't a scene where he truly apologizes to her besides just bringing her a basket of letters from Nettie and a picture of Shug. I would have liked to see some sort of monologue where he apologizes. It just felt like there was no repair great enough, but we were supposed to just accept that all was fine between them as if he hadn't been horrifically abusing her since she was 14 years old.
anyway, it was a powerful, moving, beautiful, and painful movie that showed a suffering that many women experienced in the past, and even now. And all through the lens of black women and with the added layer of racism and segregation.
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farfromstrange · 2 years
Foreigner's God: Chapter 16
Main Masterlist
Pairing: Matt Murdock x OFC
Chapter Summary: It's the morning after - but is it really a 'morning after' if the events repeat themselves?
Warnings: Smut (anywhere but a bed), dry humping, oral (f receiving), fingering, handjob, orgasm control, clit slapping, degradation, choking, dom/sub dynamic, dom!Matt, p in v (unprotected), breeding kink, cum play, religion kink, blasphemy, slight angst at the beginning, mentions of grooming and an awkward conversation about sex
Word Count: 14.4k
A/n: I'm just digging my own grave here. How far in hell do you guys think I'll go when I die? Surely, there is a place reserved for especially horny fuckers like me (and you, if you're reading this. No offense, we're all the same here. There's no shame in this game period)
I literally just spat on catholicism (and all of Christianity, for that matter) in this one... If you don't like the use of religious imagery during sex, do not read on!
Read Chapter 16: Do I Wanna Know? here on AO3!
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Sex is amazing, rough sex even more so, as long as both parties enjoy it. What’s not amazing is the morning after. Sometimes it’s awkward, other times it involves tremendous guilt, and even if it doesn’t involve either thing, the soreness sucks. 
Eliza woke up to the sun tickling her skin and forcing her to awake. She turned around, looking at the alarm clock next to the bed. Matt was gone. Her hand met the air when she touched his side of the bed. The time showed 11:32 am. It was late, pretty late. 
She almost forgot what happened the night before. The sudden movement shot pain straight through her core. Her panties were suddenly too rough and the shirt brushed terribly over her breasts. Her neck was bruised, she could feel the way the skin pulled just underneath her fingers. But oh, did it feel victorious.
She took a careful glimpse at her hips. The hickeys were more than prominent, one on either side, and there were marks of the same proportions sucked into the insides of her thighs. She loved them. She loved every last mark he left on her because it reminded her of what happened. It wasn't supposed to feel good. She wasn't supposed to feel so happy, not with everything else going on. There was no time for this, technically. Practically though, she couldn't possibly go without having him inside of her again and again and again for an entire day. It felt like a virtual impossibility.
“Shit,” she cursed quietly. She could barely stand. Her legs were trembling. If Matt picked up on that, she would never hear the end of it. 
Eliza slid the bedroom door open. He must have closed it again after leaving to keep the sounds out. Plates were clattering in the kitchen. The coffee maker sizzled. Slow jazz music was playing. She crossed her arms, leaning against the door frame, watching Matt with his back turned as he poured the scrambled eggs into the pan. 
“Good morning,” he said.
She scoffed. Of course, he heard her. "Hey," she said. Her voice was still thick with sleep, a little raspy too. She couldn't see him, but he was smiling. "You always let your hook-ups wake up alone?"
He tensed up at the joke.
"Sorry." She realized how that had sounded. "I was just..." her hand trailed off along with her words.
She missed his touch. She wanted him to move from the kitchen and hug her, do anything but stand several feet away from her. The weather outside was warm, she knew it was, yet she was freezing, and not because she was lacking clothes.
“I wanted to let you sleep in," he clarified. "Despite what you keep telling yourself, you need sleep. And you know, you’re adorable when you sleep, so I did us both a favor.”
Finally, he turned to look at her. There was this glint in his eyes again, and he was smiling, competing with the sun streaming in through the tainted windows.
Eliza hugged her arms around herself. Damn it, he looked so beautiful. Her heart skipped a beat, and then another one and another until she felt like she couldn't breathe, and suddenly she was more than glad that Matt wasn't close to her. She would have pushed him away.
He took her silence and changed the topic. "Breakfast is almost done," he said.
She took a closer look at his get-up. He was dressed in his work suit, the grey one, minus the jacket and the tie. Both hung over one of the chairs at the dining table. He had combed his hair and the bruises on his face appeared fainter than the day before – did he steal her concealer or did he keep one for emergencies?
“I used yours.”
“You can read minds now?” she asked.
He chuckled. “No, but you tend to think pretty loudly.” When he finally turned fully around, he was smiling. It was a full one, the one she liked.
“If you say so.”
Matt carried the plates to the table. She caught glimpse of the croissants and the orange juice, amongst the other various breakfast choices he had laid out for them. He even cut up some fruit. 
“You went shopping,” she observed.
“Didn’t want to serve you beer and cereal, which were the only things I had left in my fridge. So I thought, what if I just bought some milk, but then again, who serves their guests cereal for breakfast? That would have been really sad. Anyway, that’s why I got some more stuff to, uh, choose from. Eggs, fruit, bread - you know, the good stuff. All without meat, I made sure of that.”
Eliza bit down on her thumb. If the heart were the same type of organ as the penis, she would have gotten an obvious boner by now. “And you did this all for me?”
“Sure,” he said. It was natural. Making her breakfast, doing all the things no one had ever done for her before. But it wasn’t supposed to be. “I noticed you don’t eat enough. Your blood sugar bottoms out, your heartbeat is either too fast or too slow, and your stomach grumbles a lot.” His silly chuckle somehow made her smile, too. “If you don’t want to do it for yourself, that’s fine, but then at least do it for me. I’m the one who has to listen to your body scream for sustenance. It’s irritating.”
“Duly noted,” she said.
“You need to know," he leaned on the back of his chair with the veins on his forearm popping out like he was intentionally trying to kill her, "I don't usually do breakfast.”
The conversation she had been dreading.
He chuckled, trying to hide the blush on his cheeks, the evidence of just how uncomfortable he felt. “Foggy likes to call me a manwhore and you know, maybe he's right. I don’t really keep count, that would be weird, but relationships and I… we’re not speaking terms. Pun intended.”
She nodded again.
“I thought it'd be only fair to tell you that most of my mornings after don't go like this. Not like I can't tell you already knew that by the way your heartbeat just picked up, and you’re listening to me, so I take that as a sign that you’re not about to smack the hell out of me, but yeah... I felt the need to say it out loud. Open communication, you know. Get it all out there.”
Admitting to having an active sex life shouldn’t have to feel so humiliating.
Her bare feet patted closer to him. “I figured that much,” she said. The thought of him with other women made her feel insecure all of a sudden.
"Okay.” Matt took another deep breath, pushing himself off the chair again. “What I'm trying to tell you is that you're not like everyone else. You're not some woman I picked up in a bar to have sex with just to get the edge off. No. I know you think that but it's not true. I wouldn’t do that to you, not ever. That’s not… I’m trying not to be like that anymore. Have been for a long time. I just get weak sometimes and I can’t help it, but I promise you, it’s been a long time. I haven’t had anyone over in a while. If I did, I would tell you.”
Eliza nodded. "Okay." She chose to believe him.
"I'd like to take care of you if you'll let me, just to prove to you that I meant everything that I said last night." He motioned to the table. "I care about you, and I don’t want this to ruin us. It’s the last thing I want, believe me. Please? Let me take care of you, Eliza.” She couldn't say no to his smile either.
He was surprised at her following actions. She walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, planting her head right in his neck and the rest of her barely covered body right on his. He hugged her back. His arms wrapped all the way around her, holding her close to his chest. His heart skipped a beat. She couldn't feel it. He was more than glad she didn't share the same abilities.
Matt wasn't sure what he was doing. He had told her the truth without actually telling her and now he felt guilty. He felt guilty because he was still carrying the same, big secret he had taken her to bed with. He had sex with her. He made her breakfast. He was acting as if they were in a committed relationship and he didn't mind. In fact, he loved it, but Eliza was complex. He could hear the confusion in the way she moved. Her attraction seemed entirely physical.
She cared more than the general population, she was a good friend, an even better person, and a hero, but there was one thing she couldn't do: Love. Eliza wasn't sure how to fall in love or how to even stay in it. She hated herself. Truly, she was incapable of relationships that went beyond sex and since that seemed to be what Matt was starting to want, she found herself in the worst position possible.
What the hell are we supposed to do now?
She kissed him as if that would answer her question and solve the internal battle she had to fight with herself. It just momentarily eased the ache. Finally, he kissed back. She could lose herself in that feeling forever. It was much better than love or friendship. It was an easy feeling to sort. Physical attraction made sense.
"Thank you, Matt," she said. It seemed like the appropriate thing to say, and she meant it, every last syllable.
He pressed his forehead to hers. She sensed sadness in his eyes. The colors were dancing tango around his soul.
"Yeah, of course," he hummed back.
"No, seriously. I don't know what I would do without you."
"Die, probably."
"Yeah, probably."
"C'mon.” He squeezed her hips. "Let's eat breakfast.“
She lowered herself down on the hardwood chair. The second her ass hit the surface, she regretted ever considering sitting down. Her wince didn’t go unnoticed, but that was to be expected.
“You okay?” he asked.
“Fine,” she said. She was lying. 
Matt sighed. He opened the fridge, retrieving the ice pack he kept there for the many nights he came home with a black eye. Either that or he used frozen beans. He walked around her and dropped it in her lap, gently pushing it against her aching core. She hissed. It was cold and the pressure sent shockwaves through her body. She was incredibly overstimulated. 
He rubbed her shoulder. “I’m sorry.” Cue the catholic guilt. He traced over her neck, feeling the blood pooling underneath where his fingers used to be. His voice cracked, “Is it bad?" he asked. "Did I hurt you?” 
She caught his hand. “No, Matt, I’m okay. Just sore.” She shifted to readjust the ice pack. Her legs protested. “Like, very sore,” she said, and that made him chuckle. "Seriously, it's like a whole bench truck rolled over me, or I accidentally sat down on a beehive, and now everything's on fire."
He laughed at her bluntness. "Sitting on a beehive does not sound fun. Have you done it before?”
“Shut up!" she snorted. "I asked for it, remember? My body just isn’t used to this anymore. Having sex, I mean. It’s been a long time for me too, y’know. Very long.”
“About a year and a half, to be exact, and it lasted for about five minutes instead of five rounds. So, this is all a bit confusing for me, too.”
His head snapped around. “What?!” he blinked, “Why didn’t you tell me?” The question came soft. "I would have been gentler." He brushed over the bruise on her throat again. It was fading by the second, but he couldn’t see that. His mind switched to the ice pack, then he remembered the many hickeys he couldn’t help but leave. She was completely covered in him. But at what cost?
“I shouldn’t have squeezed this hard,” she heard him mutter. “I should have been in better control of myself?”
“Are you kidding me?” She stared at him. “Why do you feel guilty for something I wanted and clearly enjoyed?”
“Don’t tell me it doesn’t look like someone jumped you.”
“That’s because I was jumped. By you.”
“Okay,” he chuckled drily, “but the choking…”
“Was something I asked for. Besides, I bruise like a fucking peach. You’re not special.”
His eyebrows shot up. It took him a moment to process.
“You heard me,” she said. “Don’t give yourself too much credit. You’re not that strong.”
A laugh bubbled out of him. “You really have no filter, do you?” he said.
“God.” His chin tilted upwards. “You’re…”
“What?” She smirked.
“I don’t- you’re crazy.” He wanted to say something else entirely. “I should have asked you before,” he said. “I didn’t think… you made it sound like you do this more often.”
“I used to before Sokovia literally dropped out of the sky,” she told him. “The Avengers kind of went to shit after that. Didn’t have much time to think about sex between all the rules and the people dying around me.”
“Okay, fair point.”
“Hey,” Eliza said and reached for his hand on the table, squeezing it once she finally grabbed a hold of him. “You eased me into it. You didn’t just fuck me, you took your time and you talked to me and I-“ she struggled. She wasn’t sure how to say it without getting emotional. “I’m not used to this, not at all, and it scared me at first, how willing you are to listen to me, but I… I felt seen, for the first time. Do you- does that make sense to you? I’m not- okay, I have no idea how to talk about sex, so I’m just gonna stop now. This is embarrassing.”
Eliza hid behind the lid of her mug, eyes closed. The silence was agonizing. She didn’t want to look at him. There was always the possibility of being resented, and she wouldn’t survive that.
His soft voice and the spoken words made her heart flutter like a little butterfly. “It's not embarrassing," he said.
"It kind of is. I mean, I'm not nearly experienced enough. I don't know how to do this."
"If it makes you feel better, I haven't been in a situation like this before either." He smiled alongside his words. "Like I said, this isn't what I usually do."
"Manwhore," she said, "Yeah, got it."
He barked out a laugh. "Of course, that's the one thing you remember."
"I would have made that deduction myself, but you do this thing with your mouth..." she shook her head, "I don't know. You're pretty good for a manwhore."
"Ah, thank you."
"Not that the bar had been high. That thing was impossibly low. You could have been on your knees and still hit your head.”
His face turned serious, as did his tone. "I’m sorry,” he said, barely above a whisper. “So it's true then. No one has ever tried to understand what you like. They just took what they wanted, leaving you high and dry.”
"Pretty much," she said.
“Christ, I’m… how did you… why did you…” His frown showed his hard time understanding.
It wasn't all that complicated though. She picked men who chose to have sex for their own pleasure, men who didn't care about their partners, they just wanted to stick their dick somewhere and get off. There was no reason why.
There was no thrill in not enjoying sex, she realized that the second Matt kissed her the night before. He was supposed to be the standard to live by, not some guy off Tinder looking for a fuck-doll. But the number of people who were like Matt was limited to one. There could only be one of him, only one who did it quite like him, and that made her feel a little better.
"I just want to understand why you settled for less than what you deserve," he said, managing to piece his messy thoughts together.
“Don’t ask me," she answered. "After last night, I’m questioning a lot of things myself.”
“The things you like... it should be fun. You should be with someone willing to entertain your fantasies, as long as they don't cross a line, not someone who failed every possible anatomy lesson in high school."
“You wanna tell me that you knew all of that from the beginning?"
"Of course not," he chuckled softly, "but I experimented. I experimented and I learned what it could be like to share intimacy with other people. What it should be like. I had sex because I enjoyed it and I made sure that the other person was just as comfortable as me. It’s what should matter. Of course, you don’t know any of this right after your first time, you learn as you go.”
"My first time was in the dirty bathroom of a bar.” She wasn’t sure why she was telling him that. “I was nineteen, the guy was probably thirty-two.”
He blinked. “What?”
The math in his head triggered all sorts of alarms.
“Yeah,” she said. “But I was also high on Oxy at the time, so I wasn’t really there. Mentally, at least.“
Once she got to talking, it was hard to stop. The tension in his shoulders multiplied by the second. Her words hit parts of him that urged the animal out of hiding. The animal that didn’t want her to get hurt. The animal was ready to burn the world down to destroy everyone who had already hurt her and prevent any further damage. The animal that was so carnal, revenge came naturally and as second nature. He just wanted to destroy everyone she told him had hurt her in one way or another because she deserved the best and the people who used her deserved nothing but whatever punishment the devil had planned for them even long before their demise.
“Did he-“
“No. I wanted to. Or I thought I did. I know I said yes, but I didn't know what I was signing up for.”
“I don’t think it counts then. If you didn’t like it, you don’t have to say it was your first time. Virginity is a social construct anyway.”
“I second that, but what’s the point?”
“You could start over.”
“What’s done is done,” she stated.
“No,” he said sternly. “The guy groomed you. That wasn’t sex.”
“You’re right, he did. I’m not even gonna sugarcoat it. It’s bad. He was too old, but at that moment, I didn’t care. I was high. We both were. The consent on this one is a bit dubious but on both ends.“
“Okay.” He took a big breath. “You’re right,” it hurt him to cave. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”
“Thank you,” she said.
“I’m just curious,” he leaned forward, “Why did you continue having sex with people you don’t enjoy it with instead of finding someone you like?”
She supposed the question was fair and accounted for.
"I watched porn.”
“To prepare myself, I mean, but there is something inherently wrong about a lot of porn. It doesn't match up with reality at all. Most of it is staged. They fake orgasms, making the watcher believe it's that easy to cum. And everyone enjoys it. When you watch porn, everyone's moaning and they're having the time of their lives, no matter with what partner, so I thought that's what it's like. Fun. Sexy. Pleasing."
"And then the guy picked you up and it was nothing like what you prepared for."
“And I simply thought I was broken, so I accepted it.”
His nostrils flared. "God, this is- I'm sorry."
"No one told me it was going to hurt, that you had to be gentle the first time. I never had the talk because I didn't have parents, and Tony wouldn't bother, which I understand. I wouldn't have wanted him to. I didn't like having sex, I never had an orgasm before, and I was okay with that. It's sex. Everyone does it. Gets your mind off of things, even when you're not enjoying yourself. I don't know, I guess after that first time, I thought that's what sex is like. The guy offered, he showed me the only kind of affection I knew how to deal with and I was just so fucking broken, I couldn't help it. I needed to get rid of a pain that not even the drugs could make disappear, and I'm not even sure what kind of pain it was- is.” She scoffed into her coffee, watching as the liquid parted with her breathing. “I realize now that I might have oversexualized myself because all the men in my life ever did."
She expected a smart comeback, but instead, he took the hand that wasn't holding onto porcelain in both of his and kissed over her knuckles. "You're worth so much more than what they made you believe," he said.
"I keep thinking if someone had just told me, if I had known better, things wouldn't have turned out the way they did," she said. "I don't know. It's a stupid thought. I probably wouldn't have listened anyway."
"You can't put the blame on yourself," he said.
"But I chose to sleep with the wrong people."
"Still not your fault."
She smiled softly, almost sadly. "You put me on too high of a pedestal, Matt."
He shook his head, kissing her knuckles again. Part of him wanted to agree because he knew that. He knew he was thinking of her as some saint, but she wasn't. She was a person. No one is ever truly perfect. She had rough edges, she had issues and she wasn't relationship material. The things she did in the past would never go away. She was tainted. She wasn't the pure, innocent woman he liked to think her to be. But he didn't fall in love with her because he thought that. He fell in love with her because she wasn't perfect. She was far from that. She was neither a sinner nor a saint. She was Eliza. She was his person. He fell in love with her, all of her, not just the perfect picture his subconscious liked to paint. He fell in love with her for her, nothing else, nothing less, and nothing more. She was everything already. She was his world. She was everything he wanted and would ever need by his side. Losing her, he was sure, he wouldn't survive. And for Matt, that was one of the scariest yet exciting things to realize.
He blew over the wetness his lips left behind. She shuddered. The Matt Murdock effect was a dangerous game. "No," he whispered into her skin, hoping his voice would stay tattooed there, his words branded into her brain, "You're right where you need to be."
"And where is that?" she breathed.
"With me." Lovesick, a person would use to describe the look on his face. Trapped in a constant state of bliss.
"What does that mean? For us, I mean."
"I don't know. We'll figure it out." He had no doubts about that.
Eliza sighed. It didn't feel right. All of this was just too damn perfect. She hated perfect. She hated happiness. She hated couples who flaunted their relationships as if it wasn't the hardest thing to do. Most of all though, she hated love, because love is a fucking tricky bitch and she hated what it did to her.
She hated who she was becoming. She hated that she was doing this to him and he had no idea. He had no idea she was going to break his heart. It was the only thing she knew how to do. Whenever a perfect thing presented herself, something good, something stable, something that could possibly heal her broken soul and make her whole again, she felt the sudden urge to destroy it, and she would because that was all she knew how to do. Destroy the only good things in her life.
She was a menace. A wrecking ball. Her powers weren't the problem, and neither was the reality stone - she was.
Her voice was the last crack in the foundation. "I'm sorry." She was sorry for nothing in particular. She was sorry for everything.
He reacted differently from what she expected. He leaned over, grabbed her face, and kissed her. His eyes were glossed over and slightly red, and his lashes were already wet from the transference. "Listen," he called her name softly, "Promise me something?"
Eliza nodded.
"Whenever someone tries to take advantage of you, hurt you, or use you, fight back. And I don't mean physically because I know you're more than capable of that." He stopped to sniffle, trying to divert the tears. Those were tears stemming from a deep, sensitive part of him that constantly wanted to die whenever he was near her - he cared that much. "I mean, you need to fight back and talk about what you want. I need you to use your words to stand up for yourself, and if that's not enough, please, for the love of God, hit whoever tries to hurt you so hard, they will learn what it's like to be blind."
She wasn't sure how to deal with this whirlwind of emotions. He watched in horror as she broke down crying in front of him. Her hand dropped in her hands, tears streaming down her cheeks, and the sobs wrecking her body were painful to listen to. Every intake of breath was louder than the next one. If she kept this going, she would hyperventilate. Her heartbeat was already through the roof.
A hand found the back of her neck, moving her forward until she was safe in his arms. She tried to fight it, but Matt was stronger. He held her tightly against him, hoping she could hear his heart beating, hoping she could feel the comforting warmth and realize just how much she meant to him. He wanted that to be enough.
"I'm sorry," she cried. "Fuck! I don't deserve you. I don't."
He shook his head instantly. "Don't do that," he said. "Don't say that."
"I can't do this."
I can't love you.
This wasn't supposed to happen.
"Whatever this is, we can figure it out."
He was too good for her, to her.
"I promise you," he said, holding her a little further away, just enough to press their foreheads together and her hand against the left side of his chest, feeling the steady beating of his heart. "I have you," he said, "and I'm never letting you go. You're mine now and I'm yours. C'mon. You and me against the world, remember?"
"You and me?" she asked. The tears finally subsided, but the numb aching in her chest remained. She needed a remedy, something to reverse the poison her mind shot into her veins, tainting her perception of what she truly wanted.
"It's always gonna be you and me, sweetheart. Until the world ends."
"Yeah, promise."
Her eyes flicked to his lips. He wet them. There was so much left to discuss, so many things left unsaid, but none of that mattered. She felt trapped in her mind, the place was terrifying, and she needed out. The only way to do so was right in front of her, handsome and bruised, an angel with broken wings.
She kissed him first. The force tilted the chair back, his foot being the only thing keeping them connected to the floor. Eliza threw her entire weight against him as if that somehow would make her melt into him and make her disappear, just for a minute.
Regaining composure, Matt kissed her back with just about the same amount of force. Messy fingers mapped out every last inch of skin he could find. The picture of her was burned into his brain. He knew he could have her simply by saying the word. She would jump at the slightest possibility to please him. And as much as he loved the thought of that, he couldn't follow through with it.
He forced her face away from his. “I think we should talk about this first," he said.
She was afraid of talking. Talking ruined too much. “Why talk when you could do something else?” she said. Words weren't meant for people like her.
He was weak. Pathetic, foolish, idiotic, and the list went on. She flicked the switch and the tables turned. He licked his lips. “I can’t,” but he wanted to. “I’ve got an appointment with the prison Fisk is being held in.” Though his thumb tweaked her nipple. The other hand moved up her side, touching where he left the hickeys. He could feel them underneath his calloused fingertips. The fabric of his dress shirt was so thin, he could feel her heat radiating through it. 
Eliza pouted. His dress pants did little to conceal his erection. Amazing what just a little kissing could do to a man that proud himself on having self-control.
“God, you drive me crazy, you know that?” 
She ground down on him, sucking his bottom lip between hers. The sound was obscene. “I know.”
He hummed. His fingers worked wonders to ease the knots in her back and upper thighs that were restricting her movements. She relaxed in his arms.
"I think you need a hot shower," he said. "Always helps with sore muscles."
“I'm not in the mood for a shower."
"Why not?“
“‘Cause that’s not what I’m in the mood for.” Her eyes darkened. She prayed for him to get the hint.
Matt kept massaging her thigh, but his hand started to move further up until he reached her ass cheeks, giving them a firm squeeze. At this point, he was fully hard in his pants, cock straining painfully against the thin fabric.
She cocked an eyebrow. “Enjoying yourself?” she asked.
The smack against her left cheek was gentle, yet enough to make her jolt forward. “Yeah,” he breathed into her mouth, engulfing her in a tight hug as he pressed their lips together in a sloppy battle of tongue and teeth.
“You’re enjoying yourself too,” he underlined his words with a swift squeeze of her ass, causing her to moan against his hot mouth.
“Hmm, seems like I am." She played with the collar of his shirt where his tie was supposed to sit. One of the buttons opened itself. "I guess I just really like your lap."
"You do look good in my lap," he said. "It's almost like you were made for me."
"What a shame then that you can't enjoy it. I have so many great ideas."
Matt moved her further up so she was resting right above his crotch. "Oh yeah," he breathed huskily. "What would that be, exactly?"
"Oh, it involves a lot of sex."
"Really? Tell me more.”
He breathed in sharply. Her arousal made him high. Her scent lay in the air, thick and choking him into unconsciousness.
"You'd fuck me," she said. "Right on this table, then the kitchen counter, against the wall, the couch-"
"Damn," he interrupted her. His cheeks were starting to hurt from all the smiling. "Do we ever get to the bed in your theory, or is it just random surfaces in the apartment?"
"That depends. How much time do you have?"
"None," he had to admit, sadly.
Eliza hissed. "Bummer, and I was just getting started."
"I know. I can smell you, sweetheart." His nose nudged at her neck.
"You can actually smell me?"
"Oh, yes."
"So you could tell every time I-“ she was panicking.
“Well, not on purpose!”
“Oh, my God.”
He grabbed her before she could slip off of him. “Hey, I’m sorry. I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to. I was trying not to, but the more I tried, the worse it got.” He stroked his hands over her burning cheeks. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel insecure. There is no reason for you to be. It’s sweet.”
“Me?” she asked, voice quivering.
“Yeah. You’re sweet, and you taste and smell the same. It’s not a bad thing. If anything, you should be proud of yourself. I just have to say something flirty or take my shirt off and-" he snapped, "Instantly, without touching you, your fucking scent fills my nose. It makes my dick so hard, sweetheart. You have no idea how painful that is."
“Jesus Christ, Matt!” Her head dropped into the crook of his neck, which made him laugh. “It’s not funny.”
“I’m sorry,” he chuckled. “I’m not laughing at you. It’s just so cute when you get flustered.”
“No,” she whined. “You could tell every time you turned me on and you just- you didn’t say anything.”
“Would you have wanted me to?”
“Then why are we arguing?”
“‘Cause it’s embarrassing.”
“Tell me,” he said and bucked his hips so his hard cock bumped against the wet spot on her panties, “Does this feel like something you should be embarrassed about?”
She bit down on his shoulder. “God.”
“Hm? I don't think so.”
The friction of the two layers of fabric rubbed deliciously against her slick folds, the head of his cock pressing down on her clit ever so slightly, movements restricted by his pants and his boxers. They fell into a steady rhythm. He was as sensitive as ever, every move of her hips knocking the air out of his lungs and adding to the overwhelming pressure in his stomach. She started circling her hips and it hit his cock in all the right places, he threw back his head in absolute bliss, eyes shut and bottom lip bruised from the teeth grazing against it.
“You still embarrassed?” he asked.
“Shut up,” she shot back. Her hips faltered. He whimpered into her ear. “Oh-“ Her muscles twitched with the sudden wave of pleasure that shot straight to her core. The sound was heavenly. A sound so high coming out of a mouth that was usually so tough painted the most delicious picture, one she would never be able to get off her mind again.
His cock in the confines of his slacks was starting to hurt. He tried to angle her differently. The several layers of fabric sliding against the weeping head burned through his entire body, making his toes curl. It was the sweetest form of torture.
Eliza realized he was trying to gain more friction while at the same time, trying to free himself. "You need any help with that?” she asked.
"No, it's good," he said. He broke into a choked-up cry, her cunt leaving a wet trail on the grey of his suit. Her clit brushed against his cock and he could see the stars evading his vision clearly. Even with the world on fire, the darkness managed to explode.
She raked a hand through his hair. Sweaty strands stuck to his forehead. The single tear of pleasure tasted salty on her tongue, licking it up from where it trickled down his bearded chin. The hairs scratched at her tongue. His eyes fluttered shut. She was all over him, lips, hands, heartbeat to heartbeat - she was close enough for him to hear the wetness gush out of her hole, making the desperate back-and-forth of her hips even easier. Her arousal seeped through his pants, through his underwear, and onto his cock. It could have just been sweat mixed with her signature scent; he was too far gone to question the feeling.
His nails dug into her back. "What do you need?" she asked him, breathless and high.
He couldn't possibly form a coherent sentence.
"Do you need me to go faster?"
He nodded feverishly at the suggestion. She grinned against his jaw, picking up the speed of her hips, sliding her cunt harder and faster against his crotch and what she could feel of his sturdy thigh.
With another helpless whine, he demanded, "Kiss me."
She supposed he needed to suppress his moans, even though they were the only thing keeping her going. His voice alone was enough to make her wet, but the sounds erupting from his sound were the definition of pornographic.
In response, she sucked the golden cross in between her teeth and kissed him. He tasted the small piece of metal on his tongue. It was hot, laced with her signature scent and her spit. He kissed her through it, occasionally biting and licking with his tongue. The whole scene was so blasphemous, he should have felt guilty. He should have gone to confession then and there because this wasn’t right, far from it, but there wasn’t a bone in his body that cared. 
He growled when she stopped grinding and instead, started palming him through his slacks. “I should punish you for that,” he said. She squeezed her hand around his cock and he moaned, throwing his head back to taste her arousal in the air.
She bit her lip. “Oh, if God could see you now. What would he say then? If he could see what a slut you are for me.” 
His hips bucked into her touch.
“You see, you’re not the only one with a dirty mouth,” she said. Skillfully, she unbuckled his belt to free him, finally, and he hissed at the cold air touching the head of his cock. “God,” she growled, “Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?”
His eyes rolled back. “Fuck.” 
“Everything about you is absolutely divine. And you're good, so good, Matthew." He could only whimper in response. "It's okay, baby. You can let yourself go. I'll help you."
He grabbed her wrist, encouraging her movements. With every movement, he felt the endless bliss inch a little closer. He bucked his hips in time to meet her hand. The other slipped between her spread thighs, rubbing circles on her swollen clit, playing with the wetness that had collected in her underwear, a mixture between her and him.
Eliza huffed. She took the hand touching her pussy and forced it around her neck. “That’s not what this is,” she said. “Surrender control.”
He gritted his teeth. Of course, he would say no. He once again attempted to move his hands anywhere other than where she forced them to be. It was useless.
"You're not used to this position, are you? You're not used to being the submissive one?"
"I’m letting you do this, sweetheart,” he bit back. She pinched him.
“You could always do this yourself,” her breath was hot against his neck when she kissed his pulse point. His heart skyrocketed. The way her finger kept rubbing over his cock was too much.
“Don’t you dare,” he said. 
“Wasn’t planning to.”
“If you would just let me get you off-“
“Aw, are you getting close? Do you not want to be the first to cum?"
"That's a shame 'cause I'm not giving in."
"C'mon." He ignored her silent demand to keep his hands to himself, reaching into her panties this time, catching her clit. She stilled. If she allowed herself to enjoy his touch, she wouldn't win. She knew she would fall apart if he kept this up. He drew circles around the sensitive nub, eventually sliding down to collect the wetness at her entrance and rubbing it all over her cunt. Her pulse pounded hard and heavy underneath the sore skin. He could hear and feel it loud and clear.
While his thumb stayed, doing the job it was supposed to do, his middle finger dipped into her hole. She gasped. He wasn't playing fair. This was her moment and he was ruining it by taking control. The position made it a little harder to slide his fingers inside of her, but the man was flexible, especially with his hands. He had no trouble stuffing her with his fingers, his thumb still drawing symbols on her clit. Her thighs twitched. It was unfair how good he felt.
She sighed. "You really can't take when something is given to you, can you?"
"No," he smirked against her neck.
She desperately searched for support when he managed to slide a third finger in.
"Oh, God. Fucking Christ. Shit!"
"Language," he murmured. His lips were sure to leave a bruise on her collarbone.
"Oh, I hate you," she panted. The way his fingers expertly thrust into her had her hanging over the edge in seconds, held up only by a small string of self-control.
Matt kissed her neck. "Sure you do." He didn't seem bothered.
Until her fist tightened so incredibly hard around his cock, he almost came right then and there. "Stop fighting, Matthew," she said.
"You stop fighting." He curled one of his fingers to hit her G-spot.
Her eyebrows shut up. “You are such a brat, Matthew Murdock. This is honestly pathetic.”
She lost hold of his cock, surprised to see him stopping her completely. He kissed her, lips hot and wet, and he stuffed himself back into his dress pants, hard and leaking precum. She was this close to making him come apart. Instead, he chose to torture himself. She was trying to not take it personally.
Who would have figured that the Catholic guilt made Matt Murdock horny as fuck. 
He pulled his fingers out of her, leaving her empty and aching, and in one big swoop, he wiped the dining table clean. All the food and cutlery fell to the floor. Liquid spilled everywhere, hopefully not on the carpet. He lifted her off his lap with a single arm, sitting her down on the table.
He ripped his shirt open, the one she wore. Buttons joined the chaos on the floor. “I have ten minutes,” he growled into her neck. “I will make you cum in five and if you try to stop me or pull my head away, I'll make you wish that you'd never pushed me this far.” 
Eliza stared up at him. Well, shit. 
Instead of pulling the underwear down her legs, he pulled at the waistband. Her cunt was aching, she probably couldn’t take another orgasm, not for another day, so why was it that she found herself in this position again? 
She couldn’t help herself. She needed him like she needed air to breathe.
The fabric of her panties was pretty much torn to shreds by the time it landed on the floor. She gasped.
“I want to try something. Would you be okay with that?" He pushed her hair out of her face.
Eliza wanted to say no, but the offer seemed too exciting to decline. "Yeah," she breathed out.
"We need a safe word," he told her. "Green means go, yellow indicates that you’re nearing your limits, and red means-"
"Stop," she finished. "Yeah, got it."
He smirked. "Eager, are we?"
"Well, I'm certainly not gonna cum on my own."
"Okay. Listen, if this weren't so time sensitive, I would leave you here with only your fingers and then see how close you can get without my help." His head cocked at her sharp intake of breath. "So, I'd be careful if I were you. Unless you want to suffer for the rest of the day."
Her whine sufficed. "I'm sorry," she said. She sounded so small. She hated how he managed to make her go from confident to submissive in one go. He reached for the steering wheel and took over. It was frustrating but at the same time, it turned her on like nothing ever had before.
Matt kissed her. "Good girl," he said. He pushed her back with a flat hand on her stomach. "Now be even better and spread your legs for me, sweetheart."
She threw her head back against the wood of the table. His head buried deep in her cunt and while it hurt, she couldn’t help but moan. It felt good, his tongue flat against her folds as he spread them expertly once again to unsheath her clit. Still swollen from the night before, she was sure she was going to finish in less than five minutes. 
 “Oh, God!” She chanted his name like a prayer. In response to that, a single hand reached for the cross necklace and forced it between her teeth. She moaned. She wanted to gag at the taste, but she couldn’t. She could barely breathe. 
The crown of her head was the only thing connecting her to the table. The wood hit the wall behind them repeatedly, with every thrust of his tongue and the desperate attempt to bring her hips closer to his mouth. It made the floor shake, it seemed. Her hands tangled in his hair. He could hear the blood rushing in her thighs next to his ears. It was excruciating, it was painful. He needed more or he would surely die.
What was he doing to her? This couldn’t possibly be real. No one could be as good at eating pussy as he was. She was dreaming, had to be. 
His hands found her bare tits. His fingers were rough, his touch gentle. He squeezed the tender flesh. Her nipples perked up at the sudden attention. He tucked at them, expertly playing with them, and it added heavily to the painful pressure building in her lower stomach. She wanted to savor it longer, but she was stumbling on the edge, her muscles too sore to focus on anything other than the high she was chasing. 
Her hands found his, keeping him wrapped around her breasts. She encouraged him to squeeze harder. The flesh was incredibly soft underneath his touch. 
Matt sucked at her clit again. The suction was wet and obscene and it hurt so good, she choked out a warning. “Fuck, don’t stop,” she said. It was more of a breath than spoken words, but he heard her loud and clear. “Don’t stop!” 
Four minutes and thirty-two seconds. He counted the movements of the minute hand inside the clock on his kitchen wall. 
She cried loudly when he stopped. Her hips bucked, but the thought alone didn’t work. The pressure subsided. She was left aching, clit pulsating, and the air cold on her pussy. She wanted to pass away. The tears she fought were ones of frustration and pure pleasure. She hated him. It wasn’t fair. 
Matt pursed his lips and blew cold air against her clit. She whined. It was too much and not enough at the same time. Her leg twitched from where it was still seated over his shoulder. 
“I need you to hold it,” he said. The tone of his voice sounded firm as if something might happen if she disobeyed.
Eliza bit her lip. The blood was pooling in her mouth and around the cross necklace. “I can’t,” she choked out.
Squeezing the outside of her thighs added to the pain of the already-formed bruise. “Stop saying you can’t,” he said. 
“I really can’t. I need to-“
His large hand reached over her hip and between her legs. The slap wasn’t loud. He flicked her clit only enough to shock her. She clenched her legs around his neck. Her attempt to pull him in failed, instead he brought his palm back down on her sex. 
“Stop,” the demand was clear. “Don’t cum unless I tell you to."
And he dove right back in. His mouth attacked her clit with new vigor. He sucked and nibbled at the skin, tongue pumping into her. It was torture, him between her thighs, the sight of his hooded eyes searching for hers, knowing what he was doing. He moaned, that bastard, and his voice vibrated, adding to the pressure that was steadily growing again. She clenched her muscles, it was the only way to stop the inevitable from happening. Her fingers pulled at his hair so tightly, she could have sworn the next moan he let out was one of pain, not pleasure, but with Matt, the two often blurred the line.
As predicted, she tried to push his head away. It was too much, too painful and she knew if she didn’t, she was going to finish and it was going to hurt even more. The knot was so tight, the glass was about to break. She couldn’t make any noise, she was paralyzed.
He pulled her further into him, the response sounding more like a warning, “What did I say?” he growled. “What did I tell you about pulling my head away?”
She was crying. “I’m sorry, I just- Please, Matthew!”
“No,” he stated plainly. 
“You wanna be my good girl?” She nodded feverishly. “Then hold it.” 
His head disappeared between her thighs again. He kissed her folds. This one was gentler. He took his time. The rough surface of his tongue felt like sandpaper. 
“Fuck!” and she wasn’t sure if she said, Matty or Daddy. Her mind short-circuited. She was a woman out of control and he was holding the remote.
“A bit more,” he whispered to her clit, “You can do it.”
She could have said red and then the torture would have been over. He would have stopped and they could have gone about their day, but truth be told, she didn’t want to. She wanted him to stop yet keep going at the same time and it was fucked up because as much as she tried to ignore it, his dominance was turning her on, and she was more than ready to comply. She was more than ready to suffer through it. 
"You taste so good, fuck! I love it when you do as you're told."
“Oh, fuck you, Matthew!” 
Her eyes flew open. He stopped. 
“What did you just say?” he asked. His chin was glistening with her arousal, cheeks flushed, eyes hooded. “Repeat that back to me, sweetheart. What did you just say?”
“I’m… I’m so sorry, Matt. I was-"
"I said, repeat it back to me."
"I said fuck you, Matthew. But I didn't mean it, I swear."
Her sobs were pathetic.
"Something tells me you did," he hummed. "Do you want to get off or not?"
"Yes!" she cried out. "Fuck, yes. Please! I need to cum, ah!” His teeth dug into the inside of her thigh. She threw her head back. "I really want to cum. Please, Matthew. I'll be good! I'll be good, I promise."
He cooed, "How could I say no to that?"
She nodded feverishly. She hoped he would continue, allowing her some of the sweet relief she was chasing.
“Hey," he forced her to look at him with a harsh tug at her thighs, "If you keep talking to me like that, I won’t let you cum at all.” The statement left no space for discussion. "We clear?"
"Yes," she choked out. "I'm sorry." The last thing she wanted was to disappoint him.
He caught onto the tears and how some of them started to feel like more than just frustration seeping out of her pores. His gaze softened. "You okay?" he asked. His controlling facade dropped and the normal Matt started to peek his head around the corner.
Eliza lifted herself up to her elbows. Her head was dizzy. The ruined orgasm kept on building, even without him touching her, but the lack of pressure on her clit was frustrating and she wanted more. She needed more. She needed all he had to give and his sudden patience made her almost angry.
"You okay?" he smiled up at her.
She nodded. "Yeah, yeah. Fine. What- why are you-" She couldn't even speak properly anymore.
"What's your color?"
This wasn't part of the play.
She blinked again. It took a moment for her brain to piece the puzzle together. "Green," she told him.
Relief washed over him. "Thank you."
“Now, can you get back to what you’re doing or-“
He chuckled darkly. “Oh, sweetheart, you’re gonna wish you didn’t just say that.” And then the dominant Matt returned and she drove back to her bed in heaven. She wanted to stay there for all eternity, and he wouldn't mind building a home between her thighs either. It was his favorite place in the world already, and he had only gotten two tastes so far.
His tongue flattened against her folds. He thrust the tip in, nudging his nose against her clit. The pressure was sweet torture. And he decided to take his time. He explored her insides with his tongue while his hands kept feeling her up. He caught her nipples with his fingers, pinching them. It elicited a cry of pain from her, but it quickly turned to pleasure when he soothed over the ache by squeezing her tits. 
“Matt,” she as much as begged. “Can I..."
He shook his head. The movement felt absolutely genius on her sensitive skin. The inside of her thighs was red and her pussy was swollen from all the attention. She would surely find serious beard burn later. He was trying to avoid rubbing against her too much, but with her thighs clenching around his head and squishing his cheeks between them, he didn't have much of a choice but to let it happen. The fire was bittersweet.  
He moaned. He did that on purpose. “One more second.”
Every muscle in her body was tense. “I can’t take another second! Fuck!” 
“Ah-ah,” his nails dug into her hips, “Do as I say.”
“Please, Matt!”
He decided to have at least some mercy on her. “Fuck my face and I might just let you.” 
She bucked her hips into his mouth. He greeted her gladly with all he had to give. It was messy, she was chasing the high her body had been denied so many times before, and pathetically, it took her some time before her legs locked around his head. He was holding her so tight, she wasn’t sure why. Until he groaned, a broken scream, and finally, after what felt like an eternity. “Cum.” 
She bit into her forearm when she came. It was way too early for the neighbors to hear obscure moaning from next door. She was pretty convinced, also, that none of this was particularly helpful to her concussion. Her head came down so hard on the wooden table, the sound was deafening even to her ears. The rest of her body shut down, paralyzed in their spot, and Matt was trapped between her thighs. The second the orgasm crashed over her, the pain multiplied. Like a hot sword, it cut through her. But what started as painful slowly turned into pleasure – extreme pleasure. It was the kind of pleasure that makes you see the gates of heaven as your soul slowly descends from your being. 
Her fist hit the table. Her teeth drew blood on her arm. The orgasm went on forever, it seemed. Her body wouldn’t stop convulsing underneath him and greedy as he was, he made sure to completely suck her dry. He dragged it on for far too long, but she enjoyed it. She enjoyed the way he took care of her. 
The pain long forgotten, all she could feel was his mouth and the small groans he allowed himself to release as he cleaned her up. He sucked up every last drop she had to give
“Good girl,” he said. “Such a good girl.”
He peaked up at her, eyes blown wide with lust and his mouth glistening with her release. He was searching for her face and almost succeeded, but only almost. He failed her by millimeters. 
Maybe sex with Matt Murdock was exactly the remedy she needed. 
The gentle stroking of his hands along her sides brought her back to life. She breathed shakily, watching him rise to his feet and lean over her, brushing the hairs out of her face, sticky with sweat. 
He accidentally brushed against her nipples. She slapped his hand away. He took the hint, making sure to avoid her erogenous zones altogether as he kept kissing her skin to calm her down. 
She looked down to see the obvious wet patch in his pants. Oh.
“You see what you do to me?” he muttered. 
She thought him calling her sweetheart was a compliment enough, but damn it! Seeing the effect she had on him was the best fucking compliment anyone could have given her, ever.
“Thank you,” she breathed.
“No, thank you.” He stroked her cheek. She watched as he dipped a finger between her legs to collect the wetness still leaking out of her, and he licked his luscious lips. "That was so good."
"Hm. I think you completely ruined my thighs."
His hand soothed over the reddened skin.
"Did you ever consider shaving?" she smirked at him. "Like you shave your chest, I mean."
"Foggy said that makes me look like a baby in a suit," he said.
"Boss baby."
"That's exactly what he called me!" He pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek. "Seriously now though, do you need me to shave? Does it hurt?"
She giggled. "No, I like your beard."
"Okay, good."
"And I think I would like it even more if you grew out your chest hair." The post-orgasm haze made her particularly talkative this time around.
He raised his eyebrows. "Oh?"
"But I can understand why you don't. It's probably uncomfortable with your hypersensitivity, right? I know I get annoyed by my body hair sometimes, so I prefer to shave, but not everyone does and that's okay. Shaved or not, doesn't matter. As long as you're comfortable."
"I actually just thought less hair would be more aesthetically pleasing."
"You're easy on the eyes, either way, Matt," she said. Her hand ran through his hair, down his face, through his stubble until she found his covered chest. She opened three more buttons, just enough to reveal the first half of his chest. The skin was smooth, moisturized, and shaven. He had freckles. They weren't just limited to his perfect nose. He had them everywhere, the top of his chest, his back. The little things she paid attention to were the most beautiful.
He smirked. "Well, I'm glad to hear that. Perhaps I will miss a day or two now that I know you like my body hair so much."
"I don't think I'd be able to survive." She sighed dramatically. "It'd be the death of me."
"That bad, huh?"
"The perfect wet dream. Don't make me think about it, you're making me horny again."
Matt pulled his dress pants up by the belt, laughing at the cute nonsense she was spilling. He pushed her foot away when she tried to pull him back into her. She whined.
“I have to go,” he said. 
“Can’t you stay for five more minutes?”
“Sweetheart, if we start this, it’s gonna take longer than five minutes, and I’ve already dragged this on for longer than I should have.” 
“I don’t care.”
“Fisk’s lawyer is gonna kill me.”
“Just tell them your driver was late or something. Please,” she reached for his small waist, “I need you.”
She had never begged for anything before in her life, especially not for this. 
He kissed her, sighing into her mouth. She kissed back harder, pushing her tongue against his. He didn’t have much of a choice. Not without a cold shower first. She made out with him painfully slow, hands caressing his sides, trying to get under his dress shirt. She made work of the buttons, trying not to ruin them, but she was this close to tearing the fabric apart. 
“I haven’t felt this free in years,” she breathed against him. “I haven’t felt like anybody found me beautiful for so long, I started to believe that I’m just not worth it.” She moved his hands back to her breasts. He kept them there, squeezing slightly. “And you’re right,” she stopped to moan, “I let the men in my life use me because I believe I don’t deserve better. I just… I’m desperate here, Matt. I’m desperate because I have nothing left to lose, and if I’m not close to you, I’m sure I will break apart. You make me forget about all of this. Please, Matthew.”
This was the first time in all of her existence that she was begging to be loved, just once, just one more time. She had never needed assurance more than at that moment. He was the only person she believed when he told her she was beautiful. He was the only person she could fall into and not care about how she looked or sounded. Matt judged people on a deeper level. He judged them by all the non-superficial things. He wasn’t objective. He could see a person’s soul, almost like she did, and so his judgment was often right. With him, she could breathe. That had never happened before. 
He cocked his head. If he took a cab instead of the bus, he still had some time to spare. And he couldn’t say no, not when she sounded so sweet. She was asking him to take care of her. It was new. Eliza hated to admit when she needed someone, which only proved how serious this had to be. 
Matt grabbed her chin rather firmly. “Hey,” he said. “You’re so beautiful, don't think any less of you.” 
“Show me,” her voice was barely above a whisper. “Show me how beautiful I am.”
“Oh, sweetheart.”
“Don’t leave me alone with my thoughts.” 
It broke him, and not in a sexual sense. He wasn’t quite sure if acting on her wishes was a bad idea; she agreed to it, but she seemed oddly emotional, even for her, and he didn’t want to take advantage of that. 
“I can’t take you with me,” he said. 
“But you can put your dick in me.”
His breath stuttered. “Sorry?”
“You heard me.” The grin on her face was cocky. “Unless you don’t want to.”
But he had already opened his belt buckle again. “I hate you so much,” the words turned to grunts.
He felt the pattern of the leather, then attempted to look at her. He couldn’t ask her that. They slept together once. Sure, she was kinky, extremely so, and he was so glad to finally have found someone who was more than ready to entertain what he liked, but this was something not made for the second time.
Still, he licked his lips and he wondered what it might be like to tie her hands behind her back while burying his cock to the hilt inside of her from behind, ass bouncing as he kept thrusting to fill her up with his cum, breeding her, marking her.  
And he was instantly hard again. 
She pulled him closer, but he stopped her before she could kiss him again. He hoisted her up in his arms, legs wrapped around him as he made his way into the kitchen, a higher surface than the table only a few steps away. The marble of the kitchen counter was cold against her bare backside once he set her down, and he easily slipped between her thighs, repositioning her so she was as close to the edge as possible without falling. 
Eliza tried to open the button and the zipper at the same time. "Oh, fuck me," she grumbled. His slacks, more expensive than anything else he had in his possession, had a mind of their own. They didn't seem to want this as much as she did and it was frustrating. if someone had told her before that she would get angry at a piece of clothing simply because she was desperate for some dick she probably would have laughed.
"Hey, don't ruin my pants," he said. The amusement was clear in his eyes.
"Don't tell me what to do," she bit back. Finally, the button budged and she managed to slide the zipper down. She shoved the last barrier between them below his ass, just enough to help his cock out of it. She didn't need much more.
His erection poked her stomach. She sighed, almost proud of herself for getting him this far. “Is this okay?” he asked between kisses. 
She nodded. “Yes.”
He hooked her leg around his waist. “Tell me, what do you need?”
“I need you, Matt.”
“And what do you need me to do?”
“Fuck me,” she said with an almost frustrated groan. “Just fuck me, please.”
Her desperation made him smile. “Breathe,” it was the only warning he gave before he thrust into her with one smooth move of his hips. 
She moaned loudly. He split her open, but unlike the night before, he didn’t care much about taking his time to enter her. Once he bottomed out though, he groaned into her neck and he stayed there. Arms on the counter, hands placed above each other behind her to cage her in, to hold her there, making more than sure she wouldn’t hurt herself. He gave her time to adjust. It was still a surprising stretch, though she was way more relaxed than the first time, which made it easier for him to bury himself to the hilt inside of her. She was so warm, her pussy hugging him so tight, he was convinced that if she moved, he wouldn’t be able to control himself. And Matt wasn’t prone to finishing too early. 
Eliza dug her nails into his shoulders. “Are you okay?” he asked her, and she bucked her hips forward, hoping it was answer enough. The dark locks he kept groomed but never fully shaved grazed against her clit. An arm reached around her waist. 
“Matt,” she begged. 
“You need a minute," he said.
"No, I'm fine."
"Trust me. Let me stay here a little longer. Just a minute."
She clenched down on him. 
“God, I love it when you do that.”
“What?” she teased, chasing after the bare skin of his torso, pressing her lips everywhere she could find. “This?” She clenched around him again.
He grunted. “Yeah, that.” He reached for her face from where her lips were sucking at his erect nipples.
She tilted her chin up to take his invitation to kiss her. He bunched her hair in his hands; it was wild and free and it was getting in the way of touching her completely. Nails scratched across his torso. Her hips bucked again, this time out of instinct.
“You need me to move?” he asked.
His breath shuddered. “Please.”
“How would you like me to move?”
“Oh, are you kidding me,” the last part of the sentence got swallowed by his mouth.
Matt brought his hips back, pulling out slightly, then thrust forward. He split her open agonizingly slow and she wasn’t having any of it. He chuckled against her throat, her neck thrown back in ecstasy because while his pace was annoying, it felt too good not to enjoy it while it lasted.
He didn’t expect her nails to dig into his ass, pulling him close and deeper into her pussy, and then she pulled at his cheeks until he had almost completely pulled out. He followed her movements with his senses intently, curious about her approach.
He cocked his head to the side. “What are you doing?” he wondered out loud.
“I need you to do something, Matt. Anything, just... don't just stand there,” she said, and she hid her face in his chest to hide the blush of embarrassment on her cheeks. “We’re either playing twenty questions or you’re fucking me. We can’t do both.”
“Alright, all you had to do was ask.” He captured her lips with his. “Smartass.”
“Yeah,” she kissed him back, “But you love it.”
He chuckled. "Are you sure?" It quickly turned into a giggle, which made her bite back a moan. He was cute and it wasn’t supposed to turn her on but it did. “Here,” he hummed, reaching for the thigh on his right to rest straight against her chest, but he didn’t throw her entire leg over his shoulder, he just angled the limb impossibly high, still supported by his broad chest and hands as he pushed into her.
“Oh, fuck!” She threw her head back.
“Yeah, where did that smart mouth of yours go now, huh?”
She groaned, pulling at his hair. Their lips met. It was hot, tongue and teeth clashing, and she took his breath away.
He started with slow, deep strokes. The squishy walls of her pussy had a vice grip on him. He didn’t have much of a choice but to comply with what her body told him. She wanted faster and deeper, but not harder. Not this time. She wanted him as close as humanly possible, kissing his lips, and playing with his tongue. She tasted her juices on him still, the faint scent of the cum on his pants sending her into a space where she felt like an addict all over again. 
“You feel so good.”
The blood rushed to her cheeks. Eliza moaned, feeling her muscles tighten around him. He sighed, this was perfection.
She arched her back and his hand found its way back to her throat. He didn’t choke her this time, he just made sure she didn’t injure herself. On the kitchen counter, that was a possibility he didn’t want to explore. 
Her fingers pulled at his already messed-up hair as he bit down on her shoulder, kissing along her collarbone and sucking a purple mark into her soft skin. She still tasted like him. He moaned, the palm of his hand moving between them to rest over her lower stomach. 
“You feel that?” he asked. He pushed down and she cried out, feeling his cock underneath her skin. 
Her foot dug into his ass. His hips snapped against hers. Skin slapped against skin, low moans, and heavy breaths caused the windows to fog with condensation. His dress shirt was soaked with sweat, and hair fell into his face, and she pushed them back behind his ears.
Matt grabbed a fistful of her hair to yank her back. “You think you can take another one?” he asked. 
“I don’t know,” she choked out. 
“C’mon. I’ve got you.” He took one of the hands from around his neck and slid it between them. "I want you to touch yourself."
Her breath hitched. "What?"
"Use your hand. Touch yourself for me. You can do it."
"I don't know how..."
"Yes, you do." He helped to circle her fingers against her clit. His hand around her wrist eased after she found a rhythm that she enjoyed, and he pulled away to touch the rest of her. "There you go," he praised into her ear. “I can feel that you're getting close.”
Her head was spinning. She couldn’t see, couldn’t breathe, she could only smell his skin, taste the sweat in the air and feel every last inch of his cock stretching her out in the most delicious of ways. Her fingers kept drawing circles on herself. It was almost enough to make her combust.
She whined, “I need more.”
He was biting at her earlobe then. “What do you need?” he cooed.
“More,” she said. Not getting the hint, he listened to the way her heart raced, analyzing the twitching of her muscles. She reached for the arm he kept around her, forcing his hand to her neck.
He hesitated, fingers only brushing the skin slightly. “You’re already bruised.”
“I don’t care,” her tone was firm.
Matt was fighting an internal battle. Of course, he wanted to, but he was scared. He didn’t want to hurt her. She wasn’t fragile. She was stronger than him, could heal faster than him, yet he couldn’t help but see her as fragile glass that could break at any moment, and he was scared of the day it might actually happen. He didn’t want it to be at his hand, though there was nothing he craved more than to feel her pulse jump beneath his fingers.
He let the Devil take over. His grip knocked the air out of her lungs in the most literal sense of the phrase. He squeezed tightly, cutting off her air supply for several seconds before releasing her neck. It was just what she needed. Her eyes rolled back into the back of her head and she was so close, she was whining and crying, but it felt too good, too real, and the lack of oxygen made her feel like she was on top of the world. It was like the perfect opioid high. She couldn’t feel a thing but him and the way her body struggled to keep up with the inhuman amount of pleasure that was unleashed on her. She didn’t need air when she had him. He could breathe for the both of them.
Her head rolled back, fingers stopping their movements on her clit. She enjoyed the feeling of his fingers around her throat. It was all she could focus on. She jolted when he pushed two fingers past her lips, allowing her to suck on them. They were gone way too fast, replacing her own on the sensitive skin between her legs, just above where his cock kept disappearing inside of her.
She was useless. Not a single thought to be uttered in her mind, no words, only obscene sounds that came strangled. She called him names and it was pathetic; it was so pathetic, she wanted to die, but at the same time, she had never wanted to live more. He owned her. He could have asked her all kinds of things and she would have done them, not even questioning his intentions. He had that kind of control over her mind and especially over her body. She was addicted now, there was no way of recovering from that.
“Look at me,” she heard him say. A soft command. She opened her eyes, exhausted, but she managed. “Good girl. Look me in the eyes, come on.” She blinked to meet the brown of his eyes. Heaven was only a footstep away.
“Can you cum for me?” he nuzzled his nose against hers. “Hm? Can you be good one last time?”
She nodded.
“Always so eager to please.” He chuckled, but he couldn’t hide the fact that this was affecting him as well. “Go on then. Make daddy proud.”
Her thighs locked around his hips. He just so caught her before she could split her head open on the counter. Her walls contracted around his cock. He held the back of her head, leaning over her, and the sweet sound of her moans into his ear was enough to send him over the finish line.
He came with a quiet shout of her name. The hot white of his cum coated her walls and she held him even tighter as he released everything he had to give inside of her, milking him for all he was worth. 
“That’s it. That’s my girl. Taking me so well. Fuck. Letting me fill you up. So good.”
“Fuck!” she felt him dripping out of her. 
He rode out his high with slow, hard thrusts until he had given all he was capable of, and her walls were completely filled with his spend.
There was a moment of silence between them, only their uneven breathing filling the air. Their heartbeats aligned until they managed to calm down, still pressed close to each other, hugging over the kitchen counter.
He lifted himself on his forearm, smiling lazily down at her. “Hi,” he said. 
She stroked his sweat-soaked brow. “Hi,” she replied. 
He pulled out of her with a small whine. Slowly, as if trying not to hurt her, he used the hand behind her head to help her sit up straight. Her legs were shaking. She tried hard not to show him, but as soon as he unhooked himself from her, he caught the way her thighs vibrated on the kitchen counter. She couldn’t even press them together. It made him incredibly proud of himself.
Matt dipped his finger into the line of cum trickling down the inside of her thigh. She watched curiously as he moved back up. His eyes were dark, darker than usual, and his pupils were blown wide at what he was about to do. 
Eliza choked on nothing when she felt him remove the necklace around her throat. The golden cross pressed into her thigh, covered in his released and partly her own. He traced it up her skin, leaving a sticky trail of cum behind. It pooled around the metal. 
“God, forgive me,” he said. 
He used two fingers to stuff the cross covered in his cum back inside of her, penetrating her already sensitive walls with his thick digits and the foreign object. She would never get it back, at least not for her to wear. 
She choked out a broken moan. Her thighs shut. His bicep got trapped between them, fingers still buried inside. She tried to keep him there. She was so full, so warm, she needed him to stay. Her head fell back in absolute bliss. 
Matt kept on slowly fucking his cum into her with the necklace and two thick fingers penetrating her, guiding the crucifix where it needed to be.
He pulled out to drag the tip over her clit. She sobbed. “Matt, this is not a good idea- Ah!” Her walls clenched around his finger. 
“Are you-“ he raised his eyebrows. “You’re so sensitive, fuck!” He began to thrust his fingers faster, the cross cold against her clit. He moved it in circles, in awe at how fast he had her on the edge again. Her pulse was racing. She was the only thing left on his mind. “I bet you’re gonna cum again for me, aren’t you?” he said almost mockingly. 
She nodded. “Fuck!” Her hips met the movements of his fingers. He wasn’t even completely inside of her, but the sight of the crucifix on her pussy and his fingers disappearing between the red walls of flesh, squelching with the wetness she released, was enough to build the inevitable orgasm.
He should have known this was going to happen. 
“I think you’ll need to repent for that,” he whispered into her ear. “I think you might need to pray a whole lot of Hail Marys for what you’re doing right now. I think you should confess.” He pushed the necklace harder on her clit, starting to move in circles. “Do you know how to do that, hm?”
She gasped against his plump lips. “Yes.”
“Then do it!”
“Oh,” – he curled his fingers – “Fuck me, Father, for I have-“
“No,” he stopped his movements. “That’s not how it goes. I hope to God himself you’re not asking him to fuck you for your sins.”
“No, not him either. You know,” he began to pull out, “If you’re gonna be blasphemous, at least moan my name.“
Panic spread in her eyes. “I’m sorry, Matthew,” she said. “I’ll be good, I promise.”
“Then confess.” He started moving his fingers again.
“Fuck! Forgive me Father for I have sinned…”
Matt smirked. “That’s it, that’s my girl. What do you have to ask forgiveness for, baby?” 
“For using the lord’s name in vain?”
“Yes. What else?”
“For… for not taking him seriously. Oh, fuck!” He brushed over her g-spot, “Right there.”
“That’s not what I’m waiting to hear,” he said, thumb joining the crucifix. “C’mon, say it. I know you want to.” 
“Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned,” – this was turning her on so fucking much, she wanted to combust, but she knew better than to cum without his permission – “For tainting the lord’s name and putting shame on all of Christianity by fucking this… fuck! Stupid crucifix.”
“And do you like it?” He curled his fingers again to hit her sweet spot. She grabbed onto his shoulder. “Do you like having it on your clit, along with my fingers inside of you, curling up,“ he demonstrated, “just like that?” 
“Say it. Say you love it.”
“I-“ her eyes rolled back. “Fuck, yes!”
He clicked his tongue. “Ah, not what I was asking.” 
She had her hand wrapped around his wrist, but he wouldn’t let her thrust against him. His body towered over her, locking her in place. 
“Say it, sweetheart, or I’m compelled to stop. Do you love being fucked like this? Do you love to use God for your pleasure like the dirty little whore you are?” 
“God, yes, I love it! I love it so much.”
“Dirty girl.” He leaned in to kiss her. 
She desperately sought some friction, lifting her hips. “What’s my sentence, father?”
Oh, that makes so much more sense now. Matt growled. He removed the cross from her clit and shoved it back inside of her, listening intently to the sound it made twisting against the walls of her pussy. His thumb returned to rubbing circles on the sensitive bundle of nerves. “Cum,” was all he said. 
She gushed all around his fingers and the crucifix, leaking onto the kitchen counter. He buried his head in her neck as she leaned against him, releasing the filthiest sounds directly in his ear. 
Eliza whimpered when he didn’t stop pounding into her. He cut her off. “Shh. Just making sure you won’t forget me while I’m gone.” 
Matt made use of her slack jaw, shoving the necklace back between her lips. The taste was almost too much to bear. When he took it back out, it was dripping with her saliva, still slightly white from the cum she hadn’t been able to lick from the edges. 
He scoffed mockingly. “Would you look at that?”
“Oh,” she moaned, “We’re going to hell.”
“We all are.” He lowered his head to slip the necklace over. It left a wet patch from where it was now dangling around his throat, the pendant pressed to his chest with the slick. “Blasphemy has never smelled so fucking good.”
“Are you gonna tell your priest about this?” 
“No,” he chuckled. “This is only for me to remember and I will now, every time I pray.” 
Matt could smell her, he could taste her. Sweet, sweet torture he brought upon himself. By the time he finished getting dressed, Eliza had cleaned most of the mess they made. He followed her movements, sticky thighs, sweaty skin - she was perfect. The dress shirt was still dangling off her shoulders, torn apart, and the rest of her was completely bare to him. 
She caught him staring from the door frame. “What?” self-consciousness laced her voice. 
“Nothing,” he waved her off. Hands slipped underneath the dress shirt, grabbing her butt. “I was just thinking, maybe you should put on some clothes before Foggy comes over. Not that I can blame him for eye-fucking you, but it's not for him.”
“Not fond of sharing, are we?” she teased.
He chuckled. “Not really, no.” His hands released her butt, allowing her to find even footing again. “Especially not with Foggy.”
“Oh, anyone you would be comfortable with?"
"Well, there is this guy who wears Devil horns at night. He likes to enforce justice with his fists, puts bad guys behind bars. I heard he has a great butt, too.”
"Really?" she played along. "I don’t think I know a guy like that.”
“Oh, you don’t?”
“He likes to wear red or something, I don’t know, I can’t see, but he’s been rumored to have put Wilson Fisk behind bars. He destroyed the Yakuza, did all of these super cool hero things… c’mon, you know him.”
“Hmm. Do you mean Daredevil?"
"Yeah, that's him."
"And you would share me with him?"
"Only him," he said.
"Hm,” – he caught her devilish grin with a frown – “so why is Foggy coming over again?” 
“Yeah, I forgot to tell you. I put him on Eliza duty.” 
She reached around him, over the waistband of his fresh slacks, and then smack! 
“Hey!” Matt glared. 
Eliza only sighed in relief. “I always wanted to do that.” 
“You know, I thought you were gonna fix my tie.” He bit back the smirk threatening to form. “Since you pride yourself on being so good all the time.”
She only squeezed his ass again. There were no words in the existence of the English language to explain what it felt like. It was even better than looking at it. He had the perfect ass. 
He broke out into laughter. “You done?” he asked.
“You can feel my ass whenever you want, sweetheart. In fact, I encourage you to do so, but I really need to get going now.”
With one last smack, she released him. Her eyes narrowed down on his hip. “I’m coming back for you,” she whispered.
He shook his head. “You’re a lost cause.”
Grinning, she wrapped her arms around his neck to fix his tie, like he originally wanted her to. “So, what’s Eliza duty?” she questioned.
“Someone has to make sure you don’t get yourself in trouble. So I called him,” he said, placing his signature red glasses on his nose, “Uh, he’s gonna walk you through all the files we have on Fisk and you can help him get on the same page we are, so things will be easier from here on. Once he knows everything, I mean.” 
“Does he know what you’re planning to do now?” 
“Not exactly.”
“What did you tell him?”
“I told him I was gonna pursue a lead, I just didn’t tell him where.”
“Oh, Matt.”
“Hey,” he said, “I’m gonna be fine.” 
She breathed in his scent. He must have showered. “Please, be careful,” she said. 
He kissed the corner of her mouth. “See you later, bug.”
“What did you just call me?”
But the door shut without an answer, and she was left pondering the one question that should have been answered before they did what they inevitably ended up doing; what did all of this even mean?
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outrowingss · 2 years
okay becoming elizabeth episode 4 here are my thoughts
- They really went straight in with the missed period/possible pregnancy storyline, that scene Elizabeth and Kat was almost ripped out of The Lady Elizabeth by Alison Weir (which it didn’t go down the full route of and i’m glad it didn’t but seeing that book on the reading list gave me the fear). I’m still not happy with the fact that it implies that Elizabeth had sex with Seymour.
- Were the Denny’s that cold with Elizabeth, especially Joan Champernowne? Because it appeared as if they couldn’t wait to get rid of her.
- And we can now see Seymour beginning to prey on Lady Jane Grey, why is that man not dead yet. 
-  So it was not Robert that got smacked by that man it was a poor Catholic priest who got slapped with a cross that took his eye out. Nothing wakes you up in the morning like some sectarianism.
- Romola continues to be fantastic as Mary. I loved the scene of her talking to Elizabeth and the scene of her trying to talk some sense into Catherine Parr.
- Robert going for Henry Grey after he called Elizabeth a whore as you should Robin! 
- It’s definitley becoming more obvious that Robert has feelings for Elizabeth as much as he tried to deny it to his father, even though after the Henry Grey thing John Dudley can definitely see it.
- The scene of Robert visiting Elizabeth was so sweet! I do think she told him all that went down with Seymour it just cuts to him leaving and saying ‘shit’. I think he knows what happened. Also at the end where he comments on her ‘image rehabilitation’. If she did i like that it’s showing him as someone she can always trust and someone who will be there for her, it’s good foreshadowing for the development of their relationship as they get older and he becomes her Eyes.
- Poor Catherine Parr :( i do wish they showed her calling out Seymour on her deathbed rather than just showing him drinking and then just skipping to her being dead.
- Speaking of Seymour i did not need to see him skinny dipping thank you.
- I’m assuming it’s bc of filming locations but why didn’t Elizabeth go to Hatfield instead of back to Chelsea?
- Henry VIII being called an ‘old cunt’ made me giggle i’m not going to lie. 
- I really liked the scene of the Seymours talking about Jane and how they can see a bit of her in Edward.
- ‘Let them burn’ could that be some foreshadowing from Mary?
- Seymour asking Elizabeth to marry him GET A JOB STAY AWAY FROM HER.
- In all seriousness i really hope they do not show Elizabeth agreeing to marry Seymour and going along with his schemes. There’s a lot of things i can forgive about this show but this would not be one of them. If ‘that girl is dead’ like she said, they would not have her do that.
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beyondspaceandstars · 2 years
The Morning After
Relationship: TASM!Peter Parker x Reader Warnings: Mentions of sex, suggestive language, crappy title (i’m sorry) Summary: You find the hickeys Peter left on you last night A/N: This is a short, cute thing that came to me in my sleep last night lmao I’m sorry I’m on a bit of a TASM!Peter kick lately. Peter is college-age in this which is very obvious but im still mentioning it here lmao please enjoy :)
Usually, it was your alarm clock waking you up for your 8 A.M. lecture. But today, it was your annoying yet adorable boyfriend attacking your neck that roused you from your sleep.
You giggled, playfully trying to push him off. Of course, he didn’t budge. "Peter, seriously?"
Peter had surprised you last night by showing up at your dorm. His Friday lecture had been canceled and he thought that’d give him the perfect chance to come to visit you. You two had spent a lovely first night together but unlike him, you did have a Friday lecture to get to.
"Mmm, sorry," he muttered into your neck as his hands ran up and down your sides. "Can’t seem to get enough of you. I missed you so much."
"I missed you too, honey, but you can have more of me after class," you replied as your alarm clock went off on your bedside table. Going to a different college than your boyfriend was tough but you know what else was tough? Passing your classes.
"Skip it," Peter replied.
You gasped at his suggestion. "Is the genius Peter Parker telling me to skip class?"
"He is," Peter said and lifted his head from your neck. He looked at you with tempting, pleading eyes. "And I think you should listen to him. He is a genius after all."
You laughed and shook your head, taking the chance to slip out from Peter’s grip. He whined at the loss of contact. You ignored his silly antics as you rifled through your closet, hunting for an outfit.
"I’ll be gone for an hour at most," you said as you pulled on the comfiest outfit you could find — because, come on, Friday class — and headed over to your mirror to start on your make-up. "You can lounge around here or…"
Your words died out as you took in your rough appearance. It took all your strength not to scream as you whipped your head to your boyfriend who was completely oblivious to what you had just found. He was laying on the dorm bed, flipping through one of your textbooks.
"Or what, babe?" Peter asked, still unaware of the anger that was beginning to boil in you.
You promptly ignored his question and asked, "Peter, what the hell is this?"
"One of your textbooks," he replied. "You know, this all seems a little—,"
"No, Peter, I’m not talking about the damn textbook," you said, your voice just nearly at a scream. Your tone made Peter finally look up at you. "I’m talking about the fact it looks I took a million paintballs to the neck." You motioned dramatically towards the string of hickeys that painted your skin, ready to burst. It wasn’t unusual for either of you to leave marks on one another but you tried to refrain from it when one of you had something to do the next morning. Something like — going to class.
Peter, however, wasn’t phased at all. A cocky, cheesy grin slowly broke out on his lips as he took in the marks he had shamelessly made on you last night. There wasn’t even an ounce of remorse in his eyes.
"I didn’t hear you complaining last night," he said with a laugh. "You were screaming but it wasn’t from anger."
You felt your skin get warm as the memories of your late-night activities flooded your brain — No, you couldn’t get distracted by that. You pushed back the thoughts.
"I have class to go to, Peter," you whined as you began fumbling for your foundation. You didn’t actually normally wear heavy make-up, your foundation only being used in desperate times. Like now. "I barely have time for this."
Peter sat up on the bed. "Then leave them," he said with a shrug. That ridiculous smirk was still plastered on his face.
You shot him a look in the mirror. "I can’t go to class with all…this on my neck. What on earth would my classmates think?"
Peter barked out a laugh. "Maybe that you have a partner who knows how to please you?"
"Peter, that’s…" You shook your head but didn’t know where to go with your words. You eyed your foundation, trying to ignore the little stirring that began in your stomach at his words. Well, when you put it that way…
When you turned your attention back to the mirror, Peter was suddenly behind you. You nearly jumped, having not heard him approach. He was sporting only a pair of grey sweatpants that were hanging tempting low.
"That’s what?" He asked as his hands snaked around your waist and his head fell to your shoulder. Your gaze met his in the mirror. "That’s a good idea? That’s a great idea? I am a genius, according to you."
Gosh, he was never going to let that go. "It’s just… It’s not very professional, is it?"
"If you’re so worried about it," he muttered into your neck, "why don’t you skip class today and come back to bed? We’ll let those marks heal, hmm?"
You squirmed beneath his touch, a light, breathy laugh leaving your lips. "Are you really going to let them heal? Or are you just going to add more to the collection?"
"Hmm," he sighed, "haven’t decided yet. Why not come back to bed and find out?"
"You’re ridiculous, Peter," you said as he began pulling you away from the mirror and towards your dorm room bed. It was the complete opposite of what you should be doing, but you didn’t have the strength to fight it.
"But you love me," Peter replied.
"Yeah," you muttered, "I guess so."
The next thing you knew, you were being pulled down into the sheets once again.
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suna-reversed · 3 years
Talking to the moon🌙
Gojo Satoru x fem!reader
minors DNI‼️
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3k+ words
(quote^^ by- Richard Siken)
warnings/tags- blood and violence. oral (f.recieving), vaginal sex, anal, dacryphilia, slight praise, slight degradation, fingering. age gap. toxic relationship. mentions of harassment. yandere themes implied. heartbreak, moving on. fluff. angst. hurt/comfort. (all characters are aged up!)
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Gojo Satoru is the moon. Ever changing and radiant. Beaming with light, even when he doesn't have any of his own. And much like the moon, parts of him stay hidden in an ominous darkness as he leaves you cold and alone in the tangled mess of sheets, wondering why your lover disappears at the crack of every dawn.
You had met him a while ago when he had first come into the bakery you worked at part-time, dazzling pearls on show as he ordered every single flavour of mochi off the menu. You didn’t know where it started; how the simple exchanges turned into conversations that lasted up to hours, your manager practically having to shoo him away so that you’d stop getting distracted.
You got used to him visiting you in the day during work, sitting on the barstool near the bakery counter, talking your ear off about the most random of things while he stuffed his face with mochi. You sometimes wondered how you happened to have so much in common with a man so much more older than you. 
You couldn't exactly remember how those innocent conversations turned into you being splayed across the marble kitchen countertop of your apartment at 3 am, the joyous man now turned into a ferocious beast as he devoured you whole, holding your legs apart, tongue licking in between your folds with such fervour that made it seem as if it was the last meal of his life. 
In all honesty, you didn’t know a lot about him, except for the fact that he worked at a private institute and often travelled overseas. He’d be as silent as a mouse as he slipped out of your place before sunrise each time. He never told you why, and eventually you stopped asking- the warmth and comfort of his body too addictive to have to give up for the question of ‘what are we?’ being answered.
On days that you’d find yourself waking up early, you’d simply let your eyes roam over the muscles of his back, adoring the dimples at the bottom of his spine, memorising each blemish, scar and mark as if you’d never see it again. You sometimes found yourself wishing he’d take off the peculiar fabric covering his eyes- your mind could barely fathom the shade of his orbs.
You knew that he was always aware of you being awake. But he didn’t acknowledge it, whether by accident or choice, you could never tell. So every time he’d finish pulling his shirt over his head, you’d roll away, focusing your mind out the window on the half disappearing moon instead of the crushing weight on your chest. 
Perhaps, this was the love they never told you about. The love that wasn’t afternoon picnics and obnoxious public displays of affection. The love that wasn’t late night grocery runs and feeding each other food at cafes.
Instead, this was the love that had you deleting messages and cleaning up the strands of ashy hair from your shower drain. The love that had you lying to your friends about the marks on your neck and pretending like he didn’t just have you pinned down beneath him the night before as you served him coffee.
Every morning that you woke up alone in bed, sore and unclothed from the events of the previous night, you found yourself thinking of ways that you’d turn him away the next time he showed up at your door. But then the bell would ring, and your feet would be carrying you to the half broken man covered in bruises and blood before you could think of it.
This time, you’re sure you tell him to go away, to stop treating you as if you were some toy, slamming the door in his crestfallen face. But then why do you find yourself clutching onto his scarlet stained jacket in the bathroom? The first aid box discarded to the side as you sob into his chest, a hand stroking your hair as he assures you he’s fine. 
That night, you find him buried deep inside of you, your heavy breathing filling the silence of the air, your back to his chest. The arms around you feel unbearably tight as he pulls you even closer to him. Why is he trying to snatch all the warmth from your body?
The hot breath of his mouth is right next to your ear. He’s telling you he wants to be tender and merciful while his teeth are digging into your jugular, the hand around your throat tightening as his hips rut into you harder. He does not wipe away the tears flowing freely down your face.
The next morning, you find a burning sensation rising in your chest as you stare at the empty space next to you; his underlying scent of strawberries and citrus still lingering.
What had you been expecting? Why would this night have been different from any other?
That question is answered when you realise the unfamilair feeling of a cold metal wrapped around your ankle while climbing out of bed. Looking down, you see that it's a thin silver anklet with two charms hanging off of it.
His initials and a crescent moon.
You can’t help the smile that’s on your face for the rest of the day.
You're panting, the drumming of your heartbeat echoing in your ears, vision blurring as you try to make it back home. You’re gripping onto the walls to keep yourself from falling, the pain in your body near unbearable as you somehow manage to unlock the door, not even making it past the entrance as you crumble apart right there, curling in on yourself as broken sobs leave your chest. 
The sound of footsteps has you shutting your eyes, flinching from the pain and fear of knowing you can’t fight. The terror of your attacker being in your home makes your cries even louder.
Instead, you find your senses being flooded by the familiar scent of strawberries and the cologne that you bought him- warm muscular arms come to wrap around your figure, lifting you up. You’re still crying as he settles you down onto the bed, gently pulling your hands away from your face.
He lifts your shirt to reveal the expanse of wounds littered across your abdomen. An unreadable expression remains on his face as he skillfully cleans off the blood, fixing you up like you’ve done for him a dozen times. You don’t remember telling him where you were injured. Could the blood be seen through your shirt? None of it matters as he pushes you back down onto the plush mattress, your eyes fluttering close you as fall into a deep fitful slumber. 
It’s a full moon tonight, the light cascading through your window providing you an odd sense of comfort. You turn over in the dark, gasping a little as your eyes lock onto a pair of strange azure ones. Your mind is still heavy from the medicines you took, perhaps that’s why you don’t react, simply staring into the unfamiliar eyes on a face that you recognised better than the back of your own hand.
His slender pale fingers are trailing over the skin of your abdomen. Shouldn't it hurt more? A hand comes up to your face, gently cradling your chin as he examines the scratch on your jaw. Your heart skips a beat as his soft lips press a chaste kiss onto your brow. His voice is low and tense, anger barely restrained as he asks,
“Who did this to you?”
You try to form a response, but all you can hear is the shallow echo of the beating of your half-dead heart. Your chest feels hollow as words finally rise to the tip of your tongue, eyes dry as you tell him all of it. How a strange force had pinned you against a wall when you were walking back home, how the man who appeared from the shadows of the dark alley didn’t even lift a finger, yet it felt like each bone in your body was being cracked apart. How you barely felt the pain of the broken bottle that impaled your flesh as you were thrown aside, the stranger parting from you with just four words,
“Consider this a warning.”
You don’t care how crazy you sound as you explain the bizarre events that occurred. You don’t care that his orbs are as blue and twice as deep as the mariana trench. You don’t care that for once, his eyes hold something other than just lust as he looks at you.
Your throat feels raw by the time you finish, and it hurts to look at his pitiful face so you roll onto your side, fixing your eyes on the shimmering celestial body outside your window. You both lay in silence for a while.
“I liked thinking of you as the moon at times.”
The calm in your voice startles Gojo, but he remains quiet, wanting you to continue. It doesn’t matter if it's gibberish, doesn't matter if it’s words of hatred, of doubt, of regret; he’ll take it as long as there’s something- as long as you’re speaking. His arms tremble around you a little as a bitter laugh escapes your chest. 
“But at the end of the day,” you pause, taking a deep breath, “...all I am, is a mere star in a galaxy full of constellations.”
The raw sob that rips from your chest is a surprise to both you and Gojo.
“Tell me who cares about a star that burns out and explodes?” your voice is barely above a whisper as you turn around to face him.
For once in his life, Gojo Satoru can’t joke, fight or fuck his way out of a situation. A strange weight has been on his chest ever since he saw your eyes. The light and joy stripped out of them as he found himself staring back at his own reflection. 
His eyes glance down at the dip of your collarbone, the arch of your shoulder that he wanted to reside in forever, now covered in small scars. He knows who hurt you. 
He pulls you closer to him, tangling his feet with yours, the strip of metal around your ankle clinking at the movement. Perhaps it was a huge mistake to have bought you something so carelessly, knowing that the eyes of a few dozen enemies followed him wherever he went. 
He finds himself at a loss for words, opting to convey his emotions through touch instead as he melds his lips with yours. You sigh into his mouth and he kisses you even deeper, almost desperately as if trying to pass over his own breaths to you- as if trying to bring you back to life. He finds the taste of salt on his tongue and the wet drops falling onto his cheeks makes his flesh burn. He doesn't know whose they are as he continues to try and cling onto the shell of what was once a whole person. 
“Please” he finds himself mumbling as he pulls you even closer, heart cracking as you continue sniffing into his chest. 
“It hurts- it hurts- so much” You’re sobbing now, his own body shaking in tandem with yours.
Who is he to deny you when you look up at him, the broken plea leaving your mouth, 
“Make it stop please.”
Gojo finds the cold metal of his own initials pressing against the side of his face as he hoists your legs over his shoulder. His fingers are pressing down against your sensitive nub, spreading around your slick before he pumps two of his fingers into you. You buck your hips up, cries escaping you as his tongue licks your clit, suctioning it into his mouth as he increases the pace of his fingers.
You’re cumming undone within seconds, begging him to fill you up. He’s never so easily given in to your demands, but tonight, it’s as if he’s only there to serve your wishes. The sickening thought of getting hurt again just so that you’d get this treatment creeps up in the back of your mind. 
You moan as you feel him line his thick girth with your entrance, the tip catching onto your sensitive bundle of nerves as he rubs it between your dripping heat. He leans forward, pushing your legs up and safely tucking them against your chest, before crashing his lips against yours. It’s messy and rushed; tongue against tongue, spit drooling out as he pushes himself inside of you in one long stroke. The burn of it has you groaning into his mouth, hands moving to tangle into his hair. His thrusts are deep and angled, the feeling of it settling deep in your belly. 
“Fuck- you look so-fucking-pretty underneath me like this”
His words of praise are muffled against your lips, further drowned out by your moans as one of his hands moves down to play with your clit. You’re screaming his name as the coil in your stomach snaps, his own restraint breaking as he finishes, painting your walls with his seed. 
It’s not the first time you find yourself screaming and moaning that night. His cock is inside of you in one way or the other through the entirety of the next few hours- whether it be deep down your throat as his hands pull your hips down to his face, moaning at the taste of himself leaking from your cunt - or stretching the walls of your puckered asshole, the lube he pumped in with his slender fingers dripping out as he presses you to the shower wall, a hand coming forward to fondle your tits as his face falls onto your shoulder, grunting into your ear while he pistons in and out of your tight hole. 
You can barely move a muscle by the time you’re done, body and mind numb from both the exhaustion and overstimulation as he pulls the covers over the two of you, limbs entangled with each other’s, skin against skin, his hands rubbing circles onto your spine.
“No one’s ever going to hurt you again.” 
You’re barely conscious as he whispers that, humming and burying your face deeper into his cozy heat as he presses a kiss to the top of your head. You do not notice the solemn drop of moisture that escapes his eye, falling onto your cheek, a thumb brushing it away just as quickly, as if it was never there. Just as he wishes he could brush away his own existence from your life- no- just as he was going to.
“...I promise.”
When your eyes flutter open, they are not met with the moon.
Instead, the light of the rising sun casts a rosy hue across your room. And for once, you do not feel cold as you spread out your legs to take more of the space on the expanse of your empty bed. The sunlight does not feel like a curse anymore, even if the nostalgia of the moon’s glow stays buried somewhere deep in your heart. 
But at least there’s no more crying going to bed alone each night; no more hours of scrolling through social media looking for someone who doesn’t exist; no more one night stands and low grade hookups trying to fulfil the ever-growing void in your heart. 
In fact, you find yourself going out more, singing along to songs in the shower once again, even making friends with a regular trio that starts coming into your bakery every other day. They told you they’re college students too, all around your age, and you find yourself smiling a little more than necessary at one of them, even if a pair of ocean eyes floods the back of your mind each time that you do. You’re still hurting and healing, but at least you are moving forward. 
“At least he kept his promise”  You find yourself thinking as you climb out of bed, sighing in disappointment at the clinking of charms around your ankle. 
“At least I kept my promise.” 
It had become Gojo’s new-found mantra. Every time he saw you drunk out of your mind at a bar, deftly bribing the bartender to replace your ordered shots with water instead. Every time he saw a random body pressed to yours, their tongue exploring your sweet mouth as you pushed them into your apartment. And especially that one time he found himself standing over the half-beaten body of the man who had tried to grope you on the bus. 
“At least I kept my promise- at least she’s safe.”
He knew his actions were of a mad man. Even though he took care of the problem which had hurt you in the first place, he still found himself paranoid. Following you around every other night, making sure you were still here- still alive under the same sky as him, under the same sun and moon and stars. He told himself he was doing it for you- even if he found his heart swell every time he saw the familiar glint of the silver trinket around your ankle.
“No way!” You find yourself laughing around a mouth full of mochi.  
“No- I swear he likes you, he just doesn't want to admit it, you know how he-” 
“What are you two talking about?”
You both immediately snap your mouths shut as he returns from the restroom, sliding into the seat on his side of the booth. 
“Nothing!” you reply in unison. 
“Anyways, do you want me to get you anything else? Something that this idiot wouldn't shove into my mouth?” You joke, tapping your pen against the notepad. 
“Hey! I just wanted you to taste how delicious the mochi was!”
“I know- I made it!”
A loud cough breaks your banter with the light haired boy, 
“I-I do actually want to ask for something”
“Of course, what can I get you? The ginger tea you like?”
“Well- what I want is-” he pauses, and you don’t miss the mischievous glint in the eyes of his friend sitting across the table. 
“I’d like to take you to the festival at the park.”
You’re halfway through writing it down on the notepad before you realise what he’s asked, your head snapping up to see the slightly flushed tint on his cheeks as he glares at the howling boy across the table. Your own face heats up as he looks towards you expectantly. 
“You don’t have to if you-”
“Pick me up at 4”
“Oh” butterflies race in your stomach at the smile that he gives you, “...okay, 4 it is.” 
Weeks go by and you don’t realise the slow mending of your heart. Your broken pieces coming together each time he holds your hand, each time he presses a kiss to the tip of your nose, each time he whispers words of affirmations into your ear, and each time he comforts your shaking body, apologising for kissing your brow- even if he doesn’t understand why it made you cry. 
Eventually, you learn to not mind being just a mere star in the vast expanse of the cosmo.
You didn’t care because he looked at you like you held the universe in your eyes, cradling your face with such gentleness as if you were precious china. You didn’t care because when his lips came down onto yours, it felt like the collision of stars- your own little supernovae in the curve of his cupid’s bow. You didn’t care because when you woke up, you’d find him peppering kisses across the purple constellations he left the night before. 
You didn’t care because you never woke up cold and alone anymore.
“I’ll be back in just a second.” 
You find yourself saying as you move your head off his lap, waving to your other two friends, their own counterparts lounging beside them. 
“Is everything okay?’ 
He’s always so tender- except for when he has you splayed across the bed on your stomach, hips thrusting into yours as he tells you what a good slut you are for him- just for him. Heat crawls up your face at the memory from a few nights ago. The fingers wrapping your hand snap your mind out of its perverse refuge. Looking down, you find concern-filled eyes staring back at you. 
“Yeah, I just want to take a walk alone by the beach- get some air.” You reply, leaning down to press a chaste kiss to his lips.  
The sound of the waves lapping against the shore in the dark and the fresh sea breeze on your face is refreshing. You make a mental note to thank Nobara for dragging you onto this trip. You stop as you find a cozy spot in the sand, giving you a perfect view of the moonlit sea.
You don’t know how long you sit there, thinking of a particular set of emerald eyes and long lashes, your smile faltering as the promise ring on your finger grazes the forgotten metal on your ankle. Your face remains neutral as you unhook it, even if it feels like cutting your own hand off, but that’s all there is to it - familiarity and nostalgia. There’s no blackhole in your chest, ready to open up and swallow you whole, there are no tears shed as you bury the piece of junk into the sand, and there is no looking back as you walk away, back into the arms of your precious ‘gumi. 
Gojo stands at the rooftop, one hand clutching the sand covered jewellery, the other pulling down a side of his blindfold as he watches you entangle yourself in the arms of another, laughing as he places a kiss on the top of your brow. You’re happy, that’s all that matters- still, the irony of the situation pricks at him - especially after all he did to keep you away from his world. 
He had initially found himself at a loss for words when you had told him that he was the moon, and you, just a star. If you were to ask him again, Gojo would agree, but with only half of it.
He may have been the moon, but you were a galaxy full of stars and planets that harboured dreams and wishes he could never fathom. His mind kept flickering back to the constellations he littered your body with as he now watched his own disciple press kisses into the crook of your neck. 
Nonetheless, he found his own lips twitching upwards- almost tragically, but the warmth in his chest was real as he saw the joy on your face. You were right; he was the moon after all. He had shone as bright as the sun itself despite not having any light of his own. Now he stood there watching the same light reflect off the dark-haired boy who held you in his arms, and suddenly, it all made sense.
Perhaps he should have found another way back then. Perhaps he shouldn’t have underestimated his ability to be able to protect you. Perhaps- 
it didn’t matter now. 
perhaps at the end of the day, the moon was nothing but a dreamer.
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