#Behavior Change
eelhound · 1 year
"Asking 'Who is the villain?' is the prologue to asking who should be punished. But asking 'What are the conditions that led to this?' leads us to consider how to change those conditions so that the situation is less likely to happen again.
Reframing things in this way is a type of analysis known as dependent origination. Though this term has far-reaching and often abstract implications in Buddhist thought, it simply means that everything arises on the basis of multiple factors, and if we want to discourage something from happening again we have to address the factors underlying it. If our goal is to judge and punish, we will need to determine guilt, which becomes more difficult as we consider more causes. But if our goal is to gain a better understanding, then the fact that there are many factors is not a problem."
- Matthew Gindin, from "The Red Hat Rorschach Test." Tricycle, 30 January 2019.
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You have to change the environment to see real change.
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rainyfestivalsweets · 2 years
Introducing The It's Not Time to Eat Yet Drawer.
My mini project for the day!
Gathered some seemingly random things strewn thru my office area and collected them in one spot. As it came together, it inspired me. This is the "It's Not Tike to Eat Yet" drawer.
I have detailed my eating struggle. Recently I wanted additional snacks after my planned FULL MEAL. The urge to eat was intense, but now I have a place~ in my office, where this feeling happens most of the time.
The goal is to have an additional tool in my toolbox for when it is not time to eat, but yet I feel snacky or some version of "must eat now" syndrome.
Contents include:
Gum, mints, sparkling water. Liquid B-12. Sugar free Hot chocolate mix. Some sugar free candies.
I additionally have coffee, tea, and beverage mixes, but they are in a different area.
What would you add to this?
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annacswenson · 1 year
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Akram Khan discussing Giselle, in conversation with Ngofeen Mputubwele on the the New Yorker Radio Hour
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animakis · 1 year
How to Overcome Procrastination and Take Control of Your Life in 5 sec!
Do you often find yourself procrastinating on tasks you know you need to do? Do you struggle to take action on your goals? This simple yet powerful rule has helped millions of people worldwide, today we will explore the benefits of the 5 Second Rule and how you can apply it to your own life. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. … Lets Go! The 5 Second Rule is a simple, yet powerful tool that can be used to overcome…
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ritik3630a · 1 year
Why you need sometimes to build habits instead of setting goals?
Hello there! In this blog post, we’ll explore the idea of why setting goals may not be the best approach to personal growth and development. We’ll discuss the potential drawbacks of goal-setting and offer an alternative approach that emphasizes building habits instead.Many of us are familiar with the idea of setting goals. Whether it’s losing weight, saving money, or achieving a career milestone,…
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medusaboost · 2 years
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Every journey begins with a single step. Do you have big goals but don't know where to start? Medusa can help you determine how to take that first step✨
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jaideepkhanduja · 29 days
Mastering the Art of Small Changes: How Atomic Habits Can Transform Your Life #TBRChallenge #bookchatter @Blogchatter
Building Success One Habit at a Time: Insights from James Clear’s Atomic Habits In a world obsessed with radical change and overnight success, James Clear’s Atomic Habits offers a refreshingly practical perspective that focuses on the power of small, incremental habits. The book suggests that the key to achieving long-term goals and making significant life changes isn’t in making massive leaps,…
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dibator · 2 months
Passion Struck, by Author, Speaker, and Podcaster John R. Miles  
Twelve Powerful Principles to Unlock Your Purpose and Ignite Your Most Intentional Life Written by the leading authority on intentional behavior change, Author, Speaker, and Podcaster John R. Miles   The book is available worldwide in print and digital format by Post Hill Press Inside of you resides an intentional life without limits.The time has come to awaken it. Are you living…
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shigayokagayama · 1 year
mob psycho is the greatest show ever made because reigen being cancelled on twitter is one of the most important moments for his character as well as one of the most emotionally heavy episodes of the show but him being trapped in alone in a purgatory dimension slowly starving to death is treated as a gag and never mentioned again
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The most important relationship is the one you cultivate with yourself. Learn how to practice self-love HERE.
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escapecart · 11 months
UNLOCK YOUR POTENTIAL FOR LASTING CHANGE In today’s fast-paced world, achieving personal growth and making positive changes in our lives can be challenging. We often find ourselves overwhelmed by a multitude of goals and aspirations, unsure of where to start or how to sustain our efforts. This is where habit stacking comes in—a powerful technique that can revolutionize the way we approach…
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health78694 · 11 months
How Many Calories should I Burn to Lose 1 kg?
Title: What number of Calories Would it be a good idea for you to Consume to Lose 1kg? Figuring out the Connection Among Calories and Weight Reduction
Getting fitter frequently includes the objective of shedding a specific number of kilograms. Understanding the connection between calories and weight reduction is pivotal for compelling and practical advancement. In this blog entry, we will investigate the idea of calorie shortage and decide the number of calories you that need to consume to lose 1kg of body weight. By acquiring bits of knowledge into this estimation, you can more readily design your weight reduction excursion and put forth practical objectives.
The Fundamentals of Weight Reduction:
To fathom how calorie consumption connects with weight reduction, understanding the key idea of a calorie deficit is fundamental. Basically, a calorie shortage happens when you consume fewer calories than your body needs for everyday exercise and upkeep. This energy shortage prompts your body to take advantage of putting away fat as a wellspring of fuel, prompting weight reduction.
Grasping Calorie deficiency
To decide the number of calories expected to lose 1kg, it is vital to perceive that 1kg of body weight is identical to around 7700 calories. This figure is gotten from the assessment that 1kg of muscle versus fat contains about 7700 calories.
To accomplish a 1kg weight reduction, you would commonly have to make a calorie shortage of 7700 calories. This can be achieved through a blend of calorie decrease from your eating routine and calorie use through actual work. For instance, in the event that you expect to lose 1kg in more than seven days, you would have to make an everyday calorie shortfall of roughly 1100 calories (7700 calories partitioned by 7 days).
Factors Influencing Calorie Consume:
The quantity of calories you consume in a day is impacted by different variables. Your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the number of calories your body needs to keep up with fundamental capabilities very still. Factors like age, orientation, body synthesis, and hereditary qualities add to varieties in BMR.
Furthermore, actual work, including exercise and non-practice exercises like strolling or family tasks, adds to your complete everyday energy consumption. The power, length, and kind of action assume a part in deciding calorie consumption.
Procedures for Making a Calorie Deficiency :
To make a calorie shortfall for weight reduction, you can utilize two fundamental techniques: diminishing calorie consumption through dietary changes and expanding calorie use through active work. It means a lot to find some kind of harmony between these ways to deal with guaranteeing satisfactory sustenance and supportable weight reduction.
Diminishing calorie consumption includes careful part control, picking supplement-thick food sources, and restricting unhealthy, low-supplement choices. Center around eating entire food sources, natural products, vegetables, lean proteins, entire grains, and sound fats while limiting added sugars and handled food sources.
Expanding calorie consumption can be accomplished through a mix of cardiovascular activities, strength preparing, and integrating more actual work into your everyday daily practice. Find exercises that you appreciate and can support in the long haul to make practice an ordinary piece of your way of life.
End Results:
To lose 1kg of body weight, you would ordinarily have to make a calorie deficiency of roughly 7700 calories. This shortage can be accomplished through a blend of decreased calorie consumption and expanded actual work. It is essential to move toward weight reduction with an emphasis on supportability, adjusted nourishment, and in general prosperity.
Recall that singular elements, like digestion, body synthesis, and action levels, can impact calorie consumption and weight reduction. Talking with medical services proficient or enlisted dietitians can give customized direction and backing as you leave on your weight reduction venture. By embracing a slow and economical way to deal with calorie shortage, you can accomplish your weight reduction objectives in a sound and viable way.
Related Searches:
Nutrient-dense foods
Whole foods
Balanced diet
Meal planning
Weight loss goals
Sustainable weight loss
Body composition
Strength training
Cardiovascular exercise
Mindful eating
Healthy lifestyle
Behavior change
Support system
Weight management
Long-term success
Fat Health and Fitness Weight Gain Weight Loss
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rainyfestivalsweets · 2 years
11/29/22 wt 250.2
2nd Baking soda bath per Dr Westin's protocol.
Up since 5.
Currently 10:30.
Trying to wait til noon to eat (intermittent fasting).
2nd day following the Hunger Management protocol, which is new as of yesterday.
It was nice being up & to work early. It is quiet in the mornings. Less shit to piss me off. Stress is a big factor in holding weight, I have heard. And my stress level has been high for 20 years.
I am so happy that I am actively working towards the best version of myself.
Trying to make sure my mood stays high as well. Relaxation activities, water water water, coffee & bergamot tea.
And the below drink.
I have so many tools in my toolbox. I just need to use them.
I know 1000 things that have been trials; failure is feedback.
I will overcome. I am the picture of perseverance. I can do it.
Diabetes be damned.
Change is possible.
Work hard, stay humble. 💪
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alchemusprime · 1 year
Negotiating with a Cockroach: Overcoming a Phobia
Recently, I’ve been reflecting on my usual fearful behavior when it comes to cockroaches. I have a phobia, and usually my reaction goes something like this: Scream at the top of my lungs for help upon initial sighting;Run for my life while hyperventilating;Sit on the sofa or bed and cover myself from head to toe with a blanket to avoid any contact whatsoever with the cockroach;Scream extra…
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