#(( gonna tag ya boy since he was subject of conversation. ))
yetremains · 3 years
You know that half-Edenian warrior well, right? Is it true he is able to benchpress or simply lift folks much bulkier and taller than him? Many say the strength he can exhibit is able to terrify even ones originating from Outworld...
Not often people came too her asking about the man in question. But this grey faced one was not wrong at all, she knew him quite well, and he her in turn. As a result there were times now and then when they would get somewhat silly, perhaps even unfitting for their respective ages. The very thought of last time the man having just come around to be platonic affectionate had ended with laughing, it had Yang gaining a large smile on her face.
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A soft chuckle came from the old warrior while giving a nod. “That’s right. That man is impossibly powerful, and could probably do push ups with three people sipping on him. Not someone to doubt when it comes to such a thing. I’ve seen him manage some incredible feats, and yes, there have been others terrified of him because of that. Your facts are all true.”
“But despite how much strength he has, there’s this gentle softness as well. Don’t forget that.”
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Word Count: 4,644 (it's a long one)
Warnings: Sexual Situations, banter, there's some fluff in there somewhere.
Summary: The British Bruiserweight is more grumpy than usual. But his friends and a co-worker think they just might know a way to fix it. (Also, I tried to make an attempt to keep true with accents for the first time. So I apologize if it's horrible!)
The lukewarm water rushed out of a shower head in the back of the arena. The water pressure in these showers were never that good, but it was early and Lauren had the whole locker room to herself. She had the curtain drawn for privacy, just in case anyone else arrived early. Mostly because she was in the men’s showers. And just as she was rinsing the shampoo out of her hair, she heard several voices from the locker room echo into the bathroom.
"You could've stopped to get breakfast first." A British accent rang out.
"They 'ad food at the hotel." The familiar accent of Pete filled the room.
"Not anything for a vegan. And ya know that." Another voice argued.
"I don't know every damn vegan place in tha country." Pete spat back.
"Uh guys, just so you know you're not alone in here." Lauren informed them.
"Who in the bloody hell is that?"
"Lauren. I'm a backstage interviewer here. I really needed a shower after my workout before I got ready to work and they were cleaning in the women's locker room when I got there. No one was in here so I ran in. I'll be quick." She explained.
"Yeah, she works here." He vouched, recognizing her voice.
"Ah. Alright then love. As long as you work here. I'm Tyler by the way."
"Trent." The other voice rang out.
"You guys are here from NXT UK for the tag tournament, right?" Lauren asked.
"You got it love." Trent answered as he turned on a shower on the opposite side of where Lauren was. "And you don't 'av to rush. We don't mind if you don't."
"As long as you stay on that side of the curtain." Lauren responded in a joking but friendly way.
"Great." Pete murmured.
"What's wrong with you?" Trent asked him.
"He's still sore about his girlfriend messin' around on him." Tyler answered getting ready to get a shower himself.
"Tell my business to the whole locker room, why don't ya." Pete said annoyed.
"She's the only otha one in here. And she sees ya more than us. I'm sure she's noticed you're grumpy."
"No more than usual." Lauren said as she conditioned her hair.
"Aw piss off all of ya."
"See? He's always this pleasant."
"I thought you said you were gonna be quick." Pete pointed out.
"I was, until Trent was nice enough to tell me I didn't have to. So now I'm taking my time."
Pete let out an aggravated grunt. "I can't shower with 'er in here."
"Relax Pete, I'm almost done. What brings you guys in here so early anyway?"
"Time change. Kind of has us messed up. And Pete just doesn't sleep." Tyler replied. "What about you? And working out nonetheless. I’d think you’d moreso be off writing questions."
"How else am I supposed to fit myself into those tiny dresses they want me to wear?" Lauren partially joked, causing two of the englishmen to chuckle. "I have a few interviews I have to do for some social media shows before the actual show tonight. This was the only time I could fit in a work out. I was going to shower real quick then get to work, but the women’s bathroom was closed, so I that brought me here. I guess it’s just bad timing.”
"Ah, I wouldn't say that love." Trent said.
"Well maybe not on my part. Anybody could walk in here. So many people have probably had fantasies that start like this. But apparently, it’s bad timing for some of you.”
"Would any of those fantasies include any of us by any chance?" Trent asked in a joking tone.
“Trent, ya can’t just ask a woman ya just met something like that.” Tyler chastised.
“Why not? I’m just joking.”
"Hm, some just might." Lauren answered.
"For fucks sake…"
"Jesus Pete calm down, I'm done. I'll be out of your hair in a minute." Lauren said as she turned off the water and wrapped her towel around herself.
"Yeah relax mate. We're just messin' around." Trent said to his friend.
"You need to get laid." Lauren stated.
"Excuse me?" Pete asked, sounding offended.
"We've been telling him that the last two weeks love." Tyler said to her.
She pulled open the curtain and stepped out of the shower stall. "Take it from someone who pushed away a lot of her friends by being a negative mope after going through a rough breakup. If she's gonna fuck around, then so can you. Try smiling, go get laid, and live. See ya later boys. I believe I'll be the one interviewing you later!" Lauren called out before walking away.
Lauren left them alone in the men's locker room and walked back to the women's which was thankfully now able to be occupied. She walked quicker than she planned seeing as how she couldn't get dressed there with the guys there. So she was running around in just a towel. No one had really showed up to get ready yet, but she still had to go over interview questions, get dressed, and was expected by the stylists soon. She was rummaging through her bag when there was a lock at the door. She dropped what was in her hands and curiously walked over to the door. Upon opening it she saw an annoyed Pete Dunne standing there. He was still in his trousers, nice button down shirt, and vest. His hair pulled back. Obviously he still hadn't gotten into the shower yet.
"To what do I owe the pleasure of a visit from you? Miss me already?"
Pete held out a plastic bag with tiny bottles inside. "Ya left your crap in the shower."
"And you're such a gentleman you brought it back to me?" Lauren joked.
"I drew the short straw."
"You sure it doesn't have anything to do with what I said?" She asked as she took the plastic bag from him. “Because my fantasies about you usually start with me still dressed and you ripping my clothes off me, but if this is how it happens I’ll take it.”
“No, it’s because I was the only one who was still dre…wait, what?”
Lauren smiled "Thanks for bringing my stuff back Pete. I forgot it in all the conversation. And if you’re just here to drop it off, I really need to finish getting ready. I need to be in make-up soon. I’ll see you around later.”
She closed the door, leaving Pete standing there dumbfounded at the interaction he just had.
Lauren had gotten dressed and was sitting in the make-up chair. She had decided on a short black off the shoulder dress. Even though the shoulders were bare, the dress had long sleeves, making a bit more acceptable in the workplace. The strappy heels that she had on also made it a bit less casual. She already had her hair done. She chose to leave it down since it was only shoulder length, but add some waves to it. Pete had wandered over to the area as Lauren was laughing while the make-up artist applied the dusty pink lipstick. Lauren was deep in conversation with the artist. She got along with everyone. Well, mostly everyone. She was easy to talk to and calming, which was a plus with her job. The interviews always flowed nicely and never seemed forced. She never really had any real problems with anyone she worked with. Pete leaned against a wall off to the side watching her talk. He had his wrestling gear on now, and had his long hair dangling down over half of his face.
"Alright, all set. How's it look?" The make-up artist asked as she held up a mirror.
"It looks great! Thanks Rachel!"
"Awesome. If you need a touch up just let me know."
"I will. Thanks!"
Lauren checked in the mirror one last time, pursing her lips together, before jumping out of the make-up chair and leaving it for someone else. She walked away from the styling area and right passed where Pete was brooding.
"Hey Pete." Lauren replied as she walked by.
"Hey, hold up."
"What's up?" She asked as she stopped and turned to him.
"You tell me." Pete stated.
"Is this about what I said earlier? I’m sorry for getting involved in your business. And I never would have said anything had we not already been in the middle of a conversation. But I’ve been there, and I didn’t want you to end up pushing your friends away with your bad attitude like I did.” She explained.
"Not that. After. At the locker room." Pete said in a much lower voice.
Lauren smiled and crossed her arms. "What is this? When is Pete Dunne so timid?"
Pete rolled his eyes. "F'get it."
"No I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself." Lauren said reaching out to grab his arm. "I'll be good. What did you want?"
"You to stop being intimidating for a moment would be good."
"I've heard that once or twice before, but not from anyone like you."
"What you said earlier, did you mean it?" Pete asked changing the subject.
"That you need a good lay to forget about her? Absolutely. Your friends seemed to agree."
"No. That you've 'ad fantasies about me." He said as he took a step closer to her.
"Maybe a few times." She answered, surprising him by the serious tone in her voice. He stood there not quite sure how to follow up while Lauren opened the small bag she had with her and looked through it. "Listen, I really have to go and interview Daniel Bryan. But if you want to take my advice, I would love to be the girl that gets under you to get over her. Room 308 if you're interested."
She slipped her spare hotel key into his hand before turning around and continuing to walk down the hallway. Later on that night Pete sat in the back watching the show on a t.v. He was watching Lauren interview his two best friends while he spun the hotel key around in his fingers while being lost in thought. He pulled it together to go out and put on a good show, like he always did. All of his cockiness and aggression was on display. Lauren had been watching his match extra closely that night.
After the show Lauren was sitting alone in her hotel room. She hadn't made any plans for the night in case Pete decided to show up. After about an hour of waiting, she decided to change her clothes and get comfortable. She had the television on and was laying down in the bed, trying to relax, but she found herself not paying attention to it and trying to figure out what reasons Pete could have for not showing up. After driving herself crazy for some time, around 11:30 she realized she was being silly. His good friends whom he hadn't seen in months were in the country for a bit, so he was going to be spending time with them. Plus with all the joking around that she had done with him that day he probably didn't even think she was serious. Or maybe he just wasn’t interested and didn’t know how to tell her in a nice way. Lauren grabbed her phone and laid down on her bed to play some games until she got tired. Only a few minutes after she relaxed herself for the night, there was a knock at her door.
Lauren put her phone down and got out of bed. She walked over to the door curious of who could be there this time of night, especially without texting her first. She looked through the peephole and saw Pete standing on the other side. She quickly opened the door.
"You do realize I gave you a key so you wouldn't have to knock and wait in the hallway, right?"
"I didn't feel right usin' it." Pete told her.
Lauren opened the door wider and stepped aside inviting him in. He stood near her as she closed the door.
"I see you stayed dressed for me." Pete joked as he looked at her in her pink tank top and black yoga pants.
"I could say the same for you." Lauren retorted noticing Pete was in grey sweatpants and a t-shirt.
"It's not m' job to look pretty." Pete stated.
"Good thing I'm off the clock then."
They hadn't really talked much before now, other than just a hello or exchanging pleasantries. Maybe being involved in the same conversation as a group of people. Mostly that was because Pete kept to himself or only really talked with the people he was close to, where as Lauren would talk with everyone and insert herself into others conversations. But Pete definitely took notice today that not many people were able to throw back at him the way that she did, and he liked it.
"So did you just come here to criticize my clothes or…" Lauren trailed off.
"Actually, I wanted to talk." He answered.
"Oh, uh okay."
Lauren definitely hadn't been expecting that. She lead him into the room a little bit more and she sat down on the edge of the bed. Pete took one of the seats that were in the room and placed it in front of her before sitting down as well.
"I've been thinking about what ya said. And you're right. If she's gonna bang a bunch of guys and not care, then I should too. Well, ya know."
"So what's the hold up?" Lauren asked.
"I don't want pity sex with someone just because they feel sorry fa' me. Especially if it's someone I 'av to work with."
"I can understand that. I'm not really one for random hook ups either." Lauren agreed.
"But then why did you…"
"I like you Pete." Lauren told him.
"Why? I'm kind of a bastard." Pete asked confused.
Lauren laughed. "Yeah, most of the time. I've watched you. You're grumpy face and your angry promos. But I've also seen the way you joke around with your friends. I've seen how interact with kids. I know how much you care about animals. There's a sweet guy behind that whole bruiserweight thing."
"What makes you so sure?"
"Your best friends. Those goofballs wouldn't waste their time with a complete asshole." Lauren answered with a smile. She reached out and placed her hand over top of his. "I'll be honest. I've had the hots for you since you started coming around. And then when I actually learned things about you I had a crush on you. And seeing you laugh with your friends, I've wondered what it would have been like if we had that kind of relationship."
Pete couldn't help but flash a genuine smile that he usually kept hidden. "Why didn't ya eva say anything?"
"You had a girlfriend, remember?"
"Right. Right. Forgot about that."
"Well that was the plan." Lauren giggled.
"So girls really dig the whole aggressive arse thing huh?" Pete asked amused.
"Oh yeah. There's something wired wrong in our brains. And the accent doesn't hurt either.”
Pete leaned back slightly in his chair and chuckled.
"Did I just make Pete Dunne laugh?" Pete didn't even try to hide it this time after she pointed it out. "Up until now I think I've only made you scowl."
"Yeah yeah, just don't spread it around."
"Don't wanna ruin your unlovable reputation, huh?"
They both sat in awkward silence for a few moments, neither knowing what to say next. Pete fidgeted in his chair slightly before standing up. Lauren promptly stood up along with him. He reached out and pulled her to him so her body was flushed with his, wrapping his arms around her in a bear hug. The act took her by surprise.
"Thanks." He said into her ear.
Lauren put her arms around her torso returning the hug. But her senses perked up. He was still holding her, his head down and his nose grazing her neck. The thought of his mouth that close to her, with his history of biting, sent an electric wave through her nerves. She tried to push those thoughts out of her head and hugged him tighter.
"Anytime Pete." She said lightly.
Pete broke the hug and stepped aside looking down at her smiling. She gave him a half hearted smile. She was glad that she was able to be there for him, and it seemed like there was a friendship forming between them. But she was a little disappointed that it wasn't going further. And embarrassed that she told him how she felt, and now she had to deal with him at work all the time with him knowing that. She didn't say anything as she followed him as he walked to the door.
"I'll see ya around, alright?" Pete said as he put his hand on the doorknob.
Lauren nodded with a smile. She closed the door behind him and leaned it against it sighing. She felt like an idiot. She was just hoping he wouldn't make a big deal about it at work. She began walking back to her bed. When she was a few steps away, she heard the door click. She turned around and saw the knob turning. It pushed open and Pete walked back inside.
"Hey. Everything okay?" She asked confused.
He slammed the door behind him and walked towards Lauren, throwing the room key onto the bed as he passed it. He made it to where she was and placed his bands on her hips and pushed her up against the wall crashing his lips down onto hers. Lauren put her hands up on his shoulders, bracing herself at his actions. He moved his hands from her hips up to her sides all while continuing kissing her neck. He traced along the top of her tank top before grabbing it with both hands and ripping it down the middle. Lauren gasped into his mouth. Pete didn't give her any time to adjust to what he was doing before his hands traveled back down her body and behind her thighs picking her up and pressing her against the wall. He tore his lips away from hers to slowly lick down her chest until stopping at her partially exposed breast. He lightly licked around her nipple a few times before taking it into his mouth. Lauren ran her fingers through Pete's hair, softly moaning. When he lightly bit down she moaned deeper and arched her back off of the wall. Pushing herself even further into him, she became even more aware that her legs were spread around him and she could feel herself getting wetter every time he nibbled.
Pete pulled her away from the wall and carried her over to the bed. Lauren laid on the bed looking up at him trying to catch her breath. He was looking down at her with his signature cocky smirk. He reached out and lightly grabbed the waistband of her pants before yanking them off and crawling on top of her. Pete nuzzled into her neck kiss and biting causing her to arch her hips up and feel the large bulge in his sweatpants. Lauren slid her hands under his shirt and scraped her fingers down his chest bringing a low growl from him.
"You are wearing entirely too many clothes." Lauren informed him.
Pete chuckled, but it wasn't the light hearted one from earlier, there was a deeper tone to it. There was something sexy in that chuckle. He leaned up onto his knees and peeled his shirt off.
Lauren took the moment to just look at him, kneeling in front of her with his hair hanging down partially in his face. Watching his eyes in the light. He could see her eyes glancing up and down his body.
"Is this what ya wanted?" He asked.
"Fuck yes." Lauren answered out loud, instead of in her head like she planned. "But this was supposed to be for you."
"Does it seem like I'm not enjoyin' it?"
"Well yeah, but what is it you want?" Lauren asked.
"Haven't been asked that in a long time. Honestly?" Lauren nodded. "I want someone to want to be with me. Not just use me ta get off and pass out. Someone who enjoys being with me. To feel loved."
Lauren leaned up so she was sitting up in bed facing him. "Really?"
"Yeah. Sounds stupid. I guess when ya with someone for so long those things kind of become lost."
"No Pete, they don't." Lauren said as she placed her hand on his face. "That's what happens when people stop caring."
The words hurt Pete, but deep down he knew she was right.
"Lay down." She told him.
"What?" He asked confused.
"Take your pants off and lay down. Let me take care of you." She said it in such a calming tone, you'd forget they were just dry humping each other.
He complied with what she asked. Lauren removed her underwear and straddled him. He rubbed his hands on her thighs She pulled off what was left of her shirt. Pete unknowingly bit his lower lip upon seeing her naked in front of him.
"Like what ya see?" She asked with a coy smirk
"Damn love."
"You sure you wanna do this?" She asked him.
"Love if you don't get on me right now I'm going to push you down and get back on top of you."
Lauren smiled and moved to slide herself down onto his dick. She gasped as she slid down. She could have guessed the size of it based on what he wore in the ring, but she didn't think it was as thick as it was. Pete hissed as she began riding him.
"Fuck babe. You're so tight." He commented.
"Yeah, it's been a while." She replied as she rolled her hips.
"You're so wet." He stated.
"I told you, I like you. Now are you gonna do commentary the whole time or just enjoy it?"
"Oh I'm enjoying it love." Pete said as his hands slid up her legs. He groaned as he saw her bouncing on him, her breasts bouncing along with her. He ran his hand along her body and brushed his finger onto her clit causing her to yelp. He liked the sound that she made and continued to rub along her clit as she rode him.
"Fuck Pete if you keep that up I'm not gonna last long." She warned him.
"You keep makin' those sounds I won't eithea."
Lauren pushed his hand out of the way and brought her upper body down so she could kiss him before moving to his neck. She began kissing and sucking on his neck like he had been doing to her earlier. Pete reached around with both hands to grab her ass. She was moving at a slow and steady pace, keeping with his grunts of pleasure. She would bite down on his neck every once in a while hoping to catch him off guard. He would squeeze his grip tighter pushing her at a different pace causing her to moan.
"Wait, Lauren stop." Pete said suddenly.
Lauren stopped and sat up. "What's wrong?"
"I wanna be on top." He told her.
"Are you sure?"
Lauren wanted to stay on top and take care of him, but it's what he said he wanted to she switched positions with him. She had to admit having Pete in between her legs staring her down was something she had thought about several times. He began placing kisses down her collar bone as she ran her fingers through his hair again.
"Mmmm Pete, please." Lauren begged bringing a smile to his lips.
"Please what?" Pete asked as he ran his length along her entrance, teasing her.
"I know I'm being selfish at the moment but please, I need you." She moaned as she tried to push herself closer to him.
"Baby, I love hearing you beg." He said as he entered her starting slow at first.
"Pete, faster please."
Pete grunted before speeding up, loving the feeling of her needing him, He began to thrust harder as he sped up. Lauren wrapped his leg up around his waist to give him better access.
"Oh God Pete, I'm so close." Lauren said as she scratched her nails down his back.
"Let go for me love." He rasped into her ear.
Lauren grabbed onto Pete's face to pull him into a passionate kiss as she came. Pete finished shortly after her before collapsing next to her. Their session was relatively quick, but emotional and intense. They laid next to each other trying to catch their breath.
"Well, that was unexpected." Pete stated.
"Yeah, definitely didn't think that was gonna happen when I woke up this morning." Lauren agreed as she laid next to him.
"I'm sorry it wasn't really what ya wanted." Pete apologize.
"What do you mean?"
"Ya said you wanted aggressive, and ripping clothes off, and all that."
Lauren leaned up on her elbow and turned to face him. "That's one of the things I've thought about, but I really just wanted you Pete."
He responded by lightly placing his hand on her head and pulling it down to rest on his chest. Lauren laid there cuddling on Pete, which is something she never would have expected from him, and soon found herself falling asleep.
Around three in the morning Lauren jerked awake. She didn't mean to fall asleep. She didn't even realize she was that worn out. Or maybe just comfortable. The room was now all dark, Pete must have turned the lights out. She couldn't see anything but she felt over to the other side of the bed and it was empty. Of course it was. He came for what she said she'd give him and then left. He wasn't looking for anything beyond that. Lauren knew that when she offered him to come to her too, but she didn't think it would hurt that much when he was gone. She laid back down in her beg and pulled the covers up feeling pretty stupid. Just then she heard the toilet in her bathroom flush and the door open. Pete walked out of the bathroom and back over to the bed.
"Pete?" Lauren asked.
"Hm." He replied.
"I thought you left."
"Why tha hell would I do that?" He asked as he pulled up the covers and got back into bed next to her.
"You were gone. I thought you got what you wanted and left. Especially after I fell asleep on you."
"I believe you're tha one that wanted this love." He reminded her. "You’re the one that offered."
"Well, yeah…"
Pete wrapped his arm around her waist and held her hand, lacing his fingers in with hers. He nuzzled his nose into the back of her neck.
"I'm pretty glad you did though." He admitted. This was the most love he had felt in a long time. He really felt like the person he was with wanted him, needed him. That she was focused on him, and it made him want to be focused on her. He felt an actual connection, which is something that he had been missing.
"I'm not goin anywhere for awhile love." He said as he squeezed her into hug, pulling her body to his. "I loved those sounds I heard earlier. They drove me crazy. I look forward ta havin' ya make more."
Lauren giggled as Pete kissed the back of her neck. Neither knew what the future would hold, but right now they were both enjoying the moment.
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simpingforsoftboys · 3 years
The Odds of Us All
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CH 3 Part 2/5: The Foxes Burrow
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You stood beside Kita, facing the starting members of Inarizaki’s team. Your soulmates were pretty surprised to see you here- but that was a given since you may or may not have neglected to inform them that you would be their new manager.
“This is Ushijima Y/n. She was previously Nekoma’s volleyball club manager- I’m sure some of ya’ have heard of them before. They’re Fukurodani’s main rival- aside from Itachiyama.” Kita introduced her formally, before allowing Y/n to say a few things herself.
“I look forward to getting to know you all! Please take care of me.” You said with a bow. Kita nodded in approval at your brief greeting- concise yet polite- just as he liked it. 
“Today’s extra practice for the senior and starting members. So take yer time with gettin settled in. If ya need anythin just ask me or Aran.” A tall male in a #4 jersey strode up to you, a welcoming smile on his lips as he stretched out a hand for a handshake.
“Nice to meet ya Ushijima! Welcome to the team!” You accepted his hand and shook it firmly.
“Glad to be here Aran-senpai- but please just call me ‘Y/n.’ Ushijima is my cousin-”
“Course- ain’t gonna lie- made me double take the first time I heard it.” They shared a quick chuckle. “Why don’t ya go talk to the other’s? We’ll be right here after.” Aran stepped away to speak to Kita, luckily you didn’t need to go seek out anyone else to speak to- since someone walked up to you.
*Apologies in advance ya’ll, I’m only an anime watcher so I DO NOT have a grasp on Akagi, Omimi, or Ginjima’s characters AT ALL... so please- if you guys have tips please comment. Also I have no idea if Akagi or Ginjima was raised in Hyogo so I’m going to give them a normal Tokyo dialect for now- but Ginjima will have hints of Hyogo dialect- this is subject to change if I get advice. 
“Hi! I’m Akagi Michinari, you’re new right? How’s Inarizaki so far?” Akagi was fairly cheerful- almost like a breath of fresh air compared to everyone else. Sure, Kita and Aran were plenty nice but they were more like a parental/older brother sort than friendly.
“Mhm, I just got here two days ago! Everyone here is so friendly- I love it.”
“Hey... this is just between me and you but,” Akagi leans forward, hand covering the side of his face like he’s telling a secret, curious, you lean forward to hear better. “It’s kind of refreshing to talk to someone without the Hyogo dialect. Sometimes I still have trouble understanding what people are saying so I smile and nod.” You two look at each other for a good moment before bursting into actual giggles. 
“Me too actually, I was so lost in Japanese literature- so I just pretended to know what was going on when Kenji-sensei was lecturing.” You whisper back- sending the third year into a fit of laughter. The two of you were oblivious to the jealous stares from the nightmare trio, and the curious looks from the others. 
“Haha- I think we’ll be fast friends Y/n!” The libero says, turning to look at the last two people. “Hey Ren, Hitoshi- come say hi!” A super tall, scary dude with a blank expression walks over, along with a stereotypical alt obsessed looking guy. “The super tall one is Omimi Ren- and the grumpy one is Ginjima Hitoshi!” Omimi doesn’t say anything- instead opting to nod in greeting.
“Hey.” Is all Ginjima says, looking like he’d rather be anywhere but here. 
“Call me Y/n! I was meaning to ask earlier but are there any allergies or food preferences you might have? I was going to bring homemade energy bars but realized someone might be allergic.” 
“Uh, nah I don’t have any allergies.” Ginjima looks pleasantly surprised, though it’s barely noticeable on his face, “I don’t think anyone here has allergies so ya don’t need to worry.” He turns to look at his seniors for confirmation.
“No one has any.” Omimi agrees.
“Great! Thank you... how about food preferences? Any dietary restrictions for you three specifically?” You’re slipping back into your old managerial habits, pulling out a notepad and scribbling down notes. You may not be of any help on the court directly, but you pride yourself on being analytical and taking care of your team. An example of this was how you’d watch Nekoma’s next rival team beforehand, chatting up their players by starting off with simple conversation- and estimating what makes them tick based off their answers. 
“So professional- Shinsuke picked a good one.” Akagi praised, before giving his own preferences (along with Omimi’s), Ginjima spoke after him. Something told you this years team was going to quickly be added to your list of friends.
“What’cha talkin bout over here?” Atsumu slinked over to stand at your side, inserting himself into the conversation. The two third years were unperturbed at his interruption, meanwhile Ginjima looked a little irritated. 
“Just dietary restrictions.” You replied showing him your notebook. “Speaking of which I have to speak to you, Osamu, and Suna about yours. Excuse us-” After politely excusing yourself and Atsumu, you walked over to join the other two.
“Enjoyin yerself?” Osamu questioned in greeting, taking a bite of his senbei cracker. “Never seen Akagi so chatty with someone he just met.” 
“That’s because they were gossiping.” Suna snickered, shooting you a knowing glance. “It was something about the dialect right? He said the same thing to me when we first met.” He laughed at the scandalized/busted expression you wore.
“What d’ya mean?” The vegetable oil color haired twin questioned, tilting his head to the side- Osamu said nothing, content to munch on his cracker. 
“Thank you so much for exposing me.” You ‘thanked’ Suna with a saccharine sweet tone, before answering your faux blonde soulmate. “It’s Tokyo dialect things. That’s it.”
“Oh ok.” He seemed satisfied with your answer, not seeing any reason to doubt you- much to his twin’s, and Suna’s amusement.
“Alright everyone, practice now!” Coach Kurosu called, the gym doors slamming open as he strode in alongside Coach Oomi. “Ushijima- er I’ll just say Y/n yeah? Come over and I’ll give you a rundown on how things work around here.” While the boys began running their warmup laps around the gyms interior, you made your way over to the coaches. “So... says here you were manager of old Nekomata’s team huh? Interestin’ well, it’s the same as any managerial position. Keep the bottles filled, maintain our players morale when you can, and launder the towels and practice jerseys... sound good?” You nodded, already used to the burden of managing a boys volleyball team. 
“Yes, thank you.”
“Oh and here,” he hands you a hefty, sealed envelope. “Your budget for the next two weeks. Anything you don’t spend will be subtracted from the next allowance.” Your eyes widen at the weight of it, but you nod along nonetheless. Money is a friend of yours- the Ushijima’s being a very well off family. “Well the bottles are in the locker room hallway.”
“Right, of course.” Then you left, going to begin the familiar tasks that had somehow become an important part of your daily high school life.
Oomi looked at Kurosu. “Why’d you give her cash? We’re supposed to give her the card?” Kurosu is silent, watching his players with a scrutinizing look. 
“She reminds me of a boerboel.” 
“I don’t follow?”
“I have a feelin that we can trust her.” 
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This takes place the very next day after CH3 pt1, ignore the 4d mark on that one cut off tweet please
Tendo has this uncanny ability to tell when someone is trash talking either Ushijima 
Sakusa still doesn’t know that Y/n is Inarizaki’s new manager
None of her soulmates follow her private twitter- or know of it’s existence
Y/n is very efficient at doing laundry/filling water bottles within a small time frame- she has Nekoma vbc to thank for that
Nekoma didn’t have a allowance for their team- so Y/n just paid for everything out of pocket
Yes their budget for TWO WEEKS is about $270 
The only things she can bake well is granola/energy bars, scones, and cookies. Anything else she attempts turns out horribly
A boerboel is a extremely dependable dog breed 
Sometimes when the teachers speak too quickly, Y/n can’t tell what they’re saying so she just stares at them, acting like an attentive student so that they’ll be less tempted to call on her during class
I have no idea how to write for Omimi, Ginjima, Akagi, and both coaches so I’ll just do whatever
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tsukishumai · 4 years
pairing: miya atsumu x f!reader
tags: fluff, strangers to lovers
word count: 2.2k
Summary: You think of all the different versions you get of Atsumu throughout the day
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Nights with Atsumu were unpredictable. Your heart always skipped a beat whenever you received one of his “are you free tonight?” texts, excitement never failing to course through your veins.
Miya Atsumu was an adventure.
He had been that way from the very first night you met him, crashing into him at a music festival your friends had dragged you to.
You had been lost for the past hour - separated from your group when you had mistakenly taken the wrong turn while trying to look for the restrooms. You’ve tried calling them time and time again, but the sheer amount of people at the event must have been doing something to the phone lines. None of your calls or texts were going through.
You mumbled a hurried apology, and you could practically feel the way he raked his gaze over your appearance. Though, there was nothing presentable about your current state; your hair (previously curled and styled carefully) was pulled up into a messy bun, dirt from the festival grounds stained your shoes and pants, and the expression on your face was nothing short of stressed.
“You lost, hun?” He had asked. While you would usually cringe at the pet name coming from a strangers mouth, the slight drawl of his accent made it sound sweet, and you couldn’t help but nod.
“It’s my first time coming to this festival - I have no idea where anything is.”
He nodded in understanding. “It can get pretty confusing if ya don’t know what you’re looking for,” he sighed out, reaching a hand out for you to take, “Come on, I’ll help you find em.”
Even then, having known the man for merely two minutes, you were never hesitant in taking his hand.
He quickly told his own group of the current situation, setting up a meet up spot for the end of the night in case Atsumu wasn’t able to find his way back to them in time.
(That was smart. You guys should have done that.)
You wondered why the blonde boy bothered to take the time out of his night to help you. Hadn’t he spent his own money to be here with his friends?
When you had asked him this question, he simply shrugged. “It wouldn’t be right of me to leave a beautiful girl all alone and lost in this huge festival now, would it?”
You didn’t find your friends for the rest of the night. You had instead spent it with Atsumu, jumping from stage to stage, claiming “maybe we’ll find them there?” but really, his favorite artist was up and he didn’t really want to miss it.
It shocked you how natural it felt to be with him; easy conversation flowed naturally, and the initial mission of his company was quickly forgotten, replaced instead with the dizzying thrill of his fingers wrapped around your wrist to make sure he didn’t lose you in the crowd.
“This is my favorite band,” he yelled into your ear, twirling you in circles as you danced along to the beat pummeling out of the speakers.
“I can see why!” You smiled at him, and the freedom you were feeling in that moment, dancing with a stranger that was quickly becoming a friend, was a better high than any drug.
Atsumu couldn’t dance at all - this was something you had pointed out during the second set you had watched together - but there was something in the way he just stuck his tongue out at you and continued to flail his limbs in some semblance of a rhythm with such confidence that you couldn’t help but find charming.
The frantic crying of your name made you whip your head around, and you see your best friend running over to you.
“We’ve been looking for you everywhere!”
You let your best friend scold you for going missing for four hours, pushing down the feeling of embarrassment as Atsumu snickered at you.
“Thanks for keeping me company,” you said, turning to him one last time before finally joining your original pack.
“Anytime,” he smiled, then pulled his phone out of his pocket before handing it to you, “Mind returning the favor some day?”
The grin on your face was brighter than any of the lights surrounding the stage, quickly entering your number and saving it.
It wasn’t even two days after the festival before you received your first invitation out from Atsumu.
There were nights when he took you out to his favorite bar on a Thursday night because shots were 2-for-1 on Thursdays. The two of you would always run into more than one for Atsumu’s friends, and you were more than happy to allow them to indulge you in one or two embarrassing stories of Atsumu. The smile on your face grew wider each time his blush would deepen, and you didn’t know you could find him more endearing than you already do.
There were nights when he would whisk you away to a secret spot in a part of the city you had never been to. “It’s a little bit of a hike,” he’d warn you. You’d have half a mind to reprimand him for letting you wear your new shoes knowing the path would be dirty, but you were shut up by the views. Atsumu came prepared with a blanket to lay down on, taking out snacks and drinks from the backpack he was carrying. Your heart clenched at his thoughtfulness, laying down to stare at the stars peppering the sky. “The moon looks really full,” you said. “Yeah, just like my heart is for you,” he cooed. You would share a laugh, shoving him slightly, but hoping with everything that he meant it.
There were nights when he would take you to visit his brother’s onigiri shop. He would always take you either at closing time or after, ensuring that the three of you had the place to yourself. You could feel this to be some sort of test - test of what, you weren’t sure but you knew you wanted to pass it. Osamu would bring out off the menu flavors, using the two of you as his test subjects. You and Atsumu would exaggerate your judgements, commenting as if you were judges on Top Chef. “The consistency of the rice provided a good mouth feel,” you commented, rubbing a hand on your chin. “The flavors meld together perfectly, creating a refined taste suitable for any palate,” Atsumu replies, and the two of you would burst out laughing, Osamu rolling his eyes and asking you to be serious.
It was after one of those nights, belly and heart full from the nonstop eating and laughing. Atsumu walked you all the way up to your door, saying it’s much too late for you to be on your own. With your key in the door, you turned to say your good bye, only to be met by the softness of atsumu’s lips.
Nights were when Miya Atsumu let you into his world.
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
Afternoons were rarely spent with Atsumu.
You would think that sharing an apartment with the blonde setter would afford you more quality time, but he mostly spent his afternoons chasing his dreams.
You’ll never forget the afternoon the two of you had found out he had made onto his first pro-volleyball team; he was officially an MSBY Jackal. Happy tears were shed, on your part, but more so on his. Excitement stamped all over his face as he claimed he still had so much work to do.
You never held it against him when he came home late at night, the only interaction you’d have would be the kiss he placed on your forehead before climbing into his side of the bed. You didn’t mind that even though you were now living together, this was the most time you two would spend apart. It wasn’t like you were just waiting around; you had a job you loved and were dedicated to.
He never let you missed him too much, though.
“Are we almost there?” Atsumu gasped out, and you just threw your head back and laughed.
“What’s wrong? I thought volleyball players were supposed to have monstrous thighs or whatever?”
Atsumu grumbled. “Yes, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t exhausting to scale a damn mountain!”
“Always so dramatic,” you mused, skipping ahead of him on the trail. Atsumu had a rare day off from practice, and insisted on doing whatever you wanted for the day. He was hoping you were going to say ‘let’s cuddle and stay in!’ Or ‘I want to go to that cafe I saw on Insta!’
But no, you went with “I want to go on a hike!”
It was his own fault, really. Ever since he would take you to look at the stars, you made it your mission to find all the little gems in your city.
“I swear to god, I’m gonna faint,” Atsumu placed the back of his hand on his forehead, “Please tell me we’re almost to the top!”
You grabbed his hand, pulling him up the last few steps of the trail.
“Ta da,” you sang out, out stretching your arms to present the view from the top.
Atsumu took on a deep breath and looked at the view. From the top of the trail, all that surrounded the two of you was the color green. Green leaves from towering trees that covered the face of the mountains that surrounded you. Green shrubs that littered around the forest floor, creating a lush carpet of foliage that stretched as far as you could see. In the space between the mountain ranges, Atsumu could see a hint of the ocean that lies beyond, and he could almost taste the salty air that always made his hair wavy.
The beauty of the earth surrounded him, reminding him of life flourishing all around, and all he could really look at was you.
The color of your eyes that sparkled like uncut gems when caught by the golden rays of the sun that was now nearing its highest peak in the sky could rival the most vibrant green nature could produce. The smile on your face was more blinding than the summer sun. All he could see was the beauty of the love that he knows only you could give him.
Afternoons were rarely spent with Atsumu, but he’s thankful for every chance he gets to be part of your world.
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
Mornings with Miya Atsumu were lazy, and intimate.
The habit of early mornings were hard to break, and regardless of whether you set an alarm or not, the both of you would stir awake at the crack of dawn.
You could feel Atsumu’s heated breath on the back of your neck as he wrapped an arm around your waist. “Good morning,” he would mumble, voice still thick with last nights sleep, dripping into your ears like fresh honey.
“Good morning,” you would reply back, turning around to bury your face into his chest. You loved the way he would always pull you closer, as if there was no wya you could be close enough, trying to fuse you into his own body. You don’t care that you can’t really breathe in this position - there was no where else you would rather be.
Though you were willing to stay that way forever, it was only a matter of time before life interrupts peace and demands to be lived. After a few more soft kisses placed on any bare skin lips could get too, maybe a few fingers brushing through your rats nest of a hair, Atsumu always was the first get up out of bed. You’d try to beg him for a few more minutes, but he’d make you laugh and say “I’d love to doll, but my bladders bout to burst all over our sheets,” and you can’t do anything but laugh and let him go.
Atsumu always showered first since his days started earlier, and you would make your way downstairs to make coffee for the both of you. You usually drank it black, but you made Atsumu’s with a little extra cream. He never asks you to, but you always packed him a lunch and snacks to take to practice, leaving little notes with words of affirmation to get him through the day. The look of pure admiration and love you get when you simply hand him a lunch box, thermos, a peck on the lips, and a prayer for safety; you think this must be true happiness.
You walk back up to the bathroom to start your morning routine, and feel warmth spread all over when you see that he’s set up your toothbrush on the sink with a glob of toothpaste on top and a little cup of mouthwash prepared and ready for you to use.
You loved Miya Atsumu at all hours of the day, but mornings just might be your favorite.
In the morning, Miya Atsumu was just for you.
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sstarcry · 3 years
Into the fire chapter 1
The once bright white room i had been confined to became shrouded in darkness. I recognized a voice coming from the hall, the voice that belonged to carlos. I watched as my cell door opened, I hid further in the corner, not wanting to be poked and prodded again for the third time today. A mop of messy black hair came into my vision. It wasa carlos.
“It's okay, I'm here to get you out. I'm not letting them turn you into one of those things. But we have to move fast.” he said, hoisting me up off of the floor.
Could I really be getting out of this hellscape? He quickly grabbed a small bag from one of the lockers as we ran.
“Carlos? Why save me?” I asked, my voice strained after not talking for years.
“You deserve a future, not torment. I refuse to let them take you to South america. There's a rescue team headed our way.” he said, pulling me up the stairs of a clock tower. The city looked different. Cars were on fire, and it smelled of death and decay.
“Jill? Are you okay? I'm back and I have him with me. We can get out of here as soon as they arrive.”
That was over 20 years ago. In Raccoon city.
“Kole, are you even listening to me?” Chris, or captain redfield, asked me
“Yes sir, sorry sir.” i said still looking at the table below my arms
“Chris calm down. The kids been through hell, show some sympathy.” Jill said, giving him a smack on the back of the head. “I know you're bad with rookies but c'mon, he's only 28. He got out of Raccoon city with Carlos and i. God knows the horrors he's seen.” she said, ushering me out of the conference room.
“Are you okay?” she asked, placing a hand on my shoulder.
“Im fine, it's just. Been 23 years since then and I can't shake it. I'm sorry.” I said looking down.
“Why don't you go sit with Leon in his office? He needs the company, even if he says he doesn't.” she softly spoke, rubbing my shoulder.
“I'll see if he’ll let me.” I said turning away from her.
“If he says no, tell him he’ll have to deal with me.”
“Thanks Jill, really.” I said, offering her a small smile.
I hesitantly knocked on his office door, still shy even after knowing him since he got back from Spain in ‘04. “Leon? Can I come in?” I asked behind the closed door.
“Sure thing kid.” he said as i opened the door “You okay? You seem lost.”
“I'm surviving, just memories y'know?” I said sitting in my usual spot in the corner chair beside him.
“I heard Chris from here. I dont want you to take this mission. Its too much like raccoon city, and I don't want to put you through that again. Okay?” he said, turning away from his pile of paperwork to look at me. “I still can't believe that you made it out. Hell, I'm still in awe of your resilience. And carlos’ dedication to get you out.” he said, placing a hand on my knee. “Stay in here as long as you like. I’ll be doing paperwork but if you feel like talking, just speak up okay?”
“Okay. thank you.”
Almost as soon as I finished my sentence Chris barged in.
“Kole, what are you doing. Were supposed to be leaving for Delena in 20 minutes.” he practically yelled at me
“I'm not letting him go. It's too similar to Raccoon city. That's an order Redfield.” Leon said, looking at the boulder of a man. “Besides, I'm sure you've got this handled. I'm not letting him go through what i did.”
“Just because he's still young doesn't exclude him from his duties, Leon.” Chris said with unwavering intensity.
“But he's still a DSO agent, so what I say goes in case you forgot. So get out of my office Chris.” Leon said, waving his hand in the direction of the door.
By the time they finished their conversation I was shaking, memories flooding my head of the cruel basement of umbrella. “It's time for your treatment, Kole. Follow Wesker.”
“N-no please no.” “grab him. And don't hurt him too bad we still need him alive. This is Austin, subject 0-009 is showing resistance.” “P-Please dont hurt me. I-i’ll be good promise…”
The room felt like it was closing in and the air became harder and harder to breathe. I felt a whimper escape my throat as I curled up into a tighter ball.
“Kole, hey. It's just me, Leon. It's just us.no one else is here.” I could barely hear him over the sound of them. “Wesker, put him in the room. We need him to be calm for this one.” “Yes sir. C'mon kid, don't make this any harder than it has to be.” “Wesker, please don't make me sit in the room again…” I said as sobs racked my body.
“Hey, hey now. Look at me.” Leon said, placing both hands on my shoulders and giving them a small rub. “I need you to breathe. Wesker isn't here. He got what was coming to him. I promise.” he said, wrapping his arms around me. “Shhh it's okay. I'm here now. And I won't let anyone hurt you, okay?”
“O-okay.” I said, mimicking his breathing, still shaking.
“Dont worry ill talk with Chris when he gets back. I hate seeing you this way.” he said, placing a kiss on the top of my head and rubbing my back. My grip on him got tighter as he rocked us back and forth. Soon my breathing evened out but his grip on me didn't falter. “I'm gonna make a quick call to Hunnigan and have someone do this paperwork so we can go home okay?”
“Okay, as long as we can cuddle for the rest of the day. I'm just drained.'' I said leaning into his chest as he picked up the phone on the desk.
“Anything for my baby.” he said before dialing Hunnigan. “Hey Hunnigan, I'm gonna need the rest of the day off. Yeah it was another bad one. Alright thanks.” he said into the receiver then hung up, helping me to my feet. “You ready to go baby?” he asked, standing up and grabbing my hand.
“I guess so.” I said following him out of the office and into the elevator. “Sorry for being a pain in the ass.”
“You are the furthest thing from a pain in the ass. Now Chris on the other hand.” He said with a light chuckle, wrapping his arms around my waist. “You, my sweet boy, are absolutely perfect in my eyes.” he softly spoke before kissing my forehead. “I wouldn’t trade this for the world.”
“Wow Leon, getting soft?”I asked him as the elevator doors opened to the car park. “Who'd've thought that it'd take a traumatized man to make you soft hm?” I asked him as we approached his car. Usually he'd ride the ducati but it was raining so he left it at home.
“I get that Chris is pushing 50 but he doesn't have to play the grumpy old man act.” Leon said opening the car door for me. “At least Jill keeps him in line.”
I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my throat. “Damn babe tell me how you really feel.” I said watching him put the key in the ignition, cranking it. “But you aren’t exactly wrong.”
“Besides, he shouldn’t be that harsh on you. I've told him once before not to do that but I have no problem reminding him. Well, let's get home before the storm gets any worse.” he said exiting the parking deck.
The ride home was mostly silent, minus the soft music coming from the speakers and the occasional boom of thunder. I'm surprised that he still listens to the playlist I made him a few years back.
As we opened the front door we were greeted by our two cats, Ghost and Monty. “Hi boys, did you miss us?” I asked them, getting a loud meow in response from Ghost. “C’mere buddy.” i said picking him up and walking to our shared bedroom.
“You sure have a way with animals” Leon said as he took off his shoes, then followed closely behind me. “Don’t let them take up all the space in the bed will ya?”
“No promises. They have a mind of their own.” I said putting Ghost down and proceeding to take off my work clothes. I looked over my shoulder to see Leon doing the same.
“Cmere.” He said, opening his arms wide. I returned his embrace as he slowly walked back to the bed, pulling me down with him. “Move kitty. I want to cuddle with him, not you.” He said getting a meow in response.
“I don’t think he liked that Leon.” I said resting my head on his chest allowing his heartbeat to calm me.
He chuckled and pulled me closer. “Eh, he can think what he wants.” He said kissing my forehead. “Besides, the second the storm picks up again, he’ll be scurrying under the bed.” Sure enough, bright flash of lightning came through the window followed by a loud clap of thunder. I watched as ghost went from enjoying the pets Leon was giving him to running as fast as he could to get under the bed. “See?”
A small laugh escaped my lips as I watched the whole thing. “What can I say? He’s just a ScaredyCat.”
“Hey, I’m the one who makes the bad jokes!” He said pulling me up on top of him.
“Well looks like I just beat you to the punchline then.” I said sitting up slightly to look at him. His icy eyes held a gleam of happiness in them, a rare sight for him. His hand came up to caress my cheek and pull me into a sweet kiss.
“How did I get so lucky to have this. I thought for the longest time that I’d never feel slightly normal but I wouldn’t trade this for the world.” He said, carding his fingers through my short hair. A hum of content left my throat as I laid my head back down on his chest, just savoring the moment before something inevitably interrupted it. And to my surprise, I was able to drift off into a peaceful sleep as his hands rubbed patterns into the small of my back
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milk-carton-whump · 3 years
More modern AU cuz I enjoy writing it a lot. Mostly just Ritz hiding secrets from his friend.
Tagging: @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @sideblogformindtrash @unicornscotty @tears-and-lilies @skunkandgrenade @whumpasaurus101 @lektric-whump @twistedcaretaker @getyourwhumphere @whatwasmyprevioususername @abitefullofeverything @sunnysunfire @freefallingup13
CW: angry whumpee, intimate whumper, non con touching (non sexual), pressured to talk, making a friend flinch, apologies, lying, modern AU, implied future punishment, possessive behavior, cowboy speech patterns, hiding secrets
Gas Station Secrets
"Witt, please, ah can't be talkin' ta ya at work like this." Ritz mutters while cornered against the drink refrigerators in the back of the gas station. 
Witt leans in close and presses his hand to the cowboy's mouth before speaking. 
"Ritz, sunshine. I just have to make sure you remember the rules of our… arrangement. You're getting worryingly close to this Alex character, wouldn't want anything bad to happen to your friend, right?" The man says as a quiet threat. 
The bell over the gas station door rings as Alex enters the gas station. They see that Ritz is not behind the counter where he can normally be found, but the sound of a hushed voice catches their attention. They round the corner just as Ritz is slipping out of Witt's grasp. 
Ritz gives Alex his normal friendly smile as wraps his arm around his friend's shoulders. He quickly pulls them back up to the front of the store and keeps an eye on Witt as the man types out a message on his phone as he leaves. Ritz's phone receives a message a moment later. 
"So what brings ya in, partner?" Ritz asks as if nothing had gone wrong. 
"Who. Uh… was that yer dad ye was talkin' too Ritz?" Alex asks with curiosity. 
"O-oh yeah! Yeah that was my dad. Anyways, 'nuff bout me how's yer sweetheart Eddie doin'?" He says quickly changing the subject the best he can. 
Alex looks unconvinced about their friend's unwillingness to talk about whatever had just happened. But decides on planning to pester him about it later. 
"Me an' Eddie are doing great, ye should come an' hang with us sometime." Alex offers. 
"Ahh, that's sweet'a ya, Alex. Ah might hafta take ya up on the offer, after this week ah'm gonna need'a little break." He says with a laugh. 
Ritz finally pulls out his phone that has been receiving texts the entire time, he forgets to hide the grimace that crosses his face as he quickly scans the texts. He glances back up and sees Alex staring at him with a concerned look.
"Ye okay Ritz? Ye know ye can talk to me." They offer, unsure of what else to say. 
"Oh, yah ah'm fine jus' got a nasty text from a coworker is all." He lies casually.
Alex looks unconvinced and gives him a more expectant look. 
"I know when ye are lying, ye can tell me, I'm yer friend." Alex pushes, now more concerned.
"Can ya just leave me alone?!" Ritz snaps and quickly covers his mouth in horror. "No, Alex, ah'm sorry please, ah didn't mean it like that." 
He watched as Alex flinched at his anger, he never meant to snap at them like that. Alex crossed their arms with an almost annoyed expression on their face. 
"Ritz, I don't appreciate it when I'm lied to, now what's wrong? Ye have been actin' all funny since yer dad left the store." They press again trying to get him to at least admit something is wrong. 
The older boy had a small scowl cross his face, he really did not want to talk about this. All he really wanted was for Alex to just drop the subject but it didn't look like they intended on leaving him alone. 
"Fine, ya wanna know? Me and Wi- my dad got in a fight is all. That's it." It's not entirely the truth but it seems to satisfy Alex's prodding into the subject. 
He hands Alex an extra few cookies to share with their sister and boyfriend hoping that will make them forget the conversation faster. He waves as they leave the store, as soon as they're out if his sight he pulls his phone from his pocket and leaves an angry voice-mail for the other person. As soon as he hangs up he can almost feel the welts forming on his back, he dreads the end of his shift.
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
Gateway Drug | Part Eighty-One
Words: 3.6K
Warning(s): Explicit language, drug abuse
Tag List: @unknownoblivion  @edwardtriggerhandzz  @haileynicoleseavey17  @cierrasixx19  @oskea93  @mgkobsessed  @sharon6713  @itsametaphorbriansblog  @miriampraez  @allie-mcginn @xpoisonousrosesx  @rebeccaphillips14  @nicholeh7 @lilmou5ie  @tamedhearts  @divaanya  @6ixx6ixx  @ratedrkohardychick91  @floregrohlssard  @oldschoolimagineblog  @thanks2pete  @abaldboi  @liith-ium  @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels  @ytwahsog  @scarecrowmax  @random-internet-user-4471  @solohqrry  @sparxx27  @kaitieskidmore1  @cruecifymesixx    @meetthesixxter   @sublimeprincesswasteland  @arianareirg  @girlnight-terror
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"Babe?" I call as I come in from the hottub, wrapped in a towel, holding my bottle of Pepsi. 
Duff's sitting on the couch when I come in, reaching his hand out to grab mine. 
"We're celebrating tonight," Duffs tells me, grinning around his cigarette, and I raise my brows. 
"For what?" I question him curiously. 
"It's been two months since we started dating." He replies. 
"And that's worth celebrating?" It comes out before I can stop myself and his smile slowly falters. 
"I think so, but if you don't want to—"
"—I didn't mean for it to come out like that, Duff." I tell him. 
"No, Viv, it's fine." He assures me. 
"I meant, we aren't really a couple, so—" I stop myself once more realizing the grave I'm digging myself as he looks at me with a slightly raised brow, blowing smoke from his nose. "—I'm gonna shut up. What time are we going out?" 
"Just whenever." He mumbles and I frown a little. 
"Duff, I didn't mean it like that, either, alright? I didn't think you actually considered us a 'couple' since I'm still technically married and you're like a mistress or something." I run a hand through my hair. 
"Well, we're having sex, we go out together, we have conversations about our future together, neither of us are seeing other people or have an interest in seeing other people—I assume—so, either we're dating or wasting each other's time." 
"Okay, we're dating." I say. 
"Are you sure?"
"Duff, seriously?" I question. 
"I'm dropping it." He ignores me, reaching for his cigarettes on the coffee table. "I gotta go grab a couple things from my apartment and I'll be back later."
"Alright." I reply, taking in a deep breath before mentioning, "hey if you get back and I'm not here it's because I'm gonna try to find Izzy a little later because we need to talk about something."  
"Alright, I love you." He kisses my hair quickly and grabs his keys. 
"I love you too." I tell him and he shuts the door. 
As soon as he's gone I'm rushing to the guest bathroom and opening the cabinet under the sink, grabbing the grocery bag of pregnancy tests that have yet to be taken. 
"God, if you love me…" I say, finishing the prayer in my mind.
Children are and always have been a blessing in my eyes, but that didn't mean I wanted a child then.
"Well, I'll be damned." Izzy mumbles, eyes squinting slightly, holding the test I plopped onto the bar in front of him as he peers into the little window of plastic, seeing another, "|" as opposed to the recent "||" we had seen on my first test. 
This is negative test number five of five taken over the course of three days…
"I'm not pregnant." I repeat to him, taking this last test as the set in stone reality. 
"Congrats, your gig isn't quite up, yet." He says, grinning crookedly and I roll my eyes as he throws back another shot before saying, "So, here ya go," he digs in his pocket and puts two condoms packets on the bar in front of me, making me shove at his arm, "you obviously don't have any." He states.
"I do, I just don't like using them." I reply, glancing around, seeing the coast is clear of anyone I know in the crowded room.
"You like living on the edge or something?" He questions, aggravating me. 
"I like..." I hesitate instead of brazenly saying what I want to. "...you know…" 
He furrows his brows and looks at me for a moment. 
"...You like what?" He asks me, genuinely not understanding and I sigh. 
"I like…that." I widen my eyes slightly for "that," hoping he catches on. 
"I don't understand half of what you say so—"
"—I like cum." I rip the bandaid off and he spits his drink out, squeezing his eyes closed to brace the burn of whiskey through his nostrils as well. "And ya know what? It loses its appeal when it's gummed up at the bottom of latex." I add, just to gross him out more.
"Viv, I didn't need to know that!" He scolds me, groaning, rubbing his face. 
"Understand me now?" I sarcastically demand. 
"Ughh," he wrinkles his nose. 
"I like to feel i—"
"Shut up!" He covers his ears and I laugh. "Damn it, Vivian, go back to damn near leaving the room anytime someone mentioned sex." He complains. 
"I don't feel weird about talking to you about it because you're like a girl friend." I shrug and he glares at me. 
"I'm what?" 
"Like a girl friend." I restate and he raises his brows. 
"A girl friend?" 
"Yeah." I nod. 
"You really know how to break a man's balls without even thinking fucking twice about it." He gripes. 
"I didn't mean anything bad by that." I say, genuinely. 
"You don't tell a guy he's like a girl friend." He argues.
"Well, you are." 
"Are what?" Axl's voice is over the crowd and me and Izzy both snatch at the test before he grabs it and hides it in his jacket pocket. 
"Wondering what's going on with you and Tansy?" I change the subject quickly when he gets to us and he tries to hide his smile. 
"Don't worry about it." He states. 
Axl and Tansy, in a new-found relationship, were in a whirlwind of puppy love. So much so that not even a week later, Axl would propose and she would inevitably say, "yes."
"Where's Duff and the guys?" I ask Axl as he grabs a drink and sits beside Izzy and I, lighting a cigarette. 
"Steven's with some Cheryl chick, Slash is next door at the strip bar, and Duff…" he trails off, furrowing his brows, "...I don't know where Duff is." 
"Oh, well, we were supposed to go out tonight to celebrate our two month." I explain. 
"Well, I haven't seen him." Axl shrugs. 
"He said he was going to his apartment." I add. 
"Haven't seen him." He replies again and I sigh. 
"Okay, then, I'm probably gonna head home and just wait there for him." 
"He's staying with you?" Axl asks and I nod. 
"In Nikki's house?" Izzy adds. 
They look at each other and then look at me. 
"Whore around much?" Axl comments, about to throw back his shot but I knock the glass from his hand and tiredly glare at him. 
"A lot, actually." I reply. "Screw you." 
I turn to go. 
"Viv, c'mon," Izzy sighs as Axl storms off. 
"No, I have some more whoring to go do while my husband's off." I tell him. 
"He's an asshole, Vivian, you know that." He says in reference to Axl but I just keep walking. 
When I get on the street, I head next door to see if he's by any chance with Slash.
Before I can head that way, I'm halting at the sound of a sharp whistle followed by, "God damn!" 
Getting ready to get arrested, again, I turn and my hostility melts away. 
Robbin's grinning at me.
"Where the hell have you been?!" I ask him as he walks to me. 
"I was gonna ask you the same thing." He states, hugging me. "I've seen all the shit in the press and figured you'd gone to Japan with Nikki to work things out or whatever." He adds. 
"There is no 'working things out,' Robbin." I reply and he furrows his brows. 
"I'm filing for a divorce when he gets back." I explain. 
"What? No, Viv, you can't do that, you guys are Nikki and Viv." He tells me. 
"No, we're Nikki and Heroin and Mistress and Viv." I smartly shoot back. 
"I hate that you guys gotta go through this." He admits. 
"Well, we got married knowing it might not work out." I shrug. 
"Yeah, but seeing you two being married and making it work got me to realize it's something I want, too, you know? I just didn't think it'd be like this. You two used to be obsessed with each other." He rubs the back of his neck, frowning a little. 
"Well, it is what it is, Robbin." I say.
"It's bullshit is what it is."
"Talk to him about it." I scoff. 
"Rob, c'mon!" A couple friends he's with call down the street and we both look in their direction. 
"Well, it was nice seeing you, we need to see each other more often, you know." I smile softly at him and he nods. 
"I hope things work out, Viv. I really do." He reassures me and I nod. 
"See ya later." He grins, patting my cheek before going to his buddies. 
"Later." I mumble as he goes.
I breathe out and head into the strip joint, not finding Slash or Duff or anyone I knew. 
I eventually give up and just go home because I need to finish decorating for Christmas, anyway. 
Hoping to find Duff at home, I instead come in to an empty house and a sleepy Whisky. 
"Hey, boy." I step to him and reach down, petting him, feeling a small ache in my heart realizing how much he's grown since Nikki first got him a few months ago. 
We were happy when he first got him. 
Now look at us. 
I force it out of mind and decide to get distracted with Christmas. 
I should've got a shower and gone to bed because I ended up getting thrown into a pit of heartbreak all over again whilst trying to find our star for the Christmas tree that I swore I had put in a closet at some point last year to move it out of the way…
"C'mon, you've got it be here somewhere." I mumble, digging around on the top shelf, my hand feeling something familiar. 
I furrow my brows and lift the random junk to see the Bible Nikki had gotten me for valentines day this year that had "gotten lost." 
The star is a distant memory as I grab the Bible and step off the step-stool I was using and innocently open it where the ribbon is tucked by the back cover.
I see a scribbling of Nikki's handwriting. 
I don't know if it's offensive to write in one of these, but my place in hell is already solidified so I might as well piss God off some more. Sorry, I know you don't like when I say I'm going to hell even though we both know it's true. The one problem I have with where I'm fated to spend eternity, is that I know you won't be there. I realized this exactly one year ago. I came pretty close to being over with and I would be burning currently (or just laying in the fucking ground, or flying around as a reincarnated bird, whatever the hell happens to us when we go) had I not made it through. I know I'm scaring you with how much I do, Viv. I hear you talking to God about it when you pray. You're afraid I'm not going to wake up one day. I'm afraid, too. I know, right, Nikki Sixx is scared of something, who would've thought? I'm afraid I'm going to take my last breath without telling you how much I love you. I knew I loved you that night you snuck me into your window and asked me to help you bullshit that damn thesis paper for your final. That was six years ago, almost, and I wish I would have been telling you that I love you all along, maybe it would have changed the path of certain things that have happened. I'm sorry for what I've done, what I'm doing, and what I will do. It's my cross to carry. It's not your fault, it never has been, it never will be. I hope you can forgive me if I'm not here this time next year...if I don't get any better, I'll be in a coffin before our tour ends. Jeez, this sounds like a suicide note. I promise that's not why I'm writing this. I hope I'm around as long as you are. I hope we're together in the next life, whether it's as two birds that mate for life, pecking at each other's eyes, or our spirits just find one another. If God is real, all I'll need is for him to let me know you've made it up there and that you'll be okay, and I'll go to Hell and take the brimstone and fire for all the damage I've done. Just don't forget me, whatever happens. I won't ever forget you. I love you, Vivian. I won't ever forget you. I love you.
My body locks up, my joints tensing, my nose burning as tears come to my eyes...I start shaking, an uncomfortable lump clogging my throat...fury encapsulates me. 
I'm throwing the Bible at the wall, pulling at my hair, screaming and yelling incomprehensibly before finally choking out, "why didn't you tell me this?!" I bark at Nikki who's across the country and can't hear me. 
But I'm saying it loud enough that he probably could if he really tried. 
I guess a part of me might've considered staying with him had he expressed his feelings to me earlier on in our relationship. It's nice to hear, "I love you," even if someone doesn't mean it. 
I felt robbed. I felt I deserved for Nikki to tell me that before I found out about Vanity...before he started choosing drugs over me...before I started sleeping with someone else…
I lay down and just stare at the mirror ceiling looking back at me, an ugly crack causing my reflection to scatter in multiples. 
Nikki must've broken it at some point before leaving. 
I don't know what the point of getting a mirrored ceiling was...perversion or whatever, I suppose. But the money and time spent repairing the damn thing over the years…
I glance at Whisky, curled up on Nikki's side of the bed, talking in his sleep while his back legs twitch a little. 
Maybe he's actually reliving a good memory of Nikki. 
All I can think of is, 
"I got on it to help with my shoulder and finish my parts of the album so it would be ready in time." He tells me honestly.
"And your shoulder's healed now, Nikki. So why are you still bothering with it?" I ask, looking at him. 
"It's not like I'm injecting the shit, Vivian." He argues, getting defensive. "Go read your Bible or pray or something...anything."***
I throw the syringe at him, screaming out, "when did you start doing this?!" as tears reappear in my eyes. 
I expect him to come fight me, he instead ignores my outburst and leans down to grab the box of needles.
I get up and follow after him, my hands shoving at his back, nearly causing him to trip over himself. 
"Answer my fucking question!" I demand him, my voice shaking. I get the reaction I want, the plastic of syringes and metal of needles colliding loudly with the wall when he throws the box of them angrily and spins around.
"Vivian, it's just recreational. It's not serious. I got it under control." He tries to defend himself and I close my eyes, realizing I'll never win.
"Andy." I cry out, keeping my hands on Nikki's chest, but the Finnish rockstar keeps yelling back and forth with the dealer. "Andy." I repeat, louder, but he still doesn't hear me. "Andy!" I'm pleading in a holler, catching his attention. "I-I can't do this, I'm sick, just call an ambulance!" I beg and Andy heads to the phone hanging on the wall.
"Vince, I'm scared." I say in a whisper.
"Viv, you guys are gonna be okay. I'm sure you'll find a way take fix things just to spite people saying you two won't last." He assures me, his hand rubbing comfortingly up and down my back. "Look at me." He says and I do, and he wipes at my tears. "It'll be fine, alright?" I nod. "Okay?"
"Okay." I reply, sniffling again.
I'm hitting the floor as fast as I can, screaming as my ears ache from the noise as he just starts shooting repeatedly, and the house shakes, my only chance of protection is getting under the bed and I rush to get there, covering my ears as my spine paralyzes with fear and more shots fire out. I hear things in our house breaking and shattering from  buckshot that flies through the open doorway as Nikki is shouting "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!" with raw tears in his voice.
"I'm getting married, look." Vanity states, taking her left hand out of Arsenio's hold and flashes a shining ring on her ring finger and my ears perk up, apparently Tansy's pulled from her drugged stupor, because her heavy eye lids pop open and her face pales when I look at her as I hear Arsenio comment, "okay, um, here's something for Jett magazine," going with the sudden turn of events presented by the starlet.
"Did you know she was engaged?" I ask Tansy and she's at a loss of words. "I didn't even know she was dating anybody." 
"Vivian." Tansy's tone is dreadful and I wait for her to tell me about it, Arsenio cracking jokes in the background, causing Vanity's enthusiastic laughter to infiltrate the room.
"This is a beautiful ring." He states, grabbing my attention once more. 
"Isn't it pretty?" Vanity agrees as he examines the rock on her finger. 
"You, didn't you--"
"--Nikki Sixx." She interrupts him, and my brows furrow even more, confusion taking over me.***
"How could you do this to me?!" I cry out as he starts trying to walk to me, trying to keep his anger low, but I get away from him, throwing a hotel lamp at him, only for it to shatter on the wall behind him. "What did I do to make you hate me so fucking much, Nikki?! To make you pursue another girl--one of my friends--so fucking hard that you propose to her?! Am I just that fucking forgettable?!" I'm throwing dirty dishes Tommy's used tonight, all of them breaking when they miss Nikki by merely centimeters, hitting the wall. 
"Vivian, fuck it off!" He barks and I grab Tommy's switchblade off the nightstand, throwing it next, and it barely misses Nikki's face. 
"I hate you!" I say back. "I fucking hate you!"
“What's new…" He says with a small smirk, thinking about something before the corners of his mouth fall slowly. "...I've done a lot of shit." He starts and I look at him. "Shit I'm not proud of. I don't fucking know when to just do something a little bit. I can't have a bump, I've gotta go through an eight ball as fast as possible. I can't have a drink, I gotta drink the place dry. I can't have a serious girlfriend, I've gotta marry her." He says, and I glance at him and he shakes his head. "I can't just have a one-night stand, I gotta have a fucking affair." He finishes and I lick my lips, keeping my tears back. "This might be fucked up, but I've realized I don't feel like I shouldn't have had anything with her." He says in reference to Vanity and I furrow my brows. "I just feel like we shouldn't have gotten married to begin with."
I decide to have mercy on myself, refusing to relive anymore of our memories--good or bad--because they don't matter anymore and I don't even give myself time to think about how he finally decided to tell me he loved me after six years of jumping through hoops trying to earn it from him. 
Careful not to wake the dog, I get out of bed, hearing Duff's car pull into the driveway, and glance at the clock. 
How is it already 4:00a.m.?
I can't help but feel butterflies in my stomach, excited to see him because I've missed him.
When he gets in, he braces himself against the doorway of the foyer, cursing under his breath when his feet dare to slip from underneath him. 
"Did you have fun?" I ask him softly, smiling at him and he slowly lifts his head to look at me. 
"Y-You're still up?" He asks me, rubbing his face and I chuckle, taking a step to him. 
"Yeah?" I reply, wrapping my arms around his waist…
...Noticing he's keeping his hand on his eyes as if he's rubbing them, and his lids are squeezed together. 
"Are you okay?" I ask next, reaching up to pull his hand away from his eyes but he stops me. 
"Yeah, baby, I'm fine, just go to bed and I'll be there in a second." He tells me calmly, slurring a little. 
"Duff, what's wrong?" I don't listen, not buying it for a second. 
"Viv…" he sounds disappointed. "Izzy'll be in here in a second." 
"Just look at me," I giggle and move his hand again and he hesitates for a second, before sighing, looking me in the eyes. 
I can't speak as pin-pointed pupils look down at me, the sudden smell of smack fumes on his clothes invades me, faint but still there.
I go to open my mouth to speak but I can't…
He's floating on heroin and my hopes of normality are drowned.
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The Treatment of Capt. Syverson-Chapter Two: Therapeutic Procedure
Pairing: Captain “Sy” Syverson x OFC (Shane Benton)
Summary: Shane and Sy share some moments during their treatment sessions…and a phone call that could set the tone for the next few weeks.
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: None, yet… ;)
Author’s Note: Sorry, I was so eager and excited to post the first chapter of this last night, I totally put some inaccurate info in my description notes. I will correct that in the original post and  try to do better henceforth! Hope you enjoy Sy and Shane totally flirting some more and getting more friendly in this chapter. Feedback is appreciated! Even constructive criticism! :D
Disclaimer: Unfortunately for me, Henry is not mine, le sigh, and all mention of him, his characters, any characters from his films, or his precious doggy, Kal, are strictly for transformative and recreational use. I neither ask for, nor accept payment for the work I post on Tumblr or AO3. Unbeta’d because this is for fun and escapism. 
Tags: @onlyhenrys @cavillryarchive @summersong69 @titty-teetee
Let me know if you wish to be added to the list! I’m happy to do it!
Shane woke up that morning with knots in her stomach. She dropped every product she picked up in the shower, she was shaking so much. She accidentally ordered the wrong coffee on her way to work and was now drinking something much less caffeinated and far too sweet for her taste. The barista had informed her it was a grande caramel macchiato with an extra pump of vanilla and extra caramel drizzle…with only two shots of espresso…she couldn't begin to describe how wrong that drink was for her. But it was better than nothing, she told herself, not fully convincingly.
She had chosen her clothes with extra care, even though, with the dress code, her options were limited. And she had made sure to put on a bit of mascara and just a touch of perfume, even though they weren't strictly supposed to wear it…she didn't know why she was bothering.
Well, actually, she did know why. She had been checking her schedule extra diligently lately to make sure she didn't look like a hobo when Sy was coming in. He'd been coming for three weeks now, and after the initial bellyaching about Jordan not being as pretty as her…her heart!...and his feeling extra sore after his visits with him, they were on a roll and had a great chemistry together as far as their treatments went…she tried not to think about…beyond the world of therapy.
She thought back to their first session after she got back from her trip. And the conversation they had.
"I think the next time you can't see me, I'm just going to cancel." he had sulked as he wiggled his mass of muscle onto the mat.
"Sy, no. you need therapy. Don't be like that to Jordan. He's an excellent therapist."
"He ain't you though." he smirked, sending her heart racing with that smile that somehow managed to look both boyish and rakish under his full, dark beard. Fucking hell. He needed to stop.
"Well, we can't fault him for that, can we? Lay back, Mister." She demanded. Done with the niceties of the evaluation and onto the treatments where she was in charge. The boss.
"Yes, sir!" she laughed at his clear avoidance of calling her ma'am.
"So where'd you go last week? Vacation or stay-cation?" he asked, the term "stay-cation" sounding downright comical coming out of his country-boy mouth.
"I went to the beach. Gulf Shores."
"I thought you looked like you got some sun."
"Yeah," she pretended his noticing the detail of her awesome tan did not send her reeling. "My folks rented a condo right on the water for my siblings and I to come and stay with them. They're still there. It was tough to leave all that beauty." the beach, pretty much any beach, was her favorite place to be.
"I bet…" he looked at her, something dreamy in his eyes, but he looked away before she could process it. "I thought I had my fill of sand and sun when I was over in Iraq. But you make it sound…like paradise." he smiled softly up at her as she worked on his knee, trying to break apart some of the scar tissue from the injuries and surgeries he'd had…and focus on that, and not the warmth rising in her.
"That's the perfect way to describe any place on the Gulf of Mexico. I doubt it's anything like Iraq, since there's so much water around. It's my favorite vacation destination. Well, apart from London."
"Them British folks always seem so stuck up. Don't know if I'd get along with any of 'em."
"It felt like a second home for me. Everyone was very kind and polite, for the most part. At least it was no worse than it is here."
"Maybe it's just because you're so nice."
"Wait 'til about week eight or ten of your protocol. You won't think I'm nice then. You'll be cussing me out and ready to ring my neck."
"Promise?" he asked, a dark grin on his lips and in his eyes…she faltered for a moment, gulping.
"Cut it out, Syverson." she rolled her eyes, covering…without great effect the way he made her feel.
"Yes...ma'am." he smirked with satisfaction.
And now, today, she'd be treating him again, fairly early in the day, and she had to prepare herself. She'd checked the policy, and although there wasn't anything strictly against dating a patient, it was clearly a conflict of interest, and would be frowned upon by her frigid tyrant of a boss. Best to let things remain platonic for now.
Her 9:30 was a no show, so she finished up some notes and was working on some continuing education credits when messenger popped up around 10:00.
Sergeant Sexypants is here. He's quite early and he knows it…*smirk emoji* he must like you, Shane!
Heather, come on, be respectful…he was discharged at the rank of Captain! *rofl emoji* and I think you might be right about him liking me…*nervous emoji*
Oooooooooh!!! You guys are gonna *couple kissing emoji* *eggplant emoji* *okay emoji* *explosion emoji* *baby emoji*
Omg…*three facepalm emojis* I am going to go ahead and start him early since my 9:30 was a NCNS.
Don't finish him too early. Make it last. *smirk emoji*
Jeez. She closed the chat and went to grab him from the waiting area.
"Hey Sy, you ready?"
"You bet, sunshine!" he flashed her a crooked smile. He was calling her sunshine now…ad that to the list of things she'd have to pretend didn't make her swoon.
"Great. Let's start on the bike. How's the knee feeling today?"
"Oh, it's…about the same. Stiff. Lil' sore."
"Well, it's a slow process, like I told you at your eval. You've got a lot going on in there."
"I know…just…it hasn't taken me four weeks to do anything in my life." he sulked. "So…thinking about this taking…twelve or more…" he grimaced as he sat down on the bike, and adjusted it for his longer than average legs, putting his feet in the pedal stirrups.
"You may not see it, Sy, because you're so close to it, but trust me, you're making progress. I can tell you're doing your exercises at home, and you're always willing to put in the work here. You have no idea how much that sets you apart from…some of these other people." she leaned in closer and spoke the last part more quietly to him. It was true. So many of her patients were either lazy or just in it to appease their MDs into writing them scripts for pain meds. That wasn't Sy.
"You really think so?" he gave her the side eye with his baby blues, crushing her with the color like the waves of the ocean she'd just returned from.
"In fact, I know so." she placed a reassuring hand on his broad and thick shoulder. She felt the tension between them hum, like electric current.
"Now, level one, and a steady pace. You're not trying to win any medals here. I'll take those crutches."
"When ya think I can 86 'em damn things?" he griped as he handed over the assistive devices.
"Well, you see Potter again tomorrow? I'll write an update today and send it to him. If he likes what he reads, or more likely pretends to read, regarding your progress, he may discharge them. Do you feel like you can be good to the knee and treat it nice without using crutches? I don't want you to regress and re-injure yourself. That's not gonna get you into your running shoes any sooner."
"I'll be nice. Real gentle." he winked at her…he wasn't just talking about the knee. And she knew it. But again, she pretended she didn't, ignoring once more those butterflies threatening to choke her they were multiplying so fast in her belly.
"Okay, I'll put that in my note. Patient compliant with instructions to be nice." she laughed.
They talked as they biked, Shane sat on the one next to him and pedaled along with him for something to do other than be idle. She thought it made him feel better as well. Like he wasn't doing it alone. They covered the subject of her siblings, an older brother in IT and a younger sister who was an MA, and his German Shepherd, Aika, which he was allowed to bring home from Iraq after they were both honorably discharged. Music, both of them completely in agreeance about the superiority of classic rock.
"I noticed you've worn a Lynyrd Skynyrd shirt a few times and meant to say something before now."
"Yeah, they're one of my favorites. But there are a few newer groups that I like a lot, too. Kings of Leon got me through some tough times, honestly."
"Oh, they're great! I love their sound. And their lyrics…poetry."
"No shit. Sorry." she shook her head and raised up her hands to indicate that he didn't need to apologize to her for swearing. She'd been known to make sailors blush when she was off the clock. "Only by the Night…that whole album is…it's just in my blood, ya know? Ya ever have an album do that?"
"I have. Whole artists catalogs, actually."
"Which artist?" he prodded.
"The Beatles. Pretty much every song. Like you said, it just, like, I dunno, it's almost deeper than the veins. It's in the marrow. My soul." she stared off out the windows ahead of them, thinking about her favorite band in the world and how magical it was to experience Sir Paul McCartney playing some of her favorites live…twice…and the timer on the bike went off, pulling her from her daydream.
She looked over at him, startled by both the noise, and the dreamy look in his eyes that was becoming all too familiar.
"Sorry." she stood, grabbing his crutches for him and handing them back to him from where she had leaned them as they rode.
"Hey, don't be sorry for…ahem…for loving what you love. We should all…hold on to the things that make us feel like that." she nodded.
"Thanks…I don't think a lot of people…understand the way I…my tendency to take things like music, movies, and shows…books…so deeply to my heart." they walked to the treatment room from the gym, taking their time, since they had it. A rare occurrence for Shane, always needing to capitalize on every spare minute. To make productivity a priority.
"I think…that…well, seeing a pretty grim side of the world like I have…seems like there's enough darkness and bullshit making everyone miserable. If we find something…or…someone…that brings us some happiness or even just makes that misery bearable…we oughta hang onto 'em real tight. Cherish it like gold." the silence in the small room was loud with that electrical hum of their tension again. He'd said all the right things, as he always seemed to, but under the absolute wrong circumstances. She just nodded.
"They teach you philosophy in Basic?" she giggled. He laughed back in response.
"Oh, no, Basic was way easier than…whatever goes on inside of us."
"Speaking of which," she segued deftly, "lay back, and let my try to get some range out of that knee before I take new measurements for this update I'm gonna write."
"Yes, ma'am!" he chuckled.
"You get some sick thrill out of calling me that, don't you?" she scowled playfully at him.
"Oh, you have no idea…ma'am." he winked at her.
The next day, Shane was wondering how Sy's appointment went as she ate her soup at lunch and caught up on her morning notes. She got a ping on messenger.
You have a gentleman caller…*eggplant emoji*  hehe, he's on line three.
Geez…thanks Heather.
No need to ask for a name. She knew Heather meant Sy.
She picked up the phone at her desk in the treatment room.
"Hey Sy! How'd the appointment go?"
"Hey, sunshine…eh…he said I'm doin' good, but he wants me to stay on crutches another two weeks." she could hear grave disappointment in his voice. She felt for him.
"Aww, I'm sorry Sy. I know you wanted off those. And I know they're a pain. Literally and figuratively."
"Why wouldn't he want me off 'em?" he was so frustrated. He must have just left the office.
"Did you ask him that question?"
"You know doctors, Shane. Not like I would have got an answer in plain English. Figured you'd know."
"Well, I haven't seen your post-visit report, but it's my presumption that he wants to play it safe. You know he spent most of his day in the operating room with you, right? An eight hour surgery, you had. He probably doesn't want to undo all that by d/c'ing the crutches too soon."
"I was gonna be careful though, Shane!" he was worked up properly, and she could hear it over the roar of his pickup in the background.
"I know you were, Sy. I'm sure you were going to take all kinds of precautions. But what if you're walking into your kitchen, during a storm, and there's a loud clap of thunder, and Aika gets startled and busts past you? What if you're feeling good one day, and forget about it, and jog to catch up to someone holding the door open for you and miss a stick or something under foot? You can't prepare yourself for every pebble or patch of mud in your path, Sy. Accidents will happen. Some circumstances are beyond our control…we just have to do the best we can. The crutches are going to help you until we get you stronger. That's what we'll focus on until those two weeks are up."
"Why is it you can calm me down like this?" he asked, sincere and truly calmer than he had been.
"I'm just a good therapist, is all."
"Ya don't think that's really all, do ya?" the sound of his deep drawl in her ear from the receiver made her shiver. He was implying something that she just couldn't entertain. It wasn't possible for them right now. Maybe…down the road…in a few weeks…
"I'll see ya tomorrow, Sy. Come ready to work that knee."
"You didn't say no…" he was too hopeful. Damn it, he was cute when he was hopeful. She was glad she couldn't see his face light up like she knew it was doing.
"You may have noted I didn't say yes, either."
"Yet. See ya in the mornin', sunshine."
"Bye, Sy."
She put the receiver in the cradle and her face in her hands.
She had a feeling this particular patient was about to become much more complicated.
Up Next: Chapter Three-Therapeutic Activity
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violetwolfraven · 3 years
A sudden revelation came to me : the big twin besties!!! Davey Sarah Mike Ike would be chaos if they’re together but that is okay bcs we love them. That is all thank you💕
They would!! I’m gonna do them in modern AU, so I hope that’s okay, Rai!!
This is going to be pure chaos. Nothing else. Literally no part of this is serious. It’s just pure dumbassery among friends.
Also Les definitely does dance competitions. He goes to the same studio as Race. He competes in a mini division and he does tap and hip hop and his group wins. Fight me.
Tw: swearing.
“Davey, pop the popcorn faster!” Sarah hollered from the living room.
“Sarah, shut the fuck up!” Davey hollered back. He loved his sister, but she annoyed the hell out of him.
Well, Les did, too. He guessed it was a sibling thing in general, but there was something about knowing someone since before birth that gave you a special ability to get on their nerves.
Plus, it wasn’t like he could make the microwave work any faster.
“What are we watching tonight?” he called while he waited.
“Isn’t it obvious?” Sarah shouted indignantly.
At the same time, Mike yelled, “We’re binge-watchin’ Liv and Maddie!”
“Oh, of course! That’s so fuckin’ obvious!” Davey shook his head, wishing he could stop himself from smiling as he muttered to himself, “We’re such huge fucking dorks.”
They were, of course, watching Liv and Maddie because they were two sets of twins left alone in a house for the night, and that tv show was about a pair of twins. The Jacobs parents were taking Les to a dance competition and the Guzman parents were going to a wedding.
Honestly, Davey was pretty sure they’d left them all together because out of the four of them, Sarah was the only good cook, Mike was the only good driver, Ike was the one who knew how to operate a can opener, and Davey was the one with common sense. Together, they formed a fully-functional teenager.
Also, they all already had partners, so the parents trusted them to be left alone all night together, unlike when Sarah and Ike asked if they could have Jojo, Hotshot, Katherine, and Jack over, too.
Davey heard the TV start up and silently willed the microwave to work faster.
“Ya can’t start without Davey, Sar—“
“Ike, I don’t know how to break this to ya, but I don’t give a shit.”
Honestly, Davey had expected that, “Thanks for tryin’, Ike!”
“No problem, Dave!”
The popcorn finally finished popping, and Davey grabbed the huge bag of M&Ms on the way out of the kitchen with it before going to join his sister and friends in watching Liv and Maddie’s shenanigans.
Ah yes. The ultimate twin night. Admittedly, the feral energy of all four of them was better than it would’ve been if it was just him and Sarah.
And Ike was smirking at his phone, which of course meant Davey had to tease him.
“Textin’ Hotshot, huh?” he asked, poking him in the shoulder.
Ike batted his hand away, “Shut up.”
Mike laughed, “Ooh, that means there’s somethin’ to hide.”
Sarah slung an arm around his shoulders, “Are you gonna fight? Cause I honestly can’t decide who’d win.”
“Nope,” Davey said automatically, “Can’t do that. We can’t have any death matches destroying the living room or our folks will never let us do this again.”
“I guess the blood would ruin your carpet.”
“Well, Mikey, it’s not like I don’t know how to get blood out of things.”
“Why—oh. Okay.”
Sarah laughed maniacally at the look on his face. It wasn’t that he looked grossed out or anything, just kind of surprised to be thinking about it.
Davey was pretty familiar with having to grab spare pads from the hall closet if the bathroom ran out and tagging along on milkshake runs during Sarah’s time of month, but he guessed a boy without sisters wouldn’t have to think about that kind of thing.
“So, how are things with Hotshot?” he asked, changing the subject.
Ike shrugged, “Good. How’s Jack?”
“He’s over here like, all the time,” Sarah said, rolling her eyes, “Or Davey’s over there. It’s cute in a gross way.”
“Fight me, Sarah. You’re the same way with Katherine.”
“Stuff with Jojo is good, by the way,” Mike chimed in, “God, I love him.”
“We get it, you’re cute, now shut up.”
Sarah swatted him, “That’s not very nice, Isaac.”
“Yeah, those are bold words from someone who’s baby pictures I have access to,” Mike agreed.
“You wouldn’t.”
“Try me, bitch.”
“Again, we can’t have a death match without destroying stuff,” Davey reminded them, “So can we just kick back and watch our show?”
Ike butted his head against Davey’s shoulder like a cat affectionately, “We should skip forward a couple seasons so we can watch Liv and Holden break up and cry.”
“No,” Sarah said immediately, “My eyeliner looks really good today.”
“You’re at a sleepover,” Davey pointed out, “Why did you even do your eyeliner?”
“David, I swear to God.”
“You swear to God what?”
“Don’t listen to him,” Mike said, reaching over to hug her, “You look fuckin’ amazing and you and Kathy usually make the rest of us look like slobs.”
“Aw, thanks Michael.”
“Don’t call me Michael.”
They actually managed to watch about half the episode without talking, before Ike shattered the silence.
“Okay, but do we think Joey’s gay?”
“I think Willow’s obsession with him is creepy and it’s super questionable how the writers played it off for laughs,” Mike admitted, “I think Joey does like girls, though. He has chemistry with a few different girls for like one episode each.”
“But he definitely has a thing for Josh in the later seasons,” Sarah pointed out.
“Oh, yeah. Good point. Maybe he’s bi or pan.”
Davey had never thought he’d have a conversation like this, but he had to admit they had a point.
“Maddie and Willow would’ve made a cute couple,” he said, “Maddie can’t drive. That alone is proof she’s not straight. And Liv had chemistry with Holden, but she would’ve been cute with Andie, too.”
“Oh, preach, bro,” Ike agreed, “And I think one of my first crushes when I was in middle school was actually on Parker from Liv and Maddie, so...”
“Parker’s bi and ace,” Mike said immediately, “I’m callin’ it. I don’t even need any evidence; just by vibes. He’s just this bi-ace mad scientist.”
“But seriously,” Sarah insisted, “Joey had a thing for Josh and I think it was requited.”
Davey rolled his eyes, “Duh. Was that ever up for debate after that one episode where the only thing that made Josh feel better about his breakup with Maddie was Joey?”
“So in short, none of the Rooney siblings are straight,” Mike concluded.
Davey smirked, “Kinda like how none of the siblings in this room are straight.”
“Aw,” Mike grinned, “Are you sayin’ you sees Ike and I as siblings?”
“More like we’re all in a cult and we call each other siblings, Brother Mike.”
“Oh yes of course, Brother Davey.”
“You’re both ridiculous.”
“Are you actin’ like you have custody of the brain cell, Sister Sarah?”
“No, of course not, Brother Ike. Brother Davey has it. He just never uses it.”
“I use the brain cell frequently, thank you very much,” Davey said indignantly, “Just not in conversations with people who don’t even have one.”
“Oh, burn!” Ike shouted, and Davey accepted a high five.
It looked like Sarah didn’t have anything to say to that. Probably because she didn’t have the brain cell.
Whatever. If the Rooney siblings could survive with only one brain cell, which the youngest sibling always had, Davey was pretty sure the four of them could, too.
This probably makes no sense if you’ve never seen Liv and Maddie. I’m sorry.
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||Temeplate credit to @video-space !! ||
Name: Leilani christan ormsby/thistlewaite
Pronouns: he/him
Weapon/fighting style of choice: Paddles/ Bats
-"Well hello, mind for a talk James?"
-"Hopkins! Greetings, a moment of your time please?"
-"Jimmy, can we speak?"
-"James, How are you?"
Saying Goodbye:
- "I have to go check on my baby Perri, see you later James"
- "Well times ran out, I have to hear another phone call from my mother."
- "I best be going, my designs aren't going to finish themselves!"
-"Fare well Hopkins, I have to catch a gift from my Fathers' in the office about now"
- "Get back here, you, you doormat!!"
- "Once I catch you, you'll be hearing from three lawyers!"
-"Stop running, face me coward!"
Out of breath:
- "I'm wasting time, you're lucky I have plans today.."
- "No..Wait till I catch my breath then you'll be unlucky.."
-"Oh! My side! Heavens I need to run more.."
Walking around talking to themself:
- "My Daddies won't stop sending me hideous sweaters!"
- "Sometimes I wish I did come out a girl just so my mother would leave me alone about the subject"
- "Dresses aren't that bad to wear, mommy used to make me wear them when I was small! Maybe they're just tad itchy is all.."
- "Would life for me be much better if i was born a girl, well maybe for mommy's life.."
- "Having two dads ain't so bad as mommy always told me.."
- "My Daddy isn't as bossy as Mommy, I wish she'd get boys are more better than girls"
- "Only good gift I've gotten from my Daddies is Perri, no boy could replace him when it comes to those nights.."
-"Perri is what's keeping me from giving into my mothers wishes of what she wants"
-"Perri is like a baby to me, speaking of, I should go down to buy him treats"
-"My Mother says kissing boys here is dangerous, I think the only good advice she's given my entire life"
-"Maybe lower class boys can be handsome, well MAYBE can at least.."
- "Did your Mother ever make you say you were a girl?"
- "You know those rubber things in the small packages? I don't think it's gum.."
- "You know James, you are cute but I wish you dressed less poor so if we were seen together my parent's would suspect a thing!"
- "I think I have Scoliosis, I've been forgetting a lot of things"
- "When I was little I found this strange collar in my Daddies' room, I'm still wondering if they were gonna get me a puppy."
- "What do you normally shop for James?"
- "Do you think when you drink blue punch, your pee is blue? I swear some toilets suspiciously have Blue in them"
- "My mommy had a small dog named Lily when I was 7, she liked dirt, reminds me of the jar of dirt I used to make a dirt mountain in the living room when she strangely vanished.."
Conversation Response:
- "Oh my."
- "Indeed."
-"Quite interesting, may you say more."
- "Undertsable, I get that."
- "Couldn't get that, but I will try."
- "Maybe for once boys dressed nice I'd kiss them!"
- "I wish my Mommy would lay off, only if I had the guts!"
- "God dammit, I stepped in gum!I think I'm gonna cry…"
- "Perri accidentally pooped on my arm when I was chatting with a cute boy, I cant believe he'd do me like this!"
- "My last pair of underwear is once again missing! These pants are really not soft, think I'm getting another rash on my- you know where!"
Unknown/Cut Dialogue:
- "It is normal to faint five times after a hot shower?"
- "My Mother is getting on my back after that date with one of the bullies, wish she got that he actual showers?"
- "What the hell is a V card, is there letter cards I never heard about? And why do people always take them?"
- Sometimes I'll be doing something but blink and find myself on the floor, I don't get what the nurse means by neurocardiogenic syncope? Is that like a sleep thing?"
-"I have 10 brothers, no wonder my mom wanted me to be a girl"
Starting fight with Cliques:
- "God, I hope your pimples don't pop during a punch!"
- "Bet you fight like you dress, poorly!"
- "You nothing more than pennies on the ground!"
- "Come at me you heathens!"
- "I'll be washing my hand when I'm done with you!"
- "Under all that leather is nothing more but a walking non-sqeak door canister!"
- "Don't slip on your hair gel when you get a run start!"
-"Fast food places use less grease than you put in your hair!"
- "You may have brains, but i know you dont have brawl!"
- "You're weaker than my baby cousin!"
- "You're gonna wish you keep that nose in a book!"
- "Hope you like not seeing for a week, four eyes!!"
- "Keep those sweaty hands away from me!"
- "Smells like wet jockstrap!"
- "Come at me you Sport freaks!"
-"Football dont teach you punching skills!"
- "Glad bullworth doenst have you in it"
- "Proud Derby dont waste money on you!"
- "Ready to get a taste of Bullworth!"
- "I'd sue you but I dont think you have enough money to even pay for a parking hours at the cournt house!"
Requesting an errand:
- "James, If you do this thing for me maybe you can buy better clothes?"
- "Quite an heavens call, Hopkins I need help!"
- "Speak of the devil, James I need a errand please, help one out"
- "Jimmy dearest, mind getting em a few things? I'll pay extra!"
Friendly Comments:
- "Good evening James, you look stunning for once!"
- "Proper clothes, Hopkins I'm quite shocked"
- "Jimmy, ya know Perri doesnt find you all that bad?"
- "James, you make me question if some boys do have have taste here"
Unfriendly Comments:
- "Whered you find those? Bottom of your moms drawer?"
- "At least I have two daddies"
- "Move aside, I dont need to waste my eyesight on you punk"
- "The only thing thatd describe you is what you find vomited near the dumpster melted in the pavement"
Demanding flowers:
- "Maybe a little something can make me not mind your clothes?"
- "A gift would be nice if you really cared"
- "Honey, if you didnt have the fashion to ask me out, do you have the gift to make up for it?"
After receiving flowers:
- "I hope you checked for spiders, I might cry"
- "Well, i mean, clothes arent all that important right now.."
- "Quite nice of you James, ain't you a sweetheart?"
Before kissing:
- "I quite flattered, come here baby"
- "A kiss?Been awhile since a nice boy asked me this"
- "Let me see what's it like to kiss boys like you"
- "Oh James, I quite enjoyed that"
- "You know, maybe if your open tonight, I can measure some designs on you?"
- "I now get what Gord means"
- "We cant hold hands, I dont want any longer calls with my mother, BUT James I do appreciate this"
Tumblr media
Tags: //Honestly i dont know who to tag 😔// @video-space @gordvendomewhore
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peachy-inserts · 4 years
KamiBaku Drabble
Pairing: Kami/Baku (Platonic)
Word Count: ~3k
Warnings: Mention of abuse
Synopsis: When Denki asked to accompany Bakugou on a day to revisit his childhood home he thought things would be all smooth sailing until he met the tree Katsuki's apples fell from.
It was typical since moving into dorms full time that students would go home on weekends to visit their parents or go to do their weekly laundry and meal pick ups. People tended to get home sick more often than anyone could have anticipated when they made the move, so it really only made sense that amongst the crowd even the toughest of them all would break down and go visit his parents at least every so often. When he mentioned going home and being absent from campus for the day, so to "count him out of their bullshit plans," Kaminari was the first to chime in asking if he could tag along for the trip. Kirishima and Midoriya had both made mention of having been to Bakugou's childhood home and meeting his parents, so to say he was jealous was greatly an understatement! How could Bakugou go as far as to have had Izuku over more recently and not him when he always insisted he couldn't stand Deku? It took a bit of begging and a back and forth argument that went on longer than anyone expected it to, but eventually the hot headed blonde caved in and huffed his cooperation. 
At first it came off as maybe Katsuki would only allow the visit to be one time as he reminded Kaminari to not get too comfortable while they're there, though as the crowd dispersed to their rooms and everyone settled in for the night it was left down to just Kirishima and Denki. They sat adjacent each other in the mostly quiet room, the hum of a much too hot computer and quiet music played in the room to fill any uncharacteristic silence between them. "Man, I just don't get why Bakugou is so against me being at his house, I'm not that bad! Is he embarrassed of me?" Kaminari's tone was best characterized as slightly disappointed, through his typically playful mannerisms,a pout situated on his face as he looked at Kirishima for reassurance.
"It's nothing that deep, his mom is just a lot to handle," the shark toothed boy placed a hand on the yellow head's shoulder, "She's like Bakubro, but totally unchained. They butt heads, so it's probably more about her than you. He doesn't like to stay there too long ever."
It was enough to put Kaminari momentarily at ease, imagining what a woman half as bad as Bakugou would even be like; Not a pleasant image, he decided after he made it past the initial internal debate of whether it scared or enticed him. He thanked Kirishima for his input and shivered when the idea of female Bakugou snuck up on him again, proving it would be one of his many thoughts that haunted him in his darkest, unfocused hours. The two stayed in the same room for a while longer, extending their goodbyes for far too long before catching a glimpse at the time and finally deciding to turn in to their own dorms for real this time.
Morning light came much faster than Kaminari was ready to face it and Bakugou followed close behind to bang on Kami's door and threaten him to be downstairs or he'd leave without him. It was commonly held over Denki's head though never really acting on it as Katsuki always waited for the other, offering a scold or smack to his back at most- but nonetheless it always served as motivation for Kaminari to actually get ready instead of dilly dallying. They were both dressed and fed before leaving UA, making their normal small talk up to their arrival before noon. Denki's first impressions didn't match Kirishima's description at all- sure Bakugou's looked a ton like him and was similarly hot headed, though she seemed mostly normal, only really ever raising her voice at Katsuki for being grumpy, for instance, or not calling ahead and telling her he'd be bringing a friend. Mitsuki was kind to the yellow head and told him praises of how he at least accessorized better than her son. It was all going incredibly in Kaminari's honest opinion, though the longer they stayed Mitsuki's remarks only became more harsh and her assaults to her son less restrained.
Her compliments to Denki soon had been replaced entirely by insults towards Katsuki and swift smacks upside his head when he would raise his voice or try and defend himself. He had never had any such interactions with his own parents who would nag the hell out of him sometimes about being lazy or having a couple bad grades- it quite frankly made him a bit uncomfortable and scared to watch the tense scene. There was nothing he could do except stand by like it was a fiery train wreck in the middle of the living room until finally Mitsuki crossed a line that forced Denki to speak up. He had figured none of it was his business and he'd only make things worse if he chimed in, that there must have been something to the whole situation he was missing, but when words fell from the older woman's mouth about how Bakugou was a disappointment for not being able to save himself during the kidnapping the boy couldn't help but finally raise his voice a bit to interrupt her. "I'm sorry, Mrs.Bakugou, but the training camp wasn't his fault by any means. He actually put up a better fight than anyone else could've- he's topping our class in multiple of the subject areas and they seemed to be like villains who knew exactly what they were doing and had somehow planned every move of the attack. There was no way he could've possibly gotten out of there alone!"
Kaminari's fists were plastered to his sides, balled from anxiety in hopes he'd be able to stand his ground against the woman who went from endearing to intimidating in the matter of a half hour. He feared he would have landed himself on the attacking end of Mitsuki Bakugou by getting over emotional and yelling, though her voice came much softer than her expression, "Kaminari, was it? You're a great friend, but talk like that is what goes to his head and makes him the way he is. He's been too praised for things he doesn't deserve to be ever since he was a child and it's done nothing good for him," she had retorted, placing a hand on top of his head, forcing his eyes to the ground as if she had done it a million times in her life before, all one swift and uncombated motion. "With all due respect, I don't really think he's to blame for this behaviour," Kaminari couldn't help but to remark, only hoping she didn't catch on to what it implied, quickly continuing to give her something else to focus on, "he works hard and deserves all the validation he's received. Bakugou is incredibly strong and deserves every right to be as confident as he is. Even if he's a little rough around the edges and acts mean, that doesn't mean he should be torn down for everything." Her glare was hot and made Kaminari feel sick as his stomach nearly lurched underneath it's weight. He felt as if he could fall into a pile of dust at any moment when her gaze stayed fixed on him for a long moment like she was deciding what to do with him or how to respond. It was with that Mitsuki finally sighed and removed her hand from her son's head to leave the room. She didn't want to argue with a kid or make herself look any worse than she already did, so she was left little choice but to nod defeatedly and excuse herself.
It was needless to say Kaminari was thankful when Bakugou finally announced they were leaving, having passed the time snooping through Katsuki's childhood room as the blonde did his laundry or speaking to his father, Masato, who was uncharacteristically pleasant in comparison to his wife and son. He could easily say without a doubt that Katsuki's father was the highlight of the visit after he nearly pissed himself getting into a scuffle with Mitsuki. The woman seriously scared him and the moments he was left alone only made him think harder about how she must be when no one is around to defend Katsuki. It chilled him to the bone to consider and apparently made him shiver noticeably considering Bakugou called him out on it.
"The old hag scare ya?" He asked as he slung his bag over his shoulder, dry, folded laundry and tupperware of meals Masato made him take jostled around, "you shouldn't have even tried arguing with her all she does is get even more pissy. You're lucky you're not her kid."
"I noticed as much… I thought for sure she was gonna try to kill me," Kaminari chuckled a bit nervously, shoving his hands in his pockets as they walked alongside each other. "What I said was from the heart though, she has no business saying crazy shit like that, Bakugou. That's no way to talk to your kid!"
He didn't mean to coax Bakugou into snapping, but the loud and familiar yell was a signal he accidentally already had.
"What do you fucking know?"
"Hey, I just mean that you're strong and she was totally dismissing it. She was way harsh and said all that shit that's not true."
"I can handle it myself, Pikachu, leave it the fuck alone."
It was a bitter feeling to know it was best he just shut up and walked to the campus without another word about it. He wanted to help Katsuki and hated to see the way his mother was so blatantly cruel. Kaminari bit his tongue and lowly exhaled, keeping up pace until the large campus building was within view. Katsuki didn't make any attempts at conversation and locked himself in his dorm by the time Kaminari had finally been left alone with his recollection of the day. It killed him to see that Katsuki backed down from his mom and surrendered to her words. The few sharp smacks to the back of his head that were nothing like the far more forgiving ones from when they had first arrived that served more as a scold. Everything in the house seemed clean and perfect like there was nothing going on inside those walls short of an ideal tv family- the whole situation hurt his mind to try to wrap around if he was being honest. 
Kaminari tried to stop himself multiple times over and it was a struggle to not talk about what happened, but the very next time he and Katsuki were alone the angry boy was the first to break the silence with an aggressive bark, "Don't even think about bringing up that shit from last weekend." It was written all over Kaminari's face and the kid hadn't been the same toward him since they got back from that trip.
"Bakugou, she treats you way wrong, I can't just sit here and act like it's totally normal how she hits you and so casually talks about you like a burden!"
"Everyone's parents get on their ass about fuck ups, it's not like I'm the only person with a naggy old hag breathing down their neck."
"Yeah parents get on their kid's case over little shit, but not like that- Bakugou your mom is practically abusive for lack of a better word," the yellow head crossed his arms firmly over his chest, whether to comfort and protect himself or show he would stand his ground he wasn't sure, but he instantly felt his heart sink and fingers clutch into his own shirt.
The words stung when they left Denki's mouth and he was quick to try to take them back, wishing he could just slam them back into his mouth like he never actually said them, his frantic attempt to apologize cut off with a quiet, defeated, "I know."
"I know that she is, okay?" Bakugou reiterated, raising his voice to his normal tone, "I can't do anything about it though and I asked you not to come to my house  but you insisted. It's not an easy thing to look at your mom and say that she's abusive even when she is, but you don't understand what it's like." Deep down Katsuki always knew his mother didn't treat him right and what he experienced wasn't and shouldn't be normal, but it hurt even more to admit it when he was so often compared to her. People always tell him his personality is the exact match of the woman who's degraded and hit him from the day his quirk manifested. She was harsh and would say unnecessary things about how he wasn't doing this right or that enough, wasn't careful enough, wasn't nice enough, wasn't ever enough. Something about seeing the look on Kaminari's face finally let him say what he always was aware of. The yellow head seemed genuine and had never done anything but tell Bakugou what he did well and when he was being a bit too much, it didn't make sense it was all just a build up for him to catch the other weak in this moment and fuck him over. Hell the dunce face didn't have it in him to even consider it and Bakugou was well aware of that.
"Talk to me, bro, I'm here. I don't believe any of that shit she said and I definitely don't pity you. You're hella strong to put up with all that and still be as well off as you are," Kaminari rested his hand on Bakugou's shoulder and gave a squeeze, Bakugou bringing his hand to pat Denki's. 
"I really don't think there's anything to talk about. You might not believe what that hag has to say, but she's right. I am weak, irresponsible, and disrespectful, it's my fault I got kidnapped, and I should've done more to fight back."
There was something in Denki that broke when Katsuki's eyes cast to the ground the same way they had earlier when Mitsuki shoved his head and he restated her words. He knew Katsuki always freaked out when the others got too affectionate with him, but he figured it was worth it this once to take the chance and pull Bakugou into a hug. He waited for the screaming or shoving, a sharp burn on his side maybe as the other popped a hole in his clothes, but there was no such reaction. Katsuki sat with his head rested on Kaminari's shoulder silently, seemingly fine until a wet patch formed in the fabric of Denki's shirt and there was a tremor in the blonde's shoulders.
He had no idea what to do and it scared him to even think that Bakugou was crying on his shoulder, body frozen in shock, afraid to touch him until he was able to come back to his senses, registering the gravity of what was happening. His arms were gentle to link behind Katsuki's back, one hand resting on the back of his head to ensure he wouldn't go anywhere. Katsuki would never say it, but he would always appreciate the silence Denki offered while he cried for the first time, that he could remember anyways, to someone else. To Denki, it showed in the way Bakugou became just a tad bit nicer after, offering Denki tag along or lending notes from the week to study.
Hello everyone, mod Arden here! Its been a while since i last posted, so i decided to share a little something i wrote not long ago. I never intended to post it so please be gentle with any criticism you have, this was a self comfort drabble of sorts and still is very much so to me. Thank you, i hope youre all safe during these times of rona.
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mycupoffanfiction · 5 years
His Second Chance Part 10
Bucky x Reader
His Second Chance Masterlist
Bucky comes back from Wakanda with Steve, ready to begin his recovery from his days as the Winter Soldier, but there’s one thing he doesn’t take into account - you.
Warnings: A few mentions of ass (I don’t know why this became a thing but it did), fluff, language, self depricating thoughts.
Word count: Approx 2900
Bucky continues to build confidence while trusting the Reader with some doubts on his mind and his insecurities. Have a lovely weekend 💗💗💗
Please don’t hesitate to leave suggestions or thoughts! TAG LISTS ARE OPEN! (Permanent list and His Second Chance list)
“Excuse me, you never told me it ended up as a date!” Sam exclaimed, throwing his arms up dramatically. “Shh, shh, god do you wanna wake up the whole building?” Bucky hissed across the kitchen. The pair had taken to getting up early and spending time together before everyone else was up, though they still maintained their love hate relationship the rest of the day.
 “So you took my advice Barnes?” Sam asked before spooning some fruit salad into his mouth. “No, I mean, yeah I guess.” Bucky sighed. Don’t give him the damn satisfaction. “How did it go? Did you kiss her?” Sam jutted his spoon out, pointing at Bucky as he slurped on his too hot to drink coffee. Recoiling a bit from the heat of his drink, Bucky placed his mug down and shook his head quickly. “No, no kissing.” He blurted out. Oh how I wish we had though, jus’ wanna feel her soft lips against mine. “You mean you went on a date with one of the prettiest and sweetest girls in the damn tower and you didn’t kiss her?” Sam sounded almost offended. “Well,” Bucky shrugged, pausing for a moment. “Look, we’re takin’ it slow, man.” Bucky waved him off as he dipped his spoon into Sam’s large bowl of fruit salad. Sam frowned before reaching forwards and stealing some of Bucky’s cereal.
 “So are you going to ask her on another date?” Sam asked through a mouthful of cereal. “Your ma ever tell ya to never speak with your mouth full?” Bucky teased, quirking a brow. Sam scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Quit avoiding my question Barnes.” He smirked, knowing full well Bucky desperately wanted to ask you out again. “You gonna take her out again?” He repeated his question before shovelling more fruit in his mouth. “Of course I am, she’s real pretty and cute and smart, really sweet, funny.” Bucky listed staring off into the distance and then looked back at Sam a little startled. You just said that out loud. You said that out fuckin’ loud. Well done. Sam stifled a chuckle as he swallowed down his fruit.
 “Who’s real pretty, Buck?” Steve asked, walking into the kitchen. “You know who he’s talking about.” Sam smirked, using his spoon to point at Bucky again. “I can hear you two from down the hall.” Steve gave them both a knowing smile before turning away to fix a protein shake before his morning sessions. Bucky’s cheeks burned bright red. God, what if she can hear this entire conversation? What must she think if she can? “So you gonna kiss her next time?” Sam kept going, glancing across at Steve for backup. “Yeah, Buck, I know you still got the forties in ya.” Steve grinned over his shoulder at Bucky as he spooned protein powder into a shake bottle. “It’ll happen when it happens.” Bucky sighed before trying his coffee again, taking a long sip from the now comfortably warm liquid. And not before. Wanna do this right with her, I need to do it right with her.
 “Tony was talking about getting you on a psychological assessment, by the way.” Steve changed the subject after a short pause in conversation. “Said if you pass it you can start training to get back in the field.” Steve went on. Oh, oh not sure I’m ready for that. What if I start training and I hurt someone with this stupid metal arm? What if I somehow go back into Winter Soldier mode? What if I hurt someone or kill someone? Oh god.
 “Buck?” Sam broke his train of thought, Bucky staring straight into his mug of black coffee. “Bucky?” Sam poked him with his spoon. “You alright, man?” He asked, glancing over at Steve who was vigorously shaking his protein shake bottle with far too much force and enthusiasm, scrunching up his face while he did it. “Yeah, I don’t know Steve.” Bucky shook his head. “Not sure my mind’s in the right place yet.” Bucky refused, sighing. “Alright pal, but you gotta do it at some point, just think about it, alright?” Steve clapped him on the shoulder before moving to leave the kitchen.
 A soft oof and then a thump caught Bucky’s attention and he tilted to the side to see you had collided with Steve on your way in. “Sorry sweetheart, didn’t see ya there, ran right into me.” Steve chuckled, kneeling down to give you a hand back onto your feet. “You alright?” He asked, cupping your head and brushing your hair away from your face. Why can’t I be that soft with her? I’m just… Awkward. “Yeah, sorry Stevie.” You apologised, giving him a quick hug before passing him and entering the kitchen.
 “Morning.” You smiled at both of the soldiers, squeezing Sam around the shoulders and pecking him lightly on the cheek before moving over to Bucky and settling into his side where you knew Bucky would allow you to stay and you could get extra close, leaning in and giving him a gentle kiss on the cheek, only your lips lingered longer than they did when you kissed the other two good morning. Ooh I could get used to that.
 “You alright? You just collided with a wall of Steve Rogers.” Sam chuckled, watching as you leaned into Bucky, his arm making its way around your shoulders. “I’m fine, not the first time it’s happened, Sammy.” You smile before moving away to get your breakfast ready. “Besides, I think Stevie thinks I’m super fragile now because he gave me a few days off training since the incident yesterday.” You flash a smile over your shoulder at the boys as you get a mug and put it in the machine. Not fragile, I think you’re bad- “Ass.” Bucky blurted out, immediately ducking his head and almost dipping his freshly washed hair into his coffee. Sam tried to contain his laughter while you looked at them both confused before twisting slightly to look at your butt. You were admittedly dressed in just a shirt and underwear, which you thought the boys were quite used to, especially since you were so easily open about this kind of thing. “Is there something wrong with my butt?” You asked so innocently, causing Sam to collapse further into laughter while Bucky’s cheeks burned bright red.
 wHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! Oh my good fucking- look at her! Bending weirdly to look at her butt because she thinks you were talking ABOUT HER ASS YOU IDIOT. Bucky let out a strange strangled noise before downing his coffee. “Sorry doll, I wasn’t- um, I mean, it’s just that-.” Bucky stammered. “He thinks you have a nice ass.” Sam interrupted, grinning like the fucking devil at Bucky, who gave him a murderous stare. Oh my- Wilson! “No, well yeah, but- look I wasn’t, urgh.” Bucky dropped his face into his hand. Take me to fuckin’ hell already. “You like my butt?” You asked, seemingly unphased by Bucky’s flustered state. “Yes?” Bucky wasn’t even sure how to approach that and he avoided looking up from his hand all together. “I like it too.” You grinned, turning back to make your coffee. Bucky looked up from his hand at Sam and glanced at you. How is she so okay with me just… I’m so bad at this.
 Sam vacated the kitchen, having successfully messed with Bucky. “Doll, I’m real sorry about that.” Bucky sidles up next to you. You let out a breathy huff of a laugh and smile up at him. “I know Sam was messing with you.” You roll your eyes. “He does it so much with everyone that I know when he’s doing it now.” You leaned up against him. So that’s why she didn’t seem phased, smart girl. “But, please enlighten me, why did you just scream out ass?” You asked, amusement in your voice. “Actually, don’t tell me.” You winked. Oh she probably thinks I was staring at her butt or something oh no.
 “So uh.” Bucky cleared his throat. “Yesterday, with the café was nice.” Bucky watched as you poured some sugar into your drink. C’mon there’s more smooth ways of saying that. “Do you… Maybe wanna do that again?” Bucky almost face palmed. That’s not the way to fucking ask that question, try again. Bucky sighed and shook his head. “Would you like to go on a date with me, doll?” Bucky asked voice shaking a little from nerves, your big doe like eyes staring up at him, cheeks bulging a little as you smile widely. “I’d love to, Buck.” You grin, nodding your head quickly. Yes! Fuck yes! You did it properly this time. “What did you have in mind?” You question, stirring your drink. Uh didn’t think that far. Okay, no, don’t let her know that though, you got this. “I’ll take you out tomorrow night, seven o’clock, it’s a surprise, wear something…” Bucky paused for a bit too long and you giggled. “I’ll make sure I wear something, Buck.” You winked, giggling to yourself as you walked away with your coffee.
You just had to fuck it up at the end, didn’t you Barnes?
 “So, psychological assessment, huh?” You asked, walking alongside Bucky as he clutched the papers in his hand. “Mm, not sure how it’s gonna go.” Bucky sighed, obviously not too optimistic about his chances. “Hey, I think you’ll do fine, plus Pepper said if you don’t pass you can redo it in a few months.” You tried to reassure him. “I guess.” Bucky shrugged, glancing down at the papers he carried at his side. Tell her. Tell her, c’mon, she won’t judge you, you know she won’t. “Can I tell you something?” Bucky asked, looking around the hallway for any prying ears. “Always, Buck.” You smiled up at him, waiting for him to continue. At that moment Steve came around the corner, distracted by Nat as he chatted away to her. Don’t want them to hear, only (Y/n). Bucky rested his hand on your shoulder and gently pushed you backwards into a tiny utility closet. Oh this is very, very close.
 You were so close to Bucky that you could feel his breath fanning against your face and your hands naturally rested on his chest. Your cheeks flushed hot, breathing becoming a little uneven as your heart beat fast at his closeness, how intimate this felt. “What’s so important that you don’t want Steve and Nat to know?” You whispered. You tried to take a step back, but you tripped on something, Bucky’s metal arm immediately stopping you from falling as it wound around your waist. “I got you, doll.” He whispered. Oh this is so not where I planned on this going, fuck I just wanted to tell her something so innocent and here I am in a closet hiding from Steve like I’m about to- yep, okay keep it cool, your body is literally pressed against hers. Bucky took a deep breath as you looked into his slate blue eyes, waiting patiently with a sweet smile curving your lips.
 “I’m not sure I want to fight anymore.” Bucky murmured. “M’not sure I can do that anymore.” Bucky went on, shaking his head, loose brown strands of hair falling out from behind his ears into his face. “Not after the pain I- I’ve caused.” Bucky almost choked up and you took his face into your hands, your fingers brushing some of his hair back as your palms rubbed against his stubble. “Buck, you don’t have to fight if you don’t want to, but if you do fight with us, it won’t be the same. We don’t fight the innocent, you know that. No one here would ever use you to hurt people. You always have a say, a choice, a yes or no. Don’t like a mission? You can refuse it. You want out after a few months? You can say so and no one will judge you.” You whispered, trying to keep your voice as low as possible. “But if you stay and fight with us, you have a chance to help people.” You encouraged. Bucky looked at you with a fondness in his eyes.
 Maybe she’s right, it’s not the same. Maybe this is a way to redeem yourself, reclaim what was taken from you. Bucky smiled down at you, hands squeezing around your waist a little tighter before he slowly leaned towards you, skin against skin. Oh my god, what are you doing? Doesn’t matter, her skin is so soft holy shit. Bucky’s thick stubble tickled and scratched against your face with a delightful tingle and you hummed at the sensation. Hot breath against your tender skin as his lips found your cheek and though it was small and quick, the sentiment and sincerity was all there. Bucky’s lips were soft, perhaps a little dry and cracked in places, but still soft.
 You counted yourself lucky that you’d just received a sweet, gentle kiss on the cheek from Bucky, the man who always seemed too nervous and hesitant to initiate that sort of thing. A sense of pride filled you chest, pride for Bucky, that he’d been brave enough, not only to trust you with this information, but to kiss you as well. You just kissed her, Barnes! You’re getting better at this. Bucky pulled away, looking deeply into your eyes, his thumbs caressing your sides. “Thank you.” He whispered; the corners of his lips turned up into a smile. “Thank you, doll.” Bucky reaffirms before pulling you upright against his chest and turning to listen through the door behind him. I knew you could trust her; she always knows what to say.
 No sound of movement comes and Bucky opens the door, pulling you out of the closet with him. “Oh my god!” Sam practically shrieks. “What were you two doing in there?” He exclaimed, causing you to chuff out a laugh as he examined your flustered features. Oh no, no, no, fuck meee Barnes. You could totally see how it did look like you’d just been up to something, you were sure your hair was a little messy and your cheeks were likely burning up from being in a cramped, hot space right up against an extremely attractive super soldier. “See you later, Sergeant.” You winked at Bucky before leaving his side and continuing down the hallway. Not sure if that made it better or worse, but god, hearing her say Sergeant makes you weak, Barnes. Very, very weak. Bucky feels the pull on his jeans and he almost grunts at the effect you have on him before taking a deep breath and falling into step with Sam, who gave him a knowing smile.
 “Does it scare you?” Bucky asked, sitting down next to you on the sofa as you read a book. “Depends what we’re talkin’ about here, Buck.” You shrug, unsure what he’s referring to. “My arm, does it scare you?” Bucky asked, looking down at the appendage like it was offending him. “No, why would it?” You flick your gaze to Bucky quickly before turning your attention back to your book. “Well it’s just that-.” Bucky cut himself off, looking down at his metal hand. The image of blood seeping between the plates flashed across his mind and he could have sworn he saw blood oozing out of his arm at that moment. The snap of your book shutting pulled Bucky out of his mind and his eyes fixed on yours. You put your book down and shuffled across the sofa to be closer to him. “You want to know a secret?” You asked, reaching for his metal hand and grasping it gently in your own hands. Bucky nodded, intrigued. You sat up, tucking your legs underneath you as you sat up on your knees, giving you enough height to reach his ear.
 You leaned in; a tingly shiver rolled down Bucky’s spine when he felt your breath against his cheek. The way you so delicately held his metal hand like it was breakable, like you could hurt him if you moved the wrong way. Bucky almost blushed at the gentle, beautiful way you handled him, it made his heart soar and swell that you touched him with such care, with such a sweet nature, it was nothing like he used to experience. “What it was used for before doesn’t matter now. Your arm is beautiful, it’s part of you and all of you is handsome, all of you is wonderful.” You were almost shy to say the words, a little blush creeping onto your features as you said it but you knew Bucky needed to hear those words, hear something that might soften the way he looked at his arm.
 How can she think a monster is so handsome? I’m nothing but a monster. Bucky’s breathing hitched when you moved back slightly and your eyes met his. Your soft features, the way you looked at him. God he hadn’t seen a look like that in so long, adoration, love, even. But she doesn’t see the monster, she sees passed him, she sees you.
Bucky pulled you against him, your arms winding around his middle, a hand resting on his metal arm.
She sees you, Bucky Barnes.
Permanent Tag List:
@shygirl-00 @swanlakemikey @scuzmunkie @paintballkid711@lovelylilia @mapreza1 @love-bucky-3000 @cals-cigarette@scarlett-berserker @2407zzz@mercurybarnes @mywinterwolf@geeksareunique @fairislesheets @wendaiii @mochibarnes
His Second Chance Tag List:
@socialheartbreak @whatsupbucky @yesno18 @just-a-littlebit-of-everything @crystallstaircase @megantje123 @fantua @lady-x-red@buckys-islandgirl @chipilerendi @butteryoptimisticpeanut@blondecity @dark-night-sky-99 @marvel-ous-bucky@rand0mfangurlstuff @tfandtws @vxidnik @books-baritones-bucky@bluerorjhan @calwitch @hello-keeley @vrgelivvvv @steve-harrington-said-gay-rights @swiftlymoniquesblog @viperslunatic @carol-twinklefists-danvers @stitchers-in-stitches @hungry-pasta
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camillemontespan · 4 years
top of the world [interview with raleigh carerra]
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I love writing interviews from character’s perspectives, sort of like a study of them. I got to say, you know when words just flow and it’s like the character takes over? Raleigh did this for me. 
Think of this as in the same universe as my Raleigh fanfic ‘Oblivion.’ Master list here:
Warnings: Discussion about drug abuse. 
I’ve tagged those who liked the teaser of this, hope that’s okay. 
@emichelle @omgjasminesimone @ibldw-main @katedrakeohd @ritachacha @boneandfur @moonlightgem7 @gardeningourmet @pug-bitch @msjpuddleduck
Watching Raleigh Carrera perform to an arena of 60,000 people is a masterclass in performing art.
For two hours, he owns the stage.
His voice, that husky, deep voice that has made countless fans swoon, fills the arena. He plays his guitar as if it's an extension of himself. He crowd surfs, basking in the love of his loyal fans. He takes the time to talk to the audience, though everytime he pauses, they all scream.
Raleigh Carrera has allowed Tidal Magazine to shadow him for one week on his US tour. The tour will last a month, taking in gigantic arenas and small dive bars alike. I'm interested to see what the singer is like off stage. Is he as wild as he appears on the tabloid covers or is it all an act?
The show ends with fireworks and Raleigh jumping back into the audience for a final crowd surf. From the screens placed around the arena, I can see the look of pure joy on his face as he is carried over his adoring fans. He is in his element.
Later, we are sat in the back of his tour bus. His entourage are hanging out at the front, high with adrenaline from Raleigh's performance. They consist of his manager, publicist, stage manager and back up musicians. His publicist seemed keen to stay in the room with us but Raleigh told her to 'relax at the front with a drink.'
He has showered after his energetic concert. Now, he's changed from his signature ripped jeans and holey vests into sweatpants and a navy sweater.
'Hope you don't mind,' he says politely. 'I like to chill out after being on stage.'
He sits cross legged on a slouchy sofa. Yet, despite wanting to be chilled, Raleigh is anything but. His fingers are always moving, as if playing an invisible guitar. Occasionally he will play with his beaded bracelets or tap his hand on his leg making a drum beat.
The energy that infuses his performances still flows through him even when he is in private. He pulls you in.
I thank him for allowing me to write this profile on him. Raleigh grins. 'No problem,' he says. 'Happy to have ya.'
Is he a good interviewee, I wonder? Many music journalists have commented in the past that Raleigh puts them through their paces. He is known for discussing the most risqué topics and is brutally honest. I tell him this.
'I think I'm refreshing,' he says. 'So many musicians I know are really funny about interviews, you know? They always need a publicist present or they give a list of everything they won't talk about. They're scared that their image will be put under the microscope and they'll be judged, so they draw all these red lines around them. What's the point? If you're gonna be in the spotlight, you need to be prepared to deal with all the shit. All the ugly stuff. That's life. You can't pick and choose.'
I'm surprised at how vocal Raleigh is on this subject. He shrugs. 'I'm just saying,' he continues, 'you sign up for this life when you sign the dotted line on that contract. You give up your rights to a private life.'
We are silent for a moment as I consider his words. Raleigh laughs and let's out a groan. 'Was I brutally honest there?' he asks. 'Jesus Christ, sorry. I get all passionate about shit.'
Raleigh's life is certainly not private. Ever since he arrived on the rock scene, Raleigh has been a riot. Tabloids are always plastered with his image and latest antics. Pictures of him falling out of nightclubs, kissing girls and giving the finger to paparazzi are part of his image. To place a stereotype on him, he is the 'Bad Boy' of the LA music scene. Does he agree with that?
Raleigh chuckles. 'I guess? Look, we all conform to a certain image. You see those new singers from those talent shows and when they record their first record, they're told what image they have to have. Like.. Okay, take Britney Spears. She became huge when she was 17 thanks to that Hit Me song, but what made her iconic was the school girl outfit but she was still innocent right? She had that 'you can look but can't touch' vibe. So many artists now do that and it's not real. It's all fucking plastic.'
Does he conform to his bad boy persona? He shoots me a lazy smile. 'What do you think?' he asks.
I think he does.
'Then you're right,' he says. 'Except I was always like this. I always broke the rules. My label picked up on that and told me to keep doing it but ten times harder. So I did. I pushed it to the point where I forgot who I was. I guess I'm still trying to work that out..'
He trails off.
Raleigh has been vocal about his stints in rehab. He was first admitted to The Priory three years ago, citing cocaine addiction as the reason. He stayed in rehab for two months.
'It worked for a while,' he tells me. 'It really did. I was so eager to get clean and stick to it. But this industry.. It's a cess pit. You're clean for one day and turn you go to an awards show and people are snorting that shit in the toilets. You go to these parties and its getting passed around like fucking party favours. You can't get clean in this business. '
I suggest that maybe he stops going to these parties. He leans back and scrutinises me. 'That's quite naive,' he says. 'You need the parties and the people otherwise you'll be dropped. You need to remain on the radar of this industry because if you're not careful, one minute you're on top of the world, the next you're in the gutter. I fought so hard to become noticed and to make music for the world to hear. I live to make music. All the shit that comes with it.. I gotta accept.’
He shoots me an apologetic smile before beginning to speak again.
'Music is everything to me,' he says quietly, playing with the bead bracelets wrapped around his wrist. 'I know I act like an asshole a lot of the time, like I really fucking push it.. But I never forget how much I owe music my life. It keeps me alive. Nothing else compares to it.'
I ask if there is anything - or anyone - else that makes him feel similar emotions. He cracks a smile.
'You want me to say her name, don't you?' he asks wryly. He leans forward, his brown eyes focused on mine.
'I'll talk about anything you want me to,' he says, his voice steady. 'But I'm not going to say her name. Given what she's going through right now, she doesn't need anymore press attention.'
He leans back. 'But yeah,' he finally says after a long silence. 'She does.'
He means Marina Cortez.
She was his mentee on the reality music show One in a Million. Although the show producers wanted her to be paired with Raleigh's fellow judge, Avery Wiltshire, Marina was often photographed spending time with Raleigh.
Rumours of a blossoming relationship swirled around them. As the magazines continued to publish articles on the potential romance, Marina went from strength to strength in the competition.
She won the competition a year ago and released her first record to critical acclaim. The music showed her soul and it was a far cry from the bubblegum pop that dominates the music scene.
All she needed was her guitar - which used to belong to Raleigh himself - and her voice that sounded like summer. Deep, throaty vocals and passion flooded her singing, making her a front runner at awards shows.
She was on top of the world. Soon after winning the show, she and Raleigh performed a duet of their hit song, 'Senorita' at the AMAs - the performance went viral. The following day, Raleigh and Marina confirmed they were in a relationship in the most millennial way possible - an Instagram post.
But that all changed six months ago.
Raleigh and Marina broke up.
She was pictured spending more time at night clubs. She fell out of taxis and photographers took up skirt pictures of her. She was filmed screaming at paparazzi who surrounded her car. The final warning came from a picture taken of her at a party with her credit card in her hand and cocaine on the table in front of her.
Marina checked into rehab but discharged herself two days later. The drama surrounding Marina Cortez continues with new news stories being published every day.
Right now, we are watching a young girl who is free falling and nobody is there to catch her and the one person who seems to care about her is sitting right in front of me and he won't say one word or do one thing about it. 
He cuts our first interview short. 'We'll talk tomorrow,' he says tightly. 'We're at the hotel now anyway.'
We all head into the first hotel of the tour. Raleigh slams the door of his suite in my face.
Raleigh is at my hotel room door the following morning brandishing a takeaway cup of coffee at me. ‘I’m sorry for being a dick last night,’ he tells me with a weak smile. ‘Can we walk and talk to the tour bus?’
I grab my suitcase and we walk together through the hotel corridor.  We talk about the upcoming concert this evening but when we reach the tour bus, the mood changes and becomes more serious.  He gestures for me to take out my dictaphone so this conversation will be on record. 
‘I’m sorry I got pissed about Marina,’ he says when we sit down at the back. ‘I wasn’t pissed at you. I was pissed at myself. I’m always pissed at myself these days.’
I ask why. 
‘Because it’s my fault Marina has fallen on hard times,’ he explains, surprising me. ‘I’m the one who introduced her to drugs and parties. It’s all my fault. I feel guilty about it every day and we broke up because I wanted to save her. In my own fucked up way, I thought that if we ended things, she would be safe from me and my influence. But I didn’t realise that she was too far gone. Too far down the rabbit hole..’
He looks away and sips his coffee. His hands are shaking. 
‘Anytime someone mentions her, I feel those guilty emotions all over again and I get mad. I take it on the person that’s beside me instead of taking responsibility. I’m the reason why Marina has been in rehab. It’s all my fault.’
I ask if he has been in touch with her since they broke up. He shakes his head. ‘No. Her manager won’t let me, nor will her publicist. I get it. If we’re in the same room together..’
They’ll fight?
He laughs dryly. ‘No, actually. The opposite. The complete opposite.’ 
I ask if they have broken up before. Raleigh nods. ‘Yeah but only for like, a week or so and then I was at her door begging for a second chance. It was all very romantic and angsty. But when we got back together, I was determined to keep on the straight and narrow. I wanted us to be together for the long haul. I loved her.’ 
Had he loved anyone before her? 
‘Do I look like the loving kind?’ he asks me. ‘No. So it was a big deal when I realised that I was head over fucking heels for this girl. She’s honestly the best thing that ever happened to me and I fucked it up.’
I tell him that it wasn’t his responsibility to keep her clean. He shakes his head now. ‘It was,’ he says. ‘I knew this industry. I knew what it was like and instead of warning her, I sat with her and showed her how to take the first hit of coke. I’m a fucking nightmare.’ 
Raleigh is known for his songwriting. His songs bear his soul and open a window into his life. A lot of his music focuses on lost love; is Marina an influence?
He swallows. ‘She was,’ he says. ‘My song Addicted is about her.’ He breaks off to sing softly under his breath: ‘I'm not afraid of dying but I am afraid of losing you…’ 
This is a different side to Raleigh that I was not expecting. The wild, carefree rockstar who is plastered on billboards and has legions of fans screaming his name is completely different in private. He lives his life to the full and isn’t afraid to show his flaws; but right now, I feel like I am talking to a different person. 
‘Marina makes me different,’ he answers when I tell him this. ‘When we were good, we were fucking good. I was more kind. I was a good guy. But when we were at our worst, we brought each other down. So really, it’s a good thing we’re apart. But I see these photos of her and the headlines and fucking hell, I just.. I feel helpless. Fucking helpless.’ 
He sighs and stands up. ‘I’m gonna yell at my manager to get everyone moving,’ he says. ‘Talk after the show tonight?’
When we meet his team, he is jovial, clapping his friends on the back and fist bumping. Cigarettes are lit, insults shared and jokes are made. Raleigh is back to being the Raleigh Carerra that we all know. His vulnerability has been put in a box, locked away. 
Tonight, he plays the arena with his usual spectacular showmanship. The concert is a sell out and his fans chant his name, sing along to his songs and scream constantly. Raleigh relishes it. He even spontaneously grabs a fan and brings her on stage, singing to her. She cries. 
When we’re back in the tour bus after, Raleigh is giddy with adrenaline and can’t stop talking about the show and how it was the best concert he’s performed. Joints are passed around and Raleigh lights up, inhaling. I watch as he soon becomes more relaxed, his voice softer, his eyes bloodshot. 
We reach the hotel and his entourage slope in, ready for their beds. Raleigh takes a moment to compose himself, placing his hands on his knees and his face down turned to the floor. 
 ‘I miss her,’ he whispers, his voice cracking. 
I don’t ask him to elaborate. I know who he means. 
The next day, we’re back in the tour bus and Raleigh is writing another song. His writing is haphazard, a messy scrawl that I can’t decipher. His fingers are quick and he writes out lyrics as if he has pulled them out of water. His ideas come fast and he writes for two hours, occasionally stopping to drink more coffee or to ask me what I think of a certain line. 
He works hard. Too many musicians his age are reliant on ghost writers but not Raleigh. He puts in the time and effort, laying down his soul on the page.  When he takes a break, I ask him what made him want to be a singer. 
‘I loved performing as a kid,’ he tells me, smiling. ‘I would always put on shows for my mom. It was just us, you see. Single mom. Dead beat dad who abandoned her when she got pregnant with me. Asshole. But I would  sing for her and she would film me. I hope she’s got rid of the tapes, pretty embarrassing if she ever shows them to potential girlfriends..’
Marina never met his mom?
He doesn’t blanch at the mention of her name; I think he expects me to bring her up now. ‘No,’ he says. ‘My mom doesn’t live in LA.’
I ask where she lives but he won’t tell me. ‘She’s my mom, I’m keeping her private,’ he says, but fairly. ‘I’ll just tell you that she’s a stand up woman. The OG.’
He was in a boyband when he was younger but split off from them to pursue a solo career. I ask him what prompted the decision. 
‘I didn’t want to be forced to dance those awful routines and sing songs that someone else wrote,’ he explains. ‘I wanted to forge my own path and make my own identity. I know it was a dick move but I wasn’t cut out for boyband life. Fuck that.’
Raleigh is one of the best in the business right now. His star burns bright. I tell him he made the right decision. He smiles warmly and bows his head. ‘Thank you,’ he says. ‘That’s really nice. I’m just glad I get to do what I love. I want to keep doing it until I die. I’m gonna be like Keith Richards. Fucking legend.’ 
He plays his next three shows even better than the last. Everywhere we go, his voice is chanted around the arenas and my ears are buzzing from the sound of girlish screams. I wonder how he copes with this level of fame.
‘You roll with it,’ he tells me when he’s getting ready for the performance. ‘One day, all of it will be gone. So right now, I’m just trying to live in the moment.’ 
On the last night I have with him, he sings his song Addicted which is about Marina and the audience hold up their flashing orb lights that are part of the merchandise. The arena is filled with gold light from the orbs and I swear it looks like Raleigh is surrounded by a galaxy of stars. They sing along with him, echoing his words about Marina back at him. 
As this article was being prepared for print, media outlets worldwide were shocked to find out that Marina Cortez was admitted to hospital. After further investigation, it came to light that she had overdosed and nearly drowned in her bath tub. Thanks to her publicist, she was found before tragedy struck. 
Raleigh cancels the last leg of his tour as soon as the news breaks. Fans p are divided. Some post abuse about him on his social media, telling him that Marina is a waste of space and not worth it. They call him weak.  Others call him the perfect boyfriend. Some beg for them to get back together. 
I’m watching the news when the bulletin announces that Raleigh has arrived at the hospital where Marina is being looked after. I watch as he exits his car and barges through the throng of paparazzi. He is wearing sunglasses but his face looks drawn and his lips are set in a tight line. 
I spent quality time with Raleigh but nobody can speak for him. But from my experience with him, I think he is going after the one thing he loves that is equal to music in his heart. 
I wish them both all the luck in the world. I hope Marina finds her way back with Raleigh by her side. I’m sure she will rise again, like a phoenix, and she and Raleigh will blaze a trail of fire together,  on top of the world, right where they belong. 
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harryscumcloth · 5 years
Malibu Nights
Please keep in mind that this story is obviously fictional and the timelines will not add up correctly as it is altered to work in favor of the story!
Contains: light smut, alcohol consumption, fluff, angst
Word count: 6.6k
He knew not to pry when it came to her personal life. She’s made it clear that she’s not too fond of her past and would rather not speak on the issues. He respected her boundaries as she did his, that’s why their friendship always worked. But when Harry oversteps the boundary with a peculiar question, will the answer ruin everything?
Tags | Playlist | Moodboard
a special thank you to my angel Lauren @harrysonlyangelsss for sticking through it with me and being my beta reader. It’s been quite an emotional roller coaster for sure. And to my baby Naila @freakymedecine for being my second beta reader and giving the best reactions.
here we go...
December 20th, 2015
She dug her phone out from the bottom of her purse when the message tone went off. Her face lit up with a smile when she saw that it was a voice message from Harry. This was their special way of communicating instead of phone calls or text messages.
She hit play and put the phone to her ear, “Hi Bean, ‘m gonna be there in ...ehmm... an hour maybe. ‘ve got your favorite.”
She had just gotten home from the last exhausting day at work before the holiday break and planned to relax by having a nice glass of her favorite red wine and soaking her aching muscles with a hot bath.
As soon as she shut the door and locked it, she pried the heels from her feet and tossed them beside the door with a thud. She began undressing while she walked to the bathroom to run the bath water, not caring where the items were landing, knowing she would gather them later in the evening.
She hit record and held the phone to her mouth, “Hi Dad,” she emphasized the word ‘Dad’, knowing that it would make Harry roll his eyes playfully, “I have plans tonight. Reschedule?” She sent it and laughed at her response.
Another message came through rather quickly. “Funny.” She ignored it and walked to the kitchen, grabbing her dearest bottle of wine from the fridge -- the one she had been waiting all week to crack open -- and a glass from the cabinet.
She only intended on relaxing for half an hour but after two full glasses, she dozed off for an entire hour and was woken up by the rhythmed beats on the door. She quickly jumped out of the bathtub and wrapped herself in a robe, hurrying to answer the door. She opened it to reveal Harry standing with his luggage in one hand and a take away bag in the other. He made a last minute decision to stop at her favorite Asian restaurant on the way to her apartment
“ ‘M disappointed in ya Bean. I told you an hour and you had me standin’ here like a bloody delivery boy.”
She folded her arms across her chest to keep the robe closed tight and ignored his comment completely, “Aren’t you supposed to be catching your flight?” He was going back to Holmes Chapel to spend the holidays with his mum and Robin while she spent hers alone in her tiny apartment in Malibu.
“It’s tomorrow mornin’. Wanted to see my favorite girl before I left.” He walked in, leaving his luggage at the door and setting the food on the counter.
“Ha! Favorite girl huh? What happened to Barbie Kardashian?” She knew he hated when she referred to Kendall as that and so she would specifically do it just to aggravate and get a rise out of him.
He smiled anyways, well aware of her intentions but not giving in to what she wanted. “We broke up. Again.”
She let out a loud gasp, throwing her hand to her chest as if she was shocked, “Again? Oh no! That’s tragic.” She was over the Hendall drama and had been since the beginning of it in 2013.
He rolled his eyes in annoyance, desperately wanting to change the subject. “Still a bit warm, figured it would’ve cooled off some.” He knew she preferred her chinese takeout cold rather than hot.
“It’s perfect, thanks bub.” She pressed a light kiss to the corner of his mouth. “I wasn’t hungry until you showed up.” She said while rummaging through the utensil drawer to find her handy spork that she specifically bought for Chinese takeout, and shoveling a decent amount of fried rice into her mouth. She hadn’t realized what she said until she turned around and saw his facial expression. His eyebrows were raised and his bottom lip tucked between his teeth, forming a small smirk.
“Wha?” She mumbled with her lips close, keeping the pieces from falling.
“Nothin’. Nothin’ at all.” He knew what she meant when she said it but he couldn’t help but imagine her meaning it in a different way. That she was hungry for him, maybe even starving for him.
“Want some?” She held the box out to him and he shook his head in refusal. “You know, I really thought you were going to miss our famous friday night fun. I was kind of upset.” She admitted.
“Well I’m here.” He gave her a quick squeeze between his arms. “Now, got me that playlist?”
It was her turn that week to put together a playlist -- the theme being sexual -- of songs that were new to her and enjoyed them enough to share with him. She searched through Spotify for days looking for songs and even asked coworkers for song recommendations. She knew he wasn’t into provocative artists, such as the type that objectify women with their repulsive misogynistic lyrics, so it was a bit more difficult but finally she had gathered a few that she was certain would be suited to his liking.
“Yes sir. Let me get you a drink first.” She padded over to the cabinet where she stored his special old fashioned glass and his favored bottles of vodka and whiskey. “What would you like?”
“Aye aye Captain.” She said as she unscrewed the cap and filled the glass three fourths of the way to the rim. Her hands were unsteady as she handed him the glass, “Go out on the balcony and wait for me. I have to get dressed.” She shooed him towards the door and handed him her phone. “Have a look.”
“You can keep it on, I don’t mind.” He took a big gulp from his drink, curling his lips against his teeth as the bitter liquid ran down his throat. It was more so a demand than a suggestion. He raised his glass to her with a nod of his head before he stepped out on the balcony, taking her phone with him.
It was obvious to both of them that the vibe changed during that moment. She pondered on switching into something more acceptable, like her over worn sweats and a t-shirt, or continue wearing the skimpy robe and risk it coming undone and having it exposed her. Of course she was feeling a bit frisky and overly confident after his comment, but he was her best friend. She felt guilty even thinking of him in that way.
While she rummaged through her clothing, Harry looked through the playlist. His view was cut short by the incoming call screen showing a number that wasn’t saved in her contacts and a number he wasn’t familiar with. “Bean! Do you want me to answer?” His voice was loud enough for her to hear.
“Yeah!” She shouted back, pulling on a pair of her favorite leggings and her go-to oversize t-shirt before slipping into the kitchen to grab more alcohol, deciding on just taking the bottles out to save them a trip later.
“HellooO?” He answers, elongating the word and his voice raising an octave at the end.
He pulled the phone from his ear and looked at the screen when he heard a click through the speaker.
She placed the bottles on the table near him, “Who was that?”
Harry hummed a, “No idea… whoever it was hung up when I said hello.” She didn’t seem overly concerned as she shrugged her shoulders at him and sat down, snuggling into his side as he wrapped his left arm around her.
He’s been over plenty of times and he found it odd that he couldn’t remember a single time that he’s ever heard her phone ring but if she wasn’t worried about it, then he wasn’t either.
Instead of pouring another glass, he drank straight from the bottle. She began to fantasize over his lips and the way they wrapped around the rim of it. She would never understand how he was able to handle the disgusting and bitter taste with such ease.
“Are you visiting your parents?” He asked, curious of her plans for the next eleven days.
“Don’t think so.” She placed the bottle of wine to her lips and chugged, not wanting to get into the conversation he had started.
He pulled her in closer with a tight squeeze,“You should come with me. I’m sure my mum and Robin wouldn’t mind. They adore you.”
“I think I’ll just stay here. Kind of want to be alone anyways.” She held her head down and began to anxiously pick at the label that wrapped around the bottle.
He knew not to pry when it came to her past. She’s made it clear that she’s not too fond of it and would rather not speak on the issues. He respected her boundaries as she did his, that’s why their friendship always worked.
He gazed at her lips with desperation, not caring if she noticed. There had been an ample amount of chances to express his feelings but he was never certain on where they stood and he surely didn’t want to overstep. He could tell that she felt vulnerable with the mention of her family by how she chewed on the inside of her cheek, the way she always would when she was sad or in deep thought.
“I’ve got a gift for you, angel.” He was positive it would cheer her up.
A small smile appeared on her face and his heart warmed at the sight. “For me?” Her voice was soft and unsure.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out the small box. “I only know one angel.” It was gripped between his fingers ready to be opened but he paused for a moment, then added, “Well, besides my mum but she isn’t here so yeah, it’s for you. Merry Christmas bub.”
This surely brought her joy being compared to his mother. He always spoke highly of the woman who had birthed and raised him, and even after only having met Anne a few times, she could agree that she was in fact an angel.
“I’m no angel, trust me.” A nervous giggle passed through her lips. He pulled the box open to reveal a matching peace ring just like the one he owned. Her jaw dropped and she immediately looked at him in awe. “Harry, you didn’t!”
She had been bugging him about that specific ring since the day they met, apparently it was the only one he refused to take off. He considered having it put on a chain for her to wear as a necklace, but he knew that it wouldn’t layer well with her beloved gold plated name tag.
“Aw, bubs! I love it so much. Although I wanted yours,” she added emphasis to yours, chuckling lightly when he rolled his eyes at her, “this is just as great.”
As she lunged into his arms, she cupped his cheeks and pressed her lips to his. She pulled away just as quickly, her eyes wide and lips parted in both shock and embarrassment.
“Sorry.. I- uh, I have a gift for you too.” Her cheeks lit up a bright shade of red from the embarrassment. “Let me go get it.” She removed herself from his arms and scurried into the house with Harry following close behind.
He was right on her heels while walking, trying to reassure her that it didn’t matter if she had kissed him, it didn’t change anything. “Don’t be upset, you were excited and it just happened. It’s okay.”
He stopped and watched in confusion when she opened the pantry door and began to shuffle items around before she pulled out her box of cereal.
“What are you d-”
She interrupted him, “I hid it. Didn’t want you to find it while snooping.” She brought the box to the counter to pull the half eaten bag out and dug to the bottom.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” His lips formed a tight line, trying his best not to smile as pink crept onto his cheeks.
It wasn’t a shock to him that he had been caught as she was very meticulous when storing her intimate wear, each item being sorted by type and color. One day he made the mistake of taking a peek while she was in the shower and a light pink shade catching his attention. He was curious to know what they looked like and didn’t think to remember their spot in the drawer, as it was tightly packed and a little overcrowded. He panicked when he realized his mistake and frantically searched for a spot where they might have belonged in and inevitably chose wrong.
“Must’ve been a ghost then.” She shot him a smile before returning to him with a small Gucci box. “Great minds think alike, huh?”
He took the box from her hand and stared at it intensely before he finally opened it. Inside was a thin, silver ring with a feline head detailed on the front, surrounded by intricate swirls and lines that added dimension to the band. He stood with his mouth agape, slowly twisting and turning the ring in all angles. He caught a glimpse of the tiny lettering on the inside of the band, squinting his eyes to see it more clearly.
Then he noticed the four tiny words that were engraved on the inside of the band. ‘You and me forever’ sat daintily upon it and almost had his eyes watering. Never had he expected his best friend to get him a gift so meaningful, and he was beyond grateful for it… and her.
“I can get you something different if you don’t like it.” She felt a little nauseous from his expression, how his brows furrowed in concentration. She sacrificed the things she loved for weeks to be able to get this. “Maybe you could even pick it out this-” Her words were cut short when his mouth collided with hers. His right hand cradled the nape of her neck, and the left cupped her cheek as he guided them backwards towards her bedroom door, a soft thud being heard once it met her back. He savored the lingering remnants of the sweet red wine that sat upon her tongue. Their lips moved together moments longer before he broke away, leaving them both hungry and craving more.
“It’s bloody amazing, y/n.” He only ever referred to her as y/n when he was mad at her, or in this case, when he realized he was in love with her. “Forever and always.”
Her fingertips grazed across the wetness that still remained on her lips and gently pulled the bottom one between her teeth, tasting the warm tang of his vodka flavored saliva. Her eyes were filled with lust while she watched the man before her, reach for the door knob behind her. “I-...”, a wide grin spread across her face, “I was going to show you earlier but there were a lot of… distractions.”
He smirked and folded his arms across his chest. “What were you gonna show me?”
She swung the door wide open and clasped her hands together in excitement as Harry entered the newly revamped bedroom. “What’da ya think?”
She started saving up money when she grew tired of her child-like bedroom that had been covered in pink since she moved in. She was 21, soon to be 22, and felt that it was time for a sophisticated vibe to her home.
He strolled around the room to observe the new furniture and decor. Her knick knacks and stuffed animals were now put away, which instantly tidied up the space. The curtains and duvet were no longer hot pink, but a light shade of grey, and the furniture was now black instead of white. His eyes stopped at the foot of the bed and he smirked when he saw a pile of dirty laundry.
“Still the same, huh?” He referred to the pile by pointing. His index finger hooked under the pair of red, lacy underwear on top and lifted them playfully. He couldn’t help but imagine how they looked look on her and if it was part of a matching set.
“I’m doing laundry tomorrow, thank you. That’s not what I was even talking about.” She snatched the panties and scoffed at him. “I’m talking about my bed. Thought I might need it for when I start dating, y’know?” He knew it was silly to assume that she had been fine on her own all this time. A feeling of jealousy came to the pit of his stomach but he had to play it cool.
“It’s nice. Bigger, yeah?” He would normally sleep in the bed with her, but the thought of her needing a king bed brought wild thoughts to his mind and had him thinking maybe he should take the sofa instead. “You, dating? Didn’t think I’d live to see the day.” Her jaw visibly dropped, shock clearly evident upon her features. Her next blink was prolonged as she was in disbelief at his choice of words. She reached out to swat his bicep but accidentally used more force than intended, leaving a glowing red hand print and a slightly painful stinging sensation. They both burst out into laughter as he let out a playful whine.
She hadn’t been on a date in over a year. It isn’t that she didn’t want to, she had been flooded with extra assignments at her job, leaving her with little to no personal time. And when there was personal time, she spent it with Harry if he was around.
“Well, I’ve been bored.” She plopped onto her back in the middle of the bed. “You’re always traveling and lately you’ve been hard to reach.” He tugged his shirt and skin tight jeans off, leaving them laying on the floor, and joined her on the bed. “And besides, I require physical attention just like you.” There’s an awkward silence as he debates in his mind on whether or not to ask such an intimate question but he’s dying to know.
"When did someone get you off last? And I don't mean yourself or that vibrator I know you're hoarding.” He queried, his curiosity getting the better of him. He’d spent more time in her apartment than in his own house over the past year and although he pretended that he didn’t know, he knew very well where her stash is hidden. He found it months ago while searching for a bar of soap under the bathroom sink.
Her face turned red instantly. She nervously bit her finger while thinking of the last time she was touched. The scenes replayed in her mind often and they could never be forgotten. She flips onto her stomach, crossing her ankles in the air and propping her face in the palms of her hands. “Do you really want to know?” She batted her lashes at him as she giggled.
“I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t really want to know, now would I?” He was expecting it to be some bloke from a random hookup. She hoped and prayed he wouldn’t ask who because she would never admit it to anyone if she were sober but here she was, possibly about to admit it to the one person she was trying to prevent from being hurt. It was the ultimate betrayal and he would be devastated if he knew.
“March.” Her hands immediately flew to her face to shield her eyes from his reaction.
His eyebrows lowered when he started counting on his fingers to determine how many months ago it would have been. “Nine months ago? Bloody hell! That’s the time it takes to grow a baby!”
She quickly decided to change the subject, “So I assume you were snooping and found my stash of toys. Great to know” her voice full of sarcasm.
“What stash?” He had the brilliant idea to play dumb. “But don’t try and change the subject now sweetheart. I need to know who and how.”
He only had enough confidence to dig deeper because of the alcohol flowing in his veins. They had never discussed sexual matters before, but she gave a slight introduction to the topic when she insinuated that she needed a bigger bed just for dating. It still didn’t give him the right to ask such questions, but he did anyways.
“Fine. I will tell you how but not who.” She gave a deep and dramatic sigh, “It was at the last formal event I went to back in March and I was looking around for you but you were doing something somewhere and I literally ran into this guy and it went from there. Back to his place.” She shrugged her shoulders, “That’s all.”
“Wait,” His eyes looked up and to the left, as if he was trying to remember something, “I remember looking for you but you had disappeared.” He paused for a while longer, letting the anticipation grow heavier. “I couldn’t find Zayn either…” His eyes fell to her face and her eyes grew wide with fear. “Did you leave with him?”
“No! I don’t know who he was.” She lied through her teeth. She hated that she felt the need to lie but he would be disgusted with her if he knew.
Her smile faded slowly while she looked at him. His body was stretched out with his arms folded above his head. Her eyes wandered back and forth across him, taking in every dip of every curve that his sculpted abdomen had to offer.
“Something wrong?” He was concerned by the look on her face. Her eyes were held low and heavy as if she were sad.
Everything about this man drove her absolutely insane. He was never ashamed to be himself and he carried so much pride in it. He would always see the best in a person and he loved everyone.. even when he shouldn’t. He would never show that he was angry, he would keep calm and not raise his voice. He’s the most respectful human being that she has ever met and it was undeniable that she was totally in love with him.
She whispered a faint “I want you.” The liquid courage she had indulged in earlier stood no chance to her nerve wracking confession. A lump had risen in her throat faster than she could try to swallow it back down.
He brought his arms back down to his sides and propped himself up on his elbows, looking at her with such determination. He had imagined those words coming from her sweet little mouth more than he’d ever be willing to admit. His dick quickly stiffened and stood erect in his boxers.
“Then have me.”
She was at a loss for words when his response wasn’t how she pictured it in her head. Her intuition told her that he was going to reject her advances and leave her in the friend zone, or possibly even end their friendship. They were both hesitant to make the next move, but she had already made the first and second when she kissed him out of excitement and just then when she made her confession, so it was time he took matters into his own hands.
He was curious of the playlist as he still hadn’t listened to it. It was the perfect time to put it to the test. “Pass me your phone angel.” He playfully demanded with his palm up, elbow still dug deep into the mattress.
She lowered her eyebrows in confusion. “For what?” She cautiously placed it into his palm with her hand still lingering moments after.
He didn’t say a word while he typed her access code in and swiped through the set of apps until he found the right one. “Guess we chose the right theme this week.” He smirked as the melody of Closer by Kings of Leon began to play.
“Harry!” She squealed as she launched herself over him to grab the phone from him. “Give it to me!”
His arm stretched farther away, causing her to topple over onto him. She scrambled to remove herself from his stomach but he gripped her waist to keep her in place. His breath hitched in his throat as her thigh grazed over the thin material covering his length and their eyes met instantly. She pulled away once more, only to be held in place by his strong grip. His eyes flickered back and forth between her eyes and lips, showing his silent debate as he searched her eyes for approval. His words were breathy as he asked, “Are you sure you want this?”
“I want this.” She leaned in close to whisper in his ear, “I want you.”
He shuddered under the warmth of her body as she left tiny love bites below his ear. His hands were still on her waist, pushing her down to grind on his lap. His eyes shut as a guttural moan formed deep within his throat as she hit the exact spot. She remembered him mentioning his sweet spot during a late night conversation and it had been stored in her mind ever since. She fantasized about this very moment for months, wondering what noises he would make, or if his skin was as easy to mark as it looked. She trailed her lips from his neck to his chest, leaving a mark with every kiss. She only pulled away to look up at him quickly. “You don’t know how long I’ve waited to do this,” She spoke, her lips swiftly reattaching to him. Her tongue swirled around his left nipple, gently giving it a nibble as her hand blindly found its way under the waistband of his boxers.
“Angel pl-” His words were cut short by another guttural moan when her hand halfway wrapped around his length and began to pump him slowly. She gazed at him through her lashes, curious of how he looked while being pleasured. His eyes were tightly screwed shut, crows feet appearing deeper than normal, and his lips were a deeper shade of pink, slightly dry from the rapid pants, and they were parted in sheer bliss. “I really want to kiss you.”
She stopped in her tracks and slowly trailed back up the path of her marks, leaving kisses on each one and finding her way back to his jaw. His breathing became uneasy as she neared the sweet spot below his ear once more, wincing at the now familiar warmth from her breath. “Say it again,” her teeth connecting with the tip of his earlobe.
“Please… I want to kiss you.” His lips started to quiver in desperation, begging to feel hers pressed to them, his mind racing with anticipation.
It was a new experience for him to be the one begging and pleading. Normally it was the other way around with him being the one to call the shots but she had him in the palm of her hand the second her lips hit the right spot on the first try. He was wrapped around her finger in the best way possible. Her mouth hovered over his as she darted her tongue out in a teasing gesture, grazing his lower lip ever so gently.
She placed her hand under his neck, slowly lifting his head up from the pillow, her other hand still pumping him as she roughly pressed her lips to his. Their mouths parted instantly, allowing their tongues to collide. His hands cupped her the sides of her face, leaving his fingers to disappear into the tangled mess of her hair. His moans were silenced by her lips encapsulating his completely as she kissed him harder. His thrusts became coordinated with the rhythm of the pumps, silently signaling that he needed more
She needed to taste him and she couldn't wait any longer. Her teeth caught his lip, pulling and letting go as she removed her mouth from his. She started off with slow, soft kisses on his chest before dragging the tip of her tongue down the center of his stomach, ending at the patch of hair below his belly button. She peppered light kisses around the area, continuing to pump him slowly and placing herself down on his knees for easier access. Her eyes were trained on his expression as she tugged his boxers down his thighs. “Better than I imagined.” Her words were slurred, an obvious sign of intoxication. Her tongue barely made contact with the tip before he stopped her.
“No no no no stop.” He frantically sat up, holding her back by her shoulders. “I can’t let you do this.”
Her eyes filled with tears as she sat back on her feet. “I... thought you wanted me…” Her voice was shaky while she fought to keep the tears from falling.
“Baby I do, believe me, I do… but not like this. I’d never forgive myself.” He gave her a sympathetic look while his thumb swept away the single tear that had fallen onto her cheek. “I want you completely sober.”
She held onto his wrist as he cradled her cheek with the palm of his hand, gently rubbing his thumb across the soft and delicate skin. He felt awful denying y/n of what she wanted. Before now, he could never say no to her, no matter what the situation was. It was the natural pout that her mouth would form when she was relaxed.
She hadn’t spoken one word yet. She was in a daze with her lip tightly tucked between her teeth, still sat upon her feet. She needed better reassurance than what he had offered. She was mortified by her actions, leaving her frozen in fear. She was scared that she had ruined everything by making advances at him, thinking that maybe she had misread the signals.
“Angel, listen. I promise I want you. I want you more than anything —- I always have. But I would be taking advantage of you and it wouldn’t be fair to you. I would be bloody sick if you woke up in the morning and hated me for it.”
“I could never hate you.” She blurted softly.
“But if you did, I’d hate myself for it. I’m always going to want you… but I just can’t right now. I’m sorry angel.” He grabbed her hands, squeezing tightly, “But right now, you need to get your seven hours of sleep so you won’t be cranky in the morning.”
She let out a small giggle while twisting the rings on his fingers, “Can I drive you to the airport?”
His face lit up with a smile. He was hoping she had gotten the hint when he proposed that she should sleep now, leaving her wondering why she would be getting up early. “I was hoping you’d offer. Wanted you to be the last person I saw before I left.”
Harry had fallen asleep rather quickly after the lights were turned off, which left her awake and deep in her thoughts. She tossed and turned for what felt like hours and even scrolled on her phone for a bit before she finally fell asleep. Not even two hours later, she woke up with a throbbing ache between her legs. She couldn’t stop imagining him down there -- something she had been doing long before tonight. The aching became too painful to ignore and she knew how her body wouldn’t be satisfied until it got what it wanted.
She crept out of the bed and tiptoed to the bathroom. After every step, she turned and checked to make sure he was still sleeping soundly. She peaked once again before she lightly shut the door and locked it. The cabinet door under the sink let out a loud creak when she opened it, she paused to listen for any movement from outside of the bathroom, and continued when she assumed it was clear. She grabbed her best vibrator and positioned herself comfortably on the countertop.
Normally Harry was quite the heavy sleeper but he had been drifting in and out of sleep, his thoughts kept him from falling into a deep slumber. He was completely woken by the loud creak that echoed from the bathroom. Minutes had passed before he finally got up to go check on her, thinking that maybe she was sick from the alcohol or actually had to use the bathroom. There was a buzzing sound that became more apparent as he neared the door and he knew exactly what was going on. A smirk appeared on his face as he knocked on the door, “Are you okay?”  He leaned against the wall and waited for her reply.
She had finished just in time to hear Harry knocking on the door, asking if she was okay. She wanted to say she was more than okay, but as she opened the door and shut the light off, all she could do was let out a “mmmhmm.” He was propped against the wall with his arms crossed as well as his ankles. He had a devious smirk painted on his face and she knew she had been caught, but she wasn’t going to admit it. She was thankful that it was still dark, aside from the little nightlight in the corner of the room, because her face was cherry red as she walked back to the bed with him following closely behind. She lifted the covers and slid back in while he did the same, and she faced the opposite way from him. His words were soft as he asked, “Feel better?”
She couldn’t help but smile and giggle before replying a shy “Yeah”. She thought that was the end of the conversation, but he didn’t let it die without a cheeky comment.
“Your toothbrush is very loud. Thought it was a lawn mower for a second there.”
She pulled the pillow over her head to block out his voice, desperately trying to ignore him.
December 21, 2015
“Don’t leave.” She held his one hand with the both of hers, tugging him closer over the armrest. He grinned at the sight of her bottom lip protruding just as a child’s would when they didn’t have their way. Her eyes threatened tears while he sat with his head cocked, an amused looked plastered on his face.
“ ‘M comin’ back Angel. No need to be upset.” His thumb swept across her bottom lip, prying its way between them. He loved to see her pretty little lips hang when she pouted. She opened her mouth slightly, allowing only the tip to slip in. “Be good for me, alright?”
She scoffed and spit his finger out, “I’m always good for you.”
He tutted his tongue, “Not last night you weren’t. Quite the opposite if I‘m remembering correctly.”  
He was running short on time but he wanted to spend every last second with her before he absolutely just had to leave. He had been away from her too many times, but it was different this time. He had never seen her so vulnerable about him leaving.
“I have to go now Bean. We can chat during the flight, yeah?” He leaned closer, wrapping his hand to the back of her head and pressed his lips to hers, slowly letting his tongue enter for a quick second. She didn’t want the kiss to break, but he really had to leave. “Wasn’t a good idea.” He said as a huge smile appeared on his face, showing his deep dimples.
“Why not?” Her hand flew to her mouth to pluck at her lips.
“My dick is rock hard now.” And with that, he shut the door and gathered his luggage from the trunk and giving her a heavy wave goodbye.
It was later on in the day when she had made it home. She stopped to run a few errands and window shop a little. She had been talking to Harry up until he stopped responding around an hour ago. Figuring that he had fallen asleep, she didn’t think much more of it and found herself lounging on the couch watching Gossip Girl on Netflix. Another hour had passed before her phone’s message tone went off and she saw a message from Harry. She opened it expecting it to be a voice message but instead it was just a text message, something they hardly ever sent. The text contained a link to a video.
Harry: is this about you?
She shakily clicked on the link, immediately overwhelmed with emotion.  Zayn Malik, former boy band member, SPILLS ALL in an exclusive interview for his brand new album!
What made him ask if it was about her? Zayn promised her he would never mention it again, but clearly he’s a liar.
After watching only three short minutes of it, she quickly became annoyed, wondering why Harry would send her this link. It had nothing to do with her, so why was he asking if it was about her? She listened for a few seconds longer before hearing the interviewer’s question that caught her attention.
Interviewer: “I had a lot of different emotions while listening to the album and was wondering, is it about a relationship? Or maybe even just a hookup?”
Zayn: “It was both, you know? But the girl I was in a relationship with wasn’t the girl I hooked up with.”
Interviewer: “What do you mean?”
Zayn: “So I’d recently gone through a tough breakup and there were so many emotions going through my mind, hence why the album is called Mind of Mine. It was weird. Then there was this night that I was out and I bumped into Y/- uh her and we had met through a mutual friend but I’d known her for a while and you know, things just... happened.”
Interviewer: “So it was like a rebound?”
Zayn: “Not really. We were just two people who needed some love for the night and I haven’t actually seen her since.”
Interviewer: “Do we at least get this girl’s name and maybe have you confirm which songs are about her?”
Zayn: “I think it’s pretty obvious which songs are about her. To make it easier, there are five of ‘em.”
Interviewer: “She must’ve left one hell of an impression for you to write not one, but five songs about her, yeah?”
Zayn: “She was great. I had a great time. I’ve never met anyone who matches my sexual aura in the way she did.”
Interviewer: “Does she know these songs are about her?”
Zayn: “I guess she will now.”
She was sick, feeling as if she could empty her entire stomach’s contents onto the floor. He promised her that he would never tell a soul about that night but he went and wrote fucking songs about it. She was absolutely mortified that Harry had seen it and noticed that Zayn had accidentally slipped and said her name in a stupid interview and didn’t even think to warn her beforehand! She could barely keep a grip on her phone properly with her hands shaking uncontrollably as she paced around her apartment. No, no, no, no! This cannot be happening right now.
Her voice was breathy and full of panic as she recorded the message trying to explain but her words failed her as she became tongue tied and they jumbled together, leaving her with only one option -- a text message.
Y/N: Harry… I can explain.
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pilot-boi · 4 years
Shouting In Cafes: Chapter Five
New Impressions
A little more information gets found out, and Weiss has to be forcibly restrained from murdering Sun.
Sun came in every single day. His order was always the same- a grande white mocha -but his outfits varied from crop tops to tank tops to shorts to tight, tight jeans. Every aspect of every piece of clothing he owned seemed to share the same goal of showing off as much of his body as possible, even when that part of his body was covered. 
When he wore T-shirts, they were graphic with big bold text on them. One said REAL LIFE HORROR MOVIE. Another just read HOT BOY. He only seemed to have two pairs of shoes, which were flip flops and sneakers. He wore the flip flops more often, despite the quickly dropping autumn temperatures outside.
“Why don’t you try something new for once?” Neptune asked once while fixing Sun his daily regular.
He had gotten into the habit of leaning his entire body across Neptune’s counter while making his order. Sometimes propping up his head, sometimes just letting his arms drape over the edge. 
Today was a draping kind of day, apparently, because his entire body swayed from left to right as he thought of his answer. “Hmm. Good question! I’ll try something new. How ‘bout… Like a pumpkin spice latte or whatever?"
“Alright,” Neptune said and went to dump out the coffee he already made.
“No, you don’t have to dump it out! Just add the other thing into the first one!” Neptune felt his face twist into utter disgust. He just gave him the original, with nothing added.
Sun didn’t come in with dates anymore. He just ordered his coffee, ran past the counter at high speeds, swept up his coffee without looking, and swung into a chair near a window. Neptune would then watch him rack his brain for what selfie pose he should do that day.
He’d take the picture, then drink his coffee while looking at his phone. Every once in a while, he would bark a laugh at something he found funny, turning multiple heads at the loud noise, before going back to his ‘work.’ Weiss, who Neptune knew from some of his business classes, had all but ordered Jaune to evict Sun on more than one occasion.
Neptune honestly didn’t know how much longer it would be until Weiss took it upon herself to get Sun to stop “disturbing the peace” as she’d put it.
Sun had a habit of tipping back his chair. Once he leaned back too far and completely crashed onto the ground, spilling his coffee all over himself and generally making a huge racket. Neptune had thanked his lucky stars that Weiss hadn’t been there for once.
Once Sun caught Neptune looking at him take a selfie. He waved to him, giving him a cheesy grin. Neptune looked away.
It’d been three weeks since their first meeting and they hadn’t held an actual conversation other than little snippets of small talk, and for some reason that felt wrong. This guy was walking around thinking socks and flip flops were a good idea while also knowing about Neptune’s financial issues
Meanwhile, Neptune didn’t even know his last name. It felt weird. It made him uneasy. Was paranoid the right word?
And to make matters worse, Neptune still couldn’t read him.
Neptune prided himself on his ability to not only read a room, but to be able to read the faces in said room. He got a grasp on Jaune’s mannerisms within a day. All of his professors loved him because he could play to their exact emotions without them ever knowing.
But this fucking guy…
Some of his emotions were no brainers. Like the laugh. And the anger. And the confusion. But the in between ones… 
The ones where it looked like the regular Sun stepped away for a moment and revealed a completely different person. What the hell was he thinking during that time? Those expressions didn’t belong on the face of a rich frat boy.
“Neptune?” Jaune was tapping him on the shoulder.
Neptune fixed his posture. He had been leaning against his broom, apparently giving Sun a death stare from across the cafe.
“Did you get enough sleep last night?” He frowned and crossed his arms in a way reminiscent of his friend Nora. “Are you hungover?”
“No, I’m fine mom,” Neptune sighed.
“Okay, good. I have something to show you.” 
“What is it?”
“Nora found that guy’s Instagram.”
“Why the fuck?” he asked, bewildered. “And how the fuck does Nora know about this guy?”
“She got bored, and you know how she gets.” Jaune shrugged and Neptune groaned. He did know how Nora got. The ginger had a habit of tagging along with her boyfriend, Ren, whenever he came to the coffee shop to study. Weiss had succeeded in getting them to evict Nora on more than one occasion. She wasn’t exactly subtle, or quiet for that matter.
In other words, she’d probably get along with Sun like a house on fire. Neptune squinted at him. “You told her about him, didn’t you?”
Jaune had the worst fake-surprised face on the entire planet. “What? No! Of course not! How dare you, Neptune Vasilias!”
“Okay, fine I told her. Anyway!”
He suppressed a laugh as Jaune pushed his phone up to his face. Neptune then pushed his glasses up and the phone back at least half a foot. Jaune didn’t seem to notice.
“First of all, he has over 3000 followers on a personal account,” Jaune began. “Second, it’s pretty much all selfies.”
“Unsurprising,” Neptune said and took the phone into his hands to keep Jaune from waving it around as he tried to read. He scoffed. “Wukong?! His last name is Wukong.”
“Hey you’re no one to judge Mr. Vasilias.”
“Shut the fuck up.”
Neptune began to scroll through the pictures. They were all selfies, that was true. All in different places, never in the same place. Save for the weekly compilation posts captioned “this weeks coffee! <3” with every single selfie he took during that week there, at The Daily Grind.
“Holy shit.” Neptune was almost impressed. This took dedication. This took effort. This took a man who really admired himself.
“Okay, okay, but this isn’t what I’m talking about. Don’t be an ass.” Jaune snatched back his phone and scrolled to the top of his account. He whipped it back into Neptune’s face, tapping her finger on Sun’s bio. “Look!”
It read: 
sun wukong
beacon university
“Oh my god,” Neptune muttered.
“Yeah. So, apparently the dude goes to our college.” Jaune took back his phone and pushed it into his pocket. “Nora maybe also stalked his page and apparently he lived in Vacuo for a while and just transferred back here to go to school. Which explains why we haven’t seen him until now. Didn’t you wonder why he was just suddenly here?”
“I’m going to be honest with you, Jaune. I thought maybe he might’ve just been a hellish entity that popped into existence one day to torture me.”
Jaune rolled his eyes. “Okay, well he’s clearly not. And please, you two haven’t even argued since that first time.”
“I have to put up with his dumb hair every day.”
“Shut the fuck up.”
Neptune’s mouth felt dry. He leaned back against the wall. “So, what, is it fate telling us we have to be around each other as much as possible so we can hate each other that much more?”
“Or maybe it’s so you two can, ya know, get along?”
“Not gonna happen.”
Both of their heads turned towards the sound of a squeaky chair scratching against the worn hardwood floor. Sun stood up, still texting on his phone, and grabbed his empty cup with his free hand.
He looked up, and found Neptune and Jaune staring directly at him.
Sun frowned. “What’s up?” he yelled. More heads turned. Weiss glared at Jaune as if he was making this happen on purpose.
Neptune turned away, coughing. He grabbed the broom and began to brush at an already pristine floor.
“We found your Instagram!” Jaune bellowed back, holding his phone proudly over his head like a prize. In the corner, Weiss snapped a pencil in half from the force of her rage. Ren didn’t even look from his books.
Neptune, on the other hand, was sure he was going to have a stroke then and there.
A grin Neptune was becoming all too familiar with spread across Sun’s face as he pranced over to the counter. He quickly made himself at home on the surface, kicking his legs from his seat. His tank top said I FLEXED AND THE SLEEVES FELL OFF. 
“Oh, yeah? Like what you see?” Sun asked, winking at him. How was this Neptune’s life?
“Correction. Jaune’s friend found your Instagram and I was subjected to it,” Neptune butted in.
Sun flicked his eyes over to Jaune. “Your name’s Jaune? Do you like what you see?”
“Stop flirting. He’s too good for you,” Neptune said and inched a little closer to his friend, starting to reach up and put a hand on his shoulder before stopping himself. Jaune remained looking blissfully oblivious, bless him. 
“Hey, Jaune, your boyfriend’s kinda a prick,” Sun laughed and gestured over at Neptune.
“I’m not his boyfriend,” Neptune said, crossing his arms.
“Okay, okay, jeez” Sun said, raising his hands defensively. He leaned back and his shirt rode up a little. Jesus, what was with this guy and crop tops? “So, you found my Instagram?”
“You go to the same college as us,” Jaune blurted, suddenly remembering how to speak. 
He said this at the same instant that Neptune said, “Sun Wukong really is quite the name.”
Sun blinked. “Sorry, what?”
Neptune was about to burst a blood vessel. “Jaune!” he hissed. Jaune was a great guy but… sometimes…
“What did I do?” he shouted, threatening to match Sun in volume.
“He doesn’t have to know that we go to the same college!”
“We go to the same college?” Sun asked.
Neptune failed to resist slapping a hand onto his face.
“Cool!” Sun said. “Why is that such a big deal, dude?”
“I don’t want you stalking me around campus, trying to be my friend!”
A smile spread slowly across Sun’s face, like moss creeping along a forest floor.
“Sweet Jesus.” Neptune shouldn't have said anything. Why did he say anything? Sun could not be trusted with this power.
“Why can’t we be friends, Neptune?” Sun whined and dropped his entire body on the counter again. His shirt bunched against his torso as he over balanced and nearly tumbled over the side. It was probably a health hazard that Neptune would be forced to clean up.
Neptune would have to clean it up, because Jaune was clearly too amused by this entire situation to be any help at all. 
“Because we barely know each other. You’re just somebody I met on the job,” he explained. He felt not unlike a teacher having to explain that two plus two equals four to a student who was insisting it was actually twenty-two.
“Yeah, but that’s how friendships start out!” Sun insisted earnestly.
“Why not?”
“I’m busy.”
“Then I’ll wait until you’re not!” Sun said this like it was a sudden stroke of genius.
“You’re going to have to wait two more hours then.”
“Okay!” And with that, Sun stood to his full height, pulled his shirt down, or at least as far down as it even went. Then he walked back over to his chair by the window and pulled out his phone.
Neptune stared. No freaking way.
He tilted his head towards Jaune, eyes glared to Sun as his fingers tapped against his phone screen. “He’s just going to sit there until I get off work, isn’t he?”
“It seems like it,” Jaune said, just as focused.
“What the hell.”
“He’s determined, I’ll give him that.” Jaune sounded almost impressed. Thanks for nothing Jaune.
Ten minutes in, Sun seemed to get bored.
Thirty minutes in, his phone died.
Forty minutes in, he started pestering the other customers for a phone charger. Weiss was tearing her hair out.
Fifty minutes in, he just started pestering the customers, despite Ren giving him a charger in a vain attempt to shut him up. Weiss actually just got up and left at this point.
An hour and twenty minutes in, he was chatting up an increasingly bewildered Jaune.
An hour and forty minutes later, he was chatting up Neptune, to Jaune’s relief and amusement. Neptune longed for the sweet release of death, and wished that he could follow Weiss out the door and escape.
How many minutes were left? When could Neptune go home? When could he get the scent of Sun’s hair gel out of his nose? He feared his clothes would soon be coated with it if it was strong enough to permeate the terrible coffee.
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ezm-imagines · 6 years
you give love a bad name: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Greaser!Bucky one shot
Word Count: 4.8k
Warnings: cussing
Tags: biker!bucky, greaser!bucky, high school au,
A/N: I’ve been sitting on this story for MONTHS and I don’t like it too much, but I figure I might as well publish it if I’m never gonna do anything else with it!!
“What are you doing tonight?” Bucky appeared out of nowhere, immediately falling into step with you.
“What, were you waiting out here for the past fifteen minutes since class ended? For little old me?” You replied sarcastically.
“Actually, for the past hour. I skipped last period.”
“Wow, my hero,” you deadpanned.
He chuckled and took a puff of his cigarette.
You plucked it from his lips.
“Hey!” he protested, smoke leaving his mouth with the syllable.
“First lesson, I don’t go out with smokers,” you dropped the cigarette on the ground and stepped on it as you continued walking, “So if you have more of those in your pocket, then I think the entirety of tonight is booked for me.” You grinned over at him as he shoved his hands in his pocket, defeated.
“Fine, fine, whatever.”
“What, am I not worth the chase anymore if it means you have to give up your gross addiction?” You fake pouted, actually hoping he’d agree and leave you alone.
“Aw, no, you won’t get off that easy, darlin’,” his strikingly white teeth sparkled as he gave you a large grin, “So, I guarantee, no cigs. Is tonight looking a little more free now?”
“It’s actually looking a little more boring. Wanda and I are having a study sesh for most of it.”
You stopped walking, “Cancel plans with my best friend that will help me do better in school in order to have some weird, ‘wild’ night with Bucky Barnes? You really think you’re hot shit, huh?”
“Nah, nah,” he replied, raising a perfect eyebrow, “I know I am.”
You gave a short laugh, “Ah, clever,” you picked up your gait again, “It appears there is a brain behind that big leather jacket.”
“You bet, sweetheart. Maybe if you’re lucky, I’ll let you take the jacket off,” he winked.
You laughed, unimpressed, “If I’m lucky? More like if you’re lucky. Try those BS lines on some other chick, baby.”
You pushed past him and continued toward your car.
“Alright, alright. You’re right.” He put a hand to his heart, “I would be lucky. So whaddaya say, darlin’?”
You tilted your head to the side and stepped forward to face him. “What do I say?” You repeated.
You grabbed the collar of his leather jacket and pulled his smug grin an inch away from your lips.
“The answer,” you whispered, “Is no.”
You grinned and pushed him away from you with a laugh, his eyebrow furrowed with confusion at how you not only rejected hooking up with him, but also even just a kiss with him.
“See ya Monday, baby,” you yelled over your shoulder, strutting down to your car at the end of the lot.
You sung along under your breath with the song playing gently in the background of your room as you typed in the problem into your calculator.
“Oh, perfect,” you frowned, looking between the calculator’s answer and your own, “That is nowhere near what I got. Amazing,” you pushed the books off your lap and groaned, sitting back against your bed. “This is hopeless. I’m gonna fail Calculus, and then I’m gonna fail high school, and then no college will ever accept me and I’ll have to spend my life trying to climb the ranks at McDonalds.”
“Mmm, yup, you’re right,” Wanda replied, laying down next to you. “This one test in one subject will completely blow past your 4.0 GPA and doom the rest of your life.”
“For once can you just let me be dramatic?” You whined.
“Hmm. No I don’t think so.”
You rolled your eyes, but laughed along with her.
However, Wanda interrupted your laughing by holding a finger up and pausing.
You quieted and waited for whatever she was doing.
“Hear that?” She mouthed.
You furrowed your brow and nodded. Yeah, you did.
It sounded like muffled yelling. And it was coming from your outside wall.
You stood up and turned off your main light in order to see the dark outside your window. You raised your window blind and squinted out into the darkness, before seeing a figure raise its arms in victory.
“Who is it?” Wanda asked, beside you.
“An utter idiot,” you replied, unlocking your window and pushing the glass open.
“What on earth do you think you’re doing?” You shouted down at him.
“Getting your attention. And checking your alibi,” Bucky looked Wanda up and down.
“Yes, genius,” you yelled back, “I wasn’t lying. I was actually studying. I know you aren’t familiar with that term, but it is, in fact, a real thing. Why are you even here?”
“I was in the neighborhood and I figured I’d stop by.”
“You’re always in the neighborhood. You literally live four houses down.”
“Oh do I? Hmm, hadn’t noticed.”
You rolled your eyes, “What do you want, motorcycle boy?”
“Motorcycle boy? Oh, come on, doll, I’m worth more than that.”
“Well, now that I see how much you hate that name, you’re forever branded with it.”
“Fine, fine, I walked right into that one. But how about YOU walk yourself down here and go out with me?”
“Or how about no?”
“Come on, sweetheart, you’re gonna have to agree one of these times. I’m trying my hardest here.”
“I certainly do NOT have to agree. But you can keep trying all you want. In fact, feel free to wait outside this window all night. Hell, build a fort down there and sleep here. I don’t care. This is never gonna happen, baby.”
You waved before shutting the window.
“Aw, come on,” he grinned at you.
You closed the blind and huffed back on the bed, ignoring the muffled noises from outside the window.
“So,” Wanda laughed, “What’s the deal with him?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” you shrugged it off.
“He’s cute, you should go for it.”
“Wanda! Not helping!”
“What? What’s so wrong with him? He’s hot, and he seems pretty sweet.”
“Can we just stop talking about this? This is exactly what he wants us to be doing, and I refuse to give in to the enemy.”
Wanda just laughed, but complied nonetheless.
“Fancy meetin’ you here stranger,” a deep voice came from behind you.
You sighed and turned around, readjusting the grocery shopping basket in your hand, “You following me?”
“Believe it or not, sweetheart, you’re not the only one who needs to eat.“
You raised an eyebrow, unconvinced.
“Alright you got me. To be honest, I just wanted to get out of the house for a bit. But no, Miss Egomaniac, I had no idea you were here. I’m actually just here to buy this,” he reached past you to grab something, getting dangerously close as his shoulder-length hair brushed across your cheek.
You froze in your spot, not sure how to react, especially when jesus did he always smell this good?
He pulled back, though returning to a spot much closer than he was before.
He held up a Coke, spinning it around to see the label.
“Hmm, ‘Share a Coke with Your: Better Half.”
He looked directly at you, smugly, as he twisted the cap off and took a long drink.
“Oh, you’re one of those people, huh,” You spoke up, “Using the product before you buy it?”
He shrugged, swallowing the soda, “What’s it matter if I’m buying it either way? They’ll get my money soon enough.”
You shook your head and crossed your arms.
“Come on,” he waved it in front of your face, “We can’t disrespect the bottle, now, can we, Better Half?”
“We absolutely can. Those names are arbitrary anyway; it’s just to get more sales.”
He pushed the bottle toward your further, and you looked down at it.
Ugh. FINE.
You snatched the bottle and took a quick swig. You swallowed it and shoved the bottle back in his hand before pushing past him and down the aisle.
“Aw, come on, doll, it wasn’t that painful!”
“Yes, it was!” You called over your shoulder.
You heard him chuckling as you shook your head and turned into a different aisle.
You shut your locker to find Bucky on the other side of it.
“So, how’d you do on that test you studied so hard for?” He asked, one arm leaning casually against the wall.
“Good, I think,” you began walking, “But grades won’t come out for a few more days so that’s TBD.”
“Was it worth blowing me off for?”
“I seem to recall you made multiple appearances during my weekend, so I don’t know what you mean by that.”
“You still blew me off.”
“Only in your dreams,” you sniped back, staring him down with the statement’s double entendre implications.
He looked away, a large, impressed grin on his face, “Alright, that was a good one, I’ll admit it.”
“Plenty more where that came from, motorcycle boy,” you smiled, stepping away from him to go to class.
“‘Plenty more?’ So you admit you’ll keep talking to me?” He called after you, a proud smile on his lips.
“Don’t count on it!”
You were walking down the steps toward the parking lot to see Bucky leaning against his motorcycle and waiting for you. Again. Except this was the first time that you caught him before he caught you. But before you could start the conversation, Bucky had already seen you and was by your side.
He opened his mouth to speak but you cut him off.
“You know, you can’t just come up to me everyday to try to convince me to go out with you.”
He furrowed his brow, “And why’s that?”
You snorted, “‘Cuz, you just can’t!”
“Well, would you like me to stop?”
You bit your cheek, not sure. You naturally wanted to say yes, like you always did, but that wasn’t completely true. You kinda liked him bothering you. For some odd reason.
“What’s this?” Bucky teased, “Is the great Y/N hesitating in rejecting me?” He chuckled, “Either you’re losing your mind or I’m finally getting to you.”
“I’m gonna go with the former,” you replied, “Much more likely.”
“Sure, sure.”
He was wearing sunglasses that framed his face perfectly, and you were annoyed at the way they partially hid his (beautiful eyes) expressions from you.
So, you took them.
You reached forward and slid them off his nose, and then plopped them onto your own.
“I believe I was using those,” he squinted, his eyes readjusting to the brighter sunlight he was being exposed to.
“And now I am. Go figure.”
“Will I be getting them back any time soon?”
“I wouldn’t bet on it.”
He laughed, and you caught sight of the gum he’d been chewing in his mouth.
“Since when do you chew gum?” You furrowed your brow slightly.
“Since I started trying to quit smoking. Turns out it’s bad for your lungs or something. Who knew, right?”
You crossed your arms, smiling, “Yeah. Who knew.”
“Don’t look at me like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like you’re winning.”
“Hmm, well, it seems to me that I am at the moment...?”
“Shut up.” He was... kind of blushing. Woah.
“Look,” he continued, “As much as I love this exchange, I do have to get home right now.”
“Then go. I’m not stopping you,” you told him, beginning to walk away toward your own car.
“Maybe not purposefully but you definitely are,” he replied, hopping onto his motorcycle. You just shook your head, before straightening up and blinking in realization.
“Oh, hey,” you paused, “do you want your sunglasses back?”
He stopped for a moment before shrugging, “Nah. You look better in them anyway, sweetheart.”
He winked before revving his engine and speeding away.
‘You look better in them anyway.’
After seeing him wearing them, you weren’t too sure about that...
You were lying in bed, scrolling on your phone when you heard a familiar thumping.
Yup. It was him again. But 1am?! Seriously?!
You opened up your window and prepared to yell down at him, “Barnes, what the he-”
You frowned. That wasn’t his normal casual-and-smugly-charming attitude. Something was wrong. You could tell immediately.
“Can I... can I come up?” He asked quietly.
“Buck, my parents would kill me if-“
“Please?” His voice cracked slightly on the single syllable and you exhaled.
“Alright. I’ll meet you at the front door.”
You silently crept down the steps and to the front door.
Slowly, you opened the door to see Bucky standing there.
God, you’d never seen him so messed up over something. His face was twisted like you’d never seen before.
“What happened, Buck?”
His eyes flitted up to yours and you noticed the pain behind them. “Um, can we just... not... I don’t want to talk about it.”
You took a deep breath but nodded, “That’s okay. You don’t have to.”
You noticed the bruise blooming on his cheek and you could put the puzzle pieces together yourself. He didn’t need to say anything.
“Look, I know... I know you don’t really like me that much, and I know that I’m always joking around about this stuff but... can I sleep here tonight? I’ll sleep on the floor or whatever, but I just can’t be home right now...”
You nodded, “Of course. Whatever you need. Um, follow me. But, uh, you have to promise to be completely quiet. If my parents catch you here, then you won’t be able to stay.”
Bucky gave a sad smile, “Don’t worry, I’m pretty good at being quiet.”
Your heart tugged and you wanted to hug him, but instead you nodded before turning around and leading him up the stairs toward your room.
You gestured him inside and began clearing stuff up from the floor so he could walk without tripping over textbooks and dirty clothes.
He chuckled half-heartedly and you looked up to see why.
“Nice bra,” he nodded towards a black lace one hanging off your closet door. You rolled your eyes, feigning annoyance, but in reality, you were glad he was feeling better enough to joke around, even if the smile didn’t quite reach his eyes.
“So I guess I’ll be here for the night?” He motioned to the floor you had just cleared.
“Oh, well. I mean, you could,” you mumbled, “But you can have the bed if you want. I think you’ve been through enough tonight.”
“I’m not about to potentially get you in trouble with your parents AND steal your bed from you, come on. I’m at least slightly a gentleman.”
“It’s not stealing if I offer. And anyway, I wouldn’t really mind sharing the bed with you. I just don’t wanna make you sleep on my cold, dirty floor.”
Bucky paused and stared at you seriously for a long moment.
You returned the look. You felt like this might be the first time you were seeing the real Bucky. Not that that cocky Bucky wasn’t a version of him, but this was the Bucky beneath all that.
“Really?” He asked after a moment, “I know I can make some people uncomfortable sometimes, and I don’t wanna...”
“You’ve never made me uncomfortable,” you answered immediately.
He was giving you that look again. Like he almost couldn’t trust what you were saying. “Serious?”
You gave a small smile, “Yeah. I mean,” you slipped a smile, “yes, sometimes you’re tediously confident and repetitive...” you teased.
He chuckled.
“... But I trust you,” you ended earnestly. And it was the truth. You didn’t know why. But you did. He may be annoying and perhaps stalkerish, but you knew the second you REALLY told him to stop, he would instantly.
“Thanks,” he replied simply, not knowing what else to say to communicate how much that meant to him.
“You’re welcome.”
You two stared at each other for a moment longer, before you reached forward to touch his face.
Your fingers ghosted over his bruise and trailed down to a few cuts and a split lip, “Want me to take care of that for you?” You whispered.
He only looked at you with wide eyes, before eventually moving his mouth slightly to utter a dazed, “Sure.”
You gave him a soft smile and left the room to go get a first aid kit.
You returned shortly and motioned for him to sit on the bed, bouncing down next to him.
You clicked open the kit and poured some cleaner on a cotton ball.
You cringed at him slightly, “This is gonna hurt.”
“Not as much as it did when I got it,” he half joked.
Your heart broke slightly at that, but you continued on.
You counted down before placing it gently on the cut on his lip. You could tell he was trying not to show the pain.
“You don’t have to pretend like it doesn’t sting, I know it does.”
“Don���t worry about it, sweetheart.”
You sighed but pressed a new cottonball on his temple.
This time he let out an audible hiss.
“Sorry,” you whispered, pulling the cotton ball away. And, for a reason you didn’t know, you leaned forward and kissed his temple before rubbing a little Neosporin on it.
You pulled back and proceeded to work on another one of his cuts, fighting down the wild feelings bubbling inside you at the act.
You dared a small glance at him to see his reaction, and saw his mouth was slightly agape with shock.
Realizing you were looking, he coughed and replaced it with cool charm, “Can I get one of those on this one?” He quirked an eyebrow, pointing at his split lip.
“Shut up,” you lightly punched him in the shoulder.
You noticed the wince he tried, and almost succeed at, hiding.
But he couldn’t hide it from you.
“Show me.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
You took his face in one hand, “Buck. Let me help.”
He sighed, relentingly, grabbing the back of his shirt and pulling it off over his head.
Your jaw fell open at the bruises littered up and down his muscles. You could tell they weren’t all fresh.
“Come on, Y/N, I don’t want to-“ he looked away and cut himself off.
He seemed... embarrassed.
“Bucky, there’s nothing to be ashamed about. None of this is your fault.”
He was still looking away. You grabbed his jaw and forced him to face you, “Listen to me. None. of this. is your fault.”
He at least seemed to partly take in what you were saying, but he looked down anyway.
Most of his injuries were bruises, but there were a few more cuts you were able to bandage.
Once you finished, you cleaned up the bandages and trash, then shut the first aid kit.
“You can put your shirt back on if you want,” you replied, walking over and placing the first aid kit on your desk to be put away tomorrow morning.
“And what if I don’t want to?” He winked.
You rolled your eyes, “Just get in the bed so I can turn off the light and get some rest.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he grinned.
You shook your head, grinning back, and waited until he had slipped his shirt back on and was under the covers for you to turn off the light.
You sighed and climbed in next to him, raising the blankets up to your chin.
“Thanks for helping me,” he whispered into the darkness of the room.
“Thanks for trusting me enough to come to me.”
He only hummed in response.
You remember waking up at some point in the early morning, your hand somehow intertwined with his, and the sunlight from your open window streaming in on his beautiful hair and peaceful countenance.
You loved it.
You wished you could wake up to that every morning.
But before you knew it, you’d fallen back asleep. And the next time you awoke wasn’t as kind.
This time, an alarm was blaring, the sunlight was harsher, and there was no beautiful subject for it to fall upon.
You sat up and hit your buzzer, but saw nothing of Bucky anywhere in your room. You frowned and stood up, walking around for a second in confusion before your eyes caught a piece of paper tacked to your bulletin board:
You smiled softly and took the note off, tracing your finger over the 6 scribbled letters.
“What about this weekend?” Bucky persisted, appearing next to you and as you walked down the parking lot.
“You just never give up, huh?”
“I’ve been known to be a persistent asshole from time to time.”
“I think the ‘from time to time’ part of that sentence might be too generous of a qualifier.”
“Ouch,” a smile still cracking on his lips.
You shrugged it off, “I’m busy this weekend, too. You can’t just waltz in and expect me to clear my plans for you Buckaroo.”
“‘Buckaroo?’” He winced, “I think you’re slipping, doll.”
“You know what I meant!”
“You’re right I did. So, what about tonight instead?”
“You heard me.”
“I told you I couldn’t do future plans as it was such late notice, so you decide to try something even MORE late notice? That makes sense...”
“Well, whaddaya say?”
You hesitated, “It’s a school night.”
“And I’m not hearing a no.”
You exhaled, “Fine. You get one hour. But that’s it. And I’ll set a timer to make sure!”
He grinned the widest you’d ever seen, “Pick you up at 7.”
He started running back toward his motorcycle, but you called after him, “Wait, what are we doing on the date?! What do I wear?!”
“Anything! Actually, scratch that, preferably wear nothing.” He winked.
You rolled your eyes, “You’re this close to getting cancelled on, Barnes! Don’t push it!”
He just threw his head back and laughed.
You kept walking, annoyed, but couldn’t fight the grin off of your face.
At 7:00 on the dot, you heard a motorcycle engine outside your house.
At least he was punctual.
You took one last look at your tank top and skinny jeans in the mirror before dashing off and out the door.
“I see you didn’t follow my advice,” he motioned to your outfit as you stepped outside.
“Is that a problem?”
He grinned at you, “Not at all.”
He tossed an extra helmet at you and you caught it just in time before it could hit your face.
“Nice catch,” he chuckled.
“Very funny. Where are we headed?”
“Aw, now you don’t expect me to just tell you out-right? It’s a surprise, sweetheart. Don’t worry about it.”
You slipped the helmet on and took his outstretched hand. He helped you onto the motorcycle and moved your arms to wrap around his.
“Comfortable?” You teased.
“Very,” he purred, sliding his helmet back on.
He jolted the motorcycle forward without warning, attempting to make you jump with the fake-out.
“You’re gonna have to try a lot harder than that to get me to jump.”
“Don’t encourage me.”
Well, let the adventure begin...
“Aaaaand, right here,” he tugged on your hand and got you to stop next to him as you both looked out toward the moonlit playground.
“After weeks of build up, I give you one hour with me and you take me to a kiddie park?”
“Hey, it’s not a kiddie park if there’s no kids around!” He motioned around to the emptiness.
“Cuz it’s past their bedtimes. And they’re smarter than to go on dates with know-it-all bad boys who bring girls to parks. What do you plan on doing, vandalizing?”
“Would you relax?” he chuckled, stepping to face you head on, “I’m not sure if you’re familiar with this concept, but I brought you here to have fun. You seem to have forgotten what that’s like.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. He narrowed his right back.
“Come, on, Doll, it’s really not-“
“Ah!” You screamed as water spat up and hit you from behind, and you squealed, launching yourself forward and away from the sudden attack.
... And right into Bucky’s arms.
“Well, hello there,” he smirked, “Huh. I guess we must be standing in the water fountains area of the park... Wonder how that happened...”
You gaped, “You got me to stand there on purpose, didn’t you?”
He shrugged a shoulder, failing to fight back a grin, “Maybe. Maybe not. You can’t prove anything.”
You shook your head, “Oh, you are SO going to get it!”
He gave one more laugh before running off in the opposite direction. You chased after him, dodging and screaming as water spurted out of the holes irregularly.
He ran in circles, attempting to dodge you, ducking under one fountain stream and another. You couldn’t reach him, but you tried to thwap and splash as much of the water towards him as you could.
You held your sides from laughter as he got on the ground and rolled, pretending the fountains were like lasers in a spy-action thriller.
You were so busy laughing that you hardly noticed when he stopped and started running directly at you. You screamed right before he body checked you, then lifted you up and over his shoulder.
“Bucky, no!” you wheezed in between giggles.
He purposefully walked right in front of fountains, making sure to angle you and get you the most soaked as you kicked in protest.
He eventually put you down and you charged right back at him, knocking him to the ground along with yourself.
You landed on top of him, and one shared look sent you both into hysterics of laughter, the feeling of his chest rumbling beneath yours only making you smile brighter.
“You are so full of it, Barnes,” you huffed, catching your breath.
“Oh, am I?” he replied, but his usual cockiness dimmed as he looked at you, biting his lip slightly.
Your eyes slid to his lips and your breathing shallowed. It would’ve been so easy to just lean down one more inch and close the distance, feel his lips on yours and see if he was really as good at kissing as you had been imagining him to be.
You reached up slowly and threaded a hand through his long hair.
He hummed into the feeling, contentedness flickering in his eyes and stretching across his mouth in a smile. And suddenly, he was just too beautiful. Him, lying beneath you, so peacefully content, was just too beautiful that you couldn’t avoid it anymore.
You stared in his eyes for one last moment before moving forward and connecting your lips.
Fountains bubbled up around you, splashing you with cold water, but you hardly noticed.
It began tentatively, with gentle care and simplicity.
But as the kiss’s length grew on, it became harder, hungrier.
Bucky sat up, guiding your arms to reach around his neck as he reached around your waist. You slid your legs forward and wrapped them around him, pressing yourself as close as possible as the kiss picked up steam. He let his hands slide further down your back as you drug your nails through his hair.
He gasped slightly against your lips, and you grinned, kissing him harder.
It wasn’t until the fountain directly beneath you went off that you finally broke apart for air.
You chuckled quietly, nuzzling your head into his neck and biting back the massive grin across your face.
You heard Bucky’s chest rumble with a chuckle and pulled back to look at him.
He motioned to his watch, displaying the numbers 7:58, “It appears that I’ve used my whole hour up. You still sure you wanna go back to studying Calculus right now?”
"Just shut up,” you rolled your eyes, grabbing his collar and kissing him again.
A/N: Thanks for reading! Please please please leave a comment if you enjoyed!!!! <3
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