#raleigh carrera
sunnyxdazed · 4 months
remember when raleigh carrera said that every song they ever wrote was about mc and they just didn’t know it yet?????
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alj4890 · 2 months
Round Robin
Choices Books/Characters Used So Far: The Royal Romance, Platinum
Word total: 2,552
Masterlist for the Round Robin event
Next writer: @kingliam2019
Hosted by @choicesprompts
Chapter 4 Initial Meeting
Bertrand jerked awake from the nightmares he'd been trapped in. Sweat beaded his forehead yet he felt chilled to the bone. His breathing was labored as he kicked the covers off of himself. He glanced at the clock on his nightstand and decided that four in the morning was a perfectly acceptable time to give up on sleep.
"How could I possibly rest after that?!" He grumbled.
Slipping his robe on, he quietly left his suite.
The resort he'd secured for this endeavor was on an island off the coast of Cordonia. It had its own airfield, dock, and rolling hills with thick forests to block the hotel from any possible onlookers from the mainland. The front of the hotel faced the ocean and possessed the only beach the island boasted of. The rest was a rocky shore line that few well seasoned boat captains could navigate around.
The secluded area allowed his more famous clients a chance to work through the planned events without paparazzi and the public watching. This would also allow Bertrand to film and have exclusive rights to said progress of these well known individuals.
This has to work, he thought to himself. It must!
Once he made it to the main lobby, he drifted on until he found the hotel's kitchen.
He paused when he heard noise within.
Peering around the corner, he felt both relieved and irritated to see Maxwell rummaging around the industrial size refrigerator.
"Are you still up or have you decided to begin getting up early to start the day off right?"
Maxwell jumped in surprise and whirled around with a large tub of ice cream in his arms.
Bertrand released a resigned sigh at the sight. He knew his brother too well to even hope he had gone to bed at some point during the night.
"What are you doing up so early?" Maxwell asked in order to avoid further questions of his late night activities.
"After the nightmares I've had, I decided that sleep will no longer be of any use."
Bertrand started a nearby coffeepot.
Maxwell found a spoon and hopped up on the counter. Digging in to his tub of Rocky Road, he hummed his concern.
Bertrand rolled his eyes. "Was that an indication of sorrow over my predicament or am I supposed to take it as an inquiry?"
"Both." Maxwell said around a mouthful of heavenly flavors. "What'd you dream about?"
"What else other than the very thing that is weighing heavily upon my mind?" Bertrand grumbled.
"Ah." Maxwell ate another spoonful of ice cream. "How bad was it?"
"Horrible." Bertrand shuddered. "The worst case scenario one could possibly imagine. We were unable to help a wealthy client from Spain reveal her family's questionable background and we had a client murdered by one of our agents."
"Who did the murder?" Maxwell leaned forward with renewed interest.
"Someone I didn't know." Bertrand poured himself a cup of coffee. "It certainly made me rethink my policy of hiring from outside our social status."
After taking a sip, he launched into another rant of how this company had to succeed, that the world was watching and these people needed to be given a chance to prove they could be something other than their reputations.
Maxwell set the tub of ice cream down to search through a nearby cabinet. He came across a bottle of brandy that he figured couldn't hurt. He poured a healthy dose into Bertrand's coffee mug.
"What are you-Maxwell!" Bertrand scolded. "You might be able to flagrantly ignore the pressure we're under, but I--"
"Need to calm down." Maxwell finished for him.
"I can't be drunk on our first official day!" Bertrand argued.
"That teensy splash isn't going to do anything except help you relax." Maxwell pointed out.
Bertrand's jaw dropped when he saw the bottle.
"That's Courvoisier L’Esprit! Do you have any idea how expensive that bottle is?"
Maxwell shrugged. "So? You rented this whole place and all that comes with it. Enjoy it."
"I don't have the luxury of enjoying anything." Bertrand grumbled. "Much less indulging in spirits that costs nearly seven thousand dollars a bottle."
"Live a little." Maxwell patted his back. "It'll do you some good."
"Good? Like it did everyone here?" Bertrand snorted. "All I need to make this company falter is to show I'm no better than they are."
"So they've been caught doing a little bad behavior." Maxwell resumed his ice cream snack. "They're here now, ready to make things right. We'll help them. Word will spread how awesome we are. Badda bing badda boom: everyone wins!"
"Only you could make this sound easy." Bertrand mumbled as he sipped more of his spiked coffee.
"With our people working this, it'll be a piece of cake!" Maxwell exclaimed. "Just you wait and see."
A few hours later, Olivia Nevrakis, Duchess of Lythikos, was disabling a computerized lock of one of the suites on the tenth floor. With a satisfied click, the door opened without any further trouble.
Her nose wrinkled at the sight before her. The living room area had been completely trashed. The wet bar was littered with empty tequila bottles and strawberry margarita mixes. Lamps had been knocked over. Couch cushions were dirty from shoe prints. Clothes littered the floor and led the way past half eaten appetizers towards the master suite.
Not even bothering to knock and give warning to the occupants, she stormed into the bedroom and opened up the curtains.
There in the bed lay the client she was given. The sunlight revealed that the infamous musician was sandwiched between one of the resort's staff and one of the three Michelin chefs that worked in the kitchens. The two had the decency to sit up and mumble apologies while Raleigh Carrera casually stretched his naked body.
Olivia rolled her eyes at the sight before her.
"Out." She told his guests.
The two hastily left, swiping up their clothes along the way.
Raleigh groaned over the light and cracked one eye open to see what time it was.
He cursed when he saw that it was barely seven in the morning.
"Why are you in my room?" He grumbled.
"Why else?" Olivia replied. "You agreed to do this."
He rolled over on his back and took a deep breath before glancing her way.
"Who are you?" He demanded.
"Olivia Nevrakis." She replied, not fazed at all by him being fully naked. "Duchess of Lythikos."
"Beaumont sent you here for what?" He muttered. "Torture?"
"Trust me, if this was torture," she smirked, "you wouldn't be talking right now."
He snorted as he rolled out of bed. Unabashed at her seeing him in all his glory, and secretly hoping it pissed her off, he walked towards her and paused a hair's breath away from her.
Holding her steady gaze, he reached behind her for one of the half empty tequila bottles.
His brow furrowed when she didn't react to his nearness. Lifting the bottle to his lips, he went past her to look out the window.
The morning light made him wince worse than the alcohol burning down his throat did.
"So?" He said. "I take it you're my shadow that Beaumont was talking about yesterday."
"Correct." Olivia pulled out her phone and began to scroll through some documents that had been sent over the night before. "And you're the PR Nightmare."
He snorted. "Nightmare, huh?" His smile grew hearing that. "I guess you could say that."
"Seems ridiculous to me." Olivia remarked. "Your drinking, carousing, and destruction of private property hardly seems worth my time."
"Giving up on me already, Red?" Raleigh teased. "And after your delightful wake-up call, I thought we'd be friends."
Olivia's chuckle had a cold edge that caught his attention. "Friends? No. I don't do friends with people like you."
His eyes narrowed upon her. "You got a problem with singers or tattooed people?"
"Neither." She replied. "In fact, I'm even slightly fond of someone who has a tattoo." Her own eyes raked dispassionately over him. "What I don't like is someone who rolls over and gives up."
"Gives up?" He threw his bottle down. "On what? What have I given up on?"
"From the few minutes I've been forced to endure your company, I would say self-respect." She shrugged. "I have very little patience as it is, so don't expect me to cheer you on during these next few weeks."
Olivia straightened her suit jacket, and walked out of his bedroom without a second glance.
Raleigh cursed as he chased after her.
"Wait a damn second!" He ordered. "What do you mean, I don't have any self-respect?" He gestured around his room. "What, just because I know how to throw a good party and enjoy life the way I want to; that gives off that I have no self-respect?"
"No." Olivia perched her hip on a table. "The fact that you allowed it to be the only thing you're known for proves you don't have any. Who cares what you do during your private time? You're the only one who has allowed this reputation to develop."
"Hold on!" He ran his hand through his tousled curls. "My former PR reps, the record label; they all demanded I date the new stars to help build up their reputations. I then was told to publicly break up with them and stage wild parties."
Olivia merely raised an eyebrow over that explanation.
"I don't need this shit!" He snapped at her. "Believe whatever the hell you like, but I do other things than screw starlets and trash rooms!"
She didn't even blink over him shouting that last bit.
A knock at his door had him swinging around in agitation to jerk it open.
Maxwell stood there with a camera propped up on his shoulder. His jaw dropped at the sight of the famous singer without a shred of clothing.
"Ummm." He cleared his throat. "I can...uh..."
He swallowed when Olivia appeared behind Raleigh's shoulder.
"Give us a few minutes." She ordered.
"A few minutes for what?" Raleigh griped. "I'm not going to participate in this bullshit another--"
The wind was knocked out of him when Olivia flipped him over her shoulder. He tried to breathe but lost the battle when she straddled his chest, pinned his arms down with her knees, and flipped a dagger in her hand so that the edge was right below his eye.
"Listen closely, because I will not repeat myself." She hissed.
Raleigh heard Maxwell breathe out, "Holy sh--" before Olivia kicked the door closed.
"You desperately need someone to right your image. Your label is already threatening to drop you. Your fans are sick of all the drama you do with fresh faced singers and actors." She told him.
Olivia leaned closer, her words dripping like venom.
"I personally don't care if you waste your life or not. You are nothing to me. You will never be worth my time." She paused. "But, I do have loyalty to the Beaumont's so I will improve your image."
She got off him, replaced her dagger in the strap above her thigh, and straightened her skirt.
"So here's how it is going to go." She informed him. "You're going to get off your hungover ass, get dressed for the camera, and do everything I tell you."
Her eyes narrowed upon him. "If you don't, then your little anonymous community centers in low income neighborhoods will cease to exist."
Raleigh shot up when he heard that.
"You know about those?"
Olivia slowly smiled. "Here's a helpful hint when dealing with me: I know everything before anyone else does."
She motioned towards his bedroom. "Go get dressed."
He got to his feet. "How did Beaumont find out about those? Nobody knows about that."
"Bertrand doesn't know. I conducted my own investigation on you like I do with everyone I interact with." She replied.
Raleigh blinked over that.
The last thing he wanted was for the kids in his old neighborhood to lose out on something to make their lives better. He had plans in place to build more of them across the United States. He couldn't let his true passion die now that he'd found it.
"You really think you can fix my image?" He asked.
"Of course I can." Her smile was full of smugness. "I never fail."
Raleigh took a deep breath and slowly released it. He knew he really didn't have a choice, which stung a bit. Still though, what did he have to lose by letting her try and repair his image? It was either going to work or it wasn't. Couldn't be much worse than what his other agents had attempted.
"Okay." He looked up at her. "I'll do it."
"Get dressed." Olivia ordered on her way to the door. "I'll tell Maxwell we'll be ready to film shortly.
"My nakedness bothering you, Red?" He teased to get a rile out of her.
"Hardly." She rolled her eyes.
"So you do like what you see?" He countered.
She eyed him, a hint of a genuine smile drifted across her lips.
"You're going to wish I did." With that, she stepped out of his room.
A few minutes later, Bertrand joined Maxwell outside of Raleigh's suite.
"How's it going?" He asked.
"Well," Maxwell hedged. "It's, um, it's been an interesting start."
"Really?" Bertrand's excitement couldn't be contained. "Let me see what you have so far."
"Maybe you should wait." Maxwell countered. "I mean, I haven't got all the angles right and I should really get some more footage of--"
"Nonsense!" Bertrand snatched the camera out of his hands. "I've been sitting on pins and needles. I just know that..."
His eyes widened at the sight of Olivia throwing a naked Raleigh Carrera over her shoulder and straddling him.
"Good God!" He screeched. "What on-- why?"
"It's okay!" Maxwell quickly reassured him. "Olivia said Raleigh will be ready in a few minutes. We can--"
"I can't release this to the public!" Bertrand cried out. "We're ruined! Those few seconds of footage will shut us down faster than--"
"People are going to love this!" Maxwell argued.
"Yes. Voyeurs of the worst kind." Bertrand raked his hands through his hair. "No one will ever hire our company again after seeing one of our agents physically attacking a client."
He groaned as the realization struck him. "My nightmares have become true."
"But I think--"
They both became silent when Raleigh opened the door once again. He was clean, dressed in his usual rocker style, and actually had a pleasant smile on his face.
"Sorry for the wait." He jerked his head towards his room. "I'm ready when you are to start filming."
Bertrand' gaped at the man. "You are?"
"Yeah." Raleigh glanced back at Olivia. "Gotta do something to fix this, right?"
"Er, right." Bertrand cleared his throat. "Well then. Maxwell, don't keep the man waiting."
He pushed his brother into the room. "I'll leave you to it, then."
Bertrand forced a smile as Raleigh shut the door then sagged back against the opposite wall.
"Oh thank God." He whispered.
With this strangely auspicious start, he wondered how the other initial meetings were going.
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lantsov-vanserra · 8 months
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My heart ♥️📈
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Sent by anonymous
‘I'm okay with GOC LIs but I would prefer if PB did them like how they did Avery and Raleigh from PT as well as Dixon from BaBu and Jualia(n) from SB where the race is canonically set. A book with multiple LIs like that is something I would be ok with.’
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mvalentine · 1 year
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my sweet baby boy. my little angel. the apple of my eye.
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liaromancewriter · 1 year
Rock On
Premise: Sienna and Cassie meet an international rockstar.
Book: Open Heart Characters: Sienna Trinh, Cassie Valentine (F!MC) and Raleigh Carrera from Choices' Platinum Rating/Category: Teen. Fluff. Words: 795
A/N: I got the idea for this fic from @creativepromptsforwriting Rockstar AU prompt list (#2). Tagging for reblog to @creativepromptfills. I'm using @choicesflashfics week 25, prompt 3 (in bold.). Submission for @choicesmonthlychallenge March prompt "Good music"
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The two interns never thought their shift in the hospital would turn out like this. With an international rockstar with a broken arm in front of them because he tried to stage dive and failed.
Doctors Sienna Trinh and Cassie Valentine were on floater duty this week, covering other residents on vacation. Sienna loved it when their rotations synced up. There was no one else she’d rather partner with than her bestie.
Halfway through a twenty-six-hour shift, their senior resident, Dr. Zaid Mirani, ordered them to report to the Emergency Department. He waited for them just inside the doors, his face dour as usual.
“Trinh, Valentine,” he barked, handing them a tablet. “Trauma bay one. I want this patient handled quickly and quietly.”
Sienna nodded, but her hand shook slightly as she gripped the tablet. Zaid seemed to have that effect on her sometimes.
Zaid’s face became even more dour if that was possible. “If I see anything about this on Pictagram, you will answer to Chief Harper and the ethics committee. Understood?”
“What’s up his butt?” Cassie said, rolling her eyes at Zaid’s retreating back.
Sienna glanced up from the screen, her brown eyes wide with excitement. “Cassie! Our patient is Raleigh Carrera. The rockstar!”
She squealed as she handed Cassie the tablet.
“No fucking way,” Cassie gasped, scanning the patient intake form. “One of my most memorable make-out sessions was to his song, Famous. The man’s a walking wet dream.”
They walked over to the curtained treatment area generally reserved for severe emergencies.
“He’s certainly featured heavily in my dreams,” Sienna grinned, fanning herself. “And they were seriously NSFW. His voice alone could make me….”
Suddenly, the light blue curtain covering the entrance to the trauma bay was shoved aside. Sienna stared at a burly chest with a large gold necklace hanging down its middle.
But it was the handsome face peeking from behind that made her heart skip for a second. And then her cheeks turned red at the knowing smirk on Raleigh Carrera’s lips.
When he winked, Sienna wanted the ground to swallow her up.
“Always nice to meet a fan, doc,” Raleigh drawled. “Step aside, Frank. This trip to the ER just got a whole lot more interesting.”
When the big security guard moved to the side, Raleigh Carrera reached for Sienna’s hand and tugged her close. “Now, tell me about these dreams of yours, doc. Just how NSFW are we talking here?”
Sienna sputtered in embarrassment and was positive her entire body was blushing. It didn’t help that she was tongue-tied at the thought of being in the same room as Raleigh Carrera.
Up close, his brown eyes were like the chocolate ganache she poured on a cake she’d baked last week. He wore a sleeveless black t-shirt and ripped black jeans, and his signature black denim jacket lay across his lap. He was holding his tattoo-covered left arm protectively against his chest.
When he quirked an eyebrow and grinned, Sienna found her gumption and decided to give as good as she got.
“Very,” she teased, her whiskey-colored eyes beaming with amusement. “Like can’t-keep-our-hands-to-ourselves, set-the-bedsheets-on-fire hot. I’d tell you more, but,” she paused dramatically and then winked slowly. “Good girls don’t kiss and tell.”
Raleigh threw his head back and burst into body-shaking laughter, slapping one hand on his thighs. His mirth was contagious, and soon Frank and Cassie were laughing too.
“I haven’t laughed like this in a long time,” Raleigh said eventually, wiping tears from his eyes and taking deep breaths to control his laughter.
Gone were the bad-boy persona and the teasing smirk. The expression on Raleigh’s face was open and friendly. Sienna thought he was more attractive like this. It was too bad he already had a girlfriend. A talented and beautiful one at that.
“You’re alright, doc,” he said, extending his right hand. “My friends call me Raleigh.”
Sienna shook it and smiled. “Doctor Trinh, but my friends call me Sienna.” She nodded at Cassie. “And that’s Doctor Valentine. Now,” she continued in a professional tone, “let’s find out if your arm is broken or just badly sprained, and then get you back on tour.”
The next night, Sienna and Cassie watched from the wings backstage as Raleigh Carrera stepped onto a raised dais at The Garden. He launched into his opening number to the soundtrack of a deep bass intro and screaming fans.
Halfway through his set, he crooned the opening line to his song Famous. When he dedicated the song to them by name, a group of dancers escorted the friends onstage and into the limelight.
Sienna and Cassie spent the next five minutes being serenaded by an international rockstar and having the time of their lives being famous.
All Fics & Edits: @annfg8 @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @doriopenheart @genevievemd @headoverheelsforramsey @lucy-268 @jamespotterthefirst @jerzwriter @lady-calypso @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @socalwriterbee @takemyopenheart @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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cassie-thorne · 2 years
Will my top 5 get along?
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Hell yes
mygod it's so messy aghhhlwjsuqiiwjeheiqje HELP and no, don't look too close there's a LOT of mistakes lol💀 Never put them together or else it'll be the end of the world, a fire is just a start.
Anyways, ladies, gentleman, and non-binaries.. ✨The troublemakers✨
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liviusofpella · 9 months
Hii friend I come with questions 1, 5, 6, 27, 36, 43, 77 please 💗
1. Do you daydream a lot before you write, or go for it as soon as the ideas strike?
I have my silly little characters with me all the time, girl, I'm kinda worried about my sanity at this point 😂 so yeah, I daydream a lot
5. How many wips do you have? What fandoms/pairings are they for?
I have 23 wips💀💀 most are for Tyril x Jude, a few for nightbound, 3 for Lucifer, I still have one for Loki (path of the Valkyrie), blades, and a few I'd rather not say cause I'll never post it here anyway but I had to get them out of my head😂
6. What’s the last line you wrote?
"It would almost sound romantic if your head wasnt inside the toilet."
You can try to guess who said that😂😂😂
27. What area of writing do you feel strongest in?
Tbh I feel really insecure about the entire process, but if I had to choose then I'd say... World building? I think I did a good job with Crystaval, hopefully you'll get to see that too one day lol
36. What fic are you proudest of?
champagne problems 🥹
43. Is there a trope or idea that you’d really like to write but haven’t yet?
FAKE DATING, I've been thinking about it ever since we had to fake date Raleigh Carrera aka the love of my life 🥹 somehow I never got to write it but I'd like to try one day
77. Why do you enjoy writing fanfiction?
It's always nice to know there are people just as unhinged as you,ngl 😂
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[March Prompts] || [March Masterlists]
Thank you for participating in the March Challenge. I am grateful for everyone who contributed. I hope you had fun and the prompts brought you some inspiration and motivation to create. Please let me know if I'm missing anything or I made a mistake. I will accept late entries for a couple of more days. 💛💛💛
Couple Portraits [Nik x F!MC] by @ladylamrian
⟢Open Heart:⟢
As Long As Your Mine, Art [Bryce x F!OC] submitted by @storyofmychoices
Daddies and Doctors [Ethan, Tobias] by @beyondsimsreality
Highways & Byways Part One [Ethan x F!MC] by @jerzwriter
Highways & Byways Part Two [Tobias x F!MC] by @jerzwriter
Let Me Be Your Teddy Bear (text fic) [Ethan x M!MC] by @dr-colossal-pita
The Missing Piece [Tobias x F!MC] by @jerzwriter
Sadie's Self-Care Sunday #25 [Ethan x F!MC] by @peonyblossom
Sorry, Tobias [Tobias x F!MC] by @jerzwriter
When The Clock Strikes Twelve [Sienna x M!OC] by @liaromancewriter
⟢Red Carpet Diaries:⟢
Mr + Mrs Hunt (forehead kisses), art [Hunt x F!OC] submitted by @theartoflovingthomashunt
Rock On [F!MC, Sienna, Raleigh] by @liaromancewriter [Open Heart/Platinum]
Good Hair Day(visual) [Raleigh, Lily, Olivia, Maxwell, Matt] by @beyondsimsreality [Platinum/Bloodbound/The Royal Romance/Red Carpet Diaires]
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violentinecrl · 2 years
The Question - f!Avery x Mc
Warning: there´s smut as always. And this fic is long af, I don't know what got into me.
Rating: Mature
"Write me a jealous Avery fic" said my best friend. So there you go, Avery going nuts over Mc (Evelyn) and Raleigh's (female) fake relationship - choices book "Platinum"
Thank you @tyrilblue for correcting my english again 😂
(@neversleepgaius @choicesficwriterscreations @darlingnikki-prince )
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She had seen Evelyn perform quite a few times by now. She had heard her voice, its raw emotion. Seen the way her chest fell and rose as she sang, the way her eyes brightened whenever she was doing what she loved the most - singing. That was one of the things that made her fall in love with that first video of that amazing girl singing.
Avery had heard the screams of the fans whenever they saw her. Had felt like screaming herself, had actually done it. Singing along with the person that made her heart flutter as if it was the end of the world. And yet… that feeling, of seeing her, hearing her was way too powerful to ever go away. The shivers that ran from the back of her neck to the bottom of her back. She could feel her chest tighten, and her hands grip the end of her dress, as her eyes never left Evelyn. A mixture of pride, excitement, and something else growing inside her chest…
Something that had exploded that day at the jacuzzi. She knew she had a role to fulfill, she was a mentor, a singer. A perfect picture, created for the benefit of everybody else, but her own. Her heart had grown used to containing all its emotions, to keeping them to itself and keeping them controlled. But all it took for it to just forget its job, was that dark hair, those dark brown eyes. And now…
There she was.
As Evelyn went to catch that high note that her voice could reach as easily as she could make Avery’s heart speed up, Raleigh smiled, pushing her by the waist, gently kissing the brunette’s neck with a smirk as she got ready to sing her part. The part Avery had sung when Evelyn first showed her that song… “The Question”. That’s what she had called it, smiling at Avery as if hinting to something else, something Avery hadn’t quite caught on.
The crowd went wild, screams could be heard all around, people whistling. The lights of the stage mixing with the light of the moon and the stars, a mix of blues from the sky and Evelyn’s clothing.
“This is what they want… all for show… just for the crowd… I know that”. She did.
She knew that as Raleigh started to sing her part, face so close to Evelyn’s and never breaking the soft eye contact. She knew that, as Evelyn left her microphone forgotten, both mouths close to the same one and sang as one, as if there was love there…  meant for them…
When she came back to herself, Avery noticed she had been singing under her breath. Hiding Raleigh’s voice under her own, singing the parts that had once been hers. But then again, she knew. Raleigh had to be the one performing that song with Evelyn. Their fake relationship had been going great, the fans were eating it up like honey. They wanted more, and what could be better than a romantic live performance? “Me being the one preforming…” Shut up. That was the perfect plan and the fan trying to invade the stage at the very corner was the proof of it. Hank would take care of it, don’t worry.
The last note was approaching, which made Avery forget the stranger to look back at them. Their smiles would have been contagious had she not been feeling the way she was.
Evelyn was stunning, with the widest smile she had ever had on her face, panting from all the high notes that song required, with the stage lights making everything about her shine. Avery felt like a little girl again. She’d always found that expression quite weird. But now she was able to understand it… “Mom, I want that!”, you know? “I really do… want her” she thought.
And now the part she didn’t want to see, and yet, her eyes didn’t move. They locked on Raleigh, as she got closer and closer to Evelyn, hands traveling down to her waist pressing the dark-haired girl closer once again. From where she was standing, she couldn’t see Evelyn’s face. Was she blushing? Did she really want that? Was she enjoying it? Did she wish it was them who were kissing…? Avery felt her breath catch, wanting to look away so bad, but at the same time, wanting to see right through Evelyn, know every single feeling that was going through her mind as she kissed another girl.
Raleigh slightly tilted Evelyn back as she kissed her lips. Numbness. Avery knew the crowd was screaming again but the noise around her was muffled.
She chuckled. Quite the dramatization, wasn’t it? Fiona had specifically asked for that moment, they had talked about it, and still it was punching her gut as if it had come out of the blue. 
Waving goodbye to the crowd, hand in hand, both singers started heading towards the wings of the stage where Avery awaited them. When they came out of view from the public Evelyn ran to Avery, jumping and hugging her tightly, giggling.
“What did you think?!” her face was completely flushed, and the smile she wore on her face could have melted anyone’s heart.
“It- It was amazing! You were perfect as always. The fans love you two together.” The girl answered smiling slightly, looking at both of them. Faking smiles was a thing she had grown used to doing, a skill she had mastered. For the paparazzi, interviewers, for fans when she was not feeling her best…. But when it came to those two… It hurt, having to pretend. 
As if on cue, Fiona appeared, followed by Hank, patting Evelyn and Raleigh on the shoulder.
“You two did great out there!! Give them 5 minutes and you’ll be trending again on twitter!” she said as she grabbed her phone, swiping away “Oh by the way, your date two days ago was genius! How did you think o-“
“OOOOOOKKKK… I’m here to celebrate this amazing show, can we stop talking about their fake relationship for a minute? Please? They barely got off stage”
Seeing her tiredness, Raleigh didn’t hesitate. The brunette put an arm around Avery’s shoulder, bringing her way too close, as they moved deeper inside the backstage.
“Oh come on! We haven’t even started talking about our marriage! You’ll be our maid of honor, right?? And then godmother of our little Evelyns and Raleighs! Just imagine it!”
To that, Evelyn reacted with a chuckle. One thing the singer loved about those two was their friendship. They were almost like siblings, the type that can’t stand each other, but would be miserable if apart. All the bickering and little jokes brightened her day, and she was grateful she had found them, to guide her, to support her and to love. In different ways… But love, nonetheless.
This time though, Avery seemed slightly different. As if she wasn’t enjoying the bickering as much as she usually did. The usual pure and lighthearted smile she wore while around them seemed now forced and tense, her arms were crossed over her chest and her face looking away from Raleigh, pretending to examine the small space around her.  
“Leave the poor girl alone for today” she chuckled, crossing her arm with Avery’s “We’ll talk about our future little demons later”.
Raleigh rolled her eyes playfully, changing her focus to Fiona, who started showing her something on the phone while talking way too fast for Evelyn’s brain to keep up. At the moment she was a bit more concerned with Avery.
Evelyn tried to get her attention by looking at her and holding her arm tighter against her, but the girl had spaced out, a heavy countenance molding her features.
“Avery…” she whispered softly, now standing in front of her to get her full attention as the others walked slightly further away.
And by doing so, it was as if Avery had been pulled out of the trance she had been in just some seconds ago.
This was not like her. All these confusing and conflicting feelings, messing with her mind and making her forget what she was actually there to do. To support Evelyn in this great moment, celebrate with her the show she had delivered to the fans. And yet, there she was, feeling jealous of her best friend. Feeling jealous for a person that wasn’t even hers. No. It had to stop there.
She raised her head higher and forced another smile “Sorry, love! You were saying?”
“Hey, Evelyn, come here” Fiona called out grinning and waving them closer, making the blonde sigh deeply to then exchange some looks with Eve. The older woman seemed way too excited for them to be safe.
“You just seemed like you were spacing out” Evelyn said as they began walking slowly towards the others who kept their attention focused on the phone.
“I’m honestly just tired. Today has been quite stressful for some reason” the girl chuckled, knowing pretty well what the reason was. Her ass had decided to wake up way too jealous for a person who had kissed her once - “But it was amazing seeing you perform. I’m proud of you. Really” That was the only part where her eyes were able to meet Evelyn’s. In fact, there was no way for her to be prouder of the black-haired girl who smiled warmly at those words, taking her hand and squeezing it gently, as a thank you. Those eyes again. Always so true and clear, showing their true feelings, unashamed. It didn’t mean though, that Avery caught all of them. The warmest one. Maybe she could see it wavering there but understanding that only one person had the privilege to actually see it in its truest form, and that that person was her… that part was harder.
They finally reached the other three. Raleigh kept her usual unimpressed expression while Hank and Fiona talked animatedly about whatever was on that damn phone. Once she saw Avery and Evelyn getting closer, she shot them a “Fucking kill me right here” look, so the younger singer intervened “Yes, Fiona?”.
The woman shoved the phone on Eve’s face as quickly as she could. On screen was a tweet with a paparazzi (not a very well payed paparazzi to be on that very specific spot, nooo) pic of her straddling Raleigh in a very public place (a very not planned moment where they were actually talking about how the curry they had eaten had not been a good choice for their fake date, nooo) “Raleigh Carrera and Evelyn Smith finally caught in action?”.
“As I was saying a while ago, I’m so proud of you two! You’re making it look so real, people are going crazy! Keep this up and you might have a surprise!”
“You’re making it look so real”  You know when you get a song stuck in your head? Yeah, this was what was now stuck in Avery’s. The smile she was trying to force was getting heavier and heavier by the second. Seeing Evelyn laugh and act as if it was not a big deal was hurting. But hearing “Raleigh is not that bad of a fake girlfriend” was everything she needed to burst. That little fake happiness bubble exploded.
“I-I gotta go to the bathroom” she tried to smile focusing now on Evelyn, only for a second, before darting away. So quickly and abruptly that even Fiona stopped to look at them, with Hank right by her side getting ready to go after the singer. But Raleigh stopped him gently, approaching Evelyn with a frown of concern.
“What was that?” she questioned, immediately helping Evelyn out of her mic gear.
“I don’t know… but I’ll find out. You three can go without us, we’ll catch up”
Finally done with the gear, Raleigh shook her head patting Evelyn on the back, gesturing her to go after Avery “We’ll wait for you here. Fiona won’t shut up, even if you take an hour in there, anyway, so don’t worry”.
The girl finally nodded, hugging Raleigh quickly “Thank you”, and ran back to the dressing room, hoping that Avery had actually gone there.
If she had thought something was off with Avery, now she was sure of it. Evelyn had noticed the girl, waiting on the wing, sometimes even singing along, but her body was tense. Instead of the usual wide smile, bright eyes Avery, she had seen a quieter girl. She could be tired. Or mad… no, there was no reason for her to be mad, right? They had been just fine before the show. Evelyn had taken care of the other girl’s make up, with Avery sat on the balcony, a small smile on her lips. She had memorized how her dress strap fell over that pale shoulder, and how her own body fit perfectly in between Avery’s thighs… “What if your fake girlfriend saw us right now, love?” the blonde had asked. Evelyn knew she was joking, “She’s not the jealous type, don’t worry”.
Evelyn reached the door, yanking it open to a small brownish room, blonde hair falling over the slumped shoulders of Avery, that jumped at the sudden noise and movement.
“Bloody Jesus!” she yelped, turning away from the balcony, but quickly turning back away from the door. Not fast enough, though. Evelyn had seen how reddish her mentor’s face was. “Wait outside, please. I’ll be back in a minute”.
“What happened, Avery?” getting closer to the girl, Evelyn tried reaching for her arm. Yet she moved gently away smiling at her.
 “Seriously, love, I’m totally fine, I just need to touch up my make up” it had been too much.
She didn’t care if it was fake or not, it hurt. But most of all she was hurt with herself. Avery wanted to be there for her friends, more than anything, and at that moment, she couldn’t do that. Her mind was a mess of jealousy and guilt.
“Your make up is just fine. Really, you can tell me what happened. I wanna help, Avery…”
The truth in those eyes, again… she could feel it, almost touch it. And it just stabbed the knife deeper into her chest, a sad smile forming on her face. This was her fear. What if the real love on those brown eyes was not meant for her, but for Raleigh… she deserved it, certainly… but… those were hers... Maybe she was being selfish, but for the first time she didn’t care about it. The next words came out more bitter than she had ever wanted them to be “Raleigh is waiting for you, Eve” she said in almost a whisper “The paparazzi are all out there, you should take the opportunity again” the girl tried to sound calm and collected but by the look on Evelyn’s face she knew she had miserably failed that task. But she just looked down, pretending to look for some kind of makeup, she really didn’t need.
At that, Evelyn walked towards her, getting herself between the balcony and Avery. How could she not have noticed…? The performance, the kiss, the date, the article…
“Avery Wilshere… Are you jealous?”
The blonde’s eyes widened. Was it that obvious that she was jealous? Was she making a fool out of herself?? Being jealous for a person that, again, wasn’t even hers? Her stomach dropped to the floor and the sadness she was feeling mixed with embarrassment and panic.
“W-What? No! Everything is… Perfectly fine. All cool, no problem, ça roule…” she tried chuckling the embarrassment away, and it worked… it was now replaced with the sadness she had been feeling throughout the day. Maybe the embarrassment was better.
She moved away from Evelyn, trying to keep her hands occupied by folding some clothes she had left on the small couch next to the door “What would I even be jealous about?”.
Evelyn saw the other girl’s chest rise up, breathing deeply as if trying to contain whatever she wanted to say next. That whatever never came. Instead, Avery went and sat down on that same couch.
“Anyway, go on, they’re probably already waiting for you, love”
Evelyn shook her head, getting closer to the blonde. Gently, she opened her legs and kneeled between her thighs looking up at her.
“It’s just the two of us here, Avery. Please, talk to me” her eyes never left the blue ones that couldn’t hide the pain behind them, however hard their owner tried. It was known, to everyone that knew Avery, how good she was at hiding her emotions. But today, something was way off. Those misty mirrors for the soul, today they were spotless and transparent, slipping out all the sadness behind them.
“You don’t have to pretend to be okay with me. Let’s talk this through and be sure I’m not moving until we do”.
“There’s nothing to talk about. I am moody and stressed out. That’s it” she said, shrugging and avoiding Evelyn’s eyes at all costs “Everyone has those days”.
“Indeed, but usually you talk about them with me, usually you are able to hide them from people, and usually you don’t push me away when you’re feeling bad”
“Well, USUALLY  I don’t feel jealous of people fake dating my best friend!” her voice was low but the firmest it had ever been. Avery got up, facing the wall, wanting all those feelings to go away, not wanting to show this part of her to the person she knew she was falling in love with. But now that she had started it… “Usually seeing two people kissing on stage, seeing them as a happy couple, straddling in public… it doesn’t bother me, whatsoever…”
She breathed deeply closing her eyes hard. She was way too close to crying and that was the last thing she wanted to do with people around her. With Evelyn there.
“Being in the studio alone… While I know you’re out there, with Raleigh, so close to each other. Seeing how she looks at you on those bloody articles and posts” she bit her lip unsure of how much she could say without breaking down, but unable to stop her feelings from spilling out “Seeing how unbothered you two look… Sometimes I end up thinking maybe you’d be actually better off together… Maybe this will make Evelyn fall for Raleigh. And then hearing Fiona talk about how good your relationship is for everyone… While I stay here, wishing it was me. Wishing I was the person by your side… Even it was fake… I’d take a dream over nothing”
Breathing in deep, she thought about stopping. She almost did. “And I know it’s selfish. It’s stupid. But you were the one lifting me up. Since I met you… In this short period of time… You have made me feel so many things, see how much better I can do, and be. So yes. Today was stressful. Today I wanted to be here for you, but it’s like I’ve been bottling these awful feelings up… And I couldn’t pretend anymore. I tried. So Evelyn, please, leave me alone for a bit… I just need some time, and I’ll be as good as new”
“What doesn’t start, doesn’t end, right?” Between them? There was nothing to end… There was nothing to be jealous of. She just needed time. Time alone to understand that. To accept that if something happened between Eve and Raleigh, she would have to support them. Smile and witness the girl that had stolen her heart be stolen by someone else, by her best friend. And she would have to go back to being the girl that feels and stays silent, smiling.  
“No” getting up, Evelyn crossed the room to Avery, holding her face in her hands, making the blonde face her “Baby, look at me. Nothing of that is real. Not one thing -”.
“Eve, I know that. I do” her voice was low, threatening to completely disappear, leaving her feelings hidden once again “But it also doesn’t matter… You’re not my girlfriend, you’re not mine. You don’t have to explain anything to me”
Saying that out loud made it even more real, making her eyes start to sting. She needed to keep going “Therefore, love, leave”.
At first there was silence. None of them dared to speak, Evelyn’s hands falling along her sides, while Avery didn’t move her stare from the ground. Only then, did Evelyn move. Slowly and against the blonde’s request, she got closer, the closest she could. Wrapped her arms around Avery’s waist, resting her head on the crook of her neck. She could feel the other girl tensing at first, her heartbeat getting faster, melding with her own. The way her chest moved against her own, the scent she had grown so used to. The scent she would miss at night, from the person she had once worshipped as an idol, and that now… had started to like… Love.
Hearing everything Avery had said made her feel so stupid… She had been paying close attention to this girl since the first moment she had seen her, and yet she hadn’t seen the signs, how she had been hurting Avery.
“Avery… Do you remember that night, in your spa…?”
The girl swallowed hard… How could she forget. She hadn’t slept that entire night. She had done all types of things (seriously) but sleeping was not one of them. Thinking about that moment now, and feeling Evelyn flush against her, her hot breathing on her neck… The right choice would be to pull away and insist on being left alone. Yet… If this was the last time, she would be able to feel her love like this… She would take it. 
“I do…”
With that, Evelyn lifted her head up, facing Avery, enjoying every feature, and wanting to see every expression to her question.
“What do you think that kiss meant to me…? Those kisses… Do you think I kissed you because I wanted to have fun? Only that?”
 “I-I…” she tried answering but her heart was hammering in her chest, heat rising to her cheeks.  The memories, the embarrassment of exposing her feelings like this, it was making everything hard to do, to say “I want to think… that it was… more than that…”.
“Then do, Avery! Because it was so much more than that!” Evelyn’s eyes were now all over Avery’s face, studying every piece of reaction, wanting to show her all the feelings she had inside of her without having to say them. “I am falling for you! And I am sorry if I didn’t show you that… I wasn’t sure you felt the same way… And… Your friendship… I couldn’t lose it”.
It was so hard to believe that the most beautiful, kind person she had ever met was now worried that she would fall for someone else. It was unbelievable that that fear was because of her. Out of all the people Avery could have chosen… she was the one.
Evelyn kept going as the blonde’s widened eyes focused only on her “With Raleigh it was all fake, for everyone else to see, for other people’s eyes. But when I am alone with you… These… moments are ours… They’re real. I want so many more of them. I don’t care what we do, what we don’t do, I just want to be by your side”
The air around them was tense but warm with the number of things still left to say, most of them unable to be expressed with words. Avery was speechless, trying to process everything she had just heard, trying to find the words to answer with. The girl didn’t even know what she was feeling anymore. It was a mess of things leaving her breath erratic, her heart swollen, her mouth hanging open.
“Evelyn… I-…” Guided back to the couch, Avery sat down, teary eyed but refusing to let those tears fall.
“Tell me you understand that. Tell me you understand, you’re the one I am falling in love with”
A small smile appeared on Avery’s flushed face, tears starting to escape her blue eyes “I do… yes… I don’t… think I have to tell you that-” she cleared her throat, gaining the courage to keep going “I am falling in love with you too…”.
“Oh but you do!” Evelyn smiled “You do… And Avery, that kiss just now… Raleigh didn’t even touch my lips. She kissed the corner of my mouth. These lips are yours…” she whispered.
If Evelyn kept this up, Avery wasn’t sure her heart would be able to handle it. Hiding her face with her hands, the girl let the tears fall, freely now, a mixture of relief, happiness and tiredness “I’m sorry. All of this must look ridiculous to you… All this jealousy… I’m sorry… I wanted to invade that stage myself at that moment… I felt so… lost” she chuckled trying to play it light.
But Evelyn didn’t take it that way. Grabbing Avery’s wrists, she pushed them away from her face.
And it happened too fast for Avery. Once she looked up, her crying face now exposed, she felt Evelyn’s lips crash against her own. At first, she gasped in surprise, but then allowed her own lips to part, letting Evelyn explore her. They could feel the salty taste of her tears between their soft lips. It had been so long since she had last tasted them, felt them, and oh god… If anything had been left unsaid, she was sure it would be understood right there. The way Evelyn’s lips molded against hers, how she stole little bites and nibbles on her bottom lip to the way she pressed their bodies closer. And how warm they were… It was too much for only her lips… Avery quickly wrapped her arms around Evelyn’s back, raw emotion in the way her fingers curled around the girl’s shirt. Her eyes half open, to sneak guilty peeks at Eve, every time they came back for air. She could feel the heat rising from her stomach to her chest and breathing became such a hard and irrelevant task…
Evelyn’s fingers dipped in that blonde hair, grabbing it gently by the roots, to then give it a firm tug, making Avery look at her.
“This is a real kiss” she whispered, “I hope you memorized my lips”.
Saying this Evelyn pushed Avery back against the couch, gently, smirking seeing that strap fall off the girl’s shoulder, exposing the skin she so much wanted to shower with kisses and untold words.
Her whole body was starting to tingle, and she had to take advantage of that moment to get her breathing back, which was not being easy while looking at Avery’s expression, her half-opened eyes, leaking the desire inside of her.
“Also, that article… and that picture of me straddling Raleigh…” she said, getting up in front of Avery “It was planned, as you know, right?” to now press her shoulders once more against the back of the couch, while she placed each leg on either side of Avery, straddling her. “Also fake… So I’ma show you what I do when I actually straddle someone…” she whispered.
Her hips didn’t take long until they started moving back and forth, grinding the thighs under her.
“Oh…” Avery whimpered slightly, hands on Evelyn’s hips, subconsciously pressing her down. The few sounds coming out of the dark-haired girl were reaching every point of her pale body, making it shiver lightly. Even with all those layers separating their skin, she could feel her own nipples hardening under her dress, making her grab Evelyn by the waist to press her closer.
“T-this, ohhh…” the friction was making it difficult for Evelyn to speak, lips pressed together, only falling open to whine “shit… is what I do when I really want to… straddle someone”.
That was it “Stop… Stay still!” Avery demanded, her voice low and slightly rougher than usual… Now it was her turn to show her what being with her meant. Evelyn had shown her part and she wouldn’t get all the fun alone. Now it was her turn.
Quickly she grabbed the end of the blue shirt covering Eve and, slowly, started lifting it up, making sure to let her fingers trail over that soft skin. Her lips, starting just above the jeans, left red marks over the girl’s stomach feeling the shivers rising up under them.
“Swear to me that you never did anything with her…” she murmured, stopping just under Evelyn’s chest, her lips mere inches apart from the warm skin, not looking up.
To that question Evelyn smiled, lowering herself just enough to whisper back in Avery’s ear “I never did…” she could stop there… but why would she? “And if I had, baby… you’d have been the one on my mind. As you have in so many of the nights I spent alone…”. 
Avery knew what the girl was trying to do, but the truth was, it was working. She could feel her words getting to her just between her thighs, on her chest, all over her skin. And at this point she didn’t even want to try to pretend it wasn’t. Pulling the rest of the shirt off Evelyn, the blonde kissed above her chest, leaving a wet trail of red marks up to her jaw… That was her girl, and everyone would know that from then on… Under her lips, she could feel Eve’s breathing getting faster “Baby, your lipstick… It’s all over me...”.
From her jaw, Avery traveled to Evelyn’s ear, kissing it softly. She let her breath touch it, tantalizingly, before whispering “And you won’t clean it, or next time I won’t use my lipstick to mark you, love”.
The gasp that escaped Eve’s mouth just made it harder for Avery to keep control of herself, while trailing her hands up the singer’s back, allowing her nails to lightly scratch the skin, she finally reached the back of the bra.
Evelyn couldn’t help but arch a little, the anticipation of Avery’s mouth on her, darkening her own eyes. Finally, the girl felt her bra unclasping, the straps falling off her shoulders revealing her hard nipples. These kept begging to be touched, as Avery’s eyes skipped from her back to her chest, her pale face turning deep red as her whole body got warmer and warmer.
“Did she ever see these, my love?” the blonde whispered starting to kiss the middle of her chest, as her hands burned the skin right under Evelyn’s breasts.
She wanted to answer, she really did, but the lack of contact was making the girl’s mind foggy, while her center throbbed way too much for her to think straight (🏳️‍🌈). Instead, forcing down the noises trapped in her throat, Eve shook her head, with a desperate frown on her face. At this point her whole body was fiery, aching to rub itself against those firm thighs, again. Swallowing hard, and forcing herself to gaze deep into the blue eyes in front of her, Evelyn bit her lip, gently held the back of Avery’s neck and whispered “Please, babe…”. It was more of a whimper than a whisper “I’m all yours”. The need to close the gap between them was screaming inside of her but before she could move, Avery’s hot mouth was on her chest, circling her nipple slowly, torturingly.
“Mmm…! Baby…”
Those noises… That was all she needed… yet, she couldn’t give it up to her that easily. Sucking hard on the nipple between her lips, Avery took her other hand to pay as much attention to Eve’s left breast. First, caressing it with her thumb, she could feel how hard her nipple was, how much it begged to be worshipped, how wet it was making her… Pressing her thighs together to try and ease some of the aching she was feeling, the girl squeezed the whole breast in her hand, never taking her mouth away from the other one, licking it, long licks, hot with smirks along with them.
“Love… tell me what you want” she whispered, her hot breath caressing the skin under it “Let me show what only I can give you”.
Those blue eyes finally looked up and the vision presented to them made Avery swear under her breath. With red hot skin, Evelyn’s mouth was slightly open, short breaths coming in and out, with her eyes barely open. Those eyes looked down “I-… need you... naked. Please.”
Avery smirked, guiding Evelyn down on the couch “Only that, my love?”.
Kneeling straight in front of Eve on the couch, she waited for an answer.
“One thing at a time, babe…” if she had asked for more, just the imagination of it happening could have made Eve short-circuit…
Quickly taking her white dress off, Avery started working on getting rid of Evelyn’s shorts, being met with the girl arching her back and quickly helping to get rid of the last pieces of clothing that separated the two.
The black-haired girl tried to get up but was gently pushed back down.
“What now?” Avery asked sweetly, her hands purposely trailing the insides of those olive-skin thighs. The lust she was feeling, dripping on her now naked tights wouldn’t be able to wait much longer.
“Your mouth…” Nothing else needed to be said. Neither of them wanted nor could wait any longer.
Avery whispered kisses down Evelyn’s body, painting it red until she reached the girl’s wet core. The idea of tasting it made her buck her hips and whine hard. So, she didn’t waste any more time. They had been way too tormented already.
Avery started circling her sweet nub, kissing it gently, before dipping her tongue between the folds moaning slightly. Holding Evelyn’s thighs in place she kept going.
“Wanna taste yourself, love?” she whispered quickening her pace, to then stick her tongue on Evelyn’s hot entrance. She could feel her trembling and shivering underneath her, refusing to keep her body still. That’s what she wanted… When words lacked, she would show Eve her feelings by making her cry in pleasure.
“Oh fuck!” The girl moaned, bucking her hips harder against Avery’s mouth. She could feel her legs weakening, her body so hot it could combust right there “No, don’t stop baby… don’t you… dare, mmmh… stophhh” she could have sworn she could see stars right at that moment.
That was an order to Avery’s ears, who kissed her girl’s core before licking and sucking her, faster, harder. While working on her, one hand traveled Eve’s body, from her hips to her breast. At this point they were sure that if someone passed by the door, they would perfectly hear the love coming from inside, but neither of them seemed to care. Yet, Avery could think of a way to lower the noise a little. Leaving Eve’s breast aching, licking one last time that pool of desire, the blonde hovered over her and smiling, she caressed her jaw. She could see her lover struggling to beg her to keep going, but before she could, Avery slid slowly two fingers on her mouth. Her fingers played with Eve’s tongue, who sucked them without even thinking. Sucked them wet, enjoying the view above her. From Avery’s pleasured expression to her chest… her wet tights. She moaned deeply, stopped from closing her legs by Avery who stood between them.
Satisfied, the pale girl went back to where she was needed, starting slow, almost teasingly.
“You taste… so good, love… So good” But then, pressing on her entrance first to hear Evelyn beg, she thrusted her two wet fingers inside. The girl immediately moaned, almost screamed her name, her leg resting on Avery’s shoulder, trying to press her impossibly closer.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck…”
Yes… she was almost there. The blonde could feel it and had to contain herself, the stars that wanted to shine and explode in front of her… It was amazing what pleasuring Evelyn could do to her… How overwhelmed it could leave her…
Curving her fingers inside her, thrusting and rubbing as hard as she could, feeling Eve so close and throbbing around her, bucking her hips, she grabbed the pillow next to her, positioning it in between her legs… She needed it… Just perfect, she started grinding, in rhythm with her fingers…
Evelyn… Her breathing couldn’t accompany her movements anymore. She refused to close her eyes. Seeing Avery in front of her… Riding the pillow, gasping and moaning… Oh God…
 Yes… That wave…
It hit her so hard. A tidal wave, crushing against her, threatening to drown her in pleasure…
Her vision was blurred.
Her eyes so watery… yet they still forced themselves to stay open and enjoy the view… If she had the strength, she’d grab her by the waist… make her lay on top of her… yeah…
Breathing was now a totally unknown ability.
Her body, still trembling, shivering, trying to reach for her…
“I got you, love, I got you…” she heard, that soft honey voice mixed with a bunch of gasps…
Eve felt Avery’s thighs settling on either side of her own hips, sitting down, and when she felt how wet and hot she was… Her hand shot to her mouth, and she bit it… She could have died… she doubted her body could handle that.
Avery laid on top of her, kissing her neck, her shoulders, trying to calm her own breathing…
“I’m here…” Avery kept saying, her hands on Eve’s sides, caressing her skin “Rest a bit, and then let’s go… to the bathroom… We need to get you clean, love”
Quickly Evelyn shook her head and wrapped her arms around Avery pressing her down.
“Hell no… I need you to come for me too…” feeling the girl bucking her hips at her request she kept going… “Come on, princess, grind… against me… please… I know you want it…”.
“Are you sure…?” Avery whispered, knowing how tired Evelyn was. Not so much physically but also emotionally.
No hesitation… Still laying down, kissing every part of Evelyn’s skin, the girl started moving her hips, slowly at first but getting faster as she felt herself getting extremely close…
Evelyn’s hands were making it harder for her to control it… Gripping her ass, squeezing her breasts, burning, electrifying every place she touched…
“Evelyn… I’m feeling….” Rolling her eyes back it was getting hard to think… And then…
Evelyn’s fingers gripped her hair, pulling it back harder than last time…
Deep tremors of sensation hit her even harder, groans escaping her shut lips… Her hips creating circles, rubbing hard against Eve… Dizziness… Stars…
“Look at me while you come, please…” Evelyn whispered, bringing Avery’s head down to kiss her, bite her lip, suffocate her moans. Exploring her tongue, her hand caressing now where she had grabbed Avery, stroking her roots to alleviate the pain.
And there it was… Thrusting herself once again, she exploded, her eyes locked on Eve’s…
Her body was on fire, her core throbbing, every part of her burning like at the mouth of the volcano… her orgasm hitting every point of her body, making her toes curl. She knew from her throat she had screamed… But her mind was so fuzzy, she didn’t even remember it.
She just let herself go limp over Evelyn, who hugged her close. Bringing her lips to Avery’s shoulder and kissing it gently she whispered, “I think we proved both our points”.
Avery chuckled slightly, her head still laying on Eve’s shoulder, but didn’t answer right away…
Instead, they stayed quiet for a minute, Eve caressing the blonde hair. Both of them needed the time to regain some of their strength but there was also a question circling around Avery’s mind that kept enticing all of her senses just some seconds before
“So… falling in love with me…?” Avery asked, slowly, wanting to be sure that had not been an auditory hallucination.
What she couldn’t see was how red Evelyn’s cheeks got. She had thought it to be obvious, but saying it out loud, well it had to take some gut to do it, the heat of the moment…
“Was it not obvious?” she chuckled.
Avery sweetly hid her face in the crook of her lover’s neck, her hands shyly caressing her jaw “I’m sorry… for causing a scene over jealousy”.
 Evelyn chuckled lightly at the shyness in the other girl’s voice “Don’t worry… It was cute. You’re cute when jealous”.
Avery nudged Evelyn on her shoulder playfully, embarrassed at the comment.
Getting up carefully, Avery sat at the end of the couch and looked over at Evelyn who stayed in the same position, too tired to move, not wanting that moment to end, as much cliché as that was.
Avery could feel her heart full... Almost bursting, a smile on her face without even realizing. She had left Evelyn like that… tired, restless, full of pleasure… She had made it clear that she wanted Eve, that she was falling in love with her and only her… She had finally really understood she was not the only one falling in love...
“You’re beautiful…” she said, roaming Eve’s body with her big blue eyes, now bright with love. It was full of dark red marks… marks of her lips… Everywhere… Avery couldn’t stop a smirk from appearing on her lips.
Reluctantly she got up, reaching for her white dress, and tossing Evelyn her own clothing.
With a bang the door opened
“Girls, what th-“
With wide eyes Raleigh took in the picture in front of her. Avery was now hiding herself with her white dress, her lips pressed tight and her face bright red, and Evelyn curled into a ball barely hiding herself as well.
Raleigh closed her eyes as tight as she could, turning around.
“This explains the posters… OK! Now that I’ve made things awkward I’ma leave! WE’RE DONE WAITING FOR YOU!”
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saskieenkeli · 2 years
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I know it's an old story, but I never got around to it because I didn't think it was something I would enjoy.
But this is the sexiest LI I've ever seen. And I really thought that my LI would be Avery because I like the concept from fan to love. But that's just not possible, I haven't seen a prettier guy than Raleigh at Choices.
I can't believe I avoided this story for so long. Real gem ❤❤
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lantsov-vanserra · 8 months
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Flirting game? On point 🤌🏼
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famej · 2 years
Qué estas diciendo?
Raleigh Carrera x Reader
A/N: Ugh! This fic has been buried in the deepest part of my laptop for years. This idea seemed to be cool at the time but I realized that it wasn’t that much after all. I am not fluent in spanish, actually my capacity in this language is pretty shit, thanks to google translate, don’t hesitate to point out mistakes if you see some.
Warning: Spanish dirty talk, smut (real quick)
« Hola, mi amor »
The words announcing Raleigh’s entrance made you look up from your phonescreen. The one and only Mr Carrera walked over to you, letting himself fall on the couch right next to you, then pressed a quick kiss to your cheek.
« Como Esta ? »
You raised your eyebrow in suspision
« Bien y tu « 
« Muy bien. No sabes que hablas espanol »
« Solo un poco »
Raleigh smiled. He took your phone out of your hand setting it on the table and took your forearm between his hands.
« Eres sexy quien hablas espanol, mamacita » he slurred sexily before kissing delicately the skin of the inside of your arm, making his way slowly to your wrist.
« Qué bella »
He kissed your skin from your wrist to your palm, then took his time savouring your fingers.
« Are you already horny ? »
« Si, siempre para ti »
When his lips had reached your fingertips he darted his tongue out to finally take one of your digit in hhis mouth swirling his tongue around it.
With a pop, he released it and grinned.
« Estos manos sexy que envuelven mi polla »
« I don’t know what that means but it definitely sounds dirty »
« A inteligente tambien, dios »
« Okay, what with you sudden speaking spanish frenzy ? »
« Quieres saber, no es asi ? »
You furrowed your eyebrows clearly not understand anything he was saying .
« Yes… »
« Queria probar hablar tu lengua nativa al desafio de tu pareja. Y hasta ahora, es divertidísimo »
« Ugh…Yay ! »
« No entiendes nada, Verdad ? »
Feeling completely dumb in front of his spanish, you shrugged.
« Can I just answer with « Te Amo » anytime you say something ? »
« No es que me importe pero no tiene ningún sentido »
You threw a mean glance at your boyfriend before letting out a long sigh.
« The day’s going to be long…. »
Later that evening you found yourself on all four on top of your bed, arms barely able to hold you up as Raleigh pounded into you for behind., firmly holding your hair to make you arch your back.
« Te gusta eso ? »
His thrust were rythmed and fast. Moans were filling the room as more spanish profanities left his mouth.
« Cuanto amas mi verga ? Ven a arquear tu espalda un poco mas para mis »
He pulled your hair harder, making you do exactly what he wanted.
« Fuck, Raleigh ! »
« Si, grita mi nombre. Dejame oir quiente hace sentir bien »
He thrusted his hips more harshly, slowing down the rythm and making his pelvis slap noisily against your ass cheeks.
« OOh !!! » You screamed in surprise as much as pleasure.
« Tu cono se siente tanbien apretado alrededar de mi polla »
Raleigh leaned forward and kissed your back, carrying on thrusting into you hard.
The time for resting came and Raleigh brought you a warm towel to clean yourself up as well as drinks and snack so you wouldn’t have to get out of bed. He then proceeded to pull you into him, cuddling the hell out of you.
« I hope you had at least some fun today » he asked stroking your hair.
With a giggle you turned to him.
« Well, I didn’t understand half of what you said but, yeah, I had fun. Especially the last hour.
« Pervertida »
« I understood that ! See, my spanish is improving » you beamed prouf of yourself.
Raleigh rolled his eyes and cuddled himself closer.
« But in all honesty it turns me on so much when you speak spanish, I wouldn’t mind hearing you do it more often »
He quirked his eyebrows at your words
« Tus deseos son órdenes, mi amor »
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Y’all think Raleigh Carrera has ever done a collab with Bad Bunny or are the vibes too different
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liaromancewriter · 6 months
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Was looking for something else and found this screenshot I'd saved once during one of my many Platinum replays.
It is still the most romantic line ever in any Choices story -- imho
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cassie-thorne · 2 years
Not Platinum being released 3 years ago today☹ that's one of the best book ever (for me, duh) and (might be) the most expensive ofc. I still think F!Avery is one of the prettiest augh and her hairstyles. Shane, MC's best friend🥲🤍. Zadie, our ah-mazing stylist (i love most of the fits!). Fiona and Hank! those luv birds. Jaylen, I hated her on some chapters but i become her friend anyways so.. And ofc my beloved hawty boyfriend augh Raleigh Effing Carrera, that's where it all started, the loving-these-funny-rebel-assholes who's also a softie (damn i love his hair and tattoos😍). Not to mention, his sexy spanish🙄. Who else, who else.. Oh that Wright or Knight.. that same ol' white haired grown ass man with blue suit? who's always a freakin' villain in a story (lmfao) i don't miss u so.. Back to Avery! I am NOT gonna lie.......... He's actually the LI I was gonna romance UNTIL this fake dating with Carrera lol, Avery is just the sweetest. And when I romanced Raleigh, it's just fun and sweet and a LOT of trouble and I like trouble. And hey, he was my fav LI ever. Was is kinda sad help😭 he still is, just not #1 he's at 2 but still my favourite lmao it's because Trystan kinda happened (duh). Anyways, THE SONGS AHHHHH hold up lemme just listen to Love who i'll be again and hey, give our friend Poki Chu on youtube a subscribe! Yup that's all and yeah i missssss them sm❤
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