#why is he not using his grace? GOOD question. sam asked him not to.
samsrosary · 11 months
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agentrouka-blog · 10 months
Hi! if jon really falls for sansa, what do you think his course of action is? I’m not a big fan of him trying to suppress those feelings, he may just want to ignore them or feign confusion. In sansa’s case, she probably thinks it’s something cersei did to her but yea idk
(Nah, they won't wallow in endless repression, and Sansa isn't the #1 Aemon and Naerys shipper for nothing. No need to blame Cersei there, she'll just suddenly feel genre-aware.)
Jon Snow dealing with his feelings, according to me, a 7-Step-Guide as illustrated by selected quotes:
Step 1: These hearteyes are Totally Normal!
They look as though they belong together. [...] Her breath was white as well … but her eyes were blue, her long braid the color of dark honey, her cheeks flushed red from the cold. It had been a long while since Jon Snow had seen a sight so lovely. (ADWD, Jon XI)
Sansa looked radiant as she walked beside him, but Jon did not like Joffrey's pouty lips or the bored, disdainful way he looked at Winterfell's Great Hall. (AGOT, Jon I)
Step 2: Oh no.
Jon walked away as confused as he was angry. Sam's heart was as big as the rest of him, but for all his reading he could be as thick as Grenn at times. It was impossible, and dishonorable besides. So why do I feel so ashamed? (ACOK, Jon III)
He sat on the bench and buried his head in his hands. Why am I so angry? he asked himself, but it was a stupid question.  (ASOS, Jon XII)
He wanted it, Jon knew then. He wanted it as much as he had ever wanted anything. I have always wanted it, he thought, guiltily. May the gods forgive me. It was a hunger inside him, sharp as a dragonglass blade.  (ASOS, Jon XII)
Step 3: I am fortune's fool.
A deserter and a wildling could expect no welcome anywhere in the Seven Kingdoms. (ASOS, Jon IV)
Bastard children were born from lust and lies, men said; their nature was wanton and treacherous. Once Jon had meant to prove them wrong, to show his lord father that he could be as good and true a son as Robb. I made a botch of that. (ASOS, Jon X)
Step 4: Aemon and Naerys - Northern Edition
Tyrion Lannister had claimed that most men would rather deny a hard truth than face it, but Jon was done with denials. (AGOT, Jon IX)
 If this is so wrong, he wondered, why did the gods make it feel so good? (ASOS, Jon III)
Old Nan used to tell stories about knights and their ladies who would sleep in a single bed with a blade between them for honor's sake, but he thought this must be the first time where a direwolf took the place of the sword. (ASOS, Jon II)
"More than any of the others." When Taena frowned, a tiny crease appeared between her dark eyes. "Every morn and every night he visits, unless duty interferes. Her brother is devoted to her, they share everything with . . . oh . . ." For a moment, the Myrish woman looked almost shocked. Then a smile spread across her face. "I have had a most wicked thought, Your Grace." (AFFC, Cersei VI)
Step 5: A Miracle of Technicalities
Is she still my sister? he wondered. Was she ever? He had never truly been a Stark, only Lord Eddard's motherless bastard, with no more place at Winterfell than Theon Greyjoy. And even that he'd lost.  (ASOS, Jon III)
She punched him. "That's vile. Would you bed your sister?" "Longspear's not your brother." (ASOS, Jon III)
They had spoken their vows in Winterfell’s own godswood before a heart tree, and only then had she given herself to him, wrapped in furs amidst the snows as the old gods looked on. (Fire and Blood - The Dying Of The Dragons - A Son For A Son)
If I could show her Winterfell . . . give her a flower from the glass gardens, feast her in the Great Hall, and show her the stone kings on their thrones. We could bathe in the hot pools, and love beneath the heart tree while the old gods watched over us. ( ASOS, Jon V)
Wed to Ser Loras, oh . . . Sansa's breath caught in her throat. She remembered Ser Loras in his sparkling sapphire armor, tossing her a rose. Ser Loras in white silk, so pure, innocent, beautiful. The dimples at the corner of his mouth when he smiled. The sweetness of his laugh, the warmth of his hand. She could only imagine what it would be like to pull up his tunic and caress the smooth skin underneath, to stand on her toes and kiss him, to run her fingers through those thick brown curls and drown in his deep brown eyes. A flush crept up her neck. (ASOS, Sansa I)
"And the Dragonknight?" She flung the bedclothes aside and swung her legs to the floor. "The noblest knight who ever lived, you said, and he took his queen to bed and got her with child." (AFFC, The Soiled Knight)
Step 6: Trials and Tribulations In Apocalypse Times
His words were like an icy draft through her heart. "No," she said, suddenly afraid. Was this to be her punishment? Never to see his face again, nor to feel his arms around her? (AGOT, Catelyn II)
When he woke, there was nothing to do but think, and his waking thoughts were worse than nightmares. The thought of Cat was as painful as a bed of nettles. He wondered where she was, what she was doing. He wondered whether he would ever see her again. (AGOT, Eddard X)
Step 7: Due to Reasons of Convenience, These Cousins Must Totally Wed Now
His lord father had once talked about raising new lords and settling them in the abandoned holdfasts as a shield against wildlings. The plan would have required the Watch to yield back a large part of the Gift, but his uncle Benjen believed the Lord Commander could be won around, so long as the new lordlings paid taxes to Castle Black rather than Winterfell. "It is a dream for spring, though," Lord Eddard had said. "Even the promise of land will not lure men north with a winter coming on." If winter had come and gone more quickly and spring had followed in its turn, I might have been chosen to hold one of these towers in my father's name. (ASOS, Jon V)
"To be sure. It would not have been fitting for a daughter of Riverrun to marry one so far below her." Littlefinger spread his hands. "Now, though . . . a match between the Lady of the Eyrie and the Lord of Harrenhal is not so unthinkable, is it?" [...] Tyrion studied the slender man with the pointed beard and irreverent grey-green eyes. Lord of Harrenhal an empty honor? Bugger that, Father. Even if he never sets foot in the castle, the title makes this match possible, as he's known all along. (ASOS, Tyrion III)
And there was one woman, sitting almost at the foot of the third table on the left . . . the wife of one of the Fossoways, he thought, and heavy with his child. Her delicate beauty was in no way diminished by her belly, nor was her pleasure in the food and frolics. Tyrion watched as her husband fed her morsels off his plate. They drank from the same cup, and would kiss often and unpredictably. Whenever they did, his hand would gently rest upon her stomach, a tender and protective gesture. (ASOS, Tyrion VIII)
Commence lots of laundry and taxes and baby Starklings.
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deancaskiss · 2 years
dean doesn’t mean to startle cas as he walks into the motel room; beers in hand as he nudges the door closed with his foot. “got us some supplies so we could research here while sam works the other angle at the… what are you doing?” dean asks, catching the way cas is standing in front of the mirror with his shoulders tense and his back to dean. he can see the way cas perceptibly jumps at his voice, and the almost hidden way the aura around cas is quaking and shivering with some kind of pent-up emotion.
“nothing,” cas mumbles, still not turning towards dean. “I should go.”
and dean can see the moment cas makes up his mind; the moment cas starts to draw on his grace as he attempts to fly, but dean reaches out in a panic, his hand landing on cas’ shoulder. “don’t go,” he says, the words pulling painfully in his chest. vulnerable. god, dean hates that feeling. but he really didn’t want cas to go. he likes the angel’s company, maybe a little more than he should, but it’s not like anyone else needed to know that. and whatever it was that was bothering cas, maybe they could figure it out. together.
cas seems to take a large shaking breath at dean’s words, which is almost comical because dean knows for a fact that cas doesn’t need to breathe like a human does. when the angel turns around, dean can see the frustration burning up cas’ eyes, turning blue to a hazy silver, but he can also see the tie that is loosely draped around cas’ neck, exactly where it had been after the rather annoying tussle with the werewolves they’d faced an hour ago.
dean raises an eyebrow questioningly, unsure why cas hadn’t just fixed it already and moved on, when, oh. dean suddenly gets it. big bad castiel, angel of the lord and powerful being, didn’t know how to tie a tie. the thought is ridiculous and adorable, and dean couldn’t help the way it made his heart skip a beat in his chest. quirking his lips in a small smile, dean reaches out, watching ever-so-subtly out of the corner of his eye to see if cas rebuked his movement. but cas let him reach out, just like he always did. just like he only ever allowed from dean.
wrapping a hand around one end of the loose silk, dean tugged on it lightly. “can i?” dean asks, letting the fabric slide through his fingers before he loops it around his fist.
cas held his breath for a moment, before letting it out sharply through his nose and giving dean a single nod of approval. dean can’t help but offer the angel a smile as he reaches up with his other hand to reposition the tie. “blue tie. blue eyes. if i didn’t know any better, I’d say you like the color blue, baby,” dean teases softly, and oh shit, had he really just said that? dean froze, darting his eyes up to cas’ face, where he saw a faint tinge of red dart along cas’ cheekbones. mmmmm, maybe cas looked good in blush-colors too.
“dean.” the way cas said his name sent a shiver up dean’s spine, and it took everything in dean to force his attention back down to cas’ neck and not to linger against cas’ lips.
“it’s actually not too difficult when you get the hang of it,” dean says, steering the conversation away from the thoughts flittering around in his head. instead, he focuses on the feeling of his fingertips brushing against cas’ neck and down his chest as he begins the familiar motions. “cross over, loop under, and back over. wide end over, through the knot, and tighten,” dean murmurs, sliding the perfect knot of the tie into place against cas’ neck. when he finally glances up again, he catches the way cas is looking at him, and it makes dean want to push cas backwards against the wall and fit their mouths together. but he shouldn’t and he can’t.
cas looks down at the perfectly tied tie, and his tongue darts out across his lower lip before he’s glancing back at dean again. “show me again,” cas says; a statement, not a question, spoken in a hushed tone that sparks the air between them with electricity.
dean can’t stop the way his heart kicks violently against his chest, and he reaches out to tug lightly on the end of the tie. there’s an implication in cas’ words, in his tone; in the way cas is looking at dean now with a desire that has completely replaced the earlier frustration. and dean doesn’t know where the words come from, only knows the way he can’t stop looking at cas’ mouth and can’t stop thinking about the way cas’ gaze is lingering on his lips, too.
“I can show you how to untie it, too, you know.”
the words hover in between them, with dean’s hands tangled in cas’ tie and cas slowly leaning closer closer closer into dean’s space.
cas is the one who presses his lips to dean’s, and god, dean can’t help himself from thinking of all the ways he can use cas’ tie now that he can finally have this.
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Family of Spies 🕵🏻‍♀️ | Everett Ross headcanon
Pairs with “Family of Heroes”
Marvel masterlist
Requested 📨: yes/no (for @autistic-solar-fandom)
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Avenger!reader & Ross’ kids sneaking onto a mission with their parents would look like:
How the heathens managed to find y’all is a mystery of its own. You don’t know how to react first: with praise or with anger.
To paint the picture, you and Ross are undercover in a conjoined mission between the Avengers & CIA. The target in question is someone suspected of harboring a fugitive with intel of the super soldier serum created in Madripoor. After Sam and Bucky had settled the issue in New York, you both were sent to recover the fugitive in a manner lowkey as possible.
What neither you--nor your agencies--could prepare for was your children tracking y'all down.
You may be an Avenger (highly skilled and known to put fear in God themself) but at the end of the day you’re a parent first. So, it is no surprise when you lose your shit on the children who infiltrated the highly classified mission you and your husband were on. "I don't want to hear it." "But we just thought--." "And now I have to hear it."
Like you, Everett was very displeased and had to hold his tongue. You already unleashed your wrath he felt maybe it was a good idea to calm the situation than escalate it further by grilling them. He did, however, make his frustration and disappointment known, "We raised you to know better. What the hell were you thinking?! This is not only dangerous, but illegal!"
Your daughter, who you both know had interest in working for Intelligence, immediately went into explanation mode. The excuse they gave--besides missing y'all and worrying about you both not coming home---was that she and her brother could help in the undercover mission. "How exactly do you plan to do that? You haven't even finished high school." "No, but we're already your kids. How hard is it to play the role of a family?"
For your son, he had always wanted to test out the gadgets he'd made. This was his opportunity, but your concern was someone getting hurt since they had not been tested in a concealed environment. Ross agreed, which only had your son pouting. "But dad, think of how useful they can be?" "Son, we're already expecting to go to jail for even considering letting you both help...but we will be sent to the Raft for allowing you to use those when they have not been approved by the Director."
Several times during the mission you about lost it when your daughter or son scurried off. They'd return with new information, completely shocking you both wondering just how the hell they managed to get it. "Where did you hear this?" "That man told the guy beside him. I pretended to read my book and sat at the table right next to them. They didn't pay me any mind."
At one point you did receive a message from Fury asking why his sources are telling him your son was spotted at y'alls location to which you played dumb and prayed he'd dismiss it. Which he did....cause Fury just wants the job done by any means necessary.
Eventually, after several minutes of going back and forth and deciding not to strangle your kids for being so irresponsible, you eventually agree to their plan. This decision of course came with some ground rules. "You will do as we say--and do not act without permission. The second you do something that results in either of you getting hurt, I will personally be calling the U.S military to get your asses out of here." "Yes ma'am/sir"
By some grace of God, the mission was a success. No one, thankfully, was hurt--except for the associates of the man you and Ross were looking for in a hand-to-hand battle that left your kids speechless from their hiding space. The suspect was contained and transported to the Embassy, you and Ross collected your children and had a dinner involving take out and sodas.
The adrenaline your children experienced was enough to confirm that both wanted to pursue careers in espionage and intelligence. Something you and Everett were concerned about initially, but after seeing them and realizing they were equipped the skills needed to be successful agents/spies, you both accepted the inevitable.
"We did good, didn't we honey?" Ross kissed your temple, clicking his glass with yours as you leaned into his side from your spot watching your kids reenact the fight between you and the bad guys. "We sure did. Who would've thought we'd become a family of spies after all?"
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Two Sides of The Same Coin - Chapter 2: "State of Grace"
"And I never saw you coming, and I'll never be the same..."
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6 Months Later…
“Alright, you’re meeting a new person today. You ready?” Sam claps, rounding the corner into the kitchen where you were currently tending to your plant.
You only had this one small plant inside, but most days you spent outside in your small garden enjoying the sun for the first time in your life. 
You'd enjoyed a lot of firsts living with Sam in this small two-flat that was typically used as housing for SHIELD agents not living on the Avengers Compound. It was a small, but nice house and the two of you had found a nice routine living together. Daily walks to take in all New York had to offer, movie nights filled with every modern day classic, and catching up on everything else a twenty-something year old should know. 
The caveat was other than in passing, your interactions with other people were few and far in between. Still it was good- better than anything you could have ever hoped for. 
“New people?” you remark in awe, turning away from your houseplant. “You never let me meet new people!”
“I know,” Sam chuckles. “But today is a special occasion- your very first mission.”
“I’m so excited: my first mission!” you squeal. "Do I get to meet one of your friends?"
“Your first mission,” he confirms. “And yes, you'll meet one of my friends, Bucky, he’s going to help us with the mission.”
“Bucky? That’s a funny name,” you quip, turning back around to finish pruning one of your plants.
“Well, it’s more of a nickname, like what your friends call you instead of saying your full name. Like you call me Sam even though my name is Samuel?” Sam explains.
“Oh…” you nod in understanding. “Well, what’s his real name?”
“James. James Buchanan Barnes.”
“He has three names?” 
“Which reminds me, I need to talk to Nick about that. He swears they're working on it, but apparently I need to light a fire under their ass to get you any type of documents.”
“So when do I meet the new people?” you ask, brimming with excitement.
“The new person,” Sam corrects. “It’s one person.”
“When do I meet the new person?” you amend, sighing another of Sam's corrections to your grammar.
“He should be here soon," he says, pulling his phone out of his pocket. "I’m going to call Nick about that and you can wait here for Bucky. He’s got clearance, so he can just walk in, but I shouldn’t be too long. Okay?”
“Got it,” you chirp.
And then you’re anxiously sitting at the front window sill watching the pedestrians pass on the street wondering which of the many strangers will be the first person you actually meet. 
It's only been about 20 minutes when you hear the door knob turn. Despite your excitement at finally getting to interact with another person besides Sam, you freeze on the opposite side of the door, standing off to the side just out of sight.
You certainly don’t mean to sneak up on him- though Sam’s always told you your footsteps were eerily quiet.
"Oh," you marvel, taking in the new person in front of you. You can only see the back of his head and the glint of his metal arm, both of which completely capture your attention. "I've never seen a metal arm before- it's very cool."
"Jesus," Bucky jumps back, startled. "Who the hell are you? And how long have you been standing there?"
“Which question do you want me to answer first?” you ask with a large grin.
“Who are you?” Bucky demands.
You stick out your hand, still brimming with excitement, and simply give him your name, while you take in the sight of the stranger in front of you.
"That's great," he says sarcastically, ignoring your outstretched hand. "Now who are you? And how the hell did you sneak up on me?"
"I already told you," you insist, slightly frowning in confusion, reluctantly dropping your hand. "My name is-"
Sam cuts you off by walking in. "Oh, good. The two of you already met."
"Yeah, not really," Bucky grunts, turning to Sam and whispering, "Who the hell is this? And why is she here?"
"I can still hear you," you playfully whisper back. "And I’m here because I live here."
Bucky's eyes flicker between the two of you, trying to figure out how any of this makes any sense. The attractive stranger with absolutely zero social skills living with his friend that has hardly contacted him in 6 months, who called him completely out of the blue for help with a mission that he couldn't say anything about. There was no other word for it except confusing. "You two live together?" 
Sam sighs, turning to you first. "Do you remember what I told about little white lies? That you don't always need to tell everyone everything?" You nod definitively, remembering the exact conversation very well. "This is one of those times."
Then he turns back to Bucky. "And do you remember the assignment I was going on? Why I moved out of the compound? The secret assignment ?"
Bucky scoffs, "This is your 'super-top-secret' assignment?"
Sam gently claps a hand over your shoulder. "This is our newest member of the team."
"Team?" Bucky asks in disbelief. "Her?"
"You have pretty eyes," you comment, leaning over the kitchen island and watching Bucky intently. You hold out your closed palm to Bucky, the same way you did to Sam when you first met. When you open your palm, you hold out a blue flower- the same shade of blue as his eyes.
"See? She likes you," Sam grins.
Bucky completely turns away from your open palm and focuses on Sam. "Yeah, I don't care. So she lives here, but why is she here?" Bucky emphasizes, pointing to the surrounding area.
"She's going to help us, duh. Now don't be rude," Sam says, nudging his head to your still outstretched hand.
"You're kidding me, right?"
Sam's eyes flicker more forcefully. "No. I'm not." 
"Fine," he says, taking the flower in his hand. "There, you happy?"
Sam turns to you with a warm smile. "Can you give us a minute? I just need to talk to Bucky real quick."
"Sure," you nod, turning to walk around then almost immediately turning back. "Wait, how long do you need?"
"I'll come get you. How about you turn on a movie or something?" Sam suggests, ignoring the way Bucky rolls his eyes and crosses his arms in impatience.
"Alright," you nod again, then head out to the living room.
As soon as you're out the door, Sam's smile drops, looking particularly unimpressed by Bucky's behavior. "I need you to be nice."
"Well you could have given me a warning. She scared the hell out of me. Who just sneaks up on a trained assassin?"
"In her defense, she doesn’t know you’re a trained assassin. And I'm pretty sure she can hold her own."
"Whatever,” Bucky grouses, rolling his eyes. “Are you going to tell me what's going on? Or what kind of assignment requires you two to live together?"
"Long story short: Fury asked me to be her handler and here I am."
“And you agreed to that?”
Sam shrugs. “It was kind of hard to say no.”
"So what's her deal?"
"'Her deal' is getting acclimated- that's all you need to know. Anything else you can go ask her yourself."
"So you’ve got a mission?” Bucky impatiently prompts, hating the half truths and cryptic answers Sam keeps giving him.
“Yes, pretty cut and dry,” Sam says, sliding the file over to Bucky. 
“It’s a simple recovery. We could take care of this just the two of us,” Bucky grumbles, quickly reading over the mission.
“But we’re not going to,” Sam corrects. “She’s coming with us.”
“Why? What aren’t you telling me?”
“There’s a lot I’m not telling you,” Sam admits. “You’re just going to have to trust me on this one.”
“You’re going to have to give me more than that.”
Sam begrudgingly huffs. “It’s her first mission, but-”
“Clearly,” Bucky snarks, his arms still crossed and clearly equally unimpressed with the whole situation. “And you know I don’t work with rookies.”
“But I think she’s ready. I know for a fact that she could easily handle herself out there.”
Bucky scoffs. “By handing everyone flowers?”
“I’ll have you know that she can do that with fruits and vegetables too. Small ones, mostly. Some herbs too.”
“You’re not really instilling any confidence in me, Sam.”
“Look, she’s powerful enough to catch Nick Fury’s attention and to get him to devote a whole person into working with her 24/7. Do you honestly think I would’ve agreed to that if I didn’t think she was worth it?” Sam rhetorically asks. “Just give her a chance.”
“Fine,” Bucky reluctantly groans.
“And be nice,” Sam warns again, then turns to walk back to the living room. When they walk in, you’re watching a movie like Sam asked you to, but that's not what catches Bucky's attention, it's the small flame you're rolling in between your fingers. 
"What the hell?" 
“Cool, right?” Sam smirks to a stunned Bucky. “You ready to go?”
“Yes,” you nod eagerly. “I’m so excited!”
“Like that?” Bucky asks, gesturing to your outfit- a simple sundress and a light jacket. “Shouldn’t she be wearing more…I don’t know protection or something?”
You point to your jean jacket. “That’s what the jacket is for.”
“No, Bucky’s right. Can you put on some pants, please? Something you can move around in,” Sam asks. You wordlessly nod, walking back to your room to find something else to wear. “And no leggings!”
You sigh, calling back to him, “Fine.”
“This is a terrible idea,” Bucky sighs. "I want it on the record that this is a terrible idea- one of your worst really."
"Or possibly one of my best."
This time Bucky doesn't reply, letting the silence hang in the air as they wait for you to come back. When you return, you’re wearing your favorite yellow shirt paired with some jeans- along with the same jean jacket. “Okay! Now I’m ready.”
Bucky pinches the bridge of his nose, looking at Sam with an incredulous expression. “Anything to say about this?”
“No, not really, but I’m sure you do,” Sam retorts.
“No, it’s okay,” you quickly assure Bucky. “This is my lucky shirt, that way we’ll have good luck.”
“You’ll be lucky if you get spotted from a mile away,” Bucky snarks. “Sam, she’s wearing a bright yellow shirt.”
“So what? You need to focus on the positive: It’s a lucky shirt.”
“We’re banking on a lucky shirt, Sam? Have you lost your mind?” Bucky asks, fighting the urge to pull out his own hair at the strange- downright weird situation he's just found himself in. 
“You said it yourself, it’s an easy mission. We got this,” Sam assures. 
Bucky takes a large deep breath. “I’m going to kill you.”
On the ride there, Sam watches the way Bucky interacts with you- carefully watching you the entire time, but avoiding any actual interaction with you. From the rearview mirror, he sees Bucky staring at you. And it takes you a few seconds before you feel the glare at the side of your head. Instead of asking Bucky why he’s staring or telling him to stop staring, you immediately begin partaking in this strange staring contest. 
“Will you two cut it out?” Sam complains, momentarily turning away from the wheel.
“Shh…Sam I’m winning,” you mumble, leaning forward a little bit more.
Sam fully turns around this time, snapping his fingers in front of the two of you. “We’re here. Stop it.”
“Ha, I win!” you boast, opening the car door.
“No you didn’t.”
“I totally did.”
“Sam?” Bucky prompts.
“You’re asking me who won a staring contest between two adults?”
“Whatever,” Bucky grumbles, stepping out of the car. 
“The garage isn’t far from here,” Sam informs the two of you. “We’re going to cut through the alley.”
“Alright, you see the bad guys. Now what?” Sam whispers, the three of you standing behind a large truck just out of sight.
“We go get the stuff back?” you reply.
“Exactly! Now, it’s important to look around before you do anything else. How many bad guys there are. Anything that could be useful. You need to get a good look at the big picture before you swoop in there, okay?”
“Alright,” you nod. “There’s those guys right there. And the ones on the truck, but we can’t see inside the back of the truck.”
“Good! Anything else?”
“Yes, James is breathing down my neck. And you’re right next to me.”
“Funny, very funny,” Bucky hisses. “Sam, this-”
But he’s cut off by the sight of your yellow shirt in his peripheral. His head snaps in your direction, and he’s about to go and intervene when Sam sticks his arm out to stop him. “Let’s just give her a second. Maybe she’ll surprise you.”
“Doubt it,” Bucky snarks.
“Hi,” you chirp, approaching the three men, sticking your hand out to greet them.
“Is introducing herself to international arms dealers?” Bucky mutters in disbelief.
“What are you doing?” one of the men bark at you.
“Oh, this is a handshake. It’s another way of saying hello,” you explain.
“That’s great, sweetie, but what are you doing here?” another man demands, gesturing to the area around you.
“Well, I need the things in the back of your truck. According to my friend, you’re not supposed to have it,” you calmly explain, still grinning at the men. 
“Well in that case,” the man scoffs, lifting his gun to point it at you.
“Would it make a difference if I said please?” you audibly wonder and Sam has to stick his arm out in front of Bucky to stop him from intervening once more.
“Sam, she’s going to get herself killed!” Bucky insists.
“Just give her a second,” Sam repeats.
“No,” the man snarls, the gun still pointed in your direction.
“Okay,” you shrug. Then the ground underneath the large semi-trucks begins rumbling then cracking and separating, making it impossible for them to drive off.
“Why didn’t she do that earlier?” Bucky exhales, clenching his jaw in unbridled irritation.
“Well not everyone is ‘shoot first, ask questions later’, Bucky.”
“I ask questions when it’s a good time to ask questions, not when there’s guns being pointed in my face.”
“Well, it’s working out pretty well for her. Isn’t it?”
“Speaking of which, we should probably help her,” Bucky says, gesturing to you who is now being openly fired at.
“Look at you wanting to be a helpful teammate!”
“We’re not a team,” Bucky grunts, jumping into the action. And he’s got to give it to you, you’re pretty agile for someone without any training. 
He’s got one eye on you the entire time the three of you are fighting, you’re tearing the guns out of the bad guys hands making it a lot easier for Sam and Bucky to stop them. Only half paying attention to what he’s doing, another gun goes off, the bullet heading right for Bucky. There is no conscious action on your part, but the bullet stops just short of Bucky. 
“Thanks,” Bucky sighs, looking around the bullet frozen in mid-air.
“You’re welcome. Didn’t even know I could do that,” you admit, an anxious laugh leaving your mouth.
“Do you think Redwing caught that? That was like the freaking Matrix!”
And as quickly as it started, it’s over.
SHIELD came and collected the arms dealers along with the various contraband in the back of their several large trucks. Or so Sam told you, you were still being kept a well-hidden secret, so you had to wait in the car while they properly finished the mission.
“Well, I think we can call that a successful mission,” Sam says as he enters the car. “No one died, no one was hurt. Got the weapons back. And you - you were great,” Sam praises you, holding a hand up for a high five.
You eagerly slap his hand from the front passenger seat. “Since I did a good job, can we get pizza for dinner?”
“Can we get pizza?” Sam playfully scoffs. “Heck yeah, we can get pizza! You were awesome.”
“Wait, where’s James?”
“Bucky?” Sam asks. “I think he’s going to take off from here. He’s not much of a people person, don’t take it personally.”
But you don’t quite get that, being in isolation your entire life, seeing anyone, meeting anyone was cause for celebration. “James?” you call, cracking your window open as you see him start to walk away. His head snaps up, clearly not expecting to hear from you. “Aren’t you coming? We’re getting pizza!”
“Erm…” he starts, looking for an excuse not to go. But the second he looks at your pleading eyes, the excuse dies right on his lips. “Uh, yeah. I guess I can come.”
“Hm…just under a day with her. You didn’t last as long as Fury did,” Sam quietly remarks as you’re in your room changing out of your dirty clothes leaving the two men to wait downstairs for the food. 
“I lasted about an hour,” Sam explains, opening the fridge to grab himself and Bucky a beer. “It took me one hour with her before I agreed to be her handler. It took Fury about a week before he got attached. It took you almost an entire day.”
“I’m not attached,” Bucky vehemently objects, grabbing the beer from Sam's hand.
“Oh, yes you are,” Sam knowingly chuckles. “It’s impossible not to be. Maybe that’s part of her thing, but you almost can’t help but want to be near her.”
“You’re crazy.”
“Oh, trust me, I’m right about this. You’re two sides of the same coin.”
“Sam,” Bucky interjects. “I could not think of another person that’s more different than I am.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure. Besides, opposites attract,” Sam continues, nudging Bucky with his elbow. The doorbell rings and Bucky’s immediately thankful for the disruption. 
“Can you stop using generic ass phrases like we’re suddenly going to be best friends?” Bucky calls as Sam walks over to the door to get the pizza.
“Your defensiveness is only proving my point!” he laughs. 
“There’s nothing to prove. You both equally aggravate me,” Bucky counters as Sam walks back with a pizza box in hand. 
“But I’m your friend,” Sam smirks. “No reason she can’t be your friend too.”
“We’re acquaintances at best.”
“And yet, you’re still here,” Sam points out. 
“I’m here because you have pizza and beer,” Bucky says, gesturing to the food in front of him. 
“And a pretty girl?” Sam teases.
“If you think she’s pretty, why don’t you go for it?” Bucky counters, ignoring the fact that he does actually find you attractive.
“Ew,” Sam immediately cringes. Bucky raises an eyebrow at the visceral reaction. “Not, ew, like ew , but ew all the same. She’s like- I just know her too well. I don’t see her like that, but I did see the way you were watching her.”
“To make sure she didn’t get us killed!”
“Face it, Bucky." Sam smugly smiles. "You’ve met your match.”
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"Two Sides Of The Same Coin" Chapter List AnonymityIsFun Masterlist
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daisydaisybilly · 1 year
a millon reasons | b.b
pairing: gn!mutant!reader x bucky barnes
summary: Sam, Nat, Bucky and y/n all go on a undercover mission together. where y/n has to trick a mod boss. Bucky and y/n fight the whole time until things take a turn.
word count: 2.1k with song lyrics
warnings: angst, swearing, kind of haters to lovers, little fluff at the end, mentions of past and current violence,
a/n: this has took me far to long to write and I’m very sorry for that but my inspiration has finally come back to me and I finished this! Actually missed writing for marvel too! Might be a little different from the request hope that’s okay <3
Requested by @caritobbg
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It was just his luck the one morning he woke up early enough to have swim before he left for a mission, you’d be there too. Sat on the edge of the pool at the deep end, your feet dangling in the water. Reading a book with a German title.
Rolling his eyes he looked away from you and began swimming laps. There was something off about you, maybe it was the fact that you were a mutant, maybe he’d never really knew. After doing five laps he looked up again and you were gone, your book lay in the spot you had been.
He turned in a full circle looking for where you could be, did he miss you leave? Are why leave the book?
“What you looking for Barnes?” you smirked making him jump.
He gave you a hard look studying you, your skin had taken on a shinely scale look, your pupils had turned thin. “You were watching me?”. He swam further away from you.
You laughed a sweet sound, he froze. You cringed at what you unknowingly did, you mentally made a note to push yourself harder in training. “That would mean you were interesting. Which you aren't’”. You swam with grace to him, “Nervous about the mission, Barnes?”.
“Would you stop calling me that!” he snapped.
You blink, “James then? Has a nice ring to it”.
He opened and closed his mouth.
You smirk again, “Well James i’ll see you later”, you lowered yourself fully into the water and swam away.
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Bucky watched you flip through another book in the jet, he couldn’t understand how you got through them so quickly.
“Are you listening?” Sam asked at you.
Not looking up you nodded, “I need to distract an arms dealer called Mike Burr, Ideally with my voice” you turned a page, “You guys are gonna want to wear those blockers Stark made, the metal is basically the only thing that can block my mutant powers”. You put the book down giving all your attention to Sam. “I got this and you guys have got me” you smiled showing off two pointy teeth, “this is gonna be easy”.
“We’re in luck you’re not as well known as us” Nat said nodding to the siren”
“Good to know my training worked” you noted.
Bucky tilted his head, “and what exactly was your training, you never said”.
You met his eyes smirking, that was his first mistake.
“Well growing my power first off, sadly control was never really on the curriculum” Before he could comment she continued, “then French, German, Spanish and of course Russian, very basic. Sorry Nat”.
Nat just laughed, shaking her head.
The siren laughed too, it wasn’t as high as it was in the pool. “Then basic fighting. I’m very flexible” you winked to Bucky.
He looked away annoyed, looking to Sam to see his take on you, but of course he thought Sam was laughing too.
“Any more questions James?” .
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In the back of the La Rue, Bucky stood by the stage door while you got ready. The colour of your outfit studied your skin tone so much even Bucky had to compliment you. Still he blamed the Siren part of you, that part was designed to lure people in.
You met his eyes through the mirror. “Something you like, James?” You grinned. You turned in your chair and faced him, “Or do you see me as a threat?”.
“How do I know you’re not?” he asked, for a moment the smile fell, you blinked at him then turned back to the mirror.
“You’re so serious, it’s getting old” you muttered rolling your eyes, With a loud thud you kicked the chair back. “Then again, it was never young”.
You both looked at each other, maybe it wasn’t the siren part that lured him in, all he wanted to do was hold you close. “You guys ready?”.
You moved first, gracefully Bucky thought, you were always graceful. “Yeah we’re going out now” you spoke to Sam through your ear piece.
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The first night passed by unsuccessfully, Burr was at the club but showed little interest in you as you were just serving drinks. You knew Bucky was annoyed the mission was let down, it wasn't done in one night, you were thankful that you didn’t have to share a room with him. You actually nearly cried tears of joy when you were put in Nat’s room.
Normally you were fine sharing a room with whoever but something about Bucky rubbed you the wrong way. He hated you and you knew it, sometimes you would look up and just see glaring at you.
Honestly you knew you didn’t help the situation much, but it brought you a lot of joy annoying him. Calling him James was your new favourite thing.
Nat kicked the side of your bed making you mutter something obscene. She chuckled, shaking her head, “The guys have invited us to their room for a drink”.
“You mean Sam did” you corrected him, “Bucky wouldn’t invite me if his life depended on it”.
Nat huffed, still smiling, “let's see if a few drinks won’t loosen you both” she winked.
You hummed not believing her.
Just as you expected Bucky just watched you while Sam and Nat chatted loudly to fill the empty silence, you were more open to talking than Bucky was. It wasn’t fair to Sam nor Nat, they didn’t have a problem with you.
Thinking that you got annoyed, you didn’t have a problem with Bucky, he was the one with the problem. Scoffing, you looked down.
“What’s up with you?” Bucky shot in your direction. Sam and Nat grew quiet.
You raised your head. “Huh?”.
“Huffing and scoffing in your corner”.
“Supposed to glaring and brooding in yours” you shot back. His moment of shock gave you a rush to go on. “I think it’s about time you tell me whatever I’ve done to piss you off so much”.
He sucked in his lips.
“Go on” you hissed through your teeth.
“I don’t trust you. You were trained to draw people in and destroy them. Why should anyone trust you?” He spoke like they facts.
This time he took your moment of shock to carry on.
“You said so yourself you have no control over your power. You said it wasn’t taught but how long have you had to learn? I think you like the power you have”.
“Buck-” Sam finally spoke.
“No” you cut him off, “Let him finish”.
Shock came over Bucky again. The calmness in you was a surprise, but he carried on, “You are impulsive and arrogant, I think it’s likely Burr will discover who you are and you’ll put us all at risk”.
“Well thank you for your opinion on my skills and training, James” you stated face unmoving. “Don’t worry I’ll be out of your hair soon” everyone looked at you confused. “I have been contacted by another group, a bit more secret than the avengers and I’m going to take them up on it. Lucky for me they like impulsive and arrogant mutants”.
Nat called after you as you left the room.
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Everything Bucky said was true, you were impulsive, arrogant and a mutant. When you first got the offer you pushed it aside, happy where you were in life, helping the world with a team you loved.
But after tonight you were done. Your whole life had been about embracing your mutant gene and the powers it had given you. Yes you admitted to yourself your control was a weak point, but you knew when and when not to use it, or really who to use it on.
I could have this whole world in the palm of my hands, you thought. I could have them all begging for freedom. I could- no you stopped thinking. That was not who you were, you wanted and you do help people.
The more you thought about Bucky words the more they hurt. You would get this mission done and never see any of them again.
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The next night you sat again before the mirror in the dressing room of the club, you were dressed in another eye-catching outfit, maybe even more so than the night before.
The door behind you softly opened, “I’m not in the mood James” you said loudly. Bucky still walked in, frowning.
“How did you know it was me?” He asked.
You rolled your shoulders, “your footsteps, I can tell who's who”.
“I want to apologise about what I said”.
You stood from the chair looking at yourself one last time, “what’s been said can’t be taken back, I’ll be gone soon so none of this matters”.
The lights made it nearly impossible to see into the crowd but you knew that Burr was out there, the music you had picked slowly started.
You're giving me a million reasons to let you go
You're giving me a million reasons to quit the show
Your voice came out soft and luring, just what you needed, as the song went on you could feel your power in the air, the call stretching out from the stage.
I bow down to pray
I try to make the worst seem better
Lord, show me the way
The song boarded on being too personal, you were still cut up about what Bucky had said, no matter how much you told yourself he didn’t have to like you, it didn’t help. It wasn’t your actions he hated, it was who you were.
And if you say something that you might even mean
It's hard to even fathom which parts I should believe
Can't you give me what I'm needin', needin'
His words still stung, Steve had told you stories about Bucky, a kind Bucky, so those words were even more of a shock.
Every heartbreak makes it hard to keep the faith
But baby, I just need one good one
Good one, good one, good one, good one, good one
I've got a hundred million reasons to walk away
But baby, I just need one good one, good one
Tell me that you'll be the good one, good one
Baby, I just need one good one to stay
By the end of the song, you felt the tears on your cheeks, the lights had lowered giving you a wide view of the crowd in one smokey corner at Burr. You made a point to meet his eyes before retreating into a private room, through your ear pierce you heard Sam tell you Burr was making a room to follow.
Nat and Bucky were moving into their places, sitting down on a velvet couch they kept their eyes locked on the door. After a few moments Burr entered. You smiled, nodding to the spot beside you.
'To what do I owe the pleasure?’ You asked sweetly.
He joined you, his hand resting on your knee. “That was quite an act”.
“You’re too kind” you shook your head, getting closer, “it was just a song”.
“A very personal song, No?” He spoke flatty. You smiled dropped for less an a second. He had gotten too close, too fast. One hand held your jaw and the other scraps something around your neck.
The moment the lock clicked in place you felt it, your power pulled from you. A human scream left your lips as you fell to the floor. Try as you might, you couldn’t get the collar off.
Burr stood high above you, watching you fight and panic. He threw something to the floor by you, the same blockers the team was wearing. “Did you think I wouldn’t recognise a munt when I see one”. Your whole body went cold, he knelt down lifting your chin with his finger. “What a pretty price you’ll bring to me”.
You refused to cry, it went against everything you stood for.
He grinned, somehow even more pleased. “Or maybe I’ll keep you to myself, I could rule the word with someone like you”. You smashed your head against his, he swore and hit the fall behind him.
You jumped to your feet and towered over him, pressing your foot down onto his throat. “Or maybe I’ll sell you” you spat, “I will not be the puppet for anyone else ever again.
The door to the back room was kicked open by Bucky who came running in holding up a gun. His face relaxed incessantly seeing you were okay. All the fire fell from your body seeing him. He ran to you, pulling you into his arms.
Next came Nat and Sam who put Burr into cuffs. They found the key and unlocked the collar from your neck without disturbing you and Bucky. “You’re okay” wasn't a question he already knew.
“Basic training” you shrugged.
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fandomtherapy44 · 7 days
Castiel x reader Chapter 15
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Summary: SEASON 5 WHOOOO!!!!!!!! LET's GO! So I am so excited for this season so many great episodes. There are going to be a lot more Cas and Y/n scenes. And more chapters too. I do recommend that you read my first book so you get the full Y/n Winchester build-up. Okay with out further due enjoy the second book of Love War and Grace.
Paring: Castiel x reader
word count: 3,506
Warnings: Some language, Typical Supernatural violence, Spoilers for season five of Supernatural, Y/n getting hurt emotional and physical.
I got the divider from
Firefly Graphics
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Chapter 15: Sympathy for the Devil POV (Y/n) 
All my life I believed in what I could see and what I read because that led to what I could see. Getting all my information from my Dad, Bobby, my brothers, and lore books. I never would believe in a million years that I would be standing here in an abandoned convent at age twenty-four with the Devil ascending from Hell and my best friend being an Angel who I would slap silly for making me leave.
The whole building shook more and the light beaming more bright as he approached the surface more and more. “COME ON GUYS!” I shook them out of the staring gaze and we ran to the doors that of course slammed in front of us. “Oh come on give us a Damn break!” The three of us slammed our hands on the doors. Trying to get it open. It was no use the force was trying to keep us here. “I LOVE YOU GUYS!” I shouted over the shaking. “WE LOVE YOU TOO!” I closed my eyes to not be blinded before my death but it never happened. 
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“What the devil is your name” “Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Yo-Yosemite Sam.” “Is that freaking Lonney tunes?” I opened my eyes and on the little TV was indeed Lonney tunes. “What the hell?” Dean questioned and rightfully so. We were on a fucking plane. “Folks, quick word from the flight deck. We're just passing over Ilchester, then Ellicott City, on our initial descent into Baltimore—” “Guys we were just in IIchester.” “So if you'd like to stretch your legs, now would be a good time to—” The pilot was starting to say but then the light beam came up almost crashing into the plane. The masks came down and we all grabbed one I was in the window seat and I was forced to look out to the world and the horrors that were about to unfold.
We had rented a car that we were probably never going to give back. And it seemed the whole world had seemed imploded in five minutes. “—saying it's very unlikely an abandoned convent would be a target for terrorists, either foreign or homegrown.” Never say never. “Change the station.” Dean said not wanting to hear. “—Hurricane Kinley, unexpectedly slamming into the Galveston area—” Again changed. “—announced a successful test of the North Korean nuclear—” Again. “—a series of tremors—” “—swine flu—” I reach forward and turn off the radio.
“Dean, look—” Sam didn’t even address me I don’t why. “Don't say anything.” “It's okay. We just got to keep our heads down and hash this out, all right?” Pause. Sam looked like a scared kid caught he kind of was. “All right, well, first things first—How did we end up on Soul Plane?” “My guess angels right it has to be of course Cas would save us.” They both looked back at me unsure maybe it was it wasn't that was what made it scary. “Well, whatever. It's the least of our worries. We need to find Cas.” Dean finished eyes focused on the road. And then a feeling came over me like it had never come before, extreme worry.
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We arrived at Chuck’s house and we slowly arrived inside our guns raised. “Chuck…” Everything had been thrown around like a tornado. Sam was turning the corner when Chuck came around and hit him with a toilet plunger. “Geez! Ow!” “Sam.” Chuck said happily. “Yeah!” Sam responded with a little sarcasm. “Hey, Chuck.”  Dean and I greeted. “So...you're okay?” He asked Sam cautiously. Sam held his head in pain. “Well, my head hurts.” “No, I mean—I mean, my—My last vision, You went, like, full-on Vader. Your body temperature was one-fifty. Your heart rate was two hundred. Your eyes were black.” Dean and I were both shocked to hear that. “Your eyes went black?” Dean asked. “I didn't know.” Great that's just great. “Look let's just talk to Cas bout this I'm sure he has an answer, So chuck where he is.” I asked sounding so sure.
“He's dead. Or gone. The archangel smote the crap out of him. I'm sorry.” As soon as the words left his lips it felt like the world had titled and that the words speaking were fuzzy. “You're sure? I mean, maybe he just vanished into the light or something.” Before Chuck could answer I interpreted. “Chuck… where is your bathroom?” He pointed upstairs. I slowly made my way upstairs kind of in a zombie-like state. My brothers looking at me worryingly. I entered the bathroom and just stared at the mirror. “Cas you stupid motherfuc-” I breathed in deeply trying to keep everything in but it didn't work.
The more I stared the more I got angry he was gone and I let him go. I punch the mirror and it shatters in big pieces I pick it up and look down at my broken image and end up cutting my hand. “Shit, fuck!” The pain reminded me that this was real not a nightmare. That I couldn't wake up and call for him and he would be there. I didn't have time to wrap it before I heard voices downstairs that were not there before.
But one, in particular, caught my attention fucking Zachariah. I walk back to it looks like the Angels threatening them. “You had a chance to stop your brother, and you couldn't. So let's not quibble over who started what. Let's just say it was— —all our faults and move on. 'Cause like it or not— —it's Apocalypse Now.” They then notice me. "Ah, Y/n finally joining us I see.” I was seething with so much rage that I couldn’t muster out any words all I could do was just tighten my fucked up hand. “Huh usually you have a comeback. Aww your bestie dying really upset you huh now that's adorable.” “THATS IT” I jumped to do what against an angel I don't know what but I was going to do something. Before anything, Sam held me back. “LET ME GO!” I threw back my head hitting Sam. “Fuck- Y/n you can't touch them!” “I can try!” Zach looked very happy to see my reaction.
“NOW that’s the Winchester fight I was looking for!” “Now Dean back to you, we're back on the same team again.” Dean heavily scoffed at that. “Is that so?” “You want to kill the devil. We want you to kill the devil. It's...synergy.” “And I'm just supposed to trust you?” “Cram it with walnuts, ugly.” Zach started to look annoyed. “This isn't a game, son. Lucifer is powerful in ways that defy description. We need to strike now, hard and fast—before he finds his vessel.” It makes sense he is well was an angel. “His vessel? Lucifer needs a meat suit?” Sam questioned.
“He is an angel. Them's the rules. And when he touches down, we're talking Four Horsemen, red oceans, fiery skies— the greatest hits. You can stop him, Dean, but you need our help.” “You listen to me, you two-faced douche. After what you did, I don't want jack squat from you!” Yeah, Dean! Stick it to the Angel. “You listen to me, boy! You think you can rebel against us? As Lucifer did?” I then noticed Dean’s hand and realized his plan. “You're bleeding.” Zack now realizing. “Yeah fuck head it's in case you of you showed up.” I pulled the door sideways and slammed my hand. a burst of white came through and the angel's screams went with it. “Learned that from my friend Cas, you son of a bitch.” I looked around with tears still stinging my eyes. “This sucks ass.” “Yes Chuck it really does.” I wiped my eyes and started to walk out.
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We had found a shitty little motel where probably more dead people had been here than alive but it would have to do for now. I was going over any Lucifer lore I could find which was a lot while Dean meticulously cleaned his gun which was his way of doing dishes to keep something off your mind. Sam had entered throwing something at Dean. I looked and it was a hex bag. “Here. Hex bags. No way the angels will find us with those. Demons, either, for that matter.” I stood to get closer to it. “Where'd you get it?” I questioned seeing the details. “I made it.” Dean and I both gaped at Sam.” like no offense but how” Sam timely glanced down and answered. “I...I learned it from Ruby.” He answered hesitantly.
“Well, at least she was somewhat useful instead of just being a lying snake bitch.” I tried to lighten the convo well in my way. Dean just asked Sam the question that we had both been wanting to ask. “Speaking of. How you doing? Are you jonesing for another hit of bitch blood or what?” “I-it's weird. Uh, tell you the truth, I'm fine. No shakes, no fever. It's like whoever...put me on that plane cleaned me right up.” Well that’s… convent. “Supernatural methadone.”
“Yeah, I guess.” “Guys-” “Sam. It's okay. You don't have to say anything.” Dean answered but I really didn’t know what to say. “Well, that's good. Because what can I even say? "I'm sorry"? "I screwed up"? Doesn't really do it justice, you know? Look, there's nothing I can do or say that will ever make this right—” “So why do you keep bringing it up?! Look, all I'm saying is, why do we have to put this under a microscope? We made a mess. We clean it up. That's it.” Sam nodded but I knew there would be more to come. “All right, so, say this is just any other hunt. You know? What do we do first?” “We'd, uh, figure out where the thing is.” I suggested. “All right. So we just got to find...the devil.” Yeah super easy.
I was still looking through lore and Sam was rereading Dad’s journal for like the thousandth time while Dean had the news on that was reminding us that the world was ending. “How would you then explain an earthquake, a hurricane, and multiple tornadoes, all at the same time, all around the globe?” The guy that was the scientist was trying to make sense. “Two words. Carbon emissions.” “Yeah, right, wavy gravy” Dean scarasacally replied. There's a knock on the door and we weren't expecting anyone so Sam goes to open the door with his gun ready. But uh there's someone there that we definitely did not know.
“You okay, lady?” “Sam...is it really you?” Sam looked back at us confused as hell and a little scared. This Becky steps in the room bewildered to be looking at Sam holding him tightly. “Uh, do I know you?” She let him go. “No. But I know you. You're Sam Winchester. And you're—” She looked to Dean and was Disaponited. “—not what I pictured. I'm Becky.” Then she saw me. “And you are Y/n Winchester let me just say that I aspire to be as badass as you every day.” She shook my hand hard. “Uh thank you.”
“I read all about you guys. And I've even written a few—” A few WHAT? Maybe I don’t want to know. “Anyway, Mr. Edlund told me where you were.” “Chuck?” “He's got a message, but he's being watched. Angels. Nice change-up to the mythology, by the way. The demon stuff was getting kind of old.” I wish I could pick which monsters I fight day to day. “Right. Just, um...what's the message?” Sam questioned. “He had a vision. "The Michael sword is on earth. The angels lost it."” She repeated dramatically.
“The Michael sword?” Dean asked. “Becky, does he know where it is?” “In a castle, on a hill made of forty-two dogs.” “Becky, what the Fuck does that mean?”   “It doesn't make sense, but that's what he said.” Becky stepped closer again to Sam. “I memorized every word. For you.” She hugged Sam tight again. “Uh, Becky can you stop hugging me?” “No” “Okay Becky thank you.” I grabbed her but she had a bit of a death grip. “Becky Let go!” “Never!” 
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We had finally gotten Becky outside but holy shit she could be a contender for a strong man contest. There’s another knock on the door and thankfully it wasn't a crazy fangirl. “Hey Bobby” It was good to see him especially after... Cas. When I went to hug him something felt different maybe it was the situation but it felt muddy hugging him. “Good to see you kids all in one piece.” “You weren't followed, were you?” Dean checked with Bobby. “You mean by angels, demons, or Sam's new superfan?” We all chuckled. “I heard, Romeo. So...sword of Michael, huh?” “You think we're talking about the actual sword from the actual archangel?” “You better friggin' hope so.” Bobby opened a lore book to a picture to the Archangel Michael.
“That's Michael. Toughest son of a bitch they got.” “You kidding me? Tough? That guy looks like Cate Blanchett.” Dean committed. “Well, I wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley, believe me. He commands the heavenly host. During the last big dust-up upstairs, he's the one who booted Lucifer's ass to the basement. Did it with that sword.” “So if we can find it…” “We can kick the devil's ass all over again. All right. So, where do we start?” Sam finalized. “Divvy up and start reading—try and make sense of Chuck's nonsense.” I go back to the lore while Bobby asks Sam “Kid? You all right?” “No, actually. Bobby, this is all my fault. I'm sorry.”
Dean and I look at each other In what’s about to happen. “Lilith did not break the final seal. Lilith was the final seal.” “Sam-” “I killed her, and I set Lucifer free.” “You what?” Bobby was confused. “You guys warned me about Ruby, the demon blood, but I didn't listen. I brought this on” Oh Sam. “You're damn right you didn't listen. You were reckless and selfish and arrogant.” “I'm sorry.” “Oh, yeah? You're sorry you started Armageddon? This kind of thing don't get forgiven, boy. If, by some miracle, we pull this off...I want you to lose my number. You understand me?” What the Hell!? I understood that he messed up but he’s Sam our Family I would have to talk to Bobby later. “There's an old church nearby. Maybe I'll go read some of the lore books there.” “Yeah. You do that.”  “Sam I'll come too.” “You sure?” “Yeah let’s go.” 
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The church was kind of abandoned everyone had gone home to their families with all the horrible shit going down. The books had dust covered all over them. “Um I'll start here and I'll start here.” Sam pointed a direction for me but I think he needed a different one. “Sam what Bobby said he didn't mean it.” “Yeah sure he didn't.” We sat on a table. “We just all are scared.” “Y/n why haven’t you said anything to me about Ruby?”
“Well, I don’t think me saying I told you so would help anything.” “But aren’t you angry at me? Hate me.” I was shocked at that. “Sam of course I'm… angry but I could never Hate you.” “Really?” He stared at me tears welling up. “With Dean dying last year and… Cas I don’t think we have time to hate. Why would I waste time hating when I could love the people who mean the most. Sam, you're human you made a mistake now you get to make up for it.” I smiled at him and squeezed his hand. “You're the best sister a brother could ask for.” “And you're the best big brother a sister could ask for.” We hugged. “Okay let's actually look.” Sam sniffled and went to the books.
While I somehow made my way to the front of the church sighing and sitting on the pew. “Ha, I can't believe I'm here again.” “Look, God, I know me talking to you is kind of insane you know I didn't even believe in you until a prayer was answered. By an Angel who saved my life.” The tears came rolling down. “Castiel you can't be… dead there I said it you can't because I'm still here because of you so you have to be too.” I wiped the tears. “Y/n you okay?” “Uh yeah let's go”
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We walked into chaos Bobby was on the floor bleeding out. “NO!” “Heya, Sammy. You miss me? 'Cause I sure missed you.”  A woman demon said. “Meg?” FUCK “Hey N/n I heard you had an angel on your shoulder where is he?” She tilted her head in amusement. “Oh, you asked for it Bitch!” I punched her square in the nose. “I see you got better at fighting good I like a challenge.” She kicked at my feet but I dodged it and threw her against the wall. The three of us cornered her and she smoked out like a coward. “Bobby!” I applied pressure to the stab.
We had gotten to the storage room after dropping Bobby at the ER even though we wanted to stay. We entered and there were two dead demons on the ground. “I see you told the demons where the sword is.” “Oh, thank god. The angels are here.” “And to think...they could have grabbed it any time they wanted.” Zach peered at Dean. “It was right in front of them.” “What do you mean?” “We may have planted that particular piece of prophecy inside Chuck's skull, but it happened to be true. We did lose the Michael sword. We truly couldn't find it. Until now. You've just hand-delivered it to us.” I glanced around seeing no sword.
“I knew you were ugly Zach but not blind.” I practically spit out to him. “We don't have anything.” “It's you, chucklehead. You're the Michael sword.” “What, you thought you could actually kill Lucifer? You simpering wad of insecurity and self-loathing? No. You're just a human, Dean. And not much of one.” “What do you mean, I'm the sword?” “You're Michael's weapon. Or, rather, his...receptacle.” “I'm a vessel?” “You're the vessel. Michael's vessel.” “How? Why—why me?” “Because you're chosen! It's a great honor, Dean.” Zach is being a huge ass. “Oh, yeah. Yeah, life as an angel condom. That's real fun. I think I'll pass, thanks.” “Joking. Always joking. Well...no more jokes.” Zach raises his hands like guns. “Bang.” And suddenly my leg is broken. “AHH” So is Sam’s.
“You son of a bitch!” “Keep mouthing off, I'll break more than their legs. I am completely and utterly through screwing around. The war has begun. We don't have our general. That's bad. Now, Michael is going to take his vessel and lead the final charge against the adversary. You understand me?”  “How many humans die in the crossfire, huh? A million? Five, ten?” “Probably more. If Lucifer goes unchecked, you know how many die? All of them. He'll roast the planet alive.” “There's a reason you're telling me this instead of just nabbing me. You need my consent. Michael needs my say-so to ride around in my skin.” “Unfortunately, yes.” “Well, there's got to be another way.” “There is no other way. There must be a battle. Michael must defeat the serpent. It is written.” “Yeah, maybe. But, on the other hand... Eat me. The answer's no.” “Okay. How about this? Your friend Bobby—we know he's gravely injured. Say yes, and we'll heal him. Say no, he'll never walk again.” “No.”
“Then how about we heal you from...stage-four stomach cancer?” Dean doubles over spilling blood. “No.” “Then let's get really creative. Uh, let's see how...Sam does without his lungs. And Y/n no heart.” He snapped his fingers and I felt my body stiffen up. “Are we having fun yet? You're going to say yes, Dean” “Just kill us.” “Kill you? Oh, no. I'm just getting started.” There was a burst light then talking but I couldn't make it out. Then the pain stopped I looked up and It was Cas standing over me putting his hand over my heart. “Cas….” Then everything went black.
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“CAS!” I woke up in a hospital bed. “Woah woah take kid take it easy your heart literally can't take it.” It was Dean. “Dean, what happened?” “Uh, Cas came in saving us he healed you.” “Where is he?”I dont know.” “The doctors said that you probably wouldn't have made it if you had not the CPR aka the Angel healing. But they want to keep you for observation.” “How's Bobby?” “About to find out you just rest kid we have lots to tell you after.” “Kay” He left and I am left to think. But I knew whatever what was going to happen it was going to be okay. With Cas alive everything was okay.
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AN/ Ok everyone that was the first chapter in season 5 I hope everyone is as excited as am for the future. And don't worry we will have a proper Cas and Y/n meet up next chapter. Thank you for reading! see you yawl xoxo Gossip Girl ;);)
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vostok3-ka · 2 months
Hello!!! *throws these at you*
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
🎲 ⇢ what stops you from writing more in your free time?
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
HELLO SADIE! Ahh, thank you so much for the questions, fella. Sorry for the late reply, it was Eid yesterday so I was so busy <3 (It was so fun!)
🕯️- I would have to say a solid 4. I do not enjoy reading back my work, I always cringe too hard, but the satisfaction of finding a little bit that is awkward and molding it into a better, much more seamless piece really strikes a chord on the satisfaction machine, and it's real nice. The only reason I gave it this low of a rating is really the inability to re-read my stuff. I wish I could do it without wanting to die in a hole, but alas! I cannot lmao.
🎲- Honestly, just lack of confidence and motivation. I always have a lot of ideas I really want to write about, and a lot of plots and directions I want my stories to take, but I don't have a lot of confidence, and then I just don't- write. I should probably gain a little bit more self-confidence with my writing, and then the words will probably flow well! Another reason is the fact that I do really struggle with getting the words down. I have the pictures in my head, but getting words to form those pictures down on paper (or screen) is incredibly difficult to do in a satisfying manner. I suppose I might be a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to writing in that I want my work to be perfect, which isn't really possible.
🍬- Oh boy I love these questions haha. Here is one that I think is somewhat controversial. I really appreciate the fact that in the panels of the show, they didn't change his name to The White Wolf. It sorta of, to me, shows that as much as he might not like it, he still was and till now is the Winter Soldier. Some people say that it isn't fair that Sam got his arc as Captain America and Bucky didn't get his transformation into the White Wolf, but I just- I don't know, I like the idea of him reclaiming the title Winter Soldier. He might try to run from it, or to hide his past, but in the end people still recognize him as the Winter Soldier, and people recognize Sam as the new Captain America. The show didn't show any parts of the White Wolf, and still showed how Bucky falls into his fighting stance easily and with grace. It shows the characters using the Winter Soldier title to advance in their mission, and it shows the fact that being the Winter Soldier is still a major playing factor in Bucky's life, whether it's the past coming back to haunt him, or the fact that he is still seen as a criminal (he IS a criminal that boy broke a terrorist out of prison and missed court mandated therapy LMAO). Idk, I just quite like it. I like the idea of Bucky realizing that he cannot escape his past, and that he can, even though he is the "former" Winter Soldier, he can still be good. Sort of like Natasha not giving up the title Black Widow even though she defected from the Red Room. Yeah. And I think that might be quite unpopular to some!
🔪- Oh one of the weirdest things I have had to research is veterinary medication and psychiatric treatments in the 1980s Soviet Union. I am still in the process of researching this for a current fic I am working on, but yeah. It's super absurd to me. It's such an odd topic, and it is incredibly difficult to find English source material, so I keep having to grind through texts with my A2 Russian and Google Translate haha. It's super interesting though, and in the process of this, I have fallen down several rabbit-holes including the common Soviet village house, Caucasian last name meanings and frequencies, and, my favourite, 80s Soviet music!
Thank you bunches for the ask, I had a lovely time thinking up the answers and writing them down!!! I hope you are having a lovely day/night!
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bobwess · 3 months
AMA : Supernatural addition Scrolls back to make sure I'm not re-asking any questions
Has there been any episode that you've changed your mind about in a positive way?
Has there been any episode that you've changed your mind about in a negative way?
If you could add in a monster-of-the-week episode with a monster we've never seen the boys fight, what monster would you bring out and why?
If Cas zapped them anywhere (to avoid planes) for a vacation, where do you think they would go?
Thoughts on Cas's grace/wing situation post fall? Do you subscribe to the headcanon that because his grace was separate he should still have his wings? (Realizing that clearly it's time to reread Only Human since i do not actually remember the answer)
You have any fic ideas bouncing around your head that are still even too early days to be called proper WIPs?
If you had to rank the seasons, how would they fall?
Thoughts on Michael and Adam?
Episode that is garenteed to make you laugh?
Episode that is garenteed to make you cry?
Favorite Destiel moment?
Know you have a lot of facinating thoughts on John, but do you have a similar amount of thoughts about Mary?
What do you think is the best practical effect that the show ever pulled off?
Any opinions related to particular the last 5 seasons (11, 12, 13, 14, 15) of the show?
Did you ever think when you started watching the show that all these years later you would be this invested in it?
Do you have any headcanons about Cas's True Form?
What loose end side plot from the show annoys you the most with the lack of closure?
Uuuuuum...What do you think is everybody's favorite color?
Okay that's all I can think of right now! Have a great day!!!
Has there been any episode that you've changed your mind about in a positive way?
Heaven Can’t Wait sucks less than I gave it credit for. 
Has there been any episode that you've changed your mind about in a negative way?
Wishful Thinking is way more rapey than I remember. 
If you could add in a monster-of-the-week episode with a monster we've never seen the boys fight, what monster would you bring out and why?
We’re retconning the “dragons” and letting the boys fight a real proper dragon. 
If Cas zapped them anywhere (to avoid planes) for a vacation, where do you think they would go?
Dean says “Take us to a beach” and Cas in his infinite wisdom picks an icy beach in Greenland. Dean is displeased, Sam is amused.
Thoughts on Cas's grace/wing situation post fall? Do you subscribe to the headcanon that because his grace was separate he should still have his wings? (Realizing that clearly it's time to reread Only Human since i do not actually remember the answer)
Complicated. From a practical standpoint, I think it was necessary to kneecap Cas’ ability to zap himself anywhere in order to bring him into the show more frequently, because a LOT of their problems would be over before they began if Cas could still fly all the time. It’d be a lot harder to write for. 
ALSO I like the idea that Cas wasn’t completely human so even without his grace he still technically could have ‘fallen’. 
HOWEVER in order for that to make sense someone would have at some point had to actually have SAID anything to that effect. So. 
I ascribe to the headcanon that Cas hadn’t been human enough and while he didn’t go screaming to earth on fire, he was still damaged in the fall and thus is unable to fly but as it stood in the show, they didn’t give enough of an explanation so it WAS stupid that his wings got shredded. 
You have any fic ideas bouncing around your head that are still even too early days to be called proper WIPs?
Yeah, two. One with Dean and Lee and one in purgatory.
If you had to rank the seasons, how would they fall?
5, 12, 4, 11, 7, 8, 9, 10, 2, 13, 1, 6, 3, 15, 14
Thoughts on Michael and Adam?
Love them. One of the few good things in season 15. 
Episode that is guaranteed to make you laugh?
Everybody Hates Hitler
Episode that is guaranteed to make you cry?
Favorite Destiel moment?
Dean opening up to “Emmanuel” in the car after Cas says “You’re not a machine, Dean.” 
Know you have a lot of fascinating thoughts on John, but do you have a similar amount of thoughts about Mary?
Mary was 29 years old when she died, and therefore (casting choices aside) was 29 years old when she came back to life. 
She is a 29 year old with two babies and a husband who suddenly is thrust back into the world decades later and immediately told her husband is dead and her two boys are now complete strangers she doesn’t know from anyone who are also significantly older than her. 
Dean is 37. Dean is 8 years older than her. Sam is 33. 
Mary died on the ceiling the same age Dean died and was dragged to hell.
Frankly she takes it very well all things considered. She’s vilified by the fandom unjustly. We’re conditioned to look at Sam and Dean and be like “they’re the main characters so only their feelings matter and she hurt their feelings so she is devil lady.” Which is stupid AF. “You are not a child.” “I never was.” Yeah ok but she didn’t raise you to be a hunter, and it wasn’t her choice to be dead instead of raising you. “But she made a deal with a demon and that led to Azazel getting to Sam!” She made a deal with a demon at 19 years old to save the person she loves most in the world. Dean made a deal with a demon to save Sam and he started the fucking apocalypse. (No shade to Dean.) 
They’ve all made dumb mistakes, even BMoL Ramiel sized ones, we’re just choosing to ignore some because we like our boys better. But it’s putting an unfair expectation on Mary to be perfectly what everyone wants her to be and ignoring that she is human. 
An aside: She wouldn’t have even batted an eye with how Jack killed Nick, and it was the most forced thing to make her hassle Jack until he snapped her into ashes. 
What do you think is the best practical effect that the show ever pulled off?
Michael v. Lucifer Season 13 Finale. There is a rack focus between 2014 Dean and 2009 Dean in The End that is so seamless it is delicious. The practical side of the hellhounds tearing up Dean is pretty cool too. 
Any opinions related to particular the last 5 seasons (11, 12, 13, 14, 15) of the show?
I think I like later seasons SPN more than most people (despite my distaste for season 14 because 14 is offensively stupid). I thought 15 was largely uninteresting, not actively bad. I think 13 started strong but fell off very rapidly after Tombstone into being just again uninteresting. 
I think 11 had a lot of good episodes and I really liked season 12 a lot. 
Did you ever think when you started watching the show that all these years later you would be this invested in it?
I honestly didn’t expect the show to last as long, but it wasn’t something that would have surprised me. If a show is really good, I latch onto it hard, and it’s reaffirmed if there are other people also as/more into it as me. So SPN still having a lot of fan attention keeps it going. I think if SPN had ended 5 years earlier, there’d be a lot less of us here now, and the interest might have died off more. I imagine it’ll drop off in the next few years. 
Do you have any headcanons about Cas's True Form?
Hard to make anything out. Lots of wings, eyes, and bright brilliant flashes of color. 
What loose end side plot from the show annoys you the most with the lack of closure?
Ghost Kevin. Someone better look me in the eyes and assure me Jack brought him to heaven. To a lesser degree what was up with Cas "my powers are fading" season 15?
Uuuuuum...What do you think is everybody's favorite color?
Sam likes blue. Dean likes red. Cas has not really given it a lot of thought and picks a random color when asked. (Thoughts based on vibes and oft-worn clothing colors.) 
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cure-reboot-old · 1 year
you should write sabriel cuddling and gabriel braiding sam's hair <3
Let Me Care About You
Rating: Teen (mild gore, cussing) Word count: 2188 Content warnings: Canon-typical references to violence and injury Summary: Sam was badly injured on a hunt, and Gabriel is worried about him, though he doesn't want to show it for fear of being too vulnerable and pushing Sam away. Sam doesn't mind the attention. AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44140506
Gabriel stared at the rickety old bed Sam was laid out on in the infirmary, eyebrows furrowed, an uncomfortable feeling in his chest that he couldn’t quite figure out. 
It felt… Restricting, his feet wanted to move, but he didn’t; he would rather not get any closer than he had to, because Sam was just… No, no, no, absolutely not; Sam Winchester was, well, Sam Winchester, which meant he was off-limits. 
But why, he asked himself, just because he was supposed to be Lucifer’s vessel? Well, Lucifer was dead now, so it wasn’t like he had any use for a corporeal body, and the thought of Sam being in that role made Gabriel’s skin crawl. He loved his brother dearly, but he would wish him upon absolutely no one except maybe Asmodeus; he would be getting popcorn for watching an interaction between those two. (As long as he was as far away from them as possible, of course.)
His hands gripped the railing near the stairs hard enough for his vessel’s knuckles to pale and whiten entirely; the metal creaked under the force of his celestial strength and discomfort. 
Gabriel just wanted to sit with him.
Would that be so bad?
Of course, it would be because if he allowed himself to latch himself to Sam, to stand next to him all the time like he wanted, to hold him, to… Well, he would be royally fucked. Sam wouldn’t want him, Sam would call him weird, he would avoid Gabriel like the plague, and then their relationship would be ruined like every other good thing the archangel ever had in his life. 
It just wasn’t worth it, he decided, and let go of the railing to retreat out of the infirmary quietly.
Don’t turn back. Don’t even look at him. Pretend you didn’t hear him. 
“Hey, wait.”
Gabriel slowly turned on his heel, putting on his best show business face. “Good morning, Samshine! Feeling any better?”
Sam blinked, seeming to be very slowly registering that question. “I don’t know. I got knocked out pretty fast before the rest of it. My leg burns like hell, but I guess it’s not the worst thing I’ve ever felt.”
“I hate to break it to you, but Dean administered a pretty heavy dose of morphine. I don’t think you want to see your leg right now.”
“Oh. I guess that’s why my head is fuzzy. Is it really that bad?”
“Yes, Sam, it’s that bad; that hellhound basically put you in a blender. You’re lucky it doesn’t have to be amputated, you know.”
“...Wait,” Sam muttered, and Gabriel could feel his wings bristle. He really hoped Sam didn’t remember that- “That hellhound… Gabriel, my leg was gone.” -Dammit. 
“Yes, and now it’s back; stranger things have happened.”
“Did someone reattach it?” Sam asked, sounding almost… Scared. 
“Uh… Yep, that would have been me.” Gabriel replied, unable to look directly at the hunter. “...Didn’t have enough grace to fully fix it, but… Hey, a gory leg is better than no leg at all.”
“Gabriel, you don’t have to talk to me from all the way over there, you know.” 
“I’m fine where I am.”
“...Okay, princess.” Gabriel retorted, but did as he was asked, making his way down the steps, stopping about two feet from the bed. 
Sam looked like shit. He was pale, his eyes were partially unfocused, his hair was a mess, and the bags under his eyes were far deeper and more pronounced than usual. It made Gabriel feel guilty that he couldn’t fully heal the hunter; he felt weak, like he had failed the man who had saved him. 
How could he ever repay Sam for his hospitality after being rescued from hell like this? With no grace, and an inability to properly sort through his own feelings, he deserved far better than Gabriel-
His thoughts were interrupted by a quiet “thank you, Gabriel.” It broke him.
Tears stung the archangel’s eyes, threatening to fall against his will and humiliate him. 
Even in his semi-delirious state, Sam could tell Gabriel was about to cry. “Gabe? Hey, what’s wrong?”
Gabriel took in a deep breath, letting it out with a shaking voice. “...I thought you were going to die.”
It hit Sam at that moment that Gabriel had been afraid, and he still was, over a measly human like him. “You…” Slowly, Sam extended his hand out to the angel. “Come sit down.”
“On the bed.”
It wasn’t like he never lied, but he would be a liar if he said he didn’t just want to wrap Sam up in his arms and hold him like he was the most precious thing in the world because, to Gabriel, he was. 
So he sat down, since it would be as close as he was going to get. Still, he was only perched on the end, one leg still on the ground, the other balanced by his heel on the metal frame, up  against his chest. He was 50/50 on whether he should get back up or stay, and it showed. 
“Talk to me, Gabe.” Sam requested, focusing on his friend as much as he could with how exhausted he was. 
“Talk to you? What do you want me to say? I’m not going to say what I just told you a second time; it’s embarrassing, you know.”
“I’m the only person here. You don’t have to hide that sort of thing from me.”
“Of course, I have to hide it from you!” Gabriel snapped, refusing to meet Sam’s tired eyes. “I respect you too much to be throwing my stupid emotions at your feet for you to pick up!”
“You’re not ‘throwing your emotions at my feet,’ Gabriel, I’m asking for them.”
He paused, not having expected that response. “...Then you’re missing a pretty vital organ in your skull.”
“Are you calling me stupid?” Sam asked, laughing softly.
“No! Yes… Maybe. Not stupid like intellectually, but stupid like… Stubborn. You already patched me up after… After Asmodeus, and I haven’t even paid you back yet, I don’t want to give you more crap. I don’t want to keep owing you.”
“You don’t owe me anything.”
“You’re such a liar!”
“I don’t want anything from you, Gabe. I want you to be comfortable, I want you to feel safe here, you have no obligations except, I dunno, not breaking stuff.”
“Already screwed that one up several times,” Gabriel muttered.
“So you’re the one who broke the mug?”
“Maybe… But I’ll replace it. I should go replace it. I’m gonna go replace it now.” He said hurriedly, placing his other leg down to leave. 
Then he felt something around his wrist, a hand, Sam’s hand. It was warm and strong; they were still those same hands that cut the wire from his mouth, that carried him back to his room those nights, that pulled his stubborn ass out of Apocalypse World. They were strong and calloused but still gentle, and it made him freeze in his tracks. 
“It’s just a mug,” Sam assured. “It was cheap and ceramic, and we’ve had it for years. It already had a crack in it. Please, Gabriel, stop trying to run from me; I care about you.”
There was a long period of silence, the archangel fixated on looking anywhere but the hunter, until his other hand came up to gently guide his face back to him. 
Gabriel let him do so, though if it had been anyone else, they would be dead. Tears were streaming down his face; he just couldn’t get them to stop. He hated it.
“That night when I said I needed you, I meant it. I still do; I wasn’t just saying that to get you out of your trance.”
“Maybe you need me, but you don’t want me, Sam. I’m too much.”
Sam’s hands moved from Gabriel’s cheek and wrist to his back, pulling him into a hug. “I know ‘too much’ when I see it, and it’s not you. If it were, I wouldn’t have been taking care of you after you escaped.”
Gabriel let out a sob against the hunter’s chest, slowly allowing himself to return the embrace. “You’re making it so hard not to get attached to you, you know,” He all but whimpered. There was so much pain in his voice. 
“Just take it easy, man; not everything has to be such a fight. Let me care about you.”
For once in his life, Gabriel couldn’t think of what to say, so he just stayed quiet and listened to Sam’s heartbeat. A heartbeat he was so damn grateful he could still hear. 
Neither of them let go of the other, taking comfort in the warmth and the silence around them.
After a while, Sam felt heavier, and his grip loosened, leading Gabriel to deduce he had fallen asleep. 
As careful as possible so as not to wake him, he laid the hunter back down and pulled up the blanket.
Hesitantly, he brushed a few loose strands of hair from Sam’s face, a barely-there smile on his lips. Even when he was injured and exhausted, he was absolutely gorgeous; there was just no denying that. 
Sam then mumbled something incoherent before tugging Gabriel down by the collar of his jacket and wrapping his arm around him.
“What did you say?” Gabriel chuckled.
“I said lay down…” 
That was it. He was smitten, and there was no going back now. 
Over the course of the next few days, Gabriel continued to visit Sam, getting more and more accustomed to expressing himself freely around him until, eventually, he was the one asking for cuddles. 
Right now, he was tucked into Sam’s side, watching the hunter quietly with sparkling eyes, pupils dilated.
“What are you looking at?”
Gabriel blinked, trying to come up with an answer that wouldn’t reveal how he was feeling. “...Because…. You… Um… You have something on your face.”
Sam frowned, patting his skin to try and figure out what the archangel was referring to. “I do? Where?”
“...It’s gone now! You got it!” Gabriel said hurriedly, averting his gaze so as not to incriminate himself.
Sam wasn’t buying it. “There wasn’t anything on my face. What were you looking at?”
“...You…” The archangel muttered, not loud enough for even himself to hear correctly, and Sam made a face. 
“I can’t hear you.”
“...You! I was looking at you.” He huffed, still avoiding looking at the hunter but now hiding his face against the flannel of his companion’s shirt.
Sam’s face prickled with rosy heat; Gabriel was looking at him, just because? “For what?”
“What, I can’t look at you now?” Came the angel’s stubborn retort. 
“You’re allowed to look at me. I’m just curious.”
Instead of responding, Gabriel just reached up and started messing with Sam’s hair, refusing to elaborate as to what he was doing no matter how many times he was asked. The hunter eventually just accepted it and closed his eyes, not minding the feeling of the angel’s hands in his hair. It was nice. 
Gabriel worked tirelessly, fingers twisting around strands and looping sections around each other, even starting over a few times. He was hyperfocused, and ended up sitting several different ways, first in Sam’s arms, then behind him, then next to him, then on his lap, then back behind him again. 
The clock ticked away, and the hunter found himself dozing off now and again, though Gabriel moving around and pulling on his hair would wake him. 
After what felt like an eternity, he spoke. “Done!” 
Sam reached up to feel his hair, curious about it. “What did you do to it?”
“Viking braids. Shield Maiden braids, to be specific.”
Sam grabbed his phone from the table next to the bed and opened the camera, immediately smiling when he saw just what Gabriel had done with his hair.
It had been braided in sections, two smaller braids on each side stretching all the way back, with a larger braid on top and some hair left to flow freely underneath. “No one’s ever done my hair before… This is really cool, actually. Where did you learn to do this?”
“Hello, I was a Norse god for centuries? It wasn’t just for fun, and I picked up lots of traditions along the way to blend in better.”
Sam looked up at him, smiling, and Gabriel rested his chin on Sam’s head. “What?”
“What else do you know?”
“About Norse culture? Everything. I know things that aren’t even in any books. I know songs, hairstyles, recipes, building techniques, magic, people, slang; you name it.”
“...Do you miss Norway?”
“Of course I do… It was my home, but I can’t go back now; I killed Loki, and I’m sure all of his other family members and more hardcore worshippers are gonna be after me.”
Sam reached up, brushing Gabriel’s hair out of his face, and the archangel leaned into the touch like a cat. “Maybe you can teach me about it all someday.”
“I can do that.”
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angelsdean · 1 year
nah dude i did read it all! very interesting tbh, thanks for indulging me. and taking the time lol. i do slightly disagree with a couple of points but i think that's mostly because i DO sort of view dean as a... i don't wanna say bad person, but definitely not good. and tbh i like him for that. i will say: i do think dean became the angry man in the house, because it definitely wasn't sam or cas; but i think there's a lot of nuance to it too, because for me becoming and being haunted overlap so much for dean specifically.
i do think dean was at least trying to be better, but i think we all sort of agree his journey def got cut short. not to mention i think it's hard to analyze dean as character (and john by proxy) because of the sheer layers spn has; ie is john abusive because of him or because of god; is dean like that because it's inherent (used loosely) or because of god, etc etc etc. not to mention these guys are NOT real people so we can't exactly put real standards on them - plus, they're so far removed from the fictional society as well since they're hunters. just a lot of things go into it tbh. like would dean still be the same if they weren't hunters? is john inherently violent or prone to using that kind of discipline against his sons? (the song remains the same says no, but i still wonder...) is anger inherent to dean or was it all circumstantial?
and i do agree that sometimes people ARE needlesly harsh, but sometimes stuff is just true and. as a deanlover. hes my GUY. i will say that i do think he crosses over into abusive behavior a lot, especially in the later seasons.
about the jack/children comment; i agree that they're isolated, but to me that's still... johncore if you will. and dean is very patient with children, i will give him that.
john&dean nuance is all very kind of complicated and i don't like john much either, believe me, but... dean was still threatening jack and pointing guns at him. to me, at least, that is the same as john and the canonical-not-canonical abuse implications. obviously there are differences, but i think of it like this: even if most of the bad things dean does are mirrors of john, i think the good parts are also mirrors of him. because like you said: john was not a flat character. and he loved those boys. he did very very wrong by them, but he loved them. maybe it didn't count for much in the end, but i think it did.
overall, i think I'm just the type of person to not like woobifying my fav characters (which is completely me, no hate to those who do) so i kinda get the ick when people erase and or defend dean's bad/abusive actions, because ultimately that's a big part of him, yknow?
(there's also the sam&dean dynamic which i havent seen you post a lot about, but in regards to sam and how dean treats him, espcially in the laters seasons... well, i won't bore you with all my thoughts about that can of worms cause then this ask would never end.)
thanks for answering, and making it so long lol. i love reading people's thoughts and i hope you read all this, too.
hi again! sorry i'm about to go to bed so i might not address everything here, but i think it's okay if we disagree on some things and interpret things differently.
i wrote a little bit more abt dean + john here and where i think they parallel and diverge.
i guess for me it's just that i don't think a lot of dean's actions, even the "wrong" ones make him a bad person. i think people can act imperfect and irrationally sometimes, especially in high stress situations, and then later regret and feel remorse for them. and i think dean is suffering through a lot himself and deserves a little grace, compassion, and forgiveness.
i also don't like when characters are woobified. which is why i also am not a fan of people acting like sam (and sometimes cas) are the perpetual victims to dean, as if they also do not make questionable choices and actions that have consequences. or also can just, disregard or fight against dean's actions too. they are not powerless or weak.
lastly i'd say, i don't think dean HAS to be the angry man in the house. you say you think he became the angry man because you don't think it was sam or cas but i guess i'd ask, why do any of them have to be the angry man in the house? why does there have to be one out of the three of them? for me, the angry man IS always john, even when he's no longer there. especially when he's no longer there. he's a ghost and he's in both dean and sam. (early seasons sam was very hotheaded and prone to anger too and paralleled john a lot). i think yes, being haunted by john can overlap with acting like john, but acting like john, reverting back to internalized habits is, at it's core to me, the manifestation of that haunting. that is john. and dean has to fight against that ghost. but anyway, for me, dean can never really become john, and therefore the angry man, because the angry man isn't someone you become. the term has morphed in this fandom but when i use it and talk about it it's in its original context, where it's literally the father figure. first the you grow up with him. then you are haunted by him when he's gone, still feel his presence. and then the cycle continues by inviting another man like him into your home. so in that context, dean (and sam) is the child who grew up w/ the angry man. and the child in the quote is a woman, so there is no becoming the angry man for her. i think, even still, regardless of gender, it's...idk maybe a little cruel? to say that a child that grew up with an angry man in their home is somehow destined to become that same man. that's not what the original quote meant and i don't think it's the framework we should have when thinking about dean and his complex relationship with john and his traumatic childhood.
(also just thinking abt the question of if dean would be the same + angry if they weren't hunters and while we can only take it w/ a grain of salt the show does show us two scenarios of dean not being a hunter: dean smith and djinn dream dean. and both times he seems pretty normal, well adjusted, if not a little sad and lonely)
i think the chuck stuff does complicate things and pose more questions but if we believe that chuck really does like to watch his favorite show rather than micromanage (set up the obstacle course and let them run it as cas framed it), then it's possible not everything was a chuck play-by-play. also i have to say, i personally think all of the young!john stuff we see in spn was massively angel-manipulated. (angels love their illusions and simulations after all). john felt just a little too polished and goody-two-shoes for me in those flashbacks.
anyways, this once again got long, sorry. but i think we might just have to disagree abt some of these things. which is okay!! but i definitely don't think dean is perfect or has never done anything wrong. i just love him despite those things. and when i look at his whole situation + all his past trauma it's very hard for me to blame him or be angry with him for his actions because like, dude is struggling so hard. he needs everything to stop, needs a minute to breathe, and then needs a ton of therapy and maybe some vitamin d and 8 hours of sleep lol
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the-widow-sisters · 2 years
Thankful Thanksgiving
Summary: All of the Avengers are gathered for Thanksgiving, and Natasha, Yelena, Kate, Carol, Darcy, and friends all take the time to say what they’re thankful for when gathered around the Thanksgiving table.
Word Count: 2006
A/N: Happy Thanksgiving to all of you! I hope you’re spending time with friends and/or family and having lots of amazing food and good times together! 🥰💗 This one was a little short (it was originally going to be longer until I transferred a scene to my ongoing Christmas fic instead) but hopefully it was still enjoyable! 💖
I am so thankful for all of y’all, and I hope you guys enjoyed this one! 😊
  “And that’s why I’m thankful for Bucky’s arm,” Sam explained, and Bucky just groaned deeply and exasperatedly. Everyone around the room was in varying expressions of amusement, complete disbelief, and speechlessness.
   It was Thanksgiving, and all of the Avengers had come to gather to enjoy a feast with one another. They had finished their food, and they had just started going all around the table to share what they were thankful for. Sam had been the first to go, and his had so far set the bar for some really bizarre explanations.
  “Man, what are all y’all looking at? Ain’t any of you ever been thankful for Bucky’s arm before?” Sam questioned defensively as if it were the most utterly obvious thing in the world.
  “Because it makes perfect sense to be thankful for someone else’s prosthetic arm,” Shuri spoke up from where she was currently seated, sarcasm deeply rooted in every accented word. Okoye simply passed a somewhat disapproving glance in her direction but did not say a word. Shuri raised her hands defensively, and Sam just eyed her with narrowed eyes.
  “It does make sense. Look, wouldn’t you be thankful if somebody’s arm could pop off and you could use it as a literal Wonder Woman bulletproof band?” Sam told them, and Shuri just huffed a little, looking at him as she remained unimpressed.
  “You seem to forget that we literally have vibranium, which just happens to be as bulletproof as this comic book character’s very much fake braces,” Shuri argued, and Sam just scoffed unhappily, shaking his head.
  “She just don’t get it,” Sam complained, and Bucky did not even bother gracing him with a response as he groaned tiredly.
  “Okay, look, seriously, guys, let’s get back on track,” Steve pointed out from where he was seated between Bucky and Carol.
  “I guess I’ll go now,” Steve started, clearing his throat as he prepared to state what he was thankful for.
  At Bucky’s request, Steve had skipped over him. He only heeded requests for skipping when it legitimately had to do with some manner of trauma or something, and in Bucky’s case, he knew it had been.
  However, before he could speak, Yelena started loudly clearing her throat. Steve leaned forward a little, trying to look around all of the people as he fought to meet her gaze. Yelena peered from where she was sandwiched between Kate and Natasha, and she scoffed.
  “Why does Bucko get a free pass?” Yelena demanded, and Bucky flashed an irritated glare in her general direction. Steve swallowed, trying to explain.
  “Because he specifically asked and after reviewing the reasoning, I decided it was acceptable,” Steve explained, trying to remain professional and avoid as many details as possible.
  “Pfft… Just because he’s your boyfriend doesn’t mean you can just make excuses for him,” Yelena declared, and Steve just sighed deeply. Yelena loved to poke fun at their friendship when she could mostly because she hated Bucky’s guts, but he tried not to let the boyfriend comments get to him. After all, she was well-aware that he saw Bucky as a brother.
  Carol, of course, did not let the comments get to her either and would actually even join in on Yelena’s teasing at any given time if it seemed humorous to her. Carol ultimately chose not to throw in her opinion this time since Steve was floundering a bit already with trying to explain why he had excluded Bucky but had not heeded anyone else’s requests to be excluded.
  “As for what I’m thankful for! I am thankful for this team. For our perseverance, and all of the good hearts gathered here at this table,” Steve expressed, and Carol leaned into his side, squeezing his arm before straightening just a little.
  She knew she was next, and she honestly was not quite sure if she was ready. She released him carefully, looking beside her at the amazing, incredible person that she had brought for Thanksgiving.
  Monica looked at her carefully, a surprising warmth in her eyes despite the fact that she did not know what Carol was thinking. Carol swallowed hard, reaching her hand out and placing it over the top of Monica’s as she squeezed it softly.
  “Carol?” Steve prompted, and Carol cast him a very much forcedly casual smile before speaking up.
  “I’m thankful for… Having the opportunity to fix some broken relationships and hopefully having the opportunity to get to know the person all over again,” Carol explained, and Monica’s eyes were shining with something that was positively and absolutely touched as she gazed at her.
  Carol mustered a small grin, trying to avoid the urge to cry. The emotion and the pure love that was swelling within her was almost more than she could take. In an attempt to suppress the emotion, she simply lifted her hand and squeezed Monica’s shoulder lovingly in lieu of hugging her on the spot.
  Monica cleared her throat, mustering some manner of confidence as she spoke up despite being exceedingly uncomfortable at the sheer amount of important people that she either did not know at all or did not know that well.
  “I’m thankful to have a special person back in my life again,” Monica stated vaguely, but given how her gaze was glued to that of her aunt’s, there was no question who her statement was about.
  Kamala then proceeded to move forward a little, grinning ridiculously as she remained just a little speechless despite her best efforts to the contrary. She tried to get a good look at everyone at the table, honestly just excited to be there in the first place.
  “Oh, gosh… I’m honestly beyond thankful that I could get to meet all of you and start training to be a real life Avenger,” Kamala explained, instantly kicking herself for the last part of her statement, dreading how stupid it might have sounded.
  Everyone, however, seemed thoroughly endeared, and she let out a soft breath of relief as it moved down the line to Darcy.
  After a small silence, Darcy blinked, realizing more fully that everyone was waiting for her to speak. She had honestly been so concentrated on trying to avoid Valkyrie’s gaze and ignore Valkyrie’s presence from where she was sitting directly across from her that she had missed the fact that it was actually her turn to talk.
  “Oh! Uh… I’m thankful for becoming an assistant here for Mr. Stark! And getting to know this awesome group of friends I have,” Darcy explained with a smile, leaning forward to get a look at Carol, Kate, Natasha, and Yelena. Carol smiled fondly, and Kate grinned widely. Natasha’s eyes sparkled with something affectionate in her reserved manner, and Yelena, as much as she tried to look unhappy, had a smile that was threatening to tug at the corners of her lips.
  It was then Clint’s turn, and he looked at everyone, smiling a little as he shrugged.
  “I’m thankful for my family, Nat, Yelena, and even Kate sometimes,” Clint quipped, fully enjoying his comment as he glanced in Kate’s direction.
  “Thanks, Clint. I feel loved,” Kate commented in an attempt to muster some sarcasm. Instantly, she tried to hold back how her eyes went wide at the fact that she had actually used the l-word in relation to him. He just huffed in reply to her, grinning a bit, and she could not help but smile in response.
  “I guess like Darcy, I’m thankful for the group of friends that we have made together, and I’m really thankful for Natasha, Yelena, and Clint. They’ve helped me feel really welcome here ever since I came. And I’m also thankful for finally becoming an official Avenger-in-training with the ability to go on missions, so,” Kate shrugged.
  Darcy made some noise of encouragement, clapping momentarily, and Kate laughed a little with slight embarrassment. Natasha reached out, softly touching the back of Kate’s head as she stroked the flowing locks. Yelena honestly just looked utterly surprised at Kate’s admission.
  Kate then looked to Natasha, and Natasha moved her head in a gesture of acceptance as she looked at everyone around the table.
  “I’m thankful for all of us being together and in good health. I’m thankful for Clint, Kate, Carol, and Darcy, and all of you truly. Clint has been here for me through the worst and best of times, and Kate has become someone that is so special to me. Carol’s the best friend anyone could ask for, and Darcy has been someone that I hope to get to know even better over time,” Natasha paused for a moment before gazing at Yelena. Yelena just looked back at her with an adoring glint in her eyes. There was a gentle smile on her face, and nothing but pure love written in her features.
  Natasha took in a small breath, trying to prepare herself to expose more emotions that she would ordinarily dare to show in front of people that were outside of a select few in her world. However, in that moment, looking into Yelena’s eyes, there was only the two of them in this universe.
  “And I’m really thankful for my baby sister. I don’t know what I would do without her there as a constant supporter and friend,” Natasha explained, and Yelena swallowed hard, tears starting to form in her eyes as she moved forward and tried to hide at least part of her face in Natasha’s shoulder. Natasha held her for a moment, and Yelena forced composure within herself as she turned her face so that half of it was buried in Natasha’s arm.
  “And I’m thankful for all of the friends I have made. For Little Peter, the Boomer, Little Bishop, Lewis, and several others. Little Peter is my favorite out of you morons, though, with Boomer coming up as a far second,” Yelena admitted, and Peter from his end of the table instantly shrunk down from where he was seated next to Tony, utter mortification overcoming him at the fact that Yelena had uttered the nickname in front of everyone.
  “I’m most thankful for Natasha. I’m thankful she is safe and that she is still here with me. I am thankful that she is my sister, because there is no one else in the entire world that I would rather have as moya starshaya sestra,” Yelena confessed, the Russian words soft and offering the tenderness that she could not quite muster in English in front of an extended audience like this. Granted, she knew Bucky and Clint could also understand, but she was most concerned with Natasha being able to understand.
  Natasha’s eyes softened and they glinted with the slightest presence of tears. Natasha swallowed hard, and Yelena could not stop looking at her. All she wanted to do was just crawl in her lap and cuddle with her right now, but since they were at the table and literally every other Avenger in existence was around, she knew she could not quite do that just yet.
  “Aww, short-stack, I knew you loved me. That Christmas spirit is really making you sweeter than usual,” Carol called out, affection in her voice as she successfully broke the moment. Yelena knew that Carol had done it to dispel a bit of Yelena’s emotional mess that she was threatening to fall into, and Yelena was truly grateful.
  Therefore, to continue playing it casual, Yelena just scoffed in disdain, lowering her head back down to retreat into Natasha’s side as she chose to focus on her affection for her big sister. Natasha raised her arm, bringing her closer as a warm chuckle resounded within her and vibrating near Yelena’s ear.
  After this, they continued to move around the table, each person continued to express what they were thankful for, and Natasha and Yelena simply remained absorbed in their own world, focused on one another. Kate leaned into Natasha’s other side, and Natasha wasted no time in opening her arm to bring her into her side as well.
  They were thankful for one another, and that brought the truest happiness that they could ever have.
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dragonmasterkaylz · 10 months
Let’s Talk about Metatron!!!
Well… um—
“Why are you talking about me behind my back?!”
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No!!! I know I’m talking about YOU!!! Deanmon, I choose you!!!
Anyway… I’m talking about Metatron from Good Omens. Now, if watching Supernatural has taught me ANYTHING… it’s that Angels are just as bad as Demons! They love meddling, creating wars, need I go on?! And in Good Omens, I don’t see much of a difference, especially in season two. Granted, Gabriel doesn’t have his memories so he’s just a shell of the Angel he used to be. Aziraphale’s job is to make sure that the human race is okay and that nothing bad is happening. The same is said for Crowley, but his job is to meddle in human affairs and to make them succumb to their own temptations. … Right…?
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“Pretty much sweetheart”.
NO!!! NOT YOU— but you can stay. I like you~!
ANYWAY… the sudden appearance of Metatron in the sixth episode of season two made me feel very uneasy. Now, let’s just move onto Supernatural for a second. Metatron is the Scribe of God and he has a very important role— sorry… had a very important role. Eventually, he wants to control Heaven since Chuck isn’t around and causes the Angels to Fall, killing some of them in the process. He strips poor Castiel of his grace, turning him into a regular human being. In a desperate attempt to save his brothers life, Dean asks one of these Angels to take over Sam and heal him from this inside. This Angel is called Ezekiel… but then later turns out to be Gadreel, an Angel that follows Metatron. When Castiel comes back to the Bunker, after being found by Dean, he is immediately told to leave as his presence alone is making Gadreel very paranoid. And so, the two are separated, yet again! Later down the line, Metatron kills Dean, which turns him into a Demon because of the Mark of Cain. He tells Castiel this and the poor Angel is left… heartbroken, even though Metatron is no longer in charge of Heaven and Castiel is.
Now, to the sudden appearance of Metatron in Good Omens. He seems like a good guy and he probably just wanted to give Aziraphale the offer of an Angels Eternal Life! We don’t know his true motives yet, so I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt. But when our beloved Angel asked him what he was tasked with, his face dropped. The ‘Second Coming’ is basically when Jesus Christ returns to Earth. And from how Aziraphale acted, it’s either not a good thing or it’s just a very difficult task for him to carry out. Maybe he thinks there’s just too much weight on him and that’s why he looked very uncomfortable as soon as Metatron told him what it was. However, something seems very calculating about this new Metatron….
He told Aziraphale that he could ask Crowley to join him and that he has the power to turn him back into an Angel. He asked Aziraphale to do this, instead of asking the Demon himself, which he could’ve done! But he didn’t. Which brings to me to think that he could’ve known that Crowley wouldn’t have agreed to it… because when Aziraphale told him the news, Metatron did seem to know that Crowley was more of a lone wolf. Did he purposely make Aziraphale ask him so the two would argue and part ways on a bad note? Did he want Aziraphale and Crowley to part ways so Heaven and Hell would officially have no connection to one another? Because with Gabriel and Beelzebub gone, they only had one couple tying them together. Crowley and Aziraphale. Hell was very much convinced that Crowley was only using him to get information out of him, that’s why I’m suggesting this. Did he want to sever that forever, so that a war between the two factions could happen? Because if the two are no longer partners and with Crowley on his own, no one can object. So here’s my question:
I think the only way we’ll know the answer to this question is by waiting for season three to come out, and watching it. Personally, I cannot live with that ending!!! It’s almost as bad as when Castiel told Dean that he loved him and then was taken by the Empty!!!
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“Kayleigh… please stop reminding me…!”
Why am I bringing Supernatural into this, you ask? Well, because I can! Also, because my silliness knows absolutely no bounds. Hehe~! 😋
You can agree with me or disagree with me. But I haven’t trusted a single Angel in Good Omens, apart from our hot chocolate loving Aziraphale. Please let me know if I was wrong on any of the points I’ve made by the way and if I am, I’m so sorry.
End of Kayleigh’s Rant
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Rescue of the princess
My oc Jada!!!
Custody battle royal! Inspired by my fav @sanyu-thewitch05 after reading her amazing work Custody war and so I decided my make my own 😁
Night Raven College vs Royal sword!!
I've been thinking about this for so long! Now I get to do it!
Ok so after Jada and Grim leave NRC after she wasn't taken care of properly so Royal sword step in and things get crazy 🤣🫶🏾.
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Jada was special to everyone. But sometimes people don't always take note of small signs that someone is struggling. Ramshackle dorm was old and well...a shack with friendly ghost and no heat, no hot water, questionable color of water, no food and that caused Jada to hide it.
Grim couldn't take it much longer seeing his female human being sick from time to time due to no heating in the place. It was another day and Jada was getting over her cold but after the overblot of Ida she's been under more stress yet by the grace of the Great sevens passed her tests and exams wonderfully but it took a toll on her.
"Jada is coming to eat lunch with me!" Said Ace "We're eating lunch at the same time!" Said Deuce back.
"Guys..stop..." She said before falling back fainting Jack caught her in time Ruggie and Leona ran to her as Vil check her breathing "Rook get the nurse!" He said.
Jada's pov
It was dark. Cold..no warm it was all of sudden warm and I heard crying and talking I felt something furry on me.
I opened my eyes to see the nurse room lights and Grim on me he was crying I raise my hand to pet him he noticed me move "Guys she's awake!"
Everyone looked at me "Jada oh thank the Great sevens above your alright!"
Said her father Crowley he adopted her when she was little basically a new born baby. She gets dreams about it a man wearing a blue wizard outfit and holding her looking at her smiling, then she was in a pink room with Aurora 3 godmothers dolls above her playing a melody.
"Dad? What happened?" "You fainted at lunch and Rook got the nurse and me and we saw you on the floor."
"Are you ok? Did you hurt your head?"
Said sam worried "No Jack caught me." "Great that's great." Said Crowley as he pat him on the back for helping his daughter.
The next day no one pov
It was so cold that Jada made a fire in the fireplace after cleaning it the ghosts tell her it's not safe or good for her health but her dad wanted ramshackle to be used for once so she agreed to take it but she didn't want to she had to. her dad had dorms run and that was Incase more students show and some are filled they would go there and he could make money off it.
She repaired what she could and what she couldn't needed tools and paint that was a bit expensive so knowing her cheap dad she didn't ask him for it since he gave excuses why he couldn't get it right now.
Neige from Royal sword came by to visit and it didn't go well he visited Jada in ramshackle seeing how old and feeling how cold it was and he asked "Doesn't the head master know this needs fixing?" "Yeah but he's busy with more important things plus while he was gone I basically took over and dealt with not 1 but 6 overblots, 5 dorm leaders, 1 vice went overblot."
He looked worried for her.
"Oh and ha can't forget almost dying 4 times in a row." She laughed before her laughter turned into crying while she was still smiling "I..I tried to help my dad by helping people so they wouldn't overblot..and I made it worse!" She cried and he hugged her "I'm tired of fighting for my life every single day I wake up and dealing with the weight of this school on my shoulders alone!"
"I graduated from here already and I still feel like a overwhelmed student..well woman actually."
Neige picked up her head having her tear stained face looking at him "No lady as yourself deserves this.. no lady should have to go through this!"
He gets up and take out his phone "W-what are you doing?" "Calling for reinforcements and back up you and your cat pack your belongings."
Grim went and go his little back "Why?" She asked "Because your leaving this place and your going to be treated right."
After she packed her things and Grim did too Neige takes her hand as she and Grim walked to the entrance of Night Raven College only to be stopped "And where do you think your going with my apple blossom?!"
Said Vil drawing attention everyone stopped in their tracks realizing that a Royal Sword student was on school grounds.
"Eh? Who do you think you are coming here takin our shrimp?" Said Floyd
"I'm taking her somewhere safe and secure unlike this place!" "What are you talking about?" "She's not safe or happy here that shack she and her cat is living in isn't safe for them so I under command am taking her to Royal sword where she'd be safe!"
"And who gave you that authority!?" Said Crowley angry "I did." Said a voice is what head master Ambrose with the other students standing there and some drew out swords in defense of Neige and Jada and Grim "Back away and no one gets hurt!" They said together.
"Guys no no fighting please-!" She tipped over "Jada!" Said Neige catching her "Are you ok?!" "I.. I'm tired Grim..so hungry." "What is she talking about?" Said Crowley.
"She hasn't eaten in days weeks even she told me there was barely food and drinkable water and water to bathe in ramshackle!" "And that Crowley is why I'm here from this day forward Jada will be living in Royal Sword I'm taking my daughter back."
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magicalnotations · 1 year
How to Pray to God: A Hermetic Guide
To preface this: there is not an objectively wrong or right way to pray to God, only some minor guidelines presented in the Corpus Hermetica. Pray in the manner that you desire, that makes you feel the closest to God.
Now, onto what the Hermetica says about prayer to the Lord. 
“You whom we address in silence, the unspeakable, the unsayable, accept pure speech offerings from a heart and soul that reach up to you.” [CH 1.31]
“You then, Tat, my child, pray first to the Lord, the Father, the only…ask him the grace to enable you to understand so great a god, to permit even one ray of his to illuminate your thinking…” [CH 5.2]
“Therefore, my child, one who gives thanks to God must pray to acquire a good mind.” [CH 5.22]
“...they begin praying to God and turning to the south (for when someone wants to entreat God at sunset, he should direct his gaze to that quarter, and likewise at sunrise toward the direction they call east…) [Asclepius 41]
“...should we suggest that your father tell them to add frankincense and spices as we pray to God? A bad omen, Asclepius, very bad. To burn incense and such stuff when you entreat God smacks of sacrilege. For he wants nothing who is himself all things in whom all things are. Rather let us worship him by giving thanks, for God finds mortal gratitude to be the best incense.” [Asclepius 41]
Well, then, now we have some guidelines. 
Pray to God silently, aka, in your head as opposed to verbally out loud.
If you pray to multiple gods, pray to God first. 
Before giving thanks, ask God for good mind.
When praying to God, face the sun! Now this could be intended for certain prayers or all, I do not know. Personally, I only do this when reciting the prayers given in the CH. 
Do not give any offerings to God, it is unnecessary. 
There we have it, the guidelines surrounding prayer seen in the Hermetica.
To address the following questions: What do I say? When should I pray?
You can pray whenever you would like to! However, sunrise or sunset for specific prayers.
As far as what to say - that depends on why you’re praying. There’s no pressure when praying to the Lord, for he knows of our struggles and intentions. If you need guidance or strength, simply ask for it. If you need someone to listen, pour out your heart. If you simply wish to worship, the Hermetica has your back with some lovely prayers:
The Prayer of Thanksgiving (Asclepius 41)
Initiatory Hymn of Silence (CH 8)
More hermetic prayers (among a plethora of other fantastic articles) can be found on the wonderful website of Sam Block under the “prayers” and “hermetic prayers” section, linked below. You can also write your own! 
The Digital Ambler
Take care!
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casspurrjoybell-17 · 2 months
Hart and Hunter - Chapter 17 - Part 1
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*Warning Adult Content*
Dane Hunter 
"You're sure you've got a positive ID?" I ask, angling my flashlight down into the well-like depths.
Far below, the beam glances off pale, bloated flesh and a shock of gray hair. 
"I'm sure," Halloran says, wiping sweat from his brow and leaving a smear of mud.
"I got a good look when we collected his body from the scene and I've been staring at photos of the man for the last several days. It's him." 
"How is that possible?" Julian breathes, leaning over the edge of the chasm for a better look.
"I thought he was cremated." 
"Somebody was," I say, hooking my fingers through the back of his belt in case he leans too far. 
"Someone switched the bodies?" Ingrid asks, her voice still a little shaky after her shock. 
"I don't think so," Halloran says.
"I think this body has been here all along." 
"Wait a minute," Julian says, shaking his head.
"You just said you got a good look at Lagrange's body and that this is Lagrange," he adds, pointing into the pit.
"So, which is it?" 
"If I'm right, both," Halloran replies. 
Footsteps draw my attention to the corridor and I turn as Ian, Sam and Chloe appear.
"What happened?" Ian asks.
"We heard a scream." 
Julian and Sam wear matching scowls as Ian's eyes fix on Julian first. 
"Everyone's fine," Julian says.
"Ingrid found a dead guy." 
Ian gawks.
"A what?" 
In a few excited sentences, Grace and Ingrid tell the others what we've found.
Ian's expression grows grim but to my surprise, his confusion clears while the rest of us remain perplexed. 
"Shit," he says.
"Sounds like a skin-changer." 
"A skin-changer?" Grace repeats nervously.
"Is that like... like a Skin-walker?" 
"No, not really," Ian says.
"Skin-walkers are human witches who use magic to take an animal form. Skin-changers are..." he trails off and looks at Halloran. 
"Fae monsters," says he.
"A cross between the vampire and the doppelganger, you might say. They feed on the life force of a victim and thereby assume the victim's shape. Such, it seems, was the fate of the unfortunate Mr. Lagrange." 
"Then the body in the shop..." Ingrid trails off. 
"Was the skin-changer." 
"That explains why Lagrange's name wasn't in the database," Grace says.
"And why nobody knew he was a Shifter. He wasn't." 
"Now, the question is, who was?" Chloe adds.
"Who was the skin-changer, really?" 
Halloran shakes his head.
"We may never know. They don't really have their own identities but it explains why Rhiannon spent so much time tracking her target... she knew he'd taken one of the shop-owners but not which one." 
"Something's not adding up," I say, tugging Julian back from the ledge.
"If Lagrange's body was down here and Rhiannon was down here, how did she not know the skin-changer had taken Lagrange? Wouldn't the body have made it obvious?" 
Halloran shrugs.
"I doubt the skin-changer left the body lying around. It was probably well hidden. Perhaps finding it is what finally led her to her target." 
"It wasn't here before, anyway," Julian adds.
"We'd have noticed a dead body. Maybe Rhiannon left it here for us to find." 
"What, like a cat leaving a dead bird on the front step?" Ingrid asks. 
"It may have been submerged," I point out.
"Bodies actually sink at first. Takes a few days, longer in cold water, before they float back up. However..." I peer over the edge again.
It's hard to pick up details from this distance but I can see enough.
"You're right. He'd have been past that point already." 
"Okay, okay," Ingrid says, unclipping herself from the climbing harness.
"So 'Grangey got done by the skin-changer and the skin-changer takes his place. How's his wife not notice that?" 
"Skin-changers absorb their victim's personality and memories along with their appearance," Halloran says.
"The poor woman probably had no idea." 
"Or she's not herself either," Ian says slowly. 
"Skin-changers work in pairs, I thought."
Halloran shoots him a sharp glance.
"Aye, they do." 
"Wait, so there's another one?" Julian asks. 
"That's not the worst part, either," Ian continues, rubbing the back of his head and glancing apologetically at me, as if the bad news is somehow his fault.
"They, uh... Well, it takes a while to, you know... absorb everything. They drain their victims a little at a time. It can take from a few weeks to over a month." 
Julian looks ill.
"You mean... all the time the skin-changer was passing itself off as Lagrange, the real Lagrange was...?" 
"Still alive," Ian confirms.
"After the last victim dies, the changer has about a week before it has to take another victim. I'd guess your gran got him just in time." 
"But if there's another..." Grace says slowly, her dark eyes widening with dawning horror. 
"Yeah," Ian says.
"If there's another, there's another victim somewhere. Maybe still alive. Either way, if someone else disappears, we'll know who was the changer but not who they've become, unless we find the victim first." 
"Fuck," Julian swears, gazing down into the pit again.
"And what do we do with him? We can't just leave him here... can we?" 
"No," I say.
"On a purely practical note, we've no idea where this water comes out. It could be a health hazard. We'll have to report it." 
Halloran sighs.
"Yes, of course. I suppose it will sort itself out, one way or another." 
"In the meantime, can we, like, get the fuck out of here?" Ingrid asks.
"'Cause I just about had enough of this place."
Ingrid, Grace and Chloe depart first, the latter promising to sort and search through all the photos we'd taken, as well as match our makeshift map of the tunnels to the streets above. 
Ian and Sam hang around a few minutes more. 
"Let us know what else we can do to help," Ian says, hands in the pockets of his jeans and shoulders hunched awkwardly.
"Especially if you get a lead on that other skin-changer." 
"Thanks, Ian. Turns out you got a pretty good memory after all," Julian says with a smile. 
Ian's face reddens slightly and Sam scowls at Julian. 
"I don't suppose there's an easy way to tell if someone's a skin-changer, is there?" I ask and Ian shrugs.
"Not while they're alive. After they die, they'll keep the shape of their last victim for a while but then they'll revert to their original shape." 
"Which is?" I ask. 
"Not pleasant, I fear," Halloran supplies.
"Skin-changers, in being like vampires, are effectively immortal. However, if they fail to feed or once they die, they regain their original form. The older the skin-changer, the less attractive that is. The faster one burns the body, the better." 
"Guess that explains the posthaste cremation," Julian says.
"The question is, who arranged it?" 
"Indeed," Halloran agrees.
"And if we find the answer, I think we will find our second changer as well." 
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