#very tired out from my students today so good night!
expelliarmus · 9 months
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justauthoring · 2 months
jerk [2].
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because bakugou katsuki is a jerk but he's also unfortunately your soulmate.
a/n: the LARGELY requested part two! honestly, i'd be willing to write more parts if people wanted :) this part ended up being more about the girls and y/ns friendship but i couldn't help myself - if you guys want some fluff with bakugou for future parts, just let me know!
pairing: bakugou katsuki x f!reader
part one.
“You’re hiding something from us.”
There’s a beat of silence, then another, then another and when finally, you realize you should say something, you blink, sputtering out a barely believable; “no i’m not.”
Mina and Jirou glance at each other, then behind them at the rest of the girls, and you feel a layer of sweat build up when you realize all of your female classmates are here, surrounding you, demanding an answer. And you’ve never really been all that good at lying before, it’s how Bakugou was able to figure out the whole “i’m your soulmate thing” rather quickly and it had only taken him as long as it had because, well, it was Bakugou.
So, to put it bluntly, you’re screwed.
“Come on, Y/N,” Mina laughs, “that wasn’t even remotely believable.”
You know it’s written across your face, your eyes wide and your lips parted and you’re sure you look like quite the picture in that moment surrounded by every single female student in your class, a group of girls you considered your friends but were feeling considerably more like your interrogators in that moment. 
But you have to at least try.
“I’m not hiding anything,” you repeat, this time taking special care to make sure your voice is even and somewhat believable. “I’m just… tired. It’s been throwing my balance off. Sorry guys.”
You really are because you have been weird recently and you were hiding things (even if you were desperate for them not to know that) so the sincerity was there and it seems to be enough because they all glance at each other, frowning, and you can literally see the determination fade as Momo speaks up first.
“You have been leaving to train a lot,” she agrees with a solemn nod. “It’s no wonder you’re so tired. But you should still try to get some rest, don’t push yourself so hard.”
You let out a breath of relief, trying not to let it show as some of the girls shuffle back to walk away, until—
“Wait, that reminds me!”
It’s Jirou who calls it out and you feel yourself freeze.
“She hasn’t been training!”
Eyes widening, you turn to look at Jirou. She’s grinning your way, her figure pointed in your direction, clearly pleased she’d caught you in your lie.
“Jirou,” Uraraka calls out, confused. “What are you–”
“Two nights ago when she left to go training, I followed her, thinking we could train together… she wasn’t there.”
They gasp. Literally gasp.
“Now that you mention it,” Froppy nods, finger held to her chin in thought. “I haven’t actually seen her in the gym very often… nor does she look particularly like a person who’s just trained when she comes back.”
Their eyes fall on you and you take a step back.
And then you just run.
“I can’t believe she just ran!”
“I know!”
“Guys, I’m sure she had her reasons.”
Mina’s lips are left parted at the sound of Kirishima’s voice, all the girls turning to face him in the living room where he’s sat with the rest of the class.
“Y/N,” Mina explains with a huff, falling into the couch dramatically. “She’s been ditching us constantly and always leaving right after we return from class with some excuse. When we tried to ask her about it today, she lied and then when we caught on to her lie, she ran! Literally just bolting down the hallway before we could even blink.”
Kirishima frowns, glancing over to Denki on his left.
“That doesn’t sound like Y/N,” Deku calls out from across the room, head tilted in curiosity. “Especially to lie to you guys.”
“I know!” Mina calls out, throwing her hands up in exasperation. 
“Like I said,” Uraraka speaks up, trying to remain calm. “I’m sure she has her reasons. Maybe something’s wrong…”
“You think she could be in danger?” Shoto asks, quirking a brow. 
Uraraka shrugs; “I don’t know… I hope not.”
Everyone falls silent, worried expressions plastered on their faces.
“Wait, Kirishima… bro.” Denki calls, reaching to shake Kirishima aggressively, to which the red-haired boy swats his hands away, shaking his head.
“Hasn’t Bakubro been disappearing a lot too?”
All the girls straighten out.
Kirishima just shakes his head; “Bakugou is always disappearing. You know he doesn’t like hanging with us a lot.”
“No, Denki’s right,” Sero nods, “even if he isn’t hanging with us, he’s usually in his room or in the gym. Recently, he just completely disappears.”
“I guess you’re right…” Kirishima frowns.
“Wait,” Jirou calls out, “what are you saying? That Bakugou is disappearing with Y/N?”
“That’s crazy,” Mina brushes off. “I’ve never even seen the two talk to each other unless they’re forced to–wait.”
Everyone's eyes snap to hers, wide.
“You don’t think… no. It’s not possible.”
“Oh my god,” Denki cries out suddenly, leaning forward with a manic look in his eyes. “Bakubro is hurting Y/N!”
“No way!” Kirishima calls out, turning to Denki. “Bakugou is a lot of things, but he would never hurt somebody intentionally. Especially not a girl. That’s not manly. Right, Midoriya?”
“Right,” Deku nods confidently, before pausing; “I think?”
“Guys, no!” Mina cuts in, shaking her hands widely before her. “That’s not what I meant.”
“Okay…” Momo nods, “then what?”
She leans in, pausing for dramatic effect. “He could be… her soulmate!”
There’s silence, then, “no way.”
Mina’s face falls; “why not?”
“Bakugou? Having a soulmate?” Jirou snorts, “I doubt that.”
“Everybody has one!”
“Okay, the odds of him actually caring about his soulmate are slim to none,” Froppy offers in response.
“Yeah,” Deku nods, “I've never once seen Kacchan show interest in his soulmate like… ever.”
Kirishima shakes his head; “even I have to admit that’s so not manly.”
Everyone shuffles around agreements but Mina is quick to argue; “have any of you guys ever seen Bakugou’s soulmate mark?” Slowly, one by one, all glancing at each other, the guys shake their heads. Mina then turns to the girls. “Okay, have any of you ever seen Y/N’s? Cause she’s never shown or told me.”
The girls all shake their heads.
“So how can you really know?” Mina raises a brow, “I mean, Y/N is always so secretive about her mark. She refuses to tell me.”
“Bakugou, we have—”
Coming to a sharp halt, lips left parted, you blink up at Bakugou.
With a grin, Bakugou gently shuts your mouth with a hand to your jaw, laughing lightly; “say Katsuki. That’s my name.”
You can feel your cheeks warm, profusely, and a burst of heat flood through you as you pull yourself from his touch, avoiding his gaze. “Katsuki,” you oblige with a huff and a pout. “We have a problem.”
“Yes?” Bakugou asks, raising a brow your way as he lowers the weight’s he’d been lifting.
“The girls are onto us!”
Bakugou just stares down at you. “What does that mean?”
Exasperated at his obliviousness, you huff, stretching your hands out before you for emphasis as you stare up at him, wide-eyed. “They know I’ve been disappearing after class a lot. I tried to tell them I was training, which I guess we usually are but Jirou caught on to that being a lie too and now they’re onto us!”
Bakugou just blinks. “But what do you mean onto us?”
You let out a cry; “Katsuki! They’re gonna know we’re soulmates!”
Pressing a hand to your face, you can’t believe your situation. Not only were the girls onto you, they knew you were lying, which made you feel awful and if they found out that you’d been spending all your time with Bakugou… well that was bound to bring up more questions. Questions you wouldn’t be able to avoid. Questions that would ultimately lead to them finding out Bakugou was your soulmate.
A hand gently reaches for your wrists, pulling your hands away from your face as Bakugou crouches to meet your eyes directly. 
“Why is it such a big deal?” He asks gently, an odd tone that you’re still not used to hearing from Bakugou yet. His face remains neutral but there’s patience lingering in his eyes as he waits for you to explain why you’re so upset.
And you do. Your lips part and the words are at the tip of your tongue until, suddenly, you can’t say anything.
Nothing leaves your lips.
“You don’t want them to know?”
Blinking, you bite your lip. “It’s not that, it’s just…” But again, you can’t find the words.
“You don’t trust them?”
“Of course I do,” you argue instantly, “they’re my best friends.”
“Okay…” he says slowly, and then his face twists, “are you… embarrassed of me?”
Meeting his gaze, you frown. “...No,” you whisper, and you mean the words.
“Then what’s the problem?”
“I…” Shoulders falling, you frown. “Nothing… I guess.”
“So,” he says, “let them find out!”
Sputtering, you lean back; “it’s not like you’ve told Kirishima or any of the other guys!”
“It’s none of their business,” Bakugou shrugs, letting go of your wrists to set his hand on your head. “But if it makes you feel better, I'll tell them.”
You find yourself silent with disbelief once again, Bakugou’s words echoing in your mind paired with the look in his eyes. Just staring down at you.
Looking at you.
Like you’re his whole world.
“I’m sorry.”
They blink at you.
“I’m sorry about running away yesterday.”
Another blink.
“And I'm sorry I’ve been lying to you guys for the past few weeks.”
Slowly, all the girls glance at each other, trying to gauge the situation, before Uraraka is the first to speak up.
“It’s okay,” she assures with a smile, setting her hand on your shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze. “We appreciate you apologizing. We were just worried.”
“We wanna make sure you’re okay,” Jirou adds, smiling shyly at you. 
You take a look at all of their faces, seeing the sincerity staring back at you, before settling on Mina who still has a hint of hurt in her eyes but there’s also hope.
Well, here goes nothing.
“Bakugou’s my soulmate.”
Silence echoes, once again, before.
“I knew it!”
There’s a mix of words, gasps of disbelief and shouts of question thrown out at you as all the girls rush towards you, swarming you, desperate for answers.
You laugh a little at their reaction, and that catches their attention.
“Y/N?” Mina asks, confused.
“I’ve been sneaking off to see him,” you explain to her, meeting her gaze, before letting your gaze drift. “I didn’t say anything because I’m still adjusting to it myself and I still don’t know how to feel about it. But I realized it isn’t fair to lie to you guys like that and that I want you guys to know because you matter so much to me.”
“Y/N…” Uraraka mumbles, tears welling in her eyes.
Her expression mimics many of the other girls before suddenly there’s a body slamming against your own, arms wrapping tightly around your waist as you stumble back, trying to catch your footing.
“Oh. My. God!” Mina screams, you wincing at the sheer volume, as she pulls back, grinning brightly at you. “You have to tell us everything!”
The next morning, you’re sitting at the island in the kitchen eating breakfast, chatting to Mina, Jirou and Kirishima. The rest of the students trickle by, some making breakfast, some in the living room, all in their own conversations, until suddenly it all stops.
It takes you a moment to realize Kirishima, Mina and Jirou are no longer listening to you, head turned to their right and following their gaze, curious, you blink when you realize it’s Bakugou they’re staring at. It’s not like he’s doing anything particularly odd, nothing except for the fact that his gaze is directed on you and he’s heading straight for you and then suddenly, he’s right in front of you.
His gaze drifts from you, to your plate, back to you; “who made you that?”
“Nobody,” you say slowly, still stunned. “I made it.”
He’s grabbing the plate before you can say anything else, pressing a kiss to your forehead that has your cheeks burning before turning and making his way to the fridge.
“I’ll make you something better,” is all he says in explanation.
Your gaze slowly drifts from him to Mina and Jirou who are grinning widely at you, before there’s the shout of;
“Did Bakubro just kiss Y/N?!”
“And offer to make her breakfast!”
“Wait,” Kirishima suddenly calls after Sero and Denki, turning to Mina and Jirou, “why are two grinning!?”
“All the girls are!” Deku exclaims, pointing at Uraraka and Froppy in front of him.
“You guys knew?”
“Of course,” Mina grins, sending a wink Kirishima’s way before shrugging. “Isn’t that right, Bakugou? You and Y/N are soulmates!”
Everyone expects him to ignore her or tell her to shut up, but instead, he pauses in what he’d been doing (cracking an egg for you), turning his head over his shoulders to meet your gaze before smirking. 
“That’s right.”
And chaos follows.
Utter and complete chaos.
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arminsumi · 8 months
Could you pls pls pls write a fluffy oneshot of gojo and his fav student? The colour hair dye and the ice cream oneshots have never left my mind 🤭😭
↳ GOJO さとる + fem!reader
An evening training session with Gojo and his favorite student, ending as a lavish dinner date.
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Note : aaa i hope u like this!! hehe so giddy to know my fics are in ur mind 🤭💗 thank u for enjoying them
Mentioned posts : hair dye fic / sweet tooth
Warnings : teacher/student relationship, romantic tension
Playme : heaven and back
🍒 More from Jay : Gojo works / Gojo fave works / JJK works / oct. reqs open
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"Gojo-sensei, I'm tired. We've been practicing for two hours." he listened to you complain, and shook his head.
"Tired? Nah. On your feet, let's go through that motion again. C'mon, up up up — what, do I have to pick you up myself?"
His arms hooked around you and he pressed his chest flat to yours while hoisting you up. Few things get his heart racing, but teaching you martial arts? He may seem very composed, but his heart throbs each time he sees you acting clumsy and amateur.
You had such a long way to go, and he wanted to see these days through until you were just as good if not better than him. Even if it was impossible. He still wanted his favorite student to be considered the second-strongest, at least in hand-to-hand combat.
"Ow, my knee..." you mumbled half-heartedly.
"Don't be a weakling." he smiled cheekily, "Is my star student really too tired to continue? Is a bruised knee really gonna stop you?"
You pouted. "You're the one who bruised my knee..."
Look at that adorable pout. She's taking after me.
"Well, maybe you shoulda dodged it." he cheeked.
"Gojo-sensei, you push me too hard." you said.
"I know, I'm sorry." he smiled.
The two of you finally sat down for a break. Night had fallen, stars were up in the blackened sky. There must have been a cricket in the wood panel of the door Gojo leaned against, because he heard it very loudly in his ear. So he scooted away from the noise and moved closer to you, unaware of how the increased proximity made you buzz.
You and him shared a thoughtful silence. Then his voice penetrated deep and low, his tone serious.
"I push you so hard because I want you to become the strongest."
"Uh, haha... do you want me to answer that as Satoru or as your teacher?"
"...? Huh? Hm... um... I want both versions of your answer."
"Well... as your teacher... I want you to be able to fight for future generations and pass on your skills."
"And... as Satoru...?"
He hesitated, then slowly answered;
"So I don't have to be the strongest all by myself."
He looked at you with a sheepish smile.
"Selfish, huh?"
"It's okay to be selfish to an extent. I hardly ever see you doing anything for yourself."
The crickets continued making louder symphonies.
"Sato— ahm, Gojo-sensei. I will try my best to fill the role you want me to fill. I don't want you to feel alone."
"... I know it's an overwhelming role, I don't really have the right to push this on y—"
"—I will do it for you because I love you."
"Respect, I meant respect!" you backtracked.
"Hahaha, sure."
"... love you too." he winked.
"Shut up!"
"What, I can't tell my favorite student that I love her back?!" he teased.
"Th-that's inappropriate, haha."
"But you just told your teacher you love him. That was also inappropriate."
"I— yeah! Well!"
He stared at you for a long, long moment, absorbing the weight of your I love you that lingered in the air between you and him.
"Alright. Let's wrap up practice for the night."
"Really! God... I thought you were gonna make me do the whole thing again out of spite for saying something inappropriate."
He winked, "No, I'll reprimand you tomorrow for that. Come on. We're going out."
"We're going out...? Are you taking me out as your favorite student, or are you taking me out as me?"
He smirked. "Both... I think my favorite student deserves a good reward after practicing so hard today, but I also just... want to selfishly take you out on a date."
Gojo spoiled you on this night out. Really spoiled you. Bought you a dress, put on his best suit ditched his blindfold, took you to one of the most expensive restaurants that he knew of. Indulged in your company not as his student, but as someone he wanted to get to know... someone maybe he was interested in.
He leaned over the table to fluster you with teasingly close proximity, and straightened out his tie because he was sorely aware of how attractive his hands looked when he did that.
"Go on, don't be shy. Tell me about yourself."
"But you already know me."
"I don't know enough." he shook his head.
"Well... I'm lost... I don't know where to start." you chuckled, staring down at your cleared plate of dessert. It was rich and sweet, he said it was his favorite.
"Then I'll ask." he looked at you, and leaned over the table with one elbow, resting his chin on the back of his palm. "What's your love life looking like at the moment?"
You let out a laugh at this, which he half-expected.
"Well, I'm on a date with my teacher..." you said, jokingly.
He chuckled.
"Tell me." he then said seriously, "I want to know."
"Well... my love life is pretty... unsaturated...?"
"Unsaturated...?" he raised a brow. "What do you mean by that?"
"Dull. I mean it's dull. Any time I develop romantic feelings for someone... well they drain out just as quickly as they flood in." you admitted.
He looked at you contemplatively.
"Is that so..."
"Ahah, you seem surprised."
"I am. I thought you'd have a more glamorous love life, like me." he joked.
"Oh? I'm all ears, Gojo-sensei."
He looked at you deeply, "Call me Satoru." he murmured under his breath.
Your heart panged.
"... anyways, uh... haha. Yeah... my glamorous love life... I've been on two dates in my life including this one."
"Just two?!"
He nodded. "The first one doesn't really count, because I was fourteen and it was a boyish crush."
"... so... this one counts...?"
"Well, yes." he said, "Of course it does. This is not a boyish crush, after all..."
You and him stared at each other for a long, tender moment. Got lost in each other's worlds, which were contained in those irises. Suddenly understood each other's deep feelings, revealed by those dilated pupils.
Yes his pupils always dilated for you, but you never noticed before with that strip of black having concealed his eyes.
"—Just call me Satoru already." he overlapped his hand with yours, both resting midway on the table.
"Why?" you asked. "Why do you want me to call you that?"
He hesitated, wondering if you were asking that rhetorically. The restaurant was dim, the environment slow and luxurious, fancy, expensive... heavenly golden hue, casting over you and him.
"... because I want to hear you calling out my name."
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© arminsumi
Do not plagiarize / repost / translate / copy layouts / etc.
Do not steal what I've worked hard to create.
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thehalfbloodedwitch · 2 years
Foes to Fond (M.r. x reader)
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Pairing- Mattheo x Femreader
Summary- The reader and Mattheo get into a very nasty fight, which seems to lead to a little confession from Mattheo’s side. | Fluff
Requested by- @hornysimpbitch
A/n- I am so sorry lovely for delaying your request but here it is! I hope you like it!
Warnings- Cursing,, making out and that’s all
Meanings- Y/n/n= your nickname
Words- 3,152 words
Mattheo Masterlist Main Masterlist
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The quill scratched the paper as you scribbled down something yet again. For the fifteenth time, you ripped the parchment apart and chucked it towards the dustbin with a frown on your face.
"Fuck, I can’t even understand this shit at all," you muttered under your breath after you closed your book and placed the quill on the table, frustrated and removing your reading glasses.
You have by now tried to understand transfiguration but have failed miserably multiple times. You have by now given up on ever learning the art of transfiguration because you simply couldn’t understand its use and the pronunciation of these spells.
The transfiguration test was tomorrow, and here you were in the library at 12 in the night trying to figure out the topics that were coming for the test, and you simply couldn’t understand anything at all. Your reading glasses were set aside, and you tried closing your eyes and breathing slowly, but that didn’t work either.
And now, there were piles upon piles of books kept on your table with crumpled paper all over the place. You were exhausted and tired of trying to learn this subject. At this point of time, you didn’t care if you learnt anything or not, you needed sleep. Your eyes were already tired and were closing with every second that passed.
So you stood up and walked out of the library without making a sound, muttered the Gryffindor Tower password, entered your dormitory, flopped onto your bed, and passed out.
"Y/n/n, wake up! You’re late! " "What happened?" you asked, which made you stand up and rub your eyes, "What happened?" you asked, to which Hermione sighed, "You’re late Y/n. "Get ready as quickly as you can, or else you’ll miss breakfast," she said, and left the dormitory for you to get ready.
You washed your face and stared into the mirror. Dark circles were visible under your eyes and your face looked tired. You sighed and put on face wash and quickly brushed your teeth. You grabbed your uniform and wore it and rushed to the Great Hall for breakfast.
"You should’ve woken me up a bit earlier, mione," you said as you stuffed some eggs and toast in your mouth, "Looks like someone woke up late," Harry teased as he smiled at you and you glared at him. "Not funny," you managed to speak with the food that was in your mouth.
"It wasn't my fault, Y/n; I tried several times to wake you up but you were sound asleep," Hermione explained, "Why were you awake so late anyway?""I was studying for transfiguration," you explained while sipping some orange juice.
"Good afternoon, students!" Professor McGonagall greeted everyone as she entered the classroom. "Today, as I had discussed earlier with all of you, will be your test on the topics we have learned so far. This is a theoretical test, so please be seated with your ink and quills ready," she said as she started distributing the test question papers to all the students.
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath before you looked at the question paper. The questions that were asked in it were nothing you had studied yesterday, or even if you did, you forgot. With whatever you could recollect, you wrote the answers, submitted them to the professor, and left the class waiting for your friends to come out.
"How did you do your test?" "Don’t ask, I would’ve miserably failed," you said as you looked at him with sad eyes, Harry smiled at you and said, "Don’t worry, this is just a test," and patted your back to make you feel a bit better, at which you smiled at him.
"Oh, look at these love birds! Aren’t they adorable!" A voice spoke right behind you, and you knew exactly who this was, "What the fuck is wrong with you, Riddle?" you sneered as you turned around to face Mattheo Riddle.
"Oh, nothing’s wrong with me Y/l/n, I am absolutely fine," he said as he smirked and glared at you. "Leave Riddle, you don’t want to start a fight here which you’ll obviously lose," Ron said as he came out of the classroom and stood beside Harry.
"Try me, Weasley, we’ll see who wins." Mattheo said as he slowly approached the three of you when Hermione came out and yelled, "Stop! We don’t want to get detention now, do we? "she looked at you three.
"Let’s go," you said, as you took Ron’s and Harry’s arms and walked away before turning around to glare at Mattheo one more time and leaving with Hermione.
"What’s wrong with riddle man? "He's always here to ruin the mood," Harry said as you went to your next class, and you chuckled and replied, "It’s fine, Harold," at which all four of you laughed.
"Ms. Y/l/n, would you mind staying back after class, I have to discuss something important." Professor McGonagall called out to you the next day in transfiguration class. You had gotten your results, and let’s just say they weren’t good at all. Your mood had dropped so low that during the whole class you silently looked at your textbook with no expression on your face.
"Psst, what happened?" After a while of looking at you, Ron whispered, "Not now, later." You replied, and once again stared at the textbook in front of you. Ron sighed and averted his gaze from the professor, concentrating on what she was teaching.
"Ms. Y/l/n, I presume that you do know that what you have done on this test isn’t acceptable at all." McGonagall said in a concerned tone, "Yes, ma'am," you replied, but your gaze was drawn to a stack of parchment on the table.
"Dear, you have to take transfiguration seriously, I have seen your marks in other subjects and they are exceptionally good, I have found that you have only a problem with transfiguration. Could you tell me what problems are you facing in this subject? Where do you face difficulties?" All the professor asked you, and all you could do was sigh heavily and reply, "The problem I am facing in transfiguration is the subject in itself, I cannot understand the spells, the theory behind each spell, and everything about it."
She stood up and came towards you, keeping her hands on your shoulder, she said, "I believe you can improve and understand this subject. You can do this Y/n, just needs a little more effort, I have faith in you." There will be soon another test in transfiguration on the same topics and I expect you to get O’s on it." To which you nodded with a small smile on your face.
As you walked towards Gryffindor Tower, you had decided to start studying as soon as possible, but the problem was, you didn’t understand what the library books said, meaning you had to take help from someone, but the question was, who?
Hermione would have been more than glad to help you, but the problem was, she was herself so busy with her own assignments and subjects that she didn’t have much time left to even rest, forget about tutoring you.
You were left in thought. Who was good enough in transfiguration to tutor you? Who was good at transfiguration? No one from your house? What about other houses? Hufflepuff? Nope, Ravenclaw? Well, Luna could help, but she isn’t that good at transfiguration, Slytherin?
An image popped right up in your head as soon as you thought of the Slytherin house, Mattheo Riddle. He was great at transfiguration, even though you would hate to admit it. He was exceptionally good at it.
But would he want to tutor you? How could you ask him to tutor you? He would definitely think this is a joke, but it won’t hurt to try. You desperately needed help in transfiguration and the only person who is decent at it is Riddle. You had no other choice but to ask him.
And so, you stomped your way towards the Gryffindor Tower to find the common room empty. Of course, they had left for dinner and you had completely forgotten about it. You cursed under your breath and walked towards the Great Hall.
"Fancy seeing you here, Y/l/n," a voice called out behind you, and you knew exactly who it was. "Surprising seeing you here, Riddle, what are you doing near the Gryffindor Tower, may I ask?" you asked Mattheo, who stood right behind you while you turned around to face him. "I don't see a reason to tell you what I was doing here," Mattheo said while clicking his tongue, "Uh, well, I  might have a favor to ask you.." you said while not trying to make eye contact with him.
"A favor? "Totally not suspicious," he said, his brow furrowed, "I need help with... well, you see, I am not that good at transfiguration," he added, "horrible at transfiguration."You rolled your eyes and replied, "I'm not that bad at it, just need a little help,"
"And that’s your favor? "Yeah, I was hoping you could help," he said. "You don't have to help me if you don't want to," you said, fiddling with your hands.
"You think I would help you?" he asked, to which you rolled your eyes and replied, "You know what? Forget I ever asked for your help, "you said, and just as you turned around to leave, Mattheo called out, "What will I get in return?" to which you stopped, turned, and replied, "Anything you want!" "Anything?" he asked, smirking and coming closer towards you, "W-Well, anything as in, anything I could give you, like not as in anything I can give you, but like, maybe money or-"
"Meet me at the library at 5 tomorrow," he said, and walked right past you. As he walked towards the Great Hall, he turned around and said, "I don’t like to wait for people, so be on time." He left for the Great Hall and sat with his Slytherin friends while you just sighed and smiled.
"You’ve got to be kidding me. Riddle agreed to help you? "  Harry asked, "I couldn't believe it either," you said, staring at the glass in front of you. "You could've asked for my assistance, you know?" As you were shaken from your dream, Hermione said, "I know, but you already have a lot on your plate, I just didn’t want to disturb you," you said, and Hermione smiled at you.
"Sorry, got a bit late," you said as you set your books and reading glasses on the table where Mattheo sat, "I told you, I don’t like waiting for people. You know I was about to leave," Mattheo said, "I was just 2 minutes late," you said while huffing and sitting in front of him while he scoffed.
"So, let’s begin easily. First I am going to show you a few spells that you have to perform," he said while setting a goblet in front of you, "Isn’t that the goblet we got during breakfast?" you asked, "Don’t ask questions," he said as you chuckled.
Then for straight 3 hours, the both of you discussed and practised transfiguration, and by the end of the first session you couldn't even realise how fast time went by and whatever Mattheo taught you understood every bit of it.
"Tomorrow, same time?" You nodded and smiled, "Thank you so much, riddle," to which Mattheo said, "Don’t mention it, and also, call me Mattheo, Riddle sounds odd," and you looked at him with a raised eyebrow, "Oh really?" "Well, I could change my mind, actually call me." "Fine, Mattheo, bye," you said as you stood up and left for your dorm, leaving Mattheo in his chair, staring at your figure as it faded into the corridor.
You'd been studying together for a while now, and you'd gotten pretty good at transfiguration yourself. You had by now known the pronunciation of the spells, the theory of each and every spell, and could now transfigure objects.
When the test came in transfiguration, you had gotten full marks, McGonagall was very proud and happy for you and was congratulating you for your hard work, but truly you had to thank Mattheo because without him this wouldn’t have happened at all.
You said, "Thank you so much Mattheo for your tutoring. It really helped me a lot." You went to Mattheo after class to thank him, "Well Y/n, it’s not me who should be thanked, it’s you, I just taught you a few concepts. You were the one who worked hard and understood it by yourself." He said, "Really good job Y/n, congrats on your full marks." "Thanks" you said.
And after that, you had not spoken to him since. You just didn’t know what to talk about. Your favour was for him to tutor you, and that’s all. It didn’t
Did it mean that you had become friends with him, or was it? You were utterly confused and started thinking about whether to talk to him or not, but decided not to, as if he didn’t want to be your friend and that he just tutored you and didn’t want this relationship to move any further, you would be left embarrassed.
But Mattheo wanted you to be his friend; he was madly in love with you, and he had never seen you like he did during your tutoring sessions.The way your hair curled on your forehead, the way your eyes looked while wearing your reading glasses, made you look extra hot.
He tried to shake the fact that he liked you. He thought maybe it was because he spent time with you, but after the tutoring sessions he still couldn’t forget your face. He couldn’t forget the smell of your vanilla perfume. He couldn’t forget your plum flavoured lip balm that you wore.
"She’s been ignoring me, mate," Mattheo said to Blaise, who knew he was in love with you, "Maybe she is contemplating the fact that you want to be her friend." "No, I don’t think so. Maybe I am the problem. Maybe she doesn’t like me after all," Mattheo said as he pulled his hair in frustration.
"Why don’t you ask her why she’s been ignoring you? "Try talking things out, mate," Blaise suggested, to which Mattheo replied, "Not in a million years," and exited the common room as Blaise sighed.
You were talking with the trio and laughing at the hilarious prank Fred and George pulled on a professor. While you were having fun with your friends, Mattheo, who had left his common room and came out to get some fresh air, ran into you guys. He looked at how happy you were without him, which made his blood boil.
He glared at you and stomped away towards the opposite direction of where you were. You had noticed him coming and you were completely confused as to why he was acting so weirdly. You decided to follow him and ask him what was wrong, while you excused yourself from the trio.
"Hey! Hey, Mattheo! Wait! " You called out and ran towards him. Mattheo stopped in his tracks and turned to face you. He was visibly pissed and was completely red with anger.
You stopped a few metres from him and asked, "What’s wrong?" "What’s wrong? "What do you mean?" he asked as he kept his hands on the railing, "I asked what happened? You are obviously pissed at something or someone, so I am asking, "What’s wrong?" As you stepped a bit closer to him, "Nothing is wrong Y/l/n, I am absolutely fine," he said as he turned to face the window in front of him.
"Oh, last name base are we?" You asked as you kept your hands on the railing right beside his, "It’s nothing, none of your concern, Y/n," he said as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "You know what? "Call me when you’re ready to tell me what’s wrong, because clearly you aren’t in the mood to talk," you said as you slowly left the railing and retreated your steps.
"Wow, now you get to play the victim," he says as he turns to face you, "What do you mean by the victim? I have no clue what you are angry about and now you get to blame me for this?" you said angrily. "That wasn’t what I meant." "Thank you very much, Mattheo. You know what?" "This is what I deserve after just wanting to know what was wrong with a friend," you said, as you turned to walk away from him.
"Wait!" "I-I, well, I was pissed," he said, scratching his neck. "Tell me something I don't know," you said. "Why have you been ignoring me?" he asked, letting go of the railing and facing you, "What?" you asked.
"Y/n, you have been ignoring me since the day of the transfiguration test, I don’t know why or what I did that made you ignore me, but it has been eating me up inside," he said "I didn’t ignore you, Mattheo. I thought you didn’t want to continue this friendship," you said.
Mattheo scoffed at this and replied, "Friend? Hell Y/n, I want to be more than friends with you. Don’t you understand by the way I acted in front of you? Obviously, I am hopelessly in love with you and I have no clue how to stay with this fact. You are always on my mind and I can’t seem to get enough of you, I fucking love you!"
And after this confession of his, you were left bewildered. You were left rooted to the ground and frozen. Before you could even reply, you felt two hands grab you and pull you close, and Mattheo’s lips crashed into yours. You could smell his cologne, and then his tongue was in your mouth. It fought to overpower yours. It was as though your tongues were two swords, swiftly battling and moving in sync.
Your vanilla perfume filled Mattheo’s nostrils and he felt like savouring every bit of it. The taste of your plum lip balm, he so badly wanted to taste it from your lips. He wanted to go deeper and deeper into the kiss. His hand was rested on your hips and he was pulling you closer and closer. His mouth wanted more, but until he got it all, you pulled away to catch your breath.
"Uh, so that’s a yes?" he asked, to which you rolled your eyes, "No, I was just practicing," you said, and pulled him in for another round.
Tags- @blackthunder137 @izukuisbaby @writingwitch007 @warnerskenji @fruitypebblesstuff @blood-070 @e-m-christina @maddieslaysworld @alli-3 @ivriee @theglitterymess @harryslittlebitch @kathrinthoughts @tryflydiebi @emptytakeawaycup @grxnde-dwt @poisonedsultana @godknows-shetried @murdckcastle @joy-13iflplab @miss-celestial-being @pottahishotasf @nicofiliac @spring-picnics @cait2212 @auralol @eichenhouseproperty
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jazjelspen · 1 year
leaving on wild charted waters [pt.4]
(what if our mc got tired of Night Raven College and all it's inhabitants?)
(what if our beloved mc has...(voluntarily) been helping with decorating for the ball that will be happening in the next few days!?)
(just a “filler” chapter but it's just pure fluff and our mc having a great time with their new RSA friends + fleshing out some RSA students that I may use in future chapters/will get back to angst but as many of you know: our mc needs to be happy!
p.s Neige is actually a nice person in this series, he just doesn’t mean to come off as fake. I just wanted to write a nice version of the character for this!)
(fluff/splash of angst but it's very short)
the ball: part 1
you couldn't be more relaxed. you are currently chilling with your new friends and Rielle on the same shore you stepped your shoes in on your first day here. you all decided that after a long day of studies, activities, and fun ballroom decorating that it'd be a great idea to just relax beside the waters with everyone having each of their favorite snacks and drinks.
you and your friends were quiet since all you could all do was take in the refreshing sea air and the feeling of the breeze kissing your faces, the sound of the water sloshing and splashing also added to the calm ambience of the scene, and of course it wouldn't be complete without the screech of a seagull or the cute chirps of birds. I just can't forget to mention the same beautiful sunset that came upon your first day here also appearing in this exact moment, it really did always take your breath away. 'god, nothing could beat this view' you thought.
you noted how this time when you volunteered to help out with ballroom decorating, that no one actually ever left you on your own or ditched you. everyone did their part, some mishaps here and there, but it wasn't anything none of you could fix. you actually felt as if the work was much less with everyone actively doing their job and not slacking off or disappearing when they have the chance... these guys actually sticked by you and didn't let you down in the slightest. it was as if a splash of the freshest water just hit your face and took off a lot of stains that you had from NRC.
you all reveled in the moment until someone finally spoke up, "today was no joke." your friend, Alex Underlan, spoke in an exasperating tone as he laid with his arms and legs spread as if he's about to make a snow angel in the sand. "it felt as if this day would never end."
the next to speak was Neige Leblanc "we did take awhile to set up the decorations for the ball. thankfully we managed to finish just in time before the setting sun left!" he spoke with a smile as he looked up to see his little blue bird friends sitting comfortably on his hat. "we have to admit we did do a pretty good job on the decorating."
Chenya, an acquaintance from NRC and now very good friends with in RSA, stretched his limbs out in the sand with a loud yawn "beats me, I'm just glad that the hard part is over and we can now nap like kittens!~..."
"I agree with Neige though, we did do a pretty great job with decorating! along with the help of our fellow animal friends too it made the whole thing a bit more hectic yet fun." Rielle chirped in "I do have to admit-- Raps and _____ did an amazing job painting the ceiling and walls for the occasion! it's like those really detailed murals from waaay back then!"
Raps then replied with a bit of a sheepish smile "aww thanks Red, but obviously I wouldn't have been able to get it done in time with my favorite assistant _____ here!--" Raps shook your shoulder gently with the entire group chuckling with each other.
"hey! I'm your only assistant!" you replied with a light giggle "Raps I seriously have no idea how you're not afraid of falling from such a height-- you have immense trust in your hair." you paused " but then again i was hanging onto your hair while painting-- so I actually can tell why you have immense trust in your hair." you all just fell into a fit of laughter together in harmony at the hilarious memory of you freaking out a bit while clinging onto your friend's hair over how high you were to then feeling confident and relaxed while painting the ballroom walls and ceiling with Raps.
after you all calmed down the excitement for the ball started rising in your chest once again "honestly... i'm so excited for the ball. mostly because it's the one ball where I most likely won't have to deal with any people that have underlying personal issues that I have to deal with." you let out an almost happy sigh.
Chenya snickered, knowing well what that referenced to "nahh, no overblots here. don't remember there ever being one since I first came to this rabbit hole." he then closed his eyes as to take a light cat nap.
"me either!" chirped in Neige "but no need to fret or fear, in case an issue does come up we won't ask you to have to take care of it for us. with what you've told us you have seemed to have gone through so much already--" he spoke this next part more lowly " I should've... noticed it back when the VDC event was happening..." Neige sulked a bit but then gave you a small smile "I'm just glad you still came all this way to give RSA a chance _____!.."
"thanks Neige, that's actually... very kind of you to say." you smiled back as one of Neige's little blue birds landed on one of your knees and chirped a small song for you.. how cute and charming. "actually back then at the VDC event I honestly thought you were probably hiding under some super cute and friendly facade but turns out that it's really just you being naturally kind and well... friendly!" almost everyone either choked on their drinks or giggled, basically all collectively agreeing that everyone else thought that too in the beginning of meeting Neige at some point.
Neige paused a bit and looked at you with wide eyes and a genuinely confused smile, processing what you just said as he let out a very confused "huh?--"
"Raps Belleflowe!"
a loud interrupting and snarly voice boomed from behind the group of six, so loud it caused the little birds that rested on you and Neige to fly away! you all simultaneously turned to look at the tall and dark figure with voluminous black curls awaiting for one of you.
Raps sighed in immense disappointment as he packed up any snacks he had out back in his satchel, now looking all gloomy. "well- I'll see you guys tomorrow!.."
Chenya then turned to look his long haired friend with an almost disappointed look too "leaving so soon blondie? not staying over to grab some full grub with us?"
Raps shook his head "ahh...not today guys! maybe next time--" he was about to walk out before he quickly faced the group who all groaned in disappointment together " hey how about to make up for it I treat you all to lunch at school!" everyone still seemed disappointed yet each still gave Raps a thumbs up at his idea.
you all watched him scurry to his father who seemed to be less than pleased, almost scolding him before they both walked seemingly back to the dorms.
"I don't like Raps's dad... always gave me the heebie jeebies, keeps Raps from us outside of school-related stuff, and always gives me low scores on my biochem tests!..." Alex grumbled as he looked up at the sky.
"he is an intimidating individual.. but he seems to be very attentive to Raps and always seems to help him with all the countless hobbies he has!.." Neige tried to seem a bit positive, but he does agree with Alex on the first two things.
"a bit too attentive, I know a helicopter dad when I see one." Rielle huffed before he yawned. "well let's get a meal before we all head our separate ways and sleep like sleeping beauty."
Chenya and Alex both seemed to agree very much with this idea with how quickly they both to stood up in a weirdly comedic way.
you chuckled at this "guess we don't have to tell you two twice."
Alex laughed at your comment "you really don't!"
while the other three got up Neige gently tapped on your shoulder before you got up as well. "hey _____! if you don't mind-- could we take a photo together for my Magicam? I've posted photos with everyone except you, and I wouldn't want to leave you out!" he gave you these puppy dog eyes as he asked, you couldn't help but chuckle at this and nod.
"of course Neige, I'd love to be in your Magicam." you spoke before a bright smile grew on his face and you both set up a pose together in front of his phone's camera.
"1...2..!" and right when he was about to say three he clicked on the camera button and now he has a memory of you two! he looked over the photo "look at us! we look great!"
you nodded in agreement, genuienly impressed with how good you two looked "huh!.. we really do don't we!"
you both giggled together before a loud and sharp 'ahem!' interrupted you both. both pairs of eyes looked up to see all three of your standing friends waiting for you.
Chenya groaned "let's get going slow pokes! Im starting to mistake Alex's stomach growls to that of a lion's roar." the cat tittered before Alex gasped and punched him on the arm, not hard enough to actually hurt him.
"no they do not! fleabag.." Alex sneered.
"awwe! that hurt, blondie #2..." whined the cat.
the rest of you three lightly laughed at the scene before you as Neige and yourself got up together. once the two wrapped up their play fight you all as a group started walking to the nearest shop for a quick meal.
guess you didn't realize that with Neige posting the picture of you two later on in the day that it'd rise hell onto the campus of Night Raven College-- unbeknownst to all of you.
(really short compared to other parts but next chapter will be when the actual ball will happen and all the silly funzies stuff too. as mentioned once again this chapter and the next are basically just fluff and "filler" and to flesh out most of mc's new friends +adding sprinkles and splashes of angst here and there to at least keep it interesting!)
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May I request a fanfiction about Diavolo or any of the brothers (obey me) that has a calm and collected S/O who one day just looks very grumpy and tired?
Hi Anon! Absolutely! Ooh, my first fanfic request in a while...let's see how it goes!
Pairings: Lucifer/Mammon/Leviathan/Satan/Asmodeus/Beelzebub/Belphegor/Diavolo x gn!reader (separate)
It just was not your day.
You'd been gaming with Levi and Belphie until late last night. Then when you finally got back to you room, Satan had dragged Mammon in to work on an assignment. You had gone to bed in the early hours of the morning. As a result, you slept in, Lucifer banging on your door to wake you up. Thanks to Beel, you missed breakfast, and just when you were walking out the door, Asmo realised he had forgotten his bag. Which prompted you to realise that you had also forgotten your bag.
So when you got back to the House of Lamentation, you were just not in a great mood. Your usually calm façade was slipping quickly. All you wanted was to lay down in your bed and sleep the rest of today away.
But of course this was the House of Lamentation. There was no peace to be had there. Of course the brothers only knew bits and pieces of what had happened in the last 24 hours so when they looked up from what they were doing to see you standing, glowering in the doorway, they were surprised to say the least.
More under the cut!
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Lucifer sighed as he heard the door slam. He really had to tell his brothers to be more careful with the house. But as he turned to chastise whichever sibling had disrespected the front door, he caught a glimpse of your tired, angry face.
There aren't many things that make the first born blanch. But in that moment, he felt an unnatural stab of fear.
He quickly shook off the feeling. As your partner and someone Diavolo had trusted to look after the exchange student, Lucifer needed to make sure you were okay.
He gestured for you to meet him in the next room, away from his brothers. As he turned, he saw you roll your eyes and he bit down the rising wave of anger. You were having a bad day, it was to be expected.
"Are you alright? You seem tired."
You nodded tritely. "Late night. Bad morning."
Lucifer recalled that he had needed to wake you up that morning, something that rarely happened. He guessed his brothers must have kept you up last night with their foolish whims.
He sighed again. "I'll make sure you get an early night tonight. Don't worry about any work you have to do. I'll take care of it."
The first smile he had seen lit your face at his words and he felt his pride soar. Even if it was a small gesture, he'd managed to make you feel better. He'd count that as a win.
Lucifer poked his head into your room a few yours later to see you curled up under the covers. He silently walked over to the bed and pulled another blanket over your sleeping form, brushing your hair out of your face as he did so.
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As soon as he heard the door slam shut, Mammon's fight or flight instincts kicked in. Usually that only happened when one of his brothers was mad (Lucifer especially) and when that was the case, he was usually the one they were after.
So when he saw you standing in the doorway, he was surprised (and a little ashamed).
"Hey human. How ya doin'?"
The look you gave him was so foreign on your usually calm face that Mammon actually took a step backwards. But he didn't get to where he was without having a good sense of how to stay out of trouble. So he walked over to you, stretching out a hand to rub your shoulder.
"Y'okay?" His voice softened. This wasn't like you, something must have happened. He could see the bags under your eyes.
Oh. That's right. You were up last night trying to help him study. A twinge of guilt twisted his stomach. Maybe he was responsible for this.
"C'mon! Follow me." He grabbed your hand and tugged you behind him.
"Where are you taking me?"
"My favourite human and partner's havin' a bad day and it's my job as ya first man to change that!" He could feel his cheeks and ears burning and he looked forward determinedly so you wouldn't see his blush.
As a result, he didn't see the small smile that touched the corners of your lips. Your first man was on the job to make sure your day got better.
The snacks were scattered over the table and the movie’s credits were rolling before Mammon noticed that you had fallen asleep on his shoulder. He smiled and pressed a chaste kiss to the top of your head.
“Sweet dreams human.”
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Leviathan almost jumped out of his seat when the door slammed. His game jumped from his hands and he scrambled to catch it. Once it was secure again he turned to see who had almost made him drop his precious device, ready to yell at them.
He was used to seeing grumpy looks from people (even if they were only in his mind sometimes) but seeing that look on your face was something he wasn't used to.
His immediate instinct is to think you've finally gotten fed up with him. He knows it’s just his sin speaking but he can’t help the intrusive thoughts. You stayed up late playing video games with him last night, and now you-
Oh. You stayed up late last night. He knows when he goes a few days without sleeping, he gets irritable. Maybe you just couldn't go quite as long as he could before that happened.
As you stormed to your room, Levi followed you at a distance, saving and closing his game. When you reached your room, he approached you quietly.
"Hey." His voice was soft, "You want to relax together? We can watch your favourite anime? The new season just stared right? We can rewatch the rest to catch up."
You smiled. Levi watching something you wanted to rather than rewatching The Tale of the Seven Lords meant a lot. "Yeah, I'd like that."
You only watched the first two episodes before you slipped into a comfortable slumber. Levi pulled a blanket over you and turned down the volume of the show. He’d stay here until you woke up. After all, he needed to see what happened in this show his partner loved so much.
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Satan recognised that look. It was an outward display of an emotion he felt more than he cares to admit.
He felt bad for you. He knows what it's like to have days where everything is just too much and there was nothing you could do to keep it together other than try to scare everyone away.
He also knew that it was partly his fault. Mammon had been pestering him to help him study and he’d lost his patience, dragging him over to your room for some extra help. He should have dealt with his brother on his own and let you have some well-deserved peace and quiet.
If this was his fault, it was also his responsibility as your partner to help you feel better, as you had helped him so many times before.
He slipped a bookmark into his book and closed it, tucking it under one arm as he stood. He caught your gaze, so full of tired anger, and tilted his head in the direction of your room. He saw your shoulders drop almost imperceptibly and you followed him.
When you reached your room, Satan turned to face you. “Go on. You head in and get changed into your pyjamas. I’ll be back in ten minutes with some of your favourite books from my collection. I’ll read to you.”
You felt tears prick the back of your eyes as you smiled at him.
True to his word, Satan brought back all of your favourite books. He tucked you under the covers, your head on his lap and he read to you, his voice low and smooth. Only a few pages in and you were already asleep but Satan read on. He wanted to still be here when you woke up.
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Asmo audibly gasped when he saw the grumpy look on your face. Didn’t you know that sort of expression would give you wrinkles?
Well, he knew just what to do! You’d grabbed his bag for him this morning when he’d forgotten it so the least he could do was share his bath and his favourite self-care products with his lovely partner!
Asmo jumped out of his seat and grabbed your hand, ignoring your half-hearted attempts to tell him that you just weren’t in the mood right now. He didn’t stop until you were standing in his bathroom.
“Alright, get undressed and I’ll run the bath!”
He was off before you could even protest. The lights were turned down and a few dozen candles scattered around the room were lit, their flames dancing softly. Asmo dumped his favourite bubble mixture into the bath and lined up the skin care and hair products he knew would work best for you.
As you climbed into the bath, Asmo slid in behind you. When he had taken his clothes off, who knew, but he was pouring shampoo into his palm before you could properly register the situation.
“Lean back, let me wash your hair.”
You smiled as you leant back onto his chest. Some self-care would be good after the day you’d had.
Asmo smiled down at your sleeping form. The bath had had just the relaxing effect he had hoped for and now you were blissfully lost in your dreams. Now he just needed to figure out how to get you out of the bath, dried, changed, and into your bed. Oh well, he could rest here a bit longer.
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Beel felt terrible. It was entirely his fault that you hadn't had any breakfast. Demons could go a while without food but he knew humans weren't like that. He should have restrained himself.
So he had foregone his afternoon workout to drop by Madam Screams to get your favourite snacks. Of course he had picked up a few for himself but he had been waiting until you got home before he started.
Now, he picked up the picnic basket full of food and waved you over. Your expression lightened slightly as you walked over. No doubt you could smell the food. Beel knew he would have the same reaction if he was in your place.
He gently took your hand and led you to your room. He had been in earlier and set up a small picnic blanket on the floor, accompanied by a vase of flowers and an assortment of cushions. He let got of your hand and placed the basket on the floor, opening it up to reveal the food inside.
“I wanted to apologise for breakfast. So I got you this.” He patted the pile of cushions next to where he was sitting.
You took the seat gratefully and began helping him take the snacks out of the basket. All of your favourites were there and you felt touched by his thoughtfulness. Beel made sure you ate your share before he had any, restraining his sin to show you how truly sorry he was.
You were stretched out on the floor, nestled in cushions, curled into Beel’s side. He lifted a hand to wipe a stray crumb of food from your cheek before wrapping his arm around you. He knew he should carry you to bed…but a few more minutes snuggled up with his partner right here wouldn’t hurt right?
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Belphie almost fell of the couch when the door slammed shut. He had just been about to find out who the mastermind behind his dream escapades was when he was rudely awakened. He picked himself up off the floor and turned to see who had woken him up.
Yikes! If you’d looked like that when he’d broken out of the attic, he would have had second thoughts about whether you were really human. That look was certainly equal to some glances he’d caught from demons before.
He remembered last night’s gaming extravaganza with you and Levi. As avatar of sloth, he could feel the exhaustion rolling off you in waves. Well, he was certainly the best person to help fix that.
He threw a pillow at you before grabbing one of his own and a blanket and waving for you to follow him into the observatory. When he stopped and turned around, he thought he glimpsed a shimmer of mischief in your eyes, as though you were about to retaliate for the pillow he’d thrown at you. But you just laid your pillow down next to his.
He stretched out on the ground and pulled the blanket over both of you. Almost instantly, he felt the pull of sleep. But first, he needed to make sure his partner was comfortable.
He felt you shift as you turned to face him. “Thanks Belphie. I needed this.” You curled into his side and closed your eyes, breathing almost instantly settling into that of someone fast asleep.
Belphie let sleep overtake him as well as he turned to wrap his arms around you.
A few hours later, Belphie’s eyes fluttered open. He gazed down at you and sensed that you were still sleeping deeply. He pressed a gentle kiss onto your forehead before closing his eyes and letting sleep pull him under again.
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Diavolo shot Lucifer a disapproving glance as soon as he saw you slam the front door of the House of Lamentation behind you. Why was his favourite transfer student not their usual self? He watched you storm off to your room before turning back to Lucifer.
“I’m afraid I’m going to have to postpone our meeting.”
Lucifer nodded, gathering up the papers on the table between them. Diavolo made his way to your room, knocking gently on the door.
“Go away. I’m not in the mood right now.” Your voice was muffled through the wood.
“Not even in the mood to say hello to your loving partner?”
He heard you moving and stepped back as you opened the door. Now that he was closer to you, he could see the dark circles under your eyes. You opened the door wider to let him in. He slipped through and, before your could react, had scooped you up in his arms. He carried you over to your bed placing you gently on the mattress.
He walked back over to the door before turning to face you again. “Get changed and let me know when I can come back in. Then you can tell me about your day.” And he closed the door behind him.
When you called out to him, Diavolo re-entered the room, locking the door behind him. He sat down on the bed next to you and stretched out an arm, laying it over your shoulders. “So. How is my favourite exchange student.”
And he listened to you as you explained your day, voice growing softer as you felt sleep creeping over you. When you had been silent for a few minutes, Diavolo checked on you. He smiled when he saw that you were asleep. After the day you’d had, you certainly deserved it.
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Important Note: Please only donate if you are financially able to. If you are currently in a position where you can't donate, a like, comment, or reblog will mean just as much.
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violetrainbow412-blog · 8 months
Day 7: sharing clothes
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Masterlist flufftober 🎀
Reblog if you liked it!
That night Spencer arrived at his apartment quite tired, to the point of wanting to go straight to bed.
He had to admit that splitting the rent for an apartment hadn't convinced him at all at first, however, with each passing month he felt luckier to have someone to keep him company and help him with household chores. It's not that the girl he had as a roommate took care of everything, but because she was a university student, she had more free time and Spencer repaid him for all the favors by being her walking library or even helping him study the topics for the seasonal exams, as a kind of win-win.
“Spencer?” he heard from the common area, just as he was taking off his shoes. Still wearing his socks, he walked across the carpet until he reached the door and opened it, looking at you on the other side.
“Hey, can you lend me a tie for tomorrow?” you asked sadly. He was surprised to notice that you were wearing a formal suit, very different from the carefree outfits you usually wore, and for a moment he imagined you as a member of the BAU. “I have to attend a conference and I must follow the code of etiquette and stuff, but I don't want to wear a dress”
“Yeah, I must have some around here,” he laughed, turning to rummage through the closet. Spencer was very organized, in a strange way, so it didn't take him long to find what you needed “Do you like this one?”
“It's perfect, thank you,” you exclaimed, taking the purple tie he was offering you between your fingers. You couldn't know it, but the soft purple fabric was almost new and that was why he had chosen it, so that you would wear the best.
“Do you know how to tie it?” he mumbled and from the awkward smile you showed him he assumed the answer was no. He wrapped it around your neck and gently pulled you towards him, managing to cut your breath. With one hand on each end of it he began to tie it, frowning and lightly pursing his lips as a sign of his concentration, until a nice knot was ready “Keep it like this and tomorrow you just slide it on, okay?”
“You're my hero,” you exclaimed happily, carefully holding the tie he had so carefully prepared “I made macaroni for dinner, do you want to join me?”
“Yeah,” he responded with a shrug.
The two of you had dinner together and after that you went to sleep, lacking the energy to stay awake any longer. In the morning you got up earlier than usual to get ready and in the process you noticed that your partner was walking around the apartment, moving here and there as if he were looking for something.
"What are you doing?"
“I can't find my scarf,” he lamented. “I probably left it in the laundry bag. Or so I hope"
“Take mine,” you offered kindly. From one of the drawers in your closet you took out a bright red scarf and extended it to the man, who hesitated whether to accept it or not “Come on, it's the least I can do. I don’t want you to catch a cold or we’ll have to quarantine you” you joked and then he finally took it.
“Good luck with your conference, take a lot of notes and if something is not clear, you can tell me”
“Good luck with your work too. Are you coming to dinner today?”
"I don't know"
“Well, either way I’ll wait for you,” you said kindly. Spencer responded with a smile and waved goodbye to you, making sure to adjust her scarf before leaving the apartment.
And that exchange was only the beginning for two closets to become, after a long time, practically one.
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taglist: @navs-bhat @reidwritings @tricia-shifting14 @spencerslove @vivian-555@r-3dlips @rhiannonhippiegirl
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mistypsych · 1 year
/ yoongi / suga / agust d /
summary: as a doctor you never expected to be dragged into “the criminal life”, nothing and no one seems to be true anymore, your whole world turns upside down after you save him.
pairings: yoongi mob boss x f.reader x non idol bts members.
warnings: smut, guns, knives, stabbings, blood, gore, murders, drugs, criminals, gang life, medical emergency, illness, abuse, swearing, angst, dubcon, gang violence, corruption, manipulation, lies, cheating - 18+ minors dni.
Note: Hi! This is an attempt of writing a fanfic long after writing anything at all. Please also keep in mind English is no longer my first language and it might be a bit rusty and odd at times but I try my best. The story is a non idol BTS fanfic with Suga being the main character. The first chapter or so there might not be a lot of Yoongi but I want the backstory to be clear. The next chapters there will be way more of him I promise! If you want to be on the tag list let me know!
You slowly stepped into the on-call room, sighing while rubbing your aching nape. The painful muscle tension was starting to turn into a headache. You sat down on the big couch and leaned your head back, instantly feeling your body loosen and sink into the soft cushions. Today was a rough day for the ER unit. The hospital was dealing with multiple trauma victims due to a horrendous bus collision. Some patients were barely banged up others unfortunately were looking like they might not make it threw the night. You were already dreading the moment you would have to talk with their family members in case the worse was to come.
The weight of the hour-less intense work and surgeries was starting to rub off on your whole body. As you were almost about to doze off, the doors slammed wide open. “What a fucking trip…” Jungkook stopped mid sentence when he saw you glare at him from under your hooded eyelids. “How many energy drinks did your pour into yourself Kook?” you said in a bit agitated tone. You were tired and running on fumes. He seemed way less strained.
The on-call room was called so for a reason. It was supposed to be a safe heaven for peace and rest. It seemed as tho people like your long time friend let those facts slip their mind. “Sorry Y/N. I did not think you were about to sleep… You looked on fire there!” scoffing a bit under your breath you mumbled “Sometimes I really doubt your capability to think at all… and yes I was lit because I had to at the moment plus I had tons of adrenaline pumping in my system. Now it’s all wearing off”. Running his tattooed hand threw the thick and shiny locks of hair he sighed in defeat. He knew your were right. At times he was way to energetic and high maintenance.
“Still good for tomorrow?” he changed the subject not wanting to get into a war of back and forth bantering. Nodding your head you hummed in agreement.
Both of you usually made plans on your days off to go out and give medical attention to those who were less fortunate. You took care of the homeless, drug addicts and poor elders that were embarrassed to seek help at the official medical institutions. Many times it was also the lack of insurance that could get very high. The two of you saw it as charity and giving back to society.
You met Jungkook at med school in the USA. He was a scholarship student that worked his way into getting the opportunity to study overseas. You were the only person at your year that was able to speak Korean due to the fact you went to Seoul during part of your high school years. So of course you were more than happy to help Kook who at times struggled with the more difficult English terms during the lectures.
Over the years you two grew close and he was the one to say you should once again go to Seoul and take up your internship there. Being an adventurous young woman the mere thought of it seemed a great idea. So here you were years later already after your internship with a secured position as one of the junior trauma surgeons and planning charity work with your friend. You already scheduled some “appointments” with your long term patients.
To be honest you preferred this type of work more than the big shot tasks at the hospital. For you medicine should focus more on helping people. The world showed you many times that if you were less fortunate or simply made some bigger mistakes in life, the cruel reality was that usually there was no way to afford medical attention and insurance. Sometimes it was also the cost of meds themselves. Those could be unbelievably high, especially when it came to rare or terminal illnesses.
You and Kookie worked with official charities that did their best to find funds for some crucial medication for the poor. Not once did you also end up saving lives of some addicts that overdosed. Usually people just let them lay on the streets and did not care to help. You could not blame them tho. The less nice areas of the city were also full of con artists and people simply did not want to risk their own lives. At times it was also the mentality of “they did it to themselves, now they need to bear the consequences”.
You were not there to judge. How could any of you know what these people went threw in life? What pushed them to “self medicate”. So you kept focused solemnly on helping those who seemed like they needed it.
You closed your eyes again trying to ignore the fact that Jungkook was rustling around with some food wrapping. “If I am to survive the last two hours of this hell shift and be of any use tomorrow I would greatly appreciate you stop making a ruckus and let me rest!” you huffed angrily, not even bothering to open your eyes. Once the room was filled with silence, a content smirk spread over your lips. At last the well deserved quiet. Sweet darkness of dreamland slowly took over your mind.
*** *** ***
Getting to your apartment after ending a difficult day at the hospital always filled you with relief. It was close to 8 p.m. Not having to work the night shift this time and having the day off tomorrow made you really happy. As you walked deeper into the hallway your nostrils got hit with a mouthwatering smell of delicious food cooking, it instantly made a smile spread on your lips. The sizzling sound coming from the kitchen meant that your fiancé was already off work as well.
He was one of the best criminal detectives in the city. You both worked hard and sometimes very long hours, but you somehow managed to keep your relationship flourishing threw all the years. Walking towards the sweet and sour smell, you saw his slim frame hovering over some pans and stirring their content. His wide slim shoulders moving under a simple black t-shirt. They matched so well with his thin waist shaping his figure into a perfect triangle.
Resting against the door frame you stared at him in awe. “Are you gonna keep looking or do you plan on saying hello?” he said in a joking tone and turned to you with a big grin that reached to his eyes. You always wondered how he could keep such a sunshine attitude while working a job full of murders, death and gore.
Pushing your back off the frame you walked to him humming and wrapping your arms around him. You rested your chin on his shoulder, breathing in his fresh scent. “Hoba… you are too good to me…” you murmured and kissed him behind the ear. The fact that after a surely long day of work for him, he was there making you both a nice late dinner made your heart squeeze.
You really appreciated having him in you life and that somehow you both were deeply involved despite having hectic and difficult careers. The saying - where there is will there is a way - always made you think of your relationship with Hoseok.
After finishing dinner and basically licking your plate clean, you turned to Hobi with a smile “I’ll take care of the dishes” you said taking the plates from the table and making your way to the kitchen. As you were about to dry off the last glass you felt slender fingers creep up your back. You turned your face a bit a small smirk twisting the side of your lips.
“I was thinking of desert…” Hoseok said in a deep voice staring straight into your eyes. “Oh yea? You want me to run down to the store and grab something?” you teased, being well aware that was not what he had in mind. The twinkling of your eyes giving away how much you were enjoying this. But your fiancé was not the type to put up with games for too long so his only response was rolling his eyes, grabbing you and lifting you up. Wrapping your legs around his waist you kissed him desperately.
Lately both of you were so busy with work, you barely had the time or strength for even watching a movie together, so you excitedly welcomed the attention he was giving you. Not bothering to make it to the bedroom you ended on his lap on the couch. Your kisses were getting wild and messy. Just as you started to grind against his growing member, your breaths getting fast and uneven, you heard the loud ring of your phone.
If it were any other signal you would chose to ignore it completely, but the ring tone suggested is was Jungkook from his “special” number in case of an emergency. “Foooor fucks sake!” you growled trying to wait out the call, still kissing and moving your hips over your fiancé. If it was just a couple rings you could try and tell yourself your friend was piss ass drunk messing around.
Much to your dismay the phone kept on buzzing “I need to take this…” you said sadly looking at Hobi who was trying to even out his excited heartbeat. “It’s ok babe” he said, he knew he could not be angry about it, usually it was him being called into some crime scene. You walked away to answer the call “You better be almost dead or something close to that to have a reason for calling me at this hour!” you hissed into the speaker.
“Y/N! This is serious. A guy needs help… he can’t get into the hospital and the wounds are beyond my expertise. I am downstairs waiting for you. I really need your fucking help. I will explain everything later” his voice was shaky and full of what seemed like fear, so you stopped your ranting right away.
You quickly ran to grab your coat “I am coming down!” closing the door on your way out you told Hoseok you might have a very late night and maybe he should not wait up for you. Taking quick strides down the stairs of your apartment building you once again were thanking the universe for the most understanding man to have chosen to exist in your life.
*** *** ***
You quickly got into Kooks car throwing your medical bag onto the back seat. “I brought all my suturing stuff in case it was really that bad…” you said under your breath still a bit irked at the fact you were driving somewhere instead of getting frisky with your lover. “You will need it. Trust me…” is all your friend said.
Turing to finally look at him you saw he was pale, his hair was messy and his forehead was beaded with sweat. He was clutching the stirring wheel to the point his knuckles were white. You never saw him so nervous, not even at the hospitals ER unit.
Driving in silence for some time you finally snapped out of your trail of thoughts and realized you made it into the shady outskirts of Seoul. Even when working on your charity missions you both never made it into the really dangerous corners of the city, so you were very surprised and felt a shiver run threw your body.
You let your questioning gaze fall to Kookie, you were about to blurt out a “what the fuck man?” but before you could, he was out of the car grabbing your bag and walking to your side. Seeing your face full of questions, he opened the car door for you looking at you seriously “It’s fine… we are fine… we need to go there” he pointed towards a dark building that looked like a hangar.
Your body involuntarily shook at the sight. You immediately thought of all the crime scenes and stories Hobi shared with you from time to time when you asked him about work. But instead of listening to your panicking mind, you decided that surely Jungkook had to know what was going on and since he said it was fine it had to be, right?
You cautiously walked behind him letting him carry your bag. Usually you would always rip it out just to show what a strong and independent woman you were. Once you walked into the building you could hear the soles of your shoes clank on the hard floor. It all started to feel like some thriller movie, the type with a bad ending. The beating of your heart was so loud you could swear Kook had to hear it. The adrenalin was rushing in your system and you were starting to feel in flight mode.
Before you could panic more, an unknown voice broke you out of the cycle “Fucking bout’ time!” a tall and strong built guy growled at your friend and then eyed you top to bottom. “This is that great surgeon? She is supposed to be better than you?” he scoffed, a look of disbelief forming on his face. “For your information I am fucking better at surgical work than most!” you snapped. You were freaked out and now some dude that looked like a typical thug was trying to insult you.
“You better not be just running your mouth hun” he smirked grabbing you by the wrist and pulling you to the next room. He basically shoved you inside and tossed your bag at you. You didn’t even know when he managed to take it from Kook. The sight in front of you was gruesome. A young male about your age was laying on some banged up table. Blood was oozing out of his stomach. His pitch black long hair was sticky, his skin pale as a sheet of paper.
“Bloody hell…” you whispered walking up to the man. You turned to look at your colleague giving him the “what do you expect me to do?! make a fucking miracle happen?!” stare. You bent over the man and checked for a pulse. To your surprise he was still alive.
Looking at his slashed abdomen you thought to yourself there is now way you can do anything in these conditions. Even if by some chance you were to manage to stitch him up, the place was far from sterile, so he would die of sepsis anyway. “He needs a fucking hospital!” you say and take your phone out to call up an ambulance.
Suddenly your cell got knocked out of your hands and fell to the floor with a loud thud. Just as your were about to scream your head off, you saw it, the end of a gun pointing straight at your forehead. “No hospitals” the tall male snarled. Now you were sure, you got into some gang business and this was not gonna go the way you want.
tag list: @wobblewobble822
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I think the only right way for Damian to become Batman is much slower than everyone thinks
Just image: Damian in the future as a veterinary student, slowly distancing himself from the world of vigilantes and Bruce, an old man, with aching and tired bones, who has suffered with chronic pain for years (you'll have to take chronic pain Bruce Wayne and Jason Todd headcanon from my cold dead hands) getting ready to go on patrol once again. There are a series of murders happening and he wants to investigate
And Damian goes into the cave (maybe to take care of Batcow) and see the scene. He feels sorry for his father, Bruce's love for Gotham cursed him and now Gotham was slowly killing him. Then Damian calmly approaches and gently pushes his father into the chair. And in a tired voice Damian says:
“Leave this to me today, father, take your medicine and rest.” "No, Damian. You have to go to college today"
"Gotham is my city too, they're my people too...and they still need Batman"
Damian also knows that Dick has his own city to worry about; that Jason is busy on some mission around the world; that Steph is too tired for this; that Tim is too attached to the Robin mantle for that; that Duke recently had a child with his wife; that Cassandra is now a renowned ballet teacher and Damian doesn't want to get in the way of his siblings' lifes. He knows that if he asked, someone would accept, but everyone is so happy now, it took so long for them to reach that moment... Damian then decides to sacrifice himself that night.
Only that night
He will becomes Batman just that night, so his father can rest, he makes it clear that he will only do it that night
"Don't get used to it, father, it's just for today"
But that news spreads like fire. Even Jon and the other heroes start to inform Damian about things that happen (Batman still is very important in the Justice League) and Damian? Damian ignores
He goes through the messages, emails and claims he only did it once and never again. He forwards everything to Bruce, not wanting to get more involved than is convenient
but then the next month, Bruce has another rough night and Damian takes up the mantle again. This becomes a strange habit between the two of them, slowly and silence, one night a week... two nights a week...
The biggest change happens when Bruce is seriously injured fighting someone much stronger (and younger) in the sewers of Gotham. Damian had an important test at college and Bruce didn't want to call him, it wasn't fair to push that on Damian when the boy made it clear that he didn't want the mantle. So Bruce lies there for hours, in the midst of pain and dirt trying to reorganize his mind until Damian appears, the youngest son noticed that his father hadn't come home yet so he got worried and went after him.
Damian and Bruce open a pact that night, Bruce would stay in the cave supervising and Damian would work in the field
This works very well at first but soon Damian comes home to see his father sleeping, and it becomes a routine. Damian is happy that his father trusts him enough to sleep while his son is on patrol, that's good
the truth only shocks Damian when at a league meeting Jon refers to him as Batman, not Robin or Damian, no. Batman. The Batman.
and even though many people believe that he became Batman out of neopotism, the truth is much more different and sad than that. He became Batman through his own choices and effort, to protect his tired father and also to protect Gotham. Because, in the end, Damian learned to love Gotham the same way Bruce loved it.
Note: I love imagining this old Bruce slowly realizing how unfair he was to Damian his early days, how Bruce only saw Damian as a spoiled brat, a monster covered in blood and mud instead of helping him like Dick, Alfred and Steph did . I love imagining old Bruce kicking himself for not noticing Damian's gentle, compassionate side sooner. Side that was underneath all the anger, dirt and trauma
And also Bruce realizing that Damian is as gentle to people as Talia was in the past Note²: I'm not trying to villainize Bruce and sanctify Damian; Damian did a lot of things, but he was a ten year old child who didn't know how to deal with the world (+brainwashed by a cult) and Bruce was a grown ass man who had been dealing with traumatized people for many years, Bruce should have been more patient with Damian but you still have time now Bruce, you can do it. I believe on you, you can still be a good father
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Male Yuu! Reader (Platonic Yandere) Part 1
@asillylitteseabunnyay More ideas! Warning: Really OOC characters (Even for yandere standards. This is a major reason as to why I write headcanons before writing a separate piece for them), I really did try to make this into one post but I really wanted to post something. Sorry for taking so long to post something.
For those who want a word count: 14,203 words. Once again, sorry for being really slow.
"(Y/N)! Wait up!"
I turned around to see Ace running up to me with Deuce trailing after him. A grin broke on my face at the sight of them. Those two always bring trouble with them and while it can be tiring, I could never imagine a different life that I could lead. Or at least, my life in Twisted Wonderland.
"Heya, guys! What's going on? Riddle chasing after you for breaking another rule or Azul wanting to capture you in a contract again?"
"Do you really think that whenever we want to see you we're in trouble? I'm kind of wounded."
Ace put on a fake pout before pulling a mock hurt pose.
"Because whenever you ARE in trouble, you come find me to get you out of it."
Deuce walked around Ace before greeting me.
"Good morning, (Y/N)!"
"Good morning, Deucey! How's your morning been so far?"
"It was quite uneventful which is a nice change of pace from how mornings normally are for us."
Deuce was pushed by Ace, who started laughing at Deuce who lost his footing.
Ace and Deuce started a stare off before I just lightly tapped both of their foreheads to snap them out of it.
"Yo, troublemakers! If you keep fighting like this, we're gonna have trouble coming our way. Let's move!"
Ace and Deuce nodded at me before we all started to sprint to get to P.E. Vargas was no joke when it came to being late. I would prefer not having to do twenty extra laps around the field, thank you very much.
Thankfully, we made it with only a minute left to spare. Jack and Epel were there ahead of us and claimed brooms for Ace and Deuce.
"If you three keep sleeping in, you're going to end up missing class."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let's get this class done and over with."
Jack tossed the brooms to Ace and Deuce who caught them before turning towards me.
"(Y/N), do you want to ride with me on my broom today?"
I thought about the offer before another student butted into the conversation.
"I already offered the Human a ride on my broom last class!"
Sebek appeared out of nowhere, being loud like always. Although his words did remind me of yesterday. I was riding on Floyd's broom for class (Mainly because he wouldn't let me ride on anyone else's broom) and I nearly fell off many times. Sebek came to me after class and offered his broom instead. This did surprise me considering that Sebek has been a recent friend that I've made but I wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Anything to not ride with Floyd again.
"Yep, he's right, Jack. I promised Sebek that I would join him for this flight class. Although if you're offering for tomorrow, I wouldn't be opposed to that."
Jack gave me a nod before getting himself ready for flight. Looks like I have my flight partner for tomorrow! I walked with Sebek to the spot that he picked which was quite a bit away from the other first years but I didn't care that much about it. This class is a mix between all of the years so I wouldn't be surprised if Lilia or Silver was in this class as well.
"Child of Man."
Or I should have guessed that Malleus would be in this class.
"Hello, Hornton. I hope that this morning is treating you nicely."
I still can't really wrap my head around the fact that my night friend is really the Malleus Draconia. It's still something that I must get used to.
"Young Master!"
Sebek's face lit up with the biggest smile that I think I've ever seen which made a smile appear on my face. Even thought the half fae carries a huge amount of aggression towards humans, whenever he's happy, it's near impossible to not be happy along with him.
"ALRIGHT! Let's start working out those muscles!"
Coach Vargas appeared out of nowhere like he normally does and got everybody into line. Sebek positioned his broom safely between his legs while I tried to position myself carefully as well. The take off is always the hardest for whoever I'm flying with considering that we have to time the launch perfectly with each other.
Sebek was staring at me to make sure that I was ready and I gave him a quick nod to signal that I was ready for take off. We did a short run before jumping and taking off. I held onto Sebek for dear life when we started to get some serious altitude. I've learned that if I grab the broom while in flight, that I accidently cause some mild steering interference.
"Khee hee hee. Careful, (Y/N). You might end up causing a tear into Sebek's uniform."
I turned my head to my right to see Lilia flying there. Him being there made me recount all of the people in this class. Everyone was in this class today! I'm particularly amazed that Azul was able to get his broom up this high and the fact that Idia was riding the broom correctly. That might be because we're actually going for a flight around the island for class today.
"I'll loosen my grip in a bit. I'm still not a big fan of heights."
A shudder went up my spine when I looked down. I don't understand how people are able to fly this high up without being terrified.
I tilted my head up to see Cater riding his broom like a skateboard and doing tricks on it. I wish that I had a fraction of his courage to do something like that.
"Don't worry, Human! I will not be doing ridiculous stunts like that with you on the broom with me."
"Thanks, Sebek. I greatly appreciate it."
The class continued like normal. Many people were flying by Sebek and I to have a pleasant conversation. Riddle and the rest of Heartslabyul were checking in with me to make sure I didn't need a quick emergency landing. Sebek took mild offense to that saying 'If the Human needed to go down, I would be more than capable to take him down myself!'
"Are you sure that you would be taking the utmost of care that he is protected when flying down?"
"Of course, I would!"
"I don't know, Sebek. You don't always seem to be the perfect fit for protecting (Y/N)."
"Why you-!"
Ace and Sebek started a screaming match mid air, making me roll my eyes. Those two are like oil and water. Never to be mixed.
"Good morning, Prefect."
"Good morning, Dorm Leader Rosehearts!"
I let out a laugh at Riddle's warning tone. I love to tease him about his proper title.
"Sorry, sorry. Has your morning been calm?"
"Not in the slightest! There were nearly five rule breakers this morning! I don't know what they were thinking about having strawberry tea on a Thursday!"
"The lunacy!"
"I know!"
"Hehe, it did make for a magicamable morning though!"
Cater flew next to us, still in skateboard position.
"I bet it did!"
"I'll send you all of the pics after class! Kay-kay?"
I like indulging in his vocabulary from time to time. It's interesting and different from my own!
"Ace. Stop fighting with Sebek before Riddle decides that it's off with your head."
Trey was ahead of all of us, flying backwards which was pretty impressive, mediating the fight between Sebek and Ace.
Don't fight Sebek, it isn't pretty.
Ace let out a scoff before flying towards Deuce. Riddle and Trey followed quickly after them to make sure that those two would stay out of trouble for the morning while Cater saw Idia and wanted a picture of him before he hid away for the rest of the day.
"*Yawn* Doesn't it get exhausting with all of those other noisy herbivores chatting your ear off?"
Leona and Ruggie came on the left and the right of us.
"I don't see it as tiring. In fact, it's actually quite fun to talk with your friends in the morning!"
Leona gave a smirk at me with a glint in his eyes. Oh no.
"That's just like you, Herbivore. Taking pity on other herbivores, especially those who follow that Lizard."
I felt Sebek tense at Leona's words. He turned his head to glare at Leona.
"How dare you insult the YOUNG MASTER?! YOU LAZY LION!"
Leona and Sebek started to have a shouting match over my head. Why does Sebek feel the need to fight with so many people this morning? Where does this energy come from?
"Psst, (Y/N)!"
I turned my head to see Ruggie. He gave me a slight wave before holding out an apple for me.
"Here! I decided to be kind today and got you an apple!"
"Thank you, Ruggie! Now. What do you want?"
Ruggie's kind smile turned into a slight smirk.
"Glad you asked! I have to do laundry later today and considering I did something nice for you, you could do something nice for me?"
"Sure, I'll come by noon to help you out."
"Thank you, (Y/N)! Shye hee hee!"
"Alright, leave (Y/N) and Sebek alone you guys."
Jack and Epel came out of nowhere and separated Leona and Ruggie from our broom.
"Hmph, self righteous fresh babies."
Leona flew off and motioned for Ruggie to follow him. Ruggie gave me a nod before flying after Leona. Sebek looked at Jack with anger.
"Your yelling was giving (Y/N) a headache. Besides, you should be paying attention to flying and not crashing."
Epel then flew closer to me and took the apple from me.
"Ya don't wanna ta eat this one. There's mealworms in it. Make yer stomach upset."
I looked at the apple with disgust. I can't believe that Ruggie would try to feed me something that like.
"Thanks, Epel. It looked like such a good apple too."
"It takes a trained eye ta tell. Seems like Ruggie needs a better eye."
Jack and Epel flew away after making sure that Sebek and I would be safe with flying.
"These useless creatures. Thinking that I'm incapable of taking care of a singular magicless human."
"Calm down, Sebek. I'm certain that they are just worried about me being up this high. It's not everyday that a magicless human goes off the ground. If it makes you feel better, I feel completely safe with you flying the broom."
Sebek gave a proud smirk before straightening his back and picking up the pace to continue flying with the group. I started to scan the sky for other people that I knew.
Azul didn't really come near us or anybody for that matter. I think that he was a tad scared of accidentally crashing into anybody which I think is a valid fear. I quickly shouted some encouragement to him. Jade and Floyd on the other hand had no problem with coming up to us. Jade mostly left us alone, saying that he was there to keep an eye on his brother. Floyd though...
"Awwww, Shrimpyyyy. Why are you flying with Crocodile instead of me todayyyy? Are you trying to get squeeeezed?"
"No Floyd. I'm riding Sebek because he offered."
"Hmph. That's no fun. Come here on my broom."
Floyd grabbed my arm and started trying to pull me onto his broom. Because of my near death grip on Sebek, it started to also mess with Sebek's flying as well.
"Floyd! Stop that! This isn't funny!"
"Hehehehe~ I think that it's pretty funny. Come on, Shrimpy. It'll be safe."
"Floyd. That's enough. You're causing (Y/N) to be uncomfortable."
Jade intervened by prying Floyd's hand off of my arm. Sebek was able to stabilize the broom and we were flying smoothly again.
"Booooo, you're no fun, Jade."
Jade let out a chuckle.
"Sorry, Floyd. Normally, I'd let you have your fun but there is a tad too much risk here."
My breathing normalized just in time for Kalim and Jamil to visit us on the left side.
"Hiya, (Y/N)! Good morning, Sebek!"
"Morning, Kalim! How's today treating you so far?"
"Today has been the best so far! Jamil made a delicious breakfast for the whole dorm! We also discussed planning a party for later this evening! Would you two like to join us?"
I noticed Jamil tense a bit at the mention of more people coming to the party. That man was under so much pressure that it's not even funny.
"Sorry! But I must keep watch over the Young Master at all times! I don't have time to partake in silly human activities!"
"Yeah, I have to decline as well, Kalim. Ramshackle has been in need of a clean up and I'll most likely have a bunch of homework to do tonight anyway. I hope that you have a pleasant party though!"
Kalim had a slight pout on his face before his normal smile reappeared.
"That's quite fine! Although the party won't be the same without you, (Y/N)!"
Kalim then flew ahead of us. Jamil looked at me and I gave him a wink and a smile. I wasn't really too busy tonight but I decided to do him a solid. Jamil gave a small quirk of his lips before flying after Kalim.
"First Potato."
I turned my head to the right to stare at Vil. Boy, was he as intimidating as ever?
"Sit up straight. If you keep curling into Cucumber here, your posture will be horrendous."
I nodded at Vil before trying to sit up straight. The wind decided to pick up then and there, wobbling the broom. I immediately curled back into Sebek.
"Thanks for the advice Vil but I think that I'm going to stay curled until the end of the flight."
Vil narrowed his eyes slightly before directing his attention to the front.
"Oh, le pauvre escroc! Although, I must admit that the sight of your fear brings out a completely new side of your beauty to light!"
I saw Rook upside down which made me jolt a bit. Sebek let out a grunt.
"Human! Be careful!"
"Sorry, Sebek!"
Rook only let out a laugh before going to Vil to fawn over him. The duo flew off which made me let out a sigh of relief. I'm glad that I was able to befriend those two at VDC but I won't lie that I'm terrified of what those two can do together.
Ortho's voice traveled into my ears which made me look behind myself to see him there.
"Ortho! It's nice to see you and your brother this morning!"
"Yes! Niisan prefers to skip this class but he was more than willing to go when he heard about it being a mixed class. I'm still not too certain as to why though."
"Maybe he misheard. I have no idea either though."
"Oh yeah! Niisan wanted me to ask you if you were down for playing with him tonight over voice chat! He has recently been really involved with a new MMORPG that he wants to play with you."
I thought about it before realizing that Kalim was still nearby. I couldn't just brush off one friend and not the other. Sorry, Idia.
"Sorry, Ortho but I have to clean up Ramshackle tonight. With Grim being trapped inside all day, he's sure to make a mess. Or more of a mess."
I wasn't lying about Grim being stuck inside all day. Two days ago, a freak accident happened in the cafeteria which ended up with Grim's tail being broken. I prescribed him bed rest and plenty of bandages for healing. He made a mild fit about it before realizing that I wasn't about to forfeit my ground.
Ortho looked a bit disheartened but I had to stay strong. It doesn't help that I see Ortho as a brother. I want the robo kid happy!
"Yeah, really sorry, Ortho. Maybe tomorrow, I can play games with Idia."
Ortho seemed to perk up at that before zooming past us to talk with Idia. Sebek was quick to fix his course with the new air ripples.
"Calm down, Sebek, he's just a kid."
"Ah, youth. I hope that you young ones won't mind me joining your flight?"
Lilia made his reappearance and started to fly with us.
"Master Lilia!"
"Welcome back, Lilia! Where did you come from?"
"Khee hee hee. I was just trying to arrange something. Don't worry too much about it."
Two more people came up to fly next to us. It was Malleus and Silver! I gave both of them a wave which they returned.
"See! I thought that it would be nice for our dorm to fly together! Even if you're not part of our dorm, you're still quite a treasured friend to us all!"
"I'm honored that you won't kick me out of your dorm flying session."
We all just flew in peace for a bit but that peace didn't last for long.
"Freak wind!"
A huge gust of wind came out of nowhere causing me to lose my grip on Sebek and fall off the broom.
Sebek tried to grab me but sadly, he was much too slow. I kept falling before I finally hit the ground. It was so painful. A huge pain seared through my leg, back, head and arm. Oh, the times when you wish that you had magic to make all of your problems go away. Sadly, my wishes won't be answered anytime soon.
I heard a bunch of calls of my name. I tried to keep my eyes open but the pain in my head was making it insanely hard.
"(Y/N)! I found him!"
Deuce came into my line of sight and I tried to give him a smile but the look on his face made me think that my smile wasn't exactly a smile.
"Don't worry, (Y/N). You'll be fine. I know that you'll be fine. You have to be fine!"
I tried to get some words of comfort out for Deuce but the pain got too much for my brain to handle. I let out a groan and passed out. My dreams were really weird. There were a bunch of different clouds who were talking over each other. It was near impossible to make out what they were trying to say. It started to hurt my head mildly.
I was thankful when I started to wake from the dream. The voices of the clouds went quiet, giving my head the needed break from noise that it wanted. I started to open my eyes but they were really sensitive to light and there was plenty of it in the room.
"Urrrr, that's really bright."
"He's up!"
"Now that was loud."
My eyes adjusted to the light and I saw Sebek kneeling next to me. I started to look around the room more and everybody was there watching me, concern and relief were reflective in their eyes.
"Ugh, what's going on, guys?"
I tried to sit up from my lying down position but I let out a scream. It was much too painful to even sit up. Next thing that I knew everybody was surrounding me and trying to make sure that I was okay.
"Don't strain yourself."
"Stay down, Shrimpy!"
Everyone's face held such amounts of concern. Even Leona! I didn't even really think that he even tolerated me in the slightest! The more that the situation processed in my brain, the more funny that I found it. I even started laughing which shocked everyone around me.
"This is no laughing matter, (Y/N)! You were severely injured!"
"Sorry, Riddle, but you must admit the way that you all are acting is quite bizarre!"
Everyone looked at each other confused before returning their gazes back to me as if they wanted a further explanation.
"I mean, c'mon guys! You're treating me as if I'm a fragile glass doll that will break if someone so much as breathed on me! You've seen me fight at least five different overblots! I think that I'm strong enough to handle a bad crash."
Everyone stayed silent at what I said. Apparently, they have forgotten how much that I've been through ever since I arrived at Twisted Wonderland.
My stomach interrupted the silence with a warning that I was hungry. Leona was actually the first to react.
"Ruggie, take this and go get (Y/N) something good to eat. Don't skimp out."
"You got it."
Ruggie rushed out of the room, most likely going to the cafeteria. He really doesn't have to get me food, more importantly expensive food. I would just be happy with a bag of chips and a bottle of water to tide me over for now.
"You really didn't have to send Ruggie out to do that. I think that I could have just gotten a ghost from Ramshackle to get me the leftovers from last night."
Vil snapped his head towards me when I mentioned leftovers.
"Do you mean those unhealthy, instant foods that I've heard from Epel that you order from Sam so much?"
A mild blush appeared on my face. It's true that I haven't really gotten the chance to really have a decent meal in a few months but hey! Life on a budget was never easy!
"Yes, those foods. I didn't finish the oven pizza that I got yesterday. There should be more than enough food unless Grim ate most of it today."
Vil then turned his head to Leona.
"Tell Ruggie to order two of whatever he is getting for the prefect. He obviously needs better food choices than what he is supplying himself with."
Leona only nodded his head before pulling out his phone to text Ruggie his new order.
"At least, I'm keeping Sam in business."
Crowley then entered the nurse's office, making me slightly jump and hurt myself more.
"GOODNESS GRACIOUS! Broken bones are no joke!"
"(Y/N)! I've heard about your condition!"
Crowley also looked around at all of the students who were already there.
"Appears that the rest of our student body has enough concern for our dear magicless student."
Crowley then made his way to the bedside and looked down at me.
"Now then, we must figure out a way to make sure that you can heal quickly and safely! I am not able to handle all of your needs everyday.
Hmmmm, I'm wondering if you would be fine if a ghost just brought you meals and Grim could give you your homework that you've missed."
"Grim is out of school on injury as well, Headmage."
"Hmmm, maybe your professors would be kind enough to bring your homework to you."
Crowley and I turned our heads to look at Riddle. He had a straight face but I could tell that he had a plan.
"We Heartslabyul students will be more than willing to take care of (Y/N). He has helped us out more than times than we can count, either with overblots or if someone was going to break one of our rules."
"Yeah! Besides, (Y/N) and I are like, best friends! I'd be more than happy to try and teach him the lessons that he missed! Also I'd be cursed if I didn't help him out when he really needs it."
"Since I'm also one of (Y/N)'s close friends, I can help keep him company between classes! So that he isn't too lonely during the day!"
"I can help him during meal times and create a small dessert for him everyday. It wouldn't be too much a hassle."
"And I can keep him updated on current events! #KeepingThePrefectInTheLoop!"
Ace, Deuce, Trey and Cater all seemed super excited to help me with my recovery. Although a scoff from Leona and Vil resounded in the room.
Riddle was immediately on the defense and sent one of his strongest glares their way.
"Do you two have a problem with our plan?"
Leona gave an eye roll before saying his part.
"You're really going to entrust that idiotic herbivore to catch the prefect up on the lessons that he missed? Even if you taught that herbivore by himself, I'm still certain that he still would fail his classes."
Ace got visibly angry at Leona words but was held back by Deuce. Probably because the Headmage was still in the room.
Vil put in his thoughts next.
"None of you will actually take care of the prefect in the way that he deserves. I doubt anybody would be willing to make sure the prefect stays presentable even in casts."
Trey and Cater looked between themselves before returning Vil's glare. But soon enough, something else caused an uproar amongst the group.
"But I want to help (Y/N) to get better as well!"
Kalim looked very determined to be useful to me before looking over to Jamil with pleading eyes.
"Right, Jamil? We want to make sure that (Y/N) gets the utmost of care!"
"Kalim's right. I doubt that any of you had to take care of someone who was sick. I've been in the caretaker role so I think that we are most likely the best to assure (Y/N)'s quick recovery. Kalim has also had experience with taking care of his younger siblings as well."
A loud thud was heard from behind Jamil which got everyone's attention drawn to Sebek.
Soon enough, there was a whole yelling match between all of the dorms on who would be able to take care of me. Soon enough, Crowley had enough of the fighting and silenced them all.
While I'm moved to tears by seeing all of my students work together for a common goal, we still must come up with a schedule to make sure that Mr. (Y/N) gets the care that he needs.
Thankfully, my quick thinking has come up with the perfect solution!
Mr. (Y/N) will stay here in the nurse's office and each day a different dorm will take care of him. Heartslabyul on Monday, Savanaclaw on Tuesday, etc, etc."
Everyone reluctantly nodded to the plan. It sounded like a good plan considering that everybody would get what they want in the end. There was some mild awkward silence before Ruggie kicked open the doors with his hands full of food.
"Okay, so I bought twenty meals because that was all that I could have afforded with Leona's money plus haggling."
Leona facepalmed before letting out a groan.
"You useless hyena, I wanted you to get at least fifty meals with that money."
Thus started the crazy recovery scheme between all of the dorms.
Heartslabyul's day was probably one of the most relaxing days that a person like me could have. At the start of every day, Trey would come in and bring me a homemade breakfast. It always was some sort of pastry like pancakes, waffles or croissants. For the first two weeks, mainly because of the pain that I would acquire if I moved too much, Trey spoon fed me my breakfasts. I promised him that I would pay him back for meals but he always told me that it wouldn't be necessary.
"There's no reason to repay me, (Y/N). I'm used to taking care of my younger siblings."
Then throughout the day, Cater and Deuce would visit at random times. I'm ninety percent certain that Cater skipped a good portion of his classes and clubs to hang out with me. He would stay late into the night as well, taking pictures or showing me random memes that he found funny. Though per my demand, he would put his phone away and ignore it while we played a board game that he 'borrowed' from the board game club.
"Time for a new pic for the cam! I'm going to title this one 'Brothers Night In!'"
Deuce would come during the breaks between our classes to either lightly talk about what happened during class or tell me how much that he missed me during classes.
"I've never truly realized how boring classes are without you there."
Lunch is always spent with Riddle. He brings personally brewed tea for both of us to enjoy! He also makes sure that I'm properly taken care of and that none of his dorm members were slacking on their jobs.
"You're happy with how my dorm members are doing? Good. I'm glad that they are upholding your expectations. If they ever let you down, let me know. I'll make sure that they know better than to disappoint my family."
Finally, Ace is probably the person that I see the least of but considering what I know about him, it's quite believable that he wouldn't be there as often as the others. He does get me my homework and brings me dinner though.
"Yo, little bro! Sorry for being late with your stuff today! Basketball club started straight after school today. Let's eat before we start getting work done!"
Savanaclaw is next. To be honest, with only three of them throughout the day, it is quite hectic. Especially with Leona as one of the caretakers. Since Leona normally skips classes, he now sleeps in the nurse's office with me all day. Sometimes, if he doesn't fall asleep, we end up having a pleasant talk. He also makes sure that I'm comfortable with extra blankets if I'm cold or more pillows if the bed isn't soft enough. He does get mad if I try to situate the blankets myself.
"Stop squirming. Let your pride watch over you for a while."
Ruggie was the most hardworking out of the three. He had to get meals for me and Leona. Not to mention that a good majority of time he was trying to convince Leona to go at least to one of his classes on Tuesday. I told him that if he was too busy with Leona, he doesn't have to take care of me.
"Don't worry about me, (Y/N)! I always take care of the younger ones at home, you're no different!"
Jack was quite useful with teaching me all that I missed. He takes everything slowly which I appreciate! Alchemy has been really hard for me ever since I've arrived in Twisted Wonderland. It's like chemistry and I nearly failed when I took that.
"Did you understand that? Good. The last time that I had to teach like this was with my younger siblings when they wanted to learn how to snowboard."
Wednesday is one of those days that I can't wait for it to end. Floyd doesn't care what hurts me exactly. He sometimes just picks me up from my bed and carries me around campus.
"Why are you crying, Shrimpy? Elvers like you need all of the fresh air that they can get~!"
Normally after many tears and a majority of my day, Jade arrives and relieves Floyd of his job. Floyd always puts up a fight telling Jade that he isn't done playing with me but Jade reminds him of whatever Azul needed him to do now. Floyd becomes quiet before trudging off, a scowl on his face. Jade then normally takes me back to the nurse's office with an apology.
"I must apologize for my brother. He doesn't understand that you need your rest, (Y/N). He called you an 'elver'? Well, I won't disagree with him but don't worry. It's not an insult."
All of the meals on Wednesday are supplied by the Mostro Lounge per demand of Azul. Floyd packed breakfast and lunch for us to prevent me having to be stuck in the office all day. Dinner is the only meal that I can enjoy in a comfortable position. Azul personally delivers it to me and provides a small bit of entertainment for me.
"I do hope that the food is to your liking! I would hate for a fry to go hungry during the time that they need to heal!"
When it comes to Scarabia's turn, it's probably the most organized day. That might be because Jamil is in charge of most of the things when it comes to taking care of me. He always comes with handmade meals, extra pillows in case the ones that I've been laying on have lost their fluff, etc, etc. He always seems to know what I want.
"Here you go. A light novel for you to read to make sure that you aren't bored in bed all day. How did I know that you wanted something to read? Call it 'Caretaker's intuition'."
Kalim didn't really have anything to help me get better but his charismatic personality always made my day! After school, we would just talk about the most random things to pass the time. Kalim's most favorite subject to talk about though is his home. He talks as if I've been there before though.
"And then we all went swimming! Where did we go swimming? (Y/N)! You know that we have a pool back at home!"
Pomefiore's day is quite restless for me. Before the sun is even up, Vil is there, doing a two hour long skincare routine for me. There have been times where I've almost fallen back asleep while he was taking care of my skin. Normally, if that does happen, he flicks my forehead which wakes me up immediately.
"The others may have let you become lazy but I won't let that continue on any longer. I'll make sure that you're properly taken care of. I refuse to let my junior deteriorate anymore."
Rook likes to randomly surprise me during the day and give me plenty of compliments about my strength. His weirdness was fully on display but to be honest, I always loved when Rook was true to himself. It was also fun to look at his Neige scrapbook!
"Magnifique! I'm so overjoyed that my Jeune Chercheur de Beauté is being inspired by my collection! Don't worry mon protégé, Je ferai un album à votre beauté bien assez tôt!"
Epel comes to visit to give me my homework before setting up his own work to do with me. Surprisingly, we don't talk that much during the time that we do hang out, preferring to enjoy each other's presence in silence. When we do decide to talk, it's always short but I enjoy having them.
"Rook and Vil did what? Ah can never understand those two. But I'm glad ya can put up with them."
Saturday is when the Shroud brothers come to visit, it's the only time that Idia will actually leave his room to visit me or maybe another reason gets him out and about. I'm not too certain anymore mainly because I don't know how Idia functions half the time.
"u-u-um! hiya, (Y/N)-San! ugh, this is so embarrassing. i-i-i-i brought my portable gaming set up so that we can beat all of the other normies online! if there were people in classes today, i would totally have dreaded this more."
To balance Idia's nerves, Ortho was nearly sparking with excitement! He was in his alchemy outfit and running constant tests on me. Although he would make sure to cheer Idia and I on whenever we were either having a hard time or won a hard match!
"Niisan and Ani are so awesome! Everyone else will see how cool the two of you are together!"
Then comes Sunday. The second most hectic day of any week. I at least don't get hurt. All that I get is mild deafness in one of my ears. Sebek doesn't leave my side while begging for my forgiveness for letting this happen.
Silver was thankfully calmer than most of the others. Although he did have his own overprotective tendencies but was amazingly more organized than anybody else's! Especially for a sleepy guy.
"Sebek, you should think about getting (Y/N) some food if you want him to forgive you."
Lilia would actually prevent Silver's plan from working by bringing in his own food for me to eat. Fun fact: I can amazingly stomach his food. Considering that I'm ninety five percent certain that I should have food poisoning, his food doesn't even taste all that bad.
"Here you go, my little bat! A nice, warm meal that will fill you up! Don't be shy about engorging yourself! There's more than enough."
Malleus is probably the person who was the most affected by my injuries. He wouldn't really talk with me but just look over my casts with what could best be described as melancholy.
"I'm so sorry, my dear Child of Man. I should have never let this happen to you in the first place. I've failed you as a friend. Trust me, I promise you this as the Prince of Briar Valley, I will never let anything hurt you again."
This cycle continued on for a little over ten weeks. What was supposed to be a seven week recovery was heavily deterred by a reckless Floyd Leech. But I was so excited to be able to move on my own for the first time in a little over two months! When the nurse gave me the okay to move, I tried to stand on my feet right away. I didn't even wait for anybody to appear. I am so relieved that I can take care of myself again and no longer be a burden to everybody.
"Okay, I've got this! One, two, and up we go!"
I got up onto my feet and while I did wobble for a bit, I was pretty sturdy for someone who hasn't used their legs in a while. I didn't try anything risky like jumping or running but I was walking little laps around the nurse's office. The nurse gave me plenty of encouragement to try bigger strides or other things to improve my movement.
It was all fun and games until it was time for my guests to come in. Since it was a Wednesday, Floyd was the person who came in first to see me walking around on my feet.
"SHRIMPY! You're supposed to stay in bed!"
"I don't have to stay in bed anymore, Floyd! The nurse gave me the okay this morning! Besides, even if I was in bed, you would have just picked me up and carried me halfway across campus."
"That's not the point, Shrimpy! Elvers can't really take care of themselves without their swarm protecting them!"
"Floyd, this is a good thing! Besides, what is an elver anyway? You've been calling me one ever since I was injured. And I don't have a swarm!"
"Yes, you do! Jade and I are your swarm! We can't be having our little brother putting himself at risk!"
I went silent at what Floyd said. Little brother? I'm not their little brother. Floyd is known for going off in his own world from time to time but... I'm actually starting to worry that something happened to him.
"Floyd? Are you feeling alright?"
"Of course I am, Shrimpy! Although, you walking around as if you're some stingray, did give me a bit of a fright~"
"I wanted to make sure, Floyd, you do realize that I'm not your little brother right?"
"What are you talking about, Shrimpy? You've always been our little brother! Shrimpy can be soooooo forgetful sometimes~"
"No, Floyd. I'm not your brother."
Floyd's lazed/relaxed facial expression turned into a scowl when I tried to press the fact that we're not related. He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a light, warning squeeze.
"Shrimpy, I'm not in the mood to hear lies from you. You ARE my little brother, an elver, and you are not ready to walk around the school by yourself."
If Floyd squeezes me now, there's a good chance that something will break again and I will have to be bed ridden again. I can deal with Floyd acting as if I was a baby eel for a little while. He'll get bored after a short while with this.
"Okay, okay, sorry Floyd. I think hitting my head from my fall must have caused me to forget some things."
"It's okay, Shrimpy~ You can be stupid from time to time but that's because you're still growing~ Soon enough, you're going to be as long as Jade and I! Now back to bed you go!"
Floyd picked me up and plopped me back down on the bed. The nurse tried to explain to Floyd that I was fine to walk on my own. He didn't take it kindly.
"Are you trying to tell me how to take care of my younger brother? Sounds like a nurse shark wants to be squeezed today~"
The nurse backed down after that. I don't blame him though. I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of Floyd's aggressions. Floyd didn't look away from the nurse and looked like he was going to attack the nurse anyway. I had to do something before Floyd acted on his impulses.
"So, Floyd, what do you have planned for us today? I really want to bond with my big brother some more!"
I've never seen Floyd's head turn so fast or his expression change more than it did right then. For a second there, Floyd's smile could actually challenge Kalim's smile for the brightest smile in the world.
"Oh, I'm so glad that you asked, Shrimpy~! I originally planned on taking us to the Mostro Lounge so that we can swim for a bit, then we could go find Goldfishie and bother him for a bit and finally, end the day with some basketball! Buuuutttttt I think that we should just take it easy today and just talk. You've already had enough action today with that scary walking stunt that you had this morning. Right, Shrimpy?"
Floyd's expression changed once again. His eyes held a dangerous glint that threatened me to agree with him. I only nodded my head because I don't trust my voice to stay strong.
Floyd and I talked and ate together in the nurse's office for a majority of the day. I was quite shocked by the fact that Floyd fought his mood swings away. He mentioned multiple times how bored he was and how he wanted to go bother someone or go do something but what he said afterwards is the reason why I really need to talk with Jade.
"But... I need to protect Shrimpy~ So many predators here would love to sink their teeth into a yummy elver~"
I don't think I've ever been more happy to see Jade walk into the nurse's office. Nor do I think I've ever seen Jade so shocked before.
"Oh, you were actually telling the truth."
"What~? Why would I lie to you?"
"Apologies but I truly thought that you would have ran off by now."
"Yeeeeeessshhh. Nice to know how much you trust me, Jade. But we need to have a talk."
I raised an eyebrow at Floyd. What did they need to talk about? Probably some Mostro Lounge business that I can't know about.
"Shrimpy here was walking around on his own two legs this morning!"
Jade looked even more shocked at Floyd's words. He was quick to rush to my bedside and pulled out his pen. It started glowing but I was just confused as to what he was doing exactly.
"There's no life threatening damage but that doesn't mean that there is no damage at all. What were you thinking, (Y/N)? You shouldn't be putting your body under strain."
"The nurse said that I was okay to move around again. I'm no longer in pain whenever I move, Jade!"
"Oi, Shrimpy, watch your tone. There's no reason to talk to your older brother like that."
Floyd grabbed my hand and started to squeeze it. It got so harsh that I started to writhe from the pain.
"Easy on him, Floyd. Remember what we've learned about children. When they act up, it's because they don't think that they're getting enough attention. (Y/N) here probably just feels very neglected."
"Riigghhtt! Shrimpy must be acting up because I didn't take him on adventures like I normally do! Shrimpy, if you were feeling suffocated in this room, you could have just told me! I wouldn't be mad~!"
Floyd then let go of my hand and pressed a light kiss to my palm. As if that would take away the pain. Jade only nodded his head before picking me up bridal style.
"Jade?! Put me down now!"
"Now, now, I know that elvers like you want to move on their own but Floyd and I cannot have you risk your health and safety anymore. Come along, Floyd. Let's go see Azul."
"Yippee! Let's go on an adventure!"
Floyd busted the doors down to the ground and made sure that Jade had a clear path of walking. Jade took his time walking with me in his arms. Eventually, we made it to the main area of the school where there were many more students. I swallowed very harshly. One misstep and I was going to be hurt once again. Thankfully, it turns out that the tweels had a plan before I did.
Floyd ran throughout the hallway full force, either scaring or pushing students out of the way, giving Jade a safe pathway to walk and carry me through. I still had a bunch of bandages on me and when Floyd would drag me around normally, students would be in classes. Now, it was passing time for certain classes. Everybody was staring at me and I felt my face burn with embarrassment. I buried my face into Jade's blazer and heard him chuckle.
"Don't laugh at me."
"Sorry, (Y/N). I just wished that I knew how cute my younger brother could be."
"I'm not your younger brother."
"Don't be silly, (Y/N). Of course, you are! If you weren't, why would Floyd and I be taking care of you?"
"Because we're friends?"
"Nonsense. If Azul was in your situation, I assure you..."
Jade shifted my head so that I could see his very sharp teeth.
"He would not be getting the same treatment that you are."
I shut up after that. It's times like these when I question which Leech twin is worse to deal with. Floyd is loud and destructive but Jade is always unassuming which results in me forgetting why I should be wary of him as well. As soon as either Floyd, Jade or Azul is done and bring me back to the nurse's office, I'm heading straight for Ramshackle. Don't care if I have to sit on my butt to go down the stairs, I'm sleeping in Ramshackle tonight.
"Phew! I think I cleared the way enough. See, Shrimpy! Now you're getting plenty of fresh air and we're having a fun adventure like a family! Ahhh~ I can't wait for the day that we can terrify all of these boring guppies together!"
I looked at Floyd and gave him a meek smile. I already tried both of the tweels to get out of this situation to no avail. Last thing that I needed was to upset both of them.
"Good job, Floyd. Would you like to hold our younger elver for a while?"
I was passed to Floyd's arms. He gave me a light squeeze before starting to skip through the hallways. I've never felt so much like a doll before.
"Mr. (Y/N)!"
Professor Trein! My savior!
"Why were you not in class today? The nurse told all of the staff that you were healed enough to go to class this morning!"
"Ehh~ Red Squid sensei, Shrimpy her-"
"I do not care for what you have to say, Mr. Leech. Mr. (Y/N) now must get to class. Put him down and run off to your own classes."
Floyd glared at Trein before, reluctantly putting me down on my feet. I was slightly wobbly but thankfully, Trein let me lean on him. Jade and Floyd just continued to glare at Trein until we both were out of their line of sight.
"Thank you, Professor Trein. I really appreciate you helping me out there."
Trein gave me a perplexed look before pulling me off to the side.
"What do you mean 'helping', Mr. (Y/N)?"
I gave Trein the quick rundown of what happened this morning. He knew that I was injured but he didn't know about the tweels' behavior.
"That about sums it all up."
Trein had a look on his face as if I were a ghost. Or some rare creature considering we see ghosts all of the time.
"This is far more concerning than their normal behaviors. Mr. (Y/N), I recommend staying away from the Leech twins. It would be the best for your own safety."
My heart filled up with unease at Professor Trein's words. I hated the idea of just ghosting Floyd and Jade but I do think that some time away from them would do me some good and vice versa.
I nodded my head before following Trein to Alchemy class. Our entrance was really loud mainly because we had a test in class today. My normal first year crew was there but also a good portion of third years was also there. Turns out it was another mix class. I turned my attention to Professor Crewel, who was writing furiously at his desk.
"Ah. The mutt has finally arrived. Did you already give him detention, Trein?"
Professor Crewel's pen stops mid-motion before Crewel lifted his head, looking at Trein with disbelief.
"How come?"
"He wasn't ditching class on purpose. Floyd and Jade were preventing him from coming to class."
All of the writing pens went still and the room reached new levels of silent. Everybody was now looking at me with concern. All of them knew that if the Leech twins have any interest in you, you are in trouble.
Crewel and Trein seem to have a silent conversation before Crewel stands up.
"All of you puppies, continue your tests! Mutt, take your seat and don't cause a mess. Professor Trein and I have some things to discuss."
I only gave Crewel a quick bow when he was leaving the room with Trein before taking the only seat left in the class. Between a first year that I don't know very well and Trey.
Trey looked over at me. I gave him a quick smile to show that I was alright. He tapped the bandages on my arm, before putting a dramatic frown. I waved my hand before putting my fingers to the corner of my lips and lifted them into a smile.
Crewel walked back in and Trey and I stopped miming to each other. I just sat there staring at my blank desk while waiting for everyone to finish with their tests.
I raised my gaze to meet Crewel's stare. I couldn't stop myself from flinching. It felt like he was staring into my soul slightly.
"Y-yes, Professor?"
"I want to talk with you after class. Don't try to escape with the crowd."
"Yes, Professor."
My voice could barely count as a whisper. I felt the pity radiating off of all the other students for me. First, I was stuck with Floyd and Jade and now, I'm going to be stuck with Professor Crewel. Oh why, oh why did the nurse have to give an okay to leave?! Why couldn't he have waited for tomorrow when Kalim and Jamil were going to visit?!
After about ten more minutes, people started to turn in their tests before leaving the classroom. I watched as Ace and Deuce left. I waved at them while they left. Ace sent me a heart symbol while Deuce gave two thumbs up. Malleus and Lilia were the next of my friends to leave. Lilia put a small bag on my desk while Malleus only stared at me. Soon enough, the only people in the classroom left were Trey, Crewel and myself. Trey already turned in his test but was just standing in front of my seat to talk with me.
"Are you sure that you'll be okay? I can stay behind if you're scared."
"I'll be okay, Trey. I do owe Professor Crewel anyway. I've been only a mutt to him for a while now. Maybe I can make it up to him."
Trey looked displeased when I said mutt but I pushed him slightly in the shoulder.
"Head on out. If you're so worried about me, you're allowed to wait for me outside. I wouldn't mind company for the trip back to Ramshackle."
Trey casted me one more sad look before leaving. After he left, Crewel stood up and took his place at my seat.
"Alright, mutt. Trein explained to me about your... situation with the Leech twins. Floyd and Jade acted highly inappropriate for it to just be written off as a casual misunderstanding. If you wish, as much as I despise taking care of the mutts of the litter, I am willing to make sure that you're safe from being torn apart by the purebreds."
I only shook my head at Crewel's offer. If Crewel did try to intervene like how Trein did, it would just cause more chaos for me. Last thing that anybody needs are angry human eels. Crewel gave me a disgusted look when I started to shake my head.
"I'm a bit offended that a mutt like you refused my services. But! I'm relieved that I don't have to protect filthy, impure mutts like you."
Crewel's words stung me a bit but in all honesty, I was used to them by now. He has always had a weird grudge against me since I first arrived at Twisted Wonderland.
"T-thank you for the offer, Sir. I'll be on my way now."
I got out of my seat and rushed out of the alchemy room with Lilia's tiny bag. Last thing that I need to do is upset Crewel even more and actually get detention for skipping. I let out a sigh of relief.
Deuce's voice flooded my ears before I felt him. He wrapped me in a tight hug. It caused a bit of discomfort but not as bad as Floyd's squeezes could be.
"Ouch. Hiya, Deucey!"
"Ouch? Am I hurting you?!"
"Only a tad but I know that you're doing it by accident."
"I'm so sorry! Please forgive me!"
"Calm down, Deuce. It's not a problem! What are you doing here exactly?"
"I asked them the same thing when I left the classroom."
Trey spoke up with Ace by his side.
"We're here because of the fact that you're our friend! Crewel can be so harsh to you sometimes! Really? MUTT?! At least Deuce and I get called puppies but you just get called a mutt!"
Ace continued to rant in his own world while we all just listened. Trey and Deuce agreed a lot with what Ace was saying, even as it went into dragging others.
"And who do those twins think they are?! The nurse said that you were okay to go back to classes and they prevented you from doing so?! They should be expelled for doing something like that!"
"You should really watch your mouth, Trappola."
"Yeah, Crabby. You never know who might be around to hear it."
Ace's face became paler even more than it normally is when he heard Floyd and Jade's voice come from around the corner. I totally thought that Ace was going to be a goner but amazingly, the tweels let it slide. Unfortunately, it was because their attention was laser focused on me.
"Shrimpy~~~! Let's go to the Mostro Lounge now! Elvers like you need all of the yummy food that they can get! I'm pretty certain that Crabby couldn't feed you the food that you need!"
Floyd grabbed my wrist and started pulling it, trying to drag me away from the Heartslabyul students. I started to put up some resistance against Floyd which surprisingly got his attention.
"Shrimpy, don't fight me! I only want what's best for you~"
A collar appeared around Floyd's neck and a wind spell sent him flying backwards into Jade. Riddle, basically coming out of nowhere and in his dorm uniform, looked really, really mad. His head was reaching new shades of dark red that I don't think that the art majors of my world would be able to identify.
"FLOYD! You're not allowed to bother any of my dorm members for your own entertainment! Trey, Deuce, Ace. Grab (Y/N) and come along. We have important plans to take care of!"
"Yes, Dorm Leader Rosehearts!"
Ace and Deuce linked their arms with one of my own on each side while Trey went behind all of us to prevent either Floyd or Jade grabbing me from behind.
Floyd was screaming and throwing a fit while Jade was silent. I tried to turn my head to see if I could get a glance at either of them but Trey only put his hand on the back of my neck.
"Don't look back at them. I don't want you to be influenced by their terrible behavior."
I gulped when I heard the disdain in Trey's voice. It's so weird to hear such a negative tone from a person who is normally so chill. Ace and Deuce appeared to have agreed with what Trey said.
"It's bad enough that you had to spend every Wednesday with those three. Who knows what damage they did to you?"
"Yeah! We're going to make sure that you're far away from bad influences!"
I thought about what Ace said before I started laughing.
"What are you laughing about?"
"Ace. You are the king of bad influences. Before my fall, you wanted me to join you in putting five bath bombs into each toilet that is in the main building. I had to restrain you from doing that."
"Shhhhhh, we don't need to talk about that."
"Ace, I'll be having a talk with you later."
Riddle turned his head to glare at Ace. Deuce and Trey started snickering at the interaction between Ace and Riddle. They started to bicker about whether or not Ace deserves to be punished.
"Your thoughts will soon become your actions! If (Y/N) wasn't there, you would have done it!"
"okay, that might have some truth BUT I STILL DIDN'T DO IT!"
After about five minutes of walking, we reached the Pop Music Club room. Cater, Kalim and Lilia were rocking out and they appeared to be having a blast. Ace and Deuce let go of my arms and I got closer to their makeshift stage. Sometimes I wish that I was better at playing an instrument so that I could join them but... I think that I would only bring down their performances.
After about two minutes of them not realizing that we were there, Cater took notice and appeared to have gone through a mental pause. Because he stopped singing and playing, Lilia and Kalim stopped playing their instruments as well.
Kalim lunged at me from behind his drums to enwrap me in a hug. I was mildly prepared but it still ended up hurting me.
"Ow, hiya, Kalim!"
Kalim didn't react to me saying ow like how Deuce did before.
"You're walking! Oh, that's amazing news! I'll get Jamil to host a huge celebration for the fact that you can move around again! I'm thinking fifty purple peacocks and plenty of golden camels will be a good start for your parade!"
Kalim went off into a planning scheme. I tried to get him to stop for Jamil's sake. There's no telling what Jamil might do if Kalim does something like this.
"I don't need all of that. Promise."
"Dorm leader Rosehearts, what brings you here? Did Ace-chan and Deuce-chan mess things up again?"
Cater's teasing tone triggered Ace and Deuce's need to defend themselves from the teasing.
"Kidding, kidding~!"
"I was tasked by the Headmage to deliver these papers to you. He made it very clear that you need to have these papers filled out by tomorrow morning."
Cater took the papers before turning his attention to me.
"Yo, (Y/N)-chan's out of bed! I need a photo of this!"
Cater was quick to get to my side and put his arm around my shoulders. Kalim and Lilia were quick to get in the picture as well before Cater took many photos.
"Ah, my little bat! Did you like what I made for you~?"
Oh, right! I forgot about the bag that Lilia gave me. I quickly grabbed it from my pocket and opened it. Inside were little black things that I think were supposed to be cookies.
"Correct! I was trying out a healthier recipe that would be able to heal you faster! But it seems that my hard work wasn't needed after all. Makes me a bit sad."
"Don't feel bad! I'm not a hundred percent better yet. Just good enough to walk around by myself."
Lilia's face fell while I grabbed one of the 'cookies'. I popped one into my mouth. The taste exploded in my mouth and I had to shake my head to try and get used to the taste. Lilia's cooking can send your soul into the next five dimensions sometimes.
"He let you walk without a complete bill of health?!"
"No, he did. The fact that he said that I was good enough to walk is a clean bill of health."
"Is that true? Humans have such a lazy way of taking care of the injured."
I only nodded, mainly because trying to convince Lilia that this was the better way for humans to recover would be near impossible. Although I had to admit, even though Lilia's cooking blasted my taste buds to new dimensions, Kalim's tight hug around my waist stopped aching.
"(Y/N). We must be on our way."
Riddle came up to me with Ace, Deuce, Trey and Cater behind him. I guess that Pop Music Club was done for the evening. I start to move forward but Kalim's grip tightened. I couldn't move an inch away.
"Why does he have to go with you? Jamil and I are going to be watching him tomorrow!"
"W-w-wait a-"
"Because he needs someone who can actually watch over him during the last stages of his recovery."
"Jamil and I are plenty responsible!"
Kalim was showing a completely different side of him. He seemed really possessive.
"Are you denying an order from me, Kalim?"
"Maybe I am!"
Everybody then turned their heads to Jamil, who I believe was there to pick up Kalim.
"Yeah, Jamil?"
"We need to get going."
"Got it!"
Jamil started to walk, leaving Kalim still in the club room. Kalim seemed conflicted on whether or not to let go of me before settling on picking me up by my waist before running after Jamil.
"I'll see you guys tomorrow!"
"Wait a minute!!"
Kalim was much too fast for the other guys and caught up to Jamil with no problem.
"Jamil! (Y/N)'s feeling better! He can walk now!"
"I heard."
"He's also spending the night in the dorm!"
Jamil stopped before turning around to see me in Kalim's arms.
"H-hi... Jamil..."
Jamil had a mild wide eyed look while he was staring at me. I saw him take a deep inhale before closing his eyes and exhaling. He schooled his expression before continuing on with walking.
"Hello, (Y/N). Kalim. You know that I don't appreciate it when you bring in random guests without notifying me."
"Huh? But I thought you were the one who wanted (Y/N) to visit once he was feeling better?"
Jamil made a choked noise. That piece of news was interesting to hear from Kalim. I always thought that I was a further burden on Jamil's shoulders, not to mention the fact that I prevented his coup. Why would he want me to visit?
"Kalim. What have I told you about sharing private conversations?"
"It wasn't private! We had it in the kitchen. Many of the other Scarabia students agreed with having him over when you proposed the idea."
Jamil seemed to be getting more and more flustered at what he said. I felt bad.
"Kalim, maybe you shouldn't tease Jamil."
"I'm not teasing him!"
"You... kind of are."
"Oh. Sorry, Jamil!"
Jamil just decided to hide his face in his hoodie. I kept my eye on him. I made the mental note to try and apologize to Jamil later. I knew how Kalim got on his nerves very easily. We eventually made it to Scarabia and I was allowed to use my feet again.
I was surrounded by all different Scarabia students. They all had things in their hands. Apparently, back when I first got hurt, Kalim was very upset and told everybody about the news. I didn't realize how much the Scarabia students liked me because they ended up either making or buying things for me!
"Here! A stuffed parrot! Don't worry! It's only cloth and stuffing!"
"I know that you're almost fully healed but here. This is a cream that I use on injuries to soothe them."
"(Y/N)! As a thanks, I made you one of my mom's recipes! I messed up a lot of times in the kitchen but I think that you'll enjoy the outcome!"
I was mildly overloaded with all of the gifts.
"Thank you so much but you really didn't need to do all of this for me!"
"Nonsense, (Y/N)! You deserve all of this and so much more! Come along! Let's sit down while you continue to get gifts!"
Kalim pulled me along and sat me down on a cushion. I nearly melted in it. Compared to the cushions at Ramshackle or the nurse bed, it felt as if I was sitting on a cloud. I set the few gifts that I was holding down and that's where the other gifts were being put down.
Kalim turned towards me with a shining look in his eyes. I felt so bad.
"I don't feel right accepting all of these. I haven't done anything to deserve all of this! All that I did was get hurt!"
"Shhhhh, (Y/N)! You shouldn't worry about it! You're Scarabia's little brother! We just want to spoil you!"
LITTLE BROTHER?! What is wrong with everyone today?!
"Awww, (Y/N), don't get fussy! I know! Jamil!"
Kalim grabbed me in a hug. My back was against his chest and we were so close that I could feel his heartbeat. I tried to get out of his grip but Lilia's cookies were starting to wear off. The aches and pains were starting to come back. Jamil came from the kitchen, no longer having his hoodie covering his face.
"Yes, Kalim?"
"(Y/N) here is working himself up! Do you think that you can get him to relax?"
"Of course, (Y/N). Just look into my eyes and your worries will melt away."
I closed my eyes so fast. Jamil's unique magic was something that I never wanted to experience again.
"No! Jamil, you promised that you wouldn't do this to me again!"
"Shhhh, I won't hurt you. Just open your eyes. You'll be just fine."
I felt hands on my face and they pried my eyelids open. I was forced to stare straight into Jamil's eyes. I felt my resolve melt in a few seconds.
"There we go. Just relax. You're the little brother of Scarabia and you love being here with us. Scarabia students are the only ones with your safety in mind. The other dorms will hurt you without hesitation."
I felt my head nod. I don't understand why I was trying to fight Kalim. He only wanted to protect me.
"If another dorm member tries to interact with you, run and try to find a Scarabia student. They'll keep you safe."
I nodded my head again. A smile broke out on my face. A feeling of security enveloped me. I was so happy that my big brothers were around me. They just want to keep me safe.
"Are you done, Jamil?"
Kalim spoke in a whisper. I didn't completely understand why.
"Yes. He'll no longer give us trouble."
"Yay! Now! (Y/N)! How about after everyone finishes giving you their presents, we can throw a huge celebration for your return home!"
A giggle left my mouth.
"I love that idea, Big Brother Kalim."
About five days passed by while I was in Scarabia. I raised my concerns about my classes but Kalim or Jamil told me that everything was fine. That I didn't need to go to classes anymore. For some reason, that caused a part of my mind to grow uncomfortable with that thought. Why was I so determined to go to class? The other dorms would be in those classes! They'll hurt me!
"Are you sure that you guys have to go? Won't the other dorms hurt you guys as well?!"
Fear coiled around my heart like a snake for my big brothers. They were all so brave for going out into the school.
"Don't worry about us, (Y/N)! We can handle ourselves!"
"Besides, don't you remember?"
I looked at Jamil straight in the eyes.
"You're too weak to defend yourself."
My mind got muddled but I nodded my head yes.
"Yeah, you're right. I keep forgetting for some reason."
"Hehehehe! Don't worry, (Y/N)! I forget important things too! I wouldn't worry too much about it! Just rest in Scarabia and you'll be just fine!"
"If you say so, big brother!"
I waved everyone off before taking my seat in the lounge room. I took deep breaths to calm my heart before closing my eyes. I don't know why I always feel so worried about them leaving. They're strong unlike me.
I dozed off for a while. My dreams felt so life-like. I could have sworn that I was lifted off the ground by a million butterflies and was flown around the outside of Scarabia to enjoy the sun and scenery. Although I was given the biggest heart attack when I awoke.
I opened my eyes to see, well, nothing! There was just darkness. I haven't seen such darkness in a while. Ramshackle used to be very dark when I pulled the blinds shut but... Wait a minute, what's Ramshackle?
I heard footsteps echoing outside of the room that I was in. Maybe it was Jamil or Kalim? But why would my brothers pull such an awful prank on me? I soon got my answer. It was neither Kalim or Jamil.
The man who looked at me was wearing a deep purple outfit. It was like a dress without it being a dress. His hair was done really fancy and there appeared to be a crown on his head. I was terrified. It wasn't a Scarabia uniform which meant that this was probably someone from a different dorm! He's going to hurt me!
I let out whimpers. If I actually had a shot of taking the guy down, I would have screamed but I'm not strong enough to defend myself from him. The blonde man glared down at me.
"First Potato. Don't whimper. It isn't a good look on you."
The nickname rang bells in my head but I don't recognize him at all.
"Wh-who are you?"
The man appeared shocked by my question.
"What do you mean 'Who are you'? You know me quite well, First Potato!"
I shrunk when he raised his voice. He quickly noticed and tried to remedy his mistake.
"I apologize for scaring you, (Y/N). But I just can't believe that you forgot about me."
I stared at him and my mind was itching. It was most uncomfortable. Why did I feel like I knew him?
"Are you going to hurt me?"
The man looked appalled at the words that I said.
"Hurt you? Why would I hurt you? (Y/N). Nobody here wants to hurt you. It was bad enough that that Cucumber let you fall but I assure you that I will not cause you any harm. I owe you much better."
"Are you sure, Vil?"
"Hm? It appears that you do know me after all. I didn't tell you who I was."
I realized what I said. I do know this man! Vil Schoenheit! The famous model and actor! I helped him during VDC! My memories quickly came back! I had friends in other dorms! They wouldn't hurt me!
"Vil! It's a relief to see you again!"
I grabbed him in a hug and had the biggest smile on my face. A smile broke out on Vil's face as well. I felt his arms wrap around my body.
"It's a joy to see you as well, First Potato."
"But wait. Why am I in Pomefiore in the first place? I was in Scarabia for so long. I didn't think that anybody was searching for me."
"You're in Pomefiore, First Potato, because I heard from Epel that you weren't in class. I instructed Rook to go looking for you. The nurse told me and a few of the other dorm leaders that you should be back in classes last Thursday. It took Rook close to six days. Scarabia had you hidden well but thankfully, Rook overheard something from the potatoes from Heartslabyul. I can't believe what those spuds from Scarabia kept you captive!"
"Yeah, they all were acting really weird! Floyd and Jade were acting in a similar way."
Vil tilted his head slightly.
"How exactly were they acting?"
A sigh escaped my lips.
"They keep acting as if I'm their younger brother and that I can't do a single thing for myself! For crying out loud! I took care of overblots, I fought ghosts and students who decided to pick a fight, I took care of Ramshackle nearly by myself! I'm not a little boy!"
I clenched my hands into fists. What has been happening really has taken a huge toll on my mental state. Tears of frustration started to pool in the corners of my eyes.
"Calm down, First Potato. You're working yourself into dismay. You wouldn't want your eyes puffy, now do you? Follow my actions."
Vil coached me through a breathing exercise. I felt my panic ebb away and the tears no longer forming.
"Thank you again, Vil. I'm just really tired right now."
Vil gave me a pat on my head, which made me smile.
"It's not a problem for me, First Potato. But you shouldn't sleep any more. Naps can be useful in case of a bad night's sleep but I'm certain that you got plenty of sleep in Scarabia."
I nodded my head. Last night was the only night that there wasn't a huge party if my memory is correct. Although, I really wouldn't trust it for the fact that I was under a lot of mind control during that time.
"So, instead of taking a nap, we're going to do some other relaxing activity. You're lacking a certain glow that you normally have."
Vil grabbed one of my hands before pulling me out of the room. He led me through the hallways of Pomefiore before stopping in front of a different room. He knocked on the door pretty loudly.
"Rook! Come out please!"
The door opened swiftly and there was Rook in all of his glory.
"Roi du Poison! Oh, and my Jeune Chercheur de Beauté! It's wonderful to see you awake from your slumber although..."
Rook's smile turned into a scary smirk.
"Your sleeping face gave me the most euphoria that I've ever experienced! There was nothing more that I wanted than to split your head open and crawl inside to see what made you so calm and happy in your dreams."
Rook went on a tangent and I was starting to get uncomfortable. Rook can really go into the smallest details that even a person who spends a whole day in front of a mirror wouldn't notice.
Rook stopped mid sentence before clasping his hands together.
"Right! Forgive me, Roi du Poison! I got lost in my Trickster's beauty. Now, what may I do for you, my Lovely Queen?"
"I want you to take (Y/N) and get him some proper clothing. Those rags that Kalim and Jamil made him wear are quite insulting."
I looked down at my clothes. I didn't even realize that I was wearing a Scarabia uniform! When did I get changed?!
"Oui, oui, Beautiful Vil! I'll make sure that he is put into clothing that compliments your and his beauty perfectly! Now, come with me, Jeune Chercheur de Beauté. Let's get your beauty to shine above all others."
Rook left his room and started to guide me from behind. He kept a tight grip on my shoulders and started to push me towards somewhere else in Pomefiore.
"This way, this way, Trickster."
"Where are we going, Rook?"
"You'll see!"
I let out a light laugh. To be honest, this is probably the most fun that I've had ever since I was released from bed rest. Although Grim is probably freaking out by now.
"Here we are!"
I was jostled out of my thoughts when Rook opened a very large room. I was in awe of all of the clothes there. There were so many beautiful clothes. They all appeared to be of high quality as well.
"Now! Let's find the perfect outfit to compliment your beauty!"
I lost count of how many outfits that I had tried on. Rook complimented all of them but he would always end his compliments with the same ending statement.
"While your beauty is shining bright, I know that you could be shining brighter."
We finally chose a really beautiful outfit. I remember seeing it in a catalogue that Vil had a few months ago. I did want the outfit but there was no way that I could afford it. It compliments my skin and hair perfectly.
"TRÉS BIEN!! OH, MON JEUNE CHERCHEUR DE BEAUTÉ! Je n'ai jamais vu quelqu'un briller autant que toi en ce moment! Pomefiore a tellement de chance que tu fasses partie de notre dortoir comme tous les nôtres juniors! Bien que, je dois l'admettre, si vous êtes toujours proche de moi, j'aurai toute la beauté dont j'ai besoin dans ma vie pour durer éternellement!"
"Thank you?"
"Non, non, thank YOU, Trickster! For blessing me with a wonderful sight!"
I heard a vibration and Rook pulled out his phone. A smile broke out on his face.
"Perfect timing! Come along, Mon Jeune Chercheur! Roi du Poison requires your presence."
Rook grabbed my wrist and started to lead me somewhere else in Pomefiore. I saw Epel during the trip and gave him a wave. He looked shocked before rushing to catch up with Rook and me.
"(Y/N)! Where have you been?! Ace, Deuce, and Jack have been searching for you all over school! Sebek and I have been taking care of Grim and Ramshackle for ya! Even though Grim has been really upset without you recently."
"I was... mildly kidnapped by Scarabia for the past few days."
Epel's eyebrows went up before his face contorted into a scowl.
"Those gluttonous hogs... I'll make sure that they pay!"
"We're here, Roi du Poison!"
Rook opened some other doors and inside was what I would call a full photography studio. Cameras, lights, backdrops, makeup on the side, everything! Vil was there, wearing a beautiful outfit himself and had a full face of makeup on.
"Ah, it's about time, First Potato. Ah, Epel, you've come along as well."
"Well, I really wanted to see (Y/N) again."
I was mildly surprised at how quiet Epel was being. He actually appeared to be bashful.
"Well, if you're quick enough and actually listen to instructions, you can join the photo shoot."
Epel looked shocked before a huge smile appeared on his face.
"Yes, but you have to clean up and get your makeup done!"
Epel ran off into one of the side rooms to most likely get ready. I've never seen him listen to Vil so enthusiastically before.
"Now, come here First Potato."
I returned my attention to Vil who had his arms open to me. I walked up to him, a bit confused on what he wanted me to do. He gestured to the camera and I got the hint. I moved to in front of the camera and stood there.
"Why am I doing this?"
"We're doing this to capture your natural beauty while putting you in a low stress environment. You mentioned how you were tired and creating beautiful works of art is a relaxing activity that we can do together."
"W-w-wait, these photos won't be p-posted anywhere? Right?"
"Of course not, First Potato. I know how much you get nervous about photos of you."
I felt the tension leaving my body. Knowing that I could just have fun pictures that don't need to be one hundred percent perfect was a joy to hear. Vil kept talking to the camera man when Epel came back with an outfit of his own. It was a bit cutesy but he didn't seem too annoyed by it.
"There! I even wore the outfit you picked, Vil!"
There's his annoyance.
"Hmmmm, you rushed your makeup, hair and the outfit looks thrown on. Ugh, maybe I'm feeling more lenient because of my junior being here or I must be going crazy, but go on."
Epel jumped slightly before running to me. He even captured me in a hug.
"(Y/N)! It's a wonder to see ya again! To be honest, the school is kind of falling apart with you out of action for so long."
"Oh! That's... really not good."
NRC falling apart is the nearly last thing that I want. I mean, sure. When I first got it here, I was highly uncomfortable but now. This place is like a second home to me.
"Alright! Roi Du Poison has placed me in charge of making sure everyone is in their correct positions! Alright, Mon Jeune Chercheur! Over here!"
Rook grabbed my hands and led me over to a plain white cube. He first sat on it before positioning me on top of him.
"Um, Rook?"
"It will be fine, Trickster! Now, Epel, please come over here!"
Epel rushed over, put his hands in a crisscross position, lay them in my lap before settling his head on top of them. His head facing the camera while he was kneeling. I stayed as still as possible before Vil came over and stood behind me and Rook. He put his hand on my shoulder. It kind of felt like a family portrait.
"We need at least one formal photo before we can do more. Now, everyone, give the camera your best smile."
I looked at the camera and gave it my best smile. I hope that it's enough to make the picture look well. The photographer took many pictures of us in the position and at different angles. My eyes were mildly blotchy after that.
"There we go. Now, time for other poses."
I don't know how many hours we spent there but I must admit. It was so much fun to just have a photo shoot with my Pomefiore friends. Some of the photos were just me and Epel or me and Rook or me and Vil. Each one had a different feel. Vil's photos were more serious while Epel's photos had a more fun vibe. Rook's photos were light hearted but at the same time, my heart raced because of the look in his eyes.
"Wow, I think that I really needed this. Thanks Vil for coming up with this."
"No problem, First Potato. Although you should probably rest now. It's gotten quite dark."
"Has it?!"
I moved to leave the room and took a look outside. Sure enough, the moon was in the sky at Pomefiore.
"Oh no! I need to get to Ramshackle. Thank you guys so much for hanging out with me but I really do need to leave!"
"Hold on-!"
I didn't wait to hear their protests before running down the hallways.
"I'll return the outfit tomorrow! I promise!"
I didn't have the time to change. I had to get back to Ramshackle. Grim will never forgive me for taking this long to recover and see him again. It took me around six minutes to reach Ramshackle and I bursted through the doors. The ghosts there looked shocked before they became overjoyed.
"Welcome back!"
"We've missed you!"
"Thanks for the warm welcome guys! But where's Grim?"
"Upstairs in bed!"
"Thank you!"
I ran up the stairs and quietly opened the door to see Grim curled up in a ball on the bed. I shut the door before walking to him and gently started to pet his back. He leaned into my touch before opening his eyes.
Grim jumped onto me to smother my face.
"Hello, Grimmy! It's wonderful to see you as well!"
Grim had a big grin on his face before his expression turned into a dark one.
"You need to leave."
Saying that I was confused would have been an understatement.
"Wh-what do you mean? Grim, aren't you glad that I'm back?"
"I am! But all of those other guys are insane! They've been talking about kidnapping you to 'keep you safe'!"
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ateezlovely · 1 year
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Good luck kiss
pairing: choi san x reader (genderneutral)
genre: fluff + racer san
description: struggling from lack of sleep you end up going to the racetrack and meet a dark-haired boy with a lip piercing that captures your heart (1.8k words)
note: that gif of him makes me think of him as a street racer so i had to indulge in those thoughts ^-^
Feeling yourself bump into someone else you turn to them and mumble a sorry as you continue hurrying down the hallway. Only having a passing thought about the boy with dark hair and lip piercing that you bumped into.
Waking up this morning was especially hard, you had not been able to fall asleep until five in the morning, and the class you were rushing to started at eight. It wasn’t unusual for you to be late to class or even miss class because of how badly you struggled with sleeping. You slow down and try to catch your breath as you approach the classroom, trying to not look like a mess.
Music appreciation was not your favorite class but it wasn’t the worse either. It really didn’t help that the eight am class was the only one available and usually you didn’t wake up before 11 am.
Luckily there was a minute until class started and a few other people walked in at the same time as you. Walking to the back of the classroom, just in case you fell asleep, you took one of the few seats left. As you are getting out what you need to take notes someone sits next to you but you don’t pay attention because the professor stands up to greet the class.
Only ten minutes into the lecture, you struggle to keep your eyes open and stay conscious so you lean against the desk laying your head on your folded arms. Drifting in and out of consciousness you only wake up when you hear the loud shuffling of everyone leaving. You feel confused for a moment before you start gathering your things and realize someone had opened your notebook and written notes of today's lecture. None of your friends are in this class and you’ve only talked to a handful of the other students, so you aren’t sure who wrote the notes for you. Deciding not to worry about it you head back to your place so you can get some sleep before your 1 pm class and your shift at work.
It was busy at the coffee shop you worked at even though it was Friday afternoon. You enjoyed working the busy afternoon shifts because it meant you didn’t have any time to stop moving and feel how tired you were. It was fun working with your coworker Wooyoung, he was energetic and always making you laugh. You also became close friends with him outside of work and shared some classes with him.
‘’So any fun plans this Friday night?’’ Wooyoung asked as the both of you were cleaning up the shop to close for the night.
‘’Well, I have a very comfy bed and homework waiting for me at home’’ you sigh and immediately Wooyoung starts booing at you.
‘’That’s so lame! It’s Friday night you should do something fun’’ he exclaims while tugging on your arm, ‘’Oh! You should come with me to see my friends.’’
“Oh…I don’t know’’ you wearily say walking out of the store and waiting for Wooyoung to lock the doors.
“I swear it will be fun, we are meeting at the racing tracks!’’
“The racing tracks? What do you do there?’’ you have heard of people talk about going to the racing tracks on the weekends but never were intrigued to go. It wasn’t any official racing but it wasn’t illegal.
‘’My friends compete in the racing, we just hang around having fun’’ Wooyoung hooks his arm with yours and you walk with him to his car thinking that it might not be a bad idea to go. Since you aren't able to sleep early, staying out late won't be a problem.
‘’I won’t be intruding or anything? I haven’t met any of your friends before’’
‘’Don’t worry about it, it isn’t some closed thing’’ he assured you and you nodded getting into his car. Although you didn’t have trouble making friends or talking to people you didn’t know, you found yourself feeling nervous. Maybe it was the lack of sleep or because it wasn’t a familiar setting.
The racetrack was not what you had imagined. It was a normal-sized racetrack with barriers along the outside of the track but that was it. There were four cars on the actual track and many other cars in the parking lot. As soon as Wooyoung parked his car he hopped out and started shouting and laughing at his friends. You got out and followed him to where a group of people was standing near the starting line on the track.
You stood near the group of people whom you assumed were all of Wooyoungs friends because you heard familiar names that you remember Wooyoung saying before.
‘’Hey Wooyoung, who did you bring with you?’’ the tall man with yellow and red hair asked, suddenly bringing all the attention to you.
‘’This is my coworker and friend y/n, this is their first time here!’’
Shyly you wave and introduce yourself and Wooyoung giggles at how shy you are acting. He starts to tease you a bit and you roll your eyes before joining the conversation. One of the boys, you think his name is Yunho, asks if you want a drink and you nod eagerly.
Taking a few sips and standing facing the barrier you look at the cars on the track that seem to be getting ready to start the race. It is loud with everyone talking and revving of the engines.
While you were wondering how safe this was, a voice next to you startles you out of your thoughts, ‘’Do you enjoy watching racing?’’
Looking over at the person talking to you, it’s a boy with dark hair and lip piercing you say ‘’Huh? Oh, well this is my first time watching actually…’’
‘’Really?’’ he seem surprised for a moment before smirking, ‘’I guess that makes sense cause I definitely would have remembered seeing someone so pretty like you before’’
You look away for a second but look back at him and lick your lips. He is leaning against the barrier with his body facing you.
‘’I bet you say that to all the new pretty people that come here,’’ you tease with a smile.
A small playful gasps leave his pouty lips, ‘’What do you take me for? Some creepy guy that flirts with everyone?’’
This makes you laugh out loud, ‘’Well I don’t know you at all so maybe you are’’
‘’I promise I am not some creepy guy that hits on everyone, I only hit on the really pretty people that catch my eye’’ he says staring into your eyes that make you feel like you have met him before.
‘’Hmm…well I can’t be sure of anything yet,’’ and then you realize something, ‘’I mean I don’t even know your name.’’
‘’It’s San, and yours is y/n’’ he smiles and you are shocked for a moment, not knowing that he knew your name.
‘’You know my name?’’
‘’I do…hurts me that you didn’t know mine though.’’ He pouts again and you look at his soft pouting lips wanting to feel his lip piercing against your lips.
‘’C’mon that isn’t my fault’’ you whine a bit and you feel slightly bad that you didn’t know who he was. But this makes San giggle and you can’t help but look at his side profile as he laughs, thinking that his smile makes him look pretty.
‘’So how do you know my name?’’ you ask nudging his arm.
‘’Well actually…’’ suddenly San looks bashful and he bites his bottom lip, ‘’I saw you today in class, I sat next to you while you slept and took notes for you. Your name was written in your notebook’’
‘’Really? I was wondering who did that!’’ you exclaim with wide eyes.
‘’Mhm I did that, you looked really peaceful sleeping so I took notes for you’’ San shrugged as if it was no big deal. You smiled at him and thought that even though he looked like a tough guy on the outside, he was really sweet.
''Thank you for doing that...maybe I should probably stop sleeping in class''
''Besides the drool, I thought you looked pretty sleeping but you should try to get better sleep'' San teased and you blushed.
''Hey! I didn't drool!'' you whined lightly hitting his arm, ''I have trouble sleeping so I can't help but fall asleep in class sometimes''
''Well if you ever need someone to help you sleep, you can call me'' he winked and you smiled laughing at him.
The cars on the track all started up and everyone started to yell and cheer, the race was starting now. Two of the guys on the track came up to San and started talking to him about something you couldn’t hear.
You started to wonder the reason why San came to the racetrack when he hopped over the barrier and turned to you saying, ‘’It’s my time to shine now, will you wait for me after the race is over?’’
‘’Maybe I will wait if you win the race’’ you reply teasing him, except San takes this seriously.
‘’I will win just for you sweetheart’’ he winks and starts to walk backward away from you but stops to ask, ‘’will you give me a good luck kiss?’’
A blush blooms on your cheeks and your heart starts to beat fast, ‘’how about I give you a kiss if you win’’
‘’Oh baby, there's no if, I’m going to win!’’
Watching as San gets into his car you feel as though your heart is going to leap out of your chest. Wooyoung comes next to you and teases you that he watched and heard everything that happened between you and San. The redness of your cheeks deepens and you shove Wooyoung telling him to be quiet. You barely acknowledge Wooyoungs teasing as the race starts and the four cars take off going fast on the track.
‘’Hm…that does seem fair’’ and as soon as you say that San leans over the barrier, your faces so close you can smell his cologne and see how pretty the color of his eyes are. There is a soft smile on his lips as he brings one hand to the side of your face and closes the distance between you two.
His lips are softer than you imagined and his lip piercing briefly feels cold against your mouth. You can’t help but sigh out of bliss into his mouth and San smiles against your mouth.
He pulls away softly and whispers a ‘’pretty,’’ before he hops over the barrier again so he can pull you even closer and tell you how he is going to kiss you forever and never going to let you go.
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javierpena-inatacvest · 9 months
Hi! Congrats on 500 followers!
Could I request prompt 30 with Javi going out of his ways to surprise Osita with a candle lit dinner at home? Javi is a great cook and very domestic/tidy in my head.
Thank you! 😍
Ugh, nonnie, this one was so cute!!! 😭💕 I 100% agree that Javi is also kind of a neat freak and a good cook!! Also this one goes out to my own personal Javi P bc my husband has put up with my grumpy ass while I go back to school this week and has done everything around the house so I can go to bed at like 8:00 every night 🥺
You Make Life Worth It
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Summary: Javi knows you've had a rough week at school, and surprises you with dinner
Word count: 1.2K
Warnings: FLUFFFF, allusions to smut (bc of course), mentions of eating and drinking, mentions of alcohol, work stress, Javi just being the sweetest and wanting to make you happy bc he literally loves you so much
This can be read as a stand alone or as a part of the It's Never Too Late Series!
Part of the 500 Followers Celebration Requests!
Tired would have been a tame way to describe how you had felt the past few days. Truth be told, you were fucking exhausted. There must have been something in the air at Alma Pierce Elementary School this week- your class was even crazier than normal, you got a new student in the middle of the year, the copier and broken down on you not once, but three times, and the closest you had gotten to eating lunch was shoving half a sandwich in your mouth during the 30 seconds you had to sit down at your desk. It was safe to say, you’d been kind of a grump this week. Javi knew first hand from his mom that teaching was absolutely draining, and could tell when there were times that all you needed to do was come home and lay down on the couch before you could do anything else.  You tried your best to always have a positive outlook and not complain, but when Javi came home yesterday to find you face down at the kitchen table, asleep face down in the pile of art projects you were trying to organize, you were really going through it. 
Today had been no better than the rest of the week, but at least it was Friday. Although, this Friday felt a lot less relaxing than most, realizing on the drive home that your apartment was a disaster. You had been so tired that practically every household chore had gone neglected. Laundry was in a heap on the floor, dishes were piled in the sink, you had left things out everywhere- it really looked like a tornado had rolled through and took down everything in the apartment in its wake. Javi was always good about helping you clean around the house, but his dad had needed help re-roofing part of the horse barn, and had been over there every day after work, coming home to find you already passed out in bed, on the couch or yesterday, the kitchen table. Trudging up the stairs to your apartment, you took a deep breath as you walked down the hallway to your door, pausing as you got closer. Why was there music playing? Why did it smell so good? Javi isn’t supposed to be home for another 3 hours? The questions spun in your head as you twisted the doorknob, too exhausted to even care if it was an intruder. If it was, at least they had good music taste and were maybe making you dinner. 
As you pushed open the door, you saw your apartment was dimly lit, candles scattered around the living room and kitchen, the shadows of the flames flickering and dancing along the walls. You could hear soft music and pans sizzling in the kitchen, along with the sweet humming of Javi’s voice. You closed the door behind you to see that the candles were everywhere, placed all over your now spotless apartment, taking a few more shocked steps into the living room before Javi noticed your presence. He grinned, quickly setting down what he was working and wiping his hands on the towel he had tucked in his waistband while he was cooking before coming over to cup your face for a long, sweet kiss that made your heart race, leaving you speechless. 
“Javi… is this… what are you… what?” You stumbled over your words, tears welling behind your eyes as you felt the stress begin to melt from your body. 
“Go take a seat, dinner’s almost done.” He smiled, tucking a piece of loose hair behind your ear before planting another kiss on your lips and heading back to the delicious smell of whatever was in the kitchen. Turning around, you now noticed that Javi had set the table with a fresh bouquet of flowers sitting in a vase in the middle, and two beers for you at your seat. 
“You really knew it was a two beers off the get-go kinda night, huh?” You snickered, cracking open one of the cans, taking a lengthy sip sitting down in your usual spot. 
“Osita, with the week you’ve had, I probably should have just set the whole 6-pack out for you.” The both of you laughed as you propped your elbow up on the table, resting your chin in your palm as you gazed at Javi, a gentle grin growing across your face as you watched him finish up dinner and bring a plate out for each of you. “What’s that look for?” He smirked, gesturing to you as he set both your plates down, pressing a soft kiss into the top of your head before sitting down in his seat. 
“You just… Javi, you didn’t have to do all of this. It’s so nice of you. Like, so nice of you. Thank you, Jav. You’re way too good to me.” You outstretched your arm across the table, grabbing his hand, tenderly running your thumb across his skin. “I love you.” The 3 words sliding out of your mouth just as easily as the stress had slid from your dreary expression after walking into your apartment just moments ago. “Also this salmon looks so good I could cry. Oh my god, is that the risotto too? I think that you have literally ruined any other risotto for me ever because whatever you do to it is- I don’t even know. I dream about your risotto, babe. You really are too good for me.” Nodding down at the plate in front of you, eyes widening at the delicious looking food Javi had made the both of you. He laughed as you took a fork full, your eyes rolling in the back of your head as swallowed, practically moaning from how good it was. 
“Well it’s the least I can do to make up for being a shitty boyfriend this week. I felt awful that I had to help Pops and that the past few days had been so tough for you. I feel super shitty that I haven’t helped to keep the apartment clean, either, I know that stresses you out.” He shifted his eyes down to his food, frown pursing his lips, feeling guilty for not doing more to help. “But-” his demeanor began to shift as he took a bite full of food, barely finishing chewing before speaking again. “Everything should be all cleaned now, laundry’s done, even finally got around to fixing that fucking shelf in our bedroom so it doesn’t scare the shit out of us every time it falls down.” He smiled at you, the look in his eyes almost begging you to forgive him for the fact he hadn’t been there for you the past few days. 
“Damn… I don’t know Jav, I’m really gonna miss almost crapping my pants every time that collapses.” The two of you giggled, taking a few more bites of your food before the gears in your head began to turn, wondering how Javi had time to do any of the things he was talking about, let alone have time to make you this delicious dinner. “Wait, when did you do all this? How did you have time to get all this done? 
Javi shrugged, raising his eyebrows, trying his best to hold back his grin. “Told Morris that I had something I had to get done today. Left a few hours early.” 
“Javier Peña, you did not leave work early just to clean the apartment and make dinner!” You swatted at his hand across the table, trying your best to be mad at him, your sass only making him smile wider. “My couple of bad days and lack of responsibility for not cleaning up after myself is not a good reason for you to play hooky.” 
“Hey.” He paused, grabbing your hand, holding it carefully as his sweet brown eyes gazed into yours. “Before you, I had nothing to live for. I had written off the chance of ever having anything like this. But then you came into my life. I never dreamed that something as simple as coming home from work early to do laundry and cook dinner would make me so happy. But, when you’re doing it for the person you love more than anything in the world, I’d do it again and again, every goddamn day. So thank you.” Te amo, Osita. Me enamoro mil veces al día, y todas son de ti. (I love you, Osita. I fall in love a thousand times a day, each time with you.) He interlaced his fingers with yours, holding your hand up to his face, planting a tender kiss on the top of your hand. A smile stretched across your face as you sniffled, using your free hand to wipe the tears falling down your cheeks with your sleeve. 
“Te amo más (I love you more), you dork. Thanks for making me cry.” You teased, Javi giving your hand a squeeze before releasing it, letting you dry the rest of your wet face. “I still don’t know what I ever did to deserve you. Or this delicious food. You’re the best, Javi. Thank you.” 
“I’m glad you like it. I hope you saved room for dessert.” He smirked, a boyish grin growing across his face as he bit down on his lip. You raised an eyebrow at him, setting your fork down on your almost cleared plate as you leaned back in your chair, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“Oh really? And what’s on the menu for dessert today, chef Peña?” 
“You’ll see.” 
“Oh, I’ll see? Okay then, well-ahhhhh!” You squealed as Javi darted up from his seat, lifting you out of your chair and scooping you up in his arms, peppering kisses across your body as he carried you off towards the bedroom as you giggled and squirmed in his arms. “Does dessert come with seconds?” You asked, as he carried you down the hallway, only stopping his ticklish kisses to answer your question. 
“Baby, dessert alone is about to be a full four course meal.”  
Taglist: @cool-iguana @rhoorl @whyjuliaaa @bbiophiliaa @pertinentpostmortem @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @pedrobaby @fatima-marisa @beboldbebravethings @poodlebae @kittenlittle24 @3sriracha @jungchloee @perennialdoll247 @prettyinpunk85 @partyofone3413 @harriedandharassed
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Hi! This is a fic rec of my favorite established relationship fics. These fics are organized by word count from longest to shortest. You can view my other fic recs here. Enjoy!
We Are Only Just the Beginning by afirecannotdie (129k)
In the dim light of a dorm kitchen, Harry Styles meets a boy who flips his life upside down. Three years later, he's a senior in college, ready to take on the world with the love of his life by his side. And then Louis Tomlinson admits he doesn't know what he wants to do after college after all, and Harry's world flips again, this time not so pleasantly. He can't imagine his life without Louis, but he's starting to worry he might have to.
A college AU featuring lots of domestic sappiness, waffles, tattoos, late nights and early mornings, and above all, Louis and Harry against the world.
Been Together Since Way Back When by alivingfire / @alivingfire (95k)
Louis Tomlinson is a law student with a simple but effective four step plan: 1. Finish law school. 2. Get hired somewhere awesome. 3. Marry his best friend and boyfriend of two years, Harry. 4. Live happily ever after.
Harry Styles doesn't know what he wants to do with his life, where he wants to go, who he wants to be, or if he even wants the college degree he's almost completed. All he does know is who he’ll be with forever, as long as Louis wants to keep him around.
Or: the painfully realistic college au where everyone's poor, lovesick, tired of school, terrified of the future, and still having the greatest times of their lives.
Such Good Luck by casuallyhl / @casuallyhl (66k)
Louis smiles at Harry’s words, leaning into his touch. “Tell me again.”
Smiling, Harry takes Louis into his arms. Pressing gentle kisses to his face, Harry murmurs, “In six months’ time, I will have my twenty-fifth birthday. On that day, my portion of the inheritance will become legally mine. And I plan that very day to announce to my family that I have found love.” Harry chuckles as he runs his lips lightly along Louis’ cheekbone. “That, in fact, I found love when I was twenty-one years old, and that I have loved and been loved every day since.”
Or, an Edwardian AU where Harry is a young aristocratic lord and Louis is a working class dairy farmer. Secrets are a necessary part of their relationship, but Louis has one that could topple their whole world.
The Dark and the Dentist by sunshiner (66k)
“I know this song,” Louis whispers, and Harry has to lean his ear toward him to pick up what he’s saying. “It was written for people to dance to it. We should be dancing.”
We can’t, Harry almost spits, but it’d be stupid of him. Louis knows they can’t. Even if he looks like any regular Parisian in their twenties, and Harry looks like any hipster Parisian in their twenties, they can’t anyway. To be fair, they probably wouldn’t do it even if they were out. But if they were two uni students, both in Paris for an exchange, meeting over fallen books at the library, or because of mutual friends, or watching Monet’s Water Lilies?
“How would we dance?” Harry murmurs, mouth almost pressed to Louis’ cheek, so close he can feel his warmth. What a picture they must make, two millionaires freezing in a park and dreaming of a different life.
An account of the events of November 2014. Canon-compliant.
Time Passed by coffinofachimera (66k)
Louis struggles with their relationship as Harry grows into his identity.
Hands Clasped Tight by afirethatcannotdie / @afirethatcannotdie (47k)
“What am I looking at here?” Harry asks.
“This, my friends, is a ‘proof’ Instagram account, run by your students,” Liam announces.
“It’s got all this stuff about how the two of you are together,” Niall adds.
“I heard about that,” says one of the math teachers. “Confiscated a kid’s phone today when they were looking at it. I have to say, the evidence that you’re dating is pretty damning.”
“Really,” Louis says dryly. “Do you think being married for three years might have something to do with it?”
Or the one where Harry and Louis are high school teachers and their students have been playing matchmaker for over a year. Little do they know, Harry and Louis are already married.
The Best Kind of Bad by wildestdreams / @thelavendrhaze (40k)
Nobody really understood Harry and Louis. Not even Louis. But for Louis, the world began and ended with Harry, and there were certain things he just wasn’t capable of explaining.
or Louis is the town troublemaker and everyone hates him except for Harry.
You Watched Me Sink by bananasandboots / @anylessreal (38k)
They’ve discussed it a few times - the boyfriend thing. It’s not like it’s some forbidden, horrific, abandon hope all ye who talk about furthering the relationship sort of subject. They’re mature adults. They’re in tune with their feelings, their hearts’ desires, the way those butterflies swoop in their bellies whenever they so much as hold each other’s hands. They like each other. A lot. It’s mutual, they know. But for now, they’re just content to enjoy the simplicity of what they have, and what they have is great.
When dating in secret stops being enough, then they’ll discuss that too.
Or, the one where Harry teaches Sex Ed and sneaks around with the drama teacher, and doesn’t realize how out of tune he is with his true feelings until everyone else figures it out for him.
Part 1 of You Watched Me Sink Verse
Swallow My Words by YesIsAWorld / @louandhazaf (32k)
Senior year is stressful. On top of balancing school work, family, and friends, Harry's lacrosse team is vying to win the state championship, he's not sure where he's going to college yet, and he has a secret boyfriend that no one can know about.
Part 1 of Swallow My Words
Loved By Your Mother by superglass / @gaymoustache (31k)
Harry stretches out like Venus with her lover, growing sleepy in the late afternoon light with a baby growing inside her. Perhaps not literally, not physically. Not exactly.
Harry struggles to come to terms with wanting to have children, and what that means for their relationship. Canon compliant, set a few years into the future.
True Love’s Gold by alivingfire / @alivingfire (27k)
Gemma starts responding to every single one of Harry’s texts—regardless of subject—with i don’t care, talk to louis. Liam lets Harry complain to him for hours on Skype, pretending he’s not doing other things while Harry whines about his problems. Niall thinks the whole thing is hilarious, texting Harry links to articles titled So, you want your man to propose? and 15 ways to get him ready for the aisle! and follows each of these up with page upon page of laughing emojis. Harry tries everything, literally everything he can think of short of grabbing Louis by tattooed forearm and yelling, “PROPOSE TO ME BEFORE I COMBUST.”
Or, it takes a village to arrange a proposal, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to go as planned.
If You Asked Me If I Love Him (I'd Lie) by allyasavedtheday (26k)
So Harry and Louis might have fucked up.
The day of their wedding was the single most perfect moment of Louis’ life and every single day since where he’s been able to call Harry his husband has been nothing short of bliss. There’s just one teeny, tiny problem…
Their families don’t know they’re married.
Or the one where Harry and Louis eloped but neglected to mention it to anyone. Meanwhile Lottie is getting married and the only way for them to not steal her thunder is by pretending they're just friends for the weekend. Featuring Harry and Louis as terrible liars who don't know the meaning of the word platonic and some Tomlinsons and Styles's who definitely don't believe them.
Part 2 of A Long Way From The Playground
Being of the Jealous Kind by zita17 / @louisandtheaquarian (24k)
A-list actor Louis Tomlinson and his partner fashion photographer Harry Styles weather the storm that is Louis’ fake relationship with his costar in the lead up to this year’s Academy Awards.
Featuring a fluffy teenage meet-cute, an angsty wine drunk Harry melting down over pap pics, Louis habitually overusing the word “baby,” and cameos by a vintage Umbro sweatshirt, the peace ring, and one hell of a Larry hug.
Or the justice for To Be So Lonely fic. Based on the lyrics to TBSL and a prompt where “Louis has to fake date some celebrity, while his boyfriend Harry sits at home.”
You Turn Me On, Make You Radiate by ballsdeepinjesus (15k)
When he presses inside for the first time in weeks, he’s pretty sure he sees stars behind his eyes at the staggering sensation of Harry’s body squeezing every inch of him. When he bottoms out, he stays buried inside for a minute just to catch his bearings, listening as Harry takes sharp breaths beneath him. When he finally feels like he’s under control, he presses his lips against Harry’s ear and whispers, “Are you ready husband?“
Harry throws his head back and groans. “Call me your spouse.”
[…or, a self-indulgent snapshot of hl’s sex lives over the course of 10+ years]
Garden of Edenby superglass / @gaymoustache (6k)
Another soft, grainy laugh. A puff from the joint. Green smoke towards the ceiling. Then hazy blue eyes back on his. “Said you wanted to tell me something. Was really important.”
“Oh,” Harry says. There was a reason he came back, an excuse he made up to find Louis and sucker him into letting him sit on his lap even though his weight often puts those thighs to sleep. “Can’t— um. Let me try to remember.”
a snapshot of being high and in love in Jamaica.
I'll Breathe Your Air Into My Lungs by blizzies (5k)
five phases of their relationship in a world where harry smokes a lot and skips school and hates everyone except his boyfriend and louis is in plays and is loved by everyone and they work even though nobody gets how.
Mon Petit, Little One by publunchesownmyass (5k)
They smoke, talk shit about everyone besides each other, and Harry wears his Mon Petit sweater.
Brown Skin and Lemon Over Ice by penceypansy / @penceypansy (2k)
A short one shot of a reunion in Italy, around the time Harry filmed the Golden video.
- He should know with more certainty which one is their bedroom but he’s only been here twice, only once since their things had moved in, and come to think of it, he’s not sure this is the room they slept in last time.
Regardless, he’s got clothes he knows are his hanging in the wardrobe, sees his old Stone Roses shirt crumpled and worn on the unmade side of the bed. He drops his bag, rummages through the drawers for a pair of trunks, goes into the bathroom to change. It doesn’t feel like enough of a home yet for him to be totally comfortable, but that should change soon enough. He can’t help a spray of the cologne sat by the sink, vanilla and wood and comfort.
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Lunch date
*A/n~ i was going to write NSFW with this prompt however the fluff works best here it is coming tho. A new story will be released soon ;) this is a bonus chapter I will still update later and for todays fun fact ironically this was written while I was eating cookies*
TW~ eating d!sorder
Prompt~ sleepy fluff just fluff fluff fluff please (I'm going to very loosely continue the one shot body image in this one. So if you read that one shot this one will make more sense, however it can be read alone)
Since that night in your room, Larissa made every effort to ensure you were getting the correct amount of food. She was gentle but persistent on the subject which eventually broke down your walls. Any information you offered about your eating disorder was eagerly listened to and stored in her brain so she could find the best ways to help you. So when you revelled that you often skipped meals if you were alone due to the fear of eating more than everyone else, well the only logical solution was to have lunch together. These lunch dates were a routine that you grew to look forward too. On the good days, company was amazing and you felt good just sitting in silence, enjoying her company and eating. On the bad days you would sit and anxiously watch how many bites Larissa had compared to yours, picking at your own food and pushing it round the plate. Those days you'd struggle only to be met with comforting words and reassuring touches to your arms or knees. Never in your life had anyone put this much effort into ensuring you ate and were well. It was an odd feeling but not one that wasn't welcomed. Over time Larissa learned your safe foods, and the foods that you couldn't even look at without panicking. When Larissa started to make you both foods that you'd not longer ate out of fear or just foods you'd been too scared to try, you became aware of the part of her desk that had your safe foods safely tucked away in.
The impossibly loud bell rang out as you were mid way through a sentence, signalling lunch was here. Today was definitely a bad day for you, and as the students fled the room to go and have a well earned lunch you debated not going to Larissa. You'd had bad days before which she had dealt with beautifully as always. But this was different. You knew the principal was stressed with the recent events at Nevermore and the last thing you wanted was for your bad day to burden her. In an attempt to protect Larissa, you settled at your desk ready to work through the lunch break. Your lesson plans would provide an excellent distraction from the guilt that was gnarring at your stomach. You felt worse by not going. But it was for the best. Right?
Wrong. Oh how you were wrong. Larissa anxiously waited for you assuming you'd just ran over into lunch. You'd be there soon right? You'd never missed lunch with her since that night. The halls went quiet as the students settled in for lunch and still there was no you. Larissa couldn't explain the feeling but somehow she knew. Something was wrong. And that's what lead her to your classroom. Peering through the little glass window she was met with the sight of you hunched over your desk scribbling notes. With a small sigh she knocked on the door watching as you jumped straight of of the chair in shock. Making her way to you she could see that you were fighting and internal battle here.
"Y/n? Are you quite alright? I was worried when you didn't come to my office like normal dear." Her gaze was unwavering as she observed your reaction and behaviours. She was pretty good at depicting the bad days from the good based on your body language alone. Today was most definitely a bad day. You looked tired, shoulders slouching ever so slightly and your delicate arms wrapped around your middle as if you were holding yourself up. All things easily missed if she were anyone else but herself.
"I-I I'm sorry I just it's bad today and you have so much going on I don't want to make you deal with me I'm sorry I didn't want to worry you I just I can't add more to your already full schedule." You rushed out the panic evident in your tone as you dropped your head down in guilt. You only wanted to take something off her plate. After all she wasn't required to help you at all. The relationship you and Larissa had engaged in was growing more than a boss and employee and maybe even more than friends at this point. This terrified you. How could anyone want to be with you? Negative thoughts continued to swirl round your head in a never ending cycle causing you to miss the reply to your rushed statement.
"Are you still with me little one?" She hummed out eyes softening as she could see you were heading well on your way to a panic and anxiety attack all in one."y/n? Can I touch you please? I'd very much like to take this to my office. It's a lot more private there dear."
You found yourself nodding watching as she took your hand in hers and held it tightly. She motioned to the door as an incentive for you to come with her, however your body was stiff. Her office meant food. You knew that. You really didn't need lunch. She really didn't need to concern herself with this. It was the arm coming round your shoulders guiding you to the door that broke your thoughts. Soon enough you were sat in the office seeing the usual set up of your lunch dates.  Panic and guilt made themselves present again. Larissa had gone through a lot of effort and you didn't even show. Tears silently trailed over your cheeks. Why couldn't you just be normal?
Soft pads of the older women's thumbs brushed the tears from your cheeks and she spoke in the sweetest voice it may as well have been angel Gabriel speaking. "Little one, it's okay. I'm not mad. Try to ignore the food for the minute and focus on my voice okay? I'm here. I'm not mad. And I'm not leaving you okay? "
This invoked a small nod as you tried to do just that. Focusing your gaze onto her beautiful sky blue eyes. You could get lost in those easily. The lighter shades mixing with the slightly darker shades swirling together creating its own unique shade that was hers and hers only. They say eyes are the windows to the soul and now sat here like this you could confirm it's accuracy. The women sat in front of you was pure of heart and soul and you could see that in her gentle gaze. Without realising you seemed to have calmed yourself right back down before the attack could reach its full height. The gentle strokes of her thumbs on your cheeks had helped greatly.
"That's it good girl. It's going to be okay.  Now do you think you'd like to try what I prepared today?" She questioned you the tone of her voice letting you know you could say no. It was completely up to you. The small nod she received caused her to smile and lead you to where the food was set up. "Little one how many? 3?"
You paused assessing the situation of the food in front of you. They were quite small and looked inviting. How many calories- no no no you wouldn't do this. You were going to be okay. Larissa is here and wouldn't give you more than you needed. You're safe. The next sentence you mumbled shocked yourself and the older women briefly.
"I uh um can I have four?" You whimpered quietly. What had you just done? Oh god. The panic began to rise but being vanquished when you saw the beautiful eyes light up and respond "you can have five little one"
"I only want four" you replied with your voice shaking
"Okay" her voice would solve world wars one day you swear it.
"Okay" you whimpered back watching as she plated your plate before doing the exact same for herself. Knowing this was a big step for you. Especially on a bad day. She was so proud of you, you could practically feel it radiating round the room.
You struggled carefully watching Larissa in a comfortable silence. Her smile was magnificent as she saw the empty plate. Immediately coming round to you and gathering you in her arms.
"Oh my darling girl, you did it. You did amazingly. I know that was hard for you but I'm so proud of you. Such a good girl for me hmm?"she whispered into your hair before absentmindedly placing a kiss to the crown of your head. The bell rang in the distance and it was then that you were glad for planning periods.
You stayed in her embrace just soaking in the comfort she was offering up. "I'm sorry for not coming myself Rissa. I just don't want to burden you're already so busy and everything is so hectic I just didn't want to be extra work..." you trailed off the emotion was thick in your voice letting on just how badly you believed you were a burden.
"Darling, you're never a burden. When you love someone it's never extra work. You did amazingly today little one I'm so proud of you. Remember you never have to face the bad days alone I'll always be here with you."
"I-uh- you love? Me?" You stuttered out not quite sure you heard her right.
"I do yes. You're absolutely beautiful inside and out what's not to love?" Her admission causing tears to fall freely once more. "Oh little one don't cry it's okay you're okay come here." Her arms opened and on instinct you threw your tiny body into her strong arms. You choked back your tears as you whispered "I love you too Rissa" into her neck.
Maybe you we're flawed. You knew this would never go away. But maybe just maybe you could deal with it. As long as you had her.
Word count~ 1754
*A/n~ I never originally planned a sequel but I love how this one could flow from Body image. I hope you're all okay and remember my messages are always open to any of you struggling. Remember to look after yourselves dear readers. *sips water and continues to write more for you all*
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alilbitlesbian · 1 year
@toournextadventure 's bird!reader meeting Wednesday's family without knowing it's Wednesday's family in absurd ways. (Au/blurb)
Uh reader x Wednesday vaguely, it is a Thing but just not mentioned!!! Very nice vibes.
No Beta we die like one of the 20 people that died in Wednesday.
Idk shy there's a gif i see people doing that all yhe time.
She/her pronouns used I think.
Im tired im going BeD
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Private concerts
There's plenty of tired nights at Evermore. Plenty of nights where students will roam the halls in an attempt to lure sleep.
Today was one of those nights.
You overlook the courtyard, wings draped loosely over your back, primaries brushing the floor.
Leaned on the guard rail, eyes tracing the darkness, listening for the melancholy tunes of a cello, it should start soon, you liked to think of it as a private concert, on nights like these.
Your ears perked, feathers rustling as your wings raised from the floor, ready to take off at a moment's notice. Contrasting their human body, which only tensed the slightest at the intrusion.
With a glance over your shoulder, you spot the tall woman walking over, hips swaying entrancingly and arms out. She seems surprised to see you out and about, it is quite late. You don't recognize her, but she must be here for parents' weekend.
"Ah, I see I'm not the only one to search for solitude late on this night. I'm sorry to disturb you." The ethereal figure turns, black dress swaying with the movement.
Your feathers rustle, chewing the inside of your cheek, you consider saying, she was almost gone though, so without further consideration, you speak out.
"You can stay."
The woman looks taken aback, you turn your head back up to the sky, so she can make her choice without questioning eyes upon her. Quite shortly after your proclamation, you hear the woman walk up to the railing as well, settled against it. She looks up at the stars with you.
Neither of you say anything, and you assume that this will be how the whole night will play out, until either of you leave. Just staring at the beautiful night sky with a strange woman.
"Tell me, fledgling, do you like it here at Evermore?" The question takes you by surprise, already deeply entranced by the lights and the comfortable silence that had settled over the two of you.
You think for a second, lips pursed, then nod once with a slight smile, still not looking at the woman, despite knowing she was studying your expression.
"Yeah, I do.. It's a good place to be." The woman nods as well, you catch the movement un the corner of your eye, she looks down at the courtyard with a sigh.
"Sometimes I feel.. I have made the wrong choice, sending my daughter here. I know she does not wish to follow my or her father's footsteps, but Nevermore, to me, was always so…" Her voice caught, she seemed deep in thought.
"Freeing?" You supply, wings spreading slightly so the wind can catch your feathers.
The woman gives a light chuckle, nodding. The sound echoes dully against the walls, making you feel suddenly small.
"I don't know your daughter, but if you're this worried about her.. I'm sure that when you sent her here, you decided it with a reasoning.. Maybe you should trust yourself in that." You felt sleep tug at your limbs, shoulders dropping slightly.
Morticia stares at you, slightly slack-jawed, before her lips curl into a smile, pleasantly surprised.
"Anyone should consider themselves lucky to have a daughter like you." She murmurs, her tone of voice raw, loving. You stiffen.
Your eyes searched hers for any deceit, it being a simple, meaningless compliment, but those strangely familiar dark eyes only held honesty, a small smile on the woman's red painted lips.
Your heart swelled and broke at the same time, eyes shining with tears as you tore your eyes away from the motherly expression on her face.
"Thank you." Your voice sounded tearful even to your own ears. You felt her eyes on you, but she didn't pry, and what a relief that was.
Another few minutes of peaceful silence.
"Then… Why are you out here, dear?" You pause, wings flapping slowly in excitement.
"I'm… waiting, it should start soon." Morticia quirks an eyebrow, but nods, she leans on her elbows, watching sattelites passing far above you.
Ten more minutes.
It began.
Soft notes of a cello, carried by the wind, Morticia smiles.
You listen in silence, the raw emotions of night washed away by Tchaikovsky's delightful notes.
Eventually, the music stops, and the chill of night finally catches up with you.
Tired, you return to your room, though not before thanking the mysterious lady and giving you an entrancing smile.
"There's nothing to thank me for, thank you."
Fights (and potpourri)
"How's it feel, your daddy being a murderer?"
"Little brat."
"Nevermore freak!"
Your ears perked, wings flexing against the restraints of your harness, you knew those voices, you could almost hear Wednesday mutter about pilgrims.
You followed the voices to an alley, scattered items lay on the ground at the entrance, a schoolbag a bit further away, on the curb.
They must've dragged some kid into the alley.
You step into the entrance.
Pausing, you take in the scene.
Four guys, your age, are beating on some young kid, he struggles in the grasp of two of them while two others.. Grab a bottle of what looks to be blood?
Speaking of blood, yours is practically boiling at the sight, as one unscrews the bottle cap and moves to pour it over the nevermore kid's head, you bolt forward, pulling him backward and causing the blood to spill down his front and into his face.
Real blood, too, you realise, from the strong iron stench that immediately permeates from the boy, he looks down to his bloody clothes in horror.
The boys turn to you, the young kid looks to be crying.
You throw a punch at one of the teens holding him, narrowly avoiding a kick from one of the others. They throw the kid to the ground, turning on you.
One of them caught your cheek with his ring, you got one in the leg, causing his ankle to snap in the wrong direction.
He shouted, and one of his friends helped drag him out. You turn to the remaining two bullies, one seems ready to run, while the first, the one covered in blood, looked near-feral.
He didn't know what he was getting into, fighting the avian who would scuffle with werewolves for fun, a normie didn't stand a chance.
You avoided his throw, nailing him in the stomach, he folds over, seemingly about to lurch, the remaining friend grabs him by the elbow and pulls him out of the alley, you stand there, catching your breath as they turn the corner.
Satisfied they wouldn't come back, you turned back to their victim, he looked awestruck, eyes pinned on where the bullies just stood.
"Hey, are you okay?" You help the chubby kid up to his feet. He nods quickly, thanks you under his breath before rushing over to his emptied bag.
You follow him, collecting his things and handing them to him, he goes through his bag to check if he has everything, counting under his breath.
You don't question any of the strange contents of his bag, even when he, horrified, snatched eyeliner from your hand, you just smiled supportively.
Seemingly satisfied, he gets up, accidentally bumping against you as he whirls around to leave the alley, you steady him.
"Hey, are you okay?" His pupils shake, darting over your face, he swallows thickly and nods once.
Something snaps into place, like a puzzle piece.
"Hey, don't worry, I'm like you." You smile at his confused face, you taking off your jacket, you show the boy your restrained wings, he reaches out to them for a second before snapping his hand back to his side.
"Are you from Nevermore? Do you want me to walk you back?" He looks at you, silent, for another stunned few seconds, before he shakes his head.
"No, thank you, for helping me, and I'm sorry you got hurt." You turn as he scurries off into the busy streets, putting your jacket on and disappearing into the crowds yourself.
Weirdly, when you reach into your pocket for your phone, you find a small bag of dried plants and fruit, a nice aroma coming off them curious, you eat one. It's actually pretty good.
When you saw Wednesday at the café, she complimented you, saying that the blood drew out your murderous intent.
Despite wanting to, you didn't tell her about the strange encounter. And she didn’t pry.
"Kill it!" A loud shriek reaches your ears, it's your free period, but with your feathers ruffled, you ran to the source.
You did not expect to find one of the youngest students balanced on a chair and shrieking- no, demanding someone kill that thing. You vaguely recognize her necklace, she must be a siren like Bianca.
You followed her pointing finger to a bag and jacket, which are strangely moving around. Quirking your brow, you approach it, lifting the bag to see a.. Severed hand?
You drop the jacket over it in surprise, then immediately reach over and lift it again.
Despite not being attached to a body, it seems pretty alive. It taps the ground in a way you deem annoyed, then tried to tug something out from under the bag.
Thankfully, the shrieking stopped, you help pull the nail polish out from under the bag with a chuckle, then offer your own hand for the strange thing to hitch a ride.
It took you a second to find a private spot to sit down with the hand. Near the forest, right on the edge of the Academy's ground, on a comfortable bench with an overhang.
"You're a curious little thing, aren't you?" The hand sat on your knee, doing what you'd puzzled out to be some kind of sign language, but you couldn't quite figure it out. At least it was obvious what he wanted, throwing the nail polish at you repeatedly.
"Look, I'll do your nails and then you need to leave the school, alright? Plenty of people here would hit you with a book if you startled them enough." You chuckled lightly, despite the fact that the hand looked slightly annoyed at your teasing.
The hand did what you assume is a shrug, but then sits down in a nice position for painting nails.
You quickly do a few coats of the shimmery blue, set the hand out to dry, pocket the nail polish and swing your bag over your shoulder.
"Again, no Nevermore."
And you left.
The next week he came back for a fresh layer of nail polish.
This whole fencing thing was ridiculous.
You held the saber as intended, your wings, for once free from their bounds as you practiced each position, wings at least balancing your stances as you tried to keep a "proper" grip on the saber.
Your wings flap, catching you as you attempt a stab that requires a bit more fancy footwork than you can handle.
You sigh, rolling your shoulders.
At least you have the training area to yourself, the one upside to parents' weekend.
You straighten as the door opened, sloppy position dropping as you watched a chubby, shorter man enter the training room.
Speak of the devil..
He startled a bit when he saw you, then smiled in a way that immediately put you at ease.
"Hi sir." You mumbled, wings folding tightly into your back. He approached, curiosity peaked as he glanced at the way you held the sword.
"Please, call me Gomez." The man shook your hand, then gestured to the blade in your other one.
"You are learning?" You nod, lazily moving the sword in demonstration.
"Beginner?" He murmurs, the inexperience must be obvious.
"Not really, not to swordfighting, but to fencing.. Yes." You admit, a sheepish smile on your face. He smiles in return, patting you on the shoulder as he walks past and takes a blade for himself.
"I came here to revel in the memory of the old misery of Nevermore, but I think I would love to make new memories fighting you, instead, if that's alright?" You nod slightly, wondering why this cheery man would want to isolate himself during parent's weekend, before deciding it was not your place to pry.
He stands on the mat across from you, carefully, he takes you through the stances, giving you dirty tricks to use that may be dancing on the edge of legality, but will likely also give you an edge in combat.
He taught you how to turn your disadvantages into useful skills, sharpening your resolve as you redid steps, changed your centre of gravity, the blade still felt awkward in your hand, you still felt clumsy, but also secure.
Gomez challenged you to a battle, and he did not hold back, his sword almost took off your ear, but with high stakes like that, you felt further inclined to change tactics often, avoiding, striking, and barely getting by as you had to narrowly avoid his swings.
As swords clash loudly in the empty room, you get the distinct feeling that he's still holding back.
Maybe you're thankful for that.
Eventually, he wins, you end up on the floor with his blade above your chest. Quickly, he pulls you up, patting you on the back. A few of your feathers rustled and he glances at them in fascination before he let the elation and adrenaline of the fight really sink in.
"Wonderful! I haven't fought like that in years! You're going to become a great fighter, I just know it." You smile, flushed from the exercise.
You both sat down on the sidelines, you offered him some water and he took it.
"You know, you kind of remind me of my little viper, you have that bite, you know?" Animatedly, he made his hands make a bitting motion toward you, you laugh in surprise, the man smirking.
The gym mat stuck to your skin lightly. From outside, you heard Weems announce dinner.
"Ah, that is my cue to stop, are you coming to eat?" Gomez stood, then turned to you, after a second, you nodded, grabbing your bag as you headed to the improvised buffet.
You split up from Gomez pretty much immediately, one of your friends dragging you off to try the shrimp.
You didn't even get a chance to say bye to Gomez, but when you look around, he's already gone.
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Here, Kitty, Kitty (18+ Fic)
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Pairing: Aizawa x Black!Catgirl!Reader
Synopsis: In which you find yourself in the weirdest predicament after you’re scooped up and taken to a cat cafe after you decide to take the streets to fight some crime, and you’re adopted by your very anti-social and hot coworker Aizawa aka Eraserhead.
Story Warnings: Smutty smut, 18+ (MINORS GET AWAY), Swearing, Adult!Reader, Ear and Tail Stroking, Light Degradation, Spanking, Exhibitionism, Multiple Positions, Creampie, Unprotected PIV Sex, Facial, Scent Play, Collaring, Deepthroat, Cunnlingus, Begging, Edgeplay, Power Play, Rope Play/Shibari, Master Kink, Some Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Some Action
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer’s Note: I wanna have Aizawa's kids. That is all. -Jazz
Read on AO3 here!
Other Chapters: One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen. Nineteen. Twenty. Twenty-One. Twenty-Two. Twenty-Three. Twenty-Four. Twenty-Five.
When the holy Sunday makes its grand arrival, Aizawa is up early and going hard in the faculty dorms’ gym.
He usually is up past 6 AM to get started with his gym regime, starting with weights and bench presses, doing several rounds of cardio, and then ending with a cool-down session to stretch out his tired muscles. He likes coming here in the early mornings on weekends especially since no one is up yet and he has free range of the machines offered in the little gym. 
It also gives him time to focus hard on his exercise and training–something other than you. He ends his gym round earlier than usual though due to some plans later today that involves a very special girl. 
When he finally finishes stretching out his tired limbs from hours of squats, weight-lifting, and running on the cardio, he takes a cool towel that is offered near the door, sitting in a mini fridge along with orange slices and water bottles. Then, as he uncaps his Hydro Flask of water, he walks out of the private gym to head back to his dorms. 
As he makes it upstairs, he doesn’t count on seeing Nemuri standing at his door, looking distressed and not at all her bright and bushy-tailed self. Aizawa’s stomach drops immediately, all the positivity he was feeling prior to leaving the gym gone.
“Nemuri?” he asks, immediately hurrying over to her. 
She turns to him and he sees that she’s been crying–her eyes are wet and red. “Oh, Shouta!” she shouts, immediately meeting him across the hall. “Thank Goodness, you’re here! I tried calling you, but you never answered so I just came up to see you.” 
“I keep my phone off when I’m in the gym,” Aizawa explains, worried about her. She looks awful–she is still in her lacey camisole and shorts along with specialty-made Mirko the Rabbit Hero slippers; her hair is limp and unkempt, the usual bounce of lively curls not in them.
“What’s goin’ on?” he asks, concerned. Was there a villain attack? Is it one of the students or their friends? Maybe something is wrong with Mic? His anxiety begins to take over his body, causing his heartbeat to accelerate. 
“Have you seen Y/N anywhere since last night?” Nemuri questions, desperation in her eyes. His eyebrows furrow in confusion. “No, not since Friday,” he answers after backtracking his week. “Why? Is she okay?” 
“I can’t find her!” Nemuri sobs. Now Aizawa’s anxiety is through the fucking roof. You’re missing? “What do you mean you can’t find her?” he asks. “Doesn’t she live on the same floor as you?” 
“Yes, but she never came home last night,” Nemuri continues, getting increasingly more upset the more she talks. “She never told me where she was going, but she always texts me any time she gets back into her dorm at night. When I called this morning, she never answered, so I went to visit her and…”
She pauses, her lip trembling. “She wasn’t here!” she wails. “Oh, what if she’s in trouble? What if she’s hurt? What if–” 
“Okay, okay, relax,” Aizawa soothes her, putting a hand on her shoulder. But even he can’t soothe himself–the anxious roiling in his stomach is a testament to how worried he is of you now. He didn’t know you went out at night like that. “Is this a regular thing for her to do?” he asks.
Nemuri nods, lashes wet and bottom lip quivering. “Then if that’s the case, she probably got caught up with something or maybe her phone died.” 
“I’m just so worried for her, Shouta,” Nemuri sighs, looking like she may faint. “I know the campus is relatively safe for us staff, but outside of here is a different story!” 
Aizawa goes to say more to try and comfort his friend, but the beep on his phone stops him. He looks down, finding the reminder he set for his plans today: pick up Eri for lunch.
He sighs, pocketing his phone. “Look, I gotta go,” he says, squeezing Nemuri’s hand. “I’ll keep an eye out for Y/N and let you know if I see her, but if she does this normally, she’s a big girl and can take care of herself.” 
Nemuri nods and thanks him with a tight hug before she walks down the hallway to the elevator, quiet sobs leaving her mouth as she does. Aizawa’s heart sinks for his friend, and at the fact that you’re possibly missing.
Though he knows you’re a big girl and doesn’t know you from a can of paint except for you being a counselor, a college graduate, and an animal hybrid, he can’t help but feel highly concerned for your safety. Especially for a pretty thing like you. The streets can be hostile, especially at night. 
He does his best to push the anxiety-fueled thoughts aside as he goes about his day. Once he’s inside his dorm, he strips himself of his tracksuit pants, loose tank, and sweat-soaked boxers, revealing his sweaty muscles touched with bruises and scars that have healed over the years.
After tossing them in the laundry basket in his closet, he steps into the bathroom to take a much-needed hot shower. He groans in pleasure as the hot water hits his tired, aching muscles; a nice reward for a great workout. 
Afterward, he changes into a black tee and jeans to pair with his leather jacket and kicks. As he walks out of his bedroom to head out, he passes the closed bedroom door of the very special guest he’s had the honor of calling his own for the past year. A fond, adoring smile crosses his lips, the urge to see her pushing him to move his ass. 
It only takes a walk across campus to the student dorms to make it to Hitoshi’s dorm. When he knocks, the tall, lanky yet muscled junior opens the door, looking extremely tired. Aizawa puts a finger to his lips, silencing Hitoshi, before slinking into his dorm and standing in the middle of the floor. 
On Hitoshi’s couch sits his little Eri, vigorously coloring in her favorite pink sweater with a purple cat face on it and striped stockings, her off-white locks pinned back with barrettes that were probably Mirio’s doing to show off her cute little horn. When she looks up with those big crimson eyes Aizawa loves so much, she gasps. “Daddy!” she shouts as if she hasn’t seen him in years when in reality, it’s only been two days. 
Ever since Aizawa agreed to do night patrols again, he’s been letting Eri stay in Hitoshi’s dorm to make sure she’s supervised. Eri proclaimed Hitoshi as her “stepbrother” since she first came to UA after being rescued from Overhaul. The entire school took a liking to her, leading to most of the students proclaiming themselves as her bodyguards. 
Aizawa isn’t much better. Ever since he volunteered to care for Eri as she got acclimated to her new environment and to help her with her powers, he’s grown attached to the little girl. Now, he looks at the girl as his. 
His little girl. His daughter. And nobody ever harms or touches what’s his. 
“Hey, you,” he coos, filled with warmth when Eri runs to him and throws her little body into his arms. He squeezes her tight, nuzzling his nose into her white hair. “How’s my favorite girl, hm?” He looks around Hitoshi’s dorm, noticing the crayons littering his couch and the open box of Fruit Loops in his kitchen.
“Drivin’ me crazy,” the lavender-haired boy sighs. “She wouldn’t stop talking about this cat cafe you’re supposedly taking her to later.” 
Aizawa glances down at a very-excited Eri and pulls away to give her a stern look. “Eri,” he criticizes. “What did we talk about? No annoying Hitoshi when he’s watching you.” 
Eri continues to wiggle excitedly, her smile infectious. “Sorry, Daddy,” she whines. “I’m just so excited! Koa's Purrr Palace and Cafe is my favoritest place in the world!” Aizawa practically dies from her utter cutest. “Alright, you get a pass today, but only ‘cause it’s your birthday and you’re so darn cute.” He pokes her nose, earning a giggle. 
He helps Eri clean up her things and packs them away in her leapfrog backpack before they head to the door, hand in hand. “Thanks, Shinso. I’ll take it from here.” Hitoshi nods, leaning against the door frame as Aizawa passes him $50 for his services. “See you, Eri,” he calls to the girl as he shuts the door. 
“Bye, ‘Toshi!” Eri yells back in her cute little voice. She then looks up at Aizawa, her hand in his. “Can we go now, Daddy? Can we go now pleeeeease?” 
Aizawa could gobble her up with how cute she is. How anyone could harm such an innocent soul is beyond him. “Alright, alright,” he sighs, defeated, “but be on your best behavior.” Eri squeals in excitement as they walk together out of the dorms and into the spring sun. 
Koa’s Purrr Palace is by far one of Eri’s favorite places to exist in Musutafu. Aizawa will admit that the place is cute as hell: it serves as a rescue center for stray cats in the city and a cafe that serves the best coffee and sandwiches Aizawa has ever had. He found it by accident one day and didn’t know it was a cat cafe until he walked inside and the smallest tabby he’s ever seen tried to bite his boots. 
“Koshi, cut it out!” Koa, the little old lady who owns the place, had sternly told the kitten. “No biting the guests!” She had offered Aizawa a free coffee and a $15 gift card as an apology, which led him to come back with Eri on the weekends. They’ve been regulars to the point where Koa and the staff know them by name. 
As soon as they step into the cafe, Aizawa is hit with the scent of roasted coffee beans and the sweet aroma of baked bread that makes his stomach growl. One employee is busy serving two middle school girls their crepes while two other employees are cleaning the area, wiping off tables and booths. Aizawa swears he’s never seen so many cats in his life–everywhere he looks, there’s one lounging on a chair or playing in their cat tower, tiny meows filling the air. 
If he could adopt all of them, he would. 
Eri is in her world. Her big eyes flick from side to side of the room, drinking in the sight of cats galore. “Kitties!” she shouts a little too loudly, alerting one of the employees.
“Oh, Eri and Mr. Aizawa!” she greets them happily. “You’re just in time! Koa is in the back, but she told me to let you know we got a shipment for ice cream if you want our signature purrr parfaits.” 
Eri gapes happily at her at the sound of her favorite parfaits. “Yes, please!” she enthusiastically replies, making the employee laugh. “We’ll take two, thanks,” Aizawa patiently replies, taking Eri’s hand. “And tell Koa thank you. C’mon, Eri; let’s sit down so the employees can do their jobs.” 
They do so, taking a seat at a table near a cat tower where they watch two kittens play with each other, Eri giggling at them. A few minutes later, a short, old woman with silver-white hair cropped to her shoulders steps out from the back. She smiles at the sight of Aizawa and Eri. “Ah, there are my favorite customers!” she happily greets them. 
“Hi, Ms. K!” Eri giggles, now petting one of the kittens. She’s gentle and careful as the kitten rubs its head into her hand. Aizawa could die from the cuteness. 
“Good afternoon, Shouta,” Koa says, smiling down at him. “Still no girl on your arm?”
Aizawa blushes beneath his scarves, doing his best to hide his face. “Koa, you know I’m too busy to date with this one in my hair.” He nods at Eri who is now playing with three other kittens, flinging a feathered toy around. 
“That’s no excuse!” Koa playfully argues. “I happen to know many fine-looking young women who love single dads.”
Once again, Aizawa turns a bright red and adverts his eyes, making the old lady laugh. He swears that every single person he knows asks him why he isn’t in a relationship yet. It isn’t like he’s against the dating scene, but between caring for Eri, teaching his classes, working as a pro, and fiending over you, Aizawa knows he’s too busy to date. 
“Well, being tied up with your little girl is all the more reason to find a nice lady to help you out,” Koa chuckles. “Or you could always just visit here. Animals make great company; especially as pets. Our adoption rates have just been shooting through the roof lately.” 
Eri whips around, her white hair flying. “Pets?” she asks, wide-eyed. “You mean we can adopt the kitties here too?!”
Koa gives a bellied laugh while Aizawa shakes his head. “Eri, we’ve gone over this: no animals are allowed in the dorms. You know that Nezu is paranoid.” Eri gives him a cute little scowl, her bottom lip poking. “No pouting either,” Aizawa sternly says. 
As stubborn as the girl is, Eri knows the rules. Principal Nezu is serious about dorm rules, especially having pets. Aizawa can understand since Nezu is a mouse–every animal is scary to him, but cats? That’s probably a nightmare.
“Aww, it’s okay, Eri, dear,” Koa laughs. “Nothing a good parfait and some playtime can’t cure.” 
Koa winks at the little girl as one of the employees comes to their table holding two delicious-looking parfaits: vanilla ice cream and spongey cake at the bottom of the glasses topped in whipped cream, strawberries, waffle cones, and chocolate syrup that drizzles over the glass rims. Eri thanks the employee as she grabs hers, already digging in.
“Go on and have fun!” Koa urges, motioning around the cafe like it’s Eri’s playpen…which it is. 
For the next fifteen minutes, Aizawa watches Eri as she runs around the cafe while Koa and the employees work, serving others drinks and tending to the cats. During, Aizawa spends time eating his parfait, scrolling through his phone, and letting one of the cats toy with his scarf. ‘So damn cute,’ he thinks, cursing Nezu for that stupid pet rule. He wouldn’t mind having a cat around his dorm to keep him company since dating is out of the question right now. 
“Oh, they’re so cute!” Eri suddenly squeals. “Daddy, look at this one!” 
Aizawa looks up, finding his daughter standing at the cat cages off to the side. A sign posted on the wall states that they are all available for playtime and adoptions. Eri is busy staring into the cage of a teeny black cat curled up on a plush blanket, sleeping soundly.
“Eri,” he sighs, striding over to the overexcited child, “leave the cat alone. It’s sleeping right now, so…” 
But as he gets closer and closer to the cat, his words die in his throat. He doesn’t understand why or what kind of feeling he’s feeling as he stares down at it, but it renders him speechless.
“Oh, her!” Koa says from the back counter, wiping down some spilled coffee. “She came in last night. Poor baby had an injured paw when I found her, so I brought her in.” She tuts at the kitty. “She must’ve been exhausted; she’s been sleeping the whole day.” 
Aizawa continues to stare wordlessly at the cat, a warm feeling tingling inside of him. It’s just a regular-looking, short-haired black cat with one of its paws wrapped in a bandage, but Aizawa can’t help but feel like there is something more to the kitty; something special. He stares at it and feels as if he’s met this specific cat before. 
Realizing how he probably looks right now–like an idiot–, he quickly steers Eri away from the cage. “Let’s not bother her, baby,” he gently says. “Let’s play with the two down here. They look lively.” He points down at the cage where two long-haired kittens are wrestling with each other, tiny mews filling the air. 
“Can we, Ms. Koa?!” Eri excitedly asks, bouncing on her feet. Koa is already walking over with a key to unlock the cage. “Of course, dear,” she giggles. “Just don’t wear yourself out too much before you eat the rest of your parfait.” 
Aizawa swears he's never seen a kid so excited for some damn cats. 
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