#they look even more polar this year head to fucking toe
xiaoluclair · 1 year
max going from mainly gold boots to mainly blue boots this year, charles going from mainly black boots to mainly red boots this year, the narrative is literally shitting itself with dynamics.
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heyitsdoe · 1 year
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A/N - This is a commission piece for @marcus--666, who wanted to see some pegging for the dear old doctor and their lovely OC...Please enjoy! I had a lot of fun writing it for you <3
WARNINGS: Original character (Haru), pegging, domming, little bit of praise kink, aftercare, OC has animal ears and a tail.
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Deep underwater, the Polar Tang's interior is awash in a dull, blue ambience between the intermittent lights built into the wall. So late into the night, most of the submarine was asleep. This week's night crew were of course still awake and tending to the submarine's many dials and gauges, sensors and pumps that kept the air flowing and the engines running. They worked in the quiet, the humming drone of machinery, now nothing more than background noise to the crewmen who had served on the vessel for years.
And while the captain and his companion would typically join the rest of the crew in catching some well-earned rest, tonight there was a promise to keep…
Dull orange light emendates from the single lamp in the corner of the room, casting shadows along the rumples in the covers and past even that to the opposing wall. Figures moved and curved, the satisfied sighs of pleasure intermingling with sharp breaths, easy hums, and all the other sounds of sex that typically ensued.
Most of the more debauched noises came from the captain himself, on his back with legs spread to either side of Haru's hips, hands clawing into the fabric of the bed's comforter. The only hold he had against the way her hips thrust into his tight ass with the lubricated, colored strap-on. The dark tattoos marking his arms flexed with the strength of his grip.
Each time she pulled back, sliding the length out only to rock it back into his stretched hole, ripped a pathetic little mewl from his mouth. Each sound made her animal-like ears twitch in delight, her tail wagging a few times back and forth. How obvious it was, that he tried to keep his noises of pleasure from being vocalized, but no matter how hard he tried to hold them back Haru had seemingly perfected the art of pushing past his prideful resistance. She couldn't quite hold back her own signs of satisfaction, completely in control of the situation, him submitting to her whim.
Law's eyes rolled just that little bit to the back of his head when her steady thrusting brushed against some place inside of him that made his toes curl and his thighs quiver. Another long, ragged groan escapes him, sending a tingling lust straight through the woman pegging him. It wasn't often that Trafalgar Law, Captain and Surgeon of the Heart Pirates, was reduced down to such a whimpering, submissive mess. But here he was, taking her strap with such need, such anticipation. His cock was hard and throbbing, twitching and bobbing with the momentum of her measured thrusts.
This, she thinks, is the perfect sight.
"Don't you feel silly?" She asks with barely a twitch of her brow, eyes boring down into his when he flicks his dilated pupils her direction. Her pace never slows, palms placed right on his chest to give her leverage. The lean muscles of her torso, arms, and legs give greater force behind each snap of her hips. "All that bluster before, all that hesitation, and yet you're taking me so well. I knew you would. You love it, the way I fuck you like this. The way my strap makes you feel, huh?"
He can't manage more than a nod, head ultimately dropping with a whump back down to the bed as his back arches up in pleasure. Panting and moaning his desire for more, Haru is happy to oblige, shifting her position to widen her knees, allowing for additional depth into his ass. It's hard to look away from the sweaty, squirming man beneath her. What a sight…she'd have dreams of this for weeks to come.
"I like you like this, so lost in pleasure you can barely think straight. It's about time you stopped thinking so much and just let me make you feel good." She continues, voice low and labored from the effort of thrusting all this time. Just seeing him enjoying himself so much was making her wet, feeling the build-up of her own neglected lust deep in her core. "I could sit here and give you my strap all night. Is that what you want?"
"Ungh! Haa…" He blubbers with need, eyes blinking open with a sudden clarity, watching the way she took him, eyes skimming the scars left behind where her breasts once were. Lust clouded over his expression. "H-Haru…"
Her heart ached, a dull thump in her chest at the sound of her name, spoken in a whisper, like a prayer to some higher power. The corner of Haru's mouth lifted up in a half-sincere, half amused smile. This man was too good. She was absolutely serious about fucking him all night with her silicone cock, but perhaps another night. He'd done so well, been so good, that he deserved his reward.
"You want to cum?" She asks in a rushed breath, eyes flicking down to rivet onto his engorged cock. She hadn't touched it thus far, extending the experience and teasing all in one. "Did you want me to make you cum?"
"I want to hear you say it." Is her heady reply, eyes practically fucking his cock by themselves, drinking in the sight of his desperation to reach his end. He took instructions so well, holding off his orgasm until she allowed him to. What a good boy…
"I want it." He muttered through his pleasure, rocking himself on the bed to meet each of Haru's thrusts as best he could. "I want to cum on it…"
"You deserve it. You've been such a good, obedient boy, Law…" She agrees, and relief lights up his expression. With the release of his pleasure so close, the promise of that peak of ecstasy nearing, the fervor of his movements increased, legs widening just that little bit more to give her a deeper penetration.
"Let me watch you do it." She urges, feeling the sudden rush to see him fall apart beneath her. er tail whacks the bed a few times in anticipation. "Look at me, Law."
He manages to lift his tired, needy eyes up to her own, meeting gazes. Expression screwed up, teeth biting down onto his lower lip, he was struck by the way she looked at him. Whatever he sees there, it's enough to send him over. His mouth opens, pure pleasure washing over his expression as his cock twitches with the first few spurt of cum from the tip. The sticky, white fluid paints his own stomach. His groans are deep and filled with such relief. The dam having broken, his muscles tense briefly, flexing and releasing over and over as the waves of orgasm roll through him.
Haru can't help her own, subtle climax from crashing over, the wetness seeping down her legs and soaking into the strap looped down along her ass. Her thrusts slow as he rides through the sensation, eventually slowing until she stilled. The hilt of the strap-on remained buried in his ass. Her tail sways slow, easy swipes back and forth, satisfied.
Law lay there, a puddle of jelly arms and legs, chest heaving up and down as he caught his breath from the high slowly coming down. Haru's own arms were shaking, legs just as unsteady, the effort taking its toll. After the noise of his moans filling the room subsided, everything felt unnaturally still.
As the heat of sex cooled their skin and their lust, Haru slowly pulled her hips back, sliding the strap-on out from Law's body until the slicked silicone was free of his ass. He whimpered at the loss of her length, but didn't say anything more.
Haru was swift with the aftercare, taking off and setting aside the strap onto a nearby dresser. Disappearing into the adjoining bathroom for a moment, she returned with a cloth soaked in warm water, returning to Law's side to tender to his messy chest and sore muscles.
"Did you enjoy it?" She asked, glancing sideways at her lover as she slowly took care of his body. He was so beautiful like this, relaxed and exhausted, body sweaty and blotchy from the overstimulation in his nerves.
The pride that made him who he was rose back to the surface, bringing some of the aloofness back to his tone. "It wasn't horrible."
"Come on, just admit it." She pressed, head cocking to the side. It was so obvious when he was avoiding a straight answer. "You liked it. I told you you would."
"Tch." Face sweaty and now growing a deeper red color, Law closed his eyes when the cloth lowered to the skin around his ass. "I wouldn't be opposed to doing it again."
"That's the best I'm gonna get, isn't it?" She gives an incredulous sigh. So much for getting him to admit she was right. It seemed that was for yet another day. But not today. "Not even a 'Thank you, Haru, for showing me something new.'"
Matching her tone, he gave a cocky little smirk, rising to meet her gaze head on. "I guess there's always next time."
One brow raised, Haru's own smirk came out in response. "Next time, then."
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ashtrayfloors · 1 year
My Ancestral Homeland, Southeastern Wisconsin
Once upon a January night, I drank all the whiskey in Kenosha and almost punched three dudes.
The evening began with me donning babe-layers, black denim jacket layered in patches (Punk’s Not Dead, We Just Smell That Way) over hoodie over t-shirt, tight pants, boots; the weather was cold as shit but I wasn’t gonna wear a heavy winter coat, cos you can’t dance in a heavy winter coat. Then a slick of red lipstick, and off I went. South down Highway 32 to Kenowhere, snow falling fast from the sky and the wind blowing it across the road in swirls, me shouting ragged-voiced along with Naked Raygun: what poor gods we do make. I grabbed Beagan, and we headed to Hattrix. Hattrix is one of the focal points of the punk scene in Kenosha; it has been for years, even back when it was called The Cavern. I’d never been there before, despite the fact that I’ve been going to punk shows in Kenosha for half my life.
Hattrix is still sorta like a cave, with walls made to look like red rock, and it was chilly, damp, voices echoed and bounced through the near-empty bar. Not many people showed up, the weather was bitter-wind and snow, but there were some of us true believers there. Punx from colder climes are way more hardcore than our cousins from warmer lands, cos we have to brave polar vortexes and snow-covered streets to go out to the show. The crowd was small, but most of the people there were rad as fuck. Most of the people there, I wanted to hug or high-five - not counting those three dudes I almost punched. I got my first drink, doublewhiskeycoke (with ice, sorry), and the bartender was an old friend of mine, so he poured the double more like a triple. First drink all sweaty in my hand, a few sips in, I was feeling good, and shitty dude number one walked up to us. He squeezed Beagan’s breasts by way of greeting. He’s someone we’ve both known for years; he’s a gay guy and he thinks it’s okay to grope women and people he perceives as women because when he does it, it’s not ‘sexual.’ Unwanted touching is assault, dude, whether you mean it in a sexual way or not; I’ve tried to tell him that and he’s never listened, and I was not gonna put up with it that night. You grope my best friend and I’ll fucking drop you. Beagan grimace-smiled and backed away, someone else he knew entered the bar, and he walked away to talk to them before I had the opportunity to break his nose. I sipped some whiskey’n’coke, said ‘hey’ to some familiar faces, was about to go watch the first musician, then some punk rock fuckboy spotted my Against Me! button and made a transmisogynistic comment about Laura Jane Grace, and yeah, I wanted to break his nose, too, but instead, I said: “You’re just jealous cos she’s into girls, and you know you could never get a woman as hot or talented as she is, cis or trans.” I hadn’t even been there an hour, hell, I wasn’t even drunk yet, and I’d already wanted to fight twice, ugh. Bartender, gimme another triple-double, I’m gonna go listen to the music.
On the stage stood a solo kid from Chicago, with the ubiquitous midwest punk look: silly hairdo (half-shaved, floppy, mint green) half-hidden under a black Carhartt stocking cap, plaid flannel shirt, dirty black jeans, scuffed black steel-toe boots. They were super cute, and though I only caught the last few songs of their set, I loved the music: stripped-down, plugged-in yet kinda folky-punk, Billy Bragg-style; raw and open-hearted. I’ve become disillusioned with folkpunk as A Thing, but when I first heard folkpunk I said it was more punk than straight-up punk and I still have a deep love for us solo punx (cos I’m one of ‘em): when we get up there on stage, whether we play electric or acoustic, whether we play guitar or accordion or a fucking pickle-tub drum, it’s just us and our instruments and our voices and our hearts that we’ve made into jackets and if we fuck up everyone hears it cos we don’t have a band to back us up or distract from us and we are so vulnerable and so brave and we do it because we have to, we so need to play music that we’ll do it even without a band.
Between bands, another drink, I started feeling the whiskey and it was good, good to be whiskey-drunk, fuel and grease loosening my limbs. Going outside to smoke, collars up against the wind and hands cupped around flickering flames. Inside, talking to old familiars and new faces. I talked with the solo mint-haired punk, told them I liked their music; we talked about Chicago, turned out they live in one of the neighborhoods I used to live in. Then there was the third dude who came close to having my fist in his face - another guy I’ve known forever. He’s a decent dude when he’s sober, but when he’s fucked up he gets stupid, and that night he was drunk and on some kind of pill-high; he tried to hit on both me and Beagan and didn’t back off even when we told him we weren’t interested, and I was getting annoyed. He was saved from my wrath cos he got distracted by another old friend of ours, and he stumbled away.
The second band, I couldn’t get into. The frontman was trying so hard to be a funny, cool rockstar, and the music wasn’t my bag, so I concentrated on drinking. More rounds of drinks, rounds and round and round, more cigarettes. Then Republicans on Welfare. They were great, reminiscent of all my old favorite Kenocore bands but not totally derivative. Good, raging hardcore with a side of garage-y punk. I danced up front for most of their set, and the pit (such as it was, there were too few people for it to truly be a pit) was mostly made up of girls. A couple dudes bounced in and out, but most of the time it was us girls slamming, skanking, pogoing.  I’d run to where Beagan sat, have a sip of my drink, run back up, dance, fist in the air. I picked up the words to choruses on the fly and shouted along. Toward the end of their set, they did a blistering cover of “Blank Generation” and then I really shouted along. I love anytime a band covers that song; it was written, what, like 40 years ago and is forever the perfect anthem for anyone disaffected. I was sayin’ “let me outta here” before I was even born… It’s such a gamble when you get a face. Everything was great, the gals in the pit were so welcoming, though none of them knew me. “I love your jacket,” they said, or, “your hair kicks ass,” and we threw our arms around each other and did high-kicks like some kind of punk rock chorus line. But then, this one girl who’d been standing in the back came up near the stage to take some pictures, and she started giving me death glares. She looked at me like she thought I was trying to get with one of the band members, like she thought I had my eye on the same fella she did. I wanted to reassure her that wasn’t the case, that I was there to sing, to slam, to sweat the winter blues away. I wanted to say: “Honey, we can both do so much better than any of these boys. Let’s forget them, join forces, and smash the patriarchy.” I couldn’t shout all that over the noise from the PA, so I smiled at her, hoping that would convey my message, but that made her glare harder. It bummed me out, so, for the last couple songs of the Repubs’ set, I returned to Beagan and my booze.
When the music ended, we stayed on a while longer, drank more, stood outside smoking more cigarettes. I was drunk enough by that point that the biting wind didn’t faze me at all. I talked with this cute punk kid (mussed-up hair, striped shirt, Army-issue jacket covered in patches). He flirted with me, all: “I haven’t seen you around here before.” “Well,” I said, “I’ve never been to this bar before, but I’ve been coming to punk shows in Kenosha since 1998.” He said: “Uh, I wasn’t going to punk shows back then. I was eight.” We talked about music; I scoped the patches on his jacket and nodded at the bands I know and like. I was curious about his backpatch: “Who’s that one for?” -“Mouth Sewn Shut.” I didn’t know who that was, he told me it was the singer from Toxic Narcotic, I got stoked cos I used to love Toxic Narcotic and I didn’t even know he had a more recent band. We talked about where we were from, where we’d lived. I said I was born in Lansing, Michigan, and he said: “Oh, the Crucifucks are from Lansing. Did you ever see them back then?” -“Dude, how old do you think I am? I know I’m older than you are, but fuck. The Crucifucks broke up when I was, like, six!” He blushed and said: “I didn’t mean you were old, I’m sorry, I just, I didn’t know when they broke up, I wasn’t thinking about that!” I told him it was cool, I knew he didn’t mean anything by it.
Beagan and I went back to her apartment, stayed up until four a.m. drinking and talking. Five hours of fitful sleep later, I found my way back north. A week or so before, I’d been feeling bleak about where I was living, that old feeling that comes on when I’m unhappy with my life, like Maybe life would be better elsewhere. Maybe I should move back to a bigger city, or leave the midwest for good. What’s that one pop punk song about hating your hometown but knowing you’ll never escape it? That’s how I’d felt a week before. But that Saturday morning, driving up Highway 32, on the icy roads, along the frozen lake, I felt a deep and abiding love for southeastern Wisconsin. I thought about Highway 32, that road I’ve spent more of my time on than any other road in the world, and how I want a stick&poke tattoo of the highway sign, and how I’d like to write a whole mini-zine about that road. I thought about Kenocore, and how I’ve been thinking of writing a zine-book about the history of Kenocore for over a decade now. I thought about a conversation Beagan and I’d had the night before. We were talking about someone we knew from Kenosha who moved to Chicago several years ago and now says he’s from Chicago, as though all his years in southeastern Wisconsin never happened. “Why be ashamed of where you come from?” she asked. “I agree,” I said. “Besides, it’s more impressive when someone from a little town or mid-sized city like Racine or Kenosha does something cool. Why pretend you’re from Chicago? There are a million cool people in Chicago, but not so many in Kenosha.” I thought about the previous night’s show, and how, to paraphrase World/Inferno, the kids do still sing and dance, drink and fuck, smash it up. It’s my homeland.
—Jessie Lynn McMains, originally appeared in Reckless Chants #21 (autumn 2014), in slightly different form
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mimi-ya · 2 years
just once ~ roronoa zoro x reader
3,800 words | f!body | nsfw
summary: you had promised yourself you wouldn't do it again
a/n: forgive me
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It was supposed to happen just once.
You were hurting, so badly. He had just up and left without a word to anyone. And you knew him better than he knew himself, so you knew he wasn’t planning on coming back.
And to what? To get married?
What about you? What about everything you shared? Did it mean nothing to him?
Well fuck him. If he could forget you so easily, then you would do just the same.
You don’t even try to justify why you picked Zoro.
It could have been anyone on that submarine, not like there weren’t plenty of Heart Pirates who could have done the job. Hell, you know the captain was even starring at your ass when he didn’t think you would notice.
But no. You chose Zoro on purpose.
Because you wanted to hurt Sanji as much as he was hurting you.
Not that he would ever find out about that night in the corner of the boiler room aboard the Polar Tang. You planned on taking that to the grave.
Every detail. From the way his fingers bruised into your sides. How his hips slapped against yours with every thrust. The marks he sank into your neck with his sharp teeth. And how he stretched you out like no one had ever done before.
Sanji didn’t need to know. He didn’t need to know any of that.
It only happened once. Was only going to happen once.
Besides, Sanji came back.
Found you in Onigashima and begged for your forgiveness. Nearly cried at your feet as he recounted every detail of his horrid past, trying to explain why he did what he did.
You were going to be sick.
Here was this perfect man, who had suffered so much and still cared too deeply for those who hurt him. And you were just like them.
No. You were worse.
Because while they didn’t even pretend to care, you were still deceiving him. Concealing the sick and twisted act you initiated. Thinking about it at night when he gently took you in his arms. Wishing his soft words of affection were filthy and cutting. Wanting his gentle hands to twist and pull at you like you were nothing more than a toy. Closing your eyes and imaging a deeper pitch, a wider frame, and a scared face.
But it’s okay. Because it was just once.
The fire crackles with anticipation of what’s to come tomorrow.
People are on edge, rearing for a battle that’s been twenty years in the making. And you’re on edge for a different reason entirely.
He sits beside you. But he sits across from you.
Drinking his sake and sharpening his swords.
It’s the first time you’ve seen him since he parted ways to take on his role of a ronin. The first time you, him, and Sanji have all been in the same vicinity since that night.
It’s suffocating.
To be so close but so out of reach. To have Sanji in your ear, treating you like some delicate flower. Stil tip toeing around you since he’s returned from his failed nuptials.
You need to get out. You need to get away. You need-
“I’m going for a walk.”
Your head screws up at his voice.
“Don’t get lost.” Sanji says, “Can’t waste time looking for you in the morning.”
“Shit cook.” Zoro mutters under his breath, arranging his three swords at his side. He turns, reaching down to grab his sake when your voice cuts in.
“I’ll come with.” You think you see his hand stutter as it wraps around the neck of the bottle, but maybe that’s just wishful thinking.
Zoro doesn’t wait for you, barely acknowledges your words as he heads off towards the forest that surrounds the campsite.
“Want me to come with?” Sanji asks. His sweet puppy dog eyes make your stomach churn.
You plaster a fake smile on your lips, “Don’t worry. Just need to walk off some jitters.”
“Are you sure? I could finish up here and-”
“Sanji.” You cut him off, cupping his cheek with a reassuring hand, “I’ll be alright.” You watch as his eyes flick to Zoro’s retreating form and back to yours. You hold his stare, sure not to give anything away.
“Alright.” He mumbles, pressing a kiss to the palm of your hand, “I love you.”
You swallow thickly, “I love you, too.”
Turning on your heel, you see Zoro’s already at the edge of the forest and you have to jog a bit to catch up with him.
He barely acknowledges your presence, staring straight ahead. He lifts the sake to his lips, taking a generous sip. The liquid sliding down his throat as he swallows, his throat moving in the moonlight. You never got your lips on his neck. The position didn’t allow for it, but you’re curious to know what-
“Want some?”
“Huh?” You snap out of your stupor, seeing he’s holding out the bottle to you, “Oh, no. No, that’s alright, thank you.”
Zoro shrugs, taking another sip as the silence returns.
In this part of Wano, it feels like the end of summer. There’s a chill in the air but it’s not unbearable. The first of the leaves have started to fall, earning the occasional crunch under your feet.
“So, you make up with the cook?”
“It was all a misunderstanding.” Your eyes stay focused ahead of you, not offering anything else.
Zoro scoffs, “Right.”
Something in your blood boils at his tone. Is that what Sanji hears every time Zoro opens his mouth? Because it’s enough to make you want to kick him in the head too.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing.” Zoro answers, “Glad you two are playing happy house again. Let’s just hope his next marriage is to you and not some other Emperor’s kid.” He lets out a chuckle, “Although, I heard from the locals Kadio has a son, so it’s not completely off the table.”
Your feet halt as if you’d been slapped across the face. Zoro at least has the decency to look over his shoulder when he realizes you’re not following, “What?”
“Fuck you.” You hiss, your hands balling into clenched fists, nails digging into the skin.
Zoro smirks, giving you a once over before he turns back ahead, “Already did.”
Your mouth drops, “Excuse me?” You nearly shriek, “What the fuck is your problem?!”
“My problem?” He turns around, “You’re the one who followed me out here, what’s your problem?”
“I don’t have a problem!” You shout, storming up to him.
“It sure seems like you do.” Zoro rolls his eyes, “What? Things with the shit cook not as peachy as you remember?”
“What goes on between me and Sanji is none of your business!” You snap, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Seemed liked my business the night you begged me to fuck you.” Zoro takes another sip, a satisfied smirk left behind on his face.
“I did not beg you.”
Zoro raises a brow, “That’s the part you’re hung up on? Not trying to deny it?”
You don’t answer.
“So tell me again why you followed me out here?” Zoro starts, taking a step closer, “You left your perfect boy back at camp, to what? Trail after me like some desperate whore?”
You stumble a step back at his insult, opening your mouth to respond but he continues.
“Or is he not as good as you remember?” His teeth glint in the moonlight, “Now that you’ve had a taste, you want more?” He pushes you back further and further until your back collides with a tree.
But you don’t cower.
“Don’t be crude.” You spit.
His hand plants on the bark right beside your face, “Just bein’ honest.”
“I love Sanji.”
“You telling me, or yourself?” Zoro laughs, leaning closer towards your face. You can smell the alcohol on his breath, mixed with the sweat and earthy scent that always lingers near him.
“He’s a good man.”
Zoro watches your lip wobble, and what he wouldn’t give to sink his teeth into it. But not yet.
“He is.” Zoro agrees.
“And I love him.” He can hear the tremble in your voice as he leans closer until his lips are just a breath away.
“You said that already.”
The conflict written across your face is as clear as day. The way your darkened eyes flick between his and his lips. The slight shaking of your body that he knows is from anticipation and not nervousness.
“Please.” He hears your pathetic whisper. But you’re not getting off that easy.
His lips inch closer, just enough that your eyes have already fluttered closed when he swerves along your cheek. Dragging his mouth on the skin until he reaches your ear.
The whimper that falls from your lips stirs something in his belly and he can’t help but take your ear lobe between his teeth. Nibbling on the sensitive skin for a moment until he asks, “Please, what?”
“Don’t make me say it.” You whisper harshly, already ashamed from the desire you hold for this man.
Zoro is pretty proud of his self-restraint as he pulls back, his entire body a generous space from yours.
“Zoro, wait. No, please, I-”
“S’alright.” He grunts, fighting back the smirk and putting on a clearly faked reluctance, “I won’t do anything you don’t want.”
“But I do! Please, I do.” Your hands latch onto his yukata, desperately clawing him back to you, “Zoro, I need you.”
Like a flipped switch, Zoro pulls flush against his body. Garnering a moan when his hands grip your waist, “What do you need?” He growls.
“What part of me? My hands?” You nod when his palms cup your ass, “Or my mouth?” He licks a stripe along your neck that has your eyes rolling backwards, pushing you into the tree. You feel the world give way when he wraps your legs around his waist, “Or do you miss my cock?”
A gasp crawls from your throat when his hardened length presses against your covered cunt.
“All of it!” You babble, wrapping your arms tightly around his shoulders and burying your face into the crook of his neck. The shame is almost unbearable, how quickly you’ve fallen to his mercy.
“Ah, ah.” Zoro tuts like the ass he is, “Tell me exactly what you want.”
A growl of frustration rips through your teeth, and you’ve had enough when your fingers sink into his hair, pulling harshly until he’s staring into your lust filled eyes, “Fuck me, Zoro.” Feeling your cunt throb around nothing has all your modesty out the window. You’ll say whatever he wants to hear if it gets you what you need, “You’re right, okay? I can’t stop thinking about it! Your cock, and your hands, and when you, ahh!”
His teeth sink into your neck, harder than you’ve ever felt just as he rolls his hips against your center. The rough fabric dragging across your clit with a burning friction that sears into you.
Sweet pain laces up your spine as he pushes your harder to the tree, bark digging into your flesh that’ll surely leave behind a cut or two.
“Fuck.” Zoro groans, grinding his heavy cock against you, “Knew you’d need more.”
“Mhmm.” You can only nod your head, feeling completely at his mercy.
“Wish I could take my time with you.” He mutters into your neck, “Devour every inch of you.” His hand squeezes your breast, easily finding your nipple through the fabric and giving it a good twist.
You cry out in pain and Zoro uses the opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth. Not even hesitating to lick every bit of you he can reach. You almost choke on the taste of sake, so different from the smoke that lingers in Sanji’s kisses.
Squeezing your eyes shut you try to will away all thoughts of the curly eyebrowed man who’s probably waiting for you back at camp. Maybe he’s preparing you a snack, rolling out your sleeping mat next to his, wondering if you’re okay-
“Oi!” Zoro grips your face, squeezing your cheeks harshly, “You thinking about him?” Your mouth opens and closes as you try to form an answer, “Tch.” Zoro scoffs, “Guess I’m not doin’ a good enough job.”
And with that he spins before laying you onto the cold forest floor. His hands slide to your front, tugging off your pants in a hurried fashion as the brisk air hits you.
You can hear Zoro groan as he’s drinking in the sight of your bare cunt like a man dying of thirst. His hand reaches out, running along the inside of your thigh before hovering just over your mound.
“Like a bitch in heat.” Zoro mutters, pressing into your tummy, “Tell me how bad you need it.”
“So much.” You whine, trying to rise to your elbows, but Zoro’s quicker, pushing you back to the ground.
“Quit squirming.” He growls, and you nearly faint at the sight of Zoro situating himself between your thighs, easily throwing your legs over his shoulder. He can smell you desire, can almost taste it. Gathering the moisture in his mouth, Zoro hovers close, spitting right onto your cunt, pleased to hear your whimpers as he rubs his thumb through your folds.
But he doesn’t care about your wants right now. This is for him. Been driving him mad thinking about your taste, nearly passed out last time when he got the chance to suck his fingers dry after he had them buried in your tight heat. Wondering if the shit cook appreciates your essences. If Zoro had his ways he’d feast on you breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day.
Zoro has to palm his cock over the fabric, almost rutting against the ground for some release. It’s everything he remembered and more, drinking straight from the source as you fidget in his hold. He has to lock a forearm over your hips to keep you from bucking too wildly when he sucks your clit into his mouth, thumb dipping into your cunt just too give you something to clench down on.
He won’t give you anymore, doesn’t want to stretch you out too much. He’ll leave that pleasure for his cock, but at least wants you desperate as can be.
So his skillful mouth brings you to the edge of pleasure, flicking your nub ruthlessly with his wet muscle and you feel tears gathering in your eyes as fingers bury into his hair. Just as you feel yourself getting close, he pulls back, but not without a mean pinch to your clit, ruining any chance of an orgasm.
“Zoro! What the fuck!”
He sits up further, shrugging out of his yukata and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. If you weren’t so on edge you might have been a little embarrassed by the sheen that’s left behind on his arm.
“You’re gonna cum on my cock.”
He roughly handles your legs, pushing them up against your chest until your ass is raised off the ground, almost folding you in half.
You can see his hardened cock just over your tummy, red, angry, and leaking from the tip. Biting your lip, you brace yourself with clenched eyes, unsure if he’ll inch himself in or bully into you without haste.
“Oh no you don’t.” Zoro’s hand wraps around your neck, pulling your head at an awkward angle as you’re forced to look at where your bodies meet, “You wanted this, so you’re going to watch it.”
His eyes seer into your face as embarrassment burns into your skin. He doesn’t care to see how his cock pushes past your lips, opening your hole with each agonizing inch. He’s already had that view when your messy cunt was sucking at him back on the submarine.
No. This time Zoro is going watch in sweet satisfaction as your mouth drops open while his cock kisses your cunt. Drink in the small gasp that falls from your lips when he pushes the head in. Gripping your face so you can’t throw your head back in pleasured agony as he splits you in two.
“Fuck.” Zoro groans, fulling seating himself inside you. You’re just as tight as he remembers, all warm and spongy, choking his cock with your walls. He breaths through his nose, needing all his concentration to not cum on the spot.
And you swear he feels bigger than before. With your legs almost pressed against your chest you’re sure he’s deeper than he was last time. Like you can feel him in your throat, “Zoro.” You gasp, spasming around his length, “I, I, please.”
Zoro tuts, looking at you with a condescending smirk, “You need something?” His grin widens when you nod your head up and down. But he doesn’t move, instead pulling your shirt down, calloused hands pawing at your tits until he can get them into his grasp.
With a tight squeeze, he leans down, laving his tongue over a nipple. Sucking and rolling it in his mouth before moving to the next with a resounding pop.
Your whine borders feral, desperate for attention elsewhere. It’s near impossible to move in your position, his weight pressing into you so sinfully. With each spark from his mouth, you clench around his cock, squirming and hoping that he’ll just do something.
“Zoro, please, I can’t.”
An annoyed growl rips from Zoro’s throat as he lifts his head to shoot you a glare, “Do you ever shut up?” His hips finally pull back, the drag painful but you miss the fullness all the same, “Fucking whining and moaning.” He grunts, just the head of his cock in you now, “Don’t know how shit cook puts up with it.”
You open your mouth to retort, to throw just as hurtful words back, but they drown in your almost scream as Zoro plunges back in at full force.
“Still, so, loud.” He punctuates each word with a thrust that bruises at your deepest parts, “Need to gag you.” He mutters, locking his lips on yours as his ruthless paces continues.
You can’t think straight with toes curling after each of his movements, letting his tongue and lips take and take from you. You can feel yourself approaching the orgasm you had just missed your cunt squeezing so tightly and pants coming in hurried breaths.
That is until Zoro reels his arm back, cutting through the air and landing a hard slap against your ass. Your eyes fly open with a muffled squeak and before you can process the sting, he lands another, and another, and another.
The pain ebbs at your pleasure, his relentless thrusts and smacks pull you back with tears sliding down your cheeks. And Zoro grins against your lips, as if he can taste the salt of your tears, pleased with himself.
“Mhmm!” You whine when he switches to your other ass cheek, barely missing a beat. And you’ve just about had enough, wanting his torture to come to an end in the form of you creaming all over his cock.
Trying to make your point, you sink your teeth into his lip as hard as you can and Zoro reels back in surprise, faltering in his pace. And even in the moonlight you can see the red liquid dribbling from his lip.
You gasp, “Zoro,” You hadn’t meant to tear his skin, hadn’t meant to make him bleed, hadn’t wanted to…
All thoughts short circuit when his tongue darts out, smearing the blood along his lips. A feral grin spreads on his face and you briefly feel a rush of fear shoot through you.
Is this what his enemies see in their last moments?
With movements too fast for your eyes to follow, Zoro rises to his knees. He takes hold of your thighs, pushing them tighter against your chest until you feel like you can barely breath. And without a word, he pulls out to push back in at some inhumane speed.
Wet slaps, cries, and grunts echo in the empty forest. You wonder briefly if anyone back at camp can hear your betrayal.
“Oi.” Zoro grabs your chin, his voice is raw, “Tell me you want it.”
“Huh?” You groan, world feeling a little fuzzy as he pushes you higher and higher.
“Tch.” His hand slides down to your neck, just the slightest of pressure, “Too fucked out to listen, huh?” He smirks when you don’t defend yourself, can’t, because he’s not wrong, “Tell me you want it.” Leaning closer to you ear, “Want me to fill you and send you back to your little boyfriend none the wiser you have my cum slipping down your legs. Well?” He demands impatiently, fingers tightening.
A choked gasp escapes your lips, “Yes, I want it!” You cry, trying to turn your head to look at him, “Please, please.”
“And you’re gonna fuck him tonight too, got it?” Zoro growls, his pace quicken, each thrust slamming into you with enough force to slide you against the cold ground, “Let him feel where I’ve been, let him feel what’s mine.”
Your hands fly to his wrist as it gets harder to breath, but you still nod you head furiously, willing to do whatever and anything he says to get you your release.
“So good for me.” Zoro groans, his free hand moves down to your cunt, playing with your clit. His hips start to stutter as your cunt flutters around him with each swipe of his fingers, “That’s it.” He moans, “Milk my cock dry.”
And just when you feel yourself falling over the edge, he gives a tight squeeze around your neck one last time before releasing. You nearly choke on the air, sucking in deeply as your that tight coil snaps and you’re simultaneously catapulted into you pleasure.
Zoro watches, memorizing the sight of you desperately clawing at the ground, tears spilling from your eyes as such pleasure racks your trembling body.
With a mean hand, he presses down on your tummy, right where his cock is underneath, earning a pitiful sob that’ll he’ll think about the next time he’s rubbing one out.
“Fuck.” Zoro grunts, pushing into you as deep as he can before freezing when the tightening behind his cock finally explodes. The burning heat fills you, scorches almost as you moan at the fullness. He gets in a few more stuttered thrusts, the sticky smacks making you want to hide behind your hands.
But you don’t. Instead, you catalog every detail of his face. The sweat on his brow and flush across his cheeks. How his lips are pulled back almost in a snarl as he clenches his eyes with heavy pants. You’ll need to remember every bit that you can, after all;
It’s just this once.
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polyamoryprincess · 2 years
Izzy is an abuser who treats everyone around him like shit. If he makes you sad you're disgusting.
Lmao I can’t tell if this is serious or not but it got me to do an Izzy character analysis and I love him even more now 🤷🏻‍♀️
He’s a repressed pirate who’s in love with his ruthless pirate captain that has ordered him to commit horrific acts for years, then suddenly 180’d, lied to Izzy about his intentions, undermined him constantly in front of this weird fucking crew, and threw him socially under the bus (like he did to Stede at the boat party). Even with all that, he DUELS Stede and follows the rules despite the fact that he could’ve just killed him anyway.
Then in “post-breakup anger” he sold himself to the British government in order to secure Ed’s life while also giving Ed the chance at retirement he’s been saying he wants, and yes it sets up Stede to die, but Izzy says ”this is the most humane way“ and he’s right both because firing squad would be 1000% more humane than whatever way he would die as an incompetent pirate captain and emotionally humane because it removes all responsibility from Ed (that thing that is Izzy’s MAIN job).
THEN Ed absolutely throws the sacrifice Izzy is making (being a dog for the british) in his face by sacrificing himself (and leaving Izzy behind) for Stede who he’s known for like less than a month. 
So he has another post-breakup breakdown and acts like a dick head to the Revenge crew (still very much alive, if overworked, as opposed to… idk leaving them on an island and pushing one of them overboard), gets mutinied/almost murdered, only for Ed to suddenly return without any fight left in him and looks like someone Izzy doesn’t recognize at all, so he’s mean to Ed and he latches onto the anger he recognizes and encourages it. It takes the smallest push. And then Ed regresses HARD, cuts off Izzy’s toe, and tries to murder everyone. 
Izzy was a dick and Ed has some shit to work through, but just like everything else, even though Izzy is the fall guy, that doesn’t mean Ed shouldn’t take responsibility for the hurt he caused. Izzy didn’t tell Ed to do any of the shit he does after their confrontation, Ed being communicative with the crew for that brief time was a choice just like letting them die is a choice. 
Izzy is literally not even that bad he’s just freaking the fuck out 24/7 lmao 
Honestly I think people confuse fanon interpretations with canon too, and I get why Izzy is the go to for basic antagonist in fics, but Izzy is a lot more emotionally complicated and honestly reasonably upset about everything than anyone gives him credit for. 
Like, Izzy is supposed to be Mary’s polar opposite. The big difference being that he’s actually in love with Ed, he sees Ed fall in love with Stede with his own eyes, and Ed uses Izzy as a crutch. All of that while also experiencing the betrayal and abandonment that Stede put Mary through with even more layers of fucked up.
There’s a lot of care and thought put into the canon characterization that I wish was explored more in the fandom.
But, yeah Izzy did nothing wrong actually 🤷🏻‍♀️ lmao
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junhuiste · 3 years
twice twice baby (preview)
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pairing: jake x gn reader x sunghoon
word count: 2200
tags/warnings: fluff, slight angst, college!au, hockey player!jake, ice skater!sunghoon, sports med assistant!reader, slowburn, mutual pining, cursing, slightly suggestive scenes
a/n: this is just a preview of the bigger piece i plan to publish much later, so it pretty much only has jake, sorry hoonists! also gonna address it here while we’re at it, but i wanna apologize to everyone who sent requests in! i have them all plotted, most drafted and written, but i didn’t realize when i moved back home how busy i would be with work, summer classes, and looking for an apartment! i will have them published before the end of summer though! this piece is coming out before only because i wrote it well before finals week lol
taglist: please let me know if you wanna be part of the taglist!
Being in a parallelogram (or was it a dodecagon? A triangle? whatever) with the two notorious ‘Ice Hotties’ at your college, Jake Sim, the captain of the hockey team, and Park Sunghoon, the world class figure skater, is easy. Geometry isn’t that complicated...right?
As you entered into the arena, a cold blast of air struck, prompting you to jump slightly in your tracks, cursing that it was men’s hockey season and not basketball anymore. Albeit arms shivering, knees wobbling, and barely being able to make any strides at all, you weren’t distraught and to some extent trembling because of the ice rink or the ice packs inside the pouch seemingly glued to your waist, or hell, even the unnecessary air conditioner giving its all. Really, did they need to keep that fucking thing on when it was already polar-arctic-adjacent inside the arena? Probably to keep the rink from oozing into water and having Atlantis actually come to fruition...whatever, fuck the cold!
“Y/N, let’s get on it. We’re a bit late.” The head athletic trainer indicated, speed-walking a little too quickly for your liking, but what were you to do when your chest was heaving upon arrival at the ice center? Suck it up? Collapse and crawl into a ball?
Nodding, even though she was practically scurrying and leaving your curtailing ass in the dust, you heightened your pace despite the fact that your legs were about to give out at any second. Weren’t cold spaces supposed to make a solid more rigid, not turn your legs to jelly?
The both of you finally reached the area where the players were situated to greet the head and assistant hockey coaches.
“This is Y/N,” your trainer (whom insisted you just skip the formalities and call her Mina) motioned to you, slightly yet noticeably panting, “a first year, but they’ve done men’s basketball, women’s soccer and some gymnastics last semester. They know their stuff!”
“Wouldn’t doubt it.” The head coach reaches out to grip your hand firmly.
“Pleasure to meet y—“ once more today you jump, this time not shaken by the frozen tundra or by the vehemently boisterous buzzer, though it was much more thundering than the buzzer at the basketball court for some reason, but by the announcers cheering, “first year, number three, co-Captain, Jake Sim!”
And the crowd? They didn’t just go wild, no, they were literally cacophonous, the ground beneath and the arena stands rumbling, practically rivaling the San Andreas fault. Craning your neck to look around the oval shaped space and just how many students from your school, clad in university regalia, were present to see guys battle it out with plastic sticks on frozen water, even that, the entire scene wasn’t what had your heart nearly palpitating out of your chest.
First year, number three, co-Captain, Jake Sim. Now that was enough to warrant a blood pressure monitor...and possibly a defibrillator.
Almost giving yourself whiplash from turning around too quickly, it was hard not to gape at the boy coasting across the ice, waving at the all too excited crowd. And even through his helmet and from across the rink, you could make out his dark, glimmering irises, like how the sun’s edges would peak through from behind during an eclipse. It was kind of charmingly sickening actually, that someone could be as radiant as he was, under all the bulky gear, even despite the temperature. It wasn’t convenient actually that it had to be men’s hockey this time, that you, as the athletic trainer’s sports medicine intern had to attend the games for. Yeah, it was for credits. Sure, it was for intern experience...but what was the point if you only expected to make a fool out of yourself trying to tend to Jake and his teammates’ possible injuries?

It wasn’t fair, actually, that you were hopelessly in like with Jake Sim and that he didn’t even know your name when you were in the same physics class. To be fair though, it was a class of about 400, an infamous weeder course that crushed the poor souls of innocent underclassmen, so to have him direct any sort of attention your way, even a mere glimpse, would be laughable. That was what happened when you sat in the back, though.
Of course it just had to be Jake Sim that completely bewitched you, and he didn’t have to twirl any fingers or fixate any potions to have you just so damn spellbound. All he had to do was show up to freshman orientation with that stupid inviting grin of his, and that dumb glint in his eye that no one else seemed to possess. No, of course he just had to show up and be almost too cordial to everyone in your orientation group, even though all the other students, including you, could not give a single damn about the campus tour. And yes, of course, he just had to have the masses absolutely enamored with him, both upper and underclassmen alike.
Consider all of that, with Jake’s insane schedule, not that you knew anything specific, just that he had games on Tuesdays and Thursdays, coupled with daily practices, but you were only privy to that information because Mina always gave you the athletic teams’ agendas for the month. So yes, trying to garner any attention from Jake was like floating right smack in the middle of the Pacific, sending some sort of signal through a marine radio, and getting no response back. Not a hint that anyone was coming. No helicopters whirring above, no boats sent out ashore. What would he want to do with the first-aid kid, the person that sat in the back, the person that was paying attention to something else at the moment, and not the fact that they had to observe players carefully for potential injuries?
Well, sorry to Jake’s teammates and Mina, but you just couldn’t pry your eyes off of number three. How he skated in such an agile manner while simultaneously defending assertively was certainly an image now seared into your mind. The way he commanded the court was just so—“You paying attention? Are you okay today?” Mina snapped you out of your nonsensical trance.
“Yeah, yeah of course! Always on my toes like you said...” your eyes told a different story, and deceived you at that.
“And there’s number three, Sim, with the first goal!”
Jake skated backwards to high five his teammates and to prepare to defend, and it was definitely a sight to see him so animated, feeling right where he should be in his domain.
“Ah, I see. Number three is it? I heard he’s a beast on the ice,” Mina nudged and winked slyly at you, “anyway, pay attention ‘cause if your little ice boy gets hurt you know we gotta move quickly.”
It was already enough to have your friends taunt you about your silly adolescent infatuation with Jake, now to have your mentor in on it too? Mina was right though, you were here to wrap ankles and tend to bruised hips, not ogle at the team captain.
“Gotcha. On my toes!” you winked back at her, semi-ready to do your job. If you could predict injuries before they even happened during the basketball and soccer games you should be more than capable of caring for the hockey players. Whipping your head around to finally and legitimately focus on the members, you really wished you hadn’t.
There he was, number three, adept and dodging the defensive players, with the puck sliding in tandem with his stick. Then, it happened all too quickly, in a tenth of a second, too much for everyone spectating to comprehend.
Suddenly, Jake was on his back after he and the opposing player too combatively collided into each other. You blinked once and now he was supine on ice, clutching a leg to his chest. His teammates and the referees hastily surrounded him, but you could not watch anymore, you had to do what you were here for.
Running past both the coaches, lamenting what the hells and go go go! at Mina, you dashed to the edge of the rink, about to enter and slip on the ice, but stopped yourself, because you didn’t have skates on. Fuck. Mina and you always ran to the scene of the injury, and you’d only dealt with hardwood floors and grass fields, but never ice. There was no reason for you to just stand around though, as Jake was being lifted by the referees. As much as you wanted to glue your eyes to the catastrophe, you sprinted to the locker room to fetch the cooler.
“Everyone, move!” You shouted at the towering players standing in your way. Setting the cooler on the floor, you directed some of them to assemble a few of the chairs they were sitting on for a makeshift cot for Jake to rest his leg on. Nervously yet rapidly, you dug into your backpack for a splint, pre-wrap, and medical tape.
When you stood back up, Jake and the referees were at the rink’s entrance, with Mina extending her arms to steady him once he transitioned from ice to linoleum. And through all this he maintained the same tender-hearted curve on his face, beaming at Mina and thanking the referees.
One of Jake’s coaches and Mina propped Jake around their shoulders as he hopped on one foot to your nearby station. Assisting them in getting Jake to sit down, you were shaking slightly out of feverishness and hormones, even though it was the perfect temperature for snowfall, but forming a resistance to doing that was almost impossible.
Christ, you weren’t like this when Taehyun tore his ligament last semester at the basketball semi-finals, or when Yuna sprained her toe out on the field, yet it was due to that certain someone that you just could not find it within you to operate as you usually did. It was imperative that you got out of your own head; Jake was merely another athlete you had to tend to and someone you, quite frankly, had to get over, like now.
Once Jake was seated with his right leg propped up on the opposite chair, he took his helmet off and handed it to his coach standing guard next to him.
“Mina, you guys got this?” The coach hesitantly asked your trainer.
“Absolutely nothing to worry about, Coach Kim! We’ve seen worse than this; we’re good, right Y/N?”
You gave Coach Kim a measly thumbs up and he rushed to get back to the rest of the team to continue with the game, deliberating who would substitute in now that their best player was on the sidelines.
While Mina undid Jake’s skates and kneepads, you assessed him before you could get started, asking him what kind of pain he had in his leg, how much it hurt on a scale of 1-10, and if he could wiggle his toes.
Sharp and kind of aching, I think. 8.5-ish, actually maybe just 8. Toes wiggling.
“Um, okay. Good that your toes are still intact, which means you’re gonna be okay, but is there any other part of your body that hurts?” You tried not to sound like a complete buffoon, trying to enunciate your words properly like you did with several other injured athletes; Jake shouldn’t have been any different. He was, though.
“Yeah, I feel like there’s a bruise on the right side of my body somewhere,” he said, motioning to his abdomen.
“Okay...I’m gonna take your shoulder pads off and you have to take your jersey off so we can ice it, is that cool with you?” Your brain was bouncing off the walls at the mention of “take” and “off”. Come on, this wasn’t fucking NASA, although it might as well have been, as he was a universe and a half to you (in a melodramatic way of sorts).
“Yeah, yeah—for sure. Thanks.” Jake flashed an acknowledging smile, to which your cheeks heated up at. There was an injured boy in front of you—no time for shits and giggles and teenage elation.
As you aided Jake in removing his shoulder pads and jersey, he winced a bit, while trying to hide it at the same time. 

“Are you good? I’ll get some ice on that soon, I promise.” You gradually eased into your ‘medic’ mode, trying to expel as much of your nerves as humanly possible.
“Yeah I’m okay, just hurts a bit. Thanks again,” he could not stop giving you that demure yet brazen demeanor, and to be around a smiling Jake meant a tense you, regardless if your subconscious plan to initiate Nerves Exodus was kind of working.
When Mina stood up, all finished with undoing his skates and knee pads, she asked Jake to repeat what he stated about his pain earlier to you back to her. Before walking to where the coaches and other players were, she chaffed at you, with a mischievous lilt to her words, “you can handle it from here right? The star player’s in your hands.”
Audibly, you ‘mhmmed’ her, and when you were out of Jake’s sight, rolled your eyes, making sure she noticed that. You were glad though, that Mina was your trainer and not some old, stern fart like she had when she interned in your same position; it made for much more “effective” mentoring and communication, especially because she left you alone with the athletes, so you were able to think of what to do next for yourself, and if there were ever any mistakes—which there were none of to date—she would help you work through them.
Holy shit, Mina left. It was just you and Jake.
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rainileo · 3 years
heyy!! i love ur blog so much! could i request joshua (seventeen) x sub/bottom reader smut with some degradation and humiliation? you can go wild with everything else 🥰
my get out of jail free card (m)
joshua x (female reader)
warnings: dom josh, humiliation, degradation, spitting, spanking, cream pie, unprotected sex, pet names, doggy style, “dudes being dudes🙄” lmao, mentions of drinking and marijuana.
lmk if i miss anything (not proof read)
a/n: this turned out to be longer than i thought sorry lmao i got carried away
5:33 pm
josh always thought you were naturally sexy, you always being able to make him shift in his seat uncomfortably when he watches you do daily tasks, or just anything in general (you were just that sexy). sometimes you liked to use that information to your advantage by either dressing up in something a little more revealing for fun and walking around the apartment to tease him, or maybe buying a sexy lingerie to surprise him spontaneously.
but before it was different.
josh used to despise you. you thought it was ironic, because he was all over you now, but back then, he couldn’t even look at you without getting uncomfortable. you were polar opposites and you were on the more rebellious end.
josh used to like to finish his homework early, he liked to stay in on a friday night with his small group of friends and play bored games (pun intended).
he refused to partake in the consumption and use of narcotics and alcohol, and couldn’t stand the idea of premarital sex. and then he fell in love with you, your personality and your body, practically leaving the idea of premarital sex behind and risking the idea of ending up in a forever hell all for you and his temptations. and now, you had the advantage of surprising and teasing him in this flimsy set to get him to bang the shit out if your just for the sake of it.
you now reside in your shared bedroom, checking yourself out in the head to toe mirror, clad in the set you mentioned before. you think you’re cute, and you pose to see all angles. you giggle tp yourself as you bubble with excitement, preparing to surprise josh.
you turn around, looking at yourself one more time before struting out of the room towards where your boyfriend is seated in the living room. you enter the warm room and you see him spread out of the couch that sits in the middle of the room, phone in his hand and a random show playing in the background.
“babe.” you gently call from behind him to get his attention on your figure.
“yeah.” he lazily replies, not moving his original position and keeping his eyes trained on his phone, probably texting a member or looking through social media.
you roll your eyes in irritation and attempt to complete your mission as you try again, “josh~.” you say singsongingly, and he exhales and replies again,
“what.” he says a little bit more seriously, probably getting annoyed that your bothering him while he’s busy on his phone, or because you won’t go in front of him to actually get his attention.
“joshua.” you say sternly, trying to get his attention still, and succeeding when he angrily turns around saying, “what y/n-,” angrily and he stops mid sentence, gulping, looking at you from head to toe, examining the material that sits on your body.
“oh, holy shit.” he swears and you giggle, teasingly walking towards him, swaying your hips slightly. “you shouldn’t use that tone with me like that.” you say as he completely turns his torso towards you, as his attention is completely on you now. “sorry babe, i didn’t mean to sound mean like that.” he apologizes and reaches his closer hand out to you and caresses your ass. you couldn’t tell if his hand on your ass was just a sexual gesture, if he just wanted his hand on you just for the sake of it, or if he was using his touch to apologize to you; you couldn’t tell, so you roll your eyes again over the fact that he’s completely changed his attitude now that you stand infront of him, half naked.
he blinks at you for a second and you smirk at him, and he begins speaking again, “please accept my apology baby.” he says sweetly, also lightly squeezing your ass while looking at you with the cutest eyes you can’t resist.
“ok,” you trail off and swing your hair from one side of your shoulder to the other, barely listening to his response. “but on one condition, i’ll accept your apology.” you say, pulling his hand off your backside as his face contorts in confusion due to the sentence you had just put out. “what is it?” he asks, getting out of his spot, rounding the couch to you so he can directly stand in front of you.
“you have to fuck the absolute shit out of me.” you reply, watching as his face drops in of disbelief; those words went straight to his sick to be honest.
how did he manage to snatch up a girl like you?, he thinks to himself and you shift in your spot, biting your lip, smiling and looking up at him. his eyes visibly get darker and bhs bites his lip, instinctively moving closer to you.
“go to the bedroom now.” he instructs for you to do and you follow his orders as you turn around in the direction of the room, walking away teasingly, swaying your hips again. he slaps your ass and shamelessly watches your ass as you walk away.
a lot of his band mates also used to tease him about the way he would respectfully look away from you when you were naked or changing and etcetera. they later explained to him that it’s ok to check her if you guys are dating, (if she allows it that is). he later completely understood it after years of avoiding your body and now you’re like his personal playboy magazine.
you had finally made your way to your shared room, comfortably positioning yourself on your bed, waiting for him to come into the room.
your heart began to pound a little when you watch him walk through the doo. he runs his hands through his hair as he continues his stride over to you. “it’s almost like using a get out of jail free card whenever you do this.” he says coming to a stop in front of the bottom edge of the bed to stare at where you’re seated on the middle of the bed.
you giggle at his joke as you shift towards him on your knees, coming up in front of him and reaching your hands out to the bottom of his shirt and playing with it to get him a little riled up.
“yeah? and why is that?” your curiosity causes a smile to break out on his face. “i don’t even have to try to get into your pants.” he answers truthfully, leaning into you to kiss you roughly.
the kiss is demanding and causes you to fight for dominance between the two of you. he obviously wins when he shoves his tongue into your mouth and you comply, allowing him to explore your mouth.
he suddenly pulls away and begins, “babe.” he now sternly looks in your eyes with only lust. it immediately grabs your attention and you clench around nothing, feeling yourself pulse in excitement. “yes?” you say biting your lip and looking back at him. you try to hold a smile back as he grips your hips and pulls your entire body right against his. “what do you want?” he asks, his tone now darker as he moves his hands down to your ass and strokes slightly. “you.” you sigh out, wrapping your arms around his neck,
“well i would hope that you would want me.” he jokes, pinching your ass and you laugh at his joke for a second and press yourself even closer to him, now feeling his friend completely hard down against your thigh.
“seriously babe, what do you want, my fingers? my mouth?” he asks again, stroking your hips and legs. you smile to yourself as you speak out, “i want you to eat me out, and then i want you to fuck the shit out of me.” you say as you reach down to palm him and he grunts, gripping your backside tightly.
“yeah, i can do that.” he breathlessly says, grabbing your thighs to wrap your legs around his hips so he can move you two more easily on the bed.
once he situates you at the pile of pillows at the the top of the bed, you begin to make out again. the both of you are fighting for dominance again and it’s messy, spit begins to dribble between your mouths on your chin. you moan into his mouth and he grips your thighs to place it over his shoulders to position himself comfortably against you. he moves his left hand beside your head for balance while wrapping his right around your neck, lightly asphyxiating you. he shoves his tongue into your mouth again and you moan against him as he also starts to grind against your core. “josh.” you both let go of the kiss and a string of saliva stays between the two of you as you part. “what?” he asks as you grip the arm that is wrapped around your neck with both of your hands.
he’s in awe when he looks down to see the full sight of his hand wrapped around your neck as your smaller hands grip his large, veiny arm for leverage.
you look at him with pleading eyes, the friction of him grinding against you not being enough to stimulate your core. “please.” he breathes out at the sound of your voice, it now changing into a lighter tone due to your submissive position now.
he laughs at your sudden weakness and pushes on. “y/n, you have to use your words.” he says, stopping the movements against your hips, ceasing all pleasure now. your eyes begin to tear up as anger boils in your chest. you know he knows what you want, but he won’t give in, he likes to tease you and break you until your confidence has completely vanished.
“please go down there.” you attempt to speak out, voice hoarse due to his grip around your neck. “what’s down there baby? you tell me.” he continues as he leans down to your ear. “m-my pussy.” you say, voice just above a whisper, too ashamed to say it out loud. “you can be louder than that, come on slut.” the nickname goes straight to your center as he pressures you and you give in, “my pussy,” you respond louder. he laughs at you again and you close your eyes to avoid his gaze, cheeks hearing in embarrassment.
he thinks it’s entertaining how bold you were a few moments ago, you now falling into sub space as you impatiently wait for him to pleasure you.
“yeah? and what do you want me to do to your pussy again?” he continues to push on, now right into your ear. you feel his heavy breath against your skin and you tingle all over.
“i...” you exhale, squeezing your eyes shut as he begins to place light kisses against your sweet spot on your neck. “i want you to eat me out.” you finish, a tear falling down your face in anticipation. his chest pushes off of your as he lifts himself off if you to look into your eyes deeply.
“that’s pathetic.” he spits out, hand still on your neck, occasionally squeezing it still. you frown and open your eyes to see what he’s doing and when you do, hes just staring.
“are you gonna take it like a good girl?” he questions, moving his left hand from it original position to stroke your side. he inches closer to your boob and when he reaches them, he lets go of his grip around his neck and completely leans back on his knees. he pushes the material of the bra over your boobs to let them fall out of it confines.
your boobs sit out in the open air and your nipples begin to harden under the slightly cool air. he brings both his hands to your chest and begins massaging them, pulling your nipples occasionally. you moan at his ministrations and he tenses in his pants in anticipation for you.
he reaches around your body, impressively undoing the bra and it easily falls off your chest and he throws it to the side of the bed. he leans back in again and admires your body. he continues with your underwear and pulls them down your legs and throws them across the room somewhere. he gives short kisses down your torso towards your center, leaving deep purple marks in his wake.
your back arches as he hits the specific spot inside you while he is knuckle deep with his fingers moving strategically inside you. your moans are so beautiful to him as he eats you out strategically. youre roughly gripping at his hair out of pleasure, face contorting from the pleasure he offers you.
“fuck josh.” you spit out, throwing your head back against the pillows and smirks at your reactions and begins sucking on your clit again, trying to bring you to your edge. “does it feel good?” he questions, letting go of your bundle of nerves and you exhale a breath you didn’t know you were holding. you nod furiously, too caught up in the pleasure to properly respond. he chuckles at your answer and continues with his ministrations.
his fingers keep their same pace as his mouth alternates between liking, biting, sucking, and the odd time, spitting. “fucking slut.” he says, creating a glob of spit in his mouth as he backs away from your core, still fingering you. he spits the glob on you and you sit up to lean on your elbows to get a better view of him deliciously eating you out.
“you like it when i eat you like this, finger fucking your tight pussy open, right?” he questions and your face contorts out of pleasure when he hits the spot again.
“fuck-, yes, it feels so good, i love it.” you quickly reply as you continue to watch him with your mouth falling open slowly. he hums as he begins to suck around you again, feeling the pleasure build up inside you. “i’m close.” you breathlessly let out to tell him before it’s too late. he continues and your legs shake as you get closer to your edge. “are you?” you nod and your eyes begin to roll back into your head. he looks up at you and feels like he’ll almost cum in his pants just by the way you look alone.
your elbows give in and you end up with your back flat on the mattress with josh laughing between your legs, which added to the sensations which also made the coil snap and caused you to begin arching your back in the air. you moan out and grip his hair tighter and tighter, biting your lip and slumping on the mattress, heart pounding as your orgasm washes over you.
“look at you, such a cum slut, right princess?” he ask, moving up from between your legs. you open your mouth to respond but soon close it not trusting what sound could come out of your mouth. he grips your arms that lay lifelessly on your side and he pulls you up and flips you on your stomach. everything happens so fast and you have to think about it after you were manhandled by him.
“ass up babe.” he demands and you listen, quickly getting into the position. he grabs your arms again and pinning them behind your back. your head was planted onto the sheets so you try to move your head down so you can get a good look at the man behind you. when you successfully shift your head, he immediately makes eye contact with you. he gives you a side smile in response to the way you look at him desperately, still biting your lips to hold in your needy moans.
“josh please.” you whine lightly, trying to entice him to place his member inside of you, or even just taking his clothes off in the first place would be just as good. he leans down to your face again and roughly grips your hair in his hand and pulls your head to make you look at him directly. you moan out at his sudden roughness and he begins, “what do you want me to do, slut?” he questions, slightly gripping your hair rougher to make you pay attention. “i want you to pound my pussy.” you sob, a shaky hand going to his hand in your hair.
he finally gives in when he lets go of your hair and begins stripping himself. he grabs the bottom of his shirt and pulls it over his head; you watch him intently, tears beginning to fall down your face again slightly, your body overwhelmed from the aftershocks of your orgasm. he throws the shirt somewhere in the room and then begins unbuttoning the pants. you close your eyes as he pulls his pants down.
another tear slips from your eyes as you squeeze them closed, also simultaneously squeezing your thighs together to get friction on your core to ease the pulse.
when he’s done taking his pants off, he toses them on the floor and watches you desperately rub your legs together.
“fucking slut, can’t even wait for me to touch you again.” he comments, placing his wet tip to your dripping pussy and rubbing it through the folds. you moan out and grip the sheets, waiting for him to put it in.
“please put it in josh.” you whine out, red eyes opening and looking at him straight in the eyes again, and when you guys make eye contact, he grabs your hair and turns your head on your chin and arches your back further with a hand on your lower back as well.
with the hand on the lower back, he grabs his dick again and pushes it into you perfectly. his dick slides in and be immediately begins pounding into you from behind. he lets go of your hair and comfortably positions himself to get a better grip for fucking you rougher.
he continues to roughly fuck you with the same hard pace, which makes you moan out loudly. “f-fuck please.” your voice comes out in a bizarre pattern with the noise of his hips slapping against you and you listen to it and enjoy his breathless pants behind you as well.
“please what babe?” he breathlessly asks, spanking you roughly and you moan out in response to the action and he rubs the area soothingly to ease your pain slightly. “please make me cum again.” you weakly answer, eyes fluttering shut when you feel his tip brush against the spot.
he scoffs in disbelief, “one orgasm wasn’t enough?” you internally groan, just wanting him to make you cum. you decide to move your hand down to your core to try and rub yourself to release. he notices that and grips your arm tightly and pulls it out from underneath you. he roughly spanks you and you yelp, free hand living to your side to grip the sheets.
“i didn't fucking say you could touch yourself.” he grunts out, pace quickening slightly. you moan out, mouth dropping open as you furrow your brows. you move your head onto it’s side again to situate yourself in a better position. his pace is relentless, causing the wind to be knocked out if your lungs now.
“josh~.” you whine at him breathlessly, the force of his thrust pushing you up the best.
he takes his free and and wraps it around your stomach to find your core and begins to roughly rub your spot perfectly, causing you to arch further into the bed. he groans out at your reaction and continues his movements, bringing you to your edge quickly.
his hands are both occupied, one roughly rubbing your core and the other that managed to travel back up to your hair again. his hand grips your hair even more tighter, making you yelp and squeeze your eyes shut.
you clench tightly around him in response to the pleasure you’re both feeling as you feel your end approaching as you let go of your grip around him, walls fluttering after your legs shake and quiver around his hand.
you begin to give out when your head falls to the side on the bed again and feel the coil in your gut snap and your orgasm washes over you. you let out a long loud moan, then slumping into the mattress, letting him fuck you like a toy so he can reach his high.
“you got what you wanted slut.” he says as he removes his hand from your center and begins another pace to bring himself to the edge. you keep your eyes closed as he uses you, letting him do whatever he wants.
“fuck yes” he expresses one last time, his hips stuttering against you, letting out a deep groan and cumming deep inside of you.
he lets go of your hair and whatever else he was gripping and leans over you and slumps. he relaxes his heavy body above you and both stay like that for a few minutes to catch your breaths.
“you ok?” he questions, pulling himself out of you and watching his cum drop out of you. you sigh and he pushes himself up off of above you so you can move freely from your uncomfortable position. you move your hands to beside your head and push yourself up and turn yourself to sit face to face to him. “i’m good.” you smile at him and he smiles back, leaning in and placing his hand on your neck, giving you a sloppy but sweet kiss.
“did you enjoy it?” he lets go of the kiss and asks sweetly, his dominant gone and replaced with his usual soft demeanor.
“yea i did, thank you for that.” you say, climbing into his arms and straddling him lap again and he gladly lets you sit comfortably on him.
“no, thank you babe, i kinda needed that.” he replies, kissing you again and placing his hands on your hips again. you smile against his lips and you pull away for a second to speak again. “how about a shower?” you ask and he smiles at though of a nice warm shower featuring your naked body at the moment. “yeah let’s have a shower.” he retorts and kisses you again.
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clandestine (chapter 6)
PAIRING: Tom Holland x fem!Reader
SUMMARY: Y/N is an up and coming actress, married to a once hotshot actor, Harrison (Haz). What happens when her co-star, Tom, makes her realise that she is stuck in a loveless marriage. A marriage starts crumbling and a new romance stars brewing.
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chapter 6: beautiful songs always end
A/N: i do not encourage cheating. i hope you guys like this chapter!! we are so near to the end. only one chapter left!!! feedback is always appreciated. thanks for reading <3
warnings: drinking, cursing, mention of pregnancy and miscarriage 
word count: 1.8k
important: bold and italic are character thoughts
series masterlist   main masterlist   chapter 5   chapter 7
It was the first Monday of September, the beginning of an eleven-day affair, that is, TIFF. The air was slightly chilly in Toronto but full of possibilities. It was Y/N’s first time at a major film festival. Her film was to screen on the second day. The main cast and the director were invited to MTV’s opening night party. Just an ordinary girl between Hollywood’s A-listers, saying she was intimidated, was the understatement of the year.
The party was at a downtown bar. All her friends had left her alone, well, the other two people who were attending the festivities with her. The only place she could find to calm her nerves was the bar.
Two old fashions will do the trick.
She ordered both of them together, saving her the time. She was about to finish her first drink when she picked up her second, with the first glass still on her lips. Her eyes were shut with the pleasure of a burn in her throat by the whiskey.
“Easy tiger”, a grinning Harrison said, standing by her side, resting his arm on the bar counter.
She laughed in her glass, Y/N opened her eyes to see who said it.
“Oh my god, you’re Harrison. I watched your movie today, it was so good”
His ocean blue eyes really pop in that navy shirt.
His grin turned into an unadulterated smile filling his face, his cheeks turning red from the compliment. “Thanks”
Y/N picked her drink number two again, “and you might be?” Haz asked.
“I’m Y/N, enchanté”, she raised her hand to meet his.
“Are you here with a movie too?” He seemed genuinely interested.
“Yeah, I’m the lead in a little indie movie called ‘Midnight Love’”, she pinched the air, a gesture to show how small the movie was.
“No way! When can I catch it?” his excitement was noted.
“It’s screening some time tomorrow morning I guess, I’m not sure”
“Can I give you my number so that you could text me with the time of the screening? I would love to see it”
“Yeah sure”, she handed him her phone.
Someone had clicked a photo of Haz and Y/N kissing at Washington Square Park, and had uploaded it on the internet. Nobody really knew who Y/N was, so they dubbed her as the ‘heart throb stealer’. Haz didn’t truly realize the gravity of the situation, the situation being a toy for the media, dating a seemingly normal girl from New York.
Haz had an early call time, so he left Y/N’s apartment before she even woke up, stopping at a deli near her flat in Sunnyside, Queens. When he came out with his breakfast, he noticed that the day started early for New Yorkers too, especially those who considered selling pictures of celebrities as honest work. They were hounding for his flesh.
Maybe I should go back to Y/N’s so that they would leave me alone. No. I can’t go there, they will get to know where she lives. I can’t let her live like me, locked in a golden cage.
Later that day, Haz came around Y/N’s place in the evening. He had planned on a quick ‘get in and go’. He even had a whole speech prepared. She opened up the door. Y/N was in her sleeping shorts and a bra, with a spoon in her mouth. She was clearly not expecting any visitors.
Man, why does she always look this perfect.
Before Y/N could say anything, Haz started his speech by clearing his throat.
“Y/N, I think we should break up and before you say anything, hear me out. I live in the public eye and the opinions of people have locked me in a bird cage. I am alone in here and that is fine with me, but you dating me will be your one way ticket inside this circus. You live a normal life, you are so grounded, and you get me back to earth whenever I’m on Saturn. I love you for that, but I can’t give you the peace you deserve to live a happy, healthy life. I don’t want you ever regretting us in the future so, it is for the best that we draw all our cards”, Haz said that all while still standing in her door frame.
“No”, she turned on her heel and walked towards her melting ice cream, leaving the door open for him.
“What do you mean ‘no’?” he finally entered the house and followed her.
“Are you insane? I’m not going to fucking leave you because of some stupid bird cage you live in. There’s nothing in this world that could stop me from loving you, ever”
It was late at night, Y/N and Haz were lying on their new bed, exhausted from a hard weekend of labour. Moving in was no joke. Only their bedside lights were on along with Y/N’s salt lamp which she had brought from her apartment. She was reading ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’. Haz was making circles on Y/N’s stomach.
“You are distracting me”, Y/N spoke softly.
“Oh, am I now?” Haz started tickling her around her stomach.
“Harrison. Stop. Please”, she said between giggles.
“Never darling”, he travelled up to her neck.
She tried to catch his fingers with her chin, “what do you want from me?”
He stopped. Haz placed his hands on her shoulder to calm her down, locking his eye with her he said, “I want to wake up to you every morning and fall asleep to you every night”
“Well you can do that now”
“I want to do that every day for the rest of my life. Marry me, Y/N.”
Y/N was walking down 5th avenue, unaware of a photographer following her across the street. She rang her mother to tell her all the new developments in her life.
“Hello?” her mother answered the phone.
“Hi mum, how are you?”
“Oh hi Y/N! I’m doing fine, what about you?”
“I need to tell you something”
“What is it darling?” Y/N could hear her father in the background asking her mum whether it was Y/N she was talking to.
“Put the phone on speaker, I want to talk to you and papa both”
“Okay”, before heading underground for the subway, Y/N stopped at a small café to finish the conversation.
“Are you both here?” They hummed a yes.
Y/N took a deep breath, “I’m getting married to Harrison”
“What!?” both of them exclaimed.
“Honey you are too young to get married”, her mum said.
“If I’m old enough to do my own taxes, then I’m old enough to take this decision on my own”
“Kid, I just want to give you one piece of advice, I don’t think you should announce your engagement to the world just yet, you both haven’t been dating long enough and they already call you a gold digger”, her dad said.
“Where did you hear that?”
“On the internet”
“Dad, you shouldn’t be Google-ing your child. The internet only feeds you poison. And, lucky for you, we haven’t yet decided when to announce it”
Haz was stirring the sauce in the pan, next to the pot of boiling pasta. Y/N was sitting on the kitchen floor, with her back using the cabinets for support, reading a script.
“Babe, can you pass me the salt?”
Y/N carefully got up and opened the spice drawer. “There you go”
“Thanks” he took the glass jar of salt from her.
“We should watch ‘A Quiet Place’ tonight,” Haz suggested.
“No. we are going to watch ‘Letters to Juliette’.”
“Y/N, we have seen that movie a hundred times”
“Well make it hundred and one because we are watching it again, tonight”
“Why do you get to choose the movie?”
“Because I’m the pregnant wife here, Haz”, she got on her tippy toes to kiss his forehead.
“I want a divorce”, she whispered, loud enough to be heard.
“What?” he looked up at her with the most polarizing gaze.
He heard her. She knew that. She refused to repeat it, she thought if she did, he would win, in some weird way he would win the fiercest fight of their marriage.
“Is this what you do every night when you are not at home, with me? Stay out and drink your pettiness away?” Y/N said, pulling her hair down.
“Is this what you do every night when I’m not home, go to fancy shit with him?”
“Do not bring him into this”, she was stern.
“Come on, say it. Say his name. Say that you are in love with him”, he was poaching her.
“Fine. I love Tom, more than I ever loved you. But this is not about him. He has nothing to do with this sinking ship.” The claws were out.
“Oh honey, you punched the hole. You hurt me”, a mad man said. “You mean to say that you fucking him has nothing to do with us?”
“You should be more hurt that I had a good laugh with him”
She took the dagger out of his back and plunged it straight into his heart. He said nothing. Bleeding out on the floor, no whimpers were whispered.
“When you lost the kid, I was there for you. I took care of you” he said softly.
“Did you ever stop to ask me whether I wanted this kid or not?”
He looked at her confusingly.
“When I lost our child, I was honestly relieved”, she sat down on the floor opposite to him. “I was not ready for it but you were so joyous that I couldn’t say anything. I realized that I was so toxically in love with you, that I was ready to grow a piece of you in me, that I wanted to lose. Our love that seemed so healthy was just in shambles.”
Tears were streaming down both of their faces.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he moved forward and rubbed her knee.
“I just couldn’t” she said between sobs.
“And now you have to go. It’s okay. I get it.” He took her in his chest, letting Y/N cry her heart out.
“Hey, just like Passenger sang, ‘you’ll only know you love her if you let her go” he tried to be funny for her. And it worked. Y/N scuffed out air, a sad attempt to laugh.
“I will always care for you, Haz”, she looked him in the eyes, the stream of tears never stopping.
“I know”, a deep sigh heard. “I know, I know.” He said stroking her cheek.
@mysticapples17 @storybookholland @flqwsome @hollandstanevans
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touyota · 3 years
☁ Summary: Tomura is hopeless when it comes to relationships, and soon that’s all subject to change. With the power of Tinder, Touya and one oblivious chick on his side, who knows what can happen. 
A/N: omgggg, i’ve lurked on my priv for the past year and finally decided to stop being a narc and post something. i haven’t written in forever and it shows lmao, but uh yeah pls give me feedback if you’d like. (also idk if this has been. done before, but sorryyy if it has)
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☁ Pairing: Tomura Shigaraki x fem!Reader
☁ Warnings: Non-con/dub-con, manipulation, dumbfication (if you squint), slapping, yandere, catfishing 
"Fuck I'm horny." 
Tomura groaned into his pillow, conflicted with whether he should be agitated or turned on. Due to his third nap of the day being interrupted by the excessive lewd noises coming from the shared living room. Tomura's roommate, Touya, had no real understanding of boundaries and was often more bothersome than helpful. Still, without his portion of the rent, he'd be on the streets struggling to find an apartment within his meager budget.
"Keep fucking me, Touya-san!" The plea echoed through the thin walls of the shoddy apartment. At least someone was getting laid. The last time Tomura had gotten lucky was at an impromptu Halloween party thrown by Touya at the apartment. 
He went as Jason Vorhees using a dingy hockey mask he found in Touya's closet. The poor girl in question, who came dressed as an angel, was drunk out of her mind. She clung to Tomura's scrawny body incoherently, slurring about "How hot it would be to fuck a murderer." The fling hadn't lasted long before the young lady in question toppled over the side of his bed and hurled her entire cup of jungle juice onto the floor. Poor Tomura had to spend his night nursing her head over the toilet. Making a mental note to tell Touya that he couldn't invite any freshmen to their parties ever again.
Tomura ended up seeing her again in passing on campus, giving a small smile as she walked by. Only to be met with an eye roll as she turned to walk in the opposite direction. Fucking bitch... Other than that, Tomura had found himself too busy writing code, playing video games, and browsing Reddit to dedicate any time to dating. The polar opposite of his roomie Touya-san, a communications major whose schedule consisted of dating? If you considered fucking the same chick for a week before ghosting her dating, sleeping, and eating and drinking Tomura out of a house and home.
"You ready for my load? You're my little cum dump, right? Say you're my cum du-"
Speaking of fucking, Tomura's hard-on was starting to hurt, and what better way to relieve himself than to beat off to the action in the adjacent room. 
He started to palm himself over his sweats, erection already beginning to poke through. Figuring that he's teased himself enough, he lowered his boxers, allowing his cock to slap against his stomach, throbbing and angry. He slowly stroked himself, gathering the pre-cum spouting from the tip, and used it to lube the rest of his cock.
"Pleaseee fuck! I'm your little cum dump! I swear Touya!" 
Tomura started to stroke his cock faster, leaving a squelching noise with each stroke. He was barely managing to suppress his moans. Knowing how Touya wouldn't let him hear the end of it if he got caught fucking his hand to the sounds of their subtle lovemaking. 
"Fuckfuckfuck... I'm cumming!" Touya grunted, giving out after his final stroke.
Tomura followed suit, flicking his wrist with each stroke. As his orgasm finally took hold of him, biting into his shirt to stifle his moan as he came all over his fist. 
"Are you fucking serious, Touya?"
"I didn't get to cum?"
"Um… I'm sure you can take care of that when you get home."
"You're such a piece of sh-"
Tomura tuned out the rest of his roommate's performance. Really hoping he'd wrap it up cause he really needed to take a piss and couldn't make it to the bathroom without passing through the living room. 
After hearing a respectable amount of silence, he figured it was safe to leave the room. Of course, he was wrong; he was met with a staredown between Touya and a petite blonde woman.
"I'm sure your roommate Tenko wouldn't leave a lady hanging like that."
"It's Tomura," he muttered.
"Same fucking thing, my point still stands," The mystery woman huffed. There was a pregnant pause before Touya doubled over in laughter, clutching his chest.
"You think this cuck knows how to take care of a lady? Yeah, it's time to go, Tara."
"It's Toga, you shit stai-"her statement was abruptly interrupted, the door slamming in her face. Touya's back slid down against the door as he sat facing Tomura. 
"Chicks? Am I right?" Touya sighed, peering over at Tomura, who had just left the bathroom. "Speaking of chicks, when's the last time you had sex, Shiggy?"
"It's been... a while." Tomura shrugged, not wanting to indulge his roommate with the details of his sex life.
"Well, we can't have that, can we? Let's make you a Tinder." Touya proudly announced, excited at the prospect of playing matchmaker for his roommate. Tomura reluctantly gave in, knowing once Touya was set on something, it was bound to happen one way or another. 
Two blunts later, Tomura and Touya were strewn over the couch, mulling over his profile's final details. It consisted of three pics, one from the Halloween party, another from their most recent function. The last pic is a selfie of him in a black hoodie with sunglasses on. The icing on top is the bio that unironically stated, "Freak in the sheets, gamer in the streets."
"You're gonna be a real pussy magnet shiggy. Just wait, you'll have to fight the chicks off with a stick after they see this." Touya chuckled as he took another puff of the blunt.
"Go to hell and stop hogging; you didn't put shit in on this anyways," Tomura muttered as he snatched the blunt away to take a pull. Maybe he would find some success, he entertained the concept of having a consistent fuck buddy, but sometimes he was lonely and just wanted someone to lay up with. He wanted to be optimistic about something for once, taking his final pull and ashing the blunt out. The smoky haze and intoxicating scent lulling him to sleep. 
Fuck optimism, Tomura thought. It had been three days with zero matches or messages, and he was starting to think there had to be a glitch in the system. The only time he had seen a match is when he accidentally swiped on Midnight's profile, a famous Only fans content creator who specialized in BDSM. The same Midnight that he happened to be a top donor for and occasionally bought panties from, but that's beside the point. The profile was poorly made with blurry, uncropped pics taken straight from her social media profiles. The lack of detail and legitimacy was apparent. Tomura felt terrible for the poor soul who probably fell for it, but it made him think… 
Why not see how different the response would be if he ran a profile under someone else's guise.  Someone more attractive, someone more affluent, and someone more famous. This was simply a social experiment; no harm would come from it of course. He would simply ghost anyone who wanted to meet, keeping all interactions virtual. Now who could he possibly pretend to be. without getting caught. Tomura's eyes finally settled on an Axe ad playing on tv featuring male model Keigo Takami. Mr. tall, blonde, and handsome would definitely attract the feminine masses.  
Ding ding ding, it was like a bell went off in his head; he had found his new look. He started to scour the internet for any pictures of Hawks that weren't already posted to his socials and be sure to crop any evidence out. A few hours later, Tomura gazed over his final product. He thought it seemed too good to be true; he was sure that anyone with a working brain would know the profile was clearly a catfish. It was too clean, too pristine, and too perfect, but Tomura was tired of the profile's nit-picking details and saved his last changes. It was starting to get dark, and he had to begin his Comp Sci homework soon so he'd have time to play zombies on Call of Duty later. 
Tomura woke to a multitude of buzzes notifying him of the several hundred matches he'd accumulated overnight on his Hawks profile. Apparently, no one had a working brain within the 15-mile radius. The messages were filled with tons of chicks he had seen on campus or in class. He even recognized the one from the Halloween party. He spent his morning smoke break, siphoning through the various contenders.
Too tall.
Too blonde.
Too ugly. 
He finally stopped scrolling when he reached your profile; he had seen you before in his Major classes. You were a somewhat modest girl, always working to be an overachiever and teacher's pet. You hadn't spoken to him before, only forcing a smile when Tomura was caught staring at you in class. You were talented, beautiful, quiet, and you hadn't encountered Touya yet. You were everything he had wanted, and more. He started to type a message awaiting your response.
Keigo: "What's keeping you up this late, love ;)" 
Tomura thought to keep it casual enough to fit his suave persona.
Y/N: "lol, just sum late night studying keeping me up."
Y/N: "won't lie im very nervous to texting you rn, i'm a big fan 
Keigo: "it's gud knowing i have fans as cute as you ;p"
The conversation seemed to flow from there between you two, texting for almost two weeks strong. Tomura had learned so much about you in a short time, your favorite foods, your favorite color, favorite music, and your dislikes as well. Touya often came by his room to check in on Operation: Get Shiggy Some Pussy, only to be met with a "Fuck off," and yet another door slammed in his face. 
You gushed over how lucky you were to be texting the one and only Keigo Takami. Of course, you were skeptical at first, but what kind of fucked up person would take the time to pretend to be another person? The conversation between you two was great and always kept you on your toes. Still, sometimes days would pass before you received a response; you chalked it to the fact that he was always busy as a celebrity and didn't always have time to respond to you. 
You were currently lying in bed and unable to fall asleep; you peered at your phone to see that it was 2:05 am. You let out a sigh, preparing to stare at your ceiling until you finally fell asleep, only to be interrupted by a chime from your phone. It was a message from Keigo. 
Keigo: you up? ;(
You instantly typed a response, scared that you had done something wrong.
Y/N: yup, what's wrong…?
Keigo: i'm so fucking hard rn baby ;(((
Oh shit, you hadn't prepared yourself for that response; maybe he injured himself at work or-
Keigo: you still there babe? send a pic ;p
You definitely hadn't prepared for that, but who were you to deny him. Keigo could've asked anyone else in the world, but he asked you. Not wanting to leave him waiting, you quickly shucked your shirt off and used your arm to push up your breasts, giving an illusion of the perfect push up bra. You promptly took several pics, taking the time to edit and select the ideal filters to complement your skin tone.
Y/N: 1 image sent
A bubble indicating him typing popped up instantly 
Keigo: 3 images sent
Keigo: fuckkkk babe, ur such a tease
You opened the pics, feeling your panties dampen slightly. It was a cock, well Keigo's cock, fat and engorged, leaking pre-cum against his toned belly. He was mostly well-groomed, but a prominent white tuft of hair appears in the picture, making you wonder if Keigo was actually a natural blonde.
Keigo: 1 video sent
 let me see that pretty pussy baby, 
It was a video of Keigo languidly stroking his cock, how romantic. It was only right for a gorgeous man like Keigo to have a pretty cock to match. What he lacked in girth was definitely made up for in length, complemented with a slight curve that could definitely reach that itch that none of your toys could scratch.  By now, you had ditched your panties and started to slowly start to fuck yourself open with one finger at a time. You started recording and angled the phone against your pillow, trying to capture you desperately fucking yourself on your fingers, letting out a small whimper with each thrust.
Y/N: 1 video sent 
You began to fuck yourself vigorously, dragging the accumulated slick over your clit with slow, circular strokes. You felt your orgasm on the brink, growing more restless and desperate, humping reverently at your fingers, whimpering desperately; you were so close...There was a sudden surge of fluid from your core, incoherent mumbles leaving your mouth as you kept carefully fucked yourself through your climax. The post-orgasm bliss lulling you to sleep, your eyes had finally fluttered shut, only to be awakened by another chime. 
Keigo: 1 image sent 
look @ all that cum baby, its all for you ;)
Y/N: when can we meet? my fingers can only work for so long :p
Read: 2:53 am
Aw man, maybe he fell asleep. You were definitely fighting sleep at this point as well, finally closing your eyes, satisfied for the night. 
Tomura struggled to catch his breath, reaching for his discarded shirt to wipe the sticky cum off of his stomach. That was the third time this month you'd ask about a meeting, and it was frankly starting to piss him off. He'd have to come up with something fast if he wanted to keep you around. Even though he didn't have much of a moral compass left in his body, the feeling of guilt was hard to ignore. You didn't deserve to be roped into his fucked up social experiment… 
A yawn interrupted Tomura's guilty thoughts. He could continue to feel guilty when he wakes up tomorrow.
 The following week your prayers had been answered, Keigo finally agreed to meet! It had been such a bittersweet feeling. What if he thought you looked nothing like your profile pictures? Would he reject you and run the other way, screaming? You tried to push your doubtful feelings down by distracting yourself with running errands. Finding the perfect outfit to wear, getting every inch of your body waxed, and picking up a lacy red lingerie set. 
Upon getting back to your apartment, you found a red bouquet of roses on the doormat. They were clearly store-bought and not of excellent quality… but it's the thought that counts! 
Lots of celebrities were frugal, and of course, Keigo was no different. After further inspection, a small white card with an address and time. You searched the address finding a mid-grade hotel on the outskirts of the city. Keigo was definitely a (cheap) frugal man dedicated to his discretion. Soon realizing that the time on the card was approaching, you quickly ran to shower and primp yourself for the evening. Not even thinking to question how he found your address in the first place...
You had finally arrived at the sketchy hotel, noting that there were little to no cars in the parking lot and noting that none of them looked like they belonged to Keigo. You wandered through the lobby until you finally reached the elevator, tapping the button for the 5th floor. You tried to shake off your pre-meeting jitters, you already knew everything would be fine, but you couldn't shake the feeling of something wrong...
Those intrusive thoughts were soon interrupted by the chime that indicated you had reached your floor. You took a deep breath as you stepped off the elevator, pacing yourself as you walked to your destination. 
Room 555 
How fitting, you thought. Your knuckles rasped against the door several times.
"Come in." A voice sounded through the door.
You peeked your head around the door before taking a step in the room, not being able to locate the owner of the voice. You gasped after taking the appearance of the room. The room had rose petals haphazardly strewn across the floor. Candles flickered on the dresser, a bubble bath was run in the bathroom, and to top it off, a too cheap bottle of champagne on ice. 
There was clearly an effort made, which made your heart swoon, hoping to put a real face to the man you've been speaking to for the past few months, you said out into the empty room.
"Keigo, I like what you've done with the place. You can come out now," you giggled.
"I'm glad you got the flowers," a raspy voice responded.
Your joy instantly crushed, having heard Keigo's voice multiple times in the interviews you've seen, it sounded nothing like that. Unless he'd suddenly started chain-smoking within the past few months. A loud alarm started going off in your head. It was definitely time to go.
You twirled on your heels and reached for the doorknob, only to be stopped by a hand gripping your upper arm.
"Leaving so soon? The bathwater is still warm…" The mystery voice informed.
"Oh… I think I have the wrong room, so sorry about that." You squeaked, attempting to reach the door again only to be dragged into a bony chest. 
Your chin was tilted, forcing you to meet eyes with "Keigo." Who was actually a porcelain-skinned tower of a man with shaggy white hair that had an oddly familiar look to him? 
"Let me go! You're not Keigo!" You screamed, hoping to alert any other guests on the floor.
"Fucking took you long enough. I thought you were smarter than those other bitches on campus. Tomura balked, struggling to keep you still in his grasp.
Campus. That's where you recognized the face and voice of your captor, you were both in the same Comp Sci class, and you'd often caught him staring as you worked, chalking it up to you having something on your face or in your teeth. The realization caused tears to spurt from your eyes.
"Poor baby, didn't mommy and daddy teach you to not speak to strangers on the internet?"
"I-I thought y-you were K-Keigo," you gasped, struggling to control your sobs. 
"Well, I'm not. Get over it." Tomura slurred, placing sloppy kisses over your collar bone, slowly backing you towards the bed. 
You couldn't bring yourself to move or fight anymore, body stiff with fear. Your sobs increase in volume after feeling your legs make contact with the edge of the bed. You didn't know this man from a can of paint, and here he is about to assault you. 
"Stop crying before I leak those sexy little videos you shared with "Keigo." Imagine if everyone in the class knew how much of an easy slut you are?" Tomura hissed, shoving you unto the stiff mattress, springs squeaking as you bounced. 
You cradled your mouth, struggling to stifle your sobs. Why hadn't you recognized the signs sooner? You spent so much time looking at the situation through rose-colored lenses that you had utterly neglected your safety. But it wasn't the time to feign sympathy for yourself. You needed to take action, and soon—the shaggy haired stranger dragging your motionless body towards the end of the headboard. 
"Wait!" You gasped, hoping that you could possibly reason with your captor.
"What's your name? 
This was your final chance to escape. You suddenly kicked forward, aiming for his face, failing miserably as it was blocked. Both legs were then shoved into a mating press, granting Tomura the space to press himself even closer to you.
A groan left Tomura's mouth, frotting against your clothed mound, smothering your neck with sloppy saliva drenched kisses. You cowered at the feeling, curling away from his advances. The dry humping continued until a final groan of desperation was released. He was too grown for this shit and didn't feel like going home with stained boxers when your sweet heat was right in front of him.
The red bodycon dress you decided on was shredded down the middle, leaving you in your lingerie set. You added that to the list of things you were already regretting, moving to cover yourself the best you could. Your efforts to preserve the crumb of modesty you had left were futile, both hands knocked out of the way.
"You don't have to hide princess, I think Christmas came early.” “You're wrapped so pretty, baby." He chuckled, moving to fondle your breasts. Taking the time to pinch and pull at both nipples, drawing small hesitant gasps. 
"I'll play with these more later. You don't know how long I've waited to play with that cute little pussy in person." You felt your panties tugged to the side, embarrassed with the amount of arousal accumulated below. The feeling was soon replaced with horror after feeling the tip of his cock dragged between your slit.
Tomura used the residual slick to grease his cock, bypassing the need to stretch you out. He pressed forward, forcing himself inside, pausing to catch his breath. Damn... it's been a long time. 
You yelped in pain, closing your eyes in hopes of blocking out the situation at hand. You felt him start to pick up his pace, causing small tinges of pain to course through your body. 
"Mmmm, open your eyes. I want you to watch me fuck you." He gasped, realizing you hadn't complied yet, he landed a firm slap on your cheek. "Not only are you dumb, but you're also deaf too… open. SMACK your. SMACK fucking. SMACK eyes." 
Your eyes shot open, brimming with tears, finding yourself face to face with your captor. His eyes were closed in ecstasy, dainty white lashes framing the lids, traces of dry patches on his face. He wasn't ugly. You'd honestly give him a chance if he asked you out like a decent human being.
His pace had gained traction, hips crashing against yours. You found yourself slowly succumbing to the pleasure, discreetly fucking yourself against him. You wanted to protest and resist against him, but with your inhibitions lowered, you found it hard to comply. Each thrust pulling you further into the abyss that was your impending orgasm. Your lust-filled thoughts being interrupted by the stranger's incoherent mumbling.
"Huh?" you whimpered, not fully understanding what he said. 
"My name is Tomura."
"Okay and mine i-"
"Shut up and say my name." Tomura's thrusts were sporadic, signaling his impending climax. "Beg me to cum…... please." 
You barely registered the final demand, not recognizing the soft tone of his voice.
"T-tomura, p-please let me cum!" you begged, right on edge needing something, anything to push you over.
Two nimble, callused fingers drew delicate circles over your clit, forcing you to writhe and sob as your orgasm coursed through your body. The feeling that followed was one of warmth as Tomura came, slowing his thrusts until he collapsed, encasing you in his arms.
Your eyes fluttered shut with your post-orgasm haze lulling you to sleep until a wet, sticky substance trickled along your inner thigh... 
What the fuck....
You nearly launched yourself from the bed, fighting to separate yourself from your captor's arms.  
"What is wrong with you?"
"You didn't use a condom," you wailed, tears perched at the corner of your eyes. You didn't have the time for a child, you were doing great in classes, your parents would reject you, you'd be stuck playing house with some stranger and-
"Stop muttering. You're fucking up my nap. I'll buy a Plan B when I wake up." Tomura mumbled into the pillow, dragging you back into his chest.
You continued to fight his grasp, pausing after feeling a firm pinch to your side. Fighting was futile at this point, and you couldn't fully assess the situation until you had some decent sleep. 
Closing your eyes for a few seconds wouldn't hurt…right?
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ri-ahhh · 4 years
concept: grayson completely falling for his friend sister who is very shy, quite and ‘innocent’ but hes kinda irritated bc his friend told him she’s off limits?
The first time Grayson saw Melrose Clarkson walk through the front door of his buddy Eli’s house six months ago, he had been taken immediately by her. Like, heart dropped to the floor, head in the clouds, rom-com level smitten. He doesn’t know what it is about her that he’s so drawn to right away, but off the bat he finds her outlandishly pretty. And, to be frank, for a young guy such as himself, that’s the only quality he really needs to be able to identify to have his interest piqued.
“Yo,” he muttered to his other friend (and Eli’s roommate) Brooks. The two of them decided to have a kickback, and there’s been a flow of people in an out of the house throughout the night. Grayson nudged him in the side and jerked his head conspicuously at the caramel-skinned beauty that had just floated in with a friend. “Who’s that?”
Brooks looked over and raised a dark blonde eyebrow in surprise. “Melrose? Dude, that’s Eli’s sister. You’ve never seen her?”
Grayson shook his head and sat back on the couch, trying not to look like an awkward creep as he admittedly eyed this girl up — from her white-painted toes in her flip-flops, up her legs to her curvaceous hips that were hugged perfectly in a pair of distressed cutoff denim shorts, over her torso that was hidden beneath an oversized band tee, and finally to a mass of long, wavy hair that flowed wild and free halfway down her back.
Her ultra-casual outfit was polar opposite to what he was used to seeing in the very few LA parties he’s attended. Even the friend that she came with was decked out in a tight-fitting body suit, tiny mini skirt, and the oh-so-predictable AF1’s. Grayson got the impression that Melrose wasn’t there to stand out or impress anyone... and he kind of liked that, too.
His feet were picking him up before his brain even realized what was happening, and he strode over to her with a pseudo-confidence that’s become his signature when approaching women lately. His sex life was fine, but he hasn’t had much luck in the dating department, unable to find someone he’s enticed by enough to spend time with in the light of day and not just in a bedroom.
There was no chance in hell he wasn’t going to take a chance with this girl, though. He’s drawn to her in a way he hasn’t experienced before.
And she’s standing alone now, filling up a red solo cup with a jug of iced tea. That always helps.
He picked a cup from the stack and cleared his throat a little, fixing a crooked smile to his lips even though she doesn’t look up. She’s even prettier up close, and his heart sped up a little.
Melrose’s eyes raised in surprise. “Oh, uh, hi,” she returned, doing a double-take when she observed the boy in front of her; he’s hot. So hot, she was thoroughly distracted long enough for her hand to shift some, resulting in a splash of tea landing on the countertop right next to her cup.
“Shit,” she mumbled, a pretty flush warming her cheeks that makes Grayson smile wider. She scrambled for the paper towel roll tucked a few feet away and swiped up the mess, blushing harder when she noticed Grayson still standing there. “Sorry, I’m such a fucking klutz. Did you want some of this?”
She scooted the giant bottle towards him, and Grayson wrapped his hand around the handle. He didn’t, really, but also he didn’t want to make her feel more awkward. And he was holding a cup, so who would really be the awkward one if he said no?
“Sure, thanks,” he said. He started to pour it, watching her out of the corner of his eye as she tossed the wet towel in the trash. He’s twisting the cap back on the bottle when she flashed him a small, shy smile behind the rim of her cup and started to pass by him to leave the kitchen.
Fuck. Words, Grayson — speak, use your words!
“I like your shirt,” he managed to blurt, swallowing down his embarrassment at how rushed that came out with a gulp of tea.
Melrose glanced down at the garment in question and gave him a genuine grin, her teeth pearly white behind full, pink lips. “Thanks. You like Cub Sport?”
Truthfully, Grayson hadn’t even read what was printed on her shirt, but his excitement picked up as soon as he matched her words with the image.
“I love them,” he said, and another realization hits him. “I actually have that shirt.”
Her chocolate eyes narrowed playfully, just in case he’s being slick. “Really? What’s your favorite song?”
Grayson pretended to consider her question, looking up to the ceiling and scrunching his nose a little. Melrose thought she had him for a moment, but he comes back with, “I’m partial to Hawaiian Party, I think. How about you?”
She nodded, admittedly impressed that he did, in fact, actually listen to the band. “Trees, for sure. But can you really have just one favorite?”
“I don’t think so,” he answered, holding out his hand. “I’m Grayson.”
It swamped her own petite hand when she grasped it in return, and his body warmed pleasantly at her touch. She bit her lip. “Melrose.”
“You’re Eli’s sister?” he questioned. He didn’t realize he’s still holding her hand until she looked down at them, and he dropped it at once. He could feel his cheeks turning pink again and wondered why he was so easily flustered by this girl.
“Yep,” she answered, ducking her head and tucking a curl behind her ear as she shifted on her feet. “You guys friends?”
“More acquaintances, but yeah. I was friends with Brooks first and got to know Eli through him.”
Melrose smiled and opened her mouth to answer, but suddenly someone is calling her name over the thud of the music and loud laughter of fellow partygoers.
“Melodie Rose! Get your ass over here, we’re playing flip cup and need one more!”
It’s her blonde friend she had walked in with, waving her over with an excited, tipsy grin. Melrose yells back to give her a second before turning back to Grayson with an apologetic expression on her face.
“Party duty calls,” she joked quietly, chuckling when he does. “It was nice to meet you, Grayson. I’ll see you around?”
“For sure,” he said, and follwed her with his eyes as she left the kitchen and wiggled through the increasingly crowded living room to the beer pong table set up in the center of the space. He shook his head a little and made his way to where Brooks was still seated on the couch, now joined by Ryan.
Brooks shook his head with a knowing grin. “Don’t even go there, bro,” he warned jokingly as Grayson plopped down next to him.
Grayson took a long sip of his tea, willing it to cool his overheated body. “What are you talking about?”
“Melrose,” he said. “First off — total prude.”
Grayson was a little taken aback by his friend’s brashness. Brooks talked like a douchebag sometimes, but for some reason it hit a new nerve to hear him say that about her. “So? You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
“I mean, she’s a prude by LA standards; girls that hot are always the fastest to put out, and trust me, I tried a good long while to get in there.” Grayson shook his head, suddenly sick to his stomach. “Second, she’s off-limits. Eli will have your balls on a platter if he found out you were fucking with her.”
‘Fucking with her’ was hardly what Grayson had in mind with what he wanted to do with Melrose, but the former part of his sentence made him sit up a little. “Seriously?”
Brooks nodded. “I mean, it’s kinda part of bro code, I guess. Sisters are a no-go.”
Grayson considered that. Plenty of his friends over the years had had crushes on his sister, but it never bothered him too much. Then again, none of them that he knew of were as big of an asshole as Brooks, or he definitely would have intervened there, too.
He looked to Ryan, his older and wiser friend. “Is that bro code?”
Ryan shrugged. “I think it’s situational, to be honest.”
He shot Grayson a look, and Grayson hid his smirk into his cup; he and his best friend were definitely on the same page.
Just then, Eli strode into the living room, greeting people as he made his way to his roommate and friends.
“What’s up?” he said, leaning down to dap up all three of them.
“Yo,” Brooks greeted in return. “Mellie just got here a little bit ago.”
“Oh yeah?” Eli looked around the room and grinned when he spotted his sister. “Alright, imma go say hi to her. And you fuckers better stay away from her. Brooks, you know parties aren’t really her thing, and she gets touchy when she’s drunk. She’s too much of a lightweight for her own good.”
His tone was joking, but there was definitely some seriousness behind his threat. Sure enough, Brooks nudged him in the ribs and muttered “told you.”
Grayson sighed and took another drink as he watched Eli give his sister a quick hug before slinging his arm over her petite shoulders. He glared down the kid ogling her legs, until the guy shrunk back from intimidation.
A gap in the crowd suddenly formed, leaving a direct line of sight between the couch and the beer pong table. Melrose was bent over with laughter, the soft features of her face even more radiant now that she’s a little more relaxed and under the protective presence of her brother. By some miracle, her eyes catch Grayson’s looking at her softly, and she sends him a friendly little wave.
His breath hitched, and he waved back with his heart in his stomach.
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amphii-writes · 3 years
Random Haikyuu Head Canons I Have
these are all taken from my discord server cause i remember to write them there, if you want to request fanfics, my requests are W I D E open! there is also nO order! these are just all the headcanons i could find tbh
warnings: mentions of blood, and just overall wild times, swearing
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Asahi loves knitting sweaters because his shoulders are broad and he also loves seeing the reactions from his teammates when they get a sweater from him! He says he buys them but he doesn’t
Aone likes knitting socks because he has big feet and he loves fluffy knee high socks but his team will never know
Asahi and Aone regularly hang out and knit together! (after asahi wasnt scared of him anyways)
Nishinoya gives you shiny rocks he finds because “your eyes shine like them!”
Yamaguchi likes to have your head rest on his chest while cuddling!
Aone likes to bake
Aone dressed like a polar bear because koganegawa told him to- halloween was amazing
Daichi secretly can make some kick ass steak and is amazing at grilling sorry
Okay but real talk, Kenma and Yaku swear like sailors and it scares everyone because they always whisper the most foul, insulting things under their breath. Hearing it is like seeing a cryptid
Speaking of cryptids, Fukunaga and Shibayama are THE most true crime, mythology, and mystery obsessed fanatics on the team and often fanboy about it together 
Fukunaga’s obsession with moth man has gotten to an unhealthy stage
Kenma absolutely had a vampire phase and has read twilight. Only Kuroo knows and has sworn to secrecy via blood pact
Kuroo’s a musical nerd. Knows all of the lyrics to Hamilton, BMC, DEH, Heathers, Rent, Beetlejuice, Etc. Kenma considered dropping him because of it
Iwaizumi tells the worst dad jokes and Kyotani, wanting to beat him, started doing it too and it drives everyone insane
Yahaba and Matsukawa get along surprisingly well. Both are true crime freaks and bond over their forensic files obsessions
Matsukawa didn’t really like his thick eyebrows so he got one of his female friends to pluck it for him, but almost cried and gave up after the first hair. Oikawa called him a pussy for the next year
Hanamaki jokingly flirts with everyone on the team so most of them just got used to it, but it still confuses Kindaichi to the point of mental breakdown
Makki called Kyotani ‘puppy’ as a joke once and now mad dog is truly terrified of him
Kyotani’s dog absolutely ADORES Oikawa and it’s the funniest shit to the rest of the team
Mattsun and Makki play DnD and once convinced Yahaba and Kyotani to join. Kyotani kept rolling to fight everyone and Yahaba was a bard that kept rolling to seduce everyone. They kept yelling across the board so they had to kick them out
Outside of his school uniform, Goshiki specifically wears only plaid
Tendou makes little chocolates for the whole team every once in a while so they don’t think he’s scary
Semi and Shirabu once had a fistfight in an abandoned McDonald’s parking lot while Tendou filmed and Goshiki cheered them on
Everybody makes fun of Shirabu’s haircut but nobody dares to say it to his face. its gotten to the point where they say he got it done by a blind old lady
There’s a running joke about Shirabu also getting his haircut from prison but Goshiki is starting to suspect that it may not be a joke
Yamagata and Tendou are good friends with the mutual goal of collecting as much blackmail on their team as possible
Tendou loves animals generally considered to be ‘ugly’ like rats, crows, reptiles, etc.
80% of Goshiki’s playlist is shit overplayed on the radio. Him, Shirabu, Tendou, Kawanishi and Ushijima have a permanent ban from the aux cord
Nobody watches YouTube with Ushijima because he never skips the damn ads (other than tendou)
Suna once said y’all’dn’t’ve unironically and made a first year cry
Akagi once said UwU unironically and had an identity crisis.
Osamu has one of those rainbow gaming keyboards and is constantly on a discord call. Atsumu always yells weird shit in the background to embarrass him and once pretended to be him
During Seijoh group chat arguments. Hanamaki and Mattsukawa like to drop facebook minion memes in just to piss everyone off even more
mattsun and maki both have separate photo albums in their phones labelled ‘minion memes to piss everyone off’
Hinata carries a pocket knife and no one has no fucking idea why
mattsun and maki both have matching rat fursuits that look like they actually where in a sewer- they chased oikawa around
For all his talk of plant analogies and metaphors, Ushijima cant grow shit
Goshiki’s Bangs are the way they are because his favorite character was Rock Lee from Naruto
Oikawa has watched Ouran High School Host Club front to back so many times and he can quote all of Tamaki’s lines by heart -He keeps bothering Iwaizumi to “be his Haruhi, since you’re shorter than me”
Koganegawa has definitely gone as an Angry Bird for Halloween
Fukunaga has those reflective cat eyes, and he has terrified Yamamoto on several occasion
Hanamaki and Matsukawa have a teddy bear that they pretend is their child and they share custody
Suga always sprays whipped cream straight into his mouth whenever he sees a can
Nishinoya definitely bit people as a kid
Nishinoya would be the guy to wear shorts all year round and even if it's snowing, he'll insist he's not cold
Tendou is still stuck in his emo phase and would fangirl over Creepypasta with me and I appreciate that (me too buddy, me fuckin too)
Kyoutani LOOKS like he’d listen to viking death metal, but in reality he listens to Mother Mother and knows all the words to Ghosting
Sugawara would definitely encourage me to dumb shit and not stop me, and you’re all dumb for thinking he wouldn’t 
KENMA IS NOT ‘uwu owo’ SHY, HE IS ‘your fucking gross’ SHY SO LITERALLY STFU
Bokuto listens to Nicki Manaj. And knows all the words. To every. Single. Song.
Ushijima for some reason knows an odd amount of 90′s-2000′s R&B and he will hum along to the songs if they come on the radio (he also loves Dolly Parton) ((he says he relates to her music))
Bokuto once ate instant ramen for an entire month
atsumu let’s you put makeup on him and pretends to eat the brushes (do yk what im talking about- like n o m)
tendou ran for school president as a joke but actually won
i 100% believe that all of karasuno’s third years apologize when they bump into inanimate objects, but when suga is really tired or stressed out, he’ll yell at them instead.
Tanaka, Nishinoya, and Taketora have a group chat called "Bros who want sum hoes" and they send each other hypebeast memes and shit
Sugawara knows how to do a bunch of flexible shit because he sometimes goes to yoga with daichi and asahi's moms, its fucking hilarious
tanaka and noya both breakdance- they work as a team and sometimes go to tokyo for underground competitions- saeko drives them
Daichi knows a little ballet- nobody other than Kiyoko knows because they saw each other at the ballet class and had to work together- dont tell tanaka and noya that he lifted her though
Osamu once put glitter on Atsumu's pillow- he still finds hot pink glitter on shit
kita knits and crochets with his grandma
Kita's grandma knows everyone's names because kita talks shit bout them, her favorite is Aran
Kuroo has burnt his eyebrows off doing an experiment. His goggles didn't cover all his brows,,, so he just showed up to practice like that. No eyebrows and a chemical burn
kenma has played all kinds of games, but he was dared to play corpse party by kuroo. He wasn't scared because of the gore, he was thinking about the trauma the characters went through. Punched kuroo the next day because that game was fucked up
Lev isn't a strong swimmer, so he often grabs people by the head to keep himself up. happened with kenma and lev couldn't walk due to the force of kenmas suprised water kicks
akaashi has those fancy pens that you have to dip in ink and they're so nice
Bokuto has and will eat pencil erasers again
Daichi once almost lost his shit at his team but instead he lost his shit at the door that decided to stub his toe on the way out of the gym. not the best thing to be found yelling to.
Yamaguchi for sure has been dragged to one of terushimas parties because he didnt wanna say no. oh and terushima has like frat boy level parties too. Yams has for sure had some wild nights and doubts anyone other than Tsukishima and the party-goers will ever know
Akaashi can actually flirt very well! He reads romance novels sometimes and has analyzed any and every book in his possession! so he's actually quite charming
Daihsou unironically posted on twitter after mika broke up with him "I still see her shadows in my room"
Mattsun and Maki run a fake oikawa account; its been going ever since twitter even started getting popular and they even started sending messages in spanish. The posts would range from "I love all my fans!" to flirting with them :) Oikawa is pissed cause the account got verified before he did and most of his fans also follow the fake oikawa. Tooru has no idea who runs it JUST IMAGINE OIKAWA JUST LIKE RANTING TO THE SEIJOH 3RD YEAR ALUMNI AND JUST "no Iwa-chan, you dont understand! they run a fake account and pretend to be me!" while makki and mattsun laugh their asses off
Oh, kenma for sure has pretended to be a girl on discord and has gotten someone to buy him stuff. after they do he says in his normal voice "fucking simp" and then hangs up and blocks the other persons discord
Yamamoto, despite his rough appearance, loves kids and has and will be a human jungle gym
suna in middle school had a game with his friends about who could make kids cry the fastest
The twins switched places back in middle school and nobody could tell because of how great they are at acting like eachother
Daichi once arrested coach ukai for public intoxication after a game :|
Daichi has arrested many people from his old volleyball team but the most memorable case was when he arrested tanaka and noya for reckless driving. poor idiots got so scared when they saw their old captains face in their mirror and started to pray
tanaka, while trying to intimidate someone, once said "You dont gotta tell me twice, i may be straight but these hands are bisexual" and he often cringes at night thinking about it
Kageyama, as a comeback to Tsukishima, said "one thing about us royalty is that we love to feast" and he also fuckin hates what he said
the third years made a cult for Kiyoko. they chant every wednesday "i'll do anything for kiyoko, she makes me go loco"
oikawas fangirls are known to be fucking rabid
Makki and mattsun sang two trucks in front of the entire team. everyone was so confused. Makki: "twO TRUCKS HAVIN SEX!!" Mattsun: "oH yEs!"THEY'D SWITCH OFF AND HAVE LIKE CHOREOGRAPHY TOO LIKE THEY'D DO A TANGO WHILE THE SONG IS LIKE "two beer trucks, making love"
tendou once called Oikawa "mr. no-nationals" and got kicked in the shins before iwaizumi could save him
Tsukishima had a my little pony phase
you work with matsukawa at a morgue and he makes dead people jokes while you fix some dead guys face with wax and makeup he'd be like "so didnt he like,,, stick his head out of the sunroof of a moving fuckin car??" he'd be singing dumb ways to die the entire day
i feel like Kuroo has one crazy accident a year. like it might not be deadly but its fucking crazy like for example: Kuroo for sure has ridden in a shopping cart at past midnight with kenma (who pushed him down a hill) causing Kuroo to get scratched up hella well. he lied and said he spent the night with a girl and kenma fucking hated himself cause he would be the girl if that was true
Mattsun has flirted with the 4th years moms before (AS A JOKE), and because of this: he is known as “fuckin milf hunter” sometimes by the team
Warning, this next headcanon is talking about cannabis, weed, mary jane, the zoink root. so if your uncomfortable, please dont read below :)
dude i wanna get high as SHIT with Asahi 
i think Asahi would be one of those mfkers who takes one hit and is gone 
IMAGINE HIM SEEING TSUKISHIMA AND JUST "he looks so judgemental,,, im scared" 
OR LIKE A MAD DAICHI AND JUST "i'm gonna,,, im gonna go jump out the window now" 
Noya and Tanaka would know tho, i feel like they'd have a 6th sense when it comes to weed. they probably get some from Saeko cause she'd rather they do it in the house. they'd smell asahi like fucking dogs and just so,,, big guy had fun without us huh? 
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yunhohoe · 4 years
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Pairing: Mingi x Reader
Warnings: Smoking; Swearing; guns and violence and injury; just some pretty intense moments in general;  y/n’s boyfriend is super toxic and unhealthy; fingering; nipple play; unprotected sex; main character death. (Kindly let me know if I missed anything you think should be added)
Genre: ANGST; Smut
Rating: M
Word count: 11k
Summary:  Jobs like this were never easy.  Your boyfriend Blue was an asshole and you didn’t particularly like your work. But, Blue’s best friend Mingi who always tagged along always made the moments more enjoyable.                   One day a job gone wrong sends the two of you to eachothers arms.
a/n: Hiii this is my first ever Ateez fic please go easy on meee.  If there are confusing parts it is likely going to make sense in the end! This is a story with a twist :)
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You were rudely pulled from your sleep by a persistent ringing of your cell phone.
Your hand shot to where it sat next to your pillow.  Grabbing it and seeing that it was your boyfriend calling you groaned and quickly swiped to send it straight to voicemail.
Talking to Blue first thing in the morning had always been a pain, he always had something to complain about, usually involving something that you’d done the day before.
You got out of bed and made your way to the shower, your phone buzzed in your hand at least five times and you did your best to ignore it.  You knew it was Blue spamming question marks or asking why you aren’t picking up.
You let your phone buzz the entire time you showered, almost purposefully taking your time, you knew you had time.  He wasn’t coming to pick you up until 9:00.
You let your hands run all over your body as you rinsed off your favorite body wash, taking in the moment before you had to start a day that had been giving you anxiety for a long time.
When you’d been told a year ago that you’d be given an opportunity to be a part of this program you almost didn’t believe it to be real.  
Even though Blue would be there, (despite him being your pick of partner you really couldn’t stand the guy) you said yes.  
You said yes for one reason.
Song Mingi.
Blue’s best friend.
Yes.  You knew it was wrong that you had always had the biggest crush on your boyfriend's best friend but he was everything Blue wasn’t in all the best ways.
Blue was a coward.  Not in the way of getting scared of spiders or ghosts or things.  But in the way you knew he’d throw anyone under the bus to save himself if needed, even you.
Mingi was never a coward, while you’d seen him let out a cute scream at a spider or two, you had trusted him with your life.  You would trust him with anything.
And it’d been far too long since you’d seen that face…
So you agreed, and here you were, putting on your red lipstick in the mirror.  You only wore red lipstick on special occasions and this was definitely to be one.  
Once you had gotten ready head to toe in your best you walked out the front door of your apartment building and made your way to the bustling front where taxis were leaving as fast as they arrived.
This city definitely didn’t ever stop.
It had always been going going going…
Just like you.  Since the day you were born you’d kept pushing forward at a relentless pace, and here you were, staying in one of the most luxurious apartments in the city, paying for it with money you made.
“Are we doing this or not y/n? Did you go fucking deaf overnight?”
You sighed and turned to see him yelling at you from the driver's seat of his flashy car.
It was a bright shade of teal, four seater car with purple coloring misted over it in spots almost too subtle to see.  When the sun caught the paint the right way it lit up with the glitter mixed in and could get almost blinding.  Inside was a blue haired man that never ceased to turn heads.  It was much like the way you dressed head to toe in glamorous jewelry, your bright red shorts that matched your lipstick were far too short and shifted many glances their way.
You’d really missed dressing up this much.  You only ever did when you were going to a job, it probably wasn’t the smartest idea to draw attention to yourself in your line of work. (though it had come in handy as a distraction a few times.)
But, you couldn’t help it, and neither could Blue.  Maybe that's why despite all of the toxicity in your relationship you stayed together.  You hung well on eachothers arms.
You hopped into the driver's seat and were instantly pulled into a sloppy wet kiss with an intruding tongue.  You did your best not to gag and gave him a fake but believable smile as you pulled away.
“You’re making us late.” He grumbled and put his car into drive, he sped up so fast the wheels of the car skidded on the pavement and you were off.
You had to admit, while this was far from your first gig you could never escape the heavy beating of your heart that kicked in once you were on your way.
The interior of Blue’s car was just as extra as him.  All black leather with blue lights places perfectly throughout the car to light it up in a cool hue.  The deep blue reflected off Blue’s short but scruffy turquoise blue hair, giving it some more depth than it had when he was out of the car.
He did seem cooler when he drove..
Maybe that's another reason why despite his constant harsh words you were drawn to him.
You met him on a job where he was the driver, and the two of you had been tangled up with each other on and off ever since.
The car skidded to a stop and you felt your seatbelt click to halt you from falling too far forward.
You turned to Blue to glare at him for his rough driving but he wasn’t looking at you.  He had a giant smile on his face as he waved almost childishly out the window.
Now realizing where you were you sucked in a silent gasp and quickly tugged down the mirror on the visor above you to make sure your hair and makeup were still alright.
You wiped a little bit of lipstick that Blue had smudged under your lips and shoved the visor back up as if nothing had happened.
You took in a deep breath this time, your heart pounding out of your chest, you swore it might actually give you a heart attack.
The bubbling warmness was coming up from your stomach to your throat until you couldn’t stop yourself from saying his name.  
“Mingi!” you yelled out of the car window to him.
The tall man approaching your car silently now ducked down a bit to meet your eyes and gave you his signature body melting smile and a tiny wave that he kept close to his body.
Unlike you and Blue, Mingi wasn’t flashy.  He was still friendly, and certainly could turn heads in his own way.  
But it was almost like he knew he didn’t need to try.   You wished you could feel more confident to be like that, effortlessly attractive, the kind of hot that makes you turn heads even when…
“You look like that's what you rolled out of bed wearing!” Blue scolded Mingi as he hopped into the back seat.
“Wow, I’m already being attacked? I’ve been here two seconds.” Mingi dramatically feigned being deeply offended.  
Though, he likely *was* wearing what he woke up in.  The man was in grey plaid pajama like sweatpants and an oversized plain black hoodie, his hair that had been dyed bright red at one point was now a pale and faded orange and he looked like he needed a couple extra hours of sleep.
But god.  Was he the most perfect sight on the eyes.  Even Blue, despite his asshole personality couldn’t help but love the man in a way you’d never seen him love anyone, even you.
They’d been best friends since grade school and when you started dating Blue you’d realized they were a package deal.
It always blew your mind how such polar opposite people could become friends.  Mingi was kind where Blue was cruel, and Mingi was strong where Blue was weak.
You couldn’t help but kick yourself for sitting in the front seat that day years ago with Blue instead of getting in the backseat with Mingi.
Damn him and his flashy hair, and damn you and your addiction to shiny things, despite how poisonous they might be.
“You look just fine Mingi.” You giggled.
“Thank you.” He lifted his chin up jokingly and smugly.  You chuckled and tried your hardest not to study his adorable features and make it obvious that you had some feelings here…
How could such polar opposite people become best friends?
Maybe they weren’t totally opposite, because they did share one thing in common, the same thing that you also had in common with them.
“So where did the app say to meet up?”
*Crimson Rexcruit*
The app each of you had on your phones.
The app you had met them through.
“There's supposed to be two more meeting us at the City Bank.” Blue mumbled off the last bit.
“Wait…” you felt maybe due to the mumbling you’d misheard.
Mingi as well had a confused expression on his face, leaning forward to put his head closer to the front seat.
“I’m sorry.  Did you say City Bank? As in the largest bank in the city.  As in the most guarded bank in the city?” He questioned his friend.
Blue simply nodded.
You felt your blood turn to ice and you were stiff in your seat.
“Um...Blue...That's not in our grade?” Your voice was almost a squeak.
The way the app worked was you had to have someone else with a high enough grade on the app to vouch for you.  Once you had that you could unlock parts of the app that allowed you to take low level jobs with low pay until you got enough good reviews to move higher.  You and your group had always hovered around the level of small gas station robberies, usually when no one was there, or only one attendant.  
Mingi usually went in with whoever the app told you to meet up with.  Blue was your getaway driver, and you were the lookout and distraction if needed.
It had always worked smoothly,it required little planning, and had almost become routine.
This bank robbery was jumping quite a few levels above what you were used to.
“It is now.” He said shortly, not taking his eyes off the road as he drove.
When you join a ‘Crew’ through the app you are required to appoint a leader, and your leader was Blue.  The leader would get a lot of details about your jobs that the other crew members wouldn’t, it was to help with deniability and keeping information from getting around.  But, damn did it get annoying when Blue kept things from you.
You rolled down your window a crack, remembering that Blue always kept a pack of cigarettes in his center console of his car.  You went to grab for one and it was slammed shut almost pinching the tips of your fingers inside.
You yelped out a high pitched gasp and held your hand close to your chest.
Blue still looked at the road but one hand had left the steering wheel and was holding the console lid shut.
“Thought you quit.” He snapped.
You looked back to Mingi who was silent but obviously trying his hardest not to get involved, shifting his gaze out the window as if he couldn’t hear the two of you. He wasn’t one to get nervous or stand down.  To anyone but Blue that is.  
It was unfortunate because you knew that Mingi was the only one Blue would listen to.
“Well you’re really making me want one.” you said coldly, pissed off for a few reasons now.
“Oh well.  There's not many left anyways and you always smoke two in a row for some reason.” He seemed to mock you for your habit.
“She can have one of mine.” Mingi offered from the back.  Apparently now not pretending he wasn’t listening to the entire conversation.
“Thank you Mingi.” You sang smiling at him, unbuckling and turning all the way around in your seat so that your ass was almost poking against the windshield.
Blue cussed under his breath and seemed to debate on pushing you back into your seat.
You leaned into the backseat, opening your mouth with a slight smirk on your face, pleased that Blue wasn’t getting his way this time.
Mingi seemed to part his lips slightly along with you, staring at the space between yours.
His eyes locked onto the way your tongue slightly rolled behind your teeth as you waited for him to stop fumbling his fingers over the pack he was pulling out of his hoodie pocket and put the cigarette in your mouth.
His eyes only darted down for a quick second as he pulled one out, they were back to your lips like a magnet as he reached his hand out to place the cigarette between your lips.  
You felt a place in the not too far back of your mind wish that instead of pulling his hand back away after that he’d let it linger, let a finger trail the border of your lips, tracing the red to memorize with his fingers the way he was with his eyes.
But, instead he quickly pulled away and relaxed back into his seat.  He smiled a thin toothless smile at you, as if to say ‘our transaction here is done now.’
Which it was.
That didn’t make it less frustrating though. You didn’t huff though.  You were used to bottling it all up, and you’d come to terms long ago with the fact that Mingi would never be yours.
Blue was who you had chosen, and he did have things about him that were positives to being his.
He was richer than Mingi.  Being the leader came with an extra cut of the pay each job since he would be the one to get the highest charges if caught.  It was fair, and none of you had ever argued it.
Blue was good in bed.  Not that you didn’t imagine Mingi to be either…
But, you couldn’t really complain there.  He liked to toss you around, and you liked to be tossed around.
You settled back into your seat and caught Blue giving you a sulky glance.  You pretended not to notice and instead of addressing what would likely turn into a fight, you grabbed the lighter set in the cupholder.  You lit your cigarette, tossing the lighter back into the cupholder without care, causing it to bounce down back out and down onto the floor.
Not caring to pick it up either you rolled down your window a bit more, letting the breeze carry the smoke out of the car.
Why was your heart still beating so fast? You knew how these jobs went, you knew how this job would go.  Right?
It was quiet for a long time.  
Blue usually liked to turn up his music and get hyped up before a job, so you took to just staring out the window as you smoked.
You caught a glimpse of mingi in the car’s rear view mirror.  He was looking at you.
Instead of looking away from being caught staring, he stuck out his tongue goofily.  You chuckled and coughed a bit on the hit you had been taking in.
He was always so cute.
More seconds passed, or was it minutes?
You didn’t remember the drive to the bank taking this long…
Finally your car was parked by a side door that you were told would be left unlocked for your crew and the two solo Crimson Rexruit users.
They came in a second car and were to assist Mingi with the robbery and they would take the money to the client that put the job out.  
Your team never dealt with transporting the money, your money always promptly got distributed by your job title and deposited into your accounts by the app after the client received their money.
“Okay. I’ll go stand out and wait for the-” Mingi started.
“Wait.” Blue cut him off.  Uncharacteristically he gulped, and his hands fidgeted on the steering wheel, though he’d already parked the car.  He took a deep breath in and chuckled.
“So I’m actually going in with you this time.  We need four for the job inside and they’d only hire five people.” Blue explained, then turned to you. “You’re gonna have to drive.”
“Excuse me?”
Though it was your thoughts exactly, it was Mingi’s voice that spoke.
Blue turned around as much as he could in his seat to face his best friend.
“She can do this and be look out.  It’ll be fine.” though nothing in Blue’s nervous tone made you feel like everything was fine.  Blue never went in...and this was going to be his first job inside?  
“We all already have enough money to live the rest of our lives happily.” your hand shot out to Blue’s leg.  “You know we don’t *have* to do this…” you tried to reason with him.  You knew it was a lost cause, but you couldn’t help but try.
Once Blue had something on his mind there was no way anyone could stop him.  Except maybe…
“Mingi?” you whipped your head around to face him, hoping that he could yell some sense into his friend.
“I-...” He seemed to debate in his mind for a while.  “If it's what the app told him…” he shrugged “We’ll be fine.” he gave another thin unsure smile.
You sighed.  It was worth a shot.
Blue and Mingi got out of the car and you moved over into the driver's seat, adjusting it for yourself and rolling the window down all the way while they spoke with the other men that had just arrived.
Your boyfriend walked over to the window and pulled you into another cringeworthy kiss.  
“I’ll be back in no time baby.” he winked at you. You smiled, looking him up and down before he walked away.
He really was something else.  While you didn’t particularly like him much, you never would wish harm on him.  Your stomach had already been in knots before you had learned he’d be going in as well.  It was almost impossible to handle the feeling that came after.
Mingi next walked over to you, bending down and resting his elbows on the ledge of the open window.
“I’ll look after him.” Mingi smiled. “Won’t take my eyes off him.”
You nodded, “I know you’ll look after him.” of course he will.  As much as Blue loved Mingi, Mingi loved him right back.  
His eyes narrowed into a different expression, and he started to almost speak but instead shut his lips tightly, as if to completely block any words from slipping out.  Mingi pulled out another cigarette from his pack, surprising you and causing you to jump a bit as he boldly just placed it between your lips.
“You never had your second one.” He chuckled
You exhaled a breath you hadn’t even realized you’d been holding in.  It almost caused the cigarette to fall from your lips to your lap.
“Oh yeah.” You muttered, the stick between your lips muffling your words, “s’been a while.”
He then smiled with a nod and stood up, patting the top of the car before starting to walk away.
“Mingi!” You yelled out. The unlit cigarette not saved from its fall this time.
He instantly spun back around and raised his eyebrows.
“Yeah y/n?”
He spoke your name so beautifully.  So clearly like cool water hitting your throat on a hot day.
You almost forgot what you were going to say, smiling goofily for a moment as a smile grew on his face in return.
“You stay safe too.” you spoke.
He chuckled and nodded, sticking his hands in his hoodie pocket.  
“I will, don’t worry.” he winked.  
You felt your heart flutter just before it sank. He pulled a gun from his hoodie pocket to show you.  Flashing it just for a moment before returning it and leaving his hands into stay.
He smirked and returned to where Blue and the other men were talking.
Mingi never carried a gun…
He hadn’t known this job would be different…
Why the *fuck* did he have a gun?
You waited for far too long.  The unlit cigarette sitting under your lap motionless.  Just like you.
Your hands were gripped on the steering wheel so tightly your fingers hurt.  But it was the only thing distracting you from what you knew what was to come.
Any second the door they all went in would open and you’d need to make sure your foot was on the pedal as fast as you could to get your crew out of there.
It was just taking so long.
Did it really take that long?
The anxiety was getting too much to handle and you remembered the cigarette in your lap.  
Your hands were so shakey you could barely bring it to your lips, but it made it there in time.
You went to grab for the lighter in the cup holder and upon your hand only hitting plastic you remembered you’d dropped it on the floor on the passenger seat.
You leaned over to rummage around, not seeing it anywhere and figuring it must’ve gone under the seat you started to go to move it back…
And at that moment the sound of the metal door being swung open echoed out in the alley you were parked in with a loud bang, causing you to jump up and hit your head on the underside of the dashboard.
You quickly say up in a panic.
After that was only the sound of footsteps hitting the pavement as fast as they could.
The passenger side door was flung open and a panicked Mingi hopped inside.
In his arms was a giant duffle bag, and on his hands was…
“Mingi is that blood?” Your jaw hung open.
“Fucking drive y/n.” he hissed in a stern tone you’d never before that day heard from him.
“B-Blue?” You stuttered out your lower lip trembling.
“DRIVE!” he screamed, slamming a hand on the dashboard so loudly that your foot smashed onto the gas without you even meaning to.   The car jerked forward and you just kept going.
It seemed like your body had decided from here on out to autopilot.  
Everything seemed like it was moving forward faster than it ever had in your life.  This city certainly moved fast but the distance between you and wherever Blue was right now was growing faster.
You didn’t seem to be running from anyone so once you got a few blocks over you started going the speed limit and tried your best to blend into traffic in Blue’s flashy car while a bloody Mingi sat wide eyed and silent beside you.  
He was trying to take deep breaths to calm himself down but seemed to be struggled to get one out without it getting caught in his throat.
You drove and drove for what felt like an hour, pulling into the driveway of a house a few towns over you’d stayed at a few times with Blue on vacation.  He didn’t own it or anything, yet the keys did happen to be on Blue’s keychain.  He’d managed to snag himself a print of it the last time you’d stayed there.
For some reason it was the place your body had just brought you to.
And you felt then that it was lucky it had.  There were no cars parked out front and all of the lights were turned off.  It looked extremely vacant.
You parked and rushed over to Mingi’s side of the car, opening his door frantically.
“Are you hurt?”
He was clutching the duffle bag tightly, lightly knocking his head against it while muttering.
“Mingi!” you spoke quietly but sternly.
He shook his head against the bag. His bloodied fingers that were locked intertwined with each other had now dried and likely smeared blood onto the bag as well.
“Then we gotta get into the house and find something to cover up this car.” You grabbed him by the arm trying to prompt him to get out of the car.
He was reluctant at first but after a few tugs nodded and let you help him out of the car.
You walked him to the door of the house, looking around double checking if you were followed.
It seemed to be in the clear, and the house was fairly secluded, probably a half mile either way before you’d see another house.  Yet, with Blue’s very stand out choice of ride, it was still better safe than sorry to find something to cover it up.
That was step two.
Step one was to get Mingi inside.
After missing the keyhole a few times you finally got the door unlocked and Mingi (without your assistance, and despite you trying to reach out to help him) stumbled over to a couch in the first room the entrance led to.  He almost fell into it, the duffle bag still clutched tightly in his arms.
“You stay there.” Your voice was scratchy, as if you’d been screaming, had you screamed at some point?
Mingi didn’t respond, eyes held shut and he laid down onto his side.
It seemed like that was him agreeing so you nodded and took to searching the house for some sort of blanket or tarp.
You found a large cover in the bathroom of the home and made your way out to the front lawn with it, glancing back to make sure Mingi was still resting on the couch.  He was, exactly how you’d left him.
As you pulled the sheet over the car you noticed a bit of blood on the dashboard where Mingi’s hand had hit.  
It was not a sight you’d ever expected to see.  It was obviously something that everyone who did the things you did had to consider at some point…
But when it actually happened it made you realize you had never *really* thought through the consequences of what your Crew was doing.
The realness of the danger was a lot different than the rush and thrill of getting away with it.  There wasn’t anything sexy about this moment, not like all the other times where the adrenaline had you and Blue ripping each other's clothes off the minute you walked into the door after a job.
No.  This felt more like being sick, every kind of sick you’d ever felt all at once.  
You hurried to finish getting the car covered and sped back into the house.
“Mingi?” you called out to the man still motionless on the couch.
He remained silent, squeezing the bag closer to his chest.
“Mingi where's Blue?” You walked over to him, kneeling down next to him.  
He winced at his friend's name, shook his head, and rolled over away from you.
As always, no one tells you anything.  Even when it could be life or death.
This time you decided to make a huff.  It was immature of you but you weren’t quite in control of your emotions.
You stood up and ripped the duffle bag from his arms, tossing it across the room.
Almost in the same moment, as if to replace the loss of the duffle bag, Mingi’s arm shot out at you.  His hand to your waist pulling you down, causing you to lose balance and topple onto the couch on top of him.
He shifted himself to make room for the two of you and brought you in tightly, even tighter than he’d been holding that bag.  
Now he started to sob.
You’d never seen Mingi cry, let alone anyone cry with such a raw and rough outpouring of emotion.
His hands now started to scramble across your back, his full body shaking as he sobbed, and your hands running through his hair until the two of you drifted off to an unintentional sleep.
You couldn’t help but notice the way every curve of Mingi’s body was pressed up against you when you woke up a couple hours later.
His pajama pants not  leaving much of a barrier between himself and the shorts you were wearing as he shifted his front closer to you.
As much as you wanted to press back into him…
As much as you could…
The (even) bigger situation here set in.
You sat up, almost knocking him off the couch onto the floor.
“Hm?” He mumbled at you.
“Mingi wake up.” you shook his shoulder.
As if he’d for a moment completely forgotten the events of earlier, and only saw what he thought must’ve been a dream.  A dream where you had fallen asleep next to him.  Maybe a dream he’d had many times, since he smiled fondly, and almost with a hint of familiarity.
That faded all too quickly though as the sleepiness lifted its fog on his brain.
His eyes no longer held any light, it drained instantly and he shot off the couch.  Stumbling clumsily back.  
“Fuck.” Wide eyed he pulled the gun out of his pocket.  
“I’d had that pressed against me this whole time!?” you almost screamed at him.
“The safety is…” He fumbled it over in his hands. “On...now…” he winced.
“Fuck Mingi.” you muttered, standing up and walking over to him. “Please put that thing somewhere...not here.”
He nodded with no hesitation and walked into the kitchen, putting it in one of the drawers.
When he returned he sat on the couch with his hands on his elbows and his mouth pressed firmly into his hands.
“Tell me what happened Mingi.” you sat down next to him, putting a hand on the fabric of his sweater over his bicep, feeling him flex slightly at your touch. “Please” you pleaded.
He nodded and moved his hands, sighing and shaking his head.
“It was a set up...but not for us.” He sucked a deep breath in slightly starting to tremble “  Once we were almost out of there Blue got a text.  Not from the client but from the app.  The message told him we had an option...If we killed the two solo partners we’d get their share of the money. I-” he paused “I don’t get why but Blue instantly seemed on board he just...lit up.” Mingi waved his hand over his face. “Fuck. Fuck y/n.  He wasn’t acting himself I swear.”
He was now pleading to you almost.  
“Okay…” you started to play with the hem of your shorts as you prompted him to continue.
“Y/n...he was gonna do it. He...did. Do it..” he cocked his head to the side biting down on his lip and whimpering slightly.
You sucked in.  You had known that was coming next.  You really had.
In a question of whether Blue would be capable of something like that, (while Mingi seemed to think it was out of character for him) your answer would have always been yes.  Yes he could, and yes he did.
“He took my gun out of my hands almost instantly y/n...and it was so quick.” tears now started to pool in his eyes.  He cleared his throat and took another breath. “Um...yeah.  He shot them.  Just...like that.” he blinked a few times.
“Oh…” was all you could manage to reply. It was quiet for a bit until Mingi started muttering something under his breath.  He was starting to rock back and forward slightly where he sat.
“So you left him behind?” you asked.
“Ah.” His voice cracked. “I didn’t mean to.  Everything was just so...fast.” he muttered, standing up and leaving the room in a hurry.
You pursed your lips together, not following him right away.  Sitting with that thought again.
Blue had killed the two other partners.  Blue had killed two people.  
It wasn’t the kind of feeling that would ever be shaken.  Even sixty years from now this memory would be one of the last on your mind.
You let yourself cry a moment.  Finally.
You cried for Blue and what he’d done.  You cried for the people he’d killed and their loved ones, and those right now expecting them home.
“y/n?” Mingi’s voice called from the other room.  
“Not now Mingi.” you choked out, your emotions slowly gaining momentum.
Fluffy orange hair poked around the corner of the room, he was in the kitchen now peeking around into the living room area you sat in.
“Tea?” He wiggled a box he must’ve found in the closet, he was putting on a fake smile, it could’ve been more for himself than you,  but it helped.
You nodded, wiping the wetness from your eyes with the back of your hand.
He returned not too much later with two green mugs in his hand, setting them down on a table beside the couch.
Mingi then sat down hard next to you, shaking the couch a bit and chuckling at his clumsiness.
You smiled slightly and reached out for one of the mugs that was on the other side of him.
He caught your arm gently wrapping his fingers around your wrist and holding you for a moment, looking into your eyes with ones filled to the brim with pain.
“Um.  The tea is still pretty hot.  I wouldn’t” he explained himself, giving you your arm back.
You looked over to the steam rolling off the top of the mug.
This isn’t fun.
Why did you do this?
What was the point of any of this?
Why did you choose this…
You debated screaming out for an escape.  You knew the words you could say…
But you weren’t ready yet.  Not yet.
And then there it was.
Your reminder and reason for doing this.
Mingi smiled your way.  Maybe a bit forced still, but a completely body melting smile.
You instantly rested your head on his shoulder, wishing you could do more than that in this moment.  Begging your body to let you do more than just gently rest your head on his shoulder.
Your hand could easily move out to his knee and trail up his leg...
But not yet. As much as you knew it would help the two of you.  As much as you were 99% sure right now in this moment you both wanted more than just your head on his shoulder, it wouldn’t be right.  Not right now.
Your eyes did flash to the clock hanging on the wall for the first time in a while.  It was only 5pm.  It seemed like a week had passed since this morning.
You let more seconds pass with your head on Mingi’s shoulder, there wasn’t much else you could do.
A few hours later Mingi was cooking you both dinner. There wasn’t much in the cabinets that hadn't expired.  No one had been here for a while.
Yet he swore he could whip something up with what he could find.
You’d chuckled and agreed to let him try while you laid out and read magazines on the couch, admiring the bright red toenail polish on your toes and wiggling your feet lost in the moment...forgetting the moment.
Until a loud clatter of pans snapped you out of it.
You jumped off the couch and ran to the kitchen to find Mingi on the floor holding his hand with a pained look on his face.
“Oh my god!” you ran over to him, crouching down and pulling his hand from being held to his chest to where you could see. “You’ve burned yourself.  Here…” you stood and started to pull him up by his good arm.
“I’ve got it y/n” he hissed.  Standing up on his own and turning the faucet on.
“It didn’t look too bad. It should feel better really soon” you tried to comfort him.  A pot of half boiled noodles and water was splattered all over the floor.
“Y/n I’m so sorry…” He muttered.
“It’s just pasta.” You shrugged.
That didn’t seem to be what he was talking about.  But he simply just said, “Yeah”
“Let me wrap your hand up at least.” You figured there had to be a first aid kit somewhere in the house.
He nodded and sighed, looking down at his hand and shaking his head.
You’d never seen him so out of sorts.  Though who wouldn’t be after what he said he saw.
You wondered how he could’ve burned his hand that badly on a pot that definitely had a long handle.
It hurt to think on that curiosity for too long.   You were pretty sure the answer was one you wouldn’t like hearing.  
There was some gauze in a bathroom closet thankfully, though not much it seemed enough to wrap his hand.
You walked back out to the kitchen to see it empty.  Peeking around the corner to where the living room was you saw Mingi sitting on the couch poking at his burn with his other hand.
“Leave that alone.” You snapped.  It startled him, yet when he saw you his face softened and his body seemed to relax into the couch.
“Sorry.” he muttered.
“Here.” You sat down next to him.  You didn’t mean to sit so close, but when you sat the couch seemed to slide you close to him, assisting your body’s efforts to be as near as possible to this man.  
The side of your leg was now completely pressed against his.  It didn’t seem to miss his attention either.  
When you looked at his face there was the softest smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.  You almost involuntarily gulped at how undeniably sexy his expression was.  How completely enchanting sitting this close to him was…
“H-hand.” you mumbled, holding your own hand out.
You felt the soft fabric of his hoodie now brushing against your shoulder as he moved even closer putting his hand palm up in yours.
The burn looked a bit worse than it had earlier, but seemed like it would heal alright on its own.  You couldn’t risk taking him to a hospital anyways.
Slowly you took the roll of gauze and while gently holding his hand up you started to carefully wrap it around.
You almost zoned out into your task, making sure that you were doing it just right, diligently keeping your eyes on his hand.  Well...until you were almost done and your eyes accidentally wandered up from the burn in the center of his hand to his fingers.  It seemed to take your eyes longer than you realized to study them all the way up to the tip.  Maybe you were trying to picture the feeling…
You slowly shifted your gaze up to Mingi and realized that his eyes had been locked on your face this entire time.  He’d been studying you study his hands, his lips starting to quiver as he watched you purse yours in concentration.   It’d almost seemed that he’d found it attractive the way you had been so focused on taking care of him.
Now that you were face to face you were hit with a slight embarrassment for being so close.  His face being only inches from your own.
You started to pull back from him, but his lips quickly parted and he let out a small noise in protest.
Time seemed to still.  
Maybe it had.
Maybe you were being blessed with a few more seconds to linger on that cute pout on his face.
On the way his hair was still so messy from sleeping earlier.  On the way that despite the pain in both of your eyes, despite the hurt that you’d always carry from this day...you wanted nothing more in this moment than him.
You leaned forward to him, finally pressing a soft kiss on to his lips.  His body completely tensed up in surprise.  He held both his hand away from you as if something horrible would happen if he touched you.
Quickly you pulled back, thinking you must’ve misread the moment.
“Oh.” You brought your hand to your lips and tugged at your lower one a bit embarrassed.
“y/n.” Mingi spoke in a pained tone.
Your eyes had dropped down to your lap and you didn’t quite feel like looking back up at him.
“y/n.” this time he whispered.  That time was for him, almost like your name would soothe whatever it was he was feeling in this moment.
You jumped when you felt his fingers on your face.  He had his good hand now gently tucked under your chin, coaxing your face over to look at him.
“I’m not a good person.  I’m no better than…” he seemed to plead this at you, then let go of your chin with a sigh.
It made no sense to you.  How could he think he was a bad person.  How could he even think to start to compare himself to Blue like that.
You shook your head.
“You could never be like him Mingi.  He *killed* people.” you shuddered. “I-” you paused. “I’m sorry I kissed you.  You’re going through a lot, we both are.”
His eyes suddenly widened and now both his hands were on your face.
“No!” he almost shouted. “Fuck.”
You were being held now close enough that you could just ever so slightly lean forward and brush your lips against his again.
“I shouldn’t do this.”  He whispered, you could feel the soft breath of his voice against your skin.  
You closed your eyes for a moment and felt a warm wave wash over you.  He was so perfect and beautiful, and he was hurting so badly.
You had no idea what was really going on inside of him.  If you did maybe you wouldn’t be doing this.  Maybe you would’ve agreed.  But, then again, when the morals were put aside, neither of you could deny that not only did you both want this but…
“Mingi please.  You have no idea how many years I’ve wanted you, and I know you want me too.” you finally felt the words you’d carried for a long time lift from your chest, they were a weight gone that you’d always thought you’d die with.
He froze again, processing likely.  His lips muttered something silently.  You figured he was thinking on how he also had been ready to die with the thoughts he’d kept of you.   Like you, he had probably decided that he would settle for the small glances and giggles, and the miniscule flirtatious exchanges that Blue had always seemed to let slide.
Neither of you had ever thought anything would come of this.
But, neither of you had ever wanted anything more.
It was Mingi’s turn to put his lips to yours.  
All the air in your body seemed to leave as he almost pounced on you, pressing your back to the couch and roughly hooking one of your legs around his waist.
You were swirling with the feelings of arousal and surprise.  You felt a throb between your legs.  Yes.  If you could have anything in the world it would be this.
It would be him.
The way his pillowy lips moved against yours contrasted so starkly in comparison to Blue’s sloppy uncontrolled kisses.  Mingi kissed you like he was tasting his favorite food, savouring each moment and letting you melt into his mouth.
You had a hand tangled in his hair, his scruffy orange locks gave you quite a good handful to grip onto and you pulled his head to the side, putting your lips to the soft skin of his neck and parting your lips to suck.
He growled out at the feeling and started to grind himself against you.  Through the thin fabric of his pants you could feel the throbbing length of his cock start to grow against your leg.
He continued to hump into you, pressing you into the couch as he did and moving himself so that you could grind yourself against his leg in return.
You gasped out almost instantly when you felt his muscular thighs press into you.  You began to reflexively roll your hips against him, hoping to find some relief to the now aching need growing.
When your lips had left his neck, they gifted him with a beautiful purple mark on his skin.   You smiled at your artwork and gave it a quick peck.  
Mingi chuckled and brought his lips back to yours, giving you some more perfectly placed kisses.
He then winced and let out a hiss.  He’d started to move his injured hand down to where your bodies were still moving against each other desperately.  In the heat of the moment he’d forgotten his injury.  Shaking his head at himself he bit his lower lip and moved himself so that he could get his good hand between your legs.
He pressed two fingers against the outside of your shorts and rubbed a few times, giving you a mischievous smile as he noticed your eyes start to roll back at his touch.
He walked his fingers up to the button of your shorts, not taking long with getting it undone and unzipping them in one firm pull.
Mingi leaned down and nipped at your lower lip causing you to squeak and giggle.  His eyes sparkled back down at you,
He then moved himself to the side to get his hand in a better position, have his fingers start to tickle and play at the hem of your panties.
You felt a warm shiver bring goosebumps to the top of your skin.  You smiled up at him in amazement at his affect on you.
He also didn’t miss the effect he was having as he started to slide his fingers below that line.
It felt like a lifetime of waiting.
The thing that had made it worth pushing through those jobs.  That made you keep building and growing even after everything you’d been through in your life.  
The person who held your heart so tightly when he hadn’t even known it, his eyes that held so many captured memories of you.  
Whether it was letting his eyes linger too long on the way smoke would fall from your lips as you’d stand lookout smoking your second cigarette.  The first one was always on the way there for the nerves of getting to the job.  
You snapped back to the moment when Mingi’s finger pressed firmly on your clit and started to circle.
You moaned out a soft hum and let your head fall back into the couch.  
Mingi hummed back a pleasure filled soft groan in a response to your noises, and moved his finger down to gather some of the now dripping wetness from your entrance and bring it back up to your clit, swirling it around in circles coating you in your own wetness.
Your hips bucked up into his hand, but he pressed you back down firmly.
“Stay still baby.  Let me.” He ordered, his hand now flat and held heavy to keep you from moving. “Are you gonna stay still?” he started the ever so slightly wiggle his fingers.  The small movement causing you to want nothing more to jerk your hips up again, but you obeyed.  You wanted nothing more than to please him now that you finally had him.
“Yes!” You desperately gasped out.
Mingi’s eyes were wild and while there were pained memories behind them, in the front, in this moment was lust.  You could see glazed over and excited eyes hungrily scanning and making their way from where his hand was in your shorts, and where your lips parted as you moaned for him.  
He pushed you further and further towards the high he was taking you to.  Taking turns between dipping his fingers into your soaking hole and bringing them back up to flick over your clit at a relentless pace.
“I-I’m close.” You gasped out.
He dropped his forehead to yours, and gave you a few encouraging pecks on the cheek.
“Please.” he moaned, begging to feel you cum under his fingers.
You felt him pick up his pace, his fingers rubbing against you now just where you needed them.
You bit down on your lip and tossed your head back, moaning and uttering out a mix of swears and Mingi’s name.
“Damn…” He whispered, his fingers still on you, now just slowly sliding over your sensitive nub as you twitched under him.  He gradually slowed his pace until he was lifting his hand out from your shorts, letting you come down from your orgasm.
You felt pure bliss and happiness.  There was nothing in the world besides Song Mingi.
He was now standing up and lifting his hoodie quickly up over his head.
You’d actually never seen him shirtless.  You’d always wondered and imagined…
When his shirt would slip up occasionally and you’d catch a glimpse you swore you’d get so light headed you’d end up on the floor.
So this?  For him to be standing in front of you, taking his shirt off and almost presenting himself to you with a cocky smirk.
You were lucky you were already laying down.
He tossed his hoodie and the shirt under it off to the side, now standing in front of you in only his pants that  hung far too low on his hips.
His tongue darted out quickly to wet his lower lip.
“Yeah?” He looked down at himself then back up to you.
As if he needed to ask.  How could you not find him sexy.  Every inch of him he’d revealed seemed to be just as effortlessly sexy as the rest of him.  You wouldn’t have expected anything less, but that definitely didn’t stop it from taking your breath away.
“Fuck yes.” you nodded in approval, giving him an obvious look up and down.
“Yeah, I thought so.” he smiled as he hopped back on top of you on the couch.
He slipped his hand back into your pants for a moment and rubbed you a little more, collecting some of your wetness on his fingers and bringing it up to your lips.
“Open.” he whispered his command, his eyes were heavy lidded and almost in a trance now staring at your lips with unwavering attention.
You parted them just enough for him to push his two fingers inside.  He slid them on your tongue and you closed your lips tightly around them, flicking your tongue along as you took your lips from the base of his fingers up to the tip.
He took a sharp breath in that caught in his throat, and he moved his hips needily against you hoping to find some relief for his very apparent hardness pressed to your center now.
“I want you Mingi.  I’ve always wanted you.” You spoke as he sat back on his heels on the couch to pull your shorts and panties off.  He held one of your legs up after your clothes had been tossed aside and rested it on his shoulder.  
He pressed the gentlest kiss you’d ever felt right above your ankle, then trailed his lips all the way down your leg, making you shudder and tremble at every touch.
“Mingi…” you moaned out when his lips hovered near your still dripping lips between your legs.  He didn’t stay there though, he kept moving himself up, pulling up your shirt as he left more kisses on your skin.
Your stomach twitched, getting slightly ticklish at the feeling as he kissed near your sides.  
Pulling up the fabric of your shirt further left him now with another barrier still as he reached your bra.
His hands made a quick job of unhooking your bra and fully tossing the rest of your clothes aside.  His burn still wrapped but the pain apparently ignored and pushed aside by his want.
He excitedly breathed out a “There.” and dove his head down taking one of your nipples into his  mouth and flicking the tip of his tongue.
“Fuck!” You hissed out, your hands shooting to his hair and holding him close to you.
“Sensitive nipples baby?” He pulled his mouth off you just slightly to speak.
“Mmm.” Was your only reply, and you tried to push his head back down onto you, needing to feel him more.  He delivered exactly what you wanted with a breathy chuckle, making your nipple back into his mouth, his good hand was on your other breast, now taking that nipple between two fingers and lightly pinching.
You yelped out and squirmed with pleasure under his touch.  
“Fuck me already Mingi!” you almost growled, grabbing his hair and pulling his head off of you and facing you.
You didn’t think you could take another second without feeling him inside of you.  
His hand left your tits and scurried to the hem of his pants at your order. His eyes were excited and surprised at your intensity, but he seemed to be extremely turned on by it, and started to comply with your request right away.
He seemed to sigh with relief as he pulled his pants down and let his cock spring free.  He took himself in his hand and moved a few shallow pumps around the base of his shaft before moving to position himself at your hole.
“I’ve imagined this so many times…” he whispered, pausing and moving the head of his cock up and down against you.  Your hips seemed to move up towards him on their own power, hearing that like you he’d imagined this moment over and over was music to your ears.
“Fuck me now Mingiiii” you whined out.
Finally he lowered his head to rest next to yours, burying himself in your neck and burying his cock fully into you in the same motion.
You gasped out at the sudden feeling.  
He didn’t wait long before moving.  Your walls clenched around him as he picked up his pace and your nails were scraping against his back before you knew it.
You hooked both of your legs around his waist giving him a position to move deeper inside of you.  He took what you gave him and started to pound into you at a pace that had you unable to hold back your moans, they had now turned almost to screams of pleasure.
Mingi made his own beautiful noises, grunts and groans that you’d be committing to memory forever.
You wished that this moment could last forever..
But, as he started to roll his hips into you now at the most desperate and careless pace so far, you knew he was close to his finish.
“y/n…” he whined out needily before biting down on your shoulder and thrusting himself into a few more rough times.
You could feel the warmness of his cum filling you up as he stilled.  He gasped out a soft “F-fuck” as his cock twitched and emptied every last drop that you were milking out of him, slowly moving your hips while he reveled in the moment of his orgasm.
He pulled out of you and rolled to his side next to you, clutching you tightly and bringing you to his chest.  His eyes shut and he was muttering something too quiet to hear against the top of your head.
He looked so peaceful, and happy, like a man who’d never been touched by all the cruel things that this world had to offer.   Like a Mingi that you wished could stay with you for the rest of your life.
Like the Mingi you wished that he really was.
The second cigarette was while you stood waiting, it was for the nerves of Mingi’s safety.
Every time that goofy smiling man went into one of the buildings your crew was told to show at, you feared for his life.
You’d never asked him or Blue why they got onto Crimson Rexcruit.  It was sort of customary not to ask.  They’d never asked you why you joined.
You wouldn’t have minded if they did.  It was pretty simple for you.  You wanted money, and you didn’t really have many skills, but you craved shiny things.
Blue seemed to fall into the same boat as you, he loved all of the flashy and pretty things that came with the money crime brought in, and all of his talents aligned well with this line of work.
Mingi though you never understood.  
Why would such a sweet, well mannered and kind person take up a life of stealing and...whatever else it was he did that you didn’t want to think about when he went into jobs.
You didn’t like to watch in on him, keeping your eyes to the outside, making sure you could tip the crew off if things seemed off or cops were on their way.
That didn’t mean you weren’t curious, curious about the man that Mingi turned into that would get him to force a cashier to hand over their entire store’s safe.
Did he scream? You’d never heard him scream…
Not before today that was.
Did he threaten them?
Did he always bring that gun…
“Mingi?” you asked softly to the man nuzzling his head against you.  You reached out to play with a few strands of his hair.
“Yes?” he mumbled into you.
*Ask him why he brought the gun…*
“Where do you think Blue is…”
Mingi’s body tensed up, he stopped nuzzling against you.
“I-” he bit down hard on his lower lip and shut his eyes. “Can’t we just have this moment?”
*of course we can.  Please let's stop this and just have this moment*
“No...I need to know Mingi.” your voice spoke.
He slowly sat up, pulling himself back into his pants.  You sat up with him, tugging a knit blanket that was hanging from the back of the couch and wrapping yourself in it.  It was itchy against your skin, but you’d shivered the moment Mingi’s touch left you.
“Y/n…” His hands were balled into tight fists, you were scared he might break a finger.
*Tell him it's okay.  Tell him he doesn’t need to worry about this right now.*
“Please Mingi, tell me what happened...all of it.” your voice spoke sternly.
Mingi’s head snapped right to you, and he let the words just fly out.
“I shot him.  He’s dead, I shot him.” his tone was emotionless but his hands were shaking so hard…
*reach out and grab him*
“You...what…” your voice was wavering now.
“I went to grab the gun from him after he shot the two men...I- it happened so fast...we were both screaming...I was telling him to give it to me and somehow we got on the ground…” now he was falling apart, choking on every word. “He had the gun pointed to my fucking head.  He had his finger on the fucking trigger and he said ‘They told me I could kill all of you and walk out of here, you owe me your life asshole’ he screamed it and...I wasn’t even thinking.” He buried his hands in his hair and tugged down hard. “Damnit.” he muttered “I turned it on him, then I grabbed it and fucking turned it on him...and just...shot…”
You were like a statue in place, your blood might have even stopped flowing, your heart definitely stopped beating.
That...didn’t sound like Mingi.
Mingi would’ve thrown away the gun.
“Wh-” You trembled, not able to bring out anything more.
“You don’t understand what it's like when you’re in there y/n.” he sucked in a wavering breath, trying to collect himself but speaking in a raspy voice. “It’s like you’re in survival mode...things in your brain work a bit differently...um” he shook his head, “that's not an excuse.  Fuck. Fuck” Mingi grabbed a television remote from the table next to him and threw it at the wall angrily, it hit and split into a few pieces, the batteries flying across the other side of the room.
‘ *Hold him. Please.  Let me reach out and hold him* ‘
“I can’t even look at you…” your voice muttered.
‘ *no…let me look at him a little longer* ‘
“I feel like I’m gonna be sick…” your voice spoke again.
Everything was spinning and you couldn’t bring yourself to look at anything but your hands in your lap.
‘ *not yet, not yet,* ‘
“Y/n. I’m so...fucking sorry.  Dammit he was my best friend. How do you think I feel?” his broken voice rang in your ears, yet you still didn’t look up at him.
A loud clock started to tick in your ears, it thumped louder than your heart was beating in your chest.
‘ *not yet, please not yet,* ‘
If you could do anything to turn back time…
To change things, to make this moment anything but what it was…
‘ *Tell him you love him.* ‘
Louder than everything you’d heard today was the knock on the door, and the voice that yelled out.
“Police! Open up! You’re surrounded!”
You turned to face Mingi in horror, watching as he snapped into action running to the kitchen and grabbing the gun from the drawer he’d stashed it in.
“Mingi wait you don’t have to-” You gasped out, grabbing his arm as he rushed frantically back into the living room with you.
He looked crazed, an opposite man to the one cuddled to your side only moments ago.
*Ask him why he brought the gun*
He nervously fumbled with the safety on the gun and then turned to you.
“Get the fuck in the other room.” He was serious and stern, his eyes were pleading.
‘*Let me stay with him. Please. Please.*’
The voice outside the door yelled out again.
“We’re coming in!” It boomed out in warning.
“I said GO!” Mingi screamed, his whole body shaking with the force of his words.
There was a crash of something hitting the front door.
You had your eyes on Mingi, and he had his wide nervous eyes on the door as he raised his gun, held it out in front of him towards where the noise had come from.
And time stood still.
The world went quiet. All except for a sob that ripped through your throat as you fell to your knees.
“PLEASE!” you screamed out.  Finally the voice that had been in your head begging to be let out was speaking.  “Mingi I love you!”
He was still frozen, holding the gun out in front of him.  In front of him the door was hung in mid air, it had been busted through by the police and you could see the start of a leg that had begun to push its way into the house before everything stopped.
“Let me tell him I love him.” your hands were pressed to the floor grasping at nothing as you sobbed.
A voice echoed in the room.
“You know we can only let you do things that were in your memories.”
“I know...but can’t we try?” you pleaded, staring at the ceiling, not quite sure where to direct your attention.
“No,  It's impossible.” it spoke in monotone.
You took one last look at the beautiful troubled man in front of you, studying every last image, photographing his eyes, his lips, his hands, even though they were clutching that gun.
The gun that you will never even at your dying breath be able to figure out why he had on him that day.
You’d hoped to also find a bit of clarity here for that.
But, like it had been all your life, it would stay a mystery to you.
It seemed like you’d only blinked and you were back in a blindingly white room.  
The beeping of monitors clicked everywhere around you.
“Hello y/n.  Welcome back.” The voice from inside the room spoke to you.  It belonged to a man in a white coat who stood over you now.  
He reached down to your arm and started to check the chords and tubes you were hooked up to.
Your arm…
You looked down to see the wrinkled and aged skin that had seen many many years after that day, but had never forgotten what it felt like to touch Mingi.
Mingi had died that day, almost seconds after that last moment you saw him. The police had seen the gun in his hands and there was no hesitation.
You had cowered on the ground beside him, holding him as long as you could.. It had taken two officers to pull you off of his body.
“I’m sorry that It didn’t get to be everything you wanted…” The doctor spoke, his hand hovering over a blue button.  “Are you still ready?”
Was it everything you wanted?
No...not quite.
But life never really was.  That didn’t make the good parts any less enjoyable.
“Yes. I’m ready.  I got to see his face one last time.”
The doctor nodded, “You’ve had a hell of a life y/n.”
You felt a warm smile grow on your face and you shut your eyes, relaxing back into your bed.
Mingi’s body melting smile flashed one last time in your mind.
“Yeah, I really have.”
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kpopfanfictrash · 5 years
Keeping a Secret (M)
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Author: kpopfanfictrash
Pairing: Hoseok / Reader
Rating: 18+
Warnings: oral (male), Hoseok calls the reader princess, dirty talk, blow job kind of over boxers?, semi-rough sex
Genre: New Relationship!AU
Synopsis: You and Hoseok have been hooking up for a few weeks now. No one in your friend group knows. What happens then, when he shows up at movie night looking better than anticipated?
Word Count: 3,743
[ cross-posted to Wattpad here ]
It has been three weeks, two days and twenty hours (give or take) since Jung Hoseok first kissed you.
If you were classifying moments, you would not call it a romantic gesture. You were in the middle of a long speech about climate change and how the world was sinking into the sea, the ice caps were melting and soon enough, there would only be brown-fur polar bears because their white fur would be all muddied and gross.
That was when Jung Hoseok turned on the couch, said, “Screw it,” and kissed you. Hard. When he finally broke for air several seconds later, he blurted, “I needed to shut you up somehow. Also, apparently the world is ending, so why not?”
You stared at him for a moment before shrugging. “Good enough for me.”
Then, you kissed him again.
You did not have sex that night, but you did the night after. And after that, and after that, and – well, you get the picture. Except for tonight, of course. Tonight is movie night with all your friends, and you are seated purposefully on one couch and Hoseok, across the room on the other.
None of your friends know that you two are hooking up. None of them know, because there is nothing to tell. You and Hoseok have been friends for so long, you did not really plan the hook-up, so much as you slipped into it. Once you were there, you did not want to scare it away by giving it a label.
It is not as though your friends would be opposed to you dating – exactly the opposite. They would make a big deal, put you two under a microscope and right now, you are trying to figure this out for yourselves. Time alone is warranted.
Crossing both arms over your chest, you glance at Hoseok, then the TV. Then back to him. Shoving your toes into the carpet, you exhale though your nostrils and try not to look pissed.
He just looks so fucking good tonight.
I mean, on most nights he looks amazing. That is what you first noticed about him, after all. When you first met, Hoseok was just Jimin’s friend from back home. Jimin was Taehyung’s roommate at the time, who was dating your roommate, Olivia. You began to hang out and after a while, Hoseok became a staple. You knew him for his outfits at first, more than anything else. He always wore loud patterns paired with the most hideous sneakers you have ever seen.
But then you noticed other things about him. The adorable slope of his nose when he turned. The way he ruffled his hair when he was happy. Or upset. The way he took care of Jimin freshman year when he got super homesick, taking him under his wing in the simplest of ways.
You saw all this and slowly but surely, a massive crush developed on Jung Hoseok. That was all, though – a crush. You thought you could handle it. Indeed, you were handling it. Until he kissed you and everything went to hell.
Lacing your hands in your lap, you discourage their wandering anywhere else. True, Hoseok is sitting across the room but that is no guarantee of good behavior. Hoseok decided to wear his black hoodie tonight. He also decided to style his hair, dark and tousled away from his face. You scowl in his direction, thoroughly put out.
Hoseok stares at the TV, blue light flickering over his features. Beside him sits Jimin, chatting quietly with Jungkook on the floor. Namjoon at the back of the room, thoroughly engrossed in the events of the movie. On his other side is Yoongi, ensconced in the lone armchair. Ari and Seokjin are with you on the couch, with Olivia firmly locked in Taehyung’s embrace on the floor.
As though able to sense the pull of your gaze, Hoseok looks up.
He stares for only a moment, eyes narrowed before he glances back down. His fingers wrap around his cell phone, typing something in and a second later, your own buzzes to life. Seokjin shifts beside you and, careful not to disturb him, you unlock the text.
Hoseok: stop staring at me [10:08 PM]
Y/N: maybe if you didn’t look like that, I wouldn’t have to stare [10:08 PM]
Hoseok: didn’t look like what [10:09 PM]
Y/N: I mean, have you always been this goddamn hot? [10:09 PM]
Y/N: can’t look at you without wanting your dick in my mouth [10:10 PM]
Glancing up, you watch him as he reads. Hoseok inhales, typing quickly and your phone vibrates with a response.
Hoseok: holy fuck y/n [10:11 PM]
Your lips curl into a smile.
Y/N: have I told you how much I like your cock [10:12 PM]
Y/N: so much [10:12 PM]
Y/N: it’s the perfect size [10:12 PM]
Y/N: enough to make me choke [10:13 PM]
Y/N: hits so deep [10:13 PM]
Y/N: tastes so good when you cum down my throat [10:14 PM]
Continuing to smile, you glance up to watch Hoseok read. Frowning, you realize the couch across from you is empty. Only Jimin sits on the sofa. As soon as you think this, your phone buzzes again. Glancing down, you see no words on the screen. Only the sender.
Slowly, you swipe to unlock.
“Fuck,” you mutter, under your breath.
“What?” Seokjin does not look away from the screen.
Hurriedly, you tilt your phone away. “Uh, nothing.” Twisting on the couch, you glance at the image again.
Fuck, is right. Hoseok must be in the bathroom. That much is obvious by the neat rows of Taehyung’s face products behind him. That is not the most defining part of the picture, though. The most defining part is Hoseok’s lower half, one hand lewdly grasping his package. The image makes you swallow, throat suddenly dry.
His underwear is still on – grey boxer-briefs you bought with him in Target one lazy summer afternoon. You were with him then and okay, maybe you imagined him wearing them. Maybe you thought once or twice about him over the course of your friendship.
Glancing once more at the photo, you nearly groan out loud. Hoseok’s hands are veiny, gripping his length over the material of his boxers. He is semi-hard, that much is obvious. Realizing he wants you makes your legs clench together. Honestly, that is a turn-on in itself. No other guy has been quite as vocal with you about his desires before.
Abruptly, you stand. “Have to pee,” you inform Seokjin.
He makes a face. “Alright,” he mumbles. “Go off, I guess.”
Turning around, you dart from the living room. Taehyung’s kitchen is dark, every light turned off to better enjoy the movie. His bathroom is down the hall, just before his bedroom. You pause outside the door when – it opens fast, a hand reaching out to seize your arm.
“Hey,” Hoseok grins, pulling you in and shutting the door.
You are disappointed to find he is fully dressed. The evidence of the photo is still present, though. His shirt is untucked, belt buckled over unzippered jeans. The dark strands of his hair are a mess, as though he pushed his hands through it several times.
Your heart stutters at the endearing image. “That was some photo,” you grin.
Hoseok shakes his head. “No time,” he demands, shoving you against the door.
You inhale, hands winding greedily about his neck when he kisses you. Moving against you, Hoseok’s frame molds to yours. His knee pushes between your thighs, providing much-needed friction. His hands – expert in everything – deftly slide to undo your bra. Once this is accomplished, Hoseok yanks up your shirt and cups your breasts with both hands.
“Fuck,” he mutters into your lips.
Deftly, his thumbs trace your nipples. Whimpering, you clamp your thighs around Hoseok’s. He pulls back, smirking when his thumbs start to flick. He knows how sensitive you are and will use this to his advantage. Honestly, you could probably come like this but not here. Not now, when time is of the essence.
Lifting a hand to your cheek, Hoseok’s thumb strokes your lips until you open.
“Suck,” he commands, voice low.
You obey, lips closing around him to headily suck. Teasing him with your tongue, you drag this up the underside like you would his cock. Hoseok’s gaze hardens, breath hitching; he squeezes your breast roughly before he releases.
“You wanna suck me off, is that it?”
He asks you this calmly, taking a step backwards. There is not much room in the bathroom, so his legs nearly hit the edge of the tub. Nodding eagerly, you already miss the feel of his thigh on your heat.
Hoseok arches a brow, beginning to unbuckle his belt. “Well, princess?”
Nodding, you step forward and lower yourself to your knees. The linoleum is hard, biting but you find that you like it.
“Yes, Hobi.”
He smirks, a teasing glint to his eyes. Even when serious, Hoseok maintains this demeanor. Even when tying you up on the bed and fucking you senseless, there is always this humor beyond a hardened exterior. You have complete confidence that, should you at any point wish to stop, Hoseok will oblige. No questions asked. He only gets off on something if you do, too.
Staring at him, you lick your lips.
Shoving his pants past his ass, Hoseok exposes the grey of his boxers. He is more than semi-hard, you note with some longing. Shuffling forward, you reach for his cock.
Hoseok slowly shakes a finger. “Nuh-uh,” he teases. “Not yet.”
Pouting, your hands fall to your sides.
“Over the boxers, first.”
Heart thudding, you slowly nod and move closer. Continuing to make eye contact, you bend and smooth your hands around his hips. Pulling the fabric taut, you see the clear outline of his cock. Without breaking your gaze, you lick a trail up the side. Hoseok exhales through his nose when you begin mouthing his dick, leaving wet imprints on the grey of his boxers.
One of your hands cups his balls, massaging gently while you suck on the tip. Before you know it, Hoseok is shoving his boxers down to his knees.
“Fuck,” he says, grasping your hair. “I need your mouth now, princess.”
You nod, barely having a choice in the matter when he guides his cock to your lips. Sitting back on your heels, you let the weight of his cock fall on your tongue. You relish in that for a moment – the salty taste of his pre-cum, the velvet smoothness of his length before you close your lips around him and suck. Hard.
Swearing, Hoseok’s hips jolt forward and you do not stop. Sucking harder, you trail your tongue up his frenulum before pulling back. Hoseok continues to hold you like that, thrusting his hips and using your body. For a few seconds, it is like that – hot and messy while he fucks into your mouth.
You like it like this, though. You like to watch hair fall into his gaze, darkened with lust while his thrusts become increasingly sloppy. You like to grip his thighs tightly, feeling the moment when he tenses for release. When you choke on his cock, spit dribbling out, Hoseok groans and pulls back.
“Baby,” he coos, wiping this with a finger. Pulling you up from the floor, he cradles your ass with both hands. “Princess, you’re so good to me. You know that?”
Nodding, you smirk because yes, you do know. Having known Hoseok for so long, you know exactly what he likes and exactly how to do it. The benefit of being friends first is you heard his hook-up stories first-hand. So-and-so did not know he has a ticklish collarbone. Another girl never once touched his balls, and Hoseok loves when girls do that.
With these tidbits of knowledge, you are well-equipped to ensure Hoseok turns ravenous. It is with absolute certainty you can say that only Hoseok has made you come half as hard. No one has ever tried half as hard either, but that is an entirely different matter.
Spinning you around to face the mirror, Hoseok rests your hands on the sink. “I have a condom,” he says, kissing your shoulder. “Is that good?”
You nod, staring at your reflection. Hair falls about your face, breathing ragged, and shirt pushed past your breasts. Hoseok fishes a condom from his jeans, standing up to undo the package. Rubber snaps against skin and then Hoseok’s length is there, pressed to your ass. Hand sliding over your hip, he locates your zipper.
“Your jeans need to go,” he says, low as he drags them down to your knees. “No time for more, I’m afraid.”
“Okay.” You close your eyes when you feel Hoseok’s hand at you core. Sliding up and down the center of your panties, he feels your wetness. “Hobi,” you whine.
“I’m sorry,” he chuckles, rubbing your clit. You mewl in response. “You’re just so wet, princess. All that from sucking my cock?”
“Before.” You groan when he pulls on your panties. “Been this wet since I saw you.”
Teasing your folds, Hoseok pushes your panties aside, re-gripping his cock. You whimper, bent to the counter and clenching hard around nothing.
“Come on, baby,” you moan, pushing backwards. “Fill me up. Please – please, Hobi. I need to feel you inside me. Need your cock in my pussy.”
“Fu-ck,” Hoseok mutters, sounding tortured.
Barely half a second passes before he thrusts forward, sheathing himself in your pussy.
“Fuck!” you gasp, knees hitting the counter.
Hoseok clasps a hand over your mouth, staring at you wide-eyed in the mirror. You both are quiet for a moment, listening to see if anyone heard. Nothing happens though and eventually, he brushes a thumb over your lips.
“Gotta be quiet, princess.” Hoseok murmurs.
“I know,” you say, shutting your eyes. His hot, throbbing cock is still inside you and honestly, you cannot think of anything else. “I just…”
“I know,” Hoseok whispers, withdrawing.
You whimper, hand reaching out to grab onto his hips but then he thrusts back in, making your hips smack to the counter.
“Oh!” you groan, eyes flying open.
Grasping the sink, you stare at him, dazed when he pulls out again. Hoseok sinks into you slowly, making you feel every inch. It makes your legs wobble, feet sliding apart to get him even deeper. Hoseok’s hand grabs your hips, pulling them backwards and with the other, he forces your chest down.
“Take it like that,” he murmurs, turning your head to rest on the sink. “Stick your ass up a bit more.”
“Ah,” you moan when you obey, feeling him slide even deeper.
“That’s it, princess,” Hoseok purrs, playing with your tits as his hands slide up your body. “Now, do you want me to go harder?”
Staring at the wall, you eagerly nod.
Hoseok tsks beneath his breath, hands traveling back down your body. “Are you sure you can keep quiet, though?”
“Yes,” you exhale.
“You sure you can take it?”
“Are you sure…” Hoseok thrusts his hips forward. “Sure this cute little pussy can take being fucked like I wanna?”
“Yes,” you whine, pushing backwards. “Please, Hobi – please.”
“Alright.” He chuckles, grasping your hips. “Then, take it.”
Rearing back, Hoseok slams into you with enough force that you swear. Barely, do you have the chance to recover before he does it again – hitting so deep, you feel the need to bite down on your lip in order to keep you from screaming. The entire bathroom is full of the rough sounds of his cock entering your pussy and fuck, do you love it. It sounds so sinful, echoing off Taehyung’s tile walls.
Hoseok fucks you fast, hard in a way that you can only lie there and take it. His hips pound your ass, hard enough to bruise and you hope that they do. You hope he leaves a mark, so that each time you sit down this week, you remember just how well he fucked you.
“Fuck, princess,” Hoseok grunts. “You’re so wet.”
He is not wrong – you can feel your arousal on the inside of your thighs, dripping into your folds and making your clit extra tender. As soon as you think this, Hoseok lets go of your waist to slide a hand between your legs.
“Fuck,” you moan, head thrown back as he teases your mound.
“That’s it,” Hoseok exhales, over your shoulder. He stares at you in the mirror. “Look how fucked out you are. All needy, split by my cock. Wanna cum on my dick?”
“Mmm,” you agree as he begins circling your clit. Instantly, your walls tighten around him. It is embarrassing, how readily your body responds to his commands. Already, you can feel the pulse of blood in your ears, the pleasure reaching a fever-pitch and needing release.
“That’s it,” Hoseok murmurs. He presses a kiss to your cheek in an almost-sweet gesture. Meanwhile, his cock continues hammering your pussy. “Come for me.”
You do – breaking apart, sobbing his name as you grip onto the counter. Everything shakes, vision blurred while your orgasm rips through you. Hoseok continues to thrust, pushing you through pleasure until it borders on pain. When you look up at him in the mirror, he gasps out your name.
“Y/N,” he blurts, sounding tortured. “I wanna come on your ass.”
“Do it,” you agree, wriggling the feature. “Hobi, do it.”
“Alright,” he gasps.
Immediately, Hoseok pulls out. Yanking off his condom, he pumps himself into one fist. Staring at your cunt, spread and messy before him, it only takes a few strokes before he is coming undone.
“Fuck,” Hoseok groans, hand grabbing yours on the counter. You cannot see but feel when his cum hits your ass. It paints a hot, messy picture dripping in between folds. Drops continue to land while Hoseok rubs himself out.
Head lowering, he gently kisses your neck. Keening into his praise, you smile, catching your breath as he pulls himself upwards.
“Fuck,” Hoseok says, pushing a hand through his hair. His eyes are sparkling, making you laugh.
“What?” you ask.
Hoseok shrugs and steps forward. “You,” he offers, cupping your face with both hands.
When he kisses you, you find yourself getting lost in the moment. There is still cum on your ass and you really need to clean but for now, you want to kiss Hoseok. It seems more important.
Finally, he withdraws and you open your eyes. “You go first,” you say, nodding at the door. Your voice has dropped back to a whisper, as though someone might hear you. “I have to pee.”
Hoseok snorts, reaching down to pull up his pants. Nodding, he sneaks another quick kiss before pushing open the door. Glancing each way down the hall, he slips into the kitchen. Once he is gone, you ready yourself in the bathroom and fully clean and fully clothed, you leave the bathroom as well.
The kitchen lights are still off, dark when you enter the living room. The final scene of the movie plays on the screen – a rising crescendo of music while the main boy and girl realize they like each other. Sneaking a glance at Hoseok, you see him back on his sofa.
Turning around, you plop down beside Seokjin.
Jungkook stirs, speaking up from the floor. “Why don’t you sit next to Hobi?” he asks, shoving more popcorn into his mouth. “I’m sure Jimin would move for you.”
Freezing in place, your gaze darts to Jungkook. Everyone else in the room has frozen as well, looking everywhere except for at you and Hoseok. “I – what?” you squeak. “Why… why would I sit next to Hoseok?”
Jungkook lowers his popcorn, realizing everyone is staring. “I – uh, well…”
“Because you two are fucking,” says Namjoon from the sofa. His gaze is still locked on the screen. “Obviously.”
Olivia lets out a quiet laugh from Taehyung’s arms. “Come on, Y/N. It’s totally obvious.”
“I – what?” you blurt, lowering your face to your palms. “How long has everyone known?”
When you peek out from between fingers, you see Hoseok glaring at Jimin. “You were home the other night, weren’t you?” he states accusatorially. “You said that you weren’t! That you were crashing at Jungkook’s!”
Jimin flashes Hoseok a grin. “Guilty.”
“Oh, no,” you groan, sinking low on the couch. Last weekend, Hoseok assured you Jimin was gone for the night. As a result, the two of you had intense sex on top of his kitchen table. Loudly.
Before you can sink any further, you see Hoseok stand from the couch. He crosses the room, chuckling when his hands wrap around yours. “Come on, Y/N,” he sighs, pulling you upwards to stand. “They’re right. Might as well sit together if everyone knows we’re dating.”
Paused mid-step, you stare at him wide-eyed.
Jungkook’s mouth drops. Namjoon looks up from the movie. Olivia and Taehyung stop talking – even Seokjin reaches out and presses pause on the remote.
“Dating?” Jimin blinks.
Hoseok has an expression on his face you have only seen once. It was when he woke up forty minutes late the day of his Calculus II exam and realized he just might fail the whole class. Slowly, he turns to look at you. His expression is so helpless, you almost want to laugh. The look he gives you is of such whipped, unadulterated adoration that you practically melt.
Closing the distance, you kiss him soft on the lips. “Yeah, dating,” you mumble.
Hoseok smiles, his arms wrapping tighter around you.
Taehyung whoops, breaking the moment. “Wow!” he exclaims when you finally break apart. “We didn’t know you were dating! We just thought you were fucking. Guys!”
“I…” Hoseok exhales, smile tugging at his lips. “Yeah. We’re dating.”
The tentativeness to his words makes you smile. Looking at him, you nod.
“Okay.” Namjoon leans forward, attempting to see the screen. “That’s awesome and all, but can you sit the fuck down? There’s only a few minutes left in this movie and I want to see how it ends.”
“I’ll tell you how it ends,” Hoseok grumbles, throwing up the middle finger as you move towards the couch.
You push this down, climbing into his lap when he sits and threading your hands through his hair. Smiling happily, you kiss the side of his neck. Finally, you have everything you wanted. No more secrets.
  © kpopfanfictrash, 2019. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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iwantitiwriteit · 4 years
Love Lockdown - Part 3
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Summary: Chris braces himself for his FaceTime with you.
Warnings: Angst, Pandemic backdrop, Profanity
Notes: First In My Feelings Monday™ on books! Hopefully there’ll be more musings as the weeks go on, but I loved the whimsy the mindset added to me day! 🥰 This part was kind tough to write cos it required me to get into an opposing mind frame from the Reader, but a fun challenge nonetheless! Read the previous part here!
As much as he loved Winter in Boston, it was Spring that really captured Chris’ heart.
He’d been watching the beautiful day pass by outside his home office window while he took a few remote meetings with his team. Lockdown didn’t mean shutdown, for Chris at least, as he’s in preparation mode for an upcoming virtual press junket.
However, as soon as those glorious words, “That’s all for today,” were uttered, he upped and gathered his jacket, Dodger and headed for the front door.
“Going for a walk!” He called over his shoulder, his way of saying he’d be back soon.
“Alright, let me grab my jacket!” Scott said in response. Chris sighed and laughed to himself as he waited by the door for his brother. “What?” Scott asked when he got to Chris, who was shaking his head at his brother’s self-invite. He just laughed lightly as they bounded for the street, locking the door behind them.
It took Chris some growing up to appreciate this season. Truly appreciate it. But he’s so glad he does now. There’s a polarity in its elements that make it unique from the other seasons. 
The bright sun peeks from behind thick clouds every so often, fully exposed and giving light gloriously. The flowers, shy and budding in March, are now in April, with just a little time, bold and in bloom. The trees billowing in the cold wind are unaware of their own fierce presence, so gentle in their saving grace that is their shade.
Kind of complex, Spring in Boston. Could be perceived as annoying in its inconsistency of temperature within a 24 hour period; cold one part of the day then hot the next. But he loved that not everyday or every hour was the same. Kept him on his toes in a way.
 He couldn’t help but imagine how you’d like it here at this time of year. How he’d like you here with him. To have you on this walk right now. To hold you close when the sharp wind cuts through, chilling you both. You’d say what you always say when you snuggle up to him for warmth; that your southern bones feel the cold more than he does.
Maybe it’s true. Or Maybe it’s a lame excuse to be closer to him. Either way, he’d never complain. He loves it. He loves you.
Chris smiles to himself at the thought. Yeah, you’d love it here in the Spring. Definitely more than you did in December. What a start to a shit show that turned out to be. Chris hates to think about it. But his brain can’t help but go back there sometimes.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Scott asks, walking alongside his brother.
Chris lets out a long breath. He’s back there right now. But it doesn’t start and stop there. December makes him think of January. January makes him think of February. Then March, and before he knows it, he’s been through the chain of events that led you two here: Him in Boston, and you in Tennessee. In love but hurting from it. In the midst of a pandemic? Your relationship is just as uncertain as the end to the world’s madness.
Chris kicks himself at the painful memories. Shaking his head, he looks over to Scott who is patient as his brother finds his words.
“I’m thinking that despite the craziness of the last few weeks, months even, and being on lockdown...”
“Uh-huh…” Scott says knowing there’s more
“In an odd way, I’ve felt more free than I have in a while.”
“How’s that?”
“Well… hasn’t it been kinda great being, ya’know, solo...?” Chris eludes, not wanting to say the actual words.
“Huh? Oooooh!” Scott says as he catches Chris’ drift.
Chris won’t lie; the last 3 weeks away from you have been headache free. The bachelor lifestyle coming back to him with ease. He’s spent enough years on his own to know how to revel in the perks of singleness. No side eyes when he’s yelling at CNN or football, no being told to do stupid, necessary chores that can wait til he’s ready, and no one to get hurt when he’s inevitably fucked up in some way or another.
“Only problem is, I’m the only one of us who’s actually single.”
“Right… I know, and don’t get me wrong! I feel really lucky she hasn’t left me yet, and that she’s stuck it out with me for this long. I really can’t imagine my life without her.”
“But…” Scott prompts.
Chris is hesitant as he starts again. “But lately, guiltily...I wonder if that would be such a bad thing. If we were to… ya’know,” Chris makes weird hand motions that Scott eventually interprets as “breakup”.
“It’s a wonder you’re any good at charades.”
As much as he feels bad and knows he could’ve done some things differently, handled some things better, Chris is sooo frustrated with you.
“Why won’t she just tell me what she’s really thinking— exactly what she’s feeling. I’m not a fucking mind reader! You would think it’d be easy for her, considering what she does for a living, I don’t get it man.”
Scott waits for his cue for Chris to ask the golden question, but when he doesn’t hear it, he looks over at his older brother. Chris looks every bit a boy that’s absolutely lovesick, kicking the rocks in his way, pouting down at his feet. “You want my opinion?” Scott eventually offers.
“Please. I don’t think Dodger’s gonna give me anything good.” Chris bends down to pet the pup quickly before continuing their walk
“I think she has told you what she’s feeling— just not explicitly from her mouth.”
“If that’s the case, then her shutting down every time we’re addressing an issue is supposed to mean…?”
“You’ve got to give her some room to emote, cos you can be a bit, well, you know.” Chris did know, but it didn’t make it sting any less.
Accusations from past girlfriends of him not listening, only hearing, what’s been communicated have not gone unnoted. That, coupled with his bubbling emotions have led to many a breakup in his life. Relationships demoted to damn near flings the way women have come and gone from his life. But what he has with you couldn’t just be another relationship for the books. Chris wants to break the cycle with you… for you.
“I thought I was doing that when I suggested we social distance separately. Then last night she made it very clear that I was very wrong.”
“I could’ve told you that you were very wrong. Tax free.” The two men make their way back to the house. Looking at his brother before him, all sad and distraught, Scott was not going to let him start his own pity party.
“I don’t want to lose her. She’s the one. She’s my one. I know it.”
“Then don’t lose her.”
“When’s anything EVER been that simple?”
“I’m not saying it is, but if you know she’s the one, don’t give up so easily bro. Try everything in your power to give her the relationship she deserves. And she will do the same for you. But, if the problems still persist, then maybe, it would be for the best if…” Scott trails off as he sees his brother’s eyes start to look like those of the dog by their feet. “Look, I’m just telling you from personal, very recent experience, that it isn’t all that bad being friends on the other side of it all.”
“Ugh, God! I think I’d rather have a limb caught off and force fed to me than try to be friends with her if we ever… I can’t even say it.” Chris pokes his tongue out like he’s tasted something awful.
“You’re being hella dramatic right now.”
“But bro, I’m not even exaggerating!” The brothers laugh as they walk up the driveway. As they cross the threshold of the front door, Chris’ reminder for your FaceTime call sounds off, echoing in the foyer. He turns it off and looks up at his brother. “That’s the call to my love’s fate” he tries to joke.
Scott wears a soft, empathetic smile “Everything’s gonna be just fine. No matter what.”
Chris tries to wear some optimism, but the possibility of this being the end of your relationship tugs at him. He won’t let it get a hold of him. “Thanks, bro. I’ll see you later. And DO NOT eavesdrop.”
“Whaaaat??? I would never!” Scott feigns offense. Chris looks unconvinced. “Dodge and I are gonna enjoy an afternoon movie, isn’t that right Dodgey Wodgey?” 
“Dodger’s not even buying it. Stop it.”
“Yeah, that was weird. See ya later, man.”
Chris takes the stairs to his bedroom two by two. He sets up his laptop, making sure to plug in its charger; wouldn’t want it to die on this call.
He paces around the space in front of his desk. As many video calls as he’s done the past few weeks, none of them were as important as this one. Nervousness washes over him. He decides to embrace it; it’s natural, and a good sign. He still cares. He can only hope you do, too. 
The digital clock strikes 2. It’s time.
He calls you, the laptop ringing for a while longer than his beating heart can take. His heart sinks and doubts creep in. Is this is it? Is she done with me? No fight, no… nothing? This can’t be it. But then the ringing ceases and the screen says “connecting”, a sigh of relief involuntarily escaping him.
He can’t help but beam, proud he knows you better than his negative thoughts do. Happy that you wouldn’t leave him high and dry. 
Then he sees your face. Your beautiful face. The natural lighting of your room bouncing off your gorgeous, brown skin. Your hair is the perfect combination of defined curls and loose wisps, neat but not overly so. You are the epitome of effortless, natural beauty. He almost feels like he’s seeing you for the first time.
“Hey baby! For a second there, I thought you wouldn’t answer,” he nervously chuckles. 
You smile at him but it doesn’t reach your eyes. He senses your apprehension, even through a screen. He hadn’t done a good job of setting up this conversation with peace of mind for you, now that he thinks about it. “We need to talk” is almost always followed by some heavy, unwanted shit. Not that this talk will be easy, but he most certainly doesn’t want you thinking the worst. He genuinely wants to talk; explain his fuck ups and frustrations. And try to listen.
He figures since he’s put you two here, it’s his job to steer this ship to calmer, nicer waters. Here goes. He tries some small talk, anxiety making him ramble. “So, how’s the… weather? That’s a stupid— ugh, I’m sure it’s, like, hot. You’re down south, where it’s hot—”
“Yes honey?”
“I don’t wanna do this with you.”
There it is; his worst fear. Losing you. No. He was determined to let his optimism win. Determined that his ears were deceiving him in this moment.
“What do you mean?”
Chris is too all in to go down without a fight, and  fight for you he was prepared to do.
Part 4 | What’d you think?
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guardianofjunmyeon · 4 years
Finding Atlantis (part 8)
Genre: Action/Adventure, Enemies to Lovers, PirateAU
Description:    20 years ago the seas became angry. Unruly and unkind to any sailor,   to  any ship that dared venture too far out in her waters. Many a man   has  heard the tales of Atlantis, the lost city, the key the ocean. But   fewer  men know the tale of it’s missing child. The key to the ocean,   the key  to Atlantis but a lost little one. The power one would hold   should they  find this child would be nearly that of Poseidon himself.   Thus, the hunt  began.    
A/N: WARNING: angry sex and denial of feelings uwu
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18
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The sun searing your skin wakes you. It’s too bright, and too hot, and your body feels stiff and aches and –fuck- your throat is dry.
You moan pathetically but keep your eyes closed as your mind struggles to fully awaken. The pain in your rib is still there, and you curse yourself for falling asleep in a careless position.
Your head throbs dully and your mouth feels…
Fucking gross.
You crack open an eye and your headache immediately intensifies.
“Fuck.” You sit up and crack your neck. The fire is dead, burned out entirely. Baekhyun lies at your side, mouth open and saliva seeping into the cloth you’d laid down the day before.
You frown as you notice how closely the two of you slept. His leg thrown over your thigh and the rest of him is barely any farther away. You sigh.
You search the horizon for any signs of life –for any signs of your ship.
Still stranded. Still tired. Still thirsty.
A quick scan of your camp and you find a jug of water Baekhyun had brought over. An idea strikes you. You gingerly push Baekhyun’s leg off of your own and watch him twitch and whimper in his sleep.
Standing up doesn’t require as much effort as it did yesterday. The good thing about this line of work, you heal faster.
Or maybe your pain tolerance is just higher.
Dragging your bare feet in the sand, you walk over to where you’d left your boots, your gun, and the compass.
“What you want most in this world, huh?” you rasp out as you pick up the compass. Right about now, the thing you want most is water. Drinking water. “Let see if this thing really works.”
You open up the device and watch the arrow slowly shift from side to side before it finally settles. You let out an impressed exhale as it points towards the jug of water on the other end of the camp. You follow the compass’s direction, strangely impressed, beyond where Baekhyun is sleeping and on further.
Then it turns around.
You freeze in your spot.
You walk forward and it continues pointing in the opposite direction. You look over your shoulder to follow the direction of the arrow with your eyes and then close them uneasily. Maybe it got turned around. You follow it, and walk passed Baekhyun’s sleeping form. You nearly sigh in relief when it continues to point beyond him.
And then it turns around again.
“No way.”
No matter where on the beach you find yourself walking, it always ends up pointing back to the same spot.
To Baekhyun.
You finally decide to walk up to him –the compass right above him- and want to laugh in disbelief. It spins slowly, almost happily, in circles. You scowl and toss it in the sand by the extinguished fire.
“It has to be broken,” you reason. He must be wearing something that messing with the polarity of it. He’s doing something to fuck it up.
You trod angrily over to the jug of water and chug it as if you’ll never be able to drink it again. It soothes your throat only slightly, and you still feel gross all over from the hangover.
You sit down forcefully, wanting to aggravate your injury.
Why would it point to him? The two of you have only recently gotten past the archenemy phase. You’re friends… friendsly… acquaintances…
Maybe he’s lying on something important to you and you should try it again once he’s moved.
You stare at him as if it’s his fault for this happening. It is. He twitches and whimpers some more in his sleep.
Something in your chests flutters grossly.
You’ll go collect firewood.
Venturing as far into the woods as you can without losing your way; you pick up wood that could be used to make a new fire.
You definitely do not think about that compass or Baekhyun.
If it takes you a few hours longer than realistically needed just to collect wood, you don’t care.
When you emerge from the trees you notice that Baekhyun is awake and gone from his spot by the fire. You drop your armful of wood to watch him cast a line out to sea instead. When the fuck did he find a fishing rod?
After some debating, you walk over to his side.
There’s a handful of fish already piled behind him. You watch the waves lap at your bare toes.
“You left earlier,” he states.
“I wanted to get some more firewood.”
“I uh, I see that you caught some fish?”
A nod. “I figured we’d get hungry soon.”
You nod back. You feel heat creeping up your neck. Why is this so uncomfortable?
“Sorry for falling asleep during my watch…I was more tired than I thought,” he flushes.
“It’s okay. Nothing happened to us. It was a long day. I understand.”
He reels in the line and sticks the rod in the sand. You look back down at the fish he’d caught in your absence. “Should we uh…eat?”
“Yeah, food sounds great,” he sounds almost relieved at the escape from conversation, and hurriedly reaches down to grab all of the fish before you can even begin to bend down.
He stumbles a bit in the sand and you watch his ears flame red in embarrassment.
“I just think it’s obvious”
You shake off Jongin’s words and follow after the man you’ve maybe started to see in a new light.
You hand Baekhyun matches as he nurses a new fire to life, and you try to expel the feeling of feeling useless. Of feeling babied. You aren’t accustomed to this.
Once the fire is started, you make quick work of cutting open and gutting your fish. The thought of eating makes your stomach growl angrily. You risk a glance in Baekhyun’s direction to find him staring at the fish in his hand, knife raised, but not making any move to start cutting it open.
“You okay?” you ask hesitantly.
He blinks up at you and grimaces at the intestines at your side. “Yeah I’m fine, I just…”
He doesn’t like dealing with guts. He doesn’t have to say it. You can read him clearly.
You sigh. “Hand it over.” You hold out your gutted fish. “You cook, and I’ll gut. Sound good?” He sags in relief and takes the fish from your hand, replacing it with his own.
You work dutifully as a team. You cut them open and remove the intestines –the bones too if you’re feeling generous; you hand them to Baekhyun; Baekhyun cooks them over the fire. Working together, the process moves quickly. You eat in a comfortable silence once it’s all done.
The sun lowers in the sky, and another look at the pitiful pile of wood that you carried over is all it takes to realize you’ll both be fucked if you have to last through the night with it.
“I should go find some more wood before it gets too dark out,” Baekhyun voices your thoughts. He stands up and dusts off his pants.
You move to stand up as well. “I’ll go with you-”
“No, you already went earlier. And you’re still injured, just…just wait here.”
“Baekhyun…this is not the worst injury that I’ve faced. I can go with you to get some fucking firewood-”
“You just don't know how to fucking follow directions do you-”
“Fuck you!” You push up on your feet with determination and refuse to show a single sign that your body is protesting with every movement –because you have a point to prove. He’s been taking care of nearly everything without complaint and you don’t know why but it’s pissing you off.
The way he’s acting all of a sudden is pissing you off.
You meet his eyes in a glare that doesn’t hold as much heat as you want it to and break it off before he can watch you cringe in pain. You stomp off in the direction of the trees and don’t stop to catch him following you with his eyes.
Driven purely by dumb pride, you start to collect as much wood as you can before the sun disappears and you can no longer see in front of yourself. A part of you knows that snapping like that was uncalled for (especially with the shift in you and Baekhyun’s relationship), but a larger part of you is afraid of what it would mean if you and him were to suddenly…get along.
What would it mean if you enjoyed talking to him? If you wanted to be around him for more than just the bouts of sex you had in the past? What would happen if you allowed yourself to just…like him?
He’s been too nice.
You’ve been too nice.
This isn’t the lifestyle for childish stomach flips and blushes at kind words.
You’re both killers. You’re killers and you’re pirates and you’re cutthroat and two days on an island isn’t going to change that.
Even if you’d like to pretend for just a while that it does.
The sun meets the horizon and the sky is painted in rainbows. Taking that as your sign to return to camp, you walk back with slow steps.
Your head is confused.
Or maybe it’s your heart.
Baekhyun has already returned by the time you’re back. The last flare is in his hand. You watch him light it and aim it high in the air. Red explodes above him –falls around him in a shower of color that makes him look unreal.
You feel sick to your stomach.
Silence consumes you as you both sit on opposite sides of the fire, the last of the wood you’d gathered that morning burning away quickly.
You grab a container of watered down beer and try to distract yourself from wandering thoughts.
Baekhyun fiddles with something from his spot. Initially, you plan on ignoring him, but the pensive look on his face sparks your interest. You squint and crane your neck to get a better view of what has him so lost in thought.
The compass.
“Have you tried it?”
Baekhyun looks up at your voice.
You try again. “The compass, have you tried it?”
He shakes his head. “Don’t know what I want.”
“Scared to find out?” His lips set in a line at your question. His gaze fixes on yours.
“Have you tried it?” You feel your heart beat race at the question being turned on you. At the fear of being caught. He wouldn’t let you live it down if he knew. You could try to explain all you wanted but he would always hold it over you.
But he doesn’t know that it pointed to him. He can’t know that. “Yeah, it spun around like crazy. I think it’s broken,” you lie easily.
His eyebrows furrow at your answer. You swallow the lump in your throat and break eye contact to focus on the compass in his hands. It opens; you glance at his expression to catch him frowning. The compass closes with a clack. He opens it again.
“Damn thing is broken,” is all he says.
You feel your stomach in your throat when you scramble to your feet and say, “Let me see. Where did it point?”
The panic that flashes in his eyes is clear as day. He tosses the compass off to the side carelessly, before you can get close enough to see for yourself.
“Told you I don’t know what I want. Neither does it,” he grumbles with finality.
You glare at him. He glares at the fire.
You’re both lying.
You pick the compass back up and open it, only to watch it slowly start leaning in his direction once again. You close it with a snap.
Neither of you is willing to call the other out on it.
You hold back a groan and walk back over to your spot. You sit down with a moan of pain and a whispered curse under your breath. Baekhyun looks up and then away. You pretend that you don’t notice.
A swig of beer and you exhale. Things were so much easier between you when all you wanted to do was kill each other.
What do you want now?
“Why do you wear the eye patch?” He brushed you off the last time you asked, and your own curiosity is getting the best of you. It’s not as though you’re asking to pull the conversation away from dangerous territory –not at all. “Your eye is fine. Why wear the eye patch?”
He shrugs. “It’s sexy.”
You chuck the beer at his head. He laughs –more relaxed. The earlier tension dissipates.
“I’m serious! It started out like that. I tried it out because I look sexy as fuck, and then people started making up crazy stories for how I’d lost it. I liked hearing what people had to say. My fighting didn’t really change because of it, so I just…kept it on. Captain Byun Baekhyun, the sexy pirate who can fight with one eye closed.” He smiles proudly and you snort.
He drinks what’s left in the container you pitched at his head.
“You should keep it off…more often. You’ve got nice eyes. I’m sure you would get just as much attention when people can see them both.” You roll your eyes at yourself and focus on the fire in front of you. He blinks, taken aback.
Neither of you dare try to pick the conversation back up.
It’s in the middle of the night when you see lights on the water. Clearly that of a ship in the distance. Baekhyun has fallen asleep at your side. Drank himself to bed hours ago.
You can’t make out the ship, but you notice the dark sails immediately. You shake Baekhyun awake.
“I think they found us!” you tell him excitedly.
He yawns, “Finally.”
Extinguishing the fire, climbing into the lifeboat, and rowing out to the ship sitting in the water feels like the first full breath of fresh air you’ve taken since the storm began all those days ago. Baekhyun rows and you squint in the darkness to make sure that the ship is in fact yours, and not a random vessel that found you both and is here to arrest you, kill you, or both.
The closer you get, the more familiar it looks, and the dark sails are like a safety blanket you didn’t realize you can’t live without.
The sails feel like home.
You scale the ship first and only grunt once at the smarting in your rib. A hand extends to help you the rest of the way on deck. The faces of your crew greet you. Worried. Relieved. You feel your own emotions mirroring that shown in their expressions.
Belatedly, you remember Baekhyun climbing up behind you. You turn around to hold out your hand; giving him something to grab so he can be pulled fully aboard. When he climbs up, and the two of you are face to face, nearly breathing each other’s air, he lets go of your hand.
You clench and unclench your fist unconsciously.
At the sight of you both, alive, you’re finally swarmed by the waiting bodies.
“You’re alive!”
“He has two eyes?”
“Oh thank the Gods I thought you’d both been lost to the sea.”
Yixing and Jongin examine you both, twice over. You let them do their checks, and Yixing gives you a disapproving frown when you flinch at his hand on your injured rib.
You don’t get a chance to respond to him when arms wrap around you and you have to bite back a grunt instead. The hold on your middle is tight. It takes a full five seconds for you register that it’s Junmyeon; you sag in his arms as soon as realization hits. This is home. “You idiot. I thought I’d lost you.”
You hear the raw worry in his voice. Clenching his shirt in your fingers, you return the embrace. “I’m okay. I’m here. I’m safe,” you assure him. And you are. Everything worked out fine (thankfully) and you try to stave off the feeling of guilt. He watched Baekhyun get swept away and then you were lost immediately after. Junmyeon has a soft heart, always has. You feel like shit for causing him stress like this.
He pulls away only to put both his hands on your cheeks and look over your face. You smile tiredly. The exhaustion of everything is starting to hit you full force now that you can really let your guard down.
His eyes glance at your side and a small smile finds its way on his lips. “I’m surprised you didn’t kill each other.”
“He’s on my crew. You know how I am about my crewman,” you respond.
His hands drop from your face, and you risk a glance behind you. Baekhyun is facing similar treatment and seems preoccupied trying to convince a crying Sehun that he a) isn’t dying and b) didn’t grow an eye overnight.
When you turn back to Junmyeon, he has on a shit-eating grin.
You frown. “Don’t look at me like that. I nearly died a few days ago,” you warn. His smile doesn’t lessen. Lacking the energy to fight, you try to change the conversation. “How is that song coming along? You done any soul searching in my absence?”
Something akin to excitement flashes across his face. “It’s louder now; more clear. I think I can use it better to get us through the next trials. It’s been trying to help us avoid the worst of it. I realized when it suddenly started screaming as soon you both fell overboard.” The light in his eyes dims a bit. “Are you okay after that?”
“I think my rib is fractured, but it’s nothing serious. We’re both fine for the most part.”
“I didn’t ask about Byun-”
“Junmyeon don’t test me right now-”
He laughs loudly. His entire face scrunches up in joy, and even if you wanted to be mad at him…you can’t. His arm comes to rest over your shoulders. “You need some rest before we head to Isla de Sirena –both of you.” His voice raises enough to catch Baekhyun’s attention as well. The two of you share a look. Something unspoken about your time on the island passes between you.
We won’t speak of it.
He cuts the shared glance short and walks off towards the crew cabins, hands in his pockets.
Before you can stalk off to your quarters, or more reasonably, the infirmary, Jongin blocks your path.
He examines you seriously. “Did something happen between you and Captain?”
“No. Nothing happened,” you respond shortly. “Things are the same as always.”
If he catches you looking towards the crew cabins again…he doesn't mention it.
You let Yixing guide you to the infirmary with soft words and scolds about being careless with a fracture like the one he fears you may have. You let him poke and prod you while Jongin goes off to check on Baekhyun.
“Does it hurt when I touch here?”
“What about here?”
“…no but it’s a bit tender.”
“Okay. How about here-”
“Alright I will take that as a yes.” Yixing scribbles something down on a parchment he keeps to keep track of injuries on the ship. You grind your teeth together to keep from making more noises of pain. “Yeah it seems like your lower rib experienced a fracture, but it’s not severe. Your breathing isn’t affected and you experience most of your discomfort when you move. I'll get something cold for you to put on the affected area.” He looks thoughtfully at the swelling at your side. “Other than that and recommending that you rest, practice taking deep breaths, and coughing to keep your airways clear, I’ve got nothing else for you.”
“And no drinking until you’ve healed.”
Yixing almost looks smug. “You heard me Captain. Alcohol will only hinder your healing process. I’m putting a ban on you from the liquor storage until further notice.”
You open your mouth to argue, but the serious look in his eyes is enough to get you to close your mouth.
“I’m going to talk to Jongin about your condition and see if he has any suggestions or concerns. He has a bit more experience than I do in this area. He’s actually trained on internal injuries,” Yixing sighs to himself. “You should probably eat something and then head to bed until tomorrow. There’s no rush to continue the mission so soon. Rest up and get your strength back.” He pats the top of your head affectionately and walks out of the room leaving you with your thoughts.
That night you lie in bed with a weight on you that you can’t figure out. You’re happy to be back, more than anything.
But why is there a part of you that still wishes you were back on that island?
What happened there; stays there. You have to remember that. You were both in survival mode, that’s all. You only had each other so you leaned on each other in a moment of need.
Things will go back to the way they were as soon as you settle back into your routine. That’s for the best.
You can forget about worried looks and bright laughs from the man you only expect smirks and cold chuckles of. You can forget about falling asleep giggling by the fire together because you’ll go back to screaming at any given moment. You can forget about staring at each other in silence just taking in the others’ features, for harsh wordless sex in Arae motel rooms.
You try to reassure yourself that things will go back to normal.
But for some reason, the idea of things going back the way they were, settles bitter in your heart.
You pull your blanket over your head and force yourself to go to sleep. You don’t like where your head is at.
It takes a full week of rest and a bunch of begging before you can convince some of your crew to have a meeting about the next trial. You understand that you’re still healing but you feel leagues better than you did originally, and you are antsy to get things back to normal.
If the ship can’t sail to Isla de Sirena, then the least you all can do is discuss it.
You aren’t familiar with the island, nor are you familiar with the maidens that are rumored to inhabit it. You keep most of your dealings away from the general area of the island. It’s not rumored to be dangerous for nothing.
And when you were a child, you saw one of the monsters a ship brought back to your port, so you know that this area is littered with dangers. You know that beastly things hide below the blue waters.
It had been dead for a long time, the body of the monster you saw as a child. It’s body rancid and decomposing by the second, but it was…impressive. It was nearly a third the size of the ship, and the crewmen were so proud of their kill that they brought it for the people at home to marvel over.
And oh did everyone marvel. Eyes wide and ears tuned into their every word as they spun tails of how they were attacked and nearly lost half of their crew to the beast. You can remember staring into the glassy eyes of the monster and seeing your own reflection in them. And you didn't feel fear, but instead a sense of wonder.
This is what the secrets of the ocean looked like.
You were pulled home by your mother not long after. She didn’t like you hanging around the sailors and pirates who only docked to boast of their travels and treasures.
At least you’d have halfway made her proud –you think.
Sitting on your bed with your legs folded under you, you wait impatiently for the meeting you’d called to start. The ship has been sitting here for days, it’s not as though anyone is doing anything. With the ship still, the crew is basically on an unofficial vacation.
You finished lunch half an hour ago and now you’re just waiting on everyone else.
Chanyeol is the first one to knock on your door and you don’t even get the chance to say ‘come in’ before he is already walking into the room.
He smiles brightly and sits at your meeting table, eyes wandering around the room curiously before landing on your blank gaze.
“How’s the rib?”
You manage enough of a glare at the question that he shuts up and goes back to looking around the room, for a distraction now you assume.
Baekhyun comes in second, no knock, no words to announce himself. He sits at the table with Chanyeol without a single glance your way. Your eye twitches in annoyance.
Things since you got back on the ship between the two of you have been weird. You aren’t sure why exactly, but because you haven’t resumed fighting like usual, a tension just sits over you both.
It’s gotten to a point where you’ve actively tried to talk to him to figure out what the fuck happened all of a sudden. Fighting, you expected. Being friends, something like you were on the island, you might have welcomed. But you did not expect…this. A silent treatment????
He’s giving you the equivalent of an adult silent treatment, and it’s driving you apeshit. You aren’t sure what caused it. What was the reason? But it doesn’t matter because you know one thing.
If he wants to act childish, then you can act absolutely infantile.
“Are you sure nothing happened on the island?” you hear Chanyeol murmur to Baekhyun from across the room. You would roll your eyes at the poor excuse of a whisper, if you could be bothered to react.
“No,” comes back Baekhyun’s simple reply. “We’re just tired of fighting nonstop after spending those days fucking trapped together. Even I need time to recover after two days of torture.”
At this you do roll your eyes, and you swing your legs out of your bed to put your boots on before Junmyeon and Minseok can join you.
You spare the compass on your nightstand a glance and scowl at it before you stand, and stomp over to the table.
You slam your hand down on the table and give them both a look that could kill. “Do not test me today. I’m not in the mood, and I’m feeling a bit bloodthirsty after days not moving around. Let’s keep this meeting easy and quick.”
The door sounds with a knock again.
“We’re here,” you call. You lean back away from the table, frown set in place.
The door opens and Minseok and Junmyeon walk in together. Junmyeon gives you a small smile and Minseok offers a nod.
“Since we’re all here, let’s get started shall we?”
While your men have a seat, you walk over to a stack of your treasured papers. You struggle to find the map given to you by Irene and a parchment so that you can jot down anything that seems of import during this discussion. When you turn around, they’re all engaged in easy conversation and they’ve all comfortably found seats around the table.
The only one left is at Junmyeon’s left.
And Baekhyun’s right.
You feel your face twitch ever so slightly as you make your way back over with your treasures and set them on the table. Ignoring the man on your left, you turn to everyone else.
“I know that we have a few people here with experiences with Isla de Sirena and knowledge of sirens in general. I for one, have no fucking god damned clue what to expect, and would like to take this time for us all to get on the same page.” You slide the map farther into the center. “So what the fuck makes these bitches so scary?”
“Their song, that’s what,” Chanyeol supplies easily. As if it’s obvious.
You close your eyes to hold in your frustration. “I got that. But why? How?”
Minseok leans forward and looks at the map with his powerful eyebrows quirked in interest. “It’s what makes them able to disguise themselves. The song is so powerful that it has the ability to alter your other senses.”
“You smell what they want you to smell, you see what they want you to see. If they’re strong enough, they can even make you feel things that aren’t actually there,” Baekhyun adds on. You don’t look his way.
“Do you think they could shift into members of the crew?” you whisper to Junmyeon. He shrugs. You turn the question to Chanyeol. “Is there a pattern to how they disguise themselves? Sehun said that they can turn into whatever you find most beautiful; can they change into normal people? How does that work?”
Chanyeol shakes his head. “That’s what makes them so dangerous. As a first line of defense they can appear as whatever they think will lower your guard. It puts you in a kind of haze, makes you want to trust them. If that doesn’t work and you’re expecting it, they could switch into people they see. In theory, if they could get aboard, they could turn into anyone on the crew.”
“So what the fuck do they want? Why go through all of this?”
Baekhyun answers again, “They’re monsters. They don’t have a motive. Just want to kill and cause chaos.”
Junmyeon leans over to whisper in your ear, “Not the sexy songstresses you were expecting huh?”
“I mean they still sound kind of sexy. Chaos is kinda hot,” you laugh out softly.
His face scrunches up in a silent laugh and you hear someone clear their throat. You and Junmyeon break up from your childish whispering to catch Baekhyun shooting daggers at you both, Chanyeol looking on, a bit mushy, like he just caught two school kids with crushes on each other flirting poorly, and Minseok just looks flat out amused.
“Are you two done?” Baekhyun bites out.
“Sorry!” Junmyeon apologies, flushes a bit, but you catch a hint of triumph in his face that he tries to hide with embarrassment. What the fuck. “So we just have to find a way to block out their song, keep them from getting aboard, and kill them right?”
“It’s not that easy dumbass.”
“Whatever.” Baekhyun defiantly crosses his arms over his chest. Junmyeon on your other side looks a bit too pleased with himself for your liking. Suddenly this meeting is wearing on your nerves. You pinch the bridge of your nose and look at Minseok for help. He shrugs, a small smile twitching at his lips.
Chanyeol looks back and forth between everyone at the table, and presses on. “It’s more of a willpower thing. You need to be mentally strong. You can’t just block it out, unless you’ve got something that can completely cancel out all the sounds in the world.”
“Willpower? We should make sure to lock Sehun below deck then,” Junmyeon murmurs to you.
This time you can’t hold back a short laugh.
“Uhh…well, I think this meeting has gone splendidly,” Minseok says with a smile too mischievous to mean anything good. “We should do this again sometime.”
“We should head out tomorrow,” you start. Energized at the thought of being back up and moving again. This fracture ruined your life over the last few days. “Let’s rest up tonight and get this mission back on the road. That good with everyone?” you ask the table.
“Ay Captain.”
“Baekhyun?” Junmyeon asks with an innocent smile. “That work for you?”
The glare Junmyeon gets in return is as if he personally murdered Baekhyun’s family. It’s overkill. It’s annoying. You punch Baekhyun in the arm, hard.
“You didn’t answer the question jackass.”
“Whatever,” he rolls his eyes. You want to kill him.
“You are so fucking childish-” you whisper murderously.
“Junmyeon, Chanyeol, can I talk to you both in the armory? I need your eyes to check our weapons before we reach the island.” Minseok stands and grabs the back of Chanyeol’s neck to drag him out of his seat. You don’t miss the secretive smirks your first mate and gunner share as they glide out of the room, dragging Chanyeol along.
Not seeing any point in staying at the table, you stand up and look down at Baekhyun. “You’re dismissed. Get lost.”
He laughs sourly and stands up abruptly, his chair scraping harshly against the floor as he walks over to your open door. He pauses and you feel the last of your patience run out once he shuts the door and turns around, a scowl set on his face.
“What the hell are you waiting for?” you growl out, but the question doesn’t hold nearly as much venom as it did in the past.
He stomps over to you and you figure it’s about time that the two of you go back to shouting profanities in each other’s faces until you’re red and out of breath and reaching for your weapons. His behavior these last few days has been uncalled for. From ignoring you, to being a dick to Junmyeon, to…to just fucking existing.
God you hate him.
You hate him so fucking much.
The toes of his shoes are against yours when he stops, chest heaving in angry breaths. You can feel your own blood boiling. You hate him. You hate him. You hate each other.
“What the hell are you waiting f-”
And then his mouth is on yours.
Like magnets of opposite polarities, you always come back to one another.
Neither of you know when you became each other’s most frequent fuck, but somewhere along the way it became your reality. You’ll fuck others, kiss others, date others, but you always come back.
You both do.
When hate is there to overshadow any other feeling, it’s easy to pretend it’s all just lust, all just comfort in bodies.
But for how long was it not just that? How long was hate a crutch that you could lean on when other feelings started to emerge? How long did you cower behind hate?
You don’t want to think on it, not right now. And neither does he. You’re both riled up and feeling something so potent bubbling under your skin. Something that neither of you are willing to touch with a 10-foot pole. No desire to unmask it.
Not yet.
Not now.
“I hate you so fucking much,” you murmur against his lips as you hastily untie the strings on his shirt, fingers itching to touch skin. To feel his skin beneath your fingertips. Skin burning with life. With fire. With passion.
“I know,” he breathes out. Mind jumbled as long fingers pull your shirt off your body in a rush. “I know you do.”
Your chest hurts. It hurts to breathe. Hurts to lie so easily knowing now that it’s a lie. It’s a lie. You’re both still lying.
His hand burns from the small of your naked back, all the way to your ass where he squeezes, pulls you closer. You moan and he swallows it, tongue swiping easily into your mouth, and you can’t think.
You just feel too hot. Too many clothes. You aren’t close enough. You feel desperate. So desperate that you can almost feel tears springing to your eyes.
“Fuck me,” you pant. His mouth moves to your neck and sucks eagerly at skin. You grab his hair and allow him to place bites, licks, open-mouthed kisses as he grinds against you. Your legs wobble, but you hold onto him like a lifeline. You reach a hand into his pants and he gasps into your neck as you stroke him to full hardness. It’s too much.
It’s not enough.
You pull his head away from your neck to look him in his eyes, blown wide with desire and you’re sure your own are a mirror image. “I want you to fuck me Baekhyun. Right now,” you growl out.
The hunger in his eyes makes your heart race, makes your body react, makes you want all of him. Whatever he’s willing to give.
You trip, stumble, collapse onto your bed in a mess of limbs and laughs. You both shuck off the rest of your clothes and finally, finally you feel nothing but skin against your own.
You feel pathetic, so needy, so desperate, and you’re begging. You’re begging for him to push himself inside of you.
You can’t help it.
It’s not like he doesn’t like it. He fucking loves the sound of you desperately chanting his name. Losing your sense and falling victim to raw desire. The words fall from your lips like worship, like a prayer said for only him.
Right there.
Faster, faster.
Oh fuck, Baekhyun.
Please. Please. Please.
He gets drunk off the sound of it. Off the moans, off the sounds of skin meeting skin, off the feeling of you coming undone around him.
He can feel his own end nearing and his own desperation picks up. Hips picking up pace, breaths coming out harder.
And you thread your fingers in his hair and pull him down into a kiss. Slower, deeper than the others before. “Come on Baekhyunnie, come on,” you whisper against his lips, eyes locking on his.
And he loses himself.
Shaking, hips stuttering, cock pulsing inside of you. You watch him, enrapt by the sight and he closes his eyes. The energy leaves him and he presses his face in the crook of your neck and lies on top of you. Gathering his senses. Gathering his breath.
You stroke his hair and back while his breath puffs against your neck. He shifts so that his weight isn’t fully on you, but enough is that he can continue to blanket you in his warmth and let you continue to play with his hair like this.
It’s intimate.
Scarily so.
It’s at this moment that the both of you accept that there’s no going back after this.
Something’s changed.
You don’t hate each other. No not at all.
Not one little bit.
Maybe you never really did.
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writingsorrantings · 4 years
Friends Don’t Look at Friends That Way Pt 3 (jj x reader)
(Final chapter)
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Word Count: 2k
Warnings: Alcohol mentions, light mention of abuse, angst 
Music Rec: Mean It - Gracie Abrams (OOF not a perfect fit but damn)
Part One  Part Two
Recap: “She reached into the backseat and handed you the bottle you had snagged earlier and after spinning the top off you took your first of many shots that night. “You deserve to have a good night. Without JJ. Let’s fucking do this.”
After a week of feeling nothing but stress and hurt, you were more than happy to take a break from feeling anything at all, including all of your limbs. You had never been as drunk as you were tonight, but you wouldn’t consider yourself trashed yet. You and Kie had only been at the beach for about a half hour, staying regulated to the mob of dancing people, yet you still hadn’t run into any of the guys. Although you missed John B and Pope you were in no rush to see JJ tonight. That being said, you couldn’t wait for him to see you. At this point most of the anger you had felt had dissipated and you were focused solely on having a good time no longer needing the help of the boy you thought was your best friend. 
Another song had started and it was one of your favorites. The lights hung up around the beach were blurred as you spun, hands in the air and hips moving. You had ditched your shoes a while back and you sunk your toes into the still warm sand smiling because you felt great. The thoughts that had been plaguing you were replaced with nothing but the lyrics of the song booming from the speakers and the hope of food soon. Vodka and beer had done their job tonight. You were brought back to reality seconds later when a tall body pushed against your back and an arm was secured around your shoulders. You tensed up, but kept dancing. Hell, you were drunk and maybe the guy was cute.
 “Hey (y/n)! Where’ve you been? We missed you!”
 The drunken words of John B. floating into your ear made you soften into his embrace gently hitting his chest for getting your hopes up. You both remained arms around each other as you made your way to get another drink. Leaning on each other for balance, the only way you could describe it was blind leading the blind, but it felt nice to stumble around with your friend clinging to you.  
“Livin’ and breathing babe, just livin’ and breathing.”
“And drinking apparently.” John B. chuckled at his own joke stopping only to continue his questioning. “What’s really going on? I mean you went AWOL, JJ’s been tripping shit, and even Pope is weirder than usual. Is it something I did?” John B. knew what it was about, but even with a mind clouded with cheap beer, he knew that you would confess to him before you ever let him blame himself. 
“No, no! B. it has nothing to do with you, I’ve missed you soooo much.” You cringed at the prominent slurring of the words. “I love you John B. you are the greatest…I just...JJ has an issue with me and I don’t know what to do. I mean he won’t talk to me and I… I wish I was mad, but honestly I just miss him.” 
“JJ is a dumbass, (y/n), you know sometimes he just gets like that.”
“Yeah, I know. It’s just never with me.”
John B. started to get frustrated. He loved you because you were a part of his found family. It was complete bullshit that JJ’s stubborn ass had not only separated you from the group, but also had deeply hurt your feelings and John wouldn’t stand for that. 
“C’mon let’s go dance. We can have fun.” he said as he pushed your hair back smiling. You both downed your freshly filled drinks and  made your way back to your previous spot.
JJ was the polar opposite of you, his mood worsening by the minute but he wouldn’t let that stop him. He decided to stay towards the edges of the crowd, finding a girl every so often that he would begin to flirt with. He had already talked to about four girls, but each time proved less fruitful than the last. The latest tourist he had sat down with was talking to him about something, but JJ could not be less bothered with it. It wasn’t that he was trying to ignore her, but when he saw you and John B. dancing in the crowd all he could hear was a ringing in his ears. After a week of doing everything in his power to compartmentalize his emotions for you, pandora’s or in this case JJ’s box went flying open and all of the feelings and memories came back. The tourist noticed he wasn’t listening and huffed carrying herself over to another attractive boy and JJ didn’t even flinch. 
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. He wanted nothing more to replace John B. and dance with you. Shit he’d even settle for just sitting on the beach, no words, just enjoying each other’s presence. He couldn’t deny it, you looked great. Oh god, his eyes made their way to your almost bare back, only a small string tied holding the top around you. Continuing his gaze downward, he focused on your ankle to find that you were still wearing the anklet that he stole for you about two years back. His eyes flitted back up when you flipped your hair, the loose beachy waves bouncing back into place below your shoulders and his fingers itched to go over and push the one stray behind your ear so he could see your smile better. Braces had corrected your horrendously crooked teeth when you were younger, but one tooth on the bottom shifted ever so slightly. No one could see it unless you were truly smiling, not just faking it. JJ was the first to notice the tooth and quickly figured out this secret. He decided to keep his little discovery to himself. Next he admired your subtle freckles that dusted your cheeks and nose. You were practically glowing. And that hurt like a bitch. It just proved his point that you were better off without him. Yet, before he knew it his feet were carrying his alcohol riddled body towards your dancing figure unsure of what he was planning on doing once he reached you. 
Out of nowhere you feel someone’s eyes on you and you quickly glance to see JJ is staring at you from where he is seated and you knew that your plan was working. His face was soft, jaw slack and he had a hand tugging at his hair.  You quickly put your focus back on Kie and John B., but not even a minute had passed before JJ was in front of you an unreadable expression on his face. You felt like you were going to shit yourself(not really but frankly you were looking for any way out of this situation.) 
Your brain was going a hundred miles a minute but you wouldn’t let him see that.
JJ couldn’t will his voice to be steady so he settled for a head gesture to a quieter place outside the crowd and put out his hand for you to take. You glanced at his hand dumbfounded, but your composure remained steady as you pushed past his hand to head outside the dancing mob. He hurt your feelings. You’re talking to get closure. Answers. Nothing else. You sat down on a log and JJ carefully sat down next to you, neither of you looking at the other, instead focusing intently on the waves in front of you. Gave you a feeling of dejavu, but the pit in your stomach reminded you it wasn’t.
 “How are you?” JJ said, taking the lead in the conversation.
“What do you think?”
“I...I’m sorry (y/n)--”
“--Don’t be sorry, I’m fucking fantastic actually. Life gets a lot better when people stop pretending to give a shit.”
“(y/n), come on that’s not fair. You know I care.”
A memory of JJ consoling you in the middle of the night hit you like a ton of bricks. You had gotten into a fight with your parents over the immense pressure they put on you to perform. They were so intent on you being successful, the need to be perfect was always present in your mind and JJ was very understanding. He was one of the few to check up on you, the girl who was always there for everyone else. That night he held you while you were sobbing and crumpled on the floor. He never told you but that night his dad had hit him a few times, yet he still took care of you physically and mentally. Despite the aching in the bruised shoulder you were leaning against, he stayed still only moving to slightly rock you and kiss your head. After you had calmed down and helped onto the bed, he grabbed your pj’s for you to change into while he snuck downstairs to get you a glass of water, an Advil, and ice cream. When he came back up, your head was propped up on his shoulder while you ate and watched Netflix.
Ouch... how could two people go from that to this? No! No. Don’t let him do this. Care?! No he cared! Cause if he still did he would at least talk to you!
“How would I know? You haven’t talked to me.” 
JJ didn’t know how to respond. You were right. No questions asked. God he loves you so much but he can’t risk hurting you anymore than he already has.
With no pause, his response came out in a whisper, “I’ll always care about you (y/n). No matter what.”
“So then what happened? Why…I just don’t know... Did I do something?” you said, the alcohol pushing you to form incoherent but honest sentences. At this point you had shifted your body to face him and all bets were off. Tears had filled your eyes as you prepared for the worst. 
JJ mimicked your body language and grabbed your hand as if to make sure he got his point across while saying “no” forcefully. He wasn’t aggressive, rather he was just intense and his eyes bore into your own matching that energy. At this point you were frozen. It just doesn’t make sense. How could he ignore you for a week with no reason, but look at you like that. 
“JJ. Just tell me. Whatever it is, I’m here and you know that.”
He wouldn’t. He couldn’t. It would mess up everythi-- “I love you.”
Your lips parted and your eyes grew wide. You and JJ were always close, but even as friends you guys had found your way to maneuver your way around those words, so you knew what he meant. You couldn’t take your eyes off of him, but his eyes were darting around focusing on anything other than your own. 
“Fucking hell JJ…Wait is this why...You ignored me because of this?” you chuckled. Before he had time to misinterpret it you continued, “JJ I love you too. I was going crazy without you. I was so scared you had found out and were never gonna talk to me again.” 
“God (y/n) you just.. I mean I just didn’t--don’t want to hurt you.”
“And you thought this was a good idea?” At this point you were both laughing and leaning against each other. 
JJ sat back up facing you and then glanced down at your lips and then back up at your eyes. For once he was afraid of making the first move. He would only do this if you wanted to. You wouldn’t wait a second more slowly bringing your lips to meet his own and dove your fingers into his hair as he held your hip under your shirt gently squeezing. As you pulled away all you could do was smile and JJ was the same.
“Can’t tell you how long I’ve waited to do that. I mean tonight you looked so good I couldn’t---” JJ was interrupted by John B. as your three friends approached.
“---Can’t be much longer than we waited. Shit, you finally made a good choice.” 
JJ tossed an arm around you pulling you to his chest as you all laughed.Your friends joined you on and around the log passing a cup around laughing and singing happy to finally be together again. JJ leaned closer and put his lips right next to your ear and whispered.
“Yeah, I think I did.”
And that’s a wrap!! Thank you so much everyone who left notes and comments it really inspired me to write more so I really do appreciate it. The quarantine has been difficult, but getting kind messages from you all has been so helpful. Hope you are all doing well. Let me know if you have any requests. Thank you guys!!!
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@ ashhh27, @sarahsmaybank​, @tempestades-de-verao​
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