#the system sucks in case anyone didn't know already
darkangel0410 · 2 months
Hey, guys, I'm sorry to be asking for help again, but the friend I was staying with while I was apartment hunting kicked me out and I'm staying at a (cheap) hotel with my kids, and I could use some help with paying for the room while I still look for an apartment
cashapp: $darkangel0410
Please reblog, thank you ♥️♥️♥️
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decolonize-the-left · 6 months
You are literally going to get people killed by pushing them to vote third party. People voting third party is why Trump won in 2016, which allowed him to stack the Supreme Court with conservative garbage which is going to negatively affect us for DECADES to come (already has, since it led to the repeal of Roe v. Wade which has LITERALLY killed people). I'm baffled, because you've done so much good work on this website (like I still go back and regularly reread your posts on whiteness etc because they're so informative), but advocating for voting third party going into one of the most important elections in recent memory is actively harmful.
Like have you heard of Project 2025? In case you haven't it's literally like a 1000 page manifesto for the Republican party to reshape the federal government to essentially let the President become a dictator. It also expressly mentions plans to roll back rights for women, the LGBT community, and pretty much any other minority you can think of. I know things are bad now - not arguing that at all - but if Republicans win next year, things will get EXPONENTIALLY WORSE.
You can sit there and yell about Democrats being "just as bad" until you're blue in the face, but it's literally not true. The Democratic Party itself is obviously just another problematic institution and there are definitely Dems who showed their entire asses with supporting Israel, but like... Progressive Democrats do exist and while they're obviously not perfect, it's absolutely a step in the right direction. Not to mention Republicans literally need to cheat by gerrymandering and attacking voting rights for minorities in order to even get elected in a lot of places, whereas Democrats tend to win when more people are registered and actually show up to vote. They are not the same, and the harm they do is not the same.
Again, I have a lot of respect for the work you do, especially with your recent posts on the Palestinian genocide. But I vehemently disagree with your stance on voting third party in this upcoming election. Ideally I would love if we could vote third party and actually have multiple options that more accurately represent us as a population, but our current system is a two party one and unfortunately we literally do have to vote for the lesser of two evils, because one option sucks but preserves what little democracy we have (and gives us a chance of making it better) and one will literally bring genocide against trans people. I would personally rather not see that happen.
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How can you say this and mention the Palestinian genocide in the same ask.
Democrats are getting people killed. In fact they're committing one of The worst crime against humanity possible and then only thing you're worried about is that things might get worse for gay people if a Republicans wins.
I'm the biggest queer I know. I'm native. I'm brown. I'm almost definitely on a watch list. And listen to me and understand the depth of my words when I say: my people have been oppressed the way Project2025 outlines.
And maybe you personally cared or helped us protest that. But most people didn't. In fact I can't remember the last time the US supported native rights at all.
But now that YOURE under threat I'm supposed to risk my life because the queer community can't be bothered to stop discoursing about neopronouns long enough to actual give an shit about saving the community?
Y'all got a lot of damn nerve, let me tell you.
Go bark up some other tree cuz this is not the one.
Also I'm not pushing anyone to vote 3rd party. I'm laying out facts. Facts are a Gallup poll says 63% of people would vote 3rd party. Facts are my Tumblr poll says that number is STILL at least 45% on the hellsite.
And since people are interested in voting 3rd party they should know their options. The people who say "I would vote 3rd party but they don't have support" also deserve to see the articles that said 63% of people would join them.
They deserve to know that 3rd parties currently hold a not insignificant amount percentage of support from the two main parties. 20% of votes. When 33% is an even split are good odds. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sorry, blue Fascists, but this country is in fact still a democracy and just because you Want people to vote blue doesn't mean they have to and you feeling they're the best doesn't make you right!
Other people aren't "wrong" for not wanting your conservative Jurassic party in power anymore.
They can vote how they want.
And if you see a poll that says 63% of people would rather NOT vote for either major party and your first thought is not: wow 63% is enough to elect someone we want, I'll support that.
And instead you go: how can I force them to vote for my party instead.
Then please understand it is not THEM splitting the vote. Biden will get MAYBE 40% votes. You gonna force 63% of the country to vote for someone they don't even want?
There's a name for that yeah?
How'd it work out in 2016 when y'all "forced" us to vote for Hillary by putting her on the ballot? She lost and she wasn't even actively commiting a genocide.
But you think Biden will not only earn votes from that 63% but he'll also win the election. Against trump. Which less blatantly shitty democrats have struggled to contend with?
Democrats are legitimately delusional.
Your problem is you see Democrats as being better than Republicans. While the rest of us see less and less of a difference every year. And you can only say you're "better" if you're different enough.
See this is what happens when you vote for the "lesser evil." Eventually that evil balances back out and you're left with the truth that your two main options are just evil.
Now the only people actually different enough to make that argument are third parties.
Coincidentally, that's what people are drawn to right now.
I know, go figure. It's almost like it makes sense to lose support when you consistently prop up shitty candidates nobody asked for every 4 years.
We do not have a two party system and you know that, that's why you sent this ask.
Cuz you're stressed dems might lose. Cuz you KNOW people have other options.
Good. Cuz they will lose if Biden is the democrat's nominee and Claudia de la Cruz stays in the race, which she will since she's running with PSL not democrats. So there's no competition. Her party is organized and chosen her and a VP already, she's guaranteed every one of their votes because her party works like a union does.
It's a wrap.
Biden can't use his "lesser evil" script with Claudia De La Cruz on the ballot actively challenging his genocide and imperialism.
Vote Claudia De La Cruz cuz you are a scooping water out of the Titanic trying to get 63% of Americans to think voting for a Genocidal warmonger is what's best for any of us, let alone the planet. And we didn't want him BEFORE he did any of this.
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 5 months
I know we've already said our farewells but after todays BangtanB Admin 2 talked me into writing another tiny post because vmin. Truly as much as we weren't ready for the OT4 live, we hadn't been ready to get this BB so quickly, to see and hear them say goodbye to each other, or for Tae to quite literally apologise to Jimin for not being able to see him off the next day while Jimin told him he had nothing to be sorry for since he was going first.
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Seeing these two say goodbye to each other, it broke my heart on so many levels. Vmin being vmin aside, they are chingu and so incredibly close with each other, mean so much to each other, and yet because of damn enlistment they got separated. I'm glad though that Namjoon has Tae close to him, just like Namjoon said to Tae himself, and that they'll be able to see each other occasionally and perhaps have meals together, though they aren't training together. And before someone asks why Tae and Namjoon didn't use the buddy system like Jimin and JK did and tries to spin some annoying story in our messages, it's because Namjoon is too old for it.
Another tiny tangent I'd like to go on before I continue is that I implore all of you, and especially shippers of one particular ship, to stop romanticising the enlistment experience and all it entails. Enlistment isn't a fun little trip or vacation, it's an unjust gruelling and extremely hard time for all enlisted men. One of the translators for the English edition of the BTS book was asked by ARMY to translate Namjoon's letter on weverse but he declined to do so and gave a very nuanced and important explanation as to why. Please go and read it here. And before anyone comes (again) into our messages and claims I would speak differently if vmin went together, no I would not. This moment in their lives, the enlistment period, it fucking sucks. Plain and simple. We've seen what can happen with idols during enlistment, just look at Taemin's experience, so really, there is nothing nice and fun and chill about it. Or remember the incident with Seokjin and the nurse, hell knows what could've happened. It's hard and awful and it's unfair that after all that they have done, the members were put into a position where they knew there was no way they could not go, even if they would've been given an exemption because that's the kind of pressure they're under. We've seen how uncomfortable his shaved head made Jimin, how sad and devastated Jimin and JK looked in their final lives and in this BB. So set aside your delulu glasses and look at reality, especially as foreigners. We know nothing so let's not act like we know anything.
Anyway, seeing JK approach Namjoon, pet his head and then Namjoon turn around, his eyes turning all soft and fond as he realised it's JK and then enveloped him in a tight hug...and to think that's the hyung because of which JK even joined BH in the first place. My heart. And Namjoon, too, was sad that he wouldn't be able to see JK off the next day either.
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It was sad that we couldn't see Hobi, Seokjin, and Yoongi but we knew that would be the case from past experience. But it was nice to see JK sitting in the car talking and being obviously sad and then Hobi's hand appeared to pat his head to comfort him and JK closed his eyes to enjoy the moment and calm his emotions. Truly the bond the hyungs and maknaes have is beautiful.
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But with that the Tannies are all gone now and it'll be six months on the dot until Seokjin will be released and come back to us for FESTA 2024. But the members repeatedly said they've prepared lots of exciting things for us so we can look forward to that.
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And with this, we say farewell and we hope to see you again healthy and happy and doing well.
As for our blog, with Admin 2's plans for a BL break, we've started watching Love in the Air since it's a very popular BL. Once we'll finish it, we'll let you know what we think of it.
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syscourse-confessions · 8 months
Syscourse replies encouraged... i cant type the emoji LOL
Some people say that non-traumagenic plurals are hurting traumagenic people. Naming names is bad. You've seen people say that, though, obviously. If you are invested in syscourse to any degree, you've probably seen people say that doctors have denied them diagnoses or treatment because DID and OSDD have become "trendy" and they think it's too common, so they won't diagnose anyone with it.
Listen to me closely. For context, I tried to get diagnosed with DID since I was 11 years old. Symptoms start showing up before that, it's perfectly reasonable for me to be self-aware since that diagnosis would've been the only proof I have that I was ever traumatised (other than the proof in my memories obviously). I tried getting diagnosed LONG before TikTok OR Musically existed, AND ALSO BEFORE VINE DIED, and let's be honest, TikTok is where those doctors found out about them. (I say "doctors" because both therapists and psychiatrists can technically diagnose you, even if it's usually more commonly done by therapists who specialise in trauma.)
They will find ANY reason not to diagnose you. My abusers were awful in front of the doctors. I had memories of trauma. I was told once that since I didn't know what the word dissociation meant (since I was 12 and my psychiatrist called it MPD for some reason) that I didn't dissociate. Yep! You don't have the language, so your problem doesn't exist! That's how far doctors are willing to go thanks to the stigma ALREADY EXISTING around plurality and systemhood. I had a therapist who asked me if I had homocidal urges in response to me saying I suspect that I have DID. I had a therapist call them characters and say she wouldn't diagnose me because I had nonhuman alters. I had a therapist (I've gone through a lot of them as you can see) tell me that since I can't remember specific details about my trauma (I was molested frequently as a toddler) then it didn't happen and therefore I don't have it. I was told I don't have it because the alters have different accents!! Some alters have southern accents (I grew up in Florida but then moved to Cali) and others have northern ones, one even has a new york-ish accent that i don't know the technical name of, and they were like. this very common thing you have is the reason i don't think you have it :) awful
(haha like my pun?)
thank u for reading. sorry for yelling at the end there
also it's worth mentioning that earlier this year I did get diagnosed, finally. I figured out that I need to ask our insurance provider for specifically therapists who are trauma specialists, and then the one I found was like "im not qualified enough for this woops" and referred me to an even better trauma specialist who specifically knew about dissociative disorders. so yeah try that i guess LOL. I have every symptom, it turns out. I'm a textbook case. Doctors just suck.
📬- Syscourse replies encouraged
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Thanks for your response. I was the anon who ended the ask with 'the fandom can suck it'. When I saw that anon who you and twinanimatronics had assumed to be the one that keeps you know starting shit with you, I really hated that they labeled us as shipbrain or whatever they said. I am aroace who finds comfort in shipping characters and that doesn't make me any less aroace. Can't people like them just let us have this, let us share it and stop taping our mouths? God. We are not even hurting anyone. I posted a solarxmoon and solarxearth mini comic thing yesterday and behold, I believe that same anon found it and is looking adamantly through the solarxmoon and even solarxearth because I didn't use the tsams tag for my comic. I took the comic down fast and turned off anon messages so quick because God that anon was quick to leave nasty messages, six in total and that was panic attack inducing. I'm sorry for rambling about this. I don't know anyone else who got that same anon on their back. It looks like they are persistent for lack of better term and it annoys me+scares me. Can't even share things I like about here anymore. Hoping solarxmoon becomes canon so that anon can shut up already
If Solar Moon became canon, they don't even need to change anything.
The actors don't even need to pretend to kiss or be romanically involved at all.
It's literally as simple as "Oh yeah, we were dating for months, anyway..."
OH AND... FUCK THAT ANON. I know the user you are talking about, I think there's around two or three of them... and it seems like they're dead set on hunting down people who use that Solarmoon or Solar x Moon tag.
Going into popular users in the tsams fandom that I personally don't know... and spreading bad lies and rumors about me.
Like, they typically try to keep it as vague as possible, like "oh I am not talking about dana-chan-the-control-brain specifically....." but they often steal the exact wording and turn of phrase I use.
Cause I have an overly wordy way of talking on the internet.
I've always been this way since I was 15, so I feel my style of speaking is pretty overly wordy, rambly and long compared to most people just because I don't have a lot to share with my opinions with in real life. And I also misspell things a lot cus spellcheck has gotten worse since it became AI trained and it doesn't help my dyslexia.
But how sad is that? That someone is searching out the tag for a ship that they don't like, claim that "it's everywhere" and I'm "poisoning the fanbase" when I'm just.... here... playing with my own dolls, doing my own thing.... and not bothering anyone... Not even putting the ship in the tags publicly because I have Such respect and love for the silly little youtube show, who also plays with fnaf characters like they're dolls.
(just saying.. "bio-organic" and interdimensional travel did NOT come from fnaf I can tell you that much. )
And yeah, if they're really stumbling across Solarmoon or these ships on accident.......Blacklist the tags and move on? Don't come to my messages... Don't harass my friends...
And don't harass other people I DON'T EVEN KNOW because someone just said "hehe but what if they kissed" on the internet?
Like blocklist the tag, and move on.
I know the blocklisting tagging system sucks sometimes, so maybe it's picking up "Solar" like in that case? Just scroll super fast and don't look at it?
And yeah. You don't deserve those nasty messages sent your way at all!
Oh, and if you feel brave enough to reupload your art to tumblr and DM me, I will gladly reblog it here. <3
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cock-holliday · 11 months
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Cropping out anon's manifesto about the differences between ra/dfe/minism and liberal feminism and why one is superior to the other because...
Fuck both!
Yeah liberal feminism sucks ass, hasn't moved goalposts very far if at all, and like most liberal policies relies on groveling rather than action. Doesn't mean fash-collaborating "feminism" is the only other option, though I know y'all love your binaries.
I employ principles of intersectional feminism, particularly along the ideals of transfeminism and anarchafeminism. Hey whoa 3 whole schools of thought we didn't mention!
Ra/dfe/minism appeals to people because it is motivated by anger. Anger at the system, anger at personal trauma, anger at injustice and misogyny and violence...and then rather than becoming a tool for liberation (like intersectional feminists argue, like transfeminists argue, like anarchafeminists argue) it becomes a tool of repression.
The two biggest issues with ra/dfe/minism is that it 1. conflates "patriarchy" (a system) with "men" (individuals) and 2. relies entirely on upholding the carceral state to make progress.
Ra/dfe/minism has moved a rightful critique of patriarchy to a critique entirely of men. Or rather..."men". RFs feel emboldened to BE the one policing rather than being policed. The urge to come out from under a system's thumb is understandable, the desire to inflict your anger onto others is not.
Women who are "too close" to Men are seen as traitors. Butches who present too masculinely, those who go on hormones, those who get top surgery or go by he/him pronouns are traitors. It doesn't matter to RFs if you ARE a woman, if you're doing it wrong you are "helping the patriarchy". God forbid you decide you ARE a man, then you are a massive traitor. Or you are attracted to men and LIKE men then you are a massive traitor. Bi women are traitors. Trans men are traitors. Transmascs are traitors.
You'd think with how many women and women-adjacent folks they push away, RFs would be desperate for allies, so trans women and transfemmes would be welcome, right? In some cases, outright no (TE-RF) in others at the very least they are on thin ice or have to then prove she isn't "one of the bad ones" to join. As if trans women wouldn't already be isolated by Divine Wombynhood and Holy Pussiness.
The RF perspective on vaginal phrases is a pretty good indicator of where shit went wrong. A movement that wanted to normalize a shamed body part warped into a movement where pussy=woman=good, penis=bad=man. A penis is a weapon of mass destruction, it is for violence, penetration is violence, it is conquering. A morally neutral body part got vilified in the quest to normalize another. Because RFs do not want equality or normalization. They want to be in charge. They want to flex power. They want to be the ones to lash out. It is understandable to come out of adolescence angry at the injustice of womanhood. But while intersectional feminists recognized that all women are bound by misogyny--albiet in different ways--and transfeminists recognized the misogyny trans women face and cis women face are born of the same system, and anarchafeminists recognized that the true enemy of freedom along with patriarchy is forced heirarchy...RFs just see anyone who isn't exactly like them as an invading force.
Men can never be allies in a fight that affects them too because men are inherently evil because of...penis, hormones, masculinity, IDing with maleness...take your pick. Women who like men can never be included in the fight because "men are the enemy."
Men are not the enemy. They can be. So can women. A pro-choice man is more of an ally than an anti-choice woman any day. The issue is the system of patriarchy. Like the system of homophobia. Like the system of racism. Like the system of transphobia. Like like like. They are interconnected struggles. You can't separate women's issues from trans issues from gay issues from Black issues.
RF lenses refuse to ever consider other factors than gender in analyzing oppression. Cis women can be the oppressor of trans women. Straight women can be the oppressor of lesbians. And yes, white women can be the oppressor of Black men. And they rely on patriarchy to do it. Women are helpless meek victims who need protected and have no autonomy, so a Black man looks at you wrong he's a villain. The societal issue at play here isn't "ohhhh so women are bad then, not men?" it's that patriarchy is a system anyone with any axis of power can leverage as a weapon.
So they do. White women sometimes rely on police brutality to settle scores with Black men. They recognize this method doesn't work with white men, without ever questioning what is the difference. Or not caring. Or not Karen. All advocacy under RF is tied to punishment. Death penalty advocacy. "Kill your local rapist" "Kill your local pedophile" "Kill groomers" it's a revenge fantasy, not a liberatory movement!
The system is what happened to you and rather than ever challenge the system, you just want to point it towards who you think deserves the violence. You never imagine that moving away from the violence is possible, or worth trying for.
I saw a post once condemning the idea that "feminism helps men" which mostly hinged on the idea that "under feminism, men will lose that cushy pay gap". The post went on to say "feminism will not help men but they should still support it." Well, under that short-sighted take, feminism "won't help women" then either. White women would get paid the same as women of color, and lose their "cushy pay gap."
Intersectionality would level the playing field for everyone, which means women with power to flex would lose it too. Which is a good thing. Anarchafeminism says no one should have power over anyone else, and combating systems of power relies on dismantling it.
Unless of course you were relying on still maintaining power over other women, while then gaining power over men, in which case, that's not "feminism" that's just taking your share of the white supremacist pie.
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scribblestatic · 7 months
More chubzuku to warm your heart for the day (tw society sucks)
Villain Points: 10. Six one-pointers, two two-pointers, and the zero.
Despite only destroying three machines himself--two-one pointers and the zero--he purposefully lead the other two robots to those with powerful quirks. He would then attract their attention so he could run away with the injured person and commence first aid.
Purposeful teamwork was also considered when it came to heroics, and this metric was applied to all students trying out in the regular exams. It just so happened that most students didn't bother trying to work with others to confront the robotic villains.
Rescue Points: 84.
Not only did he identify the safe zones and rescue eight students, but he also did proper first aid on everyone he rescued. He identified people's most pertinent injuries and took care to not worsen them. Of course, the largest component of his points came from the rescue attempt for Uraraka Ochako.
Despite not having the power himself, he used what power he did have and took advantage of the other prospective hero's abilities within a moment's notice. Despite looking panicked upon seeing her, he quickly shaped up and provided the tactical prowess, confidence, and leadership needed to rescue them both. And, exceptionally important to some of the teachers, the result of his rescue was flashy and bombastic.
In the end, he would've passed with Rescue Points on their own. But with the villain points added, he gained a whopping and record-breaking 94 points. It's the closest anyone has ever gotten to All Might's high school record.
The kicker was that he did all of this without a single quirk to his name. The first year quirkless individuals are allowed to apply to U.A., and their top heroics student is quirkless.
Many people did not take kindly to this development when it slips out.
"U.A. Allows Charity Case?"
"Political Correctness Gone Too Far: The Quirkless Hero Student"
"The Sad State of Heroics Today"
"Man, talk about getting the best participation award ever. What were the heroes thinking?! Whatever grading system they're using, they need to throw that bitch out!! Next thing you know, a dog will pass the U.A. exam!"
"My nephew has a fantastic quirk, and he was looking forward to starting in the hero course at U.A. But instead, they're too focused on being PC and pumping their quirkless publicity stunt than actually saving lives. He'll be applying to Shiketsu. At least they'll take the people of Japan seriously."
TV News.
"U.A. Academy, the top pro-hero high school in Japan and alma mater of the best Japanese hero, All Might, now allegedly has a quirkless top student for this school year. Some quirkless rights activists are calling the move a 'step in the right direction,' but detractors say this is 'endangering children for respectability politics.' Even fiercer protestors call this 'government-assisted suicide.'"
Inko shuts the TV off immediately. She turns back to eating her food, though she looks up at her son anxiously. Izuku stares at his plate, still about half full, with a carefully blank expression.
He blinks, looking up at his mom. Then he smiles, though it doesn't reach his eyes.
"I'm okay, Mum."
The worst part, Inko realizes, is that she can't say she disagrees with the dissenters. She knows how hard Izuku has worked to try out for heroics, and even she was shocked and in-awe at his results. But imagining him out there, running amongst the others with their crazy quirks, putting his small body on the line when he could be hurt at any moment...
She wants to tell him to drop out of the hero course. To give the general education class a shot.
But she doesn't. Because, as much as she agrees with what some people say, she knows that if it comes from her mouth as will, it just may break her already delicate son.
--- --- ---
It was extremely surprising for Izuku to find out he was accepted into U.A.'s hero course. The announcement came to him from Present Mic, who even said he was super cool when he threw the concrete! The hero's congratulations had seemed genuine, and Izuku was over the moon with the idea of finally seeing something of his dreams manifest in reality. He'd gotten so happy, he couldn't help but cry.
When the button on the hologram disc was pressed, it would repeat the message given to him. He's already watched it over twenty times, and he's sure he'll wear the tech out sooner rather than later, simply from watching it so much. He gets a clear plastic container to seal the disc inside to protect it from the elements and sit in silent display on his desk.
He knew that other people would find out about a quirkless student getting into U.A. eventually. Whether from someone's slip of the tongue or if it was an official announcement made by the school in celebration of their goal to open up the school to quirkless students coming to immediate fruition, it would get out.
Though, he was surprised the news got out so quickly. U.A. hadn't even announced it yet before the headlines started cropping up.
He wasn't surprised by people's reactions.
After all, they weren't too different from Kacchan. They had an idea that he had a certain place to be. Man was not created equal, and on all accounts, he should be at the very bottom of the food chain. To reach for the admired and astounding occupation as a hero was exceedingly outside of his scope of capabilities as a quirkless person, and even more with problems controlling his weight, something the public still wasn't privy to just yet.
Izuku didn't disagree with them.
He was reaching for something way out of his league. He was weak, much weaker than anyone else. He would have nothing but his own meager strength and efforts to work with, unable to act with a magnificent, powerful quirk. He could already see himself at the very, very bottom of the hero popularity polls, and that was if anyone even decided to hire him.
But he wants to be a hero. So he's put in what he wants to do, and he's seeing results from it. He had put in enough work, and the pro heroes were now giving him a chance.
He wouldn't squander it, not after he's received such a blessing.
If he tries and fails, fine. But he doesn't want to fail without trying. Not when the opportunity is right there for him.
He thinks about what people talking in random conversations would say. What his classmates have told him over the years. What his teachers said, what his mom said, what Kacchan said, what All Might said.
As he rides on the train to school, he quietly presses his hands together in apology.
Despite what they've said, he still wants it. He still wants to be a hero.
He's sorry for being so stubborn.
When he arrives at school, he's cornered almost immediately by other classmates of his. They crowd around him at the side of the school, demanding to know how he got in. Some of the suggestions they gave as to how he made it make Izuku's stomach churn with disgust.
When he asks why they think it's him, one of the more handsy students slap him in the face. They ask if he's calling them idiots. He's the only one who would be foolish enough to even try.
They continue to berate him for a good few minutes until someone says that Kacchan arrived.
He hasn't punched, kicked, burned, or touched him since the sludge villain incident. That doesn't change now. But what does change is the height of the fury in his eyes, glaring down at Izuku like he's useless.
He doesn't lecture him right there. School's going to start soon, and Kacchan's never been late to class.
He does lecture him during lunch, though, dragging him to a quiet corner of the school and demanding to know how he got in. He doesn't make any assumptions, only glaring at him, demanding the truth from his lips.
"U-Uhm...I...got a lot of...rescue points," Izuku murmurs, his hands slightly up and trembling as he turns his face away. "So...th-that's why."
"...And how many villain points did you get?"
Kacchan's hands pop, and Izuku flinches against the wall, closing his eyes in fright.
"Bullshit," Kacchan mutters after a while. "Whatever. They'll see you for what you really are, useless fat ass."
After school, his teacher calls him into the teacher's office. Izuku stands in front of him, his hands clenching the bottom of his gakuran nervously. His homeroom teacher looks him up and down before sighing.
"...As your teacher, I should be proud you made it this far. After all, your dream is coming true and U.A. has let you in." He taps his fingers on the desk. "However, as an adult, I need to be realistic with you."
Izuku stares at his own feet.
"You're not cut out to be a hero. I know they've let you in for...whatever reason, but that school will chew you up and spit you out. You'll have no chance there, Midoriya-kun. I'm supposed to help guide you to a good future, so I'm saying this with your health and safety at heart. Don't go running into this because U.A. wants to use you to make some sort of point. Care about yourself more."
"...Yes, sensei."
The man hums, satisfied. "So, you'll be dropping to the--"
"I'm staying in the hero course, sensei."
That satisfaction fades immediately.
"...Didn't you hear what I just said."
"I did, sensei."
"Right... Then--"
Izuku bows politely, his hands and brow sweating.
"I'm sorry, sensei."
"...I see. Well, when things collapse, just keep this conversation in mind. Know that I warned you."
"I will, sensei. Thank you."
Huffing with irritation, he waves Izuku out, and he heads back home.
It's March now. In April, he'll be starting at his new school.
It's anxiety-inducing, thinking about what the future holds for him. But at the same time, it's so terribly exciting. His heart is pumping a mile a minute in his chest.
He'll finally see it for himself--the world of heroes. He'll be a part of it, even, in his own little way.
Even if he can only stay there for a day, to be in the grace of U.A.'s walls for 8 hours in his entire lifespan, then that will mean he's at least made a little something of his life.
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cadaver-anthology · 4 months
-> Screw this, be Revita.
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You are now Revita Anfels. You are a Securityrra- Uh, hey, are you, you know, alright? You good there?
Oh yeah. You are fine. You are perfectly.......
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Y'know what's a funny thing about narrating? You write something in present tense and people assume that it's current events.
You've never really been a liar, but truth's your game and you know a thing or seven about stretching it. Anyway, let's not get ahead of ourselves, shall we?
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You are then Revita Anfels. You gotta excuse the way this place looks now, it sorta scanned weird and you don't really feel like fiddling with it again. It's taken forever as it is.
You are a Securityrranizer at Lows Orbit Station Archive of the Proxima Deimos colony system, and you are currently investigating the murder of your moirail and nursing a massive headache. On the top of it, becxause you like to multitask, you are trying to get this chick from the Mortuary wing into your pitch quadrant for at least seventy minutes.
From experience you know that seventy minutes is just about right for a kismesistude.
This chick has figured that since nobody is being her for the moment, she is going to work on her book in her head and is playing some music in the background while she is at it. She has just told you this.
You were under the impression that she's just promised to you to help you with the aforementioned investigation. Oh yeah, you sort of didn't mention that you and Feratu were palemates. That's not lying, though, that's omitting unimportant details. Tolpen doesn't need to know that, it actually has no impact on your investigation.
You once again try to peek into Tolpen's head to see what she is thinking about this whole case, but you don't get to see any thoughts, and your headache only gets worse. For some reason you can't use your psychics on her; you can't even tell whether she is lying or not. That's kinda sus.
Tolpen montions for you to follow her, which you do, and heads back to the Mortuary wing. You don't like the Mortuary. It's cold and full of dead bodies. It doesn't help that the chick stomps to the archive grounds and pulls out the cold cadavers of your past colleagues.
You, uh, tactfully offer your assistance with the upcoming autopsy, but aparently you're pale enough in the face that Tolpen tells you to just wait outside and not get under her feet. Oh thanks god.
Outside of the autopsy block you get bored quickly, so you pull out the laptop and look Tolpen Xlibri up in the LOSA's intranetwork.
She's a teal, legitier 2, kinda new wet blanket here, she got here straight after her Harrows, which doesn't happen often. Like you she was hatched on Proxima Daimos; neither of you have actually seen the Homeworld McWigglerplanet. She logs on her intranet accoutn exactly once a week for sixteen minutes at the end of which she sends her report-card to the accounting, and then logs off. You conclude that she's an off-line person.
Which sucks, because this investigation is going to be a lenghty on, you won't be able to do it full-time, and you'll need to keep in touch,
You take the liberty of setting up a Trollian account for her and make a quick trip back to Security wing to retrieve a sort of asthmatic but still functional husktop that nobody's going to mix.
When Tolpen emerges after a couple of hours from the autopsy block, exhausted and with blood stains in her face, she informs you that she will ahve to make laboratory analysis of samples, and that she'll get to you once she has it.
You don't ask her why she doesn't let someone else do it, because you don't want anyone else to know. Tolpen Xlibri is already too much of a liability. Someone doesn't want this investigation to go on, hence why the autopsies were denied in the first place, it's a no-brainer.
You give her the husktop with the brand new Trollian client installed on, and then you part ways.
Sylladex: [Husktop], [Slab Power Cell], [Spare CC+ Batteries (7)]
Thoughts: none
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livlepretre · 2 months
A continuation of the previous ask
Has Stefan compelled Elena? It sounds kind of wild but maybe. Klaus seems to be in Elena's conscious mind more and more often? Lol. There is only so much self denial she herself is capable of . Also did Klaus frown when they brought up the fact that she had been in Chicago previously because he kind of wanted to show her the world. Is that why he agreed to have them both be brought over. I doubt Rebekah has much influence over him when he is so jealous of her for having what he desires and needs at this point he probably was just paranoid that Elena and Stefan will start an affair if left unattended. I mean history doesn't favor Elena's fidelity in those case in his eyes, I mean he left her alone with Tyler and Rebekah at different points in time and look how that turned out. It would KILL HIM if she and Stefan developed something like this. And the way he glances at Elena when Stefan brings up the fact that he had already taken everything from him. Like I am not kidding I melted into a puddle, just because of this one small gesture. 😅 no wonder my bookshelf is filled with dark romance. Like Klaus is a red flag but I am colorblind. Also Elena being a delusional pouty princess thinking that Klaus would always go back to Stefan and that he had never spoken affectionately to her like he does with his so called brother. LIKE GIRL HE IS JUST A DISTRACTION. YOU ARE THE REAL DEAL. And then Klaus and Stefan both sit in front of her and start talking about Damon . My heart literally cracked 💔 I can't imagine how much our protagonist has gone through. She is such a strong person for having survived it all. Almost all of us would Crack if we just have 1/10th of the trauma that she has. Isn't kinda wild that I am still rooting for Klena despite everything Klaus had put her through.
Also the cigarette scene leaves me wondering what he had been about to say to her before she cut him off. Maybe about Jeremy or mystic fall gang. Also the fact that Elena feels that she couldn't ask anyone about the gang us maybe false. Would Kalus answer her if she outright asked him about them? I mean he brought up the topic so he didn't intend to keep her in the dark.
Also the most important spoiler of the chapter I feel is the silver car after which Stefan accelerates and reaches Chicago very early on. 🤔 Who was driving that car. Was it Kol? Damon ? I legit googled which car Damon drove 😳 .
Also is Stefan lying to Elena. Like he obviously lied when he said that Klaus doesn't care to. However, what does this even mean , " Even your thoughts aren't yours. " And also the two instances where he seemed to be able to pick right off what Elena was thinking.
Also I like the little detail when Rebekah bites Elena and the wound does not heal which implies that she doesn't have any vampire blood in her system.
I feel like something is going to happen with the silver car. Rebekah's cryptic comment about The nostalgia of a farewell. I am very confused by these Easter eggs but I really don't think I am looking too much into it.
You know previously in one of your posts u mentioned that Klaus wasn't actually aware of the fact that Elena has feeling for Damon buy maybe he now suspect that that love is not as one-sided as he thought, hoped.
" She realizes all at once that Klaus is watching her. Watching her, while Stefan watches him."
" Because he is obsessive" " Guess who the object is? "
" Klaus doesn't so much as look at her the rest of the night."
Our girl is also suicidal again. I like that the mental health depection is so honest in this fic. Because the road to healing is so long even in the most optimal environment and Elena's environment just sucks. Also water seems to really define her . I mean she once almost died in the lake in mystic falls, had her first suicidal attempt in Mississippi, 2nd in the bathtub, and 3rd now in the pool. I think that pulled her put was Klaus, also there is probably an upside of being compelled by him, because she doesn't remember anything after it until she sees Rebekah which is very odd. Did Kol pull her ought of the water ? 💧 maybe 🤔. Whose body was at the bottom of the pool. A victim? Vampire.
Sorry If this is all over the place but that's how my thoughts are right now. Just wanted to share it.
well, as for what compulsions Elena may be under-- read and find out! but I would say the dreaminess of the chapter could also be read as a state of almost disassociation-- it's all very surreal to Elena to look back and see where she is now by comparison. But the compulsion topic-- and whether Klaus or Stefan or anyone else has controlled her thoughts lately-- was definitely a huge theme to the chapter.
I think Klaus frowned when it was revealed Elena actually had been to Chicago because he reads it as a mistruth from her-- another lie he's caught her in. He's still sensitive on that topic when it comes to Elena.
Hmm I think Rebekah actually does still have influence with Klaus. Their history is so long. He can be unsatisfied by his present situation and still have special feelings reserved for Rebekah. He certainly still considers her his in a very particular way. And he agreed to bring Stefan which both he and Rebekah knew would mean bringing Elena because he's lonely. He probably did want Elena there too but couldn't bring himself to admit it. Or-- bringing Stefan gave him an excuse to summon her as well-- an excuse to himself.
I am so glad you're still on team klena after all this-- it's a slow burn from hell in this fic, but every relationship in some way reflects back on the main ship, you know? because there is a main ship
the colorbllind comment really cracked me up 😂
I think the thing about Elena not having anyone to ask about her loved ones in Mystic Falls is probably an example of unreliable narrator
the thing about Stefan saying things like "even your thoughts aren't yours" is that it's as true for her as it is for them-- they are ultimately both susceptible to and victim to the whims of the originals they live with -- it's a dark form of sympathy
and the Easter Eggs will make sense very soon. the nostalgia of a farewell indeed. 🥚
the end note is interesting-- I'm not sure she's even suicidal-- her compulsion to live would have kicked in if that were the case-- just-- sometimes she is drawn to dangerous situations and she doesn't even register how dangerous they are until she's well in it -- but I agree, her mental health is all over the place.
I think realistically she was under water for an extremely short period of time-- but she was in a weird place mentally and emotionally and got pulled out of the water before she could be under for too long-- like, she was overly passive and comfortable in the water, which is... typical.
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utilitycaster · 1 year
the tag thing was so annoying I had to get Firefox nightly and install an ao3 enhancement extension bc it let me block tags I didn't want to see, basically all the poly fics that show up on a specific pair relationship tag. just giving u some options I do understand how annoying it can get
Hey anon! I appreciate the intent, but like...as in real life, sometimes people like to complain. I love complaining. I have no actual power to stop people from doing this - if someone can be deterred by "will not see heaven" that's great, but let's be real, it will not stop people who do this to get clicks on the basis of false advertising. I do in fact use the exclude tag. The reason I made that post is that I was looking for fic of a ship I like, and got 25 results, and then, when I filtered out the throuple and the much, much, much more popular pairing I'm not interested in, I got 13 results, and I looked up and was like "well this is some fucking bullshit."
But also? No matter how good your tag blocking is? This is a bad system. I think the example I gave wasn't the best one, so let me give a better one: There's a book I like that is about a couple we'll call A/B. The thing is, it's in a series, and A is C's widow. But also, A and C had a private relationship with B for some, but not all of their marriage.
I like all these relationships! A/B, A/C, and A/B/C all existed in canon at different points in time and and have distinct, interesting dynamics. Also, I'm not interested in B/C.
In this case? If I'm searching on A/B/C and I exclude B/C because someone tagged every possible dynamic? I'm missing out on a lot of fic I actually would like. And also? A fic that's a retelling of the literal canonical series should be tagged A/C, A/B, and A/B/C but not B/C, because all those relationships show up in the work! But I did actually go into one of these fics I didn't like and no it's a one-shot of a threesome and they just tagged it with each combination.
(another example from the show's canon is Black Sails; Thomas/James/Miranda and all three individual pairings exist at separate points in time. A fic about Thomas and James in the context of Thomas/James/Miranda is distinctly different than one about Thomas and James after that was over, and like, yeah, I can figure it out, but this would be really easy to filter on if people actually treated a throuple as the unique dynamic it is rather than three couples that happen to overlap.)
Or to give another example: Let's say I'm interested in a really popular ship (I used Critical Role before, I'll do it again). Let's say I want to read Caleb/Essek as a pair and am not interested in any trios right now, but I'm interested in longfic and I don't mind if there are references to past canonical ships with those characters nor references to other characters in platonic relationships with that pairing.
To filter out every possible throuple? I'd have to block literally every single possible throuple tag for a work with like, 7 other main characters and hundreds of other significant characters, for a ship with 3k+ fics, and I have things to do. Like, practically speaking, for popular ships? I just wait for people I already follow to write or recommend things, and don't look in the main ship tag on ao3 at all. It sucks - I'm sure I'm missing out on stuff - but it's far more pleasant than the alternative.
(also like, if you are writing a five person polycule there are 26 individual sub-groups. Are people tagging each of those. If so I do not want to know but I suspect they aren't not in the least because I do not trust the people who got mad about this to know combinatorics)
Anyway my point is I love complaining. I don't expect people to change or stop, to return to my original analogy, shitting on the floor, and I am not looking for advice on how to better step over the many piles of shit they leave. I am just, on my own blog, thinking of them and talking about them the way anyone would think of someone who deliberately shits on the floor and loudly defends their decision to do so.
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Small Stories Hour: Darkspace Portent
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↳ "Thrive?"
Warren entered his own bedroom, unsurprised to find it empty but puzzled to find the window wide open, crisp Tournaltis breeze blowing into every corner.
"I'm home," he said to nobody, moving to close the window. "Where the hell you at…?"
A sound from the bed spooked him, and he whirled around before he could get the window shut. A comforter-covered lump shifted and swelled, and a hand peeked out only to drop back onto the mattress.
Warren's pulse settled enough for him to find his voice again. "…Thrive?"
The sound returned.
Already on alert, Warren's legs carried him to the bed in as few steps as possible. "Uh, hello? What's this?"
He pulled the comforter down and blinked at the sight of Thrive only semi-conscious, his breathing labored, hair plastered to his forehead by an excess of perspiration. He looked at Warren with dull eyes and attempted to wet his dry lips with his tongue.
"What's going on," Warren asked, concern tripling. He knelt down, pressed a hand to Thrive's forehead and temple, recoiling almost immediately as his skin was so hot it hurt to touch. "Hey, whoa! What…?!"
"No need to panic," Thrive murmured, eyes fluttering shut again. "It's bacterial."
"How am I not supposed to panic at that?" Warren only then realized Thrive was wearing one of his shirts; a ratty Skywaste t-shirt that was far too big for him and minimally too big for Thrive. "Why didn't anyone tell me…? How long have you been like this?"
"I've lost track of time." Thrive's voice came out strained and exhausted. "We're not worried. I'm not worried."
Warren slipped a hand past the collar of Thrive's shirt to feel for any more unusual warmth in his chest. "That's fantastic, but now I'm fucking worried. What happened?"
Thrive hesitated, opening his eyes to look at Warren with a degree of caution. "…The jar of bacteria from Rotanga."
Warren threw him a bewildered, alarmed look. "Did you drink it?"
"Of course not. There was an…an incident on the Consortium Node, a breach in biohazard protocol from the infectious diseases lab—"
"Right, let me guess; you jumped into action like it was second nature, but not, because it's fucking first nature for you, and now you've got alien bacteria having a party in your system."
"It will run its course."
"I have the feeling it's been longer than a week," Warren said. "I hadn't heard from you for about a week and half. I just thought maybe you'd gotten sucked into work again."
Thrive nodded. "That's possible."
Warren noted the visible symptoms again. "What about your preservation mechanism?"
Thrive hesitated again, but it wasn't clear if that was due to having drifted into sleep or because he didn't want to answer the question. "Not for illnesses."
Instinctively Warren began to stroke Thrive's forehead, gritting his teeth through the initial pain to which he quickly acclimated. "Okay…Gouna couldn't help? No antibiotics? What about the docs and scientists on the Node?"
"Gouna's in communications with Rotanga," Thrive said, shoving the comforter down to his knees to alleviate some of the heat. "They seem to be…the only ones with any kind of information on this particular strain of bacteria. The point of having it on the Node in the first place was…to study it. Find a way to…stop it, or…"
Warren carefully rubbed a hand over Thrive's arm, unsettled at his lack of ability to form a thought. "A cure. 'Cure,' babe."
Thrive managed an ironic grin. "You would know, wouldn't you?"
"So am I in trouble right now?" Warren moved to sit on the edge of the bed. "Bacteria can be contagious, right?"
"So far no human has been infected to this level. The worst the human infectious disease researchers have gotten from the incident is an albeit disruptive case of conjunctivitis. And the only way you could catch it is if I were to lick your eyeballs." He chuckled a bit at that, having sunk into light delirium. "That said, be sure to sanitize when you leave here. Everyone else is fine, too. I made sure to…" Thrive passed his hands over his face. "I made sure to sterilize myself and my clothes before disembarking the Rodedra. As best I could, anyway."
"Okay…" Warren took a breath. "We just wait it out, then."
"It was much worse in the beginning." Thrive reached out and took his hand, thumb moving deliberately over his knuckles. "I will be alright. But it's incredibly touching of you to worry about me."
"It's kind of my job." Warren let him rest until he couldn't stand the silence anymore. "Question."
Thrive lifted his eyebrows in response.
"Why are you naked from the waist down?" Warren turned to peer at bare knees. "…I mean, why the shirt at all if you're just gonna be naked everywhere else? Wouldn't it make more sense to do one or the other?"
"That was several questions, Warren."
"I'm gonna stay home until you're better. I'll help run things and nurse you back to health. Sound good?"
"Yeah, so, the time for your input is up." Warren patted Thrive's chest. "I'll just knock you out if you try to talk me out of this."
Thrive shook his head. "Even while incapacitated my reaction time is nearly double yours."
"Tell that to Corin."
Thrive opened his mouth as if to reply, then went quiet as he found that he couldn't. He sighed. "Very well. Thank you."
"Don't mention it." Warren got to his feet. "I'm gonna make sure you've eaten, then I'm gonna cuddle the fuck out of you."
"I've eaten."
Warren pointed at him. "Mentiroso. I'm gonna feed you and we're gonna cuddle."
"Shut up and accept my god damn love language, Thrive."
Caught off-guard, Thrive's eyes snapped open and he frowned in confusion, but ultimately didn't say anything else as Warren marched down to the kitchen.
He fed him, he cuddled with him, and Thrive fell into a deep, much-needed, and safe sleep in Warren's arms.
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honeyrisuke · 2 years
puts this on here bc this is my ranting outlet apparently
and I'm v pissed about sth again
so, like this month??? spain has released a law that allows people with heavy menstrual pain to take additional paid sick-leave for those days. Previously this simply wasn't specified, which allowed misogynists and other cunts to just not let women take a day off when they are on their period, as its seen as "just a part of being alive for them", but with this change women can simply stay home once per month for that worst day and its fine and nobody is allowed to fire them over this or even raise an eyebrow, legally.
This is great! because women who need this because they cant stand up straight for 1-2 days every month now specifically get the right to stay home, and women who don't just don't.
Also, this specifically only applies to spain and how spanish labour laws and all that works, and makes a lot of sense in this case
So tell me why all the german cunts on my youtube recommended page and my fucking family over the phone and every german news broadcast is discussing this like this was "absolute garbage" and "horrible" as if it affected them in literally any way shape or form
I'm so fucking pissed because not once have I heard a proper take on it that wasnt "but women will abuse this" and "this is extra and stupid, we already have normal sick leave" as if this was about a law in germany, not in spain, or any other shite take along those lines
like, nobody ever gives a fuck about any laws passed in other countries. we didn't react at all to other labour laws being changed, we don't react to legal drinking limits being changed, we don't even react to gun laws in switzerland, our neighbour, being so ridiculously lax theres 20 guns per 100 citizen
but the second theres a law passed about women, queer people or people of colour specifically german media springs into action and all the pickme whores start to scream and shout about how something is "too much"
and sorry but I'll make a mental note of anyone I know saying that law is bullshit because I like to be aware how many people I know have absolutely no critical thinking skills and will regurgitate anti-minority opinions for the sake of edge, no matter how much sense it even makes for them to have a public opinion on it at all
because let's repeat- This is a law passed in spain affecting spanish people who are working in spain under spanish working conditions having fixed contracts at spanish companies. in spain. spain. a country at least 2 countries away from us. that has a very different history and legal system than us. none of these things affect the average Annika *at fucking all* and she wouldn't even know this is a thing if anti-women media hadn't picked this up to push a weird "menstruation icky bad dont talk about it disgusty just suck it up" agenda
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scarletiswailing347 · 2 years
i wrote this cause i was missing last life, but it's purely based on what little i can remember so events may not be accurate lol
Words are a powerful thing, they carry a certain kind of strength that even the strongest of blows can't combat.
Allies are important, they can help carry you when your own legs cannot.
Everything has a price, even people's own lives.
Scar knows all this. After all,
it's how he survived last season.
The contracts he carries aren't nearly as powerful as the ones he could create at his full potential but unfortunately, considering the barrier that surrounds them, he'll just have to make do with what little magic he's innately got in his system and hope that they actually do something.
Scar hands the meager pieces of paper out to anyone who could offer him companionship.
In exchange for a life.
Now some may say that it isn't the best strategy in the world, but it's alright, Scar's got plenty to spare after all and he's had so many customers already. He's even got one right now!
"Well hello gentlemen!" Scar greeted Bdubs and Etho ahead of him.
"Oh hey Scar!" Bdubs, ever so loyal, last season he was attached to Cleo and this season he's attached to Etho. His relentlessness may make it seem like he just follows around whoever he meets first, but that simply wasn't the case! He swears his undying loyalty to whoever does the same -- and it just so happens that the two people he's met first in this death game know a thing or two about loyalty. Matches made in heaven those three.
'Sucks for Impulse though', Scar thought, 'Eh, he had it coming -- maybe if he didn't keep switching loyalties every session they'd have worked out better.'
"Hey Scar." Etho. Scar hasn't had many chances to confront this man, this...legend. He's heard stories about him -- redstone genius, pvp master, ruthless prankster, massive influence to many -- Scar wouldn't know what to do in a 1v1 with the Canadian, would his smoothtalking even work or would Etho just cut him down with no remorse? That seems like something he'd do with that hyper-logical brain of his.
'He doesn't even believe in magic! Unbelievable! I'm literally a wizard!' Scar thought to himself, somewhat peeved, 'I mean yeah I'm a conman but that's besides the point!'
"Boy do I got an offer for you- wh- hey Etho!" Etho was pulling him up and making him fall down over and over again using a fishing rod, 'I know he's a prankster but geez how's anyone supposed to conduct business in these conditions?!' Scar was...disgruntled to say the least but he was nothing if not professional.
"A life, in exchange-" two hearts down, "for your-" two and a half, "undying loyalty," three.
"Ooh tell us more!" Bdubs listened with rapt attention.
Scar was at half health now, "Well, when you sign this contract-"
Etho propelled Scar further up than he did previously, making him quickly rise up past the both of them...and making him fall down just as quickly.
The only thing Scar's panic-ridden mind had the time to think was 'This was a trap!'
And everything went to black.
Then Scar started seeing red.
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lou-struck · 2 years
Osamu Miya x Reader
Day 20: Home Alone
25 Days of Ficmas Masterlist
WC: 1,000+
-Osamu is met with a surprise after work.
Ever since your previous roommate won that free vacation from a gameshow, you have been living alone. You don't mind the fact that you have to pay all the rent yourself and you like the freedom to do whatever you want in your little rental. The neighborhood is a fairly nice place to live in, but as the holidays are approaching you have heard more and more about Break-ins and home invasions in the area. To say you are concerned would be an understatement.
Luckily your boyfriend has been staying over a lot lately, but you don't want to be reliant on pestering him since it is such a new relationship. Not to mention he is the head chef at his own restaurant and his hours are crazy. This morning he mentioned in passing having to work late and that he’d probably stay at his apartment tonight. Not wanting to be proficient in healthy communication you told him that you would be fine here on your own and you would see him later. You know, like a liar…
It sucked to go through your day knowing that your gray-haired Boyfriend wouldn't be coming by later with leftover Onigiri to watch Christmas movies. You have only been dating a few months but you feel already that he is the person you see yourself having a future with. As the day continues you stumble across a news article talking about how a home just down the street was broken into. You cant tear your eyes away from the hopeless look in the eyes of the victims. The more you read the more you are not wanting to be alone tonight.
Nevertheless, you sit down to watch one of your favorite Christmas Movies Home Alone and you can't help but compare the plight of Kevin McCallister to your current predicament. Feeling inspired by the film you decide to lay a few traps just in case someone tries to break in. Is it a little silly? Yes, yes it is, but in your state of paranoia and tiredness, you completely justify your actions as you lay your homemade traps.
First, you spring a tiny tripwire in your hallway along with a tight sheet of plastic wrap strung so that it is clear enough to look through. You then leave a scattering of legos on the floor so that anyone who wishes to do you or your property harm will feel the wrath of tiny plastic pieces digging into their skin.
None of the traps would seriously harm someone, but it most likely would stun and confuse them enough for you to make your escape out the window to try and shimmy down a tree to the safety of somewhere else. Before you go to bed you take a wooden baseball bat and place it next to your bed just in case. Your sleep is light and uncomfortable and you can't help but think how spoiled you have been sleeping in the arms of Osamu Miya these past few months.
Suddenly the sound of cursing and a large clatter followed by more cursing pulls you from your slumber. Feeling surprisingly brave you take your bat to go see what is going on outside your door. You see someone on the floor, winding up for a swing you stop when you see your boyfriend is the intruder,, hunched over in pain on the floor. In an instant, you turn on the lights.
“Oh my god! Samu are you okay?” you ask trying to help him out.
“Yea, I’m all good,” he says wincing as he gets back on his feet. You see tiny cuts on his knees from landing on the legos.
“Are you sure?” you ask again.
“Yes Angel, more surprised than anythin else,” he tells you letting you pull him over to the couch as you grab a first aid kit and start disinfecting his wounds.
“So what's with the booby traps?” he asks looking around at the remnants of your DIY Home Security system.
You look around embarrassedly, “didn't you hear about the burglaries around here?” you ask. With your answer, he looks at you like a bit of life just left his eyes.
“Uhh, Angel, I don't know how to tell ya this, but they were caught this afternoon.” Your eyes seem to double in size from shock.
“What? Are you sure?” you ask hoping he is just messing with you.
“Yea but I wanted to come and surprise you after work,” he says softly. You now notice clumps of scattered rice on the floor as well as a crushed to-go box from Onigiri Miya.
“Awe, Samu. Did you bring me Onigiri?” you ask as he laughs aloud.
Well, I tried to. Before you decided to beef up security.” he laughs as you continue to tend to the small cuts on his body from the legos breaking his fall. You feel so bad that your antics hurt him. As soon as you open your mouth to shower him with apologies. He notices this and stops you gently.
“Hey Angel, if ya were scared, why didn't you ask me to stay over with ya?” he asks as a look of hurt flashed in his eyes.
Too afraid to see that look again you answer him not wanting to meet his eyes. “I didn't want to be too clingy.” He takes both his hands and gently holds your face so that he can look you in your eyes.
“Y/n, you are my favorite person in this world, I want you to feel safe with me,” he says tenderly leaning down to kiss your forehead.
“I- love you Samu you,” stammer out as heat gathers beneath your skin.
Osamu looks at you wide-eyed, it’s the first time you've said it out loud. His eyes soften “I love you too.” he says giving you a warm smile. As he leans in once again to give you a real kiss.
This tender moment is interrupted by the simultaneous sound of your stomachs growling. “Too bad about that onigiri, right Samu?” you say cheekily as he thwacks your forehead with his thumb and middle finger.
“Give me a few minutes Angel, I’ll make some fresh just for ya.” he laughs standing up and dragging you to the kitchen for a well-deserved midnight snack.
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Our Doll 13//Rumlow
B.Barnes x S.Rogers, B.Barnes x Stark!Reader, S.Rogers x Stark!Reader
Series Synopsis | After the events of the horrific past, y/n Stark, Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes have finally admitted their feelings for each other. But is life as an avenger whilst dating two super soldiers any easier than anything y/n’s experienced in the past?
sequel Series to Their Doll
Series Warnings | smut, violence, torture, swearing, threesomes, drug usage/substance abuse
Chapter Summary | Peter comes up with a plan to get y/n to safety. Steve attempts to find the man controlling her
Warnings | swearing maybe? Slight violence
A/n | This is a sequel book/series to my fic Their Doll! This book loosely follows the mcu timeline, starting in CAWS in book one and starting just before AOU in this book. Bucky had been recovered and is safe, and Peter was taken under Tony's wing when he was much younger.
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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The plan was simple.
Get in, get her out.
Peter, to his credit, had thought through the plan in such detail that Bucky was strained to find a fault. Even a small one.
The boy had recruited Bucky and Wanda to reenact his scheme, the two being the only people he knew would be one hundred percent on board.
Other than Steve, who was on a 'very important mission' and wouldn't tell anyone about it. All they knew was that he'd taken a strike team with him and didn't know when he would be back.
He'd thought through everything: how to avoid triggering any alarms, which doors to use, who would do what to make everything seem less suspicious. He'd even considered the physics of anyone being able to spot them running from any of the rooms around the back of the compound, from any angle.
Just in case someone was angsty and couldn't sleep, he'd informed Bucky and Wanda.
Peter was currently hanging from the side of the glassy building, webs holding strong as he leant his weight back into them and waited for the signal.
Bucky was down in the cell with y/n, under the pretence of checking on her as Wanda used her powers to break into the security system. The aim was to retrieve y/n without making a sound, or alert the others.
A flash of red. The quiet click of a door shutting.
Peter took his cue.
The boy swung down, quickly webbing the heavy, metal door shut when the flutter of ginger had followed Bucky and y/n out the back of the compound.
Door sealed and little chance of a break-in, Peter goaded the three Avengers past the tree line as he swung from branch to creaky branch.
"Go, go, go!" His voice was coming out as a hoarse whisper as Bucky's legs worked mechanically - y/n's sleeping frame locked tightly against his chest as Wanda followed closely behind.
The girl's head kept turning, checking behind them to see if anyone was following. But no one was ever there, only the crisscrossed leaves and shrubs covering their tracks with such accuracy that the scarlet witch could hardly believe it.
Bucky broke through the clearing just after Peter, the young boy already holding the car door open for Bucky to slide his girl onto the backseat.
The car was run-down and shabby - looking just old enough to blend in but not too obvious as if to scream 'were trying to be inconspicuous'.
The car door shut as slowly as Bucky could make it before he was running around to the front - bionic arm yanking the driver's side door open before he hopped in himself.
"Are you going to be alright?" Wanda asked, only a hint of her accent left to grace her voice now. Bucky nodded, nimble fingers twisting the keys in the ignition until the car roared to life.
She wiggled her fingers, a movement Bucky struggled not to find funny, and a little stream of glowing crimson flowed from them. It curled under y/n's nose, the sleeping girl instantly groaning with protest as she begun to stir.
"Tell Steve I'm sorry, but this was the only way." Bucky gritted out, throat dry and sticky as the words crawled into his mouth. Wanda nodded, ready to walk away when Bucky's hand on her shoulder stopped her.
"And give him this - but only when he starts to look for us." Bucky proclaimed, taking a ruffled envelope from one of his pockets; the paper was crinkled and creased, had clearly been stuffed into his pocket for a while now.
Wanda took the letter between her fingers, a small tear pricking at her eye when she read the name scribbled over the back in rushed - yet somehow neat - handwriting:
My greatest love...
"I will, he'll get it." Wanda nodded, folding the envelope and pushing it into her back pocket. "I promise."
"Thank you." With his last words spoken, Bucky gave a thankful nod to Peter - who had hung back awkwardly behind Wanda until now - before rolling his window up and pressing his foot on the accelerator.
Steve's foot stung as it crashed through the door, yet the super soldier ignored it as he paced past the now-splintered wood with little care.
"Where is he?!" Steve spat, the words like a venom in his mouth as he crowded a cowering man in black tack gear. His strike team followed closely behind, guns raised in a defensive position just in case there were unexpected hostiles in the room.
"I-I don't know! I swear!" The man stuttered, teeth clashing together as he stumbled blindly backwards towards a wall. He squeaked when he made contact with the bricks, sucking in a breath as Steve held his shield against the man's neck.
"I don't believe you." Steve grated through bared teeth, the vein popping out in his forehead as he flushed red with anger. "Tell me."
"Okay! Okay, I'll tell you." The man whimpered as Steve pressed the shield harsher against his oesophagus, his shaking hands raised in hopeless surrender. "He's in a safe house, a few miles from here - he recently came back for supplies then left. He said he'd never be coming back."
Steve pulled away as the man cowered, a shout of annoyance ripping from his throat as he threw the shield against the wall.
Steve grunted as he caught the vibranium, looking over to his team.
"We need to find him! I won't have my girlfriend controlled by some- some monster!" Steve barked. A chorus of 'yes, Captain's echoed from the men. Someone was already on comms and Steve was careering back across the room.
"Captain, we may have a location." One of his men spoke up sheepishly after a moment, pulling away from their laptop.
"And?" Steve prompted, brow raised.
"It's only a few miles north - we could be there within minutes and they'd never see us coming." Steve sprung into action at the words; he pushed off the table he'd been leant against and made his way outside the building they'd just breached.
"Find a car with keys in - our vans are too obvious and can be spotted from a mile away." Steve directed.
"Yes, Captain." One of his team said, and they were quickly followed by two others as they went in search for a car.
"We need to be quick and inconspicuous - turn off the comms, they may be able to detect the link. I want all out - if we fail, y/n could never be back to full control again. Got it?" Steve finished his instruction as he turned around to face the rest of his team and they all nodded. "Do you understand?"
"Yes, captain!" They all agreed.
"Then get to it."
So much for a simple plan.
"B-bucky? Where am I?" Y/n's voice was saturated with sleep, drowsy and dopey as she propped her frame up on her elbow. "Where are we?"
"We're going somewhere safe, Doll. You're going to be safe now." Bucky promised, blue eyes flitting to meet y/n's in the mirror as he kept his hands on the steering wheel in a firm grip.
"Where's Steve?" Bucky felt his heart drop at the words. This was the only downfall of Peter's plan - they'd have to leave Steve.
"He's on a mission." Bucky answered simply.
"He's not coming with us, is he?" Y/n affirmed, eyes glinting with a hue of guilt.
"What- I had some dreams...I think." Y/n mumbled, pressing her hand to her forehead as she felt a dull ache forming.
"Were they good?" Bucky asked, making a left at a junction. Y/n took a moment to assemble her words.
"The best. It was- it was our life, Bucky. But it was..." she trailed off, pieces of her story shattering away from her memory.
"In the 40s?" Bucky finished for her and y/n's eyes widened.
"Yes. How did you know?" Y/n demanded with squinted eyes and Bucky chuckled lightly.
"They weren't dreams, doll. Wanda made a new reality in your mind. Someone was getting in so we had to keep them out. Now put your seatbelt on." Bucky explained and y/n have him a glare.
"So who, uh, how was it possible?" Y/n queried as she sat up properly. The soft click of her buckle filled the space of the small car until Bucky answered.
"Wanda. She's been so helpful, that Parker boy too." Bucky commented and y/n quirked a brow.
"Yeah, this whole plan to get you out was his idea. Smart boy." Bucky commended.
"Huh." The girl considered. "Do you know who was - what did you say? - 'getting into' my mind?" Bucky sucked in a breath. Y/n frowned and nudged his shoulder with the tips of her fingers. "Tell me."
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Bucky Barnes Series/mini Series | @buckysgirl101 @quxxnxfhxll @marvelhoesworld @macylawz @zaphdekota @theoldermanswhore @addriaenne @thegirlwiththeimpala @turkish276 @lilpopizzle @gooseyhouse @ohmy-fandoms @harrysthiccthighss @partiesandblurrypolaroids @prettysbliss @the-surviving-revolutionist @white-wolf1940 @dpaccione @tenaciousperfectionunknown @loveyou5everr @vallerydevora @multihoee @supraveng @cap-n-ce @sebbyxlover @jeremyrennermakesmesmile @veronicapaula @ravenmoore14 @frickin-bats @itstaylorcale @sunflowerbunny2 @spookyparadisesheep
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katsukikitten · 3 years
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Part 10 of Irritated. Y'all thank Jo for this being updated lol.
⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ This is an 18+ Pro Hero AU, mentions of violence and death. Enjoy
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The pungent smell of wet Earth and nose burning chemicals did not pair well with the harsh scent of rotting fruit. Sickeningly sweet as it rouses you, mind hazed as your eyelids refuse to open or even flutter. Weighted by lead and an endless sleep that tries to pull you under again. For once you submit.
More time passes, although you aren’t even sure you understand the concept any longer as that same smell stirs you again, a bang from an adjacent room pushes your eyes to flutter. Flashes of light against the start darkness before your eyes adjust to the low light of the room that seeps in from a few small rectangular windows. The panes are caked with dust while bricks are pressed into the seedy Earth, giving the room a natural coolness, there is only one set of stairs that lead up towards a door outlined in light. The sound of running water makes your throat constrict and your mouth dry, as if you swallowed cotton whole. Making you wonder just how long you had been pulled undertow. It takes your throbbing head a moment to catch up with your senses as a chill settles over your bare skin in goose flesh.
And then it all comes flooding back, the awful taste of his salty skin in your mouth, the fear gripping at your muscles as you finally realize that you are not in the safety of your apartment but somewhere forgein. Thrashing to get to your feet only to hit hard onto the icy concrete, wrists and ankles bound by white cuffs, a small whine escapes your raw throat. Your heart hammers in your chest before you feel a sharp prick in both of your wrists. A warm substance floods your system as your eyelids become heavy, mind trudging through abduction procedures before settling on blissful numb. A blurry figure comes from the only other door in the room that isn’t atop the staircase. You don’t need to fully focus on his face to know exactly what color his eyes are as they burn into your retinas before sleep hushes your frayed nerves. You dream of all consuming green that slowly fades to black.
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Bakugou finds himself standing in the kitchen of his apartment, your spare key stares up at him from your paperwork. A sweating glass with melting ice and the reminisce of an amber liquid is his only company. He leers down at the address, wondering why the hell you were on such a seedy side of town, then he thinks of you shaking on the couch back at the hotel during the convention. His stomach churns, your final words and blow cause him to suck his teeth.
“Not my fucking problem.” He huffs to himself, refilling the glass before killing the light in the kitchen to settle on the couch. His grip is too tight on the crystal glass in his explosive palm, the glass threatens to shatter while an infomercial plays in the background. His mind is anywhere but the TV while indestructible pans are advertised across the large screen. Aggressively swirling the amber liquid as his thoughts become more and more loud. He swallows the whisky whole and with it the thought of you. Letting it all burn as it runs down his throat and heats his chest, a warm feeling flooding his veins as he sinks lower into the couch. Flipping channels as he forgets you.
Your key taped to your personal records, that Bakugou stole, do not sit on his fine counter much longer, soon it is swiped and shoved into a pocket. He slams the crystal glass on the counter as he reaches for his own apartment keys and his cellphone. Bakgou slams his apartment door, locking the deadbolt before he rushes down the stairs to catch the last train to you hellish part of the city.
The hour train ride sobers Bakugou and only sets him into further agitation. Glaring at anyone who thinks to look at him more than once, even going as far as baring his teeth. Before glaring at his own reflection, who sneers right back. His black tee is tight and a bit damp despite the cool air, the brim of his backwards cap pulls the hair away from his forehead as his faded sides breathe in the chill of the train. The hat, an excuse to hold in his hair, his hero gloves heating his hands as his fingers twitch, he hopes your apartment is hardwood throughout since he didn't have plastic bags to put his feet in while he looked for something. Anything. He was doing the best with what he had.
But the more he looks at himself the more he realizes he never really was doing his best. At least not when it came to you.
The address to your apartment complex is a few blocks away from the train station, his jaw clenched as he reaches the low lit building. Screaming comes from somewhere far off, his ears perk out of habit, but he was supposed to be off duty right now. Plus that wasn’t his current focus, not to mention should he help it would be suspicious as fuck as to why he was so far way from home tonight. He bounds up the stairs in the dank stairwell two at a time, huffing through his nose as he reaches the top floor. The carpet is worn threadbare and reeks of vomit and water damage. Silence envelopes the top floor compared to the yelling and crashing items on his way up. Slowly it dawns on him that you’re most likely renting out the entire fucking floor. He sucks his teeth, leaning in close to the door of the first apartment on the floor. Nothing comes from the other side of the thin cheap door, musty air flows from between the cracks as if the room had been closed for quite some time. It confirms what he’s been thinking. He finds your apartment door with ease, several bolts and locks lined up perfectly straight. He looks down at the one key and thinks about what happened in the short few years you started at the agency that you would need five, no six additional deadbolts on your door. He half wishes you hadn't made it so obvious as to which door was yours, thoughts creep into the forefront of his mind as he imagines someone else standing in his spot now. He thinks he will need a locksmith, but that would call attention to himself, he could attempt to pick them but he never really had time to practice the shady skill. Just as he is about to turn to brute force as the answer he notices that your door doesn't seem fully shut. He thinks of all the times that you bitched while on patrol about your damn door and how you had to literally slam it shut for it to actually lock. Gritting his teeth he gently pushes the door open with his gloved hand letting it swing open with an eerie creak.
Already things are out of place. Your suitcase stands alone, untouched and obviously unpacked from the clothes peeking out from beneath the zipper, by the front door. Your lanyard for your keys is on the floor instead of the table that is in the foyer and the converse you were wearing the day that you quit are missing. Faintly something gleems in the grainy light from the hallway from beneath the table in the foyer. Bakugou reaches for it tentatively, teeth gritting as he realizes what the glass rectangle is.
Your phone.
Specifically, your dead phone.
His hand hover over the unresponsive screen before deciding to leave it, this would be evidence they would need later but for now he knew he had to do something. Kamisama takes pity on the poor bastard and throws him a bone in the shape of a scrunchie. Your black scrunchie that seems to have been ripped from your arm. As he reaches for it he notices the faint residue smeared on the hardwood. His mind dredges up weeks ago of the guy trying to hide his quirk. Of the carpet by the hotel door in the hall just a touch darker.
He should have fucking killed him, he should not have listened to you. He snatches the scrunchie, heading towards your kitchen to look for a bag, tupperware, anything to trap the smell of you and possibly your assailant. He finds a plastic sandwich bag, shoving the broken hair tie into the baggie before sealing it shut. He heads for your door thinking better of slamming it shut in case he needs to return without the calvary. Pulling his phone from his pocket he dials an old number from memory, the other line picks up.
"Oi, it's time I cashed in on that favor you owe me."
After the short conversation and the long hour and a half in the cold a four door sudan pulls up to the train station by your house. Bakugou eagerly yanks open passenger side door, slamming it shut as he cranks of the heat in the car, giving the driver no room for questions let alone a greeting.
"Oi, I need you to find the owner of this." He flashes the scrunchie as the driver gives him a look, "Inu, you're hound's son aren't you? It's not impossible."
"It might as well be dude. What is this?" Inu snatches the bag from hot fingers, "Do you even know when the last time the owner wore this. And what exactly are we doing? Is this even fucking official?"
Bakugou narrows his eyes, mouth set in a harsh snarl as he leans in close to the driver's seat while Inu leans back.
"I dunno was your shit I helped you with official? Was it ethical for us to take out a mob boss for your now ex wife?"
Inu looks away into the rear view mirror, eyes boring holes into the glass and the blankets in the back seat. Bakugou doesn't notice, he takes it as admission before leaning away into the passenger seat.
"Now get to sniffing." Inu grits his teeth at the hot head's comments before sighing out. Opening the bag just a little to take a whiff. The smell was faint, indicating a large gap from the time it was last worn to now. Not to mention there was an odd smell, so unbelievably faint in the fabric that had Inu not already known what you smelt like he would have missed it. Just barely he could make out past the notes of your shampoo a salty harsh smell, almost like a preservative. Had it been any stronger it would have burned his nostrils. Sweat and...was that formaldehyde?
His stomach churns, slowly closing the baggie before cracking his window, catching the wind just right. He follows his nose, head halfway out the window as the car carries the men late into the night, all the way to the fringes of a suburb that was partly in the country. Inu parks the car on the wide street of the little neighborhood built to mimic an American suburb in the nineties. Homes of various sizes spread out and yet not too far from one another.
"This is it." Inu announces, throwing the car in park as it sits nestled between a beat to hell pick up truck and a dented sudan.
"You're sure?" Bakugou asks as he takes in the old home, it's upkeep is minimal at best, landscaping border line over grown as he can barely make out the small rectangular windows at the base of the house beneath the old dim street lamp.
"This is where both smells get stronger."
"Both?" A tic wounds tighter in Bakugou's jaw while a tremor runs through his arms. Inu nods as Bakugou reaches for the knob.
"Woah, woah!" Inu's large hand clamps down onto a broad shoulder, "Hold up man, if she really is involved then this is nothing like the sting we did bro. We need to call someone."
"Like fucking who?"
"I dunno Director Yami?"
"Yea so he can dismiss this again? Fuck that and fuck you. I'm going." He shoves Inu away reaching for the door again before the blankets in the back seat come to life. A mop of emerald curls with concern plastered across the giant's face appears to Bakugou's horror.
"Kaachan...you can't. We need to do this right, for her." And with that Bakugou snaps, lunging for his old friend, enemy. Climbing past the center console with his hands outstretched before they wrap around a thick column squeezing with all of his might. Deku doesn't do much to stop him, somehow knowing deep down that it isn't really him that the red eyed man wants to kill. He wraps broad hands around thick forearms giving them a gentle squeeze, he could snap them with One for All if he wanted. Instead Inu barks out a breathy "What the fuck?" as he wraps his arms around Bakugou's torso pulling him back into the passenger's seat. In the tussle either Bakugou or Inu hit the horn, causing Inu to panic as a light comes to life in the once darkened house. He forcefully shoves Bakugou into the front seat as he peels into the street, thankfully without burning rubber.
"Are you trying to blow our fucking cover?!" Inu shouts, "Like fuck! And what's killing Izuku-kun going to do?"
Bakugou turns to glare at the behemoth of a man in the back seat, he rubs his throat as red eyes watch bruises form.
"I'm not sorry Deku, fuck you." But Izuku can read between the lines, Bakugou saying he is sorry but still fuck you for trying to stop me while our friend is most likely on borrowed time.
"'S kay. We can help her."
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A honk, rouses you before footsteps can be heard overhead rushing through the house before blinding light floods down into the basement.
"Finally you're awake." He flicks on all the lights, scrambling to put your feet under you so you can at least sit. Eyes flickering over the room as you try to give your throbbing, unresponsive mind to collect something, anything you can store away for later to aid your escape. Meanwhile the green eyed fucker monologues.
"It took some time for me to adjust your dose, I need you to be just under enough that you won't fight back, your heart rate spikes easily you know…." His words are lost to you as you glance over your shoulder only to wish you never did as your stomach churns in horror. Lined up against the wall behind you are women, women you had posed with.
But what haunts you is how it starts with your missing friend. Her eyes hollowed out, pitch black holes stare back at you as her skin looks paper thin, like a botched mummification or that whoever was trying to preserve her got lucky. She is still in her last scene clothes that are bloodied and torn. Your eyes struggling to follow the line as they progressively become more and more preserved, until your eyes finally land on your last instagram picture, you and that young girl. With the peace signs beneath your eyes.
She looks to still be alive, until you realize she is unblinking with glass eyes and a permanent smile with the help of a stich or two.
He notices your rigidness and frowns.
"Are you not happy? It's hard to save the eyes." He forces your face to meet him with his fingers on your skin, "I made them for you. They're your friends right? I wouldn't want my doll to be lonely."
Your breath comes in ragged huffs as rage consumes you, you were going to kill him. With whatever little power you had left, you were going to end him and savor it.
All these lives, twenty, that you could see, lost, because of you and you negligence. Your eyes glow before a prick comes at your wrist, the power dying in your fingers.
"No." You rasp out as your vision begins to fade.
"Ah come on, I just want you to be a wake for just a bit doll. Just a while longer before I make you mine."
Your world plunges into the depths of darkness.
Your dream of the girls behind you, of their scream as their preserved bodies animate, their glass eyes fixated on you as they crawl across the concrete. Their mouths smelling of formatihide and rot as they lean close to you, voices beneath water or worn by gravel.
"You did this. You killed us."
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